#kitty boy so little so cutie
evnne · 1 month
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borgiatargaryen · 6 months
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the collar is giving kitten but he is an old man (14)
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kandipop · 2 years
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My sleepy little stinky is all tuckered out
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suntoru · 1 year
playing with genshin men’s hair
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summary: lol setting their silky locks on fire
⤷ feat: diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, xiao, kazuha kaedehara, bbg scaramouche, shikanoin heizou, tighnari, kaveh
a/n: ik i said angst… but i js couldn’t resist 😋 it will be coming soon tho
warnings: fluff, a bit of swearing, maybe some sussies tbh i don’t remember
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─ ✰ DILUC might be reluctant to let you take care of his hair at first, but once he experiences it, he’s addicted. he absolutely loves the feeling of you gently tugging the tie that holds his hair after a long day. it feels as though the burdens that once weighed him down are being set free by you, releasing him from his darkness. the soft smile you give him as you inquire about his day makes the weight of his everyday tasks it all worth it. your fingers work precisely, making sure to never rip out a hair or damage it in any way. he feels like he’s almost in heaven when you massage his scalp and detangle it with the utmost care. he hasn’t experienced such gentleness and care in such a long time, for even a mansion gets lonely without someone to come back to. even though you know he could just ask one of his maids for a professional head massage, it makes your heart melt every time he shyly asks if it would trouble you too much for you to do it.
─ ✰ KAEYA thinks you’re so adorable like this. comfortably seated on his lap, legs loosely straddling him, he thinks he’s in heaven. your eyes crinkle in concentration, lips pursing together as you try your best to make kaeya’s hair look as good as possible. originally, he asked if you could help him to tie his hair in his signature ponytail, but it seems you have veered off course from your original mission. you stick your tongue out and squint as you try and tie kaeya’s pigtails evenly, slightly irritated that a strand was poking out and wasn’t fitting. he’s trying not to laugh at the funny faces you pull, only because you’d pout and sulk in a corner if he mentioned it. kaeya finds it so endearing that you’re trying the best you can to be so gentle, as if you apply too much pressure he’ll break and shatter into a million pieces. he’s studying every small change in your expression, entertaining himself in the midst of your little hairstyling session. when you pull back, much to your delight, kaeya’s even cuter in pigtails then you ever imagined. paired with your pink bows, it’s hard not to squeal over how soft he looks.
─ ✰ XIAO gives you the side eye the second you pull out the bright pink hello kitty hair clips from your bag, instantly dreading his decision to answer your call. not really he’d ditch teatime gossip with babagrill zhongli for u <3 “you want me to do what?” as if the answer wasn’t already obvious 🙄 his cheeks turn just as pink as the hair clips, then he vanishes with a poof, gone as fast as he came. he’s just flustered, don’t worry, he’ll be back any minute! as you silently wait for his return, you secretly spell y/n’s on the back of the clip :) when he gets back, he’s hit with your barrage of attacks, (puppy dog eyes n pouts) and he ends up caving. while you’re clipping the hair out of his face, he refuses to make eye contact with you, eyes burning the floor in embarrassment. you’re really going to be the death of him though, when you start to coo at him. “awww, my cutie patootie pretty baby boy is so gorgeous!” he can’t take it and teleports again but bumps into ganyu and ventitty 💀 embarrassed, he teleports back to you n he refuses to tell you what happened 😞 you try and concentrate on xiao, but you just can when he looks so adorable it’s not your fault :((( the pink kitty clips accentuate his hair n when he pouts it’s just ☹️ what have u created
─ ✰ KAZUHA would never want to inconvenience you in any sort of way, but when you beg him so nicely, it would be meaner of him not to accept… right?? he absolutely relinquishes by the way your face lights up instantly at his yes, a giddy smile you can’t contain spreading across your face. pulling you toward him, he kneels on the ground so you can sit comfortably while doing his hair 🥹 adjusts his head too so you won’t have to strain your arms. (boyfriend material™) he hums the tune of your favourite songs to fill up the peaceful silence that surrounds your room. once you’re done tying his hair, you’re a little bit anxious for his reaction. he’d never judge you, no, but… his ponytail is breaking free in some parts, the hairtie is tangled in his hair, it’s tied too tight at the base, and you’re sure by the time the day ends, his head will be sore. overall, it’s not your best work, and you feel you’ve caused more trouble than help. “y’know kazu… maybe you should just do it yourself!” you reach to untie the scrunchie, but he gently grabs your wrist and assures you that it’s fine, he’ll love it either way. standing up, he smothers your face in kisses, making sure to express his appreciation. “thank you dove, it’s lovely. now let me repay the favour.”
─ ✰ SCARAMOUCHE “what is the point of this? it seems useless.” sprawled lazily across the couch with his head on your lap, oversized hat long forgotten as he stares up into your eyes. he expects to find your true motive, the thought of you betraying him screams inside of his head. but he finds nothing but love and reassurance, no anger or resentment in the window to your soul. in that moment, all his doubts disintegrate as he ever so slightly nuzzles his head further into your legs. nails dragging on his scalp, you gently scratch his head as you read the latest novel you’ve received from a friend. the feeling is warm, intimate, mundane. it’s new, but not rejected, and he finds himself enjoying it more than he’d admit. you appreciate the peaceful moment, but what’s a relationship without a little bit of teasing? “hmm? oh, you don’t like it? i’ll just stop then.” you raise your hand to move it off, but scaramouche’s reflexes are faster. he pushes your hand back onto his head, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. “idiot. i never said to stop.”
─ ✰ HEIZOU loves the attention he gets when you style his hair. both from you, and other people. what’s not to love about it? sure, he sacrifices some of his dignity walking around with elastic bands bunched up in the most randomness places, but can that really be measured to your happiness? the silent giggles and playful smiles you give him while sits patiently for you is absolutely everything. he basks in the fact that while you’re styling him, he’s all you’re focusing on, loving the care you provide for him. he especially loves it when you put headbands on him, the ones with cute designs :((( or when you use a claw clip to really show off that he’s taken, this little bitch gets so smug at the fact that you’re protective of him. even if all the other detectives tell him he looks goofy in it, or the citizens inazuma can’t peel their eyes off of him, he still keeps his head high and carefree personality intact. instead, he just laughs it all off, and takes it as jealousy. he thinks that they wish they had a gorgeous significant other who puts this much effort into him. after all, who cares about other people’s opinions when yours is the one that only really matters?
─ ✰ TIGHNARI is practically obsessed with the feeling of your hands carding through his hair, massaging his sensitive ears after a long day of patrolling. sometimes he gets overstimulated by all the noise, so it’s nice feeling your gentle fingers take away that pain. he talks to you about his latest discoveries and how he’s so close to unlocking the full potential of a certain plant. if you’re not paying close enough attention, you’ll miss the breathy sighs and contented mumbles he’ll make. unlike another fluffy eared boy, he won’t try and resist you if you touch his ears. he won’t explicitly tell you he likes it, but it’s quite obvious given the lack of protests he gives when you ask. you feign ignorance for his sake, just happy that you get to touch possibly the softest ears in all of sumeru :(( if you ask the any of the other rangers, tighnari wouldn’t ever let anyone touch his ears or tail, sassing them if they even tried to ask. but when you do it, you’re welcomed with open arms and endless cuddles. you’re just special 🫠 collei is super jealous
─ ✰ KAVEH certainly is something else. for the entire day, he’s followed you around the akademiya, accompanying you as you make your rounds. as much as you love seeing his pretty face, you’re certain that his motives aren’t that innocent as helping you out. choosing to keep quiet, you just continue on instead of making a big deal out of it. at the end of the day, you thank him for his help as his chest puffs up with pride. however, when you turn around to leave, his jaw drops. seriously? not even a thank you kiss or hug? not even the thing he wanted the most out of all? as you collect all of your things to leave, he starts to panic. “b-but y/n, aren’t you forgetting something?” he stutters. “oh, you’re right! thank you for reminding me!” you exclaim as he sighs in relief. he closes his eyes for a glorious head pat, but is instead disturbed of his bliss from the sound of your keys jingling. he visibly deflates, giving up on trying to receive your affection. “i’ll be off now. thank you kaveh!” patting his head and giving a peck to his cheek, you run off so you’ll get home before it turns dark. doing so, you miss seeing his previous downcast expression morphs into a lovesick everlasting smile.
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©hawkssimpsblog 2023.
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non-stop-imagines · 7 months
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From this request 💖🤭
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Black Fem Content Creator!Reader (@/brinathedoll on ig faceclaim)
Summary: In which Charles thinks you're really cute and it gets annoying.
Word Count: ~10.4k words
Warning: Smut (p in v), face fucking, Hard!Dom Charles (bet that's a surprise), fingering, corruption kink (my best attempt), tummy bulge, "slut" being used a couple times, squirting, breeding kink towards the end, outfits, Twitter environment, mean comments, online translator French, ruining clothing, Minors DNI!!! 18+
A/N: It's 🏎️ anon's turn! 🥳 You have no idea how much I wanted to get to this one. Y'all already know how much I love Charles and this is my first smutty fic for him. I'm living the dream. 🤩 This one was fun, and the request was very helpful, very detailed it was a fic on its own! 🤣😚 Anyway hope you all enjoy. Thank you 🏎️ anon for your patience! I hope it lives up to your amazing idea! Love you all bbys!!! 💖💛💖💛💖
Translations: d'accord, mon amour=okay, my love;Putain de morveux=Fucking brat;Mon petit ange impatient=my eager little angel;Vous comprenez?=Do you understand?; Mon petit ange désordonné.=My messy little angel; Baise-moi=Fuck me; Mon parfait petit ange=My perfect little angel
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 268,307 others
lyttleagnelyn 🌸°~♥Life with Charlie¹⁶♥~°🌸
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charlesleclerc A perfect life if I say so myself 🥰
user1 🌸🩷🌸🩷
user2 You can see the obsession in his eyes 😍
lilymhe Cuties 🥰🪷🩷🌸
>lyttleagnelyn You and Alex are the blueprint 😚
user3 I need another clothing haul bc these outfits are so cute I CANT-
>lyttleagnelyn How about with a special guest? 👀
>user3 YES TF ❗❗
scuderiaferrari Petition for Charles' next special helmet to have rabbit ears on it 📜
>lyttleagnelyn I would happily help design it 🥰🐰
>charlesleclerc And I would happily wear it
>user6 If your your gonna DNF, you can at least look cute while doing it ☺️🌸🪷🐰
user4 That emo boys shirt is killing me cause you have the softest man in the world 😭
>lyttleagnelyn He tries his best 😔😭
user5 Charles.jpg in the works
>charlesleclerc I'm afraid those aren't for the public eye 😗
>lyttleagnelyn Charlie why??? 😭
>user5 Yes, Charlie why? 😭😭😭😭
>charlesleclerc They're just too cute for anyone else but me, mon ange
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"Thank you for doing this with me, baby. It'll be fun, I promise." You practically bounce around the excessive light pinkness of your filming room as you finish prepping everything for your video. Charles insisted that he created this room for you when you moved in with him months prior. "You need a room you feel comfortable in, mon ange." Is what he said when you tried to protest it, not wanting to take over his space, but here you were, getting ready to film on your pretty pink dedicated office.
"I don't doubt it, Mon ange." Charles sat in your computer chair, hugging to him a Hello Kitty plushie that originally sat close to it, watching you move around, waiting for you to start filming. "If it's anything like the makeup video, I know it'll be fun." He loved watching you in your element, around your things. He would paint his entire apartment pink if it meant he could see the smile you had and that sparkle in your eyes 24/7.
"You just liked the attention you got from that one." You walk over to him and fluff his hair bit before leaning down for a quick peck on the lips. "I have to give it to you, you knew your stuff."
"When your girlfriend takes as long as you do to get ready, you get curious." He's reluctant to release his arm that he wrapped around your waist when you approached him but he eventually does, letting his hand fall back to the plush in his lap when you head back over to the camera.
"Okay, ready?" You look back towards Charles, ready to press record on the tripod in front of you.
"Yep, ready." He gives you a thumbs up, now starting to twist in the rotating chair, still holding on to the stuffed animal. His eyes possessively surveyed you as you began your video.
"Heeelllooo my little lovelies, welcome back to another video. If your new here, hi, my name is Yn. I am here today with a very special guest making his first physical appearance on my channel, my loving and very trusting boyfriend, Charles. Aka Scuderia Ferrari Formula One driver Charles Leclerc." You beam, and playfully jog back to your computer chair, standing behind him and placing your chin on his head.
"Hello everyone." He doesn't even try to match your enthusiasm, going with his usual enthusiastic tone, because he knew from experience that no normal human being has as much energy as you do at any given moment.
"So if you noticed that I described my Charlie here as a very trusting boyfriend, it was because, unlike you all who know what this video will be, he does not. Charles just blindly agreed to joining me today. So, you want to know what I'm gonna have you do today?" You head was now next his, turned to the side so you were looking at his side profile which soon became a full view of his face where he gave you a quick kiss before answering.
"I would like to know, yes." He chuckled out his words and let an eye crinkling smile grow on his face.
"You, my love, are going to be rating some outfits for me made up of clothes that I already had and some stuff I just bought." You drape your arms over his shoulders, your full attention on him and his on you, you feeling warm under the excessively adoring eyes.
"Okay, that's interesting. So, like, on a scale of 1-10?" Charles seems to search for something in your face, a possible flicker of uncertainty that comes with ideas you have in instances where you liked the idea but the follow through made you too uncomfortable. This was not one of those times as you nod sprightly with gleaming eyes.
"Mhmm. If it's okay with you, of course. I kinda blindly roped you into this." Your smile drops slightly and one of your hands begin to swipe at Charles' over grown hair as you awaited his answer.
"If it's okay with you, it's definitely okay with me, mon ange. I like seeing your cute little outfits anyway." The eye crinkling smile was back on his face as you attacked his cheek with rapid-fire kisses, leaving light lip gloss marks.
"Thank you, baby! You're the best!" You press on last kiss you his lips and then plant yourself between the him and the camera to finish your intro. "Alrighty, let's not waste anymore time and get this started, shall we?" You turn to look at Charles catching him deep in thought, straight faced shifting jaw and darkened eyes. "I'll be right back with the first outfit, okay? You talk to the people." You disappear into the walk-in closet in the room to change, leaving Charles to do as told. Talk to the people.
"This is no different than when she usually comes home after shopping. I will happily stop whatever I am doing and watch her try on her new clothes." He looks away from the camera to take a brief gander around the room, knowing that you be able to edit the silent bits out later. His eyes roamed the light pink walls of the room, plastered in various equally pink posters, the white computer desk against the wall perpendicular to the bedroom door and a well organized pile of plushies on the other side of the room. The closest door to the right of the desk held an adorablely decorated mirror that directly faced the Classic Rose pink colored canopy bed that Charles also insisted was put in here for various reasons: being able to take naps, for example, when you wore yourself out from editing or other content related work that you would always throw your entire self into. There were, of course, less savory reasons that bed was in this room in that exact spot, but luckily the twist of the closest door knob brought him back to the reality and prepared him to see your first look.
"Okay, outfit number one. There will be about 10 by the way." You give that message to both your boyfriend and the camera before going back to posing and turning around so you whole outfit can be seen. You turn to face the camera to give your spiel on where each item was from whether it was part of the haul or you previously had it. Charles eyes moved up the back of you taking in how well the jeans fit your butt, how your shirt bunched up in the middle to show your midriff, giving your belly ring the backdrop it needs to be shown off against your brown skin. But none of those details caught his eye like the thin pink ribbon that was wrapped around your ponytail, bringing back that sense of innocence to the outfit that he enjoyed. Once you were done you turned to face Charles. "What do you think, baby?"
"You look very, very cute, Mon ange." You gleefully spin in another circle so he is able to get one more good look at the entire outfit.
"Mercí. So, on a scale of 1-10, what would you rate it?" You absentmindedly alternate a mild hyperextension of you knees as you waited for an answer.
"Erhm, I would rate it an 8." He says this with an emphasized tone that was very specific to him, pausing at certain words and elongating the "an".
"Okay...why an 8?" You walk into the hand that he lowly held out, ending up standing between his legs but standing to the side so the camera could see him, his fingers scaling over your exposed lower back.
"Uhh, again you look very cute, but it's a bit, uh, edgier that your other outfits. Also, you feel more comfortable in skirts than pants, no?" That gauging look was on his face, hoping that he had his facts straight and wasn't making a crude misjudgement.
"That's true, but these jeans made my butt look great, so I made an exception." You leave Charles' vicinity and move to your mirror to get a glimpse for yourself.
"That is true. The jeans fit you very well. That entire outfit fits you very well." His hands go back to squeezing the plush that he honestly forgotten was in his grasp when you walked out of arms length.
"Thank you." You bend over the slight bit to give him a short kiss, his thumb and ring finger needlessly propping up your chin. "Okay, next outfit!"
After another few minutes where Charles sat alone, reminiscing about the first outfit, you came out of your closet in the second outfit. "Okay, outfit number two."
The boy was stunned. He literally sat silent, jaw basically on the floor as he looked you up and down. "That is a 10. Hands down." He spoke with the utmost seriousness, making you feel a bit shy but also even more confident in the outfit that just felt completely you.
"That was quick. I didn't even get to talk to the people yet." You took a step closer to him letting the hand that he held out hold onto your thigh, fingers running over the pink fishnet stockings you had on.
"Oh, yes. Go do that." He shoots you away and you make quick work of explaining your outfit, wanting to hear why he was so swift in rating the outfit a 10.
"Okay, now why a 10?" You settle into his lap this time, plucking the plush from his lap and gently placing it on the floor.
"Well I love the pink. Pink is definitely your color." He pulls you closer to him as he examined your outfit a bit more. "The lace on your shirt, the uh-cor-um" He waves his hand around his own shirt, trying to remember the name of the type of shirt you had on that he has heard a number of times.
"Corset?" You remind him, your hands gravitating to his hair as they always do
"Oui! Yes, corset. The lace on it it beautiful. And I really like the stockings and the lace on those, too. This outfit really does make you glow." Your heart speeds up from how tenderly he says the last statement. His voice was a bit lower and more gruff, coaxing you into deep languid kisses until you remembered that the camera was still there, recording everything.
"Geez, your really trying to make me have to work at editing this thing huh?" You smack his chest and hand back the Hello Kitty plush that he accepts unhesitatingly, chuckling at your frantic realization.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." An adorable laugh is laced through his voice as he watches you disappear into the closet to change into your next outfit.
The rest of the video goes on basically in the same order: You come out in the outfit, give where each piece is from, and then turn to get Charles rating which was accompanied by various cheek warming praises ("You look absolutely adorable, Mon ange.", "That is perfect for you, baby.", "How are you so cute?"). After the last outfit, though, you had a small surprise for him.
"Okay, so I know I said 10 outfits, but I have one last thing I wanted to try on for you guys..." You spoke to the camera quickly then rushed off toward your closet, stopping and looking at Charles for a moment. "You're gonna like this one." And then as you did 10 times before, you disappeared behind the door, leaving Charles still holding the plush and racking his brain as to what this last outfit might be. A few minutes later, you open the door a crack. "So, I know that summer is nearly done, but there were so many swimsuits on sale so I knew I would've been crazy not to get at least one sooo..." You carefully step out of the closet with small steps, not yet passing the door for the camera to be able to see you. "You like it?" You bring pink acrylic nail to your teeth as you wait for an answer from, a now gawking, Charles.
"I-that-aaa-bwow. Ah, yes. I do like it. Alot." His eyes slowly move down your body, eyes obviously lingering on each piece of the bikini you had on. The lace trim that followed the curve of your boobs, the pink plaid and strawberry detailing. This then led to his eyes trailing down your exposed brown skin, shining against the pink like it always does, down your stomach, stopping briefly at your belly ring and then finishing down your legs, mind going to what's between them. He now finds a use for the Hello Kitty plush, clasping it to his lap to hide the major hard-on producing. He then cuts his eyes to the camera, remembering what he was there for, and cuts his eyes again, this time for the purpose of nonverbally asking "Are you okay with wearing that on camera?"
"Oh, it's fine, baby. I want to show them." You finally emerge from the closet to give a full view of yourself to the camera, going on to explain where the swimsuit is from and the details you like about it. Charles tuned every single word out now that he had a prolonged view of the backside on the ensemble, finally being able to see how great your ass looked, but it was a miniscule detail that really caught his eye. The thin pink ribbon that still held your hair in a ponytail. Your playful innocence flooding back to his vision of you in his mind, offseting the... provocative style of the girly patterned bikini. He clutched tighter to the plush in his lap.
"So, yeah. I just really liked it...and as you can see by the blank stare, Charles really likes it as well. It's different, huh? The fit of it is a bit sexier than my other ones, right?" You turn to Charles to ask the question and saunter into his arms, beginning to mess with his hair again just to see your decorated nails run through it.
"Sure, you could say that. But, um, I do really like you in it. It's very cute on you." He grins up at you with adoring eyes and gestures with his lips to request a kiss from you which you grant.
"Thank you. Now let me go put on some real clothes and I will be back to close out the video." You bound to the closet again after speaking to the camera. Charles sat patiently, the image of you in that bikini burned in his brain.
"That was fun." Charles said as he finally got up from the computer chair, stretching out his limbs and carefully replacing Hello Kitty in the spot he plucked her from initially.
"Yay! I'm glad you had fun. I enjoyed it. You know how much I like trying out new outfit inspos." You unhook the camera from the tripod and briefly make sure at least something recorded.
"Inspos?" He stops his wandering about the room to inquire about the unfamiliar word.
"Short for inspiration, baby." You set the camera down and walk over Charles, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your chin on his chest.
"Ah. Yes, I do know how much you like trying on new clothes. And you looked adorable in each and every one. Especially that swimming suit." You giggle at yet another compliment and prop up onto your tip toes to accept the kiss he was craning his neck to give you.
"Thank you. For that and for doing the video." You hug close to him, getting a comforting huff of his cologne while his hand runs up and down your back.
"De rien, mon ange. Anything for you." He presses one more kiss to the top of your head, your vanilla scent strong enough to taste and thin pink ribbon in your hair still teasing him.
"Okay, you may go. Go do whatever Charles does while I edit, okay?" You wave him off toward the door and make your way to your desk, sitting criss cross on your computer chair.
"Okay, okay." He heads to the door to exit but turns to you, your back to him, already clicking through everything to begin editing. His eyes traced the pink ribbon that followed the gentle curve of your ponytail. That fucking ribbon. "Make sure you take a break, Mon ange. We can watch a movie or something."
"Okay!" You call back, waving him away. He giggled, shaking his head and closing the door most of the way. He had to distract himself. Every single outfit you tried on drove him crazy, the contrast the girlish pink ribbon added to each progressively provocative outfit, and the bikini, that drove him over the edge.
"Fuck it." Charles detoured into the bathroom and closed the door, pushing down his sweatpants just enough to release his cock from confinement, precum already beaded on the tip. Immediately he began stroking, providing the much needed friction to relieve the arousal that manifested. "Mon petit ange innocent, you drive my fucking crazy..."
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Liked by lilymhe and 230,739 others
lyttleagnelyn A 10 in some 8s and 9s 🌸🪷🌸
(Go watch my new video and this will make sense. And to see the only outfit that was ranked a 10. Link in bio🩷)
View all 279 comments
user7 IT GIRL 🩷
charlesleclerc You should've showed them all 😚
>lyttleagnelyn Then they wouldn't have a reason to go watch the video 🥺
>charlesleclerc To watch your cuteness in action is reason enough
joris__trouche Next vid you pick out Charles' outfit 👀
>user8 Now here is a man of the people
>user9 You're saying that like Charles wouldn't absolutely love it 🥹
user10 It needs to be said that polar bear outfit is highly underrated
>user11 TURN IT UP 🎛️
lewishamilton 🩷😊
>lyttleagnelyn Thanks Lew 😚
>user12 I didn't know I need this friendship until this very moment and I will not accept anything less
user13 I don't know why but I love that she brings this style to the paddock bc them fits are starting to get boring 🩷
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"Open your legs wider, Mon ange, so you can see your pretty little pussy in the mirror." Your eyes connected with his in the reflection of your pink themed mirror on your closet. The image was a completely lewd contrast to the back drop, you fully nude, legs splayed open, Charles' jean clad legs encircling yours and his arms, covered in the sleeves of his sweatshirt, leading to hands that were defiling you in their own ways. One was wrapped around your upper body, fondling your breast as the other caressed your upper thigh, drawing ever so close to your core.
"Like this?" He watched you in the mirror as you adjusted your legs, lazily rubbing at your clit as he instructed you to do earlier.
"Yes, perfect. Look at how cute you look." He presses his mouth to your hair, keeping his face there and allowing the thin pink ribbon he tied around your already up ponytail to tickle his face.
"Charles, I don't know how much longer..." Your hand starts to slow down drastically, almost stopping, but a firm grip on your wrist from Charles keeps the movement going.
"C'mon, amour. I know you can do better than this." His presses a couple kisses to your hair and then notches his head in the crook of your neck, eyes switching between your actual hand rubbing circles on your cute swollen cunt, and the reflection smiling back at him from the closet door. His other hand quickly swats 2 slaps to your tit, creating small shocked whimpers from you that he finds great amusement in. "Also, you know what to call me, Mon ange."
"Daddy, I don't know if I can do it again." Your hand got pressed into your clit some more, making slow but strong circles that make you whimper on repeat.
"I know you can give me one more, Mon ange." You concede and keep rubbing, the achy, over sensitivity making you lull your head back. You didn't notice that your eyes had been squeezed shut until they flutter open, relieving your eyelids of the strain and giving you a dreamy view of Charles, his eyes trained on the addictingly obscene reflection in the mirror. Unfortunately, the early comments from your video began ringing in your ears, taunting you, so you decide to test the waters.
"Nooo, what about you? I can give you one?" You effeciently remove your hand from his grasp and attempt to clumsily reach into his belted jean. He watched for a moment, charmed by your novice attempt at trying to get him off yourself, but just as easily as you had removed your hand, your wrist was being gripped again, this time with out the allowance of reach to his torso. You whine, defeated. He was your boyfriend. That's what boyfriends wanted their girlfriends to do, right? "I just want to make you feel good..."
"Making you feel good makes me feel good, Mon amour." He slowly guides your hand back to your clit starting the agonizingly slow, ineffective rub on your clit again. "But, if you really want to make me feel good, amour, you will make a mess for me, just like I know you can."
"But I don't think I can cum again..." Your hand keeps rubbing, but now the ache of your overused clit coupled with your bubbling frustration were already hard at work dampening your arousal. Seeing Charles in the mirror, his tongue swirling around his middle and ring finger is the only thing that seems to keep one last drop of sexual intrigue.
"I know, Mon ange. That's okay, because I am going to help you. You just have to keep your eyes on the mirror, d'accord, mon amour? And do not stop rubbing your cute swollen clit." He takes the two fingers, now lubricated with saliva, and rubs them over your slit before pushing both appendages inside you. The whimper you let out was choked, brain torn between annoyance and the painful pleasure you were feeling. You didn't want him to think that this would make you forget what just happened, but it was enough to make you forget for now. His fingers set an agonizingly slow pace at first, pulling all the way out and rubbing your arousal over your pussy lips and inner thighs, then plunging back in. He knew exactly how to curl his fingers, exactly how much pressure to place on the bumpy membrane of your g-spot, and the exact speed he has to move his fingers to get to the end he wanted. Honestly, he could've done this from the beginning. One and done. But he has felt a shift in your mood, so he wanted to show you how much he loved you in the way he believed he knew best. "Look at yourself, Mon ange. Look at how adorable your face is." He kisses along your cheek bone, eyes continuously fixated on the reflection.
"Daddy..." Your hand jolts from your clit to Charles wrist when his fingers abruptly speed up and you begin to feel pressure build in your pelvis, a gesture which he clicks his tongue at before using the hand that was still abusing your nipples to pluck it from his arm and motions for you to continue rub your clit.
"Squirt for me, Mon ange. Show me how messy my cute little girl can get. Ruin the sheets, I can get you pretty new ones." He kisses along your shoulder, reveling in the pornographic sounds and faces you made. He watched as you stare at yourself in the pink, Sanrio character covered mirror, unable to hide exactly how good you felt. You couldn't say anymore words, only whimpers, whines, and any other sexual sounding high-pitched noise bubbles from your chest as Charles brutally fucked you with his fingers at a blistering pace. Your vision gets spotty as the familiar sensation floods over you, pun intended. Charles' fingers continue as liquid sprays from you, legs straightening out and shaking as the convulsions of your third orgasm of the night take over your body, liquid flowing from you pooling at your butt, flowing around the blockage to get to Charles' jeans.
"See, Mon ange? I knew you could do it. You did so good for me." His fingers, now removed, traced languid shapes along the inside of your thigh, his other hand that never left your chest now sliding up to your neck, guiding your face upward so could proceed with a messy, rushed make out. You were nearly unconscious, still coming down from your high. "Let's get you cleaned up." You felt yourself being picked up bridal style, arms reflexively wrapping around your boyfriend's neck, face nestled into his shoulder. Your brain slowly became less clouded as you were carried to the bathroom, a reminder of your boyfriend's unwillingness to have you touch him, and how everyone may just be right...
It's only been a week since you posted the video and already it's your most viewed, most liked video. The comments have been raving. So many positive things to say about your outfits and how much people can tell Charles loves you from the way he speaks to you and looks at you. But those weren't the ones that were plastered all over your mind. "Absolutely nothing about any of these outfits are sexy...", "How is Charles able to date this girl when she dresses like a child...", "I am failing to see what she has that Charlotte or Alex didn't have that makes Charles want to be with her...". It was literally only a handful of comments, but each one of them cut you like a knife, and had you laying on the living room couch, cuddled up to your boyfriend, questioning the security of your almost year long relationship.
Your head was resting comfortably on Charles' thigh, his hand moving along your right arm, caressing the flesh gently with his finger tips. You were in some of your favorite pajamas, but as the harsh comments continued to coil around your brain, you could feel yourself physically curling in, becoming increasingly self conscious of your style choices to the point where you were questioning what you wore in the comfort of your own home.
"Are you cold, Mon ange?" Charles pulls the plush pink blanket you kept on the back of the couch down and covers your body, rubbing his entire hand up and down your arm to relieve you from your suspected coldness.
"Baby, what did you think about Alex dressed? Or Charlotte? Did you like their styles?" You don't look at him, you knew you would cry upon eye contact. You could feel his body tense up at the mention of his exes, but he goes on to respond anyway.
"Hm? Why do you ask, Mon amour?" You could feel his eyes boring into the side of your head. He wanted you to look at him. He wanted to see the emotion your eyes gave away so he could gauge where the inquiry was coming from.
"Oh, I- uh...you know. Just wondering. We haven't really talked about your exes." You hope the answer was enough to curb his curiosity, feeling relieved when you feel his hand continue to move again and the vibration though his body as a low hum goes through him as he thinks.
"Uh, well. I guess their styles worked for them. Their personalities. They both were, um, quite, ehh, reserved." He removes his hand from your arm to scratch the side of his nose and then quickly replaced it.
"Would you say you preferred how they acted?" Fuck stealth, you wanted answers.
"Now, I wouldn't say that. Again it just kind of fit them. I can't really imagine them acting differently. Like you personality fits you. Your cute and, uh, bright and the clothes you wear are just as cute and bright." Your subconscious could here the pride in his voice when he made his point, but your forebrain just heard that word. Cute.
"But did you find their personalities more attractive? Like...sexier, or whatever?" You knew you over stepped when you feel his body tighten up again.
"Mon amour, what are these questions?" He chuckled to diffuse his tension, but he still added this moment to a mental list he was making of ways you seem to be second guessing yourself.
"Nevermind, it's stupid." You cuddle into his leg again, giving up on trying to get a clear answer on what Charles really thinks about you. Still he goes on to answer an unasked question.
"Mon ange, I love you, okay? I think you are absolutely perfect the way you are." His hand on your arm moved to your cheek, a singular digit turning your head toward him so he could kiss you. He was telling the complete truth. He loved you more than he could've ever fathomed. His eyes wandered over your face, how your brown skin and eyes glowed in the light of the television. You always just seemed to glow.
"Thank you, baby. I love you, too." You gave the obligatory answer that obviously held truth, but you couldnt help but let the negativity continue to echo through your head. As the night went, the program on the TV became static as you began to formulate a plan to make yourself undeniably irresistible to your boyfriend. Step one: Ditch the cute.
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"Mon ange? Are almost ready? We have to get going soon." Charles paces in the foyer of the Belgian hotel suite, typing out a message to his trainer that you two were heading down. He does stop for a moment, glancing toward the bathroom, adding another thing to his mental list of how you've been acting differently. You're mood has been off, much quieter and reserved, and he made another mental note when he realized you haven't talked about video ideas recently. Your outfits have been drained of the pretty pinks and whites and instead have been replaced by dark blues browns and blacks. Piggybacking off of that, it's always taken you some time to get ready makeup wise, but it's also been taking forever for you to get dressed, like you had to force yourself into these new, reserved outfits.
"Yeah, I'm ready..." You were hesitant to leave the bathroom. You worked hard to convince yourself that what you were wearing wasn't much different than what you usually wore. Sure the fully brown jumpsuit was technically darker than the primarily pink outfit staring at you from the floor...and you did prefer a skirt to pants...but this was still an outfit that you would be expected to wear. The addition of the cream colored cropped zip up added the softness to the outfit that allowed you to feel as comfortable as your possibly could. So after taking a deep breath and mentally coach yourself through nonchalantly exiting the bedroom, you approach Charles who breaks away from his thoughts and immediately notices the difference in your wardrobe.
"You look nice." He makes no move to leave the hotel room, wide eyes scaling your appearance.
"You didn't sound very confident about that." You finish applying a clear lip gloss in the mirror on the wall and then look up through your lashes at Charles and his unmoving body. Your heart rate increases as his uncertain tone replays in your head.
"Oh, no amour. You look adorable, really. Your outfits never fail to look beautiful. It's just...it's a bit darker than usual. I'm not used to seeing you in brown. It looks very pretty on you." No smile manifests on his face, instead a wide eyed look that signified that his entire focus was on you, but you still felt the sincerity behind his compliment. But "pretty" and "beautiful" still rang through your head like the most annoying bells ever. The only words that he used to describe how you looked in the skin tight brown bodysuit.
"Thank you, Charlie." You lift yourself up a bit on your tip toes to give Charles a peck on the lips, which he had a delayed reaction to, puckering when your lips had already made contact with his, like his mind was somewhere else. That was further obvious when he stayed stand there, squinting at you, running his "Yn's been acting different" list through his brain. "We should get going..."
"Oh! Yes! Sorry, mon ange. Let's go." He jolted out of his trance, suddenly back in the present where he had to start getting mentally ready for a singular practice session before going into qualifying. And there you were, following close behind, grabbing Charles hand that had reached out for you like a heat-seeking missile.
You decide, for the practice session at least, that you were going to sit up in as private of an area of the Paddock Club you could find. You didn't have the energy to hear anymore "You look different but still cute!" compliments. You knew they all meant well, and they were all only mildly annoying. Kika said it in excitement, asking where you got the jumpsuit from. Daniel came up to give you hug, telling you that you looked "really cute today." Lewis' complimented your outfit, but he also asked how you were doing, dipping his head so he could look you in the eyes as you confirmed that you were fine.
In a normal situation, you would've loved this amount of attention, but when your mind has been flipping through painful past memories where people doubted anything you did and told you that you wouldn't get anywhere dressing the way you did, the last thing you wanted to hear was anyone else saying that you "still looked cute". Yes, you were fully aware that you got to this point in your life, viral video, and thriving YouTube channel and the hottest, most supportive boyfriend on the planet by embracing this aesthetic that allowed you to essentially just be truly and unapologetically you, but what if that cup was running out? What if people were initially pulled in because of the aesthetic, but expected you to change eventually? What if that was what Charles was thinking?
You had already found an empty table in an unfounded corner of the large open room, a large white wall with a TV screen on it, partitioning you from the rest of the room, giving you the moment of soliace you needed. You even briefly closed you eyes to take a deep breath and ground yourself, and it was working until you heard heels clicking toward you. The quiet attempt at retreating is what finally made you open your eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I saw you and was about to come say hi, but then I saw you trying to...meditate or something..." It was Lily.
"You can sit, you know..." You giggle at the fact that she was still standing, but your small smile falls a bit when you see her eyes moving around your appearance.
"Oh, yeah. I like the look, by the way. It's-" You interrupt her words by with a quick "stop" hand gesture that seemed to stop her words and her motions, making her freeze mid-sit.
"If you say 'cute', I am going to rip every piece of hair that I have in this claw clip out." The look you gave Lily made her hesitantly finish sitting, and rethink her compliment.
"You look...nice. Good. Great. Am I getting close?" She places a comforting hand on your shoulder, rubbing gently when you let your head fall onto the back of your hands on the table.
"You're fine. These past few weeks have been...a lot." Lily's hand doesn't move, even when you lift your head enough to turn and look at her.
"What? Your video?" You listlessly lift the rest of your body up from the table and turn to her, not making eye contact and instead messing with your nails, the only part of your outfit that actually fully expressed you.
"Yeah, technically. I never expected it to do that well, but there have been comments..." You look out the window in front you when you hear the approaching cars and let your eyes try too hard to track each car that goes by.
"All I have seen were rave reviews about your outfits and how in love Charles is with you." Her hand is finally removed from your person after her comment, reaching in her clutch that was placed on the table and pulling out her phone.
"Yeah. I guess those are the majority, but there have been other ones...meaner ones..." You trail off into your own thoughts while more cars roared by, continuing to speak when you have the prolonged feeling of Lily's eyes on you, waiting to see where you were going with it. "Lily, how often does Alex say you look sexy in something?"
"I-uh-woah. You caught me off guard there, um..." She stopped to seriously consider your question. "I guess kinda often. Mainly when he can tell I'm excited about an outfit or it's, like, a special occasion. Why?"
"Charles has only ever said I was "cute". Or "pretty". Or "beautiful". Never sexy. Not even if I try to lead him into saying it." You turn around for a moment to check where Charles stood on the practice session leaderboard and how much time was left. "I honestly have no idea if Charles thinks I'm sexy."
"Oh, honey. I'm sure he does." Her fingernails went to caressing up and down your back as she turned all of her focus towards you while Alex goes 3rd fastest.
"A boyfriend that finds his girlfriend sexy would want to, like, fuck her 24/7, right?" You whispered the obscenity as to not attract unwanted attention, but you still asked the question in search of some well needed validation.
"I mean, in theory, I guess. But everyone's relationship is different." She continues to move her hand over your back and you push some of the longer hair from your bangs out of your face.
"Lily, we've been dating for almost a year now, and we've never actually...done it." It felt almost embarrassing to admit it. Everyone talks about how in love you and Charles are but you two have yet to take that step to show your intimate devotion to each other, sans the other things you guys have done you guys have done.
"Maybe he just doesn't feel like it has been the right time. He must have his reasons." You appreciated Lily's optimism.
"Like I'm just too cute to fuck. He doesn't want to defile me." This was the first joke you've made about the situation, and laughing about it felt so good. But you still needed answers, and your question just gave you some direction. "Maybe that's it. What could I wear to make Charles think I'm sexy enough to fuck?"
"I didn't expect to have this conversation when I woke up today. Um...something you can wear?" She took a moment to think and you could see the light bulb in her head switch on. "Lingerie! That's literally 'being sexy 101'. Something hot and lacey. And probably in a darker color, really lay it in thick. He's already obsessed with you, that'll make sure he can't keep his hands off of you."
"Lily, you genius!" You exclaimed, catching her off guard again, this time by throwing your arms around her neck and giving her a couple of light, glossy pecks to the cheek.
"Anything to help." You were already typing away at your phone, nearly vibrating with excitement, imagining Charles reaction. Another round of car roaring traveled by, but the speed of those machines had nothing on that of your scrolling thumbs.
You stood in the overwhelming yet soothing pink of your filming room, admiring yourself in your new lingerie set. Well trying to. It looked really good on you but you couldn't wrap your head around how there aren't more complaints about how itchy the lace is.
"Well, Yn, when the point is to have it taken off of you, the comfort of the fabric doesn't matter, does it?" You chastise yourself, checking out the back one last time, squirming from the uncomfortable g-string underwear. "Okay, let's do this." You take a deep breath and shake out any last minute jitters before calling out to your boyfriend. "Charlie, could you come here?"
"Coming, mon ange." His voice was far off in the distance, but it still made your heart jump up into your mouth and then travel down into your stomach. You look at yourself in the mirror again, trying to ground yourself, but then you heard his footsteps and you gave up on calming yourself down. This was a special moment, nerves are normal and should be expected. "What's up...oh my..."
You were trapped under Charles' stare. Wide eyed, his tongue darting out to usher his bottom lips into his mouth. But then his eyebrows scrunched together and his jaw shifted, so you had to speak to break the nerve racking tension. "You like it?" You wanted to be a bit sexier, but in preparation for this, you only put effort into finding the lingerie. Acting sexy was still foreign to you.
"Uh, yeah. You-you look beautiful, Mon amour. You look beautiful in everything." He walks towards you, eyes dancing over your figure as he reaches for your hands to pull you into him but moving his hands to the sides of your face when you wrap your arms around his torso.
"Just beautiful?" You voice was high trying to coax the right words from him.
"You look absolutely amazing, Mon ange. It's just, you seem uncomfortable." You twist your head like a confuse me puppy. Yeah, you were uncomfortable, but comfort wasn't the point.
"I just wanted to try something different. For you." You unwrap your arms from his waist and rub them up and down his chest.
"Oh, you didn't have to do this for me. I adore you in the cute little underwears you normally wear." That was a last straw for you. That word has been the bane of your existence for the past three weeks. To the point where you haven't even wanted to be around your stuff, which made you even more stressed. You haven't been around your comfort items or felt comfortable enough to film again, so this was you last chance at trying to feel like yourself again and it was blown by a singular word.
"'Cute'. Is that all you can fucking say about me. That I'm cute?" You had pulled away from Charles and placed your hands on your hips.
"Mon amour, I don't understand. Why are you angry?" Truthfully he wishes he was still holding you. He liked to feel your skins under his fingertips. But he instead crosses his arms, watching you pace angrily around the room. His brain couldn't think straight as he watches different parts of your body bounce as you walked.
"Well let's see? The word 'sexy' apparently isn't a part of your vocabulary when it comes to me. Because you refuse to fuck me." You counted out your grievances on your fingers, adjusting the itchy ass bra you had on that pissed you off even more.
"Amour, we definitely have-" Charles attempts to employ a calming tone to try and diffuse your anger, but it was a futile effort.
"Charles, your tongue and fingers do not count." The death glare you gave would've been enough to scare him off in a normal situation, but your temper tantrum was making him just as mad as you already were. "I even had the bright idea that maybe if I acted and dressed like Alex, or Charlotte, or even fucking Giada, that you would maybe want to fuck me. Boy was I wrong!"
"Okay, stop!" And you did. Stopped in your tracks. You turn to face Charles, arms crossed so your boobs were further smashed together in your lacey bra. "I don't know why you keep talking about my exes, but that is going to stop. There is absolutely nothing about them that made me more attracted to them or made me want to...fuck them more than you." It was his turn now to pace in frustration. His hands run through his hair as he tries to block the visual of you in your skimpy lingerie from running through his mind. "You want the truth, Mon amour? I think about fucking you all the time. I think about the noises you'd make, and how cute-yes, cute- you'd look while I fuck you senseless. When you look really cute, like when you have that little pink ribbon in your hair, I think about how you'd look with my cock in your mouth, your pretty eyes looking up at me. Your perfect makeup ruined because of me."
"Wait, so all this 'cute' stuff is just your way of saying you think I'm sexy?" You still had your arms crossed but you were looking up at him innocently, now feeling a bit guilty about being so frustrated with him for the past few weeks.
"Oui, Mon ange. Exactly." He takes a couple of slow steps to walk across the room to you, placing his large hands on the sides of your hair, bring your forehead to him for a kiss. "I think you are extremely sexy. Cute just fits you better. And it doesn't mean that I want to fuck you any less. Now, let's get you out of that and into something you can be more comfortable in..." There's a chuckle in his words as he tries to guide you to your wardrobe, but you don't budge. He should've stopped while he was ahead.
"Wait, no. First, I'm not taking this off. Second, if how I dress hasn't stopped you, than why haven't we fucked?" You take a step back, stopping and standing with your hip flared out and your head defiantly cocked to the side.
"You know what? If that's what you want, fine. Fine! Putain de morveux." He whispered the French to himself as he removed his shirt in a swift smooth motion. Him succumbing to your pleas and attitude was a shock, literally having you frozen in your spot, wide eyed with a small grin growing on your face. "Mon petit ange impatient, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." He approaches your frozen frame, almost angrily examining the dark lace fabric that barely covered your body. "This has to come off."
"Oh-Hey wait-!" The rip to the bra made you want to cry, and honestly you had no idea why. You wanted it off. It was fucking itchy.
"Don't cry. I'll get you something just like it, only...cuter." He was obviously taunting you now, a dark glint in his eyes as gave you a devioua grin, daring you to retaliate. But you stay silent, only looking up at him through your eyelashes, eyebrows furrowed. "What? No argument?" One of his hands begin to travel up your stomach to your breast, his rings scrapping over your nipple when his thumb was done running over the nub. Your curiosity reigned supreme as you watched his hand grope you body, and even still you had little warning when his hand rushed up to your neck, lodging right underneath you jaw, applying a small amount of pressure. The location of his hand forced you to look at him, eyes already dazed. "I'm gonna fucking ruin you, Mon ange. That's what you want, huh?" You nod, head still trying to wrap around the mood shift in the room. "Answer me." The pressure on your trachea increases slightly.
"Yes, Daddy." You whine out, the high pitch sounding raspy from the squeeze on your windpipe.
"Non, until you learn how to act, it is Sir. Vous comprenez?" You go to nod, but your neck received a warning squeeze.
"Yes sir!" You quickly corrected yourself, taking deep gulps of air when you're released.
"Bon." He goes back to eyeing you, face blank sans the shifting of his jaw while he thought. "On your knees." Your brows furrow in reaction to the command, initially confused but following directions anyway, slowly falling down to your knees. Charles bends over, capturing you chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilting your face up to look at at him. A grin flashes onto his face and you being to reciprocate the gesture when a his hand applies a stinging slap to your left cheek. "If I tell you to do something, do it immediately. Okay?" The grin stays on his face, unwavering. The fact the he was holding such a calm face after such an offense made your heart race, and unexpectedly sparked a bit of arousal in you, causing you to feel wetness begging to pool between your thighs.
"Yes sir." You sit back into your heels as you answer, eyes still watching his eyes darken, a pout on your face.
"You're a quick learner." His finger gives the bottom of your chin a couple of taps and then one tap on the side as his focus turns to the thin pink ribbon lazily sprawled out on your desk. You head follows his movements as he saunters over to the desk, plucks the ribbon from it, and saunters back over to you, standing behind you. A shiver runs down your spine as his fingers gather up your hair and tie the ribbon as tight as possible around the ponytail he created. "This will be helpful for me and you, Mon ange." His words vibrate through your whole body, his warm breath tickling your ear. When he's done he stands back up and walks back around to stand in front of you, the bends down to run his hands down your triceps to pull your arms out in front of you after previously resting on your lap. He continues on to hook your fingers on the waistband of his sweatpants and his underwear. "Take them off for me, mon amour." Learning from the previous instruction experience, you didn't hesitate with pulling at his pants, brain curious about what will follow. It wouldn't have been the first time you've seen Charles' dick, it just would've been the first time your focus was solely on it, so your excessive eagerness caused a lack of awareness and you were shocked to say the least when it hits you in the face. You flinch away from the appendage initially, but take him in your hand, semi-hard and pink tip glistening with the slightest bit of pre-cum. "You're little face was so adorable just then, mon ange. A little bit larger than you expected?"
He was. You had only seen him in passing. While he was changing or getting out of the shower, and when you did see him he was mostly soft, so seeing him up close, and seeing that as he grew harder from being under your observant gaze he was almost as long as your forearm, it was intimidating. "Yeah. Quite a bit bigger."
"Open your mouth. Stick your tonuge." Your mouth only begins to form the word why when your receive another harsh slap to your face. "Let's try this again. Open your mouth...and stick out your tongue." You do so immediately, looking up at him with a tear rolling down your face from the sting on your cheek that he wipes away with his thumb. "If you want me to fuck you like the little slut you are being, you should know that sluts do what they are told." His thumb continues to gently caress your tingling cheek, but towards the end of his statement he begins to stroke himself slowly, dangerously close to your tongue. "Open a little wider, mon amour." You do as best as you can, your jaw already feeling sore and it hasn't even been a minute.
You try your best to not flinch when Charles guides himself into your mouth, but you didn't have to worry about it because once he felt he was in enough, he brought his right hand down to grab onto you ribboned ponytail to force his cock the rest of the way down your throat. Once your nose hit his pelvis he pulled back on your hair to remove your mouth from him, you making the most obscene gaging noise as he does so. A string of slobber momentarily connects you with the head of his cock before it drops of onto your chin and Charles swears it's the cutest thing he ever saw. "Let's see what your pretty throat can do, mon ange." His dick approaches your mouth again and on instinct you open your mouth, looking up at him as the pushes in, the thick vein that ran down his shaft gliding along your tongue.
The moment his dick hit the back of your throat, more tears began to fall from your eyes, but when you briefly look down, you saw that he still had a bit more of him to stuff down your throat before he reaches the depth he did before. Once he does finish stuffing your mouth, nose at his pelvis again, you rapidly tap at his thighs, making him pull out again. "Yes?" The way he asked way condescending, using the grip he had on your ponytail to make you look up at him. You were quite the sight. Mascara starting to run down your face and your lips and chin glistening from slobber.
"I couldn't breathe." Your whine was raspy and you could stop blinking your eyes as they burned from the mixture of tears and mascara.
"Oh, ma Cherie, focus on breathing through your your nose, okay?" You nod your head and then dutifully reopen your mouth allowing Charles to slide into your mouth again. You do as instructed, trying to focus on breathing through your nose, but soon that became more difficult as he employed his hips in getting his dick down your throat. The sound of your gagging and the sloppy sound of saliva spilling from your mouth with each thrust were a supplemental driving force in bringing him closer to cumming. For you, his grunts and groans, his praises ("You're mouth feels so nice, amour" "You look so cute like this, mon petit ange désordonné."), and the small glimpse you get of your head being forced up and down his cock in your pink framed mirror all did their part in making your pussy so wet that the juices started soaking through the dark fabric of the panties you still had on. You didn't realize that you were zoning out, having to use little brain power as your throat was being used, until he abruptly pulled out, yanking your head to make you look at him again, face more fucked out than before and he hasn't even fucked you properly yet.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to cum down your throat, but I still have to give mon petit ange what she was whining for." He releases your hair and finally steps out of his pants in order to walk over to your pile of stuffed animals. "Ass in the air for me, Mon amour. And here, for your head." He tossed the same Hello Kitty plushie that used to hide his boner during the YouTube video to you and you absentmindedly do as told, enjoying the idea of giving your upper body a break. The way you positioned yourself had you facing the mirror on the closet, so Charles was able to see your tired messy face laying on the plush Sanrio character as he got behind you and pulled the black thong you still had on to the side revealing and sliding his fingers through your already slick folds. You flinch and whimper when the callous pads of his index and middle fingers graze and briefly rub your clit. "Tell me what you want, amour. Use your words."
"Want you to fuck me, sir." You were near falling asleep from the surprising amount of energy that was exerted having your throat used by Charles, but you were still determined to get what you wanted from this entire endeavor.
"Just wanted to check." He removes his fingers from your clit and adds what juices he did gather from you to his cock that was still slick from your mouth. He the line himself up with your entrance that was fully exposed for him and with little to no warning begins to push inside you. He still knew better than to rush it, slowly pushing himself past your folds, but not stopping until he filled you to the hilt. "You're so fucking tight, mon ange. Baise-moi."
"Wait, Charles. You're-I-" He wasn't all the way in when you began talking but once he's finished pushing inside you, you let out the most guttural groan he has ever heard from you. But you still comitted the grave offense of not calling him the right name, so the hard smack you received on your ass brought back the high pitched whine he's heard time and time again. "Sir! Sorry, sir!"
"It's okay, mon amour. I know it was an accident." He has yet to attempt to move, the grip your pussy had on him made him briefly question if it was even possible, but before he tried he bent down as much as he could to get as close to your ear as possible. "I gonna fuck you like the little slut you want to be. Give mon petit ange exactly what she wants." Your ponytail had flared out over you face, so Charles reached to move your hair out of your face before straightening his back again and griping your ass firmly to finally back his hips out and thrust inside you again. You let out similar groans after each slow thrust he gives, whimpering after a while and wiggling your hips a bit to see if you were able to make how full Charles had you feeling more comfortable.
"You feel so deep. I think I feel you in my tummy..." Everything you said came out whiney as you cuddled your head into the plush beneath it. You were completely oblivious to the curiosity you just sparked in your boyfriend, that is until you feel his arm reach across just above your breasts to lift you up so your back was pressed against his chest, now getting the clearest view of yourself being fucked in the pink decorated mirror.
"Let me see." He hitched his hips into you and his eyes couldn't believe what he saw. "Mon amour, look," He moved his right arm underneath your breasts so he could use his left hand to make you look at yourself in the mirror. He pulled out and thrusted into you again and so you could watch as his dick pressed into your stomach, making the bottom of your tummy poke out slightly. "You can see me in your tummy. That is adorable, mon amour!" It was like this sight flipped on another switch in his brain, a switch adjacent to the one that has made him act so cruel. His thrusts became quicker as he reached for your hand to place on top of the disappearing and reappearing bulge. "Keep you hand there amour, I want you to feel how well I'm fucking you."
"Yes, sir." You moan out as best you could, working to make sure your hand doesn't get knocked from it spot. Charles adjusts his arms so that he had a firm grip on you and a hand that could easily reach your clit. Immediately upon beginning to rub, you start to whine and whimper like when you were close to coming when he fingered you or ate you out. In fact, he knew these specific moans meant he would have to brace for a mess.
"Are you gonna cum for me, amour? Make a mess all over your pretty pink room?" His warm breath and thick accent turned your brain to mush, so all you could do to answer was nod, but you felt his grip around you tighten after you do, your only indication that you did something wrong. "Oh, mon ange. If you want to be a good little slut for me, you have wait for me to tell you when to cum. Now you have to wait for me."
You wanted to cry. All the other times he was cruel to you in this fashion it was at least after you got to orgasm a couple times. But denial was an entirely different beast that had tears running down your face as wordless whines erupt from your chest.
"Amour, you feel so good around me. I could fuck you forever. I can't believe I was missing this." You both were in your own worlds, so as he spoke and rambled on about how good it felt to fuck you and how cute and dazed you looked, you brain turned it into white noise, trying hard to focus on the instruction that Charles gave you. You wanted so desperately to be good for him.
"I'm gonna cum, amour. Cum so deep inside you. Make that tummy bulge stay for a while. My first time fucking you and I get to fuck a baby in you." He became progressively less coherent, and surprisingly more french, the closer he got to cumming, and the combination of the warm feeling of cum spurting inside of you and the quick movement of Charles' fingers on your clit that came with his reaction brought you over your prophesized edge, the a mixture of squirt and cum coating your thighs. Charles keeps his firm grip on you as you ride out your shaking orgasm, still coming down from his own high, sprinkling kisses along the side of your neck and whispering praises in both English and French. "You are so perfect for me amour. Mon parfait petit ange."
"I love you, Daddy." You reach back and tangle you fingers in his hair to bring him in for a sloppy kiss, face still messy from the start of the evening.
"I love you too, mon ange. I'll, uh, make more of an effort to tell you you're sexy more often." He maneuvers himself to be able to lift you up into a bridal hold, giving you a small peck on the forehead.
"You don't have to. Cute is just fine. I promise not to be so much of a brat." You wrap your arms around his neck and lean in for a near make out session, giving a few deep kisses that allowed you to tangle your tongue with his.
"I like when you're a little bratty. It is actually very adorable, because you don't do it very well." He chuckles while bracing for a couple of slaps on the chest from you.
"Oh, also, the, uh, baby thing...were you serious?" He began to finally make his way to the bathroom as you inquired about the words he said during his orgasm rambling.
"I guess we'll see, won't we?" This time he stifles his chuckle but doesn't conceal the large grin that grows on his face at your shocked face, kissing the crease between your brows. "Come, mon ange. Let's get you cleaned up."
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hyunsvngs · 6 months
what are ur hcs for skz with an s/o that drools a lot when being fucked🫣
(this can be as kinky as you want im a bit silly)
my baby @skzms helped me with this i love u sexy grill
chan: definitely makes his daddy kink go brrr. plugs your mouth with his thumb and is all like "you're going so dumb for daddy, silly little baby." oh boy. he thinks it's so cute!! sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and giggles every time you drool over his cock hitting that spongey lil spot inside of you. might even wipe it up and put his thumb into his own mouth oh
minho: he's a little condescending but also kinda sweet about it. all "aigoo, aigoo! you're making such a mess, kitty. messy little thing." and he'll wipe your chin clean before making you clean his hand off. maybe he'll finger you til you're drooling all over yourself before using it as lube for his cock to split you open.
changbin: ah he'd find it so cute. bini finds everything you do adorable!! if you drool on him while you're riding him, he'll do that little giggle and say "ah, binnie's baby's feeling good? is my dick making you feel good?" oh boy. he'll take over then, letting you just drool onto his beautiful honey toned skin until you're satiated:( he's so cutieful
hyunjin: laughs about it. he also finds it cute!! you're so cute drooling like that for him, he might even stop with a little shocked giggle like "really? it's that good?" and he's making fun of you but in an endeared way. you're really enjoying it that much? he can't believe it! he has to fuck you until you cum all over his cock now.
jisung: he's also drooling, so you can guarantee drooly messy kisses where you're both spitting and drooling into eachother's mouths. he wants you to ride him and practically drool into his open mouth, because he wants to do it too - he'll even bite your lip a little and your mouths will be absolutely soaking by the end of it.
felix: since i just answered an ask about dom felix... may was saying that felix would shove your face in the pillows and have the filthiest fucking grin on his face. laughs when you whine, and watches your drool make the biggest mark on his sheets.
seungmin: he's mean. pulling your hair back to make you look at yourself drooling in the mirror, wiping it off just to push a drool-slicked finger into your ass and make it hurt. laughs when it just makes you drool more. he definitely wants to make you drool all over his cock before he pushes it inside of you.
jeongin: finds it so hot. messy sex is jeongin's biggest kink, so he'll definitely grin and coo over you. "so messy! is my cock that good? you like it that much, yeah?" and he's being condescending but he doesn't even realise!! he'll let you drool all over his pillow and giggle about it afterwards and then jerk off thinking about how drooly you got for the next week.
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pokegalla · 4 months
Requested/traded by @veiled-rebel
Oooooo more options to choose from on this! Plus a something i resonate with✨
(Also. I’m aware that Alastor is Aro/Ace. Just read it as platonic if you’d like!)
Hazbin boys with an S/o that noms affectionately!
* Listen he already has seen all TYPES of affection! From his wife! And well the couples from those tv shows and his duck operas! (……he’s depressed leave the poor man alone-) but….nomming is definitely new.
* First time you did it, he legit screamed before realizing it was you. He’s like baby why-? You scared the shit out of me- bro thought his rubber ducks came to life and chose violence-
* But he soon learns that you just do it to show affection. And he learns this when he saw your face looking up at him from sheer adoration mid nom. And oh how could he say no to that precious face?❤️ he lets you do it anytime you want comfort or simply to show him how much you love him.
* So whenever you’re feeling down and you suddenly stop nomming, he’s rushing with a shitton of gifts to see if you’re ok and is ready to make you feel better.
* At this point he’s used to it and feels so loved whenever you’re around….
* Honestly I feel like he’s heard about nomming and had no idea what the hell it was. Until he met your ass. Now he’s wondering how he managed to get someone like you in his life-
* First time you are extremely lucky you didn’t fucking die- he barely lets people touch him unless you’re close to him. Which you are…..But you snuck up on him on this one. Lesson learned-
* He’s very confused when you explain it to him too. Like why ARE you doing this? Affection? Are you mentally ok-? He’s probably gonna need a little convincing but hey enough pestering and he’ll let you nom to your heart’s content (if it will shut you up-)
* But he ends up learning your emotional habits through noms. Sad? Your noms get less motivated and almost stops completely. Excited? You get that goofy smile on your face. Mad? Almost nomming his hand off- he makes mental notes of it.
* Safe to say, nomming actually got you closer to the radio demon. Such an odd turn of events!
* He’s heard of nomming. Probably from some random person at the bar mentioned it. He finds it….well a weird ass conversation starter. But when he mentioned it to you and that he didn’t get it, you gladly showed him!
* And first time was definitely fucking hilarious. He let you nom his shoulder….and in return you got cat hair in your mouth for being a little too overzealous. Shit had Husk laughing for a hot minute-
* But overtime you were more careful and nommed places that were covered or with less hair. And overtime….he actually kinda enjoys it. Very chill about it. You could nom him mid conversation and he’d still just just talk like nothing happened-
* Though the moment you slow down because you feel sad? BOOM. Le kitty actually noms you! Which is probably shocking considering Husk’s grumpy ass. It was so cute, you forgot why you was upset-
* Talk about a happy win-win situation!!!
Angel Dust:
* Imma be straightforward…..he thought it was a sex thing. And hard to blame him. I mean the shit he’s seen and experienced? Nomming sounds too fucking innocent to not be horny-
* Buuuut first time you did it, he was completely caught off guard when you just suddenly lunged at his free hand. And yet….huh. It wasn’t TOO bad. He didn’t expect it to be gentle. He’s definitely gonna make a dirty joke about you being kinky-
* He never rejects your noms either. He just pats your head as if reciprocating your affection. He can’t help it! You just look like a little cutie when you do it! And your silly lil face you make? You’re his special lil goofball! Oh man he is gushing isn’t he?
* Bro be ready to gun down buildings if you’re sad and stop your noms. But if you’re just not feeling it? Shit say less. He’ll nom you! He’s so gentle too, not wanting to hurt you with his sharp teeth….but teases the shit out of you the moment you blush. He can’t help it :3
* He’s just a spidey boy in love. And any affection of yours is ok with him!
Sir Pentious:
* He’s….definitely not gonna know nomming. Or a lot of ways to show affection in general. He’s old school and inexperienced hun. But he has the determination. And that’s enough to you✨
* Though first time he did scream bloody murder, act like he was dying dramatically, then realize it was just you. So of course he asks what the heck was that for?! Once you explain it, he listens intently….and vows to practice the arts of nomming!
* So there goes a back and forth nomming session that happens ever so randomly- mostly him just trying to learn how to nom you carefully. Because have you seen his teeth??? He does learn though! And he actually finds it as fun as you do!
* Awwww but when you stop the sessions, he will demand his egg boys to prepare his chambers! So you and him and the egg boys cuddle up until you feel better. Which cmon it’s hard not to gush seeing how cute this is-
* He really lovesssss you a whole lot :D (that was an awful joke- :’D)
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Is it okay for me to request a sub xiao?
Where the reader continues to edge him and tug at his collar prasing him.
and then at the end completely overstimulates him and praises him.
Can the reader call xiao cute petnames too?
like good boy, cutie, sweetie and etc please?
♡︎ 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙠𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙮 ♡︎
characters: sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
warnings: collaring, praise, dacryphillia, overstimulation, edging, small hints of corruption, light petplay, cock can be read as strap on, reader is an immortal but what they are can be completely up to you.
notes: forgive me nonnie, i took so long to write this😔i’m starting to think writer’s block is catching up to me
nevermind. all i needed was to see xiao on the official stream break to get motivated again😍❗️
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you and xiao first met centuries ago, shortly after the archon war has ended, the seven seats of the heavenly principles had gotten their victors. when you had first ran into the yaksha the poor thing was caught up in his own karmic debt, suffering the consequences of his own actions, writhing in agony. he tried to push you away but you were a thousands year old immortal who has seen everything teyvat had to offer.
the beginning of you two’s relationship was definitely odd and trippy for sure. however over time, when xiao figured out you were immortal just like him, he slowly began to open up. first it started with simple little talks and grunts, then the full blown chatting about everything phase began. soon that evolved to you and xiao opening up to each other about your pasts, deeds, mistakes and successes. and before you two could even understand the relationship you two have is what humans call “romantic love”, there you two were, holding each other close, stripping each other naked, learning about all sorts of pleasure.
it took a long time just for xiao to start talking with you, so of course sex life was incredibly slow and gentle between you and the yaksha. but slowly the more nights you spend with xiao, the more you realized he really enjoys being referred to as “kitty”.
at first it your thousands year old stubborn self found it odd since from what xiao told you, his true form is that of a bird’s not a cat. however soon you grew to love it for the sight of the cold and unstoppable yaksha, being reduced to a crying, babbling mess underneath you, clinging to you tightly and begging for you to fill him up was greatly addicting. which is what led to now.
“AANH~! nyaah! [n-nameee]…” whining and sobbing your name loudly with his red eyeliner running down his cheeks, xiao pawed at your finger curled around the soft collar around his neck. you’ve been forcing him to continue riding your cock for hours and it fucking hurt. not to mention your other hand was wrapped around the tip of his cock, toying with the tip slightly before putting your thumb over the slit of his cock when it starts to twitch violently. his poor tiny cocklet was already an angry red, twitching whenever your thumb would circle over the sensitive, slick tip.
“it’s alright kitty. keep riding me. you’re doing such an amazing job, kitty” cooing soft praises and tugging on the collar around his neck again to guide his hips to slam down onto your cock, you ignored his sobs and pleas for you to let him cum. it feels better, he knows that! but he just can’t help but be so greedy!
your big, fat, cock rearranging his insides, splitting his ass open, your voice cooing honeyed words into his ear, your hand teasingly, painfully rubbing at the slit of his twitching, red cock was just all too much for him. even though it’s not the first time you two are having sex, it feels like it is.
to the tiny, trembling, wailing yaksha on your lap, your dick just makes his eyes roll to the back of his skull, reaching places he never thought was even there. it just hits on all the right spots so good and his mind can’t comprehend the praises flowing out of your mouth.
noticing how your sweet boyfriend’s head was already fucked stupid with his hazy eyes and gibberish nonsense, you smiled sweetly before finally letting go of his cock. holding onto his waist tightly before thrusting up into his sloppy hole, creating more loud, wet, squelching sounds you can barely make out what he’s saying.
“aaannhg~! nyaAAH~! t-there—sho good! [name]—sho good♡︎” blabbering drunken words, he couldn’t even hear you calling him sweet nicknames at all. finally cumming all over his and your tummy with a loud squeal when you harshly thrusting up into his sensitive spot, your lovely kitty fell on top of your chest, shuddering and twitching, too lost in the pleasure. managing to only weakly whimper when you continued to fuck into his wet hole before mewling when he felt the familiar warmth of your cum shooting into his walls.
patting him on his head and cradling his trembling tiny body, you whispered another praise before cuddling him close.
“good kitty♡︎”.
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mchsm07 · 7 months
how about what petnames treasure would use during and outside of sex👀 I think doyoung is definitely a “princess” for sure for both cases but I can’t rlly figure out the other members (if you could just do the pg version for the babies it’ll be rlly nice too!)
What petnames the Treasure members would use
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Propably calls you angel, babe and babygirl. If he in his daddy vibe he uses the name doll most of the time.
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During sex or not you are officially his slut and yes he declares it. Also uses bitch, brat, doll and whore, sometimes with the dirty prefix like dirty slut. In his gentler mood like to say baby and darling.
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You are his angel. Uses baby and babygirl too. But his favorite is the kitten with the little one, maybe little slut.
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He gives you sweet and cutie name like bunny and honey.
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He likes give various nickname from sweet to rough like babygirl, kitty and yes slut or little whore.
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The most romantic members with romantic petnames like love, honey. He likes to add that you are his as my little star, my sunshine.
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The princess his trademark. Also likes to use baby. He likes to praise you in bed as good girl, my precious slut.
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He is the tipically who uses babe and baby the most. In some situations prefers doll, brat and like these.
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Softie boy with softie names like lovely, kitty and bunny. Maybe he would also teasing you with cupcake, sweetpea.
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Even though he is the youngest, i can definitely say that he would use the word baby. Also he has got hard dom vibes (let's not deny it) so definitely would use that petnames like Jihoon as bitch, slut.
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Fluffcember #20 (SOLDIER boys + Reno x reader)
Owning a cat headcannons
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-Takes a little while (think 4-5 months) for him to learn to tolerate the cat, and nearly double that time for him to accept it as part of his life, which is understandable, considering that he's practically a cat himself.
-He'll let you pick the first name, but he chooses the surname (yes, your cat has a surname), and it's something remarkably humanoid. Imagine explaining to the vet that your cat's name is Sparklepaws Pembleton-Clark.
-Once he gets used to the feline, he'll start seeing it as his sibling. He will have full on conversations with the cat, ones that are very serious and not at all baby talk. When the cat wants to eat, a conversation like this might take place:
"Good morning/afternoon/evening, Pembleton-Clark, what would you prefer for your meal today?"
"Ah, cat food, a fine choice. Please be seated and I shall deliver your food presently."
"You're very welcome. Have you read the paper, by the way? I heard there was a sale on feline litter at the local supermarket."
-Will play with the cat and tickle it; occasionally can be spotted on the couch with the fluffy fur-baby in his lap, stroking and petting it while watching TV or reading.
-Basically, the pet is family, once he gets used to it.
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-Loves the cat the minute you bring it home. He'll pick it up and carry it around, cooing at it like it's a baby.
"Awwwww, who's a good little fluffy snookums? You are! Yes, you are! My pretty little puffy fluffle--awww so cute. Soooo cute."
-INSISTS upon naming it; your cat is officially called Her Divine Majesty Emperess Gen-Gen II, and there is nothing you can do to change that.
-Pampers the cat, giving it baths every month and grooming it as well as keeping its claws trimmed and it's fur nice and shiny.
-Sometimes he even ties it's fur up into little pigtails and decorates it with hairclips before taking pictures of it and sending them to you.
-Coddles the cat, spoiling and playing with it whenever he can. He sees your pet as an extension of himself, and therefore treats it the way he wants to be treated. (Lavishly)
-Adores the cat and always will, just as he adores you.
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-Angeal is the embodiment of the dad who says "We're not getting a cat" and then proceeds to adore and spoil the cat like a young child. He was against getting a pet, but then saw the fluffy little thing you pointed to and just caved.
-Lets you name it because he doesn't care what it's called. Unless you named it after yourself. Then he can't even look at it without tearing up.
-Is a true tsundere towards that cat, always giving it the side eye; regarding it with cold professionalism. But deep down, he loves that furry thing and will definitely let it sleep on the bed with him.
-Buys it toys and those little tree jungle gym things, as well as treats. As stated before, he keeps a cold front but truly adores that kitty.
-Will let it sit in his lap while he does paperwork, and sometimes even brings it to Shinra with him. (everyone gets jealous and always wants to pet it)
-All in all, loves that furry cutie, even when it scratches up the furniture and tears up his socks.
☆Reno ☆
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-He and the cat eyed each other at the pet shop for 10 full minutes before he agreed to taking it home. Reno has had experience with cats, having owned one himself before, and knows exactly what kind of trouble they are.
-Very suspicious of the cat for the first several weeks but soon eases into its company, once he's sure it won't tear up his stuff. He soon goes from uncomfortable and jittery to relaxed and loving.
-He'll pet the cat, feed the cat, play with the cat, and even eat with the cat. He'll literally have a cat food bowl and a highchair set up so the cat can eat at the table like a human. It's the most adorable thing ever.
-Once he and the cat have bonded enough, he decides to make it his partner in crime. He'll try to train it by giving it treats whenever it knocks over a specific object, except the cat gets the wrong idea and thinks it'll get a treat whenever it knocks stuff over, so Reno has essentially turned your cat into a furry wrecking ball.
-Has decided to name your cat Sir-Smashes-A-Lot in light of this behavior. A cute name for a cute (but mischevious) cat.
-Sometimes he'll use a pet-friendly fur dye and dye Sir-Smashes-A-Lot's fur to match his. You might come home to find both your boyfriend and pet sporting bright green locks of fur/hair.
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miss-starlet · 6 months
♡ Pet Play W/ Minnie ♡
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18+ MDNI
Word Count: 500+
Warnings: Punishments, Bondage, titles such as master & owner, mentions of spanking and degradation.
Kitty Minne (Receiving):
♡ I know everyone loves a good bratty Minho (Guilty ✋️), however I want to say it's not often the case. On a scale I probably would say 70% good boy and 30% a brat.
♡ He just wants to be loved and spoiled. Which might lead into bratty kitty territory when he doesn't get his way.
♡ Licks and nibbles at your hand and fingers. All the love bites from him.
♡ When he is good, he is your prize kitten who want to be pampered. Pls help him put on his collar w/ a little bell and ears. Brush his hair, give him tons of pets, and kisses. An absolute cutie when he is all dolled up!
♡ He is a big fan of bondage, especially loves when you bind his legs and elbows so that they are forced to stay bent and have to crawl around.
♡ One of Minhos favorite things is to cum. When he starts to get bratty and misbehave, taking away his orgasms is a good way to get him back to acting like your good kitty.
Minho was seated by your feet on the floor. Dawning his fluffy kitty ears and baby blue collar. All day he has been naughty, but you knew just what to do to make him behave again.
You gently patted your thighs to catch Minho's attention, making soft "psk" noises to get him to join you on your lap.
He gazed up at you with those honey-brown eyes, scrowling at you; clearly annoyed.
"Does Minnie need help getting up?" You asked teasingly, putting your hands under his armpits and lifting him up into your lap. "I didn't need help."
"Don't get all grumpy with me mister. Doesn't my kitty want to feel good? " You asked. Your hand wraps around his dick, starting of with slow tugs before jerking him off merciless. Minho's moans starts to get louder and louder as your speed increases.
"Y/Nnie p-please" Minho's body squirms between your legs as your other hand comes around his waist to still him.
"So loud baby and so needy too." Your hand stops and he whined loudly. His hips started to thrust up against the air, trying to feel some type of sensation.
"My bratty little baby just doesn't deserve to cum, does he?" You ask as your fingers grabbed his chin, shaking his head no.
Owner Minho (Giving):
♡ A very strict, but loving owner. Will spoil you rotten by letting you have whatever you want as long as you are good for him. Buys you a new collar and toys almost every week because he loves how excited you get when he gives them to you.
♡ He doesn't mind whatever animal you want to be, but it will change how soft or rough he plays with you. If you are his kitty, he will treat you just like his own cats. If you are his little puppy, he will be a lot more rougher with you.
♡ Minho has many rules he expects you to follow, and he isn't very lenient with them. Some of his rules include not speaking unless asked, always calling him by his title (master or owner), and respecting him.
♡ He doesn't like to be disrespected, and he doesn't mind training that brat attitude right out of his pet.
♡ Will spray you with a water bottle.
♡ When you misbehave, he turns into a big meanie. He does give you a chance to correct yourself depending on what rule you broke, however, if you keep on he will punish you. He is mean and vile with what he says when degrading you. Spanking is his favorite punishment to give you, especially when he is able to use his belt or get out his favorite paddle.
Minho had came home and surprised you with a new tail plug that had a vibrator setting. He made sure to get his little pet ready by helping you put on your collar and new tail.
You were kneeling in between his feet trying to be good and not squirm. He set it to the lowest setting, and to say you were desperate was an understatement. You rubbed your head against the fabric of his jeans, whining softly.
"Aw, my poor kitten. Don't worry, your master will take care of you."
"P-please" You whine out, Minho hand find their way into your hair, pulling your head back.
"Kittens don't talk." Minho said as he unbuttons his pants, following the action by unzipping his fly and pulling his cock free from his underwear.
"Does my kitty want a taste?" You nod, while letting him move you head close to the tip by your hair.
"You been so good for me, how about you enjoy your reward?"
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mysouleaten · 6 months
raining cats and dogs ! [pt 2]
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tokyo rev cats/dogs x gn! reader
summary ... it only started with [name] taking in two strays when they were driving home from work, it was pouring and the two poor strays were soaked! you couldn't leave them… so you took them in
warnings ... fluff, fluff, fluff, and more fluff, just a smidge of angst, uhh takemichi and hinata get names!
[part one] [part two] [part three] ....
it's been exactly four days since you rescued the two stray cats from the pouring rain
they've made themselves pretty comfortable in your apartment. you made sure to give them a warm bath and take them to the vet the next day
it seemed you had two lover cats, one boy, and one girl
they were adorable! curly up next to each other, licking each other clean, and chasing each other around. they didn't give you much trouble either! they were just curious about what you like to do and follow you around your apartment
you were even blessed with one of them sleeping in your lap while you were working on your laptop, spoiler alert you didn't move and you were starving the entire hour..
but finally, it was time to name them, you have just been calling them 'hey you' or 'kitty'
you didn't want to get attached too quickly
but now they were part of the family! so it was naming time
right now you were sitting on your couch and the two muchkins were on your coffee table looking all cute and cuddly
you first looked at the yellowy-orange cat with stripes, you pointed at him
"your name is.... take' !" you said and the cat meowed while tilting his head to the side
you then focused on the brownish-pinkish cat, "and you are gonna be.. peachy!"
peachy meowed too and then hopped over to your lap and rubbed against your arm
you cooed at her actions and take' came over to nip at you for stealing his wife's attention from him and you giggled
"she's all yours buddy!" you gave a small laugh
you pulled out your phone from your pocket to check the time, "ahh.. gotta get ready!" you stood up and placed peachy next to take'
you stretched out your back and lifted your arms above your head-your shirt lifts up with your stretch- you started to walk towards your room and your cuties follow you, meowing all the way
opening your room door, peachy and take' quickly run inside and hop on your bed-peachy was making biscuits and take' was resting beside her
you pulled out your work clothes, it was a light blue shirt with the pet shops logo on the front and a pair of black pants
you pulled your home shirt off your body, and as you were pulling on your work clothes you heard a low hiss and a high squeak 'meow!'
looking over you saw peachy-who no longer was making biscuits-wack take' on the head and run away with take' following her
you giggled at their small fight "yeeeaah someone is gonna be sleeping on the couch tonight"
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you walked up and down the isles of the pet shop, you were re-stocking some of the pet food and toys
humming a little tune and bopping your head to the soft music that was playing in the shop
"[name]! can you take out the leftover dog food?" one of your co-workers-yala-yelled from the other side of the pet shop
"sure!" you yelled back
you walked to the back of the store and into one of the storage rooms and collected the trash bag with the old dog food inside
when you opened the door that led out to an ally way with garbage dumps
you froze
there were tons of cats.. and a couple of dogs
all of the strays turned to look at you, many of them gave you- mean looks?
yeah, they didn't seem happy to see you, one of the cats looked high.. it had a blond patch of fur on its head but the rest of its fur was black... and it had a pricing? ok that's enough
you gave an awkward smile and just put the bag next to the stairs, you were gonna take the trash out later...
then you noticed a big black cat on top of a smaller cat beating the absolute shit out of it, poor thing, you wanted to help the smaller cat but a hiss made you rethink your decision. whatever those cats were doing wasn't your problem...
where you scared? psshhh.. no..
before you shut the door you heard a loud hiss and that made you shut the door quicker
god knows if you'll be next like that smaller cat.. cats can be pretty mean
you blew out a breath and made it back into the shop, you whined to your co-worker about the mean scary cats outside
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it's been days since your encounter with the... gang of cats?
you were in your brother's neighborhood riding on a motorcycle-yes you had one, well more like it was your brothers- you stopped by a car dump because you noticed a large population of cats and a small number of dogs leaving the car dump area
"what the?.."
you remembered the people who talked about cats who would 'fight' in the car dump, they even had names for each gang of cats, but you don't remember any of the names
hoping off your bike you made your way to the entrance of the car dump, and that's where you heard it
a loud but sad cry of a cat
you sped up your walk-avoiding stepping on any of the cats that made their way out-you saw the exact same cat from days ago, the one that was getting beaten up, it was leaning over the bigger cat and crying into its fur
"holy crap!" you yelled, this got the attention of the other strays in the area
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"holy crap!" a foreign voice yelled out
chifuyu looked up and saw a woman standing there, a shocked expression on her their
"chifuyu...whos that?..." baji coughed out, chifuyu snapped his head towards baji "don't worry! I won't let them hurt you!"
but he didn't notice how the person already made their way quickly over to them
"look out!"
before chifuyu could do anything the person carefully grabbed baji and ran off and out of the garbage dump
"baji!" yelled out chifuyu, no no! he couldn't lose him too! he lost takemichi, he couldn't lose baji!
chifuyu ran after the catnapper but he was too late the catnapper was already on their bike and driving off, he raced after the bike but he wasn't fast enough and lost sight of the motorcycle
"baji!!!" chifuyu screamed, he then tripped over his own paws and fell face-first into the ground, he sobbed quietly, he put his paws over his face to hide his shame
"chifuyu?" mikey said, chifuyu didn't move
"chifuyu!" draken yelled, this got chifuyu to sit up but hang his head low
"baji is gonna be alright.. whoever that was, is trying to help" mitsuya uttered, chifuyu didn't answer
they didn't know that the catnapper was going to be a very dear friend in the future
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cuties <3
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normal-internet-user · 11 months
Hi! Could you write either a 2012 or Bayverse tmnt + splinter x (gn) sibling reader? And the reader has been sneaking in stray kittens/cats off the streets and hiding them in their room or other hidden parts of the lair (and could Mikey be in on it please?) thank you and have a nice day/evening/night! 🫶
Omg this is so chaotic and cute-
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It all started when you and Mikey found a cute little kitten on your way home from picking up pizza.
You couldn't just leave it there!
So you snuck it into your room while Mikey distracted everyone else.
Then you found another cutie pie on the way home from school, and you couldn't bear the thought of your first pal being all alone :(
It uh-
It snowballed from there.
Into a fullblown kitty sanctuary.
Hey, if anything you and Mikey should be commended,
Keeping that many cats a secret for as long as you did is REALLY impressive.
Splinter knew first,
He was certainly confused, but found it amusing enough to not say anything.
Leo found out next when he walked in on you and Mikey feeding your fluffy army.
There was a whole five minutes of him standing there confused, until Mikey nudged the door closed with his foot.
It took ten minutes for an intervention to be formed.
Raph was already so fucking over it, and Donnie just wanted to know how tf you managed to keep it under wraps for so long-
Leo was so confused
They sat the two of you down, and said you needed to get rid of the cats
You did not take it well.
Both you and Mikey started clinging to the kitties and sobbing about how they couldn't take them away from you!
It took hours to wrangle all the cats, and you and Mikey crying the emtire time didn't help.
They let you keep two of them, both you and Mikey got to pick one to keep.
The rest of them, April and Casey helped you moved to shelters.
All in all they're just-
Confused, and weirdly impressed-
Literally giggled the entire time I wrote this, it's late ok? I'm tired-
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miyaur · 1 year
☆ 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲. ft. heizou & xiao | a sequel. ・ sypnosis. good boys get their rewards faster than naughty ones, but they just can't get enough of seeing how hot you were when you wanted them to behave, when you were angry, it just makes them want to- yeah i won't finish that sentence..
・notes. the really late sequel to my most popular post, except now featuring new characters; xiao and heizou! i'm slowly making a schedule of when to post now! so expect frequent posts from now on! ・warnings. nsfw utc, sub!character, brat tamer! reader, dom!reader, strap/dick mentioned, dacryphilia, orgasm denial, pet names like 'baby', 'whore', & 'slut' r used! come see my other works~!
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⟢ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐙𝐎𝐔, will you be a good kitty for me and take it? ・he's honestly a very friendly cat, a little too friendly. most of the time he likes to tease you. flirting with many people in front of you, obviously loves to break your rules, such a tease it isn't even funny anymore. he always wears revealing clothes around everyone else, when it's only supposed to be with you. but you know he enjoys being punished most of the time.
・him being laid over your lap, getting his ass slapped over and over again. precum even so leaking from his red, and swollen tip. slowly letting your fingers inside his ass, then steadily lifting him onto your strap/dick, moaning loudly, whimpering at every slow yet hard thrust you gave into him, hands grazed over his nipples, rolling, and pinching them, "haah! ngh so close master— p-pleasef just g-give this one to mmh— me!" heizou, trying so hard to get his release pleasing himself up and down your strap/cock. immediately you pulled out, right before he was gonna cum, trying to hold on to you, "p-please! just this one! i-i'll be-behave.. pleasepleaseplease—" he mewled out into your ear, trying to grind himself against your thigh to gain back his high, "you think you deserve this, slut? you've been doing me nothing good all week, you think you deserve my cock? my cum inside you? you think you deserve it whore?" making him look up to you as you got up from the bed, angling his face to look at you back. ・"fine, just tonight, how about you be a good kitty and take what i give you, ok?" you said, pinning him to the bedframe now, ass up, as you allign your strap/dick with his aching hole, already waiting to be drunk on your taste again. nodding hastily, agreeing to your statement. (yippee!)
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⟢ 𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐔𝐒 𝐗𝐈𝐀𝐎, my my, good boy gone bad, be good for just one more time! ・xiao baby, he never would do anything wrong, but he would act bratty in public because he's stubborn lol. sometimes this cutie doesn't even mean to be bad, maybe doesn't realize it :(. but he always did what he was told, at least in private. he doesn't do a lot of pda, doesn't like it that much. ・but he really needs you now, why did your boss have to move your shift to nighttime now.. ugh, nothing he can do but wait, well he does remember the vibrator he got from you, for his birthday, my, he'll never forget that day, he wants to feel like that again; ethereal. he needs you so bad, maybe this one time that he goes past your rules because you're being unfair, that you won't punish him bad. he just misses you so much, misses your cock(or strap wtv) inside him so much, he misses how you just sink onto his cock so smoothly, you feel so good to him, and vice versa. ・his only reason to end up like a cat in heat (which he is) is that he really couldn't wait, his heat got to him, pinching and rolling his nipples and the vibrator worked up inside him at the max setting, but he needed more, he needed you. but for now all he could do was imagine it was you, you doing all these dirty things to him. all he could do was hallucinate it's you, being so much so confident, he moans out your name, so much so, it echoes through the hallway of the home you both lived in, and coincidently you just came home. obviously by now, you've heard your baby calling out your name, you're hearing him so needy. "xiao? baby? you okay?" wandering up the stairs, was he okay? why is he still up at this hour, is he? no, he isn't doing that— he wouldn't betray your rules like that.. would he? "mmf—! ngh d-dont come i-in!" he said, you heard a small vibration too coming from the room, oh my, he's using the birthday gift you gave him.. his eyes closed shut, his brows knit together, "haah— s' close [name].. i need y-your cock so bad!" he screamed out, not realizing you already came inside the room, pulling out the vibrator, he looks up to your hungry gaze, as your cock immediately substituting the toy, the brutal pace him come almost immediately. ・ "oh baby, calm down— i'm here now, how about you take your punishment tomorrow, and we'll do a few more rounds, work got me quite riled up today, and you just had to be the icing ontop of the cake, huh?"
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bexalert · 11 months
• Super observent
• Won’t tell you about her feelings for the loooongest time
• When she does, though, it’s super sincere and thought out. She’s a sweetie at heart 😚
• Will subtlety hold your hand. If anyone says anything they just get her signature glare, and if looks could kill…
• DEFINITELY loves to meditate with you.
• When you’re cuddling she kinda just likes to watch you?? Not in a creepy way, she just loves you.
• Likes to just hold your hand and face you while cuddling.
• Very protective
• She is so whipped for you!!!!
• When she’s not spewing compliments at you, she just admires you quietly.
• She doesn’t really know how human courting works? So somehow you don’t notice she likes you
• But when she does tell you it is definitely a very emotional and heartfelt confession.
• She loves telling you about the traditions on her home planet! She’ll definitely make you Tamaranian foods or gifts.
• She loves being big spoon and I’m not taking complaints about that.
• So vocal about her feelings.
• This man has NO clue how to process his emotions
• Just constantly freaking out when you’re around.
• The other titans tease him, but he refuses to admit that he likes you.
• You probably had to confess to him
• And he just like breaks. Absolute malfunction. Face red. Palms are sweating. You get the gist.
• He would just drop compliments out of nowhere. Like random times and he seems so sincere. Completely catches you off guard.
• He likes to be little spoon, but also likes when you lay on his chest.
• Gets jealous pretty easily, but just silently fumes.
• He needs reassurance ☹️
• Probably the most protective. Constantly concerned about your safety.
• Just the biggest sweetheart!!!
• He just likes you so much it’s insane
• His brain kinda turns to mush when you’re around and he ends up making a fool of himself.
• You’re for sure going on late night car rides with him.
• He likes to face you while cuddling.
• Pretty casual and open about your relationship. Will brag to the titans.
• He loves to just pick you up and spin you. He’s a cutie.
• Ahhhh! He just likes you so much! He’s such a nerd but please give him a chance ☹️
• Will do absolutely anything to impress you.
• You like cats? What a coincidence, he can become an adorable green kitty!
• He tries so hard to seem cool. (He is.)
• All smiles. Grinning ear to ear when you’re with him.
• He loves holding your hand. In fact, he loves being able to touch you anywhere, but he loves how cute hand holding is.
• Will just fall asleep on top of you, or curled into your side, or holding you like a teddy bear.
• Sometimes he’ll transform into a dog and just let you pet him.
• Loves making gifts or big extravagant displays of his love for you.
• The biggest simp.
• Brags to the titans so much.
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hyunsvngs · 2 months
piss kink ask incoming, sorry if you're sick of these but not many skz blogs are into piss kinks so you're my go tooo
what would each of their reactions be to accidentally wetting themselves when you're experimenting with piss kink/omorashi. as in you give them loads to drink so you can play around and have fun with it but then they actually can't hold it and wet themselves in the car on the way home or on the floor etc.
who would be embarrassed and try to hide it, who would go to you for comfort and who would want to fuck anyway (lol jisung)
i am never sick of piss asks and that i PROMISE you. also thanks to my disciples @jyu-037 and @beesspacedotorg for brainstorming this with me <3
chan: definitely gets embarrassed. he loves doing it to you but god, did he really just piss himself? he’d hide himself behind his hands, legs kicking in his joggers with a little wail of “baby, seriously, this is embarrassing!!” but as soon as you tell him you’re wet and horny over it he’s down. “really? really really? heh, okay. it’s fine then.”
minho: he’s mad bc he’s embarrassed. that cute lil pout on his lips as he stares down at the wet spot in his pants :( he’ll quickly come round though, and then his pretty kitty has to clean up the mess for him with their mouth >:3
changbin: immediately wants to hit. he’s thinking about YOU pissing on HIM now and that’s enough for his cute lil cock to chub up in his pants. “yeobo, yeobo, you wanna make it messier? please!”
hyunjin: he’s shocked because he’s harder than he’s ever been. i think he’s definitely ashamed of it too, hands over his crotch to try and hide his boner, but when you tell him you wanna see…. well, damn, okay. “you like that? angel, that’s dirty!” but he Likes being dirty >:3
jisung: whiney. horny. leaky. hard. “pleasepleaseplease! baby, my baby, it’s hot, please touch me, please, i can’t i can’t i can’t-“ and then as soon as you wrap your hand around him he’s cumming LMAO. piss in his mouth after to get that cute lil heart shaped smile from him <3
felix: cries, but not because he’s embarrassed… he’s so fucking horny. he’s never felt anything like it before and god he’s hard and covered in his own piss and please just call him cute!!! tell him he’s a good little dirty boy and he’ll just cry harder bc he loves being dirty for you :( i love cutie lixie
seungmin: he’d probably not entertain this anyway, like he wants you to do it LOL. if he does, he’s embarrassed and needs comfort at the same time. hold him close and call him your good little puppy for pissing himself so nice for you <3
jeongin: nonverbal. sits there staring into space until you get him clean and them afterwards he’s just like “shit. what the fuck was that. what the fuck.” like in pure shock LMAO!!! he’s not really disgusted though, just in shock! he’s probably still hard bc he likes it kinda wet and messy <3
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