#ketu dasha astrology
subir-astrologer · 1 year
According to KP vedic astrology a planet give results of its nakshatra lord and itself becomes the source of it and the sublord shows the quality of the results.
So, the simple answer is YES one can achieve success in Ketu mahadasha.
In fact, one can achieve success or failure in all planet’s mahadasha. The only difference is the kind of success or failure will be as per significances of the planet and its nature.
So, there is no reason to believe that ketu mahadasha destroy everything during its ruling period. ( that’s I call foolish astrology )
Like for example a failure under moon mahadasha will give more mental pressure / frustration as moon is the karak / significator of mind.
Likewise, one need to understand the nature of the planet and access the success or failure as per the significances of that horoscope and its nature.
Unlike rahu, ketu do not believe in materialistic pleasure and is not a greedy planet. Since Ketu it is a headless planet so it takes time in its realization and so the person feels detached under its influence.
The other reason for ketu not liking materialistic pleasure and taste anything is because the sense of taste and pleasure can be felt by the interpretation of our brain and ketu donot have head.
This is the reason when Ketu is active or a person is influenced by ketu, native actually seek and prefer solitude. Native quite loves to being alone, and remember that self-isolation is not loneliness, it just means you are taking time for yourself between regular social interactions.
So the success of a person during his / her ketu mahadasha period will not be felt that much and the person will not cherish his / her success and enjoy it like every other do.
The interpretation of success for ketu is as if he has already tasted success before and so what is it now, nothing new for him, so no excitement and its just like a daily routine.
Ketu will eat a rasgulla / rosogolla after squeezing out the sugar syrup telling sugar is bad for health. So, he is eating the rasgulla / rosogolla but will not enjoy it as he sneezed out the sugar syrup.
So, in a nut shell it is not that ketu always destroy everything during its mahadasha period and so it is not a dictum and one can also achieve success in ketu mahadasha and its depends on the significances signified by ketu in that particular individual’s horoscope.
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makingspiritualityreal · 11 months
Making Spirituality Real Vedic Astrology Community Questions Masterpost
This is a Link Resource for all the Vedic Astrology Community Questions I answered throughout the years, that have collective informative value. Look for your Chart placements or potential questions on this list before asking me further.
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Benefits of Challenging Nakshatra Placements
Bhava Chalit vs D1
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Connections Between Ketu and Venus rules Nakshatras
D60 Chart Interpretation
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Debilitated Atmakaraka
Effects of Ketu Mahadasha
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How Ketu’s “Detachment” Works
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Impact of Rahu/Ketu strong aspects on physical health
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Interpreting Dasha Periods for D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Interpreting the Rahu/Ketu Axis of D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Is Darakaraka Important?
Jupiter in the 12th House
Karmic Relief Through D10 Chart
Ketu in the 6th House
Ketu in the 8th House
Ketu in the 8th House and Relationship Life
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Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
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Rahu in the 2nd House and Self Worth
Rahu in the 5th House
Rahu in the 6th house Dasha
Recognising Nakshatra Traits in People
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Saturn in the 4th house in D9 Chart
Saturn Ketu Aspect in D9 Chart
Saturn in the 7th in D9 / explained again
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Saturn ruled Nakshatras
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Sun Conjunct Rahu
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The 7th House in Synastry
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What is Shadbala Scoring?
Why Darakaraka is NOT your Profession
Why is Uttara Ashadha without a Consort?
Why is Venus the Natural Darakaraka
Yogas - Overrated in Vedic Astrology
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rabiosantologia · 10 months
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here's an article going into detail of each color and other herbs, usages in Vedic Astrology:
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astrorakesh1726 · 3 months
Which are the possible combinations for bad marriage in a horoscope of a girl in Vedic astrology?
In Vedic astrology, determining the possibility of a bad marriage or marital discord involves analyzing various factors in the birth chart (also known as the horoscope or Kundli). Some of the key factors that astrologers consider include the positions of planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu in relation to the 7th house (house of marriage), the condition of Venus (the planet associated with marriage), and the influence of malefic planets on the 7th house or its lord. Additionally, the placement and aspects of benefic planets on the 7th house and its lord can also influence marital harmony.
Here are some possible combinations that astrologers may consider indicative of a challenging or bad marriage in a girl's horoscope in Vedic astrology:
Affliction to the 7th house and its lord by malefic planets (such as Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu), particularly through conjunction, aspect, or placement in unfavorable houses.
Weak or afflicted Venus, which can indicate challenges in relationships, lack of marital happiness, or difficulties in finding a suitable partner.
Malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, or Rahu aspecting or influencing the 7th house, its lord, or Venus.
Presence of malefic planets in the 7th house, especially without any benefic influence or aspect.
Affliction to the 7th house from the Moon, as the Moon represents the mind and emotions in Vedic astrology.
Debilitated or combust Venus, which may indicate challenges in romantic relationships and marital life.
Affliction to the 2nd house (house of family and speech) and its lord, as it can impact harmony within the marital relationship and family dynamics.
Affliction to the 4th house (house of happiness and domestic life) and its lord, as it can influence domestic harmony and happiness within the marriage.
It is important to note that these combinations in themselves are not sure indicators of a bad marriage, and astrological interpretation should be done holistically considering the overall chart, dasha (planetary period) and transit. Additionally, personal experience and free will also play an important role in shaping one's marital life. You can contact us for more information 8595675042.
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astromancy-divinare · 3 months
Is there a way to use astrology to find out what age you’ll meet your soulmate? By any chance. Or is that not possible?
You can use Vimshottari Dashas to narrow down the time period of when you might meet your future spouse!
We meet many soulmates throughout our lives; they can be romantic partners, platonic friends and even family members.
In Vedic astrology Vimshottari Dashas are a predictive technique used to narrow down the timing of events. They consists of planetary periods in a person’s life that are ruled by one planet for several years; this is considered the main period and it’s called Mahadasha. Within that main period there are 9 sub-periods featuring the 7 traditional planets including Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (the South Node). Sub-periods are called Antardasha.
Depending on what planetary main period and sub-period you’re in will determine which houses in your natal chart are being activated and therefore can tell you what kind of events you may experience.
For example, the Mahadasha (main period) and/or the Antardasha (sub-period) of your 7th house lord or planets in the 7th house can tell you when you might get married.
Vimshottari Dashas online calculators offer ascendant based dashas and moon based dashas. The difference between the two are:
• Ascendant based dashas reflect physical/external changes
• Moon based dashas reflect emotional/internal changes
Most Vedic astrologers will primarily use moon based dashas, but I have seen for myself that both are accurate.
It’s important to not only check your Ascendant based dasha and your Moon based dasha for when the lord of your 7th house’s dasha will be running BUT ALSO the lord of your 7th house in your D9 Navamsa chart.
If it gets too confusing for you, I offer affordable Future Spouse readings that discuss:
Your tropical natal chart
Your sidereal natal chart
Your Upapada Lagna
Your D9 Navamsa chart
Your Vimshottari Dashas when you are most likely going to meet and marry your future spouse
Just DM me if you’re interested in a ✨Future Spouse✨ reading 🥰
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libbee · 7 months
Astrology of Goodbye
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I don't know how to see goodbye in chart. I will only share the stories of mine and my family's charts. This is in no way intended to guide someone else nor it is indication that everyone going through certain dasha will definitely undergo the same event. I only share dots I can connect from little knowledge I have.
Trigger warning: death, loss of parent, grief.
This happened in my Jupiter's mahadasha that I have been running since 2014. That year I started college. Definitely Jupiter is planet of blessings and it is luck and blessing to graduate and be able to use degree for job and livelihood. Then in Ketu's antardasha in 2022 that rules my 1st house, my father was diagnosed with a life threatening disease. For my father's chart, it happened in his Venus Mahadasha and Jupiter Antardasha. Jupiter rules his 8th house that has Saturn in it. It came to light out of nowhere, suddenly, although there was no prior hint.
On first impression, I thought Saturn in 8th house gives very long life, although it may not guarantee good quality of life. I had read that this placement can give chronic diseases. I assured my father that nothing will happen to him, trust me, this will pass for you, just keep taking medical treatment, you're only being tested by God. Once I asked him do you have faith in astrology papa? He said, I have faith in you. So I said, then trust me you will live a long life.
Time pass by, medical treatments do not work for him. One chemotherapy. Next radiotherapy. No change. Next immunotherapy. Next chemotherapy. Next chemotherapy. All these treatments for long months. He was not ready to give up. As you know each chemotherapy takes months for cycles then we wait for some days before body scan. It was test of patience and powerlessness. I stopped telling him astrology and stop seeing everything. In my culture, vedic astrology is a big thing so we consult my friend's father who sees charts. He says, is it in bones? Do not worry, nothing will happen to you, you will recover even without surgery.
Meanwhile, we do everything we know. Buying stones, doing rituals, long 9 days of rituals, donating food grains and consulting a family tantrik. My father's health deteriorates further. One day he tells me, look my skin looks so old, I look like I am 95 year old. Instantly it struck me that although he's young he indeed looks like he is very old because of the treatments and looks like he "lived a long life".
My obsession with studying the 8th house makes me realize that he is being compelled to take the path of Yogi. He eats nothing, drinks nothing, speaks nothing, cannot leave house, does not go to work, does not socialize. This means he is doing sadhana and it is spiritually important event. It is internal self destruction to the point of nothing, so that a big transformation can begin.
In rahu's antardasha and rahu pratyantardasha, dear father leaves his body and departs to the world of unknown. For me, it was my Venus' antardasha and rahu's pratyantardasha. For my mother, she was running rahu's mahadasha, rahu's antardasha and venus pratyantardasha. I have venus in my 8th house but it rules my 7th/12th house. My mother's 8th/1st house are ruled by Venus. Can you see the change in her identity, self image, social identity from this information? It makes some sense in hindsight.
So, this is the story of timeline of what happened and when. How my incomplete astro knowledge made me tell misinformation and false promise to my father. And why I will only stick to personality analysis and not predicting events in coming times. I have not touched astrology for last 7 or 8 months now. But today it feels like I need to take it seriously and begin learning things from scratch once again. Living in a rut will keep close to memories of past but life has to move on even if that means getting distant from memories and not thinking of the same things every single day.
Thank you to people who asked me in how I was doing. This community is very supportive and does not forget you though one may forget oneself. My best wishes to everyone.
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geeta1726 · 1 month
In Vedic astrology, what are the effects of the (4th house) Venus Ketu conjunction?
In Vedic astrology, the conjunction of Venus and Ketu in the 4th house can have various effects depending on the specific placement, aspects, and overall chart dynamics. Here are some general interpretations:
Spiritual and Mystical Insights: Ketu represents spiritual liberation, detachment, and enlightenment. When conjunct with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, it can indicate a deep longing for spiritual understanding and transcendence. Individuals with this conjunction may be drawn towards mystical experiences, meditation, and spiritual practices.
Challenges in Domestic Life: The 4th house represents home, family, and emotional security. Venus-Ketu conjunction here can disrupt the harmony in domestic life. There may be unconventional or unorthodox family dynamics, and individuals may feel detached or estranged from their family members. Relationship with the mother or maternal figures could be unconventional or marked by spiritual or karmic themes.
Unconventional Creativity: Venus signifies artistic expression and creativity. With Ketu's influence, there may be a unique, avant-garde approach to creativity. Individuals may excel in unconventional or niche artistic fields. They may also have a deep interest in esoteric or occult subjects, which can inspire their creative expression.
Challenges in Relationships: Venus-Ketu conjunction can create challenges in romantic relationships. There may be a tendency towards idealization or disillusionment in matters of love. Individuals may struggle with commitment or may attract partners who are unconventional or spiritually oriented. Relationships may go through periods of detachment or sudden endings.
Instability in Emotional Well-being: The 4th house is also associated with emotional stability and inner peace. With Venus-Ketu conjunction, there may be fluctuations in emotional well-being. Individuals may experience periods of deep introspection and withdrawal, followed by bursts of inspiration or detachment. It's essential for them to find grounding practices to maintain emotional balance.
Interest in Occult and Metaphysical Subjects: Ketu's influence can stimulate an interest in occult sciences, astrology, mysticism, and metaphysical studies. Individuals may have intuitive or psychic abilities and may be drawn towards exploring the deeper mysteries of life. They may seek unconventional sources of wisdom and spiritual guidance.
As always, the impact of any planetary combination can vary greatly depending on the overall chart, including the position of other planets, house rulership, aspects and dasha (planetary period) influences. For which you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 professional software and contact us for accurate information. 8595675042
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tara-girl · 7 months
Astrology-Mystery Of Rahu
Well, before we delve deeper into subject of Rahu, you have to understand what is Rahu in a person's birth chart.
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Bad Rahu- In terms of bollywood movie character, imagine Rahu to be Khilji character played by Ranveer Singh in Padmavat Movie. A dark character full of desires, wild,breaking norms of the society and using manipulation to achieve things. Due to his excessive obession for the beauty of a woman(with out her permisson/consent), he broke all the rules of the society.
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Good Rahu- Imagine a good Rahu impact to be Lawyer Govind- Character played by Sunny deol in Damini Movie. He was initially completely detached from his work of being a lawyer . But after a challenging situation appears, he once again stood up with his knowledge of law for the noble intention of fighting for justice to Damini.
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What is Rahu?
Rahu is obsession.
Rahu is illusion.
Rahu is attachment.
Rahu is desire.
Rahu is physical proof of invisible things.
Rahu is all about breaking rules of society.
Rahu is future.
Rahu is manipulative.
Rahu is materialistic.
To understand Rahu, you also have to understand Ketu because Rahu and Ketu have same body in which Rahu is Head and Ketu is remaining body.
What is Ketu?
Ketu is detachment.
Ketu is spirituality.
Ketu is past.
Ketu works in invisible way.
Ketu is boredom.
Ketu represents nothingness.
Ketu is formless.
Ketu is experience.
Benefits of Rahu
Rahu give magical results in all the houses depending upon where it's lord is sitting. For example, If the lord is sitting in 8th house, then you should go for mysterious work. Universe will give you all favors in that. And if the lord is sitting in 5th house then you should go for creativity and entertainment. Here universe will give all favors to you. And so on.
Remember Rahu can give you vertical rise if you will choose right path and will give vertical downfall ,if you will choose wrong path.
How to get benefits of Rahu?
To get benefits of Rahu, one needs to respect his Ketu. When you will run behind towards a desire/material thing/goal, you will not get it specially in Rahu and Ketu Maha dasha or Antar dasha.
Rahu can give magical results if the person will have noble intentions, neither attached with the future desires and nor detached with past experiences. But should hold his past experiences for the noble intentions.
Note: If Rahu sits alone ,then it will work much better than it's sits or aspected by other planets.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Ketu in various houses
Ketu is the Dragon’s tail or a headless body hence Blind planet , Ketu is a follower4 not a leader as per Vedic Astrology. If it is placed favorably in your chart, this Dasha makes you more spiritual. Ketu Mahadasha prolongs for almost 7 years.Ketu boosts one’s involvement in spiritual tasks and gives inner strength to the native. You may begin to channelize your energy and time towards philosophical subjects, virtuous pursuits, worshipping, and practicing Ayurveda.Native moves towards spiritual liberation during Ketu activation as one feels detached from the material world and more inclined towards occult realms, things beyond common understanding.You may also enjoy a lot of domestic comforts and luxuries during this time.You might feel religiously inclined and your interest in Yoga and meditation increases during this period.Ketu also boosts one’s inclination towards travel.Sometimes, Ketu also causes unwanted fears and confusion, pain in the legs, stomach issues, mental strain, accidents, fear from poison, weapons, etc.
Ketu in 1st-  As Ketu is a blind planet native feel confused about how his personality is, often try to copy others in search of their own identity. The native may prefer isolation and be highly spiritual or seeking liberation.
Ketu in 2nd- As ketu gives confusion the communication of the native may be confusing.Native may issues in teeth like decayed or cavity etc. At some point of time native may have to get separated from his or her Family/ Children or Homeland. Ketu gives good money in 2nd house but less savings.
Ketu in 3rd- Native may lose friends easily or can be highly misunderstood by his friends, also native may lose his education degree, may have work in a field that has less relationship with his work. 
Ketu in 4th- Natives’s mother can be sick mentally or Native may face trouble during early childhood or Native may face trouble because of house or property.  This placement give rise to the desire of helping and protecting Masses and family. Mother can be absent from life of native.
Ketu in 5th - Native may face trouble in progeny, miscarriage, abortions are common with this placement or there may be separation from children, also there can be obstacles in natives or break in education.
Ketu in 6th - This is not a very good placement for career and health or both , as the native may have hidden disease may affect native. Maternal uncle and aunts are source of trouble to mother. Native may have a lot of hidden knowledge. Because of health issues native face trouble in maintaining friendship and education too plus this will effect natives career too.
Ketu in 7th - Spouse is a loner, recluse, spiritual too and generally is not a peoples person. or socially awkward at times, making them unaware of social life 
Ketu in 8th - Kidney related issues, separation or problems from in laws. Wife may have cut on face. Gains from inlaws during wedding.
Ketu in 9th- Native may find it hard in finding right Guru. Guru May sometime cheat native or use them. Father of Native will not behave as a father figure he may be busy with his own life. Native will learn a lot through books and friends
Ketu in 10th- Native is always confused about career, native may try multiple professions, native will not have a very good reputation. Native behave in a dominating manner and is socially awkward and later regret and sometimes native behave too sensitively and later regret again.
Ketu in 11th - Native gives money and favour to people but it hardly gets returned. Native has multiple sources of income and too many sudden gains. Native can go in a profession of their maternal grandfather.
Ketu in 12th- Native may have insomnia or may always feel sleepy.  Native may have troublesome imagination and may have frequent nightmares.
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youremyheaven · 14 days
hey! kind of off topic but i'm about to finish my rahu mahadasha that i've been in for almost my whole ass life and i'd like to share some of the things i experienced during it. it's not all bad of course, but i personally have found it very hard and if i had seen more people talk about the ugly side of the transit, i think it would've given me a lot of comfort!
(small disclaimer i'm like Pretty Sure these things are caused by the transit based off what i know about rahu, but of course they could be from something else, i'm not an expert at astrology so this stuff is mostly anecdotal. also, my rahu is in pisces in the 11th)
1. Moving and travelling a LOT. not necessarily a bad thing, but as i went into this transit at 3 years old, i never really had a "childhood home" because we moved genuinely every year and sometimes multiple times a year. i think i've moved 12 times since 2020 across cities and countries. on the more positive side, i have gotten to travel a LOT in my life, all across europe and south america, as well as every corner of my home country.
2. TREMENDOUS issues in schooling. i've heard rahu can cause issues with schooling, but oh my gosh i didn't think it would be THAT hard. from the very day i started preschool i hated every second of schooling, the teachers, other kids, the work itself, just absolutely everything about the schooling experience. it got so bad that i started homeschooling in grade 7 due to the anxiety about just... everything. it's almost hard to explain, but just the thought of merely being in a school makes me sick.
3. excelling at foreign languages. not to toot my own horn, but i have always had a knack for learning languages. since i was homeschooled, i had lots of freedom to learn what i wanted at my own pace (which is the silver lining with my school issues), and i always gravitate towards language learning! i'm fluent in two languages, and proficient in 2 more. for a while, my main hobby was learning/decoding other alphabets.
4. social isolation/difficulty . now i'm aware rahu isn't typically associated with isolation like ketu is, so this is mostly anecdotal. since it's in my 11th house, i feel like it's hindered my ability to make friends. however, the friends i do have are foreign to me and majority live in a different country. so again, double edged sword. i definitely had major social isolation issues from ages 12-17. like borderline agoraphobia. and after that when i did make friends, i often found they turned out to be somehow not what i thought (rahu and his love for deception 🙃)
5. mental issues. from what i've read, rahu is associated with obsessive behaviour and delusions. i have ocd, autism, and struggle with anxiety. as a child, i also had frequent nightmares and would have inexplicable paranoia at night as well as a fear of the dark (which i still have at 21 lol)
6. things just not working out. kind of a vague statement i know, but as rahu can decieve you about what you want, i've found so much of my time being wasted by trying new hobbies or meeting new people or trying new lifestyles just for them to straight up fail or turn out to be way worse than what i thought. an example of this would be when i was ~12 i started ballet thinking i was gonna love it and it would be so awesome, but it gave me an eating disorder (obsessive tendencies yk) and i was also ostracized by the teachers and other kids.
those are some of the things i experienced, again it hasn't been the worst per se (especially compared to what certain dashas can do to you lorddd) but as i said i was really confused for a while about what the heck was going on with my life since my rahu dasha was allegedly supposed to be so good, and knowing the darker side of it would've definitely given me some understanding <3
tysm for sharing your experiences, i hope it helps others who are going through similar times <333
people remark on how 'critical' i am of planets/nakshatras or how 'dark' the things i talk about are but truth be told, wouldn't you rather know? i think i trigger the shadow of many people because they want to believe darkness does not reside within every single planet and nak and no one is exempt from behaving a certain way.
to anybody reading, dont be afraid of difficulties and darkness, its a part of life, certain dashas can be vv tough but true purification of that planet's energies is achieved through overcoming challenges associated with it. ride the waves that come your way.
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earth-psyche · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Pt.2
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➡️The Planets and their Time Period
In Vedic astrology, their is a concept of MAHADASHA which means the period of time that a planet is going to be active in a person's horoscope. The active planet shows its effects in the native's life for that time period and in whichever house that planet is in house also activates. This mahadasha is only found in vedic type horoscope.💯
So in this post we will talk about the time duration of each planet along with the order they follow(their arrival one after other.)🐿️
Note:- Vimshottari Dasha is said to be of 120 years.
1. Sun- 6 years (fame, fortune)☀️
2. Moon- 10 years (emotions, feeling)🌙
3. Mars- 7 years (passion, aggression)🔥
4. Rahu- 18 years (desires, ambitions)💭
5. Jupiter- 16 years (blessings, expansion)✈️
6. Saturn- 19 years (lessons, restrictions)🌱
7. Mercury- 17 years (interaction, logic)🧠
8. Ketu- 7 years (spirituality, let go)😇
9. Venus- 20 years (beauty, money)🤑
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Thats all for today, for more posts as such, stay in touch...ilysm💕
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Making Spirituality Real Vedic Astrology Masterpost
A list of references linking directly to my Writing strictly on Vedic Astrology.
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Return to General Masterpost Here.
Nakshatra Masterpost
Vedic Basics
Bhava Karakas - Decoding Astrological House Potential
Case Study of Mula Galactic Center Ayanamsa
Dharma, Atma, Kama, Moksha - Your Soul’s Desire
Introduction to Nakshatras
Nakshatra Gana - Deva, Rakshasa, Manushya
Nakshatra Planetary Rulerships and their Meaning
Natural Planetary Sight in the Chart - Derivative Houses / Parashara’s Aspects
Vedic Astrology - The Ultimate Truth for the Worthy?
What do you talk about in your private readings and can they be Vedic ?
What does a Karaka (producer) Mean in Vedic Astrology?
What is a Yoga Karaka planet?
Why Vedic Astrology will convince you Astrology is Real
Dasha Periods and Divisionals
Aries Planets in the Natal Chart and Divisional Charts - Break Ups and Blow Ups
Ashtakavarga Scores - how to “save” your low scoring planets
D9 Chart Activation Myth
Dasha Period Analysis Special - Planets Activated by Nakshatra Rulership
Dasha Periods - Natural Nakshatra Flow in your life
Interpreting Rahu and Ketu in context of Navamsa
Moola Dasha vs Nakshatra Dasha - Your Individual Planetary Timing
The Advantages of Divisional Charts in Vedic Astrology
Transit Influence on D9 Chart - An Important, yet often skipped Aspect of Vedic Astrology
Rahu and Ketu
A Psychological Study of Rahu Mentality
Don’t Confuse Rahu Influence for Uranus Influence!
How does the Rahu “illusion” work?
How the Rahu - Ketu Axis matures throughout life - Development of Dispositor Houses
How to use the Lunar Nodes correctly?
Human Fears of Profitable Rahu
Ketu is a Graha that looks both Inwards and Backwards.
Ketu - Picky Like a Boss
Ketu = Ruled by Virgo?
Rahu and Ketu both rule Different Types of Challenges.
Rahu and Ketu - Juxtaposition of their emotional responses to stressful situations
Rahu - Cold Blood
Rahu - Impressionable and Impressive
Rahu in our Charts is Where we have a Tendency to Rebel at all Costs, Sometimes Without a Cause
Rahu vs Lakshmi - Money, abundance and greed
Strong Nodal influence, even Malefic, is one of the Main Factors of being in the public eye. “Rags to Riches”.
Study of Source of Ketu’s Struggles
The Difference Between Rahu and Ketu lies in the Element of Fear.
The Nodal Axis and the Morality Conflict
The Nodes - Ascesis Vs Hedonism
The Nodes - Spiritual Failsafe
The Nodes - Suffering while Caring
The Nodes of The Moon Filter Your Perception, Just like the Moon Itself
The Positive and Desirable quality of Rahu is its Ability to Create an Atmosphere in the Physical World.
Using your Instincts to Master Rahu and Ketu
Venus and Lunar Nodes interplay - Your Karmic Relationship Score
Which planet is Ketu most compatible with?
Why is Rahu friends with Mercury?
Always Judge Saturn Retrograde Periods by Retrogrades of other Planets in Saturn’s Karaka Houses Relative to the Ascendant.
Artha Houses (2, 6, 10) and Moksha Houses (4, 8, 12) require a completely opposite approach.
Don’t Panic if a Major Astrology Transit Starts and you don’t see any immediate changes.
Malefics Teach You Boundaries
Moksha Houses Contain within them an Interesting Conundrum.
Natal Jupiter Ketu Conjunction - A Risk for Every Blessing
Of all the Grahas where we Feel out of Control, Ketu and Saturn areas are where you Carry the Most Burden.
Planetary Stages of the game of Morality
Rahu and Saturn Create a Unique Blend of Pressure and Fear.
Saturn is the first Nakshatra stage where we experience genuine success. It’s our moment of triumph.
The Planetary Dynamic of Existing Within Society
The Power of Individuating
There are Very Specific Stages to Solid Manifestation, that are Achieved Between Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn Arcs.
The Transition between Rahu and Jupiter Redefines the Idea of Greatness.
Using the Right Colors for your dominant Nakshatra can Change your Life
Vedic Astrology Fashion Observation
Why are 2nd and 7th Houses called “Maraka”?
Your Chart is How you End Up
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Dasha Sequence in Vedic Astrology
Ketu - 7 years
Venus - 20 years
Sun- 6 years
Moon -10 years
Mars- 7 years
Rahu- 18 years
Jupiter- 16 years
Saturn- 19 years
Mercury- 17 years
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lilithbaeastro · 2 years
Random placement result in vedic astrology [basics]
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🍒 Having strong rahu positioned can make you life better even after other negative placements
Especially Rahu in 6H
🍒 Having Rahu in 1H, it gives hard tym to individual to settle down in work/financially on stable base.
Surely Rahu in 1H ,all alone but, makes the native have RAJ YOG but that too is not permanent.
🍒Venus in 12H gives the luxurious life of millionaire.
The degree of it could tell how high that would be. The higher the degree, higher the dollars $$$$$
🍒 Having a good satrun (Shani) can make one's hard work in labour type of work paid.
They usually like themselves working in labour kinda jobs (not typically labour but even if you have a business you don't sit but do many things on their own) but in very few cases they don't. But their hard work actually pays off that to quickly.
🍒 The hardest dasha is of Rahu😮‍💨 (especially the first and last 6 years of it. But the middle 6 years may also give to alotttttttt {but the last 6 takes all of that back too:)}
Ik by now I've written mostly about Rahu but bro he is the hardest one to deal with. Satrun is a tough one who gives you hard experience in that particular area but it definitely pays back the hard work and after that hard period there is a stagnant steep rise in that area too but that's not the case with Rahu. It may forever give a hard tym to you. It's always said either that dasha never comes on one's lifetime or that it comes and goes in childhood. { He is the kinda king of demons 🙄 how good you expect him to be?}
🍒Most eclipse are malefic, but ketu/rahu conjunction with moon is💀
Someone I know have ketu-moon in 3H
Bro😭😭 I really feel bad for her, her relationship with her mother 💀, her image in school 💀, she can't get settlement in her own motherland but also she doesn't have any dasha to make her to move out of her place💀,her communication is so rude that no one likes to interact with her💀😭 and many more:)
🍒 Rohini nakshatra PPL are sooooooooooooooooooooo pretty like the most beauty defining words are😮‍💨 nothing for them. Especially moon 🌝Lord Krishna also was one of them😭>>>>
🍒Mars in 10H is exalted and make one passionate, ambitious and give big achievement to them in their own fields but if 3H & 5H are empty with that placement:)😮‍💨❤️‍🔥 You are blessed to have that. (Marrying at later age will definitely improve the results of it)
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amoonalls · 2 years
please write a post on paranormal encounters, esoteric, supernatural, otherworldly experiences of 8th house.
Occults Aspects of 8th House
8th house indeed deals with all paranormal, supernatural, esoteric, and everything since it's domain of 8th house along with 8th house. However, not every 8th house natives even stellium will experience that
People who experience those supernatural problems usually have more vulnerable placements in their life. For ex is Pisces/12th house placements or Cancer placements sometimes. Neptune in 8th house too may make the natives become more vulnerable to supernatural attacks. But there are indeed plenty of 8th house natives don't experience that at all on personal level
But what 8th house natives have in common is that they have brush of occult worlds even if they are not deep into that. Can be as simple as living around people who practice occult, experience that, talking about that, seeing ghosts, but nothing more malicious than that. What I mean as malicious is when the native experience supernatural attacks that can come in many forms: jinx, hex, entities attached, inherited entities from bloodlines, and so many things
Usually for extreme case like supernatural attacks happen is also indicated by transit that happen in native's chart. For example, transiting Pluto conjunct the natives' planets in 8th house or 12th house. In vedic, Ketu or Saturn dasha may be able to cause this effect though usually it depends on placemsnts of Ketu and Saturn. This can also be activated by the synastry of the native and the person who send jinx or hex. Usually they have 8th house, 12th house synastry and/or heavy Pluto/Neptunian energy. For malefic situations to happen in astrology standpoint, there has to be combination from various ways: native's own natal chart, transit or dashas period, and the synastry/composite between the natives and the culrpit who do that to the natives
But as we are talking about this, I do wish that none of my readers here practice black magic in order to hurt other people. Let the karmas do that naturally without you having to participate that. Based on what I hear from people who are expertise in this, it can harm your descendants and whole bloodline.
Hope that helps!
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subir-astrologer · 3 months
The native wants to know if she has child birth yoga as per Vedic astrology in her horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 24-04-1990 at 11:52 pm in Bangalore, Karnataka, India and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows Dhanu lagna / Sagittarius ascendant with rahu and Saturn in 2nd house, venus n mars in 3rd house, mercury sun n moon in 5th house, Jupiter in 7th house and ketu in 8th house.
The moon is in Ashwini nakshatra in mesh rashi / moon in aries sign and the current ruling mahadasha is moon.
In order to learn about the child birth yoga in the horoscope of the native, one need to study the 5th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha lord will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 5th cuspal sublord is Jupiter and its signifying 1,3 and 6th house in the planet level, rahu signifying 1 and 2nd house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying 1 and 2nd house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
The current ruling mahadasha is moon and its signifying 4 and 8th house in the planet level as well as in the sublord level and ketu signifying 1,2,4,7 and 8th house in the nakshatra level.
Moon is in conjunction with sun signifying 4th house.
From the analysis I conclude that there is no child birth yoga ( child birth in normal way ) in the horoscope and so the native should seek expert doctor’s guidance and follow their advice.
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