earth-psyche · 1 year
Astro Simplified Pt. 1
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➡️Zodiac Signs and Body Parts
So today while i was going through some astro posts, i realised that there could be major curiosity among some astro newbies regarding some astrology concepts. So i decided to make astrology simple for you.💕
So for that purpose in this post we will talk about which body part is ruled by which zodiac sign.🌷
So there are 12 zodiac signs and their respective body part, which are as follows:-
1. ♈Aries- Head, Face, Brain, Eyes👁️
2. ♉Tauras- Neck, Throat, Vocals👅
3. ♊Gemini- Nervous system, Hands, Shoulder, Arms, Fingers, Lungs🤚
4. ♋Cancer- Chest, Stomach, Womb, Pectoral muscles, Breasts🍒
5. ♌Leo- Heart, Upper back, Spine, Spinal column💕
6. ♍Virgo- Digestive track(Intestines), Abdomen🔥
7. ♎Libra- Lower back, Kidney, Skin🍑
8. ♏Scorpio- Reproductive organs, Excretory organs, Bowels🚽
9. ♐Sagittarius- Thighs, Legs, Pituitary gland, Liver🦵
10. ♑Capricorn- Bones, Joints, Teeth🦷🦴
11. ♒Aquarius- Ankel, Calves, Circulatory system🦶
12. ♓Pisces- Feet, Toes, Lymphatic system, Body fat👣
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Thats all for today loves...stay in touch for more...ilysm💕
This post is Simplified from the article by the website (liveabout.com). The pictures used are not mine. 💕
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tigerpearlsworld · 2 months
~~~Songs for each zodiac ~~~
So this post is about the theme song of each Zodiac. its for fun and entertainment purpose. sorry if my English is bad
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Aries - Chun-Li (Nicky Minaj)
Tauras - Good Looking (Suki Waterhouse)
Gemini - August (intelligency)
Cancer - Fetish (selena gomez)
Leo - sorry not sorry (Demi Lovato)
Virgo - Sunsetz (cigarette after sex)
Libra - Paint the town red (Doja Cat)
Scorpio - Mind Games (Sickick)
Sagittarius - iris (The Goo Goo Dolls)
Capricorn - Chanel (Frank Ocean)
to be continued..
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bhoomikakalam · 4 months
कैसे होते है, वृषभ राशि के लोग |The Bull's Influence in Astrology & Life |Remedies By Bhoomika Kalam
वृषभ राशि के लोग बहोत मेहनती होते है क्यकि इनका चिन्ह होता है "बैल"। और ये लोग बहोत परिश्रमी होते है। कार्य में सतत लगे रहना इनका स्वाभाव होता है। ये लोग अपने करियर ( आजीविका ) को लेकर भी बहोत मेहनती और दृढ निश्चयी होते है। लेकिन इनका शुक्र इन्हे बुद्धिमत्ता देता है और पृथ्वी तत्त्व स्थिरता देता है। ये लोग सर्वगुण सम्पन्न कहलाए जा सकते है। इस राशि के लोग कठोर से कठोर फैसले लेने में माहिर होते हैं. वृषभ राशि के लोगों को अनुशासन पसंद होता है. इस राशि के लोग दिल से सच्चे होते हैं और हर किसी की मदद करने के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहते हैं. वृषभ राशि वाले अपने सिद्धांतों के प्रति काफी अडिग रहते हैं। इस राशि के लोग अपनी पक्ष मजबूती से रखते है। इसीलिए इन लोहो को तामसिक भोजन से बचना चाहिए यही इनके लिए सबसे अच्छा उपाय है।भगवान शिव की उपासना करना इनके लिए सबसे अच्छा होता है।
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eshwaryaa · 1 year
Introduction Neptune retrograde is an astrological event that occurs when the planet Neptune appears to be moving backward in its orbit. This phenomenon has a profound impact on our lives and can influence various aspects of our zodiac signs. In this article, we will explore how Neptune retrograde in 2023 will affect each zodiac sign. Get ready to discover how this celestial event will shape…
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heyitsdoe · 10 months
Hey Doe! How have you been? May I request how Doflamingo, Luffy, Mihawk, and Kid would propose to their s/o, please?
Of course, of course! Thank you for the request and I hope these are to your liking <3
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Donquixote Doflamingo
His proposal will come much sooner than one might expect. He's less concerned about whether he'll love you for the rest of his life and more worried about the off-chance you may leave his side. You're an asset to keep, a trusted companion. It would be foolish not to ensure your continued presence.
And the strangest thing is, his intent to propose will come on a complete whim. A passing thought, a trifling fancy. But for as sudden as the idea comes to mind, Doflamingo is incredibly unwavering in how right he feels it to be.
A keen eye may notice the way he just gazes at you in the days before he chooses to propose, watching and calculating when the best time would be. Doflamingo doesn't like being unprepared for any encounter, even something as seemingly trivial as this. Ensuring the highest chance of success, he'll bide his time, seeking the opportune moment.
He'll take you somewhere special, somewhere high up above the kingdom to give you a view breathtaking enough that you can't find it in your heart to say no.
He's not one to get on his knees if he can help it. When would a king kneel for others, after all? He still has his immense pride and ego. Rather, he'll simply slip the extraordinarily intricate ring upon your finger while standing beside you. Partners, neither of you deferring to the other.
"By my side, you'll never want for anything. A kingdom at your fingertips, subordinates to carry out your every whim...a king to warm your bed each evening. My devotion is yours, if you so choose it. Say yes, Y/N."
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Monkey D. Luffy
Marriage was never something that Luffy truly thought about. What was the point in a ring and a ceremony if he already called you his anyway? Truthfully, if asked about it, he'd reject the idea of marriage simply because it seemed to imply freedoms being taken away.
But after thinking it over long and hard—it wasn't as if there was anyone else he'd rather have in his life, so really the stifling aspect that was so often associated with it didn't matter much—Luffy could see the appeal.
Being able to make sure he could have you all himself, with no one else to contest that...well, the selfish part of him couldn't deny that sounded good. But of course, being the carefree and unconventional man he was, you weren't going to get the standard proposal either.
Asking the crew for advice was possibly the worst decision he could have made, given they all had different ideas on the best way to go about it. Anywhere from a shipload of flowers and chocolate and singing doves (Sanji and Franky's input, of course) to just outright telling you the two of you were married because it was easier that way (Zoro), he was left pretty much no closer to a solution than before.
So, he figures when he felt the time was right, in the heat of the moment, he'd just ask, plain and simply. It was a very 'Luffy' way of doing things.
"Hey, Y/N...we should get married. They have meat at weddings, don't they? And big parties and cake? Brook can play the music and Franky can make us some rings. It'll be a pirate wedding, right on the Sunny! Huh? A suit? Why do I need that?"
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Dracule Mihawk
If you've loved Dracule Mihawk for any length of time, you'd already be aware that he is not a man to be rushed. Just as skill in swordsmanship is something to be learned and honed over years of dedication, so too is a relationship with him. And marriage is simply a next step in that slow timeline.
You'll practically feel married already, before he ever gets around to asking that oh-so important question. The two of you are so damn domestic and secure to begin with, at times you forget that he isn't actually your legally-recognized husband. A slip up he too can make in kind on your behalf. And it's in those moments that Mihawk remembers he hasn't actually asked you for your hand yet. Hmm. Odd.
It's a mixture of curiosity, a particularly boring afternoon, and a sudden feeling of foolishness that has him making his mind up to ask for your hand. Foolishness that it'd taken so long to begin with to think that you may be waiting, hoping, wanting something more tangible, something more recognized from him.
He doesn't go to great pains to make the day special. No, that would simply make you suspicious and liable to ask questions he didn't have plausible answers to. Rather, it's as any other day before it had been. Chores, the occasional walk along the island's shoreline, and time set aside to read or have time to yourselves. Quite perfect already in your eyes.
You're convinced that the question would never come, had made peace with that unfortunate missing piece in the relationship, when he's suddenly producing a ring from his pocket and holding it for you to inspect under the brilliant rays of a moonlit night, some wine and the lilting melody of your favorite song on the tone dial on the hearth.
"I suppose this question is more a formality than anything, I already consider you my life-long partner. But I've come to realize that you may indeed feel something missing, without a ring to symbolize how we care for one another. So saying, will you marry me, Y/N?"
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Eustass Kid
For as brash and resolutely stubborn a man as Kid can be, when it comes to matters of the heart, he's decidedly less steadfast. Marriage was a big next step, and he couldn't seem to truly convince himself it was what he wanted. Simply put, Kid suffered from a reasonably perpetual fear of commitment.
The fear didn't come from a distrust of you. Absolutely not. But time and happenstance changed a person. You could change. He himself could change. Who was to say you both liked who the two of you turned out to be by this journey's end? It would be devastating to feel regret for something that might have felt so right at a point in the past.
After a lot of self-reflection, drunken nights standing up on the deck of the ship on his own, and some surprisingly personal conversations with his first mate, Kid figured that he was just fearful of changing the relationship you already shared. But the possibility of what more you could experience and cherish as a married couple was worth the risk.
A ring made from his own two hands would speak more to the feelings he held for you in his heart. Kid was not a man of words. This he recognized. So, perhaps where his inadequate words failed, the fruits of his labors and hard work would suffice. It's a project he spends weeks on, and in the end he knows he'll never truly be satisfied that it's good enough. But after buffing and shining and second guessing himself so many times, he knows he's just postponing and stalling by now.
This poor man is not particularly skilled at masking when something is bothering him or when he has a secret. You tell right away that day that something's up, but no matter how many times you ask what is on his mind, he denies that anything is wrong or different about him. It's only after he insists on dining alone with you that night, with a candle lit on the table between you, and Killer preparing a fancier dinner than usual for you, does he come clean.
"Don't laugh, Y/N...I'm no good with words, you know that. So, I hope that this ring is proof enough that you mean everything to me. My second dream, other than being the King of the Pirates, is to see you next to me every day until we're six feet under somewhere. I hope that's your dream too, so...you'll marry me, right?"
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twilightronin · 7 months
Beautiful Wrestlers: Down for the Count - Hiroyuki Nasu 1984
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rabdoidal · 6 months
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i. fragment 24 by sappho ii. [-161] Now we’re all sons of bitches. by @asoftersea
more art of my dnd character cassandra and my friend @eon-elirium's character lockne! the first is them hanging out pre-campaign doing their normal thing (lockne weaving and cassie reading out loud from a book), and the second is cassie having a typical family trauma nightmare
🧵🩸 kofi link in bio if you’re feeling generous 🩸 🧵
some sketches under the cut:
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dreadsuitsamus · 9 months
Hey Ellie! I hope you’re doing good! May I please request sfw prompts #39 and #13 with Vegeta? I got hit with the mood of wanting something soft with Vegeta out of nowhere.
Slow | Vegeta x Reader |
#13- "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
#39- "Why are you scared of loving?"
author's note: something soft with vegeta? sign me the hell up 🫡🫡 this is also (i believe) the second to last request i have remaining from the prompt lists requests, since i lost the lists 🫠
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: brief mentions of canon typical violence and death, no dialogue
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Stargazing with Vegeta wasn't a new pastime of yours, but it's always somehow felt so special to sit with your prince in the darkened silence, watching the twinkles above you with no one around to interrupt. It's been a long time of this, with plenty lost along the way, but time and time again you've proven your strength to match up to his and that's why you've remained his second for so long.
You find that your eyes keep slipping to look at him rather than the dipper before you, however.
Oh, how he's changed after all this time. He used to be horrific, cruel even for a Saiyan. He was even unbothered by Frieza's annihilation of your home planet! And now he's at ease, though not without an occasional princely tantrum every now and then. Having his ass absolutely handed to him on Earth ended up yielding results you never could have seen coming; perhaps his death on Namek played the biggest role in his changing ways.
Though it was temporary and will continue to be should he perish again, you'll never quite recover from the scars his death left on you.
Vegeta shifts just a tad, his arm brushing against yours as you both lean on the large rock. It's wide and tall, slanted and perfect for gazing at the stars or clouds alike. It's as if destiny curated this spot just for you and your Prince of all Saiyans— you've never once seen or sensed another soul here.
Goosebumps cover your skin at the vague touch. He's attractive, no doubt, and you've seen him damn near naked more than once and vice versa, but the proximity is a thousand times more intimate and only ever occurs here. Any other time, without this setting, you and Vegeta are both highly prone to distance from the world and each other.
You're certainly best friends, having lived through what feels like three separate lifetimes together. And at one point, it seemed this barrier had the potential to lift. Post-Namek, things were… Gentler. Vegeta had hugged you for the first time, and you remember it more fondly than you'd like to.
There's a solid few taps on the door to the bedroom Bulma's given you, and you don't need to recognize the strength behind it to know it's Vegeta. It's late, well past midnight even, and perhaps he's also finding it hard to sleep on the too-soft bed. You can hardly stand to even sit on it, though you've been seated at the end of it ever since the shower you took in the extravagant bathroom connected to your new bedroom.
"Come in."
He enters quietly, not even a word spoken as he crosses the room to join you. The bed dips as he takes his place to your left, and together you stare at the carpet. This place is much different from Planet Vegeta, of which your memories hold an unfavorable fog, or any Frieza Station. There's no tyrant to obey, no missions to fulfill… The world is yours to claim on terms you get to create, for the first time in your thirty years of life.
Will you and Vegeta have those same terms, though? Or for the first time in both of your lives, will you navigate entirely alone?
Vegeta's arm moves around your shoulders, tugging you close enough for him to rest his cheek atop your head, and your lips curl just a bit for the first time in quite a while.
A breeze rolls through and you shiver despite your hot-blooded Saiyan nature. Unbothered by the chill himself, Vegeta tugs off the jacket he's wearing and drapes it over your shoulders. Wearing a small smile, you give his arm a gentle pat.
You find it difficult to believe the man before you is the man you once knew— though he can probably say the same about you. You were his favorite warrior, slitting throats and tearing things apart with your bare hands right alongside him, and now you care for the son he had out of wedlock with Bulma as if the boy was your own.
Vegeta being a father in itself has been hard to believe at times. But just as he's grown as a man, his fatherhood journey has been complex and constantly changing too. In the beginning he chose not to acknowledge the child at all, not until you swiftly nipped it in the bud at least, though one thing you absolutely could not (and wouldn't dream of attempting to) change was his lack of commitment to Bulma herself. Truthfully, it's probably for the best that they co-parent rather than cohabitate as husband and wife.
She's got it all, though. Money, beauty and fame, his firstborn child even. Why he hesitates, you may just never know.
Looking away from the sky and in the face of the man that's already looking at you, his normally sharp features softer than usual and illuminated by the stars and dwindling fire you lit hours ago. You're left to simply stare and wonder as far as your mind can take you.
Why are you scared of loving, Prince? You think to yourself as Vegeta's knuckles brush against you lightly in his effort to adjust his jacket over you properly.
To himself, Vegeta muses something he may never gain the ability to say aloud.
I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much.
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cookie-nom-nom · 9 months
[“But I’m not even human.” 
Miles shrugged. “Human is as human does.” He forced himself to reach out and touch her damp cheek. “Animals don’t weep, Nine.”
She jerked, as if from electric shock. “Animals don’t lie. Humans do. All the time.”
“Not all the time.”
“Prove it.” She tilted her head as she sat cross-legged, her pale gold eyes were suddenly burning. Speculative. 
“Uh, sure. How?”
“Take off your clothes.”
“Take off your clothes and lay with me as humans do, men and women.” Her hand reached out to touch his throat. The pressing claws made little wells in his flesh.
“Urp?” choked Miles. His eyes felt wide as saucers. A little more pressure and those wells would spring out red fountains. I’m about to die. 
She stared into his face with a strange, frightening, bottomless hunger. Then, abruptly, she released him. He sprang up and cracked his head on the low ceiling and dropped back down, the stars in his eyes unrelated to love at first sight. Her lips wrinkled back on a fanged groan of despair. “Ugly,” she wailed, her clawed nails raked across her cheeks, leaving furrows. “Too ugly. Animal. You don’t think I’m human.” She seemed to swell with some destructive resolve. 
“No no no!” Gibbered Miles, lurching to his knees and grabbing her hands and pulling them down. “It’s not that, it’s just— how old are you, anyway?” 
Miles instantly recoiled, cracking his head on the ceiling again because those who didn’t learn history were doomed to repeat it, as Commodore Tung was fond of reminding him. Immediately her eyes narrowed, a snarl creeping over her sharp teeth. “You don’t think I’m human enough,” she accused, voice still husky from disuse. “I knew it.” Her claws slipped back up to the scratches on her damp face, and he jolted forward, batting them down again in a reckless manner. 
“No, it’s not that,” Miles insisted, eyeing the way her claws were curling into fists about the same size as his entire face. “You’re a child! I can’t do that.”
“My life expectancy was barely a few years. The rest of the projects have been long dead.”
“Well, it’s still wrong in human years, which is the point. There’s plenty of other tests for humanity, anyways.” Sex was by no means the epitome of human existence. “What about Socrates? Human choice motivated by the desire for happiness? Or, oh, what was that test for AI centuries ago? The Tuning Test? That would work too.” He didn’t remember what it actually entailed. “There’s many tests. You yourself said only humans lie. By your own logic, lie, ergo, human. Human is as human does.” That’s what he’d meant it to be applied to, anyway. 
Her eyes narrowed. “None of those prove your belief to me. I still like my test.” Well, naturally. [Sixteen. God. He remembered sixteen. Sex obsessed and dying every minute.] 
[“Aren’t you a little young for this?” he tried hopefully.] She started a protest, but he continued. “It’s illegal. There. I applied human laws to you.” Probably a first for Jackson’s Hole. “I also just offered you a job, and regulations ban interrank romantic interactions.” No matter how much he might want to with one particular Eli Quinn...
The power dynamic was entirely wrong, between his age and rank and the fact he was beginning to suspect he was about to rescue this girl. Or, hell, look at it the other way, at the underlying threat that he must prove he believed her human or die. It was a messed up power imbalance from nearly every angle. 
A crumpled look crossed her wolfish features. Miles tried to console her. One for it being the Vorish, gentlemanly thing to do, and two because while he thought it unlikely she’d kill him at this point, he still didn’t want to increase his chances. “I’m probably the first nice face you’ve seen in a while. Don’t settle for me simply since I got here first. There are plenty of suitable partners once you get out of this basement. Which, reminder, we’re in a hostile environment surrounded by enemies. We still need to escape.” 
Moroseness slumped her features. “It’s impossible. I stopped trying years ago. And…” a shudder ran down her strong back, ears flattening. “...they don’t like it when you try,” she said lowly. “They wouldn’t do this to me if I was human.”
“Eh, actually they would. I mean, I’m human, and I’m down here, aren’t I? I’ve been deemed subhuman before. It hurts when they think it’d be a mercy to ‘put you out of your misery’.” He was going to strangle that scientist.
She gave him an odd look, scrutinizing him more thoroughly. “You don’t look like Jacksonian work. And you said you’re human. Why isn’t that enough for them?” 
Miles spread his hands wide, a wry expression crossing his features. “Ah, but I’m a mutant. A weakling. A curse from God upon my father’s house for every sin they can think to lay at his feet. They will find anything and everything they can to hold against you, Nine, no matter what it is that makes you different. Eight feet tall or four foot nine, unmatched strength or bones of glass; they will despise you either way. Well damn their notion of being born wrong because I intend to be ten times the man they ever could be.”
“Then it’s hopeless.” 
“If you want it to be handed to you, yes. You can’t rely on someone else to give you your humanity, because that implies they can revoke it at any time. It’s a value you have to find within yourself.” It sounded like some pithy Betan advice he would’ve picked up from his mother. “With your test, you wanted your body to feel human. But what about your soul, Nine?” He paused. “No, we need a name for you. I can’t be calling you a number like some type of lab rat.” Something strong and pretty, like her. He fell into that well of old earth philosophy he had initially fallen back on. Socrates, the Greeks, the like. When he finally found the name, it seemed perfect for the girl called a monster and trapped deep in the heart of a labyrinth of labs. Wasn’t Miles intended to be some blood sacrifice to her as well? And hadn’t the minotaur been a child when he was imprisoned for life? Punished for the crime of being born, just like them. “Taura,” he breathed. “I think I shall call you Taura.”
She went still, enraptured. “A name.” Tears welled in her golden eyes. “No one has ever given me a name.” 
“I’m not giving it to you. I’m letting you take it, to seize it, to make it your own. As much as I’d like to, I can’t give you your humanity either. That’s all up to you. Break free of every cruel moniker hurled at you. Monster, mutant– who cares what any of them think!? Prove them all wrong and never look back. That’s what I did. So here: I may reject your test, but I offer my own. I believe you’re ‘human enough’ because I believe you’re worthy of freedom, of a future, of a name. I certainly can’t give any of that to you, but I sure can help you try.” Something sparked in her gilded gaze, the tantalizing offer she’d likely never been given before. It was a hope doused quickly, but it had been there at all. Miles had a chance of relighting it, of fanning the flames. 
“You really think so?” Uncertain, her fangs twisted into a guarded frown. 
Miles batted aside a twinge of guilt. It wasn’t just because she was his only shot of escape, and it certainly wasn’t for a particular scientist whose neck he wanted to wring. This was because Taura didn’t deserve to be trapped in a basement eating rats for the rest of her tenuous life. He might have needed her, but she needed him, too, if only for a little while. 
“I don’t make offers I don’t intend to provide. So, care to escape with me?” He held out an arm, almost ridiculously formal, and she took it, choosing to trust him if only hesitantly, if only for that little spark of hope still in here somewhere.
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kadharononart · 10 months
did I ever dump my vorkosigan doodles over here? I can't remember.
I also have a sketch of Tej somewhere but I'm not thrilled with it any more, so that can stay in my Procreate files.
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palaceofpassion · 1 year
KLTCH!  The sound of metal piercing flesh resonated through his ears, a smile split across his lips as his eyes peered through his daunting mask.  
Finally!  FINALLY THE DAY HAD COME!  He’d finally brought an end to Sienna Khan’s reign, the woman always having been unfit to rule the White Fang.  At this point, he would have started monologuing, praising himself for being a true Faunus, a prime alpha of their species.
Except, to his surprise, life still remained in her eyes.  He flinched, feeling a hand upon his shoulder.  
“Hah.  Giving your final breath?  Your last words?”  He mocked her, expecting her to curse him, a tingling feeling forming on the back of his neck as he prepared to savor every moment.
Yet the words to come out of her mouth were not what he expected.
The woman whispered into his ear, “Enjoy this while you can.”  There was a subtle hint of joy lacing her voice, “It’s the deepest you’ll ever be inside a woman.”  
His eyes widened, his words stuck in his throat.  Before he could respond with a whippy comeback, the last of her life force perished, leaving him standing there, alone... frustrated.
“Yeah well, you’re dead sooooo...”  He paused, as there was no one around to hear him, “DAMN IT!”  He cried into the high heavens, feeling as if he had wan the war, but lost a decisive battle.
Poor, little Adam.
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earth-psyche · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Pt.2
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➡️The Planets and their Time Period
In Vedic astrology, their is a concept of MAHADASHA which means the period of time that a planet is going to be active in a person's horoscope. The active planet shows its effects in the native's life for that time period and in whichever house that planet is in house also activates. This mahadasha is only found in vedic type horoscope.💯
So in this post we will talk about the time duration of each planet along with the order they follow(their arrival one after other.)🐿️
Note:- Vimshottari Dasha is said to be of 120 years.
1. Sun- 6 years (fame, fortune)☀️
2. Moon- 10 years (emotions, feeling)🌙
3. Mars- 7 years (passion, aggression)🔥
4. Rahu- 18 years (desires, ambitions)💭
5. Jupiter- 16 years (blessings, expansion)✈️
6. Saturn- 19 years (lessons, restrictions)🌱
7. Mercury- 17 years (interaction, logic)🧠
8. Ketu- 7 years (spirituality, let go)😇
9. Venus- 20 years (beauty, money)🤑
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Thats all for today, for more posts as such, stay in touch...ilysm💕
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First "So long, London" on repeat and now revisiting parts 1 and 2 of "The Fall" by Taura Norma... Why am I so cruel to myself??? I'm in tiny little pieces here of course! Oh my, all the angst! Taura's writing is just something else, isn't it? I will forever cherish her gift to remadora fans.
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heyitsdoe · 9 months
Hiya Doe! With your request still open, may I please request NSFW alphabet hcs for Doflamingo? He’s my favorite OP villain and I can’t get enough of him!
Of course, of course <3 Please enjoy!!
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after the act?)
He's the type to participate in aftercare if he's in the mood. Not always. Sometimes, he'd prefer you clean yourself up, or expects you to clean him. Very, very rare that he initiates the aftercare.
B - Body Part (Favorite body part on you and them?)
He's got a thing for necks. You'll often find him tracing yours with his hands. So delicate and vulnerable. He's fascinated that a place so open to harm can easily become the focal point of pleasure. On himself, he's a master with his hands. They can do so much to you, pleasure you, edge you, or bid you to do as he wishes with just a few strings attached. The power behind them is something he's proud of.
C - Cum (Anything having to do with it.)
His is particularly sticky, and he's a sucker seeing you covered in it. On your face, your back, or even dripping out of you. Just don't expect him to clean you up...
D - Dirty Secret (Self-explanitory.)
You hold a lot more power over him than he lets on. He prides himself on his facade of self-control, of unflappable disinterest or mild amusement when you happen to be around, but he's lying. In reality, he's thinking of fucking you on most surfaces he passes by when you're nearby. One word from you and he'd put aside all else to take you then and there.
E - Experience (Do they know what they’re doing?)
Doflamingo has plenty of experience, though most of his encounters have been ones he's paid for. It's difficult to get close enough to the King in any emotional sense, so other than prostitutes or curious individuals met through business, he's not been overly attached to most of his sexual partners.
F - Favorite Position (Example:)
Anything that has him in the dominant position. He's not fond of letting someone else take the control away from him, even if he trusts his partner. Examples: https://sexpositions.club/positions/117.html https://sexpositions.club/positions/209.html https://sexpositions.club/positions/30.html
G - Goofy (How serious are they?)
Doflamingo is an even mix of serious/teasing, though goofy wouldn't exactly be the right word for it. His teasing is always underlined with a hint of something heavier. There's always more to the way he promises things, to the way he looks at you, even with a wink and a grin. He's a complicated individual.
H - Hair (Grooming habits)
He's mostly tamed, though there are times when he can't be bothered to shave or groom himself. He figures you'll enjoy him regardless of how he looks down there. His pubic hair is just as light blonde as his hair.
I - Intimacy (Romantic or rough and dirty?)
Every once in a blue moon, with the right mood, and a little alcohol, and some self-reflection or reminiscence of things long past, Doflamingo will want to have sex in a much softer way. You know to cherish these moments and keep them close to your heart, because it will be a long time until you experience it again. Otherwise, he'll fuck you rough the rest of the time. He just enjoys it that way.
J - Jack Off (Do they and how often?)
Yes, he jacks off frequently. He's got no shame in admitting it, too. Even to you. It's definitely not quite as satisfying as having your body to use for his pleasure, but if the mood strike him, he won't hesitate to satisfy himself in moments of privacy. He does notice that your name is on his lips just before he reaches climax, though.
K - Kink (What do they like?)
He prefers kinks that emphasize a power dynamic. Seeing you gagged, or bound, with blindfold, etc. He's a big fan of anal, breath play, and role play. He's also quite willing when it comes to semi-public or blatantly public sex. It's the lack of shame, really. He's the King of the country, and that means he can do basically what he wants, when and where he wants.
L - Location (Where do they prefer?)
Absolutely anywhere. In the shower. In the bed. The top of the castle. One of the executives' bedrooms. The bakery down the street. A side alley. His throne room. Really, if you can think of a way to get there, he's up to fucking you there.
M - Motivation (Turn-ons)
Seeing you in fancy clothing, adornments, or jewelry always catches his eye and keeps it. Showing a bit of defiance to him will get him to perk up and turn that wolfish grin your direction. Oh, and to hear you beg? You can convince him to do damn near anything if you plead for it with that tone in your voice...
N - No (Things they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He would never agreed to being bound himself. Or, if he does, expect him to break free of it prematurely. There's a part of him that can't handle being restrained, even with someone he trusts. FemDom would take some convincing, and for as much as he doesn't mind someone else being privy to your activities, he's not prone to share. Threesomes or more are off the table.
O - Oral (Receiving or giving and how skilled.)
He prefers to receive, but when he does decide to grace you with his devilish tongue, you're in for it. He knows how to put it to good use. Sometimes that's all he'll do, and an entire evening will be spent with him making a mess for him by his mouth alone.
P - Pace (Quick or sensual?)
His pace is typically quicker, since he goes rough most of the time. As mentioned before, he's capable of going slow and steady on those rare, emotionally-packed occasions, but for the most part you're on the fast track once you begin.
Q - Quickie (Do they prefer fast or drawn-out?)
Right up his alley. If he can get a few quickies in throughout the day, he considers that a good day. With so many things to do, he often doesn't really have the time to spend an hour or so pleasuring you, so this is the best way to constantly remind you that you're all his.
R - Risk (Do they like taking risks?)
Risk is half the fun, if you were to ask him. He finds it amusing introducing a little risk to your encounters. Part of him wants to see if you can handle it, and the other is just thrilled by living a little on the edge.
S - Stamina (How long can they go?)
His endurance is quite impressive, given his many years. And, since most of his sexual encounters are quickies, he can treat you to multiple per day if he's feeling it. When it comes to consecutive rounds, he averages about 3 - 4.
T - Toys (Are they up for it?)
He's not opposed to toys, though if they are being brought into the bedroom, they'll likely be for his s/o. Anal plugs are a favorite of his to use on his partner.
U - Unfair (How much do they tease?)
Dear lord help you. If he can get away with it, he'll tease you for hours. It's fun for him to rile you up, frustrate you, make you huff and whine and beg. Make you desperate for it. Seeing you scrabble and rise to the challenge that he presents will never get old to him. Just make sure you can take it before you try dishing it to him, because teasing is an art he's mastered.
V - Volume (How loud or quiet are they?)
He himself is quieter. Usually his noise has less to do with moans and more to do with the amount of dirty talk that comes out of his mouth. You'll pull some surprised grunts and groans from him if you're lucky, but for the most part he's a quieter man.
W - Wildcard (Random hc?)
Part of Doflamingo thinks he wants a more intimate and 'healthy' relationship with his s/o, but after years of not truly putting his full trust in any other person, holding others at an arms length, and generally just viewing himself as superior in all ways, he doesn't think he has that ability. But there are moments, when you two are together joined in the most intimate of ways, that the thought crosses his mind, how he should be more gentle with you, say softer words, give you those gentle caresses...
X - Xray (What have they got going on?)
Doflamingo is a shower, not a grower. Radiates big dick energy and has the package to back it up. He's thick and veiny, with an upward curb to his cock.
Y - Yearning (Drive level.)
He's almost always down to fuck, though is skilled at hiding that. Very easily turned on, requires very little foreplay to get hard, and he's thinking about his s/o and the next time they'll get to fuck on almost a daily basis.
Z - Zzz (Do they sleep after, and if so how quickly?)
He's not a post-sex sleeper. He's constantly thinking, especially after a good fuck. And since he doesn't typically wear himself out with sex, there's little reason for him to sleep after. If you request it, he'll indulge in laying next to you until you fall asleep, but he doesn't feel any need to himself.
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twilightronin · 7 months
Beautiful Wrestlers: Down for the Count - Hiroyuki Nasu 1984
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anatomicaltheatre · 11 months
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drew the cover of a play i saw in a dream. reblog if you likeys it
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