#kettle gf
himejoshikaeya · 3 months
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[id in alt text]
this is my girlfriend btw. if u even care....
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Getting third degree burnson my face is worth it <3
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bunnihearted · 4 months
hmm rn i just wnna be someone's gf. living together. cooking together. just hugging them in the scary cold lonely night :(( holding hands while brushing our teeth. cuddling while watching tv... idk just that comfort. i want it >.<
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thousand autumns donghua, episode 6~
shen qiao: bro why did u poison me? :) yu ai: lol what?? POISON?? whaaaat??? no waaayyy, i would NEVER!!! here drink something i prepared with my poisoner hands pls shen qiao: 🎶MAYBE I SHOULDN'T SAYS CÚNLA!🎶 past!yu ai: yes…..YES! DRINK IT!! DRINK THE POISON BOOZE!! BAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA >:D past!shen qiao: bby bro ilu, actually ur just as good as i am, so u look after everything for me, ok?? if i die u take over my position and everything will be great, i trust u with my whole heart :) :) :) past!yu ai: ….....uh-oh ngl yu ai has a really cute face??? actually i might…..i might think he's a teeny tiny bit cuter than shen qiao?? I DON'T LIKE HIM MORE!! but idk i feel like….maybe they fussed with shen qiao's face a bit TOO much and got a weird effect? (i say this as someone who often fusses too much over my drawings' faces and ends up with a weird effect ;A; it's a curse 😔) NOOO SHEN QIAO DON'T GET SICKER!! poor bby sorry i criticised ur appearance so much ;A; awww he doesn't want to be bros anymore ;A; i find it interesting how he's willing to be forgiving of strangers, but not his former bro. not that the former bro really deserves it, bc he's being awful ;A; but its interesting to me, how different ppl approach betrayal!! I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT U SHEN QIAO. TELL ME UR SECRETS PLS. yan wushi is so relatable lol. he watches all this and goes 'what an idiot!' and it doesn't even matter who he's referring to, bc he's right lmao shen qiao poor bby ;A; he cough so much ;A; someone get my mans a glass of water ;A; HOLY SHIT YU AI JUST ATTACKED HIM WTF???!!!!! DID DID HE CALL HIM A-QIAO AS WELL?? WHAT A RUDE JERK!! THAT IS UR SHIXIONG, U BRAT!! >:V yu ai: 'i don't want u to leave!' *makes shen qiao spit blood* 'i don't want to hurt u!! come on bro, just stay here with meeeee uwu' ITS THE OLD MAN! HE'S HERE!! aww he help shen qiao up ;A; so cute ;A; uh sir u need to learn to take 'no' for an answe--OK NVM HE'S JUST WHISKING SHEN QIAO AWAY BY THE WAIST ONCE MORE THAT'S FINE. I GUESS yan wushi, king of evils??? LMAO more like king of dramatic hoes 'the evil gang' ….idk what i expected it to be called really DID HE JUST DID HE SLAP YU AI FOR CALLING SHEN QIAO 'A-QIAO'????? THATS AMAZING a bit hypocritical BUT STILL AMAZING AND HILARIOUS DO IT AGAIN!! DO IT AGAIN!! he's such a badass omg ;A; also he has such great accessories!! such good taste in fashion rly!! lol now it's yu ai's turn to spit blood!! serves u right for being a jerk smh lol i LOVE these random side characters who just look like normal ppl in comparison to these bishounen pretty boys. 10/10 artistic choice oh we've met a new friend! yuanchun! hello sir!! he's quite handsome, even if his spine is made of jam SHEN QIAO WILL U WHIST I CAN'T HEAR THEM OVER UR INNER MONOLOGUE yws: i'm gonna help u, then hurt u, then help u again, then ruin ur day and make u cry >:) shen qiao: …….. :( get me out of here pls :( yws: *evil laughs triumphantly* i just want everyone to know that every time yan wushi evil laughs, i laugh too🤣 'YOU SHAMELESS GUUUUYYYYY!!!!!!' amazing oh ok we're we're just gonna fight now. ok cool fellas, is it gay to touch fingertips with ur bro while wreathed in spiritual energy?? GHOST SWORDS!! i do love these pretty sequences with all the martial arts…..stuff lol. i wish i were clever enough to describe it but. just know that it's all very spiritual and neat ;A; aww shen qiao is so cool ;A; ilu my lad! ur a good boi!! WH SSIR SIR WHY ARE U GRABBING HIS FACE LIKE THAT WHOOOAAA UR GETTING REAL CLOSE TO HIM THERE SIR oh i see, the devil whispering in ur ear is actually yan wushi trying to make u be his wife, it all makes sense now!! yws: A-QIAO COME BE EVIL WITH ME. IT'LL BE FUN A-QIAO I PROMISE. WE CAN BE EVIL TOGETHER A-QIAO. I WILL BE THE EVIL HUSBAND AND U CAN BE MY EVIL WIFE A-QIAO. ARE U THE ONE FOR ME A-QIAO??? I THINK U ARE THE ONE A-QIAO. A-QIAO the old man moves fast, not like he's got unlimited time left i guess OH MY GOD HE'S LITERALLY CARRYING HIM AWAY LIKE A BRIDE in summation:
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escaping-this-life · 7 months
bitches will be like “I love mineral water” and then tell you to descale your kettle smh
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inkdrinkerworld · 3 days
early season Spencer and his gf who’s a bit cynical and hyper independent but every time Spencer does something for her (like zipping up her coat and such) she’s can’t string a sentence together
Spencer loves you. He loves your frown and the way you scowl at almost everyone at any time of the day.
He’s figured out how to get a smile from you over the months of being together. It’s not so much a smile, it’s more an uptick of your lips and a pretty little stutter as you try to sift through your words.
You’re stubborn to a fault, you like your independence and Spencer likes you independent but every once in a while he puts his foot down and you acquiesce to what he’s asking of you.
Like now, he’s about to put his foot down and Derek can’t wait to experience this sternness.
It’s peak fall season in Virginia and you lose body heat easily. Still, you resist the sensible need of a sweater and Spencer hates how your lips go purple and your hands are icy.
Spencer has one of your sweaters in his bag, he’s just waiting for you to ask. He’s been waiting all day. He might end up waiting all day, you seem to have no intention of getting warm.
He calls your name and you look up, eyes meeting his over your computer. “Cold?”
You narrow your eyes and Spencer bites the inside of his cheek to hide a smile. “No, are you cold?”
Spencer shakes his head, and waits for the hustle of the lunch hour to approach you again. He digs through his bag and then approaches you.
“C’mere.” He murmurs, helping you stand and frowning when your hands are colder than they should be. “You lose heat too fast.” He mutters, helping you into the sweater despite your scowl. You note mutely that it’s your Hocus Pocus sweater- the warmest one you have.
Spencer can feel your heartbeat stutter, he hears the hitch in your breath as you say, “I know, s’normal.”
Spencer shakes his head. “It’s actually not. It can be linked to a lot of things. Have you ever checked it out?”
You bat his hands away as they sneak up the bottom of your sweater to fold it the way you like. Spencer smiles when you trip over your words, “I um, I have. It’s estrogen related.”
Spencer stamps a kiss to your temple, “I’ll make you a hot chocolate and bring your lunch.”
You go to argue, tell Spencer that it’s not necessary but he’s already off to the kitchen. You sit with a little smile on your face as you get back to your files.
You miss the way Derek grins, crunching on a carrot as Spencer sets the kettle on. “Okay, pretty boy! I see you.” Spencer’s cheeks are red hot.
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wineauntie · 5 months
can you write on for quinn where you cook dinner together
A SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE – quinn hughes x gf!reader (smut)
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note: I know this isn’t my Luke imagine but I couldn’t sleep until I wrote this request! I was so in love with this idea and I can’t lie, I hadn’t planned on it slipping into nsfw material but it all just happened before I could stop, so I hope you enjoy it!
Smut will be separated with asterisks***
warnings: SMALL SECTION OF NSFW CONTENT, MDNI 18+, fem!reader, smut, fingering, f receiving, reader is a ray of sunshine, fluff to the extreme– Quinn is so whipped for reader. Use of nicknames: pretty girl, sweet girl and baby. Quinn has a dirty mouth fr, reader likes cooking and baking.
word count: 3.7k+
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One thing you had yet to get used to was the coldness that could sweep across Vancouver. Winter was never too extreme here but occasionally, the snow and stormy weather would infiltrate and last anywhere from a few days to a week. You loved the snow with your whole heart, you just hated being cold...hence why the heating in the apartment had been on blast since you’d reentered your home. You'd been sent home early, by your manager when she'd heard that there was a storm inbound. You'd jumped at the opportunity and rushed home as soon as possible.
Upon your arrival home, you'd instantly stripped yourself of your multiple layers and shrugged on a pair of your fluffiest socks. You'd flitted around the apartment lighting several candles around the kitchen, and living room, along with turning on various lamps you'd found in thrift shops downtown.
You hummed lightly, content in the comfort as you moved into the kitchen, an empty cup that had once been filled to the brim with tea tucked in your hand. The kitchen was your pride and joy out of the whole apartment. It had been painted a softened yellow hue, with white vinyl cabinets and rustic wooden shelves stocked with plants, cooking books and various trinkets. Your varnished wooden countertops lay home to multiple chopping boards, even more plants and a range of appliances.
"I'll be home in five :)"
Your smile widened as the text lit up your phone. You bit your lip as you placed the cup by the kettle and leaned against one of the countertops, your eyes scanning the silent kitchen. You turned towards the small radio hidden between the plants behind you on the windowsill, as your thumb scrolled through your Spotify playlist on your phone whilst the Bluetooth connected. Selecting your favourite playlist, you let out a content sigh, turning up the volume to fill the quiet.
You were in the mood to cook. The need always swept over you every time you stepped into the kitchen, but tonight it was overwhelming. You moved around the kitchen, opening cabinets and the fridge, searching for inspiration to hit you.
Your search was interrupted as the creaking of the front door erupted from the hallway. You heard rustling before the door creaked shut once more. You beamed and hurried towards the door, barrelling towards your boyfriend as he swiped the grey beanie off his head.
"Oh, hello," he smiled, letting his arms fall around you as you crashed into his chest. You felt giddy, quite like you always did when you found yourself around Quinn. "Have a good day?"
"Mhm..." You nodded as you unlatched from him, allowing him to take off his jacket and shoes. "Got sent home earlier due to the storm. How was practice?"
"Good, we just ran drills" Quinn supplied before he turned towards you and tackled you in another hug, basically carrying you towards the kitchen. "'m feeling a bit hungry though, will we order in?"
"I was thinking of making something," you spoke, your hands draped around his neck and your feet on top of his as he moved to set his keys on the counter. "I couldn't decide though...I wanted to wait and see what you'd maybe like."
It was Quinn's turn to hum as he bent down to bury his face in the nape of your neck. "What about pasta?" He suggested, as your eyes ran around the shelves for any stand-out cookery book.
"We had that yesterday," You dismissed with a frown whilst your eyebrows scrunched together.
"We could have it again," he shrugged, pressing a soft kiss to your pulse point. "The Italians have that stuff almost every day, surely we'll survive."
Your eyes lit up at his words as you yanked yourself from his grip and bounded across the kitchen. You pulled yourself up on top of one of the counters and grabbed a cooking book from the top shelf. As soon as you moved, Quinn followed, his arms anchored on either side of your legs in case you were to fall.
"How do you feel about pizza?" You questioned with a gleam in your eyes as Quinn helped you down from the counter. "I have a recipe that's easy to make from scratch...ooh! We could also make garlic bread!"
He watched you with soft eyes as you spoke excitedly, your eyes scanning the open cabinets for the ingredients. He loved to see you like this, with happiness radiating out of you. It made the stormy and snowy days like today seem incredibly irrelevant because who needed the sun when you'd bottled it up and released it with every grin you let slip across your face?
"Pizza sounds great, pretty girl." He smiled, his hands running down both of your arms soothingly.  "As long as I can help?" He didn't know your twinkling smile could grow any larger, but it had as you practically bounced across the kitchen to grab two aprons.
"Apron up, Hughes," you teased, handing him the pale green apron you'd bought him when you'd moved in.
"I should be saying that to you," he remarked, tying the apron behind his back with a smirk. "I know how messy you can get."
With a feigned look of shock, you playfully whacked Quinn with your apron, stumbling when he caught it in his grasp and pulled it towards him so that you were now nose to nose.
You watched with bated breath as he placed the half apron around your waist, turning you to tie a neat bow in the back. His hands lingered over your waist as you turned around to face him once more. You stood on your toes and pressed a delicate kiss to his lips.
"Welcome home, by the way," you laughed as you pulled away. "I forgot to do it when you walked in."
"Oh, I know," Quinn replied, leaning forward and claiming another kiss before allowing you to grab your cooking book. You hummed along to the song playing in the background as your fingers skimmed through the pages, looking for the pizza recipe.
"Okay, I have dough left over in the fridge from those garlic and rosemary knots I made the other night, so it should be okay to use that for the base," you began as you moved to open the fridge and rummaged for the dough. You retrieved the container you knew was filled with dough and glanced at Quinn. "This should be enough for one big pizza? And we could share it with the garlic bread?"
"Sounds good, baby," Quinn agreed from his place at the sink where he was drying his washed hands. He made his way towards the cabinets and began to pull out an array of ingredients.
You let him walk back and forth to the countertop you intended to use as you scrubbed your hands in the sink. Quinn was continually examining the cookbook, depositing all the ingredients one by one until they were organised in front of the refrigerated dough.
"Okay," you huffed, your hands settling on your hips as you joined his side. "We need to preheat the oven, make the sauce and roll out the dough." You moved towards the oven, pressing a few buttons before returning to your station. "Step one, done! Alright, how about you crush one clove of garlic for the sauce and then maybe four or five for the bread and I'll start mixing the tomato passata and basil?"
Quinn nodded, his mouth slightly agape at how easily you controlled the world when cooking. Whilst he began rooting through the drawers for the garlic crusher, you began to pour out the passata into a large mixing bowl, which Quinn had grabbed and placed down whilst you were washing your hands.
Your humming filled the kitchen as you stirred. Quinn quickly crushed the garlic, looking at you for confirmation as he dumped the one clove into the sauce. You grinned from ear to ear, thanking him as he moved on, crushing the rest of the garlic and grabbing the butter from the fridge. You continuously stirred, ensuring the sauce had been mixed thoroughly. You made light conversation with Quinn as you worked, recounting your day from start to finish.
Quinn listened intently, soaking in your words as if they were honey. He listened as you told him all about your lovely local customers at the cafe to the cat you saw in an alley on the way to work, and he drank all of it in, his eyes finding it hard to focus on the task when your magnetism sought out for him.
"Oh, Q, there should be fresh ciabatta in the bread bin," You told him, "I picked some up when leaving work earlier, just in case we needed it…lucky us!”
"You are something else," Quinn commented with a lazy smile, his hands lightly brushing your allowed back as he moved to grab it. Shivers erupted down your spine at the sparse touch, a breathy sigh escaping your lips.
"Okay, so," You clapped your hands, "the sauce is all mixed, so is the garlic butter–thank you, now...it's just the dough and then toppings!"
Quinn helped set out a large baking sheet and sprinkled some loose flour across the countertop as you retrieved the dough from its container.
"Why don't you grab toppings, and I can start rolling?" You proposed, your bright eyes examining Quinn's face.
"Yes, chef," he saluted, causing you to laugh and push his chest. You slightly shook your head with a smile as you rolled out the dough, trying to maintain an even base. You focused on rolling, your eyebrows scrunched in concentration as your fingers darted out to roll the edges for the crust.
Quinn soon returned to the countertop with an armful of toppings in suit. He placed them all carefully nearby, so as not to crowd you as you focused.
"Why don't we split the pizza into four and do a different topping for each quarter," Quinn murmured, brushing a fleck of flour off of your cheekbone.
"You are incredible," You gushed, your eyes widening at the thought before your face turned rather stern. "but if I see one tiny sliver of pineapple, Quintin Jerome, I will not be happy!"
"No pineapple, pretty girl," he chuckled, "I got it."
Quinn helped to hold the sauce bowl as you gently scooped out and spread the sauce across the base of the pizza before the two of you scattered the mozzarella on top. You and Quinn each took half of the pizza, allowing the two of you complete control of the two quarters.
On one of yours, you placed sliced tomatoes and green peppers with a scattered spread of pesto, whereas on the other, you dispersed diced onions and spinach. Satisfied with your side, you glanced at Quinn, knowing all too well, he would add the meat to both of his. Lo and behold, he had placed pepperoni on one and pre-shredded chicken and red peppers on his other.
His arm fell around your shoulder as both of you stepped back to admire the masterpiece you'd created.
"I almost feel bad having to put it into the oven," you say sombrely.
"I can do it," Quinn spoke, his raspy voice low. "Saves me from worrying about you burning yourself."
"That was one time, mister," you huffed, pointing your finger at him in mock accusation, but your smile betrayed you.
"One time too many," he chided as he removed his arm from your shoulder and cautiously lifted the baking sheet that the pizza had been rolled on, moving it onto a tray before sliding it into the oven and setting the timer.
You watched until he shut the oven door before you sprang into cleaning mode, gathering all of the used equipment and placing them by the sink. Just as you took off your apron and were about to roll up your sleeves, your arms were restricted by Quinn's hands around your wrists as he slowly tutted.
"Nuh, uh," he shook his head with a pointed look, spinning you slowly to face him. "I'll clean up after dinner."
"No buts,"
"I thought you liked my butt," you simpered cheekily, causing Quinn to roll his eyes.
"I do...very much," he agreed, pulling you into the centre of the kitchen before he lowered his voice. "Especially when it's squirming beneath me as you beg me to let you come."
All air left your lungs as a nonchalant Quinn stretched out a hand to turn up the music. Etta James' A Sunday Kind of Love had just begun to play, her sultry and smooth voice echoing around the kitchen as your boyfriend held you in his close grasp.
"Dance with me," He held your arms, his eyes searching yours for an answer. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you stepped closer to him, your chests pressed together, one of your hands clasping his, whilst the other curled around his neck, toying with the strands at the base.
The soft glow of the candles and kitchen lights created a warm ambience, casting intertwined shadows that danced along with your synchronized movements. Quinn's fingers traced gentle patterns on your back, pulling you even closer as the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you enveloped in the timeless embrace of the music.
Your head lifted from where it had found itself nuzzled into him. Quinn's loving gaze locked onto yours, his eyes reflecting a mixture of playfulness and desire. The warmth of the kitchen, the subtle scent of dinner lingering in the air, and the rhythmic beat of the music made you want to bounce up and down with joy, belting from the rooftops that you adored your boyfriend and anything he did.
The dance floor was the small expanse of tile under your feet, but at that moment, it felt like you were lost in a world of your own creation, each step cementing the love and care you had for the man in front of you.
In a stolen moment with the music as your witness, Quinn leaned in. His lips met yours in a tender kiss as if sealing an unspoken pact, and for a fleeting instant, the only thing you could fathom was the taste of his lips.
Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours. Your smile traipsed across your face as you leaned forward, recapturing his lips, and deepening the embrace. His thumb caressed your cheekbone as you sighed happily, your fingers soothingly twirling around his hair.
In a sudden move, Quinn's hands dropped down and grabbed your waist as he picked you up and carried you towards the dining table. You emitted a loud squeal, the two of your faces remaining close together as he monitored your emotions. You were still laughing when you were placed down on top of the table, his arms caging your body as his nose skimmed along the warmth of your neck. He placed a gentle kiss on the supple skin beneath your ear, earning him a quiet gasp for air whilst he moved across your jaw until finally lingering a mere centimetre away from your lips.
You whined as you tried to lean forward and take his lips with your own only to be stopped by an amused and dishevelled Quinn, avoiding your movement. His blown pupils examined your wide eyes and pouting mouth before he finally crashed his lips to yours once more.
This time, your kiss was feverish, your hands grasping at Quinn's shoulders as his ran along your thighs before creeping towards the waistband of your pants. You careened into his touch, panting into the kiss as he slowly shifted your weight so you were against him before he yanked down your pants, and tossed them across the room.
You gasped at the suddenness of it, your head spinning in need as Quinn pulled away to let you breathe, continuing his tirade of kisses down your neck, stopping just above your pulse point to slowly suckle at your skin. You let out a prolonged moan, your neck arching as one of his hands held your cheek to tilt your head, giving him more access to the skin there, whilst the other hand's fingertips traced circles on your upper thigh.
You melted at his touch, your body putty as he ran his tongue over the reddened patch of skin on your neck once more before he pulled away, placing open-mouthed kisses up to your ear. You gulped as his fingers brushed across the fabric of your panties, your eyes fluttering shut as he stroked his thumb against your cheek.
"Oh, baby," his deep and comforting voice drawled, "you're soaked through." You whimpered as Quinn removed his fingers from the material, placing them lightly in your pubic bone. "You been waiting all day for this, hm?"
You looked toward Quinn, whose darkened eyes kept a careful watch on your face. Your throat tightened as your words failed you, nodding frantically, while your hands desperately gripped his shirt.
"Words, y/n/n," he spoke more softly, his nose brushing yours as he shifted his position.
"Yes," you immediately gasped out, your half-lidded eyes overwhelmed with desire. "Need you...please!"
"So polite," he cooed, his finger tucking a strand of hair out of your face. "I'll tell you what, pretty girl, since you asked so nicely, I'll give you what you need." His fingers above the waistband of your panties slipped beneath the fabric as you let out a breathy moan. His fingers met your wetness instantaneously, a deep grumble slipping from his lips at the feeling.
"All this for me, huh?" He murmured, his finger circling your bud as you struggled to speak. Your head fell back in silent ecstasy, with your mouth agape as he slowly worked a finger inside of you, your walls clenching down as he moved it in and out. "You look so pretty like this," Quinn spoke in hushed tones, "all wet, needy and mine."
"Yours," you parroted breathlessly as he sank another thick finger inside of you. His other hand remained cradling your head, his lips ducking to kiss yours as your body trembled around him. He pushed his body closer to yours, causing your legs to spread further, his clothed groin skimming your own.
"You take my fingers so well," Quinn praised, his eyes unmoving from your blissed face. The feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of your drenched core, fired up every brain cell to send you into overdrive, wiping away any thought other than the pleasure he was giving you. Your hips bucked towards his fingers with a shameless moan, as you tried to feel as much of him as he was letting you.
He curled his fingers inside of you as he moved them quicker, his thumb moving upwards to stroke your sensitive bud whilst you crumbled on the table, the only thing keeping you upright being Quinn's steady hand on your face.
"Oh, does my girl need to come already?" Quinn lowly taunted, as he picked up the pace, his fingers now in an upbeat rhythm, in and out of you, as his thumb furiously rubbed your clit. Your staggered breaths and squeaks of pleasure grew rapid as your fists clenched tight around his shirt.
"Please, Q," you babbled as you begged, your eyes swimming as you found yourself stammering—drunk off of the feeling of Quinn's intoxicating touch. "Please, let me come, please?" You practically sobbed out your words, your back arching as the knot of warmth in your stomach grew tighter.
You felt his breathy laugh against your cheek as his fingers continued their onslaught of pleasures. Quinn leaned closer, letting his chest press flush against yours before he whispered a single word.
You needed no more prompting as your eyes fell shut and you cried out, a loud series of moans tumbling from your lips. Your body shuddered as the knot in your stomach snapped and pleasure erupted across every nerve, sending tingles down your spine all the way to your toes as Quinn worked you through your orgasm. He pumped his fingers in and out until he'd drawn out as much pleasure as he could, leaving you a panting and soaked mess.
The sharp ringing of the oven timer resounded and Quinn chuckled, removing his fingers from you as you whined at the loss of his touch. He raised the fingers to his mouth and licked your juices off of them, his gaze never straying from your overwhelmed self.
"Just in time," he said as his fingers popped out of his mouth. His lazy grin returned to his face as he moved both of his hands beneath your shaking legs before placing you down on a blanket on the couch in the living room. He moved the blanket to cover your legs as well as the couch beneath you before stepping back.
"You sit here, sweet girl, I'll sort the food." He told you, his hand lightly brushing over your hair, pressing a lingering kiss to your head as you slumped into the softness of the couch.
You sat happily, watching as Quinn moved around the kitchen so freely as if he hadn't just pushed you into oblivion. You found yourself smiling softly as you settled into the warmth and it hadn't taken him long to reappear with one large serving platter with your pizza on top.
He sat down beside you as you quietly sprang to nestle into his side, trying to get as close to him as possible. He held a slice of pizza towards your mouth as you slowly bit into the end, before swallowing it. Quinn talked quietly to you as you ate, choosing to feed you at least one whole slice before he dug into his own. You remained cuddled into his side as you finished the slice, his arm draped around your shoulders.
"The garlic bread's just gone into the oven," Quinn whispered, watching as your eyes searched for something. They snapped towards Quinn at his words and he raised a brow knowing he'd hit the jackpot. You buried yourself in his side once more, his hand running through your hair as he plastered a joking smile across his face- the smile you adored.
"I got so caught up in dessert that I completely forgot about the sides..."
a/n: I am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure for this man <33
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pbsugarbaby · 6 months
ellie williams | soft hc’s.
— when ur gf is the most cocky but sweet girl. headcannons
warnings black femme reader , masc ellie , smoking , ellie being protective , college ellie , fingering (e rec)
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౨ৎ ellie williams will always be the girl to be honest about your friends, not being shy to tell u they might be total bitches, the sweetest people, or totally wanting to fuck u. also will be the judgiest person, glancing at somebody random in the club and looking to u, hoping ur thinking the same thing. (u always are.)
౨ৎ passing the blunt back and forth with u, small giggles falling from ur lips when u see her using ur pink sparkly lighter. she specifically has pink paper for u.
౨ৎ also before u started dating, she would use those pink rolls for the girls she thought was the prettiest. once she saw u, she bought them specifically for u and only u.
౨ৎ giving u the cutest high eyes ever when u stand up, walking in ur small white panties and a pink lacy bra she picked out as u look in the fridge and pantry wanting something to munch on. her eyes scan ur body, ur smooth skin, ur bonnet, ur ass.. ur boobs..
“els, do we have any kettle chips? the salt and vinegar ones?” u click ur tongue, sighing as u scrounge through the bags and boxes of food in her cabinets. u soon notice she isn’t answering, only hearing small breaths and inhales she takes from the blunt.
“ellie?” u furrows ur brows, turning around. when u notice why she wasn’t answering, u scoff and grab a soft bag of some food, throwing it at her.
“babe!!” she whines, throwing the food back at u lazily.
“fuckin perv! now where are my damn chips?”
౨ৎ always the one to cheer u up during ur finals. u sat between her thighs as she helps u study, calling out random questions on a notecard she probably doesn’t even know the answer to.
౨ৎ will also be the one to hold u when u cry from stress, wiping ur tears and reassuring u.
౨ৎ she practices doing ur hair. and when u trust her not to tangle it or mess it up, she places little bows in ur hair, small braids scattered throughout ur curls, hands wet with hair product. and when she’s done, she shows u in the mirror, the proudest smile on her face as ur lips tug to a smile, kissing her cheek and telling her how good she did. (even if she didn’t.)
౨ৎ now when u try to put pink ribbons in her hair, she will run away, like a cat in water. “babe, i’m not putting fucking pink bows in my hair! im not trying to look like jojo siwa!” u pout and eventually convince her, smiling brightly as u squeal and give her a half up half down, holding it together with a ribbon. she doesn’t wanna admit it, but she loves to.
౨ৎ speaking of cats, u both definitely have a cat. it’s either a orange cat or a black cat.
౨ৎ at the club, she always has eyes on u. but sometimes she doesn’t, accidentally looking over to her friend and laughing, drinking away as she waits for you to be back from the bathroom. when she looks back though, she will defend and protect u with her life if she sees somebody bothering u.
u couldn’t even make it back from the bathroom before a man comes up to u, flirting with u. “i’m sorry, but im not interested.” u try to walk away, but his cold hand grips on ur exposed waist.
“didnt i just say i wasn’t interested? or are u just deaf? i have a girlfriend.”
he scoffs, not taking u seriously as he puts his other hand on ur body, making u flinch and step back, removing his hands.
“ehh, u just haven’t met the right man yet, i can show u..” he grins sneakily, making ur face scrunch up with disgust, body tensing.
before ur able to do anything, ellie pops up next to you, placing a kiss on ur cheek, hand rubbing the small of ur back.
“hey baby, we got a problem?” she chuckles dryly, only glancing at the man for a second, looking him up and down with a judgmental look plastered across her face.
he walked away real quick.
౨ৎ ellie will ramble about comics, space, and dinosaurs as much as she can. drawing shapes on ur thigh with ur finger as she speaks softly. where the fuck did she get these facts from?
౨ৎ always holding ur bags when u shop, handing u her credit card if u mention u like something online. u returning the favor by buying her things u think she would like, as much as she says she doesn’t need it. buying her small gifts 24/7, her doing the same. you were basically each others sugar mommy’s.
౨ৎ defends u no matter what in every argument or situation, ur always right.
౨ৎ let’s just say, when ur drunk out of ur mind at a party, dancing on tables and twerking on all ur friends. she will be the one to pick u up bridal style, throwing ur drunk ass into the uber while u sing stunna girl horribly.
౨ৎ neediest fucking girl in the world, because of her masc look people are convinced she tops. but once you touch the waistband of ellie’s boxers, her breath hitches and her hips roll softly, personality changing. “baby, please..”
౨ৎ either moans so loudly when u fuck her or is quiet, grunting and breathing heavily, tiny whimpers falling past her puffy lips.
౨ৎ when ur fingers plunge into her pussy, curling in the right spot and sucking her clit. her back arches and her nose touches the pillow under her head, trembling and playing with her nipple. “fu-fuckkkk! so fuckin’ good…” she groans, other hand holding ur head, trying to push u closer as u snicker at her.
౨ৎ will litter ur body in kisses during and after sex.
౨ৎ best at aftercare, always making sure ur cleaned up and taken care of.
౨ৎ ellie’s the best girlfriend, and if u ever try to break up with her, trust she will still text u in her 30’s.
i used to write wattpad stories so this is the best i got…
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bunniehrtz · 26 days
mommy reader dealing with her first period since having our beloved babygirl, and Abby, as always, looking out for reader
ooohhh my baby girls
clutching onto the hot water bottle on your lower abdomen, you turn over to your left, feeling oh so sorry for yourself. the third romantic comedy on your tv, your fourth cup of tea on the side, now cold. you go to sit up, stopping in your tracks as abby enters the room, tutting to herself. “nope. down. don’t make me tell you again,” she warns, you put your hands up in surrender, laying back down.
abby had put you on bed rest for the past week and the following week, the week after that too, probably.
“yeah, mama! sleepin’!” ivy waddles in, climbing onto the couch where you’re laying. she messily clambers on top of you as you quickly swipe the hot water bottle from your stomach, placing it on the floor next to you.
“come, lay down, baby,” you gesture over, ivy laying on your stomach, her head on your chest. you place a kiss her curly, messy hair.
abby walks over, picking up the half drunk tea and taking it into the kitchen, putting the kettle on to make you another. you sigh into ivy’s curls, your eyes closing gently. you hear abby walk back in, placing the mug back where she found it, this time piping hot. “careful, baby,” she warns you again, so protective. she taps your shoulder, lifting you up gently to slot herself behind you. your head on her chest, ivy’s head on yours.
“mama?” ivy rubs her eye roughly, abby’s hand pulling it away.
“yeah, baby?” abby says, her cheek rested on your head.
“baby in mama’s tummy?” she asks, poking your stomach. you immediately shake your head, laughing softly.
“no, baby. you want a brother or sister?” you ask, leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead. she nods feverishly, a big grin on her face.
“we can make that happen, baby,” you can hear the smirk on abby’s face. you roll your eyes, laying ivy back down on your chest.
taglist @queenofmistresses @bambishaven @abigails-gf @drunkelliewilliams @abbysprettygiiirl @toasthatervee @lesbian-useless
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 3
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Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel):
His character is the reason the term "Homme Fatale" became a thing
Homme fatale, living by the mantra of be gay, do crime. V secretive and just the right amount of flirty. Also I love him
He’s a slutty master thief who slept with a detective he went on 1 date(murder case) with and then fell ass over tea kettle in love. Literally can’t think of anything sexier
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats):
An extremely agoraphobic mortician of a local funeral home who has every disease. Nervous wreck. Makes noises when stressed. An artist at heart (her embalming fluid is imbued with the fragrance of cinnamon).
she's the goth gf of your dreams. she's an undertaker, a romance novelist, a hot air balloon pilot, and she has interiority for days
It's antigone or unfollow me
please, everyone, antigone deserves this. she ghost-wrote a wildly successful erotic novel and then faked the death of the fake author. she didn’t leave her house for 17 years except to go see horny french films every thursday. she accidentally ended up in a love triangle with a hot domme lesbian circus ringmaster and her own employee. she broke up with a doctor after one date because he didn’t respect her career (and also his parrot hated her). she experienced years of carnal yearning for her professional rival only to finally realize she was actually okay on her own. she drinks embalming fluid. she thinks of funerals as an art form. she was diagnosed with depression as an infant. she wanted to be a clown when she grew up. her hero is a historical female scientist who has a statue with her tits out. she’s been attacked by owls. a bunch of children thought she was a forest witch. the rest of the village thought she was dead. she has committed multiple counts of breaking and entering. she designed artisanal chocolates that put you in a temporary coma. she can’t eat her own chocolates because she’s allergic to everything. she attracts shadows like a magnet. she’s a woman in STEM. if you have any love in your heart for goth weirdgirls you’ll do the right thing. ANTIGONE SWEEP
Considering committing voter fraud for Antigone. My girl 😔
Vote Antigone because do you understand how narratively satisfying it would be if she won??? Season one? She could barely go outside her mortuary. Season four? Modeling for a sexy calendar. THE CHARACTER GROWTH!!!!!!! Nothing more sexy than that.
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hoshigray · 1 year
hi! i’m not quite sure if you’re comfortable with this but could you do toji taking care of his bratty gf that’s on their period? no pressure especially if you’re not comfortable! thank you so much! <33
Oh, dw anon, I'm totally comfortable writing this kind of stuff, but thanks for checking with me tho c: Didn't know what approach to go with this, but felt like fluff would be the best fit (since ik not everyone's into period sex; perhaps an idea I can go back on later *shrugs*). Please enjoy, and I hope you like this! ♡ Also, this is 3 for 3 on the request streak, holy shit haha! Cw: Toji x fem!reader - fluff - Toji trying to be a good bf and lowkey domestic - the reader is a lil whiny, but Toji still loves you - tummy massages!! - some light-hearted comedy; reader trying to annoy Toji lol - pet names (baby, sweetie, princess) - just you and Toji being a couple :3 Wc: 1.1k
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The man hums but doesn't turn to you, watching the television from the floor while you lay on the couch.
You try again. "Tojiiiiii~"
He rolls his eyes at your sing-song attitude, finally turning to your face. "Yeah, baby?"
"Would you please add more water to the kettle for me? My water bottle's getting cold, and my feet hurt."
With a huff, he gets up and walks to the kitchen. "Sure thing, sweetie." You hum into your couch pillow while wiggling on the water bag you're lying on, taking in whatever's left of the lukewarm storage bottle.
Today has been quite a busy day on your end. Amid two midterms, a group project, and a paper due at 11:45 p.m. tomorrow, you still have work to do today. And to top it all off, your period started two days ago, meaning you're suffering as of now. Not only is stress from college drowning you, but your body makes the pressure tenfold more painful to the point of wanting to shut down.
This is why you've spent your Friday afternoon cooped in your apartment and avoided talking with or seeing anyone, trying to focus on your work while dealing with your personal predicament. Especially texting your boyfriend, Toji, that you won't be able to see him for dinner at his favorite ramen place.
Nevertheless, the older man comes knocking on your door with a bag full of your favorites from the restaurant, saying he'll just spend the night with you at your place and help with whatever you need. Though you tried to decline his offer, his company has been very comforting.
However, since he came here with sincere intentions, you want to test his patience. With a cheeky smile pulling your lips, you start your act.
You hear Toji press the button to heat the water up, his heavy steps prominent of his return to you in the living space. He plops back down on his place on the floor, leaning against the couch you're lying on and putting his attention back on the TV.
Well, he tries to.
"Tojiiii~," You see the rise and fall of his shoulder sync with the heavy exhale escaping through his nose. Giggles are stifled, but your smile is wide when he looks back at you with one brow scrunched down.
A stern "What?" is thrown in your direction.
A tiny giggle slips out. "Can you please massage my tummy?"
He looks dead at your face before he scoffs. "Do I look like your personal maid or somethin'?"
"No, you're my wonderful, handsome, and caring boyfriend," You bring a foot up to tap his shoulder, to which Toji grumbles. To his dismay, you continue to tease him with your poking. "As a caring boyfriend, you should attend to your lady when she is in insufferable pain."
"Poke me with your toes again, and I'll chew 'em off." Okay, that's when you stop pestering the older man, holding in your laughter as he scowls with a devilish smirk. Another huff of air exits his lungs before he gets up from his spot once again, and you reposition yourself for him to sit on the couch facing you. He places the water bottle on the floor. "You got your own hands, doncha?"
"Of course, but I asked for your hands." He glares at you though you pay it no mind, lifting your shirt to pat your stomach. "Now, massage me!"
Toji shakes his head yet lifts his hands and places them on your exposed abdomen, calloused and scarred fingers squeezing your plush skin. "So annoyin', ya fuckin' brat." You blow a raspberry. "I shoulda stayed at the ramen joint."
"Pfft, please, you know you don't go there alone anymore. Might've gotten bored and brought yourself here regardless." You close your eyes and sink into the feeling of the man's fingers rubbing your stomach.
He only replies with a small 'hmph' and continues with the task thrown onto him.
This continues for a few moments, and you enjoy the man's hands roaming your belly. His palms and fingers' rough yet gentle manner makes you feel like the cramps are no longer a problem. It feels so pleasant. Curious, you open an eye to stare at the man before you.
The look on Toji's face displays nothing but pure focus, looking at his work as he massages you. Raven bangs cast shade from the ceiling lights. The man had soft emerald eyes, yet keen as they zero in on your physique as he skilfully kneads your abdomen with his digits. His lips are kept in a neutral line, and you can't help but look at his scar when he licks his teeth.
The more you examine him, the more you realize just how lucky you are to see this side of him. And maybe how lucky you are to have such a man deal with you even during times like this.
"Whatcha lookin' at me for, princess?"
Toji's gruff voice snaps you back, realizing he caught you surveying him. A grin dashed on his face. You decide to toy with him one more time. "Oh, Tojiiiii."
The smirk immediately disappears, replaced with a look that screams mild annoyance. You let out a burst of laughter, rocking your head back and forth and laughing harder every time you peer back at his face. "Fucking what now, ya damn brat?" He doesn't try to hide the irritation in his voice, and you can feel him glare holes into you while you laugh into your hands.
You calm yourself down, speaking in chuckles. "You know I love you, right?
"Shut the hell up." Not a single change to his face.
"No, I—pfffthaha," giggles escape your lips as you try to center yourself to speak appropriately, placing your hands on his big ones that rest atop your tummy. "I mean it, I really do! I appreciate you coming here and dealing with me and my whiny ass. If you hadn't been here, I'd probably be rotting in my bed right about now. I love you, so thank you for watching out for me."
Toji's face slowly molds away from his peeved expression, now relaxed and exhibitng a look of slight astonishment. You can make out a tiny shade of pink under his eyes and earlobes, yet you choose not to point it out to showcase your seriousness with a loving smile. He scoffs, shakes his head, and leans close to your face.
"You're somethin' else, ya know that, kid?" He flicks your forehead, resulting in you groaning from the diminutive mistreatment. But he quickly places a kiss when you're done squirming from the pain. "I love ya too, baby. Always."
You beam at him. "Even when I'm whiny?"
Finally, he laughs. "Yeah, even when yr' whiny. My whiny, annoyin', cute-ass princess."
"I said whiny, not annoying."
"Whatever." The two of you exchange laughs and kisses on the couch, completely disregarding your assignments and the kettle ready with hot water. It doesn't matter nor compare with the adoration you experience from him right now, so you indulge yourself for as long as you can.
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greenapplebling · 23 days
*talking about fictional crushes part 2*
Cater, smugly: I can't help but notice that you guys keep mentioning redheads. I can't help but notice~
Ace: Listen, I didn't realize before but I'm looking at my list-
Kalim: Cater, they said smart and redheaded
Cater: *snorts* Damn, Kalim...
Ace: Did you guys watch Ben 10?
Trey: Gwen?
Ace: Yeah! Again, smart, redhead, can kick my ass-
Cater: Wow, masochist much?
Ace: I like them feisty, man. I love someone that hates me...
Everyone: ...
Cater: Riddle-
Ace: I'ma stop you right there
Ace: *coughing* Anyway, like Gwen, I usually like the smart ones
Kalim: Is it bc they balance you out?
Ace: Coming from the airhead?!!
Jamil: The pot calling the kettle black?
Ace: A dumb bitch calling another dumb bitch dumb bitch?!
Trey: The fire is coming from inside the house...
Kalim: So mean...
Trey: Wait- Kalim, are you into goth boys?
Kalim, panicking: Nonono, listen-
Cater: You've been making fun of him for liking big tiddy goth gfs and now he's getting back at you
Kalim: LISTEN, listen! I'm not into goth boys, I'm actually into a very specific hairstyle... Okay, like, bangs? Bangs, bangs, bangs make me feel some sort of way...
Cater: *nods* That feels on brand with you
Kalim: ??
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thought--bubble · 5 months
Like a Vice
(Dark) Will (Salad Days) X (Tom's GF Reader)
Warnings After The Cut
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Will (Salad Days) Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Based on THIS request
Warnings:: Cheating, Obsession, Jealousy, Rage, Dubcon.
"I'm a dolt! A fool! A charlatan!" You groan as you roll over, clutching your face.
"You made a mistake.... baby, it happens." Your best friend Leah rubs your back, attempting to make you feel better.
"A mistake? I cheated on Tom!" You groan louder. "I cheated on Tom." Saying the words out loud makes you sick to your stomach.
"You still haven't told me what actually happened or who it happened with," she continues to rub your back. "You know you can trust me, right?"
"Believe me, what happened and with who matters very little" You roll over on your back. "I am just going to forget this ever happened"
That is much easier said than done when the whole thing plays in your mind on an endless loop. The fight with Tom. The alcohol consumed at the local pub. HIM walking into the pub.
You rub your eyes trying to push it all out of your mind but like a never ending montage, flashes of his smile and his soft laugh sitting next to you at the bar flash by every time you close your eyes.
You can't tell Leah it was Will. You really can't. She has known him since they were young kids and on top of that, your boyfriend Tom? He is one of his closest friends. This entire situation is completely fucked up.
It didn't seem so bad when the two of you were just laughing away at the bar. It didn't even seem that bad when he offered to walk you home, since it was late and you were his friend's girlfriend it would be perfectly normal for him to walk you home, chivalrous even. You somehow didn't even question yourself when you invited him in for tea. As a thank you for walking you home, of course.
Now any rational decent woman would have had some tea and sent him on his way, instead, as you put the kettle on and drunkenly lean against your counter he came up behind you wrapping his arms around you and whispering in your ear. You should have pushed him away. What did he even whisper? You don't remember, what you do remember is before you knew it, you were bent over the kitchen counter screaming the name Will while the beautiful emerald necklace Tom had gotten you bounced off your chest.
Which is why you find yourself curled up in your bed two days later feeling like the worst person in the world while your best friend strokes your back.
"You're still coming to Matt's party tonight, right?" Leah says softly.
"I would really rather not..... but if I don't go, Tom will know something is up. " You groan while rubbing your eyes again. I have to go and just pretend everything is normal somehow."
"You know, you could always come clean? Tell the truth and see what happens?" She gives you a little smile.
"I could, I know I should. I'm just not ready yet." You sigh. "It didn't mean anything, and Tom, he means everything to me."
"Well, just think about it, ok? Keeping a secret like this. It will drive you mental. " Leah's words repeat in your head long after she leaves, all through getting reading, brushing your hair, putting on your makeup.
"Might be too late. Think i am already mental. " You mutter under your breath as you walk outside, pulling your jacket tight around you. Matt doesn't live far from your flat, and the quiet walk in the cool, crisp air was soothing.
You were worried about seeing Tom, but you were even more worried about seeing Will. The day after your little after the pub romp, he had shown up at the convenience store you work at. He bought himself a pack of smokes, and for a few minutes, you spoke to each other as if nothing had happened. As if you were just mere acquaintances strung together only by your mutual connection to Tom.
That is until he offered you to meet him for a drink sometime. You shut it down right away, telling him there was no way that would happen. The air between the two of you had chilled so abruptly after that statement that you had felt a shiver run through your body. He left quickly after that, but the look on his face, a mixture of anger and grief, hadn't yet left your mind.
As you walk into the party, there is music blasting and people chatting. Smoke fills the air, and alcohol is everywhere. This is how the boys partied. Always to excess. Where they got the money for this, you never knew, but they always made sure you had a good time, and for that, you were thankful.
When you spot Tom sitting on the sofa chatting and laughing with Matt, you quickly make your way over and sink down on the sofa next to him.
"Ahh, there she is!" Tom kisses your cheek."You are so beautiful. Did ya know that?" His cheeks are red, and his face is a bit warm.
"Started without me, I see?" You chuckle and lean in placing a small kiss on his cheek.
"Not my fault! You took forever to get here. I was starting to think you weren't gonna come at all. " He nuzzles into your neck, placing soft kisses along it. "I'm really glad you did, though."
You giggle at the sensation as he places his hands on your waist, pulling you in closer. The joy you were feeling was suddenly replaced with fear, as you felt the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. You could feel him watching you.
You slowly turn your head to the side and see him. Will is standing leaning against the wall nursing a beer. Tom, oblivious to the fact that you have an audience, continues with his small kisses and displays of affection. While Will continues to look straight into your eyes.
He is incredibly handsome. There is no denying that, his tall, slender figure, the sharp features of his face, his striking blue eyes. Those same blue eyes that were currently burrowing into your soul.
Those eyes on you in tandem with Tom's wandering hands and kisses feel overwhelming in this moment. Your mind screaming at you, how could i have done this?
You jump up shocking Tom. "I'm gonna go out for a smoke, you say, quickly snatching your bag off the couch.
"You don't have to go out for a smoke, look round, everyone's smokin" Tom laughs and gestures toward three separate party goers who all have a cigarette in their mouths or between their fingers.
"Just need some air, I'll be right back." You don't give him time to respond and hastily skate from the couch toward the front door. You need to get out of there, away from those eyes. Those eyes that look at you, the eyes that know what you have done.
The second the cool air hits your face, you feel yourself begin to calm down. You quickly hop down the steps and move around the side of the flat into the small alleyway between the two adjacent buildings. You lean your back and head up against the wall and breathe deep.
"This will all blow over," you whisper to yourself. "It was just a mistake"
"Was it?"
You open your eyes quickly and look toward the opening of the Alleyway. Will standing there a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
You look away from him and grimace. "Yes, it was"
"Nah..... " He tosses his cigarette to the ground, crushing it under his foot. "Nah.. it wasn't a mistake."
You quickly turn back to him, and you can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. "Yes, it was. I'm not sure what you are thinking here, Will, but believe me, it was a mistake, and it won't be happening again"
"That right?" He stalks toward you, his eyes squinted. "No love, that wasn't a mistake, I know mistakes, make lots of em, this? what happened between us? this was no mistake"
"Will, I'm with Tom." You back away from him a bit, and when he notices that, he cages you in with his arms.
"You think I care about tha? Stay wif em. Don't stay wif em. Don't make a difference to me. " He moves his body up against yours.
"Will..." You attempt to push him back a bit by his shoulders, but he doesn't budge.
"Admit it." He tilts his head to the side to maintain eye contact.
"Admit what?" You whine exasperated."What do you actually want from me??"
"I want you to admit it wasn't a mistake." He takes your chin delicately in his hand. "Admit that you want me."
"I ... I .. I'm with Tom. " You try to turn your head from him, but he tightens his grip.
"That isn't what i asked ya." He gently rubs his nose against the tip of yours. "Admit that you want me" ....... he slightly turns his head and, under his breath whispers "that i matter"
You feel your heart break just a little. "Will, I want Tom." You fight to hold back the tears that are fighting their way out. You never meant to hurt him like this. It was all just a big mistake.
"Yea." He holds you there against the wall, looking down at the ground deep in thought. The minutes tick by, and you feel frozen in place. As if you were to move, it could break the calm that has settled over the two of you.
You finally build up the strength to speak and decide it would be best to simply let him down gently. "This is over now, ok? We can just go back to what it was before"
His grip on your chin tightens again as his back stiffens and his jaw clenches. When he lifts his head and looks back at you, he is furious. "Go back? You want me to go back? Go back to watching you with Tom?"
His body is shaking as he presses you even more tightly to the wall.
"No," he whispers before he slams his lips down on yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
You squeak and push against his shoulders, but he keeps kissing you with a desperation, a longing.
"I won't walk away from you.... I can't" He huffs between kisses. "You're everything"
He lowers his kisses down to your neck. "Will!" You gasp.
He grips you by your thighs, pulling you up and pinning you between him and the wall. He runs his hands over your hips and down the curve of your ass.
Between his kisses, his hands, and the sounds of wanting he was making your body betrays you. You gently rock yourself against him.
"Fuckk" He groans quietly pushing himself up against you harder. He reaches under your skirt and can feel your wetness through your panties.
He closes his eyes and bites his lower lip as he pushes your panties to the side and slides a finger into your wet center.
You tightly grip his shoulder as he slides his digit up against your delicate walls pushing in farther with each stroke.
"See? You do want me. " He bites at the side of your jaw as you pant above him. He crooks his finger inside you and grins with pride as he finds the spongey spot that has you whimpering in his arms. "Come on. say it. " His voice drops to a whisper."Please say it"
"I want you" You are so close to your end you would practically say anything but this is enough for him. He pulls his finger out and quickly loosens his belt.
You groan at the loss of sensation and rock your hips against him
"I got you love" He pulls his jeans down just enough too free his cock that is already standing at full attention. He tightly grips your thighs as he pushes himself into you.
"Say it again" He holds one thigh up by his waist his other hand holding you up by the ass as he gently a slowly fucks into you.
He nuzzles his nose into the shell of your ear "Please say it again"
"I want you" The words come out again, Like they are being drawn from you, barely above a whisper.
He quickens his pace burying his face in your neck "I want you too" He bites into your shoulder and then kisses his bite gently.
You wrap your legs tightly around his hips as he bucks up into you.
You close your eyes and angle your head towards the sky. You do want him,, you shouldn't because you love and adore Tom, but you want Will all the same.
"Say it for me" He grunts as his thrusts get messy and more desperate . "Just once more"
"I want you!" You moan more than say.
He grips your hips tightly, rolling them against his body giving you that sweet, sweet friction you are so desperately craving pulling you over the edge of bliss with him.
He doesn't pull out and you are far to fucked out to care. He holds you there against the wall kissing your cheek and jawline as you pant breathlessly.
When you finally catch your breath and lower your legs, you hold your arm out against the wall to steady yourself.
"Will.... I don't know what just came over me" You nervously brush your fingers through your hair. "This can't happen again.... we have to end this"
He fixes his jeans and looks back at you with a cocky smirk.
His eyes land on the necklace hanging around your neck. He reaches over and quickly tugs it breaking the chain and stuffing it into his pocket.
"I ain't ending shit"
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Ooo can I please request a Tangerine x fem!innocent/shy!reader where they’ve been bf and gf for a while and love each other a lot, and he finally asks her to move in with him. Maybe she doesn’t know what he and lemon do for a living, nor does she really realize how much money this man has (she knows he has quite a lot with how much a spoils her though), and when she walks into his and Lemon’s (most likely) huge house, she’s like “😮”… Tan telling her what he and Lemon do for living in the most soft way possible (the softest it can be when referring to being assassins…). But Y/n says she loves him no matter what and they cuddle and lots of kisses🤧🧡🍊
super cute, I love. hope you like it, thank you for requesting💌
new home (tan x fem reader)
wc || 623
warnings || none
masterlist + rules
Buzzing the gate bell to be let into the driveway, looking around the huge plot of land, gawking at the beautiful trees spread around. The huge gate opens and you slowly drive up the long gravel driveway, taking in the countryside scenery, simply in awe of your new home.
Pulling up out front, you’re greeted warmly by the man you love, who is walking towards you. “Hello love!” Helping you out of the car, kissing you sweetly.
“Hello, handsome.” You cutely reply after parting.
“When is the moving company coming?” He questions in between quick kisses. 
“I think… in two hours, so around twelve ish.”
“Good, let me show you around.” He sweetly says, taking your hand to lead you into the house.
“My god, this is huge. I thought it was two houses.” You laugh.
As he shows you the rooms, your mouth fell open, practically drooling over the amount of space this man has.
“Holy…” you whisper to yourself as you stared up at the open foyer.
“That’s not all.” He smiles.
“I got something for you.” Tan says sweetly.
“What?” Trying to hide a smile. He always treats you, he basically spoils you. I mean what person doesn’t like gifts. But you didn’t like him because he spoiled you, he spoiled you because he liked you.
“Oh, yeah.” Leading you up the stairs. “I got this room done up for you.” Pointing at it.
“Wait- what? What is it?” You eagerly question.
He opens the door. “It can be your library or an art studio, a writing nook, an office… whatever you want. When you decide we can look at John Lewis.” He smiles down at you.
“John Lewis?” Your eyes widen. “IKEA is fine.”
“No no, what’s mine is yours and my girl deserves the best.” Kissing your forehead. “We can paint the walls whatever colour you like. Oh and also. It’s next to my office. I’m right there.” Pointing at the door next to it.
“You are so sweet.” You tenderly kiss him.
“Only for you.” Kissing your hand as he leads you back downstairs and towards the kitchen.
You take a seat at the island high chair, looking around taking everything in while Tan makes you both tea.
“Lem will be back in a bit to help.” He says, glancing over his shoulder as he poured water from the kettle into the mugs.
“He will? Thank you.” You say in a trance as you looked out into the back garden. “Babe…?” You say slowly.
“Yes…?” Copying your tone.
“Can I ask you something?”
“No.” Smirking. “Just messing, of course.”
“You don’t have to answer, but why are you so… loaded?” You say, trying to figure out the most polite way of saying it.
“Well…” he passes your drink while taking a sip of his. “Me and Lem are uh- outside contractors. We kind of- you know… sorta like films.” He wryly chuckles, trying to lighten the mood, feeling unsure of how you’d take it.
“So do you go lots of different places?” You sweetly ask, blowing on your drink before taking a sip.
“It uh- doesn’t bother you?” He asks feeling like it was almost too easy.
“Nope.” You simply reply. “I love you, so it doesn’t really matter.” Smiling at him over your mug.
He leans over the island to kiss you from the other side. “I love you.” Pecking your forehead. “I gotta show you the garden- did I tell you about the duck pond?”
Mouth widening, shrieking “no way.”
“Yes, way. It’s gonna rain so let’s go now.” Walking you outside, with your mugs in hand cuddling into each other's sides. It is truly beautiful, you couldn’t believe you now live here too.
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When you have time and only if you're up for it could we maybe have a blurb where gf comes back from a night out with her friends and Matty he's waiting for her because maybe there's some drama going around and he wants to hear the gossip and she's like "I don't want to bore you with this" and he goes like: I literally asked, this is better than any TV show.
But only if you feel up for it, totally fine if you aren't
“Oh, honey I’m hooommeee” she announced, a bit buzzed on the drinks she’d sipped on all night.
“Hello, my darling.” Matty rushed to the entryway to greet her with his kisses, hugs, and a few playful tickles. He loved the sound of her flustered laughter when she would try to slither away from his tickle attacks. “You taste….like gin.” He laughed. “So…I guess someone’s had a fun night.”
“Hmm” she snippy hummed, leaning on him to kick off her shoes.
“Wait, what’s that supposed to mean? You, didn’t have a fun night?” Matty raised an eyebrow, watching her expectantly.
“I had…a night.” She shrugged. “Want some food? Cuz I realllyyy want some pasta.”
“Baby, it’s almost midnight. Also, I’m gonna need clarification. What happened?”
“But, don’t you want some- some Parmesan? Some butter? All hot and melted together on some- some-“
“The word you’re looking for is ‘Pasta’” he laughed.
“No, genius! I know. But what’s the best kind of pasta to make buttered noodles with?” She rushed into the kitchen, aiming for the pantry.
“Literally noodles.” Matty, still in the hallway, said to no one in particular. “Okay, okay,” I don’t trust you with a stove. You seem a bit drunk.” He finally caught up to her, prying the box of pasta out of her hands. “You, go sot over there, and I’ll make the pasta.”
Matty flicked the kettle on, leaning against the counter as he waited for the water to boil. “So, tell me about your night…”
“Well, it was kind of dramatic, actually.”
Matty’s face lit up at the news. “Oh, yeah? Do tell…”
“Okay, so, you know how I told you that you couldn’t come tonight cuz it was just gonna be a girls night?”
“Yeah! You girls wanted to hang out and try to talk things out after the whole Camilla-Emily fiasco.”
The fact that he remembered the minute details of her inner circle made her giggle. “Yeah, exactly, so guess who showed up with her boyfriend?”
Matty covered his mouth with his hand “oh, Camilla, why??!”
“Obviously, that didn’t go over very well with Emily. You know, ever since the thing with the handbag and all.”
Matty turned around to grab a pot and fill it with boiling water, keeping his listening ears on. “Mhm…go on. What happened next?” He added a little salt to the water before dumping the pasta in and turning the stove on.
"Emily spent the first half of the night giving her the cold shoulder. Like, literally pretending she doesn’t exist. At one point, Emily bought a round of drinks for the whole table EXCEPT Camilla.”
Matty gasped dramatically. “Bro! That’s mean. Even if Camilla did deserve it a bit.” He sliced some butter in preparation for the pasta to cook.
“I- sorry, this is boring isn’t it? I haven’t even asked about you you yet. How’ve you been? How was your day?”
Matty shook his head, opening the fridge door and fishing out some Parmesan to grate over their pasta bowls. “Are you kidding me? I’ve been waiting for you all to hang out again so I could get the tea. I need to know what happened! Better than whatever nonsense is on TV these days.”He pulled out two forks from the silverware drawer and carried their bowls over to her, one in each hand.
“Extra, extra cheese one’s for you.” He slid the bowl across the table.
“You know what I’ve been thinking? Maggie had to have told Camilla what Emily said about her boyfriend. That’s the only reason she’d bring him tonight…”
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buthowboutno · 1 year
totally not late 15k hits post
hmm? what’s that? we hit 15k hits on ATWLP?? like, yesterday, right? mhmm? yes?
We’re just gonna totally gloss over how I’ve left y’all on a cliffhanger for the past two weeks but uhhh HERE’S SOME CONTENT PSPSPS I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER IS COMING OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (my gf was visiting, i was too busy fawning over her to type xoxo.)
I would just like to say again that my readers are so fucking insane and talented and you guys have really been SUCH a huge support for every step of the way. It only took like three chapters to gain 5k hits!!! That’s absolutely /wild/. 
So anyways, to the stinkies that have been here since the beginning and the ones that have joined us recently, i love y’all so so much and here’s to the second half of this truly monstrous fic.
Beneath the cut: Donnie’s POV from the end of Chapter 15.
QuarkedUp: not dogging on the newbies but she may or may not have caused us to have to redo our entire experiment
BootyShaker9000: You? Not being outright facetious to someone?
BootyShaker9000: Who are you and what have you done with the short nerd?
BootyShaker9000: Follow up question, will you keep them forever?
QuarkedUp: I hate you
Donnie snorted at your text as it popped up on the screen. He caught May smirking at him through the corner of his eye while he typed a response.
“What, am I not entertaining enough company?” she asked, taking a sip of her cocoa and keeping eye contact with Donnie over the rim of her mug. May had pointedly left the matching set alone for you and Donnie.
Donnie had appreciated that with words he couldn’t begin to form yet.
“I fear there’s no way to answer this without getting on someone’s bad side,” Donnie said.
May snorted, setting her mug down and reaching for the tupperware Donnie had brought over. Mikey had made more lavender sugar cookies that he insisted that Donnie take over to you that night, nevermind the fact that you were coming over later tomorrow.
Donnie might have… left out that detail when Mikey had asked him.
“Ah, well, don’t let me get in between you and your partner,” May teased. She bit into a cookie and hummed appreciatively.
Donnie’s cheeks felt warm as he began typing again. He would never get used to May calling you his partner. Between her and Splinter, Donnie’s mind had been rife with intrusive thoughts about you.
Thoughts about grabbing your hand with his when you placed it on his knee, about sticking his face in his hoodies when you finally returned them.
Thoughts about…
Nope! Lock it down, Donatello.
BootyShaker9000: You do not.
BootyShaker9000: Would you like me to make you something to drink?
QuarkedUp: oh yes pl
BootyShaker9000: Have we reached the point in society where we just aren’t finishing words anymore?
BootyShaker9000: May and I just finished off the last of the hot cocoa, but I can make you a green tea?
Donnie got up from his beanbag and walked over to the little area where the kettle was set up, flicking it on and searching through the little drawers for the tea you liked.
“I’m so glad the two of you use the mugs I bought,” May said as Donnie pulled out the matching pair to his mug. Donnie gave May a soft smile before turning back around to retrieve the honey.
“We use them every time I come over. I think their excessive abuse of caffeine is the last thing keeping your roomie tethered to reality, if I’m being honest,” Donnie said. Not that he, admittedly, was much better. You had forced him to start limiting his Redbull intake to just two cans a day if you couldn’t have your third or fourth cup of coffee.
‘Turnabout’s fair play,’ as you had told him.
‘I’m an engineered weapon of war,’ Donnie said back, ‘I can handle a little caffeine.’
How rude of you to care about his well-being.
May cackled, reaching into the tupperware for another cookie, “That’s what they get for being an engineer. Us art majors just go insane in the poetic way.”
Donnie huffed a laugh through his nose, “How very Plath of you.”
“I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” May said. Donnie walked back over to retrieve his mug and took a long sip while he opened up his chat with you.
No new messages.
BootyShaker9000: Sweetums?
“Has your roommate texted you in the last five minutes?” Donnie asked, setting his mug back down and tapping at his tech gauntlet to check your location.
“You’re… really overprotective, aren’t you?” May asked, but pulled out her phone all the same. With a few swipes she looked back up at Donnie, “Nothing since this morning.”
“Some might say I’m paranoid within reason,” Donnie said, focusing his full attention to his tech gauntlet. He tapped on your icon showing your location and pulled up your health stats. Heart rate slightly elevated, but nothing else too concerning, “My concern is backed up with years of empirical data and, for lack of better words, gut feeling.”
“I can refer you to some resources on campus for your anxiety, you know,” May said. She looked concerned, but Donnie just waved her off.
“Still not a student, but thank you.”
Donnie’s gauntlet started beeping obnoxiously, startling both of them. Donnie’s heart stopped when he saw the familiar notification on the screen.
“Something happened,” Donnie said, engaging his jetpack and taking off immediately through the open window. He didn’t wait a second to give May any explanation. How could he? How could he waste any second that should be spent making sure that you were okay?
He hovered above your last known location, finding nothing but the faint scent of your body wash and acetone that you had undoubtedly spilled earlier in your lab. Donnie dropped down to the ground and tried to trace where your smell was coming from. His eyes locked on his your hoodie that was folded neatly and placed on the edge of the sidewalk.
Donnie practically fell to his knees as he grabbed it. Your phone fell out of the front pocket as he did so with a note taped to the screen. Donnie’s hands shook as he picked it up off of the ground, thumbing the piece of paper open so he could read the messy scrawl.
Othello Von Ryan,
For old time’s sake, I’ll be frank. We have your partner and you have significant funds. There doesn’t need to be any hassle tonight, just so long as you follow every instruction.
Load $20,000 worth of Bitcoin onto a USB and go to the address sent to your phone. Bring no one. Leave your weapons behind. If you try anything, we will not hesitate to cut our losses and move on.
Consider our graciousness for your years of theft to be a gift for the happy couple.
–Purple Dragons
Donnie felt a eerie calm wash over him. It was like he had retreated into the back of his own skull, only merciless logic and cold fury guiding his next actions.
He pocketed your phone and rose from the ground with the hoodie in hand. He ran his thumb over the soft fabric, his mind completely focused while he pressed call on his phone.
“Leo? I’m going to need you to listen very carefully.”
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