#keep your hands hugs and cheek kisses to yourself thank you very much lol
niuniente · 1 year
Nyrkkitappelu - Halailijat Finnish punk about how annoying touchy feely people are (to Finns)
On perjantai ja sulla fiilis on yllä It's Friday and you're feeling good
Tiedän sut, ollaan tuttuja kyllä I know we're familiar with each other
Mut ei aleta nyt axeja testaamaan But let's not test each other's limits and Axe antiperspirants right now
Pidä halaava tassusi taskussa vaan Just keep your affectionate paws in your pockets
Ei se niin vaikeeta olla voi It can't be that hard
Kädestä päivää tai suullinen moi Just to shake hands or say verbally hello
Halailijat! Huggers! Voidaan leikkiä frendiä We can pretend to be friends
Mut en ymmärrä läheisyystrendiä But I don't understand the trend towards intimacy
Tää ehkä on setien settiä Maybe this is what the guys do
Mut mä noudatan eri etikettiä But I follow a different etiquette
Ei se niin vaikeeta olla voi It can't be that hard
Kädestä päivää tai suullinen moi Just to shake hands or say verbally hello
Halailijat! Huggers!
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porcelainmoth · 18 days
Blitzø and Rosie with a autistic s/o 🌈♾️
A/n: I know everyone with autism experiences it differently so this just based on my personal experience.
Warnings: Language, Mentions of c@nnibalism, Mentions of death but nothing dark, Blitzø being Blitzø, mention of overstimulation. Let me know if I missed anything.
Suggested by @glittersparkles02
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Rosie 🌹💀
Rosie of course was born in a time where nobody really knew or had much knowledge of such things so when you casually brought it up to her one day while y'all were having tea she of course she didn't quite understand.
"Oh? That's....wonderful darling?" She says smiling even though she obviously didn't have much of a clue what you were talking about.
You explained it to her the best you could.
"Oh so your brain is different? There's nothing wrong with that. Come here my darling." She says holding out her arms bringing you into a tight embrace lovingly stroking your cheek.
"And if anyone treats you any different or makes fun of you for it I'll turn them into a divine stew."
"Kidding Dear!" She laughs.
Like Alastor she of course isn't familiar or concerned with modern technology so she'll go to someone more knowledgeable about it such as Charlie who happens to be resourceful since her father is autistic as well!
She'll research it through books and studies.
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"Darling I have a surprise for you. Don't open your eyes until I say to." She sings in a cheery voice.
You nod and keeping your eyes closed as you feel her place something in your hands.
"Open them!" She says grinning from ear to ear.
You look down at the foreign object in your hand observing it. It's a tiny black box with a red ribbon. You begin to open and a gasp escapes your mouth.
"Is this....?" You whisper and begin to tear up.
Rosie frowns upon seeing your reaction.
"What's the matter dear. Do you not like it?" She asks nervously.
"Like it? I-I love it! Thank you so much." You quickly pull her into a tight hug crying into her shoulder. Still being put off by your reaction she hesitates a second before awkwardly wrapping her slender arms around your figure rubbing your back as you cry.
It's a little charm bracelet. On it it's lined with tiny red roses, little skulls and in the centerpiece a heart with a infinity symbol in the middle of it. The material is soft and squishy but it's the most beautiful and uniquely crafted thing you've ever seen.
"It's beautiful..."
You look up at her and she smiles sweetly back at you.
"I-I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting this. This is the nicest and most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me."
She grins giving you a kiss on your forehead before pulling you into her lap.
"Well if anything you oughta thank Charlie. She's the true genius." She smiles taking the bracelet and slides it onto your wrist. Admiring it she points out what each of the little charms stand for.
"Roses to represent your beauty. Skulls to represent that even in death we'll never be apart. And a heart to represent my love for you. Oh and the infinity sign um I don't really understand but I know it's important to you. Charlie said it has something to do with autism." She says scratching the back of her head.
You giggle. You'd have to explain that to her another time. You sigh burying your face into her neck. She smiles and holds you close.
"Je t'aime."
"Did Alastor teach you that?" You chuckle.
"Je t'aime aussi."
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Honestly he doesn't really notice at first until you bring it up to him.
When you tell him he just goes "Oh really? Okay lol."
Is more protective of you afterwards. Not because he thinks you can't handle yourself but he knows how shitty other and downright brutal other demons can be.
"Listen babe. I don't care what any dick-swinging bastard's gotta say you are amazing and so very fucking special and if anyone can't see that then fuck em'. Well don't actually fuck them...but you know what I mean." He says trying not to sound all sentimental causing you to crack up.
When y'all are in public and you start to stim. He encourages you to let loose and be yourself. And if another demon stares at you funny he'll kindly tell them to fuck off.
"Fuck you lookin' at?" He hisses and wraps his arm around you.
Buys you that one shirt that says "You call it autism. I call it having that dawg in me."
Honestly he isn't all touchy feely but he tries his best to comfort you if you're feeling overstimulated. Wanna cuddle? He's gotcha. Need to be given some space. No problem.
Tries his best to be supportive and thoughtful of your needs.
Absolutely spoils the shit out of you and buys you lots of sensory stuff like fidget toys, and weighted blankets or anything that you want.
At the end of the day. He just wants to make sure you're happy.
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A/n: I didn't really know what to put for Blitzø at the end so sorry if it was kind of cheesy. As always take care ❤️
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Not A Typical Weekend….(Little Duck au)
pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader (Momma Evans)
summary: it’s back to the hospital you go, only this time, it may not be the news you’re both looking for…
warnings: angst, mentions of anxiety, some tears, very panicky Arlie, comfort of course <;3
a/n: i was feeling angsty so here’s this…i promise i won’t torture this family anymore, I guess this may be a two parter?? considering I kinda left the ending open...? also I hate my writing again so maybe thats why I kinda cut it that way LOL
word count: 952
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 You were hoping the pain after your accident would become more bearable after 5 days at home, but when you were still dealing with cramping, and now stabbing pains in your chest, Chris wouldn’t take no for an answer when it came time to go back to the hospital. Poor Arlie had been beside herself all morning as she watched you wince and moan as the waves of pain passed through you. Lisa was just as worried, but tried to keep Arlie calm and away from a potential panic attack
“Momma no go pwease no go!”
You frowned, opening your arms for her so you could hold her for a few moments
“My love, I’ll be okay, I promise you…momma’s gotta get fixed up so I can be all better again”
“Don’t wanna lose momma…”
Your heart was breaking at the tears that lined her eyes, slowly slipping out every few seconds 
“Arlie Mae, you’re not going to lose me, I’ll be home before you know it, I need you to help Nana with your brother, he’s going to need his big sister while Daddy and I are gone” 
She sniffled
“Okay momma…I-I try to help Nana”
“Thank you baby, I know you’re scared, but I’ll be home before you know it, so I need you to eb a big brave girl for me” 
You kissed her cheek upon hearing Chris call your name from the door, standing slowly to kiss Wesley and hug Lisa, you gave everyone one last goodbye before grabbing an overnight bag, and some snacks. It was hard to tell how long you’d be at the hospital until you arrived and got checked out, so overpacking may come in handy, even if you usually avoided it. 
“Ready to go honey?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be I suppose…I just hope it’s nothing serious”
Chris placed a kiss on your temple after helping you get settled into the front seat of the car 
“I hope so too, we’ll just have to wait and see now…”
You nodded folding your hands into your lap, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t freaking out a little bit. The prospect of it being horrible news compared to slightly okay news, now seeming to become more real, the closer to the hospital you got. Knowing Chris would be panicking just as much as you figured Arlie still may be at home, you remained quiet, and optimistic that you would be in and out of there in no time. 
“Mrs. Evans, I am glad you decided to come back in to see us, albeit not the best circumstances, better to be safe than sorry right?”
You were laying in a hospital bed, a private room once again at Mass Gen, you’d had numerous counts of blood taken, a few scans, x-rays, an entire workup because Chris nor you wanted to leave without being absolutely sure you were one hundred percent okay to go back home 
“So, we have taken a look at all the tests and scans we completed, the pain your experiencing is two things, one of them which is a chip in your collarbone, that has come loose and will require surgery in order to have that bone stabilized again”
Your hand reached for Chris’s looking for some comfort, he was quick to take it, holding it tightly in his, eyes trained on the doctor who had what appeared to be more bad news 
“You also have a collapsed lung, which worries me most because of the duration it seems to have been collapsed for, that is going to require immediate surgery, so we are going to take you down within the hour…any questions I can answer?”
When Chris started speaking with him you zoned out, your mind racing through every endless possibility that could potentially happen while you are on the operating table. It felt like your brain was spinning out of control, your eyes now glossed over, you were freaking out, but Chris could see it, so he promptly held your face in his hands 
“Hey, hey…baby breathe, you gotta breathe for me beautiful…”
“I-I don’t want to d-die, what if-what if”
Chris shook his head 
“No, we aren’t going to do that. You’re not going anywhere y/n, we have the best doctors looking after you, they’re going to help you so we can go home to the kids, so we can live the rest of our lives together, you are going to be okay”
He rested his forehead against yours as you closed your eyes, attempting to get your breathing back under control, and after a few minutes you managed to slow your heart rate again, Chris placed a few kisses to your cheeks before settling on your lips just as the pre op team came in
“I’ll be here the whole time, I promise, I love you so much”
“I love you too Chris, don’t ever forget that”
Chris wanted to say more, he felt like he needed you, but once that team of nurses had rushed into the room to prep you for two back-to-back surgeries, he knew he needed to step back and let them get to work. You were in the best care, and the best hands possible here but that wasn’t enough to keep the anxious thoughts and worries away. Even as he sat down in the uncomfortable chair by the window to call home, that sinking feeling never left him, seeing Arlie and Wesley helped to distract his mind. He truthfully didn’t know how long you’d been in the OR, but he hoped to god it wouldn’t be long so he could have you back in his arms, because life without his better half wasn’t something he was willing to settle for nor think about. 
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c0ffinshit · 2 years
Angel Eyes (The Grabber x Reader) Oneshot
A/N: for everyone who wants Her Part lll updates, I’m still working on it and hoping to get it out by next week. For now, have this.
word count: 702
warnings: fluff, heart-broken reader, a little angst, like a kiss on the hand and cheek (if u worry about stuff like that), v for vendetta vibes lol
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A quiet fall night in Denver. Sure, it was like every other night. Only one thing was different. You were heartbroken. Your boyfriend of two years broke your heart. He kept telling you it wasn’t you, which you knew to be true. You had waited months for him to utter those words, a waking nightmare. My face was running with tears as you turned the doorknob to his house and slammed the door behind you. The cold fall wind ran up your spine, the loneliness quickly as you quietly walked.
“Y’know, it isn’t really safe to walk alone all by yourself?” a voice rang behind you.
Your feet started to pick up the rest of your body, and you started to walk faster, but; you couldn’t help but want to look behind you as a dark van followed close by. Finally, you stopped and looked behind me. A tall, long-haired man with his arm resting on the door greeted me:
“Hello…” he said, looking at me up and down.
“Listen, if you are going to kill me, just do it now,” you said through tears.
“Honey, what makes you think I’m going to kill you?” he moves closer as you step back. 
“I only want to be honest with you… whatever your name is,”
"It’s Al,”
You had seen Al around town before. Typically, he would keep to himself. He worked at the hardware store near your house. A helpful man, or so you’ve been told.   “You still don’t know my name,”
He moves back slightly, “Fine, what is it?”
“(Y/N).” you slightly move forward, adjusting the weight of your legs. 
He removed his hand from the car door and extended it to you, expecting you to stretch your hand in return. You returned his handshake.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you (Y/N),” he kissed your hand, “your name is lovely. It fits you perfectly,” 
You blush slightly. Your brain could hardly tell if it was for Al kissing your hand or your crying from mere seconds ago. Al opens the door to the van and steps out, still touching your hand.
“My dear, have you been crying?” he caresses your cheek, and you lean into his touch.
“Would you hate me if I said yes?” 
Al wipes a tear still running down your face and looks at you with kind eyes. He seemed so sweet when he spoke to you, using the most gentle voice when you were clearly melting in a pile of my own tears.
“Why would I hate you?” he said, pulling you into a hug, “what you’re feeling is normal,”
His arms felt so strong around me that you’ve never felt safer; your arms wrap around his torso. He only met you just a few minutes ago. And yet, he feels so close to you, like he was melting into you. His hand beings to run up and down your back.
“Thank you sir,” I said, rubbing my face into his shoulder, “you’re very kind,”
He merely continued to rub my back, resting his head on my shoulder. It felt like he was telling you not to worry.  To stop thinking of once was and think just at the moment.  You could feel my eyes look up as he pulled away. Al wasn’t much taller then you were but his eyes glinted in the moonlight. A sense of romantic energy pulled you closer to him. Sure, he was wearing a strange mask you hadn’t quite seen before, long and with a large, wide grin across it. But you could tell his lips were slightly apart. It was clear there was a top half missing.
“There is no reason to thank me, dear. I only want to help, nothing in return,”
You look at him, puzzled, “Isn’t there one thing I can do to show how thankful I am that you showed?”
He presses a finger to your lips, pressing his mask to your kiss; you assume it was a attempt at a kiss. 
“Nothing at all, don’t worry,” he  said, entering the van again.
You were tempted to stop him from getting in his van by kissing him on the mask’s lips. But you silently watched him drive off, hoping to see him again.
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Hello I am in a really bad way rn after an incident with a nurse and I'd like to request the bros (and side characters too) looking after a chubby/overweight MC after she/they was called fat by someonr and started losing their shit because of it (like starting to not eat, getting snappy with the boys, wearing baggier clothes, not leaving their room as much, etc.) "Because it's true and they're just stating facts"
If you're uncomfortable writing this that's totally fine! just thought I'd try my luck lol
- 🌹
Hello my dear! Thank you so much for sending this request in and being patient! This is just the 7 brothers first, then I will post the Side Characters as a second part since i'm bad at keeping things short lol I really hope you like this! I'm very sorry to hear you are feeling down, I hope that this cheers you up and know that i'm a safe person if you ever need to talk ^-^
TW: Self-deprecation, discussions of weight and body image, possible triggering language, Swearing. Please read at your own risk and let me know if I missed anything that could be triggering!
Genre: Angst/Hurt, Comfort, Fluff.
Please be aware that I am not a professional. I do possess a degree in Psychology, but everyone's experience is different when it comes to personally dealing with this topic. I apologize if this does not align with your own personal experiences!
Taglist: @delphi-dreamin @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar (feel free to ignore if this isn't for you!)
Harsh Thoughts, Gentle Praises
Your chest felt heavy as you walked home from RAD. Tears threatened to spill over your cheeks, but you didn't dare let them fall in front of him. You felt bad because you had snapped at him when he asked why you were so quiet, and now the tension was so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. It's all because that stupid no-name demon called you that word. A word that had a tendency to trigger you. A word that was considered so ugly in the human world, and they knew that and used it to their advantage just to hurt you.
The word echoed in your head. "Aren't you a little fat for a human? I bet you'd make a nice meal for those demons you hang around all the time. I don't know how they can even stand being around you." They had said. you tried so hard to not let it bother you. But you knew you were slipping into the toxic state of mind that you hadn't been in since coming to the Devildom.
The eldest demon was one of the first to notice your behavior. He kept a close eye on you after all.
He walked you home that day, and you immediately shut yourself in your room.
Lucifer will give you space at first. He knows all to well that when he's angry, he just needs time to cool off.
However this went on for a couple of days.
He notices you skipping meals, claiming you aren't feeling well.
When he does see you, you're wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants and your hair is messy and unkempt. This isn't like you at all.
He eventually sits you down in his study to talk with you. "MC, I'd like to know what's been bothering you. Are you okay"
Suddenly, all of the feelings you've been bottling up explode.
"No, clearly i'm not okay!" you shout, throwing your hands up in frustration.
Lucifer is taken aback by your outburst, but he listens as you tell him everything. Anger rises in his chest and he clenches his fist in his lap.
You were a sobbing mess, "I don't even know why I'm upset, they're only stating facts anyways."
Lucifer immediately pulls you into a tight hug, silencing the toxic words that leave your mouth. “Regardless of whether their observations are true or not, clearly we all still care deeply about you. So they are wrong about that aspect.”
You continue to sob into his chest, but this time at his words. "B-But Luci...It's true..."
He pulls away and plants a delicate kiss to your forehead. “That's quite enough of that. MC, you are the most beautiful being I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on.”
He scoops you up onto his lap, cradling you close. You squeeze your eyes shut, enjoying the moment of tenderness you've been craving so much. "Now let's get you showered and ready for bed. Would you care to join me?"
The Avatar of Greed is surprisingly quick to notice the habits you've formed.
You had yelled at him for barging into your room, which you didn't normally do anymore.
He was startled when he had walked into you crying, and decided he wasn’t leaving without an explanation.
“Mammon I said go away already!” You cried, tossing a book at him.
He had dodged it of course, and made his way over to your bed. “No way in hell am I leaving until ya tell me what’s wrong!”
You were stubborn. You sat in silence, staring at the floor. Mammon sighed, "Please MC. Don't think I haven't noticed you haven't been eating... or takin' care of yourself... and you're so stressed. It's my job to pay attention to these things!"
You began to weep again, explaining the situation through hiccups.
Once you finished, Mammon was pissed.
"Are you fuckin' for real?! I swear i'm gonna rip 'em apart..." He demands the name of the demon who dares say such vile things to his human.
He was so angry, his demon form was threatening to take over.
"It's fine Mammon, It's not like they were lying. Its true, I'm fat. I'm disgusting. Just look at me."
Mammon practically growls at the way you talk about yourself. His hands are suddenly on your shoulders.
"You're really gonna listen to some bastard demon who doesn't even know ya at all?! Yeah, I'll look at you. And when I do, all I see is this beautiful human who makes me fuckin' crazy."
He stared at you intently before crashing his lips to yours. You welcomed the kiss gratefully. His hands are exploring their way down your arms, and up the curves of your hips.
When you broke apart, he pulled you into his chest, squeezing you tightly. He just wanted to hold you. To protect you from everything that could possibly harm you.
Your legs trembled when he pulled you to your feet and you held onto him.
"Let's go watch a movie in bed or somethin', okay? I want to show you just how beautiful you are."
You nodded, taking his hand and wiping your tear stained cheeks with the other. All you wanted right now was his company. His love and attention. "I love you Mams. Thank you."
He flashed you a wide grin. "I love you too, Treasure. Don't you forget that."
Levi was shocked when you turned down his offer on watching the new episode of anime you've been watching together.
You muttered something along the lines of "I know I can't be as perfect as that one character you like so much."
Levi froze in place, watching you retreat down the hallway and to your room. W-What did you just say?!
It takes him a moment, but he follows you and cautiously opens your door.
You were sat on your bed, arms crossed and tears falling down your face.
"M-MC! What's wrong?? D-Did I say something to upset you?" He stuttered, unsure of how to approach you.
When you told him everything, he was practically crying right alongside you. "I know i'm fat, Levi. I don't know how you can stand me when all those anime characters are so perfect."
Levi shakes his head, his amber eyes filled with tears. "No, no, no. Don't even go thinking that. Those characters aren't real. You're real, MC. And you are perfect to me. You're my Henry, remember?!"
You let out a small giggle through your tears. "Y-Yeah, I guess. But-"
Levi interrupts you, pulling you into a hug.
You run your fingers through his purple hair and you begin to relax. You felt bad for snapping at him. "I'm sorry, Levi."
The purple haired demon pulls away, wiping his own eyes with his sleeve. "N-Now you've made me cry! Come on. Let's go back to my room." He glances down at the hoodie and pajama pants you're wearing. "I-I'll lend you one of my shirts if you want..." he said, shyly. He knew you loved borrowing his anime shirts.
You perked up at that, the thought of being surrounded in his scent cheering you up. He really does know you so well.
He grabbed your hand and lead you to his room, his face flushing in the process.
"Hey, Levi? I love you."
Satan could feel your pact mark with him burning.
You had just gotten done throwing a tantrum over not being able to understand the material you were studying for test the next day.
Satan's emerald eyes widened, reassuring you that it was okay, and he didn't mind going over it with you again.
"No, I'm just too stupid to get it! That demon was right. I don't know how you can stand me!" you yelled, sliding down to the floor of the library.
"MC...what demon? Will you please explain?"
When he finally got it out of you, his own wrath began to rise in his stomach. He felt sick with rage.
You pulled your knees to your chest, your own pact mark beginning to burn. "It's not like they are wrong or anything. They're stating facts."
Satan sat on the floor next to you, wrapping his arms around your trembling form.
"Now you don't actually believe that do you?"
You sniff, wiping the mixture of snot and tears from your face. "W-Well yeah I do..."
Satan shook his head. "Unacceptable. I believe we aren't finished with our session yet. I have another subject to teach you in."
The remainder of your study session was spent with Satan planting soft kisses on various parts of your body. Your face. Your hands.
He rolled up the sleeves of your oversized hoodie to kiss your arms.
He ran his hands over the curves and dips of your body. Over your soft, plush thighs.
"S-Satan...stop..." you sighed. But you really didn't mean it. All you wanted was his gentle touch. You couldn't get enough.
He smiled, wiping your tears. He helped you to your feet, and planted one final kiss to your soft lips.
"Let's continue this session after hours. I have lots more to teach you about yourself."
You and Asmo were supposed to go to the spa together that evening. Needless to say, you weren't exactly feeling up to it.
Asmo pouted when you told him you were cancelling, and demanded to know the reason why.
You tried to come up with an excuse, but you began to grow visibly upset, finding it hard to speak.
Asmo's face fell and he quickly guided you to his room.
"Darling, what ever is the matter?" he asked softly, sitting you down on his bed.
You wept as you finally came clean. "I just don't get why you want to spend time with me! I'm fat and disgusting! I'll only ruin your image!"
His concern began to transform into anger. "As the Avatar of Lust, there's no way I'm letting you speak that way about yourself!" he cried, grabbing a tissue and dabbing at your wet cheeks.
You let out a choked sob as he pulled you to your feet, standing you in front the large mirror that stood in his closet. "A-Asmo, no... I don't even want to look at myself..."
Asmo only shook his head. "Look at this beautiful human standing right here with me. Who says being heavier is a bad thing? That demon's only goal was to hurt you because he's simply jealous."
You sniffed, staring up at Asmo's reflection in the mirror. You've never seen him this serious before.
"Y-You really think I'm beautiful? Are you sure?" you asked, timidly.
Asmo pressed the side of his face against yours as he continued to admire your reflection. "The beauty I see in you is undeniable, my dear."
You chuckled as he twirled you around to face him, bringing your hand to his lips.
If there was one thing Asmodeus was good at, it was loving himself.
Now he was going to teach you, too.
Giving you a wink, Asmo guided you to his bathroom."Let's go have a spa night here, instead. You deserve nothing but the best treatment from yours truly."
When dinner time rolled around, Lucifer called your name.
You reluctantly emerged from your bedroom, and in a cloudy state of mind found yourself at the table with a plate of food in front of you.
You stared down at it, and began picking through it with a fork.
Beel immediately noticed your behavior.
You normally ate your food with no hesitation and gratefully thanked whoever had made it that night.
It had been Beel's turn to cook, so he made your favorite, sensing you were down about something.
He only wanted to cheer you up.
"MC, are you feeling okay?" he said quietly as to not draw attention to the rest of his brothers.
Your lip began to tremble, and your fork clattered to the floor.
Now the other brothers were looking at you, and you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.
"Would you all quit staring at me?! I'm going to my room. I-I'm not feeling good." you yelled.
Beel got up, leaving his own unfinished plate of food behind to follow you.
When he knocked on your door, he could hear you sobbing. He entered your room and made his way over to you.
"MC, what's wrong?" he asked softly, reaching out to play with a lock of your hair.
You glanced at him, your face messy with tears. "How do you guys love me?"
Beel was confused by your question. "Huh? Why wouldn't we love you?"
You finally broke down, telling him everything. Beel's heart ached for you, and he suddenly didn't have an appetite anymore.
"MC...We could never feel that way about you..."
You buried your face in your hands. "But look at me! You don't see the gross stretch marks on my skin? How fat I am?"
Beel winced at your words. "MC, look." he said, pulling up his shorts slightly to expose his thigh. "I have them too."
You blinked in surprise as you saw the pale white lines traveling over the expanse of Beel's skin. "W-What?"
He nodded, pulling you to his side. "I do. I struggled with weight gain too. My sin is gluttony, and It got out of control for a little bit."
You sniffed, leaning into him. "I-I'm sorry Beel..."
He nuzzled his face into your neck. "Just promise not to say things like that anymore. I love everything about you."
His hands traveled down to your own thighs and squeezed. "You are everything I need. You make me feel hungry in a different way. I crave it all the time."
You sighed as he pressed his lips against yours. "Now only if you're feeling up to it, maybe we can finish our dinner in my room?"
You gave him a small smirk, "Sure, I'm looking forward to dessert."
Belphie didn't pay attention at first.
But when you didn't show up to your nightly cuddle session in the attic, he was worried.
He texted you, but there was no answer. Where are they? He wondered.
He decided to go search for you, going to your room first.
When he got to your door, he didn't bother knocking.
He entered to see you buried under your covers in your bed.
"MC?" he yawned, padding over to lift the covers slightly.
Your teary eyes met his, and he furrowed his brow in worry. "Why are you crying, Angel?"
Your lip quivered, and you began cry more. "G-Go away, Belphie."
The youngest demon only pulled back your covers and slipped into the spot next to you. He pulled the blankets back up to cover you both.
"Nah, I'm comfy here. What's going on?"
You rolled away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze.
"Belphie, why do you love me?"
He hummed, pondering the question. "Because you are you. I love everything. There's no way I can list them all. Too sleepy." he yawned.
You felt a bubble of laughter rise in your chest, but only for a second.
"So you don't mind that i'm um.... overweight?"
Belphie's eyebrows lifted in surprise at the question. "Where is this coming from?"
Fresh tears spilled as you began to explain what happened a few days prior.
Belphie growled, pulling you closer to him. He wanted to know who it was that dared say such disgusting things to you.
"But it's true though right? I mean it's pretty obvious they weren't lying."
Hearing those words only made him angrier. He forced you to roll back over so you were facing him.
"Dont say such things, MC. You always hate it when I say bad things about myself, don't you?"
You nodded, wiping your nose. "Y-Yeah, but this is different..."
He shook his head, reaching out to cradle your head in his hands.
"No it's not different. You are the greatest thing to happen to me. I don't give a shit about things like that, and you know it. And I know for a fact my brothers don't either."
You gasped as he pulled you into his chest. You began to relax as he rubbed circles on your back. "Belphie..."
He pulled away, staring into your eyes. "Did you know that every star you see is different? Even though they look the same from a distance. MC, you're the brightest, most beautiful star I've ever seen. If we all looked the same, it would be pretty boring, right?"
Your lip trembled, but Belphie put it to rest once he pressed his lips to yours. "I love you, Angel. Let's get our cuddle session in now okay?"
Side Characters coming shortly! (Will update)
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sweet-seishu · 1 year
Save Your Breath
hanma shuji x reader
warnings: angst, breakup, sad hours, not really sure what other warnings except that this is badly edited and written. i wrote it in five mins lol.
a/n: i did write this with a fem reader in mind but ig it can also be gn :) also if you listen to "save your breath" by jvke it was the inspo for this 😅😅
network: @tokyometronetwork
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You knew.
You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you knew.
You looked over at Hanma, a cigarette between his lips as he watched whatever was on the TV, looking at his phone constantly as he waited for whoever he was texting to reply.
But you knew who it was, and you knew it was the reason your relationship was crumbling.
It happened at dinner a few weeks back, you made the suggestion of going on a date, it had been a while since you had both been out and you thought it might help the spark between you light back up.
You were excited, dressing up in a cute dress while Hanma wore a suit, you smiled when you walked back out to the living room after you were done getting ready, Hanma returning that smile with a small one of his own.
"You look beautiful y/n." He told you, standing up from the couch and walking towards you.
"Thank you Shuji, you look very handsome." You told him.
"Ready?" He asked, offering you his arm. You happily nodded, looping your own through his before he led you to his car so he could drive you both.
It was a disaster the minute you got there.
You noticed the way his eyes immediately went over to her when you walked into the restaurant, the way he stepped away from you just a little, dropping your arm as the hostess led you to the table. You couldn't help but look over to the other girl, her beauty knowing no bounds as you suddenly felt invisible to Hanma.
You knew who she was, he had told you about her before. His first love.
It all got worse when she left her table to come to yours, greeting your boyfriend with a huge smile as he stood up to hug her, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist, making you feel insecure and hurt.
What hurt worse was when he introduced you as just "y/n" instead of his girlfriend. They talked for 20 minutes while you sat there, suddenly feeling sick.
You just wanted to leave.
It was different after that night between you two; soft kisses and gentle touches turned into pecks on the cheeks and short hugs, sex that used to be passionate seemed like such a chore now, to be honest you can't remember the last time Hanma initiated anything with you. When you brought it up, it became an argument. Everything became an argument with him lately.
You hated what you two had become. Your relationship with Hanma used to be so exhilarating. He was always surprising you, making you feel so loved, so special, like you were the only thing in the world that mattered to him. Now it was like you were just a nuisance to him, always getting in his way when he was home, which was rarely ever.
You knew he spent his time with her, that much was obvious with the way he smiled when he looked at his phone. You didn't think he was cheating, Hanma was loyal to you, no matter what anyone said, but you knew he was unhappy, and honestly, you were too.
You were tired, tired of keeping a failing relationship together when you knew he wanted to be with her. You were tired of the short answers, the constant way he would ignore you, saying he was just busy with work or that his phone died.
You couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay.
So when he decided to finally say you needed to talk, you only held up your hand to stop him.
"Save your breath." You said softly. "I think this is it for us."
His head whipped over to you. You could tell by his eyes he wasn't going to fight you about it, but he really didn't know what to say.
You had to take a breath, needing to keep your tears back, because he didn't deserve to have you cry over him. "You're not happy, I can tell you're not. You're with me, when you'd rather be with her."
Hanma only stared at you.
"I'm tired of pretending we're okay when we aren't. We're just hurting each other more by staying together." You told him, everything suddenly bubbling up to the surface. "I can't keep fighting for us when you don't try to."
"Y/n I-" He started.
"Save it." You told him, getting up off the couch. "You don't have to lie to yourself about your feelings for me, and I won't hold you back from being truly happy."
"I- I do love you.." He whispered.
"Could've fooled me." You stated. "I know you did, and I'm going to cherish the good memories of us for a long time, but you don't love me the way you used to anymore, and it's okay, I've accepted it. I can't- I can't compete with your first love, and it's okay." You gave him a sad smile as you walked to grab your coat.
"Y/n I- I'm sorry.. I don't-" You had to cut him off, putting your coat on before slipping on your shoes.
"It's okay." You told him. "Honestly Hanma I'm so numb from this situation I can't be upset, just do me a favor yeah?"
"Love her properly, don't put her through pain like this." He looked at you wide eyed, as if the way he was treating you finally became clear. "I-I'll pick up my stuff tomorrow."
He scrambled to get off the couch, wanting to run to you. "y/n just let me expl-"
"Save your breath, Shuji."
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manebioniclegali · 1 year
Coming Up Roses
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(image source)
Damien surprises you after your performance.
Word count: 1053, fluff
(a/n: this has actually been sitting for a while bc i didn’t like the beginning paragraph when I first wrote it, so it had to go thru some revisions that took way too long to get to lol (plus, figuring out a title took a while. Still not sure about it but oh well). Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy!)
Performance jitters linger while you bound out from backstage, searching amongst the crowd milling in the aisles of the theatre for familiar faces. As you ford through the throng of people, acquaintances interrupt their conversations to congratulate you as you pass, and you respond in delighted surprise. It’s harder to see now that you’re amongst everyone else, faces blending together, but eventually you spot a certain someone standing by his seat in the aisle. You gasp and practically run over to the man you’re happiest to see. “Damien! I didn’t think you’d make it!”
Damien passes his cane to his other hand so he can bring you in for a hug, smile bright and warm. You barely keep yourself from melting in his embrace. “Of course I would! I wouldn’t miss watching my girl perform.”
My girl. Your heart flutters, face warming pleasantly. You’re not used to it yet; part of you hopes it never happens. Thankfully, with your face hidden in his chest, he can’t see your blush, and you’re mostly certain it’s gone by the time you pull away.
“Plus,” he continues, leaning in conspiratorially, “I had Marjorie cover for me.” He grins boyishly, and you can’t help but grin back.
“Good. I owe her one,” you half joke. At the very least, you’ll have to offer your gratitude. “How much did you get to see?”
“Most of it. Darling, you were brilliant.”
Your expression grows bashful. “Oh, come on, now.”
“No, really.” Damien brushes his thumb across your cheek. “I’m proud of you.”
Bashful turns to pure shyness, but you’re so glad he thinks that, more warmth blooming in your chest. “Thank you.”
“But of course.” He kisses your forehead. “You deserve it.”
You’re blushing again, but he’s glancing around the room, thankfully oblivious to it. Actually, you think he looks at the seat first, as if there was supposed to be something there. “Is there anyone else you’d like to speak with? Do you want to go find who you were talking with beforehand?”
You shake your head. “Just some people I know. I wasn’t in conversation long, I can always talk with them later.”
“Good.” Damien smiles, and you think he’s relieved. “We can leave, then, if you like.”
You take a moment to think about it, thrown off by how quickly he’s considering leaving, but you really have nothing else keeping you here if he wants to chat elsewhere. “…Sure!”
“Alright. Let me go find a valet to pull the car around.”
You nod. “Mm-hm. That’ll give me time to get my things from backstage and see if the director needs anything else from us.”
“Good.” He kisses your cheek. “I’ll meet you outside.”
You nod again, trying to keep a stupid grin from meandering across your face. “Alright.”
Damien gives you one last smile and heads out of the theatre, while you all but skip back to your dressing room.
Damien’s car pulls in just as you make it to the sidewalk, and you let out a sigh of relief. You would have been embarrassed if you had kept him waiting; some of the people backstage had wanted to chat, and you entertained them as long as you could before your anstiness took over. Damien gets out of the backseat once the car is parked, and the valet opens the trunk before handing the keys off to Damien. You take that as your cue to hand your things to the valet, who places them carefully in the trunk, although you do the honors with some pieces that need careful positioning.
Once you’re done with that, Damien comes around to open the door for you, and you dip your head with a “Thank you,” sliding into the passenger seat. You pay no mind to the rear driver’s side door opening and closing, instead looking out the window at the building you just left. Upon hearing the actual driver’s door open, you turn towards him, only to see a large bouquet of various flowers before you. A gasp flies from you. “Oh, Damien!”
Damien’s smiling face pokes out from behind the arrangement. “Here you are, my dear.”
Mouth open, you take the flowers from him, staring down at them. “Oh. Wow. They’re really for me?”
He nods. “Yes. I meant to give them to you right after the show, but in my hurry to get in and see you, it slipped my mind.” He chuckles. “Thankfully the night is mild.”
Delicately, you brush your hand against the petals. There has to be a dozen, maybe more. It’s probably the largest bouquet you’ve ever seen. And it’s all for you… “Oh…”
“I barely managed to snag the last decent bunch from the florist before they closed.” Damien pauses a moment. You’ve just been staring at the flowers. “You do like them?” he asks, softer.
“Oh, yes, absolutely.” You look over, eyes shiny. “It’s just…” You trail off, gaze dropping back down, and your voice picks up quieter than his was. “I’ve never had a partner get me flowers before…”
You don’t need to see him to feel the disbelief emanating from him. “What? You’ve never…?” He cups your face and turns it towards him again. “Darling, this is an injustice of the highest order, and I will not stand for it. You deserve all the flowers in the world and more.”
You can’t hide the water collecting at your lids, but you hope the darkness obscures it. “Damien…”
He quiets you with a kiss, sudden but soft and tender. A tear rolls down your cheek without your permission, and he brushes it away with his thumb after his lips leave yours. “I would buy you flowers every week—no, every day if it made you happy.”
You giggle, even through the threat of more tears. “I think every day is a bit much.”
“Regardless.” Damien kisses your forehead. “I am going to right this wrong, starting now. I believe I am already on that path.” He smiles at you, and it warms you from the inside out. “Now, let’s get you home.”
You nod and settle into your seat, cradling the bouquet against you and wiping away the remnants of melancholy. The car starts with a rumble, and Damien’s hand finds yours briefly, squeezing it before moving to the shifter and pulling away from the curb.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hi! If I could, may I have a type one twisted wonderland match-up?
I'm a weird mix of an ambivert as sometimes I'll be loud and outgoing around my friends and then like two minuets later I'm silent as a mouse, same applies with strangers I could be really bubbly and friendly or I could be cold and rude. I adore cats, music, books, and writing. I am aiming for a career in digital design, or working with kids in some form, I'm the oldest sibling and am the shortest of them all. I play way too many gacha games and get overly attached to them, I also have bit of a gambling addiction from Genshin Impact. My favorite genre of music would be either pop-rock or late nineties rock, I love me a good murder mystery and often watch deadly women with my mom. I suck at spelling but am some what decent at writing stories, I love trying out makeup looks and have lots of fun trying new products. I'm protective of my friends and will punch someone for saying something rude to them, but at the same time they cannot have any of my food or the punch will be directed at them. My love language is physical touch, I'll poke, hit lightly, hug, lock arms and more to show I care. I get flustered really easily at cute things and love baby animals especially baby cheetahs!! I'm very into astrology and astronomy, and have a book full of every day of the year and what it means if you were born on that day (it also lists other days where your soulmate would be born on and I find it so funny that Vil and Ruggie have soulmate b-days lol). I am polyamorous, and pansexual and just don't really care about how others perceive my gender haha.
(I love how many people are like "I'm too into otome games" like sweetie this is a safe space. I'm writing fanfics about said otome games instead of watching the Superbowl like a functional person😂 anyways, I hope you enjoy this! Special mention to Epel who I almost matched you with.)
I match you with Ace Trappola.
Ace is the assertive extrovert who just keeps adopting introverts…or in your case an ambivert. He tricks you into being his friend, then BAM! Suddenly you're married dating.
He's also a physically affectionate guy. He loves to playfully throw his arm around your shoulders, attempt to knock you over (usually he is only pretending, but sometimes he gets too excited and comes in too hard), kiss your cheek whenever he gets excited about passing a test or something, grab your hand when he sees you, and  pretty much anything he can think of. 
He's going to exploit your gambling addiction from time to time. Like if he's feeling "neglected" he's not, he's just a baby /affectionate he'll pull out a card game and bet that if he wins you need to stop what you are doing and cuddle him until he says stop. And he's a cheater, so he can go double or nothing with you as many times as you'll let him
Totally into your music and shows. He gets a little scared with murder mysteries, but he still wants to be with you, so he'll put up with it. the music he's even more excited about. There's no way he isn't into nineties rock. Just look at him. 
He thinks it's so interesting how you can tell him so much about astronomy and astrology. If you pull out the book and you have soulmate dates,  he'll be so proud and brag to everyone. If you don't, he'll pretend he doesn't care and then edit the note in the book later. If someone else joins your relationship later, though, And they have a soulmate date with you, he'll become an outspoken critic.
You were walking down the hallway after your last class of the day. Suddenly, you felt a hand and fingers intertwine with yours. You giggled and turned over your shoulder, to see your boyfriend offering you a gift bag.
"I got ya something. No need to thank me," he had the proudest smirk on his face. 
"Wasn't going to," you winked, before taking the bag from him. You opened it up, and pulled out a stuffed fuzzy giraffe.
"Aw! Ace!" You squealed, hugging it tight to yourself before hugging Ace even tighter. 
"Yeah, I know, I know, I'm the best boyfriend ever," he said, thankful that you couldn't see his red cheeks or hear his internal thoughts of,"Oh my god oh my god they are too cute I can't stand it!"
"Eeeh, I love it so much!" You giggled against him.
"Ace, your face is super red, are you sick or something?"
"Shut your face, Epel!"
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levi-supreme · 1 year
Hi Rei 😊
A Reivi question... at some point did any of you tell the other 'who would have thought we end up like this? Married and with four children?🥰'
You know...that feeling when you look at your person and think 'wow, it's almost miraculous I met him and now we're married'
🥺🥺🥺🥺 anon I— *swoons* I think of this all day every day 😭💕 like, I must have saved a country and accumulated lots of good fortune to be able to meet and marry someone like Levi ❤️ I don't think Levi and I ever mentioned about this to each other so openly, but... yeah. We really appreciate each other very much.
Of course we have our share of quarrels and arguments too (mostly because of my insecurity and Levi's insensitivity lol), but ultimately, I feel like Levi and I were really made for each other. Every day with Levi has been filled with love and happiness and I'm just so thankful to have him in my life 🥰
We love children and we always knew we'd have one of our own, but wow to be blessed with four children is just so fortunate too (Renée was planned, the twins and Charlotte aren't HAHA) 💕 indeed, it really was a miracle to meet someone like Levi. He keeps me grounded when I'm being too impractical, and being with me helped Levi become more open to expressing his thoughts and emotions instead of keeping everything to himself. I really don't know what I'll do if I didn't meet him 🥺 (I explained more about what I love about Reivi here!!)
And......... I also wrote about this very briefly in Levi's birthday fic last year!! <3 you can read 'birthdays' over here hehe. I'll leave a snippet of the fic below the cut too, so you don't have to read through the whole thing if you don't want to!!
“Well, learn to control yourself then, Levi Ackerman,” it was my turn to tease Levi as I kept the remaining cake in the fridge and walked him towards our living room. Levi gave me a confused look. “Remember your birthday seven years ago, when we just got married and moved in here?” Levi and I looked at each other as I locked my hands behind his neck while Levi’s arms were around my waist. 
“Yeah, of course. We were slow dancing, just like what we’re doing now.” Levi rubbed his nose against mine and closed his eyes. 
“And you suddenly blurted out saying you wanted us to be parents to human babies,” I laughed a little louder, “and I honestly can’t believe you actually said it so bluntly, amour.” Levi smiled at the memory. 
“I didn’t blurt it out 'suddenly’. Everything was leading up to it nicely.” Levi commented and I chuckled, pulling Levi closer to me. It seemed so long ago, yet it felt so close to our hearts as well. We looked each other in the eye, slowly dancing around in circles. Has it really been seven years since we got married? Where did all the time go?
“Look at us now, seven years later,” Levi pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead, “who would have thought we would have so many kids." 
"Why, having second thoughts?" 
"Tch, 'course not, mon cœur,” Levi rolled his eyes again, “I wouldn’t give this up for anything. You, Renée, the boys, and Charlotte. You and our children are the best thing that happened to me.” Levi gave me another smile as we swayed in synchronised steps. 
“You say the same thing every year.” I laughed, recalling what Levi told me on his birthday last year.
“It’s the truth.” The both of us looked at each other as we stopped in our steps. After a few moments, Levi tightened his hold around me and hugged me close, resting his chin comfortably on my shoulder. We remained in each other’s embrace. Suddenly, a wave of emotions started to overwhelm me as I thought about how far Levi and I had come. Damn it, Rei! This isn’t the time to get sentimental. I could hear Levi sniffle his nose a little, and I knew he was thinking the same. I quickly blinked away the tears that were dotting my lashline and kissed Levi’s cheek. 
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fairy-writes · 2 years
hi there!! could i please request an ohshc matchup? i’d like a romantic one with a male please if that’s alright ☺️
as for my personality, i’d say i’m something of a shy extrovert? i really, really enjoy spending time with people and get lonely extremely easily, but i’ve become more anxious and withdrawn the older i’ve gotten :< but once i’m comfy with someone, i’m definitely comfy with them and it’s obvious by how chatty i become 😅 i’m also a very affectionate person by nature, so i really thrive on lots of hugs and cuddles and words of affirmation and reassurance!! i’m also kind of a huge crybaby admittedly lol. any strong emotion and i’m tearing up so fast 😭 i’m definitely more of a leisurely homebody than an active outdoorsy person, too, and i have a little bit of a “princess” mentality. not in a bad way, just that i like being treated like one and it makes me feel giddy to be regarded as delicate and special in that way 🥰💭 i’d definitely consider myself to be hyperfeminine!
when it comes to hobbies, i enjoy singing, playing video games, collecting plushies and dolls, and makeup!
i like being treated like a princess, the color pink, plushies, dolls, dressing like a doll (frills, ruffles, pink), sweets, helping people, making people smile!! 💗
as for what i look for in a partner, i definitely would prefer someone who can keep up with me emotionally. i feel unsupported and unloved when i can’t share my feelings with someone. it’s okay if they aren’t so emotional themselves, i would just like to feel safe and heard with them :’) to me, what matters most is that the person is kind and caring! although i do seem to gravitate towards people who are doting and protective hehe. thank you so much!!!
Hello, bow lovely! I hope you like your matchups! I pair you with… Tamaki Suoh!
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Tamaki would ABSOLUTELY treat you like a princess! He would spoil you rotten if you gave him a chance! He loves how chatty you are around him and encourages you to show that side of yourself more! He constantly shows you off to the host club, but they aren’t tired of it. In fact, they all love you! Hugs, kisses, cuddles, and any type of affection are huge in your relationship! Tamaki loves holding your hand and giving you kisses on the head or cheek. Dates among you two aren’t huge, extravagant, elaborate things all the time (though sometimes they are, like for anniversaries or birthdays). So little things like nap dates, cuddling while watching films, or video game dates are very common among you two! Tamaki loves listening to you sing and watching you play games! Admittedly he’s not the best at either, but he’ll happily join in! He tries his best to make sure he’s emotionally available for you, and you two have deep talks about your feelings often. It just strengthens your relationship!
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bonky-n-steeb · 2 years
Could you possibly write a Bucky fic where Y/n planned to go shopping with Wanda (or Nat, idc) but they end up being busy so Bucky goes with Y/n and... ^things happen^ in the changing room, if you know what I mean?
thanks for the request! I love it :))
one right now
summary || things take a turn with Bucky accompanies you for shopping.
warnings || SMUT — 18+
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
a little present for y’all after a long time lol
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You anxiously chewed your lower lip as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You ran a hand over your hips as you twisted to do a once over. The silky cloth was hugging your curves and you looked unexpectedly beautiful. You closed your eyes and sighed before twisting the door knob of the changing room.
You had asked Nat to accompany you today, but she had been assigned with an emergency mission and she had sent Bucky instead. You were still in shock that Bucky, the white wolf, had come shopping with you. The reason Nat had given was that he wanted to socialise but you weren’t quite sure.
You being nervous around Bucky wasn’t anything different. It wasn’t that he was rude or disrespectful to you, instead he was the sweetest guy you had met, and that was the problem. You liked him more than just colleagues, but of course he was very much out of your league.
“You look absolutely gorgeous!” Bucky exclaimed as his eyes shamelessly ran over your form. You let out a breath you didn’t know were holding. But your body started trembling again when he walked closer to the door from the waiting area. “I told you it’d look pretty on you.”
“Buc… Bucky.. I.., I don’t wear such clothes.” You replied shyly. Bucky was holding a lacy chemise in his hands and he gave you a pout when you rejected it. You had began sweating despite the temperature being low when Bucky presented you the nearly see through piece of cloth. “I just thought it’d look so good on you.”
“Tha… Thanks.” You gave him a nervous smile as he cornered you. You couldn’t say no to his pout and had agreed to dress, but he had demanded to see you in the chemise and you’d fallen weak to his charms again. And all that, had landed you here.
“You look so beautiful.” His voice was raspy as he walked into the small changing room and closed the door with his foot. His sheer size was dwarfing the room and you gulped, not in fear, but in arousal. You took a step back into your back was pressed to the cool glass and Bucky was towering over you.
His metal finger ran over your cleavage which was barely hidden by the thin lace. Goosebumps erupted on your heaving chest as his cold finger came in contact with your heated skin. He bent down until his face was near your ear, “I don’t think I can keep my hands off you.”
“Please!” You couldn’t stop the little squeak that came out of your mouth. Bucky wasn’t gentle when he kissed you. His kiss was bruising and passionate as if all the feelings he had suppressed were finally coming out. His hands were roaming across your body feeling you up and kneading your soft skin.
You couldn’t help but moan in his mouth as he kept up with his ministrations. You were honestly dumbstruck with whatever was going on and you weren’t sure if this was the reality or some dream. Because Bucky kissing you silly only happened in your wildest fantasies.
“Do you… do you like me?” You gasped out the question when his lips finally parted from yours. He squinted his eyes down at you and you could see the clear blue of his irises. For a minute you thought you blew up everything, but that was before Bucky replied. “I don’t kiss every person I meet like that.“
You giggled at his response and even he broke into a pretty smile. “Of course I like you. I’ve liked you for a long time now.” His hand framed your cheek as he kissed you again. This time, he was sweet and gentle and you bathed in the softness.
But before you could actually melt in his kiss, Bucky quickly spun you around. Your cheek was pressed against the glass wall as you stared at your own reflection. You heard the tell tale sound of zipper and you gasped when Bucky spread your legs and pushed up the little dress.
He rubbed his cock over your slick folds and you whined when he teased your clit with the head of his length. It was all so sudden that you still couldn’t wrap your head around everything. Bucky’s metal arm held your hips as he slowly entered you.
Sweat beaded over your forehead and your hands shook as Bucky started fucking up into you. His lips against your ears were constantly murmuring praises while he fucked you like a whore. “You’re so soft sweetheart, I can’t get enough of you. Don’t ever wanna leave your soft warmth.”
All your insecurities washed away as he murmured how pretty and gorgeous you looked. You didn’t believe him at first, but when he kept saying it over and over again, you couldn’t stop your heart from believing him a little.
“I can’t wait to see you wearing this everyday. I’d love to fuck you on the kitchen counter and sofa and gallery and of course, on the bed until it breaks.” His words were sending down waves of arousal but at the same time, the promise of many other times was soothing your heart.
Your hands were slipping off the smooth glass as Bucky kept rutting up into you. His hands were holding you as you if you were a fragile clay doll, but his hard thrusts were telling another story. You could feel the knot tightening up inside you and you cried out when you came.
Bucky wasn’t far behind either and you both panted and twitched as you orgasmed together. Bucky clutched you as you two fell back and Bucky landed on the single chair in the room with you in his lap. His cock slipped out and in the mirror, you both could see his cum leaking down your legs.
“Thank god for Nat’s emergency mission.” You giggled against Bucky’s chest. “What mission?” Bucky inquired. “Doesn’t she have some emergency to attend to right now?” Bucky shook his head, “No. She just told me to go with you and I wasn’t going to miss that opportunity.” You shook your head as you spoke, “Of course she’d set us up!”
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
saiki kusuo x gn! reader
description: kusuo would be lying if he said he doesn’t enjoy visiting you in the middle of the night.
word count: almost 0.8k
genre: fluff
cw: implied insomnia
author’s notes: this was very self indulgent bc I had to gift myself something for my birthday and I needed some fluffy Saiki bc the amount of love I have for him is unreal and borderline concerning. Also, he’s kinda out of character in this, sorry about that. Pretend he can’t turn you to stone without his glasses lol :)
Huff. A blanket got thrown to the floor, hands fanned a sweaty face frantically. Oh, why is it so hard to just close your eyes and fall asleep?
Are you having trouble sleeping? A voice rung through your head, making you smile.
Don’t smile like a crazy person, it continued. You sighed and closed your eyes, focusing on the voice.
I can’t sleep at all. Can you come over and cuddle? you pouted at the ceiling, even though you weren’t sure he was still watching. You swore you heard a scoff as you opened your eyes, only to be met with absolute darkness. Stumbling out of the bed, you opened the window across from it and sat on the sill, looking at the empty street below.
You weren’t sure if it was your mind again, making stuff up because you were sleep-deprived, but you thought you caught a glimpse of dark pink hair and turned around quickly.
Shh. You’ll wake your parents up, he said as he splayed his limbs across your bed, making himself comfortable against the pillows.
“I really missed you.” You whispered, sitting down on the foot of your bed, playing with your thumbs awkwardly.
I’m here to help you sleep. He reminded, fingers drumming against his torso. He was so effortlessly pretty, wearing just a black shirt and gray sweatpants, not even his glasses were on and his hair looked slightly disheveled from sleeping.
“Really? You’re not here because you loooove-” your sentence finished with a yelp as a hand dragged you down on the bed, wrapping around the small of your back. Kusuo brought a finger to your lips, shushing you before his hand cupped your cheek.
“Thanks for coming. I know it gets really annoying, but I just can’t fall asleep.” You pouted, kissing the palm that rested against your cheek.
It’s fine. Your bed is really comfy.
“Mhm. And you loooove-” Kusuo cut you off once again, this time with a peck on the tip of your nose, making your eyes grow wide.
Sorry, couldn’t resist, he shrugged before bringing you closer, your head resting against his torso, probably to keep you from seeing him blush. I’m not blushing. He probably read your thoughts, making you hit his torso playfully.
“That’s a violation of privacy. Where’s your ring?”
Stop talking.
“Kiss me.” You said boldly, the need to sleep already forgotten at the excitement of your boyfriend being with you. He sighed and leaned down, leaving a soft kiss on your lips that only had you wanting more.
“Were you eating chocolate right before bed?”
His reply was that he was hungry as his eyes darted down to your lips constantly before he finally satisfied his hunger by bringing his lips to yours again.
Kusuo’s kisses were always like drugs, making you lose yourself completely in them, his hand making shapes on your back under your shirt as the other rested on your neck. No matter how uninterested he pretended to be, he always found himself needing more from you.
“Wait, more.” You whined when he pulled away from you, hands meeting the neckline of his shirt to pull him in again in a lazy, sloppy kiss.
Get some sleep, okay?
“Will you sleep with me?” You looked up at him with glistening eyes; how could he ever say no to you when you were so much sweeter than any dessert in the world?
I will. Goodnight.
“Say you love me.” You demanded like a child, earning the faintest of smiles from your boyfriend, who rested his chin against your shoulder, mouth blowing air on your neck to make you shiver.
“I love you.” He whispered into your hair before pulling away to get you more comfortable in his hug. You rested your head against his, humming with satisfaction as the fatigue of a school day finally kicked in.
“I love you too.” You said with a yawn before your eyes got heavier.
Oh, how you loved that Kusuo was the last thing you saw before falling asleep and the first thing you saw almost every morning. You’re not exactly a psychic, but you have a feeling that your boyfriend feels the same way about you. At least, you hope he does.
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incendiobrock · 3 years
Pranked You ;) {Colby Brock}
Request: Hello sweetie! I was wondering if you could do a story where the reader and Colby aren't dating YET but there is yah know, chemistry and tension. But one day sam decided to pull a prank on Colby and it involved EVERYONE. So basically he makes it seem like he woke up in a different world or something where stuff is different. For example: him and reader are dating (you can choose whatever other stuff happens, lol) but once Colby figures out the prank, he pulls reader aside. They have a small argument before reader blows off on him, in which he says "I've never wanted to kiss you as badly as I do know" and that's how they admit their feelings! Thank you! And can't wait to see what you write love
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your request, sorry for the wait, I have been very busy with school and work. I hope the wait is worth it though! Get ready for a long imagine, I’m pretty sure this is about 3,000 words. I hope you love it! I just realized that I tried to keep this imagine gender neutral but I forgot that I accidentally put some she/her pronouns in it, I’m so sorry!
Warnings: Angsty, Cussing, Mentions of alcohol, implied smut
It was just like any other day for you. You woke up around noon because you were exhausted from the day before. Between working, going to college, and trying to keep somewhat of a social life, everyone could see just how worn out you would get day to day. So today you decided to treat yourself with a few extra hours of this beautiful thing called sleep.
Your phone rest on the bedside table and of course checking it and replying to the unread messages was the first step of your morning routine. The first messages you saw were from the group chat that consisted of you, Kat, and Tara. Apparently, while you were sleeping, Tara and Kat had a whole conversation about a girl’s day that they wanted to plan for you three. The last text sent was from Kat and it read, “I can’t wait for y/n to see all these messages in the morning. We planned the best girl’s day while she was probably passed the fuck out in her bed lmao”.
You smiled sending them a text back alerting them that you are indeed alive and down for all the plans they had created. In fact, you would be seeing them later at Sam and Colby’s place for a couple’s dinner/pool/movie date night. Jake would be there as well, and although you were tragically single, you loved all of them to death and hanging out over there was like the most elite sleepovers you would have with your best friends as a child.
A new text appeared on your screen just as you began to emerge from the comfort of your bed sheets, “God finally you’re awake. I’ve been waiting for Kat to tell me you answered her message all morning. I need your help tonight with a prank. Colby is never going to see it coming”
“A prank? I thought you guys didn’t do that anymore...? But I’m in ;)” You sent back. Out of all the trap girls and all the boys, Colby and you got along the best. Ever since you first met, which was years ago at this point, Colby and you have been inseparable. You tried so hard to avoid your feelings for him, in hopes to not develop a crush that ended up ruining your friendship, but Kat picked up on it right away. She told you constantly that she could easily set you up with the beautiful blue-eyed boy, but you insisted that things would happen naturally if there was truly something there between the two of you. And so, you went on, day by day, falling helplessly in love with the sweetest boy you have ever come to know.
Sam sent a message telling you to head over to their place as soon as possible. You swore that you basically lived there already. You were at their house way more than you were at your own. You couldn’t imagine living further than 15 minutes from them. After what felt like a century to Sam, you arrived at the house. Your hand loudly knocking on the big wooden door.
“Hey y/n! How are you?” Kat asked, pulling you into a big hug as she opened the door. You smiled and hugged back at her kind gesture, “I’m good! How are you? Do you know anything about this prank on you know who?” You questioned her. She glared at you, silently telling you to lower your volume. “Y/n! Colby is right upstairs be quiet!” She whispers, laughing at you almost blowing their cover immediately upon arrival.
Kat was quick to take you by the arm and drag you to the theater room where Sam was already sitting on one of the opulent red couches. He greeted you, telling you that he wanted to film your reaction to him telling you what prank you were going to pull. You agreed and sat down on the sofa facing the blonde. “Colby’s taking a nap right now upstairs because he was up super late last night editing one of our Sam and Colby videos. I figured we could use his exhaustion to our advantage and try and prank him that he woke up in some sort of alternate universe. I figured you could go into his room and set up a couple cameras, and I’ll keep two hidden in the living room where me, Kat, Jake, and Tara will be, so we hopefully get his full reaction. I want you to sneak into his bed and like cuddle him or something and when he wakes up, I want you to pretend that you’ve been dating him for a long time now. He is going to be super confused but just try and convince him that it’s true. If he ends up downstairs, we will go along with it too. I really want to see if he will think that it’s real after a while.” Sam explained.
You felt your face burning as your cheeks became a deep shade of red. He couldn’t be serious right? He wanted you to pretend that you were dating Colby? “I- Uh… I don’t know Sam won’t that be a really mean prank?” You tried to play it off, hoping that you didn’t just annihilate all your efforts to keep your feelings hidden. “You guys are like best friends, I don’t think he could be mad at you for such an innocent prank.” Sam replied. You began to feel incredibly flustered at the thought of having to be so affectionate with Colby. The room started to feel like a sauna as the sweat began accumulating all over your body.
Sure, you and Colby had cuddled before, but it was extremely platonic… Plus, it only happened in very specific moments, like last Wednesday after you had a couple of drinks, and everyone was sat watching a movie where he wrapped his arm around you so you could rest your head since it could barely hold itself up. You snapped out of your thoughts quickly realizing that Sam had been waiting on a response from you. You knew Sam was stubborn, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Your eyes met back with his and the only thing you could get yourself to do was slightly nod your head ‘yes’.
“Perfect.” Sam smirked, getting up to turn off the camera and hand it to you so you could set it up in Colby’s room. You already knew that he was thinking about how many points this would score him for a Sam and Colby prank war if it turns out the way he is wanting.
Before you knew it you had made it all the way up into Colby’s room where you had strategically hidden the camera, facing it towards the sleeping boy in his bed. You let out a deep sigh, trying to prepare yourself for what was about to go down. “If this ruins everything for me, I am going to kill you Golbach.” You whispered, knowing the deep sleeper wouldn’t hear a single thing. And so, the prank began.
You took a gentle hold of the silky black sheets and quietly slipped into bed right next to Colby. There was no game plan in your mind, you didn’t even think up a storyline about your fake relationship for once he woke up. You squeezed your eyes shut in fear as you quickly wrapped your body around his, resting your head under his chin as he slept on his back. He twitched slightly, bringing his arm up, lazily holding you back. The breath caught in your throat, this was already hard enough for you and now he is cuddling you back? You glanced up to see his face, his eyelashes were slightly fluttering, and his soft lips had a slight part in them. He was still fast asleep. You decided to try and wake him up by moving around in his arm slightly, hoping the movement would pull him out of his dreams.
“Y/n?” His voice rung through the room, deep and raspy. He sat up slightly, glancing around the dark lair that he called a bedroom, but his arm still remained around your frame. “W-what are you doing here?” He stuttered, visibly confused by the sight of you in his arms.
“What? I can’t cuddle my boyfriend?” You answered, shocked that you could even get those words to come out of your mouth. His eyes widened at your response, pure shock etched into his face. “Boyfriend?” You felt his heart start to race as he replied.
His arm dropped from your body as he delicately pushed himself out of bed. He was now hovering over you as he stood by the bedside table. There was a clear glass with some water sitting on a coaster on the table. His strong hand wrapped around it as he brought it up to his mouth, downing the rest of the water that was in it. You could tell by his body language that he was beyond confused. The glass clinked as he practically dropped it back onto the nightstand.
“Am I dreaming or something? Since when was I your boyfriend?” His eyebrows furrowed as he continued to look at you for some answers. Your heart sunk thinking about how mean of a prank this truly was, at least from your point of view. “Baby… Are you serious? We’ve been together for years now, are you feeling okay?” You said as you threw your legs over the side of the bed, pulling his hand into your own.
Your thumb gently rubbed circles onto the back of his hand, but only for a couple seconds before he pulled it away. “Is this a fucking prank or something?” He asked, irritation evident from his tone. You shook your head ‘no’, it was becoming hard to process words. You knew this was upsetting him, but Sam had you promise to make the prank last for as long as you could.
“I’m sorry- I have to get out of here really quick.” Colby said, making his way out the bedroom door. You said nothing back, hoping that Sam would end the prank for you as Colby made his way down the stairs.
“Hey brother! You’re finally up. Where’s y/n? I thought we were all doing a couples movie night?” Jake interrogated as Colby glanced to see Sam, Kat, and Tara standing over in the kitchen. Colby brought his hand up to his face rubbing his eyes, there’s no way that Jake is saying this too. Colby began to think that he was seriously going crazy. And then everyone else joined in on the conversation. You could hear them loudly as you stayed glued to Colby’s bed.
Sam began to ask if Colby was feeling alright, and you heard Kat say that maybe we should take Colby to the hospital in case he was losing his memory. You felt the panic in Colby rise as he was deflecting everyone’s concern insisting that he wasn’t losing his memory, and that he definitely wasn’t going crazy. He knew for a fact that you two weren’t dating, and none of them could convince him otherwise. “Dude, she’s gonna hear you up there. You’re going to break her heart. You really don’t remember?” Sam pushed.
You finally had enough. You raced out of Colby’s room and rushed down the stairs. You stopped immediately upon entering the kitchen, seeing everybody else still standing there surrounding Colby. The energy switched as they all looked to you, Sam pleading with his eyes for you to keep going. “I’m so sorry Colby, it was just a prank, please don’t be upset.” You couldn’t handle it any longer, the pain on his face was too much for you to bear. You watched as he scoffed back, “I knew it. Fuck you, guys. I’m going back upstairs.”
You felt horrible as you watched him stomp back up to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Tears stung the back of your eyes, this was all your fault. You excused yourself from the group and somberly made it to Colby’s door. You preceded to place a faint knock on the wood, “Colby? I’m so sorry, can you please open up?” Your voice was so soft, it would’ve been hard for him to hear if he hadn’t already anticipated your arrival. The door swung open as Colby quickly made his way back over to where he previously sat on the couch.
You stayed frozen at the door for a couple seconds, hoping to brace yourself for the angry boy inside. You took hold of the cold metal doorknob, pulling the door shut behind you. You tip-toed your way over to the sofa and took a seat far from Colby. Your mind was running a hundred miles an hour as you tried to concoct a coherent sentence. “What the hell were you thinking? Did you seriously think that I would find this funny?” He spat in your direction.
“It wasn’t my prank, Sam just wanted me to help him out.” You said back, desperately trying to reason with him. He sarcastically laughed, running a hand through his dark hair. “I didn’t ask who’s prank it was y/n.”
You gulped, it felt suffocating in his room. The dark ambiance that normally felt inviting suddenly seemed like your own personal hell. “Colby, I didn’t want to hurt you I swear. I was trying my best to keep everything lighthearted. I could never hurt you.” Your voice was so delicate, it was so hard to speak. The tears were still threating to make an appearance, and that was the last thing you wanted.
“But you did, y/n. That’s the thing. Whether or not you ‘meant’ to hurt me, you did. And everyone else was in on it to. Did you even try and tell Sam that this prank wasn’t a good idea? Did you even think, for a split second, that this was incredibly immature? You were all treating me like I was losing my damn mind, trying to convince me that we were dating when we clearly never were.”
His words hurt, but they were all true. You had never been together, what were you thinking pretending like you were? All to satisfy Sam? To help him get a head start on the prank wars by completely crushing Colby’s heart? He is your best friend for crying out loud. “Look Colby. I never wanted to do this, okay? Did you ever stop and think that maybe I didn’t want to be doing this either? You mean everything to me. Why would I ever purposely hurt you? Especially after everything we have been through. All the ups and downs, the messy breakups, all the fights. I love you so god damn much and I hope you know that I would never, ever, hurt you like that.” By this point the tears were streaming down your face. Your previous spot on the couch was long discarded as you now stood right in front of Colby, praying that he knew you were being serious about not hurting him.
Your eyes searched his for any glimpse of a sign showing that he believed you. His bright blue eyes looked a lot more intimidating than usual. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his expression not giving you any clues. Finally, he responded, “Is it wrong that I’ve never wanted to kiss you as badly as I do right now?”
And finally, there was your sign. His eyes no longer looked intimidating. In fact, they had completely changed into something much different, lust. You quickly took a step closer to him as he took a stand right in front of you, placing his strong hands on either side of your face. He roughly pulled you in, causing your lips to crash together with loads of passion. They fit perfectly together, better than you ever imagined them. They worked in sync as the feeling inside of you was igniting a fire. He was so rough, but surprisingly still gentle. Acting as if one wrong move would completely break you. Your lips remained locked as he pushed you backwards, surprising you as your back made contact with his plush bed. He was on top of you, hungrily continuing the kiss.
You both pulled apart abruptly, gasping for air after your heavy make out session. “I guess now’s a good time to let you know that I am absolutely, one hundred percent, in love with you.” You stated, starring deep into his eyes. “Then I guess now’s a good time to tell you that I feel the same.” He responded, bringing you back in for another passionate kiss. You pulled back again, “So, does this mean I can finally see those handcuffs I keep hearing about in action?” You asked him, slightly laughing. “Only if you promise to keep quiet.” He winked back. And that was the start of your amazing, long awaited relationship.
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plutowrites · 3 years
hie hun, im in love w your blog recently :) idk if your taking in requests but ill put out my idea here!! no pressure tho <33
so ive injured my left hand pretty bad lol ( im a lefty) and im having a pretty hard time doing normal shit 🙂 and i was just having these ideas about Levi helping out the reader to bath n wash their hair when they injured their hand like akrmxkakdk😩 ( i had to do it alone😭) and him being like mad about how clumsy they are ahskds-
tyyyy take care and have a nice day/night👸✨
Hi luvvv <3 first off i want to say i hope your hand has gotten better since the time you sent this ask! I sprained my dominant wrist pretty badly a couple of months ago and there were so many things I had trouble doing so this hit close to home LOL. I really enjoyed writing this one, ugh you know how much i adore writing for thee levi ackerman.
i hope you find some comfort out of this and again, pls feel better and take care of yourself x
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By Heart. Levi Ackerman x Reader
contains: slight profanity (you can thank Levi for that), fluff, Levi taking care of reader and being adorable
wc: 1.4k
note: sigh. levi ackerman. that’s all i wanted to add.
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When you hear the door quietly creak open in typical (stealthy) Levi fashion, you quickly jam your left hand in your pocket, foolishly. The pain you’ve been successfully managing returns with a vengeance, shooting all the way from the tips of your fingertips to your wrist which is a feeling that’s new for you. Great.
You’ve been waiting the past thirty minutes for Levi to return so he wouldn’t catch you with the poorly wrapped bandage around your hand and wrist. Your plan was to hide your injury as best you could by means of keeping it in whatever pocket you could stick it into.
And, most importantly, without looking suspicious in the process.
“Welcome home.” You beam at him as he enters through the door. Levi loosens his tie with one hand and places his briefcase down with the other. Afterwards, he raises his eyebrows at you, noting the way you didn’t immediately come to hug him and plant the scheduled barbaric, sloppy kiss on his cheek he claims to despise so much but actually loves and looks forward to.
“How was your day?” He eventually asks casually, walking over to you slowly as if to give you time to drop the act and run straight into his arms like you usually do.
You're awkwardly leaning on the edge of the dining table, both hands in the pockets of your sweater. You know you look super shady but you don’t know how to not look shady given the very shady circumstances.
While you’re thinking of what to say and do next, Levi is drinking you in the entire time; his blue-grey eyes slowly moving from one square inch of you to the next.
“Good,” You exhale, nervously, certain that he already knows what’s up. “Missed you.” You smile at him and he returns a smaller, tired one right back.
“If you missed me then show me, hm.” Levi tugs on the hem of your sweater and the force pulls you closer towards him. You keep your hurt hand where it is but take the other one out to wrap around his neck. You breathe in his scent. “Oi, what’s up with you?” He mutters in your ear in that low voice of his.
You stay in his arms. “Nothing. Why?”
“Where does it hurt?” He tries to pull away to investigate but you don’t let him leave your embrace. You want to stay like this just a little longer, though you know very well that you can’t continue your little facade, you’ve been caught and it’s time to come clean.  
“Mm, my left hand is acting weird. It’s fine I think, I probably need to rest it.” And definitely see a doctor but you don’t add that part.
“Y/n,” Levi begins but you interrupt him, sighing loudly.
“Ugh. How’d you know something was up?”
He clicks his tongue, disappointed in the fact that you even dared tried to hide this from him. “Because I know you. I know what you’re like when you’re in pain,” He says, holding out his hand for you to place yours into. “Show me now, please.” You reluctantly pull your limp hand for him to inspect and inspect is exactly what he does. Levi is sure to be extra gentle when pulling off the bandage but when you wince from a sudden jolt of searing, white-hot pain, he inhales through gritted teeth. “This happened today, I’m assuming.”
“Have you eaten?”
You hesitate. You did take a shower earlier but you weren’t able to wash your hair, not properly at least. You whooped and hollered trying to get the shampoo out of the bottle and when you finally got a decent amount of product out after a tedious go at it, you couldn’t bend your fingers hard enough to lather your hair and really get into the roots. You gave up the battle shortly after, making a note to do it another time when you weren’t in intense and excruciating pain. “I wasn’t able to wash my hair.” You admit cautiously.
Levi makes a noise. “And you couldn’t wait for me to come home?”
“I knew you’d be tired and I didn’t want to bother you ab-”
He lets out a disapproving grunt, cutting you off. “Meet me in the bathroom after I get changed out of these clothes.”
You’re on your knees, bent over the edge of the bathtub with your hair dangling over the side of it. Levi had already gently placed a clean towel around your neck to keep the rest of you from getting wet. You can feel the heat radiating off his body as he leans over you to detach the removable shower head, he turns it on but you don’t immediately feel the rush of water gush over your hair. “You changed your mind, Levi?” You tease.
“Making sure the water isn’t too cold but if you keep talking I won’t be so considerate.” He teases back. His free hand snakes around your neck to make sure you don’t move around and splash the both of you.
The bathroom falls silent as the only sounds in the room come from the running water. The feeling of it hitting your head mixed with the pressure of Levi’s fingers massaging your scalp makes you hum in pleasure. “You’re good at this.”
“Don’t act so surprised.” You can hear the tiny smile in his voice. A cold dollop of shampoo hits the top of your head and the yummy strawberry smell wafts into your nose. His fingers start to work and lather the shampoo into your scalp which sends shivers down your spine. You’re so relaxed you feel your eyes begin to slowly flutter shut when Levi's voice jolts you back awake.
“Hey you.”
You know what that tone means. You know what’s coming. “Babe, I know. I was clumsy.”
“You were more than just clumsy. How can I trust you to not get yourself hurt when I’m not with you?” Concern laces his usually calm and collected voice. “And to f—cking hide it from me too. Unbelievable,” His words cut harsh but his hands remain gentle on you. He rinses out the shampoo in your hair with great attention to detail, making sure to get every spot. “What the hell were you thinking?”
You sigh loudly, “I didn’t want you to worry more about me than you already do. You worry so much as it is and I hate it. I’m okay— my hand will heal and I’ll be okay. You should—”
“Don’t.” He cuts you off impatiently, turning off the stream of water. “Don’t make it seem like caring about you is a chore. It’s f—cking not.” Levi lifts your chin up slowly and wraps a new towel around your head, draping it around you so your face isn’t covered by it. “I know I don’t say it as often as I should and that’s on me but I love you, okay? So wanting to take care of you isn’t a stretch by any means. It comes naturally to me, actually.”
All you could do is nod your head in response—an overwhelming feeling of pure love for the dark haired man bent over you, washing your hair in the tiny bathroom you two share, completely drowns you. He could figure out all your secrets in the dark; he knows you by heart.
With Levi, you would always have a constant, unwavering love in your life and for that you couldn’t be more grateful.
After some time and your hair now semi-dry with Levi’s help, you finally find your voice and say, “It’s hard letting someone take care of me. I dunno why, it just is,” You shrug.
Levi’s eyes soften in your direction, he nods his head once to show you he understands. He knows out of everyone what that feels like, probably the most even. He carefully leans over to press a tender kiss to your exposed forehead, sneaking his hand to caress your cheek in the process. “Let’s get you into bed, hm?” His fingers linger where they are. “Let that shitty hand of yours rest.”
“Carry me.”
Levi lets out a snort before responding, “Something wrong with your legs too? You’re f—cking bold.” But in one swift motion, he sweeps you off the bathroom floor and carries you with ease, in his arms, bridal style. You let out a yelp from the suddenness before erupting into a fit of giggles against his chest. Once reaching the bedroom, Levi gently places you on your side of the bed.
Kneeling down so that his face was a mere few inches away from yours, he pulls you in even closer with his warm hand on your neck. You feel his minty breath on your lips. You can tell he wants to say something but nothing comes out; he closes his eyes forcefully shut out of frustration.
“You love me, I know,” You press your forehead against his and whisper, “You don’t have to say it.”
And with that, he kisses you.
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taglist: @bunny-xoxo @carmillous @blondeboyfriend @tetsunormous
© 2021 plutowrites
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
How the slashers would react to their S/O being sweet and affectionate
(Giving them lots of compliments, being soft with them, etc.)
Includes Thomas, Brahms, Michael, Jason, Bubba, Chop Top, Nubbins, Beetlejuice, Candyman, Bo, Vincent, Lester, Graverobber, Luigi, Pavi & Billy Lenz. I know technically not all of them are slashers but I wanted to put all the horror characters together :) 
This came out of nowhere and took so long to write lol :^) I hope you like it! If I’m missing anyone let me know! (This is both bad and lengthy, so I am sorry :’) Also obviously they’re soft here so) I’ve read through this to check for mistakes but if I missed anything I’m sorry, feel free to point it out! 
- Thomas would thoroughly melt. He's starved for affection and kindness, and probably wouldn't even know how to handle it at first, only staring at you with reddened cheeks and ears 
- He's a sucker for compliments, especially — he's been spoken to/about poorly most of his life, so it's foreign to him. Your seemingly endless drawls of honey-coated words soften him up beyond repair, building his confidence up more than you would even be aware of (imagine his widened eyes and fumbling hands as you spoke 🥺)
- It would take some time, but you'd make him like things about himself. You compliment his eyes? He would slowly begin to too, since you did. You played with his hair, rambling on about how pretty it was? Fluttering eyelids, profuse blushing, can’t handle it. He likes it too from then on, and hopes you play with it more. 
- Of course, Thomas would adore that you were physically affectionate. He'd be more than willing anytime you wanted hugs or kisses, his tummy always filling with butterflies at your touches. Besides kisses, he'd especially adore casual intimacy - touching his arms in passing, or playing with his hands and fingers absent-mindedly as you sat with him. It would make him feel so loved and happy. (Also: snuggling up to him/nuzzling into his neck. He would melt, amazed that you were so trusting and comfortable with him)
- Your sweetness would be so endearing to him, almost feeling undeserving of it. He'd question why you were so tender with him, often needing reassurance. He'd be quite protective of you anyways, but your sweet personality would only further this.
- This would be perfect for Brahms. He's very affectionate himself, so he'd be happy to receive any affection that came his way
- Seriously. If you began being casually affectionate with him, spoiling him with kisses, hugs, and little touches in passing, he'd do the same, probably taking advantage of it a little (only because he's quite touch starved)
- Compliments, however, would be received a little different. Not badly, only with more reservation. He's unused to them, and would often flush up at your sweet words, stammering clumsily to thank you as he tried not to blush too hard
- Your sweet, caring and affectionate personality would melt his heart, so thankful that you came along. Your sweet words and affectionate nature would be so mending to a severely neglected part of him
- Often times, you'd have a hard time getting him to let you go when you hugged or cuddled up to him. He'd cling to you tightly, nuzzling up to you and savoring every moment of it
- You would have to be patient with Michael when it came to any kind of affection. He wouldn't mind, but he'd be a little wary of it, especially at first
- Gentle, caring and purposeful touches would soften him up a bit. Things like you caring for any wounds he happened to get while ~out and about~, and looking after him in ways he wasn't used to
- Compliments and doting would be met with surprise, though you wouldn't be able to tell. If you look closely enough, you'll see his eyes are widened behind his mask when you speak lovingly of him
- Your sweet personality would intrigue him, especially seeing as he was the object of your affections. His own affection would be shown by being protective and gentle with you, willingly accepting your affection, albeit with some amount of awkwardness
- He would have a hard time not letting his guard down and completely melting into your touches and at your affection. Slowly but surely, he’d loosen up. One day you’d absent-mindedly lift your hand to his arm or cheek once he was warmed up to you, and he’d surprise you by leaning into it just slightly, scanning your reaction nervously. Don’t push your luck and overreact though, he’ll get awkward and temporarily disappear. An encouraging smile will do!
- Jason would *adore* this. So much. You would always make him feel so warm and loved, any insecurities he had would slowly melt away
- He would feel grateful that he wore a mask sometimes, embarrassed at how flushed you could make him without even having to try
- Has some reservations about physical affection at first, but your patience and sweetness would rapidly chip away at them. In fact, he'd regret keeping you at arms length at first, as he'd worry you weren't being as affectionate as you wanted to be because of it (you actually were, he just wants more)
- You can always tell he's beaming beneath the mask when you compliment him, savoring your words and making sure he won't forget them. Although he might not always agree with the sweet things you said about him, they made him feel special and loved
- His biggest weakness would be his neck. You would occasionally kiss the side of his neck near his jaw in lieu of his face when he wore his mask, and each time you could watch as his ears turned crimson, eyes widened slightly, always prompting a giggle from you
- Bubba is quite affectionate too, so you'd be a cute match
- He might have reservations about being too affectionate in the beginning, as he wouldn't want to scare you away. However, when you proved yourself to be just the same as him, the dam would break and he'd rarely not be spoiling you with affection
- Your compliments and sweet words would always leave him a blushing mess, genuinely confounded at how you could make him feel so warm and fluttery inside
- Bubba is definitely the cuddliest so prepare yourself for endless snuggles, happy to return your affection like that. If you were to walk up and give him a random hug, he'd melt, dragging you off somewhere to sit with you for hours, you snuggled up in his arms
- He cannot cope with the casual little kisses you give him, especially if you pepper them across his face. He would never get used to them despite loving them, turning the sweetest shade of pink each time and rambling on in a sort of awkward panic
Chop Top:
- Chop Top would lovingly tease you about how affectionate you were with him, finding it completely adorable. He would end up shutting up about it as he wouldn’t want to discourage you, though
- Compliments and sweet words would be met with a big, silly smile or chuckle, followed by him asking you if you really meant it. He’d find you so sweet, and would return your affectionate words in his own weird, Chop Top-esque way
- Nothing has an effect on him quite like random, unexpected touches. He’ll be going on in his typical loud, extra way when you’d stand next to him and slip your hand into his, your other hand clinging to his arm as you pressed up to him slightly. His voice would falter as he glanced at you with a nervous chuckle, rambling nervously and trying to remain ~composed~ 
- Your sweetness would be somewhat puzzling to him, particularly because it was directed toward him. He wouldn’t be used to people being so gentle and polite with him, so he wouldn’t even know what to do with it at first
- Ends up being more affectionate than you. He loves having you in his arms and smothering you with chaotic, needy kisses. He’d have loads of weird, super-specific nicknames he’d call you, and would love if you had some for him, too.
- So soft for you! Seriously. He'd treat you like you were made of glass, uncharacteristically protective of you
- Anytime you touched him he'd break into the sweetest smile, melting into your hands. *Loves* when you play with his hair, nuzzling up against your hand
- Anytime you complimented him, called him loving nicknames, or anything like that he'd flush up and wouldn't be able to stop smiling
- He's so used to being mistreated that your sweet and gentle personality would make his heart race. He'd cling to you any chance he got, finding comfort in you
- He’d be just affectionate back, but in a sort of clumsy, awkward way. It would be new to him, and he’d want to be all gentle and sweet with you, but instead he’d be a bit rough and unpracticed. He’d play with your hair a bit roughly, hug you a little too tightly, and would kiss you with too much fervor for it to be as sweet as the intention behind it
- Beetlejuice wouldn't really know how to take this/deal with it. He can be quite vulgar and straightforward, so it would be an adjustment. Not an unwelcome one, just different
- He'd find himself getting embarrassed by his own lewd comments and gestures, finding you far too sweet for that, and wanting to treat you as such
- When you complimented him, his first instinct would be to be cocky and teasing about it. As he realized how genuine you were, he'd get surprisingly embarrassed, genuinely appreciating your words and not forgetting them
- Finds himself adoring your soft, sweet touches, leaning into them and hoping they'd last longer than they did. Of course, you were always happy to cater to him, stopping whatever you were doing to shower him with soft attention that you knew he needed more than he was aware
- His personality would completely soften around you, looking at you as though you were the most precious thing in the world. The second someone else was around though? Back to his usual shenanigans. 
- Daniel would pretty much be the same as you, always spoiling you with the sweetest, loveliest words that would leave your heart fluttering and cheeks flushed 
- He'd find your sweet personality endearing, being particularly gentle and soft with you. Any kind of affection you wanted, you would get
- Adores your touches, and returns them without hesitation. He's a romantic, so he'd love your kisses in particular, smiling anytime you would randomly kiss him, and often wrapping you up to steal more than a simple peck
- He would be so sweet and romantic constantly, cherishing every little bit of affection you gave him. He’d always be amazed at how gentle you were and how you made him feel
- He would (not so) secretly love being doted over by you. Would melt at how adoringly you looked at him, and would be happy to just sit with you as you snuggled up to him, making him feel all soft and special 
- This is so foreign to Bo. Literally, he'd look at you like you were absolutely nuts, having no idea how to react to half the things you said
- Your soft, doting words flustered him far more than he would have liked to admit, even to himself. Every compliment would wrap itself around his thoughts and tug at his heartstrings 
- Did you really mean the things you said about him? You were so soft and genuine, he was always amazed at how you could feel so sweetly toward him. He'd feel so privileged, in a way, to be the object of your affections
- Your physical affection would *always* be welcome. He would definitely return it, though not without some amount of flirting and teasing. Calls you every cute moniker in the book, sweetheart being his favorite for you. (He’d never admit it but if you call him things like that too, he’d melt) 
- Of course, he'd adore whatever affection you gave him, but it would be the sweet, unfamiliar things that would really get him. If you held his hand in yours as you walked, kissed his cheeks, played with his hair or even did something as silly as booping his nose, he'd scoff, half rolling his eyes and pretending to find it silly. The pink spreading across his cheeks and nose would not be lost on you, though, nor the soft smile that would slowly emerge 
- Vincent would be a little bit nervous about affection at first. He'd definitely want it, but it would just be new to him. He'd have to warm up to you first
- Verbal affection would be best in the beginning, sweet words easing him up to you (and making it much harder to keep you at arms length). If he allowed you to see him without his mask, he'd rarely not be blushing (to be honest, you would be able to sense that he was anyways, even when he did wear it)
- Little things like touching his shoulders or arms in passing would make him so soft. When he's comfortable with it, you'd begin holding his hands and hugging him, which would almost always result in him nuzzling up to you and rapidly getting clingy 
- His favorite thing would be cuddling up with you for hours, feeling safe and warm tangled up with you. He’d also love when you played with his hair, and kissed the scarred side of his face, quickly getting overwhelmed with emotion
- He would be as caring and sweet toward you as you would be with him. Your loving personality would be deeply appreciated by him, and he’d make sure that you knew it
- Lester would be the softest ever for you, your sweet personality being what drew him to you. He'd be used to people being mean and rude, so when you weren't, he'd already be putty in your hands
- Every word that came out of your mouth would prompt a big, expectant smile, no matter what it was about. However, anytime you indulged him with compliments and kindness, he'd hardly be able to maintain eye contact, too embarrassed and flattered to even properly hear you
- Being with you would perpetually keep him in a good mood. No amount of meanness from anyone would matter anymore — if you liked him, that's all that would matter!
- He spoils you just as much with affection and compliments as you do him, thinking you were the sweetest person on earth, and wanting you to know it
- Loves all kinds of physical affection you give him, but he really just likes to have you close. Hand holding, arms wrapped around each other, and so on would make feel safe and warm
- Graverobber would be pleasantly surprised with how soft you were with him, finding himself almost amused by it. Not in a bad way, but as with almost everyone else he just wouldn’t expect it
- Any random affection, verbal or physical, would be met with a cocked eyebrow and a small smirk — only because he loves watching the blush creep over your cheeks in embarrassment 
- He’d love it though, and would be quick to reassure you despite his initial teasing. He’d find you so endearing and would appreciate you a lot, though he’d be more apt to express it with actions rather than words
- Alternatively to teasing when you were being particularly sweet, he’d pull you up next to him and wrap his arm around you. If you were alone, he’d be a bit touchier, peppering your face with kisses and grinning in satisfaction as he made you laugh and blush
- He would find you so cute, often unable to keep a smile off his face when you were around
- You would certainly be a stark contrast to Luigi. This pairing would be a mystery to his family and pretty much everyone else, though he wouldn’t understand why 
- Your sweet, affectionate personality would cut through his angry, brazen one a little, at least when he was around you. Despite his temper, he'd have a hard time actually getting angry when you were around, even toward other people (this results in everyone else hoping you would stay attached at the hip, so to speak. Please)
- He'd adore your affection, needing soft and sweet attention more than he knew. He'd love to be wrapped up in your arms, or have you wrapped up in his — it really wouldn’t matter, he’d be happy either way. (Also likes PDA, as he's a show-off)
- Your praises and compliments would always light up his face with an endearing smile. He'd go out of his way to impress you and live up to your words. He could also be quite smug, too, agreeing with your compliments half-seriously and half in an attempt to make you laugh 
- You would (unintentionally) have him wrapped around your finger, without him even realizing it.
- Pavi would be fascinated by this, so used to less innocent forms of affection. He definitely wouldn't be used to sincere, loving words directed toward him, especially paired with innocent touches without ulterior motive
- He's used to people flocking around him to simulate whatever he wanted, often times because of who he was, rather than out of genuine interest. If you gave him attention freely, because you wanted to, it would unlock a completely different side of him
- He would be enamored with you, quickly losing interest in everyone else as he fixated on you. Your praises, kindness and attention would always leave him a smiling mess
- Needless to say, Pavi is very physically affectionate, so he'd adore that you were, too. You wouldn't have many opportunities to initiate it, though, as he'd be quite clingy and touchy without prompting
- Pavi returns affection and compliments, of course. He praises you and talks sweetly (at least, you think it’s sweet?) in his typical eccentric way, bragging about you and how much you loved ~the Pavi~ to his siblings (and probably anyone who listens) 
Billy Lenz:
- Billy can say the lewdest things, yet somehow still manages to get flustered when you give him any type of affection
- That doesn't mean he doesn't like it though. Quite contrarily, he'd (discreetly, or so he thought) give you every opportunity to give him affection, not wanting to seem obvious or have to ask
- He could literally curl up in your lap like a cat and just fall asleep, clinging to you and melting into your touches
- Your compliments would often be received with a clumsy attempt at self-assuredness, too embarrassed by your sweet words to keep up the ruse. That wouldn't stop him from attempting it, though
- He adores your sweet personality, and would be far softer than you might think with you. Keeps lewd, awkward comments to a minimum and replaces them instead with sweeter, gentler words (well, to the extent that he is capable of, anyways)
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noctumbra · 4 years
summary ─ “honey,” bucky growled, and then moaned. you felt your walls clench around him because of his voice tone.
pairing ─ bodyguard!bucky barnes x shy!reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, public sex, language, fingering, riding
a/n ─ here we go with the first day lol i hope i can follow it till the end of the month sfjkdshf hope you liked it! please leave a comment if you did! 
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KINKTOBER DAY ONE: bodyguard!bucky + shy!reader + public sex + praise kink
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He was standing by your side in his all-black suit and looking both dangerous and sexy. Your father had assigned Bucky to you tonight, claiming that he was the only bodyguard under his command that he trusted with you completely.
“Do you know that the time?” You asked Bucky quietly. You weren’t a party girl and Stark’s party was a little too much for you. You had to show yourself, though, so you were to stay at least an hour.
“It’s half past ten, honey,” Bucky answered, just as quiet. The times he called you by your real name was so rare, but you liked it when he called you ‘honey’. It always made you feel like you were something special to him, something that he treasures very dearly. You smiled at him as in thanks and sipped your cherry coke.
In addition to your not-a-party-girl shtick, you also disliked alcohol. The bitter taste of it always drove you away from it, not that you haven’t tasted. One day you got curious and asked Bucky, and Bucky helped you to soothe your curiosity. You got drunk but you didn’t mind because you had Bucky with you.
“How long do I have to stay?” You whined a little. You could feel the walls were closing in on you slowly. Bucky smiled at you softly.
“Tony hasn’t showed up yet,” he informed you, and you whined again. Because the main reason you were at this party tonight was to see Tony. “He likes to take his time when it comes to the parties, honey, you know that.”
“I wanna go home,” you pouted. “It’s too crowded and I don’t know anyone in here,” then your eyes found your big, walking muscle mass of a bodyguard, “except you.” Bucky grinned cheekily at you. You leaned against him, head resting on his shoulder, you continued to nurse your coke.
Twenty minutes or so later, the room got even more crowded. So much so that you were literally plastered on Bucky’s front and took a couple steps back with him. You heard Bucky grunt, annoyed, and felt his hand grabbing your waist. He pulled you back, away from the people.
“I don’t like you being in a crowd like this,” he grumbled, continuing to pulling you back. A couple seconds later, you were at the corner of the room, away from the crowd; the corner was dark, shadowed by the lights. Bucky was behind you, holding onto your waist still. Your tense body had relaxed against his a short while ago; his body heat coaxing you into his embrace.
Bucky helped you sit down on the couch right behind him, helped you get comfortable on his lap. “There you go,” he murmured to your ear,” you relax, honey. We’ll wait for Tony here.” You hummed appreciatively.
“You’re the best, did ya know that?” You looked at him. His blue eyes bored into your gently, lovingly even. You shivered. Placing your hand on his smooth jaw, your thumb stroked his cheekbone. “I like having you by my side wherever I go. You don’t make things hard for me. Thanks, James,” you whispered. Bucky smiled. You always called him James whenever you meant something you said to him. He leaned into your touch, still smiling.
Instead of answering verbally, Bucky leaned in and kissed you. You hummed into the kissed; the hand on his jaw tightened its hold and you moved to straddle him fully. His arms wrapped themselves around your waist in a possessive manner. His lips moving onto yours expertly, you felt loved. Bucky always made you feel loved. You moaned and threw your arms around his neck, wrapping them around it. His hands moved from your waist to your thighs, and he squeezed the soft skin there gently. Then, his fingers started to play with the hem of your dress, teasing and making you shiver with the anticipation.
“James…” you moaned silently. Your delicious sounds were only for him, and Bucky growled, loving the thought. Hands moving upwards, sneaking under your dress, Bucky’s fingers stroked your clothed core. You shivered violently because of the feather-like touches he left on your core. Tightening your hold around his neck, you gasped as he slid two fingers inside your panties.
“Mmmm,” he hummed approvingly, “so wet for me.” You shivered again and leaned down to kiss him so that your loud moans wouldn’t be heard. Bucky crooked his fingers, trailing them from top to bottom, his knuckles brushing against your clit. You gasped into his mouth, thighs tightening around his waist.
“I love how sensitive you’re, honey,” Bucky rasped. You wiggled on his lap, trying to get him to move his fingers, use them on you ─ something. Understanding what you were trying to do, Bucky chuckled darkly. Without a warning, he slipped his fingers in you with one smooth slide. You cried out but the sound got drowned by the music blasting through the speakers. “You feel so tight around my fingers, baby, can’t imagine how you’d feel around my cock,” Bucky whispered in your ear.
“Bucky,” you whined, and he laughed.
“Now you’re talking, honey,” he started to move his fingers in and out of you slowly, causing your belly clench with every drag of his knuckles against your soft walls. Gasping, you put your hands on his chest and pushed him away.
“Not here, people might see,” you murmured, cheeks burning with the thought of it. Bucky smirked. His fascinating blue eyes were sparkling with mischief. “No,” you disagreed, “not here. Bucky, no.”
“Bucky yes,” he grinned. “Do you really think I’d let anyone see my best girl writhing on my lap while drowning in the pleasure I give her? You think I’d let them hear your delicious moans? Honey,” he fondly chuckled, his fingers were assaulting your pussy mercilessly. “You’re wrong if you think I’d let them live after seeing or hearing you like that.”
Your body felt like a live-wire, all endings were open and recipient to the pleasure only he could give you. Bucky kissed your neck, fingers still inside of you. “Relax, baby. I got you,” he whispered against your pulse. Eyes closed, head thrown back, you did as he said. You always did as he said. “That’s good, baby. That’s a good girl.”
You keened under the praise, body feeling extra hot because of those words. Bucky licked a flat line from your collarbone to your ear, biting down the sensitive skin there. You moaned. Your fingers were quick to find their way into his hair. He grunted against your skin when you pulled on them a little too harsh.
He wasn’t late to get his revenge; his fingers started to move faster, deeper, and he crooked them just right. Fully aware of stroking right over your sweet spot, Bucky hummed and his thumb found your clit. Your hand, shaped into a fist, pulled on his hair again, baring his throat to your hungry eyes this time.
“Bucky, fuck,” you moaned, but cut yourself off quickly. There were people around for God’s sake, what if they heard you? You whined pitifully, wiggling on Bucky’s lap, unsure.
“Sweetheart,” Bucky grunted, “I’ll make them forget. Stop worrying, baby.” He kissed your jaw, cheek, and his lips found yours again. Bucky was a master at making you forget things while kissing him. This time wasn’t different.
As soon as his lips touched yours, you forgot that you were at a very crowded party; sitting on your bodyguard’s lap, kissing him passionately while his fingers were deep inside of you, dancing on their master’s rhythm. Bucky groaned. He pulled fingers out of you, ignoring your protest. Unzipping his pants, Bucky pulled out his cock and lined it up.
“Bucky!” You exclaimed. You could handle fingering, but… this? “We can be seen!” Bucky just shook his head and captured your lips yet again. Moaning, whining, desperately trying to push him away; you finally gave in as he slid into you. Both of you sighed with the sensation.
“Honey,” Bucky growled, and then moaned. You felt your walls clench around him because of his voice tone. “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight. You feel so good around me, mm.” You felt a lick of hot flame hugging your body with his words, and you moaned. “Move, baby. C’mon, show me how you pleasure yourself.” Feeling the shyness creeping in again, you refused to move for a couple seconds. “I said ‘move’, sweetheart,” Bucky repeated his previous words with more command in his voice this time.
Swallowing, you rose on your knees slightly. The slow drag of his cock in your pussy made you want to scream, but you knew you couldn’t. You didn’t want to be seen nor heard, so you had to keep quiet. You bit down on your lip and sank down on him again.
“Yeah,” Bucky groaned, “just like that, princess.” His hands stroked your thighs, squeezing them gently. You mewled, quickening your motions. You leaned forward a bit so that you could hide your face in Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky grabbed your ass underneath your dress. The rapid in and out motions, his cock hitting that spot with every thrust were too much. You could feel yourself tightening more and more with each thrust, you knew you were close.
“Bucky─” You gasped. Bucky helped you by thrusting up. You bit his neck in order to keep your scream in. Bucky groaned. His hands grabbed your ass harder.
“Yes, princess. I know you’re close,” he groaned again. “Let go, baby. You did so good, let go for me.” He kissed your neck. “C’mon, princess, be a good girl and come.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, face still hiding in his shoulder, you came with your teeth clamped on his neck again. You walls tightened around his cock, belly cramping with the intensity of your orgasm. You heard Bucky snarl, felt his hips moving faster beneath you. After a handful of thrusts, Bucky came, spilling deep inside you. You whimpered when you felt his come leaking already.
“Fuck, princess,” he chuckled. You smiled. You always loved making him feel good.
“Did I do good?” You asked him with a small voice. He pulled one of his hands off your ass and stroked your hair.
“Yes, sweetheart. You were so good, did everything I said,” he kissed your cheek, “You made me feel so good, baby. I’m proud of you.” You felt your cheeks burn and wiggled on his lap, also feeling very satisfied with yourself.
You lifted your head and kissed him on the lips chastely. “Like I said before,” you murmured, “you’re the best, Bucky.” Bucky smiled.
“You’re the best, too, babydoll,” he booped you on the nose and kissed you back.
The party was lost and forgotten by you long time ago.
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