#kat stratford x y/n
lesbianjackies · 11 months
for @whenjasfallsinlove !!!!
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10 things I hate about Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Female reader
Author's note- hello my beautiful little gremlins. This took me literally forever and I really hope you like it. This literally follows the plot of 10 things I hate about you. I’ve seen a lot of people compare Eddie and Patrick and haven’t actually seen any 10 things I hate about you fics (im sure there’s more out there though) so I figured I’d give it a shot and add some stuff.
WARNINGS- 18+++ Minors DNI. Please pretty please I worked hard on this plsss don’t interact minors. Get out. We have foul language, we have smut, oral female receiving, protected p in v, we have angst, we have fluff. Probably more idk I’m tired.
Summary- Eddie Munson the school freak gets paid to take out the school beast. How will he ever make things right when he actually falls for her? 15.5k words
Mike screamed as he paced around his basement while his friends sat and watched intently.
“Well man what are you gonna do about it?” Lucas said casually before taking a sip of his drink.
“What am I going to do about it? What do you mean what am I going to do about it? I can’t do anything about it, it’s the chief! He's a crazy dude.”
Mike sat on the floor next to the table sighing in defeat.
“Come on Mike, it's not that bad. You guys can still be friends?” Will said as he laid a hand on Mike's shoulder.
“I don’t want to be friends ``. I wanna be able to hangout with her outside of the group you know? Alone?”
His friends looked at one another. Pondering ways they could help their friend.
“I mean…he didn’t say she couldn’t date forever…right?” Dustin began to stand from the couch and started some pacing of his own.
“Eleven can’t date until her oldest sister does, you know this. And as much as we all love y/n. Nobody is going to date her man. If I think the chief is crazy I don’t even know how to begin describing her” Mike slumped his shoulders further in defeat.
“Unless….” Dustin paced back to where the boys were and stopped rather abruptly.
“Unless we can convince someone to go out with y/n?”
The room erupted in laughter from all the boys in the room. Lucas nearly dropped his drink as he doubled over in laughter.
“Come on man. We love y/n and so many guys would be falling at her feet but you know nobody’s gonna take that chance. Not when they think she’s gonna bite their head off.”
Lucas said as he wiped the tears that had fallen down his face from laughter.
“No guys Dustin might have a point. I mean you’re telling me not a single guy in this town would be willing to ask y/n on a date? There’s gotta be at least one”
The boys began discussing possible options of people who would possibly consider going out with you. But to no avail.
The next day the party heads to school and in the morning they scan across the campus looking for possible prospects. They have one boy in mind who is walking across the parking lot until the boys see you driving through in your impala. Rock music on full blast as you almost hit the boy with your car and continue speeding to your spot as you shout expletives at the boy for taking so long to cross. He’s quickly crossed off the list.
The boys stand there feeling hopeless as Lucas examines his basketball teammate flirting with your younger sister Kay. That’s when Lucas was struck by a brilliant idea.
“Guys…GUYS!” The party turns all of their attention to Lucas.
“You guys see Jason over there right. Talking to Y/n’s younger sister Kay?”
“Yeah, what about it?” Mike was obviously giving him attitude because he didn’t see how this would relate to his problem.
“Wellllll Jason can’t hook up with Kay because Y/n is the oldest and she’s not dating right?”
“Lucas I swear Jason is not going to go for Y/n” Will was clearly lost and so was most of the group.
“NO MAN I’m saying. Jason’s popular right? Got a lot of money right? It would be much easier to convince someone to go out with Y/n if we had someone willing to pay for it”
Mike finally understood where Lucas was going with this but he was still skeptical.
“And why on earth would Jason Carver put that much effort into going out with Kay? He can get almost any girl in Hawkins. Why would he shell out cash for her?”
Lucas directed the boy's attention back to Jason and the way he was leaning on your younger sister and touching her a lot. It was obvious to anyone around that Jason wanted her. Something that irked you beyond belief.
As the boys continued throughout their day finally reaching lunch and approaching their usual seats at the hellfire table. Upon approaching Dustin saw the hellfire club leader. Doing his normal theatrics of scaring any nearby students. Dustin stopped in his tracks and the boys all looked at him.
“BOOM” Dustin completely dropped his lunch tray and walked out of the cafeteria without another word and the boys chased after him.
“What the hell was that Dustin?” Will was very clearly angry at Dustin for making a scene.
“That’s it you guys the answer it’s been right in front of us”
“What the hell are you talking about Dustin?”
“Do I have to explain everything to you people?”
Dustin looked around the group to see all the boys clueless as to what he could possibly mean.
“EDDIE! I'M TALKING ABOUT EDDIE! He’d be the perfect guy to go out with y/n. I mean look at him. Who else would be crazy enough to go out with her”
The boys turned and looked through the window of the cafeteria and saw Eddie yelling in Garreth and Jeff’s face. They had to agree that Dustin had a point. If there was one person who stood a chance of handling dating you? It would be Eddie.
“And that class is why taming of the shrew is one of William Shakespeare's more famous pieces”
You raised your hand quickly but didn’t wait for a response before you began speaking.
Ms O’Donnel exhaled deeply. Already on the verge of kicking you out merely for your presence.
“I just think we could be focusing on more important pieces of literature other than sappy romance. I mean even Shakespeare has other stories that revolve around other things. Like hamlet we could read hamlet”
A snicker was heard from behind you and you turned to face Jason carver.
“Well of course a shrew wouldn’t want to read a story that hits oh so close to home right?”
He earned himself a couple chuckles and high fives from his friends and you rolled your eyes.
“At least I know how to read Carver. Or would you like to try reading that paragraph again? Think you can do it in under 10 minutes this time?”
The class ooo’s and awed at your bravery for standing up to Jason. Jason was about to bite back when the door to the classroom swung open and the metal head himself walked in.
“So what’d I miss?” Eddie said as he stood near the door not taking a seat.
“Oh just the class focusing on the oppression of women and the patriarchal pyramid of women only being valued as romantic property” you didn’t bother to turn and look at him.
“Sounds great” is all Eddie Munson said as he turned and walked back out of the door. Clearly he’d had enough of the lesson for today as Ms O’Donnell called after him to come back but to no avail.
“You know Ms O’Donnell I think y/n actually makes a really good point now that I think about it. I think y/n would be more accustomed to stories like The Scarlet Letter”
“That’s enough Mr Carver. You know one of these days one of these young ladies is going to slap you and I’m not going to do a single thing to stop it”
You have a chuckle at her words but your chuckle quickly ceased as she turned her attention back to you.
“And as for you Ms y/l/n. You can take yourself up to the office. I’ve had enough out of you today”
You scoffed and grabbed your bag and left the room. Making your way up to your usual chair waiting outside the counselors office.
“Ms Hopper, please come in. Take a seat” Ms Kelley said without bothering to look at you as she continued writing in her notebook. Once you finally take a seat, she shuts the notebook and turns her attention to you.
“So I heard you were being a disruption to Ms O’Donnell’s class again?”
“I wouldn’t call it disrupting. I was simply voicing my opinions on the subject matter at hand.”
“Well you voicing your opinions every chance you get is why most of the student body refers to you as…”
“Heinous bitch. Is what I was going for actually. But sure. Just try to take it down a notch okay? Now get back to class.”
The words didn’t shock you at all. Nothing you hadn’t heard before and surely you would hear it again. So you made your way out of the office.
At the end of the day as you walk to your truck with your friends Nancy and Robin by your side a red car pulls up beside you.
“Move it or lose it, Hopper. You’re fat Ass is blocking the road”
“Maybe if your eyes weren’t so focused on my ass, Carver, you would see there’s an entire parking lot for you to drive in. Now run along Cretin” you shoo him away with your hands and continue into your car. Taking notice of your younger sister Kay and her friend Heather getting into Jason’s car.
As you sit on the couch doing homework you hear Hopper make his way inside and set his hat on the table. He strides over to the couch and leans over examining the homework you're doing.
“Got another call from the counselor today. Make anyone cry?”
“Sadly no….but the day is still young” you turn around and give him a wide smile that he returns as he pats your shoulder. As he’s going through the mail he holds up a letter from Indiana State University?.
“Uhhhh y/n? What’s this? It says Indiana State University?”
You hop up immediately, abandoning the homework without a second thought. Ripping open the envelope and screaming loudly upon reading your acceptance.
Eleven and Kay congratulate you but Hopper looks irritated.
“Well that’s great honey but I thought we talked about something closer to home like Hawkins community? Getting into that teaching career we talked about?”
“Uhhhh no that was always what you talked about. I wanted to study journalism with a minor in film”
“We discussed Hawkins community college and teaching as a safer, more stable career!”
“No, you discussed it. I never said I wanted any of that!”
Kay chirps in. “Just think about it dad. Once she goes to university anymore she’ll be their problem and not ours.” She says in an all too cheerful voice. You shoot her a quick death stare before you pull the card from your sleeve.
“So Kay was that Jason Carver I saw driving you home today?”
Hopper immediately turns his anger from you to Kay.
“Excuse me? Who is Jason Carver and why is he driving you home?”
Kay turns to you and looks extremely upset as she sputters the words to her father.
“Dad he’s this guy from school and I don’t know I think he might-“
“Don’t even finish that. I know exactly what you think. You already know the rules Kay. No dating”
“But dad he’s-“
“No. And if you argue with me again I’ll go arrest whoever this boy is just to teach you and him a lesson”
Kay sits down on the couch where you are now back doing your homework. Hopper sits on the coffee table in front of you. And El decided to join.
“Now listen. I’ve been a cop for many years now and I’ve seen a lot of stuff. You girls don’t need to be dating and especially not in highschool. You don’t want to end up as some cracked out bimbo on the streets or some teen mom. No dating until Y/n does. That’s the rule we agreed upon.”
Eleven chirps in. “We are not stupid”
“I know you girls aren’t stupid”
Eleven is standing up now visibly angry. “You are treating us like we are stupid. We know not to do drugs. We know not to have unprotected sex. We are not stupid. And it’s not fair. Everyone else at school gets to date but not us. You are like papa!”
As Hopper goes to answer Eleven the radio on his belt goes off about some emergency Hopper has to attend to.
“The three of you. This conversation isn’t over.”
As hopper leaves you’re left alone with your sisters. You can feel El practically burning a hole in the back of your skull.
“What El?”
“This is your fault!”
“What is my fault?”
“It is your fault that I cannot be with Mike!”
Kay decided to jump in “and why I can’t be with Jason!”
“Eleven you’re so young. You don’t need to be dating anyways. Boys at your age and even at mine are all garbage anyways. And Kay I’m oh so sorry you’ll have to miss out on dating Jason Cretin Carver.”
Both El and Kay stomp off to their rooms and slam the door leaving you completely alone again with nothing but homework and swirling thoughts.
Later on in the evening El and Kay are in Kay’s room discussing you when Eleven's radio goes off.
“Eleven? Do you copy? It’s Mike. Over.”
“Yes Mike I copy.”
“Great, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to Star Court later. It would just be the two of us but maybe if you told the chief of was just as fri-“
“No way Mike. He already went off once today about the No dating until y/n does rule”
“What if I said the party was working on a plan for that?”
El looks over at Kay who’s been listening to the entire conversation and they give each other smug looks. Mike goes over the plan with the two of them and they agree to do whatever it takes to help.
The next day it was finally time to begin putting the plan into action. Lucas decided to be the one to go ask Jason Carver to be a part of the plan. So when lunchtime rolled around instead of walking to the Hellfire table like normal. Lucas made his way over to the basketball table and sat down at the head of the table next to none other than Jason Carver himself.
“I-I’m sorry. Kid are you lost?”
“No actually. Just came by to run an idea by you. Just to see if you’re interested.”
“I’m not”
“Hear me out”
At this point Jason decided to half listen as he continued to eat his lunch.
“You want Kay right? But you can’t date her because Y/n doesn’t date and none of the Hopper girls can date until she does right?”
“Does this conversation have a purpose for me at all?”
“Well Jason. I think you should hire a guy that’s crazy enough to go out with her.”
“Oh really. And who would be crazy enough to go out with her.”
Lucas points over to Eddie at the hellfire club who’s currently walking around the table shouting about something D&D related.
“Really? Him? The freak. Isn’t he a satanist?“
“I don’t really know man… but even if he is, that makes him a solid investment. If he’s crazy enough to worship Satan then he’s crazy enough to date y/n right?”
“What’s in this for you kid?“
“Well I was thinking…maybe I could get a spot on the team. After tryouts next week.”
“Alright. You got yourself a deal.”
Lucas stays at the table for a moment longer while everyone at the table looks confused until Jason finally speaks up. “We’re done here kid.”
Lucas stands from the table and walks to where the rest of the party was watching him and gives them a thumbs up.
Ms O’Donnells class had everyone bored out of their minds once again. But this time it was presentation day where you each had to read a story you wrote. As you were up at the front of the class reading yours, Jason decided to put his part of the plan into action.
Eddie finally takes his head off of his desk where he was attempting to nap, and turns to face Jason.
“What Carver?”
“You see Y/n up there?”
“No actually I don’t. Wherever do you mean?”
Jason rolls his eyes. “I want you to ask her out.”
“Uh sure casanova whatever gets you off man?” Eddie starts to turn his head back to his desk when Jason moves forward and grabs his shoulder.
“Look freak. I can’t take out her sister until y/n starts dating. You see their dad has this crazy rule an-“
“Look, that's a touching story. It really is. But not my problem man.”
“Would you be willing to make it your problem for say….oh I dunno. 30 bucks a date?”
Eddie sits there weighing his options. I mean taking some girl out and getting paid to do it. Why would he pass that up? It’s not like he had to marry the girl or anything. But not for $30.
“Well let’s see Carver. Let’s say we go to a movie. That’s $15 right there. Now let’s say we get some snacks. That’s what $53? And if the girl wants a drink that’ll be what $75. So yeah $75 or no deal”
“This isn’t a negotiation freak. Take it or leave it, trailer park boy”
“50 bucks and we got a deal Casanova”
Jason sighs and takes 50 dollars out of his pocket and slides it onto Eddie’s desk. Eddie turns to face you up front with a smile.
After class as you’re walking out your arm is caught lightly and you turn to face Eddie Munson. The bright smile he’s dawning is unlike any emotion you’ve seen him emit before so it confuses you as he begins to speak.
“Hey there girly. How ya doin?”
“Uh fine I guess. Tired? And yourself?”
“Tired huh? After that great story you read to the class. I mean a story like that, how could I not be impressed.”
You turn to walk away down the hall and he follows after.
“Ah, my mission in life. To impress men. Well obviously it worked on you so the world makes sense again”
“So I’ll pick you up on Friday night huh?”
“Oh yeah totallllly. Gonna take me for some gas station sushi and then make me play D&D? Do you even know my name Munson?”
“I know a lot more than you think.”
“Doubtful. Very doubtful.” And that’s all you say as you leave Eddie Munson standing in the middle of the school hallway.
Mike turns to Dustin who just watched the entire encounter and Mike looks distraught.
“Dustin! We’re so screwed!”
“Hey now I don’t wanna hear that negativity. Let’s get some upbeat emotion in here!”
“WERE SCREWED!” Mike says in an overly cheery tone.
Sitting in front of your desk in your room as you read a book you feel a pair of hands brush through your hair and you turn to find Eleven brushing her hands through your hair.
“Have you ever considered a different hairstyle? I mean you have some real potential here to look like a model from those magazines”
“And now why would I want to do that?”
“I don’t know so that maybe you don’t end up as an old woman who’s cold and alone?”
“I’m not cold Eleven. I’m annoyed.”
“Well instead of being annoyed you could try being nice for once.”
“And why would I do that”
“So that people won’t think you’re a mean person?”
“I don’t care what people think Eleven. And neither should you. You don’t have to try so hard all the time for people to like you.”
“I happen to like having friends y/n”
As Eleven says it she throws her hands in the air and her wrist comes into view for you.
“Where’d you get that bracelet?”
“Hopper gave it to me.”
“That was Sarah’s bracelet…why would he just give it to you?”
“Because I’m his daughter too y/n. Even if it’s not biological.”
“Oh so what, you're just gonna wear it now. It’s not like you ever even knew her or my mom. You have no right to wear it.”
You storm out of your own room. Leaving Eleven to stand there awestruck at your sudden outburst.
Ah Saturdays. Supposed to be for relaxation and forgetting school exists. So that’s exactly what you were doing at the music store as you purchased some new cassettes. A little AC/DC, a little Metallica, some WASP. The usual. As you said thank you to the clerk and made your way outside you couldn’t help but be annoyed to see a certain metal head leaned up against the door of your truck.
“Nice truck. Vintage fender?”
“So what are you stalking me now?”
“Jeez a guy can’t go by his favorite music shop and happen to spot a friend?”
As you reached for the handle of the driver side door he slid in front of it to stop you.
“Not a big talker huh?”
“Sorry talking about the ass end of my truck doesn’t usually get me going.”
He looks you in the eyes briefly studying your expression. “You’re not afraid of me are you?”
“Afraid? Why would I be afraid of you?”
“Well most people are.”
“Well I’m not.”
“Well maybe you’re not afraid of me but I’m sure you’ve thought about me in other ways.” He says with a smug look and a raised brow.
“Oh am I that transparent? Oh yeah I totallly want you oh so badly?”
You grab the handle of the door and force it open, removing Eddie from your car door, as he throws his hands up in surrender and moves away. However as you intend to back up and leave the store a car pulls in and parks directly behind you in the street. It’s a familiar red car owned by none other than Jason Carver himself. You roll down your window and stick your head out to yell at him.
“Not at all, sweetheart not at all.”
Jason pays you no mind as he continues walking. You’re not going to let this asshole win however. Rolling your window back up and putting the car in reverse you quickly backup directly into Jason Carvers car. Eddie automatically begins laughing hysterically on the side of the road and Jason Carver comes running back to his car.
“Whoops. Now get out of my way.”
“Yes dad. Trust me if you knew him you’d have done the same.”
“No I wouldn’t have. Cause unlike you I didn’t have a dad who was a police chief who could get you out of messes like that. You’re lucky that boy didn’t press charges for one and two you’re lucky that he’s had some run ins in the past that I had to clear in order for him not to press charges.”
“Okay sorry. What do you want me to say here?”
“Is this because I don’t want you going to that college? Is that it? Did you do this as some kind of punishment?”
“Really? That’s where you wanna go. Okay aren’t you punishing me by making me stay here forever because Sarah died and mom left so now nobody can control their own lives?”
“Leave them out of this.”
“Fine then stop planning my life for me.”
“I’m your father and that’s my right.”
“Okay so what I want doesn’t matter?”
“You’re 18 y/n! You have no idea what you really want and you won’t for a long time!”
“Please dad why? Why is it so hard for you to trust me? I want to go to Indiana State! I want you to trust me to make my own choices. I want you to stop trying to control my life just because you couldn’t control yours!”
“You know wha-“ Hopper was cut off yet again by his radio. It was Powell from the station calling in about another emergency that needed the chief's undivided attention.
“This talk isn’t over y/n”
“Yay can’t wait to go through this all again”
You say leaving him before he gets the chance to make another snarky remark towards you. As you walk away you run into your sister Kay who is fuming.
“Uh yeah looks like you’ll just have to bike with Eleven”
“Has the fact that you’re completely deranged managed to escape you?”
You don’t bother to address her as you continue to your room. Slamming the door shut in the process.
Eddie Munson was not surprised to be met with a more than unhappy Jason Carver first thing Monday morning. As much as it didn’t surprise him, the prospect of having to talk to him exhausted him.
“When I pay someone $50 for a job I expect results.”
“Yeah Carver. I’m working on it.”
“Watching that bitch maim my car doesn’t qualify as a date, freak.”
“Well you know what Carver I was thinking. I don’t think $50 is quite enough to make this girl worth it. I think I’ll be upping my price.”
“Excuse me, freak?”
“100 bucks a date. In advance.”
“Absolutely not. No.”
“Fine, forget about Kay then.” Eddie couldn’t help the shit eating grin on his face as he knew he’d backed Jason into a corner.
“You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are Munson” Jason said, slapping the 100 dollars into Eddie’s hand and walking away.
Mike and Dustin spent time discussing how on earth they were going to help Eddie and y/n get together. They came to no other conclusion than deciding they had to come clean and tell him the entire plan. So the next after school when the Hellfire meeting ended and the rest of the boys cleared out. Mike and Dustin decided to stay behind in an attempt to talk to Eddie.
Eddie notices the boy's presence in the room but says nothing as he continues to clean.
Only hearing the quiet bickering of the boys decided which one of them will be the one to tell him. He’s finally had enough of it once he’s finished cleaning and they’re still bickering.
“So do either of you wanna tell me why you’re still here and I still managed to clean up everything by myself?”
Dustin pushes Mike towards Eddie, to where Eddie is towering above Mike in an intimidating stance.
“W-well Eddie. Dustin and I know what you’re trying to do with Y/n. We know about the plan with Jason.”
“Oh, do you now? And what are you two going to do about it?”
“W-well that’s the thing. We wanted to help you out.”
“Really and why is that?”
Dustin steps forward placing a hand on Mike’s shoulder. “Well Eddie you see Mike wants to date Eleven so we had Lucas convince Jason to pay you to ask y/n out. But we see you’ve had some trouble with y/n and we think we can help you out by getting in-tell on what y/n likes and doesn’t like.”
Eddie stands there surprised and impressed that these two freshmen have been able to pull this off. “What is with these sisters? Jesus? Is kissing them like crack or something? Why does everyone want them?”
“Wha-Eddie no that’s not the point. Are you gonna let us help you or not?”
“Fine. Henderson, Wheeler. You’re my minions. Get in-tell on the beast and report back to me. Got it? Or the next campaign will be very painful for the two of you.”
“Eddie, that's great. We’ve already got one way for you to get to know her. See here” Dustin hands Eddie a flyer. “This is for Steve Harrington's party this Friday night. You’re gonna bring her to this.”
“You’re quite the optimist Henderson. She won’t even so much as spit in my direction let alone go to a party with me.”
“Don’t worry we’re working on it. You sit tight and we’ll come find you when we have more in-tell and a plan for you to get her to the party.”
And with that Dustin and Mike left Eddie alone in the hellfire room. Eddie looked at the flyer and signed. This whole arrangement was becoming complicated and the task at hand was challenging. Was any amount of money worth this?
Back at your house Mike and Dustin are inside with Eleven and Kay.
“So uh, Kay did you hear about Steve Harrington's party on Friday?”
“Of course I heard about it Dustin. How did you hear about it? You won’t even be allowed in the door?”
“Oh I’m friends with Steve. Don’t worry about it. Are you gonna go?”
“I really really want to but again I’m not allowed to go unless y/n does. It’s total bullshit. Anyways here’s y/n’s room. If I let you three in here you have to swear on your life she’ll never find out or I’m so dead.”
The three children sweat on Dustin’s mother before Kay lets them into your room. Looking around they see plenty of rock and roll band posters, plenty of books strewn about and plenty of bookshelves, lots of horror movie posters and horror novels and some posters for poetry slams. Mike and Dustin also make sure to ask Eleven basic questions about your likes and dislikes. Finding out that you hate jocks and douchey guys and that you love spicy Mexican food. They gather as much information as they can and make sure to leave before you get home, hoping they left everything just as they found it. Upon your arrival home you don’t suspect a thing.
Mike and Dustin bike all the way across town to The Hideout where they know Eddie is most likely to be. Making their way in the bar they’re surprised at the lack of security as they just waltz right in. Taking in the stench of cigarettes, booze and what’s most likely marijuana. Looking around the bar they see the instruments still set up from the Corroded Coffin set they must have done that night. As they continue to scan the bar they find Eddie and his band mates at a pool table taking turns and drinking. Dustin marches up to Eddie and taps him on the shoulder causing Eddie to turn around angrily until he realizes it’s just Dustin and not some drunkard complaining about his music.
“Ah my minions. Pray tell what information dost thou bring me?”
“Well we discovered she likes rock and roll so here’s a list of bands she likes, she loves really spicy Mexican food, the girl is obsessed with reading, horror movies and horror novels, she hates jocks and douchey guys, and loves poetry readings”
“Okayyyy so I’m what? Supposed to take her to get some enchiladas, buy her a book and then slam poetry with her?”
Dustin scoffs and ignores the sarcasm in Eddie’s voice.
“Eddie, have you ever been to Oliver’s cafe?”
“No. Why?”
“They’re having a poetry slam there tomorrow.”
“No-no absolutely not. Eddie “the freak” Munson cannot walk into some poetry club. Absolutely not.”
As Eddie walked into the cafe he felt embarrassed. He didn’t let that stop him however as he held his he’d high and strode through the cafe ignoring the onlookers who stared at him. The poet was up on stage reading their poems and Eddie scanned the crowd of people at their tables and finally found you.
Sitting at a small table with Robin and Nancy he watched as you would sip your coffee and occasionally smile at the poems being read aloud. You and Nancy both look interested in the poet but Robin looks bored out of her mind and is bouncing her leg most likely due to the caffeine intake.
Eddie decided instead of taking a strong approach like normal that he would let you come to him. So he takes a seat by himself at the bar and orders an espresso.
Walking up to the counter for a refill on your coffee you can’t help but notice the metal head at the bar who sticks out like a sore thumb. He doesn’t seem to notice you but you know he has to be there for you. Grabbing your coffee and walking over to his seat you begin to whisper so as not to interrupt the poet or disturb other guests.
“If you’re here to ask me out again you might as well just take that and shov-“
“Do you mind? I can’t hear Lillian’s poem and you’re kind of ruining it for me. I can’t wait for Jenna Scruff to get up there next.”
Eddie takes his espresso and sits at an empty table nearby. Leaning back in his chair to listen to the poet. You take the bait and sit next to him for a moment continuing your conversation in a hushed tone.
“You? You know Jenna Scruff's work?”
“Yeah why? Don’t you?”
As Lillian finished her poetry set instead of snapping everyone clapped for once. Eddie took the opportunity to tell you something.
“I was watching you before when you were listening to the poems. I’ve never seen you smile so genuinely before you were beautiful”
Upon his last three words the clapping had ceased and the entire cafe was able to hear what he had said. Earning a crowd's worth of ooo’s and awes causing your whole face to turn beat red.
Eddie doesn’t let up as the next poet gets on stage and starts their set. He continues to talk to you in a hushed tone. “Come to Harringtons party with me?”
You sigh and take a sip of your coffee. “You never give up do you” you begin to stand from the table coffee in hand as you make your way back to your friends.
“Was that a yes?” Eddie tried to shout yet still whisper.
“Well then was that a no?”
As you sat down at the table with your friends you looked back at Eddie and whisper shouted back. “No.” Sipping your drink with a smug smile.
“I’ll see you at 9:30 then” as Eddie said 9:30 he made sure to hold up nine fingers, then three, then a zero.
Eddie didn’t leave after asking you that. Instead he stayed at the poetry slam and just watched you. Watched the way you reacted to things. Watched when you smiled. Took note of things you liked. Things you did. He wasn’t sure why. He had no reason to still be there. He’d tell himself for the time being it was just extra research for the mission at hand.
It’s Friday night and you’re sitting on the couch In your usual attire as Kay walks out of her room in a red dress and heels walking towards the door trying to avoid Hopper's attention. And failing.
Hopper rises from the couch and catches Kay at the door. “So kid, where ya headed?”
“Uhhh well if you wanna know. I’m headed to a study group.”
“You mean a party?”
Hopper turns to you. “Y/n do you know anything about a party” you shake your head No and turn your attention back to your book.
“Kay you know the rules. If y/n doesn’t go then you don’t go. End of story.”
Kay turns to you. Red face full of fury and marches up to you snatching the book out of your hand. “CAN’T YOU BE NORMAL? JUST FOR ONCE?”
You try to reach for the book but to no avail. “Define normal for me real quick?”
“Uh, going to Steve Harrington's party normal? I thought Steve was a friend of yours so why not just go for me please?”
“No Kay, those parties are just excuses for people to get drunk and rub up against each other to distract from the emptiness of their meaningless consumer driven lives.”
Kay pills out the puppy dog eyes. “Please for one night can you not be a complete nuisance and just do me this one favor. Pleaseeeeeee”
Looking into her sad eyes was just too much. You found yourself caving cause you couldn’t stand to see those eyes.
“Fine. One appearance.”
Kay jumped up and down squealing and Hopper looked utterly defeated. You didn’t bother to change your clothes but grabbed a jacket for the night. As you opened the door your sister was already running to Jason Carver's car but as much as you wanted to protest, you had a much more urgent matter. The matter of the metal head standing on your front porch.
“What are you doing here?”
“9:30 right? Sorry I know I’m a little early.”
Eddie Munson had never been early for a date in his life. But figured tonight he could make an exception.
“Fine. Whatever. But we’re taking my car.”
Eddie let you lead the way to your car and couldn’t hide the smile that grew on his face upon earning his small victory with you.
Upon arrival at the party Eddie continues to let you lead the way. You pass all the booze and drugs and fun stuff and immediately just start wandering through the house. Much to Eddie’s disappointment. However he isn’t going to let anything happen to you at this party so he attempts to keep up.
Getting interrupted as he follows you. Some cheerleader he recognizes as Jason Carver's ex tries to grab onto him. “KISS ME” she yells in his face as she attempts to jump on him. Eddies quick however and grabs her spinning her around as he shoves her towards some other poor nerd. “Kiss him instead” and she does immediately. He continues on his way to try and keep up with you having to jog a bit having lost you.
You find yourself standing in what appears to be a smoke filled living room full of people drinking and making out. You’re suddenly met with the one and only Jason Carver.
“Well well well look what the cat dragged in”
Jason chides as he circles you. Almost as if you were some kind of prey.
“According to that receding hairline of yours Carver I wouldn’t joke about others getting dragged.” You turn on heel to attempt leaving the living room but Jason quickly blocks you.
“So y/n. You see your sister around? She got away from me for a second.”
“I think it'd be best if you stayed away from my sister Jason.”
“Oh sure y/n. Of course. But let’s see if she stays away from me.” He gets very close to your face and winks before leaving you standing by yourself in the doorway of the living room.
As you walk through the house attempting to find your sister Kay you’re met by the devastating sight of her already leaned up against him by a wall. Making your way to her you’re met by Jason’s annoying voice.
“Well well well y/n would you look who found me again.”
Choosing to ignore Jason you grab your sister's arm and attempt to speak to her but she quickly stops you. “Y/n! Please don’t talk to me in public.”
“Kay please I just wanna tell you something.”
“Can’t it wait till later? I’m trying to enjoy my life for once so can you leave me alone and try to do the same?”
Kay rips her arm from your grasp and continues walking through the house wrapped in Jason’s arm.
As you stand there dumbfounded Eddie is finally able to reach you. But not before you can take a shot of the first drink you see. Intending to get very wasted for the night.
“Jesus y/n where the hell did you go I’ve been looking everywhere” Eddie was clearly exasperated from the recent efforts.
“I’m getting trashed, man. Isn’t that what you do at parties?”
“I mean I say do what you want.”
“Funny. You’re the only one. I’ll catch you later.” You turn on your heel and disappear into the crowd behind you.
Normally this would be the point in the night where Eddie gives up and goes home but Eddie isn’t going to just leave you here at some party with no way to get home because you’re getting drunk. As Eddie continued through the house it took him quite a while to find you in a place this big in a sea of this many people. Henderson was right, Harrington really knew how to throw a party.
When Eddie finally found you he attempted to take the shot in your hand away because he could very clearly tell that you’d had too many. You refused however and continued through the house finding a very sturdy table that your drunk little brain thought would be perfect to stand on. You know what this table might be perfect to dance on too?
Eddie could see where this was going and was intent on stopping you until he was blocked by none other than Jason Carver.
“How did you do it man?”
Eddie was confused and already over this conversation. “Do what?”
“Get her to act like a human being.”
Eddie didn’t get the chance to answer as the crowd of people in the room behind him started to cheer and he found you in nothing but a light tank job and jeans now dancing on top of the table as a group of teens cheered you on.
Your body was all sorts of languid and you were just feeling loosey goosey so you were bending and snapping and just in general dirty dancing all over the place. Your drunk little brain couldn’t explain why but a large portion of the dance moves were directed to the metal head standing at the edge of the table watching you. Standing up fully after one particular bend has you smacking your head hard on the chandelier above you. Almost knocking you out.
As you fall backwards you're caught by a pair of arms and you find yourself face to face in Eddie Munsons arms who looks distressed. He gets you away from the table and sets you on the floor. “Hey y/n look at me. You okay?”
You attempt to stand up on your own. “I’m fine” your words are slurred as you collapse into his arms again and he attempts to walk you outside.
“Eddie I just- I just need to lie down for a minute”
“No if you lie down you’ll go to sleep”
“Sleep hahaha. But sleepy is good?”
“Not if you have a concussion.”
He sits you down outside letting you get some fresh air as he continues to check to make sure you’re okay. Unable to keep yourself up right Eddie wraps an arm around you and carries you fully outside the party and into Harrington's front yard.
As Eddie guides you to the porch swing you can’t help but wonder why he’s even here. “Why are you helping me?” You manage to mutter out.
“Like i said you might have a concussion y/n.”
“You don’t care if I ever wake up Munson”
“Sure I do.”
“Cause then I’d have to start taking out girls who actually like me.”
“Like you could ever find one.”
“Oh see that. Who needs affection when you give such blinding hatred”
You start to pass out in his arms again and he sets you on one of the tire swings that’s hanging from a tree in Harrington's yard. You’re able to sit by yourself for a moment before almost falling out of the swing and Eddie catches you once again. Finding he now also needs a break he sits in the tire swing next to yours.
Eddie turns to look at you. “Why do you let him get to you?”
“Ugh. God I hate him.”
“Well drowning yourself in Vodka and Rum seems like the perfect revenge option I see.”
You laugh at his words and Eddie can’t help but smile back. Seeing as this is the first time he’s made you smile he thinks he’ll remember this moment as a win. That is until he looks back at you to see your arms dropped to your sides and your eyes closed as if you’ve fainted.
Eddie jumps up quickly, taking your hand in his and using his free hand to stroke your face.
“Y/n?!? Y/n?!? Come on, wake up. Come on, open your eyes!”
And you do it slowly. Your eyes connect with his big brown eyes. You can’t help but admire the way they shine in the moonlight.
“Hey. Your eyes. They have a little gold in them”
You smile at him as he says it and Eddie can’t help but admire your entire face. Your smile seems to light up every feature you have and he almost begins to memorize it before you lower your head again and rub your temples. Without meaning to, he strokes the back of your head just thankful you woke up and that you’re okay.
As Eddie drives you home he actually finds himself quite content. You seem much better now and your music taste isn’t bad.
“UGHHHH i should be like these people!”
Eddie turns his attention from the road to you. “Be like what people?”
You point your hand at the radio repeatedly. “These. These peoples I should be like these people. Speaking their mind and doing what they want. I bet my father would love that.”
As he pulls up to your house and turns the car off he turns to you and begins to speak in a serious tone. “You don’t seem like the kind of girl who cares what her dad thinks.”
You scoff. “Oh so now you think you know me?”
“I’m getting there.”
“The only thing people know about me is that I’m some monster of a woman.”
“Yeah well…I’m no town heartthrob either.”
As you turn to look at him you begin to realize the two of you aren’t so different. That gold glimmer in his deep brown eyes seems to say something to you. Almost pulling you into them. And as Eddie stared back at you he began to realize that maybe you weren’t the monster everyone painted you out to be. Maybe he’d judged you the way everyone judges him.
The look lingers just a little too long until Eddie points to your house trying to clear the tension. “So uh your dad. I assume having the chief of police as a father must be a pain in the ass.”
“Pfft. That’s one way to put it. Although I wouldn’t so much say pain in the ass as much as I’d say he just wants to make my life into something I don’t want. Make me into somebody that I’m not.”
“And who does he want to make you into?”
“Kay” you say with a frilly attitude that would match your sisters.
“Ah. I see. Kay. No offense or anything I’m sure Kay is great and I know everyone digs her but she’s without.”
You turn to look at him again. Smiling as you do. “You know. You aren’t what I thought you’d be.”
“What? Mean and scary?. Can I be honest with you here? I thought you’d be kind of mean and scary too. I mean you are kind of mean but definitely not scary.”
You can’t help but laugh at what he says and upon laughing you realize nobodies made you laugh like that for a really long time. As your laugh dies down and you gaze into his eyes again you begin to lean in for a kiss.
Eddie can see you leaning in. He almost leans in too but he can’t bring himself to do it. Nothing about the situation feels right. You’re drunk and he got paid to take you out. He wants to kiss you. But not like this.
Eddie clears his throat. “Maybe we should do this at a different time.”
You pull away and reach for the door handle. Immediately leaving the car and running inside feeling insulted and embarrassed. This guy spends all this time trying to get you to go out with him only to reject you when you try to kiss him. What the hell?
As you wait inside you watch as Eddie pulls out of your driveway in his van and watch as he fades into the distance. Surprised as you see your younger sister Kay getting dropped off by Steve Harrington rather than her own date. She takes a while to come inside and you’re about to ask her what that was about but upon seeing the smile she’s dawning when she walks in you decide to drop it. Just for tonight.
Walking into Ms O’Donnell’s class Monday morning was going to be a pain in the ass. You could already tell. But when you walked in and we’re greeted by Jason asking you how much he owes you for the table dance you gave at the party, it confirmed this hour was going to be a rough one. Jason’s cruel remarks were met by Ms O’Donnell’s personal brand of snark.
Ms O’Donnell began speaking about the classes next assignment and how you would be recreating your own version of sonnet 141. You raise your hand to ask a question.
“Yes, what could you possibly have a problem with now Ms Hopper?”
“Do you want this in Iambic pentameter?”
Ms O’Donnell turns to face you with a dumbfounded expression.
“So you have no qualms about the assignment?”
“Uh no? I think it’s a good assignment. I’m excited about it!”
Ms O’Donnell chuckles at you. “Go to the office.”
“Wait what?”
“Out. Get out. I don’t know what game you’re playing but go to the office.”
So you gather your belongings and leave the classroom.
As Mike and Dustin sit with Eddie at lunch the boys begin to interrogate him about what happened with you the night of the party.
“Seriously Eddie what did you do to her?”
Eddie takes a cashew and throws it at Mike. “I didn’t do anything Wheeler. In fact I was a gentleman who didn’t do anything because she was drunk and that would be wrong.”
“Ughhhh Eddie, our plan was working!”
Dustin comes running back to Eddie and Mike after attempting to talk to you.
“So Dustin what’d she say?”
“Well she said she hates him with the fire of a thousand suns. Those were her exact words.”
Eddie puts his face in his hands and rubs his face. “Thank you for the helpful encouragement Dustin.”
Mike puts his hands in the air “hey maybe all she needs is a few days to cool off” as he says this the three boys just narrowly dodge the sandwich you’d “accidentally” thrown in their direction when you tripped walking past their table.
Eddie turns back to the boys. “I think she might need more than a few days.”
“God Nance, can you imagine going to prom? How ridiculous would that be.”
“I don’t know y/n it could be fun. I’d love to go if only Jonathan would ask me.”
“Ugh you really wanna get all dolled up and listen to a band that totally blows while all these losers girate and look for excuses to hump each other? You agree with me, right Robin?”
As you turn to Robin you can already see her disagreeing with you. “I’d love to go to prom. But we all know why I can’t ask anybody so no prom for me.”
Nancy throws her hands up in surrender.
”Alright alright we’re not going then. It’s not like I’ve got a dress anyways.”
“Nancy, you're looking at it all wrong. By not going we’ll be making a statement.”
“Oh yippee cause you don’t do that everyday.”
As Kay stands in the gym trying to make the ball go into the basket a pair of arms wraps around her to make the shot. Turning around afterwards she finds herself face to face with Jason.
“So Kay. About prom?”
“Jason you know I can’t go to prom unless y/n does.”
“She is going to prom.”
“What? Since when?”
Jason picks up another ball and twirls it on the top of a finger. “Oh let’s just say I’m taking care of it.” He places the ball into Kay’s hand and takes his leave.
Sitting on his usual bench in the forest Jason hands Eddie about $200. “Here freak. This should cover the tickets and the tux. Everything.”
Eddie holds the money in his hands for a moment contemplating. He thinks about you and how wrong this is to do to you. “Nah man. I think I’m out. I don’t wanna play this game anymore.” He hands the money back to Jason and is about to stand up from the bench.
Jason begins to panic, reaching for his wallet. “Here freak. How about we make is 300?”
Eddie looks down at the money. Money he could really use. But this is so wrong on so many levels. He shouldn’t be doing this to you. Jason places the money in his hands anyways and Eddie’s hands close around it and he releases a heavy sigh as Jason leaves the table. Guilt riddling its way through his body.
Now Eddie really needed a plan to get back in your good graces.
On that following Saturday Eddie drove to the music store where you’d hit Jason’s car. He was happy to see your car sitting outside and decided to head in.
In the music shop you made your way from the cassettes and records all the way to the back where they kept the instruments. You grabbed this snazzy green guitar off the wall. The one you visited every weekend. As you grabbed it you found a nearby stool to sit on and practice as you continued to try and follow the song playing on your Walkman. Someday you planned on saving up your money and buying this very guitar.
As Eddie walked through the store he finally spotted you in the back and walked up to you. You were so into playing your music that you hadn’t noticed him standing behind you. He observed the way you played it and how gentle you were with the instrument. He was reminded of the time he went to get sweetheart from this very store. He’d saved up all his money for months and Wayne pitched in a little and even drove him to go get it.
Seeing you sitting there playing like that so peacefully Eddie decided not to disturb you. Not today. He’d make a better plan to make it up to you. So he backed away slowly and left the store.
You couldn’t help the feeling of being watched. Looking around to see nobody. You continued to play nonetheless.
The next day you took a trip down to your favorite bookstore and began looking at the horror novels. And as you walk down the aisle you feel that similar feeling of being watched. That is until you turn the corner at the end of the isle and are face to face with Eddie.
“Excuse me, do you know where they keep Stephen Kings “The Talisman”? I seem to have lost my copy.”
“What are you doing here Munson?”
“I heard they might have a poetry reading in here today. Figured I’d stop by.”
“You’re so-“
“More like unwelcome.”
You continue to look through the books as Eddie becomes visibly frustrated.
“You’re not as mean as you think you are, you know that?”
“And you’re not as badass as you think you are.”
“Ooooh someone still has her panties in a twist.”
“Don’t for one minute think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties.”
“Well I had an effect on something. What was it?”
“Other than my body needing to faint that night then nothing.”
You find the copy of The Talisman and shove it to his chest and walk out of the store.
Dustin, Mike, and Eddie are sitting around at lunch yet again discussing you.
“You’re right twirps. She’s still pissed.”
“Sweet love renew thy force!” Dustin said a little too loud causing Eddie to smack the back of his head.
“Hey! Henderson! Don’t say shit like that around me. People can hear you.”
Mike chirps in. “You embarrassed y/n. Sacrifice your dignity and even the score for her.”
Eddie leaves Dustin and Mike alone at the table and goes to think of a plan on his own.
“Mike don’t say shit like that to Eddie, people can hear you.”
Mike scoffs and leaves Dustin at the table by himself.
The next day Eddie goes to make a deal with Robin. Eddie slipped Robin a $50 and in exchange Robin was to gather the band kids at lunch and make sure y/n was there.
At lunch everything was a bit odd. The entire hellfire table was empty and instead of sitting at your normal table, Robin and Nancy had insisted you sit at the band kids table today closest to the stage.
After sitting at lunch for a few minutes the curtains begin to open and you turn around to see instruments set up and people walking onstage. You recognize Eddie immediately and the rest of his band mates from Corroded coffin.
As Eddie got on stage he pointed to Robin and the entire band around you stood up and began to play a familiar tune at a rather loud volume. A few moments later Eddie started to play his guitar and the rest of his bands instruments came to life as Eddie began to play “I was made for loving you” by Kiss.
He pointed to you and then hopped from the stage down onto the table you were sitting at. At this point you couldn’t help the smile and laughter that had erupted on your face as the principal and school security started chasing Eddie and his band mates through the cafeteria for their unwanted performance as the entire student body laughed at them.
If this wasn’t enough to get back into your good graces then Eddie had no idea what would.
As you watched Eddie get dragged out of the cafeteria you couldn’t help but wonder how on earth you were going to help him get out of detention today.
After school detention with Mr Hans was always a nightmare you knew but you also knew he wasn’t the most competent teacher. Easily distracted or so you’d hoped.
As you walked into the quiet classroom and asked to talk to Mr Hans about improving the school's drama department.
As Mr Hans turned back to his desk you made eye contact with Eddie and motioned towards the window. He finally caught your drift and began to slowly move. As Eddie began to move you focused all your attention on making sure Mr Hans didn’t see Eddie making a run for it.
“Mr Hans, I really think we could use a new costume manager!” You said as you grabbed his arm roughly turning his back to Eddie. As you grabbed his arm you quickly began to try and find something to say.
“Wow Mr Hans! Your biceps are huge! You don’t take steroids do you? I heard steroids can have a negative effect on your uh…well you know?” At this point the entire class in detention is howling at your awkward display and Eddie attempts to escape. As Eddie snuck around a few more desks almost at the window the floor begins to creek and Mr Hans almost turns around.
“That’s not the point Mr Hans, the point is that the costume department should be focused on more because I think our plays always fall short due to our lack of good costuming!”
“No offense Ms Hopper but our plays usually fall short due to poor acting?”
“Well this would be a great misdirection! Using great costumes for people to focus on rather than the poor acting!”
“Misdirection? Why do we care about misdirection?”
Eddie was almost home free just outside the window and Mr Hans was thinking about what you said when there was another creek. Still talking to you he began to turn around in Eddie’s direction. “Okay so how do we get them to focus less on the bad acting then?”
You quickly grab your shirt and lift it up flashing everyone in the room. Eddie included. But you thought he wouldn’t be able to see you from his vantage point.
“Like this!”
Eddie grabbed a quick glance before using the opportunity to jump out the window and run for it. Once you see he’s out of the room you slowly lower your shirt and swallow the embarrassment of having your peers now know what your breasts look like.
“Well now that you’ve seen the plan Mr Han I’m gonna go and uh run the plan by someone else. So uh thanks for your time and I’ll be going.” That’s all you said before running out of the classroom at top speed.
As you sat in Eddie van laughing as he drove he couldn’t help but thank you for helping him sneak out of detention.
“So uh how did you keep Mr Hans distracted?”
“Oh I uh dazzled him with my….wits?”
Eddie chooses not to bring up that although you may have dazzled him it most definitely wasn’t with your wits. Instead he chooses to steer the conversation in a different direction.
“So what’s your excuse Y/n?”
“For acting the way we do?”
“I don’t like to do what people expect me to do. Why should I live my life based on what other people want me to do?”
“Ah I see. You disappoint them from the start and then you don’t have to worry about disappointing them ever again?”
“Something like that.”
“Then you screwed up.”
“You never disappointed me.”
There was no point in hiding the smile or blush that crept onto your face at his words. As he continued to drive Eddie pulled into a parking lot and turned to you.
“So. You up for it?”
“Up for what?”
You turn to look at where Eddie has taken you and see that he’s taken you to a paintball range. You already know you’re gonna try and kick his ass.
Eddie is the first to get hit by your red paint but he quickly retaliates by covering you in blue paint. Running around ducking behind random objects as you hid from each other. As Eddie missed and you laughed at him he quickly hit you with another one square in the stomach knocking the air out of you.
“Ooooo you’re so dead Munson”
You chased him and managed to get him covered in all sorts of colors. Making sure to smother his face in red paint. Eddie wasn’t going to go easy on you however, making sure you were covered in just as much paint as he was. Keeping the majority of your paint blue.
You finally ran out of paintballs and Eddie was the only one with paint left. You put your hands up in surrender and he pulled you in for a side hug. As you embraced you felt him slam the last ball of paint over your head causing blue paint to smear down your face. And you quickly ran away laughing.
As you two ran, Eddie tackled you and the two of you collapsed into a bail of heigh that had been setup for the paintball field. As he lay on top of you in the bail of heigh Eddie can’t help but admire you. Even covered in paint you still managed to be one of the most beautiful creatures he’d ever seen. So he leaned down and captured your lips into a tender kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer into the kiss. Pulling away you both had purple lips.
What Eddie hadn’t realized during the kiss was that you’d stolen paintballs from him. So when he pulled away and gazed into your eyes you slammed the pain in his face and giggled as you ran away. If he could have bottled the giggle and drank it he would have.
After your paintball adventure, you and Eddie helped each other clean off before he drove you home. As the two of you got out of the van and walked towards the cabin Eddie continued the conversation from the car.
“No y/n none of that’s true scouts honor” he did this silly little salute that made you smile.
“So no satanic rituals?”
“Nope, just a game. So is it true you bit a kid's thumb off?”
“Rumor. Okay now is it true that your music is hypnotic?”
“Shouldn’t all music be? Is it true you kicked Andy so hard one of his balls had to be retrieved in an operation?”
“Fact! But he deserved it I swear. He tried to grope me in class.”
“Fair enough”
As you both took a seat on the porch of the cabin you turned to Eddie and took a more serious tone. “Okay Ed’s. Tell me something true.”
“Something true?……hm….. I hate broccoli.”
You let out a laugh but didn’t let up. “No, something real. Something nobody else knows.”
He brushed some hair out of your face as he looked at you.
“Okay. Well I know you’re sweet” he kisses your left cheek. “And sexy” a kiss to the right.
“And completely hot for me”
You scoff “you’re very confident in yourself Munson.”
You both laugh but kiss him anyway and he pulls away.
“Go to the prom with me?”
“Is that a request or a command?”
“Come on. Go with me?”
“Why not?”
“Cause it’s a stupid dance for stupid people and I’m not a stupid person and neither are you.”
“Come on…people won’t expect you to go?”
“Why are you pushing this Eddie? What’s in this for you?”
Eddie has to think of an excuse and fast.
“What? So now I need an excuse to want to hang out with you?”
“Answer the question Eddie.”
“You need therapy, you know that. You need some real help because not everything comes with ulterior motives.”
You scoff and run inside. You don’t need this. You guys had an amazing day together so why did he have to go and ruin everything?
Kay approached Hopper very cautiously. Knowing the most likely way this conversation is to go. “Hey dad.”
“Hey kid, whatcha need?”
“Well I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go to the prom?”
“Is y/n going to the prom?”
“Well no bu-“
“Then the answer is no. I know you wanna go to prom just to see that boy Jason again anyways.”
“Oh come on dad. Y/n doesn’t even want to go and yet here I am dying to go and I can’t.”
“Do you know what happens at prom, young lady?”
“Yes dad. People dance, kids make memories, people live their lives like normal human beings and yeah sure the dumb ones make mistakes but I’m not a dumb one.”
“Huh that’s what you think happens. Kids making memories is exactly what keeps the station busy on prom nights in this town.”
“Can we ignore the fact that you’re unhinged for like two seconds and focus on me wanting to be a normal kid for one night?”
“This discussion was over the minute you started it, Kay. You’re not going to prom with that Jason boy and that’s final. You’re not going unless y/n is.”
Kay sighed and walked away from her father.
As you walked past Kay’s room and heard the sounds of her crying you couldn’t help but feel guilty. So you knocked on the door and when you got the okay you went in.
“Listen I know you hate having to sit at home cause I’m not little miss popular anymore.”
“Like you actually care y/n”
“I do care! But I’m a firm believer in doing something because you want to do it and not because someone else wants you to do them.”
“Well I wish I had that luxury y/n. You know I’m the only sophomore who got asked to the prom and I can’t go because you don’t feel like it.”
You sighed and looked down at your hands.
“Jason never told you we went out did he?”
“Pfft sure y/n”
“Freshman year. We went out for a whole month.”
Kay Scoffs. “Why?”
“Well because he was Jason. And I was me. At the time anyways. Everyone expected us to.”
“But you hate Jason?”
“I do now. I didn’t then.”
“So, what happened between you two?”
“You sure you wanna know?”
Kay was nervous now but nodded her head.
“Well I slept with him. Just once. He pressured me into it and everyone I knew was doing it. Everything had just happened with Mom leaving after Sarah died and I made a mistake. When I told him I didn’t want to anymore afterwards he dumped me for Chrissy. After that I swore I wouldn’t do anything just because other people wanted me to. And I haven’t since. Well besides Harrington's party.”
“How did I never know?”
“I told Jason if he ever told anyone that the whole school would find out just how small his dick is.”
You both chuckled at that but then Kay stopped laughing. Now feeling bad that she hadn’t been there for you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted you to make up your own mind. I didn’t want you to do anything because I wanted you to.”
Kay began to grow angry now. “So instead you decided to just team up with dad and keep me locked in here all the time is that it? You think I’m stupid enough to repeat your mistakes?”
“Kay I’m sorry. I thought I was protecting you.”
“Not all experiences are good Kay! Not everyone can be trusted!”
“Well I guess I’ll never know will I?”
Kay stood by her bedroom door and motioned for you to get out so you did. Feeling the harsh wind as Kay slammed the door behind you.
You took the weekend to debate and felt a growing guilt over your sisters' missed experiences due to your mistrust of people. So you decided to go to the prom with Eddie and allow your sister to go as well.
“Bye dad, I'm going to the prom!”
“Very funny y/n.” Before he could even ask, you were out the door. As Kay came down the stairs.
“Kay what is that?”
“This is a prom dress dad. Don’t you like it? Eleven helped me make it.”
“Yes it’s very pretty bu-“
The knock at the door interrupted Hoppers thoughts as Kay opened the door to a handsomely dressed Steve Harrington holding a bouquet of flowers. As Kay and Steve turned to leave, Hopper stopped them.
“Well dad. You said I couldn’t go to the prom unless y/n had a date and she found this guy who’s actually really perfect for her and that really worked out for me cause Steve here asked me to the prom and I really really want to go and since y/n went I guess I’m allowed to.”
As Kay grabbed Steve’s hand to run down the driveway Hopper shouted after Steve. “ANY FUNNY BUSINESS WITH MY DAUGHTER AND YOU'LL BE IN CUFFS YOUNG MAN!”
The prom was more lively than you had anticipated as you looked through the doors. You were actually quite nervous to be there and still hadn’t found your date as you stood there. Eddie had found you immediately though. He’s pretty sure his eye’s magnetized to you the second you walked through the door and he hasn’t been able to look at anyone else since.
Eddie had been pretty surprised to get your call asking if his prom offer was still on the table but happily accepted. Deal or no deal he was grateful to spend the time with you. He just had to find the right time to come clean about everything and hope you didn’t claw his eyes out.
As you stood by the door Eddie finally plucked up the courage to walk over to you and handed you the rose he’d brought for you. You both compliment each other on how you looked and walked arm and arm into the prom.
“Look Eddie-“ you said, stopping and leaning on a rail. “I’m really sorry I questioned your motives. I was wrong.”
The twinge of guilt rang through Eddie’s chest and it was getting harder to ignore. He didn’t want to ruin the night but he didn’t know how much longer he could keep this from you.
He swallows hard. “You’re forgiven.”
As you began to dance with Eddie you’re swung around quickly to meet the eyes of Nancy.
“Have you seen Jonathan? He promised he’d meet me here?”
“Nance I thought Jonathan said he’d rather drop dead than be caught at prom?”
“Y/n he promised me!”
Eddie pointed across the room to a well groomed Jonathan holding flowers and Nancy squealed and ran to him. Leaving you and Eddie by yourselves once more.
You turn to the stage when you hear them start to play your favorite song and you turn to Eddie. “THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG!!!”
“I called in a favor sweetheart.”
You jumped up and kissed him before beginning to dance to the music with him once more. And Eddie made sure to hold you tightly close to him.
As you danced with Eddie and held him close he began to speak to you. “Something real. You wanted to know. Everyone thinks I’m a freak cause of my father okay. Town criminal is a real bad guy who hurt a lot of people. Had a reputation. Being his kid meant I had a reputation from the start. There’s your realness” Eddie said as he dipped you towards the ground and you couldn’t help but smile and kiss him again. Appreciating his openness with you.
As the two of you stood back up Eddie was yanked backwards by Jason Carver.
“Hey freak! What the hell is Kay doing here with Steve Harrington? I didn’t pay you to take out y/n so some pretty boy could snake my chance with Kay!”
Upon hearing his words you’re desperately hoping you heard him wrong. Your eyes never leave Eddie’s and you can see the guilt written across his face and Eddie can see the devastation across yours making his heart sink down to his stomach.
“Nothing in it for you huh? No ulterior motive huh?” You say as you shove your way through the crowd angrily. Leaving Eddie and everyone behind.
Eddie doesn’t bother to address Jason as he makes his way through the crowd to chase after you.
Jason makes his way over to Steve.
“You messed with the wrong guy Harrington. Now you’re gonna pay. You and your little bitch.”
Steve puts a couple fingers onto Jason’s chest pushing him away.
“Back away, Carver. You’re crossing a line.”
Jason punches Steve square in the jaw making him fall to the ground. As Jason turns around his own face is met by a fist. None other than Kay.
“SHIT Kay! I have team yearbook photos tomorrow!”
“That’s for hitting Steve” she hits Jason again. “That’s for what you did to y/n”. And knees him in the dick. “And that’s for your stupid little game.”
Rushing over to Steve and helping him stand up she asks Steve if he’s okay.
“Never been better.” Steve says before pulling Kay into a kiss.
Outside Eddie finally catches up to you and manages to get in front of you.
“Please please y/n let me explai-“
“You were paid to take me out by the one person I hate the most. I knew this was a setup. And you lied to me about it. Made me feel like I was crazy for not trusting you.”
“Y/n it wasn’t like that okay!”
“Really Eddie? What was it then? A down payment for dating me and the bonus would come once you got into my pants?”
“You are so not who I thought you were, Munson.”
As you turned to leave Eddie grabbed you into one last kiss. If this is how he was going to lose you he was going to steal a kiss before you were gone. You pulled away quickly and ran out of the building holding back tears and Eddie stood in place doing the same.
As you sat on the porch of the cabin reading your novel, your sister Kay, your sister Eleven, Mike, and Steve Harrington walked on to the porch as a gaggle of other children piled into Steve’s car.
Eleven handed you a mug of coffee. “Y/n. Are you sure you do not want to go to Steve’s lake house with us? It will be fun?”
“No thank you. You guys make sure to have fun though.”
Kay came up behind Eleven and rested a hand on your shoulder. “Before we go I just wanted to say thanks. For coming last night. It meant alot to me.”
You nodded your head and gave a slight smile.
Watching everyone pile into Steve’s car as Hopper came to sit with you on the porch.
“So y/n. How was the prom.”
“It was fine.”
“Well what was fine about it.”
“Watching Kay beat the hell out of Jason Carver was pretty fun.”
“What? Mad I rubbed off on her?”
“Nope. Just impressed and proud of my daughters that’s all. All 3 of them. Such bad asses. Did something right I guess.”
He sat closer to you. “You know y/n us fathers can’t always admit when we’re wrong. Can’t always admit when we have to start letting our kids grow up and live their own lives. I guess what I’m saying is. I’m gonna have a real hard time when you’re up at Indiana state.”
Your face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Wait so you’re saying I can go?”
He nodded his head yes and you jumped onto him in an embrace that Hopper welcomed graciously.
As Ms O’Donnell stood in front of the class preparing the class for their presentation and mocking Jason about his black eye you couldn’t help but stare directly at your desk. Eddie had actually shown up for class today and you didn’t want to risk looking at him. When Ms O’Donnell asked for volunteers to read their sonnets you raised your hand and went to the front of the class.
Eddie had been watching you all period. Hoping you would look at him. Hoping you would show him any sign that you even cared he was there. But you hadn’t. And now as you stood in front of the class about to read your poem Eddie wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. Taking in the sight and memorizing you as you began to speak.
“I hate the way you talk to me.
I hate the way you don’t cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my truck.
I hate it when you stare.” You glance up quickly from your work and your eyes meet Eddie’s. It’s suddenly very hard to hold back all your pent up emotion. Upon seeing him all the love and pain and hurt you’d felt came rushing back and the tears began to well in your eyes.
“I hate your big dumb leather jacket and the the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick. It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you’re always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh.
Even worse when you make me cry.” By now you’re hardly looking at the words you wrote on the paper. You’re looking at Eddie as the tears begin to become visible to him and your voice is getting higher and squeaky with every passing word.
“I hate it when you’re not around and the fact that you didn’t call.
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.”
Your face was beat red and the tears sliding down your face couldn’t be stopped. Eddie felt his heart beat in his throat as he sat there and watched you cry. He almost wanted to stand up and kiss you right then and there and tell you it was all okay but he didn’t. He watched you walk to your desk and grab your bag as you stormed out of the class.
The drive home from school was actually nice. You’d turned up the music real loud and rolled down the windows to feel the wind. Taking the long way home from school. Pulling into your driveway at the cabin you couldn’t help but feel relieved knowing you’d get to be alone for a while. Since Hopper was at work and everyone else was at Steve’s cabin.
Walking into your room you immediately stop and drop everything in your hands onto the floor. Walking towards your bed to pick up a green guitar that hadn’t been there when you left. You rush to pick it up and hold it when a voice from behind you makes you jump.
“Nice guitar right?”
“A fender strat? Is it for me?”
“Well that would explain why it’s in your bedroom right? Besides I had some extra cash lying around. Some asshole paid me to take out this really great girl.”
He said it with such sincerity that you couldn’t help but smirk. “Is that right?”
“Yeah but I screwed up big time. I uh. I fell for her. Pretty hard actually I think it might leave a bruise.”
Eddie scoffs and cups your face in his hands. “It’s not everyday you find a girl willing to flash someone to get you out of detention.”
You laugh and cover your face with your hands. Eddie removes your hands from your face and leans in to kiss you tenderly. You kiss him back but pull away.
“You can’t just buy me a guitar and kiss me Everytime you fuck up you know.”
“I know.” Eddie said as he kissed you on the forehead. “That’s why they have bass” a kiss on the right cheek now. “Drums” a kiss on the left cheek. “Hell maybe even a synthesizer” he kisses you on the lips more passionate this time. You allow it and lean into it.
Kissing Eddie back with more fervor as you begin to stumble back towards the bed and you reach for Eddie’s vest and begin to move it down his shoulders and he stops you. Cupping your face in his hands.
“Hey. I mean it. You wanna stop at any point you say the word and we stop. I didn’t give you the guitar to get laid.”
You tug his vest closer to you. “I know. That’s why you’re gonna get laid anyways.”
He has the biggest grin on his face as he leans in to kiss you again and backs you towards the bed until your knees hit it. He removes his vest and his jacket followed by his shirt but he stops there and turns his attention to you.
Tugging on the bottom of your shirt with a raised eyebrow you nod and he lifts it over your head. Inhaling once he sees your breasts. He reaches out and cups them firmly giving your nipples a squeeze making you moan. God he’s been wanting this since the day he saw them in detention.
Moving his hands down he’s groping you everywhere and running his hands up and down your torso as he begins to make out with you again. Pulling his lips away from yours he begins to pepper kisses down your jaw and neck and finds a sensitive spot just under your ear that makes you whine. That’s the spot he chooses to start sucking on.
“Ed-“ your breath hitches when he nibbles on that spot just a little bit. “Ed, if my dad sees this you’re a dead man.”
He pulls away and reaches for your belt loops pulling your body flush against his. “Then I’ll die a happy man.”
His hands undo the button of your pants and you slide them down your legs and kick them off. Eddie pushes you gently onto the bed but doesn’t move himself above you. Instead he’s still standing in front of you. Before he kneels next to the bed. “Hey sweetheart can you spread your legs for me” he whispers as he leaves a trail of kisses down your thighs. You do as he says and spread your legs and he’s able to see a wet patch right In the middle. He leans back and chuckles, causing you to sit up on your elbows slightly frustrated.
“What’s so funny down there?”
“Oh nothing. Just thought you said I didn’t have any effect whatsoever on your panties.”
You laugh and plop back down on the bed and take the initiative to start taking your own panties off since he wants to tease but he quickly sees this and grabs for them himself. Yanking them down the rest of the way and then bringing them to his face to sniff them before balling them up and shoving them In his back pocket.
Spreading your legs a little more using his hands Eddie begins to kiss up your thighs and nibble at parts making you whine. He uses his right hand to run a finger through your folds before running it over your clit making you jump. He can tell you're sensitive and getting worked up so he decided to just dive in. He needed a good meal today anyways.
Once he tastes you however his movements become almost ravenous. Like a vampire who hasn’t had blood in centuries. You taste magnificent to him and he can’t get enough. And judging by the loud moans you're eliciting he thinks you may be enjoying it too. He takes a finger and funs it down to your entrance and pushes in making your gasp out a moan as your hands fly down to Eddie’s hair stroking it.
He pushes his finger all the way in and curls it searching for a special spot. He pulls the finger out but when he pushes back in this time he adds a second finger and curls looking for that spot. When he finds it your whole body twitches underneath him and he smiles. He continues to pump his fingers in and out of you at an increasing pace once he can tell you are close by your increased moans and the tensing he can feel around his fingers.
Everything has hun so turned on that he’s practically humping the edge of the bed just to find some relief. You can feel the coil in you about to snap and you’re about to warn him when he adds a third finger and your orgasm washes over you without warning. Whole body convulses as you chant his name as if he were a god.
He helps you ride your high until you gently push his head away from being overstimulated. Pulling his fingers out of you he licks them one at a time until you grab his hand and pull him up to you. Choosing to lick the last finger clean yourself from wanting to know what you taste like. Eddie groans at the sight of it and he grinds down onto you causing you to moan against his fingers.
Eddie stands back up and looks at you. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
You gather some brain cells and attempt to. I’d yes but Eddie isn’t having that. Leaning over you and taking your chin in his fingers, he makes you look at him. “Words sweetheart. Now are you sure you want to do this.”
You take a deep breath. “Yes Ed’s. I want this.”
Now you sit up and begin undoing his pants for him because he’s taking too long and he lets you. He kicks off his jeans and boxers left standing in your room naked and your eyes fixed on his rather large cock. He’s leaking a bit so you take him into your hand and stroke him a few times. He leans into your touch slightly before pulling away. “Sorry baby but I’m not going to last if we keep doing that.”
As he goes to his jacket to get a condom you stand up from the bed and he looks at you with confusion thinking you might have changed your mind. Instead you grab his hand and lead him back to the bed making him sit down first propped up against the headboard. You straddle his hips and take the condom from his hands.
Ripping it open with your teeth and throwing the wrapper on the table next to you. You take the condom and slowly roll it down his cock and fist it to make sure it fits well on him and he groans at the contact. You move to where you’re hovering right over his cock and you hold eye contact as you begin to slide down.
Eddie is bigger than you’ve ever had so the stretch is a little painful but the kind of pain you’d do over and over again. You try to hold eye contact as long as you can but once he’s fully inside you, you can’t help but throw your head back and roll your eyes once he bucks up into you.
Still feeling sensitive from your last orgasm and the way he’s filling up every sense you have, you're very aware that you won’t last long but you don’t mind because you’re pretty sure he won’t either. You begin to roll your hips and bounce a little on him and Eddie is already a moaning mess underneath you.
His head is buried in the crook of your neck as he kissed and bites every spot he can reach as he fucks up into you. His hand reached down between the two of you and begins to rub your sensitive clit and you know you’re about to explode. You begin to bounce even faster and Eddie’s other hand around your waist is so tight that you know you’ll have an Eddie handprint on your waist when this is over.
As Eddie feels you getting closer and knows he’s coming undone as well he moves his head back against the headboard and moves his hand from your waist to your face and makes you turn to look at him. As he thrusts up into you a final time you watch each other’s expressions as your orgasms wash over the both of you and you sigh in relief as you rest your forehead against his. And his hand moves to rub your back gently as he pecks kisses all over your face.
As the two of you get cleaned up and redressed. The two of you end up dancing in your room half naked to a song that came over the radio. “I was made for loving you” played as Eddie held you close to him. Being shocked back when the two of you heard the front door slam close and the sound of keys being thrown on a table is heard. Eddie quickly grabs his things and runs to the window as you follow with his vest in hand. You try to hand it to him but he refuses pecking a kiss on your head.
“Keep it. It’ll give me an excuse to come back and get it.”
“You’re impossible Eddie Munson.”
“You love me for it y/n”
You roll your eyes. “I hate you”
He grabs your jaw and pulls you into one last tender kiss. “You wish you hated me sweetheart” he says with a wink before he disappears from the window.
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ellecdc · 4 months
i love ur writing sm!! <3 can i request a poly!marauders x reader who has the personality of kat stratford from 10 things i hate about you? reader speaks her (or their!) mind and known as a "bitch" but shes really a softie for the people she cares about. much love♡
Thank you so much, lovie!!! Hope this is what you were looking for 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
poly!marauders x feisty fem!reader
CW: burn/injury (nothing grave), use of Y/N, jokes at the expense of Hufflepuff House (no hate to the house, I too am a Hufflepuff)
By some brilliant stroke of luck, Professor Slughorn was away at some kind of Potioneer's convention in Sweden which left the Gryffindor and Slytherin's 6th and 7th year potion’s classes hosted by a substitute. That substitute happened to be none other than Professor Binns - the horrifyingly boring History of Magic professor. Normally, the presence of the ancient ghostly professor would be mind-numbing, but seeing as he’d just barely gotten today’s instructions up on the board before promptly falling asleep (and James threw a muffliato spell around him to keep it that way), the class was actually quite lively.
“How was I supposed to know we were only meant to add a pinch and not the whole jar?!” Barty Crouch Jr asked you incredulously.
“Uhm, perhaps by reading the sodding instructions!? Circe’s tits; is it Evan’s turn with your shared braincell today?” You spat as you vanished your soiled potion. The sound of an explosion, followed by Evan’s laughing, followed by Regulus hissing “Rosier!” proved you wrong.
“Ah, the braincell eluded both of you today; my mistake.” You muttered as you began your potion from scratch.
“Reggie! Y/N’s being mean to me!” He tattled from across the room.
“It’s not mean if it’s true, babe.” Regulus responded without lifting his head from his own worktable.
“How rude.” Barty whined. 
“You’re starting to sound like a Hufflepuff, Junior.” You taunted as you swatted at his hands that were vying for your potions ingredients.
“How dare you. I have never been so insulted.” He seethed from his place on his stool.
You smirked. “You don’t listen much, do you?”
“Now, maybe that was a little harsh, L/N, comparing him to a Hufflepuff.” Dorcas called over to you from her worktable.
“You’re just as soft as he is, Meadows.” 
“Nobody is safe…” Marlene murmured with a smirk.
Sirius and James’ potion station made a startling pop sound before James hissed in pain. “Fuck!” He gritted through his teeth.
You looked over to find James holding his arm against his chest protectively, Sirius grimacing at the sight, and Remus rolling his eyes because he told those sods to be careful. You immediately abandoned your worktable and a petulant Barty and made your way to the Gryffindor side of the room.
“What happened!?” You cooed as you gently encouraged James’ arm away from his body so you could inspect it.
“I added too much billywig sting. The potion overflowed and got Prongs.” Sirius offered guiltily. You cooed again and gently kissed the space beside the angry looking burn on James’ arm. 
“Barty! Grab me the medikit from the supply cupboard!” You called over your shoulder. 
Your request was met with a scoff. “I’m not one of your trained dogs, L/N. You’ll have to show me at least one tit before I’m at your beck and call.”
He barely had time to duck as you hurled a beaker at him.
“Okay, okay. Salazar’s saggy balls, you’re wicked.” He muttered as he made his way to fetch the medikit.
Remus was planning to let those bell-ends clean this up on their own, but he relented at how sweet you looked as you fussed over James; unable to hide his fond smile as he made his way over to his three lovers from his own workbench he shared with Peter.
“What did I say at the beginning of class?” Remus asked impishly. Sirius seemed to gulp a little before he murmured “to read twice, add once”.
“Mhm, and what did you do?” Remus continued.
Sirius, now growing tired of feeling shamefaced, muttered “obviously not that…” which earned him a pat on the arse from the werewolf.
Barty returned with the medikit and leaned his cheek forward as if waiting for you to press a kiss to it for his assistance. You whacked him in the head with said kit before opening it to find the burn paste and poison neutralizer.
All contempt melted away from your face as you turned your sights from your potions partner to one of your three boyfriends. “It might sting, but I’ll try to be gentle.” You murmured to James as you began to work on his wound.
As Remus peered at the burn, it really didn’t look all that bad – but the way you were treating James made it seem like you thought he was going to lose his arm. Suddenly, Remus saw a small wet mark land on James’ arm from where you were hovering over him.
“Dovey, you don’t have to cry! He’s okay.” He cooed at you as he began rubbing soothing circles onto your back, pressing a conciliatory kiss to your temple.
“M’not crying.” You muttered somewhat petulantly. “The smell of flesh burning off of Jamie’s arm is assaulting my sinuses.”
Sirius officially seemed more distraught that he upset you than he did about burning James.
“Oh, my poor, sweet girl.” Sirius murmured at you as he pulled you away from James’ arm.
“I’m not done, Sirius!” You argued, though you never tried to pull away from Sirius’ grasp.
“Remus will finish up angel, give Sirius hell for me.” James winked at you. You flushed at the attention and hid your face in Sirius’ chest.
“Poor lovey, so worried about her boys, hm?” Sirius cooed into the crown of your head where his lips were pressed. You hummed in the affirmative.
“What the actual fuck?” Barty interrupted the moment as you all turned to take in his astounded face. “You’re holding a Chinese Chomping Cabbage that close to your jugular, Black? Do you have a death wish?”
“No need to be jealous, Junior. Your boyfriend is right over there.” James goaded from his place as Remus finished wrapping up his wound.
Not needing to be told twice, Barty all but skipped across the room to Regulus before he threw himself onto the quiet boy’s lap. Regulus, hardly sparing his boyfriend a glance, stood and dumped the boy off his lap before returning to his stool and carrying on with his potion. 
You could no longer see Barty from your place in Sirius’ chest but based on the vibrations from his torso and the chuckles of your other boyfriends, you were sure he was flat on his ass.
“I hate it here.” He cried.
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astonmartinii · 5 months
brother's best friend | lance stroll social media au
pairing: lance stroll x fem schumacher!reader
there's something about the guy your brother tells you is off limits...
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liked by estebanocon, lancestroll and 1,099,458 others
tagged: yourusername
mickschumacher: happy birthday to the biggest pain in my ass
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user1: y/n is so mother that her birthday really should be a national holiday
yourusername: what ass? babe you built like an ironing board
mickschumacher: you're talking real loud for someone who has a smaller ass than me 🤨
yourusername: you wanna get the tape measure out ???
liked by lancestroll
yourusername: HAH
mickschumacher: i'll give you this one FOR ONCE only because it's your birthday
yourusername: you're SO generous
user3: both mick and y/n really got the unhinged gene from michael
user4: now we know why toto separates them in the paddock LOL
lancestroll: mick you were such a cute kid, what happened?
mickschumacher: EY stay out of it this is schumacher business
mickschumacher: or at least call y/n ugly too ugh 😩
lancestroll: my dad taught me that it's wrong to tell lies sorry
mickschumacher: BACK UP ??? what's that supposed to mean?
yourusername: is no one allowed to compliment me anymore?
mickschumacher: NO. especially not a man. especially not an f1 driver. they're all whores.
estebanocon: ????
maxverstappen1: ????
lancestroll: ????
yourusername: is that why you got dropped? too bitchless?
mickschumacher: HOW DARE YOU? I PULL. I DO.
yourusername: sure you do
mickschumacher: that's it. if you're going to use my loneliness against me, then i invoke the kat stratford rule. you can't date until i do
yourusername: that is so horrifically tragic. who says i'm not already seeing someone?
this comment has been deleted
mickschumacher: I SAW THAT
user5: everybody pray for y/n
user6: for real i think mick lost all of his patience at haas 😭
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liked by lancestroll, mickschumacher and 983,409 others
yourusername: all my birthday wishes came true
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user7: cue the mick meltdown
mickschumacher: WHAT 😭 THE 😭 FUCK 😭
yourusername: yes?
mickschumacher: does ten things i hate about you mean nothing to you?
yourusername: no ! but i like [redacted] more
mickschumacher: you can use [redacted] all you want but i will literally break in to your house I'M GETTING IN THE CAR
yourusername: soz girlypop but i'm at [redacted]'s house xoxo
mickschumacher: don't think i won't call sebastian i know he has you on find my friends
yourusername: go for it buddy i am completely confident in mine and seb's relationship
mickschumacher: @sebastianvettel pick up your phone
sebastianvettel: leave me be mick, i have met [redacted] and i think he's a great match 👍
mickschumacher: WHAT
user8: well that was dramatic
user9: get that man back in the car before he genuinely runs across europe looking for y/n
user10: i love how they're all going along with the [redacted] nonsense
user11: i know seb was having way too much fun with it
estebanocon: happy birthday y/n, i hope [redacted] treated you well !
yourusername: why thank you esteban, i have had a great time
mickschumacher: do not tell me you know as well :(
estebanocon: i don't but saying [redacted] is super fun 🤩
lancestroll: [redacted] does make them sound like a criminal
mickschumacher: when i found out who it is, they may become part of a criminal trial
lancestroll: okay buddy...
yourusername: thank you lance, at least someone here is talking sense
mickschumacher: don't use my friends against me 🤨
yourusername: maybe he's my friend too dumbass
user12: or more 😏
mickschumacher: do not even speak that into existence
user13: i need it to be lance or at least another driver just for mick's reaction at this point
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liked by estebanocon, yourusername and 1,077,487 others
tagged: yourusername
lancestroll: just appreciating the birthday girl
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user17: WAIT !! let me grab my popcorn 🍿
user18: i am sat for this mick meltdown
user19: it might be an all-timer
yourusername: before mick inevitably throws all his toys out of the pram... i love you sir lancelot !! thank you for the amazing birthday and for being the best boyf eva xxx
lancestroll: i love you too darling, glad we could spend all this time together before the season starts again
yourusername: booooo i don't wanna share you :(
lancestroll: you could just join me ...
yourusername: do NOT threaten me with a good time
user20: i think i can hear mick having a tantrum from all the way across the world
lancestroll: you done?
lancestroll: bit too late for that
mickschumacher: HALT. i do not need to know that :(
yourusername: have you got it out of your system? because i really love lance and i'm sorry we kept it from you, but we thought it was best while we figured it all out
mickschumacher: i am happy for you. all i want to see is you happy, and if that is lance so be it. just no pda in front of me
lancestroll: you're saying this like i'm a monster? i'm literally your friend, surely that's a good sign?
mickschumacher: wait. i thought we were best friends :(
lancestroll: yes! we're bffs ! best friends forever + este
estebanocon: yes we love you mick even when you scream all the time and call us whores?
yourusername: gosh you're such a drama queen, have this heart to heart in the group chat this is a birthday post for ME
user21: well this got suprisingly heartfelt
sebastianvettel: happy birthday y/n, i'm happy for both of you!
yourusername: thank you seb ! x
lancestroll: thank you seb, wingman of the year
mickschumacher: WHAT
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liked by mickschumacher, lancestroll and 923,766 others
tagged: lancestroll
yourusername: my boyf just won point with broken wrists, what the fuck are y'all doin?
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user24: this was so sexy of lance honestly
maxverstappen1: winning the race bozo
yourusername: the question was clearly rhetorical genius
maxverstappen1: i don't care 🤷‍♀️
user25: i always forget that these two technically grew up together
lancestroll: the doctors said i still need to be looked after, will you be my sexy nurse?
mickschumacher: EW this is exactly what i was talking about. keep this shit to yourselves
mickschumacher: PLUS, i don't think that would be wise with broken wrists
lancestroll: gotta ruin all of our jokes now?
yourusername: so me being a sexy nurse is a joke :( ?
lancestroll: no! you can definitely look after me and you're definitely sexy
yourusername: good good. sit back and relax baby
user26: what if we also want to be seen by sexy nurse y/n?
mickschumacher: choke
lancestroll: choke
fernandoalo_oficial: so no mention of my podium 🤨
yourusername: bore off old man you've got completely functioning wrists
fernandoalo_oficial: still impressive no?
yourusername: cry me a river
lancestroll: it was very impressive fernando
fernandoalo_oficial: at least one of my kids respect me
yourusername: god i think being a drama queen is a requirement for being an f1 driver
user27: she's not wrong
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liked by lancestroll, yourusername and 1,452,887 others
fernandoalo_oficial: accidentally acquired two kids this season
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user28: grid dad fernando is back baby
user29: who is the mum and can i be her?
yourusername: soz mark beat you to it
oscarpiastri: does that make us all siblings?
mickschumacher: absolutely not. the schumacher gang is very exclusive
fernandoalo_oficial: who said i claimed you?
mickschumacher: as if you wouldn't want to claim me
yourusername: soz mick, looks like only one of us slays
lancestroll: fernando has taste 💅
mickschumacher: i hate you both
yourusername: love you too x
user30: golly gosh these girlies are so dramatic
user31: lance, y/n and oscar is the chill trio we need
yourusername: also thanks pa for the cute pic x
lancestroll: and for not complaining the whole time
yourusername: SOME people could learn a thing or two ....
mickschumacher: hey! i am a good photographer you're just ugly
lancestroll: you take that back
mickschumacher: you were my friend first you should be on my side :(
yourusername: you snooze you lose mickster
lancestroll: :p
user32: so glad that this relationship is bringing out lance's sassy side
user33: now all we need is the return of the racing point hair
yourusername: i'm on it 🫡
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liked by estebanocon, lancestroll and 1,099,432 others
tagged: lancestroll
yourusername: the romance books didn't lie, there really is nothng like your brother's best friend
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user34: boyf!lance got me going feral
user35: third pic is defo going platinum on pinterest
lancestroll: all the turmoil was worth it :)
yourusername: turmoil being mick pouting at you for like three hours
lancestroll: i am a sensitive man! i don't like people being upset with me :(
yourusername: mick is just a drama queen, probably his way of hazing you, or distracting himself from being lonely
mickschumacher: for that lonely comment you just got yourself stuck with a third wheel
mickschumacher: FOR LIFE
estebanocon: and me !! don't forget about meeee
user36: my fave unproblematic foursome
yourusername: hold your horses babe two of that four are siblings maybe we should reword this
sebastianvettel: is mick finished now? can i safely go back on my phone without getting ten billion calls about you and lance?
yourusername: yeah i think he's got it out of his system
sebastianvettel: good. but you and lance are still on babysitting duty for putting my through this
lancestroll: not the punishment you think it is we love those kids
yourusername: plus lance is cute with kids and gives me major baby fever
sebastianvettel: oh no...
yourusername: but baby lancelots would be so cute :(
lancestroll: baby y/ns would be cuter
yourusername: that's it. seb sorry we will be a little late
mickschumacher: DELETE
note: this request has been in the bank for a while and i know i took a lil creative liberty but i hope you enjoyed!! also thought lance deserved some love after the recent tomfoolery ... alas! happy new year and i hope everyone has a great new years eve xx
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braxlrose · 11 months
being in a love triangle with bill and tom
bill x f!reader x tom
a/n: i know bill and tom have said before that they don't let a girl come between them and if they like the same girl they let the girl choose who she wants, but let's pretend there's a little more to it.
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• their love languages are very different when it comes to trying to "woo" you.
• you met tom and bill at different places. you met tom at a club and bill at a record store. you hadn't even realized they were twins since it was pretty dark in the club and tom and bill have different voices so you had no idea until they both talked about you and realized they met the same girl 💀
• tom is much more dominant than bill and way more out-there with his feelings for you. tom doesn't like to be submissive in relationships and bill himself has even said that tom is more aggressive in relationships (not like abusive though 💀)
• bill isn't exactly the opposite but he's a lot less dominant than tom. he really likes it when women take the lead or are even challenging rather than easy. i feel like bill would really like girls like kat stratford.
• when you first met tom, you were dancing in a club with a drink in your hand when he came up behind you and slipped his hands around your waist. you looked back at him with a smile on your face, obviously drunk.
• you turned your head back around and continued to dance with him.
• "im not sleeping with you before a date, i hope you know that!" you said to him, laughing your ass off and he just nodded his head.
• "really?!" he yelled, "you look the type!" he said, slurring his words and laughing at your offended face.
• "hey!" you slapped his arm, still dancing, "was that your bad attempt at telling me a look like a prositute?" you laughed again, leaning back on his shoulder.
• "maybe." he giggled, staring into your eyes.
• a little while after that he figured you were pretty drunk and he should take you home.
• he asked you where you lived and you told him you were staying at a hotel. you guys couldn't get an Uber so you ended up just walking back with him.
• you starting rambling about dumb, drunk shit like your future and things you wanna do before you die, and tom was totally infatuated with you. he had met other girls before, but you just seemed so much cooler.
• you guys ended up sitting on some old swings at a playground and just talking about life for hours until he finally brought you back to your hotel room
• when you had first met bill, you were at a record store looking through the records and cds. you already had a stack of cds on the counter when bill came up to you.
• "I like nena too!" he said with a smile, coming up behind you.
• "hmm?" you whipped your head around to see him, your eyes widening at his height and not even registering what he said at first.
• "oh, nena!" you turned you head to the stack of cds, one of nenas cds was on top. "yeah, I love her. her music is totally inspirational."
• bill just smiled at you and pointed to you cds "may i?" you nodded your head as he picked up the cds and looked through them. you continued to look through records and talked about all kinds of music.
• he grabbed your hand and brought you over to the otherside of the store. he grabbed a tokio hotel cd and put it in the cd player and put headphones over your ears. "ya' like?" he asked as your wrinkled your eyebrows.
• "huh?!" you said loudly, causing him to laugh and take off the headphones.
• "i said, do you like it?" he said giggling, as you nodded. he continued to tell you it was his band and you guys listened to a bunch of other music.
• "im bill, by the way." he said to you, as you guys walked out of the store and began to walk back to your hotel.
• "y/n."
• he gave you his number once you were back at your hotel and you jumped on the bed, smiling to yourself.
• once bill and tom got home they started talking about you a lot, and soon realized they were talking about the same girl. this wasn't really a surprise to them since they have crushed on the same girl in the past.
• "well. i think i should date her because I met her first, okay?" said tom and bill just sat there like.
• "yeah, yeah we could do that...orrrr i date her. because it's pretty obvious she's more into me."
• now this didn't start a fight between them, but they decided they would do a bunch of stuff and see which one you liked better.
• you weren't an awful person though. you made sure to tell both of them that you were sort of seeing another guy and they were like "oh, it's no problem!"
• tom brought you out to a super fancy restaurant, because he was all like "girls like that stuff." and I mean it was a super fancy restaurant and he told you to order whatever you wanted because he'd be paying for it. but right after you two had finished eating he brought you home and you two ended up making out for a little while.
• he was super proud of himself, and was like 99% sure that he had won you over. that was until he found out bill took you ice skating and said that you two had tons of fun.
• bill had remembered you had mentioned that you had never gone ice skating before so that's why he took you. he held your hands the entire time and you were practically gripping onto his body so you didn't fall over. you were super fucking scared.
• but you ended up getting the hang of it and having so much fun with him. bill didn't kiss you though, and when you asked him why, he said he wanted to take things slow with you because he really liked you. that honestly would've been enough to win me over #lowstandards
• after that, tom brought you to this place where you could taste different kinds of hot chocolate from different countries. you loved chocolate so you had the best time with him.
• but then bill took you to a petting zoo. usually those are for kids but you literally had so much fun petting all of the different kinds of animals.
• tom took you out to a party and you guys danced a lot, and ended up having sex in one of the empty rooms.
• at your next date with bill, you told him you had sex with the other guy. you were really confused on why he didn't care, but you didnt question it. bill had taken you dancing that night and that was the night you two finally kissed. it was warm and magical.
• on the next date with Tom, he brought you to a carnival and he won a giant panda for you. and he bought you whatever you wanted. you two had tons of cotton candy and ended up kissing at the top of the ferris wheel 🥺. you didn't really think of Tom as that kind of guy, but the more you got to know him, the sweeter he got.
• you were at a point, where you weren't sure who to choose, you liked them both so much and you didn't want to hurt either one of them.
if you chose tom:
• if you chose tom, he was so fucking happy. he picked you up and spun you around. he liked you so much and you liked him so much and he was really happy you chose him. obviously, he made sure that didn't get in between him and bill.
• he continued to take you out to restaurants and kiss you backstage at concerts. he would invite you over to his hotel room to have sex, but you would also hang out afterwards. he'd wrap his arms around you and smother you in kisses.
• he cooked with you all the time and loved that you would teach him how to cook new things.
• he would play guitar for you and bring you to parties to show you off.
• but you guys dated for only a couple months before going your separate ways.
if you chose bill:
• if you chose bill, he kissed you so passionately, it made your head spin. you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him in as close at you two could possibly be. that was the first time you two had sex. it was beautiful, and sexy and intimate and he couldn't stop saying how happy he was that you chose him.
• for dates, he would bring you to all sorts of places. but his favorite was this old little café and he would order a bunch of pastries for you, even if you couldn't eat all of them.
• bill would make picnics for you at night, and you guys would fall asleep looking at the stars.
• he would sing to you all the time and sing you to sleep whenever you couldnt fall asleep. and show you new songs he wrote.
• giving eachother massages all the time
• he loves it when you come back stage before a concert to wish him good luck
• bill dates to marry. so you too either broke up after 2 years of dating, or got married.
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz
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jdbellingham · 1 year
The Deal (Part One - “I’ve never seen you look so sexy”)
a 10 Things I Hate About You inspired series featuring Jude Bellingham
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pairing: jude bellingham(patrick verona) x reader(kat stratford)
summary: a new student arrives at Birmingham City Football Club Academy (BCFCA), Cameron Thomas, who sets his sights on y/n’s sister Caroline. unfortunately for him, Caroline cannot date until her so called “heinous bitch” of sister does. he sets out to do everything he can in order for that to happen, even if that means convincing the academy’s most well known player—Jude Bellingham.
note: here it is as promised. I hope this isn’t too boring
word count: 3k
warnings: sexual jokes (I don’t remember what I wrote), underwhelming lol
“How you doing?” Eric greeted as he approached Jude, who was sweating profusely from the practice he had just left.
Jude stared blankly at him, then turned to his teammates, giving them a look that said “Why the hell is he talking to me.”
Eric, used to being treated like the popular boy he was, felt slightly taken aback by the cold shoulder treatment; yet he managed to continue.
“I just bought a new lighter,” Eric said, trying to start a conversation while also taking a dig at the fact Jude was known for lighting the lawn of a school he had lost a match to in year 10.
“Do I know you?” Jude asked, bringing his water bottle to his lips and taking a long sip.
Eric stopped beating around the bush and began explaining, “You see that girl over there?”
Jude put down his bottle and looked over to where Eric was pointing before responding with a “Yeah,” his voice laden with indifference.
“That’s Y/n L/n,” Eric explained, and Jude gave him a look.
“She’s on my team you idiot,” Jude told him, Eric’s face immediately reddening.
“Right, sorry I forgot she was on Birmingham FC’s EFL team,” Eric reached for the back of his neck before he continued, “I want you to go out with her,”
Jude laughed, incredulous of how a boy he didn’t even know could walk up to him and order him around like that. He pondered for a moment if he should simply walk away and leave the conversation behind, but some small part of him was intrigued by what Eric had to say.
“Yeah, sure,” Jude responded sarcastically, shaking his head while his teammates howled with laughter.
“Look, I can’t take out her sister until Y/n starts dating,” Eric added, “You see, their dad is whacked out, he’s got this rule where his girls-
“That’s a touching story, really is. But it’s not my problem,” Jude cut him off before he could go into more detail, and began packing up his kit.
Nonetheless, Eric remained confident, “Would you be willing to make it your problem if I offered you some generous compensation?”
Jude paused, his eyes shifting back to Eric before he scoffed.
“You’re going to pay me to go out with some bird?” Jude raised his brows, before taking off his practice jersey and slinging it around his neck.
Eric hummed in agreement then Jude chuckled, his head dropping down to face the ground as he stuck his tongue into the side of the cheek.
Jude looked up again before asking “How much?”
He knew he didn’t need the money but what harm could it do? It wasn’t as if Y/n would actually let him take her on a date.
“20 euros,” Eric responded, and Jude scrunched his brows. That wasn’t worth his while.
“No shot,” Jude frowned, “That doesn’t even cover the cost of taking her to the movies,”
“Fine, 30,” Eric countered, crossing his arms.
“75, take it or leave it,” Jude’s voice flattened, he wasn’t going to waste his time doing this if it was for nothing.
“50,” Eric pushed, growing annoyed.
“100,” Jude countered, staring directly into his eyes.
“75,” Eric groaned, exasperation seeping into his voice, handing over the bills.
“Okay, deal,” Jude looked away from Eric and over to where Y/n was practicing her corner goals. She started from the lower left corner of the pitch and her foot lifted to the bottom of the ball, hitting it at the perfect angle and sending it smoothly into the upper right corner of the goal. He had always known that Y/n was good but he never said anything to her, knowing anything he said wouldn’t matter. They worked together smoothly without the unnecessary communication and chit chat, mutually understanding each other's style of play. They became nearly untouchable when put on the pitch together, Jude set her up for goals, getting the ball to her when he could, and Y/n would indefinitely score. And when Y/n was midfielder and Jude was center forward, they would still do the same thing, their roles simply switched. Jude wondered if their bond while playing would be affected by this stupid deal, but he had already started towards her so he wasn’t going to back out now.
“Hi there,” Jude greeted, and Y/n looked him up and down. Her eyes lingered a split second longer on his bare abdomen, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Move,” She ordered, looking away and focusing on the ball. Y/n took a moment to consider the alternate path of sending it into Jude’s crotch just for kicks, but decided against it, remembering the consequences of the last time she’d aimed for a males privates.
“What are you doing?” Jude asked, despite the fact he already knew.
Y/n didn’t respond, instead opting to make another corner kick.
“You already know that, what do you want,” She crossed her arms as the ball swished into the net of the goal.
“That’s certainly a way to get a guys attention,” Jude ignored her previous statement, his eyes focused on the ball she had once again managed to kick into the goal.
“Ah yes, my mission in life. Getting the attention of males,” Y/n agreed, before continuing, “And obviously it worked, seeing as you’re here,”
“The world makes sense again,” She plastered on a phony smile, walking over to get the ball. Jude laughing behind her as he followed, staying within her proximity as she went back to the bleachers to her kit.
“Pick you up on Friday then?” Jude asked, and Y/n responded without missing a beat.
“Oh right, Friday, uhuh,” She nodded, downing a gulp of water before she reached down to the hem of her jersey, pulling it above her head to reveal her sports bra which was damp with sweat. In her mind she wished she had just kicked the ball into Jude’s.
“I’ll take you places you’ve never seen before,” Jude’s brows went up and down and he stared at her back as she bent over to unlace her shoes. He was beginning to enjoy the banter, it was a nice change of pace from the silence broken by an occasional “nice”, “you did well”, or “good job” they usually shared.
“Oh? Like the theatre 4 miles away on Grant?” Y/n asked, unimpressed. She stood straight again, pulling off the light blue pre-wrap on her forehead.
“Do you even know what number I am?” Y/n questioned, eyeing Jude when she put her jersey into her kit.
“12,” Jude answered easily, “I know a lot more than you think,”
“Doubtful, very doubtful,” Y/n laughed, picking up her bag and walking away. For some strange reason, the refusal left Jude only more encouraged.
From a discreet spot in the bleachers, Cameron and Marcus watched the exchange and groaned.
“We are screwed,” Cameron whined, his hopes of dating Caroline felt like they’d be dashed.
“Hey I don’t want to hear that defeatist attitude,” Marcus demanded.
“We are screwed!” Cameron exclaimed, and Marcus nodded in approval.
Cameron had gone through the effort of becoming the practice partner of Caroline, Y/n’s sister, and talked to her only to find out that she could only date if Y/n did. Then he had managed to get the academy’s most affluent player to approach Jude (more like inceptioned him to), knowing he wouldn’t listen to Cameron himself—only for Jude to fail. If this didn’t work he had no other options left.
“If Jude can’t do this himself we need to help him,” Cameron finally spoke, looking to Marcus who hummed in agreement.
Cameron knew that Y/n was difficult, when he had spoken to Caroline she had explained that Y/n used to be popular, but at the end of year 11 something had flipped. It was like she was sick of it or something, and she began dedicating all her time to football. It paid off, she was one of the best strikers in the league, the men’s league she had somehow gotten into. She was so good that Birmingham Academy decided to put her on their EFL team, but of course it came with the price of her becoming a heinous bitch (Marcus’s words not Cameron’s).
˚ ✧ ˚
The next day Jude found Y/n on the football pitch during the free period they happened to share, and sat by her school bag watching as she did passing drills around a set of bright orange cones.
It was normal to see her at the pitch during the middle of the day, she was known for practicing every possible moment.
When she finally finished up and went to grab her water, she saw him staring at her.
“Nice passes,” Jude complimented before she could let out the string of complaints she probably had waiting to be let out. “You’re quick on your feet,”
“Are you following me?” Y/n scoffed, grabbing her water that was situated next to Jude.
“I was going to get my jacket, and saw you were practicing. I decided to come say hi,” Jude shrugged, feigning disinterest.
“Hi,” Y/n replied, obviously glaring at Jude.
“Not a talker, huh?” Jude remarked watching as Y/n began changing. She didn’t quite care that he was there, letting him watch as she switched her athletic shirt for a tank top. However he averted his gaze when Y/n switched her soccer shorts for denim ones.
“Depends on the topic,” She replied, “Passing drills don’t exactly whip me into a verbal frenzy,”
“You’re not afraid of me are you,” Jude said, half a question half a statement.
“Why would I be afraid of you,” Y/n laughed, folding her clothes and putting them into her bag.
“According to popular belief, I lit a school on fire because I was a sore loser. So most people are,” Jude replied, standing up.
“Well I’m not,” Y/n responded, slinging the bag over her shoulders. She noticed how Jude had purposefully shifted to block her from exiting the field.
“Well maybe you’re not afraid me but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked,” Jude suggested smiling coyly.
“Am I that transparent?” Y/n asked, acting shocked. “I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby,” She groaned while rolling her eyes, and Jude found his smile growing wider, his laugh genuine.
Y/n pushed past him and out of the football pitch, and Jude let her. He stared as she walked away, realizing that he had grown a liking to her. When she was finally out of sight he shook his head, wondering how on earth he had managed to start fancying the most out of control girl he had ever met.
˚ ✧ ˚
“We know what you’re trying to do with Y/n L/n,” Cameron said over the loud commotion of the craft room, Marcus nudging him forward.
“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Jude replied unfazed, continuing to saw away at a piece of wood.
“We want to help,” Cameron replied, and Jude’s eyes didn’t budge from the wood.
“And why is that?” Jude inquired, finally giving the pair a glance.
“The deal is that my friend here has a major jones for Caroline L/n,” Marcus paused, waiting for Jude to say something.
“What is it with that girl?” Jude muttered, it seemed as if everyone wanted a piece of her.
“I uh, I think I speak correctly when I say Cameron’s love is pure, purer than let’s say Eric’s,” Marcus continued, to which Jude answered.
“Look I’m in this for the cash, Eric can plow whoever he wants,”
“Okay there will be no plowing,” Cameron interjected, getting heated. Jude sniggered under his breath at the year 12 boy.
“Jude, let me clear one thing up—we set this whole thing up so Cameron, yeah Cameron, could get Caroline. Eric’s just a pawn,” Marcus elaborated.
“So you’re going to help me tame the wild beast?” Jude quirked a brow, and glanced over at the duo again.
“Absolutely. We’ll do research, find out what she likes and get back to you. We’re your guys,” Marcus smiled, grabbing Cameron’s shoulder who added:
“In a strictly non group of arsonist buddies type of way,”
Jude stared at Cameron, not sure whether to laugh or punch him.
“Uh, sorry. Now, Friday night Bogey Lowenstein is having a party. Perfect opportunity,” Marcus shifted the conversation before Jude could react.
“Perfect opportunity for what?” Jude asked, his full attention now on Marcus.
“For you to take out Y/n,” Marcus gave a doubtful look.
“I’ll think about it,” Jude replied, though he had already made up his mind.
˚ ✧ ˚
Marcus and Cameron arrived at the locker room Jude had told them too, Cameron having just snooped through Y/n’s dorm with the help of Caroline.
Jude arrived shortly thereafter, out of breath from running there after his practice ended.
“So what have you got for me?” Jude asked, his hands at his sides, chest going up and down as he panted.
“A little insight into a very complicated girl,” Cameron replied, crossing his arms and leaning into a locker.
“All right, first thing. Y/n hates chapped lips,” Cameron cleared his throat, looking at Jude’s lips which were thoroughly dry.
“So you’re telling me I use chapstick,” Jude raised his brows, subconsciously licking his lips.
“Yes, well—just for now,” Marcus explained.
“And um, here’s another problem, Caroline says Y/n likes pretty guys,” Cameron added, looking from Marcus back to Jude.
Jude stared blankly at the two for a few moments before saying “Are you telling me I’m not a pretty guy?”
“He’s very pretty!” Marcus immediately countered, and Cameron followed with a “Yeah yeah I just wasn’t sure—I didn’t know,” the pair of them playing it off.
Jude visibly relaxed, and Cameron took it as a sign for him to continue. “Alright, uh yeah, okay here’s this,” Cameron reached into his back pocket and pulled out a list.
“Likes: Thai food, feminist prose, and angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion. Here’s a list of CDs she has in her dorm,” Cameron handed the list over.
“So I’m supposed to buy her some noodles and a book and sit around listening to girls who can’t play their instruments right?” Jude remarked sardonically.
“Have you ever been to Club Skunk? Her favorite band is playing there tomorrow night,” Marcus answered, and Jude’s face paled.
“I cannot be caught at Club Skunk, alright?” Jude pursed his lips into a thin line.
“But she’ll be there, she’s got tickets,” Cameron pushed back.
“Assail your ears for one night,” Marcus joined in, and Jude caved.
Dear lord what had he gotten himself into.
˚ ✧ ˚
Jude arrived at Club Skunk, not quite believing that he was spending his evening at a club full of girls. He pushed his way through the crowd, the music growing louder the further he got into the club.
Eventually he spotted Y/n, who was dancing in a black spaghetti strapped satin dress. He smiled at the sight, and stared as Y/n began laughing with a friend.
He found himself fixated on her, this was a side of Y/n he had never once seen revealed before. And he liked it.
His dark doe eyes filled with adoration as Y/n smiled brightly and cheered when the song changed, before he came to his senses and went to the bar, knowing she would eventually come there.
“Bellingham! What are you doing here tonight?” Huxley, the bartender, greeted. He knew Jude and his mates from his days at the local pub.
“Oh you know, just here for the girl,” Bellingham grinned, then asked for water.
A good few minutes later, Y/n came up to the bar, asking Huxley for 2 waters. As she stood there waiting she glanced to the side, noticing Jude sitting at a stool, inconspicuously staring at the band on stage.
She immediately frowned, and after paying for the drinks she approached him.
“If you’re planning on asking me out again you might as well get it over with,” She said loudly, barely audible over the noise of the club.
“Do you mind? You’re kind of ruining this for me,” Jude said right as she finished talking, and Y/n raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
“Your lips aren’t as chapped as they usually are,” Y/n noticed, changing the subject.
“I know, I started using chapstick, it was about time I got a tube,” Jude replied, continuing to act nonchalant when he knew he was an imposter in this club.
“You think?” Y/n laughed, her eyes focused on Jude’s mouth.
“You know these guys are no Bikini Kill or the Raincoats,” Jude remarked, bringing up other musicians he knew Y/n liked, adding “But they’re not bad,” before he stood up and started walking away.
Y/n’s smile stuck to her face, but it was a puzzled one, she stood fixated to her spot for a second before she ran to catch up to Jude.
“You know who the Raincoats are?” She demanded, her eyes squinted in puzzlement.
“Why, don’t you?” Jude shot back, pretending as if it was the most obvious thing in the world for him to know who they were.
A series of fed up expressions crossed Y/n’s face, and Jude proceeded to keep talking as the song currently played ended.
“You know I was watching you out there,” Jude commented, his voice straining to be heard over the music, “I’ve never seen you look so sexy,” The second part came out just as the song finished, and the whole club heard and began laughing.
Y/n let out a chuckle, beaming at Jude. Jude’s head leaned low, and for a moment it seemed like he was about to kiss her before he pulled his head a bit back.
“Come to Bogey’s party with me,” Jude suggested, and Y/n moved her head from side to side.
“You never give up, do you?”
“Was that a yes?” Jude asked, voice loud again as a new band started playing.
“No,” Y/n shouted, walking away.
“Was that a no?” Jude yelled after her, keeping his gaze focused on her as she disappeared into the crowd.
“No!” Y/n replied, and Jude’s lips pulled upward into the largest smile he’d ever had.
SEND ME REQUESTS PLEASE!! I’ll write for Jude and Neymar (Jude preferred tbh 🤭) and if it’s another player, message me and if I have enough slots I’ll write a fic just for you 😁
note: I am so sorry that took so long to come out, I wrote like 5 different variations of this and this was the best and it’s still underwhelming so I’m super sorry. part two will be written if people actually want it
taglist! : @raspberii @xaelia-au @mxyzptlkss @nonaism @itsmevalery @neysl0ver @crowdthena @qvirky-y @azvault @britneysbitch @futbol10 @cooloperajudgebear @lomlcherry @slvt4peterparker @saywhatiwants @richarlisonluvr @milkteabish @kyekai @jinjidontucry @wavessmile @angelxxrose @meehhangryfun @fezlvr @wonderharryy @graysondolansmaid @hazalnut @enjoymyloves @njn4118 @guska0
click here to be added to my taglist!!
I’m so sorry if you see your name on the taglist but weren’t tagged, it says your blog doesn’t exist but it’s probably because you have a private blog i don’t follow so I’m not allowed to tag!
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zethwritesss · 11 months
modern au: actress!ellie x actor!reader, afab!r, reader plays a female character, but they/them pronouns are used for reader.
Warnings: cursing, no use of y/n, reader is not fem, angst, fluff, eventual; kissing, substance use and smut. ALSO SPOILERS FOR 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU!!
Synopsis: Following a recent heartbreak you promise to never fall for another person again. Ironically you’ve been chosen to play a lead role alongside oscar-winning, Ellie Williams. Ellie is an actress you’ve looked up to since you started your acting journey. “10 things i hate about you” is a lesbian rom-com parody of the 1999 film of the same name. Despite the acting being a breeze you’ve encountered a major problem; can you and Ellie keep the romance on the set only?
word count: over 1k
Authors note: i don’t know how long this fic will end up being but your support and reblogs are very appreciated! also enjoy the little phone call audio!! i watched the movie last night and rip heath:((( GO WATCH THE GODDAMN MOVIE IF YOU HAVENT ALTHOUGH THIS IS A SFW POST MINORS AND MEN DONT INTERACT
soooo… with out further adieu:
Heartthrob: The Prologue
The clock read 7:04pm, you were situated in your tiny apartment located in L.A. Your phone buzzed, you picked it up quickly, excited that your crush, Freya had texted you. You and Freya had matched on a dating app over a month ago and things were going good so far.
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Your heart sunk to your chest, your hands began to shake as you felt that familiar pain of heartbreak seep back into you. It's a feeling that you hate with every fiber of your being. It is one that leaves you unable to function for days on end. The girl who you had stupidly fallen for unfortunately had commitment issues, you mourned what you two could’ve had, the dates you could’ve gone on and you couldvt watched the cheesiest of rom coms together. “I will never fall for another girl again” you promised yourself, now ever so aware of the pain that loving someone can cause you to experience. You decided to send your friend Dina a message.
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Speaking of rom coms you’re supposed to hear if you got the lead role for “10 things i hate about you'' the highly-anticipated, sapphic parody of the 1999 movie of the same name, starring Juilia Stiles and Heath Ledger. The role you auditioned for was for Kat Stratford, an abrasive but beautiful girl, who’s temperament leads her to not attract many women- and the rule her father has placed, which is that Kat’s younger sister can’t date unless Kat herself has a date. Over the course of the film Kat falls for a girl named Sarah.
Sarah is portrayed by Oscar-award winning actress Ellie Williams, Ellie has made herself well known as the lesbian heartthrob of the 2020s. Her presence sends any lesbian onto their knees, turning them into nothing but a muttering-stuttering gay-panic.
Thinking about working alongside her gave you chills and made your stomach do flips. You and Ellie were roughly around the same age, but she felt way out of your league. You’ve always looked up to Ellie since you saw her in her breakout film. She was an extremely talented actress, and has definitely made a name for herself.
You hear your door unlock. “Hey, I'm here! Where are you?” Dina says with a worried tone in her voice, she knows when you don’t give her much context to the situation that something has definitely happened.
“'m over here” you reply quietly.
Dina walks into your living room. You’re curled up in a ball on the couch, eyes red and puffy from crying. “Aww noo- what happened?”
“Freya and i- fuck… w- we didn’t work out.” You said, in between sobs, Dina hugged you, her hand rubbing your back as she held you. “I am so sorry to hear that- what can I do to help you out here hun? You’re pretty distraught”
“I- i don’t know Dina.” you said, quietly. “Maybe a distraction could help?”
“Ooh! Why dont you tell me about that role you auditioned for!?”
“oh yeah! You’ve seen the original movie right?”
“Yep I have! I’m really excited to see how this movie turns out!” Dina said, smiling, you could tell she was really excited.
“i auditioned for Kat Stratford- i don’t think i’ll get it though- OH FUCK- they haven’t even called me back yet!” You said to Dina, starting to get worried that they wouldn’t call you back.
You were an anxious, emotional heart-broken mess and desperately needed that lead role. Having that lead role would give you something to look forward to. Your phone rang, you quickly picked it up, hands shaking as you anxiously awaited your results. You set your phone down on the coffee table and set it to speaker.
“Hey, this is Jessica! You auditioned for the role of ´Kat Stratford’ in ‘10 things i hate about you’ right?”
“mhm- yep that’s me!”
You twiddle your thumbs together. “deep breaths” you tell yourself. You and Dina looked at eachother.
“Well congratulations! you got it!”
“Oh my god!! Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this.” you said, as a sigh of relief went through your entire body.
“Wait before you hang up, I've got someone else who wants to talk to you! Give me a minute as I transfer you over to her”
You and Dina were freaking out, excited butterflies erupting in your stomach. Dina had brought you into a very tight hug.
The phone switched over to the other person on the other end.
“Hey! It’s Ellie here! I wanted to congratulate you personally on the role, it’s well deserved! I'm really excited to meet you and work alongside you! I'll see you at the script reading on Monday!” Dina gasped and you put your hand over your mouth in shock.
“Oh my gosh it's such an honour to meet you Ellie!”
“And the same to you, you’ve got quite the talent for acting! Also feel free to write down my number, It’d be good for us to get to know each other before we start!”
“Yeah! Sounds good!” Out of the corner of your eye you saw Dina writing down Ellie's number on her notes app! “Thank god for Dina she’s a lifesaver for real” you thought to yourself.
“Don’t be shy and shoot me a message!! Really looking forward to connecting with you! Take care and see you soon.”
“Bye Ellie!”
“see ya later!”
Ellie hung up the phone and you looked at Dina, no words could come out of your mouth at the moment- your mouth hanged open in shock. You and Dina squealed and you two started jumping up and down out of the euphoria you were feeling.
“I DONT KNOW but i'm so happy for you! you’ve worked your ass off man!! This is well deserved!” Dina exclaimed.
“Dina give me her number- WOAH that sounds unreal. Ellie Williams herself gave me HER NUMBER LIKE WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!!! All of the stans would kill to have those 9 digits! Is this a dream? Dina, slap me please!”
You said, your brain trying to process what happened.
Dina slapped you hard on the arm. “OW- Yep i’m definitely not dreaming”
“NO you are not-”
Your heart was still broken but you had something to hope for and something to look forward to, which really helps you move on. And Dina helps you too, Dina gives you that shoulder to lean on, she’s always got your back and you’ve always got hers!
TAGLIST: @m-3-ijiworld @anchoeritic @no-nameno-face @dropsofs4turn @little-star-bun @girlescapes @elliespookie
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kalynnkourysgfreal · 1 year
Kat Stratford x afab! Reader
A/N: this is incredibly short, but I love this idea, KAT LOVERS RISE‼️
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It’s been too long, too long since her arms were around your torso, picking you up slightly as she held you close. Finally parking your car, Kat turns her head at the sound of your breaks hitting the ground.
“Kat!” You shouted “Y/N!” She shouted back, jumping from her place off the porch. She watched as you ran towards her, leaping into her arms. You held each other for a good minute, before she pulled away to look you in the eye. “I missed you.” She smiled softly, leaning in to brush her nose against yours. “I missed you more.” You teased. “Impossible!” Kat rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” You said, fully closing the gap between you two. “Don’t know if I miss you or your kisses more.” Kat mumbled against your lips before kissing them once more.
“Hey.” A voice came out from the front lawn, you turned to see Cameron standing there awkwardly. “Hey! Looking for Bianca?” Kat yelled. “Yep!” Cameron replied. “At the bookstore, Cam.” Kat expressed. “Alright, uh, thank you!” Cameron said. “Now where were we?” Kat said before kissing you once more, guiding you to the door.
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sarahisslytherin · 3 years
Hey congratulations on the followers! May i request a young!remus x slytherin!reader where in they kind of hate each other bc of their houses and remus thinks she is selfish etc but then he sees the reader help someone or help sirius and regulus talk or something and his views change? Thank you so much! Have a great day!
wowza, that was harder than i thought it would be. i had to fiddle with this countless times so as not to plagiarize the entirety of 10 things i hate about you lmao. this was super fun to write, thanks so much for the request, zoya. hope you love it!
gryffindor vs slytherin // r.l.
Summary: You’d never quite liked Remus Lupin, and the feeling was mutual. That wasn’t about to change, was it? Contains: Enemies to lovers, but like, fluff. Featuring a background friendship with Regulus Black that kind of just wrote itself, I swear it wasn’t me. A/N: This one’s kinda long so to quote Samuel L. Jackson in the critically acclaimed Jurassic Park (1993), hold on to your butts.
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You’d never quite liked Remus Lupin. He and his friends caused nothing but trouble. And you just knew that he was the brains behind every one of the marauders’ practical jokes. Practical jokes almost always aimed at your house.
You’d never minded Black. You got along well with Regulus and though you thought Sirius could learn a thing or two from his younger but much wiser brother, you didn’t mind him. In fact, sometimes he could be quite pleasant, making small talk whenever he popped by to speak to Regulus.
As for Potter, he was a typical jock, self-esteem blown out of proportion, and definitely more irritating than Black. But even so, he still didn’t push your buttons the way Lupin did.
Lupin was a know-it-all, always striving to be top of the class in every subject. Though your house was no stranger to ambition and self-preservation, it never failed to send your eyes rolling back in your head whenever his hand shot up in class.
The feeling was mutual, this much you knew. The hard glares he’d send you in the halls did not go unnoticed. You supposed you’d brought it upon yourself, really, scoffing when he’d go to speak or making the occasional unrefined joke about Gryffindor. But why shouldn't you? His disdain for Slytherin frustrated you more than you’d like to admit. Somewhere along the way, the two of you had gotten used to the tension, often exchanging snide comments, both eager to outwit the other. You’d never admit it but you knew you liked it.
But one thing was for certain, you’d remind yourself: you’d never quite liked Remus Lupin.
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The last quidditch match of the season was to take place the following day and you knew you’d get no work done because of it. Which is how you found yourself slipping into the library to get at least most of it done before curfew.
You’d been partnered with Regulus for a Potions assignment and needed to find a specific book. Last you checked, Lily Evans had been hogging it for the better part of the week, so you resolved to finally get your hands on it before someone else did.
Your gaze trailed over every book on the shelf until you finally found it.
“About time, Evans.” You muttered to yourself as you went to reach for it, but soon realized it was up one shelf too high for your stature. “Shit.”
There you were, bouncing up and down, hoping to gain enough impulse to finally reach the damn thing. But it was hopeless, wasn’t it?
“Having trouble, dear?”
You didn’t need to look to know the voice belonged to a highly amused Remus Lupin. You could practically hear the satisfied grin.
“No, actually. No trouble at all. So run along now. Don’t you have a professor’s ass to kiss?”
“Always so crass.” you heard him tut. “Hm, if only there were someone taller around to help with your little predicament.” he sighed as he leaned back on the shelf opposite you.
“Piss off, Lupin.”
“And I should listen to you because?”
You turned to face him as you retaliated. “Because I’ll hex you if you’re still standing here within the next three seconds.”
“Oh, dear.” he feigned worry, “Would you look at that? I’m trembling.”
“You should be.” you hissed as you reached for your wand, but one ‘expelliarmus’ from Remus and you were left defenseless.
“What do you want from me, Lupin?” you threw in the towel with a roll of your eyes.
“Do you ever smile?” he asked, catching you completely off guard. “I know you can, I’ve seen you smile. Especially when you’re dragging Gryffindor’s name through the mud with your fellow snakes.”
“I smile all the time, Lupin.” you assured him, “And I’ll be smiling tomorrow when Slytherin wipes the floor with you lot.”
“Is that so?” he asked in faux concern. “You are aware James is the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen?”
“Please, more like attention seeker.” you snorted, chuckling to yourself a bit. You could swear you saw him bite down a smile out the corner of your eye.
“You’re impossible.”
“Thank you.”
He reached up for the Potions book, and you feared that would mean it was as good as gone, but to your surprise Remus handed it over to you. Not without a pompous smirk plastered onto his face, of course.
“It wasn’t a compliment, dear.” he crossed his arms as he took in your unnerved expression.
After this less than pleasant exchange, you spun on your heel and began to make your way out of the library. You thought you heard him call after you once more but paid no mind to it.
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The halls were pure chaos. Students raced down the moving stairs, dressed from head to toe in their house colors. Normally, you weren’t really one for sports, but Gryffindor vs Slytherin was a match you simply couldn’t miss.
You struggled to make your way through the crowded hallway, carefully weaving your path through a group of fifth years until you reached the Great Hall. You made your way over to the Slytherin table and sat by Regulus.
“You going to the game?” you asked him as you began to scarf down your breakfast.
“Not much of a choice, is it?” he sighed, “Biggest game of the season and all.”
“S’pose so.”
“Have you got that book for our Potions assignment?”
“Yep.” you nodded as you took a swig of pumpkin juice. “Got it last night.”
“On your own? I thought I saw it quite high up on the shelves.” Regulus mused, his lips quirking into a faint smile.
“I might’ve had some help. Okay? Now eat up. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
“Alright, Mum.”
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The stands were packed, Gryffindor and Slytherin voices overlapping in support of their respective teams. The scores were too close for Gryffindor’s liking, and you watched as Potter and Black zipped across the quidditch pitch, eager to reach a more comfortable margin. James would have to catch the snitch to win this match, and had it been any other seeker, the game would’ve been as good as won for Slytherin.
You cheered on beside Regulus, noting the way he stood stiffly, eyes trained on his older brother’s every move. You knew he hated being put in these situations, where he had to choose between house pride and supporting Sirius.
“Lighten up, Reg!” you shouted, “He gets it! Don’t worry about it! Now, come on, where’s your Slytherin pride?”
You caught sight of the smirk Regulus quickly tried to mask.
“Whooo!” he hollered, and you didn’t care whether it was for Slytherin or for Sirius.
James flew by with all that skill he so often boasted of. He was a talented player, you had to hand it to him. He’d caught sight of the snitch, according to the commentator, and was now picking up his speed as he began his pursuit.
The shouts from the opposite side of the pitch grew deafening, egging James on as he zoned in on his prey. It wasn’t until he was mere feet away that the shouts turned from those of excitement to those of concern, and James felt obligated to turn around.
“And the bludger knocks Black off his broom!”
You looked over to Regulus but found him already pushing his way through the Slytherin alumni on his way to the field, and you didn’t think twice about following suit. Bludgers were no joke. Sirius could’ve been severely injured from the fall.  
When you reached the field Sirius was already surrounded by the coach and his teammates. You watched as Regulus moved to stand by James and assess his brother’s state.
“Sirius?” Regulus asked.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Sirius assured him, rubbing his right arm to soothe the pain as he looked around and realized he was circled by concerned faces. “What, are you all here for little old me?”
A collective groan could be heard from every teammate at this and the huddle then dispersed, save for James, Regulus and yourself.
“Sirius, I was this close to catching the snitch!” James berated, running a hand through his wild curls. Sirius didn’t seem to mind. He knew how James got when it came to quidditch.
You extended your hand to Sirius and helped him up.
“You alright, Black?” you double checked with him once he was on his feet.
“Quite alright, love. Thanks for asking.” He gave you an uncharacteristically bashful smile. It was then when you peered over his shoulder and caught sight of a disheveled Remus Lupin making his way to his friends, no doubt after having to shove his way through the sea of red and gold before being allowed onto the grounds. You took it as your cue to leave.
“Alright, I’m gonna head back. Are you coming, Reg?”
Regulus shook his head. “I’m going to stay here a bit, you go ahead.”
And just as Remus had finally reached your little group, you took your leave.
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You’d been holed up in your dorm room all evening. The rest of your housemates were throwing a party in the common room to celebrate their victory over Gryffindor.
But you weren’t having any of it. Merlin knows you were the last person to come to Gryffindor’s defense, but in your eyes, it simply wasn’t a fair win. So you decided to skip the festivities altogether.
That was when there was a knock at the door. You walked over hesitantly, not sure who would be on the other side of it, everyone you knew being at the party and Regulus checking up on his brother.
“Who is it?”
“It’s - it’s Remus.” came his quiet voice through the door. If anyone were to ask you, you’d say you opened that door out of sheer curiosity, but deep down you knew it was more than just that behind your actions. You pulled the door open a tad, just enough to get a good look at him.
“What do you want, Lupin?” you asked, but your usual snark was absent.
“Just wanted to congratulate you on the win.” he chirped, his voice a bit hoarse after cheering his friends on at the game. “I was a bit surprised when I didn’t see you downstairs. Thought you’d be celebrating with the others.”
“Yeah, well, it was hardly a fair win, now was it?” you chuckled, not quite used to engaging in niceties with Remus of all people.
“Well, it was technically fair.” he insisted, and you didn’t know whether to marvel at or be annoyed by his ability to turn everything into a debate.
“Oh, shut up, Lupin. You know what I mean.” you huffed as you went to shut the door once again, but Remus’s hand stopped it.
“Wait, that’s  – that’s not it.” he sighed, clearly flustered. “I saw you with Sirius on the field.”
“What about – “
“Just let me finish, dear.” he interjected, his tone unusually desperate, as if trying to recall a speech he’d rehearsed countless times before. As if he’d come down here to the dungeons with a purpose.
“At first, I thought you’d come to mock him or something like it. I don’t know. If I’m entirely honest, I’d gone onto the field with half a mind to hex you.” he snickered a bit at the thought and the further you two ventured into this unknown territory, the quicker you felt your heart beat.
“But then, after you left,” he continued, “Sirius told me that you’d been nothing but kind. That while James was busy obsessing over the game you and Regulus had gone down there to check on him. And – as much as it physically pains me to say this – I’m sorry.”
You weren’t quite sure how to respond to that curveball.
“You’re sorry? For what?”
That was when his cheeks began taking on a deeper shade of pink, similar to your own.
“For everything, really. For judging you. For being a pain. For constantly bickering with you. I don’t know why I do it, to be honest.”
“I do.” you offered, and he gave you a puzzled look in return. You weren’t sure where you were going with this, just as nervous as he clearly was.
“You do?”
“Yeah,” you said, stepping out into the dungeon corridor with him. “I think you fancy me, Lupin.”
At this, his eyes widened almost comically, and suddenly you weren’t so sure of your theory anymore. You hadn’t realized you had feelings for him until just now. Sure, you knew you enjoyed bickering with him more than you enjoyed getting along with anyone else. But you’d never read too far into it, certainly not the way you were doing just now.
After a few seconds too many of silence, you spoke again. “Sorry, I thought - Never mind. I have to go.” As you reached for the knob, his hand seized your wrist, and you couldn’t help but notice he was shaking ever so slightly.
“There you go again, my little snake.” he chided gently, almost cooing. “Slithering away every time I get too close.”  
You turned towards him and he brought a hand up to graze against your cheek.
“Would it make your ego even bigger than it already is if I told you that you were right?” he asked, tucking a few stray hairs behind your ear. “About me fancying you?”
“I don’t know.” you said, happily falling back into the banter that came so naturally to you when you were around Remus.
You draped your arms around the back of his neck and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, a stark contrast to the words you were both used to exchanging.
“Guess you’re just going to have to summon some of that Gryffindor courage and find out.”
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lesbianjackies · 1 year
🎸kat stratford masterlist🎸
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key: ❤︎︎ - fluff, ☁︎︎ - angst, ★ - smut
coming soon!
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myherowritings · 4 years
Okok since we've been talking bout 10tihay, I totally feel either TOYAD!y/n or y/n in a smau with oikawa would be kat stratford. (TOYAD! Y/n has the biggest BDE and Kat stratford energy and that. That)
U THINK TOYA!Y/N HAS BDE?? KFHJSDG that’s so sweet 🥺 no small pp energy here pffft,, she feels more like bianca to me pfpfpfd bUT I LOVE THEM BOTH U.U 
also y/n in a oikawa x reader smau would FOR SURE have some kat stratford energy omg oiks 10 things au ?? 🙈🙈
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loserholland · 5 years
𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲
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Pairing ➺ Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warning ➺ Angsty-ish
Word Count ➺  1,724
Summary ➺  Reader spends most her time watching Charlie and later confronts Tommy to spend more time with his son.
A/N ➺ Based off my dream from last night teehee. Also part two?
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶��𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @hollandfieldblurbs , @beerbottlesandchainsaws
@softcillian thought you’d like to be tagged in this <3
☞  Masterlist  ☜
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) was a close family friend of the Shelby’s, she had basically grown up as one. After her parent’s passed away, Polly had taken her in and raised her as if she was her own. (Y/N) had a special place in the Shelby family’s heart, well at least most of them.
Thomas Shelby, he was the only person (Y/N) was never close to nor got along with. They’ve always bickered with one another, it all started when Tommy had commented that (Y/N) new haircut looked like a mushroom. I guess you could say, they’re just kids they don’t mean it but boy (Y/N) felt so heartbroken and ever since that moment they’ve never gotten along.
I don’t think that would change anytime soon.
(Y/N) had been with them through thick and thin, she was there for the highs and lows. Hell she was even included in family meeting’s, Finn was never happy about that but he had gotten use to it. She was there when Polly’s son Michael had come back after Tommy went searching for him, she was there when John had passed as her close friend Esme left with the kids.
She was also there at the time Tommy’s life took a turn, she was there that night that Grace’s life was taken ever too soon. (Y/N) walked along side Ada, talking about the decorations, and well potential bachelors at the event. Just as they announced dinner was ready to be serve, everyone made their way into the room chattering amongst one another. 
Then it all happened at once, shots were fired and everyone ducked, John and Arthur quick to their feet stomping and kicking at the shooter who posed as a waiter. (Y/N) watched as Tommy cried for help cradling his wife in his arms, though it was too late. Leaving her two year old son Charlie and Tommy, may she rest in peace.
After Grace’s death Tommy spent most of his days awake, spending sometime with Charlie but would leave the house till dawn. He had distanced himself from the family, (Y/N) had taken Charlie into her care. Visiting him as much as possible, she’d take him into the city, go to the park and buy him many goodies.
Tommy watched as (Y/N) strapped his son into his car seat, watched them drive away. He spent most of his days attending to business and doing what Tommy Shelby did best, drink his sorrows away. 
(Y/N) placed Charlie into the small swing seat, pushing him back and forth cooing and making weird faces every now and then as a loud giggle erupted from his chest. “Oh Charlie, I know your father hasn’t been around lately.. he loves you bub... he’s just healing right now.”  though she knew there was never a special place in Tommy’s heart for her, she had a special place for him.
I know as cliché as it sounds (Y/N) had always had feelings for Tommy. It was during her twenty-first birthday she realized he was the man she’d love for the rest of her life. She had come to the fact that he could never love her as much as he loved Grace, she had come to the fact that he could never love her but hate her. She had come to the fact that she’d have to do the same, put up this wall and mask to hide the true feelings she felt. 
“He looks like you.” a voice said as (Y/N) glanced at the stranger who spoke, an lady who seemed to be in her late 50′s pushing her grandson on the swing next to them. (Y/N) smiled sweetly, she had been use to this comment whenever she had brought Charlie out to the mall or park, and the look on their face when she’d say oh he’s not mine, or he’s my nephew. 
“Oh! He’s my nephew actually.” (Y/N) said sweetly tickling Charlie each time he swung forward, the lady smiled nodding as she continued to push her grandson. “It’s good to bring these kiddos out, keep them away from the electronics.” (Y/N) nodded in agreement, it was also good to actually spend time with someone who’s not their child. 
In the back of her mind, she had wanted to tell Tommy to spend more time with Charlie, but she knew it wasn’t the time nor her place so she kept it to herself. She loved Charlie with all her heart but, he needed to spend more time with someone who he shared blood with; someone he shares DNA with. 
“How old is he?” the lady questioned as Charlie raised his hands up and bursted into laughter, “He’s two, how old is your grandson?” (Y/N) conversated, usually she was never one to start up a conversation with mother’s at the park typically anyone honestly. “Six.” the little boy answered hoping off the swing to the jungle gym, the lady smiled walking after her grandson “Hope you two have a wonderful rest of your day!” (Y/N) smiled wishing her the same. 
She took Charlie into her arms walking back to the car to grab his lunch, they sat under a tree atop a blue fluffy blanket. (Y/N) laid his toys out in front of him and prepared his lunch, soft and easy to chew foods like; banana, a little smoothie and some steamed veggies. 
“Do you miss your daddy bub?” (Y/N) watched as he smooshed his veggies lifting his hand up and squealing before placing it into the mixed greens into his mouth. “Ma-ma.” he cooed causing (Y/N) to sigh, there were nights when he’d call for Grace. There were night’s when he’d call for his father who was god knows where. 
“I know you miss her.. your daddy misses her too. She’s watching over us now.” (Y/N) pressed a kiss to his forehead and placed him in her lap watching as he reached forward for his food, making a little mess on the blanket. 
They’d usually be out till dusk, she’d drop Charlie back home and feed him dinner, bathe him and tuck him into bed. Mary would offer to take him after but (Y/N) would refuse saying she didn’t mind and that Mary could go rest. When it was time for bed, she’d sit in the rocking chair just in case he woke up calling for his mom or dad. 
After a few hours, she’d leave the room and head into Tommy’s study to see if he was in. Yet she found an empty room, papers spread out on the desk along with a few cigarettes in the ash tray. The bottles of whiskey almost empty, she moved around his office tidying up the place. She had wanted to tell Tommy if he needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to she was there and would always be there for him no matter how they felt for one another.
The front door was slammed shut causing (Y/N) to move away from the desk and seat on the chair behind her, crossing her right leg over her left and turned her chair in the direction of the entrance to his study. The door flew open, Tommy stumbled into the room his broken blue eyes met (Y/N) a small groan tumbled pass his pale lips. 
“Oh your still here.” Tommy snickered moving around the room pouring himself whatever whiskey was left in the glass, finally seating behind his desk. He placed a cigarette between his lips, lighting the end the sound of crackling paper echoed through the room.
(Y/N) didn’t want to say it, but her heart was heavy for Charlie. “You need to spend more time with Charlie.” she mumbled under her breath, keeping her eyes focused on her lap finding the conversation to be non-interesting. Tommy leaned forward glaring at the woman in front of him not wanting to believe the words that had left her mouth were real.
“Wait, what did you say?” a hint of annoyance was laced between his words, (Y/N) stayed silent for a little bit scolding herself for evening mumbling the goddamn words. He slammed his fist into the table causing (Y/N) to jump slightly in her seat but she kept her eyes on her lap picking at her distressed jeans. 
“(Y/N), what did you say?” Tommy demanded waiting for (Y/N) to answer his question, she sat there for a moment trying to regain herself but exhaling.
“I said.. you need to spend more time with Charlie.” silence drew in before Tommy scoffed in anger shaking his head lightly bringing the cigarette between his lips, “Fuck off (Y/N).” the comment caused her head to snap towards Tommy. Anger radiated through her body, she knew better to keep the comment to herself but didn’t want Tommy to continue being this way.
“No, I will not fuck off Thomas! You can’t scare me away like you do to your brothers! Charlie wakes up in the middle of the night crying for either you or Grace! I stay with him till you return!” (Y/N) shouted tears brimmed her eyes staring at the most feared man of Birmingham, he sat there expressing no emotions instead he wore a blank face. 
“You don’t have to fuckin’ stay! Mary is there for that reason! She is here to tend to Charlie’s fuckin’ needs! You’re not his mother (Y/N)!” Tommy screamed watching (Y/N) expression drop, she knew he wasn’t his mother of course she knew that. But it’s the fact that he wasn’t even acting like a father, and he brings up how she’s not his mother?
“I fucking hate you Thomas.” 
That was a lie, she didn’t hate him fucking hell she loved him more than she could ever love herself. Though he was rude to her on many occasions, she loved him so much it was impossible to hate him. It was exactly what Kat Stratford had, ‘But mostly, I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.’
(Y/N) got up from her seat the legs of the scrapped against the wood tiled floor, she stormed off to the door stopping for a second before turning back to look at Tommy. 
“I know I’m not his mother Thomas, but you’re sure as hell aren’t acting like his father either.” 
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