#karou imagines
oikharou · 1 year
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with bokuto koutarou
genre: super fluff, more fluffy than pillows
note: gn!reader, no specified pronouns but i used the word 'wife' | NOT PROOFREAD
WARNING/S: small spoilers from the manga, a bit suggestive
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"Okay, Kou. We're home." You said to your husband who is very drunk after the MSBY boys went all out to celebrate their nth victory in the national volleyball tournament. His arm is currently wrapped around your figure while you were supporting him but your husband is heavy due to his impressive physique.
"Mhmrhgh..." Was all he mumbled and you sighed before smiling a bit at his flustered and drowsy state. With one more effort, you managed to drag him to your shared bedroom and he immediately slumped down the bed.
You stretched as your muscles got a bit sore before attending to his care again. "Don't sleep immediately, Kou. Let me change you into something more comfortable." You said and gently pulled him upwards so that he can sit. "Noooo..." He whined and you chuckled. "Yes, Kou. I'm not taking a 'no' for answer." He whined again but you didn't pay attention to his whines.
You lifted his white shirt upwards and a blush crept to your cheeks as you saw his well built body. You've obviously have seen Bokuto naked before but it still makes you shy no matter how many years you two have been in a relationship. You gulped and then moved lower to remove his pants. "Kou, I'm going to remove your pants okay? I'll change you to your pajamas."
Bokuto got alerted in an instant and scurried away from you. "Excuse me, but I am a married man! How dare you touch a married man! I love my wife!"
You thought that he's going to cooperate with you but it seems like you're going to need a lot more patience. "Kou, I'm your wife." You said.
He squinted his eyes. "Y/n?" He called out softly. "Yes Kou?"
"Y/n~!" He said and engulfed you in a hug while still sitting on the edge of the bed. "I miss you!" His sleepiness was nowhere to be found and you chuckled at his clingyness. Whenever Bokuto was drunk, he's very quiet but super clingy. You don't really mind though.
"I miss you too Kou. Now, may I change you to your pajamas?" He nodded and let you go. He was very cooperative and obedient to you when he finally recognized you.
After finally changing him to comfortable pajamas, you stood up on your feet. "I'll be right back Kou. I'll get you some water and a tablet so that you won't have a hangover in the morning."
But before you leave the room, he grabbed your wrist and hugged you by your waist. His grip on you was tight so you have no choice but to spend a few minutes with him.
After what seems like an eternity of silence, he broke it. "Y/n, am I drunk?"
You almost laughed out loud but you managed to keep your composure. "Yes Kou. You are drunk."
Then silence again.
"Y/n, I'm drunk."
You caress his cheek and pet his hair. "I know."
He nuzzled to you. "I love you."
"I love you too Kou."
"Will you marry me?" He looked up to meet your eyes, and his eyes were as soft as ever whenever he looks at you.
You smiled. "I already did."
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@oikharou — all rights reserved — no reposting, translating, plagiarizing and claiming any of my works as yours
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ourankingdom · 1 month
y’all my wips are killing me I just want some new ideas please send in some requests 😭
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sunshowerwriting · 1 year
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Courting An Omega
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(OHSHC) Alpha! Kyoya Ootori x Omega! Male Reader
1.9 k words
SFW! A/B/O au
You were the only omega in the host club, and that came along with plenty of its unique difficulties, and although you had plenty of alpha’s interested in courting you you had always turned them down. That is until one day when you hear a rumor about an alpha you’ve had your eye on since the beginning.
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It was an interesting experience being the only omega in the host club. Not necessarily a bad experience, but you wouldn’t call it all good either. The girls loved it. Even the other omegas liked being hosted by you. But being the only omega host, surrounded by mostly alpha’s was what really made it interesting.
The hosts were very good about treating you well, and making sure the guests of the host club treated you well too. But even they couldn’t keep away every alpha looking to court you. You supposed it was just a small price to pay for being part of the host club in the first place. Especially as an unclaimed omega in the host club.
But you loved the host club and you loved getting to entertain the guests. So you had no intention of leaving the host club any time soon. So you simply got used to the courting propositions almost daily. There was one other reason you wanted to stay in the host club so badly too though. 
Kyoya Ootori.
Kyoya caught your eye as soon as you came to Ouran Academy. It was hard not to be enamored by the cool type. He was the type of alpha that plenty of omegas dreamed of, and you were no exception. You both had grown close in your time of being a host, he looked out for you and you were happy to spend time with him doing whatever he was up to. But even from the beginning you knew you wanted to be more than Kyoya’s friend. 
You were almost certain Kyoya knew about your “little” crush on him. But he had never brought it up. Not once in your time of being a host together had he ever mentioned knowing. It confused you. Kyoya turned down omegas all the time, and even sometimes before they had the chance to confess to him, so why had he never mentioned anything.
You had come up with plenty of ways he could bring it up, even if he was trying to be nice about it. You could imagine him saying “Let's keep our relationship professional.” or even him casually bringing up that he wasn’t looking for an omega right now. But he never had. Perhaps he just hadn’t noticed that you were practically dying for him to court you. But there was this little hope in your brain that maybe he had realized you liked him, and he was simply waiting for a good time to ask your parents to court you. But you tried not to get your hopes up. 
Today was looking to be just like any day in the host club. Girls fawning over you and the rest of your fellow hosts and the interesting interactions that came with that. You were sitting with Haruhi today, hosting alway came easier with them so you were happy for the company. Your focus was entirely on the girls and Haruhi, you hadn’t been worrying about any of the other hosts. That is until Hikaru and Karou came over.
“Have you heard the news?” Hikaru spoke. His voice full of mischievous intent. 
He and Karou were definitely trying to peak you and Haruhi’s interest, but it seemed to catch the attention of the girls more than it did either of you. 
“What news?” One of the girls asked.
“Oh maybe we shouldn’t say. I mean it is just a rumor.” Karou said, feigning innocence.
“You brought it up.” Haruhi said, clearly ready to be done with this conversation before it even began.
The twins rolled their eyes in sync but ignored the comment.
“Well I heard that Kyoya is planning to start courting an omega.” Hikaru said.
The girls gasped almost comically. But the real jewel, at least to Hikaru and Karou, was your reaction. Your eyes widened like saucers, and you let out a much more quiet gasp. 
You immediately looked away, trying to hide your reaction from the twins. But they saw, and then they flanked both of your sides so you couldn’t escape their words. 
“So you hadn’t heard Y/n?” Hikaru asked.
Before you could give any sort of response Karou spoke. 
“Yeah, we thought you would’ve known.”
Their words confused you, sure you and Kyoya were close, but he hadn’t told you anything like that. And I mean why would he. Courting is a very personal thing between alphas and omegas, even when you aren't as private as Kyoya. 
“Why would I have known.”  You asked, trying your best to sound uninterested. 
“Because the word going around is that Kyoya is gonna ask to court you.” Hikaru said.
It was time for you to be shocked again. How could a rumor like that even be started? And it couldn’t possibly be true right? Kyoya Ootori wanting to court you? Your face got hot at the thought. That couldn't be right, could it?
Your shock or embarrassment was apparently evident on your face because the twins began laughing hysterically. Haruhi rolled her eyes, you assumed at the twins but chose to say nothing. The girls who had become onlookers to most of this conversation took this as an opportunity to jump in. 
“Oh! You would let him wouldn’t you Y/n?” One of the girls started. 
“I mean it's Kyoya! Who would say no to him?” The other girl added. 
“And he did say he had important business to attend to today didn’t he!” The third girl said. 
Having their focus on you in this way only made you feel more embarrassed and you tried desperately to think of any escape from this conversation. It appeared the gods were not on your side today however. Because just in that moment the twins locked eyes on the freshly returning Kyoya. They immediately grabbed hold of your arms and dragged you over to him, giggling all the while. 
“Kyoya!” They said in unison, effectively gaining the alpha’s attention. 
“What is it?” Kyoya asked.
You noticed him giving you a look over after seeing the twins dragging you with them, but it didn't seem any different from how he normally looked at you. Before you could get too far back into your head you heard Karou speak. 
“We heard that you might have something to tell our dear omega friend here!”
“Why don't you go ahead and tell him. I’m sure he’s just dying to know.” Hikaru finished. 
If looks could kill the twins would have been dead on the spot. You would have thought the icy glare Kyoya sent them both would have at least made them pause for a moment but the twins laughed at Kyoya. They pushed you a little closer to him and then they backed up, giggling to themselves the whole way.
Kyoya took a moment to compose himself. Sighing deeply and shaking his head almost like he was physically shaking off the encounter with the twins. After a moment he made eye contact with you again. The look on his face was much gentler than it had been previously, but it still held that icy aloofness that was always there with Kyoya. 
“Why don’t we go talk outside? Away from all of these people.” 
The way he phrased it would have made you chuckle if you weren't so nervous. You nodded and followed him out into the hallway.When he said outside you thought he meant out in the hallway, but he kept moving in the direction of the garden so you were forced to follow after. The walk there was silent and although it was a relatively short distance it felt like an eternity. You were dying to know what he had to say to you, especially if it really did relate to him courting someone. 
As soon as you stepped outside Kyoya took in a deep breath. He didn’t say anything right away so you took the time to look around. The gardens were as they always were. Rather empty, but very pretty nonetheless. Flowers were blooming and the leaves on all of the bushes looked healthy and green. 
Before you could get to lost in your surroundings Kyoya spoke. 
“So what did they tell you?”
He sounded annoyed but it didn’t seem to be directed at you. Still the thought of telling him what the twins told you made you hesitate. You bit your lip before you spoke, trying to figure out the best way to word it. 
“Well, they said that you were planning to start courting someone.” You said, trying your best to keep your nerves at bay. 
“That’s it?”
Kyoya was more than skeptical. You could hear in his voice that he didn’t believe you. Or rather he knew you weren’t telling him everything. 
“They mention that the rumor was that you were looking to court me.” You continued.
It was best to be honest with Kyoya, one way or another he’d work it out and there was no point in delaying whatever he had to say about everything any longer either. 
Kyoya sighed and shook his head. He stayed quiet for another minute clearly thinking over something but you couldn't quite figure out what exactly was going through his head. So you stood and waited for him to speak again, and thankfully he didn’t keep you in suspense too long. 
“Well I suppose they were right.”
His words caught you off guard somehow. Even if the possibility of what the twins had said being true wasn’t THAT shocking to you, Kyoya just nonchalantly saying something like that still startled you to a halt. You stared at him for a minute, blinking rapidly to somehow process what he had said. 
“They… They were?”
Your words came out sounding more baffled than you intended and you're surprised it didn’t get more of a reaction out of Kyoya. But he simply smiled at you. A soft gentle smile that you rarely got to see with him. 
Kyoya reached over to grab your hand. He held it so gently in both of his and he looked at you with more emotion in his eyes than you’d ever seen.
“I would like to make you my omega. If you’ll let me, I would like to start the courting process.” He started.
You tried to speak but he continued before you could get more than a noise out. 
“We’ve gotten very close over your time in the host club, and I am thankful for that. But I would like to get to know you even more personally. I would like you to be my omega, and I promise to treat you with all the care you deserve.”
You were shocked by the words coming out of Kyoya’s mouth. You had only ever dreamed of hearing these things from Kyoya Ootori. Yet here you were, wide awake in front of him, and he was asking to court you. 
Kyoya took a final deep breath before finishing his thoughts. 
“I’ve spoken to my father about this and although he isn’t pleased he’s agreed to our courtship. I’ve spoken briefly with your parents as well, but I would like to talk to them with you so long as you agree.” He said, his words faltering a bit towards the end. “So will you let me court you?”
With his final words, and the shaky tone they were said in, you broke out into a smile. You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh at the idea that he thought you’d say no to him, or cry at just how sincere he was being. But you squeezed into his hand as tightly as you could and answered the question you had been hoping to hear for so long now excitedly. 
“Of course!”
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cyberabbit · 6 months
ooh okay matchablossom hc:
cherry’s piercings never fully healed over, like he’s one of the people whose holes never healed over so he can still put jewelry in whenever he wants.
joe has full on panics when he sees cherry with piercings in cause gay. (also cherry totally knows this and does it just to get a reaction from now sometimes)
YESSSS i adore this headcanon! especially since we have official art of him as an adult with his ear piercings back in (although i like to imagine his lip one was under the mask). i like to think he has hidden piercings too that he's never taken out- he'd look so cute with a navel piercing.
they go on holiday and the first thing karou does once he's away from places where he can be recognised as a traditional calligrapher is style his hair and put his piercing jewellery back in. he loves doing it to tease kojiro, especially because he knows his boyfriend is really into it and struggles to keep his hands off him.
and maybe he'll get something new and hidden pierced by the end of the trip...
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dejwrites · 2 years
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— warning: profanity, mentions of infidelity, mature scenes included, smut is included in this, chapters jumps from past to present, college au (past), luxury rich adults (present), intercourse in a car, usage of spit, gagging, slight praise kink, angst, this chapter lowkey setting up for the messiness, reader implied to be black, kinda like a hbo sitcom in my head — chapter summary: the journey of nanami gaining y/n's trust back starts right now.
— previous chapter. masterlist. taglist. ao3
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NANAMI KENTO WAS ALWAYS A FAMILY MAN. His family was quite known in Japan. With his mother being a well-known jeweler and his father being an established lawyer, the bloodline was as successful as it can get. He understood that his family strived for the best and they weren’t expecting anything but the best. The outrageous idea of him being an artist nearly put both his parents into a retirement home early. They expected him to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a lawyer, but he just couldn’t. With being one of the most successful artists in the world, they managed to finally let go of the disappointment of him being an artist. However, they still wanted control of his life by choosing who he will be married to—which blew up in their face and is the reason why he was meeting with them in the first place.
As he made his way through the restaurant, following behind the hostess as they led him to a table in a secluded area for privacy—the artist was not only met with his parents but his grandfather Karou also. His grandfather was old, very old—but he still had a mouth on him that caused Nanami to sulk into his seat in embarrassment. “Good Afternoon,” Nanami exclaimed as he took the seat across from his mom and next to his grandfather. 
“We heard the news. I can’t believe we didn’t know, we thought we did so much research on that woman and her family,  sweetie.” His mother rubbed at her temple in shame. “I’m so sorry sweetie, I can only imagine how you feel having to fall out of love with her due to this.” She sighs.
The thing is, Nanami fell out of love with Serena (or should he say Lana) a long time ago. He felt stupid that he didn’t listen to his heart to break it off. Only thinking about disappointing his parents if he broke off the engagement and how horrible of a PR disaster that would be, now knowing that Lana was a con artist. Deep down Nanami knew that Lana knew he was never in love with her. He just didn’t know how long. 
“Give me a fuckin’ break Kento!” Serena yelled as she was sipping from the bottle of wine. “You’re still in love with that woman.” 
Nanami had his back turned away from her as he was washing dishes. He knew that she was just drunk, on her fifth glass of wine for the evening. He had an important meeting in the morning and he didn’t have time to indulge in any arguments with her tonight. 
“I’m engaged to you, not her!” Nanami finally spoke up. 
“It doesn’t seem like it. Ever since your gala, you have just been acting differently.” Serena argued back as she placed the bottle down on the marble counter. 
Nanami knew that was true. Y/N and him slept together here in this house before Serena and himself moved into it. Afterward, all he could see was her. Y/N L/N. When he had sex with Serena, that’s all he saw was Y/N. The mere memory of them having sex as if they were back in college swirled around his mind. Serena just wasn’t like Y/N. While Y/N was this genuine and kind person, Serena was the complete opposite of that. 
Nanami turned around to look at Serena—meeting the glare she was giving him. He dried his hands using the dish towel and crossed his arms over his chest. “Then leave, Serena. If you’re so sure about this. Leave.”
Nanami should have known right there that Serena was only there for his money. What type of woman knowingly stays in an engagement when their fiancé is in love with someone else? Then again what type of man stays in an engagement when he’s in love with someone else? Nanami couldn’t put the full blame for the situation on his parents or Serena, he had to take the blame also. For lying to Y/N to even pretending to be in love with someone like Serena. He couldn’t even forgive himself for his actions, so he highly doubts Y/N would. 
“We would like to apologize, son,” His father spoke up, completely interrupting Nanami’s thoughts.
“As you should. You both should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to dictate his life.” Karou spoke up.
“Dad.” Nanami’s mom spoke firmly. “Please don’t start.” 
“It’s true. We wouldn’t have to worry about the PR disaster to come if you guys just let the kid do what he wants,” Karou explained. He nudged his grandson’s side and gave him that grin he always gave him. “You trusted him to major in what he wanted to do despite not agreeing with it—and you see where that got him.” 
Nanami could always count on his grandfather to be the voice of reason in the situation. He watched as his parents shared a look before excusing themselves from the table. They probably had to talk about what to do in a situation like this. After all, they did help create it. Nanami leaned back into his seat before Karou broke the silence. 
“Ken, do you still keep in contact with that one girl?” Karou asked as he looked at him. 
“What girl, grandpa?” Nanami asked.
“Don’t act so stupid, that pretty one. She always had such a bright smile when guys would take me to my doctor’s appointment together when you were in college.” 
Nanami chuckles at his statement, “You mean when you would not go to your doctor’s appointment unless I brought her with me.” 
“It’s nothing wrong with that,” Karou answered slowly. “I think you should contact her again, when you’re ready, of course.” 
Nanami sighed. “It’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand,” He adds. “I think I messed that up a long time ago.” 
“Of course, ‘cause you’re stupid and spend too much time kissing your parents' ass.” 
“It’s the truth.” Karou took a sip of his water. 
Nanami watched as his hand shook while he lifted the glass. He knew not to help his grandfather do such a task simply because he would only complain. “She was caught in the crossfire of this Serena situation and I may have burnt my bridges with her badly.” 
“Okay? So rebuild these bridges.” Karou said just as Nanami’s parents returned to the table.
He watched as his parents shared a look before his father was speaking. “We are so sorry son. We take full responsibility for trying to control your life so much. Now you have to worry about this woman possibly ruining your reputation.” 
“There’s proof of her being a con artist, she most likely went along to con someone else. I just want to move on from this.” Nanami responded. “I can’t fully blame you guys since you were just trying to do what was best for me. However, for now—I have to go rebuild some bridges I burnt down with somebody..so excuse me.” He stood up from the table and walked away.
Before he got further away from the table, he turned to see his grandfather giving him a thumbs up and poorly executed wink. Nanami chuckles before heading out of the restaurant. He had to make amends with Y/N and he would do anything to do that. Even if there is a possibility that she didn’t even want anything to do with Nanami, he still hopes that she would forgive him at least. He couldn’t live a life where the one girl he cared about didn’t at least know how sorry he was. He could live without the two of them not being as close as they used to, but—he couldn’t live with the thought of Y/N not hearing him apologize. 
As soon as he got into his car, he zoomed to Y/N’s office as if his life depended on it. His mind raced with what he would say to her. Well, he should start with sorry. Yeah, he’ll start with that and just go from there. The insane thing about all of this is that Nanami still kept in contact with Mariah. Mariah still emailed him about ideas for the collaboration with himself and Y/N, which he had to admit the young fashion designer had some amazing ideas. He still thought the idea of combining his art and Y/N’s fashion could be good for both of them. It could open up their career to so many different things. 
When Nanami arrived at Y/N’s office, Mariah who was at her desk eyes bulged out her head seeing Nanami. She quickly stood up trying to catch up with his prideful strides. “Uh, what are you doing here?” Mariah asked.
“I’m here to apologize to Y/N. I know I don’t have any flowers or anything, but I need her to know that I’m sorry.” Nanami looked at Mariah with the most heartbreaking eyes.
She felt like if she were to utter Y/N’s name, the man in front of her would break down crying. Mariah would shake her head, “No, this isn’t a good time.” She exclaims.
“Is she in a meeting right now? I can wait.” Nanami said.
“Zoom call?” 
“Designing something. I know she hates when people interrupt her doing that.” Nanami admits. 
“Then what?” Nanami asked.
“I know about your fiancé being exposed and the quite interesting cabin trip, but I think she and Toji broke up. I mean they technically weren’t dating—but it really hit her. She just doesn't want to be bothered right now.” Mariah says. “She’s been in her office crying here and there.” 
Nanami’s lips formed a straight line. He didn’t expect Toji and her to call it quits, again. It felt like college all over again. Nanami was a little too familiar with a situation like this. So, he knew exactly how to chair the woman up. “Do you have a vending machine here by chance?” He asked.
Mariah’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. She would nod her head. “It’s down the hall to the left. Right next to the break room.” She admits and Nanami nods, not saying a word to Mariah, and walks down to the hall. 
When he found the vending machine, his chocolate brown hues scanned over the variety of things in it. He figured she would have this specific snack in it considering how she loved them so much. He pulled out his wallet to grab the yen bills to pay for them. As he watch the snack and the drink he paid for drop down to the slot, his mind was racing about what he was going to say. Maybe it was because this time it was so different. In college, they were always on good terms when he consoled her. Now, he felt like it was a bit hypocritical for him to attempt to give her some advice to make her feel better—when he knew he was most likely the reason why she and Toji fell apart in the first place.
When he returned to Mariah, she glanced at the snacks in Nanami’s hand. Her brain couldn’t comprehend what he had planned considering that she had attempted to use food to make the woman feel better also. She even went to that pizza place that sells this pizza Y/N loved. However, last time she checked Y/N had let the pizza grow cold before asking Mariah to put it in the break room fridge as she was attempting to color something in her book. 
“Are you sure about this?” Mariah asked. “I just feel like you’re the last person she wants to see, after Toji.” 
“I’ll be okay. I just think she needs to let out the frustration she has inside of her. If I have to be the one to receive the harsh blows, I’m okay with that.” 
The grasp Mariah had on Nanami’s sleeve loosened as she would step back. Her lips curled in a sly smile—hoping that her boss would at least open up. Even if that meant receiving the harshness first. Nanami had knocked on the office door twice. He didn’t even hear a come in or go away, so he slid into the office and glanced around his surroundings. Y/N was tapping away on her computer, her eyes never leaving the screen and you could hear her faint sniffles from crying previously. Nanami took a couple of steps forward towards her dress—the woman in front of him was so into what was on the computer screen, she didn’t even notice that he had walked in. His lips parted to greet her but when her eyes landed on his, those eyes that once lit up like the brightest stars at night when she saw him, started to water. Her lip gloss-covered lips began to quiver and soon she’s burning her head in her arms on her desk and back to crying. 
Nanami placed the juice box and box of pocky sticks on the desk in front of Y/N. Her head was buried in her arms as she was mumbling something in German, which he was sure was some random profanity word he taught her when she found out he knew German. He could hear her mumbling something, but couldn’t quite understand her. However, her hand did reach in front of her grabbing the juice box he placed in front of her. 
“I know I’m the last person you want to see right now, but you haven’t kicked me out yet or yelled at me—so maybe I can help you feel better.” Nanami adjusted himself in the seat in front of her desk. “So, I shall wait here until you’re ready to talk..just like old times” He adds.
The memory of sitting in her room listening to her color in some design she had to redo for class in a frustrated manner after her professor had made her redo it. Or when she got into an argument with her parents and gave everyone the silent treatment. Nanami always patiently waited for her to open up to him because he knew she would do the same for him in the roles were reversed. 
So he was sitting in front of her desk flipping through a fashion magazine as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. The sound of the miniature desk clock on her desk ticked with each passing minute while the two of them sat in silence. A silence both of them were deeply familiar with. That was between soft swallows from the juice box, and Y/N finally decided to speak. “Why are you here? I’m still mad at you.” 
“I know and that’s not stopping me from leaving,” Nanami responded while his brown-colored eyes never left the magazine he was reading. 
He heard her let out an annoyed sigh before she’s typing away on her computer once again. Occasionally he could hear her munching on the pocky sticks he brought. “So you’re not leaving?” She asks.
“Nope. I met with my parents and grandfather before coming here.” Nanami says. “They apologized for their trouble, but I can’t fully blame them or Serena for the situation. I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
Y/N sipped from the juice box and leaned back in her seat. Her eyes finally met with Nanami’s. “Okay and?” She carelessly asked. Her shoulders sluggishly slouch as she leans her head back to be met with the headrest of her chair. 
“It’s going to take more than a lousy sorry for me to forgive you. What you did hurt me and caused a drift in not only our friendship but the friend group as a whole. All of you knew about it except Mei, but no one told me. No one! You guys let me continue to be so dumb when you had Serena all along. So, I can’t accept your apology, not right now.” She pauses to let out a weary sigh before continuing. “But I hate myself because I messed up something that could have been so good for me because deep down you oddly have a place in my heart.” 
Nanami was taken aback by the words that left Y/N’s mouth. His lips parted to speak, but the sound of her phone interrupted the two. He leaned back in his seat as he heard the familiar voice of her former mentor from college Ari Aiko. Ari Aiko was facetiming one of her former mentees with a huge deal for her.
“My love it looks like you have been crying. Have you been crying?” Ari’s voice chirped through the phone. 
Despite the woman being in her fifties, she still had the voice of bright sunshine. Every person in the fashion industry knew who she was. With her vibrant fashion, various fashion shows, and even brighter personality. It is important to note that she wasn’t always like that—Y/N practically changed the woman during college when she was mentoring under her. 
“I’m okay. I just had a rough morning.” Y/N sighs, her eyes darting to Nanami wondering why he was still sitting in her office intruding on her phone call.
Nanami who caught the dangering stare would begin to stand up but Ari’s words stopped him immediately.
“Well, I hope the news I’m about to tell you—stop those dreadful tears. I was rereading over your pitch your assistant sent me weeks ago. You know the collaboration with that handsome artist Nanami Kento. I love the idea of it and hosting it in Paris. I’m hoping you two are still working on that. Although, the gossip has spread around quite quickly that his engagement is off the tables.” Ari was blabbering on nonsense. 
“Uh—I don’t think—” Y/N’s words were cut off by Ari.
“I am willing to sponsor it.” Ari immediately says.
“What?” Y/N asked in shock.
“I would sponsor it. I’m extremely grateful that your assistant didn’t pitch the idea to that lady over at America’s Vogue. It’ll be a good look for you, him, and me. Plus, it will be such an amazing thing in the fashion and art industry.” Ari explained. 
“Okay, but define sponsor? Everyone has different definitions when it comes to investing their money into something.” Y/N’s eyes glance at Nanami who had taken the seat once again and eagerly was listening.
“You’re still as stubborn as can be my love. Just please let me sponsor everything. You two focus on making sure you have models at the show, actual fashion and art to display, a very nice guest list, and a good ass afterparty.” Ari admits. 
Nanami glanced at Y/N. He’s quickly grabbing a sticky note and pen that was on her desk and writing on it. The note stated that, if she didn’t feel comfortable taking the deal—don’t do it. However, the look in Y/N’s eyes was the same look he saw when she hosted her very first fashion show for Paris Fashion Week. It was a look of drive. A quite attractive look to him. 
“Fine. You want to sponsor it, I’m not going to decline that.” Y/N says. “I’ll have my assistant contact your assistant to set up a meeting sometime next week.” 
“Of course. Hugs and kisses.” Ari blew a quick kiss at the camera. “Also be sure to bring the artist with you—after all, it is his artwork that will be on some of your clothes and being displayed.” 
“I’ll let him know. Have a good day Ari.” 
With that Y/N ends the FaceTime call and tosses her phone on the desk. She leans back in her seat and forced a smile on her face. 
“Well Kento, I guess you can use this time to work for my forgiveness.” 
“I was planning on doing that anyway.” Nanami bluntly admitted. 
During that moment of them being boxed in her office, she gave him a sly grin before rolling her eyes and muttering something in German before going back to what she was doing on her computer. Occasionally, picking up pocky sticks to nibble on and not realizing that Nanami was deeply serious about the newest tasks in front of him. That was work for her to trust him again and come up with ideas for their collaboration. 
This was his time to redeem himself and fix something he had broken. 
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TAGS — @maydayaisha @eiflawriting @cloudsinthecosmos @woahhajime @sawamurawife @po3ticb3auty @daichisbunny @heyitsiyanas @pulchritxde @classic-les @jazzyangel242 @kunaigirlx44 @savantsoulfinder @protectpancakes @littlemochi @astennu @keke97 @r-xochitl @cosmiic-7
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thebookwormslair · 1 year
If you enjoyed "Caraval" by Stephanie Garber, here are some book recommendations that you might enjoy:
"The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern - This atmospheric and magical novel follows two young magicians who are pitted against each other in a fierce competition that takes place within a mysterious and enchanting circus.
"The Hazel Wood" by Melissa Albert - This eerie and suspenseful novel tells the story of a girl named Alice, who embarks on a quest to find her missing mother in a dark and dangerous fairy-tale world called the Hinterland.
"The Crown's Game" by Evelyn Skye - This lush and romantic fantasy novel is set in Imperial Russia and follows two young enchanters who are competing to become the Tsar's Imperial Enchanter, but end up falling in love with each other.
"Daughter of Smoke and Bone" by Laini Taylor - This imaginative and beautifully written novel is set in a world where angels and demons are at war, and follows a young girl named Karou who discovers that her true identity is far more mysterious and magical than she ever could have imagined.
"Strange the Dreamer" by Laini Taylor - This stunning and lyrical novel follows a young librarian named Lazlo Strange, who becomes obsessed with a mythical city called Weep and embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover its secrets.
These books share "Caraval's" sense of magic, mystery, and adventure, and are perfect for readers who enjoy richly imagined worlds, complex characters, and intricate plots.
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uncloseted · 2 years
i feel like so much of the media i consume is dark or disturbing or gruesome and it's not good for my mental health and can sometimes be triggering for me, do you know of any feel-good, positive, funny or uplifting piece of media like podcasts, tv shows, or youtubers?:)
I've got you! I pretty much only watch positive or feel-good content lately. The world is just too dark and I don't need to seek more darkness out. Here are a few suggestions I could think of off the top of my head. Everyone feel free to suggest others!
Ted Lasso- an optimistic, upbeat American football coach is hired to manage an English football team. Pretty much the most uplifting, funny, and positive show you could imagine.
Adventure Time- brothers Finn the Human and Jake the Dog battle evil in the fantasy land of Ooo. This show starts off very silly, but then becomes profound and life-affirming very quickly.
Community- a quirky sitcom about a study group at a community college. Hijinks ensue.
The Good Place- a woman wakes up in heaven only to realize she doesn't belong there. This show is hilarious but also has a really great message about what it means to live a good life.
Keep Your Hands off Eizouken- an anime in which a trio of schoolgirls start an anime production club. Even if you don't like anime, this show will convince you to love it. It's very uplifting and the girls' imagination and passion is contagious. This is one of my favorite shows ever to be made.
Schitt's Creek- a sitcom where a super rich family goes bankrupt and moves to a rural small town in Canada. Hilarious, but also very feel-good.
Derry Girls- a sitcom where the Derry Girls attempt to navigate teenage life in 1990s Derry, Northern Ireland. Given the setting it seems like this show couldn't possibly be funny or feel-good, but it's one of the few shows that consistently makes me laugh out loud. It has its tearjerker moments and it does those well. There have been episodes that have made me feel truly hopeful for the future of the world. But for the most part it's just fun.
Terrace House- a Japanese dating show where nothing happens. Three men and three women live in a house together, but then leave to go to work, hang out with their friends, and just do day to day things. It's somehow incredibly addictive and calming at the same time.
Space Dandy- an anime about the adventures of a "dandy guy in space who combs the galaxy like his pompadour on the hunt for aliens. Planet after planet he searches, discovering bizarre new creatures both friendly and not." This show is ridiculous in the best possible way.
Rilakkuma and Kaoru- a stop motion anime about Rilakkuma, a lazy stuffed bear, and Karou, an anxious human office worker. This show is very pure, sweet, and endearing.
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet- this is the book I'm reading right now. It follows a space crew of aliens on their journey across the galaxy. The vibes are very comforting and it's kind of about the meaning of family.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- when Arthur Dent's home is destroyed to make way for an intergalactic highway, he unwillingly gets swept up on a search for the legendary planet of Magrathea. Hitchhiker's Guide is a classic series that's very funny and sometimes absurd.
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared- this is exactly what it sounds like it would be. Allan Karlsson is a hundred year old man who climbs out the window of his nursing home and disappears. It's a funny, passionate adventure about appreciating and enjoying life.
The House in the Cerulean Sea- Linus Baker is a depressed social worker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. When he is sent to evaluate the Marsyas orphanage for magical children, he discovers what's important in life. Very uplifting and life affirming.
Amelie- a quirky, socially awkward Parisian waitress secretly helps the people in her life while trying to work up the courage to talk to the man she's fallen in love with. It inspired me to want to do random acts of kindness for other people and it has great vibes.
Howl's Moving Castle- pretty much any Studio Ghibli movie has good vibes, but Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. A woman cursed with rapid aging becomes a housekeeper to a narcissistic young magician. I would live in this movie if I could.
Night is Short, Walk on Girl- Night is Short follows Otome, a university student on a never-ending night out in Kyoto, and Senpai, the boy who is in love with her from afar. Before the night ends, they encounter criminal thugs, treacherous gods, and harebrained schemes, and drink a whole lot of alcohol. Whenever I'm feeling down, this is my go-to movie that I watch.
Purple Palace- Shayna is an American visual artist who lives in Paris. Her videos are inspiring and feel like hanging out with your most supportive friend.
Damon Dominique- a travel YouTuber. I don't watch him as much as I used to, but his videos often take a kind of philosophical or spiritual bend, and it's a lot of fun to see all the different places he visits.
ondo온도 - a super calming, low-key Korean lifestyle vlog channel
Mocha- a super calming, low-key Japanese lifestyle vlog channel
Goodnight Moon ASMR- if you don't like ASMR, this probably won't be for you, but this is my go-to ASMR channel for when I need a boost. Erin does an incredible job with props, costumes, sets, and storylines. I especially like her Valley Girl character, who manages to be hilarious and super calming at the same time.
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fateinthestars · 3 months
Okay I really need to a) finish the To the Victor Goes the Spoils reviews that I meant to do whilst it was still February and b) Do the White Day special stories as it's now the 14th March, but this has been in my drafts for ages and I've finally read the first bit of Chikai's story in Our Two Bedroom Story so I can at least now give him a section in this (apologies if it isn't as in depth as everyone else is in this)
Heading back to my random comments about maybe Star Crossed Myth and Our Two Bedroom Story being set in the same universe, I'm now trying to think how the characters from each would regard each other if they met...
Spoilers for both series under the cut (the original five Our Two Bedroom Story Chars only. Tsumugu may have presence in the Switch version of the game (which currently only goes to the end of the first half of Season 2 - there's 5 seasons for OTBS! (One of the only positives about SCM no longer being updated is that the Switch version has the entirety of the main paths. OTBS even only has the first five chars routes when there's actually nine)) but talking about Tsumugu if you haven't played Our Two Bedroom Story is really difficult because I can't see how to do it without giving away a massive spoiler.)
Karou's tall and rather imposing and a man of few words. That part of his persona is making me think that he and Krioff in the same room would feel like a game of who would back down and speak first (and I think it would actually be Krioff!)
However, Karou's ability to fall asleep anywhere, people not noticing that he's present even despite his height, and his adoration of his cat leads me to think that he and Aigo would actually probably get along really well.
Actually, Karou comes across as one of the most intelligent of the OTBS Guys (certainly the one who speaks the most languages iirc) but the way he suddenly butts in sometimes and suddenly decides to actually do something... well... I'm kinda now imaging Huedhaut trying to research something and Karou making a suggestion that the other might not actually want.
Well Minato would be of absolutely no help to SCM's MC, of that much I'm sure. His teasing is even worse than the Gods sometimes.
I'm torn though: I feel like he and Leon would either end up being best friends or their egos would clash so massively they'd hate each other.
Oddly, who he probably would get on with is Huedhaut: They both seem to force this rude sarcastic teasing as a front for underlying upset.
Poor sweet Shushei who will do anything for anyone but can join in with the teasing of OTBS' MC. I have zero doubts with this one: He and Dui would become absolutely great friends. And I'd imagine at times they would be sighing over their friends' antics (Minato in Shushei's case and Ichthys in Dui's case).
He'd probably get on well with Tauxolouve as well.
Ah the tyrant boss who is really deep down a sweetheart, and also genuinely does know how to boost morale despite running a very tough tight ship.
I think some of the SCM Gods are probably gonna immediately think 'we don't need another Zyglavis' 🤣
I think Leon would hate him - not so much because of the slight similarity to Zyglavis but because I'm pretty sure Aki would give Karno some useful tips as to how best make sure that Leon actually pays more attention to his work.
Akiyoshi doesn't strike me as the type to stand nonsense especially if he knows people are supposed to be working at the time - so I think Ichthys would be rather scared of him: which'd probably be a positive thing from Zyglavis' and Scorpio's point of view.
I'd imagine most of the Gods views on Aki will line up with what their views on Zyglavis is... though as Aki's nickname is 'The Growler' I imagine his berating is more to the volume of Scorpio than the volume Zig uses for lectures.
Okay I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about Chikai but basing this on his main story:
He and Teorus are NOT gonna get on at all. Teo craves the attention of women and favours female human wishes. Chikai was betrayed by the only two women who meant anything to him and now he doesn't trust any of them.
I think if it's at the stage where Chikai has opened up to OTBS MC about why he has such issues and he would also share it with others, Aigo would at least understand where he's been coming from. But I have to say if Chikai doesn't say that and acts his sweet self and then a manipulative flirt to OTBS MC and Aigo notices that he's gonna be furious. Also Chikai's allergic to cats so if he's any other animal allergies that could be a problem.
Actually if Chikai isn't dating the OTBS MC and Partheno isn't the one with SCM MC I might be able to see Partheno being able to utilise him somehow. Until OTBS MC gets to the route of the issue and starts to prove to Chikai that maybe he can trust women he doesn't seem beyond putting people in awkward positions to further things to his own benefit.
I suspect the more I read of Chikai though, the more my views on him will change. He almost (sorta?) feels at the moment like a reverse of Scorpio - he puts on a sweet get on with everyone persona when really he is so hateful of women he'll use any he gets close to to do him favours with work and tasks he doesn't want to do in order to further his own agenda. Scorpio at the start meanwhile is all bluster about hating humans and only spending time with SCM MC because it's the only way to get his damn job done because of what that wretched King has done, where really deep down he's actually really caring.
I rather fear at the moment most of the SCM Gods would be trying to get the OTBS MC the heck away from Chikai actually.
No doubt I've missed something but this post is already a long jumbled mess. Hopefully it makes sense and is of interest to somebody. 😅
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oikharou · 1 year
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you saw a prank on tiktok and decided to try it on your lovely, baby boyfriend...
with: bokuto koutarou
note: gn!reader, short fic | NOT PROOFREAD!
genre: fluff, crack and romance
:decided to write this after being inspired by THIS tiktok!! i definitely saw our lovely owlhead on that one so i thought, 'why not write about this?!'
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You comb your hair with your hands to look a bit presentable in front of your phone camera and pat down your t-shirt all while sitting down on the dining chair. You saw a couple on tiktok where the woman is pranking her boyfriend by saying that a 'guy' in tiktok is so handsome and made her boyfriend come running towards her. You thought that it was cute and definitely thought that Bokuto will fit this.
You then start to record and purposely made your voice loud enough for him to hear you from your shared bedroom, "Oh my gosh! This guy is sooo good looking!!"
You mentally raised an eyebrow and waited for 2 seconds before yelling again, "Ah! He's so lovely!! I love him so much!" After you said that, you heard loud and running footsteps so you mentally prepared yourself and tried your best not to laugh. Bokuto's head peeked out from the corner of the wall, "Who's good looking?!" He whisper-yelled to you, which you were sure that it was caught in the video.
"This guy in the video! I swear, it's too early to be this handsome!" Your endless compliments made his hair deflate and a pout formed on his face. "Who?" He repeated once more, testing you to be even more specific.
"I'm sorry, this guy is insanely attractive like, excuse me Mr, but why are you so handsome?!"
"Baaaby!! Whooo~?" You swore that he sounded like an owl right then and there. He walked towards you with his back slumped over. "Who are you even looking at?"
"This- in my phone! I swear, he's so marry-able and I want to marry him right then and there!" Bokuto got fed up and grabbed your hands to divert your phone in front of him. "Who is this guy that's so good looking and 'soooo' marry-able as well to steal your heart from me-" He got silent as he looked at the phone and realized that it was his reflection on the phone.
"Oh." "It's you." You both said at the same time. His mood instantly brightened and spinned, making you cackle at his antics. "Dang baby, you're right. This guy right there," he pointed at your camera, "is devilishly handsome!"
He then posed and flexed his well built body as well (mostly his butt). "Ooh! You got that cake baby!" You hyped him up and his ego boosted even more. "I know right!"
He then turned on his heels and did a mini dance while walking out. "I repeat, devilishly! D-e-v-i-l-i-s-h-l-y!" He spelled it out. "Watch out, here he comes!" You kept laughing and laughing at his actions before ending the video.
But before Bokuto left to continue playing games with his friends, he popped out of the corner again and blew you a flying kiss.
That night, you edited the video for a little bit before posting it in tiktok. The video got a million views and 150k comments, saying that the two of you are so cute and Bokuto's actions melted their heart.
BONUS: (comments from some hq!! characters)
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@oikharou — all rights reserved — no reposting, translating, plagiarizing and claiming any of my works as yours
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madlovenovelist · 1 year
Book Review – ‘Days of Blood and Starlight’ (#2 Daughter of Smoke and Bone) by Laini Taylor
Uncovering Karou’s past with an angel may just bring about a war with monsters. Genre: YA, Fantasy No. of pages: 510 Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love and dared to imagine a world free of bloodshed and war. This is not that world. Art student and monster’s apprentice Karou finally has the answers she has always sought. She knows who she is—and what she is. But with this…
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sscarchiyo · 2 years
random hcs that just make sense
parings: various tougen anki characters
type: headcanons
genre: crack
warnings: none
🖇a/n: I should rlly be getting ready for school by now and I have an essay due at 8💀but the thought came spontaneously and I said why not? :) hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated, have a good day <3
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homare can sing. She only does it when she’s alone. So sometimes when she’s baking, cleaning or even going for a walk she’ll be humming some tune
mudano, karou and masumi all had long hair when they were younger. They got mistaken for girls once and got them cut. They were traumatized💀
shiki is really good at word searches and he gets competitive too, he rlly loves the ones that come in the newspapers
I highly believe that ouskue and masumi were well behaved kids, then when they got older they spun outta control. Then as for mudano, karou and tsukuyomi? They were menaces to society, then somehow turned out to be law abiding people
jin seems like a organized person right? ahaha well you're wrong :/ he's more messy then shiki and that's speaking volumes
kiriyama once broke his leg jumping of a clif, don't ask him to tell you what happened. he cries just thinking about it :(
shiki and his dad used to arm wrestle for things. shiki wants to watch tv, but dad is watching sports? arm wrestling. dad want's pizza, but shiki wants burgers? arm wrestling. his dad wins every time
ousuke and tsukuyomi used to hate each other, why? well when they first met, ouske thought the whole "tarot card" thing was stupid. so he tried to flush them down the toilet and tsukuyomi was alrdy planning his death💀
mudano is really good at roller skating, hence why he wear's roller skates 24/7
yusurube doesn't actually need glasses, he wears them because he thinks it makes him look smart. part of the reason is he believes girls love smart guys
kunia knits when she’s angry, so whenever people see her knitting they stay 10ft away
mudano failed his drivers test once, the inspector didn’t pass the “vibe check” so he purposely crashed the car into a water fountain
alr so back when mudano had long hair, kyouya assumed he was a girl and tried to a ask him out, yea that didn’t end well. He ended up with a black eye :(
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tougen anki taglist: @silky-moon
general taglist: @megurulvr @fvcking-l0rd
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
What about dom!gf for poly Matchablossom nsfw? She’s kind and sweet yet loves to punish and tease them. Joe and Cherry become absolute horny messes for her. I’m in the mood for some femdom especially one that doesn’t look like one at first glance🥵
Polyamorous Relationship w/ Joe & Cherry: Who’s Really in Charge
A/N: this request is simply *chef's kiss*! It's time to learn who's really in charge in this relationship.
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: femdom!reader, female!reader, female anatomy, male anatomy, dom & subs, edging, praise, degradation, teasing, orgasm denial, punishment, overstimulation, slight BDSM themes, handjob, oral sex (both male and female receiving), penetrating sex (both male and female receiving), unprotected sex
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Looking down at the ruined man before you, you flashed a sparkling, toothy grin and giggled softly. “What’s wrong, sweet boy?” you questioned, leaning down and wiping a tear from Cherry’s eye. “Use your words.”
Cherry mumbled loudly around the ball gag in his mouth, drool spilling from the corners of his lips and dripping down onto the bed. He stared up at you, the desperate look in his glossy eyes fueling something inside you while his hands tugged at fistfuls of Joe’s green locks, silently asking the other man between his legs to suck harder. 
“Oh, that’s right, you can’t,” you mocked him as you ran your fingers through his pink hair and cooed at him comfortingly. “You’re doing so well for Joe. Does his mouth make you feel good?”
Cherry nodded quickly, hoping his quick responses would placate you and convince you to let Joe finally make him cum. 
“He’s so close.” Joe removed his warm, wet mouth from Cherry’s cock with a loud pop. The saliva and pre-cum dripping down the shaft glistened in the dim lighting and made a delicious squelching sound when Joe used his large hand to pump up and down. “I could make him cum with the faintest touch.” Joe ghosted the pad of his thumb over the tip of Cherry’s cock and the pink-haired man thrust upward in response, his back arching off the bed. 
Bringing your lips to the shell of Cherry’s ear, you smirked against his skin. “If you’re patient and good, I’ll let you cum. Do you think you can do that?”
Cherry nodded once again, more muffled speech spilling out around the ball gag. 
“Good boy,” you praised him the way you knew drove him wild. “First, you’re going to help me make Kojiro cum until he’s a shaking mess.”
Both mens’ eyes lit up at that, excitement and anticipation surging through their veins. As much as the relationship dynamic shifted on a daily basis, there was nothing they loved more than when you took charge in the bedroom and played with them until they were pathetically begging for you to let them orgasm. 
“My turn?” Joe rose from between Cherry’s legs, Cherry’s hands falling from his head to caress his chest and various muscles. 
“You’ve been so good, taking Karou’s cock and edging him this whole time. You deserve a reward,” you told him, stepping around to the head of the bed, still dressed in your black lingerie and thigh-high socks while both men were completely nude. “Switch places with Kaoru. You’re going to take his cock again, but not with your mouth this time.”
Knowing that you didn’t tolerate excessive talking, both men did as they were told and switched places without a word. Before long, Joe was lying on his back on the bed and Cherry was sitting on his knees at the foot of the bed. 
“Here’s how this is going to work,” you started as you straddled Joe’s chest reverse cowgirl style, your pussy hovering over his face. “You can cum after you make me cum, then Kaoru gets to cum after you. If anyone finishes before their turn, there will be consequences. Do you understand?”
“Understood.” Both men nodded, agreeing to the terms you had laid out. 
You smiled wide. “Perfect.” You then looked down at Joe, who was staring up at your core with a predatory look in his eyes. “Bon appetite, Love.”
As soon as you gave the go-ahead, Joe wrapped his muscular arms around your thighs and pulled you down onto his face, his open mouth capturing your clothed cunt while his tongue lapped at the juices that had soaked through your underwear and eliciting a moan from you right off of the bat. 
“Fuck,” you cursed, relying on your unwavering concentration to make you focus on the way Cherry was slicking up his slender fingers with lube and the saliva that was still dribbling from the corners of his mouth before he began pressing into Joe’s tight hole. 
Joe let out a low groan as Cherry slowly began to pump his fingers in and out of him, the vibrations of which traveled into your core and sent shivers up and down your spine. 
As Joe snaked his hands underneath you and pushed your underwear to the slide, granting his mouth direct access to your clit, you decided to take things up a notch as well and leaned forward to take Joe’s thick cock in your hand. 
Using your other hand, you placed your fingers under Cherry’s chin and tilted his head up to meet your gaze. “I think he’s ready for the real deal,” you directed. “It’s no fun if this little game is too easy for him.”
Still unable to speak, Cherry nodded in acknowledgement before pressing his cock to Joe’s puckered entrance, collecting some of the lube onto his length and mixing it with the saliva and pre-cum still dripping from his earlier blowjob. Watching the man work, you timed your actions carefully and ground your pussy down into Joe’s mouth and stroked the head of his cock at the same time that Cherry pushed into him.
Joe let out a strained moan, his eyes rolling back as his grip on you tightened. You felt his mouth open wide as he sucked in some air, trying his best to hold it together until you came first. 
“There you go.” You picked up the pace and intensity of your handjob, making sure to make good use of your wrist and tug every little sliver of pleasure out of him. “You look like you’re really enjoying yourself. I hope you are . . . I just want to please my good boys.”
“Feels so g-good,” Joe breathed out, his mouth pausing its movements briefly when Cherry grabbed hold of his hips and started a quick and rough pace from the start. 
“Keep eating,” you encouraged him and immediately felt him suck your clit between his teeth before dipping his tongue into your hole. “Remember the task at hand, big boy.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” 
Looking back up at Cherry, you caught the devilish glint in his eyes and knew that a slew of disgusting, degrading things were circling inside his head—things that he would no doubt be saying if he weren’t currently gagged.
“Come here.” You reached out toward Cherry and unbuckled the leather gag strap from around his head, freeing his mouth. “I can tell your mind is working overtime. Tell us what you’re thinking, Kaoru.”
Stretching his jaw a little, Cherry smirked to himself as he pressed his fingertips into Joe’s thigh muscles and pounded into him hard and relentlessly. “You like that, Kojiro?” the words spewed from his mouth effortlessly; anything that came to mind falling from his tongue without a second thought. “You like when I fuck you senseless? Fuck, you feel so good around me. So tight . . . made just for me.”
Joe whimpered into your pussy and just barely caught himself before he stopped his ministrations yet again. 
“Gonna make you cum,” Cherry said, more of a threat than any sort of loving promise. “Gonna make you cum first and then you’ll have to be punished like you deserve . . . like you want.”
“Such a dirty mouth for such a pretty boy.” You placed your hand on Cherry’s cheek and caressed him softly. “Maybe I shouldn’t have ungagged you after all. What did Kojiro do to deserve such harsh treatment, hmm?”
A flash of jealously could be seen in his usually soft eyes. “He’s been given the privilege of making you cum with his mouth—of getting to taste you—and he’s squandering it by moaning and gasping like the little slut he is.”
“Well, if you wanted to taste me, all you had to do was ask.” You pulled him in roughly for a kiss, your mouths clashing together and tongues fighting for dominance. Cherry had always been harder to get to submit to you than Joe, but you didn’t mind because that meant he was just that much sweeter when he was finally broken and pleading for your mercy.
For a while, the three of you stayed like that; Cherry fucking into Joe harshly, you and Cherry making out above Joe, and Joe lapping, sucking, and kissing at your pussy in a desperate attempt to get you to finally cum.
You could tell Joe was close by the way his hips began thrusting up to meet the strokes of your hand, but he didn’t dare voice this fact in hopes to avoid Cherry’s vengeance. Just when you thought the buff chef was going to lose and cum first, he pulled one last trick out from his sleeve and pressed two large, calloused fingers into your soaked pussy while he sucked relentlessly on your clit with his mouth.
“Shit!” Your mouth fell open as you felt that familiar tension begin building in your core. 
“Looks like he might not lose after all.” Cherry smirked as he bit at your bottom lip. 
Pulling away from Cherry, you released your grip on Joe’s cock and planted both palms firmly onto his chest and began riding toward your high. “I’m gonna cum,” you gasped. “Good boy, Kojiro. Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop.”
The sounds Joe was pulling from your mouth and pussy at that point were nothing less than obscene, and as he added a third finger and grazed his teeth across your clit, you came undone. Fingernails digging into his chest, you ground your hips down into his mouth and let guttural moans escape past your lips. 
“Good boy,” you repeated again as you caught your breath, clit sensitive as Joe lapped up your juices like he was dying of thirst. “You can cum now, Kojiro. Let us make you feel good.”
“Thank you,” Joe babbled into your cunt. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Opening your eyes, which you didn’t remember shutting, the first thing you saw was the strained look on Cherry’s face. His pace was much slower and gentler now and degrading comments were no longer spilling from his mouth—he was dangerously close to cumming before Joe.
“Not so cocky now, are you?” You extended your hand and flicked a fingertip over Cherry’s nipple, drawing a staggering breath from him. “Remember, Kojiro gets to cum first. I know you can hold out, sweet boy. Hold out for me and I’ll reward you.”
While you encouraged him to not cum before Joe with your words, your actions did the exact opposite—the same way he had done to Joe. You flicked and pinched at his nipples and even trailed your hands down to cup his balls and play with them softly, just barely pushing him toward his release, but pushing nonetheless.
“Look at me.” You once again tilted Cherry’s head up to look at you, and once you were in his sights, you ran your thumb along his bottom lip. “Cum for me, Kaoru,” you moaned out as you pushed your thumb past his slightly parted lips, and just like that, he was ruined. 
“Oh, fuck . . . fuck me.” Cherry bit down on your thumb as his hips began to twitch on their own, thrusting into Joe at a haphazard speed as he ejaculated inside the other man. This action was all it took to push Joe over the edge as well, but the damage had already been done . . . Cherry had cum first. 
Joe let out a loud grunt as he came into your hand, his cum dripping down your fingers and onto his stomach while he arched his back and pressed himself further onto Cherry’s cock. The two men rode out their orgasms together, pushing into one another and moaning obscenities all the while. 
Lifting yourself off of Joe’s face and standing on your slightly unstable legs, you rounded to the end of the bed while Cherry collapsed on top of Joe, the two men fighting to catch their breaths. 
“Oh, Kaoru,” you tsked as you came up behind him, ignoring the fact that your own cum and Joe’s saliva were dripping down your inner thighs. “You broke the rules,” you told him as if he didn’t already know. “You leave me no choice but to punish you.”
“Please, no,” Cherry gasped out. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t do it . . . it felt too good.”
“I don’t want to,” you climbed onto the bed, wrapped your arms around him from behind, and pulled him out of Joe and back into you, “but what kind of example would I be setting if I just let you get away with disobeying me?”
Cherry looked up at you with fear in his eyes, his irises never daring to leave yours even when he felt your hands snaking down his sides. Then, when you gripped his cock firmly and gave a squeeze, the fear turned to pained arousal. 
“Please,” he choked out as you slowly started pumping him, overstimulating his poor, sensitive cock. “Anything but this, please. It h-hurts.”
“I know, sweet boy,” you spoke softly and lovingly. “But it won’t soon. I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”
You had half a mind to put the ball gag back into Cherry’s mouth but decided against it in favour of getting to hear all the desperate pleas he would soon be babbling on about. You had finally broken your pink-haired boyfriend and you were going to enjoy every last second of it.
“Joe, will you help me out here?” You enlisted the help of your other boyfriend, who up until then had been watching you work Cherry’s red, pained cock eagerly. “I think he needs something to fill him up. Something to distract him.”
Doing as he was told, Joe stuck his thick fingers into his mouth and coated them with saliva before pressing them to Cherry’s hole and slowly loosening him up with gentle prodding and massaging. 
“No, I don’t want to cum again,” Cherry pleaded. “Please, don’t.”
“But you were so eager to cum before,” you told him, swiping your thumb over the tip of his cock and watching it twitch in your grasp. “And you’re already hard again, so your body is telling me something else. Are you lying to me, Kaoru?”
Cherry shook his head feverishly. “No,” he answered, the one word response all he could muster as the feeling of Joe pushing his fingers inside of him took over his entire body.  
“Oh, good.” You smiled as you let Cherry’s head fall back against the bed before you moved to straddle him. “Because you know what happens to liars.”
Cherry watched you like a hawk, observing every movement you and Joe made. By then, he had stopped protesting and it was clear he was beginning to enjoy himself again, so you were forced to continue with the punishment. 
“Be a good boy for me, okay?” you instructed as you pushed your panties to the side and slowly lowered yourself down onto Cherry’s cock. “I promise your punishment won’t be all bad.”
As soon as Cherry had bottomed out inside of you, his hands snapped up to your hips and he held on with a death-grip. “So tight and warm,” he commented, head thrown back with pleasure. “You’re so good to me. I’m sorry I broke the rules. Please let me fuck you.”
Sitting still on Cherry, you allowed Joe to keep pumping his fingers in and out of the pink-haired man. “I know I said it wouldn’t be all bad, but if I let you enjoy yourself too much, what kind of punishment would that be?” you furrowed your brows at him. “No moving your hips. No matter what. I decide when you get to cum.”
“Yes . . . Ma’am,” Cherry struggled to get the words out, his arms and legs shaking while he fought to stay completely still.
Looking back over your shoulder, you locked eyes with Joe and reached back to pull his head toward yours and kiss him. “A little more help, Love?” 
“Whatever you want.” He obliged without hesitation and lined his once-again hard cock up with Cherry’s entrance. “My body is yours to do with what you please.”
“Good answer.” You kissed him again, and as Joe inched himself inside of Cherry, you began to rock back and forth on his cock. 
As much as Cherry tried to act big and bold in bed, you knew that what he really craved was attention, so his real punishment would be having the ever loving shit fucked out of him while neither you or Joe so much as spared him a sideways glance. That and a little bit of orgasm denial, and you would have him a blubbering mess in no time.
“Does that feel good?” Joe muttered into your mouth, pounding into Cherry harshly as if it were you he was fucking instead. “You like it when I fuck this tight hole of yours and claim it as my own?”
“Fuck me harder, please.” You increased your movements on Cherry’s cock, bouncing up and down as fast and you could possibly go, giving the man beneath you no time to adjust to the ruthless pace. 
Burying his head into your neck and kissing and biting the skin there, Joe wrapped his arms around you from behind and cupped your breasts with his large hands. Then, he began to lift you up and down and use his immense strength to push and pull you against Cherry’s cock, controlling your every movement.
It didn’t take long for you to begin to feel your second orgasm approaching, and you could tell Joe was the same way, but the main focus was Cherry and not letting him orgasm just yet. 
Turning your attention back to Cherry for a brief moment, you noticed that his face had gone completely red, his head was lolled to the side, and his mouth was hanging open. “Please touch me,” he begged as tears collected in the corner of his eyes. “I’m so sorry. Please let me cum.”
Just when you could sense Cherry was close, you and Joe stopped your movements altogether in tandem. Betrayal and defeat painted across his face, Cherry gawked up at the two of you. “Please,” he all but sobbed out. “Please don’t stop. I-I’m so close. Please.”
“Do you think he’s learned his lesson?” You consulted Joe. 
“Hmm, I don’t know.” Joe slowly dragged his cock out of Cherry’s tight hole before slamming back in, causing Cherry to cry out. “He wasn’t very nice to me . . .” he pretended to contemplate his answer, keeping Cherry on edge for just long enough, “. . . but I suppose he can cum now.”
“Lucky boy.” You turned back to Cherry as you started bouncing up and down on his cock once more. 
Seconds later, you could feel Joe resting his forehead against your shoulder as he cursed and muttered about cumming again. His hands gripping your waist tighter than ever, he gave a few more rough thrusts and bit down on your shoulder before cumming for a second time. 
As soon as Joe had pulled out and remained collapsed against your back, holding you for comfort, you turned your undivided attention back to Cherry, who still seemed to be struggling despite his permission to cum.
“Touch me,” he begged once more, tear-filled eyes pleading you with broken glances. “Please hold me. I’m sorry.”
You felt your heart crack just a little and let your domineering persona fade away while you lifted him into your arms and rode him lovingly and slowly toward both of your releases. “It’s okay,” you whispered into his ear while you ran your fingers through his beautiful hair. “You did so good for me, Karou. So good. You can cum now . . . cum for me, Kaoru.”
“Thank you,” he wrapped his arms around you and began to thrust up into you at wavering speeds and strengths. “ . . . feel so good, so fucking good. I’m gonna-”
You nodded in agreement as you pressed your forehead against his, your own orgasm just around the corner. “Me too,” you moaned, and with a few more thrusts and desperate words, the two of you came together, tangled in each other’s arms with Joe’s strength holding both of you up afterward.
When the only sounds left in the room were heavy breathing and the faint sound of skin against skin while the three of you caressed and kissed each other, you let yourself relax completely, suddenly remembering why you didn’t dom both your boyfriends very often—it was exhausting.
“Are you okay?” you questioned just like you did after every session, directing your question at both men but making sure to look Cherry in the eyes while you said it.
“Yes,” they responded in unison. Joe was still completely spent but Cherry had mustered up enough energy to return your gaze and nod slowly, his tears having dried up post orgasm and his demeanor steadily returning to normal. 
“I’m okay, I promise.” Cherry could tell you were a little worried and pressed a loving kiss to your forehead. “I’m a big boy. I can take it.”
“Good,” you sighed happily, “I love you both”
“Love you too,” they said together once more.
Sleep slowly taking over, you let your eyes flutter shut in the warmth embrace of your boyfriends. “As much as I want to stay like this forever, I think I need to take a long nap right now.”
And with that, the three of you fell back onto the bed, still tangled in each other’s limbs, and drifted off to sleep.
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krystal280791 · 3 years
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Artbreeder DoSaB Characters
I was almost forgetting to post these AI generated portraits I made in Artbreeder of (some) characters from the “Daughter of Smoke and Bone” trilogy! For some I’m not sure at all but oh well… ^^’
In order we have: Karou, Akiva, Hazael, Liraz, Zuzana and Mik! :)
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lemons-made-here · 4 years
Out of all the ouran boys who would be most into making their s/o squirt?
All those boys loves making you squirt,,, just in very different ways, 
Tamaki would make your orgasm so intense that it hits you harder than a train, making your brain go fuzzy for a moment in order to recover, expect many loving words and adoring kisses
Hikaru would make you squirt by making you cry, you’d come and again and again until it hurts, you’re so utterly sensitive that it feels like you’re core has fallen asleep with how numb it is, may it be with his dick, mouth and a toy Hikaru squeezes you dry every time
Kyoya gets you to squirt by a shear lack of cumming, he’ll take you to your edge over and over until you’re begging for any in exchange for your release, but then Kyoya keeps going. But when he does let you come, you’re too exhausted and weak to stop yourself from letting everything go
Takashi hits just the right spot no matter where or how you two are going at it, its a skill he abuses to be perfectly honest. It only takes a few minutes for him to milk each orgasm until you cum with a simple touch, he keeps you seeing stars and your legs weak for the next day.
Karou, well Karou doesn’t know how to hold back, every thrust is with all his might and rapid, when round one is finished you’re already trembling, and shades of back and blue are beginning to sprout on your hips, you’ve tipped over a couch and broken one too many tables to know that if you two are in the mood, you better get to someplace sturdy.
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jupitersnake · 3 years
he is found thrown out of himself -  heart racing       with bewilderment taut on youthful unknowing.    there he goes  skating with such speed it seems that he is a flash of light , and though he tries to count himself down to hold himself together  there is nothing in him that cannot say things are  as           THEY HAVE BEEN              and so he  misses his mark and crashes into langa. 
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"     langa  i am so sorry !!! @diutive​     "            he rushes to go  lift langa back up , checking his body once over to ensure he hadn’t done anything horrible  and  there is a tip in his mood now .        a  slow drag  of actions. so wholly humiliated              that  he rushes to hide himself within himself with a soft uneasy timbre scolding himself for his outbursts .          -           “        oh no ,  are you okay   ???    “
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cosmic-waves7 · 3 years
What I send before, Cherry blossom from Sk8 Infinity meets and fall in love with a mysterious male skater who is incredibly buff and is build like a tank and skates shirtless but has an extremely beautiful feminine face with silky long hair and beautiful eyelashes; has to wears a mask in order to hide it similar to Inosuke from Demon Slayer. And his personality would be extremely loud, has a very violent temper, has a bad attitude and cusses a lot, but secretly likes flowers, cats, and pups 🐶
Note: I'm so sorry for being late, also this kind of reminds me of shadow lol, anyway enjoy bub.
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Well you're quite the package deal, aren't you?
A little bit of everything.
With your loud aggressive but loving nature always nagging at Langa, Reki and Miya when it came to skating and other little things they came to you for advice on.
"I don't get this move."
You're kind of a lightly violent but encouraging parent.
Tough love really.
Okay so maybe the cussing and temper took a while to get used to since cherry is quite put together and a bit formal with his talk.
But he still loves you anyway.
It just took a while to get accustomed to your ''No-funny-business-or- I'll-fuck-you-over" attitude.
You bring out a bit of flare from him at times.
He's a bit more lively when you're around.
And races between you are always intense, you're both keeping count of how many times you've one upped the other.
He always gets a thoroughly enjoyed thrill when skating with you, it's almost addicting.
Everyone at S either ships you together or kind of just assumed you're togther.
Everyone's surprised about how you rub off a little on Karou in his daily attitude, it's subtle but it's there.
Oh you Kojiro and Shadow get along swimmingly.
You and Joe always compare muscles and butt-heads together jokingly.
At first you would both annoy each other by calling the other a copy cat.
"You're fucking copying my outfit, asshole."
"As if, I've been skating longer than you and I've always dressed like this."
It's all fun and games though and you race with him plenty, the crowd always goes wild for the both of you tank like men.
sometimes you even gang up to tease Cherry.
Joe is always the one who ends up scolded not you for some odd reason. 🤔
Kojiro's definitely gonna pick on Karou for this one, he's not letting him live his crush down.
Shadow's kind of taken you under his wing, you're both very much alike when it's skating time and he thinks you're mask looks sick.
Has even offered to to share drinks, which is obviously his way of abseloute life long friendship.
Don't worry you both go out to a pub eventually.
None of them ask about who you are even when in S, they found each other out of S by chance, personal knowing and the very weak disguises they have for skating.
Maybe the younger ones have pestered you about it a couple times but they know when to draw a line.
When they're off from skating no one can find you.
Only thing they can remember is your hair that would spill out of buns you'd put it in during races, other than that your face was fully concealed.
Cherry was completely enamoured and very curious on who you were.
He even tried asking Carla for more intel on you but came up with abseloutly nothing, you cover your tracks well.
So imagine his surprise when bumping into you for a random trip at an animal shelter. 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
The rest of the group, even you have been nagging him to get a pet since all who he speaks to at home is his AI.
You even told him you'd hook him up to a shelter you know.
Little did he know, you owned that very same shelter as well.
He caught onto who you were right off the bat, mask or not you aren't a person people can miss with your boisterously energetic confident nature.
The moment he walked in, Once glance at your face and he went stock still.
That couldn't be you.
He'd always thought that somone like you would have a slightly more firm face, maybe structured a bit sharper.
He can't say that the soft femininity didn't add a little charm to you. He honeslty thought your were still very much handsome, stunning to look at.
This man is whipped I tell you.
The moment you lock eyes he thought he'd see some form of surprise or fury but all he saw was recognition.
You knew he would be there.
You wanted him to see you.
Karou had never felt more honoured in his life, no calligraphy exhibition or skating race could compare to this feeling.
"Well, you're really late. Come on, I have a feeling you'll like kittens."
Well, this has taken quite the turn of events.
He definitely didn't expect to find himself sitting on articifial grass in the middle of one of the rooms where precious kittnens played and scratched at toys, with you across from him.
You had settled three sleepy kittens onto his lap that dozed off with their pink mouths opened adorably and their soft paws in the air.
It's like your personality completely switched, you were much more soft spoken with the little creatures, gentle and patient even if they scratched you, your usual demnour melted away to somone more soothing and maybe slightly silly.
There you were, cross legged infront of him and showing him how to bottle feed the furry little animal.
"Have you listened to anything I said."
No. No he hasn't.
He's to busy torn between swooning over you and being completely flabbergasted.
By the end of the little session you both had, he'd settled for the cute little runt of the litter which you we're very much proud of the choice.
"Everyone needs a bit of love, their strength shouldn't decide how much love they should be given."
And as you shooed off the receptionist off to a break to do the adoption paper work yourself, Cherry finally picked up the confidence for something he waited a long time to do.
"Want to go for coffee after this?"
This was worded much better in his head, he swears.
As he's thinking about all the ways you're gonna cuss him out and get him to leave the shelter, maybe even smack him, his jaw drops at your answer.
"About damn time Cherry." You hissed at him "You are so clueless. Forget coffee, pick me up at 7 pm tomorrow from here idiot."
What? (@_@)
"Also I prefer Carnations for flowers so get those."
You're just full of surprises.
Guess he's got a date tomorrow, and he can't wait.
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