batasmedia99 · 2 years
Surabaya Jadi Kota Pelabuhan, Kalimas Dipenuhi Perahu
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SURABAYA – Selain dikenal dengan sebutan Kota Pahlawan, Kota Surabaya juga dikenal dengan sebutan Kota Pelabuhan. Pasalnya, sebelum ada Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak, sudah ada lebih dulu Pelabuhan Kalimas.
Ketua Surabaya Heritage Society Freddy H Istanto mengatakan, Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak merupakan salah satu pelabuhan terbesar di Indonesia. Pelabuhan ini juga menjadi pusat perdagangan menuju kawasan Indonesia bagian timur. Posisi pelabuhan ini penting bagi lokal dan internasional karena letak geografisnya yang aman dan terlindung Pulau Madura,” ujarnya.
Freddy mengatakan, dulu kapal-kapal samudera membongkar dan memuat barang-barangnya di selat Madura untuk kemudian dengan tongkang dan perahu-perahu dibawa ke Jembatan Merah (pelabuhan pertama saat itu) yang berada di jantung kota Surabaya melalui sungai Kalimas. Karena perkembangan lalu lintas perdagangan dan peningkatan arus barang serta bertambahnya arus transportasi, maka fasilitas dermaga di Jembatan Merah itu akhirnya tidak mencukupi.
Kemudian Belanda menyusun rencana pembangunan Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak agar dapat memberikan pelayanan kepada kapal-kapal samudera untuk membongkar dan memuat secara langsung tanpa melalui tongkang-tongkang dan perahu-perahu. Akan tetapi rencana ini kemudian ditolak karena biayanya sangat tinggi,” jelasnya.
Selama abad 19 tidak ada pembangunan fasilitas pelabuhan, padahal lalu lintas angkutan barang ke Jembatan Merah terus meningkat. Setelah tahun 1910, pembangunan fisik Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak dimulai. “Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu pelabuhan Tanjung Perak telah pula membuktikan peranan strategisnya sebagai pintu gerbang laut nasional,” katanya.
Freddy mengatakan, pertumbuhan perdagangan di Jawa Timur pada akhir abad ke-19, juga mendorong pertumbuhan industri dan teknologi pendukung keperluan ekonomi yang bertumpu kepada ekspor hasil perkebunan dan pertanian. Maka memasuki abad ke-20, Surabaya telah menjadi kota yang menduduki peringkat kedua setelah Batavia.
“Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak telah memberikan suatu kontribusi yang cukup besar bagi perkembangan ekonomi dan memiliki peranan yang penting tidak hanya bagi peningkatan lalu lintas perdagangan di Jawa Timur tetapi juga di seluruh Kawasan Timur Indonesia,” jelasnya.
Dalam masa pembangunan ini, usaha-usaha pengembangan terus dilakukan oleh Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak yang diarahkan pada perluasan dermaga khususnya dermaga kontainer, perluasan dan penyempurnaan berbagai fasilitas yang ada, pengembangan daerah industri di kawasan pelabuhan, pembangunan terminal penumpang dan fasilitas-fasilitas lainnya yang berkaitan dengan perkembangan pelabuhan-pelabuhan modern. 
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diandiansthings · 2 years
Free live music - saxophone played so beautifully - on the Kalimas river 💖💖
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juergenfeytiat · 2 years
Auf Weltreise mit dem Dampfschiff „Fürth“
Auf Weltreise mit dem Dampfschiff „Fürth“
In Surabaya (Java) Titelbild: Soerabaya, Neuer Krahn am Kalimas, Ansichtskarte, Deutsch-Australische Dampfschiffs-Gesellschaft, Aufnahme undatiert, Karte ungelaufen, veröffentlicht 1913; eigene Sammlung „Ankunft zur See. Mit Dampfer der Koninklijke Paketvaart Mij. von Batavia dampft man, wenn im SO. der weiße Leuchtturm von Soerabaja in Sicht und der Lotse an Bord, durch das schwierige und sehr…
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herpsandbirds · 9 months
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Orange Oak Leaf (Kalima inachus), family Nymphalidae, Institute of Forestry, Pokhara, Nepal
Photograph by Arpana Khanal
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pestorik · 1 year
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they would be so powerful...
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blue-lotus333 · 2 months
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Our lady of destruction.
Re-drawing of Ravi Zupa’s “Mary-kali” art/print
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temiree · 1 year
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This illustration is the result of a YCH art auction I did to help RudyYEEN! Kalmia and RedactedOtter were the winners and are here depicted dressing up as our stream personas, with references to our streams on merch tables behind them. :D This was done to help get a quality-of-life surgery for his dog Nova, pay for potential repair costs for his VR headset, and take care of other odds and ends. He's been a great streaming mentor for me, and has helped me and my stream in various ways (as well as many others!), all without asking for anything in return. This was my opportunity to do something for him back. :3
Rudy's idea was for the art to incorporate a bunch of different references to our streams and stream personas, and my idea built upon that was for it to take place at a fictional con. :D
Thanks to generous bids from Kalima and RedactedOtter, and direct donations/subs/bits from many other kind people who participated in the stream, this was a major success. Thank you so much, everyone! <3
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islandnaturals · 1 year
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Oshun is an African Goddess that became popular over the past few years since black women have been diving deeper into self and as a result discovering African spirituality and how it can benefit us but there are so many other African Goddess who we can learn from and who ancestors like Nanny and Nzinga embodied. We can use them as a guide to tapping into feminine energies in a balanced way….a divine way. Goddess + Attributes: Yemaya ~ Nurtures, mother, defender Sekhmet ~ Warrior, healer, change Aja ~ Bush woman, heals, mystic Oya ~ Mystic, Oracle, protector Kai Ma ~ transforms, protects, revelation Inanna ~ love, creativity, transformation Oshun ~ sensuality, creativity, love Check out my new video femininity vs divine feminine energy. Link to youtube channel in bio. #divinefemininerising #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #femininity #femininearchetypes #goddessenergy #feminineenergy #goddess #sekhmet #yemaya #aja #oya #kalima #inanna #oshun #bastet #hetheru #auset #maat #nut #gaia https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLUi_xuAzj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ginkasei · 2 years
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it's my best friend's gotcha day today 🥺 she changed my entire life and im so lucky to know her 🖤 she's smart as shit, a dumbass, spiteful, loving, gentle, evil, and perfect. i love you beesee gorl 🖤
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uma1ra · 6 months
Here’s is a good dua to recite right after waking up.
Dua When Waking Up
It was narrated that ‘Ubadah bin As-Samit: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
‘Whoever wakes up in the morning and says upon waking: La ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in Qadir; Subhan-Allah walhamdu lillahi, wa la ilaha illallahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-‘Aliyil-‘Azim
(None has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, with no partner or associate. His is the dominion and all praise is to Him, and He is Able to do all things. Glory is to Allah, praise is to Allah, none has the right to be worshiped but Allah, Allah is the Most Great, and there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Supreme)
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shesnake · 8 months
I can't tell if ac mirage is Islamophobic or not
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vizthedatum · 7 months
I wrote a poem as a prayer for Kali pujo 2023!
jai Ma, why can’t it be easy?! (a Kali Pujo to Matangi) (2023)
jai Ma, why can’t it be easy?! to listen to receive to speak to finally know what I see?
please don’t let shame appease me. to mask to hide to project when I just want what frees me.
the echoes ease me. to believe to hear to trust to know you agree.
you are dreamy. am I? are you? what is? but a Devi?
I’m ready. to shed to grow to bloom openly.
ugly. to be to you to me lovely.
three. to us to them to me Shri.
- Rose the artist formerly known as she her Pri
~ গোলাপ্রী
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joanofarc · 1 year
secret whispers, swamp children (1982).
standing on a corner watching all the girls go by when you pass on by me, i feel like i'm going to die
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rivage-seulm · 6 months
Christmas Cancelled in Bethlehem
Last week, Christian church leaders in the city of Bethlehem announced the cancellation of traditional Christmas festivities in the place traditionally associated with the Jesus’ birth. And this for at least two obvious reasons. For one, the genocidal killings by colonial settlers in Palestine’s occupied West Bank have made it impossible for tourists to come to Bethlehem. For another,…
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gwythaint · 1 year
Northport doings
it has ben some months and a mild bout of Covid since my last set of updates, but thi gs have slowed down due to the work related loss of the player who ran Ulo the trollmaid, Jednesa the wrestling ogress, Jareth Mooncalled the cultist of the Elder Gods, Dilandua the shadow elf assassin, Stenet Fjall the dwarven Holy Warrior, and Benny Morales the dungeon saint of Hermes. All are currently being…
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huseyinurai · 11 months
What the future holds for Boris Johnson?
I spoke to Kalima Horra on al-Mayadeen about the future for Boris Johnson
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