julietario · 1 year
Eu me vejo um pouco em cada olhar que fito pelas ruas. Não por conseguir enxergar neles meu próprio reflexo. Mas parece que vivenciei juntamente à eles cada turbilhão de sentimentos que enfrentaram ao longo do dia. Porque além do dia ser feito de decisões, ele é feito de emoções. Eu sinto cada decisão minha correr pelo meu sangue. Às vezes me pego pensando o quê teria sido de mim se eu tivesse tomar uma decisão diferente... teria sido melhor? Será que eu errei em algum momento? Me equivoquei? Minha cabeça roda a mil por hora, sempre pensar no passado, no presente e no futuro. Dizem que é ansiedade, mas parece que eu só sou acelerada mesmo. Queria ter tudo sob meu controle, queria saber o certo e errado de cada decisão, queria saber o futuro que eu poderia ter ao invés do agora. Mas, a verdade é que eu não sei de nada, eu sigo nesse mundo tentando encontrar qualquer coisa que me desperte algo, que me guie para um caminho que eu sinta que talvez, apenas talvez, possa me mostrar quem é o meu eu verdadeiro. Acredito que entre todas essas emoções, pedaços de mim se agitam, como moléculas de um todo, ansiosos pelo sentir, viver e criar. Os arrependimentos e as inseguranças  vem na mesma intensidade, mas acho que isso me fez quem sou e não reclamo, mas há dias em que eu só queria que existisse um botão para diminuir a velocidade em que tudo passa, que vai acelerando meu coração até que eu fique perdida dentro de mim mesma
Escrito por Nathália, Isadora M., Grazi e Aline em Julietário.
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months
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real talk: lxl should continue to explore romance fantasy concepts in their songs. it’s clearly working for them~
#typical prince aesthetics in romeo/julieta and nonfan… and now historical rofan in meoto…#(and there’s also whatever’s going on in tsuki no hime but that has no mv :( sadge)#sorry guys i still have meoto on the brain pls suffer with me~~~~~~~~~#but mannnnn. i was struck by sudden inspiration for a meoto au a n d#well. ig now i understand why they skipped over the falling in love phase. romance is hardddd#i want to subscribe to the meoto expansion pack p l s i need to know what their deal is~~~~#bc man. how in the world did they go from complete indifference to promising to stay together forever hello#what happened???????? excuse???????????#man. m a n. ok i think im done for the night. i hope#LXL MEOTO CRISIS 2K24#(but if anyone here wants to get into the otome isekai genre in general… i recommend starting off with ✨s u r v i v i n g r o m a n c e✨#(it’s a great story and it’s still modernised enough to ease into the genre. and after that…)#(you can just go for the series with the most interesting premise/prettiest art/both tbh)#(though i personally recommend ✨the perks of being an s class heroine✨ ✨the villainess’s stationery shop✨ for milder content)#(and there’s also some series with both isekai and regression.)#(like they isekai after their 1st life in 20xx-> live out their 2nd life in the fantasy world -> regress to a point in their 2nd life)#(for that type i kinda like ✨i shall master this family✨ though ngl i’m mostly reading it bc i think the aunt is very pretty)#(a nd there’s the occasional modern regression story but that’s pretty soap drama-esque and the one i read got ridiculous at times lmao)#(but ofc the ones with less romance focus are fun too~~~~ like stories with multiple isekai-ed people for one)#(b u t i digress i think i’ll stop here before i lose the plot any longer ahaha~~~~)
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hey hey hey- Werewolf Pepa with Hunter Felix- Go ahead, go crazy, I know you want to-
OKAY THIS BITCH- we brainstormed this idea last night and i went FERAL lets GO????
"Bruno, it's your turn tonight."
"Ugh, we'll be hungry AGAIN."
Pepa grumbled. Ever since they were little pups, Bruno has never been a provider for the family. Sure, he could hear and see better than any of them combined, but what good is seeing if you take no action? Her mother glared at her as she sat at the table, scratching at the wood.
"Are you questioning my decision, Pepa?"
Pepa knew better than to cross her mother. Not only BECAUSE she was her mother, but as the leader of their pack, she was not meant to be questioned. Pepa scoffed, refusing to look at her glare.
"No, I'm questioning Bruno. The last time he hunted, he brought home a rabbit. ONE. I pick my teeth with rabbits! He should be called a werecat because he's such a PUSSY."
Cried her sister. The whole time, Señorita perfecta Julieta was cutting up the meat from their last hunt. Sure, they had normal food, but when the full moon rises, like it will in two days from now, only fresh, still pulsing meat sated them. Abuela patted her son's head upon seeing his pout. Most animals kick out the runt of the litter. Not her. If anything, she coddled him more BECAUSE he was so much smaller than everyone else.
"Your brother does his part, just like everyone else. Julieta can't go hunting, she needs to continue rationing what we have left."
"Then let ME go! You haven't let me hunt in so long, I feel like I have hay fever!"
"No. I know you. You will go into town and flirt with the men to bring home. It is too risky."
Pepa stood up from her seat, enraged. Did she like killing people? No. But humans tended to be so fatty and they lasted them MUCH longer than a hog or a deer.
"It gets meat on this table, doesn't it?! And I haven't been caught yet!"
Julieta leaned in a bit to her mother, slightly wincing.
"The lard from a real fat human could sate us for quite some time, mother. Not to mention it'd relax Pepa a bit."
Abuela sighed, before eventually relenting. So fucking easy for Julieta, she couldn't believe it.
"Fine. You may have Bruno's turn. You know the rules."
"Yeah yeah, don't get caught, check both sides of the road, be back before moondown-okay bye!"
She didn't let her mother finish her final thoughts before she went out the door. She peered down their giant hill, at the town below. They were so cut off from everyone else, only Abuela was really allowed down there for supplies. Time to get to hunting.
Ah the taste of failure. She was familiar with it. She stopped by a bar, hoping her looks would be enough to bring home a man. Unfortunately, it was slim pickings. Anything that flirted with her looked so thin, it'd make Bruno's catch look good. Everyone else was too drunk to get her flirts, much less stand up. She was happy to get a few drinks in at least, but she decided she should probably go.
That was when he walked in.
A big, thick looking man. Dressed in all black, he seemed to blend into the night. He had such a heavy gait as he walked in, the wood creaking under his steps, only stopping when he sat down, just a seat away from her.
"Beer, please."
His voice was...nice. Really nice. His stupid hat was covering what she could only assume was a tasty looking face. He pulled what appeared to be a notebook from his jacket, starting to scribble in it. She caught a glimpse of his his eye under his hat. Those rich brown orbs seemed to check her out, just for a second, before they looked at the beer he was just handed. She had his attention. Time to make a move. She slid over to him, casually as she could, before speaking.
"Hope you don't mind I sit here. You looked lonely, pobrecito."
He took a swig of his beer, before finally lifting his gaze up to her, letting her see his face. Oh. Oh he was handsome. A nice nose, facial hair that was just right for his sort of face, and a grin that hit her like a silver bullet.
"Such a nice lady you are, worrying about this poor stranger. I don't mind at all, Señorita."
"It's Pepa, actually."
"Félix. So nice to meet you, Pepa."
She offered him her hand, and his big, gloved hand carefully held onto it, bringing it to his lips, and kissing the back of it. Such a gentleman. A real handsome one to boot. She chuckled, taking the opportunity to snatch his hat, and put it on her own head. He looked so much more handsome without it.
"So, what is this poor stranger up to in a place like this?"
"Work related. Apparently this town has a bit of a pest control problem, that's where I come in."
"What? Gophers? I've seen plenty of those around, pesky bastards."
He chuckled at that, clearly amused.
"Something...bigger. But I don't want to talk about work. You're much more interesting. You from around here?"
Pepa nodded, raising her glass to have her drink replaced. Hey, she hardly got into town, why not have her fill?
"I am. I live a bit out of the way from here, but essentially I'm a part of the town. You aren't though, I can smell it."
He looked perplexed, and she realized she fucked up with her words. Thankfully, he seemed more amused than anything.
"I SMELL? Bad, or?"
"Oh no no no. Just...different. Maybe it's because I've already had a few,"
She accepted her hurricane. She WANTED a bushwacker or a mudslide, but hey, take what you can get.
"But let me ask. You got a ring under those gloves?"
He took off his gloves, revealing big, beautiful hands. Hands that had clearly done labor, but still looked so damn soft, she could sleep on them.
"Nope, clean. Could never find the right woman. Mi mami hates it, always trying to set me up with her friend's daughters. And once, her actual seventy five year old friend. Listen, I'm not into old women like that, but being called 'puddin' was flattering."
That made her snort, and something in his eyes told her that's exactly what he wanted. Tricky bastard. She liked him.
"Eh, I could never get married either. Could never find a man that could handle me."
Félix seemed to notice some music picking up in the background, and he got up from his seat, holding out a hand to her.
"Would you be willing to let me try?"
She shouldn't. She WANTED to, she LOVED to dance, especially with confident men like him. But she was tipsy, and he was cute. Unfortunately, common sense won, and she took a hold of his hand. It was so much bigger than hers, not to mention SO much softer than she thought they'd be.
"Yes. You may try."
He walked her to the dance floor, and immediately took a hold of her other hand, holding their bodies together. He was shorter than her, but with how warm his body was, she didn't mind it. He was going to gush when they tore into him. She took the lead, and to her surprise, he let her. He followed her as if he was her shadow, somehow knowing exactly when to move, knowing when to spin her. He laughed as he continued to match her steps, but somehow gave her the limelight.
"Damn mami, look at you GO! Is all that just for me?"
"Ha, you WISH, hombrecito!"
The song finished, just in time for Félix to give her another twirl, and yank her towards him. Hand on her lower back, just above her ass. All while he still held her hand, all while he still pressed his big, firm body against her own. Their eyes met, and for a moment, they were silent. The bar was still empty, but that didn't matter, she still felt her nerves bubbling inside of her. She could smell the nerves on him too, the sound of his heart pounding, his blood rushing. It was intoxicating. He gave a soft chuckle, just coming out with it.
"At the risk of being too much, it's a bit too late for a lady like you to be out at night. There's an inn right across the street, and I DO get lonely."
"Be blunt, I don't have time for riddles."
"Alright. I want to buy us a room. And I really, REALLY want to fuck the woman I'm holding onto right now. I want to break the headboard, and I want to make those pretty legs buckle for me."
Oh that voice. That tone. She should say no. Her mother would definitely tell her no. She SHOULD drag him up to her place for dinner. But she didn't want to share. Not with this new hunger she's experiencing.
"Then save my legs the effort. Carry me there."
She was practically giddy as he swooped her up bridal style. She clung onto him, kissing the side of his face, and muttering words dirty enough to make Satan blush. It made getting the room difficult, it made walking to their room difficult, but when he tossed her onto the bed, slamming the door shut with his foot, she didn't regret it. Not when he he took off his jacket and his shirt. Oh he was bigger than she thought. He had a bit of a gut, but he wasn’t unfit by any means. A mane of hair trickled from his perfect chest, down his gut, to the underwear. She knew it got even better downsouth, she just knew it. He put one hand on the headboard, while his other lifted her chin up for him.
"You should know, I'm not gentle."
"If you treated me gently, I'd fucking kill you."
"You're terrifying, anyone ever told you that?"
She let a hand run down his big, perfect body, reaching inside his pants. So much pubic hair, it suited that THICK cock of his. His face looked SO precious when he was touched. She wanted more. Wanted to see every single face her new toy could make.
"I've been called a lot of things. And right now, I'm your FUCKING mami."
She couldn't take it anymore. She leapt at him, and proceeded to consume him. Every. Single. Inch of him.
And he was the tastiest meal she's ever had.
She grumbled a bit as the weight of him standing woke her up. She watched him as put his pants back on, just now realizing what had happened last night. The taste of his cum still hung heavy in her mouth, and it was just as tasty as blood could be.
"Oh. Leaving already, hombre?"
"You're awake? Dammit. I was going to get us some breakfast. Usually I'm a hit it and quit it man, but...I like you, Pepa."
She chuckled as he leaned down to kiss her lips a dew times, much to her delight. She let her nails dance up his chest, ever so slowly.
"Hmmm...I AM hungry. You're off the menu?"
"Once I get us some food, I'll be right back on it ~"
He chuckled as he went to the bathroom, and she sat up, taking a look around. Clothes all over the floor, messy sheets, condom in the trash. Jeez, she hardly remembered last night. She just knew right now, she felt really, REALLY good. Even with all the hickies he left. Funny, the prey biting HER for once-
"Holy SHIT! Did you see what you did to my back?!"
She kept her breasts covered with her blanket upon him yelling, mainly as a panic response. She looked into the bathroom, and he had his back towards her, revealing HUGE scratch marks all over his poor skin. Ones her human form didn't make. Within a week of the upcoming full moon, werewolves tended to have these random spurts of energy, causing very temporary transformations. It happened last night it seemed, but they both DID drink a bit, so he probably didn't remember.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you hurt?"
"No no, I'm not mad or hurt or anything- I'm just saying! You did a number on me! You are a FIERY woman!"
She chuckled as he disappeared into the bathroom. He was so dumb. Head over heels for her already. But, she had a feeling she was no better. She looked around the bed, before grabbing his jacket. She brought it to her face, and sniffed. Oh, that smelled incredible. So rich and smooth, she swore she was going to take it home and rut against it like a bitch in heat. But something smelled...off. Something past his scent. She thought it was nothing, especially given how he came back out to grab it.
"Thank you. Now, what are we thinking for breakfast? Doughnuts?"
"YES. Chocolate ones. I LOVE chocolate!"
"Don't I know it~"
He grinned. He was about to put it on, when something fell from his pocket. A gun. She scooted away from it upon instinct.
"Why do you have a gun?!"
"Easy, easy! This is for my job!"
He reached for the gun off the floor, and sat at the edge of thr bed. She glared at him, smacking his shoulder in fury.
"You said you dealt with pests! What pests do you deal with THAT?!"
He sighed, before opening the barrel of the handgun, to show her the ammunition. Silver bullets. Her heart stopped in her chest, and she couldn't breathe. He knew that look on her face, and shrugged.
"I know, I know. Seems crazy. But it pays well, and I'm good at it. There was four different werewolf sightings here, so they called me. I was going to scope out the local scene last night, but then I met you."
Her hands felt clammy as he pulled out his journal, handing it to her. It was a horror story. Pictures of dead bodies littered his notebook, little tuffs of fur taped to the pages, and his handwriting littered the paper.
"H...how many h-have you killed?"
"Ninety-six. These last four are gonna be my hundred, so I'm taking it a bit personal. It's easy once you get their behavior. You just get them right where you want them,"
She watched as he aimed the gun into nothingness, pretending to fire it.
"Then shoot. I'm pretty good, I get the heart every time."
She turned the next page, and it got even worse. Pictures of them. They were blurry, clearly taken by some bystander. But it was them. Bruno, the runt of the litter, dark in fur and scraggly, his green eyes were a blurr. Julieta, stealthy, blue eyed, and black fur, she was amazed they got her, given that she was reclused and careful as she was. They even got her mother, big, gray, eyes blood red and looking like a hound straight out of hell. Then there was herself. Orange fur, her lithe (yet a bit bow legged) body was somehow caught on camera despite her speed, with her yellow eyes shining like a beacon.
"Hey hey, easy. Dont worry, ill protect you from the big scary monsters."
He held onto her face, and kissed her cheek. She didn’t have the heart to tell this big, beautiful man, that the monster in her eyes, was currently kissing her.
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Me, watching everyone react to the latest “How Bright You Burn (How Brave You’ve Been)” chapter:
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entre-tinieblas · 1 year
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Julieta Serrano at home
More #home
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julietas-basil · 2 years
I actually have two ideas:
1. A teenage Julieta having a fear of blood and when confronted with a deep cut (due to a careless butcher) she ends up frozen in place with a flashback detailing how she first discovered her fear. Luckily Agustin (her boyfriend by this time) is in the line that day and helps talk/guide her through it so she can heal the man.
2. I like to think that Julieta’s gift can’t fully heal something like a cold or flu, but rather just relieves the worst symptoms for a time. As for my prompt: Sometime post movie, A flu epidemic has been going around the Encanto for a time and it soon breaches Casita’s walls. For all this time, Julieta has been cooking pretty much nonstop trying to help everyone as best she can. So of course, she tries to push through when she starts getting sick herself, even if she knows her gift won’t work as well. Agustin (who miraculously has stayed healthy thus far) notices and confronts her. By then julieta’s fatigue and and burgeoning illness catches up with her and she collapses. She awakes in bed and she and Agustin have this touching and romantic conversation before she falls back asleep.
And I honestly wouldn’t say no to either of these being written into a fanfic 😉😉
Those ideas are marvelous and I want to write them down
For the first one the fear of blood would have many symptoms and julieta would just refuse to look at any severe cuts. Agusyin is hubby material of course he would comfort her right away.🥺😌
As for the second one I've had this hc for long but mainly genetic illnesses! Poor Julieta can't get a break🥺
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
When you can't draw on drawing applications so you just draw on MS paint:
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Have some more
"MICROSOF PAINT!?!?" Observer Mirabel yelled, Scrappy Mirabel running to a wall behind her.
"The last time I drew something on MS Paint, my classmates thought I was drawing a demon." Akuma mumbled.
Solaris looked at them, "It was a relaxing christian school, but you LITERALLY DREW HORROR ART WITH SCRIBBLES DO YOU WANT TO SCARE YOUR NEW SCHOOL?" She yelled, shaking the literal demon violently.
Hollow Julieta tilted her head, "Are those two drawings from Steven Univer-" "Smash." Shadow Facade interrupted.
"This is not smash or pass little one." "Fuck you."
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malerek · 1 year
Brand New YA Books [Released May 13th to 19th 2023]
Brand New YA Books is a Saturday feature showcasing all the Young Adult books released in the last week. If you are an author and want to see your book featured on this list, send me an email to [email protected] will all the details. PUBLISHED MAY 13th TO 19th 2023 Fake Dates and Mooncakesby Sher LeeGenre: Contemporary | Romance | LGBTPublisher: Underlined Release date: May 16th…
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zafirosreverie · 3 months
Bruno with a foreigner S/O
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a/n: for anon! Hope you like it
I think it depends a little on where you're from. Whether or not your culture is too different from his.
If that's the case, he would do his best to understand your culture first. He really loves it when you start talking about what you like or your childhood.
Your accent is kind of funny to him. He finds it cute and could spend hours listening to you without getting tired. He has the biggest heart eyes as he listens to you.
You're in charge of the telenovelas from now on! He will create the script, but he will definitely convince you to be the narrator.
He also consults you about your country and its customs to be able to make more variety of characters.
Introducing you to his family was quite an experience. Bruno knew you would be welcome at Casita without a doubt, he just didn't expect the enthusiasm.
First of all, you were the first person he introduced to his mother and sisters in...you were the first and only.
Alma was really happy, Pepa hugged you after threatening you and Julieta tried not to overwhelm you, but you could see the tears of joy in her eyes.
The children were less subtle. Camilo immediately mentioned your accent, receiving a scolding from Mirabel.
Dolores immediately grabbed your arm and began asking you questions, finding your way of speaking charming.
Isabela and Antonio asked you about the flora and fauna of your country and Luisa simply welcomed you, without wanting to make you feel more uncomfortable or axphyrized like the rest.
In the end, Bruno apologized for the fuss, but you assured him that you had a good time.
He begins to imitate your small gestures. He doesn't do it on purpose, he doesn't even realize it, but you do and you find it adorable.
The rest of the family makes an effort to make you feel included, Julieta and Félix invite you to share dishes from your country and Alma is really interested in your childhood.
Bruno really loves you and he's happy that you were able to open up his view of the world.
He simply loves being with you and learning everything you want to teach him (of course, you do the same, it's a reciprocal and beautiful relationship).
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
heyyy hello hello,
so I thought of a really cute ideaaa and I have been hooked on it since.
so you know how camilo always goes for seconds for food?, But like- what if he goes for seconds for kisses tooooo
like after you gave him a smooch he like- follows you till u give him another one?
"second smooches"
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— Camilo is known to always have seconds for food but when you come around he's always asking for second smooches
— fluff
— gender-neutral reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
— none
— hiiiii omg i'm sorry if this request was hella late but i hope you like itttt
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Whenever there was a celebration or fiesta being held in Encanto, the Madrigals were often invited. Mostly it's because they're one of the most powerful families in the entire town but instead, it's because they were incredibly lovely and good company. The Madrigals are known to be extremely bubbly and kindhearted so there wouldn't be a reason why someone would not invite them in the first place.
However, there is one particular member of the Madrigals that would consistently remain in everyone's memory. Aside from the eye-catching yellow ruana that he's often wearing and his dashingly charming presence and looks, the Madrigal is famously known to have a huge appetite. Especially during events that offered a ton of food.
Enter Camilo Madrigal, the second child of Pepa and Félix Madrigal, and one of Alma Madrigal's beloved grandchildren. Gifted with shapeshifting, Camilo wasn't easy to miss in Encanto. He's always helping around town whether it would be assisting townsfolk or playing with the children, he'd always have a helping hand. The locals found the boy extremely cheerful and endearing, Camilo frequently put on a dramatic show with his shapeshifting abilities. His family remarked that he was a natural-born performer.
Being a natural-born performer came with many perks, one of which was having a line of suitors and admirers. It was no denying that Camilo struck the hearts of many in Encanto, one could possibly find it hard not to fall for the Madrigal. Although despite having a hundred others waiting in line, Camilo only fell for one person.
It was one of the Madrigals' fiesta, of course, everyone was welcome to attend. There was music blaring and people dancing, others were talking, and the remaining went to get a bite to eat. Camilo was in the last category. His tía Julieta made sure to cook more than needed for people who had strong appetites like him. As he happily loaded his plate with seconds of food while his mouth watered, he happened to catch someone walking by.
And for the first time, Camilo stopped drooling over the food to look who it was.
It happened so quickly. His eyes meet [Eye Color] ones, his jaw went slack, and the beating of his heart went miles per second. It was you walking by with a generous amount of food on your plate, but he didn't pay attention to it. He was distracted by the way you were giving him a toothy smile.
"Coming back for seconds or should I say thirds?"
You mused at him. Camilo gulped, his face felt so tingly and warm but he knew what this feeling was. He chuckled and ran a hand on the nape of his neck.
"Being everyone's favorite performer sure does make me hungry"
"I figured. I'm [Name] [Surname] by the way"
"Camilo Madrigal"
Camilo confidently went in to grab your hand and kiss it. All of a sudden, he shapeshifts into you as if it would impress you. With a laugh, you grabbed his hand.
"Everyone knows the shapeshifter but I'm dying to know who he is beyond it"
"Then be my guest, amor"
It was that fateful fiesta that the two of you fell for each other. Camilo felt lucky to have met someone who appreciated him for him and not just his shapeshifting gift. After a couple of dates and dinner with both of your families, you and Camilo became official.
You and he became the constant talk of the town, both negative and positive. Not that it bothered you, all it mattered was that you were in love with Camilo. And Camilo cared less what the locals would say about you and him, he only focused on you.
The Madrigals have discovered something new about the shapeshifter after he started dating you. Not only does he go for seconds with food but with kisses from you. Dolores was the first to see it. Her brother was giggling with his lover after they gave him a kiss.
"Can I have another kiss, mi amor?"
He asked and you leaned in to give him another, he was giggling all over that it made Dolores roll her eyes and hide a chuckle. Mirabel also witnessed the act, she practically saw you and Camilo making out two times. Safe to say she almost gagged. Lastly, Bruno happened to walk in Camilo begging for second smooches in the kitchen.
"¡Por favor mi querida! Just one kiss"
"Mayber later, Camilo. Oh, hi Bruno"
"...Uh, I'll just head out and clean my rats"
Camilo was obviously the PDA type and you love him enough to grant his wishes for second kisses but you have the modesty to hold back, especially when there are a lot of people present.
On this particular day, Camilo was busy with his chores so he hadn't made any time to see you. But after diligently finishing all of his duties, he literally sprinted to your house to see you. The moment he knocked on the door and you opened it, he threw himself into your arms.
"¡Te he echado tanto de menos, [Name]!"
"It's been only hours but it feels like you're seeing me after a century"
"It felt like it"
You only laughed at your boyfriend's dramatic antics as you invited him inside. The two of you hang out in your room, talking and cuddling. Camilo was busy telling you random stories about his day as you contentedly listened to him blabbering. After that, Camilo started giving you that look. He was giving you puppy dog eyes and a pout.
"Yes, my darling?"
Camilo giggled and puckered his lips and you knew what he wants. You shake your head and lean in to give him a small kiss on the lips. His mood bursts with energy after you kissed him. Suddenly, your parents call for you downstairs and you had to pause the cuddling session. Camilo followed you down the stairs as you were instructed to do some quick chores. The shapeshifter followed you around the house like a lost puppy until he gave you that look again.
"Not now, Camilo"
"Later, after I finish my chores"
The boy didn't quit following you all over the place nor dropping that pouty look. As you finished your chores, Camilo excitedly bounced over to you with gleaming eyes. You put your hand on your hip and shook your head.
"You really won't stop until you get second smooches?"
"Never. I'll follow you to the end of the world if it means I get my second smooches"
"Ay, you're so stubborn, Camilo"
With that, you grant him his second smooches and he literally jumps all over the place, honestly, you wouldn't get tired of giving him a second round of kissing if it means seeing him this happy and adorable.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-died-inside ...join here
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
Extension of the Rock band au- 
I can’t stop seeing Julieta with a Marie Antoinette aesthetic. It fits her vibe to me for some reason. Agustin is more of a 1920 - 30’s aesthetic. He just seems like he would like that kind of aesthetic. 
Maybe Julieta has a small bakery with a royal aesthetic? I can honestly see it. The stuff she makes has a fancy cuteness to them. Agustin works as a newspaper editor and helps out at his wife's Bakery. 
Luisa works in construction (might be an architect) but is a major coquette girlie in her free time. 
Felix light academia.and is a weatherman for the local news (He’s loved for his personality. He makes everyone at his job laugh with his jokes).
Dolores is a lovecore girl- I’m not arguing with anyone. I don’t really even see her with any other type of aesthetic. As for a job, she’s learning how to be a music teacher. 
As for Antonio, I don’t think he’s found his aesthetic but I would go with more kidcore themes. Also, when he’s older (teens maybe) he’ll study to be a veterinarian but does hyper pop music in his free time. 
LETS GOOOO AESTHETIC MADRIGALS FOR THE WIN‼️‼️ I think the aesthetics fit and so do their jobs <333 uhhhh I did Bruno cause idk. I think he’d be a clock maker idk 🌚💪 Julieta does wear more casual clothing, but I did what she wears at work lmaoooo
The stark contrast between Pepa and Felix is so funny, and I bet his coworkers ask is that really his wife when they see pictures of her, especially when she’s preforming lmao
Then they learn his mother-in-law is Alma
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julietario · 1 year
Engraçado como sempre fico esperando alguma coisa me quebrar em pedacinhos. Tudo estava bem - claro que uma coisa ali outra ali -, mas eu estava bem, estava superando as perdas e as despedidas que não existiram. Estava seguindo em frente. No meio do meu "seguir em frente" e "recolher meus cacos" deixados por quem não me valorizou,  você chegou, como quem não quer nada e agora é tudo, que eu penso, que eu quero, com quem me preocupo, ser intensa é difícil demais, não quero te sufocar com meu amor, mas não quero que pense, nem por um segundo, que não estou aqui por você. Não quero continuar na defensiva, colocando meu coração numa redoma como forma de proteção, porque desde que você chegou, sinto que algo mudou. Eu fico te observando me venerar e penso: como pude me submeter a certos tipos de relações no passado? Sempre te olho com medo de um suposto fim, não quero me auto sabotar como sempre fiz. Quero curtir nós, mesmo que o relógio acelere desenfreado quando estamos juntos. Quero suas piadas sem graça, mas que te fazem gargalhar tão alto, que eu acabo achando graça. Quero você me mandando memes todos os dias, quero você chegando do serviço e me contando sobre o dia exaustivo, eu quero nós e não quero o fim. Por mais que você me prove, dia após dia, beijo após beijo, o quanto se importa comigo, o quanto me acha incrível, bem no fundo ainda fico esperando que alguma coisa aconteça e faça com que você mude de ideia em relação a mim, em relação a nós. Acho que eu sempre tive tantos medos de dar errado, sempre ouvi algumas coisas que ainda ecoam em minha cabeça que o medo de você sair correndo quando conhecer a verdadeira eu que vive aqui dentro, me prende de te mostrar o meu melhor. Mas não tenha medo, na verdade, me mostre que não tem medo. Se atreva. Se jogue em meu mar, mergulhe fundo em toda essa minha intensidade e diga que gosta dela. Me deixa te fazer feliz, me deixa te mostrar o que ninguém nunca viu, me deixa te levar onde ninguém foi ainda. Me mostra que toda essa minha intensidade não é um empecilho para você sair correndo e assim eu poder de coração aberto, alma livre… Te entregar o meu eu, minha alma para você.
Escrito por Aline, Anelise, Paula e Bianca M. em Julietário. 
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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congratulations happy to the art club trio on this blessed day
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Random Headcanon Dump #3
All about neurodivergence and mental health.
I’m happy to go into more depth for each individual character (how they cope, what helps or triggers them, etc), if people are interested. But those will most likely be separate posts and/or asks.
Alma has C-PTSD from losing Pedro. Alongside Survivor’s Guilt.
Pepa has GAD, Autism and ADHD. She also experienced Dermatillomania in her teenage years.
Bruno has Autism and OCD. He also has Seasonal Affective Disorder in his later years. He also experienced Trichotillomania when in the walls.
Agustín has Dysgraphia and Dyslexia.
Isabela has ADHD. She also has Dyslexia.
Dolores has Autism and struggles a lot with sensory overload, especially APD. She also has Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety Disorder.
Luisa has Autism. She also has Panic Disorder.
Camilo has Autism and ADHD. He experiences Trichotillomania. He also has Dyscalculia.
Mirabel has PTSD from having Casita collapse on her.
Antonio has Autism. He also has Selective Mutism.
And Julieta, Pepa, Bruno, Isabela, Dolores, Luisa and Camilo have all experienced some kind of Perfectionism, Burnout(s) and Gifted Kid Syndrome because of their gifts and the subsequent pressure they faced. Not sure if it necessarily counts, but I felt it was relevant to mention.
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uchiha-hemy · 8 months
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Sasusaku como Romeo y Julieta 🥰
✨𝕮𝖗𝖉. 𝕬𝖗𝖙.:https://x.com/vdoujins02?t=tdN2j7mcQkVQrf1rH8DLWQ&s=09
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entre-tinieblas · 1 year
MI quierida  señorita (a semi spoiler frame)
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