#jon: takes the kids out to dinner and tells them his door is always open
wearerandomlyyours · 1 year
*Wakes up in a cold sweat*
Tom was the strict Dad and Jon was the fun Dad on the set of Maverick.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Daughter Of Superman, The Adopted Son Of Batman...What Could Go Wrong? PT. 1
Jason Todd x Kryptonian!Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3.8K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I totally forgot about this one! If you like how cute and fluffy it is, just wait for PT. 2! It gets angsty >:) -Thorne
They were pretty lazy teenagers when they weren’t busy saving the world with super speed, strength, and smarts. Even if their textbooks were spread all over his bed they were still too lazy to actually do their homework, instead scrolling through social media apps and trolling all the citizens of San Francisco about the identities of the Young Justice Team.
She glanced up from the advanced calculus textbook and stared at the boy laying across her thighs. “Tim, isn’t your dad hosting a gala this weekend?” he hummed in response, and she asked, “Are we allowed to come?”
He didn’t bother looking up from the tablet he was tapping at and nodded. “Yeah. Bruce already added your names to the list, (Y/N).” a flicker of a smile came over his lips and he added, “Of course I had to wear him down in order to get Bart on the list.”
She looked over at their speedster and grinned. “I’m kinda surprised Bruce actually let you on the list Bart.”
A shocked expression etched across his face and he questioned, “Why do you say that?”
(Y/N) shifted Tim’s head, smiling as he grunted from being moved, and rose from the bed, walking over to the minifridge. She pulled out a soda before jumping back on the bed. “Because between you, Tim, Conner, and me, you’re the one who gets us into the most trouble.” She shifted Tim’s head back into her lap, petting his hair until he smiled.
“I do not!”
“Oh really? Do you remember prom night? It’s been almost two years and they stillcall us and talk about the absolute mess we—well, you caused.”
“That cake wasn’t there when I started running, I swear!” he pointed at Tim. “Tim it wasn’t! You know that!”
The others cackled at his protest, and (Y/N) glanced at Conner. “You gonna bring M’Gann?”
A faint pink tinged his cheeks, and he shifted his gaze down at his physics textbook. “Uh…maybe.”
(Y/N) leaned forward, poking his cheek. “Your heart’s beating pretty fast, little brother.”
He swatted her hand and glared at her. “Shove off.”
She snorted and glanced at Tim. “What about you, Timbers? You going to go with Stephanie?”
“Steph and I aren’t dating anymore, (Y/N).”
“For now. But you two like each other.” She smiled and singsonged, “She’s your first love~”
“What about you?” Tim scowled. “Who’s your date?”
She grunted at him and laid flat in the bed, Bart’s legs under her back. “Are you kidding me? You know my dad won’t let me get a boyfriend, let alone a date to a gala for a night.”
“You’re nineteen, (Y/N). I think you’re allowed to start dating.”
“And my parents help pay for part of my utilities. Does it look like I’m going to do anything to tip that delicate balance of not having to pay for all that?” she sighed. “Dad’s always been that way when it comes to me.”
“Daddy’s little girl.” Conner grinned.
(Y/N) grunted and reached over, shoving Conner off the bed. “Don’t call me that. I am not a daddy’s girl.”
The others laughed at her and Tim quipped, “Yes, you are. You two go on father-daughter dates every month and take pictures to show everyone.” She glared at him and he smiled, continuing, “Maybe we can find a date for you at the gala.”
“You can try. But mom and dad are going to be there. If dad sees me with a boy, he’s liable to lose his mind.” The others laughed again, and (Y/N) rested her head down on Bart’s lap. “I need a dress, Timmy.”
He glanced over at her and tapped a few buttons before showing her the screen. “How does this look?”
(Y/N) took the tablet from him and looked over it, taking in the image of the navy-blue dress. “I like the color, but this is a Cinderella dress. Give me something not as…poofy.” He nodded and took the tablet back, tapped on it, then handed it back to her. “Hmm…too booby.” The other two boys giggled at her answer and Tim sighed, taking the tablet again.
He handed it back to her once more and she looked at the dress. “Mermaid silhouette…sheer side…strappy back…” She glanced up at Tim and nodded. “Got a pair of shoes to match?” He hummed and she grinned. “Then I’ll take it. Thanks Timbers.” He nodded once more, and she nudged Bart. “Oi Allen.”
“Don’t run into the cake at the gala, okay? It’ll probably cost more than you.”
“It was an accident! Stop bringing it up!” The others simply laughed at him.
***At The Kent Farm***
“Mom! Dad! Jon! I’m home!” She shut the door behind her and turned, catching Jon who’d launched himself at her. “Kid you’re getting too big to do that.” He laughed at her and she let him down, ruffling his hair. “Where’s mom and dad?”
“Out back with Krypto.” He tugged on her sweatshirt. “Did you bring me anything from the tower, sissy? Did ya? Did ya?”
(Y/N) snorted and rummaged in her pocket, pulling out one of Tim’s crimson shurikens. “Tim gave this to me to give to you.” She handed it to him but held it when he reached for it, “Do not,” she warned firmly, “cut yourself with this or mom and dad will make you give it back after they finish tearing me a new one for giving it to you.”
“I won’t!” he promised and she watched his eyes light up in wonder when he took it. She ruffled his hair once more before walking towards the backdoor.
She stepped outside and saw her dad throwing a ball with Krypto, her mom watching from the back porch; she walked over and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Hey, mom.”
Lois glanced up at her and smiled. “Hey, sweetheart. You’re home early.”
(Y/N) nodded, sitting down beside her. “School let out for the week, and we didn’t have any missions from the Justice League, so I figured I’d spend a few days here instead of cooped up in the tower.”
“I’m glad you decided to come home, hon. It’s always nice when you come back.”
She looked up and saw Clark walking towards her. “Hey, dad.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Hey sweetheart, how were the boys?”
“They’re good. We did our usual thing.”
Clark sat on her other side. “Collapse on Tim’s bed and lay around like lethargic teenagers?”
(Y/N) snorted and shoved his shoulder lightly. “We were productive young adults. We finished over-break assignments and reports. Well…mostly. Still got that thirty page physics paper I have to write but…I’ll let that stew awhile.”
He chuckled. “Anything else happen today?”
“Talked about the gala this weekend.” She paused. “You guys are coming too, right?” They nodded and (Y/N) laid back on the porch, pulling out her phone. “Ugh…I remember how badly the Wi-Fi sucked out here. I don’t have any service at all.” She looked at her mom. “I don’t how a journalist like you manages to live in the middle of nowhere like this and still stay sane.”
Lois snorted and thumped her leg. “It’s called satellite service. Now c’mon, let’s go inside. Dinner should be done by now.” (Y/N) rose from the porch and they all began walking in when the sound and feel of rushing air came over them. She and Clark immediately spun, ready to defend themselves when they saw Conner hovering in the sky.
His eyebrows were drawn in slight concern. “(Y/N)! We need you!”
She nodded, shucking off her sweatshirt and pants, revealing the blue suit underneath. The crimson cape billowed around her and she glanced up at him. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve got simultaneous bank robberies all over SF. Bart and Tim are already on the first few. I came to get you.”
(Y/N) turned to her parents. “Rain check on dinner guys.” She turned in the direction of San Fransisco, eyes darting wildly as she viewed her teammates positions. After a second, she nodded. “I’ve got em, Bart’s on the east, Tim’s on south. You take north and I’ll take west.”
He nodded and she shot up from the ground. They were almost in San Francisco when her father’s voice reached her. “Be careful, (Y/N).”
She curled her fists when the bank doors came into view and responded, “Always am, dad.”
“The dress looks fine, (Y/N).”
She glanced up at Tim who was smiling at her; she let out a sigh, letting go of the side strap she’d been tugging, still semi-uncomfortable with how it fit. “I know it does. But I feel like it’s still a little…grown up for me. I’ve never had a dress this open in the back or the sides since…ever.” The boys laughed and she smiled at Bart and Conner. “I forgot how well you two cleaned up.”
Bart pulled at both sides of the bowtie and winked at her, while Conner merely grunted, “I still hate tuxedos.”
“You’re definitely going to hate the long hours of your wedding then.” They laughed once more, and the car pulled around the venue.
Tim looked at them and grinned. “Show time, lady and gents.” They followed him out of the limo, grinning at the cameras as they walked inside.
Immediately, the view made her eyes go wide and she gaped. “Damn…this place is…really big.”
Tim shrugged nonchalantly, “I dunno, the ballroom in Wayne manor is bigger, but definitely more expensive.”
Bart shook his head. “Tim, my dude…we live on minimum wage not a billionaire’s salary.” (Y/N) and Conner simply nodded, still dumbfounded at the sheer size.
Tim rolled his eyes and looked around. “There’s Bruce and the others.”
She glanced in the direction he was looking and she saw her parents with Bruce. “Looks like mom and dad are busy chatting.” The others nodded and she turned to Tim. “What exactly are we supposed to do at a gala?”
“Have fun?” (Y/N) heaved a sigh and stared at him until he said, “You dance and drink and eat. That’s all you do.” He waved his hands. “Go knock yourselves out.”
They started to fan out when (Y/N) called out to them. “Wait!” They paused, turning back around. “We should go talk to Bruce and tell him thanks for inviting us.” They nodded and followed Tim over to Bruce.
He saw them coming and turned, holding out his hand to her. “Good to see you, (Y/N). You look wonderful this evening.”
Her cheeks warmed at the compliment and she smiled, giving his hand a firm shake. “It’s good to see you too, Mister Wayne, you don’t look too bad yourself. Thank you for inviting us to the gala.” The others shook his hand, and she turned to her parents. “Hey mom, dad.”
Lois walked around her and squealed, “You look so beautiful!”
(Y/N) cleared her throat, feeling her cheeks warm as the others smiled in her direction. “Mom…chill out, you’re embarrassing me.” She merely laughed but stepped back over to Clark’s side and (Y/N) looked around. “Bart have you—and he’s already at the buffet table.” Snickers sounded behind her and she sighed. “I’m going to make sure that the bottomless pit doesn’t devour all your food before your guests can eat, Mister Wayne.”
They watched her walk off and when she got over to the table Bart was standing in front of, she saw him shoving food in his mouth. “Oh my god…Bart, what are you doing?”
He turned to her, and swallowed, a sheepish smile crossing his face. “I haven’t eaten anything today,” he licked his thumb clean. “I’m hungry.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and sighed. “Just try not to eat your fingers, would you?”
He snorted and pointed to an appetizer. “You should try the pigs-in-a-blanket. They’ve got this sauce on top that’s just—.”
A low voice cut him off. “They have pigs-in-a-blanket! What!” They turned to see a young man a couple years older than them reaching over. “The old man’s never had something this plain at a gala.” He popped one in his mouth, then turned to them. “You’re Timberly’s friends, right?”
They nodded and (Y/N) gazed, something about him tugging at her mind. “I know you from somewhere.” She stared into his teal eyes and suddenly she remembered where she knew him from; she’d never forget those teal eyes and how angry they’d been. “You’re Jason Todd, aren’t you? Bruce’s second son.”
He grinned. “That’s me. Have you and I met before? I have to agree with you, because you look really familiar.”
(Y/N) glared at him and crossed her arms, spitting. “We met in the Hall of Fallen Titans three years ago.”
Jason’s eyes briefly widened, before they narrowed in amusement. “You’re the one who threw me out the third story window after I kicked Timber’s ass.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about all that, doll. Timmy and I are good now. You can ask the speedster about it.”
She continued to glower at him until Bart leaned over, propping his chin on her shoulder. “He’s telling the truth, (Y/N). Tim told me a while back that he and Jason are brothers now.”
Jason nodded and she finally stopped glaring at him. “Just so you know Jason, I can still throw people out windows.”
He smiled and held out a hand, watching her place hers in it; he brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, doll.”
Bart poked her side and grinned. “I’m gonna go see Tim and Conner. I’ll leave you two alone.”
He wandered off and (Y/N) pulled her hand back. “So, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”
Jason chuckled. “Oh, I was. I got better. We just made up a story about me getting lost, yadda yadda yadda, I’m not important.” He propped his elbow on the wall above her and grinned. “But what is important, is how pretty you look in your dress.”
(Y/N) cocked a brow. “Is that supposed to flatter me?”
“Is it not?”
“It could be a little better.”
He laughed and she found herself smiling along with him. He nodded towards the balcony. “Wanna get some air?”
She nodded, and they walked out into the night. (Y/N) gazed up at the stars and sighed in wonder. “There’s billions of them out there…I’ve never tried to leave earth and go search for them on my own.”
Jason leaned on the railing and gazed at her. “How come?”
(Y/N) shrugged, leaning against the railing too. “Dad’s full Kryptonian…me and Jon are, to use a less than favorable term, half-breeds.” She paused. “I’m not sure if I would survive like dad does out in space.”
“Won’t know ‘til you try.”
She huffed a laugh and looked at him. “If I’m wrong, I might die.”
“And if you try and you’re right, you won’t be dead.”
She shook her head at him, a smile playing at her lips. “You’ve got answers to everything, don’t you, Jason?”
He grinned at her. “I find that being sharp and witty helps with the crowds, doll.” The music sounded from inside the ballroom, and he stepped back, offering her a hand. “May I have this dance?”
(Y/N) rested her hand in his, feeling him pull her close, his other hand resting on her lower back; it was warm against her open skin and she cleared her throat. “I should warn you, I can’t dance to save my life.”
A cocky smirk crossed his lips and he leaned down, his lips brushing her ear. “I can take the lead, doll…all you have to do is give it to me.”
“Your flirtations need work too.”
Jason chuckled in her ear, making her shiver as he pulled back. “I don’t think they do.”
“Arrogance isn’t attractive, Jason.”
“It isn’t.”
“I heard you the first time, doll.” As they swayed to the music, he asked, “So, how’d you and Nerd-bird become friends?”
“We met through Conner.”
“The clone?”
“My brother.”
“He introduced the two of us, and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“Only friends? Nothing more?”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to smirk and she looked at him. “Are you asking because you want to know if there’s competition?”
He stopped moving and they stood still, her in his arms. “Just want to know if there’s anyone between me and first place.”
She huffed a laugh. “God, you’re something else.” Her eyes found his and she asked, “Do you want to get out of here?”
Jason nodded and stepped back, holding out his hand. “Where do you want to go?”
(Y/N) smirked and stepped forward, closing the distance he’d created, and wrapped an arm around his waist. His teal eyes widened, and she looked back at the party; no one noticed them, and she turned back to face him, “Up, up, and away.” They flew upwards, and she felt him latch onto her. “Why are you acting like I’m going to drop you, Jason?”
He made a waring noise in his throat. “I have a friend who’s an Amazon, and she is…very fond of throwing and dropping me.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Sounds like we’d get along spectacularly. She likes dropping you…I like throwing you out of windows…”
“That was one time. And you caught me when I was off-guard.”
“Uh huh, sure. You got your ass kicked by a sixteen-year-old and I think you’re just bitter.”
He grumbled at her. “Rub it in, why don’t you, doll.” She laughed and lowered them down; their feet hit the roof and he looked at it. “Wayne Enterprises? Why?”
She shrugged. “Cool tower…nice view.” She took a seat on the ledge, listening to him sit beside her.
He leaned over. “Almost romantic…don’t you think?”
(Y/N) eyed him, seeing a goofy smile on his face; she snorted, shoving him lightly. “You’re cheesy.”
“So I’ve been told.”
She glanced back at the water. “You know if this goes anywhere, my dad and your dad aren’t going to be happy.”
Jason snorted, nonchalantly replying, “Doll, there’s a few things I’m afraid of in life. Superman and Batman…are not those things.”
“Is that arrogance or confidence I hear coming through?”
He shrugged. “Probably a bit of both.”
(Y/N) smiled, then she felt his hand rest on hers, letting him link their fingers; she turned her face to him. “Is this the part where you tell me I’m beautiful and ask to kiss me?”
Jason grinned. “No, this is actually the part where I tell you you’re drop dead gorgeous…can I kiss you?”
She giggled, leaning in, and just before his lips brushed hers, she whispered, “You know I can kick your ass, right?”
He groaned. “Should I mention that strong women really do wonders to me?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and brought her free hand up, curling in his shirt. “Shut up and kiss me, Jason.”
“With pleasure.” His lips met hers, and she felt him bring his hand up, cupping her cheek. She pulled back ever-so-slightly, but he chased her, pressing his lips to hers again. He let go of her hand and brought his other hand up. He lowered her down until (Y/N)’s back was flat against the ledge; the chill from the stone made her arch her back off it, and press into his chest.
Jason pulled away slightly and smirked at her. “Cold?”
She rolled her eyes at him. “If you want to keep making out, jokes aren’t going to do the job.” He snorted at her and leaned forward again, intent on kissing her senseless when someone cleared their throat, startling them.
They sat up quick as lightning, turning in the direction of the sound. “I wondered where my daughter had flown off to.”
“Oh my god,” she hissed and covered her face with her hands. “Dad. C’mon…seriously?” Clark stepped onto the ledge and walked towards them.
Jason leaned down, whispering, “Is he going to throw me off the ledge?”
This made her giggle despite trying not to and she shoved him. “Shut up, Jason.”
He grinned at her and rose from his position, standing in front of her father. “Mister Kent.”
“That’s my daughter.”
“Oh, I know it is. I still remember how she threw me out of a building a few years ago. I get teary thinking about it.”
The corner of Clarks mouth rose, but then dipped back down, and (Y/N) stood up. “Dad, I’m nineteen. This whole, ‘daddy’s little girl can’t date’ bit, is getting old.” A hurt look crossed his face and she stepped forward, taking his hand. “To you, I’ll always be your little girl, dad. But sooner or later you’ve gotta come to grips with me dating and having…mature relationships.”
Clark held her gaze, then glanced at Jason who grinned and gave a thumbs up. “Does it have to be one of his kids? I mean if it’s going to be, I like Tim.”
“Ew, gross. Tim’s my best friend.”
“What about Dick?”
“Nice butt, but he and Kori are dating.” She paused and smiled at him. “The only one left is Jason, dad.”
Clark eyed Jason once more, then Jason offered, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m slightly afraid of your daughter.”
He sighed. “Thank you, Jason. I can tell.” Turning to her, he cupped her cheek. “It feels like yesterday I was bringing you home for the first time.”
“Dad…stop…we don’t need sentimentality right now.”
Clark hummed and smiled at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead; he turned to Jason and leveled him with a hard look. “I don’t think I need to warn you about what happens if you make her sad.”
Jason gave him a mock salute. “Chances are I’ll be in ICU after I was thrown out a building.”
“Oh my god. Let that go.”
They laughed, and Clark rose from the rooftop. “I’ll need to get back to the party. Don’t do anything crazy.”
They waved him off and (Y/N) turned to Jason. “Do you want to get something to eat?”
He nodded. “There’s a pizza shop down the block from here.”
“Sounds great.” (Y/N) rose a few feet off the roof when she heard a cough behind her.
She spun around and looked down at Jason. “Doll…I don’t know if you know this…but I can’t fly.”
“Whoops. My bad.” She lowered back onto the rooftop and held out her arm.
He walked into it and wrapped an arm around her waist, then tipped his head to her. “Up, up, and away.”
(Y/N) snorted as she rose. “You’re still cheesy, Jason.”
The grip on her waist tightened as he murmured, “I know.”
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: a kid appears in the past, claiming to be yours.
♡ pairing: jon kent (superboy) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “I will follow you way down, wherever you may go. I will follow you down, to your deepest lows. I will always be around to wherever life takes you. You know I’ll follow you.” 
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes 
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✨  you were walking in with Damian, blabbering about something that he could have cared less about as you approached Jon. the two of them had to head over to the Batcave to talk about a mission that went sideways a few days ago and you were too bored to not tag along with them. 
✨  while you weren’t much of an active hero, you did get called in from time to time to help the Titans or Jon when they needed it, so it wasn’t a secret to you about their identities. Jon more than Damian was more opened to tell you who he actually was and you found comfort in the idea that he trusted you that much baggage. 
✨  “what are we gonna do later? i’m not really in the mood to be going home. everyone has been getting on my nerves lately.” you asked the pair. Damian rolled his eyes as Jon smiled, “you can watch movies back at my place! i’m sure my dad wont mind,” he said with a small blush. 
✨  Damian wanted to groan, feeling the strong sense to cringe at Jon’s foolish attempt to ask you out on a date. you agreed, hugging the taller boy as he fell stiff at the touch. Damian groaned but this time out loud. you gave him a look before dismissing him. 
✨  all of you arrived to the cave, greeting Alfred before heading down to the cage. you had offered to make yourself and the boys coffee while they talked in the cave. Alfred was making small conversation about how your day was and if Damian was doing alright in school. while he knew Damian was smart, he knew in social settings, he wasn’t the greatest. 
✨  finally, you finished making all of their coffee’s and put them on a tray before heading downstairs. you heard noise from the top of the stairs and being careful with the coffee, you zoomed downstairs to try and figure out what was going on. you set the coffee on the small table outside of the cave and opened the door to see Jon and Damian basically fighting someone around the cave. 
✨  you looked at the girl, who looked no older than nineteen, trying to save her own ass as her eyes gleamed red. once you caught her attention, she immediately ran to you, “MOM! THANK GOD!” she yelled. Jon without hesitation ran to protect you but the girl beat him to you and engulfed you in a hug. 
✨  “first off, I’m not your mother and I have no idea who the hell you are,” you screamed as Jon and Damian took her off you. Damian restrained her as you and Jon looked at her, “who are you and who/what sent you here,” Damian threatened as he took the pocket knife he had in his sock and put it against her throat.
✨  “I’m Lois Kent, daughter of ( your name ) and Jon Kent,” you looked at Jon before you started laughing hysterically. you tried to calm yourself down as Lois continued to explain herself, “I’m from years into the future. I was sent back in an accident by Uncle Damian and my dad,” she yelled, trying to get Damian to release her. 
✨  Jon, who had yet to speak word, bent down to her height, “why should we believe you? you very well could have known our identities and made up a stories to ambush us,” Jon said. “run a DNA test if you’re so concerned,” she replied. you gave Damian and Jon a look as Damian asked you to grab her while he called his dad and even Clark to come down to the cave. 
✨  “we can start on the DNA before our dads get here but until then, you’ll be restrained to the chair until we get the results,” Damian practically spat as he grabbed ropes and cords before sitting her down on Tim’s computer chair, “you have a lot of nerve making up such a story,” Jon whispered to her as she groaned, “you make up some crazy story pretending to be our kid and even giving yourself my mothers name to make it even more believable.” 
✨  she sighed, “I’m not lying! I was working on a project with Uncle Damian and you when Uncle Damian accidentally opened up a portal that sucked me back into the past,” she explained, “you named me after grandma because you always said you’d name your first daughter after her.” Jon remained silent, knowing what shew as saying was true. Jon, years ago, made a pact that he would name his daughter, if he had the opportunity to have one, to name her after his mom. 
✨  “and why should we believe you? outside of the DNA test, how can you prove that,” you said walking up to the both of them. she sighed, happy that she was no longer getting lectured by Jon, “I know that you asked mom out after a movie date. the song both of you claim to be ‘your song’ is ‘Follow You’ by Imagine Dragons and that you used to sing it to me as a baby,” she confessed. 
✨  you immediately looked to Jon and stood in disbelief. both you and Jon loved that song and always sang it whenever he picked you up to hang out. “dad always tells me that he always thought you were too good for him and that you deserved to be with someone else but you always end up smacking him in the back of the head when he says that. plus, you always said that you love his small accent,” she continued. 
✨  before you say anything, Damian grabbed three small tubes and asked all of you to spit in them. Damian watched the three of you spit in the tubes and in the back of his mind, he could start to see the similarities in Lois’ facial features and they looked eerily reminiscent to you and Jon combined.  
✨  “our dads should be here soon but until then, don’t make a move!” he yelled before moving back to lab and computers. you sat next to Lois as Jon continued to question her, “how old are you?” you asked her, “seventeen. you guys always say i look older than i am. say, since I’m in the past, how old are you guys?” she asked. you looked to Jon, “we’re also seventeen but we’re not saying anything else,” you stated. 
✨  finally, Clark and Bruce walked in, pure panic written on their faces. Clark and Bruce saw the three of you sitting down together and almost immediately, Clark could sense she was a Kent. given, she looked like both you and Jon, she did have some facial features that looked like Lois. 
✨  “have you ran a test? Bruce asked Damian. he nodded as he showed the three tubes on the table as the spit was being ran through the system, “she claims that her name is Lois. named after his mom,” Damian murmured. Clark felt the pang in his chest. if the DNA test rang positive that she was your kid, he felt proud that Jon named his daughter after his mom. 
✨  you got up from your chair and grabbed the coffees from the table outside, “here, the coffee was supposed to be Damian’s but I’m sure you could use some,” you offered it as you held the cup in front of her with a straw sticking out. Lois smiled, taking a sip, “it’s nice seeing both of you so young. dad always says both of you had me so young but he doesn’t regret a single thing,” you gave her a look, “how young do you claim we had you?” you asked. 
✨  Lois laughed, “well, if you’re seventeen now, expect me to be here when you’re both nineteen.” Jon let out a belting laugh as you stood in your chair mortified at the answer, “nineteen? that’s two years from now!” you whispered to yourself, “I mean, both of you are already married by then,” she continued to say. 
✨  Jon now stood mortified what she was saying. he hadn’t even confessed his feelings to you yet and two years from now, both of you were married with a kid on the way? as you both were talking to her, the results pinged up on the screen, alerting Bruce, Clark, and Damian. 
✨  the three of them looked at the screen in surprise. she was telling you the truth. the DNA matched closest to you and Jon. Clark couldn’t even lie to himself, seeing his feature granddaughter made him emotional. she looked happy, healthy, and beautiful. he was glad Jon had chosen you to be his wife. he always thought you were the perfect fit for his son. 
✨  “the results are in,” Damian screamed to the three of you. you looked to Jon in nervousness, “you’re the parents,” Damian said, now a bit more seriously. Jon looked at you as you had tears in your eyes, “you’re our first daughter?” you whispered to her as Lois now had watery eyes and nodded in agreement. 
✨  Clark walked over and smiled at the three of you as Lois perked up, “grandpa!” she yelled as you started to untie her. as soon as she was let free, she engulfed the three of you and smiled, “it’s weird seeing all three of you so...young!” she repeated. you smiled, “say, that’s Uncle Damian right?” she asked. you nodded as she released all of you.
✨  “GODFATHER!” she yelled, running to Damian. Damian flinched as he heard the name. Bruce couldn’t help but start laughing. he never imagined Damian getting such a title.....like ever. “do you think we’ll have to try and send her back or do you think future us will do that?” Jon asked his dad. “I’m sure all of you in the future are going to figure that out. until then, I guess enjoy time with your daughter?” 
✨  you walked over to Lois, “well, we should get you something to eat. Bruce mentioned that Alfred finished cooking dinner so I guess as parents, you need to eat,” Lois agreed as she walked over to Jon, “weird that they have kids,” Damian said, “don’t forget you’re her godfather,” Bruce mentioned. Clark laughed at the banter as they followed you three. 
✨  over the course of dinner, Lois kept mentioning small parts of her childhood and how all of you turned out. Damian had a kid but had yet to marry the woman with whom he had them with. Bruce as well had found someone down the line to marry and had one more kid after Damian. 
✨  after the dinner, all of you landed in the living room, trying to figure out a way to get Lois back home but within those few minutes, the same portal that brought Lois into the past reappeared. you and Jon stood up immediately, grabbing Lois and putting her behind the two of you. 
✨  three figures stepped out. the future you, Jon, and Damian. all of you were much older than you were now but as soon as your future self saw Lois, you ran to her and engulfed her with a sigh of relief, “I swear I’m never gonna let you do any experiments with Damian and your dad,” you whispered as future Jon and Damian stared at their younger selves. 
✨  “hey dad,” future Damian and Jon said nervously. the two of them shook their heads in disbelief as they gave them slight head nods before leaving before it got any weirder. Jon looked to his younger self, “have you asked her out yet?” he asked. young Jon shook his head no, “don’t worry kid, you will. I’m sure she told you already but don’t worry, life gets so much better with her,” older Jon said as he looked to you and Lois. 
✨  your older version looked to you and smiled, “the movie date both of you have is one you won’t ever forget. trust me, Lois and Jon are the best thing to happen to us. just don’t be scared when you get surprises in a few years,” you joked as you took Jon and Lois’ hand. 
✨  Damian had been staring down his older self down, probably judging and figuring out ways he could improve himself now so he wouldn’t look like that in the future. Lois gave you and Jon a hug, “I’ll miss you guys but like I said, we’ll see each other soon,” she whispered as you nodded and tightened the hug. 
✨  the four of them walked back into the portal as Damian sat down on the couch with relief, “well, don’t yall have that movie night to get too?” Damian said grabbing the remote and insinuating to get out of his house. you flipped him the middle finger as you grabbed your backpack, “you still wanna?” you asked Jon. 
✨  Jon nodded, “of course, we can pick up dinner on the way,” Jon said as he stared at you with heart eyes. now that he saw the future that was ahead of him, he knew this ‘movie night’ he asked you on was a major point in both of your lives and he didn’t want to miss it.
✨  after telling Damian goodbye, Jon grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it, “horror? or comedy?” he asked softly, “horror!” you said back excitedly. 
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
And Many Happy Returns
part 2 of my sequel to Inseparable, my childhood friends au. part one here.
Tuesday dawns quicker than Jon imagined it would. 
It’s not one of his best days. First of all, tomorrow is Martin’s birthday, which already has him antsy and distracted. Second, he keeps losing his train of thought whenever he talks to Martin and he’s definitely starting to think something’s up. Third, he’s gotta tell him he can’t play today.
“I’m going to the store with Nan tonight, she wants me to help pick out the groceries,” he says, tearing his sandwich into bits and trying to maintain eye contact with Martin. Nan always thinks he’s lying when he doesn’t meet her eyes. “She says I’m too picky cause I won’t eat anything she gives me.” That’s true, though she wouldn’t remedy it by letting him pick out his own food. She’d just let him go hungry.
“You should eat it anyway,” Martin says, his brow furrowing in concern. “You’ll never grow tall if you don’t eat dinner.” He sounds like one of those TV adverts on the kid channels. Jon has to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
“It’s fine.” He shoves a bit of sandwich in his mouth. Martin worries too much, and not about the right things. He’s going to make sure Martin has a worry-free birthday. Even if it means making him worry extra today, which kind of cancels it out. He tries to remind himself that feelings aren’t math, though it sure would make things a lot easier if they were. Emotions are messy and Jon doesn’t always understand them.
At the end of the day Martin parts from him reluctantly, and Jon tries not to let it bother him. I’ll make him very happy tomorrow. It’ll be worth it. He drags his feet a bit on the walk, taking twice the normal amount of time to get home. By the time he opens the door, his nan’s already there, putting her purse over her shoulder.
“C’mon then, child,” she says, not sparing him a glance as she slips into her shoes. “Don’t dawdle.” Jon follows suit, throwing his backpack haphazardly on a pile of shoes and bounding out towards the car. He’s usually not a fan of car rides with his Nan; she doesn’t like to play music and she isn’t a fan of Jon’s ‘incessant chattering,’ so they can get pretty boring. This time, however, he’s too distracted to let it bother him, and before he knows it, they’re pulling into the car park. 
Nan insists on doing her shopping first, so Jon has a lot of time to stew. What if they don’t have what he wants? What if they’re all out of cupcakes and Jon has to get him some sort of cookie? What if he has to get him an oatmeal raisin cookie? That would be a disaster. Martin likes them, but they’re just so boring. 
Jon almost breaks out into a sprint when they finally reach the bakery section, but a sharp tug on his arm stops him. He takes exaggeratedly slow steps to the far right counter, where he can spot the birthday cakes and a small selection of cupcakes. Jon’s eyes scan over the rather limited options until he finds it. The perfect one.
He taps on the glass emphatically. “That one. The one with the orange icing.”
His grandmother leans down beside him, her mouth drawn in a disapproving frown. He hopes she hasn’t changed her mind- usually if he behaves, she’ll follow through on her promises. And Jon’s been very good, except for the whole almost-running thing. 
“Are you sure?” She points to a different one to the right, with boring blue icing and dumb baby sprinkles. “The blue one’s much nicer. Orange, it’s such an odd color for-”
Jon stamps his foot in outrage, a move that’s sure to get him in trouble later. “Martin’s hair is orange and it's fantastic! It has to be this one.” He pauses, well aware of the consequences of a tantrum and tacks on an insistent “please.” 
It gets the job down. She gives him one last exasperated sigh before motioning to one of the people behind the counter, pointing at Jon’s choice. He bounces on his feet as they wrap it in a nice little box and Nan carefully puts it in the seat of the cart. “Thank you thank you thank-”
“Alright, that’s enough.” But she’s giving him a little smile, and doesn’t even flinch when he throws his arms around her waist. “You’re welcome.” He gives her an extra good squeeze.
Almost there!
And finally it’s Wednesday. The big day. Martin’s day.
He’s spent all of last night fixing up his present, looking at it with a critical eye. He thinks Martin will like it. He hopes he will. Nan had given him the cupcake and told him to make sure he handled it very carefully, lest he get icing all over everything.
Jon’s not stupid. He can handle one cupcake.
At the sound of Martin’s voice, Jon shoves the box into his backpack.
“Happy Birthday!” he shouts, throwing his arms around Martin and squeezing him tight. Martin’s wonderful at hugs, but Jon can give very good ones if he puts his mind to it. Martin pauses and it takes a few moments before he eagerly returns it.
“Y-You remembered!” Jon looks up from his spot in Martin’s sweater (it’s very soft) and resists the urge to scowl. There’s no scowling on people’s birthdays. 
“Of course. You only told me a few days ago.” He reluctantly parts from him and gives him a lookover- Martin’s not wearing anything special (besides the sweater, a nice light blue), he doesn’t look any different. Jon expected him to carry himself with a different air, like he’s seen older kids do. But eight year old Martin looks the same as seven year old him. Unless he grew a centimeter or two overnight, as children are wont to do.
“I figured we could go to the park after school to celebrate.” Jon resists the urge to dance on his feet as Martin gives him a shy smile. “Well, not the park but the little clearing behind it- you know, the one where we found the headless doll-”
There’s a little path in the sparse woods nearby, where Martin and Jon like to go when the weather is nice. It’s as warm as it could be, and Jon made sure to clear the twigs from the area beforehand so it wasn’t so messy. He’s got a picnic blanket and everything.
“You don’t have to go through the trouble, not if you don’t want-”
“Martin,” Jon sighs, giving him a level look. “It’s not trouble if it’s you.”
His friend’s face immediately goes red at Jon’s words, and he opens and closes his mouth a few times before he manages to speak. Martin gets like that when he’s flustered, though Jon has no idea what he said to cause it. 
“I-I would like that, I think.”
Martin keeps shooting him shy smiles all day and Jon can’t keep still, he’s too excited! He’s almost tempted to give Martin the cupcake at lunch (he checks his bag- still good!), but he also brought a little surprise with that, and he’ll definitely get in trouble if they see him at school with it. Still, it takes everything in him not to just celebrate now. By the time the bell rings, Jon’s already out of his seat, tugging at Martin’s hand. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t throw you a party,” he says as he practically skips his way to the playground, Martin huffing alongside him. “But you know how Nan is, and I don’t really know who we’d invite. Better it’s just us.”  They bypass the playground and the few children on it until they make their way to the clearing. Some new twigs must have fallen since his visit on the weekend, and Jon impatiently kicks them aside and throws his backpack to the ground, rummaging through it. Martin stands patiently beside him, watching as he pulls out a ratty blanket and spreads it out on the grass with a flourish. He plops to the ground and pats the spot next to him, gesturing for Martin to sit.
“And for the last bit…” he digs around in his bag, pulling out the small container. The cupcakes gone all crooked and some of the icing’s smeared, so Jon turns that edge towards him. “Tada!””
And Martin just stares.
He’s starting to get nervous. Jon’s gotten good at figuring out Martin’s expressions, but this one is just plain weird. It’s just a lumpy cupcake and Martin’s staring at it like he’s liable to break into a million pieces. Jon’s starting to think he’s done something horribly wrong.
“You don’t like it?” he asks tentatively, starting to pull back. “Should I have gone with the blue one? I thought you liked orange-”
“I do.” Oh no. Martin’s voice has gone all squeaky and breaky, like when they read that book where the dog died at the end. “It’s just- It’s very nice of you. You didn’t have to-”
“Of course I did.” Jon says as soon as he realizes where this is going. “But here, hold this- I’m not done.”
“Not done?”
He digs around in his backpack again and pulls out the small box of matches he’d stolen from the cabinet and a tiny, single candle from some ancient cake pack. Nan had plenty of them, to light the cigarettes Jon’s not supposed to know she smokes. He’s seen her light them with ease, so it shouldn’t be that hard.
He turns and opens the container, still in Martin’s hands, and sticks the candle right in the middle. He takes the matches and tries to strike them against the black bit, fast and quick like his Nan does, but it only succeeds in breaking the match in half.
“Oops. Hold on.” He tries again to no avail, this time flinging the bent match to the side. Three. Four. Five more tries, and he’s starting to get real frustrated and embarrassed. He’s almost eight, for crying out loud. He should be able to light a match.
“Um, here. Let me.” Martin gestures for the pack and Jon reluctantly hands it over, taking the cupcake instead. With one smooth, easy motion, Martin strikes the match against the stripe and Jon watches in awe as it easily lights.
“It’s not that hard.” He places it against the candle and shakes it out in his hand. He pauses for a moment, staring at the lit candle like he doesn’t know what to do.
“Well? Make a wish!”
“O-Oh! Right.” Martin closes his eyes, clearly concentrating real hard. So hard, in fact, that the wax is starting to melt a bit and Jon worries he’s forgotten to make a wish. A few more seconds pass and Martin blows it out gently. Jon would clap if his hands weren’t full. 
“Eat it!” he demands, and Martin complies, a smile on his face as he takes a hesitant nibble and nods in appreciation. “But I would like one bite, please. I want to know how orange tastes.”
Orange ends up tasting mostly like white and pink and all the other colors do. How boring. Martin seems to enjoy it, though, judging by the icing smeared across his face. He should’ve brought napkins.
“I, um, I also got you this,” Jon reaches into his backpack to pull out his actual present- it’s a bit crumpled, bent at the corners, but it’s managed to stand up pretty well in his backpack. Doesn’t even have any pencil marks on it! Martin seems to like his pictures, always keeping even the silliest of doodles, so he decided he’d give him a whole bunch at once, that way he can get a bunch of smiles from Martin. He threw away his more amateur attempts- he’d tried to draw just Martin, but the arms kept coming out real wonky so he decided to go with his busier drawings, so Martin wouldn’t be able to see how bad he was at proportions.
“It’s got a book cover and everything,” he explains excitedly, holding it out to Martin but not exactly letting him touch it yet. He’s not going to understand everything unless Jon walks him through it, obviously. Martin hovers near his shoulder looking weirdly nervous, so Jon sidles up to him.
“Here’s us at school, at our tree, in the library- oh! This is just a page of dinosaurs. I used that book from the library as reference. It’s got really good pictures. I think they turned out pretty well, don’t you?” He points to his favorite one, a purple brontosaurus (he’s never seen any purple ones in the books, but it’s a very nice color). 
“Y-Yeah,” Martin replies, leaning further into his side. Jon likes when he does that. He can be pretty hesitant about touches, but he doesn’t need to be. Not with him. “It looks really nice, Jon.”
“Thank you.” Of course Martin would like it. He was so silly to worry. “And here’s that time you kicked that ball at Marcus- and here’s that dog I hate- and here’s our house-”
“Our house?”
Jon blinks, turning to look up at Martin. “Yeah. For when we’re big.” Martin continues to stare at him with big, bright eyes, like Jon’s an alien or something. Weird.
“A-Are we married?”
“Um, maybe.” Jon hadn’t really put much thought into that. He just supposes that when they grow up, they’ll get their own house. Well, first a flat in London, but then they’d get a big place when they were rich. Jon’s going to work with dinosaurs at a museum, there’s definitely money in that. They have to pay you a lot because the bones are so big. And Martin...what will Martin do? Firefighter, probably, on account of his height and his arms. Or maybe a doctor, since he’s so good at putting on plasters. 
I suppose we could be married. He’s not sure he ever wants to give Martin a kiss or have babies or anything like that, but it would be nice to have someone to hug on a permanent basis. He doesn’t want to get married in a church, though. The last time he’d been in one was during his mum’s funeral, and he thinks he’ll cry if he has to see a cross.
“I haven’t thought about it,” he decides; he doesn’t want to dash Martin’s dreams, since there’s still a distinct possibility it’ll happen. It just makes sense. “But you would have to get me a very shiny ring with lots of colors. None of those boring clear ones. Okay?”
Martin gives him a very good smile. “Okay.”
They spend a little bit more time going through the rest of the pictures- Jon explaining each one, and Martin nodding as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Martin’s very good at giving people his undivided attention. When they’re done, Martin hugs it to his chest like it’s something precious and beams.
“Thanks, Jon. I- I really like it.”
“Oh, good.” Jon tries not to let it show how much this pleases him, looking away from Martin’s beaming face even as he bounces a little on his knees. “I’m glad. I can make you one next year. And the year after that. All the years, really. I can’t wait for us to grow up and do lots of things together.” Now that Martin’s seen all his pictures and predictions, they need to start doing some planning, the two of them. They’ve got a good ten years before they graduate, and he wants to do some stuff in between.
“I can’t wait to drive everywhere like my mum does,” Martin says. Martin has a preoccupation with that, Jon noticed. Most kids are fine with bikes but Martin wants a car, he wants to go far places. Like Scotland, even. And you need a car for that. The thought of being behind the wheel fills Jon with anxiety.
“I don’t think I’m going to drive, ever,” he announces, plopping down beside Martin. “Cars are so big. I don’t know how I’d control them.”
“Mum says it's not that hard,” Martin says. “And once, Dad let me drive in his lap. Only a little bit, though. I think I can handle it.” Jon can very easily picture Martin behind the seat of a car. It’s just something he looks like he can do. 
“And don’t worry,” he continues. “I’ll drive you wherever you need to go. It’ll be fun.” It’ll definitely be an improvement over car rides with Nan. But anything with Martin is an improvement, he makes things fun just by being there.
“I guess. But I want to go on adventures,” Jon says emphatically.  “I want to go on a train ride around Europe. Visit all the museums and gardens and castles. We can do that together.”
“Go out and see the world, then?”
“Yeah.” He looks over to Martin, sitting there on Jon’s dirty little blanket with his present tucked against his chest and a far off look in his eyes, smiling at Jon like he’s hung the moon and suddenly they’re not in this stupid little clearing in stupid little Bournemouth, but somewhere else- a grand forest in Germany, or a field in France, or a cottage in the country. The world out there is large and scary and full of things he doesn’t understand, but he’s not alone anymore, fantasizing about adventures he’ll never have and places he’ll never go. He’s got Martin, now, and he makes the world a little more familiar, a little more safe.  His fantasies don’t seem so far away anymore. 
This is why people have friends, Jon thinks. It’s one thing to have a home and a family. Or a Nan, like Jon has. But when you have a friend, it’s like having a whole nother family. And when you see them it’s like coming home, even if you’re not at your house. And you’re not lonely or homesick cause even a dingy little clearing or a forest or a castle can be home, as long as you’re with them. 
“Jon,” Martin says, his voice interrupting Jon’s musings. “This is...really nice. Thank you.”
“I’m glad.” Jon beams, nudging Martin’s leg with his foot. “I wanted you to have a good birthday. You’re my best friend!”
“I’m your only friend,” Martin corrects, though his face blanches as soon as the words come out. “I mean, you’re my only friend too, so I don’t have much room to talk.”
“Well, I’ve got you. I don’t need anyone else.” Jon rolls his eyes. He likes this whole friend business, but he doesn’t think he can handle another one right now. He’s got enough on his plate as is. 
“Yeah,” Martin says, nudging Jon back with a smile. “Neither do I.”
They spend the rest of daylight there, talking. Jon even offers to go on the tire swing, though the last time he threw up in his mouth a little. Martin declines with a knowing smile, and says he’s just fine sitting here. Jon thought he’d want a bit more excitement, but he’s willing to go along. It’s Martin’s birthday, after all. And the talking isn’t so bad. By the time they leave, they’ve got enough plans for the next twenty years. Martin’s hesitant about university, though, so Jon’s going to have to sell him on that one. He’s not going to share a dorm with some stranger when he’s got a perfectly good, perfectly smart friend who ought to be in school. 
On the walk back to Martin’s, they’re mostly silent. Jon knows Martin isn’t going home to a celebration, or a mum that’ll wish him a happy birthday, but he hopes today more than made up for it. He stares ahead for a few moments before he takes Martin’s hand.
“Did you have a good birthday?” Jon asks. He hates needing constant reassurance like this, but sometimes it’s better to just come out and ask instead of worrying all night.  “I haven’t planned a birthday before, and I’m not as good as a mum or dad at it, but I-”
“Jon,” Martin says, turning to him with that very good smile, one that Jon will try and fail to recreate in a hundred more doodles. “This was the best birthday I’ve ever had.” He sounds like he means it, like today was enough and Jon did a good job. He beams in response.
He thinks his mum would be proud.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599192/chapters/76194152
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: Dick loved how you took care of Damian, maybe he would love it with his own kid too
Warning: fluff, Damian being adorable, nightmare. 
A/N: “I’m too young for a child” ~ me to myself everytime I’m ever writing about having a baby
GIF not mine
Word count: 1.7k
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Everyone knew that Dick was Damian's favorite brother.
He was the only one that Damian could tolerate for long periods of time and the only other person besides his father that he would trust with his life. Dick was the person that he could confide in when he felt like he could turn to no other.
So, when he got a girlfriend, Damian had gotten jealous. He was jealous that their time was being taken away for you and that Dick was cancelling plans because he wanted to spend time with you. Damian didn't like you before he even met you, you were an inconvenience to his life without even being a part of it.
You and Dick started dating shortly after you met. It was an instant click between the two of you and you felt like you could be yourself around him. He treated you well, gave you affection, and he genuinely cared for you. He made you realize how shitty all of your exes were to you. Things were going great.
Damian met you after nearly eight months of dating Dick. You met the rest of his family at one point or another but he was the last one. He was spiteful towards you, unwilling to meet because of simply existing in his mentor's life. However, as soon as he saw you in person? Damian wished that he met you earlier.
You were so kind to him. Full of real smiles, heart-filled laughs, you made him feel happy without even meaning to. Damian could see why Dick was so smitten with you, you were truly a good human-being. You weren't fake like many of the other people that he had met, you showed a real concern for people.
Damian found himself wanting to spend time with the both of you, tagging along whenever he got the chance. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he truly liked you. Dick had brought it up to you many times, specifically saying that Damian liked very few people, for you to be on that list was an honor.
You had taken Damian out to do normal things that kids his age would do, and sometimes he would invite his friend - Jon. Go get ice cream at the park, go to the mall, you even took him to the arcade. Damian felt like a regular kid when he was with you, he enjoyed the feeling as much as he wouldn't tell you.
Dick was working late that night. Damian had come over, unaware that it was just you at home. He didn't mind that it was just the two of you, he enjoyed those times. You had made him dinner, which had been nothing compared to the meals that Alfred cooks for him everyday.
The two of you settled on a movie. You were sitting up on the couch with your feet propped up on the coffee table. Damian had been the same way until half way through the movie. The popcorn was long finished and you were getting tired. Damian must have been exhausted, before the movie could even finish he had dozed off.
You were shocked when Damian fell asleep against you. At first it was just against your shoulder until he had fully fallen asleep and rested his head against your lap. He truly looked like his age when he was sleeping. Eyes sealed shut and stress free. His mop of thick black hair was sticking up everywhere and he was tightly curled up with a blanket over his shoulders.
Dick came home after the movie ended, the door creaked opened and closed with a thud. You shushed him when he came into the room and directed his attention to a sleeping Damian. Dick stood there in shock - this was completely not like Damian.
Quietly, Dick walked over to you so he could give you a kiss. Work was long and he wanted nothing more than to just have you in his arms - unfortunately, Damian ruined that for him. However, seeing you taking care of Damian like he was your own child? That was something that was worth not being able to be with you.
It had been three years since the two of you were dating. Three years of your fights, arguments, loving affection, and living together. In those three years, Dick didn't realize how badly he wanted to have a future family with you until now. He wanted to have kids with you, to marry you one day.
"Hey," you whispered. "There's left overs in the fridge, how was work?"
"Long," Dick sighed. He sat town in the chair beside the couch. His arms tucked behind his head and he stretched out enough to lift up the bottom of his shirt. No matter how many times you've seen him shirtless, you were always wanting to see him. "Tuckered Damian out, I see"
"Poor kid passed out during the movie," you chuckled. Your hands carefully brushed through his hair. Damian shuffled in his sleep but didn't seem to wake. "I'm starting to think that he likes me more than he likes you."
"Starting?" Dick scoffed. "I think he's liked you more since the day he met you. He's always trying to see you. I think you remind him of the mother that he wished he had."
"He deserved better than Talia," you sighed. Dick told you about Damian's past shortly after he told you that he was Nightwing. As far as you were aware, Damian came to you for comfort, and you didn't mind him doing so. The motherly instinct in you had always shone through at a young age, even more so when you got older.
"Have you ever thought about kids?" Dick suddenly asked.
"Everyday," you simply answered. Getting into your late twenties made you want to settle down even more and have the opportunity for kids. You knew that kids wasn't in Dick's lifestyle at the moment, but that didn't change your desire to have them. "I've always wanted kids, I guess just taking care of Damian sometimes fills that void a little. Have you?"
"One day, I would like to," Dick nodded. "With you."
"You want me to have your babies?" You raised an eyebrow. It had been years since the two of you got together but not once did you talk about the future. You never wanted to pressure Dick into something that would jeopardize his life as a hero - you knew that meant the most to him.
"Of course," Dick smiled. He reached over to grab your free hand and intertwined your fingers. "One day I'm going to put a ring on your finger and a baby in you. That sounds like a perfect future to me."
"Sounds perfect to me too," you tugged his hand so that he would give you another kiss. Dick obliged. As much as you would have loved to keep the kiss going, you suddenly felt Damian begin to twitch and shake against your leg. You knew this action from him: he was having a nightmare.
"Damian," you tried to wake him. Dick watched as you carefully shook him. You hands rubbed up and down his back to soothe him until he awoke. Damian's eyes popped open and a fearful gasp passed his lips. He sat upward with a terrified look on his face. You pulled him into your chest as he tried to hold back tears. "It's okay, Damian. You're safe, you're with me. You're okay... you're okay."
As much as Damian continuously tried to prove that he was older than he really was, he was still just a kid. The things he had seen at such a young age shouldn't have been what any adult - much less a twelve year old - should ever see. Nightmares got to him worse than the others, he was still so young.
Damian gripped onto you, grounding himself in reality and no longer within his horrid dream. You held him in your arms, worried for the younger child. Glancing over at Dick, he had both concern and admiration on his face. Taking care of Damian like that? It just proved how badly he wanted to have kids with you.
Damian looked up at you with wet eyes. You dragged your thumbs across his cheeks to wipe away the tears. He truly looked like just a young child, not a lethal assassin. "You're gonna be just fine, Dami," you promised. "Would you like to stay here tonight?" Damian nodded his head. He felt safe with you - a different kind of safe than he felt with his father.
After Damian had calmed down, you brought him to your spare guest room. Damian smiled as you kissed his forehead and wished him goodnight. He never showed this young side to anyone else but you - and you truly felt honored for that. You also promised never to tell anyone that he could be vulnerable like this, it would break his trust.
Dick was just getting out of the shower when you returned to your room. A towel was wrapped around his waist. You strolled up behind him, not caring that his skin was still wet as you embraced him from behind. You peaked around his broad shoulders to meet his eyes in the reflection of the mirror.
"You're going to be a great mother," Dick praised you. "Seeing you with Damian, like that... I can't wait to have a child with you."
"You're not ready, Dick," you grazed over his healing bruises with your hands, enticing a chill over his body. "You're not ready to give up this life. I know you're going to be a great father but right now, Nightwing is first. You've still got a lot of this fire left in you, why waste it?"
"With you, I wouldn't be wasting anything," Dick spun you around. He hoisted you up to sit on the bathroom counter "I love you, (Y/N). There's never a moment that I'm with you that feels like its been wasted."
"I love you, too, Dick," you smiled. "When we're married, ready to settle down, then I'll have your babies. A whole farm of them - I'm not setting on just one or two," you raised your eyebrows at him. If he wanted kids he needed to know what he was going to get himself into.
"Good, I wasn't planning on that either," Dick assured you. His beautiful smile lingered in his lips. "We're going to be the best damn parents that any child has ever had."
"The best damn parents."
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter ten
October 30, 1984
Almost a year after Will went missing. The boy did recovery very well at least it looks like he did but this afternoon in the arcade changed my mind.
I started to work at the arcade three months after Will was back. My brother was happy but for him because I could give him coins to play.
So today after school Dustin and his friends wanted to meet at the arcade and Dustin wouldn't be him if he would have to search for some coins. He searched through the whole house including the shed.
"Dusti you're alright?"
"I totally am."
"Do I have to take you to the arcade?" He just nodded as he lifted the pillow from the sofa.
"Dustin Henderson what are you doing? you're scaring Mews" he walked over to the cat and excused himself.
"Dustin I can borrow you some" he turned to face me
"and you're saying this now after half an hour of my search?"
"You could have asked me but you didn't and it looked funny" I laughed and my mom too.
"Mo-om" he threw his arms in the air sighing.
"Dustin don't screw your pants." My mom's a real savage.
"Ready?" He nodded and walked out the door.
We drove to the arcade and I parked the car, "are you staying the whole time?" He nodded and I rolled my eyes, "you're stupid. Call me when something is wrong" he nodded and walked away from me.
Two hours into shift Nancy stormed into the arcade earning glances of the nerdy gamers.
"Nanc what's wrong?"
"There is this Halloween party and I want you to come" she was enthusiastic
"there's no way I'm going"
"please Billy's there too" Billy is the new boy at our school he almost hit me over with his car as I was walking to the entry and then he tried to flirt with me. Nancy thinks I have a little crush on him.
"Y/N please this will be fun. Steve could take you there" yeah Nancy and him are still together and it's still driving me crazy I don't want to be near the couple if I could
"but I promised Jonathan were going with our brothers on trick or treat."
"Jonathan is coming too"
"that's not typical for him. You sure?" Nancy only nodded.
"Y/N" I heard Dustin shout through the arcade. He came running towards me.
"Will is.. He is standing outside and we think he has an episode again."
"fuck" I came forth the counter and walked over to Will.
"call miss Byers" Dustin nodded and walked into the back.
"Will. Hey it's me Y/N I'm here. Everything is alright. You're not going to the other world again" I touched him slightly and he came back from wherever he was.
"Will you're good? Joyce is coming" he didn't say anything and just hugged me. I caresseshis back and whispe, "I'm here Will, it's okay." I noticed that he was shaking and lightly crying.
Five minutes later Joyce arrived at the arcade and thanked me for looking after Will.
"I'm so thankful you were here. Will really likes you. Thank you so much" she hugged me and went to their car.
"Y/N" Dustin walked over to me again.
"Do you know who's mad max?"
"I heard the new kid Billy called a red haired girl Maxime. Maybe her I don't know. I'm sorry Dusti"
"it's alright."
"Oh and Dustin. Only an hour to go buddy" he nodded and joined his friends again.
"I feel so bad for Will. He was such a lovely boy and now he's just scared" I forgot that Nancy was still here.
"Yeah I'm so sorry for the boy and his family" we stood there in silence.
"So you're coming?"
"I have no choice or?" She shook her head.
"Great. Call me when Steve arrives at yours" she nodded and left.
Ok so eventually I like Halloween but not with dozens of teenagers around me and alcohol. I always enjoyed to do trick or treat with my brother and his friends.
"The time is up Dusti time to go. The arcade is closing."
"Noooo I didn't revenge on mad max." He cried out as I drag him out to the car.
"That's so unfair."
"What? You can stay even a few minutes more than the others you should be grateful"
"I'm not because of mad max"
"you're such a stupid boy. Please shut up"
During the drive home we didn't talked that much and when we arrived Dustin ran into the house.
As i passed the bins I heard some hustle but I ignored it.
"Hey darling. How was work?"
"Great as everyday." She smiled and I sat down at the table to start dinner.
"Are you ready for Halloween Dustin?" He stopped eating and smiled as wide as he could.
"And you Y/N?"
"That's it. Nanc asked me to come to the Halloween party" Dustin and my mom widened their eyes.
"You're not coming with us?"
"No but Jon is, you're going to be alright" my mom calmed down after she heard they wouldn't be alone.
"I'm finished can I go upstairs?"
"Yeah honey. Good night" I gave her a quick cheek kiss and left.
When I arrived in my room Steve sat on my bed.
"Who allowed you to come in?"
"You?" He pointed to my window which wasn't closed at all.
"Love you too dumbass" I sat down next to him and he lays his arm around me.
"How was work?"
"It was boring. I can't believe I took that offer"
"it's okay Y/N only a year and then you're almost off to college" I lay down on my bed and he was now laying next to me
"is this cheating?" I turn in his arms to face him.
"You and me laying here and talking?" I nodded, "when you think that this is cheating then you've got your answer."
"No I don't think so but everyone is interpreting different"
"so what would Nancy interpret as cheating? I mean she laid in the same bed with Jon a whole night and they talked. We are just laying here and talking I'm leaving soon if you want me to go"
"no stay, please. So you're going to the party as well?"
"You're coming?" I nodded, "that's great finally you're interacting with people in your age."
"Shut up" I slapped his chest, "you have to take me with you"
"in my car?" He laughed.
"Yeah Nancy said so"
"so she's now deciding over both our lives?"
"Looks like. Steve I'm so tired"
"do you want me to leave?" I couldn't even answer because I felt asleep on his chest.
Steve's pov
I was laying in her bed waiting for her to come upstairs after having dinner.
Today she worked the longer shift and hasn't really got a break. I'm feeling sorry for her because she's working her ass off and they are paying her like shit. Hopefully she's happy to see me.
"Hey there" I said as she entered the room still in her working clothes.
"Who allowed you to come in?"
"You?" I just pointed towards the window which she didn't closed at all.
"Idiot" she teased me.
"Love you too dumbass" she sat down next to me and I laid my arm around me.
"How was work?"
"It was boring. I can't believe I took that offer"
It was kinda hart to her y/ec full of tiredness, without the sparkle, "it's okay Y/N only a year and then you're almost off to college" She lays down on her bed and I was doing it like her.
"is this cheating?" She looked me in the eyes.
"You and me laying here and talking?" She nodded.
Why would she think over that
"When you think that this is cheating then you've got your answer."
"No I don't think so but everyone is interpreting different"
"so what would Nancy interpret as cheating? I mean she laid in the same bed with Jon a whole night and they talked. We are just laying here and talking I'm leaving soon if you want me to go"
"no stay, please. So you're going to the party as well?"
"You're coming?" She nodded
"that's great finally you're interacting with people in your age," I chuckled and her eyes lit up.
"Shut up" she hit my chest, "you have to take me with you"
"in my car?" I just laughed.
"Yeah Nancy said so"
"so she's now deciding over both our lives?"
"Looks like. Steve im tired"
"do you want me to leave?" She hadn't answered because she felt asleep on my chest.
I totally missed her. I have her back, finally. I won't loose her again I couldn't handle it. I think I love her.
October 31, 1984
The next morning Steve wasn't there. Steve and I become closer again but I still feel the same towards him and I don't know if he knows. I'm scared that Nancy would assume that Steve would cheat on her with me because he isn't! We are friends!
Today was the day. The party. I hate to interact with others I don't know. I hate being around too much people.
"Dusti could you help me please" Maybe he has an idea what to wear.
"What's wrong?"
"Can you help me? I don't know what to wear," he rolled his eyes and opened my closet.
"Go as Sandy Olsson."
"From Grease? I'm too ugly Dustin"
"okay you're the totally opposite of ugly Y/N!"
"you're only saying this because I'm your sister."
"AAah" He sighed. "maybe a bit but only a quarter."
"Oh thanks Dusti but I don't have any clothes she has worn"
"of course," he went inside to have a better view. He threw a black leather pant into my face followed by a black crop top and a pink jacket.
"And you're taking moms black high heels."
"I'm not wearing heels!"
"of course you will. Please that would suit the outfit so good."
"fine," I sighed and walked to mom asking for her heels which she gave me. "Okay and now?"
"A bit make up," he opened the drawer and picked some utensils. "Great you can do this by yourself," i dragged him towards the door, "thank you Dustin. Love you."
"too," he left the room and I applied the make up.
Nancy called around eight o'clock telling me they would be here around twenty minutes later. I waited outside for the couple and hopped in as soon as they arrived.
Dustin left two hours before so Jonathan could join them for an hour and a half.
"And what do you show?" Nancy turned in her seat to look at me.
"Wait let me guess. A pink jacket. And the black clothes. Mm." She thought.
"She's Sandy Olsson Nancy."
"Steve I wanted to guess," she clapped her hand on his chest, in the raw view I saw him rolling his eyes
"I'm sorry," I smiled lightly.
We arrived to many already wasted teenagers, almost everybody held a red cup in his hand, swaying to the music.
"I'm getting drinks for ya Y/N," I nodded and she walked away.
"You're looking stunning Y/N," I felt heat in my cheeks.
"Mm thanks. You're not that bad yourself," Nancy came back with red cups.
"I'm not drinking Nanc I'm sorry" I put the cup on the counter next to me.
"Oh please only today. It's party time" she threw her hands in the air.
"Mm no thanks Nancy." We stepped on to the dance floor in the living room where everyone were when Billy and his friends including Tommy and Carol arrived.
"They are assholes," Steve muttered under his breath and focused on Nancy again who was drinking her fourth cup.
"Nancy I think that's enough" Steve tried to take the cup away but it spilled over her white blouse.
"Nanc.. I didn't want to. Nancy I'm sorry" she ran upstairs to the bathroom and he followed her leaving me alone in the fully living room.
"Y/N," I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turned to face the person behind the voice I realized it was Jonathan.
"Jon you're not dressed," he turned a little bit around to show a bunnytail.
"Nice. I like it."
"Where are Steve and Nancy?"
"In the bathroom"
"couldn't they wait until home?"
"No ihhhr.. they're not doing it. Steve spilled Nancy's drink over her shirt"
"that's bad. How is the party"
"as an anti party person I hate it," we laughed when Nancy ran past us.
Jonathan began to walk after her and I wanted to do the same but someone grabbed my arm.
"Y/N can we talk?" I nodded and he lead me to the backdoor.
"What happened?"
"Nancy said that our relationship would be bullshit. That she doesn't love me. That it all is bullshit." A tear rolled over his cheek and I wiped it away.
"I'm so sorry Steve." I looked at him and saw his red eyes. As I saw him like that my heart began to hurt and a tear left my eye too. A strand of hair fall in his face and I pulled it behind his ear. A few moments later I hugged him and we stood like this a few minutes.
"You know Steve when someone is drunk they are saying the truth. Always. I'm not saying this because of you know. I'm saying it as your best friend I just want the best for you," I hugged him again and we drove to my house.
"You want to come in?" He nodded and locked his car.
"Thank you Henderson."
"You're welcome Harrington."
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robinrequiems · 3 years
Hey first date of cashier damian with a little butting in from the co workers and Gerald ?
co workers and gerald coming up
• Gerald TikTok is feralgerald
• so anyways.
• I’ll have 2 separate dates, but I feel like Gerald gets to see the first one and then I’ll do something special for the 3rd
• jon went to pick Damian up for their date, Damian had finally agreed to go on a date with Jon after months
• jon was excited
• it was Friday night, around 9 pm, Damian was gonna leave his shift early that night so they could go see a new movie
• damian and gerald were working that night
• jon was so hyped for the date, he came in with water lilys for Damian, he looked it up and one of the things it symbolized was hope and celebration. jon is celebrating the fact Damian finally said yes. Also damians favorite flower is water Lily’s
Jon: Dames!!
Damian: shut up, jon, im busy
Gerald: oh! look everyone! the two love birds are in the same room again.
Jon: restocking, you can pay attention to me! or am i just too distracting;)
Gerald: gosh jon reminds me of a young name.. Damian is like my first wife, a wild spitfire..
Damian: you’re too distracting because you’re a lunatic
• Gerald was on live ( Damian and jon both said they were okay with being filmed if it was something as mundane as them flirting talking, but if something else happened? nah
• jon and damian were both good kids Gerald loved to talk to, they were good for each other, too, Gerald noticed it the first time he met jon. he hoped they would stick around with each other
• damians shift soon ended and Damian fid a farewell to Gerald to go on a date with Jon
Gerald: don’t have too much fun out there, kids!!
• saturday shift, Damian was going to go to breakfast with Jon before brad stopped then
Brad: oh oh oh oh wait a second! It’s not time for you to go yet, ian!
Damian: don’t call me that! It’s Damian, not *gag* ian
Brad: you did not answer my question 👀
Damian: we’re going to breakfast
Brad: five minutes early? why? it a special occasion?
Jon: it is! It’s our second date!
Damian: JON!
Brad: you two are dating and you didn’t tell me???????!
Damian: oh my god
Brad: cmere jon, * jon comes over * you’re a good kid, you gotta take care of Damian before he gets arrested for something dumb. but you also can’t hurt him. but I know Damian? he would probably hurt you more if you hurt him. But have fun!!
Damian: what the fuck, brad
• the woman was just bagging groceries up for a customer when Jon comes waltzing in
• damians shift started at 1, ( it’s Sunday ) jon was here at 11:45am
• rosa was confused until jon walked up to her
Jon: I need help
Rosa: uh, sure, sweetheart, what’s up?
Jon: I need to ask Damian out to homecoming..
Rosa: awww!
Jon: I have a big idea! I got these fake water lilys from Amazon.. and I wanna.. like set them up to spell out: will you go to homecoming with me?
Rosa: that sounds perfect!
Jon: can you help me? I just need a area to do it
Rosa: of course, come on, you can do it in the break room
• so jon set it up
• but he spelt it wrong: can u come to homcoming
• damian still said yes and laughed a lot
But here’s a small one shot of their first date that isn’t completely finished but:
Once the duo left the store, they headed out to Jon’s car, both of them flushed red in excitement. Damian had gotten changed quickly into the outfit he had brought for this date, even putting extra time and effort into his appearance. Look, if he’s going out, he’s going allllll out.
Jon found Damian absolutely stunning, he’s always stunning, but he’s extra stunning today. After months of flirting and breaking through Damian’s exterior, he finally got the chance to take him out. On a date. Not like.. killed.
( “Can i take you out?” Jon asked quietly as he parked the car in front of Damian’s apartment, blue eyes shining with hope before Damian slapped him.
“What the fuck! No?! You’re not killing me!”
“NO. That’s not— OW! That is not what I meant..”
“What did you mean?”
“On a date..” as soon as those words left Jon’s lips, Damian’s heart stopped, sure Jon has asked a lot, but this time was really different.. Damian knew he looked like he just ate a hot chilly pepper, so all he did was nod. He nodded really hard, he knew that if he spoke, he would sound like an idiot. )
Damian was fidgeting s lot, tapping his fingers on his thighs, messing with the silver rings on his fingers.. until Jon took his hand.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry, it’s just me, it’s just like we’re hanging out. But romantically,” Jon laughed, his laugh was so so so pretty. Damian couldn’t believe someone like Jon would like him. Damian had heard Jon complain about the countless girls and boys asking him out at school, he also learned that Jon hated turning people down so it was always awkward. Why did Jon even settle for him? He didn’t know.
But Jon drove them to the movies and got out, opening the door for Damian.. because what else would you expect? And then they walked in to get the tickets. They watched the movie together, got dinner together, and walked around until Jon took him back to his apartment.
“I had fun,” Damian finally spoke for the first time since they entered the car.
“Me too, can we do it again?”
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
Damian opened the car door before shutting it and leaning over the console to peck Jon’s lips quickly before he got out, slammed the door shut, and then ran inside, leaving Jon red and grinning like a mad man.
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batmanie · 3 years
Worth it - Batman TAS
Out of the few books available at the Arkham rec room’s otherwise empty bookshelf Professor Crane had chosen to read “Pride and Prejudice” today. He had read it about ten times already but the small book collection was not getting any bigger and it was still better than reading the Bible.
“Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” had been banned from Arkham’s library quite some time ago for triggering a certain inmate, and “Christmas Carol” had lately been decorated with obscene doodles by the Joker which Jonathan did not wish to see ever again. The nursery rhymes book was always an option but currently, Harley had her fun with that, giggling each time she read a funny one.
Crane was sitting on the couch with his nose in the book, not bothering anyone with his presence. Next to him, Tetch was staring at the TV. The poor man looked so bored, mindlessly channel surfing, probably too high on medication to be able to entertain himself with any Wonderland plots.
With Joker not around, the rec room seemed calm, almost as calm as the sky before a heavy storm. And said storm came unexpectedly in the form of Jervis Tetch.
The bored man on the couch had switched to the Gotham’s evening news channel, listening in to the street interview with one of the new candidates for the city council, and then, out of nowhere, he threw a massive tantrum – his outburst included flipping the coffee-table and accidentally hitting Harley’s head with it. That, of course, resulted in Doctor Quinzel’s aggressive response. Not much remained left from the unfortunate table after Harley had finished with it.
Professor Crane watched in delight how Mad Hatter fought against a guard twice as big as himself, while Harley attempted to smash both of their heads with a table leg before two other guards managed to tranquilize her.
After a few more minutes, the rec room was calm again and Jonathan got back to his book. But as much as he tried to ignore the incident and focus on the plot, a little voice in his head, the voice of the psychologist who he’d never truly ceased to be, kept whispering a very important question. “What exactly has just happened here?” The voice asked, teasing Jon’s professional curiosity. He cast another glance at the tv. The candidate from the evening news smiled at the camera, still explaining how much he was helping the community.
Professor Crane had his suspicions. And who would have guessed? Mad Hatter broke out of Arkham no longer than three days after that event.
David Colton was in his mid-thirties and he was a man in his prime, looking exceptionally professional today in his expensive dark-blue suit, white shirt, and striped blue tie.
“Smoother than Bruce Wayne,” he thought with a pleasant smile, checking himself in the mirror.
Oh, yeah, he still got it! Still looking as youthful and handsome as the prom king he had been back in his high-school days.
“Almost ready Mr. Colton,” the make-up lady told him, and put some more powder onto his already fluid-heavy forehead. “No glossy faces on TV, that’s my rule. Those spotlights know no mercy,” she joked.
David chuckled. “The only thing that is allowed to shine tonight, is my charisma.”
They would have laughed some more, if not for a sudden knocking on the door to his private dressing room.
“Come in,” David called and took a deep, calming breath mentally preparing himself for showtime.
He was ready to present his best self to Gotham again, and at this rate of him constantly being invited to interviews, the seat in the council was practically his already.
His father was right, the ability to make a good impression and a thing for charity was everything that mattered in this town after all.
The door opened and a short man in a trench coat walked in, not a staff member judging simply by the lack of an ID. Yet, the man seemed familiar – Colton just couldn’t quite place him.
“Can I help you, pal?” He asked the newcomer, hiding his irritation behind a polite smile.
The man smiled brightly and took a few steps into the room. “Oh, yes, yes. I think you can,” he spoke with a quiet yet excited voice.
Colton caught his fake British accent right away – and again, it felt like he had heard it before.
“However, I wouldn’t call you my pal.” The man continued grinning. “Would I? Won’t I? Would I? Won’t I?”.
“Listen, pal,” Colton cut him off, not bothering anymore to be that polite. “My interview is starting in a few minutes. Can we get back to this conversation later?”
“I’m afraid that later will be too late,” the strange man shook his head and took out a silver pocket-watch. “It will take only a moment…”
David sighed, the intruder was really hard to get rid of – he hated those nosy people who worked for the press.
“Very well then.” He stood up from his seat and turned to his guest to shake his hand and introduce himself properly. “David Colton,” he offered his hand to the shorter man.
The man didn’t take it, which led to a very awkward moment.
“Oh, but we know each other,” he explained, staring at David with an intense glare.
Colton, confused as he was, took a closer look at the stranger – his blonde, messy hair, big nose, and even bigger front teeth. Suddenly it clicked. “Gotham High! Jervis, was it? Jervis the Jerkface,” he laughed at the old memories of those past, glorious days of his youth. “How have you been, Jerv?”.
“Surely not as good as you.” There was a hint of fake sadness in Jervis’ voice as he put on the black, old-school top hat that he had held in his hand behind his back the entire time.
That single move made Colton recall some very disturbing stories straight from Gotham’s underworld. He cast a worried look at the make-up lady – she looked terrified and about to scream.
Slowly, he gazed back at the small man before him – the man who used to be just a nerdy kid from his high school, a weird boy that everybody had laughed at – Jervis the Jerkface, Beaver-man, Ratter.
“They don’t call me names that often anymore,” Jervis said calmly, as if he had just read his mind, a nasty grin creeping back on his face. He held a card in his gloved hand. “They simply call me the Mad Hatter.”
Like every other Saturday, the rec room was hosting the four lucky high-profile inmates who had earned their right to be in here, thanks to their good behavior. This time it was Doctor Isley, surprisingly enough, Nygma and, even more surprisingly, Croc who accompanied Professor Crane during his well-deserved book-time.
Everyone was minding their own business, Ivy was occupied taking care of a small flowerpot of violets, Edward played chess with himself and Croc, well, Croc was currently using his claw as a toothpick to get rid of the remains of his dinner.
Jonathan relaxed on the couch that he had the luxury of having only for himself for once. He had tried to bury himself in a book but couldn’t concentrate on reading – something was on his mind ever since Mad Hatter had disappeared half a week ago. It was this tiny, little voice again, telling him to put the book aside and turn on the TV instead.
Slightly irritated by his own decision, he did as his intuition had told him to. The evening news was about to end and an interview with some philanthropist politician was about to start right after commercials.
When the show began, the fat, jovial host greeted his enthusiastic audience, gaining some applause in return, then he introduced the main guest of the evening, David Colton – Jonathan recognized the guy – it was the same politician who had been talking about the importance of charity just a week ago on the news.
Colton looked a bit stiff, smiling unnaturally wide. As the applause died out and the first question was asked, he didn’t move for a good few seconds, as if he didn’t even hear it. Jonathan couldn’t shake off the impression that the man was either on some medications or very, very stressed.
“David?” The host tried again as the uncomfortable silence dragged for too long. “Will you tell us about your foundation? We are all dying to know more.”
“No, Sam,” said Colton with a strangled voice, his face still kind of strange – more like a mask with a very fake smile and a dead look in his eyes. “First, I want to talk about my teenage years.”
“OK, let’s hear your story,” the host agreed, happily, probably determined to get anything at all from his non-cooperative guest. “I’ve heard you were an overachiever. A football player, a class president and even a prom king. Isn’t that right, David?”
“No. I was a selfish bastard who tormented less popular kids. I called them unfair names, put them in a locker, and made other boys beat them up just for a sake of it.”
The audience gasped at this confession. The host’s jaw dropped for a good five seconds.
Jonathan smiled to himself, satisfied that his intuition had not failed him.
“I was a popular kid so I never took the blame for my misbehavior,” Colton continued with a very calm and steady voice, his face showing no emotion. When the camera took a closeup on him, Jonathan noticed a tiny little detail – a 10/6 card sticking out of his boutonnière.
“I never cared for others' wellbeing either, this charity-thing is just for show. I only care for the fame and attention. In fact, you may say I’m not even a human being. I’m an ugly, stinking, lying chimpanzee.”
As soon as Colton finished his last line, an inhuman howl escaped his mouth. The audience screamed in terror. Colton suddenly jumped onto a couch he previously sat on, and he started to act like a real monkey.
Sam – the host – went utterly speechless, he jumped up from his own seat and just stood there, stunned.
Colton, screeching and howling like a mad chimpanzee, grabbed a glass of water from the tabletop and threw it at the host.
“Help, somebody help!” the poor host started screaming.
Meanwhile, Colton was jumping up and down on a couch, making “Ooh, aah!” sounds.
Before the security managed to catch him, Colton already had taken off his pants and his white, hairy ass was revealed for all of Gotham to see.
After that, the show was hurriedly cut off and the weather forecast started.
Professor Crane didn’t even notice that all the other rogues had joined him on the couch, and were now staring at the TV like a bunch of little kids watching their favorite cartoon.
“Well, that was definitely one way to destroy someone’s political career,” Nygma commented with a hint of amusement.
“A few more minutes and he would have started throwing his own poo,” Ivy added with a disgusted frown.
“Poo,” Crock giggled like a five-year-old and everyone else had to roll their eyes. “I like monkeys, monkeys are so stupid.”
“Well, actually, chimpanzees are…”
“Oh, shut up, Nygma!” Both Ivy and Crane growled as one and Edward went quiet.
“Anyway, Tetch should be back with us any minute now,” Pamela concluded with all certainty. “I hope his little revenge was worth a punch in the teeth from the Bat and getting dragged back to Arkham.”
Professor Crane didn’t say a word but he knew from an experience that yes, it was totally worth it.
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morgansunflower · 3 years
Our Daughter
Superman/Clark X Wife! Reader
Y/N and Clark have 3 son's Conner(Young Justice), Kon(90s Superboy), Jonathan and a daughter who will be coming into the world, sooner than they thought
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Clark, our son's and I live on our ranch with a barn and a large three story house. With a porch connected. I sat in the middle of the porch swing. With my hands cradling my baby bump. 2 weeks until I'm due to bring my daughter into the world. My husband and son's out on patrol. I see them flying in the distance I smiled. They stood on the porch Kon's arm around Jonathan's neck. Clark, watched him before thing's get out of hand.
"stop it, Kon! Get off of me!"Jonathan said pushing him off
Kon ruffled his hair "Aww little Jon is mad because we know he as a adorable crush on, Lian"
Jonathan folded his arm's mad Conner ruffled Jon's hair
"Kon leave the poor kid alone he's turning red" Conner said smiling
"I'm going to shoot you two with my heat vision and I'm not kidding this time!" Jonathan said as his eye's turned red
"boy's enough!" Clark scolded "go clean up before dinner"
Conner chucked "OK Pa" he looked at me and gently smiled "hey, ma how you feelin' " Conner asked I nod smiling, letting him know I'm good
Kon put Jonathan in a headlock and gave him a nuggy "hey ma" Kon said
"hey ma, can I kill them" Jon said mad
I took a deep breath "hey boy's, Kon let go of your brother" Kon let go of Jonathan as he hit him "and Jon I'm afraid not I love you all, and I just don't think I could lose any of my precious son's"
Clark, walked to me and kissed me "you boy's better leave now before your ma and I - " Conner cut him off hitting his hands together hard, to get their attention
"OK come on guy's before ma and pa start making thing's unbearably gross" our son's super-speed inside I laughed
"that worked" I said Clark and I smiled I sigh feeling relaxed
"how are you feeling?" he asked placing his hands on my bump
"hmm better now that you're home"
I feel a contraction I slightly gasp feeling the sudden pain "Y/N? Contraction?" Clark held my hand's. The boy's ran out to my side all around with concerning looks. I squint my eye's tightening my grip on Clark's hands and nod to Clark's question feeling the pain
"ma, are you ok?" Conner asked
I breath through the contraction. I let go of Clark's hands and touched his face. He held my hand and his face full of concern
Taking a deep breath "I'm ok"
"are you sure ma?" Jonathan said
"do you need us to get you the bag's? " Conner asked
"and I can call, Diana" Kon said
I smiled knowing how in a matter of seconds from arguing and fighting with each other, they can turn to concern.
I speak rubbing Clark's cheek "no, I'm ok I promise D/N isn't coming right now. Believe me I'm certain that I am not in labor. Now let's go inside and eat supper"
Clark held my hands I gripped his hands standing. I smiled feeling slightly out of breath.
"can we, eat in the living room?!" Jonathan asked with a hopeful tone
"I guess that would be fine" Clark said as he held my hand helping me walk inside
That night Clark and I in bed he wore his pants and glasses reading. I laid on my side laying on his chest, Clark had his arm around me. I really need to pee!
"I need to go to the bathroom"
I sat up Clark shut his book. I sat at the end of the bed to get up, this used to be so easy. Though being pregnant with Kon and Conner was near unbearable. Though all my son's are completely worth every scream and pain. Clark, by my side holding my hand's
"Clark, I am not crippled I am just going to the bathroom"
He sighed deeply I kiss him and get up I walked to the bathroom. I opened the door I walked to the toilet only to hear a pop then water rush down my legs. Before I could yell for Clark he stood by my side, probably having heard my water break
"baby time" he mumbled I gasp in pain feeling a contraction. Clark placed his hand on my shoulder and other on my hand "breath, Y/N I'm right here" I breath through the contraction, that lasted 5 minutes. He carried me
"Clark, I'm fine"
"don't even try, honey"
He carried bridle style to the bed and sat me on the bed. He ran grabbing my bags. I yell in pain another damn contraction. Yet again my son's super-speed into the room
"ma?! Are you ok?" Jonathan asked
"you're in labor!" Conner said
"Y-yeah I kn-now" I stutter feeling the contraction finally stop
"do you need me to do anything?!" Kon asked with worry in his voice
Clark, carried the bags he carefully picked me up. I took a deep breath cradling my baby bump
"Conner you're in charge we'll be at the watchtower if you need us" Clark said
Kon's P. O. V
I folded my arm's "why are you always the one in charge"
"because I'm 3 minutes and 5 year's older and more responsible than both of you" Jonathan and I glared at him "well since I'm in charge we can have, grandma's apple pie she sent"
Y/N's P. O. V
Sitting on the stretcher leaning against Clark's chest at the watchtower. Only wearing a hospital gown Clark hands holding mine. Diana, at the end of the bed sweat and tears running down my face. I've done this 3 times before I can do it again.
"you are ready to push only when you're body tells you"
I nodded feeling the next contraction I pushed. I yelled and screamed in pain. I hear crys I looked seeing my daughter. I covered my face crying Diana gave her to me. I sobbed holding her. Clark, crying we both laughed.
"oh, look at her Y/N she's perfect"
"she's our beautiful daughter"
Moment's later still at the watchtower myself, and my daughter cleaned. With the bed leaned slightly upward. I laid on the bed with Clark. D/N, asleep in her crib. I hear knocking I took a deep breath exhausted. Clark sat up
"come in" Clark said
The door opened I saw my son's all being as quiet as they can.
"hey boy's" I said
"hey mama" Jon said hugging me
Conner and Kon hugged me I kissed all their head's
"you feeling ok?" Conner asked
I nodded "go meet your sister she's anxious to meet her brother's"
Clark walked to the crib "come here boy's she's in the crib"
Clark's P. O. V
The boy's walked to me. We all looked at D/N in her crib.
"she's so small" Jon said
"she'll grow" I said taking a deep breath, slightly disappointing. Knowing they grow so fast in the blink of an eye
"hey, D/N it's me Jon your big brother these two big idiots are your brother's to" Conner and Kon flicked Jonathan's head, D/N opened her eye's
"hmm she has ma's eye's she's so beautiful" Conner said
"she's going to be so much fun" Kon said
I feel so happy and joyful four beautiful kid's that I love more than anything. I walked to my wife I sat on the bed and kissed her
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cruecifymesixx · 3 years
Love and Leather /part eighty eight/
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Enjoy! Things will get better soon
Warnings: language, angst
Taglist:   @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​,  @a-simple-salmon,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls,  @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @criminalyetminimal, @trapt-in-a-dream,  @broke-n-bitchy,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @herbertweeest, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @youretheonlyonewhomakesme, @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991, @xpoisonousrosesx,  @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @findingmyths,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 @rocknroll--baby, @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, @idkmanhereisshitilike, @makaelahdelvalle
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*Moscow 1989*
"It's fucking bullshit!" Nikki shouts as he and the rest of the band come barreling through the dressing room door, "He's seriously going to let Bon fucking Jovi headline? Seriously? We deserve more than that!"
I glance up from filing my nails as each and everyone of them, besides Mick, looks pissed.
"Who the hell does Doc think he is? We're more of a selling act than he is! We didn't fly all the way out here just so we can be out at the bottom of the lineup. It's a complete waste of our time. We could be getting ready to promote Dr. Feelgood!" Tommy then joins in on the screaming match, well at this point I would say it's an ego match.
I move a piece of Nikki's disheveled hair out of his face as he sits next to me on the leather couch, "Fucking Doc promised Jovi that he would be headlining and bumped us down a few notches. If you can't handle managing big names than maybe you should get a different fucking job." Nikki explains to me as he swipes the bottle of sparkling water off the table and takes a sip.
I look around the room as Vince is staring off into space, Tommy is fumbling with his wedding ring and Mick is in his own little world strumming some chords on the guitar. I clear my throat a bit, "Baby, it's not that big of a deal.."
"Not that big of a deal?"
Nikki and I stare at each other a moment, "You know this event is for the fans, the kids that have never experienced American rock before. I don't think it really matters whose headlining and whose not, ya know?" I express my opinion gently as he just continues to stare at me, a dumbfounded look plastered across his face.
"You're just saying that because you like Bon Jovi." He snaps back with an added eye roll,
I chuckle a bit, "You're right, I do, but I wouldn't care if he was headlining or not. Just like I don't care if Mötley was headlining or not. Doc is doing what's best for business. The whole line up is star studded, Nikki. Whether your first or last it's not gonna matter to the audience. What matters is how good of a show you put on. Plus...with you guys being sober, not having performed in over a year and with the new album coming out, it just gives the band the chance to prove that you guys are doing better than ever before."
"How could you not care if Mötley was headlining or not?" Nikki questions, his tone shocked as I groan in annoyance.
"That's really all you took from that?" I eye him as his lips tug upwards in a small smile.
"It just fucking sucks Van. Our first big show out of rehab and he has us being the opening act for Bon Jovi. It's ridiculous. Doc was our manager first. We should take precedence. Not some fucking wannabe cowboy that sings power ballads."
*End flashback*
*Nikki's POV*
"She really wants to play soccer?" I look at Vanity as I lean against the doorframe of the bathroom, "Arianna hates when she gets dirty from playing in the backyard so why would she want to play soccer?" My nose wrinkles up in confusion as I watch Van brush her teeth.
She shrugs at me before spitting and rinsing her mouth, "I don't know. She just said she wanted to play so I grabbed the papers from the bulletin board at her school. I think it would be good for her Nikki. She likes staying busy so I think some little league sports would be good. We can still think about it and talk, the packet isn't due until April."
"No, no. I agree too. We'll just have to explain that she would have to stick with it and try to participate as much as she likes being active she is lazy sometimes." I notice she grabs her make up bag and start pulling stuff out, "You going somewhere?"
She turns her head looking over at me as she rubs cream onto her face, "Yeah? I'm going out with Jon...I told you like three days ago."
"Jon? Oh, right...right...the guy from the diner." I chuckle as she lets out an annoyed sigh.
"If you're gonna start already you can just leave me alone." Vanity tells me, eyebrow raising in mischief as she begins to put make up on her face.
I cross the threshold and pull myself up on the counter, "Where's he taking you? Somewhere romantic?" I tease her as she glances at me, "Oh? It is romantic tonight? That's cool...Donna's out shooting some stuff for Baywatch so she's kinda busy."
"I'm sorry you're lonely." Vanity smirks as she blows me a kiss, "And he's taking me to the beach. There's a horse stable in Malibu and we're gonna ride some horses and have dinner."
I let out an boisterous laugh, "Fucking seriously? That's the most corniest date I've ever heard of."
"Don't be mad because you didn't think of taking me first." She's quick with a comeback as I steal the blush from the counter when she reaches for it.
"Baby, If I wanted to take you on a romantic date I would fly us to Paris." I explain as I hand the container over, "Yeah...Paris, we could get some really nice wine, I'd take you to the best restaurant, get you some fresh flowers from the florist cart. We would take a stroll at the Jardin des Plantes after our dinner. You'd love it Van, there's twinkling lights and always people singing love songs." I explain to her as she glances at me smiling before rolling her eyes and looking back at herself in the mirror.
"Last time I was in Paris, I found out I was pregnant."
My eyes narrow as my head slightly tilts to the side, "During Dr. Feelgood? You knew you were pregnant then?"
"Yeah.." she nods as she starts putting the make up away and tousled her hair with her fingers, "And don't get upset because I didn't tell you. I had to take tests in Paris, remember? You thought I was sick from the sushi? I just had a feeling something was off and I also didn't want to tell you in case they were wrong. One test was negative so I just wanted to wait until we got back home and as you know what happened next." She chuckles a bit and looks at me, "Do I look okay?"
I sigh a bit, trying not to be upset "Yeah doll, you look perfect."
Vanity comes over and stands in front of me, placing her hands on my knees, "If you're gonna be bored go hang out with Tommy-"
"He's too obsessed with putting his head against Clems stomach since they heard the heartbeat at the doctors appointment last week." I explain as she smiles at me.
"You can't be mad at him for that. What about Mick? I'm sure he could use some company or Corabi?"
"No, Micks been wanting to stay to himself and Corabi got a girlfriend...I'll just wait for you to get back. You are coming home tonight, right?" I question her as she leaves the bathroom and I quickly follow, "Right, Vanity?"
"Yes Nikki. I'll be home. Do I have a curfew?" She looks at me over her shoulder before she walks into her closet to pick out clothes.
"Well...now that you mention it..." I laugh when she throws a pair of jeans at me before she slips a pair on and pulls them over her ass and hips, "So it's a casual date?"
"Mhmm...not that romantic like you think it is." She tells me as she pushes hangers back to look at sweaters. We both look at each other when the doorbell goes off.
"Nikki! Wait!!" She yells for me as I run out of her room with Anarchy chasing after me.
I run down the stairs, my eyes narrowing when I see a figure outside the glass paneling of the door, "I'll get it Van! You finish getting dressed!" I yell back at her, nudging Anarchy out of the way as I open up the door. The arrogant smile I had on my face dropped when I saw a dozen red roses and a pearly white smile hiding behind it.
"Jovi?" I stare at him as he chuckles, "You lost?"
"Uh no actually. I'm here to pick up Vanity." He explains, clearing his throat, "We have plans."
My hand grips the doorknob as we stare at one another, "Oh really? You're the guy she's been seeing? You do know it isn't a serious thing between you and her, right?"
Jon laughs at me as I glare, he holds the bouquet of flowers in his hand, "Look Nikki, I wouldn't want your feathers to get ruffled. We're just having fun with each other, that's all."
What the fuck was that suppose to mean? Fun? With each other?
"Yeah, well she can't go. She's sick. It's really nasty, she's been vomiting all morning and stuck on the toilet if you know what I mean. I think Arianna brought the bug home. So I'll have her call you, yeah?" I try closing the front door but he puts his hand out to stop me, "Get off my property before I call the cops."
I feel a hand on my side before I'm being pushed out of the way, "I'm glad you two were able to catch up." Van says, glaring at me before rolling her eyes, "Lets get going Jon." She smiles at him as he hands over the flowers and she's giving them to me "Put them in a vase for me would you Nikki?"
I reach for her arm and pull her back in, "Give us a minute would ya Jon? It's a family meeting." I glare before shutting the door in his face, "Seriously?! Bon fucking Jovi?!" I yell quietly as she reaches for the door handle but I grab her wrist.
"What? What's the problem? I'm doing what the therapist is asking us to do?" She fakes stupidity as she smiles at me, "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Why him? Of all fucking people? You know I don't like him." I speak through gritted teeth, "You could have picked anyone but him."
"That's not my problem Nikki. I am doing what you wanted so I am going to have fun on my date and I will see you when I get back."
My jaw clenches as she reaches for the door, I wanted to find the words to tell her not to go, to just stay with me and we'll figure it out but I just couldn't get them out of my fucking mouth. She looks at me before closing the door, hearing them talk before a car door closes and the engine starts. I grip the flowers in my hand before tossing them into the trash can.
*Vanity's POV*
I lean down against the drivers side window, feeling Jon put his hand against my cheek "I really had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you." I smile at him as his thumb runs over my cheekbone.
"Can't wait to see what you plan for the next date, I don't know why but I'm expecting it to be over the top." We both chuckle a bit as I nod in agreement.
"I'll have to think of something good then.." we both look at each other for a moment, before I lean forward to give him a kiss, "Goodnight Jon."
"Goodnight sweetheart, I'll call you."
I sigh a bit, waving bye to him when he drives out of the gates. I hold onto my purse as I walk up the front steps to the door, reaching for the handle as it doesn't open. I groan a bit and dig through my purse for my keys "Damnit.." I look through the glass, seeing them on the entry way table being illuminated by the kitchen light.
I step off the porch and walk over to the gate leading to the back yard but it's locked. Fucking Nikki. It's never locked. I try reaching over the wooden boards but I wasn't tall enough to grasp the latch. I sigh and go over to the door, pressing the doorbell and knocking loudly.
I hear a window open above me and i step back seeing Nikki, "Babe! Open the door. I left my keys here!"
"Oh you did? Well that sure as hell sucks." He says as he looks down at me.
"Nikki c'mon it's cold! Just let me in!" I shout back at him as I hear him laugh "This isn't funny! Open the door or I'm breaking it!" I hear him grumble before he leaves the window. I wait impatiently, ringing the doorbell again before the hallway light flips on.
"Why'd you forget your keys, Van?" He looks at me with a smug smile as he opens up the door.
"Because you were yelling at me." I lean against the wall "And we never lock the side gate so what gives? How childish are you to lock me out because you're jealous?"
"Jealous? Of course I'm jealous! How did you even meet him?! What the fuck Vanity, it's gonna get out to the press!"
"It's already in the press Nikki!" I shout back at him, "They already released pictures of you and Donna looking pretty comfortable at some god damn club! Everyone already knows! I met him at work Nikki-"
"So you've been lying to me?"
I stare at him as I laugh, "Are you joking me? Lying to you? I haven't lied about anything! I told you I was seeing a guy I met there!"
"But you didn't say it was Jovi! God, why do you have a thing for fucking rockstars! If it's not me, it's Tommy, if it's not Slash, it's Jovi. Whose fucking next!? How about I call up some of my friends and you can pick! You're nothing more than a glorified groupie slut who got lucky and popped out a rockstars kid!"
My shoulders drop as I stare at him in shock. Eyebrows raised and my lips parting slightly, "Hm." My eyes close with a light head shake as I reach for my keys from the bowl. I keep my purse on my shoulder as I turn from him and head back out the front door.
"Van, it's the middle of the night, I am sorry." Nikki's tone is panicked as he follows after me, "I'm mad and I didn't mean that. I said it out of anger." I feel his hand wrap around my elbow as my own hand reaches for the door. I tug my arm away from his grip and open the car door.
I stare at him for a moment, trying to come up with something to say, "Yeah, no. I'm not doing this." I sit down and shut the door, quickly locking it as I see him trying to open it. I put the key in the ignition ignoring the constant tapping on the window and my name being yelled as I put it in reverse and start backing out of the driveway. I'm not really sure where I was going, but I just knew I didn't want to be here with him suffocating me with apologies.
Later the following week, I find myself sitting in our therapists office clutching an iced coffee as I wait for Dr. Peterson to come in. I wanted to have a solo session as Nikki was in meetings with Alan and the band to discuss the production of the up coming tour and Arianna was at school.
Nikki and I haven't talked about our argument the other night, nor have we spoke more than 5 words to each other at a time. It makes me laugh because talking is easy, it comes naturally for the two of us as our own persons. Nikki had also been leaving after Arianna goes to bed and coming back early in the morning before she wakes up, my guess is he's staying at Donna's but at this point I've been finding myself asking do I even care anymore?
"I am surprised to see you by yourself." Dr. Peterson pulls me from my thoughts as I hear the door click shut and watch her walk over to her chair.
"Yeah-" I smile politely at her, "Thanks for seeing me on such a short notice too. I really appreciate it." I watch as she opens up her folder as she brings her glasses up to her face.
"At least I won't have to replace the candy dish mid session because Nikki decided to inhale the whole thing." She jokes as we both laugh a bit.
"I decided it would be better if I went solo on this one. Would save us both the headache and keep Nikki out of the dentist."
"Of course, so what would you like to discuss today?"
I shift on the couch as I cross one leg over my knee, "Well...Nikki and I got into a pretty heated argument the other night essentially over us seeing other people and I left because I didn't want to say anything I regretted like he did. I don't know...I'm just, I'm conflicted." I glance over at her, "The more him and I see other people, the more I don't feel like we have a chance of being together how we want to be. We're more distant than ever before. It's like there's some heavy, crushing weight over us."
"We-we rarely talk, only when it involves Arianna. Sometimes we have sex still so it's just confusing because he'll tell me one thing and do another."
"Okay...Have you two done any of the other ideas I told you about? Spending time with one another? Doing things you normally wouldn't do? Spending time together without Arianna? Adults need their time too, Vanity." She questions as I shake my head, "You two just jumped into seeing other people?"
"Well Nikki did, I didn't-" I sigh when she puts her hand up, "I forgot, don't place blame on the other person. Yes, we both did jump into seeing other people. I mean, we did hang out and spend time together alone but it was only once. He started getting busy with the album so we just haven't had the time."
"You haven't had the time? Or you just don't want to make the time?" Dr. Peterson asks as I look at her.
"Well...I don't know!" I chuckle a bit, "Nikki's busy. He has a lot on his plate at the moment."
She narrows her eyes at me, "He's busy? Is he even too busy for Arianna?"
"No, he's never too busy for her. He'd wipe out his whole schedule for Arianna."
Dr. Peterson leans back in the chair as we look at one another for a moment, "So...he's not too busy for Arianna and he's not too busy to make time to go on these dates from what you're telling me. So why do you think he's too busy to make time for you? Or are you worried he's going to tell you no, Vanity?"
"No, I'm not worried he would say no....I just don't feel like I'm one of his priorities, so why would he waste his time?" I shrug my shoulders as I look away from her for a moment.
"Okay....you've been going on dates too? How are they? Are you enjoying your time?"
I take a deep breath and exhale, "Yeah, I am. They've been really good and a lot of fun. He's really nice and pleasant to be around. It's like a fresh of breath air, but I feel so much guilt when I'm with him and I doubt Nikki feels like that." I roll my eyes as I meet her stern gaze, "I shouldn't assume how he's feeling." I mumble lowly to her.
"And has Nikki expressed how he feels about you going on dates? Has he told you?"
I nod a bit, "Yeah, he usually just jokes or teases me about it. But he got mad over the weekend that I was going on a date so we got into an argument. Nikki wasn't happy about who I'm seeing because he knows him and doesn't like him. He locked me out of the house, every door and side gate was locked. Even the garage. He kept saying I had been lying to him just because I didn't tell him who I was seeing.. I didn't tell him who I was seeing because I knew this would be the outcome." I lightly shake my head as a sigh escapes me.
"Vanity, I know you want things to work."
I stare at Dr. Peterson as my eyes swell up with tears, "Is that so wrong? That I just want to be together? For Arianna to have a family? I don't think that's a bad thing to want." I feel my voice get shaky and my bottom lip quivers as I look away from her.
"No, you're right. It's not a bad thing to want. However, is it Arianna who wants a family or is it you?"
My eyebrows pull together tightly in confusion, "What do you mean? I'm certain Arianna would want to see us together."
Dr. Peterson chuckles slightly as she glances at me, "You always use Arianna. Let's be honest, Vanity. You want a family because you weren't close with your own, same with Nikki and you are doing everything under the sun to have Nikki just want you, and only you. He's been your only support, stable support system. Yet, you don't know if you want him in or want him out. You're so worried about if he wants you that you probably don't stop and ask yourself, 'hey, do I even want him?'."
"Because he always says he wants me and only me. I'm sorry that I believe him?" My face scrunches up as I become frustrated, "My family was around enough. I wasn't completely abandoned like Nikki was. I just don't know why I keep thinking he's going to change, he never does. It's a never ending fucking cycle we're fine one minute and then the next we're not. It won't fucking stop." I grumble, slumping back against the couch as I look past her.
"Then maybe this is when you need to change instead of waiting on him. You decide if you want to take this situation into your hands and decide the outcome."
My eyes find hers, "Are you telling me to leave him?" The expression drops from my face and a frown replaces it as she doesn't say anything in return, "But I love him...and I barely knew how to function in New York without him." I blink back tears as I stare at the green and white pattered carpet, "I just- I wouldn't even know how to bring it up to Nikki without it turning into one big pile of shit."
"You could always do it here. It is a safe space, ya know?"
"I know it's a safe place...I'd just be scared he'd storm out of here and I'd find all my stuff thrown out in the street."
She chuckles, "I highly doubt Nikki would do that to you." I shrug at her words, "I'm not saying to jump to conclusions Vanity. Think it over, listen to what your gut, mind and heart are saying. I can only give you so much advice, it's your turn to decide if you want to take it or not."
I take a deep breath in as I breathe it out slowly, "I'll think about it for a few days and then I'll talk to him. And whatever happens, happens."
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
What’s Lost is Found - Batfamily Imagine - Part Eight
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Warning - Depressive Thoughts, Angst Content
Part One  Part Two  Part Three Part Four  Part Five  Part Six  Part Six.Five  Part Seven  Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven
“So you knocked up Kori,” Jason said, taking a bite of his pizza. You snorted. Dick glared at Jason while Kori just shrugged. Jon bit his lip to keep from smiling.
“You really have class, don’t you, Jay?” Dick took a drink of his water. You had all sat down to dinner, and Jason decided to use this opportunity to piss off Dick. It was nice to see Dick annoyed with someone else for once. 
Jason winked at you. “Of course, classy is my middle name.” You smiled back at him. Dick glanced over at you, frowning.
“So why are you here, Jason?” Dick asked sharply. Jon took your hand under the table, still trying to keep a smile off his face. He was still on thin ice with Dick and had to be on his best behavior. 
“I told you. Jason is here for work,” Kori said, happily taking her fifth slice of pizza. You squeezed Jon’s hand. 
Jason eyed Jon. “Has Dick given you the talk yet?” He laughed when Jon’s face turned bright red. 
You smacked Jason’s arm. “Stop it.” Jon swallowed hard, turning away to cough into his arm. 
Jason crossed his arms, clearly enjoying himself. “To answer your question, Dickieboy, I came to keep an eye on things.” He shared a long look with Dick. Dick bit his lip. You felt the heaviness of a secret in their gaze.
“Hey, if it’s about the bounty on my head, I want to know.” You narrowed your eyes as Dick gave you a pained look. “I can know. I won’t get sick.” Jason raised an eyebrow curiously. You wondered if he was informed about your setback at Thanksgiving.
“Let’s not talk about this at the table,” Kori said smoothly. She put her hand on Dick’s. Dick sighed, focusing on his slice of pizza.
Jon squeezed your hand tighter. You caught his eye, knowing he shared your frustration. Silence hovered around the table, bordering on awkward. You played with your half-eatened slice before slipping it onto Jon’s plate. He happily finished it for you. “Can Jon and I be excused?” you asked, glowering at Dick, daring him to say no. 
“Of course,” Kori said before Dick could open his mouth. You quickly got up and headed up to your room. Jon followed once he downed his drink. 
“Don’t do anything that Dick would do,” Jason called after you. 
“Oh, give it a rest,” Dick snapped back at him. You and Jon shared amused looks before you both entered your bedroom and closed the door. 
Jon sat down on your bed. “Jason likes to cause trouble, doesn’t he?”
You smiled, laying down beside him. “He likes to push buttons. Always did.” Jon took your hand again. His warmth soaked into you. “I hate that they won’t tell me.”
“They think they are protecting you.” Jon laid back beside you, kissing your cheek. “It’s frustrating, I know. My dad does the same thing.” 
You hummed, staring up at the ceiling. “Maybe someone figured out where I was? That’s probably why Jason’s here. He’s here to provide more protection.” 
Jon’s finger traced your brow. “I love it when you get that focused look on your face.” You eyed him only for him to give you a dopey smile. “So, I wanted to ask you something.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “What?” 
“I know you’re graduating this year, and that you don’t really care about high school experiences.” He kissed your nose. Suspicion filled you. “But my high school’s prom is coming up and I wanted to know if you would go with me?” 
“Prom?” You sat up, shocked. “Like dress up and dance in a school gym?” 
Jon chuckled. “Yeah, but our prom is more exciting than that. We do a walk so everyone can take pictures, then we have fancy dinner and dance. After that, we all change into our prom t-shirts and we get to see a hypnotist and hang out at the carnival they set up for us.” 
You blinked. “Oh.” You pursed your lips. Even if it sounded painful, you realized you would get to share it with Jon. He looked at you with those hopeful, blue eyes and you could only give one answer. “Sure, I’ll go with you.” 
Jon grinned before kissing you hard on the lips. You laughed, kissing him back. Your fingers ran though his hair. “Great.” Jon sighed as his phone rang. He pulled away with a groan, answering the phone. “Yes Mom?” He winked at you, listening. “Yeah, I’ll be home in ten minutes.” Jon chuckled. “They said yes.” 
“Tell her not to tell Dick or Kori. I want to drop that on them,” you said, smirking as you thought of all the ways you could surprise Dick.  Jason’s presence must have brought out the mischievous side of you. 
“Mom said okay, but as long as you tell them soon, so they can work out plane tickets and everything,” Jon said after he hung up the phone. “Let me know how it goes.” He kissed you again before getting to his feet. You followed him downstairs. Dick, Kori, and Jason were whispering at the table. They stopped talking when you and Jon appeared. You frowned at them, but Jon took your hand and pulled you outside.
“You’ll text me when you get home?” You stayed on the front step, closing the door behind you for privacy. 
“Always.” Jon kissed your lips quickly. “Love you.” 
The blood rushed to your cheeks. “Love you too.” You waved as he jogged away toward the woods to fly home. Waiting until he was out of sight, you went back inside to find Jason at the window.
“Aren’t you a little young to be kissing and saying I love you?” Jason asked, glaring at the front step as if it was the cause. 
You snorted. “Why do you care?” Frustration from being kept out of the loop made your mood sour. 
Jason raised an eyebrow. “(Y/N), be nice,” Dick snapped as he started washing dishes. 
“I don’t have to be nice if you don’t tell me what’s going on.” You crossed your arms, glaring at Dick and Jason. 
“Well, we’re getting close to figuring out who placed the bounty on Robin’s head,” Jason explained. 
“Jason.” Dick slammed one of the dishes down. It shattered in the sink. “I told you to keep them out of this.” 
Your temper flared. “At least Jason is being honest with me.” Dick’s mouth twitched. Your heart skipped a beat, knowing you pushed him a tad too far. 
“Calm down,” Kori said, getting up to take Dick’s arm. “You said yourself that you thought it would be good for (Y/N) to know what’s going on. That way they understand why we are taking the precautions.” 
Jason eyed the two of them before looking back at you. He leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. “We had a few reports of assassins in Jacksonville where you were spotted.” You bit your lip, somewhat guiltily. “But since you are all lying low, it appears the one who placed the bounty is getting impatient.” 
Your eyes widened. “What does that mean?”
“That’s enough.” Dick stepped in between you and Jason. “You don’t need to know more, honey. We’re taking care of it.” Kori came over to hug you as if you needed comforting.
“Why can’t I know? You always do this.” Your hand clenched into a fist, wishing you could punch Dick in his stupid, guilt-causing face. “You’re always hovering, always protecting. No wonder I want to go to college somewhere else. It’s like I can’t take a breath without you worrying about it.” 
Kori flinched away from you, tears running down her cheeks. Jason blinked, taking it all in. “Go to bed, (Y/N),” Dick said sharply. His voice colder than you ever heard it before.
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the guilt that ate you up inside. “Right, send me to my room. Why don’t you follow me to lock me in?” 
“You put a lock on their door?” Jason remarked. “What the fuck?” 
“Shut up, Jason.” Dick turned to Kori and hugged her as she sobbed. You turned to go up to your room, knowing you had already done enough damage. The fact you still had to tell Kori and Dick about prom was the last thing on your mind as you felt rotten inside.
Early the next morning, you crept down the stairs in your running clothes. Jason was snoring on the couch. You eyed him for a moment before going to the door. Picking up your shoes, you stepped out to put them on only to find Dick outside stretching.
“Morning,” Dick said, not looking at you. You grumbled in response. After you and Jon’s patrols had been exposed, Dick insisted on coming with you on your morning runs. It was annoying. He never stopped talking. Hopefully, he would give you the silent treatment because of last night. 
You did your own stretches once your shoes were on. Dick waited for you. He opened his mouth to speak, but you suddenly sprinted down the street. “(Y/N)!” You smiled, hearing him struggle to catch up to you. At least you could outrun him. Once you reached the woods Jon always took off from, you slowed to a steady jog.
“Okay, I know you’re upset, but you can’t run off like that.” Dick panted as he caught up to jog beside you. “It’s too dangerous.” You snorted, heading onto the jogging path in the woods. 
“Why is it dangerous?” You jerked to a stop, spinning to face him. Ice cold rage in your gut. “Tell me. I deserve to know. I already know it’s bad because Jason’s here. Just tell me.” 
Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair once he stopped beside you. “Honey, there are things that you don’t need to know. You don’t need to carry that burden, okay?” 
“I killed Bane. It is my burden.” Your hand shook. You pressed it against your side to keep it still. Dick noticed however. His hand rested heavily on your shoulder.
“No, it’s not.” He looked you in the eye. You saw desperation that you didn’t understand. “Let us take care of it.” 
Your heart threatened to pound of your chest. “I’m not some little kid who useless. I am Robin.” You narrowed your eyes, hoping you were giving him the same look you gave Green Lantern when he dared to say you were just a kid tagging along.
“Not anymore.” He cradled your cheek. “I know it’s hard. I know you feel like you don’t have control over anything.” You frowned, hating that the anger faded away. His concern and support was written all over his face. “I get it. I do. Your dad did the same to me when I was Robin. I hated it at the time, but I know he did it for my own good. There were things I didn’t need to be exposed to, and that goes for you too.” 
“This isn’t the same thing.” Your heart sank. You knew you wouldn’t get any information out of him. It would be better to make peace. Life was easier when you weren’t fighting him. 
“No, but I’m trying to protect you. You’re so young.” Dick kissed your forehead, smiling at you sadly. “Please just let it go, (Y/N).” 
You sighed. “Fine.” You pulled away from him and jogged away. Dick paused, surprised before he caught back up with you. The two of you didn’t speak the rest of the jog. Your mind kept going around and around. Maybe you could get Jason to tell you more? He seemed eager enough. Besides, you always did have Jason wrapped around your finger so to speak, even though he let Dick take custody.
Kori was waiting for both of you at the front door. She sipped a cup of water, smiling as if you didn’t make her cry last night. “Good morning, loves.” She kissed Dick’s cheek then yours. Jason’s snores echoed from the living room. 
A smirk pulled on your lips.  “Hey Kori, can you take me shopping today after school?” 
Dick raised an eyebrow while Kori practically glowed in delight. “Of course. Are we looking for anything special?” 
You went over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. Keeping your back to them, you bit your lip to keep from laughing. “I just need something so I can go to prom with Jon.” 
Silence followed. Suddenly, Kori swept you up into her arms. Orange juice almost splashed out of your glass. “Oh, that’s wonderful, (Y/N). The prom is an amazing tradition.” You peeked at Dick. His eyebrow was still raised, mouth twitching when you met his eye. 
“Jon asked you to his prom?” Dick asked, needing to confirm. 
“Yeah.” You pulled away from Kori who was already taking out her phone to look up stuff. “I didn’t really want to go, but he seemed excited, so why not?” You took a sip of your orange juice. Relief filled you as you noted the suspicion drained out of Dick. 
“I’ll have to call Lois to get more information, but we’ll make it work.” Dick crossed his arms, glancing at the clock. “You should go shower. School’s in an hour.” You made a face, finishing your orange juice before tiptoeing past Jason and up the stairs. Kori was buzzing in the kitchen. You smiled, glad you made Kori happy at least. However, a nagging feeling nibbled away at you. What was happening to get everyone so worried?
You ducked just in time to avoid Jason’s foot from smashing your face. “Cutting it close, aren’t ya?” Jason chuckled as you rolled away.
“If it isn’t close, it isn’t fun.” You threw a punch to his cheek, knocking him away. “Wow, you cut it so close that you got hit.” You danced away before Jason could grab you.
The two of you were sparring in the gym at Haly’s Circus. “Little brat.” Jason smirked at you, rubbing his cheek. You smiled back at him sweetly before using the wall for momentum to send a kick to his head. Jason ducked this time, grabbing your leg and throwing you to the ground. You rolled into the fall and hopped to your feet. 
Jason charged you. You easily flipped over him, wrapping your legs around his neck. Using all your weight, you slammed Jason into the ground.  “Wow, you learned that from Dickieboy?” He grunted, laying on the ground. You got off him, peering down at him worriedly. 
“Yeah.” Jason opened his eyes to look at you. “What? Did I break you?” 
“No.” He groaned, trying to get up only to fall back down. “I think I busted my back.” 
You bit your lip. “Do you want me to crack it for you? I used to do it for Dad all the time.” 
Jason rolled onto his stomach. “If you could.” He sighed as you stepped onto his back. Feeling your way, you found the right pressure points and dug in your toes. Something snapped in Jason’s back. He moaned in relief. “You do this to Dick too? Or do you take it easy with him?” 
“We don’t spar.” You stepped off, holding out a hand when Jason rolled onto his back. He took it and got to his feet with ease. 
Jason hummed, going over to take a drink of water. “I’m going to see if Dickie needs anything and then we can head home, okay?” 
You nodded, running over to the uneven bars and swinging yourself up gracefully. Jason paused to watch you, whistling his approval before he left. You made a couple of passes before flipping off and landing wrong. Your ankle twisted slightly, shooting sharp pain up your leg. 
“Damn it.” You limped over to a bench and felt the sprain. It wasn’t bad, just enough to sting if you stepped wrong. You got up and gathered your things while keeping your full weight on your good foot. 
Limping your way to Dick’s office, you jumped when you heard a crash. You followed the noise to the elephants’ pen. The elephants were in a panic, running around the pen. You peered inside to see part of the ceiling beam had fallen into their pen. Your blood ran ice cold when you saw a head of dark hair trapped under the beam. 
Without thinking, you dropped your bag and climbed into the pen. The elephants saw you, almost stampeding toward you. You rolled out of the way, scrambling over to the person. Once you were next to them, you recognized her immediately. 
“Lian, wake up.” You grunted, lifting the beam off her the best you could. The elephants stormed past, barely missing you and Lian. Dust filled the air. You coughed, pulling Lian onto your back. Slowly, you dragged Lian out of the pen. The elephants screamed again, racing toward you and Lian. Time slowly as you threw yourself and Lian with all your might under the fence and to safety. 
You coughed, panting as you sat up to check Lian’s pulse. It was steady, but she was still unconscious.  You checked her head to find a big lump on the side of her head. The breath rushed out of you. Suddenly, you saw your father in front of you with a similar lump on his head. You flinched. 
“It’s not you.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. When you opened them, Lian was back. 
“What the hell?” The elephant tamers ran up to calm the wild animals in the pen. You looked up to see Roy Harper running into the area with a few of his security guys behind him. He froze when he saw you over Lian. “Lian.” He sprinted over, kneeling down beside her. “What happened?” He demanded, shifting between glaring at you and checking over Lian. 
“I don’t know.” You tensed, crawling away from him as another security guy showed up with the first aid kit. “I heard a crash only to find Lian under the beam in the middle of the pen.” 
Roy gave you a curt nod. You relaxed, knowing he didn’t blame you. “(Y/N)!” Dick’s voice echoed from behind you and within moments Dick was on you. He checked you over, running his fingers through your hair. “You’re okay?” 
“Yeah.” You looked over at Lian. “Lian’s hurt though.” Dick followed your gaze. 
Jason appeared beside you. “Go help Roy. I’ll take (Y/N) home,” he said, helping you to your feet. You gasped, adrenaline fading enough for you to feel the pain back in your ankle. Dick hesitated. Jason supported you, scooping up your bag with his free hand. “Dick, go. (Y/N) will be fine.” 
Dick left to kneel down next to Roy as they tended to Lian. Jason helped you walk to his motorcycle. “You realize he’s going to blow up when he finds out you ran into that pen with stampeding elephants?” Jason chuckled. He sat you down and stuffed a helmet on your head. 
“He freaks out about everything.” You wrapped your arms around Jason’s waist once he settled in front of you. He started the cycle. You could feel him laughing some more. 
“That’s because you’re his kid.” Jason’s voice came through the comlink in the helmet. 
Your throat grew tight. “Is that why you didn’t fight him for custody?” 
“Kiddo.” Jason sighed deeply. He drove off toward home. “I don’t even have a home, much less anything to offer you. Besides, no one would have let me unless I kidnapped you and that is just a lot.” 
“You literally did that when I was seven. You picked me from school and took me to Brazil. Dad and Alfred freaked until Superman had to go get me,” you laughed, remembering it fondly. 
Jason laughed. “Okay, well. It’s different now.” You tightened your arms around him as rain drops hit your helmet. Jason turned the corner and quickly zoomed into the driveway. “Can’t give Dick a heart attack. Bruce could handle it, Dick can’t.” 
You snorted as Jason scooped you up and carried you inside. Just when he set you down inside, it started to downpour. You hissed, your ankle throbbing. “I should go shower. I got elephant dirt all over.” 
“Yeah, you do.” Jason took off the helmet, frowning when he saw the dust and whatever else inside. “I’ll make dinner, so take your time. Can’t let Kori make that...whatever that was again.” 
“I know. Neither of them knows how to cook anything.” You limped up the stairs. Halfway up, you stopped and peered over the railing at Jason who was watching you in a way that you didn’t understand. “What?” 
Jason cleared his throat. “I didn’t realize how much you grew up.” 
You wrinkled your nose. “Jay, now you sound like Dick.” 
“Oh god! He’s rubbing off on me!” Jason groaned, running a hand through his hair.
“Dick does that too. It’s one of his moves.” You laughed when Jason balked, staring at his hand as if it betrayed him.
“Go take a shower.” Jason marched into the kitchen. “I need a drink.” You snorted before starting up the stairs again. Your ankle still throbbed, but the laughter spilling out of you kept the pain at bay.
“You ran into the elephant pen! What were you thinking?!” Dick exploded just as you knew he would once he was home. Dinner was on the table. You, Jason, and Kori were already eating when Dick stormed in, soaking wet from the downpour outside. 
“I saw someone was in danger. I couldn’t just leave Lian in there. She would have been killed,” you said, wincing as you shifted your foot. You had it propped up on Dick’s seat with an ice pack around it. 
“Is Lian okay?” Kori asked, getting to her feet. She rubbed her baby bump.
Dick sighed, calming down. “Yeah, she’s going to spend the next few days in the hospital to make sure her head is okay and everything, but she’s going to be okay.” 
Kori, Jason, and you relaxed. You knew Lian would be okay, but it was good to know for sure. Even if she was rude to you, it didn’t mean you wished her dead. “Good. She had a big lump on her head,” you said.
All three adults went quiet. “Honey, are you okay?” Dick soothed. He picked up your foot and sat down in his chair. Your foot stayed in his lap. His fingers felt your ankle, making you grimace. 
“Don’t do that. I’m fine.” You tried to pull your foot out of his grasp, but he didn’t let go. “Ouch.” 
“Stop pulling. Let me look.” Dick frowned. “It doesn’t look like a bad sprain, but you should stay off it for a few days.” 
“(Y/N), you weren’t...hurt by seeing Lian like that?” Kori reached over to take your hand. 
“I’m fine!” You jerked away from Kori and Dick at the same time almost falling out of your chair at the movement. “It’s fine! Everything is fine!” 
You got to your feet and limped out of the room. “Hey, kiddo, come back here.” Jason chased after you and wrapped an arm around your waist. He carried you back into the kitchen and sat you back in your chair. “You don’t have to storm off. Eat. I know you’re hungry.” 
“I thought you were on my side,” you grumbled, picking at your food. Dick and Kori whispered to each other. You eyed them.
Kori met your eye, smiling and kissing your head. “You did a good job, (Y/N). Do not think we are not proud of you.” 
“You scared me.” Dick dished up some food on his plate. “I kept thinking what could have happened.” 
“So stop doing that.” You poked at your food. 
Jason snorted. “Yeah, stop doing that.” Dick glared at him while Jason smirked. You pursed your lips to hold back a laugh.
Kori shook her head at them, getting another serving. Dinner continued somewhat normally. 
A few days later, Dick and Kori were dragging you out the door. “But she’s not going to want to see me,” you protested. Kori was holding your hand, pulling you along.
“We’re going to visit because that’s what you do when someone is hurt,” Kori said firmly. Dick sighed, carrying the Tupperware full of the cookies you and Jason made the night before. You didn’t realize you had made them for Lian. Kori just claimed she had a craving. 
You stumbled. A hiss escaped you, your ankle hurting in warning. It had healed mostly, but it was still not back to normal. You wished Jon was here. “But she’s not going to want to see me,” you repeated.
“Honey, Lian asked for you.” Dick wrapped an arm around your shoulders to keep you moving. Kori let go of your hand to hug Roy when he opened the door. “It’s going to be fine.” 
“Fine.” You snorted. Dick gave you a funny look.
“Thanks for coming,” Roy said, hugging Kori back. He waved at you and Dick from over Kori’s shoulder. “Lian’s been bored. I honestly have no idea what to do with her.” 
Dick squeezed your shoulder. “I can imagine. I never enjoyed staying in bed for a week either.” Kori let go of Roy to head inside. “(Y/N) and Jason made cookies. Jay had to go do something, but he said he’ll stop by to see Lian later.” 
Roy nodded, taking the Tupperware and stealing a cookie. “Lian will love these. Thank you, (Y/N), for the cookies and for saving Lian.” 
You froze. Dick had to pull you inside. Roy’s house was the same floor plan as Dick’s, except his furniture was more mismatched and messy. Dick pinched your arm. “You’re welcome,” you said, robotic. 
“How’s your ankle?” Roy asked, leading you and Dick up to Lian’s room. She had the same bedroom you did. You eyed the family photos on the wall. Everyone was smiling, doing fun things. You tried to remember if you and your dad took a photo like that.
“It’s better, but they still have to take it easy.” Dick answered for you, noting how you were looking at the family photos. You found one with Lian and all the Titans. She was clearly loved by them, very different from how they all treated you. 
Lian’s laughter echoed from her bedroom as Dick pulled you inside after Roy. Kori was sitting on Lian’s bed, rubbing her leg. “Oh hi Uncle Dick,” Lian said, some of the joy fading out of her face when she saw you. “Hi (Y/N).” She looked away from you.
“Hey kiddo.” Dick hugged her. “I heard you were driving your dad nuts.” 
“When do I not?” Lian giggled. She was so childlike, relaxed. Maybe the bump on her head affected more than they all thought?
“They brought cookies, little monkey,” Roy chuckled, offering one to Lian. Lian took one and happily took a bite.
“(Y/N) and Jason made them,” Kori said. Lian almost choked on it. You turned away, feeling rotten inside. She had a bookshelf with knickknacks on it. You pretended to be focused on those. 
Lian coughed a little. “They taste good.” The rest of them fell into a natural, comfortable conversation. You didn’t join in, wishing once again Jon was here. He was always better at this sort of thing.
About an hour passed before Roy and Dick went off to work, leaving you and Kori behind with Lian. “Kori, can you get me a glass of water?” Lian asked sweetly. 
“Of course.” Kori got to her feet, kissing Lian’s then your head. She left the room, leaving the smell of her perfume in her wake. 
An awkward silence filled the room. You didn’t look at Lian. However, you could feel her eyes on you. “So...” You peeked up at her. She wrung her hands somewhat nervously. “I...I wanted to say thank you for saving me.” 
You blinked in surprise. “You’re welcome.” 
Lian bit her lip. “And...I wanted to say sorry for how I treated you. I know I didn’t really apologize when my dad forced me to.” She sighed, studying you. You almost wanted to cry. This was something you never expected from Lian. The bump on her head must have changed her a lot. 
“It’s okay.” You stared at her, unsure how to react. “I know I’m not easy to get along with. That I’m unfriendly.” 
“I wouldn’t say that.” Lian pursed her lips. “Jon wouldn’t be dating you if you weren’t a good person. I mean you’re already perfect.” 
You flinched at the word ‘perfect’. “I’m not perfect.” You shook your head in disbelief. “No one is.” 
“Yeah, you are. I mean Uncle Dick is always talking about how smart and talented you are. Kori talks about you like you are her kid.” Lian crossed her arms, pouting slightly. It hit you like a freight train. Lian was jealous of you. You ran your hand through your hair in shock. You always thought Lian hated you because you killed Bane. 
“I’m not.” You realized you were running a hand through your hair like Dick did, and stopped yourself. “I tend to hurt people because I get angry and say things. I made Kori cry the other day. I make Dick worry enough to get gray hair. I make mistakes that put my life and other’s lives in danger. I disrespected my father’s legacy.” The blood drained out of your face.
Lian eyed you. “Are you okay?” 
You took a shaky breath. “I’m working on it.” You shut your mouth when Kori came back with Lian’s glass of water. She handed it to Lian before focusing on you.
“(Y/N), you look unwell.” She laid her hand on your forehead. Her hand blazed against your skin. “Maybe you should head home and lie down? I’ll stay here with Lian.” 
You nodded, quickly leaving the room with a small wave to Lian. Lian’s apology and confession left you reeling. She thought you were perfect. You shook your head as you hurried back home. Perfection was something you would never reach.
“So are you excited?” Jon asked. You imagined him bouncing around like a puppy on the other end of the phone. 
“Sure. More to see you, but yeah.” You eyed your prom outfit hanging from your closet door, waiting to be packed into a suitcase. 
Jon laughed. You smiled at the sound. “I’m glad to hear that.” He paused. “Is it okay that Dick and Kori aren’t coming with you?” 
You pursed your lip, remembering when they sat you down to let you know they wouldn’t be there. Dick had to work on the circus’ summer tour, and he couldn’t afford the time off. Kori had a modeling gig she couldn’t get out of either. “It’s fine.” You shrugged. “Jason’s coming with me.”
“Jason?” Jon swallowed hard. You snorted. The fact Jason made him nervous was ridiculous to say the least. “Oh, I guess we’re not going to do what I thought we could.” 
“What did you think we could do?” You laid down on your bed next to your half-packed suitcase.
Jon coughed. “I thought we could...maybe go flying again. I found this place that I thought you would like to see.” 
“I’m sure we can go. Jason’s not as strict as you think he is.” You closed your eyes. “Jon, do you know what’s happening?” 
“Uh, like in the world? Not much, but Mom makes me watch the news,” Jon said. 
“No, I mean with the bounty on my head. It’s getting more serious. That’s why Jason’s here. He said whoever placed it on my head is getting impatient.” You froze when you heard Dick and Jason arguing downstairs. Jason must have pushed Dick too far again.
Jon was quiet. You started to wonder if you lost him when he finally spoke. “As far as I know, it’s taken care of. Dad said not to worry about it as long as we don’t go on patrol again.” 
You sighed. “I miss it.” 
“I do too.” Jon laughed. “We’ll get back to it someday, I’m sure.” 
“(Y/N)!” Jason shouted up the stairs. “Get down here!” 
“I got to go. Jason pissed Dick off again.” You got to your feet. “Love you.” 
“Love you too. I’m counting the minutes until I see you tomorrow night.” Jon blew a kiss into the phone. You laughed, hanging up. 
Slowly, you headed downstairs only to see Dick and Jason facing off across the kitchen table. “Jay, why do you keep setting him off?” you asked, eyeing the two men unimpressed. 
However, Jason didn’t smirk, glaring over at Dick. Dick’s mouth twitched. You suddenly realized this wasn’t just Jason getting under Dick’s skin. “Don’t you dare,” Dick snarled in warning, jabbing a finger at Jason.
Jason eyed the finger before knocking Dick’s arm away. “You can’t keep them in the dark. They’re going to know. This is getting big.” 
Dick turned to you. “(Y/N), go upstairs and finish packing. We’re fine here.” 
“You don’t look fine,” you mumbled. Your stomach twisted to the point where you thought you might throw up. “What’s happening?” 
“Honey, everything is okay. Just go pack.” Dick came over to run a hand through your hair. “You just stay excited for your trip.” He kissed your forehead and pushed you to leave. You wondered if Dick and Kori really couldn’t come because of work or if it because what they wouldn’t tell you.
“You’re such a piece of shit, Dick.” Jason exploded, slamming his fist on the table. “This is going to blow up in your fucking face if you don’t tell them.” 
“Jason!” Kori burst through the door, wearing designer maternity clothes that she must have gotten from her photo shoot. “Calm down!” Her hand glowed with a starbolt. Jason’s eyes widened at the sight before he marched out the door. He got onto his motorcycle and drove off. 
Dick pulled you into a hug. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” You stiffened in his arms. 
“Whatever.” You torn yourself out of his arms and quickly hurried upstairs. Once your bedroom door was securely shut, you collapsed onto your bed. A mix of fear and frustration came over you followed by the pain of regret. If you hadn’t killed Bane, none of this would have been an problem.
You sipped on your soda, watching Jason from across the table. Both of you were at the airport. Since your flight got delayed an hour, you were eating at a cafe. Jason hadn’t spoken since Dick and him had words when he dropped you both off. 
The food arrived. You smiled at the waiter, thanking him. Jason just grunted and dug into his burger.
“What can’t you tell me?” You asked after spending a few minutes picking at your salad. 
Jason looked at you. He took his time to swallow. “I can’t, kiddo. It’s Dick’s choice and he made it clear he doesn’t want you to know.” 
“Dick’s not here.” You smiled sweetly. 
“Sneaky brat. No wonder Dick’s hair is starting to go gray,” Jason chuckled. He took a big gulp of his beer. “But I have to respect his choice. He’s in charge of you. Besides, he told me how sick you got just from reading about Gotham.” 
“That was months ago. I’m better now.” You crossed your arms. “I deserve to know.”
Jason looked you in the eye seriously. “I know, but it’s not my call.” 
You snorted, taking a bite of the salad with disinterest. “Why are you respecting Dick now? You never had before.” 
“We all had to grow up when we lost Bruce.” Jason studied his beer, frowning. “Besides, we all made a promise that we’d get along.” You opened your mouth, but he held up at hand. “As well as we can at least.” 
“I wasn’t in on that promise.” You finished your glass of soda. The waiter showed up with another glass a second later. 
“No, Damian wasn’t either.” Jason finished his burger and sat back in his seat. “Just us old ones.” 
“Old ones? Tim and Steph are twenty-five.” You smirked, nibbling on a piece of carrot.
Jason laughed hard. “Timbo’s been fifty since he was born and Steph is younger than you are. The other day she put waffles in the Blu-ray player.” 
You blinked. “You got to be kidding?” 
“Nope, apparently she was a little drunk from girls’ night. Tim had to go pick her up, and when he turned his back on her, she just put one right in there.” Jason finished his beer, and waved for the check. 
“Wow.” You laughed harder than you had in a long time. Jason chuckled with you. Your worries went away for a while as Jason dished on more embarrassing things about Tim and Steph. 
Your smile dropped when you only saw Clark waiting at baggage claim. “Where’s Jon?” you asked, looking around him as if Jon was hiding behind him. 
“Jon’s at school. We’ll see him when we get home.” Clark chuckled, giving you a hug. “It’s nice to see you again, (Y/N). You’ve grown a few inches.” 
You wrinkled your nose. Your heart ached, knowing that your Robin suit wouldn’t fit anymore. “Sure.” 
Clark let go of you. “Hello, Jason. How was the flight?” 
“Good, considering we were next to a crying baby the whole time.” Jason came over with all the bags. He bit his lip awkwardly.  
Clark took a bag, clapping a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “It’s good to see you.” The two men led the way while you pouted. You were so excited to see Jon only to have your hopes dashed by stupid high school. 
You endured the car ride and the two hours it took for Jon to get home. Eventually, you took to sitting on the front steps to avoid the small talk Jason and Clark slowly worked through. It was incredibly painful. 
An old clunker turned down the driveway. You raised an eyebrow at it as it came to a stop next to the Kents’ car. “(Y/N)!” Jon stumbled out of car. “Look at this baby! Isn’t it amazing?! I wanted to surprise you!” 
“Uh, why are you driving this?” You stood up, staring at the clunker. It backfired like a shotgun when he accidentally hit the gas as he leaned inside to turn the car off. He jumped in panic before killing the engine. 
“I bought it last week.” Jon ran to you, grinning like a child in a candy store. He kissed you hard before wrapping an arm around you. “What do you think? Isn’t it a sweet ride?” 
Your first thought was not very nice, and you had to suppress it. “What the hell?!” Jason came out the door behind you. “Why did you let him buy this piece of crap?”
“Be nice.” You shot him a warning look when you saw Jon’s face fall. Giving him a bright smile, you winked at him. “It’s great.” Jon cheered up instantly. It amazed you that you could make him feel better with just a smile. You only had that power over your father. Your eyes burned with tears. You forgot about that.
“I didn’t let him buy anything. This was all his idea,” Clark said, coming out after Jason. He crossed his arms. “Son, I told you to stop by the auto parts store to get that spark plug.” 
Jon bit his lip. “I...I’m working on it.” He blushed.
Jason walked up and popped open the hood. “Wow, this really is a piece of crap.” 
You pulled away from Jon and joined Jason. “You could fix it for him since you insulted it,” you whispered once saw Jon and Clark talking to each other. Jon looked uncomfortable. You sensed Jon was asking for money. 
“I don’t know if I can fix this.” Jason whistled, poking around. “But anything to avoid small talk with Clark.” He made a face. 
You snorted. “That was painful for everyone, trust me.” 
“But Dad...I swear I’ll work it off,” Jon said loudly. Clark shook his head, frowning down at Jon. Jason and you glanced over at them.
“I’m triggered.” Jason chuckled, looking back at the car. “I’ll tinker around and see what I can do. You go have fun with your boy.” 
“My boy? You make him sound like a dog.” You rolled your eyes, heading back over to Jon. Clark tilted his head, listening to something. Jon wrapped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you into his side. 
Clark glanced between you and Jon, then over at Jason. “I have to go. Earthquake in Nepal. Stay here and out of trouble.” You closed your eyes as Clark zoomed off.
Jon sighed. “But you like the car, right?” He turned to you, kissing your temple. 
“Yes, it’s great.” You patted his arm. “So why did you buy a car when you can fly?” 
“Because Jon Kent can’t fly, only Superboy can. Mom and Dad won’t let me drive to school until I got a car, so I did.” Jon frowned when he saw Jason removing something from the engine. “What is he doing?” 
“He’s fixing it.” You kissed his chin. “Jason needs something to do. You don’t know how much small talk we all went through before you got here.” Jon chuckled, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “So there was some place you wanted to take me, right?” 
Jon bit his lip, avoiding your eye. “Yeah, but we should stay here for now.” He looked at the house. “Do you have your prom outfit here?” 
You covered his eyes with your hand. “Yes, but no peeking.” Jon’s fingers tickled your side. A laugh escaped your lips, jumping away from him. “So what should we do?” 
“Well, I got some homework I should finish.” He smirked with puppy dog eyes. “I need a tutor.” 
“Oh you do?” You took Jon’s hand, intertwining your fingers with his. “I suppose I could try. Maybe something will get through that skull of steel.” 
“Maybe?” Jon leaned down to kiss you sweetly. 
“Get a room,” Jason shouted. You and Jon looked at him in surprise. Jason’s eyes widened, realizing what he said. “No, don’t do that.” 
You laughed before turning back to kiss Jon again. Jon chuckled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist to lift you up against him. 
Later that evening, Jon picked you up in his arms and flew you into the sky. You glanced down over his shoulder to see Clark watching the two of you from a window. “Jon, your dad’s watching us.” 
“I know. I can feel.” Jon chuckled somewhat nervously. “Don’t worry about it though.” He flew faster. You closed your eyes and hid your face in his neck to avoid wind burn. 
Jon’s words didn’t sit right. “Do you know something about what’s happening?” you whispered against Jon’s skin. His arms tensed around you as he slowed down and landed. You kept your face in his neck, unable to look at him. He didn’t say anything for a long time. You felt the familiar weight of a secret coming from Jon, and you hated it. He used to be the one you could trust to be on your side. He had joined the others, protecting you by keeping you out of the loop.
“I can’t say...” Jon held you tighter when you didn’t move. “We’re here. Come on, take a look.” 
Tears filled your eyes in frustration and betrayal. You jumped out of his arms without warning. He moved to catch you, but you hit the ground and rolled to your feet with the momentum. “I can’t believe you’re siding with them.” 
“Woah.” Jon reached out to catch your arm, but you marched away from him. You noticed the beautiful meadow with all the wildflowers. The setting sun caught on all the different colors, making some muted and brilliant at the same time. It was magical, but you were too upset to be moved by it. “I’m not siding with anyone, (Y/N). I just can’t tell you.” 
“Yeah, right.” You glared at him. Jon froze. Fear flashed on his face. You realized you gave him the batglare. Huh, you didn’t realize your glare had the same effect as your father’s. It never worked on Dick. “You’re with them. I never should have trusted you. You want to keep me in the dark while everyone else goes out and risks their lives because I killed Bane!” 
“(Y/N), I’m on your side. Always.” Jon zoomed in front of you. You took a step back to stay away from him. Your heart broke into a thousand pieces when you found yourself aching to believe him. “This is for the best, I swear. Let’s not focus on that right now.” 
Rage filled you. Your fist went flying and cracked against Jon’s jaw. Pain exploded in your hand, but you bit your lip to keep from crying out. Jon fell to the ground, not prepared for the hit. “I’m not weak! I’m not someone who can’t handle themselves! Stop treating me like I’m invalid!” 
Jon rubbed his jaw. He looked at you worriedly. Your heart sank. He was looking at you like everyone else did. You walked away from him. Tears streamed down your face. You lost count on how many times he had seen you cry. “(Y/N).” Jon’s footsteps followed you. “Let me look at your hand.” 
“Leave me alone. I thought you were different.” You wiped your eyes with your hand, wincing when you saw how it was already starting to swell. Punching Jon probably wasn’t a good idea. 
“Please.” Jon grabbed your good hand. He brought it to his lips. “I’ll tell you what you want to know, okay? As long as you let me look at your hand and that you promise you won’t try anything crazy.” 
Your hand throbbed. Adrenaline wore off. Guilt soured your stomach and you couldn’t say no. “Fine.” You turned to him, making the mistake of looking at his eyes. He studied you with worry and concern, but you could see the love he had for you. A fresh wave of guilt flooded through you again. 
Jon sat you down on a nearby rock and knelt in front of you to study your injured hand. “Sorry,” he whispered when you winced from his touch. He turned to use his freeze breath to make a ball of ice and held it to your hand. “I don’t think you broke anything, but we should ice it before it swells too much.” 
You bit your lip. “Tell me.” 
“Okay, okay.” Jon sighed, keeping the ice on your hand. Your hand went numb from the cold. “Apparently, someone is planning a massive attack on Gotham. I don’t know the details, but everyone is on alert.” 
Your eyes widened. “I should be there. It’s all my fault.” You tried to get to your feet, but Jon’s grip on your hand kept you on the rock. 
“It’s not your fault, and it’s being taken care of. I promise if it gets bad or something, I’ll let you know, but we can’t interfere.” Jon leaned forward to kiss your cheek. “They didn’t even tell me everything. Probably because they know I’d tell you and we’ll both be inspired to help.” 
You eyed the red spot on Jon’s jaw. “I’m sorry I hit you.” 
Jon laughed. “It’s fine. You should be impressed. Not everyone can take me by surprise.” You raised an eyebrow as he leaned forward to kiss you. “I love you.”
“Are you sure? I just hit you.” You pulled away, not returning the kiss.
“(Y/N), sweetheart, you have a right to be upset. It sucks that no one will just tell you what’s going on.” Jon kissed you again. You smiled into it, kissing him back. “I forgive you.”
You found yourself getting excited, kissing Jon so hard that he toppled over with you on top of him. “Sorry,” you laughed. Your fingers ran through his hair.
“Never have to be sorry about that.” Jon tickled you. You screamed, rolling off him and away from his fingers. The pain in your hand disappeared from your thoughts. “What do you think of this place?”
You looked at the meadow again. This time you took in the beauty. “It’s wonderful.” You leaned down to kiss Jon again. Jon pulled you down on top of him as you two quickly lost track of time.
It was dark when you and Jon finally flew back to the farm. You rode on his back with your arms and legs stretched out, so you could feel like you were flying. 
“We’re going to get yelled at when we get home. I was supposed to have you back before ten. It’s eleven now,” Jon said, looking at his watch. 
“It’s fine. At least we’re in this together.” You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his hair. 
Jon chuckled. “You’re not the one who’s gonna get his balls shot off.” 
“Jason threatened you? Funny,” you laughed, kissing the back of Jon’s neck. “You know he won’t do that. He just likes to mess with people.” A smirk pulled at your lips. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so relaxed. “Besides, he doesn’t have kryptonite bullets.” 
“Didn’t your dad have a kryptonite ring? Dad said he punched him in the face with it years ago.” Jon dropped slowly, hooking your legs in his arms as he landed in the Kents’ yard. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck to stay on his back. “Yeah, he did.” A shiver ran up your spine, aching for your dad. He would have flipped if he knew you were dating Jon Kent. Actually, he probably would have given you that ring just in case. You smiled sadly.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Jon turned his head to peek back at you. The blood ran to your face when you realized tears were running down your cheeks and dripping onto him.
“Sorry.” You slid off his back to stand. Someone cleared their throat from the porch. You and Jon jumped.
“Kinda late, aren’t you?” Jason said, stepping into the light. He rolled his eyes at Jon. “You should be embarrassed that you didn’t notice I was there. What’s the point of having supervision and superhearing and not use it?” He leaned against the porch post, frowning. “You okay, (Y/N)?”
You quickly wiped away your tears. “I’m fine.” You kissed Jon’s cheek. “I’m going to bed, but I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” 
“Yeah, I’m finally going to see your prom outfit tomorrow.” Jon smirked, relaxing when he looked into your eyes. 
“I hope so. I’m not going to go naked.” You brushed past Jason on your way inside the house. Jason made a face of disgust and disapproval. “Better stop or you’ll turn into Dick.” 
“Like that would ever happen,” Jason retorted, narrowing his eyes at Jon. 
Jon smiled, getting braver by the second. “I mean you already look alike anyway.” 
You laughed, heading inside before you could hear Jason’s response. You said good night to Lois and Clark who were in the living room before you went to bed.
“You look wonderful, (Y/N),” Lois said, kissing your cheek as she helped you fix your hair. The outfit fit perfectly. You looked at yourself in the mirror, smiling at how grown up you looked. “Jon will have his socks knocked off for sure.” 
“What if he knocks off mine?” You laughed. Lois finished with your hair, stepping back to look at you. 
She smiled. “Well, then you both might be more serious than we thought.” 
“Not too serious, I hope?” Jason asked, poking his head into the room. He froze when he saw you. “Look at you. Already a bombshell.” 
“Shut up.” You went over to hug him. “But you think I look good? Not like I’m playing dress up or something?” You bit your lip. Even when you had to dress up for one of your dad’s galas or parties, you always felt like it was a game. This time it was real.
“Nah, you look great.” He kissed your forehead, hugging you carefully back. “Dick’s gonna be mad he wasn’t here.” 
You hummed. “Is Jon downstairs? We want him to see (Y/N) as they come down the stairs,” Lois said. She pulled you away from Jason to adjust your hair one last time. 
“Yeah, he’s down there. I think he might be pacing a hole into your floor.” Jason smirked, winking at you. “Knock him dead, kiddo.” 
You laughed, giddy from excitement. Funny, how you didn’t want to go in the first place, but now you couldn’t imagine not going. Jason and Lois left the room. “Come down when you’re ready, honey,” Lois whispered before shutting the door. You sighed, turning to look at yourself in the mirror. 
A shiver ran up your spine. You frowned, the joy draining from you. Did you have a right to be happy like this? You murdered a man. Even if he was a bad man, you deserved to be punished. Your hands started to shake as you thought about the danger the rest of the family must be in. It was all your fault.
“Little one, are you going to come down? Jon’s not going to be able to wait much longer,” Clark said through the door.  You sank down on a chair. Your chest tightened, panting as if the air was being sucked out of the room. “What’s wrong?” Suddenly, Clark was beside you with his heavy hand on your shoulder. “Breathe with me. Calm down, little one.”
“I don’t deserve this. I killed Bane.” You pressed your hand to your chest as it threatened to explode. “I can’t be happy. I shouldn’t be happy.” 
“You can be happy. Your father wanted you to be happy.” Clark soothed, resting his hand on your cheek. “One mistake doesn’t define your life. Now breathe with me, little one.” 
Slowly, you copied him, catching your breath. You saw Clark listening to your heartbeat. It was rather like a dog listening for something. Jon did the same thing, which you realize is probably why you always associated with him a puppy. 
“(Y/N)! Are you okay?!” Jon asked, bursting into the room. You cursed superhearing. You quickly turned your back toward the door. 
“Jon, we’re fine. Go back downstairs.” Clark stood up, blocking Jon’s view of you. You were grateful for it. 
“But I heard...Wow.” Jon moved around his father to look at you. “You look amazing.” You peeked up at him to see that dopey, puppy dog grin on his face. He dropped to one knee and took your hand. “You’re beautiful.” 
A laugh cough sound came out of your mouth. The guilt faded away as it always did when Jon was around. “You don’t look bad yourself.” Jon kissed your palm. Clark watched you both, smiling softly. “I suppose they want us to take pictures downstairs before we go, right?” 
“Yeah, they do, and we’ll have to take pictures at the prom and do this long walk thing,” Jon sighed tiredly. “Are you ready to do this together?” He looked you in the eye like he just asked you to go to war.
You bit your lip. Your face heated up. “As long as you’re there with me?”
“To the ends of the earth,” Jon swore, kissing your cheek before pulling you to your feet. Clark shook his head and led the way downstairs. You and Jon shared one last kiss on the lips and went once more unto the breach. 
“Are you sure you can do it?” you teased, pulling on the end of Jon’s t-shirt. 
Jon chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, I can. You’ll get that giant stuffed banana if it’s the last thing I do.” 
You eyed the high striker game. “I appreciate the dedication, but I don’t think you need to put in so much that you’ll break the machine.” You glanced around the school gym, which had been converted from a dining room to a dance floor to a carnival in just a few hours. Jon and you had changed into your prom t-shirts to enjoy the games. 
“I got this.” He winked at you. The last kid only got halfway up and walked away with a mini stuffed bear. Jon stepped up and picked up the hammer. You glanced around again, folding your hands together to hide your nerves. Your mind kept imagining Jon busting the game and exposing his secret identity just in impress you. 
Jon slammed the hammer down hard. The lights flashed and the bell dinged at the top. “We have a winner,” the game operator said. People around clapped. Jon turned to look at you before he pointed at the giant banana. He received his prize and brought it over to you. You wanted to hide when you noticed people were watching you and Jon. 
“Come on, I didn’t break it,” Jon soothed, handing you the banana. You took it uncertainly. “It’s not going to blow up, sweetheart.” 
“Why a banana though?” You jumped when you heard some teens nearby laughing at your comment.
“Had to give them something to remember you by, right Jonno? Can’t measure up.” A boy clapped a hand on Jon’s shoulder. Jon laughed halfheartedly. You wrinkled your nose, glaring at the boy. He flinched and quickly left with his friends.
“So it’s a sex thing? Is that appropriate for a high school that has locked us in the school gym so we don’t leave to get into trouble?” You tucked the banana under your arm. Jon wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leading you toward the refreshment table. 
Jon snorted. “I think they just got whatever they could.” He kissed your temple and got a soda. “Well, we got about two more hours until the hypnotist show.” He took a sip before offering it to you. You took it, enjoying the intimacy of it. “You want to see how many giant stuffed bananas we can win?” 
“You realize I won’t be able to take them home. They will have to live with you.” You laughed at how wide Jon’s eyes got. 
“Oh, right.” Jon took the soda back and finished it. “Well, we can get another one for Jason at least.” 
“I’m sure he’d love it.” You imagined how Jason would react to it. Jon led you down to the basketball game. Your phone beeped while Jon mentally debated if he wanted to try it and how he would win the another giant banana. It was a text from Jason.
I got to go, kiddo. Stay with the Kents. 
Your blood ran cold. You quickly texted him back.
What do you mean? What’s happening?
There was a long pause. Jon noticed you were on your phone and peeked over to read the text. “Oh no,” Jon sighed.
“He’s not texting me back, Jon,” you whispered after a long three minutes. 
“I’m sure it’s fine. Maybe it’s not about...you know.” Jon took your arm and led you over to sit down on the bleachers. “Let’s just relax, huh?” 
You glared at Jon. “Stop protecting me,” you hissed, the rage coming back to you. 
Jon bit his lip nervously. “Okay, but we don’t know if it’s...what are you doing?” You ignored him, opening your web browser to find the Gotham Herald's webpage. “(Y/N)...” Your blood ran cold, heart skipping a beat when you saw the first news report.
“We have to go.” You showed Jon the news report about Gotham under siege from an army. The city had been evacuated. Police were the only ones there to keep the peace along with Batman and his allies. “How did we not know about this? Stupid Dick, blocked the news from my phone.” You got to your feet, leaving the giant banana behind. 
Jon grabbed your arm and pulled you out to the hallway for more privacy. “(Y/N), there is a reason they didn’t want you to know.” 
“Yeah, to protect me. Well, it’s time I stop being protected and face my crimes.” Tears of frustration filled your eyes. “Jon, I did this. I caused this.” 
“Sweetheart, we can’t go.” Jon ran a hand through your hair. You flinched. It was too much like Dick. You didn’t want to think of him at the moment. You looked back at your phone to refresh to find a new video. Turning up the volume, you played the video. Jon watched, his eyes going wide with horror as it show Batman being overran by soldiers and being locked down inside Gotham General Hospital.
“Jon, this is Damian.” You bit your lip, dreading the idea that Damian would have another reason to despise you. Deep down, you know you caused this by killing Bane. “We can’t leave him.” 
You saw Jon’s eyes flash. He and Damian might not have hung out since your father’s death, but he still cared. “Mom and Dad are going to kill me.” He picked you up in his arms. You barely got your arms around his neck before he zoomed out of the school through the woodshop door that apparently was always open. 
“Thank you.” You kissed his cheek once you both were high in the sky, flying toward Gotham. 
“Just promise to not leave my side, okay?” The fear on Jon’s face made you frown. You knew you couldn’t promise that.
“I’ll do my best.” You buried your face into his neck. “Take me to the cave.” Your heart fluttered at the idea of going home. Only your stomach sank, hating it had to be for a crisis you caused.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Add A Link and See It Grow
Today’s the last day of the Harringrove Week of Love! The final prompt I chose was Found Family! Read this here or on ao3 posted by ej_writer !
Word Count: 7,305
Rating: T
“Are you serious right now Nancy?”
It was 7:30 at night when Steve heard his doorbell ring and, upon answering it, was met with a swarm of middle schoolers rushing into his house. He had plans to go out to the quarry with Billy in like, a half hour, he could not afford to be the babysitter.
“I’m sorry, Steve. My mom was supposed to watch the kids but she had to go out so she asked me to babysit, but I already told Joyce and Jon I’d help them plan Will's birthday party and it’s only a few days away now and-“ Nancy talked about a thousand miles a minute as she tried to justify dumping the brats on him.
“Whatever, it’s, fine.” It wasn’t, but it wasn’t worth arguing over either. “Aren’t they old enough to watch themselves at this point?”
Nancy didn’t even respond to that, just gave him a stern look that said ‘you’re watching these kids no matter what, get over it.’ She crossed her arms and squinted at him and, even if it didn’t really matter if he agreed, his resolve broke. “Alright, fine.”
She smiled and thanked him before hurrying back to Jonathan’s still running car. Steve sighed and braced himself before turning around to go back inside. The brats were known for wreaking havoc in a matter of minutes, and he wasn't looking to let them destroy his parents’ house.
In the five minutes he was outside they’d already raided the fridge of all of his pop, added the leaf to his dining table (how did they even know where that thing was?), had game pieces and boards thrown all over the place, and made a stack of their bags in the corner of his living room.
“Wait a second, is this a sleepover?” Steve groaned at all of the overenthusiastic nods he received. “Where am I supposed to put all of you little shits?”
Dustin shrugged. “You have enough rooms in this place to house the whole neighborhood. I think you’ll be fine.”
“Well, since nobody felt the need to run this by me first, I’m already busy. Can you dipshits handle yourselves for like, two hours?”
The look on Mikes face perfectly mirrored the one his sister had given Steve at the door. “Dude, Nancy will kill you if she found out you left us here alone.”
“Not if I kill her first for dumping all of you on me.” The threat had still stuck, she absolutely would kill Steve. There was no way he could get away with leaving them unattended.
He figured he could just call Billy and cancel, but that was really the last thing he wanted to do. He tried to come up with some compromise, but with all the kids pulling up chairs to his dining table with intentions of staying all night, he didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.
Dialing Billy’s number into the kitchen phone, he walks around the corner into the bathroom, shutting himself in as best he can around the phone's cord in an attempt at having some semblance of privacy from the six sets of prying ears in the next room, but he hears nothing from the other end.
He let it ring a few more times before he gave up, wrapping the cord back up and hanging the phone back in its slot. This wasn’t going to go over well.
Because it wasn’t like he could just be like ‘hey, I have to go do this, be back in a few’ when what he had been planning on doing was going on a date with Billy Hargrove. They were sneaking around behind the kids' backs, so that just wasn’t a luxury they had.
But Billy wouldn’t answer his phone, so he couldn’t explain the situation to him either, and now Steve was backed into a corner, and exponentially screwed.
At first, he was trying to just stay out of the kids’ hair, hover in the corner while they did their thing just to make sure they didn’t get it of hand, but he was feeling too jittery and nervous, so he pulled up one of the thousand extra dining chairs his mother kept around for dinner parties and joined in their stupid game.
For once, they were playing normal people games instead of that role playing thing he couldn't wrap his head around, so he could actually understand what was happening enough to participate.
Not that that meant he ever won, being outsmarted by these kids was his specialty. Round after round they ran circles around him, and he was getting frustrated enough he was considering making them sleep outside.
He was about to throw his cards down and quit for what was probably the tenth time already when he heard the telltale sound of Billy’s Camaro pulling into his driveway.
That was really bad. He’d stood Billy up, and he’d be pissed, he couldn’t let him just barge in here and make a scene in front of the kids. Because not only would that mean they knew Steve was not crushing on some imaginary girl or whatever he’d made up to thwart their suspicions, but that he was with Billy Hargrove of all people. They’d never let it go.
He shot a quick look at Max, who no doubt would’ve been able to recognize the sound of her own brother's car, hoping to somehow communicate to her to keep these other assholes occupied while he dealt with this. He was pretty sure Max already knew about them anyways.
Forfeiting again, he got up from the table and hurried towards the front doors.
Will called after him with a sympathetic, “It’s just a game, Steve!” which thankfully meant they either hadn’t heard or hadn’t recognized the sound of Billy’s car.
Holding up the pack of camels he always kept in his pocket, he turned around to face the kids, backing towards the door still. “Just need a smoke break.”
That seemed to appease them, and they went back to what they were doing. He practically ran the rest of the way to the door, as he opened and closed it before they could see the boy on the stoop.
Billy was standing there probably about to lay on the doorbell, something he always did just to drive Steve crazy, and seemed surprised at the way he came all the way outside and shut the door behind himself. “Listen, I’m on babysitting duty, so I kind of can’t do this right now.”
At the same time Billy’s face fell, Steve felt his heart drop into his stomach. This wasn’t about their rendezvous, turning up at Steve’s house usually meant he needed something, and judging from the way his hands were stuffed deep into his pockets and the way he was worrying his lip between his teeth, it was something important. “Whatever, Harrington. I’ll get out of your hair.“
“That’s not what I meant.” Steve reached out and put his hand on Billy’s arm to get his attention. “I’m sorry. I want you to stay, I just, I needed you to know they were here.” The additional so you didn’t out us and ruin our lives forever went unsaid, but Billy knew the implications of being caught by the kids.
“I need your first-aid kit“ It was hard for him, asking for help, but these days it was something he needed a lot of.
Without another word he opened the door and led Billy inside, making him kick off his muddy biker boots before following him up the stairs to where he kept the band aid kit in his bathroom. One of the perks of having a big house was that the kids, from where they were in the dining room, couldn’t see the door, and only heard them go up the steps.
This had become routine for them, Billy showing up at his door in need of a little TLC, and Steve desperate to give it to him, but up to this point they’d been able to evade the kids. He didn’t think it would honestly be all that bad if they knew, Billy’s sister was among them and probably wouldn’t let her friends run too wild with the information, but Billy had made him swear on his life he’d never let them, or anyone else for that matter, find out about it.
Of course he understood that. There was a reason this kept happening, these nights when Billy would show up at his door in need of assistance, and that reason, who’s name happened to be Neil Hargrove, would undoubtedly kill the both of them were he ever to catch word that his son was dating Steve Harrington.
Steve had the displeasure of meeting Neil in person only once in late December, when he’d dropped Max off at her house after a Christmas party at the Byers. Being that he was such a responsible and caring father, or at least that’s what he was for the public eye, he just had to meet the boy who was watching his daughter.
Steve’d been beyond unsettled by the unnecessary firmness of his handshake, the distant look behind his so obviously practiced smile, the way Billy, with his arm in a cast for reasons he wouldn’t tell anyone, loomed in the corner as Neil did his interrogation.
When he was satisfied with the answers he’d been given, sure that Steve wasn’t carting the kids around because he was a creep or something, he’d let him go with a slap to the shoulder that was a little too hard to be friendly, and made Billy, maybe as a show of some sort of old fashioned respect, walk him back to his car.
“Did he do that to you?” Maybe it was because his experience with his own father had made it easier to recognize, but Steve was pretty sure he had a good idea of what was going on here.
Billy kept his eyes downcast and his shoulders squared, defensive in a way that was distinctly un-Billy. The broken arm must have been preventing his fighting instincts from taking over, or maybe it was the guilt from already beating the shit out of Steve once. “Maybe.”
That was enough of an answer for him. “Look, if you ever need anything, just like, I don’t know, come find me or something, man.”
Billy’s head snapped up to look at him. Steve could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to think of some response, but that had gotten to him. He kept his lips pressed in a flat line, and stared at Steve like he just grew a second head.
“I’m sorry for lying to you, just, my door is always open, or whatever.” It was extremely awkward, Steve offering help to the boy who’d literally just beat the shit out of him and concussed him like a month ago, but he could see through him.
The scar in his eyebrow didn’t come from their fight, nor did the cast on his arm. Seeing the way Neil acted, the saccharine smile he wore as he made subtle threats on him when he literally did nothing but drive his daughter around, he had enough to figure out that those injuries had been from what Billy had faced once he came home that night.
Billy hadn’t said anything, just scoffed and turned around to go back into his house, but a week later he showed up at Steve’s house, having gotten the address off of their sort of mutual friend Tommy, with a broken nose and bled all over his living room carpet, and the rest was history.
Steve walked him into the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet seat, popping open the first-aid kit where it sat on the tiled counter. “Where’re you hurt?”
A nervous habit of his, Billy was chewing on the side of his thumb nail. His gaze flickered between Steve’s face and the framed painting behind him on the wall. “S’my ribs.”
Steve got him to shrug out of the two different jackets he was wearing, his first winter in the Midwest had proved to be far too cold for a Cali-raised boy like Billy, and pull the Henley shirt he had on over his head. The damage hidden underneath was enough to make him sick to his stomach.
Reaching out, Steve gingerly touched the deep purple bruises littering the other boy's chest and ribs. He felt breathless, this was by far the worst he’d ever seen it. “Jesus, Bills.”
Billy wasn’t very good at accepting sympathy from others. It made him feel all squeamish to be fussed over, and Steve was the king of fussing over him. He muttered, “Think there’s a cut towards the back.”
Steve wrapped his fingers around Billy’s forearm and gently pushed his arm up over his head to inspect the damage, and sure enough, there was a gash about 6 inches long on his left side. “What the hell did he do to you?”
Billy sniffs, looks away and says, like it’s nothing, “Steel-toes break the skin easier.”
Every time they did this, Steve’s heart broke into a million little pieces. The nonchalance of it all was the worst part, the way it was so normal for Billy to have his father kick him until his ribs were bruised black and bleeding, it made him so sad to see his Billy that way.
He let Billy put his arm down and crossed his own arms over his chest, “You’re gonna need stitches.”
“You know how to sew.” Another shot right in his heart, Steve didn’t know how much of this he could handle.
“Barely. And this is completely different.” Steve stepped forward and put his hand on the side of Billy’s face, keeping him from looking away again to stare at that stupid painting on the wall. “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I can take it, Stevie. Either you do it or I will.” If Billy gave an ultimatum, he meant it.
He definitely didn’t know how to sew, it was a skill considered too feminine to be taught to a son despite its usefulness, so he never learned how, but if Steve didn’t agree he would’ve very much done it and hurt himself a thousand times more in the process just to prove a point
So Steve reluctantly did it, made Billy hold his arm over his head and turn to face the other wall so he could see it better. Not that he was an overly emotional person, or maybe he just wouldn’t admit he was, but the sight before him put tears in his eyes.
Billy caught that, and despite the swell of nervousness in his own chest as he saw Steve threading a needle from out of the kit, he offered comfort to his boyfriend.
“Only a few more months before I’m outta there, then we won’t have to worry about this shit any more.” Billy would turn 18 in June, just under three months from now, but when he showed up at Steve’s door bloodied and bruised every other day, that long stretch of time offered no comfort.
It wouldn’t be as easy as Billy seemed to think it was to leave. He wouldn’t have any money, the Camaro wasn’t in his name, so he wouldn’t have any way to get around, and he didn’t even know where he would stay yet. That was all hypothetical for if he’d even be able to leave too.
With an abusive father constantly looming over his shoulder and keeping tabs on him, he’d know he was going to leave and try to stop it at all costs. It was only a matter of time before he started trying to manipulate Billy into staying.
It clearly didn’t have the desired effect on Steve. Billy’d even offered his assurances with a smile, but his boyfriends face stayed grim as he wiped at the cut with an alcohol pad so he could start to try to stitch it shut.
They stayed silent after that, while Steve tried to steady his shaking hands for long enough to get the needle in and out of Billy’s skin without hurting him too bad. The only break in the silence was the occasional gasp from Billy when Steve made another hole in his skin, or the noise drifting up from when the kids started yelling downstairs.
After a few more times in and out he was able to tie it off, the sutures were sort of crude, but were doing their job, and he made Billy move his arm all around to make sure they wouldn’t tear right through his skin. Once he was appeased, he made him put a new shirt on, the other one stained with his blood would have to be washed.
Billy stood up and wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist. “I’m gonna be okay baby.”
Steve reached his arms around the back of Billy’s neck and pressed their foreheads together. “I know but-“
Cutting him off with a quick kiss, Billy interjected. “It doesn’t matter about him as long as I have you.” Another peck to his lips. “Love you.”
It hardly did anything to cheer Steve up or comfort him, but there wasn’t anything that could when every night, he sent his boyfriend back into the arms of a monster. He sighed and ran his fingers through the long hair at the back of Billy’s neck. “I love you too.”
Neither of them knew how much time had passed when Billy pulled away to grab his jacket off of the counter. Shrugging the layers back onto his shoulders, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket again. “I should go. The nerd herd’s gonna wonder where we went.”
“I want you to stay.” Steve kissed him one more time. “Not gonna let you go back to him yet.”
Billy looked like he wanted to protest, but Steve must’ve been looking as sad as he felt, because Billy sighed and gave in. “Fine. But your kids aren’t going to be too happy about that.”
“They’ll be fine.” Billy always seemed to underestimate just how much the kids liked him.
It was true that they hadn’t been his biggest fans at first, but when they first started doing this, Steve made him swear he’d apologize to them, and he did.
They were smart kids, they understood how the situation had looked when he got pissed, all of them hiding from him in a strangers house, and they understood the implications too of him begging Max to leave with him and his arm being broken literally the next day when she hadn’t.
It wasn’t immediate forgiveness, they were pretty wary around him until they felt he’d done enough to prove that he meant it when he apologized, but they’d all more or less accepted it by now.
Because he hadn’t stopped after just saying sorry. The words themselves never meant much to him at all, what with the situation he grew up in, so he tried to show them he was sorry.
Which was how he had become the secondary chauffeur after Steve, taking more than just Max home after trips to the movies or the arcade, and consequently how he had started helping them sneak around.
More than a few times he’d helped them smuggle Eleven out of her dad's cabin, because he understood feeling trapped, before he had his own car Neil had been able to keep him under 24/7 surveillance. He always covered for Lucas too, driving him home first before anyone else, and when Neil wanted to know who Max had been with, he’d lie and say it was just Dustin or El. After what happened it felt like the least he could do, but Steve was right, by now, they were pretty much over it.
Either way, he didn’t exactly want to have to explain away why he and Steve had disappeared upstairs for the last hour, hour and half. They might forgive him for his stupid outburst, but he couldn’t be sure where they drew the line.
Steve smiled at him and wrapped his fingers around Billy’s wrist, pulling him out of the bathroom and back through the hallway to the stairs. “Just follow my lead.”
Any semblance of a plan was lost when they made it back to the kitchen, Billy leaning in the doorway while Steve announced his presence, and they saw Eleven washing blood off of her hands in the sink.
There were some things Billy knew he’d never understand about these kids, Steve had made him promise he wouldn’t ask questions even though that was what had got them into a fight in the first place, so, despite his confusion, he didn’t even try to ask.
Not even when Steve put his hands on his hips and reprimanded her. “Oh, you were not spying on me.”
She smiled coyly. “I was.”
Billy felt the blood drain out of his face, felt his heartbeat skyrocket as he and Steve exchanged a look of fear. Steve stuttered and started trying to explain. “Listen you guys-“
Dustin cut him off, always overly eager to complain. “She won’t tell us anything.”
Nodding, Mike agreed. “She says it’s an ‘invasion of your privacy’.” He used air quotes around the last part as if spying on people in their own homes wasn’t exactly that.
The fear on Steve's face shifted into anger as he pointed his finger in Mike's face. “That’s because it is. I told you little shits a thousand times: no spying.”
Lucas interjected, agreeing with his friends. “What’s it matter if she won’t tell us anyways?”
Max fixed him with a deadly look and scoffed. “It matters because she didn’t want to and you made her. Why should she tell you what she saw?” Typically, Max would be on Lucas’ side, but they must’ve been fighting again.
Billy, watching the scene unfold while leaning on the door frame, clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth and announced. “Seems like I walked into something.” He turned to walk away and called over his shoulder. “Catch ya ‘round, Harrington.”
Before he could get away, Steve grabbed him by the back of his jacket and tugged, stopping him dead in his tracks. “No way. You’re not leaving me to deal with this by myself.”
“Your children aren’t my responsibility.” He reminded him, but he had no actual intentions of actually leaving and they both knew that.
The kids hadn’t understood at first why Steve got along with Billy after he’d been the one to be beat up, so, to put it in a way that made sense to the brats, they pretended to argue so it seemed like they were only begrudgingly hanging out, and so far, they hadn’t seen through it.
Steve had a retort ready, but Dustin beat him to it. The kids were constantly rubbing it in Billy’s face that they’d turned him into a babysitter too. “Yeah, we kind of are.”
Lucas, obviously only trying to get some sort of points towards Max’s forgiveness, agreed. “Especially since one of us is your totally awesome sister.” Max just rolled her eyes at his attempt.
Realizing he was still holding onto Billy’s jacket, Steve pulled him back into the room and let go. “You’re staying.” He turned to Will and asked him like nothing had happened, “So what are we playing?”
Unsurprisingly, the kids had developed tiny attention spans. They'd gotten quite the taste for crazy adventures, so unlike normal teenagers, activities like watching movies and playing truth or dare all night wouldn’t really do it for them.
Since Steve had left, they’d apparently played through two different games and had been about to start a third before they decided to spy.
Mike tells them, “We’ve narrowed it down to Uno and Monopoly.”
“Mike, Will, and Max vote Monopoly. Me, Lucas, and El vote Uno.” Dustin further explained, “We need a tie breaker.”
“I’m not any good at Monopoly. Too much counting.” Steve nudged Billy with his shoulder. “What do you think?”
“Last time I played Monopoly I broke someone's nose, and I’m colorblind. Don’t think my vote counts.” Neither of those facts are particularly untrue, but the only reason Billy brings them up is because he’s still trying to deny that he’s their babysitter.
Staying for Steve, whatever, that was fine, but playing board games with the little shits, that would be giving in, admitting that he wasn’t above hanging out with middle schoolers on a Friday night.
But he doesn’t get out of it, because with the excitement of all of the kids combined, Will pipes up. “Don’t worry, I am too! My mom put shapes on all the cards so I can tell the difference.”
He hurries and fishes out the playing deck, bringing it straight to Billy to look through. “See! Reds are squares, greens are circles, yellows are stars, and blues are triangles!”
Steve smirks at Billy, at the defeated look on his face. “Looks like you’re not getting out of this one, Hargrove.”
Tumblr decided this was too long, go ahead and finish reading on ao3! Over there I’m ej_writer !
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ladycatofwinterfell · 3 years
45. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed
The offer had hung heavy on her mind for a week, but she had finally almost made her decision. All she needed was to talk to Ned, then it was final. Then she would hand in her letter of resignation and leave. After fifteen years at the company she would say her farewells. She had been married to the CEO for thirteen of those years, she reflected. Thirteen out of fifteen, that was a lot.
The curtains were pulled for the glass walls of his office when she came there, meaning he was having an important conversation with someone. She wondered who it was.
It felt like all of her inside was crawling when she stood there and waited. She didn’t know why she was so nervous. It was normal, there was nothing unusual about talking to her boss about resigning. But she had been there for so long, it would feel strange to leave it behind. And it would feel strange to talk about it with him of all people.
After a couple of minutes the door opened and Maege came out.
“Hello, Catelyn” she said and nodded.
“Hello, Maege.”
The other woman looked at her for a moment before leaving. It was a look that was somewhat pitiful. She didn’t like that look, she had seen it so many times. Every time they were in a room together people looked at them like that.
Taking one last deep breath she poked her head inside.
“Mr. Stark, do you have a minute?” she asked. “I have something I need to talk to you about.”
She would never get used to calling him that instead of Ned. But she had convinced herself it was better to do so.
“Yes, come inside” he said, gesturing towards the chair on the opposite side of his desk.
She carefully closed the door behind her and then walked over and sat in the chair, crossing her legs.
“Is it about the kids?”
She understood why he would assume that. They were rarely alone except for when they needed to talk about the kids. Not because they had parted on terrible terms, it was just easier that way. For everyone.
“No, it’s not” she said, avoiding eye contact. “It’s about my job here.”
“Okay” he said, as if telling her to go on.
She noticed she was tapping her fingers against the armrest and immediately stopped, folding her hands in her lap instead. Why did it make her so nervous? They weren’t married anymore, it was just about her job and nothing else.
“Edmure made me an offer” she said, forcing herself to look at him. “It’s a great offer, and I will take it. Unless you give me a reason to refuse it.”
She didn’t know how she had expected him to react, but she believed she could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. And she could feel all of her soften at the sight of that. An old habit she hadn’t managed to get rid of. It hadn’t been a problem that far, she rarely saw him feel anything. All she ever got was his cold facade.
He left his chair and walked over to the the windows, turning his back to her and looking down at the city below them instead. The whole wall was glass. He looked very small there, not at all like the CEO of one of Westeros’ largest companies that he was.
“If he really wants you, and I presume that he does, he will outdo whatever offer I make” he finally said. “I have nothing to give you that he can’t also give you.”
“Well, Sir, that’s true, but–“
“Ned” he sighed. “You don’t need to call me Sir.”
She knew his name. Saying it was easier than breathing. But she had chosen not to use it in professional situations for so long. She remembered the surprise in their coworkers eyes when they had got to know about their divorce. “I thought Dorne would freeze over before those two went separate ways” she had overheard Maege saying to Jon Umber a few hours later, and he had nodded in agreement. Once she had also thought that. But things had changed, she was wiser than she had been then.
She stood up too, even though she didn’t really know why. It felt better to be on the same level as him.
“So you don’t have a reason for me to stay, Ned?”
She almost wished she had a reason to stay. And she almost wished he would have given her that reason.
“No. I will let you leave, because that’s what you want.”
Yes. Yes, that was what she wanted. Right? Whatever doubts she had had earlier meant nothing, she would do it.
He turned to look at her. And she looked back at him, not knowing what to say. What did you say to the person you had loved for so many years when you left them in yet another way? They had separated, and now she was leaving the company they had built together.
“I would have liked you to stay though” he said. “The stocks will take a dive the moment people get to know you’re leaving.”
That made her laugh.
“Is that the only reason for why you want me to stay? The stocks? Are you worried about what the tabloids are going to write too?”
Was there nothing else? Was that all she was? An asset to the company? Had he cut every tie there was? How had he managed to that when she had been unable to?
He came over to her and suddenly he was very close. She laid her hands on his chest, turning her face downwards. She should have pushed him away, that was the reasonable thing to do. He wasn’t her husband, they went separate ways. But there he was, his body close to hers, and she found that she wished they hadn’t divorced.
He had to feel it too, why else was he so close? He wouldn’t seduce her into keeping her job, he wasn’t the type of person to do that. There had to be more to it.
“Is this your offer?��� she said, almost breathless.
Edmure couldn’t give her that. He couldn’t give her Ned back.
“Do you want it to be?”
Of course she had played with the thought of being with him. She had played with the thought of what would happen if she kissed him, what would happen if she allowed herself to get as close to him as she was in that moment. Sometimes during her lonely nights she had even thought that she would marry him again someday, when they were in better places. And she had missed him.
Instead of answering she turned her face up and kissed him. For the first time in more than two years she kissed him. Before she knew it she had moved her hands up into his hair and he had wrapped his arms around her, pressing them against each other. It was like they had never been apart. He kissed her back like they were still married. She had longed for that, she had longed for him. She smiled against his lips when she felt how one of his hands removed the clip holding her hair into place. The gesture was as familiar as her home.
She realized they were moving when she hit the chair she had previously sat in. She would have tripped and fell if he had not held her. The chair, having no one to hold it, fell over, but they took no notice of it, making their way towards the couch placed along one of the walls. When the back of her knees hit it she pulled him down with her, not wanting him to part from him even for a second. She wrapped a leg around his waist, trying to get him even closer
But against her wishes he broke away from her, leaving her gasping for air.
“Oh no” he muttered, shaking his head. “No.”
She felt somewhat disgruntled. Was he going to leave her there? Laid back on the couch with ruffled hair and clothes, her skirt almost up at her hips. She had given herself to him, had thought it went both ways. Apparently it didn’t.
She tried to keep her feelings from showing on her face. He would probably see it no matter how hard she tried, he knew her too well.
“Okay, then, Mr. Stark” she said as she readjusted her skirt and found her feet. “I will hand in my letter of resignation before the week is over.”
She had just made out with her ex-husband. For no apparent reason. Well, there was an apparent reason. She still loved him.
He grabbed her hand before she could walk over and take her clip on the floor next to the fallen chair.
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
She sighed and put a smile on her face
“It’s fine, Ned, you don’t have to want me. We’re not married, we’re not together. We can pretend this never happened, it was a mistake anyway. Right?”
That was where he should have agreed. It had been a mistake, making out with your ex was always a mistake. She should have just told him, she shouldn’t have let it go that far.
“Catelyn, listen to me for a moment.”
She did go quiet then, but she let go of his hand.
“I would like to try, if you want that” he said calmly. “Because I think we can have something good again. That is my offer. Not that you have to stay at the company for that, but I would like you to. I just don’t think that having sex in the office with the door unlocked is a good way to start.”
“Gods be good, look at you being the voice of reason” Catelyn chuckled.
Ned allowed himself a smile.
“I’m a changed man.”
She walked over and took up her clip, holding it up.
“Not too changed though” she said as she twisted her hair up. “You’re still very much recognizable.”
She fastened the clip and made sure it held her hair into place.
“Old habits die hard.”
“They do” she agreed, very much still feeling the effects of their little session.
She had not slept with a single person since they split up. She had briefly considered dating, but it hadn’t been possible with the kids and work. Well, she only had them every other week, but she had no energy for meeting people on the weeks when she was alone. Taking interest in someone, loving them, had been a lot easier when she had that person in her home. In her bed and at her dinner table. She missed having someone to love with her every night. No, she missed having him with her every night.
She wondered if he had done the same. If he hadn’t she couldn’t fault him for it, they were divorced and he had the right to have sex with whoever he wanted.
“I won’t tell my brother no yet” she said. “I’ll wait a bit. But as of right now your offer is one I find myself unable to refuse.”
She would regret it. If she stayed and it all fell apart she would probably regret it. She liked her job, but she didn’t know if she could through having to see him every day while being heartbroken again.
“So how do we proceed from here?” he asked.
That was a relevant question. Did they start over completely with dates and all that? Well, they couldn’t just go back to how it had been before, but it was hard when they already knew each other so well. They had been married for thirteen years.
“I don’t know, but I guess we do it one thing at a time.”
She would have to promise herself not to be too disappointed if it didn’t work out. They had divorced for a reason, after all. Chances were she would only get reminded of those reasons and nothing else.
“So can I ask you to go out for dinner with me?”
She smiled. No matter what the future held it could be fun for a while.
“Yeah, you can ask me out for dinner.”
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Part 1 … Part 2
“So, How was your first day of school in America?” Lois asked as her small family all sat around the table eating dinner. It was almost painfully ordinary, traditional. A married couple and two kids eating a normal dinner and talking about their day.
All of them appreciated that one piece of normalcy in their worlds of superheroes and villains and PTSD.
Marinette snorted, almost choking on her forkful of food. After managing to somehow swallow without causing herself discomfort, she smiled at her mother figure.
“Honestly? I know Jon could fly and I could teleport to school in practically no time at all, but somehow Damian still manages to seem more impressive.”
“Right?!” Jon agreed emphatically, leaning over the table towards her and almost getting his whole plate of food smashed against his chest. “Probably because helicopters are huge and look awesome, but we’re still just us when we use our powers.”
Marinette nodded sagely at that reasoning as if it was something actually serious. Tikki, who was sitting next to her plate with a half-eaten cookie, giggled.
“That makes sense. But be careful Kaalki doesn’t hear you referring to them as ‘not impressive—‘“ Marinette was cut off before she could even finish her sentence.
“Too late, I already heard that blasphemy,” the other Kwami’s voice carried down from upstairs, making Lois and Clark’s lips twitch up in amusement. “I’m a god, dear, I have even better hearing than Kal-El,” for some reason the little horse god always referred to the boys by their kryptonian names, but they didn’t seem to mind much. “Not as impressive as a helicopter, hah! See if I let you use my fabulous powers anytime soon, Guardian or no Guardian.”
Marinette just rolled her eyes. Technically she could just command Kaalki, but that was against her morals and the horse god would never keep her from responding to an Akuma attack anyway. This was just harmless teasing.
And it was really nice in contrast to everything they were used to dealing with.
“Okay, but besides the helicopter,” Clark pressed gently after everyone’s chuckles quieted down. His face was open with genuine curiosity, and a little bit of worry that Marinette caught onto instantly. “I know Damian isn’t always the easiest person to get along with or understand. Did the rest of the day go by alright?”
Marinette actually set her fork down on her plate, her smile turning a little gentle. “Actually? Yeah. When we first spoke I thought he was a stuck-up jerk like some of my ex-friends and a bully of mine from Paris. But he’s just not good with people,” Marinette’s smile turned even softer as she gazed down at the table, at some memory nobody else could see. “It reminds me of my friend Kagami, from Paris. She acts pretty similar. Really impersonal and prickly on the outside, but once you get to know her she’s the most loyal friend you’ll have. Her mom is really strict though, and Kagami never got to interact with a lot of kids her own age, so she still has issues figuring out how to behave around others sometimes,” Marinette actually ended up laughing a little, rubbing the back of her neck. “We uh, we actually had a crush on the same person back when we first met and it sparked a pretty rough rivalry for a while. Once we got past that though, we ended up being best friends.”
Jon snickered, trading knowing glances with their parents. They had already agreed that, unless Damian or Bruce told her themselves, Marinette would have to figure out the Bat’s identities on her own.
“That sounds very familiar,” Jon stated with a little nod. “Me and Damian fought when we first met, too. Legend has it that Dad and Bruce, Damian’s dad, didn’t get along right away either.”
It was Clark’s turn to snort. “I think it’s just a Wayne thing,” the man agreed, amused. “They don’t like getting close to anyone right off the bat,” Lois kicked his leg under the table for that pun, but Clark cheerfully ignored it. “It is pretty funny that you have a similar experience with someone completely unrelated, though. Maybe we should invite her over sometime? Do you know when her school’s next break is?”
Marinette sat up straight in her chair, her smirk wide and almost blinding at the prospect of seeing one of her closest friends in person again. They video chatted and called often enough, but it wasn’t the same. “Actually! Kagami told me that she’s going to Gotham next month for a fencing competition. She’s an Olympic hopeful, you know. She has to make a good enough impression in different national and international competitions to be selected,” Marinette was almost bouncing in her seat, looking like a female version of Jon for a moment with her vibrant blue eyes shining with rare unhindered excitement and her body unable to stay still from the energy.
“I heard that Gotham was holding the World fencing finals this year,” Lois remarked, but kept eye contact with Clark for a moment as the two communicated silently in a way even telepaths couldn’t copy. Marinette recognized the hesitance in their faces, and her bouncing stopped immediately. She knew why they would be reluctant to let her go.
“I know Gotham is dangerous and I still have attacks pretty often,” Marinette’s voice was suddenly soft, but firm in a way that the rest of their little family hadn’t heard from her much at all. It made Clark and Lois look at her, waiting for her to finish making her point patiently. “But self defense isn’t really an issue. Even without any powers, without transforming, I…” Marinette took a breath to steel herself before continuing. “I learned martial arts from Maman. And I’ve used the Miraculous so long that all the combat experience of the previous Ladybugs is mostly muscle memory by now. And Kagami is more than just a fencer, her mom’s trained her in all sorts of sword fighting her whole life. Trust me, nobody messes with Kagami and gets away with it easily,” Marinette actually looked down at her hands, watching as she essentially had a thumb war with herself to avoid meeting anyone’s eyes.
“I don’t think physical attacks are what we’re worried about,” Lois admitted slowly, frowning. “I mean, yes, it’s a concern. But if I remember the dates for the competition correctly, I’ll be out of town for my first long distance job since you came to live with us. Clark will be at work during the day on the weekend, though maybe he can get a day or two off,” Lois gently worried her bottom lip with her teeth for a second. “I suppose, if Jon wants to go with you, it wouldn’t be as much of a problem if something happens…”
Oh. They weren’t worried about people attacking her. They were worried about her own mind. Which, after the last few months? Was perfectly fair.
“I don’t mind if—“
But, as life usually ended up, they were interrupted from their peace. Everyone jolted in their seats as the door was unceremoniously kicked down, and a man in his early twenties walked in carrying a mountain of boxes in his arms. Marinette blinked, no longer on guard since the rest of her new family immediately relaxed. But still, she was confused. Nobody said anything about having a visitor today.
“I know, I know. I haven’t been in touch for way too long, give us a little forewarning, blah blah blah. I brought presents this time though,” the man said, cheerful and casual and blasé. With the boxes on the center of the dining table, Marinette could finally get a good look at him.
He was probably about twenty four or twenty five, if Marinette’s ever-sharp eyes were correct (they hardly ever weren’t), and his hair was spiked up with a bit of gel, but not too much. Just enough to give it kind of a tousled-rebel look, and it was cropped close to his head on the sides. He had on a black leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders and slightly down the arms, with slightly baggy black jeans and a plain, worn red shirt. Dark black sunglasses rested on the top of his head, even though the sun had been down for a while.
He did not meet the usual Kent aesthetic of a charming, traditional nuclear family. He was more of an… oddly joyful punk. It actually gave her slight Luka and Jagged vibes, and made her relax a bit into her chair. Contrary to what most might think, Marinette had a bit of a soft spot for the punk rocker look. Most people, that she had met at least, who wore it on a regular basis were amazing people with great senses of humor and large personalities.
“Old man, I got you socks,” he called out with a lazy smirk, chucking the first small box over at Clark. The man caught it with a fond eye roll.
“You always get me socks.”
“Maybe if you stopped being boring, I’d get you something better,” the stranger mocked with good humor. “Lois, jewelry that you’ll never wear,” he handed the box over to the woman with significantly more care, before sliding over one of the bigger boxes to her as well. “And a new camera that you will actually use.”
“Hey, Wait a second, you know you don’t have to—“
“And for the squirt,” the man interrupted without letting Lois finish saying that there was no need to spend so much money. He tossed the last big boxes over to Jon one at a time carelessly, smirking the whole time that Jon playfully scrambled for them. “Video games, geeky shirts, and inside jokes,” he stated happily.
With the table now clear of boxes, he finally noticed the extra body. He blinked, making silent eye contact with Marinette for a tense moment.
“Okay, she’s too old to be a secret child. Did someone make another clone? Did Jon get a girlfriend that looks freakishly like a long lost Asian family member? What did I miss?” He asked, never taking his eyes off Marinette. Clark grimaced.
“If you didn’t break your phone so often, maybe we would have been able to tell you sooner,” the man said slowly, cautiously, with his eyes never straying from the stranger. “This is Marinette. Marinette, this is Connor. He’s… Jon’s brother,” the pause there was a bit odd, and Marinette frowned at the look on Clark’s face. It was like he didn’t know what to say at all, or how to say it. “Marinette is living with us for the foreseeable future. If we get the chance we might officially adopt her, so she isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Woah woah woah, what?” Marinette’s voice came out a lot squeakier than intended, the girl thoroughly whiplashed by this situation. It was hard to think straight. “I— we never talked about adoption.” Clark’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Well, not in as many words,” he conceded slowly. “It would be incredibly hard, and we wanted to give you time to settle in before asking. But… well, you’re officially an American citizen and we all feel like you’re family already. So…”
“You wouldn’t have to change your name,” Lois was quick to interject, watching Marinette’s face worriedly. “And you can say no. You’re already a Kent. We would just like to make it official legally, if and when you’re ready.”
“Okay, stop making the poor girl freak out,” Connor interrupted, eyes also on Marinette and gentle in their concern. He gave her a lopsided smile. “Ignore them. Clark never had great timing that wasn’t related to legitimate danger. So, sorry I didn’t get you anything,” he leaned back casually, thumbs hooked on his jacket pockets lazily. “Didn’t expect I’d have a new sister when I came back to visit.”
Marinette calmed down a little, but emotions still overflowed in her head, her chest still tight and the air feeling too thin. She offered Connor a shaky smile before standing up, looking over to Clark and Lois. “Um, I— can I— I’m tired.”
Clark sighed, nodding even as his face fell at Marinette’s state. “Yeah. We’ll talk about the competition some more in the morning, get some rest.”
The girl only nodded before making a hasty retreat up to her room, even forgetting to take care of her only half-empty plate. Tikki did her best to calm her bolder down from her place hidden in the girl’s hair, but it wasn’t doing much good. She just needed space, and time to try and process everything.
“Aren’t you cold?” Connor’s voice made Marinette jolt, looking over at him with wide eyes. Nobody had ever followed her on her post-nightmare trips before. She wasn’t even transformed. She just sat, in her pajamas, on the empty terrace of her old home. It hadn’t been sold yet so she wasn’t worried about scaring anybody.
“I… should have expected you to be the other Superboy, honestly,” Marinette deflected with a weak smile before turning to look over the city again. She licked her lips, trying to calm herself down. “And yeah, I’m a little cold, but it’s no big deal. I’ll just go back home before it gets too bad.”
“You’re trembling,” he pointed out casually. And she was, her whole body was practically vibrating against the terrace railing. Marinette only gave out a pitiful laugh.
“That’s not from the cold.”
Connor only sighed, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall behind them. Gave the girl a little space.
“What did… What did Clark and Lois tell you? About me?” Marinette decided to ask tentatively. Connor raised one brow, honestly a little surprised that she didn’t also have super hearing to go with her powers. It was slowly becoming more and more obvious that Marinette was not exactly like the other Kents, and Connor only liked the jumpy little girl more for it.
“As much as they could without feeling like they were crossing a line,” Connor admitted. “That they took you in after an accident during a metropolis attack a few months ago, when you had nobody else reliable enough to take care of you. That you’re not Kryptonian, but still special and knew about all of our identities already. But strangely enough they didn’t mention teleportation or the fact that you were a Parisian superhero, not that I’m really all that surprised.”
Marinette smiled, snickering a bit at that last part before sobering again. “Is it… weird?”
Connor silently examined the girl for a moment, she probably expected him to ask what she meant. And maybe if he was anybody else, he would have.
“To suddenly come home to a new person that I’m suddenly supposed to accept as a part of the family? Not really. In fact, you’re probably the most normal surprise I’ve dealt with in years.”
“But,” Marinette looked back at him, eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes swimming with uncertainty. “But I just show up out of nowhere, and you really just accept me? Just like that? I mean, you’ve known me less than a day and you just saw me teleport to Paris in the middle of the night— you aren’t worried at all? Or suspicious, or— you really just accept me just like that?”
Connor couldn’t help but chuckle, pushing himself off the wall to lean over the terrace railing with her. “You know, technically I’m only eight years old.”
Marinette flinched with surprise at the subject change, eyes wide. “Huh?”
Connor laughed at her confusion, rustling her hair a bit. “I’m a clone. I was made with Superman’s DNA, and that of another asshole we won’t mention. Don’t tell Lois I swore. Anyway, I was ‘born’ as a teenager,” he used finger quotations to show that he wasn’t exactly born normally. “With all the mental development and knowledge of a sixteen year old. Pretty much, anyway, but I was still a newborn,” he shrugged. “Clark wasn’t exactly thrilled. Jon was eight at the time, which is why Clark can never decide if I’m the older or younger brother, and he wasn’t exactly planning on another kid back then. Not to mention the whole ‘created in order to kill Superman if he ever went bad,’ and ‘might be a spy because I was made by his arch nemesis’ thing,” Connor waved his hand as if this blasé info dump didn’t actually matter. Marinette just gaped at him, which made it hard for the guy not to smirk. “Point is, Clark was suspicious. Didn’t exactly want anything to do with me. Can’t say I completely forgive him, but it’s mostly water under the bridge nowadays. Especially when we found out that I did have trigger words, and I was unknowingly dangerous. Don’t worry, those trigger words were erased ages ago. Anyway, Clark eventually got his act together. Gave me the Kryptonian name Kon-el, had me live with him for a little bit. We worked it all out,” Connor turned back to Marinette, taking his sunglasses off so he could look her in the eye properly. “I really don’t think a Ladybug is exactly threatening in comparison.”
Marinette was silent for a moment.
“You know I could throw you off this balcony, right?”
“Eh, I can fly.”
Another moment passed before Marinette couldn’t help it, and started giggling. Those giggles turned to laughs, which quickly turned into joyful bellows. Connor joined in, smiling as he laughed alongside her.
“But… you like it with them, right?” Connor suddenly asked, looking over at her. “I know Jon can be a bit overexcitable, and Clark is an annoying boy scout.”
Marinette just shrugged. “Well, it’s not too bad,” she said softly. “I mean, at least neither of them can die by getting crushed by falling debris. So that’s an improvement at least.” Marinette instantly went pale at her own words, slapping a hand over her mouth. Connor snorted, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s the exhaustion talking. C’mon, let’s get you back in bed before Clark accuses me of corrupting you.”
Marinette just nodded, doing the world’s quietest transformation before opening a portal back to her room. She was already detransformed, Connor having one hand on her doorknob, when she spoke up again.
“Uh, Kon?” She fidgeted, not able to look up at him. “Thanks.”
The man just smirked, shrugging his leather-clad shoulders. “That’s what family’s for, right?”
Marinette smiled, huffing out a tired laugh. “By the way? I’m glad at least one of you Supers has a sense of fashion.”
“We heard that!”
Connor and Marinette broke back out into guffaws, and the girl couldn’t help but think that she was really grateful for her new family. Maybe she wouldn’t call Clark dad or Lois mom anytime soon, those wounds were still too raw, but maybe eventually. And she’d never had brothers before.
Yeah. This was nice.
Part 4
I don’t think this ended up as good as the others..? But this is the best way I could write this part. Why is this story turning out longer than expected? Geez I need to learn self control. At least this one was actually kinda fluffy.
@fantasiame @thestressmademedoit @amayakans @resignedcatservant @too0bsessedformyowngood @chocolatecatstheron @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @bigpicklebananatree @thezestywalru @bugaboosandbees @ironspiderstark @mikantsume @marinettepotterandplagg
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darktammy · 3 years
The right kind of love (ch6)
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(Next chapter will be this week for now Enjoy) if you wanna be tag let me know
@beenlovingromansincedayoneish @bss-babygirl @living-the-life-1996 @moxleybabe @fabulousrockstar @bluepunkrock @lghockey @wrestlingbabe
When Cassidy woke up he look over at the time and smile. He got out of bed so he start to stretch out then heading to the bathroom. After he was done taking a shower he ate and got dress. He look into the mirror and smiled. Cassidy walk out of his home as he look over to see Eddie walking down the hallway with coffee in his hand. “I guess you now know not to touch Jon’s sister like that again?” Cassidy ask him. Eddie just rolled his eyes as he entered his apartment.
Flashback from last night
Y/n park her car to Eddie’s apartment. While waiting for Jon and Eddie to stop talking Y/n look over to see Cassidy walking up the stair to his place. She smiled as she got out of the car. “Hey Cassidy!” She yelled making him turn. He smiled as he wave at her making her wave at him. Eddie got out of the car still drink. “Hey baby I’ll see you later.” Eddie said as he lean in kissing Y/n on her lips. Y/n tried to push him off but couldn’t. Cassidy not waisting any time he ran down the stair reaching him. Jon jump out of the car as he saw Cassidy pulling Eddie off. Jon ran around grabbing Eddie. “What the hell is wrong with you kissing my sister.” Jon told him punching him in the face.
Y/n wipe her mouth off. She could taste the scotch from Eddie as she saw Cassidy held her close. “Jon alright I think he got it.” She said trying to stop him. Jon move away from Eddie as he look down at him. Without saying a word Jon walk back to the car slamming the door. “Let’s go Y/n.” Y/n nodded she look over at Cassidy with a smile as she gave him a kiss on his check. “Thank you.” She told him as she got back into the car. She look over at him for the last time then she drove off.
Flashback End
Y/n was already eating breakfast with Renee while they both watch Jon walk out pouring himself some coffee. “Uhh my head.” He said. Renee laugh as she keep her eyes on him. “Yeah I know but, next time you go off and start to drink like that again. I’m going to pull the rest of your hair out of your head.” Renee said as she pick up a small bell and rang it next to his ear making him yell a bit. Renee walk out while Jon sat down. He sigh as he look at Y/n. “I’m guessing you told her.” Y/n nodded her head with a smile on her face.
Y/n was in her room packing up some of her clothes as Renee walk pass. “So we're leaving again?” She ask walking in her room. “Yeah I’m going with Cassidy to Jersey next week. I think this is going to be fun.” She told her. Renee smile as she look back at her door then she look back at Y/n. “Wait are you too are….” She said with a smile. “No where just friends and I like him a lot, like a lot a lot.” Y/n told her. Renee got up then she look out to see if Jon was around. “Ok his not around so listen to me right now. I love you and guess what you’ll have my blessing for the both of you to date each other.” Renee said walking up to her sister. “Wait what?” Y/n ask.
Renee laugh as she sat down on her bed. “So yeah you have my blessing to date Cassidy duh. I know deep down inside that little heart of yours, you love him. I know because I was just like you with Jon. I told him about how people was saying that me and him where dating and well look what happen.” Renee smiled at her. Y/n rolled her eyes at her as she giggled. “Ok one you both are just funny together. Two you both need to back off because right now Renee I just don’t know. I mean yeah I really do have feelings for him but, I just don’t know if he likes me.” Y/n sat down next to her sister. “Hey look while you're gone just make sure you both stay six feet apart and make sure he has an extra room and if he don’t and you both have to share a room. Well then make sure he sleeps on the floor.” Making them both laugh.
Eddie meet up with Jon and the rest of the guys as Cody smiled at everyone. “Alright now you guys now it’s time for us to celebrate. I’m going to be a daddy soon. So how about just for the today we can have a beers before we head home.” Cody said as he open a bit freezer with beer. “Oh and yeah please it’s light so that way no one goes home drink. Right Eddie?” Cody said with a smile on his face. Eddie nodded his head as he walk over to Jon.
Eddie sat down next to Jon getting ready for their promo. “Hey man listen I’m just so sorry for what I did to your sis Y/n. I mean I was drunk and I didn’t mean for it to happen.” Eddie said looking at Jon. “Yeah just next time don’t do that again. As for now Renee is going to cook some dinner tonight why don’t you come over?” Jon said looking at him. Eddie smiled as he nodded. “Yeah sure why not. Plus I promise, I won’t kiss Y/n again. I’ll try to talk to her at first. I mean forgive me I really like her.” Eddie said making Jon look at him already piss off. “Hey man I’m just telling you straight up.” Eddie told him.
The both Renee and Y/n were setting up the table. “Ok so I got all the plates set on the table sis.” Y/n told Renee. “Ok Jon should be back soon. So the food is ready and we will be ready to eat dinner.” Y/n smile as she saw the car pulled up in the drive way. “His home sis!” Y/n said standing next to her Renee. Jon unlock the door and saw both women standing next to each other. “Ladies I smell some food that’s cooked. Oh yeah babe I have a friend over for dinner.” Jon said look over to show him. “Hey they're Mrs.Moxley, and hey Y/n how are ya?” Both Renee and Y/n look at each other then looks away. “I guess we need a fourth plate?” Y/n ask Renee. “Yeah we need a fourth plate.” Renee said. “Then yeah I’ll get the fourth plate for the table.” Y/n said walking away.
Renee sat next to Y/n while Jon sat next to Eddie. “So Eddie how are you?” Renee ask. He smiled as he look at her. “Well for one I’m fine thank you and look great. I still can’t believe you and Jon are going to be parents. I mean that’s great and all. You know I always wanted to have a kids, I mean if I can fine the right women.” Eddie told her. Renee sigh as she look over at Jon. Eddie look at Y/n which she saw looking down at her phone. “Hey Y/n who ya talk to?” Eddie ask. “You mean who I’m texting and it’s none of your business Eddie.” She told him. Jon look at her then back at Eddie. “Hey alright the both of you. Let's just eat and enjoy.” Jon said. Everyone nodded as they ate their dinner.
After dinner Y/n started putting the dishes away in the dish washer. Then she look over at her phone to see a text from Cassidy. She had a small smile on her face.
🍊 Cassidy: Hey my little sweet strawberry, how are you?
Y/N: hey there I’m fine just had dinner with this guy plus 1 Eddie
🍊 Cassidy: Hey better not touch you while I’m not around. I mean it.
Y/N: lol he won’t believe me I can’t wait for Sunday so we can meet up and head out to Jersey.
🍊Cassidy: I know I can’t wait either, I’m going to let you go and have fun with your family, but if Eddie lays a finger on you he’s dead.
Y/N: lol you my knight and shining armer Cassidy. Good night.
She look up only to see Eddie standing across from her. “Hey so who where you texting?” Eddie ask. “Don’t worry about it. I mean after all don’t you have a home to head too?” She said to him. Y/n walk away and headed to the backyard which Eddie followed. She sat by the pool while Eddie stood by the door and watch her. Jon walk up to Eddie and ask him. “Why are you looking at her like that?” Eddie shook his head. “I don’t she like me.” Eddie look at Jon. “You think? You kiss her while you where drunk off your ass. I won’t like you either if you did some shit like that.” Jon said drinking his beer. “Yeah I know what I did but come on man help me out. I like her a lot.” Jon shook his head as he look over at Y/n. “Let me see what I can do.” Jon said making Eddie smile.
Jon sat with Renee while Eddie sat next to Y/n. “So what is everyone going to do after tomorrow?” Jon ask. “Well i’ma head back home you know to see my family back in NYC.” Eddie need as he look over to Y/n. “What about you sweetheart?” He ask. Y/n look over at Jon and Renee. “For starters don’t call me sweetheart. Two I’m going to see a few friends, so I’m leaving Sunday morning.” She told them. Everyone nodded Then Eddie ask her, “So where are you heading to tho?” She look at him once again, “That’s my friends is not your concern just know I’m going to have a nice long week away from everyone.” Renee smiled. “Oh I know you’ll have fun alright.’ She laugh making Y/n laugh. “Oh who knows I just might find my right kind of love while I’m away.” Y/n look at her sister with small smile.
It saw late so Eddie got into a taxi and heading home. Renee was already asleep while Y/n was done brushing her teeth. She walks out of the bathroom then she heads for her room. Just so she can sleep.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Last Laugh (2 of 3)
“Oh, I noticed,” Red X said lowly, tossing the staff aside. “What that idiot was thinking letting Flamebird send you all the way across the country right after Batkid got blown up, I’ll never know.”
Robin flinched back at the accusation before his fists clenched at his sides. “Then you’ll be happy to know no one sent me here. It’s just where I ended up when Batman decided he didn’t want to work with me anymore and tossed me out.”
The story of how Dick ended up with the Titans in Batkid and Robin.
Jason once told Dick that he spent months after he’d come to the manor worrying he’d be dumped back onto the streets at any minute. As a result, he’d kept go-bags hidden around, ready to go at a moment’s notice in hopes that he’d have time to grab one before he was sent away. They each had water bottles and food stolen from the kitchen, bandages from the infirmary, a backup set of clothes, a good blanket, a knife, and some cash he’d save whenever Bruce would give him any.
The others had known about them, of course, but hadn’t said anything. Jason had only known because Bruce would sneak some extra cash into them and Selina would slip in things that could be useful on the streets that he hadn’t considered while Alfred had checked them every so often to refresh the food and make sure he wasn’t filling them with junk food.
Once he’d gotten more comfortable, he’d started giving them up. By the time Bruce had disappeared, all the bags Jason had hidden had been unpacked. He never let go of his need to be prepared, though. So in place of the bags, he had four briefcases. Bulletproof, fireproof, blast-proof, and with encrypted locks, they were filled with paperwork for Jason to use in case he ever needed to go on the run. Each had everything necessary for a fake identity, including corresponding bank account information. All were created outside the family’s influence just in case the reason he needed to lie low was mind control.
Dick had never seen what was inside the first two, didn’t even know where Jason had stashed them, but he knew the third had a file for Casey Jacob Dickinson. Only because the fourth held the file for Casey’s half-brother Ryan Emil Dickinson.
The latter is the one Dick took when he snuck into Jason’s room and pried up the loose floorboard hidden under the dresser in the closet. It was their special secret, something only they shared. Something Jason had trusted Dick and only Dick with.
“Thanks, Jay,” he said, replacing the floorboard. He pushed the dresser back into place then moved to leave, but paused when he spotted the brown jacket hanging by the door.
Dick had gotten it for Jason to match his own red Batkid hoodie. He’d accidentally gotten it in a larger size than Jason usually liked to wear, but that hadn’t stopped his brother from wearing it every time the two of them hung out with just each other.
Running his thumb over the red robin patch on the shoulder, Dick stared at the jacket for a moment before pulling it off the hanger.
They wouldn’t miss it. No one had been in the room in over a month.
Case in hand and jacket slung over his shoulder, he snuck back to his room. He opened the case and pulled out the file. He slipped the ID and debit card into his wallet before putting the file into the lockbox. He carefully folded the jacket and set it into the case along with the small photo album Selina had helped him put together. It held pictures of everyone in the family, including the photo Tim had given him of himself, his parents, Damian, Jon, Duke, Tim, Steph, Jason, Babs, and Cass from that night.
It was the only picture he had of his parents, thanks to the people who ran Gotham Juvenile Detention losing almost everything he’d taken with him from the circus. He had another copy on his nightstand back at the house he, Damian, and Jon shared -- had shared -- in Somerset. The family he’d lost side by side with the family he’d gained. It made him sad every time he saw it, but it was still his favorite.
Except now they were both families he’d lost.
At least if Bruce gets his way.
Dick slammed the case closed and stuck it into the duffle bag next to the lockbox. He locked the box then piled in the clothes he’d already gathered. He tossed his wallet into the bag then zipped it up and shoved it back under the bed.
One last thing to do.
He was halfway to the closest cave entrance when he bumped into Bruce and Selina.
“Hey there, songbird,” Selina greeted.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Bruce said and reached out to ruffle his hair.
Dick stepped away before he could, then walked past them. “Not hungry.”
“He heard the news, then?”
“I’ll talk to him.”
“I will. I’m the one he’s mad at.”
Dick stomped into the library, ignoring his tail.
“Dick, let’s talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
“I know you’re upset, but -”
“Then leave me alone.”
“Please just let m-”
“I get it,” Dick snapped, spinning to face the man. ���You got what you wanted. You didn’t want Damian to -” To foster him, to bring him into Bruce’s home, to try and make a place for him in the family. He’d heard enough snippets of the arguments Damian and Bruce had had when Bruce came back. He’d always thought Bruce thought Damian was the problem, that he didn’t trust Damian with Dick and planned to take Dick in himself. He’d also thought Bruce had finally accepted that Damian was keeping Dick. Had he been wrong on both counts?
Or had Dick’s actions ruined everything?
“Why couldn’t you just leave us alone?”
“Dick,” Bruce sighed. He knelt in front of Dick and set his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I just want what’s best for you.”
“Anything to get what you want,” Dick snorted and pushed the hand off so he could turn away before Bruce could see his tears.
“Dick, wait.”
A hand caught his wrist and Dick…
He was losing his family again. Jason was dead. Bruce had taken Robin. Damian was sending him back. His only hope was that the others would fight for him, but would they?
If they didn’t, he’d be alone.
And it would be his fault this time.
But it would also be because…
Dick spun around and hit Bruce right in the jaw.
Then he ran.
Tim and Jason had both long outgrown the small vent hidden above a tall bookshelf in the far corner of the library and Dick had never needed to use it, but it still swung easily on the hinges the second Batkid had installed after discovering the hidden nook.
He climbed through and let the vent swing silently shut behind him. He crawled down the shaft until he reached a similar vent. He dropped down into a thin, dusty hallway. Down the hall, around a corner, then down another hall was a small door halfway up the wall. A makeshift ladder led up to it and a hidden lever opened it, revealing Bruce’s study.
Dick dropped out of the hidden passage, letting the door swing shut behind him to meld unnoticeably with the rest of the wall. He twisted the hands of the grandfather clock on the opposite wall and disappeared down into the cave, heading for the vehicle bay.
Dick left while the others were all patrolling and Alfred was taking a break. He used a bike that he’d removed the tracker from and kept all his devices off. He went to a hotel in the Bowery that he knew was shady enough to look the other way when a fourteen-year-old rented a room on his own, but not shady enough to take advantage of it.
He gave it a week, then two, before sneaking onto a roof in Coventry on a night he knew Oracle wouldn’t be working. He turned on the comm he’d brought and listened in. For the most part, everything was just the usual reporting in. However, things changed just before one.
“I’m moving in. Going dark,” Batman said.
“Got it, B-man,” Batgirl chirped. After a moment, in a more somber voice, she said, “So…”
Black Bat groaned and Orphan said, “No.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask!”
“We haven’t heard anything, and we’re not getting involved,” Black Bat said shortly.
“Not our place,” Orphan agreed.
“I know that! I was just wondering if Flamebird’s changed his mind,” Batgirl huffed.
“It’s for the best,” Orphan said after a moment.
“I get that,” Batgirl sighed. “I’m just going to miss the kid. I already miss him, and I know Oracle and Pup do too.”
“We all feel that way, but… I feel bad that he’s losing Robin, but he needs to get away from all this. After everything that’s happened… Flamebird’s right,” Black Bat said softly.
“Robin will be better off there, no matter how much we miss him,” Orphan insisted.
“Yeah, yeah. Have you guys gotten any leads on where he could -”
Dick didn’t hear the rest of Batgirl’s question as he yanked out the comm and smashed it on the ground.
He’d thought… He’d hoped…
But they agreed with Bruce. They agreed with sending him away. They weren’t going to talk Damian around.
Dick pressed his face into his knees and screamed.
He couldn’t stay in Gotham. The Bats would eventually find him, and now he knew that’d be a one-way ticket back to juvie.
He left the hotel in the morning.
Robin had been hesitant to stay with the others. There was no way the Bats hadn’t noticed his involvement in the invasion that had brought their team together. It was better for him to move on as soon as possible
He really hadn't wanted to, though.
They had been an amazing team and had quickly become friends. He also knew they would understand his past if he told them since Wonder Girl was an outcast among most Amazons as a result of her Brazilian heritage, Impulse was dealing with the fact her father was currently lost in the Speed Force, Virus was still trying to reconnect with his people now that he’s free from the Mawlix, and Nightstar had run away from home to get away from her absentee mother’s shadow.
That was the only reason he stayed as long as he had while they began to put together their base using the remains of Virus’s ship.
He was working up to telling the team he had to leave when he stumbled upon Impulse and Wonder Girl talking in the common area.
“It’s a shame, really,” Impulse sighed, clutching a magazine.
“Boohoo,” Wonder Girl snorted, not looking up from her book.
“I’m serious.”
“He’s one boy, and not even a worthwhile one from what I’ve seen.”
“Speedy said White Arrow and Silver Canary have met him, though, and he’s super sweet.” The speedster shoved the magazine towards her face. “Plus, just look at him!”
Wonder Girl shoved it away, rolling her eyes.
“What’s going on?” Robin asked hesitantly.
“Impulse is crying because some famous pretty boy is going away to boarding school.”
The speedster shot her a look then turned sad eyes on Robin. “It’s Richard Grayson!”
Ice shot down Robin’s spine. “What?”
“Yeah, the Waynes are shipping him off to some school overseas,” she said, waving the magazine towards him and he took it. “The family wouldn’t say where since they wanted…”
Robin fell back on his training to keep his face blank and his hands steady as he scanned through the article.
They knew where he was, and they were covering it up. They had come up with a grand lie about him going to school in England to explain his absence.
They weren’t coming for him.
“Poor guy,” he said, closing the magazine and handing it back.
“See, Robin gets it!” he heard Impulse say as he turned and left.
Small Easter Eggs: The briefcase from Teen Titans episode "Revved Up" and Dick punching Bruce from The New Batman Adventures episode "Old Wounds".
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