#johns jumper
consult-sherlockholmes · 10 months
What's wrong with John scenting his jumper? Didn't you steal it just to do the same? Also, yes it is summer, so why do YOU need his jumper anyway?
Nothing wrong with it, I was merely surprised that John would do that. Scenting something is actually a valid technique for deductions.
I needed it for an experiment. And for a case.
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javelinbk · 4 months
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The Beatles in India, 1968: A collection of photographs. From the Pattie Boyd collection at Christie’s
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wdymidekn · 6 months
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khorazir · 7 months
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Inspired by the fabulous The Wizard of Baker Street by @calaisreno in which Sherlock is a down-on-his-luck wizard and John a cat (at least some of the time).
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helloliriels · 2 months
Sherlock: Rough day, John?
John: ...
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 16 - Flirt
@wolfstarmicrofic February 16, word count 445
Previous part First part
Remus was glad it was Saturday. That way, he didn’t have to rush. His bed had a ridiculous amount of chocolate—even for Remus— on it. 
“Sirius, wow!—I mean, thank you.” Remus pulled him in for a hug. He relished in the way Sirius’s creamy skin tinged pink. 
He lifted a finger and stroked Sirius’s pink cheek with a featherlight touch. Sirius shivered and blushed deeper. “Like strawberries and cream,” Remus whispered, barely aware he’d said it aloud. He was completely enraptured by the sight before him. It was only when Sirius wriggled uncomfortably in his arms that he snapped out of his trance. “Sorry,” He said as he quickly released Sirius from his arms.
“No, it’s fine.” Sirius blurted out in a rush. “It was just the way you were looking at me was making things happen, and well, yeah.” He finished with a nervous laugh.
“Are you trying to flirt with me, Sirius?” Remus had to chew his lips to stop himself from laughing at how wide Sirius’s eyes went. 
“C’mon, let’s make a start on this pile of chocolate.” He gently took Sirius’s hand and led him towards his bed. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass Sirius, but his own awkwardness made him blurt stuff out without thinking. 
They spent the next few hours sampling a bit from everything Sirius had bought. Remus felt bad for not getting Sirius anything after all the trouble he’d gone to to treat Remus. He wanted to give Sirius something, but he wasn’t sure what. 
He noticed his favourite grandad jumper lying on his trunk. An idea hit him. He moved away from Sirius, leaning over the end of the bed and gathered the wool garment in his hands. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Sirius,” He suddenly felt very shy and hoped Sirius didn’t think it was a lame gift. 
Sirius looked up at him, mouth agape. He snatched it from Remus’s hands and hurriedly wrenched it over his head. He wrapped his arms around himself and inhaled the soft material.
“It smells like you,” He mumbled into the sleeves. 
“Sorry, I can get you a clean one. It’s just that’s my favourite one.” He felt a bit embarrassed. He’d only worn it once. He hadn’t thought it would be that bad.
Sirius wrapped himself tighter into the jumper.
“No, it’s mine now.—I love it.— Thank you, Remus.” He smiled shyly up at him. “You’re not getting this back, you know.” He added, holding it even tighter.
Remus looked at Sirius and thought how adorable he looked in the oversized jumper. He was drowning in it, but all Remus could think was he’s mine.  
“Yeah, I know.”    
Next part
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mystery-star · 6 months
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Russell Crowe as John Biebe in Mystery, Alaska (1999)
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 7 months
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"Again!" "He's going to be fine."
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sga-owns-my-soul · 6 months
do you think ford and rodney fought about who got shotgun when they first started going on missions
bc i absolutely think they did
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consult-sherlockholmes · 10 months
Come on, just tell John the real reason you stole his jumper. Why are you so petulant and stubborn? Is it because John didn't praise you wearing the purple shirt this time? He was just shy in front of us so he let the balloon speak on his behalf.
If John doesn't say what he thinks, then I won't say why I took the jumper. And it was for an experiment, that is true.
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strawberrywinter4 · 6 months
John’s Jumpers
I feel like Sherlock secretly loves John’s jumpers.
Even if he outwardly speaks against the “hideous” material, he loves the days where he gets to bury his face in them.
Cuddling on the sofa, arms and legs tangled around each other on a winter afternoon, snow falling outside and plastering on the window as the sound of the fireplace crackling is heard through 221B.
Sherlock breaths in the scent of John as his head rests on the blogger’s chest, his nose pressed into the soft material of the jumper. A hand runs through his curls as his eyes begin to flutter shut, the tiring day of thinking and using all his brain power can offer taking a toll on him. But Sherlock will never admit that, of course.
The cotton of the jumper feels nice against his cheek, a nice feeling that a proper pillow could never outperform.
Sherlock’s fingers play with the material, picking at every thread and design, allowing himself to get lost in this rare moment of relaxation.
Sherlock supposes John’s jumpers aren’t so bad on days like these.
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bdsmsub67 · 2 months
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John wears scarf stylist’s own, jumper and trousers Dunhill.
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emziess · 1 month
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John Rider Appreciation... Alex Rider, S03E07
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mrtinfreeman · 11 months
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MARTIN FREEMAN in Breeders: 4x01, Noël
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Fluffbruary: Day 24
Prompts: spring, silky.
It feels like spring today, so the oatmeal jumper is left at home, placed by its owner on the armrest of his chair before he leaves the flat.
The jumper ends up lying on top of a blue dressing gown, dropped there in a flurry some time prior.
The two find themselves sharing the chair, practically entwined. They form an unlikely association, but they complement each other.
One is sophisticated, all elegant silk, shiny and smooth. The other is rather plain and functional, made of comfortable wool, unpretentious.
Improbabile as their junction might be, one thing's certain: they belong together.
Inspired by a comment left on Day 7. The drabble was about John's fondness for Sherlock's dressing gown, and Pat noted how Sherlock probably feels the same about John’s oatmeal jumper, which somehow sparked the idea for a love story between clothes 😆
@fluffbruary @totallysilvergirl @calaisreno @a-victorian-girl @helloliriels @peanitbear @pressurepoint221 @dubiouslynamed @yellowpamonha @ehuether @lgcgjd @gomielka @kittenmadnessandtea @chriscalledmesweetie @justnerdystuffs @missdeliadili @topsyturvy-turtely @fullyouthwerewolf @chinike @iamjustreading @effulgentcorruptedpov @strawberrywinter4 @seagoing-nerd @annaofthenorthernlights @keirgreeneyes @brightbquirky @mazaherstuff @naefelldaurk @kettykika78 @whatnext2020 @dinner--starving @under-loch-n-key @inevitably-johnlocked  @safedistancefrombeingsmart @meetinginsamarra @gaylilsherlock @snonkerdoodlefizzy221b @7-percent @discordantwords @221beloved @khorazir @johnlockismyreligion @jolieblack
Let me know if you want to be added/removed!
And an immense THANK YOU for reblogging/leaving comments/liking my stuff. It means the world to me, and interacting with the fandom is one of my biggest joys! 🥰
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a-victorian-girl · 10 months
Looking at this photo with such poor lighting quality @consult-sherlockholmes took of John's jumper, I wanna start a new trivia:
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There are no winners or losers, just for fun! (@consultjohnwatson , no help from you is allowed!)
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