#jk LMAO you know I love my elaborations
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A dark heart is beating and waiting for you.
Another work for my DM, this time a redraw of the living Strahd portrait.
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whyse7vn · 16 days
[ ot7 x reader ] > pt one HERE
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8 participants - 8 online
yoongi: love you guys
jimin: are you killing yourself or something?
jk: 😧
yoongi: no i just love you guys
jk: i think yoongi is killing himself 😣
namjoon: here if you want to talk
yoongi: can i not just say i love you guys?
y/n: holy shit
yoongi r u killing urself????
yoongi: no i’m just spreading love
yoongi: no
jk: pls don’t kys yoongi 😢☹️💔
jin: yoongi is being more open with his feelings guys
hobi: his suicidal ones?
tae: pouring one out for you yoongi 🍾🥂
jin: no just his love for us all
isn’t that right yoongi??
yoongi: right
hobi: nothing about this is right
jk: i’m so scared rn 😓
y/n: is he drunk???
jin: on love!!
yoongi: on love.
namjoon: ew yoongi man what the fuck??
yoongi: we should all have a sleepover at my house like we did on kooks birthday
it will be fun
jimin: uhhhhhhhhhh
hobi: i’m literally shaking in fucking fear rn
yoongi: i’ll order food
tae: are you gonna poison it
yoongi: why would i do that?
tae: guys….
namjoon: in shock
y/n: jin done performed a lobotomy on yoongi ohmygod ☠️☠️☠️
jin: i did no such thing
jk: yoongi look at me this isn’t you
yoongi please
yoongi: hi jungkook
namjoon: yoongi are you like actually ok?
yoongi: perfect
tae: have i shifted to an alternate universe
jk: shift
tae: night shift
jimin: you need one
tae: no i don’t
jimin: ok mr wire me 10k
tae: that was ages ago thank u very much
get over it
but guys tell him i have money tho lol
yoongi: jimin tae has money
tae: STOP iT???????
y/n: this is so unsettling
yoongi: isn’t it nice us all being together
having fun
and stuff
tae: what is stuff?
pls elaborate on stuff
jk: maybe joon gave yoongi cocaine
namjoon: shut up
tae: yoongi when you say stuff do you mean cocaine?
yoongi: love
us being together
we are friends
jk: yoongi can i be your best friend
yoongi: you are my best friend jungkook
jk: :D
yoongi: :D
jk: nvm this is really scary sorry
jk left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
tae: i agree
tae left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: i miss you all
let’s go out to eat tomorrow yeah?
i can pay idm
jimin: ofc ur in
yoongi: guys let’s not argue
jimin: ewuuuuu shut up
namjoon added tae to “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
namjoon added jk to “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: welcome back ^^
jk: STOP
tae: i’m gonna throw up
jin: please accept the new yoongi
jk: NO
y/n: yoongi have you experienced any serious head trauma in the last 24 hours?
yoongi: no
hobi: i think he’s lying
yoongi: let’s all drink together today
yoongi: oh do you have plans today jungkook?
we can move it to the weekend if you want
jk: girlfriendsaveme 😨
y/n: yoongi….
yoongi: yeah?
tae: yoongi send me a stack
jimin: LMAO u not getting that
yoongi: sure
jimin: fake
namjoon: oh my god….
hobi: he’s truly lost it
y/n: no fucking way
yoongi: kk
jin: isn’t this nice guys??
isn’t yoongi nice??
tae: yeah yoongi ur the best
jimin: love you yoongi
nicest man ever
yoongi: :3
namjoon: oh
yoongi: what can i say
jk: words probably
yoongi: i love my team
i love my crew
namjoon: oh wow
y/n: did he just….
jimin: this is insane
jk: our biggest enemies in this life…
jin: so proud!!
how mature how nice !!
jk: i’m going to commit murder and it’s going to be on myself
tae: i think i just threw up
hobi: yoongi you know woozi is in that group right?
yoongi: yes
jimin: and mingyu
the one she went a date with btw
y/n: stop
yoongi: i know.
hobi: he’s mad
yoongi: no i’m not
namjoon: it’s ok if you’re mad yoongi
y/n: no it’s not
jk: yoongi pls be mad
yoongi: i’m not mad
y/n: he’s not mad
jimin: normally he would be mad
yoongi: well i’m not mad so
jin: right he’s a changed man
namjoon: why?
yoongi: what
namjoon: why are you being nice
it’s like freaking us all out
jk: so much 😣
yoongi: i am nice normally
hobi: well no!
yoongi: i am nice
jimin: again no!!
tae: not even 24 hours ago yoongi told me to kms
yoongi: it was a joke
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jimin: publicly executed is crazy
tae: right like omg?
jimin: understandable tho
tae: ok no
yoongi: it was a joke
tae: DIDN’T laugh
jk: yoongi punched me once
three times actually
yoongi: as a joke
jin: guys let’s not focus on yoongi’s past but his present
and his present is nice!
jk: present
y/n: ?????
yoongi: as a joke
y/n: WHEN???? NAMJOON DID YOU KNOW?????????
namjoon: no actually i didn’t
jin: y/n joon ur in the past pls join us in the present
yoongi’s present
jk: i want the present
where is the present
yoongi: i’m nice
jk: i can travel to the present if need be
hobi: i’m confused
tae: in what context
hobi: this context ??
tae: oh ok
hobi: what other context is there
tae: sexually
namjoon: why is everything sexual with you?
hobi: sexuality by taemin lol
jimin: WHERE
tae: gay
jk: gay means happy
namjoon: guys
y/n: girls
jk: jimin are you not happy?
tae: jimin are you gay?
jimin: shut up
tae: me when taemin doesn’t call me back pt 407
jimin: why would taemin be calling you
tae: LOL
namjoon: guys enough
tae: one taemin mention he looses his mind you see that guys
namjoon: taehyung
tae: ok sorry
hobi: i’m still confused
NOT sexually
jk: i hope we are all gay (happy) toady!!
yoongi: me too
jimin: (kill yourself)
tae: (taemin)
jk: tae
tae min
tae in a min
tae in a minute
jimin x taehyung in a minute
y/n: fork in kitchen
hobi: oh ok
jimin: EW????
tae: that’s my name lol
ME AND HIM ????????
jk: one time you kissed me
hobi: “accident”
yoongi type “accident”
yoongi: punching jungkook WAS an accident
jimin: yeah ok
namjoon: sighs
y/n: liar!!
jimin: sounds like he likes men to me
tae: NO
jk: it’s ok my lips are very soft like that
y/n: fact
jin: wait that’s lowkey so crazy cuz how didn’t you notice the height difference
kook is like way taller than her
tae: thought she was wearing heels
y/n: it was 10 in the morning..
hobi: hold on
you didn’t know it was jungkook until you pulled away…
jungkook why did you let tae kiss you?
jk: i thought he was coming out to me
and i’m no homophobe !!!!
i didn’t know if that’s was a normal thing people did when they come out so i just let him do it
because like if i didn’t let him i didn’t want him to take that as me not supporting him yk?
i support him so yeah
i was really confused
and no i didn’t kiss him back
i kinda just stood there
that and yeah
and he was all like “don’t be like that babe” and when he pulled away he screamed fell to his knees and then left
tbh i thought it was a dream
but i guess not
namjoon: how long did the kiss last?
namjoon: sorry just wanted to know
jk: maybe like 15 seconds
i think my lack of kissing back got to him
hobi: homophobe turned homosexual
jk: if it makes you feel better the kiss was really bad ur lips were really dry
y/n: LMAO
yoongi: i support you
hobi: #somuchsupoort
jimin: so brave
y/n: be who you are
namjoon: 👍🏼
jin: !!
jk: i support you for who you are❤️🧡🤍🩷❤️ (idk the flag )
y/n: lesbian
jk: really 😨
y/n: yeah
jk: but you kiss me 🙁
y/n: what
jk: i can be a woman for you
namjoon: okay !!!!!
enough sexuality talk
um yeah
yoongi say something
yoongi: i love you all
namjoon: omg…
jimin: ew man
hobi: gross
jk: i feel lightheaded
tae: gagging
y/n: 😟
jin: ok i’m not enjoying this as much as i thought i would i must say
yoongi: ?
jimin: ‘i must say’ 💀💀💀
hobi: bet he stroked his nonexistent beard while saying that
jimin: likeeee 😭😭😭
jin: can i live
there was literally nothing wrong with what i said
yoongi: right
jin: STOP
sorry force of habit
yoongi: don’t be upset with me jin
i’m sorry
y/n: yoongi
talk to us
yoongi: i’m nice
y/n: i’m aware
yoongi: i’m being nicer
y/n: why
jin: wait omg let’s move on
isn’t it such a nice day lmao
yoongi: great weather we’re having
jin: summer sure is coming!!
hobi: ewww
y/n: this old people conversation ☠️☠️
jimin: imagine what their dms look like
jk: yikes
yoongi: jungkook
jk: sorry
yoongi im sorry
i actually meant
(Y)es (I) (K)now (E)very conversation they have is (S)uper cool
yoongi: thanks
just wanted to say i like your hair
jk: oh
jimin: his hair has been the same for like the last 5 months
yoongi: i know
just wanted him to know i like it because he’s my friend and he has nice hair
jk: wow
is this real
yoongi likes my hair
y/n: wow
guys at first the new yoongi was really scary but now i think i like him
he’s my friend
pls be kind to MY FRIEND
jimin: i still hate his yoongi tell me to kms right now before i do something crazy
tae: please
hobi: no joke
namjoon: yoongi i understand that you are being ‘nice’ now but i hope you don’t lose your true self and personality in this new chapter of your life
y/n: what joon said
jin: yoongi tell us what you like about ME next
ik it’s like really hard so i’ll let you pick 5
yoongi: jin i like
hold on can we talk about out contracts for one second
hobi: ohmugod guys he’s killing himself fr now
jimin: it was fun while it lasted bro
namjoon: sure
yoongi: we’re all renewing right?
jk: yes bff ^^
jin: STOP
tae: yeah
hobi: yes sighs looks out window
jimin: thumbs up
namjoon: ofc??
y/n: lol i already renewed
yoongi: what
namjoon: are you thinking about now renewing??
yoongi: y/n
you already renewed???
y/n: yeah?
yoongi: you’re not leaving
y/n: no…
yoongi: were you thinking about leaving?
y/n: no?
yoongi: so you didnt tell jin you wish nicer????
y/n: lol no
didn’t jin say that in this gc himself like a few weeks ago lmao?
jin left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: bye
going to find jin
yoongi left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
jk: um
yoongi joined “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: also jungkook you are not my best friend all of you can kill yourselves i’ve never prayed on anyone’s downfall as much as i do for all of yours i can’t believe this is my life ur all so annoying taehyung you WILL die the most painful death i promise you if any of you mention this day to anyone ever i will have your nudes on every website known to man and your address on twitter
fuck you all
yoongi left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
tae: does he know twitter is x now?
y/n: he didn’t mean that
he’s just a little upset
hobi: rip jin
jimin: how the hell does he have MY nudes
tae: didn’t know he was freaky like that 😈👅
hobi: bet you did
man kisser
tae: STOP
jk: best friend…
y/n: he still is your best friend kook he’s just upset at jin rn!!
jk: really?
y/n: yeah!!
jimin: she lying
y/n: SHUT UP
namjoon: so jin told yoongi that y/n was leaving the group because he’s mean
so to get her to say he was nice to us
jimin: glad your following joon
namjoon: ew
hobi: right?
namjoon: okay
cant believe we experienced that
let’s just sleep this one off boys
and girl
jimin: awoman to that
hobi: i have to smoke after this geez
jk: y/n pls hold me i’m traumatised
y/n: on my way
tae: ok but how did he add himself back into the gc tho…
didn’t even plan this but look jin did fr do this for HIMSELF LMAO
yoongi dumb as hell for not remembering this
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tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @blairebangtan @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @batukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @meowgiz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @iammeandmeisiam @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos @featjunranghae
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
this is my request omg a jjk ff with dubcon somnophilia, i want jk and oc to be like really close in their relationship bc it feels awkward if they’re not together lmao, mc is completely passed out having a wet dream and jk felt horny while hearing her sleepy moans then when she wakes up its bc jk is on top of her moaning😶‍🌫️ i don’t have that much creativity 😭 oooh and aftercare 🫶🏻
AND PLS PLS PLS LET JK BE WHINY AND NOT ASHAMED TO MOAN LOUDLY 😭😭 that’s like a kink of mine and i love it when they’re not ashamed
thank you smm love youu 🫶🏻
can it be like a bit long idk if i can choose a word count but at least can i FEEL the moment
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JJK || Wet Dreams
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warnings: smut (18+), somnophilia, dubcon, nicknames (non-sexual), vocal kink, fingering, top!jk, praise kink, soft fucking, marking, possessive!jk, begging, brief boob-touchin', unprotected sex* (don't do this), creampie
tags: boyfriend!jungkook x fem!reader
a/n: i have revised things here and there but i am satisfied with it now...mmm...enjoy. i love you too.
OMG OKAY so I think he'd initially be super panicked because-- he wouldn't know what to do but then he'd be like "hell, might as well..." because they had a previous convo about it....
...I'm catching your vibe. I know how to write this.
I get what you mean when you say you like it when guys aren't afraid to moan... and after they've been together for that long, I mean... *evil laugh* okay. I love my whiny boys.
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"Hey babe--" you carefully pat Jungkook's chest while he's paying attention to the TV in your room. "Babe~"
Jungkook, with a slightly absent look on his face, shifts his focus to you. "Hm?" He hums.
"So you know that I really like it when we fuck when I'm tired," you start, rubbing slow circles on his torso with your palm.
"Mhmmm..." a smile peeks from his lips.
Your hands weave between his strands of hair, massaging him softly. He releases a soft moan.
"I have these wet dreams about you," you elaborate, your lips hovering over his as you articulate your fantasy. "I want them to be real."
Jungkook traces his fingers along your back and sighs, relaxing his body under you and admiring your touch.
"I want you to use me...whenever you need me," you continue, the vibration of your voice melting on his skin.
"I need you," he doesn't hesitate to respond. "More than anything, I love being inside of you," he speaks in your ear, practically whining for you.
A thrill send through your body. "I love having you inside me," you sigh, kissing him.
He deepens the kiss, desperately, but you're already half-asleep. So, in his arms, you rest.
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For a few hours, you're tangled within one another in a deep sleep. Nothing disturbs you two, your breathing in unison with your bodies on top of one another.
He strokes your cheek with his thumb quietly. It's a little past midnight, and he's just woken up to a curious sound coming from you.
He doesn't recognize it at first, but as they get more intense, he realizes that you're moaning. Your eyebrows furrow in pleasure as you dream of your boyfriend. He knows you are, because you're quietly whimpering his name.
"Jungkook...Jungkook--" you gasp, weakly.
That goes straight to his dick. You must be dreaming about him. Intrigued, he moves around a bit.
Without disturbing you, he shifts positions so that he is over your peaceful-looking body.
His eyes watch your chest rise and fall with each breath, your lips slightly parted.
"Angel..." he calls you, his palm traveling to your jaw.
You lean against him unintentionally, your hips bucking. A far more intense moan floats from your mouth.
He bites his lip softly, blushing as his hands explore your gentle curves. You're so incredibly warm. He needs to be careful.
His gaze fall upon your panties, soaked through with your arousal. He experimentally glides his fingers inside you. You rise to the touch, fluttering around him.
Jungkook experimentally plays with your swollen clit, amazed at how drenched you are. He spreads it on your folds, wondering what exactly you're dreaming about that you're this wet.
"Jungkook,," you pout, unconsciously.
That's right. It's him. He places a gentle kiss on your lips. You're his and his only.
You gush around his fingers when he enters you, creating a lather of your juices around his digits.
Jungkook gasps. His dick twitches in his pants at the sight of it.
"Holy fuck that's a lot."
Without thought, he pulls out his cock and grinds it against your cunt, covering it in your arousal as loud, breathy groans spill from his mouth like sinful prayers.
He breaks out into a blissful smile. He hisses. "H--ahhh,"
His palms cup around your breasts, squeezing them lightly as his mouth obsesses over your sweet scent.
His tongue catches your skin between his lips, and he marks you, shamelessly and possessively. You're his to fuck and he won't ever let you forget it.
"So hot, so fucking hot..." he whines, his dick pushing up against your clit nicely. "Fuck~ fuck, Y/N,"
You take a labored breath in, holding on to his arms out of instinct.
He needs you, he needs you so bad. His mind spins as he plunges the crown of his cock into your heat. He groans, his eyes squeezing shut.
"Ahhh~ ahh~" he whimpers, his thighs shaking as he fills you to the brim with his dick.
Jungkook can't believe he's using you like this. It feels so incredibly right to take you in this state. You look so calm, yet you're experiencing something euphoric in you're dreams.
"Ohhh fuck~! Mmmh!" He cries, feeling you clench around him.
More than anything, he wants you to know just how good you're making his dick feel. He thrusts in messily, grabbing your thighs as your hot cunt clenches around him.
The smell of you, the taste of you, your touch, the sight of you, and the sound of you is enough to make him want to make every fiber of you scream with pleasure.
"Mmgh, mm-- mmm, mmgh, nngh, mmhhh~ mmh," he mews.
It's so good-- it's addictively good-- it's amazing. Whines spill from his mouth constantly as he chases his orgasm.
Your eyes carefully blink awake, and you're met with the sight of your boyfriend whimpering in desperation, his face in a panicked pleasure.
You're pulled in to his tangent, joining him in a passionate embrace.
You reach for him and kiss him, encouragingly, heatedly. You suck on his lip piercing, running your tongue over it a few times before breaking the kiss.
"Ohh~" he whines, between trembling moans. You're always finding new ways to play with him and it drives him crazy.
You wrap your legs around his thighs and pull him deeper into you so that you can feel his cock in your gut while you're still dazed.
"So fucking tight," he swallows. "Y/N, you're so good, you're so fucking good, I need to cum deep inside of you, please," he stutters. "Please. Please, Y/N,"
You meet his hands on your thighs and bring your hips forward. His eyes widen and lust overcomes him, you watch as it corrupts his every movement.
He kisses you, and kisses you again, and again.
Your eyes soften as you take his dick, only barely awake. His hold on you only strengthens as a result of the rigorous pace he's adopted.
A frustrated sigh leaves him as he bucks into your cunt haphazardly. His doe eyes flood with need. "Ngh~ ngh...ah--"
"Good, Kookie... that's my good boy," you praise, smiling shyly as you card your fingers through his soft, brown hair.
His sounds sharpen, sounding like pleas as he pounds into you absent-mindedly, your head between his hands. He places his forehead against yours, intimately.
His consistency pays off, and your orgasm overcomes you suddenly. You spasm, causing you to cling to him as his hips stutter to fill your cunt with his hot cum.
Jungkook spends a few moments gazing into your eyes and nuzzling you, kissing your neck and biting at your ear. "You looked so pretty~" he hums in your ear in a soft giggle.
You scratch his back with your nails, causing him to shiver.
"Ohhhh~" he groans. "More..." he asks.
"More? Here?" You scratch a little harder, near his shoulders.
"Mmm...mhmmm..." he thrums, kissing your face cutely. "I can't believe you're mine~" he says, his eyes full of stars.
"Oh, trust me, bunny...I can't either,"
Jungkook kisses your nose and lifts himself from you, careful with your sensitive body as he reaches for a hanging towel.
He hangs it over his shoulders and lifts you off the bed. "Bath time," he announces.
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a/n: I hope this is long enough but I understand that all of my works are generally shorter 😅
permatag gang gang: @kooliv , @koobsessed , @angelwonie , @carolynanderson , @hoseokgrecns , @bangsterz , @swyseren , @sxtaep , @koostarcandy , @hgema , @jjkeverlast , @armys-dna , and @nglmrk
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changbinsboiledegg · 8 months
PLEASE I loved your bsf skz reactions and now I want to request head canons for skz as your internet friends? - 👽
F is for friends these days, it seems. Also, I'm so happy you loved them! ILYT. 💜💜💜🫶🫶🫶
Warnings: Swearing.
Note: I liked coming up with these head canons, I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did! :)
Where you met? Anywhere. He’s probably had you as a mutual for months prior. How do you know he’s not your moot now? Eh?
Now, he says he’s always watching, but baby so am I. That doesn’t scare me.
Okay, seriously. I see him as the type that frequently checks up on you. Just wants to hear from you and about you. Whether you’re happy or sad— Especially when you’re sad, he seems like the type to listen and offer advice, so that’s nice.
Probably doesn’t text much but y’all know why. Man’s in the studio.
The type to send good morning/night texts. Chan strikes me as the person to text you at the ass crack of dawn with a “Good morning! :D” and whole time you’re passed out like a non-idol human would be. (joking. anyone can be awake at ungodly hours)
Probably sends out-of-pocket posts stays make because some of y’all have no fears. Be real, he probably already does this in the gc. If not him, then I’m betting at least Felix.
“Why are they like this?”
“You ask. You're not the famous one.”
Makes sure you’re watching his lives when he does them because If you aren’t watching his lives, you’re getting tossed.
Kidding. But it would make him feel happy that you joined despite the time zone differences depending on where you are in the world, it could be the middle of the night, too early in the morning, or within the same time zone. If you aren’t watching, you better get the footnotes or something, otherwise you’ll get a message, “I see you have other friends to watch.”
Obviously as a joke, I don’t see him as the type to force people to watch him, I mean the dude barely posts, but this is a head-canon so I do sense joking/teasing if you miss a live.
Lee Know
Where you met? Fuck if I know… jk lmao, probably the Pinterest comment section. I Just feel like that’s very Minho… I won’t be elaborating further.
He would send hella pictures… Of his cats.
And of himself, but with the filters he does because I find them endearing and y/n head canon, you’re his hype person.
Remember when he blocked a stay on bubble for getting his cats name wrong?
Yeah. Tread carefully. Learn their names if you haven’t already. He probably won’t block you in this case because you’re his friend, but expect to be left on read for a while.
Fr though, if you don’t like cats, then this head-canon isn’t for you. In fact, riddle me this: How ARE you in this hypothetical situation where you are internet friends with Minho???
I see cat memes in your future. Me personally, I am a dog person. HOWEVER, I like cats too. And I see cat memes and videos because of my cat loving friends. So, if I were Minho’s friend, I would send every cat related post I see. As should you, in this situation.
Obviously, he would do the same too.
I also feel like he’s the type to send a video of something you would be envious of and caption it with, “bet you wish that were you HAHA.”
I once had a dream Minho kept asking what the names of certain songs were, so I’m rolling with it. The man would use you as a human shazam. Hope you can guess the song by the first second. <3
OH imagine spilling tea with Minho. He would be all here for the drama you have to offer, granted that it doesn’t involve him at least.
And of course, not in a way to get himself involved in other people’s drama but everyone who sits similarly to Minho has loved hearing some piping hot tea.
I will not elaborate further on why by the way. All I’m saying is, anyone I’ve met who has the same sitting mannerism as Minho has never passed up the opportunity to hear some tea.
Where you met? Part of me wants to say Instagram. And part of me wants to say twitter. Take your pick.
(My fault, ‘X’ 🤪😒)
Listen,,, basing this on bubble, this mf used to spam my shit. Whether it was about his work out or what he ate or just random photos/ voice messages. He. spammed. my. SHIT.
He spams!!!!
Also, y’all saw how fast he answered TXT’s Yeonjun’s call?
Yeah. I see him as a ‘call me’ type of dude. Lmao. I think he prefers calls because he likes to hear your voice and it makes him feel more connected to you.
I feel like he would also listen to your problems. Make sure you’re okay, eating well, especially if you were having a bad day/night/etc. Like Chan.
And if y’all are his friend, you better do the same or you’ll get thrown. (by me &lt;3)
Come on y’all are breaking my heart, y’all know he doesn’t like doing anything alone, he likes being around someone or talking to someone and you’d be the first person he’d talk to when he’s particularly excited or intrigued about something.
He’ll always wanna chat with you or even stay up with you on a call because you or he couldn’t sleep and I’m not saying this because I’m biased, STOP. I’m gonna get out of here before I cry.
Chan, if you see this, since you’re ‘always watching’, tell Changbin to reject me already. Like actually cause I’m down astronomically bad for this man.
Hyunjinnnnnnn sweetie, you’re up.
A whole sweetheart.
Where y’all met? Instagram. Hands down. Fight me, bite me, whatever. I stand by this.
He’d send pictures of his art before he posts because he wants to show you. :,)
He would be fun to talk to. Like if you say something funny or send something funny, I bet he would smile at his phone and earn suspicious looks from the others or be teased.
Hyunjin strikes me as the type of friend that would send you links or screenshots when you have a question or when you need help with something neither of you have the knowledge of.
Or if you list your symptoms when you’re not feeling well? The sweetie plugs them into google.
Turns out you’ve been dead for the past five years.
Similar to Minho, expect random pictures of Kkami. On topic, off topic, before you wake up, when you wake up, or when you’re sad.
And any pictures you send to him, whether it’s of yourself, the scenery, your own pets— I’m positive he’d love to see the world through your eyes. <3
Lmao I remember this one dream I had where Hyunjin kept taking photos of me so they could be used on a wanted poster for the authorities to find me easier.
Point of that was, I think he would take hella candid's of you if/when y’all meet up one day. And trust me, that day is about to be the most fun day you’ll have.
Prepare to explore, try new things… Or do the same things but together. Your pick.
Where you met? Online video game OR YouTube comment section. Fight me, bite me, whatever part 2, I stand by my head canons unless you present me with a VERY good argument.
In the most RESPECTFUL way possible, I feel like he leaves you on delivered for days on end… Accidentally ofc. It’s an introvert thing.
Another introvert thing, he’s probably not into calls. However, when y’all call, I bet it would be hella fun. If you’re a gamer? Y’all bet it’s all comms in whatever multiplayer video game you decide to play.
Even if you aren’t a gamer, you are now. Unless you want to meet him in the comment section of a random YouTube video.
This is slowly turning into a gamer boy head canon but dude, I feel like he’s pretty quiet when gaming online because he’s focusing but then depending on the game, he’ll scream at random and you’ll rip your headset off because he startled you.
“I forgot you were still in the game.”
“I forgot you were still in the call.”
If it’s a horror game, I can already see you with your headset off and just hearing the chat from a speaker or something, otherwise you’ll wake up the next day with the same hearing you get after being front row at a concert near the speakers.
And if you jump easily or get scared easily to the point where you also scream, best believe Jisung isn’t taking chances either.
Anyways, I know I said he would leave you on delivered for days but like Hyunjin, talking to him would be hella fun. I mean, the man is one of the funniest idols in my opinion.
And for free too?
Just know you’ll be laughing so hard you enter a different plane of reality.
You would have the friendship where if one of you are sad or needs to vent, you’ll drop everything to be there to listen. Doesn’t matter if you’re busy or in a vastly different mood, it’s all ears.
Fighting the urge to not put ‘he would listen’ for every member but I genuinely do believe they would LISTEN.
Jisung seems like the type to send voice messages rather than texts. I KNOW y’all remember that one voice message he sent.
Before I move on; Anime nights with him. Just you two on a call watching the same anime and syncing up the times so neither of you are ahead or behind. :]
Where you met? Probably TikTok. Bet.
Let me set the scene: You’re scrolling on TikTok when you see a TikTok of Felix. You comment on it. Boom, internet friendship has blossomed.
He would send you TikTok's, reels, or shorts. Whatever the man finds funny tbh. It doesn’t matter if YOU find it funny. If he finds it funny, he’s sending it. Now, he would send videos or memes that reminds him of you and ones he knows you would find funny, but the majority? Buckle up.
Bet he would probably get lost in it all and you’ll open your phone to see the ‘57 new messages’ banner. lmao.
“FELIX??? 57???”
‘3 new messages’
“Oh, my bad.”
And then you probably spend nearly an hour trying to watch all of the TikTok's he sends because they are funny. The man has taste.
Danceracha pun intended.
Anyways, it goes both ways too. I did not intend to make Felix sound like a TikTok addict. LMAO I meant… Whatever, y’all know what I meant.
OH expect recipes and pictures of his work in the kitchen. Expect to read mini reviews about his thoughts on these dishes.
I can see you both having the type of friendship where you can freely roast each other and not have your feelings hurt because you know in the end, it’s jokes about you’d both defend each other if anyone else roasted you like that.
Maybe nicknames that sound hurtful to a third party but are actually terms of endearment/ inside jokes between the two of you.
I think it’s funny that every crack edit/ snapchat meme AU I see, Seungmin is the one that sends ‘streaks’ snapchats and it gets me every time so I’m going to keep that going here.
Where you met? Wrong number situation but then you move to snapchat every so often.
“We have an ⌛.”
… A few seconds later, you get a message indicating it’s your turn on 8 ball.
No but Seungmin is such a sweetie, idc what y’all have to say about that. I see him as the type to watch/read/do something just because you like it and want someone to talk about it to.
Even if he isn’t particularly interested, he just wants to talk with you more, even if it means treading into territories he swore not to.
Back to snapchat… Or any social media, anything you post, he’s usually always the first person to see it. Unintentionally, but hey, you’re the one posting at the same time he decides to come online.
Always so happy when you message him, letting him know you’ve preordered their albums or even just watched/listened to their comebacks. Your support means a lot to him and he hopes to/is as supportive to you in the things you choose to pursue.
Even hobbies, he doesn’t judge.
I also think he, like Felix, has the ‘roast each other without consequences’ dynamic.
Seungmin loving train does not STOP and I hope y’all choo choo the fuck out of the way if you’re gonna disagree.
Where you met? Haha, he actually met you irl first and because he was only in the area for a day, you swapped info and now you have a time zone separating you.
Luckily, he didn’t text you once and then became another follower!
I feel like he’s the chaotic internet friend. If you’ve been on the internet long enough, I know you’ve had one.
Y’all probably think it’s Jisung that would have this title, and it probably is, but Jeongin??
For example, Y’all remember that one live he did where he drank hella energy drinks & 3racha was in the states?
Yeah. Unsupervised time go brrrr. Okay? and you’re the one that hears about it first hand because he’s doing chaotic shit over video calls or texting messages and you can’t do anything.
He knows you can’t.
“Hey :)” - “Guess what?”
“God damnit.”
“I bought four giant bags of sugar.”
He likes to joke with you a lot. For example, he was kidding about having four giant bags of sugar.
But your reaction was funny to him, therefore he will keep joking around like this because he loves your reactions and he loves that you haven’t blocked him for giving you so much grief.
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kitkatperce · 1 month
hey guys kuzaang headcanons.
(most found in my dc server........) 1; ok this MAY seem stupid though i Dont Care if anyone here thinks it is but avatars have like dreams of their memories from their past lives and can get like something close to psychosomatic pain ? The Point is aang getting these nightmares and crap at a sleepover w kuzon nd kuzon comforts him after cuz he woke kuzon up by screaming 2; kuzon would have loved the marble trick (which was replied to with 'kuzon would go beast mode over the marble trick actually' by tumblr user meeyow4419 which i think explains it very well very true.) 3; kuzon cant cook for shit 4; kuzon did NOt believe whatever sozin was sending out he gave each newspaper the stink eye. 5; kuzon taught aang all the fire nation dances and bumi cheered them on in the bg 6; bumi was definitely their wing man 7; we all know therescultural differences between the 4 nations. what i need to see is kuzon explaining things of rthe fire nation that aang doesnt understand and vice versa 8; kuzon kissing each and every one of aangs arrows. thank you 9; physical touch. slinging an arm over each others shoulder, hugging, kissing, holding hands, holding arms, laying on top of each other, putting legs over each other legs, touching knees, standing close to each other, kuzon doesn't know what personal space is!, kicking the others foot to get their attention, leaning into each others space, aang doing/playing with kuzons hair, falling asleep on each other, and more. they are really big on physical affection 10; dancing. just dancing I don't feel the need to elaborate. at festivals, in the kitchen, in the middle of a forest, wherever. just dancing 11; they frequently send letters to each other, and when they started dating there was an occasional love letter in there. 12; kuzaang kinda just happened they never actually were like. date me. they just. started dating I guess. they don't even know when it occured 13: drool when they sleep. 14; they also uh. cuddle when they sleep. kuzons woken up with a wet shirt more than once. he gets embarrassed when he realizes he drooled on his pillow the whole night. actually have an art piece 4 this! https://www.tumblr.com/kitkatperce/748416474997260288/wow-this-is-gay
15; promises that sound oddly like wedding vows. 16; hip hip hooray!!! x LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! (after their first kiss) 17; moles x freckles 18; they share their food w each other. aang splits a lot of fruits (its usually an orange because he somehow always has one on hand) 19; aang gets very giggly and avoids eye contact after like. they kiss on the lips even once. 20; they both still blush like madmen with any physical affection 21; uncontrollable laughter 22; they don't care what time it is if the other is upset they r GOING to comfort them 23; aang sending super intense vibes to kuzon so he dreams of them sharing a sandwich together (im jk) 24; devotion. yeah ur my bsf ofc im in love with you and will find you and hang out with you in every universe. lets kiss 25; they both yap a whole lot but when it comes down to it kuzon loves to listen to aang blabber about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time 26; cheesy nicknames 27; air nomads dont marry but aang doesnt actually mind if kuzon is like 'my husband' or whatever he thinks its super endearing. some ppl say they are too young for marriage and aang has to explain tho LMAO 28; idiots doing idiotic things. get down from that tall ass mountain 29; aang likes to fidget with kuzons hands. kuzon lets him
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I remember you once wrote a post about snape not being written how JK rowling thought she did, can you elaborate on that please perhaps? I also heard he is so much more of a dick in the books (never read the books, only watched the movies some time ago xd)
Anon. Sit down. I have shit to SAY. Okay, so, Snape is 100% worse in the fucking books. He insults hermione so viciously that she permanently alters her appearance. He threatens to poison Neville's toad and actually punishes Gryffindor house when Hermione prevents that from happening. He constantly goes out of his way to insult, belittle, and embarrass Harry. There is no reason why an eleven year old boy should feel as though a teacher hates him. There's no reason why he should be right. Let's get one thing straight: Snape does not like Harry. He only protects Harry because of his love for Lily. He straight up admits it. Dumbledore asks him "You've grown to care for the boy?" and Snape says "for HIM???" Like. If Harry was not the son of lily, would Snape care about him at all? If Harry was the exact same boy (same personality, same everything), except that his mother was not lily, would Snape give a shit about him? No, right? So how can anyone say that Snape likes *Harry*? He doesn't! People will say that Snape had to be cruel to Harry to keep up his facade, but I call bullshit. Snape did not have to go as far as he did. When Snape catches Harry alone with the mauraders map, he insults Harry even though there is no one else alone. Tell me who he is putting on a show for? Harry already thinks Snape hates him, so why did Snape take that opportunity to viciously dig into him? Also, why does nobody talk about the fact that Snape chose to become a death eater in the first place? "He had to put on an act" Why join the play in the first place?? In my opinion, JKR gives him too many irredeemable characteristics and/or choices. Also wouldn't it have been a more sensible decision for him to be a good teacher to everyone? For someone who was trying to keep his secret identity under wraps, he does a poor job. Harry and his friends suspect him CONSTANTLY. Harry goes to Dumbledore multiple times about Snape still being in allegiance with the dark lord. If Snape's reasoning for being cruel to Harry and the non-Slytherins was so he would not draw suspicion to himself, he does an absolute shit job at it lmao.
Snape isn't an awful person as a facade. He's awful because that's who he genuinely is. Don't believe me? Well, we get a look at him outside of school, before he has any death eaters to impress. My beef with JKR is that we're supposed to forgive Snape after one chapter. The chapter "The Prince's Tale" is supposed to redeem Snape.
One. Singular. Chapter. In the final book of a 7 book series is supposed to undo every single thing we've seen so far. I'm not saying that's impossible, but I am saying it's not the chapter JKR seems to think it is. We're supposed to believe that Snape is so redeemed after this chapter that Harry deadass names his son after him. It absolutely KILLS me that in the chapter JKR uses to prove that Snape is a good person, he does more bad shit! It's not filled with cute Snape moments; it's filled with moments where he's a creepy ass young adult. He enters the potters' house after they die and you know what he does? He rips a photo containing Harry, James, and lily, and keeps the portion containing lily. That's fucking creepy! That photo could have been given to Harry, but no! Snape just had to keep the portion containing Lily.
When he's a teenager, he tells lily he won't "let" her do something (I forget exactly what it was). Lily accuses him of wanting to be a death eater and he not only doesn't deny it, but lily CALLS him out for not denying it. That is something that canonically happens. Snape DOES become a death eater! He is friends with people who do dark magic. He calles Lily a slur in front of a crowd of people. He's shown to have blood purist beliefs as a child; Lily asks him if her being muggleborn makes any difference and he hesitates before answering. It's clear he DOES think being a muggleborn makes someone less. I can forgive Snape for being a weirdo as a kid. Everything is more acceptable when you're a small child, but he never changes. In the chapter JKR uses to justify everything Snape has done so far, she shows him STILL being a bad person even outside of school!! She seems to think she wrote some tortured hero who was kind deep down, but she wrote a bully who was so obsessive over one woman that he didn't care about whether her husband and child died so long as she remained alive. Snape loved Harry? Snape was okay with him dying as a baby lmao. Once again, Snape only cared about Lily. JKR wrote Snape as obsessive when she clearly meant to write him as deeply in love. That's what I mean when I say she didn't write him how she seems to think.
Also, as an aside, I truly feel like Draco and Snape are kind of the same, but jkr HATES Draco, and that makes no sense to me lmao. Like, the series would have been better tied together if Draco was redeemed as well. I'm not saying Draco is a good person, but to call Snape a good person despite him being a cruel grown man, and in the same breath condemn Draco who is literally just a child who grew up in a racist family? What sense does that make.
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porternash · 22 days
Got tagged by @goodsirbeasts in this dope little get to know the blogger thing with a few questions I haven’t seen before so here goes!
Do you make your bed?: *Starbomb Smash! voice* Absolutely fucking not! lmao not even as a kid tbh. Ama learned a looong time ago she was not winning that battle with me, putting the fitted sheet on each corner and the pillows in cases is as ‘made’ as it gets 😂
What’s your favorite number?: Six, and I couldn’t tell you why. It’s my go to tho!
What is your job?: CSRI in Spending Accounts—basically I talk to old people about their money in relation to healthcare. Also known as Dante’s secret 8th circle of hell! 😂
If you could go back to school, would you?: Depends! Does it have to be in America and can it be college? Like in this scenario, I’m assuming it’s my choice without money as an object, hell yeah, I’m going to university in Scotland and actually get my degree in literature. “Vince, you’d make the exact same mistake you did the first time?” Fuck yeah, I had a blast in the classes I actually wanted to take. I love learning. But I’m geographically challenged so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can you parallel park?: ………………….Theoretically.
A job you had that would surprise people?: Uhhh underage construction worker? lmfao my old man used to take me to jobs with him over the summer because the neighbours kept calling CPS about me being 11 and home alone all day. Fun fact, that’s how I got the scar on my left foot! I jumped from an unfinished deck about four feet down directly onto an upright nail that went through my Super Construction Approved canvas sneakers, the bottom of my foot, the top of my foot, and the top of my shoe! So! 😂 I am my own worst enemy.
Do you think aliens are real?: I think it’s narcissism to assume they’re not, tbh. We know too much about this planet and humanity to believe it’s *just us*. Also I’d kind of like them to go ahead and just pull the trigger piglet.
Can you drive a manual car?: I can probably figure it out tbh. I’m a strangely good driver after I get a feel for the car/area.
What’s your guilty pleasure?: I don’t think I have any? I’m pretty open about what tickles my pickle. Unfortunately for you fuckers.
Tattoos?: Horny. lmao jk I have ….uh….ttttirteeen? 😅 (they said with absolutely no certainty) I’ll do an update post soon with all of them because they’re currently all healed and for the most part complete, but I have covered up my first ever tattoo because it was ugly and shitty and the dumb idea of an 18 year old off their meds lmfao and I have a pic off hand of the cover up here so enjoy~
Tumblr media
Favourite colour?: deep greens, teals, pinks, purples, and reds. They’re plural because I’m a bit colorblind and can’t tell shades.
Favourite type of music?: Honestly put it in front of me and I’ll listen to it, but the stuff I tend to keep and replay constantly is on the rock spectrum. But hell I know every word of Dolly’s 9 to 5, Ludacris’ Stand Up, fucking Cab Calloway’s Minnie the Moocher! So yeah, just, throw whatever at the wall see what sticks approach 😂
Do you like puzzles?: Yeh actually! I love puzzle games and like actual jigsaw puzzles and if I’m in the right mood logic puzzles are fun.
Any phobias?: It’s spiders. It’s purely spiders. It’s completely irrational, I know it is, but they fucking terrify me.
Favourite childhood sport?: Soccer and touch football in high school, because it meant we were playing with the weight training guys and that was always a blast.
Do you talk to yourself?: Not out loud normally but yeah in my head constantly. I’m like JD from Scrubs but without the budget for elaborate scenarios 😂
What movie(s) do you adore?: Fuck me dead. Okay. No order of preference these are just my top five.
1. The Brothers Bloom - My first exposure to Rian Johnson and a day I will genuinely never forget at the theater with @goodsirbeasts 💜
2. Pacific Rim - I was excited for this movie for years before it came out because all I knew was the cast list and the premise (GDT making giant monsters? say fucking less) Then it actually came out and I saw it in IMAX with that bitch *gestures to @goodsirbeasts* and again, fucking transformative.
3. Blitz - okay hear me out 😭
4. Inglorious Basterds - God fucking shit I saw this in theaters with @goodsirbeasts too, on my 19th birthday! Bitch we need to start going to the movies again I miss it.
5. Silent Hill (2006) - Like PacRim, I pretend the sequel doesn’t exist and they’re both perfect solo films. But it definitely hit something in me as a kid watching this because it’s such a fucking good movie even outside of the adaptation aspect.
6. Bonus mentions; Constantine, Too Wong Foo Thanks For Everything Julie Newmar, the entire Scream series of films, and Ever After. Just to pinball around the entire spectrum lmfao
Coffee or tea?: Coffee, I tend not to like tea for the most part unless it’s milk tea.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?: A drummer, for some godforsaken reason? I couldn’t play drums, at all. Not even a little bit at the beginning 😂 After that it’s never really changed, I always wanted to be a writer :3
This was fun! I’m trying to catch up on these tag games guys I swear 😭 Imma tag @kalgalen @captainsaku @bisexualr2d2 aaand @fuckwritersblock kissing you bitches all on the cheek 🩵
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kaeyachi · 1 year
I saw your post about the Alberich surname and was curious about kaeya being half tayvatian! Can you explain that for me please? I miss and forget a lot of details and stuff in game, but I do genuinely love genshin lore related to khaenriah and kaeya! I also flip flop between kaeya being full khaenrian and being half whatever just because his star eye doesn't seem to be as pronounced as dainsleif for example. At least in game. (always zooming into his face to try and see the pretty star lol) Like I've seen the hc of his mom being sumeran and I think that's super cute! It could explain his darker skin tone compared to dainsleif and pierro? Or like idk the star trait has been deluted after many generations? Uh I've rambled a lot but I was just curious cuz I didn't know anything about him being half teyvatian!
but anyway...THANK YOU FOR ASKING!
I think it would be better for me to come back to this after 3.5 that way I can confirm most of what I initially typed out, but heres a summary of what I've thought of
1. His name being the only one in the history of known Khaenri'ahns to originate from Hindu instead of Norse/Scandinavian
2. Due to the Hindu origin of the name, we can connect it to his constellation which is represented by a peacock- India's national bird as well as the representation for the Spantamad in the Akademiya.
3. Him being there for the 3.5 Archon quest in Sumeru as well as him getting a possible skin that is clearly half Sumeru and half Khaenri'ahn inspired
4. notes or letters from a member of the Alberich clan in Sumeru
5. Most known Khaenri'ahn characters have been pale-skinned (were unsure about Pierro due to dim lighting but even then, he and Kaeya might be related) with distinctly shaped four-pointed star pupils while Kaeya was designed differently (unsure if its because he's the first one released in-game, if its a diluted gene trait, or if it might be indicative that he is curseless)
6. Seemingly curseless or unnafected by the curse. Was even "blessed" by Celestia with a vision, which is already odd. He's still the only canonical Khaenriahn with one (clearly Celestia doesnt care whether you want a vision or not either)
If someone can elaborate please go ahead! I'm sure I've missed some!
***Additional notes mildly unrelated to this theory***
-The Alberich clan must have been known for their strategic thinking, war knowledge, and mind games if they were able to rise as the leaders for Khaenri'ah during the war. If I were a Sumeru scholar, I'd tap that too lmao
-Kaeya's name meaning "Monsoon flower" is oddly tragic yet fitting. The monsoon flowers thrive in the rainy season. Kaeya thrives during the rain as well. His main growth points and tragedies in life have happened in the rain. If it rains during the 3.5 archon quest i will scream and cry please note this.
- oddly enough i am more of a believer of the "Kaeya being frozen in time for 500 years" theory. Its possible! Olaf Katzlein got frozen for 300 after all! Some old Sumeran must have immigrated to Khaenri'ah prior to the Catalycism and got the Alberich started. Alberich clan being the smartest family in Khaenri'ah maybe?? hmm...
-Majority of teyvat suspiciously dont know that Khaenri'ahns are the hilichurls and the abyss order which means this might be forgotten history...which is weird because if its a supposedly slow acting curse then even in future generations there should still be slow-turning Khaenri'ahns right? If they purposely stopped repopulating then how did Kaeya come to exist? Pierro getting funky with whom??????? He has only been beside the Tsaritsa for the past hundred years... OH MY GOD WAIT CRACK THEORY TIME- Kaeya being the Tsaritsa and Pierro's son which explains the white streaks in his hair. No? Ok I'll stop lmao...unless?? NAH JK THIS AINT IT...or is it... JUST KIDDING I SWEAR-
That's all for now! Hope this helped others figure out the thought process behind the Half-Teyvatian Kaeya theory!
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inlocusmads · 5 months
Hey Mads! I don’t know if you’ve gotten any yet, so please feel free to substitute with one you’re dying to answer if I give you a duplicate.
1, 4, 12, 20, 25, 33, 40, 41, 52
And I already asked too many so I will stop.
ask me some niche otp asks
1.Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Depends on the argument I would say.
If it is an argument about one getting help (they rightfully need) but think it is absurd, or they think they're a burden - you get the gist, it would probably be Nora saying 'because I love you".
If it is an argument about one getting help (they rightfully need) but think--
Nah, they're both saying that lol. It's probably the only kind of argument they'll conclude with a mutual 'because I love you'. Again, depends on the kind of argument. Other times they are more likely to come to a conclusion/compromise/understanding. It's always the subjective ones.
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Nora's more protective in everyday fashion, but is probably the one who needs most protection. Trystan loves feeling secure, but is the first person who'd be willing to draw blood for you.
I love how I don't give out any straightforward answers lmao
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Answered here.
The short version: Usually ends in some kind of understanding. They aren't the kind of people who would give the other 'the silent treatment' (trust me they have had enough childhood trauma to not follow down that path). There's some conclusion there. Whether it be ending on a sour note or learning something new about each other they should be wary of, or a subject the other isn't fond of bringing up, etc. No argument is left astray.
20.Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
First off, how dare you. Jk jk.
If I had to pick one, it's a very obvious answer. I reference it regularly in my fics, it almost became somewhat of a cultish chant but it is You're My Best Friend by Queen. It perfectly describes their relationship because Trystan's someone who sees the good in people and usually admires them, bordering on a crush but would love a friend, but Nora's the opposite - someone who deals with allies and friends every day in her line of work, but would love a partner (not in any romantic, platonic sense but in a partner-ish sense, y'know?).
It's hard to describe it but the song does it beautifully.
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
A decent metric ton, actually. Crosswords used to be Trystan's thing but it became Nora's thing over a couple of weeks. Ever since she fixed the basketball hoop in her office, Nora cultivated her dying hobby in that sport before Trystan swooped in and fell in love with shooting hoops (at the cost of many dented furnitures)
33. Who’s the better cook?
If you want a quick, easy, wholesome meal under ten minutes that's equally nutritious, ask Nora.
If you want something elaborate, maybe a medieval recipe thrown in the mix, something five-course-esque, consult Trystan.
40. Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help?
Assuming 'insatiable appetite' refers in a food context:
I think Nora definitely does because she kind of grew up with an athlete's diet as a kid (not to mention Chiense households will ensure you are fed until your stomach explodes) and sometimes the portion she consumes isn't wholly enough. She kind of ends up suppressing her appetite, which isn't great because her job is very active at that.
Trystan ensures she eats enough throughout the day, but he is no patron saint either. They kind of decide that if the other's famished, they'd stop by some place to get food or stock up on it at the very least.
41. Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
Nora does.
Trystan's one of those "oh i am from drakovia, we eat winter for breakfast" but then completely melts at the early sign of New York winter. Nora's better prepared for such circumstances since she's lived there all her life. She usually layers two jackets and gives one to Trystan no matter the circumstance.
He ends up stealing some of her jackets anyway, so it is a win-win. Trystan doesn't have to catch a cold and Nora can die happy knowing she's dating a pickpocket.
52. Describe their weekend getaway?
Technically Trystan's still yet to clear up his records, so for the time being, they can't travel outside of New York just yet. Weekend getaways aren't a staple, cuz Nora has work on the weekends too. However, if they happen to take a trip or something, they'd probably go visit a couple of art exhibits, book shops, maybe a couple of theme parks (just for the target practice stations).
It's very impromptu. Trystan would suggest a place. Nora would jump in with full enthusiasm. They get tired midway and stop elsewhere. Shenanigans ensue. They end up having a fun time anyway, even if it is literally a Saturday trip to the department store to stock up on groceries.
Thank you for the ask Elsa! (tbh you can send me like a million questions and I'll never get tired of them lol)
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ofengineers · 6 months
Two words: The Enterprise
No need to further elaborate… You and Mid both know what it already entails… ;) lmao jk
Much like The Enterprise, you and Mid serve both Joshua and I a ship pioneering not only with mythril engines but towards the thrill of the unknown. As you already know, ever since I came back here on tumblr (after 8-9 years lol), following you and interacting with you have brought myself and my muse to things we've never known possible (or even imagine!). Seriously, if not for your Mid muse, and her ever endearing qualities that you always willingly serve to every single one of us here, I wouldn't have known a really great and dearest friend— YOU. And that is the greatest gift.
No words can express how both Joshua and I love you and Midadol. It is always such a pleasure and we are so damn lucky you grace us with your presence.
thankyouformakingmysweetinnocentboynotinnocentanymoremidyouareonlythepersontoblame All my love to you, Mrs. Rizzfield, Lord Rizzfield
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You're gonna make me cry gfdgfh that's exactly how I feel about you too! 🥺 I'm so happy with what we've built with Joshua and Mid! And it's funny because we never plotted it; it just started naturally through our interactions, and I honestly think this kind of ship is the best one! Thanks to you and Joshua, I'm exploring parts of Mid I don't think I would have explored otherwise. Pretty much like you, I didn't come here with the idea of shipping in mind, and this is sincerely the best ship I could have asked for! Mid loves him soooooo much! She really found her best friend and lover within him 🥰
And of course, this precious ship would be nothing without our actual friendship behind it. We talk a lot every morning and every evening, and it's always a pleasure! We can speak seriously OR say the dumbest shit AND everything in-between hahaha 😂 You're such a dear friend to me! I don't know where or when that sangria will come, but IT WILL COME haha 🥰
What is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out? | @bymargrace
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scattered-winter · 1 year
AAAAA i did forget to say that i love my own tag!! i do love to be qpr anon 😭 and i enjoyed it sm to read your thoughts on the points i sent you, i can only give back a *strongly agree* for everything you said, it's like you took my brain and wrote your reply while using it 😂😂 did not expect my opinions to be received that well, i tried to go for admitting the hard stuff because that is usually more fun, so i hope it's okay if i bounce off more ideas based on your reply!! ♥
firstly...... HELL YES join the bucktalia train with me, the finale really made me love them a lot, and i hope we will see much more of them in s7! i have more thoughts on them specifically but i'll stick to the og numbering so it's easier to follow 😂 (this feels lowkey like school, i am so sorry LMAO)
1.) i totally get that the donor storyline squicked you! i was very worried about buck not being able to move on from the baby, with him buying that firefighter-like baby onesie and all... but WOW his maturity? that he helped them simply "because he could"? buck is just such a good person, i think we were shown again just how much he is willing to do to help others and how his help is unconditional as well 😭😭 it melted my whole heart. the callback to buck's wish to be loved by his parents unconditionally... how he called himself "defective" but called his own son "perfect"... just. wow. WOW. the fact alone that he helped during the birth of his own biological child, and he was so confident while doing so!! a masterpiece. i need fics with delivery nurse AU for buck ♥♥♥
2.) jjjjjjooooooooin the bucktalia train 😂😂 no jk no pressure ofc! but but but, i just really like natalia, and how they did things with the little time they had left this season! the couch stood for buck's agency and his peace with himself – he knows who he is, he knows he cannot force anyone to stay in his life if they do not fully accept him or fit his own values (abby, taylor), he knows that his partner must understand and accept his type of lifestyle and the risks related to it (ali), he knows that he won't be happy by living somebody else's version of a good life (i.e., having somebody else's couch instead of his own, which goes for abby, ali, and taylor). and just!!!! buck slowly learning that he is lovable the way he is and that he would rather be alone than settle for somebody who does not love all of him!!!!! it's so important to me. and i do not understand why everyone is saying he regressed! 😭😭 where?!? with every relationship and new experience, buck is learning a lil bit more about himself and his worth imo. it does not have to be linear, and sometimes it's babysteps instead of big jumps, but that's how development works. real humans do not just snap with their fingers and unlearn all their maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms either. give buck time ffs @ the fandom!!
2.1.) i am drinking the hot tea that you just served me, bestie. sip sip sip, you are so correct about everything re the buddie agenda and hivemind!! it's crazy to me because i genuinely feel like they almost gaslight themselves and everybody else with what they do?!?! even scenes that are unrelated to buddie are *used* for buddie purposes (e.g. the scene with chim and his dad, about biological fathers), and it's so damn frustrating to me because the facts get twisted and twisted and twisted 😭 like NO!! these scenes weren't even about buddie!!! or worse, they twist everything around to make canon love interests look like the devil when they are often more innocent than buck and eddie themselves (let's not act as if these two are unfailing gentlemen who always treat their women right, c'mon now). and then the fandom gets excited because they come up with some new elaborate theory again, and then they genuinely expect buddie to become canon every single episode. and are disappointed and angry when they aren't. buddie has much bigger problems than that when in 6 veeery long seasons, there was not a single hint dropped that buck or eddie are attracted to men even thought they had plenty of opportunity to do so fjsdfkdshk;; the fun time with headcanons and theories has ended like 3 seasons ago because of the buddie fandom taking over everything... just, ugh.
3.) i could not have said it better. not adding any comment, you spilled the truth.
4.) YES AAAAAA god i can't, i am full of emotions for bucktalia. and yes, she did help deliver the baby in the sense that she got utensils for buck to deliver it, and she also dabbed kameron's forehead with a wet towel etc!! 😭♥ especially the fact that natalia is a death doula has me sooo intrigued. people who work in such a field just have a completely different relation to death, and with grief, and with life (she called herself an "end-of-life doula", which i need everybody to know and think about – how she emphasized the life, not the death)!!! buck's job, his past death, his coma experience, daniel?!? he experienced death himself, he experienced those of others that he tried to save... i just think, in athena's words, maybe natalia is finally the "specific kind of crazy" that can fully accept what buck's lifestyle truly means. because natalia herself has been there to help those that are at the end of their lives – and so has buck. idk idk idk, their professions are different but also so alike! 😭😭
related to that, i LOVED that she wanted to talk to buck about his death experience! there, i said it, and i hate the fandom for twisting it into smth ugly. BUCK was the one joking about his own death, and natalia responded accordingly. it's literally her profession to deal with death, and to accompany people who will die soon on this last journey of their lives. humans have always been interested to know how death feels like, what comes after death... i find her passion 1000% understandable, and tbh? to think that maybe she was looking for an answer about all this, from somebody who was dead before but came back, so that she could be better at helping others?!?!?! i respect and love that idea. what do you think? ♥♥
5.) indeed!! "fandom illiteracy" is my new favorite word, it's so fitting, yes yes yes. and it's ALWAYS just when it's about buddie or a canon love interest that ""threatens"" buddie canonization (as if THAT is what threatens it lol. not the fact that we have yet to see either of them find men attractive?). also omg i originally called eddie an unreliable narrator in my ask but deleted that again bc i didn't wanna come off as too harsh 😂😂😂 and i must add, eddie did not even meet ana at a call! 😂 they met at christopher's school, and he had immediate chemistry with her, so much so that carla immediately side-eyed him for giving her hearteyes. what's that about *magic* and *chemistry* that eddie talked about again?? they reconnected thanks to a call, yes, but it was eddie's choice to ask for a date, and it was eddie who was burdened by past trauma that he had repressed for years, and it was eddie who was not ready for anything serious. ana said "it's your mess now" after he broke up with her in the most ineloquent way possible, after showing that ana was cleaning up his mess in the kitchen. i did not care much about eddieana overall but like... people put all the blame on ana, even for her calling eddie "edmundo", as if eddie is not an adult who can speak and advocate for himself. like, he is just A GUY. maybe the real issue was all his baggage that he hasn't dealt with yet, and not whether or not he met ana on a call. realistically, eddieana was doomed from the start no matter where they met because eddie was simply not ready for anything serious, emotionally and mentally. he would have also not been ready if it was buck, or marisol, or anyone else. that is OKAY. but i NEED the fandom to stop taking everything these characters say as gospel truth, as you fittingly called it. they are fictional, they are tools to tell a story, they are tools to create drama and evoke emotions! and for this, they often talk bullshit to learn a lesson later on. and well, we saw eddie dealing with his trauma finally, and moving forward at his own pace, and being happy to get a date with marisol!
6.) i agree with you on everything here YES. finale gave such great whump, i loved the action and the hurt and the dirty bloody looks and all!! hen wiping away buck's blood????????????? SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP. i also agree that a bit more time for the recovery part would have been nice. then again, they also did not give us much of that when buck's leg was crushed or eddie was shot. the show often skips parts that would be very satisfactory imo lol. but i love good whump and hurt/comfort so maybe that's just me LOL.
share your fic ideas (ONLY if you feel comfortable doing so) and also i am incredibly sorry this got so long. i will now go hide under a blanket and fangirl about bucktalia dfdfgksdlk;
for the sake of not repeating myself because we've both said stuff like this in the other post I'm just gonna say a blanket statement for all these and say HARD AGREE <33
HOWEVER i do want to individually touch on natalia because OUGH. I FORGOT SHE REFERRED TO HERSELF LIKE THAT. OUHG <33 I love that so fucking much.
also YEAH. justice for ana and taylor and ali and abby and natalia and every other character who was in proximity with buddie and suffered more than jesus for it
AND FOR FIC IDEAS i really. don't have a LOT of fully formed thoughts but idk. jee and maddie visiting chim in the hospital. buck (no broken ribs) driving eddie home and maybe staying over for a few days to help him out while he healed. athena + bobby being tender. hen + karen being tender. maybe all the hospitalized 118 get together in a single hospital room and plan a breakout. who can say <3 (this is only fic ideas to fit into the episode. however i have. uh. 50+ wips and aus for other things in this fandom. i have what you might call A Problem)
AND I'D LIKE TO ADD A LITTLE DISCLAIMER HERE. BECAUSE I'VE BEEN A HATER FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS BUT I NEED TO SET SOMETHING STRAIGHT. i LOVE buddie. i do. i love their tenderness, and their intimacy, and their friendship, and i love what they have, and i love what they could have. i love slowburns, and i love friends to lovers, and i love coparenting, and i genuinely love looking at them through a romantic lens because it sparks joy !! and i also love looking at them through a qpr lens because it sparks joy !! they spark joy in any capacity !!! my gripes with buddie are at the FANDOM LEVEL, not w the sillies onscreen. its because other characters and relationships are shoved out of the way, or twisted, or put down to prop buddie up, and its because its SO HARD to find meta, fic, or anything else in this fandom that focuses solely on any of the other incredible characters, pairings, or themes in this show because everything's always about You Know Who and You Know Who Else. I know I've been kinda spiteful toward them lately but I just wanna say that it's stemming from frustration of watching characters constantly be demonized/ignored/shoved aside so that Buddie Can Work(tm) as opposed to me actually hating the pairing. ty goodnight <3
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thegodcomplcx · 2 years
For the Doctor Who themed ask game:
I want to hear all of your incredibly detailed and thought out opinions on all of the questions 👿🔪
300 word minimum per question (lol jk)
oooooo boy. strap in for a long one boys. i answered a couple already, but i'll do the rest here.
(2) what was the first entire series you watched/remember ?
series 1. the revamp, baby. the first ep i watched was from series 5, but i was a completionist even when i was 11, so i started the series from the beginning. (didn't know about classic who back then, or i would've been in for a ride lmao)
(5) any complaints about the show? (20) if you could change anything about the show, what would it be?
i'm gonna combine these two bc i feel like theyre the same kinda. i kinda wish it had a more consistent lore? sldkjfds okay i know this is a ridiculous request and like obviously if something shite happens ppl want to retcon it. or just the fact that it's been going on for 60 some odd years and things slip through the cracks. but i think SO much about the show changes when the showrunner changes, and i know thats a good thing that keeps the show fresh, but it would be interesting to see it all weave together just a tad more cohesively. idk i don't have any REAL complaints overall. doctor who, my beloved.
(6) nuwho or classic who ? why ?
nuwho only because i haven't seen enough of classic to have an informed opinion.
(7) the tenth doctor or the fourth doctor ? why ?
ten. see above.
(8) favorite outfit of the doctor's ? why ?
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literally a flawless outfit. it's simple but so fucking effective. first of all, it just looks good. it's reflective of twelve as a character i think, and it has a charmingly classic feel. twelve's era really felt like we were maturing and taking a step away from the doctor that was a young, foppish, dandy, and this outfit SHOWS it. that flash of red in the coat makes me go FERAL. stunning. showstopping. thirteen also looks good in it. (second place goes to eleven's first outfit tho. cus of the nostalgia)
(9) least favorite outfit of the doctor's ? why ?
i like all of them tbh! is it cheating to say six's technicolor dream coat?
(10) favorite companion ?
martha jones. i'm so normal about it, though. (uhhh i've spoken about why i love her at length, and i don't feel the need to elaborate on it here. if you want to hear more thoughts about martha tho lmk i'll make another post)
(11) favorite romance involving a doctor? (12) what is your favorite romance involving a companion?
i'm also gonna answer these together. OBVIOUSLY tenmartha takes the cake. hence the url. i love their fucked up little relationship. i love the way the characters parallel each other and the narrative implications of this. i both think it was depicted perfectly in canon AND that martha jones and the doctor should have fucked on screen. the unrequited aspect is so gutwrenching and compelling. i love it and hate it. i also think ten was in love with martha for real in canon, so i must be fucking delusional. tenmartha hits too good tho.
i'm also a fan of thoscei in all iterations bc i love narrative foils <3
(16) who is your favorite doctor/companion duo ?
take a fucking guess. (tenmartha, my beloved) (11amy close second)
(17) what is your favorite alien species ?
hmmmmm. i don't have super strong opinions on this. maybe those like record keeper boys from demons in punjab? it was a super interesting concept for the doctor to be making assumptions that these guys were evil just to have the script flipped on her.
(18) what is your favorite alien planet ?
gallifrey, i suppose. that burnt orange sky.
(19) cybermen or daleks ?
daleks! they're lowkey kinda funny. there's that scene in daleks of manhattan where two daleks have a little office gossip moment in the sewers talking about how dalek sec is off his shits. it's hilarious. i also own a couple dalek shirts lmao.
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technofinch · 1 year
your fave blorbo - 1 11 12 20 🥰
Yayyyy nico my one true blorbo (of the moment)...
This gets slightly long and has a lot of details about my pathfinder character/campaign that literally only 4 other people know about so. I'm making you click an entire extra button to read it <3
Their physical weak spots
This is a fun one bc I don't think she's ever actually lost any hp during the campaign?? Clearly she's invulnerable to physical attack. JK i think physically her biggest weakness is her height, she's very short. For everything else she wears like 7 layers of clothing at all times so that she Cannot Be Harmed. We're talking armor, extra magic wolf armor, thick coat, magic cloak, second cloak on top of that, scarf, thick leather boots that go up to the knee, tricorn hat. Probably gloves as well. Just don't ask her to reach the top shelf.
11. Bad or petty habits
She will never ever give more information than is entirely necessary. She will answer exactly the question that was asked. She Will not elaborate. Part of this is information security that was drilled into her in training (information is power, anything you tell people Can and Will be used against you) and part of it is just that she's petty and enjoys knowing things that other people don't. (Also she Will not ask for help lmao)
12. Grudges and vendettas
Okay, so, after the party killed their first vampire, this other vampire showed up with a pile of money and an invitation to the big fancy vampire ball and a mission to kill this guy named Clemens Hlond bc he was just the worst and everybody hated him. So we went to the party and met a bunch of the vampire clans, including the "good" ones who hired us. And Nico holds a grudge against them! Even tho they were actually very nice to us and seem like chill people! Because she wants more than anything to make a difference, and that involves being seen as a threat to the local vampires, and she hates that they feel comfortable inviting her to their parties and using her like a pawn in their game.
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
OKAY SO (bass-boosted) one of my favorite thought experiments/daydreams is to imagine the worst possible ending and what it would take for her to get there.
If you will recall the above, as a vampire hater and aspiring champion of the common man, she haaates working for/with the vampire clans. Her biggest drivers are her sense of duty and her pride. Soooooo... What if she ended up as the personal attack dog of a vampire? Collared and chained, dehumanized, sent off to kill at the whims of her master/employer. Used as nothing more than a tool by the powers she sought to destroy. IDK I just think it would be very fucked up and kind of hot
As for how she gets to that point... it has to be her own choice. Most likely scenario is offering herself as a trade to save the rest of the party/her friends if they were to be captured or something. Alternative answer is that she falls in love with someone who Does Not have her best interests at heart - I don't think she's ever been in love before, and if/when it happens it will be a nasty forest fire of obsession, devotion and codependency lmao
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mercurypyrite · 1 year
ok so i finished book 6 last night so this is a bit belated but whatever. longass masterpost of my thoughts on everything post 6-81 incoming
i felt awful for vil (3hrs of crying, he’s gotta be dehydrated) but it was lowkey kinda funny how malleus just popped up and was like “i’m in your debt (according to lilia) (pretty sure this was just for their own amusement?? idk man they’re fae) so i’ll help 👍” and just kinda poofed him back to normal.
i think this is the… third time we’ve seen him do smth like that? first at VDC, then during endless halloween night, and finally now. (though EHN came first canonically.) he seems to be making a habit of it. and that joyful squeal? love that. (vil’s normally so poised, though — goes to show how deeply book 6, and being rudely confronted by his fear of aging, rattled him)
leona: i’ve been fighting all night and i’m dead on my feet
ruggie & jack: sorry what. PLEASE elaborate
once i saw adeuce the only thought left in my head was “MY BOYS THEYRE HERE” i’m so glad they’re okay like damn. it feels like everyone’s been gone longer than 2 days lmao
“Human lives are as ethereal as silk thread on a spinning wheel — and just as easily cut short. But their fragility can be a boon. Interweaving and layering those threads creates the strong, resilient tapestry of their history. Such is the creature called man — neighbor to we creatures of the night.”
so so tempted to make part of this my blog quote but it sounds so pretentious. not like the current one isn’t i guess. also sleeping beauty ref goes brrr
ortho (lovingly) dragging idia is one of my new favorite things i think
“You don’t have any close friends who can keep you in line yet, and I don’t know if you ever will. Not to put too fine a point on it, but leaving you to your own devices is a terrible idea. So… I want to stay with you. Is that asking too much?”
“You’ve been my real brother for a long time now, Ortho.”
“Let’s go back to Night Raven College. You’ve got people waiting for you there.”
“…Yeah, I do, huh.”
LIKE GOD. THEM. i want to stay with you. you don’t have to act like my little brother but you’ve been my real brother for a while now. you don’t have close friends but you DO have people waiting for you. they won’t forget. (and then he ends up gaming with vdc gang and bantering with ortho around them, slowly coming out of his shell if only temporarily, and i’m so soft over that)
refurbished ramshackle was nice to see but… not really surprising, lol. looks directly at the guest room feature. twsten rlly likes doing things out of order huh.
also yuu spent “a few weeks” at pomefiore?? honorary heartslabyul student yuu is out, honorary pomefiore student yuu is in. they even got a uniform!!
jk they can coexist
(i will make them coexist. i love them both sm)
(i wanna see riddle and vil fighting over yuu /hj)
“I was called before parliament in the Land of Dawning. Bigwigs from STYX, the Department of Education, AND the Department of Magic all bombarded me with questions and glared daggers at me… ‘Why are so many consecutive overblots happening on your watch?! How do you explain this?!’
“That’s what I want to know! What have I done, except run this school as diligently as I could?! Night Raven College has resident counselors and medical mages appointed by the Department of Education as it is!
“Since the assembly saw no major issues with the school’s leadership, the inquiry came to a close… But I certainly didn’t expect one of our students to bring about an off-campus catastrophe even as we convened!”
crowley actually getting in legal trouble (or at least being threatened with legal trouble) actually surprised me a lot??? i’m so used to thinking stuff like this would more or less get covered up for plot convenience or wtv that it’s nice to see crowley get smacked with it. rip headmage
ALSO rip therapist yuu memes bc NRC HAS THERAPISTS (tho theyre not rlly dead bc. no one SEES the therapists. probably. stubborn kids.)
seeing ortho again = no thoughts left in my head redux, “BABY BOY” edition!! he looks so nice!! i love the lil buttons!! rlly i love all the details, looking like an NRC uniform while still being undeniably ortho
“‘I don’t get it’ is a perfect encapsulation of my current state!”
LOL. he’s not wrong though.
…of course crowley took a bribe. i dunno why i’m surprised to hear that.
though in vil’s words, “It’s hardly our place to interject if it’s a win-win for both parties, I suppose.”
crowley’s inquiry about grim’s health makes me side-eye him more strongly the more i think about it. yes i know why (grim attacked yuu, was more strongly affected by the blot, etc) but i’m still suspicious, i wanna know if there’s more to it.
“I’m truly glad that you — ah, that is, ALL of you — made it back to the school safe and sound.”
the way he added “all of you” made it seem to me like they were an afterthought compared to grim…
twst rlly put aaaall the fluff at the end huh. not like i’m complaining though!! it’s like a reward for getting through all the angst. idia’s gift is very him (lol) and idia and ortho playing video games with everyone is adorable
“We should probably make Idia play holding the controller backwards or something, though. He’s super good.”
“I see what you’re doing, Ortho. Trying to skate by without any handicaps for yourself, huh? YOU’RE the one who needs extra restrictions, like no items allowed.”
play for a crowd! is also up there on my list of favorite twistunes but i can’t play it while sleep deprived or my score goes down the toilet. ask me how i know. half the time normal mode is harder than hard mode.
also i haven’t said it anywhere yet but idia’s battle theme is a banger too. ignihyde osts killed it
and rook and vil’s discussion of ortho’s soul!! screams!!
“He — or rather, they — chose to try and boost their brother up from the depths below to the skies above. What do you call such love and affection, if not a soul?”
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the “dream” sequence was so interesting!! yuu and mickey can’t see anything but each other. grim can’t see mickey either, and vice versa.
but. mickey could see silver. why was silver at ramshackle at night? a reasonable assumption is that silver went to ramshackle to find malleus, couldn’t, and left, but really…
why could mickey see silver at all?
i’ve heard (though i haven’t got a source for this unfortunately) that silver says — somewhere — that he’s seen yuu before, or that they look familiar, or something along those lines. i wanna know if this is connected to that. also, silver’s curse. that too. sleep/dreams vs reality etc.
and last but not least, lilia is dropping death flags left and right and malleus is Concerned. to be fair, so am i. what’s going on, dude?
(sidenote: damn it riddle’s hair went back to normal. i was hoping he’d just have white hair now 😭)
(also, eagerly awaiting the “gloomurai is idia and muscle red is lilia” reveal in book 7. yana pls.)
(i… may have gotten spoiled a bit. unintentionally. so now i know that in book 7, [REDACTED].)
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tokyokookmin · 3 years
Let's be realistic, fanservice? Really meh?
Do people really think that jkk is based on fanservice? How much will they try to deny it? It's obvious that they do so, but the actions and emotions that they portray towards each other when they are doing 'it' doesn't really make me comfortable to call it as 'fanservice'. These terms are so weird tbh lol.
Back then Jimin used to be extremely attracted and sort of touchy towards JK. ( JK was going through puberty during that period) Jimin used to constantly say that jungkook was [HE STILL IS] attractive and that he loves JK. They both were teens, Jimin probably didn't knew what feelings he had towards JK or he probably knew that he was in love we don't know. Try watching their past logs + how both of them used to behave around each other when the whole group attended an event or just old BangtanTv videos.
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(not sure if the first pic is real )
Jungkook used to push Jimin away (distance himself?) from jm. (not in bad a way tho). Jungkook was flustered and shy , he didn't know how to react. He was young, love was in the air. Kookie acted all tough and cool and dismissive with jimin. He was 16 for god sakes, teens are insecure during that phase it isn't like he didn't like jimin, he actually liked jm's presence and appreciated the attention he gotten from Jm . Try watching a few behind the scenes vids. He would say stuff like "jimin is really nice to me, he seems to really like me" and many more! From what I saw through their growth was that during 2015/2016 Jungkook some sort was attracted towards JM. (sexually attracted?) Soon then Jungkook was being sort of clingy? Jimin kept distance with JK because that boi was definitely ( I'm pretty sure both of them knew what they were dealing with it was pure LOVE) You could clearly see that Jungkook became possessive towards Jimin. " Jeonlous " . - yup thats the word that many use. [ I do not fully agree with the link that i attached, it's an example ]
" Jeonlous " - well I sort of disagree with this term as well, many do. Jealous shouldn't be a word to describe Jk's attitude when Jimin is distracted by someone or you know "relationship stuffs". I'm not going to talk much about this topic because my I don't wanna meddle in here. Well YES he does get possesive at times, he loves Jimin a LOT. One thing is wrong tho, the way jkk-ers portray Jungkook action as resentful. NO THAT'S PURE WRONG. Jungkook isn't treated unfairly, JK & JM spends a lot of time with each other.
[ Ask me!, I would love to hear your opinion regarding this issue]
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Not related but Jungkook's reaction here had me laughing lmao the audacity of that army tho lol.
Enough of me ranting lol. But now let's talk about Jungkook actions during 2016-2021. I loved the way Jungkook made up with Jimin in almost every aspect. Jungkook really loves Jimin and it really is visible. His expressions, behaviour, and actions really depicts his love towards JM. If you did pay close attention towards the "ranking the member visuals " thingy you would know that JM would be ranked as the last . I felt a little bad for Jimin here, he was clearly uncomfortable. He was probably expecting a better rank by Jk, after all he gave JK a lot of attention. I suppose JM felt hurt and stopped giving TOO much of attention towards JK. He still is insecure about his visual. { well first of all they shouldn't even had proceeded with this ranking thingy, it's a serious issue.. NOT ONLY FOR JM BUT JUST IMAGINE if it was another member. This will do no good for their self- esteem.}
Read the article below, Jungkook ranked Jimin as no.1!
I even received an ask a few days ago by my lovely anon, anon mentioned about how Jungkook tends to act soft and not competitive with JM during run bts, whatever shows lol. ... It's true, Jungkook really softens when he's around Jimin. Examples: Jungkook doesn't even care about the competition when he around Jm (depends also lol).
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I couldn't resist adding this pic in here, Jungkook's gaze here melts my heart. *sobbing* Jungkook went into comfort mode here. There are many JKK moments in run bts but it's impossible to add all of em in here. { tumblr 10 pics limit smh }
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trust me, click on that link!
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There are plenty of crazy jkk moments during concerts. I don't even think that I would have to elaborate about how EXTRA they are. Take a look at the pictures that I have attached above, fanservice really meh ?
jungkook being jimin's personal pillow - a cute and soft jikook thread
jikook being domestic boyfriends and going on dates ; a soft thread
Jikook date list
when jikook were extra flirty picking the paper for each other while hugging
#JIKOOK: flirty + awkward
Taehyung: jiminssi, what makes you happy these days? Jungkook: of course it’s me, isn’t it?
jikook facetime
jikook facetime 2.0
jikook facetime 3.0 + trans
That's all. xoxo. stay safe . <3 sincerely, kesh. I try to write my blogs with simple english as I am aware that there are many readers around the world and their language or mother tongue might not be English. I hope that I made reading easier and more fun. lots of luv bye ~
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Ikemen Suitors and What Their Safe Word(s) Are
This is one of the first HCs I ever wrote for ikevamp (I did it a while ago), and I edited it at 3 am so it's crack. (If you can't tell, I'm biased in this).
Warnings: It's not really nsfw but it's shit quality (but that makes it funnier at least that's what I keep telling myself).
Napoleon Bonaparte (remember when I said I was biased?)
"Oh, hey. Have you thought of a word we could use?" you asked discreetly since you were currently in public on a date.
"Um." Oh no. He completely forgot. He was too focused on your Sunday regular crepe date that he– Wait! That's it!
"How about… 'crepe'?"
"Crepe? Pfft, that's so like you," you chuckled. "Alright, crepe it is."
You thought it was cute, but the issue is that he actually brings up crepes during smexy time enough that it didn't work in the end…
(My brain told me it should be 'Waterloo' while edited this lmao)
So, you both settled on 'aigle', which is eagle in French (correct me if I'm wrong).
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Subaru but he doesn't know why. I'm not sorry.
Jk jk it's Beethoven.
Leonardo Da Vinci
"Tap tap tap" or tapping on any body part three times.
He's not creative (anymore).
Arthur Conan Doyle
Why? Because it's the best way to get his horny ass to calm the fuck down.
Vincent Van Gogh
This angel doesn't need a safe word
But just in case it's the color system. And he will ask how you're doing if he thinks for the slightest moment something is even a little bit wrong.
Theodorus Van Gogh
At 4 AM my brain went "Scooby snacks" so that's now his safe word now.
Osamu Dazai
Color system but it's "blue, orange, pink" (instead of "green, yellow, red")
Isaac Newton
Apple pie.
No I will not elaborate.
Jean D'Arc
"I need/let's take a break" or something of the like because I see him having a horrible memory (like me).
William Shakespeare
The one who needs a safe word the most this kinky playwright (derogatory)
And it's "Swagger"
Comte de Saint-Germain
But he's referred to his dick as a baguette before so it didn't really work (I'm not sorry).
"Hourglass" sjjakajsksk
I… I um. I don't fucking know.
Probably something similar to Jean.
*snorts* It's, um… Pfft. I-It's Dracula.
Charles-Henri Sanson
Color system.
P.S. I love him. Good boi. Peg him Give him love.
Johann Georg Faust
I don't know 😭
I've tried to think of one and nothing comes up
I know nothing about him so you guys get to choose.
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