#j/ames potter
I find it amusing that you hate James when we don’t even know his pov. We only got to see Snapes memories and since he hated James his memories would have been the worst thing James did. What James did was wrong and there’s no excuse for it but we don’t even know all the stuff Snape and his friends did to all the other students. Snape wasn’t innocent and neither was James. James at least grew up but Snape never did and stayed a bitter arsehole that bullied children until the day he died. Yes he did some good but it was all for Lily (his obsession with her was creepy and not romantic at all). Now let’s compare Sirius and Draco. Sirius came from a similar family as Draco with similar beliefs. Yes he was a bully to Snape but he went against his family and their believes and chose good over evil. Draco on the other hand has been put on a pedestal by fandom probably because they haven’t read the book and liked the actor who played him in the movies. He was a coward, blood-ist, narcissistic bully who thought his family status gave him the right to look down upon everyone. The only good thing he did was lie about Harry being Harry Potter. After that though what did he do in Room of Requirement? If Harry hadn’t saved his ass he would have been a fried ferret. Now Remus, the worst thing he did was not stop James and Sirius from bullying Snape but Snape wasn’t always innocent. Are you telling me that once Snape found out about Remus being a werewolf he didn’t shove it in his face? If someone made fun of my friend for disease you better believe I’m going to stand up for them and take this bully down. The Marauders may come off as bullies but they fought for the light until their last breath. You’re forgetting all the good things they did and letting one memory shape their entire lives. Snape was the reason Harry lost his parents so he should have done everything to protect Harry it was the least the slimy git could have done. Lily and James missed out on Harry’s life because of Snape. Hell Snape should have gone and checked on him when he was the Dursley’s since he was the reason Harry had to live with them but no he chose to bully a child instead because he looked like his father and then ripped a picture of Harry and Lily and a letter she wrote for Sirius. Real mature. And really creepy.
Funny how marauder stans can never defend James without bringing the things that Snape did.
See, that might work on a Snape stan, but someone who proudly loathes both of them, it ain't working on me.
(Now I'm gonna go with this point wise cuz I love organizing shit)
We only got to see snape's memories...the worst thing that James did.
In swm, James and Sirius literally tried to choke him on soap, hung him upside down in the air, showed his underwear to the jeering crowd and then sexually assaulted him. If that is the worst thing james can ever do, then why would you support his actions?
James grew up and snape stayed bitter
That's called fucking victim blaming. James grew up from what? Bullying other people? Sexually assaulting others? Ruining someone's life because they exist? That's literally the most basic thing he could have done to not be a fucking jerk. And as for Snape, you cannot expect someone to just "grow up" when they have been traumatized for the most part of their lives??? You cannot go and tell a trauma victim "it's been years, just get over it" because they can't. They fucking can't.
Also, please tell me when exactly did James grow up? He continued to bully snape, even behind lily's back, till 7th year. And then? If James grew up, he should have apologized to snape. Where did he do that? I don't support snape's treatment of students at all, which is why I hate him, but James was a bully till he died, and he never grew up.
Comparison between sirius and draco
If you compare someone with draco, 9/10 cases they come out looking good. Cuz it's fucking draco. He's a typical "high school bully" stereotype. That's it.
Just because sirius was not a bigot when it came to wizard classism and bloodism, doesn't mean he was a good person. That's called being a decent human being. Yall marauders fans always praise them for doing the literal bare minimum. Nothing changes the fact that sirius was a bully and was just as bad as James. So don't come and tell me he's a good person, cuz he doesn't even fall in the category of decent. Also he literally tried to MURDER snape. USING remus. He had no problem sacrificing his friend's life so that he can kill another person who did nothing. In his teens. What the fuck.
Defense of remus shit
"Snape tormented remus about his lycanthropy" show me where. Cuz what I see is that he kept it a secret (bare minimum, shouldn't be appreciated) and also gave potions to him so that the transition is better. If you can find a single place where snape bullied or even insulted remus for his condition. Secondly, nothing snape does can justify him getting hung upside down, choked on soap and getting sexually assaulted in front of a jeering crowd. And remus supporting it is pretty much the same as doing it.
The marauders did good things
The marauders did good things for each other. They fought in a war. So? Does that cancel out their bad, which is much more than the good? No. Snape fought too, even tricking voldemort, does that cancel out the bad he did? You have already said it doesn't for you, so. Just because someone does a few good things doesn't mean that it erases out the millions of bad things they did.
And the rest is you shitting on snape, which idgaf about cuz I hate him.
Now go fuck yourself.
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saintchaser · 10 months
lana del rey is to marylily what taylor swift is to wolfstar, what arctic monkeys is to dorlene, and what conan gray is to jegulus
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radiohead-spiderman · 3 months
I walk out with a microphone and speak “Stripping away a female character’s traits and personality for a male character is wrong and is not a cool thing to do,” everyone cheers.
“Especially if the male character treated the female character like shit and wished death on her multiple times,” everyone cheers again.
“If the only way you can make your ship work is by completely desecrating one or both of the character’s personalities, maybe it’s not that good of a ship” everyone cheers and claps.
I say “Dramione” and get booed and thrown rotten tomatoes at.
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padfootastic · 6 months
if you’re writing james & sirius in a way that atleast one person doesn’t ask ‘are those two dating’ then sorry but that’s actually two random OCs with familiar names
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twomystdunstans · 1 year
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pease and love ❤
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elisedonut · 9 months
do i like that Percy named his daughter Molly?
Am i going to make up a new name for her?
i would rather literally die then do that thank you
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
I hope J.K Rowling dies and her awful books die with her
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andraedevane · 1 month
I think I have an obsession for JxS ships. Jeverus (James Potter x Severus Snape), Starbucks (James Potter x Sirius Black), Stucky (Steve Rogers x James "Bucky" Barnes), Scackson (Jackson Whittemore x Scott McCall), Jimon (Jace Herondale x Simon Lewis), Stonathan (Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers), Spirk (Spock x James T. Kirk), Jeves (Steve Palchuk x Jim Lake Jr.) and Jetka (Jet x Sokka)
One's an incident, two's a coincidence, three's a pattern. What is nine then??? Help ;-;
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kdizzzy · 1 year
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it was never going to be easy,
but god was it going to be fun.
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hp-debates-ramblings · 5 months
You know what I think of; day in, day out?
That James, Peter and Sirius were smarter than McGonagall and Dumbledore combined.
Yes, Ik, idiot Peter who needed all the help he could ge- HE STILL DID IT BEFORE HER AND THAT ONLY PROVES J&S WERE SMARTER.
And Yes, I know I know, people have this Remus would have helped and he knew. And, okay, lets say he knew and didn't stop him okay that's Canon compliant enough. But he would not help them. Just. No. That would ruin the delusion he has of himself. (Sorry for the anti Remus rant but...)
Anyway.. Ima stop confusing you now.
Minerva McGonagall becomes an animagus in her seventh year, with the help of Dumbledore. Since she is registered I'd like to think that the ministry helped a little bit, y'know like giving them the mandrake leaves.
James, Sirius, and Peter became one by their fifth year. Yes, by, it's possible they were before that. You honestly think they would go in not knowing what they were doing? No, they got PHDs in werewolves, werewolves with human and animals and Animagi before ok so go die. By them selves. They did it in 3 years. They were 12/13 when they started. And were done by 15/16. And you could argue that we don't know when Minnie starts but regardless she was older and more acknowledged. And had Dumbdoor. And these guys did it under everyone's nose; probs without Lupin finding out, and no one ever suspected anything. Except for Snape but who even is that guy? (Yes I hate Snape fight me) and they do it with the ministry not knowing but like the ministry is useless. And they do this w/o failing and stuff. James is on the Quidditch team. Like c'mon they had a mandrake leaf in their mouth for a month (Probs more bc they kept chewing on it) and got all the ingredients no probs. And Dumb-Door didn't see the signs. And Minnie didn't see the signs.
(HC: 100% they got at least half the ingredients from the Centuars who James knitted sweaters for in the winter so they liked the grp)
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honestly I get what snape feels when lily sides with the marauders because I've literally had my best friend (who was very popular) compliment and side with someone who used to bully me and beat me up and I have never felt shittier about myself
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saintchaser · 1 year
tiny pants/big shirt and big pants/tiny shirt debate
james, dorcas, lily, remus: tiny pants, big shirt
sirius, peter, marlene, mary: big pants, tiny shirt
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
marauder characters view on abba:
lily: the biggest abba fan in existence.
remus: says he despises them but sings and dances to them passionately when drunk
dorcas: a fan of a few songs, but doesn't listen to them often
james: the third biggest abba fan in existence.
peter: is in love with all four of them but isn't really a fan of them/ doesn't actively listen to abba
marlene: thinks they're pretty basic and too disco-y but cries to the winner takes it all every time she hears it
mary: the second biggest abba fan in existence.
sirius: loves the musical (modern sirius) doesn't particularly like the band. (until they see drunk remus singing along to them and falls in love)
regulus: "who?"
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padfootastic · 6 months
please say more about jilypad + diverging parenting styles... perhaps even a possible scenario >:) i imagine harry has very cunning tactics for using this to his advantage
helloooooo <3 thank u for this ask bc i love talking about these three and harry. i went looking thru the archives to find this post; my first foray into this side, and really, i’ve never looked back after that.
so i’ve talked ab this a bit before but i fully think that james was a very overprotective ‘mother hen’ type parent. i tend to read his behaviour in lily’s bday letter to sirius as being scared of his child on a broomstick and i fully, fully think he’ll never be able to let go of that as harry grows up. he’ll be anxious and suspicious and paranoid, and his first instant will always be to wrap harry up in cotton wool and hide him away. (i low-key connect this to his childhood as well; going from being spoiled and sheltered to dropped in the middle of a war, black & white thinking, living in extremes etc etc makes it v hard for him to be Normal about his child. as he shouldn’t be, really, but yeah) that’s why he thrives during the initial years; he never minds the hard parts of being a new parent, loves it in fact, and it makes it better that he can keep harry close to him at all times w/o coming off as a helicopter parent (not that the notion bothers him ofc).
it’s good, then, that he has two partners to even the scales, no? i think lily was the most…balanced out of the three. she had a relatively normal childhood, grew up in a working class family/neighbourhood and had to deal w adversity from a young age so she’s developed a nice, thick skin. she also has a sibling with whom she has a v rocky relationship so she knows that kids are, ykno, a bit unhinged. and a little bit of hardship is not a problem. i hc her as needing time to get used to parenthood, unlike james who stepped into it natural as breathing, or even sirius who loved harry on much on first sight that it made up for everything else. ofc lily loved her son, but it didn’t come w the same blinding intensity of her partners and made her feel really shitty in the beginning. but, i think she’d shine during his teen years actually, because she’s not overbearing or intense and becomes the quiet, calm strength that a hormonal, spotty teen boy would probably need.
and sirius <3 our poor baby falls in love with harry, perhaps even more quickly than james, with such startling speed that it shakes his entire foundation. he doesn’t regret it but he’s constantly discombobulated. i also imagine that…it takes him longer to settle into the role of parent, esp bc he’s not biologically one ykno? not like it matters to anyone, ofc, but it takes him a long time to truly accept his authority and place, to believe that he has just as much right as j&l to be there, to parent harry. this has the consequence of him always being more indulgent than the other two; after all, he considered himself a godfather before a parent and a lot of that thinking stayed. he lets harry get away with stuff the others might not (and the little mf figures this out later); some of it also comes from sirius seeing so much shit, and facing so much shit himself, that he rationalises a lot of stuff as ‘well, this isn’t the worst it can be, so what’s the harm’ (because his life has been such a roller coaster that he’s forgotten that not everyone’s like that, if that makes sense?)
its obviously not this clear cut but i imagine harry looks at it like this: if he needs unconditional love, he goes to james; rationality and logic, lily; acceptance and calm, sirius. when someone has to be beat up for hurting harry, james steps in. if he needs help burying a body, it’s sirius. dealing with some asshole boss/teacher/classmate’s mother who’s making harry’s life hell? lily. i can keep going but,,,u get the idea, right? this makes sense, i hope lol
i actually think harry’s first birthday is a great example. sirius pushes the boundaries by gifting lil harry a broom; james loses his mind running after him; lily places an industrial sticking charm on harry’s butt, leans back with a glass of wine, and enjoys the show. even as he grows up, lily and james act as the disciplinarian, and sirius is the emotional outlet. all of them fill in each other’s cracks so well, and it’s only when harry grows up that he realises how effortlessly they worked off each other to parent him.
also oh man o man. harry being cunning is,,,,,see, i’ve not considered it this far but it makes perfect sense. i think canon harry actually had so much manipulative energy and it’s often overlooked for his goofier traits but! this is the same dude who used his dead parents to trick slughorn into revealing sensitive info! imagine if that could be channelled into his jilypad interactions 😈
it’s like, it takes him a bit, because his three parents r so smooth, but once he realises that all of them have certain weak spots, he does NOT hesitate to exploit them. (it has the unintended consequence of truly strengthening the jilypad relationship into an unbreakable one bc one thing their kid taught them is to have ironclad communication going at all times so nothing they’ve said, or not said, is used against them). so like, he knows if he wants to sneak out to a party, it has to be sirius and in a specific way—‘i’ll be totally safe, papa, plus i really wanna see what it’s like and idk when it’ll get a chance to again’. if he widens his eyes to pitiful levels, pouts a little, and blinks faster than usual, then james is putty in his arms as long as he’s separated from the other two. divide and conquer becomes the main tool in harry’s arsenal, actually. lily’s the toughest nut to crack, purely bc she doesn’t run on emotions or irreverence, but harry soon learns that if he comes up with a solid, logical case that proves his argument has unbiased merit then he has a good chance of getting her to say yes. (this is good, bc u can arrange words in the correct order, but u can’t always control emotions)
so overall yeah, you’d think one kid + 3 parents would be an easy bet, but harry keeps them on their toes all the fkn time.
#sirius black#james potter#lily evans#jilypad#harry potter#i knew before i even started this that it would be ridiculously long lmao#i just cannot bring myself to shut up#wrt lily and harry’s baby years#i feel v v strongly ab motherhood not coming naturally to her#and becoming a very sore point for her. bc she sees james and sirius and she keeps blaming herself for being an unfeeling robot#when she’s not. she just thinks more logically than them and doesn’t feel as strongly. that doesn’t make her a bad mother#and no matter what j & s say a small part of always thinks like that. until the teen years. and suddenly the dynamics r reversed#bruh i think i need help it’s not even funny how not hinged i am for this trio lmao#there also! padfoot!#a while ago i wrote a lil thing. but i fully believe that whenever harry was emotionally distraught he’d actually go to padfoot#bc he needed someone to just. sit. and be there. while he’s processed emotions#and lily would be too ruthlessly logical and james would be fretting and trying to fix it and sirius would panic. just a little.#but padfoot is a warm comforting weight agains this side and he just lets him be. it’s grounding.#so harry always. without fail. does that#it’s actually 3.5 parents lmao#i do wonder what their parenting fights would about if any. hmmmm. my glasses are too rose tinted for me to consider it#a thought for another day#anyway. hope this endless rambling made sense! and that u liked it!#would love to hear ur thoughts too <3#pen’s notes#pen’s asks
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lupuslikethewolf · 1 year
One thing i have noticed in regards to J*R's bigotry and how it is presented in popular media (i.e. news stations, articles and by celebrites) is that the main focus seems to be on the transphobia, and - as a british trans person - i think it is safe to say that a major reason for that is the rampant transphobia already present in this country, but the blatant anti-semitism, racism, misogyny, and right-wing politics tend to just get swept under the rug.
I am brown (desi), trans-masc and gay, but i'm not jewish, so if i am incorrect about anything i say regarding anti-semitism, then please correct me! this is based of research and what i have heard from jewish people, not personal experience.
In order: Misogyny and TERFism, Transphobia and UK Politics, Racism and Xenophobia in Writing, and Anti-Semetism and Caricatures.
Misogyny and TERF-ism
I think the first thing to say is that J*R glamorises the term TERF, or 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist' and considers herself the height of Women's Rights Activism.
I think this is truly evident in the fact that she seems unable to include a female protagonist in HP that isn't motherly or a love interest. Hermione Granger, while the most well-rounded and complex of the female characters, is the caretaker of Ron and Harry during their time at Hogwarts as students, and is treated as the 'back-up' girlfriend by Ron and Harry during the Fourth Year Yule Ball. Lavender Brown exists to create a 'Not Like Other Girls' trait in Hermione by distancing her from all the boy obsessed, hyper-feminine 'bad' girly-girls of Gryffindor. She is also, again, nothing more than a love interest. Molly Weasley is a mother figure for Harry, and everything about her eventually links back to that fact. She cooks, cleans, looks after people, knits and sews, etc etc. Nymphadora Tonks was actually an interesting and badass character, but then J*R got mad at her fandom for doing fandom things and turned her into a one-dimensional tragic love interest for her queer-coded character who she has admitted to writing as a fucking AIDs allegory.
I believe this view is rooted in her transphobia, TERF-ism and internalised misogyny, as J*R cannot create a 'good' woman who isn't motherly and feminine, but only in the acceptable way. This is seen in Rita Skeeter, who is also hyper-feminine and yet described in a very masculine way, with 'thick fingers' and a 'heavy-jawed face'.
Transphobia and UK Politics
The transphobia tends to rear its head most often because it is incredibly common and in the public eye, especially with the UK government repeatedly shooting down efforts to make progress, like how they blocked Scotland's law to make self-recognition easier for trans people. It is also evident in her TERF-ism and the fact that she no longer hides her support for anti-trans movements, and instead uses her platform and wealth to fund and promote them.
There is also the fact that she has also been using that same platform and wealth to publicly campaign against Scottish Independence for far longer.
The UK Tory (aka Conservative) Party has routinely held up J*R as a bastion of good-will, 'progress', and the ultimate citizen, even quoting her directly when sprouting anti-trans bullshit. While J*R will claim to be a Feminist and support Labour (the only real left-leaning opposition to the Tories), her views often align more with those she claims not to support.
Politics also show themselves in characters such as Seamus Finnegan, the only Irish character, with the most stereotypically Irish name there is, who is always blowing things up when trying to cast spells, and loves to drink. In the 90s, when HP was set, Northern Ireland was suffering from something known as 'The Troubles', wherein two sides known as 'Protestants' and 'Catholics', whether there was a religious affiliation or not, were bombing, street fighting, sniper attacks and committing other acts of civil warfare all throughout the country. And J*R put those actions onto a child.
That's some Tory shit right there.
Racism and Xenophobia in Writing
If you have seen any criticisms of J*R's writing of diverse characters, you will know that she has a massive, massive problem with using stereotypes, especially in names, to portray her Characters of Colour.
I think the most obvious tends to be Kingsley Shacklebolt, the only major black protagonist in the series. She named her only black character Shacklebolt.
Just let that sink in for a minute.
Then there is Cho Chang, who's only personality traits include being sad about her boyfriend, kissing Harry Potter, and being smart. She is also the only main asian protagonist, and her name is just two east asian-sounding surnames put together.
'Cho' is Korean or Burmese, and 'Chang' is a romanised Chinese surname.
Padma and Parvati Patil rely on the same stereotypes. Their culture - especially the clothing - is completely butchered and used as nothing more than fan-service to prove how not-racist she is (yeah right) and are only around to be love interests who get tossed aside and treated horribly by Ron and Harry.
'Padma' is a Persian name while 'Parvati' is a Hindu/Sanskrit name.
If a writer needs to rely on stereotypes and racist views to write her characters of colour, than she is not a good writer and either needs to be held accountable and made to unlearn her biases, or simply not allowed to write anymore.
Anti-Semitism and Caricatures
Reminder to listen to Jewish People and the Jewish Community when it comes to Anti-Semitism in HP, not just some non-jewish 16-year-old with too much time on their hands and unlimited internet access trying to procrastinate revising for their exams!!
(Tumblr crashed when i was writing this part of the post,,,, feels targeted /lh) Also, this is not a definitive list of anti-semetic items in HP, go look at a Jewish person's perspective to fully understand! This is a good post from @/whilommm regarding the new HP game and this post by @/genderkoolaid which talks about a youtuber posting videos on antisemitism and other issues head-on.
Goblins are the most prolific anti-semetic stereotype seen throughout HP, and most other mythology.
The first and most obvious thing, in my opinion, is the description of their noses. Hooked noses are a very distinct trait found most often in Jewish people, and are described very often in the Goblins, and not only that, but Snape and other villains in HP have 'bad' or 'ugly' noses.
Goblins are also greedy money-hoarders who run the banks, which feeds into anti-semetic conspiracy theories about Jewish people running the world's economy, and the N@zi propaganda of Jewish people hoarding wealth and collapsing the German economy.
There are little-to-no female goblins. Which, while also feeding into the misogynistic side of J*R's writing, also presents jewish-coded characters as being inherently misogynistic when that is not the case of any ethnic and/or religious group.
The goblins are rude to wizards and any other outsider, which is a belief that likely stems from the fact that it is an incredibly hard and long process to convert fully to Judaism, as the beginning involves being turned away from converting three times by the same Rabbi. This does not make Judaism or Jewish People xenophobic or even otherwise cautious of outsiders, it is simply part of their religious conversion process made to deter people who do not genuinely want to be apart of the religion and to make sure those converting are doing so with good and honest intentions.
If the Death Eaters are meant to be Fascist N@zi Allegories, why not make the only jewish-coded characters you have actually well-fucking-written and main fucking characters. Or, better yet, Don't Call It A Fucking A Nazi Allagory!!! Oppression doesn't have to involve Fasicsm/Nazis!!
The New Harry Potter Game Not To Be Named And Only Ever Pirated If Even That is a whole other can of worms of blood libel, romanticising oppression and even more anti-semetic caricatures that deserves its own post.
Final Notes
This is not a definitive list, but simply what I personally am most angry about and can remember the clearest from my last re-read of Harry Potter. Other things to be considered: bad world building that makes no sense, werewolves as an AIDS allegory that then proceed to prey on kids, homophobia regarding dumbledore and wolfstar, and her use of slavery and 'slaves who enjoy being enslaved' because what the fuck was that thought process.
Here is a post @/chaos-in-one with some other links and more brilliant points about why people should hate J*R
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
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she a baddie she showing her panties
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