#its just hilarious that THAT is LESS PAINFUL than what i am now feeling
thesylverlining · 1 month
...do u ever get So disappointed in a piece of media and get so Depressed about it you consider... replaying Disco Elysium. Because it might make you HAPPIER than your current emotions
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umbreonkinn197 · 3 days
Journal of a Questioning Otherkin (Entry 2)
This morning I woke up and immediately was hit with a massive amount of dysphoria. It was as if every fiber of my being was screaming with the pain of being confined inside of the wrong body. I just felt awful in a way that is almost impossible to put into words. My skin was crawling because something inside me just knew that this skin was wrong. I felt wrong. It really hurts, mourning a body that I know I'll never have.
The dysphoria hasn't been quite this bad before. All these years I've suppressed the feeling deep down inside of me, pretending it was fine, but now that I finally see it for what it is, I can't pretend anymore. I can't just ignore it and hope it fixes itself.
I started to dissociate due to how bad I was feeling and I wasn't able to think, or really do much of anything for the entire day. The brain fog was just that severe. I realized that this brain fog and dissociative spells might have been affecting me for years and I hadn't even realized that's what it is.
I really need to figure out how to cope with that feeling of dysphoria better, because I really can't afford to spend every day in a dissociative haze, riddled with anxiety, and unable to get basic tasks done.
I am struggling and I don't know what to do. I'm so new to all this. How do you connect to your kintype? What does it mean to be a pokemon? What does it mean to be an Umbreon? How do I figure that out, and how can I help alleviate that all encompassing dysphoria? Right now it feels hopeless, but I know logically that isn't true.
On a different, less depressing note-
In an attempt to explore more about myself and to distance myself from the concept of being human, I decided to try out it/its pronouns. I had an interesting experience with that, but my findings were largely that it didn't feel euphoric, but also, it surprisingly didn't feel bad either. Perhaps there is something there, but as of yet, I don't quite know. Trying out Bre/Bre's/Breself was actually kind of nice too.
I've never gone by any pronouns other than he/him before, so this is new to me. If this ends up developing further, I could potentially see using He/it/bre. The dehumanizing aspect of it/its is nice, but I still strongly feel connected to my identity as male and don't want to discard those pronouns.
I've already done my soul searching in regards to gender, and I'm confident and comfortable identifying as male, despite being very gender non-conforming. However, that's neither here nor there at the moment.
And ending on a little funny note, a friend that I haven't talked to at all about any of this identity fuckery sent me this today. My friends send me Umbreon related posts because they know I like Umbreon, but I found it hilarious and ironic that they sent this to me and had no idea how relevant this really was to me right now.
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Anyways, long story short, today sucked. Dysphoria hit so hard that it caused a full day of dissociation. I still feel very good about being an Umbreon Fictionkin, but I'm doing my best to be open and considering possible alternatives. I try not to fall victim to confirmation bias.
Any tips from otherkin (especially fellow pokemonkin) on how to handle dysphoria and connect to your kintype would be greatly appreciated! Until next time.
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foxydivaxx · 6 months
Look What You Made Me Do Chapter 7
We learn how Zoro and Sanji finally hooked up or at least what led to it. Warning: mentions of suicide and abuse.
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Zoro’s POV
The first tale sign that all was not well with the cook was when we got our first bounties. The way he reacted to the poorly drawn photo of him to the amount was quite hilarious. I remember making fun of him and the manner by which he fired back. It made for some entertaining moments on the ship.
But what I failed to realize at the time was just how much my words impacted the cook.
Two weeks after that incident,I discovered a bloodied blade by the sink in the bathroom. Later that day, I saw some cut marks on Curly’s arms and legs whilst he was napping. That made me put two and two together. Curly began to eat less than normal, and whenever he ate, he would race to the bathroom soon afterwards and would puke everything down the toilet.
I remember our confrontation regarding his behaviour. I remember the way he screamed and yelled at me. Oh I remember the words he screamed at me that day. Not helping matters is that I kept making fun of his low bounty that very same day.
What really made me feel kind of guilty and shocked was when he said in the msot chilling and tearful manner ever. “KEEP GLOATING MARIMO!! SINCE YOU ARE THE BEST AND OBVIOUSLY THE MORE IMPORTANT CREW MATE!! I NEVER FUCKING MATTERED TO ANYONE ANYWAYS!! I AM BETTER OFF DEAD!!���
He pushed past me that day and walked off. Everyone noticed the tension between us because Sanji was a lot miserable and unpleasant that day. He went off on everyone. What broke the camel’s back was when Usopp mentioned his flirty ways. What Curly said that day more or less says a lot about the man we are talking about.
There was silence at the table that day. This was way before we found out about his birth family. I had to step in and dragged the crying cook away. Another sign was his perviness. Maybe spending time on that island drove him insane. Or perhaps a side effect of Ace’s death because I saw a guy sucking him off on the island we went to weeks after Ace’s death.
Then he would chase after women after that and actually slept with some women at different points in time. The guy must have been confused about his sexuality otherwise he would have been open about it by now. I have also seen him touch himself on more than one occassion. I will admit that I got aroused during those times but chose not to approach him about that out of respect of his privacy. But I did tease him on more than one occassion on his perviness. Heck, I have seen Ace fuck Sanji a few times. Oh how I wanted to push Ace away and bend Sanji over and fuck him senseless.
I think maybe Sanji knew how much I desired him because he would occasionally up the ante to fight me. Or rather use that as an excuse to tease me. Whenever both of us were alone with no one around, he would often start touching himself suggestively and would rub my crotch, moaning like a bitch whenever he did that.
I read something deeply disturbing in his diary which happened shortly after the wedding and before we got to Wano. He said in that entry and I quote:
Life has since lost its meaning ever since my beloved firecracker died. Oh how much I miss him. My heart aches for him, my body yearns for his touch. Yet he is truly gone.
Just like Charlie before him. Oh why? Why does life have to be like this? Women do not desire me and the men that I welcome into my life either die or they treat me like shit. Yes Pudding I am still deeply hurt by what you did.
Why me? Why can’t someone tell me that they love me?! The rare few that do end up hurt because of me?!
This pain. Agh….this pain is getting out of hand!! I apologize Ace but I may have to break my promise here.
You stopped me from trying to end my life one night. But now I will do it a different way. I will just go find a random guy with a huge dick. Nope not a crewmate. Certainly not Zoro. I do not want to burden Marimo with that task. He deserves better than to kill a worthless man like me.
No. I will just choose a random guy at the nearest village. I would spread my legs wide and have him fuck me one last time and then kill me on the spot. What better way to kiss life goodbye than one final round of sex? I will make sure he fucks me hard enough that I die cumming and screaming. It will be painful but it will be worth it because I am tired of life..,.
See what I mean? I told the others about it and we made sure Sanji did not carry out his plan. How? Well, we arrived at the nearest island. Myself and Robin hung out at the bar, watching as Sanji flirted with one of the guys there.
This was the first time Sanji would be open about his sexuality. Usually he would play it coy but today was different thanks to the plan he had in mind.
I watch in disgust as Sanji threw himself at the big muscular guy who was obviously getting intoxicated by the minute. Robin nods and I take it as my cue to get Sanji out of there.
I get off my seat, ignoring the ladies ogling me and walk up to the bar.
“So how do you want it Hm?” The guy asked. Before Sanji could say anything, I slither a hand around his waist and pull him away.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” He yells once he sees him. He shoot a murderous look at the other guy who bolts away from there.
“Isn’t it obvious Cook? I am trying to stop you from doing something reckless.” With that, I take him out of the club and towards the ship.
“B-but the fun hasn’t even begun!!”
“You wanted that guy to kill you didn’t you?”
His eyes widen in shock. “How did you know?” I look him dead in the eye. “Your diary.”
He then looks away. “Why do you even care? I mean, you hate me anyways.”
“Quite the opposite actually.” He blinks. “Huh?!” I take in a deep breath and pull him into a soft kiss. He was taken aback by this but still let me do it.
“Sanji. I am not letting you throw your life away okay? You may not see your value but remember this, we your crew mates do.”
He was deeply moved by this and hugs him, tears flowing down his eyes. “I…I am glad you finally called me my name. Thanks Zoro.” I smile and kiss his forehead.
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babylon5 · 1 year
this post was inspired by psychoactive substance in high doses required for pain relief so it is almost definitely, NOT in character it almost definitely, does NOT have even a singular atom of coherency anywhere in its compositon but like. it'd be really funny to write a b5 canon divergence au where londo's normal and. okay theres more but "a b5 canon divergence au where londo's normal" is a fucking hilarious sentence. but anyway he's slightly more normal and morden doesn't successfully seduce any of the ambassadors so he is like. well the shadows will not be very happy if i come back empty handed. in fact i do not think it would be very okay with them at all, and it might be a tad disappointing and also they probably wouldn't like it. so he looks at them and he is like. i am going to complete this fucking mission i am going to win this fucking anime battle. i'll get this done for you no matter what (source: dude trust me). so he's like well. if the ambassadors won't fold their aides might be the next best thing. they probably have minimal impact but even a small amount can grow into more. and like vir and na'toth would chop his dick off in the most literal sense like, extremely slowly so he suffers the most. and it is not a sexy suffering. counterproductive action, to his personal goals. anyway vir and na'toth are normal so that's moot. but it's extremely easy to diagnose lennier with problem-issue-illness-instability disorder when you meet him tbh. hes got problems and issues and some instabilities also. anyway it's diffcut but he does manage to finally sink his teeth in when he deduces that lennier is kinda, just obectively i don't like it, but he realizes that lennier is yandere over delenn (one of many aforementioned problems issues) and also that lennier is sitting on literally boundless levels of repression when you really think about it. and there's . well i never saw hannibal and they're slightly less insane (except the shadows do eat humans i guess thanks jms). is there a corruption arc in hannibal i feel like probably there is a corruption arc in habinal. occurs now in babylon 5 a corruption arc that's like 15% less bad than hugh dancy and whoever the fuck the other dude is. and sorry but he just fucking looks like a cannibal in the face hes got an evil facial composition. so does morden but he doesn't eat people in a literal sense
the au is called BL 5
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'Lonely suburban existence is filmmaker catnip, but urban apartment life — especially in new, soundproof buildings — can be just as isolating, maybe more. High in a box in the sky, it’s easy to fancy yourself the last person on earth.
Such is the sort of flat in which Adam (Andrew Scott), the dreamer at the center of “All of Us Strangers,” has chosen to dwell, positioned on the outskirts of London. Alone, forlornly attempting to write a screenplay and wearing a profoundly ugly sweater, he mostly lies on the couch watching TV and eating crisps. From his window he can stare at the skyline. But he is thoroughly apart from the city in the way he’s felt apart from everything his whole life. You get the sense that now, in early middle age, he’s most secure on the outside looking in. Adam is gay; his childhood was tragic; he’s a writer, the kind of person his father always said knew less about the world than anyone else. Loneliness comes naturally to him.
“All of Us Strangers,” written and directed by Andrew Haigh, is loosely based on the Japanese writer Taichi Yamada’s spare novel “Strangers,” about a divorced writer who meets a woman in his building. But Haigh’s work (including “Weekend” and the TV series “Looking”) has often explored the intimate emotional landscape of queer men, and he remolded Yamada’s story into something less chilly, much slipperier, much closer to his own heartbeat.
Haigh spends the first half-hour making us wonder what kind of a film we’re even watching. There are moments when it seems like Adam isn’t just figuratively but actually the last man on earth. But one night, he meets Harry (Paul Mescal, mustachioed), who knocks on his door with whiskey bottle in hand. They’re apparently the only two people living in this strange building. Adam is polite but awkward, and doesn’t let him in. He is comfortable with his solitude — or too scared of what it might mean to disrupt it. But Adam is also trying to write about his childhood (“EXT SUBURBAN HOUSE 1987,” he types) and, almost without thinking, he finds himself on a train headed to the suburbs.
A man stands in a subway car, a sad look on his face. There, time twists, folding in on itself, and when he returns to his apartment, his drab life starts to gain dimension. Tentatively at first, then passionately, he falls for Harry, slowly peeling back layers of himself that have scarred over. Could life be different? Could unlocking his heart be worth the risk? And what would his parents say if they could see him now?
Haigh is a tremendously lyrical filmmaker, and “All of Us Strangers” unfolds in a space that seems like a dream, or a hallucination, pulsing with the rippling soul rush of love turning a life from monochrome to full color. It is, however, a movie with a tricky conceit to pull off, one I am trying not to spoil for you. Let’s just say it’s a spectral story, inherently a little contrived, and thus veers close to sticky sentimentality more than once. I’ve watched it surrounded by weeping audience members while I struggled to stay plugged in as I desperately attempted to rationally untangle its threads. On second viewing, I surrendered to it, and that’s the way to go: just feel your way through, letting it roll over you.
In the end, anyhow, Scott’s performance is what makes it all sing. He’s an extraordinary stage actor, but onscreen, where you can see his eyes, he telegraphs repressed pain without seeming like a cliché. (That’s not to slight Mescal — how lucky to have a movie with two talented, beautiful, sad-eyed Irishmen — but Scott is the center here.) At one point, he is wearing an adult-size pair of pajamas of the sort usually seen on 8-year-old boys (and I promise this makes more sense in the movie), and somehow manages to evoke vulnerability and innocence instead of hilarious incongruence. Every movement he makes and line he speaks reveals a soul longing for the impossible: to see his parents, who died when he was 12, once again, and to know how they’d feel about who he is now.
“All of Us Strangers” acts as a prism through which loneliness and its manifestations are refracted, like colorful light onto a wall. Adam is alone physically, emotionally, mentally and artistically, a man untethered from most everyone. But perhaps his greatest sense of loneliness comes from encounters and experiences that could have happened, but didn’t: the trip he and his parents didn’t take, the Christmas trees they didn’t trim, the conversations they didn’t have about his sexuality, the comfort his father never gave him when he was a boy crying alone in his room.
If you have suddenly lost a parent, or a close one, without the opportunity to bid them farewell and tell them all you never managed to say, then you know just how this feels. You spend your life wondering how they’d react to you now, to the person you’ve become, in part, often, because of their absence. Would you fight about politics? Would they be proud of your accomplishments? Would they praise you? Or, worse, reject you? Not knowing, we try to conjure the dead. We comfort ourselves by imagining them forgiving us and accepting us. We live our lives surrounded by ghosts.
“I’ve always felt like a stranger in my own family,” Harry tells Adam, and once I was able to stop intellectualizing “All of Us Strangers,” the line hit me like a ton of bricks. I think it’s a sentiment more common than most of us admit, even to ourselves, even when we are surrounded by people who love us. We are, we know, strangers in our families and in our lives and our cities and our own bodies, and our life’s work is to move from the strange to something approaching the familiar. All, I think, of us.'
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carp3vinum · 5 months
I dont want to be in pain anymore
It doesnt get better does it
I have been sober for less than a fucking month, not that I did any serious shit, but I'm turning 19 in 6 days, so I can legally buy alchohol and weed, fuck. I am going to be an adult in 6 days and it feels like the cut off, I am not ready, I want to have a childhood, I fear growing older more than I do death. I know I won't be able to handle it. I have no life, friends or prospects. My death will do more good than harm, as at least my carbon footprint will be gone, I'll be buying the world precious milliseconds of life lmao. I don't want to grow old, ever, I wish I could go back in time and fix it all. I hope there is an afterlife, I dont want to be nothing, I want to exist, just not here. Even if I go to hell, I would rather that than becoming nothingness, cause after the rapture or some shit don't the residents of hell leave. One sec, gotta search this up, nvm, I'd fight like hell on behalf of the antichrist tho, lmao I'm not even christian. I have 1 friend, and I hope she will be ok if I die, never met her tho, so I doupt it will really mean much. I would give all my money to her and then kms, idk I'm rambling but fuck this isn't worth it none of it is, this life is too short to do anything meaningful with, I hate this world and everything about it. I hate that there are better options, better worlds, but we are stuck here. Why? If you put enough humans together they manage to rob themselves of free will which I think is hilarious considering we require community and cooperation to survive, its literally ingrained in us, a lack of human connection leads to a fucked up mental state. I wish I was a panda, they can survive a long ass time without ever having to encounter another of their species, unless its to mate. And why are there 3 theirs, as in there, their and they're. Fuck, I hate it, so very much lmao. And the constant pain, no matter what, in various parts of the body, it always hurts. I hate feeling shackled to my genetics. I hate my gender but am too chickenshit to transition, I will be stuck like this untill I die, which won't be long now lmaooo. I will be a statistic, a note in the ode of this universes only law, I have striven, in futility for objectivity, and soon I will find it, be an atom in the monument to the only objective truth their is. And fuck you, ima be dead soon so let me play the part of the edgy suicidal poet lmao. My nails arent chipped anymore. I am in pain. In 6 days, tequila, weed, and a thick woven hemp scarf. Lmao, idk if they actually make it in hemp, prolly plastic. I have seen more dead bodies than I shouldve, through a screen tho, haha, that sounded darker then I intended.
I am so done.
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mueritos · 2 years
Hello! I am a trans-lad(I find it funkier to say that than young transman) that will be getting onto T within the proceeding months. If you're willing what were the first few changes you experienced and how long would you say did it take for those changes to happen? Thank you in advance sir!
hai hai!! sure :,) if u look thru my #trans stuff tag you'll find some more info, but ill elaborate a bit here. I want to disclaim that not everyone experiences changes at the same rate or the same changes, your puberty is very much going to be defined by your genetics (i think by looking at the men on your mom's side you'll know how changes may present) and the method of applying your testosterone. It's now proven that any method (as long as youre consistent) will get you results, so don't worry about being on gel, patches, or the implant.
As for my changes, the first things I noticed were 1. bottom growth/libido hit me immediately; 2. pee and body odor; 3. appetite; 4. general puberty stuff
1. Bottom growth and libido hit me TWO days after my first shot, because after those two days my period hit me and my periods historically make me very hormonal, so the added injection of testosterone was kind of insane I will not lie 😭 I LITERALLY felt like I was in heat, and I could not sit in chairs properly for a month or two while bottom growth settled. Literally could not wear skinny jeans and I was in some discomfort and some stinging pain from it growing.
2. I was regularly working out during my first 6 months on T, and forgetting deodorant ONE workout made it clear to me I could never do that again. The smell is very apparent, and its easy to manage once you figure it out. Showering regularly, changing your clothes often, doing laundry, and wearing deodorant will help. The piss smell was hilarious when I noticed it, like 2-3 months in I just finished peeing and took a whiff and thought "yea a man sure dropped that one" LOL
3. Appetite change is real, and its more apparent when youre active. I worked out regularly pre-t and my hunger could be defined as just actually finishing my plate. Then, I was eating my food and picking at my friends' meals/finishing them off. An hour later, I was hungry again, and this still rings true for me now.
4. General puberty stuff, and I mean voice, acne, fat redistribution, no more period, mood swings. These and more will happen throughout the first year, and they will not settle until that first year is over, and may not settle until months or years later. Acne was pretty bad for me, but that's because bad acne runs on my dads side :/ My voice began dropping 4 months in, and did not finish dropping until about 8 months in. Mood swings lasted until my period ended, my emotions have dulled out a lot, and the times I have gotten angry were mostly due to me not managing my emotions and self (but I also take less shit now).
And thats the gist of it! Remember that there's a lot of sneakier changes that people dont talk about much on T, like high hemoglobin levels, vaginal atrophy and dryness (easily solved with water based lubricant, or, better, estrogen cream applied to the area), and even your ORGASM can change!! People report that one about the say their O feels more localized and shorter, compared to pre-t O's that are full body and longer. And again, every change differs from person to person. Feel free to send more q's or pm me if u want more details!
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omgreally · 3 years
Hi there!
Could I please make a little request for Din?
"I didn't know where else to go"
Thank you, hope you're doing ok today! ❤
Hey lovely! First off, I am SO SORRY this took so long. I know it's been months and I have nothing but terrible excuses. Hopefully this makes up for it at least a little?
Shelter M, Din Djarin/Smuggler F!Reader, 2.1k words Warnings: Angst, drinking, unhealthy coping mechanisms, swearing, Helmetless!Din, lil bit of making out, brief almost-but-not-quite questionable consent, unresolved sexual tension (but who knows, maybe I'll do a Part II?) Summary: Mando has nothing left, nowhere to go. Except to you.
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He stands on your doorstep, a soaking wet mass of metal and muscle. The rain falls in rolling sheets, sliding through his hair, down the back of his neck, underneath his cloak and in shining rivulets over his Beskar breastplate.
Without the helm, the Mandalorian looks...smaller, somehow, deflated, but maybe that’s just the defeated look lurking in the dark space behind his eyes.
He looks drained. Empty.
It’s him, though - nobody can fake pure Beskar armor, much less the set he wears. It’s mirror-finish, reflecting your stunned expression in rain-blurred steel.
You open your mouth to say something, but fail to find the words. They all seem so inadequate to address Mando standing in front of you, maskless.
He’s not quite looking at you, his gaze alternating between the ground and somewhere beyond your left ear. You resist the urge to glance behind you, instead taking him in, cataloguing the changes since you last saw him.
It’s been months, but it usually is. His circuitous route of bounty hunting doesn’t intersect with your parts of the Rim very much, which is fine; this way your businesses don’t overlap. As a smuggler, you’re far too likely to be on the wrong end of a tracking fob, so you stay away and so does he.
Once, you were a useful connection. You’re not sure when you crossed the line into ‘ally’, much less ‘friend’. Yet here he is, staring at you through the pouring rain. Helmet off, tucked almost protectively underneath his arm.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” he says, dully, and his voice sounds so different yet familiar that you experience a sense of disorientation, of the planet’s surface tilting beneath your feet as you re-orient yourself to this strange new reality where the Mandalorian comes to you for help.
Once, you would have asked for credits first. Now, all you say as you recover from your shock is, “Are you all right?” He shakes his head mutely as you step back and allow him access into your planetside flat.
It’s small, so small that his arm brushes you as he steps over the threshold. You resist the odd urge to put a hand on his shoulder; you’ve never had to comfort him before, save for buying him a round at some space dive or other after a job gone bad. This is something different. This is something else entirely.
You don’t ask what happened. You doubt he’ll give you a straight answer anyway. And you don’t ask about the helmet. He takes a seat at the kitchenette counter and sets it down on the counter in front of him. The black, empty visor stares at you silently as you fetch a bottle of something cheap and strong and hand it to him, knowing he won’t need a glass.
Mando uncaps it and takes a long drag without a word. He makes a face - so strange to see the expressions that are usually hidden by the mask of the helmet - and suppresses a cough as he hands the bottle back to you. You shake your head and set it down next to the Beskar headpiece.
You’re not known for your empathy, and neither is he, so you settle on practicality which you know he appreciates. “Are you injured?” you ask, businesslike as you examine his face a little closer. There’s the bloom of a bruise on one temple, underneath the damp plaster of his dark hair.
“Not permanently,” he says, that trace of dry sardonicism that you usually find irresistibly hilarious now making you frown. “I’m fine,” he adds gruffly as he reads your expression. You huff, crossing your arms, but he says nothing more. Just picks up the bottle again and swigs with an audible “Ahh,” from his throat.
“Why are you here?” you ask, at last, after watching him drink for a minute in silence. Mando looks at you, at your eyes, and holds your gaze for a long, uncomfortable moment before he finally answers.
“I lost him.”
“The kid?” It feels like you’ve been hit, the air punched from your lungs. You assumed he was back on the Crest, asleep, not - gone.
You had only met the little gremlin twice, once when Mando needed fuel and ammo on the cheap, another for a place to lay low for a day or two. The weird green creature...grew on you, like a very cute fungus. His nonsensical babbling, insatiable appetite, and obvious love for the Mandalorian was infectious. You admit it; you were weak. You got fond. And, in turn, fonder of Mando himself.
And now…
“You found his people?” you manage, and it comes out in a croak. You clear your throat and Mando offers you the bottle. You take it, tossing your head back for a deep swig. It burns going down and warms the suddenly-cold cavity inside your chest.
“Yeah,” Mando says. “He’s...he’s safe, now.” The he was never safe with me is unspoken but you hear it anyway. You pass the bottle back to him.
“I’m sorry,” you say, and mean it. “I know...I know it was never a permanent arrangement, but he clearly meant a lot to you.”
“Yeah,” he says, looking down at his helmet before fitting the rim of the bottle to his lips, tossing his head back and draining the rest of its contents in several long gulps.
You watch the shape of his throat bob in his neck above the wet snarl of his cloak and look away quickly. A buzz is building in your veins already and he’s had most of the bottle - you’re surprised he’s still upright.
“You holing up in your junker tonight?” you wonder, after casting around for a change of subject. An expression of pain crosses Mando’s face, a grimace not caused by the alcohol, for just a second before it’s gone.
“The Crest is gone. Melted to slag and dust.” He says it without inflection, and that’s how you know it’s hurting him.
“Fuck,” you summarize elegantly. Mando nods.
“I haven’t got anything left,” he states. “No ship. No credits. No more favors to call in. Nothing.”
You reach out, more out of anger than anything else, and grab his hand, squeezing so tightly that the wet leather squelches. “Stop it,” you say harshly. “You have everything you need. You’re a kriffing Mandalorian.”
He snorts, pulling his hand away - with some effort. “Not anymore.” He stares down at his helmet, and beneath the scruff and fuzz and rain, his lips press together in a tight line.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“I broke my Creed,” he shrugs, setting a hand atop the smooth dome of Beskar. “More than once. Didn’t matter at the time. All that mattered...was saving the kid. Making sure he was safe.”
“Mission fucking accomplished, then,” you say, shaking your head. “You pick yourself up. You rebuild. You move on.”
“How can I?” He meets your gaze, and you flinch at the dark intensity of his - something molten, furious there that you’re suddenly afraid of. You haven’t forgotten the promise of violence coiled in his every limb. “I have nothing to go back to. Nowhere to go. That’s why I’m here.” He waves a gloved hand with obvious disgust, and for some reason, that hurts, a sting behind your breastbone like something almost physical.
Mando must see the look on your face, for he wilts like damp lettuce. “I didn’t mean-”
“It’s fine. I get it,” you say brusquely, your words clipped. You take the empty bottle from the counter, your fingers curling around the neck and squeezing, hard. “You come in here, beaten-up, drink my alcohol and drip all over my floors - but I’m the last place you’d go. I get it.”
He rises to his feet, and you forgot how tall he is, how broad. And despite - ormaybe because of - the unfamiliarity of his helmetless appearance, Mando is still intimidating. You don’t shrink back, though; you square your shoulders and your jaw and lift your chin in challenge.
“You’re the last person I’d put in danger,” he says in a low voice, a voice that stirs a strange sensation in the pit of your guts that you haven’t felt in a very, very long time.
“You forget what I do for a living?” you manage, your mouth suddenly dry. You swallow past it, tasting the aftertaste of alcohol and your own misplaced nervousness.
“I’ve been hunted from one end of the galaxy to the other,” he continues in that same husky baritone that makes your knuckles go white. “I wasn’t going to bring that down on you.”
“I appreciate that,” you manage, diplomatically - but he’s not having it, staring you down like his life depends on keeping eye contact. “But I’m a big girl. I can handle things myself.”
He looks you up and down - just once - but with such practiced ease that it makes you wonder how many times he’s done the same thing from beneath the visor. You shiver despite yourself.
“I know,” he says, and then before you can move or react or think, he lunges into your space and kisses you.
If you were shocked by Mando’s sudden appearance, you’re fucking floored by this. You don’t know how to react at first but he proves quickly to be competent enough at this to coax your lips apart with his and get you to kiss him back.
He tastes like a distant hint of blood and smoke and his body is solid as his arm snakes round your waist without you noticing and he pulls you to him. He holds you so that you’ll have to twist away to escape and with the confidence that says he knows you won’t want to. 
And you don’t.
Instead you let the bottle fall and it clatters forgotten to the ground as you grab him by the pauldrons and let him lick into your mouth with the answering surge of your tongue and your hips pressing to his.
Mando kisses you like he needs to, and you realize that he’s half-hard already, impatiently nudging a knee between your thighs and pressing you to the wall. You break from his mouth to breathe and wonder if he’s ever had anything but this - a wild, fervid fumble of hurriedly-parted clothes and tangled limbs.
You don’t want to be this for him - a receptacle for his despair, his rage. You have too much of your own to deal with. But you can’t deny that you’ve thought about this, imagined something similar to this very scenario - but you never counted on the weight of emotion that comes with it.
“Stop, Mando,” you say as he sucks bruises into your neck, the edges of his teeth making your breath catch on nothing. He goes still, but his hands are tight on your hips, holding you to him. You can feel his breath, heavy and warm in your ear.
“Not like this,” you tell him. “You can stay, but we’re not doing this. Not like this.”
At first you think he’s not going to let you go, and the thrill that passes through you from the thought is unconscionable. But then his grip loosens and his leg withdraws and he steps back, out of your space. You rub your face with hands you can’t admit are shaking before finally looking up at him.
He looks wrecked. Broken. Staring at the ground, damp hair hanging over his forehead, and you catch the trembling twitch of his bottom lip even as he ducks his head to try to hide it.
“You can take my bunk,” you tell him. “We’ll talk in the morning. Okay?”
For a second you think he’s going to argue, or just...walk out. Relief blooms in you as he nods. He turns without a word to retrieve his helmet before he retreats down the hall.
You watch him go, and the slump to his shoulders breaks your heart. But he’s staying, and that’s something.
You never thought you’d have a broken Mandalorian sleeping in your bunk. 
And you’re not sure if you regret the fact that you’re not there next to him.
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter twenty six: spotlight
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It was no surprise to people who always saw Atsumu that his eyes were constantly filled with a glitter that just managed to shine regardless of whether it was day or night. Volleyball, volleyball, and volleyball - perhaps, if you take time to ask these people what they think is the reason for that glitter, that would be their only answer. To those who truly knew him though, their answer might just be a tad bit different. Sakusa YN - from the moment he met you up to the present, a certain gleam seems to appear whenever you are the center of the topic. At least, that’s what Osamu has observed.
Kiyoomi concluded it’s just him unconsciously being a hopeless romantic for you. The grey haired lad remembers him saying it was pathetic, as always. But then again, he couldn’t deny the truth behind your brother’s words.
That said, he also knows that no one would have expected the same set of bright eyes to dull its sparkle. Unfortunately for the two of them (or three if you count Kiyoomi based on how often he visits the two of them now), you managed to take it away from him. There in the couch where you once sat during movie nights laid Atsumu, staring at the endless nothing, tears occasionally welling up his eyes as he remembers you, the way you looked at him as strangers do - empty, loveless, cautious.
It was karma. No matter how many times he tries to repeat it himself, it just doesn’t ease the thorns that prick his heart every millisecond that passes and every time, he just feels so sorry because he knows you felt the same pain before. How have you managed to get through it for more than twenty years? He has no idea because he sure as hell won’t be able to last one more day with it. Still, he can’t do anything but sit, mull over his self-sabotaged fate.
As he drowns himself deeper into his misery, a series of vigorous knocks disturb the twins’ “peace.” Osamu furrows his eyebrows together, a sense of oddness and urgency coming to him because Kiyoomi doesn’t knock that way - even when it comes to announcing his presence, your brother tries to be as prim and respectful as possible, knocking only thrice before waiting for the door to be opened, another three when he thinks no one heard him from the inside. Hence why the continuous knocks annoyed the grey haired.
Still, he begrudgingly sauntered towards the door and opened it, mouth ready to scold the person in front of him but he got beaten to it, “Where’s Atsumu?”
In her usual get up, Yui stood, a very much obvious fake smile plastered on her face and Osamu wanted nothing but to grab her hair and drag her to the deepest parts of hell for making you suffer (no one gets to do that except for him, he’s the only one who has the ‘drinking buddy and best friend’ privilege’).
Mentally, he took a deep breath before mustering the most sincere smile he can give her (it’s strained and forced, he knows it deep down), “Hello, Yui-san. I don’t think today’s the best day to-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Yui shoved past him and walked inside the house, acting as if she owned it. Osamu watched her trudge her way towards the living room in disbelief, fists clenching so hard it was painful already. Oh dear lord, please… just for today, let me strangle this woman… I’m willing to spend the rest of my life in jail if it means I get to do that for YN.
“Atsumu-kun!” She squeals upon seeing the blonde, ungracefully throwing her whole body to him, much to his shock (and annoyance).
“Y-Yui? What the fuck?” He shoves her away from him and backs up, creating a space which makes Osamu cheer quietly and form a devilish smile. Obviously not expecting the unappreciated response to her actions, she huffs, “You didn’t have to push me that hard, jerk Atsumu! That hurt me!”
“Yui-san…” Atsumu sighed exasperatedly, “I’m not in the mood, okay? Just… just leave, please?”
Yui’s smile disappears from her face and soon, an angry expression replaces it, “You’re such an ungrateful asshole, Miya. I’m busy and here I am, making time for you and you’re telling me to leave? Me?! THE Yui you wanted so much before? How dare y-”
“I didn’t ask you to come here, didn’t I? Just fucking read the room, Yui. I don’t like you here, not right now, not ever. I’m sorry but whatever I thought before, I was wrong. So just fucking leave,” he spat, patience running dry because all he wanted was sulk his life away in the couch.
As if finally being enlightened by the current situation, Yui begins to laugh, “Oh. my. god. Did she finally tell you? Wait… did she actually cut your thread? That’s why you look so miserable right now?”
Atsumu stands up from the couch, disbelief all over his face, “You knew?!”
The girl continues to holler her ugly laugh, “Ah, so hilarious! Of fucking course, Atsumu! One look at her pathetic face and I knew. Hell, I didn’t even need a Moira to figure it out. It was so fun, acting all sweet with the clueless you… and there she is, on the verge of tears every time!”
She wipes the fake tears away from her eyes, “But I guess she got tired too. I mean… you’re just so dumb, Atsumu. So hopeless and so easy to play with,” her fingers trace his jawline, rolling her eyes and snickering when he slapped it away from him.
“Now that I think about it again, you two shouldn’t have played Cinderella. You fit more into the criteria of Sleeping Beauty… you’re like Aurora, was it? But like, without the cure of a kiss because you ruined your true love! That’s my curse for you!”
The blonde grits his teeth, tears uncontrollably falling down his cheeks despite his desperation to stop them. Yui sees it and lets out a fake coo, “Aww, look at you, crying. You must be feeling so guilty, huh? It’s okay, I’m here… I can be the princess you’ve always wanted. You just have to behave like the foolish little prince you are.”
Osamu curses, taking a step forward to drag the girl out of their home but a voice stops him from doing so, “Is it fun? Playing with people’s fates like toys?”
Yui and Atsumu whip their head towards the source of the voice and Osamu is filled with relief upon seeing your brother standing, an unamused look on his face. Clearly liking the attention she was getting, Yui replies, “Ooh, what are you all? Avengers for YN? Protection squad or something? But to answer your question, yes! I’m enjoying it very much… but that doesn’t concern you, does it, Sakusa-kun?”
Kiyoomi paused for a second, removing his shoes and leaving them by the door, walking nearer the two, not too close but just enough to show her his height and intimidate her somehow, “You’re right, it doesn’t. If anything, I’m glad it’s all over now so my sister doesn’t have to suffer in between your acts of foolishness. But for some reason,” he trails off, looking down at her and throwing a look of disgust, “I pity you - because your fate is just as fucked up as theirs - your soulmate doesn’t remember you too and looking at you right now, something is telling me that you regret it too… because you have no one left. No Iwaizumi, no Atsumu.”
Judging by the way she glared at him, Kiyoomi feels a sense of accomplishment for hitting right on the nail.
“How unfortunate, Yui-san… the spotlight is not on you anymore.”
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Silence filled the house right after Yui rapidly walked out of the house, a string of curses for your brother flowing out of her mouth. But Kiyoomi couldn’t care any less; instead, he turns to Atsumu who was already looking at him in awe before snapping off his thoughts and mumbling, “Omi… uhm… thank you.”
“I didn’t do it for you,” is the only thing he replies, “I won’t do anything for you...”
Atsumu swallows harshly, the bitter truth making it hard for him to do so, “Right.”
“... at least not anymore after this one,” he finishes, handing the blonde some neatly folded documents. Osamu smiles from where he stood, side-leaning against the doorway leading to the kitchen, as if he already had an idea what the papers were for. His twin’s eyes scan them and as if by a miracle, a familiar glitter appears in them, accompanied by a hopeful expression as he lifts his head and looks at your brother.
“Omi, this…”
“Be ready in three months. I hope you’re not scared of riding planes.”
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note. i'm so sorry for the very very long gap between these updates T_T i swear i'll try to update more frequently now, at least school's being less of an ass these days (don't say sike pls)
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uwuwriting · 4 years
What did I miss? w/ Hawks and Dabi
Request: Okay so hear me out: Hawks’ and Dabi’s s/o (as separate headcanons, or you can just choose one) is also a pro hero/villain and the lads think she died or something and they just become enraged and they’re so distressed (and the ending is soft because she’s okay and maybe they cry) I love your writing, I hope you have a nice day! -🐍
Lol I had a similar request some time ago for our younger boys which I never got around to doing because I’m bad at fulfilling requests and following orders lol. This will be both hilarious and angsty. Well hilarious if you have my sense of humour otherwise I’ll have to add cricket sounds. Okay maybe its not that funny but oh well, it didn’t make me cry at least. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: angst and fluff, mentions of injury and death, swearing. 
Hawks/ Keigo Takami 
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-Having two winged heroes on patrol always kinda led to disaster. 
-You both would race each other to your randevouz points or you would mock each other about your wing span. 
- “You know what they say about your wing span? The bigger the wings well....the bigger the assets.” 
-You had bigger wings then him just for a few centimeters but you rubbed it in his face all the time. 
- “Why am I in love with you again?” 
-It really bothers him bc you keep saying he has a smaller dick than you....and you don’t have a dick so.....yeah....anyways. 
-You were on patrol once again, goofing around on a rooftop.
 -It was late at night and you could be a little more handsy since there were’t many possibilities someone could walk in on you. 
-Keeping your relationship a secret is hard and baby can keep his hands to himself for so long until he breaks. 
-Suddenly out of nowhere you started hearing screams and cries for help. 
-Keigo didn’t even get a chance to say anything before you were flying towards the building that was on FIRE. 
-Dashing right after you he entered the building nad he was half expecting to see you there in the entrance, but he saw no one, only a large chunk of flaming wood etched into the mahogony floor. 
-His mind immediately went to the worst scenario possible; it was like he couldn’t control his own thoughts.
-But right then, when his panic was beginning to surface, he heard you calling out for him. 
-The rescue of the residents took around half an hour and it got harder and harder as time went on. 
-The fire was getting out of control and was getting harder to locate everyone.
 -One apartment was left in the end and you could here crying coming from inside. 
-The fire was basically licking at your boots at this point but you weren’t about to let someone burn. 
- “Get those last two outside and I’ll meet you at the rooftop across the street.” 
- “Y/N-”
- “Keigo GO! I promise I’ll meet you outside.” 
-And that was the last thing he heard from you that night. 
-He did as he was told, he got the last two people out of the building and soon after them a toddler was carried out of the building. 
-He waited for you to come out next but you never came. 
-The flames licked at the sky, their tips seeming to be touching the moon. 
-The roof collapsed in on itself making the rescue teams to back away as they looked in horror as the whole flat came crumbling down. 
-HE doesn’t remember much from that night. 
-He knows he went back inside or at least tried to get past the debris. 
-He remembers seeing the color of your wings, that beautiful white, peeking out from under a fallen beam. 
-He remembers the upper floor almost crashing him as he tried to get you out and then nothing. 
-He woke up in a hospital bed, dressed in one of those white robes his whole body screaming at him not to move. 
-If he was being honest he forgot for a moment the events of the previous night and he was expecting to find you sleeping on the chair next to his bed, your hand in his just like you had done so many times before. 
-But you weren’t there and then everything came pouring in. 
-Frantically he got up and he reached for the door, yanking it open and coming face to face with a doctor. 
- “Where is she?” 
- “Sir you should be in bed, you injuries-” 
- “goddammit WHERE IS SHE?”
-His outburst had attracted some of the nurses but he couldn’t care less about his image right now. 
-Where you gone? But he remembers getting you out from under those fallen stairs. Maybe you were already dead when he reached you. 
-No no no you had promised ot find him outside, you had told him so. That’s why he left, that’s why he did as you said. What was he supposed to do now? Without you here what is he supposed to do?
-Everything was muffled out, the ringing in his ears being to loud to allow him to focus on anything else. 
-His breaths came out shallow as his head swam with thoughts. 
-You couldn’t be gone you just couldn’t he had so much he wanted to do with you, so many things planned you couldn’t-
- “Keigo?”
-He turned around slowly. 
-At first he thought he was dreaming, your voice always seemed to soothe him when he was destressed. 
-But then his eyes landed on you all bandaged up and sporting crutches. 
-You were hurt but you were alive, you were here, you were alright.
- “What did I miss birdbrain?”
-He launched himself at you bringing you flush to his chest as he silently cried. 
-He let a few I love yous slip past his lips before you both entered the privacy of his hospital room. 
-Neither of you spoke for a long time. 
-You just held each other as tightly as your stitches would allow before letting all the tears fall. 
- “I’m here, we’re alright.”
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-You had been sent out on a mission on your own. 
-Dabi had tried to convince Shiggy to let him go with you but he refused. 
- “I’m not sending you on this one with her. She is the best suited for this job and I’m not letting you mess it up just for your fuck buddy.”
-Shiggy really knows how to push Dabis’ buttons and if you ask me Dabi makes it easy at times. 
-They were a pain in the ass. 
-I mean you are going out on a mission let a girl get prepared in peace.
-Before they could set each other on fire and then dissolve into dust you dragged Dabi away telling Shiggy that you would be going soon. 
- “Really Dabi at times I doubt if you trust me at all.” 
- “It’s not that I don’t trust you dumbass. I just dontwantyoutogethurt.”
-Legit you didn’t hear anything he said but you had an inkling.
- “Oh what was that?”
- “I’m not saying it again.”
- “Here I am going out on a dangerous mission and you won’t even grant me one wish...how cruel.”
-He ended up saying it again but really really begrudgingly. 
- “I’ll be back before you know it, okay?” 
-You kissed his nose then his lips and let out a small I love you before heading down to the bar and getting the last info from Kurogiri. 
-Now Dabi likes to see himself as a very heartless and stone cold individual. 
-But you always were the exception to his behaviors so he couldn’t help but admit that he was worried. 
-The mission was supposed to take three days plus one for you to return. 
-It was still day two and he was ready to pull his hair out. 
-But he promised you that he wouldn’t go out to search for you unless you have been gone for a week or more. 
-So he just waited in agony.
-The moment though that you weren’t back in a week as you said you would be he went into a silent panic. 
-He wanted to be nonchalant about it at first, just casually bringing up your whereabouts in convos with the league or asking Kurogiri of any mission reports from your end. 
-Always came up with nothing. 
-They had lost track of you two days ago and your last contact was yesterday. 
-Now he was sure going to come after you. 
-And no one could stop him. 
-He knew you were strong and that you could handle yourself better than anyone in the league but he couldn’t stop himself from going after you. 
-He had learned from Shiggy that the group you had targeted had a soft spot for torture if they caught someone in their territory.
-His mind of course went first to the worst case scenario, his pessimistc nature getting the better of him as flashes of you hurt on the floor of some basement ran throough his head.  
-It didn’t take him long to reach your randevouz spot, mainly bc he was driving around Tokyo like a maniac. 
-He entered the small house that was marked as you target and the first thing he was met with was blood. 
-It was on the walls and on the floor and he couldn’t tell if this was yours or it was someone elses. 
-Then he heard suffling from a closet nearby. 
-It was a low scratching noise coming from the closet in the far back. 
-He slowly approached it, his left arm letting small blue flames lick his fingertips as he opened the door. 
-And then his heart dropped. 
-Tumbling out of the closets’ interior was you, bloddied and bruised your arms barely keeping you propped up as you landed on the floor. 
-He didn’t miss a beat. 
-He scooped you up, moving stray hairs from your eyes as you barely kept them open.
-Your lip was split and you had a huge bruise right under your left eye. 
- “Hey there baby.”
- “What the fuck happened Y/N?”
-You cringed as he moved his arms under your back, the pain being too much even for you. 
- “They were waiting for me. I sent a message to Shiggy saying that I was coming back but he insisted I finish this. I managed to kill the leader but some of his rookies got to me.”
-He didn’t take you to the hideout. 
-Oh no.
-If he had done that then there would be no Shiggy to lead them and there would’ve been a large fire in that area. 
-He rented a room in a nearby motel. 
-He let you rest while he went out and got you some disinfectants and bandages. 
-Really when he was cleaning you up, if his tear ducts worked properly he would’ve cried. 
-You woke up at some point while he was finishing up and you could feel his trembling and his silent sobs. 
-You wrapped him in a hug, squeezing him as much as you could as you let your tears wet his t-shirt. 
-His hands went up and down your sides and back, pulling you into his lap as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
- “I’m alright, see? That’s my heart beat.” 
-You placed one of his palms over your heart in hopes that the subtle thud would calm him down. 
-He really loves you and he won’t let anything happen to you ever again. 
-Even if it kills him. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @bemorefiction​
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Bridgerton season 2 opinions
oh my god, wow. I felt a mix of wanting to throw up and having a heart attack the whole time. but in a good way. 
- first of all, my god the chemistry between Johnny and Simone. Absolutely stunning, in EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE! Literally just overflowing. Having done a rewatch of s1 before s2 came out, I could already see how much more intense and captivating Simone and Johnny were going to be.
- I love the fact that Anthony and Kate meet first. They have cute banter back and forth and its actually so pure for them to start off this way. The moment when Kate recognises him at the ball and you can tell she’s excited to see him, she’s even willing to admit his handsome! 
- I found i laughed so much more this season than the first, which was a pleasant surprise! The Bridgerton family dynamic’s were truly hilarious and also heartwarming and familiar. 
- but i also cried so much! which brings me to...
- Anthony’s backstory. I knew it was going to be painful and yet I still wasn’t prepared. First of all, I am so happy at how many scenes there were of Anthony and Violet! The conversation’s between just them two were some of my favourite scenes in the show and the ones that made me cry the most! I wasn’t expecting to get Edmund’s death so early on in the episode but it worked well with the follow up scenes post his death and Anthony drowning in shock and grief while also trying so so hard to keep it together for his family. And this is Anthony at his very core, always trying to do right by his family and yet always feeling like he is falling short! I loved that they showed the scene of Violet so depressed because a) It’s the evidence Anthony has of the pure devastation of loosing ones true love, which therefore shapes his future mindset on marriage/love and b)its another example of Anthony having to hold it together for the sake of his siblings and mother, even though its very clear he is dying on the inside. 
- As the season goes on the connection between them builds more and more and you can tell its getting harder and harder for them to deny what they’re actually feeling. When Anthony walks off after they’ve danced and Kate has said she will move back to India, he truly can’t handle it! The mire idea of loosing her from his life, he gets completely overcome, i loved it!!! It reinforces the fact that Kate has been holding his heart from the beginning! 
- Okay now the Edwina of it all. Initially it was really hard for me to watch this gorgeous girl get completely swept up in not only being courted by Anthony, but then a proposal and basically going all the way to the alter with him. (i fully thought i was having a heart attack all of episode 6, it was brutal). I wished it was focused more on her feeling the pressure of needing to find a match, and less on her feelings for Anthony. The fact that they even got her to say that she loves him truly killed me. Considering the fact that book!Edwina could care less about Anthony I wasn’t prepared to see my angel fall this hard. 
- Also it killed me to see how long they dragged out her being angry/hurt with Kate but I read another review that basically said that the betrayal of almost marrying a man who is in love with your sister and your sister loves him, maaay take some time to heal. But I cackled so hard at the “WAS I ALWAYS THIS BLIND?!” line. She can finally see it and it is horny! 
- I also loved that Kate didn’t pushed Edwina into forgiving her by making herself the victim, which i believe she could’ve done considering the burden she’s been carrying in looking after her family, but she still chooses to shield and protect them, just as Anthony would! 
- I wished there was more Mary!!!! I feel like a lot of scenes that Lady Danbury had, could’ve been given to Mary. In saying that though, the scene between her and Kate in episode 8 bought me to tears. The love that she has for BOTH her girls is so beautiful especially when she defends them to her parents. Also wished there had been more scenes of her and Lady Bridgerton bonding over their grief. 
- Pall Mall was everything I hoped it would be and more! The fact that it led Kate and Anthony near Edmunds grave was a nice touch and once again bought another level of connection between them.
- The family dancing was THE CUTEST thing i have ever witnessed and i could feel my heart melting! 
- I’m so happy we got a bit of the study scene but i needed moreeeee! I needed an in-depth emotional conversation and mutual sharing of trauma.
- Eloise was truly a highlight for me this season! As well as Benedict and I can’t wait to see him lead his season! 
- I’m ngl, Colin and Pen.... I feel nothing??? like I know i’m meant to be rooting for them but they feel so boring to me???
- I’m so happy they let Eloise discover the truth! The showdown between her and Pen was so well done! These are best friends who truly love each other but it also means they know where to land their daggers! So good!
- The only good part about the Featherington storyline was the comedic genius Prudence! Love that girl! The rest, i could care less about. 
- Excuse me while I go re-watch now . 
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kuronekonerochan · 3 years
Hi...how are you? If you don't mind me asking what are your top 5 favorite danmei novels (until now)? And why? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
Hi, sorry for being slow at answering!
In no particular order:
Ok, so I liked the 3 from MXTX:
 - Grandmaster of Diabolic Cultivation/ Mo Dao Zu Shi 
This one I loved but it has a particular style that ppl might not like in that it feels jumpy, confusing and with information gaps while reading, even though eventually everything that matters does end up being explained...in other works this would probably be just lazy writing, but here it is clearly an intentional choice bc 1) she doesn’t do this in her other novels 2) this is in WWX’s pov and dude has heavy ptsd and adhd, plus he tends to pretend to take everything lightly as a coping mechanisms...all this put together and it’s easy to understand why the story has such an unreliable narrator that even the other characters constantly point it out. I ended up loving this extra layer of storytelling.
 - Heaven Official’s Blessings/ Tian Guan Ci Fu
If you’re in the mood for a saga type long ass novel with a ton of interesting side stories and side characters with a main character who is a true cinnamon bun in sweet romance with a side dish of sweet sweet aaaangst.
- Scum Villains Self Saving System
The most entertaining out of all of them. It manages to be a parody of two genres, both danmeis and wuia/jianghu harem het novels (fighter of destiny style) with OP leads, while also being its own cute and funny story with a heart to it.
From other authors:
 - Meatbun’s 2ha/ Dumb Husky and his White Cat Shizun 
What if someone took a look at the parody that is SVSSS and said...”no, you know what? This really deserves to be an epic, long ass, and I mean, topping old classics’ length novel packed with angst, filled with pain and topped with despair...and then we’re sprinkling some funfetti on top to fool y’all”...and you know what? that’s some good cake. (If you’re into cdramas SVSSS is to 2ha what The Romance of Tiger and Rose is to Goodbye My Princess).
- Priest’s Sha Po Lang:
Steampunk China plus creepy voodoo tribal ritual magic, involved in internal and external wars over petrol (with a different name) and with our leads in Iron Man suits, fighting, among other enemies hot young(er) hands on, on the field, western troop General, the Pope, that I can only visualize in my head as Jude Law. I tell you all of this nonsense just to say that instead of the ridiculous fun this should be, it ends up being a very compelling romance with lots of scheming and heavy plot and some heartbreaking scenes.
- The Golden Stage:
This is a court drama type novel with friends-to-rivals-to-lovers that is just the right length and compelling with not too many plot twists but two main characters who are really great both individually and together and this is the one out of all in the list I feel like re reading the most. It really is a solid read and I feel like I’m selling it short, bc it really is good. It is similar to Sha Po Lang and To Rule in a Turbulent World, a simpler version of those but not worse for it.
(Since you said top 5 and I’ve said 6, I regretfully cut down Heaven Official’s Blessing bc even though I love it, unlike MDZS or SVSSS, it didn’t feel like a standalone novel because some of the several storylines of the side characters that I loved were left open ended (although the main characters had a complete story arc), as if this book was supposed to be the first of a series and those characters would have their own spinoff books where I’d know where their story took them...except this really is a standalone, and so the lack of resolution bothers me).
>> Honorable Mentions:
- To Rule in a Turbulent World
This one doesn’t go in the top 5 list yet bc it’s not fully translated, last time I checked (tho it’s very near the end). As an ongoing novel, I adore it. If the ending isn’t terrible it might be in my top 3. It’s similar to the two above in plotlines but it has a quality to it that it takes care to make every character in it multidimensional. There are no good and bad characters, even the ones on the opposite side are given something that makes them relatable and human. Plus, the characters all change throughout the novel, most of all the protagonists and the novel gives itself breathing time between events where you just chill with the characters and learn about random things like agricultural practices. 
- The Wife Is First
This one is just that light fluff feel good one that is great to pick up from time to time since it’s on going. Dumb Jock husband did everything wrong in his first life, gets a re-do and from then on it’s adorable respect the spouse juice and awe of said spouse smarts. Cute. Also, there’s a baby pet tiger.
>> Others I did like, just not in the top 5:
 -Faraway Wanderers and Lord Seventh/Qi Ye by Priest:
Qi Ye is similar to To Rule in A Turbulent World/The Golden Stage/Sha Po Lang. I really liked it still, just a tiny bit less than these. Since it’s the same author as SPL and I think it was written earlier, I have to say, the writing only got better.
Faraway Wanderers is a short read, but you’re only gonna like it if you’re ok with amoral main characters (I guess that is true for many on this list but it’s more obvious in this one bc the novel and the characters are unapologetic about it).
- YuWu by Meatbun - Still reading it, but is isn’t grabbing me like 2ha did.
>> I assumed you only wanted danmeis as in period fantasy bl novels, but if we go modern, fantasy or not:
 - Silent Readings by Priest:
I love crime fiction novels (love Ding Mo’s novels) and this is that type of conspiracy, murder novel with smart criminals and smart investigators. Little romance, but still there.
 - Guardian by Priest: 
Priest is hilarious and except the last part that gets a bit heavy on the lore this is just a joy to read. Also pretty short.
- Advance Bravely:
I read it a long time ago and it’s okayish, with some cute and some weird, problematic characters. 
- Addicted/ Heroin:
Also read it (this is 2 books) ages ago...and this one is NOT cute. It starts out as a pretty normal, but kind of toxic very typical oldschool drama/manga romance right down to the step brothers’ trope....and then it keeps escalating to new levels of WTF am I reading?!! All I have to say for this one is, that while I cannot recommend it per se, nor say it’s good, the title really is fitting, bc it is addictive as f.
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womenofwonder · 3 years
Option on RWBY ships:
Btw, I don’t usually ship characters. Romance is usually the least interesting part of the story for me so expect a lot of meh.
Arkos: obviously I love this, it’s perfect
Blacksun: ehh, it’s cute. I started out feeling kinda meh, it was sweet but not really interesting, but now it’s growing on me. Ironically the same thing is happening with Bumblebee, although I still like Blake and Yang better platonically
Bunanas: so this is a ship between Velvet and Sun, and it’s honestly really cute to imagine even if it is completely random. I like it better then Blacksun…I think?
Candy Cane: this is just weird. I can’t imagine Nora being anything but a older sister to Oscar. The age gap makes it creepy too, not the four years is much of a gap, but when your teenagers it’s a big gap.
Chocolate Arc: this is hilarious to imagine but obviously yeah, Coco isn’t going to fall for someone like Jaune
Cinnabun: I barely know anything about Yatsuhashi but he and Velvet are cute, I guess? Still like her better with Sun
ClockRose: heck no!
Coconuts: again, can’t see Sun doing anything but annoying Coco. I really don’t like the whole ‘badass jerk of a girl falls for goof ball trope.’ It always ends up feeling sexist in several ways
Combat Boots: honestly outside of an AU I can’t see Yang ever forgiving Mercury much less falling in love with him. Also Mercury just doesn’t deserve her
Combat goggles: I feel like Yang and Neptune would have fun causally dating each other and slowly realizing they actually like (Blake/Sun/Jaune/whoever) and become each other’s wingmen. That fanfic better be lying around somewhere
Crimson Lotus: okay, if I didn’t love Renora and Rosegarden so much I’d probably ship this. It’s really cute
Crimson Sun: this feels like an excuse to write lemons of the two hottest characters
Crimson wings: look I understand most of the shipping heroes with villains because they’re both hot and the villain/hero dynamic is always fun. But Cardin…he’s not even hot. He’s not even interesting. And yet people ship him with Ruby? Why?
Daddie Issues: you know I see where this is coming from but they would just end up murdering each other.
Dairy Farm: obviously this is downright creepy in cannon, but in an au where Neo isn’t evil and both are closer in age, this would be adorable. I feel like Neo’s main problem is she’s incredibly lonely—other then Roman no one bothers to understand or talk to her. If Oscar reached out to her, and she began to protect him…it would be perfect. In way even better then Rosegarden because I think Neo would still be a bit of pycho even when good, and it would be fun to see her lose it when Salem hurts him.
Ilia/Adam: I just want to say I am forever grateful the show went out of its way to avoid this obnoxious, cliche ship from being canon
Dragon slayer: I see why people ship Jaune and Yang, I really do. They’re both the team mom/dad of their team, they’ve got the whole goofball/badass thing going (which is a trope I do like when the badass isn’t a jerk), they both have a good sense of humor, etc. But I just can’t see them as romantic. It feels really weird. I can’t even explain why. I understand shipping them but I really can’t ship them myself.
Emercury: I really love this ship, but I also don’t mind at all if the show decides to make them platonic. I enjoy their relationship in general and it works either way.
Oscar/Emerald: again, feel creepy. I love the idea of a sibling relationship and can’t see them possibly being romantic even without the age gape.
Cinder/Qrow: yeah again. Both are sexy and good for angsty lemons. I’m not into that stuff so I don’t ship them
Fall Stinger: I just don’t know why anyone would ship Tyrian with anyone. Unless it was Salem and even that is super creepy
Firerobber: I like villain relationships but Roman already has Neo and Cinder is a hot mess. Literally
Firewall: I don’t know why anyone would ship Watts with anyone. He’s even worst less ship-able then Tyrian
Footloose: I don’t actually ship it but just imagine Mercury and Melanie bonding over weaponized feet.
Freckles: Yeah this is just painful. The two most adorable characters (Penny and Oscar), who go through the worst things imaginable. It’s endless fluff, angst, and whump, and I love cute romance and tragic romances, so this is definitely something I ship.
Frostbite: seriously, this is so weird and toxic. Having Adam fall for Weiss or vice versa. Maybe it would work in an AU or something but it’s just too creepy
Funky Beats: it’s cute, I ship it.
Gelato: yeah I love healthy villainous relationships! Neo and Roman are freaking adorable, and I’m sad that we didn’t see more of them together.
Grandmasters: I obviously don’t ship Salem and Ozpin because that’s just creepy, but I do like their romance. I like tragic romances, and this probably the most tragic one in existence
Greek Lotus: I don’t see the chemistry and crashes two of my favorite ships so…
Green Knight: well, she kinda helped kill his last girlfriend so…unless it’s AU this isn’t going to work. Even if it is an AU. This feels like another ship made solely for lemons
Velvet/Cardin: yeah, a bigot changing his mind when he falls in love with a minority isn’t cute. Isn’t sweet. It isn’t romantic. I don’t even excuse lemons that use this trope. Even porn ought to be above that
Hummingbird: it’s hard to ship something when you only know one character, but I was interested in the theory that Qrow was actually Ruby’s father. But then in season 7 Qrow’s description of Summer made me rethink it, and it didn’t sound anything like how you’d describe a romantic relationship. So I don’t really like that theory anymore
Iceberg: this is just cliche and boring. I get them dating but it wouldn’t last that long
Flynt/Weiss: I really love this one, it’s my favorite ship with Weiss. I don’t want it to actually happened in cannon because that would be random, but I feel like it would be fun for both their characters. And they both share an interest in music. I’m imagining an AU where he gets her into jazz and she starts singing it at all her concerts to the horror of Jaques.
Iron Maiden: honestly what. Why. Gross
Iron witch: well I definitely see why people like it. I actually wouldn’t mind it being cannon, It’d be a good combination of funny/tragic and I’d like to see Glynda mentoring Winter
Jailbirds: this just feels forced and also Qrow is probably too old for her. I like their relationship and don’t want it to be romantic
Knight fall: lemon ship. Moving on
Knight Life: I feel like Jaune just gets shipped with everyone but this is cute I guess
Lancaster: it’s cute, but I can’t ship it because it feels cliche. I was worried that Jaune was going to be her love interest when they first met and was relieved to see him with Pyrrha instead. It just feels forced and boring to have him end up with Ruby
Pyrrha/Mercury: this really popular for some unfathomable reason. I like Mercury but Pyrrha deserves better
Marrowgold (May/Marrow): I just don’t see it
Nikong: Pyrrha and Sun would be cute together, but I don’t really love this ship. It’s kinda meh.
Nora’s Arc: no. Just no. It technically would work but their platonic relationship is way too good to lose
Old Silver: this is Maria/Pietro, and I think it’s adorable. They both strike me as really flirty for their ages and both are very good mentors. They can be the crazy grandparents of the team
Ozglyn: just don’t see it
Phoenix: yeah Raven was a horrible girlfriend/wife. I don’t ship her Taiyang
QuickSilver: Ruby deserves better than Mercury.
Rehab (Qrow/Glynda): the fact that this is called rehab explains why I don’t ship it
ReNora: yeah, this is probably my favorite ship. I don’t think I have to explain why.
Robotic Knight: I briefly shipped this but now disagree
Rosegarden: I really love Rosegarden, they’re just too adorable together, though the whole Ozpin does make it a little awkward
Rosewick: I can’t see this happening, even in an AU
Coco/Fox: I don’t know enough about Fox to really ship them, but the fact that Coco canonically slaps his butt during battle definitely makes me want to
Mercury/Neo: I could see this working. It would be pretty cute
Silent Knight: again, it would have to be an AU and even then I don’t see it working
Snowbird: so at first I really liked the idea of Qrow and Winter being ex’s, but now that I think about it he has to be at least twenty years older then her. Also, I have to say that while they have chemistry I think they would just end up killing each other
Speakeasy (Flynt/Coco): I got to say I like this ship and could see them having a lot of chemistry together
Strawbanna: I just can’t see Ruby and Sun together. It feels weird
Sunflakes: Can’t see it working
Sunflowyr (Ren/Yang): don’t see any chemistry. Again this just seems random
Tauradonna: this is obviously as toxic as you get.
The Hunt (Cardin/Blake): stop shipping Cardin with anyone!
Mercury/Cinder: Mercury is way too young, and even if he wasn’t this would be really weird. Also Cinder makes him look like a stable, peaceful person, so also no.
Toxic Petals: I swear I’m done with this. No more Cardin, Tyrian, or Watts ships. They too gross
Velveteen Knight: Aw, they’d be cute together
White Knight: I really hate this ship. It’s so obnoxious and boring, and nearly falls into the jerky badass/goofball trope I hate
Winter Soldier: ew, no, Ironwood is like her dad
Wise Dragon: anyone care to explain why this is so popular? Sage barely has any character to him, I can’t ship him with anyone
Yellow rose: Yeah, I kinda ship this, but again, it’s difficult when you barely know one character
IronQrow: I understand why you would ship this but I just don’t see it. Guys can hug without being gay you know
Martial arts: why?
Noah’s Arc: why?
Sea Monkeys: again I understand why you could ship it but I don’t. They’re obviously just friends to me
Shovel Knight: like most Oscar ships it feels weird. Jaune is obviously a big brother to him
TaiQrow: As funny as it is for Tai to sleep with every member of his team, I don’t ship it.
Fair game: I really can’t stand Clover so again, don’t ship it
Achilles heel: Cinder literally kills Pyrrha, why would you ship them?
Baked Alaska: lemon ship
Black glass: annnd, another lemon ship.
Blood Mint: yeah I don’t see Emerald and Ruby ever being a couple
Catmelon: I found Ilia’s crush on Blake kinda cringy and I can’t see them being a couple
ColdMurder (Weiss/Cinder): even in an au I don’t see it working
Cold Steel (Penny/Winter) eeewww, they’re practically sisters
Cream Machine (Neo/Penny): I mean…if she wasn’t evil…and wasn’t so much older…it might work? Maybe?
Crosshares: cute but I feel like Velvet is too much of a doormat for Coco
Digital Clock: Ciel obviously didn’t care much for Penny, and she was barely a character at all. I don’t see it
Pyrrha/Nora: don’t see it, and also can’t stand the idea of breaking up the two best ships
Falling Petals: I get that Cinder is hot, but can we stop shipping her with the kids she’s trying to murder? Because I can see several things wrong with that
Freezerburn: again, for no reason that I can think of this ship just doesn’t work for me. Much like Dragonslayer it just feels weird
Gingersnaps (Penny/Nora): that would be chaotic. I can’t really see them romantically though like most Penny ships it would be cute
Guilty Conscience (Bree/Winter): oh please no. They really don’t have any reason to be together
Ladybug: I just can’t see Blake with Ruby at all. Blake feels way to old even though she’s only older by two years.
Milk and Cereal (Ruby and Pyrrha): I guess it would work but I just don’t any chemistry
Mint chocolate (Emerald/Coco): if Coco managed to forgive her for everything that happened at Beacon I could maybe see this happening. There is some chemistry
Mommy issues: Nah, can’t see this working out.
Monochrome: Blake and Weiss have never had any romance chemistry despite plenty of opportunity to have it, so again, I see them as strictly platonic and shipping them feels almost like incest. I know that doesn’t make sense
Nordic Winter: I can’t see Weiss handling Penny, but again, any Penny ship is pretty cute
Nuts and Dolts: I would ship, but I like them together platonically too well. Definitely understand the ship, though I find it funny that Ruby, who insist she likes weapons better then people, would fall in love with a personified weapon. I know that’s probably racist against robots
Overheating (Penny/Cinder): I take back what I said about every Penny ship being cute
PennyWeiss: but this one is pretty cute
Pink Lemonade: can you imagine the chaos of Yang and Nora dating each other? They both need someone with a cooler head to keep them in check
Scheenoks: with Weiss’s fangirling I can definitely see were this is coming from, but Weiss is too mean for Pyrrha
Steadfast: I really don’t ship any of the ace-ops with anyone. I found them all boring and annoying except for Marrow
Strawberry Shortcake (Neo/Ruby): not seeing it
Sugar Rush (Ruby/Nora): Again, too much chaos. They both need chill partners. And I love Rosegarden and ReNora too much
Thunder cat (Blake/Nora): don’t see any chemistry between them
WhiteRose: I can see why this is shipped and I don’t dislike WhiteRose shippers. I just prefer Rosegarden, and find Weiss and Ruby working better together romantically
Bumblebee: again, I see this working better platonically, not romantically. It kind of annoyed me at first, but it is growing on me, much like Blacksun. I still like Blacksun better though
Enabler: No.
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mickeyhenrysgf · 3 years
Road Trip
Summary: Bucky Barnes doesn’t know how to admit his feelings towards you.
A fluff Drabble based on the new content
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You were excited when you learned the news you would be going on a mission with Wilson & Barnes. Being an assistant had its perk. Currently, you were on the road to your secret cabin hideout with the two of them. You turned your head and secretly watched Bucky. His now short hair gave a better view of his face and his delicious jawline. If only the two of you could be cuddling with one another in the back seat.... it would be less boring...
Sam Wilson presented a small smirk in the rear view mirror as he drove. He found it hilarious that Bucky never caught your stares. The best part was Sam also knew Bucky had a crush on you.
“We should be there soon, I call dibs on the solo bedroom.” Sam spoke up.
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed and he cleared his throat. “But, what about Y/N?” He questioned and your eyes widen lightly at the fact that Bucky was even acknowledging you.
“I thought we promised we would give it to her” his voice becoming stern as he sits up. You’re taken by his actions, also, sitting up.
“Buck— it’s totally fine... Sam said something about his neck hurting...” you shrugged while Sam smiled lightly in the rear view mirror. His plan was falling into place.
Bucky shook his head in disbelief and sighed mumbling something incoherent under his breath.
Before any conversation could continue, Sam was already pulling up into the secluded woods. The cabin eventually coming into the view through the trees.
“Here we are!” Sam announced, parking the car and you un-click your seatbelt, heading to your home for the next couple of days.
As days followed along the mission, you awkwardly shared a bedroom with Bucky. He insisted that he would just sleep on the small couch. His legs would hang from the edge, and then he would complain about aches. If only he listened to you, and just slept in the bed with you. You really didn’t mind.
“Sam, can we talk?” Bucky requests, walking a fast pace down the road and Sam follows him.
“What’s going on in that cyborg brain of yours?”
“You don’t want to know. But--” Bucky stops mid sentence as he looks ahead to see you alone on the road. He wished his hands were laced with yours, reassuring you that the mission would go fine tomorrow.
“She likes you, man” Sam noticed the way Bucky stared at you these past days. And countless days before that. A lovesick puppy is what he was. 
“No she doesn’t...”
Sam rolls his eyes. If only he could knock some sense into his friend.
“Trust me, Buck. Go talk to her.“ He insists, practically pushing his friend away.
“God... I hate you.”
Bucky grunts and awkwardly jogs ahead to meet you in the road. You smile as he comes up next to you.
“Oh hey— bored of Sam already?” You tease, chuckling softly, and Bucky smiles big. His heart already fluttering every-time you speak.
“I guess so” Bucky shrugs. “I—I just didn’t want you to be alone.”
“Who? Me? Bucky, I totally understand if you want to talk to Sam. You’ve known him for years and I’m here to just learn the ropes.” There was no hard feelings.
Bucky was lost for words. He really didn’t know what to say next. He sucked at the flirting game in the 21st century.
“But we can be friends, too...”
“I thought we were already friends!” You state playfully, looking up at him, panic settling within him.
Of course, he considered you as a friend. He wanted to be more than friends, frankly.
“That’s not what I meant—! You are my friend. What I-I meant was I was thinking about the sleeping arrangements and we should totally sleep in the bed together...”
The words didn’t sound right as he spoke. His nerves were overtaking him. Bucky was switching to a new conversation with each sentence.
Sam watched the train wreck in front of him. But, he still had faith in his friend. Just give him a few more seconds. He’s got it... As much as Bucky was bombing this encounter, Sam knew how head over heels you were for him. Bucky could say almost anything and you would still find it adorable.
A smirk twitches against your lips. “Well, Bucky I’ve been telling you that for the longest. I hate to see your body in pain the next morning over something so simple. What’s changed your mind?”
Bucky takes a deep breath before speaking.
“The truth is I get nervous around you Y/N... so I thought if I slept on the couch, I could escape this problem. But it only seems to be getting worse...” he looks down, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
You smile wide, a sudden warmth flushing your cheeks. “I get nervous around you too...”
Bucky’s eyes shoot up in an instant. One of his eyebrow raises. He would have never expected someone like you to be nervous when you displayed such a cool and collected manner. “You do?”
You nod, stopping to look up at him.
“You make me nervous, Bucky... because I like you.” Bucky’s breath hitches, little shit Sam was actually right. Don’t screw this up, Bucky thought.
“I like you too, doll...” you bite your bottom lip, internally squealing inside. His hands slowly inch towards yours and naturally intertwine with your fingers. This isn't exactly how he pictured it but it was everything he wanted.
As the two of you walk in silence hand in hand for a couple of moments, Bucky finally speaks up again.
“Hey, doll... are you a kicker in your sleep?” He asks, his thumb rubbing over your hand ever so gently.
“No? Why?”
“Because I am but when I’m wrapped around something... like a pillow— it goes away.”
“Is this your way of saying you want to cuddle when we get home?”
“Yes...” Bucky shyly looks down at you and nods. His hand squeezing yours softly.
“I’d love to cuddle with you Bucky...” you tippy toe and press a small kiss against his cheek.
Bucky is officially walking on clouds. Maybe he didn’t hate Sam that much.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" from The Owl House
Wow. They are really pushing it for that secret message, huh?
Anywho--Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
I think it goes without saying at this point that Season Two of The Owl House is setting itself up as a season without filler. Now, filler episodes aren't always bad. Yes, it hurts when a series turns away from the main plot for a week. But at best, they're utilized as a chance for the writers to play around with the characters and developing said characters without it relating to the overarching story. So, some people who see that consider it a bad thing that a series doesn't have that many filler episodes.
I like to call those people: F**king morons.
Don't get me wrong, I see where some of you are coming from. And I'd be willing to agree...if The Owl House was a plot-driven series. Which it's not. It is a character-driven series. Because for every plot thread and narrative that the show presents, they always relate to the characters and develop them further each time these threads get brought up. For example, look at "Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty's Door" (It pains me just to write that). Several narratives move forward, and it’s all done to make the characters grow. And to explain how requires going into spoilers. So keep that in mind as you continue reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Hooty: Might as well start with the character that this episode is about.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't a huge fan when I found out we're getting a Hooty-centered episode. I've grown to love him over time, but he is a comedic character that's best used in small doses. Primarily due to how his voice is grating to me (My ears are still bleeding...). With that said, I do really love his contributions in "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (Seriously, there couldn't have been a less awkward title?). Hooty's antics when trying to help everyone are as hilarious as they are heartwarming. He deeply cares for his friends but just doesn't understand how his plans could do some unintended harm, which is pretty lovable if you ask me. We also get some surprisingly great insight into his character, as he feels insecure about basically being the comic relief who doesn't really do that much other than being funny. Rarely do you get that level of dimension from a comedic character, and it's even more uncommon for that to work out as well as it does here. It once again proves just how competent the writing is in this series to the point where we get an episode about Hooty, and it's funny and heartwarming instead of being annoying. And whoever is responsible for that, you're the best.
Lilith’s Letter to Hooty: I mean it when I say that I love how Lilith kept her word about her and Hooty becoming penpals. Their friendship was something I would have never expected to love, and I'm still shocked that it works so well, so seeing it continue like this just warms me to the bone. Plus, it is pretty sweet that Lilith's kind words are what inspired Hooty to do what he's done in this episode...meaning it's Lilith we should thank here--SON OF A WITCH! Even when she's gone, she's still working her way into my heart!
King going through Puberty: What?! KING IS EVOLVING!
(There, I made a Pokemon reference. Do I get my cookie now?)
Eda Keeping Herself Awake to Train Herself: I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that this has everything to with Raine getting captured last week. If Eda was still the most powerful witch in the Isles, she might have actually saved them. But she isn't, and now the love of her life is in the clutches of a tyrant planning something that could potentially be the end of everything. So I can understand Eda pushing herself to her limit to get back on top again, as I would probably do the same. It's not healthy in any way, and Eda would be doing more harm than good. But when it comes to the people you love, logic doesn't always win out in the end.
Luz Wanting to Make her Way into Amity’s Heart by Making the Echo Mouse Happy: ...That's it. I Just...I just love everything about it, ok?
This was also when I knew that I was wrong to doubt that there would be zero Lumity in this episode. I realize my follies now, and I humbly apologize.
Hooty Teaching King About Demons: This was so funny. So, so funny. Probably doesn't come as a surprise, especially since The Owl House proves itself as a comedy before, but the jokes have never hit as frequently and as hard as they did here. From Hooty getting offended by King's dance to him and Dana's insert wanting a "DNA sample," everything managed to successfully make me lose my s**t. It does come at the expense of King suffering, but I can stomach that much more than if it were Eda or Luz. And, as a bonus, we get lore about how demons work, added with another great joke of King getting in trouble with Hooty for saying he already knows this stuff. Humor isn't always the show's strong suit, but when it works, it f**king works.
King Wanting to Know What he Is: But despite how funny King's vignette was, we still get to see more of his character grow. We learn that he's frustrated now that there's this big question mark over his life now, feeling extra angry that his father "abandoned" him to leave such a present mystery. It shows the hidden resentment he has that Lilith inadvertently brought out, made even worse when King's father hasn't responded to the video yet. King hasn't really gotten that much development until "Echoes of the Past," so it's pretty cool that the writers haven't really slowed down on it. Especially when it leads to these great moments of King venting his frustrations.
King’s Shouting Powers: KING learned FUS RO DAH!
(And now that's a Pokemon reference AND a Skyrim reference. WHERE'S MY GOSH DANG COOKIE!?)
Eda’s Nightmare: If King's vignette hits you hard with the laughs, Eda's will absolutely hit you harder with the feels (never make me say "feels" unironically again). Knowing that Eda's life got thoroughly screwed over by the curse is something we could figure out on her own. But seeing just how much the curse ruined her life and tore apart relationships that mean the world to her really does a swell job at ripping apart the soul. What's even more tragic is, technically speaking, it's all sort of Eda's fault too. She kept hiding the curse, refusing to be a burden to others who would do all they could to help. If she had only been open and honest, things probably wouldn't have changed much, but they most likely would have been better than they are now.
Eda Attacked her Father as the Owl Beast: ...I don't know what I was expecting when "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" hinted that there was some possible tension between Eda and her father...but it definitely wasn't this.
The fact that we see blood where his eye used to be doesn't make things any happier, either.
Raine Broke Up with Eda: Before we get into anything else, let's celebrate the fact that it's now confirmed that Eda and Raine really did use to date in the past. Because this show is just f**king phenomenal with its LGBTQA+ representation!
But, seriously, this is a fantastic reveal that goes far beyond just shipping...well, sort of. It shines a new light on Eda and Raine's interactions from last week, revealing that while they're not a couple anymore, they still very much love each other. It helps make their last interaction especially tragic, as they were both on the same page now and could very well be together again. Only for them to be forced apart for the second time in a way that's much worse than the first. And I frickin' adore that this series changes the impact of one episode one week later. Again, it shows just how competent these writers are, and kudos to them for making something so...perfect.
The Moon Person: WHO THE FU--Nope. Nope! We have more than enough mystery bulls**t to deal with through CreepyLuz and Philip Wittebane, so I am PUTTING YOU ON THE BACKBURNER FOR NOW!
(They're probably nothing more than a one-off character, anyway)
The Owl Beast and Eda are Connected: Through visuals alone, we, the audience, can clue into what the curse really means. The Owl Beast doesn't want to be a part of Eda as much as she doesn't want it to be a part of her. Whether they like it or not, and they very much don't, they're stuck together. The thing is, and this is what I love the most, they still decide to make the best of their situation rather than let it ruin their lives even more. This might be the best possible turn Eda's curse could have made. It'll still affect her, and there are probably more negatives than positives, but at least now, it's not the worst thing in the world. And I feel like that's all anyone can ask when in a position like her own.
Eda's “Pretty Dream”: I don't know what emotions are toiling inside me more with this moment. Awe and wonder over how beautiful Eda's dream is, or heartbreak over the implication that she has only had nightmares since getting cursed...I'm gonna say both. Yeah, it's definitely both.
Eda’s Harpie Form: Well, fan artists are gonna have a field day with this...especially the freaks.
(You know who you are. And you're weird!)
Luz Calling Amity a “Cotton-Candy Haired Goddess”: ...Have I ever mentioned how much I love this show?
Hooty Kidnapped Amity: ...Hooty, if your stupidity wasn't charming, I would be more than willing to call the authorities over how you kidnapped a girl in your version of a knapsack and locked her in the basement. For that is going to ring SO MANY alarm bells in people's heads.
Amity and Luz Stuck in a Tunnel of Love: *Smacks lips* Mmm. The adorable awkwardness of this moment is just *chef's kiss* magnifique!
Luz being afraid of getting made fun of:
Amity’s look of hope: I mean...just...f**king--LOOK AT HER:
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That is the look of a girl who, while embarrassed as hell, still is ecstatic to learn for a brief moment, everything that she is hoping for has a high chance of being real. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't go "Aw!" at something so pure and innocent?!
Luz Destroying the Tunnel of Love: This is how to effectively utilize dramatic irony. The audience can understand why Luz is tearing the place apart because she explicitly states that she's afraid of Amity rejecting her in the end. They also know that's bogus, thus making it extra painful to watch Amity's heart break more and more with each second (which is perfectly represented through Amity's expressions). You feel bad for both of them, and even worse when you know that it can easily be prevented by the simple art of communication. That's what makes it great dramatic irony. Knowing the point of view of each character results in a scene that evokes emotions in two different ways.
Hooty’s Breakdown: This was...genuinely hard to watch. Not that it was badly written, far from it. It just...hurt seeing how destroyed Hooty was when he realized he failed the people he has such an admiration for. On the upside, a wholesome moment follows soon after as the Owl House gang tries to reassure Hooty that he's done a lot of good that night. It's a pure action that shows even though Hooty gets on their nerves all the time, they still care about him...damn it. I think I'm gonna cry.
Eda’s Advice for Luz: ...Eda...You're the best.
You found out that your surrogate daughter wants to ask a girl out, and not only were you quick to deliver the best possible advice ("Just go for it!"), but you also quickly reassure her that it doesn't need to be perfect.
And you know what? That's it. Eda is the best cartoon mom! She might not technically be Luz's mom, but I don't give a s**t because she is the best!
Luz and Amity Ask Each Other Out: Shh-sh-sh-sh...
Do you hear that?
...It's the sound of dozens of Lumity fans collectively losing their s**t...and I'm one of them.
HOLY S**T! Holy s**t! Holy s**t...might just be the best way I could possibly describe this! Finally, after all the waiting, speculating, and praying, THESE TWO IDIOTS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! AND IT WAS PERFECT! I mean, it was awkward as s**t, but that's what makes it perfect! You know why? You wanna--Hey! *snaps fingers*. You want to know why? It's because they're teenagers. Of f**king course, it's going to be awkward! This is their first relationship, so there will be a lot of missteps along the way. And that, in itself, brings me to the best (second best part?) thing about it happening in episode eight of the new seasons. Most endgame couples get together in the climax or even at the end of the series. But to have them get together this early on, means there will be quite a few episodes dedicated to showing them grow as a couple.
And better than that--EVEN F**KING BETTER THAN THAT--dozens of kids are going to see these two, a realistic depiction of young love that just so happens to involve two girls, and are going to learn once and for all that there is nothing wrong with being who they are. That fact alone is f**king incredible. Yes, it sucks that season three got cut short, and we'll have even less time with Luz and Amity, but knowing how many kids have felt seen today almost makes it worth it in the end.
And if I see one mother f**ker saying this was poorly paced, I might just hunt them down for SPORT...Sorry if that was an overreaction. I'M JUST SO HAPPY! Because they're happy! Look at them. Listen to them! It's so...GAH-HAHAHA!
“They’re adorable! And deserve all the happiness!”: You're darn right, Hooty! You're darn right.
King’s Father(?) Shows Up: What the--WHAT?! They're doing this now?! Here?! After everything else?
Oh, man. What could this mean? What dynamic changes will this cause in the main cast? How could the writers fit this in during the next two episodes? And what--
Hooty Eats the Letter: ...Pfffft--HAHAHAHA!
Oh, man...I should be mad, and I wouldn't blame others if they are...but that is too much of a brilliant f**k you that I can't help but appreciate it. Bravo writers. Bravo.
...Dislikes? Dislikes? You would honestly believe that after everything I witnessed in this episode, that I would have the gull to list anything wrong with it?!
HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I WOULD BE SO CALLUS TO--Actually, I do kind of have an issue with the episode's title. It's just too much of an awkward mouthful for me to get behind. I understand that the writers wanted to sneak the K into the secret message, but were there really no other titles starting with K that they couldn't come up with?
But that's just a personal issue, and in no way do I think anybody else would feel the same way. Especially with how well-written everything else is anyway.
"Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (title aside) is another A+ episode. It was hilarious, heart-wrenching, and downright adorable while keeping me entertained with every minute. I'm sure there are some issues I was willing to ignore due to how expertly written everything else was, but why bother looking for the chinks in the armor when I could just enjoy a perfect episode for being so...perfect! Some of you might be willing to disagree with me, but to that, I say: Don't knock it till you've tried it.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I'm going to go lie down. It's...It's been a day.)
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
it’s a bummer to see you can’t enjoy the ending. I hope someday you can come around it it. It wasn’t perfect but it didn’t nuke its integrity. i think the heart of the show really shines through and it’s a shame that it’s not being appreciated bc there’s so much shipping drama 😣
Hi there!
I... first of, I really need people to understand this... the travesty of the finale for me has almost nothing to do with “shipping drama.”
Yes, I see the wild conspiracy theories flying around, and I’m honestly concerned for some of those folks and hope they can find a way to make peace with this in whatever way they can, because we aren’t likely to ever get a better answer than that this is legitimately the ending that Dabb thought was best, despite years of us seeing the best of his writing choices and guiding Sam, Dean, and Cas to grow past the roles that Chuck would’ve forced them to fulfill, and that at the end it fell flat because he couldn’t actually come up with a better ending than “this was always their destiny, free will is a lie, and these characters had nothing outside of the revenge quest they’d been raised for since birth and manipulated into over and over for the entertainment of a vengeful god.”
I can see how “surface level” viewers would feel that this one basic narrative point was satisfying, that Sam and Dean had grown beyond their own hopeless cycle of self-sacrifice that had driven the narrative for so many years. The fact that they both acknowledged that they should allow their stories to end in that way was satisfying... but only in the shallowest and most detached read of the narrative. Like, is this really the ONLY thing these two characters learned in the last 15 years? If so, that is BEYOND depressing af.
And even THAT message lost all narrative weight when the two of them were once again reunited in death, as if nothing else had ever mattered in their lives. As if neither of them had ever outgrown the codependency that had driven so many of those previous self-sacrifices and refusals to let go of each other even in death.
So yeah, in the absolute most basic sense, I suppose I can see how casual viewers or people who aren’t actually invested in these characters could find that at least narratively coming back to a starting point.
But narratives don’t actually work that way, and that’s not the point of watching fifteen years of story develop in between.
This story wasn’t JUST about Sam and Dean needing to accept that death might be okay actually.
This story was also about free will, fighting for humanity as a whole but also their OWN humanity and self-identities. In Dean’s case, the absolutely transformative growth from feeling like nothing but a hammer, a killer, a tool to be used. And then less than an episode and a half later, after finally accepting that truth into his heart and using it to defeat the original creator and reclaim the story of his own life for himself... he gets pied in the face after flippantly talking about his destiny and having no choice, and then three scenes later he literally dies impaled on a great big nail... like a hammer...
So I would kindly ask folks who feel satisfied by that shallowest possible takeaway of this episode, and maybe invite folks to look just under that surface. Try to understand why loads of us will NEVER feel satisfied with this ending, and why it truly does feel like the most hopeless version of the story. Like even in defeating Chuck, they could never be allowed to own their own stories and what happened to them after that point was just a twisted version of the “destiny” that drove Chuck’s entire plotline for them anyway.
Please understand where we’re seeing this as horrifically painful irony rather than some beautiful circular narrative about letting go.
For a lot of us, the shipping stuff would’ve been the cherry on top of the sundae. We would’ve been happy with a scoop of plain vanilla, though. We would’ve been happy for anything that honored the journey to freedom, and the choice at any sort of a different life of their own making than literally falling back on a nail fighting off one of John’s unresolved hunts and a vampire who had literally never been named in canon before, yet who Dean instantly recognized somehow... 
but sure, for those of us who felt that “the heart of the show” was all the stuff that the finale actually erased-- that “family don’t end in blood,” and that this was actually not a show about just two brothers but the love of their found family and coming to terms with the choices they actually HAD made for themselves versus the narrative that Chuck kept centering them in DESPITE what they would choose for themselves, the finale basically told us no, everything you ever found of value in this story actually meant nothing. It told us that Chuck’s story for them was their only truth in the end, and their only freedom was to be found in death.
Please, I am begging people, stop trying to gaslight us that this was some beautiful ending. Maybe think for a second that “your read” of the narrative that allows you to find peace with the ending is not what we saw and loved about this story for the 326 episodes leading up to this finale.
And please try to understand that we were not wrong to see the entire narrative through this lens. Because we were literally validated IN CANON, and told that we understood the depth of the story and the characters just fine, actually. There’s literally ONE episode of the entire series that burns it all down in a bewildering pile of wtf. And that’s #327. That throws that entire read out the window to well actually us all back into Chuck’s literal ending... This was literally the ending Chuck wanted to force them to enact for him, and it’s what ended up happening even after they defeated him-- the ultimate Big Bad of the entire series should’ve been defeated, but instead he pulled off one final victory over the entire story.
Becky: No. You can't-- Chuck: I did. Becky: Y- This is just an ending. Chuck: Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna get there, but I know where I'm goin'. Becky: B-But it's so... dark. Chuck: But great, right? I can see it now -- "Supernatural: The End". And the cover is just a gravestone that says "Winchester". The fans are gonna love it. Well? Becky: It's awful! Horrible. It's hopeless. You can't do this to the fans. What you did to Dean? What you did to Sam? Chuck: There, see? It's making you feel something. That's good, right?
Dean: Well, what now? You're not gonna dust us. Chuck: Oh, yeah? Why not? Dean: Because you're holding out. For your big finish. Yeah, we know about your galaxy-brained idea, how you think this story is gonna go. Sam got a little look into your draft folder. Chuck: Sam's visions -- they weren't drafts. They were memories. My memories. Other Sams and other Deans in other worlds. But guess what. Just like you, they didn't think they'd do it, either. But they did. And you will, too. Dean: No. Not this Sam. And not this Dean. So you go back to Earth 2 and play with your other toys. Because we will never give you the ending that you want. Chuck: We'll see.
And even in DEFEAT Chuck thought he understood these characters, thought that having rendered him powerless they would finally take their revenge and kill him, but they didn’t, because he never actually understood these characters at all. And the story he tried to force them into from day one was never about THEM, it was about HIM. 
And then Dean gets like two whole days of freedom and choice and is apparently incapable of making any of the choices that don’t throw him immediately back into Chuck’s favorite story. Like none of that resolution in the previous episode meant anything at all. He even SAYS it in the finale:
Dean: Yeah, no. I think about 'em, too. You know what? That pain's not gonna go away. Right? But if we don't keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing.
And then two scenes later the show gives us the Nelson Muntz HA HA and Dean is no longer living, and Sam is left to carry on as a shell of himself and wander off into Blurry Wife Land to devote any even remotely content moment of the rest of his years to raising a  Replacement Dean to fill the void, and is never able to pick up the pen to write anything better of his own life than Chuck would’ve dealt him in the first place.
So I’m glad that top-layer takeaway is sustaining and enough for you. It wasn’t, and will never be enough for the rest of us.
What was actually real in all of this? We were.
Until we weren’t.
And that’s honestly a shit message to be pushing on people in the wake of it all. So please stop.
I should actually thank you for the kind intent with which your message is phrased, but that doesn’t make it feel less hilariously awful. Though I chose this one to reply to as the least insulting of all the messages currently in my inbox on this subject. So thanks for that, at least.
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