#its an educational kids show but this shit is so stressful for them for no reason
mansion-of-haunts · 1 year
cant find the post again that mentioned this but the stakes in your average octonauts episode/movie are insane
meteor shower happens and a meteor is about to hit the octopod. they cannot move it, and this meteor is about to destroy their home and livelihood. everything they hold dear will be lost and there is nothing they can do to stop it. its ok tho, fish ate the meteor lol
character gets struck by lightning and gets stranded without a working gup. he now has his paw caught in a giant clam. he cant swim or get his paw out, and is being harassed by a school of barracudas. he is slowly running out of air and if the others cant get to him in time he will die. its ok tho, he finds a stick by chance and pries his paw out lol
a character has been stranded for literal years in the arctic without a radio or any way to contact anyone else. he has been alone and afraid, and his research station is falling into a ravine, and theres nothing he can do to save his lifes work and his home. its ok tho, the octonauts just so happen to find him lol
a venomous cone snail is aboard the octopod and is attacking the crew out of fear. almost all the crew including the captain are out of commission and the only member of the crew who can save the crew and pilot the octopod is the youngest member, a medic, with no formal training in piloting the octopod, who has to try and take care of the crew and find the cone snail, all at the same time. its ok tho, he girlbosses his way through lol
the octonauts are separated, and everywhere that they are is being affected by the eruption of a ring of volcanos all around the pacific ocean known as the ring of fire. their problems range from saving other animals from a volcano to saving themselves from an underwater, flooding maintenance facility. its ok tho, they girlboss their way through lol
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Like Facing off Against C'Thulu, but it's Really Just your Fears. Part 3
Part one, Part two, Part four, AO3
Sorry about the wait, stress and life happened, and also this chapter is gonna be a bit different. Sorry if it doesn't follow the flow of the previous two, feel free to ignore this one if you didn't like it.
Dick felt himself crawling towards wakefulness, and the second he realized he was waking up his body forced him to be fully aware.
Painfully so.
The ache was vicious, his skin burned on the inside, and his stomach muscles wouldn’t stop twitching; the memory of being cut open making his own insides flinch.
It was a terrifying feeling, when each movement made his skin pull against the stitches holding him together. 
But he recognized the lights above him, the smells around him. The chittering of bats and the gentle hum of electronics, the echoes of a cavern dark and deep enough to hide one of the world’s biggest secrets.
He was home. He was also very, very drugged.
His attempt to sit up instead resulted in one hand lazily swatting himself in his own face. Some kind soul delicately lifted his wayward hand and gently set it on his side.
Dr. Thompkins' relieved face was the first thing his bleary eyes made out.
“Welcome to the world of the waking, sleeping beauty,” she said, brushing his bangs out of his face.
Dick hummed, enjoying the feeling of a kind touch. 
It helped to banish the ghosts of hands that were tracing his ribs.
Against his will, his eyes closed. 
He was still very much awake, though.
“To prevent you from doing something monumentally stupid, yes, the boy was saved from his parents,” she continued, noticing his need for contact and leaving her hand where it was, “He is currently upstairs, still settling in. I believe Tim is showing him how to use the online high school they found.”
Dick knew that if he was not drugged up to his ears, the feeling of joy at the news that the kid would be able to continue his education would not have been as muted as it was.
“Bruce is fostering him right now, and it seems to be going well. Slow, but well.”
There was another set of steps walking into the room, but Dick couldn’t bring himself to turn his head away from the gentle hand laid on it.
“The boys…parents have been escorted to Arkham. Our only hope of them being there doing any good is if they turn on their fellow inmates during the next outbreak.” 
Dick agreed, and also agreed with whoever had put their hand in his own. He squeezed it lightly, taking note of its size.
The precise steps that walked in after Damian, along with the shuffling of the blankets being rearranged…
Two of his favorite people! This was so much better than being asleep.
“His name is Daniel, he goes by Danny; he’s a meta,” Damian’s voice cut through, steady for all that his hand in Dick’s was not, “He possesses super hearing and super strength at a minimum, so we felt it pertinent that he be made aware of our vigilante status before a miscommunication could drive him to an unsafe situation.”
That did make sense. Damian was so smart. Dick was so proud of his little brother.
“As for you; you’ve been in a small coma for around two weeks,” Leslie said, her hand removing itself from his forehead heedless of his pitiful whine, “Your body needs to heal, Dick. I’m sorry, but with physical therapy and how long we will need to wait until we can even begin to attempt that, you’re looking at being benched for a good seven to nine months.”
“Master Dick, language!”
Sam hadn’t been there when she’d needed to be.
And she knew that even past her Dying Day, she would never forgive herself for that.
She’d been out sick when Danny had finally broken down, had been snippy with her mother and gotten her phone taken away when he’d reached out to her, and had been asleep when his shit parents had finally taken the hint that no one wanted them in Amity and fled.
And they’d taken Danny with them.
So she may have lost it.
The past few months had been full of interesting new experiences for her; Domestic Terrorism, starting riots, getting arrested, committing assault, getting arrested again, performing unauthorized demolition, almost getting arrested a third time by the GIW instead of the cops…
Just girl things, really. 
Paulina had actually been with her every step of the way, and hey; they actually really got along when it came to burning down repressive regimes. Paulina knew how to make a fantastic molotov cocktail, and Sam had loads of unwanted clothing she needed to get rid of that could be used for scraps.
But after causing so much chaos, the entire town was now starting to get behind her. They didn’t give a shit about ghosts, but they wanted the GIW out of their home.
But they needed help to do that, and to get that help then that firewall and media blackout had to go.
Which was where Tucker had stepped in.
Tucker had locked himself in his house after the Fentons had run away, obsessed with finding Danny through any means necessary. He’d thrown himself into cyberspace, and had been essentially chucking himself at the firewalls the GIW had set up around all of Amity. Mostly it ended in excruciating headaches that Sam couldn’t do anything to help with, except to just be there for him while he recovered.
But it had finally gotten one result, the exact one they’d needed. 
The firewall was hosted on one server.
Just one. 
Stupid, but useful for them, and that was what mattered.
It had taken a week to plan the massive riot currently distracting the entire GIW-every single citizen that was willing was using their Liminal abilities out in the open for the sole purpose of being destructive.
Distraction firmly in place, she grabbed Valerie, grabbed Tucker and dragged him away from his hovel, and forced Vlad to comply.
Blackmail did wonders when dealing with rich megalomaniac assholes, although given his face when she’d mentioned Danny, there was a very real chance she hadn’t needed the blackmail at all. She knew he knew something, but she didn’t want to know. It was a feeling she had; if she was told, she would break, and at that moment, she could not afford any weakness.
Together, they’d broken into the Ghost Investigation Ward HQ in Amity and forced the tech blackout curtain to burn to the ground.
Every tweet, every Youtube video, every TikTok, every Paranormal Investigator that had ever been blocked had had their posts stored, apparently to be used in evidence as ‘treason against the state’. 
A stupid oversight, but the GIW appeared to make it a habit to excel in physical violence without the brains to back it up.
It had only taken Tucker fifteen minutes to have every single Twitter account send out all of those blocked tweets at the same time, absolutely flooding the Justice League Official with notifications and getting nearly everyone suspended for suspected bot use.
Youtube was suddenly absolutely filled with videos of people interviewing ghosts, insights into ghost culture, amateur scientists who hadn’t been allowed to leave Amity clumsily recording their findings of Liminality in Mortals.
TikTok was filled with teenagers making memes with Ghosts, Ghosts themselves making memes with stolen phones, and clips of pure unadulterated violence from the GIW chasing them both down.
Sam took a moment to appreciate the comments and retweets, watching as the internet denizens collectively went from curious and puzzled to absolutely furious.
Why should she be the only one angry?
It was time the world knew.
Then her phone pinged, an alert coming through from outside of the Amity area.
Jazz could wait, they needed to ensure the flow of information was uninterrupted. 
But it pinged again.
And again.
Then Tucker’s phone pinged.
Sighing at the intrusion, Sam pulled out the brick of a phone she insisted on keeping-and her mind screeched to a halt.
He said he was in Gotham, that he was fine, that he was staying with a Foster family and was recovering. The texts dated back by two weeks, and the texts after that were Danny just…talking about normal family stuff. He was seeing a therapist, seeing an actual doctor for his physical needs, getting used to having siblings again, eating regular meals, not being chased every day of his life just for existing.
Learning to live again.
Sam didn’t realize she was crying until Vlad, coughing awkwardly, offered her a handkerchief.
He was okay.
Danny was safe.
Bruce was watching on from the batcomputer as Danny and Dick reunited.
Danny had been unsure of himself at first, but Dick had beckoned him closer and worked his charm, citing that if he’d been able to sit up then he’d juggle for the traumatized teen.
Danny had, instead, juggled random medical supplies for Dick. They’d hit it off from there, and got on like a house on fire.
Tim was at work, Damian and Duke were at school, Steph and Cass had left citing that they “had to leave this testosterone-infested house and get some fresh air”, which meant they were probably working with Oracle on a case they were trying to hide from him.
He’d figure out what it was, of course, but if they wanted to handle it on their own he’d leave them to their own devices. Unless it was the fighting ring. No one was allowed to approach human traffickers alone, no matter how loudly Jason complained.
Bruce frowned and his hands hovered over the keyboard. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just take a quick peek-
His phone pinged.
A message from Tim.
Another ping, a different tone; one from Duke.
Tim again.
Duke again, four times in a row.
A message from Steph.
Damian eight times in a row.
Tim again.
A whopping twenty-eight from Jason, all in a row.
What on earth was-?
A call, Barbara’s name on the screen.
He glanced over at Dick and Danny as he answered the call; Dick, still hopped up on pain meds, hadn’t noticed. 
Danny had, though.
His head had turned enough to keep Bruce in his line of sight through the window.
“Yes? Is someone hurt?”
“Bruce, you need to check twitter. Danny’s hometown? The weird one I couldn’t get past the firewalls on? Yeah, someone on the inside took down the media blackout. It’s been a hotbed of Crimes against Humanity, violations of meta and Alien rights, violations of Basic Rights, and I don’t even know how many treaties with other dimensions this place has broken.”
Bruce hadn’t been aware he was standing until the faint conversation between Danny and Dick came to an abrupt halt.
“Human experimentation, alien experimentation, coverups, abuse of power; Bruce, this is bad. Amity is going to need League presence to protect the citizens while the government gets this sorted out. There’s already fighting in the streets, I wouldn’t be surprised if casualties have already started.”
“I’ll go to the tower as soon as I can.”
Bruce disconnected the call and made his way over to the medbay, opening the door to the mostly sound-proofed room.
He had to take care of something very important first.
“Danny,” he started, ridding his voice of the edge it had gained and deliberately softening it, “Someone took down the media blackout on Amity, and the internet is having a field day with it. I’d like you to stay off of social media, but I’m not going to order you not to go on it; just be aware that there are some pretty disturbing things out there right now.”
He would never forbid this child from being able to access social media; the day Bruce became like Danny’s parents in any way he’d sign over the custody of all his legal children to Clark. He couldn't forbid the boy from basic social interaction for his age group. He would never isolate him like that.
Danny had just started trusting them; he’d fallen asleep in front of Bruce for the first time yesterday, and had actually talked back to Jason when they’d been in one of their morbid debates, not an ounce of fear in his face.
He would hate for Danny to have come so far, only to have it all negated with one badly timed peek into TikTok.
Danny stared at him with wide eyes, his hand tightening around Dick’s.
“What media blackout?”
He hadn’t…
No way.
“Didn’t you wonder why the League was never called to help out your hometown?”
Please, please, please-
“I mean, the government was there, and they were pretty-uh. Pretty…efficient, in finding abnormalities.” As he spoke, Danny’s face grew pale and his gaze dropped.
Damn it, damn them, and damn every person that had ever failed this boy.
Bruce pulled up a chair and sat down, silencing his phone and sliding it into his pocket.
“Danny, what do you know of meta rights?”
Danny’s confused look just grew.
“What’s a meta?”
Bruce closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and attempted to center himself. Danny didn’t know he was called a meta, and given the severity of what Oracle had just told him, had most likely been told that he deserved to be punished for existing.
It was difficult to ask for help when one didn’t even know there was help available.
“You, and I heavily suspect the majority of people in your hometown. You all fall under various laws designed to protect metas, to ensure that you are not abused or discriminated against.”
There was a shaky inhale, and Bruce opened his eyes to Dick rubbing circles with his thumb onto the back of Danny’s hand.
Danny was crying.
“So Sam and Tucker won’t be taken?”
Bruce knew those names, knew they were friends of his youngest charge. He hadn’t known they were metas, which begged the question; was Amity Park a city made up entirely of metas?
The concept was a bit too much for Bruce to consider, so he steered away from it and focused on the child in front of him.
“No. They have just as much right to security and safety as the next citizen. As do you.”
Danny shook his head, ignoring when Dick tried to gain his attention to reaffirm what Bruce had just said.
“But I’m not a meta; I’m only half human.”
Bruce took another deep breath, trying and failing to reign in his anger. He was not successful, and Dick took advantage of his silence to step in.
“Danny, you have abilities beyond being human; that makes you a meta by legal definition,” Dick explained quietly, anger hiding behind the sympathy in his voice, “So you deserve just as many protections as Duke.”
Danny’s eyes grew wide.
“So I can talk about Duke’s powers and he won’t be-he’ll be safe? He won’t get hurt?”
Bruce took out his phone and sent a text to Clark.
He would have to miss this particular mission, regardless of what he had told Barbara.
He had a previous victim of Amity Park right in front of him, and his priority was to ensure that Danny learned all the legal ways he was entitled to protection by the law.
Besides, as long as he stipulated that Diana be in charge, it would be fine. That was the beauty of being a part of a much larger team; the rare instance he was otherwise occupied, there were others to step in.
He would send over Red Robin though, just in case. And Orphan. Oracle was already overlooking the situation, she wouldn’t mind orchestrating rescue and containment, surely?
Instructions sent, he slipped his phone into his pocket and looked back to Dick and Danny.
“Do you want to go over the laws concerning metas, Danny?” He asked, leaning forward and resting a hand lightly on the boy’s shoulder.
Danny nodded.
Bruce nodded back, grabbed the tablet Dick had been using to entertain himself, pulled up documentaries about the history of meta rights, and began.
The streets of Amity Park were filled with a rolling mass of people and ghosts, all fighting against government agents in pure white suits. If there had been order, it was no longer present. 
Buildings were on fire, the few adults who still had their rationality were trying to either shepherd or shield the small children that had gotten caught in the crosshairs, corpses were lying on the street only to have the ghost of that person jump up and dive right back into the frenzy, and the few unlucky enough to get caught were being dragged screaming into vans.
The ghosts were clearly against the Guys in White, but also had no regard for the humans in their presence. The humans, likewise, were using weapons clearly meant for ghosts against the Guys in White, damaging their allies in the process.
The streets were one big free-for-all, and no one was coming out on top.
Even if the Justice League could round up the humans and give them proper orders, the ghosts were a risk as entities with unknown powers who were prone to severe emotional outbursts. Which, in turn, made the humans nervous, and more likely to keep anti-ghost weapons on them, which started the whole cycle over.
It was a mess.
Red Robin maneuvered the batplane over a football field, the only clear place of landing. 
Orphan was behind Red Robin, across from Red Hood, and he could hear the leather creaking in her gloves with how hard she was gripping the armrests.
And Red Hood, who had snuck on board because there was no way in fuck he was letting his siblings into a warzone alone, calmly switched out his rubber bullets for real ones.
This was not the kind of situation where a minor ouchie would keep the baddies down.
This had to be permanent.
He’d try for nonlethal shots where he could, but he’d seen the lengths the Guys in White were willing to go through the windshield. He would have to work in the background and rely on the chaos to divert the League’s attention away from his existence, but it was doable.
“Stand up, Pretender; we have work to do.”
There was no way Bruce had known how bad it was, or he would never have sent anyone other than himself. Large bad guys? No problem. But this?
This was war, plain and simple.
How lucky for Red Hood, then, that his little Pretender was far more violent that Bruce would ever know. The piles of Ra’s soldier’s corpses were a testament to that. If there was anyone else better suited for a battleground, it was Robin, and the kid had a very important math test in twenty minutes.
Orphan joined him at the door, and after a few seconds Red Robin joined them.
He shoved all the spare, useless thoughts to the back of his head and made his way off the plane.
He stepped into …something. Something wet, that stuck to his shoes, and smelled like stagnant water and copper. The grass was overgrown and wet with a mix of green and red liquid, and just from his position alone he could see the corpses of at least twenty white suited agents.
Whoever had laid them out had done a damn good job, but Hood had a feeling that whoever had done it was probably no longer among the living.
He looked at Red Robin and nodded.
Red Robin lightly touched the communicator in his ear and started working with Oracle to find out where they would be needed the most.
Hood, meanwhile, was distracted. 
For all that this place was drenched in terror and pain, it felt…homey. It felt like he was home, or close to it.
Like a piece of him that had been missing was nearby.
He felt, for the first time since his rebirth, almost complete.
The Lazarus pit was humming in the back of his mind, a constant presence of satisfaction pushing against what his humanity was telling him was very, very wrong. Why did this scene satisfy him? It was carnage, it wasn’t meant to generate this feeling of…of being pleased-
Orphan lightly tapped his arm, motioning with her head towards a large, fuckall knight.
The knight just in turn just stood there. Staring at them. Staring at him, specifically.
Hood quietly shifted so that he was in front of Red Robin; a bo staff would do fuckall to that metal armor, and Hood would have to provide the opening for RR’s other tricks to come into play.
The head tilted, the trio of Bats braced themselves, and-
“My Prince!”
“Your father still sleeps, locked in eternal slumber, but if you give us an order we will gladly obey!”
The knight was clearly looking at Hood. Hood tilted his head minutely at RR, but the bird shrugged his shoulders.
“What makes you say I’m the Prince you’re looking for?” 
Buy time; he had to buy time for either Red Robin to figure something out, Orphan to sneak up on the knight, or one of the Big Hitters from the League to arrive.
“You, and all who have been baptized in the blood of the King Himself and survived, have passed judgment and taken his bloodline unto yourselves.”
There was a whole hell of a lot that Hood did not understand about what had just been said, but he had a feeling it was something he didn’t want to know. This ghost seemed powerful, if not unhinged, so he could just send the guy away so he wouldn’t have to contaminate his ears with Shit He Did Not Need To Hear.
“Great; help defend against the Guys in White and tell the other ghosts to cooperate with the Justice League.”
The knight jackknifed up, and bowed.
“Your Will shall be done!”
And the knight…was gone. Just, poof! Disappeared.
Hood groaned and raised a hand to rub the bridge of his nose, only to hit himself in the helmet.
What was he supposed to do with that information?
“Well, Your Royal Liegely Highness Prince Red Hood Sir, Constantine says we need to get to the town square,” Red Robin gave an overly extravagant bow, pointing towards Orphan who was already almost out of the football field.
Hood ignored him and stalked towards Orphan.
He was never going to live this shit down.
“Also, My Royal Princley Liege, how the fuck are we going to explain you to the League?”
Fuck, he would have to be front and center to issue orders.
What a shit day.
Okay, so the idea behind this is that the Lazarus Pits, the mains ones the side ones the random ones-they're all Pariah Darks blood/ectoplasm. As he is King of the Infinite Realms, they're pretty powerful, so they can heal and, in certain cases, revive.
Provided you survive them.
If you survive them, you get a piece of Pariah Dark in you and a guarantee that you will become a ghost destined for the Zone. Every alive person and dead person who has been in the pits are viewed as legal Princes and Princesses by the Ghost Zone.
So by Ghost Zone standards, Ra's and Jason are related. Ra's and Damian are still grandfather and grandson, but both are Princes.
Danny Defeating Pariah did not count, as he had to use an external suit to do it and could not rely fully on his own power. What Danny did do is prove himself worthy to be Fright Knights Page and Successor.
Idk, weird idea, decided to roll with it, gonna need one more chapter to close this baby out
@skulld3mort-1fan @zelabee @waspsarebetterthanbeesanyways @ailithnight @randomkiddoscrewingaround @apointlessbox @pyramaniac @emergentpanda-blog @pastalavistamf @gin2212 @beacedocrime @spectralstardustandphantomnights @introvert-even-on-the-internet @candeartist422 @icarusinstatic @overtherose @toomanyfandoms11 @redhoneysugarorange @vythika96 @blueflipflops @undead-essence @readerzj @rainbowbunny0159 @cursedzucchini @firegirl108 @malice-of-the-sunrise @cryptid-fisherman @terzatheunderscorerima @avelnfear @amercurio @ritzocha @the-archer-goddess
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earthstellar · 1 year
love the canonical implication that Earthspark Bumblebee's current alt-mode is possibly just a mid life crisis sports car phase
I mean I'm in my 30s, I'm not shitting on him, it's relatable primarily because most of my friends are at least slightly younger than I am
the "Bee hanging out with the Terrans" vibe is very real
but I also like that we're seeing a slightly older version of Bee here. usually he's the youngest of the Autobots (in most TF shows, anyway), but here he's roughly equivalent to middle aged
The Terrans are the youngest, so we get to see a more mature Bee stepping up into a carer/educator role
Bee has never really been one of my favourite TF characters (which I mostly attribute to burn out caused by all the marketing which solely fixates on him lmao), but I like him in Earthspark for the most part!
He's still a little on the "still learning" side of things coming into his current role, but that's what allows for further character development, and we've already seen him build some good skills for dealing with/training the kiddo bots
IDK it's nice.
would be interesting if there's ever an episode where Alex and Dot are unavailable for a not-necessarily-bad reason (maybe one of them is accepting a professional award or something so both of them go together as a Nice Thing)
and suddenly Bumblebee is Parent of Many Sparklings (Plus Two Human Ones) for the weekend LMAO
how long until he gives in and calls someone for help? because that is a LOT of children
eventually he calls everyone but they're all busy, Arcee just laughs at him lol she's having Fun Battle Time with Elita-1 so neither of them can do it, finally Megatron shows up and instantly all the kids are like "yeah STORY TIME" and Bee gets a 10 min nap in until a perimeter alarm goes off or something (it was just a cow but now he is Stressed)
Optimus gradually shows up like ha ha! outdoors enrichment for the children is a great idea and Bee is just like "have you ever actually raised sparklings, you had troops but you don't have SPARKLINGS"
meanwhile in the background Hashtag is trying to explain the differences between various social media sites to Megatron, who is trying so hard to pretend like he cares, but is also busy trying to keep at least two of the others from putting their hands a little too deep in his transformation seams so they can climb on him (they just want to be Large)
idk I think a Single Parent Bee episode feat. Grandpa Megatron towards the end at one point would be fun, arguably they did this kind of vibe in the first half of S1 a bit already
but it would be interesting to see how Bumblebee would manage without any other adults for support for like a weekend in its entirety (save for maybe Megs at the end taking pity on him lmao)
there aren't many bots in what seems to be Bumblebee's general age range, except maybe Arcee but she gives the vibe of being a little older than he is, so real talk he'd probably feel a little more isolated and overtaxed than usual :(
but the kiddos would likely pick up on this and they could plot with Megs to try to do something nice for him!!! it would go poorly but that's OK!!!!
just thinkin' out loud
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ninicaise · 9 months
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@bacchantbroccoli what the people want the people get!! warning though i am not a fan of the girlboss queen perfect tragic dead woman so get ready for some messy disaster mothers. also i did not intend for them to be this long so i had to split them a little for readability.
hennike lore in my head:
marie-antoinette ass character. marie-antoinette-esque. marie-antoinette core. etc
didn't have a filter in the most innocent way possible, didn't fit in with the subtlety of veretian court politics which is part of why laurent is drawn to damen's tendency to say whatever the fuck he was thinking most of the time.
auguste had to do a lot of the heavy lifting raising laurent partly bc she was sick a lot and couldn't always get out of bed and partly bc she saw auguste was so good at her and aleron's job she sometimes decided he could handle the whole thing. was young when she was married off so she tended to be a little self-centred; she didn't have time to grow out of being a child before having children herself.
despite this she did the best she could and tried to bond with them especially academically and creatively, and tried her best to include kemptian culture in both of their educations. speaking of;
she tried to raise her kids bilingual but it didn't last long bc aleron didn't like that as he is basically a cartoon villain. she put up with a lot of shit from aleron in general bc marriage love duty which resulted in auguste putting up with a lot of shit from Everyone Ever All The Time bc kingdom love duty which lead to laurent putting up with the regent's shit and being ridiculed in his own court for so many years. bc family love trauma status.
maybe if she still had the tendency to always say whatever the fuck crossed her mind by the time she realized she was being poisoned then things would've been different.
hypermenestra lore in my head:
this is a messy one okay basically choices were made and they were not the best ones.
first thing about hypermenestra is that was sooo loving so adoring so protective of kastor to the point of being overbearing. permissive. keep that in mind.
didn't mind whether kastor was going to be king or not but after a few years she got used to the idea so damen was a huge shock to her. she tried not to let it show too much bc egeria was her friend and whatnot but kastor could tell. being only child for the majority of his childhood usually coddled and not having much demanded from him given they were still lowkey hoping from an heir from egeria but still being told it was likely he was going to be king was a DISASTROUS choice on both theomedes and hypermenestra's part and on top of that hypermenestra was a piss poor liar. kastor Noticed.
she was not cold towards damen but she was not motherly either bc she didn't see it as her responsibility (which. was she wrong).
she could see kastor being a little bummed at the whole situation and tried to cheer him up by telling him he would've done a better job than damen at ruling anyway, this one time she went as far as ignoring damen being in the same room as her bc kastor was in a mood. often called kastor her 'little king' once or twice letting a 'my true king' slip which. had its consequences.
must stress this is not bc she was resentful of anyone, she just didn't want kastor to be sad or frustrated or any negative emotion ever and she didn't know how to deal with it. she was in absolute agony every time she saw kastor have the slightest fucking frown it was honestly incredible to see.
overall had no intention of creating a coup but ultimately theomedes loved her so much and was so permissive with her that she loved kastor so much she was so permissive with him that kastor decided he could do whatever he wanted. ironically, damen never got that permission, and when he realized in slavery that he had been taking something that wasn't his, he accepted it gracefully and with dignity, and decided to give it back with ease.
+ egeria lore bc i started thinking abt my one true rightful queen of akielos:
did not want children for a long time. she fully understood the responsibility that having a child meant and fully believed she was not ready. used a lot of contraceptive methods for a few years and it really messed up with her system, unfortunately.
probably would've made the best mother of the lot. ironic isn't it.
had an incredible vision. could see shit coming from miles away which gave her a tendency to jump to conclusions too quickly and accept no other information + be a bit too much with criticism. this got an unflattering reputation for a few years, added to the fact that she was also very private very cold very tactical for an akielon, and thus very lonely.
it's not that she didn't care for people and she wasn't cold, or harsh, just stoic. she wasn't exactly an approachable person. in fact, the only time she was seen with true softness on her face was the first and only time she held damen in her arms.
got along better with hypermenestra than theomedes. she thought theomedes was a little thick and lacked insightfulness and she knew theomedes thought she was basically insane. mostly their marriage was one of mutual tolerance. hypermenestra on the other hand was very eloquent even though she tended to agree with everything egeria said in the end. couldn't keep a damn opinion but at least she understood egeria when she talked.
kastor though, big fan. egeria loved that child’s wisdom, was more of an aunt figure to him at the time. she got kinda sad when kastor stopped talking to her after she got pregnant, but she understood it.
in truth very little was known about the late queen. nobody dared to get close enough to really know her. and well. queen egeria was so lovely, so dedicated, knowledgable and clever, gentle and playful at times, even. had anyone taken the time to know her, to truly see her, she wouldn't be just another tragic royal death now. damen asked around and though he didn't come to this exact same conclusion, he got the feeling there was something missing in the way people spoke about his mother. had he known her, he would have truly seen her. he has a tendency to want to see past appearences, still.
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everymandeadman · 2 days
chenhsing @terrascapehq co: you’re making us pay for grapes? apples? things that god gave us for free?
that tiktok i linked above has me dying omg.. okay hello it’s me anwar (also @xpl3001) back at it again with a damn cyber criminal who might not be beating the high-functioning neurodivergent allegations but that is neither here or there! as always, y’all know the drill with liking and i’ll get back to you (again) asap on plotting. thank u for ur patience :-)
navigate — general (formal bio still wip) / pinterest (wip)
tw / drug addiction
lee chenhsing, 28, a data analyst for terrascape and hacker under anonymous, a possible double agent of the two parties but it’s clear that his loyalty is under wraps with a high profile cyber terrorist organization
bro was born to a late teenage couple (kids having a kid) except shit went haywire and the relationship was highly codependent bc these people are recovering addicts working and surviving in literal poverty (ie walled city of kowloon in hong kong, similar to the megabuildings) but figured if they have a child and raise them in terra it would strengthen their already terrible relationship. like. u know how parents expecting children automatically assume that having kids would fix their problems, right, well. that’s fucked
alas. like i said the relationship fucking tanks bc they’re like 18-19 but it’s already too late, the application to conceive a child has already been submitted and the teen mother wants out, but terrascape is still a corporation who doesn’t give a fuck about your personal problems if you signed on the dotted line already: the show must go on! so chenhsing is born. her man abandoned her because he couldn’t stay sober and clearly didn’t give a fuck about their plan because, well, as an addict u got other priorities and surely sobering up was the least of it. chenhsing’s mother is stuck with a kid that she also tried to abandon but failed to lmao
that being said, the mother’s family also had issues with her personally because this could’ve been all avoided if she didn’t attempt to abandon the baby because her pathetic bf left her which brought on moral issues ON TOP OF BEING FINANCIALLY UNSTABLE?? omg just thinking about their situation is stressing me out
chenhsing’s mom is out here practically alone and by herself with a kid trying to make ends meet as a custodian while working on her sobriety even tho she be drinking hella? and honestly bro was raising himself because his mom failed to nurture and guide him properly and was left to make decisions for himself, tho this can be traced to his mother’s undiagnosed chronic depression (given her circumstances) that disrupted a chance of emotional attachment with her son including her addiction problems. and. well. some guy she’s known all her life and was in love with fucked off so there’s that
the one thing his mama didn’t play about was education: she wasn’t able to receive formal education after a certain age in the kowloon (dropped out just sly of high school graduation to go straight to work in order to support her family), but she sees that her child can take advantage of the system as that’s exactly what chenhsing does but also he has nothing else to do bc he’s poor and experiences difficulty relating to his peers. he fosters a deep interest in science which leads to receiving a full-ride to the university of hong kong (physics undergrad) and by then his mama checks herself into a support group. things are slowly looking up but, y’know, shit is still bleak as hell
sidenote: employment under terrascape co is probable for chenhsing because the corporation will fund his anticipating graduate program in nuclear engineering. god knows chenhsing cannot afford that damn master’s degree by himself, but also, he’s a lurking snake in terrascape’s corporate office so.. it’s working in his favor! haha!
upon entering university a lot of his suspicions about terrascape drew questions concerning its ethics. some of his original ideas addressing unpopular opinions surrounding total abolishment of terrascape goes as followed: terrascape is a temporary solution to a larger problem, there will become a day where terrascape cannot sustain the many virtual lives and physical bodies will eventually have to return to outer world, and he’s a strong advocate of repopulating human-habitable planets (gliese 581d, mars, etc more to come) to support a modern civilization instead of a blanketed/band-aid solution such as terrascape. and when that happens, everybody’s lives will be in jeopardy on dystopian earth because we never planned outside of terrascape’s domain—ie, a physical realm. and by then it’ll most likely be too late for all of us relying on terrascape. chenhsing also thinks the celebrity ranking system is dystopian leaning and defeats the purpose of terra’s “utopia”, and prohibits growth artistically because public figures are more consumed by their image over the work that they produce.
lemme shut up but baseline is: he has a lot to conjure against terrascape’s operations and realizes his beliefs are flawed/shallow in some ways, but i think his theories aren’t an attack on the world because he grew up in a bad environment. he wants a true livable chance at life for Everyone, not a simulation
another one of his claims against terrascape: biased programming(? like the celebrity rankings possibly—oop!), consumer privacy, unclear legalities(? kinda? but idk he’s still buffering with this one), data theft, operational disruptions, unauthorized commands (hence the glitches), the push for unethical celebrities, the gradual extinction of spiritual (and cultural bc it pretty much ties to religion) beliefs bc it goes against terrascape’s terms + conditions, and in severe cases the dangers of human safety which is the physical body even if terrascape assures its clients that we’re all gonna be ok but like. hmm one could think otherwise. right
so yeah bro is a cyber criminal under wraps while trying to figure out a backup plan in case terrascape fails in his lifetime but that is highly unreasonable like bffr. he knows all of his theories are unpopular opinions because humans are enriched by instant gratification that terrascape gives them with the illusion of a utopia. he knows he won’t make it past 35 (at least virtually but honestly physically too idc) bc he’s fully aware of his suspected high profile association with anonymous in general. working under terrascape is putting him in a vulnerable position too. he hopes his efforts aren’t in vain in terms of passionately advocating for human autonomy and natural life as it was intended to be so yes he is painstakingly devoted to the cause
honestly i don’t want to say he’s an asshole (so long as you don’t give him a reason to be) but he’s also not known to be particularly friendly either? he holds literal scripts in his head for social situations (some of them, at least) and subconsciously mimics the behavior of others to be perceived as normal or neurotypical. a very rigid individual. takes some time to warm up to people mostly because he’s been on survival mode his entire life so like, nobody’s more distrusting of a poor person. surprisingly pleasant and laidback-ish once you get passed that weird and stiff threshold. has a crazy ass mouth on him though which is funny as hell bc usually people perceive nerds as little bitches and he’s not the one to be played with! so! please come to him correctly. difficult to read. has a god complex from where i don’t fucking know?? but he’s a smart ass so?? not a gentle person, just brash and abrupt. doesn’t allow others to get to know him personally and it’s not because of some traumatic bullshit really, i think it’s just due to the nature of his current circumstances. i guess in that way he’s trying to protect people from him with how anonymous are so vilified. An Advocate For Violence Because Peace Is Often Not The Answer To Get Shit Done. not a good person a lot of the time (morally grey ocs put ur hands up and wave ‘em like u jus don’t care!!) and is okay with that LMFAO. did i also mention that he’s a male manipulator
again: i prefer brainstorming over anything and i’m down for just about everything so hit me
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probablydinosaurs · 4 months
this was originally a twitter thread but mehhhh. the audience of one-two here get my insane venting instead. its 3am. I've had a rough day and I just want to list it out from worst to least worst. sorry if this is venting. again 3am. 1: my sister showed up completely unannounced, and waltzed in a fight with my other sister and her husband at their place. she had good reason to be here (she's homeless and is a fuckin ice age here. that's not a problem. we are glad she went to us for help.)-sadly she's an entitled fuck who begged my dad for cigs when we have NOTHING BUT A ROOF to give. its SCARY how poor we are. She was also VERY TRANSPHOBIC, which was not on my sister's bingo card this year. mainly about trans woman and their "complaining". my already shit sister saying terf shit was not smth i thought id hear. i was very upset about that. i haven't talked to her bc ik if i do, il cry but I've been giving her the silent treatment unless it's akward. 2: i have covid. had symptoms since like the 13th (i joked that i got it for my birthday) and its been a nightmare. i can't sleep. Eating sucks. my nose hurts. i think i blew a blood vessel in my eye. its just been the worst. 3: due to being unable to sleep, im wildly manic at 3am. i have nothing to do and no one to talk to. and im unreasonably upset that people on tiktok think Spongebob is a kid. like boi your face screams "post movie" pleaaasseee educate yourself on cartoon history. he is an adult! 4: after ALLL of this like 7 mins ago, the fire alarm randomly beeped a few times. luckily not a lot but still. stressed me the FUCK OUT. nothing is on. i think bc its the FUCKIN ICE AGE OUTSIDE, the apartment is a TAD too warm (witch its not. my feet are frozen)
5: found out today that scientists didn't start using real menstrual blood on pads/tampons till AUGUST OF LAST YEAR??? WTF WERE U USING BEFORE? That's why pads are always off SOMEHOW. SOMEHOW there's an issue. and tampons never fit right. they have been fuckin guessin for decades 6: my new cat is a needy hoe. I'm used to it but with covid and barely being able to walk/exist, her sweving between my legs is a nightmare. I always have to throw a bottle cap down the hallway just so she doesn't get in my room. 7: been on upsetting media tiktok. why the fuck is there a fandom forming around a vent cartoon about S/A???? like I won't say its bad but that's not a FANDOM THING! yall are fucked up (also it parodies the peewee's playhouse op and that bugs me. i love peewee.)
interlude: my needy hoe of a cat is named peewee (well to my mom, it's now Princess Pipsqueak but thats not a good name to say in frustration as I'm trying to exist down the hallway. also, we thought she was a boi at first and she has a face that looks like paul Reubens's. I still see it. 8: I have used up all the TP and tissues in the house and have been using paper towels to blow my nose, which is roughing up my already red sore nose. I put gold bond on my nose and it BURNED but now it feels smoother. 9: i feel like i annoy people with my Hannibal hyperfixation. i have yet to truly let it spread here but it's EVERYWHERE ELSE. (and il probs reblog this onto my hannibal blog so hiiiii) and yet it feels like no one cares. ik it's a bit niche, upsetting not everyones thing but Ive NEVER loved smth more and it hurts when i don't talk about it I just. want to get someone into it. someone else got me into it and it means a lot. I hope they are doing ok. I'm grateful they gave me my favorite hyperfixation ever. I've littrally never loved anything more. and I've been into a LOT of stuff. i was called annoying by an ex friend because i got into things too much. and to them, "too much" was anything that wasn't "i like this thing. i think this thing is good and cool. lets rp weird incest about it." (i hate my teen years) but like. that ex friend would HAAAAATE by hyperfixatiing now. i have friends to ENABLE ME NOW. 10: just added this one. kinda put two and two together that corp vtubers birthdays most likely aren't their real birthdays. everyone is celebrating a graduated corps bday and yet they moved to another company and like. no birthday in sight. and it feels weird to latch onto their old persona's bday when they are right there with probs a new (and more real maybe) birthday. you can actually go celebrate with them whenever their "new" birthday is and yet you are clinging to the past. especially since they are THRIVING where they are rn and were not happy as a bigger corp.
thats a bout it. thanks if u saw this and read. its ok if you didnt. i just had a LOT go on lately.
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awanderingmuse-ficrec · 11 months
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What We’re Given (Series)
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: Haicrescendo, @sword-and-stars​
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, Strong Language, Child Abuse, Major Injury, Imprisonment
Word Count:  39,995
Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Sokka, Aang, Katara, Zuko's Crew, Zhao, Song, Toph Beifong, Azula
Tags: Team Avatar, The Gaang, tiny zuko is in TERRIBLE PAIN, acting as a one man representative of the endangered species act, what’s a little rebellion between friends?, iroh just wants to protect his kid okay, there are wild sky bison and they are PRECIOUS, zuko will just straight up try to murder anybody who tries to mess with them, rebellion kickstarted by genocidal horror, rejection of papa-ganda, Ozai is a terrible father, honestly possibly the WORST father, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, things are similar but also very different, War Crimes, hand waving canon, zuko is tiny and full of SADNESS, and so much self loathing, what is self esteem?, we don’t know, uncle thought he’d have longer to work before we got to full treason but here we are, casually beautiful zuko, oops it’s definitely child abuse, zuko is Not Fucking Around, appa is consistently dirty and zuko is salty as hell about it, HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET LIKE THIS???a rage-filled manifesto as written by zuko, real talk tho appa is like the dirty harriet of sky bison, the crew is ride or die, abide by the rules of hospitality or perish, oops the author can’t help adding fiber arts to everything, zuko is bigger and SO IS HIS PAIN, so is his voice, uncle takes looking after his kid SUPER SERIOUSLY, childhood nightmare fuel, zuko can never remember that his alias is li, and consequently never answers to it, its a beautiful day on the jasmine dragon and you are a horrible son, uncle just wants his precious child to MAKE SOME GODDAMN FRIENDS, hand waving canon because fuck it, zuko has no chill, and is fully prepared to throw hands, baby zuko is full of angst, and very loud noise, mentions of abuse by authority figures, like this fucking kid has literally had his education sabotaged, and he doesn’t realize that that shit is Not Acceptable, zuko doesn’t realize that uncle has handpicked his crew for sass and loyalty, he’ll understand one day but that day is not today, inescapable fiber arts, zuko stress felts EVERYTHING, And Worries, second thoughts on treason but no regrets, zuko’s crew has Feelings, their commander is a casually endearing little monster and they will fight you over him, zuko is everyone who’s ever had to be polite to dickheads in a service job, he doesn’t get paid enough to put up with this bullshit, zhao is a fuckhead, showing love through endless complaining, not much happens but it’s still important, local uncle surprised to find kid needs more therapy than expected, Zuko is trying his best, his best is a little special, bison lite, sorry y’all, Discussions of Past Abuse, zuko is trying really really hard to be good at existence, he’s just not sure it’s working, reasons to not do crime: zuko will definitely steal your ostrich horse, Zuko is doing his best, coincidentally min is also doing his best, they’re handling it very differently, zukoichi the traveling masseuse, even lost I’ll throw hands, this is a fuckboy psa, as written by zuko, song gives Zuko the business, not the sexy business, the ‘hey you’re being pretty judgey and should probably stop that’ business, Canon has been taken out back and shot, the ba sing shitshow, like seriously this shit is a mess, and Zuko is a mess, be gay do crimes, but only if your names are toph and zuko, we loot because we love, if you didn’t wanna be robbed you shouldn’t have been a dick, nothing like vibing instantly with a child-sized lie detector, thank agni for toph, roof crawling for dummies, field trip to the sewer!, just a little casual attempted fratricide between friends, zuko’s sudden realization that he is a massive tea snob, how the fuck did this happen?, aang and his clue-by-four, Zuko’s no good very bad field trip to the fire nation, Ozai’s A+ Parenting, we stan one (1) uncle, Zuko may not know what’s happening but he’s definitely gonna go murder his dad, hallucinations are gr8or they would be if Zuko was actually hallucinating, the entire shits, how that is the eclipse, Zuko is having a Really Bad Day, the crew of the jasmine dragon is ride or die, in which zuko hurts everyone’s feelings just by being himself, the comfort that comes after the hurt, soft death by sky bison, descriptions of trauma, zuko’s crew is ride or die, feelings? in MY fanfic?, this is soft garbage, rip to the western air temple but I’m different, tags are hard today okay?, Unintentional Self Harm
Started out as a “What would happen if Zuko happened to rediscover sky bison while searching for the Avatar?” and turned into something more than that.
This is a series of one-shots. Please subscribe to the series for updates! <3
To Take Care
Zuko finds them at the Western Air Temple, the first that they visit after his banishment. He doesn’t mean to, and he sure as hell doesn’t go looking for them, but he finds them anyway. He bolts out of the temple, past his uncle, past their camp, and runs until he reaches a forested meadow, where he drops to his knees and throws up everything he’d eaten that day.
Or, alternately:
Zuko discovers the truth about what happened to the Air Nomads, and also rediscovers an endangered species.
To Take Pride
It’s a beautiful day on the Jasmine Dragon, the sun is shining, and Zuko has a Bad Feeling about it.
Zuko’s casual treason is interrupted by the Avatar, who is a child and a Pain In The Ass.
To Take A Break
Zuko’s fire is broken: is it the treason or is it the anxiety? Uncle takes steps to rectify this.
The Knitterlude nobody asked for
To Take Heed
[“Snap your fingers at me one more time, and I’m taking them off,” Zuko snarls at him after being snapped at once too often. Zhao rubs a hand over his sideburns and eyes him.
“Your uncle hasn’t taught you manners yet?”
“Sorry,” he replies, not sorry at all, “Snap your fingers at me one more time and I’m taking them off, Admiral.” He sees Uncle’s warning stare and shuffles a pace backwards. He hates Zhao and Zhao hates him, and they both hate the stupid game they have to play of feigned politeness when really, they each want the other to drop dead where they stand.]
Zuko is tired of Zhao’s nonsense, an important talk about surrender is a long time coming, and the Siege of the North is an absolute mess.
To Take Advantage
[Zuko doesn’t tell Uncle goodbye.
He doesn’t think that he would try and stop him, but Zuko thinks that if he has to talk about it, he’ll manage to talk himself out of it. Better to go now before he can change his mind.
Zuko packs light: a change of clothes, some nonperishables, and a few knives go into a wax-lined satchel. He’s about to leave the room when he stops to eye the swords mounted on his wall, and, well.
It’s not like he can go around firebending all over the place, he reasons, and straps them to his back.]
Zuko’s super fun, solo adventure in the Earth Kingdom.
To Take Cover
[“So,” she says, “The question is: what do we need from each other?”
“I need to warn the Avatar. Someone’s coming for him and he needs to get out of this city.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Toph replies with the frustration of somebody who’s tried really spirits-damned hard, “Not til he finds Appa.”
“Then I have to find the bison, and then get the Aang out of here. He’s not...he’s not prepared,” And Zuko can’t hold back the note of tightly controlled hysteria from his voice, “She’s going to come for him and he’s going to underestimate her, and she’s going to let him.”]
In which Zuko goes to a family reunion, commits some casual felonies, and drinks some really bad tea, not necessarily in that order.
To Take Heart
[Iroh looks awful.
He’s definitely been crying and his face looks like it’s never known how to smile, and his whole posture is slumped over like he’s suddenly aged several decades. His eyes (gold, just like Zuko’s) are sharp, though, and filled with something hard and furious.
“How could you have left him behind?” He drags out, voice rough and heavy and mad.]
What happens afterwards.
To Take Comfort
[Zuko is rocking.
That’s the first sensation he feels upon awakening. It’s a familiar feeling, as is the texture of the knit blanket he’s curled up in, as is the quiet but constant hum of machinery, deep in the belly of the Jasmine Dragon.
Zuko bolts upright and flails, once, and falls out of bed with a hard clatter. It’s his bed that he’s been sleeping in for years, and definitely not the cell that he’s been rotting in for the last...he doesn’t know how long. He doesn’t know how he got here. He doesn’t remember.]
Zuko is not okay. But he can get better.
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gaylienn · 2 years
I've been busy, working in July and August and JUST started university college, so I'm a bit late with this one. I'm stressed and anxious, but so far I'm feeling good about school, and I'm excited to learn! Anyways, I still watched a bunch of stuff
September EDIT: Guys, I've been SO busy with school, and tired and shit. It's insane. So I never got to post this, which means I'm going to add September (not that i really have had time to watch much here) I love being a lab rat tho :D Wonder if anyone even reads these anyways
TV shows
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Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area part 1
I never watched original Money Heist show (yet) so I went into this blind, but I enjoyed it a lot. It's a group of different kind of people lead by The Professor conducting a big money heist in the near future where North and South Korea are unifying. Obviously they've got a whole plan, involving hostages and printing all the money themselves. The group's participants all have different stories and different levels of morals, so there's a lot of clashing in how to handle the situation, and there's also all the hostages playing along. It's got tense moments, more chill moments and plot twists! Only half the season is out so far, so I'm looking very much forward to part 2
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The Guest
Didn't know exactly what to expect from this, feel like it could easily become too silly for my taste, but honestly I think it was really good! It's about a psychic, a catholic exorcist and a "skeptic" joining forces to hunt down and get rid of a strong malicious spirit/demon of some kind. If you like supernatural horror, Korean myths and clashing beliefs coming together, check this show out!
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The Black Phone
I haven't read the story this is based on, but my friend and I went to watch this in the cinemas, and it was pretty good! back in the 80s (i think) kids are disappearing from a neighborhood one by one, to never be seen again. Our main character, who knew a few of the disappeared kids, get taken himself by Ethan Hawke's menacing character, and afterwards is kept in a basement, where he is met with the titular Black Phone. I don't want to say too much more about this more, but definitely check it out!
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Deaf woman and her mother are being chased down by crazy axe murderer? What more is there really to say to this? I really enjoyed this movie, but gotta admit, we laughed way more than we were at the edge of our seats in this "thriller" Still, very good movie.
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Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds & The Last 49 Days
I honestly didn't expect to like these movies as much as I did. They're true South Korean blockbusters, with big bombastic CGI (which at times was very silly, but it worked!) We follow three reapers from the afterworld, who has a deal with the King of the afterworld, that if they manage to reincarnate a certain amount of good people in a certain amount of time, they themselves can get reincarnated. The thing is, for regular people to get reincarnated, they have to go through 7 trials in 49 days where their sins will be tried. If they get trough these 7 trials without being sentenced to punishment, they can get reincarnated in the end. The three reapers/guardians are their defense lawyers. Both movies follow each a human being represented by the three guardians, but the movies are really about these three guardians and their relationships and their story. Check them out! There was apparently two more movies planned out, but I dont know if theyre ever becoming anything.
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Blood Machines
I saw a gif set of this here on tumblr and was sold, it looked amazing. I checked it out during a jigsaw puzzle session while destressing before starting my new education. It's basically just a 50 minute music video for Carpenter Brut. Ok, so its a homage to classic 80s synth sci fi whatever, and yeah.. It got all that, Synth, sci fi and whatever. The acting and the story couldve been way better, first of all i don't really know what happened. This is necessarily a bad thing, but they also tended to fall back on some old rather bad cliches. That said, visually and auditory, this movie / mini-series was incredible! The soundtrack is by far why you check this one out, the colours and pictures aiding this. If you like synthwave and the aesthetic of 80s sci fi, definitely check this out. It's 50 minutes, and split up in a few "episodes"
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The Closet
Father and daughter moves into new house after they lost their wife/mother in a car accident. The father is struggling mentally and also busy with his work. The daughter gets abducted by her closet. Now the father and a paranormal investigator teams up to bring his daughter back before it's too late. The concept of this horror/thriller film is interesting, it focuses a lot on human connection and abandonment. It's not something new, you can tell for most of it where the story is going. The movie also suffers from being a tad too short, so you never really manage to actually get to know you main characters. I've seen people online this movie has LGBT themes, and I people are wrong. I guess if you squint, you can interpret the two male leads end up having something going on by the end of the movie, but honestly, don't watch this is thats what you want. 7/10
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I love Jordan Peele's work. Nope is amazing! It got spooky horror AND exceptional commentary on trauma and spectacle. Look, just believe me, watch this if you haven't already.
Video Games
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You're a little cat in a postapocalyptic cyberpunk era where all humans are extinct (or are they?) and instead these abssolutely adorable robots are the main inhabitants. It's a fun little puzzle platformer, with so much heart and characters and a cute little story, that I think anyone would enjoy! I love the aesthetic of it so much!
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Splatoon 3
Nintendo knows what they're doing with splatoon and its so amazing. It's just more of the good stuff from Splatoon 1 and 2, and with new lovable characters, new weapons, outfits, stages, and main campaign. Play it! Definitely wish i had friends who played too
0 notes
Season 1 Episode 6
This episode opens with a recap of the previous episodes, and a moment that…never happened between Ian and Kash, but was included in the recap. And I looked. It’s not even in a deleted scene they gave us. Who edits this shit?? Who writes these lines?? What did Kash say to warrant this response from Ian?? 
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Ian’s Queer Education was needed way before Trevor. At least now he knows that gender is a construct.
The episode opens up to Fiona and Steve getting frisky while Debbie makes Carl breakfast. Carl was a really freaky kid. This is him burning his action figures.
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Before Steve could finish (his fault--he wasn’t focusing), the lights go out. Fiona runs out to meet Hector, telling him she forgot to pay the bill even though they have it. This is the sort of storyline that makes Shameless great. It honestly doesn’t affect any of the other storylines (Fiona’s stress about Carl, Lip’s SAT stuff, Frank’s bad guy shit, Mickey stealing from the Kash and Grab), but it adds to Fiona’s constant underlying stress to keep this family afloat at all times. And it serves as a reminder that this show at its core is about a very poor American family. Poverty in America! Never forget!
Karen informs Sheila that it’s parents’ night at school. She invites ‘Daddy Frank’, knowing Sheila probably can’t and not wanting Eddie there at all. Frank refuses.
Lip gets a visitor who doesn’t wanna pay full price for a paper--gfy Warren. Ian is emptying out the fridge so the food doesn’t spoil. Fiona is annoyed with Steve because she blames him for distracting her, making her forget to pay the bill.
Linda is back and giving Kash shit for short inventory. Some assholes show up at the Gallagher house. The kids are heading out to school. Carl hands Fiona a note and Fiona says it’s from last Friday and it’s now Wednesday. I’m assuming It’s Wednesday Dec 15th.
The assholes from earlier enter the Gallagher house looking for Frank. Luckily, the Killing Bat is right on the couch. They threaten Fiona because Frank owes them 6 grand. Who gives Frank 6 grand!
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Ian, Lip, and Karen are speaking to a potential customer. Sheila uses a VR headset to mimic leaving the house. Fiona finds Frank at the Alibi, obviously, to ask about the assholes that came by the house, and he gives her a bullshit story. She also tells him to show up for Carl’s parent night. He refuses. Is it just me, or does Frank especially suck in season 1?
Anyway, those men show up, too, and scare Frank off right after he proclaims that no one scares Frank Gallagher. Once more, Frank’s ability to hang on to his beer is astounding.
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He’s running and drinking at the same time! This should be an Olympic sport! (Heh--timely joke)
Sheila fails at the VR activity. Fiona is in line to pay the electricity bill. Steve is stealing a car. Ian, Lip, and Karen are hanging out in the bathroom smoking and discussing Lip’s rather interesting ideas about mastering the book report. Shoulda used this shit in university. Some of Lip’s previous customers come by to show their gratitude.
Fiona tries to speak to Carl’s teacher and principal. Carl made a papier-mache poop. The teacher isn’t impressed. They’re pretty rude about it. Now these are the kind of educators that should be forced to stay for Saturday detention. Assholes.
Sheila is begging Frank to go to Karen’s parent night. Frank refuses again. Those men come looking for Frank at Sheila’s. Frank escapes while they take their shoes off. They’re criminals, but they respect Sheila’s home, bless their hearts. 
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(Quick side note: we see a view of Frank’s shoes and one shoe lace is still different from episode 2. The costume consistency is amazing. If only the timeline was too.)
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We find out who’s been stealing from the Kash and Grab and it’s Mickey 😍. I did notice this thing he does. Mickey’s waiting outside the Kash and Grab to go inside. He waits until Linda leaves before he makes his entrance. He’s not there to threaten a woman, which is very Mickey.
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Mickey grabs a box of his favourite snackies, and he’s even super helpful with Kash’s inventory.
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He’s so fucking cute while stealing. And Ian is even cuter when he’s upset about Mickey stealing. This is Ian’s ‘Mickey is stealing stuff and I’m not happy about it’ face.
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We get a flashback of Terry who used to steal from the Kash and Grab. Terry is apparently in prison. Guess he doesn’t stay there long.
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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I guess Terry and I have one thing in common and that’s our hatred of Kash. 
Anyway, Mickey all but invites Ian to come fuck him on his way out.
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Fiona gets the lights back on. Lip writes another SAT test but gets caught. Karen blackmails Frank into going to parents’ night. Linda finds out about Mickey’s stealing shit and takes Ian and Kash shooting under the L. Linda is a very good shot. Kash is not. But Ian--well.
Could you imagine if Mickey were to have witnessed this moment--
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--followed by this smirk?
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Mickey woulda cum his pants at this little display.
Lip takes a new SAT and gets every question correct. The fact that he is this brilliant makes how he ends up such a tragedy. I get seriously in my feels when it comes to Lip.
Anyway, this educator threatens Lip with bodily harm. Once more, the educators on this show need to find other jobs. Or an anger management class. He’s 16 dude.
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Fiona and Lip go to Carl’s school again. These assholes want to kick Carl out. They suggest a lobotomy. And this is one of the nicer things they say about Carl. I hate these assholes. Honestly, I know a lot of teachers, and not a single one would ever say anything like this.
Frank goes with Karen to parent night. The Home Alone robbers wanna be’s find him. Steve comes in and saves the day by sharing a joint with the principal and offering a teacher discount for more weed in exchange for keeping Carl in school.
On the way out, they run into Frank and Karen. The Gallagher kids are heartbroken that he’d show up for Karen and not them. At home, they have an intervention for Carl so that he could stop beating the crap out of all the other kids.
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Frank is an asshole and we know it. He never does a kind thing for his kids. And then there’s a scene like this one with Sheila and, he’s so kind to her, especially when it would be easy not to be, like Eddie is. Moments like this are why this show is brilliant.
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Steve makes all these promises about how he’s gonna stick around and that Fiona has to stop being so afraid. We know better.
One of Lip’s old customers whose score has been invalidated shows up at the house. He’s unhappy, but Killer Carl saves the day. This kid becomes a cop, guys. A COP.
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What a great episode! And to make things very simple for me, this whole episode takes place in one day, and I believe that day is Wednesday, December 15th. Pretty straight forward, I think.
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marktuansvevo · 3 years
got7 reacts to something theyve never experienced before in a relationship
warning(s); slight cursing, sexual content in bam’s part
mark; being jealous
mark understood why his past partners could be jealous of him in his line of work. as long as it didn’t get out of hand, he thought it was cute. he was never the jealous one in the relationship. he didn’t even know what jealousy felt like....
....until tonight.
you were mark’s entire world. you excited him, you built him up like no other. never before could he see himself spending his life with someone before you came along. you made the world brighter to him.
but now he was only seeing red. 
you had been a trainee and never debuted, which you weren’t too upset about, you had a boyfriend you loved and a career with less physical and time demands than being in the entertainment industry. this meant that you knew a lot of other bands, stray kids being one of them. chan was, quite frankly, your best friend during your trainee days, so when you saw him at this afterparty you were attending with mark, you threw yourself into his arms.
mark just watched you from afar.
and his blood boiled.
chan spun you around in his arms, the biggest smile on his stupid, handsome face. “yah!! y/n! mark didn’t say you’d be here.”
you giggled, trying to keep your tears at bay. you put your hands on his face, poking his dimples. mark scoffed at the blush that was forming on his friend’s face. “god, chan i missed you so much.”
“bro, you look constipated,” bam snuck up behind him. “dude, your face is so red right now.”
mark rolled his eyes. “these parties are so annoying.” he didn’t take his eyes off of you as you caught up with chan, who still had his hand around your waist.
bam followed his line of vision. “shit, you’re not constipated, you’re jealous. yugyeom, come look at him!”
mark walked away from his intoxicated friends and up to you. you smiled at him before returning to your conversation with chan. 
“y/n, we have to go,” mark said lowly, smiling a sickly fake smile at chan, who immediately dropped his hand from your waist. 
“why, baby, we just got here? are you not feeling good?” you asked. he wanted to feel bad, your voice was laced with concern.
“something like that. see you, chan.”
as you got in the car, you smiled at him, poking his cheek. “somebody’s jealous, huh?”
“huh? of chan? i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he clenched his jaw, not making eye contact with you as he steered his car out of the parking lot. you were giggling now.
“you’re cute when you’re jealous. maybe i should make more time for chan.”
jaebeom; wearing disguises in public
jaebeom never thought he would have to dress up in a disguise to go out in public. and jae would never want to put you in such a position. it was draining, and you, as his girlfriend knew that he despised it.
but you wanted to go to a concert with him.
and you wanted to stand in the pit with him and be part of it. don’t get you wrong, you loved when he bought you suite seats or could watch his shows from backstage, but you wanted to sway to ariana grande in th pit with your boyfriend.
“cmon, jae, i think everyone is going to be paying attention to ari. we can skip the opening act?” you suggested.
“y/n, i don’t want to take a chance...im sorry,” he pouted at you. you sighed, trying to figure out what to do.
“what about disguises?” he said. “like, we could wear our halloween costumes?” you were giggling to yourself, but your boyfriend seemed like the idea.
“i could wear my jesus wig and you could paint a beard on me?” he said with serious eyes.
“jae, you hate going out in disguises.”
“true...but, babe, this will be fun. you could wear your sailor mars wig, it’d be cute,”
okay, this was a really cute idea and you were warming up to it...if it made your boyfriend more comfortable to be out in a crowd of so many people, you were down to try it out.
“this really feels like halloween in july,” you giggled as you used mascara to draw a beard on his chin.
“do I look like jesus??” he asked childishly.
“well, you don’t look like im jaebeom of got7, that’s for sure,”
“you look like an egirl,” he laughed at himself. “don’t hate, you know you love it,” you said. “we look so cute, let’s take a mirror selfie and post in later,”
“no, then people will be on to us,” your boyfriend sent a pout in your direction as he looked at his makeshift beard in the mirror. “I look sexy as fuck in a beard,”
“super sexy aegyo please?”
the two of you arrived at the arena, not be noticed by anyone, but jae was still on edge, so you held his hand tight as you made your way into the pit.
“im so excited!!” you shouted over the noise. he shook his head before leaning in to kiss you. the two of you danced the whole night away to arianas crooning, his arms around you as you swayed to her pretty, soothing voice. the two of you let the world fade away while ariana sang honeymoon ave in the background.
jackson; his significant other saying ily first.
it was no secret that jackson was stock full of love and kindness. he had had other partners before you, all with him ending up getting too attached, or scaring them away when he said “I love you” too early.
he did not want to scare you away, and honestly, he had known he loved you two months into dating, but he didn’t want to scare you away, so he never outwardly said those three little words to you.
he wasn’t expecting you to say it, first though.
you had invited him over for dinner and a movie, just wanting a chill night in with your boyfriend. he brought the wine and promised to give you a back massage, so really, what more could you want on this chilly thursday night?
“what’s been going on, honey? you know you can tell me anything,” jackson whispered into your ear as he helped you out of your clothes.
“I feel like I deserve to oversee my department at work. i have the most education of all of them, more experience than them, and generally, I am more optimistic than my superiors….,” you sighed, letting him rub just under your shoulder blades, which had been itching all week.
“i think they might be scared of powerful women who like to wear hot pink fendi suits to work,” you smiled, knowing he would be offended at your joke. you could almost feel him pouting.
“so the reason you can’t get the job is because your superiors don’t like the suits your boyfriend buys you? wow, what a way to hurt a guy’s pride…,” he followed your lead on the joke, trying to make you laugh because he knew this was really getting to you. “baby, I think you should go to their boss and see if you can get a promotion…tell them everything you told me, okay? i know you’re not only the best woman for the job, but the best person for the job…period,” he said, making you feel so overwhelmed with emotion. none of your previous partners had ever revered you the way jackson had. you felt so incredibly blessed and in love, you couldn’t help yourself.
“god, jackson, I love you so much,” you whispered.
the movement of his soft hands on your back stopped abruptly at your words. ‘oh god, was it too early to say that?’
“j-jackson…im sorry-“
“ive been waiting to say that to you,” he breathed against your lips, closing the distance that was between them.
“jackson wang….you love me?” you could feel the tears building. the man of your dreams was in love with you, too.
“i love you,” he whispered reverently.
“say it again,” you begged. he said it like a mantra.
“i love you, i love you….i love you..”
jinyoung; moving in together
jinyoung thought you were so cute. you were ecstatic to move with jinyoung. you had been living in your shared apartment with your mom your whole life and we’re excited to start a new chapter of your life. jinyoung didn’t think you were taking in the fact that moving is one of the most stressful things a person can go through.
he didn’t want to rain on your parade, though.
the two of you got settled into your new apartment after a long day of unpacking. jinyoung kissed you as you laid onto your new king sized bed. “im gonna grab takeout, you want your usual?” he asked sweetly, squeezing your hand. you just nodded, squeezing his hand back.
you watched as jinyoung walked out of your shared bedroom. that’s when the dam broke. you were so overwhelmed. you didn’t know how to make warm water happen in your shower, you didn’t have your wifi set up, and you forgot your favorite teddy bear at your moms. you missed teddy and your wifi and your mom.
“hey, i ordered you two egg rolls and they gave us three - hey, baby, are you crying?”
“no,” you replied lamely. “I miss teddy,” you wailed miserably.
“teddy...the...stuffed bear?” he asked.
“i slept with him every night for the past 20 something years.”
“baby...we can get your bear in the morning...,”
“we don’t have netflix set up so how am i supposed to sleep tonight?”
“y/n...,” he chuckled. you frowned harder now that he was laughing at you. “moving isn’t as exciting as it looks. tomorrow, we will fix the wifi, okay? and we can visit your mom and rescue teddy.”
“okay...okay. im sorry, im just a bit overwhelmed,” you confessed.
“its gonna be okay, honey. it’s a lot to take in, i know. but you can hold me instead of teddy, and ill sing you to sleep,” he whispered, the takeout now long forgotten. before you could fall asleep, he pulled his iphone out of his back pocket and pulled you into his chest to take a selfie. “there. now we have a picture of us in our bed for the first time.”
“i love you, you sap.”
even though you called him the sap, the next day you went to the pharmacy to get the photo printed and frame it. when jinyoung came home from the market that day, he eyed the frame on your bed stand, smirking at you.
“oh, so im the sap, hmm?”
youngjae; picking up the tab
it was the first date the two of you had been on since youngjae had been on tour. he told you to get dressed up and that the two of you would go out for a fancy dinner and catch up on everything. this is why you loved him, because while you wanted to hear all about his stories of life and tour abroad, he always wanted to hear about everything that was going at home, to see if you were alright.
youngjae looked dazzling in a black checked suit, while you matched him with a little black dress that made him groan when you stepped out of the bathroom. “can we skip dinner?” he’d ask cheekily. you rolled your eyes at him before kissing him on the cheek. “we aren’t skipping dinner, and we definitely won’t be skipping dessert,” you winked before leading him to the car.
the two of you ate dinner together, him holding your hand and looking at you with stars in his eyes as you told him stories that had happened while he was away. you ordered appetizers, drinks, shared an entrée, and youngjae even ordered you a slice of apple pie for the two of you to share.
“baby, I’m going to go use the restroom,” youngjae said before kissing your hand. “’kay, don’t get mugged, please,” you teased him. he shook his head at your playfulness. you watched as he left before frantically waving your arms at your waitress. she ran over to you, checking if you were alright.
“I just wanted to wonder if I can pick up the cheque really quick? I wanted to pick it up for my boyfriend as a surprise,” you spoke in a hushed tone, making the waitress giggle. she nodded her head before handing it to her. you handed her your credit card, thanking her before your boyfriend had any suspicions of what you were up to.
youngjae came out of the bathroom as soon as the waitress set the cheque down. you were applying your lipstick so you couldn’t snatch it in time. you watched as his pretty brown eyes scanned the receipt, looking confused as ever. “is this a joke? what kind of waitress lets the girlfriend pay?”
“jae,” you giggled. “you don’t always have to pay for dinner. I wanted to treat you…I missed you so much,” you confided, watching his expression from anger into warmth.
“oh, thank you honey, you are so sweet and thoughtful, I love you so much,” you let him wrap his suit jacket around your arms before planting a kiss to your forehead. “but that will be the last time you ever do that.”
“shut up, i like doing nice things for you,” you pouted.
“since you paid for dinner tonight, i have to put out, right?”
he ran to the car before you could slap him in the chest.
bam; his s/o borrowing his clothes
remember how joey never shared his food? well that’s how bam was with his wardrobe. he was very particular about his clothing, not letting people borrow them at all. yugyeom used to steal his clothes just to be petty and piss his best friend off. he had never let past partners borrow his clothes, and nothing was going to change, it wasn’t his fault, it was an obsession. if you were sure of one thing, it was to not steal your boyfriends clothes.
but one day, while he was gone from work, you thought you would take pictures of yourself in only one of his blazers to tease him.
you weren’t expecting him to walk through the door while you were trying to take self timer pictures of yourself.
“baby? what are you doing?” bam asked, laughing as you let out a squeal of surprise.
“i..i wanted to surprise you...,” he tsked, pulling away to look at his blazer. “i know you don’t like me wearing your things..,” you stammered as he circled you.
“you have such pretty things, though, bam,”
“you look so sexy in this,” he purred. “you were trying to get me worked up while im trying to work?”
“u...uhhh,” you couldn’t think coherently with you boyfriend acting so domineering. you gasped as he slid his hand up to your cunt, rubbing your clit in little circles. “bam...please...,” you groaned. 
“keep the blazer on,” he said as you writhed in his grip.
“its gonna get all sweaty though and then you’ll yell at me,” you teased him as you followed him to the bed. 
bam just groaned. “baby, im sorry I haven’t let you borrow my clothes before but you look better in them than me. now, let me fuck you and i promise you can have anything you want in that closet.”
he knew exactly how to shut you up.
yugyeom; his s/o buying him flowers
yugyeom was always so stressed during comeback season. you always scolded him when he forgot to eat, or wasn’t staying hydrated enough, but you were so proud of him. seeing the smile on his face and the way he walked a little taller was so worth it.
he was still busy during comeback season, coming home late after all the videos he had to shoot for publicity.
one night, yugyeom had gotten home around midnight to a bouquet of pink roses and a handwritten note from you. it read; “I am so proud of you, my love. congrats on breath… I can always feel your love,” he blushed and giggled to himself, thinking, “isn’t the guy supposed to buy the girlfriend the flowers?” he wandered into your shared bedroom to see you sprawled into his side, with your book in your hands, a soft snore leaving your lips. he nudged you, not intending to wake you up, he could thank you in the morning. but he did accidentally. “yeom?” you whispered. 
“shh, baby go back to sleep,” he shushed, changing into his pjs. 
“did you like the flowers?” you asked, suddenly awake now. 
“theyre really pretty, baby, but aren’t I supposed to buy you the flowers?” 
you narrowed your eyes at him. “not my boyfriend being a sexist,” 
“yah! y/n stop it, I didn’t mean it that way!! I love them, you remembered I said I love roses,” he was pouting now, pulling you into his chest to spoon you. his voice got quieter now. “no one’s ever remembered my favorite flowers…much less bought them for me,” he paused, kissing the back of your neck before closing his eyes and falling fast asleep.
he was whipped.
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Riza Hawkeye as a child/young teen but she's just this Annie Oakley ass prodigal sharp shooter little shit who cuts her hair off with kitchen scissors and runs absolutely buckwild in the woods on her father's estate terrorizing small animals (humanely hunting I'm just being dramatic)
Roy boy is just this awkward nerdy little cornball who wants to get along, but they also kinda have that dynamic from the Swan Princess when Derek and Odette were kids ya feel me? Just watch the childhood montage from that movie you'll understand- ☠️
They have like nothing in common at the time (so they assume) and yet they end up thick as thieves cause Riza hasn't had many friends that she can see outside of her education and had an extremely isolated upbringing, so this goofy sweet baby faced dork just got her like that, even if he sometimes drives her nuts a little bit.
Riza would get upset fairly often bc her neglected social and emotional upbringing would get to her (bc realistically,,,,we know that was the case), and Roy got extremely good at knowing when she's upset and would often be the one to listen to her air her thoughts out (callback to the phone call scene after her encounter with pride, this lends background to how he knows her so well and reads her stress levels like a book even over the phone)
Mundane headcanons:
Roy would transmute little clay/dirt doves and targets for Riza bc he was worried about her shooting glass bottles and other assorted not necessarily safe objects.
Roy is trans, I can't untrans him that's just who he is to me. Riza is a self declared tomboy who I hc as nonbinary/demigirl. They're also bi4bi it's canon Arakawa told me.
Riza didn't really know good birthdays, and when Roy realized this it broke his heart bc Chris always tried to remember stuff like that for him and she's not even his own biological mother. So, he made an annual routine of gifting her something (often transmuted and unique).
Riza loved being out in nature back then and knew the wooded areas around the estate like the back of her own hand, when she and Roy had warmed up more to one another she made a routine of showing him all the neat little spots she'd found in the area for one reason or another, just for the sake of sharing that with someone. These remain some of their fondest memories.
Riza would be more likely to go out to shoot targets when she was angry or upset, if she was having a good day and had the time she would be more likely to go hunting because she enjoyed the hiking and tracking but couldn't focus on it when internally upset. Roy eventually figured this out as well.
Riza climbed so many trees, rocks, outcroppings, etc- and was always scraped up from something she probably shouldn't have climbed getting the better of her.
Riza used to have a nanny birddog named Otto, but he passed away before Roy came around, so making a new friend in him after that loss was a big comfort to her. She was hesitant to have other dogs until Hayate.
They're both autistic.
Relatedly, Riza would go nonverbal and lock herself in her room sometimes. Roy, concerned, would approach this by slipping little notes under the door offering company if needed, while not pushing her to talk.
Riza would sing/hum while doing chores or out and about exploring and on every occasion Roy overheard this he'd turn red from ear to ear- if she caught it and realized he'd heard she'd be twice as embarrassed.
Riza would take Roy foraging and showed him some useful/edible plants, and safe berries and mushrooms that she knew in the region. He was honestly always pretty impressed, especially considering some mushrooms that are safe have toxic siblings that look identical.
Both of them are varying levels of nerd. Riza is the type who's full of trivia, especially weird facts about her special interests (animal behavior, guns, bushcraft, navigation and tracking stuff, etc), Roy started out neutral to this but over time infosharing kinda became their love language, and he'd start to infodump right back. They'd spend hours like that some days.
Riza knows constellations really well for navigational reasons, and there were times that she showed Roy a way to get onto the roof from the attic and they'd stargaze. She would teach folk names of constellations, regional lore behind them, navigational uses for them etc; Roy would tell her basic facts about space and astronomy that come with understanding of alchemy.
Riza typically stuck to small prey (rabbits, fowl, easy to retrieve misc.), but Roy had an awakening when Riza first killed a whole ass deer (albeit a young one) and came back with it thrown over both shoulders with the determined energy of a small lionness.
Riza is REALLY good at cooking and baking because she had a bit too much free time to fuck around in the kitchen. She also learned how to cure and smoke meats bc of her hunting. It certainly helped them stay well fed.
Roy developed a habit of cooking for the household pretty regularly in a swapped routine with Riza after only a while of being around because he saw how much she had to be self sufficient in almost every way and honestly just wanted to relieve her of the constant responsibility and self parentification. He'd also help with chores constantly.
Roy had major internal conflict even early on because he respected his teacher greatly for his intelligence and brilliance, but also kned that Riza wasn't being raised well, and that no matter what he does, Berthold can only decline mentally. This is the root of his protective and caretaking behavior with her, ultimately.
Roy doodled and sketched a lot back in the day and had a little booklet that he guarded with his life bc it started out random assorted things, but eventually devolved into a book full of cute little doodles of mostly Riza jammed into the last half of the book (She can never know-). He still has it stored away.
Riza could easily pick him up even then, this never changed. She got to show this once when he sprained his ankle on a hike with her and she held half his weight as a crutch with no strain to herself. He never quite recovered from that (but boy did it make his crush worse).
Roy would notice rarely he'd have a shirt go missing and never could figure out why til he'd find Riza wearing an identical shirt. (She told herself it's just cause they're cozy of course- she just likes boys clothes too! They look nice under overalls and are comfortable to sleep in! nothing more /s) They never said a word about it even though it was right in front of them, they couldn't dare.
Roy had a bike, and she'd ride behind him down some of the rural roads and paths that could support it for fun sometimes.
During winter the home would get pretty chilly because of its size and not enough stoves/fireplaces to fully warm the declining estate, so when snowed in on miserably cold winter days they'd usually end up reclined in the study by the space heater or in the loungeroom by the fireplace reading separately, but still occasionally talking back and forth.
Riza stopped hunting post-Ishval. She couldn't bring herself to derive that same innocent pride and appreciation for the circle of life she once had, and felt she no longer deserved to have that respectful exchange with the cycle of life and death after what her skills had been used for. She never stops going to shooting ranges, but it's either for standard upkeep of practice or to vent.
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d-criss-news · 3 years
Actor And Producer Darren Criss Reveals His Creative Process
The producer, singer and actor talks his approach to songwriting, discovering his sound and how he’s ready for the next chapter.
We don’t know about you, but we’re currently experiencing the Bank Holiday blues. With the realisation that our days of summer maybe coming to an end were in need of uplifting sounds and singer-songwriter Darren Criss is keeping the energy going with his fun-filled EP “Masquerade”. Between the slick alt-pop productions and high-octane energy, the artist puts his theatrical abilities and prowess at the forefront of the EP. Laced with serene dance floor-ready melodies, the actor and musician instantly gets the party going on the project, kicking it off with “f*kn around”.
“The dirty secret is that every song is character-driven,” the artist revealed when discussing the project. “I just chose wording that could perhaps aid people into understanding this exploration of genre, this self-aware exploration of genre a little more. For those people that only know me as an actor, I’m trying to guide them into this notion of music and songs being a form of acting.”
No newcomer to the scene, the artist has spent the past decade gracing our screens in the cult favourite Glee and the thrilling Assassination of Versace: American Crime Story. Wanting to continue his musical journey in the form of producing and writing, we caught up with the multi-faceted artist talking his growth over the years, staying creative in a pandemic and how he’s ready for the next chapter.
Check out the interview below now…
Hey Darren, how are you? How has this past year been for you? It’s a strange question to answer because everybody’s answer is so much more complicated than what you can say in a quick easy tight polite answer. You know, I’m well, as well as one could be given the situation. I feel, you know, luckier than most. Even with the music that I just put out there’s still more that I’d like to do, but I got to do even more than I thought I’d be able to. So that tends to be kind of the theme of the past year and a half. I feel like I’ve been so consumed by working on so many things for so long, that not a lot of people outside of my inner circle know about that. You know, it’s been a lot of high output but seemingly low visibility. So now finally getting to put out some of these things and talk about them… tipped scale of visibility versus output is hopefully having a chance to even out for a bit, to where the amount of work I’ve put in can somehow match that people you know may or may not know about what I’m doing. You know, I’ve been really busy. I’m the kind of guy where if you give me a white canvas it’s a more…I wouldn’t say stressful, but I’m more likely to fill up a blank canvas immediately with as much shit as possible – I guess that is more stressful than having only a few places to fit things in, and I usually keep pretty busy. Ironically when I’m really busy, that’s when I can get stuff done. Like you know that phrase ‘if you want something done ask the busiest person in the room’, and I think there’s a degree of truth to that because you know, the chaos kind of begets chaos, and productivity begets productivity, and in a lack of anything else to do it was like ‘I wanna do all these things!’ and then it gets really crammed, so it’s nice to be kind of simmering down from this overwhelming call to arms to get as many things done as I could with this new unprecedented free time that I had. So, in short, I guess, am well if you wanna use that! I feel, I’m just relieved that a lot of this stuff can exist somewhere outside of my head but it’s a complicated answer, I’ve been able to do a lot more than I thought I’d be able to.
With everything that happened last year, was your creativity affected? The time that it yielded is the kind of time that a lot of creative people fantasise about. Of course, we would have all preferred it in a very different way when you say ‘if only I had time to sit down and work on this’. I think we all have; I say creative people but we all say, ‘if only I had time to paint the kitchen, learn a language, get in shape’, you know do something different that requires a bit of time and focus. We were all given that golden ticket, of course take that with a massive grain of salt, I’m fully aware of the price with which that came, of course if we had the choice, I don’t think any of us would have wanted it to happen the way it did. But none the less, for those of us who did take the time to focus, to hopefully be productive and proactive with the situation we were thrown into, it was creatively beneficial to finally get to address things that had been sitting kind of on deck and dormant in my mind, and it was just a matter of having the time to give them any attention. One of the joys of jumping between acting and music is there is a battle of time commitment, because neither one is a thing you can do casually. If you’re acting in something, there’s a great degree of scheduling that really eats up a large chunk of your day. While I’m in an acting project, I’m writing stuff and playing music but the actual logistics of producing music is as time consuming as the acting. I am envious of people that can kind of just show up, sing a song and leave. I, unfortunately, am not that kind of person. Writing a song is only a small piece of putting music out. Production really does take a large part of my emotional and intellectual efforts, and I really dive in head on. And that’s not even mentioning the promotional side of it. So, it really does take a lot of time to dive into those things, and I was finally given that. If anything, it was hard to decide what part of my musical menu that I wanted to serve up. It just came to a matter of what felt right at the time, what seemed fun. I kind of wanted to put out something that was positive and fun, and unapologetically so. And something that really showed up for a side of me that I felt like hadn’t been represented in the past. The musician side, and unfortunately, we haven’t been able to perform these very much. We’ve done little videos here and there. Stuff that really showed my roots as a musician, a garage rock guy, a guy that really likes getting in the weeds of production. In the past I’ve put up things that are a little more analogue, singer-songwritey, and this is more me as a producer and a musician.
How did you first get into music, what sparked the interest? Well, I’ve been playing music my whole life, and not casually either. It’s such a massive part of my identity, and that’s one of the main driving forces of me wanting to put out as much music as I possibly can. These five songs on this EP are a small part of a much larger body of work that I’m dying to get out whenever I can. When you’re a songwriter, or just in general a creative person, you have more ideas back logged than your body can execute. This is only a small part of a much larger puzzle, and a lot of these songs, the ones that I’ve put out and the ones I’m still trying to put out, are ghosts that have been haunting me however many years., some more than a decade, some more than two decades. The reason I mention this is because I’m trying to illustrate how pivotal music and making music has been throughout my life. I started playing violin when I was 5, and that was a big part of my cultural education, learning how to play an instrument that is so dynamic and requires a pretty specific ear and technical ability. Now I’m not saying I was fantastic at the violin, but I think the training that I had on it from 5 until my late teens really shaped the way that I would create music and think about music, certainly as a writer and a producer, but with just how I would jump between other instruments as well, because the violin was such a great touchstone for me to end up taking up the piano or guitar, or drums, or other instruments that would really formulate how I create music. Between being the orchestra nerd kid that played a lot of music throughout my young life, and also being the guy that would play in bands, its just been such a huge part of my life. As I’ve gotten older and gotten to understand this other version of myself that exists in more of a public view, that has little to do with that I know, I have started to notice that person, that avatar of myself, isn’t necessarily associated with music. And that was troubling to me, so I wanted to rectify that.”
And now you’ve just dropped your EP, talk us through your mindset going into the project? If I was just a recording artist, and that’s all I did, I’d like to think that I’d have a much larger body of work to show for. I feel like a lot of songwriters feel this way. There is just simply too much music…now I’m not gonna say it’s all fantastic, there’s a reason you have to triage the ones that you think are the best at the time, and there are many songs that I feel would be outdated, they feel very of the time 10 years ago. But you’re always trying to put your best foot forward with the pile you have lurking behind you. So, it is a hard thing to decide which thing you want to put out. Killing your darlings is always a hard thing, figuring out which ones to really focus on is difficult and it usually comes down to who you decide to collaborate with – right before the pandemic was one of the most tumultuous times of my career where I was producing and acting in a show for Netflix, and I was also kind of show running, acting, writing music for, editing, doing everything for this other show I created called ‘Royalties’ on another platform. I was doing both at the same time, and one of the things that made this possible was the people that I would collaborate with. A young man by the name of CJ Baron who I produced and wrote this EP with, he’s sort of the midwife that I chose out of working on Royalties because we had a lot of great songs together. I keep referring to myself as a producer, but I do it from a much more cerebral space, whereas he is a much better technical producer than I am. We really shared a lot in common, so by the time I realised that I wanted to make a piece of music you have to decide ‘who do I want to go down this yellow brick road with?’ And when I decide with CJ, that kind of already hinted at the kind of music that I would put out because he has his own fingerprint, and so I thought there’s something that I have that might mesh well with that fingerprint, so that kind of helps the decision process along of what songs am I gonna put out. But in another world CJ wasn’t interested, so then I think ‘Okay let me try and produce an album with this person’, and that person would reveal a different selection of songs. I’m very open to seeing what the universe is allowing and pushing towards, and I kind of follow that northern star to figure out what songs I’m gonna put out. But the mindset was always ‘put something out’, on a completely pragmatic level. What did I want to have to show for if whenever we got out of this crazy, new age of ‘what does this pandemic mean? We have time to do stuff, when it’s over what do I want to sit there and say that I accomplished?’ And at the very least I needed to put out a few songs, so that was really my mindset – no excuses, this is the time that you used to hope for, and so what are you gonna do if you’ve got the golden ticket, you’ve won the time lottery – so don’t fuck it up Darren! That was my mindset.
You describe them as character-driven singles, why is this? The dirty secret is that every song is character-driven, I just chose wording that could perhaps aid people into understanding this exploration of genre, this self-aware exploration of genre a little more. For those people that only know me as an actor, I’m trying to guide them into this notion of music and songs being a form of acting. The number one question I always get it ‘which one do you prefer?’ and I always say they are the same to me. When I’m an actor I treat characters, characterisation of my voice and body, characterisation of how I deliver words like a piece of music. You’re scoring it the same way, there’s cadence, dynamics, volume, nuance, all kind of things that can make ‘a piece of music’ unique to a person. And that’s how I treat dialogue and characterisation. The other side of that coin is I treat music like I’m acting, like each song has its own character when you’re playing live or recording in a booth. You are donning the proverbial mask of that character and what it requires. I really wanted to keep people into this idea that at the end of the day, it’s all performative and all part of a narrative that don’t necessarily have to do with each other and the way that if you ask Alexa to play a ‘Jack Nicholson playlist’ it would be very disjointed. It would be like okay The Shining, that’s a vibe, and then it would go to As Good As It Gets, and that’s a completely different vibe. They wouldn’t necessarily be on the same playlist, but they are distinctly and undeniably Jack Nicholson. So I always thought that it was a bit of a double standard that actors can do this but in music, you know, I’m proud of this but it’s also very annoying – a lot of my songs would probably not playlist together on the same genres because you have more jazz songs, like a trip hop chill tune that might end up in the back of a Starbucks, but that wouldn’t necessarily go on the same playlist as a tune like ‘I Can’t Dance’, which is a crazy song because it doesn’t even sound like me, I’m literally putting on a different voice, I’m singing like two different people putting on an affectation. There’s a lot of things that are very different but uniquely and distinctly me. The word masquerade is a celebration of a lot of different masks, and in theatre we talk about ‘The Masque’, and how each Masque has it’s own style, history and culture, and I really love the genre, and I love Masques, and I love things that make them interesting, and celebrating things that make them unique, and really trying to maximise their effectiveness as a genre with whatever tools I have as an artist, so that’s really what I’m trying to go for, this whole character driven idea is – it’s all a masquerade.
It very much has a fun-filled vibe to it, was this your intention and why? I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I sat in a studio saying ‘Hey lets not have fun!’, especially during a time that was as fraught with a lot of troubled times. This EP was recorded during very troubling times, so I think I’d be delusional to think that whatever joy is in this EP was not some kind of reaction to that, trying to offer something positive is definitely my MO in life in general, so that’s always gonna bleed its way onto my records. Like it or not. The intention is to record things that can be effective. If the vibe you feel is fun, great. If you feel any vibe at all, whatever the fuck that means, that’s a win for me. If that happens to be the word ‘fun’ then awesome, there’s a lot shittier adjectives that can be derived from this body of work so I will absolutely take it. My intentions are again to try and honour the songs. When you write something it has its own magnetic pull, it has it’s own gravitational pull that you have to kind of follow. If a song sounds a certain way, you want the lyrics to feel the same way that it sounds, and you want the production to feel the way that it vibes for lack of a better word. All songs have different body types and dressing it up and knowing how to tailor it to accentuate the things that make it fun or sexy is really sort of a strange alchemy. It’s not up to me how people experience it, but that’s what makes it fun. Once you put something out into the world it’s up to other people to use their own adjectives of the suit you tailor. I’m always excited when it leaves my head and becomes somebody else’s experience. So hey, if it’s fun – great!
What do you want people to take away from the project? Obviously, I hope people enjoy themselves. Any musician or artist would hope that there’s some kind of memorable experience to be had from it. If I was talking about what I hope people take away from it, that doesn’t have to do with the music itself, I hope that every time I put out music it’s me broadcasting this notion that this is something that I do, and that this is a big part of my identity. I think the songs themselves and what they’re about and how they feel are less of an insight into my identity as the notion of me putting out music is, because I feel like for any artist your journey is a constant negotiation between how you see yourself and how you would like to be seen, and how audiences are willing to see you. And you know, sometimes that balance is not always even. Sometimes the way they see you isn’t the way you see yourself, and sometimes the way you see yourself isn’t the same as the way they see you, so you want to be somewhere in the middle. And ‘Masquerade’ is a huge step forward for me to try and represent who I am and what I’m about to folks who might not see that. So that’s the biggest goal I think with any release but particularly this one.
Who would you cite as your inspirations? I’m one of those people that, when I say that everything inspires me, I’m not trying to be cute. It’s a problem. It’s an actual scourge on my life, where I find everything interesting. I find everything inspirational. It’s such a core belief that I have that there is inspiration to be derived from every walk of life. Stuff like from a lawn chair to a Bach cantata, there are so many things that can be interesting and incorporated into some creative output. It’s just all about how you look at it and how you can perceive and understand where it comes from. There are so many things that are inspiring to me. Of course, this is the massive macro answer that you weren’t looking for, you’re probably looking for ‘what artist are you inspired by?’ I think I’m just inspired by people who are really genuine to themselves, and this is an ironic answer considering that I actually try to be as many different people as possible. It’s a strange thing that actors are celebrated for not being anything like themselves professionally. And musical artists are separated for being as close to themselves and putting their souls as close to the chopping block as possible. I think I’ve really found my niche as a storyteller. I’m envious of some of the great troubadours of history, that can put their souls out on the record for us and put their own personal experience into things. Leonard Cohen and Joanie Mitchell, and Carole King, more modern people like Taylor Swift who really can just bare their souls for us. I really admire them because that’s not a muscle I have. And when you’re an artist I think ‘Okay so what muscle do I have?’, and I think ‘Okay I’m like a playwright, I can make each story for these songs and try and bring them to life with as much accessible ability and reality, and as much truth as I can convey, that’s not to say they’re disingenuine, they’re born from a genuine idea but they’re supported by my background as an actor. Baring myself isn’t something that comes as naturally for me, I really admire those people and I try and perhaps emulate a lot of their song writing in whatever limited way that I can. Genres are inspiring to me, lets talk about song writing, and then there’s producing which are two different things to me, because when I hear music I hear chords, I hear melody, I don’t listen to the snare sample, but I always hear the bare bones and then I think about production. So as far as producing is concerned I think it’s really important to know all genres and to listen to what makes each one interesting and respecting those genres, and then when you are producing something yourself, and then taking from each thing by knowing why and how they work within that genre, so again to use a song like ‘I Can’t Dance’ which is a nod to late 70s/early 80s, somewhere between disco and new wave, I’m employing the things that make those genres fun, to me at least, and trying to smoosh them together in a way that sounds cohesive. So…everything is inspiring to me, it’s hard. But each song has a different source of inspiration, but they don’t transfer between all songs.
You’ve also wrote for animated series and for Glee, is the process different for producing? “This is actually a very good question. I think this ties into what I was saying before about writing for narrative is something of a calling that I think I’ve realised more recently is kind of where I can plant my feet more easily than any other type of song writing. I was mentioning the people that can bare their souls, some people have a really good ability of putting themselves out there but also writing as a satirist of character that he creates. The person that is a master of this is Randy Newman, he’s one of the greatest American songwriters of the 20th century. He has an amazing ability to create these scenarios or create first person accounts of people that aren’t actually him, but he can contextualise with his literal voice, his song writing voice, and make those their own sort of satirical version of himself. There’s a lot of layers going on there, but I’ve always thought of him as really excellent. He’s like a playwright with music, he’s writing musicals, I mean he’s won Oscars for writing music for narrative! That’s something that I’d really like to do – from a technical standpoint it’s actually very liberating because when you’re writing music with your name on it, you’re the artist, then there’s this sort of weird expectation that you’re trying to service which is why I like this idea of putting the mask on and separating the songs from my own personal experience, because I need to separate myself from my own experience of the music you’re hearing, at least on the surface. My big break was A Very Potter Musical, that I feel to this day are my biggest hits because I don’t really have hits, but as far as the songs that people know that strangers know of songs that I’ve written, they were songs that were written for characters. It’s a bit like painting by numbers. If you just write a song from scratch about anything, it’s like the canvas I’m talking about again. You can do anything, or go anywhere, and that’s overwhelming. Having parameters, knowing where the gates are, is extremely helpful, knowing when the deadline is, knowing how long your party can go for. It means you can maximise the space you know you have. When you write for narrative you go ‘this is the character’, ‘this is how they speak’ – so you already have your lyrical information there – ‘this is how they talk’, ‘this is the singer, the singer has a great range that goes from this note to this note’, ‘in this scene we need the character to go from point A to point B, and we want it to be a song that sounds like X’, so you create all these amazing little ingredients, and I look at artists like a service industry, I really enjoy servicing what the person or the experience requires. When I have a menu of ‘we want this, this, this’, it’s like okay great I’ve got you! A three-and-a-half-minute song that sounds like this song, but has to be in this key and has to be a duet, I really thrive on that. And it’s probably one of my more favourite versions of song writing. And usually there’s a deadline, so I can get it done! Because I need to get it done for production. I really enjoy coming back to writing for narrative, because I did that for Royalties with CJ, and when I realised how much I enjoyed doing that and how productive I was when I was writing for a narrative, that’s when I got into the idea of ‘I need to stop trying to bare my own soul in music’. I think if I treat it like I’m writing for a character, not only can I get it done faster but I feel like I can make things stronger. So that’s when I decided that’s what I’m gonna do for this next EP. Writing for other shows and characters is what helped me realise my strengths as a songwriter.”
What is next for you? What are you most excited for? “As I mentioned I think productivity begets productivity, and that’s exactly what happened with this EP. Even if the pandemic hadn’t happened and I didn’t have the time, I think I would have been just as emboldened from working on Royalties with CJ and it got me very excited about working on music and how much joy that gives me. Any artist will say the same answer, but I think by the time stuff comes out artists are already over it because they’ve been living with it for a year and a half, and in my case over a decade with these songs, so I’m always ready to move on and go to the next thing. Everything is a stepping stone, so I’m very happy that this EP is out, I think it’s a great representation of a lot of stuff that’s been unaddressed for far too long. I just wanna get going, it gets me excited about keeping the ball rolling as a songwriter or as a producer, I just don’t want this to be like ‘This is the thing I did during the pandemic’, I want to keep it going and be more proactive about keeping time aside for it, because that’s the name of the game. When you’re acting or doing music, you have to balance it with time, and this pandemic has shown me how much I enjoy spending time on music, so I’m gonna carry that on. But of course, as soon as I say that, that’s when something unexpected and something too juicy that I can’t keep my hands off it happens on the acting side. One learns to be pretty flexible, because as soon as I say one thing something else will happen, and that’s been the narrative for the past decade of my life. I hope to just keep going. I’ve been this lucky for this long so I’m not gonna pretend like I’m going to keep being this lucky. If I get to act great, if I get to do music great. I can’t believe I’m in a position where its like ‘oh if the acting thing doesn’t work out, I’ll just do music!’ or the other way around, it’s a highly privileged list of options, and I’m fully aware of that. So as long as I can have one or the other to fall back on, I will always be excited about option. It’s not always up to me, so we’ll see. Everything that I’ve put out is just a way for me to renew my lease with my ability to show up for myself as well as people that I don’t knows ability to be interested in what I have to do next. But I won’t flatter myself, I’m not gonna say that lease is forever, so I’m just trying to put in the time and work to keep it at the very least somewhat interesting.”
Photography - Amanda Demme
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ivyglow · 3 years
psa + deactiv for a bit
I had some time to read what some people were saying out there and it really saddens me how many “I’m lgbtqia+ and I don’t see anything wrong with the tweets” or “at his age I used to say the same things”, this shows us two things 1) some of you were/are really privileged for not understanding that this is systemic violence, therefore, the person who said the slur doesn’t need to mean it in a bad way because it’s a slur no matter the context and 2) some of you think that just because something happened in the past you don’t need to apologize or recognize your mistakes, which is awful, I’m sorry. 
Being a black girl and having a white mother taught me a lot about acknowledgment, just a couple years ago I started calling my mom out in some of her actions and she made me a lot of questions, we discussed a series of topics and her view on racism has been amplified, just a couple months ago she came to me and she apologized for something she did when I was a five years old kid, she said she was sorry if she ever made me feel bad about my skin, or my nose or anything regarding my blackness, she apologize for things she realizes were wrong to my sister too (and my sister is white, so this isn’t only about the “woke” subject as some people try to make it seem). I’ve never asked my mom to apologize, she also never asked me to forgive her, but I’m sure if she was a public person and something came out about her hurting someone (intently or not) she would apologize, because this is how we grow and this is how we acknowledge our mistakes. We understand that we’re inserted into a bigger space and this space influences how we react to some things, but when we have the opportunity to do better: we do better. 
Systemic violence such as racism and homophobia don’t necessarily need the other part to mean harm, because again: it's systemic. Slurs were wrong back then and they still wrong nowadays. It doesn’t mean that because you used it back then you’re a homophobe now, but it means that you hurt someone at the time and how you react and respond to this situation now says something about who you are in the present. I’m so so sad with people saying they used to say it therefore it's not a problem or that he was a kid. Yes, it was something “common” to SOME of you at the time, but it doesn’t mean it was right and if any of you ever get the opportunity to apologize to someone that was around you at the time: please, do. Yes, nols was a teenager at the time, but as a white, rich boy he gets to have the “space to grow” and make mistakes that bipoc and some lgbtqia+ never had. My brother has the same age as Nolan, and he wasn’t excused for his mistakes -no matter how small they were- because he was a black kid.
When I say publicly talking and apologizing, addressing the issue, I mean it so people can see that no matter if for some it seemed ok back then, it wasn’t. Some of you didn’t felt personally attacked by the slurs, which is fine but to say that it wasn’t harmful reduces the feeling of a whole group to your own feelings, it makes exactly what those acts of violence do: it treats us as homogenous. 
I’m completely fine with people supporting him, I really am, it wasn’t my intention to make everyone angry with my first post, I was addressing an issue that was brought to me in my ask box, saying how hockey culture is not something that starts on the nhl or isn’t influenced by the majority there (white, rich, cis, etc). Whoever took the time to read the whole thing saw that I said everything people are repeating there: he was a teenager, probably space, where he grew up, didn’t really introduce him on social issues, people probably never called him out on that at the time and so on, but this doesn’t change the fact that slurs aren’t ok. It strikes me as some of you still live in a fairytale where we get to have bad guys and good guys, but we're human beings and we need to start understanding that someone can do something bad in the past without necessarily being a bad person (that goes from problem to problem, of course). You say you want to change hockey culture and that you want to do better but when a bipoc/lgbtqia+ points an issue and wants to debate it y’all are quick to choose the one who has the same view as you and use it (@someone is gay and didn’t felt affected by it, therefore, it isn’t a big deal!!!), and it's just curious, honestly.
You also feel as if you have the right to come to my inbox and say hateful stuff, question my views and point a finger at me. I’m not perfect nor I expect any player to be, I’m well aware they are mostly white rich men, and the environment they grew up in is completely different from what we would expect as the ideal, but it doesn’t mean that we’re gonna simply ignore issues. That being said I’m not answering about this topic anymore, its tiring and stressful especially when people already have everything out there, and what I keep doing is basically repeating myself in different ways just so yall get your message. I’m not here to educate, this is supposed to be a safe space for me, yet I do talk about these topics because I know we need it more around here. The fact that some of you choose to block me (when we never really talked!!!), point me as a problematic blog, or diminish the topic, shows a lot about hockey culture (that is very present between the fans, not only in the league).
When you start to realize that part of the discomfort we feel while dealing with these issues is the key to changing the situation we’re gonna start going somewhere, while you keep diminishing it and trying to make excuses we’ll be stuck.
I recommend you to read mia’s rant about it here. Also, take some time to read about the nwhl situation here.
I’m leaving for a while, maybe a day or two or maybe a week, I’m not sure, I just need some time to get my energy back, I deal with this shit every day irl, I shouldn’t have to feel bad in here. I’m really thankful for all the supportive people and I’m really sorry for the hateful anons or the people who felt like I was attacking them or their fave, that wasn’t my intention (especially because nols was my fav too, but I personally felt kinda off, maybe in a different time I wouldn’t feel off and that's ok too). Anyway, I hope I see y’all soon in a better vibe than that (those last lb’s were really good for me btw! you guys are amazing) and if you miss me that much (jk) you can ask for my discord acc to my tito ( @barbienoturbby ). love yall <3 mel 
I’m turning my anons back because of all the named anons I had and I know some of them don’t have a tumblr acc but please: don’t send in shitty things/hate, just go live your life the way you want and leave me in peace. 
sorry for the long rant, I just felt like clarifying things because besides the asks there are people blocking me and unf me like crazy which is ?????
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songtoyou · 3 years
Tempting Fate - Part Two
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Paring: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Nothing major, but there is lots of smoking. 
Word Count: 2,080
Story Summary: Tommy is not a believer in fate or destiny. However, a new resident in Small Heath will question his beliefs and push his boundaries outside his comfort zone.
Chapter Summary: As you continue to live in Small Heath, you develop a strong camaraderie amongst its residents. The only one who continues to give you the cold shoulder is Mr. Tommy Shelby. Polly has a conversation with you and her nephew. She seems to know more than she may be letting on about the connection you and Tommy may have. 
A/N: For this story, Esme uses her maiden name and married name, so she goes by Esme Lee-Shelby. This story takes place during season two of the show. May Carleton is mentioned in this chapter and might be making an appearance in later chapters. I like May; she has never bothered me, and I like her “relationship” with Tommy. I did include a Romani phrase in this chapter, which translates to, “Go with God and in good health.” I found the phrase online and hope it is correct. If it isn’t, then I am profoundly sorry and do not wish to offend anyone. That is never my intent. Remember, there is no Grace or Greta in this fic. They do not exist in the realm of this alternate universe. 
Please do not post any of my fics to other sites without my permission.
Tag List: @owenniasstars​
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You settled into Small Heath nicely, even making some friends along the way. Esme Lee-Shelby was one of those friends. When the two of you met, there was an instant connection. Both reminded the other of home, which helped with the homesickness both women tended to feel now and then. Being friends with Esme meant you were around the other Shelby’s, particularly at the family’s company headquarters. You most hung around the betting shop when it was not too busy and when Tommy was not around. You were not naïve to see that the man was not too fond of you for some reason.
Arthur and John would tell you not to pay too much mind to Tommy and explain that he was under a lot of stress.
“Tommy means well, love. He will come around eventually,” John reassured you one day while visiting Esme.
“It is because he likes you, and that probably scares him,” Esme would say, but you merely scoffed at the idea.
“I can admit that Tommy is cute, but he is not my type. He is too frigid. The guy is always so serious. Plus, I can tell he cannot stand the sight of me,” you replied, but Esme waved off your concerns.
“Trust me, Tommy will eventually come around to the point where he will seek out your presence because he will crave it. I have a feeling about it, and I’m never wrong,” assured Esme.
On another day at the betting shop, you stopped by; however, no one was around except for Aunt Polly. At first, the woman intimidated the hell out of you but soon saw the wonderfulness she possessed. She did not take shit from anyone, particularly the men who stopped by the betting shop. She kept everyone in line, including her nephews. You saw how Tommy would confide in Polly on specific business matters whenever the two murmured amongst each other.
“Where is everyone?” you asked, looking around the empty betting shop.
“Slow day,” Polly said, taking a sip of tea and reading a book with her feet up on one of the desks. “John and Esme are currently preoccupied with activities involving the expansion of their family if you know what I mean.”
“Well, that is…wonderful,” you stated sarcastically. “Will you tell Esme I stopped by and that I will see her tonight at The Garrison?”
Before you could leave, Polly called out to you to stay for a little while.
“Come sit with me, let’s talk,” Polly commanded and pointed to a seat for you to take.
You followed her orders and took a seat across from the older woman. She passed you one of her black cigarettes, and you happily accepted. The nicotine of the black cigarette had a pleasant taste to it, you noted.
“So, Tommy informs me that you are part of the Young clan in Cambridgeshire. I’ve met the Youngs; they are good people. Very dependable when one needs help. However, my nephew also shared that you aren’t a Young by blood, is that right?” Polly questioned the other woman.
“That is correct. My mother and father found me when I was a baby, so I am very much a Young,” you replied earnestly.
“Oh, that I can see. Especially in how you have taken it upon yourself to help out most of the Small Heath residents. From menial tasks such as making sure Ms. Wallace gets her weekly groceries, to assisting Old Man Pete and his family in finding their lost dog, and even going so far as to help out at the Yard with Charlie and Curly.”
“I only help with horses. I don’t do any of the moving of equipment or anything if that is what you or Tommy are worried about,” you reassured Polly.
“I wasn’t worried, but of course, Tommy was. You put him on edge,” said Polly with a smirk.
You took another drag of the cigarette, “That is not my fault that your nephew has his qualms about my mere presence in this place. All I am doing is trying to make a living, like everyone else. He has no reasons to doubt my intentions. I am not here to bewitch anyone or partake in any criminal activity that would undermine the Peaky Blinders. I may not have a proper education, but I am not stupid. I don’t have a death wish.”
“No, you don’t have a death wish. You have good intentions that Tommy will see that eventually. He always comes around. Someday, he will come to you because he will need your help,” shared Polly. “I can see things, my dear. I have the gift. I know why you are here. You are looking for your soulmate. Is that correct?”
You let out a sigh, “It is one of the reasons why I am here, yes. I only want to know who this man is; I don’t expect to fall for him. The idea of soulmates doesn’t ring true for me. It is a fabled concept.”
Polly let out a laugh, “Do not be so pessimistic, my girl. You have already met him, but I will let you figure out who it is; that is the fun part.”
As you were about to ask Polly for clarification on what she was talking about, in walked Tommy and stopped when he saw the two of you sitting together.
“Speaking of the devil, here he is, the man of the hour,” teased Polly, at least that is what you thought she was doing. She gave you a wink and put out her cigarette.
“Miss Young,” Tommy stiffly greeted you.
“Mr. Shelby, nice to see you.” While you may tend to put Tommy on edge, he did the same to you, but you were determined to make friends with the man.
When Tommy didn’t reply to your polite phrase, you knew it was your time to leave the premises. “Thank you for the cigarette and the chat, Polly.”
“Any time, dear,” Polly smiled and waved as you exited the betting shop. She saw that you did not say goodbye to Tommy, which she could not blame you.
While Tommy took off his cap and coat, Polly got up from the table and lightly smacked the back of the head. The move completely caught Tommy by surprise as he turned to face his aunt.
“What the hell, Pol!” yelled Tommy, perplexed.
Polly merely shook her head. “Do not have any manners, Thomas?”
“What are you on about?”
With a shake of her head, Polly grabbed her teacup and took a sip. The tea was long since cold. “She is a nice girl, Tommy. Why can’t you see that when everyone else can? What is it about his girl that has you so afraid?”
Lighting his cigarette, Tommy let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Everywhere he turned, he saw you. Not only at The Garrison, Uncle Charlie’s Yard, or the streets of Small Heath, he saw you in his dreams. The dreams where you were present brought him peace. He felt protected, which unnerved him since he was not used to the feeling of being safe, not after France.
“She’s me, Pol,” answered Tommy.
“What do you mean she is you, Tom?”
“Before the war. She was exactly how I was before everything changed,” Tommy replied honestly.
“Well, that should be viewed as a good thing. You two match. Why so cold towards this girl?” Polly asked again.
Tommy turned towards his aunt to bluntly say, “Because if I get close to her, then I will ruin her. I don’t think I could live with myself with that thought. I’m damaged goods, Pol. Nothing can save me. No one can save me.”
“Tommy, that is not true,” remarked Polly. “I still see the good in you.”
Tommy got up and headed towards his office, “Then you are wasting your time.”
Later that night at The Garrison, you were filling up drinks and talking to your regular patrons.
Noting was too out of the ordinary, except for the absence of the Shelby brothers. Typically, they would make an appearance, but not tonight.
“Harry, since it is rather slow tonight, do you mind if I head out early?” you asked.
“Sure, no problem, but do you mind coming in early?” Harry asked, which you agreed to do.
You waved goodbye to Harry and left the premises. You bundled your coat higher to offset the cold air and walked towards Charlie’s Yard. Curly mentioned they were getting a new horse for the races, and you wanted to see it. You loved horses, always have since you were a kid.
As you walked down the street, you saw the Shelby brothers exiting the betting shop.
Arthur called out your name, and you turned around to greet him. He asked where you were headed to and answered the Yard. When all three gave you a look, you told them that you wanted to see the new horse Curly kept boasting on about and, therefore, needed to see for yourself.
“I have to see for myself,” you commented.
Before John and Arthur were about to wave goodbye, Tommy spoke up, “I’ll walk you.”
His announcement took his brothers and you by surprise. “Come again?” you asked. You wanted to make sure you heard him correctly.  
“I said I’d walk you to Charlie’s.”
Before you could as Tommy ‘why’ he told his brothers, he would see them later and motioned for you to follow him. The walk to the Yard was quiet, with neither knowing if they should saying anything. Both opted that awkward quietness was probably the best outcome.
You bit the bullet as the quietness was beginning to drive you mad and spoke up. “Where did you find this horse? Curly mentioned you were going to train him for the races.”
“I got him at an auction, and I won’t be training him. I enlisted someone else to do the training to get him the horse ready for Epsom,” explained Tommy, lighting a cigarette. He offered you one as well, but you declined.
Finally arriving at the Yard, you continued to follow Tommy towards where the horse was residing. When you caught sight of the dapple-gray horse, you immediately picked up your speed to get a better look.
“He is beautiful, Curly,” you professed while rubbing your hand across its muzzle. The horse responded positively to you as it licked your hand. “Does he have a name?”
“No name, as of yet,” it was Tommy who spoke up to answer you. While you continued to pet the horse, Tommy quietly stood next to you. He reached over and began stroking the horse’s mane.
“May Carleton is expecting us to bring the horse for her to train in the coming days ahead, we need to get him ready for transport, Charlie,” declared Tommy while continuing to pet the horse. He then walked over to his uncle as the two men began to talk about how to transport the horse.
“It is a shame this horse has to leave,” you said to Curly, who quickly agreed.
When Charlie called Curly over to him, it left you alone with the horse. As you continued to pet the horse’s muzzle, slowly and softly, you placed your head against his, with no objection. The horse remained calm in your presence.
“Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa,” you whispered to the horse.
“Go with God and in good health,” translated Tommy as he stood next to the horse once again. “He’ll be fine, Ms. Young. This horse is going to be taken care of; I will make sure of that, I promise.”
You looked over at Tommy and smiled at him, “Oh, I know, Mr. Shelby. Pyramus knows you will make sure he is in good hands.”
“Pyramus?” Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“That’s his name. Pyramus. It is a mythological name meaning ‘fire.’ It fits him perfectly, don’t you think?”
At that moment, Tommy was taken back by your attentiveness of his horse. He was impressed by how you showed so much care for the creature. He saw how your smile brightened your face and appeared to stir something inside of himself. Something he thought was long gone, his heart.
“Yes, it is. Perfect,” Tommy expressed, but he was no longer talking about the horse.
It was at that moment, where Tommy knew he wanted you.
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avengersapology-vid · 3 years
Avengers: College Edition
Steve: Criminal Justice and Studio Art double major. He doesn't want to torture himself with anything difficult and still wants to study what he loves. He is still an over achiever though. Highkey hates frat parties, saw someone twerking upside down and almost cried but stayed because hes the designated driver (responsible KING). prefers small get togethers with his friends. Roommates with sam and bucky!! Joins Criminal Justice club, jokingly rivals with Engineering (Tonys Club) Everyone on campus loves him including the professors, wins Homecoming king and is very happy. Sam jokingly asks to be his queen, Bucky butts in and says "NO, im his queen". Can be found in the library or art studio, usually with ink or pencil markings on his hands.
Tony: Obvi an engineering KING has physics as a minor. procrastinates to the max "No Bruce I have everything under control" *crams for 46 hours straight on a constant IV drip of Redbull and coffee* Super smart and helps draw the blueprint for the new engineering building. Roomies with Bruce! Tony was in a frat for a bit his freshmen year but hated it and wanted real friends (Throws better parties anyway) met Bruce and all the other avengers during a 1301 intro class. Pulls women like no tomorrow. On the presidents list every semester and tutors math for free on the side. He is basically the Dad in STEM. Tries hitting on Natasha but she is just like :/ nah, when her and bruce start dating tony is surprised because bruce is his "quiet little cinnamon roll." Tony constantly teases bruce and is like "yall fuckin (;" Steve butts in "tONY PLZ I JUST WANT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE" Bruce is thankful for steves intervention. You know how he rivals Steves Criminal Justice club? He butts heads with Business Clubs leader (Pepper) until everyone catches them together at a party. Has a caffeine addiction. Works out with Thor and Bucky one day in the rec and almost dies.
Bruce: Physics and Engineering double major (Hardworking KING) In math club with Vision and Wanda. He loves being roomies with Tony because it helps him out of his shell. Likes to draw with Steve sometimes and enjoys the quiet. Doesn't procrastinate and gets things done in a timely manor. 4.0 icon we all strive to be. Him and Nat already know each other, but bond and get a lot closer while studying in the library and they eventually start dating. He takes her coffee when she works across campus and is always almost late to class because of that (He doesn't care though bc thats his BABY) "Um.. Bruce your class is in 5 minutes" "Okay and?.....Wait I have an ex-" *Sprints to his building* Takes boxing at night with Thor, Bucky, Sam and Steve!!! Loves sparring with Thor and can surprisingly take the big buy on pretty well. Gets his butt kicked by Natasha in a MMA class though.
Natasha: Majors in Criminal Justice and Minors in Psychology. Ballet club AND MOCK TRIAL!! Has a Job at the Criminal Justice Deans office and takes MMA classes on the side. She is on Mock Trial with Loki and they actually get along quiet well once they stop butting heads about the case. Introduces Sam and Wanda to dance and they have so much fun. Coffee dates with Bruce!! Her and Steve become RAs in the following years and are the coolest RAs you know. Prefers night classes, Bruce walks her to all of them. Psychology classes are her favorite and really wants to help children one day. Volunteers at a daycare during breaks. Sis can really out drink Tony and Thor. Puts Wanda under her wing and helps her with fafsa and what not. Her and Bucky get the Russian language credit by simply testing out. Has her sh!t together and while she has a lot on her plate she can take it. She is really the Mom of the group. Can be found dancing or with Bruce. Her and Clint are icons in psychology classes.
Clint: Deaf Studies with education minor! (we stan deaf clint in the comics) In the Archery club and wins nationals for the Uni. Loves to draw with Steve. Helps Bruce ask Natasha out! PRANK ICON! loves to do prank wars with tony, bucky, loki and sam. Was in the same frat with Tony but hated it as well. While he seems to have a more reserved demeanor he is still the life of the party. (Like he knows people at the clubs ya know?) Can get in anywhere and helps everyone rent out a club for the night in celebration of midterms being over. Loves reading in the library and loves morning classes and being productive early in the day. Cracks Tonys netflix and hulu passwords (no tony... tonyr0cks69 is not good enough) Wants to teach at a school for the Deaf. Bruce sets him up with a girl from engineering and that is his future wife.
Thor: Physical Education major and Communications minor! Here on a football scholarship and is in a frat (not the asshole one tony was in) and is a partying ICON. Tries to get Loki to party but Loki just wants to drink wine with the cat he snuck into his dorm. Learns Sign from Clint to prepare for his career in education. Loves working out with Bucky, Sam and Steve. Takes up boxing during football off season and spars with Bruce. Despite being everyones fav himbo he gets really good grades and is a very good writer. Loki dorms across the hall from him. Thor actually rooms with Peter. Peter is the freshman baby and Thor takes peter under his wing and introduces him to everyone and helps him with college stuff in general. Also hooks him up with MJ and brings him to the occasional boxing session. Has a loud booming laughter you can hear in all floors of the library when he sees a funny meme. One time he actually makes a very good point and notices a flaw in one of Tony and Bruces projects leaves everyone stunned. Picks on Loki in big brother fashion. Unironically calls weed the devils lettuce.
Loki: Pre-Law and Criminal Justice. LOVES to argue. (Devils advocate ass) In Mock Trial and Criminal Justice Club. Tony jokingly calls him steves sexy secretary in CJ club. Loves Mock Trial and is the president with Nat as his right hand woman. Sneaks a cat he found at the shelter into his dorm and names it muffin. Stays in the Library writing or going over cases. The one time he was taking Natasha a copy of the Mock Trial case packet and caught her and bruce smooching. (He screeched) "Haha funny joke yall heres the case packet BYE." He automatically texts the group chat "i think nAT AND BRUCE HAVE SOME TEA FOR US HMM". Lets Peter and Bruce come over to his dorm because he knows their roommates can get a little too much sometimes. Loki also becomes an avid twitter user and thats how he gains popularity on campus. (He called the uni out for their awful and expensive parking) Was able to convince the Dean with tony and steve to create a new parking lot. Caffeine addict!!! Him and Tony always bump into each other at the coffee shop. Brings baked goods to meet ups with the gang. Loves to play pranks (especially on Tony) Him and Bucky come up with a genius prank on him and even get pepper involved. Best dressed on campus and is in the fashion club. He is the embodiment of dark academia.
Sam: Criminal Justice Major with Aerospace Engineering minor. Gets introduced to Bucky and Steve during move in and they literally become brothers. Is both in Criminal Justice Club and Engineering Club. In the Historically Black Frat on campus and takes huge pride in that. Parties with tony and thor BIG TIME. Procrastinates by throwing paper airplanes at Bucky until Bucky is like "Um...dude your paper is due in like two hours." At that moment Sam got into work faster than he ever had. Loves gossip sessions with Loki and Wanda. Works out a lot with Bucky, Steve and Thor to get rid of stress. When he and Bucky finish a final they go to loki's dorm and ask "Hey can we see your cat." Helps prep food for friends-giving and decorates the dorm for holidays. HATES 8ams so so so much. Steve promises him pancakes if he gets up and goes. Binge watches shows during weekends and screams when Destiel is finally canon. Loves running and gets a Track Scholarship when Thor gets him to join a sport. Gets Peter to join track.
Bucky: criminal justice major and psychology minor. Buck is also in ballet club with Nat, it really helps him relax and gives him a free space to think (also he runs that shit like no ones business) Criminal justice club as well and LOVES to work out and box. One time Sam accompanies him to ballet and Bucky pushes Sam into a split... the scream was heard for miles. "Sam ballet is good for athletes it helps w-" "Yeah but its not good for my balls" Doesn't willingly procrastinate but once in awhile he will forget an assignment, you best believe his eyes will snap open from his nap and get to work asap. For one of his psyche labs he had to question Steve as if he were Steve's therapist to which Steve responds "Hey bro you dont have to hit a nerve that deep" He also likes to do dance with peter since it helps him get away from Thor for a bit. Not a big partier but once the weight of finals are off his chest you best believe he will go all out. Picks on Nat and says hes gonna steal her man, to which tony interjects and says "Not if I do first" Bucky also has a very comfy dorm, comfy lighting and tons of pillows, the man loves his sleep... and so does everyone else. Sometimes he finds peter, sam, THOR, tONY EVERYONE just napping in his bed before their study time. Overall, bucky is a smart boy and his time in college is kind to him.
Wanda: English Major and Education Minor. After being an orphan Wanda knows what it feels like to not have a parental figure there and she wants to change that for other kids by becoming an english teacher. She volunteers at an orphanage, specifically the one her and pietro were in for a brief moment when they came to the states. She loves to draw as well and takes plenty of art classes with steve. She paints a portrait of the entire gang and gives it to tony as a graduation present (he cried). She loves to do volunteer work for children and also spend a lot of time in the library, She helped Nat calm down before Bruce asked her out. Her and Loki are in constant competition for best dressed. "Loki ill let you win best dressed but you have to let me see your cat" "ugh fine... btw your shirt doesnt match your boots" "hEY" Her and Peter take alot of intro classes together and are constantly running around craft stores trying to get the right stuff for projects. Visits Vision at his Job on Campus and he visits her where she volunteers and eventually they start dating. She is constantly getting visited by pietro at 4am asking "Um do you have milk" "Pietro its 4am what do you ne-" "my OREOS"
Pietro: Track star business major, frat ICON with Thor. poor boy is STRESSED he hates college and is here on a track scholarship, constantly late and running around getting shit done. Queen of late assignments but still gets them graded because he is in Track. Yeah he has alot on his plate but he still parties with thor for hours. When he is drowning in assignments Clint is always there to help him, Bruce also helps him with biology and the more science-y classes. Likes to mess around and race sam at track practice. Not into coffee but will run on all the monster energy drinks you could possibly buy. Seriously is tired of 8 a.m courses, he just wants to nap after practice. Walks into the study room that everyone was in and actually looks more sleep deprived than tony. He gets a lot of tips from steve on how to have an easier time in college and it really helps him.
Vision: Grad student working on a civil engineering masters and a TA. Meets Wanda in the library and she asks him where the biographies are. He mistakenly says they are on the 2nd floor "Uh theyre actually on the third" "Then why did you ask?" "Cause I wanted to talk to you :)" He swooned. Through Wanda he met Tony and Bruce and became their best friend, He helped out a lot with engineering club and got them far. He spends a lot of time doing research for his masters degree, he loves relaxing with the group on weekends and picks on pietro as if he is already apart of the family. Him and Loki bond over intellectual conversations from time to time. Bruce and Nat go on double dates with him and Wanda. Went to a bar once with tony and bruce and had to stop tony from singing Queens entire discography, he had the best night that night. Helps everyone with getting into jobs and into grad school in general while everyone helps him let loose and have some fun.
Peter: Peter is a Physics major and eventually works his way up to biochemistry. (hardworking icon) He is the freshman baby of the group and is introduced to them through Thor. He dances with Buck and Nat sometimes as well. Tony obviously takes peter under his wing and helps him with assignments. One time everyone was in the same study room and him and pietro have a redbull shot gunning challenge. When Peter wins Thor picks him up and almost yeets the poor boy into the ceiling. "VERY WELL DONE YOUNG PARKER YOU SHOULD BE DOING THAT WITH BEER IN NO TIME." "Thor plz" Tony and Thor help him ask MJ out and even spy on them during a dinner date. (Imagine thor with sunglasses and a scarf around his head pretending to be tonys date) He feels so accepted in college because of the gang and gets all his work done on time. Goes out of his way to get everyone christmas presents and is so excited for friendsgiving. Becomes a little stressball during finals and midterms and stays in the library till it closes. He spots loki alot in there and helps loki with science classes while loki helps him with political science classes. He meets MJ through wanda and is obviously blushing the whole time while being introduced. Gets embarrassed when the guys flirt with aunt may. "guys plz stop" This is when Sam earns his "milf hunter" nickname. "Pete hows your aunt?" "She doesnt want you sam i-" its not like that... actually it is like that"
Coulson: Alumni Icon. Is the gangs Intro professor and is the reason why everyone meets eachother. (the class was chaotic indeed) Coulson loved that class so much and he still gets visited by everyone from time to time. He is obviously close with Nick. They were there that night when Tony was signing Queen at the bar and couldnt help but laugh.
Nick Fury: Dean for criminal justice and is heavily involved with criminal justice club and mock trial. He is tired of everyones shit as always. Makes a tiktok account for the criminal justice club and has no idea how to manage social media so gets Loki to help. Has to delete it when Loki commented "hah losers" on the engineering tiktoks page. He looks intimidating but in his office he has a picture with the club and has all the gifts he gets on display. (He even framed lokis comment because it was hilarious afterall)
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
mv season 3 thoughts, no spoilers of course cuz i havent seen it, also pretty empty because of that too honestly, i am totally talking out of my ass here. this is "ive no idea when i'll get to see it so im stressing out instead" lol
i really did my best to avoid spoilers, but after the uk release, ehhh, i stopped being so strict xP i still havent watched much but when i come across gifsets etc I'm no longer avoiding them.
and the thing that worried me since the end of season 2 was this: there is no more canon moomin story after November. of course, there's an endless amount of moomin stories that are ripe for adaptation into the new show - but there isn't a guide for character development. And right from season 1, MV almost immediately made itself all about character development.
so the question was, can the creators of MV come up with an aftermath for November that will still feel true to Moomins? And since they rewrote November to be more suitable for their storyline and target audience, I didn't think that was impossible.
but chances seemed high to me that one of two things would happen: either they wouldn't want to start fan drama and would hold themselves back, creating something bland and forgettable, or they'd throw everything in their own storyline and make something sensational, but not very moominous.
trying to find the line between "being true to the source material" and "being true to our personal vision" is tough any time, but I think it's especially tough with moomins. just because every time I read the novels, i'm struck by tove's way of storytelling. the way she says things but doesnt say them, or is able to take things only so far without any sense of disappointment. she's a master of show-don't-tell.
and speaking as an American, there's just not a lot of show-don't-tell going on in our kids' media anymore. everything has to be frankly stated, summarized, and often moralized by the end of the episode.
in addition, particularly with kids media, everything has to be educational! don't get me wrong, kids learning stuff from their favorite programs is great. but it's every single one. where is the story they can just appreciate? not to mention you can learn plenty from any story if it's a good one. and you get to learn those things yourself, using your own skills and background, when the message isn't shoved down your throat.
needless to say i think american children's media sucks. (eta: feel a need to add i am mostly talking about young kids' media, and i'm aware there are some real standouts.)
moomins isn't american (thank goodness) but... it is modern. and it's being made to appeal to a lot of different people. i loved the first season because i thought it was truly artistic. it had its very own flavor. when i compared it with the comics and the novels, it certainly had a modern twist, but all the characters and plotlines still felt true to me. season 2 didn't reel me in quite as much, but I still enjoyed it a lot, and personally I would say the last four episodes alone carry all the rest. they're just so good.
and i'm afraid that what little i've seen of season 3 doesn't seem to hold up by comparison. the things i've seen and read... don't sound moominous to me. i wonder if, in trying to realize the whole cast more fully, round them out in a way that makes sense post-November, they've thrown away the unique philosophies that are the whole reason I, at least, love them. like the episodes are now relying on common tropes and looking for "lessons" rather than stories. or that feel obligated to create character development by rejecting or changing essential parts of the characters.
but once again i'm very aware that i am talking out of my ass like a fool. i always write my shit out and ive wanted to write this out for weeks but kept telling myself "wait till you see it, it makes no sense when you're just spouting theories" but what can i say. this is what comes of only being able to find clips and screen caps hahaha.
that being said. i dont expect to dislike the season. there's definitely stuff i've seen that i know i'll go gaga for. lots of really cute stuff. it's just that cute isnt enough xP or it wasnt before, anyway. i certainly dont expect the show to be tailored for someone like me (an adult ugghh *muffled groaning*). it isnt and shouldnt be. i just want it to feel quirky and philosophical in that unique moomin way. hopefully i will find out my qualms have been for the most part misplaced :)
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