#its all about how u look at stuff.. if u start to look for hope and joy you'll keep finding it everywhere
karda · 4 months
hello i just wanted to say i’ve been following you since about like. 2020-2021 and i can’t particularly remember the posts rn but i just know that some of the posts you made about life and just enjoying it and shit ended up being kind of helpful to me bc yeah! there is more to life than misery! go crazy go stupid have fun have joy have whimsy! there’s hope! so i just wanted to say thank you for that bc even if it wasn’t intended you did help me :] also i love your art it is nice and kinda has the vibe of a sunset at a wetlands boardwalk surrounded by cattails if that makes any sense
this is so sweet, thank u for sticking around so long :'D ... that makes me really happy
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#im bitching in the tags abt the nostalgic nintendo yter sue me. sorry if this is how you learn. its rambling at this point.#yes this is about chuggaaconroy. man u fucked up big time!! IT'S CHUGGAACONCLUDED FOR YOU MAN.#tfw ur comfort youtuber you've been watching since you were a 12 year old has a mountain of allegations +#+ proven testimonies about him being a freak w women online and making them VERY uncomfortable w kink rp and disrespecting boundaries#i started watching him during super mario sunshine and had been a fan since. he inspired me recently to pick up BW/B2W2 on DS again.#the motherfucker that got me into game series i would have had no interest in if shown it at face value (xenoblade!! ily!!!!)#i took emily's stuff at as it was given and wanted to wait for more to come out bc she said there were others. then the 2 vtubers came out.#then Masae. She has nothing to lie about with him. She + Antdude + Werster + NCS + Jon have NOTHING to gain from talking about this.#she was his roommate!! and his current roommate NintendoCapriSun is confirming that this all happened!!#CHUGGA GOT CAUGHT IN 4K TOO. he flirted w her during a dnd campaign + the stephenvlogs videos with her in them she looks SO uncomfortable.#i feel so bad for all the artists + fan artists for his most recent LP too. they 100% do not want to be associated with THAT i guarantee.#but ya no longer a fan. hope everyone around him can get proper help + support. TLDR never have idols. you will always be disappointed.
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be-good-to-bugs · 15 days
today has been horrible BUT buttercup finally ate something after like a month of refusing to eat so thats a relief
#the bin#that soujds bad if u dont know much about ball pythons but sometimes theyre just like that#unfortunately theres a lotbof vibrations and sounds in my apartment. like. a whole lot. not haloed by the fact my room is right across from#the pool area. specifically the shower. so i gotta deal with that noise a lot. and her tank is reeal close bc there is nowhere else for it#a lot of pall puthons really hate foot steps and vibrations and stuff. she esp hates them. the fact my upstairs neigbors stomp around#constantly and it mskes my floor shake im sure also stresses her out. im hoping she will be less stressed after moving since she wont have#to deal with that so much.#its been constantly stressing me out tho. and shes been pretty aggressive which makes sense. i havent been able to hold her bc she bites me#she never used to bite and i think she will go back to how she used to be. thats usually what ive heard when they arent eating but once they#start eating again they go back to being friendly. im so glad bc mann ive been having so many panic attacks worried that she might die#i knowbthat they often do go long periods without eating. its best for them not to but thats just how they are sometimes#but god. lady u gotta stop stressing me like this or IM gonna die of a heart attack or smth#i wish she woulda ate more but oh well. she always has trouble eating stuff bc shes kinda stupid and tries to eta the mice sideways#then theres baby who eat them so quickly and then asks for more and wont leave me alone about it. she so communicative its wild#at least i dont gittabstress abt wondering if she died or amth bc she pokes her hwad out to look at me all the time#shes so cute and perfect. they both are. god i love snakes
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vanyafresita · 5 months
actually, you know what ? im glad my ex gf ghosted me, i dodged a bullet it seems
#this was two years ago and just a few months ago i started getting over it#on the one hand yeah it fucking SUCKS i wish i had had some type of warning instead of radio silence suddently from one day to the other#on the other i was ready to move to texas (me: poc queer fem presenting nd bitch) and was looking seriously jobs over there#and like- i fucking HATE the usa but she was really scared about leaving the states to come to europe- so i was willingly to travel there to#be with her and not put her through that (ive been traveling since childhood so im used to it- but she has certain mental stuff going on and#taking her away from her family and her childhood city was going to be really tough- of course i'd sacrifice my life for hers)#and like im so sorry to everybody who is stuck in the usa right now bcs ur country is treating yall so poorly i feel genuinely bad#but as someone who was planninh to work over there as a teacher..... IM SO FUCKING GLAD I DONT HAVE TO SET FOOT THERE 😭#every single thing i hear about the education system there seems hellish- as well as the teachers' conditions and wages#like over here its not all rainbows and flowers but at least i dont have to worry about school shootings or getting fired for recommending#books from a banned list 💀#ESPECIALLY as a poc latino queer linguistics and literature teacher- i'd love to talk to students about a big range of things- i cannot#imagine having to censor myself or dance around a subject becs “kids are too dumb to understand queerness” “youre trying to groom them”#“dont brainwash em you commie” like ma'am im trying to help your child develop basic empathy and respect for those who dont look like them#like i hear some serious worrying stuff from teachers over there i hope u guys are holding up somehow 😭😭😭#anyways idk how the phrase in english goes but in spanish we say cuando dios cierra una puerta- abre una ventana#(<- trying to look for the positive in getting ghosted by the girl of their dreams)#its fine guys anyways#yeah that was the first LD relationship ive ever had- never trying that again#also i found out im arospec so im definitely not getting into a romantic relationship lmfaoooooo#only QPRs for me now if anything lol#vanya strawberry flavored
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luveline · 2 months
Hotch request! Please sir, can I have a Hotch request? I'm trying to follow what you said about comfort but also Hotch being angry. So I get low blood sugars cause of my diabetes and I'd love if you wrote something about them being on a case and BAU!Reader is really busy trying to get stuff done, so she has a bad low blood sugar and sits down but one of the local officers thinks she's slacking off so she tries to keep going and Hotch comes in and defends her, making sure she has everything she needs and doesn't faint. Love you <3
ty for requesting!! hope this is okay <3 fem, 1.3k
“I understand.” You frown, phone pressed to your ear hard. “I totally understand, but it’s really important that I get to talk to her.” 
“She’s on heavy medication,” the nurse replies, unimpressed by your asking, “she wouldn’t be much use anyhow.” 
“I understand, but–”
“Listen, I’m sorry, but we have a lot to do here. I’m sorry we can’t help. Bye.” 
You groan in frustration, bringing your phone from your ear to see the Call Disconnected notification flash across your screen. How are you and the team ever supposed to get answers if nobody wants to help? Your head rushes. You kid yourself into believing it’s annoyance like a hot flash, you’ve been sweaty for ages, but then reality cuts through. What usually makes you sweaty and dizzy?
“Where’s my test kit?” you murmur to yourself. 
The door opens while you’re looking through your bag. 
“Agent,” Officer Debs greets, a stout, sturdy woman with sharp eyes, “any news from Georgetown Psychiatric?” 
You rummage frustratedly through your things. You should know better than to misplace your test kit. Doesn’t matter. You’ll just have to eat something quickly before you get any worse. “Uh, no, nothing they could help me with.” 
“Did you call them?” 
Your eyelids are getting heavier. You sit down on impulse, worried you’re gonna fall if you stay standing. “Yeah, I called them.” You’ve had diabetes for long enough to know what to do, but it’s always harder than it felt the last time when your blood sugar drops. It can be so sudden. 
Realising you might need help, you clear your throat, about to ask Officer Debs if she can get the glucose tablets from your bag. You should’ve grabbed them —your thoughts are starting to thicken like someone’s poured cornflour into your skull. 
“Is now the best time for a break?” Officer Debs asks. 
You focus very hard on bringing your attention into the present. “No, sorry,” you say, standing up. You open your phone and direct to the contacts page, clicking your favourite contact at the very top. 
Don’t know m where test kit is, you text clumsily. Hotch should still be in the precinct. Do u have it ? 
“I hope you’re texting someone about the case,” Officer Debs says sternly. 
You shove your phone into your pocket. “Um,” you say, getting confused now, and not wanting to be shouted at. You grab for the page of phone numbers you’d been making your way through, can’t get your hands to work. “I wasn’t. But I’m getting to it.” 
“We really don’t have time to waste.” 
“I know, but my blood sugar–”
She talks over you. “What’s the point in all our officers working day and night when you FBI agents can’t be bothered to put in the same effort?” Her voice rises. “It’s ridiculous!”
“It’s not ridiculous, we’re trying our best just like you are.”
“Clearly not!” 
“My blood sugar,” you say, more insistently. “Stop shouting at me.” 
The door opens quickly, creaking hard on its hinge. Hotch doesn’t slam it open, he never slams anything, but he doesn’t hesitate either. “I have it, you left it in the car after you tested this morning,” he says, your kit in his hand. He gives Officer Debs a surprised up and down. “Who’s shouting?” he asks, unimpressed. 
You wouldn’t like to be on his bad side. “Hotch, I need a tablet.” 
If he’s shocked at your lethargy, he doesn’t say. He ignores the officer from that point on. “Yes, I think so, too.” 
Hotch is more efficient than you were, grabbing your tube of glucose tablets and shaking one out into his hand. “Can you take it yourself?” 
“You want to chew it for me?” you ask. 
He tips it into your palm. “Very funny.” 
He opens the test kit on the desk and starts to extract the pieces. It’s quite complicated, especially for people unfamiliar with it, but you’re pretty sure Hotch learned how to use it the day he knew you had diabetes. He wipes his hands with an alcohol wipe and presses a test strip into the meter, careful not to touch the end, before wiping your finger with a new wipe, and readying the lancing stick. 
“Gonna stick you, okay?” he asks quietly.
“Mm,” you hum, the glucose tablet like chalk between your teeth. 
He sticks you. Some days it feels more painful than other days, but today it’s like a pinprick in a haze. He squeezes your finger, wipes the first drop of blood with a cotton ball, and dips the test strip into the second bead of blood, careful not to jab your cut. 
In the five seconds it takes for you to get a result on the meter, he kneels down, pressing another cotton ball to your finger to stem the flow of blood. “Good,” he murmurs to you. The meter flashes on the table. “Not so good. Fifty nine, huh? How’d that happen?” 
You shake your head slowly from one side to another. “I’ve no idea.” 
“Okay. Well, that tablet’s not gonna do it, honey. Do you have any gels?” 
“No,” you say apologetically. 
“That’s fine. I’ll get you a drink.” 
Officer Debs clears her throat. You may be foggy, but her awkwardness is palpable. “I’ll get it.”
“It has to be full sugar. Coke, if you can,” Hotch says. She nods in understanding and leaves in record time. Hotch turns back to you, his severity melting away. “She was shouting at you?”
“Tried to tell her about my blood sugar. She told me we’re not here to waste time.” You close your mouth, licking the glucose off of your teeth.
“How did you get so low?” he asks.
“Must have done something wrong this morning. Am I okay?” 
“We’ll see. I think you’ll be alright.” 
“Don’t usually get so dizzy.” 
“When was the last time you were below seventy?” 
“Don’t know,” you mumble. 
Hotch peels the cotton ball from your finger and packs your things away cleanly. “Let’s see how you feel in ten minutes. After your coke. Now… what did the Officer say to you?” 
He’s getting his facts straight. Again, you wouldn’t like to be on his bad side. You relay your conversation, Officer Debs hadn’t even been that bad, just uppity, stuck on her own assumptions rather than willing to listen when you’d needed a hand. Her lack of empathy could’ve really affected you. Low blood sugar is no joke. 
You tell him, savouring in the warmth of his hand on your leg, how uncaring he is to be kneeling in front of you on the precinct floor. He frowns at you long and hard. 
By the time Officer Debs returns, he’s on his feet again. “A word?” he asks her. 
You don’t hear all of what he’s saying through the door as you sip your coke. He doesn’t shout, but he defends you with a heavy gravity. Officer Debs speaks up and he cuts her down, something about understanding, and then a more clear telling off, “I don’t want to hear about Agent L/N’s performance from you again. She’s my agent, and if she needs a break, she’ll take one. It’s none of your concern.” 
“I understand.” 
You feel much peppier when he comes back in, though he appears less so. “You’re nasty,” you say, smiling, happy to be defended, and happier to know you’re not gonna pass out.
He crosses the room. Still frowning, he takes your face into his hands, and he leans down inch by inch, until he’s pressing a soft, soft kiss to your lips. You barely have time to close your eyes before he’s pulling away, thumb pressed into your soft cheek. “Nobody gets to shout at you. Especially over your blood sugar.” 
“It’s usually you telling me off for letting it get low,” you mumble. 
He stands up straight, leaving you wanting for another kiss you won’t get, hands stolen back from your cheeks. “You’re ageing me prematurely. Drink some more coke, please, sweetheart.” 
“What do I get in return?” 
He touches your face briefly, as much of a promise as you’re going to get. 
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81folklore · 8 months
heaven - OP81 - part 3
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pairings: oscar piastri x private!reader (fc: gracie abrams)
summary: oscars girlfriend attends her first grand prix and the public get to see just how proud she is of oscar
authors note: ive honestly missed writing for oscar and priv!reader so we are back in honor of oscars FIRST EVER WIN AND INCREDIBLE SPRINT RACE!! im genuinely so proud of oscar and im honestly in shock. i also follow ZERO wag pages so i have no clue what they are like, if people actually follow them etc.
authors note 2: short-ish and sweet for OSCARS FIRST WIN?? i started writing this about 30 minutes before the sprint race so i had no clue where this was going to go but HE WON!!
part 1 part 2 masterlist
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liked by user5, user81, user9 and 7,289 others
yn entering the paddock for the first time today! she followed shortly after oscar, spoke to some oscar/mclaren fans and handed a few who were unable to meet oscar, on his way in, some signed things she had. we absolutely love her already!!
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user81: omg she’s literally the sweetest thing😭
user61: the fact that oscar fans already love her🫶🫶
user9: oh she looks so cute!!
user72: i was one of the girls she gave something too! she said she had been following behind oscar and kept an eye on anyone who he missed to give them something after he left. she was very very shy, but she made sure to speak to everyone who oscar missed and was asking us questions about us, overall she was very sweet!!
user22: this makes me love her even more😭and congrats on the signed stuff!! do you mind me asking what it was?
user72: thank you! and of course, we all got something different! i got a signed polaroid of oscar (im still in disbelief?! and it must have been one she took herself bcs i couldnt find the photo online anywhere), someone a bit down from me got what looked like a drivers card and i saw someone else get a picture of his car!
user22: A POLAROID?? oh you won😭😭
user1: i wonder if we will see her again
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 9,619 others
first qualifying in the paddock was a rollercoaster of emotions, not the result we were hoping for, expected or wanted but its ok because oscars gonna smash it tomorrow and we’ll pretend today didnt happen!!
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oscarpiastri: glad you had fun🤍
oscarpiastri: my goodluck charm wasnt goodlucking today
yourusername: dont say thattt☹️ill try and be extra lucky tomorrow promise!!
oscarpiastri: i love you
yourusername: i love you more🤭
user3: the photo difference😭
user14: loved seeing you in the garage today
yourfriend3: i love you but those photos😭😭
yourusername: stoooop i was so nervous all day😭
yourfriend7: wish oscar luck from all of us back home!
oscarpiastri: 👍👍
user81: u are so cute☹️
user2: so unfair how they told oscar during the interview!!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 9,182 others
changed outfits but we are ready for the sprint!!
tagged oscarpiastri
comments on this post have been limited
oscarpiastri: love you lots and lots, thank you for coming🧡
yourusername: I LOVE YOU!! and you dont have to thank me, ill always stay with you🤍🤍
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liked by yourusername, mitchevans_ and 817,175 others
He just keeps getting better and better!
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mclaren: YESSSSSS!!!👏👏👏
user6: P1ASTRI
yourusername: INCREDIBLE🤩🤩
user18: more than deserved!
user73: absolute legend
yourusername added to their story
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seen by oscarpiastri and 6,289 others
user6: AHHHHHH
user81: LOOK AT HIM GO
oscarpiastri: ☺️☺️
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 10,278 others
oh how i obsessively adore you.. today you took your first f1 pole position, hours later you became a formula one race winner (idc if it was a sprint you still won!!)
i have been on this incredible journey with you long before your first f2 race. i was by your side at your first f2 win and im still by your side now youve won in f1
i know how much this win means to you, i know how much you wanted to prove yourself to everyone and you have. you never fail to amaze me, especially coming back after the shit show that was yesterday
you are truly incredible and you are so so special🐨
i love you so much, congratulations🧡
tagged oscarpiastri
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user11: THE KOALA😭😭
user72: so deserved🧡incredible drive!!
user68: the f2 race winner picture😭😭the f1 race winner picture😭😭THE SMILEY INTERVIEW PICTURE😭😭
oscarpiastri: my favorite goodluck charm🧡
oscarpiastri: thank you so much for sticking with me through it all
oscarpiastri: i appreciate you so much my love
yourusername: you are so special, lovely🩵
landonorris: usually i hate your sappy posts but ill make an exception this time..congrats mate!!
oscarpiastri: you too mate!
yourusername: knew id get you to love these posts eventually🤭
formula2: we’re so proud of our aussie🥹🐨
oscarpiastri and yourusername added to their stories
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seen by yourusername, aussiegrit and 722,519 others
*text on first photo reads: my favourite thing is when i open my phone after a race and i see the photos yn sent me during the race🧡* *text on second photo reads: i love seeing my boy do what he loves*
oscar’s replies:
user52: shes so cute☹️
user12: tell me that was when you won the race and not before
user61: where can i find someone like her😭
yourusername: babyyy i didnt know youd share these😭😭
oscarpiastri: just had to show everyone how grateful i am for you🤍
user49: get yourself someone who supports you the way yn supports oscar!!
yn’s replies:
user17: oh i love you guys so much
yourfriend2: we are all so proud of oscar!!
oscarpiastri: i love you so much more than i can ever express
yourusername: osc☹️☹️ i hold so much love and adoration for you
oscarpiastri: wait when did you take this photo??
yourusername: i watched the final lap in the bathroom so i could sob in peace😭
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
Can i request che‘nya, neige and rollo finding out you‘re a girl please?
(Just if u weite for em)
Freaking love ur serie 😍
Side Characters Find Out You’re A Girl?!?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
TW: Rollo
Info: Che’nya, Niege, and Rollo x Reader
🍓Thank you! I'm glad people enjoyed this series so much, it was very fun to write. This is the last part I'm afraid, but I hope it is a fitting goodbye to what has been a very long-running series now lol. Excited to move on to other things!
Tags: @kitsun369 @bloomstruck @squidsailing
-Oooooo, Che’nya knows something is up the moment he (creepily) stalks you and the others from the garden.
-His sniffer isn’t as good as Leona’s — he’s just a tomcat, after all — but he can smell that something about you isn’t right.
-Plus, he’s a master of bending the truth, he can see through your lie a mile away.
-Still, he has no reason to bother you about it — he doesn’t even know you. 
-He just thinks you’re a little funny that you’d hide something as pointless as this.
-Doesn’t really have confirmation on it until he asks Cater at the tea party.
-Then he later asks Trey who is like ‘Yeahhhhh…’
-Again, he doesn’t really know you, but he does think you’re cute and stuff.
-He sees your around when he sneaks on campus, and he was happy to bump into you at the VDC.
-(He scored your number there, lets go Che’nya).
-Nah, you two don’t really get to interact until Noble Bell College.
-He’s excited to see you again, and really chats you up this time (everyone there thinks its weird, he literally has no reason to talk to you).
-You’re alone with him and Niege and Grim when he drops the bombshell of “A pretty girl like you should be wearing a dress, right?”
-You don’t know if Trey or Cater or even Riddle told him, but you were gonna deck them across the face the second you found out.
-Still, despite him outing you to Niege, he’s really only mildly annoying about it.
-He teases you and picks on you about it, but he’s more like an annoying older brother than a creep.
-He will hang it over your head though, because they way you get all huffy is funny and cute to him.
-Other than Che’nya— Neige really doesn’t suspect much.
-I mean, look at him and Vil. Feminine men is not his biggest concern.
-He respects you and your pronouns and he’s a real big sweetheart.
-He is… drawn to you, just a little. 
-You’re different from the other students, and you managed to make friend with Vil, so excuse him for being a little curious.
-Despie Vil being vehemently against it, you and him exchange numbers and start talking casually.
-It’s pretty normal stuff, and it’s not like you’re talking every day, but you consider each other friends at the very least.
-You’re both very excited to see each other again at Nobel Bell College.
-Neige feels bad that you’re sort of forced to go and babysit, but he gets to see you again!
-You bump into him and Che’nya at the fesitval, and Neige is… notably weirded out by Che’nya’s overt friendliness with you.
-“He’s never this nice with people he doesn’t know — never. It’s so weird.” He tells you.
-You brush off his concerns, and you live to pay for it too.
-You and Neige were just chilling, talking, and hanging out for the first time in person and Che’nya walked over and joined the conversation.
-All is good until he drops the one-liner of a century, leaving both you and Neige in shock.
-You because how did he find out, Neige because oh my god you’re a woman.
-He feels even WORSE for you now.
-I mean, being the only woman at NRC has gotta be awful.
-He doesn’t make a big deal out of it, bless his soul.
-He just shrugs it off and also offers his room as sanctuary on the weekends if you need it. 
-He does agree with Che’nya, though, you would look very pretty in a nice flowing ballgown!
-Bless this little freaks soul. He is about as sheltered as Malleus and about ten times more evil.
-He, somehow, knows something about you is different from the get-go. Not just your inability for magic, no something more.
-Naturally, he is drawn to you, and evermore curious about you and your life at NRC.
-He, being observant, takes note that you are treated slightly differently by your fellow classmates.
-They are generally more respectful and courteous toward you — gentlemanly in some cases.
-It only makes his interest in you grow. What is it that is so special about you? 
-Then he overhears a conversation with Niege and Che’nya, and it all makes so much sense!
-You are a woman, of course you are. No wonder you were so captivating.
-Rollo holds this card close to his chest — he needs not reveal his secrets.
-Malleus is fond of you — as are the other magicians here. That could be useful.
-This information could aid him in his ultimate plan — and he could be your savior from the beasts you live amongst. 
-He reveals that he knows your gender in front of everyone at the festival, and takes you captive as his own.
-He is so diluted in thinking that he is your saving grace, and that what he is doing is so right and justified that he can’t hear you curing him out over his own thoughts.
-Obviously, you get saved by your friends and all is well, but now a whole lot of people who shouldn’t know you are a woman do, and Crowley has to do a LOT of PR work lol.
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willsimpforanyone · 3 months
could u do a percy jackson friends - friends with benefits - dating headcanons??? nsfw if you want
i can absolutely do that, thank you for requesting and thank you for being so patient!
being a demigod is stressful as fuck
we all know this
being an adult demigod comes with its own level of stress
was it a good idea to get into a friends with benefits arrangement with the guy you were crushing on? probably not
did you do it anyway? yes you did
because you're not stupid, you discussed it at length about boundaries and stuff so you wouldn't accidentally ruin your friendship
one of you would text the other and you'd arrange a time
let's get into the details
the first few times it was a little awkward to start, but you have a natural rhythm with each other so after a while it gets comfy
it's almost intuitive how you two manage to separate the difference between you as friends and you with the 'benefits'
for a while you ignore the growing feelings in your heart and your brain
but it's very difficult when you already worked so well together as friends
and now you know you work well together in bed
everything is so good and you are so, so scared of fucking this up
little do you know, percy is feeling exactly the same
his favourite part of everything is the aftercare when he gets to take care of you and you have mandatory cuddle time and binge watch whatever show you're watching
yeah, you have a show you watch together, how disgustingly domestic
it takes. AGES. for you two to actually get together
and it happens completely accidentally
not to get immediately nsfw
but he's pounding into you and you have your arms around him and gods above you look so gorgeous underneath him and he can't help the words 'i love you' from crawling up his throat and spilling over his lips
it immediately sends you over the edge and you slam your lips against his hard and messy
you don't talk about it for a little while but after you've caught your breath, you force yourself to bring it up when it's clear he's kind of mortified about it
he goes to immediately leave and you're like 'absolutely not we have mandatory cuddle time now'
'soooo... you love me?'
because who can resist teasing
percy immediately hides his face in your neck and mumbles something about how obviously he loves you because you're one of his best friends but he also means it in a romantic 'i wanna kiss you all the time' kinda way
so you take the initiative and kiss him so sweetly and with no underlying motivations
'i love you too, you absolute fucking dork'
he absolutely lights up and wraps you up in such a hug it's like he's squeezing all the love into you
i hope this was okay, thank you so much for requesting!
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gay-dorito-dust · 21 days
hi hiii its my first time ever asking anyone idk how this works ( ;`Д´)
i rlly love your writing, i often find myself staying up late reading through your blogs!! funny bcs u were the one who got me into jason todd (ФωФ)
anyways!!! i was hoping you could pls pls pls pls plssssss write smth about Jason Todd who has a lover thats a sleep-deprived uni student having a hell week and jason is like "bitch put google docs down and get some sleep, ur ass has been awake for 48 hours" all worried and wanting them to rest and reader is like "correction, 50 hours."
i hope it makes sense (´ 3`)
tyyyyy!!! woopee woopee
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Sorry this took so long to get to anon, I hope you liked it either way. And don’t stay up too late reading fics but I truly appreciate you reading my stuff, I’m glad you like them 🦦🐿️
A week.
An entire week Jason had noticed you have been forcing yourself to stay up at the dead of night, glued to your laptop all the while chugging energy drinks and cups of coffee as though they were going out of style, and for what? An assignment that determined your future at uni should you not get straight marks.
Jason thought it ridiculous that you made yourself sleep deprived over this but he knew that if he didn’t do anything about it, then you’ll continue this habit until you were well out of university, struggling to come to terms that you had well and truly burnt yourself out before you could properly start living.
So when Jason couldn’t fell you next to him in bed one night, like you promised him you would, and groaned as he got himself out of bed before making his way towards the kitchen where he’d knew you’d be.
‘What time do you call this?’ Jason asked when he saw you in your usual spot at the kitchen counter, hunched over your laptop with a thin blanket frapped over your shoulders and a can of energy drink on one side of the laptop and a cup of coffee on the other side. He hated what this stupid university has made you do just in order to get good grades, it was harmful, damaging and it would inevitably lead to health complications later on in life; If he could Jason would more then gladly march down there and threaten the professors to stop shoving a boatload of work onto their students, but firstly he has to get you away from that damn laptop and learn how to take a fucking break.
‘Mid-afternoon?’ You asked, not looking up from the bright screen of your laptop, where the words scrawled across it in an incoherent mess for your overworked brain to comprehend.
‘It’s actually 3:30 in the morning.’ Jason replied unamused as he crossed his arms over his chest and you winced when you saw that he was indeed right about it being three thirty in the morning. ‘Don’t you think it’s time that you shut the laptop off and get some sleep?’
‘But I-‘
‘Actually sleep.’ Jason cuts you off as you slumped back into your chair, unable to come up with a decent enough response to defend yourself with because deep down you knew Jason was right, you’ve hadn’t had a decent sleep in a long while and it was definitely taking it’s toll with how lightheaded you’ve become as of late.
You sighed and ran your hands down your face. ‘Jason I can’t, I’ve got-‘
‘An assignment to complete for tomorrow I know.’ Jason cuts you off again as he crossed the room to put his hand over the top of your coffee cup upon noticing that you were intending to take another drink from it. ‘But I look at you and can tell you can barely keep your eyes open for more than five minutes.’ He adds and upon your silence, he puts the cup aside as far as he could before doing the same with the half empty energy drink, and then finally shutting the laptop close despite your weak protests for him not to.
‘No, Jason my assignment, I need to finish it.’ You told him with slow, sluggish movements as you tried to pry his hand off of your laptop, all the while biting back a yawn. ‘Just give me five more minutes please and I’ll come to bed, promise.’
Jason had enough of this habit of sleepless nights, it ends now, the professors will have to understand and extend the due date for your sake as he remembered how often you had harped on about how important this assignment was for your overall grade; However Jason didn’t take neglecting your bodily needs lightly and would prioritise that over anything else,you could hate him all you wanted but he was only looking out for you and your wellbeing.
‘Sorry chipmunk but I can’t watch you do this to yourself for any longer than I already have.’ Was all Jason said as he then lifted you out of your chair suddenly causing you to yelp in surprise and cling onto him for dear life, now being more awake then you ever have been five minutes ago, as he then proceeded to carry you back towards the bedroom before unceremoniously dropping you onto the bed.
‘Jason, I seriously needed to get that assignment-‘
‘We are going to sleep, end of discussion.’ Jason said with finality as he crawled under the covers and quickly held you against his chest as tightly as he could, rubbing his hands up and down your back soothingly. ‘I know how important this assignment was for you sweetheart but I’d much rather have you well rested, clear minded and healthy than to ever to have you pass out in my arms from exhaustion. I want my baby happy and healthy and you are neither of those things right now.’ Jason whispers into your ear, kissing the side of your head a couple of times before resting his forehead against yours so that he was looking into your weary half lidded eyes.
‘Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open.’ He spoke with worry laced in his words.
‘You’re really warm and comfy jay birdie.’ You murmured, feeling the need for sleep grow ever stronger the longer you stayed in his arms as it fogged your mind.
‘I know, so please we can talk to the professor in the morning and sort something out, but until then no more late nights understand?’ Jason said firmly as he held you a little tighter, he just wanted you to get a decent nights sleep and be looked after properly but all these late nights weren’t cutting it and were making your situation worse, how were you meant to get anything done when you were half out of it due to overworking and lack of a sleep schedule? Were the professors at your university thinking they were teaching robots instead of humans with breaking limits?
‘Okay I understand, I love you.’ You replied sleepily as you burrowed your head into his neck, falling asleep in record time as Jason stayed awake a little longer as to make sure you were properly asleep before following suit, watching over you in the dream realm as he did the waking one.
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willowrites · 2 months
heyyy so this is a request for colby. i thought that maybe he invited his “friend😉” y/n for a collab on his channel and theyre playing truth or drink and the questions get kinda spicy and he also gets kinda jealous fron some of her answers and stuff and maybe add some crazy smut idk its up to u😙😙
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PAIRINGS. colby brock x fem reader
SUMMARY. amid a no big deal type of video of truth or drink some feelings and needs get mixed...
WARNINGS. drinking! smut, dominant male x sub fem (colby showing his dominant side fr), choking, spanking, rough sex, scratching, oral female!receiving, degradation, dirty talk, praising, unprotected sex (don’t do this!!)...
AUTHORS NOTE. i absolutely LOVED this request!! i usually don’t get a lot of these types of requests so u best believe i tried putting my whole heart and soul into it. hope you enjoyed bae !! SORRY THIS IS SO LATE BTW.
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as you sat on the couch scrolling on instagram you heard your friend colby’s voice.
“we should do a special kind of Q&A huh?” he was speaking to sam but you still took the liberty to answer.
“how about truth or drink? it’ll still be a q & a. just more fun.” you raised your brows.
they both looked at each other and nodded. “fuck, for once she has a good idea.” colby scoffed.
“oh shut the fuck up dick. i always have good ideas.” you rolled your eyes.
“yeah, that tiny ass skirt not being one of them.” he looked at your outfit.
you had on a basic black fitted shirt which fell just above your belly button. a blue-wash mini skirt with black high-heeled boots that reach just the middle of your shin.
your hair was pin-straight because you straightened it and you had on your usual makeup.
“my outfit is fire you’re just a hater.” you eyed him.
“oh please, you could see your bare ass cheeks in that thing.” he gestured up and down towards your body.
“oh, sad you can’t see more?” you grinned and he immediately left the room.
you shrugged him off waiting for their queue to go to their little filming area.
it was 11:30 when they had started to get things ready. you headed towards the filming area and sat down on the couch.
“guys sorry i have to go. my friend just texted and told me it’s an emergency.” sam was panicking and you could tell. “maybe you can do this for your personal channel colby, but i gotta go. have fun.” he was quick to say bye and headed out towards the door.
you hoped everything with sam was okay but all you thought about after he left was how it was just you and colby and how you were bound to get heated.
“for fucks sake,” you whispered to yourself.
“don’t act so excited.” colby randomly appeared. you had no idea where he came from. he was carrying a bottle of tequila and plastic shot cups. “you ready?”
“i guess.” you fake yawned.
colby clicked on the camera making it start clicking.
“it’s counting down to ten then it’ll record. just in case you’re too stupid to realize.” he snickered after his rude remark.
“i know you fuckface.” you sneered.
you and colby always had this love-hate friendship. of course, it wasn’t real but it was just more interesting to be mean to each other. you both got the memo and never got mad about anything you guys have said to each other.
in the midst of your friendship, you found yourself finding colby more attractive by the day. you didn’t give yourself the time of day to really think or dwell but in the back of your mind, you knew you had just the tiniest bit of feelings for him.
were they as tiny as your little brain thought though?
“what’s up, guys! it’s colby brock here and welcome back to my channel! today we’re going to get…fucked!” he says to the camera. “i haven’t done one of these in a loooong time. oh shit…by the way guys this is y/n!” he pretends to shrug then grins.
“wow thank you so much for the introduction colby, hi guys!” you smile. you weren’t usually on colby’s channel so you wanted to make a good impression all the time.
“of course.” he fake smiles. “alright! you guys already know what this video is based on the title. view discretion is advised…if you do not have 21! don’t drink.” you both paused. “why’d i say that so weirdly.” he cringed.
“because you’re odd.” you stated. “what he means is if you are underage obviously don’t drink.”
“yeah, what she said. now i posted a little instagram story thingy asking you guys to ask us truth or dare questions but we are cutting out the dares and doing drinks!” he rubs his hands together. “so let’s get started”
he brought out his phone scrolling through it. “i’m so not prepared for the hangover i will endure tomorrow.” you groaned leaning back on the couch.
“me too, i haven’t drunk in like 3 days.” he wiped his forehead playfully.
“wow colby that must be a new record for you.” you patted his back.
“oh fuck off. here you read the questions.” he rolled his eyes passing the phone to you. “alright guys, the first question let’s get it.”
you were biting your cheek as you carefully skimmed the question. “woah! starting off strong huh. alright…what’s the worst ‘doing the dirty’ experience you’ve had.”
his eyes widened. “starting off very strong.” he laughed. “wow…um”
you thought about it. there were quite a few. “are you going to answer this?”
“yeah! i’m gonna…m gonna answer it.” he leaned back on the couch. “just uh..one time i had a female use a lot of teeth. and it hurt.”
you winced at that and giggled a bit. “yikes that’s uh…”
“yeah yeah it was really awkward and i just..yeah we never talked again.” he looked down in fake shame. “what about you. you going to answer?”
“yeah for sure um…well i’m not going to name names but this one guy i was with …let’s just say he didn't have the best hygiene and well it smelled so bad i genuinely had to leave.” you laughed painfully.
“that is so nasty y/n oh my god.” colby covers his face.
“you’re telling me! i wanted to die then and there. somehow i was the embarrassed one.” you covered your face.
“jeez alright alright well i am soooo sorry about that.” he chuckled.
he wasn’t sorry.
“next question!” he fake demanded.
“okay, which one of you has the better style?” you spoke.
“oooo that is a hard question…” colby pretended to think. “me!”
“oh that’s such a fat lie!” your tone playful but offended. “i have a much better style than you!”
“liar liar!” he sang.
“oh, whatever i’m better and you know it. next question.”
as you both bantered and went through questions some you drank some you answered you felt the alcohol hit you after three shots.
your brain went fuzzy and your actions became more free.
you looked at colby throughout your time and he got increasingly hot. you didn’t know if it was you or the alcohol but you wanted to jump his bones.
“colby why do you have a pair of handcuffs in your room?” your eyes widened on that one as soon as you said it.
you’ve never really been in colby’s room. only once to use the restroom so you never really looked around.
you turned to him and his eyes were wide and his face turned red.
“what the fuck.” he laughed in disbelief. “umm…why? i mean…?” he grabbed the bottle of tequila ready to go.
“no come on answer it!” you wanted to get it out of him even though you clearly knew why. “were they props for a video?”
“no.” he stated. then he got ready to put the bottle back. “you know what i use them for personal fun alright.”
“what the fuck does that even mean? personal fun?” you questioned, confusion written on your face.
“that should answer the question right?” he nods to himself while you’re shaking your head.
“no no, you need to go a little bit more in-depth with it.” you have a smug look on your face.
“oh my god, i’m getting embarrassed.” he smiles awkwardly at me and then at the camera.
“then go ahead and drink.” you raise your brows trying to use reverse psychology to make him spill…and it works.
“i’ve used them for sexual fun.” he says while about to pour the shot. “that counts right.”
you thought about it, your stomach doing loops. “fine.” you roll your eyes.
“ha ha…” he rubs his hands together. “next question.”
you scroll through and find the perfect one.
“ñame two dirty kinks that you have.” colby’s face as you read the question was filled with surprise.
“jeez…oh my god. sorry…m-mom.” he apologized.
“oh so you’re gonna answer?” you squinted your eyes in intimidation.
“w-what. you know what now i’m not.” he scoffed and picked up the bottle. he poured half the shot when you interrupted.
“you already said one!” you shrugged.
“oh so that counts?” he questioned.
“mhm.” you hummed waiting for his second response.
“ummm…” he paused putting his hand out in front of him and leaning against his knee. “i like to be dominant. alright, there we go.”
your eyes widened. even though you could tell what kind of guy colby was in the bedroom, it was more effective as he said it right in front of the camera not being afraid to express it.
“oh wow…” you said slowly. “not surprised.”
“oh really? now you have to answer.” he waits.
“mmm, or i could drink.” you snicker grabbing the bottle from his hands.
“nuh uh, cmonnnn…” he tries to convince you.
“oh my god ugh.” you whine. “fine, um…i like to be …praised?” you questioned.
“wow…a very good one. mhm…” his gaze on you was strong. you felt so small under his stare. “one more…” he says softly.
“and iliketobechoked.” you muttered as quick as you could.
“you what now? sorry i didn’t hear you! doesn’t count.” he fake frowns.
“oh my god. i like to be choked.” you sternly let out. “moving on!” you raised your voice trying to distract yourself.
little did you know, for the rest of the video colby was thinking of you in that position and his mind ran through all the other times you could’ve been with someone else.
he was envious.
envious of people who got to pleasure you and who got pleasured by you.
as the time went on you both got more drunk. you were a bit tipsy but thanks to your genius plan of just telling the truth the alcohol barely affected you.
same with colby, after that he realized he really had nothing to hide.
“okay well that’s it you guys thank you for watching…and thank you y/n for joining. ” as he was talking to the camera you were analyzing him. his perfect face. his jawline. your eyes trailed down to his hands.
you felt you dampen your underwear.
you felt embarrassed at the fact that he was able to make you feel these things so easily.
“of course it was fun! i definitely learned a lot more about you.” you laughed.
“yes, same here…” he paused and squinted at you. “but anyways i will see you guys next time!”
he ended the video and there was just silence.
“how tipsy are you?” he asked.
“considering ive told the truth more times than i took a drink, i’m sober.” you snickered. “you?”
“not at all,” he spoke. his tone is not something you’ve heard before.
“i’ll be right back im going to use the restroom.” you got nervous under his gaze.
you scurried off to the restroom looking yourself in the mirror. you made sure to fix anything about yourself and reapplied your lip product.
you then adjusted your skirt so that it was in a higher position. you didn’t know what possessed you to act so teasing but you did.
after you were done, you walked out confidently heading back to the main room.
“in here!” colby shouted his voice heard from the hall leading towards the den.
what you loved about sam and colby’s house was that it was always cozy. it wasn’t like a big celebrity mansion you always felt at home here.
to explain the sudden thought in your head, as you walked into the den there was a massive L-shaped couch that was basically a big bed. there were detachable seats where you could just slide them wherever to maximize the space.
the huge window on one side of the room looking out to darkness but covered with curtains that had fairy lights draped. the colors red.
then a fireplace with a large flat-screen TV above it. some plants scattered around too which also pleased your eyes.
“wanna watch a movie?” he was manspreading making you want to squeeze your thighs together.
“uh..thought you’d want me gone by now.” you playfully spat one hand on your hip and the other on your thigh playing with the end of your skirt.
you were never really flirty but maybe you’ll admit the alcohol is affecting you more than you mentioned.
“mmmm, see i would kick you out because being home alone is depressing. sam won’t be back until tomorrow he just texted.” he was looking down at his phone but then put it to the side and rested his gaze on you.
you were still in the door frame which was quite wide so you were being illuminated by the light behind you.
“turn the light off and come over here,” he spoke softly. you couldn’t tell but when you turned around to shut the switch off he admired how you looked in your outfit.
he was throwing a fit earlier because he was jealous he wouldn’t be the only one seeing it. he wanted to be the one to take it off too.
something you also didn’t know was that he was jealous. jealous that you’ve been with other people but not with him. he wanted to be the one who kissed you and loved up on you. he wanted to choke you while he fucked you at a relentless pace.
and he too, was more tipsy than he’d like to admit.
you made your way back once you switched off the light; the only thing illuminating the room was the flatscreen TV.
you sat on the opposite side of the couch starting to get nervous.
“you act like i’m going to do something to you.” colby chuckled his arm resting on the back of the couch. he looks so good, you thought to yourself.
you wanted him to do something to you.
“i’m just getting comfortable.” you settled on the couch and somehow some way the skirt barely covered your underwear.
colby looked and noticed which had him visibly become hard.
you didn’t notice because you were focused on his ring-clad hands and how they’d feel inside you.
you looked away to then look at the TV and see what he was putting on to watch.
“so what we are watching?” you questioned fiddling with your hair.
“mmm” he started to speak distracted by your thighs and how they’d look around his head while he…you know. “what do you feel like?”
“hmm, i’m not sure how long are you planning on keeping me around?” you look at him.
as your gazes met your stomach churned and you squeezed your thighs tighter.
there was pure lust in his eyes. you felt like he could kill you with his glare. he fiddled with his ring causing you to gulp.
“why do you look nervous?” he said disregarding your question.
“i’m not…” you denied. “you’re the one who looks nervous.” lie.
“how so?” he said starting to get up.
your eyes didn’t leave his body as he stood up to turn on the fireplace. he then came towards you. you froze heart beating out of your chest.
“what’s wrong?” he pouted. “stand up.”
what the fuck was going on.
you were confused but still followed his orders.
“how are you not cold in this tiny ass skirt.” he played with the end of it.
you lifted your head to meet his eyes trying to keep your composure.
“last time i checked im not outside.” you scoffed rolling your eyes at his comment.
“mmm, i turned on the fireplace because i thought you’d be a bit chilly. aren’t i a nice friend?” he grinned his hand making its way to your shoulder brushing the hair away. his touch sent chills down your body you couldn’t control.
“friend is an overstatement,” you whispered. he was now a centimeter away from you. his hand made its way behind your neck and caressed softly.
“not friends? funny.” he humorlessly laughed now playing with your hair. “you love my company.”
“do not.” you snort. he grinned knowingly stepping closer toward you. you were close to stumbling back onto the couch but kept your balance.
“then why are you so nervous? you’re shivering but you’re not cold…you get chills every time i touch you. you love my company.” he called you out. you were stunned to speak. what did you have to say to that? “and you love my touch.” he stepped even closer this time causing you to fall back onto the couch. you sat up in a sitting position looking up at him.
he knelt down meeting your eyes. “look at you in this skirt.” his right hand trailing down your thigh and the other on the couch. “do you have any idea how good you look? and how pissed the fuck off i was to see you wearing it not just for me?”
you had no idea where this behavior came from but it was turning you on.
your breathing became heavier as his hand trailed closer to your sex. “dressed like a slut to get who’s attention?” his demeanor changed but you could tell it wasn’t serious, even then it was still turning you on.
“certainly not for you.” you felt breathless.
“the way that your legs just opened at my touch; i'd say it was.” he bit his lip a little bit. “just ask and i’ll touch you, baby.”
his teasing had you wanting to drop to your knees.
you placed your hand protectively at the end of your skirt. “touch me? you think you can make me feel good?” you challenged.
“find out.” he replied tapping your knee. “cmon, open up.”
as if you were hypnotized your legs spread giving room for colby hands to go further.
“good girl.” all that he was able to see was your lacy black lingerie, he pressed the back of his palm right on top of your clothed clit. “ironic how you’re this wet but seem to despise me.”
he’s more harsh with his touch pressing firmly focusing on your clit rather than where you’re most damp. your face contorts as you’re experiencing the smallest bit of pleasure.
“fuck, just wanna taste you so bad. you have no idea how fucking long I've wanted to wrap my lips around your sweet pussy.’ he groaned rubbing back and forth on your sensitive area.
so the dirty talk has begun…
your legs spread further apart granting him more access.
“all needy, go on beg for it.” he pulls his hand away from your sex setting both on top of either of your thighs.
the pleasure you were just receiving seemed to have wiped your memory from all the previous comments he's made because you find yourself begging for his touch.
“touch me please,” you whine trying to grab his hand and bring it toward where you were aching the most.
“look at you, being such a needy whore.” he spat all of a sudden pulling you by your legs closer to him so that your legs were wrapping around his waist. “you sure you wanna start this baby? i don't know if you can handle it.” he egotistically chuckles.
his comment sparked something up in your brain.
your past relationships have been slightly rough in the bedroom but not to the point where you were fully satisfied. you found that you like it when you're belittled or manhandled, it turns you on like nothing else does. you enjoyed being choked and spanked and having your hair pulled. just imagining all the hints colby would do to you had you pulling colby by his shirt and connecting your lips.
immediately he took control grabbing you by your neck just the way you liked it. he slipped his tongue in your mouth swiftly dominating the kiss and his other hand pulled you closer to him, your pussy and his cock only being separated by a few pieces of clothing.
after a few more seconds of your heated make-out session, he pulled away placing the hand that was choking you on your chin and dominantly looking down at you. it was a few seconds before he spoke, “so fucking beautiful.” he said, aggressively connecting your lips one more time before picking you up, your legs still around his waist.
with no more words, he walked out of the den, through the halls, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. he tossed you on the bed then turned around and slammed the door shut locking it.
“gonna let me make you feel good?” he questioned quickly scanning you up and down. you both had lust unmistakably written on your faces.
you leaned up on your elbows looking down and noticing his prominent bulge signaling he was enjoying this as much as you were. “mhm” you hummed wanting to continue as quick as possible.
“good.” he quickly replied before taking off his black shirt in milliseconds revealing his rose tattoo. he then followed by taking off his belt and his pants, his muscles completely visible to you.
while he was doing that you went again and removed your boots while admiring the way his body moved and how it looked. the way he was moving had you wanting to suck him dry. “you're cute when you stare.” he mentioned before making his way onto the bed and pulling you by your legs toward him causing you to lie down on your back.
you moved the hair out of your face to get a better look at him. “can i take this off?” he toyed with your mini skirt. instead of replying you took the skirt off yourself; as well as your top revealing the lacy bra under.
“god, look at you.” he groaned feeling you up and down admiring you. admiring the way you looked in your lingerie on his bed. he’s been wanting to be in this position for so long so you best believed he would savor the feeling.
the way he was looking at you made you feel so good.
“gonna make you feel so fucking good.” he climbed on top of you connecting your lips once more before pulling away. “gonna let me touch you?”
your hands made their way to his hair tugging on it. “yes.” you panted.
he chuckled and pulled down your underwear so that you were bare. your legs immediately spread welcoming his hands to do whatever they wanted.
“wanna taste you. let me taste you.” he managed to slowly make his way to the edge of his bed right in front of your wet pussy. “so pretty. you can tell me to stop whenever okay?” his pointer finger dragged along your folds receiving a gasp from your lips.
“i will but please colby, want your tongue so bad.” you whined, your right hand gripping his hair while the other gripped his bed sheets.
it was like he didn’t need any more reassurance before he latched his lips onto your clit sucking harshly. surprised by his antics your head lunged forward in surprise.
“oh fuck.” you groaned tugging on his hair earning a moan from him.
“do that again come on. you want more?” the animalistic sounds he was making while slurping up your juices had you getting closer and closer to your release.
you repeatedly whined ‘yes’ so desperately wanting his mouth to keep pleasuring you.
his tongue was moving so fast you couldn’t keep up. you were so sensitive you had tried pushing his head away but this only caused him to grip your thighs harder.
"cmon baby, you can take it." you looked down to see a smirk on his face. 'mmm' he hummed, he went from a slow pace to a fast pace but regardless you were nearly there. you felt it.
you were getting so close you forced yourself to let go of his head and brought your hands up to your breasts playing with your nipples.
your breaths became short showing colby you were almost there. he pulled you impossibly closer sucking on your clit; his actions succeeding as it caused your orgasm to crash into you. "fuck fuck fuck" you came on his tongue.
you were screaming because of how sensitive you were and how he didn't stop the pace of his tongue on your sensitive clit.
he finally pulled away giving you time to breath. you felt as if you were in another dimension.
"holy fuck you tasted so good." he crawled up your body as you lay there trying to catch your breath. "come here" he spoke connecting your lips.
even though that orgasm nearly had you tired for the night, it didn't satisfy the need you felt for his cock.
your hand went ahead and groped his print; boxers were the only thing separating his skin from yours.
he spasmed as you started palming him slowly.
"want my cock?" he whispered against the skin of your chest as he sucked lovebites all across.
"so bad" you begged. "want you in me now" your sentences were short and straight to the point.
no time to waste. you thought.
"don't worry baby, i got you." his hand went towards his bedside table looking for a condom you assumed.
"im on birth control and clean if that matters. with or without I don't mind. just need you so bad." you stopped walking him so he could make up his mind and think clearly.
"wow, im that special?" he joked which earned a eye roll from you.
"oh please, you wish." you stated.
after your comment which colby wasn't fond of, he kissed you.
his tongue delved in through your lips completely dominating you and a second later you felt him push all the way inside you.
to say you lost your breath would be an understatement. you wouldn't say this out loud but he was huge. he completely took your breath away and he didn't allow you to catch it as he pulled out and then slammed back into you.
"i wish?" he asked still relentlessly pounding into you. he groaned and spoke again. "look at you. you're telling me i’m not special when i have you fucked dumb here in my house, in my room, and in my bed?" he laughed in disbelief.
you wanted to speak and tell him off. you wanted to say something, anything but nothing came to your mind; not that you'd be able to say it anyway.
all that came from your mouth were moans from how pleasured you were feeling.
your orgasm was coming faster than you thought. your hands were scratching at colbys back trying to hold onto anything.
your hand scratched down for the first time on his back earning a full groan from him. "god feels so fucking good." as he continued pounding into you, his right hand made its way to your throat.
fuck yes.
"you like to be choked?" he asked obviously not looking for an answer. "yeah? i’m the only fucking person who'll have you feeling this good. no one else. do you understand me?"
you had tried to respond but your brain couldn't move fast enough. apparently, colby would get it out of you.
when you didn't respond he pulled out and flipped you over, ass up. he then pushed into you once again slamming into you over and over again.
you felt a hard smack on your ass. it hurt but it hurt so good. you felt tears stinging your eyes.
"i said do you understand me?" both hands were on your hips for support so that it didn't mess up his rhythm. your face was in the pillow so he didn't hear your response.
he then pulled your back to his chest still inside you and wrapped his hand around your neck once more.
"oh y/n? fucked you so good you can't speak?" confidence laced in his tone. "i said, do you understand that i am the only one to make you feel this good?"
"yes yes yes!" your words finally slipped out of your lips.
"good girl." he praised you pushing you back down so he could continue ramming into you. "fuck m'gonna come"
those words had you coming whether you liked it or not. "I'm coming oh fuck" you gripped the bed sheets.
"mhm, that's my girl." colby moaned, his rhythm interrupted by his own orgasm.
he still had the strength to ride you both through your orgasm.
as you both were coming down from your high you heard a door slam downstairs.
"what the fuck was that?" you gasped.
colby's dick was still in fact inside you so you had nowhere to go.
all colby did was throw his black silk sheets over both of your bodies.
"colby?" you heard sam downstairs.
"i guess he didn't end up staying?" colby said confused. "fuck, he's such a cock block."
"who said we were going to keep going?" you asked knowing damn well you wouldn't turn him down.
colby eyed you, connected your lips chastely, then pulled out of you getting off the bed and slipping his boxers on.
"ill be right back," he whispered.
as he walked away you couldn't help but hope that this wouldn't be just a one-night stand.
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ilwonuu · 4 months
i’ll be quiet. p.jisung
⸱៰ ͘
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suggestive mdni 18+
summary- jisung always wants to fuck you when he knows your brother is home. but how can you say no to your pretty boyfriend?
warnings- smut with no plot, softdom!jisung, pussydrunk!jisung, creampie, dirty talk, mention of mark and he is there for like a second. ,mark hears them. lmk if i missed something
word count- 795
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you and jisung always hangout at your house. sometimes it’s awkward because mark is also there. mark and jisung are pretty close. you always feel bad for seeing him more than mark does. jisung always says he loves both of your company. saying he loves to hangout with both of you. well most of the time he is fucking lying because he always wants to fuck you. so you always end up saying your tired or something sneaking off to your bed room. leaving mark where ever you three we’re hanging out that day. mark would never question if you guys were actually going to sleep. he knew what was going on. he wasn’t stupid. he just hopes he won’t be able to hear anything.
“baby he won’t hear anything i promise to be quiet.” he says looking at you with pleading eyes. “jisung you always say you’ll be quiet but you end up being louder than me” you never believe him when he says he’ll be quiet because you know damn well. “fuck i swear this time okay? i will stuff something in my mouth or something babe please just let me fuck you.” you love it when he begs for you like this. he is just so cute and its only for you.
“okay fine ji but if you get loud we’re stopping.” ‘he nods knowing that you are not gonna want to stop once he starts. quickly shifting to be beside you on your bed slowly kissing your neck. slowly turning your neck more to get more access. “fuck baby i need you so bad” he says getting rougher with his kisses against your skin slowly taking off both of your tops. pulling you down further onto your back slowly climbing between your legs. “okay fuck i can’t wait anymore you think you can take it?” he pulls his boxers down to let his dick out reaching over to take your pants off aswell. “yes i think so just go slow at first okay?” he nods quickly pulling your panties to the side slowly lining his dick up with your entrance slowly pushing in.
“f-fuckkk you’re so fucking tight baby” his eyes don’t leave where you both connect. watching as he pushes every inch inside of you. “ji… please fuck me” he smirks to himself pushing all the way in groaning loudly as he does. “shit shit shit you’re so fucking wet but you’re cunt is sucking me so fucking tight baby. i-i’m not gonna last..” you knew this would happen. every time jisung swears he will be quiet he immediately proves that he will never be quiet. “ji y-you said you would be quiet.” you say trying not to get lost in the feeling knowing that when you do jisung will just get louder. he doesn’t respond continuing to fuck into at a rapid pace moaning your name somewhat loudly.
“j-jisung” he looks at you still with that smartass smirk on his lips. “yes baby? mm you feel good huh? want me to fuck you harder hm? you’ve been so good for me. yea? my good girl. “ his words going straight to your cunt completely forgetting about being quiet yourself. your eyes rolling back as he grabs one of your legs to fuck you at a deeper angle.
“w-what about mark ji?” you manage to get out with the pace he is fucking you at now. “fuck it he’ll be fine if he hears. this pussy is so fucking good s-shit” his hips stuttering coming close to his high. now you are absolutely fucking lost in the feeling. all thoughts you had are now being fucked out of you.
“i’m gonna fucking fill you up to the brim. u want that baby?” he fucks into you harder chasing his high holding your hips in place. you nod at his words completely dumb at this point.
“fuck y/n im gonna cum so hard. you are doing so well. you take me so fucking well. i could do this fo- shit. for hours.” you shake reaching your climax. you watch as he throws his head back coming shortly after you. you look down to see him pulling out slowly. moaning at the sight of his and your cum leaking out of your fucked out hole with the noise of your wetness filling the air.
“ji you were not fucking quiet.” you say glaring at him as he goes to grab a towel to clean you up. he chuckles deeply grabbing the towel and walking back to kneel in front of you slowly cleaning you up. “i doubt he heard babe” hearing a knock as soon as he finishes his sentence. “i indeed did fucking hear!!!! you guys are fucking disgusting.” you hear mark yelling thru the door making jisung laugh making you shoot him a playful glare.
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headkiss · 3 months
heyyy, how are you?? i love your work so much!!! i was wondering if you could write something about steve having a crush on r, but when they are together he gest shy and quiet and r misunderstands that and thinks he doesn't like her like everyone is telling her he is ???
im sorry if its confusing, english is not my first language,, anywayy feel free to change anything !!! ❤️
hi baby thank you so much!!! i’m so sorry this has been in my asks since september but i hope u enjoy all the same :,) i finally wrote something!!! yay!!! | 0.7k teeny tiny angst and fluff!!
You’re pretty sure Steve Harrington doesn’t like you. That’s what you tell Robin when you see her at the Family Video counter, alone for once. She bursts out laughing.
“I’m being serious!”
Before Robin responds, Steve walks out of the back room, grinning that grin you wish you didn’t love so much, his hair a little messy, like he didn’t have enough time to style it this morning the way he usually does.
He’s looking at Robin when he says: “what’s so funny?”
“I bet you’d love to know, dingus.” She nods at you and shrugs, “it’s girl stuff.”
It’s only then that he notices you’re there, his eyes flicking over your face quickly, his head ripping in a small nod. You might not have noticed it if you weren’t looking right at him already.
“Oh, right.” He smiles again, tight-lipped this time. “Hey.”
“Hi, Steve.”
“Hey,” he says again.
Yeah, you’re pretty sure Steve Harrington doesn’t like you, because this is what happens whenever you’re around. He goes quiet, awkward, where others have always found him outgoing and kind.
You suppose it only makes things worse when you want him to like you so bad. If only as a friend, even.
“Um, I was just grabbing…” You flounder before picking up a random movie by the front desk, “this.”
“Right,” he scratches the back of his neck as he says it.
Meanwhile Robin’s head is turning to look between the two of you like it’s a tennis match. You widen your eyes at her and she gets the signal, scanning your movie and letting you head out with it when she knows you’ll be returning it before even opening the case.
“You’re such an idiot,” she says to Steve as the door shuts behind you, the bell jingling with your departure.
“No! You are, Steve. Listen, you know I love you, but she thinks you don’t like her. At all!”
Now, Steve knows that he acts like an absolute dork wherever you’re concerned, but he never wanted you to think that. Never. If anything, he likes you more than he’s ever liked anyone before, and it terrifies him.
Any ounce of the confidence that’s left over from his ‘King Steve’ era seems to evaporate, and the words just don’t come the way they should. But fuck, he didn’t want to hurt you. He’d never want to hurt you.
“Shit,” he runs a hand through his hair, uncaring about how it might look for once.
“Yeah, shit.” Robin nudges her shoulder against his, “she’s still in her car, by the way. Just saying.”
Steve nods, muttering some kind of encouragement for himself under his breath. He pushes his way out the door, picking up his pace to a jog when he hears you start your car.
The knock on your window startles you, surprises you when you look over to find Steve standing out there, the sun a halo around his figure, his Family Video vest just a little crooked.
You shut your car off and roll your window down, squinting up at him, “Steve? Everything okay?”
“I do like you.”
His chest is rising and falling quickly, his eyes wide and something like worry looming in them. “I do like you.”
“Steve, did Robin put you up to this? ‘Cause you don’t have to-”
“She didn’t. I promise she didn’t,” he leans down a little, his hands resting on your door. “She told me you thought I didn’t like you and I couldn’t let you leave still thinking that. I like you. A lot.”
You blink up at him, mouth opening and closing, trying to figure out what to say. For so long, you’d been convinced that he wasn’t a fan of yours, and here he is, sincerity written all over his face.
“You never talk to me, I thought-”
“I know. I know and I’m sorry.” Steve hangs his head for a second, inhaling once before looking at you again. “The truth is I, uh, have a crush on you. Probably more than a crush, and I didn’t know what to do with it so I acted like a fucking idiot.”
“You have a crush on me?”
“Yeah, I do. Kind of a big one.”
You can’t fight the smile on your face at that. “I have a crush on you too, Steve.”
It’s the first time you make Steve Harrington blush, the first genuine smile of his that you earn. And it won’t be the last.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
starting a video diary⋆.ೃ࿔*:・☁️
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the concept of a video diary is the same as a normal diary, except your filming instead of writing. think of vlogging, its basically the same thing. video diaries are SO much fun to have, video diaries ;
help u to romanticize ur life
give you something to do (simply a fun project that u can try)
make memories that u can go back to and reminisce on
whats the theme of ur video diary gonna be? mine is pink ofc! but ur theme doesn't have to be a color. it can also be an aesthetic, whatever u want basically. its YOUR video diary, its your art.
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film important dates in ur life such as graduation, first date or simply just days that ur doing something fun with ur friends. my video diary is mostly from school and what my high school years are like.
as a super talkative person, a lot of my video diary entries are just me yapping about whatever flies into my mind. sometimes i'll jot down a couple things i wanna talk about (like my own personal podcast 🎀) but most of the time i just do it freely and its lots of fun to see how my mind wanders sometimes
get ready with me's are so FUN to do omg. i see them ALL over my tiktok and i've grown to love watching them. if u like watching them then you'll probably like making them too. u dont have to post ur video diary or anything btw, a video diary is something personal, its a DIARY after all.
talk about what songs you're listening to these days, what shows ur watching etc
FOOD FOR THOUGHT -> formulate and talk about ur own opinions on difficult topics and whats going on in the world
and what i do the most...
i talk SO much about my crushes 💀 and i admit, that some of the stuff i say is a bit "unhinged" but im just a girl at the end of the day, its fun to look back on how i used to talk or who i used to like
basically all the fun about a video diary is to DO AND SAY WHATEVER U WANT its supposed to be FUN. i hope u enjoy ur video diary ✨
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iwanty0uu · 1 month
How would aot boys react to reader saying she want a break and goes to sleep on the couch
Ony :
- “Baby girl what’s the matter?” He asked as he wrapped his hands around you, nuzzling into your warm body on his bed, his dark features enhanced by the blue light of your phone. You didn’t respond which earned a poke in the hip from him. “ You dont wanna talk t’me? What i do?” You hummed in response, scrolling through his following and his liked posts, all the girls that you felt looked better than you.. the insecurity started to get to your head. “Hey Ony..I think we should take a..you know..brea-” You heard the bed creak beneath you as he straightened himself up. “Y/n.. don’t play with me. You not deadass. How you finna be upset with me and not tell me what I did so we could fix it?” He said, his tone changing in frustration and confusion, but internally, he was afraid.. “Ony I dont wanna agrue nd I can tell Im just gonna make this worse.. I’ll sleep on the couch for tonight” You mumbled softly. “Like hell you will, the fuck. You gon talk to me whether u like it or not and if i gotta read your notes app to figure out who or what the fuck got in my baby’s head I will.” He grabbed your face peppering it with butterfly kisses.
• “We’ll figure it out together girl”…
Armin :
Armin was very observant, so when he noticed your distance, he panicked and it bothered him for days. “Love?” He asked from the living room, slowly entering making sure not to invade your space. You looked up in response turning your phone off to give your boyfriend your full attention. “ I got your text.. about, you sleeping on the couch tonight and stuff, n I don’t know if this is because mood swings or if its something that I did or if its something that you’re upset with me about not saying that I have to be the center of your life and emotions and everything because I know that you work really hard in school and-” He paused abruptly collecting his thoughts. He averted his eyes from your now concerned gaze. You never knew it would affect him this much. “What I’m trying to say is.. I got you chic-fil-a and a new blanket to make you feel better.. and hopefully we can watch a movie and talk about it?
• “I’ll give you your space but I’m only a call from our bedroom away okay?”…
Connie :
The ping of the basketballs in the gym echoed in your ears. You watched as your boyfriend got a little too friendly with his personal trainer who you weren’t jealous of, but you simply weren’t fond of her. Who would want their man getting touched up on by a girl for lord knows how long.. but Connie assured you that the only reason she’s here is because his usual trainer broke his arm and in three weeks, he’ll be healed enough to get back in action.He wanted to ask if you wanted to join him for the day but your energy was low so he let you be.. All was well until you were facing the window in the car, being less talkative than usual. The sun retired for the day and the sky was dark, “I’m gonna sleep on the couch tonight”… “ No ur not..”… “You cant tell me what to do..”…. “ k .”
11:04 pm
You felt a sudden jerk, which made you open your eyes skightly, and a pair of hazel eyes met yours.“Hope you got all the space you needed girly..you wont see her training me again tomorrow, she was annoying anyways..”
• His plump lips met your temple as you nustled into his neck, “night”…
Jean :
You never knew when to stop playin. You set up your phone in the kitchen to record your boyfriend’s to your little “prank”.
8:15 pm- jean comes home
8:30- jean showers after greeting you
9:25- jean lays on couch
9:28- “Jean baby.. I’m gonna sleep here tonight..I need some space..”
9:30- “Back in my day, when the women needed space, they’d sleep with the oxen and mules..so”
You stared blankly at his unfunny joke, walking into the kitchen keeping deadpan eye contact, revealing your phone. “It was a prank fucking old ass man.”
• “Oh aii…”
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"Use me like a drug!"
Drug Dealer! Seonghwa x f!reader
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Highly requested part 2 of:
Drug Dealer! Seonghwa: "She's a regular here..."
Part 3 is out!!
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the love on my first part of Drug Dealer! Seonghwa <33 Special shoutout to @ygswl for letting me use her ideas for my writing~ I hope you enjoy this continuation as much as the original!
Ps. Sorry if its not as intense as you hope it would be 😭 I'm the most romantic aroace person u will ever meet, I like NEED to include romantic stuff
CW: mentions of drug dealing/mafia/illegal businesses, drug dealer! Seonghwa, yunho cameo, seonghwa and reader are dating, fluff,!!SMUT!!, unprotected sex (pls stay safe yall), consensual somnophilia/free use, seonghwa cries cuz pussy too good 🙏
Seonghwa hung up the phone, his face a mix of irritation and anxiety. He started pacing the length of his office's shabby rug. MATZ had recently been losing customers, courtesy of the new company, PARADIGM, that entered the industry less than a month ago. He had just gotten off a call with Yunho, his supplier and good friend who had intel on them. PARADIGM was apparently backed up by the son of a rich mafia leader in the city. This meant that they had higher budget, higher manpower, and higher quality goods. And they were quickly stealing MATZ's spotlight in the local drug-dealing scene. Of course, Seonghwa was willing to resort to dirty tactics to get back his customers. But even if he was able to find a group of hitmen to raid and temporarily disrupt their business, MATZ would face even worse collateral damage in the process. After all, MATZ was still a way smaller operation compared to PARADIGM. This news was nothing but trouble for Seonghwa and Hongjoong's business and livelihood, and he knew it.
He continued pacing the room, swearing out loud when he accidentally stubbed his toe against the coffee table's leg. However, he quickly cut himself off when he remembered you were resting on the couch. Tiptoeing over to the slightly-battered, leather sofa in the middle of his office, Seonghwa caught a glimpse of you sleeping peacefully under one of his coats. His tense expression softened slightly. Ever since he had fucked you in one of his new faux fur coats, you'd started stealing his jackets and coats, often using them as makeshift blankets whenever you visited or felt lonely when he wasn't around.
He sighed as he thought about how you had came over on your free day to spend time with him, but had ended up falling asleep when he was taking too long to answer customers' calls and order cancellations. It was a tough, busy period for MATZ, yet you would patiently wait for Seonghwa to make time for you, wasting yours in the process.
"I need to lie down..." He mumbled to himself, as he made his way over to where you were snoring lightly on the couch. Perhaps cuddling up to his beloved girlfriend for a nap would help to temporarily ease the building migraine work was giving him. He stepped over your discarded clothes on the floor, taking note of how the jean shorts and flimsy t-shirt were probably uncomfortable for you to sleep in. Running one hand through his messy locks, Seonghwa unbuttoned his collar with the other to give himself a little breathing room, before carefully getting under his coat to spoon you.
However, despite the presence of your comforting scent and warmth, he still couldn't get the possibility of losing his beloved business out of his head. He knew that it was understandable to be concerned, but he was struggling just to find something else to think about, even if it was only momentary. Suddenly, he winced at the feeling of something pushing against his groin.
Looking down, he realised you were unknowingly pushing your soft ass against him. Your skimpy silk sleep shorts left little to imagination, and Seonghwa could already feel himself getting hard. He groaned under his breath. Out of all times he had to be horny for his girlfriend, why'd it have to be when you were asleep? The last thing he'd want to do would be disrupting your rest when you were exhausted from a long week of classes.
This, however, brought him back to a text conversation you had with him just a few days earlier. You'd noticed how Seonghwa had been very stressed lately, and had brought up the concept of free use to him. Essentially, you gave him your permission to let him use you for stress relief, even if you were asleep. Seonghwa's heart ricocheted in his chest thinking about it, internally thanking the gods for sending an angel to him.
He carefully tugged down your silk shorts, chuckling at how you shuddered when his cold palms came in contact with your dewy skin. He was taken aback at the wet spot on your lilac panties. Were you expecting this? His face heated up at the thought of you being all ready for him to use at any moment. As if you weren't already the perfect girlfriend for him. Hurriedly, he tugged aside your panties and fumbled to pull down his own pants.
Seonghwa bit his lip, holding back a whimper as he sank his hard cock into you. His neck arched back, stretching out the letters tattooed across his long neck. He buried his face into your exposed shoulder, inhaling your scent as he effectively caged your frame into his larger one. His breath hitched when you whined and shifted in your sleep, but he exhaled a sigh of relief when you fell back into deep sleep with a satisfied look on your features.
Slowly, Seonghwa began thrusting in and out of you, setting a slow but comfortable rhythm for himself. He swallowed his moans as he leaned in to lick and suck at the skin under your jawline, leaving behind faint purple marks that would surely show later on. Even in your state of unconsciousness, your body reacted to Seonghwa's movements, clenching on him every now and then and letting out quiet moans. "S-shit, you're so good to me, sweetheart... my y/n," he mumbled more to himself than to you. "Even... even when you're tired and sleepy, you still help me out... I love you so m-much." The stress from work started to melt away, the migraine disappearing along with it. Your warmth and closeness was so overwhelmingly relieving that your boyfriend even started tearing up. His restrained moans turned to desperate whimpers and hiccups. He reflexively slid an arm around your soft waist, pulling you impossibly close to him and allowing his cockhead to hit an even deeper spot in you. This startled you awake with a loud moan.
You blinked sleepily at your surroundings, aware that Seonghwa was balls deep in you at the moment. He was too deep in pleasure to notice you'd woken up, though. You sucked in a breath when he hit that deep, new spot in your cunt again, tilting your head to leave a kiss on his tussled black hair, when you felt hot liquid dripping down your bare shoulders and sliding down your collarbone.
"Hwa? Baby?"
Seonghwa jumped a little, suddenly made aware that you'd woken up. He hesitantly lifted his head from your shoulder to make eye contact with you. Puffy, teary doe eyes stared back into your own.
"..hwa? Are you crying?"
"Oh...uhm, fuck, yeah, I'm so sorry, sweetheart--"
He started pulling away from you, embarrassed to be caught crying while literally fucking himself into you. But you grabbed his hand and looped it back around your waist, earning a befuddled look from your panting lover. You offered a smile. "Stressed?"
He gave a sheepish smile and nodded, lips trembling and eyes still shiny from crying. You gave him a kiss on the corner of his lips.
"So use me. Use me like a drug."
Seonghwa's eyes widened.
Shortly after the two of you had finished, it was Seonghwa's turn to fall asleep. You quietly watched his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. The tears on his face that hadn't dried yet were gently wiped away by a tissue clutched in your fingers. How could he be so effortlessly beautiful? Your attention was quickly drawn away by Seonghwa's phone vibrating on the coffee table. Anxious that the noise might wake your knocked out boyfriend, you reached over to pick up the call.
"Hello, Seonghwa? It's Yunho."
You let out a sigh of relief. You knew Yunho. He was a good friend of Seonghwa's and was also MATZ's supplier.
"Hey Yunho! This is y/n. Seonghwa's sleeping right now, and I don't wanna wake him up. What is it?"
"Oh my god y/n! Its been awhile since we talked. Seonghwa's resting? Thank god, honestly. Poor guy's been so stressed out lately, with that new company stealing all the customers. Did he happen to tell you about PARADIGM?"
"No, but they sound like trouble. Why'd you call him?"
"Fuck, yeah, I called because I got good news! There's another gang in the drug industry that's rivalling with PARADIGM. They're even planning to raid PARADIGM's hide-out within the next month. Both groups are around the same size and have similar backgrounds. High chance they'll wipe each other out when they eventually fight. I wanted to tell Seonghwa that he doesn't have to worry about losing MATZ anymore."
"Thank you so much, Yunho. I'll make sure to tell him the good news."
You hung up the call, bubbly with excitement and happiness. Seonghwa stirred in his sleep just as you hung up with Yunho. He rubbed at his eyes, mumbling a sleepy "who was that?". You leaned down to peck his lips, running your hand through his bedhair at the same time. "Go back to sleep first, baby. Rest and I'll tell you later." Seonghwa gave you a grateful grin and nodded before letting his head hit the couch pillow once more.
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t3ag3rs · 1 month
Hii!!! I hope youre doing well. I loved your last bakugo hcs! Could u do a part 2 of younger! s/o x bakugou?
help ykw so funny this is based of delusions of my crush whose also my moms friends son and a yr older than me.... but yes ofc 😋 (even tho i havent updated my actual fanfic in more than a week...) ITS A SHORT ONE YALL IVE BEEN REAL BUSY WITH PROJECTS THESE PAST COUPLE WEEKS
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the next encounter you have with bakugou is when his mom invites you and a couple of close work friends over to their house.
you walk in and head upstairs to see the other kids only to find them in the theatre room watching Spiderman.
you awkwardly sit at the opposite end of bakugou and who you guessed was his baby cousin on his lap.
after about 30 minutes you start getting bored so ofc ur eyes start traveling to the other side...
that views better than the movie anyways.
"hey shortcakes... wanna play cards with the kids?" asks bakugou as he stands up grabbing his cousin.
"yeah we can" you smile sitting down on the floor in a circle next to his cousin. "hey there.. whats your name?" you inquire to the kid as bakugou goes to find the cards.
"tobio" (bear w me😭🙏) he states smiling, you grin before leaning to him, "hey you should really tell bakugou that you like me better.."
"okay" he giggles before shuffling next to you as you hear footsteps approach. "tobio- you like me better right..???" You chuckle.
"wayyyy better" he replies looking at bakugou, "suit yourself bud.. just know that means your not getting to play on my phone anymore" chortles the other male showing off his phone.
you slap his arm, "hey! thats leverage! not allowed!" you exclaim, "yeah..! What she said!" adds tobio looking at you.
"tobio youre supposed to be on my side here! I'm your cousin!" bakugou says defensively.
you stick your tongue out in response with a playfully grin as you hug tobio. "hes mine now old man..!" you laugh.
all that could be heard from downstairs was the sound of pure laughter from you and bakugou.
"dont start stealing my stuff shortcakes.." he grins at you as he stretches and slumps his body weight on to your side. you grunt as you shove him off, "get off you big back..!"
only to which you were suffocated by his weight again.
"MITSUK-!!" you start before bakugou places his hand over your mouth. you stare up at him wide eyed with a slight blush dusting your cheeks.
"how bout you dont kay shortcakes?" he asks with a devilish smirk.
well fuck. there goes your sanity.
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