#it's the hurting others you care about part 🥲
tommyarashikage · 1 year
What supernatural creature is your OC?
I was tagged by the very beloveds @detectivelokis and @nightbloodraelle to do this uquiz! Thank you, this was actually a nice one! 💜 I know we just had a quiz going around, but that didn't work for me and I wanted to try my new banners 👉👈
tagging @sstewyhosseini @risingsh0t @jinfromyarikawa @baldurrs @poisonedtruth @ghastlyrider @confidentandgood @josephslittledeputy @aceghosts @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @indorilnerevarine @purplehairsecretlair @leviiackrman @shadowglens @poetikat @phillipsgraves @jendoe @fourlittleseedlings @nightwingshero @strangefable @roofgeese @voidika @shellibisshe @jackiesarch @jacobseed and YOU!
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You are a banshee! Banshees have been misunderstood as ghoulish, terrifying creatures for quite a while. However, this is a common misconception. Relating to parapsychology, banshees have the ability to cry out, or scream, when they sense the upcoming death of an individual. Banshees typically get their "gloomy" character due to past traumas regarding family deaths or life tragedies, which paints an untrusting first impression when it comes to meeting human beings or other supernatural creatures, even if the intention wasn't evil. Besides this, banshees are known to be helpful, protective creatures. They will always stay by your side when you need them, and will do whatever they can to help, even if it leads to trauma. Don't be afraid of them.
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You are a succubus! Smart, sexy, and potentially deadly. The cunning Succubus is a creature you don't want to joke around with. They are seductresses who simply enjoy toying with their peers... and are powerful, clever creatures full of beauty, charm, and confidence. They won't ever let anybody or anything get in their way. However, as good as that may seem... always remember to be careful around them. Here's a tip: don't make them angry.
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You are a Kitsune! Magical, immortal, and absolutely adorable, a Kitsune is a legendary fox, originated in Japan, but inspired by Chinese folktales. Kitsunes are incredibly wise, but can be incredibly dangerous as well. They specialize in the art of illusion and imagination, and can be considered very creative, stunning creatures. I mean, who doesn't love foxes?
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You are a siren! Beyond talented, blessed creatures who use their dangerous voices to manipulate or drive people, specifically men, insane. You are creative and capable of so many things, and people are intimidated, or feel threatened, by your abilities, whatever that may be. However, there are times when you let your confidence overpower you, turning it into arrogance or judgment. Like sirens, if you're not careful, you may hurt someone, whether they're close to you or not. But don't let that discourage you! You are powerful... and many people look up to you. Keep your chin high!
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satorusugurugurl · 2 months
I hope this does not give too much pressure, but I have a request? I LOVED LOVED the fanfic about satosugu and reader with them being very, very rough after a tough work project/trip. Then I thought about it being a angsty?? Love a good angst
This is your account so it’s completely up to you to write or not!! I was thinking that after a while SatoSugu have another rough week. When the come back, the don’t immediately take it out through sex. Instead, they just bottle it up. Reader tries to comfort them about it but they ignore her or act snappy. Reader isn’t a pushover, but she is very understanding and patient. She lets them be mean, (it still hurt though) and just stays calm. She also had her own rough week while they were gone, but she doesn’t really show it. When they come back angry, she was hoping to forget her pain with them, but she only got their cold shoulder and words.
The next day when she comes home from another rough workday, she notices that they seemed to still be angry and agitated from their work trip. They suggest she take the next two days off, and she immediately knew what was coming. (Full consent given from her) She was feeling sensitive from her own turmoil/stress and the duo’s coldness, but she didn’t think too much of it.
While the roughness did feel good at first, it slowly became too much. They were too rough, far too rough. Their harsh words hurt. Their harsh hands hurt. The rope/ribbon hurt. Everything hurt, but was she overreacting? She was scared of disappointing them and ruining the mood I guess. She tried to look alright, but her cries slowly let out from the pain and emotional hurt.
They noticed it… Reader apologizes, but the duo is like, “Um no why are YOU sorry? This is on US.” SatoSugu realize their mistake and take care her mwah!! It was just a small dump, I’m so so sorry! As much as I LOVE writing, I’ll never be too confident enough to put this out. Even if I were to, writing styles will always be different. (Plus, I love the way other people write, just like yours!!)
Sorry it’s so so long!
- Moni Anon (first time requesting… kind of shy)
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, FAB!Reader
Pairing: SatoSugu X FAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,659
Warnings: Blood, death, shock, nightmares, PTSD, rough sex, choking, riding crop, shibari, degradation, emotional breakdown, crying, aftercare
A/N: I loved this request! Angst is like some of my favorite stuff to write! 🥲 I love a good sad story.
Part One
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The morgue was cold. But it wasn't as cold as your hands. You stood at the sink, scrubbing at them with soap and water. You hadn't realized the hot water had been running so long; it had turned icy cold. But you had to keep scrubbing them because you could still feel the tacky blood coating them.
Their blood, their blood that was hot and flowed through your fingers when you tried to stop the bleeding. Blood that stained your clothes. The blood is quite literally on your hands.
You tried, tried so damn hard to save the assistant supervisor who was with you on your mission. The information the higher-ups had given you was wrong. The curse you had exorcized wasn't the only one lingering in the building. There had been two, and after the first was taken care of, you and the assistant supervisor were headed out. The second curse attacked. Slicing at you, you had barely managed to dodge it. Getting cut on the cheek. The young woman, however, had her blood splattered on the concrete.
After the other spirit was dealt with, you rushed to her side. She cried as you tried to tell her she would be okay as you called for Ijichi. But the cut was too deep; she lost too much blood, and you watched the light fade from her eyes. Leaving you alone, stained with her blood.
Your mind snapped out of the bloody memory as someone turned the water off. They gently grabbed your hands, drying them off, pulling you out of the trance you were in. Shoko eyes you before gently leading you to the chairs lining the walls, ushering you to sit down. Reluctantly, you listened, plopping down and looking at your hands.
“I'm going to call Satoru and Suguru to tell them what's happened.”
Your head jerked up, “N-No, don't do that. I’m fine!” Shoko shook her head, leaning against the wall. “Shoko, please, really, I’m fine, I swear.”
“Y/N, I left ten minutes ago. You were washing your hands then, and I found you still washing them? You're in shock; I can't let you leave like this.”
“Please, I don't want to bother them. They just got back from a rough mission.”
“And you didn't?”
Your friend's words were searing into you like hot needles. She was right in a sense; you had just gotten back from a rough mission, but so had your boyfriends. They were gone for a week. Having to travel overseas to deal with several grade-one curses. The two of them handled it, taking down the curse users with them. But when they got home this morning, they headed to the room jet lagged and annoyed over each other, claiming they needed space and sleep.
If Shoko called them, they would be more irritable. You wanted them to get as much rest as they could. They worked their asses off. You being in shock was a minimal issue to involve them in. You would be okay—eventually.
“Y/N, I’m not comfortable letting you go home alone,” Shoko repeated, sitting on one of the chairs beside you.
“Okay, what about Yaga or Nanami then?”
You were so thankful that Shoko agreed with your proposition that Ijichi drove you and Nanami back to your house. Nanami was quiet the whole time, stealing the occasional glance at you, watching as you stared at your hands. It wasn't until Ijichi parked in front of your house that Nanami cleared his throat, catching your attention.
“I think you need to take a couple of days off.” His glasses gleamed. “I'm going to talk to Yaga about it. You're in no state to work right now. You need time to process what happened.”
Swallowing hard, you opened the door to the car. “I appreciate your concern, Nanami, but I’ll be okay.” You attempted to give him your best smile. “I got this.” The look on your friend's face screamed that he knew you were lying.
“Regardless of your ploy to fool me or downplay how much you're hurting, I will still talk to Principal Yaga.”
“And I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again, Nanami.”
You waved the car off before rubbing Your still-freezing hands together. Things would be better once you got inside. Satoru and Suguru were back, and you could relax, forget about work, and just be together.
As you approached the door, Satoru came out, black sunglasses on as he shut the door. “Oh, hi Satoru, welcome home!” You put on your best smile, approaching him.
“Hi, I'm heading out.” His tone was sharp and as cold as your hands.
“You’re not staying here?”
He pulled his sunglasses down, revealing his blue eyes. “No, I need to get out. Suguru is driving me insane. I’m going shopping.” He waved you off as if dismissing you.
“Oh, well, if you give me a few minutes, I could go with you?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way.” He kept walking, not even looking back at you. “I don’t wanna be around either of you right now.”
Ouch, that stung. But you just gave him a weak smile before heading inside. “Be safe.”
Alright, so Satoru needed some space, but Suguru might be in a better mood. Heading towards his room, you knocked and waited for him to respond. Only he didn’t. Your stomach twisted in knots as you hit again, a little harder this time.
A loud groan sounded behind the door before you listened to the floorboards creaking. The door flung open, and Suguru cocked an eyebrow as he eyed you. He looked exhausted and pissy, but he didn’t say anything as he glared at you.
“W-Welcome home.”
“Uhm, Satoru left. Do you wanna watch a movie or get something to eat?”
Suguru shook his head, dark streams of hair falling in his face. “No.” Your cold fingers twitched as you took a deep breath. Just as you opened your mouth, Suguru sighed, jabbing his thumb against the center of his forehead. “Y/N, please, I don’t have the patience or energy to entertain you. Please go away.” The door slammed in your face, leaving you staring at the wood grain in stunned silence.
Okay, well, that was unexpected. When the boys came back from a mission like this, you all usually had sex, taking the aggression out in the rawest way you could. This cold shoulder attitude was something new. Alien and strange, making my stomach ache.
After last week and especially today, you hoped to spend time with them. Snuggling them, forgetting about the horrors you had witnessed. Instead, you have a door in your face.
Nothing you could say or do to change their minds and attitudes. Everyone dealt with anger, stress, and exhaustion in their ways. Theirs happened to be wanting to spend time by themselves. Which was perfectly fine, but they could have at least been a bit nicer about it.
You spent the entirety of your night in your room after a hot shower. You lay there hugging your pillow as you stared blankly at the wall. Every time you started to doze off, you would see blood splattering the floor, hear wheezed, gurgled breathing, and see the light fade from that poor girl's eyes. You hardly slept at all, restlessly tossing and turning.
You were relieved when your alarm went off, ushering you to start your day. You got ready, and not once did you see your partners. Both doors to their rooms shut. Neither one came out to see you off, making your stomach turn.
At work, you put on a smile, trying to joke with the first and second years, but everyone could see your fragile state. From the dark circles under your eyes to how you disassociated during training. So you weren’t surprised when Principal Yaga came into your classroom and told you that you would be taking the next week off.
“You need to focus on recovering. If you need more time, call me.”
His words hummed in your ears all the way home. How pathetic were you? Allowing a young girl to be killed. A mandatory week off of work, and on top of all that, your partners were pissy and avoiding you. This, indeed, was one of the lowest two days of your life. You can’t remember the last time you’d felt this lowly, lost in the dark.
“I’m home.” You announced as you entered the house. Not expecting a response since both of them weren’t up when you left.
“Y/N,” Satoru said as you felt him press against your back. “Need you to do us a favor.”
Your body tensed as a blindfold was placed over your eyes. “You’ll need to call out of work for the next few days,” Suguru added as hands groped your breasts.
“Yeah, not a problem.”
They needed this, and if it would mean they felt better, that you could focus on pleasure, you’d gladly do what they wanted. And what they wanted was rough carnal sex. The type of sex that hard blue ropes digging into your wrists, bound behind your back. Intricate shibari dug into your chest, your breasts being squeezed. Everything felt so good, but it was so tight it almost hurt.
Your mouth was wrapped around Satoru’s cock. He was fucking your throat, yanking your hair painfully as he moaned as Suguru fucked you from behind. With every other thrust, Suguru slapped the leather riding crop over your ass. Your cries around Satoru’s cock had them both groaning.
“What a fuckin’ slut.” Satoru whined out, thrusting deeper down your throat, making you gag.
Suguru smacked the crop harder against you. “A dirty fuckin’ slut.” Another smack, followed by another, and it just kept going and going.
You cried around Gojo harder as Suguru continued his whipping behind you. “M-Mmm!”
“Mmm~?” Satoru mocked you. “Fuckin’ pathetic.” His cock hit the back of your throat painfully. Making your tears stain the blindfold as Suguru’s pace picked up.
“Pathetic whiny bitch in heat.” The crop hit your other cheek. “Absolutely pathetic”
You weren’t sure what hurt more. The crop and their cold, harsh words. They were never this mean. Calling you pathetic hurts because that’s who you saw yourself for the last few days. The ropes began to sting like your eyes; more tears stained the blindfold. You could handle this; they should be done soon; they needed this.
You couldn’t save that girl; the least you could do was help your boyfriends feel better.
“Pathetic worthless girl~ all you’re good for is this.” Gojo yanked your hair, and you saw splatters of blood. You were worthless at that moment.
A sharp sting from the riding crop. “Yeah, a good-for-nothing slut. All you’re good for is being our personal cock sleeve.” Good for nothing, yeah, you just let that girl die.
“Fucking stupid bitch.” The dark-haired man watched as Satoru’s face scrunched up in pleasure. “You're going to make him cum.” Long fingers trailed under the twisted ropes, yanking them hard. “That’s all you’re good for bitch.”
The ropes burned, digging into your flesh. Slicing into you like—like the girl you let die.
Suguru was the first to notice something was wrong. Your hands were pale. They trembled along with the rest of your body. He tossed the riding crop to the side, his dark eyes focusing on his white-haired boyfriend, who was still in utter bliss.
“Satoru.” His voice wasn’t filled with the same heated lust from before, and you noticed. “Stop, pull out.”
Satoru was about to complain, but as he peered at Suguru with half-lidded eyes, he knew he was serious. He listened to both of them pulling out of your mouth and pussy, watching as you coughed and gagged before those gags turned into wretched sobs. You curled in on yourself, sobbing louder. Images of blood, the morgue table, and blood spinning down a sink flashed through your mind.
The boys jumped into action instantly. They removed the blindfold and the bindings around you, allowing you to curl into a fetal position. They watched your trembling body before looking at each other, mentally asking the other what they should do. But it was you who spoke first.
“I-I’m sorry!” A broken cry sounded from the back of your throat.
Satoru gently pulled you into his arms, leaning against the bed's headboard. You sobbed into his chest while Suguru gently rubbed your back. Both of them were silent as you cried two days’ worth of pain out. Guilt seeped into the muscles and none of your body, for the assistant supervisor, for ruining the mood, for being so weak.
“Don’t. Please don’t apologize,” Suguru whispered, leaning down and kissing your cheek. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
“This is on us. We went way too far.” Satoru added his hands, gently massaging your shoulders.
You babbled into his chest as your other hand grabbed Suguru’s, holding it tight. “I-I messed up this week! And now this!” You could feel both of their muscles tensing at your words.
“What do you—”
“Mean you messed up?”
The events of yesterday spewed out of you like a water fountain. You sobbed, going over the details while both men gently caressed and listened to you in silence. The moment you finished spilling out your guts, Satoru and Suguru shared a look.
“And I didn’t make it any better.” You sniffled, looking up at Satoru. Ivory cheeks were flushed as he ran his hand through his hair. “Telling you I didn’t want to be near you.”
Suguru let out a cold, harsh chuckle. “I wasn’t any better. I told Y/N I didn’t have the time nor the patience to entertain her.” You hummed, relaxing against the duo, feeling more calm than you had in the last twenty-four hours.
“Then we were too rough. I feel like a total dick
“Same here,” Suguru planted a kiss on your shoulder, his hand gently rubbing your arm. “What can we do to make it up to you?”
“I’m honestly so tired. I just want to snuggle in bed.”
Your request wasn’t ignored. They both got up; Suguru changed the sheets and picked up Satoru’s room. While you stood under the hot water in the shower, Satoru gently washed your hair. Long fingers massaging your scalp before the curtain opened and Suguru stepped in behind you. Their hands gently slid over your slicked skin. Washing, massaging, and worshiping you.
Their sweet caresses made your eyes heavier as the tense, sore muscles relaxed. While you longed to take care of their needs most of the time. Being held like this, sandwiched between the two strongest sorcerers in the world, made you feel safer. With them at your side, you knee deep down in your gut that everything would be okay.
After the most relaxing shower you’d ever taken was over, you slid on your pajamas before crawling into bed, collapsing into the plush mattress and expensive Egyptian silk sheets. Satoru crawled in with you as Suguru pulled you to rest on his chest while Satoru spooned you. Their hands were so soft and gentle. Their fingers and warm palms were like your own personal lullaby.
“Shh,” Suguru hushed, “we got you.”
Satoru nodded against your shoulder and the crook of your neck. “You can rest. If you have a nightmare, we’ll be beside you.” Satoru grabbed one hand as Suguru grabbed the other.
The warmth of their hands in yours had your cold hands finally returning to normal. Sometimes, days could be terrible. Making you question everything you do. You were happy to know your boyfriends would be there to help bring some of the light back into your life. That was something you would firmly be able to stand by and defend, especially when their arms were wrapped so tightly around you.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 6 months
Pieces Part 3
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: the aftermath of the break up has different effects on both, Azriel and Reader.
A/N: yall I'm sick🥲 the updates might be late but I'll try to post as much as possible. Hope you like this one!
Pieces Masterlist
It's been one month.
One month of Healing.
When azriel left, I told myself that I will not contact him until I'm ready. Doesn't matter how much I'm missing him or wanting him. I will not talk to him until I know I won't take him back the second I see him again.
I gave myself two days. Two days to sulk all I wanted. I spent the whole time crying and feeling miserable about myself. Before Az left at least, I wasn't by myself. At least I saw him once a day.
Now? Nothing.
I am totally alone. His absence hit me Hard. Everything I saw, almost brought me to my knees.
The kitchen where we would make dinner together, laughing and joking with each other that many times ended with us covered in flour and syrup.
The couch where we would sit cuddling and talking until we fell asleep, always waking up with strained muscles.
His office where he would sit on his chair in front of his desk, writing out reports and whatnot while I sit in his armchair reading my book. Just enjoying each others company and occasionally taking breaks to make out on the very deck, and then some.
After those dreadful days though, I called Feyre and Mor and had a very much needed girls night. We took out a wine bottle and I spilled everything to them. My mind was too drunk to think my feelings about Elain might offend Feyre but she genuinely felt sad for me and embarrassed about her sister. The poor girl even apologised to my about Elain's behavior to which I immediately told her it wasn't her fault.
When I told them how lonely it got being alone in a big house like this, they suggested maybe I should get a job or something to keep my mind distracted and promised that they'll visit me often. So I did juat that.
I found a part time job at a local library. I have to admit, I'm really enjoying it. I'm the second assistant to the sweetest lady, Hilda, who owns the shop. I don't do much, just help her in small things like adjusting books on self or helping in shipping books out or in. Layla, the first assistant, handles most of the work around the shop. My job is basically doing what she asks of me. The salary isn't much but I don't care because it's never been about money.
The first week was very hard. Everyday after I came home, the silence felt like a slap on the face, reminding me of everything I lost.
But, slowly, I became comfortable with it. Now it's doesn't hurt me as it did before.
There were many times when I think of Azriel, tears filled my eyes, but I never let them free. I sucked them in and did anything else that didn't made me cry, like taking baths, baking my favorite chocolate brownies, reading in front of the fire place while drinking hot coco or calling my friends to take me shopping.
And as time went. I started to heal. I started to feel good, happier with myself. And without even realizing it, I started to love myself.
It's been one month.
One month of regretting everything I did to my mate.
I've spent my whole month sulking in this room, crying and regretting everytime I chose Elain over my wife. I haven't slept at all since I came here, just enough to keep me functioning. My appetite is gone. I don't eat unless Rhys come and force feeds me like I'm some baby.
I told Rhysand and Cassian everything the first morning i stayed here. Which earned me a flick to head by Cassian and a very disappointed look from Rhys. Even though they didn't give me any scolding(which I very much deserved), the flick and expression said enough.
Rhys has refrained me of any work, handling it himself or having someone else do it. While I have been sitting around here and hating myself. It seems like even my mind has declared itself an enemy, showing me memories of everytime I dismissed Y/N and hurt her in any way at most random times, cutting a deeper cut in my heart everytime.
"Hey Az, I was thinking if we could go out for dinner tonight? There is this new amazing restaurant I saw while walking near Sidra. I really want to try it." She told me as I put on my coat, ready to go.
"I can't, I have a mission for today. Rhys told me it's important so I can't skip. We'll go some other time. Okay?"
I could hear the excitement in her voice when she asked me and the hurt when I rejected her and promised to go another time. The time never came. She never asked again. And I never noticed.
"Az, are you awake?" She whispers in the dead of night. Both of us sleeping on the bed. My back to her, hoping to fall asleep quickly because I have early training tomorrow.
Cassian is spending time with Nesta more, so Rhys has told me to go to an illyrian camp to check how things are going. I have to wake and go there early to catch them off guard to see what's truly going on.
I can't do that if Y/N doesn't let me sleep.
I didn't answer her that night, hoping if i dont respond, she'll think im asleep and doesnt call me again. She really didnt call me again. I prioritized my sleep over her. Her voice sounded so small. She needed me. And I didn't care.
"So, I saw a really cute baby in garden today and..." I drone out her babbling and try to quickly I can get out of here, I promised Elain to help in her garden today. She'll be disappointed if I show up late.
"Az? You're listening to me right?" She suddenly questions, I clear my throat and answer a small, of course, she nods and takes a deep breath, not saying anything anymore. I sign in relief of the silence.
I put my head in my hands and tug hard on my hair, wanting to feel hurt, hurt the kind that she clearly felt and I didn't care.
I hate myself more and more as memories flash through my mind. I can't even cry at this point. I wished she'd hit me when we fought. Slaped and paunched some sense into me. I don't blame her at all for not talking to me. Gods, I wouldn't even blame her if she left me. I deserve it.
How do I fix this?
Taglist: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @going-through-shit @wallacewillow0773638 @kalulakunundrum @cat-or-kitten
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kazvha · 1 month
Hey!! hope you’re doing well! anyways, if you could do a val x fem or gn s/o and what their favorite part of or thing about them is? (doesn’t need to be nsfw or anything like that! whatever ur comfortable with!) sry if this doesn’t make any sense🥲
Summary: Their favorite thing about you
Including: Chamber, Yoru, Cypher, Sova, Omen, Phoenix, Gekko, Iso
Notes: I'm doing mostly alr & thanks for requesting<3 Let me know if I understood it correctly!
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Chamber loves how accepting you are. You embrace all versions of him, the flirty Chamber, the serious Chamber, even the insecure Chamber he usually doesn't show to anybody. You don't judge him for his past mistakes. This makes him want to show the same amount of support for you.
Yoru's favorite thing about you is your competitiveness. He tried to tone his competitive streak down when you first met, but ever since you told him you didn't mind, you two compete in every. little. thing. The others think it's too much, but you two couldn't care less because it's fun.
Cypher loves your laugh. He's used to everyone being wary of him and his cameras, but then there's you, laughing heartily at his antics and his humor. It easily has become his favorite sound and it's so satisfying to hear.
Sova's favorite thing about you is your honesty. You always let him know your honest thoughts about everything and never hold back, even if the truth could hurt him. Because of that, he's able to trust you with his life.
Omen loves your hands. Whenever he feels cold and empty, which is all the time, your hands that softly caress his cheek and hold his fingers, bring back the warmth he has once felt. It comforts him and temporarily gives him inner peace.
Phoenix's favorite thing about you is your nose. He's a menace, he likes flicking it whenever he passes you and he thinks it's charming how it scrunches up in response every time. He also loves planting kisses on it.
Gekko loves your creativity and helpfulness. That you're offering to brainstorm with him whenever he has new ideas for strategies on how to use his crew in a battle or even for sketches for a new tattoo, means a lot to him.
Iso's favorite part is your eyes. Regardless of your eye color, he likes how bright your irises shine whenever you speak with him. It's a subtle sign of the affection you feel for him, which he also has for you.
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lxverrings · 2 months
It's been a while I know 💀
I just have something in my head and can't get my head out of it. Just hear me out- 😭
Spider!Reader being Miles', Gwen's and Mayday's work-mom (basically their mom at work). Reader just loves kids (haha can't relate 💀) and is a natural mother.
Miguel realizes that he wants needs to put a baby in Reader asap. (Breeding kink basically)
- Solecito (aka. Spanish anon 🇪🇸)
Me coming right back to life from how GOOD this ask is... Holy shit you put me in a mood 🥲
Motherly Instinct.
A Miguel O’hara drabble ; MDNI, NSFW under the cut!
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Summary: What Solecito said, except I took the creative liberty to ensure reader speaks Spanish and also Mayday kind of has MJ (/other variations of her) so I’m going to add Pav and Hobie!!! Also reader isn’t necessarily a spider-person but def in the medical part of the spider society, so you go ahead with your little imagination <3
R/N: this put me in such a mood I need to find more fics like this smh and extra note, I feel you Solecito, I HATE TODDLERS!!!! babies are fine, so are teens, but TODDLERS??? TODDLERS???? my patience is thin... But I personally would like kids and especially with Miguel O’hara...
Warnings: NSFW under cut!!!! Obviously breeding kink warnings, mating press ig, Miguel physically cannot get his hands off reader...
You’ve been in the society for quite a while now. From Miguel’s start to the shablam with Miles and the final acceptance of the boy into the society, even if Miguel was a bit sour about it...
Either way, it’s been long enough so that Miguel put a ring on that finger...
For the time being, your husband hasn’t had time to discuss babies, which is something that you’ve been thinking about, and subtly (not) been bringing up. He promises that someday in the future.
Well, someday is still too far away.
You’ve been at least calming your raging baby fever by talking with the younger spiders and doing your best to take care of their occasional reckless behavior...
“Hey! Heyyy!!! I told you I was fine!” Gwen puffed as she was bandaged up from the shards of glass due to her impromptu landing, Hobie just chuckled— probably his idea...— more than anything to land that way.
“Oi, “ma’...” do me a favo’ ’n check on my ’vitr, thanks, luv.” he mused, he seemed unfazed, despite the wraps tied around his wrists and arms.
“Will do, Hobie...” you smiled warmly, nodding at the younger spider, while Miles nervously fidgeted. “Miles...” you began before you gently patted his arm, “It’s okay, don’t worry.” you smiled reassuringly, trying to soothe his nerves— seeing Gwen and Pavitr get hurt like that, definitely must have altered the nerves in the young man.
“I know... I just... I guess I’m nervous. I would talk it out with mí mamí, but I guess I just... Well. It’s nice talking to you, not lie a replacement, but... Like a supplement? Wait... No that sounds wrong...” he mumbled— which got him out of that loop.
“You sound like a gym bro...” Pavitr finally giggled. Hobie let out a small sigh of relief and chuckled.
“Swolemates, huh?” Hobie chuckled, you rolled your eyes and smiled at them, the little group of preteens filled the room with easy chatter.
You smiled and nodded at them, unaware of Miguel’s gaze from the sight of the cameras that filled the screens of his monitoring.
Honestly, Miguel wasn’t paying much attention, until Lyla’s alarming noises went off.
“What the shock, Lyla?!”
The snarky hologram just smirked, “Oh nothing.”
“I just wanted to show you this!” she chirped with a smile.
He just rolled his eyes for a while— until the screen lit up with your face and the chit-chats with the younger spiders.
Mom? Ma?
He was so down bad.
Embarrassing, really, wasn’t it?
Either way, Miguel just stood and grumbled.
“Lyla. Shock. Call her in.”
“Shut the shock up and call her in!”
“C’mon! C’mon!”
“Please, can you just shocking—”
“Yeah, I already called her.” Lyla smirked as Miguel grumbled and swatted her off.
“Boss got you on track, huh ma?” Hobie smirked as you smiled nervously and swatted him off.
“I bet it’s not important...” you mused before Lyla interrupted.
“It’s very important!!!”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure everything is okay? Maybe it’s important— but in a good way?” Gwen offered with a small smile and tilted her head quietly.
“Don’t be that way,” Miles muttered, but he shuddered, perhaps he was getting the PTSD that Miguel put him through.
“You are all such pessimists! The passion is palpable, how can you concentrate when our big bad boss is in loooove?” Pavitr quickly shot back in absolute delight.
You shooed them off with a smile before retreating to Miguel’s... Lair. If you could call it that. Office? Same thing.
You walked off quickly, and entered his office. If you could call it that.
Miguel watched you sternly and crossed his arms as he stalked over your smaller form
“Hola, Miguelito!”
“Ay. You’re finally here.” he grumbled, putting his large hand on the top of your head, pushing back stray locks of hair to kiss your forehead.
You smiled warmly, unaware of the daunting gaze he held on you.
“I have to ask something of you.” he mumbled as he lightly peppered your face in kisses, “És muy importante...”*
“Lo que tú quieras...”*
He stared down for a moment.
“Quiero un bebé.”*
You stared up at him nervously, your face flushed as your hands twittered together, and you gazed nervously up at him, “Oh?”
“Shock.” he hissed and held your chin as his kisses became more passionate, “Wanna get you pregnant, I want to give you a little baby. A little baby that looks like you, shock. You would make such a good mommy. Cuidando chamacos qué ni son tuyos... Y lo hacés tan bién...”*
Your breath hitched but you smiled up at him, “Me gustaría tener un bebé contigo...”*
The bed screeched underneath the brutal pace Miguel was going at, how many hours had it been?
Your clammy hands pulling at the sheets and the hiccups and tears that left your eyes as he pounded over and over again.
His tip prodding at your abused cervix, the harsh little veins scratching at your sweetest spots, and the scruffiness of his happy trail scratching at your little pearl of nerves.
God knows how many orgasms you had, your ankles over his shoulders as he bent you in half had your squelching cunt shaking and twitching as tears left your eyes at rapid paces.
“Dios. Ay! Miguel, por favor—Sisisi— ay! Ahí! Ahí!”* you begged in tears, both of you reduced to mingled Spanish as he gruffed and grunted.
“Te voy a llenar otraves, así te gusta. Sí. Tómalo todo. No dejes qué sé salga nada. Te voy a llenar de bebés. Te voy a dejar redonda y hinchada, hasta qué quedes bién embarazada y tengas mí bebé. Hasta qué grites de tan sensible y débil qué estés...”* he hissed back and kissed you with a stronger passion.
He was relentless with his pace as his fingers worked your nipples and he mused something about getting to drink from your swollen boobs, and getting to dress you in maternity clothes— how he couldn’t wait to watch it work wonders on your body. And how well he would take care of you with his baby. How his spoiled little wife would get nothing but the best, and have her with the most beautiful baby imaginable.
No mercy was bestowed on your poor body and less so that night. Your poor cunt was seeping his essence, and every time that a single drop leaked, he gave you another round until you passed out, only to fall asleep to his gentle praises and his gentle caresses.
Because he wouldn’t have it any other way; you would make the perfect mommy, and god was he lucky, that ring on your finger was absolutely perfect...
But what would make this more perfect? A little baby in your arms.
Surely, as soon as the baby was here, it wouldn’t be very long until he wanted another.
It’s very important...
Whatever you want.
I want a baby.
Taking care of rascals that aren’t even yours... And you do it so well...
I would like to have a baby with you...
There, there!
I’m going to fill you up again. That’s how you like it. Yes. Take it all. Don’t let anything spill out. I’m going to fill you with babies. I’m going to leave you round and swollen. Until you’re pregnant and you have my baby. Until you scream from how sensitive and weak you are...
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crheativity · 7 months
Can we get a part three of This with riddle and Ruggie?? Thank you! 💜 it's fine if you can't do it btw!
SUMMARY: Someone's picked a fight with Prefect! But he isn't going to let anyone hurt you anymore. Not on his watch. Part 3! Part 1 w/ Cater and Azul can be found here, and part 2 w/ Vil and Silver can be found here.
WARNING: Riddle calls someone a coward. Also the words idiot and jerk are in his part. People get hurt in Ruggie’s part but it isn’t really gory or anything
COMMENTS: I’m so sorry this took so long, my hands have been in a lot of pain the past couple months and are only starting to get better 🥲 I hope you enjoy it! Ruggie and Riddle were super good ideas for this prompt, this was so much fun to write! Thank you for the request! Also, if anyone has any ideas for more characters they’d like for this series, feel free to send in a request!
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It must be raining.
You were just out in a storm. That’s all.
That would explain the crack of thunder that collided with your face and gave you a throbbing headache. The warm liquid blurring your vision and dripping out of your mouth and nose was just the rain, not some unholy mix of blood and tears. The chills that froze you where you stood was just humidity and the cold, not adrenaline and raw fear.
And yet, even with your desperate brain trying to come up with some reasonable explanation, the only thunderstorm you could see in front of you was a student you couldn’t recognise. Not with your head pounding like this. Not with the thunder in your ears.
There was something about the boy that scared you. That wasn’t uncommon - this school was full of terrifyingly promising mages. But the scariest thing wasn’t how he wielded his magical pen with deadly accuracy, or how strong he so evidently was.
It was just how much he seemed to be enjoying the mix of horror and pain, of blood and tears, that must have been so evidently and delicately splashed across your face.
His smile twisted as he raised his pen again, something in those cruel eyes of his setting off alarm signals in your aching head.
“This’ll teach you not to meddle where you don’t belong.”
The pen glowed, pure magic surrounding it as he prepared to shoot. His sadistic eyes were alight with entertainment. He knew what he was about to do. He didn’t care.
You squeeze your eyes shut and braced for the lightning.
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Your eyes snapped open just in time to see the lightning, arcing gracefully yet violently through the air.
Aiming straight for your assailant’s neck.
“What the- hey! Get this thing off of me!” The boy snapped, tugging at the heart shaped collar that had just appeared around his neck.
“I most certainly will not!”
Spinning around, you saw two boys making their way towards you. One was tall with short green hair, glasses, and a familiar symbol - a club - painted just below his left eye. He looked worried, his gaze flicking from you, to your assailant, to his companion and back again.
The second boy made your heart skip a beat.
His small frame shook with rage. His face, twisted with anger, had become as red as his hair. He marched straight past you, heading towards your assailant, his magical pen gripped tightly in his hand.
Uh oh.
The moment Riddle Rosehearts decides to get involved, heads roll.
“How dare you?!” He yelled. “Using magic in a fight is a clear violation of the rules! Did you think you could just shamelessly flaunt your rule-breaking and expect me not to see it?! And attacking the magic-less prefect of all people! If you really must break the rules, at least fight someone on an equal footing as you, coward!”
The courtyard was dead silent as Riddle verbally ripped into the student, chewing him out for several rule violations and other discourtesies.
“But the prefect started it-!” Your assailant protested.
“I don’t know what history you and the prefect may have, but in this instance you attacked without provocation and without warning!” Riddle huffed. “And don’t try to lie to me. I saw the whole thing.”
The boy visibly deflated. There was no getting out of this for him.
“I want to see your student ID. Now.” Riddle ordered.
The boy sighed, pulled his ID out of his bag and handed it to Riddle.
“Ah, Pomefiore, hm? Be thankful you’re not in Heartslabyul,” he snapped, handing the ID back to the student. “Although,” he added, “Vil Schoenheit is certainly not the most lenient of housewardens. He will deal with you appropriately.”
You felt a hand rest on your shoulder. Looking up, you realised Trey Clover had stopped next to you.
He gave you a small, strained smile. “Are you alright, Prefect?”
Riddle glanced back over at you, a little startled. It appeared he had forgotten you were here.
“I’m alright… I think.” You managed, sending both the dormleader and vice-dormleader a smile.
Riddle’s face somehow got even redder and he looked away. You would’ve thought it almost funny if the world hadn’t started spinning. You quickly grabbed Trey’s arm to steady yourself.
“Maybe not.” You added.
Trey reached over to support you. “Riddle, you know more first aid than I do. I’ll take him to Pomefiore and explain the situation to Vil, but maybe you should take care of the Prefect or something?”
“Very well.” Riddle made his way over to you, reaching out to support you. He gently led you over to a bench and pulled out a handkerchief.
“Please pardon me, I’m going to administer first aid to you now.” He spoke stiffly. You nodded dazedly, and then felt a pang of regret as your headache tripled in intensity. You focused on breathing steadily as he cleaned the blood from your face and examined your injuries.
“You’ll have a couple of bruises, but nothing serious, thankfully.” He sighed in relief and instructed you to apply pressure to your nose and angle your head downwards to stem the bleeding.
Slowly but surely, the bleeding stopped. Riddle sat with you quietly the entire time, silently supporting you. You got the impression that he didn’t quite know what to say or do, and just how close you both were wasn’t helping matters. That was alright, though. Just having him here was enough.
“Prefect…” Riddle spoke so quietly you weren’t even sure he’d spoken. He was looking away from you, his face a light pink colour. He seemed embarrassed.
“What’s up?”
Riddle took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. “I… apologise for losing my temper back there. And also for not arriving and stopping him sooner. I’m truly sorry.”
You stared at him for a moment, then cracked a smile. “It’s alright. Although it would’ve been nice not to get hurt in the first place, it’s not your fault at all. You aren’t the idiot who tried to hurt me anyway.”
Riddle flinched at your ‘swear’. “Prefect!”
You grinned mischievously. “Wha-at? There’s no rule against calling someone an idiot, is there? Besides, you called him a coward earlier. If I’m going to get in trouble for calling someone an idiot then you should get in trouble for calling someone a coward.”
Riddle smiled and shook his head, his cheeks slightly pink. “Well then, I suppose I’ll have to watch my tongue. As Heartslabyul dorm leader, I simply must set a good example for my dorm members. Which means I must refrain from calling people… jerks.”
You gasped and clapped your hand over your mouth, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. “Riddle!”
His eyes lit up as you said his name. He looked at you so gently, so lovingly as you struggled not to laugh that you felt your face going warm.
Wouldn’t it be nice to stay like this forever….?
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A yell of pain shot through the air, wrenching your eyes open in fear. Stumbling backwards, you drank in the scene in front of you before realising in horror what had happened.
Someone had jumped in front of you.
A beastman, to be more specific.
The boy stood protectively in front of you, breathing hard, hackles raised. He had dirty blond hair and an outfit much too big for him. His right hand was gripped tightly around his magical pen, his left was holding his right shoulder. Blood was beginning to fall at his feet.
Wait, blood?
Scanning him again quickly and you saw them: shards of ice crystals stuck out of his shoulder at every angle. Your stomach twisted and you felt the bile rise in the back of your throat.
“Prefect, go!”
The boy turned at you and snarled. “Run!”
You stumbled backwards, stunned. A spell - another gift from your assailant - flew by your ear. Scrambling backwards, you cast your eyes around to find a place to hide.
Sprinting over and sliding into the hiding spot, you peaked your head around and watched.
It was brutal.
The boy who saved you - the boy you now recognise as your crush, Ruggie Bucchi - fought viciously, yet his opponent was not the kind to give up easily. For every spell Ruggie had, this boy somehow managed to dodge or deflect almost every single one of them, and fire off a few of his own.
Come on, Ruggie. You thought. Please be okay.
Ripping your gaze from the fight, you pulled a packet of wipes from your bag and forced yourself to clean your wounds. Anything to distract from what was going on.
After all, there was no way you could help. You were magicless after all, so it was probably best to just leave things to those who could fight, right?
A yell of pain forced your attention back on the fight. Both boys were now breathing hard, blood strewn across the courtyard. From the looks of things, neither boy could beat the other. Ruggie couldn’t break a hole in his defence and the other boy could barely hit Ruggie, who was sprinting and dodging like his life depended on it.
“Stay still, mutt!” The boy snapped, firing off spell after spell.
Ruggie didn’t even respond. His concentration remained on dodging and finding a weak point, but your assailant didn’t leave him time to cast a spell.
He just needed an opening.
Steeling yourself, you grabbed a rock and snuck around the two of them. You adjusted your grip on the rock.
Please, don’t let this hit anyone. You prayed, then stepped out into the open.
“HEY DIPSTICK, OVER HERE!” You yelled as loud as you could and then hurled the rock in his direction.
The boy whirled around and deflected the rock with magic in an instant. Seeing you, he seized his chance and prepared to fire off another spell. You squeezed your eyes tight and held your hands in front of your face.
“Laugh with me!”
No spell came. Opening your eyes, you saw the boy in front of you, clearly angry. He walked towards you rigidly, as if he was trying to do anything but that. He pulled his student ID out of his bag and handed it to you.
Then he turned around and walked away. Your eyes followed him as he walked a ways off, then stopped.
The boy whirled around, his magical pen aimed directly at you and began to cast-
And then was immediately knocked off his feet from a blast of wind magic.
Someone grabbed your arm. “C’mon Prefect, now’s when we run-“
Ruggie ran hard, tugging you along with him as you dodged through crowds of people, eventually slowing to a stop in front of some empty classrooms.
You gasped for breath and put your hands on your knees, trying to recover from your sprint. Glancing up, you saw Ruggie leaning against the wall, breathing hard.
He looked awful.
His shoulder looked worse, his uniform was singed and he smelled of smoke. He had countless scratches and scrapes. Yet despite all this, he caught your eye and smiled painfully.
“What… whatcha starin’ at, Prefect?” He panted, clearly exhausted.
“Your shoulder…” you managed. His smile fell and he shrugged - then grimaced.
“‘S fine. Don’t need to worry, shishish-“ he cursed and winced.
You walked over to him and looked him over. His face was ever so slightly pink as he looked away. He shook slightly as you tugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
Pulling out your packet of wipes, you looked up at him. “This okay?”
He glanced at you briefly, his face still pink, his ears flat against his head. He looked away again. “‘S whatever.” He mumbled.
You gently cleaned up his cuts and scrapes. Looking at his shoulder injury, you sighed. “I can’t do anything about that one. I’m taking you to the nurse’s office.”
“But-“ he protested, but fell silent when you cut him off.
“No buts. That’s serious, Ruggie. I’ll buy you doughnuts if you let me take you.” You added, hoping the bribe would work.
He hesitated, then smiled at you. “Fine. Shishishi, if I didn’t know better, I’d guess you’d care for me or somethin’.”
You simply stared at him.
He went red. “P-prefect-? Got somethin’ you wanna say? Haha…”
“Come on,” you said with a smile and a sigh. “Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
What a dummy. You thought as you pulled him along. I think I love him.
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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grims-sunshine · 7 months
hello! How are you? I see your requests are open? If it's alright, can i request some angst, but with a happy ending because I'm too damn soft🥲 Fem Tav being absolutely devastated when Astarion confessed but also that he was originally manipulating and using her? I never see anyone writing Tav being upset over that, like she's in love with him, but is rightfully angry and upset with him and just sobs while avoiding him for a while? 🥲
Hi hi anon! I'm good, thanks for asking <3 I hope you're alright too!
I love this idea so much aaaaah! I had to start writing pretty much immediately ahaha
Thanks so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it <3
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🤍 Feel Better 🤍
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Pairing: Astarion x Tav
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: angst with a happy ending, some mild anxiety, arguing, Tav says a few not so nice things maybe
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"I care about you."
It's true when you say these words to Astarion. At least you think it's true. At least it was true just five minutes ago.
You're pretty sure it's still true.
You pull Astarion into a hug, and aren't sure if you do it because you want to hug him, or because it feels like the right thing to do.
He hesitates for a moment, but puts his arms around you as well. You're overcome with a wave of happiness that he hugged you back, then sadness that he just admitted to having manipulated you, then anger that you were dumb enough to fall for it.
When he holds your hand, you see a glint of sincerity in his eyes. But you're not sure you can trust your own judgment anymore. Part of you wonders if he actually means it this time.
You know it wouldn't make sense for him to lie again, right after confessing his last lie and admitting that he felt bad for it.
But it didn't make sense for him to lie the first time either.
You've been defending Gale when the others were mad about his secret, and he wasn't sleeping with you. You tried to stand up for Wyll when Mizora showed up, and he hadn't shown even a hint of interest in you. You sided with Karlach and helped her deal with the paladins when you didn't even know her yet.
In short, you've been doing your damnedest to protect the people around you, not because you wanted anything in return, but because you're all in an unfortunate situation, just trying to stay alive, and you believe it'll be better for all of you to help each other. You would've done the same for Astarion, without him ever doing so much as touch you.
Your thoughts cause unease to rise within you, getting worse with every second. Once he lets go of you, you excuse yourself, rushing off to a quiet place, out of view from the others.
You sink to the ground, leaning your head back against the wall as your vision goes blurry. Before you even notice it, tears stream down your face and you suppress a sob.
You feel betrayed. Astarion played with your feelings just to gain a benefit from you, with seemingly no care how it would make you feel. You should've gotten angry at him, told him off for manipulating you, screamed at him for hurting your feelings.
Instead, you gave him a hug and said you care about him.
Underneath the anger and hurt, your feelings for him are still there, maybe stronger than ever. If you could just move past this, maybe the two of you can be happy together after all.
It makes you feel like a child, thinking that you're in some kind of fairy tale romance. But you're not the protagonist of a storybook, and you're starting to have serious doubts that Astarion is the prince who will sweep you off your feet and bring you eternal happiness.
And yet, that small part of you makes you decide to stay with him for now and hope everything will work out for the better. You're not sure if you're naive, stupid, or if Astarion really is worth trying, but you trust your gut feeling, even when your brain is telling you to break things off immediately.
Still, you can't help feeling hurt over everything that happened, so over the next couple of days you pull away from Astarion. It's not your intention, but whenever you're close to him, you start to feel dizzy, sick even. You feel your chest tighten and a knot form in your stomach that gets worse the longer you're around him.
You used to not get enough of being close to you, now it feels like your whole body recoils against his presence.
Astarion doesn't seem to notice that anything has changed -- Or if he does, he doesn't show it. If anything, he's become even more affectionate with you.
He's been seeking out your touch more often, giving you occasional hugs and stealing kisses from you. They make your heart beat faster, but you can't tell anymore if it's because you love him or because it sends your brain into overdrive each time, wondering if he's doing it because he wants to be close to you or because he wants to keep you hooked so you won't turn away from him now.
You hate that you have to question him. You hate that you feel like you can no longer trust him when you blindly would've put your life in his hands just a few days ago.
To make things worse, life has decided to hurl even more struggles at you while you're dealing with your feelings.
The Shadow-Cursed Lands have been getting especially cold at night. You try to stay as close to the fireplace as possible, but it feels like the darkness sucks away any warmth provided by the fire, so you're left shivering and wishing you could lie in a warm bed with several blankets instead.
"Wanna cuddle a little for warmth?" Astarion's voice catches you off guard and you almost flinch when you notice him standing beside you, watching you shiver and grasping your arms.
"Not that I have much body heat to give off, but, you know… I could be there for you in spirit." He continues, giving you a smile that looks almost a little shy.
You're hesitant at first, but something about the way he looks at you plugs at your heartstrings. You can't resist him, not when he looks like he's sending silent prayers to the gods that you'll agree.
"Yeah, sure. At the very least you'll block off a bit of the cold, right?" You say, earning a chuckle from him.
"I'll do my very best to shield you from the cold, darling."
He settles down facing you, wrapping one arm around you to pull you closer to his chest.
You try your best to relax, but your body still tenses around him, even when you try to just swallow down your feelings.
You lie in silence for a while, until Astarion sighs.
"Is everything alright, dear? You've been acting a little off lately. I wasn't sure if I should mention it at all, but to be honest, I am a little worried." His tone is serious, void of the usual playfulness in his voice.
Damn it. He noticed.
"It's nothing, really," you say, hoping that he'll drop it. Instead, he just looks at you, sceptical.
"Are you sure? You can talk to me, you know." He frowns brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "It's just," he hesitates, like he's unsure of what to say, "I feel like you've started avoiding me ever since I opened up about my feelings. So, I've been thinking, maybe I misread the signs and you actually never wanted to move past… Whatever the hells it was we had before," he rambles. Then, a little quieter, he adds, "You know, I've never done this whole relationship thing, and I really don't want to make a fool of myself by pursuing someone who doesn't like me that way." He lets out a nervous chuckle.
Oh hells no.
"Make a fool out of you?" The words break out of you, louder and angrier than intended. "What about me, who made a fool out of herself the whole time thinking you actually liked me?" You should stay composed, calm yourself before you say something you regret, but at that moment, all the complicated feelings you've been having swirl together and explode within you. "You didn't stop once to think about that, did you? But when it's about you having to deal with something unpleasant, suddenly it's a problem. Don't you think that's a little selfish of you?"
By the way Astarion looks at you, you'd think he'd just been slapped. Then he averts his eyes and you feel his hands tightening, gripping the back of your shirt.
"Right," he sighs. "I deserve to be called selfish, I suppose."
Astarion takes a deep breath, his jaw clenching as he thinks about what to say next, before he relaxes it again. "I know what I did to you was wrong. I manipulated you and you didn't deserve that. At all." His voice quivers a little as he continues to speak. "And I know it's no excuse, but this is what I've done for two centuries. Manipulate people to avoid getting hurt. I have no damn idea how to navigate a relationship with someone who isn't trying to make me suffer at every turn, or someone who I know will meet a terrible end because of me."
He looks at you again with a pained expression. "I really do care about you, despite what I've done, you know? I didn't intend to care about you, but you crushed all my intentions just by being your wonderful, amazing self. And if you're willing to give me another chance, I promise to make this right. I promise I won't ever try to deceive you again. I want to be someone worthy of your love and I'll do what I can to be that kind of person."
This time you're absolutely certain that he's sincere. There's not a sliver of doubt in your mind about that.
You don't even realize that you haven't said anything in a while until you notice Astarion grow increasingly nervous, looking at you like he expects you to cuss him out and tell him to leave any second.
You grab his hand and press a kiss to his palm. "I am willing to give you a chance," you say, seeing the instant wave of relief rush over his face. "I know you're new to all of this, and I know you've been through a lot. I should've talked about this sooner instead of just avoiding you. And I shouldn't have yelled earlier either. So I'm sorry as well."
Astarion presses his forehead against yours, pulling you into a close hug. "So things are good between us now, right?"
You nod, leaning in to kiss his cheek before nuzzling into his chest. "Yeah, everything's alright."
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Title inspired by this
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hereticdrws · 5 months
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Mizu headcannons
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Warnings: panic attacks, nightmares, mizu being a dick in the beginning
a/n: every day I wake up and check tumblr to see if anyone has posted a new mizu fanfic so I have stupidly decided to take it into my own hands 🥲/j
- ⚔ - enjoy my lovelies - ⚔ -
• mizu is definitely very distant during the beginning of yalls friendship/relationship, mostly because she doesn't want to be hurt again (m*k*io)
•she also will try to push you away later on like, showing you her scars, revealing she's a woman, and js showing all her flaws (not all of them all of them but most) in an attempt to scare you away
•you both still love each other in a friendly way like when her clothes get cut up you sew them together, when she's hurt/sick you'll do everything in your power to heal her/protect her until she's better and vice versa
• while she does try and scare you away with her flaws she also tries to show you she doesn't care abt you by kinda being a bitch
As I walked behind her, I wasn't aware of the hole in the ground covered by snow and leaves, I ended up tripping falling into her back.
"Watch it!"
She said in an angry tone, glaring at me as I looked up to her from the snow.
"Get up, we don't have any time to take naps"
She sneered.
"I clearly wasn't taking a nap, I fell, you don't have to be such a bitch about it"
I said under my breath.
"What did you say?"
She said, almost seething.
"Didn't say anything"
I shrugged... she simply glared at me before turning back to the road, mumbling about me under her breath.
• she definitely becomes more bitchier once she realizes she has a crush on you
• when she realizes she has a crush on you she kinda freaks out, telling herself there's no way you would ever like her back because you were both women
•she tries to push you away even more when she realizes but you don't budge, mostly because you know why she's trying to push you away (I mean cmon, girl can't hide her feelings for shit tbh 😭)
• once you realize 'oh shit she likes me' you DEFINITELY tease the ever-loving shit out of her but in a low key way
I walked beside mizu into the crowd of people, we had just arrived in a town near kohana, mizus old village, after visiting her sword father. The crowd seemed to basically part once mizu stept through, making way for the 'man' but the second mizu passed all I felt was shoulders bumping me and pushing me away from her.. at least that was my excuse.
I grabbed her hand as to stay near her, pulling myself towards her and wrapping my arm around hers.
"What are you doing?" She said in a low angry tone, though the subtle blush creeping onto her cheeks proved her tone other wise.
"Trying to stay on my feet without being pushed down, why is there something wrong?" I said with a slight smirk, raising my eyebrow at the 'samurai not samurai'
•you are definitely the first to confess feelings for mizu, but mizu is the first to initiate the kiss
•she's taken of guard by you telling her how much/long you love her
•her eyes kinda brimmed w tears when you confessed because she was so used to the feeling of never being loved
•when you fist kissed she was definitely very passionate when it came to it, being the touch starved woman she is 😌 for ex: she would push you down onto the cot (small bed) and make out with you like you were her last meal, she would definitely leave marks but it would stay at that, nothing nsfw....... yet.
•when you too finally become a 'couple' mizu is like 1000% more protective of you, always has to have her hands on you, whether it be in a crowd, the forest, a brothel, or even a tea house, if any danger comes the first thing on her mind is to protect you and vice versa
• she's definitely a cuddler, like she has had damn near no loving touch in her life so when she finally dates you, she can't keep her hands off
•she isn't big on pda since she has to protect her identity and being vulnerable in any way in public is js asking for danger
•but she would still keep her hands near you, whether it be around your waist, your arm, or your hand
•she has a few nicknames for you. Ex: honey, baby, love, and doll or dove bit that's only special occasions 😌
• she's also definitely the type to get jealous, she can't stand when your around taigen because of his flirty nature, ofc if you wanted to be friends with him, she wouldn't stop you, she doesn't want you to feel controlled or stuck
•but she'll get kinda petty abt it like she'll start ignoring you and kind of avoiding you, but you'll talk it out and everything will be fine (ik ik lazy writing don't judge 😔)
•it takes awhile for mizu to open up about her past, like allll of it, but when she does your right there holding her, stroking her hair as she tells you everything
•when mizu sleeps she tends to have nightmares alot due to her past and present (girl cannot catch a break for the life of her) so some nights she'll wake up screaming with her chest pounding, flying to her feet into a defensive position, but once her eyes adjust she'll sink onto the ground holding her chest. You'll shoot out of bed, slowly coming towards her, whispering every move your going to make to her so you don't frighten her more, once she catches her breath she'll fall into your hands, letting you pull her back to bed.
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Ladies, gentlemen, and absolutely everyone else thank you for reading this, my asks are open for art reqs and any little oneshots or headcannons or literally whatever else I haven't written in ever 🥲 I hope you enjoyed, reblogs r highly appreciated!! I love yall tysm for reading 😊
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
Prompt request from the angst portion of that list: “you can’t be bitter now, this was your decision.”
I’m mostly just ill for both Joel and your writing so do with this as you please but bonus points if you make it hurt. 🥲 🖤
You and your angst 😂 You asked for it!
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Bitter Joel Miller x f!Reader/OC The Last of Us 3.2k Words Feral Reader Masterlist Summary: Joel makes a decision for all of them when they finally find Tommy in Jackson. Part 2
There were only a few minutes in Jackson where Joel was actually happy. That initial reunion with his brother, where he had hugged him and smiled so big it had eclipsed the sun, had been the happiest he’d ever been. She’d never seen Joel smile. Smirk, yes, but it was never joy that turned his lips. Reluctant humor, small satisfaction, but joy wasn’t an emotion she had seen on Joel Miller’s face in the time she’d been with him and Ellie. It lit his whole features up, took years off his face, turned his usually dark eyes brighter where you could see the hints of hazel. She watched from the horse, never feeling more like an outsider. But that only lasted a short while.
The hesitance, the discomfort, caution all sank back in as the reality that he had found his brother who hadn’t been in danger at all settled in. They’d offered them food. The soup from the older couple had reawakened her taste buds after months of eating questionably aged canned goods or whatever small animal they’d managed to kill. Her mouth practically flooded at the warmth of the meal put in front of them.  She knew how they looked. Ellie barely breathed, she was shoveling food into her mouth so fast and even Joel was having a hard time, standing on the border of looking respectable and desperately sating the hunger they’d felt for weeks. She didn’t bother and had long since given up caring about what looked respectable. But that didn’t stop her from eyeing their hosts, keeping track of everyone around them, feeling the eyes on their backs. 
Tommy hadn’t outright questioned Ellie or her presence but there was a hint of one towards her when he introduced himself. A prodding that made her itch as to what her relationship was with the gruff man next to her and the kid between them. “I keep the kid safe,” was the answer. Nothing more, nothing less. She had joined them because of Ellie and Joel had made it clear he let her come along because of Ellie’s attachment. It hadn’t been his choice exactly. But there was no need to delve further into her and Joel’s connection. 
They’d butt heads from the start and continued to even after that night where he’d helped her relax to sleep, making her come on his fingers and then on him, and then subsequently had done so frequently after in the small private moments they could get. There was hardly anything gentle between them. They weren’t anything. She watched his back and he watched hers, both dragging each other along through life against the other's wishes. 
She knew about Tess. Ellie had caught her up, told her of the smuggler who had been Joel’s partner and how she was no longer around. In the spaces between her words, she could see exactly what Tess had been to Joel and how that role, in a way, had switched to her reluctantly. Someone to have his back, help release the tension and satisfy that need for another person even if it was only through sex and her presence. But the woman whose ghost lingered had been smart, calculated, using Joel as a battering ram rather than get her own hands dirty but wasn’t against doing so. That wasn’t her. She wasn’t clever. She was nothing but instinct and claws and rage. So often it was Joel pulling her back, leashing her, telling her what to do even while she gnashed her teeth even at him. It was him in control. She was a weapon but somehow one he so often didn’t want to use. He yelled at her for her recklessness, for each scrape and bruise and cut she received like it was his job to keep her safe as well as Ellie. Each morning he checked her over, making sure her weapons were in the correct spot, the straps of her bag secure, enough bullets in her cartridge. And now, she noticed Joel’s back stiffening at her answer and the obvious lack of connection to him. Caught his eye and the furrow of his brow. They’d learned to read each other so well over the months and could communicate silently and she could see the slight flicker of anger in the line of his jaw. Maybe it had been the wrong answer. Maybe she shouldn’t have answered at all, had put too much emphasis on Ellie or downplayed Joel’s role as the protector and escort. People weren’t her expertise and she was already on edge from there being so many of them and having Joel’s brother of all people staring down at her. She didn’t know what she was to him, but could at least define what she was to Ellie. And that’s what she answered. She wasn’t sure why that tick of anger was on his face and wasn’t going to get into it with him while Maria was staring them down, particularly Joel. Especially after he tried to excuse the woman, saying the conversation he wanted to have was for family. Except he didn’t excuse Ellie or her from the table as if it didn’t register that they weren’t.  Then Tommy shared the news that Maria did, in fact, fit in that category. More so than she did.
Somehow Ellie was the most cordial of the three of them, nudging Joel into congratulating them with gritted teeth. She kept eating, head down, ignoring the itch of too many eyes.
Throughout the tour of Jackson she could see the wall that had been slowly unraveling around Joel come back up. He stayed behind with his brother, brow furrowed, distance between him and the two girls with him. She watched Ellie take everything in, laughing at the sheep, loving on the horse, but her companion only seemed to withdraw more.
That silent communication they had was gone, cut off.
Maria had suggested they get cleaned up, giving the boys the opportunity to split off and catch up. Instinctually, her eyes went to Joel to see what he thought of the suggestion. They never split up, were never far from each other, and now this woman she didn’t know wanted to take her somewhere else away from him. Ellie was hesitant too, looking at the man as well.
But his eyes stayed on the ground and he walked away.
She didn’t see him for a while after being carted away by Maria.
They both took a shower, a hot shower, and the girl in the mirror staring back at her afterwards was unrecognizable. No longer a girl, but a woman in her middle age. Twenty years, come and gone. Scars, so many scars, and spots dotted her skin all over. Her eyes were a little dull and hair lackluster, a bit too long. There was a faint fading bruise on her collar bone under the stars tattooed there from where Joel’s teeth had bit days before. Buried underneath that flesh had once been a girl who was shy and smiled at strangers for no reason and was warm. A rose, all blushing and bright, who only worried about her military family’s approval and writing down her songs in her journal. Now she was all thorns and crumbled petals. Meant to draw blood and nothing else. She’d gotten dressed quickly before she could shatter the mirror. Finding out about Sarah from Maria…a part of the picture that made up Joel snapped into place and things began to make sense. He was a dad, was always going to be a dad because it was engraved in him, and the young teenager traveling with them was a constant splinter in an open wound. No matter how much he pushed and yelled and raged, he always made sure Ellie was okay. She’d caught him on more than one occasion staying up to keep watch when the girl was anxious. He taught her to make a fire, how to use and take care of her gun properly, what to look out for. Joel Miller was a dad to the very foundation of his being and he was terrified because he’d already lost one daughter. The panic attacks were making sense. They would flare up at the possibility of danger, of uncertainty, not for him but for them. All the close calls. After the older couple’s house. The infected that almost got her in the woods. All had triggered one and she hadn’t known why, only that she had to calm him down and be there to center him. If anything, the knowledge made her feel more protective of him and their small group. It was a vulnerability and that meant something she had to guard it. It’s what it meant to watch each other’s backs. She didn’t miss the way Maria didn’t trust him and accused him of being a bad person. The things she had heard were probably no different than what she still did. Survival was ugly and Maria knew that from the bodies scattered alongside the river, but couldn’t seem to let that go for Joel.
If Maria only knew what she was capable of doing, the blood that covered her own hands. Killing meant so little to her now. The movie theater made her skin crawl, filled with sound and laughter and too many bodies. Ellie was the one to give her permission this time, telling her she was okay to go back to the house where it was quiet. She’d fought hard with herself over that. Joel was who knows where and letting someone else watch Ellie felt like blasphemy, but her heart was in her throat and she couldn’t focus with so much sound. 
So she’d gone back, huddling on the worn dusty couch with her knees against her chest, and unable to stop feeling her clean skin as if it were someone else’s. Her mind didn’t stop imagining every awful situation that could happen while she was gone. Ellie came back first and barely managed a nod at her, mouth tightly pressed together and silent as she climbed the stairs to the room that had once belonged to another teenage girl. Another dead one. She tried not to think about that, how Ellie always seemed to inhabit the echo of another dead daughter. First Sarah and now the room’s owner.
Even for her, Ellie was an echo of her younger sister.
She understood that. Inhabiting the shadow of a dead Tess herself. 
Joel came back next. He stopped, looking at her still with her knees drawn up. His face was darker, more heavy, like he had aged five years in the time she’d last seen him. Grief and pain and indecision lined the crow’s feet around his eyes and her fingers tightened, feeling like a bomb was about to drop. “She good?” he asked in a voice that was all gravel. “She’s whole. Upstairs in the room on the right,” she replied, eyes on the ground. He nodded, hands on his hips, and silence took over. Joel’s presence always felt like a cold fire. She could feel where he was in the room constantly. “You're gonna stick by her, right? Protect her?” Joel’s voice was harsh but not angry, just tired. 
She frowned, brow furrowed, and looked at him fully. There was a look on his face that she had only seen during his panic attacks. Like the weight of the world was crashing down on his shoulders and he was a second from not being able to hold it up, about to be crushed from it. “Is that really a question?”
“Just answer me, Red.”
His eyes were dark and he looked so tired and she was overwhelmed by this place. So she nodded, sighing out a simple, “Yes.”
He seemed to chew on the word, rolled it around his mind before nodding in answer, “Good.”
His steps were loud drum beats in her ears as he ascended, a door opening a bit later followed by the distant sound of Ellie and his voices.
She didn’t know if she should follow. Didn’t know if she’d be climbing into his bed that night or take the separate room on the first floor so far away from them both. Finding Joel’s brother had been the goal, was supposed to be a good thing, but all three of them only appeared to be in worse moods.
The bomb dropped a few moments later.
Ellie and Joel’s voices raising drew her from her spot on the couch and up the stairs. She could hear them arguing and hear the pain in the kid’s voice.
Joel was handing them over to Tommy.
Joel was handing both of them over.
Joel was leaving. 
It felt like a limb had been chopped from her. The ghost of where it was still there, a phantom pain, but its absence felt even stronger. He was leaving them. When he rushed out the door of Ellie’s room, he stopped abruptly at seeing her in the hallway standing stock still. The air had frozen around them dangerously, her anger a silent thing poised to strike and his own tinged in grief. “Just like that, huh?” she bit out, face blank and voice eerily emotionless. A muscle in his jaw ticked, teeth clenched as he spit out, “Just like that.” He moved to go to his room across the hall but something had snapped, urging her to follow like a shark scenting blood. She slammed the door behind them and it reverberated throughout the house, enclosing them in the room together. Something like betrayal coated her tongue and in the back of her mind she wondered at it, wondered if it was her trust or the trust of the teenager across the hall. “Are you really that fucking stupid, Miller?” she hissed at him, “She’s followed you for months and you’re just going to kick her out the door at the first chance? We were supposed to get her to the Fireflies-” He whipped around to face her in the dark, taking an angry step towards her, “I’m sending her with Tommy! That was the job! He knows where he’s going, he can take you both, but there’s no we. Never was.” The smile that slid onto her face was aggressive, canines showing, and he was reminded of those images of wolves snarling and licking their fangs, “Wouldn’t have pegged you as being a quitter, Tex, but glad you cleared that up.” “What’d you think was gonna happen, Starshine? A happy fucking ending?” His tone was mocking, condescending, and it was one of the few times he used his height on her to his advantage to look down his nose, “You, me, and the girl settling down somewhere while the Fireflies cure the world?” She had never thought that far, never allowed herself to think that far, because she hadn’t wanted to think about what the end of the journey would mean. For years it had been surviving one day to the next, long term plans were meaningless. But she knew enough that she wasn’t ready for this to be over and it made her angry. Because Tommy wasn’t Joel. Tommy was good and cared about being good and that wasn’t her. Joel chuckled bitterly, “You that girl’s protector? Then go protect her with Tommy. It ain’t got nothing to do with me. Jobs done.”
“So that’s it?” her fists were clenched so hard her nails made cuts in her skin, “You pass her off and leave me with your brother and simply walk away? Wipe your hands clean of us?” “You don’t get to be bitter, it was your choice to come along and watch that girl,” Joel put his hands on his hands, teeth grinding, “That’s what you wanted. I didn’t ask you to join us. I didn’t want you.” She huffed a laugh, mouth twisted in a bitter smile, “That’s ironic.” His features darkened and she knew she was touching something they didn’t talk about out loud. They never really discussed those moments in the dark, acting like they didn’t happen during the day and especially around Ellie. But they’d happened. Over and over again. “What? You think because I put my dick in you this means something? You ain’t-” “Tess?” In the darkness of the room, the walls felt like they were pressing into them. Both their rage filled the space around them and settled in the air but she could almost see the heat coming off of him. She knew it was dangerous grounds, especially after the conversation with Ellie, but this was it. This was the last bit between her and Joel Miller and if he was making her hurt, she wanted to hurt him right back. His nose wrinkled, voice low and quiet as he hissed out, “You shut the fuck up if you know what’s good for you.” Joel was so close, almost nose to nose, but spitting mad and muscles tense. She almost wanted him to hit her, give her an excuse to fight him and deal with this invisible pain she was feeling and didn’t know how to cope with. It hurt. Him leaving them hurt and she hated that he had somehow managed to wound her without even trying. “You’re right, Tex,” she spit the words out like they were covered in blood, “This didn’t mean anything. I didn’t ask for you. It was you that crawled into my bed.” A laugh left her as if mocking him would make her feel better, “This how you want it to be? Fine. But don’t you lie and say that girl means nothing to you because that’s a pile of shit no one is going to swallow.” His eyes were black in the darkness, but she could feel them as he snarled, “We’re done.” With a smile that was more a grimace and rage lining her face, she backed up, “Fine. Have fun in that hole you’re going to sink into, Miller.” The door shook as she slammed it behind her, pausing to breathe in the space of the hallway between both rooms. She was shaking. From anger, pain, sadness, adrenaline, she wasn’t sure, but she stared down at her hands as they shook unsteadily and the tiny cuts shone red with blood. He was making a mistake. She knew that but words weren’t her forte, violence was, so it was hopeless to try and convince him otherwise. The ghosts of Joel Miller’s past loved ones had haunted them for so long, she should have known he would choose them in the end. That didn’t keep the reality of it from hurting any less. She knocked softly on Ellie’s door, opening it upon hearing her tentative reply. They didn’t speak. Ellie only silently scooted over on the bed, giving her some of her space. In the darkness of the room, she tried to ignore the pain in her chest and hold onto the rage she felt. Because it was better than feeling the alternative, than acknowledging the feeling of abandonment. When the young girl curled into her and held her tightly that night, she didn’t say anything about it later or when she felt her shoulders shake quietly. She simply held her back and tried to ignore the empty space on her left where Joel usually occupied. ______________________ Feral Tag List: @alouise20
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masonmyluv · 6 months
Part 10
A/N: the last part 🥲
Warnings: smut, virginity loss; and also Ferran being a dick sorry Ferran fans xx
Read the whole story here
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You hummed, snuggling closer to your pillow. Or so you thought. You were cuddling Fermin, the boy sleeping peacefully, but having an arm wrapped around your waist as your leg was draped over him. Shit you thought. How did you end up like this?
Fermin stirred in his sleep, turning on his side, facing you. Your leg fell from his hips, but was still intertwined with his. You took a second to admire his beautiful features. And again, you asked yourself how did you get so lucky. His eyebrows, his nose, his lips... everything was perfect.
"Morning" he said in husky voice, tightening his grip around you, eyes still closed. "Morning, sleepy beauty" you joked. He opened his eyes, falling immediately on your face. He thought how did he get so lucky to have you in his bed and in his arms. You were so beautiful. "Looks like the pillow wall wouldn't have worked" he said, referring to the position you were both in. "You are a great pillow" you laughed. "I'm glad to hear that" he said, his thumb softly rubbing your cheek. "Good morning kiss?" You asked. "You read my mind, love" he chuckled, pecking your lips. "Do you have any classes today?" He asked, after he turned on his back, stretching for a bit. "In the evening, but I'm not going" you said, placing your head on his chest. "Bad bad girl" he teased.
"And you? When do you have training?"
"In two hours"
"What?! But you said in the afternoon!"
"I lied. Oops" he shrugged.
"Fermin López!"
"What? A little white lie didn't hurt anyone" he said. "Would've you stayed if I told you the truth?" He asked and you shook your head. "But don't lie ever again" you said. "I promise" he sealed it with a kiss to your lips. "We should get breakfast then. Because we don't want you late for training" you tutted, getting up. "When you're in my bed, I don't want to ever get up" he smirked. "Cheeky, Fermin, cheeky".
After you had breakfast, he was getting ready for training and you helped him pack his boots. "Thanks, love. I'll see you soon" he said, pecking your lips. "Good luck today".
"Why's Fermin smiling so much?" Pedri asked. "He didn't even care that I nutmegged him" Lamine whined. "I just had a good night sleep" Fermin shrugged. "With Y/N?" Gavi smirked and Fermin looked away. "I knew it!". "So Fermin finally got laid?" Ferran asked. "My love life is my business, not yours" Fermin said. "Oh come on. If I had a girlfriend like Y/N, I would take every chance I get. Have you see how good she looks?" Ferran said. "Don't do something stupid" Pedri whispered to Fermin, who was flaming red. "Keep my girlfriend's name out of your fucking filthy mouth, yeah?" Fermin muttered, bumping his shoulder into the other player. "Ferran, cut it" Pedri warned his friend. "It's not my fault he's a pussy" Ferran shrugged. "Shut the fuck up! None of this is your damn business" Fermin snapped. "Come on, let's go" Gavi said. For once in his life, he had to tame the spirits.
"I hope you forgot what happened"
"Can't. How he talked about Y/N..." Fermin said.
"You love her. You stood up for her" Gavi said as the two boys walked into Fermin's house. "I guess I do love her. She's quite amazing" Fermin smiled when he saw you in his kitchen. "I got a déjà-vu from when you were sick and she was cooking" Gavi grinned, taking his shoes off. "Hey love" Fermin said, wrapping his arms around you. "Hi, baby. Shit, the pasta is already boiled". "Hey Y/N" Gavi said while Fermin was still kissing all over your face. "Hi, Gavi. I hope you guys are you hungry" you giggled, pushing Fermin away. "Oh yes! And it smells amazing here" Gavi said. "Go change" you urged Fermin who didn't seem to want to let you go. Weird, you thought.
"So... how's going?" Gavi asked. "Good, I guess" you said, stirring the pasta into the sauce. "I'm happy for you, but don't tell Fermin I said this" he whispered, noticing your boyfriend making his way back to the kitchen. "What are you guys whispering about? We should eat, I'm starving" Fermin said. "Bon appétit" you chuckled. "You don't have to be jealous of me, Fermin. I won't steal your girl" Gavi joked, but Fermin turned somehow serious. "Did something happen at training?" You asked. "I think it's better if you tell her" Gavi said. "Delicious food Y/N, but gotta go. See you tomorrow, Fermin" he added.
"So... what do you have to tell me?" You asked as you both sat on the coach. "Nothing. Gavi's talking shit" Fermin said. "Really? Then I can call him and—". "Alright. No need for that" Fermin said. "Today Ferran said some things about you and I just lost it". "I hope you didn't do something stupid" you said. "No. Just told him to never talk about my life like that. And about you, of course" he said softly. "So he said something bad if it pissed you off" you said. "Yeah... made me feel insecure".
"I don't know. Maybe I'm not your type" he shrugged. "Fermin" you chuckled, straddling his lap. "Told you not to worry about that. I'm with you because I like you" you said. "I know, but—" you cut him off with a kiss. "I love you" you whispered. "You do?" He asked. "Yeah. I mean I don't know for sure since I never had a boyfriend before, but I care about you a lot, and I miss you so much when you're away" you blushed, confessing all you had felt these weeks. "Then I think I love you too because I miss you a lot" he chuckled, placing his hands on your hips. "Well l, that's good" you hummed, pressing your lips to his. You didn't know what aroused you that much, but without thinking, you rolled your hips against his. Twice, before he groaned into your mouth. "We don't have to—" he tried to say, but you couldn't get enough of him. "I only want you, Fermin" you whispered, pulling away. "Y/N" he groaned. "You're making it hard for me". "Maybe I want it hard" you shrugged. "I said I'm willing to wait. It doesn't have to be now" he said. "I'm ready. I want it with you" you blushed. "But take it slow" you added. "Of course. Will make you feel good, yeah?" He smirked, taking his t-shirt off. "W-what?" You blinked. "So you feel comfortable. Touch me, Y/N" he urged, taking your hands and putting them on his shoulders. "What are they feeding you with?" You asked, tracing the lines of his pecs, then down to his abs. He looked massive, packed with muscles. He chuckled, his hands going under your his hoodie, on your bare back. "Is that okay? If I take it off?" He asked and you nodded. He slowly pulled the hoodie over your head, then pulled you into an open-mouthed kiss. His tongue fighting for dominance with you, while you still explored each other. His skin felt soft when you touched it and you got goosebumps when he traced his fingers on your jawline. "We should take it to the bedroom" he suggested. You didn't want to let him go, so you koala-hugged him, at which he chuckled. "Alright. I'll carry you upstairs". "That's what all the muscles are for" you said, kissing his neck. He chuckled again, trying to ease your nerves.
He carefully sat on the bed with you still sitting on his lap. "Hey... you okay?" He asked softly. You didn't want to look at him. He would see right through you. "We don't have to do it now" he said, pulling back so he could see your face. "I want to, but...I'm scared" you whispered. "You don't have to be. If you want to stop, we'll stop yeah?" He said. "But I'm ready, I just..." you shrugged. "I don't even know" you whispered. "It's okay. No pressure" he said, trying to get up. "No, Fermin! I fucking want it now with you" you said. "Okay but you don't have to get mad" he surrendered. "Fuck's sake, sometimes you're a pussy" you rolled your eyes. "What did you say?" He smirked, climbing on top of you. "That you're a pussy" you gulped, squirming under his intense gaze. "The only pussy here is your wet one" he said, pressing a kiss on your neck. "W-what?". "Oh shit sorry... I didn't want to—". "I liked it" you blushed. "Such a dirty girl" he smirked. "Can I take it off?" He pinched your bra. "Yeah... if you take off your pants". He smirked when your eyes widened. "Yes, baby, you made me like this" he said, his dick hard against his boxers. "But I'm not even that—". "Shush... you're perfect yeah? And these babies are perfect" he said and you didn't even realised he unclipped your bra, letting it fall on the bed. You got shy all of a sudden, no other man has seen you like this, but this was Fermin. You trusted him.
His kisses on your skin made your panties wet, and the extra attention he gave to your breasts had you a moaning mess: he sucked your nipples until they became hard, then he softly pinched them, making your arch your back. "Fuck...so responsive" he smirked, pulling you into another kiss, while his hand made its way to your leggings. "Take them off" you breathed. "You're so beautiful" Fermin praised, pressing his fingers to your underwear. "Fuck" you moaned. "I'm taking them off... don't get shy on me" he chuckled, pulling down your soaked panties. "I told you not to get shy on me" he tutted when you instantly closed your legs. "I'm sorry... It's just...". "No one's ever seen you like this" he finished for you. "I feel honoured to be the first and the last" he said, before forcefully opening your legs and exposing you to him. You squirmed under his gaze, feeling yourself get even wetter.
Meanwhile Fermin admired you and he meant what he said: he wanted to be your first and your last. Nothing in between. "I'll have to get you ready for me yeah?" He asked, dipping his head down. "W-what are you doing?" You asked. "Kissing you". "Down there?" You asked and your innocence turned him on even more. "Just relax, baby" he said, before licking up your slit, then wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking hard. "Fuck Fermin" you moaned, twisting his blonde locks between your fingers. You've never experienced something like this before, but you wanted it again for sure. "Fuck... you taste amazing" he said, pressing his lips to yours so you could taste yourself. "I'm gonna add a finger inside... it may hurt" he said, pushing one finger into your hole. "Ah fuck..." you moaned. "Fuck you're so tight" he groaned, pushing his finger in and out of you. "F-Fermin...". "You're doing so well, love..." he whispered, adding another finger. "F-Fermin... I need to use the bathroom" you said, feeling a weird sensation in your lower tummy. He chuckled, adding some speed to his fingers as you came around him, moaning and squirming under him.
He peppered kisses to your chest while you gained your breath after the first orgasm of your life. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked. "No, Fermin, it was amazing" you said, pecking his lips. "You're ready for me..." he said, groaning at the thought of filling you up. He got up, looking for a condom in his night stand. "How did you....". "I didn't use any. My mates got me this because, you know, I already told you" he said, blushing. "Yeah yeah, you didn't fuck anyone" you chuckled. "Can say that" he shrugged, pulling his boxers down. You gulped, seeing the size of him. "Is that going to fit?" You asked. "Don't worry yeah? Just try to relax and if it gets too much, just tell me and I'll stop" he said, rolling the condom on. "I'll take it easy..." he said, positioning his tip at your entrance and teasing you. "It feels weird" you admitted shyly. "You'll get used after a few times. But for the first one, just try to relax" he said, slowly pushing in. You bit your lip, he was almost half way in as he told you you were doing so good. "Fermin..." you cried. "Yes, I know, I know it hurts, but I'm not moving until you tell me" he said, being fully in and stretching you out painfully. "You're taking me so well, love. So proud of you" he kept praising you as you adjusted to him. You looked up to meet his eyes already looking at you with concern. "It's too much" he said. "No, no... it's okay... you can move" you said. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you". "Yes, I'm sure. Make me feel good, Fermin" you whispered.
With slow moves at first and soft kisses to your lips, he bottomed out and then back in a few times. The pain slowly faded away and you wrapped your arms around his neck, leaving some marks on his back. "I think I'm close" you moaned. "Yeah I can feel you clenching around me" he smirked, bringing his hand to your clit. "Fermin what— oh" you moaned louder when he flicked his fingers over you clit, bringing you closer to your climax. "Let go when you're ready, love" he whispered. You cried out when you came on his dick and he praised you again, pulling out of you. He ran to the bathroom to get a wet cloth to help you clean up, but you decided it was better to take a shower since, you know, blood. He helped you and was a sweetheart all the time, then you cuddled in bed together.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. "Good, but I still feel something there" you blushed. "It's normal. Maybe you'll feel it next time too, but then we can enjoy it properly" he said. "Next time?" You asked. "Yeah, baby. Don't want to let you go ever" he smirked, kissing your lips. "Did you ever think we'll end up together?" You asked. "To be honest, I was waiting for it since the first year" he replied. "I had a massive crush on you, that's why I sat near you in the first class". "I always asked myself why did you sit there" you chuckled. "Because I liked you. And I knew you'd help me when I couldn't come to classes" he explained. "I liked you too, but you were famous so...". "Yeah that can be intimidating" he laughed. "Very. I have to get used to it. Fermin López's girlfriend" you said proudly. "I like how that sounds. And we can keep it secret for some time. Although, the boys will tease me about it every day" he chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "It's okay, but then I want the world to know that Fermin López is not single anymore". "You really enjoy it, huh?" He smirked. "Claro que sí" you winked. "Te amo" he whispered against your lips. "Love you too" you said before he kissed you again.
Hope you like it 🥰
And surprise! I’ll write an epilogue 😼 so stay tuned
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kayentokk · 16 days
Hey :) How are you doing?
Okay so, i wanted to request a platonic father Aizawa in which he is out patroling and he finds his teen daughter doing something ilegal with her friends or something like that.
Please and thankss :)
A/N; I’m okay thanks for asking! Love this idea, I’ve gotten many requests somewhat related to this lately actually! I’ll be posting those throughout the week. Also sorry it’s taken me a while to get to this! 🥲 I truly believe Aizawa is a girl dad and a softie parent. 
Pairing; Platonic!Father Aizawa x Fem!Daughter Reader
Contains; a little ooc Aizawa, fluff, soft, drug mentions, reader is about 16-17 like mha characters, quirk-less reader, death mentions, bad friends, comfort
wc; 1,763
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You weren’t supposed to get caught. In fact, you didn’t even think you would. It wasn’t a big deal anyways, you only did it because you thought it’d be a way to relax with your friends. Plus, if you guys did get caught your backup plan was your father. It wasn’t like he was going to detain you…right?
You were very wrong to believe that your father wouldn’t take you into custody over a little weed with your friends. You just wanted to have fun! Besides, you didn’t want to be the ‘perfect heroes daughter’ who’s a buzzkill. Why couldn’t he understand that? 
There was just so much pressure that came with being the child to a hero. Your friends already joked about how you were too ‘good’ to do anything remotely illegal. Which is part of the reason you were in this situation in the first place. 
Of course he just happened to be patrolling around the alley you and your friends decided to get a little high in. That was just your luck, he didn’t seem mad though. So you thought he’d just tell you guys not to do it anymore, and move on. Nope. Leave it to Aizawa to want to teach you a ‘lesson’ all of a sudden. He was normally just a “don’t do it again,” kind of parent. Mostly because you had never done anything of this caliber before.
“Did you really have to bring me in?”
“I mean come on, none of the other heroes care. They’re too busy thinking about protecting the city, shouldn’t you be too? Nobody cares about a couple of kids getting a little buzzed, besides everyone does it nowadays-“
“That doesn’t make it okay y/n.”
You’ve rarely seen him like this, so tense. He didn’t look angry, but you couldn’t shake the feeling you got that he was. It was almost….scary. 
So you resigned to a simple, “Okay, I’m sorry.” Were you really sorry though? Not that much, you still didn’t see the big deal. 
He let out a low grunt, “This is serious y/n, I know you think I’m making a big deal out of nothing,” well he said it first, “but you could’ve been seriously hurt.”
“Hurt? From getting a little high?”
“Criminals lace that stuff all the time, whether it’s with poison, more drugs, or whatever else they decide-“
“Yeah sure, but we got it from a trusted source-“
“And who’s that?” He said crossing his arms. 
You decided it’d be best not to respond right now. Especially since the source wasn’t technically trusted, just another kid who got it from someone else. Who probably got it from someone else too.
Sensing your apprehension he decide to drop it, “we’ll revisit that later,” he said waving a dismissive hand. “I’ll drop you off at home, you’re grounded.” 
You internally groaned at that, grounded? That’s a new one, you were starting to really regret your decision. You should have just told your friends no, even if it meant being the ‘buzzkill.’ Then you remembered, your friends-
“What about my friends?”
“We’re working on calling their parents to come pick them up soon.”
“No!-“ you said sharply, “I-I mean, can’t you just let them off? Or something?”
“You know that’s not how this works, they are already getting off with a minor offense. The worst they’re going to get is their parents’ scolding.”
“Dad! You don’t understand-“
“I understand perfectly fine, a bunch of young kids wanted to ‘have fun’ and thought this was the best way to do it.”
Okay maybe he did understand, but not your side. He didn’t get that now you’d officially be the outcast, the top 10 ranked hero’s daughter who gets everyone in trouble. Does he get how embarrassing that is? 
“Come on, let’s get going.”
You stood from the chair leaving the comfort of being shielded, by the small desk separator, from your friends’ piercing gazes. They thought your dad would let you all off too considering the chaos the city’s currently in. 
You nervously waved and mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ to them before rushing out the door trying to follow closely behind Aizawa. 
You guys didn’t speak the whole way home, you opted for silence mostly because it wasn’t that big of a deal and he just didn’t know what to say. You had never done anything like that before, or had he just never caught you? When did that start?
He remembered when you were little and you’d give your vegetables to stray animals so you didn’t have to eat them, or when you tried to sneak out at night and he caught you. But those were all pretty minor things, and he was only always concerned with your safety.
You’d never done anything this bad, and in terms of the worst thing you could do of course this wasn’t horrible but he still didn’t get why. It couldn’t have just been for fun.
He entered the house after unlocking the door and opening it for you. Before you could make it to your room, where you’d probably go to sulk, he decided he’d ask.
“Why did you want to do that y/n?”
You stopped and turned around to face him. He was standing in front of the door, and now that you actually took in his appearance he looked tired. His dark circles more prominent, eyes a light pink most likely from his quirk, and his black pants had small patches of dust that had been hastily patted off on them. 
You replied after a moment, briefly forgetting his question, “For fu-“
“And don’t just say for fun, because I know you and there are plenty of other things you would do for fun.”
You huffed resigning to just come out with it, “it was a bet.”
“A bet?”
“My friends bet me that I wouldn’t get high with them since I’m a hero’s daughter.”
“And you decided to take them up on that?”
“Yes, I know it was stupid okay?”
“I know you know, you’re smarter than that. So why’d you say yes?”
Why’d he have to be so persistent? “Maybe because I thought I’d finally get some friends.”
“What do you mean y/n? You do have friends.”
“No, I don’t. Momo, Tsu, and Uraraka only hang out with me out of pity, since you’re their teacher, if they even have time-“
“Pity? Y/n no they don’t, there’s nothing pitiful about you at all-“
You scoffed, “don’t lie. I get you’re my dad and all but be honest with yourself, truly honest.”
“I am being honest. I’d never lie-“
Guess you’d just have to spell it out for him then. “The only daughter you had killed your wife, was born quirk-less, and there’s nothing special about her!” You were shocked at the admission of your own feelings but kept going, “I don’t have a talent, I’m not exceptionally smart, I’m not breathtakingly pretty, and I can’t even make friends!” You listed raising a finger for each reason, “Now tell me what about that is not pitiful?”
After that question there was silence, and Aizawa was just looking at you. You hadn’t even noticed you were crying until the first tear slid down your nose crease and hit the corner of your lip. Before touching could even wipe your tear or register the sound of footsteps approaching you, you were being hugged. Fully covered by his arms, your head grazing the bottom of his chin where stubble had began to grow, face buried partially into his scarf. 
You heard high pitched wailing, which you hadn’t even registered was you until his hand began to rub up and down your back with quiet ‘shh’s to try calming you.  
“Don’t cry, it’s okay. It’s not your fault, none of it okay?” He began whispering in your ear.
“Your mom and I both knew the challenges she’d have if she gave birth to you. We were well aware, and she wanted to have you. She didn’t care if she’d die in the process, you are our child.”
He continued comforting you, and when you eventually calmed down he let go and gently pulled your face out of his chest so you could look him in his tired, red eyes. “I love you so much, and I’m sorry if I don’t tell you that enough okay? It’s my fault I’m sorry. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and you’re perfect. I mean that, I’d never lie. You don’t need a quirk, to be super smart, or have a special talent. You’re perfect to me, okay? And that’s all that matters. You’re important to me,” he said firmly. 
You sniffled, reaching a hand to wipe your nose, “okay.”
“Hey,” he said turning your face back to his, “I really mean it, I’d be no where without you. And how could you say you’re not beautiful? I know I’m not the best looking hero, but haven’t you seen the pictures of your mom? You take after her, gorgeous. Nothing I’d ever change about you, I don’t regret anything.”
“Okay,” you said slightly unused to him saying these things, “I’ve never heard you say something so corny dad,” you said chuckling trying to lighten the mood. 
At that, he gave a small grin which faded when he remembered your earlier point, “And Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Yaoyorozu do like being your friend. Not just because I’m their teacher, trust me I’m more of a supervisor if anything. I let them figure most stuff out on their own. They wanted to meet and hang out with you. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, you make friends just fine.” 
“I know, I know, it was just heat of the moment stuff dad.”
He let out a sigh of relief, hugged you once more, and pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead.
“I still have about another hour of night patrol, but I’ll stay here if you want me to?”
“No dad, it’s fine go.”
He looked at you once more as if saying, ‘are you sure?’ 
“Yes I’m sure I’m fine, it’s only an hour anyways.”
“Okay, call me if you need anything, I’ll be back soon,” he said headed towards the door.
“Okay,” you said starting to walk to your room. 
But just before he shut the door you dashed for it and started, “Hey! does this mean-“
“No you’re still grounded,” he said. 
And with that the door shut.
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@/cafekitsune for the divider!
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bubblesnd · 8 days
Summary:you and ghost fight
some angst sorry 🥲
Pairing:ghost x reader
Warnings:fighting, some name calling, hurt/no comfort, toxic relationship, gn!reader, no use of y/n.
𝑀𝐷𝑁𝐼 18+
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 18+☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You saw this coming, your parents warned you, your friends. But you didn't listen you thought you could fix him. You could blame it on your upbringing. Simon was so closed off. Anytime you brought something up it was brushed off with makeup sex. He was gone on a deployment and here you are sitting on the bed with a packed suitcase. You planned on leaving, with no traces left behind moving countries and covering your tracks.
But you hear the door open and the familiar steps of your (ex) boyfriend. He finds you and you can see the anger in his eyes even through the mask. "What the bloody hell is this!?" He yells. You stand "I'm leaving you simon!, I can't do this anymore" you yell back tears pricking your eyes. "I get back from a 6 month deployment and this is how you repay me!" He yells getting in your face.
Tears start streaking your face as you turn away. "Don't turn away!" He yells turning you around. "You know what simon everyone was right about you, you are just a selfish prick who only cares about himself!" You scream. Unable to stop the words falling from your mouth. "I've tried and tried and tried but you don't care! When I try to talk to you I get brushed off because all you care about is wetting your stupid dick!" You keep going. "You are a selfish man a heartless monster" you scream.
Ghosts heart sinks he never meant for you to feel this way. Usually he wouldn't care but it's you his love. "You can't leave" he states. "You don't get to make that decision ghost" you yell back. Ghost you called him ghost for the first time. It broke his heart watching you cry because of him. But the other part of him hates you and that it's dangerous to let you close. Both sides clashing for power to win. He turns and walks out "fine do what you want" acting like he doesn't care. Believing you would never leave him.
When returning home he sighs thinking you're in bed. But the house is quiet eerily so. He walks to the bedroom finding the bed empty and cold. He frantically searches hoping you haven't actually left. Just to find a note taped to the fridge that reads
𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒐𝒏
𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆. 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆.
𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍.
He grips the note in a tight fist as tears threaten to spill. He was stupid and selfish and now he lost the very thing that he loves the most. He'll give you space for now until he can find where you went. So he can beg for your forgiveness and hope you take him back.
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Emotions sequel to Lust
Sebastian Sallow x f!Reader
Summary - Anon request for "I will give you my soul and both kidneys for more Sebastian smut 🥲🙏🏻 The day he calls me a “good girl”, I can die peacefully 😂"
Word Count - 1,736
Warnings - 18 + smut, characters aged up, dark!Sebastian, angst, slightly non-consenual consent scenario
A/N - I can die peacefully 😂" okay i messed myself up writing this one 🔥🔥
Sebastian felt the guilt and anger building up now that he felt sober, there were battling it out in his gut. He felt guilty about his intentions behind the potion, but at the same time he still felt angry that that was what it took. Angry at himself for not being more forward and angry at you for the same.
Your legs were relaxed around him as he layed on top of you, you forced him to look at you, "What is it Sebastian?" Your voice was soft and tired.
He sucked in his bottom lip and had a hard time making eye contact, "The potion. I - I crafted it for you and got too wasted and drank it myself."
In your post-sex brain it took you a few moments to process what it was he had just said. You felt the wind get knocked out of you and you felt completely betrayed. You let him make you vulnerable and it was all basically a lie.
You sat up quickly, shoving him off of you and clutching the bed sheets to your chest, not caring that his cum was getting all over it.
"No, Y/N, wait," he grabbed your first as you attempted to get away, but he tugged you to keep you in place.
"I still - I still wanted this. I know you did too. Merlin, you come here every day and it's all I can do not to ravish you. You walk across town like that every morning for me." You could see the arousal returning to his face. He was all pupils and flushed cheeks.
You tore your arm from his grip and stood up with tears dampening your eyes, "Then why didn't you ever? Why use some stupid position, trying to take advantage like that? I am a person Sebastian. In case you haven't noticed I'm the only one you've had for a long time."
Your voice was bitter as you left the room to scavenge for a new set of clothing and clean up the mess that you were. You couldn't decide if you were mad, hurt, scared, or all of the above. The saddest part was it's not like you couldn't have guesses the whole thing was a setup on his part. And you just stupidly fell right for it.
You collected yourself in a hurry and rushed out back to where you lodged with Sirona. You didn't want to think about Sebastian or be near him or talk about any of it.
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You woke up the next morning after having spent a long day battling with yourself over what had happened. At this point you honestly hoped things would shift back to the normal they had been, where he's just busy drinking and leaving you alone. If you were being honest, that probably started the second that you left and he wouldn't even remember what happened.
So, you decided to approach the day like normal. You did take a second look at the reflection of yourself in your mirror before stepping out though. He is still a man, not an animal, he had seen other women in his life in sleeping clothes and not acted like it was anything to blush at.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who asked, Sebastian had layed in his bed for the rest of the day without a drop of alcohol. He felt like he was losing his mind because he couldn't stop thinking about you. He felt like a 13 year old boy again, rubbing one out every hour as images of you flashed through his mind. But the images were certainly not as innocent as they used to be.
You seemed so upset with him, but you weren't complaining at all as he dragged you around the house, tearing through your clothes and ravaging your body. You weren't the innocent player you thought yourself to be and he refused to accept it.
You said to him that he should have made a move and just been up front from the start, so that's what he was going to do. He was going to unleash his deepest, darkest desires on you.
He slept restlessly that night with his new plan in mind unable to focus on anything else. He had never craved someone in the way he craved you and after having had a taste with you, he was ruined without you.
He knew Sirona always let you stay at her home she kept here and it wasn't hard to find. It was always possible to find out someone's business here if you wanted to.
He rose early in the morning, probably way earlier than he'd been awake in months if not years. He knew you always came to him just before the sun started coming up so that it would be light by the time you did make it.
Everything in Feldcroft was spread out and people liked their space. Sebastian's home was located on a reasonable little plot of land that offered privacy with the wild shrubbery and trees taking root wherever they pleased.
He decided that he would wait for you in a private spot at the front of the property. He had taken to cleaning himself up and putting on simple thin night clothes just so nobody found him wandering around indecent if they were snooping.
An old oak with a thick base was where he waited for you, it was just private enough for his dirty thoughts.
You were sleepy walking up to the familiar scene before you and that's how you got taken off guard. A hand came down over your mouth and you had no time to react before being carried off with someone pressed against your backside.
You felt the rough bark of the tree as Sebstian pressed you up against it, rubbing himself against your backside and talking low into your ear, "I told you you were begging for it coming over like that. This is what you wanted from me right?"
He bunched up the skirt of your gown and wasted no time dipping his hand between your thighs causing you to cry out in surprise.
"I see you didn't change anything. There's still nothing beneath here but a needy cunt," he used his fingers to spread your lips and your vagina open, betraying you with wetness, "see? You're much too empty, there's a leak we have to do something about."
He pulled his hand back to spit on it before not-so-delicately applying pressure to your clit. His other hand had remained clamped to your mouth so you hadn't had the chance to say a word, but he whispered to you as he removed it, "You're going to be a good girl for me and be quiet right? You don't need everyone to know you're letting the town disgrace fuck you."
Your breathing was heavy as he removed his hand you drew blood from your lip biting it and trying to stay quiet. He let you rest for just a moment while he used both hands to pull the dress over your head discarded it on the ground.
You whimpered when he continued his assault on your sensitive spot, being unable to deny how good it felt and how turned on you were. He placed kisses on the soft skin of your neck before he took a good look at your full exposed figure.
He inhaled sharply, "Fuck, everything about you is perfect. And you're all mine out here, so exposed and engulfed in the pleasure of it."
You felt a bit ashamed at how close you were to the brink of an orgasm, but couldn't stop yourself from begging quietly, "Sebsatian, please don't stop. Please - "
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder and everything felt like it was too much; the rough bark on the tree, the pleasurable pain of his bite, the white hot feeling bubbling over form his rough finger tips.
Sebastian pulled you into his body, away from the tree as he clamped a hand over your mouth to cover your cries of ecstasy. You fell apart on him whether you wanted to or not, eyes squeezed shut tightly while he holds you close enough to force you to feel his solid cock.
"That's right, just like that. So quick for me today, you understand the urgency since the sun's about to come up right? You can't let anyone see you like this."
He let go of you and you stumbled forward, catching yourself on the tree to find steady ground. Sebastian wasted no time pulling his pants down to start stroking his swollen cock, wrapping a hand around his balls and squeezing them.
"Would you prefer to my balls slapping against your ass with every thrust or do you want to look at me while I ruin you."
You sheepishly turned around to meet the wet sounds of him jerking off. His cock was red and swollen and you couldn't keep your eyes off of it every time he pulled towards himself and the head peaked out of his foreskin.
He approached you and squeeze your backside, indicating for you to jump so he could pick you up and fit impale you between himself and the tree.
You wrapped your legs around him and he kept his eyes glued to your face the whole time he rubbed himself across your entrance. He entered you slowly at first, shuddering at the sensation of how good you felt.
"I love you, Y/N," his words were low and husky before he crashed his lips into yours with desperation and started fucking you at a much more aggressive pace.
You could feel him stretching you out and his pelvis was bumping against your still sensitive clit with every buck of his hips. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and you met his lips, tongue, and teeth mirroring his intense desire.
"F-fuck, Y/N,"
"Cum for me Sebastian, please," you whined, "finish making me yours,"
"I - I'm close - just for you. You're such a good girl, such a good little hole," with that he finished inside of you, fucking you until he couldn't catch his breath.
He rested his cheek against your shoulder as he continued to hold you up against him.
"That's what you wanted right? I told you I couldn't stand it anymore. So I took you."
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
I saw the need for König requests and came RUNNING omg
Idk why but I really would love to see König (or Soap or...any of them tbh) jealous. Ik it's cliche but....I am starving....just a crumb of content ;-; just a little bit of König watching the main character get attention from someone who isn't him and him going feral. I beg 🙏🧎‍♀️🥲
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SUMMARY: During a night out on the bar with the boys, König watches Soap get what he feels like is too "touchy". Not feeling very happy he decides to corner you outside, his plan didn't come to fruition however...
CONTENT: Suggestive, panic attack, hurt/comfort, fluff.
NOTES: This went a completely different route than I expected but I'm not changing the cringy ending because I'm lazy
You're not part of 141 however you are close friends with Soap, being friends with the Scotsman you often find yourself drinking with him on nights off. It's always a good night when you spend it with him and his team. Drinking with him isn't an issue either, he's respectful, he doesn't make nasty comments, and he takes care of you when you're drunk.
Thankfully you're only buzzed at the moment, you've only had about two or three drinks. Soap's laughing beside you while you babble up a story. His hand rests on your shoulder while he clutches his stomach with the other. You came up to the bar a few hours ago with Soap, his team, and könig, your boyfriend. He hasn't said a word since you got here, he usually doesn't but he would at least have ordered a drink by now yet he hasn't. Pausing your story for a moment you look beside you to see the chair empty. Sad to not see the man there you frown, he must've stepped out for air while you weren't paying attention.
Continuing with your story you begin to feel eyes burning holes in the back of your skull, it's hard to ignore the itch that rolls up your spine while you squirm in your seat. Red hot heat collects at the back of your neck while you drift off into silence. Soap's brow furrows in worry as he looks at you. Putting a hand on your knee and shaking it he pulls you back to the present moment. "You alright? Drinks got you already?" He asks. You shake your head. It's not clear in the moment but you can't shake this feeling. "Need to step outside?" He moves his hand to your fore arm, his body turning to step down from the stool.
"Yeah. I'll be right back just stay in here." Turning to slide down his hold on your arm tightens. He looks at you with worry swimming in his eyes, secretly pleading for you to not go alone. "I'll be fine, Soap." You reassure, brushing his hand from your arm. Giving you a curt nod he turns back to the bar. Able to slip away you press your feet into the floor and begins to make your way outside. Your stomach burn with the weight of a full grown adult, the heat bubbles up your throat in a small burp and you push into the cold air of the night. Your breath leaves you in white puffs as you shiver under the sky. Thankfully this bar isn't too heavily populated, standing alive outside shouldn't be an issue. With no creepy guys around at least, König was usually by your side so people would stay away. His usual body heat at your side freezes your back while you sink into the realization that he's not around. Not common for him to be away from you for so long, especially in public.
Brows furrow with worry and arms crossed over your chest, you look around the edge of the building to see if he stepped off to the side for a breather. "König?" You call into the shadows. The response of cold dripping water answers your call as you settle back into clearing your mind. It's hard to think straight when thoughts of König's whereabouts cloud your mind. Being buzzed apparently doesn't help with that, it only blinds you further as you smother yourself deeper in thought. He could be anywhere, and sure he can handle himself perfectly fine but who can blame you for being worried?
The bell on the entrance to the bar echoes through the night, glancing back for a brief moment you can see a figure begin to step from the threshold. Stepping away from the door and looking away you swallow harshly, your stomach churning with the idea that you probably left him alone inside. He would be worried when he came back from where ever he was. Going back in would mean that feeling crawling back up your spine while trying to have a nice conversation, but staying out meant you could breathe and relax. Torn between the two, it's hard to make you're decision, König shouldn't have to worry about you and wonder where you are but he's not around. Taking in a deep breath warm spreads in your gut, it's fizzles like a shook soda while you bite your lip.
König was too important. Biting the bullet you turn on your heel to move back inside. As you turn, a large figure sends electricity through your chest. Calling out in surprise you step backwards to peer up at the person. His tall stature and body scream familiar to you but your back is shoved against the brick wall before you can meet his eyes. Fear settles in your stomach as he presses against you, it's then that the smell of König's cologne hits you.
"König what are you doing?" You ask as you crane your neck up to look at him towering above you. The light casts shadows on his eyes making them look icy and cold as they stare down at you. "He should learn you are mine." His voice is damn near a growl as he rests his hands on your hips and pulls you to the side of the building. Dazed, you press your palms to his chest pushing his body away from yours. Suddenly the air is no longer cold around you, it's smothering, the heat taking you whole. "What are you talking about?" The fizz in your gut has exploded, turning your mind into a jumbled mess. "Soap having his hands all over you." His hands are slipping up your shirt while your press the back of your head against the wall. Clenching your eyes shut and shaking your head you push him away.
"Stop, I can't breathe..." A tight phantom grip holds your neck, involuntary tears form in the corners of your eyes and you lift a hand to fan them off. The quickening breaths in your chest become increasingly hard to take the more you gasp for air. Your heart clenching and unclenching in your chest brings with it small jolts of pain making you seize. "Oh god..." You choke out as you rub your neck.
Two hands grab your shoulders to pull you away from the wall, the cold replaces their warmth momentarily before a coat is draped over you. "Breathe." König says. You nod feverishly, your hands gripping the edge of the coat with an incredulous force. "Breathe in, hold" Swallowing thickly you suck in a slow steady breath and let the air swim around your lungs. "Okay now breathe out..." Tightness firms and loosens as you release your breath, your hands go blindly searching for a hand to grasp desperate for something to hold onto.
Your cold searching hands find purchase in König's hands, a light reassuring squeeze letting you know he's there. Looking at you, he can feel his stomach churns unevenly. If he hadn't of pounced on you like that you wouldn't be like this right now, at least that's what he thought. He's not exactly wrong, if he'd been softer, the situation would be different. Watching you blink up at him with teary eyes makes his heart throb in pain, his biggest fear has just come to life: hurting you.
"I'm so sorry." He states. His hands gently squeeze and loosen against yours while he looks down at you, eyes soft with worry and brows furrowed with concern. "I did not mean to cause this." He's almost whispering at this point. You rock forward on the balls of your feet. "I'm just buzzed baby, you scared me is all." Even though you actively admit to his aggression not being the issue he still looks away nervously. His handa pull from yours to pull the coat around you tighter. "I was already freaked out before you did that." You state.
His head cocks to the side. "Why?" Giving a gentle smile and slipping your arms into the sleeves, you wipe your eyes. "I didn't know where you were, got worried." You explain. "But now I'm confused, why does Soap need to know I'm your's?"
A red shade tints his face while he shifts his weight, his hand fiddles with the belt buckle of his belt. "He was getting all handsy with you..." His voice trails off before that cold look glazes over his eyes and they meet your gaze. "...I did not like that." Hearing his voice drop to an octave you didn't know it could makes a you shudder. "Baby you know he's just a friend." Your hands rub up and down his forearms to console him, he seems unaffected by this and huffs in frustration.
"I did not like it." There's emphasis on every word, venom bleeding through his lips. "But I did not mean to make you cry in the process of showing you." His gaze stays cold, locking you beneath him. König's emotions are out of left field and it feels like he's walking on thin ice. It's clear the alcohol has had an effect of him, but you didn't expect it to be this. *It's okay-" he interrupts you. "Not him touching you like that." Frustration lingers in his throat, burning like the alcohol swimming in his stomach. This feeling of jealousy latches onto his chest like a stack of weights keeping him in place, he can't breathe without it consuming his racing thoughts.
"I really, really, want to show you how much better than him I can be," - subconsciously stepping closer to you, he starts pushing back against the wall - "I just want to make sure he knows...what belongs to me."
"König, I am completely yours and no one else's. You don't have to show anyone that and I can swear by it." In his state of mind it feels like your words are hitting a brick wall, you know what's coming and you're excited but mentally, you're unprepared. "I get that you love me, and you're jealous because of him but I want to do this at a more personal time. I hope you understand."
He pauses just inches away from you, his hand slipping into his pocket. "That is okay. I just want you to do this one thing for me." His eyes plead for you to let him have this one thing, to allow him at least some peace of mind and you can't ignore it. The way they bore into your soul with burning love and guilt. "Yes baby, anything." You weren't really thinking when you said it and you weren't ready for what came next.
When that velvet box came out of his pocket, your heart dropped. Looking down at it and up at you, he opened it to present a small silver ring with the word promise written on the outside of it's width. "I was planning to do this some other time but I want to secure it now. I want you to promise me that one day we will get married and that you'll stay mine until that moment comes. I want this to be how others know, because I don't want to do anything sexual for the reason of jealousy. If I can't show them that way then I'd rather make it as official as possible." He says. His hands tremble and his heart beats rapidly in his chest. For a moment you thought the question was going to be popped. You're thankful this wasn't it but that it was a guarantee of what's to come. His hearts in the right place, even though his mind isn't.
Smiling, you grab his shaking hands and steady them. "Thank you for respecting my wishes and not doing what I'm uncomfortable with...but this, I didn't even think that this was- I- yes. I promise." Swallowing the urge to cry you pull him into a hug, your arms pulling him flush against you while you hide away in his chest. Happy, König wraps his arms around you a smile plastered on his drunken face while he rocks you back and forth. "I am sorry for getting like that." Pulling away and grabbing your hand he slips the ring onto your finger and pulls it to his lips. "I truely am." Pressing a kiss into the ring he softly lets your hand go.
"I know Baby." Cupping his face in your hands you smile up at him. "Are you ready to go?" You ask. He nods, bringing a smile to your face. "This was irrational of me, save me the embarrassment."
You chuckle before pulling his face down to press a small kiss on his cheek. "It's okay. We're drunk, let's just forget that ever happened."
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daisys-reality · 3 months
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𝙿𝙰𝙲.𝟶𝟷𝟼: 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝? 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝? 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍?
As promised, here is another PAC tarot reading! I know as someone who is interested and even passionate about things that society claims as 'unnormal/weird' or even 'crazy' like divination, reality shifting, manifesting..., it's getting harder to find someone to talk to without them thinking you're weirdo🥲💔 If you were thinking of talking to someone about such things or you're planning on introducing them to it, I hope this reading gives you some guidance or maybe tips on how to approach this talk and their potential reaction! If you like to read more readings from me, feel free to check out my masterlist ! Also, I don't own any of these beautiful pics.
Should you tell them? - Clear yes, go ahead! Your willpower and focus will make it successful. Be confident/have faith and rely on yourself. Don’t waver.
How will they react? - They might find it quite interesting and the aspect of gaining more control over their life through this might seem very attractive to them. They will want to know more about it. They might be a bit secretive though… they might not really show how interested they are in it at first. Ngl the energy seems a bit greedy and sly and not very honest. They might actually deceive you in some way. They could ask a few questions because they want to know more about it and afterwards will show you that they don’t believe in it, joke about it and or even try to make you feel bad about doing it/believing WHILE trying it out themselves later on! There might even be some feelings of jealousy on their part…
How will you feel afterwards? - I think this confrontation with this person will make you feel more confident in your beliefs. Even if their reaction might be a bit disappointing, you feel stronger afterwards, you’ll gain this attitude of ‘I don’t actually care about what others believe and whether they agree with my beliefs. It’s not necessary. I can rely on myself. I don’t need other people’s approval on this. I know it’s true.’ Your passion and creativity might increase!
Should you tell them? - yes and no. It’s up to you basically. If you want to tell them, you’ll have to endure the consequences as it might not end that well… If you have a solid foundation in your beliefs then it might not cause much of a problem to you but if you are still wavering and not really sure about it yourself, this talk might make you even more insecure/unsure… You will have to clearly defend your position. Be clear about your beliefs and stay true to yourself. This talk will change you in some way or lead to a transformation of your beliefs. Are you up for it? Be honest with yourself.
How will they react? - OK, so this talk will not only be difficult for you but for them as well. It might even shatter their own beliefs to some degree which might hurt and be quite uncomfortable. They might not want to hear about it and be very resistant or dismissive. They will be drawn to it intuitively though. It might actually uncover something within them that was hidden for a long time. A sense of freedom or unlimited creativity or something like that. The talk itself will probably be uncomfortable for both of you. But in the long term, this might actually lead to something that will make you bond. So there is a chance that after the talk and after the death and rebirth of beliefs they might develop curiosity and passion for it as well. So, give it time….
How will you feel afterwards? - I have the impression that you’ll be quite stern and a bit judgemental perhaps. You might feel a bit butt-hurt as well ngl. But you’ll gain more strength and clarity after having talked all these things through. As I said in the beginning, your beliefs will transform. Your mind will feel more clear as your belief seems to make more sense now.
Should you tell them? - No, it would be a naive and reckless decision…You might be someone who has big dreams, and you have a lot of enthusiasm about the thing you want to talk about. And you might appear a bit ungrounded, too optimistic and ‘unrealistic’ while trying to talk about it now. Perhaps you’re still in the beginning stage of the thing you want to talk about, you’re not an expert (yet) and don’t really have all the facts straight. At least that’s how the energy feels like…
How will they react? - They might be very skeptical and not really interested. It feels like they will want to try to bring you ‘back on the right path’ so to say. They feel like you need guidance and like you don’t really know what you’re saying… RUDE. Gosh they seem like a very unreflected person in my opinion. They don’t really care but at the same time they have the audacity to think that they have the right to judge you from above. EW.. That gives me ‘conceited medieval priest’ vibes. What you have to say makes them partly feel unstable but also bored 😭…Tbh they don’t seem to be on the level to process this topic you want to talk about… give them 20 years, maybe then they will be more receiving 💀
How will you feel afterwards? - Oh no.. you might feel quite the damage after this talk…insecure, worried, dejected. You might want to isolate some time after this to recover and to structure your thoughts. You might feel regret for having talked with this person about it or for even thinking that this person would be respectful enough or that they would be able to understand your passion for this. A period of apathy, negative thinking might follow. Yearning, fantasizing and daydreaming about ‘what ifs’ might be a thing as well. There will be some blocks you will have to work through to gain inner clarity again. :/
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luckyfrogtarot · 9 months
Pick a Keroppi
How does this person feel about you ? This isn't a romance reading btw 🥲, I think only one of these piles has some romantic partner briefly mentioned in it lol.
Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only. Sometimes piles won't resonate and that's okay the pile or reading might not be for you. If it's just the pile you can choose a different one if you'd like.
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Pile 1: Generally this person feels safe and happy around you but to a degree. They feel as if you are fulfilling to them and there's lots they can enjoy with you. This isn't a facade, they do think you're lovely there's just more going on behind the scenes for them. That being said they have their fears and worries that they hide or try to hide. You might sense this or notice this, yet you feel that if you mention it they might pull away from you. It seems like both of you want to focus on the good things over the vulnerable parts. They avoid it because they are scared of vulnerability and you might avoid it because you're scared they'll leave. They might also worry that you might impart justice upon them. you could be someone who is righteous or have a certain moral compass or strong feelings about certain subjects. They worry you might judge them by those standards. They worry that their flaws are beyond justifying although you and others might not view it that way. If/when you find out their flaws you will take the time to digest it and truly understand how you feel about what they do. Pile 1 this person really cares about your opinion. They feel as if they'd like to slowly open up to you or repair things with you. They wish to have something balanced and they could feel as if they have to take action soon with you. They could worry about money or try to get you to like them with money because they feel as if money is all they have going for them. For those of you where this is a romantic partner then they might have their eyes on you because they feel as if "you'll quench their thirst" but you actually might be too much for them to handle mostly because they're not as emotionally mature as you are. If you're asking about any one else then whoever this is values the material more than the emotional. Romantic interest or not this person will try to fix things with money. You'll sense their lack of emotional viability and/or you'll notice the gifts they give you but in the end its up to you how you handle this person.
Pile 2: Lol New Rules by TXT is playing while I type this. This person could see you as a punk, someone who doesn't follow rules. They think that you go too fast, you're cutthroat, and ignore set rules that you feel don't make much sense anyway. Pile 2, on one side you're represented as someone optimistic, grounded, and looking for stability. You're someone who may have just started a journey to stability and things are going really well. It seems like in general you're a calm person, yet when you're up against who you're thinking about you might feel defensive about your choices. Not in a bad way, but more like you like to shine on all the good you have done, in a triumphant and proud way. Yet this person doesn't understand or see that, they could feel betrayed or anxious by your decisions. They're really stuck in their head and thoughts in worry about you and what you could do to them. They might fear that your sharp words could hurt them, even if you have no intention of hurting them. You could just be setting boundaries and being honest but this person sees this as you attacking me. This could cause them a lot of anguish, but it's really all their mindset, not you. They could think you're wasting all their hard work. While they don't realize that you're actually waiting for your hard work to kick in. This could be about a parent for some of you. You could be really smart or creative and they see this as a threat to them. As if you'll use that intelligence against them. I see this distortion through the fact that I saw a candle on a card and thought it was a knife. They could see your candle as a knife too. If you've read Oedipus, you'd be him and this person would be the dad. They're scared of what they created without realizing it and nothing will change if they don't change. And while they worry about all of this it seems like you are just continuing your life. Not because you're mean or don't care about them, but because there's nothing else for you to do there with them.
Pile 3: This person is confused by you, not in a bad way. They are just intrigued by you and your personality or what you present. This pile sees you as rather dual. You're someone who to them you "have nothing" or "very little" yet you are so compassionate and giving. You are also someone who might be really fun and outgoing but you're also intelligent and respect traditions and rules. You have a really fiery personality and you care a lot about others especially your friends. They could see that you have a really loud and/or big laugh. You're really warm literally or just personality wise. You have Princess Kaguya vibes. (One of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies) The princess was emotionally intelligent beyond her physical years and she had everything she could ask for. Even though she didn't need or want those things. She wanted a simple life and she was pretty humble. Which could be confusing because this person could see you as humble and royal-like at the same time. It's possible that they know or see that you were hurt before and while you might not have received justice for that you're trying your best to recover from this betrayal. This could sometimes make you seem spacey to this person, you could get lost in your own world as you try to figure out how you feel or as you navigate what happened to you. They do see all the progress you've made though. They see how you're optimistic that you'll recover from this difficult time and leave it all behind. I do think this was some type of mental hardship you're leaving behind. Something that at the moment blinded you to the work you did while you were in this. You could have still gone to work or done homework while enduring this, yet you might not realize all your efforts yet. This person could feel upset that you don't recognize this yet. They also see you as someone who could need protecting, they don't want to hold you back though so it seems like they just like to keep and eye on you instead.
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