#it's one of my favorite pictures of them but alas it didn't work as well as a parallel as the version i included </3
qroier · 10 months
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it's missing them hours
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
23 asks! Thanks a bunch! :}} 🌠
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She does! Her name is Gloria :))
And if my motivation and health stays in my favor.. ya'll will learn a bit more about her and Bonnie soon... 👀👀👀
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(Referencing this post)
The secret 9th eeveeloution, ghost type! <XD
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....Whelp, guess I'm canceling my Netflix account! <XD
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(Monopoly post in question)
It was mostly a joke, XDD but none the less I'm sure no one would have taken it too much to heart! Its well known that Grim and V have a very strong bond so no one would have been surprised XDD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm glad!! :}}}
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(Comic in question)
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I just slap the watermark on the drawing as its own layer and lower the opacity :00 usually putting a back blob cloud behind it at lower opacity if more visibility is needed!
....If that made any sense at all--
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This is amongst the highest compliments my fanart can receive. Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you love it!! :}}
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Alas, I do not have a good tablet or stylus.. :((
But that's ok! I think I'm getting better! <:D .. I hope so at least! <:}}
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I haven't really ironed it out yet.. but one thing stays consistent. It sucked.
I wanted to create a situation where Mario and Luigi both did not want to go back to Earth. Sure there are things that would undoubtedly bother them a bit that I couldn't just whisk away. Never seeing another human again, never seeing any animals again.. Never hearing human songs again.. never tasting the food from Earth again..
But what I could do is make their old lives so horrible, that they were both willing to give up what they had for this new life as the "Hero's of Legend."
I pictured Mario and Luigi both being very poor. Just barely making it paycheck to paycheck. No friends, no family. No sentimentals even. Perhaps their childhood home burnt down.. so no family photo albums or old plushies to be attached to..
I couldn't decide what kind of relationship they had with their parents.. but either way, they've passed on. They worked a crappy job as plumbers which they both hated. They lived in a cruddy apartment that was too small for them. Rotten neighbors, disrespectful customers..
I pictured them having this terrible company van or truck that always broke down and stunk of cigarettes thanks to the previous owner. They were drowning in debt and bills. Trynna pay off the van, trynna buy new clothes, trynna by food...
I even imagined some of their bills and debt were medical related. I imagined Luigi being very ill and them being unable to afford food and medicine.. So Mario stole food from his clients. Maybe even robed a store or two. Now they've got "criminal" added to their list of problems.
They hated their apartment. They hated the van, they hated their neighbors, they hated people, they hated the world. They hated their lives. The only thing they had the room in their hearts to love was each other. The only thing that didn't hurt them or make them cry was each other. The only thing that made living in this horrible world worth it, was each other.
Then the mushroom kingdom came along.. "Hero's of Legend?" Magical powers? Kind people who care about us and respect us? No more debt, no more bills, no more van or apartment, no more stealing, just.. adventure. And they get to experience it all with their most favorite person in the world?
Why would they ever want to go back?
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Alas, I do not know of any. :((( But I can imagine that the crew is nerdy enough to make their own shanty! A theme song of sorts. And you can bet that Seafoam would take pride in that song and sing it loudly with the rest of the crew! XD
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@neo-metalscottic (100,000 reblogs post in question) (Octo clarification post)
Awe! That's so kind! Thank you!! :DD And I've been very glad to see my condition improve too 😌 though I'm not quite out of the thick of it yet.. :(( I hope I can fully beat it soon! <:))
As for the Great green toad king and company, I have actually never heard of them before! <:0 Though it would be very easy to label them as some far off kingdom and not put much thought into it <XDD Perhaps some of the species found in that kingdom could have become wandering travelers like Wario and Waluigi? Maybe we'd see them that way? :00
Now I know mentioning Birdo was a joke XDD But I do have plans for the Birdo species! :00
I had this idea that Yoshi's used to be smaller, about the same size they are in canon. Back then they acted as these passive.. almost farm like animals..?? In a way?? The toads used them to haul carts and as a form of transportation. Like horses! But eventually the Yoshis discovered "Yoshis island". A fruitful island planted in the middle if a giant river. A large sum of the Yoshis migrated from the forest and began to live there. Eating the super fruits and veggies it produced and slowly transforming into the giant mega Yoshis that are there today.
However, not all the Yoshi's left. A fair amount of them were kept and somehow made their way to the coast near Daisy's Kingdom. After generations and generations of Yoshi's eating red cheep cheeps and living in the water, they transformed and are now called Birdos. In present day Yoshi's and Birdos are extremely closely related, though they look a bit different from each other. And while Yoshi's come in all different colors, most Birdos grow up to be different shades of red, Pink and purple due to their red cheep cheep diet. Just like flamingos! :D
Anyways- on to the Goombas. The Goombas start out as these very poisonous brown mushrooms and are brought to life by Kamek. They form mouths and the poison that they originally had becomes poisonous saliva. So when they bite someone the poison does its job.. Even if who ever they bite is somehow immune to their poison, their bites are still nasty. They're dirty creatures and they really shred you up.. So the chance of natural infection is there none the less-
And WHAAAT?? Illumination whyyyyyyy 😭😭I love Toadsworth you had no right to scrap him--
And wow! That last battle looks crazy! My only question is who's this guy?? <XDD I don't recognize him!
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Anywho- thanks again for the ask! Feel free to send more Mario ones, or not, which ever you please! I'd love to read what ever you may send :}}}
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8 0 0 0 P A G E S ? ? ?
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That is the most cursed creature I have ever seen- XDD
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I wanna say Louis has the most wins, buuuttttt Seafoam is so much bigger than Louis.. I feel like he would have the ability to overthrow him just by using his own body weight XDD Its hard to say!
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(Ask was sent in response to this post)
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Oh- in order to make these ask posts I take screenshots of the asks, crop them, and then compile them all together. Usually I put them together on Tumblr desktop, so they're all blue.
But recently I've been batting some health problems and have been stuck on the couch all day.. which means that I've been making my ask posts on Tumblr mobile. Which is all black themed for me :00
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Aw, thank you! Though I advice eating it with a spoon actually! In order to scoop up the tears of the characters- XDD
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:0 Sponchbop! :DD Its hard to feel down with him around!
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I have written many stories where characters have lost family or friends to death... but as for a character that was in the main story and I actually drew them? ..Not that I can recall! :0
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ur-dad-satan · 4 months
Hello do you take requests? If you do may you plz do where the Obey Me brothers receive a erotic picture from their s/o, who's showing off their neck. Like their neck is arched and the caption might say something along the lines of maybe "my neck feels lonely" or "mark me" and they rush over to their s/o.
Hi I do take requests! And you're so polite I'll see what I can do!! 😭 I'm also going to add my own silly little spin to it but keep your idea as the main thing <3
MC loved to tease the brothers. Their favorite way of bothering their precious little (tall asf) brothers? Sending them... spicy... racy... erotic pictures at the worst of times. Whether they were busy, not home, or even at the dinner table, they just love to see them squirm. MC cannot get enough of this, so they won't stop.
!! suggestive but not explicit !! !! okay for everyone !!
He was in a meeting with Diavolo and Barbatos when his DDD went off.
As the meeting ended, Lucifer finally checked the message.
A picture? From MC? Oh Diavolo...
He clicked to open the picture and he almost audibly gasped.
On his screen was a picture of MC's hand around their throat along with their bare chest along with a caption
"I wish this was your hand and my neck was covered in marks 🤭"
A wave of desire washed over him as he left the prince's office.
Oh, if he could teleport...
He'd send a text simply saying, "Be in my room when I get back."
That day he walked a little faster than usual.
It was getting late, and he was still at the casino.
It took a while for him to notice the notification reading "My Human 💛" but when he did, he immediately opened it
He wasn't prepared to see a picture let alone the one he got
The picture was of MC topless on his bed with a pretty necklace around their neck along with a caption
"I wish your bites decorated my neck instead of this necklace 😔"
His face burned. From his neck to his ears, and something deep within his stomach fluttered
Fast as lightning, he cashed out and took everything he had earned sending a text as he got into his car
"Baby, you better be right there when I get there."
He would need a minute to calm down both his aching heart and his aching... something else before heading into the House of Lamentation.
He and MC were hanging out in his room, but alas; the two ran out of snacks!
MC looked so comfy in their little spot that Levi went to get them
He was only gone for two minutes when his DDD went off in his pocket.
He checked and saw "Player Two"
He had just left, why did they text him? Maybe they forgot to ask for something specific.
He wasn't expecting a picture let alone... MC, shirtless in his bathtub bed with their neck as the center focus with a caption
"My neck feels so lonely, Levia-chan💜"
Levi.exe_ has stopped working. As well as his body seemingly, his face burned bright and his knees went weak
He quicky and I mean quickly grabbed the rest of their snacks and went back to his room
He was fine. MC made sure of it :)
He had made a run to a nearby bookstore to pick up a new book or two for MC to share over a cup of tea
He expected a text from MC asking about good books or which ones he was getting
What he didn't expect was a picture
Maybe it was a cat they saw! (How optimistic)
He excitedly opened it, and his breath caught in his throat.
There was MC scantily clad with freshly painted nails almost tantalizingly placed on their throat
"Hurry back and mark me" read a caption on the picture
This human was going to be the death of him
Hiding how it affected him, he sent back a text and hurriedly finished his shopping before going home
His text? "MC, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into. I'll be home soon."
He was out at the local mall with a few friends and MC hadn't seen him since breakfast
As he and the others took selfies, a notification from "Mi Flor🌷🩷" popped up at the top of his screen
He quickly made sure to move away from his friends before checking it (the man values his privacy)
He opened the picture not sure what to expect, then a grin spread across his face
There was his precious little MC sitting in bubble bath in his bathroom with soap just covering their chest and their neck
A caption at the bottom of the screen read "Can't wait for you to get back and mark my throat"
Hearts formed in his eyes and he quickly wrapped up shopping
(it's my headcanon that Asmo's pupils can become hearts when he's feeling really loving/loved or lustful)
He shot back a text saying "I'm on my way. Get out until I get there so your skin doesn't wrinkle 🩷"
He was in the middle of Fangol practice when the coach decided to give the players a break.
He checked his phone not really expecting anything but there was a text! Yay!
The contact's name read "Apple Pie 😜" and his face lit up!
Excitedly, he opened the message and his face fell into one of surprise.
Painting his screen was a picture of MC in his bed wearing one of his lowcut shirts with whipped cream dotting their neck and lips.
a caption read "I have a sweet treat for you if you do well at practice today <3"
Beel's mouth watered a bit and a new sense of determination and motivation overcame him
He practiced -arguably- the hardest he's practices in a while to ensure he earned his "sweet treat"
He decided to go out to the store with Beel because ApArEnTlY he needed more sunlight or something
Not really wanting to be out, his sleepy eyes were lazily glued to his phone.
A text from "Cuddle Buddy" flashed across his screen.
Maybe this won't be such a horrible outing after all!
He clicked on the picture thinking it was a meme and his eyes became wide
MC was up in the attic with a few of his favorite pillows and a blanket suggestively draped over them and their neck accentuated.
Belphie's jaw almost dropped when he saw the caption attached
"Maybe you can draw your favorite constellation on my neck with bitemarks 🌟"
Belphie shot back a quick "We're coming back soon." text and told Beel that he's extremely tired
The two hurried back and Belphie snuck away from his twin and up to the attic
Okay anon, I hope you and everyone else who read this likes it. Sorry it took so long!!
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fereldanwench · 6 months
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I didn't want to completely sit out a year-in-review, but for reasons I'll explain at the end of this post and under a cut, doing the traditional pick-one-pic-from-each-month approach just wasn't going to work for me. So instead, here are 20 of my favorite shots (in no particular order) of Valerie from 2023!
(I'll share solo Goro shots and shippy/story shots in two other posts before the year ends.)
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Some thoughts about this year (cw for anxiety and depression mentions):
So yeah. I actually hadn't planned on joining in on the virtual photography year-in-review fun in part because... Well, frankly, I wasn't sure if it would actually be fun for me.
Although I do have pictures for every month, the first third, maybe even half, of the year was a struggle on almost every conceivable level. A lot of it was shit that carried over from the end of 2022, which was also an incredibly difficult year for me. I don't really want to delve too deeply into why--Some of it was personal, some of it was professional, some of it was fandom, and if you know, you know.
The main obstacle I had here is that looking at a lot of the shots I took from about January to May (give or take a few weeks on either end) honestly reminded me of Bad Times™️. I've worked really hard to pull myself out of that depression/anxiety cycle and return to a healthier approach to fandom and online socialization in general, but I just didn't want to spend a lot of time in that mental space. There are a few shots from those months that made it to my favorites, and I hope one day I can look back on that stuff and just feel the good from it again. Alas, that day is still not here.
But I am happy to report that the other reason I wanted to approach the review differently is a lot more positive! It's also two-fold: 1) I spent the earlier part of this year exploring more of a technical side of virtual photography and 2) I was really prolific the last third or so of this year so trying to narrow faves from about August until now was just not possible.
One of the few good things about the end of 2022 was being able to upgrade my graphics card, which meant I then had a rig that could support ray-tracing and hot sampling. As a result, I started putting a lot more focus on lighting and getting acquainted with new tools. I also was trying to work with the new AMM posing system, which is very convenient in some ways (100s of poses without reloading the game!) and a complete pain in the ass in others (can't move characters without their poses breaking!). Custom photomode poses + Nibbles Replacer has been the game changer I've been waiting for.
Or to put it more succinctly, December 2022 through about April 2023 felt like a relearning/return to basics kind of creative period, which is essential, but also means I just don't really like a lot of what I did, lmao.
Then, shockingly (I'm not shocked at all), starting treatment for my anxiety and depression in the second half of this year suddenly made creating a lot easier and fun again! Crazy how that works.
Even bumping this little review up to 20 shots instead of 12, there are still pictures from the past few months that I had to cut as favorites. There was just no way I could condense the amount of fave shots I took from August to now in just 5 options.
I also owe quite a bit of this revival to modders for asking me if I wanted to take shots for them--Exploring more of a fashion photography approach to my shots I think did a lot to build on what I had learned earlier in the year and encouraged me to try something new. I don't want to tag anyone in this long-ass glorified diary entry, but if you invited me to take mod shots for you, just know that it really meant a lot. ♡
And that's where my head has been with a yearly review! Is filling out a little template with 12 pictures this serious? No, it definitely is not, lmao. But hey, overthinking shit is still something I'm working on. ✌️
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Could you write Barbequetoes Barbatos for the NSFW alphabet thing? And maybe Belphie, too.. /nf
As always, amazong writing, keep up he good work! Remember to take breaks and keep a healthy diet :]
Sincerely, 💜
Thank you so much 😭😭
This is a bit long so I will only do the whole thing for Barbatos. If no one requests it, I will do Belphie too if I am bored enough, he is one of my favourites after all
Here is the list with the NSFW alphabet for anyone else that wants to request
Warnings: NSFW
Barbatos x gn!MC
Probably gives the best aftercare out of everyone. He is a royal butler, so of course he knows how to satisfy any of your needs. Food, water, a bath, being held? Everything is ready. You'll have to be the one to tell him to relax before he goes into full butler mode.
For his aftercare, he likes to be given a little bit of space but still wants you around, so sitting next to him would be the best.
It's best if you would have water and the such close to you so you won't leave him for too long.
B=Body part
He is not that particular about his looks but he does like his hands. He can do nearly anything with them and despite all the chores and works, they are still really soft.
Depending on how much attention you pay to his tail, that may become his favorite part of his body.
On you, he likes the most your face. The more expressive the better. He loves to watch your face as he pleasures you.
His cum is creamy and a bit salty, sometimes is also slightly honeyed.
He prefers to cum inside your mouth. Maybe it's the sin of greed within him, but he sees it as a way to claim you. The thought of you knowing how he tastes like is a turn on for him.
He prefers it when you cum on him rather than in him(he loves both, he just prefers the former more)
D=Dirty secret
He probably has fantasized about serving you for a day. Both sexually and as a normal butler. Alas, he doesn't want to live his duties so he just lets this be a passing thought.
Probably most of his experience from before he became Diavolo's butler, from when he was still just a demon travelling through time.
He probably didn't have much time for flings as a royal butler but he is still far from being unexperienced, maybe a bit rusty but that's all.
F=Favourite position
Prefers positions where he has easy access to you and he can face you. So positions like missionary, cowgirl or you on his lap(or vice versa)
He also likes to wrap his tail around your waist to hold you close. If not around your waist then around your one of your legs.
He is not prone to joking in his day to day life, let alone when he wants to get intimate with you. Still, if something funny does happen he will softly laugh at the situation, he is not that serious during sex
Everything about his appearance is well maintained. He grooms himself about once a week, at most two and he usually just trims it.
Between his duties and the demon brothers being absolute cock blocks, he doesn't get the chance to spend time like that with you as often as he would like so he always takes his time to enjoy you.
Because of that he always tried to go the extra mile when it comes to being romantic or sensual, taking his time to set up the mood either with candles or fleeting touches throughout the day.
J=Jack off
Doesn't do it too often since he would rather work on anything Diavolo may need. It's not that he hates or something, he just has other thing to worry about.
When you come into the picture, he finds himself doing it more often than he would like to admit, especially when he stuck with his duties.
Sensation play paired with sensory deprivation, on both you and him. He likes to watch your reactions as he lets his hands wander around your body. Or when he uses his tail or other materials to surprise you since you can't see him. The same applies to him, he does love to be surprised by what you can come up with. Don't be shy, he is a strong demon, he can handle it.
I saw a while ago that Barbatos is into shibari and that still lives in my head rent free to this day.
I think he would be into free use(more on him rather than on you) but it's hard to indulge in that kink. This ties back to the dirty secrets where he would love to serve you in all kinds of matters.
Edging on both you and him. Idk, I just look at his face and I am like "yeah...he seems to be into that"
Your room or his room. He wants to have all the privacy he can get and does not like the idea of getting caught.
It would be extremely rare for him to want to do it in another place but if he is turned on enough and the place is away from others then he would not protest about it.
Teasing him and then acting innocent about it, like nothing happened. On the outside his expression doesn't change but on the inside is thinking of a way to get back at him.
Doing it where the two of you can be caught. Rare are the exceptions where he wants to have sex outside of his room or yours, and even then, he chooses a place where neither of you can be caught.
Seriously hurting you. If you're a masochist he is more than happy to indulge you but to a point. Most chances are you are not that big of a masochist to the point he would refuse you.
He prefers receiving a little more than giving. He loves to serve you so of course he would love to give you head.
He likes receiving just a little more because of his greed. He can't get enough of the way your mouth feels on his cock, especially the thought of coming into your mouth(only if you're ok with it)
If he is the one fucking you, his pace is usually slow and sensual. Both because he wants to take his time in making you feel good and because he likes to tease you, just a little bit.
If you're the one fucking him it depends on how he feels. If he is stressed he would love if you were rough with him, in order to relieve stress. But usually he prefers if you are more gentle with him tease him, trust me that he would like it
Would rather have proper sex with you. Unless he is really pent up, he would rather wait until he can get some proper time with you.
As along as it is in the privacy if his room or yours he is willing to try quite a lot of things. He would probably be resistant to anything to painful on either him or you but that's about it.
If he has a reason to doubt something he might or might not use his powers to look into the future. Take this with a grain of salt.
At first his stamina wasn't the best since he was a bit rusty but it only got better with time, so I would say he can go around 4, MAYBE 6 rounds with breaks.
Besides the shibari ropes I don't really think he had anything. Maybe some vibrator he got from Asmo as a gift so that's about it.
Even when gets with you, unless you bring it up, I don't think he would go out of his way to buy toys
Have you seen his tail, what other toys would you even want??
As much as he likes to take care of all of your needs I can see him also liking to tease you. It's a headcanon of mine he got a more playful side that is hidden to keep up his image.
I also see him having quite a sadistic side, not too much, but enough to drive you crazy with his teasing.
At least he is also into the idea of getting teased, so I guess he is pretty fair in that aspect.
At first he had the habit of covering his mouth in order to muffle his moaning but he slowly got rid of it.
He is not very loud but he got some of the prettiest moans, especially when he is being teased.
W=Wild card
Long ago in the past, when he was still kind of new at being Diavolo's butler there were some demons of higher status that was trying to put Diavolo in a bad light, so Barbatos dressed in a dame, seduced that monarch and killed them.
Barbatos was so beautiful as a dame that the demon wasn't even mad about being killed.
In his human form, his dick is about 6,8 inches and is kinda thick towards the base. It's also slightly towards one side.
In his demon form, his dick has a similar texture and color(a little bit darker towards the base) as his tail and also grows to be 8 inches. While in this form, his dick secrets what is basically lube and the tip of it is also slightly bigger.
A bit lower than average by demon standards. By human standards is about average. He isn't the easiest to turn on, but if you catch him alone your chances grow by a lot.
It takes him a while to fall asleep, if he does it at all since he still has to serve Diavolo.
Not matter if you're the one doing the aftercare or him, he still too alert to fall asleep. Not to say he is not relaxed, he is simply too awake.
The only chance to make him at least take a nap after sex is to be rough with him
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teeth--thief · 3 months
Photos of Lyonyd (Leonid?…) Toptunov? I wouldn’t mind rambling on him, also.
- Rodka
I deliberately saved this ask for last (sort of). As a treat for myself and as a threat for everyone else ♡ And for @ur-favorite-basil-enthusiast since he was also interested in seeing The Collection.
I'll have to split this into a few parts - dreaful, I know! - because I can only add 10 pictures to one post while on mobile =( I'll keep reblogging with additional pictures till I run out of things to share. Subscribe for more insane content in the future and don't forget to click that bell icon to...
Part 1
He had manifested to me in a dream when I first started researching Chernobyl, have I ever mentioned that? Well, he has. Which was truly an anomaly because I almost never have any dreams at all... but about that some other time, perhaps.
I am going to put the pictures of him under the cut so nobody gets jumpscared by my Collection of Five Billion White Guy Pictures. And I'll also include some relevant information! Or as relevant as I can make it, at least.
Just to be clear (and safe): I found all of these out in the wild, on da internet. I am, however, pretty sure that at least the collage of his pics from uni times is from @/toptunovleonid on Instagram. So, just to be very clear: all credit for at least that goes to her.
Semi-chronologically, his pictures go like this:
Ignoring that one picture that is barely visible and out of frame in a few pictures of the photo album it's in, because he looks about 10 there and I feel slightly weird about sharing it specifically.
We're in... Tallinn, middle school number 11!
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Second boy from the left in the second picture is him. That is he. He who was 15 then. And a 16 year old Lyonya in the left picture, of course.
From this time, one of his classmates remembers him as follows: At school he was quiet, unnoticeable, very shy. I remember he was always hanging out with younger kids. He was chubby. They'd now say he was a "nerd". Alright, we get it, he was a sweet child... Teen? Both? Or was he like this all his life? Either way, please stop before I die from all that sugar...
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He's (10th grade) the guy leading the little girl (1st grade). His shapeless hair has charmed me. What's his hair routine and will it work on my curls? Mhm, didn't think so. And first in the second row from the bottom in the small pictures, in case you can't recognise his face yet.
As a bonus - his school certificate from the school in Tallinn he attended until graduating in 1977:
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The grades were from 2 (you didn't pass with that one, so that's an F) to 5 (an A, I suppose?). So as you can see, he certainly studied well. What a nerd (affectionately).
Uni territory now! Moscow calling 📞 or, rather, Obninsk and the MEPhI
If you weren't born in any of the USSR countries during The Soviet Times, it'll come as a surprise to you but the students had mandatory... field... work... classes...? if you can call them that. They had them digging potatoes and what not. Nothing screams socialist spirit like making uni students do free labour in the field, I guess?
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Pictures with his uni girlfriend, how cuuute! (And Sasha Korol hanging from the roof in the background... for reasons unknown)
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Lyonya pretending to drive a combine harvester. And next to him, obviously, Sasha Korol. When I first saw this picture, I thought he was on some kind of a scaffolding but alas - it's one of those old beasts, like our Bizon. But that's not a Bizon because those had roofs. Nobody here cares for USSR combines talk - not even me - let's move on.
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Not too sure when these two are from but they look uni enough to me - probably from the very beginning and sometime closer to the end, judging by his stache doing significantly better...
Mandatory military service because a REAL MAN in the USSR needed to know how to shoot a gun, obviously. Even when that meant military service interrupted your uni for a short while. I say that as if no other countries before or after had mandatory army time... don't question it, I'm doing a bit.
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Lyonya is second in top row in the picture on the left and third from the left in the top row in the other pic. Korol is there, too, he's fourth from the left in the top row in the first picture and second from the right in the bottom row in the other picture.
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dragons-and-magic · 13 days
What made you ship all of them, lol?
Especially Sonny x Rebecca?💙💛
HOOOOOO BOY. This is gonna be a long one! Lol! Honestly, most of the reasons is just liked them. I saw some fan work of them and they just clicked with me. I don't know. I'm not very complicated when it comes to shipping.😅 But I'm super excited to talk about my ships, so I'll try to give some more thoughts on them than that. Let's get into it!
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Sonny x Rebecca: I will admit, I didn't ship these two at first. But, after I saw some fan content of them, I was hooked. I think they would have really good dynamic. We all know it's implied that Sonny has had a very rough and frankly traumatizing life. I feel like Rebecca could be good for him. Her joyful and sweet personality might just be what he needs to heal. Plus, they give me sun and moon vibes.🌚🌞 (P.S. I almost forgot. Watching Gordon take in the fact that his daughter figure/apprentice is now dating this "thieving rapscallion" would be absolutely hilarious.)
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Thomas x Ashima: I've been shipping these two for years! I mean, look at the the way they look at each other and talked about each other in a few scenes! And how Thomas really wanted her to stay with him longer? Saving each other in the competition?? Or that one BWBA episode where he fantasized saving her like action hero??? That's so frickin cute!
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Another thing! Thomas is used to having to prove he's worthy for all sorts of things. Ashima thinks he's already worthy. She literally looked at him and said, you don't need to change. You're perfect being yourself and I like it.😭💖 I personally feel like they're soulmates! And make a really good team! I really wish they had done more with them in show. I was hopeful when they announced they would be putting her in more episodes. But alas, nothing really happened.
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Frankie x Hurricane: I love me a good villain couple, m'kay? Also, the tragedy??? Think about it, since they're working on the mainland, they don't know about steamies and diesels finally getting along. (We do know that things are the mainland didn't change as quickly.) So picture this. Back then, when the mainland engines found out that steamie and diesel had fallen in love, all hell broke loose! So, the poor ostracized couple left to escape the hostility, and went where they could never find them. A big steelworks, in the middle of nowhere... Anyways, they would totally be an awesome Disney level villain couple. I know it.
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Emily x Connor: This one has what I call "I take a tiny moment and blow it up into a huge thing!" Lol. Basically, in one episode, Connor very subtly flirted with Emily and I found it interesting. It may or may not have been intentional, but either way I thought that it could be really cute. They give me knight and princess vibes. Also, I love Caitlin and Emily's relationship. (Healthy female friendships! My beloved!) Having her as a wingman (wingwoman???) for Emily and Connor sounds all too adorable. Although admittedly, this ship is definitely not my favorite on the list. I used to like it more when I was younger. Recently I got into Douglas x Emily, which has way more hints than this ship. And that one is slowly creeping up higher on the list. So we'll just have to see with one comes out on top.
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Edward x Boco: SUCH A CUTE COUPLE! I didn't ship these two at all, until start reading fic's for them and saw the fanart. Then I realized these two might as well be married! Just two nice old guys, raising three rambunctious children together.🥰 Also, it seems nice that Edward finally has someone tough enough to help him wrangle in the twins when he's feeling worn out. And their personalities fit really nicely together too. Somebody put it better then me, right here. But yeah, these two are adorable! Easily one of my top favorite ttte ships!
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Belle x Flynn: Honestly, I have no reason to ship these two, other than I just think it would be cute. No canon event inspired it. No fanart. Nothing. It just popped into my head one day and I decided to roll with it. Lol. I think it would be fun to see.
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Daisy x Ryan: I'm not to sure what to say about these two either. Other than they give me vintage movie vibes. (Maybe it's Daisy. She reminds me of a few female movie stars from the old days of Hollywood.) And as a vintage movie fan, I really like that! Also, it's worth mentioning she literally flirted with him in one episode. That was a surprise! It was convince him to do some jobs for her, but whatever. Lol. Also Ryan was almost completely oblivious to it. My poor Gold Retriever Boy. It didn't fully compute. 🤣🤣🤣 Still, I think it could possibly work. Especially in the later seasons.
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James x Nia: YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE RARE PAIR!🤩 I've talked about it so much now! But, here's a few more thoughts on them! They actually have a few traits in common. They're both playful, fiery, and outgoing characters. And they both seem to be very loyal as well. Oh, did I mention that their matching color scheme is perfect. And I feel like Nia would help James loosen up a bit and get even more adventurous. So while definitely a rare pair, I think they're neat and should be explored more!❤️🧡
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Toby x Henrietta: If Thomas and Ashima are soulmates, Toby and Henrietta are champion soulmates! They're such a husband and wife duo. I loved every episode they had together. The way they talked to other and how much they disliked being separated? Adorable!!!😍🧡🧡 Sometimes they remind me of my own parents.😂 Whoever came up with the idea to finally give Henrietta a voice and an actual face? I salute you. You were a true genius. Now I can hear their realistic husband/wife banter in it's full glory. Lol.
Well, that's my thoughts. I'm not very good at romance anything, so I hope this will suffice.😅 Thanks for the ask!
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tscfsr25w · 7 months
Yume Nikki DS Theme!!
(for TWiLightMenu++'s Original R4 skin)
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A fun little project of mine from a while back, I dread not having my special interests on my devices... so here's what I eventually came up with.
It never wound up on the official twlmenu theme site, due to me submitting another theme along with it, a template theme I used for exact measurements of UI elements' positions and size (yes, they cannot be altered in this skin :c )
The Theme Itself!
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Here are the raw photos! Saving these with the filenames logo.png, bckgrd_1.png, icons.png and bckgrd_2.png should do the trick and make it work! Otherwise, you can just extracting the ZIP with all of the working files I've used onto your console:
With that out of the way, I will talk about my process making the theme, including whatever else I had in mind for it!
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I wanted this theme to feel... dynamic, I always try to go for this whenever I do customize something, make the best of what I have and even try to tell a story with it, or make it immersive... make it relevant. Do all themes need to do this? Not really, I'm just like this.
My vision was pretty simple really, since this skin in particular does not allow for a lot of freedom, just four images and all the interactive buttons are... not customizable (in size)! But, they lack graphics, so we can use the background to make graphics for them (the only button with a graphic is the manual which you can see in the first picture, bottom screen, top right).
So let's start! For the three main buttons on the first screen, they represent choosing a game, booting the cartridge, and launching GBARunner2, the GameBoy Advance emulator/hypervisor/whatever!
I believe what I originally had in mind was making all the buttons part of Madotsuki's room, but... that plan soon fell down since I realized... Madotsuki's room was too small! But I realized it was big enough for two buttons... and I thought, huh, I suppose the first and second button DO seem more related than the one for running GBA games, so boom, both of them are now packed in Madotsuki's tiny room... Selecting a game is Madotsuki playing on her console, while launching the cartridge is... an indescript boxart I referenced of NSMB, it's not great but it's also like 2 pixels large so... I didn't think it mattered that much.
And so, only the GBA button remained, my initial plan was to have Uboa on a separated white-desert-like island, but that plan fell through quick as I did not want to make more custom graphics than thhat little DS box...
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Thinking what I could replace Uboa with, Poniko came to mind! And there couldn't have been a better fit, I loved how well it just worked! Madotsuki's room was latched to the bottom of the screen, while Poniko's was latched to the top...-right corner, but alas!
The final touch was making Poniko look at the door, almost as if looking at Madotsuki, I feel like this is my favorite detail out of all of them, plus some funny little gay subtext (/j /j but also the light novel exists so.)
That's it for the bottom screen of the intro images, the top screen is just Madotsuki's balcony at day, which when entering the file selection, turns to night time!
And as entering the file selection is represented by Madotsuki playing NASU, you also have NASU on the bottom screen, albeit a very squished down version of it... along with the TV and a graphic for quitting... (since it's an input that I just don't see mentioned anywhere else ever...? The graphic for "START" in it was also made by me!)
Scrapped Ideas!
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Only the bottom screen in the first set of images is changed, it's just a minor alt of the placement of Poniko's room and her sprite, now facing forwards.
The second set of images is a different background for the top screen, the file selection screen, that of Mars-san... I wanted to convey the idea of going deeper into Mado's mind when you select a game, but that's still conveyed somewhat in the original, as the day turns to night, and you see NASU on the bottom, speaking of! Another difference in that screen was just hiding Uboa instead of FACE, an entirely inconsequential change, but one I wanted to mention nonetheless.
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Another idea I had for bottom screen during file selection was Masada looking at the game or folder you are about to pick! This one... just didn't fit at the original resolution of the screenshot, and with the other UI clutter (the unremovable microSD/SD text in the bottom left...), it just seemed too busy, I feel with a bit of tinkering something nice can be made... but honestly I didn't want to mess far too much with it, despite my perfectionism in every other aspect of this theme.
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suratan-zir · 2 years
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Rat update! I only talked about them, but never showed you guys my new rat boys. They are almost impossible to photograph because it takes like ten years for my camera to focus, and obviously they don't really want to pose, so most of the photos came out like this ↑
I'm putting under the cut the best of the worst pictures of them and boring stories about each rat, the post is gonna be long because there are five of them.
I often warn you about long posts, but this post is really long, I'm not joking
Two older brothers: Tsap and Plyamka (or Pliyamka, idk, either way google doesn't pronounce it correctly). Yes, all of these rats except one have the stupidest names ever, because reasons.
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Tsap (Цап)
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Tsap is the one with a white stripe on his face. He got his name because for the first couple of days he didn't understood the concept of human hands. Like, at all. He would lightly bite hands because he thought it could be food, and each time he was surprised that it wasn't. I'm afraid that these boys weren't handled at all before we got them. So much for the "professional breeder" and "all our babies are tamed and used to handling", ugh. In the past we already had a boy named Кусь, which means "bite", so this name was taken. But tsap/цап means to snatch or scratch something, so that works too. (in Ukrainian it also means male goat, but this meaning wasn't intended)
Now Tsap is very affectionate little man. He was afraid of being picked up before (more than other boys), but now he climbs on my hands as soon as I open the cage. He is also the slowest of them all (he's phlegmatic for sure), making it easier to photograph.
Plyamka (Плямка)
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Плямка means "little spot" in Ukrainian. It was supposed to be just a temporary name until we came up with something better, but, alas, we did not. I often shorten Plyamka to just Plyam, which means "mlem", and also fits him very well.
He was the least shy from the start. He started licking my hands the day after we met. Plyamka considers himself the leader of his little pack. And even though he's still mostly terrified of my older boys, Izium and Bergamot, he still sometimes tries to protect other babies from them. (which is adorable but also breaks my heart because I want them all to be happy, not afraid)
Baton is the only one of the five who doesn't have a sibling.
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I never was a big fan of Burmese rats, but my husband liked him so we got him along with others. But when they arrived, it was love at first sight.
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He's Baton because Батон is the name of my favorite chocolate bar.
He is the most timid and shy of all the boys. I always feel so sorry for him, literally everything scares him. But I'm his "safe place", when they free roam on the couch he takes food from a bowl and comes to me to eat it, crawling under my clothes or on my lap, poor thing. I love him so much. And he has the funniest little face, his nose is so tiny and ears are so big, his eyes seem to be closer together than in other rats. His fur is oddly soft. At first I thought it was because he didn't yet shed into adult coat, but now I see it's not the case.
Krobus and Cactus - two youngest brothers.
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The black one is Krobus, the Siamese (white) - Cactus.
Krobus is the only one who get to have a "normal" name. He's a ball of chaotic energy, which is why I don't have any good photos of him. He is the most playful and mischievous boy, nothing upsets him for longer than 5 seconds. And I think that when he grows up, he will take the leadership away from Plyamka. He's very confident and pushy.
Cactus is a very special boy. First of all, he's VERY vocal. Like, he often squeaks when things doesn't go his way, which, despite the movies, is not a typical rat behavior. He does this with other rats but also with me. He's extremely tame and affectionate, he loves scratches more than anything, always tries to climb on my hands or shoulders, sits very still and bruxes (rat version of purr) in my hands when I pet him. But when he wants me to let him go, he can sometimes squeak to let me know. I was afraid that he was in some kind of pain, but no, it's just his way of communication. I've kept rats my whole life, but he is the first one to behave like this.
You can see that somewhere along the way, someone took a good bite out of his left ear. It happens. It's actually a very sad situation with Cactus. At first he loved my older boys, especially Bergamot, he wanted to sleep and cuddle with him, followed him everywhere. But Bergamot seems to hate him :( It took Bergamot a couple of weeks and a few really violent attacks to push Cactus away. But now Cactus finally learned his lesson, he is terrified of Bergamot.
All boys have been living together for a few weeks now. Things are much more peaceful, but we're not quite there yet. They don't fight at all on a couch or in a small cage, but in larger cage things are not so good. Bergamot no longer bites anyone to the point of bleeding, but he is still an asshole :(
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wandringaesthetic · 1 month
Regarding Hozier - Oak Mountain Amphitheatre 5/5/24
(setlist, journal, commentary)
Allison Russell opened and I need to give her a listen she has a very beautiful, soulful voice. Funky band and very lovely backing harmonies. A powerful, sunny presence, if a little corny, talking about harm reduction and voting and power.
Had a great time, didn't have a religious experience, though I've found this has as much or more to do with my state of mind as it does with the performance. Made me appreciate a lot of Unreal, Unearth more, which has been my least favorite of his albums (I think the theming makes it a little structurally awkward, and there are some songs on it (butchered tongue, eat your young) that I don't like listening to most of the time because of subject matter.) I realize there are many songs on that album I would still like to hear live (All Things End would be amazing, I think) though I was very happy to hear Francesca [I'D TELL THEM PUT ME BACK IN IT] It threatened to rain the whole time but never did more than sprinkle until we were in the car leaving. Distant lightning started on Nina Cried Power. Doors were supposed to be at 6:00 and we were let in about 6:40. There was a guy who works at the amphitheater in line ahead of us, who, from talking to some other employees, said the fire marshall was there and they were patching some things up for inspection (?? !? ???). The facilities are nice, the food sucks. We were seated right behind the VIP boxes.
I typed the setlist on my phone as the concert went on, and while I can sing along to most of Hozier's songs I don't know the titles of all of them, especially on Unreal, Unearth. So here's my raw notes with commentary from my more lucid Monday morning self in brackets
-De Selby [backdrop landscape with timelapse photography style spinning starry sky, very beautiful, very beautiful song]
-? Unreal unearth track with first order guy [Hux, Domhnall Gleeson] in the video [this is De Selby pt. 2]
-Jackie and Wilson 
-Too sweet [With this hitting #1 I thought perhaps I would be at this concert while it was still #1, a bit of serendipity since I bought these tickets months ago - alas, it's sunk down below most of the tracks on The Tortured Poets Department. Thanks, I hate it]
-Oh to be alone with h you (th God that heroin prays to) [Alone With You - I thought I didn't know the title of this one but I did]
-Dinner and Diatribes
-It will come back [wasn't confident of the title of this one but I was correct]
-Cherry wine [Hozier solo - he looked up mid song to find that much of the amphitheatre had their phone lights out. He paused and put a hand to his heart and seemed to genuinely have a little moment]
-From Eden
-Wildflower and Barley (with Allison Russell)
-Like Real People Do
-Unknown nth (?) (see how it shines) [actually this was Abstract (Psychopomp)  I told you I did not know the titles of these. Also, now knowing that this is (in part) about an animal hit by a car is well 1) this is obvious and I feel very stupid 2) holy fuck]
- I don't know the title of this one still living roots consumed by the flame oooooooo [this is Would That I - always thought of this one as a sequel to Arsonist's Lullaby]
-Almost (sweet music) (with highlights on the band) [notably, part of the backdrop for this is pictures of records of all the song references/title drops that are in this. In case you did not Get It. Hozier will not be at peace if you do not Get It. To be fair there are a couple of them I would miss]
-Eat your young
-Take me to church 
nina cried power [with preceding commentary about the history of protest, about the American civil rights movement directly influencing civil rights movement in North Ireland, about boycotting apartheid south Africa, Free Palestine! about movements being seeing the truth as it is and saying that it should be better, etc. (extremely paraphrasing) This went over positively, which is always a nice thing to experience given location (ALABAMA) but the people queueing to buy Hozier tix (the show was sold out and IIRC was sold out in less than 24 hrs after it went on sale) are at least somewhat aware and approving of his politics. May not be gen. pop. but you'll never be alone.]
The being unknown angel to me [THIS is Unknown/nth]
Work song [with Allison Russell, who is notably Not A Coward and did not change the pronouns. I don't know what Allison Russell's sexuality is but she's at least an ally what with the rainbow coalition stuff. Phone flashlights out again.]
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halikyon · 5 months
(Part 3 of this thing send help)
As morning broke, Ryune and M'naago disentangled themselves from their blankets and each other. They went about their usual routine and made their way down together from Ala Ghanna to Rhalgr's Reach as they did almost every morning. Once within, they parted ways with a kiss, M'naago heading off to get the latest news, relieving the night watch and preparing to receive adventurers and their deliveries while Ryune made her way to the ruins across the lake from the entrance they used.
Today, they wouldn't be needing her at the Temple until later, so she figured it would be a good time to check in. She met with the guard outside the entrance, which was just the storehouse with a pair of ladders going into a hole on the ceiling.
"'Mornin, you see Makoto lately?" She asked, expecting that she hadn't likely left but wanting to be sure before she went in search of.
"No ma'am, "said the guard, the usual garb they wore concealing his face, "Seems she's holed up still working away like the rest of them."
Ryune sighed. She knew they were passionate about their work, but she really needed to have a word with them about taking breaks. "Alright thank you. Head on over to M'naago, she will be changing the guard momentarily."
"Thank you, ma'am." He said, visibly relaxing, "I can't wait to rest. Night guard duty is exhausting."
"I know the feeling." Ryune said as she began ascending the ladder on the left. "Pleasant dreams, soldier." Ryune didn't wait for a response as she reached the top and made her way through the now somewhat familiar halls. She made her way quietly, assuming some may be sleeping at this hour, and was soon at Makoto's makeshift encampment, tucked away in a small room she was sure had been a storage closet. All this space and she chose to be here.
"Makoto?" She quietly called, not wanting to disturb her if she had managed to sleep or was performing a delicate task.
"Here." Replied Makoto's equally quiet voice. "Come on in, there's much to show."
Ryune walked in, surveying the tables full of small artifacts and equipment. There was also a bed on the far end under a newly reopened window to the outside; It's narrow but tall shape extruding many feet through the stone to reach it. Makoto was standing behind a table that went almost across the room, wearing a white coat of Sharlayan style as she often did.
Makoto caught Ryune's eye, looking over her makeshift quarters. "Not to worry, I know my peers' proclivity to defer respite may be cause for concern, but my methods require a clear and rested mental condition lest I blunder." She saw a smile on Ryune's face. "What?"
"It's good to see you again." Ryune admitted, "With so much going on, I barely even got to say hello before we all set to work. Part of me missed your..." Ryune searched for the words, "...loquacious and verbose dialog." She realized that might have sounded mocking and added, "It was one of my favorite things when I would visit with new material in Bozja."
"Well, I'm glad someone around here finds it amicable. I've had to repeat myself more than I have in a long time to the inhabitants of this region, though I know it's no fault of their own. Makoto added, "As we both well know, war typically isn't kind to the education of the youth."
Ryune certainly understood, having been an Ala Mhigan refugee herself. She hadn't ever received a formal education, instead learning everything from her late parents and by imitating her adoptive U tribe family's mannerisms. Thanfully, as an adventurer, she had found she learned best through hands-on means, which had worked out well enough. Ryune noted the menagerie of small artifacts.
"I see this place wasn't as barren as I had feared, Ryune remarked.
"Just have to understand where to search is all. The aetherial confluences haven't been lacking either." She gestured to her machines along the wall, "Plenty enough to get a fairly good picture of what the people of this place once did."
"Truly? We're they what we had guessed, then? The progenitors to the Fists of Rhalgr?" Ryune couldn't help but be excited. Perhaps she might find more guidance than some dusty old books and pictograms on the walls.
"In a way." Makoto took a seat, offering her a spot on the makeshift bed nearby. Ryune, knowing how long-winded she could be with these kinds of subjects, and took a seat. It was surprisingly comfy. Makoto continued, "It would seem that before the events that would give e this place its name, it was a very large series of connected domiciles, shops, education centers, trade enters, and more. An entire underground city with hundreds of permanent residents." Makoto pointed to a hand-drawn map of one of the levels with numerous notes scrawled across it.
"The excavations of dozens of collapsed tunnels has led us to believe this place could house thousands if need be. Our current working theory is that it was a fortress city meant to be capable of housing the surrounding populous indefinitely during times of crisis." Makoto paused for a moment.
Ryune piped in, "Then why haven't we found more evidence of these people?"
"We currently believe it was the depletion of natural resources." Makoto pointed to a sample of petrified wood. "Markings indicate decades of drought. It's possible the river dried up completely after so long. They wouldn't have had a choice but to leave."
"Then the ultimate irony." Ryune mused, "It was inundated by the great flood."
"Indeed." Makoto confirmed, "the only people left were the adherents of this 'Way of the Twelve' you discovered."
"Is there anything you could tell me about them?"
"A fair amount, yes." Makoto grabbed a notepad covered in all kinds of symbols and markings, with writing crammed everywhere it would fit. "Let's see... yes. From what I have been able to discern, they were a religious order dedicated to the Twelve. They were not worshiped as they are today, as instead each was seen as a manifestation of different strengths and weaknesses and regarded as twelve parts of a whole, perfect being. Originally, they had been guides to the people of the city. Much like preists, with each of the twelve specializing in one diety. As the city declined, though, they became more insular."
"That never tends to end well." Ryune commented.
"Certainly not." Makoto continued, "They began to see themselves not as conduits to the deities but manifestations of them. As the people left, no one was there to keep them grounded in reality. They created a Theocracy that consisted only of themselves. No one was there to help them when the flood came. They blocked off the lower levels, cut off their world from the outside, going so far as to destroy the entrances at the base of the cliff. It worked for a time, but as the water rose, the already scarce food they had subsisted on was washed away." Makoto sighed, "They began referring to themselves as the deities they represented, convinced absolutely by their delusions of power. They thought that by preserving all they knew and all they were into that crystal, they would become immortal."
"In a way, they did succeed." Ryune said, "I did end up having to confront them."
"You did, yes, but only as shades of who they once were, devoid of all but the most basic desire to protect their knowledge from what they perceived as a threat."
"You said their knowledge was stored within?" Ryune asked hopefully. "It would be very helpful to be able to go see it, if that's a possibility."
"Yes, and yes." Makoto stood, becoming to Ryune, "Come, it's nearby."
She led Ryune from her room and through a few twisting hallways lit by torches and the morning light from recently excavated windows to a larger room filled with semi-familiar devices, tables, small artifacts, and a few archeologists who Ryune hoped were just now waking up, though she knew how excited they were and that they could likely work through the night without even noticing. It wasn't every day one got the chance to study an antediluvian site in such pristine condition. In the middle of the room, upon a table that certainly felt like a pedestal, sat the crystal, held upright in a small cradle, its soft blue glow hardly noticeable in the growing light.
"I take it you know how to access these from your past adventures?" Makoto asked. Ryune nodded, transfixed by it for the moment. "I am curious. Why ask me to analyze it first?"
"It was too important." Ryune admitted, "I was worried it was possible that I could somehow mess up the information inside as I didn't know how they had managed to record their information in the first place. I wanted someone with a more delicate touch to make the initial attempt."
"Your vote of confidence is noted and appreciated." Makoto smiled, pulling up a chair for Ryune. "Here, take a seat. I'm assuming you'll be in there for a while."
"Thanks," Ryune took her offer, scooting up to the table, "I should be able to take it from here." Ryune gave her an appreciative smile. "I'll let you know if I find anything of interest."
"Aloways appreciated. I'll leave you to it." Makoto turned to leave. "I'll be in my room if you need anything."
She was gone before Ryune could respond. She likely had plenty of work of her own to do, Ryune thought. Wasting no further time, she reached her hand towards the crystal and directed her aether into it, feeling around for an opening. Moments later, she was seeing a different place.
Through a haze, she could make out monks sparring within the confines of colorful walls, light streaming in from slitted windows, using forms familiar and not in what would look like a choreographed dance to an outsider. Ryune watched for a while, noting similarities and differences in fighting styles before moving on to the next thing. Now, an instructor resolved in front of her, going through basic forms and movements that were not too different from what she had learned at the Pugilists Guild, though it seemed much more graceful here. There was no speech, only movement and intent. Coerl, Opo-Opo, Raptor, and another form showing something else that seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. After a time watching the instructor progress through the forms, she realized it was very similar to the combat stances of the Far Eastern Ninjas she had trained with. Between the paintings she had seen and now this, she was certain there was a connection between the different martial arts.
Moving on, she found herself among a circle in the dark, where twelve figures lit by dim candle light revealed ornate masks depicting each deity. They gestured as if offering prayer above while the room beyond was filled with people. They seemed to be spiritual guides, acting as conduits to the Twelve, much as Makoto had said. She moved on, finding more familiar training on things she already knew. Dark and Light nadi, Mantras, and Chakra, to name a few.
Ryune perused the crystal, hoping to find more than what she knew or had already been told, before coming upon what looked like some later entries. People were sparce, and the monks looked much more ragged than before, adorning face paint rather than masks and keeping mostly to themselves. She watched the progression as they seemed to become more and more convinced at their own divinity. She wondered if some Ascian or another had tried to manipulate them. Considering Louisoux managed to summon the Twelve as a Primal, it would make sense that someone else might try to do so deliberately. She saw the city sealed, the monks in the topmost room she had found them in, clinging to their own lives that they would be saved, attempting to bind themselves to this very crystal. Then nothing more.
Ryune disengaged from the crystal and sat back in her chair, taking a deep breath. She had hoped for more, some kind of guidance or reassurance that she wasn't leading her peers and pulls astray in some way. The sudden desire to throw the crystal as hard as she could into the nearest wall welled up within, but she stayed as she was, letting the feeling subside. She would have to talk to Naago about that later, she knew well about that rage that sometimes built up within her and was keen on making sure it got talked through.
Ryune got up and went into the hall, backtracking to find her way back to Makoto. She looked out of a window and noted the shadows, figuring she still had an hour or two before she needed to be topside. A few more teists and turns, and she found herself at Makoto's door once again. She stuck her head in to see her diligently writing while examining what looked like the smallest shard of pottery.
"I'm back." Ryune said softly, not wishing to cause too much of a disturbance.
Thankfully, it seemed Makoto had already noticed as she finished a sentence and turned to greet her. "So I see. Find anything that piqued your interest?"
"Certainly, though in some areas I have been left wanting." Ryune continued, "There wasn't much more than what I already know of being a Monk, though the interaction with the Ninjas was fascinating."
"Oh, you noticed that as well." Makoto considered a map on the wall of the region, "I believe there must have been some cultural exchange at some point, though from what u can tell the influence faded with time."
"I agree. The further I went, the less it's influenced was noticed until it was completely gone. Perhaps they lost contact."
"The people here seemed to become more insular over time. It's likely a contributing factor, though beyond that I have no concrete evidence to base new theories off of." Makoto regarded Ryune in the doorway still. "Would you like to discuss further? I can take the bed if you would prefer the chair."
"No, no, I think I need some time alone to process it all." Ryune gave her a weak smile, "Perhaps another time. I do find our talks to be nice and I would like to know more as it's discovered."
"Of course!" Makoto always seemed to enjoy delving into the details of her discoveries, and the prospect of doing so with someone who wished to listen made her quite pleased. "You're always welcome to come by my place here. I might even find some snacks for you if I have the time."
"Ah, don't you concern yourself with that. I'm the one that called everyone out here, after all. I should be the one bringing snacks."
"Nonsense! We consider this a favor to be able to work at a site like this." Makoto insisted, "And I enooy being able to entertain from time to time."
"Alright, alright, I won't try to talk you out of it." Ryune said, "Just be sure to mention if you need anything. We will be more than happy to provide."
Makoto sensed Ryune was hoping to leave. "Thank you, Ryune, you're a most gracious host. Don't you be a stranger now, okay?"
"Sure thing." Ryune replied, "I'll see you soon."
"Bye," Makoto raised her hand.
"Later," Ryune returned the gesture and left to spend some time in the Temple with her thoughts.
As night fell, Ryune lay in a nest of sheets and pillows atop a large stuffed mattress upon the raised platform she and M'naago used as a bed, the cool air from the nearby window felt nice across her skin after the heat of the day and a warm bath. She watched as M'naago finished drying herself, tossing the towel into the pile of clothes and fabrics that hid an unused chair in the corner. With her hair down, it went past her shoulders and a fair way down the middle of her back, the sandy strands looking almost silver in the light of the Lover's moon. She made her way over and sat upon the bed, turning herself so her back rested against the wall next to where Ryune lay.
"You want to talk about something." M'naago said, moving a few pillows around to make a makeshift padded back on the wall.
"You always know when I need to do that." Ryune replied. She began scooting herself up next to M'naago.
"It's those brows of yours," she reached over and gently touched Ryunes closer left eyebrow before putting an arm around her, "they tell on you a lot."
Ryune leaned into her, resting her head on M'naago's shoulder as they pulled a blanket up together for extra coziness. "It was the crystal we found. I got to take a look into it today."
"Ah, I take it that there's something within that caught your eye." M'naago guessed.
"More what it was lacking." Ryune put her own arm around M'naago's waist, snaking through the pillows behind her. "I was looking for direction or some kind of guidance, and there was nothing. Just a bunch of old fighting forms I already knew, and some people who bought into their own crap until it killed them."
M'naago felt the edge creeping into Ryune's voice as her body tensed. "You got angry."
"Yes." Ryune was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "Naago, I have no idea if I'm doing anything right." She admitted, "I had such hope that I would find something in there that would help me, but I'm just as lost as before."
"Lost? How so?" M'naago gave a reassuring squeeze.
"I don't want to lead them down the wrong path." Said Ryune, "I feel like I'm working with scraps of a puzzle that I don't have the full picture of. I want a landmark or a beacon or something to know I've plotted the right course." Her tail flicked back and forth irritably at the tip behind her, poking up from the pillows. "I don't know where I am."
"You sail upon a dark sea that none have ventured in quite some time." M'naago chose her words carefully to make sure she conveyed the right thought, "You aren't alone, though. Erik and Widargelt both would speak if they believed something to be amiss. I also, as an outsider, see many of your students every day coming and going. They stay out of trouble, seem to be in good spirits, and have a purpose. You've done wonderfully for them."
"What I saw, it was the worst version of what a Monk might become." Ryune adjusted herself, bringing herself more into contact with her love, "What series of seemingly reasonable things happened to get to that point?"
"It's impossible to know, Ryune." M'naago attempted to attack the fear directly, "When you're at the forefront, it's difficult to know if the path you've chosen is the right one, but when you know you've taken a mistep, you can always take a step back and try another. Yours is the path that others will follow, yes, but you are not the only one that decides its course here. Pioneers often depend on one another to keep themselves on the right course after all. Take it from a scout."
Ryune was silent for a few minutes before saying, softly, "To forge ahead and mark the road for those who would follow, to strive for the best of all futures."
"Urianger. He said something like that before when we were confronting Emet."
"He always did have a way with words." M'naago remembered.
"He was hoping to convince Emet to our path, to help nurture the people of the remaining reflections and the Source rather than sacrifice them." Ryune sighed, "Knowing now who he once was, had he not been so full of grief and pain, it might have even worked."
"What do you think he would say?" M'naago asked, curious about her partner's old enemy.
"That I was foolish and clearly overthinking it." Ryune thought for a moment. "Then say something about how it wasn't befitting the seat of Azem to worry so much about such things or somesuch."
M'naago let out a soft, warm chuckle, "He certainly didn't pull any punches."
"No, but he, and you, are right." Ryune closed her eyes, nuzzling into M'naago, "I'm neither alone nor am I lost. I'm doing my best, finding a way foward with my friends and confidants." She turned her head to look up at M'naago, "Not to mention my very pretty partner who listens to me ramble on about silly things."
"It's not silly, my love. Besides, I would listen to you until the end of time." She looked down to Ryune, kissing her. "How are you feeling?"
"Warm, loved, and very sleepy." Ryune replied, "I needed that off my chest more than I realized."
M'naago kissed her again for a bit longer this time. "I'm glad I could help."
Wordlessly, Ryune rolled over into M'naago, embracing her with both arms, her face buried in her neck.
M'naago followed suit, wrapping her arms around Ryune. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Came Ryune's muffled voice. They stayed like that until they slowly sank down into the blankets, where Ryune slept more soundly than she had in many moons.
0 notes
achilles-came-down · 2 years
Hi hi!!! I hope everything is going well for you! We had 4th of July on Monday and tbh it's probably my least favorite holiday. I could go into intense detail but to put it simply fireworks are pretty, but are loud, scary, and can hurt me. Not to mention that America is a joke at this point. But alas, doesn't matter what I think bc I worked a 10 hour shift.
I'm going camping this weekend with my family/housemates and I'm excited. I'm gonna swim so much and eat literally only smores. (I'll add some protein somewhere...) speaking of swimming I've been spending days off at the lake, it's like 15 mins away from my house.
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I also went on a shopping spree recently, I bought a tent and an air mattress for camping but the store was coincidentally next to a book store and I bought a lot of manga bc of the 4th of July sale....
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Also, I've been talking to a lot of family lately since my mom passed. My grandma on my dad's side happened to send me some photos from the 2000's. Some of them had my mom in it, but most of them were just baby pics of me.
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Here's two of my favorite ones, I'm the one in the middle in that second picture the literal babies are my sisters. (They're twins)
Sorry for the long ramble, I'm feeling chatty. How have you been?
P.S. I updated my dream island in acnh
Oh shoot Tumblr didn't send me a notification
I very much share your opinions on fireworks, our national day was on the 14th. Not a fan.
Hope you had fun camping! I went to the lake last week had the time of my life swimming (bonus for not being saltwater so not problem when it gets in your eyes or accidentally swallowing some). Also got ice cream :)
I spent 3 days at my bf's house, not sure if i already told you in another ask, but a lot of fun! We made like 40 pancakes too
The heatwave is still going, 41 degrees Celsius are planned for Tuesday. Have an appointment in Paris on Wednesday but we'll probably take the train this time, going in a car in this heat would probably end in a meltdown and a big fight. also i missy cat. He passed in June of 2020 and he was the best boy. Love him.
Yesterday i ate like 3 ice cream sundaes i bought from the store (chocolate strawberry and caramel) they were so good. Cause of the heat I'm having to reduce my time at the gym cause my mom is worried about me getting heatstroke or something but she said we could go to the swimming pool instead.
Also I'm sorry to hear about your mom's passing, my condolences (not sure if you already told me, sorry if you did and i forgot .w.")
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Wanted to have a picnic tonight so made a tuna/tomato quiche, mini sandwiches, and devilled eggs.
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Also i watch this french channel on TikTok that does live with their telescopes so here's a screenshot of the moon i took :)
Very sleeby from drinking caffeine earlier (made myself a caramel frappucino, dunno why caffeine makes me so sleepy) so imma take a nap before dinner
Also i got sad earlier because i want to make s'mores but we didn't have any marshmallows lol
Hope youre well ! 👋
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mrmallard · 3 years
Something that doesn't come up too often is my affinity for bloodsports. Not like one athlete belting the crap out of another athlete in a non-violent or marginally violent sport, or getting injured on the field or what have you, but like boxing and very occasional MMA.
I love the Rocky movies for example, they're incredible sports movies - very exhilarating, they get the blood pumping. I'm not a big sport guy, but I love a bit of controlled combat from time to time.
My favorite bloodsport, by far, is slapping.
idk how well-known slapping tournaments are in the zeitgeist - Charlie "Cr1tikal" White has an ongoing series where he basically commentates over the Polish and American slapping leagues, and his videos can get millions of views, but I don't know how well-known it is outside of a niche YouTuber.
You're basically watching these burly men standing at a table or barrel, taking turns slapping each other in the face until the other person taps out or loses consciousness. It can be absolutely brutal at times, because there are knockouts - people do collapse after a couple of really well-placed slaps. Slapping is genuinely a violent sport. Even if they don't get knocked out, there are athletes whose slaps break the skin and the like. It's like a bizarre underground counter-culture boxing - at least in America.
The American league is a bunch of dudes standing in like a meat locker, separated by a barrel, and they get infinite slaps until one of them taps out or goes down. It has some production values, but it's very much an underground event and it has that loosey-goosey feel of an un-minted extreme sport.
The Polish league has fucking pay-per-views.
This is the Polish slapping arena:
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There are a bunch of huge OLED screens where stuff shows up throughout the match, like lightning bolts and timers and stuff. And the Polish people are almost always JACKED - Take Walus for example.
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This guy isn't a professional weightlifter to my knowledge. He isn't an Iron Man contestant. This guy participates in slapping championships.
Then you have one of the biggest players in the game - Vasily Kamotsky.
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This guy's only 21 or 22 at the oldest. He's been competing in the slap-fighting scene since he was 19 - he entered a slap-fight contest for the cash prize so he could buy himself a new tractor. He's a farmer by trade, he was living with his parents and working on the farm when the Polish scene was first establishing itself.
Vasily is an absolute god of the slap-fighting arena. This guy has fuckin mach-speed slaps. We're talking to the point where a lot of his recorded fights end by the third round because his atomic slaps send his opponents to a whole other dimension. He's a portly dude, and he's not undefeated, but he has one of the strongest forms in the game.
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He's such an affable, nice guy on stage, too - he seems withdrawn and shy, and he's always good to his opponents. He doesn't really showboat like other athletes, ala Walus or Zales (who's a force to be reckoned with himself, mind you).
I didn't want to include any actual violence in this post - but I think you can intuit some of Vasily's power from that watermelon picture. If you're not averse to seeing watermelons explode, I highly recommend watching the video where that screencap came from:
This post is long enough, but a quick distinction between the American and Polish leagues:
In America, you can keep slapping until one of you falls or throws in the towel. My understanding is that matches aren't restricted by rounds, or they err closer to boxing's 15 rounds - American slapping is as much of an endurance test as it is a display of power.
Polish slapping, on the other hand, is restricted to three rounds. But those three rounds count. Polish slapping contests tend to be much more of a power show - lots of knockouts, lots of unstoppable force vs immovable object match-ups.
Both leagues have rules against clubbing (hitting too high or too low, and/or karate chopping them in the face or neck) and flinching, and whereas the American league observes the clubbing and flinching rules to penalize players with missing turns and the like, the Polish league observe the broader fight and takes penalties into account when they're judging a winner if there's no knockout. My understanding is that America has a 3 strikes system, whereas the Polish league operates more on the basis of points and form.
I'm sure it shines through, but I fucking LOVE slapping tournaments. It's violent, but there's character to the sport and there's form to appreciate in the athletes, and it's unreal to see how the Polish league went from a bunch of burly dudes slapping each other in old warehouses and at events called stuff like The Siberian Power Show, to a full-blown OLED slapping arena with fog and lights and jerseys.
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elriell · 3 years
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Chapter Two—  
[Chapter 1]
In The Absence of Light
Restless sleep continued to plague her the following nights, just as she had feared the cold spikes of anxiety that crippled her mind refused to ease up their battle for control.
Azriel never mentioned their tense early morning encounter, but she could not deny that after his departure she had finally managed to succumb to a few good hours of rest, and for that she was grateful. She put it down to simply feeling calmer after seeing a friend and refused to look any further in to why that would be.  
So, when Elain saw him over breakfast, she offered him a genuine smile and accepted the muffin he silently offered her in return. She tried not to dwell on the fact that he did not in truth look as if he had been blessed with a good sleep, as she had.  
Several nights had passed since then and time trickled by slowly, each night she found herself staring up at the ceiling, tossing and turning among the expensive linens, unable to settle down. Vivid dreams swirled around in her head; the same thoughts as always, they appeared to be taking up permanent residency, she was less than pleased with that realization.  
Every noise poked at her subconscious, taunting her mockingly. She let out a sigh at the ridiculousness of her thoughts, as if the branches crashing in the wind could possibly be trying to ridicule her, she truly was losing it alltogether. Taking a deep breath, she gave up on her quest for sleep and slid her feet in the soft pair of slippers and set off for the kitchen, doing her best not to awake anyone on her path, though she doubted she would, everyone in this house seemed to sleep through most her terrors.  
Lost in her own scattered thoughts she barely saw him lent over, in truth he looked as though he too was in his own world. Strong powerful arms flexed over the sink as he gazed out the window in to the gardens below. The dark leathery wings hung limply behind him, he painted quite the sorrowful picture, moonlight casting down upon him.
A fallen angel, infinitely beautiful and untouchable in an heartbreaking way.  
“Trouble sleeping?” His honey voice caught her off guard, she really had to stop being surprised when it came to the shadow-singer, his instincts were sharp as the thorns that she tried to avoid when gardening.  
“Seems to be going around these days.” A soft shrug. “I was just going to make myself something warm, would you join me?”  
He turned towards her at that and it struck her as it always did how easily he concealed his emotions, as if he could carefully tuck them away in a box and forget about them. His eyes however spoke volumes, they were devastating to her mental resolve, a crack splintering straight to her heart.
“I would like that very much.”  Agreeing gently.
Elain willed herself to focus on the task at hand; warming up some milk for the both of them. She felt more than heard him shuffle amongst the kitchen retrieving mugs and placing them to her left, returning to his former place. “Thank you for the other night— No, no, no... Please don't stop me, I want to, no I need to. I haven’t gotten that much sleep-in months, so thank you.”
A small blush crept up his face much to her quiet delight, it was such a rarity to pierce his stoic exterior.
She poured them both a cup each and set out to retrieve some cookies from a jar she had baked earlier in the day, once she had set a sufficient amount on a plate, she joined Azriel at the small breakfast table at the far end of the room.
Though dark out it was a beautiful spot, the whole side of the wall was built from different shades of stained glass and under the moonlight it shone a messy pattern of colors across the cobblestone floor, it had quite easily become one of her favorite places once her nightmares began. A colorful sanctuary to be at ease.
There were so many questions on the tip of her tongue, she wondered so much about him, about his troubles, his travels, about Nesta, who she had not received any letters from since her departure though that was no surprise all things considered. She wished she could tell her she had not known of the plans, wished she could have at least said goodbye, god, she wished for so many things.
Perhaps she would ask Azriel to take her on his next visit to the mountains, she filed that away for another day.  
“I suppose the tonic didn't work then?” He inquired before dunking a cookie in to his mug.
“Ah—” Hesitating for a beat too long. “It's alright you needn't lie to me; your secrets are your own. If you do not wish to say I shall not bring it up again.”  He jumped in before she finished.
Truth. She knew without a doubt he would not push her, would accept whatever she was willing to give.  
“That is quite alright, to be honest with you Azriel, I am not sure I quite know myself.” She considered it carefully. “I think deep down, beneath every excuse, I just, well I just don’t want to be...”
“Medicated.” He finished for her.
It should not surprise her after all this time, he was always able to read her seamlessly and understand her completely even when she wasn’t sure she understood herself. He was able to deduce that she was a Seer when the rest thought she was going mad, even her own mate, scoffing internally at the word. It was a shame, she supposed, that it had nothing to do with Lucien. He was a good enough man but she simply couldn’t handle the burden that such a bond posed after the events of last year.  
He was uncharacteristically sheepish when he asked, “It’s not my place, but is something wrong? Lucien?” He stumbled over the last word as if he found it hard to roll off his tongue. Odd. Azriel rarely if ever spoke on the subject of the former spring court emissary, almost seemed to avoid it at all costs.
Upon reflection she could not think of one time through their many conversations that he had ever inquired about him if she had not started the discussion.  
It was eery some days, it was as though he could see inside her soul, study her like a well-read book.
And if she was following that analogy through then she was certainly an old nattered forgotten book that was far too damaged to be of much value... She heard Nesta’s voice as the thought formed scolding her for thinking that any book would not hold its own important value in the world.  
“No.” She replied honestly. “I am not quite sure what is fuelling my problems only that they are rather determined at keeping me from a peaceful sleep. But enough about that, let us talk about better things, happier things, tell me about your favorite places to...”
And so, they would spend several hours hunched over the table talking in hushed tones about everything and nothing at all, refilling their mugs repeatedly as time faded away and all that remained was the moments within, the coloured light streaming over them bathing them in a pool of colours steadily shifting as the sun rose, not that either noticed until household staff awoke to prepare for the day.  
And when she returned to her bedchamber, she would not care on bit that she was still on the brink of exhaustion.
They developed quite a habit of it unexpectedly. At one point or another in the night when her sleep or lack there of, became too much to bare, she would wander down to the kitchen where inevitably he would be sat as if waiting for her.
She tried not to be so self-absorbed as to think it was solely because of her. But after the first few times happened and it became a reoccurring pattern, warm milk always lay on the table waiting for her, always warm, almost as if he could sense when she would arrive despite it changing most nights.
It did not help her ever growing endearment to him.
Although she knew Azriel would eventually grow bored of this habit they had formed, perhaps conversation would become tiresome to maintain for him but she promised to enjoy his company while it lasted.
He made her happy and the small private moments she would cherish among the bland parts of her day, though it wasn’t particularly healthy for either of them as it meant neither was sleeping much.
But it was a worthy sacrifice, all considered she was not sleeping before therefore she was not losing anything, however she did feel a twinge of guilt for the shadow-singer. Hoped it would not interfere with his day-to-day activities and not put him at greater risk whilst following out orders.  
But alas all good things must come to an end and last night would mark that for them both.
He had been uncharacteristically quiet all night, simply letting her ramble on about the new plans for opening up the back garden to prepare it for new flowers and wildlife, he had simply watched her for hours with a gentle “Mmm” and “Of course” along the way, in hindsight she should have guessed something was coming.
He arose from the bench first keeping his eyes locked to the ground, and fiddling with the lapels of his jacket seemingly trying to buy time, while the silence hung heavy in the air.  
“It seems there has been some problems arising in the northern territories and Rhys has asked that I head out for a few days to ensure it is nothing more serious.” Shifting his feet back and forth still reluctant to make eye contact.
“I see.” She really didn’t. “When are you to leave?”
The grimace was noticeable on his controlled face, “An hour ago. Give or take.”
He did not give her time to respond as he leaned over her, closer than they had been to each other in some time and he smelled like the woods after a rainfall if that could be a smell at all, fresh yet masculine. The kiss he planted on her forehead was so gentle had she not had her eyes open she scarcely would have felt it.  
Her lids fell and her breathing changed, and she wondered if one could feel as if their heart both stopped and raced at the same time, she was losing all sense of reason and by the time she regained her thoughts enough to open her eyes he was gone.  
His absence hit her quickly and she had to take a deep breath to hold back the tear stinging her eye, yet again she was left to her own devices. Perhaps it for the best that she not grow too reliant on his company, though she was infinitely grateful for his friendship and companionship she did not want him to feel burdened by her.  
This would give them some much needed separation and time to rebuild her mental walls and form some boundaries for herself.
The first night was not as bad as she expected and she tried to be optimistic that this was a new leaf for her.
Unfortunately, as she well knew nothing lasts for long, especially something good. Not for her. By the fourth night the dark void had returned in full to cause chaos on her mind, and so chaos spread, worsening night after night.  
Elaine’s nightly visits to the kitchen had not ceased they simply became a solitary adventure and as the week reached its end, she was near desperate for the relief of her favorite companion would provide.
Having overheard Mor speaking to Feyre in the lounge she was able to confirm that he had returned to the estate sometime midday, though his meetings with his High Lord kept him out of sight much to her disappointment.
She did her best to tame the growing excitement that bubbled up when she thought about his return.
Tonight, for a change she made no attempts to sleep simply busied herself with brushing out her curls and spraying her favorite perfume, feeling silly for going to such efforts. Truthfully though she knew that beneath whatever crush she had formed it had little to do with her attachment to him, it was his companionship and friendship she coveted most, he was a true and loyal friend, a rare thing to her these days.  
She made a promise to herself not mare it with her growing attraction. She refused to lose another person she cared about.
Which is why when she finally made it down to the kitchen after holding off as long as possible only to be greeted by an empty room, she felt her heart twinge. Feeling silly for simply assuming he would be there, for not even questioning it. Not that she blamed him, the kinder part of her hoped he was getting a descent nights rest again, refusing to think on it for long she made herself warm cocoa and set off for bed.
Unsurprisingly sleep did not come easy to her but at least on this night it was not the terrible evil that plagued her, rather the piercing eyes of her favorite spy.
As the hours ticked on and she grew more restless her body wrenched itself out of bed as if on its own accord, and paced a way across their home, it was as she reached the West Wing she realized where she had unconsciously ended up. It was not hard through process of elimination to work out which was his, no light shone beyond the door and no detectable sound either, though she doubted she would know if he was moving about.  
It was silly to have come all this way and she was well aware of how embarrassing her need to visit him was but as she stood with only a large oak door separating them, she understood exactly why she had come, because in that moment she finally felt calmer than she had all week, the anxiety that weaved its way through her reseeded slowly.  
She figured that it couldn’t hurt to stay for a few moments to calm down a little more before venturing back, it would not hurt anyone what they did not know.  
Unaware of when it happened, she found herself sliding down against the door until her bottom hit the cold cobblestones, it was a rather strange feeling that simply being in proximity to him would bring her such small comforts but so was the case as she felt exhaustion slowly creep over and when it came, she felt safe enough to let it take her, she closed her eyes and drifted away.
Pheeeeew, That was long and still a little sad but i promise it is going to get less DEPRESSING™️ I just want to lay the groundwork for what is going to happen 😉 I would love any and all critique as always, it is what fuels me!
Also i was almost finished writing the chapter but the title and colourful glass is inspired by the book I am re-reading with that name.
As always anyone who wants to be added or removed just let me know 🖤
@elriel-oblivion @elriel-incorrect-quotes @tswaney17 @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @stars-falling @verifiefangirl @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @julemmaes @thefangirlofhp @empress-ofbloodshed @elrielllll @abraxos-is-toothless @julesherondalex @courtofjurdan @amitynotpity @libraryonthepond @mis-lil-red
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luminisvii · 3 years
i love char and gundam loves him too so because i am BORED i'm gonna rate all characters that the wiki tells me qualifies as a char clone!
many of these men will be rated on aesthetics and their wiki blurb alone since i have not watched all gundams
i tried to include pics but it SAID i can only use ten. WHAT? how am i supposed to rate how sexy they are?
Char Aznable
the man. the myth. the legend. i love him so much. hes super fucking hot bc of how bad he is. like an absolute madlad he goes around destroying the zabis and giving amuro hell. hes so good that despite being on team evil he regularly tops popularity polls and is widely regarded as being super attractive. im asexual but i agree. char is supreme. he and his red mobile suits cannot be topped. 20/10
Quattro Bajeena
now, char might be evil, but this guy is totally a stand up dude who is definitely not char. and the hyaku shiki? top tier. also very sexy. maybe char should take a lesson or two from this lovely man. 18/10 could not possibly be char himself
Glemy Toto
i have not watched ZZ. this dude upholds the tradition of stupid ass names in gundam. he just kinda look like hes a good person, though, which would be nice, but i prefer the evil men here. 6/10 love the idiotic name
Afranche Char
apparently a literal char clone. don't give a fuck. 1/10
Carozzo Ronah/Iron Mask
this guy really takes the mask thing seriously. i have also not watched F91. i love the just robot lookin mask and the purple color scheme. 8/10
Anavel Gato
this guy is kind of a chump. i get the feeling i'm supposed to find gato very cool, but all i could see was a total loser pushover as long as it was in the name of zeon. although to be fair, he was basically one of the most enjoyable characters in the mess that is stardust memory. 7/10 too much of a zeon apologist
Chronicle Asher
i called gato a chump but this guy looks like a tool. hes got the mask! i know nothing about victory gundam but this guy looks like, okay. 5/10
Schwarz Bruder
im ignoring the other guy listed with him on the wiki bc Herr Bruder is in fact, awesome. he isn't on team evil like some others, but he doesn't need to be. hes a JESTER NINJA. what's not to love? somehow, despite me thinking i knew the twist that was coming, he was still full of surprises. you cannot possibly predict the actual twist here. he really teaches domon how to get shit done. 15/10 absolutely sublime take on the trope
Zechs Marquise
not only is he voiced by takehito koyasu, but he chars so hard he chars three times as fast! we LOVE his dedication to being a char clone. i will never forget how treize challenged him to a fair fight and he was just like nah lmao. you go you stinky man! 10/10 for char-ing hard
Lancerow Dawell and Jamil Neate
i am fascinated by after war X and i'll watch it one day. it seems like the wiki is confused about these two and is going with very surface level details for these two being char clones. however i'll rate them both higher bc i think mr. neate's sideburns and glasses are just top tier character design. 9/10
Harry Ord
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Rau le Creuset
i think i saw him in the like three episodes of SEED i watched. he definitely looks the part. seems kinda lame though. 6/10
Athrun Zala
this kid is hilarious, and also the most likable character i met in SEED, and he even has a quattro phase as he goes by alex dino! we'll give him points for effort. 9/10 you tried
Neo Roanoke
definitely not mu la flaga. hes also voiced by takehito koyasu. his mask looks kinda dumb, but i think the long hair look upgrades my man mu. takehito koyasu makes everything sexier. 8/10 bc i also simp for dio brando
Rey Za Burrel
how many char clones does the SEEDverse have? i do appreciate rey's early 2000s brooding anime boy look, though. 5/10
Gilbert Durandal
WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SEED CHARS!!! this guy doesn't even look like a char clone, but he has the same voice actor and also apparently tries to drop shit on earth. we stan a king, honestly. 6/10 being in SEED deducts points
Hal Vizardt and Vladi Zarth
the wiki wont even give me a picture of these guys. 2/10 they get a point each
Ali Al-Saachez
i hate this guy. he sucks. normally i would find such endless villainy entertaining, but ali simply cannot work it in a way that's fun to watch or even in a way where you're like 'he's got a point.' he just sucks and i wish he could have been funny. we already have a char clone in graham anyway, so why are you here? bitch. 0/10 i was waiting for him to die
Graham Aker
he has all the tropes of being a char clone, and i loved him at first bc of his flair for drama and poetry, but alas! he got more and more sidelined for a different motherfucker. it's okay graham, i still love you! your mr. bushido phase was hilarious! 9/10 you deserved so much more
Full Frontal
hes getting points for the hilarious name but thats it. he is otherwise very boring. you cannot make me love a man just bc he is a literal char clone. 3/10
Zeheart Galette
AGE is also on my "deeply fascinated" list. eventually, eventually. i kinda dig this one's look. 7/10
Tatsuya Yuuki
initially, i hated yuuki bc i thought he was beating on middle schoolers for fun, but then i learned the dude is so goddamn passionate about gundam that he HAS to share it with others and honestly? king shit. while he's technically a char clone, i think he's actually a graham aker clone. the dude stans 00. an admirable position to be in. i love yuuki so much and hes my favorite build fighters character. 15/10 i will always respect the meijin
Captain Mask
the name is hilarious. hes got a cool mask too. i'll maybe watch recon one day bc of how ridiculous the reputation is. 8/10
Lady Kawaguchi
the rare female one, and proves that the kawaguchi name requires you to be extra as fuck. compared to yuuki's raw passion, she's cool and knows it, and doesn't need to flex. sadly doesn't get to do a lot. 10/10
McGillis Fareed
MCGILLIS MY BELOVED!!!! perhaps the only char clone that matters. this dude brings back the classic level of backstabbing, the supreme attractiveness, and in general, being an awful person. but i can't help but feel for the guy. he was trying his goddamn hardest to overturn a fucked up system. he also simply could not fathom having friends. mcgillis might only do the mask thing for a little and also wears a wig (McWiggis) but i forgive him, because the moves he does in bael are truly sexy. i adore mcgillis i have to rate him high but he cannot overtake the classic. 19/10 would let him betray me
Kyoya Kujo
even the wiki doesn't seem confident in this one. i like his look though. hes kinda got some gentle eyes, so i will assume he's the more quattro flavor of things. 6/10
Masaki Shido
Honorable Mentions:
Master Asia
i didn't think he truly qualified as a char clone. he hits the villain thing and technically has some ideals aligned with char ? but he's a little too different. lacks majority of the archetype tropes. i still love him though 9/10
hes got a mask and wants revenge. definitely not gaelio. the problem is, we already have mcgillis in IBO. i just don't register gaelio as being a char clone, because mcgillis is out here being the worst. gaelio is a wonderful character in his own right for all the opposite reasons that mcgillis is fantastic for being the worst. 10/10 i want nothing but the best for him
Ulube Ishikawa
just bc he has a mask covering half his face and is evil doesn't mean he's a char clone, wiki! and how dare you take away from schwarz just to be like "well ulube has a mask" WE HAVE ONE ALREADY!!! i also hate ulube. he is not a particularly charismatic character, but he isn't supposed to be. 2/10
and thus is my arbitrary ranking of the char clones. some people think char clones are bad. i for one, love them! i hope future entries have more masked men.
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2jaeh · 3 years
milky way | youngtaek
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you find unexplainable comfort in the words of your favorite poet, but he has a deeper connection to you than you think.
genre: fluff, a little angst
word count: 1.4k
author lin
Your favorite part of the day was curling up on the couch with a hot beverage, scrolling through your phone and having the television on low, offering great background noise so the apartment felt less empty. When the clock struck 7pm you knew you would be receiving that notification from the one person on Instagram that you cared enough to keep up with.
They were a poet who went by the name April and they were quite popular on the social media platform, despite never revealing any information about themself save for what deep feelings were incorporated into their poems. You found a great sense of comfort in their work and you were always anticipating to read their poems.
That day, April had revealed a poem titled 'Milky Way'. The post contained a plain white canvas with the words scribbled in black ink on the left side and a relevant drawing on the right - the standard format for all of their works. For this particular poem, the drawing was of a shooting star with a tiny person looking up towards it.
The poem described a relationship between two people that was so dazzlingly perfect that everyone around them was envious of how perfectly they were made for each other. Alas life moved to a point where the narrator could barely contact their lover and they slowly drifted out of each other's lives. The narrator still had lingering feelings for that person and could never truly move on. The final words of the poem read, Nothing without you, nothing without you… 
April's poems always hit close to home and prompted you to think about your own life and experiences, but Milky Way in particular felt as though you yourself was the narrator in question. A few years ago you had also been in a relationship that was so full of bliss. The boy was named Youngtaek and you always joked about how he set a standard for any other guy you would ever meet, but it was true. 
He was an aspiring songwriter and rapper and often wrote songs about you. He was someone that you could tell anything to and he would never judge. He always showered you with compliments that helped you find confidence in yourself. He encouraged you to try new things and a lot of milestones in your life involved him. Your first kiss, your first time and even your first experience getting chased out of a movie theater because he screamed too loud at the horror movie onscreen.
People who claimed the honeymoon phase didn't last forever clearly did not see the three years the two of you spent together. However, all good things must come to an end. Youngtaek left for Japan to further his studies while you stayed behind. You stayed in good contact for a long time, until you both started to live your own lives with different friends, different timezones, different lifestyles. It was a mutual decision to just end the relationship and move on, but your feelings for him could never disappear that easily.
Since the poem had tapped into an integral part of your mind, you decided to leave a comment. You never did leave comments on April's work - it was quite pointless considering they were so popular and your comment would just disappear into the swarm of others - but you were running on sentimentality at that point. 
@______: Thank you for this, I wonder if the lover will ever know the impact they had on the narrator… 
You left your phone aside and turned the television volume up to watch whatever game show was going on. Despite your eyes being on the screen, your thoughts were still filled with Youngtaek and the poem. The only thing that was able to snap you out of your own world was a chime from your phone. You grabbed your phone and opened up the notification. 
@aprilpoetry: @______ I think they do now… 
Your eyes widened at the comment before contorting into a confused frown. First of all, April didn't reply to their fans often so the interaction did catch you by surprise. Second of all, what did they mean by that? The message was so short and vague, but you didn't want to read too much into it. April was notorious for trolling and pranking their followers so you shrugged it off.
Your notifications were flooded with people liking and leaving congratulatory words on your comment. It was so overwhelming that you almost missed a direct message notification you had received. You opened the message up and you couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped your lips upon seeing it was from April. 
@aprilpoetry: As you know, I will be releasing my first book this Friday. We'll be having a small party to celebrate and I'm looking to invite some interesting fans to join us. Would you be interested?
@______: Me? 
@aprilpoetry: Of course. Your comment piqued my interest. 
@______: My comment? 
April was typing for a long time and you didn't know why you were becoming nervous. You couldn't even believe this conversation was happening. Your phone pinged and you looked down to see details as to when and where the party was being held. 
@aprilpoetry: I hope to see you there
After days of deliberation, you finally settled on just going to the party. The interaction with April was quite strange and your curiosity really got the better of you. You arrived at the venue - a sleek dining hall decorated in black and white and adorned in pictures of the art that usually featured alongside April's poems.
You floated around the room, taking the drink that a server offered you and inspecting the snack table for anything you might like. Everyone else was already engrossed in their own conversations, presumably about April's poetry. You felt somebody stand next to you, but your eyes stayed fixated on the pink drink in your hands. 
"The mini pizzas are really good." The person next to you spoke and you almost shuddered at the familiarity of their voice. 
You looked up to see Youngtaek smiling down at you. He was wearing black turtleneck with a black blazer thrown over his shoulders. He looked older and much more mature than from when you last saw him. His hair was dyed bright red and his ears were adorned with pretty piercings. He still had the same sparkly eyes that you had adored so much.
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a small voice and he chuckled lightly. 
"It's been a while hasn't it?" Youngtaek ran his fingers through his hair with a sheepish grin on his face, "well actually, we've been closer than we think." 
"What do yo-" 
"I'm April, ______," he cut you off and your eyes widened comically, making him laugh, "when I saw you comment on my post I couldn't believe it was really you. 
"I actually refused to believe it was, so I invited you here to find out," he let out a nervous sigh, "I'm… I'm really glad you're here and you read that poem." 
"I've read all of your poems," you admitted and now it was his turn to look surprised, "I've always followed your account and I… really love your work… Milky Way just hit very close to home." 
"I missed you, every day," Youngtaek admitted, stepping closer to you, "every time I'd think I moved on from us but then you'd cloud my thoughts all the time, just like what I said in Milky Way." 
"I missed you too," you smiled at him when you saw his eyes light up, "I guess it's fate that we found each other again." 
Youngtaek grinned at your words before leaning closer and placing his lips on yours. It felt so familiar, the feeling of kissing him while soft music sounded from the speakers, yet butterflies still fluttered in your tummy. His hands came up to cup your face as you gently held onto his wrists. He pulled away just a few centimeters away to admire your flustered face as his cherry lips curled into a smile. 
"So are we doing this again?" You laughed lightly. 
"Only if you want to ______." Youngtaek grinned, softly running his hands down your arms. 
"Of course April Poetry." 
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