#it’s kinda messy right now. I’ll eventually get to it though
camping-with-monsters · 7 months
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Common descriptors of foxes may include cunning, clever, and tricky. And all would be true for the impeccably intelligent mister Vin Dictive!
Vin believes himself the epitome of knowledgeable when it comes to his kind. A clever specimen as he is, adorning such advanced abilities not many normal animal-kind bare like speaking aloud, he finds himself a high and mighty monarch ruling over wherever he treads. Of course, following behind his tail is a line of trickery. Vin likes to make others react to his crimes, and they usually will. This fox seems to have grown far too comfortable slipping away from the consequences of his actions.
Being such a selfish and careless creature with a knack for fooling the less fortunate has landed himself a pretty hefty bounty for his head. It’s apparently held up by a certain pair of ruthless twins. And those twin bounty hunters who seem so keen on his defeat… oh, how he despises them so! Wearing his own subjects like intimidation tactics! How fickle, and how rude! Whoever would place such a resilient bounty for his execution!? But he knows he’s always bound not to let himself be bound. After all, he’s no ordinary fox like any other he’s called upon before. He’s a gray fox— one complete with a feature not many other canines have: retractable claws, perfect for things like climbing and scampering away, or even more casual things like scaling trees to collect fruits where the usual, lesser canine could only dream to reach.
And to display such impressive divinity and vanity, Vin wears his cape, headdress, and bracelets of leaves, vines, and grapes with pride. He doesn’t even have to tend to them or replace them! Because… well, they’re not real grapes along him. Just his own craft to give off a kingly approach. But he won’t tell you that. It’s possible that the falsified nature of his inauthentic gear could allude to the devious demeanor of this divine deviant. And recently, he’s heard from the grapevine that there’s a strange newcomer woman in his neck of the woods… a perfectly pathetic candidate for action in his eyes.
But don’t quote him on that… it’s only a little birdie that told him.
Several weeks ago, me and my friends had an unexpected “character creation convention” that revolved around the possibility of a potential fox character, who would then take major inspiration from The Fox and the Grapes. Admittedly, I’ve slipped in just a little bit of Evil Queen (from Snow White) inspiration in there as well.
Vin’s name is also interesting as well; taking from the term “Vin”, which means wine, “Dictator”, as he’s a rather headstrong guy who sees himself as a feared leader, and “Vindictive”, which means to have an unreasonable desire for revenge.
Though there’s a bit to unpack about Vin, I should also note that he’s planned more as a side character with his own brief moment of plot. In terms of the whole story, he’s not the most important character, but will certainly have his importance when it’s his time to shine :)
Credit to @aggresively-doesnt-know, @vinesoy, @menthum-mint, @pazam, @shroingushour, @pizzabits, @agent-plaguemask, and @barnowlblu for helping a lot with the original idea and design concepts of Vin! Whew that is a lot of people! I hope I didn’t forget anyone! Sincerely hope y’all don’t mind that!
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wasabi-gumdrop · 1 month
thinking about modern au Kabru
ivy league college student, probably studying law and political science on a full scholarship. first time living away from Milsiril so he has to promise her, yes mom i’ll call you at least four times a week, no mom i don’t need your amex black card, yes mom the normal credit card is fine i need to learn how to budget like a Normal Person (it has a limit of $20k — that’s not normal Kabru).
Milsiril insists for a long time that she’ll just get him a house off campus so he can have his own space (aka a place she can drop by anytime and possibly live a few months out of the year just to be close to him) but Kabru puts his foot down and tells her the best way he’s gonna make friends is by living with other students (bye mom).
his floor in the coed dorms is the party floor and he always makes sure to invite everybody (his nightmare is accidentally leaving anyone out and having them think that he doesn’t like them). somehow it’s always a good time, everyone leaves with more friends than they came with, it never gets totally out of control, and plenty of girls who are interested in him (and a lot of guys too tbh) bring tons of baked treats so there’s always free food. Kabru is the RA’s favourite person to have in the building (even though Kabru himself is messy but most of the people he’s friends with are nice and clean up after themselves).
he has a porsche (Milsiril gift for his 16th bday) but he’s adamant about not driving it unless he absolutely has to (because he doesn’t wanna look like a douche). BUT he never says no when his friends ask for rides (so he ends up driving all the time anyway). he actually contemplates selling the porsche and going for a more practical car but Mickbell is like ‘dude you are not taking this away from me.’ Kabru sighs and decides to keep it because his friends (Mickbell) like being chauffeured around in a fancy convertible (Rin, Holm, and Dia don’t care, they’re just glad they don’t have to walk to the grocery store).
he’s probably on a casual texting basis with most of his professors and you know he’s going to all their office hours, grabbing beer with them just to keep chatting about life outside of school. and that’s how he winds up in some super secret faculty group chat where he’s now privy to all the college administration gossip.
Kabru is elected for student council during his freshman year and he’s probably the favourite to be sc president one day.
he doesn’t really date (gets too in his head about how he doesn’t wanna ruin any friendships) but he does hang out one on one with a lot of girls and treats them all really well. he probably goes so far out of his way to be platonic that he flies a little too close to the ‘Just Like One of the Girlies’ sun, he kinda forgets that most people interpret it as flirting coming from him. which leads to a few awkward conversations. people feeling led on, a few angry jealous boyfriends, scathing dms about him being a girl stealing homewrecker.
it’s such a nightmare for him and he needs it to end right now. so he begs Rin to ‘date’ him for a week or two and then publicly dump him just so the entire student body gets the message that he is Just A Friend.
Rin stares at him for a few seconds. then she laughs. she laughs and laughs. she laughs for a crazy long time. and then eventually she goes, ‘wow you’re an asshole, Kabru. no i won’t be your fake girlfriend. you’re gonna suffer and i’m going to enjoy it.’
and that’s when Kabru has a moment of enlightenment. ok yeah. asking for that is probably really selfish and mean. maybe he needs to think about girls’ feelings more and that’s maybe more important than his deep seated need to be liked, and when has Rin ever been wrong about anything.
he apologizes. and so begins one of the more serious talks he’s ever had with Rin about being okay with not being liked.
he thinks he can really turn over a new leaf. the whole ‘not worrying about what other people think’ thing goes pretty well — up until Kabru meets the aloof professor for his Monsters and Myths class who keeps forgetting and mispronouncing his name.
Kabru has never needed someone to like him So Bad, he needs Prof. Touden to like him as a matter of life and death, and he’s willing to look stupid for it (fails a midterm on purpose to justify begging for one on one tutoring)
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Can you please talk about how you 3D model? I love your style and as an aspiring 3d modeller myself the dragon models you make are just so satisfying!! love the khepra (they can do no wrong)
Thank you!! I’d love to talk about it ,,
So I learned how to 3D model by following a roblox game studio called Sonar Studios a few years ago. The lead developer makes speedModeling videos on youtube if you'd like to reference those. Back then I could only learn by visuals and trying to figure out what they were doing but eventually after self teaching myself, I was able to become a trial dev for them and learn with them!! So what I’ll be talking about closely reflects their style of modeling.
First, I have this old Google slides I made of the basics of blender (program I use)(you can ignore the parts about roblox)
But before that, I want to share how my models started out (after a bit of eyeballing)
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This guy looks good visually UNTIL you look at his wireframe... oh boy... Some issues I can name here are: modifiers not applied, unoptimized, seems kinda lazily done
BUT! I wanted to continue modeling due to the idea of having "digital action figures of my designs" which is super fun lol. So I practiced here and there and now I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at but I wont pass up the opportunity to learn new things about blender!
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(wings hidden for convenience) You can see now, this guy is MUCH cleaner looking compared to that model from 2021. I want to say though, the only modifier I don't apply unless I'm going to rig the model is the Mirror modifier.
OPTIMIZATION. IS. IMPORTANT! (and so is making sure your model looks clean on the wireframe level)
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Look at the stats of both these models! The left is the model from 2021 while the right is the model from 2024... huge difference! That's because I learned how to optimize! Detail of your model plays a huge part in this too but you can see that visually, both appear to be just as detailed. (Lower numbers usually means better BUT do not over-optimize because it can make your model look lower quality. Clean up your model the best you can while retaining as much original quality as possible! it is OK to cut out some design elements, for example if you have a really complex splotch pattern, depending on how detailed, it's ok to get rid of smaller and less important patterns as long as you keep close to the original shape to preserve quality.)
Some things of note before I move on:
The way I apply materials in the google slides is outdated (in my style) and now I follow this tutorial (I also change my model ref sheets to include gradient palettes if I need them)
I DO THIS AS A HOBBY! Not everything I do is perfect and that's okay!
I ALWAYS simplify my ref sheets to make them easier to model (it is OK to have a super detailed design as long as there's no super tiny details you wont notice)(additionally, if your design is detailed and your numbers start to go up, don't worry)
I have a natural eye for 3D shapes which is why modeling comes easy to me but if you struggle with only a side view of your subject then draw/reference more angles!
Also... you didn't ask but I want to touch back on the idea of "digital action figures" with the basics of rigging your model
I follow this tutorial but specifically the section on "rigid rigging" because weight painting is still a mystery to me. I know it's important.. but because I don't use my models besides personal use, my rigging abilities are super messy lol. I don't name my bones unless it's for symmetry reasons. Something also of note is when I'm ready to rig my model, I split it. Basically meaning I turn it from a figure to an action figure by giving it ball joints! (this part is probably the most tedious and boring)
In this style of modeling, your joints may never be perfect but it doesn't matter, you learn to love it.
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choclatecoveredlove · 2 years
sorry for forgetting about tumblr lol,,
synopsis: carving pumpkins with the dormleaders
dormleaders x reader
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wait let him just check that it comply with all the rules
luckily it does
he’s still kinda hesitant tho thinking about what his mother would say
but he pushes away the thought seeing how excited you are
riddle honestly sucks at carving, he get the insides everywhere and carves a really unsettling face which he intended to be cute
he carves like 10 more pumpkins until he makes a halfway decent one (he just wants to impress you!!)
he ends up having a lot of fun!! it’s one of his favorite activities!!
“Darling look at this one! Do you like it? It’s definitely the best one so far! Not better than yours though.”
you woke him up from his nap for this???
he rolls back over and ignores you
you will have to drag him and beg him to get him to even touch the pumpkin
eventually he gives in and puts a little effort into carving a pumpkin
it’s really really basic and he made a huge mess that poor ruggie will have to clean up, but hey, he did it!
now you gotta make it up to him with cuddles
“Can’t believe you woke me up for this. You’re definitely gonna make it up to me later..”
he does not like the mess
but he trusts the process
but he’s honestly really good at it though!!
he doesn’t talk during the whole process bc he’s concentrating, he’s gotta get it perfect!!
does pretty, intricate designs which he displays around the lounge!!
floyd broke one of his pumpkins and azul tried to kill him
azul has still not forgiven him
“Hmm… okay done. What do you think? Thank you, I think i’ll put this one by the bar.”
you came to the right man!!
he’s so pumped!!!
he’s never actually done it himself before, servants were the one who decorated for him
he makes such a mess (poor, poor jamil) but he’s having fun so it’s okay!!
he’s carvings are a little weird looking but over all they’re very cute!!
he keeps the seeds so jamil can cook them and they can be a snack for later
“ This was so fun!!! Can we do it again some time?”
he’s kinda hesitant
like he wants to because he knows it’ll make you happy but also,, messy :/
eventually he caves and does it anyway because he cares about you more than a little mess
he makes such pretty ones!! they’re carved with flowers and hearts and one with a poison apple
he surprisingly doesn’t make that big of a mess (especially compared to kalim and leona lol)
he gives them to you to help decorate ramshackle with because you have no decorations
“What do you think beloved? Thank you, you can have it. Perhaps it will make ramshackle look more festive.”
he doesn’t understand the appeal
he would rather just make you a mechanical jack o lantern then actually touching a living thing and making a mess
but ortho tells him he’ll have fun so he begrudgingly goes along with it, complaining the whole time
he, unsurprisingly, is pretty good at it (and he knows it)
like leona, idia also makes you make it up to him afterwards through both video games and cuddles
“Ughhh I wanna go back to my room already.. can’t believe both of you talked me into this.”
OVERJOYED you asked him to do this with you!!
malleus honestly doesn’t care if he makes a mess as long as he ends up with a good final result
btw he is a MASTER at pumpkin carving!!
he makes like whole scenes with shading and stuff
he also decides to carve his fellow dorm members, which he gives them as presents (sebek bawled his eyes out when he saw his)
he also carves you with like extreme detail but he doesn’t give it to you, it’s for his eyes only
“Thank you again for inviting me to join you, love. I hope we get to do this together again next halloween.”
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bultaoreunheyyy · 8 months
Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick (Sicktember, Jungkook)
Sicktember Prompt: #11 Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick  
Word Count: 989
Sickie: Jungkook? kinda?
Caregiver: Yoongi? kinda?
“It’s not going to work.”
Jungkook smiles. Yoongi is frowning, doubting him, and he’s excited to prove him wrong.
“I never get sick, hyung,” Jungkook explains. “Which is exactly why this is going to work.”
He pulls out his makeup and starts sorting through it, selecting a few items. Yoongi leans on the doorframe and watches, suspicious. “Wait, have you done this before?”
“Of course not,” Jungkook replies, but his face says everything– Yoongi wonders how many times he has tricked them like this.
“I’ll have to choose something not too serious, so it won’t cause too much worry. Something contagious, so no one will want to stay home with me.” He pauses, glancing at Yoongi. “A simple cold.” 
Yoongi snorts. “Okay. No one will believe you, then. You never get a cold.” 
“Just wait and see,” is all Jungkook replies.
Yoongi sits on the bed and watches him prepare. First, he changes into sweatpants and a shirt, then does his makeup to make himself look pale and sickly. Then, he does a series of exercises so rigorous that even Yoongi is sweating just watching him– Jungkook does eventually break a sweat, but he makes it all look far too easy. When he’s slightly out of breath, hair mussed up from where he’s run his hands through it, he scrubs roughly at his eyes until they’re red and watering.
“Careful,” Yoongi frowns, resisting the urge to grab Jungkook’s wrists and stop him.
“Now it’s time to fuck up my nose,” Jungkook says with a grin that’s far too cheerful for that kind of statement. 
Apparently, fucking up his nose means spraying some kind of perfume right in front of his face and inhaling deeply though his nose, and then Jungkook is sputtering and making some kind of weird snorting, snuffling sound as he pinches his nostrils together. Yoongi watches in horror and fascination as Jungkook caps the perfume and tosses it to the side, tears already streaming down his face, and then he’s letting go of his nose and sneezing so rapidly he has to hold on to the door frame to keep himself upright.
“Hhh– hpsh! hptsh! uh’HTSH! iiish’uu! ihh’HPTCH! htchsh–uh’htshsh–HPTCH’uu!” 
Jungkook cups one hand tightly around his mouth and nose and squashes the sneezes against his palm; he had learned long ago that trying to hold in his sneeze halfway like this results in very irritated sinuses and a lot of congestion. It works like a charm, and when he finally stops sneezing he’s out of breath and stuffed up and sniffly, nose swollen and red. 
“Holy shit,” Yoongi murmurs. His palms hurt from where he had been digging his fingernails into them. “Are you okay?”
“I’m great,” Jungkook grins, and he looks and sounds exactly like he has a cold.
The last thing he does is put on an oversized hoodie, pulling the hood up to cover most of his messy hair and tucking his hands into the long sleeves.
“It’s go-time,” he tells Yoongi, again a little too cheerfully, and then gives a loud, mostly forced cough into his hoodie-sleeve-covered hand before opening the bedroom door.
Everyone else is eating breakfast when Jungkook shuffles out into the kitchen, Yoongi right behind him. He sniffles emphatically and then plops into a chair, ignoring the way his stomach growls in hunger and dragging his sleeve under his nose.
“Gross,” Jimin says, passing him a napkin. “Use a tissue.”
A well-timed sneeze creeps up in the back of his nose, and Jungkook tries not to smile as he pulls in a slow breath of air through his nostrils to help it along. He grabs the napkin from Jimin, gasping loudly as the tickle takes over, and launches forward with the most vocal sneeze he can spit out. “Huh-EHH’ptchuu!” 
Jimin’s face pinches into a frown. He hands Jungkook another napkin. “Are you sick?”
“Aw, bless you, Jungkookie,” Hoseok says. “Did you catch a cold?” 
Namjoon is leaning across the table, eyebrows furrowed, and Yoongi watches in fascination as they all completely buy the lie that Jungkook is putting on.
“I might be coming down with something,” Jungkook says, scrubbing a finger under his nose. “I don’t feel very well.” 
On one side of him, Jimin scoots his chair away, and on his other side Taehyung leans closer and reaches over to pat Jungkook on the back. 
“Aw, Kookie,” Taehyung says. “You sound awful. You should go straight back to bed.”
Jungkook nods. “That’s what Yoongi-hyung said. I think maybe he’s right.” He sniffles wetly to punctuate his words, and all of them turn to look at Yoongi. 
“I’ll stay back and make sure he actually gets some rest today,” Yoongi says quickly, avoiding eye contact. “You all should get going– we don’t need anyone else getting sick.”
The others nod in agreement, and soon they’re all clearing out of the kitchen, getting ready to leave while sending Jungkook sympathetic glances every time he sneezes into his hoodie sleeve. They wish Jungkook well as they pull on their coats and shoes, promising to let him pick a movie later that night since he’s not feeling well, even though it’s not his turn. 
As soon as they’re all out the door, Jungkook turns to Yoongi, a wide smile spreading across his face.
“Okay,” he says, clapping his hands together. He sounds so congested Yoongi can barely understand him. “Let’s get started! This is gonna be the best surprise party ever, Hobi-hyung is gonna love it!” 
Yoongi shakes his head. “I can’t believe that just worked.” 
Jungkook is about to respond, but instead he ducks his head and sneezes into the crook of his elbow. “uh-HTSH’uu! Okay, I think I went a little overboard with the perfume,” he groans. “I actually might need some medicine.” 
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “You brought this upon yourself,” he laughs. Then, “I’ll grab an antihistamine. You grab the decorations. You’re right, Hoseokie is gonna love this.” 
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iskdndjxos · 9 months
AN: this is a short one but I’ll have the next one out soon thanks for liking babes. While this series is mostly self indulgent I’m glad to share it with the other newt girlies. Mwah
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Chapter 6:
POV y/n
"I won't be gone long darling."
I shook my head violently.
"You'll be okay I swear it, you can trust Minho."
I glanced at Minho, then back to Newt ,my face strained with worry. Minho decided to intervene.
"Look Greenie, I'm sorry I yelled at you, and dragged to the the pit….and threw you in,"
Very convincing.
"Look I'll get rid of all my weapons."
He said taking a pack off his back as well as a belt of tools.
"And you've got my knife still yeah? so now I should be scared of you."
I did feel better. I was armed now and he wasn't. The questions I had started to take over and convinced me to go with him. I gave newt
One last glance before nodding and following Minho outside.
"Alright she-bean, so you've seen the homestead, what's next?"
"Are you seriously asking me?"
He laughed as we walked. I followed a few paces behind him.
"Guess not.... you've got some sass greenie."
I wasn't sure what to say to that so I didn't respond. Minho pointed in various directions telling me the name of each building.
"Here's the farm. Say a prayer you don't have to work here, smells like klunk."
And it did. I almost gagged as we passed the pig pen. The cows were even worse.
"And right next door is the blood house. Pretty self explanatory. Pray you don't work there either."
"Then what job do I want?" I responded.
"Hmm well.... oh the gardens aren't bad. A little messy... less smelly though."
"Sounds great." I said sarcastically.
"Oh here's the med-jacks hut."
"Yeah I've been here already."
"I see that." He said casually pointing at my bandaged hand."
"You've met Clint then huh?"
"Yeah kinda...." I got shy thinking about how intimidating he was.
"Oh don't tell me your scared of him?! He wouldn't hurt a fly... seriously I wouldn't worry about him, he's almost too nice."
We passed the box were I had come from. I almost froze from the memory of it. I was distracted though by the giant walls that surrounded the glade.  I stopped walking.
"What's out there?"
"Oh that's the maze." He stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh shit. Oh shit."
"What?" I questioned further.
"I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Just pretend I didn't say anything."
"Minho you can't just do that to me. Why can't you tell me? What's the maze? Why can't we go out there? You were out the earlier though. What where you doing out there?"
"Woah, woah, That is exactly why I cant tell you, you ask too many questions. You'll find out eventually okay? I don't want to make your brain explode."
"Oh my god just answer me."
"Later, right now it's just about time for the bonfire."
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adoremp3 · 4 months
BIG YES to the no string birthday special! Please feed us queen
your wish is my command (and no judging, it was a very rough scene i wrote randomly one day lol) (and i included two paragraphs i started to set the scene but ignored bc i just wanted to get to the good stuff but......it gives you bg info kinda)
Deciding what to buy Harry for his birthday was an absolute nightmare. I mean, what does someone buy for someone that says “hey, we’re just friends, even though I’ve seen you naked countless times and heard you moan in a way that’s magic to my ears”? There isn’t exactly a card for that either.
Two glasses of wine in, though, my less than sober thoughts decide to spice things up a little. Harry is in the middle of explaining a project he’s working on for the company in Bath when I decide to rest my hand on his thigh—completely innocent, of course. 
“Harry, are you okay?” Gemma eventually asks, thankfully not noticing the way Harry is practically biting his fist and tightly grips his spoon.
“I’m—oh, thank God,” he tries to say, but it’s in this moment that I decide to tuck him back into his trousers; Gemma’s already begun to notice something is up with him, so I don’t want to push it too far. “I think I’m just—something isn’t sitting right. I need to… Sorry, excuse me.” He pushes his chair back, skillfully holding his napkin over his crotch in a way that still looks placed and a way to prevent his clothes from getting dirty but in actual fact is a way to hide his erection. 
Gemma looks at me curiously, though I’m trying my absolute hardest not to grin at the thought of Harry rushing to wank one off in a public bathroom. “I had the same as him and feel fine… Should I be worried?”
Unless Michal starts finger banging her under the table, Gemma will absolutely be fine. Instead, I stand up from the table as well and say, “I’m just gonna go check on him. Can’t have him feeling ill on his birthday, can we?”
She doesn’t look entirely convinced, but I still excuse myself and rush off to the toilets. I brace myself as I push open the male toilets in fear of finding a group of men wondering what the fuck is happening, but instead am greeted by the sounds of jagged breaths coming from one of the stalls. Definitely worrisome had someone other than myself walked in.
“Harry?” I call out, trying to work out which stall he’s in. 
“Oh, God. It’s you,” I hear, then one of the doors unlocks and Harry tries to pull me in.
It’s a tight fit in the stall, so I’m really not sure what Harry thinks this will achieve. “I don’t think this is made for two people.” 
“Well, maybe you should have scoped out the loo situation before you decided to wank me off under the table,” he exasperates, then grabs himself in one hand. “Now, care to finish what you started? Otherwise I’ll do it myself.”
“Someone’s a little bossy,” I tease, but grab his length nonetheless. “And what’s your plan of action when we eventually return after a long term of absence?”
“Again, something you should’ve thought about before deciding to get us into this mess.” Harry sounds bitter, but I just bite down on my lip to prevent a chuckle from escaping; I’m very amused by it all. “Speaking of, what was your plan if things, uh, got messy under the table?”
I shrug, slowly beginning to pump him. “Used your napkin?”
“Hospitality staff really should get paid more.” Harry’s breath hitches towards the end of his sentence as I pick up my pace and grip a little harder, while his free arm slides around my body and uses my ass as something to squeeze. “You know, when I wished for birthday sex, this really isn’t how I pictured it.”
“Who’s to say I still don’t have big plans for you later? Maybe this was all just a warm up.”
“I don’t think I can handle as many orgasms in one night as you can, Mabel,” he says, breathing heavily as his eyes flutter shut. “Okay, I’m getting close now. Please don’t stop.”
As Harry’s hips thrust into my hand, I pick up the pace even more. “Didn’t plan on it.”
Harry has pre-come leaking from his red, swollen tip and I know his end is near, but even more so as his free hand reaches across and starts to knead my breast. I know this is all about Harry, but there’s already a wet patch in my knickers and this certainly doesn’t help one bit—maybe I will have to remind Harry about those multiple orgasms again later tonight. 
“Oh, fuck,” he curses, eyes squeezed shut as he throws his head back against the wall. “I’m so close, Mabel. Don’t stop, don’t—”
We both pause as the door to the male toilets flies open, in walking two men discussing how sticky their meals were and how their napkins just aren’t cutting it. Fuck, we’re about to get caught. However, as long as they stay near the sinks and avoid the stalls, we should be good.
I let go of Harry’s cock in a panic, but Harry grabs my hand immediately. “Keep going,” he urges quietly so only I can hear him. “Ignore them, let me come, and then we can head home so I can fuck the daylights out of you.”
“And what did you say just before about multiple orgasms?” I tease in a hushed tone.
“Oh, shush.” Harry brushes me off. “Usually have a pre-date wank before we meet up, anyway—you know, so I can last longer and all that—but didn’t get a chance today. Guess it’s happening now, though.”
There’s something about the way Harry refers to us catching up as a date that sticks out to me, but I brush that thought away until a more appropriate time to let it consume me—it is already consuming me as I think about the idea of what an actual date with Harry would entail, but again, I try and push it to the back of my mind and focus on the situation before me.
We’re both surprised as one of the men makes their way into a stall one space from ours, praying he doesn’t sense there’s two people hiding inside. Harry, however, takes my hand in his and wraps my palm around his cock; he pumps himself at first, guiding me into a comfortable rhythm, before eventually letting go and squeezing his eyes shut as pleasure begins to override him. 
I can sense he’s about to tell me he’s close, but I know this much is obvious with the way he’s impossibly hard under my touch and gripping at the skin on my hip. The man finishes up in the stall and heads back to the mirrored area to wash his hands, but he’s barely out the door as Harry finally reaches his peak; he throws his head back, knocking it against the wall, and comes in ropes half in my hand and half in the toilet. 
“And those men thought they had sticky hands,” I comment, gesturing my head towards my come laced hand. 
Harry lets out a sigh of relief that it’s all over.
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A Strange Day - Chapter 1
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pairing: Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) x Reader
chapter rating: GA
word count: 2k
notes: it’s 2013 and the apocalypse has never happened, Sarah never died and Joel has a small coffee shop with her. the reader is in her middle 30s, Joel’s 46. Thank you @wednesdayday for the proofreading <333
summary: You decided that you needed a break from work and went on a holiday. You contemplated your decision once you got lost on the first day, but luckily a visit of the local coffee shop saved your day and more.
Chapter 1: Gates to Heaven / AO3
You’ve wandered around the city, feeling pretty lost. No, you actually were lost. This holiday was supposed to make you feel relaxed, take your mind off all the problems at home. Right now, you could trade any useless task your boss usually gives you for a direction to your hotel. When you passed the same coffee shop with pink walls for the second time during this hour, you quietly murmured fuck it to yourself and decided that it was a sign from above; a cup of coffee would surely make you more aware of your surrounding and you would find your way back.
You carefully opened the black door and the sweet smell of coffee welcomed you in. You took a look around and couldn’t help but smile a little; whoever was the owner of this place knew what they were doing; the walls were a soft shade of blue and there were paintings of coffee all around the place. Children's paintings of coffee in all its forms; a tiny cup of espresso with a small blue cookie next to it, neon pink frappuccino, a huge painting of tiny coffee beans randomly put on the paper… What made it even better were the plants hanging from the ceiling, creating a cozy natural look. This place was adorable.
You must have been frozen at the same spot for a while, before you heard someone in front of you clear their throat quietly. You shot your eyes up and found the barista staring at you behind the gray counter. You suddenly felt embarrassed; you must have looked crazy just staring around but you were sure that many people do when they first step in. You were mainly embarrassed because the barista was gorgeous.
He was wearing a green shirt, the first buttons opened, revealing his broad chest. His hair was dark and kinda messy, as if he was running his hand through it constantly. He had a beard going on, with his mustache being slightly more visible then the rest of it. What caught your attention the most were his eyes; they were so deep. You realized they were staring back at you and you could feel your cheeks getting warmer. Way to make myself look even weirder, you thought to yourself before you took a deep breath and forced your body to move. You slowly shuffled your feet to the counter, your eyes never left his.
“Hi,” you tried with a smile, now that you were closer you caught a glimpse of his name tag, “Joel”.
He, Joel, looked a little bit taken back by the fact that you were straight up using his name, but quickly recovered and returned your smile.
“Hello, what can I get you?” he asked and you had to remember why you went inside in the first place. Your eyes scanned the board behind him; the menu was hand written and you quickly decided to choose the first thing to save yourself any more embarrassment.
“I’ll have the cappuccino, please” you said and Joel nodded.
“Okay, can I get you anythin’ else?”
You went through your options in your head. Either you would be sitting here, with the knowledge that eventually you have to go back out and be lost again for hours, or you could ask the man for help. Given the fact that he probably already found you strange, you decided to go for the first option.
“No, but I would appreciate your help, though. You see, I came here, to this city, yesterday and today I wanted to go for a walk and somehow I got lost and now I cannot find my way back to the hotel and it’s getting late and I don’t know what to do and I don’t think–”
He chuckled at your rumbling and put his hand up gently to stop you. “You need directions to the hotel?”
You nodded slowly. What the hell was wrong with you today?
“Okay, so I’ll tell you what. I’m closin’ this place in about thirty minutes, I can take you to the hotel afterwards. You can wait here, drink your cappuccino and then we’ll get goin’. Sounds good?”
You stared at his proposal, not expecting him to be this kind. Joel stared at you with his dark eyes, waiting for your answer. For some reason, your brain wasn’t finished being weird that day just yet.
“Your place?”
He blinked at you, not expecting this to be the answer. “Yeah.. It’s mine, why?”
“Nothing, it’s cute,” just like you, you thought to yourself before stopping yourself and actually forcing to answer his question now.
“Thank you, Joel, that would be awesome, you’re so kind,” you smiled and offered your hand out. “Nice to meet you,” you said and introduced yourself, Joel catching your offered hand in his and smiling gently at you.
“Nice to meet you, too. Go get yourself comfortable, your coffee will be ready in a few,” Joel nodded in the direction of the small tables and went to work. You watched him for a second more than necessary, his back turned to you now as he was grabbing your mug.
Right, as comfortable as I can get making myself stupid in front of the most handsome men I’ve met here so far.  
Soon, you saw Joel coming to your table with your cappuccino and a small cupcake. It had a similar color like the walls of the coffee shop and a dark pink raspberry at the top. He put it on the table with a smile.
“Here’s your coffee and little somethin’ to go with it - I’m happy to feed a lost traveler,” he winked at you, his brown eyes twinkling for a second and before you could reply, he was on his way back to the counter.
You looked back on the table and chuckled to yourself. You were hungry, but somewhere between being lost for four to five hours you forgot about it completely. The coffee was too hot for you to drink straight away, so you grabbed the cupcake and took a bite; it was delicious. It tasted like white chocolate and had a raspberry filling inside, you closed your eyes and enjoyed it. When you opened them, you could see Joel watching you before he quickly looked away, pretending to clean the table across the room.
The time had passed as you watched the people on the street in front of the shop; your favorite thing to do. Not in a creepy way, but you always liked to imagine their lives; old people walking slowly together, fathers with their children, women in business suits crossing the streets fast, kids walking their dogs… You looked back at your table; your coffee cup was empty and the cupcake long gone. Before you could contemplate if there was a time for one more, Joel walked to your table.
“Everythin’ okay?”  he asked, looking pleased at the sight of your finished meal.
“Yes, more than okay - thank you so much for this, where can I pay?”
He shook his head and ran a hand through his hands, making it even messier than before - “You can’t - I mean - It’s fine. You had enough trouble for today, I’m glad it made your day better,” you didn’t have a chance to protest before he added “How about I put this in the dishwasher and we get goin’?”
“Seriously, I would be more than happy to pay but let’s have it your way, then. Thank you, sure!”
He nodded and turned to put the dishes in the dishwasher. He quickly grabbed his brown jacket from the hanger and opened the door for you, signaling that it’s time to go. You brushed past him and waited for him to lock the door.
“So, where are you stayin’?”
Oh, of course. You haven’t mentioned the name of the hotel yet, the fact that he decided to help you without even knowing how far he would have to walk you was even more surprising then.
“It’s called Prince's Fields and it has a park nearby, that’s all I remember unfortunately, I arrived yesterday evening.”
He laughed this time, throwing his head back and something inside of you felt warm.
“Sweetheart, there are parks everywhere,” you tried not to show how him calling you that made you feel and he continued “but lucky for you, my brother works at Prince’s Fields, so I know exactly where that is. Unlucky for you, it’s about a 30 minute walk, so you really were lost,” he finished and smiled brightly at you again.
“Oh, I can’t be bothering you for so long, just tell me the general direction and I’ll try my best,” you tried but he immediately shook his head.
“No way, it’s gettin’ dark and I don’t want you to be lost until the mornin’ - I live nearby anyway, so it’s not a huge deal, I swear,” Joel patted your shoulder and started walking.
You realized there’s no chance of him changing his mind and you quickly caught up with him, joining his pace. He asked you about where you were from and why you were traveling and you quickly gave him the whole story; you were overworked and looking for some rest, so you decided to book a last minute flight and get away from everything for two weeks. So far you haven’t found the rest, but you still had your whole holiday ahead of yourself and were trying to stay optimistic. After you were finished telling your story, you decided you might as well have the right to get to know something about Joel.
“So, how long have you had the coffee shop, was it like your dream?” you asked and looked at him and tried not to blush as your hand brushing his while walking - what were you, twelve?!
“No, not at all actually. I used to be a contractor and I guess there’s only a certain time you can do that for - well not for everyone, but my back went to shit,” Joel rolled his eyes and even though you felt sorry for him, you had to laugh a little and luckily he joined you. “Anyway, my friend used to own the place the coffee shop is at now and she offered me it; she could sell it but she was afraid that someone would turn it into an ugly thing and was too invested in it not to care. So, I took it from her and I’m paying her somethin’ each month - originally, I had no idea what to do it, but at the time, my daughter was finishin’ her baking course and was really into it, so I wanted her to make it into a bakery - then my back basically decided not to corporate with me anymore and she came up with the idea of our own coffee shop - and here we are,” he finished and threw his hands up in the air little bit to announce the end of the story.
“Wow, that’s amazing, Joel! I mean, I’m sorry for your back but it was good for something, wasn’t it?” He nodded and you continued. “The cupcake was made by your daughter?”
Joel smiled proudly “Yeah, Sarah, she works at the shop part time, she’s actually about to finish her university soon! I’m really excited for her.”
“That’s awesome,” you returned his smile and tried not to worry about what him having daughter could mean - but you didn't see any ring on his finger and what would it matter anyway, you soon would be parting ways and it was silly to think like that.
As if you could have predicted it at the moment, Joel waved his hand in front of him and stopped, “Here’s your hotel, we made it pretty fast, right?”
Yeah, you suppose so. Or the journey was just really fast because you enjoyed the conversation a little too much.
“We did, thank you, really,” you said and he patted your shoulder in a friendly way, copying his gesture from the beginning of the way to the hotel. You were thinking about the best way to say goodbye, not really wanting to. You both just stood there quietly for a while, before he cleared his throat.
“Look, you can absolutely say no, but would you mind giving me your number? I enjoyed our conversation and if you were interested, could I show you some of my favorite spots in the city? But seriously, feel free to say no-”
“Yeah, sure!” you said a little too excitedly and were already opening your phone, before passing it to Joel. For some reason, he looked as if he was shy at your phone and took it from your hand, your fingers brushing once again. After he typed his number in, he called  it and you could hear his phone ringing in his pocket.
He returned your phone and grinned at you. “So I guess I could call you tomorrow, I have someone comin’ to the shop so I’m free all day, is that alright?”
You thought about how lucky you were that you chose to wander into his shop today and not tomorrow and nodded “Yeah, I’d like that… Tomorrow then, Joel” you smiled and he returned your words to you with a smile, his dimple showing on his cheek, before going the same way you came from.
Tomorrow, you thought again, feeling like this holiday might be better than you thought.
next chapter
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charmspoint · 2 years
For drabble prompt, Satoru finds a heavily injured Suguru but they're on their own.
Drabbles 4 prompt 1!
Originally I was gonna make this Satosugu first years but i kinda blocked on that so grownups it is, hope you enjoy!
“Ah, Satoru, funny seeing you around here.”
If there was a god in this world, he must have been laughing his ass off. Satoru hadn’t heard Suguru’s voice for five long years. Not since that day in Shinjuku. Not since Suguru turned his back to him, saying killing him right there would have been a meaningful thing to do. Not since Satoru’s trembling hand fell down by his side because meaning or not he couldn’t send death through the heart of his best friend.
Suguru looked older, hair loose and messy, wrinkles already digging under his eyes and in the crooks of his lips even though they had barely stepped into their twenties. He was smiling. It was a wide, fake thing that Satoru hated as much as his heart could hate the one person it loved. Pain tinged the edges of Suguru’s smile. Despite his mirth he was leaning on to the nearby wall, leg chewed out almost beyond recognition. Blood drenched his idiotic monk get up and every word was mapped out by a long, labored breath that staggered from his lips. It was hard to see if there was any damage under his robes, but it was a real possibility.
Satoru couldn’t sense any additional cursed energy in the area.
He was sent there to exorcise a special grade.
Suguru was still smiling at him.
“I guess that curse is already down the hatch, huh?”
“I guess you are here to finish the job?”
It stung. Like a snake bite to the neck, sharp and filled with poison. If Satoru had wanted to find Suguru after Shinjuku, he could have done so easily. He knew Suguru’s cursed energy by heart and higher ups used every opportunity that presented itself to poke and prod at him, asking when he will stop slacking off on this particular task. Every sorcerer in the country had clearance to attack Geto Suguru, but it was the unspoken agreement that Satoru would be his eventual executioner. Even when he was only seventeen and still choking on grief. After all, it takes a special grade to end a special grade and this was Satoru's mess most of all.
“I’m supposed to.”
That was why he had been so adamant in trying to avoid him. So he wouldn’t have to stand here, with this decision swirling on his fingertips.
“You’ve become so dutiful.”
Spite broke over Satoru’s teeth and he wasn’t sure if it was directed at Suguru or the lineup of elders with one foot in the grave and still breathing down his neck.
“And apparently you got really shit at fighting.”
Suguru didn’t flinch when Satoru stepped closer, though he did lift his chin in challenge.
“Don’t think I’ll go down that easy. If it gave me this much trouble, just imagine what it'll give you."
His infinity flickered down on instinct when he reached for Suguru’s shoulder. He didn’t touch him, not yet, not when Suguru had his own infinity put up in the shape of his tense smile and his fingers slowly weaving into the right shape to birth horror into the world.
Suguru looked at him, looked at the hand hovering unsurely over the stained fabric, the distance between them uninterrupted.
His fingers curled into a smile and then into a laugh, a sharp sound that ripped through Satoru’s body, desecrated remains of a boy he once knew. When had everything about Suguru started seeming so twisted and wrong, as if viewed through a fun house glass.
“Satoru…you are still so naïve.”
“Don’t make me change my mind.”
His hand was on Suguru’s shoulder then and a world toppling second later they were no longer standing in the ruins of a battleground, but in front of the gilded temple Suguru now called his home. Teleportation hadn't made Satoru sick in quite some time but his stomach still twisted itself into knots.
“Ah, so you do know where it is.” Suguru was looking at him from the corner of his eye, smirk still hooked on the edge of his lip.
“You aren’t very subtle.”
“And still, you are yet to destroy it.”
He hated that look in Suguru’s eyes, that fox eyes cunning, like he was peeling Satoru apart one layer at the time and for some stupid reason Satoru let him. For some stupid reason Satoru just stood there and allowed this, even though he was strong, even though he was the strongest and there wasn’t supposed to be anything in the living world that could leave his tongue feeling so heavy and his heart beating so fast.
“I don’t want to destroy you.”
The surprise that flashed through Suguru’s heart hurt more than anything he could have said. As if he was expecting for Satoru to flip around as easily as he did, from his best friend to his worst enemy. He was probably right; Satoru was the illogical one here. He should have hated Suguru, for all he had done, for all he would doubtlessly keep on doing. Unchallenged and unopposed because the only person who could stop him avoided that duty in wide berth.
But as capable and talented as Satoru was, with all worldly blessings dripped into his eyes, the one thing he wasn’t able to do was hate Geto Suguru.
“Satoru…” Suguru started, eyes still so wide and dark and truthful.
Satoru didn’t let him finish.
Before Suguru spoke another word he flicked his fingers and teleported himself out of Suguru’s life once again.
11 notes · View notes
Paint water. Delicious. 👌 Hits the spot. Lol
Ahh clay work. I love that too. I did a lot of it in art class in secondary school. It was fun and messy. What kinda of things do you make ?
Now who’s the cleanly one now lol. I didn’t know a lump could last that long ? Was the water bottle made of glass ? Lol but yo dropped it again. Oh no! You good though ?
Jinkx monsoon they are so hilarious. An Amazing drag queen. Them and Bianca del Rio!! Hilarious. I will stop before I start naming all the queens I like. Lol please say you’ve seen rupauls dragrace?
Hopefully it all goes well!! And you get a few paragraphs or sentence done.
I haven’t seen stranger things… it’s in my watchlist. Though I do know who Winona Ryder!! Fabulous!
I’m right for one of Sarah Paulson characters Cordelia Goode! THE SUPREME! Love her!!
I’m sorry, hopefully your brain comes up with something and you are able to write something soon! I’ll send my ability to write through the ask. I’m sure something will eventually come to you.
i just make random stuff, haven’t done it in a while but i did make a cute little mushroom house for incense cones and the smoke comes out the chimney lmao
it’s literally a plastic water bottle lmao, it’s hard plastic though - a reusable one like. but I also didn’t know a lump could last that long idk lmao
yesssss bianca del rio - i’ve seen most of it but i haven’t watched the last few seasons or the uk one oopsie
stranger things is so gooooodd WINONA IS AMAZING I LOVE HER
i am stealing your writing power through the internet right now
0 notes
actiniumwrites · 2 years
synopsis: heizou offers you a deal to go on an investigation with him, and given that you have feelings for him, you agree. you, unfortunately, didn’t anticipate how long and emotional this investigation was actually going to turn out to be.
wc : 5.6k
characters: heizou x reader
warnings : fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, kinda slow burn ?, mutual pining, heizou is kinda mean, kinda rivals to lovers, idiots in love, written pre-heizou release (possibly ooc), lots of cussing
a/n: at the time this is released, we only have heizou’s splash art and some voice lines or little things from the game about him so i had very limited material to characterize him with. that being said, i apologize if he ends up being ooc from what he’s like in the game when he’s officially released !!
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It was a rather normal, and if you were being quite honest, boring day at the Yashiro Commission today. As a detective, you’d think you would be out doing things like solving huge cases with long chases and impossible puzzles to crack, but those were the kinds of things you dreamed of as you read those fictional mystery books as a child. 
You remembered them fondly as you sat in the courtyard of the Kamisato Estate, the books you read as a child. Your brain was filled with various tales of detectives of all kinds and the adventures they went on soon made their way into your dreams at night. And those dreams at night eventually became your goals, to become a real detective- 
“Uh, y/n-” 
“Oh- Thoma!” you jumped at the sight of the Kamisato’s housekeeper. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you, I swear!” He exclaimed. 
“No, it’s okay, Thoma, really!” You waved your hands around, “I was just lost in thought.” 
“Uh anyway, I just came to check on you, you normally would’ve been out working right now so I found it a bit odd to find you sitting out here so late in the day,” he explained. 
“Today’s just been really slow, there hasn’t been much to investigate around here recently. I’m not really sure if that’s a good or bad thing now that I think about it,” you reached up to scratch behind your neck. 
But just as your nerves were beginning to calm, a guard came rushing in through the front gates, “Detective y/n, a letter has just been dropped off for you, the deliverer expressed that the sender requests you open it immediately upon receival.” 
“A letter? Strange…” You mumbled as you fiddled with the firm paper of the envelope. 
“This seems kind of urgent, I’ll see you later, y/n!” Thoma said as he entered back into the Estate’s interior. 
“Bye, Thoma!” You called out as you waved goodbye. 
Finally opening the letter, you unfolded the faded and wrinkled piece of paper inside. The handwriting seemed awfully messy and nearly impossible to read, you felt lucky to have been so experienced in handwriting analysis. 
Reading over it, the letter was anonymous, but you had a good idea of who it had been. The mysterious sender had requested you meet them down in Ritou at sunset, but since you had nothing to do, you set off early. 
When you arrived down in Ritou about an hour later, you weren’t shocked to see the red haired detective from the Tenryou Commission. Yet, you couldn’t lie, your heart felt as though it skipped a beat when you saw the way the light was hitting the side of his face, perfectly illuminating all his features. 
“I thought I told you to come at sunset,” Heizou spoke, not turning to face you. 
“I know, but work’s been slow today so I just came early,” You explained.
“Aw, couldn’t wait to see me?” 
“Shut up, Heizou, you’re the one that asked me to come here,” You snapped back.
It was true though, you did come here for him. Normally you would’ve been suspicious of a letter like the one he sent you. Who wouldn’t? Faded and old looking paper with a strange request to meet someone anonymous, but you knew exactly who it was from. Even though you were from rival commissions, you could never ignore him. 
“I’ll get right to the point, normally I wouldn’t ask this of someone of lesser status and value than me, but I need your help,” he spoke with a serious tone. 
You could tell he looked almost nervous. It was obvious he didn’t want to ask you for help and it was seriously damaging his pride, it almost made you want to laugh. 
“Help with what exactly?” You questioned. 
“I thought you were supposed to be smart?” He mocked, “We’re both detectives, are we not? Shouldn’t it be obvious I need your help with a case?” 
“Guess I’m just shocked you’d even ask me for help.” 
“Here’s the thing, this case is a bit different,” he began, “Here in Ritou, there’s been strange sightings of people going in and out of the docks, foreigners to be specific.” 
“What’s so strange about these foreigners? The ban was lifted a while ago so what’s the issue here?” 
“If you would actually shut up and listen, you wouldn’t have to ask such stupid questions,” he rolled his eyes at you, “As I was saying, these foreigners appear to be from Sumeru, or at least coming from Sumeru. That’s where you come in.” 
“Let me guess, you want me to help you because I studied at the academia in Sumeru and you need my knowledge?” 
“Bingo,” he said as he threw finger guns at you, “I’ll make you a deal.” 
“What kind of deal?” 
“I don’t know, we can work that out after we solve the case, “ he said as he leaned against the wall behind him, “If you help me solve the case, then I’ll do something for you. But get in my way or mess it up, then you get nothing.” 
“Fine, I’ll help you.” 
You didn’t need the deal to accept his offer. Truthfully, you’d already made up your mind to help him the moment he had asked. The thing is, you’ve had a major crush on Heizou for a long time. Even though he belonged to the Tenryou Commission, you’d always admired him. 
Sure, a lot of people in Inazuma greatly disliked him, but you? You were the outlier. 
He’d intrigued you since the day you met him. You weren’t sure if it was his odd clothes for a detective or something simpler like his red hair or bright green eyes. Perhaps it was his cocky personality that a lot of people hated, but you didn’t care. Annoying as he could be, you liked him as he was. 
Every time you were around him, your heart would beat faster, similar to the way it was beating now. You would feel a little more flustered and stutter over your words. You were shocked that for being such a great detective, he’d never noticed it. 
It wouldn’t be until three days later that you would be meeting back up with Heizou again. He said that he needed to get a bit more information before finally debriefing you and getting you caught up. He also called you slow but you chose to ignore that part. 
He’d told you all the details of the case: criminals appearing to have been from Sumeru, suspected to be a more elite kind of treasure hoarders, have somehow been illegally bypassing the Outlanders Affairs Agency at the docks of Ritou. The problem is, they’re using tactics from Sumeru and are suspected to have been smuggling in illegal technology. 
He explained that he needed your expertise from the academia in order to understand how they’re getting in and what kinds of tech they may be bringing in. 
“Okay, I think I understand the case now, “ You told him as you flipped through various pages of notes and documents from the case, “Hey, how long has this been going on again?” 
“About a month I think?” 
“How has this passed by for a month and no one has noticed?” you questioned. 
“I don’t know, probably because ninety-nine percent of the population of Inazuma are dumb people.” 
“Archons, Heizou. Not everyone is gonna be as smart as we are.” 
He laughed, “Don’t flatter yourself, you know you’re not as smart as I am.” 
You didn’t return his laugh, instead choosing to stare down at the file you were holding to tune out his insults, “C’mon, let’s just get to working on this case.” 
“You’re no fun, but fine, we’ll stake out at 1:00 am tonight down at the docks. Be late and I’ll make sure you lose your job.” 
The next day you were exhausted, though there hadn’t been much going on with work recently, you felt all the exhaustion from previous cases beginning to settle in. And staying up all night watching for the suspects was not making things any better for you. 
“Morning, sunshine,” a voice from behind you called out. 
“Why are you up so early, Heizou?” You groaned as you took another sip of your coffee before resting your head back down on the courtyard table.
“Well, I was gonna go to sleep but then I figured we should probably get back on this case so I can stop having to hang around you.” 
“Can’t you ever say something remotely nice?” 
He put his hands up in surrender before joining you at your table, “I’m just being honest.” 
He set his files down and began spreading them out in front of the two of you while you quickly finished your coffee and called one of the staff members over to take the cup back inside for you. 
“Do you have the photos from your kamera?” he asked, nodding toward your bag. 
“Uh yeah, let me go grab them really quickly, they’re inside,” You said standing up from the table. 
Turning around to walk back into the Estate, you nearly tripped out of embarrassment. You cursed Heizou in your head for showing up so early. 
As you got inside, you walked around the corner before grabbing the photos you had placed in an envelope and bin for safe keeping. You counted them to make sure they were all there before gently sliding them back in their envelope and heading toward the door. You didn’t, of course, forget to check how you looked in the mirror before heading back out. 
“Archons, how long does it take you to grab some photos?” Heizou yelled out to you. 
“Sorry,” You mumbled, though in reality, you had only been gone for around 3 minutes. Heizou was just impatient. 
Spreading out the photos, you organized them by people, objects, and anything else that may be suspicious. 
“Hey, does this symbol look familiar to you at all?” Heizou questioned while holding up the photo directly in your face. Rolling your eyes at his brashness, you pushed it back a bit before inspecting it for yourself
The photo was a picture of a crate and it appeared to have a strange symbol on its lid. 
“Yeah, actually it does,” You squinted your eyes trying to get a better look at the rather low quality photograph, “We studied a lot of symbols at the academia, but that’s not a Sumeru symbol, it’s from Fontaine.” 
“Fontaine, huh?” He glanced at the photo before cocking his head to look at you like a curious child, “You think these guys are from Fontaine?” 
“Looking at the other photos, I think it’s likely,” you said before meeting his bright green eyes, “The symbol on the crate belongs to a manufacturing company based in Fontaine. While that may not seem important, that company actually doesn’t source its products to other nations.” 
“How do you know it then?” He interrogated as he rested his head on one of his hands while leaning closer to your face and squinting his eyes. 
“We got lucky that someone had donated them to the academia. They lived in Fontaine before moving to Sumeru, they actually taught us a lot about Fontaine’s inventions and high-tech manufacturing equipment. The stuff in these photos actually looks very similar to that equipment.” 
“Interesting,” He mumbled while sliding back against his chair and away from you, “So they’re criminals from Fontaine, not Sumeru. That makes a lot more sense.” 
“Still, these guys are obviously using Sumeru academia tactics in order to bypass the Outlanders Affairs Agency and smuggle their stuff in,” you commented, “there’s also the fact that we still don’t know what they’re bringing in.” 
“Alright, then it’s settled,” Heizou announced as he jumped up from his chair and messily grabbed his things, carelessly shoving them into his bag, “We’ll go back to the docks early tomorrow morning before the sun rises and see if we can get a hold of one of their crates.” 
You could barely see where you were walking as you and Heizou carefully approached the docks. It was around 4 am and not a single person was in sight. You lightly shivered as the wind picked up a bit and you noted how empty it seemed to be. 
“Heizou,” you whispered out, “It’s really empty around here, do you think they moved everything?” 
“No, there’s no way.” 
You didn’t get much time to actually have a look around before Heizou was pulling you down by the arm. You nearly crashed into his chest as you both sat with your backs against one of the wooden stalls that were stationed near the front of the docks and closer to Ritou’s entrance. 
You stared at him with wide eyes trying to telepathically ask what was wrong. He held up a single finger to his lips in response, signaling for you to be quiet. Then, he pointed to his left with a smirk. 
You craned your head up as an attempt to see what was going on. You squinted your eyes trying to get a better look at what appeared to be two men talking in a hushed tone, flashlights searching through the parked boats. 
As you observed them, you noticed their expensive looking outfits, ones that seemed far more modern than any other nation. ‘Definitely Fontaine,’ you thought to yourself. 
“Should we leave?” you whispered to Heizou as you turned back to him. 
“Not yet, we need to see what they’re doing,” he said eagerly. 
The two of you carefully shuffled your position so you both could remain hidden but also giving you the viewpoint to observe the men. They appeared to be picking up the crates and moving them onto some sort of metal cart. A third man appeared every so often to take the filled cart with the crates and then bring it back empty. It was repetitive, but they were clearly taking things to another location. 
With that you had your next clue to solving this case, now you just needed to find out where the criminals were taking the goods. 
The following few days were a lot less exciting, the two of you had just spent all your time reviewing photos, files, documents, interviews with witnesses, etc. The only change of pace you got was that you were now working at an outdoor table at the Tenryou Commission headquarters instead of an outdoor table at the Yashiro Commission headquarters. 
It felt like things were becoming slow. You could tell Heizou was becoming antsy too, more so than he normally was. You just needed a breakthrough. 
“Why is it so goddamn hard to find this stupid ass warehouse?” Heizou spat out as he stood abruptly from the table, slamming his hands down. 
“Careful!” you grabbed the files from under his hands, “You can’t damage our evidence just because you’re upset over the case.” 
“I can do what I want, thanks.”
“Not really, this is our evidence and quite literally the only things we have for this case. How are we supposed to solve it if you ruin all of it?” 
Heizou crossed his arms, “I don’t know, you can figure that out for yourself.”
“What, are you leaving me to work on this case all by myself now?” you joked. 
“Maybe I will.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“I would.” 
A third voice joined in, “Break it up you two, this is rather unprofessional of the two of you.” 
The two of you jumped back, you hadn’t realized how close you had gotten to his face. Too focused on not breaking the staring contest. So focused, you also missed the faint shade of red that now painted Heizou’s face. 
“Ah, Kujou Sara.” 
“Heizou.” the general greeted back, “How’s the case coming along? I’d hope the two of you are making good progress seeing how long this is taking.” 
“It’s been a little slow recently, things were really coming together in the start but now we’re just stuck,” you answered. 
“How so?” 
“Ah, ah, ah!” Heizou cut you off, “This is our case, Madame Kujou. You can know the details when we’re done with it.” 
“That is no way to speak to someone of higher power than you, Mr. Shikanoin,” Sara snapped back, “I’ll have you know that I can have your position as ‘detective’ revoked shall I see fit.” 
“Whatever, you guys need me and you know it,” he shot back rather arrogantly. 
You held a hand to your face to hide the small laugh that nearly left your lips, you had found it quite amusing to see him put in his place. Though you had quickly regained your composure once she glanced at you.
“I apologize, Madame Kujou,” you spoke hesitantly, still wary around anyone from the Tenryou Commission, “We really do need to get back to this case though.” 
“Alright, I’ll be taking my leave then,” she turned around but stopped in her tracks, not bothering to turn around to face you, “Please keep Heizou in check, the last thing this commission needs is him screwing up even more that he already has.” 
“I’ll try my best,” you called out to her. 
As she left, the two of you got back to viewing the evidence. And though only an hour and a half had passed, it felt like it had been hours. Your head was practically slipping out of your hands as your eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier by the second while Heizou looked like he was about to pass out on the table. 
“Can’t we just call it a night?” Heizou yawned as he complained. 
As tired as you felt, you ignored him as you looked closer at the photo in front of you, “What the hell?” 
“What?” Heizou leaned back up in his chair suddenly feeling more awake, arms now crossed and leaning forward as he got up to stand over your sitting form. 
You felt a little flustered at the action but kept your composure nevertheless, “Um- I think,” 
“Why the hell are you stuttering?” He cut you off. 
“I’m not,” you couldn’t even look him in the eye, “just- look at this photo.” 
You handed him the photo and he examined it carefully before tossing it back on to the table, “I don’t see anything special about it.” 
“Don’t you recognize that symbol right there?” you pointed. 
“Yeah, it’s the Kanjou Commission’s symbol, what’s so special about that?” 
“Heizou, this whole thing has been happening down in Ritou where the Kanjou Commission is stationed. If their symbol is on all of the crates and the strange building in this photo, then do you know what that means?” You said as you smiled at him, excited to finally have made a breakthrough. 
“That the warehouse they’re storing everything at belongs to the Kanjou Commission. How else would everything be getting past unnoticed? Dammit it’s been right in front of us the whole time!,” He answered quickly, a cocky smile now plastered on his face, “We’ve gotta get down there.” 
“Wait, Heizou,” you grabbed his hand as he got up, “Shouldn’t we come up with a plan or something?” 
He looked down at your hand holding onto his for a brief moment before dropping it, however he felt about your hand holding onto his, he wasn’t showing it. 
“We don’t have time to sit around and wait, we’ve been stuck on this for days, who knows how far they’ve already gotten?” He stated, “Besides, we can come up with a plan once we get there!” 
“Archons, I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this,” you muttered as you picked everything up off the table. 
Heizou had already begun leaving though and before you knew it, you were off to Ritou to visit that very building that belonged to the Kanjou Commission. 
When you arrived back in Ritou about an hour later, you and Heizou had begun looking for the warehouse. Ritou was small, but wherever this warehouse was, it was hidden pretty damn well.
“We’ve nearly searched the whole island, where the hell is this damn warehouse?” Heizou groaned rather dramatically. 
“Well we know it has to be here somewhere because it belongs to the Kanjou Commission’s headquarters which is stationed here.” 
“Yeah, no shit,” he snapped back. 
The exhaustion from 2 hours ago was beginning to set in again. Not being able to find the warehouse was bringing down the both of your guys’ adrenaline rushes from finally making progress in the case. Now you both were just crashing. 
“What if we just come back tomorrow when it’s actually bright outside? Then we can come back later tomorrow night and check it out,” you suggested. 
He was quick to shut you down though, “No, we’re not doing that. You heard that stupid general, we have to speed this case up.” 
“Didn’t think you were one to follow rules.” 
“I’m not, you should know that by now,” he was getting really snarky with you now, “I’m not trying to lose my job, if you want to go back, go ahead. I can do this without you.” 
“So you really invited me to help you with this case and now you’re throwing me out?” you retorted back, “and when did you start caring about the Tenryou Commission so much anyway?”
“Woah woah woah, I did not ‘invite’ you to this case, I was practically forced to because I don’t know shit about Sumeru!” 
“So what, you were just using me then? I thought we had a deal, Heizou?” 
“If that’s how you see it, then yeah, I guess I was just using you, not like you provided much help anyway,” his voice was rising louder and louder with each word.
“I haven’t provided you any help?!” You exclaimed, now frustrated with him, “Which one of us knew about the equipment? Which one of us knows what systems they’re using? And which one of us realized where this goddamn warehouse is actually located and who it belongs to?” 
“All of that is practically useless! Don’t you understand, y/n? We haven’t found shit, all you’ve given me was information I probably could’ve found in books or from people on the island. And we haven’t even found this stupid ass warehouse, you just figured out the Kanjou Commission is involved because of their logo!” 
You were silent as he kept yelling. 
“Do you even realize how stupid you are? I mean really, I don’t think you even deserved to study at the academia in Sumeru.” 
Just as you thought he would stop, he just kept going, “You don’t deserve your position as a detective, you know that? Archons, I can’t even believe I even asked for your help. What a waste of time.” 
Not being able to look him in the eye, all you could do was stare down at the floor at your feet. His words felt like a dagger piercing through your heart and it hurt, so much so that you began to feel hot tears pooling in your eyes. 
You wanted to say something, anything. You wanted to tell him he was wrong, that you were helpful and that you did deserve to be a detective, but no words would leave your mouth. 
His face was filled with shock as you finally tilted your head back up to look at him, but he quickly recovered his uncaring facade and spoke one last thing to you that night:
“Just go home.” 
The next morning you didn’t go into work. You were too paranoid you might run into Heizou or Kujou Sara or anyone else that may question you about the case. All you could think of were the words Heizou screamed at you last night and you suddenly felt insecure again. 
Every time they would ring out in your head you felt like crying again. Small tears would start to form in your eyes and your stomach would begin to ache all over again, just like the way it did last night. 
You hated that you felt like this, but even more, you hated that you still held feelings for him. And because of that, you blamed yourself. 
Was he really right about all the things he said? 
That very question just kept echoing over and over again in your head until you began to believe everything he had told you. 
It was ironic, you thought as you sat on the small steps outside your home, the clouds outside were a dark and gloomy gray. It was like you were out of one of those silly books you read as a kid. Like one of those scenes where the main character cries on their porch because someone upset them or their day went everything but right. Your inner child couldn’t help but laugh at the irony that it was now you sitting on the porch instead of some fictional character. 
And you hadn’t realized it, but the past two weeks you had spent working on this case with Heizou had provided you with a lot of adrenaline, it sparked something inside you. 
It was different from your other cases. As much as he liked to trash on you, you never really got upset about it. Working with him was exhilarating and you were happy to even be spending time around him. It never felt awkward, and as weird as your dynamic may have been, it felt natural being around him. 
But that was just one more thing to add to the list of things that now made you upset. You thought that you may never see him again, that the two of you will probably part ways and avoid each other for a long time. 
All that thought did was just bring more tears to your eyes as you once again rested your head on your knees outside below the now darkening sky, brainstorming all the ways you could fix what had happened between you two. 
Walking down to the Tenryou Commission, you nearly bumped into a lot of people. 
“Hey, watch where you’re going!” 
“Sorry!” You apologized. 
You looked rather disheveled and you knew Ayato would probably get on you for it later once he heard about all the citizens who complained about an ‘emotional looking detective running through the streets of Inazuma City’. 
You stopped at the gates once you arrived and suddenly you felt more nervous than you ever had in your life. So nervous you even contemplated going home and just wrapping back up in your blankets and crying again. 
“Detective Y/n?” 
Shit! you thought as you turned around slowly. 
“Detective, are you alright?” 
“Madame Kujou! I uh- I’m fine,” you practically stuttered out, “Is um- is Heizou here?” 
Sara tilted her head to the side in confusion as she looked at you strangely, “Mr. Shikanoin is here, yes. I thought you should know that, didn’t you guys finish the case together early this morning?” 
Huh? Finished the case? 
“Uh-I was just double checking something! We have to wrap up some reports, you know how it is!” you quickly made up an excuse, “Is it okay if I go in and talk to him?” 
“Of course, just let the guards know I said to let you in,” she said as she walked off, still confused at the sight of you but stoic nevertheless. 
You walked into the building practically shaking from all your built up nerves. 
“Y/n?” A voice you knew all too well called out.
Your stomach dropped and you felt as though you had lost any confidence you had as his voice rang out, but nevertheless, you turned to your left to meet his eyes. 
“Heizou, I um…” you started, “I’m really sorry.” 
You looked down at the floor, cursing yourself as your hands started shaking. 
Though you were barely holding your composure, you continued while still staring down at your shoes, “You were right and I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your way and I know that I’m not that smart! And you were right that I probably didn’t deserve to study at the academia and I don’t even deserve to call myself a detec-” 
You were cut off by two arms suddenly embracing you with such force that nearly caused you to fall over. 
“Don’t say those things about yourself, you shouldn’t be the one apologizing,” Heizou spoke gently, contrasting his normal arrogant tone, his voice muffled by his head being tucked into your neck. He hated how dejected you looked right now, but hated himself even more because he knew he was the one to blame for all of this.
You stayed quiet, but sniffled softly, arms now wrapped around him too as he continued, “You never got in my way and I don’t regret asking you to help me with this case. And if we’re going to be honest here, I never actually needed your help with this case. I asked you out of selfish personal reasons.” 
“What?” You breathed out with a whisper. 
“Why do you think I kept coming back early to help with the case?” 
“I thought you said you wanted to get it over with so you wouldn’t have to see me again?” you said as you leaned back to look him in the eyes while still holding onto him. 
He felt a pang in his chest as he looked at your now tear stained face, “I was lying, I kept showing up early because I wanted to spend more time on the case with you.” 
Now it was his turn to look down at the floor as he released you from his arms, it took a lot out of him to bite his own pride and admit all of this to you.
“Why did you say all those things to me then?” 
“I never wanted to hurt you, I swear. But I also didn’t want you to figure out that I liked you,” he admitted. 
“And what about the things you said last night?” 
“I was exhausted, we both were. I was also just frustrated that we couldn’t find anything and that Sara was getting on our asses about the case. Believe me when I say that I didn’t mean any of that.” 
“One more question, Sara said that we completed the case, what did she mean by that?” 
“After I told you to leave last night, I finished the case. I found the warehouse and I was able to successfully obtain one of the crates and bring it back before sunrise. Turns out it belonged to one of the Kanjou Commission guards just like you suspected. He was providing all the information to the criminals.” 
He paused before continuing, “It also turns out that that dumbass guard had previously studied books on the academia and even spent some time in Sumeru. It’s how he helped them implement their Sumeru and Fontaine tactics to bypass all the enforcers down at the docks. They made the arrest and raided the warehouse this morning.” 
“What are we gonna do now?” You asked him. Truthfully, you didn’t want it to be over just yet and you were hoping he felt the same. 
“Well we had a deal right?” he gently smiled at you. 
“Huh? I thought you called that off since you told me I didn’t help you?” 
“I also told you not to take anything I said seriously, so the deal is still on and you get whatever you want.” 
You stared at him nervously, it was a lot of pressure. You could ask for anything, and your silence was only making him nervous too. 
“I know we’re from different Commissions and all, but I like to think that we worked pretty well together,” You spoke hesitantly, scared he would decline what you were about to suggest, “That being said, Heizou, do you think we could be partners more often?” 
He was shocked, but you kept going, “If I’m being honest, I don’t want this to be over. I’ve had a lot of fun this past week and I don’t want to see it end. But only if that’s okay with you, of course!” 
“I don’t want it to be over either, so yeah, I’ll be your partner,” he spoke but not before meeting your eyes with that mischievous smile of his, “On one condition, though!” 
He shushed you quickly before walking closer to you and leaning in to meet your eyes, “You have to go on a date with me.” 
You smiled softly as you gazed into his eyes, “Of course I’ll go on a date with you. Didn’t you know I have feelings for you?” 
His smile dropped, “You have feelings for me?!” 
“You didn’t know! I thought you were some great detective?” 
The two of you stared at each other for a brief moment before bursting out laughing together, nearly falling to the floor as you clutched your stomachs at how stupid you both were, especially for having the reputation of the two best detectives in all of Inazuma. 
Slowing down his laughter, he returned your soft smile from earlier with one of his own, “All jokes aside, are you free on Friday?” 
“I do believe I am,” you spoke with a jokingly proper accent, “So Mr. Shikanoin, where do you plan to take me?” 
“You can find that out on Friday,” he rolled his eyes yet a smile remained plastered on his face. 
“Then I guess I’ll see you Friday.” 
Needless to say, neither of you could stop smiling after that, eager for Friday to come sooner.
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Chapter 6 Thoughts
Finally finished chapter 6 after a busy weekend 😩 I'm planning to make a more well-thought out post regarding certain aspects of ch6 later, but for now, I want to list down everything I love about this update and probably the whole chapter overall. It also serves to answer a few asks in my inbox all at once HAHAHAHA This post is gonna be very messy, just to let you know, but I’ll write something more comprehensive eventually. 
EN players and JP players who have yet to pass the time gates, I advise you to scroll past this post or read at your own discretion. This contains spoilers for Chapter 6 and alludes to other events not released in the EN version.
Firstly, about the gameplay, I may be in the minority for saying this, but I really like that they limit your cards and leave you without a support for 6-66 and 67. Main story was always easy on the battles, so learning about buddies, stats, etc about the different cards was always seen as a tests/exams thing with the only rewards there being madol/thaumarks and exam coins, so most people didn’t super care about it. As someone who really levels up the cards to get higher scores in the tests, it was really gratifying to see all that hard work finally paying off in main story. Lowkey gave me a power trip on everyone else struggling to bypass the battles 😂 
Ngl at first, I thought we were supposed to clear all the points 😭 so I didn’t care about getting the right box until I clicked a box that cleared the chapter before I cleared the other points. I wish I didn’t know about it because it definitely made clicking on boxes less irritating hfhjhjsghkhjkgsdg
I absolutely love how we get to see character development of the OB boys?? It's something that I was really hoping for in ch6 since the boys are taken to an unfamiliar place.
Regarding that, I do like how NRC boys could just . talk about other things while in dangerous situations HAHAHA it was like this too in Halloween 2 😭 when there's nothing happening, they somehow get into conversations, like,, how LMAO most media would have their characters talk something about the situation or remain quiet. But these boys are really chatty and talk like the world is not about to get reseted or something
Starting with Pomefiore, the revelation about Rook being from Savanaclaw originally was a bomb I didn't expect but wasn't surprised about. I think it was more common to hear about it in 2020, but a lot of people were curious about Rook and Leona's relationship with each other. They mainly noted that Rook pursues Leona and the latter expresses much disdain for him. Then there was also the fact that Rook and Leona (and Ruggie) hailed from the same country. While country doesn't necessarily determine what dorm you'll be sorted in (see: all Shaftlands/Pyroxene boys in three different dorms), it did make people curious back then. So I do like that TWST (unintentionally) answered those speculations
AND LONG HAIRED FIRST YEAR ROOK IS ACTUALLY CANON,,, all long haired Rook artists and lovers rejoice for your headcanons and wishes are now canon. Now we wait for Lilia /hj
I do like though that Rook in his first year was kinda meh about his own appearance mostly because I was the same when I was around 15-16. Like, why do I have to care about the clothes I wear as long as I'm comfy in them? 🤡 Maybe the shirt looks kiddy but I mean, it shouldn't matter so much 😭 But it really is worth beautifying your wardrobe and learning to value your own beauty just as much as you value others. It makes me happy to see a bit of myself in Rook.
Vil seems a lot more expressive now than he was in chapter 5 🥺 I think it might be because he has to keep up the image of being a leader figure in VDC, but he feels much more approachable with how he doesn't seem to care as much about looking professional.
There was one part where Vil and Rook would tell Epel to stand back, and obvs Epel at first took this as “are you saying I’m weak?” But then Vil and Rook said it’s because they trust him to have their backs, and it’s like 😭 FUCK THAT’S SO CUTE,,,, THE WAY THAT THIS SHOWS EPEL’S GROWTH BECAUSE NOW HE CAN BE RELIED ON BY HIS SENIORS........ I think this is also a cute allusion to Dorm Vil’s and Dorm Rook’s buddies, specifically the fact that they both have Epel as a buddy— Dorm Vil has Epel giving him an ATK M boost, while Dorm Rook has Epel giving him a HP M boost. Notice how it’s an M (medium) boost and not an S (small) boost 😭 they really can trust Epel by that much,,,
Now for Leona and Jamil, hooooo boy, I really like this one and do wish to discuss this in depth in another post because Leona essentially humbled Jamil brutally. Jamil was trying to protect Leona because he’s a prince and all, but at some point, he got pissed off at Jamil for getting in the way. I love how Leona pretty much compared Jamil to Riddle and Azul, saying that the latter two are in a much different league than Jamil. Riddle has book smarts and amazing magical power, not to mention a killer UM, and Azul is quick on his feet and works really hard to get to where he is now, but Jamil just goes "if only I could use my full potential" while blaming others for his setbacks. He even points out that Kalim has something that Jamil doesn’t, which is money (much to Jamil’s surprise). Sure, he isn’t the smartest, but he’s generous, and he’s going to inherit a very successful business
Then he points out that Ruggie and Jack know when to listen to him to survive. Ruggie obvs follows Leona because it’s his best chance at surviving in NRC, and Jack, while strong, is young so he knows when to listen to older people such as Leona
I just like that the overall lesson he’s telling Jamil is that he isn’t the strongest person, and he needs to know when he isn’t the strongest, and he shouldn’t blame others for his setbacks. It’s essential for Jamil’s growth, but it also shows Leona’s own growth, considering that what Lilia said to Leona back in ch2 that triggered his overblot was also along the lines of Leona being slothful but blaming others for everything wrong that happens.
While it gets annoying to get the wrong box in 6-66 (and 6-67), I found the boxes where Leona just opens all of a sudden and Jamil going “what the FUCK are you DOING LEONA” really really funny like 😂
Now hoooo boy I LOVE AZUL AND RIDDLE'S INTERACTIONS SO MUCH;;;;;; I'm biased because I tunnel vision for Azul and Riddle is top 2 for me, but the way that both of them were written in this chapter is so chef’s kisses
I really like the way Riddle was written. He still has that sort of “I’m right, so you need to follow me” mindset and I like that because it shows that while he is making the effort to change, his personality at his core is solid enough that it’s not going to change that much. While his lacking knowledge regarding social cues is already a bit obvious when inferring from his upbringing, it’s really emphasized in 6-66, particularly when Azul was angry about being told to ‘stand back’ and said something like “hey I know someone like me who shifts from 2nd to 10th place in rankings can’t be seen as a rival b u t” and he wanted to be seen as equals but Riddle took that literally,, , and then he’s like “oh so you’re trying to compete with me?!” 
Eventually he clarified in 6-67 as to why he doesn’t want Azul to get hurt which,,, IS HONESTLY SO CUTE ?? ?/ LIKE ,, SURE IT’S BECAUSE HE’D END UP PROBABLY BREAKING THE LAW TO GIVE TREATMENT TO AZUL BUT HE STILL CARES 😭 not to mention that Riddle even pointed out that he WOULD break the law to help Azul, like it was out of the question that he’d leave him behind to go ahead, he WOULD make sure Azul is ok 😭 besties it hurts because AzuRido was one of my first Twst ships and it’s still a cute ship till now. But this also really shows that Riddle still needs to learn a lot about social cues + proper communication xD he didn’t think that it could be taken the wrong way
THE PART WHERE AZUL GOT ANGRY AT RIDDLE ,,, bitch that hurt a lot. Like, Riddle going “if you didn’t waste time on Mostro Lounge, helping out other students, etc, you’d have a chance at first”, bestie Riddle I love you but what the fuck? I kinda felt the sting because at the time I was reading that, I was mulling over how I hadn’t been trying hard enough in the things that I do or want to pursue so I end up being the kind of person that I’m not content with. But it also just,, really fucking hurts to be told that your passion is a waste of time, and we all know how much Azul works so hard in everything he does 😭 his insecurities coming out when he got angry really tugged me badly. It was 2am when I read that part and I wanted to cry lmao 
I do love the lore dump about Ariel and transformation potions! Ariel went to the Sunshine Lands, so she set up the mermaid boot camp facility there. Transformation potions also now last from a week to 10 days, and the mermaid boot camp facility provides them,,, for free, ,, , , like shit dude, that’s a big ass steal. 
GOD WHEN AZUL MIMICKED FLOYD’S VOICE THOUGH ,,,, , the fucking DROLL???? God I’m not your strongest soldier I am down on the ground 
Azul started magic at 8 yrs old 👁 Riddle started his studies at 3,,, , yummy yummy yummy 
AND WHEN AZUL FELL ASLEEP ON RIDDLE’S SHOULDER;;;; LIKE BYE I ALWAYS IDNULGED MYSELF WITH THE IDEA OF AZUL SLEEPING ON MY SHOULDER OUT OF EXHAUSTION but fuck,, they made Azul sleeping on someone’s shoulder canon, not caring about who it is,,,,,, God send help 
idk man, this whole part really just made Azul feel more relatable. Ch3 and even ch4 to an extent, he was mostly scheming and smarmy and smirky and that’s hot shit sure but HIM BEING SO,,, LIKE, GETTING ANGRY OVER A REMARK THAT MADE YOU FEEL INSECURE, LAUGHING GENUINELY, SLEEPING ON SOMEONE’S SHOULDER...... besties I feasted so much this chapter, I am so fucking FULL 
I actually really like Idia’s OB design!! He seems to have designed it himself given that he’s willingly doing it, which is really interesting to learn 👁 some people were saying that they don’t like it because he doesn’t look like Hades but .. none of the OBs were meant to look like their villain counterparts?? nKSNKDGKSNG and not to mention that Idia’s face resembled Hades a lot. If we’re talking about outfits, though, again, OB designs would more likely shape themselves according to the person overblotting rather than think about the villain inspiration. If anything, Ortho’s the one wearing Hades’ toga. 
I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS,,,, IDIA’S UM CHANT IS THE BEST ONE SO FAR ??? “Game, set, match, Gate to Underworld” that is so sexy like ??? the alliteration of game and gate, and there was this musicality to those words, like you’re saying a poem out loud. It sounds so badass too. Like a final boss line (which knowing Idia, he’d definitely do that)
Shoutout to Riddle and Azul for being the funniest duo on earth: “You drive this chariot, I don’t have a license” “BITCH I DON’T HAVE A LICENSE EITHER ????” “I should have enrolled into driving school if I knew this was gonna happen” “IS THIS THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THAT NOW ??????”
Also “wtf why are you taking the risky option??” “well you know this is the best option anyway” “ok yeah you’re right, if anything happens to us, our seniors are there anyway 🥰”
Anyway I still can’t believe Azul actually drove a chariot (and successfully too)
It was a good thing too that he was driving because Riddle fainted from using all his power and being exposed briefly to the underworld 😔 it’s so funny of Azul to just think “ok this guy’s gonna use all his power, so I’m just gonna hold back a bit because it’s gonna be enough <3″ and it turned out to be a really good decision or we’d be finding two old people 
Riddle with white hair was really cute. It reminded me of the white rabbit, and with how he nearly fell into the underworld (kinda like falling into a hole), the allusion seems stronger. I also saw some tweets on Twitter suggesting that it could symbolize Riddle starting out with a blank slate to become his own person and not just someone following his mom, which is pretty interesting 👁👄👁 kinda matches well with the white rabbit idea since it’s “falling to wonderland” or “heading to an unknown place”
I find it funny how Leona and Jamil just . took the time to analyze why Azul was able to not faint/fall to the underworld from fighting Ortho. but hey it worked for them, they didn’t put too much power into it and they came out well 
I love how Vil was just like “I need Idia to come out alive so that he can close this damn gate and fix everything” and then said that he Will make Idia do all of that NRC style, aka “the weak must obey the strong” 
VIL FINALLY GOT TO BE THE HERO THAT HE WANTED TO BE 😭 GO QUEEN, SLAYYYYYY. You may not have been casted as a hero in a movie, but you saved the world in real time, and I think that’s even better 
I really just like how even in OB, Idia was still talking about the idea of who’s hero and who’s villain while Vil was just like “we’re just classmates fighting and for the record, I’M standing till the end” 
When Vil jumped to pull Idia, Ortho, and Grim out of the underworld, idk, something about that just made me go 👁👄👁 there’s something mesmerizing about someone catching someone else as they fall from a very tall height. Even if it’s to make sure Idia’s alive to close the gate, Vil really just,, that was so noble of him 
IDIA JUMPING TO GO WITH ORTHO THOUGH 😭 like holy fucking fuck, I don’t know what to say... I think that moment speaks for itself. 
Vil being Hercules and Idia being Megara... damn, it kinda makes sense. Vil-Hercules for the hero thing, and Idia-Megara for the reason that they’re trapped by the underworld to an extent
THE FLASHBACK HONESTLY . it was expected, but it did hurt 😭 being a witness to someone’s death was one thing, but being the indirect cause of someone’s death is just,,, Idia was just a child then. That shit would be traumatizing
Whoever voiced child Idia’s cries, good job but also fuck you. When he was showing off AI Ortho and then going from laughter to crying ?? I think that’s where my heart truly broke. That was genuinely so painful to listen to. 
Maybe I’m being delusional, but the way Idia broke down over losing Ortho reminded me of how Azul broke down when his contracts were dusted. There was that plea from them going “give it all back” (give Ortho back; give Azul’s power back). And then they reassure themselves that they could fix their problems. 
I... I really like how the overall problem for Idia and Ortho was that they just wanted to live like everyone else, but because they were born into the Shroud family, they, Idia in particular, had their lives planned out for them at the start. I think Hades in the myths was like that?? 
The part where real Ortho’s soul talks to Idia..... his face being fully revealed, when he said “please continue to live, make our dream of going on an adventure come true”, when Idia was shouting for Ortho’s name at the end........ wow thank goodness that I can’t understand anything or I’d be crying onions 
The way Idia was saying that with all the damages he has to fix, he’d have to drop out possibly, but literally None of them letting him go xDD true NRC students 
When he revived Ortho again,,, and he had a heart this time,,,,,, I really like how he was resurrected and not at the same time. Like real Ortho will be gone no matter what, but his soul will still live on through his robot self. Kokoro was also playing in my head during that scene 😂
OLD MAN VIL “I’M 18″ SCHOENHEIT IS SO FUNNY. Best content is seeing him cry for 3 hours straight about how he wanted to be casted as a middle aged man someday then calming down only to cry again when Jack went “wait who’s this old man”
Vil’s kyaaaa when Malleus managed to turn him back to his 18-year old self was so pure. 😭 I’m so happy for him 
RAMSHACKLE UPGRADE KINDA 💅 we are now material gworls 
I find it funny how they couldn’t upgrade our room bskbdgjsndgksd like it’s still the same even after how much Charon trashed it?? At least Vil was kind enough to give us projection mapping to make it look pretty HAHHAHHA
AND HE HAS A NEW UNIFORM CARDDDDD uwehhhhh his lines are so cute, and his story !!! him choosing a club !!!! and and and his profile change!!!! He chose Vil’s club 😭 Vil made that much of an impact in his life. I heard that the story seems to be longer than some SSRs though, which is . well d a m n 
Chapter 7 seems to be really spicy 👁👄👁 from Lilia talking about how people are weak but they intertwine together and create a strong presence in history, Malleus mulling over those words, to Mickey saying that he saw “a mysterious silver-haired boy” on his side of the mirror (not his room, though), which implies that it’s Silver and bringing up the possibility of him traveling to people’s dreams or him being from the same world as we are since Grim can’t see Mickey and vice versa....... oooooonga boonga ch7 is gonna serve us so well 
Overall, I think chapter 6 had the excellent pacing and writing that ch3 and 4 had. They wrote every character so well, and the wait for Idia and Ortho was absolutely worth it. This might be the new fan favorite chapter actually, and it sets the bar very high for Diasomnia. Good job Twst. Thank you for serving us a very good story. 
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
The First Time They Say “I Love You”
At first you just did small things, like cleaning up the used coffee cups on his desk. Things that you wanted to do for him because he was so tired all the time. But after you pointed out a calculation error in a R.A.D organization’s monthly expense sheet, Lucifer started relying on you more. He often asked you to do a final scan over documents before he submitted them to Diavolo just in case he missed anything.
You found that your work styles were very similar: extremely organized, detail-oriented, and meticulous. You enjoyed spending time in Lucifer’s office. And helping him with his work meant that he got done more quickly and had more time to spend with you. 
Right now he was at his desk, furiously scanning through a stack of papers. You could tell he hadn’t slept in a while. The buttons at his throat were undone and he had dark smudges underneath his eyes. Somebody had apparently mixed up the schedule for an upcoming series of lectures and Lucifer was left to solve the problem.
You shut the door behind you slowly and carefully made your way over, trying your best to balance the tea tray and multiple folders you were holding. "Here, Luci. I brought you peppermint tea and shortbread. You should have some while you work, you look absolutely exhausted.” He looked up at you and smiled gratefully, a private smile that only you got to see. “Thank you MC, I appreciate it.”
You then handed him the thick folders. “Also, these are all of the invoices from last week’s alumni dinner party. I thought they were a bit messy to look at so I organized them into different categories based on the business and then sorted the purchases sequentially. Also, I calculated the total expenses and thankfully we were able to stay under budget.”
Lucifer's mouth was slightly ajar and his eyes widened, looking at you as if you'd done something incredibly strange. You asked self-consciously, "Is... is something on my face?"
With the same bewildered expression on his face he said "MC... I love you."
You laughed, a little startled. "Why, because I organized some files for you?"
"Well, yes. No. I mean yes and no. It's not just the files, it's everything. The way you're always thinking of me and taking care of me. The way we work well together. The way I can trust you with anything. I love you, MC. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say so."
You felt your cheeks flush with happiness. "Well... I love you too, you know. A lot. Now hurry up and finish your work so that we can spend some actual time together."
Lucifer laughed gently and then reached to take your hand in his, pressing a delicate kiss against your fingers. "Anything for you."
You were at the casino with Mammon on a Wednesday night. On school nights he usually went alone because you were busy with homework. But tonight he looked so lonely as he headed for the door that something spurred you to put on a jacket and run after him.
When you took his hand in yours, he turned to look at you in surprise and the most radiant smile lit his face. “You’re coming with me, baby?”
The first couple of hours weren’t bad. Mammon brought you small plates of food and you were content to just watch as he flourished in his natural environment. You smiled amusedly at his antics, the way he bantered with the dealer, how he yelled in delight when he won and how pouty he became when he lost.
But pretty soon the long day of classes caught up to you and you could feel your eyelids growing heavy. You were tucked into a small table in the corner, away from the other guests but still visible to Mammon out of the corner of his eye. You figured no one would mind so you laid your arm on the table and rested your head in the crook of your arm. Within a couple of seconds, you were deep asleep.
Meanwhile, Mammon was having some of the best luck he’d had recently at the blackjack table. He turned to where you were sitting to give you a smile and boast about his winnings a little, only to have his heart clench tightly at the sight of you. 
You looked absolutely adorable, sleeping with a little smile on your face. It must have been a little cold for you in the casino because you were curled up tightly against yourself. Mammon flushed at how cute you looked and then felt a sudden rush of emotion. 
Even though you were tired, you still took the time to come out with him tonight. He knew these places weren’t really your thing but you never complained, you genuinely just wanted to be with him. And that was something Mammon wasn’t really used to.
You stirred at the sensation of Mammon draping his jacket across your shoulders. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you looked up to ask: “Hey Mams, how’s your luck been tonight?”
He stood silently for a moment before enveloping you into a sudden, crushing hug. “I-I love you, MC. I really love you.” You were startled and tried to move back to get a look at his face but Mammon wouldn’t budge. “No, don’t look at me. I’m probably super red. But I need to tell you how much I love you. I kinda realized it just now that there’s no one like you. No one who cares for me, who accepts all of me like you do. Thank you for always being here.”
You could feel tears forming in your eyes and buried your face against Mammon’s chest. “Oh, Mams. I love you too. I can’t imagine how alone you must have felt, especially the way your brothers treat you sometimes. But I’m here now, okay? I’ll always be on your side.”
You heard Mammon’s breath hitch a little before he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
You came to discover that there were a lot of little holidays in the Devildom, an occasional day or two when you didn’t have to go to classes. Sometimes you took the opportunity to travel to the human world, often to pick up small necessities or bring back foods you missed.
Today you were here to pick up something specific: strawberry preserves. You had brought back a jar from the human world recently and after having a bite, Levi had practically eaten the whole jar by himself. The preserves were the specialty of a local farm close to your house and Levi absolutely loved them.
Since you were there, you decided to pick up some different jars as well. An employee carefully packaged the jars of strawberry, peach, blueberry, and cherry preserves so that they wouldn't accidentally break on the journey. What he didn't know was that you would actually be travelling between completely different worlds.
As soon as you were back in the Devildom, you quickly made your way to Levi's room with your purchases. He was in the middle of playing a game but when he heard you come in, he turned around to welcome you back. "Hey, MC. How was your trip? What are all those boxes for?"
You opened the topmost one and showed him the little glass jar with the floral pattern on the lid. "I picked more of these up for you today, along with some other flavors I thought it would be nice to try."
Upon recognizing what it was, Levi immediately set down his controller. "MC, this is awesome! I love you!" You froze in shock at his words and it took Levi a couple of seconds before he realized what he had said. He too froze so that the two of you stood there, Levi bright red, neither moving or speaking.
Levi was the one to eventually break the silence. "I-I didn't mean that! Ignore me just now! I don't know what I'm saying." Your heart sank in disappointment. You had merely been shocked that Levi felt the same way about you as you did him. But now he was saying he didn't mean it?
Your disappointment must have been evident on your face because Levi stammered out, "I-I mean, I do mean it! It's just- aargh, this isn't how I wanted to say- Ugh, I don't know what to-" You decided it was best to just be upfront with him. "Listen Levi, I love you a lot. Have for a while now. Can I ask you how you feel about me?"
If he was bright red before, Levi's face looked almost neon red now. He stared at you open mouthed, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You- You love me? Really? You aren't making fun of me or something?" You couldn't help but huff in response. "Levi, am I seriously the type of person who would make fun of you about this?"
It seemed to finally sink in for him then. "No, no you're not. MC, I- I love you too. Ah, I can't believe I said it out loud!" He clapped his hands over his mouth and you giggled at how adorably flustered he looked.
"Hey Levi, now that we know how we feel about each other, is it okay if I give you a kiss?" Levi practically fainted then, and you had to run down to the kitchens to get him a glass of water.
Satan was used to being alone. None of his brothers or classmates really shared any of his interests and he found that he much preferred being by himself. He was always too engrossed with his books and research that he never considered himself to be lonely.
That is, until he met you. You were somehow able to slowly inch yourself into his heart and without realizing it had become the most important person to him.
The other day, he found a funny quote in one of the novels he was reading and made a note of it to show you later. Then he started thinking about how much his daily routine included you in some way. You had classes together, ate meals together, talked and laughed together, and read late into the night together, enjoying each other’s company.
He realized that he was a lot happier now. Not that he was exactly unhappy before, but it was different with you. He was a lot more relaxed, more prone to smile and laugh. And a lot of it had to do with your influence and the time you spent together.
You were both reading in his room. There was a comfortable, relaxing silence and the atmosphere was especially cozy because of all the lit candles. You had prepared a tray for Satan: a plate of rosemary biscuits and a pot of black tea to wash them down with. This was another thing he appreciated about you; you were always taking care of him.
Both of you were engrossed in your books for a while, until suddenly you could feel Satan staring at you. You marked the page you were on and turned to him, a smile playing on your lips. “Is there something I can help you with?”
He looked at you for a few moments, unsmiling. You frowned, thinking there was something wrong, but before you could say anything Satan said “I just wanted to let you know that I love you dearly.”
You were surprised to say the least. Satan wasn’t really the type to talk about his feelings this explicitly. But after the initial shock, you realized how happy you were that the person you loved felt the same way about you. Satan didn’t let people into his life and into his heart that easily.
It was only when you heard Satan say “Oh love, I didn’t mean to make you cry” that you realized tears were streaming down your cheeks. You put down your book and practically flung yourself into his arms. He hugged you back tightly and waited until you were calm enough to speak. “I love you too Satan, so much. You mean the absolute world to me.”
You laughed wetly, thinking it funny that you were crying during one of the happiest moments of your life. Satan smiled at you fondly before handing you a handkerchief so that you could dry your eyes. 
You spent the rest of the night in his lap, smiling and giggling as he attempted to read you a story out loud.
These kinds of days rarely happened, but they happened nonetheless. Mean, ugly days when no matter what outfit he tried on, it didn’t look right. No matter how much time he put into styling his hair, it just looked flat and dull. And his makeup seemed to refuse to cooperate with what he had in mind.
On these kinds of days Asmo locked himself in his room under the pretense of “needing self-care”. He hated having to speak with others because their usual compliments just sounded mocking and fake to his ears.
Asmo remembered an incident when one of his admirers had complimented his hairstyle and he had snapped at her furiously: “Shut up! Don’t make fun of me!” before storming away. He was incredibly embarrassed about it and apologized profusely to her. Since then, he figured it was safer to just hide out in his room.
But it was hard to be alone in his room when you were already there. You knew something was up with Asmo when you texted him saying "Hey, could you help me pick out a new coat?" and he replied with "Maybe another time, sorry darling!" He would have never refused an opportunity to go shopping with you.
So you raced to his room after classes and thankfully managed to slip in while Asmo was in the kitchen gathering some snacks. When he saw you standing in his room you could see he struggled to act nonchalant. "Darling! I didn't know you'd be here. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. I wouldn't want you to catch anything so it'd probably be best if you went to your room."
Your heart clenched at the blatant lie. "Oh Asmo, I'll leave if you really want to be alone. But just know that I'm here for you. Whatever it is, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I want to be your strength."
You could see the conflict in Asmo's eyes as he stood quietly for a couple of minutes. You were about to turn around and leave, giving him some alone time, but he suddenly blurted out "I feel ugly today. I feel disgusting and horrible and hideous."
Asmo closed his eyes, embarrassed at his outburst and also dreading what inevitably came next: empty compliments and false flattery. He didn't want to be told he was beautiful when he didn't believe it.
But instead, you surprised him by enveloping him in a strong embrace. You alternated between gently patting his back and smoothing his hair and were rewarded with feeling the tension leave his body. You didn’t say anything, just continued to hold Asmo and wipe away the few stray tears on his cheeks.
Eventually you moved him to his bed, Asmo’s head lying on your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. You weren’t sure how much time had passed but he seemed to be much calmer. He tilted his head up to look at you, his eyes searching your face, before almost whispering “I love you”. Your eyes widened in surprise. “You seem to always know what to do, MC, how to put me back together again. You’re honest with me and you actually listen to what I’m saying. I love you. Please stay with me forever.”
The two of you fell asleep like that, Asmo’s head on your chest and your hands intertwined. 
Beel was a bit nervous, considering this was one of the most important Fangol games he had ever played in. Not only was it against their rival school, but also Beel’s coach had let him know that there would be scouters from the professional league coming to watch for potential talent.
It was too bad that you wouldn’t be able to watch him play. He considered you a very important part of his game-day routine. In the morning, you always made him a hearty breakfast and at the pre-game warmup, he frequently went to you for kisses and headpats. He considered you to be his good luck charm.
Unfortunately, you weren’t feeling well. You kept having bad stomach pain and the doctor had said it was probably your body reacting to some unfamiliar Devildom food. You were currently lying down in your room with a heating pad on and some warm green tea.
Beel missed you terribly. It had only been a few hours since he had last seen you but he couldn’t help but feel lonely. You were always there shouting and cheering for him on game days which made your absence feel that much larger.
His teammates and coaches could tell that something was off with him. They kept coming by to ruffle his hair or pat him on the shoulder and ask, “Is everything okay?” and “Don’t worry, you’ll do great!” 
Beel knew he was being silly. He would go see you right after the game! And yet his heart wasn’t in it during the pre-game stretches. He kept spacing out and staring at the wall instead of actually getting ready.
Suddenly, one of the assistant coaches came into the room. “Beel! MC is here! Now hurry up and stop moping around!” He saw you behind the coach looking a bit uncomfortable, your stomach must have still been bothering you. But you were also smiling at your little surprise.
Beel ran up to you and hugged you gently. “MC! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in bed? Are you okay? Are you feeling better?” You laughed at his barrage of questions before reaching up on your tip-toes to give him a pat on his head. “I’m still in a bit of pain but I wanted to be here. I couldn’t miss such an important game! Now what’s this about you moping around?”
Beel blushed and ducked his head before mumbling, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” You laughed again and Beel’s heart soared at the sound. He was suddenly struck with the realization of how much he loved you. You, who always had his back, who was always there to support him and motivate him. 
He wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear, “Thanks for being here, MC. I love you so much, you know. Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to burst.” Your arms tightened around him in response. “I feel the same way Beel, I love you so much. Now go and win this game, okay? Show them how amazing you are.”
After the game, Beel was surrounded by his coaches excitedly telling him about how many scouters were interested in seeing him play again. But all Beel could think about was having you in his arms again.
It occurred to Belphie one day after class as he was walking down the hallway. There was a couple leaning against the locker, engaged in a full display of public affection. They kept giggling and yelling “I love you!” at each other. Belphie fake gagged a little before moving past them.
But then it occurred to him. Is that kind of thing something... you wanted? Your relationship was relatively new both in terms of time and in that this was something Belphie wasn’t really experienced with. You were one of the people that knew him best though, apart from his brothers, and Belphie had just assumed that it would be okay to continue acting as he had always had around you.
What if secretly this was something you wanted as well? All of the endearments and displays of affection. Belphie hadn’t even- hadn’t even said the “L” word to you yet. This continued to trouble him even as he lied down for his afternoon nap. In his dreams he kept seeing visions of you crying while looking on enviously at other couples and asking, “Why can’t we be like that?”
By the time he sat down at dinner, Belphie was exhausted. And you of course noticed, especially since he was eating a lot less than he normally did. After dinner the two of you made your way to his room, where you were getting out some textbooks to study and he lied back down on his bed. “Hey Belphie, is everything okay? You seem a lot more listless than usual.
Belphie stared at you, contemplating whether to tell you what was going on. But in the end he decided against it. “It’s nothing, MC. Don’t worry about it.” His voice definitely didn’t sound like it was nothing. “Okay, Belphie. But let me know if you want to talk about anything, okay? I’m always here.”
For the next hour or so, you studied for your classes while Belphie tormented himself. He did love you. But he wasn’t good at expressing his feelings, especially in the way the couple in the hall had. What if that now you were dating, you expected him to change? Would he even be able to? Frustrated at the swirling questions in his mind, Belphie ended up blurting out “I love you!” to your back.
You turned around in your chair slowly, surprised at his sudden intensity. “I... love you too. Belphie, is everything okay? You’ve been acting strange all day.” He sighed. “MC, you know what kind of demon I am. I’m not good at all the... lovey-dovey stuff that other couples do. But if that’s what you want, I can at least try to be different.”
You shook your head. “I... honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I know how you feel about me, Belphie. I don’t need you to be like “the other couples” because I fell in love with you and who you are. I don’t expect you to be someone you’re not. Where are you even getting the idea that I want something other than what we have?”
Ah, Belphie really did love you. There was no one else in the world that knew him so completely and still loved and accepted all parts of him. And... he just realized that he had said “I love you” for the first time by practically shouting it while your back was turned.
He got up and stood next to his desk. You were sitting and looking up at him, concern evident on your face. He smiled and leaned down to kiss you gently before mouthing against your lips, “I love you, MC.”
You could feel how hot your cheeks were as he moved away and went to lie back down on his bed. You pretended to be unbothered, flipping randomly through your textbook, but none of the words made any sense. You mumbled under your breath, “”You’re pretty good at lovey-dovey stuff.”
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
i don’t care how you do it, i just want to see tony x fem! (or gn!) reader with flirty bantering while in the field doing superhero stuff! smth light hearted, fun, and fluffy! xxxx
Field Work || Tony Stark || Headcanon
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Tony Stark x Avenger!Fem!reader
Requested by: @girlllucrazy
TW: Adult Language, Playful/Funny Banter/Yelling
A/N: I decided to do this in the format of a headcanon since I wasn't sure how to fully make the concept into an actual completed piece. I also ended up making it an Avenger!Fem!reader since I’m assuming you mean like they are doing superhero stuff together as a team. I tried my best since I feel like I’m not really good at headcanons per say and its all kinda all over the place and messy so I hope you enjoy regardless!
It’s already been about a week of having your powers and Tony is very protective of you out on the field
He even built you a suit because if he couldn't protect you he at least wanted you to be able to protect yourself
During your first week of training you may or may have not completely obliterated Tony's lab in the process with your powers
“That’s it I’m officially dishonoring you from the Avengers-”
“It’s not that bad...”
“Tony just relax-”
You guys are constantly and I’m not exaggerating constantly arguing like a married couple while fighting off bad guys
“Did you see that?! I totally just knocked him out!”
“No I knocked him out.”
“No I did just admit it.”
“No I'm the one who took him out just stop being so jealous.”
“Me getting jealous? You must be out of your mind, I clearly blasted him from here.”
“Do you want me to blast you out of here? I can and I will Tony.”
“Are you seriously threating me right now?”
“Maybe I am.”
“You wouldn't dare.”
“Try me Stark.”
Usually one of you eventually would give up and let it go but honestly you guys never really did let it go, it was more of a “we are saving this for later” kinda deal
Most arguments on the battlefield were solved with the both of your trying to blast each other into nonexistence
It never really worked though, you both were just horribly stubborn
Playfully slapping each other on the arm or head was just natural at this point no matter what smartassed comment came out of your or Tony’s mouth
Speaking in scientific equations was a weird love language of yours with him when you guys were working on more scientific type superhero stuff
“Could you repeat that again.”
“Are you really going to make me say it again?”
“Yes because it sounds sexier when you say it.”
You both would hype each other up and compliment how your suits look before jumping into a fight
“Man that suit is really showing off your assets.”
“Did you really just say assets?”
“What? It’s true is it not?”
“Fine, I’ll take whatever compliments I can get at this point.”
Every time Tony makes a mistake you always just completely roast him for it
Literally you show 0 mercy
“I think I did okay! *explosion in the background*”
“Really Tony?! That building just exploded right behind you!”
“Oh wow look over here everyone it’s Ms. Perfect!”
“Seriously Tony, I don't know how you fit that giant ego into your helmet.”
“My ego is perfect ok-”
“You saying that just shows you have a big ego.”
Regardless of all the pointless fights and arguing you both recognize when you save each other too
“I always got your 6.″
“I always got your...12?”
“Tony that’s not even correct-”
“Don't ruin the moment damn it! I’m actually trying here to show a sliver of human emotion for you.”
Tony is always coming up with over elaborate plans on how to take a bad guy down meanwhile your more direct
“Just blast him in the face.”
“Y/N, you cant just ‘oh blast him in the face’ you need a game plan.”
“Says the one who never sticks to the plan.”
“Well I can do that because I’m the one who made the plan.”
“Here he goes again-”
Tony goes on to explain how he always follows the plan and contradicts himself in the process at least 5 times
When he catches you distracted looking at him on the field he usually starts getting playful and flirty with you
“Take a picture it will last longer sweetheart.”
“I totally wasn’t checking you out-”
“Seriously there is a way you can take pictures in the suit if you want-”
“Tony we are in the middle of a fight the last thing I wanna do is take pictures of you!”
“Fine, then I’ll have to start charging you for staring.”
“Charging me for staring?! What's next your gonna start charging for breathing too?!”
Despite how earth crushingly annoying he was you still loved having him as your partner in crime
Regardless of what happened you had each others backs no matter what
“Who was the one who destroyed the building, fess up.”
“It was him!”
“It was her!”
“Oh wow nice way to throw me under the bus Tony.”
“Sorry sweetheart, can’t take the blame for everything.”
“But your the one who- you know what nevermind I’m out.”
But at the end of the day you both knew you loved and cared for each other
You both always bounced back and would be even stronger than when you started
Complete Masterlist
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I love your writing.
if it's not too much trouble may i make a request? I'm thinking the Dimitrescu women meeting and/or courting a fellow immortal.
the circumstances of the immortal's powers and possession of immorality are entirely up to you. I just like the idea of them meeting someone they could literally spend forever with...because they deserve it ❤
I wasn't sure if you wanted a story or headcanons? I went with HCs, here, but if you wanted more of a drabble or whatever just lemme know and I'll write something like that.
Also, I got excited and carried away so this has the whole Dimitrescu family, plus shorter ones for both Mother Miranda and Donna. Admittedly Alcina's is also a little on the shorter side? I tried to write everything that came to mind, but I am kinda tired right now, sorry. Might reblog this and add some more later.
(Under read-more for length)
Tries (and fails) to hide her excitement. Mortality is one of the bigger things that has made her keep her distance to others, at least in the past. Every Maiden she’s ever been the slightest bit smitten with, up until this point, has been incredibly fragile. Seeing as she’s not exactly the softest person, one can easily imagine why that would be a turn off for her. But now that’s no longer a problem!
On the other had… having an immortal partner gives Cassandra pause. Why? Because what if they breakup? Normally, she can just, ahem, “dispose” of any exes (regardless of how much it hurts) so she doesn’t have to see them/deal with them anymore. If that’s not an option, she’ll definitely take longer than usual to do anything about her feelings. She wants to be sure, 100%, before she gets in over her head. Chances are she won’t hold back for as long as she wants though.
Likely to have a loud, messy confession. She’ll have been avoiding you for a few days, always ducking out of whatever rooms you enter, leaving you both hurt and confused. After enlisting the help of her sisters, you’ll be able to corner her outside. She’ll tell you, under no uncertain circumstances, to leave her alone. But you’ll refuse, demanding an explanation.
“I thought we had something. I thought you cared,” you’ll snap, eyes watering. “If that’s changed… if I was wrong, just tell me. I’ll leave and I’ll never come back.” Cue thunder and raining (because tropes) and Cassandra dramatically pulling you into a kiss, holding you so tightly you think you might bruise. Then she’s demanding that you stay, refusing to apologize but making it clear just how much she does care.
Being immortal, you’re not as defenseless as some of Cassandra’s past interests. Naturally, she doesn’t get quite as protective as she normally would. She’ll still have your back no matter what, ready to fight by your side against any foe, and will probably consider doing so a “fun bonding activity”. Oh, some lycans are encroaching on Dimitrescu territory? Time to go destroy them, as a power couple!
Despite having all the time in the world, Cassandra won’t change much of her actual courting behavior, nor the rate at which things advance. She’s still gonna get handsy fairly early on, still gonna “rah!” at you in the hallways, and still going to struggle with her jealousy.
Immortality Compatibility: I can see Cassandra going for another vampire (or vampire adjacent) creature, or someone demonic. She likes her lovers a bit rough, with some nice bite to their personalities. If you’ve got sharp teeth, or claws, or glowing eyes? Oh boy, she’s gonna be making heart eyes at you all the time.
If your immortality isn’t immediately obvious, Bela is over the moon with joy when she finds out. Her eyes will go wide for a moment, before she tries to seem calm (so as to not freak you out), but her heart is pounding. This is what she’s been hoping for. As much as Mother Miranda has done for her family, there’s no guarantee that she’d be willing to give more. Even if Miranda granted Bela’s lover her “gift”, there was no telling what the results would be, or if the lover would survive. Now that there’s no need for such a transformation, it’s far easier for Bela to imagine herself in love (and eventually be in love).
Slow-burn romance over a decade or longer, oops. Doesn’t even necessarily mean to take things so slowly, just doesn’t feel a need to rush things, preferring that they develop organically. With both of you having unlimited time, you’re both used to working on a very large timescale. Maidens watching the two of you probably place bets on how long it’ll take you to hold hands for the first time. Everyone knows it’s coming, but no matter how much Cassandra and Daniela complain, Bela refuses to jump into things. By the time the two of you are officially together, you’re probably madly in love with each other.
More protective than Cassandra, if only because she knows just how rare you are. Immortal or not, you likely still have a weakness, and Bela will do everything in her power to make sure no one else knows what it is. If applicable, she will also ensure she has a countermeasure readily available. For example: If you were weak to fire, she’d make sure that the castle keeps extinguishers handy, just in case. Though they should probably already do that. Not that the Dimitrescu family cares much for OSHA compliance.
Somehow grows more in love with you with every passing year, and makes sure that you know this. Whether you’ve been together for one year or one century (because in this house we ignore canon), she’s always performing little acts of love, giving constant reminders of how strongly she feels. Gifts, special dates, book recommendations, etc.
Immortality Compatibility: Bela seems like the type to go for someone with a calming presence, and perhaps somewhat of a contrast to herself. I can picture her with someone somewhat angelic, or druidic, someone very in tune with nature. She’d love to feed deer with you and relax in the forest! Or lay against a tree by your side, listening to you talk about various microorganisms for hours at a time.
Practically tackles you when she finds out/connects the dots. This is just like one of her romance novels, where a lonely (attractive as fuck) immortal spends years in isolation before finally meeting the love of their life, who they get to spend the rest of eternity with. Absolutely ecstatic about the whole situation. Won’t stop kissing you and pulling you close, rambling about how great it’s gonna be to spend your lives together. Honestly? Kind of overwhelming. You might have to remind her a few times that you don’t have to rush into things, considering you have all the time in the world.
Introduces you to people as her “super cool/rad immortal life partner”. Genuinely cannot bring herself to not brag about you. If her sisters haven’t found someone like you yet, you can bet that Daniela will tease them about it all the time (much to their annoyance). If Momma Alcina doesn’t, though? Dani will keep her thoughts to herself, thank you very much (being grounded at her age does not impress the s/o).
Tries not to show it, but she’s actually very nervous. You’re immortal! You’ve probably seen a lot of shit (she certainly has)! Worries about keeping you interested in her, though she would never admit it. This tends to lead to her performing ridiculous acts to showcase her affection, regardless of the cost or, like, whether or not you’d even enjoy whatever she has planned. In order to counter her anxiety, you’ll want to reassure her whenever you can, and give her plenty of “I love you”s.
Strikes a decent balance between Cassandra’s nonchalant attitude and Bela’s protectiveness. Will defend you if you need it, playing up the romantic aspect, but also entirely willing to hide behind you in a scary situation.
Immortality Compatibility: Having probably read Twilight… Dani would date a werewolf, as long as they weren’t the smelly kind. Also interested in a sort of “magical”/elemental type, especially if their powers are influenced by emotions. In other words, if someone flirts with her in front of you, and your response is to subconsciously light your hands/the other person on fire? She thinks that’s hot, pun intended.
“Oh? Interesting,” she’d say, smiling softly (and trying to ignore the heat rushing to her face). Similarly to Cassandra, she’d try to play it off, not wanting to seem too excited. And, well, she’s not as excited as any of her daughters are. After all, she’s had more time than them to “get used” to the idea of outliving any potential romantic interests. So, she’s not exactly desperate for a relationship, even with someone she could spend an eternity with.
That being said, if she is romantically interested in them, she’s very relieved. Outliving a loved one can be incredibly traumatizing (fuck you c*pcom, you know what you did), and knowing that you’re safe (or at least safer than most) brings her no small amount of comfort.
Also, just glad to have another person close to her age around. Her daughters are somewhat stuck as young adults, and I imagine Alcina would want someone who gained immortality a little later in life, such as herself, as opposed to, ya know, reminding her of her children. That probably goes without saying. Hopefully.
More so than her daughters, Alcina would change her level of protectiveness depending on her s/o’s power level. If you’re a shapeshifter who can also turn into a big ass dragon? Then she’s not going to coddle you. If you’re immortal but still vulnerable, then she’s going to do her best to keep you safe, even going so far as to enlist the assistance of her daughters. “If you see a single Maiden growing mistletoe, or bringing some in from the village, let me know immediately,” or something like that, depending on your weakness.
Immortality Compatibility: Definitely would want someone in a situation similar to herself, having once been truly human, only to be “elevated” by something. Bonus points if you’re another disciple of Miranda, double bonus points if Miranda specifically “made” you to be Alcina’s boo/honey/darling/dear.
Bonus! Mother Miranda:
Oh god finally someone who won’t leave her (can’t leave her). No one can take you away from her, and that’s a relief that she’s been craving for over a century. Even if romance isn’t high on her priority list, she welcomes it with open arms, glad to have someone by her side through all of life’s chaos.
Admittedly slow to trust at first, probably just using you as a tool at first. But prove yourself enough, show that your devotion is more than just misdirected self-interest, and she’ll start to warm up to you. Forming a real relationship would likely take a couple decades, similar to with Bela. Once you are together, however, the two of you are inseparable in all matters.
You’d be her #1 follower, most trusted adviser, and the only person allowed to understand 100% of her thoughts and motives. While Miranda wouldn’t allow you to be seen as the same level as her (sorry), you’d still be a legend among the villagers. To them, you’re Mother Miranda’s champion, the epitome of a devoted follower that they all aspire to emulate. Not that they know the two of you are a couple, though.
Immortality Compatibility: No gimmicks, no cheap tricks, she wants (and respects) a fellow scientist, someone who clawed their way through adversity and forged themselves into something indestructible. Double the interest if you did so for a similar cause to her own, as she would appreciate your ability to relate to her suffering.
Bonus! Donna:
Someone to play with! FOREVER! No more losing people she cares about, no more accidentally breaking people, no more people scrambling to leave. Now that she has you, she can finally spend some quality time with another (living?) person. Honestly her dolls (or at least Angie) are just as excited as she is. Regardless of her relations with the other three Lords, Donna much prefers the company of a lover.
For real though she’s shy as hell and you might not even realize who’s pulling the strings until you’ve been in her house for over a year. She’d probably use her powers to trap you inside, at least at first, though they’d be nice hallucinations. You’d have to treat the dolls nicely, especially Angie, before she’d let you interact with her.
Eventually you’d be allowed to leave, and you’d be given a key to return whenever you wanted to. Assuming that you do, in fact, come back, the two of you would have a very, very slow romance, if only because of Donna’s anxiety. Hand holding makes both of your faces turn beet red, seriously.
Immortality Compatibility: *chanting* GHOST GIRLFRIEND GHOST GIRLFRIEND POLTERGEIST PARTNER POLTERGEIST PARTNER WOOHOO! Something with a flexible, only-sometimes-tangible form, who absolutely could have left at any time but didn’t because they wanted to stay.
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selfcarecap · 3 years
Can you maybe write something where there's a sleepover at Ned's and Peter and reader stay up all night talking because they can't sleep 🤧❤️
-this is a repost of an old fic- no warnings needed i think
It’s been two hours since you all went to sleep. Okay, two hours since you all got into bed, one hour since you all stopped giggling and talking and really went to sleep.
It seems like you’re the last one awake. You, MJ and Betty are sharing Ned’s big bed, Ned’s on a separate mattress on the floor and Peter is just on the carpet - he insisted on it.
You’ve accepted that you’re most likely going to be up all night. But you had an amazing night with your friends, so it’s not too bad.
A few minutes later you hear Peter tossing and turning, eventually letting out a yawn that sounds very much like he’s awake.
It’s probably too dark for him to see that your eyes are open, but you lift up your hand, waving at him and he sees it.
He lifts his head to make sure he saw right, “Hi,” you whisper.
“Hi,” he whispers back, sounding just as awake as he did a few hours back.
After a few seconds of contemplating, you quietly get out of bed, opening the door to the hallway, letting in at least some light. You motion for Peter to come with you, and he jumps up immediately, squeezing past you.
“Hi,” he says again, after you shut the door to Ned’s room.
It’s weird being awake so late with a boy, alone with a boy. Especially when that boy is Peter Parker.
It’s dark outside but the windows in the hallway don’t have curtains, so there’s enough light for you to see each other normally.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you say, pulling your sweatshirt over your fingers.
“Me neither… Do you want to go to the living room so we can talk or something? I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep anyway.”
You nod, pulling him into the living room where you switch on a little lamp.
Peter takes the fluffy blanket from the side and drapes it across both your laps. Well mostly yours, and you scoot closer to him so you both get the same amount of blanket.
“I often have problems sleeping anywhere except in my own bed. Even when we‘re on holiday I have to take a few days to get accustomed to the bed and by the time I can sleep there we‘re going home again,” you tell Peter, laying your head on the headrest of the couch.
He smiles at you, thinking of what to say, “Actually… Can I tell you something?”
“Of course.”
“This is my first sleepover… ever, and I was kinda nervous about it. But now that I’m with you I’m comfortable.”
“I’m comfortable too,” you say, although your heart feels like it’s going to leap from your chest any second and his nervous smile tells you he’s also not as calm as he says he is.
“Ned has slept at my place a few times since I have bunk beds but I’ve never slept at his place.”
“Bunk beds? That’s so cool,” you smile, hoping he gets the hint. And he does.
“Yeah, you have to come see them sometime. I mean, they’re not special but they’re bunk beds so, if you like bunk beds, then you’ll like them.”
You giggle, making a bold move and taking his hand. His fingers slip between yours, his clammy palm touching you.
You haven’t felt this nervous around Peter since you met him.
Being the new girl at school had seemed so terrifying but you became friends with him the first day, eventually meeting the other people from his friend group too, and you immediately felt welcomed.
Even though you liked all of them and felt like they liked you back too, Peter was your favourite from the start.
And even though they were all kind to you, you never quite felt like you fit in like the others, since they had all known each other for years.
Being invited to this sleepover was what made you feel like a fully accepted part of the group, but Peter has been making you feel fully accepted from the day you met.
While the others always made inside jokes and only explained them after you asked, Peter always explained it to you before he made the joke. By now you have your own inside jokes anyway, and they always make your heart flutter.
You’ve always felt like Peter liked you just as much as the other members of the group, if not more and you can only reciprocate the feeling.
With your hands intertwined, you and Peter end up talking for hours, your nervousness eventually subsiding as you get sleepier and sleepier.
You wake up to whispered shouting, and some movement next to you, but you can’t quite open your eyes yet.
Is that a pillow you’re resting your head on?
“Ned-  no don‘t you dare. Ned no I swear to-”
You’re pushed to the side a little, feeling wet trickle down your arm, making you finally open your eyes.
You suddenly remember you’re at Ned’s and- did you fall asleep in the sitting room?
Looking to the side you see Peter with wet hair and more of the water spreading on his shirt.
He’s glaring at Ned, who you see as you turn further. He has an empty glass in his hand, giggling with MJ and Betty by his side.
Peter pushes a hand through his hair, seeing you awake now, his expression changing into a smile, “Oh hey, you’re awake. Sorry, that was Ned’s fault,” he says that through gritted teeth, looking back at his best friend.
“Why are you wet?” you ask.
“That’s what she said!” Ned laughs and you shake your head with a slight smile.
Your three friends disappear into the kitchen, leaving you and Peter alone again.
“Sorry- they woke up and they saw you were still sleeping on me and he wanted to wake us up by pouring water on us but I woke up just in time--”
“I fell asleep on you? Sorry, that must’ve been uncomfortable. You could have just pushed me off,” you feel your face heating up, even more so when you remember how you were holding hands for a few hours.
“Oh no, no I was comfortable too. Even got in a few hours of sleep.”
“I can’t believe I fell asleep either. I must have been really comfortable.”
You watch as Peter’s cheeks turn pink.
“Uh you didn’t tell me why Ned got you instead of me. With the water?”
“Oh. Yeah, well I didn’t want you to be woken up by having water being poured over you so, I took it.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet. You didn’t have to,” you hug him, pulling away again when you graze his wet shirt.
The others are having breakfast already, while you and Peter go back to Ned’s room, gathering fresh clothes from your bags to change into.
You reach into your bag, getting a shirt and jeans, and also some panties.
Just as you’re about to ask Peter if you should go to the bathroom to change, you look up at him, and he’s shirtless.
Your eyes flicker to his abs, they contract and become even more visible when he sees you eyeing him. He coughs when he looks down at you, seeing the panties dangling off your finger that you quickly scrunch up in your hand.
“Um should I go out-” he starts, at the same time as you say, “I can go out-”
“I’ll go out,” he states, cheeks red as he leaves the room while you change.
He’s just zipping up his jeans as you make your way to the bathroom.
You wait for him as he gets his toothbrush, then walk into the bathroom together.
“Oh god, my hair,” Peter laughs as he sees his wet, messy hair in the mirror, brushing a hand through it, trying to tame it while you start brushing your teeth, giggling at his frustrated face.
You find a hairbrush next to the sink, holding it up to him.
“Thanks but… I feel weird using someone else’s hairbrush.”
You take the toothbrush out of your mouth, “Wait, let me try,” you mumble as Peter angles his head down, offering his apple shampoo scented hair to you.
Gently separating the strands, you slowly but surely get rid of the massive tangle in his hair, at all times aware of how his eyes are focussed on your face.
You feel the urge to wipe away the toothpaste that’s still by the corner of your mouth, but you try to appear nonchalant.
“Here,” you offer, “I think your hair-”
He cuts you off by leaning in, pressing his lips to yours gently.
Peter doesn’t even give you a second before he pulls back again, looking at you nervously, now with toothpaste on his lip.
You hold onto his arms, and kiss him again. Just for a few seconds.
You grin at each other afterwards, “You’ve got um,” you motion to your lips.
“Yeah, you too,” he chuckles and you both resume to just brushing your teeth.
As you watch him in the mirror, looking into each other’s eyes, you feel his fingers searching for yours, and quickly take his hand, smiling at him.
You really like this boy.
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