#isaac wright imagine
thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
Can you make a bran Drabble when the jist is that he has a secret bf/gf :) tysm!!
bran with a secret s/o
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navigation | warnings : SMUT (if ur uncomfortable with that just skip), caught in the act | a/n : listen, if he wanted to, he could, THE WAY I SAT GIGGLING TO MYSELF WRITING A CERTAIN ONE | tags : @knight-of-flowerss @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom | bran stark playlist
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bran loves secretly holding your hand, especially when you go out somewhere with him and his family, ugh hand holding is a must
secret kisses🤭
buying you gifts then you having to pretend arya or sansa bought it for you and the awkward silence when they say they didn't
he has you over to watch movies and cuddle
he may beg his fam to go out and do something for the night just so he can do that ^^
he likes sneaking around with you
longing looks across the dinner table when you get invited to have dinner
you both are sat giggling and everyone just has confused looks on their faces
you sneak into his room in the middle of the night when you have sleepovers just to cuddle with him and then you have to sneak back into whoever's room you were in first
late night talks
always checking up on you, making sure you've eaten etc
once sansa caught him doing this and started teasing him about it
his fam constantly talks about you around him just to see that little smile that appears on his face
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neck kisses
imagine going home and you have a big massive hickey appearing on your neck all because bran cant help himself
imagine ya'll are at it, he's devouring you down there and you're pulling his hair
the moans he has to stiffle😫
constantly telling him to be quiet
loves taking you up against the wall
always ensures your comfort before trying anything new
he loves marking you
if you consent to pics being taken he absolutely will
keeps them all in a secret folder and sometimes beats his meat to them💀 ^^
bro is very very vocal
sometimes your movie sessions end up in steamy sex
literally does everything you tell him to no joke
bro is submissive af
he needs praise
like a lot of praise
he craves it
"tell me you're mine"
i just know he whimpers
and i just know its big
its hard for you guys to get at it because your relationship being a secret yk so when you do its definitely passionate and loving
bran does like it rough but not all the time
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Grunts and whimpers could be heard throughout the room.
Bran's family had gone out for the day, but Bran pretended to be sick so he could have you over.
His shirt was thrown somewhere around the room and your bottoms where around your ankles.
As he rutted into you, you tugged on his scalp, earning quiet whimpers from him.
Your moans filled his ear drums, listening as you whispered sweet nothing's into his ear.
His family was supposed to be out for the day, but then just happened to get home early.
They all piled into the hallway.
"Stop." Catelyn said. "Can't you hear that?"
Sansa and Arya stiffled laughs as they all approached Bran's room. The noises got louder.
Catelyn opened the door.
You both turned to look at each other in embarrassment.
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lovebaela · 2 months
Chapter 1: A New Life
masterlist l next
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(a/n) hello! I decided to restart my “Ice and Fire” fanfaction because I have so much more ideas for a better story :) even though it’s discontinued, if you would like to check it out here’s the masterlist! I hope you guys will enjoy this one 🤍 I’m working on the masterlist for this series right now!
Divider credit: @dingusfreakhxrrington @valeskafics
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°❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・ CW: fem!oc, betrothal (forced marriage), topics of abuse and racism, angst, a lot of fluff, smut (I’ll try lol), and murder.꙳·❅°*˖ Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
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Why must the gods be so cruel to me? What could I have possibly done to deserve this life? To be sold off like a slave by my own flesh and blood…I’ll never forgive Viserys. Without Dany, I am alone. Without love. I want to go home. But…where do I belong? The summer isles? No, that can’t be my true home, I never had the chance to live there. Do I belong anywhere?
Daughter of the mad king’s younger brother. Rhaella never knew her mother. She died after giving birth in the Summer Isles, killed by assassins under the command of the new king, Robert Baratheon. When he found out Rhaella’s mother was pregnant, he wanted both of them dead. Rhaella was smuggled out of the isles and sent to her cousins, the last Targaryens.
“I know you’re upset,” Lord Eddard Stark said, placing his hand on top of hers.“But please, believe me when I say this. I will never let anyone harm you. You are under my protection now.”
Rhaella gave him a weak smile back. Rhaella, the same name as the Mad King’s sister and wife. Daenerys gave her the name. Viserys despised the idea of his mother’s name given to the likes of a foreign girl. Even though she was still a Targaryen, he only considered her half and not pure. She took after her mother, with more summer isle features. Her skin wasn’t pale, instead, a light amber and tan that would get even darker in the sun. She had long silver curly hair, unlike her cousins who had straight silver blonde hair. The thing Rhaella hated the most was her eyes. Instead of being a pretty violet color, she had dark purple eyes that almost looked black.
Rhaella looked away from the carriage window to make eye contact with Lord Stark, “My Lord?” She asked, “Why did you accept my cousin’s offer to take me?”
“Well, you see,” he explained, “The rebellion caused great loss for everyone. So many people, loved ones, dead. Especially your family, unfortunately. I’ll never forgive him for his order of murder. When the king found out 3 Targaryens were still out in the world, he wanted you all dead. I wanted to prove to him that even though Areys was mad, that doesn’t mean you all don’t deserve to live. By taking you in and marrying one of my sons, we can show him that you are not our enemies. It took him a while to be fully convinced, but he agreed to let you live.”
”But, my eldest cousin,” Rhaella said. “He…he wants to take the seven kingdoms. I’m not sure how, but that is his plan.”
”I highly doubt he is a true threat,” Lord Stark said.
”you’re right,” she admitted. “He can be a big coward at times.”
That comment made him chuckle.
He has a nice smile, very warm and welcoming. Even though he did come off as cold before.
“Will I have to marry now?” Rhaella asked.
“Oh gods no!” He chuckled, “you are far too young, my son as well.”
“Will he like me?”
“I believe so, you have nothing to worry about. Bran is a good kid. He will treat you right.”
Once they made it through the gates, the carriage stopped. Lord Stark exited first so he could get the door for Rhaella. He gently held her hand as she took her steps down. Once Rhaella looked up from the steps, she saw the Stark family before her. Not letting go of her hand, Lord Stark approached his family to introduce their special guest.
“This is Rhaella Targaryen. As you all know, she will be with us now. Treat her as you would treat each other. If anyone disrespects her, let me know.”
They all nodded. A very handsome older boy approached her, “Hello, my lady, I am Robb,” he told her, “I hope you enjoy Winterfell and welcome!” Before walking away, he kissed her hand. That made Rhaella blush, “T-Thank you.” He had blue eyes and dark auburn hair. It was so dark you could barely tell if it was red. He had to have been the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen.
An older girl walked up to her gracefully, “Hello,” she smiled, “my name is Sansa. I hope we can grow to be like sisters! Maybe even brush each other’s hair, make dresses together, and so much more!” Rhaella gave a slight smile back, “I would love that!” Then a girl, who looked not too older than her, approached saying, “My name is Arya! Don’t worry, we don’t have to do girly stuff together. There are other ways to have fun!”
Then, she met Rickon, the youngest in the family, and their mother Lady Stark. “Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed, “aren't you just a lovely thing? Such a beauty.” Rhaella blushed at the compliment, thanking her.
She must be lying to me. I mean, just look at me! The journey to Westeros was so long that hair became wild and poofy.
”You must be frightened,” Lady Stark said. “Trust me, I never favored the cold myself. I still don’t, but you grow to appreciate it.”
Rhaella couldn’t keep her eyes off Lady Catelyn Stark’s features. Like Robb and Sansa, she had long auburn hair and pretty blue eyes. Her gown was also blue, making her eyes stand out even more.
“Where is Bran?” Lord Stark asked his wife.
“I told that boy to stop climbing,” she explained. “Brandon!”
“Sorry mother!” A voice yelled from above, “I’m coming down!”
When Rhaella looked up, she examined him. He looked to be the same age as her. He had dark brown hair and eyes with freckles on his face. He approached her and bowed, “Welcome to Winterfell, I hope you will take a liking to it.” “Thank you,” she replied.
The atmosphere quickly grew awkward. The two children didn’t know what to say to each other.
Lady Stark took Rhaella’s hand, “You must be exhausted, here, come with me.” She guided Rhaella to her bed chamber and had the handmaidens start a bath. After the bath, she laid on her bed for a quick nap.
After waking up, the handmaidens helped her get into a gown for dinner. The dress was purple with roses embroidered across the neckline. Then, they helped her with her hair. They clearly did not know what they were doing. They aren’t used to doing curly hair like Rhaella’s, but they managed to make something of it. They brushed out her curls, putting them in a half-up-half-down style. The ponytail was braided and put into a bun. After the handmaidens left the room, she looked at herself in the mirror.
I don’t even look like myself anymore.
Tears began to fill her eyes, I just want to go home.
She bolted out of the room, not knowing where she was going. She ran outside the big castle but didn’t dare to leave outside the castle walls. She eventually found an area that stood out to her. The whole vibe was strange as if something or someone was watching her. It was nothing but an old forest with no snow. In the middle of it, was a pool and a tree. A tree she’d never seen before. The huge tree was white with red leaves and a face carved into it. She stared deeply into the tree’s eyes for a while.
Is it staring back at me?
She snapped out of it, shaking her head, and climbed up the tree to sit on a huge branch.
Without Daenerys, I am lost. She didn’t know how long she’d been crying in the tree for, but she didn’t care. Winterfell wasn’t her home.
“Rhaella?” She heard a voice ask.
When she looked up, she saw Bran with a concerned look on his face, “w-why are you crying?”
She wiped her tears. “Sorry, I just miss my sister…how did you know I’d be here?”
“I like to go to the godswood, and climb up this tree,” he said. “Whenever I like to be alone and think. I’m sorry you had to leave your sister.”
“Well, she isn’t my sister, not really,” she admitted, wiping her face. “We are actually cousins. We just call each other sisters.”
He sat next to her, “my family was worried about you. They thought you might have ran away.” He nervously chuckled. “I…I know that we are to be married one day. The idea of marriage scares me.”
She doesn’t respond, only looking down at her hands as she fidgets with them. “I have something for you,” Bran showed her a beautiful blue flower. “That was the reason I was climbing.” He told her. “I wanted to give you something as a gift. I was going to give it to you at the dinner table but here. If I hurt your feelings not being there to greet you, I’m so sorry.” Rhaella took the flower and sniffed it.
“It’s called the winter rose,” he continued. “A rare flower that can grow around the castle.”
“It’s so beautiful,” she smiled. “Thank you.”
”You know, just because we’re betrothed doesn’t mean we have to be in love right now or anything,” he said. “Let’s just be friends!”
”Yeah I’d like that!” She said.
”And just so you know,” he whispered. “I liked your hair better before. Your curly hair is much better.”
She laughed, “You and me both.”
”You’re laughing!”
”This is your first time laughing here,” he said. “You have a nice smile.”
”Thanks, Bran,” she said. “You know, my eldest cousin ,Viserys, told me and Dany that you guys were evil monsters. But, you guys aren’t monstrous at all!”
Before Bran could respond, they both hear a voice from down below calling for Bran. An older boy who looked the same age as Robb. He was very handsome with black curls and dark eyes. “I found her Jon!” Bran shouted.
”Well, what are you sitting around for? They are all waiting for you two!” The two of them climbed down from the tree and walked with Jon.
“Forgive me, my name is Jon Snow,” he told Rhaella. “Welcome to Winterfell.”
”I never heard of the last name ‘snow’ before,” she confessed.
Bran began to explain, ”That last name actually means he’s a…well—”
”Bastard.” Jon said. His voice was cold and somber.
”I don’t know what that means,” Rhaella said. “But Viserys called me that sometimes, I assumed as an insult.”
”It means that my father, Lord Stark, had me with another woman. I wanted to meet you when you arrived, but Lady Stark thought it would be disrespectful.”
Rhaella couldn’t help but feel awful for him. There was something about Jon Snow that made him stand out. As if they had a connection. She wondered if Jon felt it too.
“You said that Viserys called us evil,” Bran said. “Then why did he want to send you away to us?”
“He hates me,” she answered. “He saw you guys as an opportunity to get rid of me…”
Once they all made it to the dining hall, all eyes were on Rhaella and Bran. “Well, aren’t you just beautiful?” Catelyn smiled. “Please, have a seat.” Bran escorted her to her chair and went back to his. Before Jon could leave the Hall, Rhaella asked, “Can Jon eat with us please?”
”Ah, I see you met him while you were gone,” Lord Stark said, amused. “Would him eating with us please you?”
Rhaella looked over at Jon, whose eyes lightened up. She looked back at Lord Stark and gave a nod. He looked over at Lady Stark, “What do you say?”
She looked into Rhaella’s sparkling eyes and sighed, “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”
Rhaella gave a big smile. Jon pulled a chair next to her whispering, “Thank you Rhaella.”
“I hope you like the dress,” Sansa said. “I made it myself! I wanted to test my embroidery skills and decided to make you one!”
“It’s beautiful,” Rhaella told her. “You should teach me!” Sansa nodded gleefully.
“You know, we all thought you ran off and escaped!” Arya laughed.
“I…I didn’t mean any trouble or offense, I apologize.” Rhaella announced, standing up from her chair and bowing her head. “It was rude of me.”
“No,” Lord Stark said. “You have every right to feel the way you do. Your life changed right before your eyes. But please, believe me when I say this, we are here for you.”
“Aye.” Robb agreed. “If you are having trouble with anyone or anything let us know.” She thanked the both of them for their kindness.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what was it like outside of Westeros?” Catelyn asked.
Rhaella told them everything. Even about the abuse Viserys had done to her. He always yelled at her for the littlest things. The worst thing he ever did was sneak into her bedchamber with a knife. He threatened to cut out her insides if she didn’t cooperate with his plan to send her to the North.
They all had concerned looks on their faces. The abuse never got to her until explaining it out loud. She really did have it rough.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Arya said. “You are with us now!”
“Safe and sound,” Sansa added.
Rhaella didn’t realize she was smiling.
”So, Rhaella…you said you were from the Summer Isles right?” Theon asked.
“Yes, why you ask?”
He smirked at Robb before asking, “I heard the women there are quite breathtakingly beautiful?” She could have sworn she heard him whisper “and have nice bodies.”
”Well, I’ve never actually stayed there, I had to flee because of the King,” she explained. “But from the books I’ve read and from what I heard from some servants in Pentos, yes, the women there are quite beautiful.”
”I also heard that they have a passion for love making,” he said. “Maybe I gotta visit there sometime-.”
”Theon!” Lady Stark snapped. “Don’t be disrespectful-.”
”Oh that’s okay!” Rhaella reassured her. “You’re right, Theon! They do have a passion for it. If I were to stay in the Isles, I would have been a prostitute myself!”
Sansa and Lady Stark almost choked on their food, as Robb, Theon, and Jon bursted out laughing at the table. She didn’t understand what was so funny, but she laughed along with them.
”What’s a prostitute?” Rickon asked, innocently. That made the boys start crying from laughter. Theon even fell out of his chair.
”Y-You’ll know when you’re older!” Lady Stark said.
”You’ll fit in with us just fine, child,” Lord Stark said. “Welcome to the family!”
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Daenerys never felt more lonely. She missed Rhaella, her real family. She’d never forgive her brother for what he did.
“Daenerys!” Viserys shouted.
He entered her bed chamber, “do not tell me you’re still upset about that savage.”
She felt rage enter her body as he said those words. “She is not a savage, she’s my sister,” she replied softly. “And I don’t understand why you sent her to our enemies.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” he said. “We both know that’s not true. She’s our cousin. Daughter of our uncle and whatever foreign whore he married. She’s not a pure Targaryen like us, Dany. And she never will be. I gave her away because we need allies, even if they are enemies. The Starks are a strong house, and I knew that Lord Stark would gladly take her in. The fool won’t even know of my plans to destroy him and his dear friend Robert.”
Daenerys always considered Rhaella her sister, even if it wasn’t true. They spent all of their time together, never leaving one’s side. It felt like it was yesterday, the day Rhaella arrived in Braavos as a baby. Viserys wanted nothing to do with her while Daenerys cherished her. She had no idea why Viserys was so upset about naming their cousin after their mother. It was only a name after all. She always thought it was much deeper than Rhaella being a “savage.” She never dared to ask him though.
“I have good news.” He announced. She examined his face, his grin looked devious. Truly it wasn’t good news. “I found you a husband,” he said. “His name is Khal Drogo, Magister Illyrio said. A Dothraki savage. When you two wed, I’ll have his army. We can finally go home, sweet sister.”
All she ever wanted was a home. A home with Rhaella, where they could finally be happy together. With her gone, Daenerys wasn’t sure if it would be home without her.
“And what about her?” She asked him.
“The savage?” He scoffed. “Those Starks have her now. I don’t care what they do to her. As long as we have our alliance with the North.”
Daenerys wanted to cry, but she stayed strong. I will meet her again, one day.
°❆⋆Bran ೃ࿔*:・
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It had only been a couple of months, but for Bran, it felt like he had known Rhaella his whole life. Rhaella also grew close to his sisters but mostly Arya. The three of them were inseparable. Rhaella even taught them some of the Valyrian language. Some nights, the three of them would stay up and read history books about Targaryen history until they got caught by the Septa. For fun, they liked to go sledding and have snowball fights. The older Stark boys and Rickon joined them sometimes, but never Sansa. Ever since Rhaella arrived, Sansa and Arya fought less. It’s like wherever she went, she spread joy. That’s one of the traits Bran liked about her.
Now, everyone is preparing for the arrival of the King.
He overheard his father saying that the King was almost there. Bran felt sorry for Rhaella because she was so stressed out. “What will he do to me?” She asked. He always reassured her, “You are under our protection now, the King approved of you. Don’t worry about a thing.”
At that moment, it was time for Bran to practice his archery. He hasn’t been getting any better. He wanted to show his family he could hit the bull’s eye. First, only Robb was watching him. Then, came Jon and Rickon. Before he knew it, his parents came to watch as well.
“Keep practicing, Bran,” Lord Stark insisted. “Go on.”
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Jon leaned in towards Bran, placing his hand on his shoulder, “Alright, father is watching.”
Jon looks over and sees Rhaella and Arya watching as well, “and her…” he whispered.
Bran took a deep gulp. He didn’t like to get teased about Rhaella. They only do it because we are to be married. We are just friends, good friends.
Bran nodded and started to aim his bow and arrow at his target.
“Relax your bow arm…” Robb commented.
Just before Bran could release the arrow, someone else’s hits the target and another shoots right through it.
All of the boys turned their heads to see Rhaella and Arya giggling. “Hey!” Bran yelled. The girls both curtseyed but quickly took off once they saw Bran chasing them. The kids kept on playing until their father took all of the boys to see an execution. Bran was finally old enough to see one.
“Are you scared?” Rhaella asked him as he was mounting his pony.
“I’m not sure.” He answered honestly.
But I can’t be afraid. My father told me I won’t be a boy forever. I’ll be a man-grown soon. I mustn’t be afraid. I need to be brave. Like Robb and Jon. Wolves are never afraid.
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Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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the-fiction-witch · 10 months
A New Song
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Media Game of Thrones
Character Bran Stark (King Bran the Broken)
Couple Bran X Reader
Rating Sweet
Concept Harp Strings
I sat unable to help my smile as my chair sat looking out towards the balcony of the royal suite, I couldn't help but smile watching the sweetest of sights. The doors opened wide to the balcony of the suite, the black curtains tied back but still billowing in the sea wind, the most peaceful sound that had ever existed the plucking of gentle strings forming the most beautiful of songs. She sat on the low stone bench on the balcony, the sea of kings landing beyond the balcony, Her long Y/h/c hair free from braids and twists allowed to flow freely with only a small grey tie around her head to keep her hair from her eyes, her hair blustered in the wind. Her sweet body was covered with a dark grey gown the same colour as the house that I once was named for, the gown was covered with embroidered black feathers across the fabric, the fabric moving with the wind giving the illusion of feathered wings flying in the breeze, she was barefoot against the stone, her sweet hands scared from the harsh burns of her history but they moved as graceful as a morning birds wings, they plucked and picked at the long strings of her sweet silver harp. 
She plaid jenny of the old stones, 
"Must you play those ghostly songs"
"I like ghostly songs" she cooes 
"Why don't you play a new song?"
"I could write a new song for you my king, to tell tales of the new world"
"That sounds like the perfect song my love,"
"When I shall begin working on it right away my king" She smiled blowing me a kiss before she began to compose, I watched and listened for what seemed like hours so much so the sun had begun to set 
"You're grace" Podrick called as he entered the royal suite with Brien in tow but they both stopped short as they saw me 
"Yes?" I asked them
"Small council meeting your grace it's urgent"
"Yes of course" I nodded and he came to direct my chair, I glanced back to the balcony as Brien went to close the doors seeing the empty balcony with only the curtains blowing, she closed and locked then tight as we began to leave even if I could hear her sweet harp strings echoing though the castles stone. 
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kijiboop · 5 days
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Can’t stop thinking about him.
12 minutes in a larger movie sees Jason Isaacs paired with Robin Wright Penn in the most heartbreaking love story you can imagine crammed into so short a time. I can’t find any gifs of it but this will do.
“Nine Lives” generally isn’t worth exploring but god. Damien and Diana will live in my head for the rest of my life.
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stuffwithart · 1 year
Creepypasta LGBT Headcanons
Disclaimer this headcanon list is just for fun and imagine so please feel free to agree or disagree and Happy Pride Month
own by their rightful owner
Lord Zalgo - Asexual
own by their rightful owner
Slenderman - Asexual
own by Neil Cicierega
Splendorman - AroAce( Aromantic and Asexual )
own by Arcanineryu
Offenderman - Omnisexual
own by their rightful owner
Trenderman - Homosexual
own by Kastoway
Ticci Toby - Asexual
own by Marble Hornets
Masky/Tim Wright - Homosexual
own by Marble Hornets
Hoodie/Brian Thomas - Homosexual
own by EveryManHybrid
HABIT - Asexual
own by TribeTwelve
The Observer - Asexual
own by Slender The Arrival
The Chaser - Asexual
own by Slender The Arrival
Charlie Matheson Jr - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
Xvirus - Asexual
own by InvaderIka
SlenderDoll - Pansexual
own by sesseur
Jeff The Killer - Bisexual
own by sesseur
Homicidal Liu - Asexual
own by TheLadyBlackWolf
Jane The Killer - Homosexual ( in a relationship with Mary Vaughn )
own by Alegotic-Twevel
Nina The Killer - Omnisexual
own by their rightful owner
Eyeless Jack - Pansexual
own by Leafcrowns
Clockwork - Bisexual
own by ZombiePunkRat
Zero - Demisexual
own by Yaguyi
Judge Angel - Heterosexual
own by DeluCat
Bloody Painter - Bisexual
own by Yaguyi
Nurse Ann - Biromantic ( Bisexual and Asexual )
own by their rightful owner
Dr Smiley - Heterosexual
own by ChrisOzFulton
Hobo Heart - Aromantic
own by Me
Ron - Heterosexual
own by Chibi-Works
Bleeding-Man - Bisexual
own by Chibi-Works
Shadow Walker - Heterosexual
own by Chibi-Works
Stripes - Heterosexual
own by Madame Macabre
Good Doctor Locklear - Asexual
own by Kerry-Sene
Elska Ruth - Bisexual
own by Dethkira
Reggie - Aromatic
own by Me
Erin The Killer - Demisexual
own by BleedingHeartworks
The Puppeteer - Asexual
own by Highwind-Valor
Emra - Asexual
own by Pnckes
Suicide Sadie - Bisexual
own by Jinbeizamezama
Kagekao - Asexual
own by Me
Akira Asahi - Asexual
own by SnuffBomb
Laughing Jack - Pansexual
own by SnuffBomb
Isaac Grossman - Demiromantic
own by SnuffBomb
Frankie - Asexual
own by SabrinaNightmaren
Laughing Jill - Bisexual
own by DanceOfAngels
Candy Cane - Pansexual
own by DanceOfAngels
Candy Pop - Demisexual
own by Promptus
April Fools - Heterosexual
own by MysticalSorcery
Papa Grande Di Magico - Asexual
own by Krisantyl
Jason The Toymaker - Bisexual
own by Chisai-Yokai
The DollMaker - Asexual
own by IvyDarkRose
Nathan The Nobody - Asexual
own by Me
Clown - Homosexual
own by Me
Knives Lollipops - Heterosexual
own by GhostfaceNikol
The Item Stealer/Nick Vanill - Homosexual
own by GhostfaceNikol
Nightcrawler - Asexual
own by GhostfaceNikol
The Skroll - Bisexual
own by Chibi-Works
Lulu - Heterosexual
own by Chibi-Works
Lazari - Pansexual
own by La-Mishi-Mish
Sally Williams - Heterosexual
own by CamyWilliams9
Sam Williams - Heterosexual
own by NightmareQueenKasei
Lifeless Lucy - Heterosexual
own by NaughtyKittyDV-1992
Lily Kennett - Heterosexual
own by Cupcake889
Oliver Henderson - Heterosexual
own by their rightful owner
Ben Drowned - Omnisexual
own by their rightful owner
Lost Silver - AroAce( Aromantic and Asexual )
own by their rightful owner
Glitchy Red - AroAce( Aromantic and Asexual )
own by their rightful owner
Herobrine - Bisexual
own by their rightful owner
Entity 303 - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
Sonic Exe - Pansexual
own by their rightful owner
Tails Doll - Asexual
own by their rightful owner
Mario Exe - Heterosexual
own by their rightful owner
Lord X - Asexual
own by their rightful owner
Mario 84 - Asexual
own by their rightful owner
Hypno - Asexual
own by their rightful owner
Skin Taker - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
Horace The Horrible - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
Pirate Percy - Demiromantic
own by their rightful owner
Milo - Bisexual
own by their rightful owner
Captain Poppy - Heterosexual
own by their rightful owner
Janice - Heterosexual
own by their rightful owner
Red - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
Squidward Suicide - Asexual ( Might be canon in SpongeBob )
Own by IceyPie
Eleted - Asexual
Own by Dronian
Happy Appy - Asexual
own by their rightful owner
Shadowlurker - Demisexual
own by their rightful owner
The Rake - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
BOB - Aromantic
own by Madame Macabre
Scarecrow - Bisexual
own by their rightful owner
Mr Wide-Mouth - Aromantic
own by their rightful owner
Pinkiemena - Pansexual
own by their rightful owner
Smile Dog - Aromatic
own by their Comickit
Grinny Cat - Heterosexual
own by their rightful owner
Seed Eater - Aromatic
own by their Comickit
Miss Pencilneck - Bisexual
own by Madame Macabre
Korbyn Jumping-Eagle - Asexual
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brsb4hls · 6 months
Ok, I'm ship neutral, so no ship hate, but I have never seen people absolutely denying reality and facts this hard and as a logic loving person I cannot stand this level of delusion.
Lokius shippers might as well argue the earth is flat in the main tags, that's what it feels like to scroll trough this weirdness.
So it's gonna be this one rant post, correctly tagged of course, to vent and then I'll have to blacklist this tag (which I have never done before with any tag, cause nothing was ever this bad) for my sanity.
Sylki is the canon relationship of the show.
Still, even if they've broken up.
So, if Loki is in love, it's with Sylvie.
That's that Isaac Bauman interview.
It is not in any way confirmation of lokius.
(Oh and the rainbow as a symbol of hope and new beginnings passes over everybodys face. Because Loki gives everyone hope. Rainbows did have symbolic meaning before the creation of the pride flag and by denying that, shippers sound like weird ass Karens claiming the fashion industry is pushing the gay agenda by printing rainbows on kids shirts.)
Now next interview, the Kevin Wright one:
He talks about Sylki as a romantic relationship and how much Loki still cares about her, even if there is no time to focus on that, and mentions that Loki was only able to do what he did 'because he cares about her, he cares about Mobius, more than anyone he's ever cared about.' Both of them!
So shippers actually took a Sylki interview to make it about Lokius.
The 'it's about who': there's an Eric Martin interview, where he explains that losing Sylvie was the last straw for Loki and then he started to control his slipping and it was about all of the people he cared about.
Which is logical, since he can slip if he focuses on a person. If it was about Mobius only, how would he end up in the citadel again.
And Loki does a full turn, then looks at the space where the audience would be, but not directly into the camera. Because it is about everyone in that room. Full turn.
Tom's interviews:
Tom calls both Mobius and Sylvie mirrors in an interview.
He uses 'passionate disagreement' for both of them.
He had to be informed about Lokius, because he wasn't aware of it, but is obvi ship neutral/ positive here, because he's a decent human being. That's still no canon confirmation.
Oh and the scrapped ep 5? There's no way it was simply 'romcom-like', as shippers love to imagine, that would have impressed nobody and Marvel already did that with WandaVision, so it would not have been a 'big conceptual swing.
It was most likely about Loki going back to the New York invasion, which is why B 15 is in 2012. Or slipping further back even.
That would not have fit the tone of the show and blewn the budget, so it got axed.
Now my inner virgo feels better.
I can't stand people spreading misinformation, that has actually nothing to do with shipping, but with my fact-loving self.
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aronlewes · 8 months
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Well, I've got a new book out (https://books2read.com/u/mKVMEE ) so it's time to make another ramble post about the book's imagined cast, because I'm crazy, and because I can.
First, the vampires. The trio of royal terror: King Isaak (Jason Isaacs), his son Prince Oskar (Owen Teague) and Prince Wolfsbane (Wolfgang Novogratz).
Next, the girls. Emily Carey for Adeline, a brunette Florence Pugh for Shanda, and Letitia Wright as Melia. Melia's actually my fav. She brings some much-needed levity to an otherwise dark series.
Aaaand then there's Joslun, who existed in my head as Joe Taslim. I gave myself a massive crush on both Joslun and Joe when I was writing this series. I loved Joslun. My beta reader DIDN'T like Joslun. My sister hated Prince Oskar, while I was always a bit bored by Wolfsbane. I guess there's always going to be that one character you just don't like.
And that's it. There's my fancast that literally no one wanted to hear about! 😂 Until next time!
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spextr1m · 2 months
Criminal Case masterlist navigation
"Welcome detective to our bulletin board where we see one of headcanons!"
(It will update once I make headcanons, incorrect quotes or imagines-)
Crossing - Either one of members betray, died, arrested or defect which excludes resigned
Italic - Means returning members like Jack will have post timeskip headcanons (Does that even make sense I hope so-)
season 1 and 5
David Jones
Cathy Turner Diane Parker
Gloria Hayes
Martine Meuiner
Grace Delaney
Gabriel Herrera
Rita Estevez
Eduardo Ramirez
Amir Devani
Samuel King
Rupert Winchester
Pacific Bay
Amy Young
Russell Crane
Frank Knight
Roxie Sparks
Yann Toussaint
Hannah Choi
Andrea Marquez
The Bureau
Jack Archer
Elizabeth Ripley
Ingrid Bjorn
Elliot Clayton
Carmen Martinez
Johan Karam
Marina Romanova
Angela Douglas
Lars Douglas
Armand Dupont
Michelle Zuria
Grace Delaney
CFS (Concordian Flying Squad)
Arthur Wright
Isaac Bontemps
Maddie Dupont
Richard Wells
Charles Dupont
Viola Pemberton
Rose Zhao
Evie Holloway
Diego del Lobo
Jack Archer
Zara Tien
Orlando Ordelaffi
Penelope Sage
Marina Romanova
Janet Rivers
Theodore Moon
Kai Malando
Christopher Scott
Supernatural Hunters
Jacob Arrow
Gwen Harper
Luke Fernandez
Headcanons 1
Ben Shepherd
Priya Desai
Hope Newman
Felix Reed
Parisian Police Squad
Jean-Philippe Delacroix
Gauthier Delacroix
Hugo Mercier
Carrie James
Nadia Ben Yamin
Enzo Traore
Emile Bardot
Lea Bonnet
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ninthprime · 2 years
list of players who should fall onto the houston spies during fall ball (according to me)
rigby friedrich: i'm very amused by this "sporgias phenomenon" we're seeing, where two of our three falls so far have been former georgias. so i'd like to propose rigby, a player whose primary espionage skill is "oh fuck he's approaching me, oh god, oh fuck"
kaz fiasco: during the late expansion era some of the spies joked that it was inevitable we would someday receive kaz, as his pgr is "spying." perhaps now is the time.
sexton wheeler and/or mcdowell mason: look, i love sad horse man and the sasquatch captain as much as anyone, but can you imagine them learning spy skills? hysterical. i would like to see at least one of them, preferably both, in trenchcoats
phineas wormthrice: i need to see phinny interacting with nanci grackle's muppets. more importantly, it would be funny.
peanut bong: it would be funny.
lowe forbes: this might be even funnier
sutton bishop: also extremely funny
jessica telephone: though somewhat controversial, here's my reasoning: it would be, in the end, pretty funny
niq nyong'o: this one's just inevitable- now that nanci's on the team the sim is obviously going to curse niq with having to put up with hir again. the sporgias phenomenon continues. also, i like her.
mohammed picklestein: this one's cheating because mohammed was already a spies player, but 1. they're one of my favorites and 2. can you imagine noted blaseball safety expert mohammed picklestein on the same team as notoriously unethical nanci grackle?
at least one other blaseball scientist: niq and mo are the scientists i'd like the most, but really i just need at least 3 or 4 scientists/inventors/etc on this team. unfortunately the sim has already taken haruta byrd and mooney doctor from me as options but we've got a lot more. how about zion aliciakeyes? pedro davids? felix garbage? mint shupe? mullen peterson? maybe jomgy rolsenthal moves back to houston? maybe eve mcblase moves back?? whatever makes the vibes a little funky around here.
knight triumphant: last time knight was a spy they saw multiple people die and seemingly got cursed to wander the league. this time, they're going to have to put up with nanci grackle. and frankly: it's what they deserve
harriet gildehaus: i rest my case
isaac johnson: spies unionize! that's my argument. that and we need someone with defense on this team please i'm begging
tad seeth: i believe the spies always need a "spynosaurus" present somewhere on our roster
axel cardenas: imagine you were one of the worst blaseball players ever. and you've been jumping between the shadows of various teams. and you decide the best way to get a fresh start is to get onto the same team as your daughter and your younger siblings. and then you get to houston, and none of them are there, and the stadium is filled with necromanced muppets, and now you gotta learn how to read ciphers. hideous. anyway i love this guy and i'd like to see him
richmond harrison: i think richmond should be on every team, to improve the vibes of the league as a whole
commissioner vapor: this is a spy we just had again but one of the very first things i saw someone say when fall ball was announced was "it's just gonna wimdy us CV again." and frankly? yeah, probably
various other players i don't really have an argument for but it would be fun: ok here's a shortlist: miguel james. wyatt pothos. rafael davids. guy gulp. jaxon buckley. jayden wright. ronan jaylee. gerund pantheocide. mindy salad. coolname galvanic. nagomi nava. beck whitney. thomas dracaena. sandford garner. literally any crab. "crop, are you just listing random players you like now?" look if i keep listing them i'll predict at least one correctly, that's how blaseball works,
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doomed-jester · 1 year
If they ever make a live action Dead Space movie, I think Gunner Wright should return to play Isaac. He's already the voice (and as of the recent remake, face model) of Isaac, AND he acts for film and TV too, not just video games.
Imagine the potential
I'm sure there are other actors out there who COULD do it, but I think the choice is obvious.
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jackoshadows · 2 years
I was wondering why they didn't make Sansa queen of the seven kingdoms on the show, why just the north. Even if it is about following some kind of book ending where Bran is king, it's not like they care about the books. This isn't really important, I just think it's funny that not even d&d thought it was a good idea to make her the ruler of everything lol
Because they love the idea of 'Subverting Expectations' and Bran randomly becoming King at the end is the epitome of that. Who would have expected that?! I still remember the lot of us hanging out on Freefolk reddit laughing at the leaked spoilers about the ending and the more that got leaked, the more we rejected it as being nonsense and then we got to the end of the show and yeah... all that nonsense was true.
By the time we got to the end nothing of the plot made sense, characters became supremely stupid, there were no consequences for actions and it was all about spectacle and shock and surprise.
The thing with Benioff and Weiss is that they lacked imagination, they had no interest in the source material. I would go so far as to say they disliked the source material except for some plots (Red Wedding for ex.) and some characters and their love for a character depended on which actor played the character. And by the time they got to the later seasons they were bored, exhausted and wanted to be done with it. They were also egocentric and arrogant, tightly controlled the writing and narrative, were spiteful against actors who gave suggestions based on the books, told actors not to read the books and refused to have a writer's room. Any criticism was ignored as being from 'book purists'. They cut off any discussion with GRRM by season 4.
This led to them not laying the groundwork for King Bran. They didn't care enough for Isaac Hempstead-Wright as an actor. Notice how much praise D&D have in all their interviews for Sophie and Maisie as child actors who grew up on the show and yet have nothing to say about Isaac who was even younger than them?
They were not interested in writing for Isaac as an actor, they ran out of book material for Bran, his story had the most fantasy/magic which they didn't like and his path to King of the 7K is likely through his role in defeating the Others which they didn't care for either.
The difference between how they treated Bran and Sansa is vast. By the end of season 4 they ran out of book material for both these characters. They had the 3 AFfC chapters for Sansa where it's just set up for Sansa's future arc with the Vale Lords and for Bran they had the Hodor plot that GRRM said was going to happen in TWoW.
(talking about the 2013 meeting with D&D) It wasn’t easy for me. I didn’t want to give away my books. It’s not easy to talk about the end of my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and “hold the door,” and Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter. We didn’t get to everybody by any means. Especially the minor characters, who may have very different endings.
They had Isaac sit out a season instead of writing more for him as a 3ER. They could have done the same for Sansa. We could have rejoined Sansa in season 6 after she takes control of the Vale and then send her and LF to the North if they don't want to hire more actors and do the book Vale plot for her. However, they couldn't ask Sophie Turner to sit out a season like they could do with Isaac. So they wrote in book Jeyne Poole's role for her.
And it’s because of Turner’s strength, Benioff continued, that it made sense to give Sansa a dramatic storyline this season and to use Ramsay’s engagement for that very purpose. In fact, the showrunners first thought about putting Sansa and Ramsay together back when they were writing season 2. “We really wanted Sansa to play a major part this season,” Benioff said. “If we were going to stay absolutely faithful to the book, it was going to be very hard to do that. There was a subplot we loved from the books, but it used a character that’s not in the show.” 
And after ignoring the fantasy and magical aspects of the books for 8 seasons and neglecting Bran, they used his 3ER status to make him King. That was Tyrion's argument wasn't it? That making Bran king would be 'breaking the wheel'? It was idiotic because right after he makes that statement and Bran is made king, Sansa demands Northern independence because she's a Stark and gets it. So there is a Stark ruler in the North once again - how is that breaking the wheel?!
This interview after S8 gives you an idea of D&D as writers:
I blame both D&D and GRRM for the nonsense that is the show. GRRM for not finishing the story and D&D for being talentless hacks. However, GRRM is a good writer and if we are getting King Bran in the books, there is going to be set up for it.
Do you use to check the Internet forums in order to see the predictions made by your fans?
I am aware of the principal Internet forums about A Song of Ice and Fire and I really used to look at the American and English groups. Nowadays, the most important site is Westeros, but I started to feel uncomfortable and I thought it would be a better idea not to get to these sides. The fans use to come up with theories; lots of them are just speculative but some of them are in the right way. Before the Internet, one reader could guess the ending you wanna do for your novel, but the other 10.000 wouldn’t know anything and they would be surprised. However, now, those 10.000 people use the Internet and read the right theories. They say: “Oh God, the butler did it!”, to use an example of a mystery novel. Then, you think: “I have to change the ending! The maiden would be the criminal!” To my mind that way is a disaster because if you are doing well you work, the books are full of clues that point to the butler doing it and help you to figure up the butler did it, but if you change the ending to point the maiden, the clues make no sense anymore; they are wrong or are lies, and I am not a liar.
Good story telling is being able to manage to surprise the readers who can then go back and connect the dots to that ending. That is what is meant by subverting expectations. The Red Wedding was shocking and subversive and yet the seeds for it was laid way back in ACoK when Arya listens in to Roose Bolton and Aenys Frey talking strategy. Ned's death in AGoT was foreshadowed at the very beginning with the Stag killing the Direwolf.
For D&D subverting expectations means randomly dumping in endings that make no sense in the context of the story (king Bran, Dany burning down KL etc.). They would have salivated at the prospect of King Bran surprising everyone and instead the audience went WTF?! They wanted to keep GRRM's ending of King Bran on the Iron Throne for their show, then they failed to write anything for the character because they didn't care for the actor or the magical plot he is involved in and finally thought that everyone would love King Bran because it was so subversive.
Just think about this - they upended the entire theme of the books and dispatched of the Others in one episode to refocus back on Cersei and the Iron throne because they loved Lena Headey as Cersei so much.
The theme of the books - When dead men come calling do you think it matters who sits on the Iron Throne. The theme of the show - This existential apocalyptic threat that's an allegory for climate change does not matter, personal power and the Iron throne does.
That's why the show and the books are two entirely different entities and why King Bran does not work at all on the show. D&D's disconnect from the source material and the author meant that they failed to realize this. The show's ending is nihilistic and cynical and the selfish, power hungry characters end up winning. The book's ending is going to be bitter sweet and more hopeful and optimistic with most of the good guys getting a happy ending. And yes, that could include a King Bran that actually makes sense in the context of the story.
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thethreeeyed-raven · 11 months
not sure if you still take got reqs but id LOVE to see more bran x secret gf/bf nsfw headcanons- the risk of the entire kingdom hearing and someone catching you guys, meanwhile he just keeps at it AJDJFGHEG😫
bran stark secret gf/bf headcanons pt2
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navigation | warnings : not much nsfw sorry😭 | a/n : i’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted lmao | bran stark playlist | tags : @knight-of-flowerss @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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in meetings with the council, he would try to avoid eye contact with you but he just can't help but sneak a little glance
at first no one noticed your escapades, but they were soon starting to get suspicious
once Brienne came up to you with Podrick trailing behind her (Bran had let him have the day off) and asked you if you and Bran had something going on
how you managed to keep your cool was astonishing
sometimes you'd both skip meetings and have some fun in his chambers
that was when EVERYONE figured it out
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You had known the Starks since you were a child. Of course, you didn't have favourites, but your time was well spent around their first girl, Sansa.
You both held a soft spot for each other. Okay, you did have favouites.
But another Stark held a more special place in your heart.
Unfortunately you were not allowed to follow Sansa to Kingslanding all those years ago, and you couldn't stop Robb from leaving Winterfell.
Since then, there were only four Starks left. And for all that time, you've been with Bran.
You've always had feelings for Bran, but they were only ever shown when you two were alone.
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Once again, you and Bran had skipped an important meeting just to spend time with each other.
"We can't keep skipping these meetings Bran, Brienne keeps asking more questions and Tyrion keeps getting more annoyed by the da-"
Bran cut you off with a peck on the lips. "Tyrion isn't the King."
"He may as well be if you keep this up." Sighing, you sat yourself up and placed your hand on his cheek. "The kingdom is more important than me, you need to put them first."
Bran lifted himself and rested against the bed frame. "But my Queen is important to me also. It not only this Kingdom I hold in my hands, but you and the rest of the world too."
"I don't want to the people to riot if they hear you are with me, you and Tyrion cannot control everyone."
"I will if I have to, because I would do anything for you." He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it, then placed your palm above his heart.
You were truly his Queen.
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lovebaela · 2 months
Chapter 2: Winter is Coming
prev l masterlist l next
Pairing: °❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・
CW: fem!oc, mostly fluff, and mentions of murder.꙳·❅°*˖
Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
(a/n) hey guys, I finally finished the masterlist so please check it out! I also recently made a ao3 account and I’ll start posting this series on there as well so stay tuned 🤍
Dividers by @sylasthegrim
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Once the Stark boys came back, Bran said he wanted to show Rhaella something. He took her to the kitchens to show her. To her surprise, there were puppies! “Oh my gosh!” She gushed. “Bran, they are adorable!” He picked one up saying, “This one is mine! I haven’t decided on a name yet. They’re direwolf pups! There’s enough for all of the Stark children, even Jon!”
He handed the little pup to Rhaella. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you one. Maybe, we can share mine!”
The pup licked her cheek. “I’d like that!” She giggled. She turned to Arya. “Did you name yours?”
“Sure did!” She said. “Her name is Nymeria!”
Sansa scoffed. “The name of mine will be Lady. She’s going to be well behaved and good like me.”
Arya rolled her eyes.
Robb lifted up his pup, examining it. “I think I’ll name mine Greywind.”
“That’s so cool,” Bran said, jealous.
Rickon played with his pup. “I’m going to name mine…Shaggydog!” Everyone thought that was an odd name, but didn’t say anything, fearing that they would hurt the boy’s feelings.
The preparations continued for the King’s arrival. During Rhaella’s free time, she liked exploring Winterfell and interacting with the people. Although it took a while for the people to warm up to her, she was eventually called Winterfell’s delight. She was quite similar to Bran. A loving and outgoing child.
In the courtyard, Bran was receiving history lessons from Maester Luwin. Rhaella and Arya were waiting on him to finish, doing each other’s hair. Rhaella liked teaching Arya how to braid. She looked over at Bran, who was already glancing over at her. They both waved at each other until Maester Luwin wacked Bran on the head. “You need to focus,” the Maester said. The girls laughed.
“I think he’s really starting to like you.” Arya said.
“Really?” Rhaella asked.
“Are you kidding? He’s always staring at you. And don’t tell him I told you this, but after the first dinner you had with us, he told me you were very pretty.”
That made Rhaella blush. Does he really like me? Arya could just be teasing. We both agreed to just be friends. I wonder if Robb thinks I’m cute? If only I were older I would’ve been married to him instead.
After Bran was done, he decided to go climbing the castle walls. Rhaella didn’t feel like going with him, so she stayed by Lady Catelyn’s side. Bran’s direwolf pup also followed her around. He was growing at a rapid speed. Lady Stark was quite stressed making sure everything was perfect. Especially since the Lannisters were coming.
“Brandon!” Lady Stark yelled, as they walked outside to the courtyard.
“I see the king!” He shouted. “He’s got thousands of people!”
“Get down here right now!”
Once he gracefully made his way down his mother said, “how many times must I tell you, no more climbing! Promise me!”
Bran looked down at his feet and then answered, “I promise mother.”
“I noticed something, you always look at your feet before you lie…”
Bran chuckled, not denying it.
“Go let Ned know the king is close.”
Bran took Rhaella’s hand and they took off with their direwolf chasing behind them.
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The stark family stood in a line as everyone else stood behind them. Jon was to the left of me while Theon Greyjoy was to my right. The gates opened for the King to trot in with his horse. Following him was his king’s guard and a boy on horseback. That must be his son, the prince. The blonde haired boy smiled at Sansa, and she smiled back at him. One knight hopped off of his horse, and took off his helmet. He had to have been the most beautiful man Rhaella’s ever seen. He had long golden blonde hair with emerald green eyes. “Jaime Lannister, the Queen’s twin brother,” Arya said, before Sansa hushed her.
“I heard the prince was a royal prick,” Theon whispered. He, at a young age, was sent to Winterfell by his own father, Balon Greyjoy. He made the terrible mistake of crowning himself king of the iron islands and starting a war. After their loss, Theon was sent away to Winterfell to be Lord Stark’s ward. Theon always viewed himself as a prisoner.
Then, came in the carriage with the Queen inside. She exited out of the carriage, looking slightly annoyed.
“Where’s the imp?” Arya asked Sansa.
“Please, just shut up!” Sansa asked.
We all bowed before the king and Queen as they made their way to Lord Stark. The King said hello to every member of the family. He made eye contact with Rhaella. She stiffened, not knowing what to do. “My king,” she said, curtsying. He gave a simple nod, and went about his way into the crypts with Lord Stark.
“Wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jon said, messing with her hair. She let out a relieved sigh, “no, thank goodness.”
Lady Stark had Rhaella, Arya, and Sansa get ready for the feast together.
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“The prince is so handsome…” Sansa said, blushing. “I can’t believe the king wants me to marry him! Can we marry now or do we have to wait?”
Her mother stopped brushing her hair, “gods Sansa, your father hasn’t even made a decision yet!”
She turned to her, “please tell him to say yes! It’s all I could ever want!”
Lady Stark nodded, “we’ll see.”
Arya rolled her eyes, “not everything is about boys.”
Rhaella finally finished making her dress. The dress was a delicate light blue with a beautiful dragon embroidered on the neckline.
“That looks amazing!” Arya said.
“Thanks, learned from the best,” Rhaella replied smiling at Sansa.
“I suck at making my dresses…” Arya said.
“You still look very beautiful,” Lady Stark said. “You all do.”
Rhaella made her way to the Great Hall for the feast. She had to sit with Jon and the stable boys. “I like the dress,” Jon said. “Made it yourself?”
Rhaella nodded with a smile. Jon’s wolf, Ghost, laid his head on Rhaella’s lap.
“I guess Ghost likes it too,” Jon laughed.
“Do you boy?” She asked the white direwolf as it wagged its tail. Ghost was the runt of the litter and albino with red eyes. Jon named him ghost because he barely makes a sound.
Everyone watched as the Stark family entered the great hall one by one after the King and Queen. A few of them walked in with the King’s children. Robb with Princess Marcella, Sansa with Prince Joffrey, and Arya with Prince Tommen. The feast finally began.
Rhaella noticed Queen Cersei looking at her. Lady Catelyn gave a little nod, hinting her to come over. Rhaella took a deep breath and made her way over. Once she was before them, she curtsied. “My Queen, my Lady,” Rhaella said.
“Why aren’t you a precious thing?” The Queen asked. “Rhaella, isn’t it? Surely, a beautiful thing like you shouldn’t be hiding in the North, where it’s cold.”
“T-Thank you, my Queen! You look very beautiful yourself.” Rhaella smiled. The Queen had long gorgeous golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She truly was a sight to see.
“And your smile, like the sun entered the room and exploded,” the Queen added. “You’re free to go, and would you be a dear and tell Sansa to come over?”
Rhaella didn’t know how to feel about the last compliment, but curtsied again before walking away. Sansa was sitting with her friend Jeyne Poole, giggling and whispering. “Sansa,” Rhaella said. “The Queen wants to speak with you!” Sansa’s eyes lit up with joy, “Really, she wants me?” She quickly got up from her seat and walked over to them. Rhaella sat back down with Jon. “What did she want?” He asked, lifting his eyebrow. “Nothing really,” Rhaella replied. “Nothing bad, thank goodness.”
As everyone ate their food, Rhaella looked up at Arya. She had a mischievous look on her face. What will she do? She scooped a piece of pigeon pie, and aimed it at Sansa. She flicked the pie at her, hitting her cheek.
“Arya!” She shrieked. “She always does this!”
Robb picked Arya up and took her to her bed camber as the whole room laughed.
The musicians started to play their music, inviting everyone to the dance floor. I’d like to dance a little, but who would ask me?
୭ ₊ Bran ˚.
Bran watched as men brought their lady partners to the floor to dance. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder. “You should ask Rhaella to dance,” Robb said. “I think it would make her very happy.”
“She is your betrothed after all,” Theon added, teasing Bran.
Bran’s cheeks went red, “s-stop teasing me! What if she says no?”
“Believe me, she wouldn’t,” Robb said. “Besides, you should never be afraid of rejection.”
Easy for you to say, all the girls love you, even her…
Bran nodded and got up from his seat. He walked over to Rhaella, offering his hand, “Gaomagon jaelā naejot lilagon lēda nyke?”
She smiled and nodded, “Kessa!”
They both made their way to the dance floor, and began to mimic the moves of the pairs. “The dancing lessons really paid off,” she said. Bran agreed, “yeah! We’re doing good!”
The two of them continued to dance. “Bran, I think everyone is watching us!” She whispered. He glanced around the room. She was right, everybody was watching, even the king. “Don’t worry about them, just focus on me,” he told her. Everybody began to cheer for them, including the other Starks.
“That’s my brother!” Robb yelled.
That’s so embarrassing…
Rhaella laughed, making Bran blush.
୭ ₊ Rhaella ˚.
Once the song was over, Rhaella and Bran went back to their seats. Where’s Jon? She hopped off her seat and searched for him. She walked outside to find him training with his sword. “There you are,” Rhaella said. “You missed me and Bran dancing!”
“Don’t worry, I saw you two before I left outside. You both did great.” He said.
“I wish you could have danced with us.” She admitted.
They both heard another song playing from inside. Jon placed down his sword, and offered his hand, “well then, my lady, may I have this dance,” he asked, in a silly voice. Rhaella laughed and accepted. They both danced until the song was over. Rhaella and Bran went to Arya’s bed chamber to read another Targaryen story before going to bed. Arya set up a tent with her blanket so they could lay on their bellies on the floor. “We didn’t finish the dance of the dragons!” Arya said. “We left off on the part where Prince Jacerys went to Winterfell.”
Rhaella began to read from the book, “well it says here that he met Lord Cregan Stark, who also lost his younger brother. Jacerys reminded him so much of his sibling that they formed a brotherhood and they made the—”
“The pact of Ice and Fire.” They heard a voice say. All of a sudden, the blanket was yanked from above making the children scream. “It’s just me,” Lord Stark said. “All of you should be sleeping you know.”
“After this part of the story.” Bran said. “Please?”
Their father chuckled, “alright then, the pact was made between them to show the North’s support for the blacks during the dance. The Prince said once he’d have a daughter, she would marry Cregan’s son.”
“Did it happen?” Rhaella asked.
“No, the Prince died shortly after during a battle.” He answered.
Arya frowned, “so the pact was never fulfilled?”
“I’m afraid not,” he said messing with her hair. “That’s what war does, nothing but destruction and death. I despise it.”
“Imagine what it was like to have a war with that many dragons,” Bran said. “Maybe I don’t want to imagine it.”
Lord Stark agreed, “the poor dragons were the key ‘weapons’ in that war, nearly wiping all of them out.”
“And now they’re all gone.” Rhaella said.
“Perhaps they are,” he said. “Now, time for bed all of you.” Bran and Rhaella left the room and went to their own.
The next day, the girls had embroidery lessons with Princess Marcella. Nearly the whole time Sansa was giggling and whispering to her friends Jayne and Beth.
“What’s so funny?” Arya asked. “Tell me what y’all are giggling about!”
“The prince,” Sansa blushed. “He was very handsome at the feast. He even stared me.”
“I’m sure he also saw you get pigeon pied to the face,” Arya snickered. “Besides, Jon said he’s a spoiled brat.”
Sansa rolled her eyes, “Jon is just jealous that he is a bastard and not a prince!”
Arya and Rhaella gasped.
“Sansa, that’s so mean!” Rhaella said.
“It’s the truth,” Sansa said. “And I will be queen someday.”
Arya grabbed Rhaella’s hand, “let’s go see what Bran is up to!”
They made their way into the courtyard. They found the Stark and Baratheon boys together. Bran and Tommen were heavily padded with wooden swords.
They called for him and waved. “Good luck brother!” Arya yelled.
As the two boys were fighting, everyone could sense the tension between Robb and Prince Joffrey. They were smack talking each other the whole time. Their fight would certainly be interesting.
“I wish we could do that,” Arya sighed. “It would be fun!”
Rhaella agreed, “yeah, but alas, we are girls. Some books I’ve read said that outside of Westeros there are places where women are allowed to do anything men can.”
“I’d like to go there sometime.” She said.
“Same here.”
Tommen fell to the ground as Bran held his wooden sword at him. Wow, Bran would have made a great knight of the kingsguard, Rhaella said to herself. Then I showed up and ruined everything…
When it became dawn, the King and Lord Stark were leaving for a hunt with Robb and Theon following them. Bran and Rhaella watched as they trotted away on horseback. Lord Stark looked at them to wave goodbye. They smiled back and watched as the party left.
“My father will be hand of the king,” Bran said. “He’s leaving to King’s Landing tomorrow. He’s going to take us with him. Mother didn’t want me to go, but father thought that I could calm down the feud between Joffrey and Robb.”
“Did he mention me?” Rhaella asked. As scared as she was of the king, the Starks truly had become a family to her. She didn’t want to lose them.
“I asked father, they are still making a decision.” He said. “I’m sure the king will say yes. You are my betrothed after all.”
Bored, Bran and Rhaella explored Winterfell’s castle. They visited the stables where Hodor, a large and tall man, attended to Bran’s pony. Hodor was truly a mystery. All he ever said was ‘Hodor.’ No one knows why.
“I’ll have to leave him behind,” Bran said as he looked at the pony. Rhaella turned to Bran and noticed water in his eyes. She held his hand, whispering, “hey, it’s going to be okay.”
Bran sniffed, “sorry, I shouldn’t be crying. Boys don’t cry.”
“Everyone cries, Bran,” she reminded him. “There’s no shame in that.” She knew he wouldn’t believe her, but it wouldn’t hurt to try comforting a friend.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to leave,” he admitted. “This is my home. My real home.”
There was that word again, ‘home.’
Where’s my home?
The stable boys noticed the Stark boy crying and began to snicker. “What a baby!” One of them laughed. “Shut up!” Rhaella shouted. “That ‘baby’ is more important than any of you will ever be!” She grabbed Bran’s hand and they both took off.
The two children grew bored again, thinking of what to do next.
Bran gave her a mischievous smirk, “you wanna go climbing?”
“Bran, your mother said no!” She reminded him. “And I don’t feel like climbing right now…I’ll just watch.”
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His direwolf pup began to chew on his shoe. “Come on you!” He told the pup. They found an abandoned tower in the distance. Bran pointed at it, “I’m going to climb that one!” Once they got there, Bran started climbing. Never once had he ever fell from climbing. Never.
Once Bran made it to the window, he looked confused. Before Rhaella could ask if something was wrong, she saw Bran get dragged in by a hand. Without thinking, she began to climb herself up the tower. She was halfway there until Bran was pushed from the window. She swiftly grabbed his hand, “hang on.” She held on as much as she could. “We’re going to fall!” He shouted. Her fingers began to slip from the wall. “We’re going to be okay—” she started to say until her fingers completely slipped off the wall. They both held onto each other as their bodies hit the ground. Everything went black.
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“Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!”
Confused, Rhaella woke up in a crowd of people. They were all shouting at someone. She turned to where they were all facing and gasped. It was Sansa, the Queen, and Joffrey with his kingsguard. Except, Joffrey wore the crown of the king. Is this Kingslanding? “No!” Sansa yelled. “Please don’t do this!” Lord Stark was being executed! Rhaella wanted to shout, but she couldn’t. No! The knight drew out his sword, and lifted it up. Rhaella turned away, covering her eyes, before seeing his head get sliced off. What is going on?
“Dany, please!” A voice begged in fear.
She removed her hands to investigate, only to be in a completely different spot. She was inside a tent with many men and women. She knew it wasn’t Westeros due to the majority of people having darker skin with unfamiliar accents. There Viserys was, on his knees as two other men restrained him from moving. “A crown of a king,” The tall man said. He held a pot of melted gold over Viserys’ head and poured it over him. He screamed in agony until he could no longer say anything. His head slammed to the ground. He was dead!
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“He was no dragon.”
Rhaella turned back to see Dany. She showed no emotion whatsoever after what just happened.
“Fire cannot kill a dragon,” she said, staring at his lifeless body.
There was a loud screech from the sky, startling Rhaella. Once she looked up, she couldn’t believe what was there before her. It was a dragon! The scales of the creature was a beautiful deep shade of blue, with a lighter shade going down its neck and under its wings. The dragon opened its mouth, letting out blue flames at her.
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Rhaella let out a small groan. Her vision, at first, was blurry. All she could hear was a gasp.
“Gods be good!” A familiar voice exclaimed.
“My…lady?” Rhaella asked.
“Yes, sweet girl. It’s me.” She said.
Rhaella tried to stand, but she was weak.
“No, you need your rest.” She said. Rhaella could tell Lady Stark was relieved, but not completely. Bran was still sleeping in a bed next to hers.
“How long has it been?” Rhaella asked.
“A couple of days.” She answered. “You were in a coma.”
Rhaella’s stomach let out a vicious growl. She didn’t realize how hungry she was.
“You poor thing, all we could give the both you was honey and water while you were sleeping,” Lady Stark explained. “I’ll have someone bring food from the kitchen.”
“I tried to not let go,” Rhaella explained. “I was holding onto his hand while gripping the wall with my other hand.”
“Do you remember anything else before that?” She asked.
“Well, all I remember was him falling from the tower. He could have been pushed, but I didn’t see…”
That made Lady Stark want to ask more questions, but Rhaella didn’t have a lot of answers. They all left. Lord Stark, Sansa, Arya, and Jon. Rhaella didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye. That made her sad. She wanted to cry, but refused to let any tears fall.
“Whoever did this to you will pay,” Lady Stark said coldly. “I promise you that.”
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Dec 18th Christmas Movies
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Media IRL
Character Isaac Hempstead Wright
Couple Isaac X Reader
Rating Sweet
18th of December 2022
I smiled as I set up the space in the living room, with the sofa reclined, a toasty blanket each, a hot bottle plushie to snuggle with freshly toasted, pillows and stuffies to hug, a bowl of popcorn on the table along with various little Christmas themed snacks, the only light the fireplace crackling away at the wooden log and the flashing glow of the tree's Christmas lights, the curtains pulled to block out the cold of the snowy world outside. I got myself settled on my side pulling my hot bottle close to me when I heard him coming through from the kitchen.
"Red. white. or festive?" Isaac asks popping his head around the doorway
"Festive?" I queried 
"Mulled wine"
"Alright go for festive then" I smiled so he brought through our two glasses and a bottle of mulled wine as well as the bag of snowman marshmallows under his arm 
"Have you picked a Christmas movie for us then?"
"Not yet I was waiting for your input"
"I told you I don't care." 
"well I like your input" I smiled as he sat down too so I snuggled close 
"Okay, you against animation?"
"okay... new or classic?"
"Don't mind" 
"I know what my lady wants" He smiled filling our glasses up and cuddling close "Muppet Christmas Carol?"
"We can?"
"I know you love it"
"Thank you Isaac"
"Your welcome, come on put it on then and we'll get cosy" 
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wickedzeevyln · 4 months
Crazy Idea...
Got a crazy idea? Remember: If crazy ideas were enough to send someone to the madhouse imagine Einstein, the Wright Brothers, Isaac Newton, and guy who invented the wheel. Remember all the brilliant ideas that make our world go round are people’s brainchild which means you meet with laughter and cynicism in their inception. If you have an idea that is conceived ahead of its time, brace…
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mariagarciav · 8 months
a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events
A tale is a story, especially one that's full of creative embellishments. You can read a tale from a book, or tell a bedtime tale to the kids you're babysitting. Tales can be true or fictional, but they generally consist of a narrative, with a beginning and an end, made more interesting and exciting with vivid details.
is fiction that either explores mankind's relationship with technology/scientific advancements, such as Isaac Asimov's I, Robot, or uses a science fiction framework to offer up social commentary, such as Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness.
A long time ago, in the year 2020, the oceans had dried up almost completely. Moreover, rivers had turned into barren lands, and humanity was on the verge of extinction due to water scarcity. Fortunately, at that time, a group of scientists started developing a revolutionary machine. This invention would allow humans to skip using water for bathing while maintaining hygiene, eradicating bacteria and body odors simultaneously. This innovative device, named "InAqua," utilized nanotechnology to break down bacteria and neutralize body odors without the need for water. Thus, people could stay clean and fresh without wasting water on traditional showers and baths.
Despite this advancement for the world, scientists knew they needed to do more than just preserve water; they had to correct the mistakes that had led the world to this critical point. With the help of the brilliant physicist and quantum mathematician Dr. Marck Wright, they built a time-travel device. This would enable them to intervene in key moments in history to stave off the misuse of water. They traveled to the year 2000, a time when water wastage was still a global concern. Their initial task was to persuade nations worldwide to adopt the use of InAqua, thus conserving large amounts of water that would have been otherwise used in people's daily bathing. Additionally, this water could be purified and used for drinking.
However, just when the scientists believed they had accomplished their mission, they discovered that a mega-corporation from the future was manipulating InAqua technology for its own benefit, exacerbating water scarcity. Consequently, they decided to travel to the future to confront this corporation and halt its malicious plans. They arrived in the year 2050, infiltrated the corporation's headquarters, and dismantled its operation. However, they realized that the true cause of the water crisis was not only mismanagement of resources but also humanity's lack of awareness and empathy. As a result, they embarked on one last mission: to travel to a distant future where Earth had fully recovered. They aimed to bring back evidence that a better future was possible if humanity learned to value and conserve its natural resources.
The team returned to the present with advanced technology and knowledge of how to prevent the world's apocalyptic future. Eventually, Earth was not merely saved from drought; it was revitalized. Consequently, lush green forests once again stretched toward the sky, rivers flowed freely, and the oceans teemed with life. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the world resonated with the harmonious melodies of rejuvenated wildlife. Thanks to the lessons learned, humanity, having internalized the invaluable lesson of responsibility, not only thrived in this revitalized world but also actively participated in ongoing preservation efforts. Through dedicated care and mindful practices, they ensured a lasting legacy of harmony and sustainability for future generations.
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I created this image with the help of Canva, which has an artificial intelligence that generates images based on the description provided. In this case, I asked it to create a machine for bathing without water, and this was the image it created.
A Beginner’s Guide to Science Fiction | The New York Public Library. (2019, January 2). The New York Public Library. https://www.nypl.org/blog/2019/01/02/beginners-guide-science-fiction#:~:text=In%20short%2C%20science%20fiction%20is,The%20Left%20Hand%20of%20Darkness.
story. (2023, October 11). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/story
Tale - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms. (n.d.). Vocabulary.com. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/tale#:~:text=A%20tale%20is%20a%20story,and%20exciting%20with%20vivid%20details.
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