#is she aware this is not righteousness?
sirenofthegreenbanks · 4 months
mongwoo playing baduk against the qing ambassador is . very symbolic. THEYRE GONNA TEAM UP IM CALLING IT. (she and the king.) they compliment each other incredibly well, were one has a weakness the other is strong. mongwoo is frankly shit at schemes when real people are involved, and the king is too laden by real-people events and a certain kind of viewpoint when playing baduk. he cant entirely free himself from the strategist he needs to be as the king of a court of vipers, making him worse at baduk than mongwoo. meanwhile mongwoo has the mental flexibility and freedom to see things from unsuspecting angles; she seems to have ingraved the baduk rules in her heart and is now applying them expertly. but a baduk board is different from a real country with real people; her stakes when playing were never big enough to carry that burden. but should they team up they could compliment each other‘s strengths and weaknesses and they could take advantage of mongwoo‘s unique position as a woman crossdressing as the king‘s favourite official. she can go to places the king cant. she has access to the common people, his countrypeople, in a way he hasnt and never will. if they apply their combined smarts, cunning, and good heartedness to handle the precarious situation with the qing things would start to take a turn
#my thoughts#ep9#captivating the king#even though mongwoo is technically playing for her own freedom#it FEELS like more#so far she doesnt seem like shes spent much thought on any of these things#what happens after she has assassinated the king?#who will take over? who is going to suffer for it? how is that going to affect the fragile peace with the qing?#no thoughts head empty just personal revenge#shes a far cry from the woman who sold her baduk skills to free prisoners of war#who risked her own life for the things she believed in#i wonder whether she thinks this is still the same (it isnt)#shes so unhinged im honestly baffled#is she simply overestimating herself?#where does she take that confidence from?#is she aware this is not righteousness?#is the only one who is fooled by her lies she herself?#why would she choose to overthrow the government before talking to the king?#maybe to her this is not a political assassination or staging a coup#maybe its the murder of someone she once thought of as a friend#and who hurt and betrayed her#maybe she is not viewing the king as the king in this . maybe hes simply the person who disappointed her#and who happens to be the guy at the top of the social and political hierarchy#maybe everything else (power vacuum. infighting. political destabilization) is just collateral damage to her#maybe she thinks theyre gonna clean up her mess and everythings gonna go well#(is she stupid?)#maybe she has too much faith in her own judgement because she confuses this to be a game of baduk#reading & watching
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mihotose · 14 days
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oh! ok! they werent lying about zanyou then!
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aingeal98 · 5 months
Something I enjoy a lot about Cass is that with a lot of heroes that don't kill it can easily veer into self righteousness. It happens with Bruce a fair amount and while it can make for a compelling character beat if done well, if done poorly it just kind of makes the reader annoyed lmao. Like why am I supposed to root for this guy when he's saying "If you shoot the man who killed your parents your soul will be forever ruined!" and acting like there's no difference between types of kill?
And the thing about Cass is that while her no kill rule is based on the experience of watching someone die and the horror she felt, and while she does project it into pretty much everyone she meets... It never comes across as unlikeably self righteous to me. Like for Cass every kill is a tragedy and while her no death rule is a moral statement it's also given more importance as an rule that gives us psychological insight into what governs and drives her. Even when she's wrong, even when the villain is so sympathetic and justified that there's no reason to root for her, the narrative always feels very self aware about it. Like when she let that father get arrested despite him just wanting his daughter back. The writer (Puckett of course) wasn't interested in convincing the reader that Cass's judgement was the morally correct choice. He was interested in what it said about her that it was the choice she chose.
And similarly when she approaches people to try and stop them from killing she always lacks the morally righteous air a lot of others carry. She's desperate and earnest and determined to get them to change but it's not because she thinks she's in any way better than them and has the right to pass judgement because of it. It's someone who genuinely believes that she's irredeemable manically trying to save everyone else because if these killers can do the right thing and turn over a new leaf then maybe... Just maybe... there's hope for her?
It's so compelling to me. The desperation and clear projection that happens when she goes out determined to enforce and/or promote her code to as many people possible. Every time she says someone can change she's speaking from experience. Because she views herself as irredeemable and beneath everyone but she's still out here trying to be good so maybe if others make the same choice it's proof that she's not doomed. That none of them are. She doesn't want the hitman to redeem himself by becoming a hero and helping his former victims. She just wants him to walk away, to start a peaceful and quiet new life. And when he fails to do that and they meet again she still won't give up on him. When she stands in front of the victims family she won't declare she knows better. She'll hopefully and uncertainty ask "But maybe... He can change?"
Like there's so much heart behind everything she does and every action she takes. Every time the topic of killing people comes up she's so earnest and clearly projecting her own issues and seeing herself in every murderer and it's so fun. It's so fascinating. I miss Batgirl 2000.
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ao3cassandraic · 5 months
As far as they can
At the end of the Job minisode, Crowley inaugurates Their Side by proclaiming Aziraphale "an angel who goes along with Heaven... as far as he can," parallel to his own stated relationship with Hell.
Only it... doesn't actually work that way. Their exactlies are different exactlies.
Crowley defies and lies to Hell as often as he thinks he can get away with it. He never disabuses Downstairs of their misconceptions about his contributions to human atrocities. He cheerfully lies in his reports Downstairs, something Aziraphale briefly turns on his Baritone of Sarcastic Disapproval about in s1. Crowley even turns evil homeopathic in the latter part of the 20th century, likely in hopes that it will look good to head office while accomplishing essentially nothing. (This, of course, is another way he Crowleys himself, both with the London phone system and the M25.) After Eden, Crowley's default given an assignment from Hell is to see how he can subvert it.
Aziraphale, on the other hand, defies Her and Heaven as little as he possibly can. Sometimes, as with his sword giveaway, his compassion gets the better of his anxiety. Sometimes, as with Job's children in the destruction of the villa, he can try to stay within the letter of the law by leaving the defiance to Crowley.
His default, however, is "'m 'nangel. I can't dis- diso -- not do what 'm told." This comes out most often as respect for the Great/Divine Plan, which to him is sacrosanct. He sounds quite sincere in s1 when he says "Even if I wanted to help I couldn’t. I can’t interfere with the Divine Plan."
Aziraphale quite frequently Good Angels along by parroting Heaven's party line, whether it's "it'll all be rather lovely" or "I am good, you (I'm afraid) are evil" or droning on about evil containing the seeds of its own destruction, or condemning Elspeth's graverobbing as "wicked" (a stance he offers absolutely no reasoned support for, no logic, no "but She said," not a word -- that's very Heaven; most of Heaven's angels have the approximate brainpower of paramecia). Maestro Michael Sheen even has a particular voice cadence -- I think of it as Sententious Voice -- he uses when Aziraphale is thoughtlessly party-lining.
When the angel's conscience wars with his sense of Heaven's orthodoxy but (and this is an important but) he can't feasibly resist whatever's wrong, he offers strengthless party-line justifications he clearly doesn't agree with (as with the "rain bow" in Mesopotamia) or resorts to a Nuremberg defense: "I'm not consulted on policy decisions, Crowley!" Once or twice, he's even vocally aware of Heavenly hypocrisy: "Unless… [guns]'re in the right hands, where they give weight to a moral argument… I think." This isn't Sententious Voice. It's I-can't-disobey-and-I-hate-that voice.
But at base, the angel prefers obedience (not least because it's vastly safer), and he'd rather have someone else do his moral reasoning for him. Honestly? Pretty relatable. I know lots of people like this -- hell's bells, I've been this person, though I grew out of it somewhat -- and I daresay you do too. Moral reasoning is hard and often lonely (since it can be read as self-righteousness or even hypocrisy) and acting as it dictates can hurt. Nobody would need ethics codes if The Right Thing was also invariably The Convenient Thing.
Many GO fans find these Aziraphalean traits frustrating! Especially his repeated returns to parroting Heaven orthodoxy! Sometimes I do too! (Not least because I'm rather protective of my own integrity, and it's cost me quite a few times. I'm well-known in professional circles for picking up a rhetorical spear and tilting at the nearest iniquitous windmill. I often lose, but I sure do keep tilting. Every once in a blue moon I actually win one.)
The key, I think, to giving our angel a little grace on this (beyond honoring the gentle compassion that is pretty basic to his character) is noticing how often he can be induced to abandon an unconsidered Heavenish default stance. As irritating as his default is, and as consistently as he returns to it, it's not really that hard to talk him out of it. Crowley, of course, is tremendously good at knocking Aziraphale away from his default -- he's had to be. But Aziraphale even manages to talk himself away from his default once, in the form of the Ineffable Plan hairsplitting at the airbase!
I think the character-relevant point of the Resurrectionist minisode is making this breaking-the-Heavenish-default dynamic as clear as the contents of the pickled-herring barrel aren't. "That's lunatic!" Crowley exclaims, when Aziraphale Sententious Voicedly parrots Heaven's garbage about poverty providing extra opportunities for goodness. Aziraphale isn't quite ready to let go yet, replying "It's ineffable."
But Dalrymple (who, I think, parallels Heaven, perhaps even the Metatron -- there could be something decent there, but it's buried too deep under scorn and clueless privilege for any graverobber-of-souls to dig it out) manages to break Aziraphale's orthodoxy by explaining the child's tumor.
Once released from his orthodoxy, Aziraphale can't be trusted to handle moral reasoning well; his moral-reasoning ability is not-uncommonly (though not always) portrayed as vitiated. When he gives Elspeth the go-ahead to dig up more bodies, his excuses are just as vacuous as they were when he was convinced of her wickedness. He knows that he's crossed Heaven's line, too, and just as at Eden it's worrying him. That's why he has to talk to Crowley to nerve himself up to help Wee Morag... only he spends too much time talking, and it's too late.
But Crowley can then talk him into bankrolling Elspeth toward a better life. Aziraphale doesn't even put up any fight, both because he's compassionate and because Crowley is temporarily taking the place of Heaven (he's even Heaven-sized and staring down at them!) as the angel's moral compass.
S1 has an even worse example of Aziraphale's moral wavering, actually. Crowley yells "Shoot him, Aziraphale!" and Aziraphale sure does try to murder Adam. Again, he's adopting his morals from the nearest (and loudest) convenient source. Madame Tracy, thankfully, has enough of a moral backbone to save our angel from himself and Crowley.
(With my ersatz-ethicist hat on: this is a fight between utilitarianism and deontology. Crowley is the utilitarian, which is actually a bit of a departure for him, but he's admittedly desperate. Madame Tracy is the deontologist: One Doesn't Kill Children. Aziraphale is caught in the middle.)
I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason we start s3 with Aziraphale and Crowley separated is so that Aziraphale finally has to do his own moral reasoning, without Crowley's nudges. I don't think it'll be easy for him. It will absolutely be lonely. And it may well hurt.
But I will watch for it, because it's how he will become his own angel, independent of Heaven and even of Crowley. And he must do that.
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messiahzzz · 6 months
i’ve seen many people interpret gale’s outrage at nettie poisoning the player as concern for them. that it’s super sweet how much he cares and how protective he is over tav after they had just met. while he (naturally) does care about his companions, it should be pretty obvious that he is mostly projecting here. he states so himself:
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player: are you all right, gale?
gale: yes. yes, i am. it's just that, had it been me... had it been...
gale is terrified of what would’ve happened if he had met the same fate. if all of his precautions had been rendered irrelevant merely due to the self-righteousness of some healer, acting as a judge over another’s life without being aware of the consequences. the destruction nettie would’ve unleashed, how many innocents she would’ve doomed to death, merely because she believed she was doing the right thing.
gale is furious at nettie’s ignorance.
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gale: how dare she snuff out life with as much thought as snuffing out a bloody candle?
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player: she thought she was doing the right thing.
gale: right? she had no right!
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player: it was one hell of a surprise, but nettie came around!
gale: yes - against her will, without rhyme or reason!
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gale: it's not right to feel the cold breath of death in your neck, then move on as if it was nothing but a soothing breeze.
gale: one respects life by fighting for it, and one respects death by fearing it.
once the orb becomes too unstable (if tav refuses to help gale with his condition and elminster doesn't stabilize the orb) he will state that he can’t stay any longer with good conscience. he will then leave the party immediately, search for a secluded place and wait for death to take him.
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gale: i'm afraid this is where we part ways - my condition's deteriorated beyond even my capacity to salvage.
gale: it would be selfish of me to stay, when in doing so i'd be putting you, and everyone else within spitting distance in catastrophic peril.
[nodecontext: saddened - he's about to wander off into the wilderness to die, essentially]
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mayapapaya33 · 1 month
Despair and Edwin
Am I the only one who can't stop thinking about the metaphorical power of Edwin being IN Despair. He was in Hell, at his lowest, about to be cruel to one of his former tormentors. Feeling incredulous at their seemingly lesser punishment, feeling righteously indignant, and Justifiably pissed off. Then he caught a glance at himself in the mirror for what was presumably the first time in over a century and it snapped him out of it. Then he promptly fell into Despair.
Despair's Realm, as far as I am aware, is only accessible to those IN Despair, as in the emotional state. But why was he literally transported there, why could he see her watching through the mirror? She watches people's lowest moments through her mirrors all the time, how could Edwin see her?
Every word out of her mouth was fascinating to me, so much subtext, so many double meanings, I'm dying of curiosity.
"What Am I? The answers are Endless Edwin Payne. Pretty name. Payne/Pain."
His reaction to her saying the word Endless is VERY telling, clearly Edwin knows something about the Endless. Also that's just a very poetic way to describe Despair, she's right, an Endless number of things can cause Despair.
Edwin: "Why are you here?"
Despair: "You're here, I'm everywhere, you're in my realm now where I see it all. But you only get to leave through the door you came in by."
Is that a literal statement about a literal door? Perhaps but I HIGHLY doubt it. How did he get here? By feeling anger and pain and Despair about his treatment in Hell compared to one of the people responsible for sending him here and the injustice of it all. So how does he leave Despair's Realm then? Through the same door he entered. Confronting his feelings about Simon but not allowing them to control him or turn him into something he is not.
"I am Despair, and you do not belong here. Go back to your killer. I was watching. You were getting angry. About to gloat over his torment. Go do That."
E: "No no no no no I..." D: "Don't Worry, We're Friends now." E:"I would not gloat, That is not right." D: "I'll call if ever I need you" E:"He didn't realize-"
What does THAT mean? They're friends now? I am frothing at the mouth in anticipation to see what that is going to turn into. This is starting to dive into Sandman theories of mine so if you haven't read Sandman now's the time to leave.
She almost seemed to be HELPING Edwin confront his feelings. The way she phrased it was very provocative on purpose, it's something you might say to a friend if they're doing something out of character and you're trying to let them know it and snap them out of it. Granted in a Dramatic and Dickish way, but she is an Endless, so that's sort of a given. Why would she do that? Why would she help him Leave Despair?
Well, The Sandman comics are very Philosophical and layered, and one of the implications in the comics is that Each of the Endless embody their opposites in addition to their Named dominion. Dream is responsible for keeping Reality in check, Death is there when we are brought to Life, Destruction with those paintings and sculptures, constantly Creating things in his retirement, Delirium has moments where she is the only character who knows what is going to happen, Neil took joy in sneaking hints into her rambling, a special kind of Sanity, that is almost too painful and confusing to be tolerated for long, she knows things that aren't in Destiny's book, Desire has quite a lot of apathy in my opinion, and Destiny absolutely has a thing about Free Will. A big implication is that Despair also Embodies her seeming opposite, Hope!
What this means for Edwin in the future I have no clue lol.
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vixstarria · 4 months
I’m enjoying your snippets. I guess I have a prompt, or more like a scene that made me giggle.
Imagine Tav is a paladin who took the oath of vengeance. Except she’s very new and bubbly. So after finding out Astarion is a vampire spawn and he was tortured by his master, she excitedly vows to personally make Cazador suffer in excruciating detail. Astarion’s like, “Uh…thanks?”
I can’t stop laughing at the thought of Astarion being protected by a small, bubbly paladin that’s vibrating with excitement to avenge Astarion. Like a bloodthirsty squirrel.
Ha! I love the idea. Thought I'd bring out the whole gang for this one though.
I'll stick this one under a cut for uhh... some lighthearted gore.
The tiny paladin stalked around the campfire, having worked herself up into a righteous fury. Short of 5 feet, she made up for her stature with sheer vigor.
"We'll tear out his tongue. Then we'll tie him up. Throw him somewhere with just his feet out in the sun, and wait for it to slowly burn and consume him, from the bottom up, inch by inch," she ranted.
Wyll grimaced and lowered his spoon back down into his bowl, before it reached his mouth, just as Astarion let out a delighted laugh.
"Simply wonderful, my dear! Are there any other miseries you'd like to bestow on him, before his eventual demise?"
"Hmm," Tav paused, briefly. "Lae'zel, are there any good githyanki torture methods you would suggest?"
"I am not aware of anything specific to vampires," Lae'zel mulled over Tav's question. "But the regular routines should work on an incapacitated vampire just as well. His natural regeneration will only aid in making it last longer."
"Would that really work?" Shadowheart asked Gale in between sips of her wine. "Leaving a partial shield over a vampire and spot-burning him?"
"That is an excellent question," said Gale. "In theory, it depends on whether it is the literal energy of and exposure to the sun that causes the damage, or the more ambivalent idea of what the sun represents - goodness, righteousness, divinity - which may only need to touch a small part of an evil entity such as a vampire, to set the entire creature ablaze. I don't know the answer, but I could write to some of my colleagues, who have 'shed light' onto vampires, so to speak. Come to think of it-"
"Are you going to eat that?" Karlach pointed at Wyll's untouched stew.
"You're welcome to it if you like, I've lost my appetite," he said, handing her the bowl.
"Once his legs are gone, we'll burn his arms off in the sun, one by one," Tav continued her laps around the fire.
"You are vengeance incarnate, darling," Astarion spurred her on.
"We could chop off the limbs once they got too burnt and crusty and lost feeling," Karlach offered, talking with her mouth full. "He can regenerate but not regrow, right?"
"A good technique when combined with flaying extremities, as well," Lae'zel nodded approvingly.
"Yes!" Tav exclaimed, shaking a small but mighty fist at the sky. "We'll carve him up! Like a turkey."
"Now, call me an old fashioned romantic," Wyll interrupted. "But can't we just kill him in a civilized manner and then piss on his grave like normal people..?"
"All in due course, my friend," said Tav, before turning to Astarion. "Do you think Cazador would find this experience more horrifying with or without his eyes?"
A warm, fuzzy feeling was threatening to overtake Astarion.
So this is what friendship is, he thought.
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largemovingtorb · 2 days
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This moment was so entirely perfect that Catra became self-aware. She did not want to wake Adora, for if she did, the bliss would be lost—slipping away, never to be found again. As soon as everyone was up, they would start packing; after they had done packing, they would all be moving, all moving towards the ultimate destination of utter misery for Catra.
No, it was better to stay here. Stay here and lie still, so very still and silent so as not to disturb Adora, who was so very soft and warm in her arms. Hers, never to be let go again.
Catra sighs. Who am I fooling? There is no escaping this—sometime today, I’m going to lose her. I’m going to lose everything. I might as well enjoy every second of this,
But like dew evaporating in the morning sun, this snippet of peace had been delicate. It was now receding as it was overcome by the singular thought that Catra could not escape. Her mind tumbled as it processed the reasons why Adora would leave her—feelings and memories of life with the other woman flitting through her brain, coursing through the synapses at the speed of light. They tormented Catra with the absolute veracity of judgment, every example an illustration of Adora’s total righteousness, her unwavering desire to expunge any evil from her life. Catra did not have to search far for examples; they were like blazing beacons of divine fire in the stygian depths of night.
Adora had left Catra before; when faced with the reality of the Horde, she had ultimately rejected any notion of returning to its corrupt enfolds, choosing to abandon the only friends she ever knew for an entirely unknown existence with the Rebellion. For Adora, everything was so black and white, good or bad. When the two women were reunited amid the battle for Thaymor, Adora did not even consider staying with Catra, not even for a single scrap of an instant. Catra could not imagine the strength of will it took to do such a thing, feeling both admiration and resentment towards the other woman. How nice it would have been for Catra if she could forget about Adora and move on with her life.
Then there had been the Portal. Catra had been so ready to end it all then, to sink all of Etheria into the turbulent enfolds of pure chaos to exist in a reality where Adora had never left her. Catra knew now that she had been so utterly lost then, so selfish in her sorrow that she was willing to pull others into the intense gravity that was the black hole of her angst. She regretted what she had done, knowing that if there was a way to bring light to that old version of herself, Catra would cross space and time to do so.
But Adora had never been uncertain—she had torn through the confusion of Catra’s dreams and nightmares and pulled Etheria out from the clutches of ruin. Right after the portal had been destroyed Catra had locked eyes with her erstwhile best friend—there had been pure enmity in Adora’s gaze, absolute and total wrath towards Catra for what she had done. In that one intense heartbeat, she felt like Adora truly hated her, the feeling awakening a not-yet-discovered level of terror in Catra, making her cower in fear of the desolation from Adora’s existence.
Illustration by Henar, a.k.a., @ilikeyoucatradora !
From my fanfic on AO3, link below:
Traces of Crimson
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Then we're in the Matthews backyard. Eric looks spiffy in a button up shirt tucked into khaki's a belt. He's trying to find Mr. Feeny. He's not in his garden. So he yells Feeny! And this is our very..the start of the Feeny call. -Danielle
I love everything about this. I mean obviously like the anger and the, the expression of like Mr..... The self-righteousness of like, where is Feeny? Is so great. But then I just also love the meta thing of like, he's either teaching or he's gardening that's all he does. He has to be here. The awareness of our show to like, comment on its own sort of tropes is just so lovely. And like we're only gonna do more of it. I know as the show goes on and I I, it's so comforting and it's such a great thing. -Rider
I Totally forgot this though. And I'm sitting on the couch next to Sue and all of a sudden I'm like, wait, is this, this is it. This is the first Feeny call. I'm like, it's, it's happening right now. She's like, what? What? -Will
Do you remember in the moment? Anybody saying anything to you about it being really funny? The way you said Feeny. What do you remember about the moment it happened? I Remember the table read it getting a laugh and then every run through it, getting a laugh. And so my guess is we're gonna start to see, because they tried this with a bunch of things with Eric in the past. Like they tried the, the, the weird cackle laughing. Yeah, I remember I did that for two episodes in a row. And then Michael, I even looked at Michael one time during a table read and he, and he went like this. I was like, please cut it out. But the actual feeny call it just said, Mr. Feeney. And I just remember the way I said it. So that was it. -Will 
It's the indignation. It's the like you can't be anywhere Mr. Feeny but where I need you. It's just so great. You know, And it and it's so earned at this point. 'cause it's like we're fourth season, of course Feeny's gonna be, and of course he is there. Like that's what I love is that he's like, I'm here now. I'm here. Like, that is such a great delivery. It's like, okay, calm down. Like I am. I am now doing my job. And it's just perfect. It's so perfect. -Rider
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overlymetaromantic · 4 months
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I was very kindly asked about reference sheets for my comic's characters, which until that moment did not exist, but thanks to them asking now they do!!! I figured I may as well share what I made for them publicly as well, so please feel free to do whatever you want to with these details 👀 (+more character details below the cut!)
Karin: Highly self-assured with high self-confidence. As a default, she tends to assume she’s right about things, because the odds have almost always been in her favor—even when she’s wrong, she’s usually still picked up on some element of the truth. She’s a deeply empathetic person, but isn’t necessarily aware of just how affected she is by other people’s emotional states. All of this combined defines both her biggest strengths—her confidence and ability to push things forward—and her biggest weaknesses—her impulsivity and self-righteousness.
Kaito: Very much pulling from the straight-laced, rule-obsessed, class president type, but with several little subversions to the archetype that might be surprising. The only person he really holds to high standards is himself, with his core internal conflict being based around him feeling like he has a naturally self-indulgent nature while simultaneously being driven by a need to earn the right to actually indulge in the things he likes. Overthinks due to anxiety. Amongst the nerds, he's secretly considered kind of terrifying for how he's capable of going toe-to-toe with delinquents.
Maki: While he is capable of Crimes, Maki is arguably a delinquent in name only lol. In my mind, he's very Shonen Protagonist-adjacent, i.e., he has a bright sort of energy about him that just makes people like him immediately regardless of anything else that's going on. He'd be the student that's always getting in trouble but is also the teacher's obvious favorite. He's surprisingly (and concerningly) good at holding back on his feelings—in general, the more he cares about something (or someone), the harder a time he has with speaking up about his wants, out of the fear that it might change things for the worse rather than maintaining them as they are.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
hi bonny!! i reread lacrymaria olor and was wondering if (esp after the most recent update w the bird) i could request for a drabble where she kind of just asks him why he’s so into her. i know that namjoon already explained why but esp after the bird i’d think to myself like wow- i’m so small and weak and fragile in a world that truly values strength and capability.
but if you don’t have inspo for this pls dont worry or mind this!! hope you have a great day and i lov lov lov ur stories 🥰🥰🤍
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"Jungkook?" You wonder, as he walks back to where you sit, large and heavy looking sword in his hand before he points the tip to the ground, resting it there for a moment as he takes a deep breath. He's been taking you to see his training more often than not these days- maybe to show off, who knows.
After all, he did say he'd court you. Prove his capability.
"What is it?" He responds, drinking from the metal cup filled with water.
"Why do.. you want to court me?" You ask. "Like, considering how.. it works here on your planet, why would you be.. interested in me?" You wonder. "I'm weak, and fragile."
"You're definitely physically not impressive." He agrees, nodding as he sets the cup down. "But emotionally, and spiritually- you're more than capable of challenging the most powerful of my kind." He chuckles.
He can see you don't believe him.
"You've got a strong sense of survival." He explains. "Very sharp instincts for a human. A good sense of righteousness. And most of all-" He starts, before his hands leave the handle of his large sword, the heavy metal object almost falling to the ground, even as you reach out to prevent that.
His fingers are helping to hold it up, and even so you struggle to carry the weight. He chuckles.
"-Even if you're aware your actions might be futile-" he purrs, fingers leaving the handle to let you struggle for a moment, though you successfully keep the sword from hitting the ground, even though your arms are trembling. "-You still try, and defy expectations again and again." He smiles amused, finally taking the burden of his weapon away from you again. "That, my love, is strength as well. It is balance that I seek, and balance is what you can give me."
"Balance?" You mumble, rubbing your sore arms.
"I lack in the aspects that you exceed in." He explains, easily placing the sword into it's designated spot on the wall close by. "I tend to act too fast, and sometimes out of blind impulse. But my physical strength can only protect me and my kingdom from so much." He says.
"So you.. need me to be a better king?" You ask, and he chuckles.
"Its a.. fortunate side effect, I'd say." He smirks. "I mostly just want you for myself, as a mate and companion- everything else is simply an added bonus." He tells you.
"But I- you say that as if I've already done something for you other than blindly hiding under your care." You say almost disappointed.
"First of all, it is a very intelligent choice to do as you are, in your position. I will ensure your safety- without me, you're nothing but prey, and I know you know that too." He says, sitting down on the wooden bench where he pulls you to sit on his thigh. "But besides that, you have already begun to impact my behavior. I would have surely pulled the messengers spine out his throat yesterday just for saying the things he did, if it had not been for you being there."
"I... but you said, you have to.. you know, make a point. Like, intimidate the other kings so they don't attack you?" You say.
"That I do." He nods. "And, I don't know if you've forgotten, but I still kicked in his legs to make a statement." He chuckles, amused at the memory. "But letting him live to tell the tale himself had been a better option than blind murder. I'm starting to calculate my actions a lot more since you're at my side." He explains.
"Are you.. not worried I might just say I love you just so I can.. you know, keep being protected?" You ask, and he leans in at that.. licking at your neck?!
"I do not doubt your growing infatuation with me.." he purrs against your throat, hands holding you steady. "I can see the honesty in the way you look at me from time to time, and feel the tenderness in your touch whenever we're close." He offers, nose running under the edge of your jaw. ".. and I can smell your lust every now and then, too." He exposes, chuckling against your neck. "...just like right now."
Your legs squeeze shut at that, and he laughs openly, kissing your cheek before he stands up with you.
"Dont worry, my love." He chuckles, taking your hand in his as he leads you down the halls. "I will wait for you to come to me to satiate that growing hunger one day. And I'm a patient man." He tells you, making you shyly nod, walking next to him.
Because that's all you can do, as you realize he's right with everything. Not only the part about your growing lust-
But your growing love as well.
You're falling for him.
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cerastes · 2 years
How much of Kal'tsit's resentment of Doctor comes from the fact that everyone she wants to like her (Theresa, Amiya, most of RI's staff) likes Doctor better. Like here she is this super smart immortal with a super cool spine monster, but everyone flocks to this clown in a hood who gave up their morals after just one lifetime of war and atrocities.
Sincerely, I don't think she harbors much resentment from any of these facts.
Kal'tsit used to like Doctor herself. Amiya even points out that a few times, they are bantering like in the old times, with Kal'tsit clearly being at ease and casual before catching herself in the act and remembering her hatred. That's the thing with Kal'tsit, the tragic, sordid reality of Kal'tsit: She's likely the person that knows Doctor the best and the most. She knows exactly how charming and wacky and comforting and caring Doctor can be, how they used to be, but she knows exactly how potentially uncaring, calculating, ruthless and machine-like Doctor can potentially become again... Again, if they are not just pretending. In Kal'tsit's mind, Doctor might just be pretending to be amnesiac. To you and I and most people in R.I. in-universe, this might seem like an excuse to justify her hatred, but that's not the case, what this should be telling you is exactly how ruthless and calculating Doctor used to be, enough that Kal'tsit (and W, for that matter) has good reason to suspect that this might just be another of Doc's long plays.
Doctor, in Innes' words, is like a chess master: They are not looking at you as a person, and they are not looking at you as something to use in the present, the chess master sees pieces and sees the long plays, where the pieces will eventually be, and likely discarded for the sake of victory at some point.
Kal'tsit's resentment towards Doctor is palpable because it has nothing to do with jealousy or envy, it has to do with her being painfully aware of just everything this walking maelstrom is capable of (they successfully talked a Sarkaz Assassin aiming for their life into killing themselves in Vigilio by breaking him with words and his faith in Theresa, for the love of god, this is the kind of person Doctor was) and the best case scenario is that Doctor is truly amnesiac and can still potentially become the ruthless Doctor, but the worst case scenario is that Doctor is still the chess master and that this is all a long play.
Kal'tsit is immensely intelligent.
But so is Doctor.
Kal'tsit truly has the best of intentions. She is undeniably a force of good and righteousness in a sordid, blighted world.
But Doctor, the old one, only saw it all as a game.
That's what Kal'tsit hates, and what W fears. W, the thrill seeker who would stand dangerously close to a Catastrophe just for kicks, is deathly afraid of Doctor.
To you and I and most of the cast, Doctor is a clown in a hood that puts blocks of uncooked instant ramen in their mouth and cooks it by drinking boiling water.
To Kal'tsit, Doctor is, as long as they have the manpower and resources, an actual force of nature. Kal'tsit is not in the wrong here, and in her own words, she is entitled her hatred, for what Doctor has done, even if they can't recall it and they are not that person anymore, Kal'tsit deserves to feel the way she does, and no one can take that away from her, but it's definitely not for superficial reasons like those listed, Kal'tsit is well above that.
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Vivziepoop's Dicksuckers Lack Any Self-Awareness
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They say this while in the series anyone that goes against her fan favorite characters are one dimensional hate sink characters like Striker and Stella. Also so far she's depicted heaven as just full of hypocrites and paints Adam (who is supposed to be the first human but turned into an angel for some reason) as a strawman sexist who has all his exorcists named after sexist names for women. A lot of these dumbasses downplay why sinning can be detrimental this just comes from a group of people who want to do the I'm not perfect card to shield the fact that they are horrible people who need to check themselves.
They call it strict morality when so far Vivziepoop acts like a pos to people around her and hates the fact anyone tells her she's a horrible person. Anyone who says that morality is a spectrum are often times people who want to usually hide the fact that they want to get away being pos. They want to call out self-righteousness right after their precious waifu tried to sic people on anyone who dared question her or in the case of Tracey Butler reject her so-called offering. Seriously, these people might think righteousness is strict, while having their own standard of it and lack any self-awareness about it.
Again these dumbasses forget why people are questioning all of this because of the fact that this hell already showed the worst still go there like Epstein and Hitler. They might try to depict it as heaven being too strict, but in my opinion it's full of people who delude themselves into thinking they are good people and they deserve to be in heaven despite not earning it. So they have to project it's the other side that is thinking in black and white when in reality it's because they don't want to change themselves so they could earn their way to be seen as good people.
Seriously, I will never get over that their interpretation of sins actually advocate for consent and not overindulging this just shows again they don't understand shit and it shouldn't be in hell. And again this is just to validate themselves. It's why we have the narrative always excuse Stolas for stuff and not hold him accountable because they don't think it's a case of right/wrong but what makes him happy damn anyone else's opinions in the matter. Again if it's really about control over human nature then you guys really don't understand shit about self-refection.
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buckybarnesss · 1 month
Heather - I once again come to you with strange character choices that Jeff made that actually make sense?
Like how Derek just stood there and took Allison's abuse of him (and by extension his pack) when she was manipulated into becoming emo!allison at the end of season 2 - but he still doesn't tell her??! that her mom was also a kool aid drunk psycho who wanted to kill the love of her life and also just a tiny baby 16 year old?! He doesn't tell her! He just stands there, stoically and withstands the abuse.
S3 derek is so _chefs kiss_ I LOVE LOVE that arc of him becoming more like his mother, where he embraces his ideals of power and family and pack and GOD I will never forget that moment in s4 where satomi looks like LOOKS at derek and goes "you really remind me of your mom" I gotta make that gifset one of these days.
derek and allison parallels my beloved.
derek is fully aware allison would never believe him about what went down with her mother no matter what he said. instead he tells her, "your family's little honor code killed your mother, not me." which is true. the argent code of suicide rather than be a werewolf due to their own bigotry is what ended up really killing victoria in the end. not once did chris or victoria stop to question it or the impact this would have on allison or how gerard could manipulate them and her. they're both fully indoctrinated into the hunting delusion of righteousness.
no the information that victoria attempted to kill scott has to come from scott. that's why derek kept pushing scott to tell her the truth. he could've ignored it all together but derek respected allison enough to believe that she deserved the truth of what happened. that it was unfair to hold back a vital piece of information as to what occurred in the timeline of victoria's death that led to allison being manipulated by gerard.
the truth doesn't exactly clear his name with allison but it provides context that derek was acting in defense of scott. something that could change allison's perception. i think some part of derek sympathizes with her because he's been manipulated, lied to and abused in the past himself. he knows what can happen to an otherwise decent person under those circumstances. he to an extent understands allison's pain.
scott withheld the information from a place of good -- he didn't want to hurt allison further by tainting the memory of her mother -- but ultimately doing so i think was selfish. the lack of information is what harmed allison more in the long run as it allowed gerard to manipulate her.
derek values truth and forthrightness which contrasts peter and lessons peter has attempted to teach derek. derek spends a lot of season 2 contending with that conflict and when he gives up his alpha spark to save his sister he proves to be his mother's son over peter's protégée. derek was able to walk away from power in a way that duecalion, peter, kate, gerard and jennifer were not. they were consumed by it and derek instead used his to save cora's life.
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blond-jerk-tourney · 6 months
Honey Bracket: Round 3, Poll 1
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Rose illustration by @wraith_ly on twitter!
Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Rose Thorburn Jr.
uhh. i can't actually give or read full rose propaganda because i haven't actually. Finished reading the book. and i guarantee she does some real heinous shit when she gets back that i don't know about yet. but rose fucking sweep. rose thorburn kill them with demons.
She certainly doesn't get *less* jerkish across the story, I can tell you that
Rose is literally responsible for multiple people getting CONSUMED BY DEMONS. She was LITERALLY designed to be a Machiavellian piece of shit and it’s only by pure luck that she has any kind of heart or compassion, greatest girlboss I’ve ever seen, bless her heart (she deserves hell)
Rose thorburn was given a sapient clone of her but if she was a better person (and also a guy) to use as a sacrificial lamb slash meatshield against the assembled magical and karmic forces attempting to kill her for her family's history of using demons for Evil Shit & in response she knowingly manipulated him towards those ends while selfishly seeking emotional comfort from him, e.g forcibly hugging him despite being fully aware that he has intense trauma around touch + finds it triggering. she is a cunt. she is an icon. she is knowingly allowing herself to be possessed by the literal incarnation of conquest because it's making her better at being a cunt. and that's just in the part of the obscenely long webnovel i have actually finished thus far
Dorian Gray
Look okay every film adaptation has gotten this wrong but in the original book Dorian has blond hair and blue eyes and is described as looking "like an angel." also his whole thing is that he ends up being a hedonistic brat and is canonically so mean to he girlfriend sybil at one point that she... uh... vacates the story with some poison. he also killed his totally not gay buddy basil after he found the portrait.
the original hedonistic brat. my son that i am always disappointed in. had two shots at love and decided to be a dick about it. has a haunted portrait that gets uglier each time he sins. what a guy, really.
Dorian drove a lovely young girl to suicide and I think that's worse than men dying
Dorian killed the man that was in love with him (Basil) because he found out about the painting and didn’t want to get exposed as being the horrible person that he is. Also all the stuff with Sybil (the girl he manipulated and drove to suicide) Also Sybil’s brother is so righteously angry at Dorian for the event that he hunts Dorian down to kill him. He doesn’t succeed cause dorian destroys the painting first. Like, even his last stand was a bitch move. Dorian was a coward to the end and died alone in an attic after pushing everyone that loved him away with his terrible actions.
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green-eyedfirework · 2 months
It’s very, very easy to break into the prison.  Easy to slip past the guards—silently, he doesn’t want his visit to set off any alarms—and into the right wing.  In front of the right door.
His borrowed key card opens that up smoothly, and the prisoner inside jolts upright after he takes two steps into the room.
She reacts fast, he has to give her that.  Reflexes honed on the street, and only accentuated from being a former FBI agent in a maximum security prison.  She flips off the bed and against the wall, dark eyes narrowed and sharp as she takes in his also-borrowed guard uniform, tensed but hands down.
She freezes when her gaze makes it to his face.  Borrowed uniform or not, he knows the reaction an eyepatch and a white hair get with law enforcement.  “Deathstroke,” she tests the name, “I didn’t realize someone wanted me dead that badly.”
“I’m not here on a contract, Flores.”  Her name tastes like poison on his tongue, the rage burning fiercely inside him.  “This is personal.”
Her expression flickers to surprise.  “Personal?” she raises an eyebrow, “I wasn’t aware that we’ve met.”
“Mutual acquaintance,” Slade grates out, “Nightwing.”
This clears up the confusion, but not the tension.  “You know Nightwing?” she asks slowly, “I didn’t think you ran in the same circles.”
“I know him.  I know what you did to him.”
He’s expecting a fight.  From the broken pieces of the story that Slade’s gathered, Tarantula was a vigilante consumed by her drive for vengeance, no matter how bloody it got, and she clung to her righteousness like a shield.
Catalina’s expression merely turns shadowed.  “I expected to have this conversation with someone in a cape,” she says lightly, “Not a merc.”  Her eyes are keen, “How exactly do you know Nightwing?”
“That’s not your concern.”
“You’ve showed up to threaten me over him, I think it is.”
Slade takes a step forward.  Catalina swallows, and goes still.
“He’s not your concern.  He was never your concern,” Slade snarls, “I don’t know what fucked-up idea you have of your relationship with him, but it’s not—”
“I raped him.”
That does catch Slade off guard.
The lines on Catalina’s face are more pronounced, and her expression is haunted with a tinge of unamused mirth.  “Did you think you’re the only person to stop by?  I’m aware of how I hurt Nightwing, if that’s the reason you’re here.”  Something spasms across her face, old and tired.
“It’s not,” Slade holds her gaze.
Catalina tilts her head back, and studies him.  This time, the mirth is more pronounced.  “Did you come here to kill me?” Catalina asks, eyes still sharp, “What is he to you, that you’d go to all this trouble—”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Did he ask you to?” Catalina’s voice is level, but something flickers in her eyes, “Did he ask you to kill me?”
Slade barks a harsh, unamused chuckle.  “You really didn’t know him at all, Flores, if you ever thought he would.”
Catalina only nods.  “So you’re here without telling him,” she says, something unidentified in her tone, “To murder someone who hurt him.  Admirable.”
Slade wants none of this woman’s admiration.
She smiles, slow and mild.  “I killed to protect him too,” she says, “A monster.  He knew too much about Nightwing, he’d already destroyed two of Nightwing’s homes, he would’ve never found justice in a jail cell.  And I ended that threat.  Permanently.  Forever.”
Slade watches her silently.  His fingers are locked around his gun.
“If you’re that close to Nightwing, you already know how that turned out,” she finishes, dark eyes gleaming.
Slade doesn’t step back.  He’s too well-trained to show weakness.  But his fingers spasm on the gun, and loosen.
“I thought I was making him feel better.”
“You thought you were what.”  Slade goes blank.  How the hell—
“He was shaking.  Too much violence, too much running.  He needed somewhere safe for a little bit, something good to wipe out the violence.”  And instead, she’d just compounded Dick’s trauma of that long, bloody week.  “How would you have helped him?”  There’s a bite to her words.
“Got him a blanket.  Sat with him.  Got him something to eat.  Talked until he came back to himself.  He was in shock,” Slade spits out at her, and anger flares across her face, but something considering with it too.  She looks at him slightly differently than she did when he walked in and mentioned Nightwing.
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