#in fact i would cause all the bad things to happen because i would willingly do whatever a hot woman tells me to do
send-me-a-puffalope · 4 months
Elizabeth's 🥺😢 face is what made me fall in love with her in the first place
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if a girl pulled up to me with these soggy ass eyes, sorry to everyone else because whatever you say ma’am
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shinyspooks · 5 months
literally and non-literally
so. i'm literally obsessed with @zillychu 's fire core au. so i HAD to write this.
note: i imagine this happens sometime between danny actually starting to talk to them and them finding out about the halfa thing- so like, really early bonding/flirting stage?? you'll get what i mean
Warnings: blood mention, Danny kills a ghost off screen. + said ghost's arm gets torn off. this fic is comedy though i promise
Word Count: 1k
Read on AO3
This had been a bad idea.
That was all that Tucker could think, as he and Sam stood under the cover of a nearby half-destroyed building, watching as Phantom beat another ghost to a pulp.
Neither of them had seen the other ghost before, and it seemed that they likely never would again, if the way Phantom was tearing into them was any indication.
Literally, tearing into them, it seemed, as Phantom fiercly bit down on the other’s arm and ripped it clean off, blood splattering down to the pavement, followed by the ghost’s body, slamming down with such force that it made the ground tremble. When the dust settled, the ectoplasmic body didn’t so much as twitch.
“Wow.” Sam said, interrupting the unsettling silence, “That was kinda hot.”
Phantom, arm still in his mouth, turned around with a look filled with so much abject horror that if this was any other situation Tucker would’ve laughed.
Letting the arm drop from his mouth to fall to rest on top of it’s original body, Phantom joined Sam and Tucker on the ground. Well. Sorta on the ground. He got closer to the ground. But he remained floating, as usual.
“Ah-” Sam interrupted him before he could speak, “You’ve got a little-”
She reached forwards, towards Phantom’s face, and he instantly floated several feet back, letting out a hiss. Sam froze, before letting her arm drop to her side.
“Right, no touching.” She said, “But, uh, you’ve got some blood- or, ecto, on your face.”
Phantom almost seemed to hesitate for a second, before using his fist to try and wipe the ecto-blood off his cheek. He didn’t do much other than smear it a little, but both Sam and Tucker decided to not mention it. Phantom floated a bit closer again with a small sigh.
“I hope,” He started, “That when you said hot, before, thatit’s in reference to the literal heat, cause otherwise…”
“Otherwise…?” Sam tilted her head to the side with a smirk. Tucker silently shook his head at her, but she ignored him.
“Because otherwise, you’re a lot crazier than I thought.” Phantom said, crossing his arms with a huff. If anything, Sam’s smirk grew wider at that.
“Hi, I’m Sam, and I’m a lot crazier than you thought I was.” She said, linking her arm around Tucker’s and dragging him in closer to her. “This is Tucker, he’s also a lot crazier than you thought he was. May I know your name?”
“Don’t drag me into this.” Tucker muttered, and Sam lightly kicked his shin, making him sharply inhale. Phantom slow-blinked at them both. Truthfully, they didn’t really need him to tell them his name, they both had a pretty solid guess that he was, maybe, perhaps, the Phantom, but he didn’t need to know that. Besides, when it came to somewhat eldritch or fae-like beings, there were whole things around names, so it was best to give the matter some form of caution.
(And even if it wasn’t a fae-name kind of situation, the fact Phantom had not willingly gave them a name to call him by at this point did imply that they should treat the matter with some delicacy).
“…Nice try.” He said, “It’s not something you need to know, though.”
“Hm, maybe we should try giving you a name then…” Sam trailed off, thinking. Tucker let out a defeated sigh, immediately realizing that she was about to throw their previous caution and delicacy around Phantom’s name away entirely. Phantom looked almost confused, and slightly angry, like she hadn’t gotten his point, but couldn’t even say a word before she was speaking again. “Ah, I know. We’ll call you Casper.”
Phantom slow-blinked again, now very obviously confused.
“You’re choosing, of all things, to name me after the old high-school?” He asked. Now it was Sam and Tucker’s turn to look at him in confusion.
“No?? I- Oh, wait.” The realization seemed to hit them both at once. “You wouldn’t have seen that movie, would you?”
“Casper, the Friendly Ghost.” Tucker elaborated. Phantom seemed to bristle.
“Ghosts are not friendly.” He said. Sam and Tucker both shared a look that made him glower at the both of them. “Seriously. Ghost’s aren’t friendl- wait, hold on. If you’re naming me- you think I’m friendly?!”
The silence that followed seemed to be response enough for him.
“I’m not friendly. I- you both aren’t just crazy. You’re insane.” Phantom said. Sam seemed to consider something for a moment.
“Hmm… You know, you’re pretty cute too, Casper.” She said, and Phantom sputtered, suddenly dropping to stand on the ground.
“Ah-” Tucker suddenly felt the need to maybe do some damage control. Phantom was already a threat enough without a damaged pride. “Of course, you’re very, uh, scary and powerful-”
“In a hot way though.” Sam interjected, “In a non-literal hot way.”
“Sam!” Tucker had to admit that she was objectively correct, but- “You can’t just say things like that-”
“You know I’m right. He’s hot. Both literally and non-literally.” As she said so, she gestured at Phantom, who had taken to staring very pointedly at the ground. Was it just Tucker’s imagination, or was his face turning a little green-
Phantom’s fists suddenly clenched, and when he looked up at them again, it was with a glare in his eyes, the edges of his hair slowly growing more smokey than its usual state.
“Get out of my town.” He hissed, eyes flashing a brighter shade of green. Ah. It seemed they had reached Phantom’s idiocy limit for the day.
Not wasting any time, Tucker flipped Sam’s grip on his arm so that he was the one holding on to her, turned, and started to drag her away at a rather speedy pace.
“Aw c’mon, I was only messing around!!” Sam complained, but still allowed herself to be dragged. From some distance behind them, Phantom tsked.
“Keep playing around like that and you’ll get burned.” He muttered, quietly, but not quietly enough for them to not overhear.
“Was that a pun? Wait- Tucker, the ghost knows puns-” Sam said, planting her feet into the ground. It was enough to give Tucker pause as well, turning around-
Phantom had already vanished.
“He knows puns, Tucker.” Sam continued, “Tucker. We’ve got to bring the joke book next time.”
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Can you give examples of Aang showing Empathy? Oh wait, you can't.
Actually, I can - because unlike you, I base my opinion of the characters on the actual stuff that happened in the story, not the bad faith takes dumb people on the internet come up with.
Zuko literally only survived past book 1 because Aang was the ONLY person amongst the heroes that gave a single fuck about his well-being. Aang offered to be FRIENDS with him as early as episode 13, even though this dude is trying to kidnap him.
In the first damn episode we see him realize and try to remedy Katara's struggle with no longer being able to act like a kid and have fun. He wants to travel with her so SHE gets to learn waterbending. He willingly lets Zuko take him into his ship because he understood that a conflict could lead to the people of the water tribe getting hurt or killed.
In Warriors of Kyoshi he apologizes to Katara for letting all the praise and admiration go to this head. He makes sure to put out the fires Zuko and his crew started in Suki's village.
He tries to help remedy the Hei-Bai situation, even though he is unsure of himself and even scared, because he knows he is the only one that has any chance of helping - and the thing that allows him to connect with Hei-Bai is the fact that he is ALSO upset about the destruction the Fire Nation has caused AND hopeful that the world would eventually heal.
He thinks Jet is awesome because he wants to help people that are being oppressed by the Fire Nation - and then is horrified when he finds out his intension is to "free" them by killing everyone
He wants to help the two rival groups not only safely cross the Great Divide, but also stop hating each other.
He confesses that he hid the map to Hakoda because Bato, Katara and Sokka are showing how much they appreciate and trust him and he feels unworthy of it after what he did because he knows it'd hurt him if the roles were reversed.
He is so devastated by the fact that he ACCIDENTALLY hurt Katara that he swears to never firebend again. He is also able to recognize the same principle behind his mistake in Zhao's fighting style, allowing him to win the battle against the bastard.
He accepts the fact that the Northern Air Temple is now occupied by people who not only don't belong to his culture but also don't understand it and unknowingly destroyed something sacred to him (and that one of them had been forced to make weapons for the Fire Nation) because these people have nowhere else to go and he doesn't want them to suffer.
He is furious at Pakku for refusing to teach Katara waterbending, because he knows how much it'd mean to her and how unfair it is that she can't learn it just because of her gender.
He is so devastated by the death of the Moon Spirit that the Ocean Spirit latches onto him to avenge it and save the day - and the leve of destruction it causes haunts Aang, even though the violence was against his enemies. And still, he tries to go into the Avatar state again because people are dying and he can't accept that.
After the fall of Omashu, he wants to rescue Bumi, not because he needs a teacher, but because they're friends.
He felt empathy for Toph when she was explaining to her parents how lonely and unappriacted their over-protection made her feel.
He and Katara both feel bad for snapping at Toph during "The Chase" and wanted to apologize for not understanding that being part of a group was a radical change to her, even though she had refused to even try. He also didn't have a problem with fighting alongside Zuko and Iroh against Azula, AND he looked concerned when Iroh was injured.
After Katara comments on the fact he called Toph Sifu but not her, he calls her Sifu while bowing, to show that he respects her both as his master and friend.
The hopelessness and downright depression he was feeling after Appa was stolen only starts healing because he saw a couple being happy with their newborn baby - the same couple he decided to help cross the Serpent's Pass, even though he and his friends had just been allowed to take a much safer route to Ba Sing Se.
His understanding and sympathy towards Jet, even after everything the guy did, was so strong that it freed him from literal brainwashing.
He doesn't want to push his love for Katara aside to gain power because he cares about her too much - and then does it anyway because, even though not making her his main focus 24/7 offers the risk of her being hurt, him neglecting his mission guarantees she'll get hurt.
He is devastated to learn that the world thinks he is dead because he knows he was everyone's last hope - and yet in the end he still accepts the burden of failure because he understood that, at that moment, everyone would be safer if no one else knew he was still alive.
He goes to a Fire Nation school and bonds with the kids, wanting to give them a taste of freedom and joy, as well as trying to understand what the war is like from their perspective. The same episode also has him pull Katara for a dance because he noticed she was feeling left out.
The boy felt empathy for, and understood the mistakes of, both Ruko and Sozin. SOZIN. Aang could see the humanity in the monster that is responsible for him losing his entire culture and everyone he loved.
When Zuko spoke about wanting to control his impulses so he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone, Aang explicitly connected with that struggle and saw them being teacher and student as fate, and Zuko agreed because that's how deep their connection was.
Aang is not happy about Katara wanting to murder a man, but he still lets her take Appa on her mission and is not disapproving when she ultimately spares the guy but does not forgive him and makes it clear she never will.
He feels empathy for freaking Ozai, to the point that refuses to kill the guy - even as he has the balls to say that Aang's family, his people, deserved to die. He spared that guy - but only after he had a way to do that without it meaning the death of more innocents. Aang, the pacifist, was going to turn his back on everything he believed in just to avoid more human suffering.
So yeah, miss me with your bullshit and don't come back until your brain is developed enough to understand a cartoon aimed at kindergarterners.
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macsimagines · 11 months
Yandere!Mikey w/ a S/O that had his child
(So for this set of headcanons its for a Mikey thats been consumed by his dark impulses and has probably lost everyone... ALSO PLEASE tell me what you think? I work better when I'm given notes so any complaints or compliments ill take!)
(D/N) - Daughters Name (Y/N) - Your Name
You were supposed to be a one night stand. He wasn't even going to give you the time of day. You were some secretary or pencil pusher and he was making deals (harassing) your boss.
But you catch his eye, and your boss has you entertain him to make things go smoother.
Thankfully, you two hit it off. Mikey can be charming despite his horrible reputation and you've got such beautiful kind eyes...
One thing leads to another and one unforgettable night you two have sex.
Mikey doesn't call you or contact you after that, and you can take the hint that it didn't mean anything more than just a way to relieve stress.
That would be all fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that you were puking your guts out and happened to be pregnant.
You can't depend on Mikey, you don't think he'll accept your child and you really don't want them involved in the underworld that Mikey controls.
So you move out of Tokyo to distant family in a different town. You get a job, have your wonderful child and live peacefully in a small town.
Four years down the road, you end up back in Tokyo with your daughter. You owed a friend a favor and you're not too worried.
Your Daughter might be Mikey's clone but Tokyo is a big city and he's a busy man. He must have had countless women before he's not going to recognize your face out of a million others. Plus its been years. You should be safe right?
Wrong. You wake up one morning and (D/N) is gone. You're frantic searching for her, so confused where she could have gone from your friends apartment when it hits you: The Park!
Sprinting over there you're met with a sight you never thought you'd see. Mikey holding your fidgeting daughter in his arms.
If not for the terrifying look in his eyes the scene is almost comical.
The two of them together look like a before and after picture because of how similar they are.
"Y/N, you wanna explain this?" he asks you, and you're more shocked he remembered your name than anything else.
You try to pull it together, you don't want to cause a scene in front of your daughter.
"Th-that's my daughter. She ran off this morning and I've been looking for her."
He tilts his head to the side while he looks you up and down, placing your little girl on his hip.
"Don't you mean our daughter?" there's something dark in his voice and down right malevolent in his eyes.
Panic rises in your chest and you look down at the ground. "I just...I wanted her to be safe. I-I didn't think you'd care."
Your sweet Daughter whimpers for you, not understanding who this strange man is or why he's making her mommy so upset.
"You thought I wouldn't acknowledge my own child? Am I that kind of man to you?"
Silence stretches between you before you finally get the courage to say; "How did you even find us?"
Mikey just stares and holds your girl close before answering; "I heard you were in town. I came looking for you, and found her. Guess this is fate."
What you didn't know was that Mikey did want you, he wanted you so bad it almost drove him crazy. He tried to keep his distance and ignore you, and just when he can't take it anymore he finds out you moved away?
That's fine. It wasn't meant to be. But he had eyes and ears out for you if you ever came back to him. If you willingly walked back into the lions den that must mean you want him to have you.
He hears your back, with a daughter, and that's not a problem. If you have a husband he'll make sure you don't anymore and he doesn't mind a brat, you'll give him some of his own and that will make up for it.
So he goes looking for you, and he's almost to the apartments he knows you're staying at when a little girl catches his eyes. For a second he thought he hallucinated a mirror, but no staring up at him is his own face.
In his heart he knows who this girl is. And he's mystified when she starts talking to him.
"How come the sun's so bright?" she asks him for whatever insane reason.
And the empty abyss in his chest is suddenly full of love and affection. She's perfect. He had a perfect daughter now. Mikey embraces and tells her as much. That she's wonderful and beautiful and so loved.
Then you come sprinting towards them and Mikey suddenly remembers you kept her from him.
Back to the present, he thinks if this had been anyone else he would have killed them. But its you. And thankfully you raised the perfect child and gave him a healthy daughter, so he can't be too mad. He'll take it out on some underlings that left out very important details...
"I'll take responsibility," he tell you grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you so you're face to face, "And you will too, Y/N. We're gonna raise a very happy family. And you're going to give me a very big one. Lots of kids." one for every person he's ever lost.
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asunflowerana · 1 year
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𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭
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summary: grocery day has never been so fun.
with: bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, sakusa kyoomi and osamu miya.
n: i've been thinking about this for a while, whenever i go shopping or buy groceries. I I wish Bo could be with me and distract me from the stress of dealing with people with charts (they're dangerous 🥴). Hope you all enjoy! 💕
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⊛ bokuto koutaro
a child inside a full-grow 190cm male body, that's what he is. The fact that he still pouts whenever you remind him that "no, you can't get inside the cart baby, you won't fit" proves the point. But besides his childish mood, he can turn your time shopping a lot funnier.
he does cart races, searches for lower prices like hunting a treasure, throw his hands in the air when he finds his favorite snacks and cackles at every single brand with a silly name. He's a total dork, but his excitement is so endearing that you cannot help but absorb it. It's actually sweet, the way he lightly takes a domestic duty. He's also helpful, willingly carrying the bags to the car, and storing the groceries later at home.
he yearns to stay close to you, so even if his both hands are grabbing the cart handle, at least some arm-brushing will happen. He'll feel pretty lost if you both need to part ways through the supermarket, but t's cute how he beams when you guys find each other later.
favorite section: breakfast food (he's addicted to cereal), and meat section.
what you usually hear from him: "babe, can we buy this?"
⊛ oikawa tooru
if there's something Tooru doesn't look forward to in the month, is grocery day. He even tried to wipe it off the fridge calendar a few times before, but you're too good to be fooled. "the Santos already ordered by delivery, why can't we do the same?" he uses the neighbor's card, whining like his teenager version would.
but one way or another, you always convince him to go. If he's in a bad mood, he'll probably sulk in the beginning, lazily riding the cart while sighing every two minutes 'cause this is a total "waste of time". But as the trip proceeds, he gets used to it, even forgetting what he was so grumpy about when a product catches his attention. With some subtle kisses and a small treat, you can even get a smile out of him.
He likes to wrap his arm around your back or keep you close by the waist. Not having you there with him it's the worst it could happen, so he needs to make sure you stay by his side (also because he simply likes holding you).
favorite section: checkouts (not a surprise), and cosmetics section. He can spend a good amount of time selecting body products.
what you usually hear from him: "are we done?"; "baby, I need your help. This one, or this one?".
⊛ sakusa kiyoomi
he's the one looking forward to this day. He gets uneasy when things run out in the house, so going shopping is almost necessary for his peace of mind. What he doesn't look forward to, though, is dealing with people at the supermarket. Most precisely, the lines, but let's not talk about it to not ruin the mood.
he's very selective, taking whatever time he has to inspect and be sure of the products, in case it isn't a common choice of yours. He appreciates being aware of what you are consuming, not only for being an athlete but because he cares about your health. He likes to share what he's been learning from the team's nutritionist, but he is not a dictator: if you want to treat yourself to some tasty sweets or snacks, he won't get in the way. He'll even join the party.
He'll offer his arm for you to wrap your own, or hold hands. He's grateful to have your company, so he'll cherish it as much as he can. He's also very protective if the place or the lines are too crowned, keeping you by his side and holding you close with his arm.
favorite section: cleaning products (you have no idea how relieved he gets when he goes there).
what you usually hear from him: "I know you want it. Go ahead, put in the cart"; "they always put the gloves way back there"; "these stupid lines. Again."
⊛ osamu miya
the king of groceries. He's used to doing this two, or three times a week, and it never gets boring. The experience has made him smarter about where and when it is best to buy, plus he has a good eye when it comes to product quality and price. So yeah, you have almost nothing to worry about when Osamu Miya is your grocery partner. Almost.
he's very chill and helpful while shopping, but you better keep a good eye on the cart: it'll get filled in one minute. When Osamu likes something, he makes a point of buying as much as he can. Once, he filled almost three entire carts, and half of one was just from rice bags. Someone might think you have a whole volleyball team as a family with the amount of food he wants to take home.
Hand on your back, shoulder, waist, any free space he has to keep you close to him – and he'll keep it there the whole time. Touch is one of his love languages, so there's no way he won't keep in contact with you.
favorite section: fruit and vegetables, and bakery. He loves the smell of fresh ingredients.
what you usually hear from him: "sweetheart, just one more. It'll be the last, I promise"; "hope Tsum doesn't visit us today"
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reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated. 💕
© asunflowerana 2023 — all rights reserved.
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tornoleander · 9 months
Jay’s been through it
CW: Sexual assault Implications brief discussion of sexual predators + lotta swearing
(Please let me know if I missed any content warnings and Check if you are ok to hear this theory before reading. This type content has potential to help or hurt you depending on who you are as is the nature of problematic themes. Safety over curiosity.)
This is cannon compliment. Uhh kids show?! Yeah I know shouldn’t really have these themes but they’re there hear me out. Spoilers for season 6/8 I guess.
I’m bothered by this scene and how It connect to certain events so I’ll cautiously share
Sons of Garmadon Episode 7:
Here is the clip
Kelo asks “Where’s the green Ninja”
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WHAT THE FUCK! Dude the double take I had when first watching this.
So he looked at Kelo’s… lower half and basically said ‘Cole shut up that man’s crotch is too close’. And not in Jay joking tone, he’s like dead serious and stressed. (The scene just cuts away after)
Jay you ok? Why is it implied some guy might have tried something?! Why else would he say that?! Who the FUCK touched my boi? What even is this scene?!
The fact it’s Jay that said it out of everyone is bad because it’s been implied to him before.
So let’s talk about the darkest Ninjago theory that’s been quietly circulating for a while in fan content. For simplicity I’ll call it captains quarters theory, If you’re unfamiliar I’ll explain.
Basically some speculation happened because of a certain villain that displayed subtle ongoing predatory behavior. And a part when Jay was his prisoner that caused people to worry what happened before the scene started.
As some of you have caught on It’s the scene where Cole rescues Jay from Misfortunes Keep.
He didn’t find Jay in his cell where he should have.
Cole found him beaten as ninjago has ever depicted except when literally dying.
no explanation given.
In the corner of Captains Quarters.
Nadakhan’s room.
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Dude :(
And his concern afterwards.
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And thinking he didn’t deserve saving.
“Thank you for trying to save me,-
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It’s Just a lot.
Doing awful things to make Jay wish it all away is terrifyingly in Nadakhan’s character. Not just the sadistic torture part.
Nadakhan has many behaviors similar to a sexual predator. I’ll go over it briefly but see my last post for a detailed analysis.
He Seeks out vulnerable people for victims. The Ninja are teens and he waits till or makes them emotionally vulnerable. The way he talks about gifting his wishes and giving his victims anything they desire can be read as grooming behavior. His secrecy in getting all the ninja alone and doesn’t even talk to his crew about his plans. Manipulative and Controlling obviously.
And the most glaring issues he’s WAY tooo fucking touchy all the time. Like watch his body language during Skybound and see how uncomfortable it is
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“Too slow junkyard boy”
Not to mention how explicitly he doesn’t care about consent….
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And “If you don’t come willingly Nya, I will take you regardless” followed by a forced marriage.
Side note he doesn’t refers to Jay with his name and the things he calls him…uggh “What lies is our little canary whistling now, hmm?”
So… It’s cannon compliant that something was attempted or happened to Jay. Bruh wtf.
Well if you feel like you resonate with this or it may help there a few great fanworks that explore this I can recommend if interested. Mmm comfort angst.
(Note don’t bother anyone for enjoying Nadakhan as a character. It’s fiction and it hurts no one)
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queen0fm0nsterz · 9 months
Also guys, about the locations of the podcasts: they are real places. 100%. They are real places somewhere in the Nowhere - most importantely, somewhen.
Prophetic dreams are very real in Little Nightmares and they are things that often happen: however, I do not believe this is yet the case for Noone. She describes feeling sensations and smells multiple times, something that can only happen if the plane of reality one is in is... well. Real. She also describes feeling Jester's presence as she does with Otto's, who is a real person in the real world alongside her. The fact that Noone isn't currently fully there yet doesn't necessarely mean the places aren't real.
Now, whether she's visiting the past versions of some already existing locations is up to debate (COUGH THE BATHHOUSE COUGH), and that locations and habitants of said locations can be parallels to some already existing ones, but the only certainty we have at this point is that these other places that are being described and witnessed by Noone are real places somewhere. After all, the Nowhere is an incredibly vast place of which we have explored incredibly little.
Would it be so surprising if the places Noone visits are separate from the, like, 3 ones we have visited?
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(map is from LN II, the school, and is supposedly rappresenting a region of which we only see a single city.)
And another thing, actually: I have seen many compare the Lady to the Woman in Chains, but honestly, after reading through the transcript of the first episode of TSON made by @softichill... the two sound like the complete opposite of each other, appearence and behaviour wise.
The Woman in Chains is described as having a "stretched back face", therefore causing her to have wrinkles due to how her face is structured, which explains Noone talking about her as being "both old and young". There is no concealing, no mask, nothing to hide her face. She doesn't live in secrecy like the Lady does -- quite the contrary, infact.
And about features: in both her forms, the Lady's face looks the opposite of hers. Either completely relaxed, or... nearly like it's melting.
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I have also seen some people try to claim that the "familiar outfit" as a reference to the Lady's kimono, but you must remember who the narrator is. The outfit is familiar to Noone. Not us. It is likely that the Woman is wearing either a nun's dress (Noone mentions seeing three laying on a bed in the Prisoner's bedroom) or something Noone might have seen from the institution she's kept in.
While the Lady does thrive in her occupation, she doesn't necessarely take joy in it like the Woman in Chains (Prison Ward, atp) does. For the Lady, it's much more a matter of survival. She is on the Maw because it's convenient, see as she's in a powerful position. The Woman in Chains is instead happily preparing torture devices to haunt the Prisoners with.
Some parallels are certainly there. Referring to them as being, even metaphorically, the same person... it would mean that the team wrote a very bad analogy. They are nothing alike in any other aspect BUT their occupation. Funnily enough, you could say the Thin Man and the Signal Tower operate in a near identical manner to both these places. He's also the living center/battery of his own mechanism.
Noone also mentions that the Workers seem to be made of shadows, similarly to the Shadow Children. However, it is also evident that these beings are different, as they work and can hold objects much like the nomes. Later, when she meets a living child, she notes that they have black goo in their hair that moves like shadows. If that's the same material the Workers are made of, then this would make them some sort of liquid entities.
Lastly, about the inhabitants themselves: no one else in this Prison is here because they want to be. The Prisoners are not like the Guests, who come on the Maw willingly. The Workers are mindless beings, unlike the Nomes who draw and the Shadow Kids who play just like children. The child and Noone want to leave... and that's understandable.
My friend @chorusofkhonshu smartly pointed this out, so I'm just gonna copy and paste what he said word for word.
"So I thought, if these creatures are made of liquid, it has to come from somewhere. So my mind wandered to the prisoners, their purpose. Perhaps like the Maw and Signal Tower need to absorb people. The Signal Towers thru TVs and the Maw thru the Lady. What if those prisoners are only alive to be bled dry so long as they live. Noone smells the prisoner rotting. All those prisoners have to share some purpose, they might be tortured. Some device that the lady there has. She uses straps and cranks. Masks with spikes in the mouth. It runs on tortured souls."
And just as Noone mentions later on:
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If anything... rather than paralleling Six's journey, Noone seems to be living it backwards. Completely backwards.
... Mh.
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halfnekoslair · 9 months
My AU main design post
Might be beta >w< Maybe I'll change something. People here make such interesting iterations and mine looks very basic.
But I'll post them anyway
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In the subject of eyes, I know that Leo's and Raph's eyes look a little strange in my drawings. It is intentionally so. I wanted to portray Leo's eyes so dark that instead of a pupil, only a reflection is visible. And Raph's eyes should look more animal-like because he's basically my AU's main victim)
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Leo: - Was appointed as oldest brother by Splinter. - Daddy's favorite. The best at many things that Splinter considers important. - Often refuses to participate in activities where he knows he will not be the best. - Arrogant, but afraid of the slightest dispraise. - Finds himself pretty cute. >w< - Minimum gear because he's that good. -Thinks black makes him look more ninja. - Quite a positive and adventurous person actually. He sees good in people. - And makes them feel a lot of cringe by telling them about it. - Come on, bad guys. Stop being bad. - A bit of a hypocrite as he thinks it's OK to beat up robbers while his whole family is stealing groceries.
Raph: - Was considered youngest due to the fact that he was lost in the first months after the mutation, but he fought his way to the second oldest position. Literally fought) - Obsessed with physical dominance. Puts strength training far ahead of stealth. - In fact, Splinter is the only one in the family on a relatively healthy diet with him. But they still don't get along and criticize each other in detail. - Likes to look monstrous and scare people. - Not exactly anger management issue... Rather, general cruelty towards humans plus inability to express emotions in a peaceful and quiet way. His brothers often can't tell if he just being loud for the sake of being loud or because something really happened. So they mostly ignore it all. This causes a lot of resentment. - He's pretty pessimistic and it's the hardest thing to get his trust. - In fact, he wants to be proved that he is wrong. - Almost no gear because he doesn't care. He will change his mind after the first major injury.
Donnie: - The middle child who is calm in this position because they all share the same birthday. And it's all stupid. - Considered the weakest fighter in the family, but generally too smart and strategic for that to be a problem. - He thought he would catch up with his brothers in training, but seeing how Leo and Raph jumping out of their shells, he realized he doesn't want to spend so much time on it instead of things he's really interested in. - Looks most human in proportion. Sometimes he dresses as a human to get into a place he really want. - Has an old grudge against Splinter that father does not appreciate his abilities enough and prefers playing ninjas with Leo. - It's mostly him who challenges Leo as a leader by criticizing his plans. - Technical genius. Compared to those around him) Can assemble almost anything. - Bonding with Mikey and Raph around this. - Sees the world in rather gloomy colors, but willingly jumps into any adventure if there is something interesting for him. - Carries a bag with all possible stuff. Outside of combat, he often lets Raph carry it. (He would never agree to carry it if he knew even half of what's inside) - All gear that he deemed reasonable to use. Mikey: - The youngest child, theoretically, and uses this position to his advantage. - Pretty acrobatic despite looking chubby. - Splinter thinks he's a gifted ninja, but Mikey keeps screwing up in training. - Maybe he doing it on purpose. Because it's very important for Leo to be the best and so on. - The best at cooking, but makes the kitchen a mess, which causes conflict with Raph, who also uses the kitchen. - Light and free spirited. Glad to make friends with anyone without questions. Often gets into trouble. -But he always gets saved and doesn't learn anything because he doesn't get the consequences. - The peacemaker. Knows when and what to say. - But often says something stupid just to see the result. - All the gear his brothers were able to get him to wear. Because the little one needs to be protected. - Wears cartoon character keychains and rattles them on missions, driving Leo crazy. Link to the post with all parts of this AU: url It's mostly at the very beginning >w<
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nicoleanell · 1 year
I would love to hear your meta on the scene from Renfield with the priest and the vampire hunter, if you’d be willing to share!
My thing with that scene is it was peak Give Renfield A Hug and also the most irredeemable thing he does in the movie short of destroying some kid's ant farm, and that instantly made me fall in love with him.
I like the fact they made Renfield an aggressively sympathetic character and at the same time not wholly innocent. Robert Montague Renfield is neither a good guy or a bad guy but he deserves to be okay. (Also he may come off way more "sane" as movie Renfields go but he's not a well person lol, and the fact he's in an all-gender support group for abuse survivors very rapidly becomes not so much A Joke as it is the Entire Point of the movie.)
In the flashbacks, it's totes played for comedy and riffing on the 1931 movie and there's a little bit of an "unreliable narrator" vibe to it when Renfield's like, it was good we had great times etc. :))) We don't really know how in control of himself he is or how much he's whitewashing. But then we get the church/vampire killer thing and there's like... the first seed of something more real going on. The movie tells us upfront that the last time Dracula was almost defeated he stopped it, willingly, and it wasn't normal vampire enthrallment stuff as much as a very human emotional choice.
There's some heavy-handed manipulation happening and it's *completely* non-supernatural. They'll lock you away. I'll protect you. I care about you. And Nic Hoult's big woobie eyes hold all the sadness and isolation and genuine hope/desire to be loved, and it's unhealthy attention but there's nothing better out there for him. 🥺 <- emoji rendition of Renfield and also me.
Oh and for good measure his "he really means it this time" internal monologue is 100% meant to sound like toxic/abusive boyfriend stuff he's echoing from the support group, which is A Joke in this movie until it's not anymore.
(Side note, I saw you mention this in another post - the mental institution headcanon is Valid. I would've liked for it to be explicitly in there somewhere but as far as I'm concerned nothing *contradicts* it and it's one of like 3 facts people associate with Spiders Georg over here. So I'll take that crumb that the threat of him getting locked up is just as likely to be in an asylum (again) as a jail. And yikes the legitimate fear of that being WORSE than the hell he's currently in.)
And the second he does the thing, some priest *completely proves Dracula right* by immediately throwing more guilt and blame on Renfield and being like YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYONE ELSE HE KILLS NOW. Which, fair! But also, dude, you're being the opposite of helpful here! Lmao fucking Catholics. He knows this! It's why he can't get out! Of course he chose Dracula and he did it on purpose and he did it because of trauma and it *cemented* him being trapped forever. This is the climax of an entire other movie in which Renfield is probably not the main character but would definitely end up my problematic fave anyway.
SO YEAH. Between that and the reveal he left a whole wife & kid, there's such an interesting theme of guilt/shame on top of self-esteem and learned helplessness issues I was not anticipating in this movie. It's important for him to get to a place of: "I want to blame this legitimately awful monster but I also did SOME of this to myself, and when I can accept that without immediately going into a fetal position, it gives him less power over me."
Does not remove his power completely! 'Cause Renfield 2023 is also not, like, saying that you can just Easily Decide To Leave Your Violent Abuser. But the affirmations about being enough and deserving better and seeking better in spite of having failed or fucked up before are important.
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What would have happened after Nouda if both Nathaniel and Bartimaeus had survived? What would their relationship be like? Would Bartimaeus forgive Nathaniel for literally enslaving him for years, torturing him and nearly killing him multiple times? Would Nathaniel attempt to make amends to Bartimaeus for his treatment of him? Would he acknowledge the crimes he's committed to others via willingly and enthusiastically participating in an evil system of slavery and oppression? Is it possible to really make amends for such serious crimes?
I imagine they wouldn't have had one.
Nathaniel had reached a point in his character progression where he was questioning everything about himself: especially the foundations of the privileged life he'd led and the fact that it was built upon the backs of slaves as Kitty pointed out to him. In the aftermath, I could see him purposefully stepping out of central decision making both because he doesn't quite trust himself with power (after the years long power trip he had and the fact that it made him miserable) and because he trusts Kitty far more with that kind of task. Not to mention, of course, that he was too high up in the ranks originally and it'd have caused a great kerfuffle to leave him in charge. It was very pointed that it was minor and retired magicians placed on the council (in part because everyone else died, but also as a kind of purge). Nathaniel might have saved the city and been regarded as a hero, but he's the kind of hero people would want to look at from a distance and not up close.
(Not to mention, if Nathaniel did survive, he might not be in great condition. We don't know what being possessed, even if you're a willing host and the spirit doesn't go nuts inside you, does to you in the long term. More, while Nathaniel was crushed by glass and steel, he suffered catastrophic injuries before that point and the way he, Kitty, and Bartimaeus were acting... he didn't have long to live after that. If he did survive, he'd likely be in very bad shape.)
But to sum things up, basically, I don't know if Nathaniel would engage in summoning again (especially as Britain was moving in the direction of restricting it/if not banning it outright in the aftermath of the clusterfuck) and even if he was...
I don't think he would.
The entire third book is Nathaniel slowly realizing he's using Bartimaeus as a coping mechanism. Nathaniel hates the inauthenticity of himself and the world around him, so he keeps Bartimaeus constantly on hand to be a dick to his face/say something honest. He does this at great peril to Bartimaeus himself even though he knows, intellectually, it's stupid. He's now in the aftermath of that and I think he'd view it both with a) guilt (because of everything that happened) b) as slipping back into a very dangerous habit where he uses Bartimaeus as emotional support.
Better to just let things... lie...
I imagine Nathaniel wouldn't summon Bartimaeus again in his lifetime.
As for Bartimaeus forgiving him, were they to meet again, I imagine he would not (or at the very least would be pissed at hell for Nathaniel having learned nothing). However, from what we see of the end of the novel, Bartimaeus essentially already had. Certainly, when Nathaniel sacrifices himself but spares Bartimaeus, Bartimaeus takes that very seriously and at least comes to terms with everything that happened if not forgives Nathaniel for it.
(Not to mention that Bartimaeus I don't think ever really hated Nathaniel. I always got the impression that he viewed Nathaniel as a product of society and someone who had once had the potential to be different but was too near sighted and threw it away on a quest for power and acceptance of society. At Nathaniel's worst, I'd say he pitied him and viewed him with contempt more than he hated him.)
As for whether it's possible to make amends for all that happened int he books... that's on you to decide, anon, I can't tell you what to think.
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teecupangel · 5 months
The assassins meet Rico Rodriguez?
@memorialerrordotrom, you are so lucky I recognized the name after a while because the first result if you search the name is an actor from Modern Family and I’m going on a limb and say that you meant the chaotic protagonist of Just Cause and not that one XD
Considering his ties with the CIA and the destruction left at his wake, majority of them are more on the side of “this man is dangerous and a liability” (this is set before the end of Just Cause 4).
Altaïr: The only thing stopping Altaïr from assassinating him is that he hasn’t receive the green signal yet. The destruction Rico leaves leaves a bad aftertaste in Altaïr’s mouth, especially if this is an Altaïr who finally understood what Malik meant by ‘discretion’. Any alliance they may have would be short-lived and Rico would joke that Altaïr is just using him and throwing him away at his own convenience to which Altaïr would retort that Rico thinks of their alliance as the same thing. Rico would say they were vitriolic best buds, Altaïr would say that Rico is lying.
Ezio: Ezio has the highest chance of allying himself with Rico against the dictator but he’s more on the side of “you distract them while I kill the dictator” kind of way. He’s not keen with all the destruction happening but there are time he knows that this is better than the alternative, considering how heavily armed their enemies are nowadays.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: He would team up with Rico as long as they’re raiding enemy bases. He draws a line when Rico starts attacking facilities that can have longtime harmful effects on the land. Ratonhnhaké:ton thinks of him as an ally but… well… Rico definitely makes ‘It’s complicated’ easy to say when it comes to his alliance with the Brotherhood.
Desmond: Bill calls him a ‘necessary evil’ when he told his son about Rico. The fact that they’re distantly allied with someone from the Company is a big red flag already for Desmond but he does find Rico amusing. He thinks Rico’s one-liners are funny. He does not enjoy his way of doing things unless they were sure it was an enemy base. Desmond sees Rico and thinks “Yeah, I can’t fix him and I don’t want to so I’ll just watch”. Their alliance can grow into something more but, at the same time, Desmond knows there’s a possibility that the Brotherhood and the Company would disagree on something and Desmond would have to be there to clean the mess.
Edward: They’re not that close but Edward does enjoy Rico’s ‘antics’, especially if this is ‘I’m still in my pirtate era’ Edward. Edward loots what he’s after and runs away before Rico blows everything up is kinda their jam.
Arno: Arno is the type to willingly team up with Rico but try his best to present alternatives to Rico’s usual ‘modus operandi’………. It rarely works. XD
Evie: She doesn’t like him, not at all. She thinks his whole destroying everything shtick is an antithesis to what an Assassin thrived to be and there are so many times she had been sneaking around to kill a target only to be dragged into his missions that she wants to strangle him and…
Jacob: He knows Evie doesn’t like him but he loves the man. Every mission is a rush of adrenaline and Jacob is hooked. Jacob would definitely be the one to truly ally himself with Rico and would even joke that he should join the Rooks.
Bayek: He is reluctant even when Rico is destroying enemy bases and he would try to stop him at times when it’s clear that civilians would be affected by his actions. He knows that Rico is doing what he believes is right and is working for a more morally dubious Company but there are some lines that not even Bayek can cross.
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woodchipp · 7 months
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NOTE: Reader discretion is advised. By clicking on “Keep reading”, you willingly choose to continue reading the post.
Choosing to continue after the final boss fight makes Sunny reconcile with the fact he killed Mari - which happens after he plays a duet with her over a PowerPoint slideshow showing the group's fluffy childhood memories for the umpteenth time - and finally muster up the courage to tell the truth to his friends. However, the game abruptly cuts to the credits just as he begins his confession, leaving the group’s reactions ambiguous. This is done to end the story on an open-ended note and leave whether Sunny's friends would forgive him up to interpretation, but as with the bad ending, this kind of ending just doesn’t work in a game such as OMORI.
As mentioned in my post about the plot twist, Sunny and his feelings are of central priority to the game's story at all times, even if it comes at the expense of other characters and their feelings. The true ending exemplifies this principle - we're not shown how the friend group, the characters as integral to the story as Sunny and Basil, react to Sunny dropping such a bombshell out of nowhere, but we are shown Sunny and Basil warmly smiling at each other as their guilt - their respective Somethings - disappears at last.
The story doesn't care that Sunny's friends spent four years earnestly believing they were too inattentive to take notice of how severe Mari's mental issues were. It doesn't care about Kel's own trauma stemming from Hero's outburst, or Aubrey's issues being exacerbated by Mari's "suicide", or Hero blaming himself since he thinks he failed the love of his life - at the end of the day, none of it matters because all the story cares about is that Sunny and Basil finally have their weight lifted off their shoulders. Sunny's confession is framed by the game as a huge accomplishment we're supposed to feel happy about while the harm his and Basil's actions have caused to their friends is glossed over.
By doing this, the game unintentionally implies Sunny's friends were never important to the story in the first place. Sure, Sunny seems to consider all of his friends equally important to him...
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...but some of his friends are more equally important to him than the others.
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One last thing to note is that the credits seem to indicate Sunny told his friends the truth shortly before moving town. This means that he also left Basil all alone to deal with the fallout of his confession... just like he left Basil alone to shoulder the aftermath of Mari's death after ruining the photo album. But they smiled at each other, so it's okay!
The only thing to change between the two endings is the way Sunny avoids taking responsibility, and the only real difference is that we're meant to feel good about this one.
It shouldn't be too surprising, I suppose. After all, as Omocat herself said...
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sage-nebula · 6 months
Martha didn't get a Tennant Doctor because she didn't want a Tennant Doctor. Martha was the only one of RTD's companions who left the Doctor of her own volition, and only ever called him back on her own terms, when she had need of him.
Rose didn't leave the Doctor willingly. Rose was trapped in an alternate universe because it was either that or be stuck in a void with Daleks and Cybermen for the rest of time. And when she returned (primarily to warn the Doctor about the oncoming darkness caused by Davros but also because she wanted to be with him), she left with the Metacrisis Tenth Doctor and their own TARDIS because that was the only way to give her a satisfying ending from the viewpoint of the audience. (And even then, there are some fans who will tell you that nothing short of her being with the Time Lord Doctor in the prime reality is satisfying, but that just couldn't happen for reasons outside the narrative story.)
Donna didn't leave the Doctor willingly. Donna absorbed all of the intelligence of a Time Lord into her human brain, and this was going to kill her. She had to have her memory erased and be kept away from anything alien for presumably forever or else the knowledge would return and literally kill her. Donna begged the Doctor not to wipe her memory anyway, because she would rather have died than give up that life. Just like Rose, Donna had planned on staying with the Doctor for the rest of her life.
This was not the case for Martha. Setting aside the fact that Martha was treated like garbage for the duration of her season from a writing standpoint, by the end of season three Martha has realized two things: 1.) that she is goddamn brilliant and never deserved to feel like she was second best, and 2.) that she doesn't want the Doctor anymore. Unlike Rose, Donna, and Captain Jack, Martha leaves the TARDIS of her own free will, to pursue her own life and career outside the Doctor. Even Sarah-Jane says in "School Reunion" that she waited for the Doctor to come back for her; she didn't want to leave, not permanently! But Martha did. She chose to step away. The only other companion to have done this during RTD's run is Mickey, so I guess Martha wasn't the only one; still, she's the only one of the primary companions, the three women, to want to leave. She made that choice herself.
Now, does that mean everything about Martha's ending was perfect? No. As much as the "Smith and Jones" wordplay of her ending with Mickey is amusing (get it, like her first episode), it makes no sense when you consider that she was engaged when she returned in season four, and yet we never hear of that fiance again. I mean, I guess it's fine since it's not like we ever saw him? But what happened there? Why was no thought given to Martha's story there? What was she doing with Mickey in an active war zone? Why no mention of her in these three specials even though, last we heard of her, she was working with UNIT in a really important position? I like Mel well enough, but why couldn't Martha have been there instead? Especially since Martha and Donna had a preexisting friendship, and would have been delighted to see each other again?
With that said though, she doesn't need a Tennant Doctor. She didn't want a Tennant Doctor. Frankly, Tennant's Doctor doesn't deserve her with the way he acted ("Rose would know" right to her face, like -- dude, I get it, you're grieving, but that's fucking rude and Rose would NOT approve you using her memory to make another woman feel bad about herself). Martha's character arc was about recognizing her own brilliance and her own worth; standing on her own two feet as a PROPER doctor, Doctor Martha Jones, walking the earth and saving the world without a TARDIS or Torchwood or a Time Lord brain. Just her own fucking determination and brilliance.
Rose and Donna got Tennant Doctors because that was the way to make their final send-offs satisfying. Rose and a Tennant Doctor got to be in love and happy together in a parallel world, which is fitting considering that they were in love and never wanted to leave each other. Donna and a Tennant Doctor get to be besties and happy together in this reality, so that RTD has a convenient excuse to pull Tennant back into a story if he ever wants to again (since it'd be hard to explain why Tentoo came over, versus having Fourteen right there) . . . but also because, like Rose, Donna never wanted to leave the Doctor, she wanted to be with him forever.
But Martha didn't want that. Martha left on her own accord. She left with a smile on her face and her cell phone on the TARDIS console, so that when she said "here boy!" the Doctor would listen. She left on her terms, with him at her call, only there when she has use for him.
And honestly? Good for her.
#like it was a fucking waste that we didn't see Martha at all in these specials#or even get a mention of her but like#she wouldn't WANT a Tennant Doctor. she was the only one of the 3 who left willingly!#(and honestly who can blame her like fr . . . the shit she put up with bc of him)#(the shit in the Family of Blood episodes gave her just cause to beat his ass into next week honestly)#(she hugs him at the end but honestly she should have beat his ass. just started swinging)#(how dare he do that to her? honestly?? i'm not talking about the love plot bit bc while that was ugh it's like#small potatoes to making her as a Black woman have to WORK IN SERVITUDE TO WHITE PEOPLE#and like the scene where he grabs her arm and throws her from the room? BITCH?????#GOD i'm mad again just THINKING about it#she should have beat his ass so hard he regenerated right then and there. AGH.#ANYWAY#Martha Jones deserved better but getting a Tennant Doctor is not better#not for her. it would be like a punishment honestly#she walked away from him and then you put his sad boy ass back on her doorstep?? hello??? no thank you#doctor who#martha jones#dw spoilers#this probably sounds like I hate Tennant's Doctor but I don't#I just hate how a lot of season 3 was written wrt how Martha was treated#like Martha having very legitimate concerns in the Shakespeare episode about being a Black woman in that time period#and Ten mocks her for being concerned like ???#ARGGGHGHHGHGHGHG#ABOUT TO FLING MYSELF INTO THE TV TO BEAT HIS ASS MYSELF ISTFG#A N Y W A Y
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famwhy · 1 year
„Could we maybe get an extra were we see what happened to donel and how his thoughts slowly shift from friendship to that of an obsessed cultist?“
Sorry that it took so long only read the message now
Lmao, it's all good man, here you go~
(This ask is related to this post.)
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Donel was an aggressive guy.
For as long as he could remember, he had been picking fights with kids both for your sake and his own.
He was your childhood friend so of course he would pick fights with those who dared to chat shit about you.
You never liked his bad habit.
Always tugged on his arm when he got a little too aggressive with people.
'It's not right.' You would tell him. 'You could end up getting in big trouble.'
He would scoff in response. 'You think I give a shit? I'm not letting that fucking wasteman speak about you like that.'
You would sigh in response because you knew; you knew that nothing you could say or do would convince him not to beat people up when they pissed him off.
He always cared for you.
Sure, he was teasing and always made fun of you for your height or your lack of athletic prowess but it was all in good fun.
No one else in his friendgroup meant as much to him as you did.
You were his dear friend, his first friend that stuck with him through many a hard time.
So him not being able to see you, right after these obsessed fucks murdered his other friends in front of his eyes, absolutely killed him.
"You piece of shit!" Donel thrashed in the arms of the hooded people restraining him. "How fucking dare you kill them?!"
"Tch." Poe, the traitorous bastard, clicked his tongue. "I can't believe the Saviour ever befriended a barbarian like you."
"The fuck did you say to me?!" He growled. "Fuck you! At least she actually willingly befriended me instead of becoming friends with me out of pity!"
The cultist's teeth grinded against each other in his annoyance. "You are unworthy of the Saviour's love!"
"Fucking cultist freak!" Donel snarled. "Let me the fuck go so I can smash your face in for making her go through that!"
"I can't believe you have to become devoted to her! You don't have the potential to be her worshipper!"
"No," the sudden, new voice caused all heads to turn towards the sound of approaching footsteps. "He has potential."
Donel heard the gasps of the freaks around him, mumbling following not too long after.
"In fact, he has the most potential out of all of us." The person continued speaking. "Just look at that spark in his eyes, the urge to protect her. It's there, the potential is overflowing. If we just redirect his fondness into devotion. He could become a better worshipper than us all."
Poe rose a brow. "I doubt it, but," he sighed deeply, "you are the expert, Athens."
"Leave him to me." The figure's lips twitched upwards.
"You mustn't harm him, the Saviour strictly forbids it." Poe bitterly mumbled.
"Very well, that makes my job only the slightest bit harder."
From that point on, Donel was put in a room, tied to a chair and only brought food when it was necessary.
He cursed the pieces of shit that put him in there every day.
How dare they have the audacity to lock him up and force you to be some sort of deity they worship?!
Though he was grateful for one thing.
They provided him with a desk and a laptop displaying live surveillance of yourself.
He found himself staring at it in his concern for your health.
Were you eating?
Were you hurt?
Were you getting the right amount of rest?
He wouldn't always be staring at it, sometimes, he would faze out. Choosing not to pay attention too much as that would probably be the type of freaky thing these damn cultists would do.
He would also sometimes be able to hear the conversations you had with the worshipping cunts.
"Maria!" You called to one of them. "Where is Donel? When can I see him?"
"He is safe, Saviour." The maid bowed her head to you.
"That's not what I asked." You crossed your arms.
"I apologise," her head didn't rise up, "I cannot say more."
She had then walked off, leaving you standing there with your arms still crossed.
"Oh Donel," he heard you sigh, "where are you?"
"I'm right here!" He pulled on his restraints, vision growing a little fuzzy as he refused to let the tears flow. "I'm right fucking here..."
You, bless your soul, would always ask the freaks about where he was; if you could see him; when you could see him.
And Donel would watch, each time getting more worked up than the last.
Until one day, the screen switched off.
Black, in front of his very eyes.
Suddenly, there was no you on the other side.
What happened?
Where did you go?!
What were they doing to you?!
Were they hurting you?!
Was that why they turned the camera off?!
So they could hurt you behind his back?!
They left it off for days.
He went days without seeing your face, without knowing how you were, what you were doing.
It was just him and that stupid never ending drop of water that always, always found its way into his ears.
Over and over.
Again and again.
It was driving him insane.
And just as he was losing all faith, there came his saving grace.
Your voice.
His head shot up.
"Oh, Donel," his shaky pupils landed on the colourful screen. "I hope you're okay. Wherever you are... I promise - I'll find you and I'll save you!"
Save him?
Yes, save him.
Like you always had.
When that bitch played with his heart.
When he lost his first ever game because one idiot didn't know how to pass a fucking ball.
When he faced his biggest loss in the form of his father's death.
It was you that was there with him through it all.
For the first time in his life, Donel's eyes swirled. They swirled with his devotion to you. His adoration for you.
His love for you.
You, his one and only purpose.
You, his true Saviour.
From that point on, he asked one more additional question as he watched you.
Did you miss him?
Because he sure missed you.
Oh, he missed you so much.
Donel paid no mind to the sound of the door opening, too busy fixating his gaze on you to care.
"Ready to see the Saviour again?"
Was he ready to see you?
Of course.
Of course he was ready to see you.
He was guided to you, seated at that luxurious throne as always, radiating that warm glow he was even able to feel through a screen.
The first thing you did when you saw him was jump out of your seat to throw your arms around him.
You chose to run to him.
You must have loved him.
Just as much as he loved you.
His Saviour.
Yes, the image above is how Donel looks like.
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see-arcane · 2 years
Ohhhh, so much to cover in this entry, here we go.
-  First and foremost (to me), vindication for my favorite Victorian solicitor man! It was the doubt of his own senses that was messing with him, not just the Dracula trauma itself. Mina may be more forgiving of that liminal line between ‘Am I Mad? VS ‘Was It All Real?’—she accepts that whatever happened, something traumatic occurred and it was powerful enough to deal a heavy blow to her loved one—but Jonathan was gutting himself over and over and over due to the fact that he did not know which to believe. It left him with the worst of both options rather than allowing his mind to settle; so, now knowing the Count and his supernatural menace are reality, he’s no longer floundering. His mind and sanity are locked in: Your nightmare was fact. = Dracula is fact. = It’s time to fuck up Dracula.
-  Oh, physiognomy. One of those fun old pseudosciences that declares skeletal/skull structure somehow translates to mapping your personality and intellect. Hence Jonathan and other characters’ weird fixations on the minutiae of facial composition and expression. Writers of the time were notably in love with the idea as a quick way to 1) drop in a character’s physical description to get it out of the way and 2) foreshadow that character’s whole deal by what seemed (at the time) to be a reliable visual cue.* (*Or, you know. Just assigning traits to a person willy-nilly due to [INSERT BIASES AGAINST X GROUP HERE]. “This person has Bad Person-face! This one has Good Person-face!” You get it.)
- Van Helsing: “Your wife is amazing! A true 10/10 of a woman!”
Jonathan: “She is a 20, but go on.”
-  Van Helsing is once again filling in a recently-vacated paternal role for yet another young person. First Art loses his dad, then Jonathan loses his father figure. Also once again, filling in a niche that appears to be the Un-Dracula; having such powerful Good Vibes that this young ensemble cast is falling over themselves to join his cause and be his grateful, heroic ducklings. I’ve mentioned this before—Abraham Van Helsing is 110% of a heroic bent among likewise valorous youths. He’s an oddball, but he’s also willingly throwing himself into paranormal peril to help others and putting Knowledge is Power to benevolent use versus Dracula’s longstanding abuse of others’ ignorance.
All of that said, my 21st century sensibilities still mark out these gushing interactions—and future interactions which will be…A Lot—as distinctly weird. It’s theatrical to the point of seeming absurd, and feeling, at best, like Bramward Stoker is abusing his authorial powers to make his characters swoon and applaud and give weeping thanks/adulation to his character insert (who is named after him, no big deal). Which is a straightforward enough reason for the behavior.
…But, because I’m me, and because of [REDACTED] scenes coming up much later in the book, I can’t help picturing Van Helsing as exercising just a smidge of hypnotic influence/cues to make things glide by a little smoother with all these young people. If only because it would also be in line with paralleling Dracula. Not done out of malice, perhaps not even done consciously, but adults, young and respectful and Victorian though they are, simply Do Not Act Like This towards random kooky strangers entering their lives, no matter how nice and helpful they are.*
*Even with Hawkins still raw in his memory, I especially don’t see Jonathan being so immediately 100% on board with Professor Eccentric Old Occult-Intelligent Man (Let’s keep those Dracula flashbacks at bay! Deep breaths, Harker!). 90%, maybe. Even 99%. But certain [REDACTED] scenes-to-be will show he’s probably the only one out of Team Fuck-Up-That-Vampire who shows any kind of true dissent against Van Helsing. Because if anybody knows the risks that come with being led around by the nose, (for good or ill) it’s him.
- Jack Seward is having Quite a Fucking Grieving Period :) :) :)
- Jack: Hey, so, what are we going to do about this unconscious kid we found?
Van Helsing: Well, the right and sensible thing to do is approach the police and give a detailed explanation as to the hows and whys of us being in the graveyard at night.
Jack: Really?
Van Helsing, already ditching the kid at a street corner: Ha ha, fuck no
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machiavellli · 6 months
I want to have a little discussion about the behavior of an anon:
*Possible Hogwarts legacy spoiler in the pic, even if I covered them, and the discussion is spoiler free don’t worry*
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I really can’t understand why a person would want to waste even just mere seconds of their life just for trying to cause pain in others…is your life that bad?
In any case my dear facc ‘e cazz che par ‘a wallera anon, jokes on you: I already (willingly) spoilered the entire game to myself🥰 when it first came out, because I never thought I would be able to get it and I wanted to know what happened. And also because I can’t stand any level of thriller, seriously when it’s night in the game I feel already too much pressure LOL💀💀
But this really got me wonder the intention behind this…you wanted to hurt me? To ruin the game that I openly express my excitement about? But why? Do you know me? Did I do something to you? Or is negativity just so present in yourself that you can’t help but be just genuinely a bad person, which it’s simply just sad. Your attempt is sad.
And that “oh and…” who are you? My little cousin (who is twelve) trying to do a trick on me🤨🤨
But believe me when I said that nothing on this platform is ever going to be as relevant as anything else that actually happens in real life.
(Besides the fact that I just recived a splendid news and honestly I can’t stop similing right now for the excitement, so you really tried in the most unuseful moment lol)
I will only remember the positives things from this experience on tumblr which have been many and I still can’t understand how it all happened over a little bit more than a month😭❤️
Now, anon has been blocked, because I apply my moral laws everywhere and tumblr is no different. You disturb my peace? You get cut out. And I don’t really give second chances.
In conclusion, I would like to end on a serious note. If you are dealing with stressful situations or it’s just a bad chapter of your life, I’m very good at listening, I’ve helped many people in the past. I’m always up for a chat, we don’t have to know each other, I know how important internet friends can be, some of my friends are people that I met through fandoms and even if we have never met each other we are still friends after years and years❤️
Also for battling the negativity, later I’ll do another tweet post. I know that it takes 5 positive things to forget 1 negative thing, but we are going to have to roll with 3 tweets🙃💗
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