#imagine your date doesnt even dance with you
whimhaven · 1 year
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the kids prom night started well! malachi was quite nervous taking a senior to prom but they ended up hitting it off. while dancing with amara, delilah felt ignored by karan the whole night. he quickly made it up to her with a frisky photo booth session.
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 5 months
i love your headcanons! can you write percy jackson x daughter of hades??
(nsfw, sfw, or both)
percy jackson dating a daughter of hades
pairings: percy jackson x reader
warnings: (sfw) + nsfw
author's note: I love writing nsfw, remember that I always age up the characters when writing NSFW!
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art by vidia
Being the daughter of hades has its perks, people stay away from you the moment you were claimed. They know better, but the bad thing is that you couldnt find yourself getting comfortable with others if it meant that you couldn't use your powers completely during games/sparring.
Luckily for you, percy is your guy. he can keep up with any attacks or summons or any power you have - and he does not let you down.
he never gets scared of anything you show him (perks of defeating a one titan and one goddess before the age of 18).
Besides, he has two good friends who are also a child of hades/pluto. He is interested in what you can do, but respects it if you dont wanna show him.
In a relationship percy does not mind showing what he likes about you, touching you, holding hands and lacing your fingers together everywhere, staring at you across the room and quirking up an eyebrow in a teasing way (just to see if you react or not).
in a relationship, I feel like percy has no shame in trying to make you flustered, in the same way he does not mind showing you how he likes it.
grabbing your waist when you stand and talk to someone, butting in when you dance with someone other than him, trying to tease you and flirt with you across the room - knowing damn well people are enjoying the show.
He loves to see how you react when he touches your delicate spots, the small of your back, your spine, thigh, inner wrists, anything that has soft skin he is willing to simply graze it with his long fingers - and pull back when you look at him.
other times he just full on stares at you in challenge, like he knows you cant resist the simple touches.
you might ask,
what are you doing?
but he will always give the same answer or some type off variant,
what do you think i'm doing?
by the way, he definetly know you like it when he talks in a husky and deep way. his voice already got deep during puberty, but he really takes it to another level.
he likes to watch you with hooded eyes when he lets out a deep chuckle, he knows you like the vibration coming from his throat.
he knows you like his warmth, and has no issues pressing close to you, even while standing. imagine youre just standing somewhere, and he suddenly comes and bumps his chest close to your body, and keeps it there. he doesnt grind or do anything but he just likes pressing himself close to you.
he wants to know the way you like it.
he likes it when you kiss his neck instead of his lips. or when you check him out from afar, but when he gets close you get shy
ugghhh bedroom eyes pleeeassee stop it percy. he knows a nice blush will form on your face or he has at least memorized what you do, what type of facial expressions you make when you're flustered. this man knows you from the inside out. understands your likes and dislikes and makes it his whole entire personality.
he gets reminded of you whenever he is with someone, wether its someones laugh or anything romantic really. his mind doozes off and he starts to think about you, your lips and your voice, your body underneath him--
he quickly pulls himself away from such thoughts, gets embarassed. but if you are dating, he's bound to think about something at least.
using his powers to make you feel good, forcing the water to give you a nice massage
whenever he watches you use your powers he gets somewhat turned on when you're being intimidating.
i dont want to be stereotypical, but if you do wear dark-coloured clothes and have piercings, dyed hair he just likes the fact that you stick out. but if he likes you, then you are the center of his universe.
things would start out slow between you two,
kisses and flirting->following each other around->
to suddenly backing each other against the wall or any surface
teasing both by pushing your limits, he likes to tilt his head to the side and watch you with his eyes while you try to keep a poker-face.
too bad, percy has mastered the art of poker-faced (refrence to kane chronicles and percy jackson crossover), he can go all day (and yes i mean that in both ways-or all ways)
but he's hesitant to go further with you, so initiate it.
istg, imagine him leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his beautiful face - while you get changed slowly on purpose (he knows but he's enjoying the show), and just cast a glance over your shoulder and hes locked it, he will only focus his gaze on you. even if people call his name from outside his cabin, he wont turn his back. he takes in every feature, every movement,...
sheesh his toned abdomen. he didn't think it did anything to you at first, but he noticed how you would watch his shirt roll up whenever he leaned back or how your gaze would flicker to his biceps - so he started to wear his sweatpants low, like really low just to see your reaction. even if you dont make a big deal out of it, he knows you're screaming inside.
in percy's mind, theres something about knowing that someone desires you that makes him give that in return to you. like if he knows you want him, his desires for you grows twice as strong. knowing someone wants him, every part of him, that is enough to spark arousal in this guy.
do anything and he is watching. you are special to him, his one and only. and as the poets say, you are his other half.
touchign and playing with your hair, expose some of your neck, or just watch him with casual eyes and he just gives you a knowing-smirk. he knows when you want it and when you're up for it.
i feel like hes the type of guy to get turned on when you get turned on, your reactions are important to him. you moan, he moans. its as simple as that.
if you like to change up your style every now and then hes transfixed by the way you're casual one day and suddenly glamorous, or when you dress with clothes that most wouldnt wear or when you dress according to a group like the punks, goths or tomboys - hes just fascinated by you.
licks his lips and watched your lips when you talk. you dont even need to be talking to you. hes just memorizing your features. and when hes done with that he chooses the he likes the most.
ogle ogle ogle
quit staring
is a coming saying from you. you're met with the same response,
*quirks eyebrow and doesnt say anything, poker-faced*
sometimes you're met with a smirk.
sheesh. i feel like when he gets flustered he doesnt want to stop staring at you but he does anyway because he wants to try to hide it. lowering his head, looking away quickly and looking down -> smiling at himself for such a reaction but also silently complimenting you for making him react in such a way. everyday is exciting, he wants more. i guess this guy likes the adrenalin, perhaps is reminds him of the curse of achillies in a way?
sing a song and dance around or lip sync. i feel like he sometimes manspreads guys, like i know its annoying when you're sitting next to someone, but he means no harm. besides, usually on the subway he stands even if theres an empty seat.
but when he is sitting he spreads and leans back and watches you. sometimes he comes forward and rests his forearms on his knees to get a better view. if someone gets in the view ex. stands in front of him or blocks the view, he clicks his tongue and tries to look around. if a guy starts talking to you or dances with you theres a minuscule feeling of bitter hate in his chest that runs pretty hot and deep in his veins, luckily he doesnt make a scene but just sits there irritated. wipe that frown off his face plz.
has developed a habit of touching his hair and scratching his neck because of you. he starting doing does habits becuase he wants to seem cool and look good, but also because he gets nervous
he naturally smells like sea-water, but started to wear a musky, deep, hollow scent as his cologne so that when he puts his jacket around you - you can smell him and smell like him the rest of the day/night.
likes it when you lay in his bed so he remembers how you smell, its comforting - but not always good if it keeps him up at night
not a very innapropriate or suggestive person but gives his friends "the look" when you're being sexy on purpose. not to make fun of you or undermine you, but because he needs to make sure everyone is also getting this, phew.
like i said, he likes your scent - but secretly lays down in your bed (even if you're in the top bunk hes going to climb up there shamelessly) so that it smells like you and hopes it keeps you awake at night too.
if you try to tease him for staring or try to stare back at him he maintains eye contact and sometimes blurts out:
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sanjisboyfie · 5 months
to help me sleep at night just random individual headcanons from various places of my brain (did it on my phone if typo ignore or u eill explode)
if suguru is smoking and you come up to him:
option a: you smoke too, he lights your cigarette up w his lighter, cupping his hand over the flame to make sure it doesnt go out before your end is properly lit, OR he makes sure you have yours in your mouth, before leaning in towards you (his is in his mouth) and pressing the two ends together to make yours light off of his end, OR, he just insists on you two sharing the one hes already smoking, smirking as hes got infinite amount of indirect kisses lined up for him now
option b: you don't smoke, so he immediately stomps it out on the ground and blows the last hit he took into thr opposite direction of you so you dont ahve to smell it/smell like it.
satoru really loves embarassing you two in public, especially in his teen days. out of nowhere, really erotic noises would come from him - obviously unprompted and unprovoked - and he'd just start obnoxiously moaning your name...so fucking embarrassing. its like hes got the humor of a middle schooler. like youre in the arcade playing games w each other, he loses, and then he starts shaking the poor machine and jolting his hips back and forth AS IF hes getting railed when obviously hes FUCKING NOT and screaming "eugh!! uAgh!! HARDER [NAME]!! FUCK" and youre just trying very hard to get him to shut the fuck up
another satoru headcanon, loves gushing to u abt his lil nerd findings. when you were in highschool tgt, he would have you sit in front of him on his bed as he pointed to all the different mechanjcs his gundam figurine (bc he deffo collected them bye its ltr canon) has and going all nerdy by making silly noises like "pshhh! pfooo! baam!" as he makes them dance around in front of you. you just let him indulge you because hes honestly adorable whenever he does get rlly into it and not at all an annoying piece of shit, like he usually is. he might even rock ur bodies back and forth as hes doing all the sound effects too before setting the toy down and jus peppering kisses all over your face and neck. awww the little shit is being cute.
erm erm guys lemme cook w the one piece boys rq.
TRAFALGAR LAW...thats the headcanon.
ok obvs jk. but just imagine laws hands (gigglegiggle) and how theyre always in conract w u. mans cannottt keep his hands to himself. but nooo his hands needs to touch skin or else its not even worth it???? his fingers will slither beneath your shirt and grip onto your pelvis, or they'll go below your waistband and just run up and down your hipbone. if hes coming up from behind you his personal favorite is grabbing the back of your neck with his COLD ASS hands and watching you jump in genuine UNCOMFORTABLENESS and him jus laugh at u. then he kisses the spot he touched, covering the cold sensation w his warm lips. orrrr how about how he literally tugs you around w his hands. idk smth like pulling you inby yourbelt loops and forcing you to sit on his lap, no matter whos w u guys. or how hes always got his hand in yours so hes guiding you places/forcing you to stick near him
luffy gulp. luffy gulp gulp. the absolute sweetest sweetheart. probably loves kissing a lot. when u guys first started dating the only kisses hed accept were if u guys both looked like ducks and your lips were pursed to heaven and beyond. he thought it was rlly cute and liked how it felt. a very smiley teethy kisser if ykwim. 99.9% of ur kisses end up with him grinning ear to ear so youre basically kissing teeth stp but its ok hes babygirl it ok. luffy wants kissed for every single little thing. you gusy woke up? kiss. you guys r gonna eat breakfast? kiss. you guys r about to take a bath? kisses in the bath r fun!!!!! luffy is a kissing enthusiast. give him kisses wtfffff
tbh zoros a biter. like bro definitely bit kids when he was little. but MOVING ON FROM THAT. i mean: hes the type to bite as a form of affection. ABS IF U CANT SEE THE VISION IDC he definitely does. he sees your arms and thinks hmm i shd try eatin that in a very unserious way so he bites it when its in front of him and u genuinely look st him as if he has rabies. then he jus shrugs and ignores it??? which hello why is ur teeth imprinted in my skin rn ur jus gonna ignore it. if you guys r cuddling, he bites your bicep lightly to wake u up because hes too lazy to speak words. zoro rlly is "i no energy word bite yes" like dawg it does NOT work like that. bites your fingers sometimes when u hold hands....then licks it better when youre abiut to dcold him. the thing is this is all v nonchalantly done. like he rlly doesnt see how odd this is so he just does it and then cotninues on as if it isnt lowk v odd and abnormal. bites a lot. (he a freakazoid) dont let him rest his hesd between your legs for nap time he will definitely bite the inside of your thighs and that hurts like a bitch. next thing yk hes biting too close and taking off ur dick. do not risk it w this man.
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shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if... they were teachers!
they are all high school teachers 
dream: stats - gives his class random stats facts about each exam they take - “the median was 25.8% and the mean was 50% and the mode was 72% andt he t-test showed the results were statistically significant” - wears a green button up formal shirt . every day. with different shades of green  - tries to tame his hair every morning but we’ve all seen that shit. its a mess its so fluffy - you try to fix it in the morning but by the time he gets to school its fucked - “whats the probability mr wastaken’s hair is gonna be tamed today? i bet 5 dollars on 13.2%” “...i hear you guys you know” - is always 20 minutes early - never more than that tho - speedruns grading tests  - if a kid is slacking in class, he makes sure that reflects on his grade - he has this big project each year where he asks all the kids to make a project that relates stats to their real life - his favorite thing ever - he’ll come home and be like “dear, tubbo had this amazing idea, the kids are so innovative”  - tearing up cause his students - best friends with sapnap - u make him a lunch every day and he just trades it with sapnap - everyone thinks hes in an affair with george but he tells them everytime that he has a lovely s/o at home  - one of the teachers everyone has a crush on  - is always standing at his desk like in front of it and leaning back - does not use the whiteboard he just has slideshows  - the room is sparsely decorated - its mainly old projects that people did - has a wall with all the cards and stuff kids gave him, its behind his desk 
sapnap: pe/ basketball + football coach - bro - he’s the type of coach/teacher that when he has one of his atheletes in his class he’s RUTHLESS - “pick it up tommy!! is this how you’re gonna be in the game on friday!!! i hope not!!” - jokingly ofc - if ur not one of his athletes he’s nice dw  - still makes everyone call him coach tho - how on earth do u spell athletes i think that’s right - will let you sit out if he can tell ur hurting - knows when a kid is faking it - BUT if you use the “im on my period” trick he doesn’t even question it - “coach im on my period” “okay ur good sit out for today” - likes giving romance advice for some reason - “coach :((( jared blh blah [insert problem]” “omg okay here’s what u do” - pretends he’s in a relationship with karl (u know about it ofc) - so when u show up to one of his games and kiss him all the players are like - “YOURE NOT DATING MR JACOBS” and he just laughs and kisses you again - wears shorts or sweats with a tshirt no matter what - “im a pe teacher fuck professional”  - makes fun of dream for like no reason  - his favorite unit is the flag football unit and his least favorite is the line dance one - but uses it as an opportunity to play country music and visit his roots amen - just imagine sapnap teaching u line dancing HAAHAH okay im done here 
george: comp sci - doesnt give a shit about lesson planning - shows up, glances at the syllabus and just jumps into it - it ends up working in the end - believes in a work to learn method - he doesnt teach, he assigns projects and helps the kids out - so if the kid is like comp sci EXPERT they can just pop off and george doesnt have to worry - but if the kid struggles a bit heres there to help :] - the whole room is blue cause thats all he can see - he looks so uncomfortable when he wears like long sleeve button ups so you unbutton the first one every morning before he leaves  - refuses to wear casual clothing to school ever  - unless its pajama day ayeeee - once he was teaching the whole class how to download something or some shit and forgot to stop sharing his screen  - so he went to text you he was like “doing good love? see you later :]” - and everyone was like - “MR NOTFOUND??” and he was like “wot.” “YOURE NOT DATING MR WASTAKEN??” “no ofc not mr wastaken is ugly” - cue the sounds of breaking glass from mr wastaken’s room  - he has a tv on display outside his classroom where he showcases his student’s work - for his final he just gives them a theme and says “go off” - they could make a video, a game, a simulator - whatever they want - 1) its less work for george 2) its more entertaining - once made them all code valentine’s day gifts for you - you teared up ngl  - seems like he doesnt care but wants all his kids to succeed - is REALLY good at being patient and helping a kid out but loses all that patience when it comes to other teachers (sapnap, quackity)
karl: chem - absolutely loves the science goggles look. has them on his head always - also lab coats with sweater vest period ahh period uhh  - only doesnt give a second shit about any other science but chemistry - loves lab days like on GOD - the man lives for the one lab where u put sticks w diff elements in the fire and watch the fire change color - guys i swear im a stem major - sapnap comes to watch that lab everytime. every period. even if he has a class - knows sapnap pretends to date him and reciprocates it all through the year - but theres that one kid who remembers his “get to know me” slideshow at the beginning of the year where he had a picture of you two - “mr jacobs..i dont believe ur dating coach sapanp” “whaaaat, pshhh, u lying” - makes so many chemistry jokes with you - “hey baby i think we got chemistry” *giggles manically* “why did you say that” “its literally my job”  - cue a thumbs up from u and an eye roll from him - genuinely loves being a teacher tho - the interaction he gets with students >>>  - he loves the feeling when a student comes up to him after class or even after theyre finished with his classes and go “hey what you taught me really helped” - loves it when a student keeps in contact with him, making him tear up and shi
quackity: spanish - this one was quite..obvious - chaotic teaching style, it doesnt work for everyone - but ITS FUN - lives on teaching through games - kahoots, quiz, scavenger hunt, anything to get out of a slideshow he’ll do - and he figures it out - his quizzes and tests are generally harder than what the games cover but hes a fair grader like he gets that he made it harder - LMFAO HAS A UNIT WHERE HE TEACHES FLIRTS AND SHIT IN SPANISH - brings u in to teach - LMFAOOO “hola amor” “hi?” “what does that mean class” “hi love” “wtf” - laughs maniacally  - also this scenario - “hey mr q can i get extra credit for this” “for what” “ *student swears agressively in spanish*”  “....yeah ill give u some points dont tell principal phil” - jokingly pines over both coach sapnap and mr jacobs - “guys coach sapnap *heart eyes* and mr jacobs *heart eyes*” “please just teach us spanish” - but everyone knows its a joke and ur it for him - he LOVES the food unit - he borrows the kitchens from the home ec room to teach people how to make traditional spanish foods - but GODDAMN he cant cook  - so it ends badly - also he has a thing on his wall for the fifa world cup where its like an elimination thing - face painted his face the mexican flag when the game happened - was this close to cancelling class when mexico was out
wilbur: theater  - i wish he was MY theater teacher in high school - one of the only non-toxic teachers - wears a long ass coat i forgot the name - TRENCHCOAT. for dramatics. its giving severus snape  - always wants to put on musicals but phil said  “you can only do one musical per year” - does that tik tok trend where he has a wall of musicals and rips one off each day and the last one standing is the one they put on - tries so so so hard to get the rights to hamilton, doesnt obviously - so he does stuff like in the heights, dear evan hansen, etc - IF A KID WRITES A MUSICAL AND APPROACHES HIM YOU BEST KNOW HES ALREADY SAYING YES TO PUTTING IT ON WITHOUT A SECOND *THOUGHT* - he loves supporting his students in stuff theyre passionate about even if it isnt music/theater related - once went to the schools water polo game cause one his student mentioned offhandedly in class that they didnt have anyone coming - tommy is his teacher’s assistant person  - he runs the improv lessons while wil observes him teaching - “okay kids youre all aliens and ur abducting mr soot” “tommy..” - its so funny when theyre together  - rumor has it theyre brothers along with mr blade and phil is their dad - “class please, philza minecraft is not my father.” “okay son” “PHIL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” - brings u in one day with the excuse of teaching them how to be in love - in reality just has a whole class sing a long to disney love songs while u sit there like why am i here - you pressure him to put on shows YOU want to see - “wil put on high school musical” “nO! WHAT AM I in high school thats so basic” “yes. you are in high school. technically” - puts on high school musical - HES THE TEACHER WHO SHIPS KIDS TOGETHER in the form of making them play love interests  - its giving mrs darbus from high school musical - i was in high school musical i played sharpay 
lmk if u want to see more members as teachers!! :D and what else u want to see period sorry it was so long okay BYEEE
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eisukevint · 3 months
eisuke ichinomiya x desi!reader headcanons !!
im so bored so here are some headcanons bec i love being desi
• he hates it when he has to wait and initially when you started dating you tried your best to be on time whenever he paged you but as your relationship progressed, its game over. whenever u have to go out, you ALWAYS leave at the the desi time and he slowly got so used to it, the one and only time punctual eisuke was late to events.
• eisuke has a massive sweet tooth so when you first made him kheer, he absolutely loved it although his only words were ‘not bad’. He definitely asks you to make it again so you feed him other ‘mithai’ (sweets in urdu/hindi) like gulab jamun, rasgullay, JALEBI etc and he loves it so much.
• you make him desi food from time to time and actually requests it like you him ask ‘eisuke what do you want for dinner today?’ and he just says ‘you made nihari last time, it was good. make it again’ he finds it very flavourful.
• he’s very familiar with other cultures since he’s a businessman and often interacts with foreign businessmen. he knows about the clothes and customs of your country. imagine eisuke in kurta or sherwani EISUKE IN A KURTA A BLACK KURTA AT THAT (i would actually die). Whenever you go to family events, you always wear traditional clothes and once eisuke is invited to them, he initially just wears his suit but after some time he starts to indulge you and actually wears your traditional clothes.
• he finds it very sexy when you talk and swear in your mother language.
• eisuke is multilingual (as its mentioned in the story) so if he doesnt know your mother langauge he would DEFINITELY learn and boy his pronunciation would be so good (thats a perfectionist for you)
• he says he hates bollywood movies because theyre so extra but thats a lie. whenever u play something like ‘kabhi khushi kabhi gham’ or ‘kal ho na ho’ he always watches it with you because he’s intrigued but ALWAYS says ‘this movie is so bad i wonder why you waste time watching this stuff’
• you go around singing bollywood songs or songs in your mother tongue around the penthouse and he just enjoys it so much but he definitely wont say it out loud
• eisuke was FLABBERGASTED when you told him or rather showed him a desi wedding like why is everyone wearing such fancy clothes ??? and he’s even more surprised when he finds out there’s actually three days to a wedding and even more pre wedding events.
• he loves it when you wear mehndi on your hands, he sees mehndi as something that adorns your hand and whenever u apply it, he brings your hand up to his face and smells it because he loves thr scent.
• when you told him about all your family and by that i mean family on your mother’s and father’s side, he has to do a double take because why the fuck do you have SO many cousins? he’s trying to keep up but there’s just so many.
• your parents love him more than you. they literally said it to your face ‘oh my, such a handsome boy, how did you ever end up with our incompetent daughter’ you cannot convince me that this wont happen.
• baba asks you to teach him bhangra and other desi dance steps and you, ota and baba have the time of your life dancing to chammak challo and nach punjaban in the penthouse lounge and eisuke just looks at you like youre comitting a crime
a little something for myself bec im a self indulgent bitch (not exactly a desi headcanon but i wanted to add this)
• every eid you spend with him, he makes sure to spoil you thoroughly. he gives you so much eidi (literally) like he straight up handed you car keys once and went ‘eid mubarak ___, i know you’ve been waiting for your eidi’ and then he just smirks while you think what did you do to deserve so much. he enjoys eid festivities with you and eid ul fitr is his favourite eid.
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
hi can you do headcanons about dating klaus mikaelson (tvd)
Dating Klaus Mikaelson would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Klaus Mikaelson | AO3
synopsis: beside all the blood and murders, Klaus is a lover. Well, only you know that, but it still true.
warnings: vampire stuff
ps: thanks for your request my love, time to write for our favorite hybrid!
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• This man is a romantic gentleman. Klaus would literally have the most creative ideas and he is not affraid of transforming them in reality. He does not get embarrassed: if that is a chance he os going to make your heartbeat race then he is doing it
• Call him protective is a euphemism. Klaus isn't a pacific person in his normal mood, imagine when you are in danger. This man would burn for you but, more than anything, he would set the world on fire if that means you are save
• No, I am wrong, he would set the world on fire if that means you will smile. You know that thing about villains loving better than heroes? It is true, darling, trust me
• Klaus is so freaking jealous. Anyone that seems interesting on you is someone he won't take his eyes off. The type of guy that would appear behind you during a conversation with someone that smiles more than the necessary and grab your waist, pushing you close to him
• Klaus know so many things that talking to him is almost a class about art. Yet, he don't talk like he knows everything. Klaus can be a stubborn little bitch, but he would never act like you are dumb
• He does send you letters. Not for a special reason beside spendind time on making something beatiful for you
• He loves to write about you, but what he is obssessed with is to draw you. Anytime, anywhere: he just wants to save your image. You are his muse, the personification of Afrodite, his own perfect Venus
• Klaus is touch starved and, if you are comfortable, there is a big chance he would be touching you all the time. You're both walking? His hands are on your back pocket. You sitting beside him? His arms are around your shoulders. That is a song playing? Klaus gonna find a way to make you dance with him
• Elijah is a really great partner to call Klaus stupid when he does something violent that wasn't really necessary, you both even have do the Rolling Eyes While Regreting Being Alive™ thing. Rebecca is a awesome friend and, lets be honest, what our sweet vampire need is a great friend. Everyone deserves having someone who gonna agree with you when someone wronged you or that gonna gossip about anything that breaths
• Your voice is like poetry to him. Klaus loves to lay on your lap and just give you freedom to talk about anything that comes to your mind. And he listen, like really listen to what you said, and he remembers everything
• Althought your voice is perfect for him, he likes it better when you are moaning his name. Klaus love when you can't barely speaks. When your words are softer, the lips almost don't move, and whatever you said don't make sense
• Klaus is a provoking. The way his eyes meets yours, how have so much profanity hidden behind smart words choice, how he would won't mind literally stop what his doing to you if that means you only would want him more. No, Klaus isn't provoking, he is challeger
• Klaus is romantic, but that doesnt imply to sex. The passion is always there, but thing tend to get pretty rough. Even when it starts romantic. Being with Klaus is so easy, so comfortable, that you both get kinky and don't even notice
• And don't even start thinking he is not kinky. Do you think someone can live hundreds of years and not being creative about what to do during sex?
• And talking about age, he has a lot of experience. Klaus would love to try new things with you, it will always be new because now he is with you. And he loves to teach new ways of feeling better
• Blood can be a thing if you like it. When you are a human he would be affraid, not to murdering you but to making you fear him. If you want it, he would find a way to treat you even more like a god. And lets be honest, everyone thinks that but no one said: do you really think that period sex is not a thing for him??? And when you are a vampire, damn, that are so many things he would love to make you feel
• He can go down on you for hours. He have a lot of stamina, you would need to beg him to stop and he would just feel proud if your make up is ruined and your legs are shacking
• He loves when you bite him. Leave marks honey, he is yours, sign his skin with your teeths, nails, mouth. Have your fun, make him surprise when look at the mirror
• Klaus likes bath sex. When it start as something innocent and natural and ends with water all over the floor
• Klaus doesnt mind if there is anyone watching, but he loves the ideia of someone having no other choice than hearing you both. Like when he knows you both are being too loud, but the other person is to embarassed to do something beside wanting to die
• Want him hard? Play with his hair. Want him to cum? Pull his hair. Klaus is sensitive and you know how to use it for the greater good
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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ghostcookieturner · 2 years
what do you think about an imagine with damiano when he writes a song dedicated to you and performs it for the first time? 🤍
i would start seizing but that wouldn’t be very fitting for a fic so i’ll wipe up something where the reader doesnt die🤭
ps this is more like a blurb then an actual imagine just bc i’m horrible at describing things ajajaj
300,000 HEARTS
where damiano sings a song about you he wrote in highschool, to a full arena
Damiano David x Fem!Girlfriend!Reader
word count: ~300
tws: grammatical errors, unedited, being totally flabbergasted lol
It hit you like a current in a river.
Your boyfriend, rockstar Damiano David, singing the song he wrote about you in high school, in front of the sold-out crowd at Circo Massimo.
The crowds reaction was everything but calm. They danced and swayed to the song while you held back tears. You knew it was your song from the first line of the first verse.
Of course, there were a couple tweaks and fixes to the song here and there, but the chorus sounds the same as it was when you were both 16. It’s a slow, little love ballad that has a 70s vibe to it. He called you a couple days after your first date and he told you to go over to his place. And there, he preformed the rough draft of the song he is performing right now, in front of the packed Circo Massimo.
It was his dream to preform here, sold out to a crowd who knew their songs like the back of their hands. That’s why the chorus sent 300,000 hearts to you, one from each person who attended.
You finally understood the lyrics now.
“300,000 hearts I send to you my love, my love.”
He gave you a wink after the last word, seeing your amazement even onstage.
Your insides melted, like a candle burning wax. All you could hear were the cheers and screams of fans all around you, obsessed with the new song.
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painacony · 3 months
a lot of you don't know about my thread of kagihira as carly rae jepsen songs so here it is
i imagined specific scenarios for some of these but feel free to imagine what you want. you only need to listen with a kagihira mindset for the intended experience
au where hirano doesnt love kagi back but he accepts to date kagi with no strings attached (the one)
Truth is I never thought of us together You're just a friend of mine We should know better This can't last forever Kiss me one more time Romance is fine, pour me some wine Tell me it's just for the fun of it Far from your eyes, hard to deny when I don't want love, don't want none of it
2. au where the daily touching doesnt work and kagi ultimately gets rejected by hirano and he's not over it (party for one)
If you didn't know that you were right for me Then there's nothing I can say Tried to call you out to spend some time to see But somebody's in your way Tried to let it go and say I'm over you I'm not over you But I'm trying
3. au where hirano realizes he likes kagi back but is afraid to lose focus on his studies so he ignores it (happy not knowing)
All our friends that I know They've been trying to set us up together I lie, I lie I say somebody else would suit you better But I'll only go so far I don't have the energy To risk a broken heart When you're already killing me But if there's something between you and me Baby, I have no time for it I'm happy not knowing
4. in which hirano falls first (now that i found you)
Waking up next to you, every morning How did we get this far? It came without a warning And in the night time, you tell me your whole life You and me get too real, but all I feel is alright
5. au where kagi lies about dating hirano to get an admirer off his back (body language)
I think I'm in trouble, I can't see the end I call you my lover, you call me your friend I'm keeping it secret, yeah, even from you I call you my lover Oh, what can I do?
6. in which hirano realizes he wants kagi after kagi has already moved on (gimmie love)
I know I said that I'm too scared to try But I still think about you, think about you And I can't lie I like the feeling, how you make me shy I share my secrets and I will not hide I know that one could be two, one could be two
7. i only know this is kagi's pov (felt this way)
But I can't take much more of your hesitating Both our hands speak for us and complicate it My home is your body, how can I stay away? And if my love's too strong for you, walk away But I can't make this wrong when I see your face My home is your body, how can I stay away?
8. hirano falling in love arc (this is what they say)
And when you hear me calling your name It's always different, never the same And every morning, when I wake you up Sugar, you won't need a cup You got me feeling confident, yeah This is what they say Falling in love is supposed to feel like
9. kagiura being down bad (summer love)
I just live for the feeling Dance to the feeling Wait for the feeling of you I was down for the first night And I'm down for a second try When you touch me, I wanna fly I'm so down for you all the time
10. in which they sort the whole thing out (let's sort the whole thing out)
What it feels like when I'm next to you It's a soft touch that I read in to Was it just me? Did you linger for too long? But it's alright if it's on your mind 'Cause it's all I'm thinking all the time
11. post-graduation established relationship kghr / kagi's pov (sideways)
Oh, now I smile at strangers I'm that annoying type Who don't care if there's traffic 'Cause I've got plans tonight, oh Later we'll meet at your place Later we'll be together Ever since you said that you were mine Everything's going my way
12. this one is just 100% kagicore (i really like you)
Who gave you eyes like that? Said you could keep them I don't know how to act Or if I should be leaving I'm running out of time Going out of my mind I need to tell you something Yeah, I need to tell you something, yeah! I really, really, really, really, really, really like you And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 41
OBVIOUSLY I said yes to being exclusive and you can kiss him here. Here you can gush about how this is your dream date and you love it so much. He tells you its the most meaningful one they've had because theyre back together 🥹
Suresh Gem Scene: he asks to spend more time on the date he gets SUPER MUSHY (its like they saved up all of the love for these last few episodes...they couldve spread it out throughout the season) You can kiss him here to end the date...I picked passionate snog (obvi)
You get back to the villa and Alfie asks if you had fun with Suresh 🙄 and you can tell him it was the best date you've had in a while and he gets all surprised. SIR!!! Dana asks if anything exciting happened on the date and Suresh tells them he asked to be exclusive and again Alfie is shocked!!! MY GUY IF U DONT SCRAM!! And hes taken aback by you confirming that your together. Like I literally never gave you the impression I wanted to get back with you. I told you we were just friends!!
You get a text that your going shopping for the prom...and the clothes are a mixture of new and used items. (it's like what they did for LI this year) Im kind of here for the sustainable fashion! I picked the black outfit because I wanted to match Suresh 😭🥰 Kat is literally saying she hopes her outfit doesnt turn anyones head. This is the Kat we know not the melty one in episode 40 that seemed genuinely happy for MC and Suresh 💀
Suresh is SUPER melty again and talking about how lucky he is and how incredible you look...everyone starts dancing and having a good time and Kat gets up and dances on a table...feels like our time to shine besties.
GEM SCENE: Show some sexy moves yourself...MC climbs onto a different table and starts dancing too. You pull out your sexiest moves eyes locked on Suresh the whole time and he whispers that you have better moves than Kat (he whispered so it doesnt all kick off, smart man)
a romantic song comes on and Suresh's hands are on your waist and he asks if theyre in the right place..you can tell him to put them on ur bum 🤭 he says not wasting any time are we? and he slides his hand on your bum...sexual chemistry and eye contact is off the charts. Everyone stops dancing to watch MC and Suresh (creeps) and says that you both really do look so good together and he agrees and you can kiss him again. We got some tongue in this one but they described it as NSFW LMAO WHAT??! "you imagine the other islanders blushing as they watch this raw animalistic display of passion." LITERALLY FB...EL OH EL
Time for declarations of love...its been feeling like this whole episode is a declaration but alrightttyyy lets go...Suresh asks for more private time to write the speeches...DUH!
SURESH GEM SCENE: he talks about how the summer has been a rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs but he cant believe you two made it to the finish line and that hes so happy to finally be together again. He says he feels them going the distance when they leave. You can tell him you feel the same way. He starts to give you his declaration but stops and asks what vibe your going for with urs...fun and flirty, honest and heartfelt or its a surprise. I picked honest and heartfelt. ALSO BITS SCENE..you can go all the way on the roof terrace. just fair warning these scenes are fast and furious. never seen anyone take off their clothes and bone as fast as them. BUT IM DOING THEM ALL REGARDLESS LOL
You walk down to the front of the villa and its decked out with huge love heart of flowers and declarations begin...Alfie is first AND YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME THAT HE MENTIONS MC IN HIS SPEECH TO DANA. The desperation knows no bounds. Dana goes next and she agrees that there was never anything romantic between them but hes a great guy blah blah...SHE ALSO LOOKS AT MC LOLOL guys IM EXCLUSIVE WITH SURESH !!
Finns next and his declaration is all about Kat, he doesnt even look at MC and honestly I was expecting him to after both Alfie and Dana did. Kat goes next and she starts off negative which made me think she was going to break up with him LOL. But alas she gets super melty in hers too and its Kat and Finn for life! you can cheer them on or ignore them. I cheered because im not gonna be salty...I chose Suresh after all.
Suresh's turn!! he seems emotional and nervous 🥹🥹he says we radiate beauty, power, honesty and wit and that we amaze him with everything we go 😭😭 he says he'll never make the same mistakes again, that he's been immature and MC has put him in his place 🥰, he says he tried to move on and tried to let us move but there was always a force that brought them back. He says he doesnt deserve MC that shes a better person than him but its made him realize he can be a better person too 😭 and hes excited to start showing you this with actions and not just words (damn right!) you can tell him the speech was beautiful here 🥰
MCs turn! You have an option to tell him he's incredibly sexy, not physically your type or that looks aren't everything (LMAO) I chose the first...again you can choose re: his personality that its perfect, sucks or not everything. you can tell him you're loved up...but I havent seen any I loves you yet.
OMG OMG NO LMAO NO NOT MC HAS THE RING IN HER POCKET. IM SCREAMING!!!! LMAOOOOOO THEY WANT US TO PROPOSE TO SURESH....GAGGING....OMG OMG OMG LMAO.....ok but im obviously gonna do it...gots to see it through!! I proposed to suresh but CLIFFHANGERRRR
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seolarpower · 2 years
random relationship scenarios + thoughts i YEARN for :
feel free to imagine your favs lol i was thinking of changbin the whole time🙈 content : fluff + slightly suggestive (?) , gender neutral (i hope) !
- them pulling you closer by the arm and hugging you while giggling
- dancing. in. the. rain.
- or in the kitchen
- or anywhere tbh
- nicknames where they add “my” in front of it-
- my baby💌
- my love💘
- “my girl”……… i’d lose it (and if they add ‘good’ ‘pretty’ or “beautiful’ before that??? im gone)
- running errands together 🫶🏼
- drives w them (late nights or day time honestly doesnt matter)
- patting your head / playing w your hair
- soft face caresses🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- cupping your face
- holding the nape of your neck whilst making out
- or your jaw….
- random bone crushing hugs
- skipping w linked arms in a park~
- singing together at the top of our lungs (bonus points if it sounds horrible)
- hand holding even when we’re alone
- (if theyre taller) being wrapped under their arms w your face planted in their chest
- baking together 🍞
- walking while holding onto their arms
- watching studio ghibli films together
- accompanying them while they do something
- “i got these for you cause you mentioned it yesterday” >>>>>>>>>>
- walks around the city at night!!!
- while sharing earphones🙈🙈
- cuddling in a cold room while it rains
- flirting even after dating for a while
- holding you by the waist…
- when they get giggly at the sight of you
im gonna stop here cause the delusions are getting WORSER💔i hope you enjoy! feel free to drop any feedback <3
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
sometimes i think of greg being a new lawyer at your dad’s law firm and maybe … there’s house party idk what they’re called GAJSHSJDJD at your house and you immediately go 💕💞💓💗💖💘💝 when u see him because he’s so c u t e !!!! and maybe he’s a few years older than u but that doesnt stop u from pining for him (because he definitely has eyes for u too HEJDHSJHD) down bad for greg moments
- ❄️
this is kinda giving dbf!greg vibes omg 🤭🤭 like they’re not best friends and he’s not that much older but he works with your dad and has heard a lot about you so when he finally meets you he like…falls in love immediately <33333
like i can imagine him talking with your dad at that party - and looking delicious all dressed up in his suit 🫠 - and sipping from his drink while eyeing you from across the room 🤭 and you’re thinking “who is that man i need him” lmfao
and just a few minutes later your dad is like “greg, you should meet my daughter ☺️” and greg is not interested bc what he really wants to do is walk up to you and start a conversation 😌 but soon he realizes you are said daughter 🤭🤭🤭
you spend the entire night talking just with each other <3333 you even dance together 🥺 and it’s just so cute he’s all flirty and cute with you!! makes so many compliments, gets your number and asks you out on a date 💞💞 when the party is over he definitely texts you that same night bc he already misses you and doesn’t wanna stop talking 🥺🥺💕🩷
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Okay so first off, idk if its alright I do smth like this or not, if it is please let me know-
ALSO- I wanted to try my hand at other characters too! So I kinda just yeeted some of my/your ocs into a wheel and hoped for the best lol
Credit where credit is due: Tiam, Mythra, Leroy and Mellow belong to @fumikomiyasaki!
Marinus and Tiam:
As much as I joke around that he'd just violently grab Tiam and drink from the little straw on his head, (,,, which technically isnt a joke bcs he would and then say sorry while feeling really bad, especially if he left bruises,,,) Marinus would definitely still try to be careful to not hurt Tiam real bad- he'd also always thank him for the drink and be apologetic if he scared/hurt him, unless,,,, yk,,,, you like that sort of thing,,,,,,
Bullies? No problem! With Marinus by your side they probably already went "missing" got eaten but if you asked if he'd seen them, he'd just go "Nope, no idea where they could be :)" and then resume gremlin thoughts
Marinus will sometimes forget certain words from time to time, considering his mom didnt even really want him to get an education and just wanted him to be like a feral siren-
Expect minor things like "Holy shit, Tiam, its a bunch of quack quacks!" And they're freaking ducks-
And speaking of ducks- Marinus hates birds (mainly seagulls/pelicans) but ducks are an exception because "They're the only birds that are nice to me" so I dont think he'd get along too well with winged characters like Rubina-😔✌️
Marinus WOULD however h*ld h*nds (how sinful) and Tiam's crooked smiles will be met with a sharped tooth gremlin smile <3
Also yes, you are right, a LOT of characters (my own/discord friend OCS) are afraid of Marinus or wanna fight 😔🤣 (I think its funny-)
However, just because Marinus has people scared of him, doesnt mean he isnt scared of things too! And he will absolutely freak out if anyone/anything covers his mouth (actually, I think being restrained in general could go here), if someone sees him while he's in siren form, etc (I'll probably add on more another time lol)
I almost forgor to mention, but hair is kinda a big thing for sirens (at least in my head, idk if disney will take it and throw it in my face that its not 💀) so, if Mari is comfy enough, he'd definitely be letting Tiam touch his hair, style it, do whatever with it tbh lol and expect him to do the same with Tiam's! (No, he doesnt care if its sticky-)
Im starting to think of ideas that are more dating-like and idk if thats ok so next character
Amos and Mythra:
Probably only see each other on few occasions bc different schools 😔✌️
Maybe they could teach each other new moves too 👀
Amos, however, will dip just as fast as my dad did the moment somebody from her school/dorm walk in 💀💀💀
He's honestly a real charmer tho and knows how to treat a lady :tantrums:
I imagine ears/tails are also important to beast-people (?) just like hair is for sirens (unless Disney will yeet that im wrong in my face too-) so maybe some nice scenario of Mythra petting/gently scratching his ears while Amos purrs? 🥺 And then he gotta dip bcs Sindren 💀/LH /NF
I'll be honest, Amos is one of the newer characters and hasnt been developed as much as older characters that I havent introduced lol
Momo and Mellow
OKAY so- Momo (blue haired plant baby, I have posted him here before but I need to post a ref lol- I WILL DO THAT SOON THO-) has a habit of straight up running away from people that are taller than her, I mean freaking BOLTING the moment someone bigger than 5'10 (177cm) is in her vision-
But luckily, Mildew seems to be smaller than that, so she'll at least stay! :D
In order for them to be friends tho, they'd have to interact without Dallas in the picture (another piss gremlin I have yet to post a ref of, but basically he tells Momo bs to isolate her from everyone and she'd believe it because toxic relationships✨)
Momo would be really shy at first though, but I think it could work! Like a slowburn friendship (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Momo is a little passionate about art (maybe not enough to go into full on rambles about different styles n stuff but enough to try it out herself although she doesnt usually share her artworks) so he'd probably occasionally glance over and stare a bit if she notices him making something but looking away immediately if Mellow looks back
(some Momo art for reference!)
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Dallas and Leroy
I do not know if Leroy understands that Dallas is just being a crotch gremlin because his parents spoiled him rotten (and he's also only like... 15 💀) but regardless-
Dallas would hands down find a way to try and "egg on" Leroy to do something and then play the victim card in front of Crowley like he does to all the "big spooky" OCs
Like bullying the clothes he wears when he finds out its a heating issue and not "because he dresses weird", probably like "You're telling me a little bit of sunshine is going to screw you over? Quit being so sensitive"
HOWEVER, I feel like he'd just end up annoyed at the spiteful pranks and then the tables would turn as now its Dallas being served some humble pie (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
(Some Dallas art for reference!)
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
Hey! Could we get a little blurb of Gay Enough when they were all dating, and someone is hitting in reader at like a bar or smth and won’t leave her alone, so Dami and Ethan step in but the guy still won’t leave so it gets physical (like an actual fight) and Thomas and Vic just immediately get the reader out of there and later when reader asks them why they did that they’re just really quiet but just kinda say “you’re our girl. We had to protect you.” And shit like that? Sorry I know it’s weird, I love your writing!!!!
ok first things first is when im imagining the throuple, i am always imagining what they're wearing cos i see y/n as a drag queen, maybe not performing but always pulling a lewk very club kid style so i see her wearing something like this. something she could make herself
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cos if you're showing body, men think you're easy& theirs to objectify& film walking down the street. so someone would try it& try it too much with her
anyways & the throuple always wanna be matching. i couldnt find anything for ethan but i like this look of dami
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maybe incorporating the masks into the boyfriends lewks too: - on ethan, two threaded together to sit at his collarbones, then one threaded lower to make like a triangle/necklace, lets put that over a mesh top
we're talking prefame, we're talking a favourite song esque kinda moment
y/n is sitting at a table, taking a water break with thomas. boyfriends are being cute & making out elsewhere(ethan doesnt know dami is friends with dj & has queued up a bunch of songs he knows ethan likes dancing to, so hes locked in for a while)
thomas goes outside for a smoke*. some random dude approaches where y/n is chilling & tries it. maybe at first he isnt so bad, maybe its witty ‘has anyone ever told you you’re two-faced?’, or ‘when you say: my eyes are up here, which ones are you referring to?’. & shes just like politely nodding & doing one of those smiles where its like, heres some of my teeth but my eyes are blank. & he thinks he should just work harder for her attention so he gets sleazier & shes actively not making eyecontact with him. maybe the line is crossed when he says something like, ‘have you got someone to kiss all your lips? & im not just talking about the ones on the faces on your dress...’**
this is when thomas returns, eyes bugging outta his head cos he cant believe what he just heard. he takes his seat back. this rando is perceptive & knows thomas isnt y/ns boyfriend(lack of chemistry, etc, the vibe). so he keeps trying to hit on y/n
shes like ‘oop, i have boyfriends’
creep: *yelling even though its not that loud where shes sitting* boyfriends? you dont have to mock me. if you’re not interested, you can just say, you dont gotta make shit up. how many boyfriends do you have sweetheart?
y/n: two, i can intro you to-
creep: & how many husbands do you have?
y/n: well, none, im just-
creep: two guys, you must be really easy then. a fuckin addict if you need two dicks to keep you satisfied
thom: ok, time to go, son
creep: is this one of them?
thom: you can just think of me as one of them thats gonna teach you some manners about talking to y/n
so thomas gets up, chest-to-chest with this douche(up to yall how strong the creep is). is he intending to fight this guy for his friend?
this is the moment when the boyfriends appear(dami leading ethan, handinhand, super cute). so at first they think its thomas they need to defend. ethan is instantly in there, putting himself between thomas & the creep, in diffusing mode while dami is checking on you, ‘whats going on with this rando?’
before you can explain, ethan has put his hands on the creep, pushing him away from the whole scene. not with his whole strength, just enough to be like ‘back off buddy’. why did he do that? well, creep was calling you a slut again & dami is mad as hell too
‘its not worth it’ you try to tell them, getting up& grabbing damis arm as he starts to approach on the dude, who isnt taking the hint & wants to keep running his mouth ‘dont give him your attention, please dont worry about it, lets just go home’
this is when vic arrives too, lets make things worse, shall we? the creep was rude to her earlier. homophobia maybe. furthermore pissing dami & ethan off
guy takes swing at ethan & you’re properly grabbing dami ‘dont do this, dont let him mess up my baby’s faces, he is not worth it’
but ethan is far more aggressive than you ever imagined. but thomas & vic are less surprised & know that the best thing to do is get you out of there before you get hurt by trying to get in the middle. they believe ethan & dami can handle it together(cos lets be real they have argued with/fought ignroant jackasses before***)
& the rest is like you said. all three get kicked out of the bar so its time to go home. no one is terribly hurt. y/n feels protected, as well as violated, shaken & upset & wanting to stay in ethans apartment, to not have to see anyone but her boyfriends for a few days. shes like 'you dont need to do that', damis like 'no we definitely had to defend your honour'. but you're like 'no ine elses opinions matter, its all just words, all that matters is us'. but it does rattle you for a while(cos as much as you dont want it to, it does)
*this is a thing in australia, a designated smokers area, semi-outside, we’re kinda strict on smoking here. idk if its something that happens everywhere.
IS THAT ABLURB? did i do it? did i successfully blurb?
**pussy, yall
***i have a clear picture in my head, i imagine the throuple attending a pro-choice rally & y/n kicking up at pro-lifers protesting the rally & then ethan escalating with words & dami going to insults. ethan saying something along the lines of: where are you gonna be when that life needs extra help, their life impacted by disability? are you gonna keep fighting for that life’s rights when they turn out as gay as i am for him? *grabs & kisses dami in front of them for gay rights*
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moveslikejaggeria · 2 years
im very tired, tumblr dot com. im just very much exhausted. i think about how much i wanted to die just a few weeks ago and how happy i am now. but also,,, how i was right. happiness always comes in such fleeting moments. it sucks. the river is smaller, my dear friends, much easier to cross these days. but it doesnt mean its not still there.
i stopped seeing my therapist. and dietician. neither of them really reached out. fair enough. i think we were just dancing around the inevitable. i am therapist-proof: i repel them. its something about me that just pushes them away. its the me-ness.
i want a family so badly. all my friends are dating!! this sucks!! im so happy for them but wheres MY lover dearest. i hate dating apps though, im done with them. i gotta Know someone to date them and thats so hard over dating apps. alas
im so tired. not so much that its reached my bones, but its definitely deep in my muscles. i went and got a massage. it sucked and was expensive. now im sitting in the shower avoiding going to sleep bc as soon as i do tomorrow has to start. bleh
keep this to yourself porn bots but there was this person i really liked last year and god i was pretty infatuated but theyre not single so i had to get over it but sometimes i still have dreams with them in it and its kinda weird. like ik i cant control my dreams but it Feels manipulative to be in a situation where they are at my brains will. even i wont conform to that. plus then i wake up and the bed’s a little colder. alas
the loneliness is so deep in my bones i dont think itll ever leave, like a tumor they cant remove and you just kinda have to live with it and accept your fate. like a constant reminder that youre not normal or healthy and you never will or can be.
UGH i have TWO (2) meetings tomorrow. one of which is gonna SUCK bc i just have to sit there and be silent. i used to be really good at being silent. im twinning with mae from avatar lol.
i wish i lived in fiction. i wish i lived in a story that the author had all planned out and they had this nice little ending planned where everything was gonna finally be okay and id be happy. i think im trapped in a not-happy ending story. where the author tortures their characters relentlessly
how far away is labor day? i think labor day i’ll clean my apartment and finish moving in. maybe i’ll invite some friends over to keep me company, maybe not. maybe they will be busy or not want to. idk
not even a full week of school and im done. BLEH. i wish my therapist had put up more of a fight. or i had a better therapist. but then i wouldnt be talking to you, tumblr dot com! or maybe i still would. thats the question
there are two kind of depressed people: the ones who write happy endings for characters and imagine themselves AS the character to feel whole and those who torture their characters out of catharsis or to not feel so alone. so i suppose this is all karma for my fictional characters. do you think if i become the former life would be better?
OH tumblr dot com, i know you hate the tiky toky app, but they told me i was gonna find a partner this year! oh can you believe it! and if i listened to this one sound and manifested, i would be rich. oh tumblr dot com, can you imagine? someone to just hold and be held by? someone who you can lay your head against and listen to their heartbeat? someone you can trust with your whole you? oh tumblr dot com, how i do love to go on…
one last thing before i let you continue scrolling, mr porn bot. the happiest day of my life that i can remember is that one saturday last semester. i went to the arcade/golf course/gokart place place with my friends and we spent the day there and then we came home and i got to meet lewberger and see them perform and oh! the day before when i got my picture taken with stinger and got ice cream and knew random facts about greys anatomy and oh,,, to be young again. to live in those moments and just be happy. for that fleeting moment
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datingtip4men · 18 days
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Shy Guys Dont Always Have to Finish Last
Shyness is something that many people experience to different degrees. Some are a little uncomfortable when it comes to meeting new people or speaking in front of a group of strangers. Other people are polar opposites and become debilitated by their shyness. Sadly, these are the men who typically never get a chance to show a woman what they have to offer because they are just too shy to even say hello. However, that doesnt always have to be the case.
To begin with, there are many women who simply ADORE shy men. Theres just something about a guy who is terrified to talk to women. He may be one of the greatest looking guys in the room, but he doesnt know that. Believe it or not, that is, in and of itself, one of the hottest triggers for many women. They will locate this man with their internal heat seeking missiles and proceed to home in on him. Most of the time, their approach is viewed with much trepidation by the object of their attention, as a truly shy man will be terrified that hes going to have to talk.
Now, imagine his surprise when he does manage to look at the woman and see that shes one of the most beautiful looking women in the place. Your first thought should NOT be why is she talking to ME? Instead, look at it as an opportunity. Obviously, she sees something she likes or she wouldnt be standing in front of you introducing herself. Yes, youre terrified, but please remember that SHE approached YOU and she will most likely be happy to start the conversation and maybe even carry a lot of it. However, you DO need to do your part to participate in the conversation or shell think you dont like her.
If she keeps touching you lightly on the arm while talking to you, ask her to dance. Hopefully, you have learned at least how to do a decent slow dance. Youre not expected to be Fred Astaire, but it does give you an excuse to put your arms around her. This will tell you a lot about what her intentions are.
Smile a lot but dont leer. Let her know that youre enjoying her company. This isnt impossible, no matter how shy you are. Again, keep in mind that SHE came to YOU. Always keep that in the front of your mind so that you can gain some confidence from it. This amazing woman found you interesting enough to walk over to you and start talking. The least you can do is talk back. Its important that you show her you like her in an unobtrusive way.
When it comes time to part ways, if things have gone well, ask her for her phone number. By then you'll be able to tell whether or not she's interested enough to give you her number or not, so its not like you're taking a huge gamble. Remember that she likes you and be brave.
More dating tips at: https://www.pheromoneproducts.com/archive.htm
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leychin · 2 years
Why you fake date, and does it lead to more?
first genshin post on this acc lets goooo
contains: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Albedo, Xiao
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Diluc to get away
The darknight hero doesnt allow just anyone in his close circle, so when he approaches you to act as his future wife for a publicity event at the winery, you're a little shocked. Diluc tells you he doesn't know who else to ask and he doesn't want fathers shoving their daughters at him all night. But throughout the night you find yourselves enjoying it more than you should for a publicity event. Its chalked up to you being good friends, but something about the dance floor clearing for you two felt like something straight out of a fairytale. He kisses your hand when all is said and done and leaves to talk business with men you've never met before and don't plan to. Though, perhaps the idea of being Diluc's bride-to-be and coming to these more often and helping out at the winery didn't sound half bad.
Do you date after?
yes. Diluc simply just cant imagine trusting someone as much as hes trusted you with everything leading up to this point. So after the guests were leaving and other rich people were looking to bid him a good night, he snuck away with you to the roof where no one would dare to look for the master of the Dawn Winery, you tell him that you would love to do things like that more often especially if it was with him and he smiles a warm smile and says there will be plenty more dances to be had, especially at your wedding. (if you'd have him)
Kaeya a mission
He had to look believable, no one goes to a masquerade with no one unless they were shady bastards. Which is exactly what Kaeya is, but for tonight he's playing the part of a man so infatuated with the pretty girl who's waist he doesn't seem to let go throughout the night. You knew Kaeya's line of work, but you couldn't help but get nervous at the thought of being caught by the target. It almost happened too, while following the suspect to back rooms without thinking of a proper escape route, you both heard voices from around the corner and you froze. But Kaeya, quick as ever, pins you to the wall and whispers "please pretend im someone else " and captures your lips in a heated makeout session, making you appear to the suspects as some horny couple who couldn't wait until home. When they leave, Kaeya parts from you quickly. You didn't pretend he was anyone else.
Do you date after?
Yes, though with hesitation. Kaeya finds himself unable to forget the feeling of your lips on his, he's tried multiple times. You still go with him on evening walks and he accompanies you when you have to run your errands still. Nothing has changed in your friendship and Kaeya almost convinces himself thats how it should stay. Anyone dating with him would only get hurt, or get so sick of him that they leave anyway. But on your way back you whisper to yourself "I really wouldn't mind kissing him again" and Kaeya's heart abnormally beats faster until he recovers and gives you his charming grin "You can do it anytime you'd like, i don't bite. Just promise you'll let me return the favor."
Childe because he misses home
He missed having people greet him when he entered the door in snow covered boots while hauling back the catch of the day. So when he asks you, his best friend to live with him for no other reason than "Its lonely in that big ol' house the fatui gave me. Wouldn't mind some company." You have no objections. You find yourself falling into a quick routine with him, and getting excited when you hear keys jingling on the other side of the door. Then pulling off his scarf quickly and making him leave his shoes at the door so you can show him this new recipe you've been trying. Even if you aren't a good cook, Childe devours it anyway and asks for seconds because theres no better taste than domestic life. Even if it's pretend.
Do you date after?
No. As much as he wishes he could make it real, Childe's duty is to his country first. He lives to serve the Tsaritsa and make money for his family so they never have to work again. Teucer keeps sending him letters (with terrible grammatical errors) asking when he can meet the pretty person that takes such good care of his big brother while he's selling toys all around the world. Childe replies and tells him one day, because even if he can't have you now, he refuses to die until he's put a nice big diamond ring on your finger.
Albedo an experiment
You knew what was happening before Albedo even finished his proposal. He asked you to fall in love with him so he could understand exactly what it does to the human mind, and if it can be replicated through alchemy. You tell him no, because that would be cruel to you, but he assures you if his experiment is successful then it'll be reversible. So with reluctance, you agree. It's not like you thought he would be, Albedo is ofted cold to others except the traveler and his assistants (yourself included) but that didn't mean you expected him to also ask you to cuddle with him, or to sleep in his little bed in the corner of his lab in Dragonspine. When you couldn't be with him, you'd find handwritten letters with little sketches about things he discovered and also just wanting you to have a good day. Its odd seeing this side of him. He accompanies you on errands and commissions and all other sorts of things if he's in the area, but now you've fallen in love. So his experiment was a success but now theres a grip in your chest when you realize you have to tell him it worked, because then it'll be over.
Do you date after?
No. Because Albedo doesn't understand it himself either. Albedo is the Chief Alchemist of Mondstat, he's not stupid. He can tell when someone is in love, and he knows you are, but you are refusing to tell him, he's rationalized it's because you've come to the conclusion that once the experiment is complete then Albedo will leave and pretend like it never happened until he finds a way to reverse it. A rational conclusion considering everything, but Albedo can't find himself wanting to make an antidote for you, but he does find himself looking forward to seeing the carrier owl at his perch to send you your letters in the morning and he seems to take joy in pulling the blankets over you at night. Albedo doesn't understand because he shouldn't be able to feel such a raw human emotion like this, but if it isn't love, then what could it be? He will refrain from making a cure to love until he is certain about his own feelings, for the accuracy of the experiment of course.
Xiao for protection
Xiao has no soft spots. He is an Adeptus and to have any weaknesses would mean the possible downfall of Liyue, but he will stop whatever he is doing when you call his name, which happens too often for his comfort. He believes its his karma that's been rubbing off on you and attracting monsters, and you can't say you disagree, but you also don't want to stop hanging out with Xiao! You'd rather take on a Lawlchurl before that happens, and Xiao would hate to see you go too, even if he hates to say it out loud. He informs you of a bonding/protection spell he heard from one of his comrades. Xiao is neither young or old when it comes to adepti, so he doesn't know all the details of the effects but Xiao doesn't think many things through, he just does them and hopes they work. So without a second thought he's holding you still and piercing the nape of your neck with his fangs. He says as long as the mark is there you'll be safe from all mortal troubles, but he still finds himself following you around anyway, even into the city, to be sure you're safe. Xiao doesn't trouble himself with the mundane life of mortals but he can't help but find himself at ease while walking in tune with your footsteps at the harbor, and when he walks you home. But he never comes inside much to your dismay, he believes he doesn't deserve the luxury even though all you want is for him to rest.
Do you date after?
Absolutely not. As an Adeptus, he's already allowed himself to get too comfortable with mortal life, to get too close to a mortal was unforgivable. How could he even entertain such a notion that he could protect you from everything? All mortals die at an alarming fast rate. Too fast for Xiao. He will not allow himself to feel that pain when you inevitably have to leave him alone again. But when the Adepti spell says ALL mortal troubles, it also means the weight of mortality, so as long as he keeps refreshing and renewing the spell, you'll live longer than any mortal could ever fathom and longer than any Adeptus could ever forgive themselves for.
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