#ig this is what I do on this blog now. I've always wanted to do like some kind of web weaving. I still want to create other stuff too tho
scrabble-apple · 8 months
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Supernatural 15x18, 15x19, and 15x20 // Dissolve by Joji
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x OFC/Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been taken from right under Wednesday's nose. Finding you is a given, but it's really a question of who is saving whom. Wednesday shouldn't be surprised that she's complete entranced by the sight of a fallen faerie.
Warnings: canon level violence. long villain monologues. Enid & gang doing their best.
Series Masterlist | Library Blog | AO3
Reminder there’s no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Note: just two killer gfs 🫶 also i can't believe the next chapter is the last one 😳
Check out this fan edit! IG LINK
Part Eight
Ambedo: Noun. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—which leads to a dawning awareness of the haunting fragility of life, a mood whose only known cure is the vuvuzela.
Wednesday touches item after item in your studio. She holds whatever Thing passes her and tosses it when nothing happens. Wednesday knows she can't force a vision, but that doesn't stop her from trying. Her hands run along the ground, trees, and furniture. 
Something—anything in this forsaken room should give her a clue as to what happened to you or where she could find you. 
The voice was quiet, timid even. 
Wednesday doesn't need to turn to know who it is. She grabs one of your books, gripping it with force, willing a vision to happen. When it doesn't, Wednesday tosses it aside. "What is it, Enid?" She asks, her voice flat but frustration laced around her tone. 
"I've got everyone spread out and looking around," Enid updates. "I texted Ajax, and he's got some of his friends out searching too."
Wednesday merely nods tersely. 
"I'm going with Yoko to search, but I just wanted to tell you something before I left," Enid bit her lip. 
Wednesday turns, her eyes boring into Enid's with a dark intensity that her roommate is both used to and still finds unsettling. "Go on."
"I—" Enid sighs lightly. "I didn't want to say this in front of everyone else in case I was wrong, but I'm pretty sure now. I can smell someone else in here. The scent is stale like yours and Fae's, but it's a little stronger, more recent."
"Who else was in here, Enid?" Wednesday demands immediately. While certain people knew you had a studio, no one except Wednesday knew where it was. 
"Um," Enid murmurs, her brows furrowing. "That guy—the one who's always around Fae. Yoko said his father is an alumnus here. Harry?"
"Henry," Wednesday seethes, her eyes flashing and jaw clenched.
"Yes, him!" Enid exclaims. "Yoko and I are going to see if we can find him, but if we can't..." The words drag, but Wednesday already knows the truth of it. 
If they couldn't find Henry, then they'd found their culprit. 
Enid: can't find him.
Enid: roommate says he hasn't seen him at all today and said he's been barely in his room. He usually apparently only returns around 1 to 2am lately.
Enid: I'm gonna search around in my wolf form with yoko. She'll text u with my phone with any updates.
Enid: also the black fuzzy blanket you had earlier in our room is gone. Did you take it?
Wednesday doesn't reply and clicks her phone to turn off the screen before putting it back into her pocket. 
1 to 2AM was when the two of you finished your nightly meet-up.
Wednesday definitely didn't move the blanket. Her eyes look back to the blanket in question. She recalls you telling her that Henry was a psychic who could create things. And based on what she's deduced so far, he could materialize his mindscapes into reality, but it seems that anything taken out of his mindscape couldn't last for prolonged hours if he wasn't focusing on it. 
Wednesday has touched everything inside this studio, and nothing has conjured a vision. It leads her to believe that you weren't taken in your studio. She exits and begins to look around. 
The first thing she noticed now that she was not blinded with rage and panic when she first searched for you was one of the tree trunks partially rotten. It was hard to tell with it being so dark, but Wednesday could spot the strange shape of the rot. She walks over to it and finds a single black feather resting on the ground directly underneath. 
Wednesday bends down to grab the quill of the feather, and the live wire shredding at her skin comes forth.
Wednesday sees you walking out of your studio. The day has rewound, and the sun is only starting to set. 
You look happy, with a serene smile and a single feather in your hand. But only after a few steps out do you tilt your head and refuse to take a step further.
Wednesday can hear it from your perspective. The way the wind oddly ruffles the leaves. There's a certain discomfort in her spine. 
"Who's out there?" Wednesday watches you call out and place the hand on the tree trunk. "You can't hide from me in the forest and whatever trap you've set, I can sense it."
There's a moment of tense silence, but you refuse to budge. 
A twig snaps as someone moves behind a tree. 
Henry steps out, and you relax slightly but keep her hand on the trunk.
"Henry," you look confused. "Why are you following me?"
"Well, this is annoying," Henry sighs. "You didn't notice the mindscape of your studio, but now you won't step into the new one I made? I wonder if it's because Wednesday's energy is so intertwined with the studio one I made. You lower your guard down so much when she's around," he hums. 
You look wary. "What do you want?"
"I want you to follow me," Henry smiles, but his eyes are hidden, and you can't determine his full expression. "Quietly."
"What are you talking about?" You frown at him. 
"Your wings," Henry says in a cavalier tone. "I need your wings. So, I need you to come with me to Crackstone's crypt so I can perform the ritual there. I still have some things to prep, but if you go to meet with Wednesday for your date, I'll miss my chance and the sap wont be potent anymore."
As you step back, you narrow your eyes at him, full-on in defensive mode. You're opening your mouth to say something, but Henry pulls out a small blowgun and shoots a needle that lands right into your neck. 
You stagger, hand at your neck to pull out the needle, and you instantly know it's made out of draeconium. You slump to your knees first before falling onto your front completely, groaning. 
Henry approaches with a syringe filled with a cobalt teal liquid. He steals you away, and all that's left is your feather and the rot you placed in the trunk.
Wednesday returns to reality, her hand on the trunk and the grip of your feather in her other hand. She pulls out her phone, typing a quick message to Enid before she takes off.
Wednesday: Meet me at Crackstone's crypt. 
The room was dimly lit by candles. Where Crackstone's crypt used to be now stood a giant rectangle stone table. There were inscriptions carved into the table, and Wednesday knew immediately that it was a ritual for your wings.
Wednesday's eyes lay upon your limp form lying in the middle of the table. There was a chained collar around your neck bolted to the table. It was only long enough to likely let you sit up, but no further than that. She can see your body rising and falling with each breath, and there's a sense of relief. She's about to walk to you and wake you up when someone steps out of the shadows.
"I didn't think you'd actually find us."
That lanky, stuttering boy. Except he wasn't stuttering now. Wednesday's uncontrollable rage simmers inside her, but she tempers it. She needs to be rational if she wants to save you. 
Henry's long fringe normally covers his eyes, but tonight, they're pushed out of his face, combed stylishly over his head. It was no wonder that he covered his eyes, Wednesday thought. They would draw too much attention with their pale silvery glassy look. His eyes lacked pupils, but Wednesday was sure they were why he had such powers. 
"Of course, I'd find you," Wednesday sneers at him. "Only a moron would come back to Crackstone's crypt. How unoriginal."
Henry smiles at her, and it's utterly disgusting. "I suppose after your glory stories of last year, I expected you would and that you'd come here stupidly alone."
"I don't need a group to make you wish you were never born," Wednesday's face was stoic. "What exactly can you do? Your little tricks won't work on me now that I know what you can create. It's not real."
Wednesday takes a step closer, but Henry pulls out a knife. The blade was a pale pearl white with ridges, and the handle was made from wood. There was no doubt it was made from draeconium.
"Move any closer, and I'll plunge this right into her," Henry threatens. "I only need her alive, she doesn't need to be unharmed."
There's a moment that Wednesday hesitates, thinking about her chances. She has a knife in her own boot that she could use to cut his throat. But Wednesday eventually decides against it as she doesn't know where he might stab you and if it'll accidentally be fatal. He looks like an idiot.
Wednesday's eyes trail to you. Even though you're unconscious, your wings are slowly appearing from your back, unfurling slowly, and you haven't moved one bit. She eyes the chain in detest and wills you to wake up to no avail.
"I know her wings are injured, but I'm pretty cautious," Henry sighs but doesn't relax his form as he turns to point the knife at her. "I can't risk her potentially flying."
"What did you do to her?" Wednesday demands, her stance tense as she keeps a distance from the boy. "Why isn't she waking up?"
"She won't," Henry shakes her head. "I know she's told you about how draeconium sap can cut her wings out, but they can do so, so much more."
"Makes me wonder why she didn't tell you. Maybe she doesn't trust you as much as you think." Henry smirks at her. "Draeconium petals can be crushed into a powder and mixed into a liquid that will put faeries to deep sleep. It's poisonous and makes their body numb and unable to control their movements."
That would explain why your wings were coming out.
"How did you find out where we were?" Henry narrows his eyes at her. "I hear you're a witch, but I have yet to see you do anything amazing. If anything, you're insufferable."
"Thank you."
"You're always hanging around her, hovering like a goddamn vulture," Henry huffs. 
"Flattery won't get you anywhere," Wednesday raises her brow. 
Henry rolls his eyes. "I thought for sure her fae abilities would catch me following her around. At first, I couldn't get too close without her constantly turning around and nearly catching me. Before you started to get closer to her, I was trying to figure out for weeks where she was going every single day and night."
Henry smiles lightly at her. "The night you followed her after the siren's party, she heard both you and I were following her. But for some reason, she dismissed it and kept going. Your presence has always masked mine perfectly."
Then he smiles haughtily at her, his eyes filled with malice. "Thank you, Wednesday. Because of you, I was able to get closer to Fae without her noticing. And since then, the two of you haven't even noticed you've been in and out of my mindscapes for months."
Wednesday thinks back to the night she first followed you to your studio. You had turned around, and Wednesday thought it was her, but it was probably Henry you'd sensed. But her presence distracted you, and you kept going. 
She thinks back to Parents' Day and how she couldn't find you anywhere. She had gone to her room first to change before looking. Yet, you told her you'd been in her room waiting for half an hour.
Wednesday recalls the time you came to meet her, saying you just came from seeing Henry, but he couldn't conjure anything. But he had, and you just couldn't tell you were already experiencing it.
Wednesday thinks back to the day before the Poe Cup Race and how the three of you had been standing in the hallway. She had heard footsteps, but when she turned around, it was just Henry sitting at one of the arches. Those footsteps were probably from the outside of the mindscape. 
Wednesday grinds her teeth, keeping her mouth shut as she looks around the room for anything she can use. Her phone is in her pocket, and she can tell Enid has likely been sending her messages incessantly by the sporadic vibrations. Wednesday hopes that Enid will call her so she can try to pick it up, keeping it open in her pocket before she starts spouting things that will tell Enid where she is. 
"This is weird," Enid mutters. "This is the crypt, isn't it?"
"It should be," Xavier looks around. "Something feels off, though."
Yoko is walking around, her glasses are off, and she looks up to see the moon. "This isn't right. Something feels wrong," Yoko says as she turns to the group. "This moonlight feels synthetic. It's making my eyes hurt."
Bianca looks around. "Henry was a psychic, right? What classes was he taking?"
"Um," Enid thinks of some of the classes they shared, but it was generic. Then she snaps her fingers. "Oh! He was taking psychitech! You know, the class where you can use your psychic powers to build things."
"What if this is one of them?" Bianca suggests as she looks back to the group. "What if this is what he could build? Fake rooms?"
"How the hell are we supposed to get out of this? It looks way too real," Xavier sighs, rubbings his face. 
"Let me try calling Wednesday," Enid pulls out her phone and dials. It picks up after the 4th ring, and Enid almost shouts into the phone when voices are already coming through.
"—couple relents, and an agreement is formed."
"Hold on," Enid says quietly, putting the phone on speakerphone. "I think Wednesday picked up, but she's with Henry right now."
The group listens to him speak, gauging the story with tense interest. 
"That's weird," Enid whispers. "It's quiet, but I can kind of hear an echo now."
"Hey Enid," Eugene whispers as he looks at her. "You put flowers in the Crypt when we came back to school, didn't you?"
Enid screws her brows in thought but nods when she remembers. "I did in the corner...to remember Rowan."
"What flower did you put?"
"I put a potted tristeria in there because they don't require any care. I didn't want to come back to look after it."
Eugene smiles. "I think I know how we can find our way in." He summons a single bee. 
"As long as there's pollen in there, this bee will find it." 
"So?" Wednesday raises her brow at Henry. "Aren't you going to reveal your grand master plan? What your wish will be?"
"And why would I do that?"
"Because cliche villains like you can't help it," Wednesday drawls. "It's why you're all so embarrassing. You think you're so clever and the need to show your cleverness to someone overrides any smart brain cell in your head to be efficient."
Henry looks at her contemptuously, but he looks up through the open sunroof and realizes the full moon isn't in position yet, and he has time. 
"I'm an only child," Henry begins to talk.
"Here we go," Wednesday mutters under her breath, rolling her eyes.
"My father was an alumnus here. We come from a long history of psychics and old money, so coming to this school is really the only choice. My father eventually graduated and married another socialite. You know, the type that's well-bred and genetically compatible to produce another strong psychic to pass on the legacy," Henry continues to point the knife at Wednesday but waves his other hand whimsically to emphasize his point.
"Except," Henry sighs, like the next part will be tragic. "The well-bred socialite turned out to be barren in the womb. Oh, whatever will they do? How will they pass down this enriched legacy? They need another psychic to pass it down to!"
Henry smiles like a bright idea comes to his head. It looks unhinged, which Wednesday would normally find charming, but Henry's face disgusts her to her stomach.
"Of course, the only answer is to find a surrogate. Secretly, of course. It's too shameful to let anyone know. And that means our lovely little couple finds an outcast struggling to make ends meet three states over. She's barely got any psychic abilities, but she's better than nothing, right?"
Wednesday's listening, but her eyes are taking in his stance. He doesn't stand like he has extensive combat abilities like she does, and she's confident in her odds there. 
"The couple promised riches. They promised a better house and food that wasn't stale and enough money to let her live her days out comfortably. But our soft-spoken, poor outcast says she can't agree. She loves children, and if she were to have a child, she'd want to be able to see her visit that child. The couple relents, and an agreement is formed."
Wednesday stares at the room around her without moving her eyes. This was real, wasn't it? There were limitations to Henry's powers. How many rooms could be kept active, how long he could keep them engaged, and the objects inside the mindscape can't stay outside for prolonged periods.
Henry must've brought you here because he couldn't mimic the magic residue that surrounded this crypt. 
That meant the surrounding area of his crypt would be made up of mindscapes so no one could find them.
Wednesday wonders if Enid and the rest of the group were currently lost in one of his mindscapes, and they were closer than she thought.
"Everything seems fine at first," Henry's voice interrupts her thoughts. "The pregnancy goes without a hitch, but on the day of her birth, there were complications, and she passed away soon after. Still, she gives birth to a lovely, healthy son. All should be well, right?" The way Henry says it is filled with sarcasm.
"But what should be filled with fulfilling days is just scorn. The well-bred socialite can't love a son who isn't really hers. His eyes are a constant reminder that he's someone else's child. She doesn't want to hold him, touch him, or even look at him if she doesn't have to. The father has great expectations, but when his son can't achieve them, he's distant. They don't tell him the origins of his birth, so the child is left to believe his parents just can't love a disappointment like him."
Great, Wednesday thinks, another idiot with mommy issues. "That was entirely uninteresting and cliche," Wednesday stifles a yawn, annoying Henry.
"Yes, but I'm not quite done."
"Hurry on then. I'm considering dying might be better than listening to the rest of this."
Henry sneers at her but continues on. "The child thinks he's just unloveable. That it's just the way he is, and that's why his parents cannot love him. Until one day, he's rummaging through his father's study in hopes that there's something there that could help him strengthen his psychic abilities."
"Let me guess," Wednesday drones. "You found a letter from either the doctor or the coroner about the day your birth mother had you but your father had her killed right after."
Henry looks surprised.
"Amateurs," Wednesday huffs. 
"Yes," Henry looks miffed that his plot twist was ruined. "The doctor injected nightshade into her IV, and because she was poor, her death was never looked into after the report the doctor gave."
"So?" Wednesday raises her brow. "What are you going to wish for? Your birth mother to come back so someone might love you as pathetic as you are?"
"I'm going to rewind time," Henry reveals, scowling at her. "I'm going to go back in time and kill Tyler before he can awaken as a hyde."
"Why?" Wednesday demands. "That mongrel is already behind bars and rotting. Even if you rewind back time, he's not going to awaken his hyde for you. He has severe mommy issues just like you do, and you don't seem like the motherly type."
"Not to kill my parents," Henry snaps. "For me, for my life at Nevermore. Everything was perfect before Tyler came along."
Wednesday furrows her brows. "What the hell do you—"
"If Tyler didn't come along, Miss Thornhill would still be here and she'd be focusing on me!" Henry shouts, gripping his knife tightly until veins become visible on his arms. 
Wednesday's eyes scrunch up in disgust, her head bobbing back with disbelief. "You're doing all this for Thornhill?" Her tone hides none of the contempt she feels. "Are you an absolute imbecile? Thornhill was using Tyler because she hates outcasts. She hates you too, you stupid—"
"That's not true!" Henry thunderously shouts at her. "Tyler and I were different. She cared about us but she chose Tyler because he was stronger! I'm different now! I can help her achieve her goals and we will be happy after."
"No," Wednesday curls her lip at Henry. "You were her puppet until she decided you were useless and Tyler could help her kill everyone. You do realize that was her goal, right? You'd only be kept alive until she decides she doesn't need you in her normie world."
"Shut up!" Henry's red in the face as he roars at her, stomping toward her. 
Wednesday hardens her stance, bending her knees slightly to keep her grounded. She blocks Henry's attempt to stab her before using her other elbow to dig into his sternum. It makes Henry stagger back, coughing, and grip his chest, but he hangs onto the knife. He recovers quickly before he moves back towards her, swinging the knife back and forth.
Wednesday dodges, but Henry extends his arm, and it nicks her cheek. The cut stings, and Henry grunts as he tackles her to the ground. He meant to stab her in the neck, but Wednesday moved her arm just in time and stabbed the outside of her bicep. Wednesday grunts in pain when he rips it out. 
His height difference gives him the advantage, and they're rolling on the ground. The force of the tackle made the back of Wednesday's head slam into the ground. She can feel a warm liquid dripping down the back of her head, but she doesn't let it stop her. 
Wednesday knees him in his groin, which makes him drop the knife, roll onto his back, and hold the tender area with a groan. Wednesday quickly kicks the knife away and gets on top of him, punching him in the face before she wraps her fingers around his neck and squeezes.
Henry is struggling and wheezing, his hand wrapped around his wrist, attempting to rip them away, but Wednesday's grip is firm. She can feel his Adam's apple giving, and she squeezes tighter. 
Henry flails around, winding the back of his hand, and punches Wednesday in her temple. He wore a ring that dug into Wednesday's skin and ripped it open. 
The force and cut of it make Wednesday dizzy, and she's forced to let go as she staggers to the side. Henry is gasping for air but immediately scrambles for the knife. He has a cut on his brow from where Wednesday punched him, and his neck was wrung red. 
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Henry shouts, enraged as he grabs the knife. 
Wednesday is still lying on the floor, holding herself up on her elbow as she is holding her temple while her own blood coats her hand. 
The noise is deafening, and it makes you breathe deeply. 
You begin to stir, your fingers twitching. The sound of your leg moving grates against the stone table.
Henry and Wednesday snap their heads in your direction. 
"How did you..." Henry starts to say.
"Don't...touch her..." your voice is raspy and lethargic as you slowly sit up.
"Don't move," Henry threatens, grabbing the collar of Wednesday's shirt and pressing the knife against her throat. "Don't move, or I'll slice her neck open!"
Wednesday is staring at you. It's hard to see your eyes with your head tilted down and your palm pressed against your eye.
"How the hell did you wake up?' Henry seethes. "The draeconium should've kept you unconscious even when I started to cut your wings. You shouldn't have fought against it. This would've made all of it less painful."
The chain rattles as you move your palm away and look up at them. Wednesday could feel Henry tense, and she could understand why. 
Your eyes have transformed, and they were completely pitch black—even your sclera. You looked more like a demon than a faerie, and Wednesday felt her heart skip. She's entranced, eyes unable to look away. 
"I'm a high lord's daughter," your voice rumbles quietly, your eyes narrowing on them. "I'm a night faerie. You think I wouldn't be trained to have resistance against draeconium poison?"
Henry's jaw clenches, and Wednesday can't tell for certain, but she's pretty sure your eyes drop to look at the knife against her neck. 
"Let her go," you demand. "Let us both go, and the worst that will happen to you is an expulsion."
Your voice isn't threatening in any way. It's almost calm, and Wednesday almost scoffs that you'd think this psychopath would listen to you. 
"Expulsion?" Henry laughs. "The second Weems learns what I did, there's no way I won't be going to jail. My parents might just execute me out of shame."
"You could probably use your last meal to request to see your beloved Thornhill first, if she even agrees to see you," Wednesday mutters. The knife presses further into her neck threateningly. A thin slit of blood drips down from Wednesday's neck.
"There's only one way I'll let her go," Henry looks at you warily, trying to bargain. "Your wings for her life. I'll tie Wednesday up as leverage but the second I have your wings, I'll let her go."
"Only a moron would believe that," Wednesday drones, her face impassive. 
"She can't wait that long," you argue back, ignoring Wednesday. "She's losing blood in her arm."
"It's not fatal," Henry shakes his head. "I'll let you seal the wound up, but if I don't have your wings before the moon moves from the highest point in the sky, I will kill her."
"Don't bargain with me," you warn him, but your delicate tone doesn't scare Henry at all. 
Henry glares at you. He's losing his patience as he presses the knife further into Wednesday's neck, and she can feel it cut into her skin more. "There's nothing you can do but accept my bargain. You're lucky I'm even offering to let Wednesday go. I could kill her right now and still take your wings—"
Your eyes, filled with nothing but darkness, flash dangerously at him.
"Shit!" Henry suddenly curses, tenses up, and Wednesday sees his eyes cloud over. She knows that he can no longer see the way he's frantically looking around. She moves her head back, so the knife is no longer pressed against her neck. 
You suddenly spread your wings to their full span. Your wounds rip open, and blood rapidly rushes down, soaking your fingers and staining the stone table. They fill in the carved inscriptions but pour over onto the ground. 
You flap your wings, rising. The chain initially resists, but with another flap, it breaks like a measly string. 
You're hovering in the air, held up by your wings. Blood coats your shirt and cheek when your wings flap, splattering blood everywhere. 
It's terrifying how much blood you're losing, but Wednesday can't help the hitch of breath in the back of her throat. 
You look like a fallen angel. Like you fought tooth and nail before heaven cast you out.
You force your wings to their full wingspan and flap them with a reckoning force. The wind you create is so powerful that it forces Henry to fly back. He collides with a pillar, his body arches from the impact, and he gasps painfully. He drops the knife and falls onto his knees, coughing. 
You swoop down towards him, standing in front of him as you grab the collar of his shirt with both your hands, pressing him against the pillar to hold him up as he can't even stand. Henry is sure you've broken his ribs. 
"Lucky?" You snarled before seething at him. "Did you think because I smiled at you that I was kind? That I wasn't capable of hurting you?"
Wednesday looks down at her hand, covered in blood and soaked feathers that fell when you flew over her. The air is hard to breathe after your wings disrupt the air, almost like she's choking. 
This was what her vision meant. 
How utterly useless to figure it out now. 
All Wednesday can smell is blood, all she can hear is your breathing and the sound of your wings. Your voice—raspy and rumbling—is all she can hear. Even when she closes her eyes, the image of you in the air with your bloodied wings is imprinted—burned into the back of her eyes. 
Everything about you has taken Wednesday's senses hostage.
"Say, Henry," you say, and Wednesday feels a chill down her spine in the calm and light way you say it. "What do you think would happen to you if I dropped you from 1500ft? Do you think you'd die, or do you think you'd survive and just become paralyzed?"
"Please—" Henry whimpers, begging. He screws his eyes shut despite the fact that even if they're open, he can't see anything but pitch black. It's just instinct at this point.
"Let's see who's really lucky," you tell him, pulling him from the pillar, your wings fluttering. "You or me."
You're about to take off when you feel your shirt being tugged at. 
You look over to find Wednesday standing, parts of her temple crusted with dry blood while fresh blood pouring down a line. 
Wednesday is looking at you sternly, her brows furrowed deeply while hiding something else she is feeling—desperation. 
"Don't fly," she demands you, her voice serious. "If you fly, you'll lose too much blood and you won't make it."
You merely stare at her, and Wednesday wonders if you can even hear her.
"I'm okay," Wednesday tells you quietly instead. "We both are." She turns her head to look at Henry, who looks like he has passed out from the pain in his ribs. "He's done. He can't do anything anymore."
The words seem to reach you as you loosen your grip, dropping Henry, and he falls to the floor on his side. 
You turn to Wednesday, blood dripping drop after drop from the end of your wings. 
"You've ruined your wings again," Wednesday scowls at you, and your lip twitches. "You fool, they will never heal at this rate."
"They will," your voice was raspy. "I just need intensive care for the rest of the year."
Wednesday keeps her scowl at you, and you smile weakly at her.
"Thank you for coming to find me," you tell her, your voice lulls Wednesday.
"Of course, you were late," Wednesday relaxes her face as she looks over your wings. As much as she hated to admit it, this was out of her hands, and they needed the nurse.
You smile sadly, and it looks strange with someone whose eyes are completely black. "I missed our date."
"Stop with the look," Wednesday orders. "It's unnecessary. I can always plan it again."
You look happy, then. But you also look extremely tired. The black from your eyes fades and after a couple long blinks, they become normal again. 
"Thank you for saving me," Wednesday eventually says, her features looking soft as they gaze at you. "Even if you were stupid enough to ruin your wings."
You chuckle, but it's weak. You lift your hand, almost hesitating to touch Wednesday's face since your hands are coated in blood. But Wednesday leans into it, letting it smear her cheek.
You're so warm, and it's comforting to Wednesday. It was a sign you were alive. 
Making sure you paid for making her feel wretched over you would have to wait because all Wednesday can do right now is be thankful you're alive.
You lean towards her face, your lips hovering over hers. 
"Don't die," Wednesday quietly commands. "Ever. Especially without me."
You smile, and it brushes against Wednesday's lip. 
"Are you threatening me with a good time again?" you murmur. "But okay, only because you have such a way with words."
You're about to close the distance, but you slump against her instead, passing out.
Wednesday holds you securely, her eyes widening. 
Suddenly, Enid burst through the room. Well, first, it was a bee, and then Enid.
"We're here! I'm going to wolf out and beat that motherfuc—oh, you guys already won."
The group follows quickly behind Enid, taking in the gory scene.
"Jesus Christ, Addams," Bianca scowls at her. "Did you make Fae do all the work? What happened to the Addams that held someone hostage to torture them?"
Wednesday doesn't respond to the comment, merely passing you to Enid and Yoko to carry. "Take her to the nurse quickly."
"It'll be faster if I carry her in my wolf form," Enid says. "Let's take her outside first."
"I can do some first aid to hold her over," Bianca follows. "Let's get her near the river; I can use the river water."
They all take a moment to stare at you. 
"I didn't know she had wings," Yoko comments. "They're beautiful."
"If rumors of her wings go around, I will—"
"Obviously, we're not going to talk about them, Addams," Bianca rolls her eyes. "You don't need to threaten our lives."
Wednesday shrugs. 
"Let's just get going," Enid starts to move. Everyone begins to follow except Xavier. He stays and lingers around Wednesday.
"You need medical attention too," Xavier glosses over her, specifically the wound in her arm. 
"I'm fine," Wednesday brushes him off, turning around to stare at Henry on the ground. "You should go help them."
Xavier follows Wednesday's gaze. "I can help you carry him back."
"I'm not bringing him back," Wednesday monotones.
Xavier sighs. "Wednesday, I know what he did was horrible and he should die for it, but you can't kill him. Weems might—"
"I'm not going to kill him either," Wednesday interrupts. "You should leave."
"Now, Xavier," she snaps.
Xavier hesitates for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh and turning to leave the room.
Something scuddles into the room, and Wednesday turns to see Thing.
"There you are, Thing," Wednesday says. "Let's see if your scalpel skills improved."
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stuckinapril · 7 months
hello! i also don't have instagram (and personally i've really enjoyed my time having) but i wanted to also ask how/what your experience has been without it (and also ashstfu's if they want to share :))
p.s. i love your blog mwah!!
Ash has absolutely no regrets hahaha. Like she gives no fucks about not having ig at all. It makes sense bc she’s a lowkey person to begin with / prefers to stay out of the loop. The pros outweigh the cons for me as well, but I’ll give you a comprehensive list anyway so you can make your own conclusions. Hope this helps <3
There’s less to talk about w your friends. Unless you talk w that particular friend on a daily basis, not many people will be good about updating you about their lives. I actually found that watching people’s stories helps me start a conversation w them on whatever their stories were about, whereas if you don’t have insta you kind of have to dig. A lot of people are just used to others watching their stories rather than actually having a conversation about it, so this could impede communication w more casual friends (or even close ones honestly if they’re just bad at socializing, which a lot of people are now precisely due to apps like ig).
Lots of casual friendships will fizzle out. Insta is perceived as more casual than text, so many people would rather text you through ig rather than something like iMessage. This shouldn’t be a big con if you don’t care about superficial friends to begin w, but if you do it might be a dramatic change / might start to feel lonely.
Small, independently owned businesses love to update through ig, so if you follow those you’ll need another source to stay in the loop through. Same goes w album drops / tours / tickets. That kind of information is almost always shared through Instagram first.
Orgs love to update through insta as well, whether it be your uni orgs or nonprofit orgs. You’ll have to work a little harder to extract information your peers might have acquired just by checking their stories.
I used to follow the paris review / ny times / the new yorker / the washington post etc etc, and I actually really enjoyed their daily posts/stories. Same goes for the once-a-day poem accounts I followed. This is an easy fix tho bc I just substituted it w subscribing to their daily newsletters / one poem a day newsletters, but if you’re not into that maybe take this into consideration.
You kind of become?? A ghost??? The moment you decide to eschew an ig presence, you become inconvenient to a lot of people who couldn’t be bothered to hit you up & learn what’s going on in your life. So definitely prepare to find out who really cares and who doesn’t when you deactivate insta hahahah. This was a pro to me, but I can understand why it’s a con for a lot of people who like their casual networks.
You don’t have the compulsion to check on anybody else. At all. Which is good, bc the human brain is absolutely not designed to know what 800 people are doing at any given moment. It’s too much. It leaves you burned out bc of media consumption overload, but not many people realize this. I realized it once I deactivated Insta & magically started having a will to live again hahah.
You won’t be in an imaginary competition w other people. Instagram is all about glamor. It’s all about fabricating a life that does not actually exist, for the purpose of impressing people you don’t actually know. Once you have insta out of your system, you’ll stop comparing your life w the make-believe lives people on Instagram want you to think are actually real. I had a very bad phase of comparing myself bc of ig, so deactivating it really helped me not be so hard on myself.
No FOMO. You won’t feel like you constantly have to be updated on your insta feed. You don’t need to know what celebrity selfie #827262626 is or story #2728727 is about.
You won’t feel the dying need to be perceived. Every trip isn’t about taking pictures you can post on your ig. Every good thing in your life doesn’t have to be something that gets broadcasted to your followers. You’ll enjoy sweet moments in the privacy of your own mind, and you’ll go somewhere for the simple joy of going somewhere rather than posting about it for validation, and you’ll be more present in general. Big pro for me. Very big pro.
No creeping your significant other’s insta to see who they followed, what they liked, etc. Blessed to have never fallen victim to this.
You’ll actually discover who your real friends are—the people who actually make the effort to hit you up to know what you’re up to, rather than choose the path of least resistance (liking your picture and moving on with their lives a second later).
Less time on your phone!!! This is so important. This genuinely scares me sometimes, bc imagine how many hours it would be if you summed every hour you spent glued to your phone over your whole life. The answer will always be too many. We already have so little time on this earth. Digital minimalism really is the way to go if you want to live a life you won’t abhor on your deathbed. This is not impossible to achieve while also having an ig, but this app has been designed by several people to be as addictive as possible. Sometimes deactivating it is better than simply minimizing it.
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jingsyuans · 11 months
reinforcing that ask about braiding jing yuan’s hair …imagine the relaxed look on his face as you run your fingers through his locks, pressing soft kisses on his temple, his beauty mark and all over his face. he chuckles softly because its ticklish and gentle. this man is always the one giving, giving and giving (to be the point its borderline self sacrificing)—for the luofu, the cloud knights, the xianzhou—so to be the receiving end of affection is refeshing. he also seems the type to be observant and appreciative of acts of service. he’d have this fond look in his eyes when he sees you’re dozing with an already fed mimi or smile softly after finding out you’ve watered his garden when he forgot to because of paperwork. i just feel like this man, while he wont always explicitly ask for it, yearns for affection that just comes naturally in the most mundane things and its make my heart do things aaaa
also i love how ur blog is a mix of fluff and smut (everyone is down bad for jing yuan lol) he is such a good character with many strengths and flaws. i cant wait for the next installment because of the lore and more of jing yuan’s character and how he relates to the other xianzhou characters (will not spill who in case u havent seen the leaks)~
I definitely think Jing Yuan's love language is through acts of care like that. Helping him fold his laundry, helping him dress in the morning, reminding him to eat... Jing Yuan is fully capable of taking care of himself and he's done so for many years, so it's refreshing and sparks a lot of feelings in him when you naturally look after him and help him on your own accord. Means a lot to someone like him.
Also HAHA yeah, I really need to... write for more characters. But my hyperfixations really focus on One Guy at once so it's definitely catered eating here LOL. First it was itto, then diamant, now jing yuan.., truthfully I want to write itto more. I just dont want to dissuade my audience IG since I've written specifically for JY so far. But also i do what i want so I should just write it anyway haha
((Thank u for not spoiling 😔 i know a little about the next installment just because its the things Everyone Talks About no matter where i go, but i try to keep the majority under wraps and avoid spoilers until it's out in the game itself! More fun that way))
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enavstars · 1 year
Hello! I've been following your blog for a bit and I was wondering what exactly Lloyd in Siren and Pirates AU looks like compared to the two siblings? Does he have any other differences compared to normal sirens or any immediate telltale signs that he's a hybrid? Also are there any other characters like Skylor, Ronin, or even the Overlord? I can imagine Ronin potentially being a side threat as a siren hunter or something, but the roles could still be different too. Speaking of which what exactly are Wu and Garmadon doing since Misako's dead?
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Lloyd is mostly human and his features are noticeable but he can hide them easily, people just tend to think he has a weird illness. The reason they don't think he's a hybrid is because humans can't reproduce with sirens, but Wu and Garmadon , being demigods , can shapeshift, that's why Lloyd is the only hybrid in the world.
After Misako's death, Wu and Garmadon kept doing what they always had, travelling around the world watching it change along the creatures in it, always without being seen themselves. Wu is curious about humans and is usually near them while Garmadon sticks next to the sea life. Garmadon also often visits Lloyd.
They are considered Sea gods by humans and each town worships one of them, the "good" one (the other sibling is considered the "evil" one).
Lloyd gets to have a normal, calm life in this AU because he deserves it!
As for other characters, I decided that captain Soto is going to be the Bounty's old captain that's going to be kicked out eventually.
Other pirates are Nadakhan (he's human in the AU), Chen and Iron Baron.
Nadakhan is a really smart and manipulative pirate that, despite having only one ship, is very powerful and feared.
Chen is trying to build the biggest army and already has a lot of ships under his command. He's a potential threat but the emperor won't do anything against him yet. Skylor is with him until she joins the Bounty's crew after Chen's defeat.
Iron Baron is a pirate but his crew focuses on hunting sea monsters, including sirens.
I like the idea of Ronin being a siren hunter and I thought that the people of the town of Stixx are also siren hunters because they live in siren territory. Stixx also produces the best sea monster hunting technology.
Said sirens are the ghosts of season 5 (they're alive of course). The preeminent is an abnormally big siren (twice the size a normal one). Morro is also a siren and he is obsessed with finding the legendary siren Wu.
Harumi is the princess of the biggest kingdom in Ninjago (the other one being Shintaro) and she wants to get rid of the pirates because pirates killed her biological parents. She also wants to kill all sea monsters and hires hunters without the emperor's knowledge.
Lastly, Echo is a noble like his older brother Zane who ran away from home shortly after him to find him.
The Overlord can be a sea monster ig
That's all extra characters I have for now.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Firstly, I wanted to say I love your page and appreciate your honest perspective when it comes to BTS and jikook in particular. I am an “older” Army and can appreciate the viewpoint of someone who’s lived life a little and has seen many types of relationships. It’s very hard to not realize there’s something between JK and Jimin when you’ve seen examples of it time and time again in your own life or those around you. So thank you for making me feel less crazy!
I haven’t followed your page for very long and realize you may have touched on this in the past, but I was wondering what your thoughts are on this: Could V sometimes bringing up Jungkook/Jimin together or separately (usually Jungkook…let’s be real) and mentioning that they’ve hung out with him or seemingly being “encouraging” of a certain ship, possibly be his odd way of trying to distract from the real relationship he knows exists between jikook? Like in his own special Teahyung way be trying to help? For a long time, there has always been something that didn’t quite sit right with me when it came to V. I think it was his constant need for attention….don’t get me wrong, I love many things about him as well and know he can’t be very sweet and thoughtful and funny and endearing. I love them all very much. But am wondering what you think about V sounding like he sometimes encourages a taekook ship (ie, the last surprise live at JKs house or the live where he mentioned gaming with JK) because maybe in his own special way, he’s trying to protect? He does tend to do things in a very unique way. I don’t know! Let me know what you think!
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Hey @sweetbslm108, welcome and thank you.
And hi @nut2019 😊
Now, I know both of these asks are kind of on the different sides of the spectrum, but I kind of felt like they can be answered together, because of the one communality, and that's, but of course, Tae THE MAN.
Also, before starting I need to say this is all my opinion. Take it or leave it.
I think I kinda talked about this here a bit too:
Let me just clarify what Tae shared in his IG story yesterday @nut 2019. It was a photo and a clip taken on the night after the movie premiere that JK and Tae went to, which was the 24-25 April 2023 - which as of today is 3 weeks ago. It's clearly that night and it's also clear it's not a date or an outing of the two alone, but a group outing with Tae and his friends (a couple from the Wooga squad and a couple I personally do not recognize). Yes, he posted it on Yellow day, but clearly has zero to do with that day.
I don't think Tae is encouraging the ship, but as an agent of chaos, he might be enjoying the aftermath of his handy work, maybe a little too much, lol.
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Look, let's get serious here for a sec.
I love Tae to bits. I think it was even in one of the comments to the post I linked that someone mentioned thinking he's neuro divergent, and I was going "YES, FINALLY", because I've been saying this since forever. I'm no psychiatrist, so obviously I won't be handing out a diagnosis here, but, that said, his behavior, his quirkiness, his lack of understanding social queues and others emotions at times. The way he just says what pops to head, no matter if it has anything to do with the subject, and no matter what the consequences might be (take his 2015 radio interview fiasco literally outing JM on live air).
Tae is who he is. Always has been. And we all need to remember that the others all love him. All of them (including those we tend to champion). They might be frustrated with him at times. Angry with him. Might want to end him at times (from what JK spilled about the dumpling fight I kind of feel that was one of those times, lol), but you know, we all have those days with our loved ones too, so yeah.
In any case, whatever it may be, since the hiatus Tae has started to move in a certain recognized pattern that many Jikookers aren't happy with.
I understand the frustration that not only Jikookers have with him when it comes to that (and I'm saying that Tae stans are also feeling it). It feels like he lacks the energy to give to the fandom, interact with them, and maybe he feels that by dropping JK's name or posting a pic or clip with him he's making them happy (obviously aware of how much JK is loved), all while he obviously also is well aware of the chaos he's creating by doing so (claiming that he doesn't is a little naïve). It's kind of a minimum work maximum impact situation.
You are right @sweetbslm108 about Tae's mind being different to ours, it feels like his thought process is on a different parallel level. It's not by chance that JM called him his alien, lol. But saying that, I really don't think that this is his twisted way of going about protecting Jikook. I, personally, have no issues with him mentioning JK if it's part of the natural development of the conversation, kind of like he did during his live a few weeks back in the car. Doing so while talking about this and that, maybe also mentioning the others. They are good friends and clearly have gotten closer over the last few months (I'd say them being left for last and JM being MIA for JK did that), and it's natural they spend time together and it's great if he let's us know about it. But why only JK lately? That's what I keep asking myself, because he's not the only member he's in touch with or spent time with in the past few months. And coming live for a few minutes and dropping JK's name for what seems so purposeful, so much so that I've seen several Tae stans complaining about it. Because it doesn't feel natural. It doesn't feel like he's coming to talk to army or update them.
And I feel like it's ok to criticize him, criticize his behavior.
JK himself (there I go name dropping) said they are only human, which they are.
I keep saying it too, human beings with feelings and wants and needs, not 2 dimensional characters like many fans see them as.
And as such, they are not infallible. And they are definitely not beyond reproach.
And saying out loud, sounding said criticism, it doesn't make you a hater.
We criticize our loved ones, reprimand them when we feel they are doing wrong, and we do it out of love. So what's the difference here?
It should be part of the open discussion. Those who think it's wrong, those who don't, all respectful, no hate.
We don't do hate!!!
We love all 7 members.
We might feel more of an emotional connection with some rather than others, but we love them all, each in their own way.
And if I wasn't clear about it, then that includes Tae, even if sometimes he does things that might be infuriating.
My daughters can infuriate me at times, doesn't make me love them any less. Also doesn't stop me from letting them know I don't agree with their behavior.
I will end this by saying that we are all different people, we come from different backgrounds, different places in the world, different professions or schooling, different upbringings, different cultures, different life experiences, just different. All those are our baselines. The things that make us who we are, what we think, what we do.
And being different, all gathering here, voicing our opinions, talking to each other, hearing each other out, that will, at the end of the day make us better people. I do believe that. Being able to listen to one another and at times allow ourselves to be convinced one way or another, that makes us better.
Bottom line:
Tae is an agent of chaos. We love him, even when said chaos he is causing can be infuriating (and the thing is, all he's doing is mentioning his friend or posting a pic of them together, but it's what transpires from that due to mainly I-army that irks us so much).
We are also allowed to call him out on it.
No hate. Period.
Have a civil discussion.
You can voice your opinions here, as long as it's respectful and without hate. Not towards the members and not towards each other.
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synthsays · 28 days
Red Dead Modern AU: Synth Edition!
Sorry it took me so long to get it out there but it's here now and I love what I've made up so far >:D
They live out in the country first of all. Let's just say the town is Valentine (cuz I like the name). Dutch Hosea and Susan all co-own a big two story house (similar to the shady belle one but smaller and better kept together) and they own a decent plot of land where there's a handful of mobile home style smaller houses that the rest of the gang live in (some have tents and cars and stuff like that too) They also have cows and horses on their land too. There's and old run down church not far from the camp that's near a creek so they had a stock hold of stuff there (Reverend chills there too cuz I said so).
Now to get into the individual peeps.
So the town of Valentine is pretty far out there so they don't have a fully functioning police system, Dutch offers his men to help with standard stuff and to still have crime control without having to call out an actual squad of police (kind of like in Rhodes with the Grays) Colm Odriscoll also has a couple of his men in the basically volunteer police department so there's some rivalry there. The real rivalry started with a bar fight in the 90s between Colm and Dutch that ended with Annabel and Colm's brother both dying (they "took it outside" into the woofs so there were no witnesses besides them and Hosea) Basically they were both like "I won't turn you in if you don't turn me in" so it was a stalemate. Colm ODriscoll owns one of those all boys reform school ranches that turn out to be abusive, that's where Kieran works as a stable hand of course (Colm has his gang of people aside from the school). So basically Ducth has somewhat control over this town plus a rivalry with Colm. He's still a little crazy so he basically how they get Kieran to join there side is threatening him with incriminating evidence agaist him (dutch knows the reform school is bad so he's like "Hey kieran ur gonna get arrested big time cuz u work there even tho you didn't do anything we have this fake evidence agaist you so join us instead) so now he just is a stable hand at a different place. Now as I mentioned Strauss is the most tech savvy of them all (surprising ik) because he basically scams people online. So strauss is usually on the family computer which is just a clunky 2000s pc Hosea bought cuz he wanted to be cool and impress the kids. How they met John is that he was about to get dragged away by some police officer cuz he didn't have a guardian around or something but Dutch ran up to him like "That's where you are! Moms worried sick. Don't you ever run away again r- uuuuh *looks to Hoseas* rrrip...Van Winkle! Let's get you home, thank you officer." And the rest was history ig
Arthur: helps mostly on the farm with the cows and stuff (cowpoke lol), owns a really beat up truck (John crashed it)
Dutch: no license lol, manages money for the farm, selling etc., is a conspiracy theorist he has one of those red string boards, probably stays up all night looking at his phone (facebook), tries to be "hip" but fails miserably, infinite amount of Hawaiian shirts where dies he keep getting these-
Hosea: used to own a motorcycle, crashed it unfortunately, shoplifts because he thinks it's funny, is actually cool unlike Dutch, has a garden.
John: dropped out of highschool rip, ran away 100 times as a kid but always called when he was like somehow 15 miles away like "mom come pick me up I'm scared", duct tapes whatever is broken no matter what it is. Works with cows on the farm but usually let's arthur do the actual work
Tilly: most put together of the main family. Student teacher at the school, likes hunting and has deer antlers in her room, helps mostly with the horses on the farm.
Charles: national park ranger (works at the nearest one even though it's still a 2 hours drive or something like that so he wakes up really early), has a blog about nature and park rangers stuff.
MaryBeth: has a book club (they meet in the cafe every Friday 3 pm), fanfic writer, would have a pretty huge following
Pearson: owns a cafe (saves a table area for Mary beth on fridays), has a huge postcard collection, watches cooking TV shows religiously lol
Susan: facebook gossip (has one of those old lady groups), principal at the school, cigarette mom
Sadie: Works for animal control, owns a cabin with Jake
Kieran: loves bass pro, works as a stable hand, plays those stupid horse care mobile games, has a yt channel (centered around horses)
MaryBeth: has a book club (they meet in the cafe every Friday 3 pm), fanfic writer, would have a pretty huge following
Susan: facebook gossip (has one of those old lady groups), principal at the school, cigarette mom
Sadie: Works for animal control, owns a cabin with Jake
Kieran: loves bass pro, works as a stable hand, plays those stupid horse care mobile kids games, has a yt channel (centered around horses)
Trelawny: van life style travels around the country in a caravan, also has a yt channel the videos usually only have a couple likes, maybe one or two comments (centered very random stuff mostly magic tricks)
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 2 months
Hello, Fabulous Fans of the Fandom!!! It has definitely been a hot second.
Didn't post anything about their posts, and Pap walks, for the reason that I'm pretty sure they're getting ideas from rant posts like mine... Didn't want them getting more ideas, so no rant post.
But today, I'm making an exception. 😉
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Before we begin though, 👸 wants to give y'all a small warning ⚠️
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To start, let's look at this photo...
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Is that who we think it is?
Is it?
Is it?
Nah, I'm just kidding. Don't worry if you thought it was Albitch, trust me, you weren't the only one 😆
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Thank you, 👸 for handing me these screenshots 😁
"Funny how, Kim Kardashian's nudes made her famous. But when AB did it, to try and get attention, we constantly mock her for it."-👸
Girl! You've got a point 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Now that I have your attention, let's get to my main topic...
WTF has been happening lately?!?!
Well, for one thing, I know we're all tense one way or another about Valentine's Day. Since aside from being the most romantic day of the year, it's also the anniversary of the dreaded VDay photo dump.
And then there's the uterus-obssesed trolls from her side, expecting a baby announcement... Fuck y'all, by the way 🖕 which made me more tense about February 14.
But what happens a few hours before February 14 American time? Chris posts an adorable video about Dodger instead.
Still, that didn't help alleviate the tension. Because Dodger might help a little, but he's been used before, and it most definitely wasn't fun.
But then, it turns out Albitch isn't even in the same country. She flew to France with a bunch of friends. Friends who were seen to be posting to their boyfriends, saying how they missed them.
But why is Albitch's trip so important? Well, let me tell you. She WASN'T in the same country, when Chris just proved he's in Mass, and her friends' posts showed her WITHOUT her ring, in France.
Oddly enough, it was around this time, that photos of ringless-Chris-lookalike surfaced. The photos that were shown and sent to people/blogs that were guaranteed to get it circling the internet before the end of the day.
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Seriously, are they slipping? Or was it deliberate?
Anyway, when Valentine's finally came, we were in the clear. Chris' Instagram remained silent, except for that one significant Dodger post.
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Things stayed relatively quiet for a while, aside from the France trips making their rounds here and there. But it all came to a head earlier, when Chris posted on his story...
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Further confirming how far apart he, and his dear "wife" really are. Who's been seen, eating out in France, still missing her ring...
I mean, really? Do y'all not eat out with finger jewelry? Is that another lame excuse y'all have for her?🙄
And three days ago, this article gets released... And the legitimacy is still up for debate, but the fact that it's here, feels like the perfect storm to me.
Not saying that it's the beginning of the end. But it's something!
Now, honestly, it's a mess in the Fandom. This whole thing is causing a shit storm, like always, and it's not pretty.
But whether or not this means something, we have to keep a level head. This could go either way. Which is why I, personally am taking the win.
Wins are few and far between right now, so, I'm taking it. And I'm also finishing two fics, and enjoying my book. Which is a pretty big deal, considering, I haven't been able to finish a book for most of last year 🥺
Thank you to my fabulous friends for sourcing me, and guiding me to the screenshots that allowed me to make my posts. Y'all truly are the best eyes and ears, a girl can ask for. 🫶
And please let me know, or feel free to add, if I forgot anything, guys😊
Until the next one!
❤️ Booky
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ask-serendipity-sky · 9 months
"I cannot for the love of the gods come up with a theory on why Jk is ok with getting all this nice promo while Jimin got nothing". How about u try to change your solo perspective that makes u look at jimin like a victim all the time? Jimin GOT promotions, and a big one, money related. He had 2 mv that took a lot of budget and preparations: the 2 mv needed sets to be created, and SMFPT2 set was HUGE. He promoted at korean music shows, which too took a lot of money to build those giant sets. Yes, he did have a short promotion period, for reasons we dont know but my guess is that Suga needed to do his comeback because of the tour and i hate the person who came up with those dates but ok... We all know Face promotions got some biiiig problems and im still mad about it, we just dont know what really happened, but i'm sure jimin would fight back if he thought he was being mistreated. But to say that jm got zero promotions... nah
Face, Like Crazy and Seven r different projects, with different visions and different goals. Jimin wanted to tell his story of when he was going through a hard time, and he wanted to do it in korean, promoting more in Korea, with songs that, in the end, only him and people close to him know the meaning. Yet, he did AMAZING and made history (is still making). It seems to me that the #1 on hot100 was unexpected to the company and even jm, but yet they did provided to us 2 versions of Like Crazy, one of them being an eng. ver, and promoted at Jimmy Fallon... So maybe they still hoped that the song would do well internationally? (pdogg tho... he just KNEW face would be massive and destroy kpop). But Jungkook... i think that, for a long time now, he aims to achieve western recognition, way more than jm, and thats ok. So Seven obviously is a song to the US market, and all of us know that. The song is in english, is very pop, written and produced by an american guy that is responsable to other huge hits. It is made to be stuck in our heads, not to make us think about deep things. It is breaking and will break so many records just like LC, but the difference is that the success is THE GOAL (remember all of that Scooter posts on his ig?). Jimin wanted to tell his truth with Face, Jk wants to be closer to being a big pop star with Seven. So, of course Seven would get a different type of promotion.
And btw, just because the song is doing really good and is aiming to the US market, doesnt mean it is by having deals and paying for playing. Its the Jeon Jungkook, of BTS, we are talking about. Jk seems very happy and jimin seems happy for him. I dont think jimin would support jk if he thought he was doing wrong. He didnt post anything, but he did not post about L&R and Dreamers too. He supported jk with Dreamers by posting about his presentation at Qatar, and now he supported seven by going all the way to NYC to be with him.
All of this to say: Jimin is not a victim, he is a badass and he knows how to stand up for himself. When will you come out as a solo, btw? its getting old...
Hi anon,
When will you try thinking for once instead of being a parrot and writing what you've read in other blogs?
Your entire ask is wrong. I don't even know where to start.
YOU sound like a jjk solo or delusional jikooker or Jk biased jikooker.
But you know what? Call me a solo. I don't mind. Anyone who ever defends Jimin or loves Jimin is always called a solo. Why? Because no body else defends him or loves him like solos do. So, sure. Call me a solo.
First of all, we are talking about THE Park Jimin. Of BTS. That's who are talking about.
I'm done with people who, somehow for some delusional reason, think Jimin is inferior to Jungkook. You know nothing about Jimin if you think this.
I've NEVER said that Jimin got 0 promotions. I've been screaming (into the void, apparently) that Jimin only got 9 days of promo that were too hard on his body and had to wear it kt tape for weeks after. I've been screaming that the company is sabotaging him and it's true. People who actually know things about the company know this quite well too.
Take a look at everything and the sabotage is obvious. But look let's start here:
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This same guy posts on DC gallery:
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Yes, Jimin's promo costs money. But so did everyone's. How much do you think payola costs? That's much pricier than what Jimin's promo costs. And either way, Jimin was a return investment.
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Not only did Jimin's place on the charts affect Hybe. It also affected other companies.
And right now the stock at Hybe at decreasing and foreign shareholders are selling to make it seem like Jk's position on the chart will have a bigger impact than it actually will:
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Just watch.
You are proving me right with everything else:
So sure, let's sacrifice Jimin's promo time for Suga even though Suga was the one that postponed his album because it wasn't ready.
Jimin had 2 mvs. Suga had how many? And he had a whole tour too.
Jimin didn't have any visualizers. Jk had how many?
Jimin had 5 versions of Like Crazy. Jk has how many?
Jimin's Like Crazy cd was never stocked. Jk's has been stocked how many times?
You think Jimin doesn't want international recognition? Like Crazy was released in ENGLISH for a purpose.
After Jimin's no.1, if they wanted Like Crazy to succeed in the US market, they would have at least sent it to radio. This would have avoided freefall. They would have also shipped albums on time. They would have also informed us of the rule change for online sales instead of waiting until Suga's album was coming out.
It was the fans that were begging radio to play Like Crazy and the only way to play it was from the mv on YouTube:
There are so many things they could have done differently. They can still do them but they choose not to.
Did you see what was trending today?
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Did you trend this, anon? Since you are so "mad about this"?
You think FACE wasn't created with success in mind? Pdogg came out and said it would break kpop because Pdogg knew what masterpiece FACE is.
You don't have to think deep with Like Crazy or any of the song...um just listen to them?
And don't be daft about Seven:
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And other things. Search "Seven payola" on twitter and you will find it.
So yeah. You are wrong.
If you don't see it, that's because you choose to not see it.
Stop pretending that you "are still mad about it". You don't care about Jimin and only want him for your stupid ship and for him to be Jk's cheerleader.
Ah and he went to NYC for a work thing and to support Jungkook. But he hasn't posted a single thing about Seven. He did post about Dreamers and Left and Right. But no Seven.
You think Jimin only wanted those close to him to listen to his music and know the meaning? He spent 10 months working on this album, hours practicing choreography, dieting, for stupid fans like you to say things like these?
I don't even want to see when he releases new music, appears in stuff with Jungkook, or leaves for military service. All these fake fans will be crying and uwuing when they couldn't lift a finger for him during all this.
To those that try to send others on guilt trips because we defend Jimin or point out the injustices: Are you guys even streaming Seven and Like Crazy to "support them equally"?
At least taekookers have taekook playlists and streaming parties for Jk and Tae. I haven't seen a single playlist around here that has both Jk and Jimin. But yeah, you all are supporters of jikook.
You all come and try to send me on a guilt trip but you all are worse than me. For reals.
You don't deserve Jimin. You and all the people who keep saying all this bullshit because it fits their stupid theories and shipping fantasies don't deserve him.
Jimin deserves so much more than this.
So just stop. Don't come to my blog.
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matan4il · 1 year
I saw your post where you spoke about the 911's cast and writers being aware of Buddie, and the explicit support from some of the cast for Canon!Buddie.
I am quite new to the fandom and so I was wondering if there were any links you could source for this? I am genuinely curious :)
Funnily enough, I started 911 after loving LS, and saw a lot of buddie content on 911 blogs. I figured it was typical queerbaiting (tumblr 2012 era was ✨️ traumatising ✨️ and so resolved not to ship them.
But then I watched the show and yeah…there were definitely interesting choices made that make Buddie such an intricately beautiful ship. It's a slow burn to rival all slow burns :fire:
Needless to say, I'm now 100% on board!
Hi lovely Nonnie and welcome to the fandom! :D I hope you enjoy everything about it and I am so glad to hear you're on board! *hugs*
Okay, for links... TBH I mostly remember things as they happen, I'm less into saving links, but for you I made the effort, I traced my own steps (who knew I actually remembered where I yelled about certain things two and a half years ago? The power of Buddie), and found the source to the stuff I had in mind when I said Ryan, Oliver, JLH and Gavin have all shown support for Buddie. Her we go...
Let's start with Gavin! Obviously it was explained to him in age-appropriate terms, so take that into account, but still, look at how pure his response is (interview from Oct 2021):
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And then they went and they filmed the lasagna scene in 601. You can't tell me that doesn't mean anything!
Now Oliver and Ryan have both expressed support for Buddie more than once, for example you can find my post showing how they were the ones who named our ship! In terms of official interviews, they've mostly given answers that are noncommittal but supportive, stuff along the lines of making sure they don't raise fans' expectations (in case it doesn't happen), but also letting us know they do like the enthusiasm for Buddie, and would be cool if 911 went that way. So most are kind of... let's say diplomatic. I will, however, throw in this live that Ryan did where at first, he had a few answers of that vanilla sort (encouraging the shippers, not promising anything, leaving room for Buddie to happen, but also leaving room for fans who don't want Buddie, and sort off summarizing with, "We'll see what Tim writes"). But then he got a question about Abby and I don't think he could help it, the Buddie shipper just jumped out of him, which I love. I edited and uploaded it to YouTube for you, since stupid Tumblr only allows me to directly upload one vid a post here:
Lastly, but maybe my personal fave, in May 2020, a gay fan of JLH uploaded to his personal IG account a video that he asked her to film with a message for his husband's bday. Here's the relevant part of the vid which I've edited and uploaded for you, where JLH is basically being all of us:
BTW, this is also a reply to the Nonnie who sent this ask:
I know about Ryan, Oliver and JLH but when did Gavin say anything about that?
I hope I managed to answer both of you! Have a great day, and as always, here's my ask tag.
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milksockets · 1 year
how do you find old fetish magazines?
i really came here just to say that i think you would enjoy soft skin latex’s Tom of Finland collab but i always wonder how you find such gems. local library prob isn’t a good bet for me. anyways, have a good day 🖤
the vast majority of what i scan are books/magazines that i've sunk an ungodly amount of $ into, primarily through ebay but occasionally i find something out irl in the wild.
as far as libraries go, it's always worth a try. i had an old blog for probably 10 years that was deleted several months ago, which obviously will scar my soul til i die. but some of those gone-forever scans were actually from materials from my university library in nyc. i still live here + now have a library card for the public library system, probably one of the largest anywhere. and it's pretty barren overall when it comes to this sort of content. there are a few books here + there but they're non-circulating so you have to make a whole fucking appointment to sit in a special room and delicately leaf through the pages under the watchful eye of a septuagenarian (no photocopying allowed, of course).
so basically, online is the best bet, at least in my experience. also i check virtually every day for new listings so i can swoop in + swipe cuz there are a few pervs worldwide who seem to want to hoard every printed fetish item ever made.
and thank you re: soft skin latex! i follow them on IG so i saw those posts; looks wonderful.
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winslowat3am · 2 years
How to gain 800 + new followers in less than a week? I WANT MORE FOLLOWERS bc I wanna sell commission 🎭🎨🖌️🤩
I don't know, my blog just goes haywire with new followers randomly, there's always a surge when I'm gone. I did the math & it was over eight hundred people & counting, within a few days. I'm not sure where they're coming from or what's drawing them here, it can't be YouTube or IG cause I don't have my Tumblr linked there, it's like someone opened a gate & they all ran through. Oh my God, maybe they sniffed out my secret stash of Tumblr snacks & came to take them! Oh my actual God. 🙈🙊 Ever since I said my parents named me after Winnie the Pooh & Winslow Homer it's been more chaotic than usual, so have the asks. Beats me. 😂 But I've always had a generally chaotic blog, energy wise. Lol, just do what those spam blogs do & advertise your shop to death between posts (even though people will probably find it's annoying). Edit: Actually, don't do that. Just post more, I guess? Finesse the tags. I don't know. I've only had my blog for a year, I still don't really get Tumblr, y'know? 🤔 I'm not even fully awake, it's really early, lmao. I just got up to pee cause my wife's wild movements jerked me, woke up to her death gripping my hair, think she was snuggling with it & then she said "hello?" in her sleep in my ear 💀 (wonder what she was dreaming about?). I'm sorry I'm not much help this morning. 😔 But hey. 👋☺️ Enjoy some Winnie & Kanga & Roo (this is me handing you flowers)! *Sits decoy snacks out for new followers* Now they'll be distracted away from my secret stash of deliciosity. 😏
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roobylavender · 2 months
do you think bruce is abusive? i don't mean in the physical way they've been writing his as recently but emotionally.
it's very clear that he does love his children but some abusers do genuinely love the people they hurt and just think they are in the right (thinking of my own dad who somehow couldn't understand why we didn't want to talk to him because he always took care of us but treated our mother. badly. and in front of us when we were little kids.)
and i'm not sure whether i count bruce in that because while it doesn't look like what i'm familiar with i thought i'd ask because only recently i've actually come across people who see him as abusive but do actually see the character as he is and love it and i was wondering what you thought
sorry if i'm dumping too much on you or it isn't something you want to answer, feel free to delete/ignore, i just think the answer is more interesting from people who genuinely love and understand bruce as a character as you seem to and i've only seen it from two other people so i wondered what you thought
i don't mind answering! this is one of those asks where i wish i tagged my stuff bc i've talked about it before but my outbox tag is so populated that it takes way too long to search through lol (and unfortunately as we all know tumblr's in-blog search function is broken beyond repair). but tldr i would say bruce as he's existed for the past thirty years or so is abusive. my divergence in opinion is simply that i don't think he ever should have been made so. his more modern characterization as someone reactive and prone to lashing out at others, particularly his children, has never made sense to me and i don't think it's heavily supported by pre-crisis canon. the extent of bruce's failings as a parent should reflect his inability to communicate and his growing tendency to be a shut-in. which i know some people take to be comparable to neglect but ig i don't think it should ever go that far.. like when i say inability to communicate i don't mean him failing to take care of his kids or giving them their due attention when he's raising them but moreso falling into a pit of despair and guilt once they've reached adulthood bc he feels like he's signed their death note by enabling their lives as vigilantes. i do think parentification can potentially come into it but ideally i would want it to be nipped in the bud sooner rather than later if that makes sense. like we should've been over bruce's depressive "i'm a terrible parent and everyone i love dies so i should just do everything on my own and slowly k*ll myself in the process" episode by the early 00s at latest. and it should've been acknowledged that a large part of what drove him into that depressive episode was jason's death, so realistically being given the time and space to process jason's death and its implications properly would have allowed for bruce to seek closure and move forward and be less.. whatever he is now. to me the successive whammies of identity crisis and war games and under the hood deliberately thwarted that
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octoberautumnbox · 19 days
2 (An ultimate Yuri fic but you're not ready yet?), 5, 22 (instead of two idiots, change it to just Jo Yuri)
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Sneaks into your drafts while Yuri distracts you
i was right this was so fun :DDDD and as always thank u frisky for the wonderful gifs i think u get more notes on my blog than i do LMAOOOO
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to? (Ultimate Yuri fic???)
yuri noona ig??? idk i see the vision if its jiheon but yuri is just too babygirl-coded sdfhjghakjf
on a related note im thinking its too early for me to do threesome and up, lots of moving parts with just two people alr ykno :///// but it's something im gonna do, something i have to do
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
not exactly sure what this means, but if i had to go by how i initially understand it they'd be cheating and noncon. if ever i actually do commit to writing and releasing either (or both) i realize it will be extremely important to put up trigger warnings for those, but on the other hand they'd spoil what i'd be going for so I'll have to think long and hard abt them
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again? (Instead of two idiots, change it to just Jo Yuri)
there's just something so appealing to me about having someone thats just for you idk! that theres a plan somewhere out there that sets someone aside for you and makes circumstances to bring you two together, takes a lot of the guesswork out of love but also at the risk of losing the fun that goes along with finding that perfect person idk im sappy like that :////
NOW YURI THO. idk how much i can say atp bc every ask i've answered today has at least tangentially skirted around spoilers on a future fic/s LMAO but with yuri, to use the autumn box analogy again, i just really want to fill it with yuri "and others," all kinds of yuri and all kinds of tags and all kinds of memories that all go into the little autumn box, and while I do think it's a bit of an idiot move to do so especially to put this much love into something that others would disapprove of, eh it's my autumn box :DDDD
thanks for this and the other asks frisky! it's been a while since i started and you've been with this blog nearly every step of the way, i appreciate it so much <333
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felassan · 1 year
First thing, I love your blog, I've been following it for a while and I have to say that your theories for Dreadwolf and lore in general are the best. 🙈
Second thing, I have a question about Flemythal and Hawke/Warden when they were left in Here Lies the Abyss. Do you think there is a chance for survival for the person that was left in the Fade? I left Hawke cause the game kinda hinted it(from Flemeth warning to Hawke in DA2, Hawke theme playing when they talk with Varric etc). Flemeth took the soul of Urthemiel from Kieran (if he is the old god baby ofc) and is seen sending something into an eluvian before Solas comes to her. Is there a chance she sent it to Hawke/Warden (cause she can waltz into raw Fade with no problem apparently). I'm really curious to hear your thoughts! 😊
hello! welcome, and thanku for the nice msg (❁´◡`❁)
thoughts below 😊
(interesting points about Flemeth's lines to Hawke in DAII, and the Hawke Family Theme playing in the conversation with Varric in DA:I.) whether the person who was left in the Fade could have survived - you know, I'm actually not sure one way or the other? I lean towards they didn't (RIP Stroud), but there's always a chance ig. the text accompanying the choice only says "[x] will likely die to cover your escape", right? the writers could in future write that they survived, if they wanted to write that. you can kill leliana in DA:O and she still comes back in DA:I, in a manner of speaking. (an aside: peoples' art, fics and AUs etc which explore, for example, Hawke escaping from the Fade or the HoF searching for Alistair in the Fade etc, are neat. personally, I always think about this happening wrt Purple Hawkes who got left in the Fade hhh)
about Flemythal and the post-credits scene, she's seen sending something into the eluvian before Solas arrives even when Kieran doesn't exist or the Dark Ritual was never undertaken. so I tend to think it wasn't Urthemiel's soul (or wasn't only Urthemiel's soul) that we see there in that scene.
data-mining the game files on that scene yields these dev notes:
Designer’s Notes: This is Flemeth from the previous two games. In this game, Flemeth’s story comes to a head – she knew that Solas would summon her, and that he would need to steal her power to further his plans. She knew that because they are both elven gods…yet Solas has slept for a thousand years and his power dwindled, while she was killed long ago and a spark escaped from her into the body she now holds. She has nurtured that spark, and knew that Solas would need it. He was once her oldest friend, but she knows in his drive to save the elven people he will kill anyone – even her. She intends to let him have the power, so long as she can pass the essence of her god-hood onto Morrigan, a gift Flemeth had always planned for her daughter yet one Morrigan misunderstood as hostile possession.
dev notes like these from game files don’t always ‘hold true’ by the time the games ship because things can change during development and ‘legacy notes’ sometimes get left in there iirc, or else something which the player experiences or is told to them during the game contradicts them (and in those cases what’s seen/said in-game takes precedence in terms of what’s canon ofc, as these notes aren’t really meant to be ‘seen’ be players). so the notes should probably be taken with a grain of salt. still, my speculation is that the thing Flemythal pushed through the mirror is the essence of her godhood, intended for Morrigan. we don't know where the eluvian in that scene leads - maybe it leads to the Crossroads, rather than the Raw Fade? if the thing we saw was indeed intended for Morrigan, that could make sense, since she has knowledge of and access to the Crossroads.
my alternative speculation is that it was part of Flemythal's own soul; Flemythal has demonstrated before that she can split her soul into different pieces to avoid death, Horcrux-style (like amulet she gave to Hawke in DA2, "the first of my people do not die so easily" etc). 
I'm also unsure about the timing lining up - the post-credits scene with Flemythal and the mirror takes place at an unspecified time after Inquisition but before Trespasser. the person who was left in the Fade was left in there weeks or potentially months before then. so if the thing that was sent was the crux on which the person's survival depended, it would depend on the person who was left behind defeating Nightmare and surviving alone in the Fade for quite a long time until receiving the thing that was sent.
ofc, none of that means the person left in the Fade couldn't have a chance to survive separate to that.
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Going to be blogging here with my think pieces bc I want to be off Ig more
I love the appeal of the American Gothic and have for many years. There was a long time it resonated with me because its harrowing images of a cross hailing over these pockets of a failed American dream. Poverty and violence hammering down a God fearing, repressive and resentful community. I saw myself in that- abstaining and howling. Hungry and never indulging.
I clung to these narratives of despair, the aching beauty in the horrors of trauma. Our mother's quiet rage, our father's apparent fury. It mirrors home, it mirrors the suffering that is felt in these sacrifice zones, in these places lost to exploitation of the land and its people. It is the consequence of being collateral in capitalism. There are so many layers to peel back. It feels self destructive almost to seek out these kind of aesthetics. Its a beautiful and startling outlet to be able to do photoshoots and write poetry capturing these heavy emotions I feel, but it is painful work.
What is the natural conclusion to nihilism? Suicide or existentialism maybe, at least from what I've observed. I've gone through the motions, moved through existential, absurdism, stoicism... i can go on and on. Where is this going? I feel like I'm running this blog and beating a dead horse. Indulging in a phase of my life I may have moved on from. Clinging to the narrative I no longer want to live by. There is beauty in the violence, this will always be familiar to me and these heavy emotions may never leave me, but I feel a need to move forward anyway.
Its not all in vain by any means. In my time exploring my identity through the lens of the American Gothic I've been able to establish a stronger connection to my roots, my family and the land we inhabit. Its funny how you grow up resentful of a place and now I have so much respect for it. I was angry at my community for a long time, but I see them with more clarity now. Being able to explore that rage through photography and literature has been so liberating.
Perhaps there are some stones unturned: female power, female wolf archetypes, and wild women may be the next phase if I continue on the path of capturing the American Gothic. But for now I'm listening to this song, thinking about my own inclination to wandering and searching.
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