#if they don't look forty well. I'll do better next time
resetting37 · 5 months
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Character timeline ! I’ve been wanting to draw my ocs (Advik, Morgan, Avery, Katsumi, Audrey, Zack) in different stages of their lives more, so here they are !
Children (~ten years old)
Late teens - Early adults (18-21). I know this one is close to their current versions but I thought I’d draw them as they are right before my story’s timeline. Plus, it was fun to reference older designs I had for them.
Current versions (20s) - this is how they look during my story (RESETTING)
Older(ish) adults (40s)
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beatrixstonehill2 · 3 months
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"That's right," Dr. Klein said to Carolina. "You have to sign off on your next script since it's what's known as a life-altering or debilitating medical decision."
"Oh wow..... um, I'm not so sure I understand? Sorry, I'm so horny these days I can't think straight. All these different things you keep prescribing me! I can hardly keep up." She giggled, jiggling her hefty breasts.
"I know, you're not as sharp as you used to be. But that's OK, do you even remember being that skinny, flatchested aspiring lawyer who walked through my door last year?"
"Ummmm, I don't know?" She giggled. "Why did I want to be a lawyer?"
"Sweetheart, I'm not the one who would know."
"Oh! But you know everything! I feel so much better after coming to see you. Men are obsessed with my new curves. I have soooo much sex it's crazy. I let guys pump me full of their cum whenever they want!"
"That's wonderful to hear darling. See? And you were so skeptical about taking what I was recommending you..."
"I must've been soooo dumb back then!" She furrowed her brows. "Ummm, how do I spell my name? I think it starts with a C then an A? Can you help me....? I'm not a very good speller these days!"
"That's because you're down to an IQ of 46, from 172! Isn't that great news? My prescriptions are working wonders."
"Wow, is a forty-six really good?"
"It sure is, sweetie. Now let me help you." The doctor guided her hand, making her sign.
"Oh thank you so much! You made it look soooo easy! Mmmmm, I should thank you for being so nice...." She suddenly leaned in and started kissing him on the lips, but he pulled away.
"That's quite all right, Carol. Just be a good girl and take this new script to the pharmacy and take two a day."
"What's it for???"
"Well, you know how your breasts have gotten really big and bouncy?"
"Yep!" She jiggled them for the doctor.
"They're going to get much, much bigger. So big they'll fill your whole lap and be much too big for clothes of any kind...."
"Oh my! That sounds..... really hot! How will I carry them?"
"You might need a push cart, or someone might have to escort you in a wheelchair. You could easily lose the ability to walk...."
"Just from how big my boobs are? Mmmmm, guys are going to love that! I'll be so helpless, it'll be so fun, getting set out on a blanket or something at the park on a nice day.... My boobs exposed, too heavy for me to lift. I have to ask men to help me..... God I'm going to get fucked so good! If men find my body irresistible now...." She leaned back, patting her round pregnant belly. "Already five months along with batch two! Is it true when we met I said I had no interest in having kids?"
"Correct, but we fixed that little problem. Looks like you're going to stay pregnant from now on, huh?"
She giggled, shrugging. "What choice do I have? I'm always getting filled with cum everywhere I go...."
"Good girl. Just remember to keep taking these pills no matter how big your breasts get, OK? I'll see you in three months."
"Just in time to see me ready to pop with all these kids..... you're so naughty...."
"And I better not see you wearing any clothes up top, those things should be too big for them by then....."
"I'll stop wearing tops asap!" She removed hers, tossing it behind her. "Whatever you say, Dr. Klein! You're the professional!"
He patted her head. "I'm glad you finally agree."
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eddie-van-munson · 4 months
The Princess Bride (Farmhand!Eddie Munson x Princess!Reader)
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Warnings: Mentions of Blood (Nothing Graphic), Kissing, One Subtle Allusion to Smut, Childhood Best Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn...I think that's it?
Summary: You've been best friends with the stable boy since childhood, but when a suitor comes from across the sea to ask for your hand in marriage, you're forced to finally confront your feelings for him.
A/N: I hope y'all like this! I've had this in my drafts for literally over a year, but people seemed interested when I asked, so here it is! Please, Please, Please leave a comment! It will keep me writing!
Six Years Old
Your earliest memory of him was from the stream. 
His head was a mess of wild brown curls, so thick they nearly covered his eyes, and his pants had been rolled up past his knees. You'd been sitting in the gardens, ignoring your tutor's endless lesson on etiquette, when you spotted him through the clearing. He wobbled as he waded further, jumping forward suddenly as he tried to catch a fish with his hands. You had to hide your giggle with a polite cough, lest you be scolded.
The boy heard you, though. He stared at you as you obediently walked along the bank behind a man with a large nose. 
You made eye contact with him, and as soon as he noticed he'd won your attention, it became a game. Suddenly, he was pulling funny faces and splashing around the creek like a giant. He held your gaze all the while, flashing you a two-front-toothless grin when you finally fell into a fit of giggles. 
You'd had to recite forty lines that afternoon because of him, but it was well worth it to share a laugh as he mucked about in the water.
Six Years Old
The next time you saw the boy, you'd fallen ill with fever. It'd been a few months since the stream, and you almost didn't recognize him as he plopped a bundle of healing herbs down on your bedside table. 
"You don't look like a Princess." He crossed his arms before him as he eyed you suspiciously. "You're awfully pale…And you're not even wearing a crown or a dress or anything." 
"I'm sick, you knob." You frowned, "No one wears a crown to bed." 
He hummed, sticking up his nose. "I thought Princesses had to be grown-ups." 
"I'll be queen when I'm a grown up." You announced, bossily. "And you'll have to do everything I say, or I'll send you to jail." 
He scoffed, "Not if I'm the King! The Queen has to do what the King says!" 
You rolled your eyes, "Well, you can't be King." 
"Yes, I can! Haven't you ever read King Arthur?" He pointed, brows raising. "I just have to find an enchanted sword and pull it out of a stone. Then I'll be the King, and I'll send you to jail." 
Your cheeks went pink as you argued, "King Arthur isn't even real!" 
"Yes, he is! And I'll be just like him! King Edward the First!" You giggled, and the boy flipped around from where he'd started strutting around the room, proudly. "What?"
"Edward is a funny name." 
As wildly offended as the boy was by this comment, he had to hide the smile that crept to his face at the sound of your hoarse laughter. "It is not!" 
"Yes, it is! Who's ever heard of a King called Ed? King Eddie!" You held your stomach, falling into another fit of giggles. 
He turned from you indignantly, "Fine! Stay here all alone with your smelly herbs, then! I don't need any silly ole' princess!" 
"No!" You croaked, sitting up in bed. "Don't go. It's so boring up here. I can hardly stand it." 
He sighed, putting a hand on his hip, and thought for a moment. "Only because you'll have me beheaded if I don't." 
Ten Years Old 
"Oh goodness…You've gotten mud on your dress!" 
Your mother fussed over the little blue dress you were wearing, kneeling beside you to get a better look at the damage. Splotches of brown had been smeared over your front. Even your hair had a few streaks of dirt. 
"I got in a mud fight with Eddie." You informed her, as if the mess was perfectly justified by this. 
She chuckled, "I see. It looks like he may have won this time, hm?" She gave your cheek a gentle pinch, making your nose scrunch. 
"No, he didn't!" You turned, pointing at your friend. He dragged his feet behind you, looking defeated. 
Your mother burst into pretty laughter at the sight of him, resting a hand on her stomach. "Oh lamb…come here." 
The poor boy was absolutely caked in dirt. Not an inch of him was left unscathed. His wild curls were sopping with heavy mud, and you couldn't even see the embarrassed flush on his pouty face. He looked like he'd rolled around in the pig pen.  
The queen tutted affectionately, smirking. "Oh what am I going to do with you two?" 
Thirteen Years Old
"Do you think he'll be alright?" Tears welled in your eyes as you sat in the windowsill in your room, watching Eddie as he walked quietly by himself in the distant fields, below. "I don't like seeing him cry." 
"He'll be alright, love." Your mother cooed, taking a seat beside you. "I know it's hard to see him in pain, but the poor dear's lost his mother. It might take some time for him to feel like himself again." 
You sniffled, holding your knees. The words trembled when you spoke again.  "He'll be sent away, won't he? He won't be allowed to stay at the palace anymore." 
The Queen frowned, stroking your hair. "Why do you say that?" 
"His mother worked in the laundry. That's why he's lived here so long. Without her, he-" You trailed off, voice cracking as you gave a soft sob. 
"Oh, silly girl." She chuckled softly as she dried your tears. "You think we'd throw Eddie out all on his own?" 
Your brow furrowed, confused. 
"Eddie's a strong boy, sweetheart. He works very hard in the stables and takes good care of the horses. He holds his own…and even if he didn't, he's family. We'd never send him away." 
Your whole demeanor relaxed, "You really mean it?" 
Your mother smiled, "Of course." 
Still, your eyes didn't leave him. You sighed, "He's so sad...He's sad and I don't know how to fix it. 
"I wish we could fix it for him, darling, but that's not how these things work. You can't take away that hurt. You just have to let him feel it." She straightened her dress as she stood, giving your hand a loving squeeze. "But that doesn't mean he couldn't use a friend." 
Fourteen Years Old 
"I didn't know Princesses were allowed to climb trees." Eddie's grin was stained sweet and red, his legs crossed over a branch lazily as you plucked another strawberry from the bushel you'd collected that morning. 
Your etiquette teachers would be appalled if they could see you now, wearing little more than a chemise in the summer heat as you straddled a thick tree branch. Your feet were bare and dirty where they hung in the breeze. You smirked, "They are if nobody sees them." 
Eddie laughed, and it was such a clear sweet sound that you wished you could keep it tucked inside a locket. You sighed, longing to freeze time and keep things just the way they were forever.
You relaxed against a branch, "I've got my whole life to do what royalty is supposed to do. I've got to do fun things while I can still get away with it."
Eddie chuckled, "Maybe I'm a bad influence on you, after all.
You frowned, "Did someone say that to you?" 
He shrugged, unbothered. "The maids whisper it. They say a young lady shouldn't be left alone with a young man." He put on his best 'prim' voice, making you giggle. "I'm a threat to your innocence!" 
You held your stomach, laughing. "A threat to my innocence? That's horrible!" 
He grinned, "You're telling me!" 
The breeze rustled the leaves in the tree as you lounged, breathing in the sweet summer air. 
Eddie had strawberry juice on his lips. For the first time, the tiny, ant-sized thought of kissing it away crawled into your brain. You squished the ant. 
A bad influence, indeed. 
Fifteen Years Old 
Eddie sprang up from the corner of the barn, sprinting after you as you ran off into the fields. 
You lost him quickly, cutting down and into the gardens. The morning dew was cool as the grass tickled your bare feet, and you nearly slipped as you ran over the stone path. A gloved hand grabbed your elbow to steady you. You turned to see a member of the palace guard; his brows furrowed. "There you are, Princess. Your Mother-" 
It all happened so quickly. Eddie ran through the bushes, a playful grin tugging his lips, and grabbed you from behind, "I've got you!" He yelled, drowning out your giggles. 
Before you realized what was happening, the guard ripped you from his hold, tossing you aside. Eddie was thrown onto the stone path, his temple hitting hard against the tile. Distantly, he heard you shriek. His vision was fuzzy and starry when he felt the weight of the guard pin him down, a drawn sword shoved against his throat. "You shall not touch her!”
"Stop! Stop it!' You grabbed the guard's arm, But he threw you back down. Eddie choked your name. 
"Stay back!" The guard barked at you, pressing harder against the blade. Eddie could feel blood trickling from his head. He was trembling, eyes closed tight. Still, the guard yelled in his face, “Who are you? Hands by your side!” 
"He's my friend!" You screamed hoarsely.
"Get off of him this instant!"
You'd never been so happy to hear your mother's voice in your life. The guard dropped his sword at the sight of her rushing towards him. Immediately, his face drained pale as a ghost. "Y-Your majesty!" 
"Get off of the boy, for god sakes, he's a child! Get off!" The man clambered off of Eddie as your mother knelt beside him, fussing over him dotingly, "Oh sweetheart, your head…You're shaking like a leaf…" 
He blinked hard, trying to clear his vision. The queen turned to the guard as you pitifully crawled over to your friend, pushing his curls back off of his forehead. "I'm sorry I'm sorry-" 
The guard searched for an explanation, "Your majesty, I thought the boy was-" 
"I know what you thought!" She snapped, sternly. She was well aware of the whispers surrounding yours and Eddie's friendship. Your mother's lips were pursed, cheeks red. You'd never seen her like that before in your life. "It gave you no right to hold a weapon to that child's throat!" 
"Your highness, I-" 
Your mother ignored the guard, turning back to you. "Help me get him inside." You nodded obediently as she squeezed Eddie's shaking hand, "I'll send for a doctor to check your head, darling."  
Eddie nodded, dizzily. 
You sat with him later that night when the doctor had gone and his head had cleared. The mark on his forehead would scar, no doubt, but it had been well tended, and any concussion he suffered was minor. This knowledge, of course, did nothing to soothe his nasty headache. 
"You're not a very good sport, you know." He groaned as you took his hand, smirking. "Siccing the palace guards on me just because I tagged you?" He tutted, "What a sore loser." 
Sixteen Years Old 
"You have to tell!" You ran after Eddie as he hauled a sack of oats through the gardens to the stable. 
He ignored you, holding his nose high. "No, I don't. I don't have to tell you everything just because you're a princess."
You crossed your arms, "You have to tell me because I'm your best friend, you knob. Best friends don't keep secrets!" 
"Sure, they do. You mean to tell me you've never kept a secret from me?" 
You groaned, "That's different! You have to tell me if you fancy someone!" 
Eddie sighed, turning to face you, and dropped the sack of oats. "Why do you want to know so bad?" 
You blushed, stammering. "I…I want to help you confess your love!" 
Eddie laughed, "What a lie! You just want to tease me!" 
"Oh, Come on!" You pouted, putting your hands on his shoulders. If you tell me who it is, I'll tell you a secret, too."
"Tempting." He sighed, picking up the sack again and throwing it over his shoulder. "But no." 
Eighteen Years Old
"You've got to keep it down…"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as he guided you towards the stables. "Why?" 
He laughed, "If I told you why, then it wouldn't be a surprise." 
He smirked when you groaned, reaching for the latch on the barn door. “You know I don't like surpris-..." 
 You went silent as he led you inside slowly, revealing a soft colored mare, and below her, her newborn foal.
"Oh!" You gasped, a smile creeping to your face. You stepped forward, wanting to approach the baby, but Eddie took your arm, gently pulling you back.
"You've got to be careful...the mare's protective of her. I nearly got kicked in the teeth this morning." He chuckled, enjoying the amazement in your eyes as you watched the mother and baby interact. 
"She's beautiful." You mumbled, grinning. 
Eddie couldn't help but smile, "She's strong too..." He paused, breath fanning your neck as he spoke just loud enough for you to hear. "She'll make a good riding horse, one day." 
You met his brown eyed gaze, biting your lip shyly as he nudged your arm with his elbow. 
You could feel him admiring you. 
You liked it.
Nineteen Years Old
"Oh, Eddie. He was horrible…You wouldn't have been able to stop laughing!" 
Eddie clutched his stomach, laying back against the grass as he toyed with a wildflower. "That's because it's funny!" 
Your fingers fumbled with the ends of your hair, untangling the intricate hairstyle it's been tied up in. "It's not so funny when it's you!" 
Eddie grinned, looking starry eyed, "It really just fell off of his head?" 
"During dinner!" You exclaimed. Eddie fell into another fit of laughter. "Right onto his plate in front of everyone!" 
Your friend sighed, wiping his happy tears as he sat up to gather a handful of clovers. "I can't believe he wore an honest to God wig. The poor lamb." 
You laughed at his faux sympathy, watching his hands as he wove together stems. 
He looked so different from the little boy you'd befriended as a child. His wild curls had grown just past his shoulders now, his bangs often covering the scar on his temple. His arms and back were beautiful, muscles sloping gently beneath his skin, and while he was a hint more bronze than he had been as a boy, his freckles remained. His nose and his dimples had never changed in the slightest, and those big brown eyes reassured you that no matter how much Eddie had grown up, he'd always be that silly little boy, deep down. He'd always be your Eddie. 
"But what's the verdict?" He chuckled, "You never said. Is he the one?" 
You groaned, "You're mocking my pain." 
"I am not!" He fought a smirk. "I didn't want to assume. Maybe he was a wonderful conversationalist." 
You giggled, yawning. "I wouldn't know. I didn't catch a word he said after his hair went into his soup. 
Eddie gave you a fond smile, laying on his elbow beside you, "Here you are, princess. A crown." 
Your heart felt oddly achey as he draped a handmade crown of wildflowers over your head. You smiled, affection in your eyes. 
Your throat was tight when you spoke, "You're better than any prince, Eddie Munson." 
His cheeks flushed faintly. "Well, I don't know about that…" He tapped your nose playfully. "Most princes don't smell like a barn." 
Twenty Years Old 
"Eddie, darling!" Your mother had called to him as he cut through the gardens back to the stable. His brows raised when he turned to find the Queen accompanied by you and the King. A man Eddie had never seen before held your arm, an unreadable expression on your face. Eddie bristled. 
"Your Majesties." Eddie nodded his head politely as the group approached, his muscles stiff with wariness. 
Your father gave a proud smile, gesturing to the stranger on your arm. "Son, let us Introduce you to Prince Carver the Fourth: Heir to the Throne of Hawkins."  
"An honor to meet you, Your Highness." Again, Eddie bowed his head. He'd never seen someone that looked so stiff. The two of you would have fun joking about it, later. 
Prince Carver was older than you, and by the looks of him, he'd never been outside a day in his life. Every last one of his blonde hairs had been tediously placed, as if he'd been sculpted out of clay, and his boots were perfectly polished black leather. The blonde eyed Eddie with disdain, crinkling his nose at the sight of his work clothes. "Yes, I'm sure." 
Eddie fought an eye roll. Another suitor, he assumed. The Royals were only being polite by offering him a tour, seeing as he'd travelled so far only to be rejected.
The Queen stepped towards him, glancing at the prince. "Eddie has become a very dear friend to our daughter, Prince Carver. Perhaps he would make a nice addition to your staff. He's served us so well in our stables." 
Confusion was visible in Eddie's face. An addition to his staff? What was going on? He looked to you for help, but your eyes were cast down into the grass. 
Prince Carver cleared his throat, "Unfortunately, we aren't lacking any farmhands at the moment, but you need not worry about the princess, your highness. She'll find much companionship in Hawkins, once we are wed."
Eddie felt his blood go cold. Absolutely frigid. 
Once we are wed. Once we are wed. Once we are wed.
His mouth opened to say something, but he couldn't find a single word. He was desperate to look you in the eyes, but his gaze was only met by a small shimmer on your left hand. An engagement ring. 
"Please excuse me, Your Majesties." 
Eddie hadn't cried like this since his mother died. 
He hadn't felt the blow of such terrible loss since he'd been orphaned. 
He sat alone in the barn on a stool, tears rolling down his cheeks as he gently stroked his fingers through the mane of the foal he'd surprised you with two years ago.
It was a pretty horse…full grown now and patterned with soft brown spots across her back. You'd named her "Sweetheart" after hearing Eddie call her that. 
Come're, Sweetheart. 
Here you go, Sweetheart. 
Good job, Sweetheart…That's it. 
Pain shot through his chest at the realization that the horse would probably get to go with you to your new home. 
But not Eddie. Eddie would be left behind. 
He clenched his jaw, eyes burning as he buried his fists in his curls and tugged. He was angry. He couldn't help but feel angry. It wasn't fair. His whole heart was being shipped off to God knows where, and there wasn't a word he could say about it. 
It wasn't your fault. You were a princess. Your hand in marriage was a pawn in a game of political chess. It had been since the beginning. Both of you knew this. You always had. So why weren't the two of you happy that this inevitable union was one that would lead the country to thrive? 
Eddie took a deep breath, relaxing his hands from his hair and rubbing tears from his face. 
You'd daydreamed with Eddie before. Lots of times. It was always the same thing.
I wish we could just run off and live in the woods, Eds. Just you and me. We could build a little cottage beside a stream. That way, we could swim in the summertime. You could finally teach me to fish, too. 
Is that what he'd been expecting? Had he hoped, deep down, that he'd somehow end up in that cottage after all, spending summer days with you by a stream? 
Maybe. Or maybe he'd just wanted you. 
He'd dreamt up hundreds of different futures for himself. There were countless paths he'd wandered down curiously in his head, over the years. Some were outlandish and fantastic…some were more modest. As much as they varied from day to day, he was realizing now that his hopes for the future had always held something in common. 
He'd always had you. 
The next week seemed never ending. 
Eddie didn't see you once. You were avoiding him. That much was obvious. 
Before the proposal, you made a habit of visiting Sweetheart at least once every day. You liked to brush her as you talked with Eddie, twisting braids into her coarse hair. She was spoiled rotten, no doubt, but that didn't leave the horse feeling any less deprived of attention with the sudden loss of your quality time. She'd gotten fussy over the week, whinnying and pacing in her stall. She'd even started kicking again, when she was feeling particularly agitated. 
Still, you made no appearance at the stable. Eddie was surprised, however, to look over the gate one evening to find Prince Carver walking swiftly through the grass. 
"Your highness." Eddie nodded, spotting the green apple in the man's hand. "Have you come to feed the horses?" 
"Certainly not." Carver scoffed, "I've come on behalf of the Princess. I find it inappropriate for her, as a lady, to be spending time in the stables. 
 I've reassured her that I'll take it upon myself to fulfill any required visits with Sugarplum." 
Eddie frowned, " Forgive me Your Highness, but I think you might be thinking of Sweetheart." 
The man scoffed, slapping the apple down in Eddie's hand before storming off.
 "Whatever the damned thing's name is." 
Eddie swallowed hard, calling after him. "Would you like me to show you how to feed her, Prince Carver?" 
The man laughed cruelly, "Heavens no. That's your job, is it not?" 
"What on earth are you-! Edward Munson!" You gasped, immediately dipping over the stone ledge of your window to reach for him. He laughed, flashing you a boyish grin as he took your hand, pulling himself up and over the sill. 
Christ, you'll crack your skull one day!" You muttered, the both of you giving way to the effort and falling to the floor with a thump. 
"For the present my skull remains intact." He reassured, giving a faux bow of his head. 
You snorted, plucking dead leaves and briars from his thick dark curls. "What on earth put it in your head to climb all the way-" 
Eddie caught your hand, his eyes landing on your engagement ring. His thumb brushed over its stone as your heart sank into your belly. 
Eddie studied the ring for a moment, taking in its details. There was a long silence. Finally, you spoke. 
"It's a dreadfully heavy thing." You pulled it off, placing it on your bedside table. "It catches on my gown, anyways."
A knowing smile crept to Eddie's lips. He sat in the silence for a moment before reaching into his pocket. 
A small wooden ring was produced, painted delicately along the band with tiny white flowers. He slipped it onto your marriage finger. "How's that one?"
You were breathless. "It..it's..." 
It was perfect. It was the most beautiful ring you'd ever seen, though you couldn't find the words to say so. 
Eddie's thumb brushes over the flowers, "I carved that for you when we were sixteen."
Tears welled in your eyes.
"I had it in my mind to propose to you then. The gardener stopped me when he discovered my plan." He gave a sad chuckle. A comfortable silence hung between you. Eddie took your hand, humming. "Would you have said yes?" 
"Eddie..." A tear rolled down your cheek, only to be brushed away carefully by his ever-gentle hand. You gave a sad laugh, your thumb stroking over his wrist. "You're not being fair." 
"Maybe not." He whispered, "But any man should be damned if he saw you and didn't want to keep you."
"It's cruel." Your voice wavered with emotion. "You know I've loved you since we were children...nothing can be done about it, Eddie."
"Nothing can be done about it?" Eddie gave a humorless laugh, "You're going to be Queen. Everything can be done about it." 
"What would you have me do?" Your brow furrowed. "Tell my father to end our alliance with Hawkins?"
"Yes! Hawkins only seeks to use us for our resources. Forest Hills is better off without their partnership." 
You swallowed thickly. The cicadas sang their response from the Glenside below. Again, Eddie wiped your tears. 
"Love is not something to be kept only for common folk. Your father will understand that. So will your kingdom." 
Something in you crumbled under his gaze. You drew closer, letting him envelope you in his arms. He held you for a long time, stroking your back, sweetly. 
"I spoke to your mother." He cooed, pressing a soft kiss to your hair. Your head tilted back; eyes wide as you stared up at him. 
"Did you?" 
"Yes." His eyes were so warm and brown. You had admired them many times before this, but never quite so closely before. "I knew I was to ask for your hand...I couldn’t very well ask for your father's blessing, so I felt your mother's would be just as valuable. To us, at least."
You smiled, your forehead resting against his. "What did she say?" 
Eddie chuckled at the memory, "She pinched my cheek red. I wish you could've seen it. She cried and held my hand...told me she'd always known I would ask her one day." 
You gave a watery laugh, your fingers lacing tightly with his.
"She said she didn’t know if it was possible for me to make you mine, but that nothing would make her happier." 
There was a long silence. Eddie cradled your face, "Do you feel the same, little Princess?" Your pretty eyes fluttered at his whisper. "Do you love me the way I love you?" 
"How could you even ask?" 
Eddie chuckled, "Because I've done nothing but profess my feelings for you tonight, and now I'd like to hear you do the same." 
You chuckled, your smile fading with thought. 
"I knew...I knew I loved you about five summers ago." Eddie smiled fondly, his cheeks going pink. "We practically lived outside then...the world seemed so bright and warm and I didn't realize then that it was all because of you." You reached up, carding her fingers through his messy hair.  "The sun turned your curls golden on the edges-" 
Before you could finish your sentence, he was kissing you. He was soft and warm and strong, holding you close as you melted for one another. Eddie laughed, breathless, when you parted. "I'm afraid I win, then. I've loved you far longer than that." 
You laughed brightly as he kissed you again, working his way down your jaw to the column of your throat. "When?" You breathed, whimpering as he nipped at the crook of your neck. 
"It's hard to say." He moaned softly as you coaxed him back up to your lips, your hands lacing in his hair. "All I know is that I've never loved you more than I do right now." 
Another tear rolled down his love's cheek. He kissed it away. 
"But why these tears, now? Am I really that terrible?" 
You gave a watery laugh. "No. Not at all I...I just..." You gave a little sob. "I want to marry you. I want to be your bride and keep you always, but I can't-" 
"Marry me, then. Right now." 
You frowned, tucking a strand of his curls behind his ear. "What?" 
Eddie thumbed your ring as he caught your hand. "Do we not have a ring? A gown?" He swallows thickly, eyes darting between your night clothes and the mattress beside you.  "A marriage bed?" 
Slowly, You stood, guiding Eddie to stand before you. "We...we have to make a vow" 
"What kind of vow? I've never been to a wedding." 
You stared up at him, eyes brimming with love. "S-Something about.... For richer and for poorer. Through sickness and in health. From each sun to each moon." 
"May I write my own?" 
A tear rolled down your cheek as you nodded. 
He looked down at your hands, so soft and perfect in his rough ones. "I wish I could tell you that as my wife, you will want for nothing. I wish I could make you flowery promises about how you won't have a care in the world...but since I can't make you those promises, I'll make you the ones I can." 
He knelt before you, gazing up into your eyes. 
"I promise to you that no matter how hot the summer's day, I'll always climb to the highest branches to find you perfect, sun-spotted apples."
You giggled, a grin splitting your cheeks.
"I promise to let you spoil your horse as badly as you wish. Never again will I deprive her of a single sugar cube." 
Another giggle. Eddie kissed your knuckles.
"I promise to kiss you...often and abundantly...until you can't bear to kiss me even once more."
Eddie grinned at your blush. 
"I can't build you castles, but I promise you a home. I promise you food to eat and sturdy walls to keep you warm. I promise you children to nurse and adore." 
Eddie paused, heart fluttering.
"And I promise you love. The same love for you that I've held long since before I even knew what I was feeling." 
His voice wavers. 
"I promise that at the end of our lives, I will still feel it." 
Eddie clasped your hand with his, "So, Princess. If you'll have me...then with this ring, I thee wed." 
You repeated his words, falling to your knees to embrace him. Eddie caught you in his arms as he stood, peppering kisses to your nose, then your cheeks, and finally, your lips. 
His thumb brushed your new ring, gently. "I can't tell you how it feels to see you wearing it." He gave a watery laugh. "It's been sitting on my nightstand for four years now." 
"I wish I could wear it always..." 
"Why can't you?" He pulled back to meet your eyes.
Your expression sunk, "I'm afraid I'm still scheduled to be wed tomorrow morning." 
"Oh, don't be ridiculous." He hummed. "You think I'd allow another man to marry my wife?"
"Eddie..." He scooped you up, laying you gently upon your mattress before sitting beside you. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid tomorrow." 
He chuckled as you combed through his curls with your fingers. "When have I ever been known to do stupid things?" 
"I mean it. You remember what happened the last time someone thought you were a threat to my innocence. It would kill me to see you hurt." Your fingertips grazed the scar on his temple, stiffening at the memory of his head hitting stone. 
There was a long silence as Eddie gazed at the ring. He kissed each of your fingertips slowly. "Do you trust me?" 
"More than anything." 
Eddie smiled at this, holding your hand to his heart, "Then don't worry." 
You gave a hesitant smile. Eddie cradled your body against his, gently combing through your hair. 
"We must leave tonight." He whispered. "Disappear into the woods. If we rode as far as we could on Sweetheart, it would be nearly impossible for them to find us by the time morning came. It would be difficult, but we'd be free." 
Immediately, you tensed. "Eddie, no. He could have you killed if they found us." 
"Then you'd better hold me awfully tight for as long as you can, my love." 
You woke to the sound of water rushing beside you. You laid upon a bed of moss; a thick blanket tucked around you. You felt shade cover you as a figure knelt as your side. A hand on your head, pushing your bangs back lovingly. You stretched and groaned in response, not wishing to leave behind the warmth of your blanket, and kept your eyes closed.
"What a shame." Eddie cooed with a smirk, seeing right through your fib. "My little wife is simply too weak and exhausted to carry on. I suppose I must leave her behind..."
Your eyes flew open, taking his bait. "Leave her behind!?"
Eddie laughed brightly, pulling you into a smiley kiss. You were beginning to think nothing in the world felt better than kissing him.
Eddie's nose nudged against yours as he hummed passively. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
Your jaw dropped, "I do not, Eddie Munson."
He giggled, "You most certainly do, Mrs. Munson. We had a whole conversation whilst you slept."
"What about, pray tell?"
Eddie laid on his back beside her, letting her rest against his chest as he tucked his arms behind his head. "How handsome I am."
You smirked, rolling your eyes as you kissed him. The sun was warm and the cool earth beneath you felt like silk beneath your skin.
"I feel like I could do anything I wanted out here. No one could stop me."
"You could." Eddie smirked with another peck. "But I'm afraid we must keep traveling, my love. We still have a long way to go."
"How far are we going?
He tucked hair behind your ear, "So far they'll never find you. So far that it will be impossible for them to take you from me."
You nodded, curling in against him.
"And once we have finally traveled far enough..." Eddie grinned down at you. "I shall build you our cottage by the stream." 
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Imagine proposing to Shanks
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At a bar
You: [brooding over a drink by yourself]
Benn: [comes over and sits next to you, like a concerned papa bear] You've seemed really down lately, what's going on up there in that head of yours?
You: Shanks and I have been together for years, and ... I don't quite know what I was expecting, but I am not happy at the idea of being only his dating partner forever.
Benn: Is this because of the wedding we saw yesterday, down at the Chapple?
You: Sort of, now I know that I'm never going to get a traditional wedding like that, but I would like for him to wife me up.
Benn: You should tell him that because he's never going to come to that conclusion on his own.
You: I know, but I can already picture what his proposal would be like, improvised, sloppy, and probably involving alcohol.
Benn: [mutters to himself] Well, at least you know what you're getting into with him before you marry him.
You: what was that?
Benn: nothing. Can I offer you a piece of advice?
You: [nods]
Benn: Don't wait around for others to do something for you when you could do it a million times better yourself.
You: hmm, thank you for the food for thought.
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Two weeks later
Shanks: [tugging on the white collar of his button-up like it's choking him,] Why the hell are they making such a big fuss? Insisting I dress up, just to go on a picnic.
Benn: [straightening his captain's tie] Because they love your dumb ass, for some fucking reason, and they went through the trouble of planning a special night for you two. So you're going to dress up, look nice, stay sober, try to behave, do whatever they say,
Shanks: [mutters] I already do whatever they say
Benn: [gives him the side eye as a warning] And you're going to bring them flowers and this cake.
Shanks: yeah, yeah, it's just it's been ages since we've had time to do something special, we're out of the honeymoon phase, you know? We're like an old married couple, we only have sex once a week and everything.
Benn: Oh, I know, we can hear you two in the crew's quarters, we appreciate that it's the same day every week too. [puts the flowers and box of cake in Shanks's hands] Now get going, if you're late I'll kill you myself.
Shanks: Alright, don't shove.
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At the docks
You: wow, you made it on time.
Shanks: I wouldn't be late for our first date in over a year.
You: [winces at the reminder]
Shanks: [realizes he's made things awkward, he holds out his gifts] Uh, these are for you.
You: [can see Benn's meddling] Thank you, but we're actually going to have to wait for the boat to get here. I took your habit of arriving late into account when I made the plans, and the time I told you to come was forty-five minutes before you actually needed to be here.
Shanks: [puts his arm over your shoulder and presses a kiss to your head] You know me so well, and no worries if we have to wait, just means that I get more time with you, my love.
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On the boat
Shanks: [looks around the glass bottom boat in amazement] Whoa! Look look! There's a tiger shark.
You: I knew you'd like it, we have it all to ourselves tonight. We'll sail around the reefs, and have dinner.
Shanks: we get to eat.
You: yes, they have your favorite, you can even pick out which lobster you'd like to eat.
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After dinner
the boat captain: excuse me, we've landed on Firefly Island, you'll have two hours before we raise anchor and head back to the port.
You: thank you, [turns to Shanks, grabs his hand, and leads him to the heart of the island where all the fireflies are]
Shanks: [visibly resisting the urge to run around and chase them]
You: [rolls your eyes playfully] Go ahead, I know you wanna run, go get your energy out. Why don't you run around the edge of the clearing and herd them this way? [sits on a stone bench beside the pond in the center of the meadow]
Shanks: [kisses your cheek] aye aye
You: [waits until he's tuckered himself out, and has collapsed on the bench next to you] Sweetheart, are you having fun?
Shanks: the most fun I have had in a while, look at this jar of fireflies I caught. [holds up a large mason jar, packed with the luminescent insects] I know if I leave them in there too long, they'll die, but I wanted you to get to open it.
You: [gets down on one knee, positions the ring box on the side of the jar and unscrews the lid to let critters free]
Shanks: Isn't it pretty? [looks down at the jar to see the box on the other side of the jar] What'cha got there?
You: [sets the jar aside and opens the box to reveal the ring inside]
Shanks: [freezes]
You: ... I know I'm not going to get a fancy wedding in a place of worship or even a marriage certificate, but I would still like you to marry me. For us to be marriage partners, even if it's only in name.
Shanks: wh-... how ... [pulls out the ring and slides it onto his finger] it fits and everything.
You: [waiting for an answer]
Shanks: [notices your staring] what?
You: will you marry me?
Shanks: [pulls you into his lap, and kisses you] Of course I'll marry you, and no you're probably not going to get a fancy wedding, and you're definitely not going to get a marriage certificate. But I promise you, you'll get one hell of a wedding.
You: Thank you, love. [peers over to see Benn sopping wet in the bushes, taking pictures with a camera snail] Benn, what are you doing?
Benn: getting engagement photos, obviously.
Shanks: how did you get here?
Benn: I swam, now you two stop moving, so I can take a picture before these fireflies can eat the camera.
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toxicanonymity · 10 months
1.5k / Cellmate’s nephew!Joel x inmate f!reader
thank you @iamasaddie for the mood board!!!
PART 2 HERE: Collect calls
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Summary: Your cellmate introduces you to her hot nephew and he comes to visitation hours. A/N: Part 1 of 3. This one is due to @beskarandblasters and @wannab-urs and their hilarious list of new joel tropes and @raccoonhandedhottie's nerve to put the idea of doing one in my head. My masterlist WARNINGS: References to sex work, ACAB. Horny phone/visitation talk, mild/non-explicit over-pants masturbation. Mickey Avalon Easter egg.
Without Mabel, you're not sure how you would've survived your first six months in lock-up. You were cuffed for solicitation when a dirty cop wouldn't pay what he owed.  He says he took it easy on you -- you also clawed him and spit in his face.  As soon as you told your new cellmate what really happened, she took a liking to you. She said you should've bitten him in the pecker.   Mabel had been there, done that. She even knew of the cop who put you away.  It wasn't Mabel's first time behind bars. She had the ink and reputation to prove it. Her knuckles said "TAKE NONE" and that was accurate.  By now, nobody gave her any shit. Soon enough, no one gave you any either. 
Mabel had a few photographs on her wall, mostly of her and a younger man. Not a particularly young man, but certainly younger than Mabel. He was probably in his early forties in the pictures, which were five years prior, before she violated her parole. She was giving you a poke and stick tat of a four leaf clover on your hand one day when you asked about the pictures. 
"I was wonderin' when ya were gonna ask about my lil Jojo. I've seen ya lookin' at him, ya little horndog..." 
She let you stammer around in response. "No, I, I'm just, making conversation, wanna get to know you better." 
"It's okay, baby. He's my nephew. All I got left. He's a neat kid."
"He looks happy to be with you–ouch!"
"Don't be a pussy. Oh, he's a real sweet boy. Bet he'd like you, too."
"What makes you say that?"
She looked up from your hand "cause ya got a cunt and you're not bad lookin'," she laughed. "Hey,” she raised her eyebrows. “You ever wanna borrow one of those pics, you let me know, I'll give ya some privacy."
"No thanks."
"Oh, come on. You can fold it so ya don't have to see my pretty face." 
You laughed. 
"Bet he'd dick ya down real good, too."
"What?" You asked, quietly disturbed. 
"He lives with me. Walls are thin." 
"Ah. That must be awkward."
"Not really! We're all human. I could even tell ya the kinda shit he says if ya want. He can get real filthy.  Or shit, I could just give ya his number."
"That's ok."
"Baby, he'd love to hear from ya. Trust me. I've told him all about ya." She put down the needle and picked up a tissue to dab your skin. 
"You have??"
"Oh yeah. Here, I'm gonna write it down." 
She took one of the photos off the wall and wrote his number on the back. Then she folded it in half and winked at you as she handed it to you. 
It only took a week of her nagging for you to call “Jojo.” 
Your breath hitched when you heard his smooth, deep voice. The first thing he said was, “Ah, call me Joel,” and you could hear the smile on his face. 
“Oh god, I’m sorry,” you laughed. “Well your aunt’s told me a lot about you, Joel.” 
“Yeah, I can only imagine what,” he faux grumbled. “Real character, ain’t she?”
“I love Mabel,” you blurted out. 
You found yourself opening up about how in some ways, she was more of a mother figure than you ever had.  Joel was easy to talk to. It just came pouring out. You told him about Mabel’s antics and the mischief the two of you got up to. Things you’d steal from the cafeteria. The way Mabel kept the ladies in line who tried to dom you. Next thing you knew, your time was up.  You apologized profusely for talking Joel’s ear off about yourself. 
“Nahhhh, it was nice,” Joel said. “Hell of a lot more interesting than my life.”
“Well it was good talking to you,” you told him. 
He said, “Hey, call me back any time.”
There was nothing sexy at all about that first conversation, but his voice did something to you.  You squeezed your thighs together when you got back to your cell and looked at the photo. Mabel kept giving you a knowing look. 
You started calling Joel regularly.  Mabel told you he liked you a lot, but you weren’t sure if you should believe her. She seemed overly eager to set him up. The conversations were brief and casual. When you didn’t call him one week, the next time you spoke, he told you he missed the sound of your voice. 
Something came over you and you broke the tension. “My voice?” you asked. “Joel, your voice. . . you dunno what it does to me,” you blurted out. Zero to sixty, just like that. 
“Well damn,” Joel said. “Shoulda said somethin’. Coulda given ya better than stories about Mabel.” 
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Like whatever ya want, jailbird.” Your heart fluttered “Whatever gets ya hot and bothered.” 
“Honey, you could read me the phone book,” you told him. 
He chuckled. “Haven’t seen one of those in a few years.”  His voice was sexy to begin with but the sharp edge of the phone connection made it even hotter. 
After a moment of tense silence, he said, “Hey, uh, you notice any of your pictures missin’?”
“Yeah, Mabel mailed me one. Didn’t tell me you were a fuckin’ smokeshow.”
You laughed bashfully. 
“Well she did. But I had to see it for myself, and shit”
“Well, thanks. You’re not bad looking yourself.” 
Your time was almost up. 
“Hey I’m comin’ to see Mabel later this week. Y’all got the same visitor’s night or what? Cause I’d love to see you, too, if it’s allowed.” 
“Nah, mine’s the next night.” 
“S’alright, i’ll come back for ya, sugar.” Your heart skipped a beat. 
“I’ve gotta go.”
“I know. Be good, jailbird.” 
It was visitation day and you were getting nervous. Mabel thought it was adorable. She helped you get ready. Did your hair nice. “He’s already smitten with ya, baby,” she said. 
You were escorted into the visitation room and sat at one of the booths, separated by glass, with a phone on each side. 
When Joel came in, you didn’t recognize him at first.  In just those five years, his beard had turned half-silver.  He was striking in person.  He was wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans. Tight jeans. You couldn’t help but size up the bulge in them. 
When you looked up at his face, he was raising his eyebrows at you like he caught you looking.  He sat down and put his elbows on the table. You picked up the phone, a little nervous, but more excited than anything.  He checked you out and smiled at you coyly before picking up the phone. 
“Like what ya see?” he said softly into the phone. 
You replied with a low whistle, then asked, “You always dress like a piece of meat?” He had a few hand tattoos of his own. Faded, blurred together. A spade between his thumb and forefinger. A spiderweb curving around one of his biceps. He’d probably done his own time. 
“When the hell are ya gettin’ outta here?”
“Up for parole next month,” you said. 
“No shit!” He looked genuinely excited. 
“Mabel didn’t tell you?”
“Thought she was yankin’ my chain.” He stretched his free hand behind his head and you watched his bicep.  “You been good? Think you’ll get out?” 
“Haven’t been bad.” 
“Good.” He lowered his voice. “‘Cause sugar, I’m gonna need to see what’s under that garb.”
You smiled with faux shyness, and he continued, “God damn,” looking at you like a juicy leg of lamb. 
You stared at each other, checking each other out for a moment. You watched his pupils dilate as your chest rose and fell with desire. 
You made small talk for a minute or two, all the while fucking each other with your eyes. But, things took a turn again.
“What do you miss the most?” he asked in a low, sultry voice. “Bet ya don’t miss the clients.” 
You shook your head. 
He lowered his voice further. “When’s the last time ya had a nice hard cock ya really wanted?”
Your eyes widened. “Shit, I dunno.” 
“Ohhh you’re in for it.” You looked around, paranoid, in disbelief that you could get away with a conversation like this. “Ain’t nothin’ harder than mine, baby.” He reached his hand into his lap. “Fuck. ‘specially for you.” You could see his arm moving very slowly but there was no mistaking what he was doing.  His eyes devoured you.
“Joel,” you sighed. “Fuck, I believe it.” 
And just like that, a guard approached him from behind. “Time’s up,” the guard said and glared at you.  You rolled your eyes as a guard approached you, too.
Joel said “Later, jailbird” and hung up the phone.  When he stood up, his massive erection was visible and made your heart skip a beat.  You glanced up to his face and he was wetting his lips. He winked at you with pink cheeks and your eyes immediately fell back to his crotch as he adjusted himself and the guard hurried him away. 
FUCK. You were gushing. Mabel’s Jojo. Joel. What a man.
Part 2
Ty for reading. strip club manager!Joel will be an alternate timeline of this Joel set in the past while Mabel was on parole. DIFFERENT READER. preview
this trope actually gave me so many more elaborate ideas lmao.
All Joel:@ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @wolvesandvampires @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @milla-frenchy @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @am-3-thyst @may-machin @pedromania91 @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret
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bomberqueen17 · 4 months
sketchy grocery store shit: a very middle-aged rant
Man so. I went to college in Rochester and so I did my first I'm An Adult Shopping For My Own Groceries shopping in a Wegmans. I got used to the way the store works, how things were laid out. And of course, i got a Shopper's Club card.
I still have it somewhere, use it occasionally, but I had to get another one when I misplaced it because they asked what phone number it was tied to and like, man, it was a Rochester number with a 716 area code, that's how long ago it was. (It's 585 there now.)
I got conditioned to try the Wegmans brand generic for whatever brand name thing I was buying, because it was often the same, and was cheaper. (Though, RIP to the old Wegmans box mac n cheese, they enshittified that in 1999 once we were all good and hooked and we all mourned and switched to Annie's and never looked back. Maybe it's better now but I don't rely on that stuff the way I used to.) I got conditioned to always swipe the card because sure they were collecting data on you but in a $70 trip I'd save five bucks easy, it wasn't nothing! And I also learned to look for their Family Packs, which were larger containers of the same item for less per unit-- if it was something not that perishable, or something you could get through, it was worth spending a little more now to stretch it later!
Anyway. I went to Wegmans yesterday, I live in Buffalo now and we have them here too, and we have a rotation of grocery stores we patronize but when I do the shopping, I'm still the most used to Wegmans, I know where stuff is, and I knew some of the stuff I wanted, they'd be the ones to have. (The organic co-op doesn't carry Doritos and sometimes in the doldrums of winter a bitch needs some of that poison, y'know?)
I'd noticed before that the Shoppers Club isn't a savings thing anymore. I didn't have my own card for one visit and the cashier went to great lengths to get me a swipe from a manager, and at the end I'd spent $200 and saved.... fifty cents.
This time around I'd taken advantage of a buy one get one deal to get a second box of something I didn't really need a second box of, only to discover it was buy one get a dollar off the second, so I saved a whole dollar and actually spent three I hadn't needed to. Well, whatever. It's not perishable and I'll eventually go through it.
But the other thing I noticed was the wild price swings by different packaging of the same item. I should've taken pictures. But like-- ok, raw baby spinach. I fucking love spinach. They had a smaller bag and then next to it they had a Family Pack. I hesitated-- it is hard to use up leafy greens but I fucking love spinach and I could make the effort-- and then I looked. I can't do math but fortunately they are required by law to have the price per unit breakdown on every price sticker. Because the small bag of spinach was $1.99, and was $3.99/lb. (A pound of spinach is a lot.) The Family Pack next to it? It was $3.99, which seemed like a good price jump. But on the per-item breakdown, it came out to $7.99/lb. It didn't actually have any more spinach in it. It was just a different-shaped bag and cost more. For no reason. And there was a whole shelf of the larger bags, and only a small display of the smaller ones. They're just expecting people, conditioned like I am, to say "ah i can use more spinach i'll take the savings" and buy the more expensive bag. But I did just do the math (which is difficult for me so you know I'm mad about this) and that is literally the exact same amount of spinach for twice the price.
Similar for stew beef but they went too far with it, it wasn't even plausible. There was a large pack for forty-nine dollars and I didn't even look to see how much was in it because i do not have forty-nine dollars for stew beef, I found a one-pound bag for $8.99. But I had this same issue before, and was more persistent last time I went: you can buy a three-pound chuck roast for $7.99/lb, which is a chunk of change but it's a lot of meat, and cut it into stew beef yourself and save some money that way, but I just knew I did not have it in me this week to cut up yet another chuck roast when I got home. (Full disclosure: i wasn't even looking at the grass-fed organic shit this was just regular USDA whatever Meets Regulations And Is Legal To Sell shit.)
Stew beef is supposed to be the trimmings and it is supposed to be cheap. But they have realized people prefer it, more recipes call for it because it was historically cheaper, and so they have marked it up and it is more expensive than the whole roast. Because most cooks reading a recipe are not going to necessarily know why it calls for stew beef and that they could substitute a superior cut if the price wasn't good.
I am aware that buying the pre-marinated individual convenience cuts is historically where they make their profit and I don't begrudge them that; if that's what I was shopping for I would not be that mad about paying $7 for three cents worth of marinade ingredients, because it is much easier to cook something like that with the attached recipe and because a lot of the markup is the labor costs in putting all that shit together. I don't begrudge them that at all and when I'm paying for it I'm well aware that I am.
But I really do resent how much of the price-gouging is happening by abusing the patterns of behavior they conditioned us into. I learned, twenty years ago, to look for the deals and look for the bulk packs, and now I am being punished for having learned that. I don't mind paying a premium for something I know is a convenience fee, but being charged extra for my formerly-thrifty shopping habits really stings. I shouldn't have to exercise constant vigilance in the fucking grocery store, it's stressful enough to be the only masked person in there and now you have to compete with the huge carts they use for the online ordering peeps that take up a lot of the aisle.
Maybe it's easier to do the price comparisons on the website?
Oh and there are a number of products they now only carry the Wegmans generic for. (You can't get Snyder pretzel bites anymore, and the Wegmans version doesn't come in quite the same flavors, so I have to go to Dash's to get those now.) And still others where the Wegmans version is pricier. And, alas, some where the more expensive Wegmans version is better. (Polly-O string cheese, why are you so bland?? You're a snack baby. The Wegmans generic has salt in it and is a ton more pleasant to eat.)
IDK I don't have a thesis here it's just that being alive in the 2020s is way harder than being alive in the 2000s even though I was poorer then and didn't know shit. I don't miss my youth and I super don't miss George W Bush but I miss when I was figuring stuff out and it seemed to make sense. And I sorta miss when the Wegmans cashiers used to wear t-shirts bragging about how highly-ranked Wegmans was by whatever organization that was that ranked how good places are to work for.
Also, they try to steer you to use the self checkouts, but baby if you have more than two shopping bags' worth of stuff in your cart you had better wait in however long that line is to let a real human put it into bags for you because the self-checkout does not have any mechanism for you to remove and replace a full shopping bag from the bagging area. I told the cashier how much I appreciated him because he wasn't screaming at me, and he was like yah those self-checkouts yell at you a lot.
(Every Wegmans cashier for twenty years has been super nice. I doubt they're in a union, I wish they were.)
Yeah yeah this is the most middle-aged thing I've written yet but I'm in physical therapy and just bought a recliner for the ergonomics so I'm clearly grappling with my own mortality here, and I'm writing this partly out of concern for the kids who are where I was in 2000. What the hell are they being conditioned to do, by all this????? Shit, man.
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Burning the Candle at Both Ends
This is my first time writing for COD, but I've watched some clips and read some fics so I hope I do him justice.
Part one of The Way the Stars Love the Heavens series.
Contains: Fluff, non-sexual bed-sharing, unresolved feelings. Not beta read.
Follow #the way the stars love the heavens for updates
1.7K words
A translator's work is never done.
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"Any luck?" It was the question you had been dreading for hours, you were no closer to cracking the horrible mess of coded communications and the frustration was driving you insane.
"No." You sighed at Soap's face, his easy smile wasn't helping, it was almost like he found your frustration assuming. "I'm trying Latin next. You know this is a job for an analyst right? I don't really know what I'm doing here."
He shook his head. "I have faith. You're the best translator we got. I was stopping by to tell you that we'll be gone for the next forty-eight hours, we gotta leave the wire for something."
You gave him a nod and turned back to your screen. "Ok then, I'll be here, like I always am. I'll be lucky to get away from this thing with all the work you've sent my way."
Soap chuckled. "We gotta keep you busy, if you get bored, you might take your talent elsewhere." He paused and looked around, checking that you were still alone before jutting his head towards the common room where everyone else was enjoying some downtime before the jump. "But we both know there are other things keeping you here."
You turned away from the screen and shot him a pointed look. "Shut up, you promised you wouldn't bring that up again."
He raised his hands as he pushed himself off the corner of your desk. "Just saying."
He walked away without another word, and you turned back to letters as they unscrambled at a snail's pace. It was going to be a long night.
Knock knock
"Come in Simon." You knew that knock well, the two short raps were the only ones that you ever heard, no one else bothered. 
He parked himself in the same spot that Soap did, on the corner of your desk, but unlike Soap, Ghost leaned his huge frame over into your personal space as he looked over the monitor. "You look like you're making some headway." 
You sighed and leaned back in the chair, rubbing your face as tiredness slowly set in. "I am three per cent closer than before." 
"That's three per cent better than you were an hour ago." He could be so gruff sometimes. He turned from the screen and towards you but made no move to back away. "I was just coming to say goodbye." 
You nodded, he was close enough that you could smell his shower gel under the gun oil and cordite coming off his uniform. "Yeah, be safe." 
Despite the mask, you could tell he was smiling. "Don't work too hard love. The world's not going to end if you get some rest." 
You fought the urge to smile and reached out to shove him playfully, but he didn't budge. "Says the man who never takes his mask off." 
He shook his head and stood up and his massive hand landed on your shoulder. "We'll be back in two days." 
You drummed your fingers on the desk and nodded. "Of course. I'll see you soon." 
His hand lingered for a moment and silence filled the room, times like this, where something hung in the air between the two of you were becoming all too common. "Yeah, see you soon." 
Ghost was tired and his body ached, it had been two days of non-stop work and all he wanted to do was go back to base and sleep. The humvees pulled into the vehicle bay and he climbed out, watching as the others dispersed while Soap stayed behind. "You gonna see y/n before you hit the hay?"
Ghost shrugged. "Don't know, I figured she'd be in bed about this time."
"You know that won't be true, it sounds to me that you're avoiding her." Of course he was, he was covered in blood, sweat and dirt and he stunk to high heaven.
He sighed and almost rolled his eyes. "I'll go see but she won't be awake."
Soap crossed his arms over his chest. "How do you know that?"
"Because I asked her to get some rest." He knew that meant nothing, but still, he hoped you do it for him, he did ask nicely.
The look Soap gave him had Ghost walking away, knowing that if he stayed any longer, Soap would start asking questions he wasn't ready to answer.
Despite the weight of the exhaustion he felt, he got a second wind when he saw the light coming out from under your office door. He walked right by and into the kitchen, then plucked your favourite MRE out of the cupboard and threw it in the warmer before making his way to your office.
He knocked on the door twice and your raspy, sleepy voice came through the wood. "Come in."
You were in different clothes but he could see how tried you were, your eyes red and ringed with heavy bags. "You been to bed?"
You nodded. "I tried but the alarm went off, they changed the code again so I'm back at it."
He shook his head and raised the green bag. "I brought you food."
You reached out with a grateful sigh and took it from him. "You have no idea how much I need this." His mask crinkled with a smile and he sat down on the only other chair in the room. You looked him over and gave him a slight smile. "How was the op?" You could smell the blood on him but you wouldn't dare say anything, you didn't want him to leave.
"It was what it was." Part of him wanted to elaborate, to tell you about the shit he saw, but he didn't want that in your head too, even if you knew you'd listen.
You tucked into the food, the hot meal was perfect and you couldn't fight back a moan as it started to sate the hunger you didn't know you had. Ghost's chest rose sharply but you didn't say anything, and he looked at the pouch in your hand. "Good?"
You nodded. "Amazing. Thank you."
You wished he'd take the mask off, sure he had nice eyes but seeing his full face would have been better. He pushed himself up, reached over and tapped the desk. "Now that you're all fed, I'm gonna clean up and get some rest. If I don't hear you open your door within the hour, I'm coming to get you."
You sighed. "Yes, yes, I know, I need to sleep."
He shook his head and opened the door, looking over his shoulder to get the last word in. "That you do."
Ghost took extra time in the shower, the hot water soothing his body as the blood and dirt washed down the drain. In the steam, he wondered to himself why he was being such a coward, it was as plain as day how you felt about him, yet he couldn't voice the return of your feelings. Maybe he was worried about what it would mean for your friendship but deep down, he knew nothing would really change, just the fact that he had said the words out loud.
He turned off the water and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt, knowing that the halls of the pod that held the 141's dorm rooms and your office would be empty was enough that his mask was unnecessary. He thought about heading to his room, knowing he would hear you through your shared wall if you decided to listen and get some sleep, but he knew you and decided to check your office first.
Light was still coming from under the door, but for once, he didn't knock. He pushed open the door with the same careful quiet that he used out on a mission and smiled to himself when he found you curled up in your chair fast asleep. He knew the meal would have you off in dreamland, and part of him was happy that it was like this, although he was loathed to admit why.
He placed one arm under your knees and the other around your back and lifted you into his arms, carrying you the short way to your dorm, knowing there was no way you'd rouse with how tired you were. But when he came to your door and pulled the handle, it didn't move and he was at an impasse. Sure, he could root around in your pockets for your keys but that would wake you up and he didn't want to do that.
He thought back to when, in a drunk haze after a celebration, you accidentally found yourself in his bed, muttering about the wrong door before falling asleep on top of him. He reasoned to himself that you'd had shared a bed before, so this time wouldn't be any different before he opened his door and went inside.
He placed you on the bed, climbed next to you and pulled the covers over your body, the tight space forcing him close to you. He sighed as his second wind left him and rested his head on the pillow, looking over your sleeping face with a smile. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair off your face, caught up in the moment until your eyes blinked open. "Is this a dream?"
"No." He desperately hoped you wouldn't get up.
"Oh good, you're pretty."He let out a genuine chuckle, his chest filling with warmth as your hand landed on his cheek. "Do you want me to go back to my room?"
There was no way in hell he was going to say yes, not a single part of him wanted that. "No, you can stay, I didn't want to wake you looking for your keys."
You sighed and nuzzled closer into his chest, his arms wrapping around your body to hold you in his embrace. "Thank you, I'm think I'm too tired to move anyway."
"That's alright love, I got to look after my favourite girl." He had no idea what all this meant, not your confession at finally seeing his face nor the fact the your warmth against him was making him feel things he wouldn't dare voice. "Goodnight y/n."
Your lack of a reply and the slow up and down of your chest was enough of a reply for him to take the leap, and he pressed his lips to the top of your head as he spoke. "I love you."
Part 2
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resowrites · 11 months
Suspicious Minds - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry attempts to put a cot together…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2099
A/N: Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Suspicious Minds - oneshot.
The noises from the nursery were growing louder and louder. Eventually, she decided she'd have to go investigate. She pushed back the door to find Henry in the middle of the room, kneeling over a booklet of instructions. Nuts, bolts, and long planks of wood were scattered everywhere. "Good God, it sounded like a gorilla enclosure in here… I'll have to put a picture of you on the wall with all the other animals—"
"I'm trying to put this sodding cot together, okay?! The instructions are a bloody nightmare…"
"Well, can I help? Surely it can't be that difficult, it's only four sides after all."
"No, it's fine. I don't want you doing any lifting—"
"Well that's not like you…" He rolled his eyes.
"Still, I'd rather we erred on the safe side." She huffed and leaned against the wall while Henry muttered to himself. "Take a seat, I want you off your feet."
"Yes, m'lord! Shall I have a kip while I'm at it?" He locked eyes with her again.
"Why, are you feeling tired? Darling you must rest—"
"Henry I was joking! Stop being such a fusspot. And hand me those instructions or they'll have left home by the time you're finished." Henry sighed but handed her them nonetheless. "Right, first thing's first, do we have all the parts?" He cast a glance around him.
"As far as I can tell—"
"Good, now do you understand that a failure to heed the warnings and follow the assembly instructions could cause serious injury and/or death?"
"Will you just get on with it?!"
"Calm your knickers! If you want I'll wait while you go look for a hard hat…" Henry harrumphed. "Okay, so first you're gunna want to attach middle rear leg E to middle panel A1…" She looked at the pieces dotted around his feet. "Those two bits there, you'll also need three fifty-five millimetre bolts—"
"Fifty-five? That can't be right…" He grabbed the booklet from her hands.
"I think you'll find it is. And don't forget the Allen key—"
"Yes, I know that! Bloody woman pointing out the obvious…" Henry mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, love. Right, what now?" He finished tightening the last screw and awaited the next instruction.
"Okay, you need to insert three wooden dowels into those holes…" Henry looked up and eyed her suggestively. "Oh, stop it! And they need to go there, not in those ones."
"… Are you sure we aren't having sex?" She rolled her eyes.
"Right, you now need to attach slats H through four with five dowels."
"Just five?"
"Yes you gobshite, now do as you're bloody told—" He tutted.
"Fine, where do they need to be slotted?"
"Well bend over and I'll take a look—"
"Lovely, are there any more you want me to stick up there?!"
"Yeah, bars F, G, thirteen, and four need to go on the other side. Come on, shift it, I don't have all day!" Henry scrambled for the right pieces and hammered them into position. "You can also take your tank top off if you want, make things a bit more exciting…"
"I thought you weren't in the mood?"
"Well, it's hardly a turn-on having to tell you what to do—"
"Since when?! And give me that, if you can follow it it should be a piece of piss…"
"Should be but isn't." She bit back a laugh when he looked up at her annoyed.
"Christ, I don't understand any of this… why would the forty-five-millimetre bolts need to go in the back and not the longer ones?"
"Cos longer's usually better?"
"Oh just shut up and hand me six of the M6 bolts please!"
"You sure they're the right ones and not just the ones you want to use? Anyway, you're closer, I thought you didn't want me to lean down?!" Henry huffed. "Nope, those aren't the right ones…" He snapped to his feet.
"Fine! You do it Miss Smart Arse, seeing as I'm the one who apparently can't read instructions—"
"Well are you sure you're reading the English side, not the French?" Henry turned to storm off. "Whoa there Nelly, I was only joking. God, what's gotten into you? Why are you taking this so seriously?"
"Because I want to be able to do as much as I can for you both. It's bad enough I'm already forty—"
"Wait, hang on. What do you mean?" He looked down at the floor, his eyes beginning to well.
"I mean, I'll be an older dad Ollie. I won't get the same amount of time with them as you will…" She tilted her head sadly and cupped Henry's face in her hands. "Then there'll be the times I won't be here and that'll rob me of them even more."
"Oh, darling. Look… nothing in life is promised. What I do know for sure is they'll be surrounded by so much love. You're going to be a fantastic dad, Henry. There's no one else I'd rather have in your place. Well… no one I've met." They smirked at each other.
"You're right. Besides, you could always go first…" She kicked him in the shin.
"As if I'd get that lucky! Remember though, I work for myself and you also have a lot of flexibility. But either way, I'll do everything I can to make sure you get as much time with them as possible. I mean, not too much of course, that would hardly be right…" Henry smiled at her again.
"You'd really do that for me?"
"For the three of us, of course! I don't want you to miss out on them growing up either. We're a team, remember? And baby's not going to change that." He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You make me so happy." She tutted.
"Soppy bollocks…" But they shared a kiss and Henry held her close, gazing down at the bump hitting his stomach. "I'm sorry, I was just panicking. You're showing now and it's feeling that much more real—"
"I know sweetheart, I worry about what kind of parent I'm going to be as well. But we both learned a lot from our childhoods and I'm sure we'll make the right choices." She gave him another kiss, patted his chest, and smiled. "For now though I think I’ll leave you to it, the instructions just repeat themselves for the next few pages so you should survive…" Henry gave her an anxious look.
"I'm sorry I'm not more handy, either. God, I just don't understand it… I can put a PC together but not a bloody cot!"
"Yeah, cos you're overthinking it! So long as it doesn't collapse inwardly on our child, I can't ask for anymore." He smirked and spanked her backside.
"Go on, get out of here. I'd rather go without your encouragement if that's the best you can do!" She gave Henry a wink and disappeared from the room.
"Knock, knock, how are you getting on?" She opened the door to find the cot almost finished. The view of their nearly complete nursery took her breath away. "Wow, I knew you could do it! And it only took the rest of the day…" He tutted as he picked up some spare screws from off the floor. "Seriously though, it looks great, how hard was it in the end?"
"Not bad actually, I mean I almost threw it out of the window at one point, but I made it work."
"Oh, I thought that was one of our neighbour's screaming 'fuck’ at the top of their lungs…" She then eyed the screws in Henry's hand. "How many of those do you have leftover exactly?"
"Not many thank you very much!"
"And they came with the cot didn’t they?"
"Well, where else would they have come from?!"
"Your head maybe?"
"Hysterical. Why don't you come and inspect my handy work if you're that concerned?!" She stepped up to the cot and jiggled several of the bars.
"Mmm, not too far apart, that's good. At least they won't get stuck." He rolled his eyes. "Not sure those drawers are plumb though…"
"What do you mean?! They're dead straight!" But she was too busy testing out one of the dropsides. As soon as she lifted it, it whooshed back into place with a sickening clank.
"Jesus Christ, that could take someone's head off!"
"Well, I followed the pissing instructions! What more can I do?!"
"Build a bloody cot, not a guillotine!" Henry sighed and referred back to the booklet.
"Ah, I see. I haven't lined up these two casings correctly…"
"Well I hope that's the extent of the snags, I'm scared to touch the sodding thing now…" He pursed his lips and before she knew it, she was quickly whipped into the cot.
"There, see! Sound as anything! If it can take you it can take any baby—"
"Henry, will you get me out of here, please?! This whole thing's gunna collapse!"
"Oh shush and go to sleep, or do you need burping?"
"Alright, alright." He carefully lifted her out and she thwacked his arm the minute her feet hit the ground. "Ow! What was that for?!"
"You know what for, I can't get up as easily anymore!" She pointed at her bump.
"Oh please, you struggled to do that anyway," another thwack landed on Henry's arm.
"Just for that, you're not getting the snack I bought up here."
"What do you mean? What snack?" He sighed and picked up his screwdriver when she walked off. She returned moments later, however, holding a plate piled high with thickly cut sandwiches. Henry's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Other than terrorising your pregnant wife and building a death trap, you've done a wonderful job. I'm so proud of you darling and I can't thank you enough, the nursery looks amazing. I can't believe it's finished, are you excited? Before we know it we'll have a little one rolling around in there!" She pointed eagerly toward the tiny mattress.
"I know, the last few months really have flown by. It's going to be so weird having another person in the house!"
"You're telling me, you won't be the loudest, stinkiest one here anymore—" she stopped mid-sentence. "Wait a minute. Is it me, or is the whole thing on the conk?" He quickly stepped into her line of sight.
"Nah, that's just a trick of the light. Well, thanks for the sarnies, you best be getting on—"
"So it is bloody wonky?! I knew it! Did you not put the feet on?" She squatted low to examine the floor.
"Uh-uh, no you don't. Come on, get up please, you know I don't want you in that position—"
"Since when?" Henry rolled his eyes.
"Alright I confess, I haven't attached all the feet just yet as the whole thing was getting a bit heavy—"
"Well let me help--"
"No fucking fear!"
"Oh, Henry I'm not stupid!"
"Well, you could have fooled me! Remember that spice rack you tried to put up? Ten minutes afterward it crash-landed on the oven—"
"Yeah, cos you gave me shit screws - there and elsewhere!" His mouth fell open.
"Well I won't even dignify that with a response—"
"Yeah, cos you don't have one." Henry looked up at the ceiling and tried not to laugh.
"Darling, you can mouth off all you like, this is my job and I'm going to finish it. Now off you fuck."
"Well, what choice do I have…"
"Ollie, will you please just piss off?!"
"Fine! When you're done stuffing your face, come hop in the shower with me…"
"God bless those pregnancy hormones—"
"Oh please! You're just all sweaty, you'll stink up the bed later—"
"Sure. I'm thirsty as well, ya didn't by any chance happen to bring up a lager?" She smiled knowingly and handed him a tall tin can from the pocket of her jumper.
"Trust you to sniff that out. Oh and keep that Allen key handy as well, you can bleed all the radiators once you're finished."
"God, you'll work me to bloody death at this rate!"
"Henry, you've got off easy. You're not the one having to carry another person around, have them squish your organs, go into labour, give birth—"
"No, but I'm still having to hear all about it!" Her eyebrows hit the ceiling. "I'm kidding, if you're that helpless, go get all soaped up and I'll be in to scrub your back…" Henry spanked her backside once more and she walked off holding up her middle finger.
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copperbadge · 7 months
It LOOKS like I did a lot today...
I knew that I would need containers for various things when I started cleaning this year, but I held off until I could make a list and take measurements; this isn't even all of the containers I need, but it's what I could get from Ikea. Container Store will likely provide the rest but again, I'm waiting until I have a fuller idea of what all I need.
Last year I organized my craft stuff and designated a specific drawer for fabric; that worked well but the drawer got a bit disorganized because it was "one cardboard box with no lid, and fabric shoved into and around it". So I measured the drawer and bought a pair of plastic bins for the majority of the fabric, so now I can remove the bins if need be to get a better idea of what's available. I also found out there's a store in Chicago which takes donations of crafting stuff so eventually I'll destash some of this. I've been trying to use up a lot of it on various projects in the meantime.
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[ID: Three images; the first shows a bin full of folded squares of fabric, sitting on top of the shelf, while the next shows one bin of fabric and some loose fabric in a drawer, and the third image shows how the two bins fit into the drawer.]
Another bin I bought from Ikea was a metal basket to contain all my seasonings; this worked well, and allowed me to open up a bunch of space on the shelf they used to sit on for stuff that was on the shelf above it, making it easier to see what all I do and don't have.
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[ID: Two images of a white two-section basket split by a wooden handle in the middle; in the first it is sitting on the stove, freshly full of jars of spice and herbs (Marylanders take note: that red lid is indeed Old Bay). In the second image it is sitting on the spice shelf surrounded by other stuff like a box of baking soda and a spice grinder, while the shelf above it is noticeably not super cluttered.]
I also sorted through the spices, threw out some old ones, and identified the jars of stuff I hadn't used much and should use soon. I think I'm going to spend the winter making cinnamon rolls and swirl bread with the vanilla sugar, and make a shitload of taco meat with the fajita seasoning. I'll probably use the cheese powder for mac and cheese, and the Greektown for burger seasoning. Or maybe I'll try my hand at making falafel with it.
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[ID: A photo of several jars and packets of seasoning, including Spiced Vanilla Sugar, Romano powder, Penzey's "Revolution" seasoning and "Fajita" seasoning, and a seasoning mix called "Greektown".]
Lastly, to get to $35 and get free shipping, I bought some Ikea "cord caddy" thingys, which you stick to a surface and run your charging cords through in order to keep them tidy. I realize neither of these LOOK tidy but compared to what they were, they very much are.
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[ID: Two images; one is of a small portable table that I use for working on my laptop, and shows the caddy holding the laptop's charging cord and a phone charging cord so the table feet stop tangling them. The second image shows a caddy attached to one of the slats of my headboard, through which are threaded a power cord to some remote-control lights, another phone charging cord, and the charging cord for my sleep headphones.]
Listened to about the first forty minutes of the latest episode of Just King Things, about Wizard and Glass, and was gratified to hear many of my own complaints about it reiterated by either the hosts or people they've spoken to. I have started that book so many times and never been able to finish it because I Do Not Care about Roland getting laid as a teenager. So it's nice to get the plot and analysis in podcast form, and now I'll never HAVE to read it.
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toomuchracket · 5 months
girly is home sick one day before they’re together and he just keeps like making a point to walk past her desk waiting for her to come in, when one of her work besties clocks it and goes. oh she called in sick today. to which 1- he tries to back peddle being like “i was just on a stroll of the office stretching my legs, not looking for anyone” (not fooling anyone either). and 2 stops for way too many sick person supplies on the way home and brings her a little care package with like meds, sweets and soup or something.
i'm seeing this as being like at the point where you're fairly good friends but still trying to remain cool in front of each other lmao. you weren't getting the train in together this morning anyway because matty had breakfast radio press to do in central london already, so when you don't show up in the office at your usual time he's a little bit concerned - whatever, though, maybe a train's delayed, or you had an appointment, or some other trivial thing he doesn't know about. an hour passes, he wanders past your desk again, and you're still not there. same again forty-five minutes later, so he texts to ask if you're alright. there's no reply - maybe you're on the train? but no, as evidenced when he walks past your desk half an hour after the last time he did and the radio promotion girl at the next desk down is like "yo, matty, she's not here"; he's scrambling to sound nonchalant like "who's not here", and the girl smirks like "the person whose desk you've been walking back and forth to the whole morning", and he's like "have i? i've just been having a wander. knee keeps seizing. gotta keep it moving and all!", and the girl is like "uh huh. well, anyway, i answered her phone call earlier to say she wouldn't be in, and she sounded awful, bless her. she thinks it's sinusitis. doesn't know when she'll be back". matty's internally both distraught at the concept of not seeing you and extremely worried, and he's like "oh, that's terrible. should we send flowers?", and the girl is like "i mean... she's only been off less than a day", and he's like "yeah ok good point. well, thanks" and trudges back to his office quite glumly. he perks up a bit on his lunch break, though - nipping into the tesco express to buy cigs, he has the genius idea of getting you a little care package and dropping it off to you on his way home, so he grabs some chicken soup, and cold and flu meds, and nice tea, and honey, and chocolate, and a cute little bunch of tulips (and has to run back in to buy a gift bag lol). it takes you ages to answer the intercom and buzz him up when he rings the doorbell to your flat that evening, but you open the door so quickly matty suspects you were waiting by it for him, and he kinda loves that. you don't look well, your face sadder and more wan than usual, but he thinks you're adorable, all messy-haired and sleepy and cosy in your massive hoodie; your face lights up when you see him, and then goes all 🥺 when he hands you the little care package. you're like "thank you. this is really sweet, you didn't have to. but i appreciate it", and matty's like "just wanted to see how you were. missed you today" - you smile shyly like "yeah, i saw you texted, but my headache was too bad to look at my phone and reply. missed you too. was looking forward to hearing about the radio show at work today", and matty's like "it was good. you think you'll be back in a couple of days? we can listen to it together on the drive in". you smile and say "hopefully. m'feeling better after seeing you, so maybe if i keep thinking about you i'll be cured by then", and matty can do nothing but giggle like a lovesick teenage girl; he's like "darling i think the meds you've had are making you loopy", and you're like "nah, i'm lucid" and wink, and he teases like "well maybe you're more ill than we thought. i'd better go home and let you recuperate". but that's so difficult for him when you sigh and say "shame. but yeah, go and have your tea. and if you're not busy... call me later? talking to you is the most exciting thing that's happened to me all day", and matty's like "omg of course yeah i'll call you in a couple of hours. take it easy, darling. i'll see you soon", and he SKIPS to his car after you say goodbye and blow him a kiss. cute <3
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ariesmusingz · 5 months
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ╱    MANIC DREAM PIXIE SENTENCE STARTERS ( created using lyrics from peach prc's manic dream pixie ep. feel free to adjust to fit your muse. )
"i know your favourite pair of jeans"
"i'll lay them out when you leave"
"i'll make you breakfast, coffee black"
"receipts told me that you like that"
"i was thinking spring, silver wedding rings"
"i've picked out all our baby names"
"i'm kind of obsessed"
"you're kinda famous"
"don't wanna be friends"
"you're not a phase"
"i know you don't know me yet"
"my obsession know you well"
"take me out backstage"
"i know all the names of every song you played"
"one day you'll write about us too"
"i can be your muse when we say i do"
"you might love me if you knew me"
"you're gonna love me soon enough"
"you're gonna love me"
"i'm your biggest fan"
"can we go outside for a walk?"
"they told me you guys were hitting it off"
"she kissed me in the bathroom"
"it's just for attention"
"i'm making her jealous"
"you guessed it"
"i'm not a good friend but she doesn't know that"
"she's gonna hate me but i want you so bad"
"kiss me"
"i'm not scared if she's gone"
"i'm done tryna play it fair"
"i don't care"
"touch me"
"i'm alone"
"i want you on your own"
"she might want you but i do too"
"baby i'm perfect for you"
"harley had a party you were at"
"you were in boots and a cowboy hat"
"jenna said you knew my music"
"now i can't betray her"
"i'm in your sweater"
"don't wanna upset her"
"i can do what she can do so much better"
"i know it's been a while since you've seen me"
"i heard you're doing well now with your comedy"
"i reminisce nostalgic bits of 90s hits"
"we listened, do you miss it?"
"have you thought of it since?"
"if you still think of me, i'd love to meet for coffee"
"if i could just see your face, i'd look into your eyes"
"i hate your jokes and don't think you're funny"
"i hope you choke, go broke, lose your money"
"know that you were the worst forty five seconds i had in my life"
"i hope your conscious haunts you at night"
"fuck you and goodbye"
"a couple therapists are now familiar"
"by the way, i caught up with your ex"
"we shared regrets and most of them were sex with you"
"i'd sit down at your table and scream if i was able"
"thanks to you, gentle hands still resemble demands"
"loving lips on my mouth feel like currency now"
"thanks to you i fear kind"
"now i can't spend the night"
"i bet we were a couple bugs just living in the mud, happily in love doing bug stuff"
"i think i met you in a store in 1944"
"i probably wrote you letters while you went off to the war"
"we could have been two birds"
"now wouldn't that be so absurd?
"maybe just lost lovers that keep getting rediscovered"
"i think i loved you before back when we were dinosaurs"
"i wanna stay in love in this life and the next one"
"i think we've already met somewhere on another planet"
"i wanna stay in love in this life and the next one"
"i loved you before"
"i loved you"
"maybe you loved me on a trip, two pirates on a ship"
"counting all our gold as the boat tipped"
"could we have been there drinking win in medieval times?"
"forever just lost lovers that keep getting rediscovered"
"if i'm the sun and you're the moon"
"if it's over soon we'll go back through"
"i try not to compare a teenage love cause i know that isn't fair"
"why can't i just shut up?"
"i'm always going on about you when i'm drunk"
"i see your name in every numberplate"
"i tried to erase your fave but you're there everyday"
"you're my favourite person"
"i have created a version that hurts less"
"I had to tell myself you're toxic"
"better off cause you're the problem"
"really, i just couldn't take it"
"being hated by my favourite person"
"i tried to fall but i can't cause they're not you"
"i hate that i'll never stop thinking that we're not still home growing up"
"i hear your tropes in all my stupid jokes"
"i'm starting to lose all hope of ever letting go"
"if the world was ending i know i'd be spending my last day pretending we were fine"
"when we both grow old with families of our own"
"i'll probably always go back in my mind"
"someone kissed my closing eyelinds"
"i made it mean more than it did"
"someone put a plate down a little too loud"
"now i still flinch whenever i hear the sound"
"as i'm getting older, i learned my mumma was just trying her best"
"not that i owe her forgiveness but i'm sorry to that girl in a dress"
"if you wanna wear pink, i'll wear it for you"
"if you wanna dance then i'll strap up my shoes"
"if you wanna sing then consider it sung"
"i'm sorry that you had to grown up this young"
"forget that love is earned cause it was always deserved"
"i know you had to work hard just to show them your worth"
"remember that a plate is nothing but a plate"
"even if it breaks, we can throw it away"
"i learned that i was only trying my best"
"i think i owe her a deep breath"
"she was the strongest little girl in a dress"
"you were the strongest little fighter who carried me here"
"i know that you're tired from surviving in fear"
"now i got us for the rest of our life"
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Such Effort III
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi x f!Reader
W/c: 1.4k
Warnings: Hospital talk (not medical per say), Kakashi waking up from a morphine drip (he's still a tad loopy), quick thought of him doing something he shouldn't, mentions of him snooping, mentions of a mission, mentions of death, swearing
Summary Post 🔮🔮 Masterlist
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Previous Part
Forty-eight days and forty-nine nights. Six weeks and four days. 
Opening his eyes to the bright, white light surrounding him, Kakashi groaned, mind racing. He needed to find you, he'd been gone for so long. 
Trying the heave up, out of the strangely crinkly bed that Kakashi recognized to not be his own, his body felt like it had been mauled by a lion. Every nerve in his body, down to the tips of his toes, lit up with a searing agony. Kakashi stuttered, seeing only blurs moving around him before he felt two soft hands on his exposed shoulders, gently pushing him back down.
"No," he murmured weakly, lurching forward. "No, I ha-ve- to go."
"What's your rush?"
Oh, he was dead. Kakashi was in Heaven, speaking to an angel. He supposed he shouldn't rush then, but he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Kakashi wondered if Paradise had a section to view those you missed, still on Earth.
"There we go," the sweet, melodic voice hummed as Kakashi relaxed. He closed his eyes, the room still far too bright to take in. Would he just have to get used to that, up here? "I was worried you wouldn't come back to me, I suppose my worries were well-founded."
"I don't- not... you," Kakashi argued, vocal chords chaffing each other. "I need to- to... her... Y/n."
"That's funny, I don't remember giving you my name."
Ignoring the sting, Kakashi's eyes flew open. A blur stood in front of him, dressed in a light blue blur, holding a boxy, brown blur. He tried blinking, and the image of you began to come through. 
Again, Kakashi tried to sit up, this time more methodically. You put your hand back on his bare shoulder, a small bite of cold in your skin. Kakashi just smiled, pushing against your hand with his shoulder, enjoying the way he could actively feel your hand warming. You pushed a bit more firmly, chuckling, "Lie down. You got quite the scrambling."
"My girl," he hummed, taking your hand in his as he laid down. 
Kakashi kept blinking, now able to make out the fuzzy crescent of your smile on your beautiful face. Even blurry, you were breathtaking. He pulled at your hand, putting it on the center of his chest and making you stand right beside him. 
Dragging your hand up the dip of his chest, up his neck, and to his lips, Kakashi pressed a kiss to the each of your fingertips. Between each kiss, Kakashi mumbled, "My angel."
"You're not dead, Kakashi," you laughed gently.
"Don't call me that."
"Why not?"
"Too formal," he whispered, breath fanning across your palm. Resting your hand to cup his cheek, Kakashi added, "Lovers never use each other's names."
"Lovers?" You repeated, a mixture of shock and amusement in your tone.
But Kakashi didn't care, pressing your hand to his face and letting the smell of the perfume on your wrist rejuvenate him. He confirmed, "It sounds even better when you say it, darling."
Your dulcet laughter was all Kakashi needed to see clearly. The veil of fog was lifted from his retinas, only to be blessed by the sight of you. Oh, you were so perfect. You looked so professional too, with your clipboard and pulled back hair. So different from the girl in the shabby cloak on a ribboned bike, yet the exact same.
"You're still a bit hopped up, off that morphine drip, Kakashi-"
"Hey," he whined.
With a roll of your perfect eyes, you corrected yourself, "You're delirious, sweetheart."
"Mm. Better, but I want something more lover-like next time."
"Stars above, anyway," you sighed, pulling your hand away so meanly to flip a page on your clipboard. "You'll be okay for discharge in a couple hours, and I'll be coming to your apartment tonight to drop off a prescription that I need to go make n-"
"Don't go," Kakashi gasped, grabbing your hand back. With such a force, though unintentional, he pulled you over his lap. Bent at the hip over his thighs, your ass was on full, glorious display. "Yeah, stay like this."
In his absentminded state, Kakashi's left hand hovered above your perfectly round ass. He faltered, unsure if he should smack you around, or if he should grip your flesh. Both had been dreams for far too long, and this opportunity far too unpassable.
Crawling off of him and back to your feet, Kakashi frowned deeply, letting his hand drop to his chest. Both hands empty, he needed to feel you in them as soon as possible.
"You get a pass, only because you're injured and high right now," you snapped, straightening out your skirt and blouse. 
A jolt of fear traveled through Kakashi's body, resembling what he had felt so many weeks ago, when you had mentioned someone he hadn't even remembered fucking. Being with that other woman, who's name again eluded him, was a monumental mistake - and Kakashi worried he had made yet another mistake of the same brand.
"No, no, darl-, please, no, I'm sorry," he babbled, trying to catch one of your hands again. You took a step back, eying him in a way that made his heart hurt. "Please, just stay with me. Please?"
After a terribly long beat of silence, you sighed and sat on the bottom corner of Kakashi's hospital bed, sitting right near the edge. Kakashi tried to sit up again, but a very real, physical pain made him wince and swear under his breath.
"I'm only staying, if you stay lying down," you chided, getting up to push him down again.
Kakashi sighed, still propped on his elbow, "I'll lie down, if you sit beside me. Properly."
"Fine," you said, sitting right beside his torso. 
"Thank you," he exhaled, letting himself drop back into the bed. It stung, but not as badly as the sting of trying to sit up. You smiled at Kakashi, making the pain dwindle to a dull ache. Trying to hear your voice, Kakashi prompted you, "Tell me about yourself."
"That wasn't the deal."
"Darling, I'm injured and high, can't you indulge me a little?"
You snickered at his comment, which made Kakashi feel a wave of pride wash over him. Damn right, he made you laugh. He was always making you laugh, and nothing made him feel better.
"I didn't expect you to be so..." The words died on your tongue, but Kakashi didn't mind, his thoughts racing to fill in your blank. You went on, "Alright, hm, I'm an apprentice medic."
Kakashi shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Something juicier, something I don't already know."
"Ah, so you did look in my file." Kakashi just shrugged, and you sighed, tapping your foot. He couldn't read your emotion, but he wasn't getting anything negative. You continued, perking up a little, "Okay, here's something that's not in my file."
"I've got a mouse."
Kakashi laughed brashly, so hard that it agitated his injury. You furrowed your brow as he chuckled, "That's not in your file... a mouse? Really? "
"Well, he hasn't got a house of his own, you see," you giggled back, playing with your sheer pantyhose. 
Smiling, Kakashi reached his hand out to your netted knee to feel the coarse texture. As he did, he looked up at you, attention very much focused on your angelically beautiful face. Angelic, yeah, that was the perfect word to use to describe you.
"What's his name?"
"I call him Gerald, but he doesn't respond to it."
Kakashi couldn't help but laugh again, "Gerald? A mouse named Gerald?"
"He's getting rather old, but he's a good mouse," you explained. Kakashi continued to snicker, making you chortle, "What is so funny?"
"Why'd you call him Gerald?"
"I don't know why," you responded lightly, bouncing your shoulders with a shrug. Your eyes roamed Kakashi's face, and he felt like you were coating him with Nectar. "It's a good name, for a good mouse."
Letting his laughter die down in his chest, Kakashi let his face settle into a smile. He looked at the angel sitting beside him, squeezing your knee as he grinned. No one was luckier than Kakashi, getting to have all of your attention on him, and him alone. 
"You're so pretty, Y/n," he sighed.
"What happened to our pet names, lover?" You teased, standing up. Kakashi's hand dropped down your leg as his smile downturned to a sour frown. You chuckled, picking up his hand as it dangled off the edge of his bed, "I have to go make your prescription, I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Okay," Kakashi agreed hesitantly as you replaced his hand to the bed. "I'll be counting."
With that, his angel left the room, and Kakashi truly did start counting the seconds until she returned.
Next Part
*lmk how y'all feel i plead
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deceasedream69 · 2 years
Here, take my jacket
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- "oh, shit, shit, shit", said Klaus running. The mission wasn't going very well.
- "get your shit together or dad is going to be mad at us after this", said Luther from the other side of the room.
Training days were mostly fun, but having the powers I had, telekinesis, dad was really hard on me.
- "Number 8, you can do better. Now work like a team or I'll put you in a harder test", said the old man leaving the room.
- "ok, so, here's the plan", started Luther.
- "Great plan, now let's go", said Diego entering the training room.
The lights were glitching, the floor was slippery in some parts, and the silence was evident. The most scary part of the training room, besides the glitching lights, was the fact that it was really big, and full of random furniture and garbage.
- "look out", said Allison pushing Diego behind a desk.
They both dodged the bullets.
My breathing was fast, I really hated being in here.
- "hey", said number Five appearing next to me. "Relax, we got this", making his Pinky touch mine. I nodded.
I turned and made a few robots fly away, then running to the wall to the other side and hiding there. Turning to look at five he nodded and we both started to fight again. Until I saw something round.
- "no!", I yelled as a threw Five away from the bomb.
My ears were ringing, my head hurted like a bitch and my vision was blurry.
- "hey... Y/n? Come on, wake up", said Ben shaking me.
- "are we going to ignore the...?"
I tried to get up but Allison pushed me back down. That's when I noticed the bomb burned my shirt.
I pressed my forehead against the floor, so embarrassed.
- "here", said Five taking his uniform jacket off. "Take my jacket", he said putting it over my shoulders.
- "thanks...", I whispered.
- "well, you did better then other times", said Reginald entering the room. "But we could work harder on somethings. I admire the sacrifice", he said looking at me.
- "the sacrifice of my dignity", I said sarcastically.
- "well, that's everything for today. Go shower and... Put some clothes on", he left the room.
- "hey, your jacket. I already washed it and all", I said entering Five's room.
- "oh, you can keep it, it's too small for me"
- "ok, mister muscle", i joked sitting on his bed.
- "thanks for saving me from that bomb, I should've seen it sooner"
- "no, Reggie should stop treating us like one of those robots he has", I lay down. He did the same, taking my pinky with his Pinky again.
- "I really thought he was going to say something about how you "sacrificed" yourself... For me", he said looking at me.
- "he hasn't even found out that I'm not one of his forty something children", I said laughing.
- "I don't think he even keeps track"
- "good, that means we're on the clear", I said kissing him softly.
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hoonieswhore · 1 year
VI. One of the Drunks
Previous / Masterlist / Next
Word count: 1,2k.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, usual bickering, cursing, kinda suggestive, mentions of perv!Hoon
Friday night was good for everyone, especially for the Untitled band since they always played in a local bar. Today was a special day because Heeseung's childhood friend went to see them. In the backstage, the band was preparing the instruments and equipment while asking their guitarist about his friend. “We basically grew up together and then we parted ways, like everyone does, but we're still in contact and we always tell eachother everything.” Heeseung replied as he was tuning his guitar. The younger members nodded before Jake asked again, “BUT HE'S LIKE A STAR, you think he might want to be friends with us?” The Aussie boy smiled brightly as he played with his drumstick. “Sure, he's pretty cool,” Heeseung made a small pause as he took a quick glance at their vocalist, “well, I don't know if he'd be friends with everyone in this room… Especially if they looked at him like they were about to stab him on every fucking meal.” YN let out a sigh, looking at Heeseung through the mirror in front of her as she continued fixing her hair. “I didn't do that.”
The girl tried to defend herself but Jay interrupted her, “Do you even know him or he just gives you bad vibes?” YN rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed since it was the 10th time that the boys asked her if she knew the figure skater. “This is the last time I'll say it: I DO know him, I want him thirty miles away from me cause I can't stand him, end of the fucking conversation.” She said, grabbing her mic and turning around to face the boys, “Now I want you guys to shut up and hurry up with the last details, we only have two minutes before the show starts.” The boys nodded, grabbing their stuff and walking out of the room towards the stage.
Sunghoon was sitting alone on the table, he was already on his second drink when the show started. He took his time admiring every member doing their thing and he recognised they were very good at it, no doubt they had a contract with the bar and a good time to perform. The figure skater also noticed how the band already had a good public since people were enjoying the show and others were screaming their names. Yn's voice was better than he remembered and she definitely knew what she was doing on stage.
After three songs, Sunghoon found himself mesmerized by her, he wanted to look at the rest of the band but he couldn't take his eyes off of the pretty vocalist, especially when she was wearing such a hot outfit. The boy wanted to punch himself when he noticed that she was looking right into his eyes as she sang a pretty suggestive song, but that wasn't the only problem. The other problem was that his own body was betraying him and pumping all the blood in his veins to a specific part of his body and that made him feel like a teenager. The boy looked away quickly and chugged the rest of his glass, hoping that the alcohol would help with his growing bulge.
After forty-five minutes, the show was done, everyone was cheering and clapping as the band left the stage. Sunghoon was now slightly drunk but his plan worked since he was no longer hard. Heeseung and his friends approached the table, Heeseung and Jay sat next to each other in front of the model while Jake pushed Yn to sit next to Sunghoon before sitting next to her. Now Sunghoon was squished against the wall next to him as YN was trying to sit comfortably but that was getting impossible with the two boys manspreading. The girl sighed and punched her friend's leg as she said "Close your legs a bit, Jake, there's literally no space." The drummer rubbed his leg as he dramatically hissed "YN that hurts!" Everyone in the table laughed as they called Jake a drama king and shook their heads. Before they could continue with their bickering, Sunghoon started speaking, "Guys, that was SO amazing, you're really good! I thought you guys couldn't sing though, your voices are really good!" The boys smiled at him and thanked him before they kept talking about random things.
Two hours passed between drinks and laughs, despite the fact that Yn and Sunghoon couldn't be around each other, they realized that it wasn't that bad. Not until Sunghoon pulled his phone out of his pocket, grazing her thigh from how close they were and noticing how she slightly shivered because of his cold fingers. The older girl looked at him briefly before she kept talking with the rest of the guys. That light touch made Sunghoon look down for a bit and consequently, he ended up taking a glimpse of YN's cleavage. The boy unlocked his phone and started tweeting his feelings. He needed to talk about it somehow, especially when he felt that he was getting slightly hard again.
“Hoon? Everything okay?” He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice that his friend was calling his name for at least one minute. “Huh? Yeah!” he smiled at him and nodded, “I was just spacing out haha, what were you guys talking about?” Sunghoon locked his phone and left it on the table as he paid attention to his new friends again. “Well, we wanted to play rock-paper-scissors to see who's getting more drinks, wanna play?” Jay explained as he took his hand to the middle of the table, followed by the rest of the band, including Sunghoon. They played until Heeseung and Jake were too drunk, leaving the tipsy ones to decide that it was time to go home.
Sunghoon and Jay helped Heeseung to walk through the parking lot, the older one didn't drink too much but he was a lightweight. YN and Jake were walking two meters behind them, both of them laughing at Jake's drunk state. “Hey darling, new guy has a crush on you~” Jake giggled, slightly pushing her in a teasing way, the girl held onto his arm since she felt like she was going to fall. “You idiot! Don't push me like that, I wasn't ready!” she laughed, trying to push her friend back, “and what you mean he has a crush on me?” She took a quick glance at the three boys in front of them, focusing on the youngest. “Girl?? You gotta be kidding me, he's been staring at you the whole night,” he started, “please, he even stared at your ass when you got up to get more drinks and let me tell you that it was SO obvious. I'm kinda surprised that you didn't jump on him, he seems like your type.” Yn punched his arm, annoyed by Jake's words, he was right but she would never admit it. “Jake, what the fuck? How would I like a pervert like him? You're drunk bro.” She shook her head as she frowned. “Please… you can't play dumb with me and you know that, plus he tweeted some interesting stuff~” Jake cooed before jogging to the boys, opening the door of Jay's car as the others helped Heeseung to sit in the car.
YN stared at them, still confused at Jake's words as she started to get flashbacks from her last time with the model…
Taglist: @donghoonie-3 @venusssmoon @moonlighthoon (if you want to be added, send an ask<3)
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omniblades-and-stars · 5 months
WIP (not) Wednesday
I was tagged by @vakariansvixen to post a piece of something I've been working, and well, why the hell not?
If you're reading this and you wanna do this, just say I tagged you. I won't tell 😏
Here's a slice of Pass the Knife which I swear I'll finish one day and actually start posting complete chapters.
Nilea was the most bored she'd ever been, and she had been through those horrible C-Sec cultural sensitivity vids. Stakeouts were supposed to be exciting, right? Sitting in a skycar, next to Simmons, and watching a nearly empty plaza for hours was decidedly not exciting.
An abrupt sound from Simmons startled her until she realized that he was snoring. She shoved his shoulder roughly, "Simmons, you useless asshole, wake up!"
The human, a redhead in his mid-forties with almost no ambition, snapped awake and pushed her hand away, "Keep your fucking claws to yourself, Octaril. Already told you, I'm too much man for you to handle."
"Then why was your wife screaming my name last night? It's not because you're man enough for her," Nilea shot back at him. She didn't even know if he was married, she had never asked, and more importantly, she didn't care. That's just how cops talked to each other, apparently. If she didn't hit back, the harassment would never end. At least this way, it was kind of like it was a joke and she was in on it, instead of the butt of it.
Before Simmons could shoot back some snide comment about how sharp her teeth were or ask if she had a gash or something equally disgusting, her omni-tool blipped, alerting her to action in the plaza. Nilea trained her sharp eyes on the scene.
A human woman wandered to a bench nearby and sat down, readjusting her form fitting dress as she did. She had long dark brown hair, and tan skin. Nilea knew who she was immediately, this woman was something of a local celebrity. A socialite, philanthropist (allegedly, anyhow), and now apparently, a drug trafficker.
"That's Nicolette Key, told you she was involved, Simmons," Nilea hissed and sat up. Finally, something was happening. Soon she could get out of this skycar and escape Simmons and his beer burps. It didn't seem to matter how many times he'd been written up for drinking on the clock, it never went anywhere.
Simmons groaned and leaned forward to get a better look, "Well, it sure is. You have eagle eyes now, or are you finally lowering yourself to learn about us hated humans?'
"I don't hate humans, Simmons. Just you," Nilea's disinterested retort came as she turned her head to watch the next player approach the scene.
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faeryarchives · 2 years
lean on me
sometimes being blinded by the countless responsibilities, one tends to forget everything and drive themselves to their limit so that is why it takes one to let the other know that they always have someone to lean on
riddle rosehearts x gender neutral reader!
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"oh great sevens, i feel like my eyes are going to fall off at this rate."
heaving out a long sigh, you let your head rest on the book you were reviewing for ages. mister trein announced that there will be a big test next week in history that covers 30% of your grade so of course you couldn't risk losing that part of your grade by failing so it is in the most prioritized thing in your list.
but as always, and miraculously none of your plans went the way you expected them to be.
about to open a book? "prefect do you have time to spare? i need a little help with the ghosts bothering the warehouse near the garden."
going to create index cards to recap your lessons? "(nickname)~ so listen, listen i really found this new place downtown but i can't visit it alone! can you come with me?"
looking for jack to copy his notes? "oh there you are (name)-san! i have a favor to ask you! hmm? what am i doing? why of course still looking for a way to send you back home and certainly not reading the latest manga release!"
before you even notice it, the announcement was made six days ago and it turns out studying the day before the exam is not a good idea.
"sometimes i just want to be like leona being able to laze around instead." mindlessly flipping through your notes, the sound of a person entering your room and approaching from behind went unnoticed until they gave you a gentle pat your head causing you to turn around only to see riddle with a worried look on his face.
feeling the energy rushing back to you being faced to face with your boyfriend, you let out a cheer before hugging his waist. "riddle! i missed you so much~ what are you doing here?"
"have you ever heard of rest, (name)? ace and deuce told me that you've been in this library for hours now and even grim had a hard time convincing you to take a break."
"no offense but you out of all people talking about taking a break? it's like the world is going to end." riddle just let out an angry huff, sitting at the empty chair next to you. "well now the world is going to end because you are taking a break, right now."
the dorm leader put his hand on top of yours, holding them gently while looking you right in the eyes - you can clearly see how worried the male is.
"i know that you are very capable of yourself love, really. but sometimes, it wouldn't hurt to lean on your friends- to lean on me." looking at the amount of books piled around you, he took out some of your favorite snack and placed it in the middle of the table.
"as for someone always being asked for favors, you should always remember that you still need to put yourself first okay?" riddle saw it all - how you couldn't help but to help others in need whether be it a small or big matter and how it always seems to cheer you up at the end of the day knowing that you made someone's day better.
contemplating on your next choice of action, a nervous laugh escaped your lips. who wouldn't be nervous when the love of your life is staring deeply into your soul?
not being able to stand reading another phrase in your book, you rest your head on riddle's shoulder before grabbing the snack he bought for you and took a bite. "well if i end up failing this test i am telling mister trein its your fault."
"you won't fail, i'll help you review later after you rest."
"wait, are you for real?"
"mmm, you don't want to?"
"are you kidding me? you are the best riddle i love you!" you tackled him into a big hug. the once peaceful and quiet room is now filled with your giggles and chat with riddle, feeling the previous pressure on your shoulder slowly disappear.
maybe sometimes it's not bad to rely on your friends at all.
"aww man i got a forty nine, i really thought i'll get over fifty this time!"
"sixty-four out of eighty! in the exam that's good enough!" ace turned to around facing deuce who seemed to be troubled while looking at his paper.
"huh what's wrong deucey? did you fail?" the blue haired boy shrugged his shoulders and showed his paper to the three of you - eventually everyone in the room could hear shout of surprise coming from your group.
"no way did you got possessed by a studious ghost?!"
"congrats deuce!"
"hahaha, it was just a stroke of luck that i studied the hardest part in the exam. what about you (nickname)?" before the three could see your paper, mister trein walked up to the group and surprisingly gave you a pat on your shoulder - stunning every person in the room when a smile appeared on his face.
"good job in getting a perfect score on the exam (last name). you did really great this time."
"thank you mister trein, learning more about this world's history was also pretty fun especially with a person who is very knowledgable in it~"
"a perfect score?!?!?!"
"i better treat riddle to a date as a thank you ahihi."
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