#if i knew more about being a dm i would totally put something together :(
the-pigeolympics · 2 years
i think we’ve talked about this before, but are there any hatofans out there who also like dnd and want to brainstorm worldbuilding for either a bbl-verse campaign or absolute zero campaign with me ;) 
for a bbl-verse campaign, pcs could be different students/teachers/hawk or dove party members. in order to not overlap with the actual bbl plot too much, the campaign could take place before bbl (like during the era when nageki is alive and stuck at st pigeonations). or maybe something to do with hawk/dove party conflict? or maybe to do something with the bird/human war?? or post-bbl? the possibilities are endless! 
oh and an absolute zero campaign would be absolutely insane if it could be some sort of parallel world jumping back and forth between fantasy and the real world. some anghel shit right there y’know?  
anyways i am just extremely invested in the idea of a hbf themed dnd campaign and i will now be designing a hbf oc for fun lol 
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talenlee · 3 months
Seeing some gm advice I'm reminded of a campaign I had where I got to play a bard.
Back in 3e, which this was, I didn't get to play charismatic characters often - because I didn't play characters very often, and I was usually building towards doing something busted with the character building limits. But this time, I had made my boy, he was basically Sexy Anime Ed Elric But Secretly Armin Tanzarian, and he was a cool dude whose big thing was obligatory 3e combat broknenness, but really his big thing was astronomical bluff and diplomacy checks.
Now I've complained about this in the past, but back in the day, 3e made diplomacy a skill you could absurd numbers on, and then made it so the outcome of those numbers had to be completely narrative breaking for any sensible GM. I was a level 9 character who could quite reasonably convince a total stranger who was there to kill me that they were my best friend, and have them act on it. Diplomacy was dumb. And this was a half-elf, an underpowered heritage option, that meant that in exchange for Getting Nothing out of the character building process, I had access to a sort of short-sharp-shock calming effect that could let me force the diplomacy check.
I literally never used that ability in the entire campaign. I came close to using it, once, but the GM saw me preparing to do it, and just had the non human animals that were nearby just leave. I had to rely on backup of Just Being Really Good At Fighting.
In the course of this campaign we were hunting down a big bad business boss who was collecting our old allies and bringing the band back together to pilot a cool interplanar skyship because those are cool. And, intent on playing with the idea of my bard as being socially very dangerous, I had the bright idea of, in the course of these raids, doing things that made the boss' insurance pay out. My bard destroyed debt records, saved valuables from the fires we started and kept them hidden on-site, and made absolutely sure every site was marked as our work.
Eventually, the DM asks me what I'm doing, and I explain that I'm trying to make the boss convinced that we were something he had organised, that this was his idea and it was all an elaborate ruse. I was attempting to gaslight the villain of our campaign and I put a lot of work into it.
Anyway, DM said it wouldn't work and we just had a big fight at the end.
I was tempted to tell you an ending about how it SHOULD have gone, and then maybe tacked on an Everyone Clapped kinda ending. But nah, the DM heard my requests, saw what I was doing and just let me go on it, before resolving that sure, he knew what I was aiming for and trying, but he couldn't do anything with it so nothing came of it.
I'm not even mad about it, I don't think badly of that DM. He's a beloved friend, someone I would help move bodies. I feel like if I'd handed this to other people, now, they'd probably think that is cool as hell? Or we'd have more of a negotiation on it? But the thing that keeps coming up in my mind is that this is an instance where I, without realising it, was being failed by the system.
The system was telling me 'I can have these things.' But the thing is, like... having those things would be really stupid? Those things clearly could not work in the kind of campaign the rest of the game was built around? And when I tried to strike out in my own direction with it, the system had nothing to accommodate that, or even accommodate something similar.
Anyway what I'm saying is 4th ed D&D is the best D&D
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Hi! I sent the request in your dms
Ah I was so excited to do this one!
Sylvain getting into an argument with his playful and funny friend
Reader here is female
He always liked how casual you were about everything. You were one of the only people who wouldn't be so serious about everything.
Even if you were always under pressure due to your status and family expectations, you were always ready to crack a joke and make his day.
After the war started you were just the same as always and he was so glad to see that you haven't lost your spirit no matter what.
But your messing around caused one of your friends to ask "Do you ever even cry? You never care about what everyone says to you do you?" and you were quite surprised to hear that "Huh? Of course I do. I have emotions just like everyone does"
You argued with your friend over it and you then vented to Sylvain about it. As someone who was accused of the same plenty of times he knew how upset it must've got you.
"Some people won't understand even if you spell it out to them Y/N, but if it means anything I do understand. After all we're not so different are we? So we might as well stay together, us against the world" if he said it with any other tone you'd assume that he's flirting with you. But his voice was sweet and concerned, rather than playful.
The conversation stickied with both of you, even though you were already friends knowing that you're truly allies by every means of the word was rather comforting.
But just like any friends you had a few arguments. Some were small and you apologized right away, but this time it wasn't like that.
You were just so done with all the girls complaining to you about him. They all would ask why you'd be friends with such a monster or can't you do something about him. There were few that just came to cry to you too.
You told him to just stop with that already and it pretty much started it "Since when do you dictate how I live my life? It's none of your business so why should you care anyways?"
"Not my business? Do you know how many of your ex girlfriends come complaining to me!? I'll tell you: way too much" you didn't include how also hearing people say such things about him to you is tiring since you just wanted to get to the point.
The argument kept going, and before he had the time to consider his words he just snapped "Oh I'm so sorry miss perfect but not everyone can be as great as you"
He was angry but when he saw how his words hurt you he felt bad. He didn't have the time to apologize though because you left with tears in your eyes.
He felt almost paralyzed, he wanted to run after you but something kept him from doing so.
He just stood there shocked at how he could say such a thing when he knew how much you hated the word perfection.
After he calmed himself down he wanted to go to you right away, and that's what he did.
Of course not without a gift. He didn't wanted to pay for your forgiveness- but rather just make it up for being such a fool.
He was nervous, he often messed things up but since it's you he feels triple as guilty. He thought you even might not want to see him but when you didn't immediately shut the door upon seeing him he figured it was okay for him to speak.
"Y/N I'm so sorry for what I said back there" he still found himself not able to say much more than that. At the very least he got his point across.
He was rather desperate, so he felt dumb for saying just sorry. He wanted to say something but he just doesn't know how to put it together.
You could see that he regrets it but it was only fair for you to now make him pay for making you cry.
With a straight face you closed the door of your room. He was surprised to say the least.
When you re-opened it you joked "I thought you of all people would be used to girls shutting the door in your face like that" you didn't say it in a malicious way so he smiled back at you.
He totally deserved that one and he isn't afraid to admit to it.
~Mod Bernadetta
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
The potential of VegasPeteTay
This is totally on @kin-kinn who rolled into my dms with "i just think VegasPeteTay could be good together" and didn't elaborate BUT MY BRAIN DID
But Lea refuses to be "gladly responsible" for this and write it so into the void it goes
Vegas and Tay hooking up when they were younger - Tay and Time were like maybe on their first or third break or some shit and like maybe it's even when Kinn is dating Tawan so like collage time
And Time cheated on Tay again and Tay is just kind of very vulnerable and shit and maybe he's drinking his sorrows on some event and Kinn went off to be a couple somewhere with Tawan and Time went to get his dick wet leaving him alone, thinking about Time getting his dick wet with some twink that isn't him and then there is Vegas and he first stares at Tay like "oh that's about to be interesting" and then Tay just looks at Vegas and clocks a very drunken bad decision, because Vegas is a very, very bad decision, but he is drunk and lonely and maybe he wants to get back at Time a little and he is young and doesn't know better and Vegas IS HOT
So they hook up and maybe even after they have like a moment™ together and like there is this feeling there could be a future built on this, a potential of something and then Kinn calls Tay or sends him a text asking if he's alright or something and Vegas gets this like "oh Tay is always gonna be Kinn's" and so he starts being mean or someshit and maybe Tay isn't really ready to let go of Time's hands and is like "okay asshole just don't say shit to Kinn and DON'T EVEN COME CLOSE to Time, this has never happened" and so ever since Vegas is always kind of smug around Kinn when Tay is around because it's like having this hand over Kinn and Tay is always fucking mad at him for that, like that fucking asshole
But also both of them feel some kind of softness, like they both knew there was something, and maybe it was the first time Vegas felt seen and maybe it's the first time someone has listened to Tay about Time and didn't try to make excuses for him (i mean not counting Kinn but i feel like Tay wouldn't maybe tell Kinn when they were younger here because he would feel bad for putting Kinn in this position between him and Time)
And so they shared one vulnerable evening/night and it's always there between them but it's the right person wrong time shit
Because Vegas isn't yet ready to be what Tay needs, isn't ready to let go of his rivalry with Kinn and Tay isn't ready to let go of Time
And fast foward to after the hospital
And like now that Porsche is a friend of Tay they spend time together and Porsche sometimes brings Pete
During this hangs out tho Tay finds himself looking at Pete like what does he have that I didn't that made Vegas love him?
And Tay just gravites towards Pete motivated by this question and the thing is that the more of Pete he learns the more he understands why Vegas fell for him
It's like Pete also is a person that listens to his feelings about Time and doesn't judge and just like Vegas and his daddy issues Tay is just defencless against it
And then for Vegas he hears from Pete that he goes out with Tay and maybe he makes a some kind of face and Pete is like what is it?
And Vegas doesn't want to talk
And so Pete goes
But that night after sex Pete just goes You and Tay, so what's up with it?
And Vegas just spills the beans bc like how could he not and it's like very tender with Vegas whispering it and Pete listening and Vegas is maybe tracing shapes on Pete's body with his fingers
Then Pete goes "so do you think you and Tay? You could work" cogs turning in his pretty head because there is an image now floating in his head of Tay and Vegas together and he's only human and that's like fucking HOT
And Vegas is like "it doesn't matter now? Doesn't it? I have you 🥰" and Pete is like "sap"
But the image doesn't leave his mind
And SO ONE TIME THEY HAVE SEX RIGHT AND PETE IS JUST LIKE "So did you fuck Tay like that?" As foreplay and Vegas is confused why are we mentioning Tay when I have my dick in you kind of way but the more Pete goes off the more into it he gets
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bisluthq · 7 months
The thing the anon was saying came from something DM received a while ago. And while I don't believe it I also don't think the gist of it is false. What I mean is that the person who sent the message framed it in almost an offended way, as in he was an idiot for not wanting these things while it's normal for people not to like the same things. But like I said I think from what we know and seen over the years, anyone could put out that together and think that and send it. I don't think it was rude about it, atleast not intentionally but I can see him not loving going to award things; not because of Taylor or anything, just because it's not an environment he feels as comfortable as her in. I can also believe he prefers going out to dinner in more low key places, just so they could have a bit of a more normal experience like a normal couple. And I also don't think he would really enjoy having paps waiting for them outside of those restaurants. Ofc he knows/knew a relationship with Taylor was never going to be a totally normal experience in any way and I think he was ok with it being that way cause he loved her. But you have a lot of celeb couples that apart from the fame try to do their lifes as normal as possible, as in yes they are famous yes they know and accept that but also make conscious choices to have a sense of normalcy (remember what Taylor said when she talked about peace in the long pond). I think what changed is that Taylor does love fame and attention at the end of day and instead of keeping the sense of normalcy or trying to find it, she now wants to lean into fame and not making an effort to keep things more low key. And while I somewhat understand that, that maybe you just want to live your life and do whatever you want because it's easier than trying to minimize external factors; I also understand him for not being ok with their life being a tabloid story, with people knowing where they are or what they are doing and things turning into a circus. It's probably also an American vs British mentality. I don't doubt he wants to be successful, but that has to do with his job. If we look at this from a normal citizen perspective, it's quite normal to have a job and be recognized it for it but not wanting people to be meddling into your personal life. That's the usual way things work and him being an actor doesn't mean he has to give up on that. Swifties like to act as if this is some strange thing but it isn't. The out of the norm way is how Hollywood works and you have celebrity couples being front and center in magazines and pap shots and people know their business.
Joe and Taylor worked because when they met Taylor didn't want the Hollywood way of things, their priorities were aligned. When she started to get her confidence back, she probably was ready to get back on the horse and they had to make compromises for each other. Then the pandemic happened and while it brought them closer, I think it also made them realize their priorities were different. She wanted to go back to spotlight. He realized the kind of life he wanted wasn't aligned with what she wanted.
If 2016 didn't happen I don't think their relationship wouldn't have lasted this long. I think in a lot of ways they were compatible, the strong attraction was there , they were similar to each to other, emotionally understood each other so something would have happened anyway. But I think 2016 masked a bit the fact that they want different things out of life.
I’ve always said if 2016 hadn’t happened, he and Douglas Booth would’ve been in the same group chat. Like I personally prefer Joe because I know more about him but they’re both just nice, talented, attractive British dudes. I think because she was very sad in 2016, she let Joe in and then decided he’s her savior and he liked that because he’s a psychotherapist’s son and liked being the knight in shining armor. He took it very seriously and as did she but ultimately it was not to be because she clearly annoyed him towards the end and he according to the lyrics wasn’t putting out emotionally as much as she’d have liked at the end.
it’s all just very normal.
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wally-franks · 1 year
hiii hi im here with my liddol hcs for u... looks up at u with my big sad wet eyes. this is my silly little au ,,, i love urs tho n would love to hear the angst bcos. theres so much angst i left out too fjrjfhie
ok so WALLY- little guy but absolutely not stupid. like he knows whats going on BUT hes just. a little silly sometimes. low braincells but can piece stuff together and is careful. carries a knife with him. does not want to get into trouble (excluding pranks ofc. loves them) uh. 147cm, transmasc, and pan. his hat is very important. i actually just finished making his hat but thats a different thing fhjrjf
talks a LOT and has a gossip group with norman n susie. but its all in good fun. n u know thomas is him boyfriend. they pretend to be Mortal Enemies but at home they r so so soft... they must put up a front at work because they are scared of how they'll look in front of other ppl. if only they knew that probably like 2 ppl total in jds were cishet fbjrj,, he has that audhd and his silly little catchphrase is everything ok.
thomas- too tall bites him. i mean. ahem. 183cm and bisexual. very closed off from people but will not hesitate to confront people. very touchy about the machine cos its his "best creation" or whatever. ok stupid college boy but go off ig. (i love him sm)
basically just there to get work done. he acts smart, looks smart, but hes "stupid"... not in the way of logically stupid, he is just very silly sometimes. also he smokes. i mean have u HEARD his voice (affectionate) he has 5 older brothers n his family is very sweet i think. gnaws on the thomas plush part twenty million
and finally SAMMY- very very stressed so he yells a lot BUT he does a softer side in private. he just needs to front as mean and irritating with everyone to keep his image up :(( grr squishes him very hard. transmasc and gay bc. he just is. does not like joey but then again in my au nobody really does but thats ok<3 back to sammy the babygirl. he is 168cm and his "partner" is jack... but we all know... the silly... also probably helped johnny learn the organ/piano. because it needs to happen
if u want 2 know more or have any questions my dms are open >:3c sorry for th ramble!!! fjrjeh
Hii!!  I'm so sorry this took so long to get toooooo. I had to inhale this text for a bit and let it sog into my brain xD I always need a bit to take in muchhhhooss information (nothing bad btw just me being me hehe)
AND YEAHHH.. I should maybe talk more about angst. But at the same time I'm like. Naurrrr... Naurrrr... I really live by "there's always so much negativity and sadness in this world, no need to add more to it" SO I ALWAYS HESITATE SHARING ANGST AND SAD THINGS!! CUZ I'M LIKE!!  WHY BE SAD IF I CAN HAVE FUN STUFF WITH STUFF THAT MAKES ME HAPPY </3 + most of it is just killing and torture anyway and euhm. Those tend to trigger ehm negative stuffs in me anyway :') Mostly just hallucinations and shit thoughts but!! You know, when there's a good time to share some of that stuff, I will!! :3 or maybe I share more about my toon Alice. She's a bit more tame about with that stuff. Anyhow. This is about YOU and not me. Soooo I'll go now through your stuff >:)
Wally being like that is true, that really fits to him!! He's just a silly that takes his his time to piece stuff together and that is okay :3
And OMG, mine also carries a knife around :D I just think it makes so much sense for hi to do so.... He's encountered moving ink puddles before, might just aswell carry a knife til. I feel like it also makes more sense after we saw his hat and a knife at artists rests (+ the April fools video hehe). Also, him being transmasc and pan is so funny because my old version of wally used to be exactly that aswell!!  :D I changed that though, but again something very fitting for him. I loev your wally. He's so silly. AND SMALL!!!???  like damn OMG I didn't expect him to be that tiny. I could just launch him /lh
(Wally being a little gossip girly pop is so funny and real HAHAHA )
Thomas's and Wally,s relationship being like that is exactly how I envisioned it xD I love that for them so much.
And.. DAMN!! IM ALMOST AS TALL AS THOMAS BOY!! I thought yours would have been MUCH taller. Guess I was wrong. That's so interesting.
Also yeah... He definitely smokes. He smokes so damn much, probably several packs a day LMFOA. It's not to miss with a voice like that xD. You'd have to be insane to not think that.
SAMMY BOY!!! SAMMY BOY!! I've been so keen on hearing about him!!!!! Wa'hh!!  We love publicly intimidating and soft at home Sammy I love that so so so so so much waghahahhhh!! And he's also way smaller than I thought,!! Another suprise here :D but nothing bad. Just me being like woah??  In taller than him. ALSO, HIM AND JACK BEING A THING?? YAY!! I LOVE SAMMY AND JACK TOGEZHER WJAJAJAJ AND OHOHOHH JOHNNY MOMENT. JOHNNY MENTIONED *POINTSSS*
AND YEAH I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF I WANNA KNOW MORE. AND DON'T BE SORRY I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.. ERMMMM. IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT YOUR JOHNNY *twirls hair* I'd love to know what he's up to in your AU. Where he's mostly at!! Mine is first at the music department but then gets moved down to lacie and Bertrum, so I'd love to know where yours at!! And his personality too. That's the thing that interests me the most!!! Giving a character who has no info at all jngame a personality is always so cool and interesting to see :D everyone has like their own way of seeing and imagining characters.. I'd die to know how yours is!!!!
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gracefulweather · 1 year
Happy 1-year message-versary! Can’t believe it’s been exactly 1 year since you first messaged me on Tumblr! While it may have started because of my love for your fics, which then led to lots of nekked pics of Hyunjae in our chat 🤡, I’m glad that our convos have evolved to talking about your blossoming feelings for SEVENTEEN ❣️, our hilarious boi stories, work complaints 🙃, and trip planning! I never thought that I’d be besties with someone I met online but I knew we were totally vibing from the start! 🥰
Thank you for being the perfect partner-in-crime by being delusional with me, helping me plan my perfect holiday to your home country, and encouraging me to tap into my wild (?) side by getting piercings! I’ve loved all our random convos and all the funny things you send me and say, and it’s always the best when we suddenly go off on a tangent and become totally delusional and write spontaneous drabbles / fics in our chats! Or when we tell each other about random things that act as fic inspo! I’ve told you this before but I’m so honoured that you’ve dedicated fics to me! 💞💓💗
Special mention to you having managed to put up with my awful work complaints, especially during That Project ™️ (RIP may it never come back to me again! 🙏🏻) and for always keeping me company when I was working late or was bored on the way to / from work or even at work! 💖💘💝
You’re my bestie from the other side of the world but even 13 timezones can’t keep us apart! 😂😂😂 Literally the only times we didn't message each other were when we were sick or I was physically with you during my holiday HAHA and I have now become an expert at our timezone difference lol
Once again, happy message-versary and here’s to many more fun times! 🥂
P.S. Come visit me soon! 😭😭😭
P.P.S. A select summary of some iconic moments in pics:
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HAPPY FRIENDVERSARYYYY to the seokmin to my mingyu, the hyunjae to my younghoon ✨🥳🎉🎊 ahhh so much has changed in the past year and i can fully say that i never expected to make a new friend in 2022 but it happened and we had way too much fun together!!!
(i debated making a post on jeongjaebae about this and even had the screenshots collected, but i guess i'll post them here instead LOL)
here's how it started
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how it continued.... aaaand of course my legendary slip-into-the-dms move 🤡
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guess they don't call me an istj attractor for nothing HAHA
yeah so i never expected for something like this to happen especially when 1. no one comments on fics, and 2. no one sends asks, and 3. if they pass thru #1 and 2, they're probably... way too young to pull off an international trip to meet a mutual LMAO. so really, the stars aligned for this to happen :'')
i knew we'd be able to meet one day but never expected the opportunity to come up so soon!! having you (kind of spontaneously) visit from 15,558 km away is definitely a once in a lifetime event and a big part of what made 2022 so special 🤩 and ofc it's been quite the experience watching you go from a Good Girl to wanting to try new things!! like piercings and crop tops and maybe doing a slutty walk through the financial district HAHAH
the days when we used to talk for like 9 hours in a row (when i was unemployed) were way too much fun, but even now with jobs and timezones and everything, we still manage to be delusional so we're doing great :') and yeah i totally agree, it's nice to have a friend from a diff timezone so we can have each other for company even during odd hours like those 7:30s on the train or the 2ams.
also it's so interesting to see which conversations you screenshotted?? some of them overlap with mine like the stupid together stupid separately, and the one with the brackets LMAO. but here are some i found funny:
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can't possibly include all the good moments and idek if these would count as my faves either but think they're pretty fitting of our highly delulu convos 😍
so here's to one great year of friendship and adventures, and looking forward to more to come!! (aka continuing to be as delusional as humanly possible) ❣️✨💓💫💖
p.s. yes that aussieland trip has to happen sometime 🥺
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actnatural-ly · 2 years
a ⭐ for my favorite writer. dealers choice
this is the nicest thing ever!!!! i love you anon, thank you so much!
gonna talk about the kind of patience that breaks your heart aka the abortion fic cause i don't think anyone else will ask about it. lemme put it under a cut in case of any potential triggers
cassie's abortion / ice-skating scene in s1 remains one of my favorites of the entire series and i will never stop being mad that they never address it in s2. this fic came about because of an anon ask prompt here for blurbs of lexi telling fez she was pregnant. i knew i wanted to write an abortion fic that paralleled that sequence
i always wondered what transpired between suze and lexi while they were waiting on cassie's procedure. the line i settled on - "you're my good girl" - i'm still not happy with. it was at first cautionary "don't let this happen to you. you're too smart for that." and then it became more vague, "you're my smart girl.", "you're too smart for this.", "you know better.", etc etc. but even with a tendency to run her mouth tbh idk if suze would compare them so directly like that. but she had to have said something and it would have stuck with lexi even if it wasn't what suze intended.
i hope the tone i intended came across, i really wanted lexi (and fez) to not feel conflicted about or regret the decision, but still have complicated feelings about it and about each other
the idea that lexi and fez had slept together on NYE did not come together until later when i was thinking about lexi having an abortion while in a friendship/relationship with fez and i realized i preferred them not knowing each other well yet and slowly getting to know each other through this thing they shared. however i did want them to have that baseline connection / understanding of each other's religious leanings.
the paper bag of flavored condoms is totally real. idk if planned parenthood still does that but that was a vivid memory from my teenage years. as was a close male friend who was trying to date me driving me there after school one day (for an STD test, not an abortion tho)
my absolute favorite thing about this story is that @idontneedtobeforgiven slid into my dms and is now writing her own version :) (hope it's kosher to share that!)
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soft-edging-kittens · 2 years
This is from @cynfulworld in my DMs, shared with permission...
Hello, so I’m not sure if you wanted to know about dates or how the dynamic developed for us, I’m happy to send both. As for how it started… We’ve been together almost 10 years. My husband always been adventurous with trying new things and he had begun to read about having a “Hotwife” dynamic… He thought it was interesting but not sure that it something he was sure he could do. He wasn’t sure he could actually share his wife. Over time I guess it became more and more appealing to him, more of a turn on. He didn’t talk to me about it at first, he thought about it for like 6 months before bringing it up but then he started asking me to tell him about times I had been with other men, while we were having sex. He knew that I had been promiscuous and free with my body before we had met. I had many stories to share and he really liked it, his body reacted so strongly. After about 2 months of that he explained to me what the Hotwife scenario was and that he wanted us to try that. I was totally shocked. I said no, I couldn’t possibly. I love my husband and I would never want to hurt him, or our marriage. We have a great relationship and a part of me actually thought it was a test. But there was another part of me that knew exactly who I wanted to fuck. Lol. I said I didn’t think I could but would consider it. He kept bringing it up…he would send me things, stories, images. Things about wives being shared. Memes of sexy women with statements about how they loved their husbands so much for letting them be free sexually and what a turn on and strengthening thing it was for their relationships. He spoke with other couples who had done it. It started to grow on me, I had always had a very high sex drive and loved variety. Before I had met my husband I had many partners, but when I fell in love with him I put that aside and committed myself to him. It made it very intriguing to me to be able to explore that again. So, after many discussions about rules, boundaries, feelings and fears, I decided to try it. It’s a huge turn on for him to think of me being wanted and pursued by other men. To have me ravaged and turned inside out until I can’t walk. To fulfill my naughtiest fantasies with other men and be a whore for them. When I am done playing I go home to my husband, where he has been eagerly awaiting me. I don’t let him cum for days prior to a date so he’s nice and needy for me. I’ll stroke his cock while telling him all about it, or have him eat their cum out of me before he reclaims my body and takes me again. Some couples use humiliation in their play, we do not. I respect my husband very much and he doesn’t have a desire for humiliation. He does enjoy seeing pictures and videos or listening to the audio of me being with another man. It’s been a fun adventure and has actually brought us closer together.
I’m not a very good writer and sometimes I am short on time so I apologize if it’s not the most well written. Lol. A recent date I had was with a gentleman that I have been talking with who happened to be in town for a work conference. He invited me for dinner, drinks and conversation to see if we clicked in person. Like there was a chance we wouldn’t. Lol. He was an interesting guy. He has a breeding kink and likes to play a Daddy role. Rules and restrictions, rewards and punishments etc. His colleagues were there though so he was trying to be discreet as he is very private. I had a few rules to follow that he told me ahead of time. Our booth was angled in a way that blocked them from seeing us but he was still cautious. It just made things a little deliciously on edge. He would have me lick his fingers clean from the appetizer we shared, or place my hand on his cock under the table. He would lean in and bite my earlobe real quick when I wasn’t expecting it. Just to grab my attention and put me on edge again. Little things sprinkled throughout the conversation that just added some fun. He’s quite commanding, enjoys the control. Which I enjoy giving up. We were the last of his group to leave the lobby so we went up to his room where he directed me to where he wanted me to wait for him. Took off my clothes but kept my lingerie on and kneeled, as told to, while waiting for him to do whatever he was doing in the other space. When he came in we role played a little but he was too excited. We started making out heavy, he likes to be bitten which I enjoyed because I love to bite. Knowing that if I bite hard enough he’ll punish me, so of course I did. He restrained my hands and covered my eyes so I wouldn’t know what was coming and from where. He hit the backs of my thighs with a paddle, then my ass, and went back and forth a few times. Bit me in a few places and then bent me over, teasing me with his fingers until I was dripping on him. Then he’d spank me again, back and forth pain then pleasure until I was begging for him. He released me and went to lay on the bed where I met him and took him in my mouth. He couldn’t maintain roles then, he just melted for me. Hands in my hair, moaning and thrusting as I sucked him and massaged him with my tongue and lips. He didn’t want to cum in my mouth though because of his breeding kink. I gave him a blow job for a while and then he finally flipped me over and started to fuck me. The things he would say were fun, different. He wanted me to be in love with him, adore him, which is fine, I can play that game. So I played with that as his thrusts built up faster and faster. Telling him he was my king, my Daddy and that I loved and adored him. How much I needed him to take care of me, his good little girl, and then suddenly he exploded. 😆He came so hard it was like a shot. I could feel his seed surging through his shaft, he was a very strong ejaculator. I love that. We kissed and made out a bit longer, he wanted to be cuddled a bit too. Then I got him some water and tucked him in before leaving to tell my husband all about it while riding him to have him reclaim me.
When I got home, I had told my husband to be on our bed, naked, stroking his cock but not allowed to finish while waiting for me. I walked in the room and he was such a good boy, did exactly as he was told. I sat down on the bed and told him to come take my shoes off, resting my heel on his chest as he undid one ankle strap, then the other. He reached up and took my panties down, inhaling them and taking in the smells of my cum mixed with my dates, that had leaked all over them. Then he untied my dress, unwrapping it from me leaving me exposed. I told him I wanted him to taste my date, to eat another man’s cum from his wifes pussy. He licked my clit once and then went to the opening, his tongue felt so long, he was entering me quite deeply, such a good cuck, getting every drop of cum that he could. As he became more eager to please me he turned his attention to my clit, nibbling it with his teeth lightly, licking and sucking. He loves to eat pussy and he’s quite good at it. I started rocking my hips up and down against his tongue and face, holding his head there and fucking his tongue. It’s hard to tell him about how my date fucked me when my thighs are covering his ears though so I had him stop. I directed him to lay down so I could stroke his cock and tell him all about how my date fucked me, how much I loved having another man’s cock fuck me and please me the way I need to be pleased. He got so hard, he was throbbing in my hand. He was so excited and eager that he asked me to climb on him, he had to have me and couldn’t wait. I straddled him and slid the tip of his cock in me and then lifted out again, teasing him but he gripped my hips and pulled me down, all the way onto him. I kept telling him about how I wanted to fuck my date again, how I loved having his cock and having him use me as his cum whore. I gripped my husbands hands above his head, pinning his arms and rode him harder, he tried to hold out but he couldn’t. He looked so sweet and sexy as his eyes rolled up and he came so fucking hard. I know how sensitive it is afterwards so I kept riding a little long and pulsing around his cock. My sweet cuck husband, such a good boy to fill me up for again for the day.
I guess hat I get form these experiences is the opportunity for fun and variety. I love the new experience with a new partner. I love being fucked roughly, I like to submit too, but my husband isn’t really into that or dominant. And while I enjoy our sex life very much so, it also allows me to have other experiences I enjoy. I also enjoy providing an experience for my dates. Different partners are usually looking for different needs filled. Some emotional, some mental, some sexual etc. I like catering to that for them. Being a different girl for each one as it lets me play with all the sides of me as well. I can’t speak for my husband but I do know that he gets to have his fantasy fulfilled through this of having other men enjoy, own and fuck his wife while he gets to be a bit more submissive to me.
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ilovekazuhaa · 2 years
How it would be like being besties with Dolores!!
This was requested to me via dms. Sorry it took me so long to get to this. I’ve had so many requests lately, hope it was worth the wait!!!
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At first, when you met Dolores she seemed really closed off and quiet, but as you two got closer she opened up a lot more.
She always rants to you about her day, needing someone to confide in.
Since it’s hard for her to keep secrets, you know all the drama about the Madrigal family.
“Wait, so you’re telling me Pepa is pregnant? And Luisa has a pet donkey now?!”
Every night, she would leave her door open a crack to hear if you got home safe.
Whenever you called her name, even if it was said with a faint breath, Dolores would hear it, and come running.
She knew when you were nervous, hearing your racing heartbeat. She would put her hand on your hand, holding it tightly. Hearing your heart rate slow down, she’d nod and smile at you.
When the noise was just too much for Dolores, she would find you, wherever you were, grab your hand and take you to her room.
Her room was soundproof, but she always wanted you there with her. The only noise she could tolerate was yours.
You two felt comfortable in each other’s silence, it was almost as if you could communicate without words.
You always tried to speak softer and quieter when you were around Dolores. She noticed it and loves you very much for that.
When people get too loud around her, and you see her covering her ears from all the noise, you throw anything in your reach at the source of the noise.
Looking back angrily, people usually responded with “what the hell!” and you just respond with a simple “shut up” as you looked at Dolores for approval.
She smiled back at you as she took her hands off her ears, shaking her head.
When she first met you, she knew you would be best friends. Sure, you seemed really social and fun, but she saw behind that facade, or better put, she heard behind your facade.
She could always differentiate anyone else’s cries from yours. So when you tried to drown in your own sadness alone, you always heard a knock at your front door.
“I’m here, and I brought snacks.”
“I’m only opening the door for the snacks” you said, jokingly, allowing her inside.
You vented to Dolores when the time felt right. Other than that, you never really spoke to her about your feelings.
Dolores was an amazing dancer, so she offered to teach you some of her skills. At first, you were terrible but as she taught you more, you started becoming good at it. Looks like she was a pretty good teacher.
“No your hand goes here and your leg goes here” she said, showing you how to pose. You stood in an awkward, uncomfortable position, sparking a soft giggle from her.
“Hey! What’s so funny?” you said, holding the position she showed you. “It’s like this right?”
“Yes but you’re too tense, loosen up a bit.”
Relaxing, you fixed yourself, looking more normal now. You finally got the hang of it and if you were being honest, it was fun having Dolores teach you to dance.
You also often sang with her. It mostly consisted of soft singing for obvious reasons but it was a special thing the two of two did together.
One of you would just randomly break into song and the other would catch on and join. It was the reason you two got so close in the first place.
When she told you that Mariano was going to marry Isabela, she was a total wreck. She cried for hours and you just sat there with her the whole time, as she laid on your lap and you stroked her hair as you kept her company.
Honestly, you would’ve told Isa to call off the engagement if Dolores hadn’t begged you not to.
“No… Isa loves him too. She has a right to be happy. Please don’t tell her anything.”
Your heart broke. How could you not? She was your best friend and you couldn’t stand seeing her like this.
Always putting other people before herself. That was your Dolores, alright. You just wished someone loved her the way you did.
In efforts to cheer her up, you wanted to do something special with her.
“Fine. I won’t tell him. But let’s have a sleepover and watch movies and eat snacks together, okay?” you said.
“Sure, I’d like that” she responded.
Whenever there was a formal event (ex. Antonio’s gift ceremony) you would make funny faces at her, wiggling your eyebrows and sticking your tongue out. It never failed to make her laugh.
But when Dolores laughed hard, she would hold her stomach and slap her knee. You thought it was the funniest thing ever.
Anytime you’d play a game with Dolores, she’d beat you everytime, no matter what game it was.
“Checkmate” the girl said, trying to hold back a smile.
“What! Again! How are you always beating me at this?!” you responded, shocked.
“Let’s try cards, I can beat you in a game of goldfish for sure.”
With no protest, Dolores nodded and played a game of goldfish with you.
You thought you had secured your victory when you heard her say “Go fish” covering her mouth with the cards so she could hide her smile.
“Are you for real?! Dolores teach me your ways! Please!” you said, dropping down to your knees and putting your hands together, almost as if you were praying as you begged her.
She genuinely laughed at the sight. It was hilarious to her. Honestly without your company she would be pretty lonely.
Times like this made her really happy to have you as her best friend.
You always knew she had something to spill when she shut her mouth tightly, raised her eyebrows, and fidgeted with the cloth on the table.
“Dolores, lay it on me. We can’t have you like this all day” you said, with a knowing look.
She quickly got up, took your hand, and pulled you outside.
“You can’t tell anyone about this” the girl said cautiously as she put her hand on her ear, showing that she was trying to listen for anyone coming.
You laughed. “Dolores, of course I won’t tell anyone. What kind of friend would I be if I did?”
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etherrreal · 3 years
“the things you do for charity”
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Pairing: kenma x gn!reader Genre: fluff Summary: kenma's always been a private person, but it was getting increasingly harder to keep his partner off his streams while you live together; so, he decided to join his two loves together for a 24-hour charity stream extravaganza. Word Count: 3,408 Warnings: some swearing, i suppose there are some spoilers from the manga about adult kenma's job? A/N: i'd give my left tit to play some minecraft or mario kart with kenma tbh -Luna
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Kenma's career as a popular streamer was one of the many facets of him that shocked you when you’d started dating two years ago. The two of you had first met in an Animal Crossing discord for your city meant for trading and making friends.
After you had gone over to his island to adopt Raymond from him, he let you keep all of your Nook Mile Tickets with the stipulation that you kept in contact with him to "give him updates" about how the cat villager was doing in his new home. His dorky way of trying to flirt with you was what made you pursue him in the first place, and somehow it had led to a very fulfilling relationship.
It was revealed early on that he was a streamer, but he never expanded on it regarding the actual numbers. Curiosity got the best of you one night, and you decided to google him. Besides also learning that he was a YouTuber, you found yourself in awe at the numbers he managed to accumulate across all of his social media.
And if that wasn’t enough, he was also apparently the CEO of his own business.
Once you moved in together around the one-year mark of your relationship, you got to properly witness the amount of work put into streaming and maintaining a social media presence. This also meant that you got to read the wild comments that were left on all of his platforms–and see the occasional surprise nude picture whenever he opened up his DMs around you.
Because of this, Kenma sat you down to have a conversation about your potential appearance on his social media. You both decided by the end of it that his audience would get to know that he was in a committed relationship, but you agreed it would be best to not show your face or reveal any identifying information of yours.
It had been a year since having that conversation, and you’d both stuck to the agreement closely. The most his audience had ever seen of you was your hand whenever you refilled his water bottle for him.
Of course, it was hard sometimes, especially when you had to remain extra quiet around the house and refrain from yelling out a 'baaaabe' whenever you needed something from him, but since he had his own soundproof office, it lessened the room for any accidental error.
Overall, you were content with never showing your face to his audience for the rest of his career. You knew how nasty the internet could get because of their parasocial relationships with influencers and streamers alike, especially when they discovered those influencers and streamers had a partner who wasn't them, even if they knew they never had a chance. You weren't sure your skin was thick enough to deal with rabid angry stans.
Which is why it was so shocking when Kenma decided one day to nix the agreement.
You were in your shared bedroom answering some emails when he came in. He was dressed in a baggy hoodie, sweats, and tied-up hair; his typical look for a stream.
After some time, you noticed that he was still standing in the doorway, not saying anything. When you glanced up at him, you found him awkwardly toying with the strands of hair that had fallen out of his bun, looking down at the ground like he was just waiting for you to notice him.
"Is there something you need, baby?" you asked. "You're just standing there all adorably shy."
"Yeah, so, um, I'm going to be doing a 24-hour stream this weekend to raise money for charity."
"Oh, really? Cool! I guess that means I'll be going to bed alone that night," you joked.
"Yeah, I guess. Um..." He started before scrunching up his face like he was uncomfortable with what he planned to say next.
"What is it? Do you need me to stock up on snacks and energy drinks? Just send me a list. I can pick  them up tomorrow."
"No, that's not it. I was thinking of making a stretch goal be you coming on stream so we can play Minecraft or Mario Kart or something...I mean, I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable. I could always replace it with something else. I know they've been wanting to see me dye my hair a bright color and dress up like an e-boy, so--"
"Really!?" you nearly yelled.
"What? That they want me to dress like an e-boy? Yeah, Kuroo said it would–"
"No, I mean..." You tried to fight the confused expression that was growing on your face, but your squinted eyes gave you away. "You really want me on your stream? Like face and all?"
"....Yeah, I really want to be able to share this with you. But don't feel like you have to do it just to make me happy."
It was a large ask when looking at the full picture. Kenma had his fair share of fans and "stans" who lacked boundaries, as seen from a select few who visited your home several times this year, or the handful that found you on social media already just from seeing a glimpse of your college ring on the hand wrapped around Kenma's water bottle.
There could be a chance you could receive direct hate on your social media just because you were a person who dated a popular streamer. You would then be in the public eye with little privacy and have a magnifying glass on all of your actions and words. Anything you did would then reflect on Kenma.
What if you messed something up and then Kenma lost viewers? Would they try to cancel you or him for it?
You backed away from all the negative thoughts before you could spiral and looked at the metaphorical 'pro' column.
If you agreed to appear on his stream, you would no longer have to sneak around your house in fear of being heard or showing up in his face cam. You both wouldn't have to feel guilty playing games off-camera with each other because you knew Kenma could be streaming it instead.
And who knew? Maybe his fans would like you. You had to admit, it would be a nice ego boost knowing that you were accepted by so many people.
And, most importantly: you could physically ask him in person what he wanted for dinner instead of texting him and waiting an hour for a break so he could respond, while you sat in the next room, starving, stuck in an endless cycle of wondering whether you should make a snack or if you should just hold off for dinner.
Maybe this was a good idea.
"Okay,” you decided, “I'll do it."
"Oh... alright. Cool." Kenma was trying his hardest not to show how excited he was that you agreed. When he saw the contemplative look on your face, he was sure you would decide that it'd just be too much work and say no. But hearing you agree made him giddier than he would ever admit to.
Despite the cool and collected façade he thought he was putting on, you saw the smile that threatened to break through and the red tips of his ears. You wondered if he felt the same weight being lifted off his shoulders as you did, knowing that, after this weekend, you'd both be finally out as an official couple to the world.
And, of course, the nausea of having to do all of it live in front of thousands of people. No biggie.
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Saturday afternoon came and at 12pm sharp, Kenma began his grueling 24-hour charity stream. The bar had an overall goal of $150,000, and it began filling up at a constant pace right from the start. Donations ranging from $5 to $500 were flowing in rapidly, and you were trying your best not to feel nervous.
You both agreed that if he reached $50,000 within 5 hours, you would join him for an hour or two of Minecraft later that night. Part of you hoped that the donations would slow down and plateau for a bit, but when you saw Kuroo had donated $1000, specifically with the message that he hoped to see you on stream soon, you realized that it was a pipe dream.
So, you had to be your own hype person for now, to get prepared to show your face to thousands of people and not disappoint Kenma.
Whether it was the promise of your face reveal or the people who genuinely adored charity, it took only four hours for Kenma to break $50,000.
When he saw the number update live on stream, the viewers witnessed the most amount of expression Kenma had ever shown: eyes wide as saucers, mouth slightly agape, body frozen. You could see the gears struggling inside his head struggling to turn and comprehend what they all managed to do so early on in the stream.
"Thanks so much, everyone, for being so generous today... I guess this means we'll be having my partner on later tonight," he announced. You watched his chat explode with excitement, his special emotes flying in the chat.
You picked up your phone to shoot Kenma a quick text.
[you]:: hope you're ready to put our minecraft beds together in front of thousands of people 😏
Unsurprisingly, he left you on read. But dating him for this long meant you weren't even a little bit afraid of double or triple texting.
[you]:: maybe we can kiss under the light of an exploding creeper 😫
[you]:: or have a romantic walk through our rainbow sheep while a phantom looms overhead 🥰
It was after the third text when you finally saw him pick up his phone to text you back. You eagerly awaited his response, only to cackle when you read it.
[my sugar daddy]:: im going to replace you with hinata as my partner if you dont stop
Instead of annoying him any further, you set your phone to charge on your nightstand and went into the bathroom to get ready for the stream later.
Once you emerged, you picked up your phone to check the percentage and noticed a text from Kenma stating that he'd have you on at 8pm. You decided to spend the time until then cooking up some dinner for the both of you.
It seemed like time flew by because by the time you were done eating your food, it was 7:45pm. Only fifteen more minutes before you were live in front of all of Kenma's supporters. You refilled your water bottle and sat on the couch, staring at the blank T.V. as you practically dissociated from reality until Kenma came out of his office to retrieve you.
You noticed that he looked just as nervous as you did, despite his face not showing it the way yours did. His shoulders were up to his ears with tension, and his hoodie drawstring was pulled almost all the way through due to him fiddling with it.
He turned briefly to you after he brought you into his office, gesturing to make sure you knew to wait until he gave you the cue. He sat down, unmuted himself, and took down the 'away' screen he had for his audience.
This was it. Everything was going to change in literally ten seconds.
"Well, everyone...please welcome my partner, (Y/N)."
You walked cautiously around his large gaming chair and sat next to him in your modest desk chair that he had rolled into the room for the occasion.
Okay, you thought to yourself, now don't fuck this up.
"Hi, everyone."
Nailed it.
There was a painful moment of silence before the stream finally caught up, and you both heaved a sigh of relief when you saw nothing but declarations of excitement. Amongst the 'AHHHs' and spam of emotes were sweet comments about your appearance and how cute you two looked as a couple. You peeked over at Kenma and saw the ghost of a smile on his lips, elated to know that he was just as relieved as you were.
"Okay, let's start with the gameplay while we answer some questions," he said.
The questions and gameplay started out mild; when did you both start dating, how did you meet, who asked the other out first. They even asked a few simple questions about you specifically, like your favorite anime and your star sign. And while you did see a few bans in the chat after some inappropriate questions –no, you will not tell them the color of your underwear– most were easy and simple enough to answer.
Then they started to get a bit spicier.
"Bokutoslefttit donated $69.69 and asked, 'what is your main pet peeve with Kenma?'" he read, muttering a 'wow' under his breath at the username.
"Ooh, how can I be polite when exposing you?" you pondered while beating a cow to death with your sword. "It's probably how loud he gets whenever he's playing games with his good headphones on."
"I don't get loud," he defended.
"Oh yeah, you do. I've had to come in here several times to tell you to shut up like I'm your mother. I did it literally two days ago when you were playing with Lev."
"... Next question."
You rolled your eyes at his lack of comment but glanced over at the chat to pull up a new question. You stifled a laugh when you read, "Girlboss420 asked 'who has a fatter ass, Kuroo or (Y/N)?'"
"I'm not answering that."
"Come oooon, this is a Q&A. Can't have the Q’s without the A’s."
You were about to start reprimanding him for implying that Kuroo's ass was fatter than yours when you noticed he ran past you with a group of pillagers following closely behind. You turned to head into the house but when you opened the door, you noticed it was blocked off by obsidian.
"You are the absolute worst!" you exclaimed.
You made a break for it, sprinting past the shooting pillagers and around to the front of the house. You made it inside with only 2 hearts to spare. You turned, in real life, to Kenma to see him tight-lipped to avoid smiling about his betrayal.
"I'm moving my bed downstairs for the rest of the stream."
You both carried on with the stream without another incident, turning to the chat every now and again to answer some questions. Kenma even apologized to you by bringing home a horse that was named "I'm sorry."
It was about an hour and a half after you sat down when Kenma decided that he needed a bathroom break. Your heart fell to your ass when you realized that you'd be all alone to entertain his chat. You considered saying that you needed to pee as well, if it meant not having the spotlight on you.
Instead, when he got up to pee, you smiled and asked him to bring you back a snack and a refill. Oh, how the turns have tabled.
In the meantime, you decided to scroll through the chat and some of the donations to pick out another question to answer since Kenma was gone. You were initially looking for a funny or vulgar comment when you saw one that had a completely different vibe.
"Kermithateblog donated $25.00 and asked, 'what's your favorite part about being with Kenma?' Wow, that's a really sweet question. Let me think for a moment."
You paused to reflect on your relationship with Kenma over the two years you’d been together. You'd had your fair share of highs and lows like any other couple, but, in the end, you both learned how to work things out so you were both equally as happy in the relationship.
"So, as you guys know, he's a busy boy with streaming, creating content for YouTube, and also being a CEO of his own company, which all takes up the majority of his time," you began. "But when he finally can shut off his screens and crawls into bed late at night, I know that he's 100% there with me at that moment. He is able to give me his undivided attention and make me feel like his love for me comes above his love for gaming."
You gave a pause, trying not to get too emotional. You rarely got the chance to gush about Kenma because you knew how much he hated having attention on him, so if this was going to be your only opportunity to do so for a while, then you were going to take it.
"What y'all don't know is that he is the biggest baby when it comes to cuddling," you laughed. "He is absolutely the little spoon most of the time, and he loves when I stroke his hair and love on him all night. In a weird way, it makes me feel special and loved knowing that he trusts me enough to be vulnerable with me. I cherish the amount of time we have together because of that."
What you didn't know was that he had come back from refilling your water bottle rather quickly and stood outside the doorway to hear your speech. His heart almost burst when he heard your tender words describing how he made you feel. He knew that you rarely got to hear how much those quiet moments at night meant to him because he was guarded with his feelings.
Which is why he started into the room on a mission.
You smiled as soon as you saw him. "Welcome back, babe, we were just talking about--"
He approached you swiftly and leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. You hardly even got to bask in the moment before he was pulling away, setting down your water bottle as he sat back down with his controller in hand like he didn't just expose to his audience how much of a softy he really was.
It was in that moment when you realized how glad you were that you’d decided to appear on stream because you'd be able to look back at that clip over and over again to relive the intimate moment.
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Noon on Sunday came at last. Kenma would finally be free from the prison of his office. Not to mention he could finally get off his ass and stretch.
Between your official appearance on stream and the sign-off, you popped in a few more times to say hello to the chat when you brought him some snacks and drinks. You stayed up through most of the night, although you accidentally napped for a few hours during the dead of night which gave you a little boost in energy.
In the end, the stream was a monumental success. Kenma had even managed to blow past his goal of $150k and make it to over $200k, which meant that he'd be getting the full e-body makeover for his next week of streams.
By the time Kenma came into your bedroom after freshening up and having a small snack, you were already dead asleep with your laptop propped open to show his now offline stream.
He tip-toed around the bed quietly, closed your laptop, pulled the covers up and over your curled-up body, and slipped in himself. As he settled, he felt you shift and grab at his worn t-shirt, opening your eyes slightly just to confirm that it's him.
He pulled you against his chest tightly, his body finally able to relax. He was sure it wouldn't be too long before he completely fell out.
"That was more fun than I thought it'd be," he heard you utter quietly.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." His fingers gently danced across your shoulder blades as you mushed your face into his clean shirt. "I can't believe we raised so much today so quickly."
"I'm so proud of you, baby. You worked so hard on this."
"I also donated $2000 anonymously to speed up the process," he mumbled sheepishly, pressing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head in hopes to lessen the blow of his secret.
It was quiet for a moment, and he wondered if he’d genuinely pissed you off before he felt the vibrations from your laugh against his chest.
"...I can't wait to ruin your hair, e-boy."
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Written by: Luna
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1tsnoya · 4 years
This request is a little nsfw because of nudity. Could I please request headcanons for Nishinoya, Sugawara, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Hinata seeing fem!reader naked for the first time because they both want to take a shower (or bath) together. She get flustered because she is worried about what they think. Nothing sexual happens just boys appreciating their girlfriend’s beauty. I hope this wasn’t too confusing. Thank you!
✧・゚ taking a bath with their s/o ✧・゚headcanons
↳ a/n: queued post. i’ll answer asks/dms in the morning. i’m not ignoring u i promise
↦ pairings: nishinoya x reader, sugawara x reader, tsukishima x reader, asahi x reader, hinata x reader
↦ warnings: nudity but besides that — fluff!
🌟taglist: @spriteandnicotine @fatheadthemango @tokobaby @virgosetter @tobiokvgeyama @bokutoscake04
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ [6:54PM] noya<3 : are you still waiting up for me? >:p
→ [6:54PM] y/n : of course bub. i’m outside
→ [6:55PM] noya<3 : YAY ILL BE OUT IN 2 MINUTES
→ you had walked the short route to meet your boyfriend after volleyball practice
→ he said that he wanted to watch movies and cuddle after 🥺 so obvi u were down!
→ he was so happy to see you when he walked out of the gym
→ he picked u up and spun u around like the little kid that he was, “sorry i’m sweaty babe. gotta shower when i get home”
→ oh?👀shower??
→ this is when the bath idea popped into your head, his family was out of the house for the next two hours anyway
→ so u got the courage to say something about it, “i’ll run a bath for you if you want”
→ omg his eyes lit up - “really!? you’d do that for me?”
→ “of course dum dum”
→ so when you got back to his place, you went to the bathroom to run him a hot bath
→ and you came back to him thrown on top of the couch, his gym bag next to him
→ “nuh uh,” you smacked his arm playfully, “bath’s ready.”
→ you literally don’t know HOW but he got the energy to jump back up and run to the bathroom... was he not just falling asleep???
→ anyway. you walked back to the bathroom and he was already in the bath
→ his head was thrown back and he already looked relaxed, “thank you, baby”
→ “it’s no problem. i know how tired y- huh?”
→ he was doing those Grabby Hand thingys towards you, “join me silly”
→ uh what
→ well he did offer so👀 not like you were thinking about it or anything haha
→ he didn’t make it weird or anything either. when you hopped it, he kissed you on the cheek and helped shampoo your hair into a mohawk
→ since the gel in his hair was washed out and it was soft from the conditioner, you get running your hands through it mmmm he looked so cute with his hair like that
→ you almost fell asleep like that, it felt comfy having him there with you<3
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→ okay you have NO CLUE who came up with the idea and why
→ you two were studying and it was getting late so koushi went to take a bath, it was just an instinct for you to follow
→ you just kept talking to him on the way to the bathroom LOL like it hadn’t phased you yet
→ and he kept listening like, “mhm, love” “yeah no i completely get that” “of course, doll”
→ it finally hit you when he started running the water
→ “oh my god. i’m so sorry! i didn’t realize i should-“
→ “get in with me!” and he stuck his tongue out like >:p
→ cmon. said this before and i will say it again: SUGA IS SUCH A FLIRT. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT HE WOULDN’T-
→ “are you sure? i know you’re tired so it’s okay”
→ what does this lil shit do? :’) he cupped some water in his hands and threw it towards you, “oops. now you have to get in!”
→ bruh :’)
→ he got in first and looked away when you got undressed respectful boy even though he lowkey wanted to
→ and you hopped in on the opposite side of the bath so you two were facing eachother
→ “so.. come here often?”
→ :’)))))
→ you splashed towards him, “wow. very funny, koushi”
→ he joked around some more and put some bubbles in the bath
→ next thing you know, there’s bubbles in your hair and his and you’re laughing
→ “you look like an old lady, kou!”
→ “so do u!” and he kept adding more and more bubbles on top of your head, “you’re the cuter granny though”
→ wha:’)))
→ you started getting sleepy and when he noticed, he got out to dry off and bring you a warm towel
→ so you got dressed and borrowed one of his hoodies to wear and a pair of his boxers
→ he thought you looked adorable but teased you for the rest of the night:p
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→ you were walking back to your place after school for a project and your boyfriend was a little on the grumpy side
→ “kei. what’s wrong?”
→ “nothing?”
→ “you literally got mad at the fact your shoelace came undone”
→ busted
→ “sorry. i’m just... tense”
→ “oh.. what’s stressing you out?”
→ “not like that. my body is just... sore i guess”
→ being the loving partner that you were, you blurted out, “let me run you a bath and some tea when i get home!”
→ “it’s fine, (y/n)”
→ “no it’s not! you’re overworking yourself”
→ and that was true. tsuki just didn’t like admitting it
→ “fine...thank you”
→ so you continued your walk with shared earbuds. once you got home, you threw your bag down and ran to the bathroom to start the bath.
→ he lazily followed behind, “you don’t have to (y/n)”
→ “too late! the bath is ready”
→ so you looked away as he got undressed and settled himself in the water
→ just as you were about to walk away, he softly grabbed at your wrist, “not gonna join?”
→ wwwhshhjhhhshhjkljshhghhhhhh
→ ur face = red
→ he noticed how pink your cheeks got, “oh. sorry. i thought...never mind”
→ well since he mentioned it 👀 why not
→ he was expecting you to walk away but instead you were undressing to get in the bath with him
→ he respectively looked away, “you sure?”
→ you planted a kiss on top of his head, “yes, hun”
→ when you got in, you massaged his shoulders holy shit yeah they were tense
→ he was melting into your touch, which was kind of new, he obviously appreciated what you were doing
→ he gave you a little kiss on the forehead, “thank you for doing this”
→ :’))) soft tsuki makes my heart go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him
→ you stayed there for a while, he started playing some music on his phone and your eyes were closed as you were rested between his legs
→ you wished that you could stay like that forever
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→ asahi would be TOO nervous to ask you to take a bath with him :’) my bby is just too anxious
→ so ✨YOU ✨had to ask him
→ or at least like... hint at it lol
→ you guys were on the couch watching some movie
→ ans he was lowkey falling asleep with you in rested between his legs
→ you looked up at him and poked at him, “love, i’m gonna go take a bath”
→ he yawned as you got up, “oh okay. i’ll wait for you here”
→ “why?”
→ “what do you mean?? you’re going to take a bath?”
→ “yeah? come with me”
→ he got so red and started waving his hands, “n-no it’s fine!! go enjoy your bath!”
→ “come on azuuuu” you were tugging at his arm and next thing you knew you were dragging him to the bathroom as he was assuring you
→ “iTs fiNe (y/n)!! really- i’ll just stay on the couch i dontwannabotheryohitsokAy-“
→ “babe. it’s fine. it’s just a bath”
→ “nObjt idontwannamakeyouuncomfortabBle oranything”
→ “we’ve been dating for like a year. why would i be weirded out?”
→ so you finally got him to agree to join you in the bath after like 7 minutes of reassurance
→ it was so warm and cozy for him so what did he do??
→ he fell asleep with you in his arms
→ he was tired to begin with so it really was just ✨lights out✨
→ even when you got out, he was still sleepy
→ after you dried off, he was still tired so he fell asleep with his head in your lap on the couch as you played with his fluffy hair <3
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→ he had texted you in the afternoon about some new show that he wanted to watch
→ [5:01] sho<3 : Y/N !!!! SUNSHINE !!!!
→ [5:01] sho<3 : OUR SHOW !!! STARTS SOON
→ so you texted him that you’d be on your way in 20 minutes
→ and when you got there - baby natsu answered the door
→ natsu: “hiiii! shoyo is in the bath right now”
→ she held your hand to the bathroom door and yelled “SHOYOOO! Y/N IS HEREEE! pause okay HAVE FUN” and then she skipped away
→ that little girl sure could YELL hsbshhd
→ so you lightly knocked at the door - “sho?”
→ “y/n! come in”
→ you walked in to see your boyfriend in the bathroom, scrubbing strawberry shampoo in his hair
→ “children’s strawberry shampoo? really sho?” you laughed as you squatted next to him
→ “duh! how else do you think my hair smells good? want some?”
→ did he?? just smoothly ask you to join him in the bath??? wha
→ before you could answer, he put some on his hand and ruffled it into your hair
→ “now you can smell like strawberries!”
→ :’)))))
→ you got in and he started adding bubbles to the bath like the little kid that he was
→ he even gave himself a beard with the bubbles😭i love him he totally would
→ “my phone is over there- you can put the show on if you’d like”
→ 🥺🥺🥺
→ so you set the phone up carefully as you started the show
→ and you rested in between his legs as he massaged more shampoo in your hair
→ the whole room smelt citrus-y and he placed his head on your shoulder, giving you a quick peck on the cheek
→ “you smell good”
→ “hm. i wonder why”
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darthkruge · 3 years
1 + 2 from prompt list #5 plz 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Anakin Skywalker x Reader ~ Can I Kiss You? (Pt 1)
Prompts: “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” + “Can I kiss you?”
Warnings: A little language, Anakin is a bit of a little shit (affectionately), Reader is kinda shy, both of them are idiots but we love that for them <3
Words: 1.6k
A/N: I assume you wanted this with Ani because he’s basically the only person I’ve been writing for lately but, if not, I’m sorry!! Thank you for sending something in! Also this was so fucking fun to write, I loved it so much. I got carried away a little, my brain kinda ran with it so yeah! Also, this is kinda tooth rotting fluff, even for me, so be prepared.
Part 2 (there is now a sequel!)
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(gif not mine)
You and Anakin were partnered together for a mission. It was fairly simple, nothing battle related -- purely diplomatic. Honestly, you weren’t sure why you two were even sent on it; it felt like somewhat of a waste for two Padawans to go on a random mission to Naboo. Even so, if it allowed you to spend more time with Anakin, you didn’t mind.
You had this raging crush on him from the moment you saw him. He was gorgeous and confident without being off-puttingly cocky. He was tall, his hair was soft, his eyes were piercing, and his smile and laugh were contagious. 
Then, as the two of you grew closer, this crush developed into something deeper. You learned of his heart, his kindness, his selflessness, his desires, his needs, his fears. You were able to see the boy behind the prophecy and you truly, unequivocally, loved him. 
“Come on, Y/N, hurry up!” Anakin’s joking tone broke you from your thoughts. You smiled back and ran up to him, playfully hitting his back as you caught up. He took your hand and the two of you continued walking, side by side. 
These displays of affection weren’t uncommon between the two of you. Early on, you saw how he enjoyed your touch, always leaning into it when you’d accidentally brush against him or give him a quick hug after a mission. He, too, saw how you reacted when he put his arm around your shoulders or brushed your hair behind your ear. 
Since the rest of the Jedi frowned upon connections and, thus, weren’t as forthcoming with affection, the two of you were quickly bonded. You were so attuned with each other that you now just knew when the person was searching for that physical connection. It had become natural, the sort of expected comfort that becomes impossible to live without. 
The two of you walked through the gardens by the palace in Naboo, enjoying the sun’s warmth. You’d already talked to the government officials you needed to, attempting to figure out which other planets to get involved in the peace treaties. Thankfully, it went quickly and now you had the rest of the day to spend with Ani before returning home to Coruscant. 
He led you to a secluded bench and plopped down, pulling you beside him. He pulled an apple from a tree and offered it to you. You thanked him and accepted it, allowing the crunchy texture and sweet flavor into your mouth. He watched you, grinning at your excitement. 
“Okay, I’ve got a question for you,” Anakin said.
Okay. This has got to be good. “Shoot, Skywalker.”
“Who was your first?”
You choked on your apple, sputtering at his audacity! Anakin howled at your reaction, coming up behind you to thump your back a few times until you stopped choking. 
“Dumbass!” You yelled, causing Anakin to keel over in another fit of laughs. 
“You’re going to alert the entire palace!” He hushed you, gasping in breaths between his laughs.
You rolled your eyes, elbowing him in the gut. “Hey! Okay, okay, okay,” He said, holding up his hands in mock surrender before taking a pause. “But, seriously! Who was your first?”
“Anakin! That’s- I- Anakin!” You were so taken aback you couldn’t even form words. You were so caught off guard and, also, quite perplexed. “Ani, we’re not allowed to do, you know, that”
Anakin’s lips curled into a playful smirk at your response. “Maker, Y/N, I know! I meant, like, kissing… Who was your first kiss?”
Your face heated up quickly. You were hoping he’d drop it but apparently not. You didn’t want to admit that you hadn’t exactly had the chance to do that yet. You fiddled with your hands and looked away, embarrassed. 
“Wait, have you ever kissed anyone before?”
“No…” You mumbled underneath your breath, still refusing to meet his eyeline.
Now, Anakin’s gaze softened. He never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or judged, he truly thought you had. I mean, look at you! Someone had to have wanted to kiss you before! His hand gently came up to tilt your chin up, forcing you to look at him. 
His gaze saddened when it met yours, seeing how affected you were by his questions “It’s okay, Y/N! You don’t need to feel ashamed, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“I mean, it’s not like I haven’t had options. I totally could have been kissed by now if I wanted to!” You huffed indignantly, crossing your arms. 
Anakin laughed, glad to see some of your fight returning to you. He knew that if you were being defensive and stubborn, you couldn’t be that mad at him. He looked at you for a minute, wondering. He’d been in love with you for as long as he could remember but refused to act on it; he knew how much being a Jedi meant to you and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Even so, he so badly wanted to come home to you each night, to hold you, to be the one you could turn to with any and everything, to be the person you loved and who loved you, always. 
He thought about it for a moment more and decided he might as well try. “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened and you gaped at his question. “You- you want to kiss me?”
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, mentally wondering if this was a good or bad sign. “I, uh, I mean, yeah… You’re really kind and intelligent and, um, super nice to look at… And since you haven’t been I just thought you might wanna…” 
“I think you’re super nice to look at too, Ani,” You teased. You were blushing at his words and practically pinching yourself. You’d wanted to hear them for so long, it almost didn’t feel real. 
He allowed himself to slightly smile, hope creeping into his expression. “Is that a yes?”
You laughed, smiling too. You nodded, looking into his trusting eyes. 
“If you wanna stop, just let me know, okay?” He said, sensing your nerves.
“Okay, Ani”
His fingers grazed over your jaw before guiding it towards him, tilting it slightly. Your eyes closed in anticipation, butterflies ready to burst out of your stomach at any moment. His mouth touched yours and your brain went completely fuzzy. Maker, Kriff, Fuck, Maker!! Is this really happening? 
The kiss was so gentle, so sweet. It was just his lips against yours, nothing more. He didn’t want to frighten you by shoving his tongue down your throat on your first try. He just wanted to make you feel wanted and safe. 
He pulled apart after a moment and looked at you. “Was that okay?” He laughed as your eyes lit up and you nodded excitedly. 
“Can we do that again?” After feeling his lips and being so close to him, you never wanted that sensation to go away. 
“Of course, love” Anakin said quietly, pulling you into him once more. 
This time, he was a bit more intense, lips moving against yours slowly. You felt yourself get lost in him, in his taste and smell. You went on instinct, allowing your hands to weave into his hair. He hummed as you did so, hands finding their way to your waist and pulling you slightly closer. 
He was still extremely careful. As much as he wanted to pour all his passion into this kiss, this moment was about you, not him. He led the kiss, not wanting you to feel like a fish out of water, and smiled into your lips. When you smiled back, Anakin swore his entire body warmed. He was so glad you agreed to do this with him, to allow him to be the person to share this moment with. 
When you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and cupped your cheeks. You looked at him shyly and he brushed his thumbs against your cheekbones. 
“You were really good at that, are you sure you’ve never done that before?” He joked. 
You pushed his shoulder back bashfully. “Shut up, Ani!”
“I’m serious,” He laughed, “You were really good!”
“Yeah, baby. You’re amazing.”
You looked at him for a beat. “So,” You said, dragging out the word, “What do we do now?”
“Well, the ship leaves for Coruscant in thirty minutes so…”
“Anakin Skywalker, you know what I mean!”
He chuckled. “Okay, fine! I mean, if you want, of course, we could be together?”
“Like, together together?”
“Only if you want!”
“Do you want?”
Anakin nodded. 
“I, uh, I’d really like that, too, Ani”
He broke out into this big goofy grin and you followed suit. That damn, contagious smile. You knew there would be a million complications. The chances of it working out were practically unfathomable. The Council would kill you both if they found out, you’d never make rank! But you looked into his eyes and thought you could beat the odds. 
Young love had a way of making you feel invincible. He was all you ever wanted. It was as if nothing could ever affect you if you were together. The Council wouldn’t find out, you’d be that one in a million couple, you’d grow old together and be happy and peaceful. It was the most unsure thing you’d ever done and, yet, nothing felt more certain. 
As this realization swarmed round your head, you dove back in, connecting your lips once more. The garden around you faded and the weight of this new secret-relationship disappeared. It was just you and Anakin. Nothing would ever tear you apart.
I just made a taglist so if you wanna join... (dm me if you wanna be taken off!)
permanent tags:
anakin tags:
@anakinswhore @kennedywxlsh @coldlilheart @adamgetawaydriver @chokemeanakin @gayidioot @starwars-whore @katelynnwrites @haydens-moles
404 notes · View notes
kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Could we please have an insecure!reader x Bokuto! (Also Todoroki x reader but separately if that’s okay?) where she starts to slowly starts to compare herself to all the fangirls and the girls that confess to them? So she slowly starts to distance herself, then meets up with then to break up. But when she says she wants to break up the boys are like “do you not love me anymore, what happened” then she basically goes on a spiel about how much better he would be with one the fangirls and just straight up says she looks like the trash but of course she still loves him. So then the boys reassure her that she’s the only one he wants and that she is perfect and blah blah blah and it’s just a nice happy ending basically :)
It’s Always Been You
Pairing: Bokuto x reader
Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: I’M BACK! I’m starting to get back into the groove of things while juggling my work but hopefully, I’ll be able to start that new series soon! Let me tell yall, when I finished plotting out and detailing everything I want to happen in this series, it was 11 pages long.... like what?
Anyway, I love love loved this prompt. It actually made me feel sad inside. I hope it wasn’t too rushed. Also, I just wanted to do Bokuto since I have a lot on my plate, writing wise so i hope that is okay! Thank you to whoever sent this in and I hope you are satisfied with this! Happy reading! (if you want to know more about my next series, DM me! I really want to talk about it LOL)
“Kotarou-kun!” you bellowed your boyfriend’s name from the stands. You would always go to Bokuto’s volleyball practice whenever you could. You had your own club activities so you couldn’t always be there to cheer him on. But when you would, Bokuto would be jumping with joy, trying new moves just to impress you. You were already impressed with the achievements he made this past year, one being the top 5 spikers in all of Japan. But he somehow still thinks that there’s more wow factor in him for you. When Bokuto hears his name fall from your lips, he automatically whips his head and gives you the widest smile.
“(y/n)!” he sings your name, waving both hands in the air. Bokuto was so distracted by you that he didn’t see that ball coming straight for him. Luckily, it missed him but just a hair. But now his team was upset that they just lost a point thanks to him. Thank god this was just practice and not an actual game. You’d never live that one down. You could see Bokuto rubbing the back of his head, embarrassed, as his team continued to scold him to pay attention.
Spike after spike after spike after spike, you were amazing at how many times Bokuto could spike the ball down without getting tired. If that was you, you would surely break both your ankles. You leaned on the railing, admiring how hardworking and how much effort he put in his sport. You’ve never met anyone more dedicated than the man who was dominating the court by just standing there.
“This one’s for…” Bokuto starts as he jumps in the air with exceptional form. You smile fondly because you know what’s about to happen. “(Y/N)!!!” he dedicates his spike to you, yelling with his whole chest and smacks the ball on the other side of the court. With the widest smile and a big thumbs up, Bokuto faces you after his great feat. His teammates clearly embarrassed with his antics. It’s practice, for crying out loud. But Bokuto didn’t care what anyone else thought. He was going to shower you with love and affection to show everyone just who captured his heart.
You giggle to yourself. You loved this side of Bokuto. In the beginning of your relationship, you admit that it was embarrassing. He was just so extra with his affection that you didn’t know how to take it. But day by day, you learned to accept and love all the things he does for you. His smile, his laugh, his iconic ‘hey, hey, hey’ line, and even when he dedicates certain moves to you. But you weren’t the only one to admired him. No, his fangirls were also in love with that. Speaking of fangirls…
When practice was over, you made your way down the bleachers and over to your boyfriend, but when the team came into sight, Bokuto was already surrounded by a herd of fangirls.
“Bokuto-san, you were super cool today!”
“Can you show me how to play?”
“Are you thirsty? Here, I bought you some water!”
“Do you need a towel?”
“Can we feel your muscles?”
Bokuto looked uncomfortable, to say the least. You stayed behind the crowd of girls, giving him some space with his fans. He sees you immediately and gives you an apologetic look. You shake your head, insinuating that it was okay. Because it honestly was. You can’t be mad at him for having adoring fans. It was natural if he was going to play professionally. And this is nothing if he was to really play on a pro volleyball team. So you could take it. Bokuto continues to interact with the girls while to watch them, waiting until he’s ready to leave.
You could see him trying to make his way through the crowd to get to you, but surprisingly, his fans were pretty strong. They refused to let him leave, no matter how many times he said he had to go. But again, you were willing to be patient.
“Look, ladies. I’d love to stay and talk, but I have someone waiting on me,” Bokuto tried one more time and pointed in your direction. All their heads whipped around to you, not looking too happy. Their stares burned at you, scaring you a bit at how vicious they could look. With them distracted, Bokuto was able to slip out of their circle and by your side.
“Shall we go?” he looked down at you, love back in his eyes. You nod and Bokuto automatically wraps his hand around your shoulders, leading you out of the court.
As you pass by the group of girls who were still staring daggers at you, you heard their whispers. You weren’t sure if they were saying it on purpose or if it was because it was the truth, but they were speaking loud enough for you to overhear.
“What does he see in her?”
“Do you see her bare face? Does she not care that she looks homeless?”
“It’s because her face is bumpy, so if she wore makeup it would look cakey.”
“No, even if she did wear makeup, it would look so bad because she doesn’t know how to put it on.”
“God, she’s so boring!”
“Her hair isn’t even done.”
“It’s like she purposely trying be a loser.”
“And do you see how her rolls are spilling out of her shirt? Embarrassing!”
You tightened your grip on your skirt. Were they really talking about you? The entire time Bokuto was walking you home, you were looking down and thought about all those comments that they made. Mean as they were, maybe they were right? You didn’t wear any jewelry. It would only get in the way. You don’t do your hair, but you didn’t think it was that messy. You liked it the way it was. No, you don’t wear makeup. Not only do you not have time in the morning, but you only use it for special occasions. Fat? Maybe you were putting on a few pounds, but you and Bokuto like to eat. It’s his fault that you look bigger than normal. Is this what people think about you? Is this was people say behind your back? You looked down at your stomach and held it shyly. Thinking about those comments just made you upset. But did Bokuto think that way? You look up at him and he’s all happy like normal. He hasn’t said that you should change anything, but maybe that’s just him being polite. But that was going to change.
After dropping you off, you went straight to your room and dug up everything you could find: makeup, clothes, jewelry, accessories, curling iron, straightener. You put everything on your counter and got to work. You were going to look pretty for once.
First, you applied your makeup. Dramatic or subtle? What do most of the girls wear at school? After a quick search, subtle it is. You admit, you weren’t the best at makeup, but it’s not like you’ve never put it on before. You just needed a little practice and this was a good opportunity. After maybe 30 minutes of applying what you thought looked like good makeup skills, you moved onto the hair. You tried something that you normally never do. Up or down? Curly or straight? Extensions or nah? God, so many options. So again, you looked at what the other girls were doing. Looking back in the mirror, you smiled at yourself. Not too bad, if you do say so yourself! You were going to wake up early tomorrow and do exactly this. Bokuto was in for a big surprise.
A big surprise, he was. Bokuto waited outside your house like he did every day. You were running a little late but he didn’t mind waiting.
“Sorry I’m late. I was doing something real quick!” you announced and presented yourself in front of your boyfriend. As soon as Bokuto laid eyes on you, he felt his heart fly out of his chest and then back again because he had to be alive to see how stunning you looked. His mouth flew open but he couldn’t form any words. His eyes grew as wide as saucers and looked up and down. He didn’t want this picture of you out of his mind.
As shocked as Bokuto was, you didn’t take his reaction the right way. Did he not like it? Why wasn’t he saying anything? You know that your look might be different than normal, but he acts like you’re a totally different person. The longer that he stared at you, the more ridiculous you looked. But what were you going to do now? It was too late to change and you were going to be late to school.
“Let’s go!” you urged, hooking your arms together and pulled him along to walk with you. You acted like his reaction didn’t affect you, but inside you were disappointed.
As the day went on, you couldn’t help but feel subconscious about your new look. Your friends said that they loved the new you, but Bokuto’s opinion mattered the most to you. Because you knew that he would tell you the truth no matter what.
In between classes, you look either go to the bathroom or look at your phone, wherever there was a mirror so that you could look at yourself. Your make up started melting and fading away, your hair wasn’t as kept like this morning. Slowly, your new look made you look like a clown. And the more you looked, the more you started to see your flaws. Now you could understand what those girls were saying. Fuck.
Tears welled in your eyes that you rubbed away the tears. But in the process of doing that, you wiped off the makeup that you forgot you had on, the makeup that took you so long to do. It all smeared across your eyes and that made you cry even more. Now you were forced to take your makeup off. You turned on the tap and rubbed all the foundation, the eye shadow, the blush, and the lipstick away. There, your ugly bare face was back.
Since you were doing that, might as well fix your hair. Pulling your hair all the way back, you put it into a bun. You stared at yourself in the mirror again. Homeless. Ugly. Bare faced. Fat. You could see it all. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks and you began to cry uncontrollably. God, you felt so embarrassed with yourself.
Bokuto immediately saw the difference in appearance when he saw you at the end of the day. Your shoulders were slouched over, your head was hung low, not to mention that your new look disappeared.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Bokuto said softly. “What happened to your new look?”
“Oh,” you jolted up. His concerned gaze made you feel uncomfortable and even more insecure about your looks. “It was bothering me, so I took it off.” You lied. And it was a good lie because he believed it without a second thought.
“If it bothers you, maybe you shouldn’t wear it to school,” Bokuto suggested. Oh, so he’s basically saying that you shouldn’t dress like that because he’s embarrassed by you. Your confidence levels just reached a new low.
“Yeah, I probably won’t,” you say discouraged and quickly walk away from him. Bokuto didn’t know what to say. Why did you look so sad?
The next day, you transitioned back into your normal outfit. You felt more comfortable but your body and the way you looked to other people was always in the back of your mind. You became so distracted by the idea that you began to distance yourself from the volleyball player.
You went to his practices but didn’t make yourself known anymore. Little by little each day, you let the fangirls take over. So he’ll spend most of his time with them instead of you. It was probably better like that anyway. The more you looked at them from afar, the more you could see the difference between you guys. You were just an ordinary student with an ordinary life with ordinary looks. There really wasn’t anything special about you. There wasn’t anything about you that stood out. Compared to these girls that were flocking all around your boyfriend? Beautiful girls. Their looks were out of this world. You could never compare to them. So why was Bokuto with you when he could have anyone he wanted? He was popular, athletic, goofy, strong. Every girl’s dream guy. It doesn’t make sense that you, a plain girl, was his girlfriend. A match that probably wasn’t meant to be.
Bokuto noticed that you were being distant. Eventually, you stopped going to his practices. Every day, he would look for you in the stands but you were never there. Whenever he has free time and wanted to spend it with you, you were also too busy or had some place to be. He never saw you anymore. You didn’t even want to walk to and from school together. He couldn’t fathom what he did wrong. He thought he treated you well. He thought that he did his best to show you that you mean so much to him. So what was going on?
Bokuto stopped by your house one day after practice because does not like how you were avoiding him. He was going to figure out what was wrong whether you continue to avoid him or not.
“Oh, is (y/n) home?” Bokuto asked your mother who opened the door instead of you. Strange, were you not home yet?
“Oh, Kotarou. No, she isn’t home yet. Would you like to wait inside? She should be home any minute now,” your mother informed, opening the door a little wider to let him in. He gladly accepted and stepped into your welcoming home. Your mother let Bokuto make himself at home and that is just what he did. He went to your room and waited for you there.
When you arrived home, you greeted your mother with a kiss on her cheek and headed for your room when your mom stopped you in your tracks.
“Oh, your boyfriend is waiting for you upstairs, dear,” your mother said. You completely froze. Your heart started to race and cold sweat ran down your back. Shit. What was he doing here? After all this time, you thought you were doing well by keeping your distance but now he shows up out of nowhere, catching you off guard. Reluctantly, you opened the door to your bedroom and sure enough, Bokuto was standing there not looking too happy.
“Kotarou,” you say but didn’t have a clue what to say after. What could you say?
“(y/n),” Bokuto sighs and walks to you. But you backup, making Bokuto frustrated. “What is going on with you? First, you don’t come to my practices. Then, you stop talking to me. You don’t even want to walk with me to school anymore. Did I do something wrong? Because if I did, just tell me so I can fix it.”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you admit, but now Bokuto was confused.
“If I didn’t do anything, then why are you acting like towards me? Are you mad at me?”
“Did I say something that hurt your feelings?”
“No.” Question after question, you kept saying no. Everything that he thought he did, you answered no. You weren’t giving him any information to help him understand what was going on. All you did was stand by the door, head down and you fiddled with your fingers. Bokuto was beyond frustrated. He put his hands on his waist and let out a deep sigh.
You couldn’t see him but you could definitely hear him and feel the ambiance in the room. He was upset at you. He had every right to. But now his reaction made you feel even worse about yourself that you just wanted to cuddle up in bed and literally just forget about everything. Maybe today was the today.
“If you’re so frustrated, why don’t you just break up with me?” you opened your mouth to say. Silence.
All of Bokuto’s anger and frustration dissipated and was replaced with hurt and betrayal. The moment those words left your mouth, his stomach dropped and the pain in his heart hit him so deep that he had to take a step back.
“Baby, why are you saying that?” his voice softens in the most pained toned you’ve ever heard. Guilt starts to eat at you for saying that, but cat’s out of the bag now. You don’t answer him and continue to stare down at your feet. He gets closer and you allow him to take your hands in his.
“I’m just trying to understand. Why are avoiding me? Why are you saying that we should break up?” he asks, trying to look you in the eyes. You shrug your shoulders but don’t say anything. But that’s okay because Bokuto was going to give you all the time in the world that you need to answer back. And it took you a long while before you should say anything.
“It’s because… I think you can find someone better,” you mumble in a whisper.
“Why do you think that?” Bokuto matches your tone. You shrug again.
“I don’t know. I see all those girls around you. And they’re all so pretty and thin. I’m nothing compared to them. And then I started thinking, and… you’re way out of my league. You could do so much better if you were with someone like-”
“Do you love me?” Bokuto cuts you off.
“Yeah,” you answer anyway. “But I don’t think we look good as a couple.”
“I don’t care what other people think. I love you and only you. I picked you. Every practice, every game, I’m looking for you. Whenever I see you, my day brightens up. When I see you, I feel like I can play my best. You are my strength and my motivation. You are the only one that sticks out in a crowd full of people. You’re perfect and don’t let those other people tell you otherwise.” Bokuto lifts your chin up so that you could tell that he meant every word. Your lower lip forms a pout and silent tears streaked your cheeks. His face softens at you. Gosh, even when you’re crying and snot is coming out of your nose, you’re still so cute to him.
“You really mean it?” you cry.
“Yes, you cry baby. Now come here,” he scoops you up and lays you on the bed to cuddle. “So don’t you ever say that to me again, or I’ll quit volleyball.” He threatens. Upon hearing that, you freak out and convince that he shouldn’t. He’s laughing out loud and kisses you all over.
“Ah, I love you too much,” he says content and you cuddle for the rest of the evening.
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jonsa101 · 3 years
Do you think when Max double back and said “we never talked about it” do you think Helen took it as yes finally he’s opening up and that’s why she hug him and laugh that relieved laugh? And then she asked him that question and she realize he still doesn’t get it??
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! This is a great question and such a hard one to answer as well! I’ve honestly considered a lot of scenarios in my mind about where Helen’s mind was at before and after the hug. I have gone back and forth about it but after analyzing it for awhile these are my final thoughts on it.
In my last ask I got from @abriaashley, I had mentioned that there was a very brief moment in that rooftop scene that reminded of me their rooftop scene in 1.17. Before I answered this ask, I took a couple days to really make sure that I knew what I was talking about but after analyzing it I know without a shadow of doubt this is the exact same expression. To me, this brief moment below is the most important key in understanding everything that happened during and after their hug.
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But in order to understand why Helen has this expression on her face, we need to first examine the scene where we saw this expression first. In episode 1.17, Max and Helen are having a conversation within a conversation about their relationship. Everything is subtext but essentially Helen tells Max that she needs to “triage,” she can’t be his “all of the above” and that she’s removing herself as his doctor. Of course Max is upset by this and with his wonderful Freudian slip he reveals his true heart’s desire when he says...
But what if I want you?
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After this declaration, we get this expression on her face and then Helen STICKS TO HER RESOLVE!
In the context of this scene, Helen’s expression here tells me two things:
Max telling her “what if I want want you” is exactly what she wants to hear. She clearly has feelings for him and hearing that is supposed to tempt and sway her resolve. But based on their current circumstances the idea of them is simply not possible and it’s heart aching.
She clearly doesn’t want to do what she’s about to do in this moment but she’s BUILDING UP THE WILL POWER to do what she feels she has to do!
This is my interpretation of why Helen has that expression on her face. When I look at episode 3.10 where Helen has that same look before she hugs Max, I think the same reasons apply for this moment as well. As an avid Sharpwin shipper it’s easy to fan girl about these intimate moments and get carried away but when you logically look at their scene and the scene that took place right before, hopefully what I explain will make perfect sense to you.
Before Max and Helen’s moment on the roof, Helen had a GUT-WRENCHING scene with her niece. Mina is still heavily grieving her father and this explains so much of why she’s also had a lot of behavioral issues. She’s suffering emotionally and is desperately trying to find some semblance of peace and healing. Shanthi Sekaran, the writer for this episode, said the inspiration for this scene was Micaheanglo’s Pieta and how fitting it was for this moment between them.
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“Pieta” which translates to pity or compassion, shows the the Virgin Mary compassionately holding on to the dead body of Jesus as she sorrowfully contemplates the death of her beloved son.
Like this sculpture, Helen compassionately holds Mina and comforts her as Mina is overcome with her grief and as Helen is trying to empathize with the depths of Mina’s sorrow! It’s just such a beautiful thing to witness and why I’m hoping Mina sticks around for the long haul. There’s so much emotional investment already and in this moment of their lives, they desperately NEED EACH OTHER! So when you look at everything from a wholistic perspective and you look at the chain of events that led Helen to be on that rooftop in the first place, does it LOGICALLY make sense that Helen would be in the headspace to address her relationship with Max or even kiss him? Nooooooooo!!!!
It doesn’t make sense!
If anything, her actions in this scene is a reflection of what she did earlier with Cassian when she broke up with him. As she made her niece first priority with Cassian, she is essentially making her niece first priority again with Max, despite being in love with him!
Let’s breakdown 3.10’s rooftop scene so y’all can know where I’m coming from.
Part 1 of this scene is Max and Helen discussing parenting and him emotionally supporting her when she feels like she had a parenting fail. This should have been the first clue for us to understand how this moment between them would play out because this issue with Mina was the main thing that was clearly plaguing her mind!
In part 2 of this scene, Max turns to leave and then after briefly hesitating, he turns around says
“I’m sorry about Cassian.”
As soon as he says this we see this same expression we saw in 1.17. Then Max continues and says.
I don’t know what to...say. I mean, we never talk about it.”
Y’all I said this in my last ask but this is a really big deal! This is Max’s first attempt to bring up the elephant in the room between them and it’s something that he’s never attempted to address before. Helen knows this is a big deal too and she knows where this conversation was headed. Hence why before the conversation could even go anywhere, Helen cut him off with a hug!
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Like I said at the beginning of this post, the expression Helen makes before the hug is the key to understanding this scene in it’s entirety! Similar to 1.17 I believe the same reasons apply for her expression in 3.10 but vary slightly.
Once again, what Max is saying is exactly what Helen wants to hear but also what she’s been waiting for him to do! Unlike in season 1, Max and Helen are in completely different circumstances than they were back then. Subconsciously, they had feelings back then but now they are both fully aware that they’re in love with each other. The massive elephant in the room exists between them because they don’t talk about their feelings and they’re to afraid to voice that they’re in love with each other. There is no doubt in my mind that Max finally being able to at least broach the topic is something that she has always wanted Max to do. They seemingly don’t have anything that’s holding them back from being together but based by how I see it, the heart aching look on Helen’s face tells me that in Helen’s mind it’s essential she puts her sole focus into Mina, even if this is something she’s always wanted. (This Is KEY!)
Like 1.17, I think Helen was building up that will power to tell him that she’s happy that their friends even though she’s in love with him. That hug between them was a lot of things. It was deeply loving and heartfelt. It was cathartic with pent-up angst and longing semi-released but most of all, it was desperate and supportive. Despite this, I also believe that this hug was used to avoid a conversation that Helen didn’t want to have. If she allowed that conversation to go any further she would have 100% been swayed and would have probably given into her feelings. But Helen didn’t want to be swayed. She wanted to stick to her resolve that Mina is her first priority! Is this a problematic mindset? Yes! But after that emotionally charged moment with Mina I can see how Helen might think she’s making the right decision.
Also, I’m convinced that if Mina’s breakdown didn’t happen before Max and Helen’s moment on the rooftop, they would have probably had that conversation. But since it did happen, it totally plays a role in what transpires between Helen and Max.
For the moments after they hug this is how I interpret those interactions:
When Helen says to Max “what you said earlier” initially I thought she was referring to something he said earlier in the day. Now that I’ve taken a couple of days to really think about it, I just don’t think that makes sense. Again, after Helen’s moment with Mina, I don’t think she was in the headspace at all to talk about her feelings for him. This scene was more so about Max stepping up and being emotionally supportive of her and I think what’s she’s actually referring to is Max saying “But it helps not to be alone.” In that moment Helen recognized that Max will unequivocally support her and I think that’s something she’s incredibly grateful for. When Max responds with “what did I say?,” I genuinely believe he’s not thinking straight because he so overwhelmed and overjoyed to have Helen in his arms. Also, I think naturally he asks that question because he wants to know for future reference what he needs to keep saying to keep her in his arms 🥰.That look that she gives Max before she tells him that she’s really glad that they’re friends isn’t necessarily a look of disappointment because of Max. After I watched it again, that look to me is more so of a look of “I hate that I’m doing this but I have to do this.” As she is gazing into his eyes, it’s her final push to stick to her resolve! Her mind was already made up and she was going to see that decision through.
Y’all I’m going to wrap this up here because this ask wasn’t supposed to be a meta but ended up that way! Lol! Though these are my opinions on what transpired in 3.10 that doesn’t change my opinion of how I see things unfolding for Sharpwin this season. I just think it’s important to put scenes in proper context. Though Helen might have said that they’re friends, it is so evident that she is clearly in love with him. Like Max, she can’t pretend or neglect her personal wants and needs forever! The great sleeping bear of her desire stirred and is wide awake! Sooner rather than later that bear needs to be fed!
Feel free to reach out to me through my Dms on Tumblr or on Twitter! @oyindaodewale. Also my ask box is always open! 🥰
None of the Gifs in this post are mine!
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woogyu · 3 years
A World Tinted Gold | Mingyu; Chapter Four
Kalon; beauty that is more than skin-deep
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streamer!y/n x werewolf!mingyu
notes; werewolf au
word count; 2402
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summary; The only werewolves you encountered were the ones living inside your video games. They were nothing more to you than mythical creatures you often had to kill in order to complete objectives. You had a good thing going with your online gaming setup. Your supporters were kind and usually tipped well during streams. Sure it meant you had to deal with the occasional creep sliding into your DMs, but it was worth it. Playing games online was putting you through college. Little did you know your quiet life was about to be turned upside down at the hands of someone you didn’t think existed outside of the virtual world.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting as bright light flooded your vision. You didn’t remember falling asleep, hell you weren’t even sure what day it was. Flashes of wolves and fangs came back, your eyes flying open as your body woke up. It took you a second to take in your surroundings, you were inside and in bed, but it wasn’t your bed.
“Awake, are you?” a voice asked, your eyes snapped up to a male in the corner of the room. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, blonde hair falling slightly over his eyes. You had no idea who he was or where you were... what happened to the wolves that saved you? A million questions flashed through your mind as you starred wearily at the man. You clenched and unclenched your fists, maybe you would be able to outrun him.
“I wouldn’t try a grand escape if I were you. You’ll re-open your wound and I don’t really want to stop the bleeding again” he admitted, smirking when your eyes widened in surprise at his correct guess. He moved toward you, his hands raised to show he meant no harm. Your eyes flashed down to your leg... right the wolf had left you wish a nasty gift. Soft white gauze was wrapped around the appendage. You were surprised to find that it didn’t hurt much when you flexed the muscles. This guy had taken care of it. Why would he do that?
“I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and we will do our best to answer them” he promised, he seemed tired just thinking about it. You blinked a few times, eyes moving back up to focus on him as you tried to sort out your thoughts.
“Where am I and how did I get here? Who are you?” you asked, surprised when your voice came out gravely and uneven. He gestured to the glass of water on the nightstand next to you, which you gladly took and gulped down. You figured if he wanted you dead, he would have just let you bleed out.
“My name’s Soonyoung. You are at, er, my friends and I and live in this house. It’s just outside the city” he began, chewing on his lip nervously as he dodged the one part of your question that was important.
“How did I get here?” you asked again, this time more forceful. When he didn’t immediately answer you let out a sigh. “Last thing I remember is these wolves that saved me from this other other wolf” you explained further, eyebrows drawn together as you tried to piece together this situation on your own.
“Mingyu, she just woke up, you can’t just...” a voice called from outside before the door to the room you were in was thrown open, a tall male with sandy brown hair standing in the doorway. His body seemed to visibly relax when he saw you, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
“You’re okay… thank god” he breathed, leaning heavily on the doorway. You could see traces of blood along his shoulder and a mark that seemed to resemble a wolf bite. Maybe he had been attacked by the black wolf as well…
“Okay, who the hell are you and why am I even here?” you demanded, patience short as you starred down the three males within your view. They obviously didn’t seem to be a threat to you, but it confused you more as to why they seemed to actually care about your safety. The brown-haired boy, you assumed his name was Mingyu, seemed confused by your question, his head tilting to the side like an overgrown puppy. You had to admit, it was a little bit cute.
“What do you mean? I’m the one that saved you” he said like it was totally obvious.
“Hey! You would have been another wolfs snack if Seungkwan and I hadn’t heard the growling” a different auburn-haired boy chimed in, hitting the, Mingyu, on the back of the head.
“Idiots” Soonyoung grumbled, turning to glare at the others standing outside of the room. “I hadn’t exactly gotten around to explaining everything yet” he said through clenched teeth, the 3 males outside shut their mouths and averted their eyes awkwardly.
“What do you mean saved me? It was a wolf…” you trailed off, your eyes narrowing as you inspected the taller boy. That hair… you could have sworn… No, nope, there was no way, you must have hit your head on something because obviously you weren’t thinking clearly.
“Yeah so you see…” Soonyoung started, turning around to look at you with a tight-lipped smile. He clasped his hands together before letting out a nervous laugh. “We are kind of like werewolves… well the full moon stuff is all a myth and we can shape-shift whenever we want. Really, we are more just like overgrown dogs” he tried to make it sound better, less scary for you, but it wasn’t really working.
Okay so maybe you had hit your head harder than you thought and this was all just some weird fever dream. You smiled and nodded along, maybe if you pretended to believe them, they would let you go.
“Oh yeah, totally, that’s so interesting” you said in a fake sweet voice, moving the blankets to the side as you started to get up. “You know I’m really late to this thing I have to go to, so I do really need to be getting home now” you said with mock sympathy. Your path through the house was blocked, but maybe the window would be a good escape option. It was obvious that whoever these men were, they had a few screws loose and you weren’t eager to figure out their motive for having you here.
“You think we’re making this up, which you know, is really valid” Soonyoung admitted, pursing his lips, seemingly thinking about something. “If Seungcheol was here he would probably have a better way of breaking this down for you, but I think the fastest way would just be to show you” he decided with a bright grin. Your fingers played with your clothing uneasily, unsure of how you felt about this idea.
“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea…” Mingyu spoke up, it seemed like he could almost sense how you felt about all of this. The more you starred at him the more you found similarity between the boy and the wolf that saved you. The strange feeling you felt when you looked into the wolfs eyes were echoed when you looked at Mingyu. Every time you forced yourself to look away, your eyes found their way back to him; it was almost magnetic.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine…” Soonyoung said, you weren’t sure if he was trying to convince the rest of you or himself. “We don’t really have a choice here… If we leave her with questions, there will just be more problems later. Better to just explain it all upfront” he continued; well you did want answers. There must be some logical explanation to all of this, men couldn’t just magically transform into wolves, that only happened in video games.
“Normally we have a rule not to expose ourselves to humans, for our protection mainly, but since you’re Mingyu’s ma-“ Soonyoung continued speaking, seemingly without thought until Mingyu roughly cut him off.
“Since I saved you, that rule can be bent a little bit” Mingyu quickly finished, flashing Soonyoung a pointed look. You weren’t sure exactly what was going on anymore… but honestly this was far from the weirdest thing they’ve said since walking into the room. Your eyes widened when you caught a flash of gold in Mingyu’s eyes. It must have just been the lighting.
Mingyu walked over and helped you up, supporting most of your weight along his shoulder as he led you outside. Well at least now you had a better chance if you did want to run. As Mingyu set you down on one of the front steps your fingers brushed along the back of his neck. You could have sworn you felt a spark when your bare skin met his. You didn’t have much time to think about it, as Soonyoung pulled your attention back to him.
“Okay, try not to be too amazed okay” he said, his hands emphasizing his words and a cocky grin on his lips. You rolled your eyes and leaned against the railing, Mingyu standing to your right but slightly in front of you. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he was taking a protective stance. A few of the other men in the house filtered in behind you, their names either unknown to you or forgotten.
You watched Soonyoung as his body began to tremble, and then right before your eyes you watched a man turn into a beautiful silvery wolf. Paling, your eyes bulged… no there had to be some sort of trick going on… this wasn’t real. You watched as the wolf, Soonyoung? Trotted over to you, seemingly proud to prove you wrong. You didn’t really care about being wrong right now, whatever this was you wanted nothing to do with it.
“I want to go home” you announced, voice shaky as you stepped away from the wolf and men surrounding the house. You wanted to run, get as far away from these people as you could, but you knew your leg would never allow that. Your eyes shifted around nervously, prepared for one of them to stop you, to grab you and lock you away somewhere. Mingyu’s eyebrows drew together in concern and you watched as he took a step toward you.
“I can take you home” he promised, sincerity in his voice. “Just don’t put too much weight on that leg” Mingyu begged, his eyes flickering down from your face to your injury. You nodded a little bit, shifting your weight onto your good foot as you leaned away from him.
“Now… I want to go home now, please” you spoke, the words directed to him. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but you were scared. You didn’t know what was going on and no matter how hard you tried to find an answer you came up with nothing. You were eager to put all of this behind you and move on. Never think about wolves or these men ever again.
“My car is just over there” he pointed toward a white SUV along the side of the house. Before you could start to walk toward it, he came up next to you.
“Here, let me help” he all but whined. You didn’t have the heart to deny the aid, your leg already starting to throb from being over exerted.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The drive back was quiet. Mingyu didn’t try and explain things further which you were grateful for. Your brain was pretty much maxed out on weirdness today. You spoke up only to give him directions back to your apartment.
As Mingyu pulled up next to the building he paused, his hand reaching out to wrap around your wrist before you could step out. When his flesh met yours you nearly recoiled due to the warmth that radiated off of him. It wasn’t painful, but the comfort that accompanied it startled you.
“This has the address of the pack house and my phone number written on it… and y/n… please… don’t tell anyone about what happened” Mingyu pleaded, pressing a piece of paper into your palm. You wanted to throw it away but to avoid offending him you stuffed it into your pocket. You nodded numbly at him, pulling your wrist away from his clutch before you could get too comfortable with whatever feeling rising up within you. He didn’t have to worry about you telling anyone anything… you didn’t ever want to think about it again.
“Thanks for driving me home” you mumbled, stepping out of the car and closing the door. You didn’t spare him another glance before turning and limping into the safety of your apartment. Your feet were sluggish as they struggled to carry you up to your room.
Only when you were within the safety of the familiar walls did you allow yourself to fully relax, the day’s events crashing heavily upon you. What the hell had you gotten yourself involved in? No, if you started asking questions like this then you were admitting to yourself that whatever you saw out there had been real. You weren’t ready to face that. You needed to move on, forget about whatever magic tricks those men could perform and get back to your life.
Shit… Ciri had been expecting a call from you and your phone was likely in a wolf’s stomach. You pulled your laptop off of your desk and situated it into your lap. Ciri answered on the first ring, her features laced heavily with worry.
“Oh my god y/n, I was two hours away from calling the cops to do a search party” she breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing your face. You managed to force a small smile, stretching your legs out in front of you.
“What the hell happened to you? You look like shit” she winced, leaning back in her chair and gave you a concerned look. You didn’t even know how to go about creating a fake story for what happened. Maybe if you just kept it vague enough, she wouldn’t ask questions.
“Got hurt while I was filming… broke my camera too… I lost the footage, I’m sorry” you explained, voice impossibly small as exhaustion weighed heavily on you.
“I don’t give a damn about the footage, you are okay, right?” she asked, biting his bottom lip as she watched you, obviously not satisfied with your story.
“I’m fine, I promise” you said, forcing an unconvincing smile. “Hey, I think I’m going to head to bed, still a bit tired from it all” you explained, trying your best to maintain a tone that wouldn’t raise further suspicion.
“A… alright” she conceded, frowning at you through the camera. “Just… let me know if you need help with anything… yeah?” she moved closer to the camera and offered you a small wave.
“I will” you promised her, returning the gesture before closing your computer. Maybe if you slept for long enough this really would turn out to just be some incredibly realistic dream.
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