#anyways a holiday star themed campaign could be super cool too
the-pigeolympics · 2 years
i think we’ve talked about this before, but are there any hatofans out there who also like dnd and want to brainstorm worldbuilding for either a bbl-verse campaign or absolute zero campaign with me ;) 
for a bbl-verse campaign, pcs could be different students/teachers/hawk or dove party members. in order to not overlap with the actual bbl plot too much, the campaign could take place before bbl (like during the era when nageki is alive and stuck at st pigeonations). or maybe something to do with hawk/dove party conflict? or maybe to do something with the bird/human war?? or post-bbl? the possibilities are endless! 
oh and an absolute zero campaign would be absolutely insane if it could be some sort of parallel world jumping back and forth between fantasy and the real world. some anghel shit right there y’know?  
anyways i am just extremely invested in the idea of a hbf themed dnd campaign and i will now be designing a hbf oc for fun lol 
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