#i'm slowly starting to get my thoughts together about persuasion
misscrawfords · 2 years
One thing that interests me about the response to the Netflix Persuasion is that it is by no means the only objectively bad Austen adaptation but it seems to be singled out more than others for both excessive hate, excessive defence, and just general discussion. I'm not sure I've ever seen so many reviews in mainstream newspapers for a streaming service Austen adaptation.
I'm not a fan of the 2005 P&P myself but it still has merits and is worthy of being considered seriously as an adaptation. It's the only one I can think of that has received this amount of vitriol. (And yes, some of that came from me, but I'm allowed personally to dislike a film!) Mansfield Park 2007 - does anyone bother with that? Did anyone bother with it when it came out except to say "lol that was a bad movie that totally failed to understand the novel, shame Hayley Atwell got caught up in it" and then move on and focus on the delightful Northanger Abbey that came out the same year or Persuasion which got some fans but otherwise did not leave a massive mark in the Austen adaptations world (mainly due to the legacy of the 1995 film). Nobody apart from a few devotees remembers the 1986 Northanger Abbey and the adaptation of Emma with Kate Beckinsale has largely disappeared. (Unfortunately IMO as I quite like it.)
All this to say that there have been lots of adaptations of Austen that just quietly disappeared or received criticism but ultimately nobody really cared. Why is Netflix Persuasion so different? Why is it so hard to just ignore it or laugh about how bad it is for a bit and then forget about it? Why do people seem to care SO MUCH?
A few suggestions:
the colour blind casting - this has had a big effect on the response, especially in certain corners of twitter and FB. Thankfully tumblr seems relatively free both of bad faith racist responses to the film and the irritatingly two dimensional response which is to accuse anyone who criticises the film of racism and gatekeeping. This is a shame as the casting is one of the film's biggest strengths. They all deserve a better movie but as soon as people can bring racism into a discussion, it gets blown up and becomes "important".
Netflix producing this film now makes it difficult for another adaptation to come along any time soon and people are angry about this, though that has always really been an issue when a new adaptation comes out.
Social media just wasn't as much a thing in the 2005-07 period and it is so much easier now for people to find other people to be enraged with or attack about a piece of media online so as soon as something gains traction even more people will talk about it and it snowballs.
People care a lot more about Persuasion than about Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey.
It's been a loooooong time since we've had a "straight" historical adaptation of an Austen novel. It feels like we're saturated in Austen adaptations, but that isn't actually true. We've had Death Comes to Pemberley, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Fire Island but apart from Emma 2020 the last movie/TV adaptation of an actual novel were the 2008 and 2009 adaptations of Sense and Sensibility and Emma respectively. It's over 10 years. We're due for a new spate of adapting the novels, it seems to happen every 10 years, so people actually want more content to digest. (Not counting Sanditon here for so many reasons.)
Austen adaptations tend to reflect the society they're made in so a lot of the analysis is going into what this adaptation - and, arguably Emma 2020 - is saying about us. And if we don't like the adaptation, well, maybe that is telling us something uncomfortable about the state of the media and storytelling right now.
The screenwriter has said some pretty egregious things about not thinking racism was a thing in Austen's time (at least I'm sure he wasn't trying to say that, but it sure came out like that) and that he wrote this script so his teen daughter wouldn't be bored. That's enough to thoroughly dunk on it.
Honestly though I'm hoping that it will quietly die the death of bad adaptations but unfortunately so many people are talking about it and hate watching it (guilty as charged tbh on both counts) that this seems unlikely.
I'm actually not against Austen adaptations that play with convention and focus on satirical humour more than sweeping romance (Love and Friendship was brilliant in that respect) and Emma did a good shot at it and breaking the fourth wall could be a brilliant device if done well, which seems to be the trend in this decade's adaptations. But I hope the inevitable forthcoming adaptations of the other novels are, well, better.
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plscallmeeren · 9 months
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D O N ‘ T M I N D T H A T P T 2
Darcy Lewis x Reader
Request: yes from the wonderful @Dragonsw Who is basically my sponsor at this point
Summary: you just can't catch a break without getting caught... the amount of this chapter that is actual smut isn't much 🥲 (male reader)
Warnings: Swearing; kinda/nearly getting caught in the act; oral (f receiving); fingering; edging; daddy kink; slight sexual power dynamic; unedited
Word Count: 2.1K+
You jumped up from Darcy as you heard the door swing open, revealing none other than Natasha.
"What are you two up to? Getting it on the floor this time? Didn't think to lock the door?"
"We were only training," you countered, although you realised as you pulled on your t-shirt and threw Darcy her things that that wasn't very believable.
"M'sure. I wanna train now. Move," she ordered, walking past the lifted ring to reach the stepper.
"You know, theoretically, if we were doing what you thought we were," Darcy started, "the general curtousy would be to leave us."
It was unusual for her to be so outspoken in front of the other Avengers because she felt a little out of place, but you were thrilled to find she was settling in more and more.
"The naked woman speaks," Natasha taunted in return and Darcy blushed scarlet.
"C'mon, we've trained enough for today," you negotiated, ever the diplomat.
She slipped into her clothes again quickly and you couldn't help but press a kiss to her shoulder blade, but then you were out and smirking as you escaped her.
You liked to play, and she knew it.
You smiled involuntarily when you felt the familiar weight of someone on your legs, but you didn't put down the book you were reading and promptly ignored her as she dragged herself closer and closer to your height.
"(Y/n)... please... I'm so wet, still..."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just resting up from that heavy training we did."
You couldn't help but run your fingers through her hair as she sighed contentedly against your skin.
"Baby, I can't take it..."
"I'm sure you'll be fine." You sat up, pushing your face past hers and whispered: "And the orgasm will be even better."
Standing, you then retreated to the living room where Natasha and Clint were watching Corpse Bride.
Darcy sat on your bed for a while longer, stunned, rubbing her legs together hopelessly when she finally accepted you had left.
Halfway through the movie Clint fell asleep, even though it was still the afternoon, and Natasha nudged your shin with her foot.
"So, you playing the teasing game?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because she's standing there glaring daggers at you."
Your head spun around painfully fast and you fought to hide your surprise when you saw Darcy pretending to make a sandwich.
Well, not so much pretending as failing; missing the cheese on the bread. Slicing once diagonally through the tomato instead of straight, and so on.
"So... you want some help?"
You contemplated for a moment. Darcy wasn't a jealous person, and you had even discussed your shared appreciation for tease and connected exhibitionism.
"Yeah. Sure."
She smirked. It was obvious Natasha had something planned, and she was undoubtedly good at persuasion in that sense, though you only really had eyes for your girlfriend.
She stood, walking towards the kitchen and purposefully dropping a knife she picked up. She leaned down slowly, displaying a perfect view for me from the couch. Darcy's left eyebrow twitched.
"Oh, I see what you're doing," she claimed outright, narrowing her eyes in displeasure. "A cunning game. I can play it, too."
Darcy approached Natasha as she stood up and took her hand in both of her own, slowly, sensuously licking up them, taking the well manicured index and middle digit down her throat.
Natasha grinned. She seemed awfully pleased to be caught up in the matter.
"That's enough," you said firmly, taking long strides toward the two and sending a harsh look towards Natasha, who slipped her fingers out of your girlfriend's mouth and held up her hands in mock surrender, swinging her hips exaggeratedly as she left the two of you alone.
You pressed your tongue into the side of your cheek, not taking your eyes off the brunette before you. She made a small noise and you could still see her trembling legs.
"You so wet for me that you just couldn't behave? Is that your excuse?" you growled, an unspoken threat on your mind.
"Y-Yeah. I'm so wet for you. So sweet."
You couldn't hold back, anymore. You pushed her against the counter, pulling her lips onto your own and biting her lower lip possessively. She whimpered, panting slightly when you pulled away and kissed at her jaw instead.
"Oh, fuck-"
You slipped a hands between her thighs as you continued to kiss her neck, sucking marks onto her skin she would proudly wear.
You palmed her core harshly, strong, curved movements that had her squirming and gripping onto the counter surface with all her might to steady herself.
"I can feel you through your pants, darling," you breathed smugly, dragging her sweatpants down in the same motion. Darcy gasped and held onto the counter even more-so, if that was possible.
"Yes, please, daddy, I-"
"What time is it?" came the groggy and unsuspecting voice of Clint from the nearby couch, the both of us springing apart as Darcy pulled her pants back up.
Just as I had discovered she was wearing nothing underneath.
"It's, uh, almost four," Darcy covered up hurriedly, bouncing on her heels in hopes of escaping the situation.
"Already? Hm. (Y/n), I need your help with something up in room 774..."
You looked Darcy in the eye for a second and realised you should have taken her then and there after training, whether Natasha was watching or not.
It was one entire day later and you were two cold showers into lunch. Jane had called Darcy in on some urgent business, so neither of you were happy.
You had just finished cooking lunch in preparation for her return when she strutted in through the grey door with all the confidence and longing in the world.
You could have fucked her there, perhaps. Maybe you should have. But instead you presented her with delicious food and a snarky comment about nourishment for later.
"This is so good," she groaned, eating quicker than was likely good for her. "Get yourself a man who makes you a good hot lunch, huh?"
"Why, thank you. I'll be off searching as soon as I get my bowl back."
You both laughed and eventually she had finished eating, the two of you heading to the bathroom.
Once inside, you pushed her up against the wall, tapping her thighs so that she would wrap her legs around your waist (with your support, of course).
She was wearing a relatively slim long-sleeved top with a deep cut, as well as a skirt (a rare occurrence) that hiked up naturally when you pushed your groin closer to hers.
You made out passionately for a good moment, Darcy shivering at the temperature difference between the cold tiled wall and your warm flesh.
Finally, you set her down on the counter, lowering yourself to the height of her pussy and smirking at the large dark patch in her panties. She panted heavily somewhere above you.
"Please, (y/n), please, I- I need you," she whimpered, spreading her legs even wider as she pulled her skirt up around her waist. Only her soaked panties stood in the way, now.
You ripped them clean in half and put the remains in your pocket, dragging her thighs across the counter so that her cunt was right at the edge.
One kiss to her left thigh, a groan, another to her right, she whined, one last kiss to the top of her groin, then...
With a sound like a cat lapping at water, you dove in, licking at her pussy at the speed of light. This is what you had been waiting for. This is all you wanted.
Her whines grew louder and louder until you were farting your tongue in and out of her with an occasional kiss to her clit, and suddenly they were outright moans. Your fingertips dug into the flesh of her thighs to steady your pace, her hands tangling in your hair and pulling at it, but you didn't particularly mind.
You added two fingers without warning, focusing the full attention of your tongue on her clit while your digits rammed into her cunt, her moans turning to screams.
She was the epitome of erotica: Legs spread wide around your head, clothes unceremoniously crinkled and clumped to get them out of the way, trembling, hair disheveled, mascara smudged, shaking more, clenching, nearing-
Footsteps hurried on the other side of the door and with no other option, you picked Darcy up and placed her moaning mess in the adjoining cubicle, quickly slapping water at your face so that no one could tell you were covered in bodily fluids.
Darcy quieted in the back, only just coming down enough to think straight as the door slammed open, revealing Tony with Bruce behind him, the former clad in his entire suit with a gun lifted.
"Woah, man." Your eyes widened. Why on earth...?
"Oh, god. I told you, Tony, if someone is screaming in a bathroom it has a whole 'nother meaning."
"Okay, don't blame this on me. When JARVIS says there's an emergency and potential danger, you can't just ignore that. Also, no one's that loud unless they're with me."
"You're really arrogant, you know that? No one else is even here."
They finally turned to look at you, who was standing rather perplexed and close to laughter.
"So... am I innocent, officers?" you jested, quirking an eyebrow.
Bruce left with an apologetic nod but Tony wasn't quite finished with you, yet.
"You're very loud, y'know. And just for your information, you sound like a girl when you're jerking off, I'm just saying, no harm in that- I mean, personally, I like a girl making noise but-"
Just when you were about to intervene and tell him that's not what you were doing, his eyes remained glued on your hip. Confused, you looked down, only to see the lacy underwear you had stuffed into your pocket.
"I can explain-"
"There are three options here," he started, ignoring you, "either you're into wearing that sorta thing - no judgement, of course, although it must bruise your ego that those fit - but I don't see the point in putting it in your pocket if that's the case. Scene two; your girlfriend's currently unavailable and you're filling the void inside you yourself so that you don't need another woman, but with the help of her underwear. Now, this explanation would suffice, but-"
He glanced down at the locked door to the adjoining cubicle and the feet peeking out under the door. "Given the evidence, I'd say you're not alone at all."
You couldn't help but grin. Tony was one of your closest friends and he sure knew how to draw out a moment long enough to make it hilarious.
"Have fun, kids. Don't forget to use the protection and," he turned, dramatically leaving his last line until he was halfway out the door, "do us the favour and lock the door. Unless you're into that sort of thing, I suppose."
He walked out and you quickly shut (and locked!) the door behind him. Darcy crept out to meet you.
You both burst out laughing.
The hot atmosphere from before evaporated, but that didn't mean you weren't both still in the mood.
You embraced each other slowly, again kissing, but this time slower, her hands clasped behind your neck while your arms wrapped around her waist.
Your girlfriend still standing, you fell to your knees, starting right where you left off with a grin.
You both laughed a lot and she came in no time.
A new kink had certainly been discovered.
And it wouldn't be the last time someone walked in on you.
It wouldn't even be the last time it was Tony.
I had so much fun writing this, the Tony and Bruce scene had me internally cackling, but I don't know if you read it as funnily as I imagined 🥲
Almost three hundred people have read this shit?????? What????
Sorry for the wait I'm back to studying so I can't write much. My humanities teacher is killing me.
Have a great day wherever you are, my darlings ❤️
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 11 months
50 for whatever ship you want !!
50. “This could do some damage.”
I was dyeing my hair when I got this ask, so that's where my mind went off too. Set in the Wedding Planner AU, in which Marcia *attempts* to dye Anetra's hair (and nobody said that platonic ships were off the table, right?)
"This could do some damage."
"Damage? What do you mean by damage?" Anetra turned behind her to look at Marcia, who was reading the back of the hair bleach box.
Marcia looked away from the box and back to her friend sitting in front of her. She tried her best to seem like she actually knew what she was doing with hair dye, even though the only knowledge she had was from watching her sister.
"It's just the warning on the box, I'm sure it will be fine." They sat the box back on the sink vanity and checked the timer on their watch. "Fifteen more minutes until we can rinse it out."
Anetra's only known this person for just over a week, and she's already letting them change her hair, which the most she's ever gotten done before was a haircut. She did have to admit that the blonde had excellent persuasion skills.
Anetra sighed, her hair was now in some other person's hands "Okay, if you say so."
After the bleach was washed out and Marcia pulled out the next box of dye and developer. She looked at the developer bottle as Marcia washed out the bowl and brush in the bathroom sink. "Are you sure this is right? This developer stuff said that it's for lifting up the color, and my hair just got bleached." She picked at a lock of her bleached hair, which was a bit of a shock to get used to.
Marcia looked at Anetra sitting at the edge of the bathtub, her eyes narrowing in thought. "I think that's what my sister uses. I never really paid attention to the numbers and stuff on the bottle." She shrugged as she dried the bowl with a towel.
"Wait, have you not done this before?" Anetra asked slowly.
Marcia shook her head, "No, but I've been watching Jan do this for years, it can't be that hard!" she let out a nervous laugh, avoiding eye contact.
"I think you should call your sister, Marcia."
About an hour later, another blonde woman entered Marcia's apartment. She was carrying a large paper bag with Sally's Beauty printed on the front.
"You're so lucky that Sally's was still open this late, Marsh." She glanced at her sister and immediately looked at Anetra's hair while quickly introducing herself as Jan in a bubbly tone to Anetra. Before Anetra could even say a hello back, Jan started unloading the bag onto the counter and explained the products in a whirlwind.
"Really Marcia? 40 Volume after you bleached her hair?" Jan picked up the bottle of developer that Marcia had before. "Are you trying to ruin virgin hair in one night?" She nagged at her sibling.
Jan turned back to look at Anetra in the reflection of the bathroom mirror, "Don't worry, you are in good hands now." She reached for the box of latex gloves and pulled out a pair "Let's get to work!" she said brightly.
Anetra had never seen someone with so much energy late at night, but Jan did not disappoint with how well she did with fixing her hair. Although Anetra was entertained by watching Jan and Marcia banter, it made her miss her siblings at home. Well, her home anymore, since LA was her home now.
After Jan turned off the hair dryer and gave Anetra's hair a light brushing, she clapped her hands together. "Okay, it's finished. What do you think?"
Anetra turned around, seeing her hair in a deep red color. It shined in the light of the bathroom, and she felt more like herself with it.
"I love it, it's perfect."
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 10 months
Master - Chapter 34a
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*Warning: Adult Content*
- Kalem -
Pixie festivals were amazing.
It was like everything sparkly and pretty in all the worlds came together to this once special place to show off just how amazing they were and it made me want to never ever leave. 
I usually didn't like it when there were too many people around me and Master but I didn't mind it as much when it was pixie people.
Pixie people were too sparkly to not like.
There were all types of pixies, big ones and tiny ones, ones with super big wings and ones with the smallest ones, then there were those pixies who shimmered and sparkled all around and others that only had their plain colour but they still looked pretty.
And best of all, they were all nice. 
Everyone had big smiles on their face, they were singing and dancing and laughing, being happy and kind all around. 
None of them wanted to take me from Master, they all kind and smiled whenever they saw us and the ones who were working in the food tents gave us all these special treats for free, which Arias' Malcolm said was a good thing.
So far, I'd been given something called a donut and something else Master said was called churros. 
I loved them both and asked for even more when I finished them quickly. 
I was on my last churro now and though I wanted to savour it, it was disappearing quickly.
"Master," I whisper as I give his hand a little tug. 
Master looks down at me and immediately starts laughing... 
"What?" I ask.
"You seem to get messy when you're enjoying what you're eating," Master says as he raises his free hand to rub at my lips and cheeks gently... 
"There's sugar all over."
I lower my eyes while Master cleans me up, feeling embarrassed but also loving having his attention on me. 
When I'm all clean, Master kisses me gently and rubs gently at my warming cheeks, I force myself to look back up at him as I offer the last bit of my churro.
"Do you want some?" I ask with a hopeful smile.
Master leans down and holds my gaze while he takes a bite of the churro, he chews it slowly as he straightens up and smiles wickedly at me. 
I swallow, well I try to swallow, it was hard when my mouth was soundly so dry.
That did it. 
I had to climb Master when we got home, there was no other choice.
"So," Master asks innocently. 
"How are you finding it so far?"
"I love it," I exclaim with a bright smile. 
"It's the most wonderful place in the whole world."
"Because it's sparkly or because there's so much yellow?" Master asks with a raised brow.
That was another thing that was great about the pixie people, they understood just how bright and beautiful yellow was and had lots of it everywhere. 
"Both," I reply and Master laughs again before he pulls me in closer.
We continue to walk through the festival, taking it all in as best as we could while Arias' Malcolm walked ahead with his master, showing him everything that he loved and thought Arias would love to. 
Arias seemed to enjoy it, in his own way, he loved learning new things and his Malcolm was showing him everything there was to the pixies. 
And his Malcolm was also happier than I'd ever seen him and every now and again I caught Arias smiling at him.
Arias and his Malcolm were very cute together to me but I kept that thought inside.
"Master, can we go do that?" I ask pointing towards the section where there were lots and lots of pixies dancing around. 
They were all moving in sync, connecting and splitting at all the right parts and I wanted to give it a try. 
Though when I looked up at Master he seemed a bit reluctant, so I pulled out my 'weapon of quick persuasion' as Arias called it.
"Please Lincoln," I beg while I look up at Master with wide eyes.
Master immediately relaxed his strained features and nodded slowly. 
I squeal my excitement and fly up with my wings to kiss his cheek, Master chuckles and lets me pull him towards all the dancing pixies.
When I used Master's name, he doesn't get mad or give me a punishment like all the stupid trainers said he would. 
Master just gets really happy, it was as if when I said his name everything mean went away and that always made me super happy to know that I could give my Master so much happiness.
I couldn't understand how I ever feared Lincoln when he was so kind and perfect.... and sweet.
"Follow my lead," Master says as he pulls me into a free spot near the back of the large crowd, I nod and bite my lip to stop myself from laughing as Master took the first stance. 
It wasn't that Master was doing it wrong, he did it just like all the other pixies around him, it was just funny since it was Master doing it. 
With a smile on my face and never-ending, my new word of the day, joy in my heart, I take the stance as well and let myself giggle when Master laughs when I do it too. 
Through our giggling and laughing, we manage to follow along as best as we could to all the other dancing pixies who danced around one another. 
Each pixie had a dancing partner but it was all done as a group, we slipped between one another and around each other, returning to our original partner only after performing all the right steps.
My favourite part was when everyone stopped and flew up for a moment with their wings, cheering loudly while in the air, before we landed back down to the ground and began all again.
It didn't take long for me to pick up on it and soon I was dancing just as quickly as everyone else or I hoped that I was. 
There were smiles all around which only made it that much better, so when Master and I met each other again I had to tell him ‘I love you’ before we parted again because if it wasn't for Master I wouldn't know that this much happiness was possible.
Master whispered it back when we met again and flashed me a wide smile while we danced and danced with shared smiles and giggles.
When Master and I took our final stance and escaped from the still dancing crowd, I could stop myself from jumping into his arms. 
Master held me close with loving eyes and kissed me silly and all I could think or feel was love and safety with the man who promised to love me forever and ever.
It was Master and me forever plus happiness like this always.
I knew then exactly what I'd do for him, so that my Lincoln knew always how much I loved him.
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captains-simp · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff ~ Bottled Up Feelings
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Wanda Maximoff X fem!Reader Smut
Word count: 3,139
Includes: oral, fingering and scissoring
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Thank you for this." Your brunette friend said with a small smile for what must have been the hundredth time that night.
The team had been on a long, frustrating mission that had everyone exhausted. All anyone wanted to do was put their feet up or sleep the year away, eventually going off to do just that.
You and Wanda hadn't parted since you got back. You hadn't even needed to suggest a movie marathon as the pair of you went back to Wanda's room almost the moment you landed purely out of habit, after getting popcorn of course, and made yourself comfortable on her bed that had come to be as familiar as your own while Wanda scrolled mindlessly through Netflix.
Once you decided Wanda was taking too long looking for a movie you decided to steal the remote (claiming it was payback for all of the hoodies she had stolen from you) eventually streaming a series of some of your favourite horror films - something Wanda wasn't so keen on.
When you finally decided to call it a night on the movies Want a had been adamant you stay the night with her, telling you if you tried to get up to leave she would keep there with her powers. You weren't entirely sure she was joking.
You hardly needed the persuasion, you were always happy to spend time with your friend and you were glad she felt the same way.
When you came out to her a year ago she had been so understanding and supportive, much to your relief. Nothing changed between you and she never acted weird or uncomfortable around you like you knew some people would. She told you to stay in her room and sleep in her bed just as much as you had before. But that wasn't something you weren't sure if you should be happy about.
You had had a crush on Wanda for the longest time. As time went on you spent considerably more time together it was hard not to crush harder. Everything she did made your heart flutter. And those sleepovers? The way she always cuddled up into your side, the soft smile that played on her lips, the joyful laugh that filled the room (especially when it was from something you said), it had been impossible for you not to fall inlove with your best friend.
You had wondered before if Wanda was strictly into guys. It was impossible to tell with her as she never talked about crushes and became closed off when the convosation arrived. For all you knew she could be asexual or aromantic.
You tried not to be disappointed at that thought as you knew you should support her no matter what, but you couldn't shake the feelings you had for Wanda and that filled you with guilt.
It was only out of respect that you never made a move on her. You wanted to know she was open to something with a girl before you tried anything. And you didn't want to throw away what you had. That thought alone was enough to keep you in your lane.
Whenever you voiced these fears to Natasha when she told you to do something about your feelings (because you couldn't keep anything from the superspy) she told you that relationships were like a gamble. You could either throw the dice or skip your turn. It seemed the latter was becoming more likely.
"Stop thanking me!" You exclaimed with a smile as you pulled the duvet back and lay down next to her.
Wanda had often asked you to stay the night with her. A couple of times she had come into your room at ungodly hours of the mornings and asked to sleep in your bed which you always welcomed with open arms.
You knew her nightmares could be unkind, memories from her past resurfacing and her fears being acted out in scarring detail. She never wanted to talk about it though, so you comforted her by wrapping your arms around her tight and letting her know she was always going to be safe with you.
She seemed to think she burdened you with her worries and fears, but that was never the case and it never would be. You loved her and you would do anything for her.
Wanda was laying on her side with an amused grin and propping herself up on her elbow as she watched you get comfortable. She looked adorable. Wanda always did. You mimicked her position to face her and noticed she was studying you.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You asked in a light hearted tone and saw her smile in response.
"I already have plenty of pennies, thanks." She smiled and glanced away. It took everything in you not to kiss her there and then.
"Really, what's on your mind?" Wanda looked at you a little longer, as though contemplating her words, before speaking.
"What happened with that girl you met last week?" She asked curiously.
Now that was new. Wanda knew you hooked up with girls every so often (she didn't know that it was a lame attempt to get over the fact you were deeply inlove with her) but she never asked about them.
"Just the usual stuff." You shrugged as though the question hadn't taken you by surprise.
"What's the usual stuff?" You looked up at her to meet her eyes that didn't hint at any obvious emotion. She had beautiful eyes, they were perfect. Brown swirls that you always thought you could look at for hours, hoping it might really be a window to her soul and you could finally know what was going on in that head of hers.
"We went back to her place and had sex." You said bluntly, not knowing how much detail she wanted.
"Was it good?" Seriously who was she? She never asked you these things.
"Well she didn't need a map." You joked in an attempt to hide your confusion at her newfound curiosity in your sex life. Wanda didn't smile at your words, appearing lost in thought "Why?" You asked curiously.
"Don't you ever get attached? Develop feelings?" She asked, apparently ignoring my own question as she found interest in the pillow you were leaning on.
You could have burst into laughter at her question. You could have just blurted out "that would be kind of hard when I'm already head over heels for you", but you didn't.
"No. I don't see them after." You said, finding an interest in Wanda's pillow too.
The brunette fell quiet, apparently not having anything to say to that, not wanting the rare topic to end you continued.
"Have you been thinking about it lately?" You asked, afraid you were too blunt.
"Yes." She replied clearly. You hesitated for a moment before continuing.
"You want to hook up with someone?"
"Yes- no! I..." She sounded slightly panicked at first, but after a moment her voice dropped and shifted to a undeniably sad tone. Almost hopeless.
"What's stopping you?" You asked gently.
"I just...I don't want it to be with some random stranger." That was understandable. Lot of people felt the same way. Sex could be such a personal and sacred thing to people, something that's held close to their hearts and is purely an act of intimacy. You always thought that was beautiful and whished you coukd experience that. "I want it to be with someone I know... someone I trust and... someone I love." She finally looked up at you again as she breathed out slowly. "The person that I love."
She's in love? It was the only thing you could think. You wanted so desperately to ask who. For how long? When did it start? Why didn't she tell you?
"Who?" You asked. Your voice almost a whisper because you didn't want to risk Wanda hearing it break as you fought back tears.
"You." She replied at the same volume. You froze. Not believing what she said. This was completely uncharted territory for you. You didn't know what you were meant to do. So you did the only thing you knew how to do right. You kissed her.
Your hand cupped her cheek gently as your face became closer to hers, letting her know what you were about to do. She didn't object, instead she closed the distance between you.
Her lips were softer than they looked and felt perfect against your own. It was instantly addicting so you brought your other hand up to cup her other cheek and rolled over so you were partly ontop of her, never once disconnecting your lips.
You kissed her eagerly and longingly in hopes she understood that you had the same feelings for her. You had years of built up feelings to make up for, you were going to make it worth it if it was the last thing you did.
Wanda wrapped her hands around your neck and laced her fingers together as she pulled you towards her more. You happily let her do so and occasionally paused the kiss to let you breathe before going back to her.
You moved your legs so they were straddling Wanda's waist and you could be in the most comfortable position, the very concept of it giving you chills.
Bravely, you swiped your tongue across her lower lip to ask for permission. Although Wanda seemingly didn't understand what you were silently asking for, something that made you smile.
So you gently bit down on her lower lip, causing her to gasp out and moan. You made a mental note of how she responded to slight pain.
You slipped your tongue into her mouth and moaned as you explored it. It was like you needed to memorize every inch of her in case you could never do this again. You needed to treasure the moment and show Wanda just how much you cared.
"I love you too." You finally spoke. You could hear and feel her breath become shaky in nerves and it made you want to hold her close and comfort her forever.
"Show me." She whispered and you smiled.
You kissed her lips again briefly before switching your attention to her jaw. Your hands wandered down to the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head before throwing it across the room.
Your mouth almost fell to the floor when you realised she wasn't wearing a bra, forgetting you had both changed into pjs. It was dark in the room and you hadn't thought about that fact.
You slowly started to kiss down her neck, along her collarbone and finally planted butterfly kisses on her breasts. You heard Wanda gasp out at the motion and softly moan when you took her left nipple into your mouth.
Softly sucking on the bud gently, you pinched the other then switched, ensuring you gave them equal attention but eventually you felt Wanda push your head lower.
You smirked against her chest and oblidged to her clear wishes by kissing lower down her stomach and hooking your fingers under her waistband.
You pulled the fabric down slowly and kissed every inch of exposed skin before throwing the material to join her top.
Then you softly bit down on small patches of her skin and sucking on them softly to leave small marks along her thighs until Wanda grew impatient with you, groaning at what she thought was teasing rather than you cherishing the moment, you would be sure to clear that up layer.
You pulled her panties down and took a moment to beautiful sight before you and heavenly scent that had your scenes on overdrive. You smiled and instantly flickered your tongue against her clit.
She moaned out in surprise and pleasure, closing her eyes and putting her head back into the pillows as she laced her fingers through your hair.
You took two fingers and stroked them along her folds, smirking when you felt how wet she was against your fingers and relishing under the fact it was a result of your actions.
You moved away from her core to look up at her as you licked her juices off of your fingers with a proud smirk.
She stared down at you with lust in her eyes that made her even more beautiful.
Your mouth returned to her but this time sucked on her outer folds that were also soaked with her juices. You moaned into her when her arousal hit your taste buds again and dipped your tongue into her folds.
You dipped your tongue in further and heard her moan out your name, a sound that made your stomach flip. You took this as encouragement and started thrusting your tongue into her at a faster pace and rubbed your thumb in tight circles against her clit.
Wanda gripped your hair tightly as she moaned out more, her legs wrapping around your head perfectly to keep it securely in place as they began to shake.
Her breathing became fast and shallow as her grip on your hair tightened.
You rubbed harder and thrust your tongue faster until you felt a warm, sweet liquid against your tongue and Wanda screaming out in pleasure.
You looked up at her through hooded eyes as you eagerly licked up the cum she had spilt and moaned at the taste of it, instantly planning to taste it again at some point.
She looked so beautiful blissed out, more tender than you had ever seen her.
You leaned up and kissed Wanda passionalty as she did the same. You knew she could taste herself on your lips as you felt her smile against you at that fact.
"Now let me." Wanda whispered, her hand caressing your bare thigh that wasn't covered by your loose shorts.
"Wanda you don't ha-" Wanda silenced you by placing a slim finger over your lips.
"I want to. I want to make you feel good." She whispered again and pulled you closer by the back of your neck to bring you on for another kiss.
You leaned forward and kissed her passionately, not believing how soft her lips were and how perfect they felt against your own, fitting together perfectly.
She pulled you closer before rolling you over in a playful way that made you smile as she lay ontop of you. She kissed a path down you jaw and neck as her fingers continued to tease your thighs.
Her hand then came up to your waistband, momentarily tracing your hipbones, before slipping beneath the fabric of you shorts and panties.
You gasped out as fingers ghosted over your clit then adventures further to your folds.
Her fingers swiped through your folds a couple of times to gather your wetness on her fingers before slipping inside of you.
You moaned heavily at the feeling as Wanda sighed at the feel of your wet pussy around her fingers.
Her fingers extended fully inside you before retreating only to return again faster. You moaned as Wanda memorized every inch of your core and how it felt around her as she fingered you with earnest.
As her pace increased Wanda's free hand landed on your waist, holding your bodies close together as she leant in to kiss you again.
You eagerly complied as her fingers curled to hit an amazing nerve ending that had you clinging to Wanda's back and moaning the loudest.
"Wan..." You chanted breathlessly.
You squeezed your walls around Wanda's fingers as you approached your high. She took this with a new vigour and rubbed your clit firmly with her thumb, causing you to cum with a cry of her name.
She continued to lay ontop of you while you got your breath back, smiling down at you lovingly.
As she sat up slightly you were reminded of just how naked she was, and how she was right ontop of you. You were aching to feel your bare skin against hers.
You placed your hands on her waist and gently pulled her down onto her back as you sat up and grinned at her and the thoughts playing in your mind.
Wanda smiled back at you as she watched you quickly discard your shirt before pulling off your shorts and panties in one.
She bit her lip at the sight of you completely bare to her but you didn't give her a chance to stare as you were already pushing her legs apart and laying between them as you cupped her face.
"I wanna try something." You whispered, as though the experience was a secret that you two would share forever and guard with your lives. She nodded up at you, keeping eye contact as you lifted her left leg up and spread her other leg further apart, giving you the best access to her still glistening folds.
You could hear your steady breathing as you positioned yourself accordingly so your pussy hovered above Wanda's. You lowered yourself slowly and you both moaned at the contact and friction that was instantly created.
Wanda bucked her hips up when your clit glided over hers and your slick came together to help your movements.
You tried not to get too caught up in the pleasure at first, needing to be able to concentrate your attention on Wanda and the best movements.
You soon fell into the right rhythm, your breathy moans filled the room as you allowed yourself to fall flat against Wanda and kiss her deeply.
You hips rotated perfectly, yours and Wanda's folds glided over one another in was a blissful way you had never experienced.
The movements were making the pair of you breathe faster so you abandoned the kiss to place your forehead against Wanda's as your movements became more erratic.
You didn't want to cum until Wanda did, but the familiar coil in your lower stomach was becoming to tighten.
"Y/n!" Wanda moaned as her hips continued to buck against your own. The movements threw you off at first but your hips soon collided into one frantic movement.
You grinded your pussys together with vigour as you both chased your release with desperation, your combined wetness making the most lewd sound echo throughout the room and amplifying both of your arousals.
With one hard thrust of your hips you both came with a loud moan, clinging to each other and foreheads still connected as you rode out your high together, your hips twitching slightly until you eventually fell down beside Wanda, both of you still swimming in pleasure.
"Wow." Wanda barely managed to speak, exhaustion written into her voice.
"I love you." You muttered as you placed your fingers together.
"I love you too." Wanda smiled tiredly as she gave your hand a loving squeeze.
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fangirl-everythang · 3 years
Mirrors C.T.H
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Summary: Calum and Y/n's schedules haven't lined up in a while. When they finally do, Calum decides to try a reflective persuasion if you will.
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Swearing, Spit, Slapping( well maybe one), Just lots of smut.
Word Count: 2691
A/N: This was inspired by @ContentCalum on Instagram. 10/10 recommend for short blurbs. (ALSO posted on Wattpad)
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Can't wait to see you, princess, xxx.
That was the last text I got from Calum after he told me he was coming home. Today was my day off so I spent the day doing some housework. The four of them really do a number when they're together. Recently our schedules haven't been matching and I rarely see him. Just brief periods between my early work schedule and his unpredictable night/ whenever the fuck Michael wakes up studio times haven't left us much time together.
While that's in the oven I can shower. Deciding against pajamas I just grab one of Calums shirts because it smells just like him. Usually, I wouldn't wear a bra but a bralette won't hurt. With the hot steam rolling down the sides of the shower,  I let the water hit my sore muscles. Work has been overly stressful. Between this new launch and creating a new marketing scheme, you would think we were planning the Met Gala. Putting those thoughts work thoughts aside, lathering and scrubbing every area of my body that has seen this house today. Afterward gotta lotion up because ashyness is not an option, sliding on the matching lace panties and Calums shirt that comes down to my mid-thigh.
Going back downstairs to turn the oven off I get started on the sides. Cauliflower mac and cheese isn't as bad as it seems, hopefully. "Duke do you think your daddy will notice?" He looks at me with those cute eyes, not a care in the world, guess not. The sound of the door opening has Duke happily barking and running away from me. Following not too far behind our fury son I see Calum kneel next to Duke.
"Hey Bud, did you miss me?" he asks playfully petting the sweet creature. He cuddles into Calum further when he looks up at me, "Hi princess."
"You know I think it's unfair when you ask Duke does he miss you when I'm standing right here." I grin. He stands up grabbing my waist "Well I know you missed me love." he smiles.
"Did I? You're kind of annoying." He gasps playfully holding his heart. Leaning my head back I reach up to kiss him. He takes his time bringing his lips to mine so I put my hands on his cheek and bring him closer. His soft lips against mine send me into a frenzy. God, I've missed him like crazy. Parting all too soon he leans his forehead on mine. "I love you." he rasps.
"I love you too bub." I grin going back into the kitchen. "Did you want to eat first or?" I ask looking at him questioningly.
"It's 4 pm Y/n." he chuckles. Well, we can eat later then, he concludes.
"Well, it's our first time together in forever, what now?" He has a smirk on his face and reaches for my wrist. "What is it Cal?"  he walks away and up the stairs leaving me to follow him. I should turn the oven off. Glancing over to Duke he's in his little bed laying down. Being so cute I had to take a picture...or three. Taking my time up the stairs to admire the pictures of the cute doggo, "Cal look at these pictures of Du-What are you doing?" He continues to play with the reflective furniture.
"Do you know how good you look in the mirror? I couldn't stop thinking about all the dirty pictures you sent me," He stares at me through the mirror. "You're lucky I wasn't here babygirl." My cheeks flush as he pushes me closer to see our reflections dancing in the mirror with a tight hold on my hips.
"You're my distraction," he whispers as he slowly begins sucking underneath my ear, leaving kisses down my neck. My heart rate increases as his tongue touches a sensitive spot, shivers running down my spine. "As much as I want to tell you how beautiful you are, well you've been a bad girl hmm?" His hand lightly trails across my neck, his eye contact never leaving as he snakes his other hand towards my front over my clothed womanhood. "Answer me." His grip becoming more firm on my neck.
"Yes daddy." he hums in approval as he lifts his shirt above his head exposing his tan torso. "Look at how sexy you are baby." but he didn't seem satisfied when my eyes stay glued to the ground. He could have any girl he wanted and yet he chose me. I'm not skinny whatsoever. I have more tits than ass and rolls for days. The stretchmarks that litter my body don't bother me but most aspects of everything else does. His hand reaches for my hair in a tight fist forcing me to look up at our reflection, my core aching at the sudden pull.  "I'm speaking to you." he says very sternly, "I guess I'll just have to make you listen."
Stripping himself of his pants and sitting on the edge of the bed right in front of the mirror he opens his legs and pats me over. "Sit." I obey him, anticipation building in my core. His hands roam my body freely lingering wherever they please. He begins attacking my neck slowly dragging his finger across my thigh "Look at you, acting like a good girl hmm?" he moves the cotton fabric up to my waist giving him a view of my panties from the mirror "'gonna be good for daddy?"
I nod silently, he shakes his head in a disapproving manner. "Use your words Love."
"I'll be good for you daddy." he hums in approval, spreading my legs apart. He traces his finger along the outskirts of my panties, my hips thrusting lightly "excited now are we?" he smirks looking at the wet spot through the mirror. Calum slides the thin material to the side, lightly grazing my clit. My eyes momentarily closing at the brief touch before his other calloused hand reaches up, grabbing my jaw, forcing me to to look up. "You're going to watch as I tease your cunt. You're going to cum on my fingers, then you'll watch as I devour your pussy. Close your eyes even once and I'll force another out of you. Got it?" He has a fire blazing behind his golden-brown orbs.
"Yes sir." nodding along as his fingers begin tapping on my clit. "Good girl," he whispers before dipping his middle finger into my sex, the digit easily slipping in. "Nuh that way." he reminds me once more to look up into the mirror. The glass allowing me to see everything at once, the way he looks at me hungrily, his slender finger shining with my arousal. I can see his other hand going to reach for my breast before I feel it, the mere fact causing a moan to leave my lips.
"Awwwe you like watching yourself being played with huh?" he maintains eye contact with me through the mirror, as he adds another finger into my throbbing hole. His length pressing into my back, hardening with every sound from my mouth. "Rub your clit y/n."
My hand following his orders adding more sensation to my building orgasm. The scene before me so pleasingly intimate and erotic.  "Cal I'm goin-" My back arching into him as my orgasm takes complete control of my body, his eyes on me every step of the way.
He brings his fingers to my lips, allowing me to taste myself, whimpering himself when I take his fingers into my mouth, sucking them as if they were his member.  I release them, clean, turning to face him.  "I thought I told you-" I lean forward straddling his waist, kissing him roughly. "I know but I want to please you too Cal." Before he can respond I gently slip off the bed, face to groin. I pull down his boxers just enough to release his straining cock, gently stroking it in my palm.  "Let me take care of you," I smile at him, pressing a kiss to the side of his shaft "Please daddy." He groans, swiping his thumb over my lip and nodding. We've been apart far too long, aching to taste him once more.
I lick his shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue, he lets out a sigh of relief, embedding his hand through my hair.  "Mhmmm just like that princess." He moans as I take most of him in my mouth, cupping his balls and pressing my forefinger lightly on the skin between the two. The feeling of him in my mouth forces my mind to wonder about him being inside of me, stretching me in the best of ways, a moan finds its way out from my throat around Calum causing his hips to thrust more. I clench my thighs together to provide some friction for my thoughts, I reach my hand between my legs relieving myself from all the arousal. "Get up." he demands, seeming almost angry. Not wanting to question him I rise confused by the sudden change of tone, knowing better than to say anything.
He removes any fabric left covering my body aggressively, not saying a word.  Pushing me back till my knees cave against the bed causing me to fall back onto our shared mattress. He places himself between my legs, rubbing his length along my core painfully slow. "Please, I need you Cal."  He continues gazing at me through his lust filled orbs, desire seeping from his pores. He pushes his tip in and then taking it out, the feeling gone as soon as it had appeared. A whine erupted from my lips, he chuckled to himself. "Remind me again y/n," he states in a hushed tone, "Are you to touch yourself without my permission?" He looks at me, his finger dancing over my sensitive nub but neglecting it furthermore. Accepting my silence for an answer, "And yet you did." His head dips down encapsulating my nipple in his mouth, a breathy moan leaving my lips as his hands roam my body freely. My hips thrusting trying to create some- any friction. "Cal I won't do it ever again, just please- please fuck me daddy. " A stinging on my cheek causing a gasp to leave my lips, surprised by this side of Calum. Still shocked, he places his hand firmly on my cheek pushing my face into the mattress. The only thing in view is the mirror with his gorgeously tanned tattooed body on top of mine, hand still placed on my face. He leans in dangerously close, moving a strand of hair aside slowly, his fingertip leaving the slightest touch before putting his hand back with the same pressure as before, "Now watch sweetheart." he darkly whispers.
Before I could question it his entire length thrust in me at once, a broken moan escaping me. With the side view, I can see him pounding into me, each thrust harder than the last. "Fuck- so wet hmmm, such a good whore." he moans, I nod under his hand clenching walls around him, tilting my pelvis to meet his. He removes his hand from my face to apply pressure to my clit, hitting a particularly blissful combination.  "Fuck Cal right there!" I scream as the bedrocks underneath our sweaty bodies. He slows his movements savoring the view before him, his good girl-now fucking onto him, desperate for release. Her hair frizzy, eyes fluttering from excessive pleasure, he never wanted it to end. "I love you y/n."
"I love you too Calum." I reach up grabbing his neck to pull him back to me, our lips meeting once more passionately while he thrust into me again. He presses my body closer to his as my legs wrap around him for dear life, my hands holding onto his as if he'd disappear. "Can I cum please?"  He grunts, nodding his head in approval of my very much needed release. Unable to focus on anything but the eruption of pleasure from my core, repeating a slur of Calums name over and over again like it is the only thing I've ever known. His release following shortly after, the warmth of his seed filling me. His panting is my focal point upon return, watching as each breath falls from his swollen plump lips. I giggle moving some of his sweat-coated hair from his face, "Welcome home Mr.Hood." He smiles laughing at my gesture, "Quite the welcome it is Miss Y/L/N" He pulls my face forward once more placing a soft kiss to my lips, which is happily returned before he pulls me to the edge of the bed, still seemingly connected, placing me dead center in front of the mirror once more. Looking at him with a curious glance, he notions to the mirror as I watch his every move. He pulls his softening member from my core, a gasp leaving my lips due to the newfound vacancy.
His eyes never leaving mine as the smirk on his face grows, kneeling between my thighs. I lean up on my forearms to see both him and the reflection better, the handsome bassist looping his arms around my legs, keeping me in place. "Look how pretty baby." He says watching our fluids drip out of me, his tone of admiration never wavering. My hips jut back as he strokes over my clit, still hyper-sensitive from the orgasm just moments before.  As I retract my pussy away from his devilish grin he rumbles a low growl, attaching his lips to my center, his wide hands gripping my hips with brisk strength-leaving prints in their path. His tongue lapping my hole over and over again. He replaces his mouth with his fingers, the scissoring motion driving me on edge once more.  He leans over me, tapping on my lips to which I comply with his wishes, opening my mouth. He smiles before releasing the cum-mixed spit down my throat, swallowing our combined fluids moaning as he returns his mouth to my pussy. My wetness glistening all over his face as he continues to but himself in me. Seeing his back muscles contract in the mirror each time he moves, watching him devour me in the most sinful of ways. I can see it all, moans leaving my lips between my pleas for him to stop his assault but nonetheless, he persists until my legs are a quivering mess around his head. My bare breast rising with every sharp inhale, my back arching further into him, hoping to get away but he keeps me planted there in front of him.
"I need to- Cal can I-I- fuck please" The words barely able to leave my lips, he stares at me nodding but never removing himself from my core. My orgasm ripples through me, forcing my body to compromise, stiffening as I release on Calum's tongue. My hips riding his tongue exactly where I need him as my fingers grip at his hair, hearing him moan at the feeling sending an aftershock of vibrations through my center.  An unholy slurping noise from Calum is the last thing to be heard as he joins me again on the bed, pulling me into him. His lips providing every emotion needed. "I missed you."
I laugh at his cute post-sex neediness, "I missed you too Cal." He pats my head, letting his hands rake through the mess of hair on top of my head as I trace over his feather tattoo. "Did I ever tell you how good you taste?" he murmurs, shrugging lightly to himself, "Fucking delicious." His hands lingering the curves of my body before he places two fingers on my clit. "No, no, no not again." I chuckle pushing him away as my body shudders from the sensation.
"Hmmm I suppose we'll have more time today." he rasps. "Indeed we will." I smile placing a kiss on his cheek. Let's just say the night was more than eventful, happy to be in each other presence again.
WOW long time no see! I can't wait to get back into the flow of writing and now that the semester is over I have more time lol.
I hope you're all hanging in there alright!
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miminchimchim · 2 years
truth hurts | kth
song : truth hurts - lizzo
warnings : slight angst, tae is a fuckboy
"I don't know. He hasn't texted me in four days, I think he's definitely ghosting me." I said to my friend while scrolling through my phone.
"I mean... I don't want to come off too harsh but he is an extremely famous idol. Maybe he's busy?" My friend said trying to console me.
"Of course, duh. I'm being so selfish, of course his life doesn't revolve around me, think about how much he has on his plate. This is stupid." I said trying to laugh it off.
That was until I got a notification from twitter and the name involved caught my eye "Kim Taehyung".
'Kim Taehyung spotted with female idol in multiple spots around Seoul'
"I mean.... they could be friends?" My best friend tried to reason with me.
But I knew him too well, if he was letting this become public then he was serious. We had been on and off for a year and our biggest fight was that he never EVER planned on going public about us. But, I get it now. And god I could not be more mad at myself for how naive i've been. In that moment it truly felt like my heart dropped, I was numb. And that's how it continued for the next couple months.
I never heard from him again, all texts went unread and every call unanswered. It was time to move on, he was an idol and I was a fool for thinking we could ever be something together.
About 7 months after that I got a dm, I recognized the name, it was someone who worked at Hybe. They asked if I'd be interested in speaking with a member who's eye I had caught. I was extremely confused, I hadn't been around Hybe in months, I mean I had somewhat of a social media following but nothing huge in the slightest. Nevertheless, I accepted.
And that's how the story of me and Yeonjun started. It would be a lie to say it was easy, after what Tae had done to me my walls were built up higher than before. But slowly and patiently, Yeonjun broke them down. He showed me that I was not something that deserved to be hidden in the background, HE wanted to show me off. Something I had never experienced before, and after months of persuasion I agreed. So, our first public outing was a big deal, and soon enough we had a lot of support on our side. Luckily enough his fans were just happy to see him happy. Of course there was hate here and there but other than that I could not have felt more content and loved.
Until 4 months after our first public outing when I got a text from none other than Kim Taehyung himself.
Hey, how are you? It's been awhile. Simple and efficient, would never expect anything less from the man.
Great thanks, hope you're doing well. I said trying to keep it as cordial as possible.
So, Yeonjun huh? Don't you think it's a bit tacky to go for someone from the same agency as me? He said in a passive aggressive tone.
HA. You ghosted me, you have no say on who i'm with now. Truth hurts huh? And that was the last we ever communicated because immediately after that I blocked his number and never thought of Kim Taehyung again.
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For prompts: Corruption with The Djinn, please? GN reader, a bit darker if possible
Kinktober 2021, Day 6 🔞
This went in a direction I didn't entirely intend, but I like how it turned out. (I also rewatched both movies and remembered how much I adore him, oh my god.)
Persuasion hadn't worked. Coercion hadn't worked. Any form of manipulation or deception he'd thrown at you had yielded nothing; you still refused to make your final wish. Luckily, where you were concerned, he had an expanded list of options, and he knew it.
His tongue swirls over you again, and you arch into his mouth despite yourself. He takes the opportunity to close his lips over you and suck; the sensation rips a harsh cry from your throat. He pulls away, lifts his head just enough to look up at you - he's snickering.
"I believe you were saying something about stopping?" He asks, infuriatingly smug.
"That would be the wise thing to do," you pant, but when you neglect to follow up on that thought, he chuckles and buries his face between your thighs again.
You hadn't known, of course, what the jewel was when you'd picked it up - at least not until an accusatory refrain of you woke me echoed through your mind, and all your mother's old stories surged to the forefront of your consciousness.
A djinn. It had seemed too fantastical to be true, at first, but then you started having visions, hearing his voice... and then you met him, and the fire that started burning inside you that day had been growing ever since, refusing to be dampened - not by the death, not by the inhuman cruelty, not even when he'd revealed his true form.
Now, here you are - so close to getting what you've been so afraid to want.
He pulls away again just as you were about to tip over the edge, and you whine.
"Oh, did you want more?" His tone is teasing, but he pauses - awaiting a response. You meet his eyes for a moment before you have to look away, heat rising in your cheeks. You refuse to nod, lest he take it as a wish - but you don't decline, either. After all, you do want more.
He grins, seeing right through you. He's enjoying this - walking backwards into the shadows, one step at a time, crooking a finger in your direction as you stumble after him. Biding his time until you get in so deep that you can't see or feel anything but him. Until you can't get back out again.
He keeps going, drawing you in incrementally, steadily increasing the intensity but never letting you climax. Keeping you desperate and just shy of begging for him.
You moan shamelessly as he finally slides inside you.
"Well, you certainly seem to be having a good time," he purrs, looking far too put-together considering the current situation. "Honestly, I must admit I'm finding your body quite enjoyable, myself."
He sets a slow, even pace, but ramps up quickly; soon, you're practically drooling as he fucks you in earnest, rough and fast - and then, yet again, he stops just before the coil inside you snaps.
"Even so - if you want to come, you're going to have to ask for it."
You bite your lip against a frustrated cry.
The first wish had been made accidentally (damn him and his ability to take things completely out of context) and the second one to save your life. It seems he's planning to coax out the third by edging you.
You slide a hand down your front, planning to use your fingers to get you the rest of the way, but he quickly snatches your wrist before pinning it, along with your other one, above your head.
"No cheating, now," he reprimands gleefully. "Make your last wish and I'll give you what you crave."
You want it so bad. You want him so bad - want to keep him, now that you finally have him. He's enjoying you, he said so himself. Would he keep you, in this new world order of his?
... If you asked?
"I... I wish," you start, and his movements resume, slowly thrusting into you, stoking the fire in your belly. Your eyes lock with his as he watches you, rapt with anticipation for you to continue. It could almost be a look of adoration.
"I wish you were in love with me."
He stops; he appears visibly taken aback at first, but then something else crosses his face, and he leans forward, slowly... and kisses you. It's soft at first, but grows quickly into a passionate intensity, and then his hips are moving faster, and a hand is sliding down to stroke you -
You go off like a gun, trigger finally pulled, and so does he a few moments later. Triumph mixes with pleasure on his face as he captures your mouth again, kissing you fervently.
The scope of what you've done doesn't fully hit you until you've come down - but even then, one thought drowns out all the others, repeating over and over as you hold him against you.
At least you got what you wanted. He's yours now... or maybe you're his. Either way, you'll take it.
Humanity be damned.
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katsukithme · 4 years
First Aid
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
Summary: Your pro hero boyfriend is annoyingly opposed to first aid, and you have to get a little persuasive.
Warnings: Language, suggestive themes, lil bit spicy!! Not smut but like I’m easing into it. Mentions of injury.
Word count: about 1.9k :)
A/N: idek what this is man I am just h word on main for angry blonde firecracker man
**Character is aged up to at least 20**
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You've about had it with this man. This absolute stubborn child of a man. If his bottom lip weren't already split, right now you'd be very highly considering doing it yourself.
You both were crowded into your small bathroom in your apartment, first aid supplies strewn across what little counter space you had, a few knocked onto the tile floor. You'd learned very early on in your relationship that keeping a first aid kit on deck was essential to dating Katsuki Bakugou. If only the bastard would sit still so you could actually use it.
It was a feat in and of itself that you managed to get him in here for the first aid in the first place. It was like luring a cat into the bathroom right before a bath. He knew what was coming... and it took bribery of course. But he was here, hips leaning against the edge of the sink, arms crossed over his bare chest as he faces you. You were standing in front of him (conveniently between him and the door), antiseptic in one hand and a bandage in the other, desperately trying to clean the cuts that littered his skin.
"Katsuki, come on! Quit moving around!" You say sternly, trying once again to dab the cloth over the wide gash that reached from his collarbone to his shoulder. It had stopped bleeding a while ago, but it looked pretty gnarly. And you'd be damned if you didn't at least disinfect it.
"I told you, I don't need first aid! I'm not even hurt." He retorts, indignantly avoiding every move you make towards him. Finally you throw down the bandage with a loud groan.
"We do this every time! How many times do I have to tell you? If you don't clean them they could get infected!" You demand, hands on your hips.
"Tch. As if I'd ever let something like that happen to me." He was operating with one singular braincell, you were sure of it. And the braincell was sitting in the 'stubborn asshole' part of Katsuki's brain.
"You- it's not... Jesus christ. It's not something you let happen! It'll only take a minute to clean them up, I promise."
He doesn't seem the least bit convinced, brows drawn together in such a deep scowl. It was exactly the sort of face a mother would scold you for, saying it'd get stuck that way.
Sometimes for him, you really thought it did.
"You said it'd take just a minute last time. And it absolutely fuckin' did not." He gripes and you throw your hands up in exasperation. It was like talking to a brick wall.
"Because you kept moving!" He rolls his eyes and stands up from the counter, pushing past you gently to go towards the door.
"Whatever. I don't need first aid." He growls out. Your hands ball into fists and your face sets into a hard expression. You'd had enough... no more good cop.
Before he turns the door handle you say just one more thing- and it stops him dead in his tracks.
"Bakugou Katsuki, if you don't come over here and sit your ass down so I can treat your wounds, so help me god I won't fuck you for a month."
He freezes, hand still holding the doorknob. He turns slowly to look at you over his shoulder, expecting to find any sort of lie, a trace of a fracturing exterior so he knew you didn't mean it. Instead, all he was met with was a stone cold glare.
He scoffs. "You're bluffing." He tries, and your arms cross over your chest.
"Try me. Go ahead, leave the bathroom. Get used to fucking your hand, it'll be the only action you see."
He was tempted of course to just leave. The odds of you bluffing were pretty high... he wasn't stupid, he knew it was just as much of a punishment for you as it would be for him. But the look in your eyes– it was threatening. Kind of hot, but he'd keep that to himself. The threat of an agonizing dry spell was too risky for him to point that out.
"Fuck. Fine..." he relents. And he takes his hand slowly off the doorknob.
You smirk triumphantly as he trudged slowly back into the bathroom, scowl still set into his face with no signs of leaving any time soon. You take a few steps back, however many the right space would allow so you could direct him. As much as he despised it, your threat had him wrapped around your little finger. More than usual.
You jut out your chin once towards the toilet, which had the lid closed. "Sit, asshole. Lemme fix you up." You say, tone firm but just a little soft around the edges as he finally starts to do as you say.
He plops himself down on the seat with a grumble under his breath, something along the lines of 'this is cruel and unusual punishment, but he sits nonetheless. And he was almost pouting with that expression on his face. It was cute... even if he was acting like an child. You decide to make the ordeal a little sweeter for the man, even if he was being unruly. With antiseptic in one hand and a bandage in the other, you give a soft push to his chest so he'd sit back and make space for you.
It was a cramped sort of space, not super ideal for his comfort or yours. But he always had space for you. He cocks a brow curiously as you move him, but says nothing when he realizes you're going to take a seat. How could he say no? Even he'd admit, he liked having you so close. Even if you're tending to injuries that really weren't that bad.
You straddle his thighs as settle in on his lap, shifting just a little to get comfortable. His hands immediately find your hips, keeping you nice and close. Once he seemed contented enough, you get to work cleaning him up.
It's quiet in the bathroom as you tend to the wounds, the only sounds being that of your first aid ministrations and your mingled breathing. He watches you intently, taking in every little mannerism and facial expression, hands tracing absentminded circles into your hips. His fingertips were barely beneath the hem of your shirt, seeking out the warmth of your bare skin to keep him entertained while you treat his minor injuries.
Finally once most of the scratches and such were taken care of, you turn to the cut on his lip, eyes meeting that intense vermillion gaze. He was uncharacteristically quiet, but you knew it was much more than that.
Katsuki wasn't really a man of words. He didn't express his undying love every five minutes, and you didn't expect him to. Instead he showed it in actions, in unspoken words found shining in his eyes. In a small quirk of his lips when you laugh, or an affectionate eye roll when you do something dumb. Showed it in the way he kissed you. In the way he'd lay you down and give it to you nice and good, just the way you liked.
You lightly dab at the wound on his lip, being careful not to hurt him since it was still pretty fresh. He doesn't seem even slightly fazed.
"Gotta be more careful, and lemme do this for you. Can't have you getting more hurt because you're bein' stubborn." You mumble, averting your eyes from that deep stare to eye the plush of his split bottom lip while you cleaned him up. If you made eye contact any longer, he'd have the satisfaction of making you blush.
He grunts softly, pulling you a little closer on his lap. "I was gonna let you." He mumbles, and it makes you roll your eyes. And his lips quirk up just a bit.
"You were not. You were gonna walk right out that door if I didn't threaten to take away sex." You mumble, and one of his hands starts to trace up your spine, effectively arching you against his chest.
"Maybe. But if I hadn't, you wouldn't be on my lap, would you?" He snarks, but his voice is all soft. You put your first aid supplies down on the counter and turn your eyes back to his once again, and he was grinning. He almost looked smug.
"Ah, shut up. Didn't have to sit here. Did it for you." He snorts in response, strong arms wrapping firmly around your waist.
"Sure you were." He was sarcastic, but his tone was still fond. "You like bein' this close just as much as I do, ass." You wrinkle your nose at him and push at his chest in retaliation, but it only makes him draw you in closer.
"You're the ass. Wouldn't sit still, wouldn't shut up till I said I wouldn't fuck you. Think with your dick, huh?" You tease, and his lips raise in a half playful snarl. Large palms slide over your hips to grab handfuls of your ass, keeping you right up against him.
"Shut the fuck up. You like when I think with my dick. Gets you all hot for me." He mumbles, lips barely brushing yours when he leans in close. You could feel the heat in your cheeks at the comment, spreading to the tips of your ears. He always did know just what to say to get you wrapped around his finger.
"What," he continues, dragging your hips forward against his own and you choke back a gasp. "Suddenly you're all quiet? Bet t's'cause I'm right. But I dunno, maybe I'm just thinking with my dick." You have to struggle not to whine as his hands guide you back and forth across his lap, and by god the friction was going to kill you. Your hands clutch to hard muscled shoulders, aching to gain back some semblance of self control.
But it was hard to keep sane around Katsuki. Damn near impossible.
"Fuck... you..." you breathe, trying to give him a glare but it comes off a little more wanton than you intended. His teeth graze your bottom lip, biting it gently and tugging outward before letting it back into place. His hips cant upwards, rolling into yours as he keeps you rooted firmly in place, and it tears a moan from your lips.
"Yeah? You wanna?" His voice has dipped down dangerously low in his throat, rumbling through his chest and sleeping into your bones. Between the movement of his hips and his mouthing along your jaw you felt as if you were going to combust.
"You're gonna be the death of me..." You can feel that damn shit eating grin against your jaw, and when your eyes meet deep vermillion you know you're a goner. He had you, hook line and sinker.
"Complain all you want, but you're whipped for me," he mumbles, one hand leaving the plush of your ass to cup the back of your neck, dragging you into a kind of kiss that made your toes curl, your knees shake. Hot and heavy, tongue and teeth.
Yeah, you were pretty whipped for Katsuki Bakugou... but he was just as whipped for you.
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years
Loki x Sylvie Post-Finale Fanfiction (Angst, Rated Teen) Part 2 of 2
Part 1 is here:
She never knew it would hurt this much when the person she loves is right in front of her, but she can't reach out and touch him; when she is still her, he is still him, but everything else has changed, like an invisible lever in an old theatre changing the scenery in the background, bringing them both to the part of the play where they are hopelessly lost.
All it took was one single moment, one single decision, and everything feels irrevocably broken now. It makes her contemplate on the true nature of relationships, how fragile they are, and how easy it is to shatter them- and her.
The smoke is slowly clearing, and all that seems to be left is a man who is doing his best to keep his distance from her, physically and emotionally.
She can tell from the way he stands with his arms crossed, or his fists clenced when his hands are by his side, that he really doesn't want to hold her hand. How can something so simple as the touch of his fingers be so vital to her existence that it feels like something has been ripped out from inside her?
She wants to reach out and touch him, but she is scared that if he pulls away outright, any hope of reconciliation that she still has left will shatter into pieces.
And she really needs this hope. It's the only thing she still has left. It's the only thing that keeps her going.
He looks like a man with a mission.
They spent quite a long time together, running from the TVA, running towards the citadel at the end of time, hoping to achieve their goal of bringing down the one behind the curtains.
But that was her mission, and he was there for her. She was the one behind the wheels, he was the one keeping the sails afloat.
Now it's different. Now he has a defined goal, a glorious purpose.
She's seeing him in a whole new light now, and not just because he has switched to Asgardian leather and metal armors.
As far as she is concerned, she is better off doing it all alone. One woman army, nobody to get in her way, nobody to screw up her plans. Nobody to blame her if it all goes to shit.
Or so it was, until two months ago, when Mobius decided to enlist her help in fixing the multiversal madness.
She has never really worked with people before, and it's weird, to say the least. She never considered herself a team player, but she is finding herself hating the idea less and less lately.
And she swears it has nothing to do with him. Not the fact that they are working together, and seeing his face first thing in the morning brings her a sense of calm that she quite can't explain. Or the fact that their rooms are next to each other and it makes her feel secure enough to finally get some rest at nights. Or that this whole arrangement has kept them on talking terms, when they had gone their own separate ways otherwise.
Nothing to do with that at all.
Humans are stupid, and the biggest evidence of this is how they decided that two extremely powerful Gods skilled at magic, enchantment, and defeating an evil extra dimensional cloud that swallows everything it touches, should be delegated to the role of research. "You're clever. You're good at reading people. You can put yourselves in the shoes of the bad guys, no offense", they said, but really, what they meant was, "We can't trust you out in the field much." She knows it, he knows it. She just doesn't know why he's complying.
That's how they find themselves researching every single day.
She likes to think he's not the only reason why she's studying in the library instead of in the comfort of her room, but that'd be a lie.
At first, he chooses to sit at a separate table. But she keeps going over to his to "get his opinion" on something in the file she's reading, and finally, he gives in. Their current arrangement consists of him sitting in the chair in front of her, to the left, prim and proper, while she hoists her feet up on the table.
He falls asleep on the desk one night, face smacked against a file, the tiniest bit of drool forming at the corner of his mouth. It would be a hilarious sight, if her heart wasn't feeling what she can only describe as longing.
They should probably talk about it, like mature adults, but neither of them know how to do that.
All she can do right now is gather the courage to run her fingers through his hair. The touch is hesitant at first, as if one wrong move would make him wake up and push her back to square one. Slowly, she relaxes, letting her fingers dance on his scalp.
He stirs in his sleep. "Please Sif. I'm sorry. Don't cut off my glorious locks, please."
Now this is a story she must hear when things are better.
If things are better.
Doctor Strange joins them very briefly, very rarely, but the tension between him and Loki is hard to miss. It's worse than the current situation with her, and that's saying something.
"You don't really like Stephen, do you?"
Something inside him seems to shift, but he masks it behind a non-chalant look immediately and just arches an eyebrow at her. "He's Stephen now, is he?"
"Well, that is his name." She shrugs. "What do you call him?"
"Strange", he spits the word out with an amount of irritation that indicates there definitely is a story there. "That is his name", he mimics.
She can't help the smirk that spreads across her lips. "What did he do to you?"
"Nothing", he lies, ignoring the horrifying flashbacks of thirty minutes of endless falling. Not a single soul must ever know a mere human got the best of him. "What can he do to me? I'm a God among those mortals. He just irks me because he is so pompous, and arrogant, and he ceaselessly uses magic to toy with others."
She pretends to think deeply. "Now where have I seen that before?"
He scoffs. "You mock me, but I am nothing like him. For one, I am not rude."
"He seems fine to me", she declares decisively.
It's the first time in months that he gives her a cheeky grin. "That's because you're rude too."
They are still just containing the threats to their world, instead of finding a way to fortify the barriers between worlds and stop the threats from coming.
"Shouldn't we have a plan to seal off the other worlds from ours?" She asks him one day.
"They are working on it." He tells her, and then with a look of worry, adds, "I hope."
There are debates on what to do at the Avengers tower and at the TVA. Nobody seems to agree on what the best course of action is, but everyone seems to be following the general instructions of Doctor Strange.
During one such meeting, a Minuteman makes the mistake of voicing out loud how she wondered if things would be better if they were running according to their old boss's plans.
Sylvie feels the guilt wash over her once more.
"No", Loki tells them all firmly. The determination in his voice takes her completely by surprise. "Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred." She catches him steal a glance at her direction. "We couldn't have left a dictator in charge just because it's convenient. Listen, I'm the bad guy. I've done horrible, unspeakable things. I thought humans needed to be ruled. I wanted to rule. But even I know that it's not right to take away a person's life completely. These are innocent people. You are innocent people. You have families back home, parents, children", a pause and a softening of his features, "-love. A whole past, a whole future. That man had no right to take it away from you."
His powers of persuasion are foreign to her, and it's mesmerizing to watch. Her enchantments cannot hold a candle to how he is able to just talk people into doing what he wants, thinking what he thinks, seeing what he sees.
"He who remains had a plan. One, singular plan, from one, singular man." There is absolute conviction in his voice. "It's not the only way. We'll find another way. A better way."
She has never known what it is like to have someone see you for who you are- broken and flawed, and defend you- even your well-intentioned actions that yielded different results than what you expected and hurt them in the process. She suspects it has been the same for him, a lifetime of not having anyone have his back.
The warm feeling inside her is brand new. What is the name of this? Comfort? Relief?
This will be their first time out in the field in a long time, and she feels a little sick to the stomach.
He notices. "Are you alright?"
The concern in his voice tugs at her heartstrings. She nods. She has faced way worse, she shouldn't be so nervous about this, but she is. "I've never done this before."
"We can always just kill him and blame it on the Chitauris", he suggests with a serious face.
"I heard that", Peter yells from the other room, where he is doing whatever it is that teenagers do to prepare for battle.
She shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't believe we're babysitting."
"I've done this before", he assures her, and it surprises her to picture him being entrusted with such a serious task. "The trick is to conjure up illusions that keep them distracted enough to not cry."
She laughs. "You're thinking of infants. This one is a little older."
"I'm over a thousand years old, Sylvie. They're all infants to me."
Peter joins them, mask covering his face so that he doesn't reveal his identity. "So what do I call you? Loki and Loki? That's confusing. How about Loki and Lady Loki? Or is that offensive? I'm not suggesting women are inferior, because they're absolutely not..."
"Does he come with an off switch?" She whispers in horror as Peter rambles on.
Loki grins. With one wave of his hand and a flash of green, Peter's own webbing shoots out and seals his mouth shut.
Things are fine but not fine at the same time. He's right there beside her, but not there at all. They have their banters, they have their stolen glances, but they haven't had a meaningful conversation since that first day when she got back. She's been putting it off for a long time, but she knows they really do need to have the talk.
She corners him in his room one evening while he's tinkering with a temporal collar. She takes a seat in the chair next to his bed and rests her hand on the table, leaning her head against her palm, before switching position and crossing her arms and legs. Everything about her posture screams uneasiness. If he notices- he probably does- he doesn't say anything.
"You defended me that day."
He briefly looks up from the task at hand and gives her a soft smile. "Of course."
She blinks. "I don't understand." Her hands involuntary rise up to rub her temples. "If you can justify my actions to them, then how can you still be mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you", he says without missing a beat.
"Rubbish", her words come out angrier than she intended. This frustration is the result of the months of status quo they have had. She has to know now, one way or the other. "You're distant. You're guarded", she accuses. Then her voice breaks, as she feels a part of her break all over again with her next words. "You don't hold my hand. Why? Tell me."
He abandons the collar and focuses his full attention on her. Staring straight into her eyes, he answers her. "You know why."
"I wouldn't be asking if I did. Look, if it's because I chose the mission over you-"
"-Of course it's not that." He says decisively. Then a sad smile clouds his face. It's the same look he had when she accused him of conning her to gain the throne. "Do you think I'm the type of man who would want a woman to abandon her life-long ambitions just because she has met someone?"
She knows he isn't. But it still doesn't answer why he is so cross with her. "What is it then?"
He pauses for a moment, trying to decide whether he wants to bare his soul out to her once more or not. There are two ways he can go from here- choose to not let her in again and save himself from the hurt, or trust her again and open himself up to potential pain.
Who is he kidding? Pushing her away- keeping her away- doesn't hurt any less.
There were a thousand things that had to go wrong to bring two Lokis from two universes together. A connection like that, it doesn't just happen.
And it doesn't just go away. The pain is constant, it's a part of him, pounding like a second heart every second he has to stop himself from reaching out for her hand.
This has to come to an end.
He takes in a deep breath, bracing himself. "You didn't have to send me away, Sylvie. I wanted to stop you from making the same mistakes I did. But in the end, I didn't care what you chose. I just wanted us to do it together."
She never even imagined this could be the reason for his hurt. All these months spent thinking he hates her for her choices, and now it turns out he is hurt simply because she chose to do it alone? "I'm sorry." She says sincerely. "I just wanted you to be safe."
"And I just wanted to be there with you till the end." He confesses. His eyes shimmer with the emotions he has kept bottled in for so long. "You go, I go."
She doesn't know what to say to that. She has never been good at articulating her feelings. Tears stream down her cheeks at the realisation that even after everything, he is still there for her.
She didn't cry even back at Lamentis when they thought they were going to die. She doesn't let anyone see her cry when she is sad or scared. That's all she has known her whole life. She's used to it by now.
This is new. These are tears of relief. Comfort.
Tentatively, she crosses over to the bed and sits by his side.
It's quiet for a few minutes. But unlike the months of tension so thick she could cut it into splices with her daggers, this is comfortable silence. The kind they had before it all went wrong.
"Did you even miss me?" He whispers.
"What kind of silly question is that? Of course I did." Her shaking hands grab his, and oh how she missed this.
He intertwines their fingers. His eyes draw closed. Bliss. That's the only word for this feeling.
He opens his eyes again and studies her. She's staring back at him, teary-eyed, but with a hopeful smile. "Really? Because you have a really unique way of showing it. You didn't even come looking for me."
"I didn't know how to face you", she tells him honestly. No tricks, no enchantment, no treachery. Not with him. "I didn't know if you even wanted to see me." Her voice grows quieter, dropping to a timbre that perfectly encapsulates her deepest fear. "I thought you hated me."
"Hate you?" He is shocked that she thinks that is even possible, specially after seeing him these last few months. "Sylvie, I'm working with the Avengers. The Avengers. Do you know how much I hate them? They are my nemesis. They're self-righteous, condescending, and so completely dull. Every second with them makes me want to rip their hearts out. Why do you think I'm here with them?"
She thinks she knows. But she needs to hear it anyway.
"It's because of you." He lays it all out on the table. All cards on deck, win or lose. "You've been running away. I have been the one who has been here, trying to hold down the fort, working to fix everything. Because that is what one does when one loves-"
Shit. The word slips out before he realises it.
Their eyes go wide in unison.
"Sylvie, I-"
"-Don't you dare take it back now." She warns him. "I-" She doesn't know how to say it either. They make such a great pair, both equally daft at saying how they feel, like they are teenagers, not Gods who have lived for centuries. "I've been running because I didn't think I could bear the burden of knowing I found you and then I lost you. I don't want to lose you. Not now, not ever."
He kisses the back of her hand, before letting it go. He cups her face, gently caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. "I don't want to lose you either."
She leans in closer, until their foreheads touch. She can feel his breath on her face, warm and soft. That is exactly how she feels inside. "You won't", she promises. "You go, I go."
(Quote on Lesser Evil from The Witcher. Thanks for reading!!)
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
Marry My Lover (Bryce x Eleanor Proposal Headcanon)
A/N: Well, I thought I wouldn't do it because I was too invested with this fic, but I've been thinking adult life is so fucking hard that maybe I'll never find the time and inspo to finish this fic, so... well, why not realease it to the world as headcanon/very-poorly-written-fic. If later I find the inspo, maybe I'll write it, maybe not, but I think posting this will lift a heavy weight off me.
Please forgive me my grammar mistakes and poor english, I mean, I know it's not poor, but I went really basic here, other way I would've never finished writing this lol
Tagging my WYR readers, in case you're interested in reading this @curiousconch @romereadingshop @utterlyinevitable @lahellacute @chocopeppermintcake
Also this is sumbission for @openheartfanfics Weekly Trope Challenge, week 2: Weddings & Proposals (@openheartheadcanons)
Marry My Lover
Bryce had wanted to propose to Eleanor for a while, considering both spontaneous and prepared ways to do it.
One of the first ideas was proposing on a visit to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, as it was the place of their first date. But none of their shifts let them assist for a couple of weeks, so he decided to look for something less complicated.
As he saw their annual meeting with the gang was coming, he decided he would propose on that occasion. Surrounded by friends, the people who helped them get together and supported them in the most difficult times both personally and as a couple.
So he would propose at Donahue’s. With a song, no less. Marry Me by Bruno Mars. A cheerful song, Eleanor loved Bruno Mars and simply matched with the tone he wanted to have on the proposal. Happy and spectacular. He wanted to make her feel the luckiest, most loved woman on earth.
So when he decided what he would do, he shared the news with Sienna so she could help him orchestrate the event. He would arrive a bit later than Eleanor, Sienna would keep her distracted, and then whoop, Bryce would appear at the center of the bar singing the song.
On the day of the meeting, Bryce was in the locker room when he received a text from Sienna: “All set, B! We’re waiting for you”. He breathed deeply, excited and a bit nervous at the same time.
They had talked about marriage, about a life together thousands of times, but it was different just taking the step and doing it, of proposing marriage. Marriage. Damn.
But at the same time, it was just a confirmation of the love they had for each other. Their love that had grown exponentially, to unknown highs and depths in the three years they had been together, and he was sure that their love would keep growing and getting stronger with each day.
After getting ready, he texted Keiki: “Hey Keiks, are you there already?” “Oh, yeah, hidden in the parking lot, super spy.” “Awesome, I’m coming out of the locker room I’ll be there in five” “Okay”
Bryce didn’t want her to miss it for the world. Keiki would kill him if he let that happen. Luckily for both Bryce and Keiki, she was studying close to home, more than close. Cambridge. BS in Physics at MIT, so as she was living just a few minutes away from Boston, they saw each other pretty regularly, once a week or once every two weeks depending on how busy the three were.
Keiki was excited about it, but there was just this strange smirk on her. Bryce thought it was just the fact that her brother would propose to Eleanor at last.
Once at the bar, he greeted their friends, Elijah, coming from Chicago, Jackie, from Baltimore, and Sienna coming from New York. Aurora was the only one living in Boston, working at Brigham and Women’s Hospital as attending and part of the new Diagnostic Team there.
Everyone was happy but at the same time with this strange smirk, like they were hiding something.
“And Elle?” he asked.
A few moments after the question was made, a guitar started to play. He looked at the center of the bar, and found Eleanor, on a yellow dress, and matched hatband playing guitar and singing: We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January And this is our place, we make the rules And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Bryce couldn’t believe his eyes. His ears. His skin. How a shiver ran down his spine, making tingle every inch of him; how his stomach fluttered at the sight of her there, beautiful and singing and… Surprising him.
It was Lover by Taylor Swift, because, how not, his girlfriend was a Swiftie since High School, so once a Swiftie, always a Swiftie.
Bryce knew almost every song of the last two albums she had released in the last couple of years because they had blasted the speakers of their home for weeks. Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever, ah Take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my lover
After singing the chorus, Eleanor handed the guitar to Rafael, who continued with the melody, and took the mic in one hand, singing the second verse as she started walking slowly towards him. We could let our friends crash in the living room This is our place, we make the call She took his hand on hers and softly pulled him to the center of the bar
And when Eleanor sang “And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you”, both chuckled knowingly, because they knew how true that was, wherever he goes, he enchants.
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
It had been three summers indeed and nor he or she couldn’t imagine a summer without each other.
Eleanor kept singing, every word with meaning, it was like the song was written for them, especially “I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover” Because who else on this planet was a magnetic force but him?
Bryce was beaming the whole song, smiling, laughing, biting his lip, showing how happy, flattered, incredulous and in love he was.
He couldn’t believe his luck. To this day, after more than three years, sometimes he still couldn’t believe he had the chance to love so much and be so loved. So happy, so free, so understood. And he would probably live this luck, this love, forever and ever with her.
When the song ended, Eleanor took out something from the pocket of her yellow dress. A velvet box. When she opened it, a silver ring with a diamond at the center shined under the multicolor lights of the bar. Eleanor took his hand in hers and kissed his knuckles softly before asking: “Bryce Lahela, mi amor, we both know we want to spend the rest of our lives together. In these three years you have made me nothing but happy. The happiest luckiest woman alive. I want that for the rest of our lives. Would you marry me?”
“Yes,” he said, eyes sparkling, shining so bright with emotions, with love, with adoration, with happiness, “Yes, babe, yes! The only thing I want is to spend the rest of my life with you!”
Everyone cheered, Sienna was crying, Kyra too, and even Keiki had shed a tear.
Eleanor put a ring on his finger and both kissed sweetly in the middle of the bar.
After a few moments, Bryce kissed her hand and chuckled, “Well, now it’s my turn.”
Eleanor stared confused at him, and when she heard him shouting “Música maestro!” she understood.
Eleanor couldn't believe it either. When the notes of Marry Me by Bruno Mars started playing, she covered her mouth with her hands just like Cecilia Bolocco when she won Miss Universe in 1986. “No way, love!” she squealed.
After a few verses, Bryce took her hand and turned her to the wall, where a video was playing. Videos of colleagues, nurses, even patients, with thumbs up singing along “Don't say no, no, no, no, no, Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah” Then, her parents showed up in the video, beaming as they sang along too. Even her grandparents from Chile, Ricardo and Ofelia, appeared in the video asking the same.” “Oh my god,” Eleanor couldn't hold it anymore and simply let the tears fall. Tears of joy, of happiness.
Then Bryce started to walk around the bar, singing with a persuasive tone, asking the patrons to join him in his singing, as if he had to convince her to marry him. Friendly patrons would nod and show their thumbs up and sing along for a couple of seconds.
Once the song ended, Bryce bend on one knee and took the velvet box out of the pocket of his pants, where a beautiful rose gold ring was there, with a round diamond at the center and smaller at the sides. “Well, you won me. This was my idea too, but you were faster, or maybe you had friends who took your side and decided to help you instead of me.” Everyone chuckled. “Or maybe she just asked before you did,” Jackie teased. “Either way, I’m honored and flattered, but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to propose to you. I mean, I’ve dreamed about this day practically since I met you.” “Awww, mi amor.” “I want all summers with you and all winters, especially winters so you can keep me warm on snowy nights.” Eleanor giggled, her eyes full of tenderness, “Of course, my love. Summer, fall, winter, spring, all of the seasons and all of the years I have left on this planet.” “Good. And you, Eleanor Andrea Bloom, would you marry me?” “Yes, my love, mi amor, sí, sí, yes!” Bryce put the ring on her finger, and again, people cheered and clapped. Keiki and Jackie whistled.
When Bryce and Eleanor got off the stage, the gang approached them, filling them with congratulations and hugs, and just love for the happy, recently-engaged couple. they disclosed how everything had happened -Eleanor indeed had asked help first, she had been practicing guitar for more than a month with the help of Rafael.
After a while, Bryce took Eleanor’s hand and led her to a quiet place so they could have a moment for themselves. They smiled and laughed without saying anything, still processing what had happened and trying to understand the happiness they were feeling. their hearts were simply overflowing with happiness and love. “You know? I can say people, mostly women, have asked me a lot of things in my life, some of them shocking, some of them rather cute, but never had a woman proposing to me, so this is a first. You're definitely a keeper.” “Oh, that's why you're agreeing to marry me?” she asked, feigning offense. “One of the four hundred million reasons, babe.” Eleanor smiled pensively, earnest, “You deserve everything, my love, everything. And that includes being proposed, because, damn, we’re too far from gender stereotypes and toxic masculinity.” “I agree.” “And because I really wanted you to know that I wanna marry you, and spend the rest of my life with you, just as much as you do.”
Completely spellbound by the sincerity of her love, now and always, Bryce simply bit his lip and leaned to plant a sweet kiss on her lips.
There was nothing else to do but be happy.
Ps: Here pics of Bryce and Eleanor engagement rings. I had the idea of a collage, but it would've also taken me a day to finish it, lol sorry
Thank you for reading! ❤
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nancydfan · 3 years
In relation to the pre-RE8 ask. I assumed the mold was similar to an irl virus carrier - you don't know you have it until you test for it, which leads to the question 'why wasn't Ethan tested?'
I have two theories
1) They were more concerned with Mia who they KNEW was infected - this is terrible from a professional standpoint and if true those doctors/scientists should be fired, but this is also the most probable in my opinion
2) They did test it but through the power of how well Ethan took to the mold and/or because Ethan himself fully believed he wasn't a mold man (belief is a powerful thing) the test results came back wrong.
3) Someone on the inside was a spy and faked the results, which is how Miranda found out about Rose but Miranda seemed surprised by Ethan's return which hinted she didn't know the full extent of his powers so less likely but still possible.
On Mia's end, I think she knew longer than just after re7. My memory of re7 is a bit rusty but it makes sense to me that she either
a) knew he was a mold man/something was up and ended up trusting him when it became apparent his search for the cure was sincere (she fought through the boat to go get him, she 100% was fighting for Ethan and not what she believed was a mold man wearing his skin)
b) suspected something happened to him and noticed signs but didn't fully realize it until after re7
I say this with the thought that it would be way harder to test/confirm Ethan as a mold man when being monitored 24/7 and out of danger where there's less...let's say extreme evidence. So I think she knew something was off in re7 and confirmed it before the end of the game simply because of her 'special' comment to Chris. Who knows, maybe she woke up before Ethan and saw his dead body?
(Also, lowkey I was rewatching an re8 playthrough and I'm positive Ethan died with that old man in the beginning, that was our first BIG hint...but also how many times did this man die and we all just went ah yes, vibeogame go brrrrr hahaha) (as I am writing this i realized he also could have died with the squad in the escort car and I am Shook, ETHAN PLEASE STOP DYING)
Back to Mia (lmao sorry for the sidetrack), if she knew he died then there's a solid chunk of that game where she was having a crisis behind the scenes where this 'fake' Ethan is running around trying to find and make this cure and she's waiting for the other shoe to drop the entire time but no, he goes through with it and chases off Lucas and she gets cured. By the time they get to the boat she is convinced enough to go save him.
Or maybe she remembers he died through nightmares and her memory comes back slowly, which leads to her argument with Ethan that 'we matter, YOU matter' because he DIED because of her mistakes/for her and she just wants him to think of himself for once.
I have so many emotions and theories, I feel like the Pepe Silvia meme. You asked for this though, so now we're both in this mess hahahahaha :D
Have a nice night :)
I did ask for it and I love it! Pls feel free to send me msgs whenever because I love hearing people’s thoughts because I’m not the smartest person here so y’all always have me thinking! Also, I’m super about to respond in the most crazy all over the place sorry =o
Starting with Mia in RE7, I don’t think she knew Ethan was dead. I know the VHS tapes were more of a learning tool for the characters but I think they’re canon in they’re own weird way  lol. She talks to Ethan in a way even saying there’s much he doesn’t know but I think it’s in relation to evie and the bakers moreso then him being dead. I can see how it could be implied that way but she’s talking to him as her husband so that’s why I don’t see it. And as you said, in the boat, she was there for Ethan, her husband, no questions about anything else. She tells Evie not to hurt him. It just feels like she still thinks he’s human. But that’s just my take.  
That being said, I love love that concept. And since capcom can only give us like 15 minutes to even explain anything about Mia, I would love to see this explored in fan fiction (hint hint somewhere out there lol) BECAUSE can you imagine? Mia’s been trapped in Dulvey three years and her husband shows up so suddenly she has hope. Then she sees him murdered? And then he pops back up and she knows that’s just not him anymore. Oooof sign me tf up 
I imagine the more boring option is she put two and two together as she learned just a bit of what ethan went through. I imagine he has a leg scar? That had to come up eventually. And obviously once the crisis is over she might actually stop and think about how ethan has his left hand back. 
As for no one figuring out ethan was mold, yeah, you’re probably right about the most boring, lazy route. Did ethan just not tell them he reattached a limb or can they not see it’s not exactly fully there? Didn’t someone ask about this??? I agree that angry ethan can be persuasive but holy shit someone dropped the ball. And if they gave him something, did it not impact him at all? Wouldn’t he have some reaction to anything designed as anti mold? Or did they chaulk it up to it being removed? Mia is shown to be heavily medicated and they didn’t even give this man anxiety medication. 
It’s just so odd no one thought of anything in the course of three years. But maybe his mold condition and his belief is that strong. And like you said, his body is no longer in crisis. It doesn’t need to keep supporting physical abuse so it can support his human identity better. 
Also ethan is basically an honorary winchester with as many times he dies LAWL
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swordandquill · 3 years
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Title: Winter Break
Fandom: Leverage
Summary: The team find themselves snowed in in a little town in the middle of nowhere.
Ch 2: Fussing - Nate has to choose between supervising a shopping spree or supervising a grumpy hitter. He definitely chooses the lesser evil.
Author’s Note: I still don’t know where this story is going or when the next update will be. 
Many, many thanks to @whumpybliss for beta reading this chapter!
You can go here to read this on AO3 instead.
"I know what you're trying to do."
Eliot's glare was less impressive than usual, but Nate still would have bet his money on him. Not that he wouldn't always bet on Eliot, and with things much more valuable to him than money.
"Trying to get you to eat saltines, so you don't throw up when you take the prescription strength anti-inflammatories I know you have in your bag?" Nate waved the open sleeve of crackers in front of the hitter.
"Stop fussing," Eliot snapped and snatched the sleeve out of Nate's hand.
Now that Parker had pointed it out, Nate could clearly see Eliot was favoring his left arm. Or, possibly because Parker had pointed it out, Eliot was putting less effort into hiding it.
"They shouldn't be in there alone," Eliot pulled a few crackers out of the sleeve and shoved it back at Nate.
"They're not alone," Nate swapped the sleeve for a water bottle from the grocery bag at his feet, "they have each other. We might be living off of orange soda and Trix for the next two weeks, but I think they'll get each other out of the store in one piece."
Eliot gave him a dubious look but refrained from talking with his mouth full.
"Anyway, I'm listening," Nate tapped the comm he had slipped into his ear.
"Where's my…?" Eliot frowned and tried to reach behind the seat for his bag, wincing hard at the twisting motion.
"Stop it," Nate thumped his side lightly with the back of his hand, "I've got them. Parker hasn't managed to convince Sophie that Froot Loops are both a vegetable and a fruit. Sophie is giving her tips on being persuasive, and Hardison doesn't know the difference between a zucchini and a cucumber, but one of them has made it into the basket."
"How have they made it this far without dying of malnutrition?" Eliot let his head flop back against the headrest.
"Cereal is fortified," Nate said dryly and poked Eliot with the water bottle, "which bag are your meds in?"
"It can wait until we get to the cabin," Eliot grabbed the offending bottle away without opening his eyes.
Nate didn't have to wrangle an injured Eliot often. Most of the time, he was more than capable of managing his own injuries. When he wasn't, Nate usually let Parker take the lead in poking and prodding while he helped Hardison track down whatever medical help their hitter needed.
Parker needed to burn off some energy, though, and Nate would rather supervise a cranky Eliot than his team on a shopping spree. He had trailed Eliot through the first aid aisle, listened to him mutter over spices and knives on the baking aisle, and then dragged him back to the van with saltines and water bottles in hand.
"Just take the anti-inflammatory," Nate argued, "it won't make you drowsy, and the longer you wait, the less well they'll work."
"Stop. Fussing." Eliot growled, somehow managing to drink his water angrily. Nate was always impressed by how Eliot could make the most mundane tasks look threatening. Luckily for him and the rest of the team, Nate was not easily intimidated.
"Just for the sake of argument..." Nate started.
"No," Eliot said flatly.
"We're stuck in the car until Hardison picks a shampoo. Humor me," Nate ignored Hardison's protests over the comm about his sensitive scalp.
"They need to hurry," Eliot groused, 'the snow is getting worse."
"Right," Nate agreed and held the sleeve of saltines out to Eliot again. He was disproportionately pleased when the hitter grabbed a few more without protest, "so let's just say there really is some shadowy figure waiting behind the curtain to get us…"
Eliot raised an eyebrow at that, probably cross-checking his mental list of people who matched that description, but Nate ignored him.
"And they orchestrated stranding the five us in this specific tiny town, in the middle of nowhere, by waiting until we were both split up on five different planes, and there was a massive storm front to force our flights here…"
"Look, I know…" Eliot rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"Which is possible," Nate continued to ignore him, "highly unlikely, but possible. After all, shady figures are usually good at seizing opportunity when they see it. So let's say all of that is true. What's their next move? Where do they expect us to be?"
Eliot frowned before reluctantly admitting, "They expect us to be stranded, at the airport or one of the hotels."
"Right," Nate nodded, "and even if they somehow anticipated us renting a summer house, it would be almost impossible to control which summer house we rented. Hardison must have skimmed through a half dozen search pages worth before we went after this one."
Eliot's frown deepened as he worked the problem and thought how he would have managed something like this from the other side. Nate let him be for a minute because he was still eating crackers while he thought, seemingly without noticing.
"There are ways they could stack the deck in their favor," he finally said slowly. "Knowing what we would want in a place to lay low, making it available even though it looked unavailable, monitoring Hardison for the search criteria he was using, then populating it with multiple properties that they have control of."
"Possible," Nate conceded, "ridiculously elaborate and unnecessarily complicated, but possible."
"So, one of your plans, basically," Eliot snorted.
"I don't have the patience to wait on mother nature," Nate let the jab slide, "my point is, the best thing we can do in this situation is not be where we're most likely to be. The rest, we'll just have to deal with as it comes."
"I know that. It's just…" Eliot just looked worn out now, tired of having to run through every scenario and possibility for every given moment.
Nate had figured out fairly early on that Eliot's paranoia was rooted in both a lot of experience and a lot of trauma. It meant they would be idiots to ignore him when he said something was wrong (and Nate had, unfortunately, been that idiot on more than one occasion, although he tried not to be these days), but they also needed to be a second check on those things for him sometimes, because he could always work his way around to those perceived threats being possible, even if they weren't probable.
It had gotten a lot better over the years, and the team had gotten better at finding ways to help him deal with it when it did come up. There was never a perfect solution, but they were more than happy to settle for an imperfect one if it made things at least a little better.
"And we'll deal with everything a lot better if you just take your diclofenac," Nate cut him off again, "so what bag is it in?"
"Duffel," Eliot conceded defeat finally, "they really do need to hurry."
"I know," Nate turned around and started sifting through the bags they had tossed into the third row of seats, "they're almost done."
Parker had been sitting in the back row, and she had rearranged the luggage that hadn't fit in the trunk to make a nest of sorts for herself around the middle seat. Nate had to practically crawl over the back of the middle row to reach Eliot's duffel bag, and he only felt a little bad for messing up her carefully crafted arrangement.
Eliot carried prescription meds with him and had for as long as Nate had known him. He had worried at first about the bottle of oxi that was always packed in the hitter's personal medkit. In hindsight, he could see the hypocrisy of constantly watching Eliot for signs of opioid addiction while simultaneously getting blackout drunk on a regular basis.
It had only taken a couple months for that concern to shift from Eliot taking too many painkillers to getting Eliot to take them at all. Two years in, and Nate had been worrying about why Eliot felt like jobs would leave him in enough pain on a regular enough basis that he would need to always have that level of painkiller with him. These days, Eliot and meds were mostly a bargaining act, a give and take informed by context and where Eliot's head was at at the given moment.
Oxi made him disoriented and dizzy; he wouldn't take it if he didn't feel safe. Diclofenac made him nauseous if he didn't take it with food (sometimes even when he did). Of the two problems, that was the easier one to solve.
Nate finally managed to find Eliot's duffel bag and pulled the medkit out, tossing the bag back in the pile of luggage for Parker to rearrange and poke through to her heart's content once they got back to the van.
"You want one or two?" Nate opened the kit and sorted through the neatly labeled bottles.
"Just one," Eliot was slumped back against the headrest again, eyes closed.
"You're out of Zofran," Nate shook the empty bottle.
"I gave the last of it to Sophie when we hit that patch of turbulence on the way in for the job," Eliot said dismissively, "it's fine. I'll refill it later."
Nate handed the pill and another water bottle over to Eliot, then texted Parker and asked her to get a bottle of Zofran from the pharmacy. A little thievery would do her good after 8 hours on a plane.
Eliot took the pill, and the van went comfortably quiet aside from the rest of the team's chatter in Nate's ear. It was surprisingly relaxing to listen in on them doing something as mundane as arguing over pasta sauce and gummy frog brands. They were on the comms a lot, but during jobs, there was a certain amount of tension, the constant need to be assessing and reassessing everything that happened.
Nate didn't care what kind of pasta sauce they got, and he didn't like gummy frogs, but it was nice just to sit back and listen to them be together.
There was suddenly weight against his shoulder, and Nate held still as Eliot gradually slumped more heavily against him, eyes closed and breath even. Nate waited until he was sure he was settled before shifting to get an arm around him and stop him from sliding down too far. Eliot fidgeted in his sleep for a moment, then relaxed with a soft sigh.
It wasn't that unusual for Eliot to sleep around them, but after how keyed up he had been at the airport, having him resting solid and relaxed against his side felt like winning.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hey, i really love your writing :) hope you are doing good. I'm not sure if i can make a request, if not then i'm sorry:) but could you write something about Oberyn and ellaria ( or Just Oberyn is fine to) with the reader being pretty shy and not very talkative, but they have to go to a feast and get uncomfortable. I hope this is alright :)
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Thank you so much, kind friend! I went ahead and just used Oberyn for this, but in our hearts Ellaria will always be there! Enjoy 💕💕
So, this turned into something entirely of its own, and is pretty self indulgent, I will not lie. But it’s soft, and I am craving some soft hours 🥺
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You played with a loose thread on the edge of your gown, twisting to and fro, eventually creating a bigger and bigger strand until the hem was frayed. A nervous habit, you realized, a bad one, but you couldn’t help it right now. In the midst of this grand feast, you wished you were anywhere but here. You weren’t even sure why your mother and father had made you attend; you literally had just stayed tucked in the back avoiding any and all people as best as you could. There was only one person you desired to see but they were not in attendance.
Your presence really wasn’t needed; as the youngest daughter that seemed to never gain a betrothal or make much of an impact or impression on anyone, you really weren’t there for any reason. But your parents had refused to allow you to remain behind, dragging you along with all your siblings and their spouses. You loathed large, grand events such as this, preferring the quiet comfort of your chambers at home. You could have been reading, knitting, cooking, out exploring the evening wilderness, literally anything rather than this. This was the absolute worst, and you really didn’t even want to speak to anyone.
“Stop fidgeting,” your mother came over and gave your arm a light slap as she looked around to make sure no one was paying attention. Pulling out of her touch, you did your best not to roll your eyes at her, “go out and talk to people. Pretend to be enjoying yourself at least.”
“But I’m not,” you sighed at her, “I told you I wanted to stay at home. I hate parties, all these people I don’t care about that also don’t care about me. Why should I pretend to like them and have fun when it’s so far from the truth?”
“Because you are a member of this family,” she hissed at you, “and you will act accordingly. If you ever have any hopes of getting married, you’d best starting acting at least somewhat pleasant.”
“But what if I don’t want that-”
“It’s not an option,” she insisted, grabbing your arm and forcing you to stand up. You really didn’t want to do that...not with anyone of her choosing anyway, “now get out there, put on a smile, and mingle.”
Before you could argue and say anything in response, she raised a stern eyebrow at you and pushed you towards a large crowd that was standing around and talking. They were loud, boisterous, and clearly had a few too many drinks in them. Knowing that your mother’s eyes were still firmly planted on you, you walked over to them and grabbed a nearby goblet of wine, throwing it down quickly, before attempting to make your way into their conversation. You laughed at a joke that was funny in the slightest, throwing in a few comments here and there.
But as soon as you were sure the coast was clear and you’d given your mother enough of a performance, you chucked the goblet down and parted from the crowd. It wasn’t hard to slip through the large crowds unnoticed and you kept walking until you made your way out of the warm great hall and into the cool evening of the air. The gardens here were beautiful and you eagerly strolled into them, already feeling much better in the company of the flowers and plants versus people.
Spotting a nearby bench, you almost ran over to it before sitting and relaxing, a long sigh escaping your lips. You sat there in silence for a while, listening to the now distant rumble of people and music, intertwined with the sounds of insects and chirping of birds that were still. So much better, you thought to yourself, this is better than people any day.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice the sudden appearance of the person next to you. Almost jumping out of your skin at the feel of the hand on your thigh, a small bit of giggles met your ears as you turned to find Oberyn Martell grinning at you.
“Oberyn,” you relaxed once you realized it was him, turning your body and practically crawling into his lap. He practically beamed at you as you grabbed his face, giving him a few soft kisses before resting your forehead against his, “my love. I thought you weren’t going to be coming tonight?”
“Let’s just say I can be very persuasive and that sometimes being a prince has its perks. I was able to clear up my schedule and come. Besides,” his large hands were gentle, so tender, as his traced his fingers over the contours of your face, “I couldn’t stay away knowing you would be here. You look beautiful, sweet girl.”
“I’m so glad you came,” you sighed contently, “this night as been awful, but it’s already much, much better. I’ve missed you so much. It’s been nearly a month, and I fear I cannot bear to be apart for so long again.”
“Then we can make it so we are never apart again,” he insisted as you stared at him with wide doe eyes. You’d been...seeing, for lack of a better word, Oberyn for some time, shrouded in secrecy as you tried to figure out how to make this work. He was your love, you knew that much, you’d known that for some time; it had come to you as a revelation shortly after meeting him. And he loved you too, fully completely. But you were from different worlds: you were of one of the great Northern Houses, young, beautiful, and a catch for any man that offered enough of dowry for you. Oberyn was older, already had children by multiple women, was considered wild and untamed, a prince of Dorne (an area that many people, including your family had a disdain for) and yet he was utterly devoted to you.
You’d met by chance almost two years ago, after you’d caught the prince’s eye and he managed to woo you. But it would never work, that was a conclusion you had reached early on, making sure your trysts would be keep a secret. It was since then that you’d made it a point to make yourself undesirable to any man that attempted to court you. It had worked up until this point, but you were sure that your mother and father were starting to catch on, and they’d figure your little plan. Your worst fear was that they would force you into a marriage, and that you’d end up miserable and unhappy for the rest of your life.
For some reason, smart as they were, they never seemed to catch onto the fact that a certain prince was coming up north more and more often, and you spent more and more time away from home at those corresponding times. It was risky, you both knew that from the start, but worth it; it was worth getting to be with the love of your life at any cost.
“Oberyn...” you asked softly, biting your lip as you looked at your lap, starting to fidget with your hands. He quickly grabbed your hands, holding them in his for a moment, before bringing them to his lips and pressing soft kisses to your knuckles, “w-what do you mean?”
“I mean we tell them,” he stated boldly, and you swear you stopped breathing for a moment, “we tell them that we are in love and that we want...we will be married.”
Immediately feeling tears pricking at the back of your eyes, you looked in those dark, honeyed eyes to find that he was speaking truthfully. You wanted nothing more in the world than to marry him and be swept off to Dorne, but still you worried. You shook your head lightly, a few tears cascading down your cheeks, “we can’t...they will be angry, everyone will-”
“It doesn’t matter,” he insisted, reaching up and wiping your tears away, “let them talk and be angry. They cannot stop us, sweet girl. I want nothing more than for you to be my wife, to share my name, my home, my family - everything. I’m tired of hiding, and pretending you do not exist. I am a man grown and you are a woman grown, we are free to make our own choices...”
“There will be consequences...” you trailed off, holding onto his hand for dear life. This was what you had wanted, what you had wanted from the beginning, but you were still worried about what could possibly happen, to him more than yourself. You would never forgive yourself if something happened to him.
“I do care about the consequences,” he promised, “if they want to start a war, let them. I will fight every last war and take down every man in my path if it meant I would be able to spend my life with you.”
“Oberyn,” you looked back at him, his face so unsure of your reaction, and that’s when your mind was made up. If you could not spend your life with him, then you did not want to spend it with anyone. It was him, it was always him. Nodding slowly, you grabbed his face again and kissed him with a searing intensity that was so strong, you’d never quite felt anything like it before. He held you tightly, hugging to his body, afraid that if he ever let go, you would disappear, “let us tell them. A life without you is a life I do not want. I want you and nothing else.”
“Then let us spend eternity together,” he grinned against your lips, feeling a lightness in his heart that he had never experienced before, “I want nothing if it is not with you.”
“I love you,” you whispered softly, nuzzling your nose against, “you and only you.”
“I love you, sweet girl,” he promised, “no matter what may come, I am with you, always.”
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foularcadebanana · 4 years
I'm Sorry for Hurting You
I’ve merged the Day 15 Prompt ‘Golden and Day 16 Prompt ‘Bundle’ together again today. It took me so long to write this one after the last fic, but I'm back on track now.
Summary: Wei Wuxian wakes up early in the morning to receive Jin Ling and the rest of the juniors into the Cloud Recesses.
Wei Wuxian woke up at five in the fucking morning as were the rules of Cloud Recesses. As much as he loved spending time with Lan Zhan, he hated spending it with him in the Cloud Recesses. It was like his own personal hell, still. His hatred for all of the rules here still remained after two decades.
Lan Zhan usually let Wei Wuxian sleep until late, but today Wei Wuxian himself had woken up early. He could not sleep for too long due to his excitement because today was the day all of the juniors were due to arrive in the Cloud Recesses. Jin Ling and Ouyang Zizhen would be arriving to attend the famous Gusu Lan lectures that would be starting a few days later.
Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen had gone to Koi Tower to visit Jin Ling for a few days before the lectures began, and they had gone on a night hunt last night, one which they were all due to arrive from this morning. Wei Wuxian could not wait to receive them all, especially his nephew. He hadn’t met Jin Ling since the Guanyin Temple incident.
He had heard from Lan Zhan and Sizhui that Jin Ling had stayed at Lotus Pier for a few months before he had gone to Koi Tower with Jiang Cheng to take his rightful place as a Sect Leader. Jin Ling seemed to have been given his rightful position by the elders, but Wei Wuxian had no doubt that Jiang Cheng had used his skills of ‘light persuasion’ to get Jin Ling the seat to his throne.
As Wei Wuxian sat on the roof above his room, he was met with the sight of the sun rising slowly from the horizon. His eyes immediately widened, jaw dropping slightly as the golden rays of the sun began to spread across the stretch of land that lay beyond the Cloud Recesses. Wei Wuxian kept his eyes on the sun as it rose higher, casting shadows of trees all around him as the sun rays finally hit him.
Before Wei Wuxian could register the beautiful scene before him, he felt a familiar presence next to him. Lan Zhan.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said, sitting down next to Wei Wuxian.
“Lan Zhan. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The sun?” Wei Wuxian asked, turning to look at Lan Zhan. The golden rays fell on Lan Zhan at an angle that made him look ethereal and forever young.
Lan Zhan blinked at the sun and then faced Wei Wuxian. “It is,” he agreed.
“So are you.” The words fell out of Wei Wuxian’s mouth before he could stop himself. He saw Lan Zhan’s eyes widen fractionally, but before he could begin to panic, Lan Zhan held his hand. Wei Wuxian forgot how to breathe. Was breathing even essential for him right now?
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said, and Wei Wuxian could not stop staring into his eyes which looked golden because of the sun. He could not stop thinking about the warm hand holding his, or about Lan Zhan’s beautiful skin and his soft, pink lips. “You are more beautiful than the sun.”
Wei Wuxian blinked, trying to let Lan Zhan’s words sink in. Lan Zhan thought Wei Wuxian was more beautiful than the sun?
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian said, leaning in slowly towards the man he loved so much. But before he could be granted his kiss, he was interrupted by a clearing of the throat. Several clearings of the throat, actually.
Wei Wuxian turned to the voices and discovered that he was facing the four juniors. They had arrived already! How had Wei Wuxian missed this? He jumped from the roof and landed right in front of Jin Ling. Jin Ling had been looking at Wei Wuxian with nothing short of disgust on his face and he was now looking at him with a bit of irritation.
At least it wasn’t anger, nothing Wei Wuxian couldn’t handle. Lan Sizhui stood next to him with a soft smile on his face, like the dedicated son that he was, and next to him stood Lan Jingyi with a grin on his face. On Jin Ling’s other side stood Ouyang Zizhen, who waved at Wei Wuxian enthusiastically. Wei Wuxian waved back at him.
“Ah, here is my favourite nephew!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, putting his arm over Jin Ling’s shoulder. “How have you been, my dearest Jin Ling?”
“Get off me!” Jin Ling responded. “I’m your only nephew by the way, and I’m fine. If I was really your favourite then you wouldn’t have run away from me at the Temple and you would have come to visit me at Koi Tower at least.”
“Well, you see Jin Ling, I was actually— I mean I had to go because— I was sure you had a lot on your plate so I wanted to give you some time to get adjusted with your new Sect Leader duties,” Wei Wuxian tried to make up a reason. But from the expressions on Jin Ling’s face, he continued to remain unconvinced. “Anyway, I missed you, kiddo.”
“Right,” Jin Ling stared at Wei Wuxian unblinkingly, “and don’t call me kiddo. I have a name. Also, here. Jiujiu packed some spicy food and said to give it to you cause he knows how much you hate the food here, and because you refuse to visit Lotus Pier.” Jin Ling gave Wei Wuxian a packed bundle and Wei Wuxian could feel its warmth on his hands even through all of the packaging. He could feel the warmth spread all the way to his chest.
“You met Jiang Cheng before you came here?” he asked, directing the question to Jin Ling but looking at all of the juniors.
They all nodded their heads as Jin Ling spoke up. “Yeah! I wrote to him telling him about when I would be coming here, and he said to go meet him in Lotus Pier before that. I wasn’t expecting the surprise visit from these guys, so I went home to Yunmeng with them. Jiujiu had like a whole bunch of things packed for me. He said I could share it with all of my friends.”
Jin Ling finished his short rant with a satisfied smirk on his face. Wei Wuxian swallowed his emotions as he looked at the bundle in his hands. “And your jiujiu said to give me this?”
“Well, not exactly,” Jin Ling said, sheepishly grinning. “But that’s what he meant! He said: Here is some food from our kitchens, I told them to make it extra spicy. So, if ‘someone’ is done with his travelling and happens to be in Gusu, and if he feels like having some of Yunmeng’s food, tell him I asked the cooks to prepare his favourites.”
Wei Wuxian’s heart caught in his throat. “My favourites?” He couldn’t think or speak. Jiang Cheng had asked the cooks to prepare his favourite dishes with his preferred level of spice. Did this mean…?
It felt a lot like Jiang Cheng was offering him an olive branch. Wei Wuxian wanted to accept it so badly, it was unreal.
“Yes, did you not hear me the first time? Also, what is wrong with you?” Jin Ling asked, grumpily. “I don’t care if you don’t want to visit me, but why would you not visit Jiujiu, especially after everything that happened at the temple. Do you know how much Jiujiu is hurting because of you?”
Wei Wuxian blinked in surprise. “Jiang Cheng wants me to— to come back to Lotus Pier? He’s hurting? Because of me?”
It seemed as though even when Wei Wuxian wasn’t present in Jiang Cheng’s life, he still gave him grief and pain, and he still hurt him.
“What do you think this is?” Jin Ling asked, pointing to the bundle of food. “He wants you back. If you hurt my jiujiu this time, though, I’m never forgiving you.”
Wei Wuxian had difficulty speaking as tears welled up in his eyes. “I— I…”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said from besides him, and Wei Wuxian felt a gentle yet firm hand fall on his shoulder. He noticed that Jin Ling wasn’t speaking anymore, he was simply glaring at Lan Zhan.
Wei Wuxian pushed past the knot in his throat to speak to Jin Ling. “I would never hurt Jiang Cheng again. I wouldn’t— I need to go. I have to go.” The food was burning a hole in his hands despite only being slightly warm. Wei Wuxian turned to Lan Zhan. “Lan Zhan, I’ll write to you, okay. But right now, I need to— Jiang Cheng is hurting. I have to go.”
With those words, Wei Wuxian sprinted away from the juniors, determined to reach Lotus Pier as fast as he could so that he could apologise to his didi for not understanding him and for taking so long to meet him. Wei Wuxian would also promise never to hurt him again for as long as he lived, and this time, he would keep his promise.
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carreraleigh · 5 years
Dancing in the dark
A/N: This is a two-part story. In the first part me and @vienroose focused more on the romantic part of colt and mc. The second part is coming next week, and it will be VERY smut, so be prepared.
Pairing: Colt x MC (Ellie)
Book: Ride or Die
Summary: A few weeks after kaneko's death, colt and mc talk about their feelings and what they want for the future.
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Tags: @zig-nazario @storiesofsass @rwanchoices @courtesan-of-garage @the-red-jhon @client-327 @umiumichan @lovehugsandcandy @acorisabsolutegodtier
Ellie looked at herself in the mirror while she was adjusting the skirt she had chosen for that night. She closed her eyes and sighed slowly, trying to calm her nerves. It wasn't the first time that she went on a date with Colt, or the last one, but it was the first time they could really be together without worrying about anything else, without plans, without secrets, just the two of them. Everything felt unreal, like a dream, they'd fought so hard to get there and after all, they'd achieved it. Having solved everything and stopped running, in one way or another, the two would've had to sit down and talk about what they wanted for the future, because within the race many promises can be made, but you never know until you are close and you have to cross the finish line. Ellie knew that today was that night, and she was sure of what she felt, but why was it so hard to say those words out loud?
"Hey," Ximena entered the room "¿Are you okay?" She approached Ellie slowly, with a big smile on her face "Colt has been waiting for a while."
"Yes," she sighed, turned around and looked at Ximena "I just needed some time to think."
"Oh beautiful." Ximena got closer and hugged her "You'll see that everything will be fine, don't worry." Ellie smiled as they broke the hug "It's your moment, go get your man, I know how much you fought to be with him."
"You're right, Ximena. This is going to be my night."
Colt and Ellie went fast down the street, she loved the adrenaline she felt every time she rode on that motorcycle: she felt free, invincible, as if she could eat the world in one bite, and being there with Colt made her feel like the most powerful woman in the world.
"¿Where are we going?" she asked, raising her voice a little so that he would listen.
"I told you it's a surprise, Ellie." he answered without taking his eyes off the street "If I told you, it wouldn' be a surprise anymore."
"You always have to play the mysterious one, ¿don't you?" she laid her head on his back "If you want my attention being mysterious, well, I'm sorry to tell you that you don't need to do that anymore."
"Oh, I know." she heard a small laugh "Your persuasion will not work with me."
"Oh yeah?" she replied "I think we'll have to prove that."
"You know I'm always ready for big challenges." he said.
After riding for a few more minutes, Colt turned onto a path that led into the woods. Ellie looked around, the trees were tall and thick, hundreds of them around, and made her feel small among so much nature.
She opened her mouth to speak, but a particular sound caught her attention, she heard it in the distance, but she could still recognize from which direction that strange sound came, she could swear it was a waterfall. The closer they got, the clearer it became, and her eyes widened in surprise as Colt slowed down the motorcycle.
"Well, here we are, welcome to my little escape." she took off her helmet and couldn't help but smile at the wonder that was in front of her eyes. A small wooden house, freshly painted and with freshly cut grass, in the distance she could see the waterfall that she heard before. Ellie looked at Colt, surprised.
"I never thought you were a man for cliché places like this one. I mean, the typical brown wooden house, with flowers in front, is yours?" she asked.
"Actually, this place has a certain history." he got off the motorcycle "But it's something I'd like to talk about later." he extended his hand "Come on".
Ellis took his hand, and the two entered the house that looked like it was taken out of a fairy tale. The interior had surprised her even more, there was a chimney with the fire on and it seemed to be new, the house was very well maintained, as if someone had been there all the time. In front of the chimney was a table, two wooden chairs and two plates, next to two glasses of wine. Still holding her hands, Colt guided Ellis to the table, took her chair out and helped her sit down. Colt went to the kitchen, turned on the lights and started searching something in the refrigerator.
"Well, I must admit that when you told me 'we were going out', I didn't have this in mind."
Colt looked at her from the kitchen while he took something wrapped from the refrigerator.
"I thought we were going to a bar, or a club." she said.
"¿Would you prefer to go to a bar?" He sat in front of her and placed the wrapped dish in front of her.
"No, I like this." she smiled as Colt unwrapped the plate. She had never seen him smile like that before, and she knew that it was happiness, because she was feeling it too.
"Well, I hope you like it." Ellie looked at the food that was placed in front of her and laughed.
"God Colt, really?" he laughed with her "¿Hamburgers?".
"Not just any burger, it's the Holly Bar burger, so no, it's not just a hamburger." he put a hamburger on Ellie's plate "Also, I know you love them as much as I do."
"You know we could have gone to the bar and eaten there, right?" She said as she took the wine glass closer to what was in front of her.
"Yes, I know." he answered "But I wanted this moment to be more... intimate. Just for the two of us." He smiled and Ellie saw the brightness growing on Colt's eyes.
"¿Did you really think that wine and hamburgers would be a good combination?" she put the cup back in its place "¿Who did all this anyway?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me, who did all this?" indignation in his voice. Ellie held her gaze, now with her two eyebrows raised, Colt sighed.
"Well, maybe, just maybe, I pay someone." Colt took his hamburger with his hands and took a bite "You should try it." he said between bites.
Ellie took the hamburger in her hand and took a bite, millions of flavors exploded in her mouth, the juicy meat, the cheese, and the delicious barbecue sauce that had become her and Colt's favourite ever since they went to eat at the Holly Bar for the first time.
"The glass is just an elegant touch, I suppose. I brought Coca-Cola." he said "But if you want wine, we can have that instead of-"
Ellie put a hand on Colt's arm "This is perfect, Colt."
Colt smiled and they both began to eat their hamburgers patiently, never stopping to look at each other.
Some time later Ellie was sitting on the stairs at the entrance of the house and she heard the door open. Colt sat next to her and hugged her from behind. The two were silent for a moment, maybe trying to find the right words for the occasion, when he finally broke the silence.
"I won it." he said, taking a glass of coke to his mouth.
"¿What?" Ellie asked, confused.
"The house, I won it." Colt looked at her with a smile "In fact, it was in a race a few years ago, some men, much older than me had challenged me to a race against them." he continued as he offered him the glass to Ellie, she accepted "They thought I was too young to compete against them."
"Of course Colt Kaneko had to compete, because he had to prove that he was better than them." she laughed.
"And hell I was." the two laughed together, he kept talking "It was three years ago, if I remember correctly and since I've won it, I usually come here to clear my mind." he looked at the horizon, as if he was immersed in his own thoughts.
"It must be an important place for you then, a place where you can relax and have some peace." Elliie said.
Colt looked at her and their eyes met. He looked different in the moonlight, his eyes shone with more intensity and his skin looked softer than usual. He took Ellie's hand and squeezed it slowly, without ever taking his eyes off her.
"I wanted to share this place with you a while ago, but between everything that happened and how we lived running and escaping from everything, no moment seemed appropriate."
"I understand." Ellie laid her head on Colt's arm "Anyway, it was the best decision, we can enjoy this now." the two were silent again for another short while, but it was not one of those uncomfortable silences, it was a calm silence, filled with relaxation. Ellie kept thinking about the words she wanted to say, she was finally brave enough to tell him everything she had stuck in the heart for days. She took a breath and raised his head.
The two said their names at the same time and looked at each other for some time, then laughed.
"God, this is a mess." Colt laughed for a second and then looked back at her "Would you like to talk first?".
Undoubtedly she had many things to say, many. She wanted to tell him everything she had in her heart, she wanted to tell him about the first time she had felt something for him, she wanted to tell him about the fear she had of losing him all the time, she wanted to tell him how happy she was at that moment, with him, but she kept quiet that moment. She wanted to tell him everything, but she preferred to listen to him first.
"No, I'm listening." she said.
Colt seemed to think for a second, as if his answer had taken him by surprise, he smiled.
"Where to start." he cleared his throat "Everything happened so fast, one day I was meeting you and the next day you were part of the crew, one of us, and part of my life" he sighed and then continued "I thought that I had you totally figured out the first time I saw you. You were one more girl in a bad place and with bad people, and when I saw you with Logan, I just thought 'What's a girl like her doing with a guy like him, in a place like this?', I don't want you to misunderstand, it's not that you have not been enough to look out for yourself." he sighed again, and Ellie put a hand on his leg as a support "You seemed too good for a world like this, and I was right, you're still too good for this world, the truth is that I don't even know why you're even here, after everything you had to go through. The only thing I know is that I don't want you to leave." he raised a hand to Ellie's cheek "And you're worth it all, you know, because you're one of the strongest people I've ever met. This is what I admire most of you, one of the reasons why I fell for you. All seems like a dream because I never thought to tell anyone this." he was quiet for a moment "After my father died-" he looked away, Ellie put a hand on his leg.
"We don't have to talk about that if you don't want to." she said.
"No." he looked at her like he was about to cry "After the death of my pop, I thought I lost everything, and I had lost it. I felt lonely for days, with nothing to fight for, and in all the disaster I remembered that I still had one thing to fight for, you." he take Ellie's hand "My pop may not be here anymore, and I'll miss him every day of my life, but that's not a reason why I have to turn my back on what's in front of me."
"Colt..." she said as she stroked his cheek.
"I don't know if this is what you expected to hear tonight, but I see you at my side, Ellie. I see myself ruling the angels with you, side by side, together, fighting against everything, like king and queen. And I know I can protect you and give you everything you deserve, if you want to accept me. I recommend you not to, or I would think you're crazy." he laughed and looked back at the horizon "I know this is not getting anywhere but-"
"Colt." Ellie interrupted him by putting a hand in his mouth "Colt." said his name again, and his eyes connected "I will be there every step of the way. If you want to take revenge, we will do it together. If you want to drive and never come back, we will do it together. Nothing would make me happier than being by your side, always." and all she wanted to say, had been summed up in those words.
Colt put a hand on her neck and pressed his lips against her, the two of them wrapped themselves in a passionate kiss that seemed to last for hours. And they would have kept going, if they didn't have to separate to get some air.
"¿That means we're together? ¿Officially?" Colt asked as he watched her intently.
"I suppose." she said, trying to recover the air "¿Or have you already regretted your decision?"
"Never." he said.
They kissed again, this time much more passionately. Ellie wrapped her arms around Colt and he took her by the waist. Colt began to slowly kiss her neck, causing Ellie to make low moans, as he pressed harder against her. After that he began kissing her shoulders, her collarbone, until he connected his eyes with Ellie's again.
"¿Why did you stop?" she asked, laughing.
"¿You want to?... you know." he looked at her expectantly, but he didn't say any other word.
"Colt," she said as she kissed him again and again "I want you."
Suddenly a smile that Ellie had never seen formed on Colt's lips, yes, she had seen his smile several times, but there was also something dark in it for the first time.
Ellie sat on Colt's lap, the two of them facing each other as they continued to kiss passionately. Colt had his hands on her waist, kissing her neck and everywhere, he lowered his hands until she felt him over the skirt she was wearing, that skirt that only gave him thoughts he was trying to satisfy ever since he'd seen her coming down the stairs of the garage. He grabbed her butt and pulled her closer to him, as he continued to lower his kisses to her collarbone. Ellie had her arms wrapped around Colt and her vision was almost blurred because to the excitement she was feeling at that moment.
She had never felt that way with anyone, so energetic, so alive. She started to take off Colt's jacket while he kept kissing her all over her body, with both hands still on her back. Needing air, Colt looked into her eyes, his eyes were shining with desire, and he also seemed immersed in her same feeling of energy and excitement. A smile was reflected again on his face, that dark smile that somehow made her even more excited, then he whispered.
"We should continue this inside." He kissed her again and suddenly stood up abruptly, lifting her into his arms.
"Colt," she said laughing "You could hurt yourself." but he didn't seem to have heard her words, he kept looking at her with that smile as he walked towards the door, opened it with a bang, but then hesitated at the entrance.
"Colt," Ellie said "I'm sure." she kissed him back, and the two disappeared in the middle of the night.
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