#i wish i could keep this momentum
rwby-htes · 1 year
Got some motivation to work on chapter 15. Progress=good. Means I can finally get next chapter out that little bit sooner lol.
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essential-randomness · 5 months
TFW you realize there's a typo in the title of the post of your very important content hours after posting it
In my defense, it took me 2 and a half hours to write the copy and post it across 4 different socials (and this is in addition to the time that took me to write the blog post) so by the time I got to Tumblr I was literally dying. You have no idea how grueling every single piece of this work is going to be.
I don't really know why I'm saying this, but I guess if the spirit of 2024 is (also) to help people understand the reality of what we're fighting against, then I should let people know that every single piece of content I'm going to put out is hours and hours of work I wish I was spending on actually making the incredibly important progress that is right in front of me.
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bandzboy · 3 days
re: your tags on renjun’s ig story post: it is actually so scary to see how these idols have to speak in code honestly. i know and i agree that it’s the bare minimum but it’s sad to think that maybe all they can truly do, given the company they’re under, is the bare minimum. obvs they’re not the victims in this but my heart does go out to idols like taeyong and renjun who have to see the brand they have worked so hard to build being used to promote and fund a genocide. and i again i know it’s the bare minimum but like i also understand being hesitant to explicitly and so outwardly speak out against your employer and i appreciate any gesture. i think sometimes we may overestimate idols’ power within their company and especially with sm being so slimy and treating their idols as if they were disposable im not sure i’d be any more brave than they are being
on a completely different note i’m thinking of buying an ipod second hand so i can put all my pirated music on it and walk around looking cool and all, thoughts??
yeah! and i mean with this collab they are kinda risking things and i cannot look past that! it's crazy that it has to be this way but the way this sparked people to move and mobilize is really great to see and it was a really small action that's why it's important to get idols to do something!
also yes do buy second hand!! that's great!! that's a good way to listen to music i've seen a lot of people whip out their old ipods just to listen to pirated music so i do recommend it
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bluebellhairpin · 5 months
I wish I lived on my own because then. then people wouldn't TALK to me when I'm trying to DO SOMETHING.
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kpgimpactor · 2 months
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teamfortresstwo · 1 year
Hhhhhh do like my art projects but lose motivation too fast,,,
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keto-keyes · 3 months
Slytherins with a non!Deatheater S/O
The Slytherins are down bad for their partners. So how do they rip off the band aid and break the news that secretly, they're all bad?
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Mattheo Riddle:
We all know he's a bad boy with a bad attitude
...except around his S/O
He doesn't try to hide the blood on his hands, but uses the excuse "I was protecting you"
He does actually do it to protect you, don't worry
His dad threatens to end you if he refuses to do his Deatheater duties
So he makes sure to keep you around him whenever he can to make sure you can't get hurt
Our boy stresses the heck out whenever you get even the smallest bit injured
It might start fights sometimes between the two of you, but you KNOW this mamas boy would never lay a hand on you in the wrong way
If you try to join, he discourages it
He doesn't want to psychologically scar you
lots of time together whenever he can kick his dad outta his mind
Then he holds you tight like he's gonna lose you
Don't ever stop loving this man, alright?
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Tom Riddle:
It's kinda impossible for you not to know about his...situation
It's all anybody talks about when you're around
But he only wants to protect you
So he makes sure to keep you distracted whenever he must get the job done
He'll take you dancing, or go shopping afterwards
sometimes you might need to clean him up after a scuffle
he lets you, but only if you promise not to ask how he got the injuries
His dad also threatens him with losing you and he could never be complete without his S/O safely in his arms
if somehow you get tangled in his mess of deatheater-ness, he will sacrifice EVERYTHING for you
his only thought is to keep you safe
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Theodore Nott:
He doesn't tell you he's a Deatheater until you meet his friends
That's right, he didn't let you meet his friends
not at first
after you meet them, it's kinda like momentum until he finally tells you he's a deatheater
he definitely expects you to hate his ass, but you don't so he's hopeful
he smokes to forget all the horrible things he does.
he does it more once he finally confesses, but tries not to when you're around.
dw, his stoic attitude when you ask him about being a deatheater isn't him being uncaring
he just forgot how to feel remorse after being a human murder weapon for so long.
it's like torture for him, and he hates it
So care for him please, as best you possibly can
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Draco Malfoy:
He's probably the most affected by the deatheater thing
If you're dating him, either you're younger than him or your families are close.
So you know all about the deatheater thing
he pretends having a dangerous father is a good thing
like, he can destroy draco's enemies in an instant,
but... he could also force you to join Voldemort, and that's something that can never happen.
you have to either be holding his hand or his cheek AT ALL TIMES,
otherwise his anxiety causes him to start shaking
he'll whisper all his worries as he weeps himself to sleep, and sometime you catch him doing it
his dad only protected him for so long, now it's your turn
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Blaise Zabini:
He doesn't talk about it
even when you two have been dating for a while, he doesn't mention it
it's not your problem, it's his
and he wants it to stay that way for as long as possible
he's afraid telling you will somehow lead to Voldemort knowing, and holding it against him
especially since the only thing Voldemort's actually threatening him with is death. extremely painful death.
so he doesn't even mention it.
you know though. you know how painful killing and torturing is for him.
it tears him apart, almost to the point where he wants to smoke with theo
sometimes he wishes desperately that he could tell you everything, but he's scared you would be in danger.
so he stays quiet and lets the anguish build
he doesn't crack. ever
he stays stoic and silent. caring
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Pansy Parkinson:
she doesn't like to bother you with the gorey details,
but sometimes they slip out
she breaks down all the time. it's traumatising
but she can't really articulate what she feels
so she just cries as you hold her to your chest/side
yeah, idk i didn't really have any ideas for pansy
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Lorenzo Berkshire:
he may be a little flouncy at times, but he cares about your wellbeing enough to protect you
its his main goal in life
so he tries to keep himself between you and the others for as long as possible. like theo
its less of a "you don't need to know them"
and more of a "what? other people? who needs people when I'm your cute bf?" while waving his hands in front of you so you focus on him
he lets you wash his cuts for him
and do his hair in consolidation for not being by your side for a few hours.
Voldemort really can't touch enzo without hurting you.
So he keeps his mouth shut about it a lot.
sweet boy livin in a cruel world, what can i say
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witchysfics · 8 months
Paint me
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author's note : This is unedited.
Gale asks Tav to paint runes on him for a magical experiment. Fluff, and little bit risqué, if you squint.
The ink was slippery and cold as you plunged your fingers into its seemingly unending darkness. The substance quickly slid down your fingers has you hurriedly rushed over to your "canvas".
Gale sat in front of you, his back towards you. Top half bare so you may be able to paint the magic runes onto his skin. The muscles in his back stiffened ever so slightly as you made contact, beginning the first rune.
Gale had come to you for a favor, a rather.... intimate one, he described it. Your task was to paint magic runes onto his body so that he may better attune to the magic he wished to learn of. It seemed simple enough, you watched him these past days struggle with concentrating on spells in this particular study. He could use a little help it seemed.
Being a magic wielder yourself you were able to understand the concept, of course all of this was just theory, but who where you to turn away an opportunity to uncover more about the use of magic?
Maybe this magical body paint would work and you could use it more in the future. It could come in handy when you need to attune to spells without any notice to the individuals around you. Even small spells could be written onto skin and used as quick reactions against a foe.
Gale was quick to complain about the temperature of the ink as you dragged your finger along his shoulder blade. He shivered, peering over his shoulder at you, "Must it be so cold? Couldn't you have picked a different medium?" He whined, "One less.... frigid?"
You picked your eyes up from your work to look into his. He looked teasing, eyes squinted from the small smile he directed toward you, You huffed drawing your attention back to the work before you, "Squid's ink is a good conductor for magical properties. My theory is that it will help you feel the momentum of the magic through each rune as you cast." Gazing at your finger tips, "You're not the only one suffering, my fingers will be stained for days now."
"Stained?!" Gale cried. "You've ruined my beautiful body with inky stains?" He half joked, his face turning into mock anger.
"You're being dramatic, you asked for my help." You retaliated, "You said you trusted my judgment as one who "worked within the Weave.""
"Seems I was wrong to put my trust in you then." Gale's words were harsh, but the playful tone in his voice told otherwise. You gently turned his face away so he was looking forward again and he chuckles.
"If you keep distracting me this cold ink will only stay on for longer."
"Your fingertips will keep me warm enough any how."
"Right sorry, distractions."
Your face warmed at his comment. Gale was not shy at all when it came to comments like that, but you could never tell if his words were just his Gale nature or if they were laced with more. Your poor heart couldn't take it. This task might as well be torture. How could he ask this of you when you harbored such great feelings for him?
Your fingers traced down the expanse of his back once more, painting the final rows of inky runes.
You clapped, signaling you finished your work. Gale turned, looking into the mirror off to the side of him to get a better look at the runes on his back.
"Marvelous!" He exclaimed.
You let out a breath as you began packing away the ink, having mixed feelings about ending this intimate painting.
Just as you were to begin the journey back to your tent Gale called out to you.
"Where are you going? We aren't finished."
You turned looking back at him with a confused expression.
"There's more my dear." He said flipping the page of his book, showing you the other half of the runes.
You cocked a brow at him, "And where is the rest meant to go? There is no more room on your back."
He cleared his throat, looking nervous? His voice was soft when he spoke, "On the front half."
"Oh" was all you breathed out in realization.
You slowly made your way back to your original spot while he watched you patiently. He sat on his knees, this time facing you. You were able to see how much broader Gale was then you when his back faced you, but now? He towered over you now too, if you were to lower your head he would be unable to see your face. You were thankful for this as you opened the bottle of squid's ink and balanced it on your lap.
Looking back up at him you flashed you a nervous smile yet cheesy smile.
He's adorable.
Glancing down to his chest you were able to see the imprint of his unfortunate past with magic. You'd never seen it so clearly before. The twisting lines that curled up his neck was all that you had been able to see till now. Seeing the tattoo that once caused him great pain, now calmed, felt so meaningful it pulled at your heart. How long had a gazed at this mark and felt nothing but remorse and heartbrokenness? Does he still feel that way now even with his new "control" over it?
You bit your lip, lost in thought. Gale noticed your lingering eyes. Gently taking your hand in his he placed it on mark softly. Your eyes meet briefly as he gave you anxious but encouraging smile. Your featherlight fingers traced it, ink free and memorizing its pattern. He let out a soft noise, shuttering under your touch. Was it from the softness of your touches or from the vulnerability of the moment neither he nor yourself were sure.
He sighed dreamily, watching you. "You don't have to worry about it impeding on the runes. You should be able to paint over it just fine." He chuckled, "its a mer regrettable tattoo now." He joked but you knew he would never be able to see it that way.
Your brow furrowed, "I'm sorry."
"Don't frown love, this is the mark of the weapon that ends the dreaded absolute!"
"It won't come to that." you say firmly. "I won't let it come to that."
He doesn't say anything in response, but when you look up and see him quickly wipe one of his eyes you decide you don't need an answer.
The space between you grows comfortbly quite as you begin your painting once again.
You feel his eyes as you paint across his chest and you can't help but to feel like a squirming mess under his gaze.
"You know you can stop watching me like a teacher watches their apprentice. I'm able to handle a few simple ruins." You say in a matter-a-fact tone.
He hums. "I know. You have proven to me that you are very capable."
"Then you don't need to stare so intensely."
"That is not the reason I stare anyway."
"Why do you stare then?"
He pauses when you stop to look up at him. "Is it so wrong to watch beauty as they work?" His eyes gleam of something awaiting your response.
You have no response for him, unfortunately. Well, not a verbal one at least, as your jaw hangs slack and finger stops mid swipe. You blink rapidly and clear your throat trying to recompose yourself. Eyes averted from his you attempt to recover the rune you just scribbled out, you squeak, "You- your.... What did I say about being a distraction Gale?"
He threw his head back with laugher and you could only assume you gave him the response he was looking for.
You finish the last rune while he continues to laugh. You gaze up at him again while his head remains back, laughing, his throat on full display.
The air around him becomes filled with a different type of tension as you take this opportunity to begin the runes that were meant to be painted on his neck.
His boisterous laughing comes to a small choke when you place your inky index and middle finger on his throat and pull them down. He gulps visually and lets out a strained moan. Your fingers continue down his throat and end at the expanse of his sternum.
He looks down at you still with his head back, his mouth ajar as your voice fills his ears.
"Oh, don't become distracted Gale. I'm nearly finished." You say, your voice like velvet. While he stammers for a response you dip both of your hands in the ink, preparing for the final part of the spell
He attempts to say something else, but whatever it was is cut off by a dreamy sigh as you place both your inky hands on his face and drag your fingers down the sides of his neck while your thumbs drag down the front of his throat. You connect the inky lines to the runes toward the middle of his chest.
You prop yourself onto your knees so you tower above him. He watches you eyes unblinking and unable to look away as you place your index finger on his lips. Drawing a line down his chin and connecting it to the stripes on his throat. The final inky blob of the rune.
His eyes, half lidded with want? Desire? His face dark red from, nervousness? Arousal?
You don't get a good enough moment to look before you pick up you squid's ink and remove yourself from your flustered "canvas".
"Let me know how the spell goes Gale!" You say to him as you turn to leave. "Oh and please let me know if ever need my connection with the Weave again for your... experiments."
footnote : This is my first bg3 fic! and this is a new blog. Requests are open and I will have rules soon but for now just request without reading them since I don't have them up yet. Pretty please request cause my head is empty lol. Thanks! - Witchy
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reiderwriter · 9 months
Smutty part two of the hand to hand combat fic plz
A/N: Your wish is my command! I think a lot of people were frustrated at where I left the first part off lol, so here's a special treat for everyone who lowkey hated me after that lmao. Enjoy! 18+ MINORS DNI Also it is a crime that there aren't more gifs of Spencer wet, I have used most of them ㅠㅠ
You can read the first part here!
Warnings: shower sex, fingering, suggestive washing idk, Intercrural sex (he fucks the gap between her thighs for a while), no contraception, PinV sex, slight cum play? I guess?
You can also find my masterlist here, and if you enjoy my 18+ works, I'm partaking in kinktober, and you can find out about all of my plans here :]
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As you washed off the day's sweat, standing in the shower rooms of the FBI gym, you cursed the gods above for making you such a coward. 
If you'd been bolder during your sparring session with Spencer, you could've ended the day in a much more pleasurable way, or you'd at least have the memory of whatever you'd do to aid your fantasies. You thought back to your humbling defeats of earlier that day. You really thought you could get the upper hand on Reid in at least one of your rounds, but no. He’d got the jump on you all three times, leaving you squirming under his touch on the mat as he enjoyed his defeats. 
The second-round had been close, having the initial upper-hand being in the assailant role, but he’d used his extra height to throw you off balance, pinning you to the ground from behind, his hands trapping yours against your lower back. You’d blushed at the compromising position, your ass raised suggestively, his bodyweight pushed on top of yours, crotch to your centre, as you tried stay calm despite the very thin materials of both of your work out gears that separated you. 
Not that you were complaining about the extra contact, but you weren’t beneath using it as an excuse for your loss. In your final round, he’d let you think you hand the upper hand for a second, teasing you about enjoying the view from your place above him, straddling his waist as you pinned him down. By that point, you were beyond horny, reaching near orgasmic levers of desperation to feel him push up into you, and he’d let you enjoy the feeling of your core grinding into him for a few minutes. Just long enough that no one else would notice that your movements weren’t simply struggles to keep him pinned. Then, he’d gone and ruined it by thrusting his hips up quickly and using the momentum and your shock to buck you off to the side, returning you to your earlier pinned pose. Despite the losses, you couldn’t really find much else to complain about other than the fact that you hadn’t kissed him right then and there, having not thrown caution to the wind. 
With each pulse of water from the shower head, you tried to clear your head, but he'd consumed your thoughts. You didn't think you wanted him this badly, but apparently one touch was all it took for you to become aware of the desire you had for him. You let your own hands trail between your legs as you decided to deal with your bodies pent up frustrations.
The door to the bathroom opened, though, just when you were about to get going and you had to pull your hand away as you called out to your new friend. 
"Pen? That you? God I'm so fucking sweaty from that work out." You laughed a little as you greeted her, but the other person didn't make any other noises, stopping dead in their tracks. 
"Y/N?" Somehow your blood ran cold as your body heated up. 
"Spencer? What are you…?" You whipped your head around to get a look at him over the glass shower stall door, pulling your hands over your chest, reflexively. 
"Morgan said the men's showers were broken, and he was heading home to shower. But I can't sit for that long on the subway without getting rid of all this sweat. He said there'd be no one else in here since we stayed so late…. I can… I can leave if you need me to?" 
"No! No, it's okay, it's not like we're using the same shower or anything, and I don't want you to feel so… Uncomfortable." 
He thanked you, then slipped into a stall a three away from your own, as you tried your best not to watch the flex of his arms as he firmly gripped his towel around himself. 
Turning back to your own shower, you decided you needed to speed it up, actually get on with it so you could escape this awkward, tempting situation. You were almost sure this was some kind of divine punishment. You lathered up your hair and began to massage your head when the water suddenly ran so cold it burned. 
"Ah, shit," you whimpered out as you ran from the water as quickly as possible. 
"Um, Spencer?" 
"Y-Yeah," he responded, having heard your moans and immediately perked his head up. 
"Your shower stall, it's the second from the door right?" 
"Yeah, why?" 
"Shit, I should've mentioned something," you ran a hand through your hair as you turned off your shower. "That one doesn't work too well, when you use hot water in that one for some reason, it makes the rest of these showers run cold for the rest of the day." 
"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't realise." 
"No, it's good, I guess it's just cold shower time for me now." You sighed in a huff of annoyance, and turned your shower back on. 
"Do you… Do you want to come and use this one? My water's still hot and the cold water really won't be good for relaxing your muscles after all that work." 
"With you?" Your eyes meet his over the walls of your shower stall and you try not to sound too eager. Maybe this could be your chance after being such an idiot earlier. 
"Yeah, I guess. I still need to, you know, wash up?" 
You nodded at him then, and began collecting your things, your towels in your hands covering your sensitive areas, but only just as you stepped into his space.
He pressed himself against one of the walls as you entered, doing his best to cover his cock with his hands, but failing pretty miserably. You shot a single look down there, hoping he didn't notice. He was hard, and God did you want to help him out. 
But unsure of how to broach the topic, you ignored it and put your things down, before turning in to face the shower. A little sign of contentment fell over you as you felt the heat against your skin again, body relaxing as you began washing off your hair once again. 
You felt him move until he was a shadow at your back, close enough that you could feel his breath on your skin. 
"Y/N, let me help you clean your back. I don't want you to flare up that arm injury, and you're not reaching that well." 
"What?" Ill advisedly, you turn to face him. His eyes trail over your body, landing on the swell of your chest as you stand only millimeters from touching. Gently dragging his eyes back up, he repeats his plea, and turns you around, grabbing your body wash.
"Trust me, I'll help." But you know this isn't going to do any good easing the tension in your body, his hands on you being as distracting as they were. You almost jusmo a little when his bare hands finally come down on your waist. 
"S-Spencer I have a loofah!" You almost moan out as he begins to rub circles into your skin with his fingers spread. He's closer now, and with his hands out of the way. You can feel his cock, bare against your ass, twitching as you realise he's getting a lot of pleasure out of this. 
"Do you know how much bacteria can live on one of those things? You wanted to get clean, right?" It's all you can do not to buck back into him as he releases the words, hands coming up to your shoulders as he works his strength into your skin. His hands feel so good against you, that you barely notice them slipping around your front, as he begins to work on the plains of your stomach as well.
You throw your head back against his chest in pleasure as he slips higher and higher, hands eventually cupping your breasts as he slowly lathers them up, taking his time to feel every single inch of your skin. You whimper in your pleasure, and you hear his heavy breathing similarly pick up. 
"Spencer…" You don't know what your words are asking, begging for, but it's clear he does, as his hands spread. One goes up to your neck, wrapping around you tightly as you gasp out a breath, the other washing hanging in the air as he rids it of soap before trailing down between your legs. 
His fingers find your clit and you whimper. 
"That's it baby, I'm just gonna help you get clean, okay? Gonna make you feel good, too." You nod at his words, giving him the silent confirmation he needs to press his cock in between your thighs and start rubbing it up against you, not yet pushing it in. You're pushing your ass back into him now as he starts to fuck the folds of your sweet cunt, writhing in pleasure everytime his tip catches on your hole, pleasure rolling off your tongue in waves. 
His hand on your neck keeps you from gaining volume, keeping you grounded as he gets you close to that euphoric bliss. You're desperate to actually feel him inside you though, squirming in the hopes that one of his thrusts will accidentally land on target. 
"Spencer, please…" You know what you want now, and you're desperate for him to listen, as you turn your head to the side, grabbing the back of his own as you pull him down for a sloppy kiss. His hips still as he falls into the kiss, tongue dragging over your lips and begging for entrance. His hand stays on your clit though, and within a few more rubs you feel yourself twitch in his arms, fully held up by his hand on your neck. 
"Spencer, please, need you…" 
"Are you sure, Y/N? This is still a public bathroom, and I don't want you to think you have to do anything just bec-" You cut him off with another kiss, and that's all he needs before he's pressing you back into the shower stall, wrapping your legs around his hips and pushing his cock inside of you. 
You pulled his lips down to yours again and again, desperate to taste him, shower abandoned behind you. His pace picked up and soon he was slamming into you, with the full force of his body, the weight that had earlier been used to pin you down now being used to pleasure you to the fullest. 
He pressed his forehead against yours, letting his eyes fall to the place where your two bodies met, his grunts filling the space as you tried your best to bite your tongue. You knew that if you let yourself be as loud as you could've been in that moment, someone would definitely notice. 
"Just like that, Spencer, fuck, just like that." Your hips bucked wildly against his as he pulled your other leg up and around him, holding you fully off the ground as he continued his movements. 
You gripped his back, letting your nails find any purchase they could, dragging scratches down his skin, marking him as yours. You didn't feel so bad about the pain you must've been dealing him though, not when his hands were leaving red handprints on your hips from his tight grip, the sharp discomfort only fuelling your passion. 
"Spence, I'm… Fuck I'm close." Your head slumped into his neck. 
"Cum for my, Y/N, need to feel you clench around my cock." He grunted, and somehow your body listened to his demands perfectly, spilling over the edge with his next thrust. 
He moaned out quickly, lowering your legs to the floor, still holding you up, as he pulled out and stroked his cock a few more times. His white release painted both of your stomachs with his climax, and you fell against each other in your bliss, trying to both gain back your normal heart rate and calm your breath. 
"Spencer, I think we need to get back in the shower," you smiled up at him, and dragged him back over to it as he flushed, not finding the words needed to apologise for his mess. 
You pulled him in for a kiss under the water and mentally thanked Morgan for putting you through hell that day. He pulled away from you to attempt to talk, but you didn't want to let him. 
"You know," he started, but you tried to shut him up again, wanting desperately to feel his lips right back on yours. 
"Y/N, please," he laughed pulling your head away from him as you whined out childishly. 
"You know, Morgan was lying about us needing to do this physical thing." Your eyes bulged at the confession, as you tried to stammer out a reply. 
"What? I… What?" 
"He pulled the same act a year or so ago, too. Y/N, Penelope is never in the field, she doesn't have to do physical training, and we both have enough case hours to cover any further requirements." 
"So he… ThatThat son of a bitch." You muttered angrily to yourself as he ran a hand through your still damp hair, smiling down on you peacefully. 
"Wait, Spencer… If you knew that he was making this whole thing up, why did you go along with it?" 
"Needed an excuse." He pulled you in for another kiss, this one slow and languid, as you felt him twitch to life again at your thigh. 
"An excuse for what?" You moaned out as his lips trailed down your neck, leaving behind a trail of love bites you were sure would bloom into purple bruises, just another decoration for your neck alongside his handprint. 
"An excuse to touch you. You're very good at following professional boundaries, you know?" You laughed at him once more and let him pull you close into him again. It took you an extra hour to shower that day, but it was worth every second. 
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miguelhugger2099 · 3 months
Here, Kitty Kitty
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Summary: Miguel O'Hara is your world's Black Cat. A/N: me when there's no fanfic of miguel as black cat: fine, ill do it myself Art: Marbipa on twt
Miguel x Reader, No warnings, a little suggestive but that's it, Word Count: 2,535
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Swinging on your webs, you hopped from building to building and made sure to to keep an eye out for any more crime during your patrol. You hoped that tonight would be a breeze but unfortunately, the life of a superhero will never rest. You landed by one of the police antennas and heard a call coming through their radios. Tilting your head, you focused on the frequencies to get a better signal. "All units be advised. We've got a call for a robbery in Lower Manhattan. Heading there now, requesting backup." You glanced up at the sky seeing the moon illuminate brightly. "I guess I could help the boys in blue." You shrug and thwip your web shooters, the silk spinning and sticking to another building before jumping off to gain momentum. You hauled yourself up after swinging, diving down between apartments and just barely slipping through a couple fire exits. You thought about who it might be this time. Maybe it was the Shocker again. Oh, he was always so easy to make fun of. No, that wasn't possible: you put him in prison. You just hoped it wasn't another one of Tombstone's men--they were always a little too cocky. Maybe just a couple of randoms trying to make extra cash the wrong way–a boring way to end the night but at least it'd be easy. You swung faster after hearing the sirens of police cars echoing throughout the night of New York. You saw a few police cars behind you and you giggled to yourself, playing a one sided game of who would get there faster. Always the competitive one you were, you stuck your webs onto two poles and pulled back so hard that they bent slightly. Your forearms burned until you let go, slingshotting yourself in the sky and allowing yourself to glide above the city. You wished to take off your mask and feel the breeze properly but you settled for the ripples flapping on your suit. "Robbery, robbery, robbery..." You murmured, swiveling your head around to see where the robbery could've been. You blinked as you spotted the familiar colors of blue and red flashing in the distance. "Robbery!" You grinned.
Zipping through the wind, you landed above what you now see is a jewelry store. You crawl into the shadows, making sure none of the policemen could see you. "Hm. I guess they win this time." You mutter to yourself about your little game. Perching on the ledge, you listened in on their conversation. "Any security footage?" One policewoman asks. "We're checking them now but so far after entering the perimeter, all cameras have been damaged." "Did you see what was stolen?" "A few rings and bracelets. But the owner is more concerned with a diamond necklace. Says it was going to be auctioned off later this weekend." You tilt your head in thought. And they got away? Definitely not some regular citizens. You began to feel a headache creep on you. You couldn't handle another big bad to fight this weekend. You stepped down from the ledge carefully and walked around the top of the building to find a vent. Once you did, you ripped it open and crawled inside, your body sticking to the ceiling. You looked around and saw various cases filled with glittering jewels, ranging in size and colors. You crawled through another room and hopped off the ceiling with a small thud. Looking behind you, you made sure no one had seen you and you began rummaging through the room to find any evidence lying around to catch the perpetrator.
You found yourself in front of the glowing case in the middle. You circled around it, the eyes of your mask squinting at the empty sloth that would've fit a giant diamond necklace inside. The glass was perfectly intact instead of ruthlessly shattered. This was no common thief. No fingerprints, everything was spotless and clean. You took a closer look. "Looking for this, arañita?" You hear a smooth voice behind you. You spin around, shooting your webs to trap the wrist of the stranger behind you to the wall. The familiar tall man you've had a complicated relationship with, Miguel O'Hara a.k.a. Black Cat. His skin tight black suit hugged his built body, white fur fluffed at his forearms and around his shoulders. His suit was opened at his chest, a long slit that gave everyone a nice view of his tanned skin littered with little black and graying hairs. His dark brown eyes were decorated with a thin diamond shaped mask that did little to hide his ‘secret identity’. His dark brown hair was in its usual slick back, gray strands curling in his locks and a pretty black collar around his neck. He tilted his head at you and lifted his other hand to cut your webs off him with an extracted claw. “Eso es como se trata un amigo? I thought your whole thing was being friendly, arañita.” Miguel says light-heartedly, unphased at the way your mask narrowed at him. You noticed that the hand you had webbed up was holding onto a pouch. Miguel slips open the pouch by its strings, lifting out the diamond necklace. He clips it around his neck and it shines in the moonlight that seeps through the ceiling window. He admires his reflection in the cases, his gloved hand caresses the jewels, his nail being gentle with grazing over it. “Isn’t she just a beauty? She’s not my style, personally, but I can appreciate her.” His eyes meet yours and he grins. “I think you would make it look even more beautiful.” You ignore his blatant flirting, your hands itching at your sides, wanting to snatch the pouch from him and return it to the police so the owner could have a good night’s rest–so you could have a good night’s rest. Now knowing the one behind this was Black Cat, your headache had gotten worse and you knew it’d be a long night. Miguel stalks up to you after taking the necklace off and placing it back in his pouch.
“What’s wrong, arañita? Cat got your tongue?” He smirked, his claw grazing under your chin and making you look up at him. You bit down on your tongue. This cat always had a way of pissing you off. “I thought we agreed you’d put this behind you. You’re rich. What more could you possibly want?” You grab his wrist and take his hand off from your chin. “Would you believe me if I said I just wanted your attention?” His lips curl up, showing off his fangs. “No.” “Ouch. I’m hurt. I thought we had something.” His smile doesn't falter. “Give back the jewels, Miguel.” ‘Hmm. No. These could go for a lot of money. Way more than whatever that auction it is they’re doing.”
“Miguel, you promised me you would be good.”
His eyes soften for a split second. The memory of your last encounter months ago where you two had spent the night together in the city up on the Empire State building. Your relationship was a confusing one. There had been nights where you were on opposite sides and other nights where he answered your call for help.
Miguel began to trust you. Despite his tendencies to slip between your fingers, you always spoke to him kindly when he wasn’t pushing your buttons–even then he knew you never harbored any actual hatred for him. So after a long night, he confided in you that this was his new life and it wouldn’t change–he’d always come back to a life of crime, it’s who he was. You believed he was better than that.
That night before he disappeared for months, he pulled up your mask just enough to see your lips and he kissed you, leaving with a promise to do better. But cats were known to do whatever they wanted. “You know I’m not good like you, arañita.” His smile turns melancholy. “But you could be.” You insisted. “Give me the pouch.” “I can’t do that, amor.” 
You huffed through your nose, jaw clenching, and you tried to snatch the bag from his hand as quickly as you could. Miguel was faster, his clawed hand grabbing you and forcing you to bend over the glass display of jewelry with your arm behind your back.
You grunted when your cheek met the hard glass and attempted to worm your way out of his hold. You feel Miguel lean over your body, his warm breath whispering next to your ear.
“I've thought about you like this. Maybe with a little less clothing.” He teases and chuckles when you stiffen. 
“Miguel.” You warn lowly. 
“It's been nice seeing you again, arañita, but I've got to run.” You hear a dull clanking sound along with a small whizz.
You felt rope like strings wrap around your body and arms and suction themselves to the glass he slammed you on, trapping you.
You crane your head as much as you could to see Miguel take a step back away from you. Just for shits and giggles, he plucks a pair of earrings from a stand and places it inside his bag before raising his hand up at the ceiling window. 
Miguel gives you a wink and a charming smile and his grappling hook zips out from his wrist, denting itself in the wall. It pulls him up and he pops the window open, successfully escaping without leaving a trace.
You groan and knock your forehead on the cold glass. With your strength, you pop the rope off you, stretching your arm and wrist out.
Police began to enter inside the building, their commotion and their comms going off and getting closer to you.
Collecting the ropes, you webbed yourself out through the same window Miguel used and closed it behind you. You tossed the ropes away and began swinging around, trying to sense any trace of Miguel.
“Dammit, kitty.” You mutter under your breath. You ignored the way your heart pounded as you scanned every nearby corner. The sight of him after so long sent flutters in your stomach. You ignored the lingering hot touch of his fingers around you, the weight of his body towering over yours. His hips that gently bucked up against–
You tumbled on the roof of a brick building. This was not how you wanted your night to go. You let out deep breaths, your arms and legs spread out as you lay on your back. 
After a couple of minutes, you sat up. You ripped your mask off and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You felt a turmoil of emotions. 
When Miguel had kissed you that night, it broke your heart. He felt so sure of himself to give you affection but at the cost of his disappearance right after. It hurt but you thought if he could turn his life around for the better, it'd be worth all the heartbreak and what ifs.
You stood up and placed your mask back on your head, your arm raising up to shoot a web when your spider senses alerted you of someone. 
You turn around to see Miguel, half of his body in the shadows.
“I don't have the pouch so don't shoot.” He raises his hands in a mock surrender.
“Didn't you say you needed to run?” Your voice spits and Miguel nods.
“I also said it was nice to see you again.” He walks up to you, his hands gently placing themselves on your hips. You stand tall, not wanting him to know his effect on you. “So forgive me, I'm a little selfish. I wanted to see you one more time.”
“Why are you back?” You mumble. Why are you back in New York?
“I'm sorry, corazón. You know me. It's what I do.”
“So you lied to me.”
Miguel winces. “No. No, I didn't. I tried, believe me.” His hands squeeze your hips. “I tried for you but…it's not for me. This,” He gestures to himself, clad in black spandex and white fur. “This is who I am now. It's how I have to live.”
He cups your cheek, his thumb caressing your mask-covered face. He wonders what you looked like underneath. Were you as beautiful as your body? Your heart? He dreamed so. He knew so.
“I still don't believe that.” You whisper, leaning into his touch, hands slowly going around the back of his neck and he takes it as an invite to bring you closer.
“You're still so naive.” He murmurs.
“You said you liked that about me.” You quipped. Miguel chuckles.
“I did say that.” 
You feel a smile creep up on your face, your heart feeling lighter at the sound of his laugh.
“Hopefully we'll cross paths more often now that I'm back in New York.” Miguel grins. “Te extrañe.”
“I missed you too.” You whisper. With your chest pressed up against his, you could faintly feel the rumble of him purring. Miguel's claws run under your throat, flicking up the fabric of your mask to expose just a bit of your neck as if wanting to lift it off. “But you know I have to turn you in for robbing.” You add.
“Hm. A shame.” He mumbles dismissively. He continues to ride up your mask and you let him. He stops at your nose and leaves it there, eyes focused on the way your lips parted. “Kiss for good luck?” He asks. His eyes glint when you licks your lips subconsciously.
“You’re pushing it, kitty.” You mumble back but your arms tighten around him. Miguel purrs at the pet name.
“Just one kiss.” He insists, leaning down to brush his lips against your mask where your forehead was. You tilt his head further down with your hand at the back of his head and he follows. With your guidance, his lips find yours and your heart skips a beat. Miguel tugs you closer by the waist, pressing your chest and hips together. His hands crawl up your spine while he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. You match his pace with your eyes closed while you feel his soft lump lips caressing yours. You didn’t know how long the kiss lasted–not when his hands roamed your body, squeezing you and devouring as much of your tiny moans as he could. Your hands curled up at the base of his neck while he swiped his tongue across your bottom lip. Gasping, you allowed him access but he pulled away. “I’ll see you next time, arañita.” Miguel whispers against your lips,the fangs of his teeth gently nibble on your top lip before he pulls away. He squeezes your waist, his touch lingering and aching to keep you near but he lets go. He takes a step back from you and jumps back into the night, the sound of his grappling hook zipping through the air faintly. You sigh, trying to slow down your heartbeat with a hand over your chest when suddenly you pause. “Dammit…” You huff and kick a pebble away from you.
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a/n: black cat miguel o'hara if you can hear me, please save me, save me black cat miguel o'hara
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housecow · 4 months
i have a lot of cute ideas
my feeder travels a lot—he’s lucky enough to have a job that can take him all over the world. his cow, however, cannot really follow.
i outgrew a regular plane seat sometime after 300lbs. we discovered that after a particularly fruitful trip to spain; although eating our way through each city racked up a lot of steps, the funnel sessions and late night snacking really did me in. neither of us were really surprised that my hips just didn’t quite fit. rather, i could tell it was all he could think about the entire way back. his hand on my soft thigh, slightly clenched and almost possessive… the way his eyes flickered to mine and there was this look.
our trips together became rarer but neither of us minded. as i’d grown, a lot of what we used to do together faded. i couldn’t keep up on the hikes, biking was out of the question, and even the long walks we enjoyed wound up split by breaks so i could catch my breath.
throughout it all, however, my feeder just grew more enthusiastic. he’d tell me he was so proud after we made it back to the hotel each night. his hands would massage my softened shoulders, he’d hold the shake to my lips, and he’d coo into my ear, “it’s okay, i won’t make you do this again,” “there’s a buffet tomorrow morning,” or, “you can really feel how fat we’ve made you now, right?”
i’d melt with whatever he said and he’d fill me up, every way i needed. funnels and shakes, expansive platters of pastries… him inside me, i’m so full and he’s telling me how good i’m doing for him, my belly touching the bed while he’s breeding me…
neither of us minded when we had to do things separately. he’d be off on a trip, sending me photos of the views and the food (“wish i could be feeding you these!”), and i’d return the gesture. belly pics, selfies of my fatass planted on the couch working on the last bit of the gallon of ice cream that was supposed to last the week, meal ideas and articles and excitement about all he’s getting to experience.
the best part, however, is when he’d get back. over the longer trips i’d have settled in a bit too much. nothing was overly dirty, of course, but the fridge was overstocked with takeout. i’d finished almost everything and move on to whatever was next, absentmindedly leaving behind remnants of everything i’d made my way through. the trash would be full of boxes and candy wrappers, vegetable skins and soda cans, too. and he'd be able to see what it all did to me.
i was bigger every time he came back. it wasn’t too obvious, maybe just a pound or two, but it was enough to excite him. he’d admire the way i had to focus and gather momentum to heave myself out of the car, how my belly hang hit my thighs just enough to make a sound when i tried to move quickly, and how he could always count on me to gorge myself while i missed him.
he never made a comment though. but every time before he left the pantry would be replenished—zebra cakes, brownies, chips, pasta, sauce, boxed mac n cheese, everything he could think of would be left there for me.
he once said, “i won’t let a moment pass where you can’t reach for something to eat,” and it was true. a candy bowl mysteriously appeared on the coffee table one day, each time i reached the bottom it’d be refilled. the mini fridge side table was “cute and functional,” he reasoned, as he showed me where the sodas and premade shakes were going. i’d thank him, a soft kiss and several grateful expressions, before admitting that i was relieved at having one less trip to the kitchen now when i was settled in.
and he’d just smile. enabling a cow like me is easy, he just has to set the food out. i know what to do.
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zephyrspace · 6 months
even if you have a rosary, who will save you now?
gn!yuu, very short headcanons + scenarios
summary: yuu accepts that there is no way home and that the world will keep turning no matter what. with no worth to their name and no real purpose in this twisted wonderland, except for solving other people’ problems, they decide to stop caring.
cw: swearing, violence, blood. dm me if i’ve missed anything!
a/n: title is translated lyrics from the song US by ruby ibarra. imagine yuu as however and whoever you want!
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“woe is me, prefect! i just have so much paperwork to do that i completely forgot about your weekly food allowance. however, to speed things up a bit, if you lend me a hand here, i could probably get the allowance before the end of next week!”
yuu slinks over to one of crowley’s stacks of paperwork and ruffles through it. not without noticing how some pages were completely blank, ‘probably to bulk up and exaggerate the stack,’ yuu thinks and their eye twitches.
crowley gulps at being caught. but neither of the two say anything about it.
“i’m sure at your grown age you’re supposed to be able to manage your time better than this, but of course i didn’t expect anything from you.” yuu throws the binded document carelessly over their shoulder and onto the floor.
“as a minor under your care, this kind of thing could be considered child labour and abuse. especially for not prioritising my allowance.”
“but, prefect-”
“in other words, this isn’t my problem, bird shit for brains. so, unless you want me to call whatever magical bullshit equivalent you have of child protective services you have in this world, go ahead, give me your work documents. i would be ever so happy to oblige.”
the prefect’s eyes were icy and the atmosphere in the office turned chilly. crowley attempts to smarten up and clears his throat.
“i will have the cheque ready before noon.”
looking down at crowley, yuu sends him a smile with no trace of warmth.
“that’s better.”
unhinged!yuu wouldn’t actively seek out to fight people unless students do it to them first, which is all the time. kind of like ‘i’m nice to you if you are to me. but the second i deem you an enemy, you’re done’ mindset.
those who knew and were ‘friends’ with yuu, didn’t believe in their newly acquired attitude at the beginning, but after a group decided it’d be funny to poke at yuu a bit during lunch, that’s when they realise that yuu was serious about not caring for anything at all.
“oi, magicless runt.”
taking a bite from their sandwich, yuu looks up at the senior holding a tray of food, “hm?”
“get up.” the senior’s friends behind him snicker.
“why?” they take another bite. ‘i wish adeuce and grim would hurry up with their food.’ yuu thinks.
“there’s no more seats.”
“as your seniors, we get priority.” the senior’s smile widens.
“hm.” another bite. “ish that shou”
with crumbs and sauce at the corners of their lips, yuu wipes it off with their thumb and licks it. they gulp down the remainder of the sandwich.
“sorry, senior. but i don’t see that rule anywhere in the canteen.” they swipe off the leftover crumbs on their hands.
“i thought you’d might say that.”
the senior picks up a bowl from his tray and dumps soup onto yuu’s head.
it’s still boiling hot.
it hurts.
“scram, first year. before i do something worse-”
the senior is on the floor, on his knees and doesn’t realise blood is seeping from his nose until it drips onto the tile.
by now, the whole canteen is silent.
he doesn’t even get time to process what happened until he feels a shin connect with his side and launches him onto another nearby table, his legs dangling off the side, uniform ruined.
“why you-” one of his goonies attempt to throw a punch back at the prefect.
yuu grabs his wrist and used the momentum to throw the senior onto his back. he chokes on the impact.
the rest of the group stays at their spots. ‘smart choice,’ yuu scoffs.
the prefect walks over to the first senior lying against the now abandoned table and grabs whatever food was on the nearest plate and forcibly stuffs it into the senior’s mouth. a whole bread roll.
“oh, senior! i see you’ve found a table to sit at!” the senior had tears along his waterline from the gag reflex of having a whole roll of bread in his mouth.
yuu shoves the bread roll further down the seniors throat. twisting and turning it. the senior makes sounds of retching and pain. “although, preferably, it’d be better to sit on the seat rather than on the table, no?”
the senior could only nod at yuu’s words.
yuu pats his hair demeaningly.
“good boy.”
in essence, yuu becomes very assimilated to nrc. scarily so.
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bi-disaster-yn · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Praise
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky likes to be praised for doing a good job.
Contains: Praise kink, blindfolding, p in v sex. 18+, minors DNI!
A/N: idk about you guys but I would make Bucky a blushy mess with all the praise I’d give him.
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Bucky Barnes was a Sunday morning kind of lover.
Never in a rush, he’d indulge you completely and invest time into giving you all the pleasure you deserved.
He was talented at it too, having observed exactly what your body responded to and using that whilst also exploring new things. That was the thing: he only focussed on your pleasure and didn’t take the time to navigate his own.
That morning, he had you blindfolded and lying on your side while he spooned you. His vibranium arm stretched out where you rested your head on top of it and held your wrists clasped together so he could hold you in place.
His flesh hand was on your hip, pinning you to the bed as he took deep, explorative strokes inside you.
At this angle, he could see your face contort in pleasure. He could feel your heartbeat in your neck as he scratched it with his stubble. Best of all, he could whisper all the praise in the world for his girl in your ear.
“So beautiful like this, doll. Does it feel good? Blindfolded you so you could feel it all. Want my girl to feel as much pleasure as possible.” He mumbled against your skin as he nipped at your neck. His movements were soft, which contrasted with how tightly he was holding your wrists together.
“You feel incredible. Did you know that, sweetheart? Such a beautiful girl. And so good for me.” He groaned from deep in his chest at this point which elicited a soft whimper from you. “I could keep you here like this all day. I’d never get tired of fucking you.”
Your resolve failed you completely when Bucky moved his hand from your hip to between your legs to rub your sensitive bud softly. His grin was almost audible in your ear as you let out a surprised raspy moan.
“Bucky-“ you took a minute to bite your lip and stifle the moans that threatened to escape your hoarse throat to little avail. “Fuck… you fuck me so good! Too good, I need you all the time.”
Bucky almost paused his movements in surprise of your praise. Here you were, completely at his mercy and receiving his domineering praise, yet, you had just enchanted him with your sweet compliments. He swore his cock got that little bit harder, if that was even possible.
“What did you say, baby?” He whispered, low in your ear which sent a shiver down your spine. He continued circling your clit and slipping his cock in and out of you but almost in a trancelike state.
The loss of momentum frustrated you.
“I said you fuck me so good! Please fuck me harder! I need to feel you and how thick you are!” You retaliated, hoping this would gain more traction. You succeeded and managed to ignite something in Bucky.
“Praise me.” He commanded, picking up the pace. The instruction startled you a little and you remained in stunned silence.
“Praise me.” He repeated, this time with a rough snap of his hips that made you squeal.
“You fill me up so good, sweetheart. When you’re not fucking me, I miss you. I wish you were inside me at all times.” You managed to get out in sharp breaths as Bucky increased his efforts with both his cock and his fingers on your clit.
Then, all of a sudden, he pulled out of you drawing out a desperate whine from you. Still blinded, you could feel him manhandling you on to your stomach. Your cheek rested on the soft pillow beneath you; your wrists once held together were now pulled apart and pinned down at either side of your head.
Bucky slowly pushed into you again, making your mouth form an ‘O’ shape. The way he had you pinned down made it impossible to move so all you could do was take him.
“More.” He gruffly whispered in your ear before biting your earlobe and dragging it with his teeth. Who were you to deny your boyfriend the only thing he asked of you?
“Such a good man, Buck. So good, take care of me so well. I’ve never had anyone as good as you! Nothing as good as this! I’ll be thinking about this for days.” Your voice was gravelly by the end of your little speech but you didn’t care. Bucky was pounding into you frantically, hardly pulling out as his hips consistently hit your ass cheeks. His grunts and groans were loud and audible, as well as the sound of his dog tags jingling against his chest with the speed he was moving at. Fresh slick slid down your thighs and against his lower tummy as he hit your g-spot perfectly each time.
His hands moved from your wrists. The vibranium one held your hip while the flesh one pressed into your lower back so that your stomach was pushed into the mattress, further stimulating your g-spot and building up that beautifully overwhelming tension.
You screamed as your climax washed over you. Your full body was jolted forward and your face brushed against the pillow over and over while the blindfold heightened everything just that little bit further.
“Did I make you cum, baby?” Bucky asked breathlessly, still rutting into you.
“You did, sweetheart. I came so hard, all because of you.” You whimpered back to inspire his own orgasm.
With a soft and beautiful moan, Bucky came too. He collapsed against your back, pulling your blindfold off and peppering multiple sweet kisses to your cheek to calm you down as you panted.
“I think you have a praise kink, Buck.” You smiled tiredly after a while, content to have him lying on top of you and worshipping your fatigued body with kisses. He blushed slightly, giving you a squeeze and resting his cheek against your shoulder.
“Yeah, I think I do too.”
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 year
61 for the smut thing? Can you do EJ
Ooooooh so i was sUper inspired during this one, and I’m thinking bout turning it into a multiple-part fic--would y’all be interested? 👀
Lmk if you enjoy ❣️ ✨
~Requests are closed but commissions are open!~
Join my Patreon if you’d like to support me!
Masterlist: x
61. “Just…once. Please. I just need to taste you once.”
It wasn’t a secret that the hybrid had a thing for you
But you didn’t know just how badly he wanted you
Or how often he found himself thinking of you
And how often that led to him rutting his stiff cock into his fist, desperately wishing it was you beneath him instead
You knew Jack was into you
But you didn’t know he was borderline obsessed with you
He passes you down the hall on Friday night, and your scent alone is nearly enough to drive him feral
You pause in your tracks, then call out to him
“Oh, Jack!”
God, just the way you say his name has the muscles in his abdomen tensing
He turns to you
“Yeah, what’s up?”
He tries not to cringe at how husky his voice sounds—you somehow always seem to coax a deeper pitch from him, almost as if by some kind of instinct
You smile, and god, he swears you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen
“Are you free right now?”
For you? Always
“I wanna get some training done,” you continue, entirely unaware of the way his heart is beating in his chest, “but I can’t find anyone else to spar with”
“I’m free,” he blurts the words out faster than intended, but only because the thought of you sparring with someone else makes his blood boil
“Great,” you smile again, and he can feel himself getting warmer, “are you ready for it right now, or do you have to change or something?”
“Now’s fine,” he hums
He gestures for you to lead the way, which you happily oblige
You make small talk as you walk down the corridor to the gym together
He could listen to you all day
He wants to hear every possible sound that can escape your delicate little throat; your laughter, your hums, your moans, your screams
Fuck, he has to distract himself
By the time you get to the training mats, he’s already partially hard
And though they won’t be fun to work out in, he’s thankful he wore his dark jeans instead of his grey sweats—he hates the thought of making you uncomfortable just because his damn pants might betray his arousal
“You really gonna fight me in that?” you laugh, and for a split second, he’s scared you can read his mind
But then he realizes you’re talking about his oversized hoodie, and relief washes over him
Wait—are you flirting with him?
Dumb grin on his face, he shakes his head and pulls the top over his head, tossing it out of the way into the corner of the room
“That better?”
He’s shirtless beneath it, and he almost can’t help but tense his muscles to give you a bit of a show
“Mmh, yeah, I guess it’ll do~” you tease
Fuck, fuck, fuck
He forces himself to think about Jeff and BEN to hopefully ease the way his pants keep tightening around him
He wants nothing more than to inhale your scent to see if there’s any change in your hormones
Does seeing him shirtless like this turn you on—even if just the slightest bit?
But he knows he’d be done for if he focuses too much on your scent
It’s already hard enough for him to control himself around you as is
You bring your hands up either side of your face, readying your stance, and he does the same
A mutual nod is shared, indicating you’re both ready, and then you’re making the first move
You step towards him and try to throw a hook
He dodges easily, then retaliates by kicking at the foot you’ve shifted your weight to
You stumble, but only for a second before using the momentum to try for another punch, this time aimed at his stomach
Again, he sidesteps it, his instincts making him unnaturally light on his feet
He wonders if he should let you get a few hits in; he’d hate to see you train with someone else just because he so obviously outmatches you
But while he’s distracted, you take the opportunity to fake out another punch, only to spin on your heels and give him a roundhouse kick
He tries to dodge it at the last second, but combined with his previous dilemma and the fact that he’s still very much so trying to conceal a boner, you hit him right in his side
He chokes out a groan, clutching the spot you landed the blow, and while you’re ahead, you take another shot, this time at his legs
He’s just as shocked as you must be when you get the hit in
He falls to his knees, and you’re about to drop your attack stance when he reaches out and grabs your ankle
His instincts take over for a split second, and the next thing he knows, he’s on top of you, pinning you down, and the both of you are panting heavily
Well, there go his attempts at hiding his hard-on
You cut yourself off when you notice the way he’s looking down at you
The air seems to grow thick
Neither of you say anything
You both just lie there, staring at each other, sweaty body on sweaty body while you try to catch your breaths
And then, it happens
He makes the fatal mistake of breathing you in
Your scent is intoxicating
As soon as he gets a whiff, he can’t help but nestle into your neck to breathe in more of you
It’s not just your sweat—you’re turned on
You want him
His pelvis digs into yours, rolling circles between your thighs
You gasp his name, and he almost has to stop himself from biting down into your neck right then and there
He wants to claim you, brand his mark into your skin
You’re his, you’re all his
The only thing stopping him from doing that right now is his damn fucking mask
“J-Jack, stop—“
His body freezes at the command
The word stop repeats itself in his clouded, lust-drunk mind
“W-we can’t,” you swallow thickly, “we can’t do this”
“…Why not?”
Any other time, it would’ve made him cringe to hear how much of a snarl his voice sounds like
But right now, he’s so horny, he can hardly bring himself to care
“It-it’s not—we just can’t. We’re just friends”
The word stings
He wants to spit it out, tear it in half because it’s in the way of him getting what he wants
A groan escapes him, something guttural and frustrated
You can’t lie—you want him too
He knows it, he can smell it
His cock twitches, and he notices the way it has more of your delicious scent filling the room
He buries his face into your neck again, cursing his fucking mask for blocking his lips from your skin, but knowing all too well it’s probably for the better
Breathing you in again has his hips rolling into you involuntarily
He can’t help it
He doesn’t even know if he’s really in control of himself anymore, or if it’s just the demonic instincts taking over
You say his name again, and oh, how he wishes it meant something different
“Just…once. Please,” he chokes the words out
He’s desperate
“I just need to taste you once”
He watches you bite your lip, brows furrowed, the need evident in your eyes
It’s pathetic, he shouldn’t be begging like this
But he’s so, so fucking desperate
He’s almost surprised when you finally make up your mind and give a shy nod
But it’s more than enough of the confirmation he needs
His hands travel down your form, trying to memorize every curve of your body beneath his touch
He’s almost salivating by the time he reaches your shorts
He looks up at you one last time, like he’s asking for permission again, and when you nod once more, biting your lip, he pulls the material all the way down
He thinks he might be in heaven when your bare cunt is revealed to him
You’re so wet you’re glistening
And your scent has his head spinning—to the point where he can’t focus on anything else
He wants to take his time, good lord, he wants to savor this, but he’s too impatient for his own good
He pushes his mask up to kiss at your thighs and hips, his sharp teeth occasionally leaving teasing nicks into your soft flesh
Your hands reach out to fist at his hair, legs spreading apart just the faintest bit more
When his tongue first makes contact with your folds, he groans deeply
He must be in heaven
He’s immediately addicted, hooked on the taste of your dripping sex
He grasps your thighs, tugs your legs over his shoulder, and firmly holds you in place
When he presses his lips to your cunt, just like that, he’s gone
He loses himself entirely to you
He sucks at your clit, lapping long strokes up your slit, and circling at your entrance
The way your body reacts to him, the way your cunt clenches every time he delves further into you, all those fucking sounds you’re making for him
He wants more
He needs more, so much fucking more
You pull his hair, whimpering his name, and he has to stop himself from grinding down into the training mat beneath him
He’s so hard, it’s almost painful
But as long as he gets to keep fucking you on his tongue, he’s over the moon
He’s so lost in you that he almost fails to notice the way your thighs start shaking around him
You’re getting close, and every nudge of his lips and tongue against your clit is making you moan even louder for him
“F-fuck, Jack— Fuck!—“
Your back arches, lifting off the ground
You look like a goddess
Even as you cum, he can’t bring himself to stop
You’re moaning and squirming, writhing in the palms of his hand, and something about it is driving him absolutely feral
He snarls, pushing his tongue deeper down your sex until he can feel you clenching around him
The string of curses falling from your parted lips is like a prayer he knows he won’t forget
He only stops when you start pulling at his hair, trying to tug him off of you
You’re shaking from the overstimulation
He, on the other hand, is throbbing in his jeans
He’s never felt so desperate
He wonders if he’s on the verge of triggering a heat
He licks at his lips, tasting your arousal off of his skin
The room is filled with your scent, and your taste is on his tongue, but if it were up to him, he’d still have more
And fuck, you’re so cute when you’re all flushed and panting after your orgasm
What he wouldn’t give to be able to see you like this all the time
He sits up, and he has to tense his muscles to prevent himself from shaking with need as you fix your shorts back on
He wants to say something, anything, but he’s at a loss for words
The word friends still hangs in the dead air between the two of you
It’s just about the only thing stopping him from folding you into a mating press and filling you with his seed
You look unsteady on your feet when you pull yourself up to stand
He looks up at you, still kneeling in front of you, and all he can picture is how good you’d look sitting on his face right now
Why must you make him so insatiable?
You make up some excuse about needing to go, looking shy and flustered and bashful all at once
He wants to say something that’ll convince you to stay, but he’s way too horny to think straight
And for the first time this evening, he’s thankful he’s still wearing his mask
It’s pushed halfway up his face, but maybe that’s just enough to conceal his expression so that you can’t tell all the depraved thoughts he’s having
He’s left there, kneeling on the training mat he just ate you out on, as he watches you leave
And he thinks fuck it, he’ll make sure that won’t be the only time he gets to do that to you
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turtletaubwrites · 4 months
Numbers Game ~ Part 6
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Numbers Game Masterlist
Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2864
Ao3 Link
Summary: You are tempted by Crocodile and Mihawk's offer. What would your sister say about you now?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Alcohol, Cigars, Swearing, Angst, Smut, Established Relationship, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Guilt, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Dom Dracule Mihawk, Cuckolding, Vaginal Fingering, Biting
A/N: I feel like my brain has been scraped out and replaced with this fucking fic, lol. I hope you enjoy the ride 🖤
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“You heard him,” Mihawk tutted, gesturing lazily. “The clown wants to watch us take care of you. No reason to feel guilty then.”
It felt like every part of your body was clenched together, shaking with more intense need than you ever thought possible. You were a raw fucking nerve.
“Let her be, Mihawk,” Crocodile sighed, but his large hand still burned your shoulder. “Just tell us when you’re ready.”
Buggy’s eyes had fallen away from you, staring at the coffee table. 
Your mouth opened and closed again, nothing but air coming out. 
“Of course, Crocodile. All we’re here to do is take care of our little treasure. I’d never want to start before she’s ready,” Mihawk drawled, leaning away from you as he sipped his wine, humming to himself before continuing.
“But I believe you are ready, aren’t you, little rabbit? I believe the only reason you’re not begging right now is because your body is aching so badly you can’t speak.”
Your lip quivered, the smallest whimper you’d ever heard pushed from your throat.
“Is that true, darlin,” Crocodile soothed, his low voice vibrating through you. “Do you want us to help you out?”
You didn’t know why you were stuck. Every part of you was screaming, ‘yes.’ But you’d piled so much guilt onto yourself over the past few days. And there was Buggy.
When Buggy had looked you in the eyes, and said he wanted to watch, your stomach twisted with something that wasn't guilt.
You managed to move, bringing your shaky hands up to cover your face.
“Alright, Miss Y/N,” Crocodile said, patting your back before removing the warmth of his hand. “Let’s call it a night.”
“Give her a few minutes. She’s almost there.” 
Mihawk sounded almost bored again. Detached. He’d stopped touching you, and his voice had lost its teasing tone. 
You could leave. You could go to bed. 
You wondered what your sister would say about you now.
That there’s something wrong with me. That I got myself into this fucked up situation. That I’ve got some kind of death wish.
Your hands dropped down to your lap, shaky breaths bringing you back.
Back to your body that was vibrating with near painful need.
There probably is something wrong with me.
You dug your nails into your thighs, shivering from the sensation.
But I might as well enjoy it. 
The word was barely audible, so you cleared your throat.
“Whatd'ya need, sweet girl,” Crocodile asked, his voice making your eyes flutter.
You looked up, Buggy’s eyes almost wild as he watched you. Your breath caught, losing momentum under his gaze. 
But he nodded. The corner of his mouth pulled into a smile, not of sadness, or joy, or anger. But of acceptance. 
A weight lifted. Parts of your brain tried to hold it there, to keep you feeling guilty. 
“What would you like, Miss Y/N?”
Mihawk’s voice made you sigh, even without its devious pressure.
You leaned back against the couch, the scent of these two men like some heady bait, luring you toward the hook.
Maybe you wanted to be caught.
“I want you to take care of me.”
It felt like you were a puppet, and all of your strings had been tied together, leaving your body trapped, frozen. 
Speaking those words cut your strings, and your body came loose, almost limp now as you felt free from your own bindings. 
Free to follow their strings now, and beg to be caught on their hook.
Crocodile shifted in his seat, turning toward you. His fingers trailed through your hair, coming to rest on your neck again.
He leaned down over you, kissing your temple.
“You’re our girl now, Y/N. I’ll make sure you get everything your pretty little heart wants.”
Mihawk startled you as he took your hand, laying a soft kiss on your knuckles.
“He’s right. You’re ours.”
His gaze was heavy, almost frightening again. Until this man who never smiles gave you a wicked smirk.
“Although, it’s not your heart that’s doing the wanting right now, is it? What does my little vixen crave?”
Once again, all he’d done was touch your hand, look at you, say a few words. But your head fell back onto Crocodile’s hand, and your mouth parted as you fought to keep your eyes on his.
He stared at your mouth, eyes focusing as you pressed your tongue out slightly to wet your lips. 
He squeezed your hand, tilting his head. Reminding you that he’d asked you a question.
“Please, sir. I want you to touch me.”
Oh, the thrill you felt at the way Hawkeye fucking Mihawk reacted to your words. He sucked in a breath, eye’s fluttering as he looked up slightly. 
It all looked muted, as if he had caught himself.
“Crocodile, I’m going to take care of our girl. Do you accept, or are we going to have a battle every night?”
Every night?
“I’ll watch the show, for now.”
He squeezed your neck, his gaze heavy on your skin. 
“Perfect. There is something I’ve been curious about,” Mihawk mused, bringing a hand to your jaw to tilt you toward him. 
You stopped breathing as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, his mustache and goatee lightly tickling your skin. 
It was almost chaste, until his tongue found its way into your mouth, dancing with yours. There was a rhythm to his kiss, and you could feel it slowly build. Like an ember into a wildfire, the heat grew until you were reaching for him, soft whines in your throat.
Then you moaned into his mouth, your eyes flying open to see his squinting slightly, almost mischievous. 
His fingers were under your dress, sliding easily between your thighs, the evidence of your need leaving you drenched.
You ate the satisfied hum from his mouth before he pulled away from the kiss. 
“Magnificent,” he purred, withdrawing his fingers from your thighs to hold them in front of your face.
Your skin flushed, and you pressed your knees together, embarrassment pulling at you.
“Our little pet may have ruined your coat,” Mihawk chuckled, spreading his fingers to show the other man the thick strings of slick, dripping down his hand onto your lap. 
The scarred man gave you a crooked smile, touching his hook to your chin. 
“Our sweet girl can get the money back for us, huh, sugar,” he teased, the potential threat only speeding your pulse. “Besides, we weren’t taking care of you. You should have told us how needy you were.”
He kissed the top of your head again as Mihawk reached down for more, letting his wet fingers shine in the light. 
“Did she ever get this wet for you, clown?”
You tensed, meeting Buggy’s eyes over that dripping hand.
He stared at it, jaw clenched. And said nothing. 
“You chose to stay and watch, Buggy,” Mihawk sighed. “If you’re going to sulk, then you can go back to your room like a child.”
“N-No,” Buggy answered softly.
“No, what,” Mihawk prodded.
Crocodile, started rubbing your neck with that large hand, soothing the tension that had built again. 
“No, she never got that wet with me.”
He could have left. He could have left.
You tried not to carry guilt for his humiliation. Not when he chose this one. 
And then he was ignored again, all attention back onto you. 
“Come here, darling,” Mihawk said, offering his hand. Crocodile lit his cigar, giving big puffs as he watched you stand. 
“This is a lost cause anyway,” the swordsman declared, pulling the larger man's jacket off the couch, and spreading it across the coffee table. 
Your knees were shaking, and you didn’t know what to do with your hands as you stood on the plush carpet, and waited. 
Mihawk sat back down, motioning for you. He grabbed your hips to stop you from passing him to your seat on the couch. 
“In a few minutes, I’m going to lay you on that table, and give you that release you’ve been fighting for these last few nights.”
Your hands clenched in embarrassment again, but he soothed the words with gentle strokes of his hands along your hips and waist. 
He tugged at the bottom of your dress.
“Let me get it,” Crocodile demanded, leaning forward. Mihawk didn’t stop you from taking the few steps away. 
Crocodile pulled you gently, and you found yourself kissing another ex warlord of the sea. You stood between his thighs, tasting the rich flavors and smoke of his cigar. 
His fingers dug into your lower back, as if he was keeping you from running away.
You didn’t run.
That frightening face. 
It had smiled at you. It was kissing you. 
You traced your fingers on the sides of that face before wrapping your arms around his neck. 
His low growl pulsed through you, and his grip got even harder, the kiss deep and intense.
“Mm, I knew you were a sweet girl,” he praised, gently pushing you back a step.
“You won’t be needing these cheap rags anymore.”
You didn’t understand his smile. Until he pulled your dress forward with his hand, then pierced into it his hook, tearing the red fabric from your skin.
Gasping, you’d gripped onto his arm for support. 
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart,” he breathed, pulling you close again as his hand roamed over your lingerie and bare skin. 
Mihawk cleared his throat. 
“Yeah, yeah, swordsman. I just wanna check one more thing.”
He kept intense eye contact with you as his hand started at your knee, then slowly traveled up to find all that proof of how they affect you. 
He teased his fingers through the slick, sliding between your sticky thighs, until he reached your core. 
His hands were bigger than anyone's you’d even met. You didn't think any human could be as tall as him. 
Just one of those big fingers teased along your panties. 
Just the barest touch over your clothed clit sent you moaning, knees loosening. 
He’d used his one hand to tease you. When you stumbled, he caught your weight in that hand, cupping your needy pussy. You grinded yourself against his palm, digging your nails into his expensive shirt.
His laughs sounded more pleased than teasing, and he gave you a peck on the cheek as he helped you over to Mihawk, who seemed to be losing his patience. 
“Hold on,” Crocodile called after picking up his cigar again.
“If I knew it would be such a nuisance to shar–”
“Sweetheart,” Crocodile cut the swordsman off. “Are you on birth control?”
“Oh! Um, yes,” you blinked at him.
“Good. There’s more coming with your clothes and things for when your stock runs out.”
“Uh… Thank you,” you choked out, not sure how to feel about him buying you birth control before you’d had sex. But you were grateful that he had. 
“I told you, we’ll take car–”
“You’ve gone and distracted our pet now,” Mihawk pouted, finding his comfort wine again. You caught Buggy staring at you, and tried not to look his way again. 
“All that work I did to drive you mad,” the golden eyed man almost whined, “and now I won’t get to watch you break on my cock.”
Your eyes rolled back, and you stumbled again in front of him.
Chuckling, he tugged you down onto his lap. He pressed your back against his chest, all that bare skin sending heat right through you. You whimpered at the hard press of him against your ass, that tightness in your core begging you for release.
“Maybe it’s not all lost after all,” he purred in your ear, the tickle on your neck making your shoulders tense up. 
“Maybe my little rabbit doesn’t need much to make her desperate.”
One hand splayed across your stomach began trailing up to your chest. The other hand on your thigh teased closer, starting to slide in all that wetness. 
You didn’t mean to. But your hips dug in, grinding down to feel more of that hard length beneath you. 
He bit your shoulder, making you cry out, arching your back.
“Mm, you even like a little pain, do you? You are such a good girl for us.”
His praise felt incredible, almost like he was touching you, pleasing you. Your head fell back against his shoulder. You’d been ashamed when you let it happen earlier. 
But now you writhed in his lap, whimpering as he teased your neck with kisses and bites, the tickle of his facial hair adding to it all.
He hummed against you as one of his hands reached into your bra, massaging your breast, making you gasp with light pinches on your already hardened nipple. 
Finally, finally, his fingers reached your core, and you twitched at his playful touches. He spread your legs with his knees, then tapped his fingers up and down over your panties.
“I’ve never seen someone this wet before. You must have wanted us to take you so badly.”
His taunts weren’t questions, so you just kept whimpering, trying to press against those fingers to get some relief. 
“Is that what you’ve been picturing while this poor little pussy soaks your fingers each night?”
“Please,” you almost sobbed.
“No,” he chided, robbing you of even those torturing little touches, his hand rubbing over your thigh instead.
“Fuck, please…”
“I promise, little rabbit,” Mihawk rasped in your ear, his touch, his voice taking over your entire existence. “I will make you come so many times that you’ll beg me to stop. But first, you need to do what you’re told.”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
His heavy breath, the hint of a moan sent your eyes rolling back, arching your back against him even more. 
“Tell me, what did you think about while you touched yourself these last two nights?”
Your head fell to the side, and you saw Crocodile watching your every movement, smoke curling in the air above him. His legs were spread wide again and…
Mihawk bit your neck, your body jerking at the sudden sharp pain.
“You won’t like what happens if I need to ask again, pet.”
“It was… I was thinking about — Fuck… I was thinking about both of you fucking me at the same time.”
You cried out with pleasure as Mihawk’s long fingers dipped into your panties. He played along your folds, then his masterful touch over your clit had you so close already, so fucking desperate. 
“Does my pretty pet want to come?”
“Yes, sir. Fuck, please.”
Two fingers slid into you, all your wetness readying you for him. 
His fingers curled, and he preyed on that perfect spot within you as his palm rubbed over and over on your clit.
You had never come that hard before. Your vision went blank, and you dug your nails into that velvet couch while you twitched and screamed. 
“You had better scream my name, rabbit,” he growled in your ear, biting your neck again.
You obeyed. You screamed it so many times, until your body was limp.
He hugged you against him, tracing fingers over your skin as he kissed your neck softly.
“Astounding. What a little treasure you are, hm? You did so well for me.”
You whined in his arms, eyes watering as your breath started to slow. 
“My turn.”
Crocodile’s gruff voice poured through you, making you twitch again. 
“I’m not done.”
“What else do you have planned, swordsman? Because I’d like a taste before you knock her out.”
You giggled, sitting forward. Mihawk grabbed your shoulders as you swayed in his lap. 
He sighed. 
“I suppose you’re right. I was going to make her come on my tongue next before testing how well our little darling can take cock.”
He hummed again, pressing kisses to your shoulder after you’d moaned at his words.
“Give her here,” Crocodile commanded, reaching out his arm. “I could use somethin' sweet to eat.”
Mihawk sighed, but helped you move, scooting you down the couch toward the larger man. 
Crocodile pulled you against his side in a hug, kissing the top of your head. You couldn’t help the contented sigh that left you. 
“Find somewhere else to sit, clown.”
You sat up, seeing Buggy’s red face, the faded greasepaint shining under beads of sweat. He stared at Crocodile with wide eyes, not meeting your gaze. 
“I said move. I’m gonna make Miss Y/N come in my mouth on that chair. Don’t make me–”
Buggy jumped up, twisting his body around to face the other direction. But he wasn’t fast enough to hide the press of his hard cock jutting from his lap, that stretchy fabric doing nothing to hold him in place. 
“Looks like the showman is enjoying the show,” Mihawk drawled, pouring yet another glass of wine. 
Buggy hopped around behind the couch. He leaned on his elbows over the back of it as Crocodile shook his head, helping you stand.
“Do you think the fool is capable of learning,” Mihawk wondered aloud. “Maybe if he watches–”
“Doesn’t matter,” Crocodile growled as he leaned over you. He smiled at you again, touching his fingers to your chin. Then he brought those huge fingers down to rub over your clothed clit again, drawing a breathy moan out of you as you fell back onto the chair. 
He knelt in front of you, gripping his hook below the armrest to pull you, and the chair, toward him.
“The clown’s never gonna taste anything this sweet again.” 
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a/n: I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm going to go disintegrate.
Tag List: @shewrites02 | @caniseethefourthsword | @hey-august | @chaoticqueen33 | @destinationmars | @novakitten0901 | @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | @dorky-birdie | @szired | @pinejayy
Part 7
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tarotbydelilah444 · 10 months
🔞❤️‍🔥 Your First Time With Them
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hi guys! I’m back with another spicy 18+ pac reading. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Keep it cute in the comments, so if you aren’t mature for this type of content, I’d suggest that you check out my other readings on my page. Don’t forget to comment, like, and share. Anyways, I’m sending all of you love and light. - Delilah ✨🤍 pile one • ❤️‍🔥
your first time with your person will likely take place in college, so you and your person are college students, take it if it applies. The first time will be at night in an unconventional setting where you two will have to be quiet to avoid being discovered. This will definitely be someone’s first time having sex, it could be you or this person. This will be a wish fulfillment for someone or someone could have desired this for a while.
how will they feel • ❤️‍🔥
your person may be religious or they always wanted to wait until marriage to lose their virginity. They seem to be very traditional, so they may tell you that they want to wait because they may not believe in having sex before marriage, so it really depends on this person. However, if you and this person do decide to get intimate, they will be very hesitant and nervous before it becomes serious, they will likely ask for permission, if it’s okay to touch and caress you because they are very respectful and don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Be patient with this person, try not to rush them or pressure them. Allow them to take their time with you. Just encourage them. This person may be overwhelmed by guilt and doubts at first, but I see them deciding to go through with their decision.
how will this person feel • ❤️‍🔥
you will be in a rather playful mood than your person. I see you making the first move or taking the lead and guiding them slowly to touch on your body. I see lots of slow kisses, neck kisses, caressing, and whispering in the other’s ear to help make your person feel comfortable and at ease. There is a strong desire for you to be with this person. You are sexually attracted to this person and their appearance. You may be a bit nervous, but you are more enthusiastic about the experience.
the act • ❤️‍🔥
this person may be into traditional love making, so they want to make love rather than fuck. They want to build an emotional connection with the other person when it comes to sex. They will be very gentle and will want to be gentle the first time because of their inexperience. Like I stated previously, this person is very respectful and they will want to ask permission before doing anything with you, so they will likely ask you if you are comfortable or okay with what will happen between the two of you. They will be very slow and patient with you or vice versa, they expect you to be this way with them. They prefer the sex to be slow and sensual, so it will likely go on for hours, until the both of you get tired, so you and this person will likely have sex that last into the morning hours. The sex will definitely be something to remember because it will connect you and this person on a soul level (it’s that type of sex that touches and heals the soul). You and this person will be so in sync with one another and they will make sure that you feel safe the whole time.
channeled messages • ❤️‍🔥
pleasure, cater to each other, intimacy, lots of breathing, building the momentum, wear protection, delayed organism, edging, submission, 888, 444, “I want to marry you,” first house, well-mannered, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio, time doesn’t exist when we are together, eye-contact, understanding the difference between sex and pleasure
pile two • 💋
your first time alone with your person will take place outdoors. It will be somewhere safe and secure where you two will try your best to not be seen. For some, if you and your person don’t care about being seen, it will likely be on the balcony or in an open area where you two will be seen. You and this person’s first time will be within the 3-6 months or next May. It’s on sight when your person see you.
how will this person feel • 💋
this person may have a honest heart to heart conversation with you before intimacy can begin. This person has feelings for you and they may see this as an opportunity to express how they feel about you, but they could be a bit hesitant to share their feelings about you because they don’t know how you will react or if you will feel the same. They could have tried to ignore their feelings or played it off as if it didn’t mean anything, but they won’t be able to hide their feelings anymore.
how will you feel • 💋
i don’t think this person is your usual “type” or you never considered this person to be interested in you, so this will be quite a surprise to you and might even throw you off guard a little. I’m picking up that you and this person may be friends. It may be some time before you can return the feelings to this person. I think over time as you and this person continue to get to know each other and take things slow, your feelings could grow more profound and romantic for this person, and this could lead into something special.
the act • 💋
the first time with your person will require the both of you to use protection, you and this person could unexpectedly conceive, if both of you aren’t careful. This person could have a mommy kink or breeding kink, so they like to be nurtured and care for like a child, or they would like the idea of getting you pregnant during the first time. They think you will be an amazing mother to their children. They may like your breast as well and may want to suck on them. They find you highly attractive and extremely seductive that they cannot resist you even if they tried. They are completely hooked on your energy, body, and everything about you. This person absolutely worships and adores you. Some of you could be a sex-worker (dominatrix, stripper, cam-girl, or anything related to sex work) and they love this about you, so they are into you taking control and doing your absolute worse to them for the sake of pleasure. This person wants to ride their face and let them eat you out to taste your fluids, or they would like you to lick up their c*m after they release. The sex between the two of you will get sticky and messy, if you catch my drift. I see everything being a success and you both will be very satisfied. This will be a huge ego boost for the both of you.
channeled messages • 💋
protection, body oil, massages, breeding kink, “you can look, but you can’t touch”, forbidden fruit, tantric sex, mommy issues, sex work/er, complex, introvert, painful memories, sirene, loud moans & groans, Taurus, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, “I know I hurt you,” nurse, “I tried to forget about you,” I desire you and I love you” 
pile 3 • 🌹
Your first time with this person will likely take place somewhere quiet and private. It will likely take place in someone’s room or somewhere abandoned where you two cannot be disturbed. It will be somewhere near water. 
how will they feel about • 🌹
this person has romantic feelings for you. They find you to be very beautiful and attractive, and they want to love you or put in the effort to be in a relationship with you, if you would take a chance on them. They want something more serious with you and they want to put the effort to make this connection work, and they are hoping that you will make the effort as well and give this connection between the two of you a real shot. They could be trying very hard to contain their feelings and desire for you, so they go back and forth on how they should approach you with these romantic feelings or should they wait it out.
how will you feel • 🌹
you may not like to be feel tied down by feelings. Deep romantic feelings or emotions may scare you or make you very uncomfortable, so you may not be the relationship type of person, and you prefer casual connections. This person could be a sneaky link or you could have met them online. You could have been in relationships in the past where you gave away your power by staying in connections that may have depleted you rather than adding to your value. I think you are attracted to this person and you low key have feelings for them, but you may be restricting or fighting yourself your feelings and explore the real love that that is between you & this person because you don’t want to lose your freedom and independence, so you rather lust than love.
the act • 🌹
i’m picking up that someone feels guilty about something, so somebody ghosted the other person (it could be your energy). You ghosted this person because maybe things got too serious between the both of you that you wanted to avoid your romantic feelings for this person. I see this person not letting up and trying to convince you that their feelings are real for you and they are serious about making the effort into making this connection into reality , no matter how stubborn you are or how bad you try to fight your feelings. Eventually, I see that after this melodramatic moment (lol), you will cave in and you and this person will have hot and passionate sex that has been long overdue all night long. You will drop any insecurities and fears that you may have had before as soon as you and this person get intimate. You and this person won’t be able to keep your hands to yourselves. One of you could be more experienced than the other person, so you or them will take the lead in the bedroom. This person will want to eat you out and you to suck them off. You or them are a pro at oral (#throatgoat). This person will be fascinated and completely turned on when they see your beautiful body. You and this person could have exchanged nudes or had cybersex in the past before you two actually met up in person, for some, they have been waiting a long time to see your body in person and f*ck your brains out. They could also want to record, if you are okay with this. They will be spooning you and caressing your body by the end of the night, while you sleep. They may even watch you as you sleep because they are in disbelief that you are with them in this moment. This person is well endowed and they will surely knock your ass out after giving you some d*ck/vice versa. This person will have a desire to wake up to you in the morning. They may wake you up with some morning sex before they depart. 
channeled messages • 🌹
Asia, long distance, divinely protected, terminated, eighth house, first house, finances improving, loves your breast/chest, cybersex, “you are loved”, Virgo, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Cancer, “I left before you could leave me,” beauty, sex toys, conquered, departure, oral fixation, candle magick/sex magick, somnophilla, “I’m in love with you,” lust vs. love, pregnancy, soulmate/karmic connection
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