#i wish i could express to you how upset i am that i only started obey me in late april so i JUST missed his 2023 bday card
shootingstarrfish · 5 months
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giggling and kicking my feet lookie its him!!!!!!!
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moonstruckme · 3 days
request: was thinking about that one video that’s like “my wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you touching me like that on my chest” “i am your wife” and then the heart monitor starts going crazy and that put a doctor remus idea in my head after r gets out of surgery/is on anesthesia for something or other
Thanks for requesting!
cw: hospital, mention of surgery
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 855 words
Lots of people would probably be happy to have their significant other visit them at work, but as it turns out, Remus really doesn’t like it. He’s used to seeing patients post-op, and yet somehow when it’s you it feels sad, all those tubes and wires connected to his girl. The fluorescent lighting turns your complexion wan and the wary frown on your lips as a nurse checks your vitals makes Remus’ heart feel like a bruise. 
It helps some when you notice his entry and they stretch into a dopey smile instead. 
“Hi, dove.” His voice is soft and smitten, an automatic reaction to seeing you that he’s already heard the new residents commenting on in the break room. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m okay.” You tug at the sheets on your bed. Ball them in your fists like you might be nervous. “My stomach hurts a little.” 
“That’s normal,” Remus assures you, even as his stomach dips in sympathy. He sits on the edge of your bed, taking your hand and beginning to draw tight circles into the inside of your wrist. “If it starts to hurt worse, or badly at all, you should let me know, alright?” 
“Okay.” Your voice has quieted slightly, your eyes following the motion of his thumb on your skin. You glance at the nurse as though checking if she sees. Remus feels his lips tip up bemusedly. 
“Everything alright?” he asks the nurse.
She smiles at the both of you, passing him a clipboard. “She’s stable, ready to move when you’d like.” 
“Thanks,” he says, reading over your vitals quickly after she leaves. He sets the clipboard down and gives your hand a squeeze. If your heart monitor gives a quick beep, he pretends not to notice. “You’re all set, lovely girl. We’ll get you to your own room in just a bit.” 
You nod, not seeming to hear him. You look to be gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Hey, don’t do that,” Remus says gently, thumbing it free. Your eyes widen, and he drops his thumb to your chin, looking you in the eyes. “Is something the matter?”
You rub your lips together hesitantly. It’s normal to have a small fever after surgery, but your face feels suspiciously warm. “I just, um, I have a boyfriend.” 
Remus feels his face split into an irrepressible grin. He’d been wondering how the anesthesia would affect you. “Yeah, dove,” he agrees, delighted, “I know you do.” 
“I don’t…” Your eyes dart to where his thumb still rests on your chin, your shoulders gravitating towards your ears. “I think it would upset him if he knew you were touching me like this.” 
Truly, this could not be any better. Remus wishes he’d brought a video camera like James wanted him to. “I am your boyfriend, sweetheart.” 
Your expression freezes in place, but your heart monitor starts beeping loudly. Your eyes dart to it, alarm and embarrassment worsening, and Remus laughs, dropping his hand from your chin in favor of rubbing your shoulder until both you and the machine calm down. 
“You?” you ask. You appear nothing short of flabbergasted. 
“Yes.” He brings your hand to his smiling lips, kissing your knuckles as if to prove it. “Why, are you surprised?” 
“You’re serious,” you check. Remus has the opportunity to make a joke here, but he worries it’d only confuse you more. 
“I am,” he says. 
“But you’re so handsome.”
Another laugh startles out of him. “And what do you think you are? Of course,” he gives your knuckles another brief peck just to see your eyes flare again, “I would love you no matter how you looked, but you’re a far cry from hideous yourself.” 
You look taken aback by this news as well. Remus is half tempted to find you a mirror. 
Then you ask, voice soft as down feathers, “You love me?” 
Something in Remus’ chest goes all warm and mushy. “I do,” he says sincerely. “I love you so much, sweetheart, sometimes I don’t know what to do with it all.” 
You smile until your eyelashes kiss, and he can’t resist cupping your face again, smoothing his thumb along the skin of your cheek. 
“So that’s why you’re here?” you ask. 
“Well,” he hesitates, “yes, but I’m also here because I work here.” 
Your eyebrows raise. Your gaze dips to his white coat as if remembering it for the first time in a while. “Oh. You’re a doctor and my boyfriend?” 
“That’s right.” He squints at you amusedly. “Did you think I just snuck in here in a white coat so I could see you?” 
“My boyfriend is a doctor.” You don’t seem to be talking to anyone in particular, perhaps just asking the universe for confirmation. 
Remus decides to get back to business. “Right again, dove. I think it’s about time we get you to your room, yeah? Anything else I can do for you, anything you need?” 
“Nope.” You lay your head back on the pillow, looking somehow more dazed than when he’d come in. “I think I’m set. Like, probably for life.”
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i-am-so-riddikulus · 2 years
A Nightly Stroll
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Daemon Targaryen x Hightower!Reader
Summary: pure smut, reader has had a low key thing for Daemon for years, now he feels the same way
A/N: I have been on hiatus for a while, and now that I am in college, I felt that I finally had time for writing. I dearly missed it, but with many familial issues and mental health, it was best not to for a while. I hope to still write well for you all :)  also this is my first smut so im sorry if it sucks (still obsessed with episode 4’s scene)
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: smut, non-con, vaginal, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), age-gap, breeding kink, fem reader, im sorry if i missed anything else
“My Lady?”
“Are you okay?”
Their words felt worlds away once you heard your sister would be marrying the King, your best friend's father. Not only did she help you every step of the way through your mother’s death, but she helped when Rhaenyra’s passed as well. She was some sort of a rock for the both of you and now she’s gone with your father, now she’s your Queen.
Feeling the frustration build up, you left the council meeting immediately, Rhaenyra not far behind you. There was no way that you were going to sit there and listen to people who don’t care try to explain why this would be good for the realm.
You sat in the Godswood, the grip on your book as you thought about the day you lost one of your best friends. There was nothing that could describe the loneliness that you had felt now, first Alicent Hightower, now the Queen, had married the king, and then your best friend left for a tour of men that wanted to marry her. You couldn’t be upset with Rhaenyra, she is the Princess after all, and the heir to the Iron Throne, much to Daemon’s dismay.
You had heard of his victories in the Stepstones, and you wondered if he was coming back to the capitol soon. Daemon had been someone that you had always observed in your time at the Red Keep. His chaotic nature was always one that was entertaining to watch, let alone the glances that he held towards you when no one else was looking.
It’s not like you had one-on-one time with the Prince, you had talked with him amongst many other people, but you couldn’t help but to wish that once, he would come up to you on his own. He never did, and once he was exiled, the court became a tedious task for you.
You were brought out of your thoughts once you heard the distant murmur of people talking excitedly, footsteps equally as exhilarated. Without thinking, you left your book to see what the commotion was about, not having heard the excitement of people in over two months. Your jaw dropped as you saw Rhaenyra walking through the hall, not taking anytime as you ran towards her. You collided roughly, Rhaenyra laughing as she embraced you as well, “Oh my Rhaenyra you have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” you whine to her as you hold each other.
“No Y/N, I don’t think you realize how much I’ve missed you,” she chuckles out.
You sit there for another moment before you pull away, “I thought your tour was much longer,” you say as you fix your hair and dress.
“You were right in your thoughts, I wasn’t even finished with half of my tour. I just couldn’t stand listening to men talk about how much they wanted my Valeryian blood for their future babes,” she sighed.
You laughed slightly, “Well I wouldn’t look at it that way, Princess. You are the future Queen, and the fact that you have a choice in the matter is something that a lot don’t have.”
She looks at you with a somber expression, “Well at least your father doesn’t want you to marry some man with a big castle to ensure his line doesn’t end.”
“No, he has no care for me anymore, not since he married my sister away to the King. It seems that he is no longer attentive to anything I do, he hasn’t even talked to me since Prince Aegon was born,” you barely whisper.
Rhaenyra grabbed your hands, “Y/N, you don’t deserve that, one day someone will give you the attention you deserve,” she smiled sweetly, starting to walk off, “though I fear it’s time to go into the court now, since Daemon is back. I know father won’t be too happy seeing me walk in.”
She looked at you once again before entering the throne room, half of the Kingsguard in front of her. You watched her enter the throne room, hoping the King would go easy on her. As soon as you saw her figure vanish, the words dawned on you. Daemon is back! No wonder everyone was hustling about, the exiled Prince was back. You wasted no time in accompanying everyone else into the throne room, eager to see the Prince you missed.
It was shockingly quiet as Daemon walked towards the King, as if the whole room were their breath. Daemon had on a crown, and to your own pleasure, his hair was cut. There was some conversation, he bowed to King Viserys, declared him his King, and handed him his crown. The King then put his hand on his brother’s shoulder, and when Daemon rested his forehead on his shoulder, you knew he had found some sort of peace within himself.
It seemed as if everyone had forgiven Daemon for everything he had done in the past, and the King seemed to be enjoying himself more than ever with his brother. You had been sitting alone on a bench watching the King, his brother, and his daughter speak, when your sister came next to you. As soon as you saw her, your smile faded. She had aided in your loneliness, claiming she had a husband and children to take care of so she could no longer spend time with you. You would never admit it to her, but her carelessness in you left a large wound. “Hello my dear sister,” she had said as she sat down.
“Hello my Queen, to what do I owe the pleasure?” you couldn’t help the sarcasm.
“Well, I just wanted to talk to my sister, I feel as though we’ve grown apart as of late,” she sighed. She feels as though you’ve grown apart? It’s all her doing.
“Well my Queen, it wouldn’t have been like this if you chose to care for your sister, maybe listen to the small things she wanted to say, with no one else around,” the anger evident in your tone.
“Y/N, I’m very sorry-”
“Does there seem to be an issue here?” Rhaenyra’s voice spoke.
“Not at all, Princess, I was just leaving,” and with that you left for an area that was empty in the corner.
You were mulling over the conversation you had with your sister, how could she think that you were at all to blame for your separation. Your father, who was one of the most powerful men in the Realm couldn’t even care for anything you did nor said because of her, and then she chooses to not speak with you or have contact. No. This was her doing, not yours.
The grapes you were eating felt amazing against your tongue, it had been a while since you had this simple fruit. Lost in the fruit, you hadn’t noticed Daemon behind you, “Excuse me my Lady, but I seemed to have seen some trouble with the Queen a moment ago?”
Almost choking on the grape you were eating, “Uh no not at all my Prince, why would you say that?”
“Hm, it seemed to me like you were very uncomfortable, and my dear niece had to break up whatever was going on. I promise I was not the only one that saw.” His head was now cocked to the side, a small smirk playing on his lips.
He had never shown any interest in you besides the occasional look, or conversation that you were dragged in by Rhaenyra, so why speak now? “You seem to have grown a lot since we last met, Lady Hightower.” he spoke.
Your cheeks flushed, “You as well my Prince, it seems that time can do a lot to oneself.”
“Yes I would say so,” he chuckled slightly, “I’m surprised your father has not married you off yet, you are a woman now, he must have to fight through suitors.”
You look down at your feet, feeling yourself pick at your cuticles, something your father tried to get you to stop doing for years, “Well, now that his daughter is married to the King, he needs no purpose for me. He’s as high as he can go in his position. I’m the youngest, and I’m not suitable for a family, or so he tells me.”
You hear Daemon tsk, and his hand cups your lower face, “No my dear, I know you would look astounding carrying a child, having your womb full.” he whispers the last bit, feeling his breath on your face.
Your eyes can’t help but to flutter shut, your heartrate picking up, your breathing quickening. Nothing had made you feel this way, and you even forgot you were in the middle of a courtyard. But just as quickly as the interaction happened, he pulled his hands away, “I will see you tonight at supper, my Lady,” he was gone.
Your eyes quickly scanned the area, for fear that someone had seen you. But, like you were used to, no one had noticed a thing. Daemon had already peacefully put himself back into place with the King, Rhaenyra, and your sister, almost as if nothing had happened a second ago.
In fact, you would’ve thought nothing happened, that you had hallucinated it even, if it weren’t for the way Daemon had been looking at you for the whole of the evening. Normally dinners were very quiet, or if someone had spoken, the conversation never would have included you. But tonight the table was very talkative with Rhaenyra and Daemon being back, so many questions, so many answers, and even more glares from Viserys to Rhaenyra.
When Daemon had been asked many questions about the war, he somehow always managed to ask you something and include you in the conversation, seemingly interested in what little you did around King’s Landing while he was gone. No matter the boringness of your answer, he always seemed delighted to listen, his intent and strong on your form.
Dinner ended more expeditiously than you hoped for, and before you knew it, it was time to head to your chambers. Yet, the room felt… off. Your books were where you left them, bed made, candles lit, what could possibly be the issue? Your intuition proved to be right once you saw a small roll of parchment. The parchment read, “Dear Lady Y/N, I would love if you were to accompany me tonight on a nightly stroll, perhaps we could even see some night life with the common people, please meet by the gates if you would like to join.”
Although the name wasn’t signed, you had a clear idea on who would’ve sent that letter. It took no more than a few minutes to turn from your nightgown to your inconspicuous clothing to meet whoever wrote the letter. Not being important enough to have someone guard your doors, it was an easy slip out. Something that had not been easy was breathing once you realized your assumption was wrong. For some wild reason, you had thought that Rhaenyra wanted to go sneak out with you, but in reality it was Daemon. Your head felt dizzy, heartbeat racing once you realized the Prince wanted to spend the time with you.
His clothing was simple, a hood with some common clothing to hide his Targaryen signature hair. His smile was something else, and you would have sworn he saw a throne instead of you. Approaching him you bowed, “My Prince,”
He hurriedly made you upright, “Sh, Y/N, you do not need to call me prince anymore, just call me Daemon.”
“Ah yes of course… Daemon.” you said.
His hand grabbed yours as he pulled you towards the city. This was unlike anything you had ever seen before. You had been through the city multiple times, but never at night. The people were all having fun, singing, laughing, eating, and drinking. It felt nice to be outside of the walls, outside of the rules, just here to do anything you want.
Daemon first took you to a tavern in the city. The music was loud, but the men carrying the jugs of ale were louder. He wasted no time in buying you both some ale, even though you insisted on some wine instead. “You have been shielded from the life of many with the Red Keep’s wine, it’s time you now taste what a real drink tastes like,” he slid over your ale, encouraging you to take a sip.
After a brief contemplation, you brought the drink up to your lips, the bitterness immediately causing your face to turn. Daemon laughed at your expression, chugging his own down as if it were nothing. The burn it left on your throat actually felt quite nice after many more sips.
You had felt the effects of the ale start to kick in, the liquid slightly affecting your judgment. Daemon just sitting there had made you blush, your whole being just feeling on fire under his gaze. His hand reached out to yours to take it once again, wanting to take you somewhere else. The alcohol in your system was making you feel like you were on top of the world, and there was not a care in the entire Realm that would change that right now.
Down the alley, you noticed there were less and less people. But the distant sounds were an indication to where you may have been headed. Daemon’s hood came off once you entered the building, his hands taking your hat off as well. Confusion ran through you as to why he chose now to remove your disguises. The people around you were all in pleasure. Seemingly, they were their true selves, finding their own true pleasure. You knew now where you were.
Daemon stopped leading you after you had stepped into a more private room, the only thing that was shielded from you were the bodies of everyone else, but their moans stayed. You could feel Daemon behind you, his body warmth palpable. Your heart rate quickened, breathing becoming shallow, the true weight of where you were setting in. “You see Y/N, marriage is a duty, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun,” his breath fanning over your ear, “In many marriages, marriage is one thing, and your own pleasure is another. I’m here to offer you a marriage that is not separated from pleasure, one that is full of only indulgence.”
Your lungs felt shallow as you took in his words, now feeling his entire front along your back. How could you say no in this condition? His hand brushed your shoulder, your hand in turn cupping it. “I’d be honored to accept your offer,” you turned to face him, “my Prince.”
His jaw clenched slightly before his hands reached to grab your face, pulling you in for a kiss. It was fervent, almost as if he’d been waiting years to kiss you. Your arms reached up, one on his chest, the other on the back of his neck. You could taste the ale on his lips, the taste assisting in your enjoyment. His mouth switched to your neck, pushing your back against the wall. The cold wall felt strangely thrilling on your back, coaxing a slight moan from you. You could feel the smirk on your neck.
He pulled away, looking at you once more before kissing you again. His hands traveled to your pants, pulling them down swiftly, next was your shirt. Turning your front against the wall once again, you moaned as his hands cupped your breasts, massaging them as he kissed up your neck. His hand traveled down your stomach, stopping to rub small circles on your clit, “Tonight I’m going to make you a real woman.”
Feeling his bulge on your ass, you rocked your hips into his, causing a small hiss from him, “well, well, someone is needy,” he ran his fingers along your slit, “looks like you’re all ready for me anyway.”
Turning you around once again, he pulled his own pants down, then continuing to grab your legs around his waist, rubbing the tip along your folds. Letting out a small moan, your head leaned back, eyes fluttering shut as you felt him nudge against your clit. He slipped in, inch by inch, careful to not hurt you your first time. His head laid against your forehead while he let you adjust.
You tried hard to not focus on the pain, so instead you pulled his face in for a kiss. This one was gentle as he slowly started to move his hips. With each thrust, you could feel the pain ebb away, and soon it turned into pleasure unlike anything you had felt before. His hand grabbed yours, intertwining your fingers, while the other sat on your hip. With one thrust he hit a particular spot, causing you to release a deep moan. This caused him to increase his pace, his other hand joining your hips. The increase in speed felt amazing, “oh yes, Daemon, please,” you moaned out and with each thrust, his abdomen rubbed against your clit deliciously.
You could feel the coil in your stomach start to tighten, every little touch on your body adding to the sensation. The sound of skin slapping was so erotic, and the stench of sex filled the room. “Gods Y/N, you feel so good wrapped around me, letting me fuck you in this pleasure house,” he released a slight moan, “taking my cock so well.”
His words of praise sent you over the edge. Letting out a satisfied moan, your walls fluttered around his cock. His pace became quicker, seeking his own release. You let out a small whine at the overstimulation, causing him to grab your neck, his mouth coming to your ear, “I’m going to fill you up so well, and your cunt is going to take it,” his had moved to your clit, rubbing circles, “tell me you want my cum.”
Your eyes rolled back from the pleasure, a second orgasm building quickly, “please fill me with your seed Daemon, fill me until I’m dripping, until I’m stuffed!” And on your final word, you came together, him letting out a guttural moan as his head laid in your neck, feeling each spurt hot cum fill you up.
It took him a moment before he pulled out, still out of breath. You felt so empty without him being inside you, feeling his seed drip out of you. Your legs almost gave out as they hit the floor, but Daemon caught you before they could.
He chuckled at the sight of you all fucked out by him. “You know, I went very easy on you. Our wedding night will be much different than this.”
Still moderately feeling the high of your orgasm, “Yes well I hope there will be a bed,” you said, laughing slightly.
He kissed your forehead, looking at you smiling, “Yes my darling, there will be a bed.”
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hanniluvi · 3 months
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— you still exist in jay’s world. you’re still here, he believes, yet he doesn’t want to face the real truth. you’ll still stick with him, right?
pairing ⋆ 𖦹 ‧ best friend!jay x best friend!fem reader
(_ _ ) . . z Z % genre : angst, best friends to ???
warnings : mentions of diagnosis of disorder
feat. ᥫ᭡ : jake (enhypen) | word count : 1.4K (1408 words)
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 — no way, soph is going on a posting streak??? only the proofreaders remember this fic 🙏 LMAO idk why i didnt post this sooner — i kinda forgot about it and would always scroll right past it in my drafts (or i never see it cause i dont scroll that far down) this has been stuck in drafts since may 25 2023 😊 BUT this is finally released !
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"Whoever loses has to buy lunch for the other person!" Your words echoed as you sprinted along the sidewalk. Glancing behind, you noticed Jay's bewildered expression while you dashed ahead. The black cat keychain swung side to side with each stride you took.
"That's not fair! You started running first!" Jay remarked, observing your increasing distance with a smirk. As usual, he swiftly caught up, transitioning from being far behind to directly trailing you. His sudden voice surprised you, causing a gasp to escape your lips.
"How did you—?" Before you could finish, Jay leaped onto you, causing both of you to tumble onto the ground. Instead of getting upset, laughter erupted from both of you. Clutching your sides and still pinned beneath Jay, you playfully nudged him aside.
Feigning offense, Jay's expression elicited more laughter from you. He smiled, captivated by your radiant smile and how you wiped away tears of joy. He wished he could witness this pretty sight every day.
"Shall we start over?" you proposed, smirking once more.
Beep Beep.
Jay's eyes shot open, startled by the sudden sight. He gasped for air, his heart racing. Anxiously, he fumbled for the towel placed beside his bed, using it to dab away the sweat clinging to his forehead. Tossing it back in place, he sat on the edge of the bed, feeling a sense of emptiness wash over him.
Oh how he could wish he could start over with you.
With groggy eyes, he tries to make out the numbers on his digital clock.
9:15 AM.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. He had another dream about you, a bittersweet one. Or, should he call it a nightmare? Every time he dreams about you, a wave of guilt crushes over him, even if it’s not his fault. Staring at the blank expanse of his white wall, he reluctantly rose to begin his day.
Jay made his way to the bathroom, methodically rolling up his sleeves. As he turned on the tap, he cupped his hands to splash water on his face, revitalizing his senses. Wiping the water off his face, he noticed a new notification on his phone. Curiosity piqued, he glanced at the screen to find a text from Jake, compelling him to click and read the message.
“You wanna meet up?”
Grasping his phone, Jay contemplated his response. After thoughtful consideration, he finally typed out his reply, observing the words before hitting send: "Sure, where?" Suddenly, with a plan to hang out and no longer a day filled with nothing, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Placing his phone on the counter, he resumed his morning routine, knowing that today held a purpose.
Running a comb through his hair, he meticulously arranged each strand, allowing them to gracefully cascade across his face.
It's a hairstyle you adored on him, often playfully brushing the strands away and commenting on how handsome he looked.
As he selects his attire, he opts for a simple combination of beige pants and a brown cardigan, a wistful sigh escaping his lips.
The colors hold a special significance, reminiscent of the times you praised how well they suited him. In an attempt to hold onto a piece of your presence, he chooses to wear lighter shades day after day.
Preparing to leave the house, he reaches for his cologne, spritzing a few times with a bittersweet smile.
Jay recalls how you held strong opinions about his fragrance choices, finding some too subtle and others too overpowering. However, this particular scent held a special place in your heart, and he remembers the joy it brought you. Since you mentioned it, he always made sure to keep that bottle in his possession, a subtle gesture made solely for you.
Exhaustion engulfed him, as the burden of the world settled upon his shoulders, relentlessly crushing his spirit. The weight of it all became insurmountable, rendering him a prisoner within the confines of his own room.
Every breath felt like a futile struggle, an agonizing reminder of the impossibility of escape from the torment inflicted by your absence.
Ignoring his thoughts, Jay steps outside his house, a rush of nostalgia flooding his senses as he inserts earbuds into his ears. The gentle caress of a fresh breeze momentarily grants him a fleeting sensation of freedom, but it quickly gives way to a surge of overwhelming emotions.
Each stride feels burdened, as if his body rebels against venturing into a world that still echoes with your memory, causing a subtle frown to etch upon his face. It serves as a constant reminder of the connection he once shared, amplifying the weight of your disappearance.
Despite knowing deep down that you wanted something better for him, Jay finds himself trapped in the inability to move on. He's trying with all his might, and today is no exception.
As he crosses the bustling streets, a soft, melancholic melody seeps through his earbuds, the gentle beats mirroring the fragments of you slipping away, gradually causing him to lose himself in the process. The sidewalks grow increasingly crowded, forcing Jay to navigate through the swarm of people, squeezing his way past them in a bid to move forward.
Placing his earbuds back into their case, he retrieves his phone and scrolls through his contacts until he finds Jake's name. With a mix of anticipation, he dials the number and brings the phone to his ear, the ringing echoing on the other end. His gaze scans the surroundings, desperately searching for any sign of his best friend's familiar presence.
Amidst the sea of faces, Jay's eyes lock onto a figure in the distance, stirring a glimmer of hope within him. Squinting, he desperately tries to discern the features, momentarily believing it to be Jake. But as he looks again, his heart sinks. It's not Jake; it's someone else entirely. Yet, their back, the way they stand, the clothes they wear—everything resembles you, frozen in time since the day you vanished. His eyes widened in disbelief, momentarily forgetting the call with Jake.
It was you.
There was no denying that that black keychain was yours, you guys had matching ones.
He could spot it anywhere, he knows.
Igniting an urgent determination, Jay pushes through the crowd, disregarding the pleas of his best friend on the other end of the line. He runs closer, his voice cracking as he calls out, desperately pleading for people to clear a path, oblivious to their bewildered gazes and startled reactions.
All that matters in that moment is the possibility of finding you, of reuniting, even if just for a fleeting second.
No response.
No response still. Just you moving farther and farther from him.
and Farther.
He's on the verge of reaching you, his heart pounding in his chest, but among the overwhelming crowds flooding the streets, he loses sight of you. A rasping cough escapes his throat, his vision blurred by tears, and the last glimpse he ever catches is of your retreating back.
All he could see was your keychain, swinging from side to side. But this time, he couldn’t chase after you.
He can’t see your face again, can’t hear your laugh again, and can’t hear you request for another race.
You had won.
You had finally won the race.
So, why do you keep leaving him?
Why can't you simply return and reassure him that everything will be alright?
“Jay? Jay, listen to me.” a voice pierces through the haze, calling him back to reality.
He lifts his gaze from the black cat keychain in his hand, finding his psychologist looking at him with a gentle smile.
Confusion mingles with emptiness as he sits in the suffocating confines of a small room, engaging in a conversation he has no desire to partake in.
"Where's Y/N?" he finally manages to utter, his voice tinged with desperation, causing a slight frown to crease the psychologist's brow.
"She's not here anymore, Jay," the psychologist responds, and an irritated expression flickers across Jay's face, disbelief etched in his features.
"No, she is. She's still here!" he insists, his voice growing louder, his anxiety showing up with his bitten, peeled lips. "You just don't understand!" He confronts his helper with a mix of aggression and frustration, seeking validation.
“She’s going to come back. I just saw her earlier—even though she disappeared before I could talk to her, I know she’ll come back to see me.”
His psychologist sighs, holding onto their clipboard. Clicking onto their pen, they swiftly scribbled the words:
Delusional Disorder.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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zombieunicorngamerzu · 11 months
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(Part two - GIP Lottie and her breeding kink, your starving so Lottie has to resort to measures she wish she didn’t for the baby.) [Warnings - forced feeding, cannibalism, I guess abuse? Mean Lottie for a moment]
It has been a few months since your babies conception, both you and Shauna which you and the team found out were pregnant. You were laying in the attic like usual, ever since you started to show just the slightest signs of being pregnant Lottie went WAY too protective, she grew aggressive towards Travis the most. God forbid he went near you, and the other girls, Lottie just doesn’t like others taking care of you when that’s her job.
Your hers. Your her girlfriend and now the mother of her baby, she needs to feel needed and she wants you to be protected. She’s been trying everything lately to make sure you’ve been eating enough, but there’s nothing. Nat and Travis haven’t been able to find food and the constant stress isn’t good for your baby, not to mention the team is grieving Jackie, you were all sitting inside silently after setting her body outside to cremate.
“Hey.” Lotties soft tone rung out as she came up the ladder with a bowl of broth your assuming and a few dried pieces of bear meat, but by the looks of it, Lottie had also given you her share of the bear meat too. Coming over with a timid look as she sat down next to you, Lotties been a little more timid lately due to your hormones and because she just doesn’t wanna upset you.
“I brought you some food for you and little baby, Luna.” She smiled gently, putting her hand on your stomach while she closed her eyes, whispering out a prayer for your baby before kissing your forehead. “You have to eat, okay? To keep your strength up.” You knew that, you just felt guilty taking extra food, even Shauna wasn’t taking extra food for her baby.
Lottie saw your hesitation, a frown setting on her face before she just reached down and grabbed some of the meat and pushed it to your lips, making you look at her in confusion and shock, “Lottie wha-“ you were cut off when Lottie took the chance to push the meat into your mouth, closing your jaw. “Shhh, just eat, please? For me and the baby, chew.” She begged with that stupid puppy dog look she’d give you when she wanted something.
You just sighed and nodded, chewing and swallowing until Lottie was satisfied, only she made sure to stay with you and actually feed you herself this time. “Lottie, I can feed myself.” You huffed out, making Lottie smile a little, looking you in the eyes, “I know, but I want to, I just wanna take care of you.”
After that night, there was no bear meat left, the team had finished off the very little they had left and then, there was the incident with Jackie’s body. How it had practically cooked itself outside. What you didn’t know was that Lottie, Shauna, and Misty had the idea not to waste Jackie’s body, but to eat it. When Lottie came up to hesitantly introduce the idea to you, you were appalled, disgusted, horrified, how could she think of something like that?
“Please, love, I know it sounds-“ She tried to beg before you cut her off, pacing in your spot. “NO! I am not- eating Jackie, I’m not feeding our baby human flesh! I’m not that starving, I-I can survive off that bear meat from last night until I’m starving again for like- three days at least, that’s enough time to-“
You were then cut off by Lottie, stepping forward to grab your arms and stop you from pacing, she looked so stern now, with her expression and tone, “Y/N, you are pregnant, pregnant with my baby, you are my girlfriend and this is our daughter,” she spoke with such passion over this, placing her hand on your stomach, “You’ve lost too much weight already, your pale, you have bags under your eyes, your not eating enough, it’s stressful for the baby, and I’m going to make sure this baby survives along with you, so you have to eat!”
You were surprised at how Lottie raised her tone at you. Lottie was never like this, she was always more quiet, sweet, timid, but never this. Never aggressive and so stern, her eyes were- something. You’ve never seen this look of pure unbridled-unhinged just pleading for you to… commit cannibalism. You were starving, you were, but this? The thought itself makes you wanna vomit. Pulling away from Lottie as you shook your head, “No, Lottie, I’m not doing this- I will not do this.”
To your surprise, Lotties face just dropped, she looked so hurt, her arms dropping at her sides with a shaky sigh and a defeated look, nodding silently, “You have to eat something.” She whimpered with worry, looking over at you with tears in her eyes, “Baby, please…” You just shook your head with a appalled look that she was considering this, that she already was accepting to eat Jackie. “Lottie, this-this isn’t right and I won’t do it, so you go downstairs and you do whatever you want to do, but I won’t be apart of it.”
At your words Lottie just stood there for a few silent moments before just hesitating turning around and heading back down stairs, leaving you completely appalled and heartbroken that your girlfriend was drifting away from you due to just hunger and the wilderness. It felt like the longer you were out here, the more you lost of yourself. Rubbing your stomach as you looked down at the small bump, you just smiled, whispering out softly to your baby girl, “It’s okay, Luna, I’m gonna protect you… and when you come out- hopefully we’ll be saved by that time and you’ll get to see the world and I’ll take such good care of you.”
You went to sleep after that, you were exhausted from the long day and the fight with Lottie, you were still in disbelief that your girlfriend was now outside… eating a dead body, Jackie’s dead body, but you still loved Lottie, just- you were getting really scared out here and not having your girlfriend be on your side, it was lonely and isolating, falling asleep on your blankets with your thoughts until late in the night.
You were jolted awake with fear at feeling someone’s hand on your mouth, but before you started to flail you saw it was just Lottie holding you down, “Shh, shh, it’s okay baby, it’s me, it’s me, chew, chew it.” You we’re confused at first before you tasted meat in your mouth, chewing it before swallowing, making Lottie smile and sit back, taking her hand off your mouth as you spoke, “What was that, did you find a rabbit or something?” You spoke hopefully.
Lotties expression faltered for a few moments before she nodded with a quick smile, “Y-Yeah, Nat caught it outside, it just kinda hopped out from the bushes, see? The wilderness is providing for us, so eat” Lottie spoke as she pressed another piece of meat to your lips, which you ate just to make Lottie happy, seeing the focused- stern look on her face, finishing the bowl before laying back down. For the first time in a long time you were full, you hoped your Luna was happy too and growing, Lottie laying down with you to wrap her arms around your waist from behind as she pressed closer, kissing your cheek,
“Hey, I love you…” she whispered out softly, making you smile slightly with your eyes closed, “I love you too Lottie.” You whispered back quietly, starting to fall asleep in your girlfriends arms with a full stomach, but what you didn’t know was that Lottie was behind you with tears in her eyes from the guilt of having lied about the rabbit meat, tucking her face into your back, she’d fed you Jackie’s thigh, which Misty said has the most calories, but still she felt guilty even though she knew it was for you and the baby, she still lied. Hugging you tighter against her.
But she’d continue lying her whole life if it meant keeping you and your guys baby alive, she loved you way too much to loose you.
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babyflorencee · 6 months
You're stuck with me
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Regulus Black x fem!Reader
"I just don't understand why you're so upset over this," I said, with a confused expression.
"Y/n, how can you be so stupid? That guy was hitting on you harder than a hammer to a nail, and he was so damn obvious about it!" Regulus yelled, roughly running his hand through his Brown locks.
This had been going on for around 2 hours. All the yelling, screaming, and insults that were being spat at each other, just to prove a point, that neither of us was able to get across.
Why was Regulus so mad, you might ask? Well, he's mad because some guy at a diner asked for my phone number, and was just overall hitting on me the whole night, even though he was well aware that I was with Reggie. However, if it wasn't for Regulus' trust issues and lack of self-control, maybe we wouldn't have left the guy limp on the floor with a bullet between his eyes. "What? Am I not good enough for you so you have to go out and seek attention from other people!" he yelled, face red with anger.
Regulus has always been insecure about our relationship. He thought I deserved better, so when he said that, my heart immediately broke. However, I was still mad at him.
"Trust me babe, you're more than enough! But that's not what the problem is!" I yelled back, getting more and more annoyed with him.
"Then please, enlighten me with what the problem is!" He yelled, throwing his arms in the air like a madman.
"You want to know what the problem is? You're way too clingy, and you're jealous ALL the damn time. Like I get, I'm yours and only yours! Reg, we are literally engaged. I'm not going anywhere, so why the fuck can't you get that through that thick head of yours?" I yelled back, not thinking about what I was saying. However, what I said hurt him, and he wasn't about to let that comment slide.
"Jealous? Well, excuse me for not being content with the idea of another man's hands all over that body of yours. You know, the body that's mine, and only mine to see and touch!" The whole fight was pointless; we both knew this, but neither of us wanted to back down.
Regulus and I have been in a relationship for a little over 3 years. We very clearly loved each other with all our hearts. We have only fought four times in our entire relationship, but this fight was different, but in the worst way possible. The intrusive thought of Reggie and me breaking up started to seem less crazy.
"Listen, I don't like sharing. I never have, and I absolutely refuse to share you. I don't want to fight about this anymore. It's silly. Can we just agree to disagree that the whole thing is that guy's fault?" He said, as he opened his arms out for me, with a hopeful expression.
I didn't respond. I just walked over towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug. Regulus immediately starts burying his head into my neck, holding onto me as if I was going to disappear any minute. Once we pulled away, he refused to look at me, instead; he looked at the floor. "Can we cuddle?" He asked, his voice so quiet I could barely make out what he said.
"Of course," I took his hand in mine, smiling up at him.
Once we got to mine and Regulus' bedroom, I was immediately pulled on the bed, being crushed by Regulus' weight. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, I knew something was on his mind. "Hey Reg, what's wrong?" I asked, already having an idea of what he was going to say.
He sighed, rolling off of me so that he was on his side of the bed. "I hate fighting with you," he said, his voice breaking.
I pulled him into a tight hug, wishing that the fight had never happened. "I was scared, for a minute there, that we were going to break up," he mumbled, into my shoulder.
"Never in a million years," I whispered into his ear, entangling my hand into his hair.
"You're stuck with me," I said, laughing a little.
We lay back down, grasping onto each other as if our lives depended on it. "I'm glad that's over," Reg said, placing a kiss on my cheek, yawning.
"Night love," I said, rubbing his lower back until I eventually fell asleep.
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silvergreenseraphim · 6 months
Angeal and Sephiroth (And Genesis?)—Dissidia Opera Omnia—Part Three
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Of course, a bunch of crazy real life things had to happen right as I was trying to translate this chapter, but I am back now and it’s time to get to work! So sorry for the wait, but I thank you all for your patience!
Also, Dissidia being literally cancelled while I was away was a very odd and unfortunately timed occurrence. I was upset to see the news, but I suppose that was a strong impetus to keep translating since we may never get official English translations now. Whew!
Well, let’s dive in!
So, after the last encounter with Sephiroth where Angeal had to accept that Sephiroth’s will was also influencing his choice to destroy the world, part of our team is gathered around Zack, resting and talking.
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They express concern for Angeal, wondering if he is okay or if he is in shock after meeting his best friend who has changed so much. Tifa is prompted to then ask Zack what kind of person Sephiroth had been before the insanity.
Zack says,
“I didn’t really know him from the start. Only since I began working with Angeal, but I heard that they (Sephiroth and Angeal) were really close, as well as with their other best friend (Genesis). That one (Genesis) would play around with him (Sephiroth), and when things crossed a line, Angeal scolded them both. Sephiroth explained to me that Angeal gave him endless lectures about discipline, dreams, honor/hope, etc….”
A reference to this scene in Crisis Core:
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This is so cute, but of course everyone else is bewildered! One of them says something like, “Wait, we are still talking about Sephiroth, right??” and Zack just laughs saying, “I don’t blame you for thinking that/wondering that.”
But Zack reassures them about how Seph used to be, saying,
“He was strong, he took good care of/helped people, and he cared about his juniors/younger colleagues. That was the Sephiroth I knew once.”
Cloud seems in awe over this. Zack goes onto explain,
“Then something went wrong with Genesis and Angeal’s bodies (reference to degradation), and they didn’t tell Sephiroth. That’s why everything got so tense. They probably didn’t want to involve him in all that, but I think Sephiroth felt alone/was lonely. I was also left behind by Angeal, so I shared the feeling.”
Cloud teases Zack, saying basically “Oh, so that’s why you acted like that when you met Angeal again,” and Zack laughs in embarrassment. Krile comments that Zack’s best quality is being always honest to himself, and Zack is grateful for the kindness. Then he goes back to talking about Sephiroth, saying,
“So back to Sephiroth. Later when Angeal and the other friend (Genesis) were gone, something went wrong with Sephiroth this time. It seemed like he uncovered the secrets about his birth/creation, but he didn’t tell me much about that. But what occurred made it clear to me….that wasn’t Sephiroth, I am certain. It’s why I want to help Angeal. I want to bring Sephiroth back to who he was.”
There is a sad moment here where the others understand Zack’s wishes, but Tifa and Cloud admit that they aren’t sure if they could ever forgive Sephiroth for destroying their village and killing their relatives even if he were to return to sanity. Cloud in particular admits that he feels anger and then sorrow, a pain in his chest, when he thinks of Sephiroth. Cloud is kind to Zack, saying that he owes him so much, but on this subject their wishes diverge. He says he is sorry for that, but Zack understands saying,
“No, it’s okay. I am sorry too, Cloud.”
They all accept the fact and agree that everyone has a different position, moving on. However, Cloud does briefly stop to wonder if it is indeed possible to bring Sephiroth back to his old self.
We cut away from this scene and go to Angeal, who is talking with some of the elder Final Fantasy characters. They ask him if he is calm now, wondering,
“So, he (the current Sephiroth) is indeed not your good friend?”
This statement sounds like a casual, “So, you aren’t friends anymore” type of observation, but it is actually in reference to the Jenova-Sephiroth dilemma. They are basically asking Angeal if the real Sephiroth is truly gone. Angeal confirms in a sense, saying that,
“That’s why I was so disturbed. It wasn’t just strictly a matter of “he has changed.”
The others remind Angeal that if Sephiroth is no longer human, then he doesn’t have to feel so weighed down by the whole thing, but Angeal says,
“No, even if that is true, even if he is physically Jenova, I can sense his will still inside.
The character Aaron says, “Then there is a strong chance Sephiroth wills himself into this state (being one with Jenova).”
Angeals says he knows and that Sephiroth does indeed not seem to be human anymore. He then confirms,
“This is why I should be the one to finish this…for the sake of my other friend that I failed to save (Genesis).”
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Aw 🥲
There is a sequence here that follows where the elders talk to Angeal about his serious and responsible reputation, and how he trains his juniors like Zack. They offer Angeal some pleasant advice, saying not to worry so much about Zack anymore because the latter has truly grown. Angeal agrees, noting how much Zack matured and how he passed down his own little legacy to Cloud, who carries the buster sword. The elders encourage Angeal to realize that his strong and powerful words likely helped influence this and enliven others. They note Angeal’s persistent personality as well, but Angeal sadly says,
“Tifa told me that as well, but it wasn’t enough to get through to my friends (Gen and Seph). I was just too confident that we all understood each other. I should have been there for them more…”
Basch, one of the elders, encourages Angeal further, saying in regards to the situation with Sephiroth,
“Even though you are friends, don’t let this be such a burden to you. There were changes in his heart that you simply could not foresee, despite your regret.”
Furthermore he says, “Just because you two were close did not make it your duty (to fix everything). After all, a friend’s presence alone can be strengthening for another even when far away. But if you don’t want to regret, why don’t you try to come across him again now that you are both reunited here.”
Angeal, throughout this little pep talk, still feels badly and hangs his head, but he is surprised to hear the bit about a friend’s presence offering strength, and perks up when the others suggest he try to at least be there for Sephiroth this time around. He agrees, saying,
“You’re right. I will do what I could not do back then…but…”
Angeal pauses to speak one lament amidst his decision.
“…in this world…my other friend (Genesis) isn’t here….and I know he would have wanted to start over/have a second chance with Sephiroth as well…”
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Small note section before we move to the final battle:
There is so much to unpack in these two scenes because of all the dialogue and all the things finally said about the issues we have been wondering about as fans.
For one, now we know how it would be if the idea of Sephiroth’s redemption were to be discussed among the Crisis Core characters like Zack and Angeal, and the OG characters like Cloud and Tifa.
Zack and Angeal fully want to bring Sephiroth back because he was their friend that they loved, but the perspective of Cloud and Tifa is completely different and understandably so. They never knew Sephiroth as a friend, but instead the great SOLDIER that simply snapped and ruined their lives.
However, they are kind and understanding towards Zack, empathizing with his wishes, as well as with Angeal. It was Tifa who encouraged Angeal earlier, saying that his heroic speeches about dreams and honor had helped her, and that maybe he could reach Sephiroth’s noble, good side with such appeals.
But at the same time, Tifa and Cloud do admit that Sephiroth has wounded them too deeply, and even if he were to come back to his old self, they are not sure if they would ever be able to forgive him for what he did.
Zack is very peaceful about this disagreement, knowing that Cloud in particular means to deal with Sephiroth and not let him go freely. He knows why and accepts it. It’s ultimately very tragic and heart-rending, but we understand why their viewpoints are so different.
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As for the scene with Angeal and the elders, it was very endearing to see Angeal being the one getting a pep talk this time. He also speaks very politely and respectfully in Japanese, in contrast to his usual stern tone with Zack. We are reminded that Angeal himself is still just a young man, even though he comes off like a serious, older mentor. He is just as lost and confused as his friends and Zack.
He is very much still beating himself up over not having been there for Sephiroth and not having been able to save Genesis. What was said to him about “It was not your duty” initially caused him to protest and feel some kind of shock. He may have heard that the way anyone else struggling with regret would have. He may have thought, “No, it was my duty.”
In truth, what happened to his friends was not Angeal’s fault. He also quite literally died and couldn’t be there for everything, Yes, perhaps he is right in saying that assuming they all understood each other perfectly was a mistake, but the elders are also right—there were issues that he never could have foreseen. Angeal didn’t know how far Genesis would fall or how broken Sephiroth’s already-damaged psyche was without his friends.
Yet the one thing Angeal surely believes he could have done more was simply be by his friends’ sides when they were going down, which is fair and honorable. I think this is a reasonable conclusion, and so we now see Angeal’s resolve come into full view.
Even if Sephiroth cannot be brought back, Angeal intends to be there for him, to make up for his past mistakes, to make up for Genesis, and to find peace. He also knows and admits that Genesis would have wanted to do the same with Sephiroth if he were present.
The plot of this chapter became clear to me here.
This DOO story is about Angeal’s personal redemption within himself, and perhaps a bit of Genesis’ own as well. It is about closure with the Firsts’ trio, even if it doesn’t lead to Sephiroth’s own redemption. It is still about them 🥲
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The final battle begins.
There are a few interludes with the Tsviets, Vincent, and Weiss that establish their inclusion in the final battle, and the plan to restore everyone’s memories within the world. The other FF characters also discuss a few things about Seymour’s loyalty, and the team comes up with a final plan to take down Sephiroth for good.
This leads to Sephiroth himself, who is once again worried about the memories Angeal has brought back and how that might interfere with Sephiroth’s anchor to Cloud. He needs Angeal gone in order to not be shaken and take over the world.
Right then, the others run up. Cloud calls Sephiroth’s name and Angeal says,
“I’ve come to stop you!”
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Sephiroth announces that they are too late, and that he is ready to take control. The others claim they are stronger, but Sephiroth has the upper hand, of course. He uses a fake Tifa to trick Barret into giving up the power crystals that Sephiroth needs. When this succeeds, Sephiroth summons the great materia called Crystal that apparently holds the world together. He attempts to shatter it and the world starts to crumble. Aerith rushes in front of Crystal to defend it.
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Barret and Cloud are struck with horrible memories and premonitions, seemingly about Aerith’s death when this happens. They call for her to get away, but are unable to stand with the weight of memory crashing down on them.
There is a moment of panic as Sephiroth gets ready to charge Aerith, but then Angeal and Weiss actually sweep in to block his path in the nick of time.
And so, the Crisis Core tribute battle formulates, a memorial to the spar that once occurred between three friends. It even plays the music from the CC scene.
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Vincent and the Tsviets are shocked to see Weiss, who did not seem to be interested in the final battle before, but something seems to have possessed Weiss. He begins quoting Loveless once again. He says,
“Hm. “My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains. The arrow has left the bow of the goddess.” So, is that how you became a monster, Sephiroth, the “hero”?”
This is a strange moment of questioning from Weiss because it seems confusing with the English translation of Loveless, but he is essentially asking if Sephiroth lost his pride and honor due to a cruel cause or turn of fate. Angeal walks up and fondly reminisces, saying,
“Ah, Loveless…how nostalgic. Genesis quoted that tale until it wore me down.”
Sephiroth is oddly quiet.
Then, funnily enough, Weiss’s intentions are revealed to be about taking Sephiroth’s place. Weiss doesn’t care about what happens in the world, but believes he should be the one to reign over it instead of Sephiroth, making an amusing callback to Genesis wanting Sephiroth’s role as the hero. Angeal laughs and responds to this with,
“Oh pfftt, you two (Weiss and Genesis) are exactly alike in your competitive nature then. Do as you will.”
Essentially, Angeal accepts Weiss to fill the empty space left by Genesis in this particular world, calling back to Angeal’s earlier lament.
Weiss and Angeal prepare for the fight, but Cloud and Zack protest, telling Angeal that he doesn’t need to do this, and that they can help now that they are back to normal. But Angeal only says,
“I know you guys are reliable/strong, but I need to do this.”
Cloud understands and says,
“I see….you want to talk to him (Sephiroth) like a person…to the real Sephiroth buried behind Jenova.”
This seems to be a callback to Cloud and Angeal’s earlier discussion where Angeal told Cloud about how he treated Sephiroth like a human. Even now, Angeal wants to speak to his friend as though he were person, not a monster blended with Jenova. Angeal also jokingly adds,
“At the very least, let me show off a little bit as your senior soldier!”
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The fight begins with Angeal saying to Sephiroth that he will speak to him in this way even if the latter tries to stop him. Sephiroth only dismisses this with his same, “There is nothing to talk about in this world. It will soon become an empty vessel” statement. Angeal teases a bit with,
“Come on, don’t hold back! Test your skill with us like you did that day…”
Sephiroth only says he doesn’t remember.
Their fight is familiar and striking, full of quick and clever movement. The others are thrilled watching, with Zack even recognizing some of the moves Sephiroth taught him back in the day.
The nostalgia hits Angeal in the midst of the spar and he calls out,
“Ah, I’ve missed you, Sephiroth!”
They continue, with Sephiroth still aiming for Aerith, but being pushed back by Weiss and Angeal. Angeal further recalls the memory, saying,
“Remember, we used to do this in the old training room at headquarters, playing around in there when the 2nds weren’t looking!”
Sephiroth can still only say he doesn’t remember. Angeal persists with,
“Alright then what about dumbapples? And your friend that was so eager to share one with you that he never gave up his research on them?”
Sephiroth becomes agitated at this and says,
“I told you, I don’t know/remember!”
Weiss laughs and says, “Well, you’re a sorry excuse for a Sephiroth!”
But Sephiroth only says he doesn’t need these memories, and that he erased them. Weiss says,
“Then let me remind you what our brother (Genesis) wanted. My friend, your desire is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess!”
At this, Sephiroth finally snaps in anger and says,
“Shut up…! All I need is my pure will!”
With this, Sephiroth exerts an extreme amount of power and proceeds to attack the crystal with his raw strength and will, causing everything to tremble. The others begin to panic. Sephiroth viciously says,
“There is my response! My gift to you!”
So yeah, the spar was fun until Weiss and Angeal brought back that memory of Genesis. Unfortunately, it seemingly angered Sephiroth a little too much, and from this point on, things seem hopeless. Sephiroth’s will is too strong, and in the midst of the chaos, Seymour arrives at last, taking Sephiroth’s side and betraying the others.
They begin to destroy Crystal together, and this is when a certain scene occurs that I have translated here:
A very important moment with Vincent, who tries to intervene by telling Sephiroth that Jenova is not his mother, and that his real mother cried for him. Sephiroth, sadly, does not believe Vincent.
Sephiroth grows in his power, drunken on the feeling, and Cloud, Zack, and Angeal stand at the front, ready to take him on, Yes, even Angeal has found his resolve and admits that while things look hopeless, they have to face it. Cloud summons everyone, rallying them all to fight together.
That’s when Sephiroth ascends and takes on his Safer form. Upon seeing this, Zack grows angry and says,
“If this really is Jenova, don’t hold back. How dare she mask as Sephiroth!”
But Safer Sephiroth tells them that he has gathered all the energy of the world to himself, and that they have lost because they did not have the power and strength that comes with pure hatred of the world. Angeal says,
“So, that’s your will. To destroy the world with Jenova’s power. I suppose that’s why I still can’t turn away from you or my past mistakes…because I’m your best friend.”
Angeal is at full acceptance here, understanding that he can’t let Sephiroth do this because it’s his responsibility as Sephiroth’s best friend. It’s a very loving way to say,
“I have to put you down because it’s what’s best for you in this situation.”
So, the battle ends with Seymour and Safer Sephiroth defeated. There is a moment of uncertainty as the world hangs on the edge of collapse, but the team, mainly Angeal, are able to bring Seymour back to his senses in the aftermath. Seymour falls to the earth in regret, much to Sephiroth’s disgust, who would never have let go of his hatred so easily.
Sephiroth then vanishes, summoning Cloud to the final confrontation. Cloud rushes through a portal, into the void where Sephiroth is waiting. The fight is a direct callback to the OG scene.
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Cloud beats Sephiroth at once like he did in the original game, everything ending with Sephiroth’s voice echoing through the void, promising that he will return one day with his mother as long as Cloud remembers him. Cloud reassures Sephiroth that he will fight him again and again if it means protecting the world.
When Cloud returns, Zack is overjoyed and Angeal solemnly thanks him for putting Sephiroth to rest. There is a brief intermission where the other FF characters work to bring the shattered world back into balance, but overall, the fight is over and everything is fine again.
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Angeal looks to the sky, and is unable to keep from lamenting Sephiroth’s loss, saying that,
“I lost my best friend twice now…I must admit I am filled with regret, pathetic as that may seem…”
But Zack encourages Angeal, reminding him that he was there for Sephiroth this time, and Sephiroth even responded in small ways. Zack also is grateful that Angeal was by his side in battle, saying that he wouldn’t have been able to face everything alone. Angeal warmly says that Zack could have easily stood strong with the way he held onto his pride and honor. There is kind reconciliation here, and with the other characters as well. Small scenes of forgiveness and new promises made.
It was sad, and everybody was hoping that Seph could be brought back, but in the end it was more about Angeal finding peace with the loss of his friend and giving himself a second chance to be there with him until the bitter end. He full-filled this wish, whether Sephiroth knew it or not. For that, I am grateful to Dissidia. They gave Angeal the closure he longed for and that he never would have been able to gain in any other game because of his death. Now I can only hope similar opportunities are granted to the others.
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Final Notes:
Thank you so much again for everyone’s patience with this! I can’t believe DOO actually ended as I was in the middle of translating, and all for the sake of Rebirth too! But it had a good run and this bit of closure we got with the CC and OG characters was a pretty decent way to end it. I would have loved to see Genesis involved, but I suspect they knew DOO was ending too soon and so they found a way to at least include his precense before actually adding him to the game.
I also have to wonder if this version of the OG’s story was so Angeal-focused because the Remake will include Genesis and how he will deal with the final battle against Sephiroth. Who can say?
Either way, it was sad and beautiful and it gave us Crisis Core fans a lot of satisfaction and understanding for these characters we loved but felt were a bit deprived by Crisis Core’s writing. It was lovely to have Angeal and Zack reaffirm over and over that the Firsts’ trio were such close friends that were ultimately torn apart by tragedy. They all loved each other dearly, and Sephiroth’s loss to darkness was a massive heartbreak for them. For Zack as well.
I found so many scenes interesting, but the spar tribute was my favorite. Originally, I thought it was Angeal’s attempt to bring Sephiroth back to himself, but I then realized it was Angeal having some fun with his old friend before the real battle began and it was time to end everything. It was like Angeal’s goodbye to Sephiroth ;-;
There are some scenes I may have to edit or retranslate again if anyone finds any mistakes, but hopefully most of it came out okay, and a big thanks to @ansfair on Twitter (please check out their translation as well!) for the extra help with certain scenes, as well as my Japanese-speaking friend! I want to eventually translate a bit more from Dissidia and the earlier scenes from when Angeal first showed up, but for now, I hope this is fun for you all to read!
Much love everyone! ❤️
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So Me and my boyfriend have been dating since highschool Jr year. It's been a while since then, I'm in trade school and he works at McDonald's. Lately, he's been working very late, for two weeks straight and I understand he's been busy but it feels like he was ignoring me Because the times he was "working" were more than 8-hour long shifts. This cycle kept repeating for 2 weeks and during these 2 weeks, I would express to him that I felt ignored and neglected since he barely had been speaking to me. I was lucky if I got 10 texts a day at most. Which compared to before was very little. I would tell him how I felt and he would apologize saying "sorry babe didn't mean to make you feel that way" and then he would turn around and ignore me again in the same day or the day after. This started to wear on me and it felt like I was being brushed off each time. And this Thursday it all came to a head. For context I suffer from bpd, and being ignored triggers me, I am working on the issue and trying to be better but these past 2 weeks it feels like he was just doing the one thing I asked him not to do, over and over again. And he didn't communicate very well to me, if he was stressed with work or having issues at home I would have understood if he briefly explained. But he didn't I would ask him over and over again if he was okay and he'd just brush me off and say he's fine.
This last thrusday though he did the same thing, from Thursday 9 am to 7. He was "working" and only sent me 4 texts that day. I asked him what was up and why he won't communicate with me and he ignored me MORE. And I had enough and just blew up, I told him that how he was treating me isn't fair, and it's making me unhappy and I feel negelcted and not loved, I told him I felt like he was pushing me away and for what reason I'm not sure. I was fed up and told him if he wanted to break up we could but if he didn't he should call me to work things out. He didn't call me and ignored me more. I took a few hours to myself and then I texted him to explain more, and kind of apologize. I told him that I didn't mean to be so explosive with my anger but I still feel like my dwellings were valid and I explained to him that he just went cold on me for two weeks and didn't explain anything to me. And it feels like I cannot reach him anymore, and that I don't want to break up and work on things if I made him unhappy. But it wasn't fair for him to go cold on me like that. I told him I loved him but there's only so much I can take and I needed space, He once again ignored me. This time going silent for 3 days completely.
I texted him like a day later asking if we could speak the following day. Nothing. I asked him the next day if we could meet to the same day, ignored again. I was worried about him so I texted him again the next day asking if he was at least okay and he ignored me for a couple of hours, before saying he was fine and he's not ready to talk. I respected that and told him I understand and to text when he was ready. I also apologized to him and told him that i was truly sorry for how i acted and that he didnt deserve that. He lied again and said he had work that day (it was Sunday, before the fight happened he told me he ONLY had Sunday off, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to have someone working for 7 days straight) I didn't call him out on this because I was scared I'd upset him more so I just told him I loved him and to have a good day at work.
He ignored me, again.
Please be so honest, am I the asshole? I feel like the asshole for blowing up on him and I know it was wrong for me to do that to him but I just felt stuck and emotionally stuck after being hurt by him almost daily and telling him so only to get ignored. On my end this feels shitty, and I do wish I could take back what happened but I can't. I also feel this is unfair, everytime My feelings get hurt and I express them he doesn't go to the same lengths to Apologize or make it up to me or even make a long term change, but when I hurt his feelings he acts like this and acts like I just committed some war crime against him. Maybe im being unfair but I feel unheard. I'm afraid this may be the end of our relationship and i dont want that.
What are these acronyms?
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izfrogzy · 27 days
Soft and Innocent Part I 18+ Aemond x Sister Reader(OC.) Hints of Aegon x Sister reader (OC.)
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Warnings: 18+ content, hints of SA, (Didnt happen but assumptions are made.) But Certain Character has OC watch scene take place for "Education." But he's just a pervvy sicko no surprise there...
A/N: .Mostly soft beginning for the most part a bit Angsty and such lots of hugging and seeking comfort from the Broody Brother. New to writing these sort of things for readers to read I am down for good criticism I try my best and never intend to offend or upset anyone with my writing with that being said enjoy...sorry for any bad grammar and punctuation :)
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Aemond sat at the hearth of his fireplace.....thinking and brooding when his younger sister barged in....the Sweet and Innocent little sister....the Soft and Gentle....she had swollen eyes, as if crying a thousand tears she looked and seemed upset. 
Sister? He asked calmly, keeping his stoic expression but his tone was laced with concern.
“Is it true....Brother?” She asked as tears welled up in her eyes.
“Come here.” Aemond said as he sat in his seat and held out a hand to her to sit beside him. As she walked over and took a seat. Aemond placed a hand on her head to stroke her head and soft thick off white hair in a soothing manner. 
“What is? What is the matter, sweet sister? Who has done you harm?” He asked in a firm but gentle tone.
She comes over and cries against him. “Aegon said....s-said things.” She whimpered and blubbered against her favorite older brother.
Aemond's eyes widened slightly as he held his youngest sister close to him in a brotherly embrace to soothe her tears which fell against his shoulder. 
“Aegon said what? Why were you doing with him in the first place?” He asked gently pushing her off him and he grabbed her shoulders so she may meet his gaze as his gaze seemed to darken with each word.
His little sister sniffles and wipes away those tears, from her violet eyes.
 “He....He wanted to show me things.” She admitted to him and she looked at him innocently.
“What things?” Aemond's tone darkened further; he could only come with one thought in mind....which was why his face darkened and eyes narrowed further. Gripping her shoulders more.
“I.....I can't say.” She said getting flustered and upset even more, His sweet sister couldn't even look at his good eye, which only heightened his worry and concern more. “Did He put his hands on you?” he asked out loud and she started blubbering more.
Aemond's eyes widened slightly yet again as he looked at his sweet and innocent sister as if he guessed correctly. It angered him that his brother would do something like this to their sister and not just her but any maiden of the castle. “You were touched? Sister, did he touch you?” Aemond asked in a cold and harsh tone as fury burned through his veins.
“No.....He Just ... .He said he wished to educate me....and...and he had me watch......as....as he and....some.....girl and him.” She said sobbing. “They were….coupling.” She whimpered and trembled folding her arms and shivered at the recent memories of tonight. “He didn't want me to…..be surprised when I got properly taken on my wedding day he said.” She said in tears.
Aemond's blood boiled in a way he had never felt before as his vision began to turn red. How dare our brother try to corrupt her innocence like this. A pure and sweet soul. How dare he do such a heinous thing and not even have the right to touch her? Aemond's hand clenched into a fist so tight that his nails dig into his skin....causing blood to come to the surface. 
“I will take care of this.” Aemond simply as he gently squeezed her shoulder to reassure her that she would not be harmed.
“No....No don't leave me.” She cried, grabbing his arm.
“I promise you I will not leave you.” Aemond said as he gently wiped her tears away with his thumb and cupped her cheek in a reassuring and calming manner. It was to let her know that he will be back and she is in safe hands. “I am just going to have to have something to do about this, alright?” He asked as his eyes hardened with determination. “I will not have you be afraid, sweet sister.” Aemond said reassuringly to her as he held her close to him to give her a sense of security.
“No....no you mustn't," She whimpered and she embraced him and she gulped. “Aegon told me....he.....he did something similar with you....taking you to a brothel on your 13th name day.” She said sniffling. “Is it true what he had you do?” His sister asked gently and she nuzzled against him.
Aemond's eyes widened a little. Surprised that she knew of that. Aemond's hand let go of her cheek and dropped to his thigh as he looked at the fireplace with a dark and dangerous expression. “Yes.....it was something of a dare at the time.” Aemond said as he turned his gaze back to her. “But you are not me, sister. You are so innocent and pure that you need to be protected. I will not allow you to be corrupted.” Aemond said as he gave her a reassuring hug.
She sniffled and embraced him tightly. “Oh Aemond..” She whimpered against him.
Aemond gently embraced her back and buried his head into her hair inhaling her scent, a natural floral scent she always had upon her person, and closed his eyes as he inhaled her sweet scent. Letting her calm down and just allowing himself to hold her. “Have I ever told you sister?” Aemond simply said in a soft and gentle tone as he held her. 
“How you truly mean to me? How much I love you? How much I want to see you smile and protect your sweet innocence?” He asked in a softer tone as they held one another in the center of his bedchambers.
She sniffled and pulled back looking at him shaking her head no. “And ....you're my favorite brother, Aemond don’t forget that ever okay?” She stated and asked, wiping away her tears pouting her lips.
“Well then...I want you to know that all of those things I said are true.” Aemond said as he looked at her with a small hint of a smile. He gently held her chin with his fingers and looked into her eyes with such a deep softness and affection that he has never shown anyone else before. “I want you to stay as sweet and innocent for as long as you can, alright? As your big brother...it is my duty to make sure you're happy and protected.” Aemond said as he kissed her forehead.
She tears up. “Aegon is so mean….” She said and embraced him some more.
Aemond's eyes darkened and narrowed at the mere mention of his brother. 
“Yes....he can be mean. I'm sorry my sweet sister, you had to have felt frightened and sad.” He said into her hair  “I will make sure he never comes near you again.” Aemond said as he held her in a tight and protective embrace. “Now...if anyone bothers you....come to me. I will show them what it means to mess with you and I.” Aemond said as he gently lifted her chin up with his fingers and gave her a small yet sweet smile.
She looked at him with still tears streaming down her rosy cheeks and she nodded. “Okay Lēkia.” (Older Brother.) She’d say with her gentle voice.
Aemond smiled softly as he gently brushed the tears away with his thumb. 
“There....now dry your tears, sweet sister.” Aemond said as gently gave her a reassuring smile as he wiped away the last of her tears and placed a hand on her head and began to gently pat it with a gentle and affectionate manner. “And don't call me older brother....call me big brother. I quite fancy that more.”
She giggled slightly. “Oh Aemond, still correcting me.” She said sighing, sounding a bit more like herself, She sniffled and embraced him.
Aemond chuckled softly and placed a gentle kiss onto the top of her head. Then gently rested his head on hers as she embraced him. “I will always have to correct you on that.” Aemond said softly with a chuckle. He closed his eyes slightly as he embraced her and held her close. Finding himself feeling a sense of peace that he never has felt with anyone else. And also finding himself wondering what it would be like if she was his wife with a family. Instead of his sister. But that would remain a fantasy. 
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
with your head on my shoulder || danny wagner x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: You have a bad dream, and Danny's there to take care of you. | Standalone fic in the Four Weddings universe
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Reader | Genres: fluff, hurt/comfort, slight angst | Word Count: 1.7k | Warnings: none! | Title song: “Strawberry Wine” by Noah Kahan
A/N: Of course Danny and Sunny are what gets me out of this writing dry spell! This is just pure fluff with no plot to speak of, but I hope you like it ♡
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You woke with a start, heart pounding, your breath catching in your chest. You sat up in bed and tried to find anything familiar in the darkness of your room, needing to ground yourself on something other than the horrible images racing through your mind.
You made yourself take a deep breath. It was only a nightmare. You were safe in your own bed; despite the storm that sent heavy rain against your window, everything was quiet and peaceful. You were home, and you knew Danny was close by. You were safe.
Those realizations, as comforting as they were, didn’t erase the fear of the nightmare. Your heart was still racing, adrenaline making you ill; you wished you weren’t alone in your bedroom. But Danny was sleeping on the couch, driven out of your bedroom by a fight you’d started.
You felt awful now for what you’d said. It had been so stupid, so needlessly unkind; you’d been tired and frayed from a long, frustrating day at work, and you’d taken it out on him. Instead of being sweet to him when he came home, you’d started in on him for how late he was, and it had quickly escalated from there.
You’d stormed off to bed, and he hadn’t joined you. Now, when you wanted to go to him for comfort, you didn’t know if he’d even want to talk to you.
You walked quietly out to the living room and saw Danny asleep on the couch, as comfortable as he could get with his lanky limbs either scrunched close or hanging off the edge. You felt a pang of guilt as you looked at him; you should have been the one to sleep on the couch, since you’d started the fight in the first place. You bit your lip and debated just going back to your bedroom, wondering if he’d be even more upset with you if you woke him.
Lightning flashed outside, and all thought of going back to your bedroom alone went right out the window. You fairly flew to Danny’s side, unsettled and frightened and needing comfort.
“Danny,” you said softly, standing by the couch and nervously twisting the fabric of his t-shirt you were wearing.
He turned his head towards you. “Wassa matter?” he mumbled. 
“Danny,” you said again, a little desperately.
His eyes fluttered open, and worry and surprise colored his sleepy expression when he saw you.
“Sunny?” he said, his voice gravelly with sleep. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m — ” All of a sudden, seeing him look up at you with such care and concern, you felt terrible for waking him over something so silly. You wrestled with regret and wanted to be close to him so badly you ached with it.
“I — I’m fine,” you managed. “It’s stupid. I’m sorry, Danny. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”
You turned to go, but he took your wrist in a gentle grip to make you stay.
“Hey, hold on,” he said. He tugged you towards him, and you knelt beside the couch. 
“You’re not bothering me,” he said gently. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
You felt a rush of tears, and you rested your head against his chest to hide them.
“Bad dream,” you said in a small voice. “And the storm.”
“Oh, honey.” He stroked a hand over your hair. “I’m sorry. Come here.”
He moved over to make room for you on the couch, and when you raised your head to look at him, your vision was blurred with tears.
“Are you sure?” you asked.
He looked a little stricken. “What do you mean, am I sure?” He brushed a few tears from your cheek, and you leaned into his touch.
“Because of our fight,” you said, and your voice was watery and tight. “I… I understand if you’re still mad at me, Danny.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, just looked over your face with all the tenderness in the world as he brushed your hair back from your face.
“Come here,” he said again, and you did as he said. You cuddled as close to him as you could get, burying your face in the crook of his neck as he wrapped an arm snugly around you. 
“My sweet sunshine,” he said gently, and it was comforting to hear the soft rumble of his voice in his chest.
“I’m not angry any more,” he said. “And even if I had been, you can always, always come to me when you’re scared or need my help. No matter what. Okay?”
You nodded, feeling more tears come. “Okay.” You pressed closer to him. “I love you.”
He ran a soothing hand over your back. “I love you too, sweetheart.” He pulled the blanket up over you and tucked you in next to him. “Try and get some rest, sunny. I’m right here.”
You didn’t say that you didn’t think you could get back to sleep; you knew he was tired, and you were content to snuggle close to him and rest in the love he gave you so generously. You played with his hair, twirling his soft curls around your fingers, and felt yourself relax by degrees.
You were almost dozing when a roll of thunder broke the quiet, and you jumped and pressed closer to Danny.
“Hey, hey,” he soothed, startled out of sleep by your sudden movement. “It’s okay, sunny. ‘S just thunder.”
“Sorry,” you said pitifully.
“That’s okay, baby,” he said softly. He kissed your forehead. “Did you sleep at all?”
You shook your head. He propped himself up on his arm, looking down at you; his curls were a little frizzy around his head like a halo, and his eyes were tired.
“Hi,” you said.
He gave you a crooked smile. “Hi, sunny.” He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “I’m sorry you can’t sleep.”
“I’m sorry I’m keeping you up,” you said.
He shook his head. “I don’t mind.” He carefully untangled himself from you and the blankets as he got up from the couch.
“Where are you going?” you asked, hesitant.
“Bathroom,” he said. “And then I thought I’d make you some tea.” He stretched and gave a little groan. “We ought to get a more comfortable couch.”
“Maybe I just shouldn’t start fights with you before bed,” you said in a meek voice.
He chuckled and leaned to give you a quick kiss. “Maybe.”
You huddled into the blankets and pillows still warm with Danny’s body heat, listening to the loud patter of rain on the roof and the occasional peal of thunder. They didn’t bother you so much now that Danny was up; even though you were grateful for the way he’d taken care of you already, it made you feel better to not be the only one awake.
“You want to watch a movie?” he asked. You heard the soft clink of mugs being taken down from the cabinet, and you sat up to watch him over the back of the couch. He’d found one of his comfy sweaters and tied his hair back in a messy bun, and you liked how the kitchen looked even more homey with him in it.
He looked over his shoulder. “Sunny?”
“Hm? Oh, sorry.” You propped your chin in your hand. “Sure. What do you want to watch?”
He poured two mugs of tea and stirred a little bit of honey into each of them. “We could watch Planet Earth,” he said. “That’s a good one to fall asleep to.”
You smiled. “Yeah, but which one? We can never agree on which episode is the best.”
He gave a soft laugh. “Let’s put on your favorite one, sunny. The forest episode, right?”
You hummed in agreement, and you followed him with your gaze as he carefully brought your tea over. He set the mugs on the coffee table and got comfortable beside you, searching through Netflix for the episode you wanted.
“Hey, Danny?”
When you didn’t say anything, he looked over at you. “What is it, sunny?”
You reached a hesitant, apologetic hand out to him; you touched your fingers to the worn shoulder seam of his sweater.
“I’m sorry I fought with you when you got home,” you said in a quiet voice. “I shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on you.” You met his eyes. “I’m sorry, Danny.”
He leaned close and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you. I’m sorry too, for arguing when I could have tried to help. Forgive me?”
You rested your head against his shoulder. “Of course.”
The two of you drank your tea — Sleepytime Honey, Danny’s favorite for late nights — and listened to David Attenborough narrate the wonders of forested tundras. 
“Sunny,” Danny ventured after a while. “Do you want to try and sleep in the bedroom?”
You didn’t answer right away, knowing you wouldn’t give the answer he wanted to hear and feeling guilty for it. He read your hesitation and gave you a tired smile.
“You’d rather stay out here, wouldn’t you?” he asked.
“You don’t have to stay,” you said. You didn’t want to go back into your bedroom tonight, worried it would remind you of your nightmare, but you knew he wanted to. “Why don’t you go lay down, honey?”
“I don’t want you to be alone,” he said. He tucked the blankets more closely around you. “So if you want to stay, I do too.”
You gave him a wobbly smile. “Thanks.”
He gave you a gentle kiss. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
You watched the episode in companionable silence for a while as the storm continued outside. Danny started to doze with his tea in hand, and you gently took his mug from him and set it next to yours on the coffee table.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, half-asleep. “You okay?”
“Yes,” you said softly, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. You snuggled against him and leaned your head on his shoulder, tucking your hands under his arm.
“Wake me up if you need anything,” Danny said after a moment, his voice heavy with sleep. “You promise?”
Your throat felt a little tight. You were so thankful for the way he cared for you; tomorrow, he’d have gotten a night of broken sleep and be sore from sleeping on the couch, but he loved you enough to stay with you when you needed him, even when it was less than comfortable.
You cuddled close and let yourself rest against him. “Yeah, I promise.”
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danny taglist:@tearsofbri@busybeingtrash@myway-late@gotavansleep@gretavanbri@stardustchxrds@pxppylove @mariegvf @bajabule69 @radmads-gvf
gvf taglist:@malany-gvf@spark-my-nature@eearevee@madneedshelp@demonrat444@josh-iamyour-mama @honeyandsweettae @mydarlingdanny@gretavandann@sacredjake@myleftsock@joshskittytickler21@hellowgoodbye@watchingovergvf2@fearfulspirit@mywaysoon@carbondancingthroughtime@caprisunsister @eraofstardustchords @sacredthefran@shesawomaninadream @serendipiti @demonrat444@wildflowerxx-x
@gvfrry@ohhey1293@the-chaotic-cow@mountain-in-springtime@xserenax-13@stardustjtk @brooke-gvf@weightofdreams-gvf@jakeydoesit@gretasmokerising@hayley1623@doodle417@finestoflines@brokenbellz@bowievanfleet@s0livagant@strugglingtodoshit@s-u-t@kay-jordan@gretavanfleas@jakeyboiiiiiii@gretavansteph@gretavanbitches@myownparadise96@luverleaver@weightofdreamz@greatervanfleet@maedesculpaeusoubi@jakekiszkasbestie@pineapple-photographer@baguettejuliette@alexxavicry@levi-wants-ur-bones@carlybubs@cowboysamkiszka@dannyandthekiszkas@jordierama@slutforsteve@starshine-wagner@quartzzzzzzz@edgeofdreams@writingcold @lostoverseer @catharu77 @mackalah @jaketlove @haileygvf @blacksoul-27 @ur-m0ms-blog
sorry if tumblr didn’t tag you — it’s stupid sometimes. but i’m real thankful for you, sweet peaches! and if you’re a new bestie and would like to be added to my taglist, check out the form right here!
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4ngeldusstt · 10 months
“M I N E”
A/N: this is not how i originally wrote this, but i tried my best to rewrite it as close as it was before tumblr fking deleted it, anyway this was supposed to be a “just a thought” but it’s too long so here’s a short fic that’s actually just a scenario (?. I really hate the title tbh but that’s all i could come out with rn.
Warnings: alcohol effects, drinking, slight mentions of soft smut but nothing happens, swearing
Word count: 857
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The last mission was a success, meaning there was a party going on that same night in order to relieve some stress among us, the soldiers. Levi recently introduced you to alcohol not so long ago, so you didn’t quite know how to handle it nor what your limit was just yet. You decided to have some wine and you started feeling the effects of it, warm blushed cheeks, everything made you laugh, your introvert self becoming more outgoing with every sip.
You were quite popular amongst the male soldiers in the scouts, some of them already were head over heels in love with you, so they took this opportunity and took advantage of your state in the way of sitting next to you, encouraging you to rest your head on their shoulder, they even had fights over who would fill up your cup.
Meanwhile your lover, Levi, was observing from afar his gaze telling everything words couldn’t, the desire to kill all of those fucking bastards if he could was written all over his face, his expression alone was enough to make them shit their pants in fear if they dared to look at him. You both decided that keeping your relationship private was the best decision but he wished, that in this moment, he could let everyone know how your heart belonged to him.
Even in your state you noticed when Levi stood up and left, to his office, you already knew that. Following his steps soon after, not even bothering to knock on the door you made your way to the comfortable looking leather couch, looking at him with half lidded eyes and a smile, he didn’t even bother to look your way ever since you came in but your stare was piercing enough to make him finally notice you. “How are you feeling?” He eyed you before going back to the paperwork in front of him.
He was upset, not at you but to them, he couldn’t blame you for being so perfect every soldier in the scouts dreamed of marrying you. “Mhm, how can wine taste so bad but make me feel so warm and fuzzy huh?” You said closing your eyes leaning back into the cushions. “I damn the day I let you try out alcohol for the first time, you clearly don’t know how to handle it.” He scoffed, furrowing your brows for a second before it hit you, he was jealous. A smirk creeped into your lips as you slowly got up and made your way to his chair, taking a seat on his lap.
Your lips lingering near his ear whispering “are you perhaps… jealous?” Smiling as you noticed his grip on your hip get tighter. “What if I am? I hated seeing them all over you and not being able to do anything about it, you are mine and mine only.” His voice lowering an octave, causing you to clench your thighs together, he was well aware of the effects his voice had on you and he wanted to tease you a little bit. “Hmm you might have to remind me who I belong to.” You were so needy for him, the alcohol on your system making you more emotional and the ache between your thighs worsen, he chuckled softly in response of your actions, “oh and I will, don’t worry. But not today, I’m sorry.” You whined and pouted at him, disagreeing with his decision.
Even though your were conscious enough and aware he was not going to do anything with you if he was sober and you were not, it wouldn’t feel right. “Come on, let’s take you to bed.” He said as soon as he realized it was taking everything in you not to fall asleep on him, due to the effects of the wine wearing off. He carried you bridal style and gently placed you onto the mattess of the bed you both shared. He helped you out of your clothes and placed one of his shirts covering your bare body that was a little too baggy for you, eyes closed not fully asleep yet, “mhm, thank you.” You said, “Anytime” he smiled softly even though you could not see him, soon after your head was placed on his chest as you started feeling his fingers slowly combing through your hair, leaving feathery kisses on your forehead every now and then as he read a book, you knew Levi barely slept, and today was no exception.
Prior to you passing out, you heard a faint whisper saying “I love you” into your hair followed by the soft touch of his lips pressing against your forehead lingering there a little longer than usual, it was such an intimate and loving act from a Levi that he, with time, managed to grow more comfortable in showing you, tightening your grip around his torso in response as you managed to mumble a weakly “I love you, thank you for loving me back.” before finally giving up and allowing yourself to succumb into a deep slumber, who knew humanity’s strongest soldier could be this gentle?
You did.
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doobea · 11 months
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synopsis: Rin hates how cold the winter can be and everything that it stands for.
contents: unrequited love, non-mutual pinning, all angst no comfort, everyone needs therapy, heavy narration, gn!reader, childhood friends to lovers to exs, everything is written from rin's pov, sae can't manage his feelings, reader is mentally drained, extreme word vomit, proofread but not really word count: 1.4K a/n: all i can say is i am not sorry !! also i pray that they r not ooc ;-;
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Rin hates how cold the winter can be and everything that it stands for. He hates the snowfall that prevents him from playing the only venting solution he has. He hates having to look through social media and seeing 'happy holidays' posts from his classmates and their extended families. He hates hearing his parents praise and beg his older brother to come visit over the break. And he especially hates the expression you wear every time you're reminded of it.
The last bell rings and the homeroom teacher that the two of you share wishes everyone to have a nice winter break. Rin watches your sullen figure from the corner of his teal eyes as you begin packing up for the day. Usually, around this time of year, his and your family would've thrown a joint holiday celebration that consisted of Christmas movie marathons, secret Santa exchanges, and an endless amount of hot chocolate to go around. From what he could remember, last year you and your family decided to spend the holidays separately - which was the first out of the many joint holidays spent together.
Not that he could blame you, it was hard trying to balance everything ever since what went down between you and Sae. Rin recalls the time when you called him in the middle of the winter night five years ago, nearly screeching from excitement, asking him what it's like becoming a third wheel.
He remembers his middle school self frowning, pausing the horror movie that he was watching to take in everything. "What do you mean by that?"
You huffed over the line, "Sae asked me out!"
Rin was visibly upset, unknowing why at the time. With a click of his tongue from annoyance, he sent a curt response before swiftly ending the call, not wanting to hear what you have to say back about his brother. At the time their sibling relationship wasn't too strained, things were relatively normal between the two of them and between the three of you.
You were practically their unofficial official cheerleader for their games and within their personal lives. Always the loudest one by the bleachers, wearing both of their jerseys, and sending passive-aggressive threats to the opposing team. Outside of that, the three of you were almost inseparable. With Sae being two years older, he was spending the majority of the time tutoring you and teaching Rin new tricks and tactics for soccer. More often than never, his parents treated you like a child of their own, inviting you over for dinner and impromptu movie nights.
And Rin remembers that all slightly changing once you and his brother had started dating. Everything seemed busy on your end, no longer finding the time to join him on his online games, wearing only his brother's number during soccer matches, and using him as an outlet for all of your relationship problems.
"Have you ever experienced a long-distance relationship before?" You had quietly asked.
That day, Sae stayed behind at school to talk privately to his guidance consoler about international high school options and sports scholarships. Rin and you decided to walk home together, a rare moment that both of you had forgotten about but somehow Sae was always the topic of conversation.
Rin tried rolling his eyes but couldn't. He couldn't seem to get mad at you, only feeling slightly angry and frustrated towards his brother. "No, but I'm sure everything will be fine." Which he meant, Sae had always kept everything in control.
"Still," Your weary voice trailed off, looking into the distance. "do you think he'll change? I mean 4 years is a long time..." You started going off on a tangent first worrying about Sae's safety, the language barrier, and ending it with insecurities about the relationship. "I mean what if he finds other girls there way prettier?"
Rin stopped in his tracks before flicking a finger toward your forehead. "Stop being an idiot, if Sae is gonna lose you then it's his lost."
Two weeks after that conversation was his brother's departure. There stood Rin, his parents, and you at the airport with Sae prepared to travel across the world to Europe with just a backpack that was a little too big for his stature and a bright red carry-on suitcase.
Rin remembers grimacing at the sight of you guys peppering kisses left and right, not wanting to let go of each other and having the six thousand-mile distance forcing its way between you two. He also remembers that day when Sae declared his love for you, promising that once he gets back that he'll be the number one striker in Japan with you right by his side. Throwing around half-empty promises to grant everyone VIP access, become the breadwinner of the family, and making his nation proud. Like you, Rin couldn't help but wholeheartedly believe in his words too.
After his departure, it seemed like you were slowly becoming Rin's best friend again. It was difficult maintaining the 7-hour difference, but you've learned to communicate with each other with messages being sent early in the morning for you and when it was bedtime for Sae. Soon four years went by in a blink of an eye. For a while, things were seemingly normal and Rin could finally relax and not think about you eating his brother's face off whenever he saw you. Secretly, he felt guilty having occasional thoughts of wanting Sae to stay longer in Spain.
Rin You hopping on tonight? You yea just gimme a sec!!
And that’s how every night ended up to be. The two of you would spend your nights playing whatever FPS horror game Rin had in mind, talking about recent soccer matches, how sophomore year of high school would suck, and with occasional updates with Sae.
That night went slightly differently.
"Your brother's been awfully quiet lately." Your voice sounded depressed through Rin's headset.
He mashed a couple of buttons on his keyboard, shooting the zombie right in its face before answering. "He's probably busy with training."
You groan on the other end and he sees your character die off-screen. "Yes, but he's been super distant on our calls and texts too. It's like he's turned off his emotions. Has he said anything to you about what's going on?"
Rin finished clearing the level, and the bright words 'VICTORY' flashed across the monitor as he shakes his head. "No, he hasn't."
The first year of high school then came to a close. Soon, Rin was hit with the abrupt news of his brother returning back right before the holiday break. Unfortunately, no one could've predicted the series of events that soon followed forth.
Rin remembers the hard lump in his throat, struggling to swallow down and look into Sae's hard dazed eyes. He remembers you stepping in between the two, chastising your boyfriend's sudden shift in personality and demanding that he apologize. He remembers Sae scrunching up his face before spatting out the fact that Rin is no longer an equal and that he had no interest in keeping you around - everything was suddenly a distraction to his personal dream. That was also the first and only time where Rin remembers you crying.
It was safe to say that the yearly joint-family gathering was postponed. You had quickly made up an excuse to hang out with your other friends over the holiday, which was a clear lie, and Sae immediately shut himself in his room for the remainder of the winter break until he had to travel out again. Rin had tried numerous times texting and calling you, but his messages went straight to voicemail. A week later and you sent him what would've been your last message.
You I'm sorry but I don't think we can be friends anymore. It'll just remind me too much of him.
As if he couldn't hate his brother even more, this was the final nail in the coffin.
When sophomore year of high school came around, it was hard for Rin to not notice you. Especially since you were practically his deskmate. But you did a good job of ignoring him and ignoring everything associated with both of the brothers, too good of a job Rin had thought. You were no longer interested in soccer but that didn't stop him from searching for your figure in the bleachers at every game. That didn't stop him from seeing if you were online and open for an FPS match, even though you had blocked him over a year ago. He hasn't forgotten about you and the impact you carried into his life and it didn't help that his mom would ask about how you were doing ever so often.
Rin thinks about calling out to you as you begin to walk out of the classroom, wanting to scold you for not bringing a scarf or wearing a heavier jacket, but something heavy gnaws at his chest. He stops and watches you leave the building, skies cloudy with a chance of heavy snowfall.
He stations at his desk and thinks to himself, winter has never felt so lonely.
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jacaerysgf · 4 months
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Flowers | The Series | Chapter Eleven | A Challenge
Summary | Jacaerys day just so happens to continue to get worse and worse and worse.
Pairing | Jacaerys Velaryon × Fem!Reader
Warnings | jacaerys pov chapter, sort of a filler one sorry but next update will definitely be more interesting.. not proofread!
Word Count | 2.1k
A/n | LONG TIME NO SEE !! sorry for the super late update guys i should be back to normal posting now!! was down with a terrible case of writers block :(
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everyone within the general vicinity of him could tell jacaerys was in a horrible mood. the maids grimaced and quickly bowed before scurrying away as he walked by. his brother and uncle had left him soon after delivering the news, leaving him to settle down himself. jacaerys has an awful temper, he had to leave his room quickly so as to not pick up a vase and smash it against the wall.
He didn't know why he was so annoyed. maybe he was more embarrassed, he had sent you that rose and now here you were in a courtship with another man. he was humiliated, maybe he should write you an apology.
as he continues to contemplate in his mind his stops quickly in his steps as he almost bumps into, “lady cassandra. I am so sorry.”
she has a sickly sweet smile on her face making him feel a little sick, does she think he cannot tell a real look from a fake one? how does she always seem to know where he was? he feels like he has seen more of her in the past couple days than he’s seen anybody else.
“It is not an issue at all, my prince. I am happy to see you.”
‘I am not happy to see you’ but he shall bite his tongue and place a kind looking smile on his face.
“I am glad to see you as well lady cassandra, I apologize but i am needed elsewhere.”
it's not a lie, he does truly need to be somewhere, though if it was anyone else talking to him he would not be so eager to leave.
there was nothing wrong with cassandra… per say. She was persistent? Whenever he started to drift away mentally from the conversation she always tried to drag him back changing the conversation, whenever some other girl would come she would find a way to drag the two of them down a different path. she came on very strong, though she is not the only one who does but for some odd reason he felt he was seeing way too much of her.
“the training yard, yes? may you accompany me there? I wish to cheer you on today.” How does she know that?
“Of course.” She smiles and eagerly grabs his outstretched arm and he grimaces as he continues his walk to the training yard.
Trying his best to pay attention to what she was talking about the two continue walking towards the training yard, once he arrives at the stairs he has to practically pry her hands off him and rushes down the steps to where he had spotted his brother.
“Lucerys!” his brother turns to him and is almost bugged eyed at the eagerness of his brother, “jace?-”
“Let us go now, i shall see you lady cassandra.” he acts oblivious to her obviously annoyed facial expression as she bows, “till later my prince.”
Lucerys makes some sounds of discomfort as jacaerys drags him further into the training yard, “can you get go you're hurting me?” jacaerys finally gets going with a huff and sighs, a weight seemingly dropping off his shoulder. “What is wrong with you? Are you still upset over the courtship?”
jacaerys groans and turns away from him, “definitely not.”
“Oh he definitely is.”
Jace clicks his tongue as aemond joins the two brothers, “I am certainly not. I just happen to not feel well today.”
It's true, he does not feel well. Not after the news of your courtship, though that is completely irrelevant, he just so happened to start feeling sick after hearing the news. it has nothing to do with the news of your courtship certainly not.
“look at your face it most certainly is bothering you a whole lot oh you are so sad and pathetic.”
jacaerys ignores him, fiddling around with his sword, he should just train for the day, maybe hitting a dummy until it breaks while imagining that fools face will make him feel better. For no reason at all. Definitely not because he is upset over you.
Lost in thought his eyes drift towards the peers surrounding the courtyard. The duel happening a couple feet away from him bores him. His eyes lead upwards and he feels a warmth crash over him. A smile greets his face before he is able to stop it. He for a moment felt as though he was imagining things, you had shown up and he couldn't believe it. You bowed and sent him a smile. He swears he's never seen something so beautiful, the smile on his face can't help but grow. He hopes you are as happy to see him as he is to see you.
“Are you even listening to me?” Luke must have been speaking but jace hasn't caught a word of it. It had only made sense to him once he turned around fully and spotted you. He sent you a wave before whispering to Jace, “You really are a love sick fool.”
Jace angrily turns towards his brother an angry look as replaced his once cheerful one, “you shut your mouth.”
Jace decides he’ll go choose a different weapon from the wall as an excuse to walk away from his brother. He ends up stealing one more glance at you. You have an amused look on your face and he finds himself relaxing just a bit.
His mood however quickly falls just as fast as it has risen when he noticed ser joffrey had joined the courtyard. Now it had made sense you were at the courtyard to watch him train.
He grows more and more annoyed as he watches the exchange between you to. He eyes Joffrey down, it would not be hard for him to swap places with him, he should be the one making you smile like that. Why does he look so happy?
Not even watching his brother and aemond spare can draw him from his flights. Though that may be because it is well obvious to everyone aemond will win the fight.
“Good day to you my prince.”
As if his day could not get any worse, the last person he wishes to speak to is now standing by his side.
He clenches his jaw and tilts his head for a moment before answering him.
“Good day to you to ser joffrey.”
He turns to face him and somehow grows even more annoyed by the smile joffrey has on his face.
“What a good fight.”
Jace turns back to look at the fight for a moment and fights the urge to roll his eyes as he watches aemond play with lucerys like a dog.
“Yes, certainly.”
The two stand still for a moment before Joffrey continues to speak.
“You seem to have a good eye, my prince.”
“Whatever do you mean.”
Joffrey laughs, “well not only in fights my prince but in women.”
Jacerys finds himself frozen for a moment, “whatever are you implying ser?”
Joffrey laughs once more and the smile on his face seems way too sweet to be anything real.
“You must take me for a fool, my prince if you believe I do not notice. If you believe anyone in the red keep does not notice.”
Jacaerys grows angry, though he knows exactly what joffrey means he finds himself rather annoyed at his words.
“I have not the faintest idea of what you are implying ser.”
Joffrey's smile only grows as he shakes his head, “if you wish to continue to live in denial then so be it but i'd like to make a proposition with you my prince.”
“What could you want?” jacaerys says before he can catch himself and Joffrey continues to laugh. “Ah so i've truly angered you my prince your mask seems to be slipping my apologies.”
“Spit it out.” jacaerys cannot believe himself right now he has never shown such disrespect to anybody. He is beginning to feel a little like Aegon and he does not rather like that.
“I wish you to stop in your affections for miss dunn.”
Jacaerys stiffens and he finds an unexplainable pit growing in his stomach. Not even the fight ending between luce and aemond can distract him enough. Did his eye just twitch? He finds his next words harder to say, as if there is a hand inside his mouth gripping his tongue to make him not speak.
“I, um, I do not hold any affection for Miss dunn. That is um, an unexpected accusation.”
“You are a terrible liar.”
He finds himself at a loss for words as Joffrey points his sword at Jace, catching the attention of everyone in the courtyard. He can hear some gasps and some chatter but the only thing he can focus on is joffrey. “Let us duel.”
Jacaerys is at a loss for words. Why does he so suddenly want to duel? Before he can even think his hand finds his sword and he catches himself agreeing. He must be blind with rage and for what. There's no way he should be losing his cool over you. Certainly not. Definitely not.
He feels as though all Joffrey is trying to do is make a mockery of him, especially as he watches Joffrey turn to you and bow. He clenches his jaw growing more irritated.
He does not even steal a glance at you, he finds himself unable to.
He had lost. And jacaerys swears he had never felt so humiliated in his life. The crowd around him cheers yet all he can do is drag himself to where his brother is standing who attempts to comfort him yet the words fall on deaf ears. You had seen him lose. You must think terribly of him now. You must be so wowed by Joffrey that you would say yes if he asked to marry you right then and there. He was going to be sick.
“Everyone loses fights brother it is alright.”
“I am humiliated.”
“You are the crowned prince, nobody is going to make fun of you.”
The two do not exchange any more words. Jacaery is confused by the smile that suddenly appears on his face, before he gets the chance luce is already moving to leave.
“My lady.”
A moment passes before he is greeted with the sweet melody of your voice, “my prince.”
Still humiliated from today's loss he believes it may be better for him to run away. Though a part of him tells him that will only be more embarrassing.
He turns to face you, ““My lady… I um. i uh hope you are well today.” and of course he stumbles and stammers his words this day just continued to get worse.
“I am well today, your grace. The duel was brilliant… I think.” he finds your weak attempt at comforting him only stabbing the knife he feels he has in his chest deeper. “I wish I could say I agree with my lady.”
He cannot even lift his head to look at you. Maybe Joffrey had been correct. He should stop with whatever foolish comfort he sought from you and leave you to fall in love with joffrey. Now he is really going to be sick. He must leave, for the first time in a long time he feels like he should curl up into a ball and cry.
“I must go, I hope to see you-”
He is frozen once he feels the grasp of your hand around his wrist. The only thing now on his mind is how warm your hand feels. “My lady…”
His mind is racing as he realizes you had done it out of instinct, you did not want him to walk away then and a sudden wave of hope crashes into him like a wave hits the shore.
“You fought well today, my prince, I hope to see you duel once more.”
Those are certainly not the words he had hoped to hear from you then but none of that mattered when he felt you grip him tighter before you had let you. A part of him watched to reach his hand out and grab your hand but he had used any remaining self control he had to stop himself. A smile dawns on his face, a real smile for the first time that day.
“It is no issue my lady, I am glad. You shall see more of me, I promise. good day my lady.”
He makes this vow not only to you but to himself. It suddenly did not matter to him you were in a courtship already.
“Good day my prince, I hope you keep to your word.” he can barely believe it, the smile dawning his face only grows as he quickly turns in the hopes you will not notice the flush that finds its way to his face. You now made it clear you also wished to see him more and who was he to deny you.
did not include the taglist as its been way too long and im sure no one who had been reading this is still interested 😭😭 if you still are please feel free to ask to be added !!
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hxjikonn · 11 months
Hello again~! May i request Lilia and Malleus react with reader who tried to create an Ai resemble of themself cuz human life are too short and they don't want them to feel sad when they are gone.
Avid angst enjoyer here thanking you for this wonderfully hurtful idea, also I’m sorry this took so long lmao😭🫶🏻 hope you enjoy it!
‘Till forever falls apart
☆Staring☆: Malleus Draconia and Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader
Synopsis: How would they react finding out you’ve been working on creating an AI version of yourself so that they’ll have you with them even when you’re gone
Warnings: Mentions of Death, A lot of crying.
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Malleus Draconia
“Ah…” you gasped, waking up in a cold sweat, you didn’t have any nightmares however you knew what you were feeling was worse…fear…pure fear. You clutched on to your shirt, feeling your heart beat, hearing it thump in your ears. Grim woke up to the sound of your breathing “Hey…are you okay?” He sat up rubbing his eye with his paw, “I’m fine Grim…it’s just…it’s happening again…” you said patting his head.
The cat frowned upon your response, but you only returned his expression with a smile “Dont worry about me…you can go back to sleep, I’ll come back to bed in a second…” you scratched behind his ear attempting to woo him to sleep, “Where you going anyway?” He asked, already half asleep. “Just somewhere…don’t worry about it” you gave him more head pats until finally he fell back into a slumber.
As you leave the room, you headed to the lounge area, there you opened your laptop at started coding, a little skill you learned from Idia, you sighed and stopped typing for awhile. “Why am I doing this…” you asked yourself burrying yourself into your palms, tears start to well up in your eyes, the truth of it all was that the reason of your fear was simple. It was death.
And no not death itself, but what and who you’ll leave behind when you die. You’re afraid of leaving him. You knew that a lifespan of a fae such as Malleus lasted a lot longer than yours, and as much as you wanted to stay by his side forever, you couldn’t. So you had a talk with Idia a few weeks back about creating an AI version of yourself.
He was against it at first, but he knew what it felt like to lose someone, and he didn’t wish that upon anyone, so he taught you how…and here you are. You thought it’d be easy to do this, it’s just precaution you said, but ever since you started, you feared the day you’d disappear would be closer.
You hugged your knees and cried, you couldn’t anything other than that, it’s not like you had magic like the others, or half fae like sebek. There wasn’t any other way. “Why are you crying my love?” a soft whisper from behind you was heard, before you could even look back, he had picked you up and placed you on his lap, enveloping you in his warmth.
“Malleus?? What are you doing here?” You looked up at him, your cheeks still had tears running down them. “I felt that you were upset…so I came…” he said, “now it’s your turn to answer…” he adds. You looked back down onto your hands “I just watched a sad movie…” you lied. “It must’ve been a very sad movie considering you were shaking before I held you…” he didn’t buy your excuse.
You only nodded at his response, feeling him beside you only made the fear worse, your mind racing with thoughts like how you wont ever get to be held by him like this again once you die…you’ll never hear his voice…you wont be able to hug him again… suddenly your thoughts were interrupted with 3 words, 3 simple words that broke you. “I’m also afraid.” He said.
You couldn’t respond you didn’t know what to say so you let him continue as you hold yourself together. “Time is a very cruel creature. It yields no magic, it doesn’t even commit violence but it wipes away many many lives…” the tone of his voice had a slight shake in them. Desperately trying to not talk about this topic, you faked a yawn “Mal…I’m a bit tired…I think I’ll go rest” you said as you stood up, shutting your laptop and walking away.
You didn’t want to talk about this, this is what you’ve been keeping from him, you don’t want to hurt him, it’s the exact reason why you chose to create your AI version. “I’m afraid of losing you too…” he spoke. It was as if you were shattered, you heard the loud thumping of your heart in your ears again as well as the cold traces your tears leave on your cheeks.
“I’m scared…each passing day I think about the clock of your lifespan running out, it scares me. I don’t want to think about the day when you leave me…” he confessed, you didn’t even hear him walk towards you but you suddenly felt his arms on your waist. You felt his tears staining your shirt. It hurts. You trembled in his embrace, shaky breaths escape your lips.
“They deemed me one of the one of the 5 most powerful wizards in the world but even I’m scared of time taking you away…” He whispers weakly, “however I don’t want anyone other than you, not even a copy…” he adds, you turn to face him in shock. “How did you…” “I love you too much to not know what you’re thinking about my love” he interrupts. “I’m sorry…” you apologized, breaking into a fit of sobs.
He held you close also erupting into cries, “I don’t want to leave you…I don’t want you to feel alone again, I want you to see that I’m here even though I’m gone….” You explained hugging him. “But it’s not you…” he answered. “You can program it to be you as much as you want but I’d rather accept the fact that I’ve loved you until your last moments than to play pretend with a copy of what you used to be…” he finishes, kissing your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
“I love you…and even though I know it’ll come one day, I’ll spend every second loving you, caring for you, and being with you until then.” He held you as if you were porcelain, as if you could break at the slightest touch, as if you’d disappear if he lets you go. You hiccuped and sniffled holding on to him as well, you never wanted to let go.
Suddenly the fear that had been clouding your mind left. The storm had passed, everything felt okay again. You grew tired after a long while of tears and sorrow, Malleus took the initiative to take you to bed. But he didn’t return to diasomnia that night. He didn’t want to be far from you, not now, not ever.
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Lilia Vanrouge
You we’re excited to see him, your lover, you had a very special gift to show him today. You finally finished it, after long hours, nights, days, weeks, months of preparation it’s finally done. An innocent gift, you had no ill intentions in making this. All you wanted was to make him happy, even if you’re not there with him one day.
“Come on! Just a little bit further” you held on to his shoulders, pushing him towards the room as he was blindfolded “My dear you’ve been pushing me for the past 5 minutes now, when can I see your little surprise?” Lilia said, unknowing of what it is. You two finally reached the room where the “gift” was and you were do excited for him to see, though you had to admit it hurt nonetheless…you were doing this for him
“Okay…you can take your blindfold off now” you said as you stood infront of your lover, he reluctantly took his blindfold off and met eyes with you, “What? Is the surprise to be alone with you in a room? If it is I’m absolutely loving it” he said cupping your face lovingly. You laughed and took his hands off your face gently, “No…well I mean yes, but right now you’ll see two of me…” you said, hinting at what lays ahead
He gazes at you, both confusion and amusement lingers in his eyes, he crosses his arms smiling waiting for you to reveal whatever it is you had planned, the moment you did though…his smile died along with his amusement….he looks at it with nothing but bafflement and sadness “What is this?”were the only words that left him…
“It’s me!” You beamed at him showing him the holographic replica you made of yourself, “I made me, for you” you awkwardly stated, now saying it out loud it sounded bad, “B-but! I made it because-“ Lilia cuts you off before you could even redeem yourself
“No Y/n.” he says sternly. “Lilia I just-“ he cuts you off once again “No Y/n. Whatever this is…I don’t like it…I don’t appreciate it.” He says motioning to the holographic version of yourself, his expression pained, upset, confused and angry. “I’m not gonna be here forever Lilia…nor can I live as long as you” you defended yourself
“And you think this is gonna make me feel at ease?!Having a version of you, that I cant touch, that I can speak to but has computerized answers, some kind of moving picture that isn’t living…this thing is not you.” He snaps back angrily, he gazes at the hologram filled with spite. Making you tear up a bit, you had figured this would be one of the reactions you’d get, though you hadn’t prepared for it as much as you thought…
“I’m scared Lilia, I’m afraid of leaving…I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost me one day when my human body gives up on me…I cant stay even though I want to so this the best I could do” you choked back tears…looking at the floor filled with hurt and fear, fear for the day that waits, the day that you pass away…leaving him forever.
You thought you finally made Lilia hate you, maybe it was for the best you thought, maybe it’s better he hates you than loves you, that way when you’re gone, it wont hurt him as much. You heard footsteps on the wooden floor, in your mind, you told yourself Lilia was leaving now…so you stayed put, shut eyes and head hanging low.
But unexpectedly, you felt a warm, loving, and strong embrace, it felt like the last push you needed to let out the tears you’ve been holding back, and you did. “I’d rather miss you everyday for as long as I live, than having to ease the pain of not having you with this contraption…” He says in a hushed tone while comfortingly rubbing your back
“I’d rather spend the rest of my days thinking about the memories we’ve made when you were here, than to make new fake memories with a hologram…” he adds, you continued to sob and hold him weakly, feeling as if every word he spoke was a dagger through your chest, but something you also needed to hear.
“I’ve been knew about this the moment I decided to love you, I knew you weren’t going to be with me forever, I knew you were going to leave first, but I wasn’t scared, because I promised myself I’d spend every waking day with you, making our time together memorable…so that when you leave I’d know…that I made you happy while you were here…and that you’ve spent your mortal years contently…” Lilia spoke, his voice quivering but also spoke to you with the gentlest tone.
He backs away slightly to give you a short but passionate kiss, then he pulls away putting his forehead on yours, tears both staining your cheeks as they trailed down from your eyes “I love you, only you, no one else, nothing else, just you. The Y/n I can hug, and kiss, and laugh with…you.” Lilia smiles sadly, wiping your cheek with her thumbs.
You nod, still feeling the tears continuously flowing, Your lover pulled you back into his tight but loving embrace, it felt safe…like all your worries being washed away, you knew now that everything was going to be okay, all you needed was him, as long as he was with you, nothing else mattered.
A/N: Heyyyy so here’s a little something that’s been on my drafts for the longest time now 😭🤚🏻 I’m a bit rusty as I haven’t wrote anything in a long time so this may come off as rushed or repetitive, But nonetheless hope you guys like it ♡♡♡ (also sorry for coming back with another angst post lolllll) love ya bye! 🫶🏻
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animelovelover123 · 8 months
DMC: Family Pet AU – First Breeding Privileges
Link to Master List
After giving you (up to) 2 years to mentally prepare, the time came for you to start fulfilling one of your primary responsibilities. Children needed to be had. Now usually the demon family would fight, sometimes to the death, for first dibs on breeding a Pet. But this was the Sparda family, who loved and respected your feelings. So instead, they gathered in a meeting and unanimously agreed that you may choose whose child you wish to bear first, and within a month you are to announce your decision. Though, if you couldn’t come to a decision yourself, several members were ready to fight for the privilege.
Lady, Eva, Kyrie, and Nico
Being human women, all four were eliminated from the running automatically due to not actually being able to impregnate you.
Eva is at peace with this. She has already experienced pregnancy with her own body, and though she would be lying if she said she wasn’t a bit curious of what it would feel like on the other side of the situation, she also wished for her children to enjoy the pleasure of creating new life.
If you request her to parent your first child, she suppresses her shocked expression and instead gives a genuine smile full of love and sympathy. “My dear,” Eva motions you to sit in her lap. When you do, she holds your pouting face to her chest and pets you. “it’s very sweet of you to think of me. I am honored to have you even consider an old lady like me, but you know that I cannot do this for you, don’t you?”
Kyrie was a naturally nurturing person and would rather be the one getting pregnant. If anything, she was excited to care for you and live vicariously through you during your pregnancy.
If you try asking her to parent your child, she will freeze for a moment in confusion then break out in a light giggle. “Oh my.” She will smile jovially at you as she scratches behind one of your ears. “Such a sweet little thing.”
Nico wasn’t really interested in having kids, at least not at this point in her life. She was still hung up on her own family issues and trying to settle down with the one she suddenly had now with the Spardas. Though she is a little disappointed because “you and I would have made the cutest little munchkins”.
If you try to choose Nico she will blatantly laugh, though she will rein her humor in if you become upset. “Don’t take it personally sweet pea, but I ain’t got the equipment to do that, if you know what I mean.” She gives a playful wink.
Lady was the only one of the four actually upset that she couldn’t be the parent. She was kind of hoping that, through some magical or demonic means, she could maybe pull it off. And she technically could, but not without her becoming a demon like her father did, which was obviously out of the question. She wanted to be a mom but the idea of getting pregnant herself was scary and it would involve asking someone else to help her which would be excruciatingly embarrassing, even if she wouldn’t mind if it happened with a select couple of the other members. And maybe she wanted the satisfaction of having you and shoving it in the face of the twins.
If you come to her and ask her to be the first to breed with you, her disappointment grows tenfold. “God, I wish I could. I want to. You have no idea how badly I want to. But I just… can’t.” At that moment, for but a minute, she truly considers becoming a demon.
Technically, Dante is the most optimal choice. He is the oldest and strongest of the possible partners that do not already have an heir. This is something he holds over everyone else as a playful jab. In all honesty, he doesn’t feel anywhere near worthy to have a kid. Still, he has always kind of wanted one and he couldn’t ask for anyone better to be the other parent than you. Even as he looks through porn magazines to try and get his mind off the possibility, his face goes red with daydreams of you happily waddling over to him for a kiss with a full belly and later coming home to the excited calls of “Papa!” as his cute little guy or gal waddles over to him. His self-doubts keep him from expressing these more enduring feelings though, instead hiding behind teasing and jokes.
If you are unable to decide and it is left up to a fight, he will naturally stick to his usually cocky and cheeky attitude. But as the fight goes on, he becomes more determined and, if provoked enough, may give in to his demon blood to upgrade the battle into a life-or-death struggle. Someone, most likely Sparda or Trish, may need to step in if Dante and Vergil get each other too heated.
If you choose him though, his facade nearly shatters that instant. His casual smile and posture suddenly flip to that of an excited puppy. If there are other people around he tries to rein it in, both out of wanting to uphold his image and not wanting to risk making others feel worse for having not been chosen. But when you are alone, he is more affectionate than usual. And by the time you hit your second trimester all his restraints are gone as he excitedly prepares his place for his kid and showers you in attention.
“Thank you.” Dante says, making you look down at your lap where he is resting his cheek on your thigh and rubbing a hand over your swelled stomach. “Thank you for choosing me. I’ll be the best damn father I can be.”
Vergil already has a son. He and his father are the only ones out of the potential partners who have already secured an heir, and this results in some pressure to not participate in the competition. To step back and let others have the chance to be parents first. But that’s the thing, Vergil never truly got the chance to be a parent. Sure, once he is properly reunited with Nero, Vergil has been trying to form a bond with his son, but he can never make up for all the lost time. Vergil wants another chance to be a father, one in which he can be there for every special moment and lead his child through life’s difficult hurdles.
And so, if the privilege to have you carry his child is left up to a battle, Vergil is ready to fight tooth and nail. It doesn’t matter if he is up against his brother, his father, or even his own son, Vergil has no intention of giving in until he is on death’s door. In reality, others will step in to stop the fight before it gets to that point, but Vergil is ready.
If you instead seek him out to be your first breeding partner, he feels as if the world is giving him a sign. A sign telling him that he can repent for his failure with Nero, even though Vergil had been enslaved and did not choose to abandon Nero. Vergil takes the utmost care in every step of the process. From conception to each trimester and to the birth itself, Vergil has researched every possible thing. This actually gets in the way sometimes, but it is the thought that counts. He wants to do things right, not just by the child but by you as well, who was suffering more than he would like to bring this child into the world. He also tries to integrate Nero into the process by encouraging Nero to spend time with you and him. To speak to his future sibling, to play games of tag when the child is restless, and to be the third, after you and Vergil himself, to hold the baby once they are born. Seeing Nero half lay on your bed so he can get a good look at the bundle in your arms, watching you both smile down at the wriggling baby, cooing things at it like “you’re so cute” and “I’m gonna teach you all sorts of crazy stuff”. Then seeing you both look up at him and excitedly beckon him closer… that was the first time you or Nero saw Vergil cry.
“I can do this.” He finally truly believed. “I can grow a family.”
Fuck YEEEEESSS! Nero is so ready to have a kid. He’s always wanted to be a dad, to be everything he never had growing up. And ya, he had Kyrie and wanted to have kids with her too, but why can’t he have both? He knew that was a bit selfish, but he loved you both so very much, and maybe the thought of getting you both pregnant ignited a weird but intoxicating masculine pride in him.
So hell ya. If it’s a fight the others want, it’s a fight they’ll get. He’ll pull out all the stops weapon-wise. Thankfully though he hasn’t awakened to his full devil trigger yet so he won’t go into ‘kill or be killed’ mode like his dad or his uncle.
If you pointedly choose him though, he is honestly overly proud. He will parade this information and your full tummy around, usually not intending to offend or rub it into other people’s faces, except sometimes with Dante and Vergil (and maybe Trish if he is mad at her). He wants everyone to appreciate your strength and beauty, and to acknowledge him as a mature adult who can take care of himself and others. People are quick to point out that his giddiness in showing you, and anything to do with his child, off to anyone that would listen was not helping his mission to be seen as mature.
He will be nervous to leave you alone while pregnant, but he will manage to still do his jobs if you are in the care of other family members, especially Kyrie. But if he actually manages to get both you and Kyrie pregnant at the same time, all restraints are off. A family meeting is being held? Unless both of you can safely attend then he’ll pass, someone can give him the 411 later. There’s a mission to do for Devil May Cry? He has a family to deal with that. He has more important places to be. The world is ending? Well, he has to be with his lovers to make sure they and his future children make it through the apocalypse. Okay… maybe he’ll let others watch over you both while he helps. But this better be quick!
He knew this was coming, but when the time did come, he still wasn’t sure. He did not really want children. He wasn’t averse to children or having them, but he felt nowhere near ready to father one. Even though he was physically an adult and mature in many ways, he felt far too naïve. He has only existed in his own body for a handful of years and has spent even less time as his own being with individuality. He was comparatively a child to the world, how was he supposed to lead a baby through it? Even if he did indulge in scribing the most beautiful of art in his mind while imagining you with a child he helped create from time to time.
Even so, he was pressured to participate. As the only human eligible to be a breeding partner, other humans in the family (namely Lady and Nico) elected him as some sort of representative and encouraged him to put up a good fight at least. His familiars, primarily Griffon, argued with him every day to assert more dominance in the family, and being the first to impregnate the family Pet would definitely raise his standing. Others egged him on through mocking comments. Some were unintentional, like Sparda and Nero honestly worrying that the battle over you may be too rough for him, while others were very much meant to aggravate him, such as Dante’s playful remarks of V being “too fragile” and Vergil’s assertion that V is “simply too weak”.
If the brawl is to be scheduled, V approaches it with a tired frustration and hidden discomfort. “I suppose I must,” he says over and over with a shrug to get others to stop bothering him about it and to try and work up the nerve in himself. Despite fully expecting to fail, V still trains for the fight and hopes, at the very least, not to leave the fight as an utter disappointment to everyone present. He, in fact, ends up impressing his family.
Everyone is utterly shocked if you ask him to father your first child, including V himself. Whether other people are around when you utter the words or it is just him present, the room falls silent for a long while, wide eyes turning to watch you as if you would throw your hands up and laugh off the joke any moment. It’s Griffon who breaks the silence as he emerges unsolicited to cheer. This becomes a recurring problem, Griffon gloating to everyone that his master was chosen which means his master is better than them. V gets in the habit of calling Griffon back within seconds of sensing the avian’s pride. Shadow is also prideful but at least she simply struts alongside you proudly like you are a queen out for a walk with her faithful pet. V, though taken aback by this sudden responsibility placed before him, does take it with all due respect and seriousness. Though continuing to ask, “are you sure?” even after the baby is born, he will do everything in his power to be the man he needs to be for you and the precious gift you have given him.
As a loyal follower of Sparda, and later Vergil, and a well-researched man on demonology and society, Credo knew from the moment the idea of adopting a Pet came up in a family meeting that the stream of children would follow soon enough. What he was still trying to wrap his brain around was that he had the privilege of being in the running to have you. He still very much felt like a simple soldier under the great Sparda and his eldest son rather than being part of the Sparda family, even though most of the family had treated him kindly and welcomed him wholeheartedly. Credo also hadn’t really considered being a father before. Having spent most of his life helping to raise his little sister and adoptive brother while also leading the holy knights, he never really stopped to consider what to do with his life outside of these things. If he did take time to consider the possibility, he found that he kind of liked the idea, but the single month between having the meeting and you giving your answer was not enough time for him to come to a clear decision.
In the end, if he was called to the battlefield, he would fight. However, if he was ordered to stand down he would comply. With his lack of commitment at the moment, he treats the fight almost like training. A clash of blades to test each other’s prowess without grievously wounding anyone as they were all on the same side.
If you approach him to be your partner, he stares at you long and hard, his expression seeming to be an angry glare but was actually furrowed in thought. If any of the higher-ranked members of the family are around Credo will look to them before responding to you. What did they think of this? Was this acceptable? Was he acceptable? Whether there are third parties present or not, Credo will say with a straight face, “Thank you for telling me this. Please give me time to think things over.” He gives you a bow and leaves the room before his racing heart and heating face ruins his stoicism.
Credo feels the need to converse with the heads of the family, Sparda and Eva, about this matter. Credo considered inviting Vergil to this meeting but there was a nagging fear in his heart that Vergil would vehemently deny you and him. This was picked up on by Sparda and Eva who recognized it as Credo seeking affirmation and blessing, which they give him. After a bit more consideration he agrees.
“Though I am still unsure of my qualifications, I will stake my honour as the head of the holy knights on providing for you and our child.”
As a demon, Trish was the only female that could get you pregnant and so was the only woman in the running. This resulted in her feeling just a bit pressured, by other girls in the family and herself, to step up and succeed as a gender representative. Not that she doesn’t want to be a parent with you, far from it. She has always held a maternal instinct that, though somewhat soothed via her teasing mothering of other family members, she knows she won’t truly be vindicated from until she has a kid of her own. Now whether that kid was with you or Lady didn’t matter, both of you were her favorites. But this was a prime opportunity.
If it came down to a fight she would step up to the plate. With the sword Sparda in hand and the cheers of Lady and Nico she would give it her all. But she also was levelheaded enough to not take things too far. No matter how much she wanted a kid, she had no intention or desire to kill her family for it. She would subdue the others, not eliminate them. She knew her limits and the limits of her family and would keep an eye out for how much damage they and herself had taken. If things got bad or those observing became too upset at the violence, her maternal instinct would drive her to abort the fight and try to stop it.
If she is the one you choose, she coos affectionately. “Why of course sweetheart.” She pulls you into a loose hug so she can look at your cute blushing face as she strokes your hair. “Let me handle everything darling, I’ll take such good care of you.” She won’t gloat about it to others, though maybe throw around a teasing remark occasionally. This was mainly between you and her, so she never gave out unnecessary information or listened to others’ unsolicited suggestions, except perhaps from Eva and Sparda out of loyalty and understanding that they knew best in this scenario. Even though she knew you belonged to the family, for the time being, you were primarily hers and she was yours.
As the head of the family, Sparda had full right to simply choose whom you bred with first and when. The only thing that would get in his way is any family member who dared fight his authority, which Sparda could only think of Vergil and/or Nero trying such a thing. But that wasn’t the kind of man Sparda was. His eyes have been opened to the kinder ways of humanity and he no longer wishes to continue the cruel treatment of Pets that his kind primarily did. He was also reasonable enough to understand that he already had two strong, healthy, adult (in terms of human biology) children. Though his demon body was formed with the natural intention to live several thousand years and create many offspring in that time, he was mature and self-aware enough to understand that he has had his time as a father and that now it was time to give others a turn. And yet, he couldn’t help his craving to bear children with you. He cherished the experience of having children with Eva and wished to have it again, and again, and again. What an uplifting and proud life he has lived since becoming a father, but with his sons carving new paths in life he desired to bring about more joy into the world. But this he kept contained, only speaking to his wife about it if she could pull it out of him.
Sparda did not intend to participate in the battle for breeding privileges if it came to that. But he may be convinced to join if encouraged by others, whether that be by Eva telling him to follow his desires or his children and grandchild itching to fight him. The fight was admittedly tougher than he had expected, which gave him a rush of demonic violent adrenalin and a surge of fatherly pride at how strong his kin was. This paternal pride is what held him back from letting out his full power though, not wanting to hurt his children’s pride by a swift defeat and still believing that his kin deserved the chance to be parents like he already had.
If you request him to be your first partner, he is able to hold back his pride and excitement to give you a kind but questioning look. “Are you sure Pet? I am flattered but perhaps we should give others the chance first.” He quickly gives in to your pleading eyes and pouts at his gentle rejection though. He lifts you into his arms, just as he did with Eva on their wedding night. “I will be sure not to fall short of your expectations. Now, shall we begin right away?”
Sparda is a family man, and so he does his best to involve as much of the family in the new child’s life. From relying on his patient and considerate wife to help lead you through the highs and lows of pregnancy and childbirth to easing the twins into accepting their new sibling. He also uses the experience as a teaching opportunity for his kin on what to expect from fathering/mothering a child and what they should do. He’ll even encourage others to play at being a parent for practice, assuming you are comfortable with that. It becomes a regular occurrence for all family members to hover around you; figuring out how to hold, cuddle, lift, and support you and your changing body; and to expect the unexpected, sudden, but strong desires you will have, along with knowing how to keep you and the baby safe while they satisfy you in every way.
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nagitoro · 11 months
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he'll deny these feelings, those anonymous gifts, and the need to hug you.
a rin itoshi oneshot! rin itoshi x fem! reader
iya's notes ; my first work on my new blog! i made it extra fluffy for everyone ><
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rin itoshi thinks he is a master of it, the art of denial. he denies most things, and in very different aspects too.. like being asked to hang out, his answers would be a stern "no thanks.", he denies the anger he feels whenever isagi yoichi, his rival, steals a soccer goal away from him. but the biggest denial of his life, is in love.
and is in you, the denial of his own feelings. rin itoshi isn't so accustomed to having such musty feelings, as he referred to them as such. but, to be honest, rin doesn't mind feeling it in the comfort of his own mind, where his imagination and love roam free.
he's not allowed to fall in love yet, when he has a huge dream and a path to take in front of him. it's a distraction. from the soccer career he is putting his life on, something that he has excelled in all his life, second only to his brother, sae. maybe one day, those feelings will eventually fade.
rin itoshi is not a believer in romances, after all. he trusts that maybe in a week, such feelings will go away. maybe.. in two weeks? a month? two months? he doesn't know, it's been how long since he wished his longing to be by your side would just go away, to not let it plague his mind. as good as the feelings he gets from it, it makes him weak, he thinks.
vulnerability isn't so much what rin itoshi aspires to be, and yet in the presence of you.. he feels every bit of the word vulnerable. it makes him weak in the knees, making him feel shivers from head to toe. “it's just a crush, this is how it normally feels like.” he reminds himself, he's had a few crushes before, how does this make it any different.
“rin!” your voice calls out, and his soul gets turned into a messy puddle. he tries his best to keep calm, fixing his coat and hair subconsciously before coughing, clearing his throat. why? it's his subconscious speaking, the player thinks. “hello.” and as you walk towards him with a grin, he could only muster a weak (and honestly shy) smile back.
rin itoshi doesn't even smile most of the time. but i think any smile that came from him, an always upset and reclusive man would be a huge advancement towards a more neutral, at least personality.
he held a small conversation with you about nothing in particular, until you mentioned something about wanting to buy plushies and figurines. explaining how cute they are and that you're starting a collection of such items, showing him a picture of a lamb holding what seemed to be a tulip. “is this.. what you want?” he asks, no emotions shown on his face and yet inside the cogs of his head were working.
itoshi rin went home that day, seemingly happy to see you once in a while. sitting on his clean desk, he thinks deeply. reminiscing the quite short conversation you two had earlier that day. a much more visible grin on his face, he was after all in the comfort of his own bedroom so he felt free to express little bits of happiness and what people called butterflies in their stomach.
he grabbed his phone, typing in “lamb with tulip” before stopping, staring at the wall in front of him with a look that could only be embarrassment. what am i thinking.. buying them this can't buy their love. he shakes his head at the thought, being a firm believer that not even money can buy affection and love, especially yours. rin took another look at the plushie, before imagining you holding on to it tightly with a very pleased expression.
he smiled to himself again, like an exercise to his face's muscles that he hadn't quite had in a long while. rin pressed the buy now button, before putting his phone down a few minutes later. they don't have to know that it's from me.. all they need to know that it came from someone who adores them, even if i am not allowed to. he thinks to himself, burying his face into his hands while thinking about his feelings.
i will like them, as long as my heart wants to. rin itoshi nods to himself, maybe.. he has the hold over his feelings for you by now. standing up to go to the mirror, he looks at himself, the faint blush on his face as he sighs out loud. “i don't think my heart will ever stop liking them.”
a few days later, rin sneaks to your apartment, and stuffs something into the mail carefully. his disguise was shades, a baseball cap and a black facemask. making sure to look around before placing it inside, he smiles then walks away. rin waited in anticipation for your reaction, perhaps a message? no, there was no indication that it was from him anyways, no letter, not even a measly sticky note.
opening his instagram, he sees a post. and instinctively, rin grins. you look perfect. he thought, staring at the selfie you took with the plushie, holding it in different poses. the caption of your post read:
@username: whoever gave me this will get a hug and a lot of thanks, tysm anon <3
rin blinks, is that true? he thinks, tapping his finger nervously on his wooden desk. “maybe it's a joke, she wouldn't. and besides, she doesn't know..” he gulps down, sighing. but the thought of other people who may admire you, taking credit for buying you that gift take his chance away from receiving a hug makes him frown, a huge scowl accompanied with thoughts of multiple people taking credit. his brows furrow and he slumps on his bed.
rolling over and over, wondering if he should text you. “but how..” he blinks up at the ceiling, this is stupid he thinks. i look like a middle school student with a stupid crush.. and quite frankly, it's true. rin can't help but feel young and dumb, in the face of what might possibly be his first love. what happened to just denying it all?
he thinks it's too late to deny it, he's enamored.
not my fault.. i can't help but like you, who wouldn't? i'm not going to deny it.. not when i want to give my all for her.. this is the only other thing i want other than soccer, my other wish, is them, and what seems to be an impossible.. romance? with her. i can't believe myself, using terms like that. it's icky.
he shivered, rin seemed like one of those characters of romance movies that he despised. but how long would it take if he still denied the feelings he held for you? how long would his wait of “it'll go away soon, they're just a crush anyways.” go on? rin thinks he's already too deep in, maybe, just maybe this is the type of love that he imagined to be disgusting. if so, why is it making him feel like a new person, a much better, and a less selfish person.
and as he types into his phone, his hands shake with nervousness. this was one of the stepping stones he had to overcome, to get a little closer to you.
@ rinitoshi : when's the meetup? i need to have that hug y/n
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