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The design on Vincent’s coffin
神羅屋敷の地下で眠るヴィンセントの棺は、三つの首の犬を模した意匠が特徴的(下の写真を参照)。 このマークは、「Dirge of Cerberus -FFVII-」で彼が使う銃「ケロベロス」についていたレリーフと同じものになっている。
On the coffin in the basement of the Shinra Mansion in which Vincent sleeps is a distinctive design, resembling a three-headed dog. This mark has been made to look the same as the relief design on the gun, Cerberus, that he uses in Dirge of Cerberus.
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Very quick info: thanks to the images shared to me by @narina-gnagno, I can tell you that the Ultimania of Rebirth almost confirms the basement graffiti as written by vincent:
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I used Google translate to understand the text and yes, the book implies vincent has written these disturbing lines in a time undefined. Poor man, in fear of himself and even in fear of sleeping.
(And yes, I've tried to compare the math formula and the formula from the supernova move and, nope, I haven't found similarities yet. I guess it will be a foreshadowing for the future)
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Vincent’s Rebirth Bio
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(This is the paragraph on the bottom of his profile page next to his cape)
The mysterious man who sleeps in the basement of a gloomy mansion
Dwelling in a single room in the basement of the Shinra Mansion is a man who calls himself a security guard.* He seems to have the authority to unlock the laboratory, however, usually he just sleeps in a coffin, and doesn’t do anything more than required beyond the bare minimum.
Records left on Shinra’s computer terminal state that he is a former Turk, and he has mentioned that in the past he used to serve as a bodyguard for Shinra researchers, but other than that, the rest of his identity remains a mystery. He seems to have some kind of connection to Sephiroth, and once he learns that Cloud’s team is pursuing Sephiroth, he decides to travel along with them.
(*Ok I am dumb this just hit me like a ton of bricks. “Security guard” that guards the entrance to hell? In Greek mythology, that’s Cerberus. They are not being subtle about this at ALL. Amazing.)
(This is purely conjecture, but. Are the first three monsters like the heads of Cerberus, and Chaos = Hell? And this explains why his ultimate weapon is actually Death Penalty and not Cerberus. Guyysssss the devs thought this THROUGH.)
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Topics of Vincent
(Your resident translator was on a plane and had plenty of time to do some work so here we go with the second page of his profile ❤️)
This is long so content is under the cut
1) 身体に秘めたる魔獣の因子
The factor of the magical beasts hidden in his body
Because of the factor that Vincent houses magical beasts within his body, he has the ability to transform into Galian Beast. After transforming, he gains the ability to move with both speed and strength that is literally superhuman. At the same time, his rational mind gives way to wild rampaging, and it seems to take quite a toll on his body. The fact that Vincent spares a lot of time sleeping may be due to the peculiar nature of his physical make-up.
2) 新しめの機械には弱い?
Is he bad with new technology?
Vincent has the mistaken impression that the card reader doesn’t work as it’s lacking a power source, and the device not activating seems to cause him all manner of distress*. [Please see the footnote this phrase is amazing] It seems he is inexperienced with handling such devices. Even so, it doesn’t mean he is generally bad with all technology per se, as he was able to easily handle the wireless radio on the Tiny Bronco. That is to say, he seems to be more familiar with older machines.
(*I just want to talk about this phrase 四苦八苦. It almost sent me into hysterics. It’s pronounced “shikuhakku” and it means great distress, but literally translates to “four and eight kinds of suffering.” It’s another idiomatic expression with Buddhist roots that refers to “birth, old age, disease, death, parting from loved ones, meeting disliked ones, not getting what one seeks,” and so on. Basically a summary of his life so far, minus the old age. But the fact that they used this term specifically to talk about his distress at newfangled technology just sent me. Literally you can read this as “modern technology causes him four and eight kinds of suffering.” Like the rest of what he’s gone through isn’t 四苦八苦? But the card reader not working is. I’m dead ya’ll. Like. Vincent needs this on a shirt. I need this on a shirt.)
3) Original VII Playback (Vincent Summary)
仲間に加えるかどうかを任意で選べるキャラクターながら、セフィロスや宝条と深い因縁があり、物語の背景を知るうえでは重要な役どころだった。関連作品のひとつ「Dirge of Cerberus -FFVII-」では主人公を務める。
The player can choose whether to befriend Vincent as he is an optional character. Since he has a deep connection to Sephiroth and Hojo, viewed in the context of the game’s background story, the role he plays is essential. He takes on the role of the main character in the related game, Dirge of Cerberus.
「フ… 悪夢にうなされる長き眠りこそ
“Hmph… my long, nightmare-laden sleep has given me time to atone…”
(Picture captions)
When pushed to the wall, with a loud roar, clad in a dark red aura, his savage nature increases further.
When he tries to fix something he thought was broken by hitting and shaking it, somehow it seems like he’s from another generation.
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Thank you so much!
Vincent’s Rebirth Ultimania Profile
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No changes here. For the record:
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年齢: 不明 (外見年齢27歳)
血液型: A
出身: 不明
Voice cast: 鈴木省吾
Age: unknown (External appearance 27 yrs)
Birthday: 10/13
Height: 184cm/6ft
Blood type: A
Origin: unknown (refers to hometown or country of origin)
Voice cast: Suzuki Shougo
“You said your foe was Sephiroth.
My fate is deeply connected to him*.
I’ll go as well.”
(* This directly translates as “There is [I have] a deep connection to Sephiroth,” which I believe was officially translated as “We have a unique bond.” This was discussed in another post, but the phrase 浅からぬ因縁 is used often to describe interwoven fates, especially in terms of cause/effect or karmic cycles in Buddhism. The English lacks the subtext of fate/cause and effect.)
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silvergreenseraphim · 17 days
The next project is going to be focused on translating information on Sephiroth and Vincent from the Ultimania! When I have done this, I want to share two posts analyzing the rest of the in-game dialogue relating to Glenn and Vincent.
Beyond that, I am going to just look for interesting details about Sephiroth in Rebirth!
I can’t guarantee how quick I will be but I will do my best. I am very happy to now have good evidence to explain Glenn’s story in Rebirth.
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silvergreenseraphim · 17 days
Basically if you're just tuning in: Glenn is Sephiroth's Original Character Do Not Steal.
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silvergreenseraphim · 17 days
The Relationship Between Glenn and Rufus
[Ultimania Screenshot Removed Until Square Enix Lifts Copyright Strikes]
Glenn, a messenger from Wutai, appears often before Rufus. Though their conversations suggest that the two were old acquaintances, the exact nature of their relationship remains a mystery. Here is a summary of their meaningful exchanges and the relationship between them and Wutai as depicted in related works.
In the small box, it has some information on Rufus and Team Glenn’s connections to Wutai.
In "FVII Before Crisis", four years ago, Rufus lent a hand to the Wutai-based Avalanche.
Glenn comes into contact with Sephiroth, who was dispatched to Wutai seven years ago, in the opening of "The First Soldier" arc of "FFVII Ever Crisis".
Matt and Lucia, who were Glenn's colleagues (introduced by Yuffie in CHAPTER 7 as the "three ex-soldiers"), appear as captains in flashback scenes of the original Avalanche soldiers.
A small text wall next to Glenn’s death scene says:
When Rufus heard Glenn's name in Junon, a vision of him shooting a man flashes through his mind.
Text wall beside the “Please contact Captain Matt” dialogue says:
It appears that Matt and Lucia were participating in the operation to attack the Shinra Building.
Examples of Important Conversations Between Glenn and Rufus
[Ultimania Screenshot Removed Until Square Enix Lifts Copyright Strikes]
Rufus: "You're alive?"
Glenn: "Most certainly dead.”
(This was a bit of dialogue in the game that was difficult to translate. If anyone has a correction for it, please let me know. It appears that Glenn says he is “Dead, of course” to Rufus’ statement).
Rufus is surprised at Glenn's survival, and Glenn responds with a laugh. It sounds like a joking response, but based on his later words and actions, it may not be a joke at all.
Rufus: "The Governor will not stand on such a poor set.”
Glenn: "I see! Growing up a young master/rich kid is so bothersome.”
Rufus said these words as if he knew Sufur’s personality well. Glenn calls Sufur a rich kid/brat, but in Junon, he also mocked Rufus, saying, “Fond of (drawing) visions as ever, young master/rich kid).”
(I once again have been trying to receive help on this specific line because the connection here is how Glenn calls both Sufur and Rufus “Botchan,” which is an interesting term for a rich young master or boy. More in this in another post).
Glenn & Sephiroth: "Our 'Promised Land' will be born." Good (for you), you’ve succeeded your father.”
In the commentary scene, Sephiroth's appearance and voice overlap with Glenn, implying that Glenn's actions up to that point were in line with Sephiroth's intentions.”
Glenn: “As good at shooting people in the back as ever.”
A line that suggests that Rufus once shot Glenn in the back. It is also revealed in this scene that the person who had been thought to be Glenn was one of those in the black cloaks.
My translations are rough at the moment because I am hurrying, but I trust that I was able to get the essential parts accurate.
This is not much new information but I would say it confirms some things.
1. Glenn is dead.
2. It was a black cloak in line with Sephiroth’s intentions. Based on the other instances where black cloaks interact with Cloud with Sephiroth’s intentions, it is safe to say that this was also Sephiroth. A part of his will perhaps.
3. There is nothing suggesting that this was Jenova, as some were saying.
4. Sephiroth heavily mocks Rufus at every chance he gets and appears to hate him passionately.
5. Glenn came in contact with Sephiroth 7 years after Sephiroth was dispatched to Wutai. This is the opening of the First Soldier.
6. Rufus and the Before Crisis plot of his involvement with Avalanche has been confirmed.
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silvergreenseraphim · 17 days
Nothing interesting from the Ultimania so far beyond multiverse shenanigans. I managed to get a (extremely poor) translation on Sephiroth's bio which openly described his sane self as a "caring, courteous" person so.
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There. Bam. That much is confirmed so that media illiterate people will stop saying that Sephiroth was always evil. Word of God now proves otherwise.
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silvergreenseraphim · 17 days
“Before Sephiroth learned the secret of his birth and suddenly changed, he was hailed as a ``hero'' due to his overwhelming strength, but he existed as a normal human being.
When he visited Nibelheim five years ago, he gave free time to Cloud who had returned to his hometown, and even accepted his comrade's request for a photo with him, even though he was not sociable, thus showing as much consideration as anyone.”
“At that time, Sephiroth was a caring person who would chide his restless juniors with a wry smile.”
They say he has a sarcastic laugh/smile to describe the way he teases or reproves his younger SOLDIERS with dry humor. I admire that he was not a ruthless taskmaster over his men but just teased them in his tired way.
Nothing interesting from the Ultimania so far beyond multiverse shenanigans. I managed to get a (extremely poor) translation on Sephiroth's bio which openly described his sane self as a "caring, courteous" person so.
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There. Bam. That much is confirmed so that media illiterate people will stop saying that Sephiroth was always evil. Word of God now proves otherwise.
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silvergreenseraphim · 17 days
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Ok Sai Fox said this confirmed that Jenova was the Blood Queen in the card game and I just wanna see if this means @rottenpumpkin13’s theory was correct lol
It does! This appears to be a developer interview.
A very quick translation:
“We wanted to incorporate the lore of Jenova. The urban legend-like lore that the battle between the Black Red Queen and the Green Jade Witch parallels the relationship between Jenova and Cetra spread in the form of a card game.”
(Thank you for this! I am working on the page for Glenn and trying to work out small snags in my post. I am almost done and will post it soon!)
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silvergreenseraphim · 18 days
Just as a heads up, the Rebirth Ultimania releases in Japan tomorrow. And while I'll be looking into as many translated sources as I can find via Twitter, if you guys find something cool, please let me know! You have full permission to spam my inbox with juicy information.
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silvergreenseraphim · 18 days
I forgot but something I need to make clear because of being asked this before—I do not translate anything related to character shipping or romantic pairings unless it coincides with a plot I am trying to decipher in Japanese. I would please ask that any shippers find other sources to translate for them. This blog is dedicated to Crisis Core characters and the people of Shinra Manor.
Thank you!
Hi friends!
I know it may have looked like I disappeared but I am alive, don’t worry 😅
I am a busy student taking six classes and I sometimes have to take time away to devote to studies. But I have several posts saved to my drafts that translate the Vincent Valentine and Sephiroth lore, the Glenn Lodbrok storyline and extra details about Sephiroth in Rebirth.
I have wanted to share these but I stopped because the Ultimania is coming out very soon. I wanted to wait and see translations and maybe translate some of it myself if I can get screenshots from friends.
When I do this, the questions I have about parts of the storylines I have translated may be answered and I will provide better analysis for everyone.
Thank you all for your support and patience! I am excited to share my posts and discuss them with everyone. It won’t be long now!
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silvergreenseraphim · 18 days
Hi friends!
I know it may have looked like I disappeared but I am alive, don’t worry 😅
I am a busy student taking six classes and I sometimes have to take time away to devote to studies. But I have several posts saved to my drafts that translate the Vincent Valentine and Sephiroth lore, the Glenn Lodbrok storyline and extra details about Sephiroth in Rebirth.
I have wanted to share these but I stopped because the Ultimania is coming out very soon. I wanted to wait and see translations and maybe translate some of it myself if I can get screenshots from friends.
When I do this, the questions I have about parts of the storylines I have translated may be answered and I will provide better analysis for everyone.
Thank you all for your support and patience! I am excited to share my posts and discuss them with everyone. It won’t be long now!
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silvergreenseraphim · 2 months
Thinking about Sephiroth's motivations in Rebirth and getting super emotional because fuck, man, I get it. I get it. It doesn't excuse anything, but I get it in a way I can't even describe.
The Gi establish that those who aren't native to Gaia can't join the Lifestream basically at all, they're held separate entirely; the Gi have never been in it directly, their ghosts wander in a little liminal space they crafted for themselves. This is because they're entirely foreign—the Gi appear to be interdimensional travelers that were somehow marooned on Gaia at some point in ancient history, where they died and were left as ghosts, lingering forever unable to move on.
Sephiroth is slightly different in that he was born on Gaia and he does have human parents as well as Jenova, so he can force his way into the Lifestream as we saw in Lifestream Black and Advent Children, but he can't disseminate into it. He's still conscious and cognizant in some capacity even as the Lifestream fights to strip away the parts of him that belong on the planet, the parts of him that were human. This is, presumably, why his memory is all fucked up postcanon, whether we're talking novels or spinoffs; the Lifestream has been trying to take him but it can't, because there's too much Jenova in him, so the parts of him that have survived are just the parts that are the son of Jenova. He hasn't been fully worn down by the time the Crisis rolls around, likely because his body is still partially intact in the Northern Crater. (Again, see Lifestream Black, as well as the OG.)
And here's where everything starts to hurt.
He's alone. No matter what Sephiroth does, he's entirely, completely alone. There is nothing in the world like him, the planet won't accept him—it's not death, it's a homecoming, and Sephiroth has nowhere to go home to.
And he's done this before, this is a repeating timeline, he's been through this before over and over and over. And he's always alone in the end. He's always there at the edge of creation, the end of all things, the kindling of a new universe, and he's still there. All alone.
So this time he's calling for the ultimate Reunion. He's not just calling his Clones home, he's pulling all of time and space together into a single planet, bolstered with the lingering Lifestream of hundreds, thousands of others, timelines where things fell apart and Gaia sat on the precipice of death before Sephiroth found her and tore the Lifestream loose to feed the timeline he's chosen as the most likely to survive.
Three friends go into battle. One is captured (Genesis, in Deepground), one flies away (Angeal, who chose his own death), and the one who remains becomes a hero.
Heroes save the world.
But it doesn't matter, does it? Because he's going to be alone. Zack asks how he could turn his back on everything, and he says "Easily." Aerith asks how he could possibly want an eternity alone—because she doesn't understand, that's what Sephiroth has waiting for him anyway. That's all he's ever had waiting for him.
Sephiroth is going to save a world that will never accept him, because that's what heroes do, and then he's going to be alone forever. But this time, for the first time in every timeline he's experienced, he's going to do it on his own terms. He knows what he is, he knows how this ends, he has no questions of that. But for once in his existence—and it's a long existence, unending, eternal in a way that neither human nor Cetra could never even comprehend—he's going to control exactly how that happens.
Sephiroth knows he can't control whether or not he ends up alone, but he can choose how it happens. He can do things right this time. Maybe if he saves the world it will be different. Maybe the planet will accept him. Maybe he won't be alone.
And if he is (and he knows he will be), at least it was on his own terms.
At least, for once in the whole of creation, Sephiroth had a single flicker of control over his own existence. For once in the entirety of existence, Sephiroth made a decision for himself.
He'll have to live with that decision, alone, for eternity—but it was his.
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silvergreenseraphim · 2 months
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Anyway so this is confirmation that Sephiroth was straight up just dressed like a baby Galian Beast in the Halloween EC event.
SE, what are you doing?
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silvergreenseraphim · 2 months
Thank you again so much! This is exactly what I was hoping for! The music volume settings are very strange at default because the music is wonderful but it drowns out the dialogue sometimes 😭
Here you go, @silvergreenseraphim music turned down all the way to 1. Might as well just have muted it completely in hindsight lmao
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