#i understand being sad your ship doesn't make it but also
iwannascreameurekaa · 12 hours
Top six reasons I ship Valgrace, because I love to talk about them.
Friends to lovers trope. This is my favorite trope and you can never really miss with it. Having friends to lovers trope means that your characters can already have a connection and know each other before they start dating. Also a friends to lovers valgrace story is so fun to read and/or write and it keeps me on the edge of my seat practically screaming at the fictional characters to stop being stupid and just get together through my phone
the "storm or fire" line in the prophecy of the seven. Having a ship where both of the characters would die for each other and know that one of them dies is absolutely incredible. I love tragic gays so freaking much, and valgrace is an amazing example of a tragic gay couple
It makes more sense than caleo and jiper. Caleo doesn't make sense in my mind bc calypso was extremely rude and demanding to Leo, the kiss didn't make up for anything. Also calypsos over 2000 years old and she should not be dating a 16 year old. She did in fact live those thousands of years, unlike Nico or Hazel. So please do not try to convince me that "well shes technically a teenager" she's still 2000 years old. I see caleo more as siblings, maybe becoming friends after the island thing. Jiper is also just incredibly Cishet and toxic. Saying that they were canonically dating is also just stupid because they also canonically broke up BECAUSE the relationship was toxic. Valgrace would actually be able to evolve and become a good relationship, without an immortal falling for a minor.
the differences and similarities between Leo and Jason. The height difference is an obvious thing that I enjoy, a very popular thing that's honestly very understandable. The way they were raised, with Leo running away from every home and never really knowing who his friends were and Jason never knowing who he himself was, is a huge factor in the reasons I like valgrace too. A boy who was raised by wolves, always forced to be a leader, just cozying up to the boy who thought that no one would ever want him is so sad and beautiful at the same time. How could you not love them?
their powers are also something that can be written in a way that's honestly poetic. Leo's fire is uncontrollable and the fact that at he just accidentally lights himself on fire when he's nervous, excited, or just expressing and emotion a bit to much is something that I adore!! Jason sparking when he gets emotional is a great parody to Leo's fire and I love that fact that both of their powers physically manifest!!!!!
Valgrace makes more sense for the lost hero trio. Piper being the "third wheel" but honestly if written right her and Leo should be even closer and are practically platonic soulmates. So there wouldn't necessarily be a third wheel just the "mom and dad and their child" type of thing but piper and her two dads and I love that for them like that's so cool and their friendgroup wouldn't be affected by the relationship like jiper messed with the lost hero trio because it would be a good balance even if it was an au where Jason and piper used to date but they broke up and then valgrace happens
Gods, I love them
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hacash · 1 year
Honestly - and I freely admit I’m poking the bear here - the finale, and indeed Ted Lasso as a whole, feels like an aspec’s dream. So many shows prioritise romance over everything else, and I am fucking delighted that Ted Lasso never did that.
Rebecca and Ted not together? Keeley, Jamie and Roy love triangle/throuple not resolved? Was Trent ever into Ted? Loose ends are exasperating, sure, but romance was never the point of the show. The point is that the love is there regardless of what form it takes - between Keeley, Jamie and Roy, between Ted and Rebecca, between Nate and Ted, between Beard and Ted, between Trent and the Diamond Dogs, between Nate and the team, between the various Greyhounds, between all these other individuals who’ve been touched by the events at Richmond FC - and that’s always been the freaking point.
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dragonlands · 8 months
There's so much negativity around Izzy's death so I wanted to address some of the points I keep seeing thrown around.
"Izzy's death was pointless"
No, he just had his big speech about how basically they can kill him but they cannot kill the movement. That is a clear paraller to a lot of real life protestors of unjustice. He died protecting the community, he died so the community could go on.
"Izzy's death made his healing pointless"
No it didn't. Healing is always good, feeling happiness and belonging are ALWAYS worth it. We never know how long we've got, doesn't mean we gotta stop trying to be better or happier. His healing was still real. It still mattered.
"Izzy's character arc was left unfinished, it's bad writing"
Oh my god. If you open any writing guide about how to write impactful deaths, and the first thing that comes up is to leave some part of their arc unfinished. And his arc did go through quite a beautiful line, sure there could've been more but his story didn't end like, mid arc. As a writer, of course you want to make the audience sad when a character dies. It's good storytelling. Good stories are supposed to make us feel.
"Izzy died on the arms of his abuser"
Where the hell did this idea come from? Ed and Izzy have been in a toxic codependent relationship way before this show started. You could argue that Izzy was Ed's abuser, but that is not the argument I want to make here. Yes, we saw Ed driven to madness shoot Izzy on screen, but we know Izzy's the one that forced him to be Blackbeart when he didn't want it anymore. There's turmoil all around them. But the final moment is them finally meeting as people, not as components of Blackbeard.
"Izzy's death was unnecessarily awful"
His death was sad, yes, but it was quite beautiful as far as deaths go. He was surrounded by family who cared for him. He was loved, and accepted as he is. He knew his legacy will be carried on.
"They killed off the only character that showed us healing is never too late"
Did we watch the same show? That begins with then unhappy 40+ year old Stede deciding it's finally time to reach for his dreams? Where we see Blackbeard slowly gaining back his humanity? Where Black Pete starts off as toxically masculine dude but ends up in a soft gay marriage? Where most of the crew wanted to mutiny but then they realized being soft is good, actually. Jim's whole purpose in life being revenge but them learning to let that go and instead concentrate on love and fun and family. And so on. Izzy's arc is beautiful, but he's not the only person healing who thought it was too late already.
"Izzy's death was bury your gays trope"
No, what, no. In a pirate show where everyobody is queer some queer people will die. Bury your gays is about only having one or few queer characters and killing them off while the straights get their happily ever afters. This is so far from that.
Also, I want people to be aware of the phenomenon, where creators of diverse shows are subjected to more critism than those of non diverse shows. If this intrests you, Sarah Z on Youtube made a great video on it called Double standards and diverse media. Our flag means death has given us so much, queer love story with a happily ever after, finding community, nonbinary character. And the creators have always been so kind to fans, so let's show them tht kindness back. Because critizicing this one aspect can easily turn to seeming like the whole story is just unwanted. That stories like Ed and Stede's aren't worth telling. And I'm so aftraid that will happen, when just now for the first time in years we are finally getting queer stories.
Also, I understand people are sad. I am sad too - Izzy was an amazing character and his death was sad but that's just. Good writing. You can grieve, but trying to turn it into a moral or dramaturgy issue is just not a good look. And attacking the creators of this wonderful show is just horrible.
Remember - this fandom is a safe space ship 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈
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ellecdc · 2 months
Moonwater is a bit new pairing for me and i love it too much but i always wonder how the dynamic are in the bedroom, i really dont think both men are anything other than rough.
I mean when needed the boys would be gentle but most of the time i dont think so? Remus, maybe? could be gentler but during full moon he’s an animal but regulus tho, i dont see him as the gentle type.
What do you think?
oooou ok ok I like it, I like it; let's discuss below
CW: discussing sex and dynamics, NSFW, mdni 18+
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So, this first part is going to be my own personal opinion based off of who I am as a person, and my views may not be shared within the fandom. I personally struggle with super abrasive dom/sub dynamics where a male character is very overbearing, controlling, etc. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LIKE ANY DOM/SUB DYNAMICS, just that fics where a male character is being super aggressive and demeaning and such really aren't my vibe, if that makes sense?
I personally struggle imagining our sweet, sad boy Remus as being super mean in bed? Doesn't mean I don't think he's in charge, especially in poly!scenarios because when there's that many people in bed, someone has to run the show lol, but I don't see him as super bossy and assertive.
Now, keeping in mind that this is my interpretation on a character who literally doesn't exist (which is so sad wtf), my version of 'dom!remus' looks more like a very assured, confident guy in bed; he knows what he's doing, he's good at it, and he knows how to get everyone where they're trying to go (i.e., orgasm city, obviously). He takes care of everyone in bed, and (in the case of poly!marauders or poly!wolfstar) he certainly redirects anyone's naughty (bratty) behaviour (read: sirius), but I think he'd also be super communicative and understanding that it's a dance, not a battle which adds to his assuredness and confidence in bed because people feel safe with him - they know that he knows what he's doing and can let go because they trust him with their safety and their pleasure - and he's in bed with his partner's, not his adversaries.
I've often imagined his love language (how he shows love) to be acts of service and physical touch, which I think goes hand in hand with how he is in bed; when he's in a relationship with these ships, he's making love, not just fucking
I think you're right...some things definitely change around the full moon. I think leading up to the moon (depending on if it was a manic moon or if he was moonsick) there'd be a very noticeable change in him. For manic moons - he'd be a little more desperate, a little rougher (while still being our sweet guy as mentioned above lol), and I think there would be way more sex. He'd be insatiable and obsessed with you; "come on dovey, one more for me, yeah? you're so good, so good for me; i know you can do one more". Good luck trying to pry him from between your legs.
if he was riddled with moonsickness (immediately after every moon or leading up to a bad moon where he is sore and such), i think he might be a bit of a switch? He'd want to be held and cherished and taken care of - he'd nearly cry in awe every time you got on your knees to give him a lazy, gentle blowjob, or if you were in the mood, he'd lay back and let you ride him (he actually loved it - thought you looked beautiful up there)
Now for Regulus lolololololol
No one who grew up in the dynamics Regulus did is vanilla in bed, I'm sorry. (and I come from a place of authority in this - I relate a little too well to Sirius [though not as violent, obviously]). Honestly? I could see Regulus being mean. And not in a super demeaning way that makes you feel small or embarrassed (again, this is my preference), but he takes pleasure in surprising you by suddenly flipping you over and taking you from a different angle. By suddenly and without warning changing the rhythm of his thrusts from soft and slow to deep and punishing. He'd love marking you up - possessive af and making sure everyone and anyone knew that not only were you taken, but you were his. In the same vain, I picture him as a bit of a sadist/masochist but again, not in a super violent or demeaning way. He'd like for the fuck to be a little rough, a little hard; he loves the mixture of pleasure and pain - wants to be bit so hard he bleeds and wouldn't mind doing the same to you if you asked for it. I also think he'd be willing to try a lot of new things in bed, and some of his favourite sex is when you fuck him with a strap [if you're fem or afab].
I think Rem is still in charge - again, he's confident and assured in the bedroom and everyone trusts his authority and trusts him to keep them safe and satisfied. He would keep Reg from getting too rough or going too hard and would constantly check in to make sure you were still good with everything going on. He'd also be able to satiate any need in Reg regarding his masochistic tendencies. I believe Reg would bottom in the dynamic, but again, I think sometimes depending on the moon and how Rem is feeling mentally - he'd experiment more fluidly with Reg.
I've also mentioned before that I believe Purebloods have a breeding kink and with Remus' animalistic side due to his lycanthropy, that he would too. So I think there would be a lot of using cum as lube, taking turns filling you up with their cum, maybe some snowballing??? jesus christ I'm a sick fuck lmfao. anything to do with cum would send those boys spiralling, "no no babygirl, don't waste it" Rem would coo as he used his fingers to push cum back into your hole. or "whose do you want next, amour? Mine or Rem's?"
And I think you're right, when the time called for it, these boys would be so fucking good at making you feel nothing short of fucking worshipped. The soft, hungry gazes, the lingering and soothing touches, the praises falling from their lips as they gave you everything they got. I'd cry I think; they'd reduce me to tears for sure.
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scribbledghost · 9 months
Yautja x human suggestion: human being an absolute book reader and yautja being concerned/confused as to why you’re smiling or crying while reading? Also how are you?
Note: I'm. Okay lol. Right now I'm trying to capitalize on the rare instance of motivation so I can get through the requests I've got!
Your poor yautja is very confused as to why their ooman is crying.
They're immediately concerned that you're hurt. But you weren't... doing anything? Just sitting and reading.
You're met with soft, concerned clicking and purring.
You have to explain that you're not hurt, something sad just happened in the book you were reading.
Okay, now they're very confused.
"Book... not real."
"No, but it feels that way."
They still don't get it. :')
They do offer comfort when you start crying though, as long as you reassure them that you're not harmed in any way.
They like it much better when you're smiling or laughing because of your book.
They just like the sound of your laugh, okay? Let them have this.
But now I'm imagining you reading a horror book and getting spooked after.
Like, walking around the ship and jumping at every little noise.
So you explain what's going on to your yautja and how your book has you nervous.
"No scared," they say, "no harm to you while I'm here."
Your yautja knows you like books, so just imagine with me for a second: them bringing you new ones whenever you're out somewhere.
Probably steals them. It's fine. Don't ask questions.
Most of the time they're in languages you don't understand, so your yautja will bring you some translator technology so you can at least read them properly.
As long as they don't make you cry.
Your poor yautja doesn't like it when they do that. :(
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cursedvida · 8 months
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WARNINGS: NSFW minors DNI, little smut, Buggy being nasty, swearing.
A/N: Part 4 of this and finally some smut. hope you enjoy!
You still can't believe you kissed Buggy. It was not in your plans to be so direct. You have never been so emotionally exposed, but is also true that you have no experience in romantic matters. You haven't been attracted to anyone before, or at least not in that way. Buggy brings out your most primitive instincts and clouds your reason, it's something you can't avoid.
But actions have consequences and so does kissing your captain. Buggy still hasn't recovered from the shock. The last thing he expected from you was a confession followed by a kiss. Ever since you joined his crew he noticed how you didn't quite fit in. You didn't seem very excited about show business, nor did you seem to be up for the shows. He didn't quite understand why you were so eager to be part of his crew, but it didn't seem strange to him either: he is Buggy the Clown, he is famous not only in the East Blue but also in the Gran Line. Pirates fear him, Marines hate him. He is a genius of deception and persuasion, his fame precedes him enough to attract new challengers. You might not quite fit in but it made sense that you didn't want to leave.
He still wasn't sure whether to trust you or not. Your confession had left him totally baffled and that kiss directly disarmed him. He would never have imagined such a reaction from you, do you really like him the way you say you do or is it just a strategy? Buggy is a really suspicious person, especially when good things happen to him. He doesn't want to believe that you like him because he knows that, if he does, he'll probably end up being disappointed. There's no way a girl like you, who could have anyone, really has feelings for him. Although she'll never admit it, of course, because he's a renowned pirate and people should consider it an honor to have him around.
Nevertheless, he is unable to take his eyes off you. He watches you as you clean the deck of the ship, he follows your movements at mealtimes with his eyes. He is able to count how many times a day you yawn or make that bored face that characterizes you so much. The more he looks at you, the prettier you look to him and the harder it is for him to control himself.
You notice his gaze fixed on you, although you don't know why he watches you with such intensity. Sometimes you have the feeling that at any moment he will leave you stranded on the first island you see, that your days in that crew are numbered. You think he might be very angry, Buggy's character is fickle and unpredictable at times, if he has taken the kiss badly he won't hesitate to make you pay for it. He shouldn't see it as an offense either, you may not be the most exceptional woman in the world but he might see it as a compliment just the same.
You try to avoid it or pretend nothing happened. Yes, the best thing will be to pretend, as you have been doing so far. But he keeps looking at you, all the time, and you start to get nervous.
"Y/N, I have to talk to you" you hear him call after lunchtime.
You tense up at that moment, you feel all your muscles stiffen, as if you were preparing for a fight. You have a strange feeling in your stomach, as if you were nauseous. The walk to his cabin is the longest you've ever walked, and it's only a few meters. When you finally find yourselves alone, you realize that you are unable to look at him. You, who are used to always looking the enemy in the eye, suddenly shy away from Buggy almost instinctively. You realize that deep down you are dead embarrassed.
"Did you call me, Captain?" you ask rather sheepishly. This whole thing is starting to get on your nerves. You're not like that, you're not a softie, not a shy, insecure little girl, you're a ruthless killer with several dozen deaths behind you. You don't understand why he makes you feel so weak, but when he's near you your head stops obeying you.
"Why did you do that?"
No beating around the bush, straight to the point. Buggy didn't want to waste any time. When you finally manage to look at him, his eyes look distrustful and at the same time somewhat hurt.
"It was a strategy, wasn't it?" he insists "You think I didn't notice?"
"A strategy?"
"Yes, to see if I forgot about what happened a couple of days ago. You were trying to divert attention."
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. Come on, don't fuck around, did the asshole really think you kissed him on the mouth as a confusion strategy? But is he really an asshole or did he fall out of the cradle at birth?
"But are you stupid or what's wrong with you?"
That response on your part, so aggressive, so angry, makes Buggy totally bewildered. In his mind, the only plausible explanation for a girl like you confessing and kissing him is that you are, in effect, trying to gain his trust so that he will forget the suspicious things about you. He doesn't understand why you seem so infuriated.
"I find it amazing that you brag so much about how wonderful you are when then you're not even capable of believing that a girl can like you" You blurt out to him, crossing your arms.
"I've liked hundreds of women, I'm Buggy the…"
"Yeah, I know, we all know that" you cut him off coldly "You pretend you're so full of yourself, but deep down you have very little confidence in yourself."
"Be careful what you say, sweetie, the consequences can be very bad."
"Is it that hard for you to accept that I like you?"
That question catches Buggy totally off guard. It pains him to admit it, but it really does. Of course he's aware that many women are attracted to him, but they're always passing flings, people he's barely seen for a couple of days. People who, in the end, don't know him. You've spent months with him, you've seen him fail on several occasions, it's clear that you're talented and may one day become a really strong pirate. Besides, you're gorgeous and you're hot, he really does find it hard to believe that this whole thing isn't a hoax.
"If you're not attracted to me that's fine" you tell him "we're both adults, I can handle rejection. But stop underestimating my feelings, that's cruel."
Buggy is silent for a few moments, something quite unbecoming of him. Then he looks at you, still in disbelief.
"So you were serious about yesterday?"
"Of course it was serious!" you exclaim, exasperated "I've been doing a lot of-"
But Buggy's mouth won't let you finish. When you want to realize, his lips are on yours and his tongue, agile and curious, tries to enter your mouth with desperation. It's the first time someone kisses you in such a passionate way, as if somehow trying to eat you whole, so it's a little hard for you to react to his momentum. You move your lips to match his and your tongues begin a contest of strength. Buggy's kiss is deep, tastes like salt and face paint. It has a metallic aftertaste that hooks you and its smell of gunpowder and sea manages to numb your senses. Just when you think you're about to lose your balance, a hand detached from his body grabs you around the waist, pulling you closer to him, so close that you are only a few millimeters apart.
You'd been fantasizing about something like this for a while, but your wettest dreams were nowhere near as exciting as the real thing. Having Buggy kissing you as if the world was going to end at that very moment makes your stomach shrink and your legs shake as if they were made of jelly. You've never felt so vulnerable around anyone before, but you don't hate the feeling, it makes you feel good for the first time.
You wrap your arms around his neck. You want more of him, you want to hold him closer. You need to cling to him with such desperation that the slightest almost imperceptible draft that can fit between the two of you hurts. He senses that need of yours and automatically pulls you tighter against his torso. His kisses are deep, wet and with a slight hint of anger that makes them intoxicating.
"Fuck" he exclaims, pulling away slightly for air.
You let out a small moan, something that makes Buggy smile.
"What's up, little girl, do you want more?"
Now it is you who kiss him. Buggy responds with momentum, placing his leg between yours. His hands begin to explore your body over your clothes. You've never let anyone go this far, but with him you just want more and more. When you notice one of his hands stop at your crotch you freeze.
"I'm actually really looking forward to you" he comments, whispering huskily in your ear as he begins to rub between his hand and the fabric of your pants "I've been wondering for some time what it must be like to have you in my bed"
"What a liar you are" You manage to say, almost in a whisper. You notice how the fabric of your underwear is getting wetter and wetter "When I came you didn't even know my name".
"You're right" he nods, giving you a couple of kisses on your neck while his fingers press your most sensitive parts "I just knew you were a pretty face. Little girl, you're like a chocolate candy."
He then attacks your neck, making you moan. He slowly pulls down your pants, now the only barrier he has are your panties.
"Fuck, little girl, your panties are so wet" his voice sounds husky and very excited "I've barely touched you and you're already like this? Fuck, what a delight."
"Buggy…" You sigh. It's the first time a man has managed to get his hand on you and the feelings you are now experiencing are totally new. The pleasure, the swelling, the wetness… You feel like you're going to explode, that you need more contact, more intensity. You move me a little to make friction between his hand and your most intimate part "Buggy, I love it."
"I'm going to eat you whole, princess."
Buggy then removes his glove with his mouth and it is at that moment that he slips his long fingers under your panties. You open your eyes as you feel the direct contact between his skin and your most intimate area.
"So wet just for me, this is a treasure" he murmurs, quite pleased.
At first he just slides one of his fingers all over your intimate area, making your skin crawl with goose bumps. You swore you wouldn't let anyone have you at their mercy, but you've totally surrendered to him and when he finally locates your clitoris, gently caressing it with your own natural lubrication, you can't help but let out a moan.
"That's it, little girl. Yeah, moan for me" He smiles, quite pleased.
"It's… God, please Buggy don't stop doing it" you ask him, almost beg, because the pleasure is enormous.
Buggy starts stroking you faster, now you feel like your whole body is on fire, with a kind of heat right in the center of your belly that intensifies every time his fingertips brush against your skin. You start moaning helplessly as he slides his tongue down your neck until it reaches your cleavage.
"Buggy…" You can barely say anything, just moan his name, but that seems to delight you.
"I'm going to make you mine completely, Y/N. I hope you know what you've done."
But just as Buggy is about to slip one of his fingers inside you, someone knocks loudly on his cabin door, completely breaking the mood. You both tense up, giving a little gasp. Buggy lets out a huge growl, looking really pissed off.
"But who the fuck is it now!" he shrieks, hands still shoved between your legs.
"Captain" Cabaji's voice is heard "We have a problem, there's a Navy ship nearby".
"Fuck" Buggy roars, he'd probably love to beat the shit out of Cabaji for interrupting him at a time like this, but the reasons have been more than justified.
He looks at you with an annoyed look on his face.
"We're not done yet" It's not an apology, it's a warning.
You smile at him.
"I hope so, Captain."
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allicat0 · 1 month
anyways LOVE ur writing !!
i had an angst trope in mind recently abt hunter x fem!reader
basically as he's quite bad at expressing his emotions he tends to scold her and be really mean but not on purpose, thinking she sees it as him being protective, which she doesnt
and then they take a 2 person job from cid where she almost dies during it and he's mad and all and they fight and she says that maybe she should've died earlier, and just before finishing the job she ALMOST actually dies but there's a happy ending
is that's alr🫶
Left In The Dark
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ans: oh my goodness, YES! I love this idea so freaking much, I also love love love writing angst and was so happy(but also sad)writing this. Hope you enjoy! I tried my best😭
Summary: Lately things within the Batch had been stressful and Hunter felt the pressure caving in on him. He knew he wasn’t alone, and that his brothers took an equal leadership role as he did. Though his continuous need to protect everyone but himself, still left this heavy weight on his shoulders that he could never seem to shake.
Content: afab, Angst, Self-doubt, Hunter x FemReader, arguing, blame game, harsh language.
A/N: I don't like Hunter when he's sad, it makes me sad. Again sorry for any punctuation, grammar or structural mistakes!!
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Lately things within the Batch had been stressful and Hunter felt the pressure caving in on him. He knew he wasn’t alone, knew that his brothers took an equal leadership role as he did. Though his continuous need to protect everyone but himself, left this heavy weight on his shoulders that he could never seem to shake. 
Hunter was sitting alone in the dimly lit room, his thoughts swirling in a chaotic storm of confusion and sadness. He stares blankly at the wall, lost in the echoes of past conversations that ended in hurtful words and shattered trust. The weight of his own emotions feels like an invisible chain, binding him to a cycle he can't seem to break. "What am I doing," he whispers to himself, the words heavy with self-doubt and longing for understanding. He doesn't know why he reacts the way he does, why his attempts at protection often turn into painful misunderstandings. Like a wounded animal, he retreats further into himself, searching for answers that seem to elude him at every turn, a haunting reminder of his struggle to navigate the complexities of his own heart. “She was just trying to help” He mumbled to himself once more. 
You on the other hand were at the front of the Marauder, while Tech and Echo were both doing repairs on the ship. The last mission didn’t go as smoothly as you had hoped, leaving the whole Batch divided. The atmosphere in the batch was heavy with tension, the air thick with unspoken frustration and disappointment. The mission had been carefully planned, every detail scrutinised and rehearsed, yet despite their best efforts, it had unravelled into chaos. Hunter could feel the weight of failure pressing down on him, his shoulders sagging under the burden of expectations. You did your best to help him, to cheer him up, remind him that what happened today wasn’t his fault but, he bursted out and left to be alone. 
Between Hunter and the rest of the crew, there was a volatile mix of frustration, anger, and a lingering sense of betrayal towards fate itself. The silence was deafening, each member grappling with their own thoughts and emotions, unsure of how to bridge the growing divide. It was a moment frozen in time, marked by the bitter taste of defeat and the uncertain path that lay ahead.
You and Hunter had found yourselves locked in a cycle of bickering over seemingly trivial matters, yet the tension between you has been palpable. It's as if every conversation, every interaction, has become a potential minefield where the smallest spark ignites a fiery exchange. Simple things, like navigation or organising the next mission, making your every day with him a battlefield. What starts as a minor disagreement quickly escalates into heated exchanges, with words exchanged like arrows in a skirmish. The weight of these constant conflicts hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over what used to be easy camaraderie. Don’t get it confused, the two of you loved each other so deeply and had made it clear you would do anything for eachother, though Hunter had a hard time expressing it leading to your bickering arguments, pulling yourselves away from one another. 
It’s always been evident that Hunter has struggled with expressing emotion, ever since he was a young clone. His demeanour created a significant and unhealthy strain on him and the relationships of the people he holds closest to him. He knew he would sometimes hurt the ones he loves, but he never knew why he did it. There's an ongoing internal conflict within Hunter. On one hand, he genuinely cares about the well-being of the people around him and wants to protect them. However, this desire to protect sometimes manifests in ways that come across as harsh or critical. Despite his intentions, he is often unaware of the unintended impact of his words and actions. He may say things with the intention of offering guidance or preventing harm, but these words can be received as hurtful or dismissive by others. 
You heard footsteps travelling through the Marauder, stopping behind you. “Cid wants to see you in the parlour” It was Echo. You looked behind you and gave him a soft side smile “Thanks for letting me know” You sat up and out of the chair, making your way past Echo, he quickly placed his hand on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks. “You know he doesn’t mean it” he said to you softly referring to Hunter’s last outburst. “I know” You said softly, moving away from his grip and meeting Cid inside the Parlour. 
When you walk in your met with Cid speaking to Hunter, his arms were crossed over his chest, he didn’t look too happy with whatever Cid was telling him. “We just got back” You heard Hunter say as you were in range of their conversation. “And you’re going right back out- Ah there she is” Cid said as you caught her attention, Hunter looked over to look at who Cid was referring to. The anger left his eyes as he looked at you, filling with shame. “I need the two of you to go out on a quick and easy job for me” Cid said crossing her arms Hunter was about to protest but she quickly cut him off. “I don’t wanna hear your complaints, remember who you’re working for.” 
“ I have a guy waiting for his Cargo I was meant to deliver some time ago. . anddd I may have forgot, so I need you two to go deliver it to him” Cid explained the plan to the two of you “We need a ship, the marauder isn’t in any condition to fly.” You said finally speaking up. “I’ll give you a ship, just don’t screw this up alright, or they’ll have all our heads.” Cid warned. You and Hunter loaded up the ship in silence, neither one of you finding the courage to speak up to one another, now wasn’t the time to speak on behalf of each other's feelings, the two of you had a job to do. 
“Look I” Hunter started to speak but you quickly cut him off “there is no need to apologise right now, we’re on a job. . we can talk after.” You said sternly, clearly upset of the events that took place a few hours earlier. Hunter's eyes fell to his hands resting in his lap, letting out a sigh as you continued to fly the ship. The whole ride there, there were little to no words shared, just silence. 
The hum of the engines was steady as you piloted the ship through the vastness of space. The mission had been proceeding smoothly so far, each step executed with precision and expertise. He sat beside you, monitoring the navigation systems and keeping an eye on the mission objectives.
As the ship cruised through the starry expanse, a sudden blip on the radar caught your attention. Before you could react, Hunter's voice cut through the calm atmosphere. "We've got incoming," he announced, his tone shifting instantly from relaxed to alert.
The ship shuddered as Tie Fighters swooped in, their lasers blazing through space. Your reflexes kicked in, manoeuvring the ship expertly to evade the onslaught of enemy fire. Hunter frantically worked the defensive systems, trying to buy precious seconds as he returned fire.
The intense battle raged on, the ship jolting with each hit it took. Despite the chaos, you remained as focused as you could, your piloting skills keeping the ship one step ahead of destruction. However, luck was not on your side as a critical hit struck the ship's engines, sending it spiralling out of control.
The alarms started to blare, lights flickered, and the once smooth mission turned into a desperate struggle for survival. “Hold on, we’re going down” You said you were doing your best to control the plane so the landing wasn’t too harsh but there was no preventing the outcome. With a final impact, the ship crash-landed on a nearby planet, Jakku, the ground shaking violently upon impact.
As the dust settled and the ship's systems powered down, you and Hunter coughed from the smoke, making your way out of the ship. The ship was badly damaged, you and him weren't gonna hear the end of it from Cid either. Luckily the two of you weren’t badly banged up, “why did they even attack us anyway-” Hunter groaned while leaving the ship. “There was no warning, no coms to surrender, or to even identify who we were.” He continued to ask open ended questions. 
As the initial shock of the crash landing wore off, Hunter's frustration began to simmer beneath the surface. He surveyed the wreckage of the ship, his expression tight with concern and annoyance. "Damn it," he muttered, running a hand through his dishevelled hair.
You approached him cautiously, knowing that Hunter's emotions were running high. "We'll figure this out," you said, trying to reassure him. Hunter turned to you, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and worry. "This shouldn't have happened. I told you to keep an eye on the sensors!  We could have avoided those Tie Fighters if we had seen them coming sooner," he accused, his voice edged with frustration.
You felt a pang of guilt at his words, knowing that he was right. You had been focused on monitoring other systems and had missed the early warning signs of the impending attack. "You can’t blame this all on me! They came out of nowhere Hunter!," you protested against him, but felt the weight of his disappointment. Hunter's expression softened slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose "Cid had to pick you to come with me, of all people," he huffed out. “Excuse me?” you said as your eyebrows furrowed together. “Last time I checked, I was the one holding up our position for most of that, without my piloting abilities we could have had a much worse fate" 
“Well look where you got us!” Hunter raised his voice back at you pointing towards the ship.
“The ship is destroyed, we have no way of transportation, and” Hunter inhaled sharply, taking a deep breath. “Look I” 
You cut him off “No, I perfectly understand what you mean” You snapped back at him. “Maybe you’re right, maybe it would have been better if Cid sent someone else with you, if I didn’t come at all, since everything I do lately seems to be pissing you off!” You said sternly. “But I can tell you now, that there was no way to avoid that!” You pointed towards the destroyed ship.
“I got us to Jakku, now let's finish this cargo drop off so we can find a way to get back home” You walked away from Hunter grabbing the Cargo box from what remains of the ship, dragging it out. It was heavy and gonna be a pain in the ass to haul through the sand in the blistering heat. Hunter came beside you lifting the other end of the cargo and the two of you were off. 
The relentless sun beat down on Jakku's barren landscape, turning the air into a sweltering oven. You trudged through the soft sand, each step sinking deeper into the heat-absorbing grains. Sweat trickled down your forehead, stinging your eyes as you hauled the heavy cargo box behind you.
The box, filled with god knows what but it seemed to grow heavier with every step. Hunter walked beside you, his face etched with frustration and exhaustion mirroring your own. The two of you had been travelling for what felt like endless hours, the heat and monotony of the journey wearing down your patience. "What's taking so long?" Hunter's gruff voice cut through the hot air, his tone tinged with annoyance. "We should have been there by now."
You gritted your teeth, the heat amplifying the tension between you. "It's not like I'm enjoying dragging this thing through a desert," you retorted, your own irritation bubbling to the surface. Hunter scoffed, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Could've fooled me. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we make it before nightfall."
The bickering continued as you pushed forward, the weight of the cargo box a constant reminder of the challenges you faced. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows across the sand, continuing your travel through the sand. The two of you finally reached your destination, coming to a small area filled with people. The relief of unburdening yourself from the cargo box was near, the coolness of the evening a welcome reprieve from the blistering heat of the day.
As the last rays of sunlight faded over Jakku's horizon, you and Hunter finally met the Client you were asked to deliver the cargo to. He stood tall and imposing, his features hardened by a life lived on the edge of the law. You approached him cautiously, the weight of the cargo box now off your shoulders but the weight of the situation heavy on your mind. "We've got your delivery," you announced, gesturing towards the cargo box at your feet.
The Client’s eyes narrowed as he inspected the box, his expression unreadable. "Took you long enough," he grumbled, a hint of impatience in his voice. "We hit some unexpected obstacles," Hunter explained, stepping forward to diffuse the tension. "But the goods are here, just like we promised."
The Client’s gaze shifted from Hunter to you, his scrutiny making you uneasy. "And is it all here?" he demanded, his tone sceptical. You exchanged a quick glance with Hunter before nodding. "It's all there," you confirmed, hoping that the client wouldn't notice the slight hesitation in your voice.
He seemed satisfied for a moment, but then his eyes narrowed again. "This is only half of what I asked for," he accused, his voice rising in anger.
You and Hunter exchanged a worried look, realising that this was not going to end well. "We were told this was the entire shipment," you tried to explain, your words falling on deaf ears. A tense standoff had begun, the air crackling with tension. Finally, the client seemed to relent, though his expression remained distrustful. "Well it’s not what I asked for," the client said, frustrated, looking over at you. He pulled out his gun from the holster pointing it at the both of you. 
“Easy, now” Hunter said, holding his hands up in defence. “There's no need to -” The client cuts him off “Oh there is every need, I want what I was promised” He yelled his blaster still pointed towards you. You felt as you were quickly pulled into the client's arms pressing your back against him, blaster to your head, Hunter pulling him out in defence against the client. 
The cold metal of the gun pressed against my temple sent a shiver down my spine, as I stood there, held hostage by a desperate individual. Hunter, always quick on his feet, assessed the situation with a calm demeanour, his eyes flicking between me and the client.
"Let her go," Hunter said evenly, his voice carrying a hint of authority that demanded attention.
The client's grip tightened on the gun, his eyes wild with fear and desperation. "Ahh I see, a little soft spot you have for her I see. .be a shame if anything. . happened. To her."
Hunter took a step forward, his hands raised in a non-threatening gesture. "Don’t you touc-” He took a deep breath “look We can work this out. There's no need for anyone to get hurt."
But the man's resolve was unyielding. He kept the gun trained on your temple, his finger twitching on the trigger. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, never in a moment as serious as this one. Your hand slowly moved to the button on your buckle, sending an alerting beep to the marauder grabbing the attention of Echo, allowing them to know they were in trouble. 
“They’re alerting us from Jakku, the plan must not have gone as expected.” Echo said relaying the message to Tech “not surprised.” Tech countered.  
“Is the Marauder ready to fly?” Omega asked Echo and Tech a worried look spread across her face. “Well see” Echo said as Tech fired up the engines getting ready to take off, they were on their way. 
The three of you were in a standoff, Hunter was unsure what to do in this situation he was crossed, your eyes were laced in fear and there was nothing Hunter could do. You had to think fast and thank you did, your eyes locking with Hunter's mouth the words “shoot” to him. Your foot stomped down onto the Client’s, he yelled out in pain letting you go, moving out of his grip Hunter shot him in the shoulder, yelling out in pain. It was just enough time to allow you to get to his side. “Come on we need to go” Hunter said sternly, as you were about to leave you suddenly felt a piercing pain threw your upper torso right by your ribcage falling to your knees, yelling out in pain. You had been shot. “Ah shit” you cried out doing your best to stand on your feet. Hunter turned to the Client and blasted him right through the chest.
Hunter wrapped your arm around his shoulder giving you support, raising you up, and getting the two of you out of there.”we got to go before things get worse.” Your breathing was heavy, as you did your best to keep yourself collected, but you could feel yourself losing your strength by the second.
Groans would escape your lips, as you would lose the strength in your legs. “Come on, we're so close.” Hunter did his best to keep you focused and awake, but your eyes began to blur. 
You struck in and out of consciousness “No no, come on stay awake” You heard Hunter say as your body began to go limp. Who knows how long you were out, coming in and out of consciousness, your eyes would open every now and then, getting small glimpses of what was unfolding around you. You could see the bright light of the ship come down, it had to have been the Batch, feeling as the sand hit your face. Hearing the worried conversations ringing throughout your mind. 
Your eyes begin to slowly open, taking a second to adjust to the light beaming down on you. Feeling the pain of your Wounds coursing throughout your body, causing a groan to escape your lips. Unsure of where you were, you tried sitting up, but falling back immediately. “Mm fuck” you cried softly. 
Your groans caught the attention of Hunter who was sitting in the chair, by the corner of the room. “She's awake” he called out to the others coming to your side. His hand pushed your hair back and behind your ear, getting a clear view of your face. “Hello handsome” you said with a cheeky grin going to laugh, but coughing in the process hurting your side. “Easy, easy, he got you pretty bad.”
Hunter leaned down and kissed your forehead. “I thought I lost you. . there was a moment I thought you weren’t coming back. . scared us all” he explained to you, the pain coming through his voice. “I’m fine” You said to him with a weak smile, grabbing onto his hand. There was a look in his eyes, full of shame and regret. He looked away, not facing you. . taking a deep breath. “Look I.” Hunter began but you cut him off “I know” You said to him softly, his eyes softened. “I’m sorry.” his head fell. “I’ve been so, unfair to you.” He barely let out, he felt horrible for his recent outbursts and detached emotions, but you didn’t blame him. You never did. “It’s not something you have to apologise for Hunter, I get it. .” You tried to make him feel better, but he shook his head disagreeing with your words.
“No, it’s not okay,” Hunter said sternly. “You don’t deserve that. . what if, what if I couldn’t get you back. . all I’ve been is unfair and cruel. . I don’t mean to be. I don’t know why I do it. . I hate it.” He admits to you his voice breaking with every word. “I hate that I am, that I can’t express myself properly, I just end up hurting you further. . I fight and” he went to continued but you stopped him “Hunter. .” You looked at him with a soft gaze, feeling his pain. You knew he was trying, you knew he was struggling and it broke your heart. “I forgive you.” You gave him a faint smile reaching your hand up and cupping your cheek. “But never be afraid to tell me what's going on inside that crazy head of yours, alright?”He nodded his head “yeah. .okay”
“I love you so much. .and I wanna be able to help you. But I want you to understand that I never will and never have blamed you for anything, everyone processes their emotions differently and that's fine. . just don’t leave me in the dark. Promise me from here on out you’ll try.” You said pleading with him. “I promise” he said to you softly “I love you.”
“I know.” you smiled. 
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@allicat0 . .signing off
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mugeesworld · 6 months
Cuddly Chubby reader x Strawhat Crew (Platonic)
Context: Reader is a chubby gal (femreader) and the Strawhat crew being as close as they are with each other show love or friendship in different ways. And for y/n the crews just really likes to cuddle with her in a comforting platonic way. So here are some head cannons that make me smile.
Includes: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Franky, Brook, And Jinbei
Not proof read
Luffy is definitely the type of person to be very touchy and not realize or understand that some people don't like being hugged. So he will do it to anyone in his reach if he considers them a friend.
Speaking of hugs. Luffy love hugs. Especially hugging you. While you're minding your business on the ship, it doesn't surprise you anymore when you feel really long arms wrap around you.
And though you might not mind the hugs from Luffy. Sometimes he just won't let go. He'll hold on like a leech. Like a kid holding on to their parents leg so they can't walk.
At some point their was definitely a incident where he just didn't want to stop hugging you. So for however long he decided to stay wrapped around you, He was clinged to you like he was in one of those baby carriers. He had to be prided off when you start getting tired of carrying his ass around.
And all while this was happening he's just giggling. Doing this just because you give the best hugs he says.
Also when he gets really tired after running around with Usopp and chopper on the ship (not likely but hey let's go with it) he'll just walk over to where ever you're standing/sitting and lay on you. "Y/n *cough cough* I'm dying help meeeee" and he'll just lay across your legs or something till he catches his breath THEN HE'S UP AGAIN.
I think Luffy would just really dislike the feeling of being cold. So whenever it's cold and y'all are sailing bro does not leave your side at times. When winter comes around all you'll hear is "Y/n I'M COLDDDDDUHHHHH!" The crew tried giving him a bunch of blankets putting him next to fire but he would always complain about the cold unless y/n was there with him.
I feel like he would also just come into your room randomly when he's bored and just lay on you. Full starfish. Covering you completely cause he can't read a room and understand you're busy. So you might be doing something while on your bed and then the door will just open and without a word being said bros laying down. Just chillin.
Now we all know zoro loves his naps and will do that crap anywhere. And you just can't stand to see that man rest his head on some hard ass wood floor. It's Makes you cringe. Like that shit gotta be uncomfortable... So one day he was laying next to you and you got tired of seeing that crap. And you don't say anything you just sigh and lift his head up and move your thigh/leg under him. He opens his eyes for a second surprised but he soon goes back sleep. Not saying anything, but is grateful for the pillow.
And from then on y'all never spoke about it. It was just something y'all did. Everytime he would want to take a nap and you were sitting down he would just walk over and lay his head on you. No words exchanged. But he did enjoy it. And he would never admit it but he took really good naps when laying on you. And everytime he would try to sleep on the floor he would struggle to fall asleep cause he was used to you.
And yes he could easily just grab a pillow. But nah... He chooses you.
(This one a bit sad idk how I came up with it honestly)
And this might be stretching but if he ever has a night mare or can't sleep he would come to your room. Opening the door. Looking stressed out or sweating and that's all you needed to know. All that was needed between you two was a nod. And once you did that he would enter and once again fall asleep on you. Even though he usually sleeps for a long time whenever he would sleep in your bed at night he would never be there in the morning. He would always wake up before you. Not because he didn't like you or something but because he wants to respect your space as much as possible. And also I don't think he would want the crew to find out cause they might want to talk about it. But he knows with you, that your want push it and he just enjoys having someone there.
Though one night when he seemed stressed and came in there you said "wanna talk about it? I'll listen."
After being silent for a bit he responds "This is enough. Thank you... Y/n"
And you just hum In response. Zoro might be a man of few words but you knew he needed rest and you understood him and understood he might not want to talk about it but still wants to be comforted.
I might go as far and say you're the only person on the crew that has seen zoro cry cause one night he came into your room with tears running down his face. His eyes wide. Yet his face expressionless. Coming to you cause you're the only person that knew about his nightmares. Immediately understanding he had a really bad nightmare. Saying "I'm sorry dear..." getting up from your bed and giving him a hug which he surprisingly excepted hugging you tightly back and shuttering a bit before you pat his back.
Zoro not really being a fan of physical affection like hugs but in that moment and with you he needed it and was ok with it...
"Come. Rest now" you say before sitting down on your bed again. Him not saying anything only the sound of sniffles before it goes quiet meaning he fell asleep.
Shit I'm going to hell for that one. THAT WAS SAD. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO WHOLESOME. It just kept coming. My fingers just kept going y'all. I just had to keep adding on huh.
I just know Nami loves you. You're her best friend. If y'all share a room like her and robin do she definitely shares a bed with you and will ask you to cuddle all the time if not every single night.
I bet she called you cuddle bug at some point 😭
Or will get mad if you don't lay down with her. "Y/N HURRY UP AND COME TO BEDDD I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP WOMAN! Are you trying to make me have bags??! So inconsiderate!"
Will always blame her lack of sleep on you.
Ik she stingy with that blanket too. And doesn't want y'all to have separate ones but she will always still yalls "shared" blanket for herself.
I don't know if usopp would be someone that's wants to cuddle but I think he would always hug you when y'all greet or say your goodbyes. Also just sometimes in the morning or at night when y'all just wake up/are about to rest.
I also think we would just do it when he's tired. Like he just got done fixing something with the ship and sees you. Giving you a nod before walking over and giving you a tired hug.
Or y'all will just be standing somewhere beside each other and he will throw his arm around you. Swaying a bit.
Now it's not like it's a secret everyone on the crew likes your hugs so it's a known thing for them that you will always hug them. And sanji took that crap to his advantage.
Nami and robin never let him hug them cause of his weird ways but he knows you won't turn him down. So everytime you return back to the ship or even just walking into the kitchen for breakfast he can't help but stop whatever he's doing and running towards you with open arms. "Y/n my loveeee! Good morning!" "Y/n! My angel you're back!"
A few times even knocking you back cause he was so excited.
He would never touch you in a weird way though. And the first time he hugged you he asked to and you said he didn't have to ask that it didn't bother you. So he won't ever take that for granted. He might be a perv but he's still a gentleman.
When you return back to the boat after shopping he would always be the first to greet you. Not even waiting for you to get on the ship. He just jumps onto the ground and runs towards you. (Slowing down right before y'all hug so he doesn't hurt you) Offering to carry whatever you’re carrying then talking excitedly about what he had made for her or what he planned to make.
Chopper is a lot like luffy. He's very grabby. Except he can't stretch so instead he will either raise his arms up to be picked up or will just climb up you like a mountain.
Sitting on your shoulders as you work. Sometimes sitting in your lap taking a nap as you work.
Chopper would also ask if he can sleep with you sometimes. He didn't really have a excuse. He just liked it. He would try his best to make one up though!
Especially during the winter. It would just be you chopper and luffy sometimes at night cause they are both cold and apparently you ar the only think that helps.
I don't think robin is big on physical contact but she still finds a sense of comfort being around. Even if it just the two of you reading beside each other, yalls shoulders touching, you resting your head on her leg as she reads to you or maybe the other way around. She enjoyed the small things.
And though they might not be a big deal or very obvious she still likes them and looks forward to yalls reading time.
Now I just know Franky likes to cuddle. Can't tell me different. Physical contact and spending time together is his love language
He loves when you ask him about something he's working on in his shop cause he will happily sit down in his rolling chair and let you sit on his lap and he explains everything.
Also Franky just really likes carrying people. He likes being helpful. So he will always offer to carry you. And if you say yes he would carry you in one arm/hand or let you sit on his shoulder.
I think he would just want to hug you like a teddy bear. Franky is a older man so if you joined the crew in your teens or as a early adult I bet he would start calling you bear, little bear, T bear. I think he would have a few silly pet name he called the crew at times.
Very fatherly vide to Franky. He gives off Major barbecue dad vibes.
Also he is mostly metal so I know he gets cold easily.
Brook would feel really awkward about hugging you are first I think. Not only cause you're a pretty girl but because well.... Their's not much for you to hug
So he might say "But I'm all bone! Yohohoh" when you offer him a hug. But you just laugh and shake your head at him. Giving him a hug which he really likes to his surprise.
He was scared that it wouldn't be the same as when he had mest on his bones but to his surprise it did for some reason. Which he found really comforting.
And though people might not like to hug him cause he's all bones he knows you will. And eventually he was the one that started hugging you instead of you hugging him.
Id sell my soul for jinbei to give me a hug bro. Like I just know he gives hugs like those plus size southern old women. (Iykyk) imagine him with a southern accent in like a woman voice saying "Come here baby" 😭😭😭 HELP "give me some sugar"
So let's turn the tables instead of jinbei wanting to hug you. YOU go to him. You wrap your arms around him the best you can and he tries to hug you back but he might just pat your head or put his hand on your back.
He won't turn you down. I think everyone on the crew also likes hugging him like they like hugging you. So I'm sure he is used to people jumping on him.
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tocomplainfriend · 5 months
Funny thing (not really) I’ve noticed is that Viv has always fetishized m/m relationships. There’s obviously Stolitz, but it goes back way further. There’s Addison from Zoophobia being shipped with a guy who works at his high school, but to mention that Viv has drawn NSFW of them despite Addison canonically being a minor. There’s also Autumn and Rusty, the former whom gets bullied by Rusty cause Rusty is secretly in the closet. Ten years later and she’s still weird about m/m relationships.
TW: fetishizing Queerness
I tried to search a little for Addison's age. In the wiki, that I know Viv did not write it says he is 18, other post say 17- there are people saying the age got changed too? I know almost nothing to zoophobia- if anyone knows about this claim, share your knowledge and importantly evidence of the age thing in specific? I do know about those snake drawings. And also was Viv 19? Have no clue-so I'm not gonna super talk about it without knowledge.
About the Rusty thing, I don't think Viv is a good enough writer (of relationships especially, cause Stolitz mainly) to pull that relationship or story. I don't think she can pull the idea of the closeted bully, purely by the fact that she doesn't understand or acknowledge the problems Stolitz has. If she needs to put down characters to make Stolas seems better and try to justify the power imbalance. I don't think she could write this if she wanted to. This closeted gay bully is such an old trope, too. I think the worst you can do (also as a non-amazing writer) is actually tried to make a romance out of it? Cause a lot of these tropes are more like "HAHA THE BULLY IS GAY HAHAHA", rather than "aww the bully was just sad and gay all along". I don't like it. (also this includes when the bully doesn't bully his romantic interest)
A lot of problems in mlm stuff Vivziepop does is similar to those Yaoi fetishization shit. Where there are also power imbalance. Also, this treatment of the characters like Moxxie? Like he is bi, and with Millie- and his treatment is so shitty. The hole thing of MILLIE PEGS MOXXIE, and that funny cause is less manly of him? Or where the succubus sexually assault them and that is funny??? (that one is not even Blitz being an asshole to him, it's made to act funny). As soon there is something viewed as feminine from him, the show makes fun of him. His feminine appearance in Unhappy campers also leads to make fun of him. Where he is the most vulnerable and insecure is that episode. He is more objectified in a feminine appearance.
Just the entirety of Stolitz is literally a lot of yaoi-sh problems. Also, I do see a lot of red flags in how they wrote Fizz and Asmo'. Because Fizz was insecure af, that he needed the approval of Mammon as an imp. Mammon was using the power that he had over Fizz to use him to get money. He got his approval from Asmo another sin in a higher position of power. (The power imbalance is not the problem vibes). Plus, The Big dominant protector and the sub small uwu cure relationship. Fizz, compared to the first time he appeared, he is so vulnerable and acts so cutesy. Like, the confidence he had during the S1, disappeared so bad. Acting so nice to Glitz and Glam, felt like cutting out all attitude to "uke-fing" him into needing a savior. They make him so powerless
Fizz, a quad amputee, was put in a vulnerable situation related to his trauma and where he lost all his limbs and horns. All to make Blitz "redeem" himself and make them friends again... THAT SUCKS.
Also, there was the fact of how over-sexual all the male mlm characters are, too. Like, Chaz was so much more sexual than Verosika as a succubus.
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ren1327 · 5 months
"Loser Baby" frame analysis (1/3) (With lyrics)
I feel obligated to do this with all of my ships. So! With the power of two sugar free redbulls, skinny pop and the homoerotic audacity the makers gave me!
Lets do this!
Red = Husk Pink = Angel Dust Purple = Both Normal = My commentary
 [HUSK] So things look bad, and your back's against the wall Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall Can't face the world sober and dopeless You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked Well, let me just say you're correct
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So, Angel just let lose he wants to self destruct to the point of being too broken for Valentino to want him. He has a outburst and Husk is the only one there to see it. So what does kitty boi do? Sing a song, of course. But where Charlie would sing something encouraging and positive...Husk wants reality. He knows Angel plays a role to deal with all the messed up shit he's in. He showed Husk a sliver of his true self. And Husk knows he cant break that wall, Angel has to. So he engages by slapping him with that reality, snapping him out of his funk.
[ANGEL DUST] Wait, what?
[HUSK] You're a...loser, baby
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Angel gets into Husk's space often to flirt/piss the bartender off. So why not return that energy to Angel when he's vulnerable and unassuming? Angel often grabs his face, making Husk face and look at him by force. Husk doesn't go that far. Just his finger on his nose. Just enough contact to get Angel's attention and make sure he's paying attention to his words.
A loser, goddamn baby You're a fucked up little whiny bitch
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Husk needs more of a reaction, so why not casually insult him? Angel often thinks this about himself; but Husk says it out loud.
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And Angel is full on reactive, listening and giving Husk his full attention. It worked.
[HUSK] You're a loser, just like me
[ANGEL DUST] Thanks, asshole
[HUSK] You're a screw's-loose-boozer An only one-star reviews-er You're a power-bottom at rock bottom But you got company
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Husk is successfully shifting Angel's sadness out, but also getting on his level, however, notice how his head is lower than Angel's. Angel often sees himself as powerless. Looked down upon. And Husk takes a moment to look up at Angel, showing him he doesn't see him as lower, he sees him as an equal. "You've got company." His issue wasn't Angel being a porn star or promiscuous, like others and even other hotel staff/patrons do. It was him putting on a mask and not being himself towards Husk. Fun thing about cats, they show thier belly to only those they trust. So Husk laying on the filthy ground with his belly to Angel's back, he's allowing himself to be vulnerable right back. (My cat did the same before biting the shit out of my hand, the little demon spawn.)
[ANGEL DUST] This supposed to make me feel better?
[HUSK] There was a time I thought no one could relate To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! We're all livin' in the same shit-sandwich
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Husk then sits next to Angel, closer and on his level. They're in similar situations. Not just being in Hell, but signing themselves away.
[ANGEL DUST] I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak
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Angel angrily points out the obvious, but to him, its more than a fact. Its a shameful truth he hates. Husk laughs because "same!"
[HUSK] Haha! And you think that makes you unique? Get outta here, man!
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He holds a hand out to Angel to help him stand, but its more than that. It's understanding. The loss of control under someone, to one's vices, to ones self destructive wishes.
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Cherry Magic Episode 10
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They tried it again this week with adding another restriction on this show, but we shall persevere! The rest of the episodes are apparently going to be behind a paywall on Viu on air date, and then become free access the following day. The upside to paying the small premium membership fee is we can finally see Tay Tawan in 1080p as god intended (and pro tip: there do not seem to be any screen limits, buy one account and split it amongst friends).
With all that figured out, we got to another excellent episode of this show! Big, big relationship growth for Achi and Karan this week, as they learned that hiding their real feelings and desires from each other doesn't help them (and gave us an A+ forehead kiss parallel). I loved the nuance of it all, too—Karan was lying about sitting outside Achi's house every night and trying to hide how sad he was about Achi missing Loy Krathong, but he also genuinely had no anger toward Achi about it and was just trying to make things easier for him. And Achi was telling Karan he wanted the practice time apart (honestly, horrible idea boys, your time together is precious) while secretly hoping Karan would come see him anyway. In relationships, you can't claim to want one thing while secretly hoping for another and expect that to pan out for you.
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And I love that Achi did realize that, and that he does trust Karan even despite these little white lies, and that this time, he had to step up and be the one to make the grand gesture to make sure Karan knows he loves him and will miss him. Roping in the office gang to help pull off the surprise was a fun turn of events, and I love that his confidence has grown enough that he can ask for that help without being embarrassed. They're going to be fine through this separation, and when they are back together I look forward to the show addressing the elephant in the room, because when they were walking together on their date I couldn't help but notice that they would have been holding hands were it not for the barrier Achi's powers present. They need to be able to have intimacy while maintaining privacy and mental space, and we know what needs to happen to get there!
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I also loved the Jinta/Min story this episode, and that we got to see Jinta do a much less dignified version of Karan's pining. The plot about fans shipping Min with his dance partner was new and felt like exactly the kind of thing that would come up in his career, and that Jinta would flail over. I like that Min saw exactly what was going on and called him on it. The irony of Jinta being the one who can read minds but Min being the one who actually understands everything happening between them is delicious. And Jinta showed up for him in a big way after his loss by not only affirming how he sees Min, but showing Min that he still has fans who feel the same way. Excellent boyfriend behavior from our friend Jinta.
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As for Rock and Pai, it looks like we'll be getting our final answer there next week, but given that Pai continues to be uninterested in romance and focused on her work and her hobbies, I don’t think it will go the way Rock hopes. He is barking up the wrong tree (his instincts for romance are clearly NOT strong, given he had no idea Achi and Karan were a couple), and I am hopeful that Pai will tell him so next week.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
I am a mutual but i am embarrassed about self shipping so we go anon
If you are comfortable with it could i request the mercs with a trans man/nonbinary on their period? Like if they comfort you and how, what their reaction is (if they find it gross, if their confused as hell)
Thank youu
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
Hello Secret Mutual! Of course you can ask this, it's really cute! You asked the right guy, too, because I am a transgender. Anyways, would you believe this is my second x reader ask? Uh, I hope you don't mind that I used my lgbtq+ headcanons for this! Also, I assumed by comfort you meant general comfort but also dysphoria, I hope I didn't go off ask with that assumption
————————————————————In case you were wondering, none of these guys would be embarrassed or refuse to buy pads/tampons/any other period products for you. And even if they were embarrassed, they'd do it anyway. I will die on this hill. There's also a myriad of period products in the base already, probably all old, but they're still there. Also, none of them will find it or you gross! Some of them might not really understand what a period is, but when they figure it out, they will never make you feel like it or you are gross. Periods are natural, and at the base, no one needs to feel ashamed!
Um, light TW for gender dysphoria mentions? Nothing serious, just what the title implies. Lots of comfort and validation, though! Also uses of the words pussy and uterus!
Demo is probably confused for like five minutes and then has a lightbulb moment,
"Oh, yeah, I remember being on the rag, hurt like hell. Medic can fix that if ya want. He took mine years ago." He had follicular cysts and good god was he thrilled to never have that pain again. (He's just like me fr!) Assuming you don't trust Medic, hate surgeries, can't get it removed, or just don't want it removed, he's understanding of your choice to keep it, and will try his best to be comforting. Anything you'll need, he'll manage to find. Heating pads? He's got them somewhere, he's sure. PMS pills? He's on his way to the lab to get them from Medic for you. If you have dysphoria from your period, he's also really good at providing comfort for that. If you're a trans man, he'll tell you you're plenty masculine and one of the strongest men he knows. If you're nonbinary he'll assure you that a little bit of blood every month doesn't change anything and that your identity is still valid as hell. He would fist fight your dysphoria if he could.
Engie is more surprised than anything. Not in a bad way! Here's the thing, he straight up forgets about periods once he got his uterus taken out. My man had PCOS, and once he no longer had to deal with unbearable cramps and sickness every month, he just never thought about it again. He's super quick to comfort you, though. In a similar vein to Demo, he'll tell you about Medic removing his. Again, I am very respectful of your choice. He will do his best to make you super comfortable and keep you happy. He'll make you special heating pads! He'll also bring you anything you need. I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dysphoria, you will get called an insane amount of pet names. All validating your identity, of course. He understands the feeling of dysphoria and will do anything to ease the pain and sadness that comes with it. Lots of cuddles from him too btw.
Heavy is confused. Not by periods. This man grew up with three sisters. He knows what a period is by now. No, he's confused by you getting a period. He's not mean, of course! He's just going to ask you a lot of questions because he's probably just interested. He'll do whatever you need him to do to make it easier for you. He knows his sisters were miserable during their time, and he can't imagine how bad it is for you to have to deal with a period and dysphoria. Speaking of dysphoria, he doesn't really know what to say but also manages to say everything you need to hear at the same time? Like he assures you in no uncertain terms that you are super valid and no less of a man or person and that you are you and you're valid. He hugs you a lot! If you seem even the slightest bit sad, he's giving you a hug.
Medic is probably the best when it comes to dealing with periods. He understands dysphoria and knows how to ease your pain. The second you feel pain, he's handing you hot tea and pain medication. He keeps you in his lab while he works to keep an eye on you and sends Archimedes and his other doves over to comfort you whenever he can't. He tracks your period purely to make sure he can have anything you might need on hand day of. He's always willing to remind you of how scientifically you're gender has nothing to do with those pesky organs. Lots of compliments on your body if you're a trans man, commenting on how masculine you are. If you're nonbinary he's complimenting your resilience and strength. Honestly, he's great. Points taken off, though, because he wants your uterus for his ever growing organ collection, but he will respect your choices with minimal pestering.
Scout is confused all around. He doesn't get it. So you have to explain periods to him, then you have to explain being trans to him, and then you have to explain both together before it finally clicks in his mind. He's immediately supportive. Maybe to supportive. If you ask him to get period products you'll get hit with the "Alright babe, I'm in the pad isle, what's ur pussy size?" And if you make the mistake of not answering in the first five minutes he buys so many boxes of pads and tampons. You're sitting in bed clutching your stomach, and he comes in the room to dump at least seven boxes of pads and tampons on you. Hey, what he lacks for in understanding, he makes up for by being able to make you laugh so hard you forget the period cramps. You'll never feel dysphoria if he has any say in it. He will do anything to distract you from bad thoughts and will validate you until his voice wears out.
Sniper doesn't care that you have a period and doesn't care that you're trans. That sounds really mean, but I swear it's not like that. Periods are normal, and you shouldn't feel weird about them, so when it's your time of the month, he'll support you in whatever way you need, but he'll act very nonchalant about it all. With you being trans he reassures you that he doesn't care about how you were born and that you shouldn't either because your body doesn't define the person you are. Basically, this man is so supportive but in a really calm kind of way. But just because he acts all chill and nonchalant doesn't mean he isn't worried. Oh no, this man appears to be calm and collected, but he's really upset that you have to go through this. You might find yourself on the receiving end of hugs and kisses whenever you look particularly sad.
Considering his ass is on the support team, Spy is not very supportive. Well, not supportive emotionally. Physically, he'll bring you the best of whatever you need or want. He's more than happy to kill someone to get you something nice, just to see you light up or (happy) cry out of appreciation. Emotionally, however, he's not mean, but he thinks you're being ridiculous with the things you say. He wants to provide you comfort, but he really doesn't understand why you feel so dysphoric and doesn't even know where to start. He'll just reassure you he loves and cares for you. Speaks softly to you and talks more than he normally does if you prod him. Who knows, he might even sing for you or tell you stories while you lay in bed with cramps if that would make you feel better.
Soldier is confused, but he's got the right spirit. In a similar vein to Scout, has asked what your pussy size is at least once, and has at least bought nine boxes of period products. He really just wants to be helpful and make you feel better. He'll gladly get anything you need, from heating pads to chocolate he's already getting it the second you even thought about it. I'd you feel dysphoric, he'll remind you that you're an American!! (even if you aren't 😭) And you're an amazing person. So, who cares how you were born? What matters is the person you are today! Less screaming than normal, especially if you get migraines or just headaches in general. He's still really loud, and your head will still probably throb, but he's trying. It takes him a while to go from his normal 100% volume to a normal speaking volume but the effort really shows. Most of the time though, he might just lay with you and listen to you talk, if you're in any mood to. Or just take a nap with you. Literally anything you want to do, he'll do, as long as he can do it with you.
Pyro knows. Like 100% knows. They experience it every month and deal with pain and gender dysphoria. (They're the only merc who has a uterus and period, actually! They're MTF and underwent the surgeries only to realize their agender, they now have a complicated relationship with their gender where they love their body but dislike their uterus and want it removed but at the same time value their uterus) Anyways, this isn't a Pyro post so moving on! So, you two would probably sync up and deal with it together. Pyro would most likely focus on you to help them ignore their symptoms and dysphoria. They love helping you and caring for you. They have a big heated blanket that you can share to help ease pain, and they have as much chocolate as you need to make you feel better. Lots of hugs and cuddles, too! They'll talk to you for hours about their issues with gender dysphoria if you let them, always returning the favor to let you rant back at them. Finding their own way to assure you the feel the same and that you both need to realize that a blood cycle can't and won't ever define you or your gender.
I love these guys so much. It's insane. Also, I love this ask, I want to shake it around in my teeth like a dog. Anyways! I swear I'm normal. I hope you like this Anon :)
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saingirl101 · 17 days
Okay had some time and shitposts to really think about the finale of FHJY
I literally have rewritten this post several times thats how complex it feels.
Spoilers under the cut
First off I love that potential threads are hanging in the air particularly for adaine and kristen.
Character wise kristen ironically could have been the most complete storyline after FHSophY however with how Ally played her this season i think narratively she is the bad kid who absolutely needs a continuation for her story - tracker, bucky, her messy enemiess beebees ship, her parents, the whole buddy/bobby dawn thing, FUCKING KALINA, like the way brennan ended the season its like he's T-ing up another narratively perfect season for kristen.
Fabian, our darling boy makes several strides in improving himself and several steps back in other ways. I for one would die from laughter while he deals with having a GF, his mom, step father and grandpapa all living in the same house with a new elf baby (and also potentially stepsibling Fig).
Adaine - godamn what a fantastic narrative season as well, her confidence this season was so hot and siobhan continues to just be a dream TTRPG player. Like she's been killing it with her character decisions, impeccable comedic timing, and knowledge of the game out of the park for literally the past year and half.
Riz, like my god, such a perfect season for him and getting to see his character growth as well. He's also literally the hottest he's ever been and while I am sad he is aroace so i cannot make an OC to smooch him, he's just so fucking ool it doesn't even matter. ALSO RIZ YOU HAVE MULTIPLE QUEER PEOPLE ON YOUR TEAM YOU CAN DEFINITELY TELL THEM YOU ARE AROACE KING.
Gorgug, wow what a fucking season. Zac always kills it with his characters but besides the bit in freshman year I don't know that I ever clicked with gorgug as much as I did this season. He also had an amazing arc all those nat 20s in the last stand, the nat 20s to get them the academic help while he took on four years of school in one year, using his aertificer stuff to help take down his literal nemesis and the person whose put him down for years.
And now we come to fig and my controversial opinion. I still feel like despite them trying to T-up this possibly being emily's fairwell from playing fig I don't feel like narratively it makes sense. theres just still so much in the air and I would love to see her relationship with ankarna grow and blossom. Also despite the talk theres just so much left unresolved between her and sandra lynn. That said I'll be sad but understand if emily plays another character if they do ever make FHseniorY. THAT SAID, BRENNAN YOU OWE ME A SEASON OF GILEAR SHENNANIGANS. FIG DID SAY SHE MIGHT MOVE INTO SEACASTER MANOR, LET HER PULL LOONEY TOONS SHENNAIGANS TO PREVENT FABIAN FROM MURDER THEIR NEW SIBLING.
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frikatilhi · 6 months
sorry to be the bringer of angst/negativity(?) in this here askbox, dont answer if u dont feel like it, but i just wanna let out some strange sadness i feel lately
but am i the only pessimist bojere bitch here? like the reason i ship them hard is because i think what they portray is so beautiful and cute? And that irl them are most likely aight friends at best and a lot of stuff are just exaggerated for the publicity? like i can believe maybe jere really is into the friendship at best but that's abt it?
idk, i've just been disillusioned by a lotta friendship/rpf that are milked to high heaven, only to end up being "for the shippers" and that they dont like each other at all?
all i ask is copium/pep talk that will make me believe somehow that the deep friendship they portray in public/socials mirror what they actually have.
soz for being cringe
Oh no, anon, I understand! This kind of thinking can easily make you feel like you're all alone, because we are supposed to stay positive and firmly in delulu land and ignore the stuff that doesn't fit the narrative.
This got long so snip snip
But for what it's worth, leaving all the shipping stuff aside, I do happen to believe the friendship is very real and just as deep as they portray. If anything, I think Bojan seems to be downplaying it instead of hyping it, keeping it more private instead of posturing on social media. When they talk about each other, they seem very genuine.
I could have bought the argument about exaggarating it for publicity during ESC, I mean, the contestants and especially JO were all out there making friends and creating content and buzz about it, feeding off each other's popularity. I remember thinking that myself - oh, that's cute, what a nice bromance, but I am SO over that kind of narrative, straight friends being huggy for clicks, I want the real thing, I want the happy ending, not settling or falling for anyone's media strategy any more. And it kinda worked, didn't it? 7 points from the Finnish public!
Looking back, a lot of the cute insta stories were staged and purposefully filmed so I can see what you mean. (Also looking back, there are also many moments that were NOT like that, my favourites being the dinner date and everything that happened after the final.)
But then, Tavastia 1.0 happened, and that's when it all shifted for me. You mean Bojan dropped everything and flew to Finland, just to see Jere, just to hang out without an actual agenda (yes, he dropped in on the gig but that wasn't the purpose of the visit)?? And they went to karaoke and watched Twilight and Bojan hung out with Jere's friends when he had a gig out of town?? And it was a month after they had seen each other that they decided to actually keep that promise to visit each other and not let their friendship drop and their connection fade? You mean that actually happened??
And after that we've learned that they talk to each other regularly (like, once a week?) and share values and likes and love together. Bojan has been more quiet about it, sure, but (and now we enter into speculation land) he did seem to be a bit spooked about all the attention, I mean, who wouldn't freak out a little when people start obsessing over your new friendship and following your every move and social media click and write stories about you?
And Nordic Tour was... did you see that? Everything that happened (that we saw)? If it was only for publicity (publicity for what?? At this point, why do they still need it?) it was way too much and most of it totally unnecessary. Those were two people who genuinely enjoy each other's company.
Yes, they live far apart and rarely have time to see each other, but that doesn't mean their connection isn't real and deep and important.
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zaenaris · 7 months
Thinking about how Tenjiku was extremely painful but important for Koko and Inupi’s development and sub plot.
It was the moment where the worst fears of both of them emerged in very dangerous moment.
Inupi feared that Koko saw him only as Akane’s substitute and Koko feared that Inupi was using him for his own interest - the gang and money, since he’s good at making it - like everyone else, having internalized and accepted it was the only way to make amend for Akane’s death and that it was the only thing he was good at and that people needed him for.
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Take into consideration both of them was thinking of saving the other:
when Mucho and Sanzu ambushed them, Koko had no choice in joining Tenjiku to save Inupi -and Takemichi-, (and it's not that just because Kakucho says to Takemichi that Koko "chose to be in Tenjiku himself" , that's how it went: it's obvious Koko was coerced and tried to do the best he could to help Inupi and himself given the situation: he was alone, he couldn't fight the whole Tenjiku alone), while Inupi wanted to be in Toman, under Takemichi’s division, because he saw that Toman is similiar to the original Shin's BLACK DRAGON and because he knew they wouldn’t have been used anymore, Koko in particular since he’s the “money maker”.
But Koko was so used to that life and to not consider his own wishes that he never reconsidered joining Toman, it wasn't the safest option. Koko had no attachment to any gang in particular, he cared about Inupi and his money making activities, therefore as long as Inupi wanted him in a gang, he sticked with him (we saw in the last birthday pic that Wakui draws for Koko, that middle school koko made business with the haitanis before being in the 10th gen BD, he clearly had his own illegal side activities unrelated to gangs-of course being in a gang helped with his business and of course when he was one of the executives of BD, that gave him also power and protection, but Koko always did what he did alone, before being in any gang) ;
but that time Toman was weak, meanwhile Tenjiku, even if it was the opposite of the gang Inupi wanted to belong to, was the safest option and a situation more similar the the 10th generation Black Dragon, where violence and profits were the norm; so Koko negotiated a place for Inupi if he’d joined Tenjiku, thinking it was the safest option.
Meanwhile Inupi was willing to fight to finally be free from that world. I am always so sad that Inupi's trauma is always so overlook and never directly addressed in the manga (undirectly it was, I mean joining a gang it's not a thing that you generally do when everything is fine in your life). Because Inupi
was saved by Koko when he was looking for Akane - and Inupi knows it, that's were the fear of being just a substitute for Akane comes from
sees Koko being desperate about trying to save her and blaming himself when she died anyway
is aware that his parents have financial problems after loosing the house and ofc they're a mess for Akane
some of these facts are in headcanon territory, but how could have Inupi have felt after her death? of course we see him crying and sad, but he's aware he's alive "by chance". How did this conditioned him? did he felt he wasn't supposed to be there? that his parents and koko didn't love him enough and would have preferred her instead of him - canonically we kow Inupi doesn't go home often -ch.157- and so we can assume he has not the best relation ship with his parents, which is understandable after such a tragedy; we know Inupi is grateful that Koko always followed him -ch.142-, which is the same Koko felt about Inupi -ch.252., but was Inupi grateful to be alive at all or he himself would have preferred to die? and his relationship with his late sister? he cries, he grieves, but then what? is there a part of him that sees koko so desperate for akane that, in an irrational moment, would like to be on the receiving end of all koko's attentions? does he get a closure? probably he does, but it's off screen.
At this point of the story, -Tenjiku arc- Inupi understood Koko's behavior, when he tried to talk about the whole situation (in the previous arc,when he asked Koko if he was still thinking about "the promise") and Koko denied, he never insisted because he knew Koko wasn't ready yet. Maybe Inupi, probably for narrative reasons, or maybe because that's how he is as a person, or maybe for some other reason that Wakui didn't explain, somehow manage to arrive to a point of self awareness, but in that moment, it was a complete chaos, and the insecurities and the communication problems that Inupi and Koko always had emerged and couldn't be contained and escalated the way we witnessed.
Even if they had the other’s well being in mind, but all their deepest fears came out in the worst moment and that lead to their break-up.
**spoilers for the end of the arc and their sub plot resolution in the final arc under the cut**
But even after their fight they still wished the best to each other, showing their genuine care even after what happened, because in the end, Koko wanted to be with Inupi, it's his conscience in Akane's form that "frees" him and allows himself to follow his heart and to stay with Inupi forgiving himself for something that wasn't his fault❤️‍🩹
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secretpostsposts · 21 days
in your possessive Brozone how would they react to Branch being heavily pregnant when John first arrives? And the baby's other father could be up to you. And how they were conceived. I would love to see what you come up with.
I have a great repertoire of who could be the father of that baby.
but I decided to be impartial when it comes to ships when they involve a baby, more for my emotional health than anything, I get too attached to a fictional child who is sad at this point in my life.
but I don't know if you mean Fem Branch or Branch, because I had already said something about Fem Branch having a baby, Keyd being his adopted son and all that once.
and since trolls don't have children in the usual way, I say apparently they can have one without the need for another partner from what I've investigated, which is pretty crazy crazy in my opinion.
Well, I went off on a tangent.
and well, I also made an answer for that once, I think, that post must be somewhat lost, but it's out there and I had a chat about it with someone when I made that post too.
Brozone are very upset, not because of the pregnancy itself but because their baby brother will have a baby, and because someone else managed to fill that hole that they left, that is if it is after Branch recovers his colors if it is before, they are Furious because someone left his brother pregnant and refused to take care of it (in short, another body in JD's pile), but it is, somewhat confusing for them because of the baby, I say nothing changes, they are still like the ones I planted until now, except that they are more careful and do not give him as many sleeping pills so as not to get sick or harm the baby, although if they decide that the baby is a threat they will not hesitate to do anything so that Branch loses him.
So it depends a lot on the baby, and I talked about this with someone, but I don't feel comfortable making that talk so it will be a summary of the understanding.
I used Hickory for that example because I have this thought that Yodelers look a little like satyrs.
So it depends a lot on what the baby looks like (if they are a little superficial), but if the baby looks more like Hickory, Brozone doesn't become so attached to the little one, they only tolerate him because they see certain Branch traits in the child, If it weren't for that, they would ignore him completely, they would leave Hickory to take care of the baby more than Branch, but if it were the other way around and the little one looked more like Branch, he would be loved and adored like his mother, he would be the center of attention with Branch and Now just think, Brozone wants to isolate Branch, with a baby in the middle, they could do something mean and threaten to hurt the child so that Branch listens (and they would hurt him, maybe not a big damage but something that will leave a scar for him). for Branch to see or notice easily, as a reminder.
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