#i took the class because I didn’t want to do dissections
winstonsns · 16 hours
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the gang when they’re jealous
authors note: i’m sorry i accidentally posted it a little bit ago! i wasn’t done but now i am :3
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.1k
warnings: blood, cussing, fighting, jealousy, insecurity
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the two of you were at school, dissecting a squid in your science class
you and ponyboy were partners, and knew exactly what to do with the squid, even without instructions
then one of your classmates came up to you, asking “hey, y/n right? you uh, seem pretty smart. you already took apart the squid without any instructions, huh?”
ponyboy looked towards him, already seeing your attention was on your classmate
“oh, uh, yeah! it was mostly ponyboy though, he’s really smart!” so you smiled at your boyfriend, and gave him a kiss on the cheek
but your classmate kept persisting and giving you compliments, even flirting with you at times
ponyboy finally sighed and suggested, “hey, how about you go back to your desk.. seems like your partner needs help.” looking around, the classmate saw all the others dissecting their squids, while his was still put together
normally, when he’s jealous, he’ll try to make a distraction so he can pull you away or get someone else to leave
when you’re talking to someone important, ponyboy will stay close but won’t barge into the conversation
once, the two of you were at the drive in, planning to watch a cute romantic movie together
a guy tried to flirt with you, telling you that you look beautiful and you’re outfit is tight and looks real nice on you
you thanked him but told him to stop, many times, even though johnny was on the other side of you
eventually, when the man wouldn’t stop harassing you, johnny told him “hey, why don’t you just stop talkin’ to her? she told you to go away, man..” and shook his head in disappointment
he didn’t like him talking to you, and hated him more when he knew you felt uncomfortable
the man asked him, “who the hell do you think you are, hood? no reason why she’d wanna date someone like you—“
before he could continue, johnny tapped you, motioning to get up
the two of you walked to the car, and you said “thanks, honey.. too bad we didn’t really get to enjoy the movie though..” and he suggested the two of you would stay but at a distance from the man
johnny stayed close to you in a protective way, always checking your surroundings to make sure you were safe
but when you talk to someone important, or you’re catching up on life, he won’t do anything
he loved you, and even if he was jealous, he had to respect what you wanted
so if you wanted to talk to someone, he’d let you talk to them, sometimes because he’d know you were looking forward to it
he just doesn’t want either of you to get hurt, so he’ll try to always be nice, even when confronting someone
you were on your break at work, at a restaurant
your boyfriend, soda, came to visit you so the two of you sat down at a booth and ate a meal for free
then a guy stupidly came up to you and asked you for your number, saying you were very attractive
you looked at him, confused, side eyeing soda in a ‘who does this guy think he is’ way
you said, “um, no.. sorry. i have a boyfriend, if you couldn’t tell.” but the man wouldn’t stop talking to you
he sat down next to you, starting to eat some of your fries, making you lose your appetite
you kept moving away, and he put his arm around your shoulder, eyeing you up and down
it got to soda, he didn’t like how he was talking to you, “okay, we’re done here.” and he looked at your boyfriend
“leave.” he said, and the guy didn’t listen
“you better fucking leave.” deepening his voice and glaring at the man, putting a sense of fear into him, and even into you
he put his arm back to his side and got up from the booth, eyeing both you and soda, not saying a word but walking away
“you okay, baby?” he asked, and you sweetly answered with a “yes, thank you soda.. i love you.”
he said “i love you too.” and flashed you a genuine, beautiful and handsome smile
he was glad the man listened to him, because if he didn’t, he would’ve beaten the man up, but didn’t want a lecture from his older brother darry
your boyfriend really didn’t want to worry about you, but he couldn’t help it
he loved you too much to not worry, and he knew you understood all his feelings, not a lot of people did
he appreciated that about you, and ever since you understood, he never wanted to lose you
you were the only person he felt like he really loved
the two of you were at a restaurant, on a date when the waiter tried to hit on you
darry isn’t uncomfortable with telling you or someone else when he doesn’t like what someone’s doing, so he tells you and the man that he wants him to stop
so he tells the waiter, “hey uh, this is my girlfriend and i’d appreciate it if you’d stop… flirting with her.”
he listens since darry has big ass muscles, and he doesn’t want to get beat up
normally, he’ll politely ask the person who’s flirting with you if they could stop
if you’re talking with someone, simply catching up or talking about something important then he’ll leave you alone
he knows you can get frustrated if you can’t finish a conversation that’s important, so he lets you do your thing
unless you want him to help you get out of the conversation
he doesn’t want you to get emotionally hurt or feel bad if you’re talking to someone, so he always tries to talk to others politely, no matter if they’re being rude or not
if a guy is harassing you though, he would first tell the man to stop, if he doesn’t then he might get into a fight with him
just enough to get him to stop being creepy with you, but not enough to get him into legal trouble
he’s normally not comfortable showing pda but will make an exception if some guy is flirting with you
but the two of you were in a bar and a random guy came up to you and was making suggestive gestures to you
he kept flirting with you and trying to get close to you, but you kept moving away
you were clearly uncomfortable with the way he was acting, but didn’t know what to do, you were afraid he’d hurt you if you rejected his advances
dally glanced over to you and saw the creepy guy was talking to you, and how you were uncomfortable and kept looking at his direction
he was jealous another man was talking to you, but was worried about if you’d be safe or not
so he walked over to you, already glaring at the man who was harassing you
he wrapped his arms around your waist and started slowly kissing your neck, mumbling “hey doll, who’s this..?” and looked at you in a loving manner
dally then looked at the man, and glared hard at him
the man saw the shine in dallys pocket, knowing it was a switchblade
but he could care less, and kept flirting with you
dally lost it when the man said “how about we go to my apartment baby, bet you’d like it if i-“
your boyfriend let go of you and grabbed his hair, bashing his head into the counter, breaking his nose in the process, punching him repeatedly, blood dripping down his face
“you ever talk to my fucking girl again and i’ll break both your fucking arms too.” he whispered into his ear
he then threw the man to the side, onto the ground and wrapped his arm around your shoulders
“thanks dal,” you mumbled “that was a lot though… i think you broke his nose..” you looked back and people were staring at you two
he knew he wouldn’t get in trouble, and led you upstairs to his room, wanting you two to go to sleep
if dally is jealous but the person he’s jealous of isn’t harassing you, just talking, then he’ll most likely walk up to you and the person you’re talking to, then will stand behind you protectively and say to you “hey sweetheart, uh, i need to talk to you for a second.”
so he’ll pull you away from the person and the two of you will talk about something random, because he didn’t need you to talk to you, he just wanted you away from the other person
however, if it seems like you’re talking about something very important or a close friend you haven’t talked to in a while, he won’t bother you
he really tries not to show the fact that he’s jealous but it’s really obvious
the two of you were at the drive in, going together to watch a new movie
you liked horror movies, meanwhile two-bit liked comedy movies, and was obviously into comedy himself
after the two of you sat down, a man came up to you and started talking to you
you didn’t say much since you were trying to watch the movie, but he wouldn’t stop talking and your boyfriend started to get a little jealous
eventually, two-bit talked to the guy and said, “hey, man i think my girl wants to watch the movie. you can maybe talk after but please… just some quietness ‘til after the movies done?”
the man stared at your boyfriend for a bit, gave a quiet “okay” and nodded, walking away from the two of you
“thanks, keith” you mumbled, and he nodded, putting the popcorn in between your laps
both of you continued paying attention to the movie, and your boyfriend forgot about the whole encounter with the man
but if he sees you laughing because of another guy, he’ll probably get more jealous than how he would if a man was just naturally talking with you
like, he loves to make you laugh and gets a little sad when another guy makes you laugh, especially if you laugh harder than when you do with him
he’ll try to outdo the guy by telling you jokes too
the two of you were at the store, planning to buy groceries
then you ran into a friend from middle school, who just so happened to have a crush on you all those years ago
“y/n, gosh is that you?” the man said, and you replied with, “oh, sorry… i don’t remember you, remind me who you are?”
he responded with his name and you remembered him, how the two of you got along and were friends up until he started treating you like crap, all because of the fact he liked you
you told steve you had to talk to an old friend, so you gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked towards your old friend
the two of you just wanted to talk, and he didn’t like you anymore, so you wanted to catch up with him
the way he kept laughing at your jokes made steve a tad bit jealous, but he knew he had to trust you
but he couldn’t help but get warm, not in the good way, in a jealous way
so he walked over to you and said, “who you talkin’ to?” and you looked at him and responded with, “oh, this is my friend from middle school! we went to different high schools, so we lost contact.”
your old friend smiled at him and introduced himself and said, “oh, cool. is this your boyfriend?” and steve replied with “yeah, been together for nearly a year.”
so when you and your boyfriend left the store, the two of you got into your car and drove to steve’s house to drop off the groceries
he would get insecure at times, thinking you’d leave him when you found someone better
he’d disguise it as jealousy, but wouldn’t confront you about talking to other people if he was jealous
the most he’d do is talk to soda about it, but he wouldn’t burst out at you or get mad at you for talking to other people
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authors note: sorry for taking a while! i have 4 other requests in my inbox so im working on those too. sorry for making you wait!
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spliffymae · 5 months
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forgotten connie drabble (18+ mdni)
★ *  °    🛰  °. 🌓 •  .°•   🚀
you moved to the side once you were inside, coming in behind the man of the hour himself. sasha had been running rampant to throw him an amazing surprise party. and you were in on it, tasked with bringing connie home from work and acting as if you know nothing about what the current day was.
which proved to be hard the second connie got into your car after putting his bag in the back seat. “ahh shit! they got mi cielita to take me out. where we going, mami?” connie was grinning ear to ear as he looked at you, dimples popping below red freckled cheeks.
he was so cute, and you were gonna hate to do this but, “what’re you on about, springer?” you scrunched your face up in confusion at him. you then quickly looked ahead to pull out the parking lot. if you looked at him for too long you were sure you’d crack.
connie rolled his eyes, not buying your ignorance. “oh stop that, y’know what i’m talking bout.” he said as he buckled himself in and then reclined the passenger seat.
with the strongest will you could muster, you kept up the confusion, looking back at him and with a quirked brow, “you got a game or sum?” you asked, knowing damn well he had nothing going on today. his birthday happened to land on the off day for ball practice AND track practice, not to mention he didn’t have class either.
now, when sasha told you to act like you forgot that his birthday was today, she failed to mention to you that it was something connie’s mother had done plenty of times in his life…not as a joke, though.
connie really cared about four women in his life: you, sasha, his little sister, and his mom. so you forgetting his day took a pin to his bubble and popped the fuck out of it. he didn’t dwell on the subject anymore, changing to now talk about your days. however, connie was feeling down on the inside. all his friends had wished him a happy birthday either via call, text, or social media post. have you not been on your phone today?
when you pulled up to his and sasha’s shared apartment, you flashed him a smile but it was not reciprocated. connie was staring ahead, zoned out in thought. so much so he doesn’t feel you turn the car off or hear you call his name.
“con” you pushed his shoulder slightly, getting him to snap out of his own head.
“we’re at your place. is it cool if i come up to use the bathroom?” you usually wouldn’t say anything and invite yourself into his apartment. days when you’d get him we’re days you set aside to hang with him. but today seems to be different. connie wondered if you had made plans that made you forget about his birthday.
“uh yeah, sure.” he said lowly. he reached back to grab his backpack and with that, got out the car. you could see the defeat in his walk towards the doors. he was mumbling to himself, more times trying to dissect what the hell was going on with you. because you wouldn’t just forget, right?
you got out the car and sped walk to catch up, sending sasha a quick text to let her know yall were back. you also cussed her for telling you to do this to connie, knowing how pouty he gets.
the walk to the elevator was quite, along with you two getting off at his floor and going to his apartment. however, before connie turned the key he put into the lock, he turned to you. his eyes were glossed over and cheeks dusted with a crimson red. he was chewing on his bottom lip, hazel eyes filled with worry. “did i do something, mami? you mad at me?”
and oh my god you wanted to break the act right there…but you were RIGHT THERE.
you blinked, “what do you mean, con? why would i be?” you wanted him to just open the door. once he opened the door you could drop the act, you could give him all the birthday love you were holding in since midnight.
connie let out a sigh and turned back around, giving up on the matter and turning the lock to go in. the day was no longer felt good. what good was a birthday if the one person he wanted to spend it with forgot about it?
when the door opened, connie walked inside and turned on the light and was immediately met with screams, cheers, and camera lights in his face.
which brings us here, to where he freezes and looks around at his friends from his basketball team, work, childhood, and sasha standing in the middle with a cake.
connie spent a good couple seconds taking everything in, he was slightly embarrassed to say once he believed you had forgotten he immediately forgot the day, choosing to just wallow in his room as he smoked a spliff.
you took a step forward, hands behind your back and coming up on his right. “happy birthday, connie.” you bumped him with your hip, once again snapping him out of his own head and bringing him back to the present.
the big, toothy smile he had in your car came back, now decorated with deep dimples and eyes watery with tears of appreciation.
just as he was about to say something to you, jean pulled him away, leaving you two with an unfinished conversation.
•  .°•
you were talking to sasha in the kitchen as connie was socializing with all his guests. he hadn’t had the chance to come back to you just yet, but you weren’t worried. you didn’t plan on going anywhere.
“i told you! he’s so brain dead when it comes to you that he’ll completely forget everything. did you see how lost he looked when he saw us?” sasha was so happy that her plan had turned out well. she knew her best friend well enough to know it wasn’t going to take a lot to get his mind off his literal day of birth. not when you were the one thing that stayed on his mind and could pull his attention from anything.
you playfully rolled your eyes, “i still hated seeing how sad he looked. why didn’t you tell me i was damn near triggering him?!” you were nursing your second cup of a mimosa, slightly tipsy.
sasha giggled. she, on the other hand, had been four shots in from when you guys came in. “i forgot. but it’s all good now. oop—here he comes.” before you knew it, sasha had stepped away and now connie was in your space.
his eyes were low and bloodshot, having just come back from a hotbox with his guys in the car. “mami, you really are sum special.” he grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together and pulling you to be flush against him.
you smiled, “sasha made me, pa. you know i would never forget your day.” you traced his lips with your finger, your acrylic nail going along his prominent cupids bow. connie held your hand still and kissed your finger, then moved your hand so it was at the back of his head. it brought you closer into his space, his cologne taking over your senses. he loweeeed his head to touch yours, looking in your eyes.
“¿dónde está mi regalo, princesa? his hands trailed up from your waist to your back, to your elbow and then shoulder. he tucked one of your locs behind your ear, staring at you as if you held both the moon and the stars. “i been dying to unwrap it” his eyes were scanning all over your face, taunting you with his hidden meaning.
“quiero mi pastel, ma. soy hambriento.” he undid the button with ease, bringing you to gasp and instinctively grip the small curls on the back of his neck.
“later.” you said softly, giving him a sweet smile to match. but connie smirked with wickedness, red eyes gleaming of mischief. his hand trailed back down to the waistband of your baggy pants.
“c-con.” you could feel his long and slender fingers pad over your core. he pressed his index and his middle against your clit, sending a jolt up your spine. “this party’s for you.” you bit your lip when you felt him move them in a circular motion, the wetness of your pussy dampening your panties.
“it’s my birthday, right? i can do whatever i want, right?” you were gonna answer, but then he pushed your panties to the side. he had rubbed your lips to collect your slick on his fingers, and slowly began to push them inside of you. your mouth opened, but no words came out.
“oh princesa, did you forget how to talk? just like how you forgot papi’s birthday?” he tsked, shaking his head, “made me so sad. y’know” the force of his thrusts picked up, knocking you back to grip the edge of the counter behind up. “a mean joke you guys pulled on me.”
“pa…i-i can’t be quiet” you panicked, looking at connie with worrisome eyes. he knew you were a screamer, fuck it was what he loved about you. pleasure would overwhelm you quick and all your composure would go flying out the window. you got animalistic when you’d approach your peak, and connie never missed the chance to see it. but today, you were doing your best to show restraint the clench of your jaw let him know you really wanted to get it out but were resisting.
connie took his other hand to rub a thumb on your clit, turning his ears off to anything that wasn’t your faulty breaths or straggled moans. “hm…guess i forgot.”
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metallicaislife · 6 months
Embarrassment Leads to…
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Requested by: @g0ne-ghosting
Genre: 18+ smut, minors dni
Word Count: 1,720
Warnings: Douchey Lars-- oral(f receiving), p in v sex
I’ve known Kirk a long time, we met in biology class. Neither of us wanted to dissect the frog so we were banished to another room to watch a video of a frog dissection. Once again, neither of us were too keen on watching it. He pulled a horror comic out of his backpack, I reached into my backpack to show him the exact same one I had. Funny, we both enjoy watching gore but the idea of dissecting a frog is too much. 
Our friendship blossomed from there. Nearly every day after school he was at my place or I was at his, watching movies, reading comics or listening to music. 
I don’t know when the shift took place, one day he was just Kirk, my best friend, and well he still is, but in my heart he is so much more. He’s kind, funny, talented, and super attractive. His curly hair, breathtaking brown eyes, crooked smile. Super fucking cliche, having a massive crush on my best friend, I can’t help it though. 
When he moved to San Francisco I was super bummed out and thought we’d drift apart because I can’t move up there yet. I was wrong though, we call each other often and correspond through letters. I’ve been up a couple times to visit and he has been back to LA to see me. 
I was able to get the weekend off of work so I took a bus up to San Francisco. I’m currently on the couch talking to Lars while the others are deep in their own conversation. 
“I mean I was a virgin when we started Metallica, but that problem has been well taken care of.” Lars smirked. I don’t know how we got to this topic, but here we are. 
“Problem?” I asked. 
“Yeah, I mean who in this day and age wants to be a virgin?” Lars asked incredulously. 
I had never really given much thought that still being a virgin was lame or a problem. Was I holding out hope that Kirk would see me in a different light and fuck my brains out? Absolutely, but I didn’t think it was silly that I was still a virgin. 
“I’m still a virgin.” I stated. Lars' eyes widened then he doubled over in laughter. 
“What’s so funny, Ulrich?” James’ asked, his attention being torn from his and the other’s conversation. 
“She’s still a virgin!” Lars wheezes out. 
Okay, when you announce it to everyone like that, then it becomes mortifying. My cheeks heated up and I bolted. I found the room I was staying in and slammed the door. I sat on the ground with my back against the bed, bringing my knees into my chest. I fought off the tears, it wasn’t worth crying over. I heard the knob turn and cursed myself for not thinking of locking the door. I looked up and Kirk entered, closing the door softly. He made his way over to me and sat beside me. 
“Are you okay?” He asked softly. 
“That was so embarrassing. I wasn’t embarrassed by the fact I’m a virgin, but he didn’t have to go announcing it like it was today’s hottest news.” I said. I couldn’t bear to look over at Kirk. 
“That was really rude of Lars, the other guys didn’t find it funny either. Both Cliff and James are really reaming into him right now.” Kirk said. 
“So you don’t think it’s funny or pathetic that I’m a virgin?” I ask, finally looking over. Kirk’s big brown eyes were already trained on me. 
“Not in the slightest.” He reassured me. 
The air was different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but as we stared at one another, it wasn’t as best friends. Now was one of those times I wished one of us would take the jump and explore the possibility of more.
“I may be reading this wrong, if I do anything that you don’t want, tell me to stop.” Kirk said softly. My brow furrowed, but I quickly caught on as he leaned in. My eyes fell closed as our lips met in an electric kiss. It was soft and slow, but I’d been kissed before, and it never felt like this. Kirk shifted so he could cup my face as he deepened the kiss. He nibbled my lower lip and I opened my mouth letting him slide his tongue. I let out a soft moan deep in my throat. Kirk pulled back and we stared at one another with wide eyes and swollen lips. 
“Keep going.” I offered softly as my chest heaved. 
Kirk stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up and then brought me into him as his lips met mine again. As we kissed his hand wandered up my shirt and squeezed my breast. I gasped. He pulled back enough to lift my shirt above my head. He took his shirt off too. 
“Take your pants off and lay down.” He said, then began removing his pants. I did as he asked, removing my bra as well and laid on the bed on my back. Kirk stood at the edge of the bed and stared at me for a few moments. My cheeks heated and I covered my breasts feeling so bare. Kirk grabbed my arms and moved them as he got on the bed over me. 
“Don’t hide.” He said and pinned my arms at my side as he dipped down licking around one of my nipples. I gasped, my back arching slightly at the feeling. I could feel Kirk smirk against me as he took the nipple in his mouth and sucked at it. He used one of his hands to squeeze the other, rolling my nipple in his fingers. He switched sides. With the arm that wasn’t still pinned, I let my hand run up and down his back, scratching softly when he nibbled. 
After he was pleased with his time there, he kissed down my body and looked up as he hovered over my clothed pussy. I nodded, giving him permission. He leaned down and kissed it before removing my panties. After throwing them to the floor, he kissed my pussy before licking from my entrance to my clit. I moaned, arching my back. Kirk continued lapping at my cunt as he shoved two fingers in my face. I took them in my mouth and sucked on them, swirling my tongue around the digits. When he deemed them wet enough he pulled them out with a lewd popping sound coming from my lips. 
Kirk pulled his face back enough to watch as he slid a finger in me. My chest heaved as I watched him. He pulled his hand back and found a slow pace, curling his finger. I moaned and he added the second finger. Once he saw I wasn’t uncomfortable with the sensation, he dived back in sucking my clit as his fingers curled and scissored my pussy preparing it for his cock.
It didn’t take long before the pleasure rushed through me and my pussy clenched around his fingers. Kirk continued through my high letting it drag on. He pulled back and took his fingers out of me, placing them in his mouth licking off my slick. 
Kirk stood and removed his boxers letting his erection free. He bent down and fished his wallet out of his jeans pocket, taking a condom out and tossing his wallet back to the floor. I watched as he opened the condom and rolled it over his cock. He crawled back over me and aligned himself with my entrance. He brushed the hair from my face and kissed me passionately. He slowly pushed in and a whine escaped my throat at the sensation. Kirk pulled his head back and peppered my face in kisses. 
“I know, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” He said in between his kisses. I sighed softly as I dug my fingers into his shoulders. 
Kirk moved his hips slowly back and forth until he was fully sheathed in me. My grip was so tight on him I thought I was going to leave marks on his shoulders. 
“Let me know when I can move.” He said as he moved his head so he could kiss my neck. 
I closed my eyes and let my body adjust to having his cock in me. After a while, it didn’t hurt as much. 
“Okay, you can move.” I said. As I said that, Kirk rocked his hips back slowly and pushed back in. A groan left his lips. 
Kirk found a steady pace. He lifted his head again and our lips met in a sloppy kiss. He started moving his hips a little faster, adding some more force with his thrusts. He used one arm to brace himself so he wasn’t crushing me, as the other found its way to my clit and began rubbing me as he fucked me. My back arched and I moaned, breaking our kiss. Kirk kissed down the column of my throat. I came for the second time shortly after. He continued thrusting into me until he found his high as well. Kirk rested his head on my shoulder catching his breath before he pulled out and got up to take the condom off. 
I laid staring at the ceiling, in absolute disbelief that that had really happened. Kirk came back and laid next to me, he brought me into his embrace and ran his fingers up and down my back softly. 
“I didn’t do that just so you could rub it in Lars face, I really like you… I know we’re best friends but I’ve liked you for a long time.” Kirk rambled. I leaned up pressing my lips to his. 
“I like you too.” I said softly after pulling away from him. Kirk smiled at me and I smiled back, “I didn’t go along with it just to lose my virginity because I was embarrassed.” I said and rested my head on Kirk’s chest. 
“I’m glad.” Kirk said and gave me a squeeze. I giggled. 
I’m not sure where we go from here, but I know as long as I have Kirk by my side, I’ll be fine. 
Thank you for reading! :)
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herlondonboy · 1 year
Pairings: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Summary: requested (find request here)
Warnings: mentions of periods, dissecting frogs. This is based off of my own experiences with periods LMAO, spelling mistakes (as always). Comfort, no hurt.
Word Count: 0.6k
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You could feel your period coming from a mile away. The whole week before you had been feeling sour. Even more so than usual, at least. You had accidentally made Eugene cry by saying that Enid would never date him. And because of that, you’d been been sad the rest of the day.
A week later, you got your period and you’d been in more pain that you thought was possible. Enid had brought you a hot water bottle and Eugene a bee pillow pet by the name of Eugene Jr. All dropped off by Wednesday because you didn’t want to see anyone.
Wednesday knocked on your door after school on the fourth day and you groaned. “Fuck off, Wednesday!” You exclaimed.
Wednesday walked in anyway. “I will not ‘fuck off.’” She said. “You’re in pain and I’d like to help.” You groaned, pushing yourself up with a glare. Wednesday brought your favourite snacks and drinks and made her way over to you. “I heard that if you put pressure on your lower back it relieves you of some pain.” She said.
You rose your eyebrow as Wednesday made herself comfortable on your stomach, the weight of her body making your push down onto the mattress. You moaned in relief and wrapped your arms around her. “Thank you, love.”
“No problem.” Wednesday mumbled, pushing her head into your chest.
The two of you stayed in that position until the morning when Enid burst into the room. “Oh!” She sighed, panting for breath. “Wednesday, I thought you died! You don’t show up, you don’t call, you apparently cuddle.” She looked at the glare Wednesday gave her as you were still sleeping with her in your arms.
When you woke up, you opened your phone to see a bunch of photos of you and Wednesday lying in bed. They started off with Wednesday glaring at Enid then Wednesday gently removing herself from you, lastly, blurry photos where Wednesday had grabbed the phone.
That day was the first time you went back to lessons since you had been on your period started. You could tell it was coming to an end by how much your pain had subsided. It no longer hurt to sit up. For you, after the anger, came the overwhelming sadness. Wednesday was alarmed when you sobbed over the frog that you were dissecting in biology (it wasn’t the first time you’d dissected an animal, but it was the first time you’d cried).
“But it’s just a little baby.” You cried as you cradled the dead frog in your hands. The biology lesson has come to a sudden halt when you wouldn’t let anyone carve into the amphibians.
“Miss Addams, could you take her out. Please.” The teacher said in exasperation.
Wednesday nodded and looked at you. “y/n, drop it.”
“B-but-“ You hiccuped. Wednesday gave you the look and you cried even harder.
“I’ll get you a pet frog, just put down the dead one.” Wednesday said quietly. Your eyes widened in glee as you dropped the dead frog and allowed Wednesday to pull you out of the class. “You’re so difficult.”
You began tearing up again. “You hate me?” You asked.
“y/n- No! That’s not what I said.” Wednesday pointed at you as your shoulders began to shake in a silent cry. “Why do i put up with you?” Wednesday mumbled in annoyance as she took your hand. “Ice cream?”
“Yes! I knew you loved me.” You began skipping down to the kitchen. Wednesday huffed as you dragged her along.
Wednesday did get you a pet frog but it died four months later and you held a funeral for it.
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Interacting with Entities
The Justice Leagues main meeting room wasn’t usually this crowded, with both the entire Flash, Bat, Super, and Arrow families in attendance. Though to be fair, Red Robin didn’t usually send out a message on mass that told them he had information that changed the fundamentals of life and death.
Tim was typing at the main computer, ignoring or not hearing the whispers of everyone around him as he opened what seemed to be a very disturbing image. It showed a little girl, no older than ten, with red hair and off-color green-white skin in what seemed to be a lab. She was leaning against an operating table, sobbing. On the operating table was a toddler, who couldn’t be older than three.
He’d been dissected. He was pinned open like a frog in a high school science class, and the only thing in his small body were his ribs. His other organs were in jars surrounding him, his heart above his head. His eyes had been removed as well, placed in separate jars on each side of his heart.
The room fell deathly silent as they took in the image. Tim turned around, tired and grim, and spoke. “Who you are looking at is Jazz and Danny Fenton from Ohio. Jazz is possible a different species, and Danny is a clone she created. The reason she knew how to do this and succeeded is because of her hyper intelligence and from watching her parents, who are scientists.”
Tim turned around again and clicked a button. “And as you can see, their very unethical ones.” The video began playing, projecting the girls deep, heart-wrenching sobs. You could hear how much she loved him, how many good memories she had with him. She choked, sniffling and whimpering in a soft, broken tone, “I–*hic* I….. I j-just didn’t wa-waaant *hic* to be alone any*hic*more….”
Behind her, something began to form.
It made the video distort, but it was clearly a person fading into existence. It looked like someone swirling something in reverse. The video cleared up and floating where the vortex had been was an old man, with icy blue skin and red eyes. He had long, white hair and wore a cloak that hid the rest of his body.
He placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke in a soft tone, “You are a child.” Jazzs sobs didn’t stop, but they slowed as he continued. “You are a scared, abused, neglected, horribly alone child. The only thing you wanted was to be loved, to have something to love. This was not your fault. This was a failure of the system, not you.”
Jazz had stopped crying, and for a moment they were silent, staring at the body in front of them. The man spoke again, but softer. “There is a way to bring him back, you know.” Jazzs head wiped around so fast many worried of whiplash. But the camera now has a clear view of her face, and her bright red eyes.
“How?” She said, gripping the man’s cloak, “no riddles, no cryptic messages, please Clockwork, please, just tell me how to bring him back.” He smiled softly and patted her head. “It will be a long journey, and difficult in ways unimaginable, and you must do it alone. But I believe you will be able to succeed.”
Clockwork began floating about the lab, picking out random things such as syringes filled with strange brightly-colored liquids and futuristic looking weapons as he spoke. “What is an Entity, Jasmine?”
Jazz watched him, confused, but answered. “It’s when the personification of a concept, like Lady Justice, or a natural unchangeable occurrence, like life and death or the four seasons, gains sentience and comes together to form a corporeal, human-like form.”
“It happens when these concepts or occurrences gain enough power,” she continued, “and then every part of them comes together to form a singular whole. Like how every religious belief formed Lady Death, or how everyone’s opinion on a season effects how they act and express themselves.”
“Very good.” Clockwork said, the objects he picked up floating around him in a circle when he let them go. “Deep in the Hindu Kush Mountains, in a place called Nada Parbat, there is an Entity trapped. Her name is ɭ̷͕̈́ค̴̡̞̮̱̩͓̝̅̈́͗͆̋̆̋̈́̉̿̓̕͠ᘔ̴̨̢̖͔͖͚͙̗̚ͅค̵͈͍̞͚̄̐̃̔̌̋͜ͅг̶̣̙̰̣͔̖̰̱̝͔͍̘͂͆̄̈́̆̍͑͒͛̃̚ͅย̶͇̥̜͈͚̼͉̈́̈̓̒͊͗̍͋̄̆̕͠ร̷̪̃̈́͒̒̿͠͝.” The Justice League was torn from their intense focus of the video to the sudden pain in their ears, the wave of nausea that washed over them, the dizziness and confusion. Whatever language that was it wasn’t meant for human ears.
In the video, Jazz didn’t seem effected, and even understood what he was saying. She muttered the word, over and over again, before she said, “Lazarus? I’ve never heard of that before. What’s she made out of?” Clockwork floated back towards her and continued to explain. “Her true name is Lady Life. She is the oldest, the truest, spread among and deeply connected to every part of this universe. From the smallest ant to the largest planet, she is Life in its purest form.”
“Is she older than you?” Jazz asked, tilting her head and grabbing every syringe she could reach, placing them on a different table than the one Danny was on and organizing them by size and color. Clockwork laughed. “Far, far older. She existed before Lady Death did, in a sort of ‘chicken and egg’ scenario.”
“I tell you this,” Clockwork started, handing Jazz several of the weapons before continuing, “because for the past few centuries, Lady Life’s powers have been severely abused by people who are not worthy of them. And those subjected to her power against their will are going about treating the side effects incredibly wrong.”
“What are the rules for interacting with an Entity?” “Do not take, do not lie, do not steal.” Jazz replied, “Ask, explain, thank. And good will follow.” Clockwork smiled. “Very good. And what is the rule for when bringing an Entity into the body?” “Do not bathe, for it washes away.” Jazz again replied. “Do not inject, for it pierces skin. Consume, for eating is only done willingly and happily.”
“Now, a series of questions.” Clockwork said, “When bringing an Entity into the body, what happens when you attempt to lock it away?” “It will attempt to lock you away.” “And when you ties to fight it?” “It will try to fight you.” “And when you try to control it?” “It will attempt to control you.”
Jazz finished her sorting and turned to look at Clockwork. “The best way to bring an Entity into your body is to accept it, respect it, and love it, and it will give you the same in return.” They stared at each other silently for a couple minutes, not blinking or breathing.
“I have to bring Lady Life into Danny.” Jazz finally spoke. Clockwork nodded. “But how?” Jazz look to the operating table for a moment, before turning back to Clockwork. “He can’t eat anything….” Clockwork moved to the side, blocking her view of the table. “Remember, Jasmine; ask, explain, thank. Like everyone, Lady Life has many sides. While yes, she can be endlessly cruel, but also deeply loving and compassionate. It all depends on how you treat her.”
Jazz thought for a moment. “So, if I free Lady Life—because that’s what you want me to do, right?” At Clockworks nod she continued, “Right. So, if I free her, and I treat her really nicely and I ask nicely, she’ll bring Danny back?” Clockwork said yes, and Jazz fell silent again. “How do I do it?” She said, her red eyes alight with determination. Clockwork held out his hand, and when she took it—
Both them and Danny were gone
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What Shame Leads To
So, it's August 5th in Australia at least, so I'm going to go ahead and post this now. This is for Day 5 of Angstfest: Everyone Knows AU - Shame .
@lexosaurus, thanks for letting me use your biology concepts! Also, this is your fault.
Trigger Warnings: Major Character Death, Dissection, Explosions, Surgery, Mass Casualties
Danny took a deep breath as he watched his mother prep the lab table for surgery. He held it for ten seconds, then let it out. Jazz said that deep breathing was supposed to help with anxiety, but his stomach was still tying itself in knots.
“Hey, Danno,” his Dad said from where he was kneeling next to him with an IV drip that was already ready to go. “Do you need to go over the plan again?”
Danny nodded, giving his dad a shaky smile. He was glad he told his parents about the accident. Really, he was. The fight with the lunch lady had freaked him out. There was no way he was going to be able to face that kind of thing alone again. He needed backup and his parents were ghost hunters… even if they hadn’t done anything the first time around.
His Dad nodded back, confident as ever. It was the kind of reassurance Danny needed right now.
”Right,“ Jack said, ”We’re having a hard time identifying the structures in your abdomen from out here, so we're going to go in and take a look.“
Danny took another deep breath. When he said it like that, it didn't sound so bad. It was just taking a look around and figuring out what was wrong.
”Now, we're pretty sure all that ecto-radiation that's messing with the X-rays is coming from the blob right under your rib cage, so we're going to start there.“
Danny took another deep breath. He didn't like being reminded that there were unidentified things in his body now. Things that his parents couldn't identify. At least one thing that was spewing some kind of radiation.
”If we can verify that it's safe, your mom and I are going to remove the structure and put it in containment. Then we'll close you up.“
”And if it's not?“ Danny asked. He knew the answer. They'd been over it already. He wanted to hear it again anyway. He needed to hear his dad tell him everything would be alright.
”If it's not safe to remove,“ Jack said patiently, kindly, “We'll make as many observations as we can, sew you back up, and then figure out a way to remove it safely.” Jack laughed boisterously. “Either way, you'll be awake and eating ice cream before you know it.”
That was both a promise and an unfortunate reality. No matter what happened, Danny would be on a soft foods diet for at least a week and he wouldn't be able to go back to school until, well, that depended on if his parents were able to cure him or not.  
He hadn't known for that first month, but there was a source of ecto-contamination emanating from inside him. It didn't just make him drop beakers and allow him to fly. It was potentially contaminating everyone around him and they didn’t know what continued exposure to ecto-radiation did to living people.
Of course, they had to tell the school. It wouldn't be right to just not tell people they were being irradiated. Everyone in Danny's class had to be checked over by a doctor and then by both Fentons because there was no one alive that had both a medical degree and enough expertise in the ecto-sciences to actually tell if someone was seriously contaminated. Thankfully, nobody was, but the fuss it stirred up was ungodly.
A lot of people wanted him kicked out of school and his parents charged with child endangerment. He didn't think Sam's parents would ever let her see him again. Tucker's were still allowing electronic communication, but nothing else. He wasn't going to be allowed back to school until they could prove he was decontaminated. Everyone knew and it was terrible.
He should have told his parents as soon as it happened. They could have kept it under wraps then.
”Dad,“ Danny said quietly, ”I'm sorry I didn't-”
“Hey,” his Dad said, softening from his earlier cheer, “I know we were mad that you didn't tell us. And, I'm not going to lie, your mother and I are still a little upset that you didn't trust us enough to tell us right away, but the important thing is that you did tell us. We can fix this now.” Danny smiled at his Dad. Of course, this would all be- “We just have to get that spook out of you.”
Danny's heart dropped to his feet and all the anxiety he'd been gradually releasing came back full force. That was the other thing he was trying not to think about: Phantom.
Danny had mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, he knew his parents were right. They were the experts. Being Phantom wasn't good for anyone, no matter how cool it was. On the other, being Phantom was the only reason he was able to get the lunch lady back into the ghost zone. He wasn't sure his parents could have done it even if they had known about the threat. And deep in his chest he felt a sense of dread so profound it made him want to run far, far away and never look back.
He didn’t like the way that his dad called Phantom a spook, either. Phantom was Danny. Danny was Phantom. The fact that it was easier to talk about Phantom as a separate entity didn’t make it true. 
He looked at his dad. “What if this is a mistake?” Danny asked wearily, “What if taking whatever this is out hurts me.”
Jack's brow furrowed and Danny swallowed. “Danny...” he said, more softly than Danny had heard him get in a long, long time.
He jumped a foot in the air when he felt a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry sweetie, didn't mean to startle you there,” he mom said as she gave him a reassuring squeeze. He gave her a shaky smile in return.
“But, you're father's right,” she continued as she checked the monitors and the IV that Danny knew he was about to be connected to. “This is a good thing. We have a chance to fix this,“ she turned to look at him with a gentle smile, ”Besides, like we've said before, we'll stop if it isn't safe.“
Danny nodded, but he knew his nerves still showed. His mom knelt down beside him. ”Look,“ she said, looking warmly into his eyes, ”I know this is scary. I know it's hard. But, your father and I are going to be with you the whole way through. I promise, nothing is bad going to happen.”
Danny swallowed his fear. His parents were the experts after all. This would be good. He would finally be able to be around people again. He looked at his parents with as much confidence as he could muster. ”Okay, I'm ready.”
Jack slapped him hard on the back and Danny barely held back a grunt. “Thatta boy!” he said, back to his usual enthusiasm, “Now! Are you ready for the IV?”
The first thing Danny became aware of was the light. It was bright. So bright he could see it through his eyelids. He tried to move his hand to shield his eyes only to find that he couldn't move his arm. That was weird. He tried something smaller, just twitching his finger, only to find he couldn't do that either. He could feel the cool metal beneath them, but the motion itself was out of reach. That was the other thing. He was on something cold and metallic. That was weird.
There was someone murmuring to his right. Their voice was soft and familiar, but he couldn't make out the words. There was a soft clink of metal touching metal.
Danny looked towards the noise only to realize there was a mirror above him. Huh. Apparently his eyes were open. He looked at his face in the mirror. His eyes were closed. Weird.
Then he noticed his chest and his-. No, his breath didn't hitch. His breathing was normal. So was his heartbeat. His thoughts, though, those raced.
In the mirror, he could see himself cut open on the operating table. The incision went from his navel to his sternum and a retractor held his skin, muscles, and layer of fat back, leaving a four-inch-wide opening. He could see his muscles and organs moving inside as he breathed. His ribs peaked out right at the top of the opening. He felt sick and wondered if he would see his stomach move if he wretched. 
A scream manifested in his mind, but not his body. Not so much as a twitch indicated his panic. His vitals stayed steady.
His vitals stayed steady and his muscles didn't move.
The most striking part of it, all of it, with all insides on display, was the glowing ball just beneath his lower ribs. It pulsed with a steady rhythm. It flared as he felt the phantom of a hitching breath.
”Remarkable,“ he heard his mother say. As she came into view, he noticed she was in full surgical gear. Her ecto-proof hood was drawn up and her goggles were flipped down. She was wearing a surgical mask. If he hadn’t already heard her speak, Danny would never have recognized her as his mother. 
She was doing something with a scalpel and a test tube, but he couldn't quite see what with her hand in the way. He wanted to cry out. He needed to tell her to stop, that was awake, but he couldn't do anything. 
His vitals stayed steady.
The little light right beneath his ribcage flared again.
”Absolutely remarkable,“ Maddie repeated, ”Jack come look at this.“
”What is it, Mads?“ Danny saw his Dad come into view. He, too, was dressed for surgery, PPE completely obscuring his face. Maddie pointed at something in his abdomen and Jack leaned over to take a better look, causing Danny to lose sight of them in the mirror as they crowded over him.
“The concentrated ball of ectoplasm here, it’s started to pulse.” She looked over at her husband. “You have the camera in your goggles recording, right?”
“Of course, Maddie,” Jack said, brushing her off with patient affection, “Just like the last few times you asked.”
Maddie sighed. “I know, it’s just, there’s so much to learn.” She gestured to the same place in Danny’s abdomen. “I mean, we’ve theorized about ghost cores, but look at this. It’s close to confirmation.”
“Yes,” Jack said, sounding pleased and proud, “Danny-boy really is something else.”
Danny could feel his mother frown in the silence that followed. He couldn’t see her face. “We have to get this out of him,” she said. 
Danny was drenched in sheer, unadulterated panic. No, no, no, no. That was a bad idea. A bad, bad idea. He just knew it. Something bad would happen if they did that. 
Jack hummed and furrowed his brow, almost putting his gloved hands on the mask covering his mouth before realizing he shouldn’t. “Is that safe?” he asked, “Look at all those tendons, it’s fused to his rib cage.” He pointed at something else. “And look at those glowing tendrils. I don’t even know what those are.”
“I don’t know,” she said, voice skeptical. She paused. “Maybe we could…” She trailed off, moving closer with her scalpel. All of Danny’s senses screamed in unison: Danger! Danger! Danger! 
Maddie stopped and shook her  “No, too risky. Even with this thing in him, he’s not in immediate danger.” She turned to her husband. “Jack, let’s just take a few samples and close him back up. We can try again when we have a plan.”
“On it, sweetums! I’ll get more sample bags,” Jack said and Danny felt himself relax. Terror drained out him even as his mind registered that it wasn’t actually good for whatever that was to be in him.
But, now, they were closing him up. It didn’t really matter if he should be relieved or disappointed. All they needed was a few samples and then they could talk about this whenever his muscles allowed him to move again. It would all be okay, just like they promised. 
“Now,” Maddie said, narrating her process to her husband, “I’m just going to get a sample of the outer membrane of this-” 
Danny felt all the panic flood back into his system. No, she couldn’t! She couldn’t touch it! Something terrible would happen! Everything would -
Her scalpel nicked the membrane of his core and everything went green. 
Danny came to awareness drifting in a sea of green. He startled and and jerked. There were purple doors floating around him, structures building and destroying themselves in all directions. In the distance, Danny could see islands suspended in mid air. He swung his arms wildly and flipped over trying to orient himself. 
“Careful there, dearie,” a familiar voice said from behind him. 
Danny flipped himself around again to find himself face to face with the Lunch Lady. “You!” he shouted, getting ready to fight. He didn’t know where he was or what was going on, but he wasn’t going to let her hurt anyone. 
The Lunch Lady put her hands up.  “I’m not looking to fight,” she said, “I just wanted to see if you were okay. You reformed in the middle of nowhere, afterall.”
“I reformed?” Danny asked. His mind was spinning. What the hell was going on? The last thing he remembered was being on the operating table and then-
“When a ghost gets hurt badly enough, sometimes they’re core will react by taking them out of the mortal plan and reforming them in what you know as the Ghost Zone.” She put a hand on her cheek, looking thoughtful. “Though, for you, I guess this might be more like a first forming, since you first formed inside yourself and, after that, your mortal body can’t possibly exist anymore.”
Danny’s mind was reeling from the first sentence enough that it took him a few seconds to react to the last. He blinked. “What do you mean my mortal body doesn’t exist anymore.” He was wary. This sounded like a trap. 
The Lunch Lady smiled sadly at him with kind eyes. “Someone nicked your core, dearie. It vaporized you.” 
That was… There was too much going on there. One thing at a time. “What’s a core?” An image of his mom standing over him and talking excitedly about how this might prove their theories appeared in his mind’s eye. “Is that the glowing thing that was contaminating me?”
“Well, I would call it contamination, dear, it’s-”
“And what do you mean vaporized?” Yeah, okay. Screw one thing at a time. He needed to know everything now. 
The Lunch Lady’s smile grew even sadder. “You had a lot of energy in your core, dear. That’s what gives you your form. When it was nicked, all that energy was released and I’m afraid not much can survive that much power. It really was impressive.”
Danny gulped. Okay. Did that mean he was dead dead? Not just kinda dead? Wait, if it vaporized him-
“What about my parents!?” Danny shouted. The Lunch Lady looked like she wanted to cry, but was holding on to her smile as a last facsimile of reassurance. 
“I’m sorry dear, they were standing so close to the blast…” She paused, seemingly grasping for words. “It would have been quick,” was what she finally settled on. 
Danny clutched at his hair in grief and frustration. “How do you know this?” he asked. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she was trying to trick him. 
The Lunch Lady looked uncomfortable. “Well, there were a lot of echos and I was right near the portal when it happened-”
“No. No!” That couldn’t be right. That had to be a mistake. 
“-And ghosts are already starting to form from the blast. That was hard to miss.”
Danny stopped. “What do you mean ghost’s are already starting to form? Are my parents…?” He didn’t dare finish the sentence. He didn’t know how he would feel either way. 
“I don’t think so,” the Lunch Lady shook her head, “They were so close to the epicenter and there was so much ecto-energy. They would have already started to form by now.”
An epicenter. Oh God. What did that mean? “What ghosts are starting to form?” he asked again, this time in a whisper. Did he take out the whole house? What Jazz home? Was someone walking by the basement windows? Was there shrapnel?
“I’m sorry, dear, it’s hard to say right now. Amity Park was a big town and-”
“Amity Park?” he asked, cutting her off yet again. She just smiled sadly at him yet again in an oddly patient way. Why did she keep doing that? Just the other week, they had been fighting. 
“I guess I won’t be able to hide it forever,” she said. Danny’s heart stopped. Was this where the fight started? Was this all just a trick? “You have a powerful core, and it was even stronger before so much of it was released. Amity Park is gone, dear.”
No. No. No. This was so much worse. He looked at her same sad smile. This wasn’t a trick. This was pity. 
She was talking again, but he couldn’t hear her. Why? Why did this happen? He just wanted to help his parents find a cure. He just wanted it to be safe for him to be around his friends.  All he wanted to do was make his parents happy. He killed them all instead. 
Danny turned away and wailed into the vast expanse of the Ghost Zone, tears streaming down his face. 
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truly-twirls · 1 year
Hello! Honestly you're the first acc i think of when it comes to writing hurt/comfort because of your fics. They're amazing and so so relatable.
If your requests are open, can I please request a Yeonjun fic? My depressive episodes have been coming back lately so I felt like I kinda needed this.
I just want some comfort fic with Yeonjun where his s/o feel like they're not good enough and have trouble releasing out their problems to him and feels like they're just so pathetic and weak and feel like a burden to everyone.
Sorry I just wanted to know how someone who genuinely loves someone would react and say if their s/o was going through such things. I might just be self projecting here as well tho my bad 😅
But! Incase you aren't taking up requests, that's perfectly fine as well so please don't feel pressured. Your other fics are honestly so comforting and nice so it's totally fine. I hope the day will be nicer to you when you read this <33
hehe hi i'm sorry this took so long, also sorry if it's not as great as you'd like, i had a bit of writer's block,, requests are still open!!
playing catch-up - c. yeonjun
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,364
Warnings: Reader is in a depressive episode, Self-deprecation, Brief food mention
Characters: Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin (Mentioned), Choi Beomgyu (Mentioned), Heuning Kai (Mentioned), Kang Taehyun (Mentioned)
Genre: Request, Comfort, Fluff (Kind of)
AO3 Link
‘Why do we, the people, believe we can overcome anything?’
‘What gives us the will to keep on going, even with 200, 300, even 1000 tons upon our weak shoulders?’
‘Well, we’ll never truly know the answer.’
‘As it is different for every person, and their own experiences threaded into their memories.’
That was the big takeaway? A three hour lecture on a Monday morning, and that was all it had to offer? This was where your money was going towards?
Great. Fantastic. Absolutely amazing.
You sighed and packed up your journal and writing utensils, tossing them into your bookbag, and walked out of the dreary lecture hall. You still had three more classes today, with little to no break in between any of them, and to top it all off: They all lasted more than an hour each.
-Four hours later-
You felt stupid.
No, you felt incapable.
The fact that your train of thought had steadied itself for so long, so long. Only for it to collide into a wall that you didn’t even know was there.
It was embarrassing,
You felt embarrassed.
You are embarrassing.
No matter how much you kept looking through notes, dissecting every word that came out of the professors’ mouths, nothing stuck. 
It was like you never even went to lecture.
How could you be investing so much energy, so much money, and your mind couldn’t muster the ability to even learn anything?
Honestly, how stupid could you get? 
And then you really started to think.
It already felt like you were never in lecture.
Was it worth it? 
Honestly if one were to truly sit down and think, would one day really hurt?
And that’s how it started.
Just one day.
Then it turned into three days.
Then seven.
It’s been three weeks since you last went to a lecture, let alone the dining hall or any university events.
You’ve just been sitting, lying down, pacing, any type of movement really. But it never left the four walls of your dorm. 
It was just you.
For three weeks.
Then, at 3am, there was a pounding at the door that jolted you awake. If it’s the fucking RA asking about another incident, you were gonna resort to sleeping at a motel.
That voice… Is it..?
“Y/N, please open up, I saw your lights on from the window outside. Please, love?”
It was him.
As you walked towards the door to let your boyfriend inside, you saw a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. 
There stood a wrinkled shirt from weeks ago, sweatpants with holes torn from being snagged onto door handles a few too many times, and a ghastly face. One that read nothing but despair, one that barely passed as alive even.
Are you really going to face Yeonjun like this?
After not seeing each other for a month?
Is this really who he deserves to see after spending such a long time in another country for an abroad study?
Unfortunately, your doubts were cut short because of the sound of keys jingling.
You had forgotten that you gave him a spare key a few months ago, who knew how difficult that would make things in the future.
“Y/N? Is everything alright? Soobin told me you haven’t showed up to Literature in almost a month..”
“Not the only one.”
“And Beomgyu asked me why you’ve been skipping out on History and lunch with him.”
“The dining hall is expensive..”
“On top of that, Taehyun and Kai asked if you dropped your Statistics lecture.”
“Okay!! Fine!! I haven’t taken a single fucking step out of this dorm in a month, so fucking what!?!”
There wasn’t another voice to be heard for minutes at a time, only the sound of an exhausted fan.
You hadn’t meant for that to be aloud. Honestly, you just wanted it to pass through your mind and move on.
But the look in Yeonjun’s eyes. There wasn’t a chance that this could pass like the clouds beyond the glass window.
“This isn’t because of me right?”
You resorted to sitting on your bed, internally stuttering as you worked to put together a response.
“I know I was gone for a while but.. It didn’t mean I stopped caring, I thought about you every day.. Y/N, what happened?”
You used a blanket to try and muffle your sobs, this felt pathetic. Yeonjun telling you how he feels and you not saying anything did nothing to ease his worries.
“Please Y/N, give me something.. Anything, I need to know how I can be there for you..”
“Junnie, I’m honestly fine.. It’s just something stupid, I’ll get over it soon.”
At this point your boyfriend stood in front of you, grabbing your hands, “Baby, we both know it’s more than that.. It’s just you and I here. The world is deaf right now, anything you tell me tonight will stay with us. I want to listen to you, whether it’s your happiest moments or your darkest troubles.”
A smile forced its way to your face, although small, the little sparks you feel with Yeonjun returned. Oh, it was such a comforting feeling, as if taking off a sleeping mask after a long slumber, your soul welcomed the light.
“It’s not really that dramatic, love. I just.. um.. How do I say this..”
“Try not to downplay what you feel, it’s real. Your struggles are real, I think saying it’s dumb or not a big deal would make it harder to talk about, yeah?” As he spoke, his hands ran through stray pieces of hair. If he noticed how oily it became, Yeonjun said nothing about it.
“Okay.. well… It became harder to understand, like, what was going on? I don’t know, it just seemed like anything a professor would say, I never got it. Like, I just couldn’t make sense of anything being said.”
You took a breath as Yeonjun finally joined you on the edge of your mattress, “I’m listening.”
“I guess I thought that there was no point in going to lectures if I couldn’t understand what was happening, but I didn’t want to ask any of the guys for help or my friends. I don’t know, it just felt like a bother since everyone has been so stressed lately.. Who would want to take the time to help me?”
Silence filled the air again, but the air didn’t feel as thick, as Yeonjun thought about what to say, you still felt safe.
“I understand, baby. I think when we first met, one of the things I admired about you was how often you took into account how others around you felt. How selfless you are, it’s an incredible part of you, but it’s not the only thing about you. You’ve never given up, not truly. Even now I still don’t believe you’ve completely lost hope. It’s just on pause because of how overwhelming everything suddenly became.”
You nodded as you processed his words, it made sense.
“But when the time comes and you feel ready to press play again, we can rewind the tapes again and pick up where we left off. The world is moving fast, no doubt, but I like to believe that we move at the same pace as each other.”
Yeonjun’s shoulder was met with a playful nudge as you got shy from his remark, “Hey! I’m telling the truth here, no matter how sappy it is! You’re my Y/N, and don’t you worry, we’ll both be back on track in no time, I think I’m still sixteen hours behind but I’ll catch on, so will you.”
A genuine laugh left your lips, it felt nice. Wherever he was, Choi Yeonjun brought the warmth to your life that was permanent, even when the moon was paired with the chilly air that blew through the sleeping cities. The two of you were awake, the two of you were here, and as you shared a sweet kiss, you knew that it would be enough to go to one lecture tomorrow.
Because as Yeonjun promised, you would go at your own pace.
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orenjikaraka · 1 year
Shattered hearts
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Il Dottore x reader angst
Summary: In 3.2, Dottore takes both gnosis, the electro and the dendro, and ya’ll know all his segments are dead 💀; but what if this happened, Dottore made his deal with Nahida, but he made a exchange for Nahida’s assistant (reader) instead of the electro gnosis, the exchange was for the deaths of his segments, Nahida didn’t want too, but reader insisted; She insisted because she wanted to protect her hometown and Nahida. Nahida was sobbing but she excepts your offer. Reader said her goodbyes and went with Dottore. Two years has passed as you being his assistant; through those two years. Reader notices his routines and how he noticed how a nice and beautiful woman can change someone perspective; they both got fairly close; but the fatui are not on point with these new notices and closeness, so they have to take it by hand… (Also there’s an age gap in this AU, Dottore is 41 and reader is 28; thats a 13 years age gap, i do like my older men 🥺 also Dottore sometimes speaks in lab terms.) also also, i think Dottore looks amazing like this beautiful art that how he gonna look like in this AU and go follow the artist by the way they’re amazing!
Suggestion of a song I was listening to while writing this.
Warnings: deep angst, blood, blood lose, starvation, cursing, depression, soft Dottore, spoilers for Dottore real name (Zandik), deep guilt, character death, and sad ending
Word count: 5279
(Y/n)’s POV
“GET AWAY FROM HER!!” Dottore said
Everything felt heavy around You, the astrosphere of your surroundings were slightly blurred from the tears and crimson blood that was flowing out of your body, your chest felt like a burning sun was going right through you, (Y,n) tried to move her eyes to look at Dottore, he was being pulled down, by two fatui guards, he was trying to break there strong grip, but no budge, (Y/n) tried to move her hand forward, but got crushed by a boot, “AAAAAAAAAAA-“ the boot move fairly quickly to (Y/n) mouth to shut her up.
“Shut your mouth princess, we don’t want your boyfriend to get anymore feisty then he already is-“
“I will fucking dissect you and use your organs as fuel for my fucking fireplace if you, LEAVE HER FUCK ALONE.”
The fatui member just laughed because he knows damn well, Dottore can’t do shit, they took his special abilities away, his knifes, his living space, EVERYTHING, the only things he has is what he’s wearing when (Y/n) and him first meet at Sumeru…
“I’m soo scared Mr Dottore, OH WAIT, your not in the fatui anymore, no more 2nd class fatui harbinger, NO MORE Mr doctor to be called, because you broke a rule!”
Dottore felt deflated because he just lost all his progress because… because of me, ‘why… did- why did i insisted. he lost everything, his work, his segments, and… just- everything just gone…” While Dottore looked to the ground, he then looked up, “no, I haven’t.”
“And what makes you say that?”
“I still have my assistant.” He looked at (Y/n) through his mask but his lips was quivering.
“Aww how disgusting… HEY YOU” the fatui member pointed at the member that was holding Dottore down on his left. “Take his mask off, he doesn’t deserve or have the right to wear that mask. Also I just wanted to see what he looked like.”
The left fatui member yanked Dottore mask off in a harsh way, he threw it across the room, “damn your a lot older, I thought you were in your early 30s”
Dottore just looked at him with burning hatred.
“Welp enough chit chat, time to put this sick puppy to sleep.
(Y/n) never knew that a man that's been called a psychopath or a monster, can have so much emotion to someone. The man moved his boot to your arm, and faced a shotgun, right on the tip of your skull. The cold tip of the gun gave shivers down your spine, soft whipping came from your gentle voice and it frightened Dottore to the bone.
“No- no please I beg-“
“Wow, I've never seen such a sight.”
A deeper and much rougher voice walked in the room.
“Let her go, I have orders to execute her.”
The fatui member moved his feet off (Y/n) and gave the shotgun to Captaino and ran off. Captaino saw how (Y/n) was trying to get up, but Captaino put the cold tip of the shotgun on your head again. And you paused.
“I suggest you don’t get up… crawl instead.”
“Do you want to die?”
(Y/n) started crawling slowly to Dottore, Captaino was watching from afar but he was counting.
“Stop— sto- stop please” to Dottore cry was out of this world. “Dottore… help-“ “sweetheart- please just-“
Dottore try to move out again, squirming to break free, Captaino was slowly walking up to (Y/n), he saw how much blood was on the floor, painting crimson all over the concrete flooring. Dottore was panicking because each time Captaino got closer, he felt like he'd be a nobody without you, "please pick me— not her- I’ll do anything- please!!!” Captaino put the shotgun on the tip of her skull… “Nahida… I’m sorry— I’m sorry, I failed you, I’m sorry Zan-“
“Shut your mouth, you rat!”
“PLEASE— please just pick me- leave her be-“
Everything felt more heavy, your body felt slightly colder than before, your eyesight is fading slowly, ‘please…’
Dottore POV
Dottore eyes were clenching shut ‘NO- NO- NO, please oh archons please…’
Suddenly he felt cold, frostbite cold, his body was slowly getting colder by mere seconds, he opened his eyes and saw a cryo vision, the right fatui member saw it too and tried to grab it but right when he let go of Dottore. Dottore snatched it, ‘I’m such a fool.’ Then he found out he can have fast cryo speeds and swoop up (Y/n).
‘Fuck what else can this mechanism can do!?!?”
As Captaino was inches from the both of you, you both teleported; leaving an icy debris where they were at.
“Find them now!!!”
—- time skip —-
When Dottore opened his eyes he was laying on the ice cold snow, snow was slowly falling from the sky, which made him panic and stopped him from his calm trance, he sat up and looked below his chest and saw (Y/n). “Sweet Thing-“ he immediately checked your pulse and your heart was fine? You were breathing normally but.- he checked your stomach region and it was covered in snowy ice, “how long was I sleep-“ Dottore heard a whipper and look at your face, you were crying softly and he just now noticed you slightly shaking, “I-
Dottore is sweating bullets now, he looked to his left and saw Captaino screaming for murder. “Fuck- ok ok.” He looked back at you with panic, “don’t worry I- I got you- just… Shezhnaya to Sumeru, just- *gulp* fuck…”
His heart was racing like a wildfire, “just Shezhnaya to Sumeru-“ “KILL THEM.” “Just- FUCK- just Shezhnaya to Sumeru” Dottore was holding you tighter and tighter from each step the fatui took, “just Sumeru please-!”
“They got away sir-“
The agent’s body fell limp to the ground, blood spewing out of his skull leaving a crimson snowflake to the ground.
“Dispose the body, his family won’t be very happy about the news. That he failed to do a simple order.”
— time skip —
Dottore was holding (Y/n) and Fell to the concrete ground on his back, “physics…” then he got a spear above his face, it was a Sumeru guard, he was shocked that he made it to Sumeru but felt so lightheaded and drained, “how the hell did you got here, and stand up!” Dottore tried but he felt like he was gonna puke, “please- I just need her to be at- a medical station or a doctor- she’s bleeding badly-“ the guard kept his spear at him and moved his head to see (Y/n) and fear was his eyes, “(Y/n)!?” The guard dropped his spear and picked (Y/n) up brittle style, and ran to the big green palace, “good- *sniff* fuck-“ tears ran down Dottore eyes, weak sorrowful tears that just won’t stop, he put his gloved hands on his eyes, to hide his shame from everyone, the two guards that were around protecting Nahida palace were shocked, Dottore just remembered he has trackers on his vest and boot, so his “fatui friends” would “help” and find him, he got the one in his left side of his vest and frosted it and smashed it in his palm and try to sit up again because there was one under boot, ‘“tch”, and slowly got up, and took it and frosted that one and smashed it, one of the guard’s from the palace; walk up to Dottore and point a spear to Dottore’s face, “why did you destroy those-“ “how idiotic can you simpletons can be, I destroy my trackers so no- no one get… fuck… hurt” the guard noticed Dottore was clutching his stomach region, “how did you- teleported here?”
Dottore couldn’t care less so he showed the guard the cryo vision, “a delusion?”
“No, my vision…”
The guard tried to speak up again but Dottore shut him up.
“I got it, from saving (Y/n), she was dying, and…”
Suddenly Dottore felt prickles in his abdomen, small roses spikes that were stabbing his insides, it felt like it was growing up fast, slowly going up his throat, “aa— *cough* *cough*” rose petals were coughing up from his throat, the guard was worryingly confused until Nahida came into view. “Leave.” The guard walked back to his post, “didn’t I tell you were banished from coming here.”
“Yes— but- *cough* I was banished from Shezhnaya too—“ “So you think you can just come back-“ “No—“
The prickles were getting to his lungs, it was hard to breathe, “I— *gasp* I wanted to save— fuck— I can’t—“ “CANT what Il Dottore!” “I— COULDN'T LEAVE HER- OK—“ Dottore was trying to breathe but couldn’t, with little strength he had he punched his chest to try to break the prickles, but that just made it worse, he just coughed out some more blood and crimson petals, his lightheaded head was turning to a migraine, “please— I’m- *gasp* sorry I took her from you—“ Nahida was shocked… hearing a man that use to have so much pride and thought everything was a sick joke; begging, begging for his life, Nahida sighed, and killed off the roses that she made his body, Dottore gasped for air and had some coughing fit but at least he was breathing again…
“When you feel alright I want you out, out of this region, you are banned from seeing (Y/n), i hope you rot in the abyss.”
And Nahida just walked back to her palace not even looking back.
Dottore laid on the ground for a while, waiting for his dear (Y/n) to recover…
— time skip (3 hours past) —
After he felt recovered, by using his cryo elements, to put some ice on his wounds, he waited by the stairs, while his wounds slowly heal, he felt so exhausted, this migraine isn’t helping either, he growled in frustration; he started to stare at his gloves again and put his gloved hands to his forehead, and a ice coolness cooled his head, a sigh of relief came out of him, until he heard one of the guards from the palace coming near him, “scram…”
“I should be the one saying That to you.” The guard spoke.
“Hey don’t ignore me. Leave and leave-“
“This region I get it…”
Dottore slowly got up, he felt dizzy, ‘fuck’ “leave!” “Tch…” and slowly walked down the long steep walkway, the sun felt hotter than usual, ‘I hope I’m not having a fever… Well lots of blood loss, open wounds, using cryo to close them up, having an awful migraine, and out of breath.’ He slowed his pace and made it to the bottom, food stations were everywhere, Dottore was breathing heavy; he sweating bullets, “fu— *breathing heavy* where’s a chair or bench—“ as Dottore was panting while looking downward , a woman came up with concern, “sir are you-?” While Dottore looked up just the slightest, she had a horrified look, “sorry- I must go!” Dottore felt miserable, ‘stupid face, stupid scar, stupid people…” when he felt less dizzy, he straightened himself up but hid his face with a hand when someone looked, he slowly walked through treasures street and passed the grand bazaar entrance, ‘damn this heat’.
Everyone was staring daggers and disgusted looks, he sighed in a shaking breath, and walked to the fence and leaned on it, two people were talking behind the blacksmith building and saw Dottore, and ran off.
Dottore just groaned in disappointment; ‘Not a single person is gonna help me, hehe , why wouldn’t they, I murdered countless of people, test subjects thousands or maybe even millions over the years, strangled men and women’, he put his gloved hands over his face, he shakily soft laughed, ‘how do you care for someone like me, you were afraid of me at first, but you just had me wrapped around your sweet little finger, showing the equivalent of love in a short while of time, how touch starved, I can be around you, I always wanted to try to get close to you but the law and the act in Shezhnaya is to not get close to someone, show no emotions, no love, just pure rage, and arson, everywhere you walk; you were afraid of Shezhnaya, terrified of me… but you stop being fearful, instead of fear, you were concerned and worried about me, why— why were you concerned about me, is because to torment me, to change my motives, for the good and not for the rotting evil of a harbinger’, his hands were freezing up slowly, ‘why— was it because it took me a year to finally understand what you were doing to me… how— you just…
No, no— what am I saying, you were a woman that got tooken away from your homeland, so of course, she needed someone else to talk to… and you just talking to me, made me feel vulnerable, haven’t felt that in years, being slightly immoral, can be so lonely and trapped, but you changed that, which— fuck.. god damn it!… Hehe—‘ his lips started to quiver; and he slowly turned his back to the fence and sat down on the concrete floor, he put his head back with his eyes closed… ‘What am I gotta do with you, oh (Y/n)…’
—- time skip —
The small nap was interrupted by there royal fucking guards again, “didn’t I tell you to scram.”
“Didn’t I tell you, I have no were to go…”
“I don’t care, you need to leave.”
“I can't leave this place that far anyway, I’ll be dead in mere seconds…”
“I’m already dying anyway, I’m using my ice to repeatedly covering up my wounds, I feel unsteady when I walk, I’m just stuck here with no medical attention-“
“Don’t you have your own medical supplies, you are called the doctor.”
Dottore looked like he was about to murder this man. “They took my supplies at Shezhnaya and I can’t get any, because everyone is afraid of me…” he said while gritting his teeth.
“Yeah, because you're a murder and a freak.”
Dottore’s anger turned to disappointment because of hearing it again or just several times. “Tch” the guard left with annoyance, ‘just leave me the fuck alone… I’ll skin you…’ Dottore sighs and lays his head on his knee. After some minutes his stomach growled, ‘I can handle this later’ and rest his migraine away…
— time skip (the next day) —
Dottore woke up from his stomach growling again, but it slightly hurt this time, ‘hmm how long was I asleep…' ' he felt undizzy, his wounds felt a lot better, but they felt they might reopen again, if he doesn’t be careful. So he slowly got up and rubbed the dirt off, and looked up and saw the dark blue sky filled with stars, he looked back at the stalls and saw people still working, he walked past the blacksmith and went to his left, and arrived at the first food stall.
“May I-“ the person at the stall, put a close sign up and rushed to the back of his stall. “Fine.”
Walked to the next
“Can-“ and did the same thing but covered his shop up.
He walked to several others but they all said no, the last one was the bar and they locked it, before he even knocked on the door, “FINE.” He walk up to one of the tables and sat down on one of the chairs, it was more comfortable then, sitting on the concrete, he put his arms on the table and rest his head on them, trying to ignore his stomach even though it hurts, each time it growled, he sucked his stomach in to stop the pain, the guard from either was walking passed by and saw Dottore, he shocked his head walked away to his spot again.
‘Darn this body’ Dottore put his head back down. A couple minutes passed and a brave young waitress came up to him.
“Sir, you-“
“I need to leave, I get, but I can’t go anywhere, because…” he puts his head up with annoyance, “If I leave, I die, I have a bounty on my head, from the fatui, I can’t go to liyue, mondstadt, Shezhnaya, or any other regions, you can think of, because apparently I’m still fatui to everyone but I’m not.
“Why is-“
“Why you might ask, because a archon I made a deal with, to take her assistant instead of the electro gnosis, because I thought I NEEDED an assistant because all my segments were dead; so I did. And what did that get me?”
“A change of perspective in life…”
“And that’s a bad thing, why?”
“It’s not… I just… I don’t know, I lost all my work, because of a single person…”
There was an awkward silence. Not until Dottore’s stomach was craving for food once more, it made Dottore look away from embarrassment. She saw how he slightly tense up each time it craved.
“Do you… have mora?”
“I do…”
“I'll.. try to negotiate with my boss, and give you one of are menus”
Dottore looked back dumbfounded, “you're not scared of me?”
“No, well maybe a little, everyone knows what you did in the past was terrible, but you definitely changed, when you got down here you didn’t even attack anyone or hurt anyone, even when the other stores faked out they were sold out or they were closed, you just walk off… I saw you when you first walked down the walkway; when I was doing food deliveries…so don’t beat yourself up… I’ll be right back…”
She went back inside, and tried to negotiate with her boss. It took an hour in a half but she came back with not a menu but a well down steak, with potatoes and fish fries on the side and also put down a glass of water, “sorry, we argue for awhile, so while we argued I made a meal for you, I hope you like it. If not, I can change it.”
Dottore was so focused on the food in front of him that he forgot the waitress was there, he shook his head and looked at the waitress, “sorry dear, and the food looks delicious so no changes but here.”
Instead of giving mora he gave a gold coin, it almost looked like a gold nugget, but it was certainly not mora. She was shocked, her eyes were slightly puffy, “also this is for your boss, for hiring an amazing chef.” He gave yet another gold coin. He was about to pick up his fork, but she hugged him. “Thank you— so much—“ his body tense up, but she let go, “ *sniff* also you're not terrifying as people say you are; having a massive scar on your face doesn't make you look scary, you're actually quite handsome- well thank you again, have a good meal!” And she left.
‘I’m not terrifying’ he touched his face with his left hand, and touched his scar. ‘Handsome…’ he put his hand down and was about to eat again until he heard her boss cheering with joy from inside the bar.
“You're welcome.”
And started to eat his food.
— time skip (the next day) —
Dottore felt at ease, walking around Sumeru, less stares happened around, some people pity him, some of them stare with hatred, and some look with sad looks, the little waitress incident probably brought the whole town on a good note. Even some nurses or doctors ask for medical facts, which was surprising. Nahida was still a bit, spectacle on Dottore, so she made Al Haitham have a close eye on him.
While he was walking he was thinking back to what you said, when you both were at his lab.
“Why do you test on humans anyway?”
“To check what was their cause of death, to see their blood cells can generate more blood cells than any normal human being, to see if their soul can go into mechanical matter, or you might say a robot or droids.”
“Has.. anyone healed much faster than a normal being?
“No. Haven’t got anyone to heal much faster than anyone, I would say only archons can do that, not unless you kill them fast enough.”
(Y/n) kinda tense up from that. Dottore noticed this. And looked back on his notes.
“Sorry dear, I know if I frighten you but I’m not thinking of hurting lesser lord kusanali, or have her dead, I haven’t killed an archon in years so you're fine.”
“You killed archons.”
“Some but very few, couldn’t get samples. I was planning to help with my segments but that’s a long waste now.”
“What if… you found someone with that ability?”
He finally looked back up with a questionable look, “if I did I would’ve been more immoral than I already am?”
“You're immortal?”
“Not really, but I can age once every 50 years.”
“That’s pretty short compared to archons.”
“It is… but why do you ask?”
“Umm… I used to have a friend that was half archon, she lived half the life span as an archon does, but that’s still more than any other humans, she meant.”
“Is she-“
“She passed away years ago from a spear to the heart.”
“But she could've lived longer, if the spear missed her heart by some inches she would’ve lived, they said when she was comatose sometimes the only way you knew she woke up or fully healed is when it rains…”
“Was her mother, Amphitrite.”
“And her father?”
“A human of course, but unknown.”
“Maybe… nevermine.”
And he went back to his studies.
When he was walking up to the green palace to see if he could check on (Y/n) , it started to rain… it started to drizzle, but when he got closer to the last steps. It was pouring, his coat was getting soaked but he couldn’t care less…
“Shot it’s pouring hard…”
“Yeah…” Both guards said; they both walked back to the palace.
Door slam open
“Your- your a-“
Before he could say anything else.
She flew right in his arms, he had to take aback what happened, ‘you have wings, you have hydro vision, you— you're the half archon?!?!’
“I’m— sorry I didn’t tell you, who I was-“
“You were terrified (Y/n), I wouldn’t doubt you for telling me before either…”
She just softly giggled, they both hugged for a while until Nahida stepped out, she was frustrated, she didn’t even notice Dottore, , “(Y/n)! You're still healing-“ she saw Dottore, she wanted to stop him, but after she saw (Y/n) genuinely happy, her frustration cooled down, she had a sad but forgiving smile, she walked down gently. Little music notes each time she stepped, the rain was lessing out, to a soft drizzle.
Dottore looked down at (Y/n) and (Y/n) looked back, she had shuck a gentle smile, then he looked at her wings, they were like blobs of water, but as shiny as sapphires, gentle gemstones that can shatter in a simple touch. He put his hand through her wings, they were warm, “your hands are cold even through your gloves”, “sorry… still new to these visions…” “hehe”, her laugh was generally cute… “is your vision really next to your heart…”
“It is…” she made her vision glow; her skin glowed slightly where her heart was located. “I’m very fragile; when there’s no rain out; I’ll be shattered like a glass heart; lefted like dirt and grime; lefted like the abyss.”
“But when there is rain, your power grows like a sunflower, looks beautiful, when it consumes sunlight, but mellows down when there isn’t…”
(Y/n)’s cheeks blushed, which made Dottore chuckle; closed his eyelids and delicately kissed her forehead, “then I’ll treat you delicately like a sweet little sunflower, love…”
The drizzling was just near drips.
Dottore's eyes shot and looked to the stairway that was leading downward and saw Captaino, he had a gun that had a large harpoon at the end of it, pointing at (Y/n). He moved her behind him, and the drizzle slowly went back to rain.
“Sorry to cancel your plans, but oh Dottore, we wouldn’t want your poor princess to be hurt don’t we…”
“Back. Off.”
“So demanding. when it comes to her, I wonder… is it because she is a half-archon.”
Dottore was about to speak up, but…
“Oh I knew from the very start; when she arrived to are quarters, when the harbingers and I saw you stepped in with her, we thought you were going show some murderest game, that was going to a irrupt, but we got it all wrong, that little glass heart was your assistant, how she hid behind you, when we had other meetings, I did some digging and found out that she’s a little straight angle of a archon, her other half is a mere human; I kept silent for so long, because i was wondering, what in the world are you toying with a half-fucking-archon.”
“Hehe, but you weren’t toying with her, your cold shivering heart, couldn’t seem to understand how a kind and beautiful sunflower can change your reality…”
“Hmmp, I guess that’s why they put me as the 2nd harbinger; I’m well known for my facts that… how should I say it… oh! That love can show more meaning than some garbage gadgets.”
Captaino was silent and pointed the gun at Nahida. He shot the harpoon at Nahida, Dottore put an ice wall before the harpoon could hit her.
“Clever… oh so clever…”
“Miss Kusanali! Are you ok-“
Captaino clicked something on his gun, and the harpoon grappled back, the edge of the harpoon sliced the throat of the Sumeru guard.
“Kaasska—“ the guard was gagging, crimson blood was pouring out of his neck and mouth, he was looking at Nahida for help.
“*sigh* So annoying…”
Captaino moved his left arm up and revealed the shotgun from before.
“See that wasn’t hard was it… Now.”
Captaino Pointed it at Nahida, but before he can shoot Nahida, Dottore teleported Nahida and the other guard into the green palace and blocked the entrance with solid ice.
Captaino growled with anger in his veins. “You-“
“Me what! You're not killing any archons or any more of Lesser lord Kusanali’s people.”
“Well that’s a shame… because… that half-archon is more valuable…”
Dottore grabbed a hold of (Y/n)’s wrist and teleported them to the akademiya back entrance that leads to the green palace.
“Zandik?!?! What about Nahida-“
“She’ll be fine! Capitano is aiming towards you; as a rock of captain he is, he’ll do anything for that person to be dead…”
Dottore picked up (Y/n) bridal style and ran into the akademiya building, “everyone get the hell out of here! There’s-“
Captaino broke the door to the back entrance, everyone screamed in panic and ran out. Dottore ran next door to the library, he closed the door and blocked it with yet another solid ice wall.
“Everyone up the elevator now, there’s a murderest fatui harbinger in this building!”
Everyone went up the elevator, it was cramped but everyone got up… apparently they turned off the elevator so no one else could enter. When Dottore got close to the elevator the lower floor was wide open because the power was off…
“Zandik don’t-“
Dottore dropped her down the elevator shaft and blocked the entrance with solid ice before she could fly up quickly.
Her voice was slightly muffled because of the ice. The door behind him smashed open. And the man himself; Captaino, has walked in.
“am I interrupting something…”
It made Dottore fist curl, and he turned around to look at Captaino.
“Let’s just get this over with…”
“My pleasure…”
— time skip (I suck at writing fight scenes 🥸) —
Al Haitham POV
I ran into the akademiya, I looked to my left and saw Dottore looked like he was at his limit; Captaino looked like he was unflinched but with bleeding deep cuts.
Al Haitham heard (Y/n) from the elevator shalf and ran to it.
“Al Haitham?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there!”
Al Haitham used his sword to crack the ice. “Cover your eyes!” (Y/n) covered her eyes with her hands, Al Haitham was about to break the ice, “damn it…” and with one final hit, it broke.
(Y/n)’s POV
When the ice broke, (Y/n) flew up, and saw Dottore, he was on his back, looking afraid and powerless.
“Well… it was nice knowing you Dottore”
“Sleep Well… old friend…”
Before Captaino shot Dottore with a harpoon, (Y/n) swoops in and got shot straight through the heart by pushing Dottore out of the way.
Before Captaino would say selfish remark, with the last of her powers she used the water from her wings and made it to a thin line, to cut right through Captaino’s neck, it was like she cut through paper…
Captaino’s body fell limped and his head moved just slightly away from his body.
Dottore’s POV
“No— no, why—“
Dottore crawled up next to you. At the tip of the harpoon had your slowly pumping heart and the poor shattered vision was clinging on it, grasping for life but can’t.
“Stop— I can fix this—“
(Y/n)‘s body was slowly starting to shake, her eyes were blurring up because of the amount of tears there were.
Dottore tried to touch her heart that was slowly decreasing by the second, but with little strength she had left she held his wrist weakly.
“Zandik- it's no use—“
“No- I can fix this—“
“Zan— just stop—“
Dottore looked back at her, then at her heart one final time; her heart stopped, her vision didn’t have that beautiful glow anymore.
“Za- remember when I said— *cough*
She coughed out some blood, crimson droplets dangling from her mouth.
“Remember— how I said… you can do so much in so little time— when you're close to someone…”
“Don’t say—“
“I’m— glad that I get… to meet someone like you— in such little time I had…
“Sweetheart-“ Dottore hold her right hand, “your— fuck— FUCK—“
“Yes- sweetheart—“
She moved her hand that was holding his wrist and moved her hand to his soft cheek.
“Stay strong for me, ok…”
“I— I can’t- I’m nothing; nothing, without you.”
Everything felt blurred, her soft hand fell limp to the ground, her chest stopped slowly moving, her eyes was lifeless, her bright delicate smile was nowhere to be seen… Nahida ran in and sobbed what she witnessed, Al haitham quietly sobbed too.
Dottore had clumps of tears falling down on (Y/n)’s face.
“I’m sorry—“
Dottore slowly lowered his head and placed it on yours…
“I’m sorry— my little delicate sunflower…”
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When a bird is alive... It eats ants. When the bird has died... ants eat it. One tree can be made into a million matchsticks... but only one match is needed to burn a million trees…
Circumstances can change at any time... Don't devalue or hurt anyone in this life... You may be powerful today but time is more powerful than you…
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littleguyconnor · 5 months
there’s a baby spy round here…
Cw for the implication of abuse. Nothing is described in detail but I do mention that there’s a lot of yelling.
There was an ugly house a few blocks down from Felix’s home that he rode past on his bike every day to and from school. He remembered it in particular because of the annoying way it looked. The grass had been cut and trimmed down, there was no garden space, and it had been painted a boring, sterile white. It was like someone from an upper-class suburban had dropped their home without changing anything into the foggy and sleepy forest town, and kept it that way. It didn’t fit in at all, and it made Felix endlessly curious. He never saw anyone come or go from it, and it was always eerily quiet. Sometimes he wondered if anyone lived there at all. There had to be, though, because someone kept cutting that grass. Perhaps one day he’d tell them about the ecosystems they were destroying. 
Today, though, there was a lot of work he wanted to do. His class had a biology lesson (which he was usually banned from participating in) and he managed to steal a few scalpels, various chemicals, and the entire dissection frog. It was one of the best things he’d taken yet, and he needed to get them home before, in his mind, someone found out and went after him. So he took a straight shot to his home on the bike, talking animatedly to himself about his plans and whatever scientific questions he thought of on the way. He’d been interested in the concept of resurrection ever since he read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, although he planned to do it better. The formaldehyde would prove to be an exciting challenge. 
He wondered aloud about that for a while until a noise up ahead caught his attention, loud enough to be heard over himself. His conversation with himself slowly trailed off, as when he came closer to the block that house was on, it suddenly became clear that the noise he was hearing was very, very bad. He stopped in front of the house, listening. 
Someone was screaming at another person inside. 
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, but he couldn’t move. He wanted to leave, to never come back to this block again, but he seemed stuck there on the side of the road. Whatever was happening inside got so loud Felix flinched and covered his ears, and then it just as quickly stopped. For the first time, he saw the front door open, and another boy his age came out and slammed it shut behind him. Felix stared, alarmed, and the two made brief eye contact with each other. The other boy ignored him completely after that, though, and began to walk down the sidewalk in the same direction Felix was going. 
He stepped off his bike and pulled it alongside him, trying to keep up with the fast and angry pace the other child was walking at. He didn’t know what to do. 
“… Hi,” He tried. 
There was no response. 
“Um. Are you okay?” 
“No. Leave me alone.” 
He had an accent, one he recognized. He was French. 
“Sure, but I’m sort of going in the same direction as you. I live further ahead,” 
“Go faster then. You have a bike.” 
Felix paused for a moment, drumming his fingers on his bike seat until he thought of something else to say. 
“I’ve never seen you before. You probably moved in recently then, right?” 
No response again. He just kept staring straight ahead. 
This wasn’t working. He had no idea why he was trying to make conversation when that was the thing he was worst at. Felix leaned slightly to get a better look at the French boy's face, noticing a few scrapes along his cheekbone. That was something he could fix. Something he could think about logically. 
“..I’m studying to be a doctor, I could help with the cuts on your face.” 
“No. Stop talking to me.” 
“Out here there’s a serious risk of infection if you don’t get them treated right away. I always carry a first aid kit, you know, for situations like these.” 
“Are you stupid or something? I told you to leave me alone, you freak!” 
He snapped suddenly, stopping in his tracks to yell at him. Felix simply stood there, quite unbothered by this, which seemed to aggravate the other boy further. 
“No, I just heard what happened in your house and I’m trying to help.” He said simply. The other blinked, a mix of fear and anger briefly flashing over his expression before he went quiet. The two stood there a moment, saying and doing nothing. 
“..If I let you help me, will you go away.” 
Felix grinned, eager at the chance to treat a real patient for the first time. Misha never let him. 
“Sure! Just sit down, it shouldn’t take long. A simple procedure, really!” Felix said, kicking the stand on his bike so it propped itself up, and began digging through his bag. The French boy watched him do this for a few seconds before finally sitting on the curb. When Felix sat next to him he didn’t look away from the street, which was fine to him as long as he could see the wounds. It would be the perfect angle if it weren’t for the boy's hair, which covered the side of his face. Felix reached out to move it, which caused the other to jerk away from him. 
“Don’t worry, I’m just moving your hair out of the way. I need to see what I’m doing.” 
“Don’t touch it. I’ll do it.” He said, pushing wavy curls away from his face and holding them there. His hair was about shoulder length, and curiously there were a few white strands near his forehead. 
“Das geht. Danke!” 
“What did you just say?” 
“I just said thank you,” Felix replied, slightly snappier than he intended to. “That’s all.” 
His tone came out softer this time, the way he wanted it to, and from his collection of medical equipment he took out an alcohol wipe packet and ripped it open, carefully approaching him with it like he was working with a nervous animal. 
“It might sting, don’t worry about that.” 
He just grumbled in response, and didn’t move when Felix began wiping away stray streaks of blood and sanitizing the wound itself. It was deeper than it looked, which made him a little nervous. 
“Can I ask your name?” Felix asked, reaching for an antibiotic ointment next. His patient hesitated before answering. 
“It’s Simon.” 
“Nice to meet you! I’m Felix, by the way,” he said, and when Simon noticed the tube he was holding he moved away again. 
“What’s that?” 
“An antibiotic. You don’t have to be so suspicious of me, you can see everything I’m using.” 
“Well, excuse me for not blindly trusting a stranger and the things they’re for some reason carrying around all the time.” 
“I didn’t say that.” Felix retorted, a little annoyed. 
Nonetheless, he applied the ointment and covered the cut with a square of gauze, keeping that in place with a bandaid. He put his things back and stood up, offering a hand to Simon. He took it, cautiously, standing up as well. 
“I’ll leave you alone now if you want, but make sure you keep it clean and change the bandages if it bleeds again. You can get the cream from the drugstore, it’s not that expensive-“ 
Felix smiled, suddenly not feeling quite so annoyed. 
“That means thanks, right? You’re welcome.” 
Simon was still holding onto his hand. Out of curiosity, he tried to pull away, and what he suspected was his new friend seemed to panic and held on tighter. 
“Er-Felix, you said you lived further up, right? Close to here,” 
“I did.” He said observantly. 
“..Do you think I could stay there with you for a while? Until I can go back to my house.”
“Absolutely you may but on one condition: you can’t be mean to me anymore.” 
Simon laughed, it was small, more like a scoff, but it was a good sign. 
“Okay. I’ll be nice-er to you.” 
“Good. How did you get that cut anyway?” 
“Oh, a butterfly knife. There’s tricks you can do with them.” 
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
Lol that scene from DvK 1 u we’re talking about is because he lost for once in his life. That’s it. He wasn’t upset because he hurt Izuku, but because he lost. Why do you think he hasn’t been showed actually loosing since? Cos he’d be a bit cry baby bitch about it.
Alright. I’ve already explained this in the past which you can find here. This is my dissection on DvK1 and there’s links to the three other parts in order on each post.
Believe it or not, even though I love Bakugou, I’m pretty harsh on him in my dissection but I also try to put myself in his and Midoriyas shoes. I will say tho my analyzation skills have improved since writing that dissection but, I really don’t think I’d say anything differently.
However, I will say something that I didn’t say in my dissection.
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There’s a visible break there. That glass didn’t shatter until he looked at Deku again and watched him collapse. This is the first time Katsuki has seen Izuku that badly injured. And him being that hurt was kinda sorta indirectly by Katsukis hand because he expected Deku to dodge but instead, he shattered one arm with his quirk and took an explosion to the other arm. This is actually really convenient timing too because you know what scene parallels this one?
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Yup… Izuku didn’t break until he took a look at Katsuki again. Because just like in DvK 1, Izuku has never seen Katsuki that hurt. And, in Izuku’s eyes, Katsuki’s injuries are his fault. Because he wasn’t there to prevent them.
Katsukis panic in DvK 1 is the result of a lot a firsts.
-first time he formally lost something to Deku
- first full blown fight he’s had with Deku
-first training exercise in front of All Might
-first time he truly injured Deku in a confrontation
- first time seeing Deku collapse in pain
And here’s an honorable mention:
-first time he saw that there were people in his class that were better than him (Todoroki and Momo), and first time accepting that fact.
So yes I think it goes a lot deeper than just the fact that he lost cuz if that were the case, he would’ve acted in a similar manner in the sludge villain attack (which would’ve been reasonable).
Also… you think Katsuki hasn’t lost anything since DvK1? Really?
The entire first half the manga for Katsuki’s character is just loss after loss until DvK2 and even then, I think he considered that a loss as well.
You think he didn’t see how he won the sports festival as a loss? Specifically a loss to Deku because Todoroki didn’t give him the same effort he gave Deku?
What about when Izuku was finally able to use his power without breaking anything and was using Katsuki’s moves? You think he didn’t consider the fact that Izuku was surpassing him as a loss?
Izuku saving him again in the final exam when he didn’t have to? You think he didn’t consider that a loss?
What about when he got fucking kidnapped and saw Deku hurt extremely badly again? And saw that Deku was about to put himself in more danger, for his sake? You don’t consider that a loss?
How about the fact that the villains misinterpreted him and thought he was a villain too? When the main thing about him is how he wants to be top hero, you don’t think he considered that a loss? (Plus the fact that civilians thought the same thing that the villains were)
Kirishima spending a shit ton of money on a camera in order to try to save his ass? Being one of only two people in his class that didn’t get his provisional license? All Might having to retire after saving him?
He didn’t start to actually win anything on his own terms until after DvK2. And even then, there’s still a few.
Y’know, Deku almost getting OFA stolen and then leaving UA on his own after Katsuki told him not to win on his own?
Are we reading the same manga? Real question.
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Vamptember Day 2
“Dissection / Rome / Bathed”
SUMMARY: Rotting away in your room, going no where with your research, you take them up on the invitation
PAIRING: Platonic Armand, Daniel, and Female Reader
Day two going strong! I managed to up it to nearly 3k words so that’s pretty cool! I used Rome as today’s prompt because mmmmmmyeah you’re gonna hear about all the information I’ve collected about 16th century Italian artists.
It was getting cooler in the mornings. The blaring, continuous, unforgiving, unrelenting hellfire heat, was actually subsiding. And it was getting cooler in the mornings. Your skin sung, and your lungs breathed in clean crisp air that was still damp from the sprinklers running earlier. Never mind it was going to heat back up later, you didn’t care. You were going to be inside all day anyway, but you weren’t going to miss the morning for anything in the world. And it had an affect on everyone, not just you. An extra pep in the step, more smiles returned, rushing to the next class was suddenly out of style.
And you didn’t flinch this time when the cashier gave you the total for your six dollar latte. -Okay, maybe you did a little bit. But it certainly tasted better than usual.
As your shoes hit the stone walkway in tandem with the music in your headphones, you took your time to appreciate the beauty of your campus, which was a lot harder in the afternoons with its 90 degree weather.
The large old oak trees that flanked nearly every corner and walkway, were still holding onto their green foliage. Stubborn things they are. The red brick building, which looked like a great castle or church to you more than anything, towering above all, an ancient watchful guardian.
The usual backyard birds were scattered here and there, mourning doves sat atop roofs with their little round chests poking out, the males sporting a dusty pink color proudly. Starlings pecked in the grass together in their many numbers like someone threw a dozen little black polka dots onto the ground which then magically sprung to life. But what really got you excited, were the crows.
Sure, some people had them all year round, a proper nuisance with their blaring and grating caw, no particularly special plumage to admire. But to you they were a true sign of fall that you cherished, and hearing their guttural yalp was like stepping on the first fallen leaf. Like smelling a bath and body works pumpkin candle. Like buying an orange wool scarf.
Joggers in bright shirts and shorts past you, a man from across the street cussed at his dog, who lifted her wide head up to bite at her leash and tug on it with all her might, paws digging into the sidewalk. The poor old man comically thrashed around. You weren’t sure what her end goal was, but you were rooting for her.
Reluctantly and with a heavy heart, you silently bade goodbye to the morning air as you opened the heavy door to join the masses for class. It’ll be back, you reassured yourself, and even colder tomorrow.
The early hours crept by, and much sooner than you wanted, the afternoon’s heat bled through the windows of your room. You were trying to get some research done for an art history essay, but you found yourself reading the same paragraph over and over about some obscure cathedral in Italy’s capital, desperately searching for information you could use. The lecture you had earlier wasn’t about the cathedral’s architecture, nor a note worthy icon on its walls, but of a teensy tiny little alter piece the size of your thumbnail, which you couldn’t find anywhere in the book.
And your professor wanted a three-thousand word essay on something that didn’t even have a damn Wikipedia page. It was understandable to think he wanted to give a unique assignment, instead of something like a study on the Sistine Chapel, or the Pantheon, but what the hell were you supposed to do with this?
You didn’t even waste your time with the library, surely any books of worth to you were already checked out by your ever so caring and sharing classmates. You even turned to Reddit, which usually had an overflowing cup of obscure and near-useless information, but not a single internet incel was interested in Roman altarpieces from the 16th century, surprisingly.
Which left one solution that you could think of.
And- to be fair, they did offer. Which should be reason enough to go. What were his exact words on the letter? “Have no hesitance”?
But you were hesitating, and why wouldn’t you? You hadn’t even told them your name and he wanted you to come by their apartment for a study session? And no, don’t think for a second the implications were lost on you. They weren’t. It could’ve been a ploy for a trafficking scheme, for all you knew. You could have your liver torn out and sold on the black market. All these seemed perfectly sane reasons not to go.
However that wasn’t what was stopping you.
You were nervous. And deep down you knew all your fears were a little ridiculous and highly unlikely. And It was that kind of thinking which kept you self-sabotaging any kind of potential relationships and left you continuously lonely. And god, were you tired of being lonely. You were tired of coming back in the middle of the night to your dark empty room with absolutely zero phone notifications, and realizing you didn’t speak a word aloud all day.
And that alone was reason enough to risk it. If the world was so ugly and evil that you couldn’t even visit a classmate’s apartment for help without being killed, then it was a world you didn’t want to live in anyway.
You slammed the book shut and put on some shoes, grabbing your car keys and the note with Armand’s address on it.
Yes, the mysterious Armand. What kind of name was that anyway? You had looked it up almost as soon as you got home last night and discovered it was of French origin. That clicked, you could definitely hear French influence in some of his pronunciations and words. You had to ask him later. Maybe he could help you pass your French exam.
The drive to the address was a quick one as the complex resided just outside of campus, just like you remembered. You had passed it multiple times on your way home for holidays and such, and you gawked every time at the sheer amount of wealth it exuded. But that was coming and going, actually driving into the neighborhood gave it all more time to impress you.
You were definitely not in the same tax bracket as the little Frenchman. Daddy’s pockets must be to China, they’re so deep.
You pulled in, parked your car, and walked into the building, trying not to stare too long at the crown molding. You took an elevator up, and glancing down at the paper once or twice, until you found the correct door down the hallway.
Swallowing the nervous lump in your throat, you lifted your hand and knocked, knuckles rapping against the wood. What were you even going to say? What if the one day you came over, was a bad time?
The door opened suddenly without giving you time to react, and a tired face squinted back at you, arm leaning against the doorframe. You eyed the reading glasses pushed up onto his tousled blonde hair, the comfy pants he wore were almost exactly what you were wearing a couple minutes ago in your dorm.
“Hey, I’m sorry, is this a bad time? I figured I’d take you up on the invitation.“
“No, come on in.”
Daniel dropped his arm from the doorframe and opened the door wider. You gingerly stepped inside, thanking him and walked a little deeper into the apartment as he closed the door behind you. It didn’t look like a serial killer’s apartment, the place was nice. Warm brown leather chairs gathered around a low coffee table in the living room, a rather large sound system sat near the back wall, the kitchen was near spotless except for a used coffee pot which looked quite weathered.
“We were starting to think we scared you off.” He said, picking up some stray pages off the floor and setting them on the table next to an open laptop.
“He can get a bit,”
He made a gesture with his hands.
“Not at all, I just didn’t want to intrude.” you replied, shifting your weight onto the other foot.
“I’m really grateful, you know. This semester is really kicking my ass.”
He nodded and gave a short laugh as he closed the laptop and sat down. You followed his lead and sat on the couch across from him, sinking into the cushy leather awkwardly. You noticed a large flatscreen tv mounted to the wall behind him, and your eye was drawn to a vast collection of DVDs stacked on a small bookshelf next to it.
“You guys watch a lot of movies?” You observed.
He glanced to where you were looking and shook his head disapprovingly, turning back around.
“Armand’s little hobby. Well one of many.”
He looked a bit better than last you saw him, his eyes were brighter this time, and he moved a little sharper, though the dark circles still remained.
“Speaking of, I should mention he isn’t here right now. But he’ll be back pretty soon.”
“I see. When does he get back?” You asked.
“I’d say…”
Daniel leaned forward and peered to his right before answering you, you mirrored him unconsciously, but you were a little confused. There was no clock you could see on the wall. In fact, nearly the whole wall was a window, you wouldn’t be able to hang much of anything on it. It was a gorgeous view however. The sun hung down low, dipping down behind the city buildings in the distance, the sky melting into a deep orange color.
“About an hour or so. You know, I don’t think I’ve actually introduced myself.”
You were incredibly appreciative he said something, otherwise you probably would’ve forgotten again. You both told each other your names, and a warm feeling bloomed in your chest. You couldn’t believe you almost convinced yourself out of this. When was the last time you shook hands with a stranger and made an acquaintance? Third grade?
“So, what can I help you with?” He started, clasping his hands together.
You explained to him the assignment you were given, telling him about the 16th century alter piece and how hellbent your professor was on the importance the piece had for the renaissance era. You told him about your struggle to find any data on it, books or articles, you’d take anything.
After a moment, Daniel just gave a small laugh. A hint of crows feet appearing at the corners of his eyes.
“I’ll try my best to help you,” he said, “but it’s Armand you really want for this. I’m telling you, there never was a better topic of conversation for him.” He stood up.
“In the meantime I’ll pull out some books of his and see what sticks.“
There you both sat straight across from each other, flipping through page after page of dusty old books. You actually saw a lot of works you liked in these books and pointed them out to Daniel occasionally, noting colors and symbols that caught your eye. You learned that you and him had very different taste. He eventually got up and turned on a few lamps in the room as night began to fall.
Yawning a little, you didn’t realize you’d been there for so long until a clatter down the hall caught Daniel’s attention, his grey eyes lifting up from his book, over your shoulder to the front door.
“That’s probably him in the elevator.“ He mumbled. “Took his sweet time tonight.”
You twisted your body to watch the door. There was a sort of unexpected thrill that held your attention as footsteps grew louder. They approached closer and closer until stopping, the front door unlocking with a click.
As the door swung open, he glided in, turning and locking the door behind him. Clad in simple jeans and crew neck, his vibrant red curls were windswept. He looked like a kid on summer break ready to slink through the city with his friends. His dark eyes sparkled when his gaze fell to you sitting on the couch, and he made a serene smile.
“Oh, my friend, a pleasant surprise!”
You sat up and he crossed the room toward you and Daniel. He stretched out his hand to take yours, the rings on his fingers were chilly, as if he had just been walking through a refrigerator. His eyes bore into yours and he began to speak, his accent slightly thicker than usual.
“I cannot express to you how regretful I was when I realized Daniel and I had walked all the way home without first being informed of your name. I assure you I was taught better than that, my friend. Please, release me at once of my suspense, and I hope you harbor no ill will towards my forgetting myself.”
He held your hand there in an airy grasp, his dark eyebrows furrowed gently, as if to show you he meant business.
Immediately you told him your name, which he repeated back to you with such a seriousness that forced you to hold back a laugh, his accent modifying it slightly, but you didn’t mind.
“Daniel, I cannot believe you allow me to be so rude, clearly I am interrupting.” He said, releasing your hand. “But, forgive me, it is hard not to notice my own books on the table. Could I be of any use?”
Daniel shook his head, smiling at Armand’s theatrics.
“Actually, we were counting on it. All these books of yours and not one mention of an artist we’re looking for.”
“Artist?” His interest was piqued.
You piped up, describing the alter piece, its size, it’s setting, you told him about the cathedral it was painted in, and how impossible it was to find any information on it. Slowly, his focused expression formed into one of recognition, then frowned into indignation.
“Yes, I know the artist.” He turned slowly and picked up a thin paper back from the stack on the table and opened the book.
“There is entirely nothing wrong with learning the masters.” He said with a touch of venom that he unsuccessfully tried to hide, flipping to a certain page. “Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli.”
Then, turning the book to face you, he waited for you to grab it before pointing to a full page on the exact elusive piece that you and Daniel were searching for all evening. Your jaw dropped silently as he continued ranting, Daniel put his glasses back on and read over your shoulder.
“Even the later artists of Baroque, Caravaggio, Gentileschi, Bernini, all masters of their craft. The techniques you could learn from just one of those artists, are never ending. And these professors choose to waste your time, sending you on a wild goose chase for that.” He gestured to the book you held.
“An untitled sketch by an amateur student scribbled carelessly some five hundred years ago.”
You were hoping for a tiny sliver of information, even just a date would’ve sent you over the moon, but what he provided practically had half your essay done already. You didn’t know how to thank him, you felt a great weight lift from your shoulders.
“That same professor has been foolishly contradictory for as long as I can remember. If ever you should truly want to learn, I beseech you to contact me first before ever stepping foot into another one of his classes.”
He huffed frustratedly, and began putting his books back on the bookshelf silently.
“I can’t thank you enough.” You began, closing the book and holding it so carefully, it could have been a bomb. You were going to call your mom about these two and fire your therapist.
“It is not a problem, please keep it. Knowing that man, you are going to need it later.” He turned after placing the last book back on its shelf. Daniel slipped by him, walking over to the coat hanger and donning a denim jacket.
Armand grabbed your attention again.
“Would you do us the honor of joining us for dinner? There is an impossible amount I would like to talk with you about, if you’d let me, of course. It is one of Daniel’s favorite restaurants, so he is guaranteed to be in an agreeable mood.”
Your stomach lurched at the sound of dinner, there was nothing you wanted more in the world than a warm meal that actually consisted of the three main food groups. But you were completely broke, and the amount that you wanted to eat did not agree with the amount that you could pay for.
You frowned and opened your mouth to decline, when without skipping a beat, he spoke up again, sensing your apprehension.
“Completely my treat. Please.” His voice was like a silver bell, or like a cool bandage on a burn, it smoothed any rough edges of anxiety or worry. And there was no way in hell you were going to turn down that offer.
So together you left the apartment. “The three musketeers” Daniel had called you and Armand laughed a little too hard at it, echoing it all the way down the elevator with delight.
As you all collected into a rather sleek and bougie car to take you to the restaurant, you wondered what kind of odd situation you were getting yourself into…
@the-vagabond-angel chapter 2!!!!!
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caintooth · 1 year
you give off grad student vibes; are you?
yeah i’m a grad student, like, spiritually ;) no LMAO i’m kidding it would be fucked if someone actually claimed that
real answer tho, no i’m not currently! i’m taking some time off to work a job, have hobbies, and be a “student of life” or whatever, which is what i was trying to convey with that bad intro joke.
so, this is way more than you asked for, but… idk i’ve been meaning to say a lot of this for a while and writing it all out felt good, so unfortunately your ask is now the base for it lmao!
i think it’s important to talk about academic stress and how it can ruin not just your love of learning, but your sense of self.
for background info, i have a general Associate of Arts degree, and a Bachelor of Arts degree for which i completed a comparative literature major, with an ‘official’ focus in creative writing (though ‘personal’ focus in poetry, video games, film, and the fluidity between those mediums), and a minor in religious studies. i graduated in may of this year.
now, as a child, my mom was very harsh about school, to the point that my cousins would not want to come over during summer breaks because they knew we would be doing some sort of worksheets that my mother had designed. my “free” time was filled with non-stop educational camps, day classes, documentary watching, museum trips with worksheets, etc. until i was about age 14. and i do know that on one hand i am extraordinarily privileged to have had those experiences, and i am very thankful for them! but the reason those stopped is because i also grew up with several undiagnosed, thus untreated and increasingly severe mental illnesses. so i’m sure you can make the connections necessary to see how… damaging… my mother’s academic pressure became. i didn’t continue with further extracurricular programs because i ceased to be able to go even to regular school. my anxiety, both academic and social, became so severe that i was placed on a local program called “home hospital school”, which is normally reserved for terminally ill patients. i eventually transferred to an “early college” program because i could not go back to “regular” high school and at that point, wanted to be done with school as quickly as possible.
i took a gap year after graduating with both my high school and 2-year college degree on the same day. i was terrified and exhausted and having regular breakdowns about having to apply for more undergraduate classes. eventually i applied to 2 programs just to appease my mother that i would have at least one school and a “back-up,” and my first choice was the program at UNC-CH i just graduated from. i attended therapy just to push myself to do those applications.
and the first half of my time at UNC was… terrifying and confusing. i didn’t know what i actually “wanted” to do with my life let alone my day-to-day time, what i enjoyed, or why i was there. my dissociative disorder grew worse during that time than it had in my entire life. but eventually, being away from my mother gave me the chance to explore topics i never thought were even possible in an academic space! i took classes where we played video games for an hour straight, talked about the social origins of different urban legends, dissected how people fall for conspiracy theories, excitedly discussed queer and disabled life as a form of radical resistance… i even got so lucky that in my senior year, i was able to take only the classes i wanted and had chosen for personal enrichment.
what i’m trying to say is that i’d forgotten that learning could be fun. the reason my mom pushed me so hard in the first place, that little spark she saw in my eye: i fucking love learning, i love to discover, to fuel my curiosity, to ask dangerous questions. i love digging into the meat of life and finding out why and how. because it helps me understand more about myself, my friends, my passions. i spent so long doing what my mother wanted that i no longer knew what i wanted, or who i even was outside of her expectations.
which is exactly the reason i can’t go back to school right now. what i hope anyone still reading takes away from my words is this: if the subject doesn’t make you hungry for more, it’s not the subject for you. if you’ve spent so long being force-fed that you can’t remember what’s actually good to eat anymore? you must re-learn not only how to chew, but how to truly taste your food.
‘cause personally i feel like i need to stock my kitchen with so many more ingredients before i’ll be ready to cook the meal i truly want, y’know? and i know some of those ingredients i probably don’t even know the name of yet. to go back to school right now would be limiting for me. i’m pirating anthropology essays, experimenting with new photography methods, taking metalworking classes, writing a fake thesis about my favorite band, reading and reading and reading whatever the hell i want about any weird subject that strikes me. i’m expanding my goddamn palate.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
The Stark Legacy (8)
Longing, part of Book 1: Reality (see previous or series)
Summary: Samantha gets caught stealing supplies from a Harvard Lab...but what is the man who catches her stealing?
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Warnings: vague medical procedure descriptions, needles, threatening with a gun (not fired)--also, I have no idea how to get the pic to stop doing that. Rated Teen/Mature so 15+ only, please.
Her feet already hurt when Sam entered through the loading area of the Laboratory Sciences building as she’d done several times over the past few years. She’d spent forty minutes wandering the campus, fuming over how Tony had behaved and how she had just stood there like an idiot.
The security guards almost never checked the dock between 1am and 4am because Brian was super lazy, and ‘porky’ as his co-workers described, while Tim was too tired after getting in as many steps as possible earlier in his shift. Tim really enjoyed rushing straggler students out of the building, sending them into a panic over how to make up lab hours for their classes. That joy lasted Tim until approximately 1:15am, after which he became grumpy and had a dissatisfying snack, and then Brian would be responsible for an excruciatingly slow check of the building 45 minutes later. What would take a normal person 15 minutes took Big Boy Brian nearly 25, which he would say was the start of the 45 minute down time. This normally meant an hour or more of time to get in and out of the building; now she had half that. 
Of course, Sam had no need to sneak in; she could walk right in whenever she wanted.  However, walking in and saying hello would leave a trace of when she actually came and went, and she was in absolutely no mood to chit-chat with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb. She also had full access, to the security programming of the whole university, thanks to Missy. Sam could access the building with a keycard unattached to any personnel, and the log was then wiped by her BFF. Missy would most certainly ask Sam why she arrived so much later than expected for pick up, and then Sam would then have to explain her ‘date’ with Lucas Sommerson. She’d cross that bridge when she came to it.
Inside the building, Sam needed to go to three different storage rooms and two labs to use or ‘borrow’ equipment. She hit the labs first so she didn’t haul around supplies, then the first storage closet, but on her way to the second, nothing seemed out of place until she rounded a corner about 100 feet from her closet. An exterior lab was awash with light, and once she thought to listen for them, Sam could hear voices.
“Up on the table, Todd. Can you get up there from the chair? We are ready to start the transfusion.”
Transfusion? Procedures are not done inside this building except on rare necropsy occasions,Sam thought, and no one would perform a dissection at 1:49 in the morning. She inched forward to read the plaque outside of the room.
Professor Simon Marshall. 
She’d heard of him, read a few of his chemistry papers on synthetics and substitutions in pharmaceuticals, but Sam had never met him in person. Worst case scenario she could woo him with her knowledge of his research and keep him going with questions. But again, why a transfusion?  Odd. She returned to the supply closet to fill her purse with disposables and sterile implements, but she hadn’t propped the door open to minimize noise from hinges. She wasn’t quiet enough. The door opened before her hand reached the knob.
Sam stared in complete confusion at the bizarre man across from her, a fierce widow’s peak of dark hair capping an olive complexion with sharp chiseled features and a beard reminiscent of Tony’s. 
“Come with me,” he demanded and led Sam down the hall. 
Marshall was a much bigger deal than she’d thought if his office and labs were any indication. Curiously, some of the prominently displayed tools and formulas displayed on screens were not chemical but genetic. The man he’d been speaking too still sat in his wheelchair at the base of a cleared table in the primary lab just adjacent to the office. He eyed her suspiciously as the bearded man led her further in to a secondary lab, a dispensary of sorts.
“Would you like to explain why you are stealing supplies?” 
He had an accent she couldn’t place, along with equipment and sample specimens she didn’t recognize. A rack of large vials sat beside a trio of monitors. The labeling was in three languages, two of them typed neatly and a hand-written third. It was the tiny symbol in the labels’ corner that really set off the lightbulb in Sam’s mind: the embossed A of the Avengers.
“Are you Professor Marshall?” Sam asked, assessing her situation.
“His associate. A doctor he works with from time to time,” the man added.
“Well, Doctor, I can see you are busy with…” Sam couldn’t help but scan the closest monitor. “Since when did Marshall study marine biology?” 
She didn’t mean to blurt it out, but all information was a challenge to be conquered. When you grow up with more computers than friends, you don’t have much of a filter. “Selachimorpha or Batoidea? It's definitely elasmobranchii…”
“And me? Do you know me?” The man in the wheelchair came to the door, throwing his head as if to toss his golden locks.
Sam had to study his face and imagine more life in it. His upper body was disproportionate now, so she tried to imagine a smile or catch his profile. The color of his hair actually helped. “You're the swimmer from a few years ago. Artiss, was it?”
“Arliss,” he replied flatly.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what we are doing here,” the doctor added from behind her.
“I don't ask questions that I don't want the answers to,” Sam said with confidence. “That's a waste of time…” She turned back to the sequences; something was off. “It's a splice!” But that wasn’t all, she couldn’t figure it out yet.
“Very good, Miss..?”
She heard a click beside her ear. One of those things that she never asked about was guns, and Sam regretted that in this moment. “Morgan” was all she could get out.
“Well, Miss Morgan, you may help Mr. Arliss become so much more than a swimmer before you die.” Even though the doctor lowered the gun prior to the crux of his threat, Sam’s terror grew exponentially.
“Is someone there?” a voice called from the hallway. 
Her breath caught, just as afraid to be discovered as the armed doctor. Sam looked at her watch. Big Boy was over twenty minutes early with his rounds. The oddities continue.
“The lights,” she whispered in frustration.
The doctor cocked an eyebrow. His eyes shifted as he contemplated options. Finally, he asked, “can you get rid of him?”
“Hello?” Brian called again.
Sam sighed, reluctantly adding “yes.” The doctor motioned for her to go out using the gun. Before crossing the threshold, Sam called for Brian then popped her head out.
“Jesus, Brian, you scared me!”
“Miss Stark? How’d you get in—“
“I was here this afternoon, but I passed out on my books in D7,” she waved down the hall, “they thought it was funny to leave me with the lights off.”
“You shouldn’t be here,” the security guard automatically scolded.
“I’ve got to finish this before—“ Think, Sam, think. Lie better. “My dad’s in town, and I want to show him this work at lunch tomorrow. I mean, today,” she checked her watch. “Oh man, I was out a while! Shouldn’t have pulled an all-nighter—”
“I heard another voice,” Brian fought to be smarter than his pay grade.
“You mean my computer interface? I guess it is kinda a male vocal range.” Oh, I’m kinda good at this.
“You’re what?” Brian struggled, but after a few steps forward. Sam took a few steps back towards the door.
“You wanna see? I’ve been tweaking the AI to be more interactive, but I think a few more bug fixes and he’ll work pretty flawlessly.” Mission accomplished. Brian’s eyes glazed over as he lowered his shoulders in disinterest and fatigue.
“You didn’t go to your dad’s lecture?” Brian seemed more disappointed that she had missed it than Sam felt for having gone. “I’m sorry, but they’ve told us these buildings are off-limits tonight for the event. Can you pack it up in…” he checked his watch, too, “half an hour or so?”
She contemplated arguing for more time. It might not work and only served to draw attention.
So Sam saluted Brian, saying, “I’ll give her all she’s got, Captain.” That’ll keep him happy.
Big Boy chuckled. “Ok, Sam, see ya downstairs.” 
Sam sauntered back to Marshall’s offices proud of her performance only to deflate when faced with the gun’s barrel once again.
“Hello, Samantha Stark,” the doctor whispered.
The way he accented her name triggered something in her memory. “Sharks,” she burst, “it’s shark DNA, isn’t it?”
This seemed to frustrate the doctor profusely. “Has anyone ever told you you are too smart for your own good?”
She thought in earnest, but that was more difficult with a weapon pointed at her. “Not sure anyone has been smart enough to notice…” She awkwardly made moves to raise her hands up. “Also I don’t get out much.”
It was Todd Arliss who snickered. “That I can believe. Doctor, let’s get on with it before you have to blow the mall-cops to high hell.” He locked his chair and expertly used all that arm strength to dismount onto the table.
“Come, Nurse Stark, you can prep the patient,” the doctor waived the gun again. “Hook up two  lines, one in each arm.”
“I’m not trained to use needles,” Sam started to say. “I’m not that kind of student here.”
“Then put them in my legs. I won’t know how badly you’ve stuck me,” Todd seemed restless, anxious to be done.
Sam shook. It was hard to get her hands to do anything, much less help. “I…I don’t want to hurt you.” She looked up at Todd. 
He rolled his pants legs up. “What is it you want to do with your life, young thing?”
Gosh, we’re asking the deep questions today… “Something no one else can.” It was such a vague statement, yet Sam meant it. 
“As do I,” Todd responded, “as I soon will.”
Sam forgot herself for a moment and smiled. It was a warm feeling to make a friend, but Sam wasn’t sure this was the same. Perhaps just a flash of a kindred spirit, willing to break a few rules to better his life, to make a breakthrough. When she lifted her eyes from the needles, the doctor was staring at her. Sam’s blood went cold.
She shuffled around to find a fresh IV catheter. “I can do it again if it’s wrong.”
The doctor came to investigate. “You will not be needed anymore,” his deep voice replied.
Sam sucked air in so fast it made a small whistling sound. He put up a hand. “I, too, would like to see what your mind can do. Therefore, I will make you a deal.” He waited, keeping eye contact.
Her nervous swallow made a huge gulping noise, and Sam hesitantly replied “okay.”
“You agree to leave and never speak of myself and Mr. Arliss being here—“
“Done,” Sam jumped.
“—and keep those men from snooping around—“
Sam learned quickly. This time she only nodded.
“—and in exchange—“
She expected to leave with her life; that would be lucky…and ideal, but this day was full of oddities.
“—I will give you a gift. Something to give you the ability to do what no one else can.”
Sam was so dumbfounded, she became stone. After a serious pause, she added, “that would be pretty great.”
“She’s a smart one, Lem,” Todd smirked.
Sam looked around for some props for her next run in with the guards. “The professor could let me borrow some books, right?”
Ten minutes later, Sam stumbled out the building carrying a giant stack of texts, and a full, padded bag of samples and supplies.
“I did say half an hour, but I’m nowhere near done of course,” she called towards the quizzical look of Tim who was holding his carrot sticks, mouth agape. 
Brian hustled forward. “Do you need help, Miss?”
“No, no. I could use the upper-body workout,” Sam met Tim’s eyes. He cheered her with a carrot. “I managed to lock the door without turning off the lights though. So I’ll text the professor not to be worried in the morning, ok?”
Everyone nodded.
“Night, guys,” Sam called over her shoulder, wobbling under the weight of the pile and the ache of her feet. Her adrenaline carried her the rest of the way home. She couldn’t wait to tell Missy that they had a new project, a real challenge to work on.
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[Ch 9 Ghosts]
[Main Masterlist]
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writing-forever · 2 years
Chapter two!
chapter 1 (link) chapter 3 (link)
tw: bullying, dehumanization.
I got cyberbullied in real life
Candy slammed the door to the restroom, making sure it was locked before slumping to the ground and pulling at her hair. Why did she have to go to this school of all schools? None of the kids were behaved and they all hated her because she was. They were always trying to get rid of her.
Their latest attempt involved glue, flour, and stickers. All smeared into her hair. 
She got her brush out attempting to fix her hair. She couldn’t even pull it halfway through before it got stuck. She forcefully pulled it out before walking over to the sink and dousing it in water. She once again tried to pull it through her hair this time starting at the bottom and working her way up. It worked a little bit and she decided that this was probably the best idea she was gonna come up with.
She worked through her hair for almost a whole period, making sure all the stickers were out as well as most of the glue and flour. She brushed through her hair one more time before deciding that it was as clean as it was gonna get. She could take a shower when she got home anyway. 
She put her brush away just as the bell rang, the metal screech making her ears ring. She picked up her stuff rushing out of the bathroom to get to her last period, biology.
She liked biology the most, but not because it was any better than her other classes. No the only reason she liked it was because it was the last class of the day. biology meant that her hours of existing in this hellscape were almost over. It meant she could go home and rest. It meant she could eat her mom's enchiladas. And today it meant she could go take a shower. 
So she trudged over to class, being careful to avoid as many people as possible, she didn’t want a repeat of what just happened. She took her seat silently when she arrived, determined to not be noticed. She watched as the other students came in. They all had their little pairs or groups that they could play around with. But she wasn't bitter, no sir-ee! Who would want to be friends with anyone in this school anyway? Certainly not Candy. 
She was still people-watching when the late bell (which nobody listened to) went off, and the teacher started class. 
“Today we are gonna have lots of fun!” he said in an overly happy high-pitched voice, like he was a clown at a 6-year-old’s birthday party. “So I suggest you call all the kids who are skipping and tell them to get in here 'cause they won't want to miss this!" With that, he went into the back room and came out with a cart filled with what looked like mini metal cups. He started passing them out, candy got hers first because she was in the back. it was screwed closed and had a little piece of paper taped to it that said 'fluffy'. He handed it to her almost reverently before turning to the rest of the class and telling them not to open their cups until he said. Then he walked down the aisle giving each kid a cup and repeating the warning, sometimes tacking a threat to the end. Once everyone had a cup he walked to the front of the class. 
“Ok class, today we are going to be doing dissections! Isn't that fun!? The point of this exercise is to rein in any feelings of sympathy while also learning about human anatomy! I expect all of you to excel in this experiment!”
Candy didn't like most of those words, how were they gonna practice sympathy? And human anatomy? We're they gonna dissect a human? What was in the metal cups? She felt sick already. She tried not to show it. Most of the students were excited so she figured that was the ‘right’ response. She plastered on an excited smile as the teacher kept talking, she didn't like this one bit.
 Finally, he told the class that they could open the cups most kids opened them with reckless abandon but Candy wasn't paying attention to them. She picked up her cup carefully, turning the lid slowly, terrified of what was gonna be inthere, preparing herself mentally. But even with all her preparation she still audibly gasped when she saw what was in the cup. It was worse than she thought. She had to dissect a borrower?!!?
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phantom can you pls tell me about dissection. its not a thing here, and part of me is relieved but another part of me really wishes i could see some guts. pls tell how its like pls pls pls
Well, I don’t know how big of a thing it is here since I’ve only participated in two dissections in school lol. A lot of other people got to do like pig hearts or other organs like that but I don’t know what schools they went to or what science track they took bc admittedly I had biology during distance learning and took chem last year. I just happened to take anatomy this year bc I did NOT want to take physics but I really like this class.
I’ve never talked about the dissection we just did in detail bc it feels idk weird to talk about on tumblr bc of what we dissected it grosses a lot of people out so uh idk
Tw for animal death and talking about like dead stuff ig
We dissected cats which was super shocking to everyone tbh but I was super excited bc I like dissecting things. Dude I get so cocky about loving gore and stuff and being okay with dead stuff or whatever.
The first day of dissection my teacher was trying to demonstrate something and needed a volunteer and because I’m cocky n everything I volunteered and she had me hold the (wrapped in a plastic bag) cat, and these cats are skinned already to save us some time bc otherwise we would’ve had to skin them. So they didn’t have skin. I’ve never seen dead animals like this. Especially not a dead cat. She had me hold it. Lua I almost passed out I had to lean against the counter (I didn’t pay attention to what she was saying). It’s a little funny but ooohhhh that was a feeling.
Since it’s for like anatomy class we obviously had to do like anatomy stuff n like these cats were skinned which is. Very weird. And also preserved so like smells like chemicals. One dude in my group literally did not touch the cat once while I was the one consistently manhandling it LOL I would pick it up and move it around when putting it away n stuff. It was kinda heavy too. Like that was a workout.
The reason we did cats was bc the muscles r most similar to human muscles and my high school anatomy teacher unfortunately cannot get human cadavers lol.
It was really fun tho I really really enjoyed it except for being tested on it, that kinda sucked. It was also not necessarily a competition but me n the other girl in my group were both so into it so it was a constant back and forth of taking turns cutting stuff that we had to cut. Cutting off the fascia from the muscles was genuinely kinda fun except when we don’t know what to cut </3
But opening it up was genuinely the most fun part bc mmmmmmmmmmm organs. It was so. Full. And the abdominal cavity just opened right up and I was so surprised that nothing was really like attached to the wall or anything, I expected it to be similar to the fascia on the muscles but it just opened it up and oh, organs. It was super cool. The small intestines felt so mmmmmmm.
They felt good to run your fingers through and they fell together against each other easily where they were supposed to be. Everything fit together. We also had to break the ribs open to get the thoracic cavity open (mmmmmmm bones) but we just cut through the sternum which was a jarring feeling bc that doesn’t seem like you should be able to cut it open like that!!! But ooouuughhhh yea it changed me.
I have pictures but I’m not gonna post them for obvious reasons </3
It was such an interesting experience I loved it so much getting to see inside. Our superior vena cava got blown out when they were preserving the cat so we didn’t have that in ours LOL. They injected dye into the veins and arteries so we could tell the difference. There’s something so… visceral about scraping at the internal dorsal wall of a cat, the intestines pushed out the way and your gloves covered in loose tissue and digging for the veins/arteries to separate them. I wonder if I have a pic of the veins bc I got them SO clean and well defined it. Ough. Thinking of the veins.
I’ve only other dissected a worm so I’ve not done it often but the cat dissection we did was so much fun. I cut open the trachea at the end and that was. An experience. I have a very distinct imagined feeling of what it would feel like to sink your teeth into a trachea just from that experience. Sawing it open sounded similar to running your nail down the teeth of a comb. It was weird. And just a hollow tube.
:) it was fun :) I wish I could do it again
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Pair: Eddie X reader
Warning: slight mentions of sex
Summary: It’s based on the song K by Cigarettes After Sex. The meaning of K, is having an amazing memory from the past, but it’s gone and the sadness kicked in. The reader hurts Eddie in this story. First part is in your pov.
A/N: I know this song didn’t come till 2015. Lyric quotes will be bold
You and Eddie, knew each other, but you weren’t close to him. You and him only had a couple of classes together. You hardly spoke to Eddie, but he always caught your attention. Your friends with the popular kids and you always hated how they would pick on him and his friends. You had feelings for Eddie, but you don’t know if you would date him. While on the other hand Eddie, was head over heals for you. That man was constantly talking about you to his friends. They’ve always tried to get him to talk to you.
Well he finally did, it was during science. You both got paired to dissect a sheep’s liver. Since then you and him got close. You knew Eddie, had feelings for you and you didn’t. You tried to tell Eddie, but you couldn’t break it to him.
“Uh hey Y/N, do maybe wanna go have lunch or dinner one of these days?”
“I would love to!”
After going out for dinner you told your friends everything that happened. They told you that you need to tell Eddie, you don’t like him. While Jason, thought it would be funny for you to play Eddie, you weren’t gonna do it till Jason and everyone kept telling you to do it. You knew deep down you weren’t gonna do that since you knew how it hurts to get played and used. You kept telling yourself it’s gonna be a friendship and nothing else.
One day at school Eddie, walked up to you and asked if you wanted to spend the day with him. You were gonna say by Jason and everyone was looking so you said yes.
While you and Eddie, we’re hanging out. Things got spicy. You knew you fucked up right and then. Eddie, had love in his eyes and not lust like Jason. You tried to tell Eddie, you wanted to be friends but you couldn’t. He was holding you after having sex. Jason never did that.
(Flashback ended)
You needed to tell Eddie, the truth so you went over to his place.
“Hey Eddie, we need to talk.”
“Okay, I want to get a couple of things off my chest. I’ll go first.”
“I remember when I first noticed you first liked me back. We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check.”
Eddie, was happy and you can tell he was falling deep you.
“I remember that day. We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached.”
Eddie kept going on and on how amazing it was to hangout with you.
“You do remember, when we were on the lower East Side you were dancing with me. I loved that day because the pictures I took of you with flowers on the wall.”
You couldn’t help but smile. You loved that picture. You were truly happy that day. You felt seen and heard every time you were around Eddie.
“You wore black that day. Think I like you best when you’re dressed in black head to toe. Think I like you best when you’re with me.”
“Or the days I’m kissing you in my room, holding you till you fall asleep.”
Eddie, kept going on and on about everything he loves about you. You can tell he never felt this way about anyone before. Your mind was a storm fighting on telling the truth or just going on with it and hoping he would never find out the truth. You remember what your best friend had said, “ don’t play him, Y/N, I know he’s a freak but he’s a person. You wouldn’t want Jason or anyone else treating you like that.”
“Eddie, I gotta tell you something. Don’t get mad at me, but I only want to be friends. I don’t like you more then friends. My friends wanted me to play you but I couldn’t. You don’t deserve that. You deserve someone who’s gonna treat you good.”
Eddie, didn’t say anything after that. You just left and you knew that ended up hiring him.
“And it’s just as good as i knew it would be.” Eddie thought to himself.
“Stay with me, I don’t want you to leave.” He thinking over and over again.
He quietly told himself “ Y/N, come back, I’ve been waiting for you, to slip back into bed.”
A/N: Welp I’m crying. I’m in a sad mood so i decided to write this.
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