#i think he wanted to be heard after the poll results
mediawhorefics · 1 year
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In mid-September, Harry comes home.
A Tired Tired Sea Coda.
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acotarxreader · 20 days
The Silent Treatment
Azriel X Reader
Synopsis: Your past affair sends Azriel into brooding, with Elain being lead to believe that the end of the relationship she hated so much had finally happened.
Warnings: Breaking glass? Angst, silly Elain, sillier Azriel.
A/N: As a result of the poll, please enjoy this short series of unfortunate miss communications. Let me know what you think!
“Az-Az-Azriel! Would you just listen to me?" You attempted to pull your partner in crime’s crossed arms apart from one another, stopping him outside Feyre’s gallery before entering the charity event.
“You’re not seriously still mad about this?! We weren’t even together, you big Illyrian baby!” He continued to try to walk past you as if you were made of the Summer air you both stood in. You wish you and the Inner Circle never played that stupid drinking game, the story of you and a certain senior member of the Autumn Courts Summer fling many centuries ago leaving your loose liquored lips. 
“Az, it’s been almost two weeks! Can you stop with the silent treatment” He gave you one solitary blink before exhaling loudly and continuing his course into the gallery event, leaving you standing alone in the street. 
“Hi YN!” You almost leapt from your skin at the sound of Elain appearing behind you, you giving a small wave of a greeting in return, your eyes landing on Azriel laughing to some throw-away comment Cassian bellowed. You hadn’t heard that beautiful sound in so long and it gave you a new sense of anger. 
“So I saw that- that little moment with Az, trouble in paradise?” you tried not to let her not-so-innocent words nip at you. For the most part, you got on with Elain but every now and then she would radiate this energy towards you you couldn’t quite shake. 
“I can’t even get into it Elain, he’s really pushed me this time, I’m finished with hi- Shit! The time! I have to go give that speech inside!” You left her on the road suddenly, your commitments interrupting your thought process, unknowingly sending a live grenade into your relationship.
Elain hadn’t heard the end of the thought, the thought that may have ended along the lines of “finished with him ignoring me, I need to make it better” but no, those words were never heard. Elain believed her silent prayers had come true, that things could go back to how they were before you re-entered Azriels life after the war, rekindling the youngling romance you both had with one another. She missed his devoted attention to her, his longing glances she hadn’t felt since you recaptured Azriels world. Now she believed the relationship had been cleaved apart with the knowledge of your tryst with Eris during the years you and Azriel were apart. 
Over the course of the following week, you inadvertently kept your distance from Azriel, being sent on multiple missions for the Court but to Elain, you had chosen to stay away from him. With you away and unable to work onf repairing the relationship combined with Azriel’s ongoing silent treatment, she decided it was time to act on her feelings. 
Azriel sat in the Summer sun, sipping herbal tea outside your favourite pastry shop. His eyes drifted to an easy close, warming in the sun until a shadow blocked his warmth.
“Hello Azzills” Azriel cringed slightly at the use of your endearing pet name for him, it sounding corrupt from her tongue, he shook it off. Elain slid onto the adjacent chair to Azriel, his shadows wanting to leap in alarm at the close proximity. Azriel wished it was you, he missed you in his self-inflicted solitude, and he felt like an idiot for it now.
“Sooo whatcha doing Azills?” The name was like nails on a chalkboard from her. Her hand landed on his thigh, Azriels shadows flurrying slightly. Was Elain drunk? Azriel thought. 
“Ehh nothing Elain, what are you doing?” he half laughed trying to defuse the situation. A year previous he would have loved the touch from her, loved the attention. But not now. Azriel had found you after centuries of war separating you from one another, he had no need for half glances and momentary chances, he had you. 
“I’m doing this” she whispered to him before leaning in and meeting his lips. Azriel was entirely shocked by the boldness. The moment he had wanted for so long was now like the worst crime against nature. Azriels shadows were now frenzied, he placed his arms on her shoulders, moving to push her from him until-
“Azriel?!” Your voice came rushing to his ears as he pushed Elain back, you staring at the two of them in utter horror from a little way down the road. Azriel felt as though he may vomit his tea everywhere when his eyes found yours as they seemingly shattered 
“You bring me down here to meet you for this?!” Your words echoed your heartbreak and Azriels confusion. He went to speak but the words couldn't find their way through the bile and shock building in his throat. You vanished in front of him, unable to take the silence for a second more. Azriel leapt from the iron seat but you were gone, his shadows moving to follow you but not quickly enough. 
“Elain! What the actual fuck?!” He couldn’t decide if he was angrier with himself or with her right now.
“I thought you broke up!” Elain almost as shocked as Azriel. 
“Broken up?! Do you really think I would be out fucking sipping tea if YN and I broke up? I would be dead at the bottom of the Sidra!” she felt shame grow in her at his angry tone. 
You rocketed into your shared apartment with Azriel, rage absolutely whipping through you as you swept your hands along the photo frame-covered mantelpiece, the happy members shattering to the ground. You stood in the broken glass, feeling all of the emotions of the happy photos rattle around and be replaced with waves of deep, suffocating sadness. You felt your body roar out and collapse into the broken glass pieces, the shards piercing your knees. Alone in the house, as you had been for the three weeks. You rose from the ground on shaking legs, sitting down on the loveseat, looking at the mess. You gently plucked the shards of broken glass from your knees, your flesh knotting back together. 
“YN” his voice was so mouselike in its uncharacteristic meekness. You lifted your eyes to the Shadowsinger stood sheet-white in the doorway. You hadn’t heard his voice in so long and yet now all you wanted was the silence. 
“No” you found your voice saying.
“Let me explain-”
“-Oh so you get to explain yourself and I’m supposed to listen when you wouldn’t even give me the same grace?-” your voice vibrated with anger “-You kissed another female! Not just any other female, Elain! Elain!” you couldn’t stop your tears sailing over the rim of your eyes, your body beginning to shake at the image in your mind. Azriel closed the distance, sitting ever so cautiously next to you as you felt yourself let him. You missed him beneath it all and wished it wasn’t these circumstances that reunited you. 
“I know YN, I am the scum of the planet, I don’t deserve to explain, please let me though, please, please” his hand took yours in his, a feeling you missed so dearly. 
“If you want to be with Elain then-”
“-Don’t finish that sentence, I don’t want to be with her, only you! She thought we had-we had broken up” he said the end so softly, like the idea could cause him to crumble at any moment. His arm snaked around your waist to support you, your head instinctively leaning into the warmth. You both sat in silence but unlike the kind that had stayed between you for the past three weeks, this was warm, full of comfort and hope and home. 
“I’m sorry about Er-”
“-Please don’t apologise for that, it was so so stupid, my jealousy clouded me, I have you now and you're mine n- you’re still mine right?” his words shook out of him. 
“I don’t think I could ever be anyone else’s-” he kissed the top of your head at the words as you smiled - "unfortunately” he scoffed before laughing at your teasing. 
“I love you Azriel”
“And I love you but the redecorating in here maybe not so much”
“Dibs on not being the one to tell Cass I broke the clay horse he made!” you laughed the words out loudly
“Unfair YN I-”
“Uh uh uh-” you shook your finger playfully in his face “-you’ve given me ammunition for the rest of our lives together in what happened today”
“For the rest of our lives, doesn’t sound too bad” he kissed you sweetly then, peace and passion radiating from you both. 
Let me know what you think friends <3
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qawcamiz · 1 year
A Reward
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VAL + MLIST ; Happy Valentine's! It doesn't intrude on anyone if you'll be spending the particular day this month brings in, alone, we can spend it together with these one-shots I've prepared just for you, hoping it would send passion to you.
NSFW : office sex, secretary x ceo, humiliation, dominance, cockwarming, teasing, fingering, exhibitionism, praise, teasing, pet names, riding, cursing, degradation, penetration, etc.
note : I was only gonna do one character but since I've been inactive, yall take this, Happy Valentine's! The poll's ending and so far, secretary y/n x ceo is in the lead, whatever won would be the result for the female version as well. 💗
[ male ver. ] — Al Haitham, Ayato, Dainsleif, Diluc, & Tartaglia
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doing something nasty with your boss was something you never thought would ever happen to you in your lifetime of work at a publishing company, especially in your life as a bitter individual, but here we are, with the most recent edition in progress. you felt your stomach flip whenever he would thrust up his cock inside you further, the warmth radiating off his body seeping into yours, and that one thing you had always been discreetly craving for came right back again.
it's funny how all those sexual thoughts about him that you have never really let yourself admit to anyone, in particular, come rushing to mind when you think about what it might be like to fuck him, to have sex with him, it’s almost enough to make you feel ashamed from your desires.
"S-Sir... Please..." you begged him, and though it was difficult for you not to plead with him since he liked edging and teasing you like this to get you into positions where you would just do what he said or say something he wanted you to, you pushed your best to the limit to withstand him.
"Can't even wait until I finish my work, huh? Like a naughty thing you are, entering my office without even knocking first." He whispered seductively, You bit your lip, hoping you didn't make things worse for yourself by refusing to look at him. "I'm sorry... I-It won't happen again... I... Was just in hurry to- to get the work done as fast as p-possible so you'd get off early, s-sir..." you explained, your voice quivering and barely audible, but you were doing everything you could to hide how flustered and embarrassed you were at that moment. You didn't want to seem weak before him, it would only make him more determined to have you as his cocksleeve,
He hummed in reply, and you heard the shuffling of papers behind you, "So what? You want me to award you or something for doing that? I never asked you to rush the work, but if you must insist on having your head held down, then I can't deny you this." he told you. You gulped and looked at him sheepishly, You weren't exactly sure what he meant, but you knew for a fact that you wouldn't refuse anything he asked, especially if it involved getting to kiss him or touch him, you just couldn't help yourself sometimes, you had fallen hard for him. "if you can wait for me to finish this, who knows? I might even consider rewarding you."
The sound of skins clapping and your wails are the only voices that permeate the room. You’ve lost trail of time after all this. In a way, You wouldn't lie, it was kind of nice though, being so immersed in the sensation of someone else or rather your 'boss' who's doing you to such a great extent that it leaves you feeling like a mess.
The chimes that come out of your mouth were loud enough to drown out any thoughts and doubts that might come to the surface, even if you try not to think about them at all. You're not certain how long you've been laying there with your hands clutched together, but all you could think at the moment is how much satisfaction he had given your body from the inside.
"You've been working pretty hard, (y/n)," You felt an arm caress your waist, Ayato pressed his lips against your neck. "And for that, You deserve a reward." His lips move to smooch your skin as he speaks to you, sending shivers down your spine every time. It's almost like he knows precisely what you feel and how to please your body just right, leaving you unable to move on your pact.
the way his cock moved inside your tight walls while he fucked you into thoughtlessness and made you enjoy the moment better... It made your heart beat faster, He was so fine, the way he would move with his lips on your neck and his cock into you made everything more severe than it should have been.
"A-Ayato~" you couldn't help but whine loudly when he started moving slowly in and out of you from behind. The oscillations of his hips against your own caused warmness to pool between your legs, stretching out through your whole body and making you want more. He groaned and bit your earlobe. "Normally, I'd be furious for you calling me by my name informally just like that, but today I'm just too busy here to care," Ayato said in between heavy pants. Your mind went blank as you felt him hit that particular spot, causing you to arch up and let out another moan that sounded less like a word and more like a plea.
you were always curious about his reputation, in fact, you never get how your workmates are drawn into him! He was all cold and mysterious, always working at his desk and barely interacting with his employees. But then again, there is no shortage of people who are frigid and bizarre, to begin with. You know this. everyone was envious of you for being taken the yield of as his 'assistant' but that's just how things are between the two of you. It's not like he behaves toward you differently or anything, it's just that you can see right through the facade he puts up when it comes to his emotions toward others.
so now it's all weird to say that you're giving your boss the best day ever, How did it happen? it was because you had an argument with him and now with his dick inside your mouth, it felt really good, especially when you heard some sounds coming from his pretty lips. He sounded like he was having trouble controlling himself and you thought he would stop you but he didn't. so that's when your brain finally clicked. you were both horny, and the only way to relieve that pain would be to do something to each other.
but no, you were being disciplined for speaking disrespectfully toward him, and now would you even call this punishment? giving him a head like this makes you feel incredible, especially when your hands roam around his body, touching what you could brush. you don’t know how to describe his body, he has a ton of muscles that move with every movement he makes. it’s all amazing to you. you wish this feeling will last permanently because right now you think you could fall asleep with this man's cock inside your mouth, your lips wrapped around his shaft.
you’ve been sighing softly and he seems to be getting a kick out of this too. maybe he finds it as arousing as you do, maybe he's aware of what you want, or maybe he doesn’t give a damn either. you don’t know but he seems to be getting more impatient, and soon his hand is on your hair, pulling slightly so you open up further to take a better hold of his cock. “oh... your mouth... Fuck” he mutters breathlessly before thrusting into your throat harder than before. you feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second and you don’t think that’s fair because this isn’t even fucking you yet.
the noises he makes and how his dick slides into your mouth smoothly feel like heaven in the best way possible. he’s almost completely out of breath by now and looks like he might collapse any moment. you have him now, your fingers tightly wrapped around his shaft, pumping him with your mouth as hard as you can just to earn his forgiveness.
Your tight walls hugged his cock as if they were the very walls of your heart. Your hands held resting on his shoulder with your weight as you pressed your body onto him. You rode him hard until he cried out in euphoria. His face was buried in your neck, his hair was soft, and his scent was intoxicating.
He felt you squeezing his hips to keep his cock deep inside of you. He was aching for discharge, you could sense it. But the instant his hand wrapped around your waist, you gasped. His touch left an ice-cold trail across your back. The way his fingers traced circles on your skin made you shudder. He had that effect on you that no one else ever could. It was so powerful, so captivating. It wasn’t until that moment that you realized how much you liked this.
You like all of the noises he's making, the feeling of your thighs against each other, the roughness of your bare legs digging into his chest. You're sure that it makes him think of other things too when you're fucking him, but you don't mind at all. There's just something about having someone so passionate about sex, but so careful with everything else as well. "You're so tight..." he groaned, It's like you're in sync with each other, both of you moving in perfect tandem. You want to be as close to him as possible. So when he touches your shoulders or your ass, you let go and take his hand wherever you can reach. And that feels good. You love his big strong hands roaming over you. They are bigger than your own but softer. Like when he caresses you from behind, his touch lingers as it travels upwards.
"Not only were you good at seducing others," he says, "But you also knew what you were doing." His breath tickles your ear and you shiver. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out of your hole has you moaning softly. It seems like the only thing that sounds louder than your breathing, and that alone makes you crave more. Your body aches for more. Your eyes flutter closed, enjoying the feeling of having him inside you. You move your hips up again and again, pushing yourself against him as if trying to draw every bit of his cock into you. It drives both of you insane. All of it. Everything.
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iloveyouinred · 10 months
Yandere!Alhaitham x Reader
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𓇬♡ | Warning: NSFW, size kink, noncon, drug, reader being tied, implying obsessive behavior, etc
𓇬♡ | Word Count: 1k
𓇬♡ | Note: I used the poll result!(It's not over yet, but both you and i know what the upcoming result is-). I am sleep deprived so please feel free to criticise this work. And I want to apologize for people who comment in my blog(I can't reply to you because it will expose my other blog, but I'll send mix signal in tag⚘️). Please enjoy!
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3
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In your pathetic state, Alhaitham come in the picture like a knight in a shining armor. You tought he would be your savior, yet not even The Scribe can resist the temptation of your sinfull body.
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Alhaitham never imagined he would live to see the day where Kaveh stride from his moral code. The Scribe is a man bound by logic. He takes pride in his beliefs, and does things that serve his objectives. He never understands the mind of his blonde roommate, taking care of people in the street is one thing, but this view in front of him really takes him by surprise. 
"What is this, Kaveh? Are you bringing a prostitute home?" He asks in calm demeanour. Shifting eyes from the body deliciously display before him, to the blonde man. Kaveh's smile turned upside down almost instantly.
"Hey, appreciate my present a little, wouldn't you?" He shrugged. Not expecting much- after all this is Alhaitham. "Anyway, you will like her. I promise." 
Alhaitham raised an eyebrow in his friend's confidence. "I don't like used good." Green eyes drifted to the white sustain bubbling out your hole. He can only see the back of your head as he walks past his blonde roommate. 
"Even Though it's that woman?" At the line Alhaitham fell silent. His eyes flicker as he watches your familiar figure, he rushes to lift your head that has been flattened to the cushion's soft surface. "..Archon." He let out a breathless whisper, as if the air was sucked out of his lung.
"How about it?" Kaveh can't help but smile proudly at The Scribe's lack of words. 
"You are out of your mind." There was an inexplicable emotion embedded in his voice. Alhaitham is obviously furious, yet there was something else. It's as if some kind of foreign feeling intruded into his heart.
"I had my share, now it's your turn." Kaveh said. Doesn't want to deal with Alhaitham's words once he regains his composure. "Just leave it if you don't want to." He walked out of the door, leaving The Scribe with your tied body.
Alhaitham was planning to unbound the ropes on your body. Yet when he watches your flushed face, eyes can't meet his own because they lose focus. Your little body is bound by ribbons and rope, just in the right position to be used by him. His heart waver. Whatever sense of justice he had left in his mind evaporated in the warm air of the room when he felt your soft skin beneath his palm. The way your waist fits perfectly in his grip as if it were designed for him. He thinks of a way to ask for forgiveness, when he feels his cock throbbing on the sight of you from behind.
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You were half conscious when you heard the sound of two men bickering not too far from where you lay. It didn't take long before one storm off outside with the sound of door slamming shut. You hear approaching footsteps from the only man left in the room with you. Will this man loosen the ropes that bind your body, because your limbs started to feel numb. You can't hear anything, because the man doesn't utter a single word, but you could feel his tight grips on your hips.
You didn't have time to say anything when he slammed what feels like an extremely fat cock into your hole. You gasp as he starts to move in and out. While he is consumed by his own lust, continuously thrusting into you at a quick pace. Your own body struggles to keep up with his movement, but he feels your walls clamping down at him, sucking him in, just like he needed you to. You are the woman of his dreams after all. The pretty girl that is on the sad side has fallen head over heels with the man that acts like your guard dog.
Alhaitham clenched his teeth as he recalled your smile around the red haired man. Jealousy filled his heart, he brings his face down to bite your shoulder. Licking, biting, and sucking aggressively- leaving marks on every skin on your back where his tongue passes. The ache in his heart subsides a little when he observes your trembling body underneath him- your little back coloured red with his marks and love bites- with your neck looking tiny in comparison to his large hand that clasps it. His gaze lowered down, watching the way your greedy cunt struggles to devour his thick length, yet desperately creaming on it. What a pretty girl you are.
If he could get his name tattooed on your body, he would have his initial- maybe a tiny 'A' engraved in the middle of your lower back, just right up your ass. The thought of his name adorning your lower spine alone left his cock throbbing. Your muffled moan was like fuel to fire. You recieve his sharp thrust like an obedient little kitten. When both of you know well you can't even move a single finger without feeling the rope digging into your skin.
He kisses the back of your neck grunting against your soft skin, whispering how you will know who your true owner is, before nibbling on your ear. You hole tighten around him as his thrust grows deeper. Sounds of skin slapping and your strangled moans filling the room. You could feel his breath grow heavy above you. The pace of his thrust grew frantic in chasing both of your orgasms. With his thrust constantly prodding against your spongy spot, it doesn't take long before you gush all around his length. He sends a few more snaps of his hips before letting your cervix sucks his sperm in.
You were too exhausted to remain conscious to feel him moving again. At least you won't feel him finish his loads of cum inside of you or get scared of getting pregnant with how deep his cock penetrates you, pushing against your cervix with each thrust. Even if you are unconscious right now, Alhaitham is making sure your body will absolutely remember the taste of his cock, shaping your inside to fit him alone. He will fuck you so hard that your pussy will learn to wet itself at the mere presence of his cock. And you will helplessly submit to him, If he ever gets a chance to lay his hand on you again. 
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bones4thecats · 4 months
What Are They Like With A Rafiki! S/O?
Type of Writing: #7 - Poll Result Characters: Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, and Lilia Vanrouge Name: What Are They Like With A Rafiki! S/O? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: My hands are currently dying! I'm making the special stuff for the 19th! Also, I will not be posting that much that day, since I'll be out of my home for the day to spend time with my family. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this!
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💎 Cater first heard about you from Ace and Deuce, and he had to admit, you sounded quite entertaining
💎 You were noted by many to be quite nutty-sounding, as, whenever someone came to you for advice, you'd offer it in tounges. Words sewn together for the listener to figure out for themselves
💎 Even he'd have to admit, for someone who uses hashtags and quite a bit of social-media related lingoes in his sentences, your words were confusing!
💎 But, once he got past of all of that and he saw how tame you were with maintaining this 'Circle of Life', which he guessed you meant by how things chase others and whatnot, Cater grew to start admiring you
💎 The reason you used those metaphors to drive many insane was because it taught them to think and learn that wisdom is not something you can just grab, but it's something that one must learn, with difficulty, after all, as you say;
" Nothing is easy to obtain when it comes to wisdom. Wisdom is something that pushes and pulls on your struggles and weak spots like children playing tug-of-war in elementary school. "
💎 Cater loves to mess around with people, especially when you come into the mix and make them not only annoyed, but confused beyond belief
💎 It also makes him laugh when you play chess with your old friend, Leona. You're basically the only person that he knows that can beat him in the strategic game
💎 He also adores watching you draw things using some random items, such as fruits and flower's petals/colorings to make one colorful
💎 Your boyfriend loves posting stuff on his Magicam, and ever since he noticed how amazing you were with both magic and hand-to-hand combat, he would take videos of you training in Savanaclaw and post them with a classic Cater-style hashtag
" Oh, my lovely S/O is so talented with that bakora stick! " #caycay'sdarlings/o #caycay'ss/otraining #caycay'saveragedaywiths/o
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🦁 Leona and you grew up together
🦁 While his ego blocked him from doing so, deep down in his heart, he admired how talented you were with magic and your words
🦁 He also found it entertaining watching you speak with your words twisted around to confuse everyone, including his older brother, Falena, and his wife
🦁 Leona first became interested in you when you began to study the darker-parts of magic, the stuff that your family and ancestor had banned from being learned in your home
🦁 Due to your flaw in 'rule-remembering', you were transferred into Night Raven College, just after your first years at Royal Sword Academy and NRC respectively
🦁 People from all different dorms could tell there was some tension between the Savanaclaw housewarden and the vice-housewarden, and Ruggie used this to his advantage a lot
🦁 Or, he attempted too...
🦁 The two of you are very strong apart, but when you come together against something, those you have seen you fight know that that person better just hand in the towel, unless they want to get their asses handed to them
🦁 Leona loves watching you use your wisdom to your advantage, teaching your under-classman about the value of knowledge and acceptance of all types of magic
🦁 He also adores watching you train with a new member of Savanaclaw each year, using your mandrill-beastman abilities to leap into the trees to hide and plan you next attack or use your bakora stick to whoop them into place
🦁 By the way, he plays chess with you whenever he maintains energy, and he gets very grumpy when you win. And by that, I mean he doesn't let you get up from your napping-sessions for two hours
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🦇 You were the mentor of the Kingscholar brothers, so, when you walked up to their group of four Night Raven College students when visiting the beastman's homeland for the Tamashina-Mina Event, he gained an extreme interest in you
🦇 He noticed that Leona was appearing annoyed, but in his eyes he held a glint of adoration and joy at seeing you so joyous at meeting his so-called 'friends'
🦇 When he asked Leona about you after you left, he learned everything
🦇 You and your friend Kifaji were the maintainers of their home and helped raise the boys whenever their parents were busy with their royal duties, and you had been the main caretaker of the younger of the boys
🦇 From teaching him about magic styles to the many ways to fight hand-to-hand, you were the person who Leona was closest to, and Lilia had to admit, he was smitten by your personality from the start
🦇 Despite your age, you were a very well-versed person. You were fairly eccentric and happy-go-lucky, and the way you spoke made everyone who heard you confused
🦇 All except Lilia, who understood exactly what you were saying
🦇 Lilia and you quickly bonded and began spending a lot of time together, and when he went to perform his part of the event, you gave him a big thumbs up, showing your support full-on
🦇 Leona wasn't very happy to see his only parental figure being close to such a 'fae-dickhead', but, he had to admit, seeing you so happy and carefree with the guy made him feel slightly good
🦇 Before he had left to go back to his adoptive son(s), he gave you his number, winking at you and slyly telling you to message him sometime
🦇 He has never felt thing young in years!
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anemptypuddingcup · 1 year
Pollinating my flower (Soft sex w/ Doflamingo.)
Ion know much about Doflamingo with where I am in the anime atm. (Ep. 241, Bear with me)
Y’all I fucking adore the pet name that I made for Doffy to call reader- I fucking love it so much. (Excuse the errors if there are any, I’m halfway sleep.)
also, after the poll results I’ll be posting the 400+ special.
Contains; Soft sex. Fingering. Slight oral (reader receiving). Doffy being soft for once. Doffy genuinely caring about how Reader feels. Doffy calling Reader his ‘little flower’. Doffy pollinating his flower.
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It was hard to try and convince him to be nice, you knew he couldn’t help it but that didn’t mean he couldn’t change right…? Someone like Doflamingo had went through a lot in his life so you couldn’t really blame him for his nature and how he acted. Though the only issue was that…he was really rough. It was hard to have sex with him, because every time you did, you’d be bruised and covered in bite marks. And even though you pushed through his painful bites and scratches, you couldn’t help but to ask him to tone it down.
Asking Doflamingo to be sweet and soft felt like a death wish, which is why you always hesitated to ask him. Yes he had his moments where he would cuddle you or hug up on you from stress but that was really the most soft he would ever ever be. You took a deep breath and tried your best to keep your composure. You had to ask him, you didn’t really have a choice if you didn’t want to keep getting hurt by him during sex. With the cutest little nightgown on, you slowly trailed into the bedroom where Doflamingo waited. He sat there looking down at the floor, slumped over a bit.
“Doffy…?” You called out to him softly and he reacts slowly. He lifts his head as he stared at you in that cute little nightgown softly flowing along your body. “Come here my precious little flower.” Doflamingo motions his finger for you to come towards him, which you do. He grabs your hips while his eyes peers down at you, that shit-eating grin still plastered across his face. “You look as lovely as ever my dearest, you smell wonderful too~” He says, inhaling your sweet scent. Just a good sniff of that sweet perfume and your original scent made his dick twitch with anticipation and impatience. Your lips began to quiver and you were now rather reluctant to talk to him about what you were just thinking about. “Doffy…” His name slide off your tongue smoothly as your hands cup his face. This caught him off guard and he raises a brow towards you.
“Doffy…could you be…nicer…tonight?..” You ask slowly, now feeling slight regret and nervousness brew in your stomach. Doflamingo lets out a little chuckle before full on laughing at your question. It’s like he took your words for a joke, like he couldn’t believe what he had just heard from you. Doflamingo covers his face in a hand as another snicker leaves him. “How cute. Are you askin’ me to go soft on you girl…?” He asked, his eyes now giving you a dark glare. You shivered from his glare, now feeling that bit of regret now engulfing your stomach. “W-Well…sometimes I-It hurts and…you don’t…Y’know..” You squeaked softly as Doflamingo’s hand grips your face a bit tight, squishing it. “Hm…Are you saying that you don’t like how I fuck you at night? You better not lie t’me either. All of those moans you let out every time we fuck should tell me everything.” Doflamingo took offense to your words. How dare you claim that you don’t like it. He knew that you loved being fucked like a little toy.
But you weren’t smiling or flustered by his words.
“I…I do like it…but sometimes my moans can be from…pain too.” You admit, looking away from him. Doflamingo takes in your words and sighs lightly. He presses a kiss to your lips before trailing his hands up your nightgown and to your breasts. Groping them softly, he fondles them while you moan into his lips. He pulls away, a string of saliva connected to both of your mouths. “So you want me to go soft huh..? Fufufu…I’ll try my best~” He smiles as he lick his lips, enjoying your sweet tastes along his tongue. You felt your knees go weak at his words and he holds you up to make sure you didn’t fall.
“Get on the bed and spread your legs for me.” He demanded, his gaze softening up towards you. You obey and lay your body softly onto the fluffy blankets. His rough hands grips your thighs softly and he pulls your nightgown up, revealing your pretty little cunny. Doflamingo licks his lips before press a kiss to your clit, causing you to let out a slight squeaky moan. Trailing his tongue along your slit, he never took his eyes off of you. He wanted to see those pretty expressions you made while he pleased your cunt. “Fufufu…do you like when I kiss your cute little flower like this? Is this enjoying to you sweetheart?” He asked as his hands trails up your sides. You shivered under his tongue and nodded slowly as a soft moan leaves your lip. A little slap on the thigh causes you to yelp and look down at him with furrowed brows. “Ah ah~ you know I don’t answer to head movements.” He chuckled as he flicks at your clit. You jolt and spoke out to him. “Y-Yes…it feels good D-Doffy…” You whispered as you to cover half of your face with your hand. Doflamingo enjoyed how you squirm under him from his tongue, but something just made him feel a bit more bored with this than what he’d usually do with you.
“What’s wrong? Didn’t you want me to go soft..? It’s startin’ to get boring…” He pouts as he looks at you, his eyes drifting off somewhere. You give him a saddened expression before looking away. “M-M’sorry Doffy…” You apologized, knowing that the wasn’t gonna work out the way you hope for it to. “Hm?..” Doffy tilts his head in question, wondering why you were even apologizing to him. He climbs onto the bed and stares down at you, that smile now softening up to something a bit more warm…and sweet.
“Fufufu…what kinda man would I be to not fulfill my delicate little flower’s request?” He snickered. You looked up at him nervously and flinches as he moves in closer to you. He peppers a kiss to your cheek before moving his nimble fingers up to your mouth. You trail your tongue along his fingers before sucking on them for a little bit, using your saliva to lubricate them. He moved his hand down and rubs his fingers along your slit before slowly sliding them through your entrance. A moan leaves your lips as Doflamingo feels around your gummy walls. You gasp as you feel his fingers curl and hit your g-spot, a little laugh leaves him.
“Such a pretty little flower…I enjoy watching you writhe around on my fingers. Fufufu.” He sighs, enjoying the mesmerizing sight of you arching your back from the pleasure. “Hahh~ F-Fuck!~” You gasp as you felt your tummy growing more warm inside. You clench around Doflamingo’s finger and he smile before he began to kiss up on your neck. His fingers started to move faster inside of you while you moaned out praises and pleads profusely. “Yes yes! I-I feel it coming!~” You whined as you began to roll your hips up against his hand. Doflamingo giggles before pressing a kiss to your lips. “Go on and cum my flower~ Squirt out onto my fingers, I wanna see your expression~” He whispered into your ears. A whimper leaves your lips as your toes began to curl from his fingertips hitting your g-spot. “Hahh~ D-Doffyyy~” A gasp leaves you as you finally squirt out onto his hand followed by a slight whimper from the intensity.
His long tongue trails across his lips hungrily as he watched you release your sweet nectar along his hand. He slowly pulls his fingers from your cunt and trails his tongue along them, desperate for your sweet taste. He shivers and as he feels his cock grow harder within his briefs. “Your nectar taste so wonderful my dear~” He complimented before climbing over you. You were still getting over your orgasm, but Doflamingo was enjoying the afterglow. “So fuckin’ pretty, yet so delicate.” He says softly. You unconsciously wrap your arms around his neck and he smiles before pressing a kiss to your lips.
He sighs happily as he finally pulls his briefs down slightly to reveal his hard cock, pressing it against your tummy. The warmth of his cock made you shiver as he leans in closer to you. “Ya ready for me to pollinate you, little flower?” He joked, licking his lips. An intense heat engulfs your face as you blushed deeply from his words. He chuckles as he rubs his cock against your entrance, a slight trail of precum spreading across your cunt. “Fufu, M’so ready…m’so so ready~” Doflamingo says eagerly as he slowly slides himself inside of you. A gasp leaves both you and him as he wastes no time to bottom out inside of you. A moan leaves your lips as he slowly thrusts into your sloppy cunt. Doflamingo breathes heavily as your sweet gummy walls suck his cock in all nice and snug.
“Oh goodness~ Fuck you feel so wonderful ‘round me~” He groans as he begins to increase the speed of his thrusts. Soft angelic moans leaves your lips as Doflamingo grips your hips before he begins to lose himself. Your moans grow louder as you feel his hips thrust upward and hard against your g-spot. Doflamingo holds your hand tightly as he continues to thrust his hips harsh against yours. “Doffy! F-Fuck! Doffyyy!~” You whined as you felt your orgasm growing closer already. He presses kisses against your shoulders and neck as he grew closer to his orgasm as well, his groans growing louder and louder as his tongue spills out. “Kiss me~ Kiss me my flower~” He demanded. You kiss Doflamingo and he groans into the kiss before fucking deeper into you.
Your loud moans were muffled by Doflamingo’s lips and tongue against your before he finally pulls back to allow you to breathe. “Fuck I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum so deep inside of your cunt~” He groans loudly. Your legs wrap around his hips tightly and you held on to the pillow tightly behind your head. “D-Doffy! F-FUCK DOFFY!~” You cry out as you feel yourself tipping over the edge. “Cum! Cum on this fucking dick my flower!~“ He groans as his eyebrows began to furrow. A gasp leaves you as you feel yourself shake and shiver on his cock. “D-Doffy! M-M’gonna! M’gonna cum!~” You whined as your walls clench tightly around his cock. Doflamingo smiles before sinking his head deep into your neck. “Yes~ let me pollinate you, take my seed deep inside of your pussy~” He groans, his cock beginning to twitch inside of you.
A loud moan leaves you as you cum on his cock, your pussy gushing cum out onto his soft tanned skin. A groan leaves his lips as he cums deep inside of your cunt before finally resting against your body. You both breathe heavily while you wrap your arms around his torso, hugging him. You feel Dolflamingo hesitate but settles in hugging you tightly before planting a kiss into your cheek. “It felt so good~ It felt so so good Doffy…” You say before peppering kisses onto his face. Doflamingo stares at you in disbelief, never hearing you say such word to him before. “Never heard you say those words before…” He says as he held on to your body tightly. It made him realize that him being soft actually made you feel happier and way better, which is all that mattered to him.
He sighs and yawns, hugging your body like a little teddy bear. “Keep your legs ‘round my hips…I wanna sleep like this.” He demanded as before settling down against the soft and fluffy blankets. You nodded before yawning, your body feeling tired from Doflamingo. “Get some rest…my sweet sweet little flower.” He says softly yet tiredly. “Yes Doffy…Goodnight…” You say tiredly. His grin stayed on his face but it was a softer sweeter grin rather than his shit-eating one. He peeks at the window and looks up at the pretty stars which made him grow tired and yawn.
“G’Night my flower.” Doflamingo whispered before laying his head against the pillows, now drifting off into sleep.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
To Have And To Scold
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your best friends are getting married, and who else can they ask to be their best man and maid of honour but you and Joe? It’s just that… you don’t really get along all that well, do you? At least, that’s what you think.
CW / disclaimer: sort of enemies to sort of lovers, slooow burn, language, rpf, fem!reader, panic attack
Author’s note: when i reached 7K i kind of knew the poll’s results wouldn’t matter to me anymore – there is going to be a part 11, or an epilogue if you will, because there’s just... it’s just too much. I need to thank @thebellenouvelle for the inspiration behind eyelid kisses, and @alwayslindie for fisticuffs (ifykyk) SO SORRY BUT THIS IS NOT THE END pls enjoy
Wordcount: 7.1K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five- part six- part seven - part eight - part nine- part ten - epilogue
Today was not the day you expected to find yourself in a dark coat closet of a hotel suite, hiding from your friends with Joe's hand covering your mouth as you made big shocked eyes at him.
Today was about Poppy and Mark.
The happy couple. Getting married. Mark, and Poppy. Poppy, and Mark.
It was about them. Full focus just on your friends. Just on his friends. Nothing else. No one else.
So then why the fuck had Joe hurriedly pushed you into a closet in a full scuffle of frantic limbs when he heard Poppy and Mark outside the door? And why did you, despite still being so angry, and hurt, and so fucking embarrased - why did you like it?
Joe had to recount his steps. How did he get here? How did he find himself in a small, enclosed space that instantly created a sense of intimacy and closeness which intensified all and any existing feelings he had towards you?
Joe remembered having looked himself in the eye in his hallway mirror that morning, right before he headed out, and had sighed deeply at his own reflection.
Today was going to be impossible.
He thought about setting reminders on his phone because he knew, he fucking knew his mind would be with you all day. Guilt and shame and embarrassment and, God he felt so awful.
As he should. He was well aware.
But today was about Poppy. Poppy and Mark. And yes, he was going to be seeing you again, which... ugh, he could eat himself alive at the prospect.
For two and a half weeks after he'd gotten to touch you, and smell you, and taste you - Jesus Christ Joe had actually gotten so much more than he'd ever even dreamt of - he had almost reached out thousands of times. Had hovered fingers over a text thread. Over your name in his contact list.
But what was he going to say?
How was he going to break the ice? The thick, thick, thick thick ice that had frozen over because of his doing. He'd known the second your front door fell shut behind him that he'd done the wrong thing. That'd he had fucked up in a way he knew he could never come back from.
Joe was the worst.
When Joe thought of you now, it didn't involve swooning or tender romantic feelings. Instead, it was all gut-wrenching guilt and violent shame that made him want to hide himself away.
The thing he'd been so scared of, the chance of things going wrong and ending badly between the two of you, had happened before anything had even really started at all. He'd been left humiliated by his own actions, and couldn't even begin to imagine how you must have felt. Left disheartened by the vast impact of his mistakes and the loss of something that he had never even had made him want to get away. To leave. To move abroad and not tell anyone. If he could, Joe would happily disappear and skip this whole wedding all together.
Obviously, he couldn't.
Today was about Poppy. Poppy and Mark.
And Joe was the maid of honour after all. And so, after a last stern look at himself, Joe walked out and made his way over to where Poppy and her gaggle of bridesmaids were meeting to get ready for the big day.
In your flat, you gave the e-mail a last once over.
Joe had e-mailed you a week ago. You still had to go over your speeches, and instead of being a normal person and perhaps reaching out to apologise, to maybe talk things through - instead of that, he'd gone and sent you an e-mail.
An e-mail.
And it was all professional too, which was... you couldn't even begin to organise your feelings about it. He'd attached his speech 'for your acknowledgement' and you'd had to drink three fat glasses of wine before you'd been able to read it.
It had the audacity to be good. Rude. It made you rewrite your whole speech with a clenched jaw whilst tipsy and you'd regretted not backing up what you'd previously written the next morning, because you definitely had only made it worse.
Today was about Mark. About Mark and Poppy.
Not about how angry you still were with Joe. Not about all that weaponized disappointment you could feel sit inside of your chest that hadn't gone anywhere, because you weren't going to be the one to reach out to Joe, were you?
You were stubborn like that. Embarrassed like that. Because Joe had fucked up, and in doing so, for some weird fucked up reason, you now had feelings for Joe.
Very real feelings that were conflicting and painful and so, so stupid. It made it all too easy to pivot the anger and aim all of its arrows right at yourself, when, no. Joe had fucked up. Not you.
Joe was the one that fucked up and, Joe could be the one to fix it, too.
You know, if you'd actually let him. You weren't sure if you'd even let him, but you wanted to see him at least attempt it. It was the least you deserved, you thought. And then after that, you could just avoid him for the rest of your life. You'd work something out. Find a system. Something.
So then... how had you even allowed yourself to be shoved into a closet by Joe before he quickly stepped inside himself and closed the door, engulfing the both of you in darkness? And why did Joe feel that it was totally okay to press his full palm over your mouth in order to make sure you didn't respond when Poppy and Mark walked in and called out for you?
As you had made your way over to the hotel suite where Mark and his groomsmen were going to be getting ready, you tried to get rid of the exasperated feeling in your fingertips at the prospect of having to be near Joe all day.
But the feeling was still there when you walked in and got hugs from all the heavily-cologned men who were all scattered throughout the room, each attending to their own individual tasks. Some were carefully doing their hair, others were using lintrollers all over themselves, and you spotted two of them keeping busy polishing their shoes to a high shine.
The feeling was still there when you let a photographer into the room, to take some photographs of the camaraderie and brotherhood among the groomsmen as they joked and teased each other. Men being men, boys being boys, with you mixed in among them, the only one not in a matching suit.
And the feeling was still there when all of them made you help them with their ties.
All together they were a picture of elegance and sophistication, but beneath the surface, you could feel the excitement and anxious anticipation for what the day held. Everyone was a little nervous, and obviously Mark probably was a lot nervous, but fucking hell, why couldn't your hands stop shaking? The bottle of whiskey Mark's brother opened, because, "the girls are having champagne, aren't they?" really helped, and, yes, you hated whiskey, but fuck it, please, let's fucking go.
You used the excuse of having to put your dress on to slip into the bathroom. In there you took your sweet time, because the large bathroom gave you some time to yourself, and all the cool luxurious white marble that surrounded you in there was calming.
When you stepped back out, the groomsmen were just on their way out, following the photographer who was going to use them for test shots.
"My turn," Mark said to you as the door fell shut, leaving the large suite quiet, and he held out his tie for you to help him with.
You grinned and took it, glad you were given a task you could manage. Maybe that was the secret. Just keep your mind occupied the whole day. Right in the middle of doing a full Windsor knot, Mark suddenly placed both palms over your biceps and ducked his head down a little to force eye-contact.
"It's all going according to plan, isn't it? We're on schedule, right?"
"Of course we are," you said, but Mark could see your eyes find the clock on the far end of the room behind him to check.
"We're actually ahead of schedule, which is great," you said, finishing off his tie and making sure it was straight before you patted him over his chest.
"So, then... why are you shaking?"
You paused and curled both hands into fists to hide whatever shaking Mark had detected.
"It's just... my best friend is getting married today," you said quasi-casual, trying to make Mark laugh. "It's kind of a huge deal."
You looked up to see Mark's hair was flipping outward over his ears, and you used both your palms to flatten the hair, to push it back the way you knew Poppy liked it.
"Speaking of huge deals," Mark started, and for a second you made eye contact before stepping away. Off to find your make-up bag that you'd brought with you.
"When were you going to tell me that you've had Joe over at yours?"
Bent over your bag on the floor, your froze immediately. Who had said what to who and, what did Mark know?
He might not have known anything.
Just that Joe dropped you off at your flat the night of the stag do.
"Poppy told me," Mark continued after you hadn't moved from your position, hovering over your bag still, and you didn't know what to respond.
Of course Poppy had told Mark, because Joe had told her and Joe was the worst person alive, so that checked out. Of course that's what happened. The man couldn't tell his best friend about you sleeping in his bed fully dressed that one time, but this, this was fine.
Joe could go suck a thousand dicks.
"Joe said you kissed,"
Just kissed, huh? Was that all he had said?
All right.
You cleared your throat and finally got back up, make-up bag in hand that you zipped open.
"We did."
You tried your bestest best to sound so very casual about it, but feared that the tone of your voice had just given away too much. You couldn't look Mark in the eye. Had to keep your eyes at the make-up bag in your hands as you searched for the lipstick that was a quintessential part of your look.
How did you ever think Mark wasn't going to see right through you?
"Do you like him?" Mark frowned through a small smile as he asked the careful question. There was no judgment. There was definitely confusion, though, and he stepped a little closer to not have this conversation across the whole room.
Did you like Joe?
Where to even fucking begin?
You bit both your lips into your mouth, squeezed the tube of lipstick in your fist and looked at Mark a second as he stopped right in front of you.
"Hey," he poked your arm with a finger by ways of showing affection, the way siblings would do. "It's okay if you do."
A loud, deep and very annoyed sigh left you as you frowned deeply, because you were meant be all angry with Joe, and you were, but, what the fuck? Yes. You liked him. It was confusing and infuriating, but you did. Joe had been weird and distant, but then also sweet and kind, and he'd hugged you and made sure you didn't have to walk home late at night all alone, and had let you spent the night in his bed and hadn't taken advantage, and then he had kissed you, and for three seconds, there had been more than kissing before all of it had ended and now...
Now you wanted more.
Didn't people always want what they couldn't have?
Now wasn't the time, though.
Because today was about Mark and about Poppy and about them together.
Not about you. Or about Joe.
So you just shrugged, signaling that you didn't want to get into it and said, "Joe's a weirdo," which made Mark laugh. That, in turn, made you smile.
Mark looked good. Radiant and happy, tie all straight and his hair the way Poppy liked it.
"Got your vows?" you asked, trying to round this up, and thank fuck, Mark just went with it as he patted his chest over the pocket of his jacket.
"Rings?" you asked, holding your hand out, and for a moment, you were ready for a snarky comment. For the same joke you'd heard time and time again for months now. But it didn't come. Mark just went, "Yes," and found the little red box that held both wedding bands inside.
"Here you go. Guard it with your life."
"I will. Promise I won't–"
You were about to reference the joke yourself, but were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Mark went to answer it, and you stole the moment to quickly do your lipstick in the full sized mirror. Mark didn't look through the peephole before he opened the door, so there was zero warning, and you almost left a fat stripe of lipstick all across your cheek when you turned your head at the sound of his voice.
"Hey," Joe smiled politely, hand scratching the back of his head, in the middle of a deep breath. You could tell he was nervous.
"The bride has requested to talk to you,"
"Oh no, cold feet?" Mark joked and turned his head to find your face to laugh with you. Except you weren't laughing, because you were still applying lipstick and pretending that Joe wasn't standing in the doorway.
"Um- no, not you, sorry. Poppy needs some girl talk."
Poppy had seven bridesmaids.
Poppy probably hadn't had anything but girl talk all morning.
But sure. You could go talk to Poppy.
You didn't look Joe in the eye when you walked past Mark, touched his arm and said you'd see him in a bit. Told him he should probably also go see his parents before the ceremony, and snuck past Joe, who stepped aside and gave you all the space and then some. Which offended you.
He could've done whatever, actually, and it would have offended you.
As you made your way down the hallway, you heard Mark say, "Actually, now that I've got your here, can you..." before it trailed off and the door closed.
Interesting... not suspicious at all.
You had to promise yourself you weren't going to drive yourself insane today, weren't going to fret over what information Joe and Mark would share with each other, and instead went over the itinerary in your mind several times. It did a great job of calming you down a bit, especially since so far, everything was on schedule.
"I have a confession to make," Poppy blurted out the second you saw each other.
She looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.
"Uh oh," was all you managed to say before closing the door behind you.
"You are here for one reason, and one reason only, which is that Mark wanted to talk to Joe and I had to get you out of the room,"
You gave Poppy a blank stare before narrowing your eyes at her.
"What's with the secrecy... he could've just said–"
"They have... things to talk about," Poppy said, giving you a pointed look. "Don't they?"
You weren't sure what she was insinuating, but you had an inkling that she wanted you to spill the beans. Which you weren't going to do.
"Well... Mark's getting married to his best friend, I'm sure they've got lots to talk–"
"I've got another confession," Poppy frowned and waved a hand, dismissing what you'd tried to sell her would be their topic of conversation.
You couldn't help but frown deeply at her in response.
"I'm not sure I like all these confessions, Pop,"
"It's my wedding day," Poppy resonated, grabbing both of your hands in hers and wiggling them around a bit. "Let me get all of this out, please."
You closed your eyes and breathed through flared nostrils, keeping quiet, silently granting Poppy permission to confess whatever needed confessing.
You knew exactly what was coming.
"Joe told me you kissed."
"Yea, I gathered," you said flatly, letting unwilling laughter escape you when you opened your eyes to see Poppy biting down on her bottom lip to hide her excitement. This wasn't what you expected from her. "Mark let something slip earlier."
"No!" Poppy groaned immediately. "Ugh... Joe said I wasn't allowed to tell Mark, but Mark promised me he wouldn't tell you!"
It was official. This little group of grown ass whole adults could keep no secrets from each other, ever.
"Did um... did Joe tell you about what happened?" you tried, carefully, because this was meant to be Poppy's most important day ever and you didn't want to ruin it.
But your expression made hers falter.
"He didn't..." Poppy stared into space as she thought back a second. "But, to be fair, he told me you kissed and I... I kind of... even if he wanted to tell me more about it, he couldn't have, because I freaked out,"
You winced a little. Wanted to apologise, even though you knew within your soul you'd done nothing wrong.
"No, no, don't worry, it was the good kind of freak out. Are you joking? You and Joe? I knew something was up when I saw you hug outside that day, and now, this is so great, it's–"
"Pop..." you started, and shut her up instantly.
Besides the fact that you had never expected this reaction from her at all, Poppy clearly had only heard a very small little titbit of what had transpired that night. You wondered how Joe had even brought it up in conversation with her, and what the vibe had been.
Her eyebrows knitted together, copying yours, and you sighed.
"Oh no..." Poppy knew something was up. "What did he do?"
And yea, what did he do was the right question to ask, it kind of made your insides shriek. But this wasn't the time to answer it. Not the time to reveal to Poppy how her friend had done you wrong. Instead, you smiled and cupped Poppy's face with both your hands, told her she was beautiful and that today was about her and about Mark and that you'd talk about this later.
For a second it looked like Poppy wasn't going to accept the postponing, but an urgent raise of your eyebrows in question made her give you a little nod.
"Come here, you pretty bitch," you said, grinning wide before pulling her into a hug. "You look like a princess,"
"I feel like one," Poppy spoke, voice a little strained from how tight you squeezed her.
"I can't believe Mark gets to marry you," you said when you pulled back, and kind of meant it. Poppy was too good for him.
"Meh, we'll see," Poppy quipped. "I could still run." she shrugged one shoulder which made you laugh and then squeeze her even tighter than before. Poppy was far too good for him.
On your way back over to the groom's suite, you walked with stiff arms that held two hands with crossed fingers down at the end.
Please don't run into Joe. Please don't run into Joe. Please, don't run into Joe.
You turned a corner and...
There he was.
A mere few feet away from you.
For a split second you contemplated walking backwards, back around that corner, just, rewinding yourself in time and hiding somewhere so you wouldn't be forced to have whatever awkward exchange this was going to be. But Joe had seen you. You couldn't pretend you hadn't spotted each other, and so you didn't.
"Hey," Joe called, and it seemed a bit urgent. Like he was glad he had just ran into you.
You just gave him one of those polite nods. The kind you'd give a the driver of a car that stopped to let you cross at a zebra crossing. You even almost added the half-wave – just a raised hand with only the index finger flexed.
Joe'd stopped walking, but you were about to whizz right past him because you weren't going to do this – didn't want to do this.
But then Joe grabbed you by the arm and it stopped you in your tracks. His soft touch lit you full body on fire.
"This is yours," Joe said, holding out a white plastic card. The hotel key to the groom's suite. "Mark went to go see his parents."
You took it from him, eyes not meeting his. You couldn't.
"Listen, I need to– want to... I want to apologise, for– um, for not reaching out sooner, and, I mean, not that you–" Joe stumbled through his words and suddenly had to cough loudly after choking on his own spit. "Excuse me– sorry. I have to, um, apologise for–"
"Let's not..." you started and looked down at where Joe was still holding your arm.
Joe followed your gaze and startled himself, quickly letting go.
"Just... let's just stick to wedding stuff today, all right?" had this been a month ago, you'd have given Joe a polite smile at this point. But this wasn't a month ago. This was now, and Joe had humiliated you in the most extreme manner you had ever been humiliated – had left you dripping with your own arousal and his pre-cum with a full tit out in your kitchen. Said he'd see you around.
This didn't really count as around, you thought.
You saw how dismissing his attempt at an apology completely worked something behind his eyes before he gave you a quick nod.
"Yes," he looked down at his own feet a second before looking back up at you. "Of course. Did you– I sent over my speech, um, last week. Did you get–"
"Got it."
This chat needed to be over.
"You never replied."
"I didn't."
You couldn't muster up anything but coldness for Joe. Distance. The same type of harshness sharp by the edges that Joe had reserved for you for years. You were treating Joe the way he had treated you forever. It was kind of the only way to go about it, because you were angry and Joe needed to feel that you were angry, but you also knew, you fucking knew that the second you'd drop this hard exterior, you'd absolutely fold for this man.
"But I received it fine."
You would've stuck a thanks to the end of that sentence if you weren't so fucking stubborn.
"So, you ready for the day? Got your own speech? Got the rings?"
Oh, motherfucker thought he could be cute and joke, did he? You were mid-way through an eye roll when you suddenly stopped breathing.
Your eyes grew twice its size.
"What– what's wrong?"
You'd never quite felt a panic take completely hold of your entire being quite so fast. This was no slow-building storm but instead an instant raging tempest within your chest.
You were immediately sweating when you realised you didn't have the rings.
Where were the fucking rings?!
Mark had given you the rings, you'd applied your lipstick, and then you'd gone to visit Poppy in the bridal suite. Had you even taken them to the bridal suite?
Your chest constricted itself into a tightness you hadn't experienced so lucidly before, which made you only more aware of how fast your heart was beating and what the fuck was happening?
"Are you– Jesus, breathe," Joe grabbed you by both upper arms, and you spluttered through a big inhale, noticing the sudden heat within your face and why did it feel like you were on a rollercoaster ride hurtling towards an inevitable crash?
"The rings," you managed to squeak out before turning your head towards the bridal suite from which you came.
It couldn't be in there.
You hadn't touched anything in there. Hadn't placed anything down anywhere. Groom's suite. It had to be in the groom's suite still.
"You lost the rings?"
Just for a second, you looked Joe in the eye, both entirely blank faced, faces reading nothing, before your brain managed to tell your legs to tell your feet to start moving and Joe let go of you.
Your dazed walk quickly turned into a frenzied run down the hotel corridors, and Joe followed you on your tail.
"Mark!" you called out, hurriedly knocking on the door when you reached it.
"Key, key, you've got the– use the key," Joe scrambled, about to take the plastic card from your hands, but you wildly evaded him and shakily opened the door yourself.
Inside, you immediately traced your own steps.
"Red box," you panted. "It's a little red box, square, rounded corners, bright, bright red,"
And without thinking, Joe started throwing pillows from the sofa, pulling sheets from the beds and tipping over whichever bin he could find.
The two of you turned the entire room upside down, all anger and awkwardness forgotten for a second.
But it was nowhere to be found.
No red box.
How could you mess up this fucking badly?
You felt your throat grow rigid, the panic intensifying and overwhelming you until it was too much to bear. Sliding both hands into your hair, you closed your fingers and pulled. You couldn't cry. Had to keep a level head. Think straight.
Mark was going to murder you.
You couldn't cry.
"Let's hit the bridal suite," Joe said, jumping from the bed, over the covers that were now splayed out across the floor, jogging past you towards the door.
"They've got to be either here, or there," Joe reasoned, and you knew he was right, but... but what if he wasn't?
"Come on," Joe said, beckoning you, and you were about to blindly follow him when suddenly, he stopped. He froze completely and you nearly crashed into him.
Mark and Poppy.
Joe pushed you back inside and quickly closed the door. You saw him look behind you, the room a full mess, and then, without much thinking, opened the coat closet to his side that he then shoved you into.
"What– Joe!"
Joe pushed you deeper into the closet, following you inside before quickly and quietly closing the doors behind you. It was all just in time, as you heard the small beep from the door unlocking as Mark and Poppy walked into the suite.
They called out for you and for Joe, and you could heard Mark go, "Jesus, what happened in here?"
All you could think about was that Poppy and Mark weren't supposed to even see each other before the ceremony. Not because anyone thought it would be bad luck, they didn't buy into that shit, but because you knew Poppy, and Poppy wanted that big entrance, that big reveal that would get Mark all choked up.
You were about to step out, about to say something, but Joe sensed it and so with both arms he held you in place, folding one palm right over your mouth so you wouldn't make a peep.
Your eyes were still adjusting to the dark, and you could barely make out Joe's face, but everything felt like he was being absolutely serious.
So there you were, pressed up against each other, both bodies impossibly tense, wholly focused on staying quiet.
"Well, they've clearly been in here," you could hear Poppy say.
"What the–" Mark's voice sounded far away, and you could picture him walking around the entire suite, taking in the mess that you and Joe had just created mere seconds ago.
"Did they fight? Like, full fisticuffs you think?"
"No, I think they were looking for this, look," you could practically hear the smile in Poppy's voice, and inside the closet, you and Joe frowned at each other.
"What are you..." Mark gasped. "Poppy! How did you get a hold of those?"
No fucking way.
You had touched one thing in the bridal suite. You had touched Poppy.
You peeled Joe's fingers from your face to mouth, "the rings," at him with wild eyes. As a precaution Joe raised his fingers up to his mouth, signaling you to stay quiet. Which you were. Joe could fuck off.
"Took them,"
"No, babe... that's not funny–"
"It's not meant to be funny, it's meant to create a little hiccup that–"
"A little hiccup?!"
"Mark, listen! Think about it... who is going to help her find them?"
Jesus fucking Christ.
Poppy could fuck off too.
"You're aware she's going to stab you with the cake knife later if she ever finds out about this?"
"She won't get the chance to, because she'll be too busy making out with Joe."
A silence fell within the hotel suite, and you were suddenly very aware of how the enclosed space you were in started growing hotter.
"Mark, he's been in love – like, actual love with her for fucking ages, if we don't help them out at least a little, nothing's ever going to happen,"
What the fuck?!
You saw in real time how Joe went from looking all stern, fully focussed on making sure that you kept quiet in every sense of the word, to his full face scrunching up before his head dropped down entirely, nearly head-butting you in the process.
"It's my wedding day. I deserve this." Poppy continued, and you heard Mark scoff.
"And I'm sure that for today, you'll be excused. But there's going to be a tomorrow," Mark was ever the voice of reason.
Meanwhile, Joe hoped the coat closet was dark enough for you not to see how his entire face had turned beet-red, or how his heart was trying to jump its way out of his chest. He still had you wrapped up in his hold, so he logically understood there was no hiding anything.
But still. Joe could hope.
"You know what he said to me?"
Fuck, fuck. Poppy shut the fuck up.
Joe was about to move his hands to cover your ears, but in a small scramble, you managed to grab hold of both his wrists and pushed them down.
Joe's elbow nearly knocked into the panel behind him.
"He said he cares too much, like, cares about her, and that he just wants to hold her hand and kiss her over the eyelids... he wants to kiss her eyes, Mark. You've never kissed me on the eyes before."
"Come here,"
"No! It's too late for you!"
"Too late?! We're getting married!"
Outside of the closet, the mood turned playful and you heard Poppy shriek followed by footsteps that chased each other.
Inside the coat closet, the air was thick. You were so aware of your breathing, of where your bodies were touching, and of Joe's eyes on you. He looked mortified.
"You care too much?" you mouthed, completely inaudible but for the movement your tongue made within your mouth.
Joe nodded, but it was careful. Insecure, almost.
You frowned and shook your head.
Joe couldn't care too much. Joe was a friend of a friend who never really took to you. Always remained aloof and stand-offish. Was weird around you. Made no contact, and then when he did, made misplaced jokes.
"You left me,"
Joe closed his eyes, and in the little light that the doors let in, you could see his jaw tense and nostrils flare.
"I didn't want to hurt you," Joe let a little bit of his whispered voice slip through as he spoke on an exhale
Your frown deepened.
"I care," Joe followed up, completely silent again, and for a moment the two of you listened to Poppy and Mark going around and putting the room back together. Shuffling of duvets, thumps of cushions being thrown, and had you not been staring into Joe's eyes whilst being pressed up against him in a space far too small for two adults to spend this much time in, you would've stopped them. They were in their wedding outfits. Tidying a hotel suite ahead of their own wedding. What the fuck were they doing?
But it just so happened to be that you were staring into Joe's eyes whilst being pressed up against him in a space far too small for two adults to spend this much time in. And then Joe's lashes fluttered as he looked down at your lips and...
Joe was in love with you?
Had that registered properly?
Were you able to process that right now?
Fingers then curled around your neck, and soft palms pressed up underneath your jaw.
For a moment, you just stood like that. Shaky breaths, trying to stay quiet still, and God, it was so fucking hot in there.
But there was not a chance you were going to break away now.
This coat closet suddenly was the exact right place you needed to be.
You were already so tense, were still sweating from the panicked search for the rings, and then tension built up even further as your noses touched.
"I care,"
You automatically closed your eyes and let your mouth fall open in a little gasp before you kissed Joe. It felt like he'd been waiting, because the frevour with which he returned the kiss was on a whole different level. Joe guided your head, turned it so he got the best access and licked his way into your mouth like a starved man.
It made all tension slip off of you.
The shakes you had earlier, when you had help Mark get ready? You could feel them pour from your finger tips. The anxiety you'd felt when you'd ran into Joe in the corridor? Ran down your frame like water off a duck's back.
Joe was making out with you, and it was a perfect push and pull of hot breath, wet lips and soft tongues.
It was really fucking hot, and you allowed yourself to forget everything for a second.
You couldn't forget that you had to stay quiet.
No noises allowed.
You couldn't make any sounds. If you didn't, this would last longer, so you really tried.
Your hands found Joe's hair, and you let your fingers slip into it, scraping his scalp as you did and it made Joe pull your face back a little.
"Don't," he mouthed, worried he was going to be the one to make a noise, but dove back into your mouth immediately.
It made your knees nearly give out. You were folding. Folding hard, and folding fast.
You knew you were hiding in a closet with two of your friends on the other side of the doors somewhere still, but, how much convincing would you need to do to let Joe finish what he'd started weeks ago?
The second you thought it, you heard Joe's throat stutter.
Probably not a lot, then.
You wrapped both arms around Joe's neck and were about to hike up a leg, let Joe know what you wanted from him, but, that ruined everything.
Because your knee knocked into the panel behind Joe loudly.
The two of you stilled instantly, and your face grimaced. That hurt, but moreso, that was far too loud for Mark and Poppy not to have heard.
You waited in complete silence, frozen on the spot, breaths held, both with huge eyes, and listened for a reaction.
But you got none.
It was silent in the hotel suite, and for a moment, you considered just opening the door and peeking out. Maybe they had left already. There was a huge chance you hadn't noticed.
But then, footsteps.
"Okay, let's go!" Poppy said, her voice raised to a volume it didn't need for Mark to hear her.
"The ceremony is in about half an hour, best not be late!" Mark replied, uncharacteristically chipper, voice becoming louder as he walked right past the coat closet that held the two of you inside.
You were holding your breath for fear of Mark hearing you and pulling open the doors to reveal the two of you completely entangled with each other.
That didn't happen though.
Instead, you heard the door open, heard them walk out, and then heard the door fall shut.
It took less than a second for the two of you to fall out of the closet into the cool air of the hotel suite.
And there it was.
Sat right in the middle of the hotel suite, promptly placed centre stage so you couldn't possibly miss it.
The red ring box.
They had obviously heard you.
You picked it up and turned to show Joe, but when you made eye-contact, the both of you gasped.
Your lipstick was fucking everywhere.
Joe looked shocked and anticipated your panicked state to fully grab a hold of you again. He was ready to go straight back into apologising. Reassuring. Calming you down. Comforting you.
But then you burst out into laughter.
This was so stupid.
Joe didn't know if you were laughing at the absurdity of the situation, or if you were laughing at what he looked like with lipstick smeared all over his face. He didn't care. You were laughing, and it felt like genuine, honest laughter. Sounded like music.
"Come here," you said and beckoned him to follow you into the bathroom where you still couldn't stop the giggles as you opened a packet of make-up wipes.
"Oh Jesus," you said when you saw your own reflection, and the laughter picked up once more.
Joe couldn't help but laugh along.
This was a delicious way to break any and all tension, and Joe knew he'd be apologising for... well, for forever. But it'd be worth it.
You knew Joe loved you now.
With a smile still plastered on your face, you took hold of Joe by the chin and with a wipe wrapped around your fingers, started cleaning off the maroon smudges.
"My eyelids, Joe?"
Joe grimaced, but let out a huffed laugh as he did. He blushed and looked down as he pursed his lips, trying to minimize the smile he had going.
"Well, anywhere, really," Joe couldn't lie. He didn't just want to kiss you on the eyelids. He kind of wanted to kiss you all over.
His answer made your breath hitch in your throat as your face slowly fell.
Joe was in love with you.
You didn't understand how that could be true. How that could even work.
Joe didn't say anything, but watched as the cogs turned in your head and you stared right at his chest with the make-up wipe hovering in front of him for a moment.
Joe was in love with you.
Suddenly your snapped back up at him.
"I'm still mad at you,"
"Yes, of course," Joe immediately accepted the fact that you were.
"That's going to take me a minute,"
"I'll make it up to you," Joe smiled sweetly as his eyebrows knitted together.
He looked cute like that.
"I'm not sure if you can,"
Another silence lingered, and you decided it didn't need more words from you. So you got back to ridding Joe's face off of your make-up, and then bent closer towards the mirror and cleaned up your own face. Joe gazed at you intently as you did, and when you made eye-contact through the mirror, he loudly cleared his throat and pretended something needed doing outside of the bathroom.
Joe was an idiot.
Made you smile.
Ugh. Fuck.
Yea all right. You guessed Joe's awkwardness could be cute now, or whatever.
Jesus Christ.
You finished redoing your lipstick, and you could still faintly see how the smears had stained your skin, but this was going to have to do.
You were going to go down and get through this wedding and pretend nothing had happened and you were ready for it. Were going to power through this. You were tough. And strong. You were going to give a killer speech, make sure the cake cutting happened at the right exact time, and would get enough people to fill out the dance floor in the right amount of time with the right music playing.
You were an amazing best man, and this was the time to really fucking prove it to everyone.
You stepped out of that bathroom, chest puffed out, shoulders pushed back with your back as straight as you were going to get it.
You felt like superwoman.
"Ready? Let's go." you didn't wait for Joe to answer as you marched towards the door.
"Um," Joe said, and you heard the soft snap of the ringbox closing.
"Oh my God,"
You were an idiot.
Joe threw you the box, and you caught it with one hand, impressing yourself as well as Joe. You gave the small little red box a once over in your palm as Joe walked past you, opening the door before stepping aside to let you through first.
Joe stopped you right in the doorway, fingers around your arm the way Joe always seemed to stop you.
You looked at each other a second, and you could see his eyes flick down towards your lips again.
"Fresh lipstick, Joe," you commented, but couldn't help the curling of the corners of your mouth.
"I didn't say anything," Joe feigned innocence. Pretended he didn't want to bend down to give you another kiss. But in a second, you'd be at Mark and Poppy's wedding and it would be all about them.
About Mark and Poppy. About Poppy and Mark. Not about you. Or about him. Or about you and him. Him and you.
And you felt it. Felt what Joe felt. Almost wished you didn't, but not because you didn't want to, but because the timing of it was so awful.
You had an idea. A risky one. But you were going to go for it. Because Joe was in love with you.
You took hold of his wrist, and raised Joe hand to your mouth where you pressed a soft kiss right into his palm.
It made Joe groan as you made eye-contact with him.
You checked and saw you left a perfect kiss print on his skin, and just to be a little gross, because you really were angry with him still, you followed it up with a quick lick. It made Joe pull back his hand as he laughed.
"Let's go," you fought a smile of your own as you both left the hotel suite, ready to make your way down to see your best friends get married to each other.
Joe was in love with you.
And you couldn't fucking believe it, and definitely weren't going to admit it. Not to Joe. Not to yourself. Not to anyone. Not today, at least.
But Joe was in love with you, and you were in love with Joe.
Joe was in love with you.
And you were in love with Joe. ---
(just letting you know, once again, this is NOT the end, there WILL be a final part!)
--- The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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dpsisquared · 1 month
A long wipwed because I crack myself up. As I tend to do, I ignored the results of Byleth's wyvern naming poll. (She does not name it Dimitri or Soup)
"Lady Byleth, do you have plans this afternoon?" asked Mercedes. "Annie and I are having tea, complete with my freshly baked scones!" "I'd love to, but I have to scrub out Dimitri's mouth," Byleth said, "That brat got into the garbage again and ate some of Flayn's failed culinary experiments. I'm sure you can imagine what that would do to someone's breath." She waved her hand in front of her face to mime a terrible smell. There was a clang as several forks dropped down onto plates, and confused looks surrounded them around the table. Dimitri buried his face into his hands. "Byleth, for the hundredth time, will you please reconsider naming your wyvern Dimitri?" he pleaded. Her face scrunched up into an adorable pout, and he could feel his resolve melting away. But no, he had to insist on this. It was so humiliating. "But Cyril said it's Almyran tradition to name a wyvern after a loved one whose spirit you want them to embody." "That's very flattering, but I'm quite sure he meant a deceased loved one." "I don't have any," she said. "Except my mother. But Sitri is a ridiculous name for a wyvern." Well, if all else failed, he could always change his name to Sitri, since that was apparently safe from being co-opted for a pet. "Then perhaps someone admirable from legend?" he suggested desperately. "How about Kyphon?" "Don't you dare," said Felix. "Your girlfriend is not riding around on one of my ancestors. Besides, I think she's picked a perfectly suitable name for a slavering beast." Byleth narrowed her eyes at Felix, and his smirk fell. "Sorry, Dimitri," he mumbled. "Eh?" asked Sylvain. "Do my ears deceive me, or was that an apology to His Majesty I just heard?" Felix jutted out his chin and crossed his arms. "She won't spar with me if I'm mean to him." Sylvain threw back his head and laughed. "How are you whipped by another's man's fiance?" Sensing Felix's anger rising, Dimitri intervened. "I think we're getting a bit off topic. Kyphon is out, apparently. You can't think of anything else, beloved?" She looked down at her bowl, and oh no, he could see where this was going. "I beg of you, do not say Soup."
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modelbus · 2 years
Movie Night
MCYT's included: (all CC!) Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Dream, Sapnap (mentioned Philza)
What a movie night with them would be like :)
Wilbur Soot
He drags you into some psychological thriller that's new on Netflix. You only agree for the popcorn.
Wilbur definitely gives some effort, gathering a few blankets and making popcorn, but for the most part it's just a simple movie night.
Both of you keep trying to guess the ending of the movie throughout the entire thing but never get it right.
After it ends, you're both leaned against each other but are way too outraged to even think about sleep. You end up tweeting together about what a bad ending it was, riling up the fanbases.
Seriously, the movie gets pulled from Netflix after that...
Netflix scandal or not, it was a very nice night in.
Tommy claims he's a big man but is terrified of horror so you two end up watching a comedy at his apartment.
100% goes all out. Popcorn, every blanket and pillow that he owns, Haribo twin gummy snakes.
He literally cannot stop himself from cracking jokes about it the entire time. You spend more time laughing than listening to what the characters are saying.
Popcorn gets thrown.
So do pillows...
"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." "Hey! I'm a brilliant comedian, bitch!" "Well- AH! Did you just throw a pillow at me?!"
The entire movie night is actually a secret sham for him to cuddle with you though, so don't be fooled.
Later, on stream, he fully recounts the movie and informs chat how funny he was, despite just making dumb jokes.
I feel like he would be really invested in a drama with you, but only if you watch it at home.
He dramatically gasps at every twist and turn, so the theater just wouldn't work out for him. At some point you start to exaggerate your emotions too, which turns it into just you two gasping or yelling every two seconds.
Somehow you both still end up retaining information from the movie and chat about it for a while after.
If you disagree with his opinions on it, he heads to Twitter and makes a poll to settle it. Basically, you're doomed.
Popcorn is a must, as are your favorite blankets, but he tends to sit on the floor and move around a lot.
One movie isn't enough for him, so you probably have a huge marathon of movies one night.
Phil is very unhappy with you two when you both show up to a recording half-asleep.
You'd manage to lure him into a horror movie with taunts because his ego cannot withstand your hits.
Somehow you managed to pick the scariest movie on Netflix, both terrified out of your minds.
At first he tries to pretend he's not scared at all though.
"Why did we pick this movie?!" "What do you mean, it's not scary at all." "You're a bad liar, you know."
It wasn't too bad because you clung tightly to each other, providing a sense of comfort. Or you were clinging to each other until he screamed and spilled popcorn all over you two.
Needless to say, neither of you got sleep that night. It ended up being a sleepover in the living room, all the lights on.
You posted the fact he was a secret wimp like you on Twitter, resulting in him not speaking to you for an hour straight. This man and his ego...
Unlike Dream, he actually lives for horror movies.
Maybe if you beg enough, he'll put on an adventure once in a blue moon, but he's insistent on watching horror.
And he wants to see it in theaters with the surround sound and huge screen to "make it a better experience."
He's a hungry guy, getting a huge bucket of popcorn for the two of you to share.
If you arrive to the theater before the movie starts, he will pelt you with popcorn during previews.
Somehow you manage to find your way into his seat, forever thankful for the huge recliner seats the local theater had.
Guilty, he always protects you from the horrors shown on screen.
"Why did they have to show that?!" "Just don't look."
Or, if he's feeling mischievous:
"Is it gone now?" "Yup." "YOU'RE A LIAR!"
Afterwards he finds a way to get you to admit it was a good movie, which he always uses against you when you want to have another movie night.
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moonshine-nightlight · 6 months
Potential Short Stories
hey, while looking to next year, i have a number of short stories I'm considering and i'd like to gauge y'alls interest in them and see if there are any that should move up my list.
these are all just the top ideas i'm considering at the moment and are subject to change when i get back to writing in Spring 2024, but i really want to know if any of these grabs ppls attention as often more interest in a story motivates me to write more!
see under the read more for summaries of each story in the poll
if ur interested in more than one, vote for your favorite and mention the others in the comments/tags!
See this post for a poll on short vs long stories!
See this post for a poll on long stories!
see below for summaries and minor details (titles subject to change - but i'm also lazy and hate titling things so maybe not)
Courtship Confusion: You’ve been working with Morgan for a couple years. A consummate flirt, you’d initially been put off by his whole charming deal, but now that he’s your best friend you’ve been wanting to see if he’s still interested in dating you. Unfortunately he’s not picking up your hints. Before you give up, a pair of visiting concubi remind you of cultural differences when it comes to dating. Maybe you’ve both been misunderstanding each other. Maybe it’s time you set the record straight.
Modern w/known non-humans, ReaderxMaleSiren
Quid Pro Quo: You’d thought the only remotely positive about your husband’s death would be that you wouldn’t need to deal with your terrible in-laws anymore. Then you found out that demons were real and your husband’s family had made a deal decades ago trapping all their descendants in service to one. You manage to set up your own deal with a different demon: if you help Adriel figure out who is embezzling from his realm spanning organization, he’ll help you figure out how to get your kids free of the contract. After hitting dead end after dead end, you finally think you’re both getting somewhere, but will it be enough?
Modern w/secret demons; ReaderxMaleDemon
Goddaughter: You thought you’d seen the last of your family when you left—you’d certainly done everything you could to cut ties with them and with your father’s enemies. Unfortunately, they finally seem to have caught up with you—running into you by chance in the grocery store of all places. Now you and your daughter have been captured, you’re tied up while they’ve taken her who knows where, your father is just as useless at protecting you as always. Then you hear a familiar voice. What on earth is your neighbor, Vee, doing here? Why does he know your father? And why does he sound positively…demonic?
Modern w/secret demons; ReaderxMaleDemon
Bedwarmer: When you heard your Chancellor had died in battle and his lands given to a mountain orc who’d practically won the battle singlehandedly, you weren’t sure what to think. When the steward put out the call for a bedwarmer for said new Chancellor, you figured species didn’t matter much after all—powerful people were all the same. Still, the role came with a year reduction in indenture for whoever was selected from the candidates. You’ve never had any problem with no strings attached sex so you add yourself to the list. It’s not until you meet this Kor’Shearda and are chosen that you begin to realize how wrong you were.
Fantasy w/known non-humans; ReaderxFemaleOrc
Runalong: Sometimes you feel like you’ve spent your whole life on the move. Shuffled from one place to the next with no real say in the matter. Is it any wonder that on those long car rides from somewhere that just started to become familiar to somewhere brand new and unknown that you might imagine a companion along side you? And what does it mean that now you’re an adult and you still think you see them sometimes?
Modern w/unknown non-humans; ReaderxGNSpirit
Feral: You’ve been so happy living on your own in the little house you inherited, you didn’t even mind the strange stipulations in the will about hanging plants and markings on fence posts. You were never particularly superstitious. Or you weren’t. Strange noises at night, eyes that glow, tracks around the porch—it’s all starting to freak you out. What could be lurking in the shadows of your yard? Is it all your imagination? Or does something—someone—mean you harm?
Modern w/unknown non-humans; ReaderxFemaleHellhound
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yxstxrdrxxm · 3 months
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Then it is decided. Good luck.
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It had been days since they've seen ALBEDO again.
Now, YESTERDAY is no fool. They spent the past few days assessing orders and making sure they were well taken care of. That was something they weren't going to forget so quickly.
Maybe he forgot his order, they thought, shrugging as they focused on their job.
Though, it was short lived when they heard the familiar chime of the bell at their door, signifying that someone had came in their shop.
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"Excuse me," ALBEDO said, adjusting the coat he wore with a nod. "I'm here to receive my order for the flowers."
"Ah, of course! I'll be right there with you," YESTERDAY replied, raising their head to look at him before they looked away to get to the bouquets.
"Let's see, they're... Chrysanthemum and Gerbera Daisies..." they murmured, retrieving the two bouquets and handing it over to the blonde. "Here they are, wrapped and ready. I made sure that these are as fresh as I can get them."
He nodded in response, retrieving the flowers without fuss. Though, he did raise an eyebrow at the arrangement.
Oh, no. Is there an issue in them?
"... How curious," he said, his lips quirking up to a small smile. "I wasn't expecting for you to choose white chrysanthemums. you seem to have some particular tastes in your arrangement."
Oh. It's just the flowers.
"Ah, well... I thought that the meaning fits you, sir," they replied, scratching the back of their neck. "You seem to be the type to be honest, so it would only make sense for me to choose that, no?"
"Perhaps," he nods in agreement, humming. "As for the Gerbera Daisies, I'm quite intrigued. What made you choose these, and in pink as well?"
The florist paused. There was a lot of reasons for them to say why, but that may not be something that he wants to hear. Pondering over his question, they closed their eye to think.
"... Well," they began, pondering over what to say carefully. "I chose these flowers because I want to..."
This poll will receive answers until 11 PM (GMT+8). Keep in mind that the majority will win, so vote what you think is right.
Additionally, any poll after this with additional votes WILL be null when the results are out. Choose wisely, focus on the recent poll, and ignore the past.
FLAWED TAGLIST: (send an ask to be added for Flawed!) @beloved-blaiddyd ; @mixed-kester ; @mochinon-yah ; @fffiii ; @leftdestiny-posts ; @ambrosia-divine
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made-ofmemories · 1 year
This is the result of the 'build a fic' polls I held. The final results were: A Steddie fic set in the aftermath of S4 with the prompt stargazing.
Also on ao3
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The sound of an unexpected voice behind him makes him flinch, he hadn’t heard the door and his nerves aren’t what they once were ever since his experience with the upside down. He’s perched on the edge of one of the sun loungers around the Harrington’s pool with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He turns in his seat, though he already knows who he’s going to see. Steve is walking towards him, hands raised in submission and a sheepish look on his face.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” The sound of the metal legs of a chair being dragged across concrete echoes into the quiet of the night, but there’s no one else around to hear it. 
“It’s alright.” His lips quirk in the hint of a smile, hoping to reassure Steve. “I just wasn’t expecting company ‘s all.”
“What’re you doing out here?”
“There’s a meteor shower tonight.” 
“You didn’t say anything.” Steve is sitting with his elbow propped on the armrest of the chair and his chin resting in his hand as he listens. 
“I didn’t think you’d be interested.” He shrugs. It’s not accusatory, just a casual observation. He expects Steve to brush it off, chuckle and agree, but instead, he’s met with a saddened expression.
It had shocked him more than anybody, but he liked Steve. A little over a month ago and the two had never said more than a handful of words to each other in passing and now Eddie not only owed him his life but was an unofficial lodger in the guy's house more often than not. They had been through things most people could only ever imagine in their nightmares. It forced them into a fast and somewhat unconventional friendship based on shared trauma. There are times that Eddie is reminded that despite how close they’ve grown in such a short time, there are still things they don’t know about each other.
“Oh,” Steve says, rubbing the back of his neck as he stands. He sounds disappointed, though he tries to hide it behind a smile, “Don’t worry, I’ll get out of your hair now. Just wanted to check everything was ok.”
“Wait.” Steve stops, looking over his shoulder. He had only made it a couple of feet. Eddie hadn’t meant for him to leave, “Did you want to stay? We could watch it together?”
Steve's face lights up.
“I’d like that.”
“C’mon then.” Eddie smiles a full bright smile, and gestures for Steve to join him.
He shuffles up toward the backrest of the lounger to make space for Steve who sits beside him. There are plenty of seats around and despite any lies Eddie tells himself that might suggest otherwise, the truth is he just wants an excuse to have Steve close.
“Have you seen anything yet?” Steve asks after a few moments of quiet, both of them with their heads tilted back to look at the stars. Eddie is sure he’s going to end up with a crick in his neck by morning.
“Nah.” He glances over to Steve just in time to see the shiver that wracks his body. It’s early summer, but with the sun long beyond the horizon a chill has crept into the air. “Are you cold?”
“No.” Steve shakes his head. “I’m fine.”
There’s no way he isn’t cold despite his insistence. He’s wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of green and yellow shorts with the words Hawkins swim team printed across the corner of one leg. He was probably on his way to bed when he spotted Eddie’s figure through the sliding glass doors leading outside. 
“ Steve .”
“Alright, maybe a little bit.” Another shiver travels down his spine as if to emphasize the point. “Don’t worry about it, seriously I’m ok.”
“Here.” Eddie holds out a corner of the blanket wrapped around his shoulders, one arm extended towards Steve. 
Steve hesitates for a second then shuffles closer, his bare leg brushing against Eddie’s sweatpants. Eddie places the blanket around his shoulder and Steve takes it with a mumbled thanks, pulling it tighter around himself and inadvertently pressing himself closer into Eddie’s side in the process. 
He’s trying not to stare, but Steve looks so ethereal bathed in silver moonlight lips parted and attention focused on the stars above. Eddie thinks the smattering of moles and freckles working their way down the column of his neck are more interesting than any constellation. They’ve faced off against literal monsters, been trapped in an alternate dimension and yet he swears he’s never been as nervous as he is when he lets his arm slip around Steve’s body.
“This ok?” He whispers, fearing that if he speaks too loudly it’ll shatter the moment and he’ll be forced back to reality. A reality where Steve Harrington isn’t currently nuzzling into his chest with a mumbled ‘yeah’.
“Look!” Steve is pointing to the sky. Eddie looks up, but he’s too late, he hadn’t been paying attention, “Did you see it?”
“Yeah I saw,” he lies, his voice a low rumble. He can’t bring himself to tell Steve the truth when he sounds so excited about it.
“Did you make a wish?” 
He nods, “Did you?” 
“Yeah.” His gaze falls back to Steve only to find him looking right back up at him. “What did you wish for?”
“Now that would be telling.” Eddie smirks.
“Fine, keep your secrets.” Steve huffs lightheartedly and they both turn their attention back to the sky.
It was already late when Steve wandered out to join Eddie and in the quiet, with Steve’s weight pressed against him, it doesn’t take long for tiredness to begin creeping up on him making his mind fuzzy and eyelids heavy. He’s about to suggest they head inside, despite the fact Eddie has yet to see a meteor, when a white flash shoots across the black sky. 
“Did you see that? It was a bright one.” Steve doesn’t reply, “Steve?”
When he looks down again he sees Steve, eyes closed, breathing even, and mouth hanging open, fast asleep and slumped against Eddie. He brushes a lock of chestnut hair from Steve’s face and he stirs a little, mumbling something and pressing his face closer into the fabric of Eddie’s t-shirt. 
Eddie melts, a fond smile forcing its way onto his lips. Five more minutes won’t hurt.
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lokiforever · 10 months
New teachers at school!!!!
Chapter 10
Series Masterlist
A/N: Greetings,midgardians!So,my lovely mortals as many of you know, following the results of the poll JK's role is now officially switched to a student. Tom will be teaching History and English.....
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Y/N : Stay, please!
You said in a low, meek voice. His heart clenched at the sight of you so sad and troubled.
Tom : I'm right here, sweetheart.
He said and sat back down on the bed and once he was one hundred percent sure that you're back in your slumber , he got up and laid on the couch in the room . Just in case you get another nightmare, though he sincerely hoped you don't .
He had to admit ,this nightmare got him wondering that what so bad happened to you because of which you get those awful nightmares. He was pretty sure about the fact that they're connected.
You woke up by your mobile alarm, only to find ,Tom, peacefully sleeping on the couch. Always a gentleman. You didn't exactly remember what happened last night....but he was there with you,that much you could recall. You felt a bit bashful, now that you think of it ....he was your professor afterall 🤷🏻.
There was a text from Y/B/F/N....
" Hey!! I'll be staying at Jungkook's ..."
"Hey! Amazing!Sorry for replying late, At Tom's ..... 😅". You replied
You got up , as quietly as you could, didn't want to wake your professor up from his deep, peaceful slumber . As you tip-toed your way towards the door, you decided to make some breakfast for you two . So, you went down to the kitchen and started cooking.
You decided to make a proper English Breakfast with a cup of Earl grey. Humming a tune to yourself , you started cooking.
*After 20 minutes*
You felt a pair of hands on your waist and if it wasn't for the fact that you could recognise him just by his scent you'd have beaten the man up . 😅 Just a reflex after that incident because of which you get the nightmares.
"Good morning, darling!" You heard Tom's angelic voice, it sounded deeper as he just woke up.
He placed a kiss on your neck which made you smile.
"Good morning, sweetheart! Breakfast is almost done!"
His heart skipped a beat at the name , you never call him that.
"Mmmm.....I can already smell the delicacy you're whipping up ! What's on the menu?" " Classic english breakfast with a cup of your favourite Earl Grey tea !" you replied. "That sounds wonderful!! Let me help you set the table!" he offered politely. "Sure, thanks!"
As he helped you set the table up, you plated the breakfast.
"Bon appétit !!"
A contented moan escaped his lips as he took the first bite and hell if you wouldn't kill to hear that sound again....
" Mmmm ....you are an amazing cook , darling!! It's the best breakfast I've ever had! Scrumptious!!" He praised you with a heart warming smile.
" I'm glad you like it, Tom !! But hey - you yourself are a great cook !" you said . "Not as good as you!" He protested "Oh, come on!" you chuckled , a blush rising up your cheeks.
"Holy Shit!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE !!!!!" you said as you looked at the time. "Late to what, darling?" He said, totally clueless. "COLLEGE!" You replied. For some reason, he started laughing. " Why . Are. You. Laughing. Tom !!????" Somehow, this made him laugh even harder. " You didn't check the emails , did you?? " He said.
As you picked up the phone, you saw an email from your college informing that all the classes are cancelled for this week. "Ohh.......... sorry" you said , completely crimson from blushing. "It's perfectly fine, dear! Plus, do you know that you look cute when you're angry?"
This made you blush even harder, if that was possible......."Come on !!!" you said.."I'm merely stating what's true" said he . This made you chuckle, "Thank you, sweetheart!"
*After the breakfast*
"Y/N ??" He said while you were making a presentation on your laptop for a project ...so, you hummed in response. "Uhh.... If you don't mind me asking......" he trailed off, so you looked him in the eye and asked - " What is it that's bothering you, Tom ?" " It's just.....last night......as you were having that nightmare, you were asking me to tell someone to stay away....... who's that ?" he inquired, his voice full of concern.
You felt like your heart has stopped beating, your face went pale and you started sweating. "Uhh..........unmm...I-I .......i-it....." you tried to say something but failed as you felt a lump in your throat.
"Hey - Hey , it's fine, darling! You don't need to tell me if it troubles you ! " He got up and brought some water for you . "Here, have some water " ......
"I'm so sorry for the sudden outburst..... it's just - " you tried to explain, only to be interrupted by him "It's okay sweetheart, you don't need to explain!" He softly stated. "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked to distract you from that grief of the nightmare.
"Sure!" you said. Both of you then proceed towards the home theatre he had.
"Choose the genre, dear " he said. "Umm ....... what about a thriller or maybe even horror?" you suggested. "Up for a thrill , are we ?" said he .
You guys decided to go with "The Shining" a classic. He even made some popcorn and got a few cans of cold-drinks .
*Sometime into the movie*
You clutched onto Tom for dear life and hid your face against him as one of the scariest scenes came . The fact that you were watching it for the first time didn't help at all . "Do you want me to put something else?" He cooed slowly. "No, it's fine, thank you for asking!'
*After the movie*
"Good Lord , that was amazing, awfully scary.... but amazing!" You chimed in to which he chuckled, "I'm glad you like it, darling!" He said and kissed you on the cheeks which made you blush. You did not see that coming.
"Oh my ! It's 12:30pm !! I must go now!" you exclaimed. "Please stay for lunch..." said Tom. "Trust me, Tom ... I'd love to but I really have to go..." ofcourse, he did try to make you stay but you had to go .... " ........fine ! Let me drop you, at least!" "That would be a great help!" you said. " Oh come on, darling!"
*After the he dropped you off*
You were still sitting in his car , in front of your apartment...... which was apparently locked . Y/B/F/N must still be with JK.....
"Tom?" "Yes, darling.." "Would like to join me for lunch, please?" "I'd love to, darling, but as you know the weather conditions are rather.... harsh. I better get going before it gets worse." He said refering to the windy weather.. "But-" you were interrupted by his lips on yours ...."Some other day, darling, I promise" he said.
"Okay......." you said, not fully agreed. "Come on, like I said, it's a promise!" he said and chuckled. "Fine. I must go, then..." you replied. "What if you grab your essentials and stay at mine?" he suggested.
Chuckling, you said, "Tom, I..umm...you know, I....I can't...plus Y/B/F/N would be alone if I do so.... thanks though " you smiled ... "Okay......but text me if you need anything, no need to go out in this wheather" 'Okay, so it's official. He is the sweetest man in the universe.' you thought.
"You're so sweet !!!!!!!" you said, placing a kiss on his cheeks and you could swear you saw him blush. 'and the cutest too' you continued your previous thought.
"I'll get going, now . Bye, Tom" "Goodbye , darling!" You opened the gate of his car and stepped out, waving to him one last time before making your way towards the door of your apartment.
After a few minutes your best friend also returned.
"Y/N , I'm home !" she called out . "Oh, hey !! How did it go ?" you said. "AMAZING!!!!" She exclaimed. "Well, that's great. But I need the whole story" you said and chuckled. "Done!" said your best friend, chuckling.
The next few days went normally.
Time skip......
You were qurrently getting ready for the classes and the first one was English.
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Outfit of the day👆🏻
You paired your dress with a black overcoat as it was cold outside.
"Let's go, shall we?" you asked your best friend. "Totally" she replied.
On your way, you guys grabbed a cup of coffee and headed towards your destination...
English Lecture
You sitting on one of the front benches with your best friend. You both were a bit early so no one else was there yet .....as you took a sip of your coffee, you heard the door open and what you saw made you choke on your drink.....
"Good morning, professor" said your best friend. "Good morning, Miss Carter. Um, Y/N you okay?"
You could almost sense a smirk on his face at your obvious reaction.
Okay!? The man literally changed his hair colour and then he's asking you if you're 'okay' ? As if he wasn't already enough he had to change his hair to Black didn't he? And the cherry on top was the outfit he chose.....a blue knitted sweater with a pair of black slacks.
( they could've been a bit less 'tight')
Holy Fuck.
" Y-yes I'm good, thanks!" you reply not so 'swiftly' . "Oh, that's better"....
"Mornin', d- Miss Y/L/N" he said after a slightly awkward stop....and you could tell that Y/B/F/N was trying her best not to laugh, roll her eyes or even grin.
"Good morning, professor!" you said blushing
You couldn't have been more grateful for the lack of audience .
As the students started entering and the class begun, you tired your best to not be distracted by the new change.
*Later in Tom's office*
"You seem to like this, huh?" he said refering to his new hair colour which was totally unexpected as he was the ever subtle one.
"I-I.....uhh...." you were more blushing than talking, earning a chuckle from him.
"Don't worry darling, I won't bite...... unless you ask me to, ofcourse" he said with a smirk and you could swear he winked.
Ok, so now it's official. He is acting a bit different today. You quite liked it, tbh.
You gulped. You just gulped.
"Anyways, my beloved what are your plans for Christmas?" he asked switching the topic like a light switch. "Uh....umm..well, Y/B/F/N is going out with her family so I guess I'll have to either go with her or spend it alone"
"You're not spending it with your family?" he asked "I never met my actual parents.....my aunt brought me up and she too passed a few years ago" you said, tears welling in your eyes but you quickly hide them. "...... I'm so sorry...... What if you stay with me?For Christmas?" he asked "Um...I beg your pardon"
"How about you spend Christmas with me?"
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A/N : Hey mortals!! I know this chapter is a bit short.... sorry....I have a news for you guys,I won't be writing or posting anything for the next one month as I have a lot to work on...... again, I apologise.
Taglist: @holdmytesseract @dishahaldar @lotsoflokilove23 @jennyggggrrr @imlokisgloriouspurpose
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mandsleanan · 1 month
Text under cut.
No one regrets having a child, or so it’s said. I’ve heard this logic often, usually after I’m asked if I have children, then, when I say I don’t, if I plan to. I tend to evade the question, as I find that the truth—I have no plans to be a parent—is likely to invite swift dissent. I’ll be told I’ll change my mind, that I’m wrong, and that while I’ll regret not having a child, people don’t regret the obverse. Close family, acquaintances, and total strangers have said this for years; I let it slide, knowing that, at the very least, the last part is a fiction.
It is, unsurprisingly, a challenge to get solid data on the number of parents who regret having children. In 1975, the popular advice columnist Ann Landers asked her readers if, given the chance to do it all over again, they’d have children. Seventy percent said they wouldn’t; this result, though, came from a group of self-selecting respondents. “The hurt, angry and disenchanted” are more inclined to write back than contented people, as Landers observed in a follow-up 1976 column. But in 2013, a Gallup poll asked Americans 45 and older how many kids they’d have if they could go back in time. Seven percent of the respondents with children said zero. And in 2023, a study estimated that up to 5% to 14% of parents in so-called developed countries, including the United States, regret their decision to have children.
These studies align with what I've found in my personal life: While most parents don’t regret having kids, some do. Perhaps in part because I’ve written publicly about choosing not to have children, I’ve had people, especially mothers, confide in me about parental regret, and frequently enough I’ve lost count.
Most of the time—whether I hear it in passing, quickly, from a stranger at a literary event, or late at night from a beloved friend—this kind of revelation arises from a place of anguish. Some of these parents talk about feeling utterly alone, like villains past all imagining. Several have noted that, afraid of being judged, they decline to be candid with their own therapists. If asked what I think, I reply that, from what I’m hearing, they’re not alone. Not at all. I hope it helps; I’m told, at times, it does. It’s a physic to which I’ve devoted my life: asked why I write, I often respond that books, words have provided vital fellowship during spells of harsh isolation, when I thought that solitude and its attendant, life-torquing evils—shame, guilt, the pain of exile—might kill me.
Meanwhile, I’m so often advised that I’ll be a parent that, though I’m sure I won’t, I still prod at this ghost self, trying on its shape, asking what I’d do if I felt obliged to adopt this spectral, alternate life as mine. For here’s the next question people tend to broach if I indicate I don’t plan on having kids: what does my husband think? I find this odd, a little prying—do people think I didn’t discuss this topic with him, at length, long before we pledged to share a life?—but the question also rings the alarm bell of one of my own great fears. If I respond with the truth, that he feels exactly as I do, here’s the usual follow-up: but what if he changes his mind?
I have friends who long for kids, and I know the need to be potent, inarguable, as primal as my desire to go without. I’ve seen parent friends’ faces open with love as they watch their small children sing to living-room karaoke, the adults radiating joy as laughing tots carol and bop. Should my husband’s mind change, I can picture the rift that would open wide, dividing us. Either I’d deprive him of what he needs, or I’d give in, birthing a child I don’t want. Or, and this prospect is painful enough that it hurts to type the words, our lives would have to diverge. No bridge of compromise can quite traverse the rift: as King Solomon knew, there are no half-children.
This fear is so salient that I turned it into a pivotal tension in my upcoming novel, Exhibit: a celebrated photographer and her husband agreed they both don’t want children, but he wakes up one day realizing he does, and powerfully so. She’s certain she ought not be a parent; he’s pining for a child; they love each other very much. Short on joint paths forward, they have no idea what to do next.
Parental regret springs from a range of origins, not all having to do with privation of choice or means. In and before a post-Dobbs U.S., people have given birth against their will. The cost of raising a child runs high; for parents lacking funds and support, dire hardship can result. It’s a lack far too typical in the U.S., where there’s no federally mandated paid parental leave, and families are often priced out of childcare. But this regret isn’t a phenomenon limited to people in grave financial straits, nor to those forced into parenting. Other parents, all through the world, also wish they’d elected otherwise.
In recent months, as I waited for the publication of the novel I worked on for nine years, I kept returning to the plight I’d explored: I hadn’t yet finished wondering what I might do, how I’d live, if. And though I’d heard a range of chronicles of parental regret, as have other friends without kids, the stories were related one-on-one, in private. It’s a taboo subject, one made all the more difficult, punitive, by the ubiquitous belief that people who feel as they do either can’t or ought not exist.
I’ve also thought about the isolating effect of silence, and what it can cost to live in hiding. I wanted to talk with parents who, if they could go back in time, might make different choices—and who’d also agree to be quoted. It was, again unsurprisingly, hard to find people willing to speak with me on the record about parental regret. I promised to alter the names of each parent I interviewed for this piece. Even so, people were skittish.
“I don't think that everyone is made for children,” says Helen, a high school teacher in her 40s. And telling people that their purpose is to reproduce is destructive, she adds. It’s what she heard growing up: though Helen wanted to take Latin in high school, her mother forced her to enroll in home economics instead. “I don't think I ever decided to have kids. I was pretty much just told that that's what you do. That's what girls are for,” Helen says.
As a result, Helen makes sure to tell her students that having children is an option, one that might not be right for them. She says the same thing to her kids, both girls. “I think that people need to know that just being themselves is enough,” she says.
At this point, half an hour into a phone call, Helen has cried, briefly, a couple of times. Now, I’m the one tearing up. I tell Helen I grew up in a predominantly Christian Korean American community. The primacy of having kids is built into the Korean language: I knew most Korean adults only as “the mother of x” or “the father of y.” I might have felt less strange if I’d had a Helen at my high school. While I didn’t quite, at any point, decide against being a parent—I didn’t have to, since I had no inkling of the urge in the first place—I also never heard it said that there might be an alternative.
“And if you thought there was any other way to live, there's something wrong with you,” Helen says.
I ask what she’d do if she had more time to herself. “I would write. I would take walks,” she replies. “I enjoyed writing academic papers. I enjoyed writing them for my master's.” It used to upset her when classes were too easy. Given the chance, she would think for hours without interruption. She’d take up further studies.
And if she could inhabit the person she was before she became a parent? “I would have stopped that pregnancy before it happened.” But that’s the part Helen’s never said to her daughters, who, after all, didn’t ask to be born. She’s hell-bent on raising them well, not taking out any regrets on the girls. “I love them. I just don't love the choice I made.”
Each parent I talk to points out this dividing line: it’s possible to have strong, lasting regrets about a life choice while ferociously loving—and caring for—the fruit of that decision. Paul, a Canadian father of young boys, notes that though he could write a book on everything he resents having lost as a result of becoming a parent, he also would do anything for his kids. Paul’s boys are the loves of his life. Still, overall, fathering has been detrimental to his well-being.
“My body is constantly on standby, waiting for the next disaster,” Paul says. “As an introvert, I also deeply resent having no private time.” He’s fatigued and never at ease, finding all aspects of child-rearing to be stressful. It’s not a problem that would be resolved if he had more caretaking support. “I do have help with the kids from family, and I know if I asked for more help, I'd get it,” he tells me, but he often refuses help because he believes that, as a father, it's his job to take on the brunt of tasks that attend parenting.
Instead, what Paul lacks, in terms of support, is people with whom he can be honest. “I don't have anyone to talk to about parental regret,” he says. He wishes he had more spaces where parents aren't publicly shamed for feeling trapped or stifled. And though he’d felt ambivalent about becoming a father, and it was his husband who first decided he wanted a child, he hasn’t let this initial split in longing drive them apart. With his husband, as with the other people in his life, he's quiet about his regret: “As much as I might feel his desire to be a parent has led me to my decision, that decision was also my own.”
People have asked how I learned that not having kids might be an option. I live in San Francisco, where I’m hardly the only person with no kids—out of the major U.S. cities, San Francisco has the smallest percentage of children—but even so, for some people, having kids can feel so fated that they talk about not having imagined otherwise.
One friend who’s asked this question has told me she felt regret during the first years of her child’s life, but that, as her child got older, the rue left. For other parents, though, the regret proves lasting. Robin, who has adult offspring in their 40s, says that, to this day, if she could reverse time, she would “certainly not have a baby ever, not under any circumstances.” She notes that she’d had no notion of what being a parent can entail. Having grown up in an affluent, cheerful family, she was glad to have children with her husband, figuring that “it all just looked like a romantic, happy road.”
Instead, after electing to be a stay-at-home mother, Robin found herself in what she calls “the domestic gulag,” a life that consisted of being “a chauffeur and an arranger and an appointment setter and a social secretary and a party planner and a chef and a meal planner and a budgeter” and “an emergency nurse and a night nurse and a psychologist and a confidant.”
Robin also, like the other parents I spoke to, felt responsible for raising her children well, teaching them how to lead “good, honorable, happy” lives, striving to instill and model integrity and kindness. It was a daily, 20-year effort all the more crushing since, each morning, waking up, she’d recall the day’s to-do list and know that she didn’t want to do any of it.
Replying to my questions, Robin keeps having to pause to take phone calls from a nurse caring for her ill, elderly aunt. There’s no one else in Robin’s family who’ll fill the role, she says, so it’s up to her to look after her aunt’s well-being. I’m conscious that I’m telling you this because I’m alive to what at least some readers will think about Helen, Paul, and Robin: that the act of admitting to regret ipso facto convicts them as bad, unfit parents. As, that is, evil people. They know it, too, and are as afraid of being recognized as they are intent on telling people what they’re living through—hoping, with a fervor I recognize from my bygone life as an evangelical Christian, to prevent others’ misery.
Hoping to ease others’ solitude, too. Online forums aside, there are almost no spaces where a parent can discuss regret. Some of this is for good reason—no child should have to hear that they’re regretted—but what other human experience is there about which one will probably be judged a monster for having any regret at all?
One problem is that our culture wants just one kind of story about parenting, and it’s a story of “pure joy,” says Yael Goldstein-Love, a writer and psychotherapist in California whose clinical practice focuses on people who are adapting to parenthood. But, Goldstein-Love says, people often experience grief in the transition to being a parent, grief for the life they might have inhabited otherwise. “Part of what makes the grief unspeakable is that there's always a strand of this regret,” she adds.
While Goldstein-Love hasn’t had patients bring it up, she also has friends who confide in her about parental regret. I mention the alacrity with which people can lunge to say that no parent feels regret, that it’s impossible. I ask if, perhaps, this type of remorse poses an existential threat, belying an ideal picture of what we might be to our own parents. Is this an aspect of why people can be so quick to refute the notion that regret can, and does, happen?
Absolutely, she replies: Most people want to believe that our parents felt nothing but delight about raising us. “They never regretted a moment. They never hated us. And that's bullsh-t.” I ask Goldstein-Love what she’d tell parents who wish they had made another choice.
“To the extent that you can, and this is much easier said than done, try not to feel ashamed of this.” It’s tempting, she explains, to judge how we feel about life experiences, asking ourselves, “Does this make me a good person? Does this make me a bad person? Am I doing this right? Am I doing this wrong?”
But feelings aren’t inherently “truly ugly,” Goldstein-Love says. “They just are.” It’s what people make of their feelings that might be “ugly or not.” Some people don’t find joy in parenting, let alone pure joy, “and that’s also fine.” Regret is not itself a threat to a parent’s love for a child, and it can help to admit, even to oneself, that which might feel unspeakable. “I really would encourage people to realize that you are not alone in this feeling,” she says.
I think of the halting conversations I’ve been having with parents, and the difficulty with which people talk about regret. Few choices are less irreversible than deciding to be a parent: once the child is born, a person is here who didn’t previously exist. But I also wonder who’s being served well by a monolithic idea that no one regrets being a parent. Not these parents; not, as some of the people I’ve spoken with have pointed out, any kids who pick up on parental regret and think it can’t happen, except to them. If more people had the support to make reproductive choices based on their own desires and life situations, and if the monolith were spalled in favor of plural narratives that better reflect the complexities of human experience, what then?
I think of the people who have spoken to me about regret and isolation, including those I haven’t yet mentioned—a mother finishing nursing school in Mississippi, a mother of five in Nebraska, and all the privately confiding parents. One parent asks at the end of our conversation, “What have other parents said? Was it the same thing? Was it the same thing as me?”
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Congrats on the win from a stucky shipper! I have actually never heard of your ship before this poll and am of course vexed by the results (because I do love my star crossed lovers who got fucked over by canon), but to honor your hard earned win I would like to read one fic about your ship to see what the fuzz is about. Can you or anyone recommend one or should I choose the one with the most kudos on ao3?
If anyone wants a recommendation the other way I think most stucky’s would choose Not easily conquered:
😲😲 thank you so much for the kind message! Also that fic does look good, so I'm thankful for it
At the end of the day, it's a silly shipping poll, and it illustrates how the current landscape is far better in queer rep than it was ten years ago
And ooooh, if you like canonically queer pirates who have seemingly opposite aesthetics but are both insane and want to break free from their confined roles, then you'll love gentlebeard and Our Flag Means Death as a whole. Perfect timing, since s2 is coming out Oct 5th.
And I know you said one, but I hope you don't mind a few. I'll specifically talk about gentlebeard, but I'll mention a couple general crew ones
Anyone else can reblog their own favorites or their own writing if they wish!
First off, my own :)
Dancing With A Partner (E) - nebulous post s2, so eventually not canon compliant. Stede and Ed's first time, a one-shot. I tried to capture what I picture will happen in the show, which led to this emotional lovemaking scene with hints of playfulness
Clowns To The Left of Me, Jokers To The Right (T) - some of Stede and Ed's crew gets stuck in a walk-in closet. More silly, and I tried to capture the side characters personalities. One-shot, post s2, eventual not canon-compliant
Now, a couple bookmarks of ones I saved (tried not to have em all be explicit, but yknow):
B is For Beach, V is For Vacation (T): nebulous post s2, one-shot, the captains and all crew are on a beach for a vacation. Slice of life, and hear you'll see all the main characters and they're personalities, so I recommend this if you want to understand the show before watching it.
Hold Me (T): one-shot, post s2, eventual not canon-compliant. Stede and Ed cuddling in bed and showing each other love, really summarizes their relationship.
Distant Worlds (T): canon divergent after ep 9 of s1. Multichapter and finished, Stede is trying to find Ed a partner, believing he's bored and wants to help him. Really funny, really interesting, an overall fantastic story.
In Favor With Their Stars (M): A finished multichapter AU, Ed is an engineer on a spaceship and falls in love with S.T.E.D.E., the ship's AI. If you want an AU that still captures the characters and their relationship, then you'll love this. Even I'm picky about AUs, but the writing is by far my favorite out of all of these choices.
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beautifulhigh · 2 months
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I did not forget the results of the poll, my plan to post a reveal snippet last weekend was curtailed by my OTHER current project, namely my kitchen. Which now has a plumbed in sink!
For those who are with me on this, here's the Super Secret FirstPrince fic which is, by the end of this post, not quite the Super Secret fic anymore...
Hope you're with me on this ride, and if you're not then no harm no foul just leave quietly so I don't have to be crushed by rejection. Because this one is really waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone and I'm still really nervous about it.
To the Keep Reading!
Alex woke to the soft click of the hotel room door. Apparently his security training was embedded deeper than he'd like because he was hauled from his sleep by the noise and the fact that the other side of the bed was empty.
So many things were wrong with this picture and so despite it still being dark out and probably insanely early he was wide awake.
"Henry?" he called, hoping that the noise he'd heard was actually the bathroom door.
He knew it wasn't but he checked anyway.
He pulled on his pants and slipped the room key into the pocket before moving out into the hallway. As they'd taken over the entire floor they didn't have security every other door as would normally have been merited. He looked left then right, only seeing Cash standing at the end by the elevators.
Cash, who accepted his family's request to move to their private security at the end of Ellen's second term. Cash, who relocated his whole life to New York when Alex moved up there and who dropped hints about getting to enjoy good BBQ when Alex and Henry started talking about Texas.
Cash, who had been there through every high and low of his relationship with Henry.
Cash, whose normally solid posture was broken by a single finger pointing down the corridor to his left.
Alex walked to the end of the corridor, tapping Cash's hand in a subtle low five gesture, before heading to the left. The rooms down here were either empty or used by the security team members who were taking the other shifts, but at the end was the reason why this floor had been favoured and requested: a small meeting room that they had been able to make use of to stay on top of official business.
"Have you said anything to him?" Alex heard Bea's voice coming from the other side of the door.
"And say what?" came Henry's reply. "How do I tell him?"
"You tell him," Bea said softly. "After everything you two have been through—"
"Exactly, Bea," Henry interrupted her. "After everything we have been through to get here, how do I tell him? 'Good morning, darling, did you sleep well, by the way we need to talk about the wedding'?"
"God, I wish we'd never agreed to this."
"You don't mean that."
There was an awful silence, one Alex felt like lasted forever, before he heard Henry say, "I think I do. Sometimes I wish we'd never wrecked that damn cake."
"You need to talk to him."
"I don't want him to hate me."
"He loves you—" Bea started but Alex was startled from his eavesdropping by the sound of a door opening behind him in the corridor.
He turned quickly, too quickly, and there was a flash of movement and a second when he felt like he was falling before there was nothing.
Alex woke up slowly as the light filled the room, rubbing a hand against his face. His arm ached a little as he lifted it, adding to the things that felt a little off. He ignored those thoughts, pushing back the covers and heading to the bathroom. Lifting the lid he started to pee, staring down blindly in front of him as he did so.
The voice in his head was a little louder, a little more insistent, and it wasn't until he was washing his hands that he finally noticed what it was trying to tell him.
Only one wash bag was on the unit: Henry's wasn't there.
He walked back out into the room, looking around for Henry's case but his was the only one there. The other side of the bed clearly hadn't been slept in and even though he knew what the result would be he still flung open the closet to find only one suit bag hanging there,
Panic rose in his chest as he reached for his phone on the side, pulling it free from the charger. As he did so his arm ached again and he instinctively rubbed it. His fingers ran against the raised line of skin and the physicality of it unlocked a memory for him.
"What the fuck?" he muttered, pulling up the sleeve of his t-shirt to inspect the graze there.
It was only when he lifted his phone that all of the horrible, terrifying, impossible pieces fell into place.
One bag in the room, a graze on his shoulder.
His bare ring finger, engagement ring missing.
His lock screen, his childhood dog and not the photo of him and Henry and David.
The date on his lock screen with the calendar reminder already showing.
The time wasn't what he was focused on, but the date.
Friday, September 6 2019.
"What the fuck?" Alex repeated. 
Reasons why this is bullshit
1. I do not live in some science fiction world or whatever and time travel is purely theoretical
2. So clearly this is a dream
3. A very vivid dream in which I can read and write. Apparently I shouldn't be able to read
4. What else can it be but bullshit?
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