#i set 0 expectations for myself
sparklesfists · 1 year
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callilouv · 1 year
idk if i rlly am unable to feel intense hate for something or i conditioned myself into thinking that hating soemthing makes me even more of a bad person so i refuse to feel such things HMMM
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meazalykov · 1 month
the golden girl
uswnt x uswnt!reader
summary: what happened in a world where reader played on the USWNT in the 2019 World Cup?
part one (part two here)
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Knowing that the call at eight am could change the pathway of my career, I couldn’t sleep. My mind spins rapidly as I tried to close my eyes and manipulate myself into believing that tomorrow would be an ordinary day, but that didn’t work. 
Hi! My name is Y/n L/n and I am a soccer player who plays for club Olympique Lyon. I am a forward who many people call the “next big thing,” since I am only 19 years old. 
After winning the Champions League final with Lyon, scoring a brace which involved a penalty, my career seemed to go in a great path that was unordinary for a teenager. 
I sat on my bed, criss-crossed, as I stared at the digital alarm clock on my bedside table. 4:38am. Three hours and twenty two minutes until I get the call. 
After traveling to my hometown in the United States, Virginia Beach, I traveled to the last International camp, before the World Cup, in order to “try out” for a World Cup roster spot. My mentality is great, my skills during the camp were phenomenal and I believe I proved that to the coaches, but I am young. 
The coaches will prioritize other forwards like Alex Morgan, Tobin Heath, Megan Raphinoe, and Christen Press first. I am aware of that. They’ve won the 2015 World Cup four years ago and have the experience to go up again. However, everyone knows that the USWNT will need to bring on youngsters to set themselves up for future competitions, so I have confidence that I'll be the one they’ll call. 
Three hours and twenty minutes later, I sat at my dining room table in Lyon, preparing for the unexpected. 
My phone’s flashlight goes off a few times and my screen brightens at the sight of my International Coach’s number. 
“Hey.” I spoke first as my finger pressed on the green button. The nervousness in my voice was present, I wanted this decision to go my way. 
“Hi Y/n! How are you feeling right now!?” My United States coach, Jill Ellis, asked. 
“I’m- Um— I’m nervous.” I told the truth. I heard a small chuckle come from the coach which I raised my eyebrows at. The tension on my end could be cut with a sharp knife. The lack of sleep made my nerves worse too. 
“Well I have some news for you.” Jill said. I swallowed on nothing as the next few seconds can predict how my day– sorry— year will go. I know she has to call other players about the decisions for them so our call won’t last long, thankfully. 
“Let me start off by saying that all of the coaching staff, including myself, needed to consider someone who is young and has a lot of quality. We were impressed by the amount of work you've put into our international camps and we’ve kept up on your club experience at Lyon for more reference. So, we’ve chosen you to be on the roster to represent the United States in the 2019 World Cup.” The excitement in Jill’s voice grew when she announced that I would be in the World Cup. 
However, most of what she said sounded muffled through the happy tears that poured down my eyes. I couldn’t believe it! My hard work paid off. 
“Thank you!” I said. 
“No Thank you Y/n! We’ll see you soon, Bye!” Jill ended the call before I jumped in joy. 
A couple of months later, I sat on the bench in France as the USWNT was up against Thailand in the group stage. It was the 64th minute and we were up 7-0. As I sat on the bench, my heart raced faster out of nervousness. Eventually, my head turned when I heard her call my name. I am excited, but my stomach felt like there was a rock in it. The weight of expectations settled squarely on my shoulders as I looked at the ongoing game. 
We are winning the game by seven, but I still wanted to prove my best to the coach, teammates, and the fans. When I stood up, my legs felt like jelly making my way to the touchline. The crowd's roar was deafening, every step closer to the pitch amplifying my nerves. 
“You’re going to go on for Raphinoe. We are up 7-0 but use this as an opportunity to get a feel of the field and experience.” Jill spoke with empathy as she patted on my back, allowing me to do the required warmup on the sideline before standing at the midline. 
I tried to shake off the doubts, reminding myself of the countless hours of practice that had brought me to this moment. The nerves in my legs wouldn’t calm down. Maybe I can use that as a source of adrenaline. 
Running onto the field in replacement for Raphinoe, the enormity of the occasion hit me like a ton of bricks. The stadium seemed to stretch endlessly all around me, filled with thousands of spectators watching my every move. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. The ball was at the other end of the field, giving me a moment to collect myself.
Then, Julie Ertz shot the ball over the left side of the field to gain space. The ball landed on my ivory-colored cleat and I dribbled around a Thailand opponent before passing to Alex Morgan who lightly tapped the ball behind the net. Goal!
My jaw dropped in realization as Alex jogged over to hug me. Some of the girls on the pitch came to congratulate me on the assist as others clapped their hands. I didn’t take it offensively, we are up 8-0 now and there's not much to celebrate now besides the inevitable win. My first touch in the World Cup gave an assist which I later found impressed spectators. 
I glanced at my teammates when the game started again, finding reassurance in their encouraging, yet concentrated, nods and smiles. They had confidence in my abilities, even if I struggled to find it within myself sometimes. With each passing second, my nerves began to settle, now replaced by a fierce determination to prove myself worthy of wearing the US jersey.
Eventually, I found myself caught up in the rhythm of the play. My eyes were on the ball, blocking out the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the moment. With each touch and pass to a teammate, my confidence grew and my movements became more fluid and precise.
Then, in the 73rd minute, it happened. A perfectly timed pass by Samantha Mewis found my feet. At this point I wanted to be the goalscorer, not the assist. With a burst of speed, I raced towards the goal and dribbled around the defenders who were in the way of the goal, the screaming chants of the crowd fading into the background as they saw what I was doing. At that moment, there was only me, the ball, and the goal.
My right foot unleashed a powerful shot, the ball rocketing into the back of the net with a stunning curve. Goal! The stadium erupted into cheers, the sound washing over me like a tidal wave of euphoria as my teammates ran to congratulate me on my first ever goal in the World Cup. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to bask in the glory of my achievement, the weight of my nerves finally lifted off of my shoulders. The game ended in a 13-0 win for us!
Later in the World Cup tournament, I found myself on the bench as my heart pounded at the match in front of me. Thanks to Alex Morgan and Christen Press who scored in the Semifinal against the Lionesses, we were in the World Cup final against the Dutch. 
As the game enters the 79th minute, with the score being 2-0, the coach calls my name. This took me by surprise since I didn’t believe that any substitutes would join the final. When I stood up, my legs felt like lead as I made my way onto the pitch for Tobin Heath, who had an injury earlier in the tournament and couldn't play all 90 minutes. The roar of the crowd washes over me, drowning out the doubts that threatened to consume me since I am on the right wing.
With only minutes remaining, I can’t make a mistake. I have to make every second count. We are up 2-0 but the Netherlands could easily catch up if we make a few errors, they’re EURO champions and have a statement to make for the world.
As I focus on the ball, blocking out the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the moment, the 89th minute comes along. Krieger gets the ball from a Dutch forward and launches the ball in the air towards Rose Lavelle. The girl who scored the second goal in the final headed the ball over the field again before it landed onto my feet— This is my chance. 
My feet take the ball towards the goal. Veenendaal, the Dutch Goalkeeper, sets herself up in a ready position. As I race closer to the goal, my heart pounds in my chest. The defenders close in but I dribble around them effortlessly. An Oranje defender missed her chance to side tackle me as my left foot unleashed a powerful shot. The ball grazed the tip of Veenendaal’s fingers and the ball hit the back of the net with stunning precision. Goal!
The stadium erupts into cheers as I run to the corner of the pitch to celebrate. A typical knee slide that allowed my knees to slide through the soft grass before I stood up and turned to my teammates who rushed to congratulate me. Everyone on the bench got up and ran to me as well to celebrate. At that moment, the voice in my head told me that I’ve done it. My goal gave everyone the reassurance that we secured a World Cup win for the USWNT four times. 
After winning the Bronze Ball, Gold Medal, and being able to take pictures with the World Cup trophy itself, I cried. The tears wouldn’t stop after my bestfriend Mallory Pugh hugged me as she cried as well. We were so happy, I have never felt so proud of myself and my team. 
Hopefully 2023 will secure us a three-peat…. 
part two here
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silksongeveryday · 9 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 200!!!
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(huge thanks to this person for the art suggestion!! <3)
I genuinely can’t believe that I’ve made it to 200 days, it’s truly been wild how time flies by like that and the amount of doodles I’ve made during that time. Over 200 doodles (217 to be exact if we’re counting double pictures/extra doodles) have been made over the past 200 days. :0
And thank you all so much for the love and support! Not only have we reached 200 days but also 1400+ followers about a week ago! <3
But, having said that I’d like to make a few announcements—some good, some not so great—about a few things regarding the blog, myself, and other stuff.
Putting it all under the cut so the post isn’t long if you’d like to know more
My pfp!
1.) I’ll be changing my pfp again!! I’ve officially decided that after every 100 days or so I’ll change up the pfp so it’s up to date with my doodle style (assuming it changed at all lol), but generally it’ll look relatively the same as the last!
Possibly more admins?
2.) As of right now I’m looking into the idea/possibility of having a second (maybe third?) person help me with daily doodles! As much as I’d like to keep doodling everyday there are some days that it can be tough or some situation might be happening. (i.e. recently got injured)
See, the problem is I don’t exactly have a proper way of trying this out??? My idea was to maybe do this through dms or more preferably Google Forms. I also don’t really know what form of communication afterward would be best either, suggestions to help me work this out would be great! (as you can tell I’m not very good at this stuff lol)
3.) After much consideration and a lot of thought, I’ve decided that in the near future, I’ll be opening commissions again for the first time in years. I don’t have everything set up quite yet, but expect more info in the near future!
About requests:
4.) You may have noticed recently that I haven’t been doing as many doodle requests recently. Sure, there’s usually quite a few in a row at once but you may have noticed I’ve also been doing “non-requested” doodles aka ones that I just do on my own.
Expect this to become a very normal thing going forward. I probably won’t be doing as many requests as before because frankly with the amount of requests I get daily when it’s open is a lot to handle sometimes. Does this mean requests will be stopped entirely? No, I’ll still do some occasionally, but not as much as I have in the past.
Also I’ll likely be doing strictly anonymous requests.
About Burnout:
5.) Alright let’s address the elephant in the room.
There have been quite a few instances where people have wondered if I would ever have burnout and have occasionally joked about “dying” from said burnout because “Silksong will never release, you’ll be doing this forever” etc etc.
In the past I’ve been fine, motivation has been great, but recently I’ve noticed it a little bit.
Unfortunately life has its own plans so it can be a little hard for me to make a doodle that day, expecially recently since I’ve been experiencing personal/medical issues. It’s part of the reason I’m hoping to get a second (maybe third) person to help me do daily doodles so I can take a little bit of the load off my shoulders.
So what does this mean for this blog?
Not much right now. But in the future, there may be some changes. My current plan is to keep going on daily doodles/posts for the length of a standard year, so roughly 365 days. After that, if things in personal life keep up the way they have, I may have to stop daily doodles and instead will post only if I have time. That likely means doodles every other day or every three days or something. At the very least I’ll still post a doodle once a week.
Not to worry though! I’ll still try my best even after I reach day 365 :)
I’ll discuss how things work a little more on my main @miizori later, but that’s as much as I can think to explain rn.
Just a few more things I wanted to say!
This community has been so cool to interact with, so much tamer than some others I’ve been apart of in the past. I’m genuinely thankful for how much support and how nice everyone has been. I truly didn’t expect to get this far, I was fully expecting to have stopped like 10 doodles in lol. I especially love to see all your comments in the tags and people sharing their art. You’re all so cool :)))
I have a dtiys from back when I reached 300 followers that’s still available if you’re feeling up to it!
Also my main (again, @miizori) is where I make updates on doodle stuff, regular art stuff and so on if you’re interested at all in that lol
I think that’s all that I can remember wanting to say, so thanks!! I look forward to more doodles for you all :)
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jodiellie · 17 days
Week 1 Evaluation
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It's been a week since I've started this journey, so let's reflect on how the first week has been!
First of all, let's have a refresher on what my GOALS for this 30 days initially is~
Fixing my sleep schedule
Incorporate more physical activities (doesn't have to be exercising, can be stretches or walks!)
Drawing more often for practice
I'd say sleep wise, I'm slowly getting better at it. Though, there are moments where I couldn't get myself to sleep and ended up getting worse. But in general, I think I've made good progress than before I started on this journey, so good job me! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
Physical activities:
I'm pretty proud of my progress for this! So far, I've managed to do something everyday for the past week to get my body moving! Whether it be actually following along exercising videos on Youtube or some stretching to ease some tension on muscles! Again, good job to myself uwu
Now this. I did NOT meet this goal at all during this entire week, which is a shame. I think I was focusing a lot on taking better care of my own body that the thought of taking care of my skill set kinda slipped my mind? Which, to be fair, is kind of expected since even trying to remind myself to do certain basic self care task is difficult in itself. So, it's okay, we'll just have to do better during the following week~
Other extra stuff for my health that I think would I've done well is also finally taking my meds and vitamins. Though it's not consistent yet, I'm glad I finally was able to take them more than I was before. This goes for my water intake as well! Sometimes I would go on days without drinking any water at all, which is quite bad... But now that I'm trying to actively record down my days and what I've done to better my body, it serves as a reminder in itself to drink more water, so yayyy another great job done for me °ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ°
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Things I need to improve/add for the following week:
After a week into this journey, I think I'd like to adjust some of my goals and be a little more specific in what I want to achieve for hopefully the next week! This will help me be a little clearer with what I need to do and help myself feel good in the future >:)
Try to sleep 30 mins earlier than the last, but the latest time for me to go to bed would be 3am. I have been doing quite okay with only a few slips here and there on this. So hopefully by the end of the next week, I can somehow sleep around 12am instead.
Still moving my body every single day, but let's try to exercise 3 times this week for at least 30 minutes! It's been a long time since I've exercised that I forgot how good I always feel afterwards both physically and mentally. So yes, I'd like to challenge myself to actually do some exercise more often! ( *` • ω •´)ゝ
Since I have 0 progress on my drawing, I want to start slow and easy myself into it. Since it feels daunting (for some reason), let's try achieving at least 30 minutes per day for 3 days of art practice. Can be anything, like anatomy, color study, or even just my own personal art. As long as it reaches the goal I set, then it's good :>
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fannyyann · 2 months
Tkachuk tells NHL.com how change in approach lifted game for Panthers
Forward no longer playing it safe, becomes ultimate clutch player in Florida
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – There was a time in Matthew Tkachuk’s life when he played it safe. It’s hard to remember now, hard to get that image out of your head, the one where he is crushing opponents and taking over Stanley Cup Playoff games and literally walking off the ice after scoring a game-winning goal in the fourth overtime of Game 1 of the 2023 Eastern Conference Final. 
It’s hard to remember there was a before. 
But there was.
Once upon a time, like most mortals, Tkachuk didn’t want to make a mistake. He didn’t want to be blamed. He didn’t want to err, to let down his teammates, the fans, himself. It was a time when he wasn’t quite as confident, wasn’t quite as assured -- if that can be believed -- when he didn’t know that, for him, safe was the riskiest play of all. 
“I think maybe earlier in my career, being a young player, not wanting to be the guy that made the mistake, [I] maybe played a little bit safe in the high-pressure situations,” Tkachuk said. “Just trying to play it smart and, honestly, safe’s a perfect word for it. 
“And then a couple years ago, I was like, why not make the play when nobody else wants to try to attempt it because they’re too nervous [about] what bad’s gonna happen? And I’ve seemed to go the other way, in the extreme other way, and that’s seemed to work the last few years.”
Tkachuk pinpoints it exactly, to 2021-22, his final season with the Calgary Flames, before the trade, before he landed in South Florida and became a genre-crossing star, before he helped propel the Panthers to the Stanley Cup Final last season. 
“I was like, ‘Why not?’” Tkachuk said. “Why wouldn’t you want to be the guy that can make that right play at the last minute of the game or whatever? … I’m like, I’m capable, I feel like I’m a good enough player where I can be confident in myself no matter what the situation is. And that’s just kind of kept going.”
The Panthers and Tkachuk will need it to keep going, as they head to the playoffs having hit a tough skid of late. The Panthers, who are set to face the Boston Bruins at TD Garden on Saturday (3:30 p.m. ET; ABC, ESPN+, SN, TVAS), are 3-6-1 in their past 10 games, including a 6-0 win against the Ottawa Senators on Thursday. 
They are second in the Atlantic Division, four points behind the Bruins, having clinched a playoff spot on March 28, a far cry from last season when the Panthers clinched with a single game remaining on their schedule. They then fell behind 3-1 in the best-of-7 first-round series against the Bruins. That was when they -- and Tkachuk -- came roaring back to force a Game 7. To win that Game 7. 
“I knew what he could bring on a stage like that, but I don’t think the whole rest of the world knew what he could do,” brother and Senators captain Brady Tkachuk said. “So for him to show what he was all about is pretty cool. And I think he’s got another level to his game.”
Paul Maurice thinks he knows why. 
The Panthers coach has seen a handful of players in his career who are elite, who might even rise to the level of potential Hockey Hall of Fame players. And when he’s viewing them, he notes something, something that seems to be common to all of them.
“I watch them and they have a higher expectation of the result,” Maurice said. “And the analogy I used [was] when that guy goes in and buys a suit, he expects it to fit right and it’s going to look good. He has an expectation of the result. 
“With Matthew, it seems to me, it’s tied, there’s four minutes [left], he’s excited about that situation because he has a really high expectation that something good’s going to happen because over the course of his life, that’s exactly what’s happened. It wasn’t a lottery. It’s just he’s gone out and made it happen, so he wants to and believes it can. 
“I never sensed any arrogance on him. I truly have not. It’s not like, hey, give me the puck, I’m the shooter. He just thinks when he hits the ice, it could happen, and his life has told him that it could happen. So why wouldn’t you enjoy the hell out of that?”
Oh, and he is. 
Not only has South Florida been a revelation for Tkachuk, so too has the team, which has entered into the top echelon of the NHL. He has figured out himself and his game, not only that he can -- and will -- come up big in the biggest of moments, but that he can also adjust to fit what the team requires, mold his game to the situation. 
Asked if he is a chameleon, he readily agrees. 
Especially in the playoffs. 
“I look at those types of playoff games differently,” Tkachuk said. “Like some people if they’re not producing, they’re not doing too much to help their team, whereas one of the good things that I’m able to do is recognize what my team needs out of me on that particular night or that particular shift. 
“There are some nights when offense comes second and all I’m trying to do is run around, be physical, try to forecheck and try to gain my team momentum like that. Even if teams are keying in on me or really focusing on me, there’s ways to make an impact.”
No one can argue with that. The Bruins still bear the scars -- some literal, some figurative -- of what Tkachuk did to them in the playoffs last spring. 
In the final four games of the first-round series, Tkachuk had eight points (four goals, four assists) to help them win the best-of-7 series. 
Boston forward Trent Frederic, who traces his understanding of Tkachuk back to basement games as kids in St. Louis, said that he thinks that, likely, had Tkachuk not been on the Panthers, the Bruins would have advanced. 
But he was. They didn’t. And now it’s not hard to believe that many teams are uninterested in seeing the Panthers on the opposing bench in the playoffs, in seeing Tkachuk on the opposing bench. 
Before a cracked sternum forced him to miss the fifth and final game of the last season’s Cup Final, Tkachuk had 24 points (11 goals, 13 assists), including four game-winning goals, in 20 playoff games. 
“So the playoffs, I think the one quote, he’s a [expletive] gamer, that’s how I feel about him in the playoffs last year. And I know it’s profane, but it’s also very specific words, it’s exactly the way I feel about him,” Maurice said. “Sometimes the words just fit. Sometimes they’re casual and you swear too much. Sometimes I do. But that is how I -- a [expletive] gamer. He comes up with the biggest plays time and time again. And his energy level to be able to play at that level, that was specific to the hockey. 
“This year, I’ve gotten to watch what an incredible leader he is.”
He sees it on the bench, in the exhortation of his teammates, in his calming of them, in his barking at them. He sees it when he brought a friend and his two kids into the dressing room after a game in Detroit, when Tkachuk paused in his postgame showering routine to sign a jersey, to take a picture, to get Carter Verhaeghe out of the shower to sign the other jersey. 
“I don’t even blame players who don’t sign,” Maurice said. “But he doesn’t have to do that, and he does that consistently. … It’s not fake. It’s not showy. I think he understands the responsibility that he has and he takes care of it.”
There are so many responsibilities heaped on Tkachuk now. 
He is a leader on the ice and off it. He is the second-leading scorer, with 83 points (24 goals, 59 assists), the top chirper and certainly the most talked about player on the Panthers. And he is ready, once again, to receive that pressure. He is ready for the playoffs. He is ready for the eyes and the lights and all that comes with it.
“I enjoy it,” Tkachuk said. “I think that the high intense games and the rivalry games and the, just like the intense part of the games that some guys might not feel too confident or comfortable, I seem to thrive in them and I love those moments.”
There will be no shortage of those moments in the waning days of the season, in the start of the playoffs, as the Panthers attempt to replicate their Cinderella run to the Final last season -- without the Cinderella part. 
Because much like the Panthers, who have been at or near the top of the NHL all season, there will be no surprises when it comes to Tkachuk. He is known, now. Known for stealing games, for coming up big in the biggest moments, for never, ever playing it safe. 
And when the pressure comes, as it will, he will be right there. 
“Knowing him, that’s going to make him go to another level,” Brady Tkachuk said. “And I think for him, he’s going to love, not the spotlight, but the opportunity that comes from that and what he’s going to be able to do with that. He gets better when the pressure is higher.”
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the-evil-lovable-simp · 8 months
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The Amazing Digital Circus 
Caine x Programmed Villain reader
Part 1
(I kinda of based (y/n) on an old way I used to draw myself)
(Also readers gender not really mentioned but it's kinda more on the boy side. Yay gay)
The game was getting a new update, Caine was curious and just a bit excited, he got everyone up just a bit earlier than they normally do.
Pomni and Ragatha agreed and went, with Kinger and Gangle slowly behind and Zooble and Jax had to be dragged there by Caine. They went outside the tent to see part of the grounds be nothing but 0's and 1's all moving around with a bunch of shapes being thrown around with it.
"Wait, what's going on?" Zooble said sounding curious but still bored.
"I'm glad you asked Zooble! The Amazing Digital Circus is getting an update!" Caine announced proudly.
"It's probably going to be even worse than what we've already got here," Jax mumbled right before he got hit in the head by an object that Caine definitely didn't make and throw at him.
"I hope it's something to get out of here," Pomni said sadly, and Caine ignored that comment. He floated there waiting, watching the update turn into something. They all watched and then got really disappointed when it turned into a cave, it didn't even look nice, it was gloomy, dark and spikey.
"Come on everyone, let's go check it out!" Caine said grabbing his cane and gesturing to the new feature in the game.
"Ugh, what?!" Zooble groaned as Jax snickered.
Pomni looked frightened but Ragatha reassured her as they all walked to the cave, well, except Caine he floated. As they all walked in they expected to see a dingy damp cave inside.
"Oh look, noth........ing," Jax started to say with a smug face until he saw what was in the cave. There was dark blue carpet and purple patterned diamond wallpaper, there was a chandelier on the ceiling and lots of expensive-looking furniture, and few potted plants. It was way bigger on the inside, this made Pomni nearly have another mental breakdown. But what shocked them the most they heard a voice, they could hear it singing, and they could hear it get louder and louder. They all started to realise that, that meant a new character came with the new update, they listened carefully.
"I'm beggin', beggin' you~" They all listened and heard the footsteps getting closer. Caine watched with bated breath, knowing that the person who walks through that door was going to be someone who was part of this game like him who he didn't make and wouldn't abstract.
"So put your loving hand out Darlin'~" they saw this person walk through the door. They had no nose, a dark blue suit on, round cartoonish purple shoes, and cartoon gloves but instead of being round they were sharp and the person had a wide grin with a full set of sharp teeth, with very scruffy spikey hair. They had their eyes shut and were sorting out their purple bow tie, acting like they had just gotten dressed. They opened their eyes they were hot pink and orange patterned rings.
"Ridin' high, when I was-" they stopped, looking at everyone who was now in their house. Suddenly a bit of shadowing formed around their eyes, and their smile got wider if that was even possible, it kinda looked like they got more teeth the more they smiled. They put both their hands behind their back and pulled out two guns and pointed them directly at the group, who were startled at this point. (This is you, and I'm changing they to you now) They wondered where you got the guns from and were worried about what you were planning on doing with them, well, except for Caine he knew where they came from but he was more worried about their existence, surely they weren't family friendly. Your pupils shrunk.
"HAHAhahAhahHAHhahAHhaAa" you balefully cackled, everyone exited the cave, a few trips on the way, as bullets flew everywhere. Everyone was outside the cave,
"What the £%$& was that!?" Zooble shouted
"Watch your language," Caine answered
"%$£& you," they said flipping him off and slowly walking back to the tent.
Everyone jumped as they heard more laughing coming from the cave.
A stretched leg came out of the cave and then the rest of the body came with, instead of having guns you now had a massive mallet and a bomb, that lit when you looked at it, and you launched it in the air.
"Hey freakface, you missed" Jax said, but then the bomb came back down and you got in position and then hit the bomb with your mallet.
It flew across the sky, everyone watched including the sun and the moon, as it headed towards Zooble, they turned around right on cue.
"Oh $%-" and then the bomb exploded, not too much harm was done, they were still alive at least.
As soon as everyone saw this they started to panic and ran in different directions. A few more bombs were thrown and everyone was screaming.
Caine didn't know what to do he didn't expect the new update to turn out like this, then he looked down and his pupils shrunk.
Everyone stopped running around when they realised the bombs had stopped, they also heard yelling and looked back at the cave. They saw Caine being dragged by stretched arms leading into the darkness of the cave.
"Everyone! Your next adventure is....!" He gripped the floor to try and finish his sentence.
"To rescue me!" and then he vanished.
To be continued
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factual-fantasy · 26 days
10 asks! Thank you! :}} 🌧️
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It's a little hard to explain what I've got so far without rambling for days.. but lemme try to summarize-
The story takes place in an old timey western setting where everyone is some kind of animal like creature. At some point a human child is born with bright red eyes that has the ability to see this hidden ribbon that stretches across the land. There is said to be some kind of great treasure at the end..
Snakes is the best bounty hunter in the west and was sent to capture this child and bring her to this dude. But when Snakes found her he decides to keep her and take that treasure for himself.
The story continues after that but I haven't thought much of it through <XD
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Idk XDD that's just how the Pokèmon guys designed him!
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THANK YOU!! :DDD Dad coded is exactly what I'm striving for! XDD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
I don't have intentions to finish the Ingo and Emmets comic, nor do I plan to jump back into transformers.. though I can see myself coming back to Undertale someday! :D
And hey, don't worry! You can send as many asks as you like! Anon or not :}}}
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My day is going about as well as I expected.. :'( and to answer your question- yes! I have these old paper drawings of fakèmon I made years ago. Sometime it might be fun for me to go back and re-design/update them! :00
If I were to make brand new ones though, I'd go for ghost type! Almost all my favorite pokemon happen to be ghost type <XDD
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I do! :DD And I've drawn some stuff for it here and there.. maybe sometime I'll get around to finishing up my Gummigoo sketch.. 👀
I have once or twice, but it's a rare occasion. I only really draw that with OCs of mine :/
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XD that's alright, no harm done!
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I'm gonna go with ice cream flavors. :0 And to that I say Sylvester would be neapolitan and Grimm would be chocolate with chocolate chunks topped with chocolate syrup XDD With a glass of chocolate milk to drink!
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onlyhere-onlynow · 2 months
I see a lot of myself in what you said here "Thinking that my identity was based in achieving and doing more and more… I had a very “If I’m doing a lot, I’m worth a lot, right?” because in my family it's always been like that I don't know what's considered trauma dumping and I'll try as hard as I can not to talk about what's wrong, but because of mental health issues I had to drop out of school And I know that for my parents I'm a failure... everything's suffocating me and I don't know what to do with my life I literally have no friends, 0 to talk to. I don't know what to do... and if it's just me, why am I doing this to myself?
Let me tell you something and leave this “it’s all an illusion” topic aside for a moment. Bare with me for this one, okay?
Doing more, and more, and more… Getting more, and more… When will it ever be enough? When can you finally say “Oh! Now this is enough!” when your mind is so SET into just DOING? Into accomplishing? How TIRING AND SAD.
Your mere existence is GRANDIOSE, SPECTACULAR, RICH IN IT ALL. Trying to fit this into the “I do this, then I’m worth it”, “I have this, then I’m worth it” shoebox for it to be understandable for others or even you? How sad…
LIFE is YOU, about having fun and rediscovering yourself in every single detail. You can experience whatever you WANT because you KNOW you’re it all. You’re one with everything and everything is one with you, isn’t that beautiful?
BEING is beautiful as it IS. “Being rich-?” Mh… Nope. “Being joyous-?” Erh… not really. “Being powerful-?” Powerful over what?
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You are not what you seemingly do, you are not what you seemingly are… Nothing is EXPECTED from you.
You are not feeling anything to be free, YOU ARE FREE TO FEEL ANYTHING!
I love you, my dear. You are so wonderful 🫂🤍
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laughingogre · 1 year
The Recluse and The Huntsman
Teaser/chapter 0 for the fic I’m writing since I have Miguel ATSV brain rot and I can’t keep all this good stuff to myself anymore. This wasn’t edited or anything like that so expect possible changes to both the characters and the plot in the future. Okay byeeee! EDIT: I made a playlist to go along with this story, the first 3 tracks accompany this chapter.
Premise: Miguel has always felt like an outcast in spider society because of the way he got his powers. But after meeting Saanvi, he’s never felt more proud to be one-of-a-kind.
Pairings: Original character x Miguel O’Hara, anti-hero x hero, enemies to rivals (it’s complicated) to lovers
Warnings: Violence… and that’s about it for this piece of the story but this list is going to get much longer very quickly.
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Driving rain and the slight fog that followed with it brought a neon haze upon Nueva York tonight. A fusion of colors so outstanding that memories of another life were starting to shake off dust in her mind. Flashes of memories from an annual fireworks festival sparked a little warmth in Saanvi’s heart. Less than thirty seconds went by before she snuffed it out, leaving herself icy; instincts sharp and ready. Long, slender fingers on sure hands opened the heavy black case that lay next to her on the rooftop. Satisfaction curled her lips into a small smile as the new and improved rifle looked back at her, gleaming in the neon haze.
Hellooo beautiful, she thought. While assessing all the upgrades, the multi-functional scope and walkable trigger she requested had her grinning maniacally. She made a mental note to give Drago a little more praise for his gunsmithing as she set up a stand in the darkness of the alcove. Cycling through the scope’s options allowed for eight different modes of visibility and detection, with heat-seeking sensors that stood up against even this night’s hellish weather.
Scanning the city for a few minutes allowed Saanvi’s dark eyes to adjust to the new level of detail the scope afforded them. Once her senses were fully immersed, the hunt was on. A den of data pirates had been having way too much fun with the identities of over half the city’s even-remotely-wealthy citizens. Ever the champion of fair play, she was going to bring that fun to an end by leveling their ranks. A glance at the watch face on the inside of her left wrist showed it was just before 02:00 AM. If the intel she scrubbed was accurate, a 12-person heat signature would pop up in less than 60 seconds.
Rifle loaded and ready, she took aim and waited. Intel was good—a warehouse four klicks away lit up with bodies. Once she had a count of twelve, her finger slipped into the trigger guard and onto the trigger in a swift motion. It didn’t leave the trigger until none of them were left standing. Smoke drifting from the barrel caught the light of an ad for aphrodisiacs and coiled pink and red against the shadows of the alcove. A smile cut across her face again as a leap off the building’s edge plunged her into the deluge.
Broken glass and rubble crunched underneath graceful steps as she leisurely filled a bag with data drives, cash, and whatever valuables her victims had stashed away. Once their warehouse was picked to the bones, Saanvi took a few photographs of the scene. Horrific images of bodies that were all bloated and bruising from the new ammunition she and Drago had developed. She knelt down near the worst-looking of the bodies, preparing to take a sample. As she pulled out a small vial and tool kit, the incoming presence of another threat sent her up the wall and into the ceiling’s vent system. Damn… intel must’ve been bad… there’s more of them. Sight limited by the vent grates, alarms went off in her head to escape as she felt the intensity of the aura peaking. There must be at least five more people about to walk into this room. Morbid curiosity won over her senses, so she repositioned herself in the vent to catch a glimpse of the intruders. Footsteps that seemed almost deafening from the intensity with which she listened for them indicated it was only one person. Good strategy, sending a scout. Eyes glued to the vent, she saw a massive silhouette peel around the corner. Her senses flared up at the sight of the figure beneath her: a man standing at least six feet tall, clad in a form-fitting suit that was dark blue with pulsing sections of red. The mask on his face had a menacing symbol on it that seemed to move the way facial expressions would. It started to stir a memory inside of her but an old emotion bloomed before recall could happen. For the first time in years, fear filled Saanvi’s veins. Thoughts only of escape and safety pinging in her mind. Run. Hide. Home. Run. Hide. Home. Go. Her head became a glitched mp3 but she couldn’t take her eyes off this predator. While the hulking figure below spoke in a low, annoyed growl to someone she couldn’t see, she stilled her mind and listened for the sound of pouring rain. The sound that would lead her away from this thing beneath her as fast as possible. Her crawl through the ducts to safety began with bated breath, a silent prayer that finished only after putting two klicks of distance between herself and whatever anomaly was in that warehouse.
Once back on the rooftop where her night began, her body shuddered hard, trying to fight off every feeling of the last few moments. She failed, senses made raw and primal by a hit of animalistic fear. Suddenly she could feel everything—single drops of rain and the chill that was trying to rob her of every last iota of body heat. Memories of another life came to her again, this time in echoes of her mother’s voice bewaring her of those made to be like her but not born as they were. ‘The universe is wide and more wild than our forest. You may meet something made to be even deadlier than you or I.’ The steel in her mother’s voice at that moment wasn’t lost on her then or now.
Saanvi had finally crossed paths with Miguel O’Hara that night. Only she didn’t register him as such. To her, she had come face to face with her mother’s fear made flesh: an unnatural union of arachnid and human.
It had been two weeks since that night and the nightmares weren’t letting up. Tonight was no different. Having been woken up by her own fearful thrashing yet again, Saanvi migrated from the bedroom to her studio. A pot of Cuban coffee brewed in the corner, filling the air with a pleasant smell. Fingers rapidly gesturing at holo-screens that were returning more of the same useless information. She knew everyone called him Spider-Man. She knew everyone (or almost everyone) considered him to be a hero. But she wanted more than just news articles and conspiracy theories from bloggers. What she wanted more than anything was to find out what Hell he came from so she could send him back to it. There was only one way to do that where he wouldn’t be pointing his fangs at her. Before falling into a deep, dreamless sleep at her desk, Saanvi had pinged a few connections. By the time the sun shone on the city again, she had unofficially launched an infiltration and intelligence gathering mission against Spider-Man.
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boccher · 3 months
Upcoming astronomonical things I wanna post about
April 8 2024 total solar eclipse
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Image taken from NASA
Areas in Mexico, the USA and Canada along the centre path of the eclipse, marked above in yellow, will see the moon completely block the sun for 3-4 minutes. Pretty much all of north america (except alaska) will experience partial phases of the eclipse, but most people who've experienced a total phase will say that the darkness of a total eclipse is an incomparable, once-in-a-lifetime experience. I've never seen one myself but I hope as many people as possible get to see it.
The timing and visibility of a solar eclipse depends greatly on location! TimeAndDate.com is a good website that shows fully detailed maps of the eclipse and the exact times for any location.
Viewing the sun can easily blind you if you don't take safety precautions. Safety guidelines from NASA here.
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks
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Photo by Adam Block (astrobin link) | He made a video about this photo too if you're curious how he took it
At magnitude 5, this comet is currently just barely naked-eye visible, only from northern hemisphere dark skies, just after sunset. To the naked eye, it would only look like a fuzzy circle with a tiny tail, not as pretty as the pic above (taken with long exposure photos). Not a spectacle of a comet (that's for the next section), but certainly fun for binocular/telescope viewing or astrophotography.
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Predictive magnitude curves for 12P over time
Left: astro.vanbuitenen.nl | Right: cobs.si
The comet is expected to brighten to around magnitude 4 over the next month. It'll remain visible after sunset in the northern hemisphere for about the next month before it becomes too low on the horizon to see. At the same time, it'll start to become visible in the southern hemisphere after sunset, where it'll remain magnitude 4-6 for a month.
A comet's location and visibility depends greatly on location and time, it's best to search up comets a sky atlas like Stellarium (it's searchable on the pc program and the app, doesn't seem to be on the web program) or SkyGuide, to be able to find it from your location.
C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
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Predictive magnitude curves for C/2023 A3 over time
Top left: astro.vanbuitenen.nl | Top right: cobs.si | Bottom: theskylive.com
This comet will be visible September and October this year. Maximum magnitude predictions for this comet range from magnitude +2, 0, -2, -4. The details of this comet are unpredictable until it reaches the inner solar system, but currently it seems likely to become a considerable naked-eye visible comet, much better than 12P/Pons-Brooks. If it reaches negative magnitudes, it might even become the brightest comet since comet McNaught in 2007!
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Comet McNaught | Image taken from wikimedia commons
For reference, comet McNaught (above) reached about magnitude -5.5 on 13 Jan 2007. This pic was taken 20 Jan 2007, as it appeared at about magnitude -1. Very low chance we'll see a comet exactly like this again, so dont set your expectations this high. But nevertheless, a comet reaching negative magnitudes would be a sight to see.
C/2023 A3 will be visible in both hemispheres before sunrise for the last 2 weeks of September and a bit into October. Then it'll be too close to the sun to see for about 2 weeks, then after 13 Oct it'll become visible from both hemispheres after sunset, quickly dimming to invisibility over 2 weeks.
Again, comet visibility depends on time and location, so check a sky atlas like Stellarium for specifics.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Jottings: Season 7, Episode 2. Nothing compares to them
A tiny, but welcome disclaimer: I have not read all the OL books yet, so do not expect witty repartees and connecting the dots with the current book follow-up by the series. In fact, I am still struggling right now with Voyager, after I gave a resolute middle finger and an excruciating amount of time to Dragonfly in Amber, which bored me to death with its sketchy depiction of eighteenth-century Paris. Unpopular opinion, I know: I can't help it, since I consider Paris, for many personal reasons, as my second, beloved home.
There go my two cents, with little to no spoilers. There is much to savor in there:
I thought I couldn't bear to watch one more single time Sinéad O'Connor's rendition of ye olde Skye Boat Song. I was wrong. I think it is exactly what this season needs: a bit bruised & battered & breathless. The perfect tinge of rough around the edges. This is no walk in the park and hers is the right cue, setting the tone for all the rest.
Vlachos. Excellent. Loved every second of it.
I suppose everybody will talk about the Look Jamie gave Claire right after Insufferable Bree gives birth to wee Mandy. I cackled all by myself, which is not even surprising. And so will you, Shippers United. Mark me.
SS upgraded a bit her game, to the extent she doesn't sound all the time like reciting United Airlines' flight schedule. She and Rankin finally manage to pull off a decent rapport (chemistry will always be at a deep-frozen 0). So, rejoice: at least they don't look like the mean troop leader forced them to share the same tent at Camp Sunrise. It's all fine and dandy, until she relaxes and slips back into that horrific, East Coast wannabe accent. Sorry, not sorry.
Did Lizzie say ”Fraser's Fridge”, when reading the birth announcement, or am I hearing things again? Now that's an earworm, sheesh...
Vandervaart looks promising enough, but what do I know, after a two-minutes scene with SS? Court is adjourned.
LJG & JAMMF, what a powerful, ambiguous, elegant scene. Tension is mounting, and this is when you crack open the Netflix & Chill'd ice cream bucket. It will come in handy, trust me.
The fireflies' scene was the death of me. There is something extraordinary about S's superb ability to speak volumes without uttering a single word. There is so much love and such despair to capture Bree's face, Bree's voice, Bree's alien joy when she mentions damn Mickey Mouse, and keep them forever. Did I ugly cry? I let out a sincere Fuuuuuck and couldn't help it. This is when the box of tissues came in handy, and you know, damn the consequences.
Yeah, sure. She missed that point five seasons ago, why do I even bother?
Spoiler: "What was it like.... there? It was.... magical". BOOO-HOOO-HOOO (I have no qualms).
Jeremiah's wooden toy plane in the streets of Wilmington and then the real thing across the sky, just after the little family gets through the stones. Clever reminder of that plane landing in Boston, with Claire, Bree and TMcG... ho-hum ... Frank Randall, after Culloden.
And finally, since I would really like to let you enjoy the wonderful last quarter of it, Jamie and Claire. That unspeakable tenderness that keeps us all completely spellbound. This is S&C acting, how could it be otherwise: and splendid, at that. But their acting, since that chemistry test, is informed by clear, present, deep feelings. We know. They know we know.
And they got their mojo back. I always hoped and prayed they will go out with a bang, not a fizzle. And it seems I was right. Fingers crossed. I trust them and, as always, I trust my gut.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 4 months
Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You SUCK!
Can you feel it? Can you feel how close we're getting? 😏
0. The slow burn
1. There's too many. TOO MANY!!
2. It NEEDS to be EVEN sssslllllooooweeeeerrrrrr.
3. Sometimes, I really hate myself.
Part 1 - the arcade
Part 2 - the rooftop
Part 3 - the canon
Warnings: None.
     She sat at the desk, typing away on her laptop studiously, tongue sticking out slightly as she focused on the screen. She was always so cute when she was concentrating. Even cuter when she was concentrating on him. He leaned over, trying to sneak a glance at her screen to see what she was working on. “What are you typing, arañita?” 
     She looked up, startled by the sudden interruption. Then her lips curled into a smile at the sight of him, her eyes trailing over every dip and curve of his muscles, highlighted by the thin material of his suit. She bit her lip, then turned back to her laptop, glancing over at him occasionally as she continued typing. “Nothing …”
     He narrowed his eyes at her, even more determined now to find out what, exactly, she was writing. He reached out to grab her laptop and tug it towards him, but she curled herself around it quickly, foiling his plan. 
     “Miguel! Stop!” she chided him, her entire body heating up in embarrassment. Oh, now he definitely had to find out what she was trying to hide from him. He slid his chair over to hers and slung one arm over her, trying to pry her off of her laptop. 
     “¡Arañita!” he chastised her in between insistent tugs. “What are you … trying to hide … chica?” 
     “Nothing!” she continued to lie to him. “Why do you even care?!” She huffed in irritation, refusing to let him see her laptop. But he didn't care, not really. Not after he'd wrapped himself around her, her small form fitting so perfectly against his chest. He laid his head on her shoulder, breathing in the sweet strawberry scent of her perfume and feeling so completely at home. 
     “Because you're getting so defensive about it,” he whined, his tone teasing.
     His voice was muffled by where he'd buried his face in the crook of her neck. She tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he seemed happy enough to just stay like that, curled around her like he belonged there; like he didn't want to be anywhere else but right there with her. She sighed, relaxing into his hold and taking comfort in him in the same way he was taking comfort in her. She reached up after a while to run her fingers through his hair, the dark strands soft between her fingers, then she bent over to press her lips to the top of his head in a gentle kiss. 
     He hadn't expected that, feeling her lips on him. And it felt nice - too nice - so he released her, loosening his grip on her reluctantly so could put some space between them again. He swallowed hard, nervous, then lifted his gaze to hers, finding everything he wanted to say to her right there on her face too: ‘I love you.’ ‘You make me feel safe.’ ‘I feel at home when I'm with you.’ ‘No one else could ever make me feel the way you do.’ ‘I'd let the whole world fall apart if it meant I could be with you. Just you. Only ever you.’ That last one was what scared him the most. She swallowed carefully, her brows furrowing with nerves. Then she whispered, “I love you, Miguel.” 
     He clenched his fists, his chest warming at the words. Then he whispered, “I know.” 
     “No, I …” X set her lips in a frown, her features scrunching up as she built up the courage to say the words, to make him understand what she wanted from him - what she needed from him. “I'm in love with you, Miguel.”
     Her voice was firm as she said it, resolute, like she wasn't going to give him an out anymore. But then her features crumpled with nerves again as she continued. 
     “Like, a lot,” she admitted softly. “I really love you. I … I don't …” She clenched and unclenched her fists, her hands starting to tremble as she felt the tears begin to build up behind her eyes. She turned away from him, not wanting him to see her so vulnerable, and steeled herself for his response.
     ‘I love you too,’ he wanted to say to her. ‘So much. So much that it terrifies me. So much that I find myself unable to fall asleep anymore when you’re not lying in my arms. So much that I'd be willing to let the entire multiverse fall apart if it meant that I could keep you with me forever.’ But he couldn't do that. So he opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with something that he could say to her. 
     She felt her heart sink lower and lower into her stomach with each second of silence that passed by. Finally, she stood up, unable to take it anymore. She grabbed her laptop and tucked it under her arm, turning to glare at him. He continued to remain silent, peeking up at her once to flash her a guilty look before he lowered his gaze again. Her lip began to quiver, the pressure behind her eyes increasing as the tears threatened to slip out. Did he really not love her, then? In the same way she loved him? In the way he'd led her to believe for the past few weeks? Panicking over almost losing her, inviting her to sleep over at his place, spending time with her to pick her up when she was feeling down. Had it all been a lie? Some cruel joke he'd played on her because he'd been bored? She tried to huff in irritation, to let him know that she was done, and this was it for her. But it just came out as a sob, and she spun on her heel, doing her best to maintain a steady pace as she walked over to the exit. 
     “¡Arañita!” he called after her quickly, shooting out of his seat. She could hear the pain in his voice, the desperation, so she stopped, but didn't turn around, waiting. Always waiting. Honesty, he decided, he owed her that much. “I'm scared.”
     She inhaled deeply, then let it out again, sighing heavily before finally turning back around to face him. She let out an incredulous snort. “And you think I'm not?” 
     But she was brave, so much braver than him, baring her heart out to him even though she was absolutely terrified as well. He tried again to say something, to tell her the same - that he loved her, that he was in love with her too - but again, the words refused to make themselves known. She clenched her fists at his silence. 
     “Okay,” she murmured. Then she turned and left. He collapsed into his seat, holding his head in his hands as his insides twisted and churned with guilt and fear. 
     “Miguel?” Lyla questioned, popping up beside him. “Your vitals are increasing. What's wrong?” He ground his teeth together as he replayed her words in his head, over and over again, his heart squeezing at the quiet sobs she'd tried to hide from him so he wouldn't know how much he'd hurt her. Again.
     “She told me …” he began softly, hearing the words echoing in his mind again, “that she's in love with me.” 
     “Well, duh!” Lyla responded, folding her arms across her chest. “Everyone knows that.” But did everyone know that he was in love with her too? He hunched over again, shaking his leg beneath the table as he continued to ruminate over it. He shifted his gaze to the door and questioned himself how he could have let her go, just like that? ‘Because you couldn’t ever be together,’ that infuriating voice in the back of his head reminded him. Because they were from two completely different dimensions. He clenched his fists, getting sick of the excuse himself. 
     “Why does this have to be so difficult?!” he finally groaned. 
     “Why do you have to make it so difficult?” Lyla challenged him. 
     “Because!” Because he couldn't fall in love with her, he couldn't. How could they possibly ever be together without breaking some sort of canon event? Without … Without costing everyone their lives? “We can't … We're not …”
     “Not what? From the same dimension?” Lyla supplied, floating around the room on her back like she was swimming. 
     “Yes!” Miguel exclaimed, not understanding how she could be so casual about this. Lyla popped back over to him and shrugged. 
     “So what?” Miguel's jaw dropped in horror. 
     “So?! So it could tear the whole multiverse apart!” His shoulders slumped in disappointment at the thought - at the memory. “Again.” 
     “That's kind of romantic though, don't you think?” Lyla grinned and swooned dramatically. “A love that could tear the entire multiverse apart!” 
     Miguel raised an eyebrow at her reaction, suspicious - it was too much like something X would say. His chest tightened at the thought of her. “Has someone been rewriting your code?” 
     “No.” Lyla flickered back over to him, eyes wide with innocence. Then she grinned. “I'm a self-learning AI, remember? Programmed to assist you? I've just been collecting data on whatever - or whoever - you respond to best.” Right. He'd have to fix that. He didn't think he'd be able to handle it if Lyla started telling him she was in love with him too. 
     “Miguel?” Peter called out to him, entering the room hesitantly. “Everything okay, buddy? I heard you yelling from outside.” Miguel didn't respond as Peter webbed up to the platform. So he turned to shoot Lyla a questioning look instead. She sighed.
     “He's too afraid to tell X that he's in love with her too,” she revealed. Miguel tensed up at her words.
     “Lyla!” Peter smiled and reached up to give his friend's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
     “Don't worry, Miguel - we all know it already,” he confessed. Miguel flashed him a puzzled look and he grinned knowingly. “Why do you think I always call her when you get mad?” Miguel rolled his eyes at that. Peter sat down, taking the seat beside him - X's seat. 
     “So?” Peter asked him gently. “What's the problem? Why don't you just tell her?” 
     He made it sound so easy: just tell her, just tell her that you're hopelessly in love with her too. Miguel tapped his fingers on the desk, afraid to say it out loud. Finally, “what if it's not in the canon?” 
     So that was what had been bothering him, Peter realised finally. Of course he was afraid! What if he did something to lose someone he cared about? Again? It had affected him so badly the first time, Peter knew he wouldn't be able to go through that again. He considered his friend's response carefully. 
��    “Well, have you checked the canon?” Peter suggested. Miguel felt a lump form in his throat. No - he'd been too terrified to do it. Petrified by the thought that she might leave him someday; that he might be forced to go back to living in a world without her in it. Peter turned to Lyla. “Hey, Lyla, can you pull up Miguel's timeline or something? To see if X is anywhere in it?” 
     The AI gave him a little salute. “Roger that.” 
     She disappeared for a minute, and then the room lit up with glowing neon threads, surrounding them with a web of Miguel's entire life. Peter stood up, heading over to check the canon. 
     “So there's you as a kid. Aww, you were so cute! What happened to you?” Peter twisted his head back to look over at Miguel, snickering at his own joke. Then he returned his attention to the timeline. “There's you as a teenager. Glad to know you went through that awkward phase too. Oh! There's you in college - getting closer.”
     Peter moved along the timeline, turning around to call back to Miguel every once on a while. “There's you setting up the … What was it you called us? The strike force? There's … There's you a year ago. And there's you meeting X for the first time. Wait. You didn't get that canon event notification thingie?” 
     Miguel froze. Mierda, he'd completely forgotten! The first time they'd met, when he'd rescued her from Molten Man. His watch, it had lit up, it had notified him of the successful occurrence of a canon event. He'd just assumed that it had been because they'd stopped Molten Man from messing up the timeline. Not …
     “Oh! There's when you guys fought that Loki!” Peter exclaimed, still following Miguel's timeline around the room. His eyes widened as he remembered a slight flash of green in the corner of his eye - a signal he'd been too focused on X to notice. “Hey, there's another one here! It looks like you guys are on a rooftop? Somewhere? I can't make out what you're saying to her, but she looks happy.”
     Miguel finally turned around to see for himself what his timeline looked like. He didn't remember this scene having played out before, but Peter was right: she did look happy. Her eyes lit up, her lips stretched wide, her expression adoring and overjoyed as she watched him fiddling with his hands nervously, mumbling something to her. What was he saying to her? He pulled his gaze away, not quite believing it - that they might just end up together after all - and then his eyes landed on another event. 
     She was lying in a hospital bed, her hair matted to her face with sweat, her features contorted in pain and frustration. She was holding onto someone's hand, though he couldn't tell who it was since they were out of the frame. Judging by the fact that she was in the middle of labour, however, he guessed that it was probably her husband. But why would that show up in his timeline? Finally, the baby arrived, crying and healthy, and an expression of relief overtook her exhausted features. She smiled up at her husband, treating him to that same ecstatic and adoring look she'd given him on the rooftop, and now he saw that the man standing next to her … was him. He gazed down at her in awe and bliss, his lips stretched wide as he shared her excitement. He bent over to press a kiss to the top of her head, never letting her hand go, not until they'd cleaned and weighed the baby - their baby, just like she'd said at the arcade - and placed it in his arms. Their son. Their very own son, so tiny in his father's arms, his eyes wide and curious, just like his mother's. He was beautiful - the perfect combination of himself and the woman he loved. Miguel felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Peter, smiling up at him happily. Then he realised the sudden wetness on his face and reached up to find a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it away, trying to compose himself, then he cleared his throat. 
      “How do we …” he began hesitantly, still a little afraid to believe it. “It might not even be her. It might just be another version of her.” 
     “Lyla,” Peter called her back. “Can you check which version of X this is?” 
     “Yup! Pulling up her timeline now.” She disappeared again and suddenly, a beam of yellow light raced through the room, twining itself around the red light representing his timeline. And then they were surrounded by a jumble of all the canon events he and X would share together. Lyla reappeared in front of the two of them. “So, I can confirm that the X who shares your canon events is X, Black Widow of Earth-2. She's your X, Miguel.” 
     A wave of relief swept over him at her words and he fell back into his seat once again. His X, his arañita, for however long they'd have together. ‘I have absolutely no choice, Miguel,’ she'd said that day, that first night they'd spent together, no questions asked. ‘I'm going to have to marry you. Don't worry - I think we'll be okay.’ He pinched the bridge of his nose, a huge weight finally feeling like it had been lifted off his shoulders. She'd been right; she'd been right all along. He had to tell her, he had to find her, he had to … He turned to Lyla, features set with determination. “Where is she?” 
     “She went home, according to her watch,” she replied. Miguel keyed her location into his watch immediately. 
     “I have to find her. I have to tell her …” His lips curled at the ends and his voice went soft as he finally said the words out loud,” that I’m in love with her too.” 
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Peter stopped him unexpectedly. Miguel raised an eyebrow, confused. “Don't you want to make it special? I mean, she's never had a boyfriend before, remember?” 
     Right. He'd forgotten about that. But it didn't really matter what he did now anyway: she was his canon, the two of them together, always. But then … why had it taken them this long to find one another? And why had they needed to find each other in the first place, traversing space and time just to get to one another? His stomach roiled with apprehension. 
     “Lyla,” he began slowly. “How far along can you predict our timelines?” 
     “Well, considering that the two of you are … a little different to most of the others,” she pointed out uncertainly, “twenty years?” 
     His heart began thudding in his chest as he posed the question, terrified of considering the possibilities. “And what happens then?”
A little holographic tablet appeared in the AI’s hands as she considered his question. 
     “Oh my gosh!” she squealed excitedly, turning her tablet towards Miguel. “Your kids are so cute! Wanna see?” 
     “Nothing significant,” she revealed before popping back over to his side. “X stops being Black Widow though, after you guys have your first kid. But then you take over as Spiderman for her city.” Suddenly, she gasped loudly, causing Miguel's heart to skip a beat in terror. 
     “I want to see!” Peter exclaimed, rushing over to Lyla. “How many do they have?”
     “No! Don’t!” He swiped at Lyla, trying to wave her away. “You can’t just go around telling everyone their canon events!” Lyla hopped around the room, trying to ignore his desperate pawing. 
     “But you do it all the time!” she pointed out, settling herself on his desk, her tiny legs dangling over the edge. Miguel frowned.
     “Yeah, well, not everything has to be … Some things can still be a surprise!” he argued, his stomach bubbling with excitement in anticipation of their kids. Their kids. Kids plural! He couldn't wait to see their tiny little faces and carry their tiny little bodies in his arms. Actually, he could wait. He wanted it to be a surprise, just like he'd make sure it would be for her.
     “A few surprises,” Peter commented, exchanging a knowing smirk with Lyla. Miguel groaned, then took hold of Peter's shoulders, guiding him towards the exit. 
     “Go … take care of your own surprise, Peter,” he grumbled.
     “Hey! Mayday was planned!” Peter yelled in response, turning his head around to look at Miguel.
     “Doesn't mean she doesn't need looking after!” Their bantering voices faded away as they made their way down the corridor. Lyla let out a dramatic sigh once they'd left. 
     “Men,” she muttered. “You'd think they'd grow up after having their own kids.”
Tags: @leahnicole1219 @heubstr
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victorianpining · 11 months
The Game is Now
(Well The Game is over a year ago, if you want to be technical about it)
I finally took the time to write up my notes and reactions to the original BBC Sherlock Escape Room Experience! Sorry in advance if things are a little vague at points, we only played through the room once and am mostly running off of iphone notes I wrote 13 months ago. I hope to be able to go back to try out the new Mind of Moriarty room during its run, if this one was anything to go by, it should be a fun time!
My usual disclaimer that while this is a TJLC slanted writeup, I'm just playing The Game for fun at this point, I really am not expecting any of this to lead anywhere. Enjoy your television responsibly, don't idolize television writers, eat your veggies, etc. etc. etc. And spoilers for the room, obviously.
Oh, and huge thank you to @watermotif @betweendoctorsanddetectives and @647763 (and her girlfriend) for playing the room with me! I had a blast suffering with you all <3
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The way I'm getting myself to finally actually write this up is by telling myself it's okay if my thoughts are a little informal, especially after this long, so this is going to be written the way I usually structure my outlines in the format of chaotic bullet points. Hopefully it's still readable!
I'm starting my recap of the experience outside of the escape room itself, which was located in what was, for all intents and purposes, a random, abandoned seeming mall in London (it wasn't actually abandoned malls are just like that now)
So imagine you are just walking through what looks exactly like your local, very dead, mall, when there's just this massive wall with dark damask wall paper and the most DFP Sherlock quotes you can conceive of plastered on it. Think "I may be on the side of the angels but don't think for a second I am one of them" "heroes don't exist and if they did I wouldn't be one of them" "I'm a high functioning sociopath" etc. It's already hilarious
You come around the corner from that and there's the gated off "Doyle's Optometrist" office, where you have to page in (I think we had to state our group name, I can't remember exactly how we got in)
Once you're inside the staff helping you are named Stamford. Yes like Mike Stamford. Yes all of them. If you didn't know you were in for psychological torment, you do now
[brief intermission here because some of us arrived early, so they actually let us through to the Mind Palace bar while we waited. It was pretty cool, apart from the guy working there being really pushy about ordering drinks. The bar is Victorian themed with framed pictures from TAB and the biggest one in the room, like by far, was a framed picture of Sherlock and Moriarty's little gun standoff, so you know, that was fun.]
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[here we are trying to be normal about it]
[also I went to the bathroom at this point and there was a little sign in the stall which said that the Sherlock theme song was exactly the right length to wash you hands to which was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life]
Anyway back to the intended order of the experience, Stamford led us back to the optometrist waiting room where we sat calmly while John Watson's voice read out random advertisements. (The only one of these I wrote down was "the eyes are the legs of the face" because it was so random, but there was a set of them)
Also as you will see in the following picture, the posters in here were Bananas
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(In case you can't see it since it's small in dash, the purple one behind Mia says "Doyle's Audiographs: for those who hear but don't listen" very evocative of the "I did tell you but did you listen" motif, 0/10 very infuriating)
Stamford came over at this point and brought us back and gave us the rules, which included no photography so photos end here unfortunately
So we were taken to a projector room where John Watson addressed the players, saying that while it says the office belongs to Doyle, this is actually a front for one of Mycroft's plans (ha ha ha (deadpan)) and that he's coopted John into helping. (hah. do you get it? the author and the narrator? hillarious)
It was so clear that Martin did not want to be there. Like yes John in character also doesn't want to be there but Martin literally looked like he was being held at gunpoint. His eyes were dead. Poor guy.
Stamford led us through another room into the 221B living room! Being in here was surreal. Because there are a few groups lumped together at this point, we had a bit of time to look around the room. Rachel found a book about fetishes on the mantle, which was something.
We took our group picture, they let you pick from a few props. I went for the white queen chess piece for Dracula reasons and got bullied into wearing the deerstalker, which was homophobic.
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Also the skull was the Yorick version, and I took a moment to stare into ACD's eyes, out of respect, as one does.
At this point the game proper begins! Sherlock's voice comes on (Ben is not on camera other than one brief exception which we will be coming back to later) and starts prepping us for our mission.
I don't remember the context but I think while telling us to be careful in the flat he told us "don't scrape your knees, or do." which was funny considering "the state of her knees"
Mycroft then addresses the audience (hah) only to be interrupted by Moriarty (hah) hacking the TV (hah hah hah)
The mirror above the fireplace? Also turns into a TV that Moriarty hacks. Ha. Ha ha ha ha.
Moriarty informs us that he has kidnapped Mycroft so the point of the game is to save Mycroft from Moriarty (I was fighting the urge to bash my head against the walls of 221b at this point, like I was expecting M Theory but like Come On you're killing me here)
You may be wondering how exactly Moriarty has kidnapped Mycroft considering he is dead. Great question! You don't get an answer apart from Moriarty saying "remember I am definitely dead" in the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard come out of Andrew Scott's mouth. Full psychological warfare at this point. Having a great time. The usual.
Also at this point, while talking about Mycroft, Moriarty compares him to Sherlock, and he definitely listed off a bunch of things but the part that most stood out was he said verbatim "Mycroft is like Sherlock without the fangirls or sex appeal" so uh. Um. Yeah. M Theory Time!!! All Aboard!!! Choo Choo!!!!
We were taken to the first of our three puzzle rooms: the morgue at St. Bart's. Moriarty is introducing the room and jokingly refers to the brief time he spent dating Molly, lets us know that our goal is to break into the computer system (a development which had me thrilled, you know I love the Moriarty as a Virus angle)
Not one full minute after Moriarty joked about Molly being his cover, Molly voice over talks to John (who by the way has a beard at this point, that I had not mentioned) and goes "nice beard!" Hah. Hah.
To get into the computer we needed to put in a date, I don't remember the context for this puzzle but the answer was 2012, the year of Season 2.
The case in the middle of the room then lights up and you're able to see the corpse. On the computer, a database comes in, and in order to get into the server, we need to fill out a series of questions about the identity of the corpse.
One of the filters is the relationship status of the corpse with three options, single, married m/f, and married m/m. I let out the most exhausted sigh of my entire life and hit married m/m without even looking at the corpse. (we briefly removed it because the room was giving us clues out of order that made us think for a moment that this was wrong, it was not, the corpse is gay, you have to not assume he's straight. Do you get it?) (war and strife on the planet earth)
So the clue for that is that the corpse has the name Stephen tattooed on him (really? of all the names? Stephen????) and you're meant to figure out that he wouldn't get a tattoo of his own name. Or just be so mentally exhausted that you intrinsically know the corpse is going to be gay because of course he is.
If that wasn't enough, the corpse was also a member of the Royal Navy who was left handed. Hi John.
At this point my friends in the room with me pointed me up to the TV in the corner, which was showing random news feed but the ticker tap at the bottom was advertising BBC Dracula, which was fun.
When we were finally getting into the cage the server was in, Moriarty kept ominously chanting "let me in"
Again, don't remember the context, but one of the clues in this room was identifying the heart
We discovered the corpse died of a horrific virus (hah) just as Moriarty hacked into the server thanks to us (once again was genuinely enjoying the code stuff, this is a 10/10 from me, makes fadow better for everyone who has done this silly escape room sdhgakjdsg)
The second room was Mycroft's underground office and our task from Moriarty was to locate where his agents were stationed throughout the world and once again send off his virus. I was giggling.
Flipping around with switches on Mycroft's desk, we found that the mirrors on either side of the room were actually windows! Because of course they were!
Sherlock comes in with a clue at this point and lets us know something to the effect of "Mycroft likes to hide clues in photographs" which was uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... normal.
Those are my only notes for this room and I don't remember literally anything else about it so sorry about that on to....
The final room: The Victorian Operating Theater! Oh boy!!!
Moriarty has been using us to access the genetic code (hah) for a virus (hah) last scene in the Victorian Era (hahahahahahahaa). He literally phrases it as "an old treasure brought into the modern day." Hillarious.
Then the absolute highlight of the experience: there's this giant console thing in the middle of the room that comes to life with all these screens, and on them including Moriarty taunting us and, the absolute 12/10 winner, footage of Sherlock wandering around 221B. This is the only Ben footage you get and not only does it confirm the "Moriarty is always spying on Sherlock" part of M Theory, it's very similar to the wall of monitors I came up with for fadow. Fellow Moriarty fan Mia and I were dying at this as much as we were able to while still trying to solve the room.
Moriarty freed Mycroft but had infected us with the virus (this is why I joke that Moriarty gave me COVID, because I caught it this day and it might as well have been from him)
His plan was to unleash the virus on the world unless we could stop him
This room was more physical puzzles than mental, and we had to cure the brain, the heart, and the lungs respectively. The brain and the heart are obviously big Sherlock meta staples so since then I've been like "why the lungs tho?" My best guess is it has something to do with breathing new life into an old story, but that's just a guess
While we were solving it and making progress Moriarty came on to rant something like "the game was over! You should have known when to give up!" Flames, flames on the side of my face.
When we won, Sherlock insulted us, but Mycroft then came on to compliment our efforts and talents, which was a great way to leave off.
Apparently only 20% of people actually solve the room, and we were in the top 20% of that, all while trying to take in the meta of it all, go League of Furies!!!
Final thoughts: this really was like if watching the show was a thing you could live through in real time. If you've ever wanted to be tormented by Mofftiss in a more visceral way, this room is exactly what you're looking for. Also shoutout to Andrew, who acted his absolute heart out, 15/10 thanks for all the M Theory, it was delicious
Also once again to reiterate, I can't believe James Moriarty gave me COVID, after all I have done for him, rest in pieces except he isn't even dead all the way.
I guess 4 months of not being able to breathe fully was the real lungs meta all along.
Can't wait for the Mind of Moriarty game next though for real, that's gonna be Bonkers, if one of the scenes is a virtual version of the waterfall scene from TAB I think I would combust on the spot
Thanks for reading!!! Sorry this took me forever only to be such a casual writeup in the end, but hopefully this recreation of my mental breakdown in a mall was entertaining.
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dreamonseems · 1 year
Please do one where erling gets surprised by the reader in the dressing room after a match and the reader wants to "reward" him for his goals, things get dirty and anytime somebody could walk in
Erling Haaland X Female Reader
Summary: Reader gives Erling a nice reward.
I feel like all my shuts sound the same, but I have fun writing them. I'm going to try and get better at it, lol 😆
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Today, I had the pleasure of witnessing Erling's exceptional performance on the field. I was not expecting such a remarkable game to unfold, with the final score standing at a staggering 5-0. The match was truly a spectacle, and Manchester emerged victorious. Erling's impeccable skills were on full display as he scored some truly breathtaking goals.
It never ceases to amaze me how he captivates my heart with his talent, charm, and undeniable handsomeness. He possesses an extraordinary skill set in football and continues to leave me in awe. The fact that he is my boyfriend still feels surreal, and I am grateful to be part of his incredible journey.
Because I was overflowing with pride for him, I devised a special surprise as a token of appreciation. That's why I find myself waiting backstage in the boot room. I sent him a text to join me there, and when he finally arrived, he peeked his head in and asked, "My love, are you in here?" Without hesitation, I playfully pulled him inside, unable to contain my excitement.
Giggling, I replied, "Something exciting awaits you, babe. I thought we could indulge in a little adventure." Erling appeared slightly taken aback at first but quickly reciprocated with a smirk, his anticipation growing.
"Right here? What if we get caught?" he asked, his voice filled with exhilaration.
"That's part of the thrill, babe," I responded, biting my lip. Dropping to my knees, I gazed up at him and whispered,
"I know you want it," my warm breath grazing his shorts, where I can already discern his growing arousal.
I pause, my heart racing, as I savor the captivating sight before me. Erling's piercing gaze meets mine, and in that moment, a fiery connection ignites between us.
"Fuck, baby," he murmurs, his voice laced with desire. Closing the distance, he takes a deliberate step closer, his eyes never leaving mine.
We both become consumed by the intensity of the moment, the air charged with anticipation. The playful glimmer in his eyes fuels a flame within me, urging me to fulfill his deepest fantasies.
Driven by my own excitement, I proceed without hesitation, slowly pulling down his shorts. My hands tremble with a mix of nerves and eagerness. As I do, his hardened length springs free, pulsating with an undeniable craving. My fingers glide along his velvety skin, tracing the contours teasingly, all while maintaining an unbreakable eye contact, savoring the intimate connection that binds us.
I indulge in a tempting lick before fully enveloping him in my mouth, causing Erling to inhale sharply and a gasp to escape his lips. The warmth of my touch engulfs him, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. In need of support, he leans against the wall, his grip tightening on a nearby shelf.
Bobbing my head back and forth with a steady rhythm, I playfully flick my tongue against him, heightening Erling's pleasure with each deliberate movement. As I continue, one of my hands ventures to play with his balls, adding an extra layer of stimulation. Erling's breath grows ragged, his grip on the shelf tightening further, as he surrenders to the overwhelming waves of ecstasy crashing over him.
Desiring more of him, I attempt to take him deeper into my mouth, causing a momentary gag, aking both of us let out a moan. Erling's free hand finds its way into my hair, gently pulling my head back, allowing his throbbing member to slip out of my mouth.
"Fuck, can I?" he asks, his intentions clear. I nod in response, understanding his desire. He takes a moment to trace my lips with the head of his swollen shaft, smearing the glistening precome, eliciting a moan of anticipation from me. Finally, he pushes his pulsating member back inside the wet heat of my mouth, commencing a firm and forceful thrusting motion. With each powerful movement, I find myself gagging and drooling, completely consumed by the intense pleasure we both share.
Amidst the electrifying atmosphere, a distant symphony of approaching footsteps reverberates down the dimly lit corridor, instantly jolting us with a surge of adrenaline. Our eyes remain locked, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through us—excitement, fear, and arousal mingling in a potent blend. The tantalizing possibility of being discovered only serves to intensify our desires.
Driven by the heightened thrill, Erling thrusts with an unrestrained force into my mouth, his movements growing harder and more fervent. The wetness between my thighs becomes an undeniable testament to my own arousal.
Without hesitation, I slip a hand beneath my skirt, seeking the pulsating heat nestled within. My fingers find their way into my core, sliding and exploring as I simultaneously tease my clit, the pleasure building exponentially with each stroke.
As Erling's gaze catches sight of my intimate self-exploration, our eyes lock once more, conveying a profound understanding of our shared passion. We can sense that we are both teetering on the precipice of ecstasy, on the verge of surrendering to the tempestuous currents coursing through our bodies.
With a few final thrusts, he succumbs to the irresistible tide of climax, releasing deep into the recesses of my mouth. The convulsions of his release cascade through me, triggering my own cataclysmic release.
Our moans blend harmoniously, a harmonious symphony echoing through the confines of the room, transcending the boundaries of pleasure and desire. In the aftermath, we find solace in each other's arms, sinking into the depths of profound satisfaction.
As we bask in the aftermath of our shared climax, we allow ourselves a few precious moments to catch our breath, our bodies still humming with the intoxicating aftermath of pleasure. Erling, with a renewed sense of urgency, pulls his shorts back on, his movements displaying a sense of grace amidst the disheveled allure of the room. Extending his hand towards me, he helps me to my feet, his touch electric against my skin.
Passionately, he captures my lips in a fiery kiss, his desire evident in the fervor with which our mouths meld together. Breaking the kiss momentarily, Erling's voice is laden with satisfaction as he utters,
"That was so hot, baby. Thanks." I respond with a playful giggle, a mischievous glint sparkling in my eyes.
"There's plenty more where that came from. Let's hurry home," I tease, my voice laced with a seductive promise. Without delay, I lean in for another quick, fervent kiss, savoring the taste of him on my lips, before pulling back and offering him a teasing wink.
In response to my suggestive gesture, Erling's primal instincts take hold. A low, rumbling growl escapes his throat as he seizes the moment. With a display of raw strength, he effortlessly lifts me off my feet, slinging me over his shoulder, an act that fills me with a thrilling sense of surrender.
"We are going home right now," he declares, his tone a mix of determination and desire. The anticipation of what awaits us fuels the fire within as we embark on our journey, our bodies entwined in a powerful blend of passion and affection.
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rongzhi · 1 month
ok ive taken a deep breath and steeled myself. what do you think of liu yu
I'm going to put this under a cut because I rambled a little, but I wanted to offer my detailed impression :P Rest assured! No tearing to shreds occurred. He remains intact.
Well, I didn’t know who this guy was, so I took myself to the ole Wikipedia and my first thought was wow! Look at those label names.
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Second thoughts: Ooh, dancer. I'm looking forward to see how the dancing is (if he still dances).
I have heard of INTO1 but don't watch idol competition shows, but it's impressive that he placed first. I decided to listen to/watch two songs/performances: his first single, 靠岸, from 2019, and his most recent single from 2023, Focus.
靠岸 didn't seemed to have an official video, so I ended up watching a live performance from a show called Mr. Radio.
I was pleasantly surprised by this song! Seeing that he had been on Produce Camp, I was expecting a more pop kind of song, but this was a song I could imagine playing in the OT of a drama (in a good way!). I think his performance was a little shaky here, but I sense that maybe he was nervous? Either way, he seems a little shy here, where this song would really benefit from a powerhouse performance. Idk, maybe it was also a sound mixing issue. I like the song, though. Very pretty. I went to listen to the studio recording and it was a lot better—much closer to what I was hoping to get. The oooooh part sort of reminds me of a Zhou Shen song whose title I can't remember at the moment. It was space themed, though. (EDIT: the song I was thinking about was Cassini)
Next up!! Focus. I watched the Official Music Video on Youtube first.
Coming off 靠岸, I could see from the thumbnail that this song would be closer to the pop sound that I expected, so the things I was interested in seeing was the MV concept and the dancing. On first watch, I didn't really listen to the lyrics much, because there were no captions to read and I can't really tell what people are saying in pop songs anyway.
I have to admit that going into the video with the big gray space only, I thought it was pretty ugly at first. I just think that the CG structure on pale BG concept always looks cheap no matter who does it, though, and Liu Yu seems like a sort of tiny guy, so with all the dancers around him, I initially thought he looked a little swamped by them.
At 0:48 when we got a flash of the all-black cowboy look, again I was a bit disappointed, thinking that there wouldn't be much edge to concepts.
Then we got to the, I'm gonna say, test lab sewer gothic, and I thought "ok, at least that's something". It's definitely be done before but there's more production in that set and look, so at least the whole video isn't just going to be a gray void. The flash of Liu Yu standing in as his own princess was kind of interesting (disappointed this character never showed up in the music video again)
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Now I know said I wasn't going to rip him to shreds and that's because....!!! When the beat dropped, I went "ok wait" lol. At 1:03, I witnessed evidence of stage presence and was like "oh we are so back, baby"
Still not a fan of the big pale space, and I think Liu Yu's charisma was most visible in the sewer gothic scenes and weakest in the scenes where he's wearing the silver ice skating outfit looking blouse, but maybe that's just because it distracts you with his little twig body. I personally can't buy into the energy of someone who looks like the most movable object on earth.
3:03 the "yuh" made me laugh tho
MV looks ranked (best to worst):
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One thing that I didn't like about the MV (but understand is necessary) was that the video kept cutting right as I thought to myself "Oh, this is a nice bit of dancing", and I wish the shots had been wider on the dance moves instead of cutting him off at the ribs. A wider dance version in the sewer (I know that's not what it was but jhkalfjl) would've been appreciated by me. With that in mind, I decided to see if there was a dance performance video and there was! As suspected, the choreography in the beginning of the song is also just not that strong or compelling to me. It sort of gives intermediate hiphop 2 dance recital. My favorite part of choreo is the breakdown at 2:56.
Anyway, I hope these impressions were sufficient! I didn't check him out on any variety shows so I can't comment much on what I think about his personality, but from a music/performance standpoint, I think he's pretty good. Not really the kind of stuff I listen to anymore but if I still kept up with idols, maybe I'd check him out from time to time :)
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