#i really miss my titanic thread
loveaffairxc · 6 months
if you're interested in titanic rp like this so i can message you and we can start plotting
open to mutuals/non mutuals
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mossfrg · 1 year
Jersey Gotham
Okay as someone born and raised in Jersey, I feel like we as a fandom are missing out on truly Jersey-ified Gotham. Like, c’mon, Jersey Girl Brucie Wayne??? So here I am to present a list of things I need more of because god damn it make Batfam— mostly Bruce, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Duke— Jersey (all based on my own personal experiences/real things that have happened to me):
Bruce cannot pump his own gas. He just. Doesn’t know how to. It’s not like a rich person thing, he just never learned cause he’s from fucking Jersey and never leaves Gotham. Jason didn’t know how and Talía lost her shit “How??? You are child superhero??? Who died and spontaneously came back??? But you can’t pump gas??” Tim kinda knows cause of Titans but again, he never really had to. (There’s a Twitter threaded dedicated to the Wayne family titled “is this rich or Jersey”). Steph and Duke can but they both pretend not too.
There have been fist fights over whether it’s pork roll or taylor ham. Jason and Bruce are very adamantly pork roll like the good Southern Jersey boys they are— it’s the one thing they can agree in most days— but Tim is taylor ham. Steph and Duke, despite being South Jersey, like to cause chaos and flip sides constantly. Dick, Damian, and Cass couldn’t care less.
The Absolute Hatred of New York/NYC. Doesn’t matter which kid it is, Bruce (and Alfred) got them all on board with this. Don’t even get them started on the Statue of Liberty; it’s a Wayne family tradition to try and buy it from NY because technically it’s more in NJ than NY and it’s closer too. They’ve yet to be successful but Bruce has hope for when it’s Damian’s turn.
And bc of this hatred of NYC comes the support of Philly!! None of them are super big sport fans, but they do cheer for Eagles, 76ers, and Union. Bruce, thanks to Alfred, is a big fan of soccer (“it’s football, master Bruce, I didn’t raise you in a barn”), and is a member of the Sons of Ben. He can be found in the River End of the stadium with Jason cheering for Union at pretty much every home game. There are multiple videos of Brucie Wayne and Jason Wayne screaming at refs, launching fireworks off the roof, and cursing out opposing teams’ players. Duke and Tim can be found 76ers games, while Steph frequents Eagles games.
Accents. Pls for the love of god give those boys (and Steph) accents. They are from New Fucking Jersey. They say “cawfee” and “tawlk.” They pronounce 0% of their t’s in the middle of words— kitten is ki’en, Trenton is tren’in. Jason and Steph drop letters when they gets pissed, Bruce slurs words, Duke and Tim drop passive-aggressive “y’all’s” to piss people off.
Driving. Now it’s not that they’re shit drivers, it’s that everyone else is a shit driver, and it’s not helped that majority of them learned to drive in the Batmobile. Steph has a loudspeaker on her car and frequently yells “fucking Pennsylvania turn your goddamn blinker on!” while driving. Bruce has a room in the manor dedicated to his speeding tickets. Tim as gotten into multiple fists fights at lights because people were driving slow in the fast lane. Jason is infamous for doing the Jersey Slide.
Jason, Tim, and Steph have gotten mugged before. They talked their way out of it and gave tips to the mugger. Bruce has kicked a rabid raccoon while walking home before because what else was he supposed to do? Duke has ordered a “pork roll egg and cheese on an everything” before in Not-Jersey and cried because they don’t have it. Several foreign benefactors of WE have asked for translators at meetings with Brucie cause Brucie’s accent is so thick and exaggerated. IN CONCLUSION: making Batfam (and gotham) Jersey is funny as hell and presents so many good opportunities. Make Batfam Jersey! (again these are all just my personal experiences, big state yada yada, different experiences, blah blah idgaf I jsut need batfam fist fighting over pork roll)
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tartsinarat · 12 days
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So here’s post-canon Pip, he’s edgier than ever before/hj and is around 20-ish here.
So tbh he’s not having the best time of his life at this point…. But at least he’s got a cool giant anime sword tho and looks like he’s about to punch Dracula in the face :P (I was watching Castlevania while drawing him and it’s influenced his first outfits ngl)
I did a second outfit with goggles because I thought that would look cute and also functional due to him flying about all the time but it’s meh to the first one so it’s not the one I’m going to go with
Also poor guy is mentally hanging on by a thread and has decided therapy is overrated so instead he’s become the demon realm’s version of Indiana Jones who has a real death wish and an extremely unhealthy obsession with trying to remove his curse as well as finding its origins.
The reason why his hair is so short when he hates it styled like that, is because he realised that the double combo of his hair greying because of the curse and it being long makes him look like Belos. Originally he had it much shorter (crew cut) but he hasn’t had the time or energy to go get it cut again.
He’s at this point almost semi non-contact with everyone he knows but hides it under the guise that he’s extremely busy with work which is handy because he’s always out looking in different islands and is rarely in the boiling isles so it’s a pretty good excuse.
But he does try to keep as much contact as he can with Luz, Eda and King and when he visits he always first goes to show King any artefacts he finds that are related to titans and lets him pick first dibs of anything he wants before giving them later to Lilith and then immediately dipping out to avoid being seen but before that he likes sneaking Eda any cool jewellery she might like that he found on his adventures as well as meeting Luz to give an quick update on each other’s lives.
There’s another reason he generally avoids being seen/ even being in the boiling isles as him even being allowed in the boiling isles is a huge constant debate and controversy due to conspiracies and people’s fears of the empire being established again as well as Pip in general (this is due to the belief that he was the one who started the day of unity/ draining spell as Pip was there in person but brainwashed while Belos was actually preparing it by the portal instead of being physically there…) so uh he’s pretty much hated by the whole community despite Luz and the gang’s attempts to get everyone to believe the real story :(
Also not so fun fact, Pip refuses to be around and avoids Hunter to an extreme extent due to season 3 events :( (but it’s because of pure guilt as he doesn’t want Hunter to have to be around or face the person who caused Flapjack’s death… even if he was possessed) Hunter doesn’t even blame him or anything and really misses his brother but he respects Pip’s boundaries.
Didn’t want to leave this on such a sad note as it kinda sucks to make such a depressing post but Pip does manage to eventually be in a wayyyy better place mentally but I can’t say how or whennnn because it’s to do with the post canon comic I’m planning which is my focus rn because I’m having fun writing for it so far :p
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softeninglooks · 1 year
levi ackerman | one of those mornings
reposting this levi x reader one shot i wrote some time ago on my old blog because i can’t remember the email i used to log onto that account and i really enjoyed writing it back then. minor corrections included 🌷☀️
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“You’re staring.”
A hoarse chuckle left your lips while your eyelids were lifting slowly, lazy rays of sunshine falling onto your face, inundating your beautiful eyes with light; even half-asleep, his intent gaze had burned into your peaceful features, gently drawing you away from slumberous half-consciousness and into a languorous waking. Dawn greeted you with the warmth of a bourgeoning spring day and the caress of grey eyes that held your whole world in them.
“Tch,” Levi breathed out softly, fingers sweeping a few strands of hair away from your face; his lips weren’t quite a smile yet, but he couldn’t take his eyes off you. “Can’t I enjoy the only moments you’re not covered in titan shit?”
“Fair enough,” your palm covered Levi’s hand, which you brought to your lips, leaving a tender kiss on it. “Good morning, Levi.”
“Good morning, Y/n.”
Your fingers interlaced, the Captain leaning forward to plant a feathery kiss upon your forehead, his pointy nose barely bumping into your skin. He regained his place beside you, a little closer than before, the tangled sheets you shared agreeably shielding you from the morning breeze flowing in through the half-open windows.
“You woke up earlier, didn’t you?” you mused, moving your hand up over Levi’s taut forearms, then neck, until it ended on his cheek.
“Yes. The kettle’s on.”
“Thank you for not waking me up. And coming back.”
“I couldn’t miss this.”
Levi’s unconcealed sincerity—that same deep care he couldn’t always say but always expressed whenever he took care of his soldiers and friends—sent shivers down the beating walls of your heart. If any goodness existed in this world, then it lay within Levi’s soul, the hopeful glow of stars guiding a solitary wanderer radiating off his small frame. In spite of what others said and imagined, you knew the strength of Levi’s kindness, unstoppably pulsing even behind every harsh word and violent action, and ordering him to always stand back up, no matter the cost. He had given away everything—even his humanity, some thought. Yet you knew, better than anyone else, how deeply human Levi Ackerman was.
Your fingers threaded in Levi’s silky raven hair, which you brushed away from his forehead lovingly, your eyes locked in a quiet mutual understanding. Levi tried his best, but words didn’t come easy to the short Captain; so you would talk instead, feeling his grip tighten over your skin when his heart was touched like never before; or you wouldn’t talk, and let yourself be in the moment, which spoke louder than sentences.
For the longest time, Levi had been seen as a weapon—a soldier, unreadable, harsh, cold, efficient. Humanity’s strongest, with death-sowing hands and crimson-stained blades. But then, for the first in his entire miserable, brutal life, someone had glimpsed the man within. The man whose dedicated heart was yet to be buried, and who had never believed there could be redemption for someone like him—someone whose sole purpose had become to avenge. But then you came; and suddenly, someone was asking him about his mother, about the sky he would contemplate at night with Isabel and Furlan, about his favourite kind of tea. And that had never happened before. And if Levi could’ve broken the thick silence that had been his companion for far too long, he would’ve told you that you had brought him back to life. But not yet, not when a part of him still battled to keep his head over the water, but one day, he would. Perhaps on a morning just like this, when there would be no more war.
But for now, lying in bed together, your fingers carding through his slightly dishevelled hair, his hand lingering on your bare arm, was enough. Sooner or later, the day would come when he would finally gather all the words he needed.
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megaxard · 1 year
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text post compilation #2– xigbar edition. i have so many xigbar ones i just like him so much
[original thread] [#1, riku] [#3, xemnas] [#4, soriku] [#5, leaisa] [#6, roxas] [#7, kh1] [#8, axel/lea] [#9, demyx] [#10, CoM] [#11, DiZ hate] [#12, CoM/coded]
below: image IDs
[start image id]
1. Xion: not once did it cross my mind that xigbar from organization xiii was a surfer dude. i just thought he was fucked up
2. Xigbar: I don’t “slip” you see, every mistake and intention is carefully calculated for the expected effect and I promise (misspelled) you, I did not make a “typo” that wasn’t my own “miss-giving” you forget how high my IQ is, how big my meat, the inner power I hold. I don’t make these “mistakes” I don’t. and I never will. I fucking hate you XOXO
3. Kid grabbing my arm in the store (Roxas): How old are you?
Xigbar: Five hundred and twelve. I watched the Hindenburg burn.
Roxas: Did you see the Titanic sink? 
Xigbar: No, it was in the middle of the ocean.
4. Xigbar: Hmm gay rights but for me only I think? The rest of u are on ur own
5. Braig: Why does the pirate aesthetic go so hard like? I absolutely want to wear two coats and tall boots and a ton of fucking knives and a sword hello? Maybe not lose an eye but we all have to make sacrifices
6. Braig: I have no relevant skills. I am unpleasant to work with. I like to cause problems.
Xehanort: hired
7. Xigbar: I feel so bad when I overtake an old person (Xehanort) on the sidewalk like man I really didn’t mean to flex on you with my youthful stride
8. Xigbar: I’m sick and tired of being called “mortal” like. You don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
9. Xigbar: I am a luxury few can tolerate
10. Xigbar, talking to Sora: Humpty died on impact, kid. Anyone tellin ya it coulda been different is a glue salesman
[End ID]
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 1 year
The Owl House overlooked/loose Plot treads (Updated)
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There are a LOT of unresolved, unaddressed, and forgotten mysteries, characters, and plots that had to be cut short because of the shortening so... I decided to search and list as many of these as possible! Because there is just so much we missed and this is my way to cope.
Plot threads:
What was Darius's mentor's name? and why/how was he "eliminated"? (was he who inspired/influenced Darius to form his own rebellion?)
How did Darius even uncover the Draining spell? did he sneak inside Belos's office and snatch the paper? did he overhear Belos talking with the Collector? did the previous Golden Guard leave him some hints as to what Belos' plan was all about?
How did the CATTs (Amber, Derwin, and Skara) escape the Conformatorium after Eda's requiem? Did Raine break them out? was it Darius? Steve? [Possible Answer: it seems that the cell they were throw-in was actually open]
How did Bump manage to implement multitracking in Hexide? Assuming that at one point, the Emperor's coven sent an actual inspector to the school, how did the detention kids and Bump deal with that?
What about the other magic schools? we never got to see Glandus High or St. Epiderm.
What happened with the Greater Basilisk? It was implied that the emperor's coven took her so... is she dead?
How did belos revive the basilisks? was the Collector involved in that or did he figure out that one on his own? what method did he use? If the collector give him the draining spell, then what was even the point of resurrecting them in the first place?
What exactly is the relationship between Hunter and Darius like? mentor? father figure? friend? After giving Hunter a scroll and promising him to keep Flapjack secret we really never got a proper look at their relationship after all of that. After all of those years of giving Hunter the cold shoulder, Darius must have dedicated a lot of time to gain Hunter's trust.
Grimwalkers, how did Belos discover their existence? The only explanation that comes to mind is that he found the "recipe" in some forgotten temple or that The Collector help him develop it throught trial and error. Althrought the books Hunter found imply that the Demon Realm knows to a certain extent of their existence.
What was that little box containing the puzzle and map to the Titan's Blood? and who put it there and why? Because I genuinely find it disjointed from everything, like, not even a hint was placed about who made it and for who.
What happened to the other basilisk that escaped with Vee, and what was their relationship like? We know they are fine at the end but where did they go? Were they just hiding, or were they searching for Vee? Were they like siblings to her? if not then why bother to stick together? maybe they did care for her...
During Vee's flashback of her time in captivity, we saw 5 cages... We know who inhabited cages 5, 4, and 3. Assuming that the greater basilisk was part of this row of cages, we are missing one basilisk. Who are they and where did they go? What did Belos do to them?
What was the aftermath of Eda's first transformation into the Owl Beast like? what did Lilith do after Eda ran away? What was Gween and Deell's first reaction to the whole situation?
Who was the owner of the Bat Queen? After what was said in the last PostHoot, and the possible connection between her and the tower of the Owl House, well, now I really want to know who.
How many Titans/islands exit in the Demon Realm? We know that other landmasses exist beyond the Demon realm, but we only know of two civilizations, The boiling Isles and the Titan Trappers Island. Are there the only ones? are there more somewhere out there?
Luz and Vee's relationship. There are obviously some unresolved issues between them which we never got to see being resolved. How did Luz feel about Vee being a better daughter to Camila? about Vee making friends in only a few months while she never got one throught her whole life in the human realm? How did she feel about getting a new demon sibling after seemingly losing one just a few days/weeks ago?
Philip and Caleb's relationship. We can only assume and interpret things based on what we saw in Belos's mindscape and what Masha told the Hexsquad.
Evelyn and Caleb's relationship. During the last PostHoot Dana described their relationship as something that developed slowly, but apart from that, we have nothing
Philip's arrival to the Demon realm. We don't have any specifics about when and how Philip ended up in the demon realm, did he follow Caleb exactly when he crossed with Evelyn? did it take him years to muster the courage to cross the portal or find him or it took him years just to find him when already in the demon realm?
What's up with the other coven heads? Hettie Cutborn? maybe she is a buff vampire. Vitmir? no idea what his deal is but he is definitely evil. Osran? also evil, but in a more cynical way. Mason? He gives me family man vibes.
How did Masha and the other Cabin 7 kids feel about the real Luz? it wasn't even addressed how Vee feels about the whole situation, heck she seemingly replaced them with Luz's friends! there is just a lot to unpack there...
What exactly is Raine's relationship with their... apprentices? (Amber, Katay, and Derwin) how did they all meet each other and how did they end up forming the rebellion?
Amity's palisman, how and when did she get them? Was the Bat Queen involved? Was Ghost Odalia's palisman?
Darius and Eberwolf… They seem so close, yet so personality-wise so different from one another. Maybe one day we will see how deep their dynamic goes.
Steve and Matt, we know they are half brothers, but what is their relationship really like? Wouldn't be a surprise if Matt resents him for "abandoning" him for the Emperor's coven.
Flora D'splora's original role and relevance to the story. The crew released a painting that was meant to be part of Hollow mind's background that depicts an unsettling scene of Belos alongside Flora... What was supposed to mean? Was Florea meant to be an antagonist? Or was it all just because of driving Lilith to find the time pools?
Vee and Hunter are literally siblings: kids artificially created by Belos to accomplish a single purpose, had to lie about their identity to make friends, both belong to an extinct species, their names are literally just titles the dynamic between them was literally the thing I wanted to most from Season 3... cries
Viney, Barcus, and Jerbo. I genuinely wanted to see what their newfound freedom to study any type of magic led them to. Possibly nothing important but considerating how multitracking became a thing at one point during the second season...
Hunter, buddy, how did you not recognize Kikimora's voice in For the Future? you worked alongside her your whole life! Don't take this one seriusly
How did Camila and Vee's relationship develop after the lie was no more? we know that at the end Vee is practically a Noceda, but how did they both handle the aftermath of Yesterday's lie? Did Camila at one point resent Vee for what she did, aware that if it wasn't for Luz's arrival, the lie would have continued indefinitely? Did Vee apologize and/or told Camila why she did it? Again, there is a lot to unpack there.
Personally, considerating all of these, I believe that if the Owl House ever gets a spin-off, it needs to be about what we missed because of the shortening. Like, don't get me wrong, A Young Eda and/or Evelyn sounds nice but I don't think that a whole series dedicated to them is necessary. Why not a little bit of everything? 1 episode for each one of these, maybe 2 if it seems necessary. We can finally get some closure for some of the characters that suffered from the shortening (Vee, Darius, Raine, Bosha, the Catss, etc) and get some well-needed answers for much of everything.
If I miss something, make me know and I will add them!
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flightfoot · 1 year
Regardless of the actual quality of the episode Charmeleon might just be the worst episode just because of the impact it's had on the fandom. It's like 4 years old and people are still writing New Salt about it.
I don't get it.
What is it about that episode that enrages People that much?
Do you have any ideas?
When it first came out, a lot of it had to do with opening up these plot threads, this threat, that went unresolved. Lila threatened to turn all of Marinette's friends against her, so naturally people took that and thought of how that could happen, what that would look like, and what the consequences would be.
Then people just went completely batshit with it.
I think people gradually started being less angry about Chameleon itself, and more seized it as an excuse for a plotline that tends to be popular whenever someone opens the door for it: the "all my friends are treating me badly so I get to show them just how special and necessary I really was, how underappreciated I was, and get righteous revenge on them while my new, better, more powerful, true friends who would never wrong me or disappoint me in any way help me to get my vengeance on my old false friends" plot.
The Harry Potter fandom has Azkaban fics, where Harry's falsely sent to Azkaban, befriends the poor, misunderstood Death Eaters imprisoned there, and breaks out and gets revenge on the Wizarding World with their help. The Percy Jackson fandom has betrayal fics (often Chaos fics), where he was chased out of Camp Half-Blood, Annabeth cheats on him, and then he discovers that he has an even cooler, more powerful bloodline and abilities than his already OP status in canon. Pokemon has the Tournament fics, where Ash's companions all mock him for losing a tournament (except whoever the author wants as his love interest) and then he goes away and trains for several years and then shows back up to completely annihilate a tournament and prove he's the best that ever was. And the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom has the Anon-a-Miss fics, which are the most similar I think, with Sunset's friends believing that she's the person anonymously revealing embarrassing information about them (which to be fair, she'd done that kind of thing before in order to purposely break the Mane 6 apart), and shunned her as a result.
Notably, Pokemon's and Percy Jackson's betrayal fics don't stem from any sort of canonical trigger. Someone got the ball rolling, and that's all it took for copycats to spring up. Honestly it could happen in ANY fandom, so long as someone opens the door.
I'm just glad it hasn't hit The Owl House yet at least. I don't need to see Gus and Willow made to beat up Luz while Amity cheats on her to give Luz an excuse to connect to the Titan, become supreme empress of the Boiling Isles, and then throw all her former friends in the Conformatorium.
The sheer vitriol and popularity of ML's Saltdom, now that's just... ugh. Especially since the particular way that these plots manifest in the ML Saltdom has some very bad implications on top of the general distastefulness of the demonization itself, particularly with how Alya is usually treated in these plotlines.
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embossross · 5 months
2023 in anime
i give ratings out of 10 stars based on a rubric that considers the following:
2 points / ambition of what the anime is trying to achieve 3 points / effectiveness of the anime in achieving its aims 4 points / my personal, subjective enjoyment 1 point / pacing +1/-1 miscellaneous
so with that said… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (2 anime)
revolutionary girl utena – heavy breathing panting crying what a fucking roller coaster nanami the child you are anty the child you were utena the child you choose to be – just one of the true masterpieces of all anime. took a few episodes to realize that this show understood tone and comedy perfectly and wasn’t just a wonky children’s show and by golly! the nanami in season 3 gutted me unlike anything else
attack on titan: final season (for real this time) – decent conclusion to maybe my favorite anime of all time
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (10 anime)
school rumble – so goddamn funny and i cared about every goddamn character. it’s witchcraft!
trigun – good ole saturday morning cartoons
golden kamuy s3 – how does it keep getting better???!?!
fruits basket – i was a certified hater after s1, but slowly but surely i gave into the melodrama. akito and shigure were EVERYTHING
nana – the most disappointing ending of all time! for one of the greatest anime of all time. manga pls save me!!!
rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai – i’m embarrassed. i cried.
princess tutu – expressionistic, dedicated to storytelling, tremendously kind-hearted. you have to let it move you
blue lock – i’m officially a sports anime girlie
cyberpunk: edgerunners – this was just so slick!
chainsaw man – nothing needs to be said here
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (8 anime)
yamada-kun to lv999 no koi wo suru – adult romance that hasn’t been stripped of all conflict and maintains momentum nearly to the end
oshi no ko – my expectations were non-existent after ep 1 but then it crept up on me. i can’t even fully put my finger on what works so well? but it does! it knows when to take itself seriously and when to be nonsense.
demon slayer s3 – best season of demon slayer to date, i actually cared
durarara!!x2 shou – this is a confession. my inner edgy teen loves durarara. i appreciate huge casts of characters acting in opposition in atmospheric tokyo.
gintama – i finally finished gintama one of my favorites of all time. the end pulls all the threads together but it does so at the expense of the laughs so loses some points
chihayafuru – amazing background anime. just consistently fun and engaging.
perfect blue – i feel stupid and uncultured to not give this a 10
vinland saga – askeladd is so hot wow
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (7 anime)
buddy daddies – funny and sincere in degrees but a truly annoying little girl character
serial experiments lain – god you’ve gotta appreciate the wild swings creatives were taking in the 90s
durarara!!x2 ten
great teacher onizuka – ugh he’s a creep but also heh he’s funny
trigun stampede – they yassified them!
mob psycho 100 s3 - meandered a bit but the characters are forever favorites
to your eternity – the first 3 arcs are extraordinary. march is one of the great child characters of all time. the end drags.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (8 anime)
zom 100 – crazy good first episode that earns its premise and then a slow descent into mediocrity; cool colors though!
terror in resonance – utterly forgettable
dororo – way too long with way too many hit or miss episode arcs
bungou stray dogs s4 – the cracks are showing but the rampo backstory is dope
lycoris recoil – those cute girls shoulda been lesbians
classroom of the elite – is it edgy? yes. are the quotes frustratingly misused? oh yes. is it fun? ugh yeah actually
romantic killer – pretty cute and the edge of danger at the end really sells it
free – solid watch but it left my brain like sand in a sieve
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 anime)
wolf’s rain – what passes as deep when children are your primary audience
hell’s paradise – boring and i liked the manga so.
durarara!!x2 ketsu – the conclusion falls short
land of the lustrous – bold but was too slow for me
⭐⭐⭐⭐ (3 anime)
tomo-chan is a girl! – sometimes funny but the conceit does not justify 13 episodes and it loses steam fast
mushishi – some of the vignettes were beautiful but felt repetitive
bleach: thousand-year blood war – sleek, hype, plagued by all the old bleach problems
no game no life season 1 - confused that this was such a phenomenon when it came out. it’s fine i guess.
⭐⭐⭐ (5 anime)
kamisama kiss – trite imo
given – god save us from anime about perfect people being perfect with each other – but this time set to music!
tokyo revengers s2 – 🤷
natsume’s book of friends – i don’t need vibes this cozy
sasaki to miyano – and i really don’t need vibes this cozy
⭐⭐ (0 anime)
⭐ (0 anime)
& then ongoing shows that i’m not going to rank until i finish them (but actually all are pretty good so far) – skip to loafer, heavenly delusion, spy x family s2, apothecary diaries, jujutsu kaisen s2, frieren: beyond journey’s end, vinland saga s2
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ali-annals · 1 month
Here, go stalk (aka the Coffee Phenomenon)
Pairing: Tim Drake x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
WC: 1.8k | Ao3 | TW: blood | A/N: for @/the-coffee-fandom for National Coffee Day 2023
Nightwing knocked on Red Robin’s mysterious rescuer’s window. She opened it with a stern look. “Really? And a blue and black vigilante outside my window isn’t as obvious as simply knocking on my door?” He shrugged, entering when she stepped back for him.
Thump .
The sound of light feet hitting the roof made the girl turn slightly.
All she saw was a black blob weaving around, making her dizzy.
With a put-upon sigh, she heaved herself up from her perch hundreds of feet above the ground and dusted herself off.
“Hey, are you okay?”
The blob collapsed.
The girl rushed over, the scent of blood hitting her nose as she got closer.
The blob was revealed to be one of the vigilantes of the city she was in, clearly badly hurt.
The girl quickly rolled up her sleeves and checked for the vigilante’s pulse and breathing.
Carefully, she rolled them over into the first-aid recovery position and inspected them for their injuries.
With a tsk and muttered reproofs, she yanked her shirt over her head and tore it at the seams into long, makeshift bandages. The vigilante was suffering from multiple knife wounds; some shallow, a couple quite deep.
Shaking her head as she realized her meagre first-aid equipment was useless, she raised her hand to her head. “Jument, voyage!”
“Robin, report.”
Robin raised a hand to his earpiece. “There is a small puddle of blood on the roof of Killinger’s Department Store. One of Red Robin’s Batarangs is a little ways from it. There is a ripped black shirt by the blood. It appears to have been used as a makeshift bandage, then discarded. No signs of a struggle or foul play.”
In the Batcave, Batman growled at the lack of clues. Nightwing’s name popped up on the Batcomputer.
[Incoming Call: Titan’s Tower: Nightwing]
“Hey, B. O told me Red Robin went missing. Raven is in Gotham incognito. I can ask her if she’d try to track him down.”
“Hnn.” Batman considered. “Okay.”
Fifteen minutes later, Raven entered the cave in her Titans uniform.
Batman explained the finer details of Red Robin’s disappearance, then Raven opened a portal to the roof where he had been last identified.
“There was definitely magical interference of some kind,” Raven decided. “Someone opened a portal. It’s unlike any portal magic I’ve seen, though. This might take some time.”
Batman & Co. waited on tenterhooks for Raven to finish her…whatever she did. Finally, she turned back to them. “I can trace the portal’s energy and hopefully follow RR.”
The Bats breathed a sigh of relief and waited even longer as Raven opened a portal and disappeared.
Raven blinked at the scene before her.
Red Robin was lying on a couch, unconscious.
A petite dark-haired young woman was sitting in the chair beside him, bent over him as she…sewed his suit up? At least, that was what Raven thought was happening.
“Excuse me? Who are you, and what are you doing?” The woman looked up, flashing a smile before she returned to her stitching. “Oh, you work fast. I’m a friend, and I’m sewing up Red Robin’s suit. It got badly cut up in some spots, so I’m fixing it till he can get a replacement.”
Raven wondered at the woman’s word choice, but didn’t say anything.
“Is he alright?”
“Oh, yes. He’s just asleep. I healed him from his wounds, but natural healing and rest is best.”
“You seem familiar,” murmured Raven. “Have we met somewhere before?”
She shook her head. “I don’t recall meeting you. Raven, from the Titans, right?”
“That’s me. What is your magic from? I can’t recall coming across a signature like yours before.”
“I don’t exactly flaunt my skills,” laughed the girl, snipping a thread. “There, you can take him home. I assume he won’t remember any of this at all, since he collapsed before I got to him.” 
“How did you find him?” Raven tilted her head curiously. “He was on a roof. That’s not exactly a common hangout spot.”
The woman laughed. “I’m not exactly common. I was on the roof to think. There’s nothing like a quiet nightscape to think over.”
Raven silently agreed. “Thank you for taking care of Red Robin.”
“Of course; I couldn’t just leave him there. He was bleeding out too fast and I didn’t know how to contact Batman.”
“I’ll leave you my number and Nightwing’s in case you come across something like this again. One of us should be available.”
“Thanks, Raven. Can I give you mine as well? Save Batman the trouble of stalking me?”
Raven’s lips quirked up at the edges. “Sure.”
Raven placed her and Nightwing’s business cards on the table by the woman’s sewing stuff, freeing her hands to pick up Red Robin, a card tucked into his belt by his rescuer.
With him slung over her shoulder, she opened a new portal and popped back into the Batcave.
“He’s been healed, courtesy of his rescuer. He’s currently unconscious so he can rest and naturally heal. I gave his rescuer my and ‘Wing’s cards in case she needs to contact one of us again, and I got hers.” Raven fished the card out of RR’s belt and handed it to Batman. “Here, go stalk.”
Nightwing knocked on Red Robin’s mysterious rescuer’s window.
She opened it with a stern look. “Really? And a blue and black vigilante outside my window isn’t as obvious as simply knocking on my door?”
He shrugged, entering when she stepped back for him.
“I wanted to say thank you for rescuing Red Robin and healing him. He’s the most energetic he’s been in ages. Probably because he actually had a good sleep. How did you do it?”
“Magic,” she winked. 
“The Teen Titans wanted to extend an invitation for you to partner with or join us, at your convenience.”
The young woman blinked back at him. “How much did Batman find on me that you want me to join your team?”
“Er…Raven vouched for you. Empath, you know? She could tell you’re inherently good.”
“Ah. I’d like some time to think about it, please.”
“Of course. You have my number, feel free to contact me whenever.”
“How is it going?” Raven stopped by the new recruit Marie’s room.
She looked up from her unpacking, a large red box in her hands. “It’s going well. I’m glad I accepted the invitation. I’m excited to work with a team!”
“We’re glad to have you.”
“So, Red Robin is also part of the Titans?”
“Yes, though he works under the moniker Robin, here.”
“Oh, that’s not confusing at all,” joked Marie.
Raven rolled her eyes in sympathy. “I know. That’s the Bats for you, and RR in particular.”
“So, you found your soulmate.”
Nightwing’s face appeared upside down in Marie’s vision, from where she was hanging upside down on the couch in the Titans’ den.
“Robin and you. You keep the exact same hours, drink the same unholy amounts of coffee, espresso, and energy drinks, and are both paranoid about your rooms and confidential information. You’re practically the same person in two bodies.”
“Huh.” Marie mulled that over for a bit, the increased blood flow fueling her brain, or so she claimed. “I wonder if we became that way because of heroing or if we became heroes because it fit our lifestyle like that. I should do a study on that.”
Marie flipped over the arm of the couch and headed down the hallway to Robin’s room, ready to get a partner to study the phenomena.
Nightwing sank onto the vacated couch and groaned, his head in his hands.
It came as no surprise when Robin and Epiphany revealed they were dating. Their strange living habits practically threw the two together. Luckily for everyone, they got along instead of clashing over their similarities.
The longer Marie spent around the Titans and assimilated to their family, the more she opened up. She used to be the leader of a small team of heroes in her city, but once their villain was finally defeated, almost all of her team members had chosen to give up their loaned powers and erase their memories of heroing.
Alone and tired, Marie had moved, changed almost everything about her, and kept a quiet profile. She had missed heroing, though, and when Nightwing approached her with the opportunity to join a team and not be the leader, she accepted. 
Her fellow members welcomed her with open arms, and she was filled with warm fuzzy feelings of belonging and love.
Raven gently placed her hand on Marie’s knee, exerting pressure until she stopped bouncing it rapidly up and down. 
Marie turned to her, only realizing she’d been literally vibrating in her seat as she met Raven’s eyes. “Okay, I might be a bit nervous meeting Batman and Oracle and Red Hood and Robin and Spoiler and Alfred,” Marie answered the unspoken question, her voice becoming higher pitched as she listed each member of the BatClan
“It will be okay,” soothed Raven, surrounding Marie with calming emotions. “Batman will like you because you saved RR, and everyone else will like you too. It’s going to go fine.”
“If you say so,” she muttered, only half-believing her best friend.
The zeta tube announced the BatClan’s arrival, and Marie stood nervously, though less uptight than when Raven first saw her. 
Red Robin was the first through, followed by Batman and the rest.
He immediately headed to her, presenting her proudly to the Dark Knight. “This is my Marie, Epiphany.”
Marie melted at his possessive use of her name, and the remaining nerves went with it. “It’s nice to meet you all, I’m Marie.”
“We’re happy to meet you, finally,” said Spoiler, bouncing out from behind Robin. “Nightwing and Red Robin said we’d love you, and they were right!”
The visit went very well.
Marie was surprised by Batman’s non-Batman-ness, but Spoiler leaned over to tell her he was on strict instructions from Nightwing, Raven, and herself not to blow this.
The BatClan eventually left, having collected the information Batman came to receive (and thus required everyone else to tag along and get a glimpse of Marie), and Marie and Tim curled up on the couch, mugs of Marie’s Special Brew in hand.
“That went better than I expected,” commented Tim, pressing a kiss to Marie’s head.
“Everyone was perfectly nice,” said Marie. “I feel like you were exaggerating your stories now.”
He snorted. “Trust me, I was not . Once they know for sure they’re not going to scare you off, then they’ll show you their true forms. It will be nothing but chaos and glitter from here out.”
Marie giggled. “You say that as if you don’t encourage chaos. But, speaking of chaos, I may have some outsourced help to make a splash worth remembering when I enter the world of Bat shenanigans.”
Their evil chuckles filled the den, and Raven retreated to her room. She wasn't getting involved when a Bat laughed like that .
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
one of them breaks their dominant hand in the most ridiculous way possible. cue laughter and fretting from the injured and the companion, respectively. in honor of me breaking my hand today.
Oh no!!! I’m sorry to hear that! ��� hope this is honorable enough!! Christmas Edition!
Willow plopped down in bed after getting everything needed done for the night. She had been hoping to get done earlier so she could FaceTime Hunter at their normal time. It was getting close to Titanmas and she had lots to do. From wrapping up the last of the presents she had gotten for her friends to helping finishing decorating the house. She even made some browners and fairy pies and demon cakes with her dads. Then she had to make sure the plants that needed to be moved to the purple house were moved before the cold front came in tonight. And take a shower. And brush her titan awfully knotted hair. It was always such a hassle but there was no way she was gonna FaceTime looking like that. She hoped she hadn’t made him worry.
She got out her penstagram and noticed ten missed calls and a various amount of texts from him. Even a few from the gang seeing if she was ok. That confused her. Was she forgetting something? Or had Hunter reached out to the others to check on her? She was only half an hour late...
She quickly texted the others back letting them know she was ok before calling Hunter.
Ring... Ring...Ring...
No answer.
Ok. Now she was worried, surely after all of that he would pick up his pen. She let out a puff of breath before staring confusingly at the screen. She sent him a few texts, letting him know she was in fact alive and she was sorry if he was mad at her. Sorry if she worried him. Sorry for taking so long.
He didn't open them.
Willow sighed and dramatically stretched a hand over her head and heart as she stared out her window, "Oh Clover! Too bad Hunter won't answer his phone, maybe he's on his way to sweep me off my feet by now."
Clover buzzed happily and nuzzled Willow's cheek. Yes! Im sure he is my qu- princess. Your knight and shining armor is surely on his way!
"You wanna know a secret?" Willow whispered to the bee as if she were surrounded by many instead of being alone in her room.
Clover buzzed good-naturely in response.
"I hung some of that human mistletoe right above my balcony. So if my prince ever does come, i can kiss him!" Willow whispered-laughed.
The bee looked over at the balcony and spotted the not so hidden holly. Sure there was a variety of hanging flowers and plants but the red berries stuck out like a sore wing. What does it do exactly?
Willow smiled and rubbed her palisman on the head before opening her penstagram again and staring at their text thread. He still hadn't opened her thread. She set it down and leaned her head on the pillow Clover rested on. "Apparently if two people stand under it, that means they have to kiss. I'm not really sure what happens if you refuse to but Luz said it would be bad." She hummed out in thought.
The palisman stared in shock at the berries. She knew plants were powerful but she didn't know they could cast spells and curses too!
Willow rubbed her eyes and debated on going to sleep or not... maybe that's what happened? Maybe he had fallen asleep waiting on her.
She felt a small weight on her heart at the thought. For one, she felt bad for making him wait but also... she kind of wished he had waited? Like on purpose because he wanted to talk to her? Oh what did she know?!
"Huh?" Willow and Clover shared a look before looking over at the balcony.
*rustle rustle*
It got a little louder. Like whatever it was was getting closer. Clover buzzed angrily at the threat and turned into a staff for Willow quickly. The plant witch slowly stood out of bed and walked towards her balcony. She wasn't afraid, titan the things she had faced in her fifteen years of life, mainly out of the time she had known Luz, made anything else not so big a deal.
But when the head of the blond ex-soldier/ nerdy book loving boy popped over her railing, she nearly tumbled back in surprise. Shock. Confusion?
Clover quickly lost the staff form and flew excitedly over to Hunter. She buzzed around his head and nuzzled his cheek.
"Haha! Stop it! You're gonna make me fall." The boy chuckled.
Willow felt heat rush up to her face for some unknown reason. Ok. It wasn't unknown to anyone except maybe Hunter but still. Th moonlight was angled perfectly against his face as they made eye contact. His golden brown eyes crinkled up in a smile and he sighed in relief.
"I was worried about you."
"I-I know. I got the texts. I'm sorry... I was busy. But! I should've let you know. Sorry I didn't think about it." She muttered as she twirled a piece of her hanging hair.
Hunter pulled himself over the railing and sat on it. He seemed like a cat with how adept his balance was. He was good at a lot of stuff like that. Flyer derby. Fighting techniques. Etc..
She walked over and leaned against the railing next to him. "How did you get up here?"
"Can't tell you, Captain. Sorry. Otherwise you'd learn how to do it and then you'd be perfect at everything."
Willow felt herself turn red at that and attempted to stifle a laugh whenever he seemed to catch on to what he said and began to wave his arms frantically and say "GOOD AT EVERYTHING"
"Fair enough." She replied cockily and nudged his shoulder.
"Yes. Very fair." Hunter coughed and straightened out his back. "Well.. uhm. I was just checking to make sure that you were ok. So I...i'll be going now."
Clover buzzed furiously above them which caused them both to look up. Hunter seemed confused at first until realization dawned on his face. The moonlight didn't help cover up his blushing face.
"Nah uh. You can't leave quite yet Mr.." Willow smirked as he looked at her in utter shock.
"You put that there? Do you know- of course you know what it is. You're literally the greatest plant witch ever to exist." Hunter smacked his forehead. He thought he was gonna die from overheating. He had only kissed Willow once, and that was after the fight with the collector. He had done it so fast he didn't remember how to do it now that he was actually thinking about it. He still hadn't taken her out on a proper date yet either. "Did you.. did you do this on purpose? How did you know i was coming?"
"Oh.. i didn't know. Not tonight at least. I was gonna invite you to my room at the titanmas party to look at my plants or something?" Willow replied sheepishly and rubbed her arm.
Hunter laughed softly and looked at her as if she hung the moon and stars. She could barely handle it when he did that. She felt herself lean into him as he did the same. Once they were merely an inch from each other she brought a hand up to cup his face. He nuzzled into it before closing the gap. Their lips met once again. It was short but oh so perfect.
When he pulled away he chuckled a bit, a goofy smile on his face as he leaned back and tumbled over the railing. Oh crap!
Before Willow had a chance to think properly and will a large flower to land his fall easier she heard a teethscraping crack.
"I-Im ok!" Hunter winced out from the ground. He held his hand against his chest and cradled it close to him.
"Im coming!"
Willow then had to explain to her fathers why there was a boy at her balcony this late at night for the next hour while they called a healer over to splint his arm.
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You have been asked about your theory
arborealoctopodes asked:
Hi I would like to hear about your theory
SO. I’m still working on this one, and it’s Bungie so there’s like a 70% chance it’s something brand new and completely out of left field. But one of the few bits of info we got from the showcase implied Neomuna was the result of a ship that escaped the Collapse. That made me think of an old plot thread from a D1 grimoire card:
I fear my will is not strong enough to shape these worlds. Only the Tyrant can do that, but he will not be a part of my journey. Even his reach has limits, and we will be nine billion miles away. I whisper my concerns to the Tyrant in tiny magnetic bursts. He does not listen. The Tyrant says take the SIVA, and so I take the SIVA. The Tyrant says go to the stars, and so I go to the stars.
Sometime around, but before, the Pyramid Fleet hit the system, Rasputin dispatched a colony ship carrying SIVA to a destination "nine billion miles away”. That line always made me roll my eyes because while it sounds like a lot, in astronomical terms nine billion miles isn’t very far at all. It’s barely 100 AU; the orbit of Neptune is 30 AU out and the Kuiper Belt tails off around 55 AU, and there are dwarf planets like Eris with its high-eccentricity orbit that range out that far. It’s less than a tenth of the way to the Oort Cloud that marks the real edge of the Solar System. At the time I chalked it up to Bungie’s writers grabbing what sounded like a big number and not bothering to do the math.
But. Remember the Solar System wall map in Rasputin’s bunkers during Season of the Worthy? After Neptune it had a few rings for the Kuiper Belt and then an additional planet the same size as Neptune. Astronomers have long debated the possibility of a tenth (or ninth, now) planet, usually nicknamed “Planet X”, that orbits waaaaaay out there*. Planet X is a staple of scifi and unless Rasputin’s playing a bizarre joke on us the Destiny universe has one in the form of a world of significant size way out past the Kuiper Belt. A planet at 100 AU - nine billion miles - from the Sun would fit Rasputin’s map and line up with older theories for a real-world Planet X.
* It may seem absurd that we could miss an entire planet, but planets don’t emit visible light, only reflect the Sun’s, and a world that far out would appear to move so slowly it could be mistaken for a fixed star. These days space-based IR sky surveys have mostly ruled X out - but only mostly.
Golden Age human spacecraft ranged as far as the inner edge of the Kuiper Belt, and Clovis Bray’s journal contains a passing reference to what sounds like a Vex incursion at a research station on Pluto, but the line of permanent human settlement hadn’t yet passed Titan. When Rasputin started building the Exodus program as insurance against the possible extinction of humanity, Planet X would be an ideal candidate for the first wave: close enough to quickly resettle our system, far enough from human settlements that a force targeting Earth might miss it, especially if they kept their heads down. So I’m now thinking maybe the colony ship he sent out with SIVA really was going a mere nine billion miles away - to pitch camp on Planet X.
Pulling an entire Golden Age city out of thin air is a stretch even for Bungie. They’ve had this reveal up their sleeve for a long time, long enough to put Elsie’s fish in the Beyond Light reveal trailer and maybe the mystery power armor Sloane found on Titan in Season of Arrivals. Therefore: what if Neomuna was the reason they included Planet X on Rasputin’s bunker map in the first place? The lightmap was a significant setpiece they knew players would be watching closely, so the artists probably didn’t add it just for funsies. Casually dropping in a new solar system planet is a pretty crazy piece of worldbuilding. And yet it’s barely remarked on in written lore, either then or since - same as Elsie’s fish, which those bastards played the long game on for two solid years. I will bet you a hundred dollars that when the map assets for Season of the Worthy were made, Neomuna was on Planet X. I bet it started out there and got moved to Neptune the way the Deep Stone Crypt was originally going to be on Enceladus (hence Cayde’s message to Petra) but got moved to Europa later in development. I bet the story’s going to be that the colony ship was headed for Planet X, but the Pyramid Fleet hit the system early and they dove for cover on Neptune.
The few early bits of info we’ve gotten on Neomuna suggest their tech is all based around extremely advanced nanites, like the constantly-morphing Quicksilver Storm. Elsie even calls out SIVA the first time she encounters the Neomuna nanites, but says Neomuna’s bugs are vastly more advanced - which you might expect if SIVA were the original city’s lifeblood and they’ve iterated on the tech out of necessity ever since. We also learned the Cloudstriders have very short (10 - 15 years) lifespans because of how much cybernetic enhancement they do to their bodies. Remember the secret experiments Willa Bray was doing with SIVA? She was infusing it into people, trying to enhance physical and mental prowess. And it worked, too - but it drastically shortened their lifespans. To the tune of weeks for Willa’s subjects, but like Elsie said, Neomuna’s had a lot of time to improve. And for meta reasons it would explain why Bungie hasn’t revisited SIVA in recent years even though it’s a popular request from D1 players; they already had a whole expansion of “SIVA, but neon chrome this time,” in the pipeline.
Given that Neomuna’s hidden in the atmosphere of Neptune, there’s a good chance it’s the NEFELE STRONGHOLD mentioned in the Collapse-era Rasputin message - a human settlement that Rasputin then erased all mention of, even from his own memory. If he knew that ship had gotten a foothold on Neptune, he’d probably also know the Pyramids hadn’t found it yet (was this, potentially, because of Savathun? is this the trick her worm claims she played on the Witness? that seemed to be more about the Traveler though.) Exodus Black had crashed, Green disappeared into a singularity, and Red and Blue hadn’t even made it off Earth. Rasputin knew every Exodus ship was a mad gamble anyway. At that moment he would likely consider the Neptune colony to be humanity’s best shot at avoiding extinction. So he cancels its defense as part of his general retreat but also takes the time to erase all traces of its existence, including his own records. He won’t help them, but he will give them a chance to stay hidden and escape the Black Fleet. And since he’s now forgotten the colony exists, he doesn’t check up on them in the following centuries or mention them to us.
Like I said, it’s Bungie, so there’s a 70% chance the lore justification will be completely new and out of left field. But it does line up. In a month of guessing I wouldn’t have called the swerve they took for Lightfall, but now I think they’ve been leaving breadcrumbs for this one longer than it seems at first glance.
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nie7027 · 1 year
Before I reblog more post about the TOH i just want to make clear I REALLY LIKED THE ENDING OF THE OWL HOUSE! IT WAS SUPER GOOD!
Like I'm usually super picky with endings but this felt very good and satisfying
To all those people saying it felt rushed and there were many plot threads loos Ei say WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING?
For a rushed/cancelled show i was really surprised it manges to solve most plot threads in just 44 minutes! Besides more lore ragarding the owl beast i don't think there was anything left unsolved! Each character arc was properly finished!
Like besides the owl beast my only gripe was we didn't get more content about Caleb Wittebane and everything that went down but I already expected that!
Like what I wanted was for Caleb to have his own voice and tell his story instead of it being told by others(and therefore warped) because I wanted people to truly knew him, and his legacy to not be tainted by below anymore (so hunter could see Caleb was more than just another witch hunter or for the clawthores to know his origin) but i always knew for that an episode a la A tale of two Stans would have need and that was possible with the cancellation/time constraints.
We already got a general idea of what happened with both the Hollow mind pictures and Masha's retelling of the story. It's not like we werent given info about we were just missing details.
But that's it! Details!
But that's something that wasn't as necessary for the plot.
As as much as it hurts me Caleb and his story also worked perfectly left as an open history (thus giving them more a sense of a folklore story that haunts the narrative)
It worked perfectly with the story and it's themes
Also something that can easily be inferred as something that was slowly recovered with Hunter and Luz and the Clawthornes researching more about the past) which they are shown to be doing! (Since Thanks to them Hunter was shown to be researching about Caleb and we know that Gus got Belos memories >
I didn't need an official confirmation of Evelyn being Clawthornes to know it, Danna left all the pieces there for us the viewers to pick it.
The same with what went down with Caleb in general.
The same to know Odalia and Alador got divorced and she was cut from her kids lives.
Raeda are together even if there wasn't a onscreen wedding.
The bat queen and it's palismen found a home.
Or how the fight between the archivist and the titans went.
Or the lore behind the archivists.
Even hootys Lore wasn't really needed for the show ending.
For such a short time they had Dana and the crew did an amazing work of closing on screen stuff that need to be closed that way and for less important things they left enough hints for us to viewers to pick up
That's an amazing feat!
For a rushed work the end product feels surprisingly complete and satisfying. very carefully crafted with all the love and care in the world
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ritoryb · 8 months
Hello, I need to let you know that your AU take on Meyneth has been living rent-free in my brain since I first saw that fanart, and I keep tossing around the idea of her carrying/swinging around a person-ish sized version of the Mechonis sword like Guts does with the Dragonslayer
thank you i really like her too <3
HAHAHA yeah i know it's basically impossible or whatever people on reddit say about dragonslayer but like she literally already does that zanza doesn't even do that and with his weird lightsaber. it's kind of strange that that sword isn't really the monado she wields (i think, unless im missing some obscure lore) i think she has something going on where she thinks it's her burden alone or something since it pretty much can only be a geographic feature or some way to defeat the bionis, maybe, and not something the beings inhabiting either titan can wield (and then egil is there i guess but i have an agenda to push. meyneth doesn't seem to approve of his actions that much though). on top of that she only pulls out her actual monado once in the game as a last ditch effort. i think that's very much a dark knight thing
really though i want to write more about it i love her and i love her narrative ghosts. if you ever do think about or make anything for it i will eat it up probably. if i ever actually wrote anything for it i'd probably literally end up copying berserk (the narrative. yknow im not that interested in certain parts of it, so pretty much your average reader) and i can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. 15-20 years of my life to complete my strange fanfiction (comic form ig). except she's also forced to do sidequests until she loves the world. and then she still dies at the end for the symbolism of the last thread tying this world to the last snapping <3 (gods dying) or maybe she can escape the narrative (escape from me) instead but good luck with that. i mean alvis is still there but that's something else. did i ever make a post here about what i think about the orbital station collapsing. ahem
so anyway i think the mechonis sword being a bridge between the titans is symbolism for what meyneth hoped for which makes it more ironic the game starts with a battle on it.
also thank you sincerely i get scared posting about this game sometimes because it feels like i showed up to a party 12 years late and everyone already knows each other and discussed everything so it means a lot people actually like the things i throw out there even though it's getting progressively farther from canon…
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harpywritesfic · 1 year
❔💗🔍 for the ask gameee
ask game is here
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
I've got 11 in the folder, one being the megadoc... and the generator gave me the megadoc. So I picked one from there. It's my take on the classic missing scene on the way to Titan. I've read several of these and really liked them, so ofc I had to do my own. I'm planning to work it in as part of another wip focusing on the effects of ebony maw's torture. In short? It's another fic where I hurt Stephen and they cuddle.
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
Not really? I don't wait to get to the scene before I write it, I just puke it out whenever inspiration strikes. I can tell you about a scene I'm really excited for which I haven't finished, though! There's some very soft, first-time-together sex in Thread and Blood (Which is basically a fic about Tony helping Stephen recover after I've tortured him and broke his will. Kitty, I've already promised you beta rights to this fic.)
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about.
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spiderdreamer-blog · 2 years
Assorted Thoughts On The Super Mario Bros. Movie Trailer
Yesterday’s release of the teaser trailer for Nintendo and Illumination Entertainment’s long-in-gestation Super Mario Bros. animated film unsurprisingly posted a whole host of Disk Horse, up to and including the voice cast, which includes celebrities like Chris Pratt and Jack Black as Mario and Bowser, among many others. Since these are among my favorite subjects to endlessly pontificate on, here’s a list of a various thoughts I had on the trailer and various flavors of opinions being tossed around:
-In terms of the trailer itself, I was quite suitably impressed! I was skeptical of the ability to thread the needle between the requirements of an American family film and the more freewheeling Japanese whimsy of the Mario franchise at large. Especially since, well, the last time we tried, we got 1993′s Super Mario Bros., an infamously bizarre boondoggle that seemed to think kids really wanted to see a cyberpunk dystopian version of the Mushroom Kingdom. Not helping is that Illumination is fairly hit or miss as a studio. The first Despicable Me remains an enjoyable outing (though I prefer that year’s Megamind in terms of a supervillain reformation story), and I liked Sing quite a bit more than I thought I would, largely thanks to Garth Jennings applying his history as a music video director to animation in ways I thought were quite novel. But on the whole, they exemplify much of what I dislike about American family films: loud, frenetic, barely letting the audience have a breath, and when they DO try and slow down and be dramatic, it rarely works in the same deft way that their competitors have made a stock in trade. In particular, I will never forget or forgive the complete fuckup that is the film version of The Lorax, one of the worst major animated features of the past decade.
-By contrast, directors Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic of Teen Titans Go fame (or infamy, depending on your POV) seem to have succeeded quite well at showing off a slightly gentler fantasy adventure vibe based on this glimpse. The primary focus on a singular sequence-Bowser’s invasion of the penguin kingdom-is smart, building tension with his arrival and then decimation, balancing things well with comedy beats like the penguins’ ineffectual snowball throwing. Even the penguin king (Khary Payton, likely doing a favor for his TTG buddies) comes off as a distinct character with the contrast between his regal manner and diminutive design. And the transition to Mario landing in the Mushroom Kingdom (seemingly going back to his original backstory of being a plumber from New York rather than a native), then meeting Toad is artful. Toad himself, played by a pitched-up Keegan Michael-Key, gets a funny moment that is refreshingly non-obnoxious, and we get a quick tease of Luigi (Charlie Day, perfect casting, no notes) running in fear from a bunch of Dry Bones into a gothic castle.
-Bowser himself is just fucking awesome and is very likely to be the best thing about this film. I had already been onboard for Black’s casting because he’s proven to be an excellent voice actor in the past with starring roles like Po in the Kung Fu Panda franchise. What pleasantly surprised me here that he’s thoroughly committing to a monster-y growl as Bowser rather than just using his normal voice. And he’s quite menacing in a way I’ve never quite heard from him before, booming and throwing his considerable weight around. I’m eager to see how he balances that with Bowser’s more comedic side, especially as relating to his amorous intentions towards Princess Peach. (Also, he’d better have a proper Villain Song)
-Which brings us to the other casting, namely Chris Pratt as Mario, who only gets two quick lines here. I was as confused as anyone by the casting at first, but his initial showing here has me more convinced he can pull off the creators’ vision for the part. Namely, he seems to be applying a faux New York accent rather than attempting to imitate Charles Martinet’s high-pitched iconic Italian squeakiness. I think this is a good acting decision on multiple fronts. I can’t picture that voice working well across the space of a feature film if we are meant to take Mario seriously as a character, and going for a lighter accent is easier to keep up across a full performance.
-Of course, this is hardly the only reason his casting was met with controversy and derision. Pratt, once a darling of the internet for projects like Parks & Recreation and Guardians of the Galaxy, has become more divisive in recent years due to both his acting limitations being exposed in other films and some apparently poor social views due to being both Christian and a member of a homophobic California church called Hillsong. Pratt himself has not said much on the matter beyond some slightly lunkheaded comments about Hollywood not being interested in blue-collar action movie protagonists. Now, as a queer guy myself, I certainly don’t like this about his life, but since he has not been an openly hateful presence to my knowledge (I don’t even know if he still attends Hillsong), it’s been easier to ignore. He has also been defended by his Guardians director James Gunn (who famously has a “no assholes on set” rule) and his Jurassic World co-star Bryce Dallas Howard, who recently revealed he helped negotiate an equal salary for her on those films. I don’t begrudge anyone who looks askance at him for his associations, but to me at least, this is not a situation like Jared Leto, who is both a weak/limited actor at this point in his career AND an asshole diva who may also be a cult leader via his shitty band.
-And there’s the other side of this, which is the actual talent scale. Like many actors who settle into screen star personas, Pratt has decided on “goofy manchild action hero” being his stock in trade for the most part. This is reflected in aforementioned roles like Guardians (where a frequent part of Quill’s character development is trying and not always succeeding to grow past those tendencies), as well as his voice acting roles like Emmet in The Lego Movie and Barley in Onward (a role that would have arguably been played by, well, Jack Black ten years ago). I don’t think this in and of itself is a problem, especially if they are pitching Mario to be an everyman protagonist. And let’s be honest, that’s at least SOMETHING compared to his current status as a monosyllabic mascot. Much like his Sega counterpart Sonic the Hedgehog, you need a little more meat to chew on in a feature film context. I think Pratt has done well in these roles (Onward in particular has some real heartbreaking moments thanks to his interplay with Tom Holland) and has thus proven he can hang in with a lead role that fits this context, as this Mario seems to be.
-Finally we come to the last part of the debate: whether Pratt should be playing this role at all compared to Martinet, who has paid his dues for over 25 years as the official voice of this character. I have no issue with Martinet; he has fulfilled that task admirably as well as offered more ambitious work as characters like Paathurnax in Skyrim. And he seemingly has a cameo in this film, which could net him more visibility and appreciation. Career voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson also has a role as Kamek, Bowser’s court wizard, in the film, so it doesn’t seem like that side of the industry is being ignored entirely (esp. since, as said, Horvath and Jelenic work quite extensively with actors like Payton and Richardson). But it has opened up the debate about picking high-profile celebrities compared to career VAs, who often do a lot more work and even now don’t always get the recognition they deserve. Let me be clear on my own standing: I adore voice acting and voice actors of all stripes. I consider some like the aforementioned Richardson, the king of kings Mel Blanc, Rob Paulsen, Frank Welker, Matthew Mercer, Cree Summer, Eric Bauza, and Laura Bailey to be among my personal icons and heroes. They absolutely deserve credit, respect, and proper pay for what they do.
-However. I think that we are in a place now where we can admit that many on-camera celebrities have developed the ability to give good performances even if they are often tapping into a pre-existing persona. It is a different skillset to only use your voice as opposed to appearing on-camera, but I have always thought that how this is spoken of makes it sound impossible for all but a select few like the late Robin Williams in groundbreaking performances like the Genie in Aladdin. And I don’t believe that is the case. I think voice acting is a broad range that can support different styles depending on the project, and that is not always “cartoon” acting where one is trading on an ability to do various exaggerated over-the-top accents and character types. Look at an actor like Kevin Conroy, who transitioned effectively from on-camera work because he gave psychological realism and weight to an iconic character like Batman. In both that and much of his other VA work, he is not doing “cartoon” acting, but finding the character within his natural speaking voice. Thus, an actor sounding “like themselves” can have its proper place depending on what the requirements of the story and character. While it is true that some actors have not appreciated this difference (such as Chris Rock infamously bragging that it was “easy” to play the zebra Marty in the Madagascar film series), I think we have come a long way from misbegotten projects like DreamWorks’ Shark Tale, where celebrities like Will Smith played pale imitations of themselves married to ugly-as-sin character designs.
-This may be a little off-topic, but I do think this has also improved things for diversity in its own way. The American voice acting scene has generally been majority white even for characters of color for much of its history, and this has often led to ugly burlesques and racial caricatures created with little regard for those characters’ actual lived experiences. Many have spoken of the difficulty of breaking into the industry because of these biases, as well as feeling typecast in “ethnic” roles rather than being allowed to explore a full range as an actor. (I will not get into the issue of POC actors themselves playing characters of different races, as I don’t think that is the same thing, nor do I feel qualified to speak on behalf of actors who do this) This has improved significantly in recent decades even if we still have a long way to go, and I think part of that can be attributed to not always relying on the primary voice acting talent pools. Take a film like Encanto, which has a mix of live-action celebrities with extensive VA experience (Stephanie Beatriz, John Leguizamo) and many Hispanic actors making their animation debuts like Jessica Darrow as Luisa. Because of this, there is a real authenticity to their performances that aids the cultural focus on Colombia in the film. I don’t know that you get that unless you think outside the box; indeed, Beatriz herself was considered for Luisa before the film crew met her and discovered she’s much more like Mirabel in real life compared to her other, more deadpan roles.
All of this is to say that ultimately, I’m just another guy with an opinion. If you don’t like Pratt or his casting as Mario, that’s your prerogative. I just like keeping an open mind, and we’ll see how things shake out next April.
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angelcloves · 1 year
Just read the latest chapter of S&S! Lol at the "safe house" being the CATs HQ. Of course it is, I have no idea why I was expecting an actual house. I'm with Hunter on it not being very homey, he now has less privacy and fewer possessions then when he was still under Belos's thumb! No wonder he's so anxious. Raine's getting a bit ahead of themselves, to the point it set off a lover spat with Eda! Raine, I love you, but please brush up on your communication skills. Manipulation isn't a good way
Pt. 2) rekindle a previous relationship! The confirmation that Belos doesn't know that Camilla is back on the Isles is very nice and supremely interesting though! I can't wait to see where that plot thread leads, XD. I like (Actually, love) Camilla and Darius's back and forth with each other. She's very open with him... I definitely sense some big unresolved emotions between them though, from both sides. I look forward to light being shone on them going forward and not just because I want to see
Pt.3) if any of my theories regarding Camilla's palisman are right, XD. Oh sure Camilla, keep telling yourself that Eda is going to be the one adopting Hunter at the end of the story, not you. You're definitely not super attached and separating from him wouldn't be as traumatizing for you as it would be for him. /s Hunter spying on Camilla and Darius's conversation? Well, perhaps not deliberately, I got the sense he sort of just walked in on them and got caught up in what they were discussing.
Pt. 4) :( Poor buddy, he's afraid to show himself being vulnerable with Darius around. I really don't like how he still refers to Hunter's previous loyalty to Belos as being a "lapdog". Hunter was born into what was effectively a cult, raised by the Leader of said cult to be his perfect little boy soldier and was severely punished every time he so much as stepped an inch out of line. Of course an abused child is going to be "loyal" to their abuser and eager to please them, that's how they
Pt. 5) survive! I get that he was looking out for Hunter and was trying to keep him safe while they were both within the Emperor's Castle, but he the way he went about it was terrible. He actively antagonized Hunter on multiple occasions, obviously he couldn't get all buddy-buddy with the kid because Belos had eyes and ears everywhere, but the least he could've done was be civil to him. It's something that I feel like the TOH fandom deliberately overlooks because it's an uncomfortable subject.
Pt. 6) So I'm bemused that Hunter thinks that Camilla has managed to "declaw" Darius, I have to wonder if how he's acting around her and the other CATs is closer to his actual personality than how he acted in the Castle. And yes, the pressure is mounting as the Day of Unity draws every closer... Still curious about King's status as a Titan and what impact it will have on the story. You did draw some attention to it and it's roughly the right time in the Canon timeline for it to be revealed...
Pt. 7) Plus I eagerly await to see how Camilla's presence during the Day of Unity affects it! I have a feeling her plans to head home after it are going to get derailed, courtesy of The Collector... Or maybe not! Maybe you don't intend to bring The Collector in, after all, why write an Alternate Universe fic if you aren't going to turn Canon on it head? Lol.
oh man i missed getting mile long comments on s&s!!!!! lets address some of this. raine is really enthusiastic about camilla arent they! reunions with eda aside they were absolutely brimming with excitement to have camilla on their side. theyve got plans that are being set in motion and now they finally have their trump card. looks like were going to be holding our breaths on this plot thread.
camilla and darius are still sorting through a lot right now. darius has a rebellion to lead and camilla has a grimwalker to get into an adopted home. but theres something there between the two of them. an uncomfortable past? a bitter fallout? who knows.
as for darius and his interactions with hunter. i took some care to tone him down all the way back in chapter 6 when he was willing to concede and let hunter go spend some time with his new friends but he was never the greatest to him prior to that moment. he just doesnt know how to handle himself around a traumatized child for the most part. everything about working under the emperor is cutthroat and nasty and theres just no room for even the tiniest sliver of kindness. hes making an attempt here but he just hasnt had to use a light touch in so long. theres a learning curve here. i wanted to emphasize the fact that hes not going to be perfect with hunter but that he really does care even if he isnt currently equipped to do so. darius is part of hunters support system right now. hes got lots of hands to help him up but theres multiple outlets there because nobody can give him everything he needs and thats okay.
but its funny you bring up the collector
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