#i really hope i don't jinx the season finale
pipnoodles · 10 months
wwdits s5 has turned up the absurdity to an 11 and i'm here for it. after giving us one of the most devastating seasons in s4, this is like a complete 180 and gives us nothing but confusion.
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loserdiaz · 2 years
i have to admit... the coma buck theory is growing on me. so... here's a drabble of eddie shaving buck's scruff while he's in a coma. <3 season 6b speculation
"I'm glad you're okay." Eddie murmurs. He always talks to Buck, hoping the man hears him even if unconscious. Hoping Buck knows Eddie's always there, that he'll never lose hope.
Buck's been in a coma for almost two months now and— it's been hard. It's been really hard, if he's being honest. Life moves on, shifts are scheduled, events at Chris' school happen and Eddie— Eddie feels like a part of him is missing all the time. Like a limb was amputated and he doesn't know what to do without it.
He always turns around when someone says something funny, wanting to see Buck's reaction and then he remembers.
"Today was a quiet shift." He smiles as he traces his fingers through Buck's beard. He kinda likes the scruffy look but he knows the man hates it and always made it a point to be clean and shaven. So Eddie will do it for him until Buck wakes up. "I know I'm not supposed to say the q words but if you hate it so much maybe you should wake up and kick my ass, huh?"
Eddie stops for a second, waiting with bated breath for Buck to react, to open his eyes and look at Eddie with that frown between his eyes and his nose all scrunched up. Eddie waits for the "You just jinxed the team, man!" but it never comes.
"Yeah, okay." He breathes out and prepares the materials. At first the nurses were supposed to do this but they did a sloppy job and they were too fast, never treating Buck with the gentleness and the softness he deserves. So Eddie might have yelled at them a little but hey, he got the job done. Whatever.
"Chris has a girlfriend, did you know? it's pretty recent and don't worry, I don't think they even kissed yet." He chuckles as he spreads the shaving cream with soft touches. "I know you'd say he's too young for that." He whispers and looks down at Buck. "He's growing too fast and you're missing it, Buckley." Eddie says with a strained voice and then shakes his head.
No. He can't do this. Not right now.
"Anyway. What else? Oh! There was this funny call today at shift…" Eddie talks and talks as he moves methodically.
Eddie's fingers flit over Buck's skin quickly, the blade becoming a steady rhythm of contact as it glides over his neck and jaw carefully and softly. From time to time, his hands meet either side of Buck's face, turning him this way and that to allow Eddie to reach the area he needs. It's— intimate and domestic in a way that makes him ache.
He even lets his mind wander, imagines doing this with Buck awake and instead of the hospital, they're in Eddie's bathroom— but it would be their bathroom. And Buck would be sitting in the counter sink, with Eddie between his legs. He would smirk and follow Eddie with his gaze, blue eyes happy and shining with love and a tinge of mirth. It's a nice fantasy.
Maybe someday, Eddie thinks.
Finally, he grabs a small towel and cleans Buck's face. His touch is feather-light as he gently wipes away the remaining shaving cream from Buck's skin.
Because of him being so focused on Buck's features, he doesn't miss the way the man's eyelids flutter like he's trying to wake up.
"Buck?" Eddie whispers, quiet and scared and reluctantly hopeful. "Hey, Buck? Wake up. Please." Eddie begs, his voice breaking in the last words as he lets go of the stuff, letting it fall to the ground and reaches a hand to grab one of Buck's, his fingers squeezing it almost too hard. "C'mon. I know you can do it."
Eddie waits, waits and waits and he starts to think it was a figment of his imagination, that he's slowly losing his mind.
But then —
He feels a slight squeeze, barely there. He looks down and Buck's hand is holding his.
Buck's holding his hand.
When his gaze goes back up, he finds himself looking at tired, confused blues.
"Hey, Buck." Eddie chuckles wetly in disbelief and excitement, though his voice is quiet and gentle. His vision goes blurry with tears that he quickly blinks away, not wanting to miss a second of Buck's face.
"Eddie." Buck rasps out.
Finally. Eddie thinks. After so long, he can finally hear Buck's voice. And for the first time in what feels like forever, Eddie truly thinks everything will be okay.
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loxalotl · 7 months
Piltover is the problem (*Arcane S1 spoilers*)
Throughout Arcane, Jinx is torn between Vi's "Powder", and Silco's "Jinx". Both love her, but neither accept who she is until Silco's final realistion where he switches from "Jinx is perfect" to "You're perfect." 
Something he was desperate to hear from Vander, who gives up on Silco, betrays him and leaves him for dead thinking he doesn't have the capacity to change. But Silco proves him wrong: "Is there anything so undoing as a daughter". Jinx did what Vander couldn't. Gave him something else to believe in. Focussed that anger and injustice.
And Silco did it. He paved the way for peace. And had a good argument for not handing in Jinx for the murder of a couple of guards when Piltover has been systematically murdering hundreds of children and adults alike in the mines etc.. Oh, but it wasn't them directly, so doesn't count? No. Their inaction was what pulled the trigger. And Jayce doesn't even consider being held accountable for the murder of that boy (again, irregardless of all the out-of-sight so out-of-mind deaths). If brokering peace is enough for him, it should be enough for Jinx and Silco too, particularly when Piltover's body count is so much higher.
When it comes down to it, Piltover are the worst kind of abuser. They're the government who acts all nice and shiny and righteous while quietly enforcing child labour, enabling destruction of the environment, gas-lighting anyone who speaks against them, and promoting an unsustainable and lavish lifestyle based on self-interest at the expense of others. The quiet, deep-rooted, insidious evil that points it's finger at any opposers screaming "look, big bad thing threatening our civilised way of life!"
And Vander and Vi are not the "good guys" either. They're another kind of toxic. The "normal" people with a saviour complex who don't understand/accept anyone different, and part of what pushed Silco and Jinx over the edge (because, yes, Silco and Jinx have crossed a line, there is no excusing that). Neither are the Firelights necessarily the "good guys". They are so focussed on infighting in Zaun that they seem to have forgotten about the root cause of their problems. You know, Piltover? The people who have been quietly murdering your families and loved ones for the past X number of years??? Jeez. Remember the bigger picture guys.
Now, we may have been robbed of the "Silco figuring out how to properly dad" in Season 2 as it doesn't fit into Riots universe (looking at you, AO3), but I can only hope it doesn't turn into the "Vi fixes Jinx" show. Jinx doesn't need fixing. She needs people to accept who she is, and access to mental health care so she can focus that brilliance into productive things. People can be not okay but still valid. Yes, Silco was a "bad guy", but he was also a product of Piltover's exploitation, suppression and abuse (hello? Can we address this please?), as well as Vander's betrayal. He was very deliberate in his cruelty. It all had a purpose. Zaun needed someone to step up as nothing else was working (hello Jinx). Was it the right thing to do? Morally, no. But was it the lesser evil that would overall result in the fewest deaths? Who knows.
The key takeaway for me is that Runeterra DESPERATELY needs access to good quality, free mental health services (as do we all). Also, the world could also come a long way if we a) try to be nicer to each other and b) take a closer look at those really in power ('cos there is a whole lotta grey out there).
But that's how I see it. And I think one of the great things this show has done has sparked these discussions on acceptance, equality, mental health etc. It's okay to not be okay. You're not alone, so just be nice to each other. We're all on this lump of space rock together, and for anyone out there who feels lost, I'm sending all the love and hugs in the universe💜
And yeah, watch this show. It's perfect.
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ladey · 1 month
i can’t believe i’m doing this | p.1
jinx x fem!reader 🌸
notes: swearing, mature & sexual topics, characters are 18, y/n's height is implied to be short (5'0ft), reader is feminine!
"You wanna hook up with someone?!"
Only 2 weeks are left of the school year. The days are longer and warmer, and now that it's technically summer the weather is no longer rainy and dreary like it had been in spring. Not that Y/n can complain. It means that she can watch the tree buds and the flowers bloom while her seasonal depression slowly dissipates.
Right now she sits in the school cafeteria during lunchtime. It's not too often she does; the friends she has are usually all over the place and like to go out somewhere to do whatever during the lunch period. However today is one of those days where there is only three of them, and they just so happen to be sitting at a table smack-dab in the middle of the cafeteria.
And this gives them a perfect view of all the different people in their school...
Fatima and Bailey, two of Y/n's best girl friends, are sat across from her with bewildered expressions. She had just told them out of the blue that she was thinking about hooking up with someone so that she can lose her virginity before graduation.
Y/n feels embarrassed and starts focusing on eating her cafeteria bought garlic fingers. But she's pulled back into what she already unfortunately started. "Why am I surprised but also not surprised?" Fatima squints her eyes at her in an odd analyzing sort of way.
On the contrary, Bailey looks excited. "That is big news, Y/n! Do you know who you wanna do?" She leans closer from across the table and reaches her arms out to grab Y/n's tightly. The girl has hooked up with so many random people, Y/n isn't sure why she does it or if she enjoys it as much as she says she does. But she knows that if she's going to attempt this, going to her for help would be a wise decision.
"Umm.. Well I had a few people in mind. There are a couple of guys that would be down no questions asked..."
"You sound unsure." Bailey observes.
"Um... I just— I think, maybe doing this with a girl would be better.. or nicer..." Y/n whispers, looking around to be sure no one is listening. Fatima looks up from her phone with an eyebrow raised.
"That's probably gonna be way harder to figure out. Girls are picky, they know what they want and they'll make sure they get it. Especially, when looking for a hookup." Fatima explains. Y/n gets the feeling that she's just talking about herself. "Plus, there's like barely any girls in this school who regularly hookup."
Bailey turns to her. "Well they don't have to be someone who does regularly. As long as they're open to them then that's all that matters." She shrugs and turns back to Y/n and smiles. "And they have to be hot of course. Someone who knows what they're doing."
"Hm..." Y/n hums, leaning back a bit as her gaze veers off to nowhere in particular.
She wonders what hooking up with someone would even be like. Before starting high school, she hoped that she'd meet someone and finally get into her first relationship. And it's not that she thinks going into college or university as a virgin is bad, she just wants to be able to say that she has some experience. She also really wants to know what sex is like instead of just imagining it in her head.
At that same time, a loud laugh reverberates to her left. She turns around and sees a girl with long blue hair and an obnoxiously punk-esk style standing a couple tables away from theirs.
She throws a plastic bottle at a boy who's drenched in water. Him and the others there laugh, and she waves them off before walking in Y/n and her friend's direction. She looks away and squirms in her seat, hoping the girl won't approach them.
Her prayers were ignored though.
"Hey Jinx!" Fatima calls out warmly, Bailey smiles with a wave. Curse her and her whole friend group for being friends with literally everyone.
Jinx momentarily stops behind Y/n to greet the two girls, "Hey Fatima. Nice top." And she's walking away again. But not before punching Y/n's shoulder, almost sending her flying against the edge of the table and breaking a couple ribs.
"Jeez." She grumbles under her breath as she glares holes into Jinx's back as she walks away. Out of nowhere Fatima sits up straight and her face fills with realization.
"Holy shit. You can hook up Jinx." Y/n's stomach drops to her ass.
"Huh?" "What?" Her and Bailey say at the same time. Fatima looks at them like what she said should've been obvious.
"What? She literally hooks up people all the time. With girls. She's exactly what you're looking for, don't try to convince me otherwise."
"She's an asshole to me! Are you forgetting we hate each other?" Y/n protests.
"So what? Then the sex will be better."
Bailey slowly turns her head to look at Y/n who's currently trying to control her breathing. For some reason the idea has her heart beating rather fast. "I heard that she had a pregnancy scare once, and never hooked up with a guy since." Bailey hushes quietly, making Y/n gasp.
"Ew..." Y/n grimaces slightly. Jinx with a dude? Highly unlikely. Why does that thought make her a little mad?
"Pft yeah I heard that before." Fatima chuckles.
They veer onto a different topic right until the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. When Y/n slings her bag over her shoulder Fatima goes to stand beside her. "Just think about it. Remember you can ask Mikey to help you sort it out." Her and Bailey send her reassuring smiles and the three go their separate ways to their respective classes.
A few days pass by and Y/n is sitting in the cafeteria again. She's on her free period right now, but she's still rubbing her temples to ease the slowly dissipating headache from her previous math class.
She's been thinking about her discussion with the girls ever since it happened. And after deep thought and consideration...
Jinx sits at a table not too far from hers. A couple boys are with her and they seem to be laughing at something on one of their phone screens. Jinx is facing away from her, but she has a good view of her exposed back. Her long blue braids cascade behind and passed her shoulders and she can see the muscles jump whenever she leans farther across the table. Y/n has also noticed that Jinx always seems to sit with her legs spread, and she realizes that that's always been a trait she likes on women.
...She's starting to believe that she might just give in.
But then Mikey comes bounding into the area all happy and gleeful. He looks around and goes to Jinx's table, talking and laughing about god knows what, then approaches another popular dude carrying a basketball.
Minutes pass until Mikey is finally walking up to her table. Y/n swears, this dude knows everyone. He's part of the reason why she even knows who anyone is, and why they know she exists.
"What's good, Y/n?" He plops himself down across from her and pulls his own phone out to place it on the table.
Y/n shrugs only giving a small smile. "I'm fine."
Mikey notices she looks conflicted about something and decides to dig farther. He squints his eyes at her. "Something is on your mind. What is it, tell me?" He waves his hand beckoning her to talk to him.
Y/n puffs hair into her cheeks then blows it out. She's not sure she should bring up the topic from before. She's afraid he'll have something negative to say.
What if she has a girlfriend— or worse, a boyfriend that she doesn't know about?!?!
"I was talking to Fatima and Bailey a couple days ago about... who the right people to hook up with would be." Y/n starts. Mikey hums and nods. She just stares at him hoping he'll get the hint.
"Soo you wanna hook up with someone?" Thank god.
"Yes." She sighs. "And we came to the conclusion that-- Jinx," she chokes, "could be a good person. Or whatever." She pauses. "Look I wanted to choose a girl instead of a guy because if I'm gonna hook up with some rando, I want it to at least be enjoyable and not super uncomfortable..." She doesn't want to bear the pain of having her cherry popped by some horny impatient dude.
Mikey just looks at her, seemingly processing the information and thinking about it.
"Well, with Jinx it's a 50/50. It depends on her mood. She doesn't get into details about the shit she does, but with you... Ehhh she'd probably be a bit rough." He explains. Why he knows this information, Y/n doesn't wanna know.
And she guesses what he meant by that was how her and Jinx aren't on the best of terms, and that if it came down to it she'd probably be tempted to strangle her to death in the middle of it or something...
"I can go ask her what her type is. Find out if she likes ass or tits." He holds his hands out as if weighing two options. "Wait wait. You know how she fucks depending on her mood, but you don't know what her type is?" Y/n says a little too loudly in the quiet cafeteria. Jinx glances behind her at their table.
Mikey shrugs his shoulders now looking like he's being accused. "Listen, I don't go askin' her what she likes and dislikes, I don't care. She tells me what she tells me on her own. Now do you want my help or nah?"
Y/n groans and leans back, fingers clutching at the edge of the table. She thinks about it to herself one last time.
She'd be shocked to find out if Jinx was actually open to hooking up with her. She herself wasn't an eye sore, many people have tried hitting her up both online and in person. But her and Jinx's relationship have always been a bit rocky seeing as they just never got along due to their differences and.. lack of tolerance. So she's not sure if Jinx would be able to ignore that for once just to spend a little while fucking... Oh jeez.
Y/n glances past Mikey at Jinx's figure once more and sighs. She plays with the rings on her fingers, "Fine, go." She waves him off. He gets up and leaves.
Mikey, please don't make this obvious. Y/n thinks to herself as she watches him casually sit himself down beside Jinx and dap her up.
Y/n squirms in her seat and distracts herself with her phone when the two seem to fall into conversation. She doesn't expect Mikey to come back only minutes later.
"That was quick." "Yeah. So, she said she leans more towards tits but ass is good too." "Did you find out her type?" "Ehh, she didn't really say anything specific. So, I think you're good."
He gives Y/n a thumbs up.
She breathes out a sigh. So, she guesses that she just makes up her mind from here and finds out if Jinx is game or not. She taps her long nails against the flat surface before finalizing, "Okay. I'm down."
Mikey smiles at her approvingly. "Alright~ I'll ask her at lunch."
The sun had gone down. The street lamps seep in through the sheers covering the windows. Y/n sits quite still on the edge of her bed, knees pulled up to her chin as she stares down at the floor ahead of her.
Earlier that day after lunch, Mikey had found her looking like he was in a oddly good mood. Turns out Jinx said yes and Y/n is to expect the girl to message her at some point.
Why? Why did Jinx agree? Could this be a set up, or a joke to her? Will Jinx meet her somewhere and just make fun of her the whole time until she leaves feeling humiliated with herself? She knows Mikey would never do that to her, but Jinx...
She bites her lip, her gloss shining in the soft glow of the pink LED lights stuck to her walls. They're always able to put her in a good mood, paired with some music playing softly from her speaker. At the moment they're struggling to do so.
Right as soon as she huffs and falls backwards onto her mattress, she gets a notification from Snapchat. Her heart leaps and she slowly lifts the screen up to her face. And what do you know, it's none other than a message from Jinx.
She taps the screen and opens it...
Jinx: so me, huh?
Y/n: oh don't get so cocky.
Jinx: isn't that what u wanted??? 😹
Y/n: don't start pissing me off now.
Jinx: jeez louise nobody can joke with ya 😒
Y/n: anybody but you.
Jinx: we'll see abt that
Well... this is magnificent. This is actually happening. She's going to fuck Jinx. Or the other way around— Both perhaps? She's confident in herself, she always has. She may not have firsthand experience but she knows the basics.
Now Y/n has to prepare herself. At this point there's practically a week left of classes, she's aware this is going to happen soon. She only hopes Jinx won't be too unpredictable and give her whip lash with whatever plans she comes up with.
The when and wheres have Y/n on edge already. She tries to look at the bright side, and all she can come up with is the fact that at least Jinx isn't a stranger...
part two will be coming out soon🤞😝
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eyeballmonster20 · 8 months
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TGAMM fans I have some very unfortunate news. Jinx vs. The Human World just got leaked.
This is honestly insane that the leaks are still spreading. And now my worst fears have been realized. The season 2 finale has been leaked. The hole forging episode!
This is sad and rude to Bill and Bob because they work so hard on this show to make it spooky good and to enhappify us. It's just disrespectful to them and everyone that worked so hard! Honestly, with all the leaks and people just sharing them around we don't deserve a season 3.
I don't blame Bill and Bob doing that because most of the fandom has been just disrespectful with the leaks and if you really love this show and it's characters then please wait and don't spread leaks.
I don't know if it's Disneys weak online security or something else but what ever the source needs to stop!
For those have leaked things please delete tweet or post on any platforms you have. Please also don't post them anymore. Not just for me but for your fellow fans if this amazing show.
For those who haven't leaked it's time to take a stand! Block, worn people if these leaks and worn people of those whom are spreading them. It's time to show not with our words but with our actions we care about this show to Bill and Bob.
Now to Bill and Bob I deeply apologize that Jinx vs. The Human World got leaked. I know you both and your fantastic talented team has worked so hard on this show. Your both fantastic and your team is fantastic! Again I'm so sorry but we'll do what we can to stop this. Thanks for everything you guys do and again I'm sorry.
Now I hope you have a great day and let's stop these leaks not just for TGAMM but for all the show! NO MORE!
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sevensoulmates · 3 months
i too am a 7.05 you dont me eddiemarisol break up truther or something along the lines of maybe theyre better off as friends ya know
Listen, it's a pattern. Eddie and Ana get together in Jinxed and they break up in Desperate Measures. And then, when do we meet Marisol? In Home Invasion. That title does not fair well for the future of Eddie and Marisol. So, a breakup in You Don't Know Me? Feels imminent.
But titles aside, I've said it once I'll say it again, Eddie chose to pursue Marisol because she was at the right place (the hardware store) at the right time (when Eddie is so desperate for a beard gf he would literally take anybody). He stated that he was seeking out the same relationship he had with Shannon (their relationship was known to be unhealthy and very much Not The Right One For Him) for all the wrong reasons. His reasons for asking her out have absolutely zero (0) nada zip zilch to do with Eddie actually liking her and being attracted to her as a person. I think as he grows to learn more about HIMSELF this season maybe hopefully he'll finally come to realize that this relationship he found himself in was just another way of denying himself the real happiness he thinks he doesn't deserve.
My biggest hope for You Don't Know Me is that Eddie (and Buck cuz I'm pretty sure this episode is gonna have something to do with him too) really do some major soul-searching and come to take steps in a healthy direction.
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space-blue · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Vi becoming an enforcer in Arcane? Do you think there's any way for it to be well-written and how would you prefer it to go down?
I've talked about Vi before and especially how I don't appreciate how the rushed romance destroyed her character in the third act.
So enforcer Vi? I hate it. Unless they take a very bold, very dark angle on Vic's motivations or what it does to her to become an enforcer and betray her people, I genuinely don't expect good things.
Like, the poor, destitute, orphaned by enforcer child, to unlawful prisoner regularly beaten in isolation, to fucking COP pipeline should really never exist, unless it's to explore some sort of really intense psychological trauma and maybe Stockholm syndrom…
I'm scared because she's truly a cop in the game. She's got splash art in cliche cop gear eating donuts, and her voice lines (rehauled for the show) had police brutality jokes. She just wasn't "that deep", and the show made her final position a little more untenable. Knowing her background, it makes very little sense she'd ever align with Piltover. I really hope they don't use her interest in Cait as the main mean to get her in uniform…
Can't we have canon lesbians that aren't fucking cops?? I thought Cait would go more down the rogue investigator route, making her charming, using her family and wealth for her eccentric pursuits and obsession for the truth… But it's not really what we got.
The only way I can see this well done for Vi is if she slowly relents when she's not getting results alone, and resigns herself to asking Cait for help. Maybe then she'd find that she thrives as an investigator or mediator. Like, seeing Vi, throughout the season, slowly realise she's good at policing her own people, and they respect her, and maybe if she's the one doing it, then enforcers won't have to, and she can make it easier on everyone… basically becoming Vander 2.0, is the only way I can see her regularly collaborating with Cait.
That OR go broke and make her a class traitor! I don't mind! It's dark, it's fucked, but PLEASE just don't give us a bird brained Vi who follows Cait because she's horny and can't understand class politics 101. That would be so sad.
I want Vi to struggle with Vander's legacy, to realise that the brutality she's inflicting with her stolen gauntlets is exactly what he didn't want for her. That she's taking her place into the cycle of violence that keeps the place down. Even better if she struggles with Silco's legacy, and realising at last that she'd actually have been on his side if not for all the blood between them and her insurmountable distate for shimmer. 'Oh no, the guy you hate was right about something' sort of struggle. Especially if it pitches her against Cait and BOTH OF THEM have to actually acknoledge how fucked things are, and that patronising idealistic speeches to victims of oppression isn't 'change' or 'good enough'.
I'd love to see Vi demanding enforcer help on her terms because she blames the problems going on in the Undercity on them, on the council, and through Cait's endorsement, trying to use them to fix things. That's a way for Vi to slowly get used to their methods, to feel bad when one dies, to go to strategy meetings and slowly, slowly… become cordial. Even if it disgusts everyone else.
Urgh, idk, honestly. I try not to think about it too much. Cait and Vi are my biggest regret from season 1, as I felt like they were both weakened by the way they were used on each other. I don't expect either of their storylines to be my jam in season 2. I'm going in there for Viktor mostly. Got to see my boy finish drinking Singed's Nasty Juice and go full Machine Herald.
Him, Jinx, Mel and Sevika are my main draws to the show. That and the art and story were rivetting enough that I expect any sad Lesbian Cop disappointment to be dismissable.
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crystallizabethine · 5 months
I honestly don't know where to start.
Firstly, thank goodness it ended happy bc I was so scared it was gonna pull another big cliffhanger on us.
Watching the Chaos Council tear itself apart was SO satisfying!
I figured Sonic was gonna end up losing his prism energy one way or another cause of that bit from the trailer with him being all see through, but it was still so cool to see! I have a thing for when the main character is close to death and their friends have to take care of them (what can I say? I'm an angst junkie) and this was *chef's kiss* It was just so satisfying to finally see Sonic getting cared for like he's been caring for everyone this whole time!
Also Sonic flirting with teasing Shadow while literally dying was so perfect for their dynamic.
My only gripe is that I wish Sonic and Tails would have had a proper reunion instead of Sonic just being like "Yay everybody!!" Like it was fine, he's back in his Green Hill, with all his friends, and I couldn't be happier for him! But considering that Tails has had such an emphasis on this whole show it was a little disappointing to me that they didn't interact more at the end. Hopefully if there's another season they'll get more time to interact.
Speaking of another season, I'm guessing it's the Chaos Council again, which will be less than pleasant. Maybe OG Eggman will join them? Idk
I really really hope Sonic gets to tell his friends what happened, because I'm pretty sure if he keeps that to himself he'll explode. I'm hoping to find some fanfiction exploring that, and who knows, maybe I'll write some. . .
Anywho's I'm really really happy with how the season ended overall, and while I would love another season, if Netflix cancelled it here it wouldn't be the end of the world since the shattered arc is finished. (Plz don't let me be jinxing itttt)
It's been a good journey. Here's to another season!
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stanlunter · 8 hours
Arcane season 2 teaser is so cool, can't wait for an official Trailer!!!
And I'm so excited to see Vi and Jinx's actual fight and their Confrontation after Vi has finally realized that her Pawder is gone!
The only thing I don't like is that there wasn't any hint on Jayce, Viktor or Mel... I just hope they wont somehow forget about them bc I really do believe in this show, It's fucking amazing and the just can't throw away so important things
Ig they werent there to escape spoilers and I do hope they will be in the trailer
Also, I still don't get it, is there gonna be another timeskip?? Cuz Ekko, Cait and Vu didn't look much older and I hope they won’t do it, at least not in the first few episodes
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call-sign-shark · 7 months
Hi there,
A friend of mine was watching Peaky with me the other day and we ended up having a convo about Arthur. We were just wondering what the Arthur lovers liked the most about him?
I mean I sort of get the appeal of him being fucked in the head and sorta unhinged. But what’s the best thing about him?
I really hope this doesn’t come of as judgmental! We were just genuinely curious since we’re totally Tommy girlies. 😅
Hi Tommy's girl anon! Thank you so much for your wonderful question. Don't worry, this is not judgemental at all, quite the contrary this is always such an interesting topic to discuss! 😊
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First of all, I'll try to remain concise because I can write for hours about my love for Arthur, but my goal isn't to bore the death of you.
Obviously, the unhinged and mentally fucked up aspect of the character is what attracted me at first. It's my favorite character trope of all time, and all my favorite fictional characters have it -- and when I say favorite fictional characters I mean characters I hold very dear to my heart. I can mention Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3 and Jinx from League of Legends / Arcane. This is also a trope you can find in most of my OCs except Heaven, which has a colder and maybe even creepier form of "madness".
Apart from the unhinged persona, I can also talk about his physical appearance. Of course, Tommy is hot but... I don't know, there's something about Arthur's weird style, body language, and lanky body type that feeds his batshit crazy and unpredictable nature. To conclude that very quick and superficial part of physical appearance, I also think that Paul Anderson's eyes and facial features are jaw-dropping. Next time you watch Peaky Blinders try to pay attention to Arthur's eyes and gaze. I won't be able to explain it properly but he has a piercing and intense stare with adorable bambi lashes.
Now, if I had to choose the best thing about him I'd go for his complexity. SK's poor character management aside, Arthur is the most complex character in the show in my opinion. And his complexity did surprise me. I really thought his character would remain the typical unhinged and problematic brother throughout the story but the more the plot unfolds, the more I've discovered a very third-dimensional and emotional character. Arthur is a character full of colors and paradoxes. On the one hand, he is that ultraviolent man with psychotic outbursts and addiction problems, and on the other hand he is that loving (and yandere) husband, loyal brother, and goofy man. Like, for real, the drastic change in him when Linda appeared blew my mind in the most positive way possible. Arthur is the type of character that you know is fucked up and who does cruel/unforgivable things but you can't hate him. You can't help feeling bad for him because, somehow, he's maybe the sweetest of all the Shelby clan. The fact that Arthur is always walking on a thin line between pure psychotic monster and touching / redemption-seeking man is certainly the best thing in his tragic character. It is also best described by Polly's quote " Watch Arthur, because he's as likely to hurt himself as anyone else."  He tries to be good, he really tries but he's fighting with the wrong weapons and always ends up sinking again. That's why I appreciated SK freeing him from his addictions and making him feel better at the end of S6 after the shitty treatment of the character throughout that final season.
I would have loved to go on but I think this post is already long enough. To summarize, Arthur is a complex character made of paradoxes and this bipolarity between the violent/evil man and the loving/goofy one is fascinating. Thanks for your wonderful question and thank you for choosing me! 🖤
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fanjiansaa · 1 year
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After binging all of the new season, I've updated my initial tierlist! Priya stays winning, no surprise there. Thoughts about the ENTIRETY of the new cast (with spoilers) under the cut!
Let's just start off by saying that the over the top toilet humor and intro aside, this was a great season. While Pakhitew Island was rancid with blatant obvious character tropes, this season managed to make most of their characters relatable while parodying at it.
But as for Caleb, Scary Girl and Ripper... Those were on the nose too much for my liking. Caleb got the season 1 Justin treatment, Scary Girl is literally Jinx from League of Legends, and Ripper is nothing but a shoehorned character for fart jokes. It sucks because I thought Ripper was going to be great. His personality is pretty solid and reminds me loads of McArthur.
Now that I've got the slog out of the way, time to dissect the more intriguing parts of this show!
Nichelle, Damien and Axel were tremendously robbed this season, and you know it.
Axel's dexterity and agility would have no doubt gotten her far. Unfortunately, her prickly attitude got her booted very early, akin to Eva's elimination back in the original TDI. She's definitely the Shawn of this generation though. And hey, which begs the question — is she his kid? It's been 15 years after all...
Nichelle was nothing like the mean girl label everyone pegged her for. Just a typical rich, famous celebrity that's never been out of her comfort zone. Rude and vicious? No, she had the team spirit and was always ready to pump up her team. I love Dakota, so I am definitely a fan of Nichelle, the two being so alike. In her elimination episode, she had a breakdown where she realized that she wasn't "all that". It was honestly pretty sad to see.
Damien was the person with the most common sense on that show. It's funny how he's just wants the million bucks and never seen the show before. But when he sees what there's up against? He's totally done. FINALLY, A CHARACTER THAT GETS IT. He's a whole vibe. In the end, he decided he wanted to stay after he did some awesome heroics, but his team voted him off like he wanted... Better luck next time.
Speaking of next time, apparently these three do have another shot. They've all been invited back for another season, which means that we can explore these characters far more! Let's hope that the writers do not miss this opportunity.
As for someone that I don't think overstayed their welcome, MK definitely takes the cake. She was honestly a great character with witty comebacks and superior intellect. I think she got just the right amount of screen time. We got to see her in action while making room for other character's developments to shine. Nice.
Wayne and Raj are what happens when you combine Katie and Sadie with Geoff and Brody. I found their bromance pretty sweet actually. I don't think they had much time to grow more distinctively from each other though. And I know how everyone was betting their money on them or Caleb/Bowie as the gay couple, but I'm so so glad that they weren't.
Instead we got a delightfully surprising pair — Bowie and Raj. While I did want to see more build up, with 13 twenty minute episodes, you can't really do much. But no matter, I still thought they were plenty cute! I needed to see them smooch in the finale though. It would've been loads better than...
Chase and Emma.
How this pair irks me to no end. Chase is an incel and Emma is stupid for going back to him. Really hit the nail on the head with the on and off again couples of the world. Seen this way too often.
Speaking of which, I think you all owe RR Emma an apology. Because RR Emma actually had loads more character outside of her boyfriend. We got to see her in action, taking charge, her fiesty attitude, the great dynamic with her sister!
But this Emma? All she did was whine nonstop about how Chase was a horrible boyfriend only to go back to square one. Every second of her on screen was either her wanting to torture him in the best way possible or lusting after him. Girl... After everything Chase's done to you, him granting you immunity in a round does not cut it.
I'll give some points for the Bowie/Emma friendship. Except for the fact that it centered around Chase mostly, UGH. Bowie going "ew straight people" is how I felt about this whole ordeal.
And in case it wasn't obvious enough, Chase deserves to be ejected into sun. He radiates toxic masculinity. He wanted to change Emma's name to "Chase's Girlfriend"? He thought a guy should win the finale? He can't take no for an answer and keeps pursuing his ex? I hope he rots, ew.
Bless Zee's heart for being bros with him. Goodness knows I could not do that. But let's face it, Zee is bros with everyone on this island. He's that stoner friend everyone needs. Just chilling, making some unintentional funny comments, you get the gist. I first pegged him to be the scaredy cat type, but seeing him in the zone instead was hilarious. And he's the amputee! How cool is that?
Now I know I haven't talked about one of the best parts of Total Drama — the villains/antagonists.
Julia was a very fun twist villain. At first, she was just Dawn but if she was a social media brat. I was surprised to see that facade crack and her true colors shine. Instead, she's a two faced teenaged girl, which I see a lot in society. Putting on a show for others only to bash them in private. Watching her let loose was a thrill and I was here for it. Her manipulation, scheming and determination is unmatched.
At least, that's what I would say if Bowie didn't exist.
How Bowie absolutely dominated that competition. He was here to win and he meant it. Seeing him pull the strings was a sight to behold. He convinced the team to vote off Caleb at first glance, outsmarted Julia at her own game, ruined Priya and Millie's friendship, and snagged a pretty cute boyfriend too. If that's not absolute winner things, I don't know what is.
Which brings me to the part I've been waiting for. Last, but certainly not least of all, Priya and Millie.
These two are MY Total Drama inserts, I'm so sure of it. Millie disgusted by her own generation and Priya's obedience to follow her parent's dreams were things I felt in my soul. I know that they weren't popular when the characters were first leaked, but I'm so glad that they beat the early boot allegations.
Millie's character arc is one of the best things of the season. She came here to write a book slandering the people her age and thought of herself as above everyone else's nonsense. But then Priya happened. Priya was nice to her, she was the first real person to ever make Millie feel good about herself. And that was the wake up call Millie needed and the turning point of her life.
Priya also learned something too — self worth. She was too eager to be friends with Millie off the bat and have nothing but good energy all around. Only to realize that maybe she's putting more effort into their friendship than the other person is. And as someone whose been in that position multiple times, it absolutely broke me.
And everything went to hell when Bowie gifted Priya the notepad in which Millie was writing smack about everyone. Of course, Millie had changed her mind and was trying to be a better person, but karma catches up to you. Priya finally let herself be gulfed in anger and Millie truly got hit with the great significance of Priya coming into her life.
In the end, Millie managed to apologize and pour her insecurities out to Priya about everything. It brought both tears to me and Priya and the two of them reconciled. This was the best friendship story I've ever seen written on Total Drama. It's like what Gwen and Courtney could've gone through in All Stars...
Also, Priya wins. How cool is that? I rooted for her at the very start AND SHE WON. I'm loving this so so much. I'm sure there's another alternative ending where it's Bowie but the one I watched was Priya so that's the true happy ending to me :3
Sidenote: Anyone wanna talk about the Priya/Damien ship tease? Honestly I'm glad Priya didn't blush at anything Chase said; I know the fandom thought they were going to be a couple. But the best girl Priya and the best boy Damien had a hint and that's another win for me.
Think about it, a girl who's prepared for Total Drama all her life with someone who's never seen it before? GOLD. They were even paired for the finale! Do you think next season will have them be a couple? Manifesting that so bad with a real Chase/Emma breakup. And more Raj/Bowie while we're at it too, yeah?
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purgetrooper77 · 7 months
Hello everyone
Since the Season 2 finale is coming soon I figured now will be the best time to express my predictions for the end of the season. I really love this series and I do hope it gets a 3rd Season. Without further ado, here are some predictions I have.
Loki (somehow) saves the Heart of the TVA
Mobius suddenly remembers his old life
Sylvie forgives Loki and Mobius
We see a new variant of He Who Remains/Kang the Conqueror
Oroborus becomes the next General of the TVA
There will be a funeral service for Victor Timely
Hunter B-15 dies
What If... reference in the finale
We get we see some big reveal about the Time Stone
We get to see who Sylvie truly is (meaning she is not a variant of Loki but someone different)
Maybe just Maybe foreshadowing of Loki going back to the sacred timeline
Mobius gets a jet-ski to kill the Kang variant
Everyone is all happy in the end, and the Multiverse is saved.
If I happen to jinx something, please don't come after me.
That is all, have a wonderful day/evening/night
This is PurgeTrooper77
Signing out
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nerdynikki94 · 1 year
10-1 says when we finally reach Mac and Dennis Break Up episode on the pod (you know, in like 10 months), Rob will be coming in hot, and go on a fucking 'Rob Justice' rant that takes up like 45 minutes of the pod, and the last 5 or so minutes they spend talking about Danny's hilarious performance of "OOHHH!!! BOTCHED TOE!" & "I need some trash to plug up the cut!" or like Charlie’s little dance at Dee’s apartment and his cheeto fingerprints on the walls. Possibly the 'can't eat cat food because he’s not a cat' blooper. (Shit, while writing this, I'm remembering just how good that episode is, and how easy it would be for them to run out the clock, talking about anything but the elephant in the room).
Like, I don't know; I just genuinely can't see RCG openly acknowledging Macdennis seriously on the pod (despite how gay the episode's commentary was... like talk about boxes full of Macdennis). I'm not saying they don't see it, but I don’t think they want to talk about it, because once they do, it will kind of force them to officially take a side on it, and I think they want to avoid the inevitable backlash, either way (plus they like leading us on).
I'm not sure if I'm afraid of this or if it's what I'm hoping for. Like, I think if they talk about it, it means they've permanently decided to take it off the table. Hearing them say 'Macdennis' aloud feels like a really bad jinx.
What about Season 16's air date; does that matter; like have they planned a special pod for once that airs? Rob's tease about Mac needing a boyfriend has to mean something macden, doesn't it? Are they possibly planning to push that pod back because they can't won't acknowledge it yet? Will we be getting supplementary call-in, themed, or special guest pods in the near future to further prolong the pod's season 5 coverage (a.k.a. one of, if not, the gayest season of Sunny).
(That last paragraph felt like a close-out for a soap opera). 📣Stay tuned for the scrambled ramblings of a donkey-brained nutjob that rants and raves about nothing but her obsession with the worst fictional gay couple you know! Will the middle-aged dipshits ever kiss? Who knows?
I fucking doubt it.................. unless 🥺?
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
There's a confrontation I'd like to see in Arcane season 2 that would be incredibly dramatic to me AND that I'd be the most apprehensive about.
I think Ep 7 established a sort of "safe" combination of characters, that being Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko (and by extension the rest of the Firelights and Heimerdinger, but this isn't about him because he only cropped up later). They have practically the same goal and similar values, Caitlyn and Ekko especially are portrayed as the most morally upstanding and sympathetic characters of the show. The alliance they formed in Ep 7, while brief, was only broken up spatially, not ideologically. If Ekko gets a bigger role in s2 than he had in s1, it would feel like a sort of gang-up: As soon as the two teams wind up in the same location looking for Jinx, it's practically a simple confrontation between everyone and her. This could be complicated further by Vi and Cait disagreeing on how to handle Jinx going forward, but I think they'd be able to put aside their differences long enough to at least stop her (they've all done it before).
But I think to really ramp up the drama, they'd have to break that up.
There's, in my mind, two different ways to do this:
Avoidance: They simply won't put these three in the same room again. Both parties will have enough other stuff going on that they logistically cannot cooperate further. If they encounter Jinx, they'll do so seperately. For example, Ekko could get more involved in Heimerdinger's side of the plot (vs Singed, Viktors and Jayce's messy divorce), while Cait and Vi stay with the Jinx plot and whatever mess the Council will be in after that blow up of a S1 finale. Jayce and JInx are the biggest connecting pieces here, but the plot could very well be timed in such a way that Cait&Vi have interactions with Jayce while Jinx deals with Ekko and vice versa. There's also a whole Noxian war subplot brewing and whatever will happen with Vander/Warwick (although against my better wishes I doubt Ekko will be involved in either of those).
The ideological break up: And that's the one that hurts me the most, because the most (initially) obvious way to do this is to have Vi become an Enforcer and pit her against Ekko this way. I don't hope this happens, because I cannot see Arcane Vi as an Enforcer at all, and ironically Arcane Ekko is a lot more willing to work with the Enforcers than his LoL counterpart anyway. Of course further plot shenanigans could occur that would pit Vi and Ekko against each other - again, they could disagree on treatment of Jinx, or Warwick, or treatment of the undercity going forward, or maybe even on a more fundamental level (Ekko's commitment to non-lethal diffusion tactics and vandalism vs Vi's more violent tendencies). They could also have Caitlyn hardline more towards lethal violence against the Undercity due to the council attack, although I highly doubt this will happen (I'd rather see Caitlyn fight Jayce over this very conflict instead of betraying all her morals for vengeance, and I genuinely think the Arcane writers will do better than that anyway). Orr there is a yet unexplored third option that pits these three against each other.
Either way. Personally. I'd love to see Ekko and Vi seriously fight, because it would be a great dramatic escalation, they'd lose their only "other" undercity ally, and I'd love to explore their differences more while ramping up the angst to their continued isolation. But I am also apprehensive, because they'd need a really good reason to make these two fight each other while they have so many other issues to focus and join forces on.
And while we're talking about fights I'd love to see, we haven't had enough Piltover-folks beating the shit out of each other yet. Give me a fight between Jayce and Cait. Heimerdinger and Jayce. Mel and Jayce. I know we haven't seen 2/3s of these characters involved in a fight yet, but especially the Mel&Jayce&Vikor trio needs to have the messiest, most dramatic break ups possible, and if Mel doesn't get to at least slap someone, what is even the point.
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omarera · 11 months
Cutie 🥰. Always a little bit in love. The headline they pic 😂 always fishing. And Omar being very Swedish never using the highest score. And this being made some weeks ago. Summer time and spreading out the interviews they make.
Omar Rudberg, 24, is currently recording “So much better" on TV4 this autumn, has summer talk in P1 this summer and is now filming the last season of the Netflix series "Young royals".
Aftonbladet meets him on Gotland during the "So much better" recording and lets the artist and actor put a plus on his life right now.
Health Rating: 3 out of 5 plus
- I feel good! Nothing maxed out, but I'm fine.
The career Rating: 4 out of 5 plus
- There is so much fun happening and a lot of new things happening. But I say four because I don't want to jinx too much, because it feels really good.
Love life Rating: 3 out of 5 plus
Omar Rudberg thinks for a while.
- Three, he finally answers.
- Because I'm always a little in love.
Are you in love with someone special right now?
- I'm always a little in love.
Are you single or in a relationship?
- Ahhh, the next question, he says and laughs out loud.
The future plans Rating: 4 out of 5 plus
- Oh, but it's probably also a four, I'd say. It's really nice what's happening. A lot that happens, but dare not say more than four.
Economy Rating: 3 out of 5 plus
- Three. I feel good.
But not a great economy with everything you have going on?
- It grows well, one can hope. But I'm fine!
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the5n00k · 1 year
Choose violence asks: any that Sil didn't include 😅
Y'all making me do HOMEWORK TONIGHT /lh
Again, readmore bc this bitch is heafty
1: I have this problem a lot bc I tend to overcomplicate and project onto my favorite characters but honestly it's Dan from Roommates because the creator has addressed us multiple times to say it's "not that deep" (which is kind of why I went into TGAMM with a surface level understanding and once y'all opened my eyes to the iceberg it was downhill from there I love complicated characters)
2: ... Uh... scratch is ace? This is such an odd question LOL
3: I can't find a screenshot but literally every person who said Molly and Ollie look like they could be related.
5: if I speak I will be shot (owlphibia)
9: worst part of canon? Depends on the fandom I'm talking about. I'll simplify it to TGAMM because that's what most of y'all are here for and simplify that even further by saying the worst part of canon is the fact that The Internship is an episode that exists
11: I think I only filtered Amphibia and Amphibia adjacent tags once on Twitter because I didn't want the finale spoiled for me
12: normally I'd say Ollie but he's picking up some traction in the love department after Frightmares and Unhaunting (nature is healing) so imma say Harriet. Fking love her every time she's on screen I wanna kiss her (it's pride month I can exercise my girl pretty disease)
17: praying coping and seething that we get more corrupted scratch art and fics if I keep making analysis and foreshadowing collecting posts please I am carrying this theory on my back
19: I'm kind of embarrassed that I unironically enjoy Learning With Pibby and some FNF mods like Lullaby and VS Boy and Girl those rock fight me. I'm also really mad I love analog horror. Such a dumb and usually predictable genre but it pulls me in every time (Gemini Home Entertainment, Vita Carnis, and Harmony and Horror my beloveds)
20: uhhhh not much? In regards to tgamm I was never usually bored watching. I think both seasons have been well paced so far although due to my own impatience I do wish for more scratch lore in my veins immediately
21: so funny that I just said that bc I think the answer to this is scratch lore, there's so many other cool things coming this season (jinx, the Chens, the Bizmart guy, Molly's history with street magicians, Sharon's history with musicians to name a few) that it feels like we've gotten tunnel vision (I'm guilty of this too don't worry)
It feels like all we talk about anymore and I don't want to get my hopes up for it, I already have my expectations so high I'm terrified of what we're actually gonna get lol I'm trying to keep an open mind about it
24: APPARENTLY THE PACING OF OLLIE'S REDEMPTION ARC AND THE DISCUSSION SURROUNDING MOLLIE AFTER I WANNA DANCE WITH SOME-OLLIE DROPPED. I SAW SOME ABSOLUTELY RANCID TAKES. Most things surrounding Ollie just. Happen to have some very heated discussions sometimes. It's gotten better but damn it's actually very frustrating (this kid was being compared to every bigoted extremist in the books, he is 13 years old please sit down)
I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING hot damn y'all put me to work lol /lh
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