#i love fangirling about my own ocs
t1oui · 28 days
yk one thing i miss being in the hp fandom?? SWORDS.
like. sword fights are just so cool and action-y (that's a word) and literally every non-hp story of mine except for one has at least one sword. literally the only wip of mine with no swords is a non-magical one. hp needs more swords
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Hello Dear! I usually just read and fangirl on your HCs and series hihi but I was just gonna try if you can do a one shot of this prompt "One night, he tells you that these last six months of happy memories are the counterweight to two hundred years of misery" I CRIEEED TT^TT when I got it on the epilogue and I just wanna get some fluff and angst around 👉👈 G/N Tav would be nice 🙏
I already did this with my OC Tav Tiriel in the fic The Rogue and the Barbarian but I will gladly write something else based on this prompt!
Synopsis: One night, he tells you that these last six months of happy memories are the counterweight to two hundred years of misery.
Tags: fluff
Read on AO3
Astarion is in the dungeons.
It’s dark and damp, and he notices the chains nailed to the wall. 
His body is sore as if he was beaten. He sits up and grabs a fistful of his own hair causing himself pain.
Of course, it was all a dream. The freedom, those four months of having the tadpole enabling him to walk in the sunlight. The six months after, in the shadows, but free. 
You were a dream, too. It never happened. He is his master’s kennels, beaten and tortured and soon he will have to go on a hunt to bring another unfortunate soul to its demise.
Astarion rarely dreams but his elven mind is so broken he has acquired the ability to see surrealistic and very real things during his sleep. It’s even worse than remembering horrors because imagination knows no limits.
His skin will be flayed again and again. He will undress in front of strangers and will do things he doesn’t want to. 
The tears burn his skin as the dark waters drown his mind in misery.
“Astarion! Are you alright?”
The voice is so unreal Astarion can’t believe he hears it.
You approach and kneel beside him. Then, you carefully take his hands from his face to make eye contact. “A nightmare?”
Astarion stares at you as if he was unable to believe you are real.
But you are.
It wasn't a dream. He really did walk in the sun for four months. He killed his master. He set himself free. And all those six months he walked on the roads of the Sword Coast, hand in hand with you.
Astarion digs his nails into his scalp as the feelings overwhelm him. He doesn’t know how to deal with it. Sorrow, anger. How did they dare to take his life from him? How did they dare to make him a slave, to lock him in the kennels? Why? Why did it happen to him? What did he do to deserve it?
But there are other feelings. Happiness, hope, joy. 
He is free, after all. He had the gift of sunwalking for four months. He met you and he isn’t alone anymore. Your warmth soothes him and so does your blood. You are everything and more. Something he almost lost because of his blindness and inability to trust.
Your tender hands are stroking his back. 
“I am a mess, ain’t I?” he cracks a smile.
“We all are sometimes,” you tug Astarion closer and cradle him in your arms.
He lies like that, his head pressed against your chest as you play with his curls and lull him like a child.
Now he remembers. 
These dungeons are part of a long-abandoned castle. It was just safe to stay there without worrying about the sun. They just happen to be similar to the kennels Astarion used to belong to.
A mere year ago he was a slave. He would never believe it was possible to acquire all those things.
Freedom. A person to love. The whole world.
You are here to kiss away his tears and nightmares. He can drink as much blood as he needs, feeding on animals and his occasional enemies. You share your blood, too, and it helps with anxieties. When you sleep together you cuddle under a thick blanket skin to skin, and Astarion feels safe and protected.
Fingers caress his left cheek.
“Oh, I’ve just noticed,” you giggle.
“What is it, my love?”
“You don’t have dark circles under your eyes anymore. And they aren’t that puffy! You used to look like a person who didn't sleep well.”
“I-I didn’t know you looked like that”
“You did look rather sickly when we met. Still beautiful, though, don’t worry.”
Astarion finally manages to relax. Gods, he thinks he's a wordsmith! He can't formulate a simple sentence that he's been wanting to say to you for a week.
“Hm, what is it?”
“These last six months of happy memories are the counterweight to two hundred years of misery”
You smile and he can’t take his eyes off your face.
“I love you, Astarion,” you tug him closer. “You are the best thing that could have happened to me.”
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume
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ya9amicide · 2 months
Redamancy [BTS]
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chapter three
♡ info ♡ k-pop masterlist ♡ previous chapter ♡ next chapter ♡
a/n: OMFG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! Life has been like one raging tornado and has not slowed down in forever. My Wattpad was also deleted so I lost writing motivation for a long time too...But, I'm going to attempt to update this story more since I was so excited for it and I know you are too! Thank you to everyone who has left comments, I read them all and I really appreciate it! <3
summary: Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too.
To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest.
But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
pairing(s): ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc
warnings: none
taglist (crossed out = couldn't be tagged): @oopscoop || @writingwithmai || @osakis-gf || @hiefisch || @effielumiere || @singukieee || @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh || @littlrmills14-blog || @welcometomyworld13 || @chaimin || @demarie04 || @manic-atthe-disco || @blancflms || @ingyusart || @realrintaro || @braveangel777 || @ldysmfrst || @kpopmultistantrashsstuff || @vaishavi4w || @foreverddaeng
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I decided to wake up early the next morning so that I could make breakfast for everyone. When I got downstairs, I noticed that it was still raining outside. Although it wasn’t as bad as last night, it still wasn’t anything that someone should be outside in.
Making breakfast was a challenge. This is the most food I’ve ever had to make at once. Not to mention that I have to make it as quiet as possible so as not to wake the hybrids with sensitive hearing.
About halfway through making breakfast, I heard light footsteps coming down the hall from the stairs. Turning towards the doorway of the kitchen, I see Seokjin peeking in. “Good morning,” I say and smile at him.
“Good morning,” his voice is still soft and quiet like it was last night. He fidgets in the doorway, watching as I move around the kitchen.
“Do you want to help?” I ask him.
He looks up at me, startled. “...Can I?”
“Of course. Do you know how to make pancakes?” He nods his head yes. “Great, then you can help me decide what kind to make. You know everyone’s preference better than I do so you’ll be a big help in making sure everyone eats happily.”
By the time the food was ready, we had made a wide variety of pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and had several bowls of mixed fruits as well. Being hybrids, especially those like the wolf and tiger, they will have big appetites. In general, they all will as grown men so I don’t have any doubt that all of the food will be eaten in no time.
“Seokjin?” I ask and he looks up at me with a hum from where he was helping set the table. “I can finish this if you want to go get everyone up please?” He nods and scampers to get the rest of his pack.
A few minutes later, loud shuffling is heard as all seven of them make their way toward me in the dining room. “Good morni–oof!” In the middle of greeting them, I was interrupted by a bundle of hyper, furry, warmth in the form of Jungkook. He rushed to me as soon as he saw me and wrapped me in his arms in a tight hug.
The others look at him in panic. “Jungkook!” Several of them shouted in worry.
I just laugh, gently patting him on the back, causing him to practically melt in my arms. “Well, good morning to you too, bunny. Did you sleep well?”
He pulls away from me and nods erratically. “Uh-huh! The bed was so warm and cozy. I haven’t slept this well in forever. I almost didn’t want to get up when Jin came to wake us up.” He smiles brightly showing me his adorable bunny teeth and I can hear his foot thumping happily against the floor again.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that.” I think I’m starting to understand the fond looks I’ve caught the others throwing at Jungkook when they think he isn’t looking. “You could have stayed in bed a bit longer if you wanted. Although, I’m not sure breakfast would taste as good warmed up in the microwave as opposed to fresh off the stove.”
His bunny ears perk up on top of his head at the mention of food and he quickly shuffles to the table. Everyone watches him go in silence before we all follow him, moods lifted due to his enthusiasm.
I turn to the others who still seem to be waiting for me to make the first move, despite Jungkook’s gung-ho attitude. “Well go ahead,” I tell them, gesturing to the table. “You don’t have to wait for me, help yourselves.”
Like the previous night, they all shuffled around the table, clumsily finding their seats. They kept the same configuration as before; the predators surrounding the prey and effectively cutting me off. I don’t mind though if that’s what it takes to keep them comfortable here.
With the risk of irritating them, I spoke up. “So I figured we should set some ground rules, you know, besides the few from last night.” They all shuffled nervously, slowing their eating. Namjoon and Yoongi particularly seemed bothered by this sentence as their eyes narrowed slightly at me in response.
Sensing their worry I work quickly to console them. “It’s nothing bad, I promise!” I wave my hands frantically.
Jimin peers at me curiously through his bangs. “What are the rules?” His voice was timid but it didn’t shake as he used it.
“Well, you guys are welcome to stay as long as you need to,” I say, smoothing the napkin down in my lap. “You can pretty much do whatever you’d like. The estate is big so there’s a lot to explore. I just ask that you be careful. This was my family’s home so lots of stuff in here has sentimental meaning.”
“I also ask that you maybe help around the house every so often…” I trail off as they all turn nervous and upset. “I’m not asking you to pick up a bunch of chores or anything like that! Maybe just help me keep tidy by cleaning up any messes you make. And Seokjin, I could tell you liked helping me with breakfast this morning.” The ferret hybrid turns slightly rosy with the attention now on him. “I would love your help every so often,” I say softly, chuckling under my breath. “Lord knows I’m not the best cook.”
They start to relax slightly but some tension remains, keeping the muscles in their bodies taught and hair on end.
They finished the rest of their breakfast in a slightly uncomfortable silence, the only sound heard was gentle chewing and the gentle scrape of forks against plates.
When morning pleasantries were done, they all stayed in their awkward huddle like the night before, waiting for me to give them instructions or dismiss them.
Jungkook shuffled in place and I could tell he wanted to say something. “What is it, Jungkook?” I asked, urging him to say what was on his mind.
“Umm…do you have any video games?” He asks shyly, bunny ears twitching nervously atop his head. The others look between the two of us timidly, as if waiting for me to snap at him for asking the question.
I chuckle softly, eyes lighting up. I’ve been waiting for someone who was enough of a challenge when it comes to gaming. “Of course I do!” I exclaim, ushering him to the spacious living room where my console sits. 
I’m learning very quickly that Jungkook is very animated in the way that his body seems to speak for him most of the time. His nose twitches in excitement as he bounds towards the large sofa, picking up a controller.
Jin slowly makes his way to the couch, taking up the space next to Jungkook. The other hybrids exchange a glance, trying to decide which predator will stay with their more docile counterparts. Taehyung squeezes his way between the two on the couch, making it clear to me that they are under his watch at the moment.
Not saying anything, I plop down in the recliner a few feet away and turn my attention to the remaining hybrids. “You’re more than welcome to stay and play with us. If not, there’s plenty else to do. There’s a small library, a home theater, an art studio, and of course your bedrooms and any other rooms you can find something to do as well.” As I list off things they can do, I notice some of their eyes light up about certain rooms.
Namjoon’s face seemed to brighten when I mentioned the library and Taehyung’s ears twitched slightly at the mention of the art room. Something to keep in mind later when he’s done staking claim over his pack mates.
With no further instructions needed, the rest of the hybrids dispersed, venturing to various places across the house while I settled in to play video games with the few that remained.
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tsams-confessions · 12 days
Compliant #1:
The show and sibling channels (LAES/MGAFS) tend to add characters that are genuinely annoying. To name a few...
-DAZZLE (I can't do the squeaky voices.)
-The Celestials (Forced relationship with Lunar much???)
-Bloodmoon (coming back and STAYING for as long as they have.)
-FC (and any other random kid that one of the animatronics have)
-Random fangirl (which is sometimes Miku????)
If the shows want to add characters, I'd love for them to be relevant to the 'plot' than to be TEEHEE FUNNY. There have been some great additions like Solar (I stan, sorry); 'comedic' relief characters should be more than that. It’s wasted potential.
Jack-O-Moon ALMOSTS fits in this category, yet he at least does things for some of the characters. He HAS a purpose and can be entertaining at times.
Frank is in a grey area for me. I don’t mind him being there. Despite this, I couldn't give a shit about how they are trying to build him up on the Monty and Foxy show.
Complaint #2:
I will gladly wait for VR lore episodes to be written/posted so it doesn't become a jumbled mess like it is now. I'll gladly take more games (not Roblox PLEASE) or for them to even play games for more than two episodes. Having silly episodes every once in a while is fine, but sometimes it's a little much imo. My partner says it best: It's a melodrama that doesn't know what to do next.
I want to support the writers if they need time to come up with a better story.
Complaint #3:
Every. 👏🏻 Character. 👏🏻 Doesn't. 👏🏻 Need. 👏🏻 A. 👏🏻 Channel. 👏🏻
If they want to have them do side stories, dedicate it to a specific day of the week or two if they're wanting to post it every day.
I was originally super skeptical about the quality of the LAES and the MGAFS. As time went on for the LAES, I'm okay they have a separate channel for their OCs. HOWEVER, this brings me back to my second point. Take time with the stories...
To the other channels outside of the Sun and Moon Show, some characters really could have stayed as supporting cast. Monty should be in both TSAMS and TLAES. His own channel... idk.
Complaints aside, I watch these channels nearly every day. I want to see them succeed.
I love a lot of what they do, but I want them to take their time with it. In everything I've said, I ONLY watch the channels mentioned. The other ones don't entertain me / the pairings are too weird??? I'd be more inclined to watch a Glamrock Freddy and Gregory Show than GF and Circus Baby..? Or Roxy and Gregory..? What?? (For Gregory, please get someone who sounds younger, not using voice modifications.)
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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harmonysanreads · 2 years
Do you have any yandere blogs to recommend?
Oho, you just gave me an excuse to fangirl >:) I took my time with this ehe
Note : You might already know some of these blogs if you've been in the yandere genshin community for some time but here we go! Please read their dni/byf/rules before you decide to follow or interact with them, too.
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@ddarker-dreams [Yandere multi-fandom]
If it wasn't for Miss Lock's writings I probably would still misunderstand the yandere genre lol, she just makes it AN ART. You can tell how much effort she puts into her work, too! She makes me want to both be an obedient housewife towards the characters and to strangle them ;—; Her Deep Sea is such a masterpiece—I've literally never seen THIS much cultural accuracy in any fanfic and it inspired me to do my own research, too!
@yandere-romanticaa [Yandere multi-fandom]
The face of Yandere Tumblr tbh. Her works always make me end up hanging by the brainrot cliff for days and even WEEKS lmao and I respect her so so so much for helping smaller blogs <333
@bye-bye-sunbird [Yandere Genshin Impact]
The legend, the pioneer of The Capitano Agenda™️!! I personally really love her Spoil of War series—somehow, she makes me think twice about characters I wouldn't have otherwise given much thought towards. (*cough* osial *cough*)
@glimmeringtwilight [Yandere Genshin Impact]
There's just— I can't quite explain it but their writing is just so beautiful??? They can take some of the simplest stuff and execute in such a demure manner o.o
@shumidehiro [Yandere multi-fandom]
I'm a big fan of her Yan!Pantalone works, the way she writes him is so charming<3
@chococolte [Yandere Genshin Impact, sagau]
Her Yan!Al haitham works are something else honestly, easily intensifies my alhaitham brainrot. (help me)
@jessamine-rose [Yandere multi-fandom]
Complexity through simplicity, she'll easily charm you with her writing. She loves tender but twisted endings and executes them wonderfully through her works. I have immense respect for not only her magical prose, but also the fact that she can write so much about characters with little to no screentime xD
@yestrday [Yandere multi-fandom]
10/10 AUs! Very easy to follow but delectable nonetheless<3
@amarias-yandere-genshin [Yandere Genshin Impact]
They've been offline for some time now, I believe, but I still recommend checking them out! They've got some really good content
@moyazaika [Yandere original]
They create some of the most jaw-dropping, heart-stealing Yandere ocs and their prose can easily keep you hooked. My personal favorite is their Yandere!King OC. I must say, Genie writes fear really well <3
@teabutmakeitazure [Yandere multi-fandom]
If I had to recommend one writer who could transform someone into a Childe simp, it'd be her. She comes up with the most creative and delicious brainrots that keep me up at night <3 I particularly admire the way she weaves dialogues :>
@wishluc [Yandere multi-fandom]
I find the reflection of ‘brevity is the soul of wit’ in their writing — how they express so much in such short drabbles is beyond me. Her Yandere!Lilia works are my favorite :>
@throwaway-yandere [Yandere multi-fandom]
Reading Ansy's works is like watching a cool science experiment unfold (I'm not joking). From absolutely show-stopping fics to a literal game — they can do it all. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to read their works for free <3
There are many other talented blogs out there, of course. These are just the ones I'm most familiar with :>
Last Updated : May 2, 2023
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jojo-schmo · 6 months
A Walk Down my Art Memory Lane!
Now that I’m thinking about my childhood Kirby art, I dug through my storage a bit and thought it’d be fun to share a few! Here are some of Baby Jojo’s drawings!
note: I was not active in any online Kirby art communities at the time and I never posted these anywhere so I made these drawings just for my own enjoyment hehehe.
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These are probably among my earliest Kirby drawings. Most likely ~2008!! I must’ve been in fifth grade maybe…? The first picture is a very rare example of pre-2022 Dedede sightings in my art. Around 2010 I became embarrassed and frustrated about not being able to figure his shapes out. So I spent the next 12 years avoiding him at all costs and instead sticking to the safer things to draw, like nice round Bronto Burts or Waddle Dees. Who knew it would take me writing an entire comic about him in 2022 to finally learn to draw him in my style!! :P
The second picture speaks for itself lol. I was the girl who googled “maskless meta knight” back when we had no fancy 3D renderings of his face. Just edits of anime screenshots and fanart of him holding his mask/getting his mask stolen and looking at you with the biggest, pearliest, white eyes. JPEG artifacts littered these images like sprinkles on a cupcake. And I would giggle and squee with every one like the baby fangirl of Meta Knight I was. :3
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This one was probably ~2009. Very ambitious piece for me at that age. I struggled with the perfect roundness of Kirby haha. I had just gotten these cool alphabet stencils and couldn’t wait to write “Kirby” everywhere with them. This was probably the complete catalogue of Kirby characters I had the ability to draw at that time. It’s funny to think about how Magolor wouldn’t exist for another two years when I drew this.
Hmm. Maybe I should redraw this one day as a fun honor for my younger self.
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Triple Waddle Dees!! A rare but precious Sailor Dee sighting, and of course my sweet Bandana Dee. This was probably around 2011 after Return to Dreamland came out and I came to adore Bandee. :3
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This is probably around 2012- some time after Mass Attack came out. I had this AU at the time where each of the 10 Kirbies from Mass Attack had their own personality trait from the original Kirby, and a permanent copy ability assigned to them. Hence the Spark Kirby having wings and a halo like in the game- where you get damaged and have to rescue the poor Angel Kirbies before you lose that life!
Also my Poppy Bro Jr OC that I don’t think I named at the time- but I redrew him recently and named him Allegro the Poppy Bro. I loved drawing his hair and his funny teeth :D
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Finally, I redrew just a few of the characters from my old drawings tonight. Just doodling for fun, nothing serious. But it’s something my child self would be happy to know I could do.
Guess I’d better draw all the Dededes that Baby Jojo missed out on drawing!! Thank you to anyone who read to this point. I encourage anyone to draw things that would make their younger, baby self proud of you. ….even though I bet they already are proud of you. <3
Remember, as long as you keep drawing, you’ll improve at your pace! Just keep at it! You’ll notice that difference over the years!
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏. ݁٬ ࣪ ، ָ࣪ .🌹 ، ₊ ˖  ་ ݁
yandere Majestic boy Israfel obsessed with chubby!fem!reader <3
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Author Note ཐིiཋྀ : This is My Original character Israfel Astaroth. i've been thinking about making my own yandere oc from a long time ago but i always found myself being nervous, and now i decided to. the dark theme will be using for my yandere masterlist also btw hehe ;).
🦇 Original Character Short Introduction :
Full Name : Israfel Rose Astaroth. Age : 26. He loves Vampire Gothic Style. If you want to know what he looks like, he looks like the thumbnail in the middle man. thats how i potrait him to look like. Love Interest : You.
🦇 Warning : Doxxing, his crazy fans hired a hitman to kill you, Massacre, obsessiveness, Unhealthy behavior, blood, this called yandere for a reason, i've warned you. this is a Yandere Fiction. Reader skin color is not announced. just him being crazy that he slaughtered his fans for you. and maybe some misspelled word. lmk if i miss anything.
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• Israfel is a Majestic boy who is a Sucker for his chubby!fem!reader. everyone is a sucker for him, but him? he's a sucker for you. like real real, motherfucking sucker.
• would die for you. and killed for you too. dont mess with his girlfriend or they'll be dead in just a few days.
• i mean come on.. this guy has reputation and power, not to mention Israfel is a Clever guy too, but when he's with you? he's like a little boy with his favorite pillow he doesnt want to share with.
• he has TONS of fangirls and fanboys, he always come in a model poster, he always get the image of a perfection, but when people find out who is the person that have been there for him behind the stages, and how they look like, they're feeling really execrate.
• some people start doxxing you, and share your internal information, makes you feel scared and ashamed, some of them even send a hitman to kill you.
• when israfel find out how people treat his darling, he's on full rage. this is the time where the beautiful and blessed rose show its poisonous thorns.
• when i said 'thorns' he really become a character development. from a Big Star Model to a motherfucking Serial Killer. he'd kill his fans, and mostly, those bastard that doxx your information and those cheap hitman.
• after he slaughter them all, he's going to you, you were all scared and begging for mercy. but israfel just laugh, his bloody hand grab your cheeks gently, and his lips kisses your forehead. "its okay. no one will hurt you again."
• he hugged you with his body that is covered in blood, while you see a piled of dead bodies behind him, rotting.
• just like half of him now. for sure the rose petals now are already withered. but his poisonous thorns will always be strong, for you. to protect you. his walking snuggle ball <3
🌹 ּ ᮫ ˵ ִ ۪۫ ☾ "just dont leave me okay? you know you meant a lot to me. say to me who dared to look down on you and i'll slit their throat open, just for you <3."
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i-am-baechu · 27 days
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Summary: Everything was perfect until it wasn’t. Y/N and Jungkook love each other but when familiar and new faces come into their lives, things get complicated. On top of that, a surprise that truly shakes their plans for the future. Will their relationship push forward or will Jungkook lose his fangirl once and for all?
→ Genre: Idol au, established relationships, girl group stan au, social media au, K-pop fan page au, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
→ Main pairing: Idol! Jungkook x Fan girl! Reader 
→ Side ships: Yoongi x OC & Jin x OC
→ Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, alcohol usage, anxiety disorder, stalking, and obsessive behavior
Author's note: I can’t believe this is the ending of the story! Don’t worry there's going to be an after story with the drabbles and the final book but for now...here's the last chapter! 
⇜ Masterlist 
Jungkook turned toward Y/N and nodded his head, “We’re not disbanding, just taking a hiatus and focusing on our solo careers.” 
After a long meeting, Jungkook was excited to come home to his fiancée. It was a long meeting discussing the future of everyone. Everyone agreed they wanted to do their own music and Jungkook wanted to focus more on Y/N. It would be the first real break he had with her and his music can wait. 
Y/N nodded her head and placed her hand on top of his, “Are you okay with it?”
“Of course I am. I get to spend so much time with my fiancée.” 
She smiled shyly at this and gently rubbed his knuckles with her thumb, “fiancée..it still hasn’t set in.” 
“Babe, it’s been two months already.” 
She shrugged her shoulders and glanced at a sleeping Bam, “I’m really getting married...that’s crazy to say.” She looked back at him with a smile, “I bet Mae is happy about this. Yoongi gets to spend time with-” Just then Bam jumped up on the couch and nuzzled into Y/N.
Jungkook glared and shook his head, “Always trying to steal my girl. It’s not fair.”
“We're engaged, Jungkook.” 
“Doesn’t matter. Bam will always find a way.” 
Mae turned around in the bed and smiled at Yoongi who was already looking at her. He pushed some hair back and kissed her forehead, “How are you feeling?” 
Mae let out a small chuckle and nuzzled into her pillow some more, “I feel like my pussy got ripped in half but other than that good.”
Yoongi let out a laugh and kissed her hairline, “Thank you for giving me everything I didn’t know I wanted.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his chest, “Thank you for making me want kids.” 
Just then a small cry echoed from the baby monitor and Mae groaned. Yoongi patted her waist and pushed the covers off, “I’ll get him. Ye-Joon probably just needs his diapers changed.” 
Mae nodded her head and smiled at her, “Okay, daddy.”
Yoongi glared at her and shook his head, “Don’t start with that shit.” 
“Wait, come here real quick.”
Yoongi thought something was wrong and quickly made his way back to her. She smirked and brought him in for a quick kiss making his eyes go wide. When they pulled away she put her forehead on his, “I love you so much, Min Yoongi.” 
“I love you, Mae Rodriguez.”
The cry echoed longer and she let out a small laugh, “Go get our son before he breaks our eardrums.” 
“I’ll get our son.” Yoongi walked towards his bedroom but he turned back to Mae and his heart fluttered. He shook his head with a small laugh escaping his lips and he closed the door gently. 
Eunbi opened her door and she raised her eyebrow at what she saw, “Namjoon? Why are you here?” 
Namjoon sighed and pulled out a card from his jacket, “Jin wanted me to give you this.” 
Eunbi tilted her head and nodded her head, “This isn’t going to kill me, right?”
“Why would your boyfriend want to kill you?”
“Right...” She opened the card and a smile appeared, Go to the park! She looked at Namjoon with a curious look, “Do you know about this?”
“I never know what Jin wants to do.”
“You can come in and get a snack if you want.” 
Namjoon shook his head and brought his jacket to him, “I’m alright. I’d rather not be here when you guys have sex.” 
Eunbi’s face turned red and furrowed her eyebrows, “Yah! Don’t say that so loud. My neighbors are old.”
“Lucky, at least they don’t have to hear anything.” 
After kicking Namjoon out, Eunbi took her away to the park next to her apartment. She was dressed in her pajamas which consisted of sweats and one of Jin’s shirts. She pulled her beanie down more when she felt the wind touching her face. She rolled her eyes at herself, she should’ve put a jacket on. She walked further down and she stopped in her tracks to see Jin with a bouquet of roses and balloons. She raised her eyebrow and let out a small laugh, “What’s going on?” 
He pulled down his mask and gave her a smile, “Happy three months.” 
She looked up at him and felt her heart beating faster, “That’s tomorrow?” 
“I know...I couldn’t wait to see you.” 
She let out a laugh and walked closer to her as he did the same. She looked up at him as he stared back down with heart eyes, “All this for out three months?” 
“Just wait and see our first anniversary.” 
“You're already planning that? We just started dating...” 
He shrugged his shoulders and bent down placing a quick kiss on her lips. She jumped at the sudden contact but she closed her eyes to kiss back. When they pulled away and he smiled at her, “I have so much planned for us. I told you, I saw my future with you.”
“All those rom-coms couldn’t prepare me for this.” 
He let out a laugh and glanced at her apartment, “I’ll cook you something. To celebrate tonight and tomorrow I’ll take you out to this fancy restaurant.” 
“You treat me right.”
“Of course my duchess.” 
Jungkook closed the door and saw Y/N on her phone on their bed. He smiled at this and took off his shirt, tossing it aside. She glanced up from her phone and smiled, “Is Bam sleeping?”
“Yeah, I was wondering...when was the last time we fucked?” 
Y/N straighten her back against the headboard, “I-I...maybe two weeks.” 
He glanced at her with a smirk, “That’s a long time. Wanna change that?” 
“I think it would be romantic to have one last night in this house before moving.” 
Jungkook moved towards her and was hovering over her, “That’s right. We’re moving. Isn’t that exciting?”
She felt goosebumps appear when she felt his fingers against her thigh, “I-It’s very exciting-” She wanted to speak but he kissed her making her forget everything. She ran her hands along his arms and then over his shoulders to steady herself. She played with his locks because they pulled away. Jungkook touched her like she was glass and she couldn’t stop her heart beating, “I love you so much.” 
He brushed his lips over her next and her breathing started to get uneven. She felt her body heat up as she enjoyed his kisses. He took any fabric that was covering her body and she couldn’t help but look away from that smile he always has when he sees her like this. He started to trailed his lips down to her neck and then her collarbone as he gazed up. His eyes were a darker shade of brown and she knew what it meant. She knew what his eyes told her, this was her fiancé after all. He continued to leave kisses on her skin until he reached between her thighs. His hot breath against her cold skin sent shivers. He wrapped his arms around her thighs keeping her close to his face, his fiancée was shy, especially with this action. 
She held onto his brown strands as she felt her body move against him. Each kiss and lick made her back arch in a way that made the air in the room thicker. She could feel a few strands of sweat coming down as her legs trembled under his touch. His tongue was always enough for her. Moments later, the trembling increased as his tongue rushed in. 
He leaned over and kissed, his lips always felt soft and always filled with love. She placed her hand on his cheek and rubbed his cheek gently, “You always make me feel good.” 
“You make me feel good. Physically and emotionally. Always make me feel loved, my wife.” 
He hugged her body close to his and she was surprised by the action but she understood. After everything they've been through, this moment was more than a declaration of love. It was a declaration of a better future. She let her nails gently scratch his skin and he left kisses against his shoulder. She moaned out his name as he moved in and out of her. It was intimate, so intimate. He placed his temple against her and they made eye contact, “You are so perfect...perfect for me. My Y/N.” 
She felt her heart swell up at this and she had to stop herself from crying. This man was her everything and she couldn’t believe that this man was all hers. Forever and ever. She pushed some hair away from his sweaty forehead and gave him a shy smile, “I love you Jeon Jeongguk.” 
He smiled and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer. She felt herself tighten and the familiar tremble came over, “Come, love.” 
She tilted her head and moaned out his name as she came inside of her. Both eyes met and she could see the love pouring out, “Are you ready for the future?”
“If you're in it, I’m ready for anything.” 
Somewhere in Florida....
He glanced down at the news article on his phone and let out a scoff, “She’s getting married to him?” 
The woman in front of him nodded her head, “A lot of people support them but there's a small group that doesn’t like it.” 
He tossed his phone on the dinner table and glanced out to the waves, “What do you want me to do about it?” 
“Every bride needs her father...go visit her.” 
Tag List:
@agustdpeach @mdavt @aloverga @drissteele @xngelsau
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cottoncandy-cult · 9 months
Shiva X Reader
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(This is just a little something I did based off an OC of mine I plan to elaborate on over on my Ao3, I did this as a reader insert and if you're interested in seeing what OC of mine this is based on hop over to Ao3 or drop a comment and I'll drop her Bio!)
The little sea nymph skipped through the halls of Helheim, searching for her dear uncle Hades in need of advice in regard to her father Poseidon. Hades was the uncle that watched her most as a child when her father was busy, so she was a normal face to see in the underworld as she often visited and came to him for sound advice on things she wasn't comfortable bringing to her father. "Lady (Y/n)? I didn't know you were here." This had been her older cousin Hermes; despite her smaller stature she was only a couple hundred years younger. "I came to see Uncle Hades; do you know if he's in the throne room." The young woman turned to face the tall male, arms crossing in front of her as she rocked on her heels. The older male chuckled, nodding his head as he pointed down the hall. "Yes, he is, I just came from there to deliver a message from Lord Zeus. Is everything ok?" This made the girl giggle; she knew how much of a gossip her cousin could be, so she decided to tease him some. "Oh yes, I just need some advice on approaching my father about something." That clearly got the male's attention as he crossed his arms and cocked a brow, leaning forward some. "Oh? I do hope you aren't in trouble. You've always been such a good girl." The male was now teasing back, causing twin grins to break across their faces. Of course, their teasing was all in good fun, both were quite friendly when they'd see each other. "No, no trouble just… I believe I've found the relationship I would like to be in." She was purposely wording it in a way to avoid giving him information, she wanted to speak to her father before it burned through the family like wildfire. "I see, so it's about a love interest. I'll not keep you waiting then, the sooner you talk to your dad the sooner I get to tell the others." He gave her a playful wink and wave before he turned to leave, letting the young woman resume her way to the throne room. She knocked gently at the door after greeting the guards, waiting for her uncle's permission before she entered. "I hope you aren't busy Uncle; I have something Important I need to talk to you about." The sweet little nymph practically skipped towards her uncle's throne, moving to sit in one of the small thrones beside him. "Never too busy for you darling, what it is you need?" The older male gave her a smile as he turned to face her, Poseidon had many children and her being one of the youngest she only really got to spend so much time with he father. Hades would often watch her for her father as her mom was often "busy" whatever that was supposed to mean. Hades had a few of his own and his favorites to raise were his daughters, so he had instantly melted over his niece when she came to be in his care. He'd spoil her if he felt she was being treated fairly, even spoke to his younger brother when one of the male's mistresses would step out of line in regard to the little one. Needless to say, little was more important than his niece. "You see, I have been talking to and spending time with a god and his wives from another pantheon. But he wishes to talk to dad and get his permission to date me to avoid stepping on his toes, so I need to set up something for them to talk. But I don't know how to bring it up to dad especially since I don't know how he feels about the god in question." She blushed deeply; she knew her uncle could probably guess who it was based on how important it was to her. Afterall, she had the same crush since she was a preteen, none other than the god of destruction himself Shiva. She had met him a few times growing up from accompanying her dad and uncles and even cousins to certain events and meetings, she had never spoke to him though and simply fangirled and flustered herself from a distance.
It wasn't until she was officially old enough to drink that she had actually met Shiva's 3 wives, it was at her birthday celebration that she had truly got to socialize with many of the other gods. Zues had thrown a big party, inviting a large number of gods and goddesses from across the pantheon. Dionysus had even showed up to serve as a bartender, making for plenty of variety. Kali had approached first to wish her a happy birthday, giving her a necklace from the 4 of them. It was made by some dwarvish artisans with a bunch of gemstones handpicked by the group, figuring if she was important enough for Zeus to throw such a party then she was worthy of a thoughtful gift. "I see, so Shiva has finally noticed you?~ Congrats sweetheart." He chuckled and gave her a head pat; he knew she'd probably tell him all about how this all came to be later. "Well, your father and him have never really spoke much as far as I remember, so if he dislikes Shiva, he has never made it known. I don't think you'll need to take any special precautions, just approach him when he isn't busy and let him know that Shiva would like to meet with him to discuss courting you. My brother isn't the type to freak out, and everyone knows how far Shiva would go for the people he cares about so he has no reason to believe Shiva would do you wrong." He could see her relax some, despite how calm he was her father was still quite intense at times and most daughters would be apprehensive to approach their fathers about a man wanting to date them. So, her anxiety was very real and understand able, but Hades knew well everything would work out. "Would you like me to accompany you and wait outside the door just in case?" The older male chuckled as he pinched her cheek, knowing she'd most likely deny him but still wanting to offer. "No that's fine, I think you're right and I'm just overthinking it." She nods her head and moves to stand, stretching some as she took a deep breath. "Now to go home and get things settled, Hermes wants details and if it takes more than a day or two, he'll be teasing me about being a scaredy cat for the next millennia." She pouted as her uncle laughed, nodding his head. "Alright darling, be safe on your way back. I'd hate to think of what the god of destruction or my brother would do if something happened to you on your way back." His comment made the girl giggle as she bid him goodbye, practically jogging out of the room to go and see her father.
It didn't take her long to get back up to the heavens, and back to the home she and her unwed siblings shared with their father. But she took her time once inside the castle, rehearsing her words in her head to make sure she didn't mispeak or leave anything out. She had been on her way to her father's throne room, spotting one of the many servants walking down the hall. "Excuse me, is father in the throne room?" The servant had been quick to turn and bow, giving a curitous yes as they kept their eyes on the ground. Her father refused to let the servants treat his children any less than him, as since he was perfect that meant his children were aswell. "What do you know of his mood? I'd prefer not to bother him if it's been a particularly frustration day." With that the servant stood straight, though kept their eyes on the ground. "It's been a quiet day so I don't believe he is upset. Though you know your father best." (Y/n) simply nodded, turning to continue on her way to her father's throne room. She entered quietly without knocking, her father always telling them that it was their home and they have no need to tiptoe about as no one would dare scold them for adventuring through their home. "Hello father, is now a good time?" She walked over to his side, standing patiently as he flipped through his book. "I suppose it isn't a bad time, has something happened?" He tilted his head slightly to look at her, he saw his children as his equals as far as their existence went and so he had no problem looking at them. Something that used to piss off Adamas, as the other male hated how Posidon doted on his kids in a way most other gods would never understand and the fact his neices and nephews received more respect from the male than he did enraged him. "Nothing bad, I promise. It's just… There is a god who would like to speak with you about courting me." Now that had the blonde closing his book and setting it aside, he took the relationships of his children seriously and he'd never sell them off to just anyone. "Oh? I'm assuming you wouldn't bring this to me if you weren't interested in him as well. So which god do you want?" He spoke as if he was going to get her a puppy, no doubt that's how he saw the gods who he allowed to be with his children. "It is Lord Shiva… I've spoken to him and his wives for some time, and they'd like to move forward with a relationship. But Shiva doesn't wish to cross you and so he wishes for your permission."
The older blonde sat quiet a moment; he didn't have any particular qualms with Shiva. The male could be somewhat loud, but he was also strong in his own right and only a foolish god would be unaware of Shiva's devotion to the things and people he cares about. "I see, I suppose I can make time tomorrow to speak with him. You can go out with the other women; I'll speak with Shiva man to man." He nodded his head, watching his daughter smile in relief before she hugged him. His daughters were the only ones that could get away with such actions, the only thing they'd receive is a pat on the head in return just as she did. "Thanks dad, I'll go let him know." It wasn't until she was out the door and down the hall that he let himself chuckle, his little ones were growing up so fast. Soon they'd all be married off and having their own families, it was odd for him to think about given how long he had been living in a full household.
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ninathekillerzblog · 8 months
Rant about Nina Hopkins / Nina The Killer as a character
so i like nina a lot.... could u guys tell...... i bet u couldnt.... no but srsly i like her because her story has a lot more to it then "i went crazy and killed my entire family" she had LAYERS she didnt want to kill her brother nor did she start out crazy - nobody did tbh but she didnt start off hating her family like some of the other pastas nor was her family bad to her, she was a normal kid !!!!
she was bullied because of her interests and literally just being herself, thats what resonates with me because that happens irl!!! its not just "oh shes ugly" its was her interests and her being HERSELF!!! and i think shes very neurodivergent coded, like her hyperfixation couldve been jeff considering how much she focused on him without even trying to be obsessed with him
her story is so much more than what google says or whatever, even the creator of nina has said so themselves!!! "Nina was once a normal fangirl of Jeff the Killer but turned into an insane and remorseless serial killer after one horrible day at school." NOOOO thats not it ughh fandom wiki why are you SO dumb, it didn't just happen in a day. her backstory happened over weeks and a large time frame of her slowly losing her sanity, jeff slowly manipulated her into becoming what she did
she didnt just decide to comit to being a murderer over night, she didnt want to kill her brother she was tricked into thinking she was saving him from the world when she WASNT ughh. Jeff knew what he was doing and the creator also didnt just make nina admire her because the creator liked jeff, no, the creator of nina knew how to properly write manipulation and they knew that jeff was in the wrong in that story. YOU DONT SEE THAT OFTEN IN CREEPYPASTA BACKSTORIES
in many oc backstories they're all like, "slenderman saved me from my abusive family." but with nina the creator KNEW jeff was bad and wrote it like that on purpose because it wasnt meant to be romantic it was meant to be an outlet oc. Nina wanted to protect her brother and idolized Jeff for "protecting" his brother when in reality he screwed up the both of their lives, Nina didn't realize that because she was a TEENAGER!!!! She didn't know any better and she doesn't deserve the hate she recieved. im not playing the age card but cmon, she faced all that hate and bullying of course she's going to believe the first person who tells her that shes worthy of love and shes capable of something.
"Nina was the reflection of everyone who admired Jeff and wanted justice as he did." Nina's creator was 13 years old when nina was made, she was bullied irl a lot. A LOT. She had nina as an outlet and a comfort oc who admired Jeff and wanted JUSTICE like he did because he stopped his bullies. She is so much more than a fangirl omg.
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the attached photo is from the creators rant where they abandoned nina as an oc, that was the last paragraph. "I want to hug Nina and, maybe, give her the well-deserved story one day, something interesting and true to the creepypastas,
maybe someday."
in the rant the creator talks about how they would wake up every single day to 25+ comments of people telling them to kill themselves, that their oc sucks, and drawings of peoples own creepypasta ocs killing nina
but through it all they were still like, "not everyone will like her! thats okay, because i do." BUT the hate got to much for a 14 year old and they talked about how theyd cry every night omggg
ninas creators post if ur interested
nobody deserves to go through what they did
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puzzleemerald · 5 months
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Because Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru don't have much further art at the moment, I decided to share another couple who are most dear to my heart. YCH by the lovely Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt.
Please don't reblog!
Keep in mind I will be talking about the FanFiction version of Ayumu in this post! The version of Ayumu I roleplay is her own separate deal! When her bio is done and put up on my Master Post, I won't only RP Ayumu interacting with exclusively Neji writers, lol.
Neji Hyūga is already a very recognizable character, being one of my very first crushes when I started really getting into anime as a thirteen to fourteen-year-old. In fact, he's the reason I later bought and read the manga... all hundred-heccin'-something volumes of it. Much like Sesshōmaru, it was his long hair, elegance, intellect, and stoic demeanor that won me over at first. It also amused me to watch him just be cool; he always felt like the definitive head of his team. Even if Lee wasn't to be sneezed at as a fighter, I saw more leadership qualities in Neji that Lee lacked. I also felt that he had the most interesting plight among the Konoha thirteen as someone from a branch in his clan where he was basically expected to serve and protect the head family deemed "above" him on the social-political totem pole the Hyūga were built on. Despite his innate talent rivaling the daughters of the clan's head at the time, he'd always be considered lesser because of his birth. In ways, he felt like more of an underdog to me than Naruto did—though that also has a lot to do with Naruto's characterization as the "optimistic headstrong protagonist" Kishimoto had going. (I kinda wish Kishi had leaned more into Naruto having some resentment towards the Leaf, but that's a post for another day)
So what'd teenage me do? Tailor an OC to be another half for him because GDI this man deserves happiness, not getting skewered like a redshirt on an overgrown splinter. If they had to have someone, ANYONE, sacrifice themself for Hinata... tbh, I wish it'd been someone on her team like Kiba or Shino, so we didn't have to basically do the thing he was "born to do" according to Clan tradition asfdhjrhyud—
Deep breaths. I'm calm. Suppress the fangirl rage.
So, as a result, I created Ayumu! Who was, by every definition, a Mary Sue at first!! (It was bad... oh god, was it bad...) But after I ditched her for a few years when I lost interest in Naruto, I returned to her when I turned seventeen and completely rehauled her. Leading to the designs she has now.
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This is Ayumu's Part 1/Naruto Design. The Settei was done by a friend of mine on IG called Sento.OC, whom I commissioned.
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Then, we have Ayumu's Part 2/Shippuden Design, also by Sento.
When designing an OC for Neji, I wanted to go more complimentary than contrary. It just didn't feel like it'd make sense for Neji to ever be romantically interested in someone with bombastic energy like Naruto or Lee—mans doesn't have the patience to live with that on a daily basis, LOL! So I thought, "Hey, Neji's a pretty traditional guy; why not give him a traditional woman?" and Ayumu ended up as a very grounded, calm, and analytical person. A bit more on the conservative side, similar to Neji. All the while having occasional bursts of warm, thoughtful moments where she lights up but doesn't explode. She's very, for lack of a better term off the top of my head, "normal" compared to Naruto's big personality, Sasuke's broodiness, Shikamaru's laziness, or Temari's ferocity. It's why I imagine her getting along very well with people like Tenten or Kakashi, too, who tend to be the metaphorical straight man to the more comedic characters around them. Characters like Gai and Lee and Naruto can only be funny, after all, if they're offset by some typically.
Ayumu is also a close-range fire-style specialist with a Kekkei Genkai related to it, so her style compliments Neji's pretty well imo. They can be in a shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back situation and cover one another while knowing the other is nearby and safely under their wing. Both characters have some insecurity and neglect issues but for very different reasons. However, this means they relate to one another over their feelings and traumas, and neither really feels a need to "fix" the other. It's what makes them last, in my opinion. They just quietly comfort each other (also slap whoever tries to put the other down, lol), and that's it. ...They did kinda try to scratch each other's eyes out at first, but that'll be its own post! Once they get over their big hurdle and understand each other, they end up just being a pair of supportive friends to lovers 90% of the time. The other 10% is them getting fucked with by the plot around them because Neji barely gets any screen time in Shippudennnnnnn! ;-;
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4ce-of-2pades · 4 months
Hey I'm that anon from the first ask of this : pick one of your favourite mutals and go into detail why you like them/became mutals with them (has to be different from the last mutual you picked)
One of my favorite mutuals is @cupid-shortcake!!! She is SO SO SO AMAZING!!!
I first met them when we both joined the Better Casino AU, and they immediately struck me as a super interesting and funny person! They seemed to click instantly with @cups-and-pentacles, who is also super awesome, and watching them banter with each other and get really excited over things and build EPIC character lore together in the discord chat was energizing! The way they showed such enthusiasm for the things they cared about made me want to do the same thing! They always made me smile. (They still do all of these things. I’m not sure why I used past tense.)
But THEN I also got to build character lore with Cupid!!! We’ve collaborated a lot actually, and it’s always a blast, because she always has such great ideas, and she’s so encouraging of my own ideas, and the excitement builds as stories go bouncing back and forth with increasing speed as details accumulate and solidify and connect! We collaborated on our TADC OCs, for instance, making them siblings and revising their designs and starting to build their lore, and it was so much more fun than just working on my own OC alone. And of course, in the Better Casino AU we’ve figured out that [PLOT SPOILERS REDACTED] because [PLOT SPOILERS REDACTED] which makes a clever parallel to [PLOT SPOILERS REDACTED]. Ooooh, I’m so PROUD of all that lore you’re not allowed to know yet!!! And it was so much more fun to collaborate on it!!!
And also I will always be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to Cupid for being the first of my friends that I have managed to convince to read The League of Seven! One of my absolute favorite obscure book series!!! It’s not just a favor to me, they seem to be very invested in the plot by now. Muhahahaha I have trapped her. It’s so amazing that I finally have someone to fangirl over these books with! It makes me happier than I can coherently express!!!
OH, and I almost forgot to talk about Cupid’s actual, y’know, ARTWORK! I LOVE Cupid’s art so freaking much!!! The way she draws all her characters just feels friendly somehow. It’s cute without overdoing it, a gently approachable sort of whimsy. It’s spunky without feeling sharp, and is soft while retaining a reliable solidity. The colors are somehow both bright and pastel simultaneously. It is charming and sweet and I love it so much!!! :) It’s the sort of art style where you instinctively smile when you see it, especially when the character is waving right at you and smiling back.
From their amazing art to their sugary pink aesthetic to the enthusiastic and genuine way they interact with their friends and others, Cupid is just a really wonderful person to know and to create stories with! I feel so so lucky that I’ve gotten to become her friend and make art with her!!!
Also I made her some fanart! Teacup as TLOS Archie:
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sotwk · 2 years
Welcome to "Sons of the Woodland King" (SotWK)
Last updated: 5/28/24
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The Elvenking and Elvenqueen: Personal SotWK commission by beelzeebub
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SotWK Masterlists and Content
I've organized all my original content and other fun goodies in the pages linked below:
FanFiction Masterlist
Headcanon Masterlist
Fanfic Request Guidelines
Featured Tags:
anon asks - If you sent me an Ask on Anon, and I've answered it, it will be tagged with this. Anon friends, please check here!
sotwk headcanon - Captures all headcanon posts I write, including minor ones that might not be on the Masterlist.
visit Eryn Galen - Photo and aesthetic posts of how I imagine the great forest kingdom of Eryn Galen to look like. [New!]
fics of friends - Looking for fics to read? I have super talented writer friends in the Tolkien fandom!
art of friends - I have super talented artist friends too! Please support them (and all artists)!
get to know me - Want to know more about me as a writer and a person? Here are my answers to questions and tag games!
get to know others - Tracks answers from "get to know" asks I've sent to friends and random folks [New!]
Other Fun Stuff!
SotWK's Headcanon Ask Game
Ask and Tag Games Archive
SotWK's "Ask Away" Initiative - a post people have reblogged to indicate they'd welcome receiving random asks! [New!]
I regularly update my masterlists, but please consider becoming a Follower/Mutual! I'd love to connect with you and exchange works--maybe even collaborate!
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About "Sons of the Woodland King": a Tolkien AU & Fanfic Series
SotWK tells the story of Thranduil, all the way back from his childhood in Doriath to the final years of his rule over Eryn Lasgalen. There is a TON of history to cover in almost 7,000 years of the Elvenking’s life!
In this version of Thranduil’s story, he falls in love and marries a Noldorin elleth, Maereth, before he eventually inherits the throne of Greenwood the Great. Together they bear and raise five strong sons: Crown Prince Mirion, Prince Turhir, Prince Arvellas, Prince Gelir, and Prince Legolas.
SotWK chronicles their lives together, centuries filled with triumph and tragedy interwoven with the fates of many other famous figures in Middle-earth history.
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The Elvenking's Five Sons: (L-R) Legolas, Arvellas, Mirion, Turhir, Gelir
Art: Personal SotWK commission by hffhifjou
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About Me: SotWK the Blogger
Mae govannen, mellyn nin!
Please call me SotWK (pronounce an invisible "i" between the "w" and "k"); or you can use Nana/Naneth ("mom" in Sindarin) as some of my mutuals do, if you'd like.
I'm a fangirl in my late 30s, dividing my energy and hours among my husband, our two boys, a full-time job, and my fandom hobbies. I reside in the US (PST).
I have been an on-and-off LOTR fanfic writer since 2003. I started this blog in October 2022 after deciding to dust off and resume my writing project, "Sons of the Woodland King", a fanfiction series focusing on Thranduil Oropherion, Elvenking of the Woodland Realm.
I also write for various Tolkien canon characters alongside my own OCs and take requests for Reader Insert fics.
I reblog media from some other fandoms as well, mostly in the fantasy, period/medieval, superhero, and sci-fi genres. I use meme gifs from my favorite sitcoms a LOT.
This is a PG-13 blog (I do not post or reblog adult/explicit content), so minors are welcome. This blog is meant to be a safe space for everyone regardless of background or belief, and should be conflict and drama-free at all times.
The SotWK mission: for Mutuals, Readers, and Visitors to come together in appreciation for everything Middle-earth (esp. Thranduil and his kingdom!), relax while hanging out with friends, and feel better about the world and themselves.
In the name of the Elvenking--may you and your house always endure!
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firecurls-27 · 1 year
Just cause it’s my birthday, it doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to give OTHERS gifts! Soooo
I made some of my closest mutual’s new cuphead oc’s!!
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Sixer D. Jasper
(Voice claim)
He/they, July 7th, pansexual, isle 2
King Dice’s weird cousin no one really talks about. No one even knows how old he is, not even himself. 20 sided dice with multiple eyes. He’s very friendly, just incredibly odd so no one really likes hanging out with him. He’s really good at babysitting and does a better job than most parents! He loves hanging out at the carnival, he feels like he belongs there.
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Mother Nature
(Voice claim)
Goes by any pronouns but mostly uses she, January 1st, a million yo, demisexual, isle 4
Very calm and fun to talk to. She loves hearing mortals explain how they see the world. And yes, she’s VERY familiar with Lucifer, it was if he (or she, in fangirl’s au) was her own child. They haven’t talked in centuries but would love to see her lu-lu again.. every now and then an Angel from heaven comes to see her, but it’s not the same.
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Selene the selkie
(Voice claim)
She/they, May 17th, 12yo, lesbian, demigirl, isle 3
A selkie who loves to hang out around the docks and mess with sailor ships. Very energetic and will talk for HOURS. She’s actually very nice if she’s comfortable around you. Can and will eat an entire bucket of tuna if you let her. She’s got a crush on Cora (the pirate NPC) and before you ask, her seal skin is her dress sash she tied into a bow.
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Pappy (papaya) Sugarsap the fruit bat
(Voice claim)
They/them, October 29th, 39 yo, bisexual (leans towards men) isle 4
A librarian with insane insomnia. The only bat in their family who stays up day and night. They love to read books for children during “story time” and rarely ever takes a break. Very patient with kids, not adults. They hate vessel the most (they have a crush on him) but only tolerates him cause Mugman is pappy’s best customer, Mugman has his own personal reading nook at the library. Honestly pappy rarely ever shows joy in interacting with adults. They hope they can adopt children of their own one day, but they just have to wait..
If you do not like how your new oc looks/sounds, you are free to change their look/voice. The oc is yours now, have fun with them.
If you do not like your new oc, you’re free to give them away to someone else.
Other than that, I hope you guys like them! Thank you all for the kindness you’ve given me today!^^
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zablife · 1 year
Housekeeping + WIP List 12/6/23
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❧To my new followers, welcome and ty for putting your age in your bio!! Coming up on 2K soon!
❧Tysm to everyone liking my work 💕, but reblogs do more to circulate fics on this site!! I love hearing from you so reblog and/or comment. (Anon asks are great too if you're shy ☺️)
❧Cleaning up my inbox and making a new WIP list (below the cut).
Say Yes to Heaven-dark!Arthur x reader
Arthur is deeply upset by the way your husband is treating you and decides to take matters into his own hands in order to save you. However, his protection soon grows into an unhealthy obsession. 
My Martha-Finn x Martha x John Requested by anon
When a six year old Finn meets a kind seamstress during the war, he’s immediately taken with her charm and beauty. However, it’s his older brother, John, who ultimately wins her favor, causing Finn to experience his first case of a broken heart. 
Secrets and Lies - Tommy x OC Requested by @alimosblog
The new barmaid has a secret she's desperately trying to hide from Tommy. When her past begins to threaten his family's future, who will he remain loyal to?
Call Me-Tommy x reader Requested by @look-at-the-soul
Tommy can't imagine why you haven't used the private number he gave you. He instructed you to call him whenever you like, but you weren't about to give in so easily.
Windflowers-Tommy x Lily (OC Tommy's wife) Requested by @jomarch-wannabe
A continuation of my fic, Lily, where we revisit Tommy and his wife five years after the death of their daughter. As Lily wakes from a nightmare Tommy is there to comfort her.
Charlie's Lullaby-Tommy x nanny Requested by @the-fangirl-diaries
After the loss of his wife, Tommy is badly in need of rest. One night he finds Charlie's nanny comforting the child in the nursery and her presence calms Tommy as well.
Untitled Tommy x anxious reader Requested by anon
Your anxiety peaks during a lavish party surrounded by Tommy's work colleagues. Afraid he might be angry, you try to hide the signs, but Tommy knows you too well and comes to your rescue.
Untitled Tommy x American mafia princess Requested by anon
When Tommy is introduced to the daughter of an American mob boss, he's intrigued enough to follow her to America.
Partners in Crime-Part 6 "Birthday Gift"--John x Y/n Solomons requested by @dreamlandcreations
Their unique skill sets and their older brothers' greed have brought them together against their will. Can they learn to get along? In this AU John and Alfie's sister are problematic besties.
Tachipen-Part 7 --Tommy x reader
With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
As Long As I Live-Part 2 --Tommy x Amelia (OC Tommy's daughter)
Tommy's long lost daughter appears at Arrow House and quickly becomes a beloved part of the family. What happens to their relationship when he attempts to mend a feud with the Gold family by offering her hand in marriage to Bonnie? 
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🏴‍☠️ Pinned Post! 🏴‍☠️
OC blog for @leftsidebonfire
OC and Canon Friendly! 🖤
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⚓️ Welcome to: Tales from the Rolling Mountain! The Rolling Mountain is a beautiful pirate ship, home to Captain Eleni Santiana, and is the place where all the best come together to tell stories. All of my OCs live here on this ship, and this is the hot spot for all those who are wanderers looking to share tales and create some adventures of their own. 🍻
⚓️ I finally decided it would be fun to play around with a Sideblog for all my OC shenanigans! I'm always eager to create and talk about my little OCs for different Fandoms, so I figured this would be the easiest way to consolidate information, art, and RP.
⚓️ About The Captain: You can call me Elfie, She/Her, and I am 25 and a total dork nerd <3
⚓️ Major Fandoms include:
⚓️ One Piece, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Dungeons and Dragons (as a whole)
OCs are always open for interaction!
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🏴‍☠️ One Piece OCs
👒 Strawhat Grand Fleet: Unaek Seveer, Jocasta Erotas, Captain Eleni Santiana
💛 Heart Pirates: Vidra
🎩 Revolutionary Army: Ruth, Hazel Floren, Rose Thorn, Trygve Seveer, Phaedra, Amaryllis
🎸 Rumbar Pirates: Rhapsody
💙 Buggy Pirates: Lyra
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🌟 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OCs
🍷 Phantom Blood: Amaryllis, Vassia, Caroline, Kallias
🌠 Battle Tendency: Jocasta
🏜 Stardust Crusaders: Avidia Zeppeli, BG May
💎 Diamond is Unbreakable: BG May, Joanna Jett
🐞 Golden Wind: Tagliata Scottato
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🎲 Dungeons and Dragons OCs
🧝‍♀️ Ziona (Bard), Jocasta (Rogue), Eleni (Sorcerer), Amaryllis (Monk), Phaedra (Monk), Vassia (Cleric), Juniper (Ranger), Xiamara (Fighter)
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The Fankids are fun. I have both Canon and AU Fankids I've been playing with. The AU is playing around with a "What Could Have Been" or a Partner Swap AU. I love playing around with both of these, and it's awesome to mix and match. All the AU Fankids are treated as alternate universes and are just as Canon as the real ones <3
Unaek x Sanji:
Delphinium "Delphi" Pince and Liatris Prince
Unaek x Luffy
Monkey D. Ace and Monkey D. Rosie
Jocasta x Usopp
Mary Erotas
Eleni x Zoro
Roronoa Enma
Eleni x Law
Trafalgar D. Cora
...And more to come! Including the AU children!
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⚓️ Final Thoughts:
⚓️ On this blog you can expect to find OC art, Fanfics, and RP opportunities! You can feel free to ask about any of these OCs you'd like. Feel free to jump in any time! DMs are open for RP plots or general fangirling, and I promise I'm not scary 😇 I am OC friendly, Canon Friendly, Self Ship Friendly, and always more than happy to talk about the little characters that live in my brain.
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