#i live right across from one and lemme tell you: it's my happy place
ixiot-ghostrebel · 9 months
Yk Back At The Random Ghost Rebel Stuff
A straight up ramble but does anyone feels this retching feeling in their hearts whenever they think about the High Cloud Quintet and its lore and go like "Dang, if only we COULD change what had happened bc this crap is dark and sad as hell" because that's what I feel like right now
And lemme tell you: It's not a good feeling bc I don't even want to think about how they're all just old and tired grannies and grandpas. The only person that has proper solace in the High Cloud Quintet is flipping Baiheng bro—poor Yingxing got turned into Blade bc yk—he's the beloved of that one relic set story.
Dan Flipping Feng becomes Dan Heng and even as Dan Heng he doesn't get a single drop of solace bc now the former-artisan-now-maniac dude is chasing him all across the universe bc of the sins of the past and it's just so heartbreaking bc Dan Heng isn't Dan Feng and Blade is only the shadow of Yingxing (this concept with Yingxing and Blade heavily reminds me of Makoto and Ei—Ei was the shadow of Makato and the shadow of the light is all that remains ykyk)
And then there's Jingliu who just straight up asks her student to kill her if she ever becomes mara-struck and in the end she still lives somehow and then she decides to go full-traumatizer with Blade back when he was the Unnamed that wandered the place—as if he needed MORE trauma and honestly her weak grasp over the mara which in turn makes her insane is so upsetting bc in the end she ends up having beef with a 14 year-old lieutenant who's trying to do his job and protect the Luofu (though, I have to admit it: as much as I want to protect my child Yanqing, his methods were kind of flawed—) even if he doesn't know who Jingliu is.
And ofc we got the last man standing Jing Yuan who just sees ghosts in everyone around him. Istg I feel like bc he sees ghosts, he can't move on from the past, and when he can't move on from the past, it's honestly a red flag bc it might mean that his present relationships with everyone are (sometimes) only just one-sided or something. Like, take the relationship between Yanqing and he: Yanqing trusts the General with his life bc he raised him as a baby. But the fact that he calls Jing Yuan "General" and not some sort of parental title says that Jing Yuan is being unnecessarily secretive due to his fear of vulnerability. I mean—literally in 1.2 Story Quest, Jing Yuan quite literally just left Yanqing on the island alone after he got beat up by two men that have beef with one another, practically leaving him in the dark with no explanation. And even before that, Yanqing was still left in the dark. Jing Yuan doesn't open up easily bc of the crap he's been through, which is understandable, but his lack of explanation backing up his highly meticulous moves—that's not really healthy. In the end, it just leaves a gap of mistrust, be it intentional or not, between Jing Yuan and Yanqing. In some cases, and this one (imo atleast) is one of them, if you don't explain your actions, it pretty much just leaves the person that's been left in the dark with their waves of emotions, which might cost said-relationship between the two people in the long run.
It also seems like (based off what we know of, at least) at least half of Jing Yuan's choices are also connected to sentimental reasons and seeing ghosts in people. I think he sees a ghost in Yanqing (idk who tho—ppl say it's Yingxing bc of his obsession over the sword), he sees one in Yukong (definitely Baiheng), he sees one in Dan Heng (obvious reasons, very evident throughout the game) and possible Bailu (because she's technically being hailed as the next Imbibitor Lunae after Dan Feng's sin), and it could possibly go on. This old grandpa really is comparing the present with his past and that's honestly a little heartbreaking, bc there is a chance that that might mean that Jing Yuan found more happiness (serotonin work hardcore fr) in his past than he does in his present. He should at least be happy enough of the present to not be this sentimental of the past, but he's really suffering of the incidents like bro—
The High Cloud Quintet is like The Five Yakshas from Genshin Impact but with more lore (that we know of) and more angst twists (that we know of) to it fr. It's so heartbreaking and angsty, I both love it, hate it, and cry about it.
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Like bro, look at these two groups. It's always a group of five sobbing.
They're all fine as hell too like CMON
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twilightprince101 · 2 years
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Hi! So recently I've gotten into the Webtoon "Everything Is Fine," created by Mike Birchall. And honestly? I'm fucking loving it right now! And I don't see many people really talking about it on Tumblr, which is frankly a crime considering how popular it is on Webtoon itself!!
I wish I could talk to all my friends about this webcomic, but I am fully aware that there are a few VERY BIG hurdles that some people would need to get past first.
So! To all my mutuals and followers, let me give you my pitch for this webcomic, along with a few disclaimers on what's to come.
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The main way I found out about this webcomic was through marketed/animated ads on Youtube. The general vibe that they were going for was that it was a "looks cute but is actually really fucked up" story. Think your Happy Tree Friends or Don't Hug Me I'm Scared's. Designed to lure you in and then SLAP you across the face with all of its gore and fucked-upness. If you've seen ads for a game called "Evertale" on youtube that kinda looks like pokemon, you understand what I'm saying and I get your apprehension.
And don't get me wrong, those worries are not unfounded! There's some stuff in this comic that is really messed up and honestly leaves me up at night. But while in the cases of the two above samples they feel more to shock, Everything Is Fine feels a bit more deliberate in what it does. They feel like they're a product of the world and a side-effect to the setting. The fucked-upness holds a purpose outside of shock and says something.
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(this isn't to bash on the two above examples btw, no shame in liking them. However for me personally, it definitely seems more for the purpose of drawing in attention than telling a story)
The first 12 "episodes" have by far some of the darkest in terms of content-- ALL OF WHICH I WILL LIST AT THE BOTTOM WITH A "READMORE" LINK--but if you make it past those first 12 chapters, there's a really damn compelling story waiting for you. The moment that the main character Maggie opens up a science book, that's when you've crossed that threshold.
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Everything past this point is spoiler territory, so if you already feel like going into this then I recommend just reading the warnings past the read more then heading into the story blind.
Here's my best elevator pitch for this series:
It's a dystopian domestic thriller that utilizes a suburbia setting to enforce themes of formality and productivity vs family and love, while also incorporating a "Mind games battle" style into its action ala The Promised Neverland or Death Note.
Whew, that certainly was a word salad! Lemme break it down a bit more.
-Dystopian Domestic Thriller?
The exact scale of this story (at least at the time of writing this) is very small scale. It focuses on two characters: Maggie and Sam, a married couple that are forced--alongside everyone else--to live in a picturesque happy neighborhood. A very "Howdy neighbor, can I borrow a cup of sugar" type place, and if you deviate from that vision then... well, it doesn't end pretty.
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However, despite just how grand a change this is (the world is implied to have been just like ours 7 years ago or so), the focus is much more intimate. The whole first chapter solely focuses on five different characters, all of whom are neighbors in this dystopia trying to get by, along with getting the reader acquainted with their situation. And, despite the friendly faces, each family wouldn't think twice about throwing each other under the bus if it meant they could move up in the world and get a chance to [REDACTED, GOTTA READ TO FIND OUT YOURSELF BUD].
There are no evil monsters. There's no big bad boogeymen waiting in your closet to eat your brains. All there is is your neighbors, the ones that wake up next to you with a smile on their face. And it's almost impossible to tell whether or not their smile is genuine or not.
-"Mind games battle?"
If you haven't read The Promised Neverland (or watched season 1 of the anime and ONLY season 1) or are acquainted with "mind games battles" in general, imagine this scenario:
There are two different characters, each of them entirely equal in their strengths and weaknesses. One has a diamond, the other wants the gem for themselves. To try and get the diamond, the thief tricks the other into thinking they already have it, causing the owner to reveal the key's location so they can steal it themselves.
That is the essence of "Mind game battles" or (coined by SuperEyepatchWolf) a "Non-Battle Battle" story. Very little violence truly happens, the core focus is on espionage and getting a leg up on your opponent by figuring out what they're going to try and do, then countering with your own plan. Highly recommend checking out his video btw
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This might seem a little strange compared to what I just described with the whole "Suburban Dystopia" setting, but this brings it down to its core elements. Everyone is a normal person, at the youngest about 30 years old, and in the end they want to throw each other under the bus to get further in life. It utilizes that suburban dystopia setting with the fear that "secretly, deep down, all your friendly neighbors and friends wouldn't blink to sacrificing you for something more" and it hits fucking hard, leading to a story about forging your own path and recognizing who truly matters in your life.
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It is MUCH more subdued and tame compared to the above examples, but believe me when I say this was intended from the very beginning, and it's only going to get better.
geez you don't gotta yell like that every time dude
So if you're like me and you tend to try and search for a bit more meaning in your stories, you might be wondering why you should read this (aside from my recommendation of course). You might ask "yeah if it's scary/fucked up, cool. But is that all?" If you're the type that stays away from horror-esque scenarios like this, I can doubly understand (again, READ THE WARNINGS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST).
But as I've been growing into the adult world, a constant nagging fear that's been growing is the thought "People are only nice to you out of necessity, none of their kind words hold any truth to them. Their smiles are only of toleration." With how much of the business world thrives on that sort of formal kindness (job interviews, sucking up to your boss, etc.), it has ended up leaking out into my personal life and causing some pretty harsh damage to my mental health.
This webcomic not only feels like the first story to address this specific fear, but also one that has a direct answer/resolution to that. Yes, sometimes it may feel like it's impossible to tell who's truly kind and who needs to be kind. It will feel hard to truly tell that difference.
But no matter what fear you feel, no matter how impossible that feeling is to overcome, there will always be someone in your corner that loves you for you. Their smiles are not of necessity, but of enjoyment of your presence. And if you acknowledge them and trust in that kindness, nothing will stand in your way.
And... fuck man, I don't know. I think that's something I kinda needed to be told, and something I think a lot of other people need to hear.
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So yeah! "Everything Is Fine" is a fucking banger and I highly recommend it! If all of the above parts (and the below warnings, FOR THE LAST TIME CHECK THOSE WARNINGS) didn't bother you and you seem intrigued, go check out the webcomic and send some cash the dude's way. Chapter 2 is getting into full swing, and I want some peeps to enjoy this with as these two keep moving their way upwards.
Either way, that's all. Hope you have a nice day!!
Now then...
-One of the things in episode 1 at the very start is a decaying dog carcass, which has been implied to be sitting there for at least a couple months rotting away.
-In episode 3, a starving homeless man is given said carcass. I don't think I need to go into detail here.
-Body horror doesn't come up too frequently, but let's just say those masks aren't just masks. This starts subtly at episode 9 and 11, but from then on it'll become more apparent when it comes up.
-Several moments of suicidal implications come up throughout as well, most especially in Episode 11. They often have warnings at the start of the chapters when they happen though.
-Attempted murder and successful murder, via bashing a person's head in! Oh boy!! These will be apparent when they come up as well, keep an eye on that hammer.
The last warning is a SUPER BIG SPOILER so don't read it if you don't wanna be spoiled.
One of the biggest punishments/consequences that each of the characters can be given is called "Red Status." Getting into Red doesn't kill you, but instead it forces whoever is subjected to watch their children die--though vague, it's implied that those fates are. Not kind. Episode 26 gives us a front row seat to two children seemingly being forced to jump off a tall building and commit suicide. They don't show the bodies, but it still very much happens. It's one of the most subtle, but horrifying moments in the series so far.
Definitely not as bad as a lot of other stuff out there, but... that dog scene man. Fucks me up still today, and I know one specific person it would fuck up the most. So if these are too much for you, you know what to do.
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cubic-porygonal · 1 year
oh right, should make an intro post
so yeah, welcome to my blog! i probably shouldnt say too much detailed info about myself for privacy reasons, but heres a bit i can share. my name's private but i go by Cubic, i live in Unova (Castelia City, specifically), i like computers, games, and my pokemon.
speaking of, lemme tell yall about em!
first up, my Porygon Vertex! it's my first pokemon, and it was a birthday gift from my siblings. apparently they spent a whole month searching for one, and we've been the best of friends ever since. it's part of how i can even do my job in the first place, actually! it likes playing games of all kinds, and you might even heard about it in speedrunning circles. somehow, it always manages to find new and bizarre glitches in whatever games it plays, and some of them are pretty good for skips. it's also surprisingly catlike compared to most other Porygon i've seen. not that i mind, though. whatever makes it happy!
next up is Proto, my Rotom pal! not only are they part of my team, but they're also the Rotom that powers my phone. (i do have a normal backup battery though, just in case of an emergency.) i met them one night when there was a blackout, but my computer somehow hadn't turned off. turns out they'd been living in there for over a week without me noticing! it took all night, but i finally managed to get the little guy to trust me enough to come out... and then they immediately climbed into my phone. but it's been well over 3 years since then, and we've made great progress since! they're a but jumpy and shy, but they generally mean well!
Vi is my Eevee! i got her as a thank-you gift for helping out the local pokemon center with a Rotom infestation, and she's just the sweetest thing. ...when she's not knocking over everything on my desk and stealing my chair, that is. despite that, she's still great. she's not that interested in evolving, so i've made sure to get her an everstone to make sure it never happens by accident. she likes to sit on my head/shoulders while i walk around the city, which has gotten more than a few pictures from tourists. (youve probably seen some if you follow a few travelers from Sinnoh, they tend to be the ones who are most excited by it for some reason) if you ever see me with her, feel free to say hi!
Woshua is my faithful Dewott (named when they were younger, but they refuse to let me change it now) who i bumped into while on a short business trip down to Nuvema Town. they had climbed into my bag when i sat down to rest, and i couldn't convince them to climb out no matter what i tried. eventually i gave up and just carried on. while on the way out of Nuvema, i stopped by Professor Juniper's lab to see if she knew what to do with this random Oshawott. she was out, but her assistant, a girl named Bianca, told me that she'd been looking everywhere for the little scamp. the second she saw their face though, she told me that it'd probably be better in the long run if i kept them with me, so i ended up taking them home. they're pretty headstrong, but they get along well with Vertex at least!
this one's, uh... kinda a weird story? they're not actually one of my pokemon, per se, but i like to think we're friends now. for the sake of not having every world government, evil team, AND this particular pokemon get on my case, im just gonna say i accidentally stumbled across a not-so-human-friendly psychic pokemon while taking the extremely scenic route in a forest im not gonna name. (i definitely wasn't lost, i swear.) we just kinda looked at each other for a minute before i turned around and walked away, because im not stupid enough to mess with a random pokemon that was telepathically threatening to disintegrate me. theres a bit more to it that came later, but everything after that interaction is gonna have to be redacted for the sake of everyone involved, human and pokemon alike.
aaaand thats about it! if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime!
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truetgirl · 2 years
Second to last one baby, let’s go! Gotta think of a version of this post series for next year, now that I’ll have done characters, media properties, and ships... But, that is for later! For now we have today’s subject:
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Aruka and Yukimi from Kiss it Goodbye!
Well, this is certainly the most indie thing I’m taking about this month! So, for those unaware of it, Kiss it Goodbye is a Webcomic by the wonderfully talented @ticcytx​ and can be found here on tumblr or here on webtoon and you may consider this your sign to go read it if you have not. You won’t even have to wait for new pages like the rest of us did, just go at any pace! Also there’s a thing for crowfunding the physical version which, amazingly, was announced literally the day before I was already planning to write this lil essay for Aruka and Yukimi, so in that sense I suppose this is a pretty decent time to remind people of/introduce people to. But anyway, trying to get more people to read this aside, lemme tell you what stands out to me about the dynamic between our core romantic players here.
You know that classic kind of story about childhood friends, growing together, learning together, drifting apart from and back towards each other throughout different stages of their lives and getting to know one another again with a refreshed perspective each time? You know how growing in any way as a person fundamentally requires you to explore who you are? How that tends to resonate particularly well with queer people, on account of discovering really big and important things about ourselves being more or less the fundamental core of the queer experience? Can you imagine how well these things fit together in the same space?
Honestly I am kinda amazed that this comic was the first story I ever happened across with all these elements combined into the journey of queer characters, but I guess something has to be first at everything, right?
I love this comic and these two because the fact that Aruka and Yukimi are going to fall in love and get together is never really in question. The story is literally framed as the two of them telling some friends about how they met and got together over what must have ultimately been a VERY long night of drinks. The drama is never in will they/won’t they, it’s in watching how it happens. It’s in watching them learn about themselves and each other in a very relatable way. Seeing them grow up and feeling for them as they hold onto each other despite peer pressure, bumps in their personal journeys, and expectations being placed on them.
Theirs is one of those inspiring stories that tells you “with a little work and a lot of care, you actually can get build a real happy ‘ending’ for yourself.” It’s one of those gentle, heartfelt love stories that melts my goddam heart, and this is practically just a recommendation for the comic in general, it really is. But I suppose that’s how it goes when I’m trying to talk about what compels me about a couple and that couple’s story is actually the primary focus. I’d love to say more, but in the hope that I will direct a few new people to this wonderful comic, I want to avoid to many spoilers. Happy pride, go read Kiss it Goodbye.
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endofthelinegang · 2 years
𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ jake lockley x fem! reader, sort of marc spector x fem! reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ you gave marc a key to get in from his nightly adventures, but something isn't right
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ descriptions of blood
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ mind fuck lemme warn ya now, my top 3 repeated requests of the week were to write something for and or with JL so here ya go (2.1k words)
part 2
“What time is it?” You groaned upon hearing a bang up against your door, rolling around in your bed while the tv was still on. Pulling on your phone cord it eventually came up to be on your bed. 
“Four in the morning, of course it’s four in the fucking morning.” You sat up in bed rubbing your face and moving your blankets off to stand up completely. 
“Here’s a key Marc! Use it anytime Marc! Make sure to tell Steven about the key Marc!” You mocked your own words seeing that they clearly weren’t heard. Even if they were, they went through his ears and into the fan blown around the room into stranded letters. 
Avoiding your furniture and misplaced items littered on the floor you made your way to the door. Tired, disgruntled, and annoyed you clicked the two locks on your door opening it up. 
Ready to scold Marc for his behavior you were met with a body laying in front of your doorway groaning and rolling around just a little bit. On the wall facing the other way was what looked like the backside of Marc hauling off and hitting the other man. His neck snapped to the side as he fell to the ground. 
“Marc! What the hell is going on?” You whisper yelled across the way not wanting to grab anyone's attention. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.” You mouthed to the man with the bloody face laying on the ground in a ton of pain as he cried. 
“Marc!” Walking closer to Marc you looked around making sure no one was going to try and jump out at you. As you made your way over to him he turned around to face you. Breathing heavily, his face was covered in blood as was his shirt, hands, and parts of his pants. 
“Lock the door when we go inside.” The area was barely bright enough due to the light fixtures above the door that you could tell who it was, and you were 100% sure it was Marc but yet you weren’t at the same time. 
“This isn’t funny.” Walking closer to who you knew it was you worried that even though he clearly won the fight in front of your door he may have suffered during another one earlier on in the night.
“Seriously, we do not have time to be standin’ out here.” The body stood completely still as the two of you were now within arms length of each other. He didn’t falter or even take a step back but he wasn’t acting right, his body language was all wrong. 
“Fine, inside now. I’m not happy with you, Spector.” Marc had only told you about Steven, and you loved Steven to death. You assumed after that point that there would be no one else in the equation since neither of the two of them ever brought anyone else up and even made a schedule for the three of you. Specifically when the two of them would switch in and out of being in control. 
“I get it, hey blood isn’t everyone’s things, clearly isn’t yours.” He looked you up and down, keeping his hands in fists at his sides. 
“The blood is fine, it’s the fact that it’s a couple hours from sunrise and you’re banging on my door when I gave you a key.” Clearly at least the body had sought out your place of living. 
“Baby doll, you never gave me a key.” He sounded different than both Steven and Marc, his voice was a little deeper, he spoke louder, and he had a slight accent. Almost like the one that Marc has when he gets angry. 
“Whatever, just get inside, I don’t need to see or hear anymore fighting tonight.”  You pointed at your open door that he had just talked about moments before, and even though you knew it wasn’t Steven and that meant it had to be Marc something just wasn’t right. 
“I’ve been trying.” He walked past you and through your door, grabbing your hand, he took you with him watching both directions making sure that no one else was coming. Almost like the two of you were crossing traffic. 
“I’ve got a question for you though, I’ve been meaning to ask you since I saw you last week. Just haven’t gotten around to being here.” He started stripping off his clothes in the middle of the living room, placing the bloodied garments on the table in the middle of the room. 
“What’s that?” Just as you thought the situation was over with and the last thing you needed to do was make sure he was okay and could figure everything out from here his words struck you. Last week? He left here hours ago. You thought to yourself as you watched him strip.
“Why are you always calling me Marc?” You completely froze, you were right, you weren’t talking to Marc, you weren’t talking to Steven. 
“That’s what I thought your name was.” Voice barely above a whisper you spoke and started fidgeting with your hands. 
“Hey, it’s alright, I appreciate you calling me that in front of those guys, keep it as a code name babe. I really did need one, don’t need everyone knowing who I am, I’d be easier to find. Best not to say you know me, especially to other people.” He ran his hands through his hair getting blood in the curled strands. 
“So if you don’t mind me asking what’s your name?” Not sure whether to be angry at Marc for not telling you or worried for Marc if he did not know who that was. 
“Ah what the hell, we’ve been around each other long enough now, gotta get you to stop calling me Marc one of these days. Can’t believe we've done this much together and my name hasn’t been mentioned.  Jake, Jake Lockley.” He winked at you and then cracked his knuckles. 
“Oh, I uh. I really like that name. You know mine right?” You were nervous, way more than you should’ve been. This was just another idenity of Marc’s and he didn’t seem to hate you. But what had you done with him before? When had you mistaken him for Marc? How was he getting mixed into the schedule? 
“Hey, you alright?” Your thoughts must have really gotten you mixed up because now here was Jake standing right infront of you inches away waving a hand in front of your face. 
“Just thinking, how long have we been seeing each other now?” Answers were all you wanted, he was clearly more unhinged, more violent than either of the other two so setting him off was not something you really wanted to do at all. 
“Few weeks I’d say, I’ve woken up here a lot, you’ve cooked me meals, we’ve gone out, and I know you don’t forget the other thing.” He was awfully confident in whatever that last thing was as he put his hands on your hips and guided you closer to his body. 
“You really need a quick shower and some sleep, you’ve gotta be exhausted honey.” Playing along you ran a hand through his hair feeling how wet it was, putting the other hand on his cheek. 
“Can’t stay, I’ve gotta change my clothes and head back out, got a job to finish. Just knew I had clothes left here. Lucky for me those boneheads ran in this direction.” You were now body to body with one another as he told you his plan. 
“In the bedroom, in the closet on the left side, they’re all your clothes.” Before you could separate for him to go get changed he leaned down and kissed you hard making you suck a ton of air into your lungs, his hands in your hair on the back of your head. 
“Thanks baby.” He released you all of a sudden as he went into your room. 
The moment he left you ran to go through his clothes, he had Marc’s body and Marc needed a way to get in in the morning. The two of you obviously needed to talk and you also needed to know more about Jake. Looking through his pockets you found small knives, a gun, all sorts of cards, and finally the key you had given Marc. “My god is he a serial killer?” You whispered to yourself as you heard footsteps coming back from where they had left. Throwing everything back into his pockets besides the key haphazardly you stood up and stumbled backwards. 
“I promise I’ll see you soon okay.” As he approached you, you were trying to stand still since you had just been incredibly off balance. 
“Don’t forget your key.” You put your hand in his long coat pocket, placing the key in there yourself rather than letting him take it himself. 
“You got it sugar.” Bending down beside you he transferred everything in his pockets into his clean pants. 
“I’ll wash those for whenever you get back.” As he stood you saw some blood he had missed when cleaning off his face so, you took your finger and swiped what you could off. 
“I owe you.” And with a quick peck on the lips he was out the door and you were left with two possibly dead guys outside, bloody clothes, most likely a bloody towel in the bathroom, and a new person to deal with. But you were also exhausted, there was no way you were staying up all night cleaning everything that he had just messed up. 
“Oh Marc Spector, do you ever run out of surprises?” You yawned and walked back into the bedroom laying back down into bed. 
It felt like you had just laid down to sleep before you heard someone screaming and running into your room where you had fallen asleep incorrectly only halfway under the covers. 
“Y/N! ARE YOU HERE? ARE YOU OKAY? SHIT.” You heard something crash and fall before hearing feet slam into the ground and the running continue. 
“I’m in here.” You raised your hand out of bed and stayed laying exactly how you were, but that wasn’t going to last long at all. 
Marc rushed to your side grabbing your arm and rolled you over basically jumping on you to look for any possible injuries. 
“I’m fine Marc calm down.” You squinted and petted his face as he completely relaxed, crushing you under his weight. 
“Why are there bloody clothes everywhere? I feel like Steven waking up somewhere weird, I can’t remember what happened.” He rolled over onto his side of the bed with a grunt. 
“So, you don’t know who Jake Lockley is?” You turned to face him, completely rolling your body over and grabbing his hands in yours. 
“Who is that? Did someone break in here?” He squeezed your hand not sure if he needed to be sympathetic or not. 
“Yeah, you did.” You weren’t sure how to bring this up, just in case he didn’t know or if maybe he wasn’t ready to talk about this with you. 
“What are you talking about?” Marc looked genuinely confused as he looked at you like you were crazy. 
“Take a closer look at the clothes out there, those are the ones you were wearing when you left last night, the key was in your left coat pocket to get in here right? I put it there. You happen to have a very similar idenity within yourself, more like you, much less like Steven.” Marc was wide eyed and looking at you. 
 “I didn’t hurt you right?” In that moment he seemed to not care that he had yet another person living in his head that could take over his body. He seemed more like he cared that there was blood, he knew it wasn’t his and he just had to make sure it wasn’t yours.
 “No you didn’t hurt me. Are you hurt? You showed up covered in blood.” Marc shook his head and just pulled you into himself more. This was somewhat unusual for Marc to want to be this close with you in this way. 
 “No. I’m not hurt. But the junk bowl in the living room is hurt. It’s actually one hundred percent dead. Oh and that asshole got my white hoodie all bloody. Can you?” He was squeezing you just a little tighter. 
 “Clean up the glass in the living room before Steven comes out so he doesn’t step in it and I’ll get the blood out of the hoodie and pants.” You groaned and patted him on the back. 
 “Deal. But before we get to chores I’ve got one more question.” Marc had his lips almost pressed right against your forehead as he spoke. 
“You’re killing me Marc.” You could feel his hand travel down your back caressing your lower back. 
  “I told you last night. My name’s not Marc, but I know him well enough to sound like him. Don't I?"
           Your eyes shot wide open. What was going on?
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whiskeyncoke-redux · 2 years
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Taron Egerton x Reader
*a/n: Just reposing, Hope you all enjoy. Feedback is always welcome.
Summary: Taron ruins your date because he can’t get over you.
Warnings: Smut, possessive behavior, possessive sex 18+ ONLY Minors DNI
“How could you?” you practically shouted at Taron as you walked up the path to your front door, with him right behind you. “And will you stop following me?”
“How could I?” he scoffed, ignoring your order to stop following you. He reached out to stop you and turned you to face him. “I was doing you a favor!”
You glared at him. “A favor? In what world is what you did doing me a ‘favor’?” you asked, putting your fingers up in quotations at the last word.
“He wasn’t right for you,” Taron argued.
You stepped back and looked him up and down before telling him “You don’t get to decide that. You have no right.”
“I have every right. I know you, Y/N. I know you and I know he wasn’t right for you.”
“What and you are?”
He shrugged. “Well…”
“Whatever,” you turned from him and unlocked your front door.
When you got it open and started to walk in, he tried to follow you inside, but you stopped him with your hand.
“Oh, no. You really think you’re about to come in after that stunt you pulled?”
“Wasn’t a stunt,” he argued.
“It was and you know it. I think you just don’t want to see me happy.”
“I don’t want…. Are you serious?” he fumed, pushing his way in and closing the door behind him, as he had done hundreds of times before.
“You don’t, why else would you ruin the one good thing I’ve had since you left?”
“If I recall, you kicked me out.”
“With good reason,” you countered. “How is she doing anyway?”
Taron looked away from you.
You smirked. “Oh no, all not well in paradise?”
It was his turn to glare at you. “Don’t.”
“Grass not greener on the other side?” you taunted.
“Stop it.”
“Is that why you decided to scare Jeremy off? Hmmm? You’re miserable, so I had to be too?”
“Y/N, seriously, quit it.”
“No, you did this. You made your choice and you chose her over me. I had to live with that, so do you.”
“Don’t. Just… don’t. I made a mistake.”
“That’s obvious,” you snorted. Folding your arms across your chest, you told him “Just because you regret your decision doesn’t mean you can just march in and ruin my life… again.”
“I don’t think I ruined your life.”
“Fine. Broke my heart, then. You did do that.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“Well, you did,” you said.
“I was hoping you’d eventually forgive me for that.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, walking over to him. You placed a hand on his cheek, running your thumb across his jaw, feeling the scruff under your hand. He reached up and placed his hand over yours and smiled at you softly.
“I am sorry,” he said.
“So you’ve said,” you told him, continuing to stroke his cheek. “Now, with that said. Get out. I have a call to make.”
“You’re really gonna call him?”
“Yes, to apologize for your behavior.”
You took your hand from his face and tried to step back, but he had a tight hold on your hand.
Pulling you towards him, he placed his free hand on your waist.
“Lemme ask you this: do you love him?”
“I…” you felt your words die on your lips as you looked into his eyes. You felt as if you were about to melt under his intense gaze. His touch sending a wave of heat through you. “I… mean he’s a good guy.”
“Not what I asked. I said ‘do you love him’?”
After a moment, you shook your head slowly. It was true. While Jeremy was a decent guy, he didn’t make you feel like Taron did.
He smirked. “I knew you didn’t love him. Not like you love me.”
He moved a little closer, making you shift. “I know he doesn’t make you feel like I do.”
Looking you in your eyes, he said “Final question: Do you really want me to leave?”
As he closed the small space between you, you shook yourself out of your daze. Wriggling out of his grip, you backed up again. He quickly closed the space between you until your back was against the wall. He placed one hand on the wall near your head, the other went back to your waist. His fingers tracing lightly up and down your side.
“Y/N, I asked you, do you really want me to leave?”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. You wanted to be mad at him for what he did; for him leaving you for someone else, for him scaring off your date. But all you could think of was how close his body was to yours, and how you could feel the heat coming off of him. Your eyes left his and darted down to his lips. Your tongue came out and licked yours. You heard his soft chuckle, causing you to look back into his eyes, which were dark with lust.
You knew that look. That look, combined with the light touch of his fingers, made your knees weak, your spine tingle, and your panties wet. You hated that that look could still have such an effect on you. You hated yourself for wanting him so badly. Even after everything he did, you still found him absolutely irresistible.
Finally you closed your mouth and shook your head again. No, you didn’t want him to leave. You wanted him to stay. More than that you wanted him inside you.
“Use your words. Do you really want me to leave?” he asked, his hand trailing down lower and lower until it reached the hem of your dress that stopped right near the top of your thigh.
“No,” you said softly.
“Can’t hear you,” he said, his hand still teasing.
“No,” you said a bit louder.
“No, what?” he asked, his hand pushing your dress up a bit, fingers playing with your thigh.
You groaned. “No, I don’t want you to leave.”
“What do you want, then?” he asked, his hand pushing your dress up further.
“You,” you were frustrated and turned on. “I want you. Right now.”
“That’s what I thought,” he said before his lips finally met yours in a heated kiss.
You moaned into his mouth as your arms automatically went around his back, pulling him flush against him. You had missed this. You had missed the feel of his lips on yours, you had missed his touch.
You bit down lightly on his bottom lip when you felt his hand push your dress up around your waist. Breaking the kiss, he hooked his fingers into the panties you were wearing and went to pull them down.
“These are new,” he commented.
“Yeah, so?”
“You wore them for him?”
You shrugged. “Does it matter? He’s not gonna see them.”
“You’re right,” he said and before you knew it you felt a slight sting as he ripped them off and dropped them to the ground. “No one is now.”
“Fuck, those were expensive! What did you do that for?” you asked, trying to be angry, they were a new pair after all. But you only got more turned on.
“You’re mine, Y/N. whether you want to admit it or not, you’re mine,” he said, his lips going to your neck, kissing and biting. You knew there would be marks, just like he wanted. He slid one of his thighs between your legs and you pulled him closer by his waist and began grinding against it. The friction from his jeans on your clit made you moan louder.
Your hands trailed down his shoulders, chest, and stomach, stopping at the top of his jeans. You quickly undid them, pushing them down his hips along with his underwear; his dick springing free.
He grabbed your legs and lifted you up against the wall, making you gasp in shock. He pushed into you slowly, stretching you, making you sigh in pleasure. You clung to his back, nails digging into his skin. You had thought about him inside you almost every night since he left, touching yourself while remembering how good he felt; but it was nothing, not even close, to the real thing.
Once he bottomed out, he slid out almost all the way and pushed in again. You sighed once more.
“I missed that sound,” he said as he started moving inside you. “I missed this, missed you so fucking much.”
As he moved faster, you gripped his shoulders, holding on as he thrust inside you faster and harder. You bent your head, kissing and biting on his neck, if he was going to leave marks on you, you’d do the same to him. With one particularly hard thrust, he hit that spot deep inside you. You leaned your head back, your moans growing louder as the head of his dick hit that spot over and over. All too quickly for you, you felt the coil in your abdomen begin to tighten.
“Shit, shit, not yet,” you moaned, wrapping your legs around him in an attempt to get him to slow down.
“Cum for me, Y/N. C’mon, I know you’re close,” he murmured. “I can feel it.”
With a few more thrusts, you came undone, with a shout of his name. “Fuck, Taron, fuck.”
He kept moving, while you rode out your orgsam. He then lowered you to the floor, holding on to you to keep you steady. When you caught your breath, you looked at him. He smirked at you.
“You know he could have never fucked you liked that.”
That cocky smirk did something to you. You grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him to you, kissing him fiercely, tongues slipping in and out of each other’s mouths, teeth clashing, your moans ringing throughout your living room. You began walking him backwards until he was in front of the couch. You then pulled back and pushed him down onto it.
Standing in front of him, you slipped off your dress. You then straddled his lap, the tip of his dick rubbing against your pussy. He moved his hips, his hands going to your waist, wanting to be inside you again, but you stopped him.
“Take this off,” you demanded, tugging at his shirt.
He complied. You started kissing him on his neck, sucking marks all over it, then moving down to his chest and doing the same there. All the time you were doing this, you slowly rubbed your wet pussy against his dick, causing him to groan in frustration. You smirked against his chest.
“You’re teasing me,” he moaned.
“I am.”
“Stop, I’m not done fucking you.
“Mmm, me either.”
You felt him move his hips again, and you sat up, pushing his shoulders against the back of the couch.
“Relax,” you said to him before lifting your hips up and grabbing hold of his dick.
You positioned him at your opening, then slid down on him slowly. You took a moment to relish in the feel of him deep inside you. Before you felt his hands impatiently move to your waist. You began moving on him slowly, with him guiding your movements. You leaned your head back as you started moving on top of him faster, your hands sliding up from his forearms to his shoulders. You felt his hands slide down to your hips, then grip your ass, before he smacked it once then again, making you moan out his name. He then rubbed the spot he’d smacked before doing it again.
“Fuck,” you moaned when he did it once more.
When he began thrusting his hips up to meet your movements, you felt yourself coming close to another orgasm.
“Taron, I’m close,” you told him. “So, so close. Fuck. Don’t stop.”
“C’mon, baby, I got you.”
“Harder,” you moaned.
He sat up, and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you closer, so you were eye to eye. He kissed you sloppily as he thrust harder and faster into you. As you felt your orgasm building you held onto him tighter, nails digging into his back. Soon you felt it, radiating from your core to the tips of your toes, until it was crashing over you.
When he felt you tighten around him this time, it brought him closer to his own orgasm. He moved his hips, holding onto you tightly, still thrusting into you, until he emptied himself inside you with a loud groan.
You both sat there for a moment, him still buried inside you, breathing hard. You reached for him first, your arms going around his neck. He then wrapped his arms around your waist. Leaning his forehead against yours, he kissed you once, twice, softly; then again longer and more tenderly. He shifted his body until he was laying on the couch with you on top of him. You raised your head up to look at him.
“You know, if I’m yours, that makes you mine, right?”
He laughed. “I’ve always been,” he told you.
You got quiet.
“I missed you too,” you told him. “Everyday.”
His hands stroked your back. “I’m sorry I left, I don’t… I don’t know why I did it.”
“Don’t let’s not talk about that now.”
“Okay,” he nodded, placing one arm behind his head.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said softly. “Always will.”
“I love you too, Taron.”
You both lay there quietly, your fingers tracing lines on each other’s bodies, enjoying being with each other again. Kissing each other here and there, until you finally drifted off into the first peaceful sleep either of you had in ages.
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simpforboys · 2 years
in another dimension (4)
she/her pronouns
mentions of no way home spoilers! proceed with caution!
summary: a few months went by, y/n and peter now officially a couple. with a new villain rising, y/n needs some reassurance.
warnings: mentions of violence, death, wounds, cleaning wounds, some angst
last part , next part
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six months can go by sickeningly fast.
but, when your boyfriend is spider-man it feels as if time is stuck in a loop.
y/n decided to move into peter’s apartment since they both made it clear this was a serious commitment they both wanted.
peter watches the neighborhood from seven pm to three am, always sneaking back through the window y/n kept open for him.
one night, however, peter got a scare when he crawled through the window. he didn’t think y/n saw him, but the way he heard her cries made his heart drop.
“y/n?” he mumbled. he slipped his gloves off and her broken face peeked out at him.
“what’s wrong, darling?” he asked. he didn’t want to take off his suit just yet and expose the bruises he just freshly got.
“bad dream,” she whispered.
he slipped into the bed that was placed in the middle of the room, an adjustment they made together.
“wanna talk about it?” he asked. he pulled her in closely, feeling the way her heart was rapidly beating.
“i-i lost you. you met a-a,” her voice was shaking as she sobbed into his chest.
“it’s okay, i’m right here. ‘m never gonna go anywhere, okay?” he assured her.
“i’m sorry,” she sniffled. peter’s heart ached.
“why are you sorry, my love?”
“i feel selfish- you’re out there saving lives and i’m stuck here crying about you getting hurt.”
“y/n, you’ve never dated a superhero before. it’s going to take some getting used to, but i can promise you, i am never going away.”
y/n nodded, clutching onto him tightly. peter fought the urge to wince.
when she finally calmed down and drifted off to sleep, peter needed to take his suit off and finally get comfortable.
he gently pulled away from her, finally taking off the skin tight clothing. his face cringed when he saw the deep blue bruises coating his chest and stomach.
a group of robbers got some good hits on him, one of them being six-foot-five and at least three hundred pounds.
he grabbed a wet cloth and gently cleaned around the small open cuts in his shoulder, trying not to wake y/n.
he didn’t need her to see him like this and just worry her further. suddenly, he jumped slightly when she appeared in the mirror behind him.
her eyes were transfixed on his abs and peter hated how her face was filled with concern.
“what happened?”
“robbers,” he answered. he felt her presence move forward until she was gently grazing his skin with her fingertips.
goosebumps erupted across his body as she brushed against his happy trail.
“lemme help you, okay?”
the couple began talking about nonsense, but the conversation progressed deeper.
eventually, it lead to them talking until the sun peeked through the windows.
peter opened up to y/n more about gwen and his uncle ben’s death.
“how about you? i feel like we talk about my trauma a lot.”
y/n sighed, sinking back into the bed sheets. peter rested on his elbow, looking at y/n as she stared up at the ceiling.
y/n began telling peter about her childhood, family, middle and high school experiences.
“yeah, this one bitch kissed my boyfriend right in front of me. i was so pissed.”
peter began giggling, making y/n laugh.
“looking back on it now, it’s sounds stupid considering we were only dating for three days. he wasn’t even cute.”
“harsh,” peter faked cringed. y/n grinned.
“he was never as cute as you,” she flirted.
peter smirked. “oh?”
he leaned down, planting kisses on her smiling lips.
“love my spider-bae.”
“what did you just call me?” he laughed.
“spider-bae. you’re a spider but you’re still my bae, you know?”
“never heard that before.”
“good, because you’re my spider-bae.”
“here we go with the nickname,” he teased. y/n grinned.
“i think i’ll change your contact to that. has a nice ring to it.”
peter was smiling down at y/n, but his smile began fading when his ears started ringing.
“what’s happening?” y/n whispered to him.
his brows furrowed and he crawled out of bed, slipping his suit on.
“spider duties?”
“i- i can’t quite tell yet. it feels… different.”
“please be safe,” she stood up after him.
he pressed a sensual kiss to her lips.
“i’ll be back as soon as i can, okay?”
she nodded at him and he zipped out through the window.
peter swung on top of a higher building, perching himself on the edge as he stared out towards the city.
his whole body was tingling and he felt as if his feet were quaking under him.
he could hear the agonizing screams from civilians under him, so he quickly sprung into action.
equipping a web, he swung to what everyone was running away from.
a giant- holy shit is that an alien?
a giant black figure with big muscles threw a tree as it screeched.
“hey, big guy! let’s keep the tree throwing to a minimum, okay?” peter called out.
the creature narrowed its eyes at peter and he felt chills run down his spine. the creature’s tongue was strangely large and it smirked at peter.
“where’s y/n?” its remarkably deep voice asked.
peter’s stomach dropped.
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
MC had a bad day or they’re dealing with a bad loss from a loved one. So they decide to seek comfort from the Brothers! But they don’t do it in a normal way, they just barge in the room where the brothers are all relaxing or hanging out at before MC just busts in getting their attention and they go “I need a hug 🥺”. Let’s see the some fluffy hc’s of the brothers comforting MC 🥰
And how could they not want to hug their cute human that is literally 3 seconds away from breaking down into tears?
The Brothers Comforting MC After A Bad Day:
You’re right, they wouldn’t be able to resist, they love their human too much 😌
*soBS* I want to hug one of them so bad rn
Thank you for the request, I love writing fluffy HCs, it’s my weak spot and it gives me serotonin. I hope you have a nice day/night!! Uh, it’s sort of implied that MC is slightly shorter than them so sorry if that’s a problem-
Notes: Fluff, mentions of loss and dead family members/friends, mostly comfort though, short HCs
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beezlebub and Belphegor.
-He doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t really need to because him just being there, arms wrapped around you and hands lightly running up and down your back, is worth more words than any sort of verbal consolation he could’ve given you and because of this, you feel at ease
-His touch is firm but gentle and you relax almost immediately, burying your head against his chest and feeling him press a kiss on top of your hairline, tightening your hold on him
-He already told his brothers to back off because the last thing he wanted was for you you to get overwhelmed by their insensitivity so you two were left in the living room by yourselves
-In a bit of an awkward position though, because you were both standing and after a while, it was clear a hug wasn’t going to be enough
-That’s his excuse as to why he picked you up bridal style five minutes later and carried you all the way to his bedroom, a place he knows his siblings won’t ever trespass without his permission and somewhere he can shield you from any prying eyes while you’re in this vulnerable state
-At this point, he was basically cradling you like a baby, having you sit on his lap and waiting for you to tire yourself out until you couldn’t cry anymore and watching you slip into that hiccuping stage you get after a breakdown
-Lucifer is obviously going to ask what happened, but whether you answer him or not is up to you because he’s not one to push matters if he sees you’re uncomfortable talking about it
-However, he might insist if he concludes that it’s affecting you and your well being and that’s how you know usually know he’s worried
-His voice is soft though and just listening to it makes you want to tell him everything, whether it’d be something as annoying as a small inconvenience you stumbled across that day or the death of a relative, you feel welcomed enough to spill everything
-Even if you decide not to, he’ll stay with you until you feel better, until you’re no longer crying or shaking or anything of the sort. He speaks occasionally, almost soothingly about how important you are to him and how capable you are of overcoming anything in your way. For the most part, however, he remains quiet and allows you to mull over your thoughts, willing to forget about his paperwork just to let you cling to him for a few hours
-Maybe later, when you’re no longer as distressed, he could get the full story out of you and help you overcome whatever problem you’re having trouble facing but for now, he understands all you need is for him to be there
“MC?” He calls your name out because he was thinking that maybe you had fallen asleep but he realised that was not the case when you looked up at him, streaks of tears still sliding down your cheeks. When you don’t respond, he sighs almost contently “A bit longer?” You don’t answer again but this time, he could feel you nod against him and he smiles despite himself as he leaned his head against yours “All right then, just a bit longer.”
-Truth be told, he’s never been the best at comforting someone and normally, he’s kind of awkward when he wants to show his support because it feels so out of his character
-But it’s not like he was going to refuse you anyway. Not when you specifically came to him and asked him for help and not when you looked like you were on the verge of crying. He’d be a monster to deny you >:(
-It upsets him too, you know. He’s meant to be your protector, guardian even, so the fact that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt makes him feel like he failed at keeping his human safe. Actually, it takes a lot of convincing on your part just to tell him that you’re not actually physically hurt. Just a shitty day…
-Mammon, despite the walls he puts up ever now and then, is someone that genuinely cares for you. And he’s also the type that does almost everything in excess, especially when it comes to you or spending money. That’s just his personality; he’s loud and boisterous and even though he wants to deny this, completely transparent with his emotions
-You ask for a hug? He gives you plenty of hugs! He lets you lay on top of him while cuddling so he can hold you!!! He brings you snacks and drinks!!! Shit, he basically cradles you the whole night!!! And he’s blushing and acting annoyed the entire time, refusing to accept how much he’s actually enjoying this
-The point is, he tends to coddle you whenever you have a bad day or if you’re really affected by the loss of a dead loved one. This is probably because he, in turn, likes to be babied and cared for when he’s feeling down and he subconsciously does that to you because it’s the only means of comfort he knows how to execute well
-A hug would’ve sufficed, but you’re his human and let him be damned if he’s not gonna give you the world on a silver platter if you keep looking at him with those sad eyes of yours
-By now, if you need anything, you just need to ask because even with a bit of grumbling, he’ll get it for you. More snacks? Say less. Wanna watch TV with him for a while? Immediately reaches for the remote? You just want to cuddle? His body is naturally warm for a reason bby, dig in. You want his heart? Give him a moment to surgically get it out of his chest-
-No matter what, he’s so glad that you trust him enough to talk to him about this sort of stuff and that he’s the first person you think of when you need consolation
-It makes sense after all, right? He’s your first pact so your direct happiness is his responsibility while you’re in DevilDom! It’s his job to make sure you function again by tomorrow morning and that you’re no longer troubled by anything
“Hey! What’s with all the crying huh?” He cups your face in his hands and softly squishes the flesh between his fingers. His thumbs brush over the tears in your eyes and he let’s out a small ‘tsk’ as your foreheads touch and his hands drip to your shoulders to keep you steady “The Great Mammon is hugging ya right now, ya know? There’s no reason for you to be upset, not when I’ve got ya in my arms like this, OK? So you can stop with yer water works now.” As noisy as his voice is, there’s a gentle note behind it when he speaks and embraces you, his cologne spreading everywhere “I love you, ya big idiot. So please, stop cryin’ and lemme hold ya already! Yer making me worried, ya stupid human.”
-You stopping by his room is not unusual. In fact, you do it every day and it’s just part of the routine you have with him. However, he’s wasn’t exactly expecting you to stand there, all shaken up and ask him for a hug!!!
-And he doesn’t process this request for a second but then he freaks out so badly-
-Yells incomprehensibly about how you’re ‘pulling your normie tricks on him again’ and how he’s ‘not going to be fooled by them anymore.’
-You raise your head to meet his eyes while he’s still rambling on though and he sees your teary expression and now he feels guilty because you look really upset. Levi’s kinda scared he made it worse-
-He’s the type to usher you in his room and lock the door as usual but instead of doing what the two of you always do, you literally stay attached to him because you need comfort damn it!
-Levi….is sort of clueless about these emotional outbursts since he himself doesn’t deal with them very well. However, he’s watched enough animes revolving around romance to conclude on the best course of action so-do not fear! (Spoiler, he still doesn’t know what he’s doing)
-He’s really stuck and can either stay as quiet as a nun or start babbling in a language you probably wouldn’t even understand because he’s so nervous
-Or actually, he might start crying with you if I’m being fair; he’s very in sync with his Henry and your emotions
-Once he calms down, he’s actually not all that bad at comforting. Levi is a bit stand offish with his hugs at first but he relaxes into them and by now, you’re both standing by the side of his bed, with you leaning onto him and him holding your hand. He then intertwines your fingers together but subconsciously because he wouldn’t have the gall otherwise
-Later, he tells you to help yourself with the snacks he has hidden in his room. I guarantee you he has a whole ass mini refrigerator hidden somewhere for his all night gaming session, in case he needs any boosts. No one knows how Beel hasn’t found the stash yet and there’s no need to tell him
-Then you watch re runs of old shows together and make fun of the shitty editing and dialogue. He’s still holding your hand though and he’s really flustered and wondering if it’s too sweaty for you but don’t mention it because he’ll get even more embarrassed
-He glances over to you, every once in a while, whilst you’re cuddled up against his arm, eyes glued on the TV, to make sure you’re OK. You almost gave him a seizure or at least that’s how he felt-so he made it his mission to make you feel better by any means necessary. Fuck today’s raids, his team can get them done without him!!
“I-I don’t know why you would want me of all people to hug you but…” he trailed off in a whisper, having to lean down so you could wrap your arms against his neck and bury your head in his shoulder. He pulled you in closer, a streak of protectiveness coursing through him as he shut the door to his room with his foot “Lord of the Shadows would never leave Henry all on his own, so I’m not going to do that either. This is an important character development arc and-just, please don’t cry. I’ll give you more hugs, OK? Seeing you like this is not good for my heart-“ stopped mid sentence after realising what he just said and now he’s the one burying his head in your shoulder, flushed beyond hell “Forget I just said that! Holy Lord Diavolo this is embarrassing, why am I like this????”
-It troubles him greatly to see you like this and he can sort of feel the world shift out of place, seeing you with tears running down your face and hands balled into fists out of frustration almost immediately makes him fly into a fit of rage because who would dare to hurt you-
-Oh, a hug? If that’s all you need, he’s more than happy to oblige but if you’re as distraught as you seem to be, he wonders if just a small embrace from him would be enough
-Satan’s hugs are very intimate and even passionate at times. He has one hand on the back of your head and the other supporting your lower back while you bawl your eyes out into his shoulder and getting his uniform wet
-You can’t really seem to focus on what he’s trying to tell you because he’s so warm and welcoming and even though he’s someone as renowned as the Avatar of Wrath, he’s shockingly patient with you as you let out the overwhelming emotions that have been consuming you all day
-It’s hard to not relax when you’re in Satan’s presence because he’s calm and he smells like musty, old books and mahogany wood and cats, meaning he was most likely cuddling strays he found on the street the entire day. The first visual that comes to mind is fire crackling behind a grate in a chimney and someone reading a book while swinging back and forth on an old, rickety chair when you’re around him
-He will wait until you’re no longer crying and then, before you know it, you find yourself in the library with him, drinking tea and being handed a plate of biscuits he took from the kitchen to help you regain your strength after all that crying. You’re still feeling pretty miserable about the day you’ve had but you quickly lose yourself in a conversation with him over a cup of tea
-Sometimes, you two talk for hours on end about nothing important just to hear each other’s voices and finally have some quality time spent together. Even though he wishes the circumstances were better, he’s glad to have been able to snatch you away from his brothers for a while and he’s even happier you chose him to confide in
-Satan practically doesn’t even mention your outburst and keeps the small talk minimal but he wants you to know that if you do wish to tell him about it, he’s more than happy to listen and he’s not so bad at giving advice either
-The topic of the discussion you were having with him changed abruptly by the end of the night and now you’re reading together from this book he started a while ago, both of you covered with a blanket, your head on his chest and his leaning on yours. He’s holding the book with both of his hands, but still managed to get his left wrapped around you. And because of this feeling of safety and warmth, you don’t feel desperate anymore. Tomorrow, you’ll be able to sort out your feelings but now, you’re content to just listening to Satan read, in his clear, soft voice
“Ah MC, could you turn the page for me?” You do as he asked to and you could feel him smiling as he kissed your hairline, sighing before going back to the book and the story within “Thank you. You truly are amazing, did you know that? I’ve never met someone as caring and as kind as you. Well, I suppose Beel could compete for the title but unlike him, you don’t really leave us in debt whenever we visit the grocery store.” Hearing you laugh makes him smile even more and he lets you hold the other side of the book while he plays with your hair and now you join in reading with him, out loud and trying to act out voices for the characters. As everything unfolds, Satan feels the world click right back into place.
-It’s a known fact by now that Asmo is willing to give you any sort of affection at any point in time, whether it’d be a hug, a kiss, holding your hand-you name it! I mean, whenever he’s feeling down, you being there to encourage him helps a lot so it’s only natural it works the other way around too!
-If he notices that you’re genuinely upset by something, then he would have no problem whatsoever with lavishing you in attention and really, a hug or two from him is the bare minimum in situations like this
-In any case, he always enjoys fussing over you and you having a bad day is the perfect excuse for him to do so! After all, he can’t disappoint you since you came to him with your troubles and he will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Actually, if he could, he would keep hugging you forever but as miraculous as his charm can be, it’s not effective against someone with this low of a morale
-His first suggestion is to take a bath! It’s his way of taking care of you; you’re tired after such a long day and he feels like you’re neglecting yourself a little because of it. So you relax in his bathtub with him for a while, him actively trying to get your mind off any bad, lingering thoughts while you splash around in the bubbles
-And obviously after that, you need to have your mandatory spa sessions with him since you need to unwind and what’s a better way to do that than to let him paint your nails and apply lotion to your skin? Besides, it creates a great opportunity for you to take things off your chest
-He’s in need to hear gossip constantly so if you don’t feel like talking, he’s gonna be a bit bummed out but he still respects your wishes enough to not push you. If your problem is as sensitive as the death of a family member, you’re not obligated to talk to him about it and he will understand, since people grieve in different ways. He too shut down after the death of Lilith for a while after all
-A bad day is nothing Asmo can’t handle. He’s had plenty of those before, mostly because of Mammon and his thievery, they’re usually common factors. It’s only natural you experience those yourself and he’s more than willing to be your support system if you need one. He wants you to know that you can go to him if you need advice or help with anything, or even if you just need to someone to hear you out
-To give a more detailed explanation of his hugs, they are usually really light and you never feel suffocated when you’re in his arms. He never squeezes you too tight and he always smells amazing, so you feel inclined to stay near him for as long as possible. Despite his overtly loud nature, he gets incredibly soft spoken with you and he traces patterns on your back and arms as you stand there together
-It’s important to mention, he never pulls away from you first. He lets you decide when you’ve had enough and when you’re ready to move on or if you require some other means of comfort
-And even if you’re no longer disgruntled, he’s still going to pamper you as much as possible the next day with either a shopping spree or another few spa sessions, this time done at a professional institution rather than the privacy of his bedroom
-Asmo is in touch with your emotions and it’s kinda scary sometimes because of how well he can read you, since he almost always knows what you need
“Oh darling, how could I refuse a hug from you?” You can feel his arms embrace you, even with your eyes closed and for some reason, this makes you cry even harder, sobbing as he tries to comfort you. You’re aware he let go of you at some point and returned with a tissue to dab away at your tears, gently to not hurt your eyes and now he’s hugging you again, a wry smile on his face “You don’t have to worry about a thing, MC. Everything will get sorted out, I promise. In the meantime, come to me if anything troubles you again, OK? No more crying, darling-it’s bad for your eyes.”
-The type to immediately lean in for a hug without even questioning why. As soon as you ask him, you barely have time to finish the question and you already find yourself in his arms. The only exception would be when he’s eating or maybe in the middle of a work out but the point is he doesn’t hesitate much when it comes to you. And I mean, he loves hugs just as much as his siblings do
-Beel is not the most observant and he may not realise you’re in a bad mood unless you tell him outright. It’s not even that he’s emotionally distant, it’s just that if you tell him that you’re fine, then he’s gonna take your word for it and believe you since he’s pretty straightforward with his feelings as well. However, as dense as he may be on occasion, even he’s bound to notice that you’re not being your usual self and this is especially true if you start crying out of nowhere while he’s nearby. Probably assumes the worst and is under the impression that he did something to upset you because shifting the blame onto himself whenever others suffer is his coping mechanism and we’ve seen him to do it before
-If you’ve just had a bad day, he understands that things could’ve been very overwhelming for you and he wishes he had known sooner so he could’ve helped back then, instead of letting it come to this. But he doesn’t hesitate all that much since he looks like he’s built for giving hugs on a daily basis. I’m not even sure this would classify as a hug since you’re not touching the floor. Rather, you are attached to him like a koala and he’s carrying you around as if you were a baby strapped to his chest. And he genuinely doesn’t mind. He’s been doing it with Belphie for centuries now
-Please, after a while he gets seriously concerned because are humans supposed to cry this much? What if you dehydrate or something? So he makes you stay in bed and just gives you plenty of water. You look so pale and sad, he shares his food with you too because his heart is aching just looking at you like this. He feels like besides being there, he can’t provide you with much help and he’s starting to think he’s hopeless at comforting
-If a family member died then…Beel is one of the best people you could’ve gone to. Honestly, having dealt with his sister’s situation, he knows how horrible it is to lose somebody you love dearly (I mean, all the brothers do but I’m making a point saying Beel, Belphie and Lucifer were especially affected). Now he’s sad himself since he’s aware that you’re going through something similar and his twin might walk in on the two of you being emotional on the floor
-For the most part, Beel makes sure you keep yourself healthy even when you’re tired and depressed. Continues to bring you food, even if he eats half of it on his way to your room, and just keeps you company in general in case you get lonely. Seeing you upset makes him even more considerate of your feelings and you don’t have the heart to tell him that he doesn’t need to stay with you all night. He thinks he does because you’ve always offered to stay with him whenever he’s had nightmares before so how he’s gotta return the favour
-Beel gives these bear hugs all the time, since he’s so big and his hand basically covers your entire back. So, more often than not, you end up cuddling while standing because he’s a lot taller than you, with him being a demon and all. Despite that, you feel so unbelievably complete when he holds you like this. It’s hard not to feel protected since his whole body is practically concealing yours so easily all the time and you feel sheltered from the world and it’s….nice
-And Beel enjoys hugging you too, because he knows that as long as he’s nearby, you’ll be safe and that’s really all he needs. He wants to be there for you the same way you were there for him when he needed it most and comforting you when you’re having a shitty day is like his full time job
-You could come to Beel with any problem and he would never judge you, no matter what. He’s just really unproblematic and he just wants you to go back to your normal self because it hurts him to see you cry your eyes out. Now, not only are hugs mandatory but holding your hand is too. It’s like hugging…but your hands are doing the hugging
-Definitely even goes to Belphie after a while if he really doesn’t know what to do and that’s how you know he’s desperate to do something. Since the Seventh Born isn’t exactly someone that yields great advice, more so when it comes to other…people….and his twin knows this-
-Beel’s best strategy at the moment is to just maintain some kind of physical contact because he discovered that makes you feel better and it calms you down more than him trying to verbally console you. He even invited you to sleep in his room if you’re comfortable doing so just so you’re not alone. After that one incident, he’s trying to coax you to tell him whenever something is wrong so he can jump in and help, because that’s all he really wants to do ahakenksms
“MC? Did something happen?” He’s honestly taken aback by how shaky you are and how you’re hands are trembling as they’re reaching to connect with his. Without much of a warning, he feels a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and now he discovers that he doesn’t like seeing you with tears trailing down your face. And he feels worse the longer you wail in his chest and he doesn’t know what to do. So, he wraps his arms around you so tight you think you might explode, strangely comforted by the feeling as he speaks again “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you. What can I do to help, MC? We can just stay like this for a while if you want” And when he sees you nod, he proceeds to not move an inch almost the entire night. Obviously, hunger overtook him eventually but he shared his stolen goods with you so can you really complain? Doubtful, not when he hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time.
- Hugging him is a gamble. Realistically speaking, you’re not going to catch him standing upright long enough for you to give him a hug. He’s laying on the floor somewhere, asleep so you shouldn’t expect much from him to begin with. Even if you were to get lucky and stumble upon him while he’s wide awake, he might slump over and succumb to sleep the moment you embrace him because you’re so warm
-Cuddling is a different story altogether. He’d rather shoot himself in the foot than not have you cuddle with him so if you need to be babied for once, he’s a pretty good option to consider
-As usual, he’s in the attic and you go to him because it’s really late and you didn’t want to wake up any of the other brothers. Actually, Belphie is normally awake by dusk so to see him sleep like a log past midnight was quite surprising. You didn’t exactly want to interrupt but if you stayed alone for any longer, you would’ve gone insane. So you shook him awake. And he was understandably confused and probably forgot what planet he was on for a minute when you did so
-Technically, he was half awake and from his point of view, everything must’ve been pretty blurry. He did see you; the problem was that because he was still feeling very sleepy, he was basically in a daze and could only squint at you to try and figure out if you were really there or if he was hallucinating. His suspicion was confirmed soon enough because he reached out after a few seconds and poked your cheek just to check. His face the entire time and the action itself was so amusing that, despite tittering on the edge of a breakdown, you burst out laughing
-Once he came to the conclusion that you were, in fact, real and he wasn’t dreaming, he sighed and opened his arms out for you; a direct invitation to cuddle with him. By now, he likely didn’t even noticed you looked sad because, as I said, he was all over the place but this little ritual you two have was common enough that it got engraved in his memory. Now he does it out of impulse whenever you’re around and he wants attention
-So you basically tackled him and threw yourself on top of him so hard, both of you toppled over on the bed and now you were used as a blanket, with his arms wrapped securely around you; preventing you from getting up. Not that you were planning on doing that anytime soon but moving on-
-You thought he had fallen back asleep, because he went really quiet and he stopped squirming to get comfortable. To be exact, the whole room was rather still and the only thing you could really hear was Belphie’s soft breathing and the rustle of the bedsheets every once in a while. And since it was extremely dark as well, you couldn’t see a thing either so it felt like the best place to let go of your stress
-It’s not like you were making much noise but as I said, the seventh born wasn’t sleeping just yet. And he wouldn’t be able to because it was obvious to him now that something was wrong. He believed that he was bearing witness to something that should’ve been a lot more private than this so he didn’t say anything. You should have your moment, let you have a chance to recollect your thoughts and the next day, he might ask you
-It was too much to handle. It’s not like he was gonna get any sleep unless he knew your problem was solved otherwise he might get nightmares all night. Besides, if you’re crying this much, then something terrible must’ve happened. You realised he was awake when he gave your entire body a small squeeze, as if to reassure you and you froze because did you just wake him up???? Or worse, did he hear all that sobbing you were doing????
-Hugging him is similar to hugging a pillow. He’s soft and squishy and warm and it’s impossible to resist him when rest at a time like this is so tempting. His fingers running over your pact mark once or twice, as if to remind you that he’s right there and low whispers describing the best dream he ever had about you, hoping to distract you for long enough to help you fall asleep
-To him, it doesn’t make a difference if a family member died or if you’re just having a bad day. All he knows is that you’re having a lot of emotional problems because of either one and as a result, you need a shoulder to lean on. He’s glad that you trust him enough to let him assist and if it was up to him, he would keep cuddling you forever. You’ve already suffered enough so let him take care of you this time around, OK?
“Dumbass, why are you crying?” The gentleness of his words was a clear contrast to that quick insult he shoved at the beginning of his statement, though you couldn’t hear any malice behind it and the fact that he really cared about what happened to cause you to struggle with your emotions so badly, would’ve made you wail even harder. However, he managed to silence you pretty well because he kept speaking and you wanted to listen; you wanted to hear what he had to say so you reduced your sobs and you sat quietly enough to do just that. Belphie flipped you over, now with him on top and you underneath and he laid there, cheek sloshed against yours as he sleepily mumbled out more praise for you, “MC, are you tired? You should go to bed, you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, you can tell me what the problem is and I’ll help. I promise-I’ll even get up early for you. Just…please calm down. I don’t want to see you crying yourself to sleep ever again. I’ll stay here the entire time, alright? And I’ll make sure you have nice dreams tonight MC…just let me hold you…”
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toukatan · 3 years
You read every gojohime fic???? That's amazing!!! What are your favourites?
hello anonie! i guess i can say i’ve read at least a good 80% of all the fics, at least. probably. most likely because the fic tag at the start of the year was tiny and now the community’s grown so much there’s almost 600 of them. that’s insane to me. like hello?
i have a lotta fics that come to mind, that i should honestly make a master post on because i love them all. so here are a few many that came to mind immediately as i typed this up.
gojohime fic recommendations!
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limitations by ohmytheon 
“Parenthood chooses you," her mother used to tell her, but Utahime never understood that saying more than the moment she realized she was pregnant with Gojo Satoru's child. They were never meant to be something serious - never meant to be more than they were - and yet they both suddenly find themselves in a world that doesn't care about their desires - and that brings them closer in a way that no one else can understand. It won't be easy and it won't be kind to either of them, but it appears as if the universe has other plans for them
no one is what they were before by ohmytheon 
The world broke when Gojo Satoru turned on jujutsu society. It's not the hopeful place it was before, but Utahime has never been one to give up. Until she's placed in a dangerous position directly in his path, and she finds herself trapped in a web that doesn't seem intent on ever letting her go.
and touch me like you never by ohmytheon 
In public, Gojo is a special grade bastard, especially to Utahime, and has been all their lives. He knows exactly what insults to throw and what buttons to push to drive her up a wall. In private, however, he's got quite a few other things to tell and show her, which only makes things more confusing. It would be easier if she could avoid him entirely, but for some reason, he won't let her go entirely.
gravity by aerfei
This is Utahime, fierce and indomitable, and this is Satoru, who despite holding the world’s regard, still craves something that Utahime has had all her life. Coming together is sometimes an act of desperation, and sometimes a deliberate choice. Or: An Iori Utahime character study, through the lens of her relationship with Gojo Satoru, starting from the beginning and ending at the Goodwill Event arc. Manga spoilers and (at least 95%) canon-compliant through (at least) chapter 135.
count every single leaf in autumn by florieneofthesea
“I told my family we’re dating.” Utahime’s hand hovers over the door. “What?!” (or: Gojo tells his family that he's dating Utahime to get them off his back, so of course they invite her to the dreaded family dinner™)
favourite colour by otherthingsonhold
At 28, Satoru Gojo's responsibilities only start to multiply. With his clan looking to him to lead the family, and the balance of the universe in his hands, Gojo isn't thinking of much else. But when his mother brings something to his attention, the only thing Gojo can do is follow through. But how is Utahime Iori part of all of this?
gojo catoru by ashittywriter
Utahime is tasked to catsit a suspiciously large Persian dollface cat with pristine white hair, the most boop-able nose, and to top it off the cutest cerulean eyes. Too bad the cat also happens to be her idiotic colleague Gojo Satoru.
at the tail-end of spring by florieneofthesea
Utahime doesn't expect to remember her ex's number off by heart but it comes in handy when she's a little less than sober outside a club in a city she's not familiar with and her battery on three percent. She just wishes things turned out differently for them. (Or, post-break up exploration where outer forces refuse to let them have their happy ending.)
a second chance by onewordmore
In another world, it wasn't Geto who sneered down at humanity, regarding them to be worthless monkeys that deserved to die. In another world, it wasn't Geto who openly defied the Jujutsu Council and brought down terror and fear to all. In another world, it wasn't just Amanai Riko who died that day, amidst the cheers and delighted cries of the insane. And Utahime was going to learn, first hand, the consequences of her own death.
from you to me by onewordmore
A drabble series regarding Gojo and Utahime. From fluff to smut to angst to love. This is going to have it all.
oceansize by aerfei
The marriage is arranged by their families, small clans both, with all their hopes and traditions laid gently upon the shoulders of their only heirs -- and yet, this distance is impassable.
under the cover of darkness by ohmytheon
It takes a little alcohol, early morning hours, and a game of truth or dare for Gojo and Utahime to admit some difficult truths to each other.
risk/reward by ohmytheon 
No punishment had ever been more effective in making Gojo do his actual job than receiving praise from his secretary - or more grueling than when Utahime withheld it.
like a good roommate by ohmytheon
Utahime has a problem: her bed wasn't delivered to the new apartment. Her ridiculous roommate, Gojo, has a solution - but he's kind of panicking on the inside.
aware of us by halspur 
“We did alright, didn’t we?” Gojo put his phone down after taking several dozen photos of Tsumiki walking across the stage, his eyes soft. “I mean, we were just kids, too.”
love song by halspur
“Because you’re weak.” Gojo said, muffled into the thin skin of her throat. “I can’t leave you alone.”
tear you apart by halspur
“I don’t want to be mean to you,” Utahime’s cheek was pressed into his spine, her voice muffled. “I like you.”
cuddles are for clean boyfriends by just_trying_my_best_everyday
Utahime finds Gojo Satoru sitting right behind the door, blindfold hanging on his neck, completely soaked in blood and petting her cat with both hands. And he stinks.
honey by florieneofthesea
Gojo Satoru experiences love a decade before he fully realises it.
roots by florieneofthesea 
At the start of winter, Utahime starts to cough up blood. She thinks maybe its just the lingering damage from her last mission, but the coughing persists and it starts to scratch her throat, and itch at her lungs and when she finally makes the trip to Tokyo to ask Shoko for her help, she doesn't even get the first word out. Shoko welcomes her at the entrance to Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School and Utahime hacks up a single, pale blue petal, smattered with blood. She stares down at the flora on the ground and wonders if she's been cursed. Utahime looks up, and Shoko's eyes are wide.
to have and to hold by ashittywriter
“M’sorry," Gojo said his voice slurring at the end. "But please go away, I have a girlfriend." Utahime blinked in confusion. What the fuck? 
souvenir by PrettyKittyLuvsU
“Aha!” Gojo tugged something out of his pocket, his long fingers curled around it as he held his hand behind his back. His other hand waved before him, a cheeky grin splitting his lips. “Ora, ora! Hold out your hand.” Utahime stared flatly. “Ora, ora!” Gojo persisted, continuing to wave his hand as he grinned. “Hold out your hand already!” Utahime scowled at the hand swaying infront of her face. She had half a mind to slap the man instead, but her students were closely watching. Even Gojo’s students, the second years mainly—for Sukuna’s vessel was apologizing profusely as the brown haired girl continued kicking him while the quiet one made no effort to stop her— looked in fascination at whatever ridiculous souvenir Gojo wanted to hand her. Utahime slowly lifted her arm, already planning on throwing the thing back in Gojo’s annoying face. Gojo gets Utahime a very special kind of souvenir. Set during the start of the Goodwill arc.
dayum this exposes me huh? i do be reading a lot but what can i say i love to see it. all these fics are amazing, to the writers y’all are doing fantastically like my goodness you be really putting ya girl in a loop with some of these fics with your plot-lines and doing it flawlessly. can’t thank them enough for them, their hard work and time!
be sure to show the writers some love and support with comments, bookmarks and fight that dayum kudos button when it smiles at you because lemme leave more—
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i think they’d really really appreciate it when they hear the bing and be sure to check out all of their stories including the ones in the pairing tag! happy readings 😙✨
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 2)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, puking, concussions, mentions of injuries/bullying, homophobia
Word count: 5,138
After school, you were sitting on the couch as you furiously typed on your keyboard at an extremely fast pace. You were on a roll with these essays, they were probably going to be finished by the time you had to go back to the school to get on the bus with the team. You figured that you could even finish Annie’s essay and get started on Sammy’s US history presentation on the sociopolitical climate of the United States in the mid twentieth century to today. However, instead of covering a variety of topics like the rubric requested you to do, you were only going to talk about the significant events that happened to the LGBT+ community starting with Stonewall and going to Obergefell v. Hodges. You were also going to go in depth about how even if there are more opportunities available and more laws set in place to protect for LGBT+ people in the present then there were in past, members of the LGBT+ community still suffer heavy discrimination in the workplace and in the public. With receipts of course, the assignment required a minimum of three pictures per slide, and the group chat was a perfect source.
After that was done, you would email Sammy’s teacher (you had her last year for US history and you knew that she had a son in the grade below you currently transitioning from female to male) that you were the one that did her project and send screenshots of Sammy calling you slurs. Luckily for you, you had receipts of her being transphobic in the past that you could also send. Everything was effortlessly falling into place for you today. 
As you were typing, the front door swung open and two overly excited fifth graders ran into the house and up the stairs. A tired Schlatt followed them. “I will never know how the hell Phil keeps up with them.” 
“I dunno, maybe because he’s already raised three kids before.”
You watched as your uncle jumped and whipped his head over towards you, his hand clutching his chest. He lightly glared at you, “christ kid don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
You smirked at him before turning back to your laptop to continue typing the essay. You were almost done with the conclusion paragraph on Annie’s essay and you wanted to get to Sammy’s presentation as fast as possible. As you were typing, you felt a warm air fan across your neck and your uncle’s voice right next to your ear, “whatcha typin?”
You lept off the couch and almost fell into the coffee table before steadying yourself and deadpanning at Schlatt. “I was typing an essay before you interrupted me.”
He snorted, “it looked like you were on a roll, just thought I’d see what my beloved niece was writing. Can I read it?” 
Your eyes lit up as an excited grin split your cheeks, “yeah, but lemme catch you up real quick. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie got mad at me a few days ago and wanted me to do some homework for them as a sort of payment. But after they pulled that little stunt in the lunchroom yesterday, they decided to be little bitches to me and call me slurs. So naturally, I decided to change the essay prompt into an in depth analysis about discrimination LGBT people face from their peers on the daily. My english teacher’s really against homophobia and the project’s worth twenty five percent of our overall grade, so it’s perfect.”
While you were rambling on and on about your detailed plot for revenge, Schlatt couldn’t help but be proud of the person you’d become. A major part of him was impressed that you came up with a detailed plan so quickly, that meant that his cunning nature was rubbing off on you and that made him ecstatic. Sure you mentioning not being straight was new to him, but he was prepared to accept you for whatever you identified as. He didn’t care how people identified, he just cared if they were good people. And his niece was one of the best kids he knew. He’d let your slip up slide for now until you felt comfortable enough to properly come out to him. 
“That an amazing plan, fuckin brilliant. Though, you could do more.”
That piqued your interest, “I’m listening.”
“Do you have any blackmail?”
Your eyes glinted with sudden understanding, “why yes I do, uncle dearest. I just so happen to have thousands of texts from them talking shit about each other and basically the entire school. And them being incredibly racist. They would be destroyed if that came out.” 
“Two things. One, never call me that again. Two, perfect. Keep it as leverage if they try to do something. You don’t pull out all the good cards in the first round, you wait for the right moment to strike so you can win. You need to constantly defend yourself against other players and anticipate their every move. If you leak everything right now, you won’t have anything to use against them if they have something up their sleeve you didn’t know about. Patience is key in things like this.”
You absorbed every single word that came out of his mouth like it was the holy gospel. Although he was your uncle and you loved him with all your heart, but he was a sly bastard when he wanted to be. He knew his way around fighting and manipulating people just right, so you were incredibly happy that you were on his good side and he absolutely adored you. Though questionable and morally gray, he was giving you advice because he cared about you and you’d be an idiot to not heed his advice. 
“That’s genius, Uncle Schlatt. What would I do without you?”
“You’d get along just fine without me, you would’ve gotten there eventually. You’re smart. I’m just givin you a little push in the right direction.”
“I honestly would’ve never thought about waiting, I was so dead set on getting revenge that I would’ve just leaked everything all at once. I want them to feel how I felt when they were around me. I-” you paused. Would this make you the same as them? You’d be screwing up all their grades, Adrian’s job, and Sammy’s athletic career. You came to the chilling realization that you’d be the same as them. You’d be as manipulative as they were. “...Uncle Schlatt, would that make me the same as them?”
“Fuck no! You’re always gonna be better than them no matter what. When they’re at their best, you’re always gonna be a whole lot better than them. They deserve what’s happening to them, it sounds like they put you through so much shit the past few years. I actually think you could do a whole lot worse to them if you’re willing to put more work in, but it’s your plan and if you think that what you’re doing is too much,” he darkly chuckled, “you wouldn’t like my idea.”
“You’re right, they deserve everything I have planned for them. God, I don’t know what I was thinking, ‘would that make me the same as them,’” you mocked what you said earlier, “what a load of shit. Anyways, thanks Uncle Schlatt. I’m gonna get back to writing this. They’re due tomorrow and I wanna finish as much as I can before I have to go.”
“Alright, whaddya want for dinner? Phil’s gonna be like thirty minutes late from work so I’m cookin tonight.”
Oh no. No, no, no, no. That man can barley cook boxed mac n cheese, let alone anything else. He’d burn down the house if you left him alone in the kitchen with the stove. “On second thought, why don’t I help you with dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo.”
“Awe, you’d rather hang out with me than finish your homework? Ya really do love me. C’mon let’s start.”
The process of making dinner was… interesting. Multiple times, Schlatt almost spilled boiling water on himself and he even managed to burn the pasta while it was in the water. How he even managed to do that you’d never find out, you had your back turned cutting up vegetables and herbs at the time. That was when you subtly started to take over in the kitchen, giving him smaller tasks while you handled everything else. You felt bad for Tubbo, his father can’t cook for shit. 
By time you finished, about an hour passed and Philza had come home and changed out of his work clothes. The two adults sat at the table discussing something that you didn’t pay attention to while your brothers and cousin were in the living room waiting for you to finish dinner. Finally, you set the table and it was time to eat. 
Because you couldn’t have many fatty foods before any matches or practices, you had made a separate plate for yourself that only had plain pasta, chicken, and broccoli. You were surprised with how well it turned out, you were following an iffy recipe you found on the first link Google brought up. 
After dinner, you went upstairs to put your uniform on and pack a little bag full of things you might need: a small blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and a portable charger. Oh, and fuzzy socks and a pair of crocs. You could never go wrong with fuzzy socks and crocs. Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.
Hales : )
(Y/n), I’m omw to your house
Gonna give you a ride to the school
Hales you don’t have to give me a ride, I can drive
Hales : )
Don’t care
Omw, be there in like 7 mins
You swiped out of yours and her conversation and opened up the family group chat
I don’t need a ride to the school, Haley’s giving me one
She’s gonna give me a ride home too
Alright, thank her for me
Tell her I said good luck too!
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
(Y/n), do everything he wouldn’t do
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck you I’m a good influence
You’re really not
Technology Sword
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck all of you 
You heard Haley’s car pull into the driveway and dashed out of your room with your bag. Just as you put your hand on the doorknob, a hand stopped you.
You grumbled as you reached past Philza to grab your coat. After you slipped it on, you were pulled into a hug. “You’re gonna do great out there. I know you’re gonna win this, we’ll be watching in the stands.”
“Damn right she’s gonna do good, she’s my niece after all.”
Schlatt pulled you away from your father’s hug and tried to ruffle your hair before you swatted away his hand, “don’t. You have no idea how long it took me to get a perfect ponytail. I have an ungodly amount of hairspray and bobby pins in my hair right now.”
“Fine. You’re gonna kick their asses tonight.”
Tommy and Tubbo pushed past Schlatt and both tackled you into a hug making you stumble slightly back. 
“Kick their asses good (y/n)!” Tommy cheered, making you crack up before one stern glance from Philza completely stopped you. “Tommy, don’t say that. (Y/n), not funny.”
“Alright, Haley’s waiting for me. I gotta go, love you guys!” As you turned to walk through the door, you could hear your family following you and shouting “good luck”. You felt heat creep up on your cheeks as Haley rolled down her window and wove at your family with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Thank you! We’re gonna take home the gold for sure!”
You hopped in her car as she rolled up the window and chuckled. “I love your family, they’re always so full of energy. It’s refreshing to see compared to how boring my family is.”
You glanced at your entire family gathered on the front porch. Tommy and Tubbo were practically vibrating with excitement, Wilbur and Techno calmly smiled and wove at you, Philza was grinning widely at you as you saw his mouth forming words that you couldn’t hear or read, and Schlatt was grinning cheekily at you. You raised your hand to wave at them as they vanished from view when Haley pulled out of your driveway. You smiled softly, “I love em too.”
The car ride was relatively quick with the same soft indie pop music floating from the speakers and an easy going conversation with Haley about the match tonight. You both thought that you could beat the other team if everyone focused 100% and played exactly like you guys did in practices. If everyone did that, you would be unstoppable. 
Luckily for you and Haley, you were the first ones in line to board the bus so you two got the back seat with Zara and Jazzy sitting across from you guys. The hour long bus ride passed quickly and lively with you four passing around your phone and playing some mad libs, you were sure that by the end of the last game you four were laughing and crying. Sometime in the middle of the trip, you noticed that Haley would start to lean on your shoulder and continuously glance at you as she laughed. You desperately wanted to believe that it was because she liked you, but she was straight and she was your best friend. She was probably trying to make sure you were having a good time. 
When the team had gotten to the opposing school and left the locker room to stretch in the gym, you could hear your family start to scream your and Haley’s names from the front row next to you, Tommy and Tubbo being the loudest amongst them with Philza trying to get them to quiet down so you could focus. You felt your cheeks heat up as you smiled at them and Haley wove enthusiastically back at them. Zara was laughing at you two. Stretching went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were on the court facing the opposing team. 
The first match was won by the opposing team by five points. The second match stretched on and on until it was won by your team narrowly by two points. The team was going to have to shape up in the third match if you guys wanted a chance at winning, the opposing team was good. Before the third match started, Coach Williams called for a time out so you guys could talk about strategy. Before Haley could go back onto the court, you pulled her aside.
“Hales, we need to do what we practiced. The other team won’t be expecting it at all, I’ve been setting you up this entire game. They’re never going to expect you setting me up for a spike.”
“When are we going to do it though? We need a better plan.”
“I’m sure the opportunity will come and both of us will recognize it. We just can’t do it too early in the game though, that’ll ruin their surprise.”
“(Y/n), I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When do I not Hales? We gotta get gold this year.”
The third round went by with both teams constantly swapping places until you both were tied fifteen to fifteen. You saw the ball flying towards Haley, giving her the perfect opportunity to set you up for a spike.  “HALEY NOW!” 
You watched as her face hardened in determination as she pretended like she was going to spike it by jumping high in the air and stretching her arms back, making the opposing front row players all gather in front of her. Much to their surprise, she launched it towards you as you leaped up and went for the kill. The stinging of the ball hit by your wrist and the smack sound the ball made when it slammed onto the open gym floor was something you’d never forget as the crowd around you went wild over the unexpected play. You could hear the high pitched screaming of Tommy and Tubbo over everybody else. Glancing at them over your shoulder, you saw them jumping up and down on the gym floor and looking at you with awe filled eyes and gaping mouths. The rest of your family looked at you with similar expressions, their cheers echoing in your mind. Winking at them, you turned back to your team and went straight to Haley. Clapping a hand on her shoulder, you pulled her into a quick hug, yelling over the raving of the crowd. “HALEY WE NAILED THAT!” 
“You have such little faith in your setter! You wound me Hales.”
“Well, I would have more faith in you if you weren’t chaotic on the court, sweetheart.”
You felt yourself surge in happiness at the nickname, but you couldn’t afford to focus too much on it. Your team only needed one more point to win best in the state and go to nationals. It would be the first time in your team’s history if you reached national level, and you’d be damned if you were the one to screw it up for them. 
The last rotation went on for a while, each team fighting tooth and nail for the state championship title with clashing determination. You tried your best to block every hit and try to set Haley up for a spike, and you were successful for the most part, only missing a few blocks. You saw the setter adjacent to you set the spiker up for a spike and jumped up in time to try to block it, your arms stretched upwards and your palms out. Only, the ball didn’t hit your hands. It collided painfully with your nose, ricocheted off your face with a thwack and sailed over to the other side of the court. Your head whipped back as your body followed suit and flew backwards onto the floor. Without giving you any time to react, your head bounced back and cracked against the polished hardwood floor of the gym. Everything went black. 
You faintly heard someone calling someone’s name over the continuous ringing noise. Was it your name? It felt right, so it had to be your name. You peeled your eyes open to see a blurry figure hovering over you. It was swirled with tans, browns, and backs. After a while of the figure repeating your name, it slowly became more recognizable, albeit appearing twice in your vision. It took you a while to figure out who this was before your muddled brain recognized Haley.
“Hales! There’s two o’ya. Twice as beautiful babe…” You slurred out as you attempted to smile at her.
“Oh thank god, PLEASE WE NEED A DOCTOR SHE HIT HER HEAD!” Her usually angelic voice gritted against your brain like sandpaper making you cringe as pain exploded in your head.
“God babe you’re so loud, why’s so bright? I-wha's goin on?” You blearily tried to move your head to look around only to be stopped by a pair of large hands on each side of your head gently holding it in place. You moved your laggy eyes around to look at the figure. He was a blonde man with blue eyes and a hint of stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked… he looked… your brain worked to figure out why he looked how he looked. Who was he?
“Please don’t move hun.” His muffled voice was baritone. You squinted at him trying to figure out who this man was.
“Who th f-fuck… why?”
“I’m your dad hun. Do-do you not recognize me?” You made a noise in the back of your throat as your stuffy brain finally put a name to the face.
“Dad- wha’s goin on? I’on feel so good…”
“Shh, I know, I know. Just stop moving and talking. Everything’s fine. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Mmk… Dad, where are we? I’ont know- you’re so quiet.”
“Stop moving so much. You’re on the floor in a gym. You just won your team the state championship. Now stop talking please.”
Huh. So that’s why everybody seemed to appear from above you. You strained your eyes to look around you, but you could only see your dad’s face hovering above you. “Shit I- who’s aroun’ me? Where’s Hales?”
“I’m right here sweetheart. I got the doctor, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad’s face moved away from your vision so fast that it made your head spin and your stomach twist. Another face appeared above you that you once again didn’t recognize.
“I’m Doctor Martin, can you tell me your first and last name?”
“Uh, (y/n) Minecraft?”
“Good, what month are we in right now?”
“Close, it’s late October. Can you tell me who this,” he pointed to your dad, “is?”
“S’my dad Phillip.”
“That’s your dad Philza.”
The questioning stopped as he suddenly shined a blinding light into your sensitive eyes. You hissed as you tried to move your head away from the offending light only to be held in place by your dad’s hands. Your head spun as you moved too quickly and a wave of nausea hit you, making you groan and move your arm to cover your eyes. Your hand was stopped by something warm and soft wrapping around it and holding it tightly. Everything was so overwhelmingly and painfully bright and loud. You wanted to make it stop. 
“Mr. Minecraft, your daughter appears to have a concussion. I don’t have the tools on hand to determine the severity of it, but it’s worrying that her pupils are asymmetrical, she’s delirious, and has slight memory loss. I understand you live about an hour away from here, and it’s alright for you to take her to a hospital closer to your house. Make sure you keep her alert.”
Your delirious mind only registered about half of what came out of the doctor’s mouth. You mumbled gibberish as you once again opened your eyes to look around. You were only briefly able to crane your neck to the left. Several figures large and small were standing behind your dad. Your family, your mind supplemented. Slowly, your mind was starting to recognize your surroundings even if there was currently double of everything and everything was blurry.
“I’m going to help you stand up. Do ya think you can do that?”
“Yeah Dad.” You lifted your upper body off from the ground with a gentle hand on your back helping you sit up. Fighting the wave of nausea that slapped you in the face, you reached up to rub at your eyes. A hand once again stopped you. You peeked your eyelids open and lightly glared at whomever stopped you. “Hales you’re lucky you’re so cute I woulda slapped you. I like holdin but you’re bein annoying. Stop.” You attempted to make your voice sound firm, but the words that came out of your mouth were slightly slurred.
She was silent as she helped her dad haul you to your feet. Once on your feet, you saw the room spin and felt yourself start to sway slightly. An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you close to them so that your weight was supported. They were a little taller than you were making it easy to lean on them. 
“...Can you walk?” A deep, monotone voice rumbled the chest of the person you were leaning against. 
“Mhm. ‘M not weak.” Though your limbs felt like they were made of molasses, you placed one foot in front of the other slowly. The person moved alongside you, “you’re doing so good, keep going.” That sparked familiarity in you as you stopped in your tracks and tried to look up at the person you were leaning against making the person tighten their arm around your shoulders when you almost fell over.
“Yeah, it’s Technoblade. Just focus on walking. You’re almost out of the gym.”
When you realized that you were out of the gym, you sighed in relief. It was so much quieter and darker. Though it was still relatively bright, it was better than the gym. 
“When we get her to the car we can give her some sunglasses or something if it’s still too bright for her.”
“Focus on walking.”
You huffed in irritation, “don’ tell me what to do bitch.”
You felt Techno’s body jolt slightly as he chuckled, making your head throb at the sudden movement. “Just walk.”
When you walked outside, you shivered as you felt the cool air nip at your exposed skin. Right, you were in your volleyball uniform. “I’ll go pull the car around, you guys stay with her.” 
You saw a tall brunet start to walk away from you. Uncle Splat? Uncle Schmat? Whatever his name was, you were sure he was your uncle. You tried to snuggle closer to Techno, craving warmth but never being satisfied. Where was your uncle? 
After a while, you saw a car moving towards you and blinding light pointed right at you making you cringe away and groan. Techno started to slowly walk towards the car. “C’mon (y/n), you’re almost there. When you’re in the car you can relax.”
“Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno, you’re in the back row. Schlatt can drive and Wil, you’re taking the passenger seat. I’ll stay with her in the middle row so she can have some room to lay down.” Tommy and Tubbo were with you? Why weren’t they talking, they usually were very vocal.
“Tom, Tubbs didja like the game?”
They didn’t say anything as they climbed into the car. Did they not hear you? 
“They’re just… tired (y/n).” Your dad’s voice reassured you as he took Techno’s place holding you up. 
“I wanna nap. ‘M so tired.”
“You can’t sleep yet. We gotta get you to a doctor first.”
“Mm. Makes sense.”
“Let’s get you in the car hun.”
As he helped you climb into the car, you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea wash over you making you lose your balance and almost faceplant into the cloth seats. You felt yourself being gently, yet urgently taken out of the car and led to grass as you felt your esophagus shorten. Something burning made its way up your throat and spewed into the grass. You felt someone rubbing your back as you puked up your dinner. 
When you were done, you reached up with a shaking hand to wipe your mouth. “You feelin better? Think you can get back into the car or do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After some difficulty, you were successfully in the middle row of the car laying down with your head on Philza’s lap. Soon enough, your shoes were taken off and a blanket was draped over you. 
“(Y/n), what do you remember?”
You scrunched up your face as you squinted at Philza’s face. “I remember playing volleyball with Hales. She’s so pretty, she’s straight though. I remember the other team hitting the ball, me jumping, then nothin. Wha’ happened?”
You watched as Philza winced, “well, you got everything right so far. You got hit in the face with the ball so you fell and hit your head on the floor. You were passed out for a minute before you woke up. It was a pretty nasty fall, we’re going to the hospital now. How’re ya feelin?”
“Head hurts, ‘m seein two of everything, an I can’t think.”
“Do you know what a concussion is?” You nodded in his lap slightly, “you probably have one.”
After a while of talking, you were slowly starting to come to your senses and your speech was clearing up, but your head was still too stuffy to think about what you were saying before you said it. You didn’t have a filter.
“Do you wanna tell us about your week so far? Do you remember most of it?”
“Mhm, it was shit. On Monday I had a panic attack and Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were being bitches to me all day. They fucked up my back. On Tuesday, they got mad at me for ditching them and they had me do their homework, had another panic attack, and Haley told me that someone took pictures of our boobs ‘n stuff and they were gonna leak it to the school if Haley didn’t stop hanging out with me. Haley and I almost kissed, but she’s straight. Pulled an all nighter and Wednesday I accidentally came out to Tech and Wil and had another panic attack. Annie, Adrian, and Sammy took more pictures of me through my window, Annie outed me to the entire school and slapped me. Another panic attack, skipped the last two classes and felt like shit the entire practice. Today Adrian and Sammy told me to kill myself and I had another panic attack. ’S about it.”
As you were going through your week, the hand that was previously gently stroking your hair had frozen as the car was enveloped in a tense silence. Luckily, Tommy and Tubbo were passed out in the back seat so they didn’t hear how bad your week was. Everyone awake knew that you had a few bad days this week, but they didn’t know the full extent of it. You watched as Philza’s expression had turned downright murderous, but you didn’t really care. You were busy talking about your week.
For the rest of the car ride, Philza asked you simple questions like what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, basically your favorite everything. Eventually, the car pulled into the hospital parking lot and Philza helped you get out of the car. “Schlatt, can you take the boys home so they can get some rest? I’ll stay with her.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t cause too much trouble (y/n), we all know you can raise hell.” He watched you for a reaction, but when you didn’t react, he coughed. “Well, I’ll see ya later kid. Good luck.”
The car drove off leaving you and Philza at the front of the emergency room building. “It’s gonna be a long night (y/n).”
“I gotta finish Annie’s essay and Sammy’s presentation though.”
“No you don’t, I’ll email your teachers.”
You two checked in with the front desk before moving to sit on the uncomfortable chairs. It was going to be a long night. You were so tired.
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@immadatmostthings  @thaticecreambish  @hee-hee-haw  @dearnataliealoveletter  @wasteofspacze  @dcml04  @bbigbbrainn  @dirtydiavolo  @vanhakirja  @rinzyx05  @misselsbells06  @ialexabsuniverse  @im-a-depressed-gay  @energy-drinkk  @mothra-main  @i-need-hugs  @dragons-lurk-here  @katj733  @m4r-s  @vievi  @dykeragee  @waterstrawberry  @aplaintart  @kakamiissad  @myunfinishedsymphony  @nagitokinnieissad  @autumnpleaves  @justanothergirlwithdemons  @zachariethememerie  @moon-asia  @m0on-blue  @strawberrysodababy  @akikko-yataro  @haikkeiji  @shiningsunrises  @cinnamonmochi  @queen-turtle-boiii  @imanewsoul  @sparkling-gayyyy  @angelicaschuyler-church  @vixenfoxpup  @ella-ivanov  @shio-yuki  @mosstea-png @ijustshatbricks  @sugarandspicebutnonice  @coolayee  @haikkeiji  @sadassflatass
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magecrafts · 3 years
yelena x reader headcanons.
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yelena x reader ; the one with pet names, friendship bracelets, meeting the family, and apple picking.
warnings: nada. literally just fluff.
i do take requests but please give this a read before doing so!
You don’t have a traditional pet name for Yelena. Sometimes babe slips out, sometimes my love, but neither of them are your favorite. Or hers. That one — the best one, the one you both like the most — slips out when she’s doing weird shit. In a cute way. There was one time you woke up in the middle of the night to find her sitting up beside you in bed with a blanket thrown over her head and a flashlight in hand while she paged through a magazine. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked at her for a moment, blinking the sleep from your eyes. “Yelena?” She cursed softly in Russian and the flashlight winked out. You picked up the edge of the blanket and peered at her underneath it, a grin inching across your lips. “What’re you doin’?” She clicked the flashlight back on and said, “I’m being considerate of the fact that you’re asleep and I am not. I was doing a good job.” You laughed, tugged the blanket off of her, and leaned over to switch on the bedside lamp to give her better light to read by. “You don’t need to worry about that,” you told her. “Ultron could return and I’d sleep through it. I can handle a little light.” She huffed, reached for you, and gently pinched your cheek, saying, “And here I was thinking I was doing a nice thing.” You turned your head, chuckling, and kissed her palm, mumbling, “You could’ve gone to the living room to read.” Apparently she couldn’t have. “Could not,” she says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I don’t like leaving you.” Right. That. You liked hearing that.  “Gross,” you said, grinning, reaching for her. “C’mere, dummy.” 
Yelena can’t take pet names seriously. Sometimes she’ll scrunch up her face and call you baby boo, or honey face, or angel tits. Sometimes she’ll reach for your face, pinch your cheeks, and call you things in Russian that she refuses to translate and that you couldn’t transcribe to translate yourself even if you wanted to. Lately she’s taken to calling you “my little helpless American.” 
“What is this?” Yelena’s leaning over the back of the couch, warm fingers gently tugging at your ear. “Video game,” you tell her, reaching back to touch her cheek. “What’s the objective? Hunt the little animals who walk on two legs?” “No, Lena,” you say, “you just collect them, you know, give them a nice place to live and make sure they’re happy.” Yelena makes a sound. Then she’s climbing over the back of the couch and sinking down beside you with her hands out. “Lemme try.” You give her the controller. You show her where your tools are, tell her how to collect fruit, explain that you can buy things from the little raccoon dogs to decorate the island with. Twenty minutes later all she’s done is chop down half of your trees and get stung by a wasp. 
Yelena needs things to do with her hands. She isn’t used to stagnancy, to being still, to sitting back when there truly isn’t anything to be done. She spent so long at the beck and call of a man who rarely let her rest, who used her to execute wicked plan after wicked plan. She’s used to doing, to fighting, to always having someone ready to tell her what she’s expected to do next. Downtime is new to her. First it’s friendship bracelets. Then it’s braiding your hair fifteen different ways she learned on YouTube overnight. You take her to the hardware store with you one time and she comes home with a bag full of paracord in twelve different colors. “Friendship bracelets on steroids,” she calls them when she presents you with the first one she makes. It’s black and forest green and she ties it around your wrist with a proud smile on her face. “Is this the—” “Same colors as my vest,” she finishes for you. “Cool, huh?” Wearing it feels like carrying a little piece of Yelena with you everywhere you go. 
To meet her sister for the first time she takes you to an axe throwing range. “Natasha’s almost as fun as me, but she’s scary about it. Watch — I bet you a back massage that she doesn’t miss one single bullseye.” Natasha shakes your hand awkwardly when you meet her, expressionless until Yelena smacks her in the arm and hisses, “You said you’d be nice.” Yelena’s right — her sister doesn’t miss a single bullseye. And Natasha loosens up a little when you ask her to show you proper throwing form. She does, and you get better, and Yelena just looks happy that the two of you are getting along. “That was nice,” Yelena says later. Then she furrows her brow, reaches for you, and tugs on your belt loop. “Was that nice? I don’t know how things like that are supposed to go.” You tell her it was and when she beams you feel your heart flutter in your chest.
When you meet her parents it’s a little less intimidating. Alexei nearly cracks your ribs with a hug. Melina introduces you to the pigs she keeps on the land behind the house. You order pizza because Melina doesn’t care much for cooking, and Alexei introduces you to Ochakovo. Yelena looks happy to be around them, if a little sheepish. Eventually Alexei tells you Yelena’s just worried you’d think they were lame. You don’t, you think they’re fantastic, and you don’t hesitate to lean over and kiss the exasperated blush from Yelena’s cheeks, much to her chagrin.
Cuddling with Yelena is never predictable. She moves a lot in her sleep, so whether you fall asleep in her arms or across her chest there’s no telling how the two of you will wake up. Sometimes you wake up to a mouthful of her hair. Sometimes to her face smushed against your chest. Occasionally to her with an arm and a leg thrown over you. Other times with your shirt ridden up and her cheek pressed against your warm belly. But no matter how you fall asleep she’s always right there when you wake up and that’s the only thing you care about.
The only time Yelena looks happier than when she’s with you is when she gets the dog. She and Fanny love each other instantly.
Yelena says it first. Drops it casually in conversation over breakfast because she doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it and make you uncomfortable if you aren’t ready for it. But you’re ready. “Google says there’s an apple orchard forty minutes out of town,” she says as she tears the crust off of her toast. You brighten instantly, saying, “You’d go apple picking with me?” “You love apples,” she says, shrugging, “and I love you, so of course I will. It’s my turn to take you on a date, isn’t it?”
You say it four hours later at the orchard. She pulls a golden delicious from a tree, bites into it, and kisses you. She tastes like apples and cinnamon chewing gum and you’ve never tasted anything better in your life. You break from her lips, forehead resting against hers. “Wow,” she says, grinning. “I’m really getting good at that, huh?” You roll your eyes, lean against her chest, and say, “Calm down, dummy. I’d love you even if you sucked at it.” When she tells you to say it again, you do. You’ve never seen her smile so big. 
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koulakoukoula2003 · 3 years
Family (Levi x Reader)
Pairing: Levi x OC, Levi x Y/n, Levi x You, Levi x Reader
Trigger Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Summary: Levi returns home after a long day in the Survey Corps HQ only to find you sleeping with your twin babies curled around you. He offers to tuck them to bed, and you catch him singing "So Ist Es Immer" whilst tucking little Isabel, and little Furlan to sleep
So Ist Es Immer - Samuel Kim & Sorah Version (Spotify Link)
Levi walked in and the smell of chicken in the stove reached his nostrils right away, though he could tell nothing was boiling on the stove at this hour. His dinner was ready a while now. The only light open, the one in the hall that they’d always leave open in the nights, bringing light in all the rooms since his babies and his (y/n) couldn’t sleep without an indication of light.
It was late in the night now and he was sure they were sleeping. Levi had a smile forming on his lips. That day was finally over and here he was now, home. A place to call his own. A place where his family was waiting for him at the end of the day. Family. He had been so alone. He always needed one. He always wanted to build a family and be the father that he never had. He always wanted a home that sounded and smelled like one. The floor practically creaked beneath his feet. His (y/n) had kept it clean enough to exceed his standards. She always did.
Levi hung his black suit jacket by the coat-stand and pushed off his shoes. He made his way through the dark living room and walked in the hall, and then in his and (y/n)’s bedroom. His smile only grew when he walked in. He couldn’t complain at the sight. (Y/n) was in the middle. Her head, resting back on the wooden headboard and slightly rolled down to her shoulder, and then, their little angels were around her. Furlan nuzzled in her chest. Isabel’s face nuzzled on her mom’s belly. The little ones were dressed in their pyjamas, though, (y/n) was still in that grey skirt and her white shirt. Her arms were thrown around them both, to make sure they wouldn't fall off the bed, and all three of them were sleeping right there peacefully.
Levi sighed contently as he crossed his arms against his chest, pressing some of his weight on the entrance of the room and he just stared at them, and at how wonderful all three of them looked. He had to commit this to memory. He really had to. The attack on Liberio was fast approaching, only a week away. He had everything in this very room right this very instant. He had the three most precious people in this world. The thought of somehow losing this was enough to drive him insane. Let alone letting it happen.
No. He wasn’t going to allow it. He had everything in this room. Everything. He was probably the happiest man alive, but he could, very fast, and very easily be the saddest. So he committed it to memory, the look of his (y/n) having passed out on their bed with their babies around her. There was a storybook laid down in her lap, open in the page they had left it. A blanket was thrown on top of all three.
“As a husband and a father, it’s my responsibility to keep my family safe,” He had once said. And had gladly taken on that responsibility because what he was staring at now was worth everything that he had to offer and so much more. It was worth everything. And for a moment, he was indeed thinking of sleeping on the couch, and just leaving them to continue their much-needed rest. He’d sleep on the floor if he had to. He didn’t care. Everything he’d do, he’d do it for them. His family.
“Levi?” (Y/n)’s sweet, sleepy voice snapped him out of it. She had noticed him being there and she had slipped out of her rest and she looked at that smile on his face and that determined look in his eyes, which softened right away. She looked around her and she giggled, leaning down pressing forehead kisses on them both. “Seems we passed out,” She smiled sweetly at her husband as he approached them.
“I’ll tuck them to bed,” Levi offered as he gathered them both in his arms, gently and careful not to wake them, and he turned around exiting the room and heading for their own.
(Y/n) chuckled as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen to serve Levi his dinner. He must have been hungry. When she was done heating up the food of chicken in tomato sauce and rice, she served them on a dish and settled it on the kitchen table before she set off to find him.
And when she did, it was her own turn to smile like an idiot with her own arms crossed against her chest and her weight pressed by the entrance of their kids’ room. A familiar melody reached her ears as she stared at the sweetest scene, she ever thought possible.
“…you and I talk all the night long. Meagre the space, but serves us so well. We comrades have stories to tell,” Levi sang softly. His voice, almost a whisper.
The only ‘lullaby’ he knew. But that song meant so much to him. Furlan would play that song on the guitar. It was the first song he had danced to. It was the song at his first dance with his beloved (y/n). He fell in love with her in those dances to that song. He’d whisper it to her when she needed him. When she’d clutch onto him from some kind of pain, from some kind of injury, or some kind of breakdown. He’d hum or sing her this and she’d calm. And she would always do the same for him. It worked on their two babies just as perfectly. He tucked them both beneath their clean bedsheets, pushing their blankets on top of their little bodies and laying forehead kisses on them both. He smiled down at his precious little brats that deserved the world.
Levi turned and looked at his wife, noticing finally that she had been standing there all along with a dreamy smile on her lips. He chuckled silently and he approached her, humming the chorus of that song as he wrapped an arm around her and the other caught her own. His Nathalie followed his lead as they danced their way through the hall and she giggled helplessly at their small little dance that reminded her of all those nights in the Underground.
Even their time in the Underground sounded sweet. Even back then, they were happy in that dirty little misty place, surrounded by enemies, but they had each other. And so long as they had each other, even hell could feel like paradise. And paradise could feel like hell without one another, exactly as those three years without her had felt.
Levi cupped her face and stopped their little dance once they reached the kitchen. She had that smile on her pink lips, and that dreamy look in her eyes that let him know exactly how happy she now was. His (y/n) was happy. He’d never seen her happier. He’d do anything to achieve that smile on her lips. He smiled softly down at her and he pressed his lips against her own. He kissed her softly, not once pushing his tongue past her lips unless she let him. And she did.
Her arms slipped around his shoulders and she brought him close. His own arms tightened around her waist, pressing her small body against his own, and he sighed blissfully in their soft little kiss, on her sweet taste that he met with his tongue. He loved his (y/n). Way too much. And she loved her Levi. She’d give it all. She just wished they could stay forever like this. She just wished there was no war, and no job to go to. No missions to fulfil, no terrors, no monsters to fight. She just wanted to live in this beautiful house with her husband and their beautiful little angels. What a perfect, happy life that would be.
She giggled as she pulled back and she cupped his face. She ran her soft thumb across his cheek. His taste, on her lips, sweet and familiar. She wanted more, but his dinner was waiting for him and Levi was probably hungry.
“I’ve prepared some dinner if you’re hungry,” (y/n) said looking up at her husband and he nodded.
“Who am I to refuse a meal from my wife?”
A/N: Thanks for reading!! Feel free to reblog, and lemme know what you think in your comments below 🥰🥰🥰
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Subaru
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade
Seiyuu: Takashi Kondou
Audio: Here
“Haah...Why was the bath water so darn hot today? Well, I’m pretty sure Ayato’s the one behind it...Fuck...He’s definitely catchin’ these hands once I’ve recovered...”
You walk up to Subaru.
“Oh, it’s you...I’m fine, really. I just stayed in the hot tub a lil’ too long. (1) I’ll feel better soon if I just leave it be. Now get out of my sight if you don’t need anythin’.”
You leave for a bit but return soon after.
“...Why did you come back?”
“What’s that? A chilled towel? No thank you. It’ll get better over time so don’t try and force it.”
You insist.
“Che...You still love to meddle with other people’s affairs, don’t you?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Didn’t you hear me when I said I don’t need that crap!?”
You flinch.
You walk away with a frown on your face.
“...Oi, wait!”
“Listen...I’m not against the idea but...It’s just that I feel kinda sluggish right now, which is making me more irritable...So wipe that frown off your face. You usually walk ‘round with a bright smile on your face so whenever you show me that expression...It throws me off.”
You tell him you’re concerned. 
"Feelin’ a little dizzy from takin’ a hot bath really isn’t a big deal but...If you insist...I don’t mind lettin’ you do your thing.”
You smile.
“But lemme tell you, I’m not happy to have you take care of me like this or anythin’! I just have no other choice ‘cause you’re too darn persistent.”
*Rustle rustle*
“You really are a weirdo...Bein’ concerned about a Vampire’s wellbeing...Come on, do it already.”
You hesitate. 
“...What’s wrong? You’re gonna put that towel on my forehead, right?”
You explain.
“Hm? My hair? ...Ah, it was way too hot and too much of a bother, so I didn’t wipe it dry.”
You scold him.
“Not dryin’ my hair won’t make my condition worse or anythin’.”
You offer to dry his hair.
“Hah...? You’re gonna wipe down my hair? ...Why would you bother though?”
You insist.
“...Fine. Be my guest.”
You start drying his hair.
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*Rustle rustle*
*Rustle rustle*
“...It’s fine, just continue.”
You nod.
“It doesn’t hurt! ...Nice.”
You ask him to repeat himself.
“...I said it feels nice, so just keep goin’...!”
You ask if he wiped down his body at least. 
“Aah? My body? ...Well, I did run a towel across. I’m already dry now anyway so why does it matter? You’re so fussy...I didn’t have a lot of energy to spare today so that was the last thing on my mind. Now shut up and do your thing.”
You note that his hair is very soft.
“...Haah!? What are you sayin’ all of a sudden!? ...Actually, isn’t your hair even softer?”
You raise a brow.
“Like when I embrace you and such...Your hair always tickles my skin.”
You apologize.
“Why would you say sorry? ...I don’t dislike the feelin’ or anythin’.”
You blush.
“...D-Don’t get all flustered and wipe down the other side of my hair already!”
You ask him how he likes it. 
“...What do you mean? You’re just dryin’ my hair, right? Well, I can’t say I particularly enjoy havin’ some other person touch me but if it’s you...I don’t mind.”
You seem surprised.
“Didn’t I tell you earlier as well? ...That it feels nice. So don’t get weird assumptions in your head!”
You nod.
“Geez, makin’ me say this weird shit...I’m startin’ to doubt whether you’re actually worried ‘bout me or not.”
You tell him you’re finished. 
“...S-Sure. ...You’re done?”
“Aah, right. You were gonna put the towel on my forehead, no?”
You move his hair out of the way.
*Rustle rustle*
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“It’s durin’ these kind of moments your stubborn side really shows, huh? Haah...”
You frown.
You ask him if he’s upset.
“I’m not. I just feel a lil’ tired, that’s all. ...You can leave now. I’ll feel better soon if I just sit here like this for a while.”
You protest.
“No ‘buts’...! You already did plenty so why still stay? I’m gonna rest here...until it gets better. Don’t disturb me.”
You reach out for Subaru.
*Rustle rustle*
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“You...What are you doin’...!?”
You press your forehead against his to check his temperature.
“My temperature’s high? Well duh, I told you I stayed in the hot tub for too long. ...Anyway, don’t press your forehead against mine out of nowhere.”
You ask him if he wants something to drink.
“A glass of water? ...I’m fine.”
You frown.
“How many times have I told you so far that I don’t need anythin’? Geesh...”
You ask if he feels better yet.
“Haah...You’re way too much of a worrywart.”
You explain that you want him to feel better soon.
“...Would you do pretty much anythin’ if I asked you?”
You agree to doing anything to nurse him back to health.
“Lookin’ after me...”
Subaru tugs you close.
“...You’re gonna live up to that promise, right?”
He embraces you.
“When I hold you in my arms like this...I feel a lil’ less sluggish.”
You protest.
“You told me to do as I please, right? Or were you lyin’ back then?”
You close your eyes.
“Then pipe down. It rings in my head when you squeak right by my ear...”
You flinch.
“...Oi, you’re the one who said you wanted to take care of me, remember? Don’t be tensin’ up now. Come on, just behave...”
You puff out your cheeks.
“What? You still have more complaints? You’re the one who brought up the idea in the first place so you’ve only got yourself to blame for enticin’ me. ...Mmh...”
“There you have it so...Now you’re stuck here with me until I’m satisfied. ...Nn.”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Japanese has a verb to indicate that someone is feeling unwell from staying the bath for too long. This may seem odd, but it is part of Japanese culture to take hot baths. 
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aalissy · 3 years
Reverse Crush
Reverse crushhhh!! One of my faveeee tropes haha! I hope that you guys like it too <3. Lemme know what you think!! 
Marinette sighed dreamily, flopping face down onto her bed as a huge smile beamed across her face. Her kwami flitted nearby, laughing quietly as she watched the young girl. Marinette dropped her chin on her hands, murmuring, “Did you see him today, Tikki? Wasn’t he just amazing? I just love him so much.” 
She dissolved into a fit of giggles, hiding her blushing face into her hands as she squealed. Her legs kicked behind her excitedly, already replaying the akuma attack in her mind as she thought over their interaction. How could he be so perfect? 
Tikki shook her head at her fondly before saying, “Yes, Marinette, I did see Chat Noir today. I’m very proud of you, too. You managed to speak normally to him, too. That’s a great sign of improvement.”
She lifted her head back up, glaring at her kwami whose eyes were glimmering back at her teasingly. Marinette was too giddy to argue, however, and she simply flipped over onto her back, staring up at her ceiling with a dopey smile on her face. She only snapped out of her daydreams when TIkki hovered above her face, waving a hand at her. 
“You’re daydreaming again, Marinette,” she said, crossing her arms across her chest.
“I know!” She squealed, slapping her palms to her cheeks as another happy giggle left her. Flushing darkly, she looked over at the wall of pictures she had of Ladybug and Chat. Marinette then smiled softly at her favorite picture. It was one Alya had taken for her personal Instagram account. She and Chat had been out on patrol when it started raining, forcing them both underneath the same umbrella. His eyes were focused on her in the picture and she wondered what he could possibly be thinking about. Was it possible for him to like her back? Could he have feelings for his clumsy, little bug?
Sighing forlornly, Marinette trailed her fingers delicately over his cheek, wishing she could do that in real life. Turning to face the ceiling once again, she blinked in confusion when she heard a light thump on her balcony. Quickly, she shot her gaze over to Tikki and the kwami immediately took the hint, hiding inside the miracle box she had carefully hidden. Pushing herself up and off the bed, she carefully opened her trapdoor, her hand clenched into a tight fist just in case.
Instead of seeing an akuma or a burglar attempting to rob her, however, she instead saw the slouched form of her partner. He was leaning against her balcony, his ears drooped over his head as he stared out at the setting sun. Marinette’s heart stumbled in her chest as she pulled herself up, tilting her head at him in confusion. “Chat Noir? W-what, um, what are you doing here?”
Immediately, he perked up, whirling around to face her with a tight, forced smile. She instantly felt herself soften, her nervousness disappearing to be replaced with worry. Why did her kitty look so sad? 
“Purrincess, fancy seeing you here,” Chat responded with a false, chipper voice. 
Marinette frowned, scolding the butterflies she felt in her chest after he called her princess. Now wasn’t really the time for her to focus on the fact that he just flirted with her. She was going to help him. Just like how he helped her with so many akuma attacks. Taking a cautious step toward him, she swallowed a lump in her throat before gesturing at her balcony. Giggling nervously, she replied, “I, um, live here.”
“Right. Of course you do,” Chat grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Sorry for bothering you. I can leave now.”
He extended his baton and Marinette immediately rushed forward, waving her hands in an attempt to stop him. Calling out to him, she yelled, “Wait, wait, wait! Y-you’re not bothering me at all! I-I just... is everything alright? You seemed sad.”
“That obvious, huh?” He gave her a small smirk, shrugging his shoulders.
She flushed faintly before nodding her head. Taking another slow step toward him, she sighed in relief when he reduced his baton. Perhaps Tikki was right. Maybe she was making progress. This was the most sense she had ever made around her partner. Plus, Chat was staring at her with a look she couldn’t quite identify. Her heart fluttered in her chest again before she shoved it away when he started speaking again.
“Come with me,” Chat spoke softly, extending a hand out to her as he jerked his head out toward the city. “I know a place that’ll be purrfect for the two of us.”
He winked at her and Marinette immediately knew that all hope was lost. She was surprised that she didn’t melt into a puddle right then and there. Instead, her words rushed together at a mile a minute, making no sense as she chuckled awkwardly. “M-me, g-go with you? B-but you’re a civilian and I’m a superhero. I-I mean you’re a superhero and I’m a civilian. Besides, I have fomework. Homework! I have homework!”
He blinked at her in astonishment for a bit before he threw his head back in a loud laugh. Marinette turned a dark red, ducking her head down as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Was it possible to die of embarrassment? 
“Well, that was pawsitively adorable.” Chat said after laughing. She immediately snapped her head back up to look at him in shock. The butterflies roared back to life as he gave her another wink, beckoning her forward with his still-extended hand. “Come on, homework can wait, can’t it?”
Biting her lip shyly, she slowly took his hand, squeaking with surprise as he lifted her up into his arms. Peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, he murmured to her quietly, “Close your eyes, okay? It can get a little windy.”
Feeling her heart thump in her chest, Marinette nodded, wrapping her arms around him as she closed her eyes. She leaned into his embrace, shivers tingling up and down her body as she realized her crush was holding her. This was the luckiest she had ever been. 
When he put her down after a few moments, she gasped in surprise. They were currently on top of the Eiffel Tower, Paris’ lights twinkling around them. Whirling around, she faced Chat who was smiling shyly. Gesturing around them, he asked, “Do you like it?”
“Like it?! Chat, I love it!” Marinette said emphatically, “This is beautiful!” 
He beamed proudly and, for the first time, she felt like his bad mood had disappeared. Feeling pleased with herself for giving him a genuine smile, she hoped that his bad mood would stay away. Marinette then slowly sat down to look out over her city, a small smile on her lips as she listened to the sound of traffic below. She was surprised when she felt Chat sit down next to her, his hand brushing against hers lightly.
Flushing a deep red, she shifted slightly, hesitant to bring up any bad memories. Sucking in a deep breath of courage, Marinette asked, “So, did something happen today, or...?”
Chat sighed quietly, placing his head on his hand as he murmured, “I was more tired than anything, I guess. My work can get exhausting. Plus...,” he paused once briefly to glance at her before continuing, “I don’t think the girl I like likes me back.”
She immediately felt herself stiffen. Surely he couldn’t be talking about her? She was always so obvious. Tapping her two index fingers together, Marinette murmured, “T-the girl you like?”
A wide smile spread across his face as he gazed at her. “Yeah. She’s a fellow classmate of mine. Very smart and very purrety, too. The thing is, when I flirt with her, she seems to take everything as a joke. I don’t think she realizes I actually like her.”
“Sounds like an idiot,” Marinette muttered under her breath grumpily. So it wasn’t her then. It was some pretty, amazing girl in Chat’s class. That girl was so lucky and she had no idea. 
He laughed loudly, nudging her shoulder with his as his eyes glimmered over at her knowingly. “No, she’s really not. Purrhaps a little oblivious but not an idiot.”
Sighing quietly, Marinette glanced away from him, feeling slightly hopeless. If only she could slap some sense into the girl Chat likes. Looking down at Paris sadly, she said, “If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think the guy I like likes me back either.”
“What?! You like a guy?!” Chat immediately turned his head to look at her, a strange expression crossing his face before he backtracked. “I-I mean, w-what makes you think that?”
Chuckling bitterly at herself, she shook her head. “I can be pretty stupid around my crush. I say the wrong thing or I stutter on my words. I’m incredibly clumsy too. I’m sure he must think I’m silly. He probably knows I like him and is trying to save my feelings by not telling me.”
“Hey,” Chat placed his hands on her shoulders, bringing her gaze back to him as he spoke to her seriously, “Marinette, you’re an absolutely amazing girl! Any guy would be lucky to have you like him. And, besides, your clumsiness is adorable. I’m jealous of him already.”
She bit her lip to contain her beaming smile. Chat was jealous of... well, himself! Plus, he called her amazing! He may be in love with someone else but it was her he was bringing to the top of the Eiffel Tower and her he fought akumas with every day. The girl he was in love with sounded oblivious too so maybe she did still have a chance. 
Feeling her face heat up, Marinette asked, “Really?”
“Really,” Chat smiled back at her, his hands still on her shoulders as he squeezed them gently. 
Feeling giddy, she then murmured shyly, “I feel the exact same about that girl you like. She’s lucky to have you, even if she doesn’t know it yet.”
He blinked at her a few times before a soft, adoring smile spread across his face. “She really is.”
Marinette then turned away from him, a strong urge to press forward and kiss him filling her. Instead of doing that, though, she leaned her head against his shoulder, sighing quietly as she looked out at the city of Paris. This was enough. Even if Chat wasn’t in love with her, she could live with being his best friend. Having him in her life was just perfect for her.
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generallybarzy · 3 years
under twinkling lights.
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an: christmas in april? sorry this took so long.. but here’s a little bit of established relationship and soft cute Christmas smut! Its been too long since we had something so sweet and smutty about our fav cute ass couple. It’s all sweet and soft and cute and then it gets filthy... the perfect dynamic, i want what they have. i was only inspired to finish this because of barzys hatty tonight haha, he deserves everything. I didn’t really spell check this yet, just needed to post finally!! Personally, I think its the hottest thing I've ever wrote. Lemme know!!! 💕
tagging: @softboybarzal​ @fallinallincurls​ @matbaerzal​ @npatrickz​ @canadianheaters​ @selenophileangel​ @deleausvp​ @colecaufields​ @hockeyhughes11​ @nazdaddy​ @barzysreputation​ @comphybiscuit​ @aboveaveragehockeyboys​ @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself​ @petey-patty​ @starswin​ @heatherawoowoo​ ​
word count: 6.5k
You never believed you’d find someone to spend your life with. If anyone told you your holidays would one day be spent cuddling up with your boyfriend of almost two years in the apartment that you had just moved into together earlier that month, you would have told them they were wrong. Flat out wrong. Things as beautiful and destined as that only happened in movies, and you certainly weren’t lucky enough to get something like that. But, now, here you were.
And here was Mat.
Even after two years with Mat, there was still nothing better than spending the evening cuddled up with him on the couch. No matter how many fancy, expensive dinner dates he took you on at upscale restaurants in the city or how many helicopter rides you took together out in B.C. when he was showing you his home, or how much you loved hanging out with his friends and his family and his teammates, nothing was better than cuddles at home. As much time you spent together, you still felt as giddy and comfortable and safe and at-peace as that first time with him. Things didn't simmer down, that spark didn't fade away after a bit like you feared they would. But they became more subtle. You no longer had to ask him to come to the couch to cuddle, you no longer worried that maybe he wouldn't want to. It was a habit, at this point, to fall into his arms at the end of the day just the same as he did with you. You were each other’s safe havens, the place you laid your head to rest. You loved each other, and there was no place you’d rather be than together.
You’d spent the evening baking cookies, decorating the new tree, and wrapping his family member's Christmas gifts- a book his mom had been wanting, along with some of the cookies you'd made and various at-home spa items; hockey memorabilia and classic jerseys for his dad; and some new pieces of technology and the latest eye shadow palette that his sister had been wanting, along with some stupid jokes gifts that he wrapped in duct tape like the annoying older brother he was. Now, after the sunset bared its last light over the horizon and through your window, you lay together in bliss, with the tree twinkling its colorful lights across the room as you and Mat snuggled on the couch under a fluffy blanket, and everything felt right. 
"I don't know why we went through all that work to decorate the tree if we're not even spending Christmas here." Mat grumbled playfully, his head on your chest, partially hidden under the blanket. 
"Well," your face glowed in a smile as you remembered the flight out to Vancouver you had in a few days. Spending holidays with his family was always your favorite. Your family wasn’t the best, and it wasn’t too healthy to spend your holidays with them, but you always had Mat and his family. They were so welcoming, so kind, and for as many years now as you’d gone as Mat’s girlfriend, they had accepted you like family. "Because this is our home, Mat. It'd be wrong not to decorate it for the first time." 
"I don't need a tree for this to feel like home." 
“Aww, baby.”
“It’s true.” He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees above you on the couch, bringing his face level with yours. His warm breath hit your lips as he brushed his nose against yours, eyes slipping shut and grinning. “I love you. Always.”
“I love you always too.” 
"I'm so glad you're here. I'm so happy we live together, finally." 
"I'm glad we live together, too." 
Mat snuggled down into your neck, the locks of dark hair that had been growing out lately tickling your face. You reached up to brush them aside and curl your hand around the back of his head, cupping his head against you tenderly . His hair was getting so nice and long, and you knew he’d have to cut it soon, per the team's guidelines, but god, you were gonna cherish it now. 
"I actually have something for you, Maty."
"A Christmas present?" 
"Well, an early Christmas present." You smiled at the excited look on his boyish face as he leaned back, the lights from the tree highlighting the sparkle in his eye. "You can't open it at your parent's house, so we're gonna do it here instead."
"What is it?" 
"Try to figure it out." 
He sat up then, his eyes scanning the room for anything that might seem out of the ordinary, anything that might be hidden. He was looking for his present, and you had to hold back a laugh at the sight. 
"No, no, I'll find it."
"I got this."
"Let me give you a hint, at least." You sat up with him and took his hand in yours and cupped it against your cheek, turning your head to the side to kiss his fingers. He smiled at the touch, melting back into you and tracing his thumb across your skin. 
"Alright, gimme the hint."
You pushed his hand down the smooth skin of your neck, the swell of your breasts, down the curve of your waist, and to the hem of his hoodie that swallowed you up. "It's right in front of you, baby." 
"For real?" The joy in his eyes was the same you saw the first time you told him you were ready to take that step, almost two years ago now. No matter how many times you were together, he was always just as excited.
“You say that as if we’ve never done this before.”
“It always feels like the first time.” 
You glowed and let go of his hand to reach up and cup his face between both of you. His words came so simply and without hesitation that you knew he was sincere. “Aw, Mat…”
“I’m serious.” 
“You’re so sweet tonight.”
“Maybe I just really want to lay some love on you.” He hitched his hands under your thighs and tugged you close, lying you back against the couch once again. His hands slid up the soft skin of your tummy and waist, dipping under your shirt momentarily, and causing your breath to hitch in your throat- his hands always managed to do that to you- as you breathed out the words against his lips. 
“Maybe I’m gonna let you.” 
With one last grin, his face dipped down to yours, locking your lips together in a familiar, electric dance. Soft, gentle lips moving against yours had never felt as good as with any other boyfriends as they do with Mat. His touch was intoxicating, made your mind wander and your heart race flushed your skin and shocked you to the core. Ever since the very first time his hand grazed against yours when he reached out to hold it for the first time, to the first time your bodies connected in passion under the covers, it felt the same. Like fire. Even two years later, he drove you insane, and all you wanted, and frequently achieved, was to drive him insane as well. In the best way possible. Mat broke apart from your lips momentarily to slip the hoodie over your head, revealing his gift. “Fuck…”
Right there, in front of his eyes, your breasts were covered only by a lacy crimson fabric, held together behind a pretty red bow. With each heavy breath of anticipation, your chest was heaving softly before his eyes, and he found himself hypnotized by the gentle rise and fall. 
“You like it?"
“Holy shit, you’re hot.” 
“So are you.” 
His eyes were wide, warm, and gentle, looking over you. He dragged his gaze away from your chest even though you could tell how hard it was, and shook his head. “Not as much as you.”
"Mmm", you took the liberty of taking his hands from where they had frozen beside you and placing them, big and warm, over your chest. "Go ahead, baby." 
"No, no, I wanna savor this first."
His mouth dipped down, soft hair tickling your neck as he nibbled at your chest, laying little love bites and kisses along the tender skin. He cupped your boobs and squeezed them around his face, humming in content. You couldn’t help but laugh as he buried his face against you, and you could feel his grin break out against your skin. “Having fun, baby?”
“Oh my god, yes. You’re gorgeous. So soft.” 
“Mmhm.” You sighed into his touch as he kissed his way back up your chest.
“Baby.” He spoke softly to get your attention, and your eyes opened lazily to see him, biting his lip and holding the delicate ribbon between two fingers. “Can I?”
“Please.” He gave a gentle tug, and with one last heave of your chest, the lacy bralette fell open, revealing one of Mat’s favorite parts of your body. 
“Fucking Christ.” 
“Bub, you can’t be swearing like that so close to Christmas.” 
“How do you expect me not to when you’re…. God, just so perfect…” You saw the way his eyes glazed over mid-sentence in the colorful lights of the tree, the way his jaw went slack as you arched your chest up towards him. He reached out, slowly, as if worried you were going to disappear if he moved too quickly, and when the large, rough hands curled around the side of your waist and slid up and down, you felt goosebumps pop up along your skin. 
“Your fingers are cold.”  
“But you love it.” He ran the pad of his thumb over your nipples, watching as they pebbled under his touch in the cold air. “So do I.” 
“Warm me up?”
He dipped his head down, his mouth hot and wet along the peaks and valleys of your chest, down your stomach.
His fingers traveled over the familiar layout of your body, colored in soft golden and red and green in the dancing Christmas lights, tracing each recognizable landmark with specific care- every memorized freckle and birthmark he had kissed since your first night together and every dimple in your skin that he cherished, every spot that had his fingerprints imprinted onto like memory foam after so many nights spent holding you tight with everything in him, as if you'd slip away. As if you'd want to. With each inch his hands followed, he found more, there was always more territory to be marked down, jotted down in his brain for future reference. He was always finding something new. Something more to use against you, to use against you in the best way possible, to push you further and further to that blissful end goal.
He made his way down, down, down, until his breath was hot over your lace-covered core, his hand gripping your hips tightly. Mat smiled as your hands found his hair, curling your fingers through a fistful of the dark locks before releasing and smoothing it back into place again. Mat's favorite thing about going down on you, besides the way it pleasured you, was the way your hands felt on his head, massaging and grabbing and twisting and pulling. It was heaven to him, letting you guide him around like that. 
“Can I take them off?” 
“Hmm.” As much as you wanted him to ravage you right there, with those soft, sultry eyes he was giving you, he was wearing far too many clothes. “You first.” 
Mat didn't say anything else before stripping out of his dark crew neck sweater and jumping up off the couch to kick his gray sweats down. His smile was contagious as your gaze dropped from his face, down his bare chest and the little chain you’d gotten him for your anniversary, down towards the tent in his boxers with a silly, excited grin. He laughed. "Not tired of seeing me yet?" 
"You sure you’re not getting bored of my dick yet?"
"No, baby. Definitely not.” You grinned, the thought of spending the rest of your life with him bouncing around your mind. “Why? Are you getting bored of me?"
"No way." Mat leaned down to lace your fingers together and lock lips. "How could I?"
"How could I get tired of you, Maty?"
Mat hummed. He loved this little play, the little banter, the back and forth. He'd loved it since you first started dating, and he always would. He knew you loved him endlessly, but he played along. "I'm just a hockey player."
"No, you're my hockey player. My boyfriend. My pretty, pretty baby."
Mat settled back down between your legs with a warm smile. "Yeah, I am. So can I take these off now?" He hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties. "C'mon, I know how much you love my tongue."
Your thighs squeezed around him at the words. “Fuck, please.”
“Anything for my baby.” 
You lifted your hips for him as he tugged the lacy fabric down your thighs with nimble fingers, stopping momentarily after they were off to just look at you. He let out a sigh, his eyes finding yours again with a soft look as you squirmed a bit beneath him- not because you were shy, no, you were long past that point in your relationship, but because you just needed him to do anything to you. Mat had spent the past two years helping you love and appreciate your body, and this, right here in this moment, was the perfect showcase of how much he helped- as he was gazing down at your naked body and the only thing you felt was just the absolute need and desire for his body to move against yours and his warmth to cover you up. No nerves. Only love, and need. 
“Shit, you’re gorgeous.” 
“I know.” 
The lack of hesitation in your reply had Mat bending over you and laughing. “That’s your response?”
“Yeah! I mean, you let me know. You make me feel so confident.”
“Mmhm, good, babygirl.” He scooted back down to lay his head against the soft, naked inside of your thigh gazing up at you through his eyelashes. “I always wanna make you feel good. Physically and mentally.” He turned to lay open-mouthed kisses against your thighs, and any thought of response you may have had dissolved completely as you leaned back and waited for him to do his magic. His hand reached up to cup your heat, just feeling you against his palm for a moment before swiping a long finger through your fold, smiling and raising his eyebrows at you. “Oh? Already so wet for me?” 
“Always, baby. You should know this by now.”
“Yeah?” He dipped his fingers at your opening teasingly and his head dipped down to connect his lips with your clit, kissing it gently and watching you squirm. “Ugh, I could fuck you right now if I was in a rush. But you know the foreplay is my favorite part.”
“I know. And you’re so good.” 
He went silent then, his tongue wide and wet, licking a long stripe along your slick and gathering the wetness at your clit, giving it soft, kitten licks and wet kisses. He listened intently for every soft sigh that left your lips- music to his ears- and felt every tug on his hair when he flicked his tongue in small circles around that spot like he knew you loved. And the best part was that he knew. You didn’t understand how couples could get tired of each other after years. You didn’t understand how the excitement could flicker away or how they could get tired of each other’s bodies or minds. Never in your relationship with Mat have you felt as excited as now, two years in. The thought that he knew your body inside and out, maybe even better than you did, was just so overwhelming in the best possible way, and the longer you lay there, with Mat’s mouth on you, you couldn’t stop thinking that this is your man.   
Mat was lying flat against the long couch, his face between your thighs and his hands holding your legs open for him. His dark hair was a wild mess, and you could see the gentle movements of his lower back and ass and the back of his thighs illuminated golden in the lights, rolling lazily against the couch cushion- covered by a blanket, of course- to provide any friction for his sadly untouched cock. 
You hadn’t even noticed the noises dripping from your lips until Mat pulled back, and the lack of feeling his mouth against your core had you whining for him.
“Fuck, I’ll never get over you.” 
“Mmmmat.” You hummed his name, dragging out the “M” in the way you knew he loved.  
“Yeah, baby?” 
“Please keep touching me.” 
He sat up, between your thighs, knees digging into the couch, and his bare thighs and torso on display for you. You loved him, all of him, and all of his body. His legs, his abdomen, his chest, his arms… all of it was amazing. Perfect to look at and perfect to touch, to grab, to dig your nails into as he railed you. To ground yourself with. “Baby, you know I love eating you out. But I just gotta see you right now. And talk to you.” His big hand slid up the inside of your thigh, and your breath caught in your throat when he started rubbing soft, small circles against your clit. “So this position will have to do, okay? I promise I’ll spend all day before our flight eating your pussy.”
“I’ll remember that.” 
“I hope so. God, this fucking thing. Could eat it for days.” He pushed a single finger inside you, slow and steady, but enough to make you clench around him. His fingers were so much better than yours, just a little longer and a little thicker in a way that had you squirming for more. “So fucking tight and wet. So hot. I’m so lucky to have you.” His free hand left your hip, leaving nothing but cold, empty fingerprints on your skin, and rubbed against the bulge in his dark boxers. You could see how much he was aching, and you were determined to make it better. 
“Mat, c’mere.” 
“I’m knuckles deep in your pussy, babe, how much closer do you want me?” You laughed at him, rolling your hip down against said finger. How he could be so funny and sexy at the same time was beyond you.
“Lie down with me. I wanna touch you.” You held your arms out for him and scooted to the side, and he obliged quickly, lying on his side between you and the back of the couch and hooking your left leg over his right thigh. His hand dipped back down between your thighs, pressing into you before you could even catch your breath, feeling exhilarated at the much more intimate position. “Oh, fuck, Mat.” You reached out to him, willing and eager to reciprocate the feeling. He drew in a sharp breath at the way your hand rubbed over the thick bulge in his boxers, pulling the waistband down just enough to release him from his cotton prison.  
His cock jumped up against his lower belly, stiff and pink and needy for you and only you. Your hand, your mouth, and you could tell by the way Mat’s fingers paused inside you that he was anticipating the moment your fingers wrapped around his length. “Oh, that feels so good. Always does, baby.” And then, as you worked your hand against him, he pumped his long fingers inside you, bringing his other thumb to rub mercilessly at your clit. But still, even with the way he was fucking you on his hand, the most intense part of this moment was the way he held your gaze; the lust, the need, the twinkle of amusement in his hazel eyes at the sheer amazement that he got to do this with you; and the love- the pure, unadulterated love that soaked from his skin to yours, in every touch, in ever moment spent together, every kiss, and every time you laid together, bare and vulnerable, in the heat of passion, under the twinkling lights or in the dark, safe haven of your home to show each other how much you loved each other. His warm eyes glittered in the light, reflecting the gold and green and red lights from the Christmas tree that illuminated the room, and the city lights outside the window of your apartment lit up his body and highlighted every muscle. Your apartment, the one you own together, and the one you knew you were going to make countless memories in. His eyes glittered with love, with the question of “can you believe we still make each other feel so good?” and with the statement “I want to kiss you so bad right now”. Your hand pumped his length, pulling a soft moan from his lips, one that you had used to have to work so hard to hear. “I want to hear you, baby” You had used to say, practically begging him to let himself go as he bit his lip to hold back the moans. It had taken a bit of encouragement, but now he never held back with the sounds that left his pretty mouth. You lay there, vulnerable and exposed to each other, staring into each other’s eyes as with hands between each other's thighs, cheeks pink and hearts full of love as you helped each other climb to that climax. 
You broke eye contact first, laughing breathlessly and feeling your cheeks go hot under his gaze. Despite the lack of shame you felt in front of him, he could still get you so flustered and giggly. 
“What’s so funny, beautiful?” He asked between shaky breaths. 
“You’re so beautiful, Mat. Those moans are so pretty. I can’t believe it.”
“Yeah?” He smiled with another laugh. “I can feel how wet you are. It’s crazy.” He slipped the tip of a third finger into you, your hole aching and pulsing around them already. “Oh, fuck, I love your moans too.” And you could tell he did, as his hips jerked helplessly up into your hand. “Faster, baby.” 
“Only if you kiss me.” 
Without hesitation, he leaned over and his lips locked onto yours, needy and begging but oh, so willing to go slow and passionate. The hand that had been teasing your clit came up to grab at you face, squeezing a tit on the way up, and you reached a free hand out to tangle in his dark hair as you leaned in and continued to jerk him in your hand- up and down, and up and down, twisting around the head just like he liked. “I love you.” He whispered against your lips, breaking apart for only a moment to look down at you one more time in awe. “I love you so fucking much.” 
“I love you, Mat.” 
“Fuck, I love you.” His lips crashed back against yours again, his fingers plunging deeper inside you as he kissed his promise into your lips, the promise that he was there and he’d always be there. He was yours. And you were his. Simply that. The heel of his palm rubbed against your clit as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting that wonderful spot and making fireworks twinkle behind your eyes. He groaned into your mouth as your hand curved over the head of his cock, palms getting slick with his pre-cum, and stroked back down to cup his balls gently. He let out a breathy laugh at the tender feeling. 
“Baby, look at me.” You cupped his cheeks between your hands and pulled him back when you began to feel your peak rising. He whined when your hand left his cock, aching and hard, and his fingers halted inside of you, cupping his palm against your heat.
“Oh, baby,” His eyes locked on you, making a show of how they were scanning up and down your body. “I’m looking.”
“I need you inside, right now.”
His bottom lip was sucked between his teeth and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the words. Even after so long, he still couldn���t handle hearing those words. His eyes fluttered shut. “Fuck, say less.” He rolled over you to sit upright on the couch, finally pushing his boxers all the way down his thighs and onto the floor. He gripped his cock in his hands and slid between your thighs, bending down over you to kiss your lips. “How do you want it?”
“Just like this.” Your hands fell to his hips and pulled him close. 
“Wanna see your face. Maybe it’s basic, but I love this position.”
“Yeah. It’s simple, but so intimate. I like it too.” He paused and leaned back for a moment, looking down at his sweatpants on the floor for something. “Shit, ugh, I don’t have a condom here, hold on-” 
“No, no, no.” Before Mat could run off to the bedside drawer, you grabbed his hands in yours, pulling him back to you. His eyes went soft and cautious for a few moments. 
“No? Babe, shouldn’t we…” 
“We’ve had conversations about this, right? About doing it without?” Mat nodded, a little smile beginning to pull on his lips. “I’m still on the pill, and I know I remembered to take all of them recently, so we’re still pretty safe, if you want.” 
“Fuck, I want.” He settled back down between your knees. “Are you sure?”
“A hundred percent.” 
“Alright.” Mat chuckled in boyish excitement. He reached a hand down between your bodies to adjust himself, nudging the blunt head of his cock against your clit and rubbing his pre-cum along your slit, lining up with your tight entrance and sending sparks through your body. “God, my God, I can’t wait to come inside you. Feel you around me completely. See my cum on you.” One last time, he bent his body down over yours, his weight warm and heavy, the metal of his chain cool between your chests, and pressed his mouth to yours, breathing in your warmth. One of your hands curled around his waist, slid to the small of his back, just like he always did to you, and the other cupped the back of his neck, fingers curling into the hairs and playing with the chain around his neck and pulling him in closer to your face. He broke away slightly with a sigh against your lips, his forehead bumping against yours and his nose nudging yours in a familiar gesture. He didn’t need to say the words anymore, because his quiet affections were ones that you’ve known for a long time. 
His question was loud and clear, and your answer was just as obvious. 
Mat brought a forearm down next to your head to steady himself, stroking the pad of his thumb against your warm cheek as his hips finally pushed against yours. Hands tightened their grips on each other’s bodies, sliding across hot skin slicked with sweat, and a euphony of moans mingled together in the air at the initial feeling of finally being connected in such a primal way again. His hips were flush against your own, and the weight of his thick cock inside of you was heavy and intoxicating; you could feel his tight abdomen expanding and contracting with every heavy breath and shudder through his body. He let out a long string of moans, his head dipping down to nibble at your throat, and fuck, did you know what he meant. You were connected, everywhere- heart, skin, and mind. “Fuck, oh my God, baby, hot as ever.” 
“Oh, Maty…” 
“I’m gonna give you so much love, beautiful.”
The first withdrawal of his hips from yours was painstakingly slow, and all you wanted was for him to plunge back in again and again and again. And he intended to do that, in time. Mat loved to take his time, but it didn’t take him long to fulfill his promise, sliding back against you, his cock hard and aching inside your wet cunt. He found a steady, easy pace rolling his hips into yours, each stroke like electricity through your body, long and languid, taking his time to draw your pleasure out, taking the time to feel your body around him. His knee dug into the couch hard, steadying himself and getting more traction so he could pull closer to your body, snapping his hips against yours with slaps that had you both gasping for air. 
“Oh fuck…” 
“Feels so good, Mat.”
“You’re fucking amazing.” He let out another high-pitched whine and arched your leg over his hip. “More?”
“More, faster, please baby.” 
His hips slapped against yours with a groan, his big hands holding behind your knees and opening you wide for him. He leaned back to take a good look at you, at the scene in front of him, trying to take in every image he possibly could. Because these were the best moments. Not only the sex- god, but the sex was good- but just being together, being close, being intimate and so so close, yet only craving to become closer and closer. “God, you’re so hot, babe. So tight, so wet, all for me, right?” When you couldn’t answer, too overwhelmed with the way he was pounding against you, he took it as a sign to keep running his mouth. God, you loved to listen to him talk. “So wet, all for me. Getting all turned on over this big cock inside you, yeah?” You nodded your head enthusiastically, pulling his body closer to yours. He followed without hesitation, down and down until your bodies were glued together and he was just pushing against you, his hips driving yours into the couch cushions. “All fucked up for my cock, are you? Fucking beautiful.” 
“It’s so good, Maty, baby, so big, fills me up so good.”
“I love you. I love you, (Y/N).”
“Oh my God, Maty, I love you.” 
His mouth locked onto yours, sealing your lips together and swallowing your moans down. Dark locks of his hair shielded your face and tickled your cheeks, and as soon as he inched away to take a deep, shaky breath, your eyes opened up. He steadied himself on strong arms, framing your face, his veins prominent, and you curled a small hand as far around his thick bicep as you could, watching in awe as his head jerked back, throwing his long hair off his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut as he concentrated on pounding against your dripping cunt. 
Slowly, his body peeled back off of yours, away, away, and he brought himself up to his knees in front of you. You let your eyes roll slip the long length of his torso, decorated with glittering reflections of gold and red and green, shining off the sheen of his sweat, and you looked from his thick neck, covered in your love-bites, down his chest, down the hard muscles of his abdomen and tummy, and down the V of his hips to the small patch of prickles that rubbed against your clit with every thrust. His thighs were spread open with your legs wrapped ever so gently around his hips, and his cock was stilled, aching inside of you. He shifted around on the couch momentarily, readjusting his knees on the cushions. “Ya know, we’d be a lot more comfortable in our bed than out here.” 
“But it’s so pretty out here. All the pretty twinkly lights on you…” 
“On me?” He laughed, “Look at yourself, babe. I’m fucking lucky.” 
His big hands traced down your cheeks, squeezed down your chest, curled down the curve of your waist and hips, before finally wrapping around the backs of your thighs and pulling you closer, hoisting your legs up, up, and over his shoulders and spreading you wide open in front of him. 
“Ooh, Mat…” You giggled a bit as he easily positioned you in the way he wanted, smirking down at you wickedly and rubbing his thumbs up and down the wet slick of your pussy. 
“Gonna make you fuckin’ come, babe, my god… you want that?”
“Yeah, yeah, please, Maty.” 
“Just a little bit longer, ‘kay?” He rolled his hips against yours again, starting up that steady pace again. His hands held your thighs open, lifting your legs up the length of his torso and locking them over his shoulders, and he never failed to make you seem tiny compared to him. You watched, mesmerized, as his abdomen tensed and hardened and spasmed as he tried to keep himself under control. 
“Little… longer.” 
With one more low moan, your boyfriend bent closer to you, his chain dangling in your face tauntingly as he got back to pounding away at you, heavy balls slapping against your ass with every erratic movement, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier and his breaths getting deeper. He was so goddamn close to that edge. He could tell you were getting there, too. You’d been on the edge ever since he started pounding you, but now, you were only a few feather light touches away from falling over that edge. And Mat was ready for it, he could barely hold his own seems together, he could barely think about anything except how rock hard he was and how your tits were bouncing so perfectly in rhythm with his hips, the way your eyes were rolling back and the way his cock felt inside you, fully covered in your slick, both your lower halves sticky messes. He was ready to fall apart completely, and ready to help you reach your own. “You look so fucking good taking my dick like this, babygirl. It’s so big, isn’t it? But you just take it so good, yeah? My good, good girl with her perfect fucking pussy, taking that cock so well.” He reached his fingers down to roll his thumb lazily against your clit, ever so gently, but enough to make you fall apart. Your eyes rolled back as you gasped out for him. 
“Please, M- Maaaat…” 
“Oh, you- you want it, don’t you?” Mat’s words were getting shaky, his sentences choppy. He was so close, so close his mind couldn’t comprehend anything beyond just fucking letting go. “Want your boyfriend’s hot cum filling you up, just flooding that- ugh, that tight little cunt, yeah? My balls emptied inside you? You want that nut so bad, you’re so desperate for it, huh? Tell me, baby. Tell me how you want the love of your life to just… fucking f- flood your pussy.”
“I want it, Mat, I want you to cum, baby.” 
His thrusts became erratic, his hand leaving bruises on your thigh and his thumb absolutely torturing your swollen, sensitive clit. He was getting desperate, too. “Where? Where do you want my big fucking load?”
“Cum inside, fuck, fuck, please, Maty-”
“Ohh, gonna fucking nut inside you, babygirl-”  
“I’m gonna cuuuum, Mat…” 
“Ohhhh, fuuuuuck, oh, oh (Y/N)...!” Mat let out a long, strangled moan, his voice shaking and whiny and breathless in exasperation. His hips stuttered and his thighs trembled beneath him as he nearly collapsed onto you, absolutely flooding your aching, spasming hole with his cum. Your mind went fuzzy and white when you finally felt his stitches come loose, and he finally emptied all of himself- all his hot, gooey warmth- inside of your throbbing cunt. And flood, he did. It felt like the thick ropes of cum were never ending, filling you to the brim, until finally, he was done, his eyes squeezed shut and hair falling into his eyes above you.
Forming sentences would be a miracle at this point, but you reached up to curl a finger around Mat’s chain and yank him down to your face, ushering him to collapse against your body. And he did, eyes glancing open for a moment and lips locking with yours, always thankful to be able to fall onto you after a hard day, after absolutely spending himself. He groaned against your lips and buried his face against your neck, panting against your skin and kissing your neck and breathing in your scent as your hand found it’s rightful place at the back of his neck.  After a few moments of stillness, he reached down lazily and let his cock slip out of you, both of you whining and the loss of contact, and you felt a familiar wetness on your tummy as his cum dribbled down the head of his spent cock to fall on your warm skin. 
You were silent, panting for a few minutes, just letting your heartbeats steady back to normal and your heads to recover from the dizzying orgasms. Then, a breathless chuckle vibrated through Mat’s chest and into you. “Merry fucking Christmas to us, right?” 
“I think that was the hottest thing we’ve ever done, Mat.” Mat hummed in agreement, squeezing you between his arms. “Now you see why we couldn’t do this at your parent’s place?”
“I mean… what’s stopping us?” 
“Mat, I know for a fact you can’t keep quiet enough to fuck in your parent’s house.”
“Says the one who was just screaming my name.”
“As if you weren’t moaning mine just as loud.”
“Hmm.” Mat laughed again at the banter, the playful back and forth, and rolled to the side, his back to the back of the couch, and pulled you against his side. “How do you feel, anyway? About… me coming inside? Still feel good about it? Wasn’t too much?”
“No way. I really… really enjoyed that. Everything about that. A lot.” 
“Mm, that’s good. So did I.” 
“But… I kiiiiiinda feel like we should clean up. It’s starting to feel… sticky, like, everywhere. And not a good sticky.” 
“Yeah, how about we take a bath together? A nice warm bath in the lights of the pretty Christmas lights you love so much? How’s that sound?”
“Sounds like heaven, Mat.”
So Mat scooped you up in his arms, his own legs weak and shaky after an unbelievable orgasm, and he pressed kisses against your cheeks as he carried you through your brand new home, lit in the pretty pinks and gold of the Christmas lights, stopping before the bathroom door only momentarily to ponder on the beginning of the rest of his forever with you. This truly might be the beginning of the best years of his life. The beginning of an even more serious relationship with you. He felt your fingers playing with the chain that still hung around his neck, the one the guys teased him about the charm on the end, but the one he always wore for you, and he glanced down, his eyes warm and contemplative as he searched yours. This. This was eternal love.
“I love you, babe. Always.” His heart felt dipped in syrup when you smiled up at him with that soul melting look. Yep. You’re it for me.
“I love you, bubs. Always.”
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lxstfulbeans · 3 years
JUST CURIOUS OR NOOOOT....if you’re open or not, that’s cool~....
*slides a hundred your way*
I must know, what would it be like for Levi, Erwin, and lastly HANGE *clears throat* to be with a Black S/O, but here’s the catch. They’re the only black person behind the wall..well atleast what’s his name comes around..
Also, Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated, sleep well, relax, breathe, happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
Aight I gotchu babes, lemme get that hunnid up outcha 😏. And thank you so much 🥺 same to you!!
I feel like I gave more to Erwin and Hange than Levi, but I love these three equally 😭✋🏽. But, hope you enjoy this!
Headcanons: what it’s like with the only black s/o behind the walls.
Levi Ackerman:
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When he first met you, he’s like “what in the fuck-“
He never meant it in bad way, oh no ma’am. It’s just that NO ONE has ever seen anyone like you before, let alone thought there were people of a different race.
But knowing Levi, and seeing his resting bitch face.. how could you ever know 💀.
My guy literally lived in the UNDERGROUND, on some “City of Ember” type shit, and has never seen someone like you before.
When you decided to join the Survery Corps. then eventually choosing the Scouts after being top of your class. He took it as an opportunity to observe you (well, him and like twenty, thirty other people 💀), whenever y’all sat and talked about expedition plans with Hange and the Commander, he enjoyed listening to you speak your mind and blast your opinions.
And don’t get me started on how strong and open-minded you are.
Eventually, he’ll start catching feelings. He’ll talk to you more, occasionally praise you for a job well done more than he’s done ANYONE else. He’ll even fucking compliment you and pick up on little things you’ve done.
Of course, when the other brats get outta hand when it comes to awful flirting and tryna see what that thang do. He shuts that shit down before it can even start.
“Oi. Get the fuck outta here before I use you as live bait for the Titans.”
Best believe they skedaddled.
He asks if you’re okay, and to tell him that if anyone else makes you uncomfortable like that again so he could properly whoop they ass.
Y’all get to talking and.. somehow talk most of the day away.
When he heard you laugh, he was struck. His heart pounding, though he couldn’t help but feel a smile tug at his lips.
Then, he asks you to be his. Which you accept with pride.
He’s always there to help you with wash days if you need it. He loves helping you, even if he doesn’t really show it.
Oh, and that discrimination shit? Y’all can cut that shit out right now cuz Levi don’t play.
Teamwork makes the dream work when it comes to cleaning. He’s impressed at how much better you are at it than he others.
Oh and your COOKING babyyy
He be stingy with it for sure. He was big mad when everybody else wanted some, at least you saved some pie for him.
And y’all are partners in fucking crime. Y’all be bodying Titans left and right bruh. Don’t nobody want the smoke.
Erwin Smith:
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Oh my lawd, why is he so fine and RESPECTFUL 😔✊🏽.
Okay, okay this ain’t about me rn heheh.
Honestly, he’ll be flabbergasted to be in your presence. He’s never seen someone of a different race before, he wondered were there more of you on the outside?
When he saw you the first time on the return from another expedition outside the walls. His eyes met you and he was just.. amazed. He was sure that he wasn’t seeing things but, he had to see you again.
When he couldn’t find you, he had to come to the conclusion that you were a hallucination. I mean, he was exhausted, sleep deprived, and hungry.
But, eventually he found you by yourself at the bridge. He was amazed at how the morning sun made you glow, reflecting off of your brown skin.
When you caught him staring, he choked on his words as he rambled with apologies. This made you smile, inviting him to sit and enjoy the morning with you.
Y’all started talking and you just.. clicked. When he heard your laugh for the first time, he had it bad.
He tried visiting you as much as he could, even if it was only a simple “hello, how are you?” or the slightest of small talk.
When the Walls were invaded, you were helpless. No one bothered to help you, either saving their own asses or being eaten alive. You couldn’t count the times where you were so close to meeting death. You refused to become a victim and have fear control you.
When you joined the Scouts, he was shocked to you standing here before him. Your fist over your heart as you announce yourself. He never thought you would be here about to risk your life everyday.
But, he saw that fire in your eyes and smiled.
He couldn’t guarantee your safety but would do everything in his power to make sure nothing happens to you.
He’s a busy man. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t sit and talk with you all of the time. If you were lucky, he’d send a smile or even a wink your way.
Though, he’s often caught you by yourself again, watching the sunset or gazing into the night sky. The way you skin would glow made him look back on old times.
He sits with you, talking the night away and making you smile again.
Overtime, you eventually get closer. When you originally closed yourself of because of the events of “That Day”, but opened up more and more when you both were together.
Whenever somebody tries to snitch on you to him, you’re literally not phased by this shit.
“Tell him then, I don’t give no fuck! Matter of fact, I’ll tell him for you!”
He honestly adores how you don’t take shit from anybody, but he lets you get away with a little bit of things. He won’t reprimand you but will give you a slap on the wrist if you went too far with something.
Whenever he says something unintentionally funny, you just crack up laughing. Like, you are wheezing so silently and rolling on the floor in tears. He couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head at how silly you were.
He adored everything about you. Your laugh, how your skin glows in the light, your captivating smile, and how you weren’t playing games with nobody.
This time, he realizes his growing feelings for you.
Eventually, he confesses his feelings to you. Like this man is poetic as hell, he’s listing off everything he loves about you, even the little things made his heart soar. You were honestly shocked that your Commander felt this way about you.. but you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t feel the same.
After y’all get boo’d up, you’re basically a power couple.
Somebody got one time to talk shit about you, on god he is on them like white on rice.
“If you say one more word about them, I will personally make sure that on the next expedition, I will leave you behind...”
Ah, don’t you just love it when it he gets serious and protective?
And both y’all side-eye the fuck outta people when they don’t rub you the right way.
Wash days? He’s all for it. Once he sees your arms drooping, clearly worn out from washing your hair, he’ll happily roll up his sleeves and get up in there.
Bruh, have you seen his hands?? You KNOW his massages are bomb af, like you damn near fall asleep everytime he massages and scratches your scalp.
Don’t get him started on your cooking, he’d do anything for it. He gets so happy when you save extra plates for him to eat later.
When push comes to shove and everyone’s losing their shit, you have to be strong. Erwin’s always motivated you and inspired you, if humanity had any chance to survive, you had to show it.
“Y’all need to get yo shit together PERIODT! It’s okay to be scared, but we won’t make it out of this if you keep actin’ like this! Y’all signed up to protect humanity right?! Well, show these Titans who they fuckin’ with!”
After hearing that.. he wanted to marry you.
(bonus: let’s say that he’s alive 💀 cuz I literally cried when he got clapped like how-)
When you were finally able to go outside the walls without any fear of the Titans, you felt free.
When you came across the ocean, he couldn’t take his eye off of how amazed you looked at the clear blue waters, the sun making it shine towards its horizon.
“It’s everything Cadet Arlelt said, right? Where there’s an ocean.. there’s other lands, eventually other enemies.”
“I know. We made it this far, it’s only right that we keep goin’.”
Hange Zoë:
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Hange can GET IT MM- 🤧 they are literally so fine.
oh, and it’s kinda canon that they’re non-binary so 😃.
This’ll be after you first join the Scouts and baby they was on you like white on rice INSTANTLY.
They’ve never seen anyone like you before. It was almost forbidden to learn or talk about anything beyond the walls, were there more of you?? Where did you come from?
Though, they’re outta pocket questions and lack of knowledge of something called, “personal space” kinda made you nervous so they brought down a couple notches.
When they got to know you more, they were just ecstatic to see you.
When Hange caught you alone, basking in the warm embrace of the sun, they couldn’t take the throbbing of their heart as your dark skin was shining.
When you eventually start dating, they had no problem putting folks in their place when they try you.
“Alright, I see that you have quite a lot to say about my s/o! I bet you won’t be spouting a word when you come face to face with Titan. I’ll happily let you see them up close..”
They’d absolutely kill for your cooking. Deadass. If they’re not the first and last one to get a plate, they’ll be big mad for a hot minute.
I’m sure they observe you a lot, especially when it comes to your routines and how you try your best not to smell like a hunnid cans of bounce dat ass 💀. So when wash day comes and you’re kinda tired after training, they’ll happily wash your hair for you.
They’ll praise you for all the hard work you’ve done, giving you little forehead kisses, massaging and giving light scratches to your scalp.
OOH WEE- you are in absolute heaven with them.
Both of y’all share that chaotic energy, bugging the hell outta Levi when you get the chance.
When it comes to fighting Titans, y’all don’t play! When it’s time to put the moves on ‘em you do it!
- - END SCENE - -
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