#i literally would not have made it without you. i love you. muah.
syn4k · 4 months
man AvA had a chokehold on me along with several other indie animators 6-7 years ago I'm so happy to see the series is still beloved today (the physics one brings a tear to my eye)
could i recommend some indie animation serieses on yt?
Gildedguy (yt channel is the same name) is another popular stickman fighting series! Its origins are from animators on newgrounds would have stickman oc's in a competitive bracket and fans would vote who would win. Whoever wins animates the fight! The series evolved now to it's own series and it's great. It also animates to music, so the fight sequences are soooo satisfying when hits punch to the beat
No Evil by Betsy Lee is an animated series going on since 2013 (iirc) and is a sequel to a graphic novel by the same person! I never read the graphic novel but the series worldbuilds so well and provides good context for the past. The world and characters are based on Aztec mythology and has a beautiful blend of country music covers from the cast. It's more slice of life but the story does pick up
yeah the animation vs physics video was insane. you just reminded me that i need to add the soundtrack for animation vs math to my playlist thank you for that
also AYOOOOOO RECCOMENDATIONS i am a busy busy man with so much going on constantly but i'll try and get to watching these later. thank you so much o777777
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astrae4 · 4 months
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IN WHICH yujin wants to cuddle you, but you want to cuddle mr. carrot. A Valentine’s Special
FEATURING Zerobaseone’s Han Yujin and you, a highschool au
WARNINGS: kissing and sugar sweet nicknames
NOTE: Happy Valentines everyone! Here is for my jebewon readers and Yujin stans. Love you all (muah muah muah 💋) and please help me reblog hehe~ it��s my first time writing for zb1 so tell me if you want more works for them in the future!!
MORE WORKS: navigation | zb1!masterlist
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IF THERE WAS ONE THING you treasured more than your stash of shoes, it would be the stuffed bunny doll that Yujin gave you during his confession. A pink, soft plush (you named him Carrot) with a white bow wrapped around its neck. You still remembered the day he gave it to you, after school with trembling hands as he rapped out his confession, eyes looking everywhere but you. You remember accepting it shyly, face feeling hot as it implied that you like him back.
That was three months ago.
Now, it seems that you grew very attached to the doll, not being able to sleep without it. So much so that you brought it with you during your Valentine's sleepover with Yujin.
Yujin had begged asked his mother to let him invite you to his house for a sleepover as his valentines day surprise. You were excited, and thankfully, your parents had let you come. The day was perfect in your eyes. You arrived in the evening and played video games with him and his brother until dinner time. Then, you had dinner with his parents. After, you and Yujin washed the dishes before finally having alone time together.
He had surprised you with strawberries covered in chocolate that he made himself (it tasted questionable 😨 but you still ate it, silently praying that you won’t end up in the toilet bowl) and gave you a small bouquet of flowers. (it was the last of his money but he’d never admit it)
You kind of almost teared up, thanking him by giving the boy a kiss on his cheek.
After, you played seventeen matches of uno and two matches of scrabble (Yujin rage quitted scrabble which was why you played uno so many times) before it was time to sleep.
”Can I have the right side—”
”Sure, now cuddle me,” he said impatiently, opening his arms.
Unfortunately for him, luck wasn’t on his side.
”Okay, but—” you took out Carrot, “Carrot goes in the middle.”
“Are you kidding me.” (the boy was like🧍🏻🙁)
“Why are you holding that, we’re about to cuddle.”
“Are you rejecting Carrot right now, Yuyu? He’s our child.”
”Throw him away!”
”NO 😠😨!”
“He can live without hugging you tonight, it’s supposed to be just you and me..”
“Well, I can’t live without him.”
Yujin dead stared at you, before pulling the covers over his head and back-facing you. Oh..he was sulking alright. You looked at him, then at Carrot, and sighed.
“But I guess I can’t live without you most..so Carrot can sleep alone tonight..”
You could literally hear the gear in his head run as he peaked his head out of the blanket, giving you his boba eyes.
“Really?” He asked.
You set Carrot aside, going under the blanket and sandwiching him in a hug immediately, “yeah.”
He let out a noise of complaint, but you knew that he was enjoying it most since he didn’t retaliate and hugged you back, burying his face in your head. (Thank goodness you used your peach shampoo today)
A bit of silence passed as you basked in his warmth before you broke it, face looking up at him.
He let out a hm? as a reply.
“Happy valentines, love you.”
He looked at you with lovesick eyes before giving the fastest smooch (peck) in the lips. You were shocked, and he was 😼 because he was very proud of doing that.
The boy let out a giggle 🔥 (how dare he after he gave you a bomb) and went back to his previous position.
“Love you too~ goodnight and sweet dreams my honey bunny sugar plump pie.”
“Why do you have to ruin the moment.”
“Goodnight too I guess..”
It was safe to say that you couldn’t sleep well that night; somewhat because Yujin forgot to tape his mouth so he snored so loud and drooled on your head, mostly because of his previous words and actions. (You’d never tell him that it was because of his previous behavior though, his head’s already big enough…)
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TAGLIST — @heemingyu @ja4hyvn @flwoie @sulkygyu @xiaoderrrr @ineedaherosavemeenow @lonewolfjinji @teddywonss
© astrae4 2024 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms! — inbox open for conversations and requests.
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
Star Trek Picard: Season 3 Episode 1 Reaction
Who's missed these from me. The screaming you all love to hate. Muah.
Beverly is so 🆒. I actually have no notes. Obsessed with Gates' hair it is On Fleek
Laris being the voice of reason and not being written out to make space for Bev? Very interesting.
Old communicator chirp noise my beloved
"No Starfleet" Picard: i know a guy 🥰 hello riker from starfleet who will contact seven from starfleet for help 😋
No one likes the phat ships 😢 Enterprise D it's okay honey we love you for who you are dummy thicc and all 🥺
excuse me what did that orion slip in that plate to her i've watched this thrice and can't figure it out
"my girlfriend left me" NOOOOOOOOOOO??????????????
Ngl seeing the dramatic Titan ship pan just reminds me of the gratuitous Cerritos ship pans in LWD which never fails to make me cackle
Titan theme is so beautiful. I think it's fast approaching my favourite just behind Voyager
The way it intersects with the TNG theme? Chefs mf KISS. Hit me with that shit I want it all
"Commander Annika Hansen" SHAW COUNT YOUR FUCKING DAYS 🔪🔪🔪
Thanks! I hate it!
bby laforge 🥺 for to blorbo? me for blorbo? blorbo for me? for blorbo to????????
Picard telling Seven she'd make a great captain? My heart cannot handle this shit i'm out
Seriously guys i have to do next week with heart medication i was not made to handle this shit
"Should we tell Engineering we're going at lizard space warp 9.99"
At least the show is self aware that Picard is a bit of a fossil ngl, i respect that
Shaw eating blue meat 🤢 sir tf is THAT
Does shaw season his meat with blue raspberry kool aid. Quickly
I wish shaw a very ✨die✨ ❤️
Hate how Shaw treats Seven but tbh i respect a captain that can stand up to picard and riker. Like he's not wrong they can't just abuse their power that's long gone anyway
Also sorry Picard but you have got to stop bringing your own wine as gifts not everybody wants that shit
seven being 👁️👄👁️ during the meal is a mood because same
Love how Riker and picard just barrel ahead without waiting for or checking on Seven. Especially after how awful Shaw was to her. Way to use your friends guys well done gentlemen
"Good morning, sweet girl" raffi you are killing me
How does she look so good
Raffi having her vape horgl with her on the La Sirena is somewhat bittersweet
Headcanon that there are snakeleaf vines in her room. You are not allowed to disagree ❤️
jesus christ worf mysterious handler why the fuck would you pull up that personnel file 😭
i. raffi. same birthday. no. oh my god. oh my god.
oh, raffi... :(
How tf is Seven around on the bridge more than the captain. They're making her the not-captain captain of the titan and for what
Seven saying what i've always wanted to say like why yes i too would like to airlock picard for his audacity
Riker: grants permission to speak freely
Seven: speaks freely
Riker: no not like that >:(
Shaw being a snork mimimimi king was not on my picard s3 bingo but you know what. Mood.
Brain is too scrambled to take in the rest but
Oh my god
Loved the music
Welcome back my space moms
Oh my god this season is killing me already
In conclusion i'm delirious because they dropped the episode at 12am after i tried to watch streams of it twice on the world's shittiest wifi whilst travelling across the country. Happy premiere day.
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hisserenity · 2 years
My Letter To You
Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
‘Daddy!! Can I play on your phone, please?’ Novaleigh asks her father with those big blue puppy eyes of hers. ‘Of course lil ma.’ He responds as he pulls up his arcade folder and hands her his phone. With Novaleigh now occupied, he grabs the shoebox and reads the next letter. Letter number 125.
July 2015,
We went on a date, our first time at a fancy restaurant. I got shrimp scampi, my all time favorite. We both knew something was wrong when the minute it was placed on the table, I got sick. The smell made me hotshot it right to the bathroom. That’s the night we found out I was pregnant. We were terrified, we didn’t know how it happened. We thought we were being safe. I have now chalked it up to you having bullet sperm lol. We had to grow up sooner than we intended but we sure did a damn good job with that little girl and I have no doubt that you’ll do just fine without me my love. Well, you just pulled up outside after being gone for a month so I’m gonna close this letter here so I can get to you before lil ma and tackle you and smother you in all the kisses. I love you my handsome man. Muah!!
He remembers that day so well, not just the one when you found out you were pregnant but the one where you literally tackled him to the ground and smothered him in kisses as Novaleigh tried her hardest to wiggle into the fun. ‘Oh ma, how I miss you baby girl. What I wouldn’t give for one more day with you.’ He mumbles to himself quietly as to keep Novaleigh from hearing. On to the next letter.
March 18th 2016,
The birth of our daughter. The greatest day of my life. From the moment she made her entrance, the two of you were side by side. The way you looked at her, I just knew that no matter what happened with you and I. You would be the greatest father. I couldn’t have asked for a better baby daddy. Through the pregnancy, I had to keep telling you that I had no clue what to name her, I told you that I was gonna have to hold her and see her before I could choose. But the truth was, I had her name picked out from the minute we found out she was a girl. I told the nurse her name to put on the birth certificate but made sure she didn’t tell you until you signed the document. The look on your face when you read her name was so worth the surprise. ‘Novaleigh Ruth Wyatt.’ You whispered before looking up at me with tears gathering in your eyes. ‘I knew you were going to name her after your mom but you incorporated my moms as well?’ You has asked me. Of course I did. We are a product of our mothers and Valeigh is a product of us, it was only right. They aren’t here to be a part of her life but their memory deserves to go on. That was truly a special moment we shared that day and I wouldn’t change it for the world. From that day on, you two have been my world and always will be. I love you.
Urban places the letter back in the box before returning it to the shelf. ‘You hungry Valeigh girl?’ He asks his daughter. ‘Can we make Mac n cheese Daddy? Please?’ He laughs at her excitement. ‘You got it sweet girl. C’mon.’ She hands her father back his phone before he picks her up and carries her to the kitchen. They cook together that night, taking about nothing but the memories of you they will keep close to their heart forever.
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candiedapplez · 1 year
I ask you all of the questions from that one reblog. Good luck/nf/j
Omg ok this will be a while then tehehehehehehhe im not complaining though!!!! Heres the questions so u can look at the questions and the answers!
1.this one is OBVIOUS!!! A-90 and Opheebop!!! DUUUUUUUH!
2.lighter. Ive never used a match before
3.ew no!!! I don't want buggies crawling in my room while im sleeping!!!! However i have before!
4. Aaaaaa ive never really gotten into that stuff so i cant really give an answer-
5. A really dark brown!!
6. Oops i did that again???
7. Well idk ive used both and they are both work really well! however i do think scrunchies are safer for your hair, i use normal hair ties more often because scrunchies are more bulky and yeah i dont prefer that, but both are great!
8. Six. I have six.
10. Ofc!!
11. Does drawing count?
12. Good day!!!!! I havent cried yet so-
13. Not too long ago, like an hour ago actually. I had pizza! (Incase u were wondering)
14. HELL YEAH!!!
15. Nope and i never want to be 😗
16. NoooooOoOoO-
17. Nope i have perfect vision muah
19. Yea ofc!!! But they probably wont turn out good…
20. Soda…. Ive never seen or heard anyone say pop before….
21. Plushies!!!! I have a unicorn plush my old friend (we dont talk anymore since she moved) gave me for my 7th bday!!!! Yes i remember when, yes i still have it! And its in perferct condition!!! Also there was this one kid who ig had a crush on my and he gave me a basket full of stuff for valentines day and i still have said basket-
22. I have no clue what this means? I guess sensitive?
23. Love it!!!!!
24. Eating :] (and joking abt pushing each other off probably/JOKE/JOKE/JOKE/JOKE)
25. Aaaa i use all of them but i use lotion most so ig lotion?
26. Idk what to say for this one aaaaaagh
27. Like 5 i think? Ive been getting better with my sleep time!!!!
28. Not anymore, our school last year said we could take them off, however i was SO insecure about my face (still am, but not as much as before) so i would wear it every single day. If i showed up to school without one people got surprised. I stopped wearing them this year, however.
29. Hot????
31. Theres a lot, i dont wanna get into it 😵‍💫
32…… is that a thing? People have favorite towels??
33. Hm my school took us on a field trip to a high school so we can see animals if that counts… (i have pictures btw if u wanna see them! We saw pigs, sheep, cows and bunny! I didnt take pic of bunny tho 😢)
34. LITERALLY EVERY SIX THE MUSICAL SONG HOLY SHIT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS (the only ones i might mess up on are aywd and idnyl bc aywd is long and i dont listen to idnyl often)
35. Pst!!
36. Only once! My username used to have a 0 between the words (Candied0applez) but i changed it bc it made it sound like i candied no apples… but i was originally going to be called caramelapplez but i thought candied sounded better heheh)
37. The friend i mentioned earlier i met first day of kindergarden, her name is Alana, and this other girl Maya i met before kinder! We met eachother at a park and when we walked home we found out we were neighbors so we instantly became besties! (We still are to this day but she lives 30 mins away so i dont see her often-(
38. All…?
39. Sometimes!
40. Ice cream!!!
41. Empty. Coffee is gross
42. Hahahah yt, roblox and occasionally twitter!
44. Myself/j fucking donald trump 🤮👈🖕
45. NO ☺️
46. Oh god i dont watch any 🫢
47. | v
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this actually was to the other girl i mentioned earlier! Maya! I found baby pictures of us when we were in 2nd-3rd grade and i showed her today!!!
48. Never and i dont plan on ever!
49. Never tried
omg that took forever!!! Gosh i dont mind though!!! These were fun questions! Aaaaaaaa i enjoyed that tyty!
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mystery-salad · 2 years
🌼🌟☁️ fooooor laighe & matthias
Helloooooooooo thank u for the two Commanders who are consuming all my brain power rn, blowing u a kiss muah 💖
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
Favorite thing about Laighe is everything honestly. She was my first gw2 character, her gender and personality had grown with me, she's a piece of love and catharsis for me and was a major outlet in some of the lowest points of my life. I do not know if my journey to this point would have been a smooth without being able to project on her and recognize things about myself. And now she just falls into place, it's effortless deciding what's next for her, because i know her so well she tells me everything. Laighe is everything to me, and I insert her into almost every game I play now.
Matthias is, quite simply, so easy to fuck around with. There is no character I create more "what if" situations for than him. I have cried over tragedies centering this dork more than any other character by a landslide. In fact, I have a scenario in pause with Socks right now because I can not afford to cry at social events tomorrow so it has to wait to continue until Sunday. He's just so easy to bully in very very deeply meaningful ways.
🌟- Is this oc good at expressing themself through words or do they have to use other means?
Laighe is passable at verbal communication, she's not great at listening to others for her own good, but she is still very good at communicating and explaining herself to others with words. Astounding really, given how fucked up she is sometimes. She's also very deliberate with her words, she won't try to say things she finds difficult.
Matthias is such a contradiction because the guy can lie through his teeth and make you believe the sky is green and the grass is blue. But he could not emotionally and truthfully talk his way out of a wet paper bag. @ascalonianpicnic 's Aildyn has to literally fight and corner him to get him to admit his feelings for them, and it's still an incredibly physical fight more than anything else. He's so much better with actions than words when it comes to truth, and keeping an eye on what he does will give you so much more insight to who he is and what he's feeling than his words ever could.
☁️- What is this oc’s clothing style like?
Laighe's style could be easily mistaken for butch by someone who doesn't realize she's not a girl. Sure she uses she/her, but she does that out of just being used to it entirely, and doesn't attach herself to any gender as we understand it. While she started with dressing feminine, her style now is very neutral-to-masculine. Straight-cut jeans, loose tank tops and t-shirts, a simple down-dressed suit for formal events and long coats and leather armor for field work.
Matthias' style in public is immaculate and perfectly put together to give of an immediate impression of an old-money noble. Fancy suits with all the trimmings, fine silk shirts and pressed pants that are the perfect length, rich colors that pull the eye in and there's never a hair out of place. Even his weapons, while still incredibly well made for effectiveness in battle, have done delicate filigree expertly and intricately carved into them. His style when he's alone though leaves all of that behind. Simple utilitarian jeans and t-shirts, clothes that wouldn't stand out in a crowd. Looks that are so unremarkable that you'd never look twice at the guy unless he directly talks to you. The easier your gaze slides over him the better, and the more comfortable he is.
It's honestly funny how much Laighe's and Matthias' favorite clothes would actually match lmao, and how on Laighe would still stand out despite it while Matthias would suddenly seem completely unremarkable
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the tortured poets department: the anthology - first listen
THIS IS SO EXCITING So I have been exhausted 25/8 because of work and my body constantly aching from long covid (i love ma life) so I only got to listen the next day I tried to stay up until midnight but I literally only made it to ~11:45 lmao
My eyes popped out of my head when I woke up to a double album drop - 31 SONGS TO LISTEN TO IN ONE GO I WAS SO HYPE I also laughed bc ofc taylor did a surprise release and now we have 31 new gems to treasure HERE ARE MY FIRST THOUGHTS !!
1. Fortnight SOFT SYNTH OH HER VOICE?????  OH I LIKE THIS  Y DID THAT REMIND ME OF FLORENCE OL ENDLESS FEBRUARY… I LOVE YOU ITS RUINING MY LIFE  I really like post malone  HELL YA  FLORIDA She said america its like she said my name
2. The Tortured Poets Department Ok drum O no fuckin body alright gf SPARKLY Charlie poot  You awaken with dread, pounding nails in your head  I laughed in your face and said - i like how she sings that!!! Wow her lows and highs in this song are wild! Bridge is best rn in this song !! oh wow jack lucy wowee  Omg the ring?????????????  Hello jack
3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys Oh okay her VOICE Miss voice The deep parts helloooooooooooo  This wasnt the sound i thought we’d get for this song at all but this is cool (i was expecting like a sultry old timey jazzy "my boy" song in the same like arena of the start of christmas tree farm old timey version lmao) Litany This is gonna get stuck in my head often i can already see it i can already tell  Danger in the heat of my touch  Once i fix me hes gonna miss me???? Wow thats so real  Told me im BETTER OFF  Imma shake my fist
4. Down Bad THIS SOUND HELLO? Ok but her oice?????  YAAAA What is this noise bro  Oo cosmic love But the way she sings the verses???  Ofc hi jack  Its gonna grow on me ik aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA bubble sound There are so many f words  I might just die it would make no difference real  Ok but these worbly sounds are nice  THAT SOUND AT THE END GIVES lana vibes
5. So Long London Hello choir  Oh so SO long LONG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lmao Oh  Ok i kinda love htis  Ok i love her VOICE HELLO?  OO Omg Omg Omg THE SPINE BRAIN MAKE LAUGH LINES WOEOWOEWOEOWE (why did i write brain? HAHA) OH THE TRAGEDY STUF that is so good  Whoa holy shit the lyrics  ALL THAT YOUTH FOR FREE???? N HER VOICE? WOW  2 graves 1 gun  OH LAYERING IS THAT PIANO OR SYNTH IDK ITS SO GOOD My mouth has been open Her voice im screaming i love it and the FASTNESS SO GOOD  THAT GUITAR  Bro????????????????????????? I want to put this on repeat
6. But Daddy I Love Him I want to prance on my tip toes and throw leaves one by one  Reminds me of a 2000s movie Omg jack and aaron on this one  Im vibin Ok bitchin Omg thats a WILD part lmfaooo HELLO?  Thats kind of crazy lmaoooo like i get it but wowee  Its giving ours vibes  Im having his BABY? yeah you should see my face LMAO What is happening in this song lmao IM NOT CATCHING ALL THE LYRICS YET ITS TOO SOON AND NOW I FEEL LIKE THAT MR KRABS MEME   i like when she sings it was chaos etc
7. Fresh Out The Slammer OH HELL YEAH ELL  YEAH I AM ALREADY INTO IT Interesting drum  Wow her range in this song too that was so low  Is that a violino PRETTY MELODY O it slowed down  Ok i like the ending bit
8. Florida!!! her vocals MUAH LIL REVERBY GUITAR the drums threw me off ok florence vocals! so flowy bodies body in my mind they sink into the swaMP???? ok the home and town part is nice at the end here oo
9. Guilty As Sin? Ok beat AM I ALLOWED TO CRY !!!!! Ok chorus is NICE  Ok so far this is my second fave!!!!!!  Ok i really like this  WHAT IF HES WRITTEN MINE ON MY UPPER THIGH ONLY IN MY MIND Without ever touching his skin HOW CAN I BE GUILTY AS SIN BEECH Theyre gonna crucify me anyway HOLD ME OO Wow religious hello  Nice bridge Oh I choose you and me religiously eEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Oh wow interesting way to jump back into the chorus that is different I LIKE IT Ok IM INTO THIS
10. Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? This is reminding me of 2013 idk why  OHHHHHHH YOUDONT GE TTO TELL ME ABOUT SAD YES BEECH OH WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW YES  OK YES  The guitar and the intonation and her VOICE YES SCREAMIN HELL YAAA Omg i love this  Ok another top song  Omg i love this  Ok this is #2 … or #1… !! Everything about this !!!!!!!!  WHOS AFRAID OF LITTLE OLD MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe SELF WRITTEN YAS Oh the but what ifs so real lmaoo  Omg yes Asylum where they raised me?? Bb :(  drunk on my own tears???  Lol put narcotics into all my songs ha ha Circus life made me mean Lured hurt taught caged ??? calle dcrazy? Aw :( i am what i am cause you traine dme??? Oh
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Ok i liked that first sound Good guitar Shes delulu ? Texas part was lana like Wow face… that was really low   Domme vibes ????? good boy? Come closer? Ill show you heaven if youll be an angel all night? Okkkkkkkk maam ! Oh i liked i told you hes my man hec ya Lmao whoa maybe i cant thats funny
12. loml Pinnano Ok this is going to be nice  Omg i thought i was better safe than starry eyed ok!!!!! This sounds sweet  I like  Topper  Aw the way she said you said im the love of your life about a million times  Blew in with the winds of fate omg  Omg the fakes line  CONMAN WOW Omg never before and ever since HER VOICE STHUSHGRJ THIS IS A STORY WOWOEWOE OWEER I love this Omg the vocals in th eback  Mr steal your girl then make her cry wow  UNRECALL SONG!! Omfg cant get out of bed bc something counterfeit is dead OKKKKKKK This is a top song Valiant roar  Bland goodbye Woweweowoeoweooweotwetirfv Nfkjnksjnsn Braids of lies !!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so good stfu :(  OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YOURE THE LOSS OF MY LIFE SHUT THE FUCK UP SOMEONE GUESSED IT WOULD GO FROM LOVE OF MY LIFE TO LOSS OF MY LIFE SHU T UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Im crying btw holy shit that was so good.
13. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart Oh zippy  HEY EY EY Lol  Aw while on tour Mirroball? Hello lol  He said he’d love me all his life  Omg thats so fuNNYYYYYYYYYYYYY SHUT UP LMAO Barbie !! It's giving Barbie!! LOL Im laughing so much this is great  Im so depressed, i cry a lot  Amaizing. So real. What a professional  LMAO i cannot  IM SO DEPRESSED I AC TLIKE ITS MY BIRTHDAY EVERY DAY <3  I CRY A LOT BUT I AM SO PRODUCTIVE ITS AN ART Ok i love this so much lmaoooo  Cause im miserable! And nobody even knows!!! What a professional queen  LMAO TRY AND COME FOR MY JOB? I love her stfu  I wanna listen to it again please omg
14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived Ofc jw lmao help me  who the fuck was that guy  Oh the beat is building  Omg ? Who tf ghosts taylor swift ? im gonna fight Rusting my sparkling summer wow  Oh my god this is savage i dont miss what we had but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived KNGKJFNG Deep voice Oh bridge vocals YAAAAAA STRINGS YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You deserve PRISON?? GIRLL Slip through the bars that was nice  CRASHED MY PARTY NICE  PERFORMING nice i love how shes singing these parts !!!!!!!!!! Ok i like how that tied up and ended neat
15. The Alchemy Ok i like this alreadyyyyyyyy It's reminding me of Glitch??? idk why Love white wine  Ok yaaa ! Smooth  Low vocals allooo  But even the instrumentals i love  Top ranking  song  Oh winning streak sound in the back i love
16. Clara Bow Ok i like the heaviness of the guitar yes Think i might die! Aw lights of manhattan  Promise to be dazzling Stringy sound!!  Stevie nicks!  Knew this was aaron  Suits in LA - i love when she does this in songs man idk she does it so well :)  Im dancing  Beauty is a beast etc nice  Girlish glow flickers just so omfg nice  Its hell!! On earth!! oMG THIS PART IS SO NICE STFU You look like taylor swift?? Omg  The futures bright dazzling DUDE SHE DOES THIS SO WELL SHUT UP I LOVE SONG WRITER TAYLOR SWIFT. this is so soft Reminds me of The Lucky One
17. The Black Dog This sounds sad already Oh  Oh that is sad Oh its a bar You forgot to turn it off  :c  Best laid plans!!!!!!!!!!  Oh in the shower  Rain soaked body was shaking omg ............................. IS THIS MY SHOW. ok erica not everything is abt u BREATHING CLEAN AIR SMOKE OGMKGJF Aw :( set fire to all my clothes  hello jack Omg our/my dreaming
18. imgonnagetyouback WE WONT GET FOOLED AGAIN NONO Thats the vibe Ok nvm
Oh Thats nice This will grow on me fr sure NICE BRIDGEEE LOL even if handcuffed Oooo play the game part Im poison either way skfjdn Ok going back into chorus was v nice end chorus is so nice w back vocals
19. The Albatross AARON VIBES  I like how her voice sounds it is TO MY TASTEEEE Ok this is a top so far i think  It is giving folklore  Oooo vocal range  I'm dancing And i tried to warn you about them that is very taylor sounding 
20. Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus Why cant my name be chosen Oh i like the piano hello??????  My bones out?  Oh the guitar? Bro this is SO pretty Oh this is so good wowowowow Its building up ?? i love this This tops the albatross  Depths of your sigh??  Her breathin?? Float in your orbit Her voice !!! stop it! I love this SAY YOU LOVED ME AAAAAAAA Oh vocals i love Will i always wonder TOP SONG HOLY SHIT i am hurt
21. How Did It End? Ok hi vocal i love u  SO MUCH? Wow Omg the QR CODES Flower! I love the piano and her voice wow  Oh i love that so much the VOCAL TUNE Learned the right steps to different dances!!! Top song i think idk omg  I would do so bad singing to this by myself between verse and chorus oof lol Oh guitar heading into bridge i loooooooooooooove this stuff Yes aaron My beloved ghost and me thats cute I cant pretend like i understand either
22. So High School GUITAR BEBIIIIIIIII very good DRUMS This is p different!! LOW Cute this is giving like 2000s romcom vibe  Lol thats cute marry kiss or kill me INTERVIEW - OMG BETTING ONALL THREE?  Awwww car door This is so cute Ok this part is cute and catchy you knew what you wanted and boy you got her !!  She is so in luv very cute  Ok im dancin this is really cute I feel so high school every time i look at u !! TRUTH DARE SPIN BOTTLES thats so catchy i love it  I can dance around to this for sureeEEEEEEEEEEEEe ok i love
23. I Hate It Here I hear u countin This is so aaron I like the concept of secret gardens I also hate it here  1830s good clarification omg shes so right This is good??? LUNAR VALLEYS !!!! Only the gentle survived Wow this is so REAL I dreamed about it in the dark the night i felt like i might die? Omg. is she me?  This is very real i am hurting Ill save all my romanticism??? HELLO? Made me feel worthless? CURRENT FLIES THROUGH ME? LOVE  Wow i love this song? This is a top im not kidding  An anthem  YOU ARE A POET TRAPPED INSIDE THE BODY OF A FINANCE GUY LMAO?  Sorry Finance guy 
Thats so funny I loved this song Im kinda crying now though i feel seen  Tbt the story i tried to write in high school called the art of disappearing
24. thanK you aIMee I like her voice  Down the stairs? I cri lmao  I cant forget the way you made me heal!!  Laughing at each baby step i take? Same searing pain!!!  Aw. prayed that one day i could say !!!  You know what i am totally with this fuck you aimee hell yeah  KGNKFSJGFSNGFSKG ANDREA LMFAO PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WISHED YOU WERE DEAD??? ANDREA!!!! LOL  OMG I BUILT A LEGACY THAT YOU CANT UNDO. GOOSEBUMPS.  Wow  Bro this is good?  Aw bea tmy spirit black and blue  Im laughing so much about andrea PLEASE Aw i pushed each boulder up that hill  This sounds country This warm my heart idk ilu taylor what a complex feeling to capture
25. I Look In People's Windows Same Dancing to this guitar  I spied the catch in your breath ooo  Chorus is fun  Omg what if your eyes looked up and met mine OOOOO LOVE VOCALS If someone looked at me while i was looking into their house id scream This is a nice song  Does it feel alright to not know me  OMG Im addicted to the if onlys  This is so good LOL like im some deranged weirdo  The downtown part man wow
26. The Prophecy I heard the countin  Oooo i like where this guitar is taking us  Ok so far im enjoying this  Caught lightning in a bottle  Oh!!! Cursed like eve ot bitten!!  Change the prophecy wow  Aw Just wants someone who wants my company :(  Ok dude this is so good??????  This is literally so good?  DRUMS HELLO IM HYPE  Very last drops of an ink pen  This is so good????? BUT EVEN STATUES CRUMBLE IF THEYRE MADE TO WAIT Greige Aw So someone will tell me itll be okay Is that string instrument?? This song is the version of the hello god its me when will it be my turn meme Omg vocals wow that was magical  REminds me of seven
27. Cassandra Placing daydreams  PIANOOOOOOOOOO Omg in ym tower weaving nightmares? They say what doesnt kill you makes you aware what happens if it becomes who you are  Payroll line is like the vibe i thought my boy etc wouldve sounded  Omg no one heard NICE SNAKES omg i understand  Do you believe me now omg  A mourning warning no one heard wow  Omg she sang so low how does she do that
28. Peter Oh i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this piano  I wanna learn it  This is self written  Omg peter pan???  Promises ocean deep but never to keep Is the sound muffled I LOVE THAT OLD TIEMY 25???  Oh shelf life omg  Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life !! Oooo the way she sang the light speak now vibe  I really love the piano  the repetition is an interesting choice i need my brain to process it and figure out what it mean
29. The Bolter I like the soun I like story :)  Cute melody  Oh WHORE ok!! caught me off guard ngl  lmaoo  As she was leaving it felt like breathing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making him care oh All roses portrait poses omg  LOL what a charming saturday!  Oooooooooo littlest leaks  races/aces sound nice  Escape in escaping nice  Hands around each others shoulders and swaying to the beat and singing lmao  Then i would jump abt all her lives lol  Sounds nice 
30. Robin Pinnano Her voice sounds so clean and smooth  Omg thats the aaron beat  Wow deep voice Her range  Aaron guitar sounds or is tha tbass  Looooooooooooooooooooooong may you roar  In sweetness  tiger…WOODS?  Tbh idk whats happening in terms of lyrics i am not processing them right now but her voice is pretty  This is about a child? And childhood before you are CORRUPTED ? owwie :( wholesome :(
31. The Manuscript PINNANO Good voice i like I love the story tellin  Is this the first time she said sex  I eat kids cereal  Oh :( owwie Aaron sounds  Good vocal omg One last souvenir  Oh but the story isnt mine anymore wow!!!  What a journey! 
this album is incredible
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soonsluv · 3 years
i'd love to see a reaction to their s/o being like. super physically needy/clingy after sex? like for me personally i get super cuddly and soft (like. borderline you'd think i was the submissive) bc that's my post nut clarity apparently so i'd love to see your take on it!! - star, who hopes you have a good day and sends you love :)
contains: fluff lmao, mentions of sex, gn!reader
a/n: i had so much fun writing this so i hope you enjoy this and also have a nice day star!! muah!
seungcheol: i’m a firm believer that he loves being babied but he has also shown multiple times that he can easily read people and know what approach would work best with them so the second he notices you’re getting all clingy, he’d spoon you and hold you tightly, laying in comfortable silence until you guys fall asleep
jeonghan: he’d try to tease you but he’s more sensitive than he likes to admit and would melt the second you’d pout or straight up turn around. he’d wrap his arms around you tightly and apologise in the hopes you’d forgive him bc a cuddle session isn’t something he likes to decline
joshua: his nickname is really corny but he’s indeed a gentleman. he would be taken aback the first time and would ask you if you were having a dom drop and when you tell him you aren’t, he’d be relieved and enthusiastically take you into his arms like they were made to hold you
hoshi: would think about teasing you but would refrain bc he knows you don’t often get all clingy n soft so he’d want to react well and enjoy it as much as he can when it does happen. believe me when i say you’ll literally have to fight him off of you if you want to stand up to grab a snack to eat or something
wonwoo: idk if the amount of daddy dom wonwoo fics finally got to me but i feel like there would be a solid role switch. he’d take you into his arms, place your head on his chest and would stroke your hair while asking you if you were okay as if he wasn't the one being pounded into the mattress 2 seconds ago. his boldness might make you go ??? but it’d definitely be a nice change to his usual introverted demeanour
woozi: although he thinks you’re incredibly cute, he isn’t the most physical person so after cleaning the both of you up, he’d play with your hair while humming melodies, lowkey feeling guilty he couldn’t reciprocate the same amount of physical touch
dokyeom: would handle this situation so well. would 100% use his baby voice to talk to you. “aww is my love tired? do they need me to hold them tight? cuddle session coming right up!” might be so cheesy, you’d want to slap him actually
mingyu: y’all would look like a mess of tangled legs and arms no joke, he’s a very clingy person so you would only egg him on and he’d somehow find a way to hold you as tightly as humanly possible without killing you. has a silly smile on his face the entire time
minghao: he’d become your number 1 fan right then and there, would baby the living shit out of you while fondly looking at you with the biggest smile on his face, bombarding you w kisses n praise
seungkwan: would also shower you w praise while taking care of the scratches n bruises he left on your body. it’d be a bit awkward to find a good position since he isn’t used to taking a more caring role in the relationship but would try his absolute best bc he knows you need it
vernon: listen, i like the dude fr but come on now🧍🏾 would have the worst reaction when you’re like that, he’d notice the way you were getting more clingy but wouldn't act on it. you’d have to tell him that you needed to be held for him to actually do it, 2/10 experience
dino: literally the 1# top in the world, would have the best reaction out of everyone when you’re like that. wouldn’t even act surprised, easily slipping into this more active role like it’s a daily occurrence. he’d place a hand on your back and move it in circles to soothe you and lull you to sleep
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familyfriendlyweed · 3 years
late night snaps (quackity x reader)
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a/n : before we get into the story, i wanted to thank you all for such support on my first post - i only posted it yesterday, and got a hell lot of likes and reblogs and even gained 23 followers, which is insane for me (or maybe i just don’t know how tumblr works, haha)! anyhow, i’m really happy you guys enjoyed it <3 
 it was 02:37 and you were editing your newest video. you had no idea it would take so long, though! even if you were used to staying up very late, you knew you have to put away your laptop and go get some sleep. 
 saving the video as a draft and shutting your computer off, you started to blindly search for your phone, since your eyes didn’t get used to the darkness yet. finally finding it, you turned it on to set an alarm for the next morning when you suddenly saw a snapchat notification from ten minutes ago. it was from Alex. you curiously unlocked your phone and tapped the little notification to be led straight to snapchat.
idiota : hello mamacita
 your face instantly lit up in a childish smile. you started to type your response eagerly like it wasn’t 2 am and you didn’t have online classes tomorrow. 
 you : why hello there, el señor
 you saw Alex’s silly bitmoji pop up as he started to type.  
 idiota : what is my chica bella doing up so late?
 you giggled, getting comfortable in your bed - this meant a long chatting session on its way.
 you : YOUR chica bella? when did that happen?
 idiota : ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! >:((((
 you : fine you big baby, i was finishing editing a new video
 idiota : hmm i see, i see
 you : what about you though? u should get some sleep!!! :(((
 Alex’s bitmoji started typing, then stopped for some reason. you lifted your eyebrow at that. then he continued, but it took a while for him to finish.
 idiota : why, i just couldn’t fall asleep when you were on my mind all the time, mi amor
 your cheeks grew red in an instant. you knew you could handle jokes pretty well, but this was quite too much. Alex never got so far as to actually flirt with you.
 you : eh??? what drugs are u on
 idiota : the only drug for me is you mamacita
 you snorted. you had no idea if he was being serious or not, even if the second option was more likely.
 you : literally go to sleep wtf
 idiota : i’d sleep better if you were by my side ;)
 this was enough for you - you felt as if you got one more message like this from him, you’d die from the hotness in your cheeks. setting your phone down, you made your way to the bathroom before bed.
 you came back five minutes later, only to see your phone full of notifications from Alex. your heart was thumping really hard, you weren’t used to this, but you opened snapchat anyway.
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : mamacita, don’t joke w me like that
 idiota : did you really just leave me on read wtf
 idiota : i’m sad come back :(((
 and at last, there was a snap from him. you were quite scared at this point. with a shaking hand, you opened it.
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 you laughed so hard that you seriously thought you’ll have a seizure. still laughing, you snapped a selfie with a cute filter on (you really thought you looked horrible at the moment), captioned it with “your chica bella had to take a piss u simp” and sent it to Alex.
 he opened the snap almost imediatelly and started typing afterwards :
 idiota : mamacita!!!! you look hermosa!!!!
 you : that’s because i have a filter on lmaoo
 idiota : mamacita don’t let yourself down, you are so beautiful :((
 you started to text a sarcastic reply, but stopped. for some reason, Alex seemed like he was being truthful. he wasn’t joking around when he called you beautiful, that was too affectionate.
 you : ...really?
 idiota : si, si! <3
 you tugged at your lip in a thinking manner. true, you had feelings for Alex, but you never thought he had something similar to you. or maybe... maybe he was just supporting you as a friend. figuring that was probably it, you texted :
 you : thank you quacker B]] ur also v handsome
 idiota : mamacita likes me!!!!!😍😍😍
 you smiled sadly. Alex was definitely playing around. you got lost in thought for a few moments, thinking about how would he act if he was actually in love with someone. would he, perhaps, be more mature? that would be very weird to look at.
 finally coming back to planet Earth, you looked at your phone only to see that Alex has written a shit ton of messages again :
 idiota : i want to see you, mamacita
 idiota : it’s fine if u don’t want to, you’re probably going to sleep anyway...
 idiota : but maybe let’s meet tomorrow?
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : i’m coming over <3
 your heart gave a leap of embarassment and surprise. why would he even say that?
 you : wait what
 you : wdym “i’m coming over”
 you : no tf ur not
 you : go to sleep
 idiota : doesn’t mamacita want to see muah???
 you : no, that would be awesome, but you should go to sleep, really :(
 idiota : y/n, i already told you, i can’t sleep when you’re on my mind
 you froze in spot, staring at your screen for what felt like an eternity. did he just call you by your name? you knew he only says it in serious situations. deciding to change your tactic, you started texting seriously :
 you : are you like... for real now?
 you : because i know you call me by my name in serious situations, but maybe it’s only a prank, so just answer me truthfully, okay?
 Alex started typing, it took even longer that before, but at last you saw his message, this time without caps, spammed question/exclamation marks, nothing silly at all :
 idiota : i am serious, y/n. believe me, this is not a prank. i just really wanna see you. 
 your heart skipped a beat or two, your face renewed its redness. you felt as if you were dreaming.
 you : okay... i’m really glad. come over, please
 idiota : thank you so much
 you started pondering in your head - how did this happen? how did this silly conversation turn out like this? 
 but what if Alex texted you because he wanted to come over in the first place? after all, he knew how shitty your sleep schedule was. that would be awesome, you thought, a small smile dancing on your lips.
 you checked the snap map only to see Alex about 100 meters from you. wait... what? 100 METERS??? was Alex near your place the moment he texted you for the first time?
 you jumped up, starting to tidy up your messy room up, only to remember you look like poop at the moment - hair messy, face tired, clothes scrunched. 
 exhaling heavily, you tried to change your appearance quickly - you ran into the bathroom, brushing your hair panickily. then you wrenched the makeup bag open and started to rummage through it trying to find some mascara or something...
 ding ding! 
 you froze, your eyes widened. he was already here, what the hell?!
 you quickly put on some mascara, ran into the hallway while brushing your face with your hands from stress (completely forgetting you have mascara on, somehow) and unlocked the door.
 Alex’s figure was dark, since the lightbulb in the corridor wasn’t working, and it almost gave you a fright. but as soon as he engulfed you in a warm hug, the tension in the pit of your stomach vanished. you hugged him back almost unsurely, but smiling.
 “hello, mamacita”
 you giggled. for some reason, you got the strongest urge to cry. probably from happiness, but it still was confusing to you. nevertheless, tears started running down your cheeks, mixing with mascara, probably making you look like you were going to a halloween dress up party. 
 “hey, why are you crying?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
 “i look horrible.” you laughed, wiping your tears away.
 “nooo, why won’t you listen to me? i already told you you’re beautiful.” he said with a cute pout. 
 “alright, alright, i’m very beautiful, let me down now.” you said, noticing that he was still holding you in his arms tightly. 
 “whatever the chica bella says.”
 he put you down.
 “aren’t you going to turn on some light? i feel like i’ve gone blind!” Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled.
 “i’m like a bat, i hate much light, sorry. buuuut i could turn on this little lamp.” you said, making your way to your desk and turning on a cute little lamp the shade of warm pink.
 “perfect.” Alex said, eyeing you in light now. you thought he’ll make a comment about your awful mascara-stained face, but he said nothing, just smiling and looking at you in awe, like you were some princess in a ball dress instead of a tired college student in messy shorts, an oversized t-shirt and two different socks, because you couldn’t find a pair of the same ones.
 “perfect.” he repeated, shrugging with a smile on his face, like seeing you was everything he needed.
 you laughed and hugged him, muttering a “thanks for coming”. Alex didn’t hesitate and also hugged you, holding you as close as possible, as if he let go of you, he’d drown and would never come back to be by your side again. 
 little did you know, he felt the exact same way.
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pinksatinsashes · 3 years
Hi hannah! recently there’s been some controversy of being “that girl” and how it’s glorified on tiktok. I love self improvement tumblr because it’s the best thing that’s happened to me and im sure a lot of us! it’s a sense of community! It’s giving me anxiety that “that girl” is being looked down upon when it’s a motivator factor for me to be my dream girl
Hi angel!
Honestly I don't get the controversy and hatred of the trend if I'm being completely honest. I'm not sure if it's because I've made an effort not to get annoyed or bothered by things that don't matter or what but my ultimate verdict is:
It's really not that deep.
I live a life of not stressing my self out about things that don't matter so when I see others doing it, it's just like? Why?
When I see something dumb I go "well that's dumb" then I scroll along. I don't go on about it and ruin it for other people.
Anyway, you want my opinion so lets get into it.
As I said I get both sides.
The Positive Side
The "That girl" trend has inspired a lot of people to take better care of themselves. Do regular exercise, eat better, take care of their mental health.
And seeing as right now things that are being glorified are:
Getting plastic surgery to fit the beauty standard (which is literally always changing)
Victimising yourself in literally every way possible.
Talking bad about yourself as a form of "humour".
Binge eating unhealthy food for views.
Doing drugs and binge drinking.
Trauma dumping
Sharing literally every detail of your life for full on strangers to see.
Being a bimbo????
The That Girl trend is absolutely not the worst thing to come out of tiktok or social media in general.
Now do I think the 'That girl' trend is the best thing ever? Absolutely not.
The Negative Side
Now I'm not even going to talk about how people think its unrealistic and unattainable because I completely disagree and wholeheartedly believe that people are trying to make excuses.
Because waking up early drinking green juice, working out, journalling and meditating really isn't that hard.
I can genuinely do all of that before 9am if I wanted to. Do I? No, because I don't want to.
I don't like green juice and it's really not that great for you. By juicing the fruit and veg you're removing the majority of the fibre and leaving a bunch of sugar with reduced nutritional value. Now this would be fine if it actually tasted good, but it doesn't to me. I'm not trying to act like I'm better than anyone but if I'm going to drink something with very little nutritional value it better taste good.
I don't like waking up "early" to go work out. I wake up at 7-8am every day and that's good enough for me. I also don't like working out in the morning, it tires me out. I work out at 4pm, get home, cook and eat my dinner then chill for a few hours and go to sleep. I always get the best sleep when I do this and it's what works best for me.
I also don't like meditating or journalling in the morning either, I do both those things right before bed.
This all leads to my biggest problem about this trend.
While scrolling through tiktok the other day (before I deleted it) I saw this girl showing the behind the scenes to her self care account. The things she shows in those videos she didn't actually do. She'd get into her shower, film turning it on and never get in, film the face masks and never put them on and lay out pyjamas that she never wore.
It got me to thinking, how many people on the "That girl" trend are actually doing the things that they show and how many are just holding the pose for a second or two for the video then go pig out on the sofa.
My biggest problem is that people are doing it for the trend, for the aesthetic.
The that girl trend is an issue because of what it is.
The that girl trend is about becoming THAT girl that everyone sees on social media that has their life together, and while that isn't inherently wrong, the problem is that it's not really about being "That girl" it's about LOOKING like that girl.
No one is really doing the exercise to look after their body and become healthier, they're doing it to post it on their stories.
No one is drinking green juice because they like it or because it's good for them, they're drinking it because of the trend.
That's the problem, people aren't actually improving themselves, they're just pretending to.
Because self improvement isn't about waking up early drinking green juice, working out, journalling and meditating.
It's about doing things in that are actually achievable and can be maintained. There is no way that I can maintain waking up at 5am everyday to go to the gym, I tried it and I hated it. Now I wake up when I want to and go to the gym at a time that makes sense for me.
Self improvement isn't about journalling because of a trend, it's about journalling for whichever reason that you want to journal. I journal to organise and make sense of my thoughts which VASTLY helps my mental health. Others my journal just so they can look back on their previous days.
Self improvement isn't about eating healthy because of a trend, it's about eating healthy because listen, you only have this one life and this body and if you're going to be here living you better make the most of it and look after yourself.
When you do things because it's trendy, you miss the point a lot of the time. For example, half the 'healthy' meals I see aren't even that healthy. And also what's healthy for me may not be healthy for you.
Self improvement is about improving yourself, not about trying to come across a certain way for social media.
That girl isn't being looked down upon, "That girl" is inspiring but guess what, she does what she does because she wants to and it makes sense for her. not for social media.
Lastly, my love to answer the rest of your question.
"That Girl" Tikok vs Self Improvement Tumblr
I honestly don't think they're the same at all, though they can be if you only follow the aesthetic accounts on Tumblr.
I find that self improvement Tumblr teaches you ways to improve your life. Teaches you how to set boundaries and how to make yourself feel and look better. I've seen so many posts speaking out about being yourself and not following trends.
Self improvement Tumblr is about ACTUAL change. It teaches you how and TikTok just shows you the aesthetic and not so much the hard work that it takes to get there.
TikTok doesn't explain why you drink green juice, just that ooh it looks so pretty with this filter on it.
I've never seen a blog tell you to do something without telling you why, this way you can make an informed decision instead of just taking peoples word for it.
I hope this makes you feel better as I understand where you're coming from. Theres nothing wrong with being inspired by the trend or motivated by it. That's the whole point of it. But it's just not helpful when you're making moves to improve yourself because it doesn't tell you how to do it, it just shows you the final product.
Doing all the things that girl does won't make you that girl. Nor should you want to be. You should be the best version of yourself, not someone else.
And also, don't let other peoples thoughts on a trend take the fun out of it for you, you are more than capable of forming your own thoughts and opinions and you should.
Anxiety is hard I know. But there's such a beautiful freedom that comes from not caring about others opinions on you and doing what works best for you.
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sasukelore · 4 years
May I request some nsfw and SFW headcanons for Gaara please?
Gaara NSFW AND SFW Relationship headcanons
Request: May I request some nsfw and SFW headcanons for Gaara please?
A/N: OFC U CAN! I’m sorry I’m being slow with requests, but I prefer to take longer with requests and have better quality content than have a bunch of content that I’m not happy with. Anyways, Gaara is a soft boy protect him with all costs 😌. Also! I’ve been on hiatus recently due to things at home, but I am writing requests, and I haven’t “abandoned” this blog, and I certainly won’t anytime soon! We’re only just getting started haha! ILY ALL MUAH
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of oral sex, kinks, mentions of doms and subs
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So, Gaara is so sweet but he has a tendency to bottle everything up. He’ll put you before himself always. You don’t like the plant on his deck even though he does? He’s still getting rid of it.
And it won’t really affect him for awhile, he loves making you happy. He basically thrives off of it, your smile will be addicting to him.
SPOILS YOU. If I haven’t made myself clear enough already, Gaara will make sure you have whatever you want. Borderline sugar daddy without expecting sexual favors.
But he’s also really touch starved, it’s hard for him to make any first moves though. Every touch is new to him. Hell, he wouldn’t even kiss you until you were in a serious relationship.
So it’ll be up to you to initiate long kisses and hugs and even hand holding.
He prefers physical attention to be in private though, otherwise he’ll be a blushing mess and he really wont know how to respond.
And despite his fluffy sub attitude, he knows how to put his foot down and be assertive. He hates doing it and he’ll feel really shy afterwards, probably will wanna just hug you. It feels like hes scolding you tbh
You will never have an argument with him tbh. If things seem like its heading towards there, he’ll kiss your head and bid you a goodnight.
Despite his shy nature with you, he’s got your back. Someone underestimating your skills or just you as a person? Yeah, he won’t just listen to this.
He literally will go on a rant about how skillful you are and how you’re twice the person he even is. The other person will just be like o.o
SUCH A GOOD COOK. He will cook for you ALL the time. Which ties into him knowing everything about you. You didn’t know what your favorite food was until he made it. He just knows
Sub. Sub sub sub.
At first, he’s still really shy and very inexperienced. It’ll take him awhile for him to really be confident.
He loves suckling on your neck more than anything, the little whimpers it elicits from you will make HIM whimper.
Gets really flustered once he sees the marks he left behind tho, might even apologize and ask if they hurt
Gaara is a little vanilla. The only kink he has is marking. Finding little love bites all over your body throughout the day that you forgot to cover
He pays so much attention to what makes you feel good. And he loves experimenting! He’ll know what you like and don’t like without you even telling him
Gaara’s sex drive is actually pretty low. He can go weeks without craving sex. And when he does, it’s not a craving to get himself off, but to get you off.
He would like being blindfolded, his senses are heightened and to him, he’s showing you that he trusts you.
Would probably ask Kankuro for advice, the boy is a SHY BOY and he does NOT know what to do.
Okay, this man is a little mediocre at oral. He tries his best, but it’s too hesitant and believe it or not, his tongue will literally be shaking he’s so nervous.
Despite his lacking skills at oral, he’ll suprisingly know how to use his fingers amazingly well. Thrusting them in and out of you while you writhe under him is the most dom he’ll get.
It’ll be tough at first, if you have any kinks and want to ask him to try it out, he’ll probably faint. But he DOES remember it when he wakes up and he WILL attempt.
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rintarous · 4 years
s-some hcs for miya twins sister (yn miya gang rise up✊🏻) dating suna👉🏻👈🏻 p-perhaps🥺
wow okay thank u for this now my brain will finally be drippin with big brain juice okay so here i go bois
u can’t tell if suna has a death wish or suna definitely has a death wish
like the twins are literally so protective of you
no opposite sex is allowed within .5 radius with u unless one of them is there
and to think suna had the balls to ask you out
so surprise surprise
y’all be dating in secret
tbh that just made the entire relationship with suna more exciting
so anywho
the twins start to notice how you always want to tag along to their practices n shit
when you used to hate waiting for them but now you literally ask them if they have practice
and at first they were touched and was all like: “awww our wittle sister wants to watch us play <333″
but in ur head ur just like: “bruh u fuckin wish. i’m just there to sit and look pretty while looking at my pretty bf u two dk abt <333″
so then they start noticing suna literally staring at u or sumn shit suna doesnt do on the daily
so they obviously get sus of suna
not u cs they love u and they think their sister is a pure angel
so they sit back and observe suna’s actions whenever you’re around vs when you’re not around
osamu: look at him... he looks so in to the game and he looks at y/n’s direction.. i don’t fuckin like it one bit
atsumu, rolling his sleeve: aight bro u know what it is
they approach their middle blocker bestie with the most intimidating face they could muster
“can i help you..?” suna eyes the twins cautiously
“what’s going on with you and our sister?” atsumu gets straight into the mf point
on the inside suna was in shambles
not that he’d admit it, but he’s lowkey scared of the twins when it comes to you
cs he obviously heard stories abt them u know... scaring the kids who want to ask you out away and shit
suna (in the tiniest voice): who?
but then their little act of being two intimidating big bros got cut off cs u walked towards them
“hi are we having a lil party here?” you asked as you joined their lil group
you and suna exchanged a small glance before messing around with your brothers + suna respectively 
osamu gives suna a look that basically reads: “this isn’t over”
fast forward a couple of days later
the twins surprisingly had plans and left u alone in the house
so u know what that means ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you invite suna over!!!
the first and probably the only date u two could ever have
(at the moment at least)
suna was a bit sus and wary over the whole thing like,, how and when tf do the twins have plans 
but he still came over anyway
so y’all were in ur room n shit
watching netflix and all that funky shit
no netflix n chill up in here bois ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
just kidding there is netflix and chill
so y’all were kissing up in this bitch right
kiss kiss muah muah
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
then suddenly the front door slams open and cue the twins fighting over stupid shit 
suna is once again.. in shambles
im dead
so anyway
“oi y/n we got you something to eat come down here!” osamu would yell 
“coming!” you yell back as you tried to make urself as presentable as possible with suna in the bg just all panicky 
then suna is like “thanks for the memories bae” like he was abt to die
oh yeah he is abt to die 
then atsumu just CASUALLY barges in your room like it was nothing
“why are you taking so long- WHAT THE FUCK” atsumu just loses it
osamu comes running in cs he thinks his baby sister got murdered since atsumu just screamed in bloody murder but nah 
“wha wha wha wha wah what-” - the twins
think of that lipstick in my valentino white bag when they say what
and u were on the brink of crying cs u think the twins dont want suna for u and they abt to force u to break up with him 
and suna being the deadpan person himself just sighs and says: yeah im dating ur sister. so be it
the twins were like: :O like they couldnt say anything
when tbt to the time at the gym where they were ready to cuss him out
so they kinda stare at each other for a bit 
u know,, twin telfatty n shit 
and they suddenly nod their heads and say: “okay. we approve”
a fuckin miracle happend in ur room !! can u believe it ??? 
but they did sit suna down and basically presented a powerpoint presentation on the things they would do if suna ever thinks about hurting you in some shape way or form
“even if we’re bros from another hoe, our sister is literally no exception. we would burn the world for her so you better set your ass straight you slow starter bitchass lying ass i fucking hate you-” atsumu, frantically wiping his tears realizing his little sister is all grown up
osamu, trying to not cry listening to his brother: yeah suna... we fucking hate you
but fr deadass they have a whole list of possibilities on the things they’d do to suna (or anyone in general) who dare and hurt their lil sister: u 
and u were just watching them like: 😬
you love ur bros,, u rlly do
overall,,,, its such a chaotic fun time
like ur a miya, ur life is already fun and chaotic with the twins around as your brothers
and the fact u’re dating suna?? their bestie?? even made it more fun 
the end <3 
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bokutobaby · 4 years
ahh!! ur writing is just MUAH CHEFS KISS. ok bear w me on this one, can i request the karasuno boys @ kags having a sLumBer pArTy and the reader is his sister. where basically tsukki has a crush on her and when he sees her at the house he’s super flustered, then later in the night when all the boys are asleep they run into each other in the kitchen or whatever, AH I HOPE THAT MADE SENSE LOL. u can make it nsfw or sfw i trust ur abilities as a writer 😌
ok you are the SWEETEST AHH tysm for the support & and i hope u enjoy !! :’) p.s sorry this took me forever😭 | requests
tsukishima kei x kageyama!reader
“tsukishima, did ya hear me?” hinata said, shoving his elbow into the blonde boys side.
turning his head away from you — who’d came downstairs to bring some blankets for the team — tsukki adjusted his glasses and looked at hinata. “what do you want?”
hinata narrowed his eyes, looking between where he was just staring, and then back at tsukki. “forget that, were you just staring at kageyama’s sister?” being the naturally energetic person he was, hinata’s loud voice not only alerted you of their conversation, but the rest of the team sitting on the floor and couch around them.
you felt your face heat up slightly, as you nervously chuckled before handing out the last blanket and going back upstairs to your room.
the living room was silent, until a giggle from sugawara was heard.
“that’s embarrassing,” he added in between his laughter. “i’m sure she doesn’t appreciate you talking about her as if she’s not in the room.”
tsukki closed his eyes and groaned, ignoring the chatter and teasing (and glaring from kageyama) from his teammates.
ever since he found out about tobio’s twin sister, he’d been infatuated. at first it was ridiculous, him assuming anyone who looked and most likely acted like the “king of the court” didn’t deserve a minute of his time. he even dreaded the moment he was told you’d be waiting for your brother in the gym until practice was over, but the moment his eyes laid on yours all of that resentment was flushed down the drain.
tsukki pulled away from his thoughts and dismissed both suga and anyone else who was ready to question hinata’s awfully embarrassing question.
sooner or later it was well into the night, and the kageyama household was filled with the soft snores of karasuno’s volleyball team. tsukishima was the farthest thing from tired, his mind traveling back to you.
he often thought about the way you were the complete opposite of each other and how someone would probably think he were lying if tsukki were to admit he’d taken an interest in you. weirdly enough he loved how energetic you were around school, always talking to your relatively big group of friends.
he didn’t understand why he liked how different you were from him, but he didn’t mind it.
sighing, he knew there was no way he’d fall asleep now. slowly getting up from his sleeping bag he wandered into the kitchen, searching through every cabinet for a glass.
“the shelf to the right, if you’re looking for a cup.”
tsukki’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice, and he swiftly turned to see you.
an oversized tshirt covered your frame and held a pack of oreos in your hand, slightly grinning at his frightened face.
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. i was just returning these.”
he watched carefully as you put the cookies back into the pantry. he’d never been alone with you before, and he was at a loss for words.
“i uh, yeah.”
he internally face palmed at his awkwardness. this wasn’t like him at all.
you giggled and shut the pantry door. “tobio was wrong i guess,” you teased, “he said you couldnt go a second without being annoying.” and turned back around to head up the stairwell.
tsukki scoffed. “the only thing that goes on in his head are volleyball and terrorizing hinata. he has no room to speak.”
stopping at the bottom step, you let out another laugh, covering your mouth so you wouldn’t wake the sleeping boys not so far away. the sound was literal music to his ears.
“you’re not wrong. you know one time, i was like, on this whole rant and when i went to ask for his opinion he mumbled something about needing a partner to do drills with!” you exclaimed.
for the rest of the night, the two of you sat on the kitchen floor and giggled and joked about any and everything. it wasn’t long before the sun was starting to come up, and you hadn’t stopped yawning since.
tsukki let out a yawn himself.
“hey uhm, this was nice..” he said, looking at you as you held your knees to your chest in front of him.
you smiled, feeling your cheeks warm up a bit. “it really was, tsukishima. sorry for keeping you up so late though,” you said sheepishly. he only shook his head, and leaned in a little closer towards you.
“i’d sacrifice sleep to talk to you anytime.”
so although the rest of the boys put two and two together when they saw that you were the only two who couldn’t keep their eyes open all afternoon, and then went on to tease him even more than before..
it was worth it, and tsukki definitely wasn’t getting over this crush any time soon.
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cto10121 · 2 years
west side story (2021) review, the good, the bad, and the ugly. let’s go, daddy-o. spoilers, of course
the good:
dramatically, much more satisfying than the 1961 movie. the sharks and the jets were appropriately very rough. riff especially was terrific. miss the balletic elegance of the original bernardo (george chakiris) something awful, but the acting overall was much more improved.
the song order made musical and dramatic sense!!! thank goodness, that i was the most worried about. “i feel pretty” was in its original broadway placement, but it wasn’t too bad (could have done a better lead-in, though). i would have much preferred the film placement. i liked the conceit of the gun play in “cool,” but i still love the swing and robbins dance of the original, can’t be beat.
the lovers!!! their chemistry!!! much better than the ‘61 movie (the height difference helps a lot, muah).
“i have forgotten why i called you.” “let me stay here till you’ve remembered it.” be still, my shakespearean heart. points to the screenwriter
ansel engort as tony. it’s too bad he’s cancelled, because he was much better overall than beymer. i actually found him a better actor than rachel zegler, though not a better singer. they gave him a backstory about how he almost killed a PR, landed him in jail, and that’s how he turned his back on that street life. great. it was affecting. it was “whoop, tripped on your dick”-able. actually first time i noticed engort was fuckable. he was very meh in “the fault of our stars.”
rachel zegler as maria. i should have known they would have not have fucked around with casting maria, because the role is not fuck-aroundable. they pulled through this time. she did lovely vocally, and her acting was solid. still not as beautifully as the maria from the houston grand opera production i saw (teared up her “somewhere,” it was so beautiful), but she looked the part and she was just lovely overall.
did i forget to mention riff? freakin’ RIFF. terrific. had good chemistry with tony too (though with pure shipping fodder for the tumblr crowd. i know you lot well by now, don’t lie).
they actually got a vocal coach for the puerto rican accent! kind of extra, but nice. that said, you can tell the original actors’ spanish is different from the borriqueño accent, and it was kind of put on.
at the end they bore a dead tony away in the exact same way they bore mercutio and tybalt off in french retj. no, seriously! i know i’m a dumb fangirl about retj, but it did make me wonder…
i liked rita moreno’s character background as the widow of doc. nice touch with the white/hispanic interracial romance parallel
lt. schrank and krupke were well-played. i was actually impressed by schrank in the scene when he’s interrogating maria and anita on chino and shows that he knows spanish. it was good writing.
the fighting really was visceral. i was genuinely like “holy shit” the whole time i was watching. ditto for the rape scene. when i first watched the ‘61 version, i actually didn’t caught on that it was supposed to be an attempted rape scene (i was a kid tho) so anita getting angry and lying that maria was dead made little sense. here it did, so props
the tonight quartet was done much better than in the ‘61 version. could have done without the fade out on anita, though.
the bad:
the dialogue for the meeting scene, the balcony scene (somewhat) and the “one hand, one heart” scene was…not great. actually inferior to the movie/stage dialogue. movie just didn’t romance good overall. actors had to do a lot of work pulling it off
maria laughing at tony trying to speak spanish to her (“yo quiero estar contigo para siempre”). it was fine on literally the first try, it was cute!!! i was personally beaming. his scene with valentina/rita moreno teaching him spanish was funny. it felt mean
actually the dialogue in general. some of it was strong and impactful, but that first scene before the jets song ran way too long. there was clearly some meta attempts to justify the existence of a white ethnic gang
and oh, that borrinqueño song the sharks sang when they left was just awful. scrub it off my memory, please.
the music and arrangements were not…bad, per se. it’s just…the orchestra was bigger in both the ‘61 and the leonard bernstein version with kiri te kanawa and josé carreras. i could have sworn gustavo dudamel had a bigger orchestra than this
some of the presentation of the songs was uneven. the jet song was weak, “america” started weak and ended strong. you get the idea
i feel ariana debose didn’t do as great as anita as rita moreno (don’t know about chita rivera, never saw her act it). it may be the writing, though. anita is supposed to be a character eager to be american, speaking mostly english, losing her accent, etc. bernardo and the sharks is supposed to be ones who are like fuck the whites!!! it doesn’t really come across like that, though, which leads me to:
the america lyrics. they kept the boy-girl version, great! they replaced anita’s beginning (“puerto rico / my heart’s devotion / let it sink back in the ocean” or even “puerto rico / you ugly island / island of tropic diseases”) for “puerto rico / you lovely island” which is supposed to be one of the shark girls’ intro!!! and then of course the censoring of “and the bullets flying” to “and the people trying” (and not sung by anita). it makes no sense for anita to start singing about how great puerto rico is and then how she prefers to be in america (???). made no sense whatsoever
spielberg must have been allergic to fantasy sequences, because he just…didn’t do them. even though they are written in the show. the transition from maria twirling to the dance of the gym was cut—i know it looked weird in the ‘61 movie, but it was the sixties! editing and special effects were not that great. now we do know how to edit better, why not use it? also, the maria cha-cha/meeting scene should definitely had been a fantasy sequence. the meeting behind the bleachers thing was just cringe. and again the dialogue (“you don’t like to dance?” “i don’t. i do. i like to dance now.” just say “i do now” dude. compress it!!).
also, (i will die on this hill): “gee officer krupke” should have 100% been a fantasy sequence and it is just. never been done as one. it’s perfectly fine and witty on stage, but on film you’re just seeing a bunch of street-hardened kids doing costume theater…yeah, it’s just awkward. it didn’t help matters that it was not as expressive or as fun or even as impactful as the ‘61 version. also the ‘61 version had a better lead-in
did not appreciate the loss of the robbins choreography, especially in the rumble and prologue. just because idiots call it too gay for tough gangsters doesn’t mean it wasn’t the best. goddamn. thing. in the original ‘61 version they looked like panthers on the prowl, sinuous and deadly.
did not like how the mambo dance was interrupted by plot. especially since it began so well with the blues and the tension of the promenade!!! the mambo also was not a true mambo or even fully latin—it’s a hybridized dance with latin and jazz elements. so anita calling for it was stupid and cringe (both sides originally called for a dance-off), and them not showcasing the dancing skills of the jets (really missed russ tamblyn’s tumbling!!! it was so badass).
the jets girls being non-entities for most of the movie until anita’s rape scene when they almost randomly try to help her just after racially abusing her. because we can’t let the audience think that the movie thinks rape isn’t wrong!!! what would the twitter discourse say???? ay ay ay
the ugly:
the swaths of spanish, mostly untranslated, without subtitles. -.- i’m a bilingual latina, watched it with my first generation colombian dad who saw the ‘61 version in the theaters and it threw us off. imagine how the monolinguals must feel—hell, just the people who don’t speak spanish!!! west side story is not a “puerto rican/hispanic” thing, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. it’s limiting and exclusive when it shouldn’t be. no mames
NO, SERIOUSLY, “SOMEWHERE” SUNG BY RITA FREAKIN’ MORENO. i was so pissed, and i mean glaring-at-the-screen pissed. wtf, movie???? what the fuck was wrong with the duet of the ‘61? with even the disembodied voice of the broadway musical? what did “somewhere” do that made you hate it so much????? and no, rita moreno did not do a good job singing it she was weak asf. shit, i thought it was a trailer thing. did not expect to be blindsided by this shit. crass move
also cutting the somewhere reprise at the ending scene for “one hand, one heart.” no. just no.
also rita moreno was overall weak in this. it’s true. sorry not sorry. she could have made a good cameo, but they just stuck her where she didn’t need to be, including the even lamer ending of leading chino to the police. the worst was during “something’s coming” with tony singing directly at her. cringe
“something’s coming” was overall botched. the whole tony and riff dialogue was good, if overly long, but riff didn’t even persuade tony to come to the dance!!! so tony singing about “something’s coming” came out of nowhere—what is he looking forward to tonight? and then he just appears at the dance. i’m guessing they tried to make the song about him slowly coming around to the idea??? didn’t work imo
the jets were never the heroes of west side story. they were consistently shown as the aggressors or at least the most racist most of the time in the stage and in the movie. but this movie tips them almost into villain territory while the sharks have a (totally unbelievable) scene trying persuading chino not to kill tony. the original movie struck a better balance, though mostly its point was not about which side is more racist, it was about the dangers of tribal mentality and us vs. them racism. the jets are also abused by racial slurs by lt. schrank and krupke in the original ‘61—this movie only keeps the “polack” comment by bernardo. there are no more white ethnic gangs, though, so the racism towards them wouldn’t ring true for today’s audiences. but let’s face it, west side story is a period piece, and it’s still set in the ‘50s here.
tony and maria in the subway arguing about which side is more racist (?) and trying to justify their own people. no. they are not supposed to care about all of that. especially this tony, who is protective of and grateful to valentina and stood up for her against riff. he even learns spanish for her!!! it rang untrue. also maria felt more resistant somehow to tony
the thematic shift altogether. the original musical and movie had a simplistic and cheesy “love not hate” theme, but y’know, can’t argue with that. here it honestly felt as if the movie accepted the racism (?) as de facto and tony and maria as mere casualties of a long war. also there’s valentina’s “life is more important than love” warning to tony (??) which is much more riddling. first of all, you can’t really say the lovers gave their lives for love as r&j did. tony’s death was very much feud-related, just precipitated by the thought of maria dying. maria didn’t die at all. the warning doesn’t apply here. i guess it might have just been an attempt on valentina’s part to keep tony from assisted suicide and no real thematic meta statement, but still. also, this is a movie where two gangs actively try to kill life and hold no love for each other. i think we all know what is the bigger problem here.
the close ups. few and far-between for the most part, but some felt claustrophobic, not intimate, and in some cases just lazy. spielsburg just plopped the camera down in front of maria and anita during “a boy like that” and had them sing-talk to each other. i call it the les misérables school of the most literal talk-singing ever.
tony fighting back and beating up bernardo before realizing what he is doing and riff taking over. no. for one thing, it made the point where tony finally snaps and kills bernardo far less meaningful. we know tony has a rough past and is capable of defending himself—he is just smart (and de facto traumatized) in turning away from that life. it would have been far better to have made riff snap from seeing tony being beat up and fight bernardo with a weapon.
in sum: the movie did work best as a movie, which is more than i can say for other musical movies minus chicago. spielberg was helped by the fact that wss was dramatic and heavy already thanks to its r&j roots, but some of his adaptational decisions were questionable. and while competitive with the ‘61 movie in many ways, i don’t think it was artistically better than even the bernstein operatic version. musically and vocally it was solid, but the truncated jerome robbins was keenly felt. you could feel his ghost bristling at parts—the dancers did well enough, but that obsessive, gravity-defying perfectionism and keen eye for detail…nah. done on purpose, i know, but it burns me, because if there is one thing the americans have managed to retain, it’s good dancing and choreography. they brought in gustavo dudamel but did not give him a big orchestra; the weakest arrangements were for the swing/jazz pieces. understandable, but it makes my heart burn. that’s my fannish heart talking—but honestly, yeah. in many ways this is an improvement.
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luvskywalker · 3 years
willow- steve rogers x reader
warnings: mentions of self doubt, kinda angsty, problems get solved tho :)
word count: about 1.3k
a/n: HI consider this my apology because the new prideful piloting part isn’t ready yet. i love steve and taylor swift and tbh if he were an evermore song he’d be willow it literally fits him perfectly so i had to do something with it!! hope you enjoy muah
it wasn’t fun, always having to run. whenever anything went wrong, it was just what you did. it was what you had done for years. an assassin, a weapon ripped from her home and trained nearly from birth, turned into an avenger. you had ran for so long, it was hard to stop running. that’s why right now, you were ready to run again. so much was keeping you here, and you didn’t know if you had what it took to stay. what happened when they realized you were a monster? what happened when they decided they didn’t need you anymore? they had an assassin already, you were just a liability. or at least, that’s what you had convinced yourself.
the new avengers facility was nice, but nothing was truly nice when you were alone. that was the starting shot you needed, and now you were at the compound packing up all you needed.
your heart broke a little for what you’d be leaving behind, your family. but you were convinced they didn’t feel the same about you. you thought that to them, you were disposable.
your heart cracked more, because you wished you didn’t have to leave him behind.
but, steve rogers was a golden man. he didn’t need a broken woman.
little did you know, he thought the roles were reversed.
however, they say we are all fools in love, and what you felt for steve was the most love you were capable of.
so yeah, it hurt a lot when you were getting ready to run away this time, but you had to. you weren’t a hero. you might’ve been an avenger but you were not a hero. no little girls wanted to be like you, the world didn’t rejoice when you came into a fight. they were scared of you. it was what you needed to do, even if it hurt you.
what you failed to see was that you were a hero. the team did need you. they loved you, and most importantly, steve needed you. steve loved you.
but you ran away.
it was like you had vanished. you had cut and dyed your hair, changed your wardrobe, and wore colored contacts. you were also in france, colmar to be exact. nobody had heard of you since that day.
it took them a month to find you. you had made a careless mistake, you had been a little sloppy, almost like you wanted them to discover your whereabouts.
you did. you were practically begging steve to find you, for him to take your hand and wreck your plans. for him to take you home because you didn’t want to run away- it was just what you did best. if he found you, it meant they were all looking. you wanted them to convince you to stay.
they had sent steve and natasha to colmar to bring you back. if anyone could do it, it was them. they knew you best, natasha was like your сестра, sister. and steve, well, everyone saw how you looked at steve- like he had put the sun in the sky.
they didn’t bother knocking, the door was unlocked so they just walked in.
you were in the kitchen of the colorful little home you’d taken refuge in, cutting strawberries. it was almost like you sensed they were there, turning slowly and letting the knife you were using slip from your hand, which clattered as it fell on the counter.
natasha approached you like you were a stray cat, afraid you’d startle and run at any sudden movement she made.
“steve, mind waiting outside?”
so he was here. you instantly became overwhelmed with guilt. you’d left your family behind, you’d left steve, and you didn’t even say goodbye. it made you feel horrible when you realized it, when you realized they actually did care.
steve nodded quickly and made his way out of the tiny home.
she started by surveying your new appearance, haircut and colored contacts, as well as the change of outfit from a black catsuit to the frilly white dress you wore now.
“didn’t know you owned white.” she said, smirking at you.
“it’s a whole lot more comfortable” you responded, effectively breaking the ice between you both as you shared a short laugh.
she then surprised you by pulling you into her, wrapping her arms around you tightly.
“i know how it feels, i just never went through with it.”
she was just like you. she knew how to run just as well as you did.
“i wish i hadn’t.”
your eyes became watery, threatening to spill tears over your cheeks. it was the truth, you wished you hadn’t ran from the only people who had ever stuck around, you just didn’t know how to deal with things that weren’t temporary.
“how has he been?”
you pulled away from the hug and she let her touch linger over your shoulders, knowing you’d appreciate the support.
“i think you should ask him that.”
she knew she didn’t have to ask you to come back, she had felt the same way you felt just as many times as you had. she knew the moment you left that you would come back. her hands left your shoulders and she gave you a sympathetic look, exiting the house and sending steve in.
it was then that the guilt overwhelmed you multiplied. he really must’ve thought it was his fault, because he was steve after all. steve rogers thought he could save everything, and when he couldn’t it hit him harder than a freight train.
nevertheless, the steve that walked in was still golden. like a trophy, or a championship ring. but he also seemed fragile, he wore a tired expression, and immediately you couldn’t help but rush to embrace him.
you would do anything to fix this.
“i never stopped looking for you. searched for clues every day.” he said it into your hair, leaning down so he could hold you. he held onto you tight, as if you were ready to disappear. again.
“i’m so sorry steve, i just thought that i was-“
your voice began to crack from the emotion that was as thick as honey in your throat.
“i thought i was a liability. to you, to the team.”
you were showing him the places where everyone had laid an emotional scar now. your tears began to overflow, streaking down your cheeks, and causing your voice to shake, so you decided to stop speaking.
“i should’ve-“
you cut him off before he could finish that sentence.
“it’s not your fault, steve.” you pulled away from the embrace so you could see him, and his hands moved to rest on your hips, grip still tight.
“it never is your fault. i promise.”
his forehead came to rest against yours, and you felt complete again.
“you aren’t a liability, you know that right?” his voice was uncharacteristically soft, and your emotions were running wild.
“i do now.”
you learned a lot in the month you were gone. you learned how it felt to be alone again, a feeling you hadn’t been close with in a while. you had realized you liked it a lot better when steve was around. and you had realized that people do come back, when you run. because that’s what love does. it brings you back, over and over, because it makes people stupid. or wise, maybe. wherever you’d stray, he’d follow, he’d take your hand, and then he’d lead you back.
“let’s go home.”
it wasn’t an open shut case, but now you knew from the look on his face, that you couldn’t go anywhere without him again. you could never let yourself leave your family, your home, again. you would stop running. and steve would help you.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
『Boku No Hero Academia』
Angst + Fluff Headcanon
↬ Bakugou saying something mean to his crackhead energy S/O
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Request: Bakugo having a s/o with crackhead energy and then he says something mean and the next day she's all quiet and calm even though she's still sad and bakugo tries to apologize to her 😔👉👈
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki
Warning: Lots of cursing (what's new rite?), bakugou being an emotionally constipated gremlin, a tad bit of angst with a fluff ending
Genre: A tad bit of angst but with fluff ending
Words: 1.2k
NONOI PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED---- Lmao i mean,,, I'M SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!! 🥺🥺 GDI ILY THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING I LOVE THIS REQUEST MUAH also I'm really not good at writing hcs rip,,, I think it still counts since I put it in bullet (arrow) points?? But it feels like a whole ass oneshot so forgive me,,, 😭
➳ Katsuki is getting sick of you, every passing moment.
➳ Your voice may not be as loud as Present Mic, but it's enough for him to hear it from his place.
➳ And it annoys him.
➳ How you look every time you tell a joke to your friends. How your beautiful voice rings in his ears like a melody every time you laugh.
➳ How he would snort a bit when he heard your jokes. How he would think of you as cute when you are so excited over the smallest thing.
➳ All of it annoys him to no end. All he wants to do is to shut your pretty little lips up with his own.
➳ And today just seems to be the perfect day to do so.
➳ Except without using the desired method.
➳ You had innocently approached him just like usual, trying to strike up a conversation with the hot headed boy. 
➳ You kept on talking and asking him so many casual things, while occasionally sliding in a joke or two.
➳ "Why are you so silent today, gremlin boy?"
➳ You asked while gently patting his back.
➳ And that was the last straw. You touching him had triggered something inside of him that he doesn't want to.
➳ But Bakugou Katsuki isn't your local homie. He's an emotionally constipated guy with anger issues.
➳ So obviously he expressed what he was feeling in the wrong way.
➳ "Would you shut the fuck up already?! I'm sick of listening to your damn voice everyday! They're so damn loud and my ears could burst if I hear them one more fucking time!"
➳ The whole classroom went silent at his outburst. You, of all people, was shocked at his loud voice telling you off. You suddenly felt like a little kid who was getting scolded by your parents for the things you didn't do. 
➳ After he realized what he had said, he jerked his head towards you, his eyes were showing so much regret. But you were too occupied with your own feelings to realize that.
➳ "A-ah...I'm..sorry, Bakugou….san. I didn't mean to annoy you...I-I'm sorry."
➳ You bowed your head to him before making your way to your seat. Katsuki kept opening and closing his mouth, trying to find the right word to say, but the shock of you calling him with an honorific made him forget about all the vocabulary he had learned from the past 16 years he's alive.
➳ In the end, the day passed by like usual. Katsuki never got the chance to speak to you. Well, even if he tried to create one, you kept avoiding him so it's not exactly working out.
➳ The next day came and as if fate is trolling with the both of you, Aizawa had assigned the both of you together for a project, along with some of your friends.
➳ You were unusually quiet the whole time, and only chimed in when ABSOLUTELY necessary. Even then, you would make sure that your voice is as low as possible. Sometimes it's even too low to the point Kirishima asked you to repeat what you had said 5 times. 
➳ You usually would goof around a lot when working in a group, especially with Kaminari, and slide in a joke at every possible timing. But that didn't happen today. Not after what Katsuki had told you anyways.
➳ The atmosphere of your group was so tense that Mina kept shifting in her seat, showing how uncomfortable she was with the awkwardness. 
➳ Katsuki noticed how at some point, your face brightened as if you just found something interesting and you opened your mouth, probably to talk about it or make some dumb jokes to lighten the mood but not even a second later, your eyes met his and your mouth slammed shut. He noticed you biting your lips as if to prevent yourself from saying anything. 
➳ By the end of the discussion, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, glad to be free from the tense atmosphere. 
➳ Eijiro talked to Katsuki about you. He knew that the explosive boy has a crush on you so he didn't understand why he would say something so mean yesterday. 
➳ "It's none of your fucking business, shitty hair."
➳ Eijiro would just sigh and tell him, whether it's his business or not, you deserve an apology. 
➳ Katsuki hated to admit it, but Eijiro's right. You do deserve an apology. In the first place, he was in the wrong for lashing out at you like that just because he was embarrassed. 
➳ So he did. He texted to ask you to wait for him after school in the classroom. 
➳ You were a bit reluctant to do so. Plus, Shouto and Ochaco don't recommend you doing it too after what he just said to you. 
➳ But you kiiiinda feel like giving him a chance after Eijiro convinced you that Katsuki truly is going to apologize. 
➳ You waited for him in the end. The classroom is completely empty now that everyone has gone back to the dorm.
➳ You don't exactly know why you had to wait for him in the classroom when you two were literally in the same class a few minutes ago, but you kept your mind positive.
➳ Maybe he was just trying to calm his nerves before apologizing or something. 
➳ Not too long after that, he finally showed up. He looked a bit out of breath, as if he was running to get there. You immediately tensed up as you saw him stomping his way to you. 
➳ “Uh...L/N, I’m...fuck, I’m sorry for saying whatever I said yesterday.”
➳ It took you a moment to process what he just said. I mean, you’re having a hard time trying to decide whether his apology is sincere or not since he’s putting it like that. 
➳ “O-oh….it’s okay, I..don’t really mind. As you said, I’m really annoying so I’m the one who should apologize here---”
➳ “Fuck! You’re not annoying, goddamnit!”
➳ His outburst yet again shocked you and you were trembling a bit in your seat. I mean, having to face someone who curses a lot in such an intimidating manner IS a scary experience after all.
➳ “You don’t have to cover it up, you know? I really am annoying so--”
➳ He glared at you to shut your mouth before continuing.
➳ “I don’t mean anything bad by what I said. I just meant that it’s annoying how your voice sounds like a soothing melody to my ears! And how beautiful your smile is and how your touch make my heart goes fucking wild. Those are what annoyed me!”
➳ At this point, he’s already blushing so hard you thought he could burst. Well, you could say the same for yourself though. The unexpected confession left you feeling some things for the gremlin boy.
➳ “I’ve said what I want so I’m going back! Don’t you fucking dare to tell anyone about this or else I’ll murder you!”
➳ With that, he left the classroom and you alone. You probably need to talk about him more on this matter next time since the feelings are mutual though. 
➳ And Katsuki didn’t need to worry about you spreading out what he said to others since that job has already been handled by Mina, Denki and Hanta.
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