#i know i made the right decision i just still feel TERRIBLE. i hate saying ‘no’ i’m so bad at it 😭😭
autistic people-pleasers when they have to say “no” to things in order to advocate for their needs
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sarahreesbrennan · 4 months
Are all the themes in “in other lands” supposed to be a commentary on something? Or do you just like writing sex scenes between minors, age gaps, and reverse misogyny?
Genuine question.
Ohhh, my dear anon, I don't believe this is a genuine question.
But it does bring up something I've been meaning to talk about. So I'll take the bait.
Firstly. Yes, my work contains a commentary on the world around us. I wonder what I could be doing with the child soldiers being sexually active in their teens (people hook up right after battles), and the age gap relationship ending in the younger one being too mature for the elder. What could I possibly have been attempting when I said 'how absurd gender roles are, when projected onto people we haven't been accustomed by our own society to see that way'? I wasn't being subtle, that's for sure.
Secondly. Yes I do enjoy writing! I think I should, it's my life's work. Am I titillated by my own writing, no - though I think it's fine to be. The sex scenes of In Other Lands aren't especially titillating, to be honest. It is interesting to me how often people sneer at women for writing romance and sex scenes, having 'book boyfriends,' insinuating women writers fancy their own characters. Women having too much immoral fun! Whereas men clearly write about sex for high literary purposes.
… I have to say from my experience of women and men's writing, I haven't found that to be true.
I’m not in this to have an internet argument. I prefer to leave my anons open since not everyone has a tumblr, as @neil-gaiman says it’s an internet backwater, but a lovely one for those like myself who enjoy an essay about fictional characters! Still I will close my inbox to anons if I must. Mostly people use bad faith takes to poke at others from the other side of a screen for kicks. But I do know some truly internalise the attitude that writing certain things is wrong, that anyone who makes mistakes must be shunned as impure, and that is a deeply Victorian and restrictive attitude that guarantees unhappiness.
I've become increasingly troubled by the very binary and extreme ways of thinking I see arising on the internet. They come naturally from people being in echo chambers, becoming hostile to differing opinions, and the age-old conundrum of wanting to be good, fearing you aren't, and making the futile effort to be free of sin. It makes me think of Tennyson, who when travelling through Ireland at the time of the Great Famine, said nobody should talk about the 'Irish distress' to him and insisted the window shades of his carriage be shut as he went from castle to castle. So he wouldn't see the bodies. But that didn't make the bodies cease to be.
In Les Mis, Victor Hugo explores why someone might steal, what that means about them and their circumstances, and who they might be - and explores why someone else is made terribly unhappy, and endangers others, through their own too rigid adherence to judgement and condemnation without pity. The story understands both Jean Valjean the thief and Javert the policeman. Javert’s way of thinking is the one that inevitably leads to tragedy.
Depiction isn't endorsement. Depiction is discussion.
Many of my loved ones have had widely varying relationships to and experience of sex (including 'none'). They've felt all different types of ways about it. If writing about them is not permissible, I close them out. I'd much rather a dialogue be open than closed.
I do understand the urge to write what seems right to others. I've been brain-poisoned that way myself. I used to worry so much about my female characters doing the wrong things, because then they'd be justly hated! Then I noted which of my writer friends had people love their female characters the most - and it was the one who wrote their female characters as screwing up massively, making rash and sometimes wrong decisions. Who wrote them as people. Because that's what people do. That's what feels true to readers.
I want my characters to feel true to readers. I want my characters to react in messy ways to imperfect situations. I love fantasy, I love wild action and I love deep thought, and I want to engage. That's what In Other Lands is about. That's even more what Long Live Evil is about. That sexy lady who sashays in to have sexy sex with the hero - what is her deal? Someone who tricks and lies to others - why are they doing that, how did they get so skilled at it? What makes one person cruelly judgemental, and another ignore all boundaries? What makes Carmen Maria Machado describe ‘fictional queer villains’ as ‘by far the most interesting characters’? What irritates people about women having a great time? What attracts us to power, to fiction, and to transgression?
I don’t know the answers to all those questions, but I know I want to explore them. And I know one more thing.
If the moral thing to do is shut people out and shut people up? Count me among the villains.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I understand how important it is to be able to criticize the President, and am not at all of the belief he should be beyond critique, but the critiquing of Biden makes me so nervous. (That's not to say I agree with every decision he's made - I absolutely do not). But I feel like people see things he's done wrong and decide they won't vote for him because of it. I'm not sure if enough people have the ability to see that he's done things wrong but also is our only hope of staving off literal fascism.
So many people talk about how sick they are of it constantly being a lesser of two evils situation, constantly having to vote for a candidate they hate because the other side is worse (I heard it in 2020, 2022, etc), and I guess I just- I don't really get it? We're here because they didn't do that in 2016. All of this could've been avoided had the result been different then. I just feel like people don't comprehend how different of a place we'd be in if Hillary won and engage in all this cognitive dissonance to make themselves feel better about being part of the reason she didn't.
Like.... this has been a long-running topic of discussion on my blog, not least because it is so inexplicable and maddening. It also shows how terribly shallow most people's understanding of the American political process is, and how toxic the "I can only vote for a candidate if every single personal belief/position of theirs matches mine" belief is, as well as how much damage it has done to American democracy even (and indeed, especially) by people who technically don't identify as right-wing. Yell at Republicans all you like (God knows I do, because they're the worst people on earth) but they vote. Every time. Every election. Every candidate. Whereas the Democratic electorate still holds out for Mister Perfect, and it very definitely is Mister Perfect. The amount of "evil HRC!!!" Republican-poisoned Kool-Aid that so-called progressives drank in 2016, and then afterward when they insisted they could have voted for someone like Elizabeth Warren and then didn't do that in 2020, is... baffing.
Frankly, I don't care if Hillary Clinton's personal positions on XYZ issue were the most Neoliberal Corporate Centrist Shill to Ever Shill (and Online Leftists' intellectual skills being what they are, I seriously doubt that they were using any of those words correctly and/or accurately). American policy is not made by "personal dictate of the ruler," or at least it shouldn't be, because we are not an absolute monarchy. We rely on the operation of a system with input from many people. As such, if Hillary had been elected, we would have 2-3 new liberal justices on SCOTUS and have secured civil and environmental rights for the next generation. Roe would be intact, and all the other terrible rulings that SCOTUS has recently handed down wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have had January 6th, the attempt to stage a coup, all the tawdry scandals, our national security being at risk because of Trump stealing classified documents and probably selling them to Russia and/or Saudi Arabia, etc etc. If you think that's in any way an equivalent amount of evil to what would have happened if Hillary was elected, or if she was "still evil!!!," then I honestly don't know what to tell you. She could fucking murder puppies in her spare time if she had preserved SCOTUS for us, WHICH SHE WOULD HAVE, BECAUSE SHE WARNED US EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.
(Hoo. Sorry. Still steamed. 2016 war flashbacks, again.)
In short, Hillary would have been a solid continuity Democrat and she would have signed whatever legislation a Democratic House and Senate passed, not to mention been hugely inspiring as the first female president. But because it's so important to the Online Leftists' moral sense of themselves that BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME!!!, they can't possibly acknowledge that ever being a factor, and/or admit that they have any culpability in not voting for her in 2016. It's like when you read the British press about any of the UK's equally numerous problems, and they BEND OVER BACKWARD to avoid mentioning that Brexit might be a factor. They just can't mention it, because then that means they might have made the wrong choice in pulling for it as hard as they did, and blah blah Sovereignty.
Basically, if HRC had been elected president, everything would be so much less terrible and terrifying all the time, we would be talking about her successor in 2024 as someone else who could be the "first," we could explore handing the reins over to Kamala as a Black/Asian woman, we could promote Buttigieg as the first gay president, etc etc. But because 2016 was so catastrophically fucked up, we are in damage control mode for the immediate future and every election is just as pivotal. And yet, because people think that the only thing that matters is a presidential candidate's personal views, we're stuck having the same old arguments and desperately begging people over and over to please vote against fascism, since that somehow isn't self-evident enough on its own. Yikes on Bikes.
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cuubism · 1 month
HURT/COMFORT PROMPTS YOU SAY *pulls out giant scroll* okay what about (probably human) trans chronically ill dream dealing with a health crisis and hob is trying to support him through it? bonus points: maybe dream's parents are being shitheads so dream and hob have to get _married_ to make sure dream's wishes in hospital or wherever are respected?
(from meadow. i am not having feelings about anything in particular, Why would you Ask.)
@meadowziplines this was supposed to be angsty but it just ended up kind of wholesome tbh. that's the opposite of what usually happens to me
you've seen married for tax purposes before, now see married for next of kin legal rights
Hob knew he wanted to marry Dream within two weeks of their first date, but he tried to be reasonable about it. Dream was shy and guarded his hard-won independence closely, and Hob felt that just declaring his eternal love too quickly was a sure way to scare him off. So he didn't.
Now he's regretting it, because hell, it would have made this so much easier. That's not how he wants to think about marrying Dream, about it making being in a hospital easier, but here they are. And he is.
And it's why he's hiding around a corner as Dream's parents are "visiting"--more like being complete assholes--his hospital room. God, Hob hates them. This whole situation is the only reason he's even met them--Dream doesn't talk to them anymore, and for good reason, but the moment they caught wind of vulnerability they pounced on the chance to regain control.
Dream is an adult and can make his own decisions, but Mr. and Mrs. Cunt have proven very slippery and manipulative and have played the 'Hob's not family, we're family' card at every possible turn to get him kicked out of the room. Hob's gotten a couple of the nurses on his side on account of not being a complete asshole but he still doesn't like his chances duking it out in front of hospital administration over who gets to make Dream's medical decisions if he's incapacitated.
Dream's fought so hard to have control over his own life. Hob won't let him lose it.
Which is why he's currently hiding behind the vending machines until they leave, rather than going in there and telling them where to shove it.
He waits with bated breath until they're gone, then scrambles out, rushing down the hall with his paperwork and slipping into Dream's room. He feels like a criminal. Which is exactly why he's doing all this.
"Hob," Dream breathes, as Hob closes the door behind him. He looks exhausted. Terrible parents who insist on disrespecting you are not good for fragile health. "I thought you left."
Hob flashes him a grin, but feels how it wobbles. "Never. Just had to go get something."
He's so nervous about how Dream will react to this. It feels so likely to go wrong.
He sits in the chair by the bed so he's on Dream's level, takes his hand. "Listen, baby. This-- this really isn't how I wanted to do this. But I just-- I really don't want things to go wrong, you know? And if they do go wrong, I want us to be able to do something about it. I want to be in your corner."
His anxious rambling makes Dream's face start to fall. "Hob..."
Hob thrusts the paperwork at him. "Will you marry me?"
He had something so much more romantic in his head for the moment he finally asked Dream to marry him. He would have swept him off his feet and made him feel special. If only it could have been different.
Dream picks up the papers, seemingly in shock. "This is..."
"I did all the paperwork already, it just needs signatures," Hob tells him. "And I bribed one of the nurses to let us out for an hour to go to the registrar's office. If. If you want."
Dream keeps staring at the papers in silence. Hob doesn't want him to think this was just some act of desperation, even if it kind of was, at least timing-wise. God, this isn't what he wanted at all.
"I wanted to marry you anyway," he says, shifting nervously in his chair. "But now it's just-- I don't want you to be scared that something will go wrong with the surgery but I want you to know that someone will have your back and do what you want. Not--"
"--my terrible, terrible parents?" Dream finishes, lips finally quirking up in a half-smile.
"...Yeah." He swallows hard to calm himself. It's a lot, what he's asking, in a sense. All the legal rights it creates. But. "If you can trust me with this, then I'll protect you. I promise."
"You have already," Dream says. "As you did with the hospital admin. I think they hate you now." He seems quietly delighted about it.
Hob's always known he can be a bit annoying at times but this experience has taught him how truly annoying it is possible to be. When they got there, none of Dream's chart info was under the right name or gender, and nobody seemed particularly inclined to update it. At least not until Hob pestered them, and pestered them, and pestered them.
So yeah, they kind of hate him, but he got to be Dream's hero so it was all worth it in the end.
It's another reason he needs to get this legal shield in place now. Between Dream's slick parents and their money, and Hob who's being a continual nuisance, he thinks he knows who'll come out on top with the administration.
"...So?" he says. "Will you marry me?"
Dream starts tearing up, and Hob thinks, oh god, oh god, I've ruined it-- then Dream pulls him close and throws his arms around him. "Yes," he breathes. "I will. I-- I wanted to for so long."
That makes idiots of the both of them, then.
But Hob doesn't dwell on it for long. He hugs Dream back, then kisses him, pressing his face between his hands. Now that the stress of asking is over, the real feeling bubbles up inside him. Joy. Elation. He's marrying Dream.
"I love you," he says, and Dream smiles. "Now let's get out of here."
Their makeshift ceremony at the registrar's office is very emotional despite being completely spontaneous. It's just them, plus Death who Hob got to come along as their witness, and they don't yet have rings to exchange--but at the end of it, Dream is his husband.
Truthfully, Dream deserves better, he deserves a lavish romantic ceremony with flowers and fine clothes and desserts and anything he could possibly want. But... Hob is his husband now. He can give him better, later. And what a joy is that.
Dream is exhausted by the time Hob gets him back to his room, but seems happy nevertheless. He takes a nap while Hob goes to show a copy of the marriage license to hospital admin and gets them to update their records. The next time someone tries to kick him out of Dream's room it's fucking on.
And he doesn't have to wait long. He gets one peaceful day of being able to sit in Dream's room unimpeded, reading to him and just generally being able to enjoy his company without hiding behind the vending machines, before Dream's parents come back.
Dream tenses at the knock on the door, and Hob's never felt more powerful than when he stands up and says, "Don't worry, I'll tell them to leave."
"You needn't--" Dream starts, but Hob shakes his head.
"Oh, no, I'm looking forward to this."
He opens the door with a grin to find Dream's mother on the other side, and stands conveniently in the doorway, blocking her view of Dream. "Hey."
Hob can practically see her blood pressure rise at the sight of him. "You. I thought we had dealt with you."
"I'm hard to deal with," Hob says. "Sorry." He's not sorry.
She tries to push forward. "Out of my way."
Hob blocks her, and can't help a rather vicious smile. "Dream wants you to leave."
"You have no right to even be in here, never mind to tell me to leave," snaps Dream's mother.
Hob hands her a copy of the marriage certificate. He's got several. "On the contrary."
She stares at it, and is, for a moment, completely speechless.
"As Dream's husband," he says, and oh the words are delicious, "I'm telling you to leave. And I think you should do it before I call security on you." An echo of what she and Dream's father had said to him in the past.
Her jaw clenches and she shoves the paper back at him. "That they even let people like you marry in this country is an abomination. You are perverting the sanctity of marriage."
"That's my absolute favorite thing to do," Hob says, and shuts the door in her face.
"I think you enjoyed that far too much, Hob," Dream says as Hob turns back to him. Then he starts giggling. "Did you notice?"
"Mother finally agreed that I am a man so she could be homophobic about it," Dream says, and dissolves into giggles once again. "She always said I needed to find a husband; I can't imagine why she isn't happy that I have."
"'Apologies, Mother,'" Hob says, doing his best imitation of Dream's posh accent as he sits down beside him again, "'I know you would have preferred that I marry a respectable young heir from the polo club but I'm afraid I'm shacking up with the guy running the local tavern. In lieu of a gift please just don't attend the wedding.'"
Dream laughs again, then says, "Will there be a proper wedding?"
"You want there to be?"
Hesitantly, Dream nods.
"Then there will be."
Dream smiles, and Hob takes his hand, squeezes it. "And think on what sort of ring you want," Hob says. "By the time you get out of surgery next week, I'll have it for you."
"I do love you," Dream sighs.
"Not regretting not marrying Lord Whoever from polo club?"
"There was no polo club," Dream says. "There was croquet, however--"
"Oh my God--"
"--however, you are the one I want to be married to."
Hob smiles. "Good." He kisses Dream's hand. "And you know, right? You know I wanted to marry you anyway? This was just a-- a timing thing."
"I know. But, I admit, I've found this all far more entertaining than I'd have thought." He smiles up at Hob. There's nothing better in the world than that clever smile. "You are a gallant husband."
If Hob can get Dream to keep looking at him like that, he thinks he'll be happy for the rest of his life.
"Promised to protect you, didn't I?" he says. "And so I will."
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valeriianz · 5 months
Dream is trying to be good. He is out of his house, for starters, attempting to mingle among the crowds. He figures this effort alone is worth at least 10 points on the socialization scale.
He may be wearing black on black as usual, but at least this is his nice pea coat, and his jeans don’t have any rips in them. His hair is even washed (though he hadn’t bothered with a combing, minus 3 points).
It’s New Year’s Eve, he’s standing at one of the few scattered tables around the large space. The bar’s ceiling and walls are lit up in a colorful agglomeration of Christmas lights and twinkling decor, so much that the people around him appear to have pink or blue or orange skin, otherwise the place is dark.
Dream drums his fingers on the tall table’s surface, scanning the crowd and trying not to look too uncomfortable at the DJ’s choice in thumping bass and current rap trends blanketing the ocean of conversation happening all around him.
“Hey, how are you?”
Dream watches as a man walks around him to stand across the table, setting a drink down and smiling in a lazy, drunk way.
Dream just stares.
“Sorry, I saw you standing alone and thought you might want some company.”
The man has to lean forward and yell to be heard over the music and people. Dream is responsive enough to at least lean in as well to catch the stranger’s words.
“I’m fine, thank you.” Dream barely has to raise his voice, thanks to his natural baritone. He’s thankful for that; he hates shouting and to do so just to commit to a conversation would be tribulation.
The man doesn’t seem to catch Dream’s response though, or doesn’t care to. He takes a sip of his drink and tries again, his fingers curling around the pint.
“Can I get you a drink?”
Dream seizes the opportunity to politely turn this man away from him.
“No, thank you. My boyfriend is getting my drink.”
The man’s brows pinch together.
“Where is your boyfriend?”
He says it like it’s a joke. Like he’s caught Dream red-handed. Dream sighs and turns to look at the crowded bar.
“He’s right…” Dream’s eyes desperately scan the scene of chaos at the bar, hoping to find Hob’s familiar head of dark brown hair, his mischievous caramel brown eyes, or even the bomber jacket he wore tonight. But from here, it’s difficult to spot anyone’s face in the crowd. The blinking lights give off strange shadows and everyone is moving, either dancing or stumbling to push through the dense sea of bodies.
He hears a soft laugh from the man across from him and looks over to find him shaking his head, but he’s smiling.
“Look, I don’t mean to come off strong, but someone as gorgeous as you shouldn’t be alone on New Year's Eve.”
Any patience left for this man is immediately snuffed out, like water tossed onto a fire.
“I told you, I’m–”
“Waiting for your boyfriend, uh huh.” He grins with his teeth and Dream barely restrains from throwing his head back in annoyance. 
If there weren’t a threat of getting lost in the crowd, Dream would abandon his station here and go looking for Hob. But he knows it’s better to stay here and wait as he had been, despite the nuisance still attempting to converse with Dream.
He steps around the table to stand next to Dream, who takes a deliberate step sideways away from him.
“What’s your name?”
Dream ignores him, head now permanently angled towards the bar.
“You know,” he starts up again and Dream eyes flutter shut, praying for patience. “The longer you ignore me, the more persistent I’ll become.”
Dream opens his eyes and levels the man, who is definitely drunk, with an unamused look.
“Even if I weren’t already spoken for, this is a terrible way to receive my affections.”
“He speaks!” The man exclaims and laughs. Dream pinches the bridge of his nose and has officially made the decision to lose his mind at the stranger, when he blessedly feels two familiar strong arms wrap around his waist.
“Sorry that took so long,” Hob speaks directly into Dream’s ear, no need to shout with lips tickling his skin. “I got us two drinks each so we don’t have to deal with that again.”
Dream smiles, unaware of how tense he was as his body relaxes against Hob’s– before it sharpens to a smirk at the utterly baffled expression on the strange man’s face.
Hob’s lips trail up the shell of Dream’s ear, his nose nudging in his hairline as he speaks again, his hot breath warming Dream up from the inside and sparking a sudden and intense feeling of surrender in Hob’s possessive hold. 
“Who’s your friend?” And fuck, Dream can hear the control in Hob’s voice. The question is innocent enough, but the way his tone pitches into a growl, low and dangerous, makes Dream’s toes curl. 
“I don’t know,” Dream answers simply, one brow arching at the other man, giving him the decency to turn and walk away on his own before Hob can make a show of animalistic ownership that Dream can practically feel radiating off Hob’s self-control.
Thankfully the stranger leaves, which is just as well, though Dream would have rather liked being ravished with an audience.
He turns to face Hob properly, duly noticing the drinks on the table and slips his arms around Hob’s middle, bringing them flush together in what can only be described as a bear hug.
Dream tucks his face under Hob’s jaw– bending his knees a little– and inhaling deeply, the scent of Hob’s cologne grounding him, and exhaling loudly through his mouth and smiling again at Hob’s deep chuckle that rumbles through his own body.
“You good?” Hob asks into Dream’s hair, placing a kiss there.
“Mm…” Dream hums. “I’m great.”
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10yrsyart · 2 months
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Logos- the Word of God Erebos- darkness, gloom
i don't remember where i heard this analogy, but it really stuck with me. you can't stay on the fence of belief/ unbelief forever, because the devil owns the fence. he owns all the religions of the world, except for the only faith that can save you: faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. the Son of God came down, lived a sinless life, took our sins upon Himself in death, and resurrected so we might have life too. because He LOVES us.
the truth is, you don't know when the end of your life will be. when you come to stand before the Just and Righteous Judge, will you be covered by Jesus' perfect blood, shielding you from punishment? or will you still have all your sins covering you because you rejected Him?
i don't write this to condemn, but because i love you and want you to have an eternity of joy and peace. so i warn you with love: Jesus is returning soon, to take His people away before God's Wrath and judgement begins (Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9).
signs in the sun, moon, and stars. wars and rumors of wars, people's love for each other turning to hate. the increased intensity of natural disasters and strange behavior of animals. every other week some expert talks of world distinction events in our future (AI, or famine, or disease, or WWIII). God has sent dreams and visions to all people about the times about to happen. you can feel there's something weird about the world right now. God is speaking loudly.
now is the time to repent, accept the sacrifice for your sins and put your faith in Him. now is the time to step into the Kingdom of Life that will never pass away 💙✝ "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (...) There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has been judged already, for not believing in God's one and only Son." (John 3:16, 18)
Helel: What did they say that gripped your attention so much?
Girl: Prince Helel. She was just telling me about life in the Logos Kingdom compared to the Erebos Kingdom. I haven't really decided where I want to live yet.
Helel: Pffeh, I can assure you, she greatly exaggerate. I've been to the Logos Kingdom. Those people are practically in chains and they don't even realize.
Girl: ..But you rule the Erebos Kingdom. Doesn't that make you a little bias? Either way, I'd still like to decide for myself.
Helel: Of course, of course! Take all the time you want. We'd love to have you!
(years pass)
Girl: Helel, what's happening?!
Helel: That, my dear, is a curtain call.
Girl: I don't understand-
Helel: It's time you came with me.
Girl: Wait-! But I never picked a kingdom! I'm still on the fence-
Helel: Oh, I'm terribly sorry for the confusion! You see, I OWN the fence!
Girl: No! Get off me! I thought I had more time! Stop-!
Girl: King Yeshua!!
Helel: No, sshe'sss mine! Sshe waited too long-
Yeshua: (Release her. Serpent.)
Helel: (Fine. But they won't all want sssaving~)
Girl: Thankyou, thankyou, he almost had me! If You didn't... I'm so sorry. Please don't send me back to him-
Yeshua: I came to you when you called, didn't I? You made your decision. And I'm so Glad! Allow Me to welcome you home, Dear One.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 5 months
University AUs!
It's the very first crowdsourced fic rec! We have 23 amazing fics listed here, about the trials and tribulations, the adventures and anarchy, the good decisions and bad decisions and downright terrible decisions that come with post-secondary education. We might have graduated high school, but we still dumb as SHIT.
Please enjoy, share, leave a kudos or a comment -- and get your reccing fingers ready for the next theme!
From Eight Until Late, I Think About You by supernope (35227, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is juggling an English degree at the University of Brighton, a budding YouTube channel, and an intense crush on a fellow YouTuber.
Reccer says: It's so cute watching their feelings and their friendship grow, from flirting in the YouTube comments to texting to finally meeting up in person (oh my god they were (hotel) roommates)
you can hear it in the silence by imogenlee (234857, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
When Harry Styles was accepted into a post-grad degree, he knew he could no longer afford his flat, leaving him with three options: 1) Move back into student halls. 2) Become homeless. 3) Move in with his best (and only) friend, Niall, and three of Niall's other mates. He went with the third option. But it was a close race. Or, two boys couldn't misunderstand each other more, but they want to.
Reccer says: The aaaaangst. The way they can't stop wanting each other despite the misunderstandings.
if it looks like, feels like, tastes like love by tempolarriefics (16600, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
harry and louis hate each other but pretend to date to be able to live in university ‘family housing’, zayn and liam are their nosy next door neighbors, and niall is the friend who made it all happen
Reccer says: this fic is such a cute read and the author included a lot of fun details that also have you cracking up throughout!
High heels on, 'm feeling alive by thebreadvan (14596, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry damages a car when drunkenly stumbling home after a fun night out with his friends. Feeling horribly guilty, he tries to find the owner and make it up to him.
Reccer says: Harry wearing heels <3
Unbelievers by Isthatyoularry (136814, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry and Louis have always hated each other. Or not…
Reccer says: Sport AU, enemies to lovers, College AU
Speaking of marvels by Navigator, quitter (100585, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is at university in California. On vacation with his parents in New Jersey, he meets Louis. Their story is only supposed to last through summer
Reccer says: This fic is in my opinion unfairly forgotten these days even though it is a Fandom Classic, just wonderful
Don’t have to go to the pool by Kingsoftheimpossible (40857, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis is the captain of the swim team, Harry is in love with him a bit, and there's this ritual before Big Meets. Everything goes fine.
Reccer says: A simple an effective plot, a joy to read
Search and rescue me by Wildhalos (17423, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Louis never really paid attention to Harry until they get stuck in the locker room together.
Reccer says: The two characters who find themselves stuck in locker rooms, with all the sexual tension that goes with it. Perfect, right?
Your best line ever by Green_feelings (55116, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
University AU, in which Harry has a terrible job and lies about his name to drunk people, Louis is one of the drunk and has to move out of his flat, Liam shaves his hair because he fights with Zayn, Zayn protects Liam from creepy stalkers and Niall always has a solution, because he knows just about every person relevant!
Reccer says: Already, if Green_feelings writes something, we can already be sure that it will be good. This is even more true with a Uni AU
If walls could talk by Wickedarcher_08 (10028, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry is in love with his straight best friend. He thinks he doesn't have a chance, until Louis presents him with a challenge he can't refuse.
Reccer says: A short story with a simple, effective plot
My worst Nightmare by BooBear411 (191000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan /Zayn Malik, Harry Styles/OFC)
they’re two students who struggle with what they feel. Harry is bisexual and has a girlfriend in the first part of the fic. They live in the same dorm and basically grow in love slowly, but steadily
Reccer says: Well written, the characters develop very coherently with the plot
Fading by tothemoonmydear (202000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Eating disorder
Harry is a science student, Louis studies fashion and ask Harry to model for him. They get closer and develop a solid crush for each other. Harry gets it that Louis is hiding something and he can feel Louis is not completely open about himself. He will love him unconditionally.
Reccer says: Louis’ eating disorder is depicted in a very thoughtful way
The school of extraordinary lovers by Stylinsoncity (191000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Minor violence, domestic violence, past character death
Harry is a third-year witch and violinist at magical academy, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens
Reccer says: Original plot, writing styles
Blue Moon by aquietlarrie (152907, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Slight mention of death and grief
1950s au - gentle & beautiful coming of age.
Reccer says: So beautifully written, character development, feels like you grow with the characters
Reeling Through The Fall by Zarah5 (40068, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
AU. They hate each other. Except for when they don’t.
Reccer says: Zarah5 is always perfect
Anonymous Said by alivingfire (21158, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry has a crush on the sweet boy who he sends anons on Tumblr. He also has a crush on the cute boy in the bookstore. Fortunately, they're both the same boy and they both like him too.
Reccer says: Watching Louis and Harry fall in love with each other TWICE in the same fic? my crops are watered my skin is clear my cows are fed 18/10 no notes
The First Year by parmahamlarrie (46972, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry and Louis are roommates, sunshine and punk AU.
Reccer says: The way they get together through it all, and the fluff that comes after *chef's kiss*
knock knock, I love you by beautlouis (86066, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.
Reccer says: It's wonderfully cheesy and fun! The perfect fluff! Just adorable, fluffy fic and a real serotonin boost
painted on jeans by QuickedWeen (6822, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Girl Direction sorority au, friends to lovers, perfect mix of fun and hot!
Reccer says:
like fires in the night by coldflasher (138520, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Drug and alcohol use
Louis' got a secret stash of weed under the floorboards, his grades are going to shit and his mates keep getting pissed. There are secret passageways in the wardrobes and he can't stop thinking about the mysterious Harry.
Reccer says: a brilliant blend of absolute hilarity, angst and a whole lot of Very Bad Decisions.
Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir (98194, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
Reccer says: It has been a long time, but I remember loving this story quite a lot. Well written.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante (112853, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Homophobia, sharing of nude photos without consent, bullying
American Uni AU. Louis hates football players and Harry. Harry doesn't know why. Through a bet Harry and Louis get closer, but the bet might be what breaks them apart too
Reccer says: I liked Harry and Louis dynamic
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12 (208589, Not Rated, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles, Liam Payne/Zayn Malik, Niall Horan/Josh Devine) Warnings: Religious trauma, conversation therapy, homophobia/internalised homophobia, OCD and self harm
Harry's new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
Reccer says: The dynamic between the characters, Harry's character in general and also the random famous people in the story
164 notes · View notes
kayschariot · 2 months
being like all bratty ( i think that’s the word) and all to Quackity and he ends up fucking the shit out of you?
I got youuu!!
Now whilst there could be no reason to why you had that type of attitude that day, you could just be moody. More of the problem was wanting to make Alex annoyed just to see how he’d be as you’ve never really annoyed him like that.
Maybe you’d decided having an attitude with him was a decent way(it wasn’t)
He’d come into the kitchen and you’d be leaning on the counter, on your phone or something and he’d probably hug you. You’d brush him off but somewhat feel bad. He’d be confused as hell and hug you again. you’d just let him hug you just standing there not hugging back. He’d kiss your cheek, “You mad or something?” He’d ask
“Fuck off.” You spoke and he’d frown as he waddled back away from you, “Did—did i do something? I can make up for it i promise..” He spoke and now you just felt terrible. “leave me alone..” I avoided eye contact and my eyes glued to the screen, “baby…” He whimpered.
he would stand next to you and place a hand on your ass, gently squeezing it. You’d whimper and he’d immediately smirk. “You know i can make you lose that attitude..” He whispered in my ear. “No shut up.” I looked away. “don’t tell me to shut up.” He spoke “Shut up, I hate you” i’d say but i didn’t mean it..
“Excuse me?” He’d speak and the guilt would eat me up. “sor-“ i got cut off by him grabbing the collar of my shirt making me drop my phone on the counter, “No, come on keep that same energy” He smirked and i’d look at him somewhat confused but he’d kiss me aggressively.
his tongue was practically down my throat at this point and i was having trouble breathing as he pinned me to the counter. He only broke it to slip my shirt off pressing our bodies together. I could feel his hard and it turned me on. “Take your fucking pants off.” He spoke and i nodded taking them off, You could see how wet i was from my panties. “Your gunna regret saying that shit.” He spoke fiddling with his belt to get it off. “In the fucking kitchen Alex.” I asked as he removed his clothes. “You basically made that decision..turn around.” He spoke and i did.
He unclipped my bra and slipped my panties down. He then aggressively bent me over, my wetness easily letting him slide in between my folds. Usually when we had sex it was always sweet but this time it was definitely more rough.
Makes enjoyed fucking me from the back as he got a good view of my ass. My boobs pressed up against the counter as he started pounding into me.
My moans were loud and i’d beg him to slow down.
“A-Alex! Stop—being so fucking rough..!!” I whined “You don’t get that fucking option since you wanna have that much fucking attitude, princess.” He spoke his hand slapping my ass hard enough to leave a red mark.
i’d gasp and whine as tears fell from my eyes. “Yeah? You fucking like that~? You fucking whore~?” he’d grunt fucking into my harder to a point i couldn’t speak, only moans where leaving my mouth.
“I-I’m-..Alex! I’m gunna..jesus christ..Cum..” I spoke nearing my climax. “I should really pull out right now, you really don’t deserve it..cause you hate me so much right? Hmm..” He said fucking me like an animal.
“Please! Please! Please!!” I whined as i reached my climax. Uncontrollably moaning and whimpering. “For hating me so much you sure are coming all over my cock, huh?” He’d speak coming inside of me as well. after a moment he’d slap my ass, slightly lighter this time and pull out, dripping everywhere.
“Such a pretty pussy..” He’d smiled as i’d stay their bent over for a moment my legs wobbling.. “Everything fucking hurts..” i’d whine.
“So do you still hate me?” He’d ask
“N-No-I-I was joking..” I’d pant.
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hotchfiles · 6 months
second. damn your love.
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pairing: james x fem!reader.
content warnings: james being kind of an ass, cheating on lily, lily will be probably shit talked (i luv her i'm very sorry !), mistress!reader, uhhh cursing, not totally AU but like... canon divergent i would say. probably hurt/no comfort unless i switch the ending but--
worth mentioning: reader insert with no use of names or “y/n”. paragraphs completely in italic are flashbacks. pro quidditch player!james. muggle born!reader.
word count: 2,2k
previous chapter
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chapter 2
for some reason unknown to you, it hadn't taken james as long as usual to give you any sign that he still remembered your existence after being with you. surprisingly, on the same day after dropping you off at home and rushing to be with his girlfriend, he sent you a message through his patronus (much too recklessly as you lived in a majorly muggle neighbourhood), apologizing for what had happened.
normally, you would believe his words, and then become disappointed. however, after what happened, you didn't believe anything he said, you knew he wasn't sorry and you knew you probably wouldn't be seeing him for a while.
all you felt like doing was laying down, still feeling completely shaken, disappointed, angry... betrayed, and it took you a while to stop crying, you couldn't believe how easy it was to manipulate you, two days together and you actually started to think things were changing.
ingenuity or just the hard truth: it was easier to let yourself believe it.
luckily, or not, you still had your commitment to your responsibilities, if not your pride, you would try to maintain that instead, so the best decision was to get yourself together as best as you could the next day and go to work.
even though you lived mostly among muggles, a decision you had made long before graduating hogwarts, you still ended up in a ministry job, an obliviator. not the most glamorous, and a lot of times you thought about getting a muggle job, but years went on and you got comfortable with it. sometimes being able to forget is the best option there is.
so got yourself together you did, the best as you could included showing up office ready and giving off the obvious energy that you did not want to be perturbed, especially after taking the tube half an hour later than you normally would, too loud, too full, it was probably one of the few times over the last years you wished you could just apparate in front of the right phone cabin. but an obliviator risking wizarding secrecy would be too much of an hypocrisy.
you made sure you wouldn't be making any field work, taking the liberty to be shut in your office filling paperwork and crying, as any mature woman would if they were in your shoes: exhausted from hating yourself because you knew you were an excellent witch, a strong-willed independent woman and still, every time james potter smiled at you, you felt nothing but weakness.
and there it was, the weakness as soon as you left the ministry building and felt his gaze upon you, simply leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, his face completely relaxed.
your hands went straight to your eyes, reminding yourself of their appearance, you looked up at the sky for a few seconds and wondered if there was a god, because it didn't matter how much you begged either merlin or godric, you still didn't get one single moment of peace.
"were you crying?" he asked straight away, without even explaining why he was there. you shook your head denying it and found refuge for eyes on your feet. "you're a terrible liar."
"i don't think you know me that well anymore," you sighed and tried your best to look at him firmly. "no car today?"
"i don't indulge on those very often, apparition is still a thing, you know?" you tried your very best not to roll your eyes at the arrogance he displayed, favoring instead the idea that he had the car for the weekend to please you. "you ignored my patronus, i feel like you probably didn't even check your mail, my poor owl working over time for nothing, and you're the only witch i know who doesn't have a bloody fireplace. kinda got worried that you were mad at me." his lips formed the pout you knew so well, and you had to bite you lips to prevent yourself from smiling.
"not having the fireplace goes hand in hand with the anti-apparition charm on my apartment." you shrugged, it was a way to avoid unwanted guests, so he pretended to be the upmost offended by that. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on the reasons why you were angry with him. "we need to talk."
"we can do that in your apartment. let's talk there." he nodded, and you agreed. it wasn't something to discuss so close to where you worked, for sure. he offered his arm so you would apparate together and you ignored it completely, stretching your arm to the street to get a minicab to stop for you both.
"i'm not risking magic exposure and being fired because you rarely indulge on cars, potter." weirdly enough he doesn't try to convince you otherwise, getting on the backseat with you.
on the way he told you he had been waiting for you for at least forty minutes, which you weren't sure was even true, but on any other day you would've swooned over, but his true intentions showing up came to light so quickly, you couldn't. james kept touching your thigh with his right hand slowly, teasingly, and a pantsuit was never as helpful as then, because of it you could ignore his touches or at least pretend to ignore it.
despite the touches, james maintained a casual conversation with you, talking about trivialities from his day, like forgetting to take his vitamin supplement in the morning and running less that afternoon so he could get home in time to take a shower and pick you up. at least that was the term he used, even though you were in a cab.
you enjoyed having conversations like that with him, knowing how his day had been and how he felt about the team, the training sessions... it brought a sense of normality, as if you were just an ordinary couple talking about everything or just friends talking about your lives. but at that moment, you couldn't enjoy it the way you normally would due to what still lingered on your mind from the previous night, not to mention the fact that the words coming out of his mouth sounded innocent, but his eyes and hands overflowed with nothing but.
you felt like you were under torture, the rational part of your brain competing with your emotional part, which was shaken by any touch from james, any scraps of attention. you even felt relief when you arrived at your building, especially because there were other people in the elevator, preventing him from grabbing you there and making you forget everything you so wanted to tell him. but it didn't last long. as soon as you reached your floor, you were grabbed from behind, his hands firm on your waist while his lips roamed your neck.
"james, we need to talk," you repeated what said before, freeing yourself from his arms and walking towards the door. you unlocked it with a silent charm and left the door open for him to enter next.
"talk about what?" you heard the question, but his tone showed no interest in talking. in fact, he pulls you by the arm and pushes you against the nearest wall, trapping you with his arms. you lost your breath for a few seconds due to the proximity. "we can talk later," james whispers in your ear, brushing his lips softly against yours, one of his hands touching your waist under your blouse. you almost lose it, but finds the strength to get out of his embrace and leave to the kitchen.
"i want to talk about us." you said seriously, resolute in your decision to give him an ultimatum, tired of being the mistress, but you couldn't deny that after his teasing, you just wanted to wrap your legs around his waist and hear him say your name in between moans.
"brilliant, let's talk." james begins, slowly moving closer to you. "but we could just go to your room and enjoy our time in a more pleasurable way." you feel his hands again grabbing you around the waist, and his lips brushed lightly against your ear as he detailed all the other pleasurable things he could be doing to you. you give up, defeated, letting out a grunt and pulling him to you, starting a desperate kiss as he takes off your pantsuit and leads you stumbling back to your bed.
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it was late at night, almost two in the morning, when the noise woke you up, almost frightened as you had no idea what it could be at that time. your first instinct was to obviously grab your wand and go to the living room, ready to disarm or worse if it was an intruder, but you noticed that it someone knocking frantically on your door.
"who is it?" you asked loud and clear, assuming it was a stranger trying to pull some kind of scam, you've heard of cases like that happening around the muggle neighbourhoods, the knocking then stopped and you thought you had scared away whoever was there, but you were wrong.
"it's me…" the voice was familiar, but you doubted it was who the voice reminded you of, so you waited for more before you decided or not to open it. "james." you froze and held you breath, but still denying mentally that it could be him.
"james? need to be more specific."
"don't remember me anymore?" it was him, surely. james potter. you hadn't seen him since the turn of the previous year, but truthfully, you hadn't really spoken to him in years, you couldn't even imagine how in hell had he found your address. "potter."
"what you doing here?" you open the door, giving him the space he needed to enter and smelling the alcohol invading your apartment. "it's two in the morning."
"not sure…" he seemed a bit disoriented, obviously because of the alcohol, but he wasn't about to fall over drunk and you mentally thanked him for that. "was in a pub having a few, but they closed…kept thinking about you and here i am." a shiver ran through your whole body and you cussed yourself, it was pathetic how he could still cause such a thing so many years after your relationship, after your last kiss, unfortunately you had never really managed to forget him, but instead you hid him deep in your memories, that way you wouldn't have to deal with your true feelings for him when you saw each other at a mutual friend's house or anything of the sort.
but still, you did to this day found yourself thinking about him at times, but that didn't help you understand why he would be there at such a time, or why he would be thinking about you when in fact the only reason you had left his life was because of him, because if he wasn't such a dick, you might still be in a relationship today, or at least be best friends like you used to be.
"know what…" even though you haven't responded to anything he's said before, he sits down on your sofa awkwardly and you feel completely uncomfortable with the situation, crossing your arms, unable to move more than that. "i'm such a twat." james lets out a weak laugh of discontent. "letting you go that day… mum told me what happened, but I still didn't look for you." it was amazing how he could form sentences almost perfectly even though he stank of alcohol miles away.
"james, what do you want?" you sigh, still not understanding anything that's going on. he simply gets up and walks towards you, making you instinctively move away until you reach the end of the line, one of the walls of the living room. "potter?"
"i want things between us to go back to normal." his perfume takes you over as he gets closer, replacing the smell of firewhiskey, and you try not to get dizzy. "just want you." panic is your first reaction as his lips come close to yours and you push him away.
"you have a girlfriend." you look into his eyes, being as serious as possible without showing how tempted you were, making exaggerated gestures with your hands to show him how wrong it was.
"shh, forget it, just f'now. i'll fix it, swear i'll fix everything." you soften at his words and sigh, you're probably losing your mind but still you walk towards him with your arms open for a hug and he immediately finds himself taking the chance.
"missed you." your voice nothing but a whisper and james nods in response, stroking your hair.
the affectionate embrace evolves quickly into a quiet kiss that becomes more and more desperate and before you know it, you're both on the sofa, blending into one.
you woke up the next day feeling partially satisfied, but guilt consumed you entirely, you had slept with a commited guy, what kind of woman were you? and not only that… what would james and you be from then on?
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"bloody hell." and there you were, waking up after given in to james' charms again, just like the first time, just like every time after that, it was frustrating how much power he held over you, you couldn't take it anymore, you were done.
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tag: @xcinnamonmalfoyx
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autistichalsin · 4 months
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I stand by what I said- the ending with Karlach DOES need reworking. You can adore someone's work and also go "that part was not ideal."
My criticism towards the IGN interview could not POSSIBLY MORE CLEARLY have been directed at the higher-ups and how they felt Halsin should have nothing more to do after breaking the Shadow Curse, as opposed to John who very clearly loves Halsin and very likely wanted to do more with him than that, if his updates to Halsin (like the platonic confession scene) are any indication. (The higher-ups also ignored what John DID write for Halsin besides Halsin hating the city, which was insulting to his hard work, IMHO)
ALSO, the "something went terribly wrong in the writer's room" quote (which let me say, I don't know whether to be creeped out or flattered that you can quote my posts verbatim) was SPECIFICALLY about writing Orin to target the lowest approval companion (something John had NO part in), which resulted in many players feeling no rush to get the kidnapped companion back- I specifically said it was a failure of writing for the kidnapping story. Again, John's only part of the kidnapping arc was writing Orin-as-Halsin's behavior, and THAT is something I've had nothing but praise for.
You do realize, right, that more than one thing can be possible at once? Like, you really and truly realize that you don't have to like EVERY writing decision made when you love someone's writing, and conversely, that disliking a few decisions DOESN'T mean you don't like/respect the writer at all? Isaac Asimov is my favorite writer of all time, but a few of his short stories were, in my opinion, real stinkers. That doesn't mean I don't love Isaac Asimov!!! It means that writers are human and make human mistakes when writing.
This ask was not just creepy and rude, it was downright wrong and operated on a child's understanding of criticism. I adore Halsin's writer and the work he did on Halsin. On this site, where he presumably can't see anything I write so it can't be "sycophancy", I still have spoken about how well-written Halsin's traumas and anxieties are, how compassionate and sweet he is, how there's so many brilliant character beats. It sounds to me like this ask is motivated by two things: you are jealous that I've corresponded with him on Twitter and you haven't, and you are angry that I criticized a few aspects of Halsin's arc/character which you feel makes me a "fake fan". (Either that, OR you're someone who hates Halsin's character/John's writing for hin, and is angry I don't hate those things.)
In any case, enjoy your block, get well soon, and stop being weird with random Tumblr users. (Also, "a piece of bread to a hungry homeless person" is a really bad metaphor. Who the fuck gives a homeless person a single piece of bread? Like are you just carrying around a baguette in your car in case you encounter a homeless person on the street corner?!)
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❣️!fight for her love!❣️
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Pairing: Daniel ricciardo x femOC (Cherrie!)
Word count : 9k
Summary : in which he’s gonna fight for her love…literally . And drag max and lando into it too because why not?
A/N this is the funniest thing I have ever written. Not serious at all srry but this is what happens when I don’t sleep. I can’t even. This is my favourite oneshot ever lmfao
Daniel wrapped his arms around both max's and lando's shoulder with a loud announcement of his arrival , following their eyesight to see what they were having a nosey at.
His own brow raising at the sight of the love of his life , the same woman who was also very unaware that she was Daniels soulmate (in his words), walking hand in hand with a dark haired man down the paddock.
Feeling his stomach turn, he struggled to keep the same bright smile plastered on his face.
Trying to ignore the looks of pity that he was getting from his friends who knew every single little bit of his infatuation for Cherrie.
"So this is the new boyfriend then?" He mused,  tongue in cheek as they all squinted their eyes at the man by her side . Titling their heads to the side simultaneously as they all thought the same thing.
"Is he a model?" Daniel came right out with it and asked .
There was no way that he wasn't. With a muscular body and a face like a fucking Greek god, Daniel was certain that this was the very same man that was on the front package of the Calvin Klein boxers that he had bought last week.
Lando winced for him "I think so. He's very..." he hesitated.
Not knowing if he was supposed to be honest about how good looking her new boyfriend was or if he was supposed to lie to make Daniel feel better .
Max made the decision for him, blunt as ever. "Good looking. They look good together. It makes sense. Her looking like a goddess and him looking like that.." he mused unhelpfully.
Not one to ever make anyone feel better in their misery.
Lando shot him a look of disgrace .
“Max! That is not helping!" He told him shocked by his lack of sympathy for their friend.
Daniel just snorted as he crossed his arms over his cheek, shaking his head in denial.
“”Nah I don't see it. He's not that handsome. Not as handsome as I am. It's very obvious that I'm the better choice for Cherrie." He informed them confidently , not allowing this little bump in the road to get him down.
He was nothing if not stubborn and determined to make sure that he and Cherrie were going to be together forever.
Both of his friends couldn't help but laugh , shaking their heads at him in amusement . Mostly pity on their faces at his very clear lie about the other mans looks.
"Mate.. I hate to say it but she's dating a Adonis ." Lando said truthfully.
All of them still stood together like a group of mean girls as they eyed the gorgeous couple in front of them.
Daniel shot him an offended look. "Are you saying that He's better looking than me?" He then made a dramatic sweep of his hand over his body as though he was showing off something incredible.
“Me?! The most handsomest man in the entire universe?" He exclaimed , still grinning despite his impending heartbreak.
They both laughed at his antics. Lando giggling "you've got some serious competition mate." Then he added curiously "do you think his abs are real? I can see them through his tshirt." He mused in amazement as he looked at cherries new boyfriend in slight awe.
Daniel immediately shook his head, pulling a face as though he was repulsed by the sight of the man.
"Absolutely not. He's definitely a steroid maniac. A terrible match for the love of my life. She's needs someone to cuddle that doesn't feel like a brick wall." He stated to them.
Max grinned mischievously , nodding his head along to his bullshit.
“Yeah you're right Daniel . She needs me. I'm more than happy to offering my cuddling services to Cherrie-" he couldn't even finish his joke before Daniel had him in a headlock.
Shaking his head with his fist as max tried to get out of his hold while laughing hysterically.
"The only arms that shall hold her shall be mine!" He declared dramatically before finally letting him go .
Max huffing at him with a grin as he tried to straighten out his now fucked up hair again.
Lando snorted at him slyly "well I don't think it's your arms around her now is it? Maybe it's time for you to give up .." he said knowing fully well the reaction that he would get at his suggestion.
Daniel looked at him like he had just shot him up the ass. 
Mouth dropping open in disbelief "me? A quitter? I don't think so mate! This is just a mere .. test that I need to overcome." He told them casually before walking over to one of the flower bushes near where they were standing and plucking off a large daisy.
Max grinned "and how are you going to overcome this exactly? Because the last time she had a boyfriend that wasn't you , you didn't handle it very well." He reminded him. Lando giggling at the memory.
By not handling it very well they meant the way that Daniel had made the man join them for golfing only to run him over with the golf buggy and threaten to do it again if he didn't dump Cherrie.
The man obviously hadn't been there the next day and they had been left to console a upset Cherrie over her missing boyfriend who had dumped her without any explanation.
Daniel hugging her and patting her head as he told her that she didn't need that asshole anyways, ignoring his friends incredulous looks over the fact that it was his fault that he had hauled ass out of the country as soon as he could.
Daniel just shrugged casually , not in the slightest bit remorseful for running over her last boyfriend with a golf buggy.
He'd do it again if he had too.
"I'm going to kill him with kindness. Till he shows his true colours and snaps." He told them simply.
His friends looked skeptical, not believing that was his only plan.
Lando hesitated "well.. at least he's not going to actually kill him. That's a .. plus?" It came out more like a question.
Not trusting that Daniel wouldn't try running over her new boyfriend with a golf buggy as well.
Daniel smiled brightly , nodding his head.
“Yeah! That's plan B. I'll just do plan A first and see how that goes." He casually stated before patting them on their shoulders and sighing loudly.
"Well, I better go introduce myself to her soon to be ex boyfriend! Wish me luck amigos!" He happily exclaimed before hurrying over to the the couple before they could leave .
Leaving max and lando to exchange amused looks between them, also a little weary of their friends plans.
"Do you think it will work?" Lando asked him curiously . As they both watched Daniel throw himself at the couple, startling them.
Max just laughed "he's not going to stop until it works. I just feel sorry for the guy. He stands absolutely no chance against Daniel." He simply answered as they got ready to watch the shit show about to go down.
Cherrie almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a large body push through between her and her boyfriend Matt , two arms wrapping themselves around each of their shoulders as Daniels smiling face popped between them.
"Well hello guys! And hello man that was on the package of my boxers!" He almost sang as he grinned between the two of them, side eyeing her boyfriend a little meanly.
Definitely steroids. He thought to himself as he felt the bulging muscles of Matts shoulders and arms beneath him.
Not a fight I would win. He also thought.
Deciding to scrap the slightly terrible plan of fighting him on the spot in a spar for her love.
He didn't think that Cherrie would find it very hot if she had to watch him get his ass handed to him by an underwear model.
That was not the way to get her to give him a chance.
Cherrie eyed him in slight amusement , her smile growing as she wrapped her arm loosely around his waist and gave him a little squeeze.
Laughing when Daniel leaned down and bumped his nose against hers happily.
There was no way she couldn't smile around someone like him, he was like a personal ray of sunshine that followed her around and made her day brighter.
He was her favourite person in the entire world. No matter how annoying he could be sometimes, she knew that he meant well.
"Hey Danny! How was your break?" She asked him , ignoring her boyfriends look that he was giving her. Clearly not liking the way that Daniel had his arm thrown around him.
He grinned down at her, ignoring model man for a moment as he took in her sun kissed cheeks and pretty eyes. Fighting back a dreamy sigh.
"It was fun! I missed your gorgeous face though!" He told her honestly before hearing her boyfriend clear his throat .
Making him turn his head to look at the unimpressed man, Daniels smile turning a little forced at the sight of him.
"Seems that you've been a busy girl though. Where did you find this one?" He kept his tone light and playful as he dropped his arm from matts shoulder , patting his back instead .
So Did he hit his shoulder a little harder than he should have? It was purely an accident of course!
Cherrie flushed a little, looking between the two very different men that were staring at her.
"Erm-at a club?" Her answer came out more as a question from the pure nerves rushing through her from the way Daniel was gazing at her. His eyes never leaving her face , impatiently waiting for her answer.
It felt somehow wrong to be introducing another man to him like this.
The two of them were so close and affectionate with each other that at some point along their friendship Cherrie had genuinely thought that something would happen between the two of them.
I mean they already acted like a couple! They did everything together! Daniel even had a key to her apartment for when he wanted to let himself in and keep her company.
Where one was the other was never far behind, Daniel always making sure to keep his hands on her at some place or another .
Which was why she had been so hopeful that something would happen.
But it never did.
There had been plenty of times and opportunities where he could have made a move . But he didn't. And the closest he had come to kissing her was when he was drunk and he couldn't keep his hands to himself , kissing her all over her face and around her lips till she had to push him away .
It was why she had decided to herself over the break that she had to move on. She couldn't keep pining after a man that only saw her as a close friend.
Unaware that he was as in love with her as she was him. She had distanced herself from him over the holidays, telling herself that it was for the best when she had met matt at her club and went home with him.
Determine not to get her heartbroken , she just went with it instead .
Daniel rose a curious brow at her, surprised at her actually keeping a hookup around. Recalling the way she had once told him that she would never ever date someone that she met in a club for one thing.
What had changed?
"Ah a club.. the place where you will definitely meet the right person. I mean they might as well have a sign that says 'meet your perfect future husband who definitely wants a serious relationship right now!'" he sarcastically said before he could stop himself .
Matt frowned at him.
Cherrie nudged Daniel in the side with a nervous giggle . Shaking her head at him in amusement despite herself.
"Daniel! Behave! We've just been getting to know each other.." she smiled at Matt feeling a little bad for not warning him about how dramatic and obnoxious her friend could be sometimes.
In fact she hadn't told Matt about him at all. Because most of the time the guys she went out with couldn't understand the closeness they had and the tight bond they shared between them.
In fact, she had lost more than one boyfriend because of the way they had accidentally made them into a third wheel , even though they were just friends. They did act like they were together sometimes .
Which was mostly Daniels fault seeing as he couldn't keep his hands to himself and rarely ever left her side unless he had to.
Daniel just smiled before picking up the daisy that he had picked and sliding it behind her ear, gently pulling her hair toward so it framed her pretty face and the flower.
Cherries cheeks flushed, eyes nervously glancing between the two men with completely different expressions being presented to her.
Daniel was smiling at her while he pulled out his phone to take a picture of her , meanwhile her boyfriend looked nothing less than annoyed at Daniels behaviour.
"Do you know what her favourite flowers are?" Daniel directed his question over to Matt , keeping his voice friendly as he finished taking photos of Cherrie and put his phone back in his pocket .
Facing him fully again so he could look the man in the eye when he spoke.
He had read somewhere that eye contact was a great way to assert dominance in the wild.
Matt smiled a little at Cherrie "roses." He answered confidently. Saying the flowers that he had gotten her one their first date.
Daniel sucked in a dramatic breath through his teeth and pulled a faux look of pity towards him.
"Oooo wrong mate! She actually hates flowers. She feels bad when they die cause she always forgets to look after them." He told him as though it was something that he was supposed to know.
Shaking his head in disappointment at him, despite still keeping his usual smile on his face .
Finding it easier not to fake his grin when he noticed the way matts eye twitched at him, not happy with him at all.
Matt frowned at him "you've just given her a flower!"
Daniel laughed "yeah but that's different. That's just cause she looks cute with it in her hair like that. I wouldn't get her them for a first date. That's not very creative is it?" He teased although he was a hundred percent serious.
Cherrie cringed internally at the way her boyfriend was clearly squaring him up , easily falling for the way Daniel was winding him up.
She pinched Daniels hip and gave him a warning glance , he just laughed and held up his hands in mock surrender.
"Stop it." She muttered to him before smiling sheepishly over to Matt.
“Ignore him . I did like the roses.." she lied to make him feel better.
Daniel laughed even harder , wrapping his arm around her head and hugging her to his side as he swayed them from side to side . Happy to be able to have her within arms reach again.
He felt like he had gone through actual withdrawal symptoms without her over the holidays.
" I heard someone say once that as soon as the roses die then the relationship will too." He made up completely on the spot just to wind up
Matt even more.
Her boyfriend scoffed and rolled his eyes at him, Cherrie just glancing between them nervously.
"Then I'll just keep replacing the dead roses then. Then she'll never have to see them die." Matt countered back to him .
Daniel smirked at him, beyond amused at himself .
This is going to be a piece of fucking cake. He thought smugly to himself , seeing how easy it was to piss him off already.
He gave him another week till shit hit the fan. A fan that he would be holding up above them.
"Keep giving her flowers that she doesn't like? Ooo doesn't sound very thoughtful man.." he smirked, looking him up and down judgmentally.
At that Cherrie let out a nervous laugh and patted Daniel on the back before pulling away from him, taking ahold of her annoyed boyfriends hand instead.
She smiled at the two of them, wanting to get rid of the rapidly growing tension as quickly as possible.
And she had a feeling that if she just stood there and let Daniel wind Matt up some more, that it wouldn't end well for any of them.
"Okay! Well.. we better get going! It was nice seeing you again Danny!" She started to pull her boyfriend away from her friend as quickly as she could.
Daniel was still grinning as he called over to her "are you coming with us for drinks tomorrow?"
Cherrie gave him a guilty smile , hating breaking their weekly tradition of bar hopping with their friends. But she had no choice.
She couldn't just ditch her boyfriend to drink with the man that Matt definitely now hated.
No matter how much she wanted to.
"I can't! Matts taking me out to that new fancy restaurant tomorrow night at seven!" She told him with a little wince. Feeling bad.
Daniel hummed , titling his head mischievously.
"Heart and Soul?" He questioned , thinking of the new overpriced restaurant that had just not long ago opened up.
He had been planning to take Cherrie there himself, just the two of them. But he guessed he had to change his plans again.
But no worries. He was nothing if not Adaptable to new situations.
Cherrie just nodded her head with a smile, feeling Matt tug on her hand impatiently so they could leave .
If possible Daniels grin grew even bigger , a plan already forming in his head.
"Well have fun gorgeous! I'll see you soon!" He shouted to her, blowing her a kiss too. Giggling to himself at the glare Matt shot him over his shoulder.
He almost felt sorry for the sucker. He had no idea what was coming to him.
Serves him right for being anywhere near the love of my life. Daniel thought stubbornly to himself.
He had it coming to him.
Daniel could feel the wary looks of his friends on him as he dragged them out of the car excitedly , looking up at the brightly lit restaurant with a grin.
Even Max looked impressed as he glanced inside the five star restaurant, Daniel leading them straight over to the hostess booth.
"How did you get us a reservation here?" He asked him curiously .
Lando too busy gaping up at the several large chandeliers in amazement . "Wow so much light!"
Daniel just beamed at them as the hostess began leasing them to their table, shrugging his shoulders casually .
"I told them that I was planning to propose tonight. Fantastic publicity for them really!" He informed them casually.
Their heads snapped over to him simultaneously, sharing a worried look between them.
Daniel had simply told them that it was a small dinner between friends. That he was just curious to see what the new restaurant was like.
They felt a little stupid for believing that bullshit now as they watched Daniels head snap around in every direction of the dining hall as though he was looking for someone.
"Who the hell are you going to propose too?" Lando exclaimed , half in amusement and half in worry.
Max was squinting his eyes at Daniel suspiciously as he gave them his best innocent grin, ignoring the questions as they were seated around a red clothed table that was lit up with candles for them.
"Wow this place is fancyyyy! Look at all these couples on their cute little dates!" Daniel said, still searching for a familiar head of hair.
His heart jumping victoriously in his chest when he finally spotted the love of his life sat at a table a few spaces to their right.
Max and lando sat down in their seats, still looking at him in confusion.
"Is there a reason you wanted to come here so badly?" Max asked him, referring to the way he had desperately begged them to come with him. Claiming that he needed the support from his best friends.
Max wasn't sure how much support they could give him eating food.. though they hadn't said anything about his strange reasoning. Never ones to turn down free food that someone else was paying for.
Daniel crossed his fingers together as he smiled at them, glancing over at Cherrie every few seconds to make sure that she was still there and not going anywhere.
"Oh ya know.. just wanted to enjoy a special night with my amazing friends who would support me and always have my back no matter what.." he laid it on pretty thick.
They looked even more alarmed when he gave them a slightly guilty smile , shifting in his seat restlessly .
Lando winced "oh god what did you do now?-"
Max had already spotted the reason for their friends sheepishness a few tables down, groaning loudly in disbelief as he glared at Daniel in annoyance .
"You can't be serious mate! Did you know she was going to be here?!" He then answered his own question bedore Daniel could say a thing.
“Of course you knew she was here! Fucking hell danny!"
Lando followed his line of sight, eyes widening at the sight of Cherrie and Matt holding hands, clearly on a date.
Looking over at Daniel who was shamelessly grinning at them, he couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh my god!" He giggled while max shook his head disapprovingly . Two different reactions to the situation.
"What are you going to do? They're on a date!"
Daniel just ran a hand through his hair and straightened out his smart white dress shirt with his hand the best that he could .
"I'm just gonna make sure that's she's having a good time." He casually answered them "something that she can't be having without me! I'm going to make her night even better!" He told them confidently .
Lando continued giggling at him, while max just shook his head at him in disapproval.
"Daniel.." he sighed putting his face in his hands knowing that they were about to get dragged into his idiotic plans too.
“Matt is not going to be happy if you crash their date. He already looked like he wanted to smack you yesterday." He stated matter of factly.
Daniel just nodded along uncaringly "that's why you guys are here. For backup." He casually informed them of their roles.
Which made lando promptly stop giggling, eyeing him with sudden worry.
"Mate I hope you aren't expecting me to fight him if it all kicks off! He's massive! He'd crush me!" He almost squeaked , eyes wide as he looked over at cherries new boyfriend worriedly .
Daniel just rolled his eyes as though he was the silly one .
"That's why I brought max as well. He doesn't stand a chance against all three of us against him . We're like the dream team!" He beamed at them.
Max deadpanned at him. Utterly fed up.
Ignoring their expressions , Daniel let his smile fade for a moment . Getting serious again.
"-and anyway I did some digging into this guy and he's not who he says he is." He whispered to them.
Lando , if possible, looked even more worried.
“He's secretly in the mafia and going to kill us?" He blurted out, scared.
Both Daniel and max gave him a weird look.
Daniel just snorted "no. It's even worse.. he's married! He's got a wife in Dubai!" He told them the shocking news that he had found out.
Both of his friends gaped at him in shock.
"Holy shit are you serious?" Max gasped alongside lando.
Daniel nodded his head , face set. "Serious as fuck guys. And judging by the love of my lifes gorgeous and innocent ... so fucking pure and easily tricked- god bless her- I mean look at how cute she looks with her perfect-" he started to get distracted as he gazed at her longingly.
Max clicked his fingers in front of his face impatiently, snapping him out of it.
"What is the plan then? She clearly doesn't know!" Max's own protectiveness for Cherrie shone through. The two having become good friends over the years of driving together.
The last thing he wanted was to see her get fucked over.
"This is terrible .." lando groaned , still worried about the possibility of having to fight a man twice his size in height and width .
Daniel sighed "I know. I was thinking we just go over there and act normal. And I'll just keep bringing up marriage and shit like that to make him squirm."
Max slowly nodded his head , frowning.
“So we're gonna trick him into admitting it?" He said.
Lando groaned again in misery .
Daniel smiled brightly , nodding his head in conformation.
"Yep! Now come on. Lers not waste any time!" He said Before springing to his feet and making his way over to their table confidentially.
Leaving max and lando to trail after him reluctantly , lando looking over at max worriedly.
"This ain't going to end well is it?" He guessed.
Max just pursed his lips and sighed "just remember to duck If you see a fist swinging your way." He muttered to him before plastering a smile on his face as they came to stop beside their table.
"Well howdy! What are the chances of bumping into you two here!" Daniel exclaimed loudly startling them as he grabbed a chair from an empty table and dragged it over to theirs , legs screeching against the marble floor noisily .
Cherrie gaped up at him in disbelief while matts face dropped at the sight of him .
"What the fuck?" She blurted out in shock as max and lando did the same thing, pulling up chairs to join their table casually .
Lando gave her a sheepish wave, too afraid to look her god like boyfriend in the eye.
"You've got to be joking.." Matt muttered, pissed off at the interruption .
Daniel ignored it. Instead he looked over at Cherrie in a glittering red dress and perfectly curled hair, letting out a amazed sigh.
"Wow. You look beautiful cher." He told her honestly before lifting up her hand from the table and admiring her pretty rings.
"Kind of looks like an engagement ring. Or a wedding ring.." he empathised as he side eyed Matt as he said it. Not being subtle at all.
Max and lando grimaced , sharing a look as they watched anger flash across both of the men's faces , though Daniel did a better job at concealing his rage than her boyfriend did.
Cherrie giggled obviously, cheeks flushing as Daniel lifted up her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles .
"What are you guys doing here? We're kind of on a date .." she pointedly reminded them, seeing Matt glaring at them from the corner of her eye and holding back a wince .
Daniel just shrugged "just thought we'd check out the food here! We might as well group together now though. Much funner!" He looked over to Matt challengingly.
"you don't mind us dining with you do you mate? We can all get to know you a little better then.." he eyed him, holding back the urge to scream cheating liar in his face like he wanted to.
Matt gritted his teeth, smiling forcefully back at him.
"Not at all. I'm an open book." He lied.
All of her friends rose their eyebrows at that.
"Is it a book of lies he's talking about?" Max muttered beneath his breath, unamused.
Lando grinned behind his hand , keeping his eyes on the menu in front of him.
Daniel exhaled loudly "fantastic!" He then proceeded to call over the waiter and ordered food for them, explaining that they were sharing a table now.
After they had all put their orders in, Daniel interlaced his fingers together and rested his chin ontop of them as he looked down the table at her boyfriend with a smile.
"So Matt...you like rings?" He blurted out.
Cherrie giving him a weird look while max and lando looked at him in disbelief at his lack of subtly .
"What are you going on about doofus?" Cherrie laughed, feeling Daniels foot knocking against her own underneath the table . Hooking their ankles together like he always did.
Daniel just shrugged , eye twitching . "I'm just saying.. you look like a fashionable guy yet I see no jewellery on your hands.." he pointed out, wondering where the asshole put his wedding ring when he was playing Cheater.
Matt paused and eyed him for a moment before answering tensely .
"Rings aren't my thing." He muttered .
Daniel snorted "oh really?"
Max nudged his shoulder warningly once he noticed Matt glaring at them suspiciously.
Cherrie awkwardly laughed when a tense silence settled over the table . Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and picking up the bottle of wine from the table and pouring herself a big glass.
"Daniel stop being weird. He doesn't have to wear rings if he doesn't want to. Not everyone can pull it off." She joked , smiling at her boyfriend apologetically .
He just rolled his eyes.
Daniel thought about hitting him with his car for disrespecting her like that.
"Speaking of rings .. I saw some realty nice wedding rings in a jewellers on our way here." He continued to put empathise on the word wedding.
"Some really nice ones for the wife and the husband .."
Cherrie tilted her head in confusion. "Why were you looking at wedding rings?" She asked him, hoping to hell and back that he didn't have another girl in mind to marry.
She didn't want to share him with anybody else . as soon as the thought passed her mind she felt guilty. Daniel wasn't hers to keep.
Plus , she had a boyfriend . She reminded herself , taking a large swing of her wine to soothe the ache.
Daniel just grinned over at her, admiring how pretty she looked under the chandelier light.
"For our future wedding obviously . Although I was thinking we could get mood rings.. so that every time I was unsure of how you felt I could just look at your finger and be like 'yep she's pissed!'" He laughed, although he was hundred percent serious.
Max placed his face in his hands , wincing at the look on matts face .
Because only Daniel would tell a woman that he was going to marry her right in front of her ripped boyfriend who could easily break them all in half.
Cherrie gasped , laughing at his idea.
“Oh my god that's actually a good idea!" She exclaimed bedore looking to her left and seeing her boyfriend glaring at her , unamused.
Her laughter quickly dying off as she cleared her throat and quickly added "I mean, for your future wife. Not me!" Draining the rest of her glass and quickly pouring herself another one.
Daniel smiled thankfully at the waiter as he put all their plates in front of them. Thanking him as he set down a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in front of him.
"You ever thought about getting married Matt?" He tested him again.
Twirling the spaghetti around his fork and shoving it into his mouth as he stared him down waiting for his answer.
Matt tensed up, clenching his jaw as he glared back at him .  His eyes flickering away from Cherrie's quickly when she looked over at him curiously.
"Not really." He muttered , getting more and more pissed off by the second.
Daniel hummed mockingly "that's a surprise .. you look like the kind of man that would have a wife already." He bluntly said.
Smirking smugly at the look of fury he shot him. Clearly clicking onto his accusing tone.
Cherrie frowned over at Daniel disapprovingly , completely oblivious to what was going on.
"Daniel! Leave him alone!" She scolded him before eyeing his plate hungrily . Regretting not getting the same thing.
Seeing her eyeing his food, he twirled a large piece of spaghetti and meatball around his fork before reaching over the table and placing the fork at her lips.
She parted them and let him feed her some of his food, humming happily at the taste . Swallowing it down bedore smiling at him gratefully .
"It's good. You wanna swap?" She questioned him
Hopefully .
Daniel just laughed and slid her plate of chicken pasta over to himself instead . Passing her his plate and grinning at the happy little dance she did im her seat as she dug straight into his food.
"I knew she'd want the spaghetti!" He chuckled , shaking his head at how predictable she was.
"You always want whatever I'm having!" He found it both amusing and endearing at the same time. Nine out of ten times they ended up switching plates when they were out to eat.
Cherrie just grinned cheekily back at him "you always get the best food it's not my fault!" She giggled.
Max eyed Matt uneasily , noticing the way he looked like he was going to pop a vein from how hard he was scowling at them.
He nudged lando to look as well, lando inhaling shakily at the sight .
"Shite.." he breathed out sending a quick prayer that they lived to see tomorrow after this.
"Are you two always like this?" Matt almost spat out angrily towards them.
Cherrie froze with her fork halfway to her mouth, blinking at him in confusion.
“Hungry?" She had no idea what he was on about. So used to their closeness that she didn't even notice it anymore.
Daniel answered for her "in tune with each other? It comes around years of love and bonding . We're soulmates." He told him without any shame.
Lando almost whimpered in fear at the balls he had to say that to her massive , muscle head boyfriend .
Matt glared at him angrily "don't you think that's crossing a line? She's with me." He snapped at him.
Daniel pulled a surprised face "is she? I hadn't noticed!" He grinned finding it hilarious .
Cherrie looked betweeen the two of them with wide wide eyes, still eating her food slowly as she wondered if she was missing something.
"He means it platonically." She finally spoke up to her boyfriend . Hoping to make him feel better.
Matt just looked back at her in disbelief .
Even lando and max were looking at her in amusement , wondering if she actually believed the bullshit that she was saying .
She didn’t .
Daniel snorted , shaking his head . "I mean it universally. She's the ying to my yang, the tongue to my mouth, the cheeks to my ass , the pepperoni to my pizza-" he could have went on and on.
Max quickly cut him off before he could , huffing out a amused laugh.
“Okay mate. I think we get it!" Side Eyeing Matt's reddening face cautiously.
Cherrie was giggling to herself as she downed yet another glass of wine, already on her way to being drunk. Having had the full bottle to herself .
She smiled over at Daniel, flattered. "That's so sweet! We should get matching tattoos like those bff necklaces that we used to have." She randomly blurted out.
Daniel grinned smugly "used to have?" Then he pulled down his shirt and pulled out the half heart necklaces that had 'best' engraved on it , waving it at her proudly .
“I never took it off baby!"
Cherrie gasped loudly , laughing in amazement as she got up from her seat and quickly jogged around the table to his side.
Bending down slightly so that she could take ahold of the silver pendant , eyes widening in amazement that he still had it.
"Dude!" She exclaimed grinning up at him happily "I can't believe you still wear it! I feel bad now!"
Daniel ruffled her hair and gently helped her to her feet, wrapping his arm loosely around her hips as she stood next to him while he was sat down.
Looking up at her fondly "of course I did! It's like a contract! A promise! Plus I knew that you would lose your half of the heart , you clumsily idiot!" He blew a raspberry on her side to make her laugh.
Cherrie's giggling was cut short as she felt another hand take ahold of the top of her dress and yank her away.
Head snapping down to look at Matt who was glaring at her , pulling her to his side roughly .
Max inhaled sharply "shit." He breathed out as he and lando watched the smile drop from Daniels face immediately at his actions.
Glaring over at Matt furiously "don't fucking pull her around like that!" He snapped at him, clenching his fist as he watched Cherrie wobble in her heels, clearly drunk.
"It's okay.." she mumbled trying to keep the peace, leaning over the table to pour herself another glass of wine casually .
Daniel scoffed angrily "no it isn't." He spat, leaning forward in his seat so he could see past her to glare at the lying , cheating bastard that dared to touch the love of his life like that.
Matt scowled at him hatefully "shut up man. She's my girlfriend! You have no place to be telling me what I can and can't do." He spat back at him.
Cherrie just stumbled her way back over to her seat , eyeing the leftover piece of Potato on lando's plate hungrily .
Nudging him with her foot she whispered loudly, ignoring the death stares that the two men were giving each other at the table.
"lando? Can I have that potato?" Not caring about the drama surrounding her.
Lando blinked at her in disbelief , wondering how she could be so calm and unbothered while her best friend and boyfriend were about to go at each others throats in a restaurant.
He silently passed her his plate, unable to help the little look of judgment he gave her , before sighing shakily as he looked back over to Daniel and Matt. Not wanting to miss a thing.
Daniel let out a cold laugh "oh really? Your girlfriend is she? How many of those do you have on the side huh? Or is she the only one?!" He gripped the table cloth between his fingertips so tightly that they went white.
Max shuffled his seat away from the table readily , tensing up as he watched them closely . Ready to intervene .
Matt glared at him , his eyes flickering over to Cherrie who was stuffing her face with potato's ,
Not even listening to them. Before he looked back at Daniel threatengily.
"You need to shut your mouth. You don't know what your talking about." He spat at him.
Daniel scoffed hatefully at him "would your wife know what I'm talking about then?" He shot back at him, abruptly getting to his feet.
"Christ." Lando whimpered sinking lower in his seat.
Side Eyeing Cherrie who was still stealing food off everyone's plates while they were preoccupied .
Matt shoved himself to his feet as well, puffing out his chest to make himself even bigger.
Gritting just teeth at him "shut the fuck up!"
Daniel laughed "no I don't think I will! You're not lying to my girl and getting away with it you steroid thumping- cheating bastard!" He snapped at him furiously bedore suddenly launching himself across the table at him.
Making the both of them crash against the next table as people screamed and gasped in shock as they started wrestling on the restaurant floor.
"I'm going to kill you!" Daniel shouted down at him , barely dodging a punch to his nose as Matt threw him off him easily , sending him crashing into another table before he jumped him. Fist swinging.
Max quickly ran over to them and threw himself ontop of matts back, wrapping his arms around his ridiculously large shoulders as he tried to yank him off Daniel. Barely moving him at all.
"Lando some help please!” He shouted over to him in annoyance , grunting as he narrowly avoided a elbow to his face.
Lando winced as he watched Matt manage to land  a nasty punch to Daniels cheek making him groan loudly before he bitch slapped him back the same way that he had watched Cherrie slap her girlfriend before when they got into a catty fight.
Cherrie finally looked up from her plate and frowned at the scene in front of her , eyes widening once she saw the blood on her best friends cheek.
"What the fuck!" She shot up out of her seat, stumbling for a moment , utterly drunk as she pulled off her heels and held one of them in her hand as she stumbled over to them quickly .
Lando hurriedly following her , half hiding behind her as he picked up a plate from the table on his way.
Sending a apologetic grimace to the guests at the table that Daniel and Matt had crashed into.
"Sorry about this guys. He's in love." Lando simply explained to them like that answered everything.
"You fucking dickhead! You think that because you look like a Greek god that you can just treat women like this?!" Daniel screamed at him as he finally managed to push him off him, sending max flying too as Matt toppled over to the side.
Daniel quickly got behind him and wrapped his arm around his head, getting him in a headlock , grunting when Matt knocked his head back and hit him in the chin with it.
"Fucking cunt!" He panted struggling to keep ahold of him.
Before his eyes widened as he glanced up to see Cherrie in front of them , holding her high heel above matts crotch with a pissed off glare on
Her pretty face.
Matt yelling and groaning in pain as she hit him in the dick with her high heel.
"How dare you punch Daniel! You wanker! If that leaves even the smallest of scars I will make sure that you never see the sun again you bastard!" She shouted at him furiously .
Stumbling backwards slightly when Matt somehow managed to launch himself back to his feet, Daniel quickly jumping up as well as he tried to get at him again.
"You're not worth all this shit! You stupid bitch-"
He didn't even get to take another threatening step towards her bedore lando let out a loud war cry and went flying towards him with a plate full of spaghetti held high in his hand.
Max , Daniel and Cherrie could only watch with gaping mouths as lando smacked him over the head with the plate of spaghetti furiously , Matt going down like a sack of potato's as he knocked him
Straight out.
"Don't call my friend a bitch! You-you bitch!" He panted , kicking him in the side as adrenaline coursed through his body.
Max looked around at the shocked restaurant guests , the manager quickly hurrying over to them angrily.
"You go before I call the police! You're banned for life !" He warned them angrily.
Max grimaced  apologetically at him as he took ahold of lando's arm who was still trying to kick Matt who was now out cold on the floor.
Dragging him towards the exit like he was an unruly child . "sorry! We'll pay for any damages!" He promised him.
Daniel quickly doing the same with Cherrie , only he picked her up bridal style and gave a casual nod to the traumatised guests before hurrying them out of the doors.
Lando was already in the car , laughing and crying "oh my god I thought I was going to die!" He dramatically shouted as max started up the car , wanting to get them the hell away before they all got arrested .
Daniel slid into the back of the car , Cherrie leaning against his side as he buckled the both of them in.
Wincing at the stinging on his cheek, laughing despite the pain as he looked over at lando proudly.
"That was amazing lando! Very heroic!" He praised him.
Cherrie dabbed a napkin  that she had took from the table against his cheek in concern , tilting his head towards her so she could see the start of a black eye already forming.
"Oh no. You're beautiful face.." she whined still drunk as she blinked up at him sadly.
More worried about his face than she was about her now unconscious ex boyfriend.
Daniel smiled at her the best he could, wrapping his arm around the back of her neck so that her head could rest in the crook of his elbow. Gently nudging their noses together like he always did.
"I'm okay. It's just gonna make me look even more badass than before." He reassured her casually as max sped down the streets.
Cherrie giggled a little , gazing into his pretty eyes in adoration .
“The way you jumped across that table was really hot." She blurted out honestly, biting down on her bottom lip as she thought about it.
Max grimaced deeply as he eyed them in his mirror, lando still rambling on about how cool he felt hitting Matt with a plate of spaghetti, re-enacting it like he hadn't been there to see it himself .
Daniel smirked down at her , heart racing in his chest at the way she was looking at him.
"Yeah? How hot?" He teased her , pulling her even closer.
She sighed dazedly "pantie dropping hot." She told him unashamedly .
Daniel chuckled as he looked down at her , smiling smugly.
“Hot enough for you to give me a chance now that idiot has been dealt with?" He threw all caution to the wind and went for it.
Pumped up with adrenaline from fighting a muscle head , underwear model. He felt pretty unbeatable then. Like he could do anything.
Cherrie hummed thoughtfully "a chance for what?" She still wasn't getting it.
Max groaned loudly and looked back at her in disbelief as they pulled up to a red light.
"Seriously? Even after that you still don't know?!" He exclaimed in shock wondering how oblivious she could be.
She just shook her head in confusion.
Max almost wanted to shake her.
Daniel was just giggling to himself , already used to her obliviousness to the obvious around her.
God, he loved her . He did. But the love of his life wasn’t the brightest spark.
It was a good job that she was pretty.
"He's wants to be your boyfriend!" Max almost shouted at her.
Wondering what more Daniel could have possibly done to show her how much he loved her.
He had flew across a table and tussled with a muscle man almost twice his size for her! While she just sat back and mugged their plates while they were busy fighting!
He couldn't believe it!
"Oh." Cherrie simply let out . Before smiling at Daniel happily .
“Why didn't you just say so?" She casually answered.
Daniel blinked at her in amazement. "You mean that i could have just asked you out years ago and you would have said yes?" The astonishment was clear in his voice.
Squeezing his eyes shut in misery at himself when she nodded her head yes, looking amused.
"Wow. I wish I knew that sooner .." he breathed out , chuckling despite himself as he reopened his eyes and looked down at her .
Squeezing her flushed cheeks gently between his fingers till her lips puckered , he tilted his chin down and kissed her instead of speaking anymore about his own personal stupidity .
They could laugh about that later .
Nestling his fingers into her hair as she hummed against his mouth, tilting her head to deepen the kiss as she hooked one of her legs over his hip as he twisted his body towards her the best that he could in the cramped space.
Moaning lowly in his chest as she sucked on his tongue , her hand slipping underneath his shirt , making his skin breakout in goosebumps from her soft touch.
"I love you. Fuck.." he murmured over and over again against her lips .
Grabbing her ass with his other hand and giving it a squeeze like he had wanted to for so long.
Cherrie smiled against his mouth as he started kissing down her neck, sucking at her soft skin and making her moan as she rocked against him, tangling her hands into his hair before pulling his mouth back up to her own as they made out like a couple of horny teenagers in the backseat of the car.
"I love you." Cherrie promised him as she pulled open his shirt with one tug, the buttons flying everywhere .
Daniel just groaned blissfully , wondering if he was in heaven as he snaked his tongue into her mouth and pulled her dress even further up
her thighs.
Max looked in the mirror and gasped in disgust and horror at the sight of them practically having sex in his car while he was driving too!
"Stop that!" He snapped at them . Eyeing the giggling lando beside him disapprovingly .
"None of that in my car! Daniel get your hands out of her panties!" He yelled at him frantically , quickly speeding down the highway to get them to Daniels house first. Not wanting to witness them two going at it.
He felt like he might be sick just at the thought!
Lando just grinned as he leaned his head through the seats to look back at them.
"Well done Daniel! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed happily.
Having spent years listening to Daniel go on and on about how she was the love of his life.
Daniel panted breathlessly as he forced his lips away from cherries, face dazed as he grinned lazily back at his friend.
Reaching his free hand out for him to high five while max just regretted his entire existence in the drivers seat.
"Thanks mate!" He grinned bedore leaning back in his seat and attacking her neck again. Not giving a single shit now that he had the love of his life in his lap.
Cherrie tilited her head as he kissed down her neck again, lazily grinning before reaching her arm forward and tapping Max's shoulder to get his attention.
"Do you have any condoms?" She asked him casually just as they pulled up outside Daniels place.
Max just deadpanned at her , unamused as Daniel opened the door and flung himself out of the car, giving Cherrie his hand as he told her to hurry up.
"No I don't. Get out. I have seen more of you than I have ever wanted to." He bluntly said, fed up with the both of them .
Lando pulled out a row of condoms from his wallet and handed it to her with a shit eating grin.
"Here ya go!"
Cherrie beamed "thanks Mate! I'll see you soon! This was fun! We should have dinner again sometime!" She chirped bedore clumsily ducking her head and crawling out from the backseat.
Max inhaled sharply as he reached out and yanked down the end of her dress that had ridden up to show them her ass on complete display.
"Nice thong Cherrie!" Lando giggled childishly as she stumbled out, Daniel immediately scooping her up like a fireman and running to his door with her.
Both of them laughing like naughty kids as they started making out again.
Leaving max to shake his head in disbelief. Making sure that they both got into the house safely before finally pulling away.
"They're unbelievable." He muttered grinning despite himself.
“Fuckin' made for each other.” He laughed.
He was never accepting a dinner invitation from Daniel again!
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Heyyyy cate! Could you do a blurt or Oneshot on Spencer with his teenage daughter who maybe doesn’t seem to like his new girlfriend at all but really she’s just really scare of her dad’s attention shifting ? She could do rebellious stuff to gain it back and he would take a while to really get what was going on? 🥺
omg yes i live for this type of angst. also, i'm considering a series with single dad spence, what do we think ?? i don't have a plot or anything lmao
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There's nothing Phoebe loves more than her dad, and there's nothing Spencer loves more than his daughter. You knew that getting into a relationship with him.
He raised it early before your third date during the month you were only communicating by text. Now, you can't think of anything worse than going that long without talking to him.
You've been an increasingly permanent fixture in his life and, therefore, Phoebe's, especially after Spencer got released from prison. He needed an adult to talk to, not his fifteen-year-old daughter, and you were happy to be that for him.
Things would have been good, perfect even, hopefully, with you integrating even more into their lives, but your relationship with Phoebe was rocky.
She must have struggled with her dad in prison, having to stay with Aunt Penelope for three months while she had no idea what would happen to their family.
It's only deteriorated since you started sleeping over. It's like whenever you're around, she refuses to come out of her room, and it's more hatred for you than it is teenage angst.
That night, Spencer calls, asking you to come over. When you get there, he looks furious mixed with worried, but the furious is taking over.
You run through a list of things that might have happened during the day to have made him so mad. Maybe a problem with his reinstatement, although it's been fine for months, or a problem with a higher-up putting pressure on the team.
"Hey, hey, what's up?" You ask, shutting the door behind you and slipping your shoes off.
He nods to the study, walking in wordlessly as you follow. It's even more concerning that he won't say anything until the heavy wooden door has closed.
"So not only has Phoebe been skipping school to go to the mall, she has been stealing." He rants to you, pacing angrily. "Stealing! My daughter, who I raised to be a morally good person has been caught stealing."
Your eyes widen as your mouth drops open. It's pretty unbelievable. Although she hates you, Phoebe's a good kid. She's got too much of Spencer in her to be anything but. He's more hotheaded than he used to be, and he's not seeing it from any other perspective than how morally wrong it was.
"Alright, okay." You say, grabbing his hands and steering him to sit on the leather sofa. "Just breathe for a minute."
He tries, but it doesn't stop his eyes from darkening. "I need to be thinking about how I can punish her."
You shake your head softly. "You can't right now."
He looks at you like you're dumb, but you know he doesn't mean it. "You can't seriously be defending this."
You shake your head again. "I'm not, Spence. I promise. But this is a cry for help." He's still not understanding it, so you put it in terms she'll understand. "Behaviorally, what does it say if someone's shoplifting?"
"It's a reaction to a loss, to fill a void real or perceived." He lists off the common parts of the profile before it clicks in his head. "Oh."
"Yeah." You nod. "This is a call for help, Spencer. She's struggling with something, and I'm guessing it's a mix of me and what happened to you."
His eyes cloud over with tears then, his whole face softening. It's his baby, who he's been raising since he was fresh out of college, and she's begging for help, even if she doesn't know it.
Then he feels terrible because what type of a dad is he to not realize she's having such a rough time? And because of his decisions?
You can tell, too. "Spencer, stop." You insist. "You're not a bad dad."
"How did I not know?" He asks, holding his head in his hands.
"Because she's a teenager who hides her feelings from her dad." You joke, earning a slight chuckle from him, his beautiful smile gracing his face once again. "So I'm going to go so you can talk to her."
He shakes his head, squeezing your hand. "No, don't go." He begs. "Her problem is not with you."
"It is." You assure him. "I've started coming around more, and it's a big change. You don't like change, and I bet she doesn't either."
That makes him smile lightly. They are similar in a lot of ways, and that means the better and worse traits. "Can you wait here?" He asks.
Hesitantly, you concede. "I'll be in your bedroom." You say before winking at him as he gets up. "Go do good dad stuff."
Spencer flashes you one last smile before leaving you alone in the study so you can retreat to his room. He's worried when he walks up the stairs. There's been a lot of moments as a dad that he hasn't been able to prepare for, but this feels like the biggest of them all.
Gently, he knocks on her door. "Hey, sweet girl, can I come in?" He asks.
"Not your sweet girl." She answers, although she doesn't tell him not to come in so he pushes the door open.
It's clear she's been crying. Her new heavy eyeliner look makes that obvious. "You'll always be my sweet girl." He tells her, sitting on her desk chair.
"So what's my punishment?" She asks. "No phone, no iPad, no wifi? I bet you'll get Aunt Penelope to block it all, too."
Spencer shakes his head. "Nothing like that, Phoebs. I just want to talk."
"About what?" She asks in return.
"What's bothering you." He answers. "You're a good girl, and you know that was wrong. You're too smart for me to tell you that."
Phoebe shakes her head. "I'm not smart."
"You are." He assures her. "So, what's going on?" When he doesn't get an answer, he guesses. "Y/n?"
"I- She's so nice." Phoebe starts, articulating her feelings much better than Spencer ever could. "And I've been mean to her. It's just- she's here a lot, and I'm not used to having..." She trails off, playing with her fingers in her lap. "Someone around like that."
He can guess what she's thinking easily. "Someone I'm romantically interested in."
"My aunts and uncles aren't here all the time, but I feel like she's here to stay." She explains.
Spencer nods. "That's a decision we make together, but yes, I want that."
"I do, too," Phoebe says. "She's nice, and she likes you."
"She likes you, too," Spencer reminds her, taking her hand. "But you'll always be my number one, sweet girl." She smiles at him, standing up and walking over to hug him. He pulls her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head. "I love you."
"I love you, too, and I'm really sorry." She replies.
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cinememed · 7 months
₍ 🎞 ₎   annihilation  (2018)  rp  starters  ! featuring mature themes . some lines have been slightly adjusted for rp purposes .
some questions will ruin you if you are denied the answer long enough.
almost all of us self-destruct. in some way, in some part of our lives.
these aren't decisions, they're... impulses.
i thought i was a person. i had a life. and now i'm not so sure.
i love seeing the moon in daytime.
so weird you say that. i was about to make the exact same point.
you know he's listening right now, don't you?
okay. mistakes were made.
i keep looking for you, but you never seem to be around.
all work and no play. it’s not healthy.
i thought you were gone – gone forever.
i get really turned on when you patronize me. it's really hot.
you think i come out into the garden, pining, looking up at the sky?
are you kidding me? what do you think i do when you’re away?
i deserve a better explanation than… no explanation.
i remembered you. i remembered your face.
you probably feel dreadful. queasy. a nasty metal taste in the mouth.
so let’s cut the shit – i’m done answering questions. it’s your turn.
i can’t talk about that. you understand.
you still haven’t told me anything about what’s going on or what i’m doing here!
it's impressive to have escaped. to this point at least.
the chances are zero if i don’t even try.
it’s not simply a question of your motivation. there are processes to observe.
i was thinking we should bond or something. considering we’re travel buddies.
you get used to it. you have to accept it, because it’s there.
this is not something you do if your life is in perfect harmony.
i’m done sleeping for the night.
i’ll do it alone, if need be. you simply decide whether you’re coming with me.
you’re saying we get out by going deeper in?
my secret? is that not our secret?
none of this is possible. but it is what’s happening.
it doesn’t just hurt us, and kill us. it changes us.
it’s not exactly the first time i’ve been in your bed, or you in mine.
you know it’s not me you hate. it’s yourself.
you’re wrong. but you’re also not interested hearing in the truth.
i can’t survive these injuries. you know that.
it’s a terrible thought. to die frightened and in pain.
please. don’t ask me to do this.
i had to know what it was. what was waiting. i had to know.
it’s going to annihilate us. that’s what it is. that’s what’s waiting.
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pyjamaart · 2 months
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I never needed such help / This is my SOS
(Content warning: self harm) (If you don't have a problem with that, huge Drillman essay under the read more lol)
When I said that I wanted to draw Drillman some more, this really wasn't what I had in mind.
This week, I've been shopping for music on various second hand sites, which made me realize I don't physically own one of my all time favorite albums: "Squaring The Circle" by Sneaker Pimps. I had to change that immediately. (As well as buying like 15 other CDs and vinyls, lol.) As I was listening to it once again, I realized just how much the song "SOS" reminded me of Drillman and his struggles.
If you don't want to look it up, here are some of the lyrics:
"I look much smaller seen from inside out/Far too small to see myself/Down on reflection, cast in hate and in doubt/Flawed and flaws I add myself"
"Oh mirror mirror hanging on the wall/Please just show me someone else/My hopes were low and I got so much so less/Nothing left to save myself"
Listen, this dude got some major problems with his self esteem. He feels like an embarrassment because he was forced into a life he never wanted by his father. Now he seeks revenge on the company that bought his families business, along with him and apparently his bodily autonomy. Think about that for a minute. How fucked would it be if your parents wanted you to be a doctor, but a requirement for that would be to have your hand surgically removed and replaced with a scalpel. That's the exact situation Drillman found himself in.
Now a lot of people probably think "Well why doesn't he just ask Dr. Light to give him a new pair of hands then, if he's this miserable?" This is where we get to one of Drillmans biggest problems: the refusal to ask for help in any way. And even after the finale of the season, why would he go to the Lights for help in the first place? Wasn't it Aki who thought the best way to help him through his problems was hypnotism? And in the process embarrassing him in front of the whole city, ruining the last bit of reputation he may have had? (For real though, that episode is so hard for me to watch. I just feel so so bad for him, since I really struggle with social anxiety myself.)
As the guys from the Youtube channel "The D-Pad" (who reviewed all of the MMFC episodes) fittingly commented: "This would be like fucking Vietnam for him." And they were right. Obviously, Drillman is horrified that Aki would humiliate him like this and lashes out, solidifying his opinion that asking for help is a bad idea.
In that episode, there's this one moment that really stuck with me. At around the 8 minute mark, while Drillman is having a breakdown over the terrible "music" Aki made him perform, there's this one shot where he takes a moment to look at the drills that replaced his hands in frustration. The camera perspective makes it seem as if we are experiencing this brief scene through his eyes. It's actually quite upsetting. (A link to the moment I'm talking about: youtu.be/OC_jdhoeTrE?si=ZPzAXu…)
This is also a perfect moment for me to gush over the voice acting for this scene. Andrew McNee did such a fantastic job of conveying Drillmans distress and anger through his voice. That reminds me, giving him a British accent was honestly such a good decision.
The reason he doesn't talk at all throughout most of his first appearance is probably because the writers wanted to surprise their audience a little. As in, you see this big, imposing construction robot and think "Oh man, what a brute. He probably has a pretty deep voice." And then he actually starts to speak and it's this sophisticated, well-articulated British voice instead. Quite the whiplash.
To get back to the original topic, I'm honestly still upset that they didn't give Drillman a redemption arc at the end of the show. This probably would have happened in season 2, as Mega Man even says at some point "I know deep down your inner bits are good", proving to me that the writers definitely had something in mind regarding Drillmans character arc.
And now that all of that is out of the way, we can finally get into headcanon territory.
You might have seen this image while browsing the tags and asked yourself, "Why is this Mega Man Fully Charged artwork littered with content warnings?" And well, now that you're here and reading this, you probably know why. I can't say I've ever made myself sick with a drawing before. That's a first for me.
My headcanon is, that after the finale of the show, Drillman is just utterly lost. Lord Obsidian, who sought him out specifically because he knew of Drillmans problems and offered him a place to stay and a way to get revenge on the people he thought responsible for his predicament, turned out to be a horribly racist human who was just using him to achieve his own devious goals. After getting his ass kicked by the Lights, the same people who had not only humiliated him in front of the whole city, but who had also left him stuck to his abusive father for an entire day (I bet that ride to the police station was horrible for all the people involved, most of all the police bots who had to hear the Drillmen yell at each other the whole time), Sgt. Night is detained by the police. We don't actually see what happens after that, because that's where the show ends.
I'd like to think that the Lights actually try to talk to the robot masters once everything is over, telling them all the horrible things their so-called "leader" has said and done. And most importantly, what he thinks of robots: That they're nothing but tools to him. That once they had gotten him his Mega key, he would have wiped their minds and turned them into mindless machines.  
I'm guessing none of the robot masters would take these news well, but most of all Drillman. I think that after he ran away from Skyraisers Inc. and fought Mega Man for the first time, he was really relieved to have some place to stay and a new goal, maybe even a robot to look up to. That being Lord Obsidian of course. Who knows what lies he told Drillman and the others? Kinda sad that we never really got to see what the robot masters who stayed with Lord Obsidian did the entire day. When they weren't causing havoc in the city, that is.
None of them seemed really friendly with each other in the finale, now that I think about it. I guess "Obsidians robot sanctuary" wasn't really a great place to stay at after all. But still better than being homeless, like that one maniac living in the forest all by himself. Speaking of Woodman, in my AU, he and Drillman already knew each other at this point. This also reminds me of something I forgot to mention in my last post. While I'd love to see them interact in any way, because they're both my favorite characters, I don't ship them in any way whatsoever. I'd also like to think that Woodman and Drillmans father were schoolmates back in the day, maybe even friends? (I'm still holding onto those 30 years).
Anyway, after all the former robot comrades part ways, now without a leader, what was Drillman supposed to do? Once again betrayed by a trusted figure, feeling useless and without purpose, still with these stupid drills mounted to his body... Still too ashamed to ask for help. After all that has happened in the past few hours he begins spiraling, which ultimately leads him to make a very unfortunate decision. Trying to get at least some of the freedom in his life back, he attempts to get rid of the drills making up his body on his own, using the same tools that have haunted him all this time to finally rid himself of this burden.
He regrets this just seconds after, when he's left with an unresponsive limb, metal and wires exposed and oil splattered all over his orange plating. All he can do is stare at the stained drill in front of him in horror.
"I never needed such help/This is my SOS"
Jesus Christ that got dark. Sorry. I mentioned in my last post that Drillman possibly has really bad body dysmorphia, which I'm also trying to convey here. Don't worry, he really gets his hands back after this. Maybe the Lights find him after that and the good Doctor offers to fix him up. By which I mean not only his arm. Because apparently, Dr. Light also doubles as robot psychologist. I just really need Drillman to get his happy ending. He really really deserves it after everything he had to go trough over the course of the show. 
I also need him to have a DJing redemption, besides the normal redemption. I've seen people headcanon that he exclusively likes classical music, but I personally don't believe that. He'd be the kind of music nerd who would say stuff like "I listen to everything" and then you look at his playlists and he actually listens to everything. Maybe not experimental noise rock, though. I can just imagine Aki and Suna helping him put on an actual show, this time without any hypnotizing bullshit, as a way for Aki to apologize for the dread he's caused Drillman during that incident. Drillman would be highly suspicious at first, but actually goes along with it in the end. Maybe they'd also take Fireman along, who Dr. Light also blessed with a brand new pair of hands. The punchline at the end would be that Drillman would have so much anxiety about embarrassing himself again, that he forgets to make an actual set list for the gig. In the end, he exclusively plays Lady Gaga songs, which no one complains about.
Alright then, enough yapping from me. I've really been writing this essay since 8pm. And now it's 2am. My god. I just have a lot of feelings about Drillman.
But now I really gotta go to bed. Stay safe peeps. I hope you actually read the content warnings. Jenny out.
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toastnpretzels · 8 months
bad caf
relationships: crosshair x reader
word count: 1700
warnings: medic reader (yes this is a warning im sorry its basic), injuries but its not super descriptive, fluff
summary: 2 idiots would rather not talk than admit their obvious feelings
author's note: sorry for the lack of posts. im trying to write more than i do but school is taking up most of my time. i have so many drafts that im trying to finish. hopefully more posts soon. i also want to start a series. thanks for reading :)
divider by saradika
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Your feelings for Crosshair were confusing.
Well, maybe not yours, but figuring out how he felt was.
You knew how you felt. You liked him. You liked everything about him, although you would never admit it out loud to anyone. You didn’t know how he felt, though. Somedays you thought there was something there, but Crosshair was so quick to change moods that you could never really tell. He would do everything that would say that he felt something, the lingering touches, the small conversations that he wouldn’t have with anyone else other than you, but it was Crosshair. Nothing ever made sense with him.  
The day had started as it usually did. Crosshair wakes up before everyone else, not being able to sleep. He makes you caf. It’s the horrible kind, but somehow, he finds a way to make yours enjoyable. He leaves it on the shelf in your bunk, not bothering to wake you. The smell of it is what stirs you awake, only to find he had already left the room. This had been happening for several rotations. Always the same. You stumble out of your bunk, careful not to wake anyone else, and head to the refresher with the caf in hand. It was too early to already be thinking about your feelings for him.  
You sat down with him before anyone else was awake. This was your favorite part of the day. Crosshair was more vulnerable without his brothers around him. You both sat there drinking your caf. You tried to savor it just so you could have more time with him. Little did you know, he was doing the same thing.
“The caf is terrible.”
He laughs a little, something most people don’t see from him. It makes your heart swell.
“It always is, yet you still drink it.”
He was right. He didn’t know you only liked it because he made it.
You looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. He rarely smiles. He has the cutest smile. Gods you have to stop thinking like that, but you can’t help it when he looks like that. For a moment, you thought he was finally going to say something about what was going on between you both.
Tech walked into the small room and just like that, the moment was over. It wasn’t Tech’s fault. You were probably just reading too far into it. Nothing was going on between you and Crosshair.
If you would’ve known the day would end with you being shot by a Separatist droid, you would’ve stayed in your bunk.
The mission couldn’t have gone any worse. There were more droids than expected. Tech was injured, which is why you ended up injured as well. Being a medic during a war meant taking risks to help others during a battle.
Crosshair didn’t care. He didn’t want you anywhere near the action. He wanted you to stay on the ship. But he knew the second Tech had gotten hurt, you would be there. Tech could handle himself, he always did even before you were there. He only had a cut, sure it was big, but he would have made it out just fine. Now you were laying here unconscious and there was nothing he could do. All because you made a stupid decision to help Tech. He felt horrible. He could only watch as Tech stitched your side.
Crosshair knew he had feelings for you. He hated it. It made him soft. Vulnerable. Weak. Things that he couldn’t afford to be during a war. You were their medic. It was wrong. But he couldn’t help it. The way you smiled, the way you treated him so gently, the way you matched his sarcasm. It made him melt. He loved it, all of it. And he hated that he did.
Something awoken in his head the moment he saw you unconscious. He knew Tech had given you something to knock you out, but he still felt guilty somehow. Like he should’ve been there to protect you. He decided in that moment that he couldn’t do this anymore. He would push away all feelings for you. It was changing him and he couldn’t have that. Not now, not when any of them could die at any moment. And especially not when you didn’t feel the same.
Crosshair was different after that day. He didn’t speak to you anymore, didn’t look at you, and definitely wouldn’t make you caf anymore. It had been months since your injury. You were physically fine, but the emotions were taking its toll. You missed his sarcastic remarks, you missed the way he would roll his eyes at you, you missed his laugh. You missed him. It wasn’t like he wasn’t there. He was physically there. You just couldn’t figure out why he shut you out. It hurt.
You and Wrecker were sitting in the cockpit. It was Wrecker’s watch, but you couldn’t sleep. It was nice to just sit with him and watch space as it flew past.
“What’s going on with you and Crosshair?”
Of course Wrecker would ask. He was your best friend. You just didn’t think anyone noticed anything was different.
“I’m not sure what you mean. Nothing’s going on,” you replied. You couldn’t tell him how you felt, especially not with the risk of anyone else hearing. It was stupid, you trusted Wrecker, but you couldn’t admit it if you can’t even find the courage to talk to Crosshair about it.
“You both aren’t talking to each other. And you seem sad.”
That was true. You were sad. You missed him so badly, even in just a friendly way.
“I promise there isn’t anything going on. You know how Crosshair is.”
That was also true. There was nothing going on.
You sat there for a few more minutes before deciding you should try to sleep again. It was late and you couldn’t spend another sleepless night longing for Crosshair. At least you could ignore the pain in your sleep. You said good night to Wrecker and walked out.
You didn’t expect Crosshair to be sitting in a chair cleaning his rifle. Had he heard what Wrecker said? You hadn’t been alone with him since before the accident. You should have just kept walking, but you just stood there staring at him. It wasn’t until he moved to get up that you said anything.
“Wait… please,” you whispered at the end.
He stared at you. He didn’t say a word, just stared waiting for you to talk. Gods his eyes were so pretty. And just like that, all of the emotions came crashing down on you. You loved him. And you needed him to listen.
“I’m not sure what I did or if I even did anything. If you don’t want to talk that is fine. You are not obligated to. But I need you to know you don’t have to leave a room every time I come in. You don’t have to ignore me. You don’t have to do anything for me. I don’t need an explanation for any of it. I just need you to know that I miss you.”
Fuck. You didn’t mean to say that last part. It all came out in a jumble of words. Maybe he didn’t hear it. He certainly wasn’t responding. You could feel the tears about to come any second. You moved to walk away, just needing to get away from his stare.
Just as you were about to walk into the bunks, you heard him.
“I miss you too.”
You stopped. Did he actually say that or am I imagining it? You turned around to see him staring at you again. It didn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t he talk to you then?
“I want to talk to you, I just don’t know how,” he whispered.
It was making even less sense now. You walked back to where he was and sat down.
“You almost died.”
Oh. That’s what this was about.
“Cross, I’m fine. It wasn’t that bad, I barely even have a scar from it,” you lifted your shirt as you spoke, showing him the small scar above your hip.
“You know I’m not good at this. I’m not good at talking about… my feelings,” his voice was barely above a whisper.
“What do you mean your feelings?”
He looks at you with those pretty eyes again. Fuck. You were going to crumble. His hand reaches for yours. He rubs his thumb against your knuckles. Gods can he hear how fast your heart is beating? He intertwines his hand with yours and looks at you once again.
You get it. You understand all of it now. For months he’s been trying to tell you in his own mysterious way. No one else would understand him. It wouldn’t be enough for anyone else, but it is for you. Because you understand him better than anyone.
“I love you.”
He says it. He doesn’t have to. You knew he always did. It all makes sense.
“I love you too. Always have.”
You didn’t have to say it back. He always knew you did. Because just as you know him, he knows you. Better than anyone else.
You both sat there for hours, enjoying each other’s company, talking about everything and nothing all at once. His hand didn’t leave yours for more than a second the rest of the night. You had no idea what any of this meant for both of you going forward, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care in this moment. He loves you. You love him. You could figure it out in the morning.
You woke up the next morning to the feeling of someone climbing in your bunk. You opened your eyes to see Crosshair with 2 cups of caf. He set them down on the shelf where he always does. You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. You love him. And he loves you.
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
my very long response to a comment from @nomorespahgetti about eddie and billy's muse
daisy finishes the song (eddie's song to you) and your feelings are all over the place, meanwhile billy is saying he doesn't want it on the album and daisy's calling the band to a vote, where it gets agreed that the song will in fact be on the album. and so they start talking about parts and working on them, that's when you seize the perfect opportunity to take a break without seeming too suspicious, you don't mind just smoking inside but right now you need fresh air.
you're super anxious because you're scared that billy's realized somethings up and will hate you, you feel terrible that eddie feels a little used because that was never your intention, and you're confused because you don't know how to sort out your feelings for billy versus your feelings for eddie.
you're outside smoking a cigarette when someone comes outside and you think it's billy, that he's going to admonish you for walking out or confront you about what eddie's song implied. and you can't tell whether or not you should be grateful when instead it's eddie. "you okay?" he asks you and you just nod, leaned up against the wall.
"yeah, just needed some air."
there's a silence where he nods and gets closer, "so, what'd you think?" you look up confused, it's getting more and more difficult to keep track of your thoughts and emotions. "about the song"
you exhale, it's hard to speak, "eddie, I'm sorry, I never meant to make you feel that I was using you. you don't deserve to feel that way"
"I just want to know if you mean it when you say you love me because I love you, I want to be there for you, not just to make you feel better before you go back to him."
"eddie, you don't need to try and comfort me from him, I made by decisions and I have to deal with them."
"do you love me?"
"do you?"
"i don't know, i don't even know how I feel right now, I just... you're there and it all makes sense and then he's doing better and it all makes sense too. and you don't need to wait for me to figure it out and hold you back." some of the tears are slipping out regardless of your resistance.
"so you're just letting him decide for you?" eddie can't stop himself from getting angry.
"he was the first person I ever loved, eddie."
"what about now?"
"how am I supposed to pick between two loves?"
"he doesn't love you the way I do! he never has and never will, he breaks you down all the time and I just want to see you taken care of."
"but I love him. and eddie it doesn't matter what I say because we're all here, it's all of us, one place, and no matter what I say now, one of you will always be around."
eddie feels like he might cry too, he's loved you for so long, and you still choose the man who breaks you down. "so you're picking him."
"that's not fair"
"if you want me, you can have me, all of me. I'd never step out on you, pull half the shit he pulls. you can have all of me or-" he takes a deep breath and blinks his watery eyes. "or you can have nothing but my friendship."
you're distraught, starting to feel numb, you take another hit of your cigarette. "I hope you find someone who can love you the way you love them, just you."
he feels like he's been stabbed in the chest, and you've gone back inside to the studio. suddenly he has to move on, you're always gonna pick billy fucking dunne. and he tries to move on, he does, but his claim of you having nothing but friendship doesn't stay true for very long. but that's a story for another time
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