#i hope you have a good day darling and a good week ahead!! <3
chapter 3: a desperate revelation
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Find the masterlist here!
CW: Astarion talks about his abuse.
W/C: 2,795
A/N: My dog had heart surgery last week... please send all the good vibes for her recovery!
After the arduous fight with the Hag, Astarion wanted nothing more than to crawl into his bedroll. Shadowheart had mended the worst of their wounds with a healing prayer, and your quiet songs of rest had bolstered their energy for the trek back to camp. Once out of the bog, the fading rays of the sun’s light were visible once more.
He paused a moment to marvel at the way they painted the sky in various hues of pinks and oranges, a sight he had long since given up hope of ever seeing again. He tried to convince himself that any day spent in the sun was a day worth having, no matter how fleeting a retreat it might be. 
A plaintive sigh escaped him at the prospect of returning to the shadows after being blessed by the warmth of the light.
“Copper for your thoughts?” you intoned from behind him, startling him out of his quiet reverie.
“For nearly two centuries, I’ve known nothing but darkness and pain. To stand in the sun, after so much tragedy and despair, is nothing short of a miracle,” he whispered, afraid that if he spoke any louder, it would shatter the beautiful illusion he’d come to know and he’d instead find himself a psychotic wreck, locked in a mausoleum somewhere at Cazador’s behest again.
He tracked your approach in his peripheral vision, mentally preparing himself to broach the topic of his past, of his Master’s cruelty. You stopped at his side and gazed out into the encroaching darkness with him, listening along as the song of birds gave way to the chirp of crickets. The stars began their winking, and the ambiance of rural night crept over them in a subdued melody.
“Without darkness, there would be no light,” you said quietly. 
He peered over at you, watching as the moon started its trek across the indigo sky just above your head. You glanced at him, and your eyes met his for a moment. He did not expect the sorrow that he found in their depths. He opened his mouth, but no sound left his lips, the icy fingers of fear choking him. He closed his eyes and steadied himself, preparing to spill his darkest secrets upon reopening them.
“Come, friend,” your hushed voice met his ears. “We are not far from camp. We may speak there.”
With that, the moment was broken. Astarion opened his eyes to see your retreating form, and silently thanked whatever gods still were for the extra time to gather his strength. ______________________________________________________________
Astarion sat alone in his tent, lost in his thoughts. He could hear the chatter and laughter of his companions just beyond its thin walls, but he didn’t even have the heart to observe from afar tonight. He waited in trepidation for you to come find him, drumming his fingers absentmindedly on the closed cover of the book in his lap. Even reading had proven to be an unhelpful distraction.
He recognized the lilt of your soft voice and cleared his throat.
“In here, darling,” he called, unwilling to move, lest his legs were to carry him far from this conversation, far from camp in cowardice.
You parted the flaps of his tent with a small smile, a question in your eyes. He waved at the space in front of him, a silent go ahead to enter and sit. You nodded imperceptibly and sat down, crossing your legs and setting your lyre in your lap.
Astarion raised a brow at the instrument.
“Do you ever go anywhere without that?” he asked, curiosity coloring his voice.
“Never,” you grinned. “It’s the source of my connection to the Weave.”
He scoffed, “A lyre?”
“Well, not the lyre specifically,” you blushed, “but the music it creates. Any instrument will do, but this is my instrument of choice.”
“I see,” he said, though he really didn’t.
“Would you like me to give you an example?” you asked kindly.
“Please, be my guest.”
He watched as your delicate fingers plucked a soft melody on the instrument, caressing the tune from them with practiced ease and fondness. The mellifluous sound of your voice began its harmony, and a sense of peace like he had never known washed over him. He was enchanted by your performance, finding it a strangely intimate experience with no one else to accompany the two of you.
All too soon, the final chord resonated in the cavern of his chest with a quiet hum.
Astarion opened his eyes - not remembering having closed them - and gazed at you. The warm feeling from earlier had returned at the start of the song, and had slowly spread its way through his limbs with each progression until he felt light and fuzzy, an unusual and somewhat dizzying sensation. A slight flush had spread across your cheeks and into the bodice of your nightclothes as he regarded you with a soft expression.
“That was lovely,” he murmured, loath to break the tranquil quiet of the moment.
“A Song of Calm for my tense, toothsome friend,” you smiled, voice lowered to match his own.
“Ah! Well that explains the sudden silence in my mind.” 
He cracked a wry smile and delighted in your answering giggle. Stillness enveloped the tent once more, and your expression morphed into one of concerned sincerity.
Here we go.
“Are you ready to talk?”
“I don’t want to say a damned thing,” he bit out, rage and fear laced in his voice. You recoiled at his tone, and it took conscious effort for him to soften it. “But that won’t do anyone any good.”
You remained silent, waiting patiently for him to continue. He heaved a great, mournful sigh, and began.
“Cazador Szarr is a vampire lord in Baldur’s Gate. The patriarch of his coven and a monster obsessed with power. Not political power or military power - I mean power over people,” he said with carefully construed apathy, “The power to control them completely. He turned me nearly two hundred years ago. I became his spawn and he became my tormentor.”
His eyes had fallen to the space separating him from you, avoiding the questions he knew he was sure to find in yours.
“How were you turned?” you asked in a whisper. “Did he attack you?”
Astarion sighed again.
“Not him, no. A gang of thugs, the Gur,” he sneered, “attacked me, angry about a ruling that I’d handed down as a magistrate.”
“I see. Is that why you were on edge with the hunter today?”
“Indeed. They’d beaten me to death’s door when Cazador appeared. He chased them off and offered to save me. To give me eternal life. Given that my choices were ‘eternal life’ or ‘bleed to death on the street’, I took him up on the offer.” 
He repressed a violent shudder at the memory and ploughed ahead, “It was only afterward that I realized just how long ‘eternity’ could be.”
“I take it he was rather lacking as a master,” you intoned gravely.
“He had me go out into Baldur’s Gate and fetch him the most beautiful souls I could find by whatever means necessary. It was a fun little ritual of his - I’d bring them back and he’d ask me if I wanted to dine with him. And if I said yes, he’d serve me a dead, putrid rat.”
He could still taste it even now, the fetid blood of overripe rodent corpses. He wanted to gag and retch at the thought.
“Of course, if I said no, he’d have me flayed. Hard to say which was worse,” he shrugged matter-of-factly.
“Astarion, that’s terrible. I’m so bloody sorry,” you sniffled.
He looked up at the sound to see the glistening tracks of tears running down your face in the glow of the oil lamp, more yet unshed making your eyes glassy. He didn’t know what he expected your reaction to be, but it certainly wasn’t this.
“Thank you, but this isn’t about the sympathy,” he continued uncomfortably, “it’s about knowing what we might be up against. The Gur hunter won’t be the only one looking for me, what with his favorite plaything being misplaced.”
“Plaything?” you nearly choked.
“Yes, he always did say that my screams sounded sweetest,” he intoned bitterly.
He did not raise his eyes at the sound of your sharp gasp, fearful of what your face would betray.
“Vampire spawn are less than slaves - we’re puppets. All he need do is speak and our bodies obey. The things I���ve done, seen… felt. Well, there are some things better left unsaid,” he finished, voice hollow.
He looked up again to find tears streaming freely down your cheeks, eyes puffy and nose running with your sorrow, the whimpers and sniffles of your sobs echoing in the silence. He was unsure of how to console you, so he simply looked away, giving you time to gather yourself.
“Fuck, m’sorry,” you garbled, and he looked back to see you dashing tears from your eyes. “How insensitive of me. You don’t need my tears to make this wretched retelling any worse.”
“It’s quite alright, dear. It isn’t called a sob story for nothing, after all,” he chuckled, trying for levity to lift the stifling gloom of the atmosphere. His attempt wrested a watery giggle from you, so he considered it a success.
Once your sniffling had died down, a comfortable silence settled over the tent. He had gone back to staring at the empty space of his bedroll between you and him, and a new plan slowly began to unfurl in his mind. You seemed to like him well enough, but was well enough going to keep him safe in the dire straits ahead?
He was broken from his musing by the gentle strings of your lyre, a different melody this time but with a similar effect. The dulcet tones of your harmony flooded him with that strange, tingly warmth again, and he made up his mind in that moment. You were an unalienable ally with your charisma and quiet authority, and he needed to do whatever necessary to stay in your good graces.
Resolute in his decision, he listened intently to your music, laying back on his hands and closing his eyes to bask in the beauty of it. Your songs transitioned smoothly from one into the next, and he soon found himself drifting into his nightly meditation with unprecedented ease. He didn’t even register when the music had stopped, only noticing when your hushed voice temporarily disrupted the blissfully quiet calm of his mind.
“Goodnight, Astarion.” ______________________________________________________________
He rose early the next morning and was pleased to find you already awake. You were breaking your fast with some sludgy gruel the wizard was stirring while Wyll regaled you with animated tales of his heroics. He rolled his eyes at the warlock’s prideful display, but noticed you listening intently, gasping and asking questions at all the perfect intervals. The warlock regarded you with a smile far too fond for his liking, and he found himself calling out to you before he was even sure of what he was going to say.
“Darling, a moment, if you please?”
You gave Wyll a sheepish grin and excused yourself, setting the bowl of lumpy porridge on your stool and sauntering over to him. Astarion snickered to himself at the way the warlock’s face twisted.
“Good morning, Astarion,” you said brightly, smile more radiant than the morning sun.
“Good morning, my sweet. How did you sleep?” he asked, laying the charm on thick.
“Alright, I s’pose. You?”
“Vampires don’t sleep, dear, though I’ll say that last night was the closest I’ve come to it in two centuries,” he replied, trying for his most disarming smile.
“I’m glad to hear it,” you responded softly. “If you’d like to dine with me tonight, I’d be happy to lend my neck.”
Astarion could swear he felt his undead heart give a flutter of a beat before going dormant again.
“Why, there’s nothing I’d love more darling! But, are you sure you’re feeling up to it so soon after the first time?” he asked, his portrayal of concern surprisingly effortless.
He watched as you pulled a pendant out of your decolletage, holding it up so that it glinted in the light. He could feel the faint thrum of the Weave surrounding it.
“I went hunting through my things last night when I remembered I had this. It’s an amulet of restoration. Shadowheart confirmed for me that it will counteract the effects of blood loss,” you beamed.
“My, my. Eager little thing, aren’t you?”
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say, as you noticeably retreated into yourself.
“I only wanted to help,” you mumbled, eyes downcast.
In a desperate attempt to salvage the conversation, Astarion shifted the subject back to the amulet.
“And wherever did you find such a pretty bauble?”
Your answering grimace and accompanying flush was an unexpected reaction.
Oh, this must be good.
“I nicked it from the druid grove,” you said sheepishly.
“Aren’t you full of surprises, my dear,” he responded with a hearty laugh.
“Shut it, Rogue,” you grumbled at him good-naturedly.
“Never! And in answer to your earlier question, I would be more than delighted to dine with you.” He bowed dramatically, earning him a few bright peals of laughter.
“Your tent, or mine?” he purred. He made a show of watching the way your flush deepened and crept its way down into the plunging neckline of your nightclothes.
“Erm, I’d assume you’d be most comfortable in your tent,” you responded, wringing your hands with eyes downcast once more.
Well, that won’t do.
He reached forward slowly so as not to spook you and tucked a finger under your chin, gently raising your face so he could catch your eyes.
“I can make myself comfortable anywhere for you, dear,” he breathed, watching closely as your lips parted in a silent gasp and pupils dilated infinitesimally wider.
Just as he was about to celebrate this small victory, your eyes cinched shut and a pained expression flitted across your face. He dropped his hand instantly, taken aback by the dramatic shift in your reaction.
“S’not you,” you gritted out, confusing him further. You opened your eyes and took a steadying breath.
“Just a bad memory,” you clarified, standing tall in a display of faux confidence.
It was a tactic he knew all too well, and he could see right through it to the rigid way you held yourself. He felt his face fall with a doleful kind of understanding.
She, too, has endured much torment.
“Ah yes, those I am quite familiar with. We all have skeletons in the closet. An unfortunate side effect of living…” he paused, “and unliving, I suppose.”
You chuckled, easing up again.
“I’m taking Lae’zel, Wyll and Gale with me today to look for the missing druid. We’ll let you know what we find,” you changed the subject, meeting his gaze.
He felt a pang of disappointment with the chill of fear quick on its heels and fought to keep his face neutral, but was ultimately unsuccessful. You caught a glimpse of something, however fleeting, in his eyes that turned your countenance steely.
“He won’t have you, Astarion. You don’t need to go back to him,” you said, suddenly vehement in your determination. It only increased his panic.
“You don’t know Cazador,” he relented in a whisper, “He could have spies anywhere. I could be gone long before you make it back. If he finds me, I will have no choice but to return.”
“He won’t find you. You’re safe with me,” you murmured back, reaching out to take his hands. It was an odd sensation, being held, made odder still by your initiation of the contact.
“Then take me with you,” he begged, just shy of desperate.
He could feel your thumbs sweeping over the backs of his hands, no doubt a placating gesture to ease the burn of your next words.
“Not today. You need to rest after yesterday’s events.”
“How rich, coming from you,” he snapped, withdrawing his hands from your grasp abruptly.
He caught the hurt that flashed across your delicate features before you managed to school your expression, straightening your spine and squaring your shoulders.
He sighed in defeat, “I suppose I will see you tonight, then.”
“Tonight,” you nodded and turned to leave.
You took a few steps away from him and paused, turning halfway back toward him.
“And I mean it, Astarion. You are safe with me. I will watch your back, so long as you watch mine.”
With nothing but your parting words for reassurance, Astarion returned to his tent, succumbing to the biting cold of dread’s barbed claws.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hey!! <3
I’d love to send you this request: a domestic day with Wanda being pregnant with the twins? How reader would handle it??
A Little Chat || Flufftober
Pairing: Pregnant! Wanda Maximoff x Reader 
Summary: Watching Wanda adjust to pregnancy had its pros and cons like all pregnancies do but nobody warned you on the crazy side it would bring…
Fluff | 1.1K | Pregnancy Talk |   
AC: Pregnant! Wanda is adorable, can’t change my mind! I hope you enjoy this!
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Wanda loved being pregnant for the most part, she loved knowing that your children were growing strong and healthy and that their mama was already so in love with them, just as much as she was. Wanda craved to have you by herself even before she fell pregnant but while pregnant, that's a whole different story. She was so emotional sometimes that even when you went to the bathroom and came back, she was sobbing because she missed you.
Let's not forget when she could no longer bend down to tie her shoelaces or even put her shoes on before throwing them across the room. Sure, she could've used her magic, but she wanted to have a normal pregnancy and experience every single joy and frustration that it brought. 
"Honey, can you come here please?!" You heard Wanda call from the nursery. You couldn't help but smile softly as you placed your book on the coffee table and made your way to the twin's bedroom. "Should the rocking chair go here? Or over here? Or even over here?" she asked the moment she saw you enter the room. This was at least the 3rd time this week she'd been in the here changing things around. "Baby, like I said the first time, it's perfect the way it is" you smiled softly at her before wrapping your arms around her, resting both hands on her heavily pregnant stomach. "They will be here soon, and I want to make sure everything is perfect, maybe we should put it by the change table" she points after you felt her lean more into your hold. 
"That way when one of us is changing one, one of us can rock the other, I like that idea" she nods knowing that you weren't paying attention but more admiring her for how beautiful she looked in your sweats and her oversized tee. "Darling" you gently swung her in your arms so she could face you, "it is already so perfect, the only thing missing is our beautiful babies" you kissed her softly before she could say anything, your hands gently stroking the sides of her stomach. "Sooo, you agree? Beside the change table?" she asked once you pulled back a little, you chuckled, "yes honey, if you think it looks better by the change table than I'll move it for you" 
"Thank you, baby" she smiled sweetly as you let her go and moved the rocking chair. She stood by the door with both hands naturally rubbing her stomach, "that's better. I promise I won't touch the room anymore, not until they arrive" she smiled. 
That was only the start of the day ahead, but you weren't complaining. You loved seeing how happy Wanda was, how excited she was to be bringing your babies into the world, to raise them with you, having this life with you was all she wanted. 
"Baby" Wanda walked into the living room in a huff and pout of her lips, "yes darling?" You looked up at her, "I need you to move, please" she replied. 
"Okay, I can move" you looked confused and stood up from the sofa, "and I need you to move the entire living room around, it's not baby safe" she adds once you're on your feet. You looked around the living room then back at your wife, "Honey, the babies aren't going to be able to crawl and move around for a few months" you reminded her as you gently pulled her close to you, "but what if we drop one?" She raised a brow causing you to laugh, "baby, I highly doubt you'd let that ever happen" 
"Don't laugh, we have to be very serious" she tried to hide her own laughter, "shall I get up on the roof and replace the tiles with foam?" You joked. Wanda chuckled then stopped suddenly, "actually, that's a good idea! What if a tile falls off while we're leaving the house? Oh god, can you please do that today? We should go to the store! I'll go get my co-" 
"Wands, sit down" you cut her off before she started to get more ahead of herself. "What?" She frowned, "sit down for a moment, please" You gestured to the sofa, with a sigh, Wanda took a seat and rubbed a hand over her stomach. "Alright now mommy, cover those ears, I need to have a little chat with our babies" You kneeled in front of her, Wanda chuckled and playfully covered her ears with her hands while you placed two kisses on her stomach. 
"Listen here my beautiful babies, you're starting to make mommy a little crazy and I know you're excited to come and see how beautiful she is and trust me, she's so beautiful but mama needs to make sure mommy is resting and not stressing. How is mama meant to look after our queen when you're making her do silly things? I love you both so much, but I need you both to just take a wiggle back and let mommy see that everything is okay and that you both are safe, and I promise when you babies arrive, us three can do all the silly stuff with mommy. I know just how to make her jump" you kissed her belly once again before looking up at her with a soft smile. 
Wanda had tears in her eyes as she smiled at you, "baby you aren't supposed to be listening!" You playfully shook your head, "you told them to wiggle back" she chuckled, "they have the best mama" she added as she pulled you up slightly, "and an even better mommy" you whispered against her lips before kissing her. 
You sat down beside her and let her rest her head on your shoulder as she gently rubbed her stomach again, "I can't wait to meet them, I just want to see their beautiful faces already" she says softly, you place a hand on top of hers and smile. "they're going to take after you so much" you kissed the top of her head before she looks up with you tired eyes from being on her feet too much, "you're still thinking about the damn tiles aren't you" you slightly tilt your head as she nods, "alright" you playfully sigh, "I'll go to the store" 
"No baby, it's okay, it'll be fine, right?" She kept you in place on the sofa. You nodded and kissed her cheek, "are you tired honey?" You whispered as Wanda moved her head to your lap, "So tired, but it's not even mid-day" she mumbled with her eyes closed. You smiled softly while looking down at her before running your fingers through her long red locks, "have a nap baby, it sounds like our babies listened to my little chat" 
Wanda was already snoring softly to have even heard your final words.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz  | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | 
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magnetarmadda · 1 month
Happy @jonsimsandcats day! I'd wanted to write a new fic for today, but alas, the chronic illnesses are Illnessing, and so instead, I have for you a small collection of ideas @artificialdaydreamer and I have dreamt up and some snippets to accompany them. They are: 1. Sasha the comforter, 2. Sasha gets a new cat tower, and 3. Sasha can talk (under the cut)
You can find the published Sasha cat au fics on ao3, and I hope more will join them soon!
1. Sasha the comforter
Jon's had a bad week, really. The whole thing could go in the bin, but it was today in particular that made things seem so grim. How does someone get over an apocalypse? Jon still doesn't know, and whenever his students make mention of their scant memories of the experience, his guilt climbs high into his throat and makes a home there. Sasha makes a small chirping noise as they near the front door, and he offers her a small pat as he reaches for his key. The door closes behind him, he sets his bag down, he feeds Sasha and puts her on the floor, and then he's suddenly in his bed, crying. It's been happening more and more lately, which is supposedly a good thing, according to his therapist. But that doesn't stop the guilt--the guilt for freeing the Fears, for saving himself and Martin, for starting to be happy. And talking to Martin about this is very hard, because Martin doesn't believe the damning of an untold number of souls is really Jon's fault. It is Jon's fault, of course, but he appreciates that Martin's love convinces him otherwise. He really does, but it's usually better to have this self-pitying cry before Martin gets home. Sasha barrels into the room, full speed ahead, and climbs into his lap, and isn't that a prime example of the love, kindness, and happiness he doesn't deserve? "Sasha, no," he says softly, rubbing his nose on his sleeve as he gently pushes her away with the other hand. "Sasha, you're too little, I'll hurt you." She gives a tiny but ferocious meow and leaps into his lap again, this time climbing his shirt and making her home in his pocket again, purring so hard, he can feel the reverberation in his chest. He pauses, his sobs temporarily stopped in confusion and heartbreak, then says, "I know you want to help, but I don't want to squish you, darling." "MEOW!!" "Okay okay!" And he's laughing now, tears streaming down his cheeks, but somehow, the guilt feels a little lighter.
2. Sasha gets a new cat tower, and she's adorable
"Jon, that's not really going to fit in our flat," Martin says, but he's laughing. He's just gotten home from the shops, and Jon is almost entirely through building Sasha's new cat tower. "Martin, my love, it's already fitting in the flat," he says without emotion, gesturing to the obvious piece of furniture in their living room. "Not very well," his husband says, still laughing. "I'm not sure where you and I are supposed to sit or stand." Jon refuses to acknowledge that, instead placing the final flower bed on the top of the last tower and beginning the process of screwing it into place. He says, "You ordered this one, not me." Sasha, as always, has impeccable timing, and chooses this moment to venture out from the bedroom to survey her new throne, interrupting Martin before he tries to protest his online shopping choices. She pauses to let Martin bend down to pet her and offer her some sweet words before she makes her way to the new cat condo. She sniffs around the bottom very deliberately, taking each piece in turn, before she rapidly climbs the middle column, right up to where Jon has finished assembling it. "Does it meet your standards, my darling?" She bumps his hand for attention, and then flops onto her tiny side, emitting a little squeak and rubbing her face on a flower petal. "I think it does," Jon says to Martin, sweaty from the effort of building the tower but extremely pleased.
3. Sasha can talk...sort of. This last one doesn't have any real writing attached to it yet, but I love the idea so much, so here you go
Sasha's a little older now, and Jon learns that actually yes he can talk to her. It starts off small, where it seems more like she and Jon are having conversations where he's speaking aloud and she's meowing back. Then one day, he actually hears her answer a question as "No" and goes "MARTIN DID YOU HEAR THAT SHE SAID NO!" Martin: "Uh, she meowed?" Then it builds up to where, as she grows over a few months, she's much like a toddler in that her speech capabilities also grow. "The fucking Eye is useful for something here at least," Jon grumbles. "I love you, Dad," Sasha meows back, and Jon's eyes tear up
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
WHaBFHtLA - Astarion x GN!Reader - Chapter 6: The Man of your Dreams
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Elf!Tav)
Genre: Reincarnation, Angst, Mystery, Slow burn
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Canon-Typical Violence
WC: 2k words, 6/?? chapters
Summary: You make your way toward Astarion, trying your best to prepare for the encounter to come.
A/N: Some context for this chapter -- if Tav starting dreaming for real when they were 18, had on average 3 dreams of that life a week, they had about 156 a year, so around 1716 dreams between ch 2 and 3. Another whooping 10,920 between ch 3 and ch 4. At 4 hrs per reverie, they dreamed about Astarion for 50,544 hours. I would be obsessed too, Tav.
Ao3 | [Ch5][Ch7] | WHaBFHtLA Masterlist
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After leaving the druid’s settlement, you begin your trek back to Baldur’s Gate. Only a few more days and you will be on Astarion’s doorstep. I hope he hasn’t moved, you think. Or worse, moved on. You don’t want to think about what you might do if he’s moved on– either to another lover or to another plane– but you suppose you should prepare for those possibilities as well.
As you spend your time traveling, you plan for the important moment ahead. There’s not a lot of time left before you’re face-to-face with the man your past-self loved. The man that you might have come to care quite a bit about. Could you even love someone you’ve never met?
You shake the question away and focus: what will you say to him? How will you introduce yourself? 
I suppose I should start with hello. Maybe follow it with my name. You think, briskly walking along the large dirt road back toward Baldur's Gate. Or maybe this is a good opportunity to be clever, refer back to your previous life. What did my past self say first? You start flipping through one of your earliest notebooks of documented dreams, to try to find the first one you’d had as the hero.
“‘Easily, stand back’?” you ask yourself aloud. What kind of first words were those? No, no, you can do better than that. What did they say next? You continue to skim as you walk and audibly groan. “I can’t headbutt him! What kind of first meeting was this?!” 
Surely you can do better than this. Maybe you can refer back to one of his favorite poems? Or perhaps a particularly interesting adventure the two of you went on. There must be something in your notes that will help you make just the right first impression on him. You just need to remember what your past self said to him, what they were like.
You spend the next few days of travel doing just that: brushing up on your past with Astarion from your notes. Before setting off, you had managed to trade a few rare spell scrolls for a Bag of Holding for this journey, to ensure that you would never be without your research or your documented reveries. Now seemed as good a time as any to refresh on your knowledge.
Hero’s Life - Entry 254: Tonight I dreamed of that mad vampire. Again. The entire time we were just sitting around a campfire. He hit on at least four of my companions present. I don’t understand why this is helpful. 
At the end of the night, he propositioned my past-self once again, and while they didn’t say no, they asked him, “Are you that desperate?” He replied, “Darling, we could die any day now, why not a little death before that?” (Note: I researched the innuendo. I still don’t understand why this is helpful.)
They didn’t end up sleeping together, but they did stare at each other for a long while. Not sure what to make of it, but the loud tiefling woman, Karlach, laughed and they both snapped out of it. She told them to, “Stop flirting or invite me next time!” Based on how these memories are going, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s my next dream…
You frown at the entry. Too early, you conclude, seeing the still somewhat-hostile nature of your relationship. I need something a bit later. 
Hero’s Life - Entry 599: The vampire seems to be a terrible influence. In tonight’s reverie, my past-self spent hours stealing things from people, and he seemed to be the guiding force. I can still hear his ridiculous little giggle. My past self said, “This is necessary to help us defeat the Absolute.” But based on how our heart was racing, I’m thinking ‘defeat the Absolute’ translates to ‘sleep with Astarion.’
Astarion seems to enjoy the fun though. He said, “Naturally. We’re only being the most diligent heroes, aren’t we?” Then my body giggled– I can’t tell if I enjoy these dreams or not anymore.
You laugh at that entry, shaking your head. It’s silly to you that now those shared giggles are fond memories, not annoyances. You continue to flip.
Hero’s Life - Entry 1356: Astarion was in tonight’s reverie. My past-self was talking to him about the scars on his back and he seemed hesitant to talk about them. Cazador did terrible things to him, I’m not sure if I should write it all down, but needless to say, it’s dark, demonic magic. I might not like the man much, but no one deserves that kind of treatment.
Note: Refer to Hero’s Life - Entry 1395 to learn more about the scars on his back. Refer to Hero’s Life - Entry 1307 to learn more about Cazador.
You gulp at that entry. For a while, you felt uncomfortable documenting what had happened to your companions, especially Astarion. After some time, you knew you needed to keep track, if only to understand the man better. Now you feel a bit guilty studying him, as if he were a subject on which you’re about to take a very important test, one where you can’t afford to fail.
Pushing the guilt down, you switch journals to find an entry past the events of Baldur’s Gate, wondering if perhaps you could recall anything more… loving, less of the struggles you dealt with.
Hero’s Life - Entry 3711: Tonight I was in the Under Dark, on our way to visit the vampire spawn. I haven’t seen the Under Dark in my memories in years (Note: see Hero’s Life - Entry 219 for most recent reference). It’s just as beautiful as I remember it being, lovely bioluminescence and so much amazing fauna. Astarion looked incredible in the glow of the Glowcaps and I’m glad my past-self told him as such. He appreciated the compliment, and I recall the warmth I felt when he said, “Keep lavishing me with praise and I can assure you we won’t be making it to the spawn today.” We shared such a lingering kiss that I can still feel on my lips.
We traveled for a few hours before reaching the vampire spawn settlement. I wish I could have stayed in the reverie longer to see how they are all faring. Before I lost the memory, Astarion said, “Gods below, this cannot be how they live.” I hope I get to see what he meant.
You smile at this memory. It’s a nice entry, but you’re suddenly struck by how sappy your entries became. No wonder my parents worried, you think.
Still, nothing stands out to you that might help– Maybe a “hello” really is the best you can do. Regardless, you suppose that studying will be helpful, so you continue to flip.
This goes on for many more entries, more journals and notes. After a few days of walking and reading, you find yourself back at Baldur’s Gate– a weirdly familiar city, one that you’d live in for much of your previous life, but, for now, just another stop on your journey. 
You take the night to rest, refresh, and reread the final entry in your notes on the Hero’s Life. 
Reading the dream you had just a few nights ago only serves to unnerve you. Your stomach squirms in displeasure at the idea that this was all a terrible, terrible idea. Again, you think to yourself, why did my past-self give up? They seemed so powerful, so incredibly competent, surely they could have made it out of there alive.
But there’s no use in speculating. You won’t get any closer to Astarion by spinning yourself in circles. Besides, you should get some rest ahead of the final stretch of your travels tomorrow. You lay down for your reverie, thoughts of finally meeting Astarion creating a pleasant, albeit anxious, buzz in your mind. Not long now, you think.
All that’s left is to make it there.
You’ve arrived. Or at least you think you’ve arrived. The druid’s marking seemed clear enough, but you’re surprised by how far out this trek was from the main road. It was at least an hour’s walk from the nearest inn, and nearly an entire day’s journey from Baldur’s Gate. It’s past sunset now as you catch your first glimpse of the house.
House is rather a misnomer– Mansion would make more sense. It’s a massive building, with rows and rows of curtained windows lining two large floors. Several steep staircases lead up a winding pathway to the entrance, framed on either side by well-manicured hedges. You’re struck by how carefully everything seems to be decorated: from delicate awnings to the many balconies’ balustrades. The style itself is ostentatious, a bit much for your taste, but you suspect it’s not nearly enough for Astarion’s taste from what you’ve seen of him. 
Again, you’re reminded of what Halsin said, “Many sought him out after that day, to try to warm his cold heart. I'm not certain if any succeeded.” Perhaps the decor was affected by a possible paramour. Your throat feels dry at the thought. 
But you’ve come too far and you’re far too determined to turn back now. Besides, if someone else answers the door and it’s clear you’re too late, you know how to graciously take a step back. You hope.
You walk up the stairs to the house, legs numb and heart pounding. This feels like the longest walk you’ve ever had the displeasure of taking, and you’re almost certain you haven’t taken a single breath the entire time. By the time you reach the top, you take a few hurried breaths, smooth out your robes, dust off your hair– generally, try to make yourself look more like the love of Astarion’s life and less like a weary traveler on weeks of poor rest.
It’s now or never.
A few solid knocks on the door, and you stand there, waiting. Your nerves seem to have nerves and you’re not sure how you’re managing to stay standing. Torn between bouncing into the sky and sprinting away at full speed, you twist your hands together in a small attempt to remain sane.
An excruciating number of seconds, maybe even minutes, later, you hear the door unlock. You hold your breath as the door opens and before you stands the man you’ve been dreaming of for nearly a century.
He looks the same as your memories. His perfectly curled silver hair, his elegant elven features, his striking red eyes– all of them feel so familiar and a warmth comes over you. He’s as beautiful as the day I met him, you think, only distantly recalling that it was not you who met him. But it is you to whom he's speaking now.
"Why hello," he says in a cheery tone and that same Baldurian lilt you've come to love. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
The proverbial cat has your tongue, every excuse and introduction you'd considered is simply gone from your mind. All you can do is stare at him, savoring the way his lips are curled into a smile, wondering if his hair feels the same in real life as it did in your memories.
“Hello? Did you need something or are you just here to admire my face?” he asks, an annoyed eyebrow arching up, the perfect smile broken.
“You're the man from my dreams,” you say, before you can think better of it.
“That’s odd. Usually I'm the one with the cheesy lines,” he says with a wry look. It drops a second later, and he continues, deadpan, “Not interested.”
Before you can say anything more, the mansion’s large wooden door closes in your face.
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angelst4re · 2 years
heyyy i have a request! reader and jamie have been really busy with work and everything but reader gets a day off and she really misses jamie, so while hes working she sits on his lap and try to get his attention but it doesnt really work, so she starts grinding on his lap and moaning and guess what IT WORKS so he puts his work aside and goes to bed with her and reader starts riding his thigh, then jamie fucks her and theyre both very loud. when theyre finished, jamie whispers in her ear “look at the mess you made around my cock”
good god. oh my lord. holy moly. I LOVE THIS!! i had this very specific picture in mind whilst writing the beginning of this... when you'll read it you'll understand ;)
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Relief- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
summary: you and jamie have been very busy lately and you finally have a day off whilst he's working at home so you use it to your advantage
warnings: NSFW! this is mostly smut so if you're uncomfortable please don't read it my love!!
note: i'm posting on a thursday?? well, that's because i have a week off college now!! yay!! <3
“Jamie,” you knock on the door, “can I come in?”
“Of course, darling. I’m a little busy right now though.”
“That’s okay, I just want to… be with you. I’ve missed you this week. It’s been quite lonely here by myself.” 
As you walk into his office, you see him sitting by his desk, his spinny chair pushed back, giving the impression that he wasn’t actually working although his laptop was open in front of him, and he seemed to be texting on his phone. He had just got off a call. 
“I’ve missed you too, love.” He frowns, watching you as you move closer to him, eventually sitting on his lap, your knees either side of hips. “Is everything okay?” He asks softly, kissing your shoulder. 
“Hmm.” You hum, burying your face in the crook where his shoulder met his neck. He smelt so good, his signature cologne mixed with soap and cigarettes. His hand comes up to rub your lower back, and suddenly you have an idea. “You’re always so busy.” You whisper. 
“I know, baby. You know I’d much rather spend time with you if I could instead, but right now I’ve got things to do.” 
“That’s a shame,” you begin, wiggling your hips slightly to get more ‘comfortable’ on his lap, gasping when you feel the friction of his jeans against your heat. You were only wearing a lingerie set, hidden by a fluffy robe, “because so have I.” 
He tries his best to ignore your actions, hoping you’d stop- it’s not that he didn’t want this, he would bend you over his desk and take you right now if he could- however, he had some important work to get done today. 
“Darling,” he places his hands on your hips, stopping you from grinding yourself down on his growing bulge, “please.”
“Do you want me to stop?” You ask, gently. 
“No, but-” Before he could finish his sentence, you move your hips once more, and at the same time he bucks his hips up involuntarily, causing a moan to escape your lips. He couldn’t help but give in. 
He closed down his laptop and you watched him with a grin. 
“C’mon then.” He sighs, a smirk growing on his face as he taps your thigh. 
You took the hint, grinning as you stood up, ready to follow him up the stairs. 
He takes his shirt off as he lies on the bed, pulling you down on top of him. He smiles as he peels back the robe from your body, revealing your black lace bra and matching underwear. He slightly bites his lower lip, his hands sliding up and down your sides. 
“Was this your plan all along, hm? To distract me?” He smirks, pulling back the elastic of your panties before letting it go with a ‘snap’ against your skin. 
“No…” You smiled mischievously, leaning down to kiss his jaw, “but you did look like you needed a break.”
He says no more, but lifts his right leg up so his knee brushes perfectly against your clothed heat. He sat up a little more against the headboard, and the look he gave you said ‘go ahead’, and as he placed his hands on your waist you can’t help but roll your hips, grinding your barely clothed cunt down against his thigh. 
“This what you needed, hm? You pulled me away from my work so you better make it worth it, doll. C’mon, you can do better than that” At his words, you threw your head back as a moan slipped from your lips, your hips working at an insane pace to bring you pleasure. “You gonna cum, darling? I’ve barely even touched you. You’re such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” 
You nodded your head and bit down on your lip to stop any more pathetic noises slipping from your mouth. Jamie reached a hand up, cupping your breast, teasing your hardened nipples through the fabric. 
“Jamie… please,” you whimper, feeling your high approaching. 
“Nuh-uh.” He smirked, placing his hands on your waist and flipping you so he was now on top, his warm body towering over yours. “Look at the mess you made on me, love,” he chuckles, looking down at the damp patch on his jeans, “you have such a pretty pussy, but she sure knows how to make a mess, hm?” He leans down, trailing kisses down your neck to your collarbone as your hips wiggle about in the air, trying to find any form of friction. He notices this and presses his hand against your lower belly, keeping you still. “Stop moving, baby. I’ll give you what you want, just gotta ask nicely.” He smirks against your skin. 
“Please Jamie… I need to feel you.” 
“You can feel me, I’m right here.” He taunts. 
“That’s not what I mean! Fuck- I need to you to fuck me… Please, please…” You begin to babble as his hand rips your panties off your body, throwing them to the side of the bed. His thumb plays with your clit as his two fingers slip through your soaked folds, gathering some of your slick before easing them into your hole. “Mhmm,” you whimper, your fingers tangling in his hair as his kisses move down to your breasts. 
“That’s right, baby. Don’t be quiet for me, you know how much I love those pretty sounds you make.” 
The feeling of his mouth wrapped around your nipple and his fingers fucking into you, you let out a pornographic moan, your thighs trembling, threatening to close around his body. You let out a string of whimpers and whines as his fingers leave you, satisfied with his work. 
“Good girl,” he smiles, moving back so he has room to shuffle off his jeans, leaving him in just his boxers, and you in your bra. You reach around to your back to take your last remaining garment off when he stops you, “leave it on, baby. You look so fucking hot in it.” 
You nod your head, following his orders as your hands move down to his growing bulge involuntarily. As you palmed his hard cock, he returned to kissing your neck, suckling on your sensitive spots and leaving marks that let everyone know who you belong to. 
When he was tired of the teasing, Jamie pulled back from you and pushed his boxers down his thighs, his cock smacking against his stomach, the tip red and leaking precum. Your mouth almost watered at the sight. 
You wanted to reach for it, to tease him, to take him into your mouth and suck him dry- but he didn’t give you a chance. He was already lining himself up with you. 
“Ready, darling?” He asked, checking your face for any hesitation.
“Yes, please I need- Fuck! Hnnff.” As he pushes himself into you, you wonder how long it had been since the last time you fucked. You had both been so busy lately, you had not had the time. He was stretching you out again, the pleasant sting burned through your lower body as your legs wrapped around his hips, not letting him go. 
Jamie let out a low groan once he was fully inside you, your cunt pulsing around him as his cock twitched. 
“Shit, I forgot how amazing you feel,” he mutters against your neck as his hips snap into yours, fucking you slow and hard. Everytime he fucked into you, you would let out a breathy whine, tugging on his blonde locks as if it would ground you, stop you from slipping away into pure bliss. 
“Mm.. fuck, faster, p-please Jamie…” You moan, your nails clawing his back. 
“Yeah?” He smirks, as if to say ‘you can’t handle it’, before pushing himself up, his arms either side of you to support him as his pace quickens, leaving you a whimpering mess beneath him. “This what you wanted, baby?” You nod your head and try to look at him, although you can’t keep your eyes open. 
“So good.” You gasp, your legs wrapping around him tighter. 
“I can make it better,” he says as if to challenge you, and you feel his hand slipping between your bodies, to your clit again. He teased the swollen nub, rubbing it in harsh circles, matching the pace he was fucking you at. 
“I’m… I’m gonna cum… Oh- Oh god, Jamie d-don’t stop.” You whimper, your fingers pulling on his hair even harder as pressure begins to build in your belly. 
“Let go, baby. Show me how good it feels, make a mess for me. Can you do that?” He pants, you nod your head, “look at me… need to see your face when you cum for me, darling.”
You open your eyes and see his hair hanging messily over his forehead, the sweat on his chest giving his tattoos a kind of glow, and his eyes were focused on yours. 
“Cum for me, y/n.” 
At that, you let go. Allowing your body to be taken over by the white hot ecstasy of your orgasm. Your legs tremble around your boyfriend’s waist and his thrusts begin to get sloppier. 
You almost didn’t process him finishing inside you as you were still recovering from your high. Your muscles relaxed and your heart rate began to slow down. You felt Jamie collapse onto the bed, you could feel the heat radiating from his body. 
You gave him a lazy smile, basking in the afterglow of your orgasm as he placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. 
“Look at the mess you’ve made all over me, baby. Looks like we’ll need to take a shower.”
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theroseceleste · 1 month
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Mafia Miguel - Part 1
This is a WIP story. I do have an idea where it'll go, but I would love suggestions or ideas on what you think might happen next. Perhaps it could be a community lead story?
Contains : Female reader, very brief mention of sex, threat of violence, mention of death.
Word count - 2647
Hope you enjoy chapter 1!
For the other parts, click below.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Brilliant sunshine beats down over the grand city of Nueva York. The month is June and the weather is perfect. The beautiful tall white structures of this futuristic skyline reflect the solar rays, like large white beacons beaming up from the ground.
Nestled amongst a collection of high-rise buildings, is a large penthouse. A home to a powerful man, not in politics, but in the criminal world.
It is the morning and the man in question sits quietly on the patio of his penthouse. The gentle sounds of the swimming pool lapping against the edges fills the air as a cool breeze ruffles his dark brown hair. Despite it being early, he’s already dressed in a long sleeve shirt rolled up to his elbows, waistcoat and suit trousers. He reads the news on a tablet under the shade of a parasol, his expression a wicked grin.
“The mega corporation Alchemax has released a statement reporting several employees have disappeared over the last few weeks.
They claim it began with scientists not coming in for work and now employees further up the hierarchy are also reported to be missing.
We spoke to Mrs Garcia, the wife of a missing employee from Alchemax…”
His peace and quiet is interrupted by a young girl's voice.
“Papa!” calls the girl. “Good morning papa.” The sound of the patio door sliding shut indicates she is coming out to see him.
He turns to greet her and places the tablet on the glass table.
“Buenos dias, mija,”(Good morning darling) he says softly to his daughter as his strong arms envelopes her in a cuddle.
She pulls away from her father’s embrace and puts on her puppy-dog expression with her big brown eyes, looking directly into his.
“Papa, can you come with me to school this morning? she asks sweetly.
Her father sighs. He has a busy day ahead of him.
“Mija-” he begins to protest.
“It’s you know what day and I want to spend some time with you,” she interjects, maintaining that sweet pleading face.
The man frowns. Today marks the fifth anniversary of his wife’s death. Five years his daughter, Gabriella, has been without a mother.
His daughter is the apple of his eye and when she pulls a face like that, he can’t refuse her - especially on a day like today. Gabriella will be ten years old in a few months but she seems so grown up already. He’s thankful she doesn’t abuse her power over him too much as he doesn’t want to spoil her more than he usually does.
“Alright mija, okay. Go get your bag and we’ll stop by the cafe and grab some muffins before school. Sound good?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Her face lights up with excitement, flashing a brilliant, white toothy smile.
“Si, papi!” she replies excitedly and runs back inside to go get her things.
The father and daughter duo sit together in a small black limo, at the back of a short line of the same coloured cars - all of which belong to him. They drive in convoy to the school.
He sits quietly, staring out of the window after eating the sweet blueberry muffin he had bought from the cafe he’s a regular at. Gabriella is taking her time eating hers, savouring every delicious mouthful.
“Papa…” she breaks the silence as the limo gently turns a corner.
“Si, mija?” he responds, preparing himself for another request or strange question. He can tell by the sound of her voice she is about to ask something unusual.
Gabriella swallows another mouthful of her muffin as a crumb or two tumbles down her top.
“Do you think you’ll marry again?”
Yep, there it is… He turns his head to look at his daughter.
“I’m too busy to look for a new wife,” he begins. “Besides, I want to spend my rare free time with you,” he continues as he gently nudges his fist against her shoulder making her giggle.
“I know papa, but I want you to be happy,” she finally replies before taking her final mouthful of her delicious treat.
Her father tilts his head at her response, his eyebrow raised.
“I am happy.”
Gabriella shakes her head gently as if she doesn’t believe him.
“No, you’re not papa…”
His daughter is right, but he would never admit that to her. He didn’t want her to worry, but it seems she already is. The man’s heart melts at her concern for his happiness. The last five years had been a blur. Losing his wife was a heavy loss for both he and Gabriella. After at least a year of mourning and processing her sudden, untimely death, he started to put his plan for revenge in motion.
Since his wife’s passing he did get involved with other women when he felt ready; but they were only for sexual relief and never considered them as a potential partner. He lost interest in them when they tried to use him for his money.
The man’s gaze rests on his daughter. His hand idly plays with her ponytail, wrapping the ends of her soft dark brown hair around his fingers.
“I’ll consider it mija,” he pauses as he ponders. “I need to find someone first, someone worthwhile - pretty hard in my line of work.”
The convoy of black cars pull up outside Gabriella’s school. The man gently grabs his daughter’s hand before she leaves the car, causing her to look back at him.
“Have a good day at school mija,” he says as he leans forwards and kisses her forehead. “You got your necklace?”
Gabriella pats her shirt, something lay underneath it against her chest and she nods with a smile.
He returns her smile and pats her shoulder.
“Good girl, you know what to do… I just hope it’s never necessary,” he replies as he takes her bag and hands it to her.
Through the tinted windows, he watches his daughter be escorted into the school building. Her question repeats in his mind and a frown grows across his lips. She must be lonely and in need of a mother figure back in her life. Has he been too engrossed in his plan for revenge? Perhaps he’s lost sight of the more important things in life? But he had made so much progress, he couldn’t just drop it and leave things be now. Leaning back in his car seat, he sighs and closes his eyes.
The window separating himself and the chauffeur opens up, disturbing his deep thought.
“Where to, Mr. O’Hara?” the driver asks, looking over his shoulder into the back of the limo.
The look of a doting father leaves his face, and out comes the mask of the stern and dangerous mafia boss. A dark, dangerous expression on his face.
“The Web,” he replies as he watches his daughter’s escort return to the convoy of cars.
He is shut off from the chauffeur once more and the collection of cars start to roll forward. The Web is his underground base of operations, a place where people who cross him are locked away, a place where those missing Alchemax employees await their fate. He pulls out his phone and begins to type a message to a contact named Lyla.
“Get them ready,” his thumbs type out on the screen.
You are walking down the sidewalk, several school buses pass you during the rush hour traffic. Carrying a coffee in a large cup you’re heading back to your car. A message from your employer you had received on your phone, told you to hang around outside the school and look for a convoy of black cars, without any explanation. After the bright yellow school buses clear, a squad of cars matching that description drives past your parked vehicle. The limo catches your eye most of all, however the tinted windows didn’t allow you to see who is inside.
Wrenching your door open, you slide in and place your coffee cup in the holder between the front seats. Your seatbelt clicks as it fastens after you hastily pull it across you. Starting the car, you pull out of your parking space and follow the convoy several vehicles behind to keep a healthy distance.
Pulling up somewhere quiet in the city, you watch the black cars snake their way around another corner, slowing to a stop. You don’t want to be seen so you hang back, in the shadows between the high rise buildings. Getting out of your car, you take in your surroundings as you creep closer to the convoy you were following. It seems to be a regular business area of the city. Many multistory buildings are full of people working away. Cafes lined the street, serving people their morning coffee before starting their regular nine to five jobs.
Before ducking behind a wall, you spot a man stepping out of the limo. His long jacket drapes over his shoulders as he strides into an alley, followed by men from the other cars in the convoy.
Sliding your phone out of your pocket, you begin snapping away, taking pictures of the man leading the small group of sharply dressed people who came out of the convoy of cars. Beeps from a number pad rang out as this stern looking man punched in a code. A door clicks open and the group disappears inside.
Stepping into the building from the alley, Mr. O’Hara is met with a lift with doors on opposite sides. The elevator sinks down into the ground once everyone is in and the door is closed. A ding pierces the silence inside the lift and the sliding doors draw open.
A well dressed, strawberry blond woman stands at the other side of the doors, waiting to greet her boss. She carries a tablet displaying his schedule for the day. As Mr. O’Hara emerges from the lift, she walks alongside him, keeping up with his large strides.
“Morning Miguel,” she greets him with a light and airy voice.
“Morning Lyla,” he starts, “are they ready to talk?” His voice is a low growl and his expression full of determination.
Lyla chortles as she looks at her tablet. Her footsteps are faster than his as she is over a foot shorter than him.
“They may need a little convincing,” she replies with a grin.
As Miguel continues to walk along a dark corridor, he holds his hand out as he passes another member of his gang. Tall, incredibly slim, dressed in a suit with big, black dreadlocked hair, the man silently hands Miguel a baseball bat and walks after him.
“One of them will squeal, I’m sure,” Mr. O’Hara says as he casually taps the bulbous end of the bat against his palm, an evil smirk spreads across his face.
Down a few flights of stairs, deeper underground, Miguel approaches a heavy door and punches another code into a number pad. The sound of a heavy bolt sliding away from the door means he can open it.
“Hobie, join me inside, Lyla, reschedule my morning appointments, I might be a while,” he ordered.
Four men sat on wooden chairs with their hands tied behind their backs in a wide empty room. There is one large cabinet to the right but it is locked shut, keeping its several nasty implements used to help encourage people to start talking.
All four captives look up at the two new people entering the room, with tired eyes and fed up expressions. Some have been there longer than others.
“Which one of you miserable lot is Mr. Garcia?” The taller of the two sharply dressed men asked.
Miguel watches carefully to see which one responds to his name. He sees a scientist wearing a grubby lab coat gulp hard as he is preparing to speak. Approaching the shaking man, he points the end of the baseball bat right into the captive man’s face.
“You?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Mr. Garcia nods nervously and winces at how close the bat is to his visage.
Lowering the potential lethal weapon he points the end to the floor and rests his weight on the handle, leaning over it and peering into the scientist’s eyes.
“Please excuse me for not visiting sooner, I’ve been a busy man gathering information,” Miguel begins. “It appears that I’ve hit a snag on something and I’m in need of assistance, Mr. Garcia.”
The lab technician blinks in anticipation, his breath faltering at the intense stare burning into his retinas.
“Do you think you’re going to cooperate today?” the mafia boss asks with a smug smirk growing across his face.
“I- I’ll do the best I can, sir.” Mr. Garcia stutters in fear.
Remaining in position, leaning his weight on the handle of the baseball bat, he begins his questions.
“I need a name. The name of the man who contracted your team to do some work five years ago. Ring any bells, Mr. Garcia?” the towering man asks with a raised eyebrow.
A tired, shaky sigh left the captive’s lips. He dips his head low before replying. 
“I signed a contract to not speak a word of what we worked on or divulge any information about who hired us - I’m sorry…”
Miguel growls impatiently and begins to slowly circle the lab technician tied to his chair.
“My darling wife worked in your team, remember her?” he asks, resting the baseball bat on his shoulder. Fierce eyes watching intently at the quivering scientist. “She too signed that contract and took the secret of the man responsible to her grave. Do you want the same fate, Mr Garcia?”
“Sir, my job and life will be in danger if I tell y- ah!” The scientist yelps when Miguel loses his patience and strikes the back left wooden chair leg with the baseball bat, knocking it clean off; collapsing the chair backwards. Mr. Garcia fell painfully in a heap, his tied arms stuck underneath him and the back of his chair.
“You’re in danger now!” the mafia boss yells angrily as he completes his slow circle, watching a groaning Mr. Garcia like a hawk.
“Next thing I hit will be your leg, making sure to break your femur. Perhaps you should reconsider where your loyalties lie, nerd.” He crouches down next to a shaking and whimpering mess.
“I know you have a wife, and she’s very worried about you-” Miguel is interrupted by the scientist’s sudden outburst.
“Please! Don’t- don’t touch her!” Mr. Garcia pleads desperately, pulling at his restraints.
A wicked grin spreads across the mafia boss’s face and chuckles darkly.
“Then I suggest you start talking…” he growls, standing up and playfully tapping the bat against his palm again.
“Kingpin! His name is Kingpin!” the lab technician splutters urgently.
The smirk on Miguel’s lips grows wider and teasingly rests the baseball bat on Mr. Garcia’s top half of his leg.
“What about his actual name?”
A fresh, desperate whimper erupts from the captive man’s lips.
“I don’t know! I swear! I promise I would tell you if I knew!”
With a nod, Miguel pulls the bat away. He believes Mr. Garcia. If he was Kingpin doing something shady, he’d use an alias too.
“Hobie, take this man, do what we usually do with the lucky ones, and then make sure he and his wife are under my protection,” the mafia boss orders, tapping the bat against his palm once more as he paces the room.
The slim gang member steps forward and hoists the shaking scientist to his feet. With a silent nod to his boss, he escorts a whimpering Mr. Garcia out of the room.
“Now, what part of all three of you shall I send to Kingpin in the mail?”
The solid door closes behind Hobie and Mr. Garcia, dampening the screams coming from inside.
Part 2 Part 3
I'm currently open for commissions. If you have a scenario you'd like to be written about your OC and our lovely Miguel, please check out my carrd.co or get in touch via email (also on the website)
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ninasmovingcastle · 1 year
hi! could i please request venti comforting a depressed reader? maybe one who has a hard time remembering/being motivated to eat or drink water when it gets bad, and maybe has a hard time sleeping too? i totally understand if this is too heavy of a topic, though! and i hope you have a wonderful day!!
hi love, thank you for requesting !! i hope you've eaten today and had a good rest last night <3
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windblume - venti
venti x gender neutral!reader
word count: 540
content warnings: referenced depression, not eating, insomnia
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the windblume festival was meant to be a fun, light time for everyone. people from all nations of teyvat would travel to mondstadt to experience the festival. 
but for you, days were incredibly long and mundane. you stayed at home all alone most of the time. your boyfriend, venti was staying at the goth hotel for the duration of the festival. he had been requested by the owner to provide musical ambience for the foreign guests at the hotel. 
it was getting unbearably lonely, and you could feel yourself once again falling down a rabbit hole of skipping meals, not sleeping, and staying inside. with the curtains always drawn, no light was entering your home and it was becoming difficult to differentiate between day and night. 
the festival was coming to a close, and you were longing for venti to come home. several sleepless nights caused weariness to set into you. 
venti would likely return late into the night, seeing as it was the last day of the festival. you decided to try and get some sleep, to no avail. you lay there in the dark, alone and tired. minutes became hours of insomnia. 
at last, you heard a key turn in the door. venti was finally, finally back. he quietly took his shoes off and tiptoed towards you. though your eyes were open, you couldn't see him in the dark. 
"darling, are you awake?"
you tried to reply, to tell him you were awake and waiting for him, but your voice was little more than a croak after a week of stagnancy. 
luckily, venti was never short for words. he sat on the edge of your bed and helped you sit up. 
"how are you? i tried to get back early for you," he said cheerfully. 
how are you? how were you supposed to tell him that you were in shambles, that you hadn't slept nor eaten. venti's empathy was otherworldly, and immediately picked up on the situation. he took your hand in his as he rummaged around in his bag.
"have you eaten, my love?" 
all you could do was shake your head. venti held out a small paper bag with two moon pies inside. 
"they're both for you. go ahead." his voice was gentle and soothing.
you picked up a moon pie and leaned into venti's chest. he wrapped an arm around you and softly kissed your forehead.
"i'm sorry for leaving," he said. "i'm not taking commissions from that hotel again!"
venti felt like home. he could make you feel better with just his presence, and always knew the right thing to say. he offered you an icy bottle of apple juice.
"here." in that one word there was so much sincerity, so much deep love and concern for you. venti caressed your knuckles as you sipped the juice and finished off the moon pies. 
muffled explosions could be heard from outside. venti's turquoise eyes sparkled as his grip on your hand tightened. 
"oh, look! the fireworks have started!" he helped you stand up and walked with you onto your balcony. 
fireworks decorated the night sky, painting strokes of colour over mondstadt. you leaned your head on venti's shoulder as you watched the sky. he took a windwheel aster from behind his ear and pressed it into your hand.
"happy windblume, my love."
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 1 month
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction - Part 2
Chapter 11 - Last chapter before part 3
The crickets are singing out underneath the evening sky as Gale and I lie peacefully in our bed. I can feel the lingering of the full moon, absorbing the energy held within it as we are wrapped within each other’s company. He’s holding Jenevelle, keeping her close to him as she stares into the pools of his chocolate eyes. It’s very obvious he doesn’t want to put our baby down, but I can’t blame him since he was gone for awhile.
“Emmy…” Gale’s gaze is intense as our eyes lock with one another. “I’ve loved you since the day I met you, but being gone that long without you confirmed just how much I actually love you. An adventure without my silly, upbeat, adorable, and powerful wife is an adventure I never want to do again.” He gently pats Jenevelle on the back as she lays quietly on his chest, then releases a loud belch. “Oof, that was a loud one.” I chuckle and reach out to hold my husband’s hand that lies on our baby’s back.
“I’m just glad it all worked out and everyone made it back alright. While I enjoyed time with our daughter and having Shadowheart around, it felt empty without you. You defeated those repugnant murderers who would have ended up killing more people than they already did. I’m so sorry you had to end the suffering of that dragonborn, but…she’s at peace now,” I reassure him.
“We didn’t want to kill her. Gods, it was such a heartbreaking decision to make. She…begged for it. She was being used to reproduce, and who knows how frequently she was being used. Multiple times a week? A day? I can’t even fathom.”
“I’m so hoping there will be no more of that terror.” Don’t get me wrong, there will always be evil Bhaal worshippers looking to please their murder lord. However, from what it sounds like, the ones rampaging and using that poor dragonborn are dead and maybe Baldur’s Gate will be restored once more. Gale kisses the side of my head gently, then we both stare at our sleeping daughter who is the least bit bothered, slumbering in peace.
Early morning makes a grand entrance and I notice Gale is heavily asleep, so I quietly tiptoe out of our bed to check on Jenevelle, who is asleep in her crib. What am I to do? Why am I up so early? Why can I not stay asleep? Probably because happiness is overflowing within me. Joy. Peace. I probably shouldn’t get used to this, which is a sad reality, just in case chaos wants to disrupt our lives to the highest degree again.
I open the door leading to the balcony, taking in the exquisite beauty of the dawn. A beautiful topaz yellow aura is ascending into the sky, and I notice waves of light glistening within the ocean waters ahead of me. I hear the singing of birds in the trees, and smell the delectable scent of fruits and vegetables growing from our garden. I head outside to check our mail and notice a letter from Gale’s mother. I pick up the piece of paper, unfolding it to read what it says:
‘My Dearest Gale,
I am so sorry I haven’t written to you in over a month. That’s unacceptable on my part. I hope you and your darling family are continuing to flourish and you aren’t summoning anything too close to my grandbaby. I’m drinking tea with Withers right now and he said you went to destroy the Bhaal cult? Are you nuts?! Son! He also mentioned you are immortal? He’s telling me all of this wild information as I sit here drinking my hibiscus honey tea and writing this letter. I love you, my boy, but danger loves to meet you. Tell Emmy I love her too, and I’d love to see you all sometime soon. I miss my grandbaby. And one last thing, dear: please quit getting into trouble.
I smile as I fold up the letter and meander quietly into the bedroom, placing the letter on his bedside. However, Gale wakes up and catches me in the act.
“Good morning – wait, you’re up before me?” he asks, tilting his head to the right with a bewildered expression on his face. “Are you alright?”
“I’m perfectly content, my love. I wanted to get up and enjoy the morning sunrise. Here, your mother wrote you a letter.” He smiles enthusiastically as he takes the letter from my hand and opens it up to read the contents within.
“Oh, mother. Sounds like Withers loves to gossip and tell her literally everything. No matter. We will need to arrange a time to see her.”
“Agreed. She is such a joy to have around.” I crawl back in bed for a moment to snuggle Gale amorously, thankful and forever blessed to be with him. Tonight, we are having a get-together with our friends here at the tower. Yes, I love how frequently we get together. Might as well enjoy it while we can, considering our friends – besides Astarion – are mortal. Plus, none of us are opposed to barbecue and a little alcohol…except maybe Halsin. Maybe Lae’zel will show up too.
The rest of the day entails harvesting the garden so we have fresh vegetables for our big dinner tonight, and Gale going over his studies before teaching at Blackstaff tomorrow, which lucky for us being immortal, we can’t get tired, though I’m not sure how our mental capacity will be after drinking a little too much. Me? I plan on at least having two glasses of wine tonight.
After a calm day of pursuing our hobbies and work-related duties, as well as taking care of Jenevelle, it’s finally time for a nice evening with friends. I’m dressed in my comfortable pink jumpsuit and white shoes, feeling casual but it also shows that I at least tried to dress up.
“Are you sure I look acceptable?” Gale asks, observing himself in the mirror and trying to decide if navy blue is his color. I absolutely believe it is.
“It’s a casual gathering with friends, my love. Don’t fret. You look as handsome as ever.” He smiles and gently grabs my hands within his.
“And you…you are breathtaking. More exotic than anything I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’d rather gaze into your eyes than admire the stars in the Astral Planes. The stars and skies will never compare to you.” My cheeks flush a bright crimson as I try to hide my face so he can’t see me blush; after all this time, he still makes me feel this way.
“Geez, I wish I was good with words,” I murmur as I brush my hair out of my face. He chuckles and places his lips on mine, while his hand is under my chin. Gods dammit, I can’t be getting aroused right now, stop it.
“You are perfect the way you are, baby. Now, our friends are almost here. Shall we go downstairs?” I pick up Jenevelle from her playpen, gently bouncing her in my arms as I kiss her on the forehead. Gale put her in a beautiful white dress that was given to us by his mother. “Could I hold her for a moment before Karlach takes her away like she enjoys doing?” I laugh as I hand her to him, realizing that’s more than true. She has a connection with Jenevelle that I adore, which is wonderful; she is auntie Karlach after all. Gale smiles at our daughter as he holds her, her sweet little coos making me smile as well. I absolutely love her so much, but anyone could tell that she’s wrapped around Gale’s finger.
We make our way downstairs to open the front door, noticing our friends have made their arrival for a fun and eventful night, including some we haven’t seen in ages: Cal, Lia, and Rolan.
“Barbecue time? Barbecue time,” Karlach cheers, hopping around from side to side. “Since I play well with fire, I’ll get the grill going.”
“Sorry, my dear friend, I beat you to it. I started it as soon as I arrived, just a hair before you did,” Halsin assures her, and her expression immediately shifts from excitement to disappointment.
“Ugh, fine. Gale, you know what to do.” Gale rolls his eyes and hands Jenevelle over to our eccentric tiefling friend. He then turns to face me and places his hands on my waist, pulling me close to his body. I bite my bottom lip, anticipating for him to kiss me as we stare intimately into each other’s eyes.
“Now you’re all mine,” he whispers, leaning in to kiss me but a loud knock on the door interrupts. “Come in!” To our surprise, Lae’zel and her son show up, and it puts a smile on my face. Before we make contact with her, he plants his lips on my face, filling me up with an erotic fire.
“Well, you’ll be all mine later tonight. For now, I’m going to help Halsin with the food outside,” he adds. I smile as I watch him walk away and head to the living area to converse with our amazing friends.
{find my entire fanfiction pinned on my page!}
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ravendruid · 9 months
This work is part of the @percahliaweek event. Day 3 - Trinket [Read on AO3]
It’s springtime in Whitestone, and the trees and gardens bloom with colors and scents that the wind carries for miles. As luck would have it, it is the first clear, sunny day of the season, and Vex’ahlia does not fancy spending it indoors after weeks trapped within the white walls of the castle. Yes, she has matters to attend to. Letters to read and write, accounting of the treasury to do, and a myriad of other boring paperwork she does not want to think about. But it is sunny and warm, the flowers look so beautiful from the tall windows, and the Sun Tree is all dressed in gold. Even Trinket sighs hopefully at her feet, dreaming of chasing squirrels and other critters in the woods or dipping his paws in the shallow stream and hunting the few fish that swim in the cold waters of the mountain.
“Trinket, we’re going out,” Vex’ahlia has made up her mind. She looks for Cassandra first, hoping to spend quality time with her sister-in-law and maybe get to know the girl a bit better. However, a server quickly informs Vex that Cassandra is away for the day and has left no word of her return, so Vex turns to the other remaining de Rolo. 
It’s not hard to find Percival these days. He’s either locked in his office, pouring over paperwork of his own, or down in his workshop working on some grand design that he is determined to keep a secret, even from his wife. Vex’ahlia has tried countless times to ask him about it, but her husband’s mouth is a tomb that not even her brother could pilfer. She has tried tricks—some influenced by their prankster friend, Grog—and even using her best assets to seduce Percival into revealing information, but all she got from it was a night of luxurious lovemaking—a decoy to make her forget about the subject, no doubt.
“Percival, darling?” Vex’ahlia opens the door to Percy’s office. As soon as Percy’s deep blue eyes find her, he knows his wife wants something. 
“Hello, dear. How can I help you?” He asks, setting aside the quill and straightening the papers he has been working on. He won’t get any more work done the rest of the day if Vex’ahlia has her way—which she always does.
“It’s such a beautiful day outside. Why won’t we go for a walk?”
“Of course, dear. Do you have anywhere in particular in mind?” Vex shakes her head at his question, which makes Percy smile. Good. This might be a good chance, then.
The descent from the hill where Castle Whitestone sits is made in silence but for the sound of the couple’s footsteps echoing against the gravel and the huffs and puffs of the bear that tracks behind them. The town is bustling with life as traders and commerce owners share their products, and construction noises are muffled by screams of children playing in the streets. It is a sight to behold. The town that was once filled with such darkness and death is now full of light and happiness. Alive against all odds, like Percival and Vex’ahlia.
Percy leads Vex by the arm to the northwestern part of town, passing by old houses that still need to be worked on and into a section of the Parchwood Timberlands that has recently been cleared off for further development. In the distance are the first signs of a new wall that will protect the new section of the city, an expansion that Percy can’t look at without feeling some sense of pride.
“Do you see this section, dear?” Percival points at the vast leveled-up grounds ahead of them. Vex’ahlia nods and looks at him, waiting patiently. Only in the bright, sunny light does she notice her husband’s scruffy beard starting to come out, as white as his hair.
“This is where the houses for the refugees will be built, correct?” She remembers reading something in some paperwork that passed through her hands a few months ago.
“It was,” Percy’s smile falls.
“Was, darling?”
“The recent numbers haven’t been as promising as we imagined. It seems that more Emonians are keen to return to their homes, or what’s left of them, than we thought, so we do not have a need for new houses at the moment.”
“Oh,” Vex’s sadness mirrors her husband’s. She is happy for those families that get to return home. Some might have to rebuild their lives from the ash like Vex and her brother did, but at least they will be home. 
“Instead, I have decided to do something else with it. Such a great plot of land cannot go to waste, right?” It’s a rhetorical question. Percy knows Vex does not allow anything to go to waste if she has a say about it. 
“What will it be, then?”
Percy doesn’t answer her. Instead, he grabs her arm again and leads her to a large covered square on the ground. He unveils the cover of a stone that reads Lord Trinket’s Public Park. 
“Percival,” Vex’ahlia takes a step back, stunned at the gesture. 
“There will be a statue as well,” He turns to his wife, preening at her reaction. “Do not worry, Trinket and I will make sure they do a wonderful job on it. Right, buddy?” Percy rubs the thick fur atop the bear’s large head, who groans in agreement. 
“Darling, you didn’t have to.” Vex’s eyes fill with tears. She lunges into her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him longingly. “Do you see this, buddy?” She then turns to the bear as she wipes the tears with the cuff of her sleeve. “This park is for you. So we can come play every day, buddy.”
With a loud, happy growl, Trinket turns his back on the couple and starts running around the large plot, quickly finding a muddy pit to roll around in. What is bare today will soon be full of large trees, bear, bee, and butterfly-friendly flowers, plenty of shaded benches, and maybe even a few tables where families can come and enjoy nature. Whitestone is alive indeed.
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twary · 2 years
aaa hello! congrats on reaching 350, here's to moreee \(^o^)/ ((I really enjoyed reading your sdc works, they just make my day waaaaa 🥺❤️))
for the love confession prompt, may I request number 11 ("I don't know what the future holds. all I know is that I hope you're in it.") for Kakyoin? SFW would be nice, but honestly I'm alright with anything you end up with when working on the prompt! 🥰
I hope you have a great day/night ahead of you!!! 💖💖💖
AAAAAAA THANK UUUUU <3 Knowing that my writing makes you happy is just wonderful 🥺😭✨
Also, thanks for the lovely request, i think it's the first one with our precious cherry boy!🍒💚
And i think that i have just the right scenario for this! Hope ur having a good day/night too darling (❁´◡`❁)
~The prompt list is closed for now, but you still can make general requests!~
TW: sdc alternative ending and spoilers
"I don't know what the future holds. All I know is that I hope you're in it." x Kakyoin
Cut for length~
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The journey was finally over, Dio was defeated, but at what cost? Much was lost, especially friends; Avdol and Iggy were dead and Kakyoin was badly injured, it is not possible to know if he will get out of this. Right now he is in a helicopter on his way to one of the SPW hospitals.
The situation was heartbroken, it's clear as water to the crusaders that you like Noriaki. You always had feelings for him and never had the chance to talk to him, it couldn't end like this! You basically begged to be taken to the hospital where he would be staying, but Polnareff stopped you.
"(Y/N), we know how you're feeling right now and that you want to do something to help him, i want too! But...Unfortunately the only thing we can do now is wait and see how things unfold."
You're desperate, but he's right…
A few weeks passed, you, Joseph and Jotaro had already returned to Japan and Polnareff was already in his home country, France. Kakyoin didn't leave your mind even for a second, you wanted to visit him, even if it's to see the worst, you can't stand being in this agonizing situation anymore!
You were doing some dishes when the phone rang:
It was from the hospital that Kakyoin was staying at, they gave you the best news you could ever want: Kakyoin was alive and conscious. You didn't even bother to hang up the phone, you just ran out of the house to go to the hospital. Finally, after so much anguish, you could see him, talk to him, hug him!
When you arrived at the hospital you were already out of breath, U don't think you've ever gotten anywhere in such a hurry as today. You also expected to find the crusaders, or at least Jotaro, but there was only you waiting to see him, were they notified before you?
"(L/N) Isn't it? You can come in now, please."
Well, it doesn't matter now, the nurse has finally called your name.
"I'll get some medicine that the patient will need to take, I'll be back in a few moments, feel free to talk to him."
She gets out of the room and let you in. The tears were almost instant when you laid eyes on him.
"Kakyoin!" Your voice is shaky.
You ran towards him and took his hand, as happy as you were to see him, you didn't know what had happened to his body, it was better not to risk hurting him.
"Haha, i've missed you too (Y/N)"
He is smiling, oh god! How much you missed that smile!
"There, there...No need to cry, hm?"
"No need? I couldn't stop thinking about you at any time! oh my god i'm so happy to see you again!"
You take his hand to your face.
"It's so good to know you're okay..."
Little tears are falling down. With his thumb he caresses your face. There is a small moment of silence.
"Oh, right, you've already saw Jotaro and the others right? I bet you were really happy to see them too! Everyone was worried about you, the situation was very agonizing."
"Well, actually you are the first person who came to see me"
"What?! They didn't want to see you?!"
"No, no, no, it's nothing like this! I just wanted to see you first, the others still don't know about me..."
You stop for a moment.
"I wanted to talk to you first..."
He removes the blanket from his lap and lifts his shirt a little, revealing a large scar.
"Look, I ended up suffering very severe injuries from the fight against Dio, my condition is rpomissive, but the doctors don't know if I'll be able to do some things again like I was before, such as standing or walking...I'm trying to be positive, but this got me very worried, actually. So...I don't know what the future holds."
It hits you really hard, your head is down. But then he finishes his sentence.
"All I know is that I hope you're in it."
You look again at him "What...?"
He giggles a little nervous.
"You know, that day after using Hierophant for the last time and feeling my eyes closing, many things went through my head, one of them was you. actually the main one was you."
You are a little confused, he can see it in your expression.
"W-What i'm trying to say is...I never had the chance to tell you how i feel, I didn't want to go before saying that…That I fell in love with you...I never felt the things you made me feel in just 50 days. I even told Hierophant about you, haha!"
"At that time when the doctors were fighting to save me I was fighting to be able to see you again. I'm glad that i did it..." He looks at you with soft eyes. "I'm glad that i meet you, (Y/N)"
He holds your hand and gently pulls you towards him. Your faces are really close, you can feel his warmth"
"I'm really glad..." His voice is low.
Kakyoin's lips finally meet yours. The kiss is slow, soft yet passionate...He is taking his sweet time, it seems like he was waiting for this moment for long. When the kiss end you're both breathless, Kakyoin turns red when see you like this.
"S-Sorry, it lasted longer than I had predicted"
You're still holding hands.
"I don't mind doing it again, ya know?" You approach him again.
"Sorry for the wait, they're organizing the stock, it's a mess- Oh! Am i interrupting something?~"
The nurse was by the door with some medicines in hand, she has a suggestive smile on her face.
You jump out of your place "N-No! there's nothing to be interrupted!"
You're as red as Kakyoin. You two exchange glances for a second and let out little giggles.
Oh, heaven knows how much you missed that smile.
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kiirostarz · 6 months
Okay, for some time now I have been talking about Star Darlings and Wish as a sequel and prequel respectively. So… it took me a couple of days. But finally I have it, my own story, headcanon, whatever how I have connected both stories. *clarifies his voice* 🧐
Magnifico's backstory in starland. [A Headcanon]
Long ago, high up in the uncharted skies where the threads of destiny intertwined, in a land of enchantment and magic, there exists "The Star Realm, where the whispers of the universe converge into an eternal glow." Or "Starland" to skip formalities.
Each denizen of Starland radiated light, both metaphorically and literally. Every Starlian fervently worked towards the wishes of the denizens of Wish World. It was a task done with love and joy, not a burden or a headache, for wishers formulated their most beautiful and brilliant dreams to keep Starland alive. In return, Starlians fulfilled them in magical and wondrous ways.
But then... there he was... Magnifico.
Magnifico, a young Starlian, ambitious, intelligent, handsome, and powerful. A shining promise for those who knew him in this land of enchantment. Yet, in his domains, Magnifico craved more. He yearned for something much grander, for he had grown weary of following the same routine since he was a little starlight. He wanted more, he craved greatness, autonomy... and he could wait no longer.
He felt overwhelmed by the limitless potential he possessed. However, instead of using his gift for good, Magnifico succumbed to the darkness of his own desires and the pursuit of absolute power.
Rejecting his role in the cosmic balance of Starland, Magnifico escaped into the shadows, taking with him forbidden knowledge and unbridled ambition. Over time, he founded a new realm in the depths, from some part of the universe far from the watchful eyes of celestial guardians.
This realm, named Rosas, was shaped by Magnifico's will and dark magic. He adopted the guise of a benevolent king, hiding his true intentions behind a cloak of majesty. Under this facade, Magnifico ruled his realm with an iron grip, earning the trust of his subjects while weaving plans for even greater grandeur.
As Rosas grew in power, Magnifico sought forbidden knowledge and unrestrained power. He experimented with stars in ways that defied natural laws. The magic he unleashed left a dark residue, an energy that permeated the very fabric of the cosmos. This residue, called star shadow, scattered through space, finding its way back to Starland.
However, Magnifico no longer cared for Starland. Instead, his dark plans were directed towards his own realm and those who sought to challenge his authority. Asha, a brave inhabitant of Rosas, and the aid of her friends, with a bit of magic on their side... took it upon themselves to confront Magnifico when they discovered his dark designs. Meanwhile, Lady Stella and the others focused on a looming new threat, unaware that Rancora planned to disrupt the cosmic balance with her own sinister schemes.
I also clarify that I haven't seen Wish yet, I will see it this week (I hope, seriously, I hope) so I could edit anything once I have seen it. But in short, Magnifico is indirectly responsible for the crisis of negative desires… what will happen when Lady Stella meets the Star Darlings again. And Rancora is the direct cause of the negative crisis, but I've also been thinking that essentially Rancora is this dark and negative being that takes hold of these horrible feelings from villains, amplifying them so that they 'win,' but the celestial guardians are always one step ahead to defeat them. This is thanks to the star shadow that Magnifico created. This allows Rancora to be present to the villains... well, not literally present. because it's more like a feeling, that she can control (when it's strong enough) and feed off of it.😅 Bye and thanks if you read it <3
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musette22 · 1 year
My sweet Minnie. I feel like it's been an age since I've bothered you in your asks so I'm going to do it now because it's finally ✨FRIDAY! ✨which means we made it to the end of the week (why is January so long???)
I read your Evanstan fic last night and goddddd. It killed me dead - I need at least 2-3 days to recover from it 🥵️🥵️🥵️ Everything was just SPOT ON with their dynamics. I loved how silly and fun and hot it was. I left a very rambling review at 1am but I ADORED it and I adore you. Thank you for sharing your writing with us!
All this to say, I love you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you 🥰️
PS: this is clearly them remembering their sexcapades
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My darling baby boo!!! 🥰️🥰️🥰️ It's always a pleasure to see you in my inbox, makes my heart do a little happy dance! Like this guy 👇🏻
Happy Friday!!! ✨✨✨ It's the weekend whooooooooo 💃🏻💃🏻
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You are an angel for both reading my fic and leaving me the loveliest comment to find this morning 💘💘💘 I'm so happy you enjoyed it! And you are a very very lovely human, actually!!! 😘😘
Therefore, I think you should have the best weekend imaginable, you deserve it, my love 💕💕 Sending you all the hugs and best vibes for your Friday night, I hope you're feeling good today! Love you, boo, and thanks for stopping by! 💓✨💓✨
p.s. YES, that is absolutely Chris being like 'remember when we did that thing' and Seb being like 'omg Chris not here😳🙈 (but yes 🥰)'
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houdinicorbini · 2 years
Hear me out. Ardyn being exhausted after a week of work who comes home and is greeted with his favorite meal, drinking wine inside of a bath and a massage from his s/o in their shared room as the lights are dim and that there are peach-scented candles. Just pure fluff, love, hugs and kisses ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡. (i've been thinking of that scenario a little too much. Have a nice day/evening ! all of your hcs and scenarios are so lovable like my heart always melt when i read them, thank you it makes my day-)
Aw! Thank you so much! And this scenario is absolutely adorable and I’m all here for it!
I also wanted to try something new when it comes to changing scenes, so I hope it doesn't look strange! Tw: none, only fluff :3
You were currently in the dining room, making sure everything was perfect for when Ardyn got back from his exhausting job.
He's been working himself to the bone for the past week and you can see the toll it's been taking on him, and while the man may try to hide it, he's incredibly exhausted.
So you were taking initiative by making his favorite meal with a bottle of his favorite wine for Ardyn to enjoy later in the evening.
And that was just the first part, you had a plan from the moment he got there to the moment it was time for bed. You had every intention of making sure that this man was no longer stressed.
"And that should do it!" You say to yourself once the table was finished and perfect.
There were two completely filled plates, one at the end and the other right next to it with some fancy glasses beside that held water.
A vase with a lovely bouquet was sitting right in the middle, on top of a beautifully deep red tablecloth. Not to mention that there were some royal purple unlit candlesticks to compliment the red cloth.
Ardyn had actually picked those out, he said that they could be used for special occasions.
And you definitely considered this a special occasion.
You began walking around the house, specifically the dining room and your shared bedroom, checking to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be.
There was also some other things you wanted to go ahead and set up before your lovely and hardworking significant other arrived.
Whilst you were getting some other things ready in the bedroom, you failed to notice the sound of Ardyn pulling into the driveway, nor did you notice the jingling of his keys as they were used to unlock the front door.
Ardyn could feel the exhausting dripping off of him as he unlocked the door. The only thing getting him through the day was the thought of you in his arms.
Once he stepped through the door, the first thing that Ardyn noticed was the smell of his favorite meal waiting for him.
Closing the door behind him, he went into the dining room, hoping to greet you after another long and hard day of work.
Though you weren’t there like he had thought.
“Dear?” He called out for you, beginning to making his way towards the bedroom.
He got halfway before you appeared, making sure to close the door behind you since there was a bag of supplies sitting next to the bed.
There were also more noticeable things that you couldn’t exactly hide so it was best that he didn’t come in at the moment until it was time.
“Darling!” You said while rushing to him, quickly pulling him into an embrace, something he’s been looking forward to all day.
“How was work?” You asked.
Ardyn placed a kiss upon your forehead before sighing. That sigh was a good enough response to get his message across.
“The same as yesterday, or I should say week.”
He answered, still resting his head on your own. He wanted to stay like that for a few more minutes, but dinner was going to get cold if it was left unattended any longer.
You grab his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “Let’s eat, you’ve definitely earned a homemade meal after the week they’ve put you through.” You say while leading him into the dining room.
You were suddenly pulled back, his arms caging you in from behind.
“Thank you.” Ardyn’s voice was deep, but soft. He was touched that you went through this effort, but he was going to be even more surprised because the night has only just begun!
“There’s no need to thank me, you deserve this.” You gave him a peck on the cheek before trying to escape his grasp.
You trying to break free only made him chuckle, but he complied and released you so the dinner you worked so hard on didn’t get cold.
After “breaking free”, you lead Ardyn towards the table, pulling out a chair for him with a goofy grin.
“Why, thank you.” he smiled, deciding to play along.
As Ardyn sat down, he realized this was one of the only times today where he could just sit down and relax.
It’s been a while since he’s had a homemade meal, he would usually pick up something on the way back, and if he forgot due to being incredibly exhausted, you both made something quick. Like boxed macaroni.
It was a good thing that he forgot to get takeout today because he now has a wonderful meal to look forward to!
You also made quite a bit so there will most likely be some leftover for tomorrow.
A part of you was anxious as Ardyn took a bite, you wondered if the recipe was right or if it was seasoned properly.
But the smile that graced his features afterwords sent a wave of relief over you. You just wanted to make sure it was perfect for him.
“My dear, this is perfection!” Ardyn exclaimed before taking another bite.
It did fill you with a little bit of confidence to see him enjoy your cooking so much, all of that effort didn’t go to waste after all!
After seeing Ardyn enjoy it so much, you decided to dig in as well. You were quite hungry since you forgot to take care of yourself after all the preparing you were doing.
But you know it’s all going to be worth it! But best not let him know that you skipped out on some meals.
Seeing that sweet smile on his face already made it completely worth it. Oh, how you loved seeing him so happy.
Even though you wanted Ardyn to take his time on the meal, you were trying to get it down in a hurry so you could continue on with the plan before he finished.
Though, by doing that, you only made him assume that you forgot to take care of yourself once again. So, he decided to question it.
"Darling, I do hope you had some food before this." It seemed more of a threat than anything.
"I did eat, maybe not a full meal, but food nonetheless!" You acted as if that would stop him from getting onto you, though this time it actually worked, but he did give a slight glare.
While you were enjoying spending time with Ardyn, which has been difficult to get lately, the night wasn't over, and you still needed to do a few things.
You gathered your dishes before getting up, giving Ardyn a quick peck on the cheek before heading into the kitchen, and though he didn't show it, Ardyn was sad to see you leave so soon.
"I shall be right back!" You call out to him as you rush to the bedroom, not giving him a chance to answer.
It didn't take too long for Ardyn to finish dinner. He did take an extra few minutes to sit and relax, slightly zoning out here and there. After that, he decided to join you in the bedroom.
Even though he was waiting for you to come out since you said you'd be right back, he decided to meet you halfway.
His usual routine after work was dinner, chat with you but not for long due to exhaustion, a shower and then bed. That has been his afterwork schedule for the past week.
The sudden foreign scent threw him off as he got closer, smelled like candles, peach maybe?
Opening the door, Ardyn didn't expect the lights to be dimmed nor did he expect the rose petals scattered all over the place.
There were some carelessly thrown on the bed, which got a chuckle out of him.
He noticed you weren't in the bedroom, but he did find the source of the smell. Candles on both nightstands and on the dresser, of course they were placed safely and away from anything flammable.
He did see that the rose petal trail did lead into the bathroom, where he heard some shuffling and a tad bit of clinking perhaps?
"Ardyn?" You called out.
"Yes, my dear?" He answered, curious as to what you were doing in there.
You opened up the door, revealing a bathtub filled with Ardyn's preferred temperature, along with what seemed to be the remnants of a bath bomb.
There was another candle lighting up the bathroom, along with a bottle of wine right next to a glass sitting on the sink. The basket filled with rose petals was also sitting up there.
The only other light source was the bulbs above the mirror.
"I was about to come and get you!" You said, surprised to see him already here.
"What is all this?" Ardyn asked, in awe that you went through all this effort for him. Also amazed that you were able to do it while he was just in the dining room.
"You've been so stressed and tired as of late, I wanted to do something special for you, since you've been working so hard." You said, sincerity clinging to your voice just as the blush was to your cheeks.
"Now!" You all of a sudden exclaimed while clapping your hands together.
"I shall get out of your way, don't want the bath getting cold!" You said, stepping out of the bathroom, but not before grabbing a handful of rose petals and throwing it at his chest.
You ran out of the bedroom right before he could grab you, cackling on the way.
Ardyn laughed at your goofiness. You never fail to make him laugh when he most needs it.
You decided to go ahead and put-up dinner while Ardyn was in the bath, you didn't want a perfectly good meal to go to waste when you can eat off of it tomorrow.
After you finished putting everything away in the fridge, you heard your name being called.
Making your way through the bedroom and to the bathroom door, you knocked, not wanting to barge in just in case you misheard. You definitely didn't want that.
You heard a muffled "come in" before opening up the door.
There, you saw Ardyn mostly submerged in the bath bombed water. You made sure to pick a lavender one, to help him relax more. And it seemed to be working.
You noticed that he put his hair up in a messy bun. Probably didn't want to get it wet since he would most likely be going to bed after, not that you minded in the slightest.
Ardyn's eyes were closed, he looked completely relaxed, which is exactly what you wanted!
"How are you enjoying the bath?" You ask, trying not to giggle from how adorable he looks right now.
"I haven't been able to feel this amazing in quite a while." He spoke before slightly sitting up, wanting to get some of that wine he was eyeing.
You noticed and decided to get him a cup.
You completely stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind as to not let out all the steam from the bath.
Once you had successfully opened the bottle on the first try, you poured Ardyn a glass in the fanciest wine glass you two own. You wanted only the best for him tonight.
"There you go, my love!~" you said while handing him the glass, smiling at him in the process.
"Thank you." He quickly stole a kiss from you once you had sat down on the floor, which you happily accepted.
Ardyn pulled away after a few seconds, sneaking in one more peck before sipping on his wine.
"How long have you been planning this?" He asked, curious because all of this seemed to be thoroughly planned out.
"Honestly, I came up with this plan yesterday."
"This seemed like days of planning."
"I make sure to get things done as soon as I have my mind set."
You both laughed, knowing how true that last sentence is. Ardyn has had to force you to rest before because you were so insistent on getting something done that you were neglecting your meals.
"Eat next time you plan something." He warned.
"Don't worry!" You told him, waving you hand up and down.
He made a sound, one that told you that he wasn't very convinced, but he wasn't going to continue to push the subject right now. That was something to talk about later.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, at least until the water became cold.
You both started talking about plans for a vacation, Ardyn even talked about taking a week off so the trip wouldn't be rushed. Which is preferred, no one wants to rush their vacation.
You left for a few minutes, to give him a chance to get out and get into his nightwear, you made sure to go ahead and get that done before he left the bath.
Once the both of you were done getting ready and making sure all of the candles were all blown out, the two of you laid in bed together, holding one another close.
You noticed that Ardyn had a little bit more energy tonight, more so than you've seen recently.
So once again, you two kept talking, even joked about how some of the petals were still on the bed from when you started throwing them everywhere.
You both kept talking, just waiting for sleep to take hold.
Which you knew would be very soon, especially with how Ardyn was holding you, you felt very safe and comfortable in his arms. But also felt like a teddy bear with how he was laying his head on you.
You knew for sure that you weren't leaving this position anytime soon, not if he could help it.
After the talking had died down, it was him who ended up falling asleep first, which gave you the opportunity to look at him while he slept.
Oh how you wouldn't trade this sight for anything in the world, nothing could beat this.
You gave him a soft kiss on his forehead before letting sleep take over.
You haven't seen Ardyn look this relaxed in while, so you couldn't help but feel happy that he was finally able to again. You would do this all again, just to see him smile.
And he is very much aware of that.
But you know that he'd do the same for you in a heartbeat.
I didn't mean for this to take as long as it did, but I hope you enjoy it!
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undyingghoul · 2 years
Good morning babes, whenever you get this lol. Last night was very much enjoyable, I fell asleep super fast under that blanket and the rain. Please eat something and drink lots of water. Let’s try and have a good day today! Life is like learning to swim, you must keep your head up as you go. So stay only with positive thoughts, and tomorrow is Wednesday so the week is already almost over. I’m off to classes now 💙
Got it at 8:20am darling! I'm glad last night was enjoyable, it was for me too. I hope you slept well <3 I promise you I will eat!! Can't promise the water thing though- Today has already started out well actually so I'm one step ahead of you! Thank you for the kind words baby, they mean a lot to me. Message me when you get back from classes!!
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
🎬📺share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in particular order🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 (anon or not, your choice)
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2. daisy johnson FOREVER GIRL. i live in a state of fear that they'll bring her back to the disney plus shows and ruin her happy ending............ MUCH AS I WOULD LOVE TO SEE HER AGAIN WHAT IF THEY MAKE HER UNHAPPY AND I HAVE TO KILL THEM
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3. alec hardison my darling angel baby face......... i gotta finish leverage redemption so i can get to him......... and then hope i personally vibe more with the next season of leverage redemption...... heart of my heart i believe that in the past decade you have fixed your one and only flaw (being a bad tipper)
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4. max guevara LOOK AT HER LIL SCRUNCHY FACE much as season 2 tries to dim her light in favor of whichever man they would like to showcase SHE WILL ALWAYS RISE ABOVE AND BE MY BABY
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5. guillermo de la cruz deserves romance and love and to be a vampire if he fucking wants to like my god nandor you have fangs and a sex drive RECTIFY GUILLERMOS PROBLEMS STAT
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6. sansa stark the best girl in any song ever theeeeeeee queen of my heart, i would follow you anywhere
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7. juana bautista MY GIRLIE WHO DESERVES MORE LOVE FROM MY SHOW WHICH DESERVES MORE LOVE!!!!!!! i'm gonna be furious forever they stole her actually good ship from her for the sake of an ugly evil man UGH. anyway stan ana/bautista
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8. nalaaaaaaaaaaaa literally why does this show keep existing after they wrote her out of it. it is incomprehensible. she is everything i always want out of fantasy content and i got her for 7 whole episodes
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9. robby keene. my child. wish me fucking luck when s5 drops next week rip
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10. ayesha alkaaf I LEGIT JUST REWATCHED THIS SHOW AND FELL FOR HER EVEN HARDER like the whole entire main cast is love but ayesha is just a lil ahead for me and i really hope she gets a gf next season that actually works outtttttt
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lettersformiah · 2 years
9:37am, 4 aug
i love you sosos much and i hope youre sleep is good!! im so sorry i wasnt really around yesterday but sometimes life just gets me like that yk? but! im here now :D i love you i love u i love u i love u hehehe i hope you get spoilt and i wish i could do something more for your bday >:( its so painful that i cant have a dinner or just hug you :( i miss u so much. but! january! we make up for all the things in january! we can get a little mini cake and celebrate both of our bdays! and we gotta do valentines day then too! im excited for all of the things we are gonna do even though its literally like 4? 5? months away heh. getting ahead of myself but only bc i miss u so much! i want to do all of the things with u. and! we will get our cute airport meet too!!! heheheheh im so so so excited!!
im in geo right now and mrs haggart isnt here and the work is boring as os i dont want to do it hehe. maybe ill do it in french. but i dont think ill be doing much of anything then. i gotta take out some money before work for next week and ill need to buy a drink or smth. but when its slow i can buy a chocolate! or!! i really wanna try the new v so i might get one of those. the warehouse is so chill and i really like working there! shitty im working on ur bday :( but im excited to see sophie and aj again bc they are so sweet and they make working there not so bad. hehe i love you so much. i want you to be able to read this soon so i gotta remember to upload it asap. so hopefully i did that. i love you.
i dont have much news other than that. i still need to handwash a shirt for tomorrow which i think i can do before i hop on my bus. i also really wanna call u before work but i dont know if you will be around. might die if i dont talk to you for like 18 hours though >:(
im so excited to pick my subjects and im so so excited for next year. i was looking forward to year 11 last year (my mistake smh) but year 12 will be purely subjects i want to do or can do and there will be no english or science or french or silly fuckin algebra. and im excited ! apart from exams. im a bit worried about those this year because i dont think ill be able to do drama? bc i wanna focus on the alice in wonderland stuff. soo i think ill do geo and english? bc english sucks but i can ramble about techniques in a poem and answer some questions about it i think. i think i can do that okay. im excited to get a few extra weeks off too!! ill have an extra couple weeks as study leave but obvs only doin 1 exam sooo?
only a few mins left of geo! i did a little bit of work but honestly id rather spend my time thinking about u >:) i do that all the time. but been doin it a bit more today. i miss you and i love you. wake up soon darling cause i wanna talk to u agaon hehehe
i love you so much lovely
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