#i hope she’s having a great time on her vacay though! she told me i could reach out if i get a job interview :)
pinkspiraling · 1 year
my therapist is gone this week right after i asked to see her twice a week hehe it’s okay though i’m gonna make it through i’m just gonna be a little ummm unstable and venting here more
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scekrex · 2 months
Hey so my birthday was coming up and so I was wondering if you could do Adam x reader where he celebrates the reader's birthday with him! Thank you and have an amazing day/night!
Holy shit, I hope I'm still in time for your birthday!! I'm currently on vacay w a homie but I had to make time to write that for ya!! Happy fucking birthday hun, I hope you have an amazing day xoxo/p
Birthday boy
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you first opened your eyes you noticed Adam was gone, there was no gentle giant lying next to you, hugging you close to his chest like he always did, in fact his side of the bed was cold. When you checked the time you were quite surprised to find that it was already 2pm, so Adam had not only left you for whatever reason there was, he had also let you sleep in. A thing the first man usually didn't do, he was craving your attention too much to let you sleep in every day. Something about today seemed off.
While you would've loved to stay in bed even longer, you were curious where your boyfriend went, so you forced yourself to leave the warm and cozy sheets behind and exit the bedroom. “Adam?” you called out for the first man as you walked through the living room - no response though. You tried again, a little louder this time, “Adam?” This time you got a response, the bathroom door swung open, revealing Adam with nothing but a towel around his waist, you grinned at the brunette, “While this is a great way to wish me a good morning I'd like to fucking know why you left me alone in bed.” Adam frowned at that, tilting his head a little, “I always let you sleep in on your fucking birthday, babes.”
And that was when you realized what it was that you had forgotten about - your birthday. Adam looked quite amused as he spotted the realization that was on display on your face. Of course someone like you would forget their own birthday, good thing that he had already planned the day. “Go get ready, fuckhead,” the brunette told you and walked over to you, pulling you into a soft kiss once he had reached you, “We’re going to grab fucking birthday lunch.” That the first man didn't need to repeat, you placed a quick kiss on his chin and then locked yourself inside the bathroom.
While you were getting ready, Adam called Lute, “Sup, Danger Tits, is shit settled?” When his lieutenant responded, the first man was sure he could hear her roll her eyes at that - he really started to get on her nerves. Like, she was happy Adam was so focused on celebrating your birthday, but seriously, you were dead, what's the big deal? She didn't fully understand, but maybe she didn't need to understand. She knew it meant a lot to you and therefore it meant a lot to Adam which resulted in her doing most of the work - not that she truly minded though. She honestly just likes to complain about Adam. “Yes, Sir, everything is settled. Make sure you won't be back before 5pm though.” Adam nodded at her words before realizing that Lute was very much not able to see him, “You’re the fucking best.” And with those words he hung up.
Just in time because only a moment later you stepped outside the bathroom door, your hair was still wet from the shower you had just taken and your body was fully naked - not because you chose to leave the bathroom like that, no, not at all, but because Adam that sneaky bastard had taken the last towel without telling you. “That’s quite the look, babes,” he hummed with a sly grin on his lips as he made his way over to you. The first man's hands found their way to your hips, pressing your body against his as he leaned down to kiss your forehead, “But I don't fucking think I'll let you leave like that.” You playfully shoved him backwards a little, “Haha, very funny, I need to get dressed and so do you so move bitch, I'm ready for birthday lunch.” Adam wrapped his arm around your shoulders lazily and guided you to the bedroom as if you haven't been in living in that apartment for ages and he was showing you around, but you let him - there were no plans for today, all you wanted was a chill day with Adam by your side and the fact that Adam was taking you out for lunch made it even better - while you liked to celebrate your birthday usually this year you didn't feel like doing all the preparation so you had told Adam that and he had been fine with it being just you and him this year.
So the both of you got dressed, nothing too fancy, nothing too casual, a simple yet balanced in-between. And when you walked through heaven's streets and Adam took a right turn, you knew where the both of you were heading to. Your favorite restaurant. “Adam, they're always booked,” you mumbled as the first man confidently entered the restaurant, pride written all over his face as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his side, “I know babes, that's why I fucking reserved a table.” You stopped in your tracks, grabbing him by his sleeve to stop him from walking as well, “You did what now?” Adam's grin only widened as he proudly repeated his words, you could only stare at him. How? This was the most popular place in all of heaven, it's always booked, there's barely a chance to get a table - let alone on the date you want it. Fuck, Adam must've pulled a lot of fucking strings to get you two in. “You did not,” disbelief was still heavy in your voice and in your eyes and Adam shook his head, “I fucking did, now c’mon babes.” And with those words he guided you inside the huge building and towards your table once the two of you had checked in.
“How the fuck did ya crazy ass manage to do that?” you asked, still not quite able to believe where you were sitting - Adam hadn't just reserved any table, he had reserved a table as close to the stage as possible. He had gone all in just to get you a table with the perfect view in your favorite restaurant on your birthday. The first man leaned back in his chair lazily, acting like it was no big deal at all, “Oh y'know, I know the owner ‘n’ that fuckhead owed me sooo.” You just stared at Adam as one of the workers from there handed you the menu. Was this actually happening? And why was Adam acting like this was not a big deal at all? You had been begging him to go to that restaurant with him for months and all of a sudden you found yourself inside its walls, closest to the stage with your boyfriend by your side. Fuck.
“You’re a crazy fucking bitch, y’know that, right?” you mumbled as your eyes scanned the menu that had been handed to you, the brunette sitting across the table just responded with a lazy, “Oh but you love your crazy bitch-boyfriend.” And of course he was fucking right.
As Adam and you walked the streets back home you couldn't help but question his behavior as he continued to check his phone for either the time or an important notification. It was currently 4:40pm and it would take you at least another thirty minutes to reach your apartment. “Why don't we simply fly?” you had asked him earlier, his response had been even more weird and suspicious, “I wanna enjoy the view,” he had said while he had checked his phone screen. Ah, yes, the beautiful view of his phone screen, of fucking course.
“Okay,” you sighed, visibly annoyed by Adam's strange and uncommon behavior, “The fuck got up your ass?” The brunette looked at you in confusion, a frown met your annoyed look, “No fucking idea what you mean, babes.” You rolled your eyes at him but continued to walk next to him in silence, of course he had no idea what you were talking about, like fucking always. Usually you wouldn't mind him acting all strange but it was your birthday, in God's name. Why did he decide to be like that today?
You didn't argue with him though and when you finally reached your apartment and unlocked the door, you were greeted by Lute. The fuck was going on? The lieutenant of Adam greeted you with a wide, promising grin and you immediately knew you didn't like what was going on in the slightest bit. “Sup bitch, you got here well? Did Adam take care of you?” You eyed her with as much suspicion as you had eyed Adam with earlier as you pulled away from the hug she had been trying to give you. “Lute, quit that bullshit,” the exorcist’s grin fell at your words and for a moment she genuinely thought she fucked up, but then she realized Adam still hadn't told you shit and that he had probably been acting super fucking weird because of it.
The woman wrapped her arm around your shoulder as she led you inside, Adam followed behind you, he kept his distance though. As you entered the living room, the brunette behind you turned on the light and revealed that all of your loved ones had been waiting for you. Your eyes roamed over the people that had gathered inside your apartment. So Adam had really organized all of that, huh? Yeah surely not, Lute had obviously helped him. Did you mind that? Not in the slightest bit - I mean how could you? All of the people you loved and cared about had managed to make time for whatever it was Adam had planned.
You spun in Lute's arm, pulling the surprised white haired woman into a tight, warm and thankful hug. She had helped, obviously, and you were very thankful for that. Adam stood next to you, crossing his arms over his chest while he watched you and Lute hug. “Am I not getting a fucking thank-you kiss from my boyfriend for organizing all that shit?” and you knew he was joking, knew he didn't expect you to kiss you, especially in front of all those people so dear to you, yet you grabbed him by the collar and placed a soft yet quick kiss on his lips.
“Thanks, fuckhead.”
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Apologies (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Knowing it's the right thing to do, Clay mans up and addresses the incident that occurred in Putt Putt Village with Viva
A/N: Taking place after TBT :)
While it was seven Trolls who sang, and seven Trolls who danced in synchronization upon the stage, it was the entire audience - Trolls, Islanders, and Bergens alike - who’d joined in the grand celebration. Vacay Island’s sky was filled with song and fireworks, bursting in colorful showers of light that danced above their heads. Cheering and laughter erupted from everyone’s mouths, and smiles graced their faces. By the end of their number, the newly rebanded - and expanded - BroZone was feeling a whole lot better than ever!
Poppy whooped, turning to her boyfriend with a grin from ear to ear. “I love you, Branch!”
“And I love you, Poppy,” Branch told her right back.
Poppy giggled and, tugging him by the vest the way she’d done in Mount Rageous not too long ago, she let her eyes slip close and her lips press against his. It was another incredible kiss that made the pair feel like fireworks were bursting inside of them with how much happiness filled their hearts!
Needless to say, they weren’t the only ones who were happy.
Floyd was reduced to tears once more at the sight of his fully-grown brother sharing such a special bond with the Pop Queen. John Dory clapped his hands, hollering support at Branch, while Bruce looked on at their youngest brother with approval.
Viva in the meantime was making her rounds with each of the brothers, absolutely filled with energy (even without the aid of a strawberry milkshake in her system!) giving them high-fives and enthusiastic pats on the back.
“We did a great job out there tonight, huh, fellow bandmate?” Viva teased, giggling and nudging Clay’s side with her elbow when she got to him.
“Definitely,” he agreed, beaming at her. He was glad to see Viva in much better spirits than she had been when he’d last seen her. That look on her face, one of broken trust and betrayal as he’d opened the gates of Putt Putt Village and escaped against her will, had been etched into the back of his mind for the remainder of their mission to rescue Floyd. It would be much better to simply not mention anything about it now, as it appeared that she’d moved on from it. But, Clay knew that the mature and responsible thing to do was to own up to what he’d done and aim to make up for it.
Clearing his throat, he said, “Hey, um, Veevs, I want you to know that I’m real, real sorry about, um… you know, what happened back in Putt Putt Village…” He winced, hoping she wouldn’t react too badly.
“Oh, you mean when you totally backstabbed me, disobeying my direct orders, destroying my trust and possibly soiling the friendship we have forever?” She crossed her arms, her face serious, and raised an eyebrow as if daring him to deny.
Clay sighed, slowly lifting a hand up and hanging his head. “Guilty.”
Viva humphed, raising a fist and almost making a move that looked as though she were going to give him a good sock to the jaw. He braced himself, shutting his eyes, but then was surprised to feel only a light, playful punch to the shoulder. When he reopened his eyes, confused, he saw her smirking.
“Clay, it’s totally forgiven! Come on, you had to go save your brother. And, if it wasn’t for what you did… I might’ve still been back in Putt Putt Village, hiding, instead of being here with my sister and you guys now!” Suddenly, she batted an eyelash and lowered her voice. “But, if you still feel like you wanna talk about it, we could do it over a milkshake… with two straws.”
Clay paused, considering this. Wait a sec. But the only time you share a drink is when… “Hold on, you mean like a date?” he blurted, not believing his ears, and in need of the clarification.
“Well, I suppose you could call it an informal business meeting…” Viva shrugged, her smirk widening.
Clay put a hand up quickly. “Oh, no, no, I’m cool with calling it a date if you’re cool with it.”
Viva smiled. “Great!” Leaving him with a great big hug, she bounded off the stage, heading off to catch up some more with her father, King Peppy.
Clay blushed as he watched her go. He was so distracted gazing at the Putt Putt Queen that he startled when Bruce slung an arm around his shoulder.
“Nice going on that ‘informal business meeting,’” he chuckled. “Now, I know you’re gonna let me help you get yourself lookin’ fresh for your girl, right?”
Clay smirked, liking the sound of Viva being called 'his girl,’ and fist-bumped his bro. “I wouldn’t ask anybody else!”
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featherfur · 3 years
Meng Yao should have been around when Jiang Cheng was running around with his head cut off trying to make disciples out of rogues and convince everyone to get started on the war. I just think he’d see this, probably manic, idiot who needs help and is 100% willing to be bossed around and who really doesn’t care about Meng Yao station in life because he’s just fucking desperate and wants to die but can’t because Yanli and just go “actually I’m interested”. Because Jiang Cheng would riot if he knew Meng Yao wanted to go back to his dad, and well Jiang Cheng is very pathetic when he thinks he’s being left behind (“You’re leaving me for the Jin just like Shijie? Tears and loud words for you! Tears and loud words dor a thousand years!”)
And Meng Yao would have a spot in Lotus Pier where he is VERY clearly wanted, he probably doesn’t become sworn brothers with anyone (or LXC and NMJ realize that no one needs to give the Jin any more influence and become sworn brothers with Jiang Cheng) unless it’s Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian (unfortunately WWX will still probably be killed or hunted at the very least but atleast Qin Su is alive? Maybe having MY around will help calm JC into the fact that LWJ wants to bang his brother and help him so JC can convince WWX to let LWJ atleast play for him, then maybe WWX can accidentally let slip about him already destroying one half and LWJ can help destroy the other half… Dunno if the Wen Remnants survive either sorry, honestly I don’t know if anyone can stop JGS in the long run)
So there’s two ways this goes: (under read more I have Thoughts)
Meng Yao DOES go to the Jin Sect still because JC gets wanting your Dad’s Approval even when he’s a dick AND he protects Yanli who immediately adopted him when JC showed up to the war with him. Without being stuck between a Rock and a Hard place (sorry NMJ not everyone is a annoyingly stubborn with their morals as you and MY is being hurt :( leave him alone :(( ) MY is able to continue being pressured without breaking and even though JGS keeps trying to get him to manipulate JC, MY won’t and won’t manipulate NMJ either and every time he goes to Lotus Pier to ‘look into’ the Jiang Sect he actually just spends the week being plied with children and listening to Jiang Cheng explain the fashion industry Again and talk about silks vs cashmeres vs wool so he just gets a vacay and is more prepared to stand up against his dad.
Also JC and Yanli catch on pretty quick to Madam Jin abusing MY because they were there after Madam Yu would hurt WWX and they know the signs of trying to hide the pain and Yanli suddenly starts Show Up whenever Madam Jin tries anything because that is her Didi now and she will protect him and if anyone ELSE tries to mess with him she will rip them apart like when Jin Zixun tries to bother WWX.
JGS does eventually manage to frame something on WWX but MY intervenes immediately by telling JC the truth and without the ‘did my kinda insane PTSD ridden brother so this?” Panic thoughts JC gets his people and is waiting for the force of Jin and smaller sects, with his two sworn brothers on either side. Because yeah NMJ absolutely hates the Wen but can he really ignore LXC and JC? Plus NHS on the side? He’s only there to protect WWX, anyone else can get fucked and even then he’s only protecting WWX because JC asked him too because NMJ thinks WWX sucks for choosing the wens because he’s very much of the one track ‘the wens suck’ mind. MY pretends he has no idea what’s going on but he does summon Jin Zixuan on ‘accident’ who shows up, annoyed he had to leave his kid, and is like “are we really going to accuse Nie Mingjue, known Wen hater, of protecting Wei Wuxian and lying about his innocence? Because his sword is the same size as my body and I’d rather Not”
(okay he’s more polite and subtle but that’s the gist) somehow Jin Guangshan dies, I’m voting Yanli poisoned him because I think Meng Yao is 100% willing at this point to simply take the abuse because Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen aren’t essentially telling him to murder his father and that he’s stupid for not holding harder to his morals (sorry NMJ,,, you just,, I love you but MY is hurting and he’s not as stabby as you) NMJ is still very much crankily telling him his dad sucks whenever they meet but Jiang Cheng gets all sparkly whenever MY is around because MY will say he’s Doing Good, so there’s only so much room before JC start just biting anyone who even looks at MY wrong. (NMJ says he’s proud of JC once and JC just starts crying and NMJ UnderstandsTM why MY won’t leave him alone)
But Yanli has to be the one to kill him because MY wouldn’t because he’s a filial son and probably hasn’t lost his hope he will be Loved, Jin Zixuan wouldn’t because he’s like the only one in the entire show not down with murder, Madam Jin is not about to give up the power and money that comes from being the wife of Jin Guangshan even if JZX would take care of her because Yanli clearly is willing to rip everyone apart who fucks with her family and unlike Jiang Cheng is willing to change the status quo, and if JGS dies on a hunt they’ll blame WWX so Yanli just poisons him slowly and he dies from ‘illness’. JZX takes power, Meng Yao is told he’s amazing twelve times a day because JZX can do busy work and argue against anyone but he cannot have a small talk conversation to save his life. Life continues peacefully, Jiang Cheng keeps kidnapping JZX’s advisor because he misses him. Meng Yao knows how to control literally every single great sect but he’s busy chasing down his nephews and helping Jiang Cheng avoid marriage offers to do anything.
Once Jin Guangshan died, LXC and MY both swooped in to have the Wen Remnants moved somewhere else to ‘civilize’ them (using LXC’s own words here) and WWX is very much caught between Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji arguing over who he’s going home with and he’s honestly never felt more Loved TM. WWX spends six months to break the rest of the tiger rally under the grumpy/watchful eye of NMJ who still isn’t happy anyone from the Wen’s is still alive but he’s weak to puppy eyes and also when he’s being strong armed by his sworn brothers, MY, and NHS (though he still keeps an eye on the actual cultivators, he’s pretty much forgotten the rest of the Wen Remnants exist he just cares about the ones who know how to use a sword). Wangxian happens, idk how I’m voting for a wild Jingyi another orphan decides that he wants to meet the Purple Angry Man and body slams into WWX’s legs trying to get to the Purple man and LWJ catches him and it’s a full on romantic moment of staring into each other’s eyes while Jiang Cheng makes disgusted noises and Meng Yao pats his hand and just tells him to accept it.
Or Meng Yao stays in Lotus Pier because Jiang Cheng has problems and Meng Yao loves a messy loudmouth aggressive bitch with a secret heart of gold. Also Jiang Cheng is the exact kind of Demi-aroace dummy to not realize Meng Yao has a crush on LXC and keeps sending him over to Cloud Recesses to help with trade or something and MY gets to hang out with his crush constantly.
MY is Jiang Cheng’s personal advisor since WWX is currently refusing to process his trauma and staying in a very traumatic place. MY does try to help but WWX doesn’t trust him and probably only half trusts him around JC, BUT MY is very good with kids and helps work with JC on how to slip WWX supplies while negotiating directly with Nie and Lan without Jin glaring over him this time, and Jin Zixuan is more than happy to help when he can because again he’s just like the only one with modern morals and wants Lotus Pier to be strong since if all the sects fall then well the fucking demons/ghosts they hunt will eat them. So WWX is slowly atleast not ready to kill him, Meng Yao finds out WWX already destroyed half the Tiger Tally and tries to get him to let NMJ and LXC help him destroy it further (because that ties the three sects closer and so WWX won’t just stab someone if someone isn’t happy about the Wen’s existing)
Yanli poisons Jin Guangshan again because I think that’s the best way for him to go, Meng Yao does grieve but also that lasts for three minutes before Jiang Cheng shows up with some children he found in Yunmeng and Meng Yao needs to explain to him again that just because the kid latches on doesn’t mean you can take them home. But with JGS out of the way it’s a lot easier to strong arm NMJ into letting the Lan take the remnants (JC and NMJ still aren’t happy about it but NMJ can’t fight the three other sects and JC is getting his brother back and he’ll take the Wen living if that means WWX is too) and WWX returns to Lotus Pier. The truth of the golden core comes out probably via WWX having a flashback or panic attack or something (or that one theory of Yanli knowing,,,) words happen, WWX storms off to find LWJ.
Meng Yao wonders why he likes messy cry babies but still helps out Jiang Cheng because they’re technically brother in laws and also because he really does care about him. Wangxian happens and now Jiang Cheng is really pissed but WWX also said he wasn’t going to just up and leave so they’re on a rotating system but honestly everyone’s just waiting for them to move permanently to Lotus Pier because Lan Wangji has this giant hole in his heart for kids who love Wei Wuxian and Lotus Pier is filled with kids who are Jiang and therefore are insane ans love WWX.
Personally I think this one is the least likely but it sounds very nice right?
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Secret Feelings
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 3,050ish
Summary: You and Steve are friends with benefits, both with secret feelings for each other. You finally decide to tell Steve you love him, but it goes wrong.
Warning: mentions of sex
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“That was…” you panted.
“Needed…” Steve panted.
You two were currently laying side by side in Steve’s bed, panting after finishing up another round of sex. It wasn’t uncommon to find you two in bed together after a tough mission. Or any mission for that matter.
It all started after a mission that had a close call about seven months ago. You had almost gotten taken out, but Steve quickly swooped in and saved you. When you arrived back at the compound, Steve was furious. You both were in your room, shouting at each other. He was angry at you for almost dying and you are angry at him for being angry at you. Before either of you were able to actually think about what was happening, his mouth was on yours and you were tearing each other’s suits off.
You too were pretty close friends before, but that first night started changing things. For the both of you. You both started falling in love with the other, but were both too scared to say anything. Each of the team members could see the love you two had for one another. From the way you two started cuddling during movie nights, to the way you two patched each other up after missions. It was obvious to them and kind of funny how obvious the two of you were.
“You know I can read minds and emotions, right?” Wanda said to you after she caught you staring at Steve laughing with Bucky one day.
“Huh?” You turned to her, having barely registered what she had said. 
“Your love for Steve,” Wanda clarified. “It’s so loud. And don’t get me started on his love for you. I think the serum did something to project his thoughts and feelings more.”
“He doesn’t love me,” you shook your head. “We’re just close friends.”
Natasha scoffed. “Yeah, close friends that sleep together. All the time.”
“Why don’t you just tell him?” Wanda asked.
“Because I don’t want to ruin what we have,” you replied.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Nat started, “but what you two have is basically a relationship. One of you just needs to step it up and say something to make it official.”
You sighed, looking back at Steve. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe you should just gather up the courage and talk to Steve. You were sitting there, convincing yourself to finally tell Steve, when Agent Sharon Carter walked into the room. It was no secret to anyone that Sharon was after Steve. The woman didn’t try to hide anything when it came to her wanting Steve.
You watched as she made a beeline for Steve. Immediately touching his arm and forcing out a laugh to join with Steve’s and Bucky’s. Your jaw clenched, teeth grinding against each other.
“Your jealousy is rolling off you in waves, Y/N,” Wanda warned. 
“That’s it,” you said. “I’m telling him tonight.”
You had spent the day in your room, trying to gain all the courage you could before admitting your feelings to Steve. Finally feeling ready, you took a deep breath before heading to Steve’s room. As you rounded the corner, you froze at the sight before you.
Steve was pushed up against the wall, his lips on Sharon’s. Sharon’s arms were wrapped around Steve’s neck and his hands were on her hips. You rushed back around the corner, leaning up against the wall. Your hand went up to cover your mouth, trying to stop the sobs that wanted to erupt from your throat. Tears cascading down your cheeks as you ran to your room. You didn’t even make it to the bed before collapsing into a puddle of sobs on the floor.
You stayed there until the early hours of the morning. When you finally felt like you didn’t have enough liquid in you to cry anymore, you pushed yourself of the ground. You were shaky as you made your way to the common room and the kitchen. All you wanted was a tub of ice cream and to go back to your room. You were grabbing everything you needed, when you heard happy humming coming closer. You looked up to see Sharon, humming, as she entered the kitchen. You couldn’t help but stare when you noticed at all she was wearing was a shirt. Steve’s shirt. When she noticed you, her face filled with fake concern.
“Oh my,” she gasped, coming closer. “Y/N, you look awful. Have you been crying?”
“It’s been a hard night,” you mumbled, getting back to what you were doing.
“I’m sorry… well, my night’s been great! I’ve been with Steve all night.” The metal spoon that you had just grabbed, clattering onto the counter top. “I do want to thank you though, for allowing Steve to have all that practice on you. It was truly wonderful.” Your dry eyes began filling with tears as your shaking got worse. “It’s finally nice to know he feels the same.”
And that was the last straw. You rushed out of the room, not caring about the mess you were leaving. You needed to get away from that woman. Away from the one Steve wanted. When you reached your room, you decided that you needed a break. You began throwing things in a duffle as you gave FRIDAY orders to tell Fury that you were going on a much needed vacation. You ordered the AI to tell Fury that it was a no contact vacay and that both Fury and FRIDAY needed to stop tracking you as soon as you left the building. 
You snapped your duffle shut before reaching for your phone. Your hand hovered over it for a moment as you thought about whether or not to take it with you. If you did, Tony would be able to track you down as soon as the team noticed you were gone. If you didn’t, well, you were only going to be gone a few weeks at most. Right? You pulled your hand away before it could grab the phone. Pulling the duffle onto your shoulder before heading out of your room, and out of the compound.
Steve’s brain stopped for a moment as Sharon forced her lips onto his. His hands found a way to her hips. Not because it was natural, but because he wanted her off of him. After he finally got his brain functioning, he pushed her off of him.
“Oh, come on, Steve,” Sharon said, seductively, trying to get back back to what she was doing. “You know you enjoyed it.”
“Stop, Sharon,” Steve pushed her away again. “You know I don’t feel that way about you. I’m in love with Y/N.”
“But are you? It seems that you’re just using her to let off some steam.”
“I would never just use her. Yes, she deserves better than me being silent about my feelings. But I would never use her. If she said for me to stop and leave her alone, than I would. Because I love her.”
“But does she love you?”
“I hope. But whether she does or not, I will not be coming to you for anything, Sharon. I’m sorry, but we’re just friends.”
Then Steve entered his room, trying to gain the courage to finally confess his feelings to you in the morning.
Steve was alway an early bird. But today, he was extra early. He was finally going to tell you that he loved you. He was up making your favorite breakfast, planning on delivering it to your room for you. After carefully arranging the breakfast on a tray, he carried it to your room. 
“FRIDAY, can you open Y/N’s door for me?” Steve asked the AI.
The door swung open and Steve entered. He looked around the room, immediately noticing that something was wrong. The bed had clearly not been slept in and various  drawers were open from your dressers, clothes falling out of them. 
“Y/N?” He called, venturing in further. There was no answer and it was clear, you were not in here. “FRIDAY? Can you give me Y/N’s location?”
“Y/N’s location has been turned off,” FRIDAY replied.
“What?! Why? Who gave that order?”
“Y/N has requested some time off. She ordered me to stop tracking her after she left the building. Fury approved it as well.”
“Did she say why?”
“No. But she had spent most of the night crying.”
Steve set the tray down on your dresser, rushing to pull his phone out of his pocket. He immediately dialed your number. His heart dropped when he heard the buzzing of a phone on her bed. Slowly, Steve walked over to see your phone on your bed, ringing. A picture of the two of you was shining up at Steve with his name on the screen and a heart next to it. It was all taunting him. He grabbed the phone and rushed into the common room, where the rest of the team was eating breakfast.
“Y/N’s gone!” He yelled. Everyone’s head snapped for look at the captain. “She’s gone.”
“What do you mean she’s gone?” Natasha asked.
“Like, she’s not in the compound, I have her phone, and FRIDAY stopped tracking her.”
“Did the compound get broken into last night?” Bucky asked, turning to look at Tony.
“No,” the billionaire shook his head. “FRIDAY would have alerted all of us.”
“FRIDAY told me she requested time off,” Steve said. “But why would she do that without telling any of us?”
“Did anyone do anything to upset her?” Vision asked. Everyone looked at Tony.
“Hey! Woah!” Tony held his hands up. “I haven’t seen her in a few days. I’ve been held up in the lab. You should all be looking at lover boy over there.” Everyone turned to look at Steve.
“What did you do, punk?” Bucky wondered.
“Me?!” Steve pointed to himself. “I— I— nothing I can currently think of.” Just then, Sharon waltzed into the room. The rest of the team all had the same thought run through their heads. “You.” Steve pointed at Sharon. “What did you do to Y/N?”
“Well, good morning to you too, Steve,” Sharon replied, preparing herself some breakfast. “Now, what are you excusing me of?”
“You know exactly what,” Wanda responded, having entered Sharon’s mind. Wanda stood across the kitchen island, challenging the agent. “You tricked her into thinking that you and Steve slept together. And that he was only using her.”
“What?!” Steve exclaimed. “Why would you do that?”
“Because, Steve,” Sharon began, “I want you all for myself. And her and her feelings were in the way.”
“Oh, please, Steve. You can’t seriously tell me that you couldn’t see that she was in love with you?”
“She was… in love… with me…”
“She was trying to gain the courage to tell you,” Nat explained. “Wanda and I were pretty sure she was going to last night.”
“Oh, and she was,” Sharon teased. “But I kissed Steve just in time.”
“Are you telling us, she saw you kissing Steve?” Bucky questioned. “And you knew she would?”
“Planned it all perfectly,” Sharon shrugged.
“Out,” Tony growled. “Get out of my compound. Now!”
Fury stopped by later that day, immediately getting bombarded by questions from the team.
“I do not know where Y/N went,” Fury responded. “She did not give me those details. She just requested the time off and told me to stop tracking her.”
“And you listened?” Steve asked.
“She’s the one that gives me the least amount of grief of all of you. I thought that she deserved it. She’ll be back, in two weeks.”
“Two weeks?!”
“Yes, she requested an extension this morning. I would suggest that all of you allow her this time. Y/N will be back, just give her space.”
But two weeks passed, that no one had seen or heard from you. Not even Fury. And that was stressing everyone out, especially Steve. They all were searching for you. But you were good, and weren’t making it easy on them. You didn’t want to be found, especially after the pregnancy test.
You were pregnant with Steve’s child. You had thrown around going back because of it. But you eventually decided that there was no way you were going to allow Sharon to co-parent your child. So you stayed hidden, preparing for your baby without anyone.
No one was there for you when your son was born, which you cried a lot about. Especially when you son was put in your arms. It looked too much like Steve for his own good. You named him James Steven, and you loved him more than anything in the world. He was ten months old with Tony showed up at your doorstep. You quickly tried to slam the door in Tony’s face, but he stopped it with his foot.
“Don’t even think about it,” Tony said, coming into the house. “You don’t get to push me away. We’re family.”
“Were,” you corrected, holding James close.
“That’s your choice, not any of ours.”
“How did you find me?”
“You made the mistake of showing your face to a grocery store security camera. Don’t worry though, I came alone and no one knows I’ve found you yet. I wanted to talk to you alone first.”
“Have a seat,” you gestured to the couch. “I’m just going to put the baby down for a nap.”
Tony nodded, moving to sit on the couch. He looked around, taking in the little house you’d been living in since you left the compound. It was cute. There were pictures hung up all around of you and your son. But nothing from before that. You quietly came back in and sat on the other end of the couch.
“Cute son,” Tony commented.
“Thanks,” you replied nervously.
“He Steve’s?”
You sighed, looking down at your fidgety hands in your lap. “Yes. His name is James Steven.”
“Have you been raising him alone?” You nodded. “You know you didn’t have to.”
“I know… I just couldn’t stand going back knowing that Steve had feelings for Sharon.”
Tony scoffed. “That bitch tricked you, Y/N. She did all that to make sure you’d leave and she could have him. But Capsicle is too in love with you to move on.”
“What?” You quietly gasped.
“He’s still in love with you. When he’s not stupidly risking his life on missions, he’s still searching for you. He misses you, we all do.”
You bit the inside of your cheek and turned to face away from Tony. You still loved Steve too, after all this time. But you never imagined that he would still be searching for you.
“Come home,” Tony begged. “Bring James and come home.”
“I don’t know, Tony…” You shook your head. “Steve can’t possibly still love me after the way I left. He—“
“But I do,” another voice said. Your head snapped up to see Steve standing in the entry way. “I still love you, Y/N.”
You studied him. He had grown a beard and the bags under his eyes were more prominent, but he was still the same Steve.
“I’m going to go watch my new nephew sleep,” Tony hurried out of the room as Steve walked around the couch.
“I should have told you sooner,” Steve continued. “And there were so many times I wanted to, I was just scared. I realize now that was foolish of me.” Steve sat on the couch, close enough so your knees were touching. “You never had to run away.”
“I just… I thought—,” you stammered.
“I know what you thought. And Sharon was kicked out of the Initiative the next day.” He reached over and carefully took your hands in his. “I never felt anything for her, Y/N. My heart has always belonged to you.”
“I’m so sorry, Steve,” you quietly cried. “I over reacted. I just couldn’t be near you two if you were going to be with her. And then once I realized I was pregnant…. I couldn’t stand the thought of co-parenting with her.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I never have held anything against you. Yes, I do wish that I got to help you through the pregnancy and been there when my son was born, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. And our son.”
“Oh, Steve.” You wrapped your arms around him and pulled yourself into him. “I love you.”
He quickly held you close. “I love you too.”
Crying came from down the hall before Tony’s shouts, “I promise I didn’t do anything! I just wanted to hold him!”
You and Steve both chuckled. “Do you… um… do you want to meet him?” You asked Steve.
“Yes,” he nodded. 
You grabbed Steve’s hand and led him to your son’s bedroom, where Tony was trying to figure out how to calm him.
“It’s okay, Tony,” you said. “I’ve got him.” You took James from his arms. “It’s okay, sweetie. Mommy’s here.”
“I’ll just go out and let the team know they can come in now,” Tony said.
“Team? I thought you said you were alone?”
“Well I kind of lied about that. You’ll thank me later.” 
Tony pressed a kiss to your cheek before leaving. James was cooing in your arms, reaching up for you. You lightly bounced him as you walked towards Steve.
“Do you want to met your dad, James?” You asked the baby.
“James?” Steve repeated.
“James Steven Rogers,” you clarified. “Hold out your arms.” Steve did as he was told. “Be careful with his head,” you directed as you slipped James from your arms to Steve’s. “There you go.”
A smile grew on your face as you watched Steve hold his son for the first time. Steve smiled as he quietly talked to his son. He looked over at you, waving you over. You walked over allowing Steve’s arm to wrap around you and pull you into his side. He leaned down and kissed you, trying to pour all his love into it while still minding the child in his arm.
“I love you,” he whispered. “And I’m never letting you go again.”
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absoluteindulgence · 4 years
Vacay Away
A/N: OKAY SO LET ME START BY SAYING, THIS FIC IS 2 1/2 MONTHS LATE. I originally wanted to post this for Black History Month. But I'm black all year so better late than never! Also, I apologize to all those waiting for me to upload, I've been consumed by Sims 4 and even made Mirio in-game lmao. If you have not finished MHA Season 4, there's a mild spoiler. Lastly, this is smut, so read at your own horniness risk.
Pairings: Mirio Togata X Black/POC!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Cursing
Word Count: 5.1K
As new graduates, the world was bright and shiny, like an apple ripe enough to bite. You decided after all the hell you and Mirio went through this year; it would be enough to graduate and offer Mirio a well-deserved rest. Too many nights went on with sweat induced nightmares with tears flooding from his despairing blue eyes; Reliving the horrors of fighting Chisaki, losing his quirk and his mentor who always showed him promise until his last breath.
Although you were at another agency during the ordeal, you always kept in contact with Tamaki and Nejire. At first, Tamaki didn't want to share any information, because he knew how it would tear you apart, but after he saw where your loyalty stood, he had to. You spent the rest of your days taking care of Mirio. By his side as soon as you knew his whereabouts. Staying in the hospital overnight, even going home to get a spare change of clothes, just to come back. You watched as he vented what it felt like for him. Not a single bone in your body blamed Eri; she was a child after all.
You still trained with him and even accompanied him on his internship. You knew he was capable of hand-to-hand, but what mattered was the villains with quirks that were life-threatening. Eventually, you laughed with each hospital visit and became well acquainted with the staff. After graduating with just above average grades, the two of you felt a sigh of relief: no more pity parties and sad looks. You two had to get away from it all.
And so, the voyage outside of Tokyo began. Originally you were going to celebrate by staying over at one another's home, but that wasn't fun enough for you; you wanted to feel free. Not just for yourself, for Mirio. He deserved to feel like himself even though he said he wouldn't cry over spilled milk anymore. You wanted to be by his side.
And so the bustle outside the city proved to be challenging. It took more buses than trains to leave. And even then had to take the abstract route to get outside of the town and into the country. Your breathing was more steady with the air being exceedingly more lucid, camping out to watch the stars shine, even being cheesy, mentioning the shapes found in the midnight sky. And the impromptu sexy times would be something you two take to your graves.
When you finally got close to the hot spring you were planning to surprise Mirio with, you admitted into the closest hotel. Luckily, the staff knew who you two were and gave you a week free, along with benefits like the perks of free food and massages. Unsure if that was related to filling a quota for the month or if they loved LeMillion as much as management said they did.
You two were starting to look like people who lived in the forest, eating off the land. So, of course, you were going to take advantage of the salon there as well. But you knew better than to go in expecting them to know what to do with your hair. You had your hair products tucked away neatly in your oversized backpack and had even taught Mirio how to handle your naps. He liked playing with your hair because he found it therapeutic and saw it as another way to bond with you.
Mirio's face of content made you beam with hope into his recovery. You were pushing yourself to get him out of his rut. You weren't sure if he knew how much you still worried about what happened. But you wanted to make up for the time that you weren't able to be by his side during the life-changing experience, apart from blaming yourself, because he told you what had been plaguing him.
As his partner, you did your best to assert the situation and go based on logic instead of emotion. But the look on his face, knowing that he let Eri out of his sight, spoke louder than any words. Having obtained Eri, and getting to spend time with her to build morale, was challenging at first as she was hesitant when looking at you. At first, she thought you were dirty due to Chisaki's influence.
After realizing that's just how your skin looks, she apologized profusely — not wanting to hurt your feelings and be accepted by you. You worked your way into taking care of her, although not great with kids. And since she was a particular but essential case, you wanted to make your imprint on her memory. She began to ask you questions about yourself and Mirio. At times asking the dreaded ones related to sex since she was around Deku and his friend Bakugou. You kept calm but wanted to dropkick the self-proclaimed hero with murder in his name. Aizawa made sure to scold him and tell him not to slip up on the foul language around Eri again.
As you entered your hotel room, you dropped off all the luggage you brought — yearning for the chance to feel warm running water. Mirio's breath lightly fanned over you as he rubbed your shoulders for you. He insisted on carrying your belongings before the trip, but you ran ahead of him with all your things. Even though your bags were more substantial than his one.
"See Sunshine; I told you to let me carry them. And now you're rolling your shoulders to relieve the tension." It was clear that he was smiling, with every grip on your muscles.
Your moans were soft, reassuring he hit your tense areas, "And yet I didn't complain at all like you thought I would."
"Because I was watching you." His light chuckles tickled the back of your neck, "And you're too stubborn sometimes."
You giggled under his touch, eyeing your heap of bags near the king-sized bed, slowly undressing. Slipping out of your boyfriend's gentle hold, you placed your dirty clothes in a laundry bag you brought. You needed to take a shower soon; you were getting antsy and anticipating fresh water from a showerhead instead of a stream. The life of hiking in the wild could only be so good for so long. Especially with your hair not getting enough moisture in the fresh air.
Fully nude, you turn to look at Mirio with a playful smile, "Oh, you think so?"
You were pulling your hair out of its messy afro bun while Mirio ogled your hair defying gravity as it did, it left a pleasant grin on his face. You gave him a quick peck on the lips before you searched through the bags. Looking for your tried-and-true skin and hair care products that were placed throughout your belongings. Speeding into the bathroom, you turned on the cold, metal dial to hot water. Awaiting the warm water, you tried your best to detangle your hair, barely succeeding.
Assuming the water warmed up enough, you step into the shower and let the water run through your hair and down your body. An exhale leaves your body as you peaceably scrub your skin of scum. You inhale the smell of your favorite soap, and your mind clears with a serene smile. After lathering and rinsing yourself off, you gently detangle your hair, working the shampoo through it.
The door to the ugly white bathroom swings open slowly, enters your buff boyfriend. Undressing to get in with you, he yawns as he wraps his arms around you. You hastily scoff and turn to him, his sleepy smile says it all. Mirio pulls you closer as he kisses your neck.
"You took too long to get out, Sunshine."
"Because I'm at war, right now."
"Is that right? Well, you could have asked for my help."
Mirio lightly patted your curly locks, patting them down and occasionally scratching your scalp. The feel of his fingertips was enough to make you doze and lose balance. Catching you with his free hand and pulling you closer to his defined chest. With a little giggle, you smile and gaze into his eyes, looking at the water dripping off his hair.
"You know, I just finished cleansing my body, and now I'm getting back to square one."
Humming a tune, "Is that so?" he replied lazily with his chin resting atop your head, "I'm sorry, Sunflower."
You turn your body around to cross your arms over his broad, muscle-bound shoulders, sketching out the scars littering his body, some light scratches others with a firm texture. Your eyes lingered all over him as you slowly caressed the back of his head, placing kisses all along his collarbone and neck. Stopping at his jawline, Mirio cups your ass with his strong hands.
He leans down to reach your ear, "If you start, I'll finish."
You raise up your head innocently to look at him, eyes armored with honesty and lust. Pushing your luck, you lather him in soap and rubbing his chest in circular motions, moving lower to his abs. Pretending to graze his cock, then lather his shoulders down to the wrists and giving eye contact through the whole ordeal. Your lips curve into a sweet smile that causes him to groan.
The motions are simple yet affect him like the ripples from a waterfall. You lightly graze his collarbone with kisses as his muscles tense, placing your hands low to his sides, tracing his adonis belt. A light sigh leaves his thin lips, instantaneously, he picks you up, pushing your tiny frame against the cold wall. The chilliness gives you goosebumps all over, erecting your nipples — Mirio's grip firm around you and his breath heavy on your wet shoulder.
"See, you're pushing it, Princess." His chuckle fanning over your ear.
A tiny snicker escaped as he pressed his lips close to yours, smothering you in kisses, eliminating any free space between you two. His cock stood at attention, the tip tickling your flower. His soft, thin lips left no part of your neck and collarbone untouched. Your nectar seeped onto his thumper as you whimpered with impatience.
"Fill me up, baby."
"Be patient, my Sunflower," He hooked his arms under your thighs, positioned himself to kneel under you while gently sliding you down where your inner thighs touched his cheeks.
Facing your pretty essence, he bulldozes his tongue into your bud. The instant tremor to your clit as your legs quiver as his tongue swivels and explores every part of you. The jolts in your legs leave your voice hoarse as moans break out from your lips. His obligation to pleasure you is selfish and greedy as if his way of controlling you is to give you what you want. Your body rolls as his grasp around your plump thighs tighten, keeping you in place.
Your soft whimpers leave him to groan against your tingling golden arches, "You taste so good, baby." He gives a quick love bite to your shaking thighs, still balancing you against the cold wall as you thrust into him enthusiastically.
His body tenses under yours as he pulls your body close from your ass. He takes hold of your soft cheeks and does a solid lick to your clit, making you quiver. So deliberate with his actions as he purposefully teased you close into edging. You start to whine uncontrollably and grab hold onto his hair to push him closer to you. Resulting in a chuckle that reverberates through your bud, your cry is sensual as you let go of him and hold onto your breasts, playing with your nipples.
"Fuck, you look so hot." Mirio looks at you from between your legs, his blue eyes peering into your glowing, erotic ones. "I'll give you what you want Sunflower, but do me a favor: Don't hold back. I don't care who hears, let them know who you belong to."
You stare back at him flustered, the fault of hot water, or the excitement your powerful boyfriend brings to your flesh cavern. Your nod is subtle, but he catches it quickly, sparking him to make you lose your mind as Mirio dives back in. Without haste, his tongue thrashes around, promising with each taste of you he'll leave you screaming out his name.
The morning after, your body felt tight near your thighs, wishing you washed your hair instead of getting thrown off. Looking a mess, but filled with leftover pleasure. Your voice was loud since you lived to the expectations Mirio requested. Clearing your throat did nothing for you, either. You tried sitting up in the king-size bed but was wrapped in a firm bear hug and a kiss to your fuzzy mane.
"Where are you going, Princess?" His morning voice groaned into your ear.
"Nowhere now with your thick arms around me."
"Because there's no reason to stay up, right? This is where the trip ends, and I'm happy with this."
Mirio snuggles closer to you, your heart flutters, and your smile stretches wide and goofy-like. You're happy that he's in a state of happiness, you can feel the radiation more than usual. "Well, actually, this isn't where the trip ends; I have one more surprise for you."
His messy blond, bed head shuffles behind you; he rotates your waists to stare at you, "What are you talking about, Sunshine?" He tries to rest his shoulder on the pillow while the other hand lays tenderly.
"Get dressed, and I'll show you exactly what I mean."
There was an exception in getting ready; you took your time fixing your hair into a comfortable style deciding whether to leave it in or out, Mirio being a sweetheart asked you to keep it simple to avoid what may come of the day. After leaving the room, you made your way to the massage rooms. The masseuse present was fair and gentle. Making small talk with you, one of them mentioned a noise complaint from an older man. He was complaining about his hotel neighbors yelling about mangoes and cereal in the middle of the night.
"I believe it was the third floor he resided in," The masseuse cooly responded while working the muscles in your calves.
A shock shoots through your body as the dots connect, you try to hide your face further into the cushion. Mirio laughed out loud, "I guess he was hungry but had to wait till the morning, you know?"
"I guess so." 
 The rest of the massage went well, laughing here and there. It was the most relaxed you had been in a while. You remembered to check in on Mirio since he wasn't used to massages and was prone to outbursts of laughter since he's so ticklish. After the massage, he pulled you into a bear hug and smothered you in kisses, declaring, "I wish it were you that touched me like that."
With more trekking, you reached your final destination. Mirio blissfully bounced about, continuously looking at you and back at the environment. "Hot springs? Oh, babe!"
He was so excited; he couldn't form any other words other than how much he loved you. He pulled you close, littering your face with kisses and tight hugs. Couldn't even break his grasp or stop him from being excited, Mirio treasured the way he would love loud, concretely when targeted to you. His smile was just as infectious as your boyfriend made a scene in front of the entrance. Older couples passed by with sweet looks, whispering to themselves, 'the enchantment of young love.'
Management provided a private unisex bath usually reserved for a group of four or less that pass by. Mirio separated from you with a quick peck to the cheek and sprinted into the changing room for something more comfortable for the water. Women mainly littered the hot spring except that not a lot of people occupied the space today. Leaving the worry of interruptions or disturbances to diminish. You were the first to leave the changing room, wrapped in your bathrobe given to you by staff, and you brought your favorite towel for whenever you would go to the beach or spa.
You walked into the unisex area, finding the way into the pool of warmth. As you found your spot, you took off the towel revealing your nude body. Sinking slowly into the hot water, the sensation of heat traveled throughout your being. You took your time getting used to the pool of warmth, making gracious moves to familiarize yourself with the temperature and size of the domain. Momentarily wrapped into a warm blanket of water before you could be covered in the embrace of your sunny beau.
As you looked around, the space was stunning; a subtle but luxurious set up outdoors littered with banzai and bamboo trees all around the wooden barriers. The stones around the water resembled ashy grey marbled crystals, exquisitely scattered. Swishing in the water, you laid onto a pile of smoother rocks. The rocks were gracious to your back as you rested against them. As you reached comfort, the blond-haired man entered the serene environment. His beam caught your attention as he admired you from outside the water. Your smile allured him as your fingers motioned for him to come closer. Not wasting any time, Mirio recklessly dived into the steamy water.
Face colored in horror as he sloshed his way to you, still smiling. Mirio used his body to cloak yours as he grabbed your ass, sneaking a kiss to your cheek. "Who knew you could make the water look so good, Sunflower."
"Since we took that long shower last night, you don't remember?"
"Perhaps, but every shower you take is noteworthy."
You giggled softly in his embrace as he chuckled in response. Hearing his laugh was too divine, while the smile on his face is sickly sweet. He pulled you by your waist, eliminating the space in between you and his muscular figure. He feels warmer than the pool of water you are standing in. You look up to allow him to peck your lips, his index finger traces your jawline, thumb tickling your neck with subtlety. The touch is simple but intensifies the pleasure forming between your legs. He pays attention to your face, knowing it's hard for you to hide your need for him.
"Are you that anxious to be touched?" His question was hiding a seductive undertone. He peers into your eyes while holding your waist with his other hand, pulling you into his thighs, not shying away from how you're making him feel. His hardon grazes against you, "Can't say you're alone in that, my love."
He trails his hands down your body, kneading his fingers into your inner thighs, rubbing any tension he knows the masseuse didn't work out. The motions are gentle but firm as he hums a little tune. It's corrective in further easing your mind. Mirio came closer to your ear with his hums, placing sensual kisses on the sensitive spots of your neck. Freeing one hand, he takes your breast in his grasp, lightly pressing into it. The grip is just how you like it as he pulls his lips away from your neck and hunches over to meet your nipple with his tongue. The first flick leads to a sharp breath of air. He sucks in your supple flesh circulating your sensitive nerves.
Drowning in the feeling of him touching you, it's reminiscent of the first time you became intimate, and your body is over the moon. His other hand cups your free breast as he smothers them in the kisses they deserved when he wasn't able to see you and had to heal. Mirio's sensuality builds within as he's already beading precum from his love throbber. The eagerness to touch you as he feels your heart beating out your chest eggs him further, challenging himself to grab both with one hand as he rubs your inner thigh in circular motions.
Too anxious to neglect or half-ass any part of your body, he brushes against your dripping essence, still rubbing circular motions into your thighs, pulling his right hand back close to your face, "I know I'm keeping you in suspense, Sunshine. But I can't control how much you're affecting me right now."
Staring into his eyes, you saw a light that was once dimmed, almost dying to a burning lustful glaze. Nearly intimidating as his hands roamed all of you since he could no longer pay attention to just specific parts of your body, he made a swift move to lift you. No longer on your feet, your legs rest at his sides as he pulls you close. Your legs wrap tightly around him as he places kisses between your nipples, breasts, and neck. Airy moans leave your lips that only he could hear, purposefully grazing his ear with your sweet sounds. Heightening his sense and forming goosebumps on the traps of his neck and ongoing down his arms. A deep grunt escapes from Mirio's thin lips as he balances himself with you.
You rub the back of his neck, a trigger that always sets him off. He breathes in through his nose controlling his urges. Whether the reason is the way you would tip-toe to do it, the feel of your hands caressing him or the glow within your eyes that makes him grip you carefully. No way would he drop you, but you could feel his urge to melt. While preparing you for what's been on his mind since entering the luxury hot spring, he prods you with his cock. Pressing into your bud to tease, almost tickling. Still breathing down the side of his neck, you whimper, "Mir, please..."
"Nice try my sunshine, I'm just feeling how ready you are for me, I'll give you exactly what you want."
Deliberately and poise is the impact Mirio places into the junction of your thighs. Your arms wrapped around his shoulder blades, daring to bite at his shoulder to make contact quicker. His thrust made the perfect adjustment to your sopping core. You are gasping harshly into a sensual moan, as he licks the side of your neck behind your ear. The sensation makes you shiver close to him.
"Damn, Sunshine, you're sucking me in. I feel so connected to you."
"I agree, baby. Now, are you gonna move?"
A low chuckle escapes as he grins, "You're so greedy."
His thrusts are scarce as he relishes your inner muscles squeezing onto him tightly, refusing to let him go. Without warning, Mirio thrusts deeply within you. You grip onto him tightly as he licks the sensitive spots on your neck. The thrusts match how quick his hips roll into you, stretching your flower out with ease. The muscle memory of him coming into play as the sensuality leads to chill all throughout your body and hardening your nipples.
Mirio's passionate grunts reverberate through your ears, sending the shock waves straight to your silk igloo. The divinity in hearing them makes your moans louder and higher in pitch. He holds onto your frame like he'll lose you all while hitting your cervix, insanely intoxicating. Your legs tremble as you feel your body ready to give out.
"I hope you're not trying to cum just yet, my Sunflower." Pushing his cock further into you with each bounce, fucking you speechless. "I haven't even fucked you into every nook and cranny here."
His voice in your ear made your pussy turn into a waterfall. The sloshing rampage in your pink pearl wouldn't stop as Mirio kept a pace matching each broken moan coming from you. Your thighs were a clear indication when the coil within you read itself to be snapped. There was no letting up and stopping yourself from crying out his name or how hard the pounding jogged your brain.
With his rod expanding within you by another inch, you knew he was close. Readjusting his hands to grip your thighs, not before a playful smack to your ass. You wasted no time hooking one of your arms behind his neck before he pounded your flower. Too delicious to feel anything but pleasure, reaching your peak, you take soft nibbles into his shoulder in hopes for the coil to pop and overrun you into oblivion. Your body shivers within his hold as your cup begins to overflow. You grasp desperately to Mirio as he maneuvers your body to bounce on top of him, continuously smacking your ass.
You jolt from each smack as you tighten around Mirio's love rod, making less than unintelligible noises. His smirk is hidden from you, but you know it's there as his voice reaches a level of cockiness, "I feel how close you are, Princess."
No time to respond with a smartass remark, you're too enveloped in the sensations given. Short of breath, eyes closed tight as your chest tightens, the pressure rises until it's too much to bear, alluding to the build-up of your cream canal. The coil pulled so tightly finally snaps, as your body unravels within your buff boyfriend's arms. The orgasm hits and sticks, achieving the takeover of your nerves and sinking your body low into Mirio as he finishes inside of you, spreading both your cheeks to gain control.
His growl fluttered your pussy as he filled you with his seed, his hands imprinting your pert ass as the force of his thrusts stopped his touch from being gentle at the moment. You wince from the impact of his tense fingers against your supple skin, knowing a bruise will linger soon. You let out a deep gasp as you stare at your boyfriend. He regains composure quickly while holding you, making a noble face, with a goofy smile as he stares back. You shy from him as his face is too angelic compared to what you just finished doing.
"Hey babe, could you let me down?"
"Of course, Beautiful."
He rests your feet back into the warm, soothing water. You cup his face gently, pushing him into the corner where your towels and bathrobes laid. Your legs wobble as you push him back onto your robes, eager to drop to your knees. The water rushes through your thighs, tickling you, sensationalizing your clit in the process. There's no other way to stop it than to stand, and yet as you're steady in crouch form, your mouth envelops onto Mirio's love rod. A sharp gasp escapes and a fist clenches as he restrains himself from pushing your head down.
His gasps are loud with each soul-suck you perform, even yelling out your name at times. Surely some neighbors are above and below, but there are not enough hands in the world to cover your lover's mouth. He stares intently at you as his throbber expands with each slurp you provide. You return his gaze, his face is overly flushed as he calls out to you, fiercely.
"Fuck, you look amazing, babe. Your eyes are so beautiful." The passion he feels within achieving all the pressure you put and knowingly feel like he's curling his toes underwater. He's so close you can feel his balls twitch, even his growl is becoming more prominent. You push to get him to finish in your mouth, and yet he advances beforehand, raising your mouth off his cock and turning your body around to lift you and rest your tush onto his wide thighs.
"Not so fast my Sunflower, I'm not ready to blast off." Mirio easily controls your body, keeping your frame close to his throbber near your slit, dripping with essence, causing him to slip in with ease. You gasp in unison as your rosebud tightened around him, "Damn, there you go sucking me in."
"At this rate, I have to make you scream and shout to the whole world." Wasting no time, Mirio planted your face down, ass up into your robes while still inside you leaving little time to react.
Without warning, he propelled deep into your dripping flower. The impact indeed rough was enticing as he bent over close to your ear, breath huffing as he kissed your neck. Jittery to your sweet spot being acknowledged, he stands to smack your ass listening to the echo through the resort. It's enough to rattle you into oblivion. His hips roll fiercely into you as if the spanking was the sound to begin a race: Whether it was against himself or you was the mystery.
On the verge of tears, you felt your body surge with mighty ripples of water controlled by earthquakes. A well-acquainted feeling, and yet it was estranged. You murmured how close you were, and Mirio's grunts shook you to your core, tightening around him. He groaned rather harshly as he smacked your ass again, loading you up with all of him. The coil within you once again burned, binding brashly.
"Babe, I can't hold back," Your legs tense as each of your moans shudders out your full lips, "You feel so fucking good."
The master of positions, he places you onto the flat surface of the hot tub. His intent to drive you mad working as his hands lay firmly at your sides, to rub into your thick, soft ass. He holds you from behind, drilling his love rod into you deep. Your pussy clenches to him with unfailing devotion, as your final moans end your build-up. You stretch your hands out to grab Mirio's wrist as he deeply grunts for the last time as he finishes inside of you again. His cock twitches with ferocity as he clenches your hips. His breaths graze the back of the neck roughly, you stand slowly to gather feeling back in your legs.
Your body tries to adjust to the position as you stretch as high into the sky as possible. But your thighs hysterically give out, and you stumble into the embrace of Mirio. He's holding you from behind with a tired, yet satisfied smile. It's enough to release a light chuckle as sweat drips from his now messy hair. You lean back onto his chest with a huge exhale.
"Did I go overboard, Sunshine?" He crossed his arms around your waist.
"Not at all, you went above and beyond. I can stand now, but when we get back to the room, I think I might pass out."
A hearty laugh erupted from your blonde beau, loud enough to echo, and you could have sworn you saw a tear from his cobalt eyes. The vibration of his laughter traveled to his chest, feeling like the ground under your feet would crumble, jumping your heart rate. 
"I'm sorry for laughing, Princess, but I just think you're so funny."
"What did I say that made you laugh?"
"The fact that you thought you would be sleeping when we're back at the room."
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talpup · 4 years
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Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud.  He knew there would be trails.  He knew trouble would come his way.  Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant.  What he didn’t know.  Didn’t expect.  Was that literal Chaos would come his way.  That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble.  Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Important notes below the cut before chapter72 begins.  PLEASE READ.
***SORRY!***  I forgot to tell you all. A few days before last weeks vacay I did a smutty Julius one shot that I guess you could say is tied to this fic. While there’s not much plot to that one shot, I am planning a Masquerade Ball for the fall around Yami and Teris’ 19yr b.day. So I might have the events of ‘A Night With the Stag’ happen then and have Julius' disappearance noticed. Anyway, you can find ‘A Night With the Stag’ on the main dash of my ao3.
***FIC UPDATE***  Got some not so good news yesterday. Thanks to one of my 3-big chronic illness bad's munching away at my joints the Surgeon said he’d normally recommend joint replacement for my hands. But thanks to another of my big chronic baddies he wouldn't recommend it for me as it would cause further problems and pain in the long run.  For now I’m left with an up tick in my infusions ‘poison juice’ to hopefully stave off further damage. And therapy, bracing, and pain meds to help cope with the pain. What that means for this fic isn’t much at the moment since I’m so far ahead in writing. But with my typing having steadily slowed and the suggestive order not to tax my hands there may come a time when posting has caught up to where I am in writing. Which would mean this fic will become like my BNHA fics which is 'posting as I write', and you all will left waiting for updates. If that happens I’m really SORRY!
Chapter 72
Angry and impatient, Nozel entered Silva Castle.  The kingdom was still in disorder with bandits and thieves continuing to fight for supremacy within the Common and Forsaken Realms.  Even the Noble Realm was dealing with more criminal activity than usual.
“Father.” Nozel stopped to stand behind the man.
Directing a team of servants on the placement of several new acquisitions he had gotten for their palace home, Nathyn turned to his son.  “Nozel. Didn’t expect you so early.  I must admit I’m looking forward to the day we have a proper Lady Silva running our homes once again. Nebra is too self involved to be good at these types of things.”
Nathyn sighed thinking of his eldest daughter.  She would be fifteen soon. Nebra’s grimoire Acceptance Ceremony set not long after her birthday.  Come next Entrance Exams, in little under twelve months time, she would be joining Nozel as a Magic Knight in the Silver Eagles.  With Nebra residing at the Silver Eagles base, she would be Nozel’s responsibility and Nathyn would have one less thing to look after.
“Father, please.”
“What is it?”  Nathyn questioned shortly, his thoughts interrupted.
“Must we really go on with this?  The war has only just ended.”  Nozel said.
“Four days ago.”  Nathyn stated, as if that was long enough for everything to be righted.
“All the squads have a back log of missions and with--”
“That’s the Magic Knights problem.”  Nathyn said, dismissed his sons words.
“I am a Magic Knight.  Teris and I both.  And Julius is a Captain.”
Nathyn fully focused on his son and reminded.  “You are royalty first. This is more than just celebrating your Intended’s birthday.  Not that you shouldn’t insist we continue with that.  But there are Peace Parties to attend.  The people are happy this war was short and is over.  They wish to celebrate you for securing that peace.  The King wishes to honor you.”  He looked proudly at his heir.  “You did good, and should take these next few days to relax and enjoy the fruits of your success.”  His face sharpened.  “I insist.”
Knowing this was a battle he couldn’t win Nozel inclined his head and submitted.  “I’m glad to have pleased you, Father.”
“As am I.  Now go make ready.  The Nova’s will be arriving within the hour.”
Julius looked mournfully at his sister.  “Teris, I can’t.  I’m sorry.”
Trepidation growing, Teris realized that Julius was serious.  He was sending her off to Silva Castle to spend three days with them and Fyntch, and he wasn’t coming.  “You’re really going to make me go there alone? Without you?”
“The Vermilion's will be in residence at Vermillion Castle across the lawn.  You can seek refuge there.”  Julius offered.
Teris stared at him in disbelief.  “Three days, Julius.  You’re going to leave me alone in Silva Castle with Fyntch and the Silva’s for three whole days.”
“It’s no worse than spending the time with them at Nova House or Silva Manor.”  Julius reasoned.
“Yes it is!  You truly know nothing do you?  You’ve had it so easy being a man and the eldest at that.”
“I’ve had my share of familial duties and expectations forced upon me.” Julius rebutted, thinking she was being unfair and bratty.
“That you threw off.”  Teris countered.
“Watch it.”  Julius warned, expression turning from supplicating to stern.
Teris growled and spun away.  “Fine.  Leave me to those wolves.  But don’t come down on me when I make a mess and make matters worse.”
“You’ll only be making matters worse for yourself.  Can’t you see that? I’m trying to protect you.  That’s all I’ve ever tried to do with this mess.”
Teris turned back to him, eyes pleading.  “If that were true you’d come.”
Julius looked sympathetically at her. “I would if I could. You know what it’s been like.  There’s so much work to do.  I’m so overtired I don’t think I could drift off to sleep if I tried.”
“Then tell Fyntch that.  Tell him I can’t go for the same reason.  All the Black Bulls are still going on mission after mission trying to bring peace and order back to the kingdom.  It’s not right that I leave them to go off on some stupid three day leave.”
Julius shook his head.  “I tried that.  I told you I tried that.”
“Try again.”  Teris begged.
“Teris.” Julius sighed, reaching out to her.
Teris stepped back from him.
Julius sighed again and he lowered his hands.  “You are going.”  He said, simply.
Teris glared at him.  “I--”
“If you tell me you hate me I won’t even make an attempt of showing.”  Julius said, cutting her off.  Whether she meant it or not, such words always stung.
Teris gave one last try to convince him.  “Julius, I don’t want to go.”
“We all do things we don’t want to all the time.  You think I want to spend half the day in meetings and the other half doing paperwork till I can’t see straight and everything looks the same?  You think I wanted to go to war?  Or want to be having this conversation?”
“Go away.”  Teris frowned.
“Go to Silva Castle.  Don’t make Fyntch fetch you.  Do you really want him coming here, seeing how and who you live with?  He’ll pull you out of the Magic Knights so fast and have you locked up at Nova House before the day is done.  You know I’m right.”
Teris glowered.  “Fine.”
Julius exhaled and muttered to himself.  “I should’ve led with that.” He pointed at his sister.  “Silva Castle.  Twenty minutes.”
She kicked the toe of her boot into the foot of her bed.
“Teris.” Julius rumbled.
“I heard you!  Go away already.”
Julius turned and left her bedroom.  He found Yami waiting on the second level landing.  Glancing back up the stairs, he grimaced at the sounds of things being thrown about.  Looking at Yami, Julius warned.  “Don’t think it’d be too wise to go up there right now. She’s mad as hell.”
Yami smirked at his mentor.  “She’s not mad at me.”
Temper frayed and short, Julius frowned.  “You really can be a little shit sometimes, you know.”
Yami chuckled.  “Just figuring that one out?”
“Shouldn’t you be resting, eating, or heading out on a mission?”
“In a bit.  Tobin and Iban are waiting downstairs for me.”
Julius tried not to make a face at the mention of Iban’s name.
Yami caught the expression anyway.  “All hands on deck and all that.  At least Olsen's been teamed with the Bloody Creep for the most part. After what happened with Teris, he isn’t allowed on missions with any of the girls.”
Julius recalled the mission with Teris, Yami, and Iban where the Blood Mage had used his magic against Teris causing quite a bit of injury including several broken ribs.  Though the incident had happened almost a year ago, it still angered.
“They waiting in the great room?”  Julius asked.
Yami nodded, looking up the stairs.
“I think I’ll take the servants stairs and exit out back.”  Julius said, not wanting to see the man who had put his sister in such a state.
Yami waited till Julius had disappeared down the hall that led away from the boys rooms before climbing the stairs.  Standing in the open doorway of Teris’ room, he watched her tear the place apart looking for something.  She pulled out some sort of adornment from a trunk and turned around throwing it.
Yami leaned to the side, tilting his head as the thing flew by.
Teris gasped, hand covering her mouth.  “Sorry!  I didn’t know you were there.”
Yami entered the room.  “I’d hope not.  Would make me wonder if you were mad at me.”
“Tobin and Iban?”  She questioned, aware that Yami was leaving for a mission soon.  She looked at him thinking about last year when she had gone to Nova House for her birthday.
“They’re waiting downstairs.”  Yami saw her expression, knowing that she was thinking about last year when they had parted on a high desirous note only for her to return shortly after her birthday to find him angry and refusing to speak to her.  He stepped toward her, pulling her the rest of the way.  “Come here, Princess.”
Teris shook her head.  “Don’t call me that.  Not when I’m going to Silva castle.”
Yami caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.  “I don’t care what you are to them.  You’re my, Princess.”
She huffed, smirking up at him.  “Always got to have it your way, don’t you.”
His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.  “I thought you liked it when I got my way.”
Teris laughed, lowering her head and pushing at his chest through not really trying to push him away.  “Yami. You got to go and I got to get ready to go.”
“What? Don’t want me to have my way any more?  I owe you.”
“Owe me?”  Teris lifted her head.
Yami smirked, getting exactly what he wanted, her eyes on him.  He stared at her, his desire openly clear in his gaze.  “For your birthday. I owe you a gift.”
“No.” Teris shook her head.  “We agreed no gifts. Remember.”
Yami lowered to whisper in her ear.  “Oh, I remember vividly.”
He stepped back, Teris falling a step forward.  That should leave him in the foremost of her mind till she returned to him, Yami thought.
Teris blushed at the memory of having offered herself as Yami’s birthday gift and what had ensued.  “W—we agreed we needed to be--”
“Good? Better behaved?  More restrained?” Yami smiled, looking her over.
Teris swallowed, legs squeezing together.  She could feel the pulled of his gaze as it raked over her body.
“Depends on how good, behaved, and restrained you are while suffering those humorless royals these next few days.  I don’t want you getting into trouble over there and putting an end to the trouble we get up to together over here.”  Yami’s devilish grin was cut short by Tobin’s echoing holler.
Yami backed out of the room.  “Gotta go, Princess.  I’ll treat you to your gift when you return.”
Teris sunk onto the bed as soon as he was out of sight.  How could mere words leave her breathless with wanting?  While they hadn’t done anything close to what they had been up to before the war.  Teris hadn’t been frightened or uncomfortable ever since Yami had promised to be patient and work with her.  Instead she found herself eager and desirous as Yami always seemed to leave her frustrated and wanting more.  She got the distinct feeling he enjoyed this new little game of his that left her grasping and falling forward after him.
Standing, she shook her head clear of the dreamy feeling Yami left her with.  She only had one pair of court appropriate shoes here at base.  She only had one court appropriate gown here as well; but that she had found easily enough.  It was the matching shoe she had to find.
Renewing her search in the trunk that held her things, she hoped Fyntch had thought to order a few proper outfits packed and taken to Silva Castle else she would need to borrow something from Mereoleona’s closet. She certainly wasn’t asking Nebra for such a favor; not that she would wear any of Nozel’s sisters outfits anyway.  They were all pink, purple, and lavender.  Colors Teris wouldn’t be caught dead in.
“Found you!”  Teris said victoriously, pulling out the missing shoe.
Lunch at Silva Castle was made better and livelier by the presence of the Vermilion's.  Nozel and Fuegoleon called themselves rivals.  And occasionally acted as such. But in truth they got on well enough for everyone to know them as friends they were.  Their father's on the other hand were far from friends.
The rivalry between Nathyn Silva and Leonidas Vermillion had begun at a young age and had only grown over the years.  Sadly it wasn’t only their station that often brought the two patriarchs together.  Before Acier’s death, she and Marcellina, Fuegoleon’s mother, had been close friends.  The women had often planned dinners and outings together for the two royal families.  Even after Acier’s passing, Nathyn tolerated Leonidas’ company just so he could interact with Marcellina. It made Nathyn happy to be around someone who had loved Acier nearly as much as he had and could reminisce about her with him.
Seated to her husbands left, Marcellina lightly scolded.  “You should be ashamed of yourself, Fyntch.  Not bringing proper court clothes for your sister.”
“Men don’t think of such things, my dear.”  Leonidas told his wife.
Marcellina turned to her daughter.  “Mereoleona.  After we’ve finished lunch, you must take Teris out shopping.”
Mereoleona sighed.  “Really, Mother.”
“Aunt Lina, please.  I could simply borrow a gown or two from Leona’s wardrobe.”  Teris said.
“Works for me.”  Mereoleona said.
Marcellina looked horrified.  “Absolutely not.  Your coloring's are not at all similar.  The color scheme of her wardrobe will not look well on you.  Besides, your forms are much too dissimilar.  Leona’s gowns won’t fit you properly.”
“She’s only an inch or two shorter than me.”  Mereoleona told her mother. She look at Teris.  “Don’t you go growing anymore.  I won’t stand for you being taller that me.”
“Your torso is longer than hers and your legs are shorter.”  Marcellina said, not mentioning their difference in bust with men present.
“Fine. I’ll go if Leon comes.”  Mereoleona bargained.
“Why?” Fuegoleon complained, wondering how his sister always managed to force him into things their mother wanted her to do.
“Come now, Leon.  You like shopping.”  Mereoleona grinned.
Fuegoleon couldn’t argue with that.  Not to mention that someone had to guide his sister and cousin on what was proper, in fashion, and looked well on Teris. “Fine.”
“Oh Fyntch, don’t look so stern.  We’ll pay.  Consider it our birthday gift to our favorite niece.”  Marcellina told, upon seeing the mans sour expression.
“No need to mention money at the table, Lina, my dear.”  Leonidas said.
“I’m not concerned about the cost.”  Fyntch said.
“Of course you’re not.”  Leonidas said.
“I simply do not care for the time such an excursion will take from this annual gathering.”  Fyntch went on.
“Then have Nozel, Nebra, and Solid join them.”  Marcellina smiled, brightly.  “The children can go shopping while we all visit.  No doubt they’ll have more fun doing that than sitting around listening to us.”
“Please, Father.  There were these gloves I saw when we passed through and would so like to get a better look at them.”  Nebra said, looking down the table at her father.
Nathyn smiled at his eldest daughter, the thought of reminiscing about his beloved wife with Marcellina putting him in a good mood.  “Very well.  Nozel.  Look after your siblings and Intended.”
“Yes, Father.”  Nozel said, not needing to look at Teris to know her expression had hardened at the way his father had referred to her.
“Can I go, Mother?”  Leopold asked.
Marcellina looked fondly down at her youngest son.  “Dear little Leo.  You still have your magic training with Ms Theresa.”
“That’s right!”  Leopold said, becoming excited.  He looked to his brother. “I’m going to become just as strong as you, Leon.”
“I am sure you will.”  Fuegoleon smiled.
“It’s a shame Noelle isn’t here.  She and Leo could have trained together.”  Marcellina said, looking at Nathyn.
There was little Nathyn could say that wouldn’t disparage Noelle and therefore the family so he opted to suggested.  “Shall we move to the tea room?”
“I’ll take a coffee.”  Leonidas told a servant.
Marcellina glanced at her husband.  She didn’t like him drinking the beverage, it made him irritable.
The men stood, Fyntch leaving the handling of his sister to Nozel as he stepped away from the table.  Much as Teris didn’t like accepting such courtly attention from Nozel, she’d much rather take his hand of assistance than her brothers.
“You kids behave.”  Leonidas told them, making his way out of the lunch room.
“Be back in time to properly prepare for dinner.”  Nathyn instructed, eyes on Nozel.
Nozel inclined his head.
Their elders gone, they all looked at each other.
Mereoleona finally broke the silence.  “Where should we go first?”
“I still can’t believe you’re here.”  Teris muttered.
“Thanks for that.  You really know how to make someone welcomed.” Mereoleona told, sarcastically.
“Sorry. It’s only Julius said he couldn’t be here because he had so much left to do.”  Teris all but rolled her eyes thinking she was going to kill him.
“I’m sure he does.  You forget he was overseeing the southwest forces during the war.”  Mereoleona said.
Teris blinked never having considered that.  She suddenly felt bad for giving her brother such a hard time.
“The Fine Cloth.”  Nozel said, answering Mereoleona’s earlier question.  The last time he had been in there, before the Nine Day War, there had been a gown he had admired for Teris.  Never had he imagined that he would actually get a chance to see her in it.
Mereoleona slapped the table.  “The Fine Cloth it is.”
“But the gloves I wanted to look at were on the other side Dressers Lane.”  Nebra complained.
“We’re going so that Lady Teris will suitably attired for the following days events.  Not so you can purchase yet another pair of gloves.” Nozel told.
Nebra turned away from her brother sticking her nose in the air.
Nozel sighed, wondering why Nebra and Solid had to accompany them in the first place.
Teris’ brows furrowed.  “You’re making this sound as if it'll take all afternoon.  I just need two, maybe three dresses.”
“You will need two evening dresses, a ball gown, a court gown, garden gown, two day dresses, and riding attire.”  Nozel said, thinking of the itinerary for the following couple of days.
Teris scoffed.  “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“As well as shoes and accessories for each.”  Fuegoleon added.
“What!” Teris shook her head.  “The shoes I’m wearing are fine.  No one will even see them anyway.”
“Yes, they will.  Ladies look at such things while you’re climbing or descending steps.”  Nebra told.
“As do the men.”  Solid smirked, always looking in hope of glimpsing a bit of leg.
Nozel turned to his brother.  Solid shrunk back.
“Really?” Teris questioned, in disbelief.  She never looked at anyone's shoes. Looking to Fuegoleon she argued.  “Even so.  What does that matter?  I don’t--”
“You’re getting shoes.  Mana!  Do you always have to be so difficult?” Fuegoleon complained.
“Do you?”  Teris shot back.
Mereoleona smiled at the two of them.  “Ah!  This brings back memories.  Kind of makes me wish you could spend a night over at Vermillion Castle with us.”
Teris spun to her.  “Can I?”
“No.” Mereoleona and Nozel said.
Teris refused to look at Nozel instead giving Mereoleona the glared meant for him.
Mereoleona step to Teris, tossing an arm around her shoulder.  “Let’s go.  I have a feeling that between Leon and Nozel the two of us can sit back and let them see you perfectly outfitted.”
Seated in the tea room, Marcellina said.  “It’s a shame Fyntch had business to take care of and couldn’t stay.  You men.  Always working so hard to see your families cared for and supported.”
Leonidas gazed lovingly at his wife.  “Just as you ladies work so diligently to see our family and homes looked after and well ordered.”
“It’s the least we can do.”  Marcellina smiled back, the couple sharing a moment.
Nathyn turned away.  Such open affection was unseemly in his eyes.  Things and talk like that were meant for private moments and even then sparingly so, least they become like the commoners who readily gave into their more feral natures any time they wished with no sign of restraint.
Marcellina turned to Nathyn.  “The boys appear to be getting along.  Then again unlike the two of you, they’ve never had much of a problem in that regard.”
Nathyn looked at Lady Vermillion who gave him one of her kind but playful smiles.
“I tease, my Lord.”  Marcellina said.
“No matter how truthful it is.”  Leonidas said giving the Silva a sideways before focusing back his wife.  “My dear, would you mind checking on Leopold so Nathyn and I can speak alone?”
Marcellina set down her cup and saucer.  Both men rose from their seats. Leonidas offered his hand and helped his wife from her seat.
Nathyn gave a slight bow.  “My Lady.  As always your presence has been a pleasure that is visited upon me too infrequently.”
Marcellina blushed ever so slightly.  “My Lord Silva.  With prose such as that I shall endeavor to have my husband and I rectify this rarity.”
She placed her hand in Nathyn’s outstretched one, smiling shyly as he lifted it to his lips to graze her knuckle with a kiss.
Leonidas watched his wife walk away.  If he didn’t enjoy the sight of her swaying backside and swishing skirts so much he might have never allowed Marcellina to leave his presence.  He turned to Nathyn who stared a moment longer at the closed door.
“You still have it.”  Leonidas declared.
Nathyn’s blue eyes turned the man.  “Still have what?”
Leonidas huffed.  He retook his seat, Nathyn doing the same.  Even when they were younger the cold fool never knew the effect his fine words had on the opposite sex.  As if Nathyn Silva’s handsome face and high rank hadn’t been enough to attract every female.  Eligible or otherwise.
Leonidas recalled a time back in their youth when Nathyn had come to him asking for advice.  A rarity given that they had never gotten along and were only ever together when circumstance demanded.  Back then the young, unmarried Silva had unwittingly piqued the interest of Lady Annsan Denwulf.  An older royal wed to a nobleman's son and heir.  Nathyn had been at a loss at what to do to put an end to the married lady’s persistent attentions.  Especially since Nathyn had been on the same squad as the Lady’s son, Dorien.
Leonidas smiled at the memory of one of the few occasions he had ever seen Nathyn Silva flustered and lacking in confidence.
“Our sons did well completing the Kings request.”  Leonidas said, changing the subject to something the Silva would find less aggravating.  “You should be proud of your boy.  It is he who will get all of the honor and credit tomorrow.”
“As is only fitting since he would have born all of the shame and blame if they had failed.”  Nathyn said.
“I wasn’t complaining, Silva.”
“It’s difficult to tell at times, Vermillion.”
The two men stared at each other.  Leonidas blinked first, not too proud to do so for the sake of peace.  “Nozel deserves all the praise he will get tomorrow.  Commanding my niece alone is a fete that couldn’t have been easy.”
“I’ll admit they both require practice in that arena.”  Nathyn said, speaking of Teris and his son.  “Though I have full faith that Nozel will command her with as firm a hand as required to get Lady Teris to submit.”
“But no firmer than necessary I would hope.  We are speaking of my favored niece.  A child as dear to me as if she were one of my own.” Leonidas said.
Nathyn arched a questioning brow.  “Is that what this is about?  You wish to take the position as the girls father figure?  If so, then get her to behave like a proper young lady.  At the very least stop her from cavorting with that foreign boy from her squad.”
Thinking of the reports he had heard of Teris and the foreigner out on the lawn during his daughters Lava Springs party, Leonidas sighed.  “I admit I was rather displeased and disappointed to hear of that.  Even my Mereoleona, free and unorthodox as she is, wouldn’t entertain a young man so openly.  Still, it seems Teris has either learned her lesson or someone has instructed her on decent, if not proper, romantic decorum.  I haven’t heard anymore murmurings of such instances.  Have you?”
Nathyn scowled.  “That hardly means such things aren’t still being done in private.”
Leonidas rolled his eyes.  “As if you went into your marriage having never felt another's lips.  Teris may be a little too much like my Leona, but she would never give herself fully outside of marriage.  Of that I’m certain.  It’s simply a line the girl would never cross.”
“She belongs to my son.”
“No.” Leonidas countered.  “She will one day belong to your son.  Right now the only claim you and Nozel have on her is that Teris is meant for him.”  He relaxed back into his seat.  “The boy loves her. That much is obvious.  So long as things with the foreigner don’t go too far, Nozel will forgive her this male diversion.  So why not let it be?  It makes her happy.  The poor child has had such little happiness in her life.  And let’s face it, I doubt Teris will experience much joy when finally wed into your family.”
Nathyn took in a steadying breath, calming his rising mana.  Looking across the coffee table, he challenged.  “You would have a problem with this if it were your sons Intended we were discussing.”
“Any Intended meant for my son wouldn’t have to seek out joyful diversions in dread of the day she became a member of my House.” Leonidas said, light tone carrying an dangerous undercurrent.  His forced smile tight, he went on.  “Let us hope that you are not fully successful in turning Nozel into you.  Else I truly will feel for my niece.”
“He’s too soft.”  Nathyn declared.
“I agree he has a lot to learn.  Both our boys do.  At least they are working with and learning together.  Explains their quick rise within the Magic Knights.  Where as you and I often battled to our detriment within the order.”
Nathyn huffed, the usual slight down turn of his lips leveling to a thin line.
“I mean it Nathyn.  Leave the girl and foreign boy be.  I’m watching the matter closely to see that nothing of any sort gets out of hand.”
Nathyn’s eyes narrowed, his lips pulling downward.  As much as he didn’t like the Vermillion telling him what to do, it was Leonidas’ last sentence that was upsetting, if not concerning.  Just how closely was Leonidas watching?  Was he aware of the failed attempt on Yami’s life during the Nine Day War?  Or the money left without word by the Black Bulls Vice Captain?  How long had Leonidas being watching?  Did the Vermillion know of the two previous attempts before this latest debacle?
Leonidas smiled at the Silva’s expression.  “I truly hope we understand each other.  Given this honor your son has won for your House it would be a shame if a controlling, prideful patriarch turned that esteem to not.”
While the Sales Assistant had needed to adjust to not showing the offerings of fine fashionable gowns to the two disinterested royal women and instead try to please the two royal men, it had been an easy adjustment to make.  These weren’t the first high bred customers that had entered where the man had a mind of how he wanted his woman to look and knew what style best pleased him on her frame.  Given what she had heard she was rather surprised Lady Nova was amenable to allowing her Intended to dress her.  She wondered if the two royals had finally submitted to their families intention to see them wed. Such a shame that would be she thought, watching Nozel closely as he tried to decide between two of the remaining riding dresses he and Lord Fuegoleon Vermillion had narrowed it down to.
The Sales Assistant sighed dreamily, wishing that it was her His Highness was outfitting.  A smile crossed her face as she took in Nozel’s form.  Better yet, they could move on the the back of the store and he could outfit her in the lingerie they offered.  She would gladly try it on for him.
She glanced at the bored Lady Nova who occasionally sighed heavily as if it was such a tiresome inconvenience to have two of the highest ranking young royals, both of whom would make any girl stop and stare at their handsome face and figure, picking out such fine dresses for her to wear.  Some girls had all the luck and didn’t even realize or appreciate it, she thought bitterly.
“This one will look better.”  Nozel said.
“And she’ll be able to move about easier in the other.”  Fuegoleon said.  He crossed his arms and looked at the Silva.  “It’s a riding dress.  Comfort and maneuverability are more important than mere appearance.”
“If this wasn’t for a court gathering I might agree with you.  But it is and I’m picking this one.”  Nozel told.
“Since this is a birthday gift from the Vermillion's, what you pick has little bearing.”  Fuegoleon said, tersely.
“Teris.” Nozel called over his shoulder.
“Are we done?”  Teris called back, sitting up.
Lounging beside her, eyes closed, Mereoleona muttered.  “I hope so.  Pretty sure it’s almost time to head back and get ready for dinner.”
“Almost.” Fuegoleon assured.  “Come here, please.”
Without looking at the Sales Assistant, Nozel ordered.  “Hold the dress up to her.”
“I’m bored.”  Teris complained, making her way over to them.  She had never liked shopping.  Shopping for fancy clothes that were meant for her were definitely off her list of enjoyable activities.  She pulled away when a sales girl held something before her.
“Stand still.  Fuegoleon snapped.
“And straight.”  Nozel added, looking her over appraisingly.
Teris made a face, but did as the two men bid.
Nozel’s eyes slid to Fuegoleon, brow raised.
Fuegoleon look Teris over a moment then nodded.  “You’re right.”
“I know.”  Nozel said, turning away.  He took it as an insult that the Vermillion had doubted his knowing what looked best on his Intended.
“Is that it?”  Teris asked, wanting to go back and sit, or better yet return to Silva Castle.
Nozel nodded as the Assistant took up the boots and accessories that he had picked to go with the outfit.
“If I can have my Lady’s measurements I will have these altered and boxed within the hour.”  The Sales Assistant said pulling a quill and paper out for Teris to write her numbers on.
Teris blinked at the woman.  “I haven’t a clue.”
Nozel sighed.  Before he could stop himself had rattled off Teris’ measurements.  The Sales Assistant caught herself staring.  She quickly turned around, jotting the numbers down and busied herself with boxing the accessories.
Fuegoleon’s expression held a mixture of displeasure and amusement.
Nozel cleared his throat and added lamely.  “I would guess.”
Teris felt both angry and embarrassment.  She felt exposed.  Examined.  She felt like a thing.  She wanted to walk out and not look back.  She wanted to head to the back and have the store clerk take her measurements, sickly interested in how accurate Nozel’s guess was. Mana.  She hoped it was a guess.  It had to have been a guess, she told herself.  How else would he have gotten a hold of her measurements?  It wasn’t that she was embarrassed about the numbers.  It was that Nozel somehow knew something so personal.  More than that, he had spoken the numbers with such confidence and ease as if he were already her husband.  Which she had made clear, time and again, he would never be.
Teris saw a tape measure on the counter and grabbed it.  Lashing it like a whip, she spun on a heel and marched to the changing room.  Nozel mindful to keep his eyes averted from her.
Fuegoleon smirked at his cousins behavior.  He turned a stern eye on Nozel.  “I had a few choice words for you.  But I think Teris will have more than enough so I’ll save my breath.  What were you thinking?  How do you even know a thing like that?”
“I have a good eye.”  Nozel said simply.  He looked Fuegoleon over and rattled off the Vermillion’s measurements.
“Impressive. I’d be quick to mention that and prove it when she comes back. Not that it’ll spare you from much.”  Fuegoleon told.
It wasn’t long before Teris exited the changing room.  Her shoulder rammed into Nozel as she passed making her way for the door. Mereoleona got to her feet.
“Teris?” She called after her cousin.  The Crimson Lions Captain looked over at Nozel and her brother wondering what they had done to upset her this time.
Fuegoleon watched his sister follow Teris out.  He looked at Nozel and shook his head in sympathetic amusement.  Stepping to the counter, he signed the bill of sale and instructed the Clerk on when and where he wanted everything delivered.
Mereoleona stepped beside Teris who had stopped at a nearby fountain.  “What’s the matter, Little One?”
Picking at a hangnail, Teris mumbled.  “Nozel knew my measurements.”
Mereoleona shrugged.   “That’s not surprising.  Lord Silva has a mathematical eye.  It’s somewhat expected one of his children would inherent the same.”  She smiled and told.  “My Mother once said that when they were younger Lord Silva’s favorite party trick was to guess how many mixed nuts were in a bowel.  She said that he was never off by more than two and that was only when he had a few too many drinks.  Father told me that Lord Nathyn helped him in sizing Mother’s betrothal ring and when it came time to put it on her finger it fit perfectly.  Said that as happy as he was to have it fit, to this day he doesn’t like it when Mother wears her betrothal ring because it reminds him of Lord Silva’s help.”
Teris relaxed somewhat at that.  Maybe that’s all it was.  It was something similar to how she could remember the words to every song she had ever heard, even if only once.  Or how she could sometimes guess the next few words from a versus or chores she hand never heard.  As useless as it was, it was occasionally a fun gift to have. If Nozel was indeed like his father, his gift would be a whole lot more useful.  Knowing that about him actually explained a lot.  Like how Nozel was able to step back and surmise the weakest point of cell for Fuegoleon, Randall, Zara, and him to focus on.  Or how he had known just what pace to set to get them to the next camp point.
Mereoleona looked over at her.  “You’re no vain girl that would be upset about something like that.  What’s really bugging you?”
“I only have two more years left.”  Teris said, the weight of it causing her shoulders to slump.
Teris’ head snapped up.  “And!”
“That troublesome brute of yours will follow you anywhere.”  Mereoleona said with a shrug.
“I don’t want to go anywhere.  The Clover Kingdom isn’t perfect but it’s better than most.  It’s my home.  I love it.”
“Then let that muscly mess of a man fight Fyntch to free you from your family and duty.”  Mereoleona said, simply.
“Who says it’ll be Fyntch?  If Julius--”
“Julius will never fight Yami.  He’s put too much work and effort into that kid to kill him.  Besides, Julius would never do anything to force you into a future you didn’t want.”  Mereoleona pinched Teris’ cheek.  “He adores you too much for that.”
Teris pulled her face away.
Mereoleona dropped her hand.  “Julius will work something out.  You can count on that.  Your little Lord of Destruction won’t have to face him.”
“I don’t want Yami to have to face anyone.”  Teris said.
Mereoleona didn’t know if her cousin was stating what her perfect world looked like, or if Teris was still that young, foolish, and hopeful.  “I know it’s you birthday in a couple days, Little One.  But you can’t have all the things.”
“I don’t want all the things.”  Teris said, fiercely.  “I’m ready and willing to lose my name, title, and all that comes with it when it’s time.”
“Even us?”  Mereoleona asked.
“That’s the only thing I’ll miss.”  Teris said, finding it difficult to keep the other woman’s gaze.
Mereoleona clasped Teris’ shoulder.  “Don’t worry.  You won’t lose me. Well you will once Leon’s ready to become Captain, but so will everyone else cause I’m getting out of here.”
“Where are you going?”
“We’re talking about you here.”  Mereoleona put her other hand on Teris’ other shoulder, holding both of them.  “Now I need you to listen and heed what I tell you cause it’s important.”
“Alright.” Teris said, uncertainly.
“No.” Mereoleona shook her head.  “No tentative, alright's.  I said this was important.”
“Okay. I’m listening.”
Mereoleona looked at the younger girl lifting her eyebrows.  “And heeding.  I need you to really listen and take in what I have to say.”
Teris gave a nervous smile.  “Leona.  You’re starting to scare me.”
“Good. Cause this is so important it is scary.  Are you listening?”
Teris nodded.
“You got of stop worrying about this stuff.  Whether you leave or stay. If that big lug fights on your behalf or not.  There’s nothing you can do about any of that right now.  Not with two year left to go. So don’t think about it.  Put it out of your head and enjoy the here and now.  With all that’s going on who knows what will happen between then and now.  Hell, Fyntch or Lord Nathyn could die.  You or Yami could die.  Nozel could--”
“Please stop saying ‘die’.”  Teris begged.
“You get my point.”  Mereoleona went on.  “Enjoy these next few days and the ones after.  Relish your ranking friends and family.  Well, maybe not Fyntch.  He is a bit of a prat.  But I do include Nozel in that.  If—when you get what you want.  Even if you don’t get it exactly as you want.  All of this changes, if it doesn’t go away forever.  Even if and when you become Knights Commander.  Which I am as certain you’ll achieve as I am of Julius becoming Wizard King.” She looked at her cousin affectionately.  “The relationships.  The close friendship you have with those two boys back in that store will never be the same.  There will be strain and tension and hurt feelings.  And that strain, anger, and hurt will always be there on some level no matter how much time passes or how well those feelings are hidden.”
Teris lowered her head fighting back the hurt, anger, and fear her cousins words brought to the surface.
Mereoleona chucked a finger under Teris’ chin.  “Don’t look so down.  You still got two years left to have a lifetime of fun and laughs with those two boys.  I’m telling you this so you don’t waste it. Consider it my birthday gift to you.”
Mereoleona knocked on her father's study door.
“Enter.” Leonidas Vermillion called.  “Ah, Leona, my dear.  What are you doing up so late?”
“Just because I’m here doesn’t mean work doesn’t follow.” Mereoleona said, speaking of her duties as the Crimson Lions Captain. She sat before her father's desk.  “What about you?”
“The Magic Knights aren’t the only ones dealing with extra work. Drink?”  Leonidas offered, getting up and moving to the bureau behind his desk that bore several decanted spirits.
Having more work to see to, Mereoleona shook her head.  “No, thanks.  You shouldn’t either.  Mother will smell it on you and scold.”
“I can handle your Mother.”  Leonidas said, pouring himself a fingers worth instead of the two he had planned before his daughters words.
“Did you speak to Lord Silva?”  Mereoleona asked.
Leonidas returned to the chair, sighing as he sat.  “I told you I would. However did you learn Nathyn hired men to kill Teris’ young friend?”
Mereoleona recalled Bronn telling her the truth of things after Yami was found unharmed after he had been taken by a dimensional spell.  She had almost gone to confront Nathyn Silva herself; and likely would have if she hadn’t been fighting in a war.  Yami had been under her command at the time.  She had been responsible for him.  More than that, Yami was a Magic Knight.  As much as the squads might bicker and fight, they were one unit.  One family.  If anyone from the outside threatened one them they may as well have threatened every Magic Knight.  Their lives were dangerous enough as if was.  They didn’t need anyone getting ideas to make it more so.  Thanks to the war, Mereoleona had been forced to wait.  The passing time had calmed her enough to think with a clearer head which had led her to the decision of going to her father.
“I’d rather not say.”  Mereoleona told her father.  She didn’t see how telling him would get Bronn in trouble.  But she also didn’t see how telling her father would make a difference.
Having his fair share of secrets, Leonidas didn’t press.  “Well, Nathyn won’t be sending people after that boy again.  Not if he knows what’s good for his family’s image or has any hope of Nozel and Teris making their marriage work.”
Mereoleona looked sadly at her father.  “She’s not going to marry him, Papa. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
Leonidas shook his head.  “I refuse to believe she won’t.  The thought of having to turn away from that girl wounds me too much.”
“You don’t have to.  I won’t be.”
“Don’t tell me your future plans to ignore my instructions.  And you know full well that I must and will if Teris indeed refuses to follow her family’s commands.  I don’t live for my needs and desires, Leona. I have a duty to this family.  To House Vermillion.  To the King and this kingdom.”
Mereoleona sat forward and inquired.  “Then why speak to Silva at all?  Why not let him do as he wishes and rid this kingdom of a dirty foreigner who’s messing around with a royal girl far above his station?”
Taking a sip of his drink, Leonidas drawled.  “Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re having fun or truly being adversarial.”
“It’s no wonder when sometimes I can’t tell myself.”  Mereoleona admitted, sitting back.
“Let us say Teris does as she’s told and weds Nozel.  She doesn’t love him and while she might learn to, it will be a rough few first years for her as Lady Silva.  If Nozel is incapable of bringing her to heel I have no doubt that Nathyn will step in and his methods will be far less tender and caring.”
“And you’re okay with that?”  Mereoleona asked.  “A girl you claim to love like your own daughter--”
“But Teris isn’t my daughter.”  Leonidas interjected.  “I may be the third highest man of this land but even I have limits on what I’m able to do.  Especially when faced against the second ranking man of the kingdom.”
While Leonidas didn’t have major issue admitting the truth of his limitations as His Royal Highness Lord Vermillion to Mereoleona, he didn’t like seeing the look of disappointment in his daughters eyes.  Apparently his children thought him able of any and everything he wished and were crestfallen every time he told them that it wasn’t true.  At least Fuegoleon as his heir, was beginning to understand his limitations, and hardly ever looked at him as Mereoleona did now.
“Teris deserves some happiness.”  Leonidas said, telling her the same thing he had told Nathyn.  “Whether she submits and weds Nozel.  Or refuses and deals with whatever consequences that decision brings her way.  It will still be a tough adjustment for her.  So yes.  After what you told me, I spoke with Silva to ensure she has a couple joyful years before this mess comes to a head.  Besides,” he shook his head in disgust, “hiring gangs to kill that foreign boy.  Nasty business that.  Nathyn should be ashamed of himself.  He had no right attempting such a thing.  He over stepped his bounds.”
“I’m not so sure he’d agree.”
“I don’t give a damn if Nathyn Silva agrees.”  Leonidas stormed. “Teris is his sons Intended.  That is all.  Her behavior and going on's are not for him to sway or tamper with.  If there’s something he doesn’t like he should speak with Fyntch, or Julius.  Hell, even speak with me.  But to try to have that young man killed, not once but twice that you’re aware of, simply because he doesn’t approve of Teris’ dealings with him.  This Yami Sukehiro is a Third Class Senior Magic Knight for mana’s sake!”
“And soon to be co-Vice Captain of the Black Bulls.”  Mereoleona added.
Leonidas raised an eyebrow.  “Truly.”
She nodded, happy that her effort to distract and calm her father had worked so easily.  “From what I understand Yami and Teris are to become co-Vice Captain's once the current Black Bulls Vice Captain retires to marry.”
Leonidas chuckled, heartily.  “Silva certainly won’t like that.  But maybe between my words and this Yami’s new rank, Nathyn will cease these tasteless attempts.”
Fuegoleon hadn’t meant to eavesdrop.  He had only gotten up to get a glass of warm milk after trying and failing to get to sleep for over an hour and a half.  But after what he’d just heard he didn’t think anything would help him sleep.
From down the hall he had seen light coming from his father’s half opened study door and decided that instead of fetching some milk he would offer his assistance with whatever his father was working on. As training for one day becoming the head of the royal House Vermillion his father often sent him work to do.  Fuegoleon was even charged with overseeing three of their pieces of land.  But with the war, his father had stopped sending him work and had taken over managing those properties in Fuegoleon’s place.
This morning his father had told his responsibilities for the three properties would continue once the festivities were over and he returned to the Crimson Lions base.  Even though his duties as a Magic Knight would still demand more time and attention then usual until the gangs and such could be beaten back into place, Fuegoleon had been glad to have his familial duties returned.
After hearing his father and sister, Fuegoleon walked swiftly back to his quarters.  He quietly closed and locked both the outer and inner doors of his chambers.  Running a shaky hand over his forehead, he tried to comprehend what he had just heard.  Lord Silva had hired people to kill Yami.  And not just once but twice.
He didn’t like his cousin’s close relationship with Yami, or the liberties he knew Teris allowed the man.  But that was far from a reason to kill him.  His father had been right in his tempered outrage.  Nathyn Silva had no right to attempt such a thing.  Teris was Nozel’s Intended, nothing more.  Until the two were properly betrothed neither Nozel or his father had any claim or authority over her.  Even after they were betrothed the Silva’s say wouldn’t be much.  Certainly not enough to permanently remove a person from Teris’ life by hiring people to kill.  Who would even considered such a thing?  Let alone followed through with it.  What kind of person hired people to take another's life?
Fuegoleon felt himself go cold.  Was this what it meant to a patriarch of a royal House?  He knew his father held the lives and well-being of countless people in his hand.  But he had never thought his father viewed those lives as expendable.  Sure people had died in their service to him or the family.  But Lord Leonidas Vermillion had always seen that the surviving family were given a large sum and well looked after.  Fuegoleon couldn’t imagine his father capable of ordering someones death.  Their Imprisonment and execution maybe. But those were open, lawful things.  Hiring some gang to murder someone was something completely different.  Something he had never imagined a royal doing.  Such deeds were what thugs did.
No. Fuegoleon corrected himself.  Such deeds were what thugs were hired to do.  But who did the hiring?  The thought that is was people like Lord Silva and his father troubled him.  The fact that he was lumping his father in with Lord Silva’s terrible deed simply because the two were both patriarchs and close in rank disturbed him further still.  But if Silva had done such a thing for something as simple as not liking Yami’s close connection with Teris, when Yami was a high ranking Magic Knight, it was almost certainly sure that Nozel’s father had hired such gangs for other reasons in the past.  And if that were so, what was to say that his own father hadn’t done likewise.  Fuegoleon couldn’t fathom a reason that would cause a man as honorable and caring as Leonidas Vermillion to do such a thing.  He knew his father had killed before.  His father had once been a Magic Knight where death and killing was sadly a somewhat regular occurrence.  Even so, Fuegoleon couldn’t picture it.  For some reason, despite knowing otherwise, he didn’t think his father the type of man capable of taking a life.  Then again he thought the same about Nozel even though he had seen different with his own eyes more than once on the battlefield.
Nozel! Fuegoleon jolted, his hands and face becoming clammy.  Did Nozel know of Lord Silva’s attempts?  If so, when had Nozel known?  He knew Nozel wanted to see Yami dead.  That his threat of one day overseeing Yami’s execution was far from an empty one.  What if Nozel had had enough of Yami’s teasing and inciting his anger? What if Nozel had had enough imagining what Teris and Yami got up to? Imagining what allowances she afforded Yami when she wouldn’t even accept a single kiss from Nozel.  Could it be that Nozel had been the one to make the suggestion to Lord Nathyn?  Fuegoleon didn’t think so; but up until a few moments ago he didn’t think Nathyn Silva, an upstanding royal and next in line for the throne, the type to hire assassins.
Writing isn’t just a love.  It’s my only real outlet.  And being able to connect with other people, bringing someone enjoyment through what little I can actually do has been a HUGE brightspot for me.  So THANK YOU to everyone who has ever commented, reblogged, or left an ask.
Next chapter snippet:
Yami’s jaw clenched at that.  He wasn’t sure he believed all this primordial forces business but he knew Alowishus and his Agents of Crazies did.  All Yami was willing to admit at the moment was there was something more to all of this than rare, strong magic.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
marry me?
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Title: marry me?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff: engagement
Rating: G
Tags: none that I can think of, kissing, taking shots, proposals, getting down on one knee, saying yes to the rest of your forever.
Mentioning: @sweetness47
Created for @spnfluffbingo
Fluff list   part 1   part 2   part 3
by this point you have had an amazing almost 2 years. fell head over heels with a man who makes you feel like your more than just a top notch ace reporter. 
you confessed your feelings for said man at a wedding you were supposed to be covering not making a huge fool of yourself. your best friend well she had also found love, hers wasnt as vaste as yours but she got the other half of a very stunning package. 
the article written by your best friend Beth became your new fave article. though you still wrote fabulous wedding articles, that story put beth on the article map. your editor loved it, loved the entire scope, the plot, everything. 
she also enjoyed meeting the men who had enriched both yours and beth’s lives. Jensen and Jared the two men who had stolen your hearts, had decided that you both were important enough to keep. 
what you didnt know is that on this day the anniversary of when you had first met Jensen would be the day that your life would change once more. this time a bit more drastically i suppose the story shall continue from hence forth. 
we pick up in the penthouse you and Jensen are living in, both of you preparing for date night. well double date night anyway. it was the one thing both couples could agree to do, once a week both couples went on a double date. it was that easy. 
Jensen knew you had just finished your shower, he didnt care he was having trouble finding what he wanted to wear.
Jensen: hey babe, where is my dark navy faded jeans?
YN: on top of the dresser in the pile of clothes you still need to put away.
jensen: oh umm right silly me. 
YN: do you want me to wear my hair up or down?
Jensen: half and half, its gonna be a magical day. one that has been planned for a while now. one that we both will not soon forget. 
now you were really curious, he said this had been planned for a while… what the hell could the surprise be. 
YN: why do i not get to know where we are going?
Jensen: cause that would spoil the fun of the surprise. now ive laid out your outfit on the bed hurry up we have a schedule to keep. 
YN: schedule. babe we have never had any kind of schedule other than when you are filming. so what are you planning? and why this outfit? 
Jensen comes over to you and kisses you to get you to stop talking. thats when he pulled back looking at you with smiling faces. 
Jensen: so curious babe, why cant you just enjoy the surprise for once. 
YN: fine ill put it on and enjoy whatever you have planned. but im gonna say this you better have something extra special planned otherwise you will have me to deal with.
Jensen: never fear babe i will always have lots of surprises for you from this day forth. now what kind of mischief can we get into if you dont put on your outfit. or do you want me to put it on you?
YN: I can do it but it’s just I haven’t used this outfit since our anniversary last year.. Why do I need to wear it again, not that I’m complaining…
Jensen: just do it and when we get into the car i have to blindfold you and cover your ears so that way you dont spoil the rest of the surprise. 
now you were curiouser, this made you pull Jensen onto the bed and pin him there… 
YN: why do you insist on tormenting me like this? 
Jensen could only smile as he flipped you onto the bottom as he held you there. 
Jensen: cause its fun now hurry up and get ready we are gonna be late.
the following happened like this:
you finish getting ready
both you and jensen walk out of the apartment and down to a limo where jared and beth are waiting. 
beth and you both are curious as you both are blindfolded and ears are covered before you both are allowed to exit the vehicle. 
once Jared and Jensen knew it was safe for you both to see and hear again they were to remove the blindfolds and earplugs. 
you both are revealed to be in the airport. you both plea to your men but they instead of saying anything give you both money to go and buy anything from the boutiques. 
you both come back with another backpack and a whole bunch of things. random objects, but ones that would provide great entertainment later on. come fancy things in case of whatever your boyfriends had planned. 
then Jared and Jensen ear plugged you both when the flight number was called. though they had spoken to the flight attendant when you both were gone, told them of their plan, told them that you both would have ear pluggs in when you both board. 
both you and beth still oblivious, as the boys remove the ear plugs as the plane takes off. thats when it made you both question really badly. Where your boys were taking you.
the flight wasn’t long but one of the boys sat in the aisle then the respective girl would sit beside then so on and so forth. The one on the end would get informed when it was time to blindfold and ear plug you both again. 
 Sure enough you both were unsure of how much time had passed, but eventually one of the flight attendants came round and whispered something to the guy on the end. It was ear plug and blindfold time again. 
You both didn’t question when the guys did their handy work of blindfold and earplug it wasnt like you were strangers to it. Jared and jensen led you both off the plane, through the busy airport and into the taxi landing bay. 
They unplugged both your ears. 
Jared: in a moment we will take off your blindfolds but first we want you both to listen to the sounds. What do you both hear.? 
You and Beth listened very carefully to the sounds around you both. 
YN: people talking 
Beth: something about taxis so we are definitely on a taxi landing of some kind. 
Yn: the smell in the air is familiar. Wait a minute. I think I know where we are I just hope I’m right. 
Jensen: you both may step forward and remove your blindfolds. I guarantee you both that where we are is gonna be a fun spot for all of us. 
You and Beth remove your blindfolds, your eyes land on the sight before you of a place where your story had began all those years ago. 
Yn: you did this? 
Jensen: happy anniversary sweetheart! Now we need to find a taxi or a ride or something. 
You look around and you start walking toward the person at the small stand near by. 
Yn: excuse me sir, I was wondering if you had any cars available to rent? 
Rental dude: what kind of car were you looking for? 
Yn: do you have anything sporty but easy to get in and out of? 
Rental dude: what about a lack 2021 jeep wrangler Rubicon unlimited 4x4? 
Yn: can you show it to me? 
The guy flips round his monitor and shows you the car, you whistle and the others bring the bags to where you are. 
Yn: babe can I use the card? 
Jensen: what kind of vehicle are we getting. 
Yn: you will see. Now sir, do I need to sign anything. 
The rental guy laid out papers told you to sign/ initial at the spots marked with “x” that’s what you did. Then he handed you the papers in an envelope, the license plates and insurance for the vehicle and then sent you guys to the spot where the vehicle was. 
You led your boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend to the vehicle. Their eyes went wide as they loaded the bags into the jeep. 
Jensen: babe this is style. But whose driving? 
Yn: me silly cause I have a feeling I know where we are staying. The place where we spent our vacation together.
Jensen: correct, now everyone in the vehicle so we can get this show on the road. commence vacation immeidately.
everyone piled into the vehicle and you began to slowly pull out of the parkade. you hit the highway and sped up, within 45 min you were pulling into the resort. you told the guard that your reservation was under Ackles. 
the guard handed you a packet with park passes, roomkeys, parking pass and your receipt. along with the list of nearby stores, and the hours for the resorts amenities. and then opened the gate for you to drive through. 
upon arriving at the parking space you handed a room key to Beth discovering it was a side by side. this vacay just got a whole lot better. 
You all seperated into accommodations to settle in. 
Jensen: I have made reservations at gastons where we shared that big plate of nachos and grab us some champagne to celebrate the start of our vacation!
YN: i like that idea. i wanna get out of these shoes first. i want to put on something more suited for walking in the parks that wont kill my feet. these heels will kill my feet from walking through the park. 
you sat down to take off your heels but Jensen was now kneeling by your feet undoing them for you. he placed gentle kisses on your legs as he removed the shoes from your feet. 
he then slid on your slip on runners. he smiled as he got off the floor, helped you up and he spun you around like the love struck man he was. you had no idea what was about to happen but you were gonna enjoy yourself. 
now in comfy shoes you and jensen head to meet up with jared and beth as you all head to the car and head off to main street magic kingdom. To where you and jensen first met. Course ya know it was also to enjoy the fireworks and eat the nachos and such as well.
you look around still amazed by everything you see around you. but you are the way Jensen kept looking at you was what made you feel normal. like the disaster at the wedding of Misha and vic didnt almost ruin your reputation. 
your vacation was finally in the bag, your happiness was now in sight. your new life awaited but nothing would prepare you for events of the future. upon your arrival to Gastons tavern, Jensen had started talking to the waitress, she took something from him and smiled as she led you all to a booth.
Jensen could not help but smile, all he could do was smile. he was beyond excited for what he was about to do.
waitress: welcome to Gaston’s is this your first time here?
Jensen: for me and the lady across from me no, but the other 2 yes. can we get 4 rounds of your finest house shots right away, and 4 glasses of your finest champagne and bring the item. on a tray with the shots.
waitress: coming up sir. your shots will be out in a moment.
thankfully for jensen you were too engaged in conversation with Beth and Jared to hear what jensen had discussed with the waitress. Jensen placed his arm around your shoulders, his own breathing shifted, he was nervous about what was about to happen.
Jensen: ah good shots. we each get one i have a toast to make. but ill make the toast after we take the shots. now i dont know whats in these but they are sure to be good. on 3.
You all swig back your shots, Jensen kisses you after you both have downed yours. Then Jensen turns to you and smiles as he gets up from his seat and whistles to get the restaurants attention.
Jensen: I invite you all to bare witness to this momentous occasion. Me and my girlfriend are celebrating 2 years together this very day. I have to know YN did I mention that I'm in love with you.
That's when music starts playing. And jensen begins to sing.
Jensen: I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked and now I live just for you and I won't ever stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done you have got me down on one knee.
You look down and see Jensen kneeling in front of you.
Jensen: it's us against the world, us against those who are jealous, those who dare to throw outrageous accusations our way or print stuff that isnt true. now and evermore i will have the most gorgeous woman on my arm. Will you do me the honor of marrying me.?
The entire restaurant now looking at you as Jensen unveiled the 24k rose gold emerald cut diamond ring surrounded by yours and Jensen's birthstones.
You begin nodding your head before your mouth would let you speak.
Yn: yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!
You felt the cool metal ring slide around your finger as Jensen helped you off your seat and kissed you in front of the entire restaurant.
Lifting both your hands in the air he then yelled.
Jensen: shots for the entire restaurant on me. She said yes!!!
Then he turned to you and you leaned in his ear.
Yn: descendants 3 proposal nice touch.
Jensen: thanks to our best friends for helping set this up.
the hugs and congratulations poured in from everyone in the tavern. it wasnt till a few hours later as well as several shots and drinks later that you, jensen, beth and Jared all exited and went to watch the fireworks. 
the moment of yours and jensen’s first kiss under the fireworks was just recreated. you and jensen waited till the first firework cracked lighting up the sky before creating once more your first kiss. 
~to be continued~
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 4)
A/N: I was on vacay for a while and I had a hard time thinking the plot through but this could work. If you want to be tagged, just ask me uwu
Summary (for the entire series Ofc) : You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Word count: 2148
Tags: None
Warnings: Mentions of drinking. And some angst, yet again *sigh*
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Parallel to the nature of the grimace present on your face shrouded by the umbra of the umbrella, the thunderclouds become bleaker and unwelcoming, complimenting the harsh pour of the rain on the city. In your mind, it could just get worse.
You tighten your grasp on the stem of your umbrella, the pressure of your grip making the veins in your wrist visible. To think you were enthused to spill the news to him, only to end up feigning the real one because you couldn't bring yourself to accept what must be.
You know he loves you, he loves you so much. He tells you 24/7. But that love is purely limited to hugs, small arguments, spontaneous fits of laughter, gentle pats on the back and forehead kisses. Compared to the almost spiritual connection he has with his fiancee. You've known and been around him longer than you could remember and yet, you're always several steps behind.
Well how else does platonic love compare to something romantic and sexual?
You stop in your tracks just half way through the wet sidewalk and stare at your reflection on a puddle beneath you. The tears dripping from your cheeks making bigger ripples on the puddle in contrast to the ones made by the rain. You sniffle, wiping your eyes quickly with your sleeve.
You hear a faint ring from your pocket and pull out your phone, seeing Lucy's name flash on the screen. You swipe the answer button and go on walking along the moist pavements.
"Hey Luce!" You blurt to hide the cracks in your voice.
"Y/N! Where are you right now? I just got back from a photoshoot and I want to hang out with you!" She giggles through the line and you keep your eyes ahead.
"Well I'm walking back home-"
"In the rain? You could get sick!"
"Lucy, relax. I'm covered up."
She sighs in relief, chuckling at her little mistake. "Sorry there. But mind if I stop by at your place?"
You don't think twice before answering, feeling the need to have some company. "Of course. Hurry up, I'm almost home." You aren't though, you're a dozen blocks away from your destination but you kind of want her to be there just in time for you to...vent.
You hear an audible slam echo from the line, almost coming off as a car door slammed close. "I'm on the road, I'll see you, Y/N!" You hum in response, your mouth curving slightly to the side. "You too, Lucy. Drive safely."
She bids you adieu for the meantime and you pick up your pace along the streets, careful not to glide recklessly over moist surfaces. The rain is not going to lighten very soon, you're sure of it.
As soon as you step foot into your living room after drying off, you are welcomed by a laid-back version of Lucy seated on the couch with a can of Mountain Dew in hand. You chuckle softly at how mellow she's positioned during such a weather, even more so at her choice of beverage.
"You're late." She shakes her head at you, pretending to be upset.
You shrug out of your coat and drape it over your shoulder, trudging to her and crouching down to hug her. "I am so sorry I left almost too quickly last night though."
She pats your back, letting a 'tsk' slip past her lips. "You are lucky Gwilym was there to accompany me."
"Hmm, he's not mad at Joe and me, is he? " Pulling away, you joke a little to cheer yourself up.
"No," she takes a sip of her can and puts it on the table, "in fact he's furious." This could be a little enlightening, a chat with Lucy to shed a beam of light on your mood. You take a seat next to her and begin your conversation. It's not much except that it's full of what happened at her photoshoot, the promotions she is required to attend, a few people she's had a little beef with and apparently her planned getaway with Rami to France. The topic is almost unilateral but you always take genuine interest in everything she says. Notwithstanding the fact that she constantly groans at the mention of the situations she underwent, you both still take a laugh out of it.
It's Lucy, she's a fascinating person with a fascinating life. You sometimes even wish you had her glam and eye for fashion.
She moves a lock of her blonde hair away from her forehead and looks at you curiosly. "Okay enough about me, what went on with you this week?"
You shrug, in an attempt to recall anything at all. "Not much. New Year's was a blast and last night's party was another thing," you turn your glance to your shoes, a frail smirk ghosting on your lips, eventually turning into a hopeful beam as your acceptance into the medical school flashes in your mind, "and... I got accepted into the medical school I applied for."
Lucy's eyes snap wide open at the news. "Shut up," she grabs you by the shoulders and gapes at you with eyes sparkling like they just found a heap of treasure, "you applied for medical school?" The slight disbelief and utter amazement can never be any clearer in her voice.
You nod happily and without warning, Lucy pulls you in for a tight hug, squealing at your success. "Oh my god, that's amazing! When did you get the letter? Have you told anyone?"
"I was sent an email from the institution this morning and told my parents and Joe about it soon after."
Lucy shifts on the couch, sliding her hands over her lap. "Which medical school though?"
"It's outside the country."
"Have you told Ben? "
With her question still hanging in thin air, you pause for a while before turning your head to her, shaking it slowly.
You stand up and head for the kitchen to grab a glass of water, your action confusing Lucy. "Y/N, are you okay?" She asks and you return on cue with your glass in hand. You let out a soft exhale and descend onto the couch. "I just...dont want to make him worry."
"Worry and Ben aren't exactly two words that mingle well. Solely in the context of a great news such as your acceptance."
"Of course, but I don't know how long I'll be gone." You notice your voice dwindle down to a whisper with the cast of your gaze to the side. The look on your face is deciphered by Lucy who's somehow adept at reading expressions, the blank that is your face making it easier for her.
And she suddenly knows what those furrowed brows mean. "There's something you're not telling me, Y/N. Just say it. I mean...even if you don't say it, I already hinted at it." She slides a hand over yours and you slowly turn to her, your expression becoming mildly stark. Of course she'd have a guess and it's only fair that she knows, she could help you get over it.
Your lips part but quiver as you try to find the right words. "I love him."
Lucy's gentle hold turns into a light squeeze, an indication of her comforting you. Her lips curve into a tender yet sad smile as she draws you in close again.
No matter how hard you're trying to let the tears fall, it just doesn't. It hurts but your tears aren't present to highlight that churning burn. Against all the odds to have them resurface in your eyes, you dip your head onto her shoulder and just squeeze your eyes shut. You mumble languidly on how it was an impulse to lie about your acceptance to Ben after he had broken the news about his engagement to you and soon after you had the thought that he would slowly forget about you once he and Rosy marry, and that your friendship wouldn't matter in the long run. As the decision that it'd be best if you go without him knowing, thinking it would make it easier for you to move on.
Lucy clears your face of your hair strands, staring at this once hidden,broken side of you. "I'm so sorry. I know this might not change a thing but you must tell him. He would never forget you, you're like the first person on his mind when he needs someone to talk to."
"Rosy's his life-"
"Y/N, don't demote yourself to a third party. You're more than what she is in his life," a brief pause from Lucy followed by a heartwarming emphasis, "you're his soulmate."
That word always meant something different to you. It involved a deep,romantic relationship but with how Lucy uttered it, it now means something entirely new. But you can't bring yourself to believe it. It's not a concept that can suture the gaping cut left in you.
With the little emotional strength left in you, you smile, launching at her with another hug as a requital to her presence during a time as this.
"I know it hurts...but- bloody, that's what love does to everyone."
--- (Apparent time skip 👀)
Amidst the hectic schedule your job has burdened you with throughout another week, never once have you faltered in between. You've gotten tons of invites to get-togethers during your weekend from friends yet out of the fear of losing all concentration on your duties, you turned them down politely. The second week of a new year means a new batch of spine-cracking, workload for everyone with jobs.
You're doing all this to save up for med school and it's something you tend to prioritize first and foremost. And regarding med school, you are to leave a month before enrollment to ensure your documents are in tacked and get served first. Since a few days before first semester arrives, enrollees would be lining up from different backgrounds and classes would be heavily filled. You have weeks left before your departure...and still, you haven't told Ben the truth...or talked to him in days, at least. For all you know, he could be on a tour, at a conference, an awards ceremony that you don't know of- certainly not the Oscars since you've been told that it's scheduled on February. He's probably busy enough to have other things in mind.
You discard the distraction and go about your business in your work area, with the intention of letting it purposefully distract you.
Minutes close to your dismissal, one of your co-workers strut in to invite you to have a drink with them. You could do no more than turn her down politely but with regards to the strain you've put yourself in with work, she insists and demands that you don't hesitate.
"But-" You try to protest, only to fail as she cuts you off. "I beg of you. Just for tonight."
You lightly clap your hands on the desk, springing from your chair with your head lightly tilted to one side. You turn your head to the wall clock on your far left and bob your head. "Do we leave now?"
"Most certainly. Come on!"
You haven't sped out of the building that fast with your colleagues before, not that it's not the first time but it certainly feels like it with how relieved you feel to go out. You needed a distraction from your personal ordeal and you got it, in the form of a night out for a drink.
You hit the pub that's just right across the street for the sake of convenience, half expecting your night to turn out eventful. A light buzz from your pocket stops you halfway into the entrance and slightly indisposed, you fish your phone out from your pocket, holding up your index finger at one of your colleagues to take the message you've received. They stride in ahead of you as you read the message, a little surprised to know Joe's back in London in the favor of Lucy who had asked him to come back. He's asked you out for a dinner with his friend but you tell him you're out for a drink with your colleagues, to which he replies with, "Mind if we join you then?"
And of course, you invite him over. Traipsing through the near rayless place to find your friends, hilariously realizing you're walking to the beat of the music coming from the speakers, you do a double-take at the table to your near left, quickly covering your face and speeding away to continue your search as the sight of Ben with his mates and Rosy ruins the first half of your evening.
What a distraction from a distraction.
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atlas-of-space · 5 years
Life with Tom - blurb
SUMMARY: just some sweet moments between you and Tom. How you met, what you’re doing now and some insights in your future together
WARNINGS: just some swear words here and there, some mentions of the devil’s tango™
“Hi sweetheart, I’m not interrupting something I hope?” Tom said when you accepted his face-time call. You were cleaning your car as he called and turned off the vacuum. “No it’s alright, just cleaning my car. How are you babe?” you blew a strand of hair out of your face.
“I’m fine. Just miss you. You’re still coming to London next week, no?” You didn’t live in the UK, but just over the channel. You tried to see each other at least once a month, but as you both had busy schedules that was difficult. Tom was away for filming a lot, and you were a uni student who was busy most times of the year. But you both made the best of it, as you were both happy for yourself and for the other who was accomplishing their dreams.
“Yes, I’m driving my car so I’ll take the ferry to Dover and drive to London then, if that’s alright for you? We could go for a drive then and just escape for a while?” You loved Tom, but him being like super famous sometimes put a strain on your relationship. You were known as a super private person by your friends and family. That’s why Tom and you decided to keep your relationship on the low.  It was sometimes annoying that people kept linking him to other celebs, but at the end of the day, it was you who got the text that he was safe at home, wishing you were by his side.
“Oh god, yes I’d love that. We could go back to that cute cottage in Scotland? Or something else is also good, I just wanna see you to be honest.” You blushed as Tom said those words. You had been together for a while now, a little over two years, but sometimes it felt as it had been a lifetime. And you were ready for more than a lifetime with him.
“I’m totally in. God I’m so happy you’re back in the UK and that exam season is over. I cannot wait to spend the week with you.”
You had met Tom a few years ago. You were both on the same flight from New York to London, when you heard your plane had been overbooked. Both you and Tom were forced to get on another flight.
“Are you serious? I paid so much money for this flight and I still have a connecting one to Brussels!” You exclaimed. This could not be happening now. Your classes were starting again in a few days, and you could not use this extra stress.
“I’m so sorry miss, the next flight leaves tomorrow and the airline will pay for your next flight and the hotel, if it’s any consolidation.” The attendant said, a sorry look on her face. “It’s alright, not your fault obviously. I’m sorry for being annoying. It’s a stressful time.”
The attendant gave you a small smile, “Of course I understand miss. Everyone would get annoyed when this happens. Anyway, my colleague arranged a transfer to a hotel near the airport. You and another passenger will be escorted to the hotel and we’ll pick you up in time tomorrow for the other flight to London.”
You nodded and put your passport back in your backpack whilst getting out your phone. You sent a text to your mom, saying that your arrival would be a day late and hoping that she could still pick you up.
You were put in a van together with all your luggage and had to wait a bit until the other passenger got into it. After a few minutes, a guy stepped in wearing a cap and sunglasses. He looked annoyed, but you were sure that you had the same look on your face. Nevertheless, you gave him a small smile as he took off his sunglasses.
“Hi, also kicked out of the flight to London?” You said as the van got on the way to the hotel.” The guy nodded, “yup, really didn’t need this today but I’m happy they arranged a hotel and the flight for tomorrow.”
You agreed and turned to look out of the window. Your mother hadn’t responded yet, because she was probably already sleeping due to the time difference.
“So, also going home again or just a stop on the way?” The guy asked and you snapped out of your day dream. “Oh, uh, yeah home as well, I have a layover in London and then a flight to Brussels. You’re going home as well I presume? Hearing the accent.” You joked. He was obviously from the UK, you just couldn’t lay your finger on the region.
“Yes, indeed. I’m from London. I’m off of work for a few weeks so I’m going back to the home town you know.”  You nodded. “That’s nice. I just went on a solo city trip and in a few days my uni starts again, so yeah.”
A silence fell between the two of you. The traffic was really slow today so the van took a bit longer to reach the hotel you would be staying at.
“I’m Y/N by the way. We should probably stick together as we are both kicked off this flight”, you joked when you offered him a hand. He shook it, “I’m Tom, nice to meet you Y/N, my fellow riot.”
The van arrived at the hotel and you both got out and hailed out all of your luggage. You took charge as you walked over to the reception desk.
“Hi, we’re the passengers of the flight from New York to London from British airways. We got two rooms by the airline I think.” You got out your passport as Tom came to stand next to you.
“I see, Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland is that correct?” You both nodded and gave your passports to check in.
“So here are your room keys. Room 391 is for miss Y/L/N and room 393 is for mister Holland. Breakfast is from 7 am until 10.30 am. You are still free to use our bar if you’re interested. If you need any help, you can always call the reception desk at number 9.”
You got your keys and got into the elevator to the third floor. “So we’re neighbors then, hope you don’t snore too loud!” You elbowed him as a joke. He snorted and rolled his eyes. “please, you probably snore as well so quiet.”
You laughed and swiped the room key. You wanted to say goodnight to Tom, when he cleared his throat to say something, “I know it’s late but we could maybe go to the bar together? As we’re stuck here and don’t have anything to do. It’s okay if you don’t want to, just wanted to ask.” He awkwardly scratched his neck (do all cute boys do this? Is this like a universal sign of awkwardness?).
You pondered for a moment. Was it smart to go to the bar for a drink with a cute stranger with whom you definitely had a click with?
“sure, I’m down for it. Let me just put my luggage in my room and freshen up and I’ll meet you in the bar?” You suggested. “yes, great! i’ll wait for you at the bar then. See you in a bit!” Tom walked back to the elevator when you got in your room to freshen up.
“So already hitting the alcohol I see”, you said as you sat down next to Tom at the bar. He turned to you and took a sip of his cocktail, cocking an eyebrow. “nothing is better to forget my sorrows as drinking a mojito.”
You flagged down the barman to order the same drink, “cheers to that I'd say.  It is kinda a shitty way to end my vacay but at least I met a cool guy.”
Tom raised his drink to clink with yours, “absolutely true. Not everything that happens has to be bad.”
At the end of the night, you both were a bit tipsy as you both couldn’t handle your liquor. “I told you I don’t drink on the regular!” You laughed as you held onto Tom’s forearm in the elevator. The room was spinning just a bit for you, but you felt absolutely fine in this instant. No, you felt amazing. You just had so much fun with this random dude and you could talk about everything with him and not feel awkward.
You waited before your door to say goodnight to Tom. Even though your day had a shitty turn, this newfound friendship turned it all around. “So, I guess this is goodnight then?” You whispered quietly to not disturb other guests.
Tom’s eyes were twinkling when he nodded, “breakfast tomorrow?” He really hoped you would say yes. This had been such an amazing but unplanned night and he lived for it.
You grinned and stepped closer to give him a quick hug. “Of course Tom! At 9 in the breakfast lounge then?”
His mouth curved up into a smile and he hugged you back. You both said your goodnights and got to sleep.
“This is goodbye then?” You bit your lip as you said those words. You were standing in front of the boarding area. You had your economy seat, but Tom had a business seat, so you would be separated and would probably not see each other again.
“I guess it is,” he gloomily said. Tom really wanted to sit next to you during the flight so you could talk some more. “Well, if this is it. It was really nice to get to know you Tom. Thanks for making this shitty day into a really fun one.” You put your arms around his neck, and he enclosed his around your waist.
“This doesn’t have to be goodbye though. We could exchange numbers and meet up once in a while?” Tom asked hopeful. He knew that his own schedule was very busy from time to time and he presumed yours was as well. But he really liked you. You were really chill and had this self confidence and intelligence that he really admired. He wanted to get to know you better and pick that brain of yours some more, more than just over drinks.  
“That’s a great idea. Just text me when you’re home then? I probably won’t react immediately with my other flight but I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.”
You exchanged numbers and both went your own ways.
From there on, you developed a close friendship. You tried to visit each other or to FaceTime each other as much as possible. After your first year of uni was over, you got to visit him for a month and you got to see him on set. That was also the moment you realized this might be something more than just friendship. You were a little too comfortable with him to be just friends.
After a few dates and stuff, you decided to call it for what is was - a relationship. That was about 2,5 years ago now.
You drove your car onto the ferry and parked it. After you got out, you sent a text to Tom, saying you were on the ferry. You enjoyed taking the ferry when you went to the UK. The fresh sea air and overall silence of the sea calmed you down. You usually read your book for a while and looked out onto the sea for the time you spent on the boat.
The ferry arrived and you drove the few hours to Tom’s flat blasting your music. Tom had moved his car, so you could park yours right in front of his door.
“Hi darling”, he said as he opened the door. You immediately hugged him tightly. You hand’t seen each other in person for two and a half months now, and the distance had been difficult.
You buried your face in his neck, taking a deep breath and leaving a small kiss on his neck. “I missed you so much. This week will be amazing.”
You got into the flat and cuddled on the couch where you talked about what had happened in the last few months in your lives. Tessa was at your feet and you stroked your feet across her body. “I swear to you, if we weren’t dating, Jake would be my husband!”, Tom chuckled, “He’s like my soulmate, I swear.”
You rolled your eyes and tapped his nose. “well damn, guess I’ll go back home so you can go back to Jake then. Sad to see that I had to drive all the way here to find out that you already have a crush on someone else”, you continued to play into his joke. You missed this banter with Tom when you were apart.
“No, but for real, he’s a really nice guy and he was so fun to work with and to do the press tour with, but at the end of the day, you’re still my person”, he said as he nuzzled his face into your hair. A blush crept up on your face as you gave him a kiss on his hair. “I really love you, so much”, you replied as his face came back up to look in your eyes.
“I love you so much as well”, he mumbled whilst leaning in. The kiss was sweet, as you opened your mouth to him. You continued making out for a bit on the couch, just enjoying each other and hearing the bustling sounds of the city.
“Hi ms Carrick, it’s so nice to be back again!”, you said as the older lady opened the door of the cottage for you and Tessa. Tom was getting your bags out of the car, as you were already going inside to check-in. Ms Carrick was an older lady who rented out a cottage on her land. She didn’t have any idea who you guys were, but she knew you liked your privacy and always made sure you weren’t to be bothered by other visitors. You visited her a few times a year because she just had the quaintest little place and made the best breakfast. Her small house in Scotland was in the middle of the fields and fairly close to some big woods.
“Hello dear, how are you? Where’s that boyfriends of yours?” She gave you a hug and petted Tessa on her head as Tom entered with your bags. “I’m here, hi ms Carrick, so lovely to see you again.”
Ms Carrick checked you in and gave you the key to the cottage. “I’ll make us some tea while you guys get settled in. You know the way right, dear?” Ms Carrick got into her kitchen to prepare a kettle and you and Tom went up to your room. The little house was very light and airy and had a great view over the fields where sometimes cows were grazing.
You opened the doors to the balcony and leaned on the railing. Tom came to stand behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. “a weekend in the woods with you. Nothing I want more at the moment.” You turned in his embrace and gave him a small kiss, “I love you, thanks for agreeing to doing this every few months. I really need the peace and quiet sometimes.”
“I love you too. Thanks for proposing this. I never knew I needed this until we did it the first time last year. You’ve really inspired me to sometimes take a break, you know that?”
After you drank some tea with ms. Carrick and played a bit with Tessa, you decided to call it a night.
Every day you would wake up with the sun shining through the light curtains, the light filtering through and shining on your bare back. You’d turn on your side and would look at Tom for a while. As you thought back to the night before, your cheeks would turn crimson because of the activities you and Tom participated in.
After waking up slowly and just being lazy bums in bed, you’d go to the kitchen where ms Carrick had an amazing breakfast prepared.
The next few days were filled with walks in the woods and through the fields with Tessa. You’d wear her out by running around and playing fetch with her. After, you’d play some boardgames together or you would read a book, while Tom was tinkering on his phone.
On your last whole day in the cottage, you started the morning of with a morning walk. When you came back and had breakfast, you curled up on the couch with your book and a cup of tea. Tessa was laying next to you, snoring gently.
Tom had been off the whole morning. You decided not to push him to talk to you, but just waiting until was ready to talk. Before the walk, everything had been fine until you mentioned that you loved this domestic lifestyle you had adopted during the vacay in the cottage.
You were just about done with a chapter, when Tom came into the room, twisting his hands in the other. “Can we talk about something Y/N?” This was apparently the moment he was going to say what had been on his mind the whole morning.
You patted the spot next to you and closed your book, putting your bookmark in the right spot. You turned towards him as he sat down, grasping his hand in yours and rubbing your thumb over his hand.
“what’s up, babe?” Tom took a deep sigh and focussed on your thumb rubbing his hand. “Well, you know how you said you loved being here? And just living together for a while?”, you nodded encouraging to keep speaking, “so I was thinking, that maybe after you’re done with uni, we could maybe look for a flat together?”
You nodded, looking at him and just thinking about what exactly Tom was saying. “So, are we talking about moving in together then?” You know that was what he was asking, but you had to be absolutely sure this was it.
“Yeah. I mean, we’ve been together for a little over two years now, when you’re done with uni almost three and a half so I feel like this is the moment, you know?” He said as he observed you with curious eyes.
You brought your hands up to your mouth and placed a small kiss on Tom’s hand. “I’d love to. I’d love to move in with you and live with you.”
The small smile on Tom’s face had turned into a full-on grin, as he took your head between his palms and gave you a big kiss on your lips. “Fuck I can’t wait to move in with you.”
“Me neither”, you beamed. You’d have to think about the logistics though. Moving to another country wasn’t that easy. Especially when you were thinking about getting another degree.
You gave him a hug and just held each other for a while. This was such bliss.
“No, no, that box is for the bedroom!” You yelled at Tom as he almost dropped the box when he tripped over the carpet in your living room. Your hair was sticking to your neck, as you were moving all your stuff into the flat you were renting with Tom. The day had been ridiculously hot and you were just now unloading the boxes from the van.
“Woman, you have so much stuff. Where does all this come from?” Tom sighed as he carried another box of yours to the bedroom. You flipped him the finger and turned on your music. You had bought a small cabinet for in the hallway to put all your basics in, but it still had to be put together.
“God, I love but hate Ikea”, you mumbled to yourself as you dropped all the screws and bolts on the ground, next to the still unassembled cabinet.
“What’s that, darling?” Tom came to sit next to you, surveying your bad Ikea-building skills. “I love shopping and walking around in Ikea, but their shit is so hard to set up sometimes,” you sighed as you looked through the construction manual.
After half an hour of banter with Tom, you almost finished assembling the cabinet, but not after almost putting your finger between the cabinet door. “Fuck, that was close. You almost had to finish moving everything in alone, Thomas,” you teased Tom as he just rolled his eyes and smirked.
The flat was a mess the first few weeks. But every day, it started to look more put together - or as put together as you guys could make it. Your small kitchen had an island and a table attached. Lots of plants were on the windowsills, and your herbs were flourishing.
The cabinet in the hallway held your keys and other trinkets you might need before leaving your place. Your living room was the place you two spend the most time. You had bought this amazing rustic rug in a local shop and had combined it with some modern pieces of furniture.
You had always been big on interior design, and Tom had giving you free rein on your flat. The colors of the walls were all very light and open, lots of plants around and not too many decorations. This flat was your dream.
Tom also had fallen in love with the flat, but even more so with you. You really had made this place into a home, without even much effort.
“This place looks amazing, sweetheart.” Tom said as he gave you a kiss on your temple. You were just deciding to put some artworks up, but didn’t know which ones yet.
“I love this place so much already. I never wanna leave,” you said as you wrapped your hands around his waist and leaned your head on his chest.
“Me neither, but I’ll always look forward to coming home to this place, to you,’ he replied as he stroked your back.
“These last few years, have been like, the best few years of my life, you know that?” You said as you gazed at Tom. He nodded and brushed some hairs out of your face, “for me too. I’m just so happy every day and now even more because I get to see you first thing in the morning, and I get to see you last thing at night.  I honestly couldn’t ask for anything better.”
You cuddled on your couch for the rest of the evening, enjoying each others company and discussing what the future would bring.
So this was itttt. Sorry it’s so sappy sometimes lol I honestly just wish I could have someone like this in my life but alas I’m single af. Yeah I wanted to write some smut bit I literally have no idea how bc this bitch hasn’t even done the devil’s tango™ herself so lol.
Im thinking about maybe adding some blurbs to this story later on, just some short sweet parts about their relationship or something idk.
anyway, thanks for reading, feedback is v v appreciated over here
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vampirefreakism · 5 years
The Scientist (Chapter 32)
Summary: In the events following Asgard’s destruction, Loki finds himself on Earth seeking refuge to await the inevitable. Much to his surprise, it comes from a source he would never have expected.
The Soundtrack So Far
Warnings: none
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: I am still posting on AO3, but I’m experimenting with not adding the link on this chapter so this story can show up in the tags
Tony Stark did his best to be a generous man. He was responsible; always trying to upkeep his space and the relationships he was blessed with. Sometimes things fell apart and out of his grasp, but he took it in stride. Tony may have been wealthy and famous his entire life, but he was no stranger to struggle and failure. Based on the positive influences he surrounded himself with, he always found a reason to pick himself back up and keep going.
At the compound, Tony did what he did every time it snowed and arranged for his robots and designated workers to clean the roadways and parking spaces for the employees coming back to work. His vacation renewed him. Devoting time and full attention to his betrothed was a gift in and of itself. As he stood in his office, he made a mental note to take more time away with his love. Pepper Potts would reiterate herself time and time again how much he needed to rest. He complained but never fought her. She was always right.
“Welcome back, boss,” FRIDAY greeted. “How was your trip?”
“Romantic as Paris could be.” Tony waved a hand, summoning a display. “Say, I forgot. How were the specs on the kid’s new suit?”
“Compliant, but a bit tricky.” A full-body digital image of the suit spun above the virtual table. “The material from the Commodore spacecraft is an excellent medium, but it requires more physical testing than the usual.”
“When do you think it’ll be ready?”
“I can have simulation ready within the hour.”
Tony plopped down into a desk chair and spun around. “And what about Mark 50?”
“I can do a simultaneous run.” An image of his new suit appeared beside Peter’s, both rotating in tandem.
“Yup. Do that.” Tony got up and jogged over to his bar and fridge, all set with a variety of spices, fruits, and vegetables. "Has our favorite little biologist arrived yet?"
“Yes. Ms. Fields has been here the better part of an hour.”
“An hour?!” Tony fiddles with the spoon in his hand, nearly dropping it. “Why didn’t you tell me when she got here?”
“It wasn’t important. You don’t have a meeting scheduled with her today.”
“I sure don’t,” Tony mumbles as he scoops a few spoonful’s of turmeric into the blender. Blessed be to Luna for showing him the wonders and benefits of Indian spices. “How about we surprise her?”
"That can be arranged. Will you need her packages as well?”
“Mm-mm.” He shook his head, voice muffled behind a dollop of Greek yogurt. “I’ll bring her to it. Make a little adventure out of it.”
“Of course, boss.”
Tony made a delightful blend of leafy greens and juicy reds, portioned appropriately for two. As he waited for his concoction to smooth out, he shrugged on a crisp blazer and a clean pair of Gucci sunglasses. A chiming from the machine drew him to it once again. Careful not to dirty his outfit, he filled two lidded cups and journeyed down to the labs, greeting everyone he could along the way.
The riveting tunes of Duran Duran graced his ears as he slowly approached the biology lab. It was the title song off of his favorite album, ‘Rio.’ A grin on his face, Tony took the remaining steps to the door and bumped the edge of the doorway with his shoe.
“Knock-knock, Lulu,” he greeted. Luna lifted her head from the microscope and flashed him a toothy smile.
“Hey!” Even without her glasses, she could recognize Tony’s silhouette anywhere. “Let me wrap this up real quick so I can give you a proper two-armed hug.”
Slipping her glasses back on, Luna covered the Petri dish she was examining and turned off the microscope. She hurriedly took off her lab coat and gloves, impatient to wait one moment more. She shuffled over to him and into his open arms, squeezing him tight in her own.
“Ooh, now that’s what I call a hug,” Tony gushed, holding her as close as he could without losing his grip on their drinks. Feeling the chill of the smoothies in his hands, he released her and led the way down the hall to the lounge. “How was your winter vacay? Hope you didn’t miss me too much.”
“It was good, and we missed you just the right amount. Well, me more than him, but you know.”
“‘We?’ Oh, right. You and your guy.”
Luna scoffed. “He’s not my guy.”
“Yeah, sure.” Tony let Luna take a seat first. “How’d your mother take him being there, by the way?” He dropped down onto the couch beside her.
“Hm?” She tilted her head, his inquest taking her for a spin.
“What’d you tell her about Mr. Tall, Dark, and Ominous?” he reiterated.
“Oh, right.” Luna shook her head out. Tony almost caught her on her lie. “Um, I just told her he was my new boyfriend, and he was spending the time with me since his family is overseas.”
Tony nodded. “And how’d she take it?”
“She bought it. It was a nice time.” Luna shrugged, forcing the tension from her nerves. “Suspected absolutely nothing from either of us.”
“I would expect no less from the Master of Lies.” Tony handed her a cup, prompting a change of subject.
“Aw, Tony, you didn’t have to!” Luna thanked him as she cradled it with both hands.
Tony dismissed her gratitude. “Oh, please. I wanted to.” He couldn’t let her know how it made him feel, but his smile gave it away. To hell with it. “Cheers to you, sad girl.” He tapped the lid of his cup against hers.
“And to you, Mr. Charitable.” They took a unison swig. The taste settled from sweet to a tang, finishing off with a bite from the spice. Luna crossed on leg over the other and angled her body towards Tony, elated with his little surprise.
Tony threw an arm over the edge of the couch, letting his thumb graze lightly against Luna’s shoulder. “So what’d you do to ring in the New Year? Nothing I would do, I hope.”
Luna giggled. “Not much. I got some sparkling apple cider and a large assortment of designer chocolates. We watched some ‘Star Trek,’ then the ball drop, and then some more ‘Star Trek’ until I couldn’t keep my eyes open.”
In his best monotone voice, Tony replied, “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.” Luna’s loud laugh made him suppress his smile. He couldn’t break his character now. “You should be ashamed of yourself.” He giggled a little. He couldn’t contain it.
Luna pats her chest and lets her laughter die down. “Ok, fine. What did you do?” She took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, you know. When in Paris, do as the Parisians do.”
“Which is?”
“Watch fireworks, kiss under the Eiffel Tower, and celebrate with a bang in more ways than one.” Luna let out a scandalized gasp as her eyes went wide and her mouth agape.
“And you’re calling what I said ‘sexy’? Wow,” Luna said as sassy as she could. They share a brief laugh.
“Say, did Loki do anything with that phone you said you were gonna give him?”
“Oh, yeah. He’s been good with it so far, I think.” Luna put her cup close to her mouth. “Apparently, Peter gave him his number.” Her statement was muffled, but Tony heard well enough.
“He what?!”
Luna nodded. “Mhm. They’ve been sending each other memes the entire weekend.”
“Has the kid Rick-Rolled Loki yet?”
Luna furrowed her brow. “I’m a little surprised you know what that is, but no, he hasn’t.”
“The kid sent me that darned song a few months ago under the guise of it being a video of him drinking five Red Bulls in under five minutes,” Tony explained and threw a hand into the air. “Can’t believe I fell for it.”
“It’s a good song, though. Not gonna lie.”
“Yeah, it is.” He paused, tilting his head back and taking a long swig of his smoothie. With a satisfied gulp, he moved on to his next point. “Hey, you know what? We haven’t had one of our lab meetings in a good while?”
“No, we have not.”
Tony placed his cup on the table and brought his hands down on his thighs with a loud slap. “Let’s have one right now.” He pushed himself off the couch to standing. “I really want to see what you've been working on.”
“Oh, I think you’ll really like what I’ve done so far,” Luna said, giddy about his willingness to take the initiative. In her turn to lead, she took him to the lab, discarding their empty cups along the way. “Alright, so you remember how I told you I was investigating Loki’s DNA?” She handed Tony a pair of large rubber gloves and took small ones for herself.
Tony snapped his pair on and checked his shoes. “Mhm. Did you find the source of his crazy?”
Luna scoffed a little. “He’s not crazy, but I did get some interesting results when I spliced it with that of a C. elegans.” Taking great care, she shifted the Petri dish and lifted the lid. Tony stepped closer, peering inside.
“What is that?” he muttered, seeing the uncharacteristic tracks left by the tiny worms.
“Ice,” Luna whispered back. Tony’s head snapped up, his face and silence communicating his dumbfoundedness. “Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either. They survive in room temperature as they should, but they love the deep cold.” Luna placed it back on the bench. “I even put them in a tub of dry ice, and they were fine. Nothing I did could hurt them. They even laid eggs.”
Tony leaned on the table edge. “When did you do all this?”
“A couple months ago.”
“Months?!” he exclaimed, taken aback. “These things are only supposed to live half of a week!”
“I know! I was surprised too! They can’t seem to die!” Luna grabbed her lab notebook and opened it to the latest entry. Standing next to Tony, she showed him her data. “Just from that sequence I used, their lifespans have increased 1000% already.”
“Already? You’re saying it could keep rising?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Luna closed her book.
Tony’s shoulders dropped. “This is dangerous stuff, Lu. I mean, in the wrong hands…”
“I know.” Luna held her hands in front of her. “I’m keeping all digital files on my private server and all papers under lock-and-key.” She pointed to a storage cabinet with a clear lock on the front. “No work is brought outside of this room.”
“If Loki knew you were doing this, it spells ‘danger’ for you.”
“He does know, but on a top level. I told him about the worms because I was happy my hypothesis worked, but that’s it. I’m careful.” Luna took off a glove and put her bare hand on Tony’s arm. “You can trust me on that.”
“I do. It’s just… I just…” Tony shakes his head.
“I know. I understand.”
“I know you do.” He covers Luna’s hand with his and smiles, grateful for her counsel. “On a lighter note, I believe Christmas presents are in order.”
Luna gasped and pointed at him. “Yes! Yes, they are!” She took her other glove off and lay it beside the first one. “First off, I have two for you.”
Tony smirked proudly and crossed his arms. “Two? I knew Santa was real.”
“Tony, you flatter me,” Luna giggled. “Let me get my bag.” She strode over to her personal cabinet and opened it.
“Hey, come on.” Tony nodded his head towards the door. “We’ll do it on the way.”
Luna bunched up the handle and held it tight. “To where?”
“To where I have your present.”
“Ooh, I get one?” She followed close behind him out of her lab and down the hall. “Now it’s my turn to be excited.”
Tony waved her off. “Yeah, yeah. Come on, kiddo, time’s a-wastin’.”
A short trek down the stairs and the duo found themselves entering the lower garage. It had been freshly cleaned during the holidays, and the available cars polished and waxed. On their way to a table, Luna eyed them with desire. Tony loved his expensive toys.
“So,” Luna set her bag down and brought her hands together with a clap, “who should go first?”
Tony raised a hand. “Uh, it should be me, because I’ve been waiting since the end of November.”
“An awfully long time to wait, so I won’t keep you any longer.” From her bag, Luna pulled a small white box and a framed piece of paper. “Ok, so first, we have this.” She placed the frame on the tabletop and slide it over to Tony. He adjusted his glasses and took a gander at it.
“Is…is that-?” He picked it up, getting a better look at it. In his hands, he held a detailed portrait of his likeness, done up tastefully in reds and oranges.
“Yup, that’s you.” Luna grinned, leaning over the table. “Loki kept sneaking peeks at it while I was working. Little devil,” she snickered.
“He’ll look at anything if you keep it a secret long enough.” Tony didn’t bother looking away from his new art piece.
“Mhm,” Luna hummed, pleased with his reaction to her gift. “And the second one.” She held the little box and took the lid off, revealing a handmade string bracelet in colors of red, orange, gold, and silver.
Tony's eyes flitted to it, and he smiled tenderly. Reaching with one hand, he took it around his fingers and rolled it onto his wrist. It was his third one from her.
“You know me so well.”
Luna smiled back. “I try. A billionaire is hard to buy for, so I make due.”
“Oh, this is more than ‘make due.’  "He held up his picture and turned it for Luna to see. “This is going in the center of the art wall at home.”
“Again, you flatter me, boss.”
“Unlike some people, I speak the truth, and this,” he looked to his artwork, sighing, and chuckled, “is gorgeous. Makes my present for you seem a little subpar.”
“A subpar gift from you? Never in your life.”
“Since we’re on the subject, we should get that show over with.” The frame tucked safely under his arm, Tony tilted his head towards one area of the garage and led the way to it.
On the counter by the wall sat four boxes, all wrapped in colorful paper and of varying sizes. Tony stood beside the lineup and gestured grandly to them.
“Tony,” Luna started skeptically, “this can’t all be for me.”
Tony held his hands behind his back and rocked on his feet. “No, the one on the far left is for you, the second one is for DUM-E, and the biggest ones are for FRIDAY and the kid.” He paused, not taking himself seriously. “Yes, it’s all for you. Now open the darn things, or I’m keeping all of it.”
“Alrighty, boss, but you’re gonna have to help me.”
At a loss for which box to pick first, Tony stepped in and pulled the tape off of the third box from the right. Luna moved up beside him and held the top flaps open as he pulled the Styrofoam-encased object out. With great care, they worked together in uncovering it, occasionally stopping and brushing stray foam and plastic from their clothes.
Their efforts weren’t all for naught. Upon a clean space on the counter, Luna’s gift sat for her to look at. She passed her fingers over the edges, trying to decipher what she was looking at. Under a Plexiglas cover, it housed a round disc, a small lever, and a weighted arm with a small needle on the end of it. The needle caught Luna's eye and helped her tie her pondered thoughts together.
“Tony, what is… is this…,” she stammered a little. She didn’t want to jinx what her heart was telling her.
Tony rotated his hands around to coax out the rest of her question. “Come on, genius. Use your words. It’s a…”
“Is this a record player?” Luna whispered. Tony snapped his fingers.
“Bingo! And she gets the prize!” he praised, eliciting a gasp and an ecstatic response from his young friend.
“You got me a vinyl record player?! Tony! This is amazing!” Luna grabbed his arm and shook it. “Wait, is this because of that one time I casually mentioned how jealous I was that you had one?”
Tony tilted his head from side to side. “Mm, probably, but I wouldn’t count on it.” Luna laughed, brimming with joy. “You’re very welcome, by the way.” She took a hand off of him, fanned her face, and covered half of her mouth. “Oh, don’t get all teary-eyed on me. No need for that.”
Luna groaned, throat tight from emotion. “I’m sorry. I’m just really happy." She bit the inside of her cheek, but nothing could suppress the smile she wore.
“I can tell,” he said tenderly.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
He waved a hand. “Oh, come on now. None of that.” He patted the hand she still had on him. “Now, I can show you how to connect all the pieces, or I can leave that up to you and your intellect. Either way, you're putting all this -” he gestured to the unopened boxes “- in your car by the end of the day and making your boy toy very jealous.”
Luna chuckled, giving up on correcting Loki’s unfortunate nickname. “So, uh, what are all the pieces?”
“We have the turntable itself,” Tony placed a hand on it, “the power amp,” he moved to the first box by them, “pre-amp," he stepped out of Luna's grasp pointing the second box, “a set of speakers,” he indicated the box furthest from them, “and all the necessary wiring and instructions included. I may have gone overboard on the wires, but hey, can’t go wrong in having lots of backup supplies.”
“No, of course not.” Luna paused, taking everything in: the lavish gift, his generosity, the expense he considered to be pocket change. No, it was pocket change for him. “Tony, this is so much.”
“But do you like it?” He folded his hands, hopeful for a positive answer.
“Oh, I love it. I love it so much,” Luna affirmed, smile broad and shining.
“Good, because I only treat my friends like this.”
The two scientists shared their moment for only a second longer as FRIDAY chose the next one to break it.
“Boss, the diagnostic run on the suits is complete. Would you care to see the results now?”
Tony stepped back from Luna and stood straight with a proud smile. “Since I’ve seen your work, do you want to see mine?”
Luna mimicked him. “When do I ever refuse? Let’s go.”
Taglist:  @the-doctor-9-10 @pinkieperil @sherlockfan4life
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep recap 6x06
Due to a rather unfortunate run in between my laptop and a glass of water I lost my original ramble for this week’s Younger (as well as the actual laptop so R.I.P Lappy, you were actually pretty terrible but we had a good run). So instead of my usual review I thought I’d do more of a recap and refresher of the last episode to get us prepped, primed and pumped (aka the 3 P's) for the next installment (ep7).
Episode 6 of Younger was in many ways so bonkers that it shouldn’t have worked, but somehow all the pieces came together and it did .Oh boy did it ever! I outright belly laughed a number of times throughout and I think my dog was mildly concerned for my well-being because there were actual tears coming out my eyes at a couple of points. I’m a sucker for a pun so ‘Merger, She Wrote’ had me at hello (you could say my hopes for the ep were high...yes I did and #notsorry). What I wouldn’t have given to be in the room to see the reactions to a script with ‘Liza goes to talk to the nurse who is actually a plant’ in it. So yes there were LOLs galore but most importantly, by the end of the ep order had been restored following the upheaval of the past 6 episodes (which is about the limit viewers can take sitting in the discomfort of an unfamiliar detour from the norm IMO: think the Bryce Reiger arc in season 3 and the Charles finding out the lie in season 5...it’s almost as though Darren and co. have done this before...), Finally the fam is back together at Millennial (or is it Mercennial now?)
Straight off the bat I was very distracted for most of the opening scene by Liza’s dress and look in general because it was AMAZING.  I am loving all the Maggie/Liza in the morning scenes we’re getting this season and Maggie in a blue coverall embarking on a DIY rope harness ceiling painting project...what could possibly go wrong? I felt mildly uncomfortable at how relatable Maggie’s not being served for 10 mins in a bar and sneaking out to the fridge in the night were, but was also mildly mesmerized by Liza’s coffee mug that looked like some kind of old-timey wash basin (turns out this was not relevant to the story but noted nonetheless). Maggie also offers the very straight forward solution of merging the two companies to alleviate the tension that’s putting Liza and Charles in ‘not a good place’ and I love that her ‘bing, bang, boom’ is echoed by Liza when she floats the idea with Charles later in the ep. 
The' Microdosing' book pitch provided us with the set up for the retreat and my fave thing about this scene was how IN character all the characters reactions were to it all; Diana is flat out appalled by the whole thing, Liza is Captain Cautious but trying to play it cool and Kelsey looks like she’s seeing colour for the first time and would 100% pledge her devotion to Travis in any kind of cult situation.
What might have seemed out of character, but actually ended up so perfectly capturing the way she always does everything with absolute gusto, was Diana's foray into boomer erotica narration (as Liza so eloquently put it, 'I think we just found our Seasoned Slut'. These lines, I swear *rofl emoji* )  I think I laughed through the entire scene of Diana in the recording studio, I mean, Miriam Shor's delivery of every line just kills me, but the highlight was undoubtedly when she suggested she could hit nipple a little harder and affirmed  'throbbing nipple' to herself as she walked back to the booth. Zane and creepy af Audrey Colbert waiting allowed for Diana to unsubtly hot foot it out of there, which was a great throwback to her refusal to be in the same room as Audrey in ep 3.
It was a also great opportunity to bring Zane and Kelsey back together and who doesn't love an awks 'accidentally had the mic open and didn't realize' moment when you're talking about how your author is definitely a murderer? I feel like Audrey may go and find another publisher now (just a hunch) but I would really like to see more of her because this character is a type of unhinged that we haven't seen on this show and I think that could be a lot of fun to see play out. I have to say that Kelsey Peters is NOT someone I picked as a boop-er of noses, yet there she was at the bar, booping Zane's nose and this was my favourite interaction of theirs in the series. I was totally digging the dynamic this ep and it will be very interesting to see what that will look like with the new work arrangements. Also, where was Zane when that was all going down btw? I assume Charles filled him in on the bringing the companies together plan before it happened?
Liza's excitement when she told Charles the idea of merging the two companies was endearing and I am unabashedly a big fan of Charles, but his attempt at convincing Liza to join him at Mercury after she tells him that she won't leave Millennial and Kelsey, by saying he left his company to be with her, was super shitty. But it was also super necessary. Because at some point this needed to be said and most importantly, Liza needed to call him out on it and let him know that he cannot use it as a bargaining chip. One of the things I love most about the Charles/Liza dynamic (aside from all the things, but that's another essay) is that Liza is her own advocate in this relationship, she will stand her ground when something is important to her and does not compromise herself to appease Charles. He is equally as stubborn but they are able to have the hard conversations that need to be had but this doesn’t lead them to question whether they want to be together (I very much appreciated the kiss on the cheek Liza gave Charles before she left for this very reason).
So of course being on a psychedelics retreat together when they've hit a roadblock in the relationship was definitely a very good idea...Well it was for us as viewers at least, because pretty much from the moment they arrive and Liza and Charles start talking straight to camera as the literal doctor (my god that whole line just cracked me up) informs them they'll be taking not-LSD, we know we're not in Kansas anymore Toto. Enter Josh for *insert drama here* purposes (and I do think he should franchise Inkburg coz why not?) and we have, ladies and gentlefolk, a recipe for some next level hilarity. But not before Josh and Liza share a lingering look as they take their dose of illicit substance to ensure that Lizs's trip includes one down memory lane.
I have made my feelings about love triangles known many times (quick recap: hard dislike. Tricky to pull off without one or more characters looking bad. Very tiring as a viewer and quite frankly I am pretty lazy and tired most of the time irl so just don't want it on my screen), however I will say that I did not see this ep as re-stoking the love triangle, I saw it as simply reminding us that it is there and can be reignited by the writers at any stage. Within the context of everything that was happening, Liza hallucinating Josh at her door actually made sense and I have no doubt that various factions of Younger fans had meltdowns at that moment for very different reasons.. Sutton Foster's physical comedy throughout this whole ep was second to none, starting at her realization that it was, in fact, Charles who had come to her room and continuing the next morning at breakfast.
Speaking of which, there was something about seeing Liza and Charles in the breakfast room together that made my sappy heart swell, it had such a vacay feel and I'm sure if you muted your volume you could pretend they were just listening to the activities for the day before going off to spend some quality time together...I mean, maybe that would be a thing, I wouldn't know....where was I? Oh yes, the unfolding of a series of comedy golden McNuggets™ that I am still laughing about. We learn that Liza is a supertaster (for those like me who pretended they understood what that meant but then realized they did not, I googled it and it means that she is sensitive to the drugs and basically the microdose affects her like a full dose, you're welcome) and I am chuckling even now when I think about Josh's, 'hey guys' in Charles' voice as he joins the table.
This is another one of those concepts that I feel like could've not worked at all but sweet lawd, the Charles and Josh voice swap scene was next level and I could watch this and the scene that follows over and over and never not laugh. I again LOVE the decision to have the guys talk to camera because it absolutely emphasizes the whole situation and Liza sidestepping away to visit the nurse just rounded off the whole crazy caper.
I have no words to describe how much I love the flat out ridiculous perfection of the visit to Nurse Maureen. Yes Liza has the epiphany that Josh and Charles bring out different things in her (though hot sex seems to be at the core of both so ya know, sounds like a win in the past and present and good for her on both accounts) and again, the unlikely scenario that her ex and current boyfriends are in the same place at the same time (while she is taking mind altering substance) has just played out so it also makes sense in this context. Quite frankly I'm shipping her and Maureen pretty hard at this point because a) it is not easy to pull off eyeshadow that green and b) everyone deserves someone in their life who has the kind of belief in Liza that Maureen does when she tells her 'I bet you can' dance just like me. I don't even know how to explain whatever that dance is but I just know that I want someone/something in my life that will windmill their/it's arms at me with such fervor that I find myself dancing with two attractive men in tuxedos on a galaxy stage.
I cannot express the joy I felt watching the entire dance scene, it was all just so. much. fun. But my absolute hands down favourite moment was when it cut back to the retreat and we, along with Charles and Josh, discover that Liza is in fact dancing with 'Maureen' the plant and seriously, this is up there with my highlights of the entire series. That and the reveal that the selfies Liza was taking were sent to Diana (Diana speaking to Liza in her 'sexy' voice, asking 'where is my plant?', Liza's, 'Maureen', I just cannot with every part of this glorious tie in at the end of the ep. I am sending Ashley Skidmore a houseplant to express my gratitude for gifting us with these moments*). Seeing Josh and Charles together was great but it was clear a scene was missing and I am SO glad that Younger released the deleted conversation between the two of them coz it was both necessary because YES and also because it suddenly made Charles' entire conversation and reason for his decision to sell Mercury make sense (ie. was pretty pivotal).
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I big A adored Charles and Liza's conversation (and outfits and aesthetic overall) as they're leaving the retreat, the shift in Charles is palpable and it's just such a credit to the writing and acting to be able to convey so much in such a brief scene. Maggie of course experienced quite the shift herself, from ceiling to floor, with a sufficient amount of dangling as her helpful neighbourly pervert got himself off as she got herself down. But most importantly, Maggie got her mojo back (though is she not currently dating Beth? In which case location of missing mojo: unclear).
Now I gotta tell you, the final scene of this week's ep up and got me. Big time. Kelsey's earlier comment, that she really hates competing with Charles, certainly added weight to the resolution we've all been waiting for this season. Charles' honesty about his realisation that he is hurting his family, not to mention him confirming that he means Kelsey, Diana and Liza and that he wants to come home, ugh, my insides are gooey just writing these words, leads to his offer to Kesley and honestly, the interactions between all of them in this scene was wonderful. I loved that Kelsey held the room, that Charles was putting the offer to her from one businessperson to another (though thank goodness Diana was there to point out the difference between $1 and $1000000 eek! Also, I get that it would never occur to anyone that the price would be $1 so I'll cut Kels some slack). Diana looks like she is going to cry at any moment from elation and I love the way Kelsey asks for the approval of the ladies before shaking Charles' hand. This will forever be one of my favourite scenes on this show.
The thought of Charles coming back and working as an editor alongside Liza is an actual dream. I mean, I am very happy to be taken on the journey the writers set, but I have legit wondered what it would be like to see him in that role and he and Liza working together properly as equals and I absolutely cannot believe it's going to happen.
Well this ended up being quite a bit longer than I expected (lol, what a surprise). Bring on episode 7!
*I will not in fact be sending Ashley Skidmore a houseplant because I live in a very far away country, it would cost a lot of money and it is 1000% creepy to receive a dead plant from a stranger. 
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ladylynse · 6 years
Revealed: This time, Randy doesn’t know how he can keep his secret. This time, he’s unmasked in front of everyone. (FFnet | AO3)
A continuation of this three sentence fic for @briethebee927‘s birthday. Happy birthday!
Randy struggled, even though he knew he was pinned to the tree, that his suit wouldn’t easily tear free from the knives thrown at him by Viceroy’s newest robot. He tried to focus on the Art of Disguise, but his head was still spinning from the last hit he’d taken, and he couldn’t even focus his eyes well enough to pick Howard out of the crowd, let alone do the required Ninja-ing to get out of this.
He barely felt the mask being yanked off his face, let alone the swirl of furling cloth as his suit vanished and he dropped like a stone, but he could hear people’s shouts, hear McFist’s victorious cries from where he thought he was hidden, and Randy knew it was over.
Heidi had already begun Me-Casting, her voice rising above the others—or maybe the others hushed. He wasn’t sure. All he knew for certain was that his mask was gone and the robot had stopped before spearing him, and he wasn’t going to complain about that last part.
McFist might’ve revealed him, but he couldn’t kill him here, not in front of everyone. He could try, blaming the robot, but someone would find a way to connect it back to him. Viceroy was good, but he couldn’t cover all of McFist’s tracks. If the Ninja—the former Ninja—was murdered by a robot in front of the entire school, some nerd would figure out who was behind it all.
So he might not have the mask, he might not have his secret identity, but he did have time. At least a little. If he could hear McFist celebrating, he wasn’t talking to the Sorcerer, not yet. Which meant people weren’t going to be stanked immediately, even with the general unease of the Ninja being defeated, which meant there was hope.
Didn’t it?
He tried to focus on Heidi’s voice, tried to hear the whispers beyond it. Too much sounded muffled, like he was listening to it from underwater, but Heidi’s tone sounded confused. Despite Howard’s announcement that one time that he knew the identity of the Ninja, she’d never really considered that her brother’s best friend might actually be the Ninja.
And if she was confused, maybe that meant people weren’t entirely convinced.
Maybe there was actually a way to turn this around.
Randy didn’t realize that anyone was trying to talk to him until Debbie’s face was suddenly there, blocking out the view of the robot. She hauled him to his feet when his only response to what were probably questions was a blank stare and steered him into the crowd, which parted before them. There was a general buzzing that grew louder, but nothing he could make out.
A few excited shouts from Julian and Bucky did pierce his haze, though, and as Debbie stopped, he managed to find the source of the fuss. It was the Ninja, another Ninja, which meant it was Howard, but he was just in a ski mask and a scarf, the same old costume as before, nothing that would fool them after they’d seen the real thing—
Debbie was pulling him away.
He let her.
He didn’t know how to get the mask back yet, and until he had the mask, until he had the suit….
“Focus,” Debbie’s voice hissed in his ear. She pushed him down, and his legs collapsed obediently beside what he now realized were the ruins of Principal Slimovitz’s car. “Tell it to me straight for once, Cunningham. Are you actually the Ninja?”
“Do I look like the Ninja?” he asked. He tried to smile. He wasn’t sure he managed it. Debbie growled at him either way.
“This is serious. McFist is after you, you know. Even if you aren’t the Ninja, he’ll think you are after this, and that’s got to be his robot. I don’t know why he wants the Ninja mask—”
“He doesn’t want the mask,” Randy said. “He wants the Ninja destroyed. So he can free the Sorcerer.”
“The Sorcerer. He’s trapped. That’s why he keeps stanking people. So he can get free.” The Nomicon wouldn’t approve of him telling people, least of all Debbie, but Howard’s ruse wasn’t going to last long and Debbie apparently already knew about McFist. She was the only option he had. It’s not like the swordsmith was going to get him out of this one, and the guy who’d given him the suit in the first place was nowhere to be seen.
Not that Randy was entirely sure he’d have noticed either of them if they had been in the crowd.
“He’s the reason people turn into monsters,” added Randy when he saw Debbie’s blank look.
She swallowed. “There’s a Sorcerer. And McFist wants to free him. And the Ninja—you—have to stop that.” Nodding would hurt, but before Randy could give any sort of verbal confirmation, Debbie had started again. “But now there’s no Ninja, no real Ninja, which means the Sorcerer can get out and…and transform everyone? Into monsters? And destroy Norrisville?”
She was breathing faster than before, and Randy reached out to put a hand on her arm. He accidentally swatted her in the process, but she didn’t seem to notice—which meant she was pretty far gone. “Calm down,” he said in the most authoritative voice he could muster. Instead of sounding like he wanted it to—calm, commanding, in control—his voice cracked. “Panic won’t help. He feeds off chaos.” It was getting easier to think now. “Howard’s trying to confuse McFist. It’s worked before. We just need to get the mask back.”
Debbie stared at him.
Randy tried to remember what the Nomicon had said before he’d gotten into this mess. WORDS ARE SHARPER THAN SWORDS obviously did not mean taking the chef robot into the library; that had just led to the library’s destruction (no great loss, as far as he was concerned), but taunting the robot as per usual had ended up with him pinned to a tree.
But Debbie dealt with words all the time. So, maybe…. “Words are sharper than swords.”
Randy repeated himself before adding, “That’s what the Nomicon said.”
“What’s the Nomicon?”
“Doesn’t matter now. Can you figure out what it means?”
“You mean beyond what it sounds like?” Debbie must have read something in his face because she sighed and continued, “It’s basically the pen is mightier than the sword, isn’t it? Better to fight with words? Because they’ll cut deeper in the end?”
“That makes no sense,” Randy said, confident of that despite how rattled he felt. “I mean, you can chop someone to bits with a sword.”
“And you can destroy them without lifting a finger with words,” Debbie shot back. Then she frowned, pursed her lips, and added, “Actually, we could do that here.”
“Ruin McFist?” Randy had serious doubts about that. McFist had more money than he knew what to do with, and he used a lot of it to his advantage.
“Not exactly. But we can destroy the truth and craft it into something else if we have to.” She still looked unhappy. “I really don’t want to do that. I’m the editor of the NHGTTWDPC because I like to uphold the truth, uncover it, but…. This might be the only way to turn things around and…and keep that Sorcerer from getting free.”
Randy gaped at her. “And you know how to do that?” Maybe the Nomicon wouldn’t be mad he’d told her. Not if it had given him a clue she’d been able to figure out so easily. After all, if they got through this without the Sorcerer escaping, he could just mind wipe her if he had to.
Although, if she didn’t expose him, he actually wouldn’t mind another ally….
“Howard’s pretending to be the Ninja, isn’t he? Well, then we start there. He won’t be the only one. And neither will you.”
She had her phone out and was dialing a number. Randy frowned. “Wait, who are you—?”
Debbie, with the phone already to her ear, held up one finger. “Hey, Theresa? I need a favour. Like, right now.”
Randy swallowed. The Nomicon might let him get away with telling one more person, but two? It would never— “You can’t tell her anything!”
“You’ll need a ski mask,” Debbie was saying, ignoring him completely, “or something else to cover your face. Black or at least dark. Here’s what we’ve gotta do.”
Debbie marched back and forth on the stage in front of the assembled students. Randy sat off the side, trying not to be the centre of attention or to look too obviously like the defeated Ninja he was. He wasn’t sure what Debbie and Theresa had said to convince the half dozen students to leave behind the unfolding scene with the supposed Ninja, and he didn’t know where every kid had gotten dark clothes on such short notice (Julian excepted), but he hoped this would work. Whatever it was.
All he knew was that Theresa had already gone out there wearing her war paint and a scarf she’d found…somewhere. Whenever Howard got ‘exposed’, she was supposed to step up and switch him off. She was going to break out some tumbling moves and baton tricks to confuse McFist, and she was armed with a few Frisbees as Ninja Ring stand-ins when the time came. He’d debated going and begging S. Ward Smith for some real weapons but figured balloons wouldn’t be any better, and the less Debbie knew about everything else, the better.
“Foam daggers,” Debbie said, handing a box to Rachel to pass out. “Collapsible swords. All the tennis balls I could find in the gym. Randy did a great job covering for the Ninja, guys, but we’ve gotta step it up.”
Bash snorted. “Cunningham completely wonked up when he tried to cover for the Ninja. That’s why we’ve gotta save him!”
No one questioned that someone was after the Ninja now. Debbie hadn’t said it was McFist, of course, or breathed a word about the Sorcerer, but no one needed to see the villain to believe there was one. Not once the Robo-Chef had stopped dead upon unmasking him, having seemingly achieved its purpose—or at least one of them.
“He lasted longer than some of us would have,” Debbie pointed out without missing a beat, “and it might’ve been enough to fool the Ninja’s enemies. Until the real Ninja gets back from his vacay, we’ve gotta save Norrisville ourselves.”
Randy had to hand it to her. It wasn’t a completely terrible lie, and she’d come up with it pretty fast.
“What the juice was the Ninja thinking to ask him to pretend to be the Ninja?” continued Bash, pointing in Randy’s direction. “He’s a complete shoob, and he shoobed this up! I would’ve been way better!”
Randy’s face burned but he kept his mouth shut. Arguing wasn’t going to get him anywhere, and arguing with Bash might end painfully for him. Besides, keeping the tattered remains of his secret intact demanded he not argue. And that he get to Howard as soon as possible to fill him in.
He should probably be shloomping on this, but there wasn’t time. The damage had been done. They needed to do damage control now or there really wouldn’t be a Ninja in Norrisville.
“I’m gonna go check on Howard,” Randy announced, getting to his feet. Debbie didn’t even acknowledge him, instead telling Bash to hide a collapsible sword in his McHoodie—just with the hood on the inside, turned in instead of out, so that it would appear as if he were pulling the sword from nowhere when he retrieved it.
Randy had to hand it to her.
She was good.
She was also good at convincing the others that their eyes had been playing tricks on him, that he wasn’t the real Ninja. And that…hurt, a bit, because he was the real Ninja, the Nomicon said so—he wasn’t going to let it take that back—but if he had to play fake Ninja to preserve the real Ninja, then so be it.
It was a confusing concept, but if it worked, he wasn’t going to argue.
Besides, he really was better off back outside. If this actually worked and McFist threw the mask away, thinking it worthless, then he had to be there to pick it up again. And then the real Ninja could show up. Again. Just for the first time, as far as everyone else was concerned.
And if this didn’t work….
It has to work.
There wasn’t another plan this time.
Viceroy winced as McFist let out another holler entirely too close to his ear. “I wouldn’t contact the Sorcerer yet, sir,” he said carefully, not taking his eyes from the screen.
“But I got him, Viceroy! I defeated the Ninja! Me!”
It was not the time to point out that he had built the Robo-Chef, nor that they’d merely unmasked the Ninja rather than ensured his defeat—especially not when he was about to give McFist some bad news. “Yes, sir. But I’m not sure if we’ve unmasked the right Ninja.”
“Of course it’s the right Ninja! Why wouldn’t it be the right Ninja? Er—what do you mean right Ninja?”
Viceroy pointed to the feed on the screen. The boy—Randy Cunningham, if he remembered correctly—had been helped to his feet by another one of the students. Beyond the crowd the two disappeared into, the multiple hidden cameras in the Robo-Chef clearly showed another Ninja striding onto the scene to take the place of the fallen Ninja.
“Why is there more than one Ninja, Viceroy? There isn’t supposed to be more than one Ninja!”
“I know, sir.” Viceroy frowned as the new Ninja began making terrible puns. “The first Ninja was more convincing than this one, but without—”
“Reactivate the Robo-Chef!” McFist yelled. “I have to defeat the Ninja!”
And because that robot had beaten the last Ninja, he assumed it would make short work of this one, too. Viceroy sighed but couldn’t argue McFist’s logic right now. Their position was precarious as it was, their catering truck easily visible from the school grounds and no doubt within earshot. One of these days, someone would realize how often they were on the scene of an attack.
But until then, they’d make do. And if McFist truly did defeat the Ninja before that and freed the Sorcerer, well, he’d cross that bridge when it came to it.
Although, hopefully, he’d be able to take all the vacation time he’d earned first.
Theresa’s scarf caught on the branches of the bush she was crouching behind, and she reached up to adjust it. She wasn’t sure if Debbie was brilliant or crazy. Le Beret was one thing, but the Ninja? She’d never seriously considered that the Ninja might be one of her classmates, not when he’d been around for over 800 years. She’d laughed whenever Debbie had brought up the very idea. But now….
“Randy’s covering for the Ninja, but he shoobed it up and now we’ve gotta save his butt.” Debbie handed her a backpack filled with Frisbees. “These are your Ninja rings.”
Theresa looked at Randy, who shuffled his feet and didn’t meet her eyes. “Seriously? Where’d you get the sword and everything?”
“Drama department,” Debbie replied without missing a beat. “We’re going to round up a few other kids and hand out the rest of the stuff, but we need someone to cover Howard ASAP because I can’t see him lasting long.”
“And you think I’ll last longer?” She slipped on the backpack, knowing it wasn’t ideal but that she’d need both her arms for this to work—even if this was crazy.
“I think you can move faster, which you’ll need if the attacks begin again.”
“Attacks?” Even when Debbie had first asked her to do this, she hadn’t thought—
“You don’t have to do this,” Randy said, finally looking at her. “I don’t want people getting hurt because of me.”
She tried not to let her heart swell at his words, at the concern in his voice. He’d said people, not you, and she couldn’t pretend it meant the same thing. “I know.” She had to force the next words past her lips. “But I want to do this. For you. And the real Ninja.”
Randy winced, but Debbie had already started talking again, explaining her plan in more detail, and Theresa didn’t have time to wonder about Randy’s reaction. “You’ll have to step up when it looks like Howard’s about to falter. We need him confused.”
“Him? Isn’t it a robot?”
Debbie pursed her lips. “Someone had to build it.”
The truth was, Theresa had never thought about that, either. Monsters and robots…. The Ninja always stopped them. She hadn’t questioned it, hadn’t considered that the robot attacks were relatively new in the grand scheme of things.
Debbie was right, of course. The Ninja didn’t just defend the citizens of Norrisville; he defended himself. The monsters terrorized indiscriminately, but the robots always targeted the Ninja once their attacks had drawn him out. There had to be a human mind behind their design. She had no idea who would try to destroy the Norrisville Ninja, but she doubted it was simply an inquiring mind like Debbie’s. This latest robot had stopped short of a fatal attack, but there had been too many close calls to naïvely assume that wouldn’t have been an acceptable outcome.
Which meant someone in Norrisville saw nothing wrong with destroying Norrisville’s defence against monsters, destroying a beloved town hero, and was highly unlikely to pause for very long when she stepped into the fray.
But she’d agreed to do this.
For Norrisville.
For the Ninja.
For Randy.
He might have been the first to fill in for the Ninja, but he was surely the reason Howard had had a costume stored in his locker. They had both known the Ninja’s plan. They’d always proclaimed to be the Ninja’s number one fans, but she’d never thought much of that, either. But perhaps Howard’s old claim of knowing who the Ninja really was hadn’t been as false as he’d allowed it to seem.
Howard seemed to be doing a decent job of evading the robot that was now chasing him, but it mostly involved him ducking to avoid knives, doubling back because he was still faster than it was, and yelling things over his shoulder. But he was tiring, getting slower, and he’d barely started the actual chase; his appearance itself had been enough to confuse it, to confuse the human behind the robot, but now that the initial shock had worn off….
“I have to get out there,” Theresa realized. If she waited, Howard might make a mistake. And, despite that this was his choice, she’d feel responsible.
She swallowed, trying to gather her courage, and then she stood.
For now, she was a Ninja of Norrisville, and she had to fight accordingly.
Howard clutched at the stitch in his side, gasping and trying to ignore the coppery taste in his mouth, and wondered if his friendship with Randy was worth this pain.
This wasn’t the first time he’d had to save Cunningham’s butt, but he really hoped it was the last.
He dove for a tree, ended up sliding more than rolling, and heard the thunk of a knife embedding itself into the wood above his head.
Maybe it would just be easier to let this robot unmask him, too. Lying here was really appealing right now, giving him a chance to catch his breath even if he still hurt all over, and—
“Ninja Ring! Ninja Ring! Ninja Ring!”
What the juice?
Howard rolled over when he heard the robot moving away from him. Some of the crowd had dispersed, but most were still there, blithely unaware that they were in real danger because the Ninja always saved them. Seeing the Ninja unmasked should have scared them but obviously didn’t—much—because he’d been fast on his feet. (Cunningham definitely owed him for that.)
But if Randy didn’t have his suit, and he was already on the ground, who—?
A blur of purple streaked past, tumbling and grabbing— That was a baton.
That was Theresa.
What the cheese did Fowler think she was doing?
“Get up, Ninja!” she yelled as she dodged another volley of knives. “Unless you like the taste of dirt!”
Wow, she definitely needed some new lines. He got to his feet and made a show of brushing himself off. “You’re late, Ninja!” he called back, successfully distracting the Robo-Chef. It hesitated, its head swivelling back and forth between them, not sure which of them to attack. Just as well. The more time they bought, the better. The Robo-Chef had taken Randy’s mask and stored it a compartment in its chest, probably as a trophy of some sort, or proof, or whatever McFist and the Sorcerer needed, and the only way they were going to get it back would be beating this thing themselves.
Granted, if he could just get close enough to touch it without getting stabbed, it might break on its own.
His magic touch was useful like that.
“I’m not late! You’re just early.” She was trying to sound brave, but he could hear the quaver in her voice. He’d expected to do this; he doubted she ever had.
Didn’t explain why she was doing it now, but he couldn’t exactly ask that in front of everyone.
He’d already opened his mouth to say something else when he realized he was hearing a high-pitched whine coming from the robot. “Duck!” he yelled instead, hitting the dirt again. He rolled on instinct, not stopping to see if Theresa had paid attention to him.
His (brief) stint working with Viceroy had given him a better idea of how the mad scientist worked. Self-learning AI wasn’t out of the question. Vanishing robots weren’t out of the question. He’d be stupid to think Viceroy couldn’t build something that could alter its internal mechanics as easily as its exterior to adapt in a fight.
So, really, getting more knives thrown at him?
Par for the course for today.
“We just need to keep it busy!” he heard Theresa yell. “The others’ll be out soon!”
That made it sound like this was planned.
But Cunningham didn’t do plans.
That was more for people like—
Oh, that shoob’s cheese was so wonked if Kang had finally put the pieces together. Unless this was some weird ploy on her part to draw out the ‘real Ninja’. Except that assumed she thought Cunningham was another fake Ninja. That didn’t—
Cold hands grabbed him.
Hard enough to bruise.
Theresa was screaming.
He didn’t have a free hand to reach the robot, to touch it and make it fall apart. His hands were pinned to his sides. It lifted him up, analyzing him. He heard more people yelling. Saw the blade spring up from the robot’s shoulders.
Howard closed his eyes.
“Everyone clear on the plan?” Debbie waited for their nods before continuing. “Then we’re a go. Bash, come around from the gym. Bucky and Pradeep, cut through the band room. Rachel, head straight out the front doors. Julian, west entrance. Jacques, take the east. For the Ninja!”
“For the Ninja!” they echoed, raising their fists as she had.
They scattered, and she hoped this would work. She didn’t have a backup plan, and casting doubt felt like the only thing she could do. Half the kids who’d shown up had attended Ninja Camp at one point, but someone like Mikey was better off figuring out how to hack into whatever was controlling the robot—there had to be some kind of wireless signal, right?—and disrupting things without actually going out and fighting, so she’d sent him and a few of the others to the computer lab to figure that out.
If they actually managed to trace this back to McFist, well, she’d at least get the scoop before Heidi. If they could find some proof for her, she might be able to publish it. It would be beyond risky, but she wanted to uncover the truth.
Some truths, though, made less sense than others.
Why Randy?
What was the Nomicon?
And what the cheese was all this about a Sorcerer?
Words are sharper than swords. Randy had said that that was important, treated it like it was some kind of clue. But it sounded more like a message for her than for him. If everyone claimed to be the Ninja, it would cast doubt on Randy being the real Ninja. It would help get him out of this scrape, hopefully. Something similar had worked once before; it had to work again. But beyond that….
“I’ll destroy him if I write about this,” she said softly. “If I tell the truth.” People would happily believe Randy was just playing at being the Ninja, considering the Ninja’s legendary reputation, but to hear that, yes, a mere teenager was protecting them? From what could very well be evil incarnate? It wouldn’t go over well. And if this Sorcerer would be freed when the Ninja was destroyed—either by McFist’s robots or her words—then Norrisville would probably become a ruin, too, if the monsters were any indication.
So maybe it wasn’t a clue for Randy after all.
Maybe the words were a warning for her.
If she wasn’t careful, she could dig too deep, cut too much, and destroy the safety that ignorance granted them all.
Debbie swallowed and pushed those thoughts aside. She could deal with the implications later—including the scary ones, like how the heck this Nomicon would know to leave a message for her. Right now, she needed to get outside and make sure her plan was actually going to work instead of falling apart before she could do anything.
Randy burst outside in time to see the Robo-Chef grab his best friend. He saw the panic in Howard’s eyes, saw his feet flailing as he struggled in vain. Theresa was there, running towards the robot. Her scarf had slipped off her face, revealing her identity to all who hadn’t guessed it, and—
There was no time to find some kind of weapon. Randy took off running, too, yelling wordlessly in a vain attempt to get the robot’s attention. His head pounded with each footstep, but he pushed forward, barrelling towards Howard.
He wasn’t thinking when he took the flying leap toward the robot.
By the time he realized that probably wasn’t the smartest idea, he was scrabbling for purchase on the tiny ridges between the metal plating. Theresa arrived a moment later, breaking her baton in an attempt to get the Robo-Chef’s attention when she whacked at the knife that was attached at its shoulder. It was only when he heard a lot of other yelling and cheering from the still-gathered crowd that he realized the reinforcements had arrived. The other Ninjas.
The robot turned to look, not dropping Howard, who had cracked open an eye at some point. The kids in their makeshift ninja suits were whooping and hollering, grabbing everyone’s attention. The barrage of tennis balls began a moment later, and Randy couldn’t bring himself to care that he was getting pummelled, too. There was something particularly satisfying about seeing them producing daggers and swords (seemingly) from thin air and waving them around, in the true spirit of the Ninja.
The Robo-Chef easily knocked Theresa aside and ignored him, raising one hand to unmask Howard, who plastered a grin on his face. “We’re all the Ninja,” he said. As the others converged on them, he thrust his fist into the air and yelled, “I’m the Ninja!”
Theresa scrambled to her feet and proclaimed the same, and her cry was echoed by the other kids, and then picked up by those in the crowd.
Just like at the Battle of the Bands.
Randy was too busy grinning to join in.
He was also too busy to see Howard put his hand firmly on the Robo-Chef’s torso until it collapsed to pieces beneath him.
“Ow!” He sucked the blood from his finger, even though he knew the cut was shallow and that he was lucky that’s all that he’d gotten considering how many knives had been inside this thing.
“Just track down the real Ninja, will ya, Cunningham?” Howard nodded to the mask that lay in the wreckage. Randy quickly pocketed it and got to his feet. The rest of the kids were beginning to swarm the lawn where the battle had taken place, and it was easy enough to slip away—even without a smoke bomb for a distraction.
He’d just crouched behind his favourite set of Ninja-o’-Clock bushes when he heard, “You gonna fill me in at some point, Cunningham?”
He turned to see her and smiled uncertainly. She was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, looking out at the joyful chaos on the lawn instead of at him. “You owe me since this worked,” she added, finally glancing at him.
“Uh…I plead the fifth?”
She snorted. “Off the record, Cunningham. I’m not stupid. I know the truth now, and I can help you. Like Howard apparently does, except better.”
“Just think about it, Ninja.” She turned back to the crowd outside. “Someone will need to help you keep off McFist’s radar, and there’s power in words.” She stepped away and walked a few steps before turning back with a grin. “They’re sharper than swords, after all.”
(see more fics)
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megers67 · 5 years
My Relationship with my Ancestry
It’s not a great title for what this post is about, but I can’t think of anything else right now.
I may have mentioned on here before that I technically have native Peruvian ancestry. Now, this is to say that I do NOT in any way claim this in a way to make me seem cooler or to claim that I am Native American in any appreciable way. I was never raised to have any cultural ties with those ethnic groups (hell, I don’t even know what specific one) nor do I look anything other than a typical European-descended White girl. I say this because it is simply a fact.
So why am I saying that?
Because an opportunity fell into my lap and I’m going to Peru in December 2020 and it’s giving me a lot of conflicting thoughts and emotions that I’m trying to sort through. To understand why, I’m going to go into my family history and this opportunity. I’ll put it under a Read More since I’m on the computer now and can do that (because mobile is dumb and I can’t do it there). Normally for longer posts, I’d do some formatting so there are bold parts to make reading easier on the eyes, but I can’t be assed to do that this time. This is to get my feelings out here and MAYBE insight if anyone has any for my very highly specific situation.
I should start with my dad. He was born in Peru but grew up in New York City, joined the Navy, and settled down in Texas with my mom. His mom was the one who was born and raised in Peru and had come the US for college. I... honestly don’t know much about her. In fact, I only met her at her funeral.
She emotionally and verbally abused my dad throughout his childhood and I suspect that there was also potentially physical abuse too. She was a paranoid schizophrenic and didn’t have healthy coping mechanisms at that time from what VERY little my dad told me. He doesn’t like talking about it. He did mention that when his parents fought, his mother would put him in between her and his dad as a shield. That does a lot to a kid. He has a younger brother, my uncle, who my dad protected from the worst of it. So by the time they were adults and I was born, my dad didn’t want to have any ties to her but my uncle maintained a relationship.
Actually, side note while I’m talking about my uncle, the thing that pissed me off about my uncle (besides his pretty sexist views on domestic roles but that’s a whole different discussion) was that he was trying for years to get my dad to reconnect with their mother despite my dad telling him no. I distinctly remember being shown a picture of her playing piano while my younger cousins (who were even younger in the picture) playing around her. I was asked if I knew who this was. I did not. After being told that it was my grandmother, he asked me if I wanted to know her. No. She hurt my dad. If she hurt my dad so much that HE doesn’t want to reconnect, I want nothing to do with her, myself. 
I went to her funeral to support my dad who was, understandably having a really hard time with the mess of different conflicting emotions going in.
So for the longest time, when I thought of my ancestry beyond her, it still made me think of her and the pain she caused my dad. Like... obviously I knew that what was happening with her had nothing to do with the cultural past. At least not the stuff that ended up making the biggest impact (it seems that her mental illness wasn’t adequately being treated until at least much much later in her life if ever). But it was impossible to think about it relating to me personally without knowing that, for it to get to me, went through her. So my only way of being interested in say, Incan stuff was to completely separate it from any association with myself.
But it’s been a few years since she died and I think I’ve slowly been getting a sort of closure on the whole thing. This year in particular, I was getting a lot done on that front without realizing it. 
In the Spring, the results from my 23andMe came in and confirmed that I was about 12% Native Peruvian. My dad’s dad’s side was always into genealogy and we have this really big book of everyone that updates every few years ago and goes back to at LEAST the 1700s. Then both my mom’s parents decided to try a genealogy service my aunt’s friend was wanting to get off the ground. My dad’s mother was the only missing piece and with that 23andMe result, it was kind of an epiphany that this IS indeed a part of me, for better or for worse. 
Then last fall in my archaeology class, Incan examples came up quite a bit so that was reinforced. Also that same semester, I did a campus visit to DC and went to the National Museum of the American Indian. I didn’t realize it until I got there that they had an entire (well-made actually) special exhibit on the Inca. Then at Christmas time, apparently llamas were popular this year and I was seeing them EVERYWHERE. I don’t really believe in signs, but clearly it’s something that I’m subconsciously looking for or I’m finally noticing what’s already all around me. Like I’m ready to confront all of this.
Which all brings me to this trip. My aunt, specifically my mom’s sister, had always wanted to see Machu Picchu and found a family vacation package to go where the more people who went, the better deal it was. She offered to my mom and their siblings and one of my uncles with his wife are going, my grandparents, and my mom with my dad. My mom extended the invitation to my siblings and I and... I realized that with the amount of time I have to save up, it’s actually not that bad. I can actually go. My sister expressed interest as well and I hope she can go as well, but at least I’d be there with my dad. 
While the rest of the family are going because “hey cool vacay” my dad and I are obviously going for more personal reasons, similar ones, though he is obviously much closer to the whole thing than I am. I’ll be able to be there. Be in the footsteps of my ancestors. It won’t be just some abstract thing anymore. It will be real and in front of me.
And I’m kind of scared?
I’m not at all scared of my well-being of course. That is no issue. But I’m afraid of what it would dredge up in me.
I have so many questions. Can I really call this part of my history if I’ve never been a part of it? I’ve had the luxury to have all of the privilege associated to being White because... I mean I am in every way. But that doesn’t change the fact that, at least genetically, I do have that Native ancestry in me and not an entirely insignificant amount either. Did I miss out on that because of what my grandmother did? Does that disqualify me, then? What right do I have to any of this? Am I just another White girl clinging onto whatever minuscule speck diversity I have to seem cool? 
As an anthropologist, I’m very aware of my positionality. I know nothing and culturally I don’t belong and likely never will even if I fully embrace this trip. But personally? Where do I stand? 
I guess I have to wait nearly two years to find out.
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kazamastar · 5 years
Welcome to 2019
Version 3.0 : Final Version - Wow. February and finally, the 9th is here. All of you my 488 followers can finally enjoy it (372 by the end of 2017). I’ve never been that late to write a sum up but it’s pretty obvious that if it took me so much time to do it, then deep down I didn’t want to do it. Indeed I was about to let that sink in and leave this post with the version 2.0. But I remembered I had one person to honor. And this is what this year 2018 is about : focusion on the good actions and the good people. Because spoiler alert : this year 2018 have been on some other level of shit. More than 2013, 2014 and 2017 combined.
Pic : Plot twist. No more smile. No more bowtie.
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Well let’s do some quickmaths : as i said we upgraded from 372 to 488 followers (and roughly 2,241 posts). For the 9th time I have to say that I have mad love for y’all (except fake pr0n blogs, y’all aint shit). For the humans that still follow me : thank you. And I’ll have even more love for the poeple who read this until the end haha. I have to apologize because these last months my tumblr looks pretty much like a mess, between the heartbreaking lyrics, quotes, passive agressive posts than only a few people can understand ... And that’s all because of that one follower I lost (y’all understood it was an euphemism). But to be accurate, I don’t want this post to become another heartbreak post : there are already too much of them on my tumblr. Indeed, it’s one of the main contraints I forced myself to write under. Because “l’art naît de contraintes” (Art rises from contraints) like Van Gogh said. So : not another heartbreak post where I pour my heart out for a girl who won’t even read it (guess I’ve done enough with the Helsinki post).  But it’s kinda difficult because this break up is the main reason my 4 last months of 2018 (and on...) have been so so awful and so much things happened because of this. But nevermind I’ll do my best. I’ll do my best because like I said, this post is more about love. This break up surely made me less human, mistrustful, but still, I’m writting because I’ve seen beautiful actions that had to be honored. But we’ll see that later. What other contraints for this 9th sum up ? A young lady I’ve met this year challenged me to write 2 good things for 1 bad that happened to me this year. I’m sorry, I failed ahah. I found more good than bad, but that 2 for 1 ratio was a bit too much ahah. Désolé ma grande ;) And because of this, I had to have a kind of draft for writting, even though I always told myself these sum up needed to be written without drafts, to keep them kinda “natural”. Looks like I’m taking this more and more seriously haha. Well, when I say that this year have been worse than my 3 worst years combined this is not a joke. Have you ever told yourself for example “Wow I left all my stuff in the car, I would be deadly unlucky if someone would break into it and stole everything !” ...Yes, that’s that level of mischance. Because this happened to me btw. And that’s the spirit of this whole year. In “Welcome to 2016″ I remember talking about “mala suerte” ... that was bullshit, 2018 is the real mala suerte. The heartbreak of this year is the worst of my whole life by far, then I’ve been close to what I dreamt of in karate, what I fight for since 2011, had 2 chances to get it this year and I still not got it by a hair’s breadth. Dad got into a crash car, hopefully only the car got wrecked. (so sad it won’t take me again to Andorra haha) People kept on deceiving me. Close friends but also unknowns.
People close to me know how much I cherish friendship. If you’re my friend and you’re not doing well, then I’m already on my way to yours to fix you. No exceptions. Even faster if it’s because of a heartbreak, because heartbroken people should never feel lonely. It’s that simple. SO when I see fuckers I have been there for through ups, downs and heartbreaks and these people are not even able to give it back to me I can’t help being mad. And I don’t act like that in order to make people give that kindness back to me, that’s not the purpose. But I do hate ungratefulness. So, I had to go through a heartbreak again and I saw people disappear again. So that’s enough lines wasted talking about these people. I also have to talk about those who were there. In 2018 I also found an awesome training partner and got closer to her clan. That’s a positive energy I really needed on that 2nd half of 2018. Par ailleurs, tu liras surement jamais ça mais je me permets une parenthèse pour te dire encore une fois Merci Julie pour avoir sauvé ma vie. This kind of old friendship is priceless to me. We can also talk about some young friendship : in march I met someone (almost my best 2018, except I didn’t manage to define an encounter good enough to define it as the best of 2018) who made me go deeper into Tekken, making me getting closer to the Tekken community in Tls. Funny how I always dreamt of this when I was a kid and this is happening. Indeed I’m living the shonen life : I’m in a group (where I met some really lovely people), I’m not the strongest but hell I do what I can to improve and that’s begining to pay even if i won’t forget the 68-0 against sensei, and like in karate I still aim to the top. It’s funny to be inside another competitive world where people don’t have all the values we have in karate. Some of these Tekken people (in the whole country, not only in Toulouse) show off, are mean to each other etc ... And also like in karate, we admire asians for being the best to do it in the whole world. What else ? I became a karate teacher. Took me a bit of time, it wasn’t hard but just took me time and dedication. I still met some great people all along this experience. I made peace with the old pals, vacays together were really incredible. Some of the sweetest days of this year. One of the sweetest day this year was the day I worked hard as hell and went back “home” to the one I love. What a lovely feeling. But I guess we didn’t lived it the same way ... Then, I also had the chance to make a karate lesson in the 1st place I’ve been taught karate !!! This was outstanding because I love to give back to those who gave me, and I love to inspire people. So, it was such a pleasure to tell these kids “I was standing where you are now. I started like you and I’ve been getting stronger and stronger. If I did it you can do it too !!!”. I truly believe some of those kids are about to be deadly strong, hopefully I’ll be done with competition haha. Talking about competition, i sadly lost my title in Andorra by mid June.  At the end of the competition, I promised to come back stronger and to revenge but there will be no revenge as this competition will not be repeated in 2019. Indeed, this Andorra 2018 was a great competition and a great trip. A cool trip, great team, great mates, a lot of alcohol, a good hotel room, and love ... so much love. A deadly hangover, but a lot of love. Sadly, there would not have been love again, as 1414 who was my coach for the weekend, my partner on the tatami and in life decided to take a different path from mine. Indeed, I promised to not talk too much about that but this is all the 2nd half of 2018 is about : me trying not to drown because of this heartbreak and it feels like everything is related to that. I got cocky and forgot the 1st and only love lesson my father taught me “nothing lasts forever, mostly in love”. Damn he was right. Even my mother was right for not trusting her at the begining, and God knows she’s never right usually. I won’t even mention what that break up costed me. But as the big bro says : there were no house, no kids, no joined bank account ... Only wasted times and dead dreams now. “La mort d’un rêve” ... it’s still something painful. S. is now a dead dream. I cannot imagine my own flesh meeting some destructive people like the ones I met and going through hard times like I’m going through. I wouldn’t be able to handle it. So no more S. and no more L., and it’s a hell of a problem as I’ve always built my life around the fact that I wanted them. And it’s painful because I wanted them with her. Nevermind, no one will ever know “what a great father I could be” as 1414 said. So much dreams. Gone. My 5 brothers took care of me as much as they could and they did amazingly great. I’ll never thank God enough for putting these guys into my life. Hope they know how much I love them. That was sad to see another one of them going back to his motherland but ... what an amazing last evening in Toulouse we spent. I’ll never forget this one.
Still talking about the break up and all the bad that happened this year : tbh I couldn’t draw good lessons from all of these bad things. Really. But like I said, I’ve seen good things coming from good people. So now I need to talk about 27. First of all, 27 was right on so many levels. (yes, I use numbers to not drop real names). Those who know me know that I love to experience, live everything. I would have been better without this heartbreak but still, it taught me new things. I could understand 27 better. When she talked about hell, she wasn’t joking at all. The doubts, the negativity, the hate, self-hate ... I think that’s too much to handle. But still, she still tried to help me when she saw me going through that hell. I couldn‘t thank her enough for this and that must be remembered. This is the whole reason I still wanted to write this sum up, in spite of all the bad things that happened. It was like : a soul lending a hand to another soul. Merci. Je ne l’oublierai jamais, je t’en dois une belle. Et toujours d’une âme à une autre. Tu dis le contraire mais tu as une belle âme et je suis sûr qu’il te reste beaucoup d’amour à donner. Tu as trop à donner à ce monde (en espérant que tu me lises un jour)
Also, I could understand 26 better. [...] And 26 still have the most beautiful smile in the whole world. No transition : Najwa Zebian said that « it’s unfair that new people in my life will have to destroy walls around me they didn’t even built » (btw I love this woman, she also had a big impact on my life through her reflexions) and I can tell she’s right but … trusting people is so hard these days. I really don’t know what to think about this statement. I think I’ve always been picky about who I let close to me and I still got fucked up by my ex-lover, my entourage … It’s all about who to trust, who to let in and who to cut … And it feels like I’ve been making the wrong decisions for years.
It’s starting getting late so let me end up with facts nobody cares. Neutral facts : I discovered lofi this year, my hero academia (FUCKING AWESOME !!!!), Tokyo Ghoul, 7DS, sword art online (great !!), la casa de papel, stranger things, sherlock, IP MAN 3, the good place, misfits, Juice Wrld blew up this year, NAV, Dosseh ... Funny how I discovered some of the saddest love song this year haha. Bad facts : I got injuried a lot. Females still played me a lot. Indeed I realized females are cruel but I still love them. This might be the proof we don’t chose our sexual orientation haha. Then, I couldn’t train properly from Sept to Dec. Oh, I can’t listen anymore to : Nicki, Kehlani, Rihanna or Cardi B. “More life” or “Views from the 6″ are albums I can’t listen to anymore. Well, GOOD FACTS now ! : Got a karate gi from J. (outstanding move), I put the young bloods in high school at Tekken and mangas haha. I met 80′s family and it was like a dream and I’m sure I got luckied in another dimension haha. 80 and 90 are still close to perfection in my eyes. 30 is still 30, with good and bad moods. I’m in peace with the sensei. I also received one of the best gift of my life. I learned that I was able to train by myself thanks to my power of mind !  To finish, I saw that I was able to forgive and still give love, even if it was pointless and too late.
Well, 2019 has already started and this will sure be a hell of a ride (January was ... special) as now I’m like on some quicksand shit. Let’s go ! And let’s not forget those 2018 that marked this year and I’ll surely be listening to in a decade (you need to know that I still listen to all the songs in the previous sum ups !). Enjoy :)
2018 Playlist
Dvsn - The morning after
Youv Dee - Opening
Tory Lanez - 48 floors
Roy Woods - Instinct feat MadeInTYO
Damso - Smog X Kyle - Ikuyo
Dosseh - Cœur de pirate X Guordan Banks - Keep you in mind
Marwa Loud - Je voulais (feat Laguardia)
Bazzi - Honest X Omar Kadir - The last thing I do
Oboy - Nuit X NAV - What I need
The Magician - Love break feat Hamza
Dinos - Les pleurs du mal
⚡ Dinos - Helsinki X Logic - The Glorious Five X Laylow - Digitalova ⚡
(Albums :6lack - East Atlanta love letter X Juice WRLD & Future - Wrld on drugs X Tory Lanez - Love me now & memories don’t die)
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twohearts-hs · 6 years
‘An Office Affair Vll’ - CEO!Harry Series
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Words: 2,748
Pairing: Harry Styles & (Y/N) (Y/L/N)
CEO Harry Series part 7
Warning(s): Swearing
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
The moment she walked out, he banged his fist on the desk; running his fingers through his hair. His lips let out a groan in frustration; something he did constantly. His jaw was clenching and he grabbed his coat and walked out. He needed a drink, he needed a big drink to get his thoughts together; to drown his issues.
He walked to his car. Harry had no intention in going to the pub, because he knew he will cause havoc, and get kicked out, create a fight or something. His only hope was his apartment which was lined with liquor.
His hands grabbed the steering wheel; breaths were loud and shaky. He just admitted everything he felt for this girl and she just walked out. She didn’t even saying that she fucking loves him back. He was beyond upset. Usually he would bang someone, but he can’t do that to her. He wanted to change for her. He needed to change for her.
Out of anger he pressed the gas more, watching people pass by. He needed to go home, he needed that drink, he needed to cool down. He needed to control his anger. But, he couldn’t. Every second his mind went on about the situation, the foot on the gas pedal pressed harder, creating the car to go faster. He was twenty kilometres over the spend limit.
Harry had no other thoughts, just Scott and her, (Y/N) walking out; his love and adoration for this girl. His mind was clouded. He wasn’t properly seeing where he was going, until his car’s side was banged with another. He just went through a red light.
His head lunged forward, hitting the steering wheel as the airbags were blown up. It knocked him out. His eyelids gently closed, going into a world where everything is perfect; the blackness taking over. He heard things though, he heard the sirens as his limp body was stuck in the seat. He heard the knocking on the window to see if he was awake, he felt them removed him.
(Y/N) came to work two days later. She texted Harry when she got to her parents’ place, but he never replied back. She reckoned that he was upset with her; it was his fault not hers. So, two days later, she walked back in the office; a recent haircut happened, so she felt different. (Y/N) was polite. She started a conversation with Megan, her telling her about the recent football match that happened. They laughed together, till she checked the clock and was bang on time, saying a simple ‘goodbye’.
She waved to her co-workers, she even waved and smiled to Scott. He was flustered, replied with the same gestures but went back to work; she thought he was embarrassed. The office quiet, the simple talking of people, and the typing on the keyboards. It was too quiet.
Before she registered what happened, a hand came behind her and brought her into a hug; she turned around. A redhead comes into play, and a smile that was contagious as well.
“(Y/N)! How was it, without me?” Dorothy asked, she smiled.
“Perfectly fine. How was your vacay?” she asked, following Dorothy towards her office.
“Oh, honey! Don’t call it a vacay. I couldn’t do it; I stayed home with the cats, till I got the call that I had to come back in.” she said, the smile still on her lips. (Y/N) thought back. Dorothy had two weeks off, and it has only been a week and a bit.
“Oh, why’d you come early? Got bored?” she said, trying to brighten up the room.
“No, it’s such a shame with what happened to Harry.” (Y/N) sat down at the chair facing her desk, a confused look on her face.
“What happened with Harry?” giving her a werid look.
“Darling, you haven’t heard, Harry was in a car accident.” shock filled her system; mouth gaping open. That is why he hasn’t responded, lately.
“Do you know how I can contact him?” she asked, Dorothy smiled, writing down phone numbers.
“This one is his sisters, and this one here is the hospital.” she told her, sliding the paper over, “Now I have to go to a meeting, so keep yourself busy.”
“Dorothy?” she began, her turning back to her, “Who is filling in for Mr Styles?”
“Well, Addison of course.” Dorothy responded, walking out the room. She rolled her eyes in response, of course, it was fucking Addison.
(Y/N) fished in her bag to find her phone, wanting to call these numbers immediately. She started off with the hospital, not wanting to sound stalkerish with calling his sister. It took three rings.
“Hello, London Bridge Hospital, nurses station; Candice speaking. How can I help you today?” a young rang through. (Y/N) cleared her throat.
“Hi, my friend was admitted about two days ago with a car accident. Harry Styles. Is it possible to come visit today?” she asked, pulling out a pen and pencil.
“Mr Styles is only welcoming friends and family. What is your name, I can put you through with him in his room to see if it is ok?” she asked.
“(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” she replied, tapping the pen on the desk.
“Hold on, please. Just transferring your call.” she sat impatiently, nerves wracking her body. He didn’t even have the guts to call her, and here he is, in the hospital.
“Hello?” he heard his groggy voice, she could tell he was rubbing his face.
“Hey, Harry, it is (Y/N),” she took a break to hear his response, “I’m wondering if you’re ok? What happened? When?” she went on a rampage of questions, her knee bouncing as she sat on the chair.
“Oh, hey love, I’m fine; don’t worry.” he said, she still couldn’t help but worry.
“Can I come and visit?”
“No, I don’t think that is a great idea. My parents are in town.” he told her, he could heard the worrisome in her voice.
“Yeah of course.” the line became awkward, and he picked up on it. He knew what she was doing, bouncing of knee and possibly biting her fingernails.
“You know what, screw it. Visit me, babe.” he told her. A smile came on her features, “And you my rebel, I give you permission off of work to come now. I need you here”
She arrived to the hospital, frantically going to the nurses’ station to find out which room he was in, nodding towards her answer. (Y/N) opened the door, seeing Harry gently closing his eyes. His body was in a hospital gown, and he had a brace on.
“Hi.” she picked up that no one was there, just him in this peaceful matter. His features lit up, and a smile came to his face, not a smirk.
“Hi, lovely.” she placed herself on the seat next to him, watching him smile.
“What happened?” his hand went to his forehead, pushing hair back from his face. He relaxed to her touch.
“I was in an accident.” he told her, looking up.
“Tell me more.” she gave him a glare, and he chuckled.
“When you left me, I was a little bit upset. I sped and a car hit my car’s side, but I'm ok, and that is all that matters.” he told her, “The car hit my passenger side, so it didn’t affect me much. Just my wrist and some swelling and shit.” he told her. She leant down, connecting their lips together. She was about to pull away and mumble some words when a voice took over the hospital room.
“Sorry to interrupt.” a voice came out of nowhere, both of the them pulling away.
“Oh, fuck, Gemma,” he chuckled, “you scared me.” she came over to the other side of him and punched him gently on the arm.
“So, who is this? A lovely lady your snogging, does she have a name?” she teased. (Y/N) kept silent, a blush coming to her cheeks.
“Quit it Gem, we weren’t snogging.” she chuckled.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N).” (Y/N) spoke, reaching over to shake Gemma’s hand.
“Hi, I’m Gemma, Harry's sister.” just then more people came in two others. A lady and a man.
“Oh, who is this?” the woman said. She looked like Harry, herself concluding it must be his mother.
“Mum, Robin, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N).” he told them, “(Y/N), this is Anne and Robin. My mum and stepdad.” she was above shock, he just called her his fucking girlfriend. (Y/N) got up to shake their hands and sat down, feeling her hand being placed in with another. Harry grabbed her hand and held it.
“So, I just talked to the nurse. She is bringing discharge papers.” Anne told them, but soon ignored that comment, “I had no idea that you had a girlfriend, Harry. Gosh, you need to tell me these things more often. I thought that I would have to be the one to babysit you after being discharged, but I think (Y/N) here could do it.”
“Yeah, mum, whatever. I can take care of myself.” he grumbled, looking away from (Y/N) and glaring at his mum.
“That’s what you always say, but anyway.” Anne said, placing her attention on (Y/N).
The two of them talked, not just Anne and her, but over time others joined in. She figured out that Harry was a typical boy; the big lavish life just disguises it. She laughed at each other's jokes, and told stories. Harry smiled at the way his family was interacting with her. He’ll be honest, he hasn’t brought home a girlfriend since his high school days. He kept his private life away from his family and focused on himself. Harry would cancel his dinner parties with them or call in sick if he had to see them. He truly does love them, but to him, a family can be a weakness; love is a weakness.
Anne was correct, quarter to an hour later the discharge papers came in. He signed them with no thought and continued his conversation, no, listening to the conversation, that was going around. He truly was in love with her, but he didn’t know how else to show it.
“You, mister, better not get into anything too crazy or trouble anytime soon, this scared me shitless.” his mother told him, pointing towards him.
“Me too, Harry, you can’t do anything stupid.” (Y/N) pipped him, creating him to laugh.
“I’m just a businessman, not a male stripper or a stuntman,” he told them, they all laughed.
“(Y/N), sweetie, are you ok with taking him home? Placing this idoit to bed, taking care of him for us. I completely trust you.” Harry groaned at the nickname.
“Mum, it is fine. (Y/N) can take care of me, you need to head back to work, Gem too.” he told her.
The few of them said their goodbyes, as (Y/N) ordered a taxi; Harry’s car was getting fix, so that was not an option. Robin shook her hand, same with Gemma, but Anne hugged her. This gave Harry a heartwarming feeling, they were already enjoying her. Once all of them exited the room, the two of them were left. (Y/N) spun on her feet and looked at Harry.
“How fucking dare you not tell me what happened? I had to hear from fucking Dorothy.” she said, glaring at him.
“Hey, hey, hey now, don’t bring Dorothy into this.” he gave her the surrender signal, hands up and looking at her.
“No, answer my question.”
“It wasn't major and you were off with your family. I didn’t want to bug you. I was fine, just a little bump and scrapes, bruises and swelling, all that jazz.” he told her.
She groaned, picking up the few things that were around her to place in his bag to take home. She placed the medicine, and blankets that belong to him as well.
“Come on.” she told him, helping him into the wheelchair
The two of them got into the taxi, Harry giving him the address. (Y/N) realised that she had never been to Harry’s before, and simply he just came to her place; she was a little nervous.
“I’m sorry.” he broke the awkward silence.
“About?” she still looked out the window, having not looked at him, yet.
“Everything.” she nodded, humming. She felt the hand on her thigh from him, and she kept ignoring it.
“Mum seemed to like you.” he said, her turning her attention to him, now.
“Yeah, she is really nice, same with your sister.” she told him, the silence coming back, “Harry?” he perked up, “There are a few things I want to tell you, if you want this relationship to work. One, Addison, I don’t want you to be friends with her, she is too, too fake.” he nodded, “Second, you can’t control me. You can’t make me do things or threaten me, ok?” he was a little hesitate now, “Thirdly, no more flirting with anyone. Not even that Katie bitch. Simply say, ‘sorry, sweetie, got a girlfriend now.’ ok?” he rolled his eyes, “Don’t roll your eyes. It takes two to be in a relationship. And a relationship has honesty and trust.”
“Fine, but you have to end things with Scott and Megan.” he replied.
“Scott and I are totally over and Megan and I weren’t even a thing to begin with.” she reasoned.
“Still, though.”
She helped him out of car, heading to the skyscraper where he calls home. The place was new. You can tell from the windows and height of the building, with the fresh new look from the other buildings next to it. It was definitely something he would live in. She followed him through the building, watching as he placed his finger on the button to his floor on the elevator.
“Thanks, for everything.” he said, exiting moments later, she kept following, even into his apartment.
Her apartment was nothing compared to his, slick, modern, white. You could see no speck of dust or stain on the white quartz of his kitchen counter. Everything was minimal, like no one lives there. But, with the dusking of night and the wide windows, the apartment was a simple bachelor’s pad. It was beautiful, though. With minimal lighting that elemetated the room. It was cozy, but professional. She kept following him to an barn door where she was open with his bedroom. It was grey. A simple grey, but not with white. It was on a different level, a tiny step to get to his bed. Too fancy for her taste with the large windows showing the city of London.
“Harry?” he turned around on his feet, looking at her with his bag on her shoulder.
“Um, welcome to my flat. Uh, make yourself at home.” he turned back around and headed towards his bathroom.
“Do you need help?” she asked as he took off his shirt and removed his pants, leaving him in only his boxers.
“No, just need another dosage of painkillers.” he told her, grabbing the bag off her shoulders and kissing her cheeks.
“Harry, did you seriously mean what you send to your family?” she questioned, he stopped in his tracks and turned around.
“What?” he frowned his eyebrows.
“That I am your girlfriend.” he nodded, licking his lips.
“Yeah.” he walked to her, and dropped his hands, kissing her on the lips.
“Ok. A normal person would say, ‘would you want to be my girlfriend’, but I’ll take that.” she told him as he got into his bed.
“Come.” he told her, gesturing to next to him.
“No, Harry. I got to get home, catch up on work, read my book, and stuff.” she stumbled out, turning back towards the exit of his room.
“Please, stay.” it only took those few words, the role of her eyes to listen to him, watching his smile come on his face as she made her way to the bed.
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