#i have so many jewish hcs for these guys....more to come
fakakta-art · 1 year
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its no longer hanukkah but i'm setting the record straight on the batboys latke preferences, re: this post
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animation-is-my-jam · 9 months
What are your favorite ships? What are your favorite headcanons? Ramble on, please do. What are your hot takes?
Thank you for the ask (^w^) AW I appreciate it!
Favorite ships?
Well my two favorite ones are on my header and looking through my art it's pretty easy to tell 💀 so yeah it's Tjohnson and Tobecky, however there are other ships I do consider favs, like Doctor Two-brains x Professor Tubing, Victoria x Rose, and Chuck/Whammer. To mostly name them. I think they're all so sillay 🥹
Favorite Headcanons?
Oh Lexicon I have a lot of them... but to be brief I'll name some of them, ones either I have myself or others coined:
- Doctor Two-brains (Steven), Professor Tubing, and Professor Doohickey all used to know each other before.
- Becky (Wordgirl) is technically an orphan from Lexicon which is why there is no external family who has yet come to search earth, or why Becky and Bob don't really care about returning back to Lexicon.
- Jewish Johnson and Jewish Two Brains
- Rose is half Hispanic
- Theodore McCallister the second is real and he's the worst, he and Claire haven't technically divorced, he's just gone somewhere.
- Tobey was fixated on space/aliens before he pivoted into robots.
- Captain HuggyFace (if that even is his name on Lexicon) probably has guilt over something back home which is why he's resigned to look after this random kid on earth and why he cries over the picture with his brother thinking about him.
- No one is straight (except--[insert characters I don't like])
- Trans Fem Becky
- Ms. Davis has gone through three divorces at least.
- The narrator secretly has been trying to get Tobey redemption to happen (this is a theory more than HC but you get it).
- Victoria and the Bests are experiments or at least half-human experiments.
- There are planets based on every educational curriculum/school structures.
- TJ can understand Bob (somehow)
- TJ's camouflage powers isn't a gag.
- The learnerer is half Lexiconian.
- Beatrice and Dave have known each other since highschool.
- Afro Latina Becky
- Johnson is actually his last name, his full name is Joshua Johnson but ppl are just used to calling him by his last name thx to TJ.
- Hunter and Victoria are in a fake relationship, WLW and Bi solidarity and hostility.
- Tobey during the months leading up to "By Jove you've wrecked my Robot" where he was convinced Becky was Wordgirl he developed a crush on Becky and after the episode it never really went away.
- TJ and Johnson by the later seasons are boyfriends but in a "playing house" kind of way, not yet really official or knowing what that means. By the last season, they "break it off" but it's clear they both like each other but TJ is trying to deny the allegations 🏳️‍🌈 and it's all so dumb that it definitely will bite them both in the future.
- Rex actually ran away from his home planet and not just exploring. For what reason? Anything is interesting, but for me I said it was because he really wanted to play superhero but Hexagon is a serious place so they discouraged him, leading him to play dress up very seriously. Probably has gone to other planets being Kid math with not do great results.
- Rose's family takes in Rex.
Hot takes?
I don't really have that many spicy hot takes or at least I don't know if they would be considered as such, but here are some ig.
- The upset over there being too many Tobecky centric fics in the Wordgirl fanfiction space is silly and dumb. Shipping fics especially for a popular ship is naturally going to have a lot of works and getting upset over it is not that serious, and it's disheartening to put down other's passions to writing a fic just because its what's available.
- I don't think Doctor Two-brains is that interesting anymore (to me), or at least I think he gets too focused on more than Becky sometimes, especially when it comes to their previous mentor relationship. Personally I like him more as a tragic yet still continuing to be a goofy guy who doesn't care what he's become and just wants to live his best life, RIP Steven. Oh and I don't buy into the whole he would be a better dad/parent to Becky or Tobey. That whole elitist Dad brains mentality has unfortunately turned me off to most of the idea of the villians and WG being a found family, to me I like their dynamic (when they're not fighting) more as friendly acting buddies/coworkers.
- Granny May> most of the other villians. ( I'm sorry but my queen does not deserve this disrespect).
- The Becky/Wordgirl is ambiguously ethnic or isn't at all bc she's technically an alien (and for any person to insert themselves into her) has always been dumb and I think let's some people get away with white washing the hell out of her.
- The show itself...has a real poc character problem ngl. Not on its representation or I think there's anything offensive no. I mean more like...the Botsfords are painfully written by someone who has never seen anything but a white family interact AND the casting choice of literally almost every poc character being voiced by a white VA except Cree Summer and two of the May I have a word kids, is like 🫤. Which is why if there were ever to be a hypothetical reboot I personally don't want most of the old VAs for those characters, like Tom Kenny I love you but you absolutely should not have been TJ for as long as you did 💀
- Chuck is right, crustless bread is inferior. #teamcrust
- I hate to think that this is a hot take but I recently had someone complain about this... CLAIRE IS NOT AN ABUSIVE MOM THERE. Do I think she's a flawed woman with her short comings? Yes... that's what makes her so damn interesting and good. God forbid moms are anything but the ideal non-stressed; never angry, gentle soft spoken archetypes. And I absolutely know it's also bc she's depicted strong and buff that warrant ppl to just point and go (abusive!!), like idk if anything she's incredibly lenient to a kid who literally destroys buildings every week and even supports him sometimes.
- Possessive/Yandere Tobey jokes or headcanons aren't funny. If anything they really make me cringe and uncomfortable. Like normies have one joke about Tobey and it's the unfunniest thing.
- Scoops is a good character. If you're asking if this is a hot take, kinda yeah. Some ppl find him annoying or meaningless after the early seasons, but idk I like him. I think he's silly :⁠-⁠P. Oh and same with Rose, I know ppl joke that's she's some random OC/self insert Mary Sue BUT THOSE PPL DON'T HAVE TASTE, ROSE IS THE GOAT.
(^^ That's the ones I could come up with. Obviously no ill will on some of these takes, especially on the DTB one, it's mostly my ideas and what I think either gets overlooked. However the hot takes on Claire and Tobey tho, those ones I'm actually going to be hostile on. But yeah some of them are serious others aren't. It's just what it is.)
Again thanks for the questions! I hope I didn't just get you to block me lmao.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
Hello hello I'm writing a fic about Mort and was wondering if you have any hc or fun facts about Mort
of course!!!! i love mort we need him in more episodes he's such a nice guy <33
he was a SUPER anxious and shy kid he never really had any friends, he mostly kept to himself and got good grades but he was too scared to talk to people. also i feel like he was a big superhero fan growing up!!!! he read comic books like spiderman and batman. he was kinda a nerd
he got over his anxiety as he grew up and thats actually why he learned meditation, it helps with his anxiety bcuz he learned not to stress about things as much :) still pretty introverted though, he knows lots of people from working in the funeral business but he has very few close friends and sticks to himself most of the time, thats also why he isn't at bob's burgers as much as teddy is he's just more introverted than him and the noise/chaos can be a lot
he's jewish!!!! i dont know if this is canon (i feel like it is maybe) but he's jewish and practices the cultural traditions a lot more than bob's family, he isn't exactly religious but has a closer relationship to the culture in general and celebrates the holidays, not really a huge fan of celebrating christmas etc but he doesn't make a big deal out of it he'll do stuff with friends if they ask him (like the secret santa thing)
i definitely stole this headcanon from someone but i like the idea that he has the last name as his voice actor, full name is mortimer kindler
he is a HUGE mama's boy and always has been, maybe had some separation anxiety when he was younger bcuz he spent so much time around her
his dad wasn't really in his life growing up either bcuz of divorce/death or bcuz he was always away on business so it was usually just him and his mom, his mom had a revolving door of boyfriends throughout his childhood and most of them were cool but didn't last very long. he likes arthur though :)
got male pattern baldness from both sides of his family and started losing his hair in his mid 20s <\3 HE'S NOT AS OLD AS HE LOOKS HE SWEARS
not sure how he got into the funeral business but he's had his place a lot longer than bob, probably been there 25+ years and he's seen so many neighbors come and go!!! he was friendly with bob and family from the beginning bcuz linda was a chatterbox and he was the only neighbor who stuck around long enough to know them but doesn't hate them, he would actually consider bob and linda his closest friends
he is still a nerd tbh i feel like he'd genuinely really enjoy watching nature documentaries or documentaries on basically anything. his ideal day is him sitting on his couch in his comfy clothing and watching a nerdy documentary about the alaskan wilderness or whatever and nobody bothers him and he doesn't have to talk to anybody. i feel like him and bob would actually really enjoy hanging out tbh just two introverts doing their thing
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polniaczek · 25 days
Tootie and Natalie too?
favorite thing about them: her earnestness least favorite thing about them: the writers did her dirty during in s2-4 and made her kind of annoying for no reason favorite line: "this is too much… having a white maid 😏" or when she comes shuffling back from that one costume party and goes "there were 14 diana rosses at the party and two of them were white!" lmao brOTP: nat n toot 4 lyfe OTP: jeff by default i guess but i'll never forget the only tfol dream i've ever had where tootie had a thing for george bc it was honestly so sensible nOTP: i'm sure there is one but idr random headcanon: when tootie is finally on her own, she takes a step back and - of her own volition this time - reflects on her tokenized experience. doesn't regret it necessarily because her eastland friendships are lifelong but does see herself in a new light. i say this because when i watch regine on living single i get sad for tootie lol unpopular opinion: weirdly she's the only character i wish we had gotten to see date more. jeff could've still been endgame but like let this girl find herself onscreen pls song i associate with them: i've always thought that tootie would be a huge fan of the wiz and know all the songs by heart. like i can picture her humming ease on down the road so often that she annoys the other girls 💛 favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: her levelheadedness and her sass. sometimes she speaks like she's the only one with common sense and she's surrounded by buffoons least favorite thing about them: not her, but the show.. that we only got to see the tiniest little glimpses of her jewishness favorite line: i can't decide if she got the best lines or if mindy just delivered them the best but sooo many. "I knew we were soul sisters!" or "could that be YOUR wing-ding, blair?" or "if we had any class, we'd leave. 🪑" or "hold it hold it hold it hold it holllddd it hoollllllllldd it. you GUYS are making a MESS." honorary mention to the scene where she's trying to figure out how blair and her sister are related. i don't remember how the quote goes but she ends up saying something like "meg's father was married to blair's second mother" and it cracks me up every time brOTP: toot toot tootie OTP: all her bfs are forgettable nOTP: the one-man rumor mill from sex symbol random headcanon: i think (?) the show retconned this but she DID have an older sister in s1 and i hc that they aren't close at all. her sister is tall and thin and judgmental and she's nat's first source of insecurity unpopular opinion: on tumblr this isn't unpopular but in the grand scheme of things it is. mindy looks great on the show and she's so cute and i'm baffled by how natalie became thought of so negatively in pop culture song i associate with them: bruce springsteen is quintessential early seasons nat and i can def imagine her rocking out to born to run favorite picture of them: i couldn't decide which frame
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hi !! can I please get a 🍰?
i just came across of you writing and it is so cute !! (´-﹏-`;) every post made me feel all warm & fuzzy inside ~ please feel free to totally ignore this if this isn't the proper way to ask or if you already closed your request (also I'm sorry if you already closed your request I didn't noticed) . Also sorry if this has any grammatical errors or if the descriptions don't make sense, english isn't my first language.
so, uhm, to begin my name is elliot (she/her) I'm 5'4, I'm from argentina (south america) i speak spanish & english (among other languages) idk how much I'm supposed to put on here so I'm just going to describe myself as redacted as possible. (Don't know if this is necessary but I'm jewish ¿) ^_________^
I have short brown wavy hair, just a couple of centimeters below my ears, i have bangs, I'm very pale ¿ not chubby but also not skinny average if i may say so. My fashion style changes from time to time but i usually wear clothing in the range of black to white, also sometimes I like trying whatever aesthetic is going around at the time.
Personality wise I'm pretty calm at first, i'm not very good with getting to know new people so I try to be as quite as possible but once I get comfortable i tend to be very loud, i like making my friends laugh since i think that's the most sincere way of knowing they talk to me because they like me. I would say I'm like the mom friend/therapist friend since i really like helping and listening people talk. I love having deep conversations with friends/loved ones, they give me this sense of connection nothing else can give me. I am very blunt and it usually comes off as rude but i try to sugar-coat my words as much as possible.
And while I very much love everyone who is friends with me I have a very hard time showing it and/or showing my empathy for them (one of the reasons as to why I'm not good with meeting new people) but i try to become a better version of me day to day.
What i look in a person is someone who can understand me and my boundaries, since I'm germophobic PDA isn't really something that i enjoy doing but with time i can get myself around to it. Someone whom I can trust enough to be emotionally open with and vice versa. Talkative or not doesn't matter to me. My love language is acts of service. ^_________^
I hope you have a really amazing day ! ! remember to drink water and eat something yummy (*^3^)/~♡ don't be too harsh on yourself and keep in mind that many people love you, ba-bye ! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
🍰 for @vvanteffect
Romantic Matchup
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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How yall met
You guys met during the All-Japan Youth Training Camp
(You were a partial manager from Nekoma during that time)
Shockingly enough he actually approached you
Granted his cousin was forcing him to socialize but that's not important
He had noticed how you tended to stay away from other people or how when you did talk to someone it was usually a very short conversation
Basically you seemed like the least contaminated person he could talk to so he just went for it
Right away he noticed how blunt you were
Like he would ask you a question adn the longest answer you would give him was about a sentence
“Hey how are you”
“Uh so what school are you from”
You get what i'm saying
But honestly he didn't really care he just kept talking to you
And the longer he talked to you the longer your responses would get
You guys spent the rest of camp together
And when it was time to go home you exchanged numbers so you could stay in contact
Your schools weren't too far from each other so you guys would see each other in person when you were both free
And well he ended up falling for you
What they love about you
Of course he loves that your also a partial germaphobe
It makes it easier for him to be around you knowing that you try your best to stay clean
He loves how simple you are
From the clothes you wear
To how you talk to other people
He tends to over analize if people are to complicated
But with you everything is just short and sweet
He loves how good of a listener you are
Like if he's had a bad day he can just call you and rant about it
And not only do you listen
But you also help him solve his problems
This next one isn't really something he loves more like something he's proud of
He's very proud that he's gained enough of your trust for you to talk to him
Like full blown conversations
Your guys convos have come a long way from the very first conversation you had
He's just happy that you trust him enough to talk to him
What you love about them
You love that he respects your boundaries
Let's be honest here
Mans isn't really into PDA either
Like come on
LOOK who were talking about here
But that's not the only boundary he respects
He respects All of your boundaries
Like all you have to do is tell him you don't like something and he'll stop
You love how he can handle your bluntness and not get offended
Honestly when you look back on how you met him
Your shocked that he even kept talking to you
That whole training camp people would keep on trying to talk to you
But then leave after a short while because you were being blunt and they took it the wrong way
But not Sakusa
He kept on talking to you even when you were acting pretty cold
And your very appreciative about that
Favorite things to do together
Ok so even though you live semi close together
It's not like your neighbors
So his favorite thing to do with you is to just facetime you and talk about each others days
And when you guys are able to get together
He prefers that you both just stay inside for the most part
So you do just that
Usually your in person hangouts include playing board games, reading,or watching movies together
And if you guys decide to go out
He makes you wear a mask the whole time
And you guys will usually just take a walk at a park or on the beach
Somewhere where theres not a lot of people yk
Random Hc
He has bought you two matching masks
His homescreen on his phone is a picture of you that he took while facetime you
Once you guys were in public and he accidently gave you a kiss while both of your masks were on
And now thats just became a norm for you two
You guys have these matching pajamas
Friendship Matchup
Kuroo Tetsurou
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How yall met
You are Nekomas manager
And since kuroo was the captain you worked very closely with him
Which eventually made a friendship bloom
Why you became friends
He kind of saw you as a compitition if that makes sense??
Like when he first met you it's almost like you didn't want to talk to him
Which couldn't be true because he's awesome!
Sure you are kuroo
Anyways kenma had made some backhand comment on how some people just dont wanna talk to him
And kuroo was like 🧐
So he made it his goal to befriend you
It started with him having basic conversation with you everyday
Then it turned into him talking to you during the school day
Which then turned into him inviting you to hand out after school
Eventually you guys just became besties
What yall love about each other
He loves how straightforward you are
Like if you don't like something youll say it
If someones ticking you off you'll tell them
Even though your bluntness is something you get insecure about sometimes
He thinks it's one of your best traits
He also loves that you are bilingual
It makes for a good time when your ranting about something because your languages will start to blend
And if your really mad you'll just switch to spanish and just start ranting
And even though he can't understand a word your saying
He just smile and nods till your done
You love how deep your conversations can get
Like he'll play along with whatever deep topic you talk about
“What's the meaning of life”
“I would say its to give life a meaning”
Yeah y'all talked about that for HOURS
You also like how helpful he is
If your ever having a hard time managing the team he'll always offer a helping hand
And if your ever struggling with schoolwork he's always there to help you
Random Hc
He was very shocked when you and Sakusa started dating
He threatened to kick his ass if he ever broke up with you
Hes tried to learn spanish but gave up after a week
But he did learn how to say all the cuss words in spanish
After he befriended you he rubbed it in kenmas face
Kenma was just like 😐 ok
But kuroo took satisfaction in his victory
You really had kuroo thinking for a whole day when you asked him
Did the color orange come before the fruit? Or is it vice versa?
Still hasn't come up with an answer to that question
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Anonymous said: do you know some christmas aus/fics?? or maybe november/decemberish?? or even just some winter aus pls❤️ i love your page :))
Annnd we’re back with part 2, Christmas! There are many more one-shots for this, so y’all feel free to ask for more. Plus, December staff recs are coming; care to guess the theme? 🥰- A
Here’s part 1 of this ask, winter
previous recs with Hanukkah
‘Blessed Are You’ (Jewish Neil) here
‘I get why Aaron and Neil aren’t friends…’ (Jewish Neil) here 
‘seven years that andrew minyard does not catch fire …’ (Jewish Neil) here
(find our Jewish Neil Josten tag here)
previous recs with Christmas
‘white sleeves’ here
‘First Christmas’ here
‘happy holidays from the foxes’ here 
‘Son of a Exy!’ part 17 here
‘Andrew and Neil Family's Adventures’ part 14 here
‘The thunder for the storm’ here
‘All the Little Lights’ here
‘Love and Other Assorted Foolishness’ here
‘Amnesiac Christmas AU’ here
‘Twelve days of Christmas music’ (kandreil) here
‘Douce Nuit (Sainte Nuit)’ (neil/andrew/jean) here
‘Under the Christmas lights’ (nerik & twins) here
‘It’s Not Family Without Love’ (chapter 8, nerik & twins) here
‘traveled down the road and back again’ (AU) here
‘Bigger Than A Hexadecimal’ (AU) here
‘Settled’ (kandreil) and ‘hearts’ series (AU) here
‘Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder’ (AU) here
‘Surreal But Nice’ (AU) here
‘paint my body gold’ (jerejean) here
‘Coupure Électrique’ (jerejean) here
‘my midwinter sun’ (jerejean) here
‘rayons du soleil’ (jerejean Hanahaki disease) here
‘Whispers in the leaves, shadows in the moonlit night’ (Nightmare Before Christmas AU) and ‘feels like tragedy's at hand’ (werewolves) here
‘morbid stuff’ part 2 (kevineil, fantasy) here
Snow Angels by ihaveacleverfandomurl [Rated G, 1394 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Exchange 2019]
The Foxes aren’t going to let Neil spend Christmas alone this time.
Twelve Days of Christmas by nothingbutajunkie [Rated G, 4283 Words, Complete, 2020]
Neil didn’t understand why Andrew was suddenly giving him all these gifts.
Life of the Party by MusicandDancingThroughLife [Rated G, 1560 Words, Complete, 2020]
Erik and Nicky spend Christmas Eve with each other, decorating for the holiday. Lots of fluff.
Happy Together by wesawbears [Rated G, 1034 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange 2017]
Just in time for Christmas, Nicky and Erik's family grows unexpectedly.
25 Days of Foxmas (2018) series by kiraisstillhere [Not Rated, 8509 Words, Incomplete, 2018]
A 10-fic series (to date) of holiday vignettes featuring Andreil, Katelyn/Aaron, Renison, Jerejean, Kevin/Thea with Wymack, and Nerik
Renison Christmas prompt fill by @zeniksnina [Tumblr, 2017]
- Normally they and Dan go up to see Dan’s sisters, but Allison and Renee just bought their first apartment together so they host this year!
tw: past eating disorders
my midwinter sun by poetatertot [Rated T, 3307 Words, Complete, AFTG Holiday Fanzine 2019]
Even with Jean’s initial effort to keep to himself, he knew too much. He knew how Jeremy liked his coffee (sweet); he knew Jeremy preferred citrus over chocolate. He knew Jeremy was the eldest of five children, and that he majored in business. He knew his favorite color was red.
He knew how Jeremy smiled, bright and dimpled. He knew how that smile made him feel—something terrifying, like a trapped bird that ached to fly free.
Jean swallowed hard. How could he give a gift better than that?
tw: implied/referenced abuse
Hang a Shining Star by @nekojitachan [Tumblr Fic, 2017]
“I got u in an office secret santa and i no Nothing about u so now i have to get to know u so i can buy u a gift”
Christmasy things to think about hc by @higgins5 [Tumblr, 2017]
You know, I think we should take a moment and think about how, before the foxes Neil, Kevin and Andrew probably never had a real Christmas
tw: implied/referenced rape/non con
Christmas to Andrew Minyard by @bramlouisgreenfeld [Tumblr Fic, 2016]
Christmas to Andrew Minyard is chocolate shaped like a bearded man, cold weather, and an excuse for people to preach about love while practicing intolerance. He can’t say he’s a fan of any of the above. Even the chocolate - he’s more of an ice cream kind of guy.
Andreil under the mistletoe art by @coldcigarettes
Andreil, Sir & King under the Christmas tree animation by @psuvevo
it makes me happy thinking about these losers on Christmas art by @snackboiminyard 
“Enjoy your last Christmas, junkie” comic by @requiemofkings 
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
ooh, care to share your thoughts on some characters you like but don’t talk about ?
thanks for the ask! and yes i would care to share some of those thoughts
one character i really like is poland, but i dont like the way theyre treated a lot in canon or in fanon (also i hc them as using they/them pronouns). i think it would be easier for me to interact with poland the character if there was less..weirdness around them being so overtly queer, if that makes sense? i know a popular headcanon for poland is that they’re a trans man, but i actually dont really vibe with that. i mean have your headcanons if you want, you do you, but something about trans man poland makes me a bit uncomfy..like you take a guy who crossdresses and is generally super fem and campy and say ah yes he’s trans..idk its got weird vibes. like he’s a man but he’s not like the other men, who don’t crossdress and don’t talk like valley girls and all that. thats not to say i dont think poland is like cishet or whatever (nobody’s cishet on this blog ;)) theres just something about the fandom portrayal of them that irks me a lil. i also find them a bit of a difficult character because everyone seems to love the angst about like. points in time when poland didnt exist (russian empire days) and they’re portrayed as being so different than they were previously. i also think that poland as a character is one of the more contradictory ones (partially due to my own perception of poles, which is largely predicated on a certain type of immigrant grandmother), because they really are trying to be positive but shits hard when you’re a queer jew and the year is 1600- speaking of them being jewish, i do have a historical reason for that, and it’s the theory that jews had a big role in saving poland during the black plague. basically there were a lot of orthodox jews, and its a thing for orthodox jews to have 2+ sinks in their houses. iirc cleanliness is super important. anyway, there were a lot of orthodox jews in eastern europe at the time, much of which was controlled by the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, and that also happens to be one of the areas least affected by the plague. a ton of christians still died, although it was considerably less than in other areas. anyway i also have that hc because of the warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943, and because poland was one of the first countries hitler invaded. though poland today is v catholic (and it always was very catholic) it has a strong presence and one could say that poland is the cultural center of ashkenazi judaism. of course, during the russian empire and the holocaust, many polish jews were murdered or driven out, so there aren’t quite as many there today, but in the past, poland was something of a haven for jewish people in europe. anyway that was a tangent. but yeah, poland. theyre a very good character but i feel like they get misinterpreted a lot. i think they’re quite similar to italy veneziano in that way, because poland is definitely a very traumatized country- all the partitions, for one, and then the pat 2-300 years would have been very rough for someone who’s jewish. anyway i have more thoughts but ive distracted myself with the judaism thing, so yeah. 
i also really like sweden, although i don’t know enough about them (sigh. my nonbinary headcanons. he/they sweden.) to do a real in depth historical analysis of their character. i think an underused piece of comedy about him is that sweden has been neutral in all military conflicts for the past 200 or so years (on paper. they were involved in the congo crisis in the 1960s and have recently stationed more troops in foregin countries). like..sweden used to be a powerhouse in northern europe and now he’s just. trying to be a dad or something idk. anyway my interest in sweden’s character is relatively new, so i would have to go seek out more sweden content, but i think they’re generally super interesting and im a bit sad to see their potential wasted by being like. finland’s husband/sealand’s dad. dont get me wrong i love some good sufin content but there’s more to his character than that he’s in love with finland. 
i also think china’s pretty neat just because i love dads, and i also think he’s gorgeous. long haired men are hot, what can i say? i like him being a crotchety old man who’s a bit out of touch with the Youths tm, although i think he would be too powerful if he learned some modern slang and then decided to misuse it around his kids. i also want to look deeper into the fandom interpretation of his relationship with hong kong and taiwan, mostly because i havent before. there’s also this chinese restaurant that no longer exists that has been described as making the food so spicy that whatever went into the wok next would still be hot enough to make you cry. i feel like that’s a very yao thing to do- like come on, it’s not that spicy- meanwhile, he’s had thousands of years to develop an iron spice tolerance and something that’s spicy enough for him might kill a regular human. perhaps thats hyperbolic, perhaps not, idk. anyway i also do think that he’s the most human out of all the nations, just because he’s been alive so long. i might just be incredibly fascinated with immortality, idk. i think its fascinating the toll that would take on a person, mentally speaking. like all the nations are weird but china must be super weird. anyway i feel like my fascination with how old he is might be a lil weird, but also one of my favorite doctor who characters is ashildr, so i digress. anyway this post is getting super long so i think im gonna cut it off here. hope that was snazzy!
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princesselise · 3 years
tell me abt ur jewish aa hcs please please please
ok focusing on aa4 characters here!!
starting w trucy. its... complicated. being raised in troup grammarye she was more just kinda. culturally xtian in the way a lot of nine year olds are. but then she gets adopted by phoenix and shit gets messy, because he is very much in a bad place and putting in the effort to help a literal child convert is definitely not his top priority, especially since shes old enough that they can't just change things without her noticing but she also isnt old enough to fully understand it.
i imagine by the time trucy is in middle school phoenix has been able to reestablish connections w miles, and he's involved in trucy'd upbringing to a certain extent.* i havent thought abt exact details but they do yk. talk to her abt it and phoenix does try to integrate a little more jewishness into their home life. and by the events of aa4 trucys like >:P jew tiem
*see also: auntie franzi coming over for rosh hashanah with the fucking motherlode of food like you are safe now my sweet child
now uh. ah ha. Apollo. given what we know of apollos upbringing (as of aa4. get that 3d shit out of here) id say same as trucy, he was brought up culturally xtian but without any real strong beliefs. hes more just like fuck it we ball life is constantly happening. but unlike trucy that continues into adulthood for apollo. ofc he knows of judaism like cmon guys hes seen fuckin sesame street. but he didnt rlly have any personal interaction or draw until ... 😏
as we said.
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he gets involved with the absolute mess that is phoenix wright and his veritable armada of jewish lawyers and associates. and yk at first theres the sense of "ah shit i dont belong here" but he does eventually become more comfortable w it and does kind of build a sense of family there?
honestly phoenix mightve assumed hes jewish already bc like. i mean he came to shabbat dinner he has to know whats going on right (he doesnt)
but yeah um. after getting kinda settled in that community, he decides to seek out conversion. and like. i dont rlly think hed ask phoenix abt it, and its a little too complicated for him to expect trucy to know more abt so he moreso has to do it for himself. but he reaches out and he does start studying and everyones v supportive :>
also in my head i have the image of the interaction of apollo being like hey mr wright uhh can i leave early i have a meeting w my rabbi at 5 and phoenix is like your fucking what
ok who else. klavier fucking gavin come here bud. oh i have so many thoughts
unfortunately those thoughts do involve kristoph but whatever. ok so like. they were both born n raised jewish, but their family wasnt v observant and they also absorbed more culturally xtian stuff like yk they did the whole xmas shebang n shit. and kristoph takes it one step further n hes like :) we are going to assimilate so hard :) what the fuck is a synagogue never heard of it :)
and klavier follows, to a degree. its not like hes actively trying to push it out of his life but no one's working to push it in, either. so with no family or community to encourage those traditions, it kinda just falls out of his life as he gets older.
and then ✨ aa4 happens. ✨ or more accurately, apollo justice happens.
its not immediate, especially considering the progression of apollos own journey, but after the events of aa4 they are friends, yk? and as they get closer and apollo moves forward w his own conversion, ofc hes gonna tell klavier abt it. n then klaviers like hold up.
+ also as they get closer klavier does get dragged into Phoenix Wright's Circle of Nonsense and with that comes the judaism.
so hes like. hey fuck kristoph actually, this is important to the ppl in my life and part of my culture and i want to learn more and reconnect
in conclusion truct complicated apollo converting and klavier reconnecting. and im so tired tumblr please dont eat this again
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paintpaw · 7 years
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A Guide to Every Single Newsie
There are way too many of those punks. If you’re new to all this come learn whom is who
Let’s start with some pictures, they’re blurry because it’s surprisingly hard to get a decent screenshot. There are lots of them but hopefully just seeing their faces a few times will help you. Recognizing them just comes with time trust me, I used to struggle to find Race and now I see a pic of someone's feet and am like “ah yes Finch my boy”. Also, I’m only covering the newsies live cast because that’s what you can legally watch and what most people are familiar with. Also, I didn’t want to do every cast member to ever be on Broadway or tour.
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Please note some of the things I’m about to say may not be canon but are part of what I know is widely considered true within the fandom. As far as sexuality I may mention it with some characters/who they’re commonly shipped with just so y’all aren’t lost when you see fics and things.
Jack: You know Jack so I’m not going that deep into his character. He’s 17, full name Francis Sullivan, newsie nickname is Cowboy. He’s the leader of the newsies of Lower Manhattan. A charismatic asshole who really just wants meaningful relationships and happiness for those he loves. Undeniably bisexual. Played by Jeremy Jordan.
Davey: Full name is David Jacobs, newsie nickname is Walking Mouth though he’s only addressed by his nickname in the 1992 movie. The most educated, attended school until he was around 17 ish. He’s a doofy little nerd and also mom friend ultimate, I repeat bc this is a defining trait Mom Friend Ultimate. I’m not sure if this is canon but pretty much everyone recognizes that he and his family are Jewish. Played by Ben Fankhauser.
Les: Sassy angel child. Full name Lesley Jacobs. Albert calls him shortstop a few times but it’s not quite a newsie name tm. 10 years old(almost). Also pretty Jewish. He’s kind of an impressionable little firecracker, he looks up to all the newsies but especially Jack. He just has a lot of energy and wants to hang with the big kids. Sass master in training. Buckets of charm packed into about 4 feet of human. Played by Ethan Steiner.
Crutchie: Crutchie! You know him! You’ve already fallen madly in love with him! Lost use of one of his legs to polio. Last name is Morris for sure and a lot of people say his real name is Charlie. Jack’s closest friend. He’s often painted as a pure sunshine boy, he is a pure sunshine boy. However, he is also tough, streetsmart and ready to fight. Very kindhearted and eternally optimistic. Played by Andrew Keenan-Bolger(you may see it abbreviated as AKB).
Race: This boy has lots of names so strap in. Racetrack Higgins is his name, people mostly call him Race not Racetrack. He is also sometimes called Racer. I don’t think this is canon but as a fandom, I think we’ve determined that he’s aggressively Italian and his real first name is Antonio, you may also see Anthony or Tony. Best friends with Albert. Crutchie is Jack’s best friend but Race is sort of Jack’s second in command. Sprace, him and Spot Conlon, are pretty much the biggest ship in Newsies. He’s a gambler and has an affinity for betting on horse races. He sells by the Sheepshead Racetrack hence his nickname. Very easy to recognize because he always has a cigar. The definition of a disaster gay. He has good intentions most of the time but is also a chaotic piece of shit. Played by Ben Tyler Cook(BTC).
Albert: Albert DaSilva is his name, having fantastic hair is his game. Race’s best friend. Personality is similar to Race but a little less chaotic, like he still does dumb things all the time but isn’t nearly as loud. Prankmaster and Sassmaster ultimate. Lives on the lower east side with his dad and two older brothers but generally that fact is ignored and he’s lumped in as living in the lodgings.  His cap is on backwards most of the time which can help you recognize him. Played by Sky Flaherty.
Spot: Spot Conlon, the man, the myth, the legend. Leader of Brooklyn. Comically short but will also soak you without hesitation. Side note bc I didn’t know this for a long time: the newsies call beating someone up “soakin’ ‘em” because you beat them up so bad they’re soaked in blood. Back to Spot, he’s tough as nails but also cares about his boys in Brooklyn a lot. Played by Tommy Bracco.
Elmer: A smart yet small boy. Very good at math and science and somewhat interested in politics. He has 8 older siblings. Polish apparently? I learned this very recently?? A very friendly and sunshiney guy. The newsies make fun of him saying that he’s bad at selling papes. He’s a hardworker. This is definitely not canon but you may see his last name as being Kasprzak. This comes from Evan Kasprzak, the actor who played Elmer in the Papermill and Original Broadway Casts. People like writing about Elmer so they just kinda gave him that last name and it works. Played by Anthony Zas.
Jojo: Jorgelino Josephino De La Guerra where to begin. A good Catholic boy. He was raised by nuns in a cathedral in Harlem. A nice boy, a kind boy. Down for some shenanigans but is generally reasonable and doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. Very ambitious and wants to be a big baller(in KONY he wishes for a solid gold watch I mean). Played by Joshua Burrage.
Buttons: Benjamin Buttons Davenport, what a guy. So I don’t know that he’s actually younger but he definitely reads as a little more youthful. He’s optimistic and easily excitable and overall kinda has this genuine hope and happiness that some of the other guys have lost to the street. He lives with his family and has at least a few siblings but I feel like he has hella. Not gonna be last in line for the tub tonight. Played by Chaz Wolcott.
Romeo: Will flirt with anything that moves. He has very distinctive bright red and blue striped socks if that helps you identify him. Is one of the younger newsies but makes up for it with overconfidence. Very lighthearted, we never see him get too serious. A charmer through and through. Still a very kind and caring guy. Played by Nico DeJesus.
Specs: Specs is a good one. He wears glasses obviously so you can identify him pretty easy. Definitely on the older end of the newsies. There’s no basis for this in canon but I feel like he’s been around longer than Jack. Kind of helps lead and run things with Race and Jack because he’s the most responsible motherfucker in that lodging house. Think kinda like Davy where he’s a bit of a mom but more easygoing, less cautious and more one of the boys. Generally a happy guy and so so sweet. Very forward thinking and genuinely likes selling papes. Played by Jordan Samuels.
Finch: Finch! A personal favorite please show him love. Full name is Patrick Cortes. He has a family(or at least a mom) but ran away when he was little. He carries a slingshot with him a good amount of the time so use that to find him. He’s sarcastic, funny, and always rarin’ to go. Tough but not in an “I’ll fight you” way. He will fight you if needed but it’s more like “Life’s a bitch but look how far I’ve made it”. Kinda like a cool older brother vibe but throw in a good handful of antsy. Played by my main man Iain Young.
Sniper: Mkay it’s time for the tough boi trio, these next three are fighters. Last name is Wah. His dad is named Sam Wah and owns a laundromat above Jacobi’s Deli. You may see him as a girl in fics or hcs because for almost all of the tour he was played by a woman. Boy has aim like no other. He is confirmed to be the quickest and strongest of the newsies. Also sly and cunning. Boy’s like a snake or a fox or whatever simile you prefer but regardless be scared. Has a reputation so people don’t mess with him. Would never hurt another Manhattan boy, he’s scary but he defends his brothers. Played by Daniel Switzer.
Tommy Boy: Don’t know a ton about Tommy Boy but here we go. He’s a man of few words, when he talks his answers are brief and to the point. Not in a mean way though that’s just how he is. Appears to be confrontational as he’s consistently seen stepping to a fight(before the world will know when Jack says “keep your shirt on” and when he scabs he gets in people’s faces). A good dependable guy but kinda mysterious, I would not provoke. Played by Michael Dameski.
Mush: Last name is Myers. First name is possibly Nick? In the real strike, there was a boy named Nick Myers so. He lives in Harlem?? But who cares about canon, ignore that. Mush is a ‘hattan boy. Has a lisp. He considers himself to be the muscle of Manhattan and will throw down for his brothers. When the strikebreakers show up, Jack literally has to hold him back because Mush is just trying to get to those hoes so he can protect the rest of the boys just yellin’ “Nah man I’ll get ‘em”. Very caring and very selfless. Boy’s got muscle but is totally a teddy bear with a heart of gold. I’ve always thought of him as your classic rough and tumble but clean-cut caring all-American boy. Played by Nick Masson.
Henry: Last name is possibly butler after the real life newsboy, Henry Butler but the only confirmed name we have is Henry. Became a newsie at 11 when his dad died and his family lost their deli. Has a mom who he still sees sometimes but doesn’t live with. Boy really likes food. It reminds him of the deli with his dad and also he just really. likes. food. Fairly easygoing, practical, and will call guys out on their bullshit(e.g. whom the fuck cares about being famous). Played by Michael Rios.
Smalls: Smalls! I don’t got much at all but here’s what I know. Very commonly thought about as a girl as Smalls was played by girlsies for all(?) of the Broadway run. Pretty firey or at least high energy. Sometimes headcannoned as being leader of the Bronx because in the normal not filmed staging he’s the one to yell “so’s the Bronx”. Played by Julian DeGuzman.
Mike: Twin brother of Ike. These guys are hard to tell apart because they’re played by actual twins but here are some distinctions. Mike wears a brown cap, a plaid shirt, and green socks. Played by Jacob Guzman.
Ike: Twin brother of Mike. Has a dark grey cap, a striped shirt, pin-striped pants, and brown socks. Both twins seem to be pretty fun-loving. They kinda rough house a lot and are often messing around. Played by David Guzman
Hotshot: A Brooklyn newsie, I don’t really know his deal? A typical production doesn’t have Hotshot in it but he was in the filmed version and was apparently there towards the end of the broadway run. Kind of arrogant and tough. Sometimes seen as Spot’s second. Has literally only ever been played by J.P. Ferreri.
Vince/Myron: Ok so for newsies live they just threw in some extra newsboys for the heck of it and this guy is one of those. I don’t even know his name because the actor who plays him also plays a strikebreaker. On the wiki cast list, it just lists him as playing Vince and Myron with no indication as to who’s the newsie and who’s the strike breaker. Just from the nature of the names I can guess that Vince is the newsie? A big tough Brooklyn boy. Played by Stephen Hernandez.
Willie/Bart: Same deal as Vince/Myron. I’d be willing to guess that Willie is the newsie. Another Brooklyn boy. Played by Andrew Wilson.
Kenny: Also thrown in just for newsies live but I actually know his name. A pretty sunny guy, as far as I can remember he’s always smiling. Not in any of the pictures because he’s not in any of those scenes. It’s the same guy who plays darcy so go to carrying the banner or once and for all and find the guy in the yellow suit. That’s Darcy, Kenny looks just like that but in newsie clothes. Played by Jack Sippel.
Am I about to throw Bill and Darcey in just for kicks? yeah I think I am. Ok so this is a last minute decision and I don’t have pictures for these guys but here we go.
Bill: Not a newsie. Son of William Randolph Hearst, owner of the New York Journal. Full name William Randolph Hearst Jr. Katherine and Darcey’s friend. A sophisticated, classy, educated boy. Not tough in a street way but is kind of cold/reserved or maybe just a bit calculating. You can definitely tell he’s a rich boy by the way he holds himself. Looks like Mush bc they’re played by the same actor. Blue suit. Played by Nick Masson.
Darcey: Not a newsie. Son of Whitelaw Reid, owner of the New York Tribune. Still high class but more excitable and interested in the newsies world. Very kind and always concerned of behalf of others. His sweetness does not equal weakness, when Romeo approaches Kath in Carrying the Banner, he’s ready to handle the situation. Yellow suit. Played by Jack Sippel.
so there we go that is every newsie I could think of and then some. I’m gonna attach the pictures I have of an old wikipedia cast list which is what I use for reference since the one that's on wiki now isn’t great
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That’s it! If you actually read all this, God bless you. If I got anything blatantly wrong or if you have any questions please talk to me
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fakakta-art · 1 year
I have this Jewish Dick Grayson headcanon but I'm not Jewish so I was wondering if you'd give me feedback or something like that if it's not too much trouble. I imagine he'd be raised secular by his parents and when he starts living with Bruce he participates in Jewish traditions/holidays because Bruce uses his own family experiences to try and connect with his new kid. so Dick decides to fully lean into it and convert to Judaism. I think he'd have a Bar Mitzvah to formally show that, but Bruce didn't have any formal event for his because without his parents it's difficult. so when Dick gets to really celebrate his Bar Mitzvah it's a special moment of connection for them and Bruce is very proud. Dick becoming Jewish helped him reconnect with his mom after her death and it's all very sentimental. once again I'm not Jewish so I don't know if that makes sense
I'm always happy to talk Jewish batfam and i absolutely love when people share their HCs with me! :D I'm so flattered you reached out! If you mean you HC Dick as having a Jewish parent/parents, but just not being raised religiously Jewish, he wouldn't actually need to "convert". Judaism is an Ethnoreligion, aka: an ethnicity AND a religion, so you can be ethnically Jewish and not religiously, and vice-versa. It is enough to simply be born to Jewish parents (Mother if you're traditional, either if you're more reform). Conversion in Judaism is quite different from a lot of other religions, since Judaism is considered a "closed" religion. Gentiles (non-Jews) can convert, but the process is arduous and involves lots of study and communications with rabbis, etc.
If you mean raised secular in that John and Mary are both gentiles, but Dick ends up adopted as a kid by Bruce (a Jewish man), then he could be raised culturally Jewish, and might even be accepted as such in some Jewish communities depending on the denomination and such, but he would technically still need to convert to be "officially" Jewish.
A Bar Mitzvah does not count as a conversion, it's a separate, but very important coming-of-age ceremony that considers you a Jewish adult when a boy turns 13. It comes with responsibilities and practices, definitely something I love imagining Dick having, being supported by Bruce though, and reconciling with his past and such.
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For the sake of not making the worlds longest post, I'm putting the rest under the cut!
I'm totally a sucker for HCs of someone reconnecting to their religion, I'm also totally a sucker for Jewish HCs so you're totally in my wheelhouse! I absolutely invite you anytime to message me or anything cause I could go for days on this.
I wont dump my entire hoard of HCs on you, but yours are actually quite similar to some of mine!! I figured I'd share some ehe, no obligation to read it or nothin'
Bruce I HC to be Ashkenazi Jewish, on both Martha and Thomas's side. I imagine they were somewhat conservative (Masorti) Jewish, but Martha's extended family was Orthodox. I HC Bruce was raised pretty Jewishly until his parents were killed, and from then on Alfred, who is not Jewish, did his best to uphold the values and religion that Bruce's parents had left behind with him. Also, bc I always establish a latke Opinion for every Jewish HC I Have...Bruce would totally be a cream cheese and lox latke guy, bougie ass. As for a Bar Mitzvah for Bruce...I usually waffle between HCs of either
A) Bruce not doing a bar mitzvah celebration since there's many practices associated w the parents that he knew would be too painful, but as an adult he regrets not having one or might even do a belated one as an adult at some point with prodding from his kids
Or B) Alfred, knowing the importance of it, pushes Bruce to actually do it and tries his best to do the parental duties. It's sweet small and all that but still nice
As for Dick, I usually HC that his father John was Romani and his mother Mary was Jewish, born Miryam (Jewish name) but changed it to Mary to pass as gentile cause of the Antisemeitism. I HC her, and by extension Dick, as Sephardic rather than Ashkenazi (regionally different flavors of Judaism due to diaspora, very interesting to look up if you have time). Anyways, Bruce and Dick def had a "similar but different" motif about it but very wholesome. I think Dick still knew stuff and had a connection to it, but didn't like, attend services or anything pre-Bruce. He probably loved Purim, though. I imagine when Dick was young, he and Bruce would celebrate Shabbat together and light the candles every week. As for Latke pref...applesauce and sour cream at the same time on the same latke.
For Jason, I actually HC him as mixed race (afrolatino, white, etc) and raised Catholic, so pre-Bruce he didn't know anything about Judaism at all. I don't think he'd have crazy strong connections to religion of any sort, but he'd still have some adjusting to do. I think he'd participate culturally with the fam, doing Passover seders, playing dreidel, etc, but I don't think he'd be doing much praying or anything. Sour cream on Latkes truther, but he'll add pico de gallo sometimes if he's got it.
Now for Tim, I also HC as Jewish, but whereas Martha and Thomas were very outwardly Jewish, I imagine Tim's parents were not. In my hcs, Janet was raised conservative but sorta dropped it. Jack was raised reform and didn't really practice anything. I imagine they didn't want to broadcast a lot of their Jewishness out of fear it would impact their business, which they cared about more. Most of Tim's participation started and ended with the High Holy Days, or the occasional moment his parents ever rarely felt religiously inclined. Maybe some brief Hanukkah stuff, cause of the capitalism and whatnot. I think he would do a lot of his own research, though, and know enough to get by. I think he would also eat his Latkes with ketchup, bc he's bonkers.
Now for Damian, obviously he's half Jewish cause Bruce is his father, but Talia I HC as Muslim (can't remember how canon it is) and raising him practicing Islam I think makes him lean more towards that religiously even if he is ethnically both. He's interested in Bruce's culture, bc thats his dad! but not like, with spiritual intent at his age. I think the whole fam though is happy to celebrate Eid with him, support him fasting during Ramadan, etc, though! When Alfred makes Latkes though he prefers applesauce or plain, as most kids in my experience prefer.
ANYWAYS sorry this got WAY longer than I thought it would. I have more for the rest of the batfam and stuff but i'll stop here. Biggest HC dump EVER huh..anyways if you actually got to the end thanks for reading it! feel free to message me any questions or send another ask, clearly, I usually have something to say about it LOL
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bearsinpotatosacks · 5 years
Bad Boy Dave! Headcanons
Inspired by a post by @totallyevan they came up with this amazing idea and have sparked my imagination! So lets get into it!
Let’s get one thing straight, this is an au where Dave wasn’t born in the past
He joined the army and left 5 years before the show takes place
Klaus and him meet at a bar where Dave, despite his tough exterior, saves Klaus from being some tough guys in an alleyway
He takes Klaus to his apartment and fixes him up
Over time they bond, Klaus even starts to cut down his drug use until he eventually gets sober
They kiss when Dave takes them on a walk in the woods
Of course he’s carrying Klaus because he ‘hurts his ankle’
They kiss by a lake while having a picnic
Oh yeah this is set in Chicago where I hc Dave was born
His parents fled from Eastern Germany somehow during the Cold War
So they become a thing
Dave gets a bakery called “Seance’s snacks” and Klaus gets a seance shop out the back
They live in the apartment above it and get a dog called Cat and a cat called Dog
They get some chickens and call 5 of the clucky and 1 of them Ben
Ben fully endorses this
Dave has a pair of aviators, a real leather jacket and a Harley
He basically looks like this but with cute blond curly hair
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He has loads of tattoos, some in Hebrew, some of animals and, of course, his regiment tattoo
He smokes, obviously, and drinks too much coffee
Whereas, Klaus on the otherhand wears this
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(Come on we saw his change in colour palate before and after Dave)
They get married (a good ol’ Jewish wedding) and none of the Hargreeves show up because they don’t believe him
Klaus wears this with a matching suit blazer to Dave
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And Dave wears this
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Now to get some actual bad boy stuff
Dave gets into fights protecting people (mainly Klaus)
This leads to many homoerotic healing scenes with Klaus cleaning Dave’s wounds and lots of scolding each other and kissing
This is all set after I hc Klaus gets out of prison for the second time and once the Hargreeves have given up on Klaus for good
So when Reggie dies, Dave shows up with his darling Bubeleh (Klaus) on his loud motorbike and wakes up the whole neighbourhood
They go round the house and pick things to sell because “Fuck Reginald!”
But when the family meeting about Reggie’s death happens, Klaus gets insulted and called a junkie even though he’s sober and they call Dave a junkie too
This doesn’t go down too well with our knight in shining leather (as Klaus calls Dave and yes I know this kinda sounds like Diego but whatever)
So he stands up and says “Apologise” and “You haven’t bothered to know anything about Klaus’ life in the past 5 years so why can’t he have changed”
Luther doesn’t like this and tries to start a fight only to get punched by Dave
Obviously he hits Dave harder
Klaus starts to clean him up by licking up his wounds like a cat
The story goes as follows
Five arrives, Dave and Klaus stand under the pink umbrella, they go on a night long spree around the town and spend the money they got from pawning a load of stuff, Klaus pretends to be Five’s dad, he gets kidnapped
When he gets kidnapped, Dave loses his shit!
He goes full on angry, muttering in yiddish and shouting at the siblings when they don’t believe he’s gone
He goes with Diego to find Five and actually picks up the phone to Eudora
He saves her and Klaus
Then the story goes kind of as normal, Klaus still goes with Diego but Dave comes along, they spend some time trying to help with the apocalypse and save Allison
But they get Vanya out and take her around the city
They basically fix all the problems ever
And go on loads of adventures and eat ice cream
And go on road trips all the time
Let’s just say they’ve ruined a few motel rooms
That’s that! Hit me up if you wanna see more of this! Feedback is appreciated and go check out @totallyevan
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eldunea · 4 years
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havin some thoughts for an HP AU discussed with @diamontha​
mom honerva is the world’s most famous alchemist, dad zander is an auror. honerva originally lived in the united states and her claim to fame is discovering the fifth element in alchemy--but she had her discovery stolen from her by an american wizard. that guy then turned around and accused her of trying to steal his idea, and the general american public believed him. dumbledore, however, believed that honerva had been wronged, and offered her a job teaching alchemy as an elective at hogwarts where she would be respected. that’s how the family ended up in the UK.
as an indigenous person he’s damn good at wandless magic because FUCK THAT BULLSHIT JKR CAME UP WITH WHEN SHE SAID INDIGENOUS WANDLESS MAGIC WAS “LESS PRECISE.” she already stated that wandless magic was more powerful than wanded magic, but then all of a sudden when poc use wandless magic the wand version is better? THE FUCK? anyway yeah, his parents would have trained him in it since he was a little kid and when he finally got his wand he was like “tf is this european bullshit?”
speaking of his wand, it’s yew and dragon heartstring, 11.5″, flexible. his original wand was cherry and dragon heartstring, 11″, flexible.
as an indigenous jewish woman honerva’s plan living in the united states was that she wanted to homeschool lotor--she didn’t want him to go to ilvermorny because she went there herself and she was always haunted by the fact she wasn’t allowed to use or learn her peoples’ magic. zander, an okinawan at mahoutokoro, agreed that the japanese wizarding school was no better. his parents were really nervous about sending him to hogwarts but since honerva was now a professor there she could make sure her son got the education that he needed.
he’s an unregistered animagus--a fox--and he doesn’t plan on getting registered anytime soon. his patronus also happens to be a fox.
he has an enchanted tallit (some reform jews have tallit) that’s basically his conscience. there was a legend of a prayer shawl that came to life and stopped a man from sleeping with an escort so lotor’s would be just like that--it would try to stop him from doing all the questionable, sometimes petty shit that he likes to do. 
he has kova at hogwarts with him.
he loves muggle science? so much? his mom wanted to be an astrophysicist on top of an alchemist and even tried going to muggle college for it but given her background and the time period she didn’t get far. she taught him all about science and he just has this childlike wonder for it. don’t take him to a muggle science fair, he’ll blow his cover blabbing about how much he wishes he had access to things like that.
he wants to be the first wizard in space. yes, really. when he saw a video of neil armstrong’s moon landing he broke down crying saying, “what’s the point of all this magic if it can’t take us to the great beyond?” that night when he lay in bed, he had an awakening and was like, well, it CAN take us to the great beyond, we just have to TRY! and that’s it, that’s how he formed his dream. god bless his soul
there’s nothing more he loves than muggle parents of wizard children/muggles married to wizards because they have knowledge of both science and magic just like him. when diantha first takes him home to meet her muggle parents he just? he just gets so excited?? he loses his shit in the best possible way like “oh my god, is that a real vacuum cleaner? can i see the inside of your TV? CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO GO TO SPACE” he’s like an excited puppy, losing his mind over all the muggle tech in their house. dia please keep your boyfriend under control
speaking of smartphones, he loves smartphones holy shit. the first time he held one it was like indiana jones holding the golden idol in raiders of the lost ark. he called it “magic in your pocket” and said as much to the confused muggle who first gave him their smartphone to look at. when he gets older he buys every single version of the iphone as soon as it comes out and has them all in a case on his fireplace.
he loves muggles so much despite being a pureblood……he’s fascinated with their world and sometimes wishes he could have a muggle parent or grandparent so that he would know more about them. unlike canon lotor who is biased against humans bc they don’t have (much) magic, HP lotor will fight anyone who says muggles are inferior to humans. he thinks it’s so incredible how much they’ve accomplished despite having no magic, and that if anything, they’re the ones who are better than wizards. 
he’s also really against the whole “hiding magic from muggles” thing because 1) it’s a white thing; many POC cultures around the world openly tolerated magic before white colonizers forced their witches and wizards underground and 2) he’s firmly resolved that there’s nothing wizards can do that muggles won’t be able to figure out eventually. in the immortal words of the muggle author arthur c. clarke, magic is just science that they don’t understand yet.
for all his knowledge about muggle science though, he is comically bad at blending in with muggles. like……this level bad. he just--he just doesn’t understand them at all. poor boy. hopefully he’ll learn.
and some biographical notes in a more chronological order--
when he first went to hogwarts he was the spirited, somewhat mischievous kid on the train who wanted to get to know everybody, share his sweets and talk about all of the things he’d already read in the textbooks. everyone pegged him for a ravenclaw or maybe even a hufflepuff, but literally as soon as the sorting hat touched his head it screamed “SLYTHERIN,” shocking everyone who got to know him.
being in slytherin might have been the best match for his personality (intelligence mixed with ambition) but oh boy it was not a fun time. fun fact i hc “mudblood” is referred to mixed race people as well as half-muggles and muggleborns so he was definitely called that a lot. being the only indigenous, the only jewish and one of the few POC in the house was also really difficult--he felt isolated and alone a lot of the time because even among the people who fervently defended him he felt like they didn’t understand him.
at some point (haven’t decided what) he went back to the united states to visit some relatives and was caught up in an attack on a synagogue. 
he was shot in his right arm (not his wand arm), so he drew his wand and killed the gunman using the killing curse--in front of a room full of muggles. he managed to get himself to an american wizarding hospital, but was dragged out of his hospital bed by american police while still recovering from the gunshot wound and extradited to the UK, where he was immediately flung into azkaban. 
though he had acted in self-defense during a hate crime, he was expelled from hogwarts and given a life sentence; he was told he was lucky that he didn’t get the dementor’s kiss. he managed to escape during one of the numerous mass azkaban breakouts that subsequently happened canonically, and was in hiding before being one of the slytherins who participated on the side of good in the battle of hogwarts.
i think i read somewhere that canonically, all students who participated in the battle of hogwarts were pardoned for any crimes committed in the past but i can’t find that source. but what i can find is that lucius malfoy was 100% pardoned for defecting from the death eaters to protect his family so like……if an old white fantasy fascist can get pardoned for all of his murders by defecting last minute to the right side, a teenage brown jew can also be pardoned for killing to defend himself. fight me 
he and diantha hated each other at first--he thought she was stupid and she thought he was a total prick. but before the battle of hogwarts the two of them made up and she kissed him, knowing it might be her last chance to do so before either one or both of them were killed.
originally he wanted to be an auror like his dad, because all he wanted was to go beat up bad guys. but after the trauma of the war against voldemort he decided it would be better for him to not fight people or put himself in traumatic situations anymore, and wanted to focus on being the first wizard who went to space. though most wizards thought he was crazy, slytherins are amazing with the art of persuasion--he managed to talk a good number of people into getting behind his project, which is now pretty much crowdfunded. 
oh, and one more note about honerva: she finally managed to achieve her dream of being an astrophysicist, so now she’s well-known in both the wizarding and muggle communities as a prominent scientist and she is 100% behind lotor’s project to put wizards in space. happy endings for everyone.
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honeylikewords · 5 years
So do you already have some headcanons for him?
You can check anything I’ve written for Ilan here, in my tag for him.
But, here’s a handful of smaller HCs just about Ilan in general, just to put some more content out there!
Ilan enjoys reading newspapers from across the world and has multiple news apps on his phone in different languages. He has at least three news sources from Israel (he likes to hear from as many different kinds of journalists as possible, since he knows better than to ever trust one, singular source for the “truth”), two or three from Russia, a handful from China (he does read Mandarin and can speak conversationally and professionally), a great many from the U.S. (at least five), and several from Europe in general, where he speaks and reads their languages pretty easily.
In the vein of journalism, I headcanon that once Ilan quit with Mulaney Security, he became an investigative journalist. He proves himself very quickly and becomes an exceptional front-lines writer, investigating the situations in war-torn countries and blending in well with soldiers. He also is very good at running the crime beat and can infiltrate and observe gangs very well. Many of the photographs and documents and recordings he recovers and collects are used in court cases to convict criminals and he makes front-page news stories on the regular. He’s very happy to have found his true calling!
Ilan is more of a dog guy than a cat guy by nature. Ilan is actually slightly allergic to cats. And he thinks they’re snooty.
Ilan sometimes misses Israel very, very bad and will head to the Middle-Eastern congregated areas of New York to try and find food from his homeland. Brooklyn has the highest population of Jewish people, so he lives there and frequents the nearby shops and restaurants if he’s ever missing home.
Ilan is Jewish and celebrates the Jewish holidays, religiously and secularly. He’s not necessarily a devout Orthodox Jew, but he is Jewish and comfortable with that aspect of his life. He regularly attends Synagogue when he can and is very friendly with the people at his Synagogue.
Ilan is a good reader and enjoys sitting back with a good book every now and then. He often times doesn’t have the downtime or patience for it (since he’s always got something to be doing, the busy boy), but when he does, his preferred genres are historical fiction (he… has read… Outlander) and murder mystery novels. He likes trying to figure them out before the narrator. He also, yes, does read historical romances. Because he’s a softie.
Ilan doesn’t like too-sweet foods. He likes spicy and savoury foods a lot better. His preferred sweetened is honey, if he’s going to add anything to drinks or food, but drinks a LOT of coffee. What JonBoy doesn’t?
Ilan has a great sense of humor, and if he hadn’t become a journalist, he might’ve been a good writer for comedies.
Ilan is ambidextrous. 
Ilan doesn’t drink or smoke or do anything at all remotely addictive anymore. The closest he comes is being a routine coffee drinker, but even then, he sticks mostly to decaf.
Ilan likes rugby and soccer more than football and baseball. He’s neither here nor there about basketball.
Ilan deeply dislikes shellfish, and most seafood, actually. He makes some exceptions, but tends to dislike the smell and taste of fish.
On a similar note, Ilan is not exclusively Kosher, but just tends to eat that way out of habit.
Ilan loves the smell of burning candles.
Ilan is a bed hog and will sprawl all over the bed and tangle his limbs up with his beloved. He has no shame.
Anyway, there’s a couple quick Ilan HCs for you guys!
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trickstermelon · 6 years
Post your ideas! I'd love to hear them!
Here’s a snippet I wrote a while back as part of my HC where Durbe met all the other Barian’s in his past life. Here’s Alit’s backstory and their brush together (From Alit’s perspective)
Okay so Alit doesn’t even come out of a good relationship. His mother was a slave as well, a Jewish woman stolen from Libya. From a young age he pretty much serves his father and his ‘actual’ family. He’s not treated too poorly for a slave (hah), but still it’s far from a fun childhood. He takes interest in sports, one of the few things he’s allowed to do freely when not working, and when he can get his hands on some, he reads epic poems and dreams of adventure. 
But by the time he’s 13 he starts to get in trouble; wanting to go to school and be around others, blatantly disregarding his status. His mother tries to keep him out of harm, but she has become sickly and it only fuels his desperation to be free of the stupid hierarchy. He never gets his freedom, but as his mothers last request, his father does allow him to go to school. It’s not pretty. He’s obviously not pure Roman, the only black knight in a sea of white chess pieces. He gets bullied near constantly, but he doesn’t let it get to him because he’s there to better himself fuck what everyone else says. He can beat them any day. And sometimes he literally does, if their words strike him too deeply. Sadly it’s his downfall– the teachers are looking for any excuse to throw him out no matter how rich his father is. After the 3rd fight, Alit can no longer return to public schooling.
Now with a son that’s too defiant to be a slave, too rowdy to be a scholar, and no mother around to convince him otherwise, Alit’s father no longer wants the boy. But he can’t let him go to waste. By 16, Alit is sold for a hearty sum to the gladiator rings. The only kindness his father shows him is allowing him to keep his novels. They’re almost ruined by his tears, sobbing as chains wrap tight around his wrists, a noose around his neck. Never has his position in life ever been so real to him as he watches his own parent sell his freedom for a bag of drachma.
As always, he has to adapt to his reality quickly. He finds that he actually enjoys the burn of the training regimen all new gladiators are put through– after all, their masters don’t want to waste such a large investment. For once he feels like his body can match the strength of his heart. That’s about the only silver lining. After that, it’s literally life or death. 
Alit takes his first life when he’s 18. Before that he fought to stay sharp, to debilitate or wear his opponent till they gave up. He fought animals– something he was always torn about because it wasn’t their fault they were starving and abused, but to defeat a lion meant meat on the table for a week so he tried to push the morals of the deed aside. But when he snaps a grown mans neck, no matter how much he tries to rationalize it, Alit can’t stop shaking for the rest of the night, can’t sleep, can’t move without dry heaving. 
By the 10th, he’s terrified of how desensitized he is to death. How can people enjoy this, how can the crowd cheer his name? But still he wears a smile. He’s alive (don’t think about the others who are not) and he is favored. The more he wins, the more privileges he gets, and he doesn’t always have to kill for it.
He makes it to the Coliseum, and that’s where he first sees his Prince, something that nearly gets him sent flying across the ring because he’s so distracted trying to squint through his better left eye. Leon glows like the sun. Match after match, that’s basically all Alit can think about for the rest of the month as he claims his prizes, meets his fans and goes about his normal after-match routine. Except today something breaks it, and his thoughts are now filled with the moon.
Alit knows he falls in love easily, always has since he was a kid, and this times no different. He probably shows off a little more than is necessary when a mysterious stranger visits the bathhouse and says he’d like to speak with him– especially ‘cause this guy seems really uncomfortable. Alit thinks it’s adorable and more than a little funny that this Knight cant handle a little nudity when making introductions. When Durbe tells him that the Emperor himself has requested Alit’s presence it’s like a solar eclipse. He’s blown away by his luck. 
So he may or may not be flirting the entire ride to the capital– between ogling all the new sites, all the free people who take their privilege for granted, knowing that today, technically he is one of them. Durbe may or may not flirt back now that he’s more comfortable and Alit simply can’t believe his fortune.
They talk of serious matters too. Particularly of how someone like Durbe came to such a high standing— he may have light hair and eyes, but the slant of them isn’t Roman, nor the slope of his nose nor the curve of his mouth and maybe Alit is getting a little too close as they pull through the gates. Durbe promises to tell him another time– Alit has someone much more important awaiting his arrival. Alit’s disappointed when Durbe leaves him to the guards to be escorted, but it gives him time to take in the wonders of architecture as he’s brought to the great hall. There, across the great foyer, he can make out the Emperor, glittering on his throne. As the guards leave him at the steps, Alit suddenly feels small, burning under Leon’s gaze with ghost pangs of iron around his wrists.
Then Leon grins and suddenly it’s like he’s back to the summers when his childhood was peaking, close to freedom and equality to his siblings as the sun danced on their backs. Leon takes him back to more private rooms and tells him why he was requested– how he admires Alit’s abilities (Alit tries not to take it as an insult, Leon probably doesn’t know what it really takes to be a gladiator, shielded as he is by gold leaf and marble walls) and more importantly, his enthusiasm with his fans.
Alit feels comfortable and restricted all at once as their conversations go into the night. Leon sees him as an equal (and isn’t that amazing, leader of and empire equal to a simple slave) but Alit still feels like he has motives unseen, paranoid due to all the promises broken in his past. They meet much more often after that and Alit feels less of their distance, stops doubting Leon and sees that he is honest. They share tests of strength, as well as mind, Leon learning of his love of reading and opening the libraries to him whenever he feels, allowing him to debate logic and opinions casually. Sometimes Durbe is there, helping him read when it becomes difficult, cheering Leon and Alit on as they spar, and Alit is content until his next match. 
Eventually he must return to reality, Durbe’s farewell kiss to the back of his hand as he drops him off at the housing the last moment of magic for a while. The others see it and are jealous. It was hard to make friends there in the first place, now there’s not much hope of keeping them. This cycle goes on for months, time when he’s off spent in the arms of the Emperor, blissful to ignore just how much it hurts when he must go back. Alit is many times tempted to ask Leon why he doesn’t make their relationship permanent and free him, or at least make him a personal slave at the palace– what even is their relationship? So secret yet so bold all at once. He never asks though, always covering his pain with a smile. Durbe helps in the times when he must be a gladiator, you already know of their affair. He loves them both and they both love him but in such different ways, Leon is so passionate and exciting, whereas being with Durbe is almost an odd sort of domestic that he never had.
When Durbe leaves, Alit is heartbroken. He likes to think he understands why– Durbe never told him the full truth of his past. Alit could see the wholes in the plots Durbe spun, he knows Durbe was running from something. At least he left a note.
Leon can tell somethings up with Alit, probably suspects the truth. Durbe’s disappearance and Alit’s sudden depression can’t be coincidence. But he never asks. He keeps smiling, and Alit is grateful because he doesn’t know how Leon would take the truth.
The pain subsides eventually, and life goes on, (he may or may not find himself soon falling for the green haired, golden eyed healer assigned to take care of him). Alit’s pretty sure Leon knows of her this time, but again, he never asks. 
In the end, Alit wonders if his love is the reason for the axe.
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rosy-eds · 7 years
College hc, what are there majors, clubs etc. who lives together? Going to parties... reddie!!!
College Hc
- Richie is the schools radio host with occasional guest stars - (usually the losers coming to tell him something) he’s also in the culinary club because who knew Richie would be an amazing cook - Eddie works at a skating rink nearby and his uniform is a blue polo blue shorts and skates and Richie cannot stop staring at him. Eddie is also on the dance team because Eddie is really flexible and quick. Richie goes to every recital- Bill writes the schools newspaper and Photography club along with Mike for the sports column and Bev for beauty/relationship advice- Mike is in the photography club with bill - Ben lost a lot of weight since middle school and all the girls fawn over him but Bev is his one and only (he’s like the biggest teddy bear at the school) He’s in Habitat for Humanity because he’s the biggest bean- Stan is in the bird watching club and the Jewish student Union and is very quiet, spending most of his time with Bill while he draws birds and Bills writes - Richie is also on the Philanthropy Club because he’s secretly the sweetest and loves going to bingo night with Eddie. He mostly helps Dottie (the homes old lady who sleeps with all the old guys and has some serious history) because she has amazing stories from when she was younger but she’s the only senior who knows he’s gay because some of them are old fashioned- (not Dottie, she experimented in college is what she says) - All of them are in the PRIDE club and ReVision (club for mostly feminist issues) - Bev is in Fashion Marketing and Management club because she wants to be a designer - Bev has TONS of friends like literally no one knows how she got all of them!?!?- She invited them to a party because her friend said she could bring as many a she wanted- As soon as they got there Bill got drunk and everyone got a little surprised because they didn’t think it’d take a cup to get him drunk.- Stan gets drunk right after and starts crying about how beautiful Bill is and how much he’s like a pretty bird in the sky!?!?- Richie and Eddie disappear after a couple of drinks and everyone knows they aren’t a thing but they’re about to be- A bunch of drunk girls bombard Ben and Mike the whole time but Bev doesn’t care because she knows Ben is loyal- Bev is the designated driver so she spends most of her time smoking and talking- Ben takes 4+ drinks to get drunk and when he does he’s a complete party animal but doesn’t even think about the other girls and is only hitting on Bev - “Hey you’re really pretty have we met?” “I’m your girlfriend, idiot.” “What no way”- “Hey Be-“ “I’m trying to talk to Bev she’s the best I’m gonna marry her!”- Bev is almost crying he’s so cute - Bev leaves Ben with Mike who’s still sober and goes to use the bathroom - She opens the door and walks in, Eddie is sitting shirtless on the counter and Richie is also shirtless and kissing his neck while Eddie moans like crazy and Bev is surprised no one heard it yet- They notice Bev in the corner and turn their heads faces both bright red- They try to pretend to be drunk - “You idiots I know you’re sober and madly in love with each other give it up”- Blushes- She later finds Bill and Stan making out and decides its time to go home- She loses Richie and Eddie again and find them in an empty bedroom.- “Get the fuck off each other for at least 5 minuets so we can go home”- More blushing- She and Mike manage to cram everyone into the car and drives back to their dorms quietly taking them to each one - “Richie it’s totally obvious Eddie snuck out of the car after you!”- Wow they really have a blushing problem- She honestly gives up on trying to separate them and leaves- Has to force Bill mad Stan apart, like literal physical work- Then they go to drive Ben home - “I’ll go in the room if that pretty girl gives me a kiss”- Bev has to kiss ben to get him inside- She drops Mike off and goes back home tired out of her mind- The next morning everyone’s asking her why she slept in so late- “Because you drunk idiots are a fucking handful”- “Some if you were too “drunk” to keep your hands off each other”- She looks straight at the bright red Eddie and Richie- “I know you guys were fucking Sober give up!”- “Fine Bev me and Richie were sober”- “Fucking Knew It, you’re terrible actors”- “Don’t even get me started on you two”- Blushing Bill and Stan
Add on if you want
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