#i have only briefly joined clubs a few years ago
sso-maev · 10 months
Do people actually talk with each other on sso i gotta know
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overtrred28 · 5 months
Joining the club | Jen Beattie x reader
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Summary; 2023 and the start of 2024 seem to have something in common already; everyone in the WOSO community seems to be getting engaged. And when you bring this up to your long term partner Jen, it seems she has nothing to say, or does she….
Pairings; Jen Beattie x famous!reader
Words; 2.5k
Warnings; pure fluff, swearing
A/N; It seems to be the season of getting engaged and even though I am way off getting engaged and very very single, I thought I would pretend and imagine that I was getting engaged to the one and only Jen Beattie. There is also a lack of Jen fics on here and I feel the need to write one for her. Enjoy!
First it was Steph and Dean all the way back in January. Lynn and Marley finally did it back in May. Then in June it was Emily and Kat, and Katrina and Clara just a few days after. Kristie and Sam finally revealed theirs from September after months of teasing. Chloe Kelly and Millie Bright got it within the same week, sharing photos with their partners around christmas. And finally a surprise from Ellie and Daan on the first day of a new year. 
It seemed 2023 and now 2024 was the time for engagements in the world of women’s football and you were quite caught up in all the news. 
“Oh my god babe, another one!” You let out a gasp as the post from Ellie and Daan popped up on your instagram feed, stopping your pre-dinner scrolling as you paused and assessed the picture. It was from a few days ago, and you were seeing it now because you had been away with Jen and her family, avoiding social media to spend time with them and only now catching up. 
“What?” Jen’s voice called from the kitchen, you jumping up from the couch with your phone and running quickly into the kitchen. 
“Look.” You aggressively shoved your phone into her face and she adjusted to the bright light as she tried to look at the photo. 
“Oh wow, congrats to them.” Jen smiled quickly before turning away and back to the food on the stove. You frowned at her quick response and disinterest at the post.
“Do you not think it’s funny?” You asked with a small laugh from beside her. 
“What is?” She asked whilst moving around the kitchen to find the rest of the ingredients for your dinner. 
“That everyone in the footballing world seems to be getting engaged at the moment?” You asked again and she didn’t respond with any excitement, again.
“Oh, guess I didn’t notice.” She shrugged and continued to stir the pot. You opened your mouth to talk again but she got there before you. “Could you grab me some bowls, love?” She asked while keeping her eyes on the pan. You paused for a second before grabbing two clean ones from the dishwasher and placing them next to her. “Thank you.” She smiled at you briefly before beginning to dish up the pasta that was now done. 
“You’re welcome.” You snapped out of your trance and silently moved to grab some glasses and the wine from the fridge. She waited for you to finish pouring your drinks before she grabbed both bowls and headed for the couch, you following close behind her. 
“What are we watching tonight, love?” Jen asked as she sat beside you on the couch, now both holding your dinner and the wine glasses on the coffee table. 
“I don’t mind, you pick.” You shrugged before taking a bite of your food and now it was her turn to frown at you, normally you always took control over what to watch together. 
“You okay?” Jen asked simply and you nodded silently while eating and staring at the screen in front of you. “ Okay, how about Bridgerton? We still haven’t finished season two.” She suggested and once again you nodded silently from beside her. 
You weren’t sure why you were feeling slightly off after Jen’s reaction to the post and your comments, but you still snuggled into her on the couch after finishing your pasta and wine.
The episode finished and you could feel the both of you drifting off after a long day. Jen had been back at training after winter break and your schedule had been hectic since returning from time off. You were an actress and your new movie was about to come out so all the promo shoots and interviews were now in full swing, though you were grateful it began in London so you could still go home to Jen every night.  
You met Jen a few years back at an event in London you had both been invited to, catching her eyes from the other side of the room and instantly knowing you had to go talk to her. You knew who each other were, an actress making her name in the world and a famous sports star who silently followed each other in their respective lines of work. One conversation and you knew there was something there, and so did she. You both knew it would be hard with your professions and the distance you would have at certain times, but you wanted to make it work, somehow keeping it from the public eye for two years before hard launching it on your anniversary and sending both sets of fans into a frenzy. 
“Ready for bed love?” Jen spoke softly into the dark living room, smoothing your hair softly. 
“Definitely.” You yawned and sat up, rubbing your tired eyes as Jen stood up and held a hand out for you. You smiled at the gesture and met your hand in hers, pulling yourself up and making your way to your bedroom together. You both had already showered when you got home earlier so all that was left to do was to brush your teeth together. 
Your night routine was almost the same every night, no matter what was going on in your separate lives, you always spent those last few minutes together before crawling into bed. So once you both finished in the bathroom, you hopped into bed on your chosen sides but made your way closer to the middle and each other, Jen opening her arms to you as you laid your head on her chest.
“Sorry I’ve been quiet, tired.” You mumbled into the darkness against Jen as she drew small circles against your back. 
“It’s okay, me too.” Jen looked down at you to meet your soft eyes. 
“I love you.” You smiled and snuggled into her chest once more, eyes drifting closed. 
“I love you too.” Jen placed a kiss against your head before closing her own eyes and drifting asleep. 
The topic of last night's conversation was mostly forgotten in the morning, or at least it wasn’t brought up again between you too. That didn’t mean it wasn’t brought up with different people. Jen arrived at training and as both Steph and Beth walked up to her, they could tell something was on her mind. 
“You alright there Jenny?” Steph bumped her shoulder as herself and Beth joined her sides. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah.” Jen nodded at them but went silent straight after. 
“You sure?” Beth dragged out her words and brought her face as she could to Jen’s, their height difference proving to be a little difficult.
“Yeah, just thinking.” Jen tried to brush them off again but these two were persistent and she knew she wasn’t going to get very far if she didn’t tell them. She stopped her walking and sighed before speaking. “Last night, Y/N brought up how it seems like everyone’s getting engaged at the moment, and I didn’t really say anything back. And then she seemed upset for the rest of the night, but she said she was just tired, which I know she has been, but I also think I might have upset her in some way.” She let out in almost one breath as Steph and Beth tried to process her words. 
“Well she’s not wrong, especially in the last few weeks.” Beth added with a shrug. 
“Do you think she’s ready?” Steph ignored Beth’s comment and looked at Jen.
“Well, I wasn’t sure before, but after last night I think she is.” Jen looked between the two of them. “Just the way she was talking about it and then when I didn’t really say anything…” She trailed off and looked down. 
“I think she’s ready.” Steph spoke with a smile. She had watched from the beginning of your relationship with Jen just how happy you were with one another, and how easy the relationship seemed even when spending time apart due to work. 
“Are you?” Beth asked sincerely, her and Steph awaiting Jen’s reply. Jen was silent for a few seconds, bringing her eyes back up to look at her best friends. 
“I bought the ring like 2 months ago.” She mumbled but they still heard it and instantly started beaming at the Scottish woman. 
“You sly little bastard.” Beth punched Jen’s arm softly as they began to walk again so that they wouldn’t be late for training. 
Throughout the whole day the three of them, mostly Steph and Beth, were coming up with ideas on how she should propose but Jen kept shooting them down. She wanted it to be private, special and a surprise, so anything that involved taking you out somewhere would instantly make you suspicious. 
While Jen had been conversing her thoughts and plans with her best friends at training, you were in your head all day thinking about last night. Which wasn’t really helping especially when you were trying to film press interviews all day and talk about your movie. 
You could have talked to your co-stars about it, after all they had become close friends while shooting and now being with each other everyday for promo, but the only person you really wanted to talk to was Jen; it was always Jen. 
Jen got home long before you, taking her time to deep clean the flat and cook dinner for you once again, knowing you would be exhausted from your long day of work. 
She didn’t hear you opening the door and making your way through the flat, she had been vacuuming with her headphones on and dancing around your bedroom. You stood in the doorway for a few minutes after spotting her, admiring her and waiting for her to see you. And when she did, boy did she get a fright. 
“Ah fuck!” Jen almost jumped out of her skin when she finally turned around and spotted you lurking in the doorway, using one hand to remove her headphones and the other to turn the vacuum off. “How long have you been standing there?” She dropped the vacuum and began to walk over to you. 
“A few minutes. I was admiring your hidden dance skills.” You smiled and stood up straighter, welcoming her into a hug like you do every day. “Hi.” You mumbled into her shoulder. 
“Hi love.” She pulled back and leaned in for a soft kiss. No matter how many times you kiss Jen, it feels like the very first time all over again, even after 4 years. “Busy day?” She asked as you parted, taking in your tired expression. 
“Busy day.” You nodded and smiled at her. “How was training?” You asked as you walked hand and hand to the kitchen. 
“Good, good to be back with the girls.” Jen smiled at you before letting go to retrieve dinner from the oven. You stood at the counter, simply watching her as she moved about wrapping up dinner. “Go put something on, I’ve got it.” Jen smiled and placed a kiss on your temple before ushering you to the lounge room.
“Okay bossy.” You laughed before making your way to the couch and switching the TV over to Netflix to finish the final episode of Bridgerton. You wait patiently for her on the couch, looking over your shoulder every few seconds to see if she is coming around the corner. 
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Jen is trying to hide her anxiety and nervousness as she plates up dinner and feels her pocket one more time. With two champagne glasses now full and a tray full of food she finally makes her way to you, letting out a final breath before entering the living room. 
“Dinner is served.” She places the tray down on the table and bows which makes you laugh. Your eyes fall on the glasses and you’re instantly confused. 
“What’s with the champagne? Decide the wine wasn’t good enough?” You joked and she let out a small laugh shaking her head. 
“Some nights are a little more special than the others.” She cryptically says and has you even more confused but you leave the comment alone and hit play on the remote. 
You eat dinner together while watching the episode, silently watching with a bit of commentary along the way before cuddling up after eating. The episode finishes and you can feel Jen’s heart beating particularly fast, her fingers are nervously playing with one another and she hasn’t spoken in a few minutes. You sit up silently and look at her, she doesn’t look at you. You’re about to fill the silence when she beats you to it. 
“You know how much I love you, right?.” Jen rushes out and leaves you slightly bewildered. 
“I know. I love you just as much.” You reply. “What’s wrong?” You bring your hand up to brush her hair back into her low bun. 
“I’m about to do something and I hope you don’t think it’s random and forced because it’s not and I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I didn’t want to make a massive deal about it because it’s just you and me and that’s all that matters.” Jen speaks in one long breath and you need a second for your brain to catch up but before it can she’s pulling you up off the couch with her and standing in front of you. She holds your hands in hers and looks directly at you. 
“Wha-” Before you could even think about finishing your sentence, a giant gasp leaves your mouth at her next action. She drops down to one knee whilst still holding holding your hands, smiling up at you as tears well in your eyes. 
“My love, I could go on and on about how much I love you but you already know. There is no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with, no matter where it shall take us. So,” She let go of your hands, you bringing them up to your face and hers reaching down into her pocket. She fishes the small, black box out, opening it to reveal a sparkling ring and looks back up at you. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you-” 
“YES!” You interrupt her before she gets to finish causing her to laugh and shake her head. 
You just stand there admiring her as she gets up and removes the ring from the box. She brings your shaking left hand from your face and slides the ring on. Your jaw drops at the ring before you jump into her arms, causing her to react quickly and grab hold of your legs. “I love you so much Jen.” You cry into her shoulder as she holds you before you lift your head up, meeting your eyes with hers before pulling in for a kiss. 
The rest of the night is spent in one another's arms just admiring each other and talking softly with each other about the rest of your lives while wrapped up in your sheets.
yourinstagram and jbeattie91
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yourinstagram we joined the club 💍
liked by jbeattie91, stephcatley, bethmead_ and 834,032 others
stephcatley so happy for you! welcome to the club 😉
bethmead_ about time jen jen. congrats 🥰
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cookeybg · 3 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
Before we get to the story I have a few words to say...
First of all, Hello!
Not sure if this will reach anyone, but I had an itch to write, so I did. I almost never post anything. I have reposted a couple things but I'm mostly a lurker and enjoy others creativity and thoughts, I like to think of myself as a cat with few brain cells.
Anyways, I read a manga YEARS ago and enjoyed it greatly and thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be funny/interesting if Jon and Damian were stuck in this situation?" Let's see if anyone eventually gets what manga I was reminiscing.
Now, this is the first time I've ever posted anything I've written and I am not confident AT ALL if this is going to be any good, but I really hope someone out there enjoys reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it...Also not sure if I should post it on Ao3???
Well enough of my ramblings on to the story.
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
Part 1 - Chapter 1
Jon placed his lunch tray next to Kathys’ as he discreetly looked around the lunch room trying to catch a glimpse of his crush. He had only briefly seen him at the mall during summer break and in a panic hid from him behind a rack of clothes. He had regretted not saying hello and had daydreams of himself going up to him, all cool and complementing the brown eyed boy’s pink fluffy hair and then asking him out to watch a movie at the mall theater. Sadly, the daydreams would come crashing down when he remembered his mother placing shirts in front of him and trying to measure him up before heading into the dressing room. It’s not that he was embarrassed of his mom its just, he was wearing sweats and an old hoodie since none of his clothes fit him anymore due to his growth spurt and, well, his mom could be a bit much, sometimes. Throughout the whole shopping trip when she would meet an acquaintance or friend she kept gushing about how quick kids grew and how she wished they would just stop sometimes. Jon would have to bury himself if anyone from school had been exposed to that.
“Looking for Jay?” Kathy asked. Jon looked at Kathy like a deer caught in the headlights and immediately turned red. He sat down abruptly causing his tray to nearly tip unto him. He scrambled to right his milk carton before it fell. Once settled, he sighed and mumbled, “That obvious?” Kathy smirked and bit into her carrot stick making a loud snap. Jon squirmed while opening his milk carton, he took a big swing, pointedly ignoring Kathy’s stare. “Why don’t you just confess?” Kathy asked. “Confess?” Jon spluttered, “He doesn’t even know I exist!” “Jon, you two were in the same history class last year. He knows who you are.” “Yeah. But we never talked.” “Then, how about you talk to him?” That would be so awkward…” Jon bit into his chicken strip. Kathy rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation. Jon smirked and leaned in conspiratorially, “But I have a plan.” “And that is?” “I’m joining the journalism club.” “What!” Kathy yelled in surprise and then moderated her voice when some people who she startled glared at her, “ I thought you were going to join the baseball team this year, since, you know, your not in a cast anymore.” “The doctor has given the all clear and physical therapy is all done. The doctor was very impressed with how quickly I healed.” “Will they even let you do both clubs?” “Yep, I asked!” Their conversation was cut short when a murmur spread through the cafeteria like a wave. The main players of the baseball team stepped through the open double doors, all nine wearing their letterman jackets. In the lead was the most popular guy in school, Damian Wayne. Whose father was nicknamed the Prince of Gotham. Who in turn married an actual princess from some far off land, giving Damian actual royal blood. Girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him, but from what Jon had heard, guys wanted him too. Damian’s bright green eyes stood out against his brown skin, his gold earring glinted under the florescent light. He scanned the cafeteria with what looked like a sense of boredom. Colin, Jon called him Damian’s second in command, had one arm casually draped around Damian’s shoulders gesticulating wildly with his free hand. The group laughed at whatever the Colin said, but Damian only smiled as he started walking towards their unofficial table. Colin and the rest of the group broke off shoving and cracking jokes at each other while making line to pick up food. Kathy whistled beside Jon, “Now he’s someone who doesn’t know you exist.” “He looks and probably is, conceited.” Jon said offhandedly. “Look at him, he has reason to be.” “Doesn’t mean it’s cool.” “Doesn’t mean he’s not hot.” Jon turned to look at Kathy, but she wasn’t paying attention to him. Instead she was looking in Damian’s direction. Jon looked around and noticed that many were doing the same. He dragged his eyes back to look at Damian. The dude sat straight backed, elegantly eating his homemade meal from some fancy lunch bag that was probably more expensive than anything Jon owned, and scrolling on his phone completely ignoring the many eyes staring at him. Colin returned with the rest of the group nudging Damian and dropping his lunch tray with a loud smack, receiving an unimpressed glare in return. Colin smiled and placed a fruit cup in front of Damian. Jon personally didn’t get the allure. The couple of times he had seen Damian interact with others it was usually acerbic. Somehow that did not lessen his popularity and it left Jon dumbfounded. I good person should be good to others and being polite was a given, his Grandma said so and she was never wrong. Jon shrugged and went back to eating his school lunch. The rest could keep Damian he very much preferred Jay.
I hope you enjoyed it! Will post more soon, hopefully.
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crownleys · 7 months
Have you noticed any trends/patterns in what makes you 'fannish' about something? (Particular mediums, character dynamics, aesthetics etc.) Also, is there anything you love but don't feel the impulse to engage in fandom with?
This was a really interesting question, and I had to sit and think about it for a while before feeling like I had some good conclusions to share with you, Anon! I think in general there's three things that have to be in the mix that get me feeling 'fannish'/involved in the fandom for something: 1) Regularly engaging with the source material 2) A good community 3) Space to play
I'll put the rest under a cut because I'm sure I'm about to ramble for a while
So, with regards to point one, it feels relevant to mention that I don't particular feel like I've been a member of too many fandoms. I'd say two, exactly -- Zombies, Run! and The Wayhaven Chronicles. I've dabbled with things like The Locked Tomb Series and Dragon Age of course, but I never necessarily felt like part of the fandom, just because it was so large and multifacted, and I only briefly engaged with it as someone who contributed to those respective fandoms. But with ZR and TWC, they're both things that have stuck around longer, mostly because I've continued to play them for a very long time. I got started with ZR about 10 years ago. When I was my most active with it was when I was going out literally every day and listening to missions, which helped keep the story and characters really fresh in my mind. It also helped me constantly think up new themes and ideas I really wanted to explore within the setting and with the characters. Similar with Wayhaven -- I played through all the books when Book 3 came out in April and I've more or less had a play-through going since then. My actual play-throughs have fallen a little on the wayside just because of life things but I'm still thinking about it & engaging with the source material a lot. So I guess my point is, to truly feel 'fannish' about something I need to be a little bit obsessed, lol!
As for my second point, I've truly felt my most 'fannish'/part of the fandom when I find a good community to interact with. One of my favorite parts of being a fan is actually getting to talk about the material in question -- play with it, theorize, etc. The Zombies, Run! Fandom when I joined was amazing for that, and there continued being a really good group constantly discussing meta on their Rofflenet website the entire time I was a player. There was even a weekly zoom book club to discuss the current releasing missions! It was awesome! And with Wayhaven I feel like I've found a really nice circle of mutuals to sit and talk about the books with (and also obviously, my dearest Delucadarling, who I constantly talk about it with). Which brings me to my last point, is I really like having a lot of space to 'play' and feel fannish. With ZR, it has a huge sprawling universe of a zombie apocalypse, and only a very small portion is shown to the players via the audio. It leaves a lot of room to imagine what happens around the missions. And with Wayhaven, since only a portion of the story is out, it leaves a lot of room to imagine with happens next to all the characters. That is the sort of thing I really find motivating! And there's for sure plenty of things I love that I don't really engage with the fandom for, or engage pretty lightly. For example, I've really been loving Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks, but I haven't really done more than chat with a few friends about it. Similarly for a lot of the books I read -- I'll talk about them with a friend or two but not really seek out a lot of online content for them. I also watch a lot of cooking competitions, lol, so that's different for me to. If you've stuck with me for this long thank you! I really appreciated the question and I hope you have a great day <3
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lorillee · 1 day
I think I remember you posting about one of those a while ago and now I'm curious bc they sound very entertaining, can you tell me about some of the highlights of them?
emerald lake was kind of wild i made that poll on picking my favorite moment from a list of crazy insane things that happened but i did end up not listing some of the other notable moments out of fear of getting cancelled for having read it, or because the characters involved were kind of obscure. SAD! so take a few:
knuckles and julie-su were a couple for a while and then like halfway through the story find out they're half siblings
either cassia or clove (i want to say it was cassia) gets pregnant with either mighty or ray's child and has an abortion and its a whole drama because she was like hooking up with both of them around the same time and didnt say anything
nack is like a sexual predator and attempts to assault honey i think
sonia gets pregnant with mephiles child because she was drugged at a party by scourge or fiona i dont rememebr which. i think it was a team effort. and then they ran off while hoping she would ruin her life. this is completely unprompted, for the record
finitevus is fiona's family's butler
amy writes an in incredibly poor taste story where at the end her self insert is raped by sonic i think and gets sally to beta it but unbeknownst to her sally is actually a rape survivor from TOMMY TURTLE.
sonic and tails have an incredibly on and off again relationship and at some point shadow gets involved i think. im pretty sure theres a scene where tails is trying to get sonic to give up his cocaine addiction and is lying to him about cheating on him with shadow or something
you already know that tails got run over by a drunk driving tikal and then promptly died but what i DIDNT mention is that he left behind a CHILD. somebody was pregnant with his baby i dont remember who but id take a 50/50 shot at it being mina
theres definitely way more but its been like a year and a half since i read it so my memory is kind of running thin. theres so much more im forgetting but it was wild
green hill academy, on the other hand, was like a special sort of insane that i briefly skimmed a few chapters of, frankly kind of got traumatized, and when i finally went back like 6 months later to poke through the whole thing it had been deleted by the author who said she intended to rewrite it because some of the grammar was bad or something. i only like remember a handful of parts from it, one of which was i believe julie-su having a custody battle, breezie (one of the teachers) trying to ruin honey (one of the students who was also like a really famous popstar) life because honey was dating ash (another one of the teachers). i think mephiles ran some sort of insane blog where he like posted peoples dirty secrets for money or something i dont remember. sonic hooked up with sally and recorded this without her knowledge and certainly without her consent so he could like use it to ruin her reputation or something and everybody was calling her a whore or something idk. all like pretty insane stuff but within the realm of insane high school au acceptability like the stuff listed above so overall pretty entertaining like in the sense of how ridiculous and over the top and exceedingly out of character all of this nonsense is. the author of green hill and the author of emerald lake were apparently friends and it really shows. this was not what lowkey traumatized me. in fact the incident im talking about was kind of so egregious im going to put it under the cut because i think about it and am so beyond floored that it was written im really not sure what to do with myself.
so like i was poking around at the more recent chapters and jet was like attempting to join the lgbt alliance club because he had recently found out he was gay or something and a bunch of the members were like "I cannot believe. that you are trying to do this. literally get the hell out leave us alone never ever come back." and i was like kind of laughing to myself because i thought he had like said a slur or something a few chapters ago. so i went searching. This was not the case.
No. you see what had happened is that he and a handful of other students were bullying rotor for being openly gay, and after school hours. lord i dont even want to type this out. they cornered him, gang raped him with a hockey stick (on screen), and the next day he hangs himself on school grounds. You might ask: what the hell could possibly possess you to write this. The answer: this was posted around the orlando club schootings and this was the authors DEEPLY MISGUIDED attempt to spread awareness about homophobia. of course this is handled with about the same amount of tact as the usual shock value entertainment nonsense and worse yet was WRITTEN BASED OFF OF A PERSON THE AUTHOR KNEW. AT HER SCHOOL. ? anyways that was green hill academy
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
Can I request a Kazunari x reader where neither of them is sure if their relationship is platonic/romantic?
Yes, yes, yes!! Literally went from not really sure how to start this to reinventing it all SO fast like-? The only answer I find is that I might love Kazunari too much which honestly, fair.
Please enjoy! 💕
Promise me we won’t let go (Kazunari x Platonic/Romantic! Reader)
Kazunari believes he has -over time of course, he was never this smooth despite what others might believe- been able to gain certain knowledge, regarding other people’s feelings and what they look for.
This obviously carries its own problems as well.
He had already admitted to himself long ago being overly accommodating to keep up with every single soul’s like and dislike he met: Kazunari is so good at listening! in his ears translated to, if he spoke up, he might end up saying the wrong thing -because people like to have someone who listens. Even those you’re so easy-going! came from learning to control his opinions to a degree that his real thoughts felt more like a side note.
Regarding this aspect, Mankai had certainly been an eye-opening experience. A before and after point in his life.
Thanks to everyone at the dorm -and especially his super-amazingly-cool-and-talented summer troupe members buddies- current Kazunari was more confident than ever in standing by what he actually enjoyed. Last week he even turned down quite the bizarre idea for that group project he had to present for his graphics and Illustration course! Like, hello? Yes. Kazunari Miyoshi was proud to say he had grown.
Which lead the blond actor to wonder, after seven Thursday nights in a row spent dancing with you until wee hours of the morning, whether this is the point he should be asking himself if you two were turning into a thing.
Seven weeks, and it's become such a regular thing that both of you have built your schedules around it, changing plans to ensure you two can make it out to the pub no matter what else is going on. He never gave it much thought. You both have known each other for years, after all. And yet-
A sudden buzz coming from his phone distracts him.
Are you finished with your classes? I'm in the cafeteria and I wanna see you before I leave back to the library.
He can’t help but notice his mood lights up considerably when the icon that pops on his screen is from you. Humming quietly, he enters the conversation.
Almost done! On my way~
He adds a few stickers and concentrates again on the professor's instructions about where they'll have to submit their canvas for the exam. Minutes later and learning storaged, he picks up his bag and waves a quick goodbye at the group he shares classes with. It’s almost six o’clock, and the summer actor enjoys the breeze and bustle of people while scrolling instablam’s stories, opting to go straight to where you were. His reflection shows on the phone briefly. He pouts and fixes his bangs. Maybe he should have worn his hat? His roots were starting to grow back and-
“Yo, Kazunari.”
“Oh?” he looks into the direction the familiar voice was coming. “Setzer, my man! What’s up? Never saw you around this time before.”
The purple-eyed clicked his tongue. “Class got cancelled. Talk about annoyin’” A noise from his pocket makes Banri pick up his phone, roaming through it distractedly. “Ya leavin’ too?”
“Ah, my bad. Y/N-pii is on their break at the cafeteria. I’m going to pass by before heading home. Wanna join?”
“Nah, pass. Got a paper due so might as well go and finish it.” Still looking at the phone, the autumn member frowns. “…Talkin’ bout Y/N-san, do ya think they are free next weekend?”
“Next weekend? Probably. Why?”
The autumn member sighs. “It’s Sora’s birthday.”
“Sora… The one we meet that time at the after-party of your club?” Kazunari’s mind goes back to the events just last semester. They were one of the first people Banri had gotten to know from his major at uni and honestly had a blast at the time. “Sounds boom! How are they doing?”
“Fine, I suppose. They have this house near the river where they want to do a barbeque  and has been askin’ me to contact Y/N-san.”
Kazunari thinks about it. You have always enjoyed get-togethers, especially birthdays. Moreover, even the few times you met with Banri’s friends he remembers you commenting how much you enjoyed it. “Mmm… I don’t think it’d be a problem? Y/N-pii is the type to let you know if something comes up anyway so you should totally ask them!”
“Sweet. They have been so freaking’ insistent about it.” Banri sighs, relieved. Yet as he’s about to start writing, he seems to falter, stopping his fingers midtrack. He looks at the blond, and his eyebrow frown confused. Kazunari has lived long enough with him to know he’s debating to say or do something -which is not really typical of Banri.
It makes him uncomfortable.
“Yahoo, earth to Setzer?” he laughs, waving in front of him. “Your eyes are creeping me out, man! You ‘kay?”
The autumn leader takes notice of his own actions and massages his neck. “My bad. I was just… you’re good, right?” he arches his eyebrows.
“Whadaya mean?”
“You know, my friend asking Y/N-san out. ”
Should it bother Kazunari to know others were interested in you?
“It’s not like we are dating,” he replies with a short laugh. “Even if we were, Sora seems fun to hang out with, and a barbeque of all things? I bet it’s going to be epic! Remember to snap some cool pics to show off later!” he pats the young actor’s back.
"Okay, okay, you can stop now." This time, he does write on his phone with decision -though Kazunari notices him glancing in his direction one last time. “Then, I’ll let Sora know. Thanks, man.”
“No prob~ careful on your way home!”
Soon after he resumes his walk, another buzz and light come from his screen phone. It’s you again. He looks at the time and understands why you would write. It had gotten late.
Everything okay, prince charming?
He smiles at the nickname. And as a matter of fact, Kazunari feels okay with what just happened. Maybe. Honestly he can’t really make up his mind. But he’s no one to decide who you should hang out with in any case.
Found Setzer leaving uni and stopped to talk. Save me a seat!
Pff as if I hadn’t done that already you silly.
The sudden rethinking about your relationship shouldn't make him this weird.
For the longest time you came to keep certain parts of your personality hidden. The rough, ugly parts. At least in your opinion.
Maybe that’s why you are able to see through Kazunari. A side of him that no one else saw, or at least that’s what your selfish self liked to think. To the world, Kazunari is a friendly, fashionable, and outgoing art student who also handles all too well graphic designs and whatever you may throw at him. Always open to being friends with anyone who crosses paths with him, no matter who they are.
As years pass by, your relationship has unfolded into whatever intimate thing it might have become nowadays. Now, you see more. You see his actual dorkiness. You see the way he gets frustrated with himself when ideas don’t come no matter how much he tries when the answer to the problem eludes him. See how incredibly smart he is. How much he truly loves studying. How selfless he is. You see the faint traces of what you can only call sadness when Kazunari mentions smiling at someone's low opinion of him as a person. How his eyes sparkle when he’s talking about a new art event.
He told you about his old days one time. It made you want to tell everybody who had never bothered to get this close to seeing the real him you didn't try hard enough. Which is why you couldn’t thank more in your mind to Tsuzuru’s unaware assistance for reaching Kazunari and allowing him to become the passionate actor he has come to be.
So yeah, you could say you with confidence you adored Kazunari.
And yet, there was something bothering you for a while.
You two have gotten used to people mistaking you for a couple. You didn’t pay much thought to it since you are both incredibly clingy with each other, and to be fair half of your instablams are photos of the two of you -and others, sometimes.
What you do notice, is that neither you nor Kazunari correct people when they assume so anymore.
What you notice is that you can hardly wait for it to Thursday night and be alone with him, even if you see each other almost everyday. And it scares you a bit.
“So! What are you in the mood for before we hit the pub?”
You hum in thought. It’s gotten late, so you are sure the places you two usually go to must be almost full. “I'd like something cheap. This month I’m almost broke-” You sneeze. “Also preferably inside. Didn’t know it was going to be this cold today.”
“Hang on a sec, I gotchu!” happily, Kazunari takes off his jacket and puts it on you, making you sight. That was much better. “Aw, you’re so cute! Stay still!” he coos taking up his phone.
You laugh, letting him take a picture. “’Kay but give me your arm. I can at least give you some heat back.”
It feels like usual. You both decide to try some pizzas at a place near some park and are about to head inside when you hear someone calling your name in the distance. You wait a bit to recognize the person. Kazunari doesn't, mostly because of the talk he had with Banri not too long ago. Assuring he will wait for your conversation to ask for dinner, he takes his phone out to entertain himself.
Not too long he notices you walking back, and it takes even less time to know something is wrong. You are not looking at him, after all.
"Shall we go?"
"Sure but are you ‘kay? Cuz I can-”
“No!” you hurry, almost tripping over your words in a rush to cut him up. “It’s- it’s fine.” You say under your breath, moving far from him. “You really don’t want to know.”
Smooth, Y/N.
You whimper, still holding tight onto Kazunari’s jacket. It really does smell like him and you feel like crying at how much it calms you down. You look into the blond's eyes. There's worry. And of course, that's what it takes for you to give in.
“…can we sit?”
“One drink coming right up!~”
You watch Kazunari walk towards you with a bottle of water that you open instantly as he sits next to you. This was the last conversation you wanted to have and yet somehow, destiny decided it should happen. You close the bottle. Ok then.
“So!” You finally speak with more confidence than you felt. “Sora invited me to their birthday party next weekend.” Kazunari nodded. That, he also knew. “Seemed fun, so then I asked if you could come too.”
You shrugged, playing with the bottle. “We met them together and I thought we all had a good time. Remember the karaoke?”
“Duh. Who knew their club was so good at impersonating?”
“Right? That was so cool.”
The conversation somehow ends there. A bark in the distance catches your attention.
“...So? What did Sora say?”
You press your lips, leaving the bottle to the side.
“They asked if I was dating you. And I…? I didn’t know what to say.” you take some air and lean back on the bench, closing your eyes. You feel Kazunari tense up and you don’t wanna see it. “Like, I know we are not because- actually I don’t know. I’ve been feeling confused about… this.” You sigh, sitting back again and pointing to both of you.
The summer actor desperately wants to say something. He wants to say the right thing, because you deserve it. He wants you to feel as comfortable with him as it always is. How could something supposedly so… possibly wonderful be so intimidating at the same time?
“Kazu what… are we?”
Again, he freezes like a coward when he finds himself trapped under the intensity of your fond stare. “I-” there’s pressure in his chest. “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it lately too.”
Silence appears again. Kazunari awaits a groan, an angry puff, or any type of discomfort on your part. Yet to his surprise he hears a faint laugh. although you fought it, it was there. Free, genuine, hard, and heartfelt, eyes closed and shoulders shaking. It really isn’t hard for Kazunari to imagine a more precious sound.
You infect him. It feels good, to laugh with you. Despite everything, he feels the tension dissipating somehow. “Oh god, I’m so sorry I don’t mean-” he hears you try to explain yourself between laughs. “It’s just- ugh, we are so lame.” you finally express softly. You lean on him. “Like, having a crisis about this? at the same time?”
“At least we can use it for the art.”
You rise your head and he winks, letting you know he’s joking. You take his hand, and he squeezes it. The act comes naturally. After a while you speak, although your voice breaks a bit.
“I just- I adore you so much Kazu. And the thought of falling in love with you is great, but at the same time is it really okay for us to roll with it?”
Kazunari squeezes your hand again and leans in to kiss you on the forehead. As he imagined, your eyes are glassy. "You know?" he informs you as he lets go of your hand and hugs you tightly. "Out of aaall the people I’ve known so far in my life, you are totes at the very top. Hey, I’m serious over here!” he insists when he moves away and sees you smiling skeptic. “For realsies, your name is next to like- a bazillion of red hearts! A place reserved for the mega-talented, mega-loving Y/N As long as I’m at least high in your top too.”
“Wha- did you hear a word I just said? Of course you are!”
Kazunari smiles. “Then I think that’s good enough for us right now, don’tcha?”
You sniff and reach out to kiss his cheek this time. "Let’s continue to go out on Thursday nights," you murmur, using your wrist to remove the tears that had accumulated. "Every Thursday night unless you have a performance, in which case I will definitely go see you and then we’ll go out afterward. I don't want to hear any excuses." You let your voice turn mock-stern.
“Hai, hai captain~”
As you get up, the summer member grabs your wrist again. You look down confused, finding a gleaming pair of green eyes, showing his phone.  
“Wanna take a selfie?”
The lights from the streetlights reflect on the back of his blond hair, and you suddenly feel weak on your knees with the most overwhelming relief. You love this person so much. “Sure. It does has been more than a day since we have.” You laugh, and do your usual pose, which is resting your arms around him in an embrace as you both decide what type of filter does match better for the day.
It doesn’t matter if it takes a while to put a name on what you two have. At the moment, Kazunari simply wants to go and spend some good quality time with you.
Which is fortunate -because you feel just the same.
This was difficult but sooo worth it and interesting to write! Thank you for your request.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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feverdancing · 1 year
Rain tapped against the classroom windows, lulling Nene into a light sleep.
Just as she closed her heavy eyes, a soft voice called her awake once more,
Humming in response, Nene raises her head from her crossed arms to look up at one of her classmates.
Blinking in surprise, it was the girl that sat in front of her, Tanaka Yuki. She was a part of the student council and intelligent.
“I…” Yuki trails off, tugging her soft black hair. Her brown eyes looked at Nene with concern, “I just wanted to see if you’re okay,”
Nene nods her head slowly.
Yuki nodded to herself, “Good. Good. As our class rep. — and a part of the student council, I have to make sure my peers are at optimal performance,” she paused, her smile tightened, “I suggest you… have a bit more effort in maintaining a healthy attitude while you are on school grounds, Yashiro-san.”
Nene’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, “huh?”
“Oh!” Yuki gasped dramatically, “I didn’t mean to offend you. I was just letting you know that this streak of showing up late, being so predecessor visibly injured, and, well–” she glanced to the side, tilting her head, “other behavioral indicators of being a delinquent is, quite frankly, ruining our reputation as not only a school but our class.”
Nene’s red droopy eyes stared at her, unblinking, “...You think I’m a delinquent?”
“No!” the dark-haired girl shook her head, “No, no. I don’t… but we have been receiving letters from concerned parents and students regarding our school’s atmosphere,”
Yuki smiled at her, “Just… wear the winter uniform from now on and smile, okay?”
Why not stop the people bullying? Nene thought, her eyes settling on the desk in front of her. After all, she has seen it. The entire student council sees it.
Nene nodded.
“Good to see you so cooperative!” She giggled, twirling her hair with a finger, “Well, that wraps up what I was required to discuss with you….”
Nene nods again. She couldn’t help but think that Yuki would keep talking. Maybe it was her way of being kind, not letting anyone come to harass her, even if it was only for a few minutes,
“I actually had a bit of a personal question, if you don’t mind,”
Personal? Nene knew she couldn’t afford to let anyone get close, she started to shake her head, but Yuki paid no mind to her refusal,
“Why did you start growing your hair out?”
Nene inhaled sharply, furrowing her eyebrows,
“Um… It’s not like a big deal or anything. It’s just… you had short hair a couple of years ago and suddenly started growing it. I was just curious!”
Nene hummed, tugging on a strand of her hair, “I grew my hair out… because… Someone I was friends with said that I should,”
Ao-chan said boys liked long hair… Hanako-kun liked my hair.
Yuki giggles at that, “Friend? You don’t have any, though,”
“Um…” Nene looked out the window briefly before staring at her desk once more, “I—”
“Oh my goodness!” She laughed, “I totally didn’t mean to say that. I was so just joking with you!”
Yuki… almost seemed embarrassed,
“Tanaka, Yashiro, Shouldn’t you be going to your clubs?” A male voice called out to them,
Nene quickly looked at the doorway, finding Tsuchigomori standing there, a binder in his hand,
“Apologizes, Tsuchigomori-sensei!” Yuki bowed, giggling at Nene, “I hope we don’t need to discuss this again, Yashiro-san~!”
Nene watched her bounce to the door, slipping by her teacher.
Tsuchigomori walked into the room, “...You know you should join a club, Yashiro,”
Sighing, Nene stared at her desk once more, “I don’t want to,”
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coruscantiscribbler · 2 years
Hello there! It’s been a while since we have sat down for a discussion here at the Asker’s Studio™️
A few days ago, a discussion arose, regarding the redemption of Agent Kallus (a story arc from the TV show Rebels)
You took a moment and weighed in:
It's why I never bought the happily-ever-after-on-Lira-San. If Zeb took him there (briefly) I think was only an act of grace on Zeb's part to show Kallus that not all the Lasat were gone. Kallus can never atone for his actions. All he can do is try.
I would like to revisit an old topic - the redemption of Agent Kallus - from a different angle. In our past discussions, you have been very clear about the direction that you would take your fic, We Regret. There would be no Kalluzeb, no happily-ever-after-on-Lira-San, and quite frankly: no happy Kallus, period. I fully embrace this vision for your fic.
I was recently reminded that Rebels was a children’s show, thus, many of the high order concepts, morals and story arcs that I hoped for may not have been feasible for that audience/age group. I staunchly begged to differ, as other children’s shows such as Gargoyles willfully waded into moral territory.
My question(s) to you are:
If you were the head writer for Rebels, how similar would you have addressed the story to your fic? (absent the smut, folks 😈)
Would you have addressed the deaths of the Stormtroopers with more compassion/emphasis?
Overall, are we doing children a disservice by glossing over all of the above: Genocide, instant redemption, casual death
As usual, I greatly appreciate the time and effort that you apply to your fic, and my questions in general.
Aaargh, I had written a lot of this and then managed to erase it all. Trying again, and thank you so much for the Ask.
If I could have been in charge of Rebels I would not have dropped Kallus playing Cat & Mouse with Thrawn. I know the writers wanted it to be a surprise that Kallus has become Fulcrum, but as Andor has shown us there is great drama to be mined from a person moving from total loyalty, to questioning and then to betrayal. And when you have an actor as good as David Oyelowo why on earth would you waste him? (The fact Kallus was wasted in season 4 is criminal.)
I think Thrawn and Kallus admired and respected each other and then Kallus came to fear those all too discerning eyes. Rightly so because Thrawn did unmask him.
The way the stormtroopers were treated in Rebels is part of the reason I started my fic. (apart from finding Kallus a fascinating character). The Clone War series showed such compassion to the Clones, their hopes, dreams, loyalty and devotion to each other, the pain when one of them died. It was beautiful.
Well, the troopers are also human beings and the fact they were killed as casually as if they were droids truly bothered me. After the devastation of the Clone wars, I figured a lot of people would have joined just to have 3 hots and a cot, but there would also be some who were patriots and wanted to see peace and order restored to the galaxy. That was Kallus.
I've never bought the idea that people in the Empire had no relationships. There would be romances, weddings, friendships would form. Soldiers fight for each other, they rarely fight for causes. I wanted to show those connections and relationships.
And of course funerals. The title of my big Kallus Fic is from the opening line of the condolence letters he writes to the families of the fallen troopers. Behind those faceless people in white armor were parents, spouses, children who would grieve at the loss of someone they loved.
It's also why I gave the people in the Lothal Dome and even aboard the Star Destroyer's some sense of a social life. There would book clubs and chess clubs and gaming groups, and I even threw in a glee club. Humans crave and need contact, you can't take that out of them in the few short years the Empire actually existed.
Yes, death should have weight and meaning. It's one of the reasons I never really enjoyed comics. My friend Len Wein used to say "Nobody's dead in the comics until you see the body and not even then." And I would argue that debases and trivializes death. I think it's unfair to ask a reader or a viewer for an emotional reaction to a character's death and then smirk and say -- "Never Mind" a la Emily Litella from Saturday Night live.
I think it's important to be clear eyed about what was being described in Rebels. Genocide should never be glossed over, and I don't see how a person who took part in such actions gets to have a happily-ever-after ending even after devoting five or six years to a more worthy cause. I plan to take my story past the end of the war, and I know what Kallus will be doing after he pays his debt to society. I think if the New Republic had any hope of succeeding it would be because it honored the rule of law. Kallus has to face some punishment.
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misfitprose · 11 months
Bluebird of Unhappiness
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I’ve briefly blogged* about this before (more about that later), but while I’m sick and I’m told it’s too hot to go out, I figured I should organize my thoughts into something that will hopefully help me make up my mind.
After a few false alarms, it really does seem like Twitter will soon be a thing of the past, without even the mocking affection that MySpace is usually remembered with. It’s not even because tastes have changed, either; mismanagement is running everyone off. Imagine opening a public library, yet keeping one section closed to everyone but a select few who give you huge “donations” – then putting all the bestsellers and research materials in there. Oh, and “friends of the library” will be allowed in after hours – everyone else must leave by 3pm. You can only borrow four books, and if one is really big, it will count as two...unless you’re willing to pay, of course. Paupers don’t deserve literature, you see!
But the thing that I liked about Twitter is that you only shared as much as you wanted to. I have a handle I made up myself, no personal pictures, and I didn’t even put my general location. I’m not obligated to follow anyone, and you don’t know if I have ties to anyone else on Twitter (unless we tell you). Sometimes, I just want to brief casual acquaintances on what’s happening with me without going into detail they might not want.
The best thing about Twitter, in my humble opinion, is that celebrities are accessible and on equal footing with the rest of us schmucks. These aren’t Facebook pages run by fan club presidents or randos – this is Legit Famous Guy on his personal phone. Have you ever written a letter to a celebrity (throwing it WAAAY back here!), and received a form letter reply in return? How do you even know if this person even reads their own mail? It’s like screaming into the void at the cost of your own saliva on the stamp. (Yes, we did that back in the day!) People share all kinds of things now, and in real time no less. It’s easier than ever to embarrass yourself by Tweeting “Hi, So-and-So! I had a crush on you for years” #cringe
Facebook...or as most people call it these days, Minions Memes That Your Middle-Aged Relatives Post Twenty Times a Day. I don’t know about you, but my entire extended family is on there and they probably don’t want to know exactly what I’m looking at when I’m avoiding them. It’s too personal. You have to go by your full name – and I have a fairly unique combination of names – and from there, it’s a small step to locating you IRL by looking at your friends list, college, or workplace. The last thing I need is one of those “Orym has bloodlust” Critters tracking me down. There are pictures of my niece and nephews on there. They shouldn’t be held accountable for my rants. I like keeping my real life and my online personas separate, thank you very much.
Just when I finally screw up the courage to go join Instagram, it seems like most of the cast is migrating to Bluesky. I joined the waiting list, but it’s so long that by the time I can join that, too, I will probably be eligible for retirement. I did join Mastodon, but the only way these unofficial watch parties are going to work is if a good number of us are on there. Most of us were already on Twitter, so it worked.
*Does anyone even have a traditional blog anymore? I set mine up years ago, and I enjoyed rambling on and on there (when I remembered to use it). On Twitter, you’d have to daisy chain a series of Tweets on there, risking alienating followers who don’t have time – or limits these days – to read them all. Tumblr, now that I’m here, seems hugely popular with more of the kinds of people I’m better suited to. There doesn’t seem to be as much customization that I’ve noticed, but I look like less of an old woman yelling at clouds when I say “my Tumblr” as opposed to “my blog”.
The future of connecting? Well, since we aren’t about to give people all over the world our private numbers so we can text them, I guess we’ll just have to latch onto whatever becomes available to the bulk of us.
Or we could go back to writing letters. Anyone got a stamp?
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
Hellfire Club
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Rated 18 plus. MINORS DNI.
Eddie munson AU swearing, sub fem, dom Eddie, fingering, female orgasm, praise kink? (if there’s anything else I should tag lemme know) 
You moved to Hawkins about four months ago and it was quite the change from being so used to living in the city. You grew to love it and eventually felt that slowly it was becoming 'home'. It was hard to fit in those first few months especially starting your senior year at a whole new school but your now best friends were eager to help you around. You spent your lunch and most of your classes with them. There was Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Max Mayfield. Then there was Will Byers, Johnathan Byers and Jane Hopper but we called her El instead. They only recently moved back to Hawkins so you didn't know them as well as the rest of the gang. There were also Nancy Wheeler, who was Mikes older sister, who was dating Johnathan but she never was around for lunch because she was always off studying somewhere with Johnathan or interviewing people for the school paper. Robin Buckley sat with us on occasion but she spent most of her time god knows where. And then there was Steve Harrington. He graduated last year but still hung out with all of you when he wasn't working or trying to take girls on dates. Key word being trying. Last but not least there was Eddie Munson, a victory lapper of his senior year, and leader of the Dungeons and Dragons club they named 'Hellfire'. He was very intimidating and you honestly tried your best to keep quiet around him in fear of him outing the fascination you had with him. He was just so unapologetically himself, he was loud, and goofy, a little clumsy, and goddam good looking.
On this particular day the guys were bugging you to join their DnD campaign for the night because Lucas couldn't make it because of his championship basketball game. Steve had a date to the same game, and Robin was in the band so she had to attend and thus you being the only one left for them to bug. They even tried asking Nancy. They didn't want to upset Eddie knowing how eccentric he could be so they didn't want to deal with having to ask him to postpone it.
You leaned into your hands, fisting your hair as they all spoke at once.
"C'mon please! We are literally begging you, we will never ask you to do anything else, please, c'mon" Dustin pleaded actually getting onto his hands and knees next to you. Loosening the grip you had on your hair you opened your eyes and gave him a side glance. Sighing you agreed and the three boys jumped up from the table high-fiving each other.
"You are a goddess, no a queen, you're amazing, thank you so much" Dustin said holding you by the shoulders.
"Save it Henderson" You said pushing his hand off of you with a laugh. They sure were annoying but you couldn't ask for a better group of friends. "I don't know how you put up with them" You said looking at El and Max on the other side of the able. "Its difficult believe me" Max said rolling her eyes briefly looking across the cafeteria at Lucas who was sitting at the popular jocks table. She had broken up with him during the summer from what you remember being told but you could tell she still had feelings for him. You give El a quick 'she's doing it again' look and she gave a sad 'I know' look back. You had tried to talk to max about it every once in a while but she was always quite defensive about it. You sighed  going back to the book you were reading before being rudely interrupted by Dustins begging.
It was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald that you had to read for English but had already read it a few times before. As a hopeless romantic it easily became one of your favourites. Biting on the end of your pen a little you rocked your head back and fourth absorbing the familiar words in front of you when a loud bang on the cafeteria table shocked you out of your thoughts.
"Afternoon ladies and gentlemen" There he was.
You were almost hopeful he wouldn't show up to lunch today but the tall man stood at the end of the table both hands pressed firmly on the edge. "She's going to fill in for Lucas tonight" Dustin huffed out quickly.
Your stomach turned with nerves wondering what Eddie was going to say about it. He tilted his head slightly, rising his eyes to yours. "Interesting" He said. "Never pegged you for the kind of person to be willing to give this fantasy world a shot, you're always so busy reading" He said gesturing to the old paperback in your hands. "I've played before" you said quietly trying to avoid eye contact but those dark eyes seemed to be piercing a hole through you. A large smile spread across his face. "I've only played once so I'm still new to it" you mumble in a panic not knowing what he was expecting from you. You didn't want him to think you were some expert on the game.
"No worries princess I'll show you the ropes" He slapped the table in excitement as he plopped himself down onto his seat stealing one of Dustins fries in the process.
You felt Eddies eyes on you for the rest of the lunch period but tried your best to stay focused on the book but you found your eyes just skimming the words without actually reading them.
When the final school bell rang you shoved your science binder into your locker and closed it quickly before running off to find one of the guys. You spotted Mike and El down the hall and jogged over to them. "Hey Mike what time is Hellfire?" you asked leaning up against the locker next to him and El. "In like a couple hours, we usually go home and eat dinner first and then come back" He said rummaging through his backpack.
"Okay so should I come pick you guys up?" You offered. You were one of the gang who had somehow managed to get a shitty car. Thankful it could get you from point A to point B and it had saved Steve and Nancy from driving everyone now that you could.
"Yeah that would be cool of you" Mike said closing his locker and giving El a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing her hand. She let out a small giggle as her cheeks reddened
"Oh and where is it?" You asked.
"The theatre club room, with all the stage stuff in it next to Mr. Morrisons class" He said.
"Got it thanks"
You walked to my car quickly hoping to avoid any of the popular kids. They didn't bother you too much but when they did it really stung. Luckily they weren't around the parking lot when you emerged from the squeaky metal doors of the school.
The drive home was short but always peaceful, but today it barely gave you a moment of peace and relaxation before what your night was about to turn into.
"Mom I'm home!" you shouted from the front door kicking off your shoes and making your way up stairs. "Hi honey! I'm in the kitchen if you need me" She shouted back. You had a great relationship with your parents honestly and you loved them a lot. They were some of the most understanding and accepting people you knew.
Once in your room you threw your backpack onto the floor and rummaged around for your shower supplies before hurrying into the shower. You knew you still had a few hours to kill before you had to head back to the school but you wanted to make sure you looked presentable for it. You also felt like you had to impress Eddie, like you had to prove to him that you belonged there when god knows you were the shyest one in the group and you knew Eddie was well aware of that, and would definitely try to push as many as your buttons he could.
You washed your hair throughly, giving your scalp a good extra scrub and shaved anything you felt needed to be smooth... Including your bikini line even though you were sure no one was going to see you that close or naked below the waist, but you felt like you had to be prepared just in case.
Your clothing of choice was an old band t-shirt and some ripped black jeans. Throwing on a black leather jacket on top hoping it would appease the Dungeon master himself.
"Well don't you look cute!" Your dad said leaning in the doorframe of your bedroom. "Where are you off to tonight?"
"I told Dustin I would take Lucas's place in the hellfire club tonight. Eddie has been planing this campaign for weeks now and they didn't want to let him down"
He chuckled. "Well have fun, and be safe, don't stay out too late okay?"
"I'll try" You said giving him a wink. He knew you never stayed out too late and it was a running joke around the house whenever you did have plans and actually left the house. It was almost celebrated.
"Love ya kiddo!" He said loudly as he descending down stairs to probably join your mom in the kitchen.
Most parents would cringe at the thought of their daughter not only going to a cub filled with boys but a club to play Dungeons and Dragons. The game from hell apparently but it wasn't like that at all.
You pulled up to the wheelers house and gave your horn two light honks signalling that you were out front and the three boys stumbled out of the house only a few minutes later.
"You fucking ready?!" Dustin yelled hopping into the front seat while Mike and Will climbed into the back.
"As ready as I'll ever be" You said forcing a smile.
Driving back to school after-hours felt strange, like you weren't supposed to be there and were breaking in, but it wasn't a secret that the club was happening.
The halls were kind of creepy with half the lights turned off. You picked at the skin on your thumb trying to calm your nerves but the closer you got to the classroom the more your stomach started to flip.
The loud rock music playing from the room in the distance only got louder as we approached. I stopped in the doorway as the rest of them walked in and watched as Eddie stood up on his throne at the end of the table. One foot on the arm rest as he played an air guitar to the music blasting from the other side of the room.
I bit my lip tilting my head as I analyzed him. He sure was something.
"Munson!" Dustin yelled, snapping Eddie out of his musical trance, and a large smile spread across his face. From the other side of the room Mike turned down the music and then joined the others at the table.
Eddie jumped off of his thrown and slapped his hands together in a slow clap. "well well well the newbie actually showed up" he said taking a few strides towards me.
"Even if she bailed she offered to drive us so she had to come anyway" Mike laughed while setting up the table. Three other people joined and I recognized them from Eddies band. I had never seen them play or even heard anything from them but had seen them with Eddie often.
"Well lady and gentlemen" he said turning swiftly his long hair flowing over his shoulders . "Let us begin"
The night was filled with screaming and laughing and so much fun. Everyone was quite eager to make sure I felt comfortable and understood what I was doing and even Eddie would wait patiently as I collected my thoughts of what to do next and he seemed almost proud when I was starting to get the hang of it. By the end of the night we were all sweaty and definitely a little loopy from so much commotion.
"Andy, Nancy is picking us up so you can just go straight home instead of having to go all the way past your house to get us home first" Mike said swinging his backpack over his shoulder.
"Oh" I said a little shocked "Thanks for saving me some time" I said sitting forward in my chair, my hands folded in my lap going back to the rough skin on my thumb. I wasn't sure when to leave now because I didn't have to leave with the rest of them but I also didn't want to overstay my welcome with Eddie and his bandmates.
It was quieter now and so I rose from my chair to the other side of the room where my bag laid across one of the discarded school desks. Grabbing one of the straps it slid off the table, a few contents of my bag spilling onto the floor. I groaned rolling my eyes as I crouched down onto the floor to gather my items back together. Reaching for the the last item I leaned forward onto my hands and knees grabbing it from under the desk.
"That's a view I could get used to" I heard from behind me.
It felt like my throat had closed as I leaned back onto my knees and stood up with the help of the desk. My cheeks were hot and I didn't want to turn around but when I did everyone had left except for Eddie. He stood leaning against his throne, the soft spotlight above him lighting him up making him look almost godly.
"You probably say that to all the girls" I said softly pulling my bag up over my shoulder.
He slapped his chest imitating that he had been shot with a dramatic head drop.
"I'm wounded newbie" He said pushing himself off of the chair to stand with his arms folded across his chest.
"I have a name you know" I said scuffing the tip of my shoe across the tile floor.
"I'm aware" He said proudly. "But nicknames are so much fun"
"Newbie is a shit nickname" I said finally looking back at him.
He slapped his chest again. "Again you wound me" He said taking another step closer to me. But this time when his foot touched the ground there was a light crunching noise and we both looked down to see what he had stepped on.
My whole body heated as I realized it was my packet of birth control. It must have fallen out of my bag with the other items but I didn't notice.
"Oh um that's mine" I said walking over quickly to grab it. but just before my hand could touch the tinfoil packaging Eddies foot came back down to over it. I was now Kneeling in front of him, my hand almost touching his beaten up combat boot when he crouched down in front of me making it harder to avoid his dark eyes again.
He slipped the packaging from under his shoe and pretended to examine it throughly. "Huh" he said.
"Give it to me" I said trying to swipe it from his hands but he was faster.
"That's not a very nice way of asking for things sweetheart" he chuckled. "Try again"
"Can I have it back please" I said chewing on my bottom lip. Something about him bossing me around started a fire in the pit of my stomach and a fire a little bit lower than I'd like to admit.
He held it between his two fingers. "I'll keep this in mind" he said tilting the package towards me. I grabbed it quickly and shoved it deep into my bag. Getting up I started to walk towards the door. "So do you let all the boys cum in you?" he said in a cocky tone. I stopped in my tracks and spun on my heel slowly. "Excuse me?" I said in shock.
"You know" He said shrugging. "The birth control" he said gesturing to my bag that I clutched tightly to my arm.
"Why does it matter?" I said annoyed. Why did he just assume because I was on birth control that I was letting a bunch of guys finish in me?
"Cause if I was to fuck you on this table right now I'd want to be the only one filling you up"
I choked on my spit in an attempt to swallow and he laughed at my widen eyes and my mouth agape.
"You look pretty with your mouth open like that" He said swiping one of his ringed fingers across his bottom lip.
I stood frozen as he approached me again. I didn't want to admit to him let alone myself that the words coming out of his mouth was indeed making it hard for me to keep still. I stood with my feet close together squishing my thighs together as best as I could without making it obvious.
"Sounds like you've got a crush on me Munson" I said trying to take control of the situation.
"Oh absolutely I do" He said as a matter of fact.
Again I was shocked. There was no way that Eddie Munson was even remotely interested in me. I was the quietest one of his friends, friends and never spoke more than four words to him a day. Yet I found myself constantly day dreaming and wondering what his hands would feel like on my bare skin, and if his rings would be cold to the touch. The first day I met him when he took my hand and kissed the top of it while introducing himself he took a spot in my heart but I shoved it down as deep as I could because I didn't know him and he was the guy's good friend. So I kept my distance and avoided him as best as I could, which was hard considering he is who he is. "Well unfortunately I have to get going" I said turning away from him.
"Dream of me princess" he said with a chuckle.
I hurried to my car turning the key in the ignition and drove off as fast as I could. I wasn't sure if it was to get away from Eddie or my own thoughts.
Who did he think he was? Thinking he could just talk to me like that, to anyone like that! My hands gripped the steering wheel turning my knuckles white the harder I squeezed. I should really say something to him, I should turn around drive to his stupid trailer and kick the door down. But what would I actually say when I got there? He'd look at me with those soul seeing eyes and I'd forget why I even drove there in the first place. "Ugh!" I slammed one hand on my steering wheel in frustration. How could he have so much power over me. Yet somehow minutes later I was turning onto the dusty path into the trailer park. I had only been here once before when picking Max up for school so I knew which trailer was Eddies but I had never seen the inside of it before.
I pulled up to his trailer a little more aggressively then I meant and ripped my keys out of the ignition. Swinging my door open quickly I got out rushing towards the few metal steps to the trailer when the door swung open hitting my arm briefly before a small frame stumbled into me causing me to fall backwards scuffing both my elbows off the ground. My eyes closed briefly while I braced for impact and when I opened them Chrissy Cunningham was laid on top of me.
"Chrissy?" I said. "What are you doing here" I questioned pushing her backwards and helping her up. A small sting hitting just below my knee. I winced but continued to look at Chrissy. Her doe eyes wide and probably in shock expecting no one to see her here, considering she was popular and on the cheerleading team.
"Nothing, and if you say anything to anyone I'll be sure to make your life a living nightmare" She turned on her heel and sped off quickly and I watched her in confusion as she faded into the distance. Furrowing my brows I turned my head back to the trailer in front of me and realized Eddie was standing in the door way looking down at me still sitting on the ground. "Couldn't get enough of me huh?" He said smugly as he jumped down in front of me holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it and let him get me to my feet and he didn't let go until he thought I was steady enough. Wiping my arms and legs of the dust I was now covered in I scowled.  "What was Chrissy doing here" I asked with a little more jealousy in my voice than expected.
"business" He said watching me continue to dust myself off. I winced again dusting my legs off knowing I must have cut myself on something while falling. "Are you going to stand there and watch me or are you going to invite me in?" I questioned.
Eddie smiled as he took a step to the side making a dramatic gesture for me to enter the trailer before him. I stepped in hesitantly not knowing what to expect to see but it was actually quite typical. Scattered clothes and dishes, empty beer cans littered the floor, it smelt kind of old and stale but almost comforting because it's what Eddie slightly smelled like. "So what 'business' did you have to attend to with Chrissy Cunningham?"
"She wanted weed" he said shrugging while he slumped down onto the worn sofa.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Weed? Chrissy doesn't do that stuff"
"Well I guess she does now" he said laughing.
The intrusive thought that entered my mind was that Chrissy maybe got into weed from spending time with Eddie, secret time with him and I began wondering if they were sleeping together. I began chewing on my bottom lip while I continued to look around attempting to distract myself from Eddies eyes watching me as I explored the small space. "Where's your uncle?" I asked quietly examining a magazine that was on the small kitchen counter.
"Working somewhere" He said with a sigh. "He's not here very often"
I nodded slowly.
"You bite your lip when you're nervous you know" He said breaking the silence. "You pick at your thumb as well"
I let my lip slide out from under my teeth and my hands instinctively hid behind my back. "I'm not nervous" I said faking confidence.
"Whatever you say princess. Are you going to tell me why you're here or are you just going to stand in the middle of my home and stare at all my belongings?" He said leaning forward resting his head in his hands. I turned towards him walking over to him when I tripped over my untied shoelace falling onto my hands and knees in front of him.
He stifled a laugh. "Am I going to have to keep you in a bubble?" He said reaching forward helping me up once again. "You gotta stop getting onto your knees in front of me or else I'm going to continue to have some explicit thoughts"
"Stop that" I said angrily sitting down next to him. "You can't keep saying stuff like that"
"Why does it turn you on?" He said bringing a piece of his hair up to his face and hid behind it.
"I'm sure you wish it did" I said lying. "I didn't like the birth control comment" I admitted. "It made me feel gross and like you thought of me as someone who just slept with a load of guys and let them cum in me" I said making a grossed out face at the thought.
"I'm sorry I offended you with that, I was just trying to bug you"
"Thank you for apologizing" I said fumbling with my hands in my lap.
"That's not why you're really here though is it" he asked glancing at me.
"I honestly don't know why I'm here, I was just driving and ended up here, and then I saw Chrissy and I don't know" I said trailing off. Annoyed I shrugged my leather jacket off to inspect my burning elbows from falling and as I expected both were scrapped.
"Shit" Eddie said grabbing one of my arms and pulling it towards him. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" He said getting up and walking to the other end of the trailer. He came back with a couple bandaids and a damp face cloth. "C'mere" he said motioning for me to scoot closer to him. I bent my arm resting my head on my hand while Eddie carefully dabbed at my elbows making sure they were clean enough for his liking before smoothing the bandaids over the scapes. Leaning back he smiled at his work clearly proud of himself. "You're cured my dear" He said clapping his hands together. "I think you're forgetting something" I teased.
"What could I possibly be forgetting?" He questioned.
I bent both my elbows this time looking back and fourth between them before giving him a small pout. "You have to kiss them better"
"How silly of me" He said smiling. He slid off the couch next to me and knelt in front of me, his hands touching my thighs as he opened my legs slightly to shift his body between them. Taking one arm at a time he planted a soft kiss to each of them while never breaking eye contact. My heart was pounding and I instinctively went to press my thighs together squishing Eddie slightly before realizing what I was doing. He licked his lips smiling while tilting his head to the side. "You like me being between your legs newbie?"
"I have a name" I reminded him.
He chuckled. "That you do princess" he said sitting back slightly.
Heat rose through my body as I leaned forward pulling him to me by the collar of his jacket crashing my lips into his. He fell backwards and I straddled him quickly. His hands held the sides of my face kissing me back harshly. They were sloppy and wet, desperate kisses. I couldn't believe what I was doing and how my body was reacting but it felt so good I didn't want to stop any time soon. I couldn't believe he really did have so much power over me. "Fuck you Munson" I breathed against his mouth. One of his hands shifted to my hair and at the base of my neck he pulled it making my head lean back and away from him.
"What was that?" He said. His eyes darker then before, his pupils so large you could barely see the actual colour of his eyes. "I said 'fuck you Munson" I giggled repeating myself.
"I don't think that's very nice of you" He said gripping my hair a little harder making a small groan of protest leave my lips. "Open your mouth" He ordered and I obliged, opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out in front of him. He pursed his lips together before letting a thin string of saliva fall from his mouth and onto my exposed tongue. "Swallow it" he said holding my chin with his other hand while I closed my mouth and swallowed. "Good girl" He said smiling. A small moan escaped my mouth in response to his praise. "C'mere" He said helping my up and leading me back over to the couch behind us and sat down gesturing for me to sit between his legs with my back pressed to his chest. Moving my hair off of my neck he peppered small kisses down the exposed skin sucking and nipping at it every so often. "Lean back on me" He said pulling my shoulders back so I would relax into him. His hands slid down my sides until reaching the top of my jeans, his fingers sliding into the waist band of them making small circles on my hips. "Mmm" I said tilting my head back into his shoulder. "More" I whispered.
"What was that?" He cooed in my ear.
"I want more" I said reaching my hands behind me and tugged on some of his hair.
"What is it that you want" He said continuing to rub circles on my hips.
"I want you to touch me" I whined. His hands stopped and he slid them out of my waistband before slowly reaching for the button of my jeans and popped it open, pulling the two sides making the zipper of them open easily.  All he did was trace the line of my underwear and my breath hitched and I rolled my head to the side biting onto the fabric of my t-shirt in anticipation.
"Jesus I haven't even touched you yet darling and you're already purring for me"
"Please Eddie" I whimpered pulling his hand and attempted to guide him between my legs but he grabbed my hands and pulled them back up over my head and placed them on the back of his neck. "Keep them here" He ordered. I squirmed in his lap. "I'll keep them there,  just please touch me" I licked my lips trying to gain back some moisture to them.
"Promise me princess" He said tapping the small black bow on the front of my underwear.
"I promise Eddie, I promise, please"
"Good girl" He said as he finally slid his hand under the thin fabric giving a small swipe of the prominent slickness of my very obvious arousal.
"Fuck" He breathed down my neck "All this for me?" He began rubbing soft slow circles on my clit, a small cry leaving my mouth. I had thought about this for so long, anything involving him touching me and it was finally happening. Moan after moan left my lips as I shifted against him.
"You're going to have to keep quiet kitten or the whole neighbourhood will hear how much you love the way I touch you" He slipped one finger into me his large ring grazing my entrance as his finger curled up into me.
"Oh my god" I said with my head dropping forward in pleasure. I could feel the grip of my hands starting to loosen around his neck but I tried my best to keep them in their place. I felt his erection behind me the more I squirmed against him but I couldn't help it. The restriction of my jeans giving me only a taste of what I really wanted.
"Eddie" I whined tilting my head back up against him again.
"My name sounds so pretty coming out of your mouth" His breath warming my neck. He went back to rubbing circles on my clit and I felt that familiar heat grow deep in my belly. "Faster" I begged and he listened still with light hands he rubbed faster. My hands loosened completely falling back against his shoulders. "I'm gunna cum Eddie" I breathed. The feeling rose and rose filling my limbs with the static of slight numbness as I rode out my orgasm loudly. Eddies free hand cupped my mouth to muffle my moans. Tears pricked my eyes with pleasure and overstimulation as his rubbing slowed. My arms had fallen completely to my sides and my breathing was heavy as I rested my head against him waiting for the ringing in my ears to cease.
After a few moments of silence I shifted slightly so I could look up at him and he was already looking down at me. His eyes looked much softer now than earlier and I couldn't help but smile. He took his hand from between my legs and stared at me as he put both fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. "Sweetest pussy I've ever tasted"
I blushed and turned away from him trying to hide my rosy cheeks. "I can't move" I laughed. "My body feels like J-ello" I said softly. From his position Eddie picked me up placing me gently on my feet. I was a little wobbly but his hands kept me in place. He smoothed my hair out of my face and cupped my cheeks with both hands. "How do you feel?"
"Higher than a kite" I said lazily. I wasn't lying. I felt like I was floating my head and heart felt calm and happy.  I reached forward to unbuckle his belt but he stopped me. I pouted and looked up at him. "What about you" I said attempting to palm him through his jeans.
"No" he said kissing me on the forehead. "Tonight wasn't about me feeling good it was about you and that's all I want" His voice was quiet and sweet and although the brat in me wanted to try again to see what would happen I listened. "I have to go home" I hummed leaning into his chest and wrapped my arms around him.
"I don't think you should drive like this" he said with a chuckle that shook my head against him. "Sleep here"
I nodded as he grabbed my hand and lead me to his small bedroom. "Sorry it's uh, a bit messy, I wasn't planning on having company"
"I don't care" I said belly flopping onto his bed clutching one of the pillows around my head.
"Can I take these off of you?" he said tugging on the hem of my pant leg.
"Yes sir" I said snuggling further into his pillow. He pulled my jeans off of my waist and to my knees before pulling them off one leg at a time. He gave my ass a playful smack before laying his blanket on top of me. He kissed me on the head before turning to leave but I reached out and grabbed his hand. "What do you need?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed. "Stay" I mumbled and a small blush crept to his cheeks.
He shifted so he was now laying on his back while I curled up next to him. He hummed a tune to a song I didn't recognize and stroked my hair until I eventually fell asleep.
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shuadotcom · 2 years
Neeba Zow | KTH (M)
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🟢 Summary: A contest to win free food and all you have to do is play The Sims? Obviously you’re going to sign up. Unfortunately, Taehyung, who is a much more popular streamer than you (and also your ex-boyfriend) also decides to participate. This’ll surely be the longest gaming session you’ve ever taken part in.
🟢 Pairing: Sims Streamer!Taehyung x Sims Streamer F!Reader
🟢 Genre/AU: Smut, a twinge of angst, a little fluff, pwp honestly, college au, exes to lovers au
🟢 Game: The Sims
🟢 Words: 7.5k
🟢 Warnings: Profanity, brief mention of someone being roofied (everyone is okay!), mention of alleged infidelity, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, marking
🟢 Note: FINALLYYYYY here is my fic for the Bangtan DLC: A Streamer BTS Collab that I hosted with the lovely @kookskingdom​​​​. This went through 3 rewrites before I finally didn’t hate it!! Thank you to the amazing and talented @missgeniality​​​​ for this wonderful banner! 💚💚 And thank you so much to @rkivian​​​​ for being my beta! 💚
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Wanna win free food just for playing The Sims?
You only need to read the first line to snatch the flyer off of the library bulletin board.
Join the gaming club next Friday in the computer lab! Just make a donation then play The Sims as long as you can! The last player standing wins free meals from any campus eatery for the rest of the semester!
This is a no-brainer for you. As someone who’s been playing The Sims since the first one was released and has been a small Sims streamer for a year, this contest will be easy to win.
When you’re not buried in homework or struggling to study, you’re live streaming on Twitch and uploading on YouTube. Even though you’re still a newbie to the streaming world, you’re proud to say that you've managed to wrack up thousands of followers. College and your journalism degree are your plan b, but your real goal is a full-time content creator, and doing this contest can not only aid you in that goal, but at the end of the day you’re also a broke college student and free food is always ideal.
“So… you just have to play The Sims as long as you can? Can you pee or eat or anything?” Your roommate Jihyo asks while you’re eating later in the evening. You’ve read the flyer you took to her and your friend Krystal and they’ve both voiced support while also being confused about the whole thing.
“I think so. This seems like a version of one of those contests where you have to like, keep your hand on something longer than anyone else and you win it - it’s usually a car or a boat I think.”
“That sounds like it sucks, honestly, but we’ll be rooting for you,” Krystal voices. “I don’t see how anyone else will want to do it, or if they do I doubt it’d be anyone that can beat you.”
“True. Remember you did that ten-hour charity stream a few months ago and you were fine. Like Krystal said, who the hell else will even be able to beat that?”
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How can you be stupid enough to forget about Kim fucking Taehyung? When you walk into the computer lab on Friday, you scan the handful of other faces briefly while looking for a seat. Your gaze quickly lands on the only empty seat next to Taehyung. The same Taehyung that has close to a million followers on both Twitch and YouTube combined. The same Taehyung that challenges you and plays devil’s advocate in your political science class every time you answer a question. The same Taehyung that you dated last year who you broke up with after you found out that he hooked up with another girl while you were out of town.
Needless to say, he’s the last person you want to breathe the same air as let alone sit next to, but there are only so many computers (ones that work at that) so that’s exactly where you stomp over to.
His brown eyes catch sight of you as you enter his row and he has the audacity to smirk at you as you sit.
“Well hello there, Y/n.”
“Hi.” There’s no enthusiasm in your voice to match his, but he doesn’t seem to care.
“I didn’t expect to see you turn up!”
“I could say the same for you,” you grumble. He cocks his head at the question, and you roll your eyes. “What do you even need to be in this contest for? You have a shit ton of followers whom you play this game for and I’m hard-pressed to believe that you need the free meals.”
Taehyung chuckles, looking at you as if you’re silly for even saying that. “See, that’s why you shouldn’t just assume. I’ll have you know that this is a rough month for my bank account. I just bought a very pricey gaming chair and I won’t be getting any streaming money till the beginning of the month.”
Scoffing, you turn away from him. The urge to smack that smug expression off of his face is strong, so instead, you focus on waking up your computer.  
The president of the gaming club, Junhui, addresses the room then, silencing all chatter.
“Thank you all for donating and joining us today! This is our first big event like this so it means a lot to us that you all showed up! The rules for the contest are simple. You have to play a family in The Sims as long as you can. This means no spontaneous breaks to use the phone, to talk to any of your friends that try to stop by, and no taking breaks whenever you want.
Since we’re not trying to torture any of you, we will tell you when a bathroom break is allowed. We’ll also provide you with snacks and drinks. Other than that, you just need to have fun until you get too tired to continue. Me and some of the other club members will be monitoring you all along the way and wish you good luck! When you’re all on the game home screen we’ll start.”
You quickly unpack your bag of snacks - courtesy of Krystal’s secret snack stash - and take a sip from your water bottle before following Junhui’s instructions. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Taehyung also unload some snacks and set up a desk-sized tripod and camera.
“Are you seriously going to be streaming this?” You ask incredulously as he opens a familiar app on the computer and you see the Twitch logo on the screen.
“Of course! All of my supporters begged to see me while I play. The gaming club was okay with it as long as they donated as well and a bunch of my followers did!”
He smiles at you, but you don’t reciprocate. Of course, he uses his status to do this. A few of the other contest participants around you shoot him dirty looks, likely in agreement with you on the ridiculousness of it all.
“Okay everyone, have fun and we’ll start the timer… now!” Junhui beams at everyone before starting the large, LED timer at the front of the room. You immediately open up Create-A-Sim to begin building your family to play with.
“Hey everyone, thank you so much for joining the stream and donating to my school! You guys know how much sleep means to me but we’ll see how I do! I’ll start with building a new family, maybe with a dog or two.”
You pick up your headphones and slip them on, intending to drown out the sound of Taehyung’s voice until he inevitably gives up.
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Ten hours is the longest that you’ve ever played The Sims nearly nonstop. Today, you're going on hour fifteen and you’re holding up surprisingly well. You’ve already been allotted two bathroom breaks and you’re nearly done with your snacks after rationing them as much as humanly possible. A quarter of the room has already given up and left, a few people simply being too sleepy and others wanting real food and not the chips and sweets you were provided with.
Unfortunately, Taehyung is still next to you, barely seeming like he’s bothered. His brown hair is tousled on his head, fluffy bangs hanging in front of his eyes. He’s smiling over at the camera, thanking someone for something they said through his headset (you only heard him because there was a lag in audio through your own headset. You didn’t intentionally eavesdrop). The two of you haven’t spoken since the contest started, save for a few conversations he attempted to start during bathroom breaks.
Each time you dismissed him, not wanting to give him your time. You refuse to admit it, but maybe you are still just a little bitter about the whole breakup. Sure you broke up with him, and cheating on you is an instant no, but after a year together, it’s still hard to so easily discard those feelings. Plus, he’s still as handsome as ever and still has an irritatingly charming smile. Again, you won’t voice it, but your brain thinks it every time your eyes stray his way during class or when you see him around campus.
“Alright, everyone!” Jeongyeon, another game club member, calls out, loudly clapping her hands together. “Another bathroom break! Five minutes and you need to be back or you’re out.” You pause your game and dash out of the room, taking another one of the swiftest pees of your life.
Taehyung is coming out of the men’s bathroom at the same time you’re leaving and you nearly collide. He reaches out his hands to steady you by your shoulders, but you shake him off.
“Yuck, you just left the bathroom!”
“What? I wash my hands!”
You eye him skeptically. “Mmhmm. You’re a gamer boy so I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Now move,” you move to push past him, but he steps in your way. “What the hell are you doing? We have like two minutes left to get back in the room.”
“Bet me.”
“Bet me. Whoever wins the contest also wins something between the two of us.”
“What?” you repeat.
“Say yes,” he speaks at the same time that Jeongyeon gives the sixty-second warning.
“Fuck, fine!” You agree, shoving him hard as you sprint back to the room. He laughs from behind, both of you making it back within a second of one another.
Taehyung has a very untrustworthy smile as he gets comfortable in his seat and you grimace in response.
It isn’t until another five hours go by that you begin blinking harder than you mean to. Your Sims family is already on their third generation and you’re slowly working your way through the career paths in the game. Your back hurts and your legs keep cramping, but you refuse to let Taehyung win.
He, on the other hand, seems to be doing just fine, if only sagging in his seat a little more than he was before. He’s running his mouth to the people that are still somehow watching him, but his voice is nowhere as chipper as it was when the contest started.
When your Sims are all at work or school without you, you glance around the room, using the time as a quick way to let your eyes rest from the screen. The room is much emptier than you thought it was. You and Taehyung are two of ten students left in the room from what you’re able to count. Two other members of the gaming club are sitting at the front and back of the room, both on their computers and looking nearly ready to doze off themselves.
You’ve only been looking away for a second, and when you turn back, you catch Taehyung staring at you. When your eyes meet, he’s quick to focus back on the screen in front of him. Was he just staring at you?
No, he was probably just being nosey and seeing what was happening in your game. You turn your attention back to it, ignoring your surroundings once more.
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Hour twenty-eight hits and your eyeballs are burning. You should be good at this. The number of long nights you’ve stayed up to study or work on an assignment should’ve prepared you for this - so why are you so exhausted? As a professional procrastinating college student, there should be no reason as to why you want so badly to curl up on the floor and sleep the rest of the weekend away.
During another break, you use all your remaining energy to make it to the bathroom and back in record time. Taehyung is right behind you and you’re both the first ones to return.
“How are you holding up?” He asks, taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Me too,” he says, even though you didn’t ask. “A good number of my viewers are still up too so that’s surprising.”
“Wow, amazing,” you deadpan, but he’s not bothered by it.
“Did you think about what you want from me if you win?”
“Speaking of when I win, what exactly are the rules?”
“Winner gets the loser to do anything they want.” He shrugs.
You narrow your eyes at him. “Anything?”
“I don’t mean like that! You know this is the third time you’ve assumed something incorrectly about me and it’s quite offensive.” Taehyung huffs, clearly not actually offended.
“Again, you’re a male college gamer. And I know you, remember?”
“Well, I’m different now, thank you very much.”
Before he can offer a retort, the contest time starts again, but only two other people file back in on time. Two of the other participants never come back and another guy tries to come in well after the break is done. You go back to ignoring everything around you, but you also try to think about what you’ll even make Taehyung do when you win.
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A little over thirty hours pass and it’s just you and Taehyung. Saturday is well into the evening and you’ve just emptied another bottle of water and what feels like your twentieth bag of honey butter chips. It’s a true struggle to keep your eyes open and the energy drinks you’ve been chugging are barely helping anymore. You’ve been doing a spectacularly bad job at accomplishing anything substantial in the game the sleepier you get. You’ve also allowed more of the family members to die than you’d like to admit.
Taehyung too has been snacking and drinking energy drinks but you can tell he’s as tired as you are. His demeanor has sunk, slouching in his seat and voice much lower and lethargic than usual. His hair is up in a sloppy ponytail and you can see the growing bags under his eyes.
The game club member monitoring everyone waves at you both, signaling to take your headsets off.
“You two can go to the bathroom. You know the rules,” he looks as tired as you are when he dismisses you and sets the five-minute alarm before lying his head on the desk.
You barely call your movement to the bathroom rushing, but it’s quick enough. Taehyung comes back shortly after you and looks even more tired than he did before.
“How much longer are you gonna try to keep this up?” You tease, fighting back a yawn between your words.
“Until I win.” He says back, but it’s much less confident than earlier.
“You must really want that free lunch.”
“Yeah, and I want to get my prize from you too.” He forces a smile and you sneer in response.
“I swear to the gods Taehyung, I am not doing anything fucking weird and if you even suggest it, I’m going to kick your ass.”
He lets out a loud laugh at your threat. “Y/n, come on. I thought you knew me a little better than that.”
“How would I know you better than that? Did you forget why we broke up?”
“First of all, you broke up with me. I didn’t want to.”
“Oh what the fuck ever. I’m not getting into this with you right now.”
Taehyung has the nerve to look annoyed, but he’s cut off by the five-minute timer going off before he can offer a rebuttal. You immediately get back to the game, headset on to drown out anything else he has to say.
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At a little after forty-eight hours, Taehyung calls it quits. Out the corner of your eye you see him stand up to stretch.
“Well if you’re sure, then that means Y/n wins!” You didn’t hear what Taehyung said, but you’re taking your headset off just as Junhui says this, not even noticing he had returned to the room.
“Congrats!” Taehyung says, shooting you a thumbs up. You barely pay attention to Junhui coming over to congratulate you and explaining how you get your free meals. Taehyung ends his stream and packs all of his equipment up while Junhui is snapping a picture of you in front of your computer. You muster up your best exhausted smile, still peeking over at Taehyung as he leaves.
It’s not as though you didn’t want to win because you knew you would, the problem is how you won. Something about this victory didn’t sit right with you.
As soon as you receive your free meal card from Junhui, you run out of the room and down the hall, still seeing Taehyung’s fluffy hair bouncing when he walks.
“Taehyung!” You call as loud as possible and thankfully, he hears you. He stops and turns, patiently waiting for you as you huff and catch your breath. “What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?”
“Oh come on, I’m not stupid. You gave up on purpose.”
“Y/n -”
“Don’t bullshit me. You of all people know I don’t like being lied to.” You stare him down, your gaze unwavering, until he gives up and looks away first, letting out a long sigh.
“Look, yes I could’ve kept going, but I’m tired, okay?”
Taehyung groans, wiping his face. “And it’s clear you already hate me so I just wanted to do something so that you won’t hate me more.”
“I knew it! And for the record, I got over hating you a while ago. Now you just irritate my entire soul.”
“Wow, that’s so much better,” he snorts, beginning to laugh, but stopping when he sees your lack of amusement.
“You already know why so don’t act so surprised. Why does it even matter how I feel about you anyway?”
“Well I mean, why would I want the most beautiful girl in the world mad at me?”
A loud, sarcastic chuckle slips out of your mouth, but you don’t even try to hide it. “Give me a fucking break!”
“What?! I can’t say you’re beautiful?!”
“I wasn’t beautiful when you fucked Nayeon at the beginning of last summer!”
Taehyung looks defeated, yanking on his hair in annoyance. “How many times do I have to tell you that I didn’t?!”
“However many times you fucking want because I don’t believe you!” Suddenly over this conversation, you turn to go back to your dorm, but Taehyung stops you with a hand on your arm.
“Wait, Y/n, please. What do I have to do? What do I have to do to get you to forgive and believe me? I’ve tried to talk to you, but you’re so stubborn you never want to listen to me.”
“Oh, now I’m stubborn?!”
“Yes, you are!”
“I’m done with this discussion.” You spit out, fast-walking away from him. He doesn’t call out to you to stop, so you keep moving. You’re over him and over that relationship, so why did that conversation still feel so painful?
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On Monday, when your political science class rolls around, you’re shocked to see Taehyung sitting in the seat next to where you usually sit.
“Hey, Y/n.” He smiles, completely ignoring your confusion and the bewilderment of other students around you. Unfortunately for you, more people on campus know about your break up than you’d like.
“Why the hell are you sitting here?”
“Well, I want you to stop thinking so poorly of me. Plus, you won the bet for the Sims contest so you win anything from me.”
You plop unceremoniously into your seat and take a few seconds to think about it. “No.”
“No. You still let me win. I’m taking my free food and that’s it. I don’t need any other pity prize from you.”
“But… but you still won? You can tell me to do whatever I don’t care.” He sounds a little desperate, but you still refuse.
“No. Class is starting now.”
Your professor comes in then, greeting everyone and launching straight into the lesson. When she asks a question, for what feels like the first time in a long time, when you answer it, Taehyung has no retort. Everyone in the class, your professor included, seems to pause after you answer as if waiting for Taehyung’s input but he has none and continues scribbling in his notebook.
Class carries on after that and Taehyung somehow invites himself to lunch with you. Krystal and Jihyo don’t say anything when the two of you show up, but they’re throwing you confused looks over and over again. At one point, while Taehyung is talking about some streaming event he has coming up, you just shrug at them, completely at a loss.
“So lunch was weird,” Krystal comments later, lounging on your bed while she, you, and Jihyo are studying.
“You can say that again. Who would’ve thought 48 hours of playing video games and not showering would’ve had Y/n and Taehyung making up.” You throw a nearby stuffed animal at Jihyo but she dodges it from the other side of the room.
“We’re not back together! I told you, he’s being annoyingly persistent and saying how he wants me to stop hating him or whatever.”
“Do you think you two will be friends?” Jihyo wonders.
“I don’t know. I mean, he hurt me you know? Do you know what it’s like to find out on Instagram that your boyfriend cheated on you? And he never apologized.”
“Is he still saying he didn’t do it?” You nod and she scoffs. “Typical guy. Like who sees a video of themselves leaving a room with another woman, clearly drunk, and clearly having just fucked and still denies it?!”
“Yeah, I say unless he apologizes or finally tells you the reason why he’s denying it, don’t let him weasel his way back in so easily.” Krystal chimes in.
You agree with them both. “Believe me I know. I doubt he’s going to be able to keep up this being nice thing anyway. He’ll be nice until he feels like he wants to just quit on us again.”
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As if Taehyung hears you utter those words, the next few weeks go by and he continues to sit with you during your shared class and eat lunch with you. He even makes sure he greets you in the hallways and wherever else he sees you. After the breakup, you both ignored one another, save for your shared class, and went out of your way not to interact unless you had to.
Seeing and talking to him again is still something to get used to but it stops being so incredibly bizarre after a few days. You learn that there are so many habits he has and things he says that you’ve missed. The boxy way he smiles, the full-body way that he laughs when something is especially funny and even the common yet sweet, casual pet names he used to call you.
These once dormant feelings creep in more and more until the day you see him in the hall speaking to Nayeon. You’re leaving your last class of the day, fully intending to see Taehyung at lunch when you arrive. Instead, you see him around the corner, leaning against the wall, talking to the very woman he cheated on you with.
Not even a second goes by before his eyes meet yours and he panics. You panic too, not wanting to deal with this at the moment. You’re fast, turning on your heels and using energy you’ve never had to lose yourself in the crowd.
Once shut up in your room with Jihyo questioning your frazzled state, you let out a scream. It’s a mix of your disgust at Taehyung for getting your hopes up and annoyance at yourself for believing it.
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Later that evening, there’s a knock on your door as soon as you get back to your room from the shower. Looking through the peephole, you expect to see Jihyo, assuming she left her key behind, but instead, you see Taehyung standing there with Nayeon at his side.
Rage is the only emotion you feel upon seeing them there. How dare he? How dare they? Nayeon hasn’t spoken to you since before the incident, but even then it was only ever casual greetings in a class you shared last year.
You mull it over briefly before deciding to just get whatever this is over with for good. You take a sharp breath and after tying your robe tighter, you fling open the door.
“Hi,” your tone is icy, both parties on the other side stepping back.
“Hey Y/n, can we talk to you?” Taehyung mutters.
“What in the fuck could either of you want to talk to me about?”
“We just need to. Please, can we come in?” He stammers, clearly torn between meeting your eyes and looking away.
It takes you a few seconds before you move aside. They enter and stand in the middle of your room nervously, clearly unsure where to be.
“What is it?” You snap once the door is shut. They look at one another, deciding who should go first. “I don’t care who talks, but someone better open their fucking mouth.”
“Okay!” Taehyung volunteers. “I’m tired of hiding from you. I didn’t tell you the truth when the video of us was posted because Nayeon begged me not to tell anyone what happened. I wanted to respect her privacy, but I hate the way things ended with us and I miss you and I can’t do this anymore.”
His words earn him an eye roll from you and he nudges Nayeon to speak up.
“Y/n, Taehyung and I didn’t have sex. I knew he was dating you so I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Is that all you have to say?” You sneer at her. “This asshole has constantly been saying he hasn’t done it, and I’m sure you know I don’t believe a word he says.”
Nayeon clenches her fists, taking a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before speaking. “The same night of that party someone tried to roofie me, but it wasn’t enough I guess, because I was still lucid enough to go upstairs and hide in the bathroom. Taehyung walked in because he had to use the toilet and he found me crying.”
“What?” She ignores your interruption, pausing to inhale again before continuing.
“He stayed with me and let me sob all over his shirt until I was done then he helped me out. He was going to walk me downstairs to find my roommate to take me back to my room. That’s when someone in the hallway took that video. I made him swear not to tell because why would I want people to know I was drugged? I didn’t know who it was so I didn’t want to bring it up. I just want to forget it happened.” None of you say anything as her words sink in.
“You’re not lying?”
“Come on, Y/n. Why the hell would I lie about that? I didn’t want to cause a bunch of hysteria on campus so I kept it to myself. No one knows except the three of us in this room.”
Too stunned to speak, you mull over what you’ve just been told. Taehyung has always been telling you the truth - he never cheated. He was genuinely, innocently helping Nayeon with a serious problem that had absolutely nothing to do with him. He was just being kind and all these months you’ve thought he was the scum of the Earth. It’s a lot to take in.
“I’m sorry that I caused you guys to break up, okay? It’s ultimately my fault for not letting him tell you the truth, but please don’t tell anyone. Please? And again, I’m really sorry that I came between you two like this.”
Nayeon is practically begging you, eyes brimming with tears. This is enough for you to believe that she’s being truthful. Taehyung is visibly uncomfortable as he awaits your next words. You assure Nayeon that you won’t say anything.
“Are you sure you don’t want to tell someone though? What if it happens again?” You question, thinking about the seriousness of her situation.
“I’ve actually been working with the women’s rights club on campus and we’re going to be raising general awareness about drink safety at parties. We want to release a segment on the school blog, it’s just taken us this long to even get approval from the administration to talk about it.”
“Would it be weird if I asked to help? I’ll tell people I know to read it when it comes out or something, whatever you need me to help with.”
The earlier tension has melted away, at least between you and Nayeon. She accepts your offer and you exchange numbers. She says she’ll text you as soon as she and the club get the final okay, then promptly excuses herself, thanking you and apologizing to both you and Taehyung again on her way out.
Then it’s just the two of you.
You look at Taehyung trying to come up with what to say, but you settle on. “Sorry.”
“Me too. I shouldn't have chosen to keep a woman’s secret who wasn’t you. I should have told you the truth.”
“Yeah, you really should have, but wow, I still feel bad about everything I said to you when I broke up with you.”
“It’s okay.”
“Ugh, no, it’s not. I manifested the nastiest shit to happen to you and badmouthed you to everyone. Fuck, Taehyung, you just let me dump you like that!”
“What was I supposed to do?! I couldn’t just force you to be with me. I couldn’t make you stay because I chose not to tell you the truth. I couldn’t do anything else.”
“Our whole relationship ended because of this. I’ve missed your dumbass so much, you now.”
Taehyung takes a tentative step forward, the wide gap between the two of you closing slowly.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/n. You have no idea. It hurt so bad when we were done. I agonized for weeks over how to get you back or get you to understand, but I could never think of anything, and every time we talked you’d shut me out. I was hoping when this year started you’d give me a chance, but you made it pretty clear we were done.”
“Tae, I was so mad. I was heartbroken. We’d only been together for a year but you meant so much to me. Even when I hated you, you still did. You still do.”
You take a step at the same time he does, the two of you now at arm's length.
“I could never muster up the courage to tell you, Y/n, but I was falling for you. Then you broke up with me and that ate me up inside, but I never once stopped caring for you.”
Your heartbeat resonates through your entire body, Taehyung’s words ringing in your ears. You step closer, so close you have to look up to speak to him. “I still cared so much about you too. I wanted to stop, but even now, I still think about you.” Even though your brain is a clusterfuck of emotions, you know that statement to be true.
“That’s good enough for me, Y/n,” Taehyung says with a smile, his hand grabbing your neck at the same time that he bends down, your lips crashing together in a kiss.
You give in immediately, the familiar taste of his mouth flooding back to you. His soft lips move against yours in a gentle yet greedy kiss. All of your feelings hit you as you wrap your arms around Taehyung’s neck and he pulls you closer to him. The warmth of his body and the strength of his hold gives you a sense of safety again that you haven’t felt since you broke up.
The kiss shifts from loving to playful to frenzied in no time at all. The harder you kiss and the further Taehyung’s hands wander, the more you fully realize just how much you’ve yearned for every single part of him. There’s not a doubt in your mind that he doesn’t feel the same if the subtle rocking of his hips is any indication.
Moving away from his lips, you both take a loud gasp of air before your mouth moves to his neck, placing small pecks over the soft skin. If your memory serves you correctly, Taehyung’s neck is one of his most sensitive areas and you’re right. He lets out a deep moan from his chest as soon as you begin peppering kisses everywhere your lips reach. You lick, suck and bite on every inch of exposed skin, marking him up for old times sake.
He lets you do this until he can’t handle it anymore, grasping your shoulders and pulling you away. Still holding onto you, he meets your gaze as he then moves one hand to the front of your robe, lightly tugging on the knot. He’s giving you a chance to tell him to leave and be done with him for good.
You don’t want to be done with him though, so you nod, eyes never wavering. That’s the assurance he needs to forcefully pull on the fabric, the cloth opening completely as he pushes it from your shoulders and it pools at your feet. His eyes finally leave yours, darting down to drink in the sight of you.
“Fuck I missed seeing you like this.” The words leave his mouth in a whisper, his voice husky and laced with desire.
He looks up at you again and you move in unison, hands reaching out for one another as you close the distance between you again, mouths meeting harshly. The air shifts, heady and thick as both of you are just desperate to feel each other again.
Long fingers dance on your bare skin, squeezing every part of you at his fingertips before resting on your bare breasts and playing with your hardened nipples. Your hands run through his brunette locks, down his broad shoulders, then down to his waist, pulling his hips against yours. This succeeds in catching him off guard, and he falters only a little before going back to kissing the breath out of you.
Taehyung’s arms adjust to secure around your waist as he walks backward with you, further into the room until the back of your knees hit your bed and you fall onto the mattress. Your eyes rove over every one of the handsome features on his face as he admires you right back. His brown eyes sweep over you under him, and you realize you’re the only one naked.
“Clothes off,” you demand, tugging at his t-shirt.
“Aw, no please?” He flirts and you scoff in return.
“No. Take your clothes off, now.”
Taehyung bites his lip in response, but no other words follow. Instead, he shuffles to the end of the bed to stand up and yank his shirt off, the soft fabric falling somewhere when he flings it. His pants come next, also being tossed elsewhere. He’s just in his underwear then, the material hugging every muscle in his thighs and accentuating his more than impressive bulge.
Scooting down to the edge of the bed, greedy hands reach for his crotch and you can barely contain yourself. You squeeze his bulge, Taehyung hissing and bucking his hips into your hand immediately. Your mouth waters at the sight of him, remembering just how full he always made you feel. He lets you peel his underwear down, cock whipping out of its confines and smacking against his stomach. Taehyung sighs at the freedom, watching your next move like a hawk.
“Did you miss me?” He teases, right as a string of precum drips from his swollen head and lands on your thigh.
“What do you think?” You ask hypothetically, both of you already knowing the answer. You quickly get comfortable as he stands in front of you, almost shaking in anticipation. Leaning forward, you swipe your tongue over his swollen cockhead, the salty taste making your thighs clench. Taehyung gasps as you slide the rest of his cock past your lips, your tongue swiping at the veins on the underside.
Taehyung bends his knees, hands shooting out to rest on your head to steady himself. When he tries to move his hands away, you reach up and keep them there, simultaneously sliding him further down your throat.
“Y/n! Oh, fuck,” He shouts, fingers firmly grabbing at your hair while you start to bob your head. Your hand rests on his warm thigh as you suck him off, relishing in the breathy, practically methodic sounds coming out of him. Your unoccupied hand slips down your body and between your legs, fingers rubbing your clit in time with the back and forth of your head over his length.
You get lost in your rhythm, the only thing clouding your mind is the ache between your legs and the warm, heavy taste of Taehyung on your tongue. He’s making high-pitched noises now and rocking his hips forward, gliding himself further down your throat over and over again. It isn’t long after that Taehyung has both hands firmly on your head and is fucking your throat. The gagging sounds coming from you ring in your ears along with the string of curses Taehyung mumbles from above you. Your fingers rub your clit harder, hoping to cum in time with Taehyung. His leg begins to quake in your other hand and your body tingles as the anticipation builds within you.
You’re right on the edge, drool dripping from your mouth as your eyes roll back, but as quick as the feeling approaches, it goes away as Taehyung yanks his dick out of your throat and takes hold of your arms, stopping your movement. You open your mouth to object, but he shuts you up with another kiss.
“I can’t let you make me cum yet,” he huffs between kisses. His tongue grazes yours before he sucks the muscle into his mouth and you whine, the action so much hotter than it should be. He guides you back onto the bed as he continues, finding his way between your legs as your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer.
The kiss gets sloppier as the seconds go on and your hands grasp desperately at every part of Taehyung’s warm skin that you can reach. One of his hands is cradling your head, holding it tight as you kiss, while the other trails down your body until he cups your sex, the action making you break the kiss.
“Taehyung!” You call out as one of his fingers gently rubs against your dripping hole. You squirm underneath him as he teases you a few more times until he finally relents and slips a long digit into you, walls clenching hard at the intrusion.
“Fuck, Y/n you’re as tight as I remember… will you still be able to handle my cock?”
“Y - yes. Yes, I can!” His finger curls and your back bends almost painfully.
“Mmm are you sure?” He taunts again, a second finger slipping inside. He quickly gains momentum and begins rubbing your clit with his thumb; for the second time in less than thirty minutes, you feel yourself approaching your end.
“Yes, Tae, fuck, please either let me cum now or fuck me!”
Taehyung chuckles at your desperation, but you don’t have any shame. You haven’t slept with anyone since him so not only are you eager for release from something other than your toys, but you’d be lying if you said Taehyung isn’t one of the best fucks of your life.
He’s still smirking as he pulls his fingers from you and licks them clean. The sight sends you into full feral mode. Your body practically vibrates as you drink him in, eyes wide yet unfocused, built pecs covered in a sheen of sweat, whole body flushing a beautiful shade of red. He wants you just as much as you want him and it makes your heart jackhammer in your chest.
Easing between your thighs, Taehyung gets into position, the tops of his thighs hugging the back of yours. His cock breaches your tight hole, his length filling you agonizingly slow. Once he’s fully sheathed, you realize you’re panting, body utterly and completely belonging to him.
Large hands grip your hips to help him adjust to a pace that starts sluggish but quickly becomes aggressive and feverish. Taehyung’s hips slam into yours as he manages to crane his neck down to guide you to another messy kiss.
All of your self-control is out the window as he drills into you while probing your mouth with his thick tongue. Your mind is hazy, all forms of thought escaping you, leaving you in a dreamy, fucked-out state. Electricity pricks at your skin the closer you get to finally cumming tonight.
The entire time that Taehyung thrusts into you, his breathing goes from heavy and ragged to uneven and whiny. Eventually, he can’t keep his mouth on yours with how hard he’s working, and thanks to your quick yet effective blowjob earlier, he’s only moments away from exploding.
“Y/n, you feel so fucking good. So soft and wet for me. All for me.”
“So good. So wet all for you. Always for you,” you babble, eyes still cloudy while a tingle starts to move from your toes to your calf, slowly creeping ever higher. “Oh shit, Taehyung! I-I’m cumming!”
“Cum all over me and cream my cock, babygirl,” His filthy words are the push over the cliff you need. Your head shoots back, mouth open as you chant Taehyung’s name as if it’s the only word you can remember. Your muscles seize as you cum, your eyes not closing once as the waves of pleasure wash over you.
As soon as your spent body sags, Taehyung swiftly pulls out of your pussy and begins stroking his aching cock over your body. In seconds, thick, hot, spurts of his cum splatter onto your stomach. A few drops make it to your breasts and one even on your neck.
With a few more whimpers and tugs, Taehyung finally finishes, body slumping and flopping onto the comforter next to you. Utterly spent, the two of you lie still long enough that you feel your eyelids begin to fall until Taehyung’s hand taps your knee and you spring awake.
“I hate to break this delightful post-nut daze, but please tell me you take me back. I don’t think I can handle it if you go back to icing me out after this.”
Doing that to him never once crossed your mind tonight. The only thing you wanted that entire time was Taehyung in any and every way possible that you could have him again and for as long as you could. You voice this to him and watch as his gorgeous cocoa-colored eyes light up at your words.
Taehyung lunges towards you, pulling you into another kiss, but this time it’s soft as you both savor it. Your body melts on the spot, words not even needing to be spoken to him. The two of you stay like that until the sticky cum on your body begins to feel itchy and you loudly declare that you need another shower.
“I’ll come with you,” Taehyung doesn’t even hesitate to hop up. “And then we can go get some free dinner on your dime.”
You playfully smack his hand away when he reaches out to help you off the bed. “It all comes back to my free food for you doesn’t it!” He calculates whether you’re serious or not, but deduces you aren’t.
“Don’t do that! You’re scary when you’re mad at me. I’m sensitive now, you know.” Faux cries come from him as he pulls his underwear and pants up, staying topless to walk to the shower.
“Good. I want you to remember how scary I am, especially when I beat you at an all-you-can-play Sims rematch.” You’re up and pulling your robe back on, grabbing your shower caddy from your desk.
“We are?”
“Yep. This weekend. You stream as long as you can from your room and I stream as long as I can from mine at the same time.”
It takes him less than a second to agree, already bragging about how this time he won't be going so easy on you.
“And also,” he starts. “Winner gets to actually get their prize this time.”
“Oh of course. This time I’ll actually let you make me do anything that you want.”
“Anything?” His question is hesitant but dripping in hopefulness. “Like what?”
“Guess you’ll have to win to find out.” You shrug, winking at him as you step into the hall. You don’t see the face he’s making over your shoulder, but you already know he’s going to push himself as far as he can to win. And maybe this time you’ll be the one to let him win.
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kentosovertime · 3 years
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(n.) the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that’s usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet
mafia!sukuna x fem!reader - 3.3k words
CW: mafia themes, gambling, alcohol use, dubcon, explicit smut, unprotected sex, public sex, angst, jealousy, degradation, alpha asshole sukuna, yuji x f!reader, fem!reader, yuji/sukuna twin au
A/N: my first fic request ever for @wobblewobble822 <3 gah!! i hope it lives up to what you wanted it to be! thank you for dropping into my inbox, requests are open to everyone ;) this was a lot of fun i can't wait to do more in the future!
Banner credit: @/yuan_jessie0434 on twitter
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“I swear to god, Yuji,” You look nervously around the alley he was leading you down. Dumpsters spew over with garbage, grime clinging to the rusted metal. Sparing a glance up you gaze upon collapsing fire escapes clinging to bricks covered in years of blackened soot and polluted air. “If you’re bringing me down here to kill me…”
Such a scummy place for the polished ritz and glamour just around the corner. The city's largest and most expensive restaurants, casinos, and nightclubs lining the city's busiest drag. Yuji had briefly mentioned his family business, but you were starting to question his sanity.
“I’m just going to pay my brother a visit. The front of the club is locked during the day.” He calmly approaches a nondescript vestibule, a handleless metal door capping the alcove. “Besides, it has the best, most private pool hall in town. I figured we can shoot a few rounds.”
You groan, accepting his attempt at appeasement as you side step broken glass to join him at the door.
You find yourself huddling nearer to him, jumping at the sudden appearance of the rat who decides now was a fantastic time to scurry across your foot. Looking up at the pattern he knocks into the entryway, he directs you to look up and the security camera you had passed over.
“Look at the camera in the corner, they just want to verify who you are…” Confused, you look to where he’s directing with a furrowed brow.
The hell is this about? Before you’re able to ask him, the door suddenly swings open revealing a mountain of a man blocking a set of stairs that ascended to the second floor. He nods at Yuji, letting the two of you pass.
“Why are they making such a big deal about this?” You ask as he opens a heavy metal door at the top of the stairs… you swear it could stop a fucking bullet.
“Sukuna heads the-” Yuji coughs, voice dropping to a whisper. “Uh… unsavory criminal activities in the city.”
You blink in surprise. You may have thought he was poking fun at you if he hadn’t dragged you out here himself, seen the layers of security yourself. Denial wasn’t an option when you see the space the door opens to.
A large, darkened glass wall overlooks a desolate dance floor. The lack of noise that normally accompanied the thrill of the club blanketed the space in an eerie tone.
The small amount of people spread around the space only added to the hushed atmosphere. Men covered in head-to-toe tattoos with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths as they hunched over the numerous pool tables scattered throughout the space. A sense of uncomfortable anticipation settles in your bones. The hardened eyes turn to focus on you when that ridiculous door slams shut behind you. I don’t belong here, your thoughts starting to eat away at you.
“Hey,” You focus back on Yuji, who had led you to the small bar at the back of the room. “Don’t worry… no one’s going to touch you. Not when they know you’re here with me.”
You very much did not like that his statement implies that they would if he hadn’t been there...
“Get settled in, I’ll be right back.” He hands you a rack of pool balls and the cobalt cue stick chalk, motioning to a table a few feet away. “Then you can kick my ass, as always.” You can hear the smirk in his tone.
Is there no clock in here? You groan inwardly to yourself. Your phone died hours ago. How long was he going to be in there?
After a few practice rounds with only yourself for company, you had taken to challenging a few of the regulars to a match. Using your best asset to keep them distracted as you raked in the cash they eagerly bet against you.
You were lining up your last shot, calling the pocket you were going to sink the eight ball into, when a familiar shade of pink catches your eye, causing you to pause.
You look over to your left, still bent over the pool table expecting to see Yuji finally exiting the back hallway to join you in taking money from these poor saps. A small gasp leaves you when you meet the direct and pointed gaze of a devastatingly gorgeous man, your eyes blowing wide, body stilling as you stare openly.
He stood slightly taller than Yuji, shoulders broader and the planes of his body wider, more angled and sharp. His eyes darker, harder than steel as if he had seen all this world had to give.
The most notable physical difference being the tattoos covering his muscled form. Not that it was strange in this settling. All the men that surround you to watch you wipe the floor with their friends had every variation and iteration of marks covering them.
This man’s were simple, adding to the intoxicating sense of power that surrounded him. Sukuna… your brain finally identifies; lagging behind your unsavory thoughts.
A hot flash of arousal spreads down your body, feeling his gaze follow the arch of your back from bending over the table and the swell of your ass jutting out so you could get the right angle on the shot.
You sense his stare linger there, watching his tongue dart out to wet his dried lips. His teeth catch slightly on his skin there as you turn away, quickly sinking the eight ball and turning away to hide your growing blush from him.
You palm the fat wad of cash your challenger bet against you, licking your fingers to count the bills as the crowd disperses from around you.
You were about to take a seat in one of the dark corners, as far away from the pull of Yuji's brother when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“Compliments of the management, ma’am.” The bartender extends a large glass of a deep red liquid… Wine? Really?
“Management?” You question confused as to who would buy you a drink after you handed all of the regular patrons’ asses to them. You eye the bartender up and down, uniform sharp, impeccably cleaned with no wrinkle in sight, his posture rail straight.
“Ryomen Sukuna, miss.” You look up behind the man’s shoulder, to see the man in question leaning haughtily against the bar top. His gaze meets yours directly as he brings his thumb to mouth tonguing at the pad slightly, waiting for your response.
“No, thank you.” You say shaking your head to drive home your lie, ignoring the pooling heat in your center. The desire to gulp down whatever he wanted you to is almost overwhelming, but you couldn’t make it that easy for him.
“Mr. Ryomen insists…” When you’re about to deny the response again when he cuts you off. “It is expected, miss.”
Anger flares in your bloodstream. Expected? You can’t find it in you to have any pity in your heart when you snap back your response, refusing to acknowledge that this man was just doing his job, that he was in no place to disobey the pink hair man that was staring holes through you.
“I said no. Do I look like some bitch to be ordered around? Do I look that fucking cheap?”
You flinch out of your temper induced haze to see Yuji grasping at your upper arm, shaking you slightly to get your attention.
“I’m over this. Let’s get out of here…” You pause to send Sukuna a death glare, looking over to where you last saw him, but he had disappeared, was nowhere to be seen.
You hadn’t wanted to come tonight, adamant as Yuji pulled your sorry ass out of bed, that a night at the club just wasn’t in the cards.
How wrong you had been. The thumping of the base hits in time with your beating heart, the bodies around you swaying primally to the music. Circling your hips, you grind your scantily clad ass against Yuji. One hand gripping tightly the glass of the fifth drink you were nursing, the other fisted back into his hair pulling his mouth to your neck.
Through your panting breath and racing heart, your eyes scan the edges of the dance floor, your gaze landing on the VIP lounge, the owner himself settled in the seat with two half naked women draped across him while he spoke to a bouncer.
Tch. You scowl brows scrunching slightly, totally not out of jealousy. How pathetic do you have to be to suck up to someone like that?
His stare slides to you as Yuji’s pants become heavy against your neck, his nose trailing up the column of your neck, his tongue trailing along with it before he nibbles lightly on your ear. He watches entranced as your mouth falls open, eyes going half lidded as you maintain eye contact through your growing haze.
Take a look at what you can’t have, Sukuna.
You smirk to yourself, half turning yourself in Yuji’s arms to bring him down for a sloppy kiss, you miss the bouncer beginning to approach you on his boss’ orders. He shoves his way through the intoxicated crowd, ignoring where the two of you were connected, tongues entangled fighting for dominance.
“Mr. Itadori, sir.” You look up at the bald man towering over you, his presence would have been threatening if it weren’t for his current objective. “Your brother invites the two of you to lounge with him.”
The earlier interaction with Sukuna’s last staff member barged into your head. This wasn’t an invite… it was an expectation, just like the acceptance of the drink was. “Go on without me, Yuji.”
“And leave you alone? Come on.” Yuji hauls you off the dance floor by your elbow, pupils still blown wide. “I’m not leaving you down here to fend for yourself.” He grins back at you quickly. “Besides… Sukuna doesn’t bite.”
Did he really have to be here? Of course he did, he ran the place... a scowl taking the place of your purposefully blank face as you approach the designated area, nodding silently in greeting as you let Yuji handle the greetings, zoning out completely as you grab a shot of top shelf tequila, knocking it back and handing two to Yuji to catch up with your pace.
Looking out over the dance floor from this vantage point had its advantages, you suppose, absentmindedly hooking a knee over leg, stroking your fingers lightly along his bicep. You’re sure the alcohol isn’t hurting the view either, your giggles slipping out when Yuji cracks his usual jokes, lightening the mood for you.
“Your muscles look so large in this shirt, ‘kuna…” one of the girls coos, her voice somehow traveling into your ears between the pauses in songs. Your eyes slide over to see her practically clawing at the fabric of his half buttoned shirt.
The feeble attempt at flattery has you rolling your eyes. You stop a large scoff from exiting your mouth, opting for an incredulous chuckle as you shake your head slightly. How fucking desperate could you be?
Taking one last glance when you catch Sukuna raking his eye over your form, landing where Yuji grips at the meat of your thigh, causing you to rub them together, obvious to the both of you what you’re trying to relieve.
“Yo’ ok?” Yuji slurs directly into your ear, his hand cupping your face, his breath sweet with the smell of liquor brushing past your face.
You whimper needily, pressing your face into his touch. The noise hit him deep and center, making him pull you in to straddle his hips, but takes it slow, looking at you more with love, but the lust present, simmering just under the surface.
The want displayed in his eyes was different from the animalistic lust in Sukuna’s. It was warmer, more welcoming, but it just didn’t hit as deep.
A petty side of you has you playing with Yuji’s hair, brushing his cheek with your fingertips as you lean in to nibble at his earlobe. You keen as he grabs a handful of your ass underneath your dress, making you let out a low moan, trying to keep at least the noise at bay, if not the view for the others in the booth.
Let Sukuna get as much of an eyeful as you were getting.
Yuji suddenly palms your chin, causing your head to move to the side, lining you up directly with Sukuna’s gaze has he bites down roughly, pulling an audible moan from you, Sukuna watching with barely contained restraint as your pupils go wide, body going limp in Yuji’s arms.
Getting up suddenly, you brush imaginary dirt from the short skirt of your dress, not bothering to adjust where it had ridden up as you turn your back to the group, bending down to whisper in Yuji’s ear, your nipples brushing his chest.
“I’ll be back…” Leaning in, you kiss the shell of his ear, exposing your soaked cunt to Sukuna as you bend at the waist, showing him every detail. The discolored wet spot illustrates to him your mounting arousal, the black lace that your lower lips and ass has sucked in, leaving your cheeks bare.
Stumbling down the small set of stairs, you make your way to the bathroom, hoping to catch a breather and fix your makeup.
In your drunken stupor, you easily miss Sukuna shooing off the girls he’d easily grown tired of after seeing the way your curvy form writhed against his brother on the dance floor. His predatory eyes stalk his prey, following you to the dead end you were leading yourself to.
You groan out a sigh of relief when you see the bathroom somehow empty, slouching against the edge of the counter.
Deep breaths… You inhale deep, calming the dizzy haze doing rounds in your head. Tsk. Damn tequila...You lean over the sink on your tippy toes, getting as close to your reflection as possible. It was rather difficult to see given the red bulbs illuminating the space you were in. Carefully, you concentrate on applying your lip gloss, refreshing what remained after Yuji’s assault on your mouth.
“There you are, princess.” You stop dead at the commanding tone that entered the space, clawing up your spine, leaving a shuddering mess in its wake. Looking up, you meet Sukuna’s smug stare through the mirror, your eyes dipping, catching the slight movement of his thick fingers deftly flicking the deadbolt’s lock.
Not daring to move, you remain frozen, trailing his movement as he approaches, stopping behind your hips. A gasp flies from your lips as he spins you around sharply, pinning your hips to the counter’s edge with a harsh growl in your ear.
“Such a tease. You’re no better than the whores I keep on my lap…” His pointer finger and long black nail extending from it trace the length of your neck, tilting your head up so he could see your features better. “Why were you showing off for me princess? You’re a cruel little slut to use my brother like that.”
Sukuna towers over you, demanding an answer to his question.
“You’re pretty fucking obsessed with yourself,” you scoff under your breath, screwing the cap of your lip gloss shut. “You’re not wanted or needed here.”
You see a spark of anger behind the amused lust in his eyes, his giant hands shove you back around to bend completely over the sink, the side of your face smashed against the mirror, your panting, shocked breaths fogging the mirror.
You only get to settle against the mirror for a second before a hand snakes itself into your long tendrils of hair, pulling you up, back arching into the bulge in his pants. You see him back just far enough away to pull out his hardened length to settle on your ass.
His hand moves to tug up your dress the last few, barely needed inches to expose your black lace thong. He hastily moves them to the side, immediately entering you without comment or concern for your well being.
“Pretty fucking wet for not being wanted or needed.” Sukuna snarls as he bottoms out in your sensitive cunt, covering your mouth with his free hand so you can hear the squelching of your juices as he sharply bucks back into you.
“With an outfit like this…” He pauses to groan, meeting your eyes in the mirror. “You’re practically begging for me to take you. A few shots of my expensive liquor and you open your legs like a desperate. fucking. slut.”
He ennouncates each word with a bruising thrust, the tip of his cock battering your cervix. You try to squirm out of his grasp, pleading with him, “P-leas- fuck! Slow down ‘kuna!”
Chuckling darkly, he turns your face sharply to the side, meeting your gaze directly for the first time. Sukuna feels the mix of his pre and your juices pouring out of you, dripping down your bare thighs to soak his pants he had shimmed down in his rush to take you.
“Only a whore gets this wet being treated like this.” He lets your face fall back to the mirror when he feels your struggling, swapping to pin your arms to your back, using his other hand to position your hips so he was ramming into your g-spot with every thrust
“Stop struggling sweetheart.” Sukuna purrs. “The more you fight the longer you’ll keep my poor little brother waiting.”
Thinking of Yuji while being used like this pulls an animalistic groan from deep in your chest, your cunt clenching wildly around Sukuna’s length even thinking about him seeing you like this with his brother.
“You like that, princess? Want me to go get him so he can see who you really are?” The unhinged sparkle in his eyes frightens you slightly. “So you can tell him how badly you want to be fucked by a real man?”
“He’d never fill you like this... would never fuck you like you needed.” Sukuna rambles on, slandering his twin with every breath, every slamming thrust of his hips, giving you everything he has.
“I can tell,” A hand comes down on your ass with a loud smack, echoing around the bathroom, causing you to shriek. “This cunt was made to take my cock.”
You shake your head back and forth against the glass, eyes watering as you feel the coil in your stomach knot to a fever pitch, about to explode. “D-don’t want him to see- shit! Please n-no.”
“Then fucking cum, princess. Tell me how desperate you are for this cock.”
You come undone after a few more harsh trusts send electricity up your spine, causing you to collapse against the sink, wordlessly groaning out your orgasm despite his direct order. Your shuddering pussy pulls out the high Sukuna has been holding in. He sinks into you and stays, making sure to pump his seed as deep as physically possible.
Sukuna roughly smacks your oversensitive pussy as he pulls out, a trail of cum connecting his cock to your fucked out cunt. He pats your panties back in place to help hold in the cum he filled you up with, making sure none of it will go to waste.
“I think I’ll keep you as a pet.” His finger scoops up your slick trailing down your thigh, placing the soaked digit in his mouth. “You’ve got the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted…”
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tag list: @wobblewobble822 @dreamyyholland @yelzoldyck @sugarmapoops @sugarbooger513 @roughwithfluff @silversslut @severelytalentless @aazaard
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mywritingonlyfans · 2 years
i hope you don't mind me, but in view of your eddie munson fever, what do you think about dating him and going to school with him? i feel like he's seriously so cute, always waiting for you outside your class and you would clearly be friends with dustin and mike and he would feel like you make his mind a little less lost on his daily bases. i'm just so in love
i love u, you made my day 100% happier!!!!
no but what if you were steve's little sister, which would automatically make eddie have rash (clearly not so good) thoughts of you. so even though he clearly already had his eyes on you when you around at school (cuz, he'd obviously be interested in you since you guys were in elementary school together and you held his hand once and hugged him to calm down after him having had a bad episode of bullying, maybe) he would deny letting himself be carried away by their feelings, even dustin saying how badass you were, and that he knew said because you were his best friend and had already experienced moments when you saved him!!! and then mike would agree!!! and even curious, eddie would refuse to be carried away by the boys' conversations because you were a harrington and you could never be like that!! let alone be nice to his boys! ... so idk, imagine the boys noticing that you guys like each other but are clearly never going to take the action to go talk to each other, so they would make you join the hellfire club because they need new people because of the affair with lucas and you would never say no to them, so the next day there you would be walking into the cafeteria with the club shirt, similar to eddie's, and the smiling boys saying they had found the new member!!! you would sit next to them, facing eddie, looking him up and down as if he weren't doing the same, he would smile briefly, all stupid grin at you, until he sees you blush under his gaze, and please all the fluff about him trying to teach you about the game and him being super nice to you until in one of the sessions he would end up asking, "you don't remember me?" with the most adorable, passionate smile of all. okay, buuuut, also, imagine an enemies to love out of it??? like him testing your patience every time you say something in the group because he knows (at least he thinks he knows) that you don't fit in there because to him you can't be any different from how steve was a few years ago (and that'd be just him trying to mask the damn crush he always had on you).. and that of course would make you upset, even if you fight him back, and he would soon find a way to take out all the mess that would tire you out because of his tantrum. i mean, you were crying because of him and you just telling him you were feeling upset because of what he was doing??? that'd be a big no, he'd hold you in the same minute and fix things out the best way he can until you're comfortable and quiet on his arms!
but about the dating part, after all that, he would surely feel the luckiest in the world to see you walk into the cafeteria dressed in his hellfire shirt, he would get up as soon as he saw you and get down on his knees, a wide smile on his face, he'd make baby grabbing hands at you until you run to him and entwine yourself in his body while he catches you in the air and hugs you as hard as possible, he would have his hand in yours while you are talking to the boys, he would kiss your hand that would be crumpled in his one every once in a while, and would always find a way to see you happy during games even if he had to cheat for it! and he would defo teach you to play guitar (you would be the only person allowed to play his guitar besides him!), and he would always love to have you on his lap, hands around your body, face tucked to your shoulder, getting drunk in your scent, and sometimes even kissing the sensitive skin of your neck to hear you sigh deeply at HIS touch, while teaching/guiding you to play!! and i believe he would be a little insecure about you, he would never say or try to show he was jealous but you would read him like a book and whenever you feel he is feeling that way while someone is around you would just hold on his hand, would either call him love or just kiss him for no apparent reason for him to know you were just his. and he would look like a happy puppy with his favorite bone. aaaaaand, first time meeting his uncle and his uncle telling you that he already knew everything about you because eddie wouldn't shut up about you and that would make you extremely happy and eddie would just glare at you, rolling his puppies, lovely brown eyes. you'd be the perfect couple ever!!! and, also, ofc, spend hours and hours relaxing with him in the van smoking, kissing, playing with his hair while he's resting on top of you, and listening to each other's favorite songs for hours just enjoying each other's company 🥰 i'm so in love with eddie as well 😭 OH AND KIDS DATES WITH MIKE AND ELEVEN AND DUSTIN JUST FOR FUN BECAUSE THE KIDS NEEDS YOUR AND HIS ATTENTION AS WELL
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
My Sweet Rose, Chapter 1
From the imagine on imagine-Loki here.
Summary: Rosie got a job working at The Avengers tower with her cousin, Pepper. She’s only been there a week when Loki comes live there, to make up for his past deeds in New York. But this brings a lot of problems for Rosie.
Loki was her Daddy Dom. Who vanished one day without a word, leaving her completely broken and lost.
Note: Daddy/little dynamic & Flashbacks will be in Bold. I’m not sure how long this story will be, I’m thinking no more than 5 chapters though. But I saw the imagine and omg I love it, had to do something with it. Haven’t written anymore of it yet but just HAD to share the first chapter so far, oops! lol. 
Rosie had been working and living in the Avengers tower for a week now, it was going really well. And it was helping to keep her mind occupied, getting her back on her feet after such a rough year.
She was a PA for Stark, and the other Avengers if they needed anything too. It was helping her cousin, Pepper out a lot. As Stark was very demanding nowadays and the others were becoming that way too.
It was also good for Rosie. She’d had a really tough year. She met someone a few years ago in a BDSM club, it had been her first time there after spending months building up the courage to go. She was a little, and had been wanting to find someone that she could feel safe with to explore that side of her.
She met a man, who was charming and handsome. Kind, funny. They fell in love, or so she thought anyway. He was the perfect Daddy Dom for her, teaching her everything and looking after her. She adored and loved him so much. Which is why when one day he just vanished, it was all the harder for her.
He just never returned after saying he had to go home to visit his family, who lived in Iceland apparently. But he did that regularly and always returned to her. But not that time. To say she was heartbroken when there was not even a call or a text from him explaining why was an understatement.
His name was Loki. And it became clear what happened a few months later after his disappearance, she saw him on the news. Loki, the God Of Mischief, was trying to take over the world. She couldn’t believe it and thought she was dreaming when she realised it had was her Loki. He looked different in the heavy armour, he looked scary.
But she thought no wonder he left her, he was a God and a Prince after all. What would he have wanted with her in the first place anyway?
She had tried a couple of times to date someone else, but never made it past the first date. As they just… weren’t him. No matter how often she tried to just forget about him. It was difficult.
She’d fallen into a downward spiral, not even able to go to work. So she had lost her job and was on benefits for a while. She became really anxious and nervous.
But here, in the tower, she was trying to turn herself around again. It had been one man, even if he had been her first true love, in her heart anyway. She knew she would heal, in time. Even if it had been over a year.
Rosie had been so engrossed in sorting out some paperwork for Tony that she never noticed the newcomer coming into the kitchen. She barely even registered Thor introducing her to him. ‘This is Rosie, our PA, she’s new here.’
Not until she heard an all too familiar voice responding that sent shivers down her spine and sent her heart racing.
‘Rosie… My sweet Rose?’
There was only one person who had ever called her that.
Slowly she looked up, eyes widening, standing before her was Loki.
‘Oh my sweet Rose, you’ve done Daddy so proud.’ Loki purred gently as he cradled her in his lap.
She felt so safe and secure, curled up against him as he wrapped a blanket around her naked body. Knowing how cold she always got after they’d played together quite so intensely.
Loki rocked her back and fore softly as he ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her. She was trembling a bit after her orgasms, Loki had pushed her almost past her limit, but he knew. He always knew when to stop at the right time.
He was an intense Daddy, and could be really strict at times. But he was fair and ever so kind. He had his goofy moments and was extremely playful too, which she loved. He was never angry with her, always calm and collected. Even when she misbehaved, not that that happened often.
She clung to his shirt so tightly, never wanting to let go. Loki had to carefully remove her hand from his shirt just so he could change them into a different position, getting them both under the blanket so he could have her snuggled up next to him. He knew she would fall asleep soon.
‘Daddy.’ She whispered quietly, sounding so vulnerable.
‘Yes, my little one?’ Loki asked, engulfing her small hand in his large one.
‘Can you sing to me?’
Loki smiled. ‘Of course, my sweetling.’
He began singing to her in Asgardian, but he had told her before it was Icelandic. She had no reason not to believe him, especially since he told her he’d grown up there with his parents.
But he had a beautiful voice, she always loved to hear him sing.
She felt so loved as he she drifted off to sleep to the sound of his voice. She faintly remembered a gentle kiss on her forehead just before she fell asleep.
Thor was confused at their interaction, especially as Rosie said nothing at first. Just stared at Loki in utter disbelief.
‘No…’ She shook her head and took a step backwards. ‘You… You don’t get to call me that anymore.’ She said quietly, her voice trembling as tears came to her eyes.
‘Rosie? What’s wrong, did he hurt you?’ Clint asked upon seeing the reaction.
Rosie grabbed the pile of paperwork off the table beside her and she ran off out of the kitchen, with tears falling down her face.
Clint turned to Loki. ‘You’ve got some explaining to do.’ He snapped at him.
‘I have nothing to explain to you, Hawk.’ Loki snarled.
Natasha and Pepper saw Rosie running out of the kitchen in floods of tears, they ran after her into her room. Natasha managed to grab the door before it closed on them.
‘Rosie? Rosie, what’s wrong?’ They both asked as they rushed in to her.
Rosie threw the papers on her bed and she started pacing back and fore, shaking and crying with her arms wrapped around herself. Pepper grabbed her and pulled her down to sit on the bed.
‘Rosie, please speak to us.’ She pleaded with her cousin as Natasha sat at the other side of her.
‘It… It’s him…’ She sobbed.
‘Who? Loki? Did he scare you? I told him not to be an asshole to anyone.’ Natasha said angrily.
‘He… He’s the one. Who I dated before.’ She blurted out, making Pepper and Natasha go silent in shock.
‘But… how?’ Pepper asked.
‘I met him one night in a club. And we dated for eleven months. I was in love with him, utterly and completely. I thought he was with me too. But then he just vanished and never came back one day. Then a few months later, I saw him on the TV… I didn’t tell anyone it was him, because I thought no one would believe me anyway. And what did it matter? It wouldn’t change anything.’ Rosie blurted out between crying.
‘Oh, Rosie. I wish you had told me.’ Pepper pulled her into a hug and cradled her head against her. ‘It’s ok, shhh, shhh. It’s going to be ok.’
Natasha rubbed her back softly. ‘If we had known, we would have warned you he was coming here. I’m so sorry.’
Rosie shook her head and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. ‘No… It’s my fault, I should have told you. I just… it’s a shock to see him face to face.’
Natasha and Pepper nodded in understanding.
They stayed with her for a little while, then when she told them she was ok and was going to take a shower before bed, they left her to it.
But it ended up being the longest shower ever. She kept thinking about Loki and what they had together before.
Kept thinking of when they first met…
Rosie was super nervous when she walked into the BDSM club. But after months of talking herself into it, she finally had the courage to do it.
She didn’t dare tell any of her friends what she was into or what she was doing, perhaps foolish in a way as no one knew where she was. And she was on her own. But she was too embarrassed to tell anyone. Her friends wouldn’t understand.
She relaxed a tiny bit once she was there, noticing other people on their own as well. Getting a few drinks down her helped with her nerves too.
Some of the people she spoke to briefly were really nice. She met a lovely couple at the bar who asked if it was her first time there. They told her if she needed anything to feel free to ask them, not to be shy. That everyone there was really nice and friendly.
There were various demos on that she watched, there was a lot more to some scenes than met the eye. It really made her realise how on sites such as Fetlife and others, it was easy to get sucked into the wanna-be-Dom’s who likely had no idea what they were doing. Or how much safety came into it all.
‘Excuse me, I don’t mean to bother you but I was wondering if you’d like to join me for a drink?’ A beautiful voice came from beside her when one of the demos on aftercare just finished.
Rosie turned and her breath was taken from her as she gazed up at an incredibly tall and handsome man.
‘I… I… Yeah, I would like that, thank you.’ Rosie stammered out, nodding over enthusiastically.
He grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth as he put his hand out towards her. ‘My name is Loki.’ He introduced.
‘I’m Rosie.’ She smiled up at him and put her hand into his. That’s when she noticed his gorgeous hands, so big and he had such long fingers. She blushed hard when he raised her hand up and he kissed the back of it, making her skin tingle like crazy.
‘Pleasure to meet you, Rosie.’ He said charmingly.
Loki gave her his arm and led her over to a free table near the bar. She was really nervous, and Loki could tell. But he soon had her at ease, just chatting away to her calmly and making her laugh almost straight away. She slowly began to relax in his presence.
‘Is this your first time here?’ He asked after buying them both another drink.
‘Is it that obvious?’ She cringed, making him chuckle.
‘Kind of. You did look a bit like a deer in the headlights. But that’s normal for first timers.’ Loki winked at her.
‘So, I’m guessing that means you’ve been here before?’
‘It does.’ He nodded. ‘Not often, it’s probably my fourth visit. Mainly just trying to meet new people, meet anyone that may potentially be interested in a Daddy Dom.’
Rosie’s eyes widened and she suddenly fell shy again as she looked down at her glass and swallowed hard. Loki raised an eyebrow, instantly realising that she was a little. He suspected she was a sub, but hadn’t been sure about the little aspect or not.
Loki leaned forward over the table towards her a little more. ‘Let me take a quick stab in the dark here… But I am presuming that you are a little?’
Her mouth opened and closed again. Then she just opted for nodding in response instead of trusting her voice to actually work.
Loki smiled softly. ‘Nothing to be shy about, sweetheart. That’s why lots of people come to these clubs, to meet their person.’
‘I… I guess so.’ She agreed.
They continued to talk for over an hour, not much about BDSM which Rosie found quite pleasant. He didn’t seem to want to jump straight in so quickly, which in turn made her trust him more and relax.
At the end of the night, Loki handed over a small card with his number on it. ‘There’s absolutely no pressure at all. But I’ve really enjoyed my night with you, Rosie. I would love to take you out on a date, perhaps out for lunch Saturday? But there’s no pressure, I don’t need an answer right now. Just text or call me to let me know. But if I don’t hear from you, that’s ok too. I totally understand.’
Rosie’s heart was racing. Could he get any more considerate? He wasn’t pressuring her at all, not asking for her number. Not even expecting her to contact him if she didn’t want to go on a date with him. Not even needing an answer straight away, what a gentleman.
Loki walked her outside the club and hailed a taxi for her, he even paid in advance for her, not taking no for an answer.
‘I just want to make sure I know you’ll get home safely. And I can’t help it, it’s the protective Daddy in me.’ He shrugged and chuckled, making her giggle shyly.
‘Thank you, Loki.’ She smiled widely at him as she got into the taxi and he closed the door for her once she was in.
He waved her off and she couldn’t stop smiling the whole way home.
Of course, she did text him the following morning to say she would love nothing more than to go on a date with him on Saturday. If that was still what he wanted, too.
Loki replied within a minute, with a time and a place for their first date.
‘How DARE you!’ Pepper roared at Loki and launched for him, slapping him across the face. It barely made him flinch, but he clenched his jaw as he glared at her.
Everyone was surprised at Pepper’s outburst.
‘Woah, what did he do?’ Bruce asked.
‘HE is the one that broke my cousin’s heart. She was head over heels in love with you, asshole. Then you just disappeared on her, left her alone without even an explanation. No note, nothing.’ She snarled at him.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Not that it’s any of your business, but I did what was right. To protect her. She was better off without me.’
‘You did NOT do what was right. You have no idea what you’ve put her through this past year, how heartbroken she was. Still is!’ Pepper screeched.
Loki faltered. ‘Still is? Did she not find another, she’s a beautiful, incredible woman. How could she not find ano’
‘You are such a fucking idiot!’ Pepper screeched angrily and so wanted to slap him again, but she knew it was pointless.
The guys around him all put their face into their hands.
‘What?’ Loki asked, looking around.
‘That’s a low blow, man. Not even leaving her a note.’ Said Tony.
‘I… I thought I was doing the right thing.’ Loki said, looking at Thor.
Thor nodded. ‘I did not realise that your Rose was this Rosie… But yes, Loki thought he was doing right by her. He was in love with her, adored her. Never shut up about her. But when he discovered his true heritage on a short visit home, he decided not to go back to her. In fear of hurting her.’ Thor explained.
Pepper ran her hands down her face.
‘Well, you failed on that. You probably hurt her more by not at least saying you were over. You have no idea what she’s been through this last year.’ Pepper shook her head in disgust at Loki.
The team all murmured between them and left the room, leaving Loki with Thor.
For the first time in a long time, Thor saw his real brother back. He saw true emotion on his face again, sorrow and guilt.
‘I… I did not mean to hurt her.’ Loki said, still a bit confused. ‘I loved her, Thor… I do love her. I never stopped thinking about her, never loved another.’ He whispered.
Thor sighed and walked over to him, patting his shoulder. ‘I know, brother. I know.’
Loki thought back to the first time she had called him Daddy. How much it made his heart happy that she trusted and wanted him so much…
Rosie and Loki were snuggling on the sofa together, watching some cartoons that she loved. Loki wasn’t overly fond of them, but it made her happy so he always obliged. He was just happy to have her on his lap, comfortable and relaxed in his arms. Where she belonged.
He was lightly stroking her back underneath her top, making her skin tingle. She was in utter heaven, and Loki couldn’t get enough of just simply touching her. He needed touch in some way, whether he was just holding her hand or had the tips of his fingers on her skin, he needed and craved the intimacy with her.
Loki’s fingers trailed a bit too far to her side and up a little, making her squirm and giggle.
‘Daddy, that tickles!’ She laughed and tried to grab his hand to stop him.
But he had already stopped, freezing at what she said. That was the first time she had called him that, even in little space.
The biggest smile spread across his face and he buried his face into her hair and squeezed her tightly to him.
‘Sorry, my sweet little one. I forgot how ticklish you are.’ He purred.
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snowywrites · 3 years
Monika x Fem!reader
summary: fluffy fic of Monika and the reader on the reader's birthday.
word count: 2.4k
As far as birthdays go, this one wasn't really anything too special. Well, maybe you're being a little too cynical. After all, last year you hadn't really gotten to spend your birthday with any friends- you'd been preoccupied with getting home to watch the newest season of your favorite anime.
This year, however, Sayori had managed to get you into the Literature Club, and it had, not to be dramatic, changed your life. For better or worse, that was yet to be seen.
"Y/N, is everything okay?" Sayori asks expectantly, bright blue eyes examining you with bewilderment.
You focus back on the present, giving your friend a reassuring smile. "Yeah, sorry! Everything's great." And you aren't lying; today for the club meeting, Natsuki had brought cupcakes for everyone to share, Sayori had actually not realized what day it was and so gave you a 'birthday hug,' Yuri had given you a copy of one of her favorite horror novels as a gift, even signed by the author, and yet...
You can't help but give a very small sigh. "I just kind of miss Monika, I guess."
Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri all exchange glances in their respective chairs at one of the club tables. They then all focus on you with varying expressions: Sayori with mischief, Natsuki with exasperation, and Yuri with knowing amusement.
"What? Don't look at me like that!" You squeak defensively, feeling your face begin to heat up at what they were implying. "I only meant that it's- it's weird being at a meeting without our club president! T-That's all." Not that this could be called a meeting per se- more like a celebration between friends.
Sayori giggles at your reaction, and you hear Yuri whisper to Natsuki, "The lady doth protest too much," which elicits a snort of laughter from the pink-haired tsundere.
You groan, standing up abruptly from your seat and smoothing down your school uniform a bit, self-conscious all of a sudden. As your embarrassment dies down though, you feel a wave of affection for your fellow club members. As much as they tend to tease you about your little crush on Monika, they had made your birthday really special this year, and you were grateful. "Anyway, thank you guys again for everything! I had a lot of fun," you say earnestly, deciding it was probably time to wrap up and head home.
Sayori bounces up to join you, and you bid your farewells to Natsuki and Yuri, gathering up your things and heading out of the classroom.
Sayori glances back to make sure that Natsuki and Yuri are in fact walking away, and then she reaches out to stop you. "Uhm, Y/N...?"
You pause to look at her expectantly, unsure of why she's much less energetic now than she was a few minutes ago. "Yes?"
"I-I was actually supposed to tell you something," your best friend begins, uncharacteristically quiet. You wonder briefly why she hadn't mentioned this before... maybe she had been debating on whether or not she actually wanted to tell you whatever it is, considering how the words are practically being dragged from her at this point. "Ah, well, Monika asked me to, that is. The reason she couldn't come to the Literature Club today was because she was stuck at a meeting with the student council, but..." Sayori exhales in what could be a sigh. "She did still wanna see you for your birthday, so she hoped you could stop by there and wait for her."
You stand there in the mostly empty hall of the school, puzzled at why this news would bring such a reaction from your friend- especially when it makes you feel so fluttery inside. "Oh!" You try not to let it show, but you're fairly certain you're lighting up like a Christmas tree. "I see. Thank you for telling me, Sayori!"
As you turn to leave, you feel Sayori reach out to touch your shoulder, but she retracts her hand quickly. When you look back at her, she's her old self, giving you a big smile. "Yeah, I guess you're gonna go see her, huh? Well, I'll catch you later, Y/N!"
Before you can respond, Sayori dashes off, forgetting to wish you a happy birthday.
Well, that was weird. Then again, Sayori's been pretty off lately whenever you and Monika are involved.
The thought of the brunette is enough to make you forget all about whatever might be troubling your best friend, and you make your way through the school to the student council room with a giddy spring in your step. They must not be out yet since the halls are pretty deserted still.
You risk taking a peek through the little glass window on the door, and your hunch is confirmed. Students belonging to the council are all sitting in a circle of chairs, discussing... well, school-related business stuff. You aren't really sure what they do, exactly.
You catch sight of Monika at the head of them, naturally because she is the president, but you aren't expecting to see her with such an expression.
Usually, Monika seems to you warm, open, patient, and friendly... but here, she looks... not even bored, but more like she's utterly apathetic towards all the conversations going on around her. You've never seen her so uncaring, to the point where she seems almost irritated by the presence of everyone in the room with her.
Maybe she's having a bad day? The thought makes you a bit sad, and you find yourself wondering if she would even want to see you. Do the others in the council even realize she's so unlike herself?
As if to answer your silent question, one of the other students turns to Monika to say something, and when they do, the familiar expression you're used to your club president wearing slips back with ease onto her face. She listens attentively to whatever it is she's being told, and then she smiles and nods, commenting something you can't hear in return.
You watch the exchange, too fascinated to stop watching even if you do worry someone might notice you peeking inside for such a long minute. As soon as the student turns away from her, Monika is once again the picture of discontentment; you even notice her tapping her nails listlessly against the surface of the table they're all seated at.
The sound of the doorknob rattling causes you to leap backwards in shock, stumbling slightly over your own two feet. The meeting must be over, because someone is stepping out, and then another, and then you're hurriedly dodging out of the path of the entire student body as they file out, talking and laughing with one another as they head down the hall, eventually leaving you alone.
Looking away from their retreating figures, you face Monika and find her as she always is with you- curious emerald eyes and a friendly air about her. "Ah- hello," you greet her, trying not to sound as awkward as you feel about your... let's be honest, spying.
"I wasn't really sure that you'd show!" She exclaims, startling you with a sudden hug.
You've actually never gotten a hug from Monika, although you have a ton of hugs to compare hers to- Sayori throws herself at you pretty much daily, and hers tend to be suffocating, always too tight and lasting a bit too long.
From Monika, though? Her hug, despite making your head spin and your heart skip a beat, makes you feel so safe, secure... she's so warm and you can't help but be enamored with whatever perfume she uses.
Unfortunately, you're too stunned to return the embrace in time before Monika pulls back from you, and you could swear she has a faint blush on her cheeks. She doesn't apologize for her impromptu action, though, and you're glad for that.
"Why wouldn't I?" You ask, dumbstruck.
She studies you for a few seconds, and you get the idea that she's trying to detect if you're being serious or not. Eventually she says, "Oh, nevermind that! I am glad to see you, though. I have something I wanted to give you."
'Please refrain from saying something really stupid and cheesy like, 'the best gift you could give me is just getting to see you on my birthday,' you think to yourself. "A gift? You really didn't have to- or, I mean, you shouldn't have-! Not that I don't appreciate it, though...!" You don't typically struggle so much with your words, but you're still a little off your game after the lovely hug. It's like your mind is foggy, your tongue is twisted, and you simply can't think straight. Which isn't really new when you're around Monika, but today it's impacting you even more than normal. Maybe because you two are all alone for once, not surrounded by Sayori, Yuri, or Natsuki, or even any other students for that matter.
Monika gives a soft laugh. "I wanted to. Technically it's two somethings rather than one," she admits.
You find your mind racing as it tries to go over the potential possibilities. A book like Yuri? That would be very fitting, since you'd befriended Monika through the Literature Club.
You watch as she takes a gift box out of her bookbag, offering it to you with a sweet, "Happy birthday, Y/N."
God, you're definitely blushing. Like, fierce blushing. Either that or the school suddenly decided to turn fifty heaters on all at once. 'Geez, pull yourself together!! Act normal!' You internally berate yourself. If there had been any doubt before, it was all erased in this one instant- you were head over heels for your club president.
"Awh, thank you! It's nice of you." You accept the gift, examining it momentarily. As expected of the class star Monika, the box itself is wrapped perfectly. It's even your favorite color, with a matching ribbon tying it shut. Whether or not you're a sentimental person, you recognize that this is the sort of memento that could easily be kept for a long, long time. You glance back to your friend. "May I open it now?"
Monika nods. "Please do!"
You feel her gaze on you as you carefully untie the ribbon and open up the gift box to see what's inside.
She was right, it is more than one thing. They sort of go together though, you realize as you lift one of the presents up to admire it.
In your hand is a necklace. The chain is a light silver, and the pendant contains a pretty stone in the shape of a heart. The stone shimmers slightly as it reflects the light of the school hall.
"It's so pretty...!" You breathe.
"I'm glad, I thought it was pretty too," Monika says. She sounds calm, but when you glance at her you think she's ecstatic, but the expression is gone as soon as you blink, leaving you to wonder if it had been your imagination playing tricks on you. "It's your birthstone, did you notice?"
You hadn't noticed until she'd pointed it out, but it was indeed your birthstone. Monika is just... so very thoughtful. It's really no wonder she's so popular. "Thank you so much!!" You chirp, still somewhat surprised that she would go so far just for a birthday gift for you. You hadn't known her personally for very long, after all.
You set the necklace back down inside the box to bring out the other gift, another accessory- it's the same color as your birthstone necklace, but it actually reminds you of something else.
Yes, it's a big bow similar to Monika's own. If you were to wear it, it could even look like she and you were matching. You could just be reading too much into things, though...
"I.. love them. So much." You have an overwhelming urge to put your thoughts onto paper in order to give Monika the proper thanks that she deserves for being possibly the most generous person in existence, and because you feel like you're failing miserably at voicing just how touched you really are by these gifts. "I almost want to get you something in return...!"
Monika shakes her head in amusement. "It's your birthday, not mine." A contemplative finger rests on her chin as she adds, "Although... there is something you could do for me. If you wouldn't mind, of course."
Perplexed, you respond without giving yourself a chance to think about it. "Anything!"
You're rewarded with an affectionate smile from Monika, but it seems as though she was expecting that to be your answer.
She extends a hand for the gift box that you've already set both the bow and necklace back in, inquiring, "May I?"
Wordlessly, your intrigue piqued, you hand it back to her. She takes the bow out first, stepping closer to you.
It's not foolish of you to have been anticipating a kiss- even now you could very easily initiate one if you so chose, because of how terrifyingly close Monika is to you as she gently pulls your hair back for you, tying it back with the Y/FC bow and even brushing a stray lock of hair from your face after she does so.
While you're struggling to recover from your short-circuiting, Monika takes the necklace and places it around your neck. The brush of her fingers sends sparks of static against your skin, and you feel as if time is standing completely still, and it's just you and her in this world.
The faint click of the necklace as it clasps shut is what brings you back to reality, and all too soon Monika is stepping away from you again, still close but at a much more reasonable distance away.
She appraises your appearance and then smiles softly. "As I thought."
Is she being mysterious on purpose or does being around her just happen to kill your brain cells? "E-Eh?"
"You look lovely, Y/N."
The compliment makes you want to bury your face in your hands in the futile hopes of hiding your blush, but by now it's probably too late for that.
You stutter out your thanks, desperately trying to mend your scattered thoughts, and she once again wishes you a happy birthday, reminding you as well to bring your poetry assignment to the club meeting tomorrow.
As she's leaving, you realize you never got the chance to ask about the strange behavior she'd exhibited during the meeting with the other students.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
My Sweet Rose, Chapter 1
TITLE: My Sweet Rose CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 1 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are secretly a little but no one knows, one day you decide to check out a local BDSM club to try and get a feel of the community. You meet a handsome stranger that, over the next few months, shows you all about the lifestyle. However, one day… he vanishes without a word. 
RATING: M NOTES: Daddy/little dynamic & Flashbacks will be in Bold.
I’m not sure how long this story will be, I’m thinking no more than 5 chapters though. But I saw the imagine and omg I love it, had to do something with it. Haven’t written anymore of it yet but just HAD to share the first chapter so far, oops! lol. 
Rosie had been working and living in the Avengers tower for a week now, it was going really well. And it was helping to keep her mind occupied, getting her back on her feet after such a rough year.
She was a PA for Stark, and the other Avengers if they needed anything too. It was helping her cousin, Pepper out a lot. As Stark was very demanding nowadays and the others were becoming that way too.
It was also good for Rosie. She’d had a really tough year. She met someone a few years ago in a BDSM club, it had been her first time there after spending months building up the courage to go. She was a little, and had been wanting to find someone that she could feel safe with to explore that side of her.
She met a man, who was charming and handsome. Kind, funny. They fell in love, or so she thought anyway. He was the perfect Daddy Dom for her, teaching her everything and looking after her. She adored and loved him so much. Which is why when one day he just vanished, it was all the harder for her.
He just never returned after saying he had to go home to visit his family, who lived in Iceland apparently. But he did that regularly and always returned to her. But not that time. To say she was heartbroken when there was not even a call or a text from him explaining why was an understatement.
His name was Loki. And it became clear what happened a few months later after his disappearance, she saw him on the news. Loki, the God Of Mischief, was trying to take over the world. She couldn’t believe it and thought she was dreaming when she realised it had was her Loki. He looked different in the heavy armour, he looked scary.
But she thought no wonder he left her, he was a God and a Prince after all. What would he have wanted with her in the first place anyway?
She had tried a couple of times to date someone else, but never made it past the first date. As they just… weren’t him. No matter how often she tried to just forget about him. It was difficult.
She’d fallen into a downward spiral, not even able to go to work. So she had lost her job and was on benefits for a while. She became really anxious and nervous.
But here, in the tower, she was trying to turn herself around again. It had been one man, even if he had been her first true love, in her heart anyway. She knew she would heal, in time. Even if it had been over a year.
Rosie had been so engrossed in sorting out some paperwork for Tony that she never noticed the newcomer coming into the kitchen. She barely even registered Thor introducing her to him. ‘This is Rosie, our PA, she’s new here.’
Not until she heard an all too familiar voice responding that sent shivers down her spine and sent her heart racing.
‘Rosie… My sweet Rose?’
There was only one person who had ever called her that.
Slowly she looked up, eyes widening, standing before her was Loki.
‘Oh my sweet Rose, you’ve done Daddy so proud.’ Loki purred gently as he cradled her in his lap.
She felt so safe and secure, curled up against him as he wrapped a blanket around her naked body. Knowing how cold she always got after they’d played together quite so intensely.
Loki rocked her back and fore softly as he ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her. She was trembling a bit after her orgasms, Loki had pushed her almost past her limit, but he knew. He always knew when to stop at the right time.
He was an intense Daddy, and could be really strict at times. But he was fair and ever so kind. He had his goofy moments and was extremely playful too, which she loved. He was never angry with her, always calm and collected. Even when she misbehaved, not that that happened often.
She clung to his shirt so tightly, never wanting to let go. Loki had to carefully remove her hand from his shirt just so he could change them into a different position, getting them both under the blanket so he could have her snuggled up next to him. He knew she would fall asleep soon.
‘Daddy.’ She whispered quietly, sounding so vulnerable.
‘Yes, my little one?’ Loki asked, engulfing her small hand in his large one.
‘Can you sing to me?’
Loki smiled. ‘Of course, my sweetling.’
He began singing to her in Asgardian, but he had told her before it was Icelandic. She had no reason not to believe him, especially since he told her he’d grown up there with his parents.
But he had a beautiful voice, she always loved to hear him sing.
She felt so loved as he she drifted off to sleep to the sound of his voice. She faintly remembered a gentle kiss on her forehead just before she fell asleep.
Thor was confused at their interaction, especially as Rosie said nothing at first. Just stared at Loki in utter disbelief.
‘No…’ She shook her head and took a step backwards. ‘You… You don’t get to call me that anymore.’ She said quietly, her voice trembling as tears came to her eyes.
‘Rosie? What’s wrong, did he hurt you?’ Clint asked upon seeing the reaction.
Rosie grabbed the pile of paperwork off the table beside her and she ran off out of the kitchen, with tears falling down her face.
Clint turned to Loki. ‘You’ve got some explaining to do.’ He snapped at him.
‘I have nothing to explain to you, Hawk.’ Loki snarled.
Natasha and Pepper saw Rosie running out of the kitchen in floods of tears, they ran after her into her room. Natasha managed to grab the door before it closed on them.
‘Rosie? Rosie, what’s wrong?’ They both asked as they rushed in to her.
Rosie threw the papers on her bed and she started pacing back and fore, shaking and crying with her arms wrapped around herself. Pepper grabbed her and pulled her down to sit on the bed.
‘Rosie, please speak to us.’ She pleaded with her cousin as Natasha sat at the other side of her.
‘It… It’s him…’ She sobbed.
‘Who? Loki? Did he scare you? I told him not to be an asshole to anyone.’ Natasha said angrily.
‘He… He’s the one. Who I dated before.’ She blurted out, making Pepper and Natasha go silent in shock.
‘But… how?’ Pepper asked.
‘I met him one night in a club. And we dated for eleven months. I was in love with him, utterly and completely. I thought he was with me too. But then he just vanished and never came back one day. Then a few months later, I saw him on the TV… I didn’t tell anyone it was him, because I thought no one would believe me anyway. And what did it matter? It wouldn’t change anything.’ Rosie blurted out between crying.
‘Oh, Rosie. I wish you had told me.’ Pepper pulled her into a hug and cradled her head against her. ‘It’s ok, shhh, shhh. It’s going to be ok.’
Natasha rubbed her back softly. ‘If we had known, we would have warned you he was coming here. I’m so sorry.’
Rosie shook her head and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. ‘No… It’s my fault, I should have told you. I just… it’s a shock to see him face to face.’
Natasha and Pepper nodded in understanding.
They stayed with her for a little while, then when she told them she was ok and was going to take a shower before bed, they left her to it.
But it ended up being the longest shower ever. She kept thinking about Loki and what they had together before.
Kept thinking of when they first met…
Rosie was super nervous when she walked into the BDSM club. But after months of talking herself into it, she finally had the courage to do it.
She didn’t dare tell any of her friends what she was into or what she was doing, perhaps foolish in a way as no one knew where she was. And she was on her own. But she was too embarrassed to tell anyone. Her friends wouldn’t understand.
She relaxed a tiny bit once she was there, noticing other people on their own as well. Getting a few drinks down her helped with her nerves too.
Some of the people she spoke to briefly were really nice. She met a lovely couple at the bar who asked if it was her first time there. They told her if she needed anything to feel free to ask them, not to be shy. That everyone there was really nice and friendly.
There were various demos on that she watched, there was a lot more to some scenes than met the eye. It really made her realise how on sites such as Fetlife and others, it was easy to get sucked into the wanna-be-Dom’s who likely had no idea what they were doing. Or how much safety came into it all.
‘Excuse me, I don’t mean to bother you but I was wondering if you’d like to join me for a drink?’ A beautiful voice came from beside her when one of the demos on aftercare just finished.
Rosie turned and her breath was taken from her as she gazed up at an incredibly tall and handsome man.
‘I… I… Yeah, I would like that, thank you.’ Rosie stammered out, nodding over enthusiastically.
He grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth as he put his hand out towards her. ‘My name is Loki.’ He introduced.
‘I’m Rosie.’ She smiled up at him and put her hand into his. That’s when she noticed his gorgeous hands, so big and he had such long fingers. She blushed hard when he raised her hand up and he kissed the back of it, making her skin tingle like crazy.
‘Pleasure to meet you, Rosie.’ He said charmingly.
Loki gave her his arm and led her over to a free table near the bar. She was really nervous, and Loki could tell. But he soon had her at ease, just chatting away to her calmly and making her laugh almost straight away. She slowly began to relax in his presence.
‘Is this your first time here?’ He asked after buying them both another drink.
‘Is it that obvious?’ She cringed, making him chuckle.
‘Kind of. You did look a bit like a deer in the headlights. But that’s normal for first timers.’ Loki winked at her.
‘So, I’m guessing that means you’ve been here before?’
‘It does.’ He nodded. ‘Not often, it’s probably my fourth visit. Mainly just trying to meet new people, meet anyone that may potentially be interested in a Daddy Dom.’
Rosie’s eyes widened and she suddenly fell shy again as she looked down at her glass and swallowed hard. Loki raised an eyebrow, instantly realising that she was a little. He suspected she was a sub, but hadn’t been sure about the little aspect or not.
Loki leaned forward over the table towards her a little more. ‘Let me take a quick stab in the dark here… But I am presuming that you are a little?’
Her mouth opened and closed again. Then she just opted for nodding in response instead of trusting her voice to actually work.
Loki smiled softly. ‘Nothing to be shy about, sweetheart. That’s why lots of people come to these clubs, to meet their person.’
‘I… I guess so.’ She agreed.
They continued to talk for over an hour, not much about BDSM which Rosie found quite pleasant. He didn’t seem to want to jump straight in so quickly, which in turn made her trust him more and relax.
At the end of the night, Loki handed over a small card with his number on it. ‘There’s absolutely no pressure at all. But I’ve really enjoyed my night with you, Rosie. I would love to take you out on a date, perhaps out for lunch Saturday? But there’s no pressure, I don’t need an answer right now. Just text or call me to let me know. But if I don’t hear from you, that’s ok too. I totally understand.’
Rosie’s heart was racing. Could he get any more considerate? He wasn’t pressuring her at all, not asking for her number. Not even expecting her to contact him if she didn’t want to go on a date with him. Not even needing an answer straight away, what a gentleman.
Loki walked her outside the club and hailed a taxi for her, he even paid in advance for her, not taking no for an answer.
‘I just want to make sure I know you’ll get home safely. And I can’t help it, it’s the protective Daddy in me.’ He shrugged and chuckled, making her giggle shyly.
‘Thank you, Loki.’ She smiled widely at him as she got into the taxi and he closed the door for her once she was in.
He waved her off and she couldn’t stop smiling the whole way home.
Of course, she did text him the following morning to say she would love nothing more than to go on a date with him on Saturday. If that was still what he wanted, too.
Loki replied within a minute, with a time and a place for their first date.
‘How DARE you!’ Pepper roared at Loki and launched for him, slapping him across the face. It barely made him flinch, but he clenched his jaw as he glared at her.
Everyone was surprised at Pepper’s outburst.
‘Woah, what did he do?’ Bruce asked.
‘HE is the one that broke my cousin’s heart. She was head over heels in love with you, asshole. Then you just disappeared on her, left her alone without even an explanation. No note, nothing.’ She snarled at him.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Not that it’s any of your business, but I did what was right. To protect her. She was better off without me.’
‘You did NOT do what was right. You have no idea what you’ve put her through this past year, how heartbroken she was. Still is!’ Pepper screeched.
Loki faltered. ‘Still is? Did she not find another, she’s a beautiful, incredible woman. How could she not find ano’
‘You are such a fucking idiot!’ Pepper screeched angrily and so wanted to slap him again, but she knew it was pointless.
The guys around him all put their face into their hands.
‘What?’ Loki asked, looking around.
‘That’s a low blow, man. Not even leaving her a note.’ Said Tony.
‘I… I thought I was doing the right thing.’ Loki said, looking at Thor.
Thor nodded. ‘I did not realise that your Rose was this Rosie… But yes, Loki thought he was doing right by her. He was in love with her, adored her. Never shut up about her. But when he discovered his true heritage on a short visit home, he decided not to go back to her. In fear of hurting her.’ Thor explained.
Pepper ran her hands down her face.
‘Well, you failed on that. You probably hurt her more by not at least saying you were over. You have no idea what she’s been through this last year.’ Pepper shook her head in disgust at Loki.
The team all murmured between them and left the room, leaving Loki with Thor.
For the first time in a long time, Thor saw his real brother back. He saw true emotion on his face again, sorrow and guilt.
‘I… I did not mean to hurt her.’ Loki said, still a bit confused. ‘I loved her, Thor… I do love her. I never stopped thinking about her, never loved another.’ He whispered.
Thor sighed and walked over to him, patting his shoulder. ‘I know, brother. I know.’
Loki thought back to the first time she had called him Daddy. How much it made his heart happy that she trusted and wanted him so much…
Rosie and Loki were snuggling on the sofa together, watching some cartoons that she loved. Loki wasn’t overly fond of them, but it made her happy so he always obliged. He was just happy to have her on his lap, comfortable and relaxed in his arms. Where she belonged.
He was lightly stroking her back underneath her top, making her skin tingle. She was in utter heaven, and Loki couldn’t get enough of just simply touching her. He needed touch in some way, whether he was just holding her hand or had the tips of his fingers on her skin, he needed and craved the intimacy with her.
Loki’s fingers trailed a bit too far to her side and up a little, making her squirm and giggle.
‘Daddy, that tickles!’ She laughed and tried to grab his hand to stop him.
But he had already stopped, freezing at what she said. That was the first time she had called him that, even in little space.
The biggest smile spread across his face and he buried his face into her hair and squeezed her tightly to him.
‘Sorry, my sweet little one. I forgot how ticklish you are.’ He purred.
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