#i hate my timetable as well
flwrshee · 9 months
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
i'm actually about to kill someone at this fucking university and i won't be sorry at all
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chappellrroan · 2 months
bhai main thak gaya
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vgilantee · 1 year
dorm room antics {ethan landry}
ethan landry x fem!reader
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requested: n/a
words: 2k
a/n: surprise! turns out when my brain decides to work, i can write a 2k word fic in three hours. which means you guys get a march fic! this fic is part of what i like to call “char’s ethan fic universe” in which i haven’t written any other fics, but it’s all apart of the long ask i sent julie (this one here) so i will mention a couple things here that reference it. Also on referencing things, i was tempted make a star wars reference in here, but julie doesn’t need more reasons to point and laugh at me and call me a star wars nerd (julie would never point and laugh at me, i love her). This is not a smut but things get a little steamy. There may be an alternate version that starts the same but is nsfw (oh my god finding a gif for this fic was too hard and this isn't even the one i wanted, but tumblr hates me)
warnings: steamy!, if you were reading fanfics in the 2000s/early 2010s this would count as an orange
pronouns: none used
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You had everyone’s timetables memorised, all of you did. It was one of the first things the four of you did at the start of each semester; you sat down and learned each timetable so you always knew where each other was throughout the day. It was how you knew that Chad would be out of his dorm. 
You knocked on the door, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Ethan didn’t know you were coming over, you wanted to surprise him with your company on his day free of classes. After your first and only class of the day, you would usually be with Mindy in the library or Tara in one of her lectures. But Mindy had ditched you to spend time with Anika, and Tara was in bed with the flu. Not that you needed the excuses to spend time with Ethan, but Mindy didn’t entirely trust him, so the excuses were required to satiate her. 
The sounds of moving around came through the door, and you heard Ethan muttering that he was coming. 
“Oh, hey.” Ethan’s curls bounced a little as his head tilted in surprise. He gave you a dopey smile and stepped to the side, letting you move past him and into the room. You had been in the dorm a few times, but you still couldn’t help turning in a slow circle to look around. On his bed was a textbook and notebook, as well as various pens scattered on the sheets. 
“Sorry, did I interrupt your studying?” You turned back to face him, lazily pointing at the study supplies on his navy sheets. Ethan blinked, almost as if he forgot the stationery was even there, before shaking his head. As he did, you noticed just how long his curls have gotten, falling into his eyes more than usual.
“No. I mean yeah but-” He bit his lower lip gently. “You’re always welcome to interrupt my study.” Ethan’s mouth quirked in a shy smile, trying to hide how he cringed at what he said. 
You took a step toward him and reached your hands up to his shoulders, lazily looping them around the back of his neck. Almost immediately, Ethan’s hands moved around your waist and pulled you flush against him. 
“Are you sure? I can leave you to your…” you glanced over at his bed to try and decipher what subject he was studying, “I have no idea what that is but I’m sure it’s important.” You felt the breath of Ethan’s laugh against your hair. 
“It’s programming and yeah, I’m sure.” You turned back to him, making quick glances down at his mouth that was so close. “Don’t leave.” Ethan’s voice was barely a whisper, embarrassed but pleading, and you stopped fighting the voice in your head and leaned up to finally kiss him. 
It quickly deepened, one of your hands moving to his face and the other weaving into his hair. Ethan’s fingers dug into your waist, pulling you even closer to him, so close that one of his feet ended up between yours.
When you pulled back to take a breath, you kept your eyes closed, foreheads rested together. 
“Bed?” You felt his hands tighten slightly as your breath hit his mouth. You and Ethan had slept together before, but only a handful of times, and every time Ethan started out quietly excited, and shy. 
Ethan let out a single hum before dropping his hands to the backs of your thighs, encouraging you to jump lightly and wrap your legs around his waist. As soon as he was sure you’re safely held up, he took the five steps from the door to his bed. You expected him to place you on the bed, but instead he turned and sat down, sitting you on his lap. As soon as you’re comfortable (which took a fraction of a second) you pulled him forward by the back of his neck, reigniting the kiss more desperately. You left one hand weaved into his curls, but the other dropped to grip his bicep. 
His hands slide up from your thighs, pausing briefly on your ass to give the muscles a gentle squeeze. You rolled your hips gently forward in response to the squeeze, and you felt the light vibration of his hum against your mouth. Ethan moved his hands up a little further, encouraging your movement, and you gently bit his bottom lip. Ethan opened his mouth and the kiss quickly became messier, tongues rolling against each other and teeth occasionally bumping. 
As you moved to pull away, you pulled Ethan’s tongue into your mouth and sucked on it gently pulling a moan from deep in his throat. You opened your eyes, seeing him with his cheeks flushed red and his eyes still closed, his mouth opened slightly. 
You could never get over how pretty he was, especially when so flushed. And you always felt a swell of pride because you were the one able to get him like that and the only one who got to see the sight underneath you. 
Ethan slowly opened his eyes, pupils blown. He slowly raised a hand, pushing some of the hair that had fallen out of its place in your ponytail behind your ear before quickly leaning down and gently bit and kissed at your neck. Your head rolled to the side, desperately exposing more skin for him to give attention to. His tongue rolling over his teeth marks elicited gasps from you, your fingers lightly tugging at his hair in a silent plead for more. 
A soft moan broke from your throat as Ethan bit down, slightly harder, and sucked, determined to leave a deep mark. You pulled harder at his curls in retaliation and rolled your hips against him. Ethan dragged his tongue across the mark, continuing to move it up your neck and along your jaw until his mouth meets yours again for a short kiss. 
“You sure?” Regardless of how many times you made it clear to Ethan that you wanted him, he always asked, checked to make sure that you hadn’t changed your mind. You rolled your hips again in a silent reply.
“Completely.” Ethan let out a whimper before pulling your hips down, letting you feel his need for you under your core. You let out a choked sound before pulling Ethan into a rough kiss that left him gasping. 
For every roll of your hips, Ethan responded with a sound against your mouth, though it didn’t take long for him to begin retaliating instead with soft thrusts upward. Your head fell back with a breathy moan, and Ethan quickly began pressing open mouthed kisses to your throat, humming every time he felt you make sounds. 
“Ethan.” You whispered out his name and his hips twitched forward, further into you than his teasing rolls. Using the hand in his hair, you pulled his face back to you, and your other hand slid down his chest before slipping under the hem of his shirt. Your fingertips grazed across his abs, and you smiled against his mouth as stomach flinched from your touch. Your hand continued to move up to his chest, dragging his shirt with him, until you pulled away, silently begging for him to take off his shirt.
Ethan dragged his hands from your waist, across your thighs, prolonging taking his hands away from you, but finally he did, following your quiet ask and took off his shirt. You raked your fingernails down his chest to his stomach pulling a whimper from Ethan, before your hands quickly moved to loop around the back of his neck, moving to kiss him as his warm hands met your skin again, one hand snaking under your shirt to rest on the bare small of your back, and the other resting softly on your cheek.
You gently let out a moan as Ethan bit down on your bottom lip, your nails digging softly into the skin on the nape of his neck.
“Oh, fuck!” Chad’s sudden voice caused you to jolt. You hadn’t even heard the door open, you were so engrossed in the feeling of Ethan. Ethan quickly pulled away from you, and you tried not to follow after his suddenly-missing mouth. “Ew, that is so not what I wanted to see in my dorm.” You rolled your eyes, flipping Chad off over your shoulder. 
You tried to fight the soft smile as Ethan pressed his face into the side of your neck, wanting so desperately to hide from his roommate. His soft curls brushed against your skin, raising goosebumps. 
Turning to follow the movement of your arm, you glared at Chad, who had a hand over his eyes while dramatically using the other to feel around for his side of the room. 
“Oh fuck off, Chad.” You said with a slightly amused laugh. Ethan sighed into your neck and the sudden breath made you realise that you were gently stroking his hair. Your fond smile won against your fighting as Ethan hid. 
“This is my room!” Chad threw his hand up, keeping the one already over his eyes pressed firmly in place. “Now, are you done dry humping each other so I can grab my shit?” You reached for the bed beside where Ethan was sitting and grabbed one of his pens, throwing it at Chad but missing. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Slowly, ever the drama queen, Chad peels his hand from his eyes, letting out an exaggerated sound of relief.
“I can’t believe you almost defiled my poor, virgin eyes.” He pressed a hand to his heart while walking toward his desk to grab his forgotten textbook. “Corrupting my innocent soul with your filth.” You threw another pen at him, this one hitting him square in the head. 
“Innocent, my ass.” Chad let out an indignant gasp. “Don’t you,” you mocked the sound he made, “me, fucker. I’ve walked in on you doing worse.” He gasped again. 
“I would never!” His voice was weighed down with sarcasm and he pressed his textbook to his chest. Chad tsked at you before walked back to the door. “Don’t get cum stains on my bed, assholes.” Ethan let out an embarrassed groan against you skin, and you flipped Chad off again.
“I’m going to move to your bed just to spite you.” Chad scrunched his nose in disgust and Ethan pulled back from your neck to stare at you in shock, praying you weren’t serious.
“You’re fucking disgusting.” Chad, ever the dramatic, pulled the door shut, ensuring that he got the final word. When you looked back to Ethan, he was still looking at you, eyes wide in horror. You winked at him with a smile. 
“You wouldn’t..?” You snorted out a laugh and your head fell back, shaking your head. 
“Fuck no.” You ran the backs of your fingers across his cheek softly, revelling in the embarrassed flush on his cheeks. Ethan sighed, leaning into your fingers. “He would be so lucky.” His mouth dropped open again and you leaned forward to kiss him on the tip of his nose. Ethan let out a contented hum, and the soft sound caused your hips to grind against him on their own. Once again, Ethan’s fingertips dig into the soft flesh of your waist.
“Did he ruin the mood?” Your voice was shy, unsure whether his bruising fingers was a warning to stop, or him trying to hold back. 
“No. Not for me.” Ethan leaned forward as he spoke, saying the words against your shoulder before pressing a light kiss to your skin, rolling his hips up lightly against you to pull a sigh from you while your head rolled back. “Not when you look like that on my lap.” Neither you nor Ethan knew where his confidence came from, but you quickly pushed your questioning aside as he pulled your core down against the tightness in his trousers and bit down on your shoulder softly. 
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moot tagging: @websterss
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quirklessidiot · 7 months
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title: hell's favorite secretary [sneak peak] pairing : Devil!Ryomen Sukuna x F!Lost soul!reader [based on the webtoon 'the devil is a handsome man', DC Comics "Lucifer", and the book and video game 'Dante's inferno'] Genre: Alternate Universe-Hell, angst, mystery/thriller, mild horror, romance, slow burn, hell au, dark comedy, lost soul x devil au
Summary: The faceless man shrouded in mystery tends to be a subject of rumors and false pretenses, but you'd think otherwise when you accidentally caught sight of those grueling red eyes.
General warning for the story: graphic depictions of heavy gore (manslaughter, mayhem, and torture), and explicit sexual scenes, more will be added per chapter. this will be exclusively released in ao3 in december <3 Notes: after reading a couple of pages of dante's inferno, reading lucifer (the comic book), and the devil is a handsome man, it sort of struck my interest to write this story! this is a pretty long series and im actually so excitied to write this lol.
if you're a person heavily practicing the catholic faith, i won't recommend reading this series as this talks and leans on the devil (i'm not a satanist pls), he's not glorified here in anyways but I do recall people who lean heavily on the faith are not fond of reading any media depictions of the devil.
i hope you enjoy! rb's are always appreciated.
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There are possibly hundreds of artworks about the devil. 
The most famous one is that snake hanging off the forbidden tree or, better yet, a half-animal and half-human. Others would be an ugly babe falling down from the heavens. The most popular modern one would be the one in red with horns on his head, yet your boss did not resemble any of those impressions. Instead, he wore a three-piece suit and had a hole right in the middle of his face.
Yes, you heard that right.
A hole. 
All you could see was an empty void of black nothingness. Nobara had said that Sukuna – yes, the devil went by that name — would never show his face to lost souls like you because, as an angel before, seeing him in his proper form would result in instantaneous combustion. 
Despite that good reason, talking to him was still disconcerting. The whole situation remained to be anomalous.
The ringing thoughts about your previous conversation with your workmate replay in your head like a broken record, your eyes trickling on the piles of paperwork across the window that revealed your boss leaning against the table with his usual outfit and pink tufts of hair neatly styled away.
You recalled meeting him for the first time and wondering why he seemed somewhat familiar. You had overtly eyed him up and down. Despite the hole in his face, he had caught on quickly and asked what exactly you were doing. Until now, you couldn’t understand the physics behind how he could even see you and talk.
You purse your lips in deep thought as lines form in the middle of your head. You don’t even feel your boss walking up to you on your desk, “Seems like someone’s head is up in the clouds this morning.” he points out.
You immediately sat up straight, your shoulders squared, “Sukuna, Sir…” you jumped, eyeing him somewhat warily. 
Despite how he made you feel, the devil was not exactly a strict boss. 
He’s rather lax and did not mind procrastination and passing your work at the last minute as long as you did it well. He works on proper hours, gives vacation and leaves, and an appropriate timetable for lunch breaks. 
He’s hard to hate for a being who's been blamed for man’s misfortune since time immemorial.
“Was the long weekend still not enough?”
“I’m not exactly a sloth, Sir,” you mumble to yourself, but he catches onto your words and remains unphased. It's uncharacteristic for you to say anything more to him, but you needed a good starter for this conversation to get on,  “...Although, I-uh…I do have a question…You remembered our contract, sir?”
One thing that humans were able to grasp correctly about hell and its king is the contract signing and how the devil gives out favors in exchange for something you truly hold dear. For you, since you’re a lost soul, in exchange for changing your status, you’d give proper work hours and help him capture at least eight hundred itinerants.
You’re running on two hundred and fifty so far.
“Oh?” he leans in closer, “That’s not something we talk about every day.” his body language remains fluid and guileless as if he wanted you to speak your mind more, and it only made your palms sweaty despite the coldness of the room, “Would you like to change some conditions? I am, after all, a fair man.” His voice is crisp and light, a charm that made up for his empty face.
“I- well, I’m going to be frank with you, Sir…” you blink, “I- um,” you start to stammer, and it only makes your stomach do different kinds of flips as your mind conjures up different types of worst-case scenarios. It’s not like you couldn’t become a soul after this, right? You’d only have to wait for a century and try to retain your sanity along with it.
He cocks his head to the side, and if you could paint a face on that void of nothingness, you’d wish it would be kind eyes looking down on you, but this was the devil, the man who was struck down from the heavens for being too ‘arrogant and malicious’. You need to be careful with your words, “I…I need information…” you swallowed, your words tumbling out clumsily.
“Information?” your boss remained relaxed, and you knew it was rather diabolic to even pray for God when you were literally in hell, but you had little to no way of reading him. There’s another round of stifling silence; you only want to melt into a puddle of goo this time.
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welcometololaland · 5 months
(i know it's not a wip-day, please don't yell at me, this is just to encourage myself).
The pause on the other end of the line tells Henry that Pez hasn’t revealed his masterplan to Bea. “You left Pez in Rome?”
“Why would I leave him?” Henry asks, perplexed. “He left me. He’s probably on an extravagant yacht in Mallorca, embroiled in a bridge tournament with several incredibly wealthy Spanish women.”
“That’s very specific.”
“But terribly on brand,” Henry insists. “In any case, he didn’t tell me where he was going, only that he wanted me to get out of my comfort zone.”
“Oh, I’ll kill him with my bare hands,” Bea threatens, which Henry hates to admit is incredibly endearing. “He left you alone?”
“Well, not alone..."
“He left you with a stranger?!”
“Sort of,” Henry says quickly. “Although, I must admit that—”
“Are you being held against your will, Henry? Because you should—”
“What? No, Bea, I’m fine.”
“I’ve seen ‘Taken’,” Bea says seriously. “I know how this goes.”
“Bea, I promise you,” Henry repeats. “If Alex is in the human trafficking business, he’s atrocious at his job. He can barely read a train timetable and he doesn’t know a single word of French.”
“Is French really necessary for human trafficking?” Bea asks, apparently still confused. Henry doesn’t blame her, he’s still a little confused by the Alex situation.
“It is if you’re in France.”
“Right,” Bea says, apparently still unconvinced. “I think you better explain.”
just tagging in my angels @rmd-writes and @celeritas2997 in case they're interested to read &lt;3
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natashasnoodle · 11 months
Pigtails | Robin Buckley x Reader
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Masterlist | R.B Masterlist
Words: 2.3k
Summary: Robin was mean to you in elementary school and now there's an opportunity to be friends like you once were, or perhaps possibly more.
Robin's name felt awful on your tongue. Robin Buckley. The girl who had been a thorn in your side since you were five, the start of elementary school. She infuriated you like no other person in the world could.
During your first interaction, you were a tiny kid wanting to make friends with everyone who you came into contact with, Robin included. And you and a group of six other children had been friends for a while. You enjoyed her company, she also liked doing rough play of wrestling and rolling in the mud, making empires in the sandpit, and sprinting around as fast as you could to try and catch the other in tag. There were a few occasional sleepovers thrown in the mix as well whenever both of your parents could agree on playdate times.
Though at around the age of nine, Robin developed a sudden interest in annoying you in the most pestering ways possible. She enjoyed mocking whatever you said in a high-pitched tone, pushing you around too roughly in games, and sticking her leg out to trip you. You took it to heart and didn't want to put up with her anymore. If the girl didn't like you then she could have just said instead of trying to make your life a living hell.
It was confusing though. She would still send you crooked smiles from across the room in class when she caught your eye, so clearly she didn't hate you. But still, you didn't like feeling humiliated and belittled during recess, so as you both grew and your friendship groups separated into smaller ones, the two of you joined different ones.
Due to the nature of the tiny town of Hawkins, you remained in the same schooling system throughout your whole educational life, and still sometimes ended up in the same classes. You'd mostly learned to just ignore her, especially since you haven't properly talked to her since you were eleven, she just wasn't on your radar anymore. Occasionally you would see her gaze lingering on your form for a second too long, but she would always look away immediately if you looked back at her. It was weird. But you didn't care enough to take much notice.
"Can someone please put me out of my misery", you groaned and flopped forward onto your backpack that was sitting on the cafeteria table when looking at your new timetable for senior year. Economics, Physics, Chemistry, and Maths as the first half of the day back to back. That was rough. Your friends just laughed at your pain, not having the same timetable as you it was very amusing to them.
With a small shake of your head, you looked at them with a scowl, before breaking out into a smile and shaking your head more, "You're all assholes and I hope that karma kicks your asses", you huffed out, shouldering your backpack and walking away with a mock grin on your face.
Walking through the wide hallway to your first class of the day, Economics, you worked hard to avoid all of the hustle and bustle of the crowded hall. As a freshman, you were most certainly part of the hustle and bustle, but as a senior, you could not be bothered with all that shit - walking around with a resting bitch face and using your shoulder to bash people out of the way if they flew into you without a care in the world.
Eventually, your room was reached and you walked in, holding in another groan at seeing half of the class lining up across the back of the room. That could only mean one thing, a seating plan. The classroom was set up to be desks for two, and none of your friends were in your Economics class meaning that you would be seated next to someone random.
You waited patiently at the back of the class with your peers, waiting for everyone to turn up so that the teacher could do the register and then get everyone seated. There were a few latecomers, and so it took absolutely forever for the register to be taken as the teacher was very insistent that everyone who was not ill today had to be in the room before seating everyone so that he didn't have to get the chart out again if someone showed up late.
So, fifteen minutes passed of awkward silence with people looking as though they would rather be in Hell than this classroom before the teacher could finally take the register. There was no one really notable other than Robin, but she wasn't really in issue. The two of you hadn't bothered each other in years. Within minutes your name was called to seat at one of the back corner tables. A Cheshire cat grin appeared on your face, that was the absolute jackpot.
Happily seated, you began to unpack your notebook and pens, and then you felt the presence of someone sitting down next to you. You turned your face, getting ready to be polite and say hi, but then you saw it was Robin who was smiling sheepishly at you with a small blush on her cheeks. "Hey", you said rather bluntly whilst writing the date at the top of your notebook. "Hi", she replied with a chipper tone, making you frown slightly whilst writing, your friendship ended rather awkwardly and yet she sounded completely unaffected by said awkwardness.
A tight-lipped smile appeared on your face when you looked at her in response before the teacher called everyone's attention back to the front. The class went ahead with no problems thus far, the both of you just jotting notes down. Until the teacher asked for a small partner discussion of the topic for the rest of the class. Internally, you rolled your eyes. You didn't have a problem with Robin as a person, she seemed perfectly lovely to everyone with some interesting hobbies and a decent sense of humour. It's just that you didn't want her potentially being the same as when you were kids, by making you feel small, even if the chance of that was small, you had both grown up after all.
"So... do you have any thoughts first?", she hesitantly asked, sensing an awkward tension. You shook your head and looked at her, seeing that she was looking at you softly like she always did making you feel slightly bad that you were being so blunt with her. "Okay...", she again spoke hesitantly before voicing a few of her thoughts to try and prompt you to join in with the partnered discussion that you had been asked to do. Though when you still remained ever silent, occasionally nodding along with blank eyes she grimaced slightly internally. "Is there- is there a problem?".
"Huh?", you spoke for the first time in a while, and even then it was barely a word. Robin's lips quirked to the side in thought, "You've barely said a word to me, and you seem a bit- I don't know... annoyed?".
A sigh escaped your lips, only further proving Robin's suspicions about the situation. This wasn't really a topic that you would have liked to get into in class, but it wasn't as though you could dodge the question. "Look... you may think that it's petty for having a grudge from like middle school or whatever- but we were friends and then one day you just started being like, I don't know, mean? I get that it wasn't bullying or anything but you just teased me a lot and it seemed to amuse you so I guess I just don't feel all that comfortable right now...", you explained with a soft tone.
Robin's eyes widened with panic as her cheeks blushed a deep red, "Oh... oh shit. It all came off like I was being mean?". You nodded which only made her kick herself for being so stupid. "Sorry, that really wasn't my intent at all, I'm not good with complicated social stuff".
Your head tilted, "What was complicated, Rob? We were friends and then there just seemed to be a sudden switch".
She winced ever so slightly, clearly nervous about the next few words, but also wanting to clear the air with you. "Okay... you know how parents say when little boys like little girls they pull their pigtails? Which I do not condone that message by the way, but yeah in this case it was kinda... right".
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. Robin had a little crush on you back when you were kids? It was kinda cute but also... she could have displayed it in a better manner, like picking you daisies on the field, not tripping you into a locker. "Do- do you still like me? Or was it just a middle school playground thing?".
Her head shook far too quickly for a natural response as she blurted out a no, causing a knowing smirk to appear on your face. "Uh huh... sure". Robin again blushed a deep red as her face scrunched up "...Would it bother you if I did?".
It took a moment to think about that, you played with the rings on your fingers to try and activate some brain cells into thinking. "I don't know. It's not really something I've ever thought of. I'm sorry". You felt bad, unrequited love was one of the worst things in the world. When she looked a bit like a kicked puppy at your confession you quickly jumped back in, placing a hand on her shoulder, "But it doesn't mean I can't start thinking about it, right? We haven't spoken properly in a while I feel like I don't know you as you are now, maybe we could I don't know... do like a trial date? If it goes well and we want to do another one it can be classed as the first one, and if not then we could be friends again. Sound okay?".
Robin's eyes lit up at you giving her a chance even after everything, "Yeah, sounds good. Sounds really good". You smiled with a smirk, "Okay, it's a date".
The car ride to Scoops Ahoy was rather awkward at first. It was the first time that you had hung out with each other alone outside of school for almost a decade, so conversing with each other was not natural yet. But, it was the same as any other date with people that you don't know, it's always slightly awkward until you find common ground within some small talk to branch off of.
Robin was playing with the rings on her fingers as you drove, clearly anxious that the current silence meant that the whole thing was doomed to be a car crash. This was something that she had been wanting since she was a kid, now it was here she was terrified of it being ripped away as soon as she got it.
When getting out of the car in the carpark, you sent her a reassuring smile. She smiled back as you took your steps into the mall, no one speaking. Admittedly, this probably was the longest you had been without talking on a date before. "So... what kinda hobbies are you into lately?". A cliche piece of small talk but it seemed essential so that you didn't cry from the awkwardness.
Robin seemed pleasantly surprised and gave a shy smile, "I still do music, and I like to ride my bike to different places that are quiet and just... sit. Might sound sad or whatever but-".
"No, no", you interrupted, the corners of your lips twitching up slightly, "That's not sad, It's nice. Serenity, peace. It's needed sometimes". She nodded, again pleasantly surprised, "And what about you?".
"Me? I still adore reading, and collecting tapes because I can never ever sit in silence", you chuckle slightly, Robin mirroring you. Before you knew it you arrived at Scoops and ordered your sundaes. Now that the ice was broken, there was consistent chatter, even though most of it was still small talk. So far, you'd covered the bases of your favourite foods, colours, what movies you like, what jobs you'd like to do, what you'd been up to in your teen years. But then you ventured onto existential topics and discovered that you both liked scaring yourself shitless by thinking about all the unknown.
From there conversation was like child's play. Anything and everything was discussed, and you even got onto planning which countries you wanted to visit and started discussing what you'd do if you went together. Robin mentioned how she had always wanted to go to France, and you both enthusiastically spoke about all of the tourist attractions within Paris that you'd seen in travel guides.
In terms of a date, you thought that it was going very well, considering how you had to be subtle about it because of society being an ass. But there were a few times where you made sure to brush your hand with Robin's and smiled out how flustered she seemed to get. It was nice.
As you shrugged your jacket back onto your shoulders you spotted a hiring poster on the wall and chuckled, "You should apply to work here so you can afford to take me on more dates", you teased. She laughed along with you, but then your head tilted when she seemed to look at the poster again to look at the details. "So, there'll be another date?", she asked when the two of you began heading out.
"You want one?". She nodded eagerly and you smiled gently, "Then yes, there'll be another one". You got into your car and watched as she got into the passenger seat. You were about to turn the ignition key when she grasped your hand and looked at you with sincerity, "Thank you for giving me another chance".
A grin appeared on your lips as you slowly nodded, "You deserved one, you're alright I suppose", you shrugged with a small smirk as she placed a hand on her chest with fake hurt before you both burst out laughing as you pulled out of the parking space, laughing again when you spotted a Scoops Ahoy hiring flyer stuffed into her jacket pocket. 
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
Taglist: @fxckmiup @itsdoni @rob1nbuckl3ys
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26/1/2024 (rough week, in desperate need of a hug)
yea so ladybird was right about that, been feeling very depressed for the past few months actually, nothing really makes me happy anymore. I swear I've been trying to find joy in the smallest things but it's been really hard. I have never talked about this before but I was diagnosed with su1c1dal depression a few years back, it was really bad but I did get better, some days worse than others and it started getting really bad the last few months. I don't have the drive to do anything, and studying has been especially hard but somehow I managed to pass my exams last term with decent grades and I've already got my term 3 exam timetable as well.........
there's really no other option other than to just keep going, I don't have time for breaks or shit bc like AS levels are just so far away yet so near and I have to start preparing for it srsly.
not really big on goals for this year, so here r the 2 goals that I want to or attempt to do this yr:
get over my fear of math(math was and still is my most feared sub and I think my fear of it is what makes me hate it and stops me from doing well in it, so I really wanna get over that fear this year, not completely but just get somewhat confident in it)
fix my sleep schedule, like get actually 7hrs of sleep every day and not just have a 3-4hr nap before waking up for skl
If you made it till here, thank u, ily and I hope u have a nice day xx.
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isylovesbigboys · 7 months
"𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬?”
ꕥ Synopsis: you go to surprise your boyfriend at work but accidentally embarrasses him, he make sure to show you whose boss in the elevator
—character: Kokonoi Hajime
—series: Tokyo Revengers
warning: mdni, smut, exhibitionist, blow jobs, fingering, ts!dom!kokonoi, sub!fem!reader
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Kokonoi snapped back, looking towards you with an irritated expression. After all, you did just accidentally walk into a meeting wearing nothing but stockings and an oversized shirt, which belonged to Koko. You thought it would be a funny idea to seduce your boyfriend, you had his timetable at work down to a T and was so sure you'd catch him alone whilst he was at work, however- this didn't go how you wanted it, you didn't mean for anyone else to see you, especially some of his closest co-workers of Bonten.
"Get out!" Koko yelled at you. "Or do I have to get you out myself?"
You stood in the doorway of his office as a shocked expression sprawled out upon your face. All eyes were gazed upon your semi-exposed body, You have never felt more dirtier than you did in that very moment. Kokonoi's expression didn't seem to change as he stood up and slammed his hands on his desk, looking more irritated than ever- you could practically feel the anger and shame radiate off him.
You fled his office in complete embarrassment, picking up your coat on the way, which you left over the arm of the chairs outside his office to cover yourself with. You swiftly made your way down the corridor, anxiously wandering around the building until you stumbled upon the elevator, looking nervously around hoping no one would recognise you, you waited for it. Thankfully, the 'ding' of the door opening put you at ease as you raced into the empty elevator, you sighed and rested against the metal handrail as the doors began to close.
A low, stern voice made its way to you as you turned around to find a semi-angry white haired man standing in between the doors, propping it open with his hands before stepping inside. You looked around nervously trying to avoid Koko's heavy gaze upon you.
"Koko, I'm-" you began to speak, a slight shake in your voice as you addressed him. You hated seeing him angry, although he's never been anything but gentle towards you, he was intimidating when he was angry and you prayed you were never on the receiving end of it. You winced, expecting him to shout loud at you.
"You're what? Sorry? Do you know how much of an embarrassment you were-" Koko spat at you, you could sense the hostility he was projecting, his tone was angry but his voice was quiet- trying not to make a scene. "- and look at you, is that my shirt? You're dressed like some slut. Are you even wearing clothes underneath that?"
Koko's words stabbed you like a knife, he made you feel so dirty,there was no love in his voice. You looked at him, still not speaking, his eyebrows were furrowed with a slight scowl on his face. Koko suddenly hit the emergency stop button and the elevator shook to a rugged halt, you lost your balance and tripped back into the corner, falling onto the floor. Koko stood still and stared at you as a slight smirk formed onto his face. He rolled up his sleeves as he walked towards you bending down to meet your eyes, he placed his index finger and thumb under your chin and lifted your face to meet his.
"So, y/n, are we going to finish what you started?
You can't deny you grew a little excited by his dominating tone, you became like putty in his hands when he acted like this. Suddenly, you were roughly lifted off of the ground by Kokonoi as he pulled you up by the arm without a warning. You let out a pained yelp but was quickly silenced by Kokonoi pushing you back, sandwiching you between the wall and himself.
"This isn't yours" Kokonoi spoke gesturing the top you were wearing. "Off. Now"
He commanded you. You felt hypnotised by his words and shamelessly did what he asked of you, your hands quickly made their way to the top button of your shirt but you started to fumble due to pure excitement, you grew agitated as you were struggling to undo them. Koko could see this. 
"Not fast enough, y/n" He teased, saying your name in a singsong tone, his voice was calm.
He started to grow impatient with you and ripped the top off himself throwing it, and your coat, onto the floor, leaving you in nothing but a black laced bra with matching undies he gave you as a present paired stockings. He scoffed at you and rolled his eyes, placing his hands on your bra, softly massaging your breasts, ever so slightly running his finger tips over your nipples earning a high pitched whine from you. Your breath hitched at his action and you slightly arched your back in response,breathing more heavily. You bit your lip trying to keep back any sounds your body wanted to make, not wanting to show how much you were intoxicated by his touch you were.
Kokonoi's soft lips then met with your jawline, he delicately left a trail of kisses down your neck, softly starting to suck on your skin , you mewled quietly at his actions. He did this several more times before spinning you around so you were facing the mirror, you looked disheveled as you could see several dark love bites on your neck, visible for everyone to see. He pressed himself against you bringing his hands back up to your breasts, he lifted up your bra so he could feel your pointed nipples, he rolled them between his warm index finger and thumb, every so often squeezing and flicking them, you whined more- drunk on his touches.
"Mmhm" You caved, you started to moan under his touch and lent your head back onto Koko's shoulder, closing your eyes.
"No, look in the mirror" He commanded "Look at yourself, getting felt up in public, you enjoy this don't you? God, you're such a slut"
You looked at yourself, he was right, your mouth was slightly opened, moans echoing around the elevator and he did barely anything, you were already left wanting more. You could feel yourself getting impatient and started squirming onto Koko's crotch, you could start to feel the wetness between your legs. It started getting uncomfortable. You wanted him so badly, you wanted him to do unspeakable things, suddenly you felt your left breast lose the warmth of his hand. His hands feathered it's way up to the corner of your mouth, touching your body on his way, his two fingers made its way to your mouth where they hovered above your lips.
"Now, y/n, suck these like the good girl you are, you can do that, yeah?
He asked as he shoved two fingers into your mouth, resting them between your teeth. You gasped slightly before running your tongue around his fingers, coating them in your spit. You swirled your tongue around them several times closing your eyes, imagining something bigger in its place. He then started to shove his fingers slowly back into your throat, hitting the back of it. He repeated this several times until he was satisfied, smiling at the act.
"Mmffph...mffmf...mngff "
You choked at the feeling, tears started welling up in the corners of your eyes as you were trying not to gag on his fingers, you clenched your fists trying to distract yourself from the uncomfortableness of his action.
"That's a good girl, take it all, there we go" he said gently to you, stroking your hair, as if he wasn't doing unspeakable things.
He took his fingers out of your mouth, coated in your thick spit which trailed from his fingers to his mouth. You slightly coughed looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing the drool fall from your mouth and your mascara smudged from the tears. He then bought those fingers down to your aching core- hovering just above it. He lovingly kissed the back of your neck then looked at you in the mirror. You gave him a nod, allowing him to carry on. He slid your underwear to the side with his other hand and slowly entered his fingers into you.
"Geez, y/n, have you seen the mess you made down here, I didn't even need your spit"
Those dirty words he said made you feel so slutty, but you loved the way he spoke to you. He started gliding his fingers in and out of you with great ease, your soft moans filling the elevator, he was lightly hitting your cervix and it was sending you over the edge.
"Mmhm, Koko, p-please. T-this feels so good" you moaned out to him, making him know how good he felt. "Go, faster, please"
He smirked at your sad attempt at begging, he curled his fingers and started moving more roughly inside of you, you felt a knot started to form in your lower stomach. Kokonoi used his free hand to add pressure to your clit, you saw him sucking his finger in the mirror before moving down there, so his fingers wouldn't be dry. He started rubbing your clit in circles as he sped up fingering your dripping cunt. You saw yourself in the mirror, you saw him in the mirror, he looked lustful. He didn't slow down his actions and the more he toyed with you the louder and louder your moans became, you started breathing more heavily. He knew you were close and he didn't want you to have all the fun so quickly, just before you could finish, he stopped and pulled his now soaked fingers out.
"Koko, ngh, w-why?" You said out of breath, damp hair from your sweat sticking over your eyes. You turned around and looked up at him- that's when you saw it out of the corner of your vision, a flashing red light. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, confused as to what the red blinking light belonged to. Koko saw your expression and looked up towards it. Now smiling.
"Oh that? Don't mind that? The boys are just having a good view from the camera they installed"
He said so nonchalantly, like he didn't hear what he said. Like his co-workers wasn't watching him doing such whoresome things with his girlfriend in the elevator. He looked back towards you, smirking down at the sight of you, oh how he loved to see you in this state, panting like his dog, he could ask you to do anything and you'd do it without a question.
"Let's put on a show for them, Princess"
He took his hands and bought them to his waist, he started to unbuckle his belt, making sure to keep eye contact with you whilst doing this. "Now, can you return the favour?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. It didn't take long before you got the hint, you knelt down on the ground before lightly touching him through his underwear, you could feel that he was hard, you put your mouth up to his bulge kissing him through his underwear, you could feel him tense up at your action. You grabbed the top of his underwear, bringing them down exposing himself to you.
You grabbed the base of his slightly leaking cock whilst putting your lips around his head, suckling on the top, soft grunts were heard coming from the man, his noises turned you on even more. You took more of him in your mouth- slowly moving your head back and forth. You closed your eyes imagining him fucking you senseless, it only drove you to go further. You took one of your hands and ran it over your nipple-craving more pleasure, moaning around his cock. This only made him buck forward, making his cock hit the back of your throat. His hand grabbed your hair in a fist and started moving your head himself, hitting the back of your throat with his cock.
"Mmffph...mffmf...mngff " the noises you made were like music to Kokonoi's ears, he let out several grunts and occasional moans.
"Playing with yourself, y/n? Keep going, let's see how filthy you are" Koko spoke in a seductive tone and he clenched his fist full of his hair, pulling you back slightly. You were a mess, you did exactly that.
You now had both hands on your nipples as Koko slowly used your mouth to fuck himself, spit drooling from your mouth landing on your chest, which you used to play with your nipples. You slightly traced around them, whilst flicking and twisting them gently- all whilst tears fell from your eyes as Koko hit your gag reflex again and again and again.
"You're such a good girl, y/n" Koko spoke with a devious tone, grunting between some of his words, a light flush covering his face. "now let's see how quick you'll come for me"
Koko pulled you away from his leaking cock, once again getting down to your level. He looked at you with such animalistic eyes, enjoying the view of you playing with yourself. "Don't stop what you're doing" He moaned into your ear, his hot breath left tingles all the way up your back and neck. He sat cross legged and smirked, inviting you to hop onto his lap, you slowly dragged your body onto him. Your core placed directly on top of his buldge. "Now, ride me" koko grinned. "Don't put it in though, you don't deserve that luxury"
You fell forward into his chest, your overstimulated nipples felt like they was going numb over your own teasing, but you didn't stop. You starting rocking yourself on him, your clothed core dripping, all the pleasures you built up felt like it was going to explode. Moans fell from your lips, you wouldn't be surprised if people on the outside heard you. You pressed down so your clit felt him, your hips sped up- you could heard Koko moan slightly, looking at you half-lidded, not taking his eyes away. You moved your hands to his shoulders, then around his neck pulling his head into your neck so he couldn't see your face, in exchange one of his hands traveled back up to your nipple- keeping the same pleasure as before, your body felt like it was going to explode.
"F-fuck~ Koko" moans spilled from your lips as you were reaching your climax, your hips aching from the movement but you refused to stop, you felt like your vision was going black as all the tension you felt down there released, you let out a loud, airy moan as you came to a slow stop, you pulled yourself closer to Koko, embarrassed from what you've just done.
"I think my princess has finally deserved my cock after that show, dontcha think?" Koko smirked, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom, ripping it open with his teeth before putting it on himself- you could barely keep yourself up above him, your legs were numb. You stared at him before pulling him into a kiss, your whole body felt like it was trembling. You pulled away from his lips, your body jumped as you felt his strong hands grab your hips, guiding you up so you you were lined up over his cock. Koko grabbed your underwear at the side and ripped them. "Not going to be needing these" he said,  his hands returned and he guided you down onto him, entering you.
You felt his thick cock travel through you, all the way up to touch your cervix, a loud moan escaped from your lips as a grunt did from his. You both were already breathing heavily, your hands was around his neck and you slowly started to ride him gently. Kokonoi put his hands on the floor and leant back, mouth agape and let out a moaned sigh. You rocked back and forth on him, the gentle pleasures flowing through you both, you grinded down hard onto him, trying to feel as much as him you could take, you could feel his cock hit your cervix, you sped up a little, moaning evertime he nudged your g-spot, moans erupted from both of your mouths. Soft moans of 'fuck' and 'oh gods' leaving your mouths. Koko held your hips still and he shuffled you both so he was leaning against the wall, he quickly bounced you down wanting to resume the feeling of your clenched walls around him, he decided to keep a tight hold on your hips- gripping harshly, wanting to take more control, he lifted you up and slammed you back down onto him, you let out a pained moan as he hit your cervix quite hard, he did this again...again...again...again...again. Koko let out loud groans, eyes full closed. Each time you were slammed down you let out a deep moans
"K-koko, holy shi-it" you cried out to him, letting out a long, loud, ungodly moan. "Don't stop,Koko, I swear please don't you dare stop"
He adored your begging, he groaned- Koko bucked his hips up in-sync with slamming you down, again and again. You were whining and moaning, begging him not to stop, your breasts bouncing against his chest, sweat dripping from body and heat radiating from his. you could tell koko was close as his grip became pained and he continued to speed up- his mouth started licking around your breasts, forcefully flicking your nipples with his tongue, trying to care for them equally. He rolled his tongue around your left nipple, taking it between his teeth gently biting, sucking gently whilst his right hand came up and started to abuse your other one, squeezing it hard and tugging on it. The pleasure became too much and you became overstimulated, the sudden amount of pleasure made the feeling in your core explode and you finished on him. He didn't slow down his movements and continued to pump into you, before finishing himself. You both collapsed, panting heavily, wet from sweat, clothes torn and chucked around the elevator.
"Koko- holy shit" you cried into his chest, smiling largely, still feeling pleasure from the sex, you rested your ear against his chest hearing his heart beat fast. He felt him place a kiss on your forehead "Sorry, I didn't mean, I didn't mean for this to be so intense, are you okay, y/n?" He asked, clearly out of breath, his voice seemed genuinely concerned, he was stroking your shaking thighs soothing you. You looked up at him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Yeah, I feel amazing" you giggled giddily.
You got off of him, sighing that there was nothing to clean you both up with, dreading what comes next. Koko adjusted himself and pulled out the emergency button, having the elevator restart up, he pressed the button to the top floor- his floor. You looked over at him " Koko? shouldn't we pop home and get cleaned?" Koko grinned. "Not yet, we need to get a little review from our viewers first" he winked at you, still grinning from your embarrassment, you were dreading going back to his office.
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nyamadermont · 2 months
This Isn't Going to Work
Angstpril 2024: Day 6 (1368 words)
“Lin, this isn’t going to work. I only have a couple of days in the city and I can’t predict when the baby will come. If you can’t take a day or two off to spend with me, I’ll just stay on the Island and not interrupt your schedule.”
“But Kya, I want to see you. It’s been months, and I miss you. We’ve been planning this raid for six months. I would risk my officers’ lives if I just took vacation time right now. Never mind what the council would say.”
“Oh, don’t bring my brother into this, Lin,” Kya groused.
Lin scoffed. “Your brother would be mad at me, but more for making you unavailable. He’s been on my back for three years to take a vacation.”
“Tenzin and I agree on something other than the fact he’s lucky Pema puts up with him.”
Lin froze.
Through a clenched jaw, she managed to respond. “No, I’m sorry, Kya. You’re right. This visit isn’t going to work out.”
Lin frowned at the timetables and weather charts spread out over Katara’s dining table. She was nearly in tears as she said, “Kya, this isn’t going to work. I have been gone for two weeks already. I’ve got to get Saikahn back to his usual duties. This election is in two months, and I have security to work out across the city.” She dropped her face in her hands. “I want to stay.”
Kya reached over and pulled one hand away and gave it a kiss.
“Lin, dear, you hate it here.”
Lin scoffed.
“I don’t hate you,” she muttered so softly Kya nearly missed it.
Kya kissed Lin’s hand again before settling her cheek into Lin’s palm.
“I don’t hate you, too.”
Their eyes met and they laughed.
Kya sighed.
“Well, if this isn’t going to work, you’d best pack. You know what Tenzin is like when he’s decided a problem is not going to fix itself. I’m sure he is going to have Korra on a meditation regime like none we’ve ever seen before.”
There was no laughter over the fate of two benders going home without their bending.
The door nearly broke from its hinges as Mako came bursting into the room. “Chief! Korra’s back! Everything is going to work out!”
“This isn’t going to work. We should just go home,” Lin growled, her stomach churning. Her feet were encased in soggy leather rather than her standard uniform boots. Everywhere, the riotous green growth was oppressive in its pervasiveness. They could only see so far ahead before yet another tree turned them aside from their best guess of a path.
The earth under her feet was saturated, and the water blurred her seismic sense. Kya, meanwhile, seemed almost to tiptoe through the reeds and rushes.
Lin paused a moment to admire the one spark of beauty in this spirits-forsaken swamp.
Except, of course, the spirits had not forsaken this awful place. They had both had visions the night before, and Lin was embarrassed by what Kya had heard.
“Lin, I have a good feeling. I bet Toph is just past that tree over there. Trust me.”
The cackling laugh seemed to come from everywhere but above them.
“Trust? Kya, you should know better than that. Lin won’t trust her own two feet.”
The tiny, wizened form of Lin’s mother emerged from behind the very tree Kya had indicated. 
“Hey, Chief.”
Lin shook her head and sighed. “Hey, Chief.” 
A few minutes’ worth of backtracking brought them to Toph’s small abode. She negligently raised two stools for sitting, then returned to her own reclining seat.
Kya’s stomach gurgled, so she started opening their pack. “Toph, we brought some food with us. We thought you might like something other than wet mushrooms. We just need a little larger fire to cook everything.”
“That isn’t going to work. The swamp and I have an arrangement, and that fire doesn’t get any bigger. It’s either good enough, or it’s not.”
Kya was perplexed by the instructions in the note in her hand. Lin told her to arrive at a very specific hour at the delivery entrance to the Republic City History Museum, and to wait for her.
After a short wait, she began to regret dismissing the cab, because she didn’t see anywhere to sit and wait for her wife. The shadows were shifting, and Kya had other things she wanted to do other than watch the birds flit about the alleyway.
Just as she was about to give up and leave, a police van pulled up and parked next to the dock. Lin exited the passenger side, bent over to speak to the driver, then walked to the cargo doors at the back. Her hand was hidden by the open doors, until she backed up and a large crate floated out and settled on the ground behind the vehicle. Kya presumed there was something metal inside that she was bending.
Lin closed the doors to the van and tapped the back twice. The officer put the sato into gear and drove away. 
Lin bent the crate up onto the dock, then walked over to where Kya was waiting with an arched eyebrow and crossed arms.
“You were very specific, Lin. Why have I been waiting here so long?”
Lin had the decency to look slightly abashed. “The people we are here to meet got caught in traffic and couldn’t let us in on time. I’m sorry.”
With a wave, Kya dismissed the concerns, and leaned over to give Lin a kiss.
Kya was fascinated to get to see the back offices and storage areas of the museum. Even as the child of dignitaries, she had never gotten to see the parts of the museum where all the work was done. It seemed to be a busy place, even on a day when they were closed to the public.
She waited in the chair she was led to while Lin managed the crate under the direction of one of the curators. She rummaged through her bag for a book until she remembered having finished her last one from her last trip to the library. A glance around the room found very little to distract her, so she settled on the floor to meditate.
“Kya, dear. We’re ready.”
Kya was prepared with her side-eye for Lin, who somehow did not seem surprised. Or put off in the slightest.
She was almost smug.
Kya frowned, but got up from the floor to follow Lin.
They emerged from the employee areas into the main visitor gallery. Hand in hand, they walked through an open doorway with the phrase “The Story of Our City” marked out in a cheerful red overhead.
It had been years since the last time Kya had brought the niblings, so she could see a few places where things had been updated and rearranged. Lin took a turn Kya didn’t recognize, only to be confronted with a larger-than-life statue of Toph. Which thankfully was not the size of the statue at headquarters.
Lin guided her through a small hall dedicated to the police force from its establishment under the original council through the rise of the triads, the terror of Yakone, the two chiefs after Toph, to Lin’s own promotion to the top job. There was a memorial wall for those killed in the line of duty, whether in what Lin called the ‘quiet years’ or specific historic moments like the Equalist Uprising.
“Kya, darling. Close your eyes, please.”
Kya looked at Lin first, but slowly and deliberately closed her eyes, and wrapped her arm around Lin’s elbow. It was only about another twenty steps before Lin asked her to stop and turn around. She heard a click that sounded like a storage case closing.
“Open your eyes.”
Behind a glass case, a dressmaker’s form supported one of Lin’s uniforms. The plaque overhead read, “Chief Lin Beifong served Republic City for forty years before retiring in the twenty-fourth year of the Korra Era.”
Kya blinked. “Retired?” She looked at Lin in confusion.
“Retired." Lin pointed at the uniform. "This isn’t going to work.”
She smiled at Kya.
“Ever again.”
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prototypesteve · 2 months
Just told the last remaining “I’ve known this guy forever” friend that I’m aromantic and asexual. This friend watched me recover from the first fake relationship (late 90s), and watched me go through the second fake relationship¹ (2005-2008). He’s only known me as someone who assumed they’re allosexual and alloromantic, but who was just really, really bad at it.
The send button used to take me about an hour to tap. And I’d often hesitate and delete the message, and wait a few more days. But with each person, it gets a little easier. It used to be terrifying, but now it’s just really scary.
Anyway, all that to say, it gets easier, but I don’t know if it ever gets easy. Don’t feel bad if there are people you just can’t (or won’t) ever tell. This isn’t something you owe them. This is something they earn.
Whether it’s your sexuality, or an invisible disability, or the special way your family formed, or even just your secret carrot cake recipe, you don’t owe anyone anything you feel they haven’t earned the privilege of knowing.
Invitation Only.
Some friends of mine like to replace the idea of coming out with a different way of seeing it: “Inviting in.”
Sometimes, with certain people and to certain audiences, using the term “coming out” can feel like you’ve kept a secret and you’re admitting to it. It has a lot of cultural baggage. It can feel like confessing to something bad. And fuck that.
“Inviting in” changes the dynamic. Now it’s about exclusivity and qualification. It’s members-only clique or an invitation-only club, and there are standards to be met. You must be this emotionally mature to ride.
For something like asexuality and aromanticism I even use the term “clarifying”. I have friends who’ve only even known me as single, or other friends (like the one I just came out to / invited in) who’ve seen me damaged by a failed relationship, then in a really unsuccessful and loveless one for a few years, then apparently happily single for 15 years. So they know something’s different. Maybe gay? Maybe I’m just traumatized? Maybe I think people of our faith aren’t allowed to remarry? They see the stuff. They just don’t know what’s causing the stuff. So I’m mostly just clarifying.
But whatever you do—come out, invite in, clarify—do it when it’s safe, when you’re ready, and only to people who’ve demonstrated they deserve to know you that well. There’s no timetable, no cutoff age, no obligation to your community.
¹ “fake relationship” is a slightly harsh way to put what happened. This was when I didn’t know what aroace was, so even though I was aroace I had been raised to assume that as someone who felt male, I was were either straight, gay, or bi, and that everyone needed someone. (Extreme allonormativity, amatonormativity and compulsory sexuality.) The most I ever felt was what we would call Platonic Love, but at the time I assumed what I felt was just my broken version of romance. I wanted to be like everyone else (even my gay friends felt love, FFS, what was my excuse?). So I tried. I really, really tried. And I couldn’t. I could be enjoyable, but I couldn’t enjoy, and that hurt the people I was with. It made them feel undesirable even though really it was me who couldn’t desire anyone. And I hate how that happened. I don’t hate why it happened, but I hate that it had to happen because words like aromantic and asexual were hidden away back then. And my way of dealing with how that hurt is to incorrectly call them fake relationships, for now. I hope there’s a better term out there.
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sysy-studyblr · 26 days
Can you give tips for studying maths for a 11th grade student??
hello!!!! thanks for the ask, for credibility of my tips, I was the kid who was never good at math, actively hated it, wanted to drop it when I was in year 6. I was a like 30% - 40% scoring math student [in year 8 & 9], who moved to the high 80%s - 90%s in my last years of high school [year 12 & 13] - to the point I was regularly topping my class, I scored the highest in math out of all my subjects, and I am dreaming of pursuing physics. I did get a wonderful tutor, who helped me a ton in getting better, this is what I learned:
math is seriously mostly just practice & consistency
study 4 hours a week above what you do in school
do not ever give up on a question without attempting it at least thrice - in revision, not an exam of course
the whole point is getting so good at the methods of solving they come naturally to you
as well as analysing what method of solving helps in certain criteria
building math is like building a muscle, it takes consistent effort, you have to build math skills like you would build a muscle in the body, repeatedly, until it feels normal
if you struggle with a topic, give it the most time, - I am not particularly great at mental math, but I have been working on memorising my timetables (yes I am 19 years old) because my brain muddles up the numbers a lot
take your time solving questions, practice the motion of solving it, before trying to go fast - you will naturally speed up the better you get
meditate - staying mindful when doing math helps see clearly & think clearly. mindfulness has helped my problem solving tenfold.
also, it does not matter if you are bad at math, because you can always get better, being bad at something is impermanent, and can always be changed.
you aren't stupid, or dumb for not being as good at math as your peers (this was me, for quite a while). you're just struggling with a subject, which is normal - and you can get better if you work on it!
I think thats most of it!!! best of luck! let me know if you need anything else !!!
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I'm a housekeeper at a hospital and I heard this conversation like a month ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it
Dr: [Patient] complained about being woken up in the middle of the night to be weighed. Y'all need to stop that, we've talked about this. We don't need to weigh him until the morning.
Nurse: I did! I waited until morning today even.
Dr: Well, what time did you weigh him?
Nurse: 4 o'clock.
God you've unleashed my mini rant about daily weights. At my hospital, daily weights are automatically scheduled for four in the morning, and I'll be real with you, it is the task I'm responsible for that I am the worst about actually doing. I HATE HATE HATE waking someone up at four am so they can get out bed and stand on a scale. Some patients really do need daily standing weights before breakfast, but a lot of patients who have them ordered don't necessarily need them. And frankly a lot patients that need them also frequently need to get up and pee during the night, and that's when you strike with the scale. Morning labs are also scheduled for 0400 which can be even more disruptive to patients. Best case scenario, you coordinate with lab so that you only bother the patient once. Worst case, lab comes and goes while you're doing something else, the patient gets back to sleep, and you kick their door open dragging the scale behind you like "god sorry sorry sorry."
I get why these things are scheduled at this time for the convenience of the hospital as a massive institution that needs timetables to function, but it sucks so bad for the patients. Doctors want lab results and weights before they round, and they come round early in the morning. Day shift people want stuff ready for them so they can do their job, and unfortunately because of how the shifts work, that means a lot of stuff is supposed to get done before like six am. I can see how it's efficient in this one regard, but it comes at the expense of patients being able to get uninterrupted sleep, which is a cause of delirium, a major and common complication of hospital stays. It's also a cause of feeling really fucking bad because you didn't get good sleep. There's a lot you can do as the individual to rearrange things to be as convenient as possible for the patient, but christ the institution itself doesn't make it easy.
All this to say, if there was a note in a patient's record that I didn't need to wake them up for weights, I would jump up in the air clicking my heels together and whooping like an old prospector.
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xo-lesserafim · 1 year
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author’s note: Please enjoy episode 6. Thank you guys so much for 13 followers. I appreciate every single one of you guys<3 Also this is where Falling for your Smile and Eyes doesnt follow the timeline in xo kitty. It also have some of the same stuff as “THE EVENTFUL NIGHT!”
Bold: Korean
Italics: Over the phone.
Both: Korean and over the phone.
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“Gosh, Min ho. Cant you at least put a shirt on when I’m eating.” I say.
“Hey, it’s not my fault, you can’t handle this.” He says misting his face.
“You’re right, I cant handle.” I say.
“I’m right?”
As I put the mist thing down, i go to his ear and whisper “You’re to bloody hot.”
A few seconds, i jump into this lap, arms around his neck.
“Oh my gosh.” Min ho said.
I put my finger on my shut him up.
We were about to kiss, when..
“AHH.” Min ho screamed.
“Alex,Wait!” Kitty said.
I guess she told him about him being our half-brother.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I was worried that something bad might have happened since the text silence.”
“ No, yeah It’s all good. Just had a lot going on, you know?“ He said.
“Iguana’s run loose in the Italians’ room. and I’m afraid it’s gonna get turner into a belt if ai don’t find them soon.”
“Plus a lot of midterm prep. Hope you guys have been studying.”
“We have.” I said.
“But, we’re also been busy trying to figure out what my mom saw in Korean Snape.” Kitty said.
“Kitty, you really need to focus on studying.” He says.
“ And Professor Snape was good at the end.”
“Right.” Kitty said.
“But what if we go talk to him, right?”
“Get to know him, and figure him out.”
“Not, now” He said.
“Why? His house is literally right here. We can go together.” Kitty said.
“It’s the whole reason you came here to teach.”
“ I came here to learn about him, to get to know him, to see if I want a relationship with him. I love my dad. The dad who raised me. I don’t need to rush into this.” He said.
“ I get it.” Kitty said.
“But, I know some people that you’ll definitely wanna have a relationship with.”
“My sisters, Our sisters, I was thinking we could FaceTime them.”
“Margot might be frosty at first, but when she-.”
“Kitty, we just can’t upend everyone’s lives.” Professor Finnerty said.
“What if we’re wrong?”
“Well, what if we’re right?” Kitty said.
“Then we’ll be enhancing everyone’s lives.”
“Stop, I know you’re just trying to help, but not everyone’s on your timetable.” He said.
“I have test to organize, and you guys have tests to study for.”
“I just wanted to talk with him. and then he said that not everybody is on my timetable.” Kitty said venting.
“So now I’m wondering about professor lee and-.”
“How about instead of fixating on all this Alex drama, we concentrate on what you guys are wearing to Min ho’s madness party?” Q asked.
“I’m not going.” I said.
“I have no reason to go.”
“Same.” Kitty said.
“Why you guys? It’s the event of the year.” Q said.
“Because Dae and Yuri will probably be there.” Kitty said.
“And, I just wanna avoid Min ho.” I said.
“Ever since Chuseok happened. I think I’ve crush on him. No, it was when I met him to welcome party.”
“Andrea, ANDREA!” Q said.
“Huh? Was I zoning out?” I asked.
“Yea. anyway Yuri is will be there. She’s Djing”
“Dae never goes to these things, so you don’t have to worry.”
“I’m not worried. I don’t care to spend time with somebody how can’t even acknowledge a meaningful gesture.” Kitty said.
“Here we go.” Q and I said.
I always hated the fact that Kitty was always venting, but I never got to.
I just always hated how I was in the shadow of her.
I mean, she always had dad’s attention. And Margot, and Lara Jean’s.
I just, wished I was i the spotlight for once.
“He didn’t even say thank you for the necklace.” Kitty said.
“Not even an emoji.”
“The necklace was our mom’s. I gave it to Dae when his mom died.”
“Okay, while so I would love to sit here and talk about this again, I think I would rather shove a pair of scissors in my ears.” Q said.
“I mean this whole week, we’ve been hearing is, Dae, necklace, Yuri, Alex, necklace, Alex, Yuri, Dae, necklace. I said.
“You’re like a robot that’s malfunctioning, stuck on a loop.”
“And you came here to have new experiences and live your life.”’Q said.
“You know what Min ho’s Madness Party is?”
“A new experience.”
“Ugh, Gosh. I can’t believe I was just about to stay in on a Friday night, pouting about a boy.” Kitty said.
“Well, you can do that. I need to study.” I say.
“Come on Andrea, I’ll give you twenty bucks.” Q says showing me a 20 dollar bill.
“Deal.” I said as he gave me it.
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I saw this girl walk in with a black, off the shoulder, mesh dress.
I mean I to say she looked really good.
“Who are you?” I thought.
When Kitty and Q came up to talk to her and she turned around.
“No!” I said.
“No, no, no. Oh, my eyes! It’s like looking directly into the sun.”
“Hey you look at Drea, looking good.” Q said.
“You look so good.” Kitty said.
“Thanks, I actually made it myself!” I said.
“You’re a clothes and maybe a fashion designer?” Q asked.
“Yea! It’s what I do when I’m not studying, or doing my other hobbies.” I said.
“But anyway. Let-the-party-that-already- started get started!” I say as I maintain eye contact with MIN HO?
Why was he looking me?
“I told you, everyone is gonna lose their mind.” Q said.
“Yea, but I think they were looking at Kitty.” I say.
“Yea,totally.” Kitty said.
“Whatever.”’I say.
“Dae’s here.” Kitty said.
As we got mocktails, which sadly had no alcohol. But luckily Florian’s French.
“To new experiences!” I say.
“Let’s do this!” I say.
“Oh, Ah-ri!” Eunice coming up to me.
“Ah-ri?” They said.
“Yea! It’s a nickname Min ho came up with when I was talking with him one time.”
“There’s is someone I want you to meet. Meet Geon.” Eunice said.
“Hi! I’m Ah-ri or. Andrea!”
“Hi, I’m Geon.” He said.
“Here, let’s go get something to drink.”
“All right.”
We started talking, laughing at some jokes made, but then it started to go back.
“You know, sometimes I can’t believe Kitty is your sister, I mean I think she had the bad genes from your parents.” He said.
“Excuse me?” I said.
“Why did you even say that? “Are you saying that I’m better because I’m prettier? So what? In my opinion it’s all about the inside, and the outside. Plus why would you say that to her twin sister?” I said leaving him.
I decided to walk around, dance here and there but then I saw it.
Min ho and Madison were making out.
I found Q and Florian.
“I’m so sorry I have homework I need to finish. I’ll be back when I done.” I say running out.
I’ve had enough Min ho and Kitty. I just can’t handle being or living with them.
“Hi! Is this Jenny Song?” I asked.
“Yes! Hi Andrea do you need something?”
“This is so random but, can I live with you?”
“What, i’m yea sure. What happened anyway.”
“It’s a lot to explain but I’ll send you my location.”
“Alright sounds good.”
“Thank you.”
As I packed up, I told the dorm receptionist thanks, and I left.
“Thank you for letting me live with you.” I say.
“No problem, so tell me what happened.”
I explained to her about Min ho and Kitty, how I like him and how I hate always living in her shadow
“ Anyway do you remember the offer you gave me?” I said.
“I would love to join your company”
As we made it to the house I was shocked.
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“The third floor was for guest but it’s yours now. I also have a music room full of instruments, an ice skating rink, a dance room,-.”
And a lot more that I could comprehend. But most the things were on the third floor at least.”
“Thank you so much.” I say.
I checked my phone as I got a notification.
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I am going to have a lot to explain next time I see Q.
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TAGLIST: @chaewon-slays @cherrriesss
Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. I do not own XO, Kitty , Netflix does. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission.
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
The Three Gables pt 2
A little late, because life and Christmas are just... it's a lot.
Last time we had a lady who wanted to sell her house and someone who really wanted to buy it and everything in it. Including the remaining possessions of her dead son. Who had died of pneumonia? I think, but also been involved with some sort of woman his mother did not approve of.
And a servant was fired after everyone was kind of terrible to her, even if she was spying for some bad guys.
And there was a lot of racism, which I expect will increase.
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"Now, Watson, this is a case for Langdale Pike, and I am going to see him now."
Ah, it's another randomly referenced character that it sounds like we should know and yet we do not. Unless I have forgotten him. I don't think I've forgotten him.
Langdale Pike was his human book of reference upon all matters of social scandal. This strange, languid creature spent his waking hours in the bow window of a St. James's Street club and was the receiving-station as well as the transmitter for all the gossip of the metropolis. He made, it was said, a four-figure income by the paragraphs which he contributed every week to the garbage papers which cater to an inquisitive public.
OMG, he's the paparazzi!
Well, the Edwardian equivalent of it.
Holmes, I thought better of you than this. You're really feeding this guy information. Ugh.
'Please come out at once. Client's house burgled in the night. Police in possession. — Sutro.' Holmes whistled. “The drama has come to a crisis, and quicker than I had expected."
Really? You must have known you sped up their timetable a little. They knew you'd gone to see the place and they were worried enough about you they tried to warn you off. It makes sense that seeing you there would move up their plans.
“Well, they don't seem to have got much. Mrs. Maberley was chloroformed and the house was— Ah! here is the lady herself.”
She was chloroformed and it's just an ordinary burglary? I hate to see what you call an odd burglary.
Just going to skip over the extra racism.
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“Well, I don't think there is anything of value missing. I am sure there was nothing in my son's trunks.”
You hadn't even looked in them and Holmes told you that he thought there was something in them. Why are you so confident in this, lady?
"It is in my son's handwriting.” “Which means that it is not of much use,” said the inspector. “Now if it had been in the burglar's—” “Exactly,” said Holmes. “What rugged common sense!"
Please allow me to use my Holmes-English dictionary. I'll just check... yeah... Mmhm.
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“I never pass anything, however trifling,” said he with some pomposity. “That is my advice to you, Mr. Holmes."
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Oh, oh no. Oh poor boy. You are being set up for the biggest of falls. You have no genre savvy. I'm sorry. This will hurt.
“Seems to be the end of some queer novel, so far as I can see.”
Please, tell me more.
“Why should they go to my son's things?” asked Mrs. Maberley.
Clearly they wanted the manuscript of his magnum opus of homoerotic literature, Mrs Maberley. I can see no other possible reason.
And honestly, relatable.
"Man must live for something. If it is not for your embrace, my lady, then it shall surely be for your undoing and my complete revenge.”
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So it's not a homoerotic bodice ripper, at all. It's a tell-all memoir.
"I hear that she is about to marry the young Duke of Lomond, who might almost be her son."
Refreshing to see an older woman-younger man romance portrayed for once. Usually it's the older man preying on the sweet young ingenue. This time the sexual predator is the woman. Although... honestly, nothing that's been said so far makes me think she's doing anything but having a good time.
“Not at home means not at home to you,” said the footman.
The lady had come, I felt, to that time of life when even the proudest beauty finds the half light more welcome.
Also rude!
Come on, Watson. You're not exactly young yourself at this point. And you're still apparently marrying people left right and centre. Do you hide in the shadows?
...two wonderful Spanish eyes which looked murder at us both.
I know what he means by this, but also I am imagining her irises being the Spanish flag.
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“I need not explain, madame. I have too much respect for your intelligence to do so—though I confess that intelligence has been surprisingly at fault of late.”
Holmes is in such a bitchy mood in this one. He's just insulting everyone as much as he can. I kind of love it.
"I feel that I may be frank with you, Mr. Holmes. You have the feelings of a gentleman. How quick a woman's instinct is to find it out. I will treat you as a friend.”
Wow...the bullshit is strong with this one.
“No doubt it was foolish of me to threaten a brave man like yourself.”
You should totally stroke his bicep and ask if he works out. That's clearly where this is heading. Lolol!
“No, no, you would not. You are a gentleman. It is a woman's secret.”
Wow. Just... wow. Weaponising femininity indeed.
✨ Gaslight. ✨ Gatekeep. ✨ Girlboss. ✨
So roguish and exquisite did she look as she stood before us with a challenging smile that I felt of all Holmes's criminals this was the one whom he would find it hardest to face. However, he was immune from sentiment.
That's because unlike you, he is not ruled by his horny brain, Watson. Please, take some deep breaths, drink a glass of cold water and come back when you've calmed down. You were literally just saying you thought she was too old to stand in proper lighting, my dude. Down boy!
"Because I had given he seemed to think that I still must give, and to him only. It was intolerable."
OK, fine. I'm on her side now. She's still the most ridiculous person ever, but this is a valid and correct point. Douglas needed to take no as an answer.
Barney and the boys drove him away, and were, I admit, a little rough in doing so.
I'm torn. On the one hand, Douglas needed to understand that just because his sense of entitlement told him she owed him something, he really didn't. On the other hand, don't hire people to beat people up. Maybe just hire bodyguards to keep turning him away and save the beating for if he escalates?
I feel like everyone sucks in this story.
This... this is the same story from Charles Augustus Milverton except the female character is rich and has agency. And yet we're supposed to not side with the people who stole back the blackmail material that would ruin her? Because she's promiscuous?
Yeah, she's kind of terrible, but her crime was getting people to beat him up. The theft seems fair, honestly.
“Very good. I think you will sign me a check for that, and I will see that it comes to Mrs. Maberley. You owe her a little change of air."
Yeah, she was chloroformed and it's possible that the beating led to her son's death. She definitely deserves something for all of this.
"Have a care! You can't play with edged tools forever without cutting those dainty hands.”
Weird line to end on, but okay. Basically 'fuck around and find out' in Holmes speak, I guess.
But yeah, this is just a different version of Charles Augustus Milverton and A Scandal in Bohemia only this time the lady is the bad guy. And she actually has done some horrible things. But if she'd come to you and said 'Mr Holmes, I had an ill advised dalliance with a young man and I need the evidence before it ruins my upcoming wedding!' Holmes might have done the burglary himself.
Well, probably not if he found out about her having Douglas beaten up.
But it's a weird change of perspective.
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babamiasworld · 1 year
Something About Him || Part 1
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Human!Bully!Ao’nung x Fem!Reader (Highschool AU)
Summary: you and your younger brother had recently transferred to a new school after your dad got a job in another state. your brother is trying to be positive abt this change but you weren’t a big fan of change, and your family new that this move was going to be really tough on you, but they new better than to confront your newfound attitude, but how long will it last?
Content Warnings: angst, slow burn, (light)bullying, enemies to lovers, (y/n) is kinda a bitch in this LMAOO bc me too🤭, random capitalisation bc m’lazy, a lot of swearing
Additional Character Glossary:
Tirotay = ur younger brother
A/N: this fic is heavily inspired by @yunaloona‘s highschool AU fic series but i really need some of that angst and drama so i’m doing my own version 😫😜- but def go check their one out if ya want something short and sweet xx. ➥ also i’m writing this as someone who is aroace, so i HATE when the deal is sealed, so i ain’t gonna give y’all closure easy mk🤭
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The sound of a muffled voice pulled me out of my dream before i could even recall it, my eyes groggily opening to a painfully bright light, my eyes tracing the worn wallpaper and towards the figure standing in the doorway; Tirotay.
“(y/n), c’mon, mom said to get up now or you’ll have to catch the bus to school.” he spouted firmly, before sauntering down the hall…leaving the door wide open.
“uugGHHH- close my damn door bro!” I yelled, while knowing full well he wasn’t gonna come back to close it, so i shot up from my bed, already pissed off and slammed my door, tuning around i was able to take a look at my new room. besides a few unpacked boxes here and there, my room was pretty much the way i wanted, which made this place a little less bad. my favourite of course being my tall bed, with a disheveled display of a soft quilt, decorated with an embroidery design, topped with a modest amount of silk covered pillows piled at the headboard; undeniably being the centrepiece of the room, i would GLADLY stay in that bed all day if that was a choice.
I lazily through on some clothes, more concerned with comfortability rather than style; it’s not like i was trying to dress to impress, i don’t care about what these people think of me to be honest, and im only going to school so i can get my graduation certificate and that’s it. i don’t need friends, i already have plenty from back home, so i don’t need anymore.
after brushing my teeth and hair i head downstairs to the kitchen to grab the lunch mom made for us, shoving it in my bag.
“(y/n)! are you ready yet babe? we gotta go!” mom shouted from the living room.
“yup- im ready now! i’ll be waiting in the car!”
you and your brother had both already done orientation day and just headed towards the office to get our schedule, both silently praying we still knew how to get there from memory. reaching the principals office we we greeted with two happy faces.
the principal slightly perked up at our presence, “(y/n), Tirotay, it’s nice to see you again.” after we exchanged pleasantries, she handed us our timetables and gestured to the sweet looking girl standing next to her and continued. “this is Tsireya, she will be your guide.”
“Hello! it’s nice to meet you both!” Tsireya chirped, followed by a short wave and a smile.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.” i quietly replied with a nod. looking over at my brother who was avoiding her gaze entirely, rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to Tsireya, who giggled in response.
“Ok, let’s get you two to your homeroom class.” Tsireya gestured to follow her.
“alright aaand this is your homeroom (y/n)! you have Mr. Samual, so you’re definitely one of the lucky ones- hes really nice.” she whispered the last part, “and hey if you need someone to hang out with at lunch, you’re more than welcome to come sit with me!” she offered.
“thanks- appreciate the offer.” I gave a simple nod and then walked into my classroom. ‘so much for not making friends…’ i thought to myself, but she was so nice, and that made it really difficult to not reciprocate.
The bell rang pulling me out of my dazed thoughts, civil war history was never really my favourite. the teacher was saying something about homework, though i really couldn’t care less, packing my stuff away in my bag and making my way out of the classroom, swinging my bag over my shoulder.
walking into the cafeteria was a little daunting, but thankfully i didn’t draw too much attention. i saw Tsireya eating next to a few of her friends, but i decided against going up to them, I was more comfortable by myself anyway. Scanning over the cafeteria once again, I noticed a side door leading outside, so i tried my best to not be seen sneaking out.
outside wasn’t anything breathtaking, but it was empty, which was all i needed. i leisurely, walked up to a tree in the distance, setting myself down and grabbing my lunch from my bag. pulling my phone from my pocket, i leaned it against my bag, putting my headphones in and choosing a random youtube video that looked entertaining enough.
a few minutes passed as i mindlessly ate my food, though my thoughts were interrupted by laughing, i look up to see a collective group of boys holding their stomachs. at first i didn’t give a fuck, but then i saw someone amongst the group who didn’t look too happy; a girl. i paused my video to hear what they were saying.
“Leave me alone!” she shouted, though falling on deaf ears, as their smug demeanours didn’t falter.
“Awww the little freak wants us to stop..” one of the boys taunted, getting up in her face, “If you don’t like the way we’re treating you, why don’t you just call your big brother to come save you~ orrr you could just run off and cry like you did last time.” his words causing the girl to grimace, as the rest of the boys laughed.
i had seen enough- already stopping off towards them, a scowl painting my features. the boys kept circling her like vaulters, the boy who insulted her before clearly was the main perpetrator, the other boys looking like nothing other than his “minions”.
“HA-! look! the freak’s starting to cry again!” he scoffed, expressing fake sympathy towards the girl. “I’m sorry we hurt your wittle feelin-”
he was cut off after i shoved him away from the girl. “what the hell is wrong with you? Do you seriously have nothing better to do?” i scolded, a disgusted look taking over my features. he looked at me up-and-down, clearly offended that i had ruined his fun.
“who the hell are you?” he spat, looking at me, as if I was the scum of the earth.
“who am i? who the fuck are you? honestly, you think with all that forehead you got you’d have a big enough brain to comprehend common decency, but i suppose i can’t be surprised, since in seems your skull is so fucking thick, it makes sense that you never had a lot of brain growth.” i spat, the boy in front of me now seething.
one of the other boys stepped towards me but was halted by his leader. “c’mon ao’nung, these bitches aren’t worth it.” another boy spoke, causing the boy he was talking to to scoff, staring you down before turning around and walking away, his little followers tagging along behind him.
ao’nung…that was a name you wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
after they had left i immediately turned around to check on the girl. “Hey, are you ok?” i asked, slight worry crossing my face. the girl looked at the concrete, blinking away frustrated tears.
“yeah i’m fine,” she meakly spoke, looking up at me, “thank you…for that.”
“of course.” i smiled, given her a nod of acknowledgement. my eyes trailed down to the girls bag, a green crocheted tote bag with a flower in the centre. “I like your bag. It’s very pretty.” gesturing to it.
she gave a shy smile, eyes focused on it as her grip on the strap tightened. “thank you, i made it myself.” her eyes meeting mine again. “my name’s kiri by the way.” she said with a smile, which i immediately returned.
“name’s (y/n). nice to meet you.”
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Part 2
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