#i had time for a nap between shifts and i didn't take it!!!! by my own volition!!!!
albatris · 26 days
either today was a bizarre fluke or this new medication is going to be a gamechanger
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qteez-desire · 4 months
My Angel
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Pairing : Nerdy! Best Friend! Wooyoung x fem! Reader
Summary: What will happen when you and your best friend decide to take a break from studying and go nap? Will a situation cause you to act on your feelings..? Or go even further?
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, smut, small plot
W.C. 6k (eek >○<)
👓Notes :Switches between second and third person pov quite frequently. Everything is clear to understand while reading, though. Italicized is wooyoung's internal thoughts as if he were talking to himself. Also, Wooyo isn't really a nerd in the fic. just dressed like a sexy one
👓Warnings: Overstim, Oral (F receiving), Fingering, soft sleepy jittery? smut , dry humping/ grinding, masturbation, dirty talk, mentions of stuffing and cockwarming ( does not actually happen tho) service top woo ( all he wants to do is please the reader) whining, moaning, squirting, cumming in pants/on back, cumming on stomach. Pet names (Angel/Baby)( use of y/n)Pls lmk if I forgot anything!
If you want to skip straight to the smut, scroll to the blue hearts like the ones below!
✨️Rahhhhh my first fic I'm posting on this account! I hope that whoever reads it enjoys it as well!✨️
May write a pt 2 with full on smut if anyome is interested !
👓REMINDER : my works do not represent the irl members in any way, this is purely a work of FICTION.
💚Requests/Asks are open!💚
Mature Under Cut!
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“Pssst….pssst psss-”
Your eyebrow twitched as you tried to focus on the worksheet in front of you. You had been in the library for 4 hours, trying to cram for an upcoming final that you decided to not study for. (Opting to work yourself to death and come home, only to immediately crash). Luckily for you, your best friend happened to be a genius when it came to organic chemistry, but at the same time, he was also a big slacker. Even though he volunteered himself to tutor you, it seemed like more harm than help. Especially with the fact that he couldn't stay focused. He spent most of his time bothering you, or getting sidetracked.
“Hey y/n, are you even paying attention to me!? I'm trying to talk to you and-” Wooyoung continued to complain to you as his words went in one ear and out the other. You shifted your body in the small study booth you two were occupied in, so that you could look at him better. As your gaze shifted to him, you took in his features in the poor lighting. Today, woo was wearing an oversized flannel, with a couple buttons undone to show his chest and slender frame,some baggy black pants, and some ugly ass boots that you begged him to take off. Unfortunately he refused because it was for “fashion” you didn't understand because you usually opted for casual jeans and a hoodie. But you decided it would be best to let the man do his own thing. As your gaze shifted up to his face, you noticed that his skin was slightly glowing under the dim lamp, accentuating his sharp cheekbones and beautiful nose. You then noticed that he decided to wear large but thin black frames and had even drawn on some fake freckles. Your heart squeezed at your highly attractive best friend. You always wondered why he wasn't in a relationship yet; he had girls throwing themselves at him at any given moment, but he always opted to hang out with you, or his other friends, not paying them any mind. You loved Wooyoung with all your heart, you wanted him to be yours, but at the same time, you were content with being his friend. You didn't want to jeopardize what you had with him…
As your thoughts trailed off, you noticed he was still blabbing and whining for your attention, and a small smile graced your face. Wooyoung took notice of this and started to smile to himself. He could never get mad at you, you were too precious to him, he was deeply in love with you too, but you just didn't know it yet. This “tutoring” session he set up was a way for him to try and get closer to you to make a move, but that plan proved to be difficult when he noticed how much you were actually being affected by the content you were studying.
“Yah yah y/n, let's stop for today and go home, I can tell we aren't getting too far in today's lesson. Wooyoung said as he stood up and shoved all the textbooks in his bag. His heart warming as he saw you release a tense breath and stretch your body. The tension and stress seemingly floating away. Wooyoung gulped as he watched you stand, your shirt slightly lifting up and showing your midriff, the small glint from your belt buckle catching his attention. He wanted you so bad, it wasn't even funny. You could be sitting around just existing and you could sometimes feel himself getting hard for you. That's how whipped he was, but he had to control himself.
Wooyoung shook himself out of his thoughts as you came to stand next to him, signaling you were ready to go. He looped his arm around your waist, playfully pinching your side as you yelped and swung your hand to hit him, which he narrowly dodged. He giggled to himself and smoothed his palm over your waist trying to rub the pain out aS you two walked towards your car.
As you two walked along the corridor to the parking garage, you felt wooyoung's hand drift lower, securing his larger hand on your hip, pulling you closer to his side. He was always like this, so touchy feely, in all honesty, you didn't pay any mind to it since this was how he normally acted on any given day. Unfortunately your heart was too weak, and you could almost throw up from how violent the butterflies in your stomach were getting. Wooyoung glanced down at you and smirked, he could feel your body tense up, and he laughed to himself as he noticed a slight frown grace your face. “Hey angel, what do you want to do when we get home?” Wooyoung shook you out of your internal spiral as you pondered what you two should do. Honestly you just wanted to sleep for a little bit just to clear your mind so that you could get back to studying.``Honestly woo, I just want to nap a bit and then we can get back to studying” you muttered as you approached your car. “Okay angel, here, give me your keys, I'll drive us” you tossed him your keys and unceremoniously dropped into your passenger seat. It wasn't often that you were the passenger in your own car, but you were grateful to woo for offering to drive.
As the car rolled along the scenic route, wooyoung glanced over to you, his heart churning at the exhaustion that took over your features. His heart thumping in his chest he decided to test the waters and laid his hand on your thigh, slightly rubbing the soft flesh in a calming manner. You tensed up, a flash of heat pooling in your lower regions. Any little form of physical contact was enough to set you off, and wooyoung's veiny hand wasn't helping one bit. He continued to rub soft circles into the meat of your thigh and lightly squeeze every couple of minutes. Due to the calming nature of his touches, you sat back further in your seat and let the exhaustion envelop you, lighty dozing off. Wooyoung continued to drive down the expansive roads towards your shared apartment. And Yes, funny enough, you two happened to be roommates as well, Wooyoung springing the idea for you to become his roomate since he was lonely, and the fact that your lease had been ending soon. All he wanted was to be close to you, whether he was yours or not, he knew he always belonged to you.
A small hum could be heard as Wooyoung pulled into the parking garage of your apartment complex, you weren't fully asleep so you could feel the car get closer and closer to your destination, sighing, you straightened up in your seat and stretched, groaning loudly, gaining wooyoung's attention. As you stretched, a small portion of your hoodie started to ride up, exposing some of your soft skin, making wooyoung lose his focus for a small second.
It wasn't often that you showed skin, always opting to make your daily outfits sweatpants and some form of a hoodie, jacket , or sweater. You tended to run pretty cold, so you always made sure to stay warm and comfy, and in your words ``school is not a fashion show”. Funny enough, you had a knack for wearing your roommates clothes, and even sometimes you were lucky enough to steal some of Wooyoung's expensive designer jackets when he wasn't paying attention. Unbeknownst to you, it made Wooyoung go slightly feral whenever you wore his clothes. He had to restrain himself from jumping on you.
As Wooyoung let his thoughts fade, he felt your cold hands poking his cheek, softly gripping his jaw to shake his head so that he could pay attention to you.
“ -and, - wait a minute, Wooyoung are you there? I've been trying to tell you to stop zoning out!”
Wooyoung let his thoughts dissipate fully as he took you in, finally focusing his eyes on your face. He could see the tire in your eyes, dark circles starting to form due to restless nights spent studying and helping with Wooyoung's studies as well. You cared for him so much, and he could feel his heart starting to thump harder. He suddenly remembered that you said you wanted to nap for a bit, so he started to unbuckle his seatbelt to get out of your car. He gripped the hand that was holding his jaw and laid a small kiss to your hand, muttering a small “ sorry, lets go inside angel”. Your heart fluttered at the small action, but you had to remind yourself that this was normal for Woo, your heart strings tugging a small bit, maybe one day you would actually confess to him, but you didn't expect it to be anytime soon. You sighed deeply and opened Your car door, trudging inside your apartment with Wooyoung right behind You, a comforting hand resting on your shoulder as he guided you into the apartment. After stepping in, you gave wooyoung a small hug ,linking your arms around his slim waist and bid him a goodnight for now. “Goodnight angel, i'll be out here if you need me” as he kissed your forehead goodnight, he hopped over the back of the couch and sprawled out as you padded towards your room to sleep.
You were sleeping soundly in your bed, but as usual, you were starting to get cold, but luckily, you happened to live with a human furnace, so you decided to call out for Wooyoung. You weren't one to initiate physical touch or cuddling whatsoever, but you felt like you were going to die of coldness ( which was a big overreaction) but nonetheless, you needed to warm up, or you wouldn't be able to sleep at all. Woo happened to be relaxing on the couch, just lazily watching some show on netflix when he heard you croak out for him, your voice slightly scratchy due to just waking up. He had no idea what you could be calling him for, but he padded down the hall to your room. In the dim lighting, he could see your form cuddled underneath the covers, shaking like a leaf, and he could tell instantly that you were cold.
“Aww angel, are you cold?” wooyoung giggled at you as your head peaked from under the covers to shoot a quick glare at him. As you looked, you saw that he changed out of his questionable outfit that he had worn today, and was something much more comfortable. He sported some soft looking cotton shorts that you vaguely remember gifting him for Christmas, and a loose fitting t-shirt that sagged around his slim frame. After taking a moment to rake your eyes over his form, you felt your cheeks get warm but finally mustered up enough energy to speak to him.
“Yes. you fool, i am very cold and would appreciate it if you could lie with me for a little so i can warm up” you grumbled out, still violently shivering, you yanked the blanket back over your head, already done with Wooyoung's antics for the night. Due to being under the covers, you couldn't hear him coming closer until you felt a heavy hand on top of your head under the covers, and suddenly the air was knocked out of you as wooyoung dropped all of his body weight on top of you. You groaned out as you felt your entire body being compressed into the bed, all while wooyoung was cackling at the state he had you in. sneakily, you snuck your hand out from being squished underneath the covers and started swatting wooyoung's back to get him off of you, he continued to giggle and he lifted up the covers and slid in next to you,curling around your body like a koala. Instantly, you were granted with a cozy warmth emanating from woo. You sighed softly and snuggled into the bed deeper as you got more comfortable. Wooyoung made himself comfortable as well and wrapped his legs around yours , laid his head in the soft crook of your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist, squeezing your side and rubbing you softly to coax you into sleep. His hand then traveled lower and started rubbing soft circles in the meat of your thigh, just as he had done earlier. Unfortunately for you, that made a warm heat start to tingle in your nether regions and your eyes shot open, quickly shaking the sleep out of your bones. Luckily for you, he didn't notice your startled reaction, and kept switching back and forth between rubbing your stomach softly and kneading your thighs. You made soft noises of approval and content as you felt your eyes grow heavy due to the repetitive motion, and soon enough, you were sound asleep in wooyoung's embrace. Wooyoung admired your peaceful features, smiling to himself as you breathed in and out softly, sleep took over his form as well.
You woke up a couple of hours later in pitch black darkness with a dry throat. You tried to move, but you found that difficult with the way you were being embraced by wooyoung, you two were now spooning, although he wasn't much bigger than you, his frame engulfed yours, both strong forearms wrapped securely around your waist and his face still tucked in your neck, softly snoring. If anything you felt like your body was on fire, and you were going to die. Your infatuation with your best friend wasn't helping one bit either, again you felt heat tingling in your nether regions. What in the hell was wrong with you all day??? You had been getting flustered and turned on all day, more than usual, maybe you were ovulating. As you were lost in thought, wooyoung started to stir and you felt wooyoung poking your lower back, although he wasn't hard, feeling the weight and pressure of him against you made your blood pressure skyrocket, your brow slowly starting to sweat. Wooyoung continued to stir until he woke up slowly, squeezing himself tighter around you and nuzzling himself further into your neck, speaking gibberish
“- angel, mmm,angel what-” his muttering was going in one ear and out the other as you weren't able to focus on what he was saying, only the raspiness of his voice after waking up. Wooyoung took note of you not paying attention and decided to bite your neck to make you pay attention. Of course this caught you 100% off guard and you let out a small whimper, making you both freeze a bit. Although you stayed frozen, you could feel your breath kick up and your heart rate pick up a bit, honestly you wondered how you were going to explain yourself,and while you were lost in thought, wooyoung studied your face. You seemed to like it but he could also tell you were nervous as hell so he decided to test the waters….
As you stared at the ceiling, acting like you were invisible, wooyoung took his chance and bit your neck again, this time attaching his lips to the tender spot and sucking lightly, and pressing a tender kiss as an apology. Again, you whimpered albeit a lot louder this time and you wanted a hole to open up under you and swallow you whole (or maybe let wooyoung do that hehe). So far you and wooyoung hadn’t spoken a word to each other, just consuming each other's heavy breaths and reactions. Suddenly you felt a strong grip on your jaw, your cheeks squished, similar to how you had wooyoung earlier in the car, you shut your eyes tight, scared to face wooyoung as he tilted your face back towards his.
“Angel, hey angel look at me.” you shook your head no as you were scared to open your eyes. Wooyoung giggled at this, enamored by your antics, he tried once again to get you to open up. “y/n, please open your eyes, i have something to tell you, and i can't tell you with your eyes closed” after he said this, he blew air on your face, causing your nose to scrunch up and he couldn't help but press a soft kiss on your nose, surprising you enough for you to open your eyes.
“Ah, there we go angel, there's my girl” wooyoung grinned at you as he was finally able to get your attention, but before he continued on his ministrations, he wanted to tell you how he really felt first before he ravished you.
“y/n, i don't think i can contain myself much longer and you need to tell me to stop before i devour you” wooyoung spoke quite honestly, taking your breath away, “ i'm so infatuated with you, your smile, your lips, your body, your brain, your personality, all of your makes me so crazy i can’t breathe. I want to be by you all the time, and I want you to be mine, because I'm already yours, you can have all of me, I don't care, it's always been you. You're so sweet to me it drives me crazy, even now just holding you makes my heart go insane. So please angel, tell me to stop because I don't want to ruin our friendship. If i'm overstepping any boundaries please stop me now angel” wooyoung finally stopped yapping enough for him to catch his breath while you on the other hand were completely floored. You wouldn't believe your ears at the confession that was just laid upon them, along with this, you could feel yourself becoming increasingly wet as wooyoung had kept speaking. You stayed quiet longer than you intended to when you heard wooyoung pouting, becoming impatient and whining for you to say something. After finally shaking the shock off of your body, you finally spoke out your feelings.
“Wooyoung i feel the same way, i always have, i have a lot to say to you but honestly i'm in a small state of shock right now so please forgive me” you frowned as you cringed at yourself. You could gush about how much you loved him, but your heart was literally in your stomach as you uttered the next words softly but sure of yourself “oh and by the way, i don't want you to stop” you shyly looked away from his intense gaze since it was so striking in the darkness of the night. That was all he needed to hear before he could claim you as his
“Great angel, i'll take care of you” wooyoung murmured with a shy smile before he leaned over and pressed his soft lips to yours. Wooyoung locked lips with you quite softly, not completely eating your face off yet, but starting to get a bit more desperate. He pressed his lips to yours a little more firmly, smacking his lips loudly against yours as he finally started to lick your lips. Breathing heavy through his nose, he pushed his tongue into your mouth licking around softly as your tongues danced together. You were panting as he kissed you, feeling your entire breath be taken away. You whined into the kiss, pulling away A little bit to catch your breath as you tried to turn your body but wooyoung stopped you.
“No, no angel, I want you to stay like this” wooyoung spoke and you listened to him, eager to continue. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours again softly moaning into your mouth, he slipped his tongue back into your mouth to steal your breath.You were starting to get hot as you rubbed your thighs together slightly trying to gain friction. He then started to lightly suck on your tongue as one of his arms slithered under your (his shirt) grasping one of your nipples in his hand, lightly pinching and twisting, while his other hand traveled down your stomach and to the waistband of your fleece shorts. Your breath hitched in anticipation at what was going to come. Wooyoung pulled his mouth away from yours, a thin string Of spit connecting The two of you.
“Can I make you feel good angel?” Wooyoung muttered as he lowered his head to your neck, continuing his early mission of trying to get you to make as much noise as possible. He heard you say a soft “mhm” as he suckled more bruises into your neck, his fingers finally cupping your heat.
“My my angel , you're really soaked. Is this all bc of me hmmm” wooyoung cackled again, his fun and bubbly personality shining through the intimate moment. Woo gently rubbed his fingers up and down your folds gathering up slick to bring back up your clit. He brought his face up from your neck to watch you as you unraveled for him, your eyes scrunched and soft moans escaping your lips. Wooyoung felt himself hard as a rock behind you, Opting to rock his hips into your ass to make himself feel some sort of relied as well. Wooyoung started to leave high pitched moans in your ear as he was grinding on you. He dragged his fingers back towards your fold and circled your entrance, gathering up more slick before he eased his middle finger inside of you, your walls Instantly sucking him in.
“Holy fuck y/n you're so tight, im going to have to take my time with your cunt so you'll be ready for my cock” he groaned out as he started a steady rhythm pumping his fingers inside of you. Your moans started to increase In volume but it wasn't enough, wooyoung wanted you to wail and to scream his name. He then slowed down his pace causing you to whine
“Hah-hah” you pointed out, “woo, why did you-” suddenly you gasped “ah, ah, wooyo-” you let out a high pitched moans, as wooyoung curled his fingers up into you, dragging hard and slow around your sweet spot as his thumb pressed hard into your clit and drew tight circles. Your thighs started to shake by how strong the sensation was and you were rendered speechless, only able to pant wooyoung's name every couple of seconds. Wooyoung continued to grind into you, his precum staining his shorts and leaving a small wet patch on your ass. Wooyoung sped up his movements on you, a loud squelching sound Resonating around the room as you became wetter and Wetter, your slick leaking down wooyoung's veined arm and dripping down your legs onto the mattress and sheets. As you got closer and closer, your body started to curl in on itself, trying to relieve the intensity of the oncoming orgasm, But wooyoung was having none of that. He wrapped his legs around yours and anchored his other arm around your waist, momentarily stopping his attention on your nipples.
“Stay still so I can watch you cum on my fingers” he growled out in your ear, as you got closer and closer to the edge. Wooyoung then slowed down again, dragging his fingers against your gspot and pressing hard into you clit, and as he dragged his fingers once more, that's when you started to unravel and quiver in his grasp
“ woo- hah- ah, ah ah-” Your whines only grew louder and louder as you came on wooyoung's fingers, slick and cream slowly spilling onto your thighs and the sheets below. Your back arching and thighs quivering uncontrollably. wooyoung however didn't stop his movements and kept going, determined on coaxing another one out of you. Wooyoung was close as well, the ragged drags of his cock against your ass was providing the perfect friction as he whined into your ear.
“Fuck- woo, woo its- its too much-” you cried out as You wiggled in his grasp. The overstim making you lightheaded. “Hang on angel, just one more this way so I can come with you okay? I wonder how many times I'll make you come tonight” Wooyoung whined sweetly in your ear as you felt another orgasm quickly approaching. Wooyoung took his fingers out of you and focused all his attention on your clit, rubbing harshly into the bundle of nerves, the rubbing paired with how hard he was rocking into you, sent you into your second orgasm of the night quickly. You moaned loudly, wailing into the night as your thighs trembled and you felt yourself soaking the sheets even more. In your daze, you felt wooyoung thrusting sloppily on you and you tilted your head back to suck on wooyoung's tongue as he chased his high.
“It's okay baby, let go, cum for me” you mumbled against his lips as you stuck your tongue back in his mouth, hearing him whine. After a couple more thrusts, wooyoung stilled against your back, his cum Coming out in hot spurts within his shorts and some staining your sleep shorts. Wooyoung let out a deep breath And opened his eyes to peer at You. You looked utterly fucked out, legs still slightly twitching, your lips swollen From all the kissing And all of the marks left on your neck. You looked absolutely beautiful to him. And unbeknownst to you, he wasn't done yet at all. “How was that Angel?” He breathily asked as you regained your wits. “That was amazing woo” you gave him a small smile, wanting nothing more than to clean up and cuddle when suddenly you found yourself being dragged down the bed.
“Wooyoung what are you doing?!” You were fine with going all the way tonight but you honestly needed a recharge before you could go into another round of vigorous activity with Wooyoung. But before you could voice your thoughts, he started to speak again “angel, were you even listening to me earlier!? I said I was going to take care of you, so let me do one last thing and make you feel good by eating your sweet cunt” he smiled up at you as he grabbed your shorts and panties in one go and yanked them down your legs. You shivered in excitement and anticipation from what was to come. Wooyoung took a quick break to lean forward and give you a soft kiss, pushing your shirt up your stomach exposing your breasts to him. “wow angel, you're so beautiful” he murmured before he leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth while calming the other, Leaving harsh kisses and love bites On your nipple. As he alternated between nipples your moans made him start to get hard again, but he figured he would handle that later. He drew his attention away from your chest To continue Kissing down the expanse of Your body, nipping at the soft flesh of your stomach and leaving small marks here and there. He lowered his tongue into your navel, slowly swirling around, making your insides tingle a bit and more slick gush out of you as you squirmed Around. “Patient angel I'm almost there” You heard wooyoung say to you as he got closer and closer to your mound. wooyoung finally laid down fully on the bed and hooked his arm over your waist to anchor it down, and put your legs over his shoulders as he got comfortable.
As he finally looked at you, he saw the aftermath of his work on you and groaned. You were glistening. “Wow angel, you have such a pretty cunt, it looks delicious, '' Wooyoung said to you as he finally dove in and pressed a soft kiss to your sensitive clit. You jolted,due to still recovering from the workout he just put you through and you sat up on your elbows to take in the sight for yourself. Wooyoung between your legs, his mass of black hair Popping up as he locked eyes with you, his lips wrapping around your clit fully and giving a harsh suck, letting go of your clit with a sickening “Pop!” Noise. The sound you let out was unreal, a while turned into a drawn out breathless Moan as you let your body flop back on the mattress. “w-ww-woo, if you keep doing that, I won't last long-'' you managed to huff out as wooyoung paused to look up at your disheveled state.”uhh duh angel, that's the point obviously” he rolled his eyes as he bent back down to your heat. He spread his tongue out and licked a stripe up from your hole up to your clit, and he swore he could've passed out and came on the spot right then and there from how your eyes rolled back in pleasure. “Oh- wooyoung Fuck-” you choked out as he began to devour you whole.
He was able to easily slide his tongue into you, wiggling it around desperately while Trying to thrust in and out as fast as he Could. Your hands came down on his scalp, pulling his hair slightly to ground himself. He moaned loudly while he was deep in you, the vibrations causing you to squish his head in between your thighs momentarily. You released Him and he came up from your cunt to your clit, not letting up whatsoever. His tongue, covered in Slick And drool made it easier for him to drag His tongue all over your clit. He sucked on it lightly, just to bring you a little bit closer to the edge but not put you in a coma (not yet at least). He then brought his other arm around and started to finger you slowly, this time with his ring and middle finger to stuff you more; curling his fingers upwards again he had no Issue finding your sweet spot and started to rub into it with a firmer pressure, suddenly making you whimper louder and louder. All while woo fingered you, he kept his plump Lips wrapped around your clit sucking softly And harshly at random intervals and you knew You weren't going to last much longer. Which was good for wooyoung, he was rock solid and again steadily leaking against your bed, rocking into the plush sheets for any type of friction. His moans reaching high pitched was spurring you on closer and closer to euphoria. Wooyoung then decided to use his other Hand to pull the hood of your clit back to expose you more, and make you cum as hard as you could tonight, maybe he'd even make you squirt or even pass out too. one last time for the night he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked hard, again and again and again, then vigorously swirled his tongue around the exposed bundle of nerves. The moans that came out of you so loud that they were borderline screams and your voice started getting hoarse After all the continued yelling. Somehow, you were able to muster up a couple of words before you came undone on his tongue and fingers.
“Woo-Woo,I'm going to cum-” you managed to Stutter out one last time as you felt like you were going to implode. Wooyoung sucked on you hard one last time and started humming on your clit. After that you seized up and began to cum hard on wooyoung. your legs were shaking and you couldn't breathe. your vision had gone spotty, but you felt like you were on cloud nine. Wooyoung cooed words of encouragement towards you as you were coming down from the high. As you came back to earth, you felt wooyoung still going, your thighs locking in a vice grip around his arm. He was now sitting up, his pants pulled down as he fisted his cock, starting to go harder, translucent strings of precum dripping on the sheets as he continued to punch into your gspot to get you to cum one last Time. You couldn't even speak, your voice was hoarse and your body was weak as you felt another orgasm coming on, this one however felt different like you had a strange pressure building up as well. “Woo- i’ i- feel funny” you gasped out as Your body shook from the intense overstimulation you were currently experiencing. “It- its Okay baby, let go” wooyoung Was able to grunt out as You could tell he was getting close. His knuckles Were white as ge fucked Into the tight grip of his hand vigorously, spurred on by your moans and the loud squelching of your pussy. Suddenly without warning, your entire body seized up once more. This time you felt your lower body spasming uncontrollably, you were Squirting. Splashing wooyoung's torso and cock with your cum and effectively soaking your sheets completely. “Yes baby, that's it, that's it ahhhh fuck y/n” wooyoung groaned out, that being the final push he needed to climax. You watched wooyoung cum on your stomach in hot Spurts as his cock and stomach twitched uncontrollably as well, emptying everything he had to give you for now. You and wooyoung took several moments To catch your Breath and regain some form Of stability.
“Wow” you and woo both said in unison, in a fit of giggles after the whole night you two Just shared. After that Wooyoung got up and got you a warm rag and cleaned off your stomach and lower area, being extra careful since he knew you were sensitive. He took his time Pressing soft kisses all over your stomach and thighs, he then leaned up over your face and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, rubbing his nose with yours and giving you a tight embrace.
“sooo when are you finishing your chem review “ wooyoung wiggled his brows at you and you slapped his back. “just shut and let me go back to sleep you fool” you blushed as he pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek as you two rolled over and went back to sleep.✨️
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Authors Note💙
I hope you enjoyed! This was not proofread whatsoever so there are probably a lot of mistakes! I wrote this all on sleep deprivation fumes, so I'm sorry if some parts don't flow too well! Once again my asks are open!
💙✨️💙✨️Please don't be a silent reader! Like, comment, and reblog ✨️💙✨️💙
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#ateez x reader #ateez smut #ateez imagines #ateez imagine #ateez wooyoung #jung wooyoung smut #jung wooyoung #wooyoung smut #wooyoung hard hours #wooyoung imagines #wooyoung x reader #wooyoung #jung wooyoung x reader #jung wooyung imagines #hongjoong x reader #seonghwa x reader #yunho x reader #yeosang x reader #san x reader #song mingi x reader #choi jongho x reader
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katiefrog217 · 1 month
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Crowley learned a lot about human civilizations today. Or, at least he thought he did. Truthfully, he was too busy watching Aziraphale's rapidly shifting expressions as he gleefully explained how a human had discovered some ruin of a civilization that had been lost to time. Crowley had zero recollection of this one, perhaps it has sprung up and fallen during one of his extended naps? Aziraphale, however, seemed intimately acquainted with them, if the stories he interspersed between his long, rambling explanations were any indication. Crowley really didn't give a shit about humans he had no involvement in, but he was content to not interrupt his angel (except the one time to make some sarcastic comment on their choice of architecture, which earned him a rueful glare).
I was working on an art piece for my fic From The Confidential Journals of A.Z Fell, but decided that it was going to take WAY too long to work out, so dragons it was haha.
Will post a short process video of this later!
The book Aziraphale is holding is an in-joke between me and my GF, involving a few personal OCs of ours.
Check out the Art Process HERE
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sizzlingchaosprince · 3 months
The Toy's favorite Child
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Notes: This is the first time I'm doing such thing so I'm really nervous XD I didn't know what to put into the background of the drawing so I didn't put any. Maybe I'll edit it soon. Do forgive me for my shading, I'm still learning(trying to)
Synopsis: After starting to live in PlayCare, one creature you became friends with grew a liking to you...
Warning: PLATONIC, headcanon + little story, reader is 12-14 years old, reader is a chill teenager
It's been a year since you got into the PlayCare, passing through the security with laid-back face and leaving the staff confused. They kept you because you seemed useful for them...
You were quite chilly and relaxed, reserved and smart. Also, because of your personality you were almost the same with Cat Nap from cartoons. Maybe that's why you became quick friends with Smiling Critters. With most of them, at least...
The big purple cat was almost never appearing like others from his party. And this interested you.
After a week or so you finally met him face-to-face. You were as calm as always, but your heart was pounding from excitement. You said 'hi' for politeness and introduced yourself, waiting for him to do the same.
Guess what? His face didn't even shift. He continued staring at you with his dead eyes.
After understanding that you won't get an answer from him, you tried to talk about something else.
But he disappeared in blink of an eye.
You were quite disappointed, but you still had the same urge to get to know the living toy better. You knew it'll be a long while...
It was worth 3 months to make him sit and listen to your rambling for 10 minutes. It was worth more months to make him spend at least an hour with you. It took even longer for him to let you stay near him and sleep, leaning onto the puppet. But it was worth the pleasure you get from his warmth and company.
Even though you never heard him talk, it's enough for you to be near him. It's good to talk about any nonsense which randomly comes to your mind and have a listener who won't judge you. It's also good to take a great nap in his fur or stay in complete silence, thinking of your own thing.
The staff, of course, sooner found out the relationship between you and the purple cat puppet.
They tried to use you to their own benefits and new information, but instead you composed some lies which sounded like truth to tell them(Cat Nap helped you a little sometimes, nodding or shaking his head if the lie sounds truthful or not).
When the scientists were starting thinking about taking you for the test next, Cat Nap started to monitor you to make sure you won't end up in the Game Station.
It definitely wasn't him who knocked out the staff members right behind your back. It definitely wasn't him who let out some scratching noises in Home-Sweet-Home. Also, of course, it definitely wasn't his sharp gaze you felt on your gut 24/7.
You liked to use the hair brush on the purple furball. It doesn't move away so you can say that he's at least neutral to your activity(we don't talk about his really quiet purring).
[Now. The small story]
It was a normal day like any other one. More specifically, night. However, this week was quiet strange: the staff members of Playtime Co. except the workers from the PlayCare appeared more often in front of you. When they started talking about 'test', they randomly passed out because of the red smoke. You knew it was one of the Smiling Critters you were hanging out with for a while, but you didn't know why was he doing it.
You were currently sitting with your back leaning against the living cat plush, brushing your companion's tail you gently patted with your free second hand. The only thing that bothered you in that peaceful time was the fact that the purple cat wasn't purring at all. It was staring at you with its dark eyes. Sooner after, you finally asked him about this:
— Is something wrong, Cat Nap?
It didn't answer. Instead, the living toy just stared at you with expressionless eyes, not moving an inch. You weren't intimidated by the stare at all, so you just continued brushing the long tail. You weren't hoping for an answer anyway, but still a small, almost impossible dream was remaining in your heart.
The silence was broken by the raspy, low voice coming out from Cat Nap's voice box.
— The Prototype... Will Save Us.
You flinched.
This is the first time he ever said something to you. It was surely a progress for your friendship.
You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment before shifting your attention back to the tail. You shrugged with your shoulders, your face had a relaxed smile.
— I don't know who the Prototype is, but if they helped you somehow, I think they're my saviour too. You're like a home to me.. I can't even imagine what would it be like living without you here!
You chuckled, patting the fluffy tail while Cat Nap looked at you with the same stare. However, something in his eyes changed... Maybe his gaze gained a little more... softness?
He stared at you until you fell asleep on him again. A few minutes of him sinking into his thoughts have passed, the toy putted his head on his paws, wrapping his tail around you like a blanket and soon enough closing his eyes. You would call it the same night-time scenario with Cat Nap in the next morning, because you didn't know that he was comfortably purring, nuzzling himself into your warmth last night...
Notes: OH MY GOD I DID IT :D I'll maybe do part 2, but without promises
Anyways, thank you for wasting your time reading my first-ever-made English fanfic. Do write me some comments about my errors if you find any, I will appreciate it since it'll improve my writing skills.
Have a nice day/evening/night!😘
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megalony · 3 months
Worth The Wait
This is an Eddie x reader x Evan imagine, requested by the lovely @itsmytimetoodream I hope you like how it turned out honey. Feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: When (Y/n) goes into labour, it is far from easy and ends up being a long, hard few days. But the boys help her through it.
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As hard as she tried, (Y/n) couldn't stop the tears from trickling down her face and it made her breaths hitch higher in her throat. Her teeth sank down into her lower lip until she could taste blood trickling onto her tongue and turning her mouth sour.
(Y/n) pressed her hands down into the mattress and pushed herself until she was sitting up rather than lying down, but it didn't help. It relieved the weight from her back, but it made the tension shift around in her stomach and the pain was still igniting in her lower back. Right between her hips, it felt like a fire was slowly licking at her hip bones and working its way up along her spine.
She tried to take a deep, steady breath but her back was twinging and seizing up and (Y/n) didn't know what to do with herself anymore.
Reaching her hand out, she gently grabbed Eddie's forearm that was slumped across the middle of the bed. She shook his arm a few times before just pulling his arm until the jolt made his head push down into the pillow and shocked him awake.
"Hm… mi amor, what're you doing?" He stretched his other arm above his head and propped his head up on his hand.
He moved his hand round and twisted his arm out of her grasp so he could press his hand against her lower back.
Eddie didn't know what time it was, but he knew it was late. He had fallen asleep around eleven o'clock so surely it had to be sometime after midnight. (Y/n) didn't usually wake him up. She got up a lot during the night to go to the bathroom and Eddie never woke up or heard her, and she didn't wake him up during the night for anything.
When she had twisted her ankle while he was taking a nap she just hobbled into bed with him and didn't bother to wake him and tell him.
"Eddie, it hurts." Her voice and the little whimper she let out made Eddie wake up on red alert. His head pushed up off his hand and he sat up in bed, moving the cover away from him so he could shuffle into the middle of the bed and sit behind her.
"What hurts, baby?"
His hand stayed on her back while his other hand held her arm and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against her shoulder.
"Everything. God, my back kills a-and the baby keeps moving, Eddie it's bad."
"Okay, okay I know." He could tell immediately that this had to be bad because Eddie knew (Y/n) wouldn't wake him if she was only in slight discomfort. It had to be bad for her to wake him and ask for help.
He began smoothing his hand across her back in slow circles and when (Y/n) leaned her head back on his shoulder, Eddie let go of her arm to press his hand against her abdomen. He waited a few seconds before moving his hand around and tried to press around her stomach.
"You might be going into labour, mi amor." His hand stayed on her back while he reached out to turn the lamp on and shake his head to liven up.
It seemed about right. (Y/n) was thirty-eight weeks pregnant now and they knew that she could go into labour at any moment. That was why Eddie and Evan were working alternate shifts for the next two weeks so that when (Y/n) went into labour, one of them would be home with her. And then they could take their agreed annual leave together to be home with (Y/n), Chris and the new baby.
Eddie knew (Y/n) had been having back pains for the last few days, but he noticed she was very uncomfortable tonight. She couldn't focus on watching tv, she was tired but couldn't settle to sleep and she had clung to him all evening.
"So, so we wait?"
"Afraid we do. I'll time the contractions when they start, hopefully Buck will be home by then."
They couldn't do very much right now. All (Y/n) could do was take painkillers and try to either sleep or move through the pain until her waters broke and the contractions became frequent. The midwife had told them they couldn't go to the hospital until contractions were ten minutes apart or preferably less.
They had a long wait on their hands.
And Eddie didn't want to ring Evan yet while he was on shift. It was past midnight, chances were Evan was either in the bunker room taking a nap or he would be out on a call. It wouldn't be fair to ring him and tell him (Y/n) was in labour when right now, it was the early stages. They couldn't go to hospital or do anything so Evan didn't have to come home because it would just be a long wait.
He may as well stay at work, Evan was the hyperactive one out of the three of them. He was the one who needed to be busy and telling him (Y/n) was in labour would make him flutter about, desperate to find things to do.
"Do you want to try and sleep?" Eddie went back to kissing her shoulder and rubbing his palm across her lower back to see if it would help relieve her pain and discomfort.
It would be easier for (Y/n) to get some sleep now rather than when the contractions started and the pain got worse. But if she didn't want to, Eddie would gladly stay awake with her. And he smiled into her skin when she shook her head and wiggled onto the edge of the bed.
"I can't sleep." She wasn't sure what she wanted to do, but sleeping was definitely not on the list.
"Do you want a bath?" Eddie grinned softly when (Y/n) turned her head to look back at him. He could see the small smile forming on her lips and the perplexed look in her eyes. It wasn't really a normal thing to have a bath after midnight like this, but it sounded appealing. "Come on, let's have a bath."
It wouldn't be the first time Eddie had found (Y/n) in the bath in the early hours of the morning, but that was usually around four or five. (Y/n) tended to feel most comfortable in the bath and she seemed certain that their baby only slept when (Y/n) was laid in the bath. It might work in easing her back pain and make her feel a bit better. Time might also go a bit faster if (Y/n) was comfortable.
"You can go back to sleep, you know." (Y/n)'s voice was soft and quiet and made Eddie's heart flutter as he climbed off the bed and stood in front of her.
"I'll sleep when you sleep. But if you're awake, then so am I." He would gladly take a nap later if (Y/n) managed to get some sleep, but if she was awake in pain, Eddie was staying up with her.
He and Evan promised her they would do this with her and if (Y/n) was in labour, Eddie was going to be right by her side.
She wrapped her hands around Eddie's arm and pressed her lips against his bicep, following him out the bedroom and into the bathroom. Her lips curled into a grateful smile when Eddie found some painkillers in the cabinet and handed them over before he turned the bath on.
"I hope Chris won't need the toilet soon." Eddie murmured quietly while he ran the bath and pushed the bathroom door closed to be safe. They didn't want to wake him.
Chris didn't usually wake up during the night and he rarely got up to use the toilet. But it would be just their luck for him to wake up now and want to go when they were both getting in the bath.
"Do me a favour?" (Y/n)'s eyes followed Eddie as he leaned back up and moved his hands to his hips, nodding silently. She watched the confusion light up his face when she gingerly took his wrist and moved his hand to the middle of her back. "Push." Her request took Eddie by surprise, but he obliged.
He pressed the base of his palm into her back while (Y/n) squared her shoulders and tried to straighten up. A horrible click echoed off the tiles and made Eddie wince, but he could see it helped.
"Alright, come on."
(Y/n) stripped off and let Eddie climb in first before she took his hands and climbed in. When she turned round, his hands moved to her hips to help ease her down and he spread his legs so she could sit between his thighs that clamped down around her hips.
She eased her back into Eddie's chest and tucked her face into the crook of his neck, pressing a tender kiss beneath his chin when his arms wound around her waist. It tickled when he started drawing patterns over her stomach, but when he switched to moving his hands around her stomach, it felt soothing.
"Not long now," Eddie whispered against the top of her hair while he closed his eyes.
It felt like years had passed since they found out about the baby. Everything seemed to have happened in a rush. Telling their families, Evan arguing with his parents and begging them to be happy for him rather than judging him. Eddie's family trying their best to understand and agree because they could see how happy Evan and (Y/n) made Eddie.
Telling the team, getting things ready, telling Chris who had then been adamant he was going to help paint the spare room and help both dads put everything together.
It all seemed to have happened ages and ages ago, but now, they were so close to meeting their new arrival.
Moving her hands, (Y/n) leaned forward until her lower back was arched out and her hands were planted down on the bed to prop herself up. She bit down on her lip to swallow down a groan and tried to wait out the sharp pain that tore through her abdomen and around near her hips.
When it finally stopped, she opened her eyes and looked across at the clock on the night stand. Her lip wobbled and her hand slammed down into the bed as she bit down a cry of anger.
Thirty minutes.
Her back pain had been consistent, but her contractions were still just about half an hour apart. She thought for sure that it had only been twenty minutes since her last contraction. Eddie was timing them, but (Y/n) was too because she was becoming impatient.
Not long after she and Eddie got out the bath this morning, a contraction started. The pair of them had managed an hour of sleep, then another power nap early on in the morning. But (Y/n) was getting tired. She wasn't sleepy, she just wanted the pains to become persistent.
She wanted the contractions to speed up and for labour to get moving, she didn't want to be stuck waiting around for the pains to hit and for her back to keep seizing up like this. (Y/n) didn't like waiting.
She reached out for the bag in the middle of the bed and launched it off the bed, across the room. They didn't need it yet. They didn't need the hospital bag (Y/n) had packed last week. Her contractions were nowhere near together and her water hadn't broken yet. They wouldn't be at the hospital anytime soon and that thought made tears burn into her face.
"Baby… have you had another contraction?" Eddie glanced down at his watch as he walked into the bedroom and moved to stand behind (Y/n). When she nodded, he smiled and curved an arm around her back. "That's good, and I've called Carla. She can get Chris from school later if we need her to, and she'll look after him when we're ready."
Carla was more than happy to pick Chris up this afternoon and she had agreed months in advance to have Chris whenever (Y/n) went into labour. Chris loved her and he felt comfortable with her if he couldn't be with one of his three parents.
"It's not good. We'll still be here when he comes home, it's taking forever."
(Y/n) hated to whine but she couldn't help it. At this rate they would still be home this afternoon by the time Chris came back from school, it didn't feel like they would be getting to the hospital any time soon.
"Baby, it's okay, we knew it might take a while. Things will speed up soon." When (Y/n) turned around, Eddie reeled her into his chest.
He felt how tightly her hands dug into his shoulder blades and and each harsh breath that fanned into his shirt when she buried her face against his sternum. He smoothed his hand up and down the middle of her back while his right hand cupped the back of her neck and he peppered kisses against the back of her head.
"I want this to go smoothly." (Y/n) mumbled into his chest while he started to sway them from side to side.
"I know baby, and it will, I promise. Me and Buck are gonna take care of you, and you're gonna be fine."
She wanted labour to go swiftly and easily and have no complications or problems along the way. And (Y/n) wanted to be selfish and wish for the process to speed up. But she knew with it being her first, the chances were higher that it would take a while. She thought she had been prepared for waiting, but it was starting to get tiresome.
"There we go, I think Buck's home." Eddie continued to sway them from left to right as if they were having some kind of slow dance together. He could hear the front door slam shut and the heavy, pounding footsteps signalled Evan was home.
That was good timing, now (Y/n) was having contractions, she needed them both here with her. And they needed to get ready for when it was time to take her to the hospital. Plus, Evan didn't know labour had started yet. He was under the assumption that he could come home, grab a snack and maybe take a power nap and relax with his partners.
He didn't know what he was going to walk into.
"Well, this is a nice view." Evan folded his arms over his chest and pressed his shoulders back against the door frame. One leg crossed over the other and he rose a brow as he looked over at his partners.
Usually, when he came home he would find Eddie pottering about the house or find he had gone to the gym. And (Y/n) would be reading a book, taking a nap or mooching about the house trying to keep busy. This was the first time he had come home to find them cuddled together like they were trying to dance.
"Can I step in?"
Stepping forward, he held his hands out towards them but the bright smile on his lips faded when he watched them closely. He watched Eddie turn to the side as (Y/n) patted her hand on the bed to silently signal that she wanted to sit down. And Evan could feel the panic bubbling up in his chest when (Y/n) sat down and groaned.
Her head flopped forward and her hands started to rake up and down her thighs, scratching into her skin as she arched her back out to try and release the tension.
"Baby what's wrong?" Evan knelt down in front of (Y/n)'s knees and gently took her hands so she would stop scratching. He didn't want her to hurt herself and he needed to know what was wrong. He didn't like the way (Y/n) avoided his eyes and looked up at Eddie instead.
"She went into labour this morning, contractions have finally started." Eddie sat down on the end of the bed beside (Y/n) but he sighed when Evan's expression changed.
"Why didn't you call me?!" He seemed stuck between wanting to reach out and slap Eddie's thigh, wanting to curl his hands into fists, and feeling desperate to comfort (Y/n) in some way. So Evan settled on moving his hands up and down (Y/n)'s thighs while she braced her hands on the bed and leaned back.
"Buck, what difference would it have made?"
"I'm you're bloody partner Eddie, it would have made a lot of difference to know our girlfriend is in labour while I'm not fucking here."
Evan's snappy response was instant and the anger burned bright in his eyes, making Eddie wince while (Y/n) reached down to hold Evan's shoulder. They hadn't done this intentionally to upset him. They didn't want to panic him and drag him home just to wait around. It was easier for Evan to finish his shift because now both men were done with work and once they told Bobby (Y/n) was in labour, their annual leave would start right away.
"And you coming home early wouldn't change the fact that this takes hours, Buck. It's been eight hours and nothing has happened yet, so calm down."
"Thanks. Why not just call me when the baby's born-"
"Stop it." (Y/n) dug her nails into Evan's shoulder and moved her other hand to slap Eddie's thigh. She didn't want them arguing right now, she wanted one of them to make this process speed up so they could have their baby. "You're here now and this baby is taking their sweet time anyway… can I get a hand up, I need to get a drink."
Evan rolled his lips together but nodded, silently ending the disagreement. He wasn't best pleased, but he was relieved to see that this was clearly the start of labour. He hadn't missed much and he was here now, that was all that mattered.
They were all together.
He pushed up and took (Y/n)'s hands, carefully pulling her up while Eddie held her hips and stood behind her once she was up. Evan kept hold of her hand and moved towards the door, but he stopped and turned round when (Y/n) sharply tugged on his hand and stopped walking.
(Y/n) looked down before her eyes locked with Evan's and she felt Eddie tighten his hands on her hips when he noticed too. Her waters had broken. This was a sure sign that labour was in full swing, now they just needed to wait for the contractions to get closer together and they would be on their way to the hospital.
"See, the baby was just waiting for Buck."
"Do you still feel sick?" Evan tilted his head forward to look down at (Y/n) when she wriggled around and her legs shifted on his lap.
He continued to glide his hand up and down her leg from her ankle up over her knee while his right hand propped up his head on the back of the sofa. He wasn't sure what time it was, he just knew it was late.
When the contractions were less than twenty minutes apart this afternoon, Evan stupidly thought this might go a bit quicker. But it didn't. Carla brought Chris home to them and he had tea with them before Carla took him back to her place ready for when the boys needed to take (Y/n) down to the hospital.
They couldn't go until the contractions were ten minutes apart or less and it was taking forever. Every time (Y/n) had a contraction, she would squeeze Eddie's thigh and he would keep count, but Evan was the one keeping check now because he was getting jittery and Eddie was asleep.
Evan squeezed the back of (Y/n)'s thigh when she hummed.
The three of them were laid on the sofa. Eddie had his feet propped up on the coffee table and (Y/n) laid over his lap and her legs were resting on Evan's thighs.
They had a bowl on the floor ready in case (Y/n) threw up, which she had done twice since this afternoon and although Eddie said that was normal, Evan didn't like it. He wanted this to go swiftly for (Y/n) so she didn't have to be in as much pain and he wanted to have their baby in his arms already.
Evan let his hand slide up over the shorts (Y/n) was wearing and he wormed his hand beneath her shirt to trace his fingers up and down her stomach. It was crazy to think that in just a few hours, he wouldn't be able to do this anymore. He would be able to hold his baby in his arms and see what they looked like.
They would finally see whether they had a girl or a boy, if they had blue eyes or brown and see how big they were and be able to hold them.
(Y/n) sank her teeth down into her lower lip but it didn't do anything to hide her groan. She turned her head and meshed her face into Eddie's thigh, clenching her hand around his knee when a contraction hit. Her knees pulled up near her stomach and she tensed up and tried to wait it out.
She could feel Evan's hand gliding up and down her stomach and she must have woken Eddie because his hand moved back to card through her hair like he had been doing before he fell asleep.
Her knees stayed up near her stomach and she let her tears soak into Eddie's jeans while he sat up straighter and leaned over her.
"I think we're almost ready."
"Can we go now?" (Y/n) lifted her head from Eddie's thigh and looked between them both. She had stopped keeping count of the contractions because whenever she thought they were getting closer, it seemed like they were getting further apart. She had settled on just waiting for the boys to tell her when they were finally able to go to the hospital.
A look passed between the boys before Evan nodded, they were just about ten minutes apart now. They could take (Y/n) down to the hospital and pray that this wouldn't take much longer.
"Yeah, baby, we can go now. Let's get you up." Evan slid out from beneath (Y/n)'s legs and moved to stand in front of her instead.
He held his hands out and carefully pulled her up while Eddie held her hips and gave her a gentle nudge.
"Why isn't anything happening?" (Y/n) hated the whining edge to her voice, but she was past the point of caring now. Tears were melting into her face and burning her eyes that were already sore and beyond tired.
Her hands clenched down around the rail on the end of the bed and she arched her lower back out so see if it would help relieve the tension, but it didn't. She shifted her weight from foot to foot until she felt Evan's hand on her lower back and his chest mould up against her side.
Tears continued to stream down her face as she turned to the right and let go of the bed so she could fist Evan's shirt in her hands instead. Her temple pressed forward into the middle of his chest and his arms bound tight around her waist as Eddie moved to stand behind her. She could feel Eddie's hand on her lower back as he leaned against the bed and crossed one leg over the other.
"Baby, something is happening. You're almost there now, I promise-"
"I'm not!" The words burned at the back of (Y/n)'s throat as she sobbed. "I c-can't wait much longer… just let me push."
She didn't want to wait. She had been in labour for almost two days now and she was getting fed up. (Y/n) thought when they got to the hospital that she would have her baby within a couple of hours. But each time a midwife had come along to examine her, she hadn't been dilated enough. She was at eight centimetres now and if that hadn't changed soon, (Y/n) wasn't going to wait.
Damn the consequences, she would rather try and push already and demand her body work with her. This was taking too long. It was too hard. She was too tired. It had to hurry up now.
"Mi amor, as soon as you're ready, that will be it. Everything will be all over when you start pushing, I swear it won't take long then." Eddie pressed up behind her and cupped his hands over her hips.
He knew the process. He had been there when Chris was born and he had seen women give birth on the job. One (Y/n) was ready to push, that wouldn't take long. This was the longest part, within an hour of wanting to push she would have the baby and it would all be over and done with.
(Y/n) found herself nodding along, but she wasn't sure she agreed. If that was the case, why couldn't she just push already? Surely if she started pushing, her body would get the hint and reach ten centimetres a lot quicker than waiting around like this. Why couldn't she push and speed up the process that had taken far too long already?
It wasn't supposed to take this long. (Y/n) wanted to be one of those women who were in labour less than a day. This was dragging out on purpose and it wasn't fair.
"How are we doing in here?" Amanda, their midwife, poked her head around the door as she snapped on a pair of gloves and walked in when she knew she wasn't interrupting anything.
"Ready. I'm ready… please, please let me push now." (Y/n) turned her head so her cheek was pressed against Evan's chest so she could look over at Amanda. She could see the sympathy on the young woman's face and she smiled kindly. Every time Amanda had come in to check, she had been kind and caring and very sweet when she politely told (Y/n) she wasn't ready yet. (Y/n) wouldn't handle hearing that for a fourth time.
"Let's get you on the bed and take a look, sweetie." She motioned towards the bed and stood out the way. She knew she wasn't needed to assist (Y/n) when she had both her boys here with her.
A broken cry escaped (Y/n)'s lips and she pulled on Evan's shirt when another contraction hit. Her knees bent and she looked like she was about to fall down to the floor.
"Okay, shhh, it's alright." Eddie pressed his lips to the back of (Y/n)'s head and kept hold of her hips while Evan tightened his arms around her waist to hold her into his chest. If she went down on her knees they would never get her back up again. "Come on, up on the bed."
(Y/n) let them shuffle her round to the bed but she didn't like the feeling of being sat down. Standing up felt better.
It was a relief to have Evan sat on the bed with her and when she leaned forward, he moved behind her so she could lean up against his chest. His arm curved around her waist and his lips attached to her neck while Eddie stood beside them with his hand deadlocked in (Y/n)'s.
The three of them stayed content and silent as Amanda checked to see how dilated (Y/n) was this time. Eddie brought his free hand up to bite down on his thumb out of anxious habit, but when Amanda smiled and nodded, he could feel the relief pouring out of him.
"Let's just check baby, shall we?" Amanda leaned over and moved to press her hands to (Y/n)'s stomach. The baby had been constantly wriggling around since labour started but last time she checked, baby had been facing the right way with their head down.
"Can I push now?"
"You can start pushing on the next contraction… but baby has moved around. They're going to be breach, I'm afraid."
(Y/n) slumped her chin down onto her chest as her shoulders started to shake and she cried. Why was the baby doing this to her? First labour had taken so long to get in full swing and it had been two days to bring her to this point. And now their baby was the wrong way round. That complicated everything. That meant it would be harder for (Y/n) and something could go wrong.
"It's okay, you're almost there now mi amor. You'll both be fine." Eddie moved his free hand to the back of (Y/n)'s head as he leaned down to kiss her temple. He let her lean her head into his chest while Evan stayed curled over her back like a protective blanket.
"Big pushes (Y/n), you've waited long enough for this baby."
She had one hand curled around each of her boy's hands and (Y/n) kept her head tucked into Eddie's chest and her eyes stayed as tightly closed as she could manage. She could feel her knees shaking when she pulled them up and she tried to sit forward, but it felt like her stomach was being wrenched in half.
She pulled Evan's hand up until she could press it against her chest and she bit back the urge to be sick. She hadn't eaten anything since she went into labour and she had nothing left to throw up, no matter what her stomach was trying to tell her.
"Again… and we've got the legs. Take a breather, try to relax for a moment."
(Y/n) wanted to smile. She really did, but she was too torn up to smile when she didn't have any energy left and she wasn't even finished yet.
But she could feel Evan smiling against her shoulder and Eddie kept tangling his hands through her hair and brushing it back in a methodical way that made (Y/n) want to fall asleep. If only she could.
"Let's keep pushing then."
"You're almost done sweetheart," Evan nudged his nose against (Y/n)'s neck and pecked her skin gently.
Tears tracked down (Y/n)'s face and she felt like she was on fire when she heard the midwife say that the arms were out. It hurt even worse when she felt the shoulders being born. She was almost there but she felt like she was out of energy now. Her last reserves were running on empty.
"I- I can't." She shook her head against Eddie and sucked her lip between her teeth. Couldn't she stop now? Couldn't it all be over and done with now?
"Yes you can. We've got you, you're so, so close now."
"(Y/n), you need to push now. We don't want baby waiting too long in case they try to breathe. Big pushes." Amanda's tone was gentle but her words were coaxing and stern. Being breach put the risk of the baby trying to breathe while their head wasn't quite born yet. They didn't want the baby to breathe and start to suffocate so they had to be quick.
Everything burned like it was on fire and her body started to shake like she was being electrocuted which made Evan and Eddie shake along with her.
Her stomach clenched and tightened when she finally felt that last push work and the weight shifted and pulled away from her abdomen.
"We've got you," Eddie murmured against her hair when her weight slumped forward into him and she almost folded over onto her legs. He let go of her hand to wrap his arm around her front and he slowly eased her back into Evan.
They both watched the way her head lolled against Evan's shoulder and her eyes started to roam from left to right. She had blacked out. She couldn't see anything but darkness and white spots blinking far in front of her.
"That's our girl, you did so great." Evan kissed her neck and looped both arms around her waist while Eddie brushed her chin and tried to get her to take deep breaths. He could see her eyes coming back into focus as her chest heaved like her lungs were expanding so much they might just explode.
(Y/n) wanted to smile, but she didn't quite have the energy. Not until she looked down at Amanda and heard a sharp, piercing cry from the newborn in her arms.
"You've got a little girl. Which dad is going to cut the cord?"
A look passed between Evan and Eddie before Eddie nodded at Evan and pointed at him. "I got to do it with Chris, this is your turn." As much as Eddie would want to do it again, he knew it would mean a lot to Evan. Eddie had cut the cord when Chris was born, it was only fair that Evan got a turn.
(Y/n) reached out and coiled both her arms around Eddie's bicep when Evan slid out from behind her and Eddie took his place. He sat behind her, letting her lean into his chest while his arms cocooned around her and his lips pressed to the back of her head.
She felt Evan's fingers skim across her ankle and up the back of her leg before he focused on his task. It was hard for him to stop his hand from shaking when he took the scissors and cut the cord where Amanda had clamped it off.
"Here's your little girl,"
A grin broke out on (Y/n)'s tear-stained face and her arms moved up to curl shakily around her baby when the newborn was placed down carefully over her chest. She brushed her finger across her daughter's head, feeling the tiny wisps of dark hair that felt like cotton wool against her skin.
Eddie brushed his hand across the back of their daughter's head while he stayed curled around (Y/n). And Evan moved to sit back down next to (Y/n)'s thigh, staring at their little girl in wonder.
"Wasn't she worth the wait?" Eddie murmured quietly into (Y/n)'s ear. He could feel the tiredness washing away and he just knew that even if (Y/n) managed to get some sleep, neither he nor Evan were going to sleep yet. They would be staying awake through to the morning, watching over their little girl.
They all knew Evan would be ringing Bobby and Maddie soon to tell them they had a girl and Eddie would call Carla first thing in the morning so she could bring Chris down to see his sister.
Evan reached across and skimmed his fingers up and down (Y/n)'s arm while he looked down at the little girl in her arms. They could tell he was desperate to reach out and take hold of her, but he was trying not to. He was trying to be patient and hold back because (Y/n) had gone through all of that pain and torment, the hours of agony. She deserved to sit and cradle their daughter for however long she wanted.
As soon as she put her down, Evan would snatch her up, and then everyone would have to fight him to hold her.
"You took your time," (Y/n) kept her voice quiet and closed her eyes, letting the image of her daughter burn into her mind while she leaned her temple against Eddie's jaw.
"Don't worry, I'm sure next time will be a lot quicker." A grin broke out on Evan's face when Eddie nudged him in the thigh and raised a brow. It wouldn't do them any good to start winding (Y/n) up and teasing her, not after all she had just been through.
"You're already planning another? You wanna put me through all that again?"
"Ignore him." Eddie murmured into her hair while he rubbed his hand up and down her waist. Evan was only teasing. But they both knew what he was like. He loved the bones of Chris and he had been over the moon to know (Y/n) was pregnant. He wouldn't object to having more kids, it would be his dream plan to have at least four or five kids, if his partners agreed of course.
But as (Y/n) stared down at the little girl in her arms, she smiled fondly, because Eddie was right. Despite everything, she was worth the wait.
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lil13 · 1 year
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BEST FRIENDS - j. champion
You and Jack met on the set of Avatar when you were 12. Now 19, you lived in apartments across from each other in LA. You're both navigating life as young adults and wondering how the other fits into that.
You were seated on the couch of your apartment in Los Angeles watching one of your favorite movies.
Now, finally 19, your mother had trusted you enough to move out to California on your own. Well, sort of.
The agreement was that you could only move across the country if your best friend since you were 12 — Jack Champion — made the move as well. His apartment was across the hall from yours. Both sets of parents wanted easy accessibility to each other for the both of you. So, when they found an apartment building with 2 vacant apartments across the hall, they knew it was meant to be.
You'd met Jack on the set of Avatar: the Way of Water. It was both of your first ever big screen role and you happened to be the two actors closest in age to each other. The boy less than a month older than you.
Your characters played alongside each other, both the only humans born on Pandora, so over the course of filming you'd spent nearly every day together. Because of this, you'd become best friends.
Now, nearly 6 years later, and Jack was seated next to you in your apartment. You would never have thought that your life would end up this way.
Jack shifted next to you, his sudden movement catching your attention. "I might head back to my apartment soon, i've got dinner plans with Jamie tonight and my bed is calling my name for a nap." A faint laugh fell from his lips.
Your own parted, looking at him with the saddest eyes. "Why can't you take a nap here?"
"Because you're wide awake."
"I'm always down to take a nap, you know this, J." you laughed, slightly pushing him.
He caught one of your hands, bringing it up to his mouth to press a kiss to it. "If the princess insists." Jack was giving you the eyes that always drove you crazy.
You'd never tell him that, though.
Jack didn't need to know you'd been harboring a crush on him for the past 2 years. In the break between the end of filming and the premier of your movie, you'd developed feelings for the curly-headed boy.
The two of you had spent nearly every day together, when covid hit, you were separated for months before filming was able to conclude. And in the time after that, when Jack lived in Virginia and you in (your home state), the boy made every effort to come visit you. That, or you'd be on facetime almost every night.
He really put forth the effort to keep your friendship going and that made your heart soar.
You'd devised a plan with Jack to convince your parents to let you both move out on your own. Hence, how you ended up where you were at the moment.
And over time, you'd realized that maybe you had stopped seeing Jack as only your best friend. Maybe there was something more.
"I've got 4 hours before i've got to meet up with Jamie, so if we're gonna nap, let's go." Jack tore you from your thoughts, standing at the entrance to the hallway that lead to your room.
Jack would much rather take a nap in a bed than on the couch, so it wasn't odd that he was halfway to your bedroom by the time you caught up.
The two of you napped together so often that Jack knew how you only slept well when you were on the side of the bed closest to the door, leaving him near the wall. He crawled into the bed, cuddling under the comforter. Cheekily, he smiled up at you with his arms open, knowing you couldn't resist making yourself at home in his arms.
"Set an alarm?" he questioned as you crawled in next to him.
You tapped a couple buttons on your phone before setting it on the side table. "Mhmm." His arms hooked around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
His head tucked in your neck, his hot breath fanning your face. Shivers shot down your spine and you almost lost it. You couldn't help but wonder if he knew what he did to you?
Jack shifted once more, his head tilting before his lips met your cheek. "Love you." he mumbled.
Holy fucking shit.
He kissed your cheek. Your mind was going crazy. "Love you too, J." The two of you told each other how much you loved the other all the time, why did this time feel different?
His arms were still around your waist as you laid there. Your hands fell down to rest on top of his own, loving the feeling of your hands touching. Jack moved his hands, a slight frown flashing on your lips, but instantly disappeared when you felt him slip his fingers between yours.
Did he really want to hold your hands?
You tried to calm your heart and mind of the thoughts running through your head — you'd never fall asleep if you didn't. But the way his thumbs rubbed your knuckles made it extremely hard.
"G'night." Jack mumbled, his hot breath tickling your neck.
Now you were sure you wouldn't fall asleep.
Jack's breathing eventually slowed, clueing you into the fact he'd fallen asleep. You were jealous. He was able to sleep soundly not knowing all that he'd done to you.
Having feelings for Jack felt weird. You'd known him for 6+ years now, and knew that he'd forever be your best friend. But lately, part of you wanted him to be more. It was hard to come to terms with it.
Who knows how much time had passed before you’d given up on sleeping in the position you were in. You let go of Jack’s hands and rolled over to face him, hoping that he’d move in a way to accommodate your new position. Now you were laying with your head on his chest and legs intertwined. Maybe listening to his slow and steady heartbeat would lull you to sleep.
Only, his heartbeat wasn’t slow.
It was fast, very fast.
You furrowed your eyebrows, this didn’t make sense. Wasn’t the heart supposed to be slower when you were asleep?
Your curiosity got the best of you and you propped yourself up, looking up to Jack’s face. He wasn’t asleep anymore, no, he was sleepily looking down at you.
“Did I wake you up?” you mumbled, not wanting to speak too loud.
He shrugged, “Maybe.”
You rested a hand on his chest, his heartbeat prominent under your finger tips. “Why is your heart racing?” You asked yet another question.
Jack’s face flushed red and he avoided eye contact.
Had you done something? Your hand that was over his heart, now holding his cheek. “J, are you ok? Do I need to call a doctor or something?” You were starting to panic.
His heartbeat was never this fast and you were starting to worry at his lack of a response. The thought of him going to the hospital when his family was on the other side of the country made you nervous. You didn’t like it at all.
“Y/N.” Jack’s hand held the one of yours that still rested on his face.
Your eyes found his, in the dim lighting of your bedroom, you still were mesmerized by the dark color of them. “Yeah?”
His other hand slid up your back, successfully giving you chills. Only, the hand didn’t stop. Jack caught the back of your neck, pulling your face down to his.
You took in a sharp breath as his lips connected with yours. Holy shit.
It took you less than a second to kiss back. You couldn’t believe this was happening.
Your mind swirled with thoughts of how long Jack could’ve possibly felt the same way. But also, you were quickly getting lost in the kiss. There were so many feeling surging through your body you didn’t know what to do.
But Jack did.
He pulled your body so you were laying on top of him, your bodies flushed with each other. You were unsure of how far you’d go at the moment, but the fact you were kissing your best friend had you on cloud 9.
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bsdawgz · 2 months
「 ✦ I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship… ✦ 」 Bungo Stray Dogs, Port Mafia: Michizō Tachihara
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a/n: tachihara smut as promised (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ part2 of THIS post!
~if you read a lot of my work, you know that i usually dance around words like pussy but i actually use it in this one cuz my headcanon is that tachihara is a dirty, hard n fast type lover ahhh ><
genre: nasty
content: f!reader. MDNI! cunnilingus, rough sex, brief drug (marijuana) reference at the end. tachihara has a big dick. ♡
summary: looks like it's gonna be hard to stay "just friends" after this...
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"Oy, what the hell–?"
Tachihara is just about to fight you when you yank the blankets off his half-naked body, but once his vision focuses on you and he realizes he's not in any danger, he relaxes back into the bed. "Fucking shit, it's just you," he mutters, rubbing his eyes.
It's nearly 10PM when you impulsively decide to barge into his apartment and confront him after a week of no contact after the incident. But much to your annoyance, you find Tachihara still fast asleep in his bed, lying face-down with a pillow over his head.
"Just me?"
You scoff at his words, climbing into his bed and beating him over the head with his pillow. His face turns bright red as you situate yourself beside him, and he instinctively pulls the covers over his boxers, shifting uncomfortably as you move closer to him.
"Where the fuck have you been this whole time?" you press, clearly pissed off. You spent this whole week worrying about how your friendship might have been affected by what happened between you – after you and Tachihara went from smoking a joint and laughing to full-on making out and groping each other on your couch – but it doesn't look like Tachihara had thought about it at all.
You sigh, relenting.
"Look, Michi. Let's just move past it already," you decide to say after the silence between you two has gone on for too long to be comfortable. "You regret it, right? Let's just forget about it, then."
This time, it's Tachihara who sighs, rolling his eyes at you. "Listen," he says, tossing the pillow back at you. "I've just been busy," he insists. You only knew about his affiliation with Port. Explaining that he was infiltrating the mafia as a member of the Hunting Dogs was too complicated and would only endanger you.
"Besides," he starts, leaning back into his bed with a smug smirk. "Who said I regret anything?"
You're bunching up your fists at him for making excuses, then it hits you – the implication of what he's just laid out so plainly. He said it so off-handedly that it takes you a while to process, but once you realize exactly what he means, a faint blush creeps on your face.
When he's certain you understand him, he leans in closer... closer... – and the situation feels all too familiar.
"Look," he murmurs, then the back of his fingers are brushing gently against your cheek. You can see your reflection in his amber eyes as they flicker to your lips, and as you watch him, you can faintly remember the feeling of his kiss from a few nights before... How it felt to taste him in your mouth. "I just didn't wanna fuck up our friendship..." His voice is a low whisper, but there's a glowing fire in his eyes.
"Do you...?"
You didn't think it would come to this again, but here you are. You swear you can hear your heart beating in your chest as you stare into his eyes –
If you kiss now, there's nothing and no one to blame but yourselves...
But the answer is all too clear by the way your face flushes and the way your hands tremble as you wrap your arms around his neck. Who closes the gap, you don't know. You feel him cup your cheek in his palm, then his lips are pressing against yours. Those same soft, sweet lips that you can't get enough of...
He gets on top of you, laying you down on the mattress. It's that same springy mattress that you've played videogames on, taken naps together on, and shared joints on, never with any sexual implication. Now, though, he's pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it recklessly on the floor. "I'm not gonna stop this time," he says bluntly, and the straightforwardness with which he says it makes you feel embarrassed. "Unless you really want me to."
You've never seen Tachihara like this. He's your best friend, for God's sake. You've always been the demanding one in your friendship, bossing him around, and he's always followed you around and put up with your antics. Pinned beneath him like this, the roles are completely reversed. You wonder if Tachihara has always been this way, if this is how he normally is in bed. Is this what he's like with girls? Does he usually get on top of them like this and boss them around? Your face turns bright pink at the thought.
"I don't want you to stop this time," you tell him, trying to match his boldness as you undress yourself for him. He grins toothily at your response, pulling you in for another kiss by your chin. This time around, he’s rougher with his hands, gripping your hips and dragging you by your waist to the edge of the bed, where you're on your hands and knees for him.
His calloused hands squeeze your ass, fingertips digging into the fat. Then, he eases your legs apart, pressing chaste kisses up your inner thigh until he's kissing the soft spot, that place you want him most. You feel his fingers peeling your panties down your legs until you're bare for him, and you gasp as you feel the cold air hit you.
He drags his fingers along your slick, spreading your folds open, exposing you... and you can just sense him smirking behind you at your every reaction.
– You're wet for him. For him, Tachihara. Michizō. Michi. Your best friend. And it feels so damn good to him, knowing he's the one making you this horny.
Then, he leans in, tasting your sweetness on his eager lips. You writhe under the softness of his tongue as he teases you, as he collects your arousal on the tip, as he swirls his tongue around your sensitive spot. "Michi..." you stutter out, followed by a broken, "Fuck, Michi, oh God –..." as he eats you from the back like he's a starved man, pulling you flush against his mouth and moaning against your pussy, lapping up all you have to offer like a dog.
"Turn around and come here," he tells you suddenly, and you do as he says, watching as he gets up and strokes himself at the sight of your nakedness, at your glistening folds that are wet with his spit and your slick. When he's fully hard, he shuffles through his drawers for a condom, then wraps your legs tight around him from the edge of the bed.
He's barely eased the blunt head past your folds when you wince at his size. He's big, just as you imagined, but still bigger than you expected. You bite back a whimper as you take him inch by inch, his girth stretching you out so painfully well. Grabbing onto his forearm, you rake your nails against his flesh, your liquid eyes staring up at him in concern as your pussy squeezes around him erratically. "Michi, nnh – it's big..." you stammer out, struggling to adjust to him.
"Yeah?" he pants out, swiping his tongue over his lips seductively. He’s cocky from your words, half a grin on his face. His voice is strained from how tightly you're gripping him. You feel his hands smooth down your sides, making your body tingle from his hot touch, then he reaches down to caress your trembling lips with the underside of his thumb, stroking your cheekbone reassuring with his fingers. "You can take it," he whispers heatedly, "Take a deep breath for me." You nod up at him willingly, then do as he says. Then, you feel him finally bottom out on your exhale with a shaky sigh.
His strokes are slow and shallow at first. He gazes down at you with amber eyes that are hazy with lust, and he bats his lashes at you as he watches you watch him fuck you nice and slow... and his hands are everywhere – they wander down your body, making you shiver as he grasps your waist, as they travel down the sides of your hips, as they curve over your breasts. You arch your back as he rolls your hips toward him, chasing after the feeling of him. Then, you feel him get rougher.
You feel him pull the entirety of himself out of your warmed-up body, then cram himself back into your pulsing walls with a muffled groan, and you clench around him as he does it again and again, the sound of your skin against his filling the air as his pace quickens, as he shoves his hips against yours more recklessly.
Then, his fingers dig into you bruisingly as he grabs you fast and hard. You moan out for him shamelessly, burying your face into the crux of your elbow. He grins in satisfaction from the way your lips form the syllables of his name, then you feel his fingers wrap delicately around your neck before he tosses your leg over his shoulder. "Don't hide," he pants out, and he tips your chin up to peer into your desperate eyes, so that you're staring into his darkened gaze and that wicked smirk on his face.
– “I wanna see your face while I fuck you."
And you gasp at how greedy he is. So, so greedy, getting high on the feeling of you taking him so well, now that you're soaking wet for him. You glance down to where he's buried deep inside you, where he's making such a mess of you. You can see everything from this angle – how easily he's sliding in and out of you, how you're falling apart on him. How you’re swallowing him up so perfectly.
"God, you feel fucking good," he groans, throwing his head back in pleasure.
– Fucking your best friend like this, feels so fucking good.
You feel his thumb on your clit... His other hand reaching for your breast as he thrusts into you ruthlessly... as he fills your vision, as your body gives into him completely... and as you feel yourself approaching your high, as you unravel beneath him, as you cry out for more and beg for him to fuck you harder and harder, and you're thinking to yourself –
This is so wrong, right? Wrong, wrong, wrong. You shouldn't be doing this with your best friend, right?
But it's so good. So, so good – it makes you wonder why you hadn't done it sooner.
It makes you wanna do it again and again.
When all's done, you're on his bed, lighting another joint, passing it back and forth like it's nothing. It feels almost normal, hanging out like this. But not quite.
He rests his head on your lap, staring up at the ceiling as he blows a puff of smoke in the air. You run your fingers through his soft hair, reveling in the afterglow of your orgasm. Then, one of you breaks the silence.
"So, we're still best friends, right?"
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author ps: there may be another part. we'll see.
taglist: @shxlxnn @possiblydeceased @vyeisamazing @pe4rl-diver thank u thank u thank u for supporting me and my fics <3 ily and i appreciate every single one of u
© BSDAWGZ 2024. Do not steal or repost ANY of my works! That’s plagiarism, and it’s mean. :(( Beautiful dividers by @ v6que~!
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otterlis · 3 months
♡ the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my son ♡
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♡ papamin!au my beloved
♡ genre: pure fluff
♡ lenght: ~0,6K
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Kento didn't really plan to take a nap.
He was sitting in front of the TV, Yuuji curled up against his side as they watched Gravity Falls - well, Yuuji watched it. It was their afternoon tradition. They came back home, did the homework, watched some TV before they got hungry and then they cooked dinner together.
Today wasn’t much different, but after a tiring day at work Kento was absolutely exhausted. Too many pointless meetings and dumb arguments with his coworkers resulted in a throbbing headache and red, tired eyes. Relaxing against the soft pillows, Kento thought it wouldn’t hurt to close his eyes for a moment and rest. He wouldn’t fall asleep, right? Naps weren’t really his thing.
Then, as soon as the first episode of the show started, he just straight up passed out.
To him, it felt like a few seconds. A longer blink, if you will. That’s why he was so confused when he shifted and suddenly he couldn’t feel Yuuji’s tiny body pressed against his side. His eyes shot open and he sat straight up as the panic settled in.
‘Yuuji?’, he called out, looking around the room. It was already dark and he could barely make out anything. As he turned around on the couch, Kento noticed soft light pouring out through the kitchen door, accompanied by a few soft grunts of annoyance. He quickly made his way over, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw the scene before him.
Yuuji was standing on top of the kitchen chair, Kento’s big apron hanging around his tiny body, the straps tangled around his legs. His face was concentrated, the tip of his tongue sticking out, as he tried hard to slice the cucumber that stubbornly rolled away from him with every attempt.
At least he’s using the child-friendly knife, Kento thought with relief. He quietly stepped inside of the kitchen, trying not to startle the boy.
‘What are you doing, Yuuji?’, he asked.
‘Oh, Nanamin!’, Yuuji exclaimed happily, almost falling off the chair as he tried to turn around with the apron tangled between his legs. Luckily, Kento had quick reflexes. This wasn’t the first time this happened, either. ‘I’m making us dinner!’
‘Hm?’, Kento hummed, looking away from the boy he held in his arms and back at the counter. Indeed, there were two plates prepared - there was a ham sandwich, a cheese stick and a few cherry tomatoes on both of them, but coincidentally the one on the right had also a few candies hidden behind the food.
‘I wanted some cucumber too, but it kept rolling away!’, Yuuji added, crossing his arms with frustration. Kento couldn’t help but smile, a warm, cozy feeling spreading across his chest.
‘You did great’, he praised the boy, setting him back up on the chair. He grabbed the rowdy cucumber and set it back on the cutting board, his other hand wrapping around Yuuji's wrist to guide his movements and cut up the vegetable. They boy cheered as they finally defeated the green stick of doom and placed a few slices on each of the plates.
‘Let’s go eat in the living room!’, Yuuji exclaimed, climbing down the chair and slipping out of the apron. He grabbed his plate and quickly run out of the kitchen, trying to cover up the sweets with his tiny hand. Kento chuckled as he picked up his own dinner, turning off the light and following the boy with a smile still etched on his face.
Sure. This one time Kento could pretend he didn’t see any candies on Yuuji’s plate.
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It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons — Johann Freidrich von Schiller
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ellis jjk fanfic debut?????
inspired by a lovely prompt by @dahldahlbills ♡
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moumouton4 · 7 months
Could i please request a Shikamaru Nara x fem!reader using the following prompt "Clothes Stay On" 💜
Clothes Stay On ( 2 ) || Shikamaru Nara x fem!reader
A/n : Hello my dear reader, I was so excited to write this when I got the notification and here it is ! It's inspired by the Prompt 14 of the Smutember 2023 with Tomura Shigaraki
A/n 2 : I hope I did Shikamaru's personnality honnor here as I tried to guess how he would be in a more private setting ( I've never watcher Boruto )
Warnings : grinding, clothed sex, penetrative sex implicit, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1373
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Coming early from work usually meant one thing for you and Shikamaru : Sex. Well first resting a bit and then sex for him most of the days. Today was a bit different though since it was a day off for your lover. So that’s clearly excited and a little horny that you arrived at home, knowing that since he got a full day of rest he would surely not waste time before jumping your bones. As you looked at your watch it was 5 pm.
A little knowing smile was plastered on your lips all the way back to your house. You put your keys in the door and unlocked it at the speed of the light, before taking off your shoes and almost sprinting to the living room. He was slumped on the couch, looking up at the sky through the window - it was clearly too cold outside for him to bother to go out. His head turned towards the commotion and an equal but tired-ish smile appeared on his lips. It was undeniable that he was glad and relieved to have you back after a day of work.
Sitting on the edge of the couch, parallel to his body, you bent down before placing a loving kiss on his lips, which he returned eagerly “I missed you” you whispered as you placed your forehead against his still peppering his lips with soft pecks.
“‘missed you to Beautiful” he responded, with hand coming to rest on your thigh as he slowly woke up from his slumbering state.
Your eyes got stuck for a brief second on his hand that was rubbing the flesh of your leg before speaking “Would you mind if we you know shifted to the bedroom ?” As you asked this you expected nothing but a “of course let’s go” knowing how long it has been for both of you, adding to the fact that he had plenty of rest during his long nap day.
Though as his eyes locked onto yours, a smirk made his way on his lips as he answered “Yeah, I’m being quite comfy here”
Your mouth almost dropped as you tried to understand “Oh… okay well then I’m going to retrieve a condom. I’ll be ba-” you started to get up but he pulled you back down.
“We won’t need any to nap”
To… nap ? was he joking with you right ? since ( uh ) when was he the one trying to escape those moments ? His arms encircled your waist and he brought you flush against his warm and strong body.
“Shikamaru, what are you doing ?” you asked, our voice slightly muffled against his chest.
“Shh it’s going to rain soon” he only whispered. Was he serious ? like he was just going to listen to the rain and take another little nap, maybe the 300th this day while his needy girlfriend is slouched over him.
“You’re joking aren’t you ?” you asked, taking in the scent of his hair, he must have taken a shower because he smelled divinely.
“I think it’s better if we waited for tomorrow” he murmured back as if nothing, knowing him he clearly didn't mean any of this ( it is nothing you can say no and it must be respected but for the purpose of the fic we’re going to go another way )
“Shika, it's been 3 days” you stated.
“I know”
“Then why cancel when we could have our way now that it’s still early ?”
“Don’t worry you’ll get it one day” his arms tightened around you. That little tease, you could clearly see the smirk on his damn face and he played with your mind.
After a moment you decided that you would try to ignore the throb between your legs and actually rest with the sound of the rain as background. But then you felt something poking you “You know you could make it a little less obvious you know ?” this time it was your turn to tease him.
“My body responses are getting almost as troublesome as you woman” he sounded like he was pouting.
You chuckled “I seriously can’t understand you being so lazy even after a day of rest” ( those are somehow the worst sometimes ) “But don’t worry I’ve got an idea” and with that you slowly dragged your hips back and forth.
A low groan escaped his lips as he felt the heat of your clothed core grind on his hardening member “Mmh so clothes stay on ? I see you’re smarter than you seem”
“I’m also doing all the work so you better be grateful” you outbid, knowing that he was only jesting.
You kept grounding your center on his like this for what felt like an eternity ( 15 min lmao ). The heat was oh so slowly building inside you both, at this point if one looked a wet spot could be clearly noticeable on your pants, while on the other hand you managed to make quite a tent in Shikamaru’s.
“When is it you plan on helping me ?” you muttered, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on your forehead.
“Help ? With such a mouth I thought you were going to do it on your own. Thank gosh I’m allowed to participate”
“Come on don’t keep me waiting”
“What can’t handle a little tease from your man ?”
“You know I was horn- oh” you stuttered as you felt him grab your hips tightly and meet your grinding with those tantalizing thrusts of his. His dick was so hard it was almost painful not to have it inside you. Soon the soft and muffled sounds of your clothed bodies started to fill the room.
In no time he made you a moaning mess as he sped his pace. His mouth found its place against your neck as he grunted how wet you must be since he could feel it through all those layers. He knew he was close, and now thinking about it, it would have been a better move to take off your clothes than to cum in them and feel all weird and sticky. But now it was clear that both of you weren’t going to stop.
One of his hands left your hip to come rest on your backside and he pushed you even harder on his shaft, he should have been on top, it would have been easier for you both to get off, he is feeling like he is edging at this point. When your hips stuttered against his, he knew you would soon be coming, so he gathered his strength and manhandled you to accelerate your pace, his hips now relentlessly seeking yours.
“Oh yes yes Shika ah” you screamed in delight, finally coming after 3 long days.
It was actually what coaxed you towards the edge and seconds after he followed you. He continued sucking a hickey on the side of your neck as he climaxed in his pants. You then stayed like this for a moment just enjoying the post-climax bliss in each others arms;
After a moment though, your face contorted in slight discomfort, your clothes felt sticky and sweaty, clinging to your skin and at this point you couldn't but sit up on the couch and take them off.
As you were taking off your shirt you heard the sound of plastic being torn up. Once your shirt stopped blocking your view, you almost gasped in surprise when you saw Shikamaru rolling a condom on his still throbbing length. First of all, when was he so fast ? Sometimes you forget that he also is a ninja. And also that little shit, of course he would have hidden a condom within reach.
His naked form got closer to yours, his member tantalizingly close to poking your leg “Now what about we end this day of rest in the best way ?” he said, his voice dropping to a seductive tone.
“Of course you had something in mind” you chuckled, getting closer to him.
“I always have something in mind” he simply stated, before taking a hold of you and pulling you down on him the way he should have moments ago. It was still raining outside and he loved its sound as much for sleeping as for making love.
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hwaslayer · 6 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | eleven.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.2k
—chapter content/warnings: sawrrry this is a bit of a filler chapter 🤠 more development between these two, cussing/mature language, another seonghwa flashback, small kisses hehe, these two are still shy (but so in luv 😙), making out, naps with yuyu <33
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"Yunho." You whisper as you tap his chest.
"That's me." He says deeply, huskily; it makes you giggle to yourself a bit. 
"Wake up." You pout as his eyes slowly flutter open.
"Time is it?"
"Around 5AM."
"Goooood lord." He shuts his eyes again and pulls you closer. "Absolutely not."
"Yunho." You whine. "Let's go watch the sunrise."
"Y/N, you are very cute and I would do anything to make you happy." He says groggily. "But, it's only been about 3 hours since we fell asleep. Don't you wanna get more sleep?"
"I've tried sleeping more but I can't."
"You really wanna watch the sunrise?" 
"Yes." He opens and eye to peek down at you— indeed, you are very, very awake. He can't help but chuckle a bit because you're giving him that cute smile while tucked underneath his arm.
"Okay then."
"Yeah." He stretches a bit and yawns before fully waking himself up. "Just need to get dressed. You don't have any clothes to change into? It's probably freezing outside."
"Gonna need to stop by my apartment before we go."
"Okay then, let's get going." But before you can get up, Yunho gently puts his arm in front of you to prevent you from moving any further and squints his eyes at you, as if he was observing you very closely.
"What?" You ask him, eyes wide and alert.
"Damn, you really are serious about this." You snort and playfully hit him on the arm.
"Please, I've never been able to catch the sunrise." You pout.
"And you wanna do this with me?" He chuckles a bit.
"Of course I do." You give him a small smile and he nods.
"Okay then." You watch as he gets up first to stretch again, walking over to his closet to find you a jacket to throw on for this spontaneous journey you crazily have him agreeing to.
The tiny trek back to your apartment wasn't too bad, being that Yunho's jacket had added a protective layer and shielded you from getting too cold. You could see your breath in the morning, crisp hair; the sky still dark and patiently waiting for the sun to rise. You quietly step into your apartment, dashing into your room to grab a change of clothes and to wash up a bit better before heading out. Yunho sits on your couch and waits, scrolling through his phone to find random screenshots Mingi had sent him from the party last night.
mingi: dude last night was wild
mingi: did you end up leaving with y/n? i cant remember.. is she okay?
yunho: yeah, she's good.
mingi: did you guys hook up? how was it? 😏
Yunho furrows his brows and chuckles a bit, responding to Mingi quickly to get his nose out of his business— because he knows this is going to be relayed to Seonghwa. Not that he cares, but he'd like to keep Seonghwa guessing a bit more. 
yunho: we just chilled, relax. lol
mingi: i have to tell you about last night
mingi: but are you fr? you guys didn't hook up?
Yunho's eyes shift to the hallway when he hears a door creak open, a wild Soobin popping out of the frame.
"Oh." Soobin sleepily walks out with rough bedhead, eyes barely open when he heads to the kitchen to grab water. "Yunho, hey." He says sleepily with a wave. 
"Hey." Yunho says as he watches him pop open a water bottle and take a few swigs. 
"Feel like shit." He mumbles before pointing towards the bathroom. "Y/N in there?" Yunho nods. At that moment, you quietly slip out, surprised to see Soobin up and walking.
"The heck?" You giggle seeing his current state and playfully ruffle his hair.
"Shut up. Where are you going?"
"To watch the sunrise."
"That's crazy. You let her talk you into this?" Soobin looks at Yunho, and Yunho gives him a simple, pursed smile in return. "Goodluck. I'm going back to bed." He mumbles before lazily waving at you and Yunho, slipping himself back his shared room with Seungmin. You shift your attention back to Yunho, slowly walking towards him in your newly changed outfit. He thinks you're the cutest— dressed in your leggings, those legwarmers, uggs.
That oversized, olive-colored jacket.
The thick scarf wrapped around your neck.
Your cream beanie.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace." You mutter and Yunho laughs, standing on his two feet.
"Come on. We gotta get there to catch the sunrise in time."
"Get where?" You lock up the front door before following Yunho to his car. 
"I think I know the perfect place to catch the sunrise." He stands near the opened passenger door, patiently waiting for you to get inside. You giggle to yourself before hopping in; settling into the seat just as Yunho sits in the driver's seat and immediately turns on the heat. 
"For?" Yunho raises his brow.
"Dragging you out of bed." He chuckles.
"I mean, truthfully, I can feel myself dying by the minute." You playfully smack him on the bicep, making him laugh a bit louder this time.
"Yunho, don't play. I feel bad. Let's just—"
"I'm kidding, Y/N. I meant it when I said I'd do anything to make you happy." 
"But, I want you to be happy, too."
"I am." He gives you a small smile before caressing your chin. "Promise."
"Okay, Jeong Yunho. I'm taking that to heart." He chuckles.
It isn't too long before Yunho's pulling into a lot of a nearby hiking trail. He reassures you that there's a shorter path that'll take you up the hill, where there is a bench you can sit to enjoy the view and catch the sunrise. You let him take the lead to guide you on the right path, but he stops when he finds the coffee cart nearby. The coffee cart sits near the small welcome center, lights on the overhead illuminating the cart brightly during this dark morning.
"Want hot chocolate? Coffee?"
"Ou, hot chocolate sounds bomb."
"It does. I'll grab us some." He jogs over to the cart, smiling at the middle-aged man who is patiently waiting for time to pass, for more customers to arrive. He's quick to fix the two cups of hot chocolate, Yunho walking back over within the next 5 minutes. "Here. Drink up while it's warm."
"Thank you, Yunho." He smiles, walking alongside you— keeping a bit of a lead to guide you and show you the way. "I don't think I even knew about this place."
"Hm. It's a hidden gem, really. Everyone usually goes to the busier hiking trail nearby."
"Do you come here often?"
"Nope." Yunho chuckles. "But, my aunt took me and my mom here when they visited awhile ago."
"Sweet. I love how you're close to them. I hope I get to meet them one day." You say without really thinking about how it sounds, or how it comes off. When you do realize, you shoot Yunho a look and apologize for having assumed where you two stood. "Oh, I mean, you know. If they happen to be on campus again and what not—" Yunho laughs.
"You'll get to meet them outside of campus. Don't worry." You shyly blush and break eye contact, looking out at the path ahead. It's actually not that far of a walk, seeing that the bench Yunho had mentioned was only a few feet up ahead. It's perched on the side of the hill that overlooks the other side of town, with the trail continuing on past it. Both you and Yunho take your seats, sitting close enough to feed off of each other's body heat.
It's comforting.
You're perfectly content sitting next to Yunho, watching the sun slowly begin to rise.
"There's the sun." Yunho lets out a breath before sipping on his coffee. "We made it in time."
"Yay!" You look up at him again. "Can't believe we're catching the sunrise. You really are the best."
"Just want you to be happy because you deserve it, all of it." Yunho says, firmly believing in his own statement. He's not that great with affection and words, but you absolutely deserved way better than Park Seonghwa.
He couldn't even reach the bare minimum.
"You're too good to me."
"I'm being honest." You sip on your hot chocolate in peace, occasionally tracing the lid with your finger. It's quiet as the rest of the sun begins to slowly show itself more and more past the horizon. Eventually, Yunho is the first to break that silence and ask: "Can I ask you something? You don't have to respond either if you don't want to."
"Of course."
"Has Seonghwa tried reaching out to you?" You shake your head.
"Absolutely not. And he shouldn't."
"Hm." He hums. "So, you don't see yourself going back to him?"
"No, Yunho. Why would I put myself through that again, right?"
"Hwa, wait." Seonghwa pauses in his steps just as he's about to make his way to the car. He cocks a brow up, watching as you take a picture of the sunset.
"What're you doing?"
"Isn't it pretty?"
"I guess? It's like any other sunset." He shrugs. You continue to snap a few pictures, making the impatience grow in Seonghwa a bit. He huffs, shifting his weight from one foot to another before continuing off to the car. "Y/N, come on? I just wanna get home." 
"I'm just taking one more picture."
"The food you asked for is gonna get cold." You roll your eyes and waddle over to the passenger side, sliding into the seat before strapping your seatbelt on. It's a quiet drive for the most part, Seonghwa already annoyed with the fact that you asked him to stop by for some food post-practice. You don't really care much, though. Overall, you had a good day with your friends and you weren't gonna let him ruin it entirely.
"Hm?" He hums, eyes still glued to the road ahead.
"We should catch the sunrise one day." He snorts.
"For what? What's up with you and the sun?"
"I just like it. It's pretty."
"Baby, I can barely get my ass up for class. You're up earlier than me. You should do it."
"I want to do it with you, though." He laughs and it kinda hits you right in the feels, hits you right in the pit of your stomach. 
You try, and you try, and it goes nowhere.
You don't understand why you do this to yourself.
"You don't have to do everything with me, Y/N. Don't wait for me. You should do it if you wanna."
"Yeah." Is all you respond with, nibbling on your bottom lip hearing yet another rejection from Seonghwa.
♣︎ END
"I mean, you had your good days and bad days with him, too."
"I know. He's just in the past now, though. Something I definitely want to move on from and keep him where he belongs in the past. I think he just did more harm than good, and I hated feeling so small and replaceable to him. Like nothing."
"I get you." He says.
"I have no intentions of going back." You give him a tiny, toothless smile in response to his reaction. "Promise."
"Okay. I'll hold onto every word of yours." It's quiet again while the two of you continue to watch. This time, after an or so, it's your turn to break the silence; pondering about the sudden question Yunho asked.
He must be worried, right?
Worried that you'd crawl back to Seonghwa, fall into his games, traps.
You get it. You get Yunho.
Seonghwa is only a mere passing thought at this point.
"Hm?" He sips on his coffee
"I know I was kinda drunk, but I meant what I said on the phone while I was away."
"What did you say?" He smirks, subtly biting onto the lid of his cup while his eyes are glued onto yours. You giggle and shake your head, taking a sip of your hot chocolate before looking back out at the view.
"Nothing." You tease back.
"Aw, really? Like that?" He gently nudges you with a small chuckle. "I guess you didn't really mean it, then." He shrugs.
"Hey." You whine. "I did mean it." You look at him with a pout and he continues to smirk that smirk of his until you give in. God, he was becoming your weakness. "I meant it when I said I like you, Yunho." His smile grows.
"I meant it when I said I like you, too."
"I'm glad we're on the same page, then." He nods.
"I feel a bit silly explaining this, but last night.." He lets out a breath. "I hope you don't feel like you did anything wrong because you didn't. I just really wanna do things right with you. I meant that, too."
"I know." You look down at his free hand dug into his pocket. You hesitate a bit, but you eventually slip your hand into his pocket and lace your finger with his— a gesture that makes his heart melt and adore you even more. 
The both of you sit there while quietly sipping on your drinks and watching the rest of the sun rise from its slumber. It's still cold, and you can still see your breath in the air. But Yunho is warm next to you; his hand is warm, his company is warm.
"So, am I off the hook with reading your lit reviews?" He teases again, making you laugh.
"No, please. I still need your help for the rest of the semester if it doesn't bother you."
"I'm kidding. It doesn't. I wanna help." You lean into his arm a bit more, trying to recover with his warmth. "Are you cold?"
"A bit."
"Do you wanna head back then? Sun is up." You nod.
"Yeah, I think I'm good. Thank you again for watching the sunrise with me." You look up at him, planting a kiss on his cheek. However, before you could pull back completely, you feel Yunho gently tug on your hand— signaling for you to stay close. 
So, you do.
And Yunho dips forward to give you a sweet, chaste kiss on the lips. You giggle and bite your lip when you catch how red the tip of his ears have become.
"That's better." He chimes in before standing, keeping your hand laced with his in his pocket. "What are you gonna do when we get back, though? Are you gonna hang out with your roommates?" The both of you toss your empty cups into the nearby trash can.
"Maybe, yeah. Take a nap." You chuckle. "What about you?"
"Same since I feel myself crying for sleep now." You laugh. "Do you wanna nap at my place?" He looks at you before clearing his throat. "I mean, totally up to you. I don't mean to be forward but just wanted to put the option out there. B-but, don't feel—"
"I'd love to nap with you." You blush.
"I swear I won't take any more time away from Chaery." 
"She'll be okay." You giggle. But, just as you reach the bottom of the hill, your phone starts to beep from incoming texts.
"You sure about that?" Yunho smirks when he sees you flash your screen his way; Chaery's name popping up a few times.
chaery: shit it is so early but i swear i heard you come in earlier. did you??
chaery: i'm also kinda bleh from the alchy last night. so my bad if not, hehe. i guess you're still with yunho?!
chaery: i'm gna go back to sleep but come back soon. imy. but i hope you're having the time of your life with your man <33 get it girl!!
"She's okay. Promise. She's just wondering where I'm at and if it was me that walked in earlier." You try to text back using your free hand, letting your bestfriend know you'd be at Yunho's for a bit longer.
you: it was me, sorry for waking you, love. i am with yunho! i'll prob head back in a few hours. hehe get some more sleep! 
"Y/N." You tuck your phone back into your pocket and look up at Yunho.
"Are you sure? About the nap?"
"Yes. Unless you take your invite back." 
"Of course not." Yunho briefly lets go of your hand to open the passenger door. You slide in, watching him jog over and start the car to get the heat going as soon as possible. He takes a moment to get settled before he's driving off, his hand open and resting on the middle console— waiting for you to lock your hand with his again. 
"Hope you don't mind me borrowing your clothes all the time. I still have to wash the stuff I wore to bed." He chuckles.
"It's okay, I don't mind."
"Is Yeosang up already?" Yunho looks at the time on his dash.
"Probably not. There are rare days when he gets up early to gym or go for a run. But I doubt it after last night." 
"Is he dating anyone?" Your curiosity gets the best of you.
"Not that I know of. He hasn't had someone over in awhile."
"But.. he has?"
"You're cute." Yunho laughs. "He has. And to be honest, there are some moments I don't really wanna remember." You snort.
"Wow, was not expecting to hear that. Good for him."
"Yeah, he's a good guy. He deserves to have some fun sometimes. Plus, it's nice that he's away from the computer."
"That's true, too." You yawn, leaning your head near the window. "Okay, now I can't wait for that nap."
"You see?" Yunho laughs, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
The drive is a quick 20 minutes, with the rest of the ride falling silent besides Yunho humming along to the songs. You completely feel the exhaustion hit you as soon as Yunho pulls into the familiar lot. The both of you drag yourselves back upstairs and into the quiet apartment, padding into Yunho's room to change into another set of his comfy clothes. You opt for one of his longsleeves and joggers, slipping yourself back into the sheets with Yunho following shortly behind. He tucks you under the covers well before pulling you into his arms and letting you tuck your head near the crook of his neck.
"You're so warm." Yunho lets out a small, breathy laugh when he feels you shiver against him, adjusting his position and keeping you close.
"Feel better?" You look up at him and nod.
"Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me." He says softly, pausing in between his responses. "Y/N?"
"Can I kiss you again?"
"I'd like that." You giggle, watching as Yunho dips his head down to kiss you. You smile into the kiss when you realize he doesn't want to pull away— instead, chasing after your lips for another, and another;
And another.
Until the kiss deepens, the both of you indulging in each other through every bit, every second. His hand gives your side a gentle squeeze when he feels you bite onto his bottom lip and let out a breath in between kisses. But, even if the kiss feels like it continues to intensify, even if the fireworks grow with every move, every touch; there is no need, no push, to take things further. 
Just taking him in, as he is with you. 
At some point, Yunho slows down and is the first to pull back. His eyes remain on you though, his hand coming up to brush the hair away from your face. He gives you a tiny, toothless smile before pressing a sweet peck to your forehead, down to the tip of your nose;
To the corner of your lips.
"You're so pretty." He sleepily says, making you giggle and snuggle against him. "Let's sleep."
"Okay." You shut your eyes, slowly falling asleep to the sound of Yunho's soft breathing.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintificreads @primoppang @betray-the-light @aurorasjoongie @wineyoungie @yunholuvrsblog @mingigiggles @jaerisdiction @ignoretheskies @luminouskalopsia @naeviscall
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The Distance part 3
Note: thanks for waiting while I'm dealing with my flu. I managed to take my time and finally wrap this fic up in between naps. I hope you will enjoy it.
part 1 - part 2
Warnings: 18+! suggestive/light smut, mention of alcohol.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric finally took you home.
wordcount: 3,7k
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Sihtric couldn't keep his hands off you during the drive to his house. He kept his hand on your thigh without ever pulling away, foolishly using his other hand to both keep control over the steering wheel and to shift gears, as well as to use his blinkers. You wanted to tell him off for his slightly reckless behaviour, but then you also didn't want him to remove his hand either. And even if he had tried, since both your hands were wrapped tightly around his lower arm, you wouldn't have allowed it anyway.
And Sihtric didn't only struggle to keep his hands off you, he also struggled to keep his eyes off you and his lips away from you. He took your hand in his many times just to kiss it, the only reason you allowed him to take his hand off your thigh, and he used every red traffic light to quickly kiss your lips, which resulted in him often not realising the light had turned green, as he was to busy sticking his tongue down your throat, so that the cars behind you started to honk more than once.
'You should focus on the road,' you laughed.
'I can't,' Sihtric mumbled and smiled at you as he held your chin, 'nor do I want to,' he shrugged and kissed you again before he finally hit the gas.
The closer you got to his village, the more you began to recognise the surroundings. You had wasted many hours in the past seven years on google maps, clicking through the street Sihtric lived in and the surrounding areas. Just to get a glimpse of the things Sihtric saw every day. And when you had told him one day that you spent a lot of time browsing his village, he had laughed. But not much later he found himself doing the very same thing with your city. Despite knowing exactly what to expect from the place Sihtric lived in, you were still pleasantly surprised by how cute the village was, and you definitely weren't against moving there some day.
You recognised the pub, The Sleeping Guard, from where Sihtric had often called to facetime you in the dead of night when he was drunk and about to walk home. You recognised the old mailbox, which you had seen in pictures he would text you after he had sent you some post, which was usually an envelope with a handwritten letter, telling in detail how much he loved you, and he also always included several polaroid pictures of himself which he had taken just for you. You recognised the bakery too, because Sihtric would always send you a photo of the delicious baked goods in the window when he passed it, just to tease you because he knew how much you loved some good pastries. You also recognised the police station, unfortunately, because over the past seven years Sihtric had been arrested more than once for participating in bar fights, which always happened at that pub you passed by just moments ago. Luckily those arrests were always rather meaningless and had never affected his job being a history teacher. But then again it was a small village, so everyone knew everyone. And everyone knew Sihtric was a good guy.
And then finally you recognised the large oak tree at the corner of his street. You couldn't even really call it a street, it was just an old road with a dead end which was surrounded by three fairly big houses, and Sihtric lived in one of them. The house was old, built with sandstone and black wooden beams and a roof made of straw. It was your cottage dream, except that the house was a lot bigger than a cute cottage though.
'I can't believe I'm here,' you mumbled to yourself as Sihtric parked his car in front of his house.
'Tell me about it,' he agreed and, before getting out of the car, couldn't resist taking your face in his hands to kiss you again.
He then was quick to open the car door for you after he had jumped out, and he grabbed your luggage out of the trunk. He took your hand as he walked you up to the front door, and before he unlocked the door he told you his only rule in the house was to take your shoes off, because he simply hated to vacuum. Once inside you immediately kicked your shoes off, and you smiled once you looked into the large mirror that hung on the wall next to the front door, which you also recognised.
'Damn,' you said, 'you've sent me so many mirror selfies from here.'
'I have,' Sihtric laughed and circled his arms around your waist as he stood behind you, 'almost daily, I think?'
'More or less,' you agreed.
'Mhm,' he hummed in your ear, 'and I think I should take a photo now actually, don't you think so too?'
You nodded with a smile and Sihtric fished his phone out of his back pocket. First he took a picture where you were just standing side by side, his arm around your waist and flashing his sly smile in the mirror. But for the next picture he turned you to face him and he gently took your chin, pressing his lips sweetly onto yours while your hand was on his chest and the other on his waist. And that's the picture he would later post on his instagram, which caused him to lose a few followers that he didn't even care about.
Sihtric was just a normal guy living a normal life, who was a simple history teacher at the local highschool. But you knew he had quite an online following because he was a hot history teacher, and he had somehow gotten rather popular on instagram the last few years. You weren't worried though, you trusted Sihtric had always been faithful to you, which he truly had been, no matter how tough those seven years had been. And the fact he wasted no time to show you off now that you were by his side only proved his loyalty to you.
'Okay, well,' Sihtric suddenly sounded a little nervous as he opened the hallway door to the living room, 'welcome home, darling.'
'Oh my god,' was all you managed to breathe when you stepped into the dimly lit room.
The big but cosy living space was illuminated with dozens of flickering led candles, casting a faint warm orange glow while the sky outside had begun to darken. Sihtric took your hand and pulled you with him, towards his salon table which was stacked with presents he had bought for you.
'I picked you up empty handed, not even giving you flowers,' he said softly, 'and I knew I looked like a proper douche doing that, but it was only because I had everything here for you.'
'Sihtric,' you sighed with a smile and teared up, and it was all you managed to say when your eyes scanned the table.
Several floating heart shaped balloons were tied to a large vase that was placed in the centre of the table, which held seventy red roses. Next to the vase was a cute teddy bear which held a heart that said I love you, and in front of the bear was a wooden basket in which Sihtric had tucked all kinds of snacks he knew you'd enjoy. Next to the basket was a gift bag, which held a cute pyjama set he had bought for you, and on the other side of the table you saw a brand new robe with some fluffy flip flops in your size. And at the very front of the table was a small black box, which Sihtric grabbed off the table and handed to you first.
'I hope you won't think this is cheesy,' he blushed as you opened the box.
'Oh, Sihtric,' you sniffled as you stared at the silver necklace with a single rune, which was displayed on a small velvet cushion, 'this is your initial, isn't it?'
'It is,' Sihtric smiled, 'and I actually have one too,' he quickly pulled out an identical necklace of his shirt, 'but it's with your initial.'
You wiped your tears as Sihtric locked the necklace around your neck, and you kissed him deeply as a way to thank him. Then he encouraged you to check out all the other gifts, to which he received numerous thank you-kisses as well, and after that he showed you around his house. It was so strange to be in a place you knew so well just from photos and videos, to be able to actually touch the objects you had only seen on your screen and to be in Sihtric's presence still felt like a dream that was too good to be true. You hoped that taking a refreshing shower would bring you back to earth again, and while you fixed yourself up, Sihtric ordered some pizzas and transformed his living room into the comfiest cuddle spot you had ever seen.
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You returned to the living room wearing the clothing Sihtric had gifted you, and you melted at the cosy atmosphere he had created whilst you were away. His sofa was usually just that, a 3-seat couch, but because he wanted a cosy evening with you he had folded the sofa-bed out and created something that looked like a gigantic bird's nest. Numerous fleece blankets were thrown on it and he had built a wall with pillows inside the blankets. He had cleared the salon table and the roses were placed next to the tv, where you could still admire them. 
However, Sihtric was nowhere to be found, until you heard a cabinet door slam shut in the kitchen and shortly after he walked out, holding two plates. Your eyes grew wide and you forced yourself to keep your jaw from dropping at the sight of him as he put the plates on the table and sat back into the cosy spot he had created. He clearly had gotten comfortable too while you took a shower, as he was wearing his red sweatpants, those you knew all too well from pictures, and on top he wore nothing but the silver necklace on which your initial dangled, and his previously messy hair was now nonchalantly tied back. Sihtric was almost always shirtless when he was home, as clothes often felt suffocation to him, so comfortable sweatpants or just his boxer shorts only were his usual home attire.
'Oh, I hope you don't mind,' he said when he saw your big eyes.
'Definitely not,' you laughed and sat next to him, not even hiding the fact you were eyeing him up.
And Sihtric didn't mind, for his eyes trailed down to you bare legs with ease and he couldn't help himself either; before you knew it he caressed your legs lightly with his hand while he looked at you. And you, in turn, mindlessly traced your fingertips over his bare chest.
'Look,' you said, 'I know I always said I'd jump your bones once we meet, and believe me I want to,' you laughed, 'but in truth, I'm way too nervous to have sex or anything like that right now.'
'Don't worry, doll,' Sihtric smiled and took your chin, 'I'm nervous too. And I never expected any of that on the first night either. We may have known each other for all this time, but we never got to physically explore each other. It'll happen when it'll happen, don't worry about it.'
You then both enjoyed the pizzas that had been delivered while you watched some light tv and later snuggled up closer, stealing kisses and smiles while making each other lightheaded with every touch and every sound.
'You know,' you suddenly snorted, 'I still got those videos.'
'Which videos?' Sihtric frowned.
'You know,' you rolled your eyes as your cheeks heated up, 'those where you… you know,' you mumbled, 'jerked off and came.'
'Shit,' he laughed and hid his face in his hands, 'you kept those? Surely you get off to those, huh?' he taunted in an attempt to distract you from his reddened cheeks.
'Well, of course,' you confessed with a grin, 'why? Is that creepy?'
'Nah, you're good,' Sihtric winked and pulled you closer, burying his face in your neck and he inhaled your scent, 'you smell so good, darling,' he murmured against your skin.
'So do you,' you smiled, nose pressed against his chest.
'You'll think I'm crazy, by the way,' he then said and leaned back, 'but… years ago after you told me which perfume you use, I went and bought a bottle. And I always spray it over my pillows after changing the bed.'
'I don't think that's weird,' you smiled as you melted in his eyes again, 'I think that's cute.'
'Well,' Sihtric chuckled, 'it was kinda weird to me, because you smelled like my pillow when I hugged you at the airport.'
'Speaking of pillows,' you laughed, 'where do I sleep tonight?'
'Well, I sure hope it will be next to me.'
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'Psst,' Sihtric called from outside as he stood in the pitch black of his backyard, 'you should come see the stars right now.'
You switched off the tv and joined your boyfriend as he smoked a cigarette and gazed up at the night sky. Because the village he lived in was rather remote, it was quiet outside and no big city lights ruined the view of the milky way above you. Sihtric wrapped his arm around you from behind, kissing your cheek and neck before he suggested sitting outside for a moment before going to sleep. You happily agreed, and while you got comfy in the big lounge chair outside, Sihtric grabbed a few drinks and his bluetooth speaker.
You sat together in the chair, all snuggled up as you both enjoyed a drink and the sight of the moon and her stars while David Bowie was sounding softly through the speaker. And when Heroes suddenly started to play, Sihtric jumped up and pulled you out of the chair with him.
'Dance with me,' he whispered with a soft smile.
You couldn't refuse him, and even though you quickly realised you both weren't great dancers, it didn't stop either of you. You both laughed as quietly as you could, not wanting to wake up the nearby neighbours, while your arms were around his neck and his hands on your waist. And you desperately tried to not trip over his feet or collapse through your weakened knees every time you heard his low chuckle in your ear. And in between the soft laughter you stole kisses as you continued to sway your bodies lightly to Bowie's catchy sound. 
Sihtric grabbed another beer from the table, and you laughed when you saw him take off the cap with his teeth. It was something silly to prove his masculinity to you, which he didn't need to do at all, but you also found it stupidly attractive and you couldn't resist grabbing his face and kissing him passionately. Heroes faded away through the speaker and you continued to kiss intensely and deeply when Never Get Old began to play.
I'm screaming that I'm gonna be living on till the end of time…
'You know,' you said, 'Bowie also had two differently coloured eyes.'
'I know,' Sihtric smiled, 'I firmly believe people like my eyes because David Bowie had the same condition.'
'Maybe,' you laughed, 'but I like yours better.'
'Good,' he chuckled and kissed you again as the music continued in the background.
There's never gonna be enough sex…
And I'm never ever gonna get old…
'I love you,' you breathed against his lips, and you then both stumbled and fell down on the grass.
'Fuck,' Sihtric groaned after he clumsily landed on top of you, 'I spilled my beer,' he then laughed, 'are you okay?'
'Yeah,' you laughed, 'are you?'
'Yeah,' he smiled, 'wait… I mean, I- I love you too.'
You both stared at each other as the moon casted a faint silver light on one side of your faces, quietly gazing at each other like you had gazed up at the stars.
The Moon flows on to the edges of the world because of you…
Again and again…
I'm awake in an age of light and living it because of you…
'Sihtric, I love you,' you whispered and pushed a strand of hair out of his face that had escaped his now messy bun.
'And I love you,' Sihtric whispered before he cupped your cheeks and kissed you again.
I'm looking to the future, solid as a rock…Because of you…
Your hands roamed all over his half naked body, and soon you felt his warm hands sneak under your pyjama top.
'I want you,' Sihtric breathed against your lips.
'I want you too.'
'I'm right here,' he hummed softly, 'come take what's yours, darling.'
And I'm running down the street of life…
And I'm never gonna let you die…
He picked you up in his arms and carried you inside, back to the love nest that was his couch and he grabbed his speaker on the way back, throwing it on the chair next to the sofa and he laid you down on the soft pillows and fleece blankets. The song changed as Sihtric climbed on top of you; Bowie's Can You Hear Me sounded faintly in the background as he kissed your neck softly and slowly while taking off your top. You pulled out his hair tie while he kissed your lips again, raking your fingers through his hair as you felt the weight of his body comfortably pressing down onto you as he began to lightly grind his arousal against you.
Show your love, love…
'Are you sure about this?' he asked after he had slid off your short pyjama pants.
'Yes,' you smiled.
You looked at each other with warm cheeks and hooded eyes, knowing you both weren't in a rush to make love and had thought it wouldn't happen the first night anyway, but everything went so smooth and so natural… the feelings couldn't be denied or resisted. And why would you? You had yearned for each other all this time already, so why waste any more time? You undressed each other completely, carefully and without haste, as you had all the time in the world right now to explore each other after all. And you kissed him as he was still on top of you, while he was lowered down onto you and leaning on his elbows and knees to give you some space.
'You think you can take it?' Sihtric smiled against your lips while you slowly worked his length with your hand, his breathing intensifying with each stroke.
'Yeah,' you whispered, 'but go easy, okay? It's been a long time.'
'I know,' he reassured you and kissed your lips, 'it's been a long time for me too.'
I want love so badly…
I want you most of all…
You wrapped your arms around his neck and tried to relax as you felt him gently push himself inside you. He gave you time to adjust, distracting you from the painful yet pleasant stretched out feeling by kissing you deeply and lightly caressing your leg after he had wrapped it around his waist. But he was so needy for you, he quickly seemed to lose his self control and he began to buck his hips into you as he moaned heavily.
Take it in right, take it in right…
Well, can you hear me?
Can you feel me inside…
I do…
'Easy,' you hissed lightly in his ear as you pulled his hair, 'easy, baby.'
'I'm trying,' Sihtric moaned deeply, 'you just feel so good,' he breathed, 'fuck.'
Show your love, show your sweet, sweet love…
Show me your love…
Take it in right, take it in right…
Take it in right into your love love
Babe, take it in right into your love life…
The music continued as you made love, and you both climaxed rather fast. Quicker than you had both anticipated, but no shame was felt as it had been worth the long wait regardless, and you knew you had plenty of time to make long lasting love throughout the next two weeks, until you had to go back home again. And you began to doze off with your legs tangled and your arms wrapped around each other.
'I'm never letting you go anymore,' Sihtric whispered before he fell asleep.
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The next morning you woke up, feeling relieved to find out none of it had only been a dream, but your new reality instead. Waking up next to the love of your life was just as perfect as you had imagined, and you didn't think it could get any better. But when you started to hear the rain outside tap against the living room window while thunder rumbled in the sky far away, you smiled and snuggled up closer to your handsome man, who was woken up by the same sounds that had gently awoken you seconds earlier.
'Morning,' he hummed in your ear as he spooned you.
'Morning,' you smiled, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your neck as you were cosy and warm under the blankets while you were both still naked.
'I love you,' Sihtric whispered.
'I love you too.'
'Stay forever?'
'You know I want to,' you mumbled sleepily still, 'let's not think about when I have to leave yet.'
You heard a vague rummaging sound after Sihtric had searched for the drawer next to the sofa with his eyes closed, and he only opened his eyes slightly to make sure he had grabbed what he had meant to take out of the drawer. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and turned to face him, and then your eyes widened in surprise.
'Then stay,' he whispered a little lazily as he smiled at you, while he held up a small black box with a ring inside, 'stay and marry me, my love?'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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constantcrisis19 · 1 year
Making Progress
Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN S/O
AN: So I did a thing. I was dragged into the COD fandom kicking and screaming and now I can't get the skull man or the feral Scot out of my head. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,172
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You gracelessly slumped into one of the seats that lined the right wall of the helo's hull with a relieved groan that probably wasn't all that appropriate outside of certain bedroom activities if the several wide-eyed stares you suddenly found aimed your way by the soldiers dutifully filing into the bird was any indication, but you were much too tired to care about the mix of shocked and judgmental looks being thrown your way.
You still had your headphones on, the low bass music humming through the speakers keeping your hands from shaking like they wanted to when you weren't holding a weapon. The weariness that seemed intent on weighing down your frame reared its ugly head now that you were coming down from the rush of adrenaline that you got every time you went out into the field. 
You leaned your head back on the metal wall behind your chosen seat and closed your eyes, not even bothering to buckle yourself in as you instead focused on taking deep breaths, the floor under your boots vibrating as the rest of your haggard team moved about to secure the helo for lift off. 
You figured that it wouldn’t be much longer before they closed the bay doors to seal them in if the faint rumbling sound of the engine warming up echoing through the hull as the massive blades atop the helo slowly began to spin was any indication. 
You were distracted from your musings when you heard someone take the open seat next to you. You looked over to see none other than Ghost, the man not bothering to even look up from his task to meet your questioning stare as he meticulously buckled in.
A silent and awkward tension slowly built up between you two, and Ghost still hadn't even offered a word of greeting.
You were about to break the silence with something when the helo began picking up speed, its blades spinning faster and louder and causing you to quickly buckle your own seat belt without even thinking about it, the noise of the engine drowning out the music that you had been listening to.
The helo slowly began to rise into the air as its rotors reached the speed needed for it to lift off, moving up until you could see the city below through the windows getting smaller.
You lifted a hand up to grab your headphones, shifting one of the earpads away from your ear to rest against the side of your head before you decided to break the silence yourself, clearing your throat nervously before speaking.
"Been a hell of a day, huh, sir?" You said while staring at the side of Ghost's head, his intimidating skull mask blocking your view of his face as you tried to break the ice.
The only response you got from Ghost was a slight grunt, his mask not moving from his straight and relaxed staring. His complete lack of emotion made it feel as if he hadn't even heard you, his only other reaction being him shifting his gun to the side, the barrel pointed off behind him. And, after a few more seconds of silence, he finally spoke up again. "Yes. It has."
"What are you gonna do to unwind when we get back? I personally feel that we could all do with a nap." You stated with a longing sigh, you desperately missed your bed but, at the rate that you were going, you'd be willing to lay on a slab of concrete if it meant that you could get a few uninterrupted hours of sleep.
"Nothing." Ghost stated coldly, his answer blunt and almost unnaturally calm. He didn't seem to be annoyed or anything, just that simple answer of 'nothing'. "You?"
You blinked at him for a moment, caught off guard by Ghost actually actively engaging you in conversation by prompting you to give an answer of your own. "Uh, I was thinking that I'd take a shower and then crawl into bed and stay there until somebody checks up on me to make sure I haven't suddenly up and died." You replied with a shrug before squinting at Ghost curiously. "You really have absolutely no routine to come down from such a shitty mission?"
Again, his response was short and blunt, no trace of any emotion in his voice as he stared out into nothing. His lack of any kind of routine was almost eerie, it was as if he simply didn't have a need for it, as if he simply had no reaction whatsoever to the exhausting and life-threatening events that you and the rest of the squad constantly got dragged into.
"Come on, Lt, there's gotta be something. Humor me." You prompted with a good-natured smile, and Ghost finally turned his head to level his dull, brown eyes at you.
"I sit in the dark. Sometimes for hours. And I think." Ghost responded simply, the fact that his eyes didn't betray a single hint of emotion even as he described this almost frighteningly dark process he went through after each mission only made that statement even more unsettling.
"Jesus." You breathed in response, not even sure if a paid therapist could successfully unpack all that laid beneath such a simple statement. "You like tea, right?" You asked a little bit desperately. "Why don't you try making a cup for yourself when we get back? I'll even join you if you'd like?"
You weren't even that big a fan of tea, but you'd tolerate the less than desirable taste if it meant that Ghost didn't sit in his room, in the dark, all by himself.
"Tea?" Ghost questioned blankly, still staring at you with that same cold, blank expression on his face, a slight head tilt accompanying his question as if it had simply never occurred to him to take up such an action. He then stayed silent for a few moments as he thought over the idea, before eventually responding in a soft yet simple, non-committal way. "Why not."
"Cool. Do you have a specific flavor of tea that you tend to gravitate towards?" You asked, feeling proud of the progress you've made in engaging Ghost in conversation so far. The man was antisocial, sure, but that didn't mean that he was impossible to talk to, it just meant that it took a little bit of elbow grease to get him to loosen up.
"...earl gray." Ghost stated with that same non-emotional blankness. It almost sounded more as if he was reciting his tea preference, like it was something that he had been programmed to say, rather than an actual personal decision.
"Oh, jeez. Could you be any more British?" You teased with a lighthearted grin.
"What would you like?" Ghost continued, countering your question with a question of his own, and completely ignoring your comment about his tea preferences.
You thought about it for a moment, tipping your head back against the metal hull behind you to squint up at the bright fluorescent lights that lit up the enclosed space before answering. "I'm personally fond of London Fog. Though, I feel inclined to warn you that it's very sweet."
The tea you liked took copious amounts of both milk and sugar to make, but you had one hell of a sweet tooth so you believed that it was very much worth the potential cavities. That being said, you figured that Ghost most likely wouldn’t enjoy London Fog tea since you’ve never even seen him use sugar in his own preferred tea on the rare occasion he had some free time to make some. 
"I see." Ghost said in a slightly more questioning tone than usual, a sign that your comment about the tea being sweet had caught him off guard. Still, he didn't show any signs of dislike about the idea, and instead kept up his same blank stare as he considered this new information.
"Alright." He then said, seemingly approving of your choice.
"Perfect." You stated with a wide grin, feeling pleased as pie that you managed to rope the infamously reclusive Ghost into some social interaction with you.
"Oh! I have a playlist that I usually play to help me wind down and it's become kind of a habit to listen to it after missions. You don't mind if I were to play it aloud while we drink tea, do you?" You asked when the thought came to you, looking at Ghost imploringly and hoping that he wouldn't mind.
"I don't mind."
This time, Ghost replied in a slightly more casual tone, his statement sounding more like him stating an honest personal answer rather than merely a programmed response.
He then gave a simple nod as he added, "You can play it."
Your smile widened, an intense feeling of giddiness rising inside you as you realized that Ghost was warming up to you, the man's slow but steady emergence from his shell making you bold. "Do you listen to any music?"
This question seemed to catch Ghost off guard a little bit, a noticeable flinching of his eyebrows in surprise as a slow and confused nod crept up on his face.
"Rarely." He said hesitantly, seeming deep in thought for a few moments as he was clearly struggling to remember a song. "Classical, usually."
Your eyes widened as you stared at him incredulously. Heavy metal, sure you could see him listening to that angry stuff. Alternate, yeah maybe certain starving artists that sang about their like trauma and struggles or something. But classical? Never in a million years would you have guessed that the dark, brooding Ghost listened to classical music and if anybody would have suggested it, you would've laughed in their face.
"No way." You laughed, not unkindly, and lightly nudged his shoulder with your own, barely enough force to even jostle him since the last thing you wanted was for him to see the gesture as some sort of attack. "Who's your favorite composer?"
"...Beethoven." Ghost said simply, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. "You?" He then asked after a short pause.
"You know... that actually makes a lot of sense." You mused as you stretched your arms over your head. From what you remembered of Beethoven's compositions, most of them were dark, powerful swells of music that scratched a very specific itch in the back of your hindbrain. "As for my favorite, I'll have to go with Bach."
"...Bach." Ghost echoed blandly, as if he were trying out the name for the first time and figuring how it sounded. After a few seconds, he replied. "What do you like about him?"
Ghost had never shown much curiosity to anything outside the scope of his usual tasks or duties, so seeing him so interested in such a mundane topic was... intriguing, to say the least.
"I guess I just like powerful music that tells a story and makes you feel something, ya know?" You said as you slouched back in your seat as much as the straps would let you.
"Powerful." Ghost echoed the word in a slow, monotonous drawl, and seemed to mull over the word for a few seconds before speaking again. "Define 'powerful' in this context."
He seemed oddly fixated on this particular word.
"The slow crescendo into a thunderous roar as the climax of the composition hits... until that intense mix of harmonies are all that's ringing in your ears... I suppose a word that I could've used instead of powerful could be 'all-consuming'." You gesticulated as you spoke. You were very passionate about music, as evidenced by how animated you became while rambling.
Ghost nodded slowly, seeming to consider your words as his unblinking, unmoving stare pierced through the helo's hull.
"And Bach's music makes you feel that way?"
There was that same note of mild surprise in his voice as he spoke, as if he couldn't quite believe you were able to describe the sensation so clearly.
"Yeah, I can add a few of my favorites to my playlist, just for you if you're interested." You said with a smile, only half teasing. There was no doubt in your mind that if Ghost did end up saying yes, you would absolutely add some classical tracks to your wind down playlist, if not to further encourage future get-togethers with you and maybe broaden his music tastes in the process.
Ghost stayed silent for another few moments, his face turning into a slight and rare grin as he found something genuinely amusing about what you had said.
"Sure." Ghost said simply, once again with that simple, neutral tone of voice. "...Thanks."
It was his first instance of genuine kindness throughout this entire short conversation, a small thank you that he added on in a soft, genuinely appreciative tone. He even flashed you a faint yet real smile, and while it was brief, it was more than most people had seen from him.
It was progress.
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♡︎𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚♡︎
Day 13 of Kinktober 2022
Summary: Izuku does some research without you knowing, and finally gets you to squirt.
Props to my beta reader for today @afterhourswjay - thank you for your amazing help shawdy even on short notice lol, drop 'em a follow!
547 words.
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You've both been at this for an hour already. Izuku sits between your legs, his fingers stretching you out and bullying your G-spot into a state of oversensitivity.
His hand and forearm is dripping, covered with your juices as your insides shift around thick, scarred fingers. The rough pad of his thumb is pressed directly onto your clit, massaging you there in ways that have your legs spasming and your eyes rolling back, and a particular stroke has you clenching beautifully around his fingers.
He loves to see you like this, reduced to the barest, most vulnerable sense of yourself to be built back up again as he explores and experiments with you, studying your body meticulously. The greenete would never tell you, but he has an entire section of his latest notebook dedicated to every little reaction he gets from you. He knows your body in and out by now, and he knows what makes you weak. Every spasm of your belly as you cum on his fingers or the arch of your back when he scrapes a nail gently over the spongey surface of your sweet spot is completely familiar to him.
What's gotten him so hellbent this time, is an article he had recently read, detailing how to make a girl 'squirt'.
He had taken your hand in silence and lead you to the bedroom without a word, immediately turned on by the flash of your face, all scruched up and moaning, in his head. You didn't even know what this was about, and you're still clueless to the experiment taking place on your body right now.
Orgasm after orgasm has crashed over you by now, but Izuku still won't give up. Not until he gets to see you cave under his touch and drench him like he wants. Obscene, lewd noises stem from his fingers going to town on you and with a final curl of his fingers there's pressure. 'Could it be?' He thought.
"I-Izuku-! No- I've gotta pee!-
Your cries almost deafen him as he pulls out his fingers, genuinely shocked by the amount of slick you squirt. He had read that it comes from a place somewhere near your bladder, or even the bladder itself, but he didn't care. Every complaint and self-conscious whine was kissed away with a "'s fine, baby... You're okay.". The boy loves you far, far too much to be scared away by anything that could come from you.
So when, in seconds, his midriff is soaked with your fluids and the sheets are entirely ruined, he smiles like he was just awarded a bouquet, victorious and tired and very much trapped in a state of adoration for you.
That bright, delighted smile serves to make you feel a little less self conscious about whatever the fuck just happened. It had felt so good that-... You peed? The jacked but soft man before you coos at your confused and dazed expression, chuckling softly and reassuring you that all went according to plan, and that he had gotten you to squirt. Apparently he was happy about that.
Whatever. He made you do it, so it was his fault, and therefore his responsibility to change the sheets while you nap. Win-win. Izuku wouldn't have it any other way.
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© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan
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prismuffin · 1 month
Omg! Okay so I just thought of the cuties thing in opinion! And wanted to do an ask of it!!
So, Male Reader is a shape-shifting alien kinda like Marsion's (Ex:Mee-gan ), but they can only be in a form that is not their true form for a limited time. Like 16hrs or something, after that, they shift back to their real form, unless they are in like fight or flight mode. After the time is up their behavior is that of an autistic that is burnout or overstimulated.
The MaleReader's true form basically looks very similar to an Earth's panther (i.e big cat) expect it has 4 sets of eyes and has a pure white coat with red patterns.
So! How would Dick, Jason, Tim, Wally and Conner (sperately) react to Alien MaleReader doing the cat behavior of 'if I fits, I sits' after seeking them out to take a nap and recharge?
Ex: Jason wanting some peace reading while laying on the couch, and reader just climbs his way up the back of the couch, to carefully place himself in between Jason's side and the couch cushions.
I'm working on some full fics but as to not let my blog seem dead I'll get this ask out the way! Anyways I think that-
Dick was in the kitchen making himself some lunch. For once, he decided to sit down at the table to eat instead of going to his room. He was sort of surprised to see you in your true form creeping your way over to him. He, at first, thought you wanted some of his food which he was not gonna give to you but instead you simply shrunk down underneath his chair. Squeezing yourself through the legs of the seat and resting your head on his foot. He was confused but just let it happen, sighing as he realized he was stuck with the cat curse and now he cant move because you're laying on him.
Jason would be sitting on the couch, finally glad to find a rare moment of quiet. He was simply relaxing until you came in, you were in your true form so he didn't think you'd be too much of a distraction. But he was wrong when you walked up to him and practically draped yourself across his lap, resting your head on a nearby pillow. You exhaled deeply and just closed your eyes, joining him in his relaxation session. He looked around at the rest of empty spaces on the couch before looking back at you, shaking his head with a slight smirk he just let you lay on him since you were warm.
Tim would probably be working, mumbling to himself about god knows what when you'd walked into his lab. He turned when he'd heard his door open and greeted you as he saw you enter, asking if you needed anything. You didn't answer and simply walked up to him, rubbing yourself against his legs with your tail held high before diving between his legs. Because of your size he had to steady himself as to not fall over. He let out a surprised gasp before trying to push you out but you wouldn't budge. When he did successfully get you out from underneath him you just followed him and did it again and again. If this was your way of getting him to stop overworking himself so much it is kind of working.
Wally had recently gotten a new package and boy was he happy, besides the fact that he had to assemble it himself. So he sat on the floor of his room trying to put together a gaming chair, screwing together two parts that look like they definitely shouldn't fit that way but that's besides the point. You'd entered his room and he'd given you a quick greeting before going back to building his chair. He'd heard some shuffling from where you were and turned to ask what you were doing only to see you fitting yourself within the large box that his chair had come in. You'd successfully smushed yourself down enough to fit perfectly in the box and he couldn't help but laugh at the sight. He took a picture, ignoring the soft glare you were giving him.
Conner would be resting and taking some time for himself not really doing much sadly. It was a rather boring day so he just sat himself on the couch, submitting to the mindless entertainment that the tv offers. Sooner or later you walked into the common room, spotting the kryptonian you moved over to him before shoving yourself under his legs. He was confused at first and asked what you were doing but didn't get much of a response besides a semi-sassy look as you just laid down and closed your eyes. He didn't move as your presence simply added to the comforting feeling of the couch especially since you were practically a warm footrest for him.
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itti-bitti-yibbi · 9 months
I wrote a little Moon comfort thing, it can be taken as romantic or platonic, I think.
For a lil bit of context, the reader is a nighttime security guard in a post-virus Pizzaplex, and they've known Moon for a while but they have never met Sun.
Reader is stressed and tired and Moon lets them cry and gives them a nap. :P
It's been a long fucking day. A long couple of days, if you're being honest. The past weekend, which was normally your time to recharge before beginning a new work week, had been a whirl of drama and chaos and change all at once.
You are so fucking tired. Just of everything.
But you have to pay rent, so here you are, starting your shift. At least you're not gonna have to deal with any customers or co-workers, working the overnight shift.
The bright lights of the Pizzaplex power down with a resounding whoom as you clock in, leaving the place only barely lit by the neons decorating nearly every wall.
Well, you won't have to deal with any human co-workers, at least.
Your patrol begins in the Theater tonight, so you head off in that direction. You're about halfway to the Daycare shutters when a voice sounds above you.
"Tired," Moon rasps.
"Piss off," you snap back automatically, your whole body tensing immediately afterwards.
There's no response from Moon, and when you look up at him, he's staring at you with his eyes off entirely, his surprise obvious even with his immobile face. When he doesn't move or speak, you look back down at your shoes.
"Sorry," you mutter. "Didn't mean to snap at you."
After a moment you hear Moon's feet hit the ground beside you, too quietly for a robot his size. He leans down and sideways into your view, looking carefully at your face with pale eyes.
"Long day?" He says gently, more gently than you think you've ever heard him. It rattles you to your core.
Moon steps closer, carefully, slowly as a lump forms in your throat and your eyes begin to burn and prick with tears. You try to keep it out of your expression and fail miserably as he gingerly places his hands on your shoulders.
He says your name, barely more than a whisper, and you shatter.
The first sob racks your body, and you collapse against him. He pulls you close as your legs give out, keeping you from falling to the floor.
There are no words for several minutes, just you sobbing uncontrollably as Moon holds you, rubbing circles between your shoulder blades. You cling to him while all of the stress and anxiety from the past few days boils over and pours out of you.
When you do speak, it's barely decipherable through your sobbing and sniffles.
"There's just so much- I can't- I just want it all to stop!" You cry, tightening your hold on your friend. "I can't- I can't-"
Moon shushes you gently, pulling you back and cradling your face in his hands. He swipes his thumbs underneath your eyes, catching your tears as well as observing the dark circles that should have lightened since he saw you last, not darkened.
"Breathe, Starlight," he murmurs, producing a tissue and handing it to you. You blow your nose, trying to do as he says, but your breaths are short and shaky, and threaten to turn back into sobs.
After several moments of this, Moon comes to a decision, and scoops you up into his arms. You cry out in alarm and he hushes you.
"No working tonight," he says as he lifts the both of you into the air by his wire, "you will rest."
"But I have to patrol," you argue between sniffles, "I'm at work, I have to do my job-"
"No." Moon cuts you off. "You have to rest. Not suitable for work. I will look after you."
"But what if something happens-"
"I can access cameras," he interrupts you "I will take care of anything that happens."
You don't get another chance to argue. He cuts you off anytime you try, and frankly, that outburst sapped what little energy you had left.
Moon brings you into the daycare, then up to his room, and before you can try to object, he has you swaddled in a blanket and rested in his lap. He removes your cap, setting it beside him on the floor, and cards his fingers softly through your hair, watching your sleepy expression. Though his face doesn't change, you can feel the softness of his gaze.
"Sleep, Starlight," he whispers. "Dream sweet dreams, that you may awake with a lighter heart."
You chuff a short, sleepy laugh. "Theater kid," you mutter.
Moon chuckles quietly, followed by a comfortable silence. You're past the point of trying to fight sleep, and your mental and physical exhaustion is overcoming you rapidly. As you drift off, you're fairly certain you hear him begin to hum a gentle lullaby.
You will sleep until your alarm goes off, the one you set on your phone to tell you when to clock out, after that time Moon conveniently "forgot" to tell you your shift was over on the night the power went out and the lights couldn't keep him on a timer.
Until then, Moon keeps watch over you, also checking the cameras in the background, but mostly watching your sleeping face. The way your eyes flit behind the lids when you dream. He wonders if you are dreaming of him, your friend, your protector.
He hopes your dreams of him are sweet, rather than terrifying.
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acatnamedkitten · 2 months
Too Many Beds-RadioHusk
Drabble(700w)-Reverse trope writing prompts
They took shelter in a mattress store. This year's extermination had come earlier in the day than normal and caught the pair out and about.
Because, of course, Alastor had waited until the last fucking second to decide he needed a new cable for his transmitting board.
"Of course, it can't wait, Husker. What if the shop is destroyed? What if the owners are killed? What if those lousy picture boxes start reporting the damages before I do?"
And Satan forbid he go by himself.
Husk sighed and flopped down on a mattress. The owners must have gone out of town for the extermination, but at least they'd boarded up the shop beforehand.
With the lights off and the incredibly soft bed, Husk figured it was as good a time as any to take a nap. It wasn't like Alastor could get them out of there.
Using his magic now would only alert the Angels to their presence. So, Alastor laid down a few mattresses away, meditating to lower his magical expenditure.
At some point, there was an almighty crash just outside the shop. Husk startled awake, just barely managing to stifle his yowl of alarm.
With his heart trying to beat out of his chest, Husk sat frozen, waiting for something else to happen. But nothing ever did. There wasn't even the sound of fighting out on the street.
Sighing, Husk got up in search of a bathroom. By the time he'd stumbled back to the sales floor, he was already half asleep again. Eyes closed, he shuffled over to where he'd been laying. Not really caring if it was the same bed or not, Husk flopped down and promptly fell back asleep.
Husk grumbled. Laying on his stomach, wings spread, he wrapped his arms further underneath his pillow and nuzzled into it. He was too cozy for whatever it was Alastor wanted.
"Husker, wake ~uuup~"
Husk flexed and shifted, gripping his pillow tighter, lest Alastor pull it away like he so often did. "No."
Even with his face all but hidden, Alastor still managed to boop his nose. "Yes!"
"Don't wanna," He mumbled, turning his face the other way.
His bed was so soft, and his wings felt so nice all spread out, and he was all warm and cozy, and his pillow smelled so good. It was like coffee and rain and old pennies and...
Husk froze.
His pillow smelled like Alastor.
Alastor was laying on the bed with him, one leg on either side of Husk's torso.
He had his head on Alastor's stomach; his arms were around Alastor's waist.
He was using Alastor as a pillow.
He'd been a few mattresses away when... he'd...
Oh shit.
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Suddenly, Alastor's hands found his ears. Husk, taunt as a bow string and ready to fly, flinched at the initial contact.
But Alastor didn't pull his ears. Or flick them. Or pinch them. Or any of the other things he usually did to piss Husk off.
No. This time... This time his clawed fingertips were gentle. They scratched around the base of his ears, trailing back and forth.
"Now, now. No need to get all riled up. You were just having a dream is all, and I know how much you hate those."
Alastor trailed scritches down between Husk's eyes, then up and over to the base of his skull. Despite how tense he was, Husk couldn't help but melt under the gentle ministrations.
Before he could think about it, Husk found himself letting out a content sigh and leaning into Alastor's touch.
Objectively, Husk knew that Alastor was capable of softness and affection. He saw the demon interact with Rosie and Niffty, after all. But never before had Husk been on the receiving end of Alastor's gentler touches.
"That's it. Just relax."
With the sense of imminent danger gone, Husk's fatigue came back in full force.
Fuck it. He thought. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? At least he isn't biting my head off for laying on him.
If Alastor randomly waking him up—claiming Husk was dreaming—was payback for falling asleep on the guy, Husk could live with that. He did make a really good pillow, after all.
But Husk didn't dream. He hadn't dreamed since before the war; he only ever had—
...Had Alastor woken him up from a nightmare?
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