#i guess i should tag this if anyone's looking for more content from these fandoms lol
ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
Not really a question, but I wanted to tag onto all the asks people have been sending about getting traction for their fics.
I’ve been writing fanfic for 10+ years now and I know that’s not a lot, and when I first started I was god-awful… but guess what? I was really popular for some reason and I didn’t know why. I guess people enjoyed what I wrote because I clearly had so much fun doing it when I look back on it.
But through the years, my writing has changed and my fandoms have changed. I now write for fandoms that are barely active or have little content to begin with. My last fic has 5 kudos and 2 comments, with 129 hits. Posted two months ago. And I have to ask myself: does it matter what the stats are, when I write for myself?
Before, when I was younger, I loved the validation and attention. Honestly even now, who doesn’t love validation? It tells you you’re good. But what I’ve learned after all this time is that I am good on my own and I don’t need someone to tell me that. I love my writing.
But the most important thing is that I know what my writing means to me and its worth. After all this time, my writing has become my safe space, my comfort zone, the place I can escape to when I am hurt, overjoyed, angry or incredibly sad. My writing is mine and no one can take that away from me.
So at the end of the day, the value of my writing is worth far more than some numbers on ao3 or fanfiction. So I guess what I want to say is: even if 1 person or 100 people read it, your writing is good on its own. You should be proud, because writing is not easy and putting it out there for others to read isn’t easier. The worth of your writing is what you believe it is, not what anyone else says or what numbers say. Just my 2 cents. <3
well said ❤️❤️❤️
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pianocat939 · 7 months
Ok this isn't my usual content, but like hear me out. And no, this isn't like anything character related-
Just think of it...as like a scenario to fill in ig Girlie I don't fucking know, I'm just spewing words
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, mentions of violence
Ok so imagine.
There's like this drive. We'll call it Chestnut drive.
Just a typical neighbourhood street.
And on the last house, there's a married couple.
The husband, is like some super scary, really cold guy. He hates the world except for maybe his own wife. And he's a monster too- *ahem he was a thug back in his school days* But he is a handsome fucker.
And then you got the wife. Who's really nice, and never has any problems. Honestly, she's the one usually having to hide her husband's crimes.
Enter MC, who's a single person, getting the first ever house. Which ended up being right next to theirs. Everybody else doesn't go near their house, because of the husband. And yet, MC is totally clueless and ends up watching their feral dog in their yard.
The wife notices first, and strikes up conversation. She's eager to have someone new to talk to. She bakes desserts sometimes, and constantly tries to offer them to MC.
Guess who she gushes all about MC to? That's right- her husband. At first he's like creeped out and even a little jealous. But after watching you through your living room window a few nights a week, he’s realized why she’s so intrigued.
He finds MC so cute, all alone in their house. With no one but themselves really. Maybe the occasional friend over. In a way, he starts to grow protective of them, just like how he is with his wife.
Meanwhile, the wife is just obsessed to have someone to talk to who isn’t terrified of her husband. She’s constantly giving affection she tries to pass it off as platonic when honestly it’s borderline romantic
Their conversations at dinner went from a bit mundane to just simply rambling about you. Wondering which bedroom you should take, or if they should expand theirs completely.
Soon they invite you over to their house often. Just for the occasional meal or tea. Even showcasing their feral dog. (Tiny dog may I add)
MC doesn’t notice, but soon the couple’s house has little things that they like. If they like art? A few paint tubes or high-end coloured are thrown around the house. If they like music? Wow- they suddenly got a Steinway grand piano for them to play around with.
The husband is constantly checking if MC’s ok. Making sure they dress properly for the weather before they go back to their house. In any extreme weather conditions (blizzard, hurricane, rain- a shit ton of rain) he’ll just show up to their house with groceries.
The wife seems to love giving little cheek kisses and hugs. Always finding ways to present her cooking. She likes buying the occasional clothing item for them. Just something she thought would look quite fitting on them.
It’s all too late at some point, because the husband will haul them over his shoulder if they try to run away. He’ll carry them to their now big bedroom, enough for 3 people to share.
He’ll beat up anyone that tries looking for them. He doesn’t have those muscles for nothing.
The wife is just so happy to have MC in their bedroom. Giving snuggles and lots of coos of affection.
And with a kiss goodnight from both of them, MC finds themselves sandwiched between the two. Unable to move from the husband’s arms, or push off the wife who’s laying on top of them.
MC should just consider themselves as newly-wedded to this strange but surprisingly…functional couple.
(I have so many ideas for this bullshit but I also have never written anything non-fandom related on this blog before…Other than my shitposts)
(Assuming I’ll probably make more, I’ll put the tag ‘Husband Wife Trio’ lmao)
- Celina
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Yibo-Official international accounts
Tumblr media
I've gotten a lot of asks about the new Twitter account, so I guess I'll finally address these accounts Yibo-Official has created on international platforms:
Yibo-Official Instagram <- fake?
Yibo-Official YouTube <- fake?
Yibo-Official Twitter <- FAKE!!
Because the Twitter account has been shown to be fake, this calls into question the authenticity of all of them for me. The fan club that shared the Twitter account is the same one that shared the others. Proceed with caution.
However etiquette is still important so I'm going to leave this post up.
Let's talk a bit about etiquette...
International account etiquette
For those who are maybe newer to the fandom or who haven't spent a lot of time on the Weibo supertopics, you might not be aware of the rules and protocols turtles have over there.
Here are the rules in brief:
Never use their real names or tag their accounts.
Nor any other public figure.
Stay 'on-topic' and in your own lane, don't attack others.
Observe and respect top-bottom dynamics.
Don't use other people's content without permission, always attribute.
No feminizing or denigrating, or anything that can damage their image.
No sharing of private information or media about GGDD, no oversexualizing.
No fandom policing or spamming of the supertopic.
No sharing of anti material.
No reposting of content from other platforms.
No spreading of unconfirmed rumors and gossip.
Don't fill the supertopic with unrelated or personal posts.
No unauthorized contests or lotteries.
No merch or sales without admin approval.
There are some people who feel strongly that those rules should apply to international platforms as well. I've always disagreed with that to some degree. I talk about that a bit in this post. However, with GG and DD going more international these rules are becoming more and more relevant to us.
The first rule of BJYX is...
However one of the rules I feel absolutely must apply here as well as on Weibo, is rule #1: Never tag their official accounts or refer to them using their real names.
There are many good reasons for this, but ultimately what it boils down to is,
"what happens in turtledom stays in turtledom."
Everything we do here is for turtle eyes only. When you tag outside accounts or mention/tag their names or initials, you bring others into our world. That crossover can harm GG and DD in various ways.
This is something I talk about in my Fandom Etiquette guide, and it's something I feel very strongly about.
Just look at Twitter, where BXG are often tagging CPN posts, fan art and photo edits with GG and DD's individual names. Look at all the fan wars that causes when solos browsing their hashtags stumble across CPN and turtle fan content. It's completely out of control.
We don't like it when solos tag their hateful rhetoric with #bjyx or #yizhan, and this is why. It invades and impacts our experience of fandom. Please respect the fandom experience of others. Even solos you dislike deserve this courtesy, and as I have already stated, fan wars are harmful. We need to do whatever we can to prevent them.
And it's not just solos we should be concerned about. Anyone interested in GG or DD, when going to Twitter, is likely to browse #wangyibo and #xiaozhan. The last thing we should want them to stumble across is a fanfic prompt about spitroasting, pornographic fanart of GGDD, or CPN clowning.
Respect GG and DD's personal reputations.
It's fine to clown, it's fine to write fanfic and draw fanart - even smut. But it's not OK to make that a feature of what passersby will see when looking them up. STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE.
This is doubly true with their official accounts. Just don't do it.
And this goes triply for tagging official accounts in fandom disputes. Incredibly I've seen this happen on Twitter quite a bit, including solos tagging official endorsement accounts to slander BXG.
Do I really need to explain why that's an insane, ridiculous, utterly disruptive and awful thing to do?
EDIT: And toxic XFX on Twitter are currently tagging Yibo-Official on turtle CPN posts, trying to start a war. As I said in this update, blocking is the best protection for turtles and for Yibo-Official. Toxics can't tag and harass over posts they can't even see.
Bottom line: Just don't tag their official accounts. Don't comment in their account threads with anything Yizhan related - or anything related to the other (i.e. don't mention GG in DD's comment threads, or vice versa). Don't mention their real names in your clownery.
Don't do it.
Stay in your own lane.
A note on authenticity
I waited to post about these because I wanted to be sure they weren't fakes. While DD's fan club did post them on Weibo, I wanted to be doubly sure because of how misleading fakes can be. Especially since there were issues with one of the videos being removed from the YouTube channel (it was later restored).
The release of the Hidden Blade roadshow video on YT confirmed for me that this is highly unlikely to be a fake account. The video uses English captions in the same style as the Chinese ones that appeared on Weibo, which means that whoever added the captions had to have access to the original footage.
The amount of effort someone would have to go to in order to fake that clip, it's unlikely to be fake. They'd have to hunt down all the original clips (if the footage was even ever released previously), edit it precisely and then add captions. Not something I see a faker bothering with.
So while these accounts will likely never be 100% verified, I think we can be reasonably certain of their authenticity.
UPDATE: The Twitter account was a fake, so I think that we need to consider that all of them might be fake because the fan club that shared the Twitter link was the same one that shared the link to the YouTube and Instagram accounts.
Update 2: They are very likely real. I explain why here.
Is Tumblr coming next?
Some people asked me if Yibo-Official will create a Tumblr account. You people are monsters!! 😅 No, please no! The last thing I need to worry about is DD's team reading our clownery here! 😅
Rest assured, this is highly unlikely to ever happen. Tumblr is far too tiny of an audience to make maintaining an account here even remotely worth it. Especially since most of the people here also use the other major international platforms. There would be no point.
EDIT: Follow-up post here.
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 month
Update on the #radio silence tag situation in Twitter
It finally started getting some traction after getting myself a little out of my comfort zone (worth it!)
Though there is a comment about possibly coining a different ship term for one-sided radiostatic in Twitter. In Twitter there were a few mentions of using silentstatic for one-sided radiostatic but it's Alastor who is pining (I know it's not your cup of tea but it is a niche group) so they wonder if silentradio would work for Twitter instead to keep up the name scheme of radiostatic.
Just an update of mine I thought you should know :P
I still don't have alot of sway in Twitter so whether or not Twitter uses #onewaybroadcast or #silentradio is probably beyond me
(twitter thread) (my original post)
that's good!! it looks like only one person in the replies is against onewaybroadcast though cause people in the qrts seem in favour, I mean it doesn't matter as long as it changes but I think it's probably easier if it's consistent across sites, I don't really get the "against fandom ship trends" argument though cause it's not like we're entirely consistent I mean we have shit like radiostatic and then there's chaggie
and for people who say that radio silence fans should just change their tag instead I just don't think it's fair 🤷‍♀️ they had it first and since radio silence is the NAME of their book naturally their first instinct would be to tag, you know. the name of their book. instead of tacking on book at the end. it's not like it's anyone's first instinct to type #hazbinhotelshow
for us it's a ship name which people would have to be told about first to know what it even is, aka not a first instinct to type when you post content about it
and osemanverse is fairly popular, if radio silence ever got a movie adaption you know the mixing of hazbin and osemanverse would be even BIGGER hell. am I getting caught up on hypotheticals with the movie thing? maybe. but you know heartstopper is popular, if anything happened that caused a boom in popularity for radio silence it would be absolute filtering hell, not just for them but for us too
but I can't control twitter I just think it's more ideal to change, tumblr is more my domain so it's up to hazbintwt I guess, I'm not even sure how present the radio silence fandom is on twitter, I've only gotten input from them over here on tumblr, so I can't really fully judge how fans there feel
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ghost-recs · 2 months
hey :) it's very cool that you're making such organized rec lists! you probably don't mean any harm by this but is rating them necessary? by recommending them you are already telling people that you like them, and saying what you enjoyed about them is also great!
but rating fics on a scale from 1-10 and putting your opinions into the general tags/ tagging directly so that the writers that- i'm guessing largely did not ask for your criticism- are very likely to see it creates an uncomfortable atmosphere
i know that at least for me i would not enjoy being putting next to other authors like this, and having a rating put on a fic that i worked hard on and that is therefore probably very dear to me would feel discouraging. many authors on your lists also explicitly state that they are not looking for criticism on a hobby they want to simply enjoy
again, i assume that you mean absolutely no harm and simply want to help others find fics they might enjoy, but this luckily isn't school, we can simply enjoy things without having to grade them
this divide in fandom, where artist are treated like 'content creators' and readers as the 'consumers' is a larger issue that way too often causes artist to lose their joy in being active in fandom.
fan art should be about community, after all we're all just some people with a shared love for our favourite characters
so please, let's share and support the fan fiction ( and fan art in general) we enjoy in a way that doesn't feel like a product review
Hey! :) I just wanted to address this before it becomes something that I never intended/wanted it to become.
In no way, shape, or form am I trying to offend or criticize anyone when I recommend works. My “ghost ratings” are purely my personal preference out of my favorite fics. It is an easier way for me to organize my lists based solely on my personal taste and preferences. The ratings are not meant to be a grading system. They don’t measure the quality, quantity, or even the content of the works. What they show are simply which ones I preferred over others.
I will admit that choosing to add my own personal rating is to let others know which fics were my favorite. But first and foremost the entire point of making these lists is to share the love of these works. I enjoy adding the ratings just to show personal preference. After all, everyone has pieces of writing, fics, or fan art that they prefer over other ones. It’s fun to gush a little extra over the works that you most enjoy!
Again though, it is not meant to be a critique. I am not trying to offer advice or pretend that I could do better. It never crossed my mind that someone would view these recs as a “product review,” and that is my own fault for not thinking it through from that perspective. I don’t view these artists and writers as “content creators” and the readers as “consumers.” We ARE just one community! :)
That all being said, I am deeply sorry if I have offended anyone or crossed a line. I never meant to do that and truly just want to share fics that I enjoy with others. To any writers, artists, and readers that I’ve offended with my ratings, I apologize and I hope you will forgive me.
I have decided that my ratings are not worth the risk of possibly discouraging others. It would break my heart if I knew my recommendations were doing that to others. I will be taking down all my ratings and will not be adding more to any future recs.
Anon thank you for discussing this with me in a kind and helpful manner. And for not assuming that I’m trying to be a jerk and tear others down.
I love you all! I love all of you artists and the love for the fandom that we share! Thank you for bearing with me, and have a great day/night!🫶🏻
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frownyalfred · 8 months
Same anon who was confused by everyone being horny for Alfred. I don't have a problem with it, I was just confused about what prompted the sudden interest. I'm newer to interacting with fandoms so I didn't realize people were already attracted to Alfred like that. I just thought I missed a new fic update that had some steamy Alfred content or maybe missed a meme about being horny for Alfred. I'm sorry if my ask came off as me condemning people for being horny as well. I guess I'm just used to only seeing Alfred as a grandpa, but from what I've been learning about Tumblr recently, I should have realized it's normal that people seem to really like older characters. I feel very stupid and again sorry for coming off as judgmental. Looking back through your posts again, I can see now where I should have realized what was going on. Please keep posting more about how much you like Alfred and don't let an idiot like me keep you from enjoying what you enjoy.
oh god no anon!!! I was just joking with that reply! please don’t take anything I ever say seriously, especially while I’m hornyposting.
never apologize for not knowing something or stepping on weird tumblr boundaries (but to reiterate you did nothing wrong here).
I think I could horny post about any character any time of day if the right anon slid in with a reminder. that’s because I have issues, not you anon! I would never condemn anyone for hornyposting, I do it alllllll the time.
(also, if you ever don’t want to see specific content on your dash from me, please let me know and I would be happy to tag it more specifically)
all the love anon ❤️
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xoxiu · 11 months
first love of late spring - ot7 x reader
chapter four table of contents masterlist join the taglist discord
Tumblr media
summary: falling, falling, falling- that's what you shouldn't be doing as a young intern at hybe. falling in love with your supervisor is frowned upon, especially all seven of them. you'll never learn, will you? guess you’ll just have to be their dark secret.
tags/warnings: intern!reader, poly relationships, stockholm syndrome, age regression, spanking, drug use, sugar daddy au, dubcon, body dysmorphia
taglist: @frieschan
February 1st was your first day starting as a social media manager for BTS. Scratch that- not a manager, but the social media manager. Your new position came with many amazing benefits, and you liked working from home when you weren't with the band. It felt like you were amongst the popular kids at school for once. You followed them around all day, taking pictures and videos for their socials. It almost felt like a dream- your job was to be their friend and photographer. They treated you more as a friend than a staff member. 
Then there was dealing with the fans. Being sneaky and having a secret fan account on multiple platforms allowed you to see what the fans were liking and into, giving you more ideas for the official pages. That meant you were in on all the inside jokes, leaked information, as well as what was trending amongst the fandom. 
Back in your youth, you ran a fan Twitter account for One Direction. You understood the fans better than anyone else because you were in their positions at one time. Times have changed over the past decade (you didn't even want to think about how long it's been), but getting back into the groove of things was easy enough. 
"y/n, you don't have to be so formal with us," Jimin would tease you all the time. While your job was fun, you were still a staff member. The boys would call you out constantly on you referring to them as 'sir', complaining about feeling old, and whatnot. They saw you as an equal and awaited the day you felt like one too. 
Today was the filming for a Run BTS episode. You didn't entirely understand the concept of the game- all you knew was that they were painting something and whenever they asked you to take a photo, you would. It was adorable- they would hold up their paintings like proud little kids. The photos would be posted to their individual Instagram accounts, so you would send each member a copy on KakaoTalk. 
"I think y/n should be the judge!" Taehyung said, standing up from his chair and pointing in your direction. You looked up from your phone in confusion, only having heard your name and 'judge'. The boys noticed your deer-in-headlights look and let out an endearing laugh. 
"Just tell us who you think has the better painting. We'll film a male staff member saying your answer so you don't have to." Yoongi said. You appreciated not having to have your voice in the recording. 
You gave each painting a very good look. Namjoon painted what appeared to be the Han River. Seokjin painted a rainbow that had been destroyed by brown paint, most likely by Jungkook that sat next to him. Jungkook didn't have much on his paper, obviously focusing more on disrupting the other members. Taehyung had an all-black abstract drawing that almost looked like it belonged in a modern art museum. Jimin's painting was of a variety of flowers in a bouquet, also destroyed by Jungkook by a brown marking of 'JK' right in the middle. Yoongi and Jimin seemed to have a combined painting that illustrated the seven members of BTS as crudely drawn stick figures when placed side by side. You chuckled at Yoongi's portion of the picture where he drew Seokjin with comically large shoulders. 
"Yoongi wins solely for how he drew Jin," you said, smiling at the excessive cheering from the normally calm member.
It really was days like this when you enjoyed your job. 
You sat in one of the production lounges on your laptop, editing some promotional photos for Instagram. Stretched out across the length of what had to be the building’s comfiest couch, you let out a long yawn before checking the time. 
A text alert is shown as you checked your phone. An unknown number had called you before sending a simple text. 
‘Hey y/n it’s Jin, are you busy?’
You smiled as you responded ‘No’ with a smiley face. You had no idea where or how Seokjin got your personal number, but you didn’t let that thought bother you much. Once you felt your phone buzz with an incoming phone call did you sit up straight on the couch. 
“Hello? Seokjin?” You asked. The line was quiet for a moment before you heard Jin’s voice through the phone. 
“Hey, could you come to our dorm? It’s not urgent or anything.” 
“Sure! Just text me the address and I’ll be right over,” You replied, standing up and starting to exit the building. There were the sounds of shuffling and muffled voices through the phone, making you wonder just what was going on over there. 
“Actually,” Jin suddenly said, “It’s nothing. You don’t have to.” You stopped in your tracks, now very curious and concerned about what was happening. 
“No, no. Come over. I lied,” Seokjin said quickly after, correcting himself. “We want you to come over.”
Jimin roughly nudged Jin with his elbow once the phone was hung up. There was no way he didn’t sound suspicious during the call- stumbling on his words and even backtracking on what he said. They were lucky you just followed along. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi said, holding his head in his hands, “Now we need to think of a real reason why we needed her here. Jungkook missing her isn’t a good enough answer.”
“I think it’s fine…” Jungkook mumbled to himself. 
Namjoon looked across the room and into the kitchen, coming up with an idea upon seeing the state of it. “We could tell her we needed help putting the cabinet knobs back on.”
“We need our social media manager to help us with home renovations?” Yoongi questioned Namjoon’s idea.
“We wanted to film a TikTok?” Taehyung suggested. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go with that one!” Seokjin said. 
By the time the bus had arrived, the sun was close to setting. You kind of started to regret agreeing to come- it was late and you were quite tired. Finally, you had regulated your sleep schedule to be like a normal adult’s, and the members of BTS had to screw with it. What else did you expect from them?
Within seconds you were buzzed in and headed to their shared penthouse. All seven of them had their own apartments by now, but they all chose to live together still for the majority of the time. You often questioned how they were able to do it for so long- you had two roommates back in college that made you question your sanity at any given moment. 
You barely even knocked on the door before Jimin opened it with a smile. He ushered you inside, and you stood in the entryway in awe. The dorm was beautiful and big. Much, much bigger than your tiny apartment that probably couldn’t even fit seven people in it. The ceiling was high up and the doorways were arched, making everything feel so much bigger and fancier. 
“y/n! Thank God you’re here!” Taehyung said, running up to you and hugging you. You awkwardly stood there, allowing him to hug you. Never once had you had any physical affection or contact with them, and it felt like a weird time to break the boundary. You laughed slightly as he let go of you. 
After taking off your shoes, you were led into the living room where the other members sat. It was odd- everyone acted as if you weren’t needed and that there was nothing you needed to do. The sitting members all smiled and waved at you, remaining in their spots on the couch. 
“So,” you clasped your hands together behind your back, swaying slightly on your feet. “What do you guys need?”
“We just-” Jungkook started to talk, only to be interrupted by Namjoon. 
“We wanted help filming a TikTok!”
You stared at him confused. Filming a TikTok was something they were more than capable of doing by themselves. You had directed some and given them ideas, but for the most part, they would just film it themselves. It felt more natural and created more of a connection with the fan base. 
“You could’ve just done it yourself, you know,” You let out a chuckle. 
“We couldn’t think of any ideas for one,” Hoseok said. He stood up from his spot on the couch and motioned for you to take his seat. You pretended to ignore him at first, but he only kept insisting you take a seat. 
“I mean, there’s a trend of AI face filters right now. You each could do that.”
“Yeah! Let’s just play around with filters,” Taehyung said, pulling out his phone. “Wait, y/n has an iPhone. Can we use your phone instead?”
Without hesitation, you handed your phone over to Taehyung. The seven of them took turns playing around with silly filters, doing their best to keep you out of the shot. You happened to glance over at one that turned Jungkook’s face into a creepy unicorn. 
Hours passed by eventually, and you took your leave. You stood up from the couch, trying to locate your phone. A chorus of disappointed ‘aww’s filled the room at your sudden insistence on leaving. 
“It’s already 22:00 and the buses have stopped running. It’ll be a long walk.” You claimed. Jungkook stood up and walked over to the windows, observing the dark skies and falling rain. 
“It’s pouring rain out there. We can’t let you leave in this- you’ll catch a cold.” He said. The others agreed with him excitedly. 
“Or I could just drive-”
“No! It’s too dangerous. We’ll fix the couch up for you tonight.” Taehyung interrupted Seokjin and his logical solution. Everyone soon began to hunt for spare pillows and blankets for you. 
“It’s fine, guys. I really don’t need to stay here.” You slowly began to approach the front door, hoping no one would notice you leave. Hoseok snuck up behind you, blocking your path to the exit. 
“Nope, no way. We’re older and know what’s best,” he said, guiding you back to the couch. A crack of lightning struck and illuminated the dorm, making you jump at the sudden strike. 
“Awh, you’re afraid of storms,” Jimin said, placing the last of the blankets on the couch. “Now we’re definitely not going to let you outside in this weather.”
The couch had a plethora of blankets and pillows piled high on it. It seemed like each member brought at least two of each for you to sleep on. When you pointed out the hilarious amount of blankets and pillows, you were told that it got cold at night. You looked over towards the thermostat on the wall that read 23°C. The members pretended to ignore your questioning stare. 
You gave in eventually and got settled in on the couch. They made sure you were tucked underneath each of the six blankets and placed some pillows on the floor next to you. 
“Just in case you roll off in the middle of the night,” Namjoon said, seeming like he was speaking from experience. 
Within minutes of the lights turning off and the boys going to bed, you were out like a light. 
Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok snuck out of their rooms at one point, standing in the hallway and watching as the city lights illuminated your sleeping body. They watched as each breath caused the blankets to move up and down, and as you softly snored. 
“You’re crazy for having this idea, Hobi,” Yoongi said with his arms crossed. 
“I mean, it sounds like a pretty good plan,” Hoseok tried to defend himself. “Jungkookie really wants her, and I figured it would be fun for us, too.”
“We do really want her, hyung.” Jungkook said to Yoongi. 
“We? What part of this involves ‘we’?” Yoongi asked, before letting out a sigh. 
“Yeah, I guess it is we.”
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
"It's become so popular to cyberbully people in this fandom, especially if they hold any opinion outside the extremely limited and strictly enforced one-way-only 'acceptable' opinion."
This. Fucking this. I haven't experienced anon hate ir any sort of harrassment, but hearing the hate people can get boogles my mind.
You like Adam or dislike how things ended for him? You feel uncomfortable how fndm treats him? You're an abuse apologist. (because the only villains you're allowed to like are the ones WE decide you can like.)
You like Ironwood or dislike how things ended for him? You dislike how his villain arc got writen? You feel uncomfortable how fndm treats his paranoia and prosthetics? You're a terrible person who supports facism, because you dared to do some critical thinking and don't agree with the group by daring to have different opinions (how ironic)
You ship Blacksun instead of Bumbleby? You're a hompohobe, 'cause Yang and Sun are totally the same people so you should be shipping BB too. (Lets ignore how I water down Yang and Sun to 1 surface level trait and that both have different plotlines with Blake)
And now shipping FB is bad? I thought this fandom cared about f/f ships? Guess, not and only care about keeping everyone in line. For god's sake, you're telling me people got shitted on for theorizing that Qrow is Ruby's dad?? Sheez, with this pathern of behavior I can safely assume I would get accused of being a military bootlicker who supports bombing cities because I like Harriet.
For my time in this fandom I learned the only way I can enjoy RWBY, without mentally blocking out the toxic part of Fndm or getting mentally tired in the Rwde side and without getting frustrated by the canon...is to stay in my corner. No matter how friendly Rwby positive blog looks like - I'm staying in my corner. Quick look at their posts about Rwde, Ironwood etc. and I'm taking a distance.
And what sucks more, I do want to talk about RWBY with people. I want to talk without bringing up it's flaws. Once I brought up RWBY to a mutual of mine and they hadn't heard of it before, but said they would check it out.
I was happy because I would have someone to talk about RWBY, but then later I remembered about how Fndm can be, about the war with criticism they have. I would get worried them getting harrassed if they talk about the flaws. What if Fndms toxicity influences them? Maybe, I did the bad thing for mentioning RWBY to them??
I get, Fndm not wanting constant critcism in their dash. Trying to enjoy a show with many pointing out the cracks can be draining. But all this? All these rules of what to think, like and ship? This isn't ok.
I agree that RWBY haters can drive off new fans of the show. but there are times where fandoms are too responsible for this. Congrats Fndm, I'm tired.
Largely since my re-entry into the fandom I've been incredibly careful about separating positive posts from critical ones. I'll tag things as rwde/rwby critical liberally because I don't want to chance a post I make finding someone who thinks it's too negative. I tend to be more critical this days or think a lot about alterations I'd make to canon to enjoy myself more and I'm having fun doing that in my corner of the internet.
I think mainly the part that threw me was to see a harmless post get someone upset, and then a request for people to manage their internet space only caused this to worsen. Last time I posted freezerburn content (2016 I believe) it was treated as normal and not subject to controversy. It felt a bit like getting a bucket of ice water dumped on me because I wasn't ready for a completely angry response to positivity.
The fandoms response to my recent posts about this situation has been overall more positive in all honesty with a lot of support and mutual aggrevation (like this) at how many rwby fans can often live in an echo chamber where canon is law and anyone who ignores said law is out to destroy RWBY regardless of how much they might enjoy the show.
This defensive nature might stem from fans getting incredibly protective of the series because there was a point when it would get a lot of unnecessary hate in the early days for dumb things (animation and episode length when budget was clearly an issue). But even so they now begin to lump everyone enjoying the show differently together and assume the worst which is what isolates so may people.
I do appreciate all of you for being supportive though and it's unfortunate that the fandom got into a state like this, I feel like it's one of the worst versions of this type of thing in fandom that I've seen. But when we get the fans who accept people are going to have differences of opinions and handle their online space to make sure they're having fun it makes enjoying the fandom easier!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I dont even think the tag is dead at all tbh. We were really spoiled last summer with 2k post per day, and something crazy happening everyday like Mikhailgate, scriptgate, sock anon or people impersonating Ross duffer, but if you check most tags on this app, that's rarely the case. The thing is, it's been a year since season 4 came out and we're still getting around 300 posts per day and I need people to realise how crazy that is. Before season 4 the tag had like 5 k followers and there could be days without a single post. The fact that it's been a year and we still surpass 200 posts, AND we've already made it through the most content drought phase of the hiatus (since filming is about to begin and we'll increase the daily posts again) is crazy. This tag is still very much active, even for a show that hasn't released any new content for a year. And also AO3 is still active. The fact that for a whole year, there's been writers who still update fics or create new ones everyday is something I'm not used to coming from other smaller fandoms.
I get it's a bit more boring right now and we are looking back to the may-august craze, but we've already made it through the worst and we only need to hold on for one more month
This is definitely the best way to look at it!
I think I’m also maybe sad bc a lot of familiar faces aren’t as active, like some folks I remember seeing daily are gone. Which is fine!
And even despite that you’ll see posts in the tag get like hundreds of likes, so there are definitely a lot of people still lurking just not posting. Which is also fine!
It’s so true though that we are a lot more active than we realize.
Tumblr in general I used to think of as like a no man’s land pre-s4 bc it tends to really only be active in specific fandoms where like the unity is on point bc the content is just rolling in.
So many fandoms reside here at a point, but dwindle over time, and I feel like we are very fortunate to have made a big space here bc it is a cool platform when you have a lot of people that like a certain thing and want to talk about it.
And we’re fortunate enough to be so massive and not only that but this is sort of just the beginning. Imagine how many followers we’ll gain leading up to s5, during and after…? Or the aftermath of people coming here to look at theories and be like YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT! All the queer fans who kind of talked down on us (understandably) for potentially falling for queerbait, joining in and being like wow this is surreal, it finally happened. It’s going to be magical.
For now I guess it just makes me wonder if I should take a break too?? Like seeing yourself over and over in the tag is almost a wake up call that I should step back like everyone else is for the time being? Bc like idk if it’s maybe annoying to see the same person over and over? Or if it’s just the reminder of how inactive things are and that’s what makes people step back too?
Not even a bad thing necessarily like you said, bc this is still an unprecedented case of a fandom being quite active despite the circumstances.
Honestly though, even if there isn’t much news going into May and in the couple months after it, beyond like the bare minimum of what we’re expecting, I’ll try to embrace it and maybe step back or even focus on more detailed posts instead of the day to day fodder.
I also hate myself for this, but I rarely go in the top posts tag??? I’m always like living in the recent posts part of it and that’s probably also the problem 😭
So reminder to anyone that’s like me who does the same, we gotta support more of us that have top posts too bc I will literally remember the top posts exists, go there, find absolute gems (obviously it’s top posts???) and then be like why the fuck don’t I come here more often??? That’s another way I could probably curb my disappointment about us not being as active as I’m used to. And it’s super simple.
There’s a lot of stuff like that I could do better at to contribute to the solution of this being a better experience for myself and other still active on here!
Thanks for the pep talk anón 😇🙏
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wander-wren · 4 months
got another bot-spam comment on ao3, but this one is extra weird. let’s do some investigating!
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for those not in the know, The Haunting is my dark whumpy “todoroki gets adopted by aizawa” fic. it’s also 60k words long. so right away i’m doubting this person read it. that plus the generic vibes? bot comment. but i’m also pretty sure i’ve heard of this channel before, specifically because it wasn’t crediting authors. hm. so i go check it out: http://www.youtube.com/@DnWhatIf
first of all, these are the videos i’m greeted with:
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now, i don’t want to bash anyone’s taste, but this is so extremely not my thing. nooooo way. some of these read more like crackfic, which is fine, but tonally the difference is SO much. and just makes it even more glaringly obvious that they aren’t reading the fics they’re spamming or even giving them a cursory once-over (or putting strong filters on the bot? i’m not clear how bot comments work)
because this is the first thing you see about The Haunting:
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i’m guessing, if it wasn’t completely random, it’s the fact that i tagged izuku as a character. and really it’s just lazy, the whole thing. it’s all bots. ai art in the thumbnail, ai voice reading the fic, bot making comment spam for you. zero respect. if this was an actual podficcer i would consider it! hell, i might even accept ai voice readings (MAYBE), if it was obvious there was a human person who cared behind them. it could certainly be a tool for good, since podficcing isn't very common (we love you podficcers. if i had a little bit more confidence i would be one of you).
but anyway, hang on, lets back up a step, because the whole reason i looked into this was the credits issue. the video “what if deku became a teacher at ua” (ugh) (i hate the title gimmick also) is going to be my guinea pig.
so in the little intro (also done by ai), it says “all credits to their respective authors” which, yikes. however, they do link to their permission statement and the fic in the description, so it….could be worse. but also, these are the comments
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(and it continues like that for a bit)
the channel name also has a 4.0 after it [edit: it did when i started this post, then i got distracted for two days, and now it is gone. hm], which implies they’ve had a lot of trouble with keeping it up. so it seems likely that this is the channel i heard about stealing fics, they just finally learned to get permission and give credit to try and keep it up this time. the permission statement on this video is real (i wondered if they would just link to something else and assume no one would check), but even THAT author references being “freaked out” (positive?? unsure) when they heard of people finding their story on youtube. before giving permission to upload with credit. so that’s not great
also this sludgepit of content is absolutely the thing that attracts people with no patience clamoring for updates literally one day after the video goes up. go figure. bad vibes all around.
also, if you’re wondering about the quality of the reading (i’ve stumbled on some pretty good ai voices as of late!), it’s, uh. i don’t actually know about how all this works, but i feel like when you pick a voice to read a story it should at least be able to approximate character name pronunciation. and flow.
but alas.
i also don't want to bash the authors in question but the truth is from the very minimal poking around i did (not giving this channel any more of my time than absolutely necessary), the writing featured is....mediocre at best. which is fine and good for the fandom ecosystem and i will NEVER be anything but happy that people are writing and posting less-than-perfect works, especially since some of these premises are pretty unique and i think it's better to have the fic than not. we all start somewhere, fanfic is an excellent way to practice and get feedback at the same time, etc.
but these channels, these kinds of operations, they're going to prey on new and young authors and that's who is going to be saying yes to them. because they want the exposure, they want to be told their work is good enough for someone else to care to record it for youtube, they haven't been around long enough to recognize this for what it is: someone taking extreme shortcuts to get views and likes and a bit of notoriety off of other people's work. and that's shit.
and remember that youtube videos can be monetized!
now, i doubt this channel in particular has been monetized, although it does meet the minimum requirements as far as numbers go:
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it shouldn't meet the requirements for the monetization policies, specifically these ones:
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especially with the disclaimer in the beginning that the content is not their own--which might be why previous versions of the channel did not give credit. who knows.
however, youtube DID just have some scandals about people making videos that were pretty much entirely plagiarized, which were monetized, so i don't have the highest hopes in the world. still, it doesn't seem monetized, so no strikes against this particular creator for that, at least, but defo something to look out for if anyone ever brings up hosting podfics on youtube.
so yeah, bot spam, not a complete scam this time but definitely really sketchy, bad vibes all around. and i still kind of want to give them permission to use my fic just to see what would happen, lmao
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echoweaver · 5 months
New Year's Resolutions 2024
Thanks to @nocturnalazure for tagging me!
Also, anyone else I might've missed. 😢 I don't know if there's a way to distinguish being tagged on a post vs on a comment in tumblr, but it would be helpful when I know I was tagged a bit ago, but I don't remember by whom.
What's your resolution for your simblr?
OK, I guess I have some categories of goals.
Modding resolution: Release the Warriorcats Mod.
This mod is really close to done, but I'm in animation muck. I both hate seeing animations look bad AND I'm not an animator. For training interactions, I need multi-sim animations where one sim observes while the other acts, and when I tried to do this, I realized that I have a lot to learn before I can make this do what I want. I need one more good run in a geeky minset, and this thing will be read to at least release as beta.
This thing is bottlenecking other smaller mod ideas. I'm proud of it, and I want to finish it. But the turn of the year has been really bad for high-effort hobby energy.
For those who have sent me asks about this mod, I am going to say something that you should absolutely not apply any other modder, including me, for anything else. Bugging me about this (in a nice way!) is probably the best way to get it finished. Hearing from folks who use my pets mods makes my heart sing. Knowing that someone cares is the best source of positive energy I have.
It's a new year, and some very high-stress stuff in my personal life has improved. I know can do this in 2024.
In my points of low mood, I have wondered if there's even any point to finishing something this high-effort for a game this old. But, like Minecraft, TS3 never seems to die. 2022-3 was actually a modding renaissance. I have built some interest in TS4 at the end of this year, but it hasn't made me even a little bit interested in abandoning TS3. So I'm going to do my best to set that demotivating nonsense aside.
Gaming resolution: Finish the Samples.
I can't believe I actually wrote that, but it could happen in 2024. Generation 8 is starting in gameplay, and in a 10-generation legacy, this is the last "complete" generation.
I will never do another 10-generation anything. There are two many different and interesting
Blogging resolution: Catch the Wonderlands up to the present.
I stopped playing halfway through Gen 3. I originally started posting this challenge on tumblr during Gen 2 when I created this simblr some horrifying number of years ago. Gen 1 was all on Wordpress and is new to the simblr. I've been reluctant to play forward on the challenge until I can bring the simblr with it.
2. What do you want from the sims franchise?
Haha. That's a complicated question. I think I may always be a TS3 player at my core. I send retroactive apologies to every TS2 players I looked askance at ten+ years ago. With that in mind, I can't reasonably expect much of anything from EA on my core hobby.
My pie-in-the-sky dream would be a 64-bit update for TS3 on Windows. That's not completely impossible, but it doesn't look likely to happen.
I'm keeping an eye on Project Rene. EA has given a good sense that they learned from the player response to TS3 & 4, and 5 could be a good synthesis. OTOH, the PRIMARY ask I have from them is 100% offline play, and I don't have a lot of hope. Though EA made the commitment to offline play for TS4, they've been clawing it back by inches over the years, and they even quietly made it impossible to install fresly-downloaded TS3 store content on 1.67. I'm fighting hard to keep my TS3 game at 1.67 because I want to be able to play on airplanes and in places I simply cannot log in. I don't give a !@#$ whether EA can validate my license. They're making enough money. They can stuff it in their butts. So, with that said, I am just assuming that TS3 1.67 is going to be the core of my fandom for the forseeable future, but my mind isn't closed. If TS5 is otherwise awesome, I can branch out.
My biggest hope for the franchise is from the fandom -- that the TS3 modding renaissance will continue. We keep renewing this old game, and as it continues to be renewed, there continue to be amazing fun new ways to play it. Thank you folks so much.
3. Any other new year's resolution?
Getting my Hobbit fanedit accepted by the Fanedit Academy at fanedit.org.
Heh. So, I have a very long drama story about my fanediting hobby. I flamed off the fanedit.org community when I attempted to submit my first edit years ago (The Hobbit, which should surprise exactly nobody who has looked at fanedits). I was floored when, in 2023, I was contacted by the head of that site to apologize for that situation and ask me to resubmit. It appears that my treatment by the reviewers prompted him to clean house and build a more welcoming community. Wow.
So, now my very first edit is under review by the "Faneditors Academy," which is the primary way to reach new viewers and gain feedback in this hobby. The site leader is involved in my review, but one of the reviewers is one of guys who treated me badly the first time, and he's complex to work with -- there's an undercurrent of him trying to justify rejecting me without a review the first time. I am determined to see this review through to the end. I am very proud of this edit. Also, the feedback is definitely leading me to take it the next level.
But I'll be honest -- working through the criticism and revisions is one reason I haven't touched the Warriorcats mod in months. I need to clear my mind and my plate to really focus on addressing feedback, and the criticism level makes that draining.
[Sharing from personal life -- another reason my modding dropped off is that this winter my trans wife came out to my socially conservative parents. We are not disowned, but it's been complicated and emotionally draining. Lighthearted play with stream-of-consciousness commentary is about as deep as I've been able to go for months.]
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Is posting a “work” on ao3 that’s just a request for help looking for a specific fic a thing people have been doing? I’ve stumbled on this for the first time today (and promptly hit the report form) and I was just…why?? Tos aside (obviously they didn’t bother reading it) why would anyone think it’s a good idea to clog a tag with that kind of thing? Or do they just…think of ao3 as a sort of social media instead of a library? There are, or at least there were, appropriate places for this kind of search here on Tumblr and back in LJ days. I guess just tossing out a tweet into the void is not ideal but it’s still better than posting it on ao3
What's a library?
Joking aside, they primarily interact with algorithm-y, social media-y things, so the idea that an off-topic post is clogging a tag is a little weird for a lot of them—probably even more so if they've complained about the wrong kind of A/B content being in the A/B tag and been told that AO3 does not distinguish between romantic A/B and toxic A/B and background A/B and non endgame A/B, etc.
I think it sucks, and I think you should tell them to knock it off and/or report said "work", but I also get where this behavior is coming from.
Part of it is, of course, that people actually fucking answer on AO3 posts, which just encourages this pestilence. Part of it is that there isn't always an obvious tag or place to post these days, especially for a rarer fandom. There's a reason people send their random-ass fic search asks to me.
We should really bring back the presence and awareness of major fic search spaces. The only one I can think of is r/Fanfiction, which has a whole flair for those and a huge population that might actually be able to answer.
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jayflrt · 1 day
I like your work a lot like it's genuinely Hilarious so I thought you would be the best person to ask for this.
I want to make a writing tumblr for enhypen but I'm a little lost because I've never used tumblr (as a creator) before LOL just used twitter and AO3 to write/socmed for fictional fandoms (tbh this is my first time like being a proper fan of a kpop group as to occasionally liking a song or two).
Anyways! What I've gathered from my experience on twitter and the writers I've followed here is obviously your blog should have an intro about you (inc. what you're comfy with, what you write, etc.) and a master list of your works BUT some of Tumblr's mechanics are Confusing.
1) should I create specific tags for my asks?
2) on twt, usually you create a tweet like "Hi! New to #___twt, looking for moots blah blah" to get an initial burst of likewise new people to bond and communicate with, does it work similarly here and if so/not please elaborate TT
3) is the etiquette to reblog every work you like, or is that spammy and you should just like them?
4) is there any other advice you have for navigating tumblr (like odd quirks)
5) ALSO this is a small dumb question but in the fandoms I've been in until now we usually used socmed au instead of smau do you have any idea why that's different (low-key smau is smarter tho bcus it's a shorter abbreviation)
I think that's all. I tried going through your rules and intro again, but I didn't see anything on whether an ask like this was alright or not, but I hope it is! I didn't want to Like intrude, but I felt most comfortable asking you because you're also desi ❤️❤️.
Anyways!! If this is something you don't want to/don't feel comfortable answering or it's like annoying genuinely just ignore this, I don't want to be make anyone uncomfortable!
omg thank you so much ml, i'm so glad you enjoyed my works!! 🥹 welcome to the kpop community first of all!! did you recently become an engene? :') and welcome to the tumblr ff community too! honestly i feel like if you can navigate ao3 just fine then tumblr shouldn't be too difficult after a while but i'm sure it's confusing at first 😵‍💫
as for your questions i'll answer them in the same order you asked them:
1. honestly i'm not 100% sure if there's any real purpose behind specific tags for your asks other than organization personally LOL but it's pretty helpful if you want to go back to look through your asks for something instead of scrolling past all the posts on your blog !!
2. omg yes i love the twt intros 💗 honestly for tumblr i think i just started posting content right away whenever i made a blog 🤧 i think intros are usually just in your navigation anyways but if you want to talk to different authors then it doesn't hurt to send an ask!! usually people communicate with different authors via the ask box 🥰
3. all sorts of interaction is great but i think reblogs are preferred!! i typically use likes as my bookmarks and then reblogs to comment on work or share it to a wider audience. the algorithm for tumblr works so that your likes don't show for others (unless you make it public on your profile) but your reblogs are on the dashes of people who follow you
4. ooh i'd say make use of the tagging system!! using tags like #enhypen fluff or #enhypen x reader on your fics will make it easier for people to find your work 💘
5. HAHAH I USED TO CALL IT SOCMED AU TOO BEFORE I JOINED TUMBLR 😭 i still use social media au as a tag but i think smau is more widely used here!! not exactly sure why but im guessing its just easier to tag 🙂‍↕️ i get you tho bc i experienced the same culture shock
dont worry you're most welcome to send asks !! 🥰💘 and thank you for reading my rules and intro!! i definitely don't turn away anyone who's looking for advice <33 also omg fellow desi 🫶 welcome to enhablr !
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ditzydisaster13 · 2 months
Musical Langst idea continued
To use the prompt, everything in blue must be written at the top of the page. Website allowed to use this prompt are Ao3, Wattpad, Quotev, and Fanfiction.Net. Permissions do not include Wattpad users taking my original works or anyone else’s writing content and use it as their own. You also must Include the tag «Radio.Lance/LB2073»
Prompt: In space, it’s easy to get lost. And  even easier to be homesick; so very easy to miss what cannot be touched or seen anymore. However, one of the most universal (it seems) ways of communicating and feeling at home is through music. It shares cultures, desires, and stories. Lance finds a way to make music in space. Listen to it, give it his all, and make connections. Ones that somehow spread wider and faster than Voltron. He should have guessed he would have met someone through music at some point. But he never expected the soon in “sooner or later” to come so fast. 
Preface: This work cannot have more than 3 parts. And anything further taken the authors original prompt will either be mentioned or the original author has the ability to call me out for taking their work. 
Permissions: This work was written with the consent from Ao3 author LightningBlade2074. I have taken the prompt and made it my own. Any inspirations will be mentioned at the end. 
Anyone who fails to meet these expectations will in fact be called out for discrediting and plagiarism. I have accounts on all of the websites I mentioned and I will be looking for the proper tags, prompt, preface and permissions citations in your work.
-> -> -> My account is a different Name on Ao3 because it’s only for 1 fandom while my other accounts have multiple fandoms.
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mostlyinthemorning · 1 year
Fic Origin Story
thanks for the tag @rmd-writes!
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Schitt's Creek has been the only fandom where I've been all in, writing and reading fic and making other content and flailing on multiple levels. I've dabbled with some others along the way - Highlaner, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, but I was really only a casual reader and never a writer.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
It's this one, right here. I'd always told stories to myself in my head, but I'd never written any of them down before this. Honestly, if the Schitt's Creek fandom had been bigger at the time I was getting into the show, I might not have written this at all. But there were only ~150 fics at the time and I'd read them all several times and it was mostly an act of desperation. "If no one else is going to write this fic, I guess I'll have to do it myself."
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
Don't worry, you'll never know how commas work.
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
I think I was astounded that anyone would read anything I'd written, let alone leave nice comments about it. So thank you to those lovely people who left those first comments, it definitely gave me the courage to keep going!
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
This is from Snowbound, which wasn't my first Schitt's Creek fic, but it was the first one I wrote that wasn't an episode coda. I made Patrick shovel so much snow in that fic.
“I like seeing you in my clothes,” he murmured in a low voice.
“If you’re going to say things like that, we really should lock that door,” Patrick replied.
“Hmmm.” David put his hand behind Patrick’s head and leaned in to kiss him. He nipped gently at Patrick’s lower lip and Patrick’s lips parted for David’s tongue. Patrick returned David’s kiss urgently before pulling back to kiss along David’s jawline. The feel of the rough stubble beneath his lips was intoxicating.
“David…” Patrick began, his voice uneven. Just then, a loud knocking came from the outside door to their room.
David closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Patrick’s for a brief moment before going to open the door. Stevie stood outside holding a bottle of wine in each hand.
“I heard you guys were trapped here and it looks like I’m not going to make it home tonight, so I brought some wine. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“OK, why does everyone assume that we’re just in here having sex?” David demanded.
“Because they know you. And also because your boyfriend is blushing and can’t look me in the eye.”
And from There is definitely, absolutely, positively only one bed (because I like to think I'm funny):
“I hope the babies will be okay.” Having babies compete in extreme elimination challenges seems cruel, but it’s not like he knows anything about children. He hasn’t voluntarily touched a baby since the time he confused Jessica Simpson’s newborn for a Pomeranian.
Thankfully, Ray quickly moves to more interesting topics. “Now don’t worry, there’s plenty of extra butter chicken and I think Patrick bought wine. Must be a special occasion.” Ray dodges around him, holding the door and waving David inside. “Door open or closed?”
“Oh, closed.” There is never a good reason for leaving a door open. There are moths out here.
Tagging @noahreids @stereopticons @missgeevious @blackandwhiteandrose @carolrain @weathereyehorizon @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3
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ineffablyendless · 1 year
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
Tagged by @munsonsbabygirlie , thank u Chromie! Last year, technically, that i keep forgetting to do but this feels like a nice way to start the New Year!
Book Im currently reading:
American Gods by Neil Gaiman! I'm trying to get a bit more into reading this year, but its been a hot minute and im crawling by slower than I expected. That being said I've got a whole list waiting for me, and I'm incredibly enjoying AG so far <3
What I usually wear:
Blue, if I'm being honest. Its not my actual favourite colour, but it's my comfort one. I can't reliably say jeans even: ive really grown into a good pair of slacks. Tho i suppose if youre trying to imagine me, think blue jeans, a battered second hand pair of yellowing high tops, a white tshirt and an old plaid shirt, and ive been told i wear my hijab a very recognizable way 😭 also blue
How tall I am:
157 cm last i checked, 5 feet exactly in american measurements i think...?
My star sign. Do I know any celebrities or historical event that shares it:
Im a libra! Im sure plenty of people got born and big events happened in the first half of October, but nothing comes to mind immediately. I suppose i dont care enough to remember, lol
Do I go by a name or nickname:
Nickname. I go by Choice in all cyberspaces. It's a name that endeared itself to me many years ago, its nothing close to my actual name, and I enjoy the broad line of separation between my lives on and offline. Irl tho, i usually dont go by a nickname, at least nothing used by anyone outside family, and thats even MORE closely guarded. So.
Did I grow up to be what I wanted to be as a child:
I was an angry, suicidal, incredibly hurt child, and I had no true ambition besides finding joy and holding on to it with both hands. I wanted to be content and left alone, most of all. I wanted to be happy.
I'm a lot happier now. It's an uphill battle. Baby me would be glad to see where I am now tho i think. I hope
Something I'm good at vs Something I'm bad at:
I am. Very good at speaking. I take pride in this, many have told me I have the innate talent with words and the know how to lead a team and control a room. I know how to get myself listened. On paper, I know what I want said. Many things. Words are a power I wield well.
I am, sincerely, not very good at empathy, nor sympathy. I struggle to look outside my periphery, to crawl outside my own head and pop my own bubble. I have come across as-not cold, but callous, cruel, a little uncaring. I feel less remorse for this than I should, I think. I try, but thats not enough sometimes. I sincerely do not care of other opinions and perspectives as default. I like to think im better at it now. I'm aware of it. But its still a problem
If I draw or write, what's my favourite of anything I created this year?
Im taking that to mean 2022. I guess this line from my fic A Cosmic Kiss?
Millenia ago, a comet had come to strike down the surface of the earth like a Holy hand clearing a table, and decimated all that had ever existed, and it had been the end of things. It had been the beginning. It had moved with the leisure of treacle towards its purpose in the indifferent void, but close, close, pulled into the orbit of the earth with speed to singe the atoms of air. Creation, by the guide of Destruction. Life, then Death, then Life again. Such was the way of things. Fires that last are the ones that waited. Paradoxes; sudden, and not. 
Such was their way.
It was the first thing that struck me to write the one shot, the one partially inspired by Puppet History, and would be the ongoing theme of the fic. Its quite good, i have to admit. Im glad the fic went over well.
Dogs or cats:
Cats. Nothing against a sweet puppy, but I prefer the chill leisure of your everyday feline thank you very much.
Something I would like to make content for:
All my fandoms. All of it. I write less than I honestly should; Sandman and Watcher and Good Omens and OFMD
Something I was excited about that turned out to dissappoint me:
*blinks* Oh God, i cant think of anything. Theres that book carnival, but it was a surprise, and it exceeded my poor memory and expectations, even if I didnt find what i was looking for. Hmm. If anything dissapointed me, it doesnt come to mind.
Hidden talent:
I have no idea ❤
Something I wish to have at this very moment:
A bite of chocolate. Maybe a cookie. But I'm broke enough to keep an eye out for the bank account and i cant afford such luxuries. Im even out of cocoa. Sigh.
Tagging @freddykicksasses @ennas-aesthetic @wannabecoyote @waistcoat35 @youre-platinum-pussycat
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