#i feel. insane. actually my brain started melting
mars-ipan · 1 month
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was telling @degrading-m0ss about komaedalovemail when we realized that it runs FAR deeper than either of us knew. we deep dove for hours and barely scratched the surface
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sukunasteeth · 2 months
Your First Time on Sukuna's Bike
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You lost a bet. 
That’s ultimately how you ended up here.  
"Hey," Sukuna is calling your attention to him, sitting on his motorcycle with a spare helmet outstretched in your direction. "Put it on."
The sun was just starting to set behind him on the horizon, casting him in this warm orange flavored glow that was almost comforting. Almost. 
"'Kuna, maybe this is a bad idea." You stay where you are a few feet away, shifting from foot to foot nervously. "Maybe you should go to the meetup by yourself-"
He interrupts you with one call of your name, effectively silencing you. He raises a brow.
"C'mere," He's smirking at you, seeing your unease as a challenge. Like he always did. 
"No, totally, I would. It's just-I- " You can't find the words to deny him. They don't come to you anymore. Your heart aims to please him in everything but your body is frozen in fear. Your brain scrambles to produce something- any kind of lie under his lion-like gaze. "I just remembered that Yuji asked me to do something with him-"
"Yuji's with his goth boyfriend." Sukuna rolls his eyes, quickly swapping the helmet to his other hand and leaning across the short distance between you to grasp your wrist instead. He tugs you closer to him, until your shoe is nearly touching the tire of his bike.
He's grinning up at you, with that convincing little squint to his eyes.
"Chicken shit." He accuses.
You gape at him.
"I am not afraid of your little motor bike, okay?"
"Then put the helmet on, Braveheart." He shoves said helmet into your hands and releases it before you can say no to fully grasping its weight. You fumble with it, trying not to let the piece of equipment slip to the asphalt, it felt expensive and heavy with quality, just as a lot of Sukuna's things did.
When you finally have it secured to your chest, safe and sound, you pale at the thought of the next step. 
Now, Sukuna was nothing if not a gentleman. You knew that. But, he also was constantly toeing the line of gentleman and... complete and utter vagrant menace. He would come over to your apartment after a meetup like the one the two of you were going to, with wind whipped cheeks and adrenaline clearly glimmering in his eyes. Occasionally, he would even ask you if you had a spare tarp so that he could cover his bike in case the police came around the neighborhood looking for a similar one.
Being in one of his turbo kitted cars was different. If there was an accident, it wasn't just between you, the heavy leather jacket Sukuna had bought you, and the rough merciless asphalt of the street.
You're staring down at the helmet like it's a death sentence when Sukuna calls for your eyes again, his hand coming up to caress the back of your arm with a gentle, coaxing touch. He ushers you until you're within his airspace, creating a timeless bubble where only the two of you exist. 
You’re slightly guilty when you look up at him. You hated questioning Sukuna, especially when it came to something like your safety, which he would never put at risk, but you can't help the nerves curdling in your stomach.
His gaze melts into something similar to sympathy, still slightly amused with you. 
"Why're you scared?” He wants to know. He knows just which soft and low tone of voice to use on you- to make every secret you have come rushing to the surface, desperate to please him just like the rest of you was. 
"Scared? Of a stick with two wheels that can go in between cars that weigh literal tons while riding at a speed of 120 miles per hour? No. No, why would I be scared?"
"120 miles per hour?" He repeats, cocking a brow at you. "And put my little chicken shit in danger? Are you insane?"
You bite your lip. 
“Can we go slow?” 
Sukuna merely laughs, turning back towards his bike and turning the key to kick start the ignition. The time for conversation was clearly over. 
“Put it on.” ~
Sukuna actually does go at a reasonable speed for the majority of the time. You get used to the feeling of the wind gliding over every inch of you, hissing so loudly in your ears that all other sounds become moot. It’s almost like white noise. 
Sukuna’s body is warm and sturdy against your front, and you press more of yourself than needed into him, just to be closer. Occasionally he’ll reach down and squeeze your thigh or point something out for you to look at, but otherwise he lets you take in the scenery at an easy pace. 
After an hour of riding, you may very well say it was comforting on the bike. 
At least, until you get to a long stretch of highway, that is. Empty and wide as it is long. A highway to some rural part of the city you had never been to before. 
Sukuna taps your knee, and then reaches up and tightens your hold on his waist. It was a signal. 
“Wait-” Even if Sukuna could hear you past the helmets, the unrelenting wind, and the roar of the motorcycle beneath you, he didn’t give you a chance to say much. 
The bike climbs speed as your heartbeat climbs in speed and if it weren’t for the helmet, it would be impossible to breathe easy with the wind whisking around you in such a flurry. Your thighs press into Sukuna’s, and you peek over his shoulder at the speedometer to watch it hit 95. It felt so much faster to you. It felt like you were flying. 
You can’t help the giggles that escape you as exhilaration plucks them out of you. 
Fear had long since revealed itself as excitement to you, and Sukuna could tell in the way you would kick your feet as he revved the engine that you were on the same page now. 
By the time the two of you make it to the meetup, you’re buzzing like a ball of electricity. Sukuna parks the bike, kicks the stand out, and immediately turns around to unclasp your helmet first. 
You tear it off of you, barely containing yourself long enough for him to remove his own before you're winding your arms around his neck. Giggles are still leaking out of you and into his ear, which is searing cold beneath your lips. 
“I told you you’d like it.” He chuckles, leaning backwards into you and forcing you to be the one to keep the both of you upright. You use your free hand to pull on his hood, forcing him back even further until you can press a kiss to his prideful smile.  
“That was fun.” You whisper.
“Good.” He whispers back, grabbing his keys from the ignition without moving his head from your grasp. “You’re drivin’ us home.” 
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pickmans-muse · 9 months
Submissive Headcanons Attack on Titan
TW: dom reader, pegging, fingering, cursing, degrading, praising (char. receiving), painplay, petplay
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Levi Ackerman
Levi’s more than a little touch-starved. He’ll die before he admits that, if he’s even aware, though, because he doesn’t want you to think he’s “weak.” There’s a lot of trauma for him around having to be “strong” for everyone around him—which started in the Underground.
If you touch him, he’ll melt. Seriously. He’s spent so much time fighting that a gentle touch is weird to him, in a good way. He drinks it up like a cat that wants cuddles, and the more he gets used to it, the more he’ll start to seek it out. It’s going to start small—“can you touch my hair again?” “remember when you held me?”—but when he finds the confidence to ask for what he wants, Levi will be Very Touchy. Almost clingy, actually.
He has a pretty low sex drive (sorry guys), but he seeks you out for affirmation and affection. He’s a little kinky, but not in surprising ways—he wants to be praised constantly, he likes you to tell him what to do and how to do it (he’s not very experienced when you start having sex, and he likes the way you order him around in the beginning), and he will absolutely let you tie him up. Carefully.
He likes German nicknames, simple ones—schatz, schatzchen (literally, treasure, or sweetheart). You speaking German is an immediate turn on for him.
His favorite thing about subbing for you is when you finger him. He wants to feel your skin on his, and it always makes him short of breath—in the best way. And if you overstimulate him until he can’t think? Best night of his life. He may not have a high sex drive, but his stamina is amazing when you do get him in bed, and he will want to come at least three or four times a night.
Levi’s aware that you find his ass sexy. He’s a bit embarrassed when you praise him, or touch him during sex—he goes all blushy and quiet, it’s really cute. He’s pretty sensitive, especially his nipples. Get clamps for him, and he’ll be so much louder, it’s insane. Nobody in the building will sleep if you do, though.
He wants a soft dom, one who will check in on him during sex and do a lot of aftercare later. Levi’s secret desire is to be able to be his dry-humored, soft-sided self—not just the strength he wears around every day. He wants to be taken care of.
Armin Arlert
The kinkiest of the AoT boys (I don’t make the rules), Armin takes submissive and needy to a whole other level. He’s got the highest sex drive out of everyone—with the possible exception of Porco—and this man is so damn obedient.
You want him on his knees, in a collar and leash? He will literally roll over and woof for you. You’d rather have him in shibari or some other bondage? Armin’s there. Want to put him in a ball gag or blindfold while you have sex? He’ll do both, as soon as the words are out of your mouth.
However, Armin is a people pleaser, which means that you have to remind him that you’d rather he safeword out than push himself too far for you. Do not let him near the hard stuff until he’s comfortable enough to safeword out, knowing it won’t disappoint you.
His biggest kinks are pet play (let him be your kitten or puppy, that’s his favorite thing), dacryphilia, and dumbification. Basically, he’s going to be such a good boy that you’ll overstimulate him until he’s sobbing, without a thought in his head. That’s the goal for him. He’s extremely sensitive, so it’s not hard.
Most of the boys like pet names, but Armin’s obsessed with them—hündchen (puppy), kätzchen (kitten), especially. Do not call him these outside the bedroom, unless you want him to turn bright pink and pop the mother of all boners. (If he knows you’re going to do it, he’ll enjoy it, though.)
Low stamina—it really doesn’t take much to completely overwhelm him. If you make him come three times, he’s going to be completely brain-dead, with his tongue hanging out and his eyes teary. He won’t exactly mind that, provided you tell him he was a good boy and he did a good job.
His favorite thing about subbing for you is surprising you when you come home. He’ll wear cat ears and a tail plug for you, or lacy blue lingerie. He loves to dress up for you, and be waiting when you arrive.
As long as you make sure Armin knows you’ll never judge him for using his safeword, he’ll be comfortable with you—and a comfy Armin will be the most obedient sub you’ve ever had. Seriously.
Reiner Braun
Reiner may be a physically imposing guy, but he’s always struggled with self-image issues. Where Armin wants to be obedient, and Levi wants to be loved, Reiner’s desire to sub comes from a need to be affirmed. He wants to feel like he can be good enough after all.
Never degrade him, with words or role play. Reiner wants, more than anything, to be good. Tell him he’s doing well for you, that he’s so pretty, that he’ll always be enough for you.
His favorite part is when you ask him to pleasure you. He wants to be helpful, useful, and it never fails to hit that button when he gets you off—with fingers, mouth, or anything else. He wants to serve you.
Reiner is pretty vanilla, when it comes to sex. The big thing for him is that he always wants to touch you. He’s very attentive, and he remembers exactly what and where makes you groan, gasp, and shout. Whatever makes you happiest—that’s all he wants to do.
He likes being underneath you, especially if you’re smaller than he is (which isn’t hard). The thought of being controlled by someone smaller than himself, of being totally subservient to someone tiny compared to him—that’s really his only kink.
Reiner wouldn’t have a problem with being gagged or blindfolded, so long as he’s allowed to touch you. He will absolutely worship your body, and he cares way more about your release than his. So if you’re going to dom Reiner, make sure to tell him that you want him to get off too.
Reiner has a middling sex drive, but his stamina is insane, by which I mean he will come basically all night. He’s not particularly sensitive, but getting you off gets him off—knowing he’s doing a good job is the key for him.
Porco Galliard
An absolute brat. He wants you to dominate him, push him down, and fuck him rough and sloppy. Does not want you to coddle him (until afterwards), and will complain loudly if you’re “not fucking him hard enough.”
Pegging is his happy place, the faster and rougher the better. This is a way for him to unwind. For Porco, sex is a place where submitting isn’t bad, unlike the pecking order everywhere else in his life—but he likes to be put in his place.
Use a leash of some kind, maybe the tie of a uniform, or even just pull him around by his hair. Give it a little jerk, just to show him who’s in charge, but don’t choke him. That will snap him out of the scene and into an actual panic so fast it’ll give you both whiplash.
Speaking of whips, Porco is a bit of a masochist, and pain will get him off without fail. Does he have a box of crops and floggers under his bed? Yes. Will he let you use them? Hell yes. Will he ever even suggest that he’s not the dom outside the bedroom? Not for a second. It gives you an excuse to spank him for being bad, and that’s the whole point.
Will start off by insulting you and end by calling you by an honorific—ma’am, sir, captain, etc. Porco likes roleplay, as long as you’re acting the part of a superior putting him in his place—his favorite is when you’re playing an officer, and he’s playing your secretary. And if you peg him in the outfits for the roleplay? He’s on cloud nine.
His favorite position (he will die before he admits this) is when you fold him into a mating press. The feeling of being so easily manhandled, like all his muscle is for nothing, is his favorite part of it.
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idakyrie · 1 year
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(This is part of an AU and a LOT OF TEXT asdfg) WHAT IF.... That weird deformed shape of Fake Peppino (AKA Bruno) is actually that way because of a brain problem (known as TBI)? That would explain that peculiar way of behaving (Silly? Goofy? Childish? Doesn't think straight? Doesn't know what he's doing? Almost 0 common sense, that almost permanent expression on his face, that strange way of moving... He is doing his best to stay on his feet and not melt completely (even if it shows a bit), he can barely speak coherently, among many things (WE MUST PROTECT HIM).
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I'd like to think that the brain is the only organ he has, because the rest is just... Mmh, slime? amalgam? xD, it could be a HUMAN brain that Pizzahead (his creator) got (I like to think he is actually someone insane in a bad way and too different when it comes to his lab, just pretending to smile, hints of psychopath), that brain belonged to another chef, here I clarify about getting 2 adns: Peppino and Bruno (this last I mean the one from the abandoned pizzeria and yes, he is dead, where the hell Pizzahead was going to get that brain from? Actually dead for trusting a humanoid pizza)
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So Fake Peppino has 2 adns? Yeah, that makes sense... Although Peppino and him don't look quite the same (Although Pizzahead's goal was that, to be the perfect impersonator), except for the clothes BUT here comes my favorite part, his stable form. 
Actually, his brain problem can be treated, he would still have 2 forms: stable and unstable, this unstable form is the one we all know, it would be present whenever he feels threatened, in danger or any other negative emotion (although he can take any form whenever he wants and be a mix of both forms).
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Some history: Bruno is the first "clone" to be created, it went well, everything was perfect and one more minion... UNTIL... Pizzahead has a complicated, abusive, stupid, manipulative and ignorant attitude, basically he never treated him well, it started with scolding and even abuse (And yup! it was Pizzahead himself who caused him great injury) Why? He is a demanding and perfectionist guy, the clone had to come out EQUAL to Peppino (the irony is that he hates him and only does it to fuck up his life, to be able to replace him with some of the SO MANY clones out there) at the time he thought it was a GOOD IDEA to mix both adns and come out the same as the original, I repeat that this guy is an idiot?
Something funny is that after that he made other prototypes of clones (Classified as second generation idk) but these... None came out well, they are aberrations and can be found in a frozen chamber, he doesn't want to relive that moment and kept trying until he finally succeeded, the famous Peppino clones that can be found everywhere in the lab, inferior versions, weaker and more animal behavior than the first "clone".
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Here comes another problem, Pizzahead paid more attention and was nicer to those clones, making Bruno jealous and annoyed, he never received a good treatment from him (Still he was loyal) and he had to fix and clean up all the atrocities the clones did, that means ALL the time, he could not defend himself and lived in silence, developing a great hatred towards them, precisely his behavior changes drastically to the most aggressive, just hearing a "croak" makes him angry (MODO BERSEK GOES BRR)
Many years enduring physical and emotional pain until he ends up in what? In an abandoned pizza restaurant? Just him being abandoned being very bad in all aspects? Completely alone for years, the only contact he had with others were those clones that invaded his "new home" (explaining why there are so many peppino corpses in that pizzeria).
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(that girl in the image is an oc of mine hshs)
Bruno still has that silly and innocent personality, sensitive but at the same time disturbing if something bothers him. Paternal sense, playful and a big fan of Peppino, sometimes he annoys him by imitating him HAHA. Does he keep that frog behavior? YES! It's not as obvious as the clones because he knows how to control it. 
At the beginning he doesn't like to be touched, after all the problems he went through he doesn't even know if there are good people in this world, so gaining Bruno's trust is a bit complicated but if you talk nice to him (as you would do with your pet XD) the interaction will be effective. 
Does he have traumas? Besides he doesn't want to see Pizzahead and the clones again, or there will be a massacre, it's the first time someone is nice to him, he's afraid of abandonment and losing the little progress he has made... AND NEVER EVER SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING RELATED TO ANY LABORATORY AGAIN, his life was hell there, anything related either scares or angers him.
If you have any questions, you can ask and also, sorry if there are errors in my English, it is not my native language, I hope you can understand ;w;
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sluttywoozi · 11 months
Out Of The Woods Part 3/3
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Part 1 | Part 2
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~4.3k
Warnings: mouth covering, breast play, fingering, big dick yunho, condomless sex, creampie, brief discussion of prophylactics and sti testing
Reader Notes: has breasts and a vagina, baby used as petname
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Yunho groans as you roll over again, bumping against him and stealing the last third of the blankets as you go. Pressing heated palms to his eyes, he tries to resist the urge to put a hand on your sternum and hold you down.
You’ve been restless for the past… he checks his watch and swears, two hours. Two hours of you wriggling around in bed, finding a comfortable position, and then jumping at something and moving again. It’s driving Yunho crazy in a way that feels quite different from the normal brand of insanity he feels around you, and he’s just about to lose the last of his patience.
“What’s wrong?” Yunho demands in the dark before trying to shift his tone into something kind and continuing, “Why can’t you sleep?”
“My knee keeps bumping into things and it hurts,” You whisper apologetically, evening out the comforter so he’s covered again.
“Can you put a pillow under your leg so it’s elevated?”
Something soft and cushy nudges him as he speaks, and he recognizes the feeling as one of the spare pillows.
“I tried that, it just moves with me.”
“Okay, well…,” He huffs, trying to think of a solution. There’s nowhere else to sleep and you’ll both be cranky tomorrow if you don’t get at least a few hours, so he’s got to figure something out. There has to be something that can anchor you to the bed, but the heaviest thing on this mattress is him.
“I don’t move while I sleep, I could-,” A breath deep enough to raise his shoulders cuts off his words, something about his impending offer making alarm bells go off inside his head. Yunho ignores them, pushing onward to say, “I could hold you, so you can’t bump into anything.”
Your eyes light up, probably at the thought of snuggling, but they dim a bit as you shuffle over, the awkwardness hanging over the bed heavy and inescapable.
“How do you want me?”
However he can have you, his brain responds instantly. He pushes the thought away and finds actual words.
“Just back up a bit more and I can put my arm under your neck,” He moves while he speaks, keeping his hips as far from yours as he can, “And this leg can go over mine so it stays in place.”
You don’t speak until he finishes resituating you, your body much closer to his than is safe or wise.
“Thank you,” you breathe, your eyes locked on the ceiling and your chest rising and falling under his arm, “For earlier, too.”
“Of course, I owed you,” he responds lowly, the depth of his voice making his chest vibrate against your shoulder. It’s also just what friends are supposed to do, but he supposes he hasn’t been the best of those to you lately anyway.
You hum, bringing a hand up to squeeze his forearm and leaving it there. His skin tingles at the connection, his fingertips digging into your shoulder in a reflexive answer. The room goes silent except for your breaths, which have started to sync up. He drifts, unsure of who adjusted to whom, his body relaxing muscle by muscle as he feels you melt into him. Sleep has just begun to cloud his mind when you speak, your soft voice barely disturbing the peace Yunho had finally found.
“Why have you been so weird lately?”
Your hushed words make his blood run cold, make every muscle fiber in his body freeze, make him wriggle beneath you and try to pull away. You don’t allow it, twisting and turning under his arm to face him, your injured knee brushing against the bed as you straddle his waist. You wince at the pressure, sliding over so you can straighten your leg out and keeping your other thigh draped across his body. He screams internally, wondering what he’d done in his past lives to deserve this as his cock stirs in his pajama pants.
You must be able to feel it because you freeze too, your breaths coming quick and sharp in the quiet darkness. He grimaces, his eyes clenching shut and his tongue poking at his cheek, “That’s why.”
You breathe out a quiet, little, “Oh,” your voice sounding oddly weak and your fingernails scratching at the fabric of his t-shirt as you shift in his hold, the heat and friction of your thigh on his dick making his head spin.
“Please, don’t move. I’m hanging on by a thread here,” he admits, pretending he’s not about to lose himself at the feeling of your heat pressed up against his hip. It’s all he can do to keep still, keep his arm wrapped around you and his leg between yours when what he wants to do is roll you under him and-
“Yunho, I want you too.”
“You what?!” He shouts in a whisper, his heart pounding out of his chest and his breaths coming quick. He sits up on an elbow, jostling you where you lay and bringing your faces closer together than he expected. You’re only inches apart now and he’s doing his absolute best to keep his eyes on yours instead of on your lips, but it’s a war he’s quickly losing.
“I want you too!” You scream-whisper back, “I have for months, haven’t you noticed?”
Hasn’t he noticed? There’s a lot that he’s been noticing about you lately. Now that you mention it, he can’t help but think of all the times he’s caught you looking at him and just smiled in response, and how your grin always falters when he says he has a date, and the way you’d gasped and averted your eyes when he took his shirt off earlier. He supposes you weren’t being as secretive as you could have been, and now he wonders if all of the guys’ antics lately have been just because of him. Maybe they’ve been teasing you too, trying to push you together instead of trying to push Yunho over the edge, like he thought.
He’d worried how they would feel about him asking to be your boyfriend, but it seems they’ve given him the stamp of approval. There’s nothing else holding Yunho back, and it hits him just as you shift on top of him. His groan is loud and unmistakable, and he can only hope everyone else is deeply asleep as he feels his cock harden further under your thigh.
“Can I kiss you?” You murmur, your eyes stuck on his lips. He doesn’t answer, just leans down and presses his mouth to yours, trying not to moan when he feels your tongue glide over his bottom lip. Kissing has never felt like this before; it’s always been something he enjoyed, but it’s never made his dick twitch or his heart pound, and he fears what will happen to him when you progress past kissing.
He’s already dizzy, already pulsing in his boxers and hot under the collar of his sleep shirt. He pulls away to yank it off, grinning at your frustrated whine and placing his hands on your hips to roll you under his body just like he’d wanted to before. You blink at him, your lips parted and your eyes drinking up all of his exposed skin before he leans back down and connects his mouth with yours again.
He kisses you for minutes, hours, days. Until both of you sport swollen lips and heaving chests, until you’re squirming under him and he’s vibrating above you, until your hearts and your breaths and your spirits sync up. He’d kiss you until the sun rises too, but you break away, your lips separating with a wet sound as you spread your legs and wrap them around his waist.
His hips come into contact with your heat, sending shivers down his spine when he feels just how wet you’ve become. Your little pajama shorts are soaked, practically plastered to your pussy, and when he grinds into you and feels you jump, he knows you can feel his dick pressed against you like there’s nothing keeping you from him. You push back and he swears under his breath as his eyelids flutter, his hips bucking into you and his lips finding yours again.
“Can I fuck you? Please? Wanted you so bad, want you so bad,” he mumbles into your mouth, his hands roving over every bit of you they can reach.
You’re nodding before he finishes, whispering back, “Please, please, please,” and he feels his cock throb, imagining what it would be like to really hear you beg. That’s for later though, he reminds himself as he lifts your shirt, letting you take it off the rest of the way. You’re bare beneath it, and all of the air exits his chest in a whoosh when he sets eyes on you.
You are… magnificent. Your tits are flawless, perfect, immaculate, and he buries his face in them before the fabric can hit the floor. Yunho’s normally a thigh guy, and he can’t wait to spend days between yours, but he’s mesmerized by the softness, the shape, the weight of your breasts in his hands. Your nipple pebbles under his tongue and he purses his lips to suck it into his mouth, making your back arch and drawing a gasp. He stays there, alternating licks and sucks and nibbles until your tits are shiny with spit and rising and falling with your labored breaths.
They’re mesmerizing, and Yunho has to force himself to move lower, trailing kisses along your rib cage and lower stomach before stopping at the waistband of your pajamas. He looks up at you, locking eyes as he sinks his teeth into the flesh on your hip, grinning to himself when you whine out his name and buck your hips.
“Take them off, take it all off,” you demand, lifting your hips insistently. He can do nothing but obey, pulling the fabric down and your panties along with it.
Yunho whimpers when he sees you. You’re so fucking wet, he can see your cunt glisten with it. He can smell it on the air, taste it on his tongue, practically feel it on his fingers already. “Can I touch you?”
“Yes, Yunho, yes,” you breathe, staring down at him with your legs spread and stars in your eyes.
He smooths his hands up your thighs, luxuriating in the plushness and promising himself he’ll fuck them as soon as you allow it. For now, he’ll nip his way up the soft insides and hide his smile in the crease between your thigh and hip when he feels a shiver travel through you.
He loves that you’re so sensitive to his touch, so receptive. He’s sure he’ll be the same way when you touch him, knows he probably shouldn’t let you tonight or he’ll cum too fast, but fuck, would he love to feel your hands on him. Maybe next time, when he’s less pent up and more in control of himself.
As it is, he’s struggling to keep from folding you in half and shoving his face between your legs. He drags his fingers through your folds instead, groaning deep in his chest when he feels for the first time how soft and wet you are.
You’re scorching hot, so slippery his fingers nearly glide right inside, but he doesn’t let them, no, he brings them up to your clit and rubs one, two, three circles into the swollen bundle of nerves. You gasp above him, and he tears his eyes from your cunt to watch your face as he swirls his fingers over your clit.
Your lip is bitten between your teeth, your eyebrows scrunched together and your forehead dewy with sweat. Your half-lidded eyes are dark with desire, and the look in them is one he doesn’t recognize.
As one of your best friends, he’s seen you in lots of ways but never this one, and he knows instantly that it’s his new favorite. He’ll keep you in this state as long as he can, make you feel good whenever you want, just so he can see you like this. But he wants you wetter, messier, needs to spread you open and stretch you out if he wants you to be able to take his cock.
“Want my fingers?” He asks, just barely tracing your entrance as he waits.
You nod quickly and buck your hips, sending two of his fingers inside you to the first knuckle and making him muffle a groan in your thigh. He wants to laugh at your desperation but he’s as eager as you are, his breath hitching as he slides his digits in until his knuckles meet your folds. Your walls are molten velvet around his fingers, and when you clench down around them he feels his cock throb in response. He’s never felt anything like you, and before he’s even gotten his dick inside of you, he knows no one else will ever compare (which is perfectly fine because he doesn’t plan on being with anyone else for the foreseeable future (maybe forever)).
Thrusting slowly, Yunho starts to scissor his fingers inside of you to prepare you for a third. Your wetness drips down his knuckles, squelching noises accompanying every curl as you writhe above him.
“Is it good?” He almost jumps at the depth of his own voice, the gravel in it unexpected but not unwelcome apparently, as you squeeze down as soon as he speaks.
“So good, Yunho, s’perfect,” you gasp, “Give me another finger?”
He obliges immediately, pulling back and sinking three fingers into you before hooking them all into your g-spot, grinning with satisfaction as your hips buck and your face crumples. He spreads them, pushing against the tightness of your walls to stretch you out. He’s big, probably bigger than the other guys you’ve been with if he’s remembering your complaints correctly, and he wants to be able to slide right in.
First, he wants to make you cum, wants to watch you break apart on his hand, and as soon as your inner muscles start to flutter, he presses his thumb down on your clit. You cry out, his free hand flying up to cover your mouth so you don’t wake the others before he whispers, “Can I leave this here?”
You hum into his palm and nod, your cunt squeezing his fingers and your eyes begging him to keep going. He knows you’re close, can feel it in your muffled whimpers and clenching walls, and all it takes to push you over the edge is a firm rub of his thumb on your clit and a muttered, “Cum, baby.”
You listen, cumming around his fingers with an arched back and tears in your eyes, and Yunho ignores the rush of power that flows through him when he realizes you literally came on his command. He’s more focused on watching you, deciding that seeing your face is more important than muffling your noises and uncovering your mouth to instead brace himself over you. He takes in your shiny teartracks and your lush open lips with intent, heady eyes. Curling his fingers inside you one last time, he swears quietly when he feels you tighten and get even wetter.
“Fuck me?” You pant weakly, raising a hand to his face and pulling him down into a kiss. He nods once, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth and carefully withdrawing his fingers. Breaking away, he sucks them into his mouth and lets his eyes flutter shut as your taste hits his tongue.
His dick twitches. It twitches. Just from a taste of you, and not even a real one.
He’d love to eat you out right now, but he honestly doesn’t think he’d make it through without cumming in his boxers. And you asked him to fuck you, so he will. Yunho will fuck you like he means it, as long as you want, as long as he can, and as long as the squeaky bed springs behave.
“Condom?” You murmur, your hands smoothing down his chest to trace along his boxers. He fights back a shiver and pulls away, “I have one in my wallet, I think.”
Stumbling over to his overnight bag, he prays the condom is still in there and that it’s not-
“Fuck, it’s expired,” he tosses it into the trashcan under the nightstand and runs a hand through his hair. “We’ll just have to wait till we get back, it’s okay.”
Yunho watches you mull something over, your mouth scrunched to one side and your fingers tapping on the sheets.
“I mean… we all got tested together, and I’m on the pill, so maybe just this once? Only if you’re comfortable with that, of course,” you rush to assure him.
“I’m more than comfortable with that,” he promises you, returning to the bed and letting himself take in the image of you before pushing down his boxers. He’s still so hard, and even just the silhouette of your naked body beneath the sheets has him swallowing down a groan.
You lift the edge of the sheet and he climbs in, bracing himself above you with your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands beside your head. He’s so close to you like this, his dick inches from your heat and his face hovering just over yours. You’re his best friend, someone he can’t live without, and somehow, you’re becoming even more. Suddenly, this feels special, monumental, like something that will change his life.
He’s sure the awe is evident on his face, but he doesn’t care, only cares about getting his lips on yours and telling you without words how much you mean to him. He kisses you urgently, passionately, like the only air he needs is in your lungs, and when you whimper into his mouth, his hips respond on their own.
You jump, making him pull away to check on you, and he can just barely see the shock on your face in the moonlight coming through the curtains. “You’re fucking huge,” you sigh dreamily, tensing your legs to bring him in closer and grind him against you. His head drops to your shoulder, the feeling of his length slipping through your folds making him dizzy.
“Can you take it?” He asks with legitimate concern, gasping when he feels one of your hands grip his cock and align it with your entrance. “If I can’t, it won’t be because I didn’t try.”
Sinking in slowly, Yunho keeps his mouth pressed against your shoulder to muffle the noises he can’t stop from escaping. You’re searing hot and soaking wet, your walls sucking him in deeper and deeper even as he struggles to split you open. Your breath catches halfway in and he tries to stop, tries to let you adjust, but you pull him in with surprisingly strong legs and he has no choice but to keep going.
“Fuck, baby, fit me so well,” Yunho exhales as he bottoms out inside of you, his hips meeting yours with a muted smack. He waits for you to loosen your hold on him, drawing back when you send him a nod and a shaky smile. The rhythm he builds is slow, gentle, soft, both so you can get used to his size and because that’s how he wants to fuck you tonight. He wants to show you how much he cares after his behavior these past few weeks, show you how much he loves you, as a best friend and as more. He pushes in deep, going lightheaded at the feeling of your walls massaging his cock as he buries himself inside you.
You’re so responsive to it, to him, and it’s driving him insane. You meet his every thrust, clench when he fits his whole cock in, whimper when he angles his hips to hit your g-spot. And you just keep getting wetter and wetter, enough that he can feel it dripping down to his balls, that he slides in and out just like he wanted, that when he works a hand between your thighs to rub your clit, his fingers glide.
It’s intoxicating, the way you fuck him back, and he never wants it to end, never wants to not be inside of you. It only gets better when you whimper, “Yunho, I’m gonna-,” and your walls start spasming around his dick, making him twitch inside of you and root himself deep, his thumb swirling circles on your clit as you tremble through your release. The feeling of you unraveling around him pushes him right up to the edge, sparks a delicious ache he’s never felt, and he knows he’s only centimeters from breaking.
“You sure you want me to cum inside?” He gasps, holding off just long enough for you to nod weakly and dig your heels into his ass before he lets himself fall. He cums for what feels like a millennium, his blood rushing in his veins and a roaring filling his ears as his cock jumps and paints the inside of your perfect little cunt white.
He lets his face fall into your chest as he tries to catch his breath, his head still spinning with the strongest orgasm he’s ever had. He can’t believe you let him cum inside you, let him stretch you out and fill you up like that, and he knows it’ll be something he thinks about much too often.
Your fingers come up to tangle in his hair, making him let out a sigh that sets off goosebumps on your skin, and though he knows he should move, he just can’t. His dick is softening inside of you and he’s sure his body is heavy on top of yours, but he’s never felt more warm or content or loved, and he’s loath to leave the comforting bubble he’s created with you.
But he needs to clean you up, and also get some sleep, so he reluctantly withdraws, planting a kiss on your lips as he goes. You both wince as he starts to pull out, the cool night air hitting his wet, sensitive dick and sending a shiver down his spine. His eyes lock on the cum trickling out of your stretched entrance, and before it can drip down to the bed, he pushes it back inside with two gentle fingers.
You clench around them and his gaze flits up to your face, his lips curving into a smile when he sees the devilish little smirk you’re sending him. “Brat,” Yunho mutters affectionately, sliding his fingers out and peeling himself away from you limb by limb before helping you out of bed and to the bathroom.
He remakes the bed while you clean yourself up, replacing the soiled sheets with a clean set he finds in the hall linen closet. He heard snoring while he was outside the bedroom, so if the two of you are lucky, you didn’t wake anyone up. If you did, he’s sure you’ll hear about it in the morning.
You’re waiting for him when he returns, sitting on the edge of the mattress in new teeny pajama shorts and a t-shirt he recognizes as his. It’s a sight he could easily get used to, one he’d love to see every single day if possible, though he figures tonight is a good start. He joins you in bed, heading straight for the middle and wrapping you up in his arms as soon as you shuffle closer. Your thigh drapes over his hips, your injured knee suspended and protected as you nuzzle the side of your face into his chest.
“Goodnight, Yunho,” you whisper into the quiet darkness, your fingers scrunched up in his shirt and your body warm against his.
“Goodnight, baby,” he whispers back, pressing a kiss to your hair and letting his eyes fall closed.
Yeah, Yunho could definitely get used to this.
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Yunho eats next to you at the table, his left hand on your thigh and his right holding a fork as the conversation flows easily within the group of nine. You’re laughing at one of Yeosang’s quiet little jokes and he’s listening to Wooyoung tell him about the dream he’d had last night, and everyone else is wrapped up in their own discussions. There’s talk of who’s riding home with whom, who’s doing the cleaning and who’s doing the packing, and most importantly, who’s driving.
Yunho tries to be as nonchalant as he can as he suggests keeping the same configuration for cars and drivers, but he watches the others exchange thoughtful/suspicious glances and knows he’s given it away.
There’s a cacophony of reactions immediately, shouts of bets to be settled and screeches of happiness, tears of joy and threats of bodily injury should one of you break the other’s heart, and Yunho has never loved his friends more.
He looks over to you with a squeeze of your thigh and a shy grin stretching his lips and finds you already looking at him, your smile only growing when he locks eyes with you. Your hand covers his on your thigh, and he ignores the chorus of aw’s and gagging noises that follow when he leans over and kisses you on the cheek.
If there was a best case scenario to hope for, it’s this one. The lingering tightness in his chest is finally gone, his best friends are over the moon, and you’re right here beside him. Yunho can’t ask for anything more, except maybe if he can be your boyfriend (he’ll save that for the trip home, though).
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AN: yay it's over!! this was such a fun lil multipart fic and though i could have dragged it out more, i decided not to because i didn't feel like it <3
pls rb if you enjoyed!! again, im tinkerbell i need attention to survive (and keep writing)
my masterlist
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
not sure if you’ve done this already but how would slenderman react to the reader hugging his tentacles? and generally showing affection to it.
Reader who hugs n kisses slendermans tentacles!
dont think i did anything like before so yahoo! honestly as much as i love slenderman, thinking of a whole boat load of ideas over the course of like. 9? years, this never crossed my mind. your brain, huge
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its not often that you see his tentacles out, usually theyre for his hunting as well as defense.. and to look more intimidating. you know, generally not something that he wants you to be around for..
but i think every now and then they creep out during down time with you, perhaps during a cuddling session with your tall monster boyfriend? or maybe you even get him to indulge in "play" (not that kind of play get your mind out of the gutter) and his tentacles slip out, like you guys playing simple games
the image of someone playing tag or hide and seek with the forest demon is making me chuckle, something much needed post mini cry/freak out session LMAO
personally i like to think that he can only half way control his tentacles. like yeah sure when he needs them they're out, but for the most part they do their own thing, you know?
set up down, lets get to the actual request. his tentacles are colder than him, and admin is personally torn on making them slimy or not... perhaps slightly so? like juuuuuuust enough to be just a little oily but nothing insane, kind of feels like your hands after you just put lotion on them. smooth, too
very cold. i know i mentioned that theyre colder than him, but its like ice cold. so...
basically he doesnt expect you to show any love to this part of him, so hes thoroughly confused when you grab one of them and gently press your lips to it.. then let go. then grab another and give it a kiss as well
cue a confused head tilt before his voice comes into your head to ask what on earth youre doing
isnt it uncomfortable, with the slight ooze? isnt it too cold? doesnt it at least taste a little off?
torn about it, because on one hand hes used these things to kill. but on the other hand he mostly kills in order to protect his space and to sustain his body, and admin likes thinking that he sometimes gets a bit of guilt. call it him resenting his own existence and simply wanting to be left alone while having a natural curiosity for the world around him even though he only really destroys the life around him
also he doesnt like giving you stuff from victims, and i think he would have similar feelings about his tentacles
and yet... he cant deny, that he can hold you closer with them, that he can keep you nearby with them... and that you love him, and every part of him. undeniably, you do. i dont know, its something that when i think about it, its sweet
this creature is full of resentment, for himself and the world he was put in as well as the one who made him (zalgo cough cough au stuff) but here you are
assuming the reader is a human i think it hits even harder, because youre something that hes built to wreck and destroy. and yet youve given him pause, and that was enough for you to win him over
and you never stop surprising him
im getting off topic, but im just a sap for concepts like this, you know?
"its rotten work," "not to me... not if its you" but its you and slenderman, basically
i think the first few times when you start showing his extra appendages affection he pulls them away from you, maybe even forcing them back and tucking them away
but i think over time he melts into it and accepts it...
oh how cruel it was, for the universe to give this reclusive creature a sense of longing, which has been exasperated now that hes gotten a taste of it first hand
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thegnomelord · 1 month
speaking of a cod apocalypse (i think actually idk i just skimmed over my tl) thoughts on the boys becoming some sort of fucked up mutated creatures?
like they're soldiers, right? and assuming the government sends them out to deal with whatever apocalyptic shit there is, surely one of them makes a stupid mistake that'll cost them their lives. fast forward to them succumbing to whatever radioactive shit decided to live in their bodies, and they're dead but alive? and like... just grotesque things. they're still them, just more brutal and monstrous. maybe their skin is melting off, maybe they're growing another limb or two, maybe they have teeth growing on their head.
anyways, thoughts on this kind of genre???? :))))
(i think itd be cool if like.... some of them merged together, just a mass of limbs and skin :33)
Okay, consider: Horizon zero dawn world, full of killer machines and tribes n shit, combined with the virus from the Prototype (that and darksiders are my fav games of all time tbh) also body horror, specifically the blend of machine and flesh bh, is my favorite shit :Dd this is a rough idea
So like as killer machines were sweeping across the planet, devouring everything in sight and replicating, a disease was created that, it was hoped, would be able to infect and eat away at the metal. But it fails, the virus ends up infecting the soldiers that are fighting against the machines and just, combining the human and machine.
The world eventually goes so far to shit that everything on the planet dies. The war machines become deactivated and some of the machine/human mutants are sealed away in bunkers to be used as experiments.
And just like, the 141 becoming a blend of steel and flesh in the grotesque approximation of what they used to be, able to strip away parts of other machines and graft them to their own forms.
Gaz was the first, fighting on the front lines back when he had foolishly believed the killer robots could be defeated. He had gotten separated when he got infected, the fear secondary only to the pain as his flesh literally melted into the corruptors, bone and muscle becoming tangled in gears and wires until all he could feel were his numerous stilt like legs now scrambled to gain purchase on the blood soaked ground . Turned into some weird metal scorpion bellow the waist, weaponry weighing on his back and coolant full wires snaking across his body, Kyle had passed out from the pain, his body further changing in his slumber to grow skin and eyes over the raw metal.
He woke up deep underground in a bunker, turned into a science experiment.
Price was next. He was a soldier turned scientist, working on a subfunction of the teraforming AI that would work to clear the world of the virus that had unleashed. He was the soft voice of comfort Kyle would listen to when they pricked and prodded him, the person Kyle spilled his heart out time and time again.
It came as little surprise when Price became infected. He had started to feel lethargic and sick for the few days, all of it going unnoticed as no one knew how the virus affected humans. That was until he came in contact with a Plowhorn, that changed him into a bulwark of flesh and metal, a living tank with a heavy crest of horns sitting on his head and thick metal plates to protect him.
Price and Kyle kept each other from going insane, figuring out the worst part of the virus — they had become immortal like the machines, but still felt pain like people, pain muddling their brains when pistons and gears would grind against flesh again and again until it regrew in a different way.
They were finally freed when the people experimenting on them died and the AI released the locks of the doors. They emerged hell knows how many years later, taking the first steps into a reborn world that was still crying in it's cradle.
Soap was amongst the first humans to emerge from the mechanical cradle, thrust into a wild and untamed world full of strange machines, with no tools but his hands. While out trying to scavange some of the metal from downed glinthawks he was attacked by Scrappers, ending up infected with the virus that had been slumbering in the earth. Soap became like the sphinx, glinthawk wings attaching to his back with wires, talons merging with skin and pushing out bone, the body of the scraper combining with his own until he was unable to stand on two legs, forced to crawl on all fours and screech in pain through distorted vocal chords until Price and Gaz found him. They took care of him until he was used to his body enough to soar through the air about as well as he could run across the earth.
Simon was the last, born to a tribe that valued strength and worshipped the machines above all. And Simon is the only one who's convergence to steel has any semblence of thought or preparation. He had spent years hunting Fireclaws, tearing off the intact pieces and pistons after every hunt until the shamans of his tribe deemed him ready to become one of the metal gods. The change was slow and painful, bones melting and hardening around new metal, body getting bigger and flesh stretching to fit the new frame, heavy claws weighing on his muscular arms until Simon had become Ghost.
It wasn't what he expected. What he had done in an attempt to fit in amongst his kin served to further push him away as his tribe worshipped him as one of the machine gods, erasing his name as Simon. It was a relief when he met the others, finding comfort in their disfigured and grotesque bodies that looked so similar like his own.
And then you meet them.
Maybe you're a foolish mercenary that stumbled too far into the wild, maybe you're one of the subfunctions of the original teraforming AI that gained sentience. Either way, you didn't fear them, you tried to talk to them, to get to know them even when every societal law of your tribe deemed them as monsters and demons.
And on one random evening, when they had all settled into a rough cuddle pile, scarred flesh over sharp metal creating enough of a cushion for you to sleep in the middle of them all — safe and warm... It occured to them: you are nice, you are kind, and they want to to stay by their side.
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themidnightcrimson · 2 years
Thanksgiving. | e. olsen
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summary: in which you are nervous about meeting her family for the first time.
warnings: cuteness, just a lil blurb for the holiday <3
The smell of food lingered in the air, and so did Lizzie’s playlist of her favorite old holiday music. While Lizzie was basting the turkey, you were frantically pacing around the house, trying to clean and perfect every inch of the home. You were sweating in places you had never sweat before, and the makeup that you spent hours trying to perfect was starting to melt already. Of course, the first time you were meeting Lizzie’s entire family was also the first year she decided to host Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone was coming to your house this year, your first year meeting the entire Olsen family.
You zoomed past Lizzie to set out your nicer hand towels around the kitchen and toss the other ones out of view, and she looked up from the turkey to see your sewed eyebrows and pursed lips, a telltale sign you were nervous. “Babe,” she said, trying to conceal her laughter as she watched you grab the sponge from the sink and scrub a spot of dirt on the floor of the kitchen.
Scrub in hand, crouched on the floor like an unflattering goblin, you glanced up at her and only then realized you had been holding your breath for god knows how long. “What?” you breathed, wiping the dampness from your hairline.
Setting the baster down, Lizzie crouched down on the floor with you like you were a child she was trying to get eye-level with, and you blushed. Her hands took your shoulders, squeezing them gently. “I think you need to relax before your stress sweat gets all over the turkey,” she whispered dramatically, a soft smile breaking out on her face as she meticulously eyed you with slight worry. “What’s the matter?”
You let your bum hit the floor, sprawling your legs out helplessly. “I’m just nervous,” you said, looking back to the spot of dirt and sadly wiping it away.
“Why, baby?” Lizzie asked, her fingers settling under your chin and softly turning your face back to her. The soft smile on her face widened as she noticed how beautiful you looked with your makeup done and your hair pulled halfway up. She brushed a strand of your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear, letting her fingers slide down and touch the dangly earrings you were wearing—it was the emerald ones she had gotten you for your birthday.
“I haven’t met your entire family before,” you whispered. You had only met her mom in the last few months, and even that had sent you into a spiral. “I’m just…” you sighed, trying to find the right word before landing on the same one. “Nervous.”
“There’s nothing to be nervous about, my love,” Lizzie said softly as she stroked your chin with her thumb, careful to not mess up your makeup. “They are nice people, actually. They will love you no matter what.”
You batted your eyelashes and tilted your head as more spiraling thoughts pushed inside your brain. “But what if they don’t like me? And they just pretend to be nice but then when they leave, they talk about me? What if I’m too quiet or too loud, or what if they think I’m weird?”
“Well, you are pretty weird,” Lizzie playfully said, to which you only rolled your eyes. Seeing that you were truly freaking out, she sighed and took your hands, standing up and tugging at your arms. “C’mon, get off the floor, Cinderella.”
You let her tug you to your feet, and she pulled you against her, wrapping her arms around your waist. “Don’t worry about a single thing, okay?” she whispered, letting her nose brush against yours, which always made you feel a little giddy. “I love you, all of you. They will too. You’re so naturally kind, and beautiful, and interesting, and honestly I don’t see how a single person on this planet could not like you.” Lizzie paused to give you a soft, fleeting kiss on the lips. “And even if they didn’t like you for whatever insane reason, I wouldn’t give a damn.”
Your eyes were glittering as you stared up at her. She had dressed up, as well, and her red lipstick smile was enough to calm your nerves. “Really?” you asked coyly, shyly picking at the strings of her olive green jumpsuit which tied at the back of her neck. You felt her shiver from the feeling of your fingers grazing the back of her neck.
“Really really,” Lizzie confirmed, giving you another kiss that was delicate on purpose and also so that she wouldn’t ruin both of your lipsticks. “Now you had better help me chop these brussel sprouts or I will tell them you beat me.”
Giggling at the joke, you squeezed her, letting her pull you into a warm hug for a few moments. You swayed softly in the kitchen, measuring and controlling your breathing as Lizzie’s hand rubbed your back, her rings catching on the fabric of your shirt. Finally, the beeping of the oven pulled you both apart. Pulling on comically large mittens, Lizzie took the pan of turkey while you opened the oven door, putting it on the rack before you stood side-by-side to clean and cut the brussel sprouts together, occasionally bumping hips and giggling.
“Have a safe drive home!” Lizzie yelled out as the last of her family members lingered out of the front door, waving them goodbye before she closed the door for the night. Instantly, you dramatically fell against the couch as if you had been hanging on a string for the last ten hours and it finally snapped, sending you falling limply onto the cushions.
“Ugh!” you yelled out in both stress and relief, pulling one of the throw pillows on top of your face as if you were going to smother yourself.
Sighing, Lizzie leaned over the back of the couch and looked down at you. “Relieved?”
Removing the pillow from your face, you stared blankly at her. “They hate me.”
“What?! No, they don’t!” she exclaimed, coming around the couch to sit down beside your waist, placing a hand on the other side of you so she was leaning over you. “Y/n, they literally loved you.”
In reality, the Thanksgiving dinner had gone swimmingly well. You only embarrassed yourself once when you spilled your drink, and then a couple times when you stuttered painfully while talking to her sisters. All of her family members were incredibly kind and charming, but you were still spiraling about every single moment of the dinner.
“You know what my mom told me?” Lizzie said after giving you a few moments to breathe. She placed her hand on your tummy and leaned down closer to you. “She said you were out of my league.” That made you laugh hysterically while Lizzie gasped offendedly, gently slapping your abdomen. “Well, if there’s anything you and my mom have in common, it’s making fun of me!” Lizzie exclaimed as if she was mad, but she was giggling between every word.
“I think we especially bonded when she showed me that baby picture of you,” you said, and Lizzie instantly put her hand over her face in embarrassment, causing you to giggle even more.
“Please never talk about that again,” she groaned, her shoulders trembling in small bursts of laughter she was trying to contain.
“Oh no, I think I’ll bring it up at every family dinner from now on,” you laughed, grabbing her hand on your stomach and holding it as your mutual laughter died down. There was an entire table of plates and leftover food to clean up, and a mountain of dishes the size of Everest to clean up, but you were both enjoying the leisurely moments on the couch as you winded down from the social event.
Eventually, Lizzie swung her legs onto the couch, laying on top of you and sliding her arms under you, staring down at you as tendrils of her hair tickled your chest. “Since it’s Thanksgiving, I thought you should know,” she began, pausing for dramatic effect which instantly made you nervous again. Then she continued, her red lips breaking into a great pearly grin, “You’re what I’m most thankful for this year.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, taking some of her hair and twirling it affectionately. “That was almost as cheesy as your mac and cheese.”
“Shut up,” she laughed before pressing a kiss to your smiling lips, squeezing you as close as she could against her.
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halfghostwriter · 1 year
“You’re listening to Wraith Radio, your number one link to the living realm. I’m your host, the wandering ghost, Ellie Phantom. This week, we’re taking a tour of the cursed and creepy Gotham City. Longtime listeners will note that this place is nearly impossible to get into for us uninvited specters and spirits, but even longer time listeners will know my fun little method for getting around anti-ghost wards. That’s right, dear listeners, I’ve been playing human, and let me tell you, it may have been the best decision I’ve ever made.
Now, you all know how bored I can get playing human, what with the whole ‘being bad at being alive’ thing. I spend way too much time trying to remember things like how far a human body should be able to bend or how fast a heartbeat should go to have any real fun in my human form. In my defense, it’s not my fault my vital organs don’t work the way they should, that’s on the evil billionaire who made me. But anyway, I’m wandering through this place called Park Row, trying to practice breathing and blinking without needing to think about it, when all of a sudden this group of humans come out of nowhere, shooting each other.
Well, I love a good fight as much as the next ghost, so I get closer to them, try to see who’s on who’s side, who wants to put a bullet in who, when one of them grabs me and puts a gun to my head. So now there’s all this shouting, some threats get yelled out, and I’m thinking, ‘man… I am killing it with this human disguise!’ And it’s true, I was! They really thought I would die to a bullet! So I’m getting ready to phase out of this guy’s grip, maybe rough him up a little, when I see a bullet go straight through his arm. The guy drops me, and suddenly I’m hooked under this other guy’s arm, being thrown around like a potato sack.
And this is where it gets good. Because see, as fucked as my biology may be, I do have a damn good ghost sense. And this guy? He was about as ghost as any undead could be. Yeah, you heard me right, listener. The rumors are true. Gotham, as inhospitable it can be to any and all unwanted ghosts, does in fact have an undead population. Now, that’d be incredible on its own, but this guy? Folks, this guy was fucked. Up. You know that feeling you get when someone nearby gets punched in their core? That real quick ‘oh shit I gotta help this guy before they cease to exist’ feeling? Think that, but constant. Like this guy should be in so much unbelievable pain. And he’s throwing me around like I weigh nothing.
So I’m kind of freaking out, and I look up to ask this guy if he’s okay, and. Guys. You’re not gonna believe this. It was the Red Hood. He’s an undead. I know! It’s insane!
So he throws me to the side, kinda blocking me with his body while he’s shooting these people, and I think he told me to run at some point, but I’ll be honest, my brain just kinda stopped. Cause I’m not thinking about the fight anymore, now I’m thinking ‘holy shit, I need to get this guy to a doctor.’ I was actually in the process of starting to ask when one of the other guys’ bullets grazed me. So I decided against it.
Instead, I took out one of my spare inter-realm radios from my bag— always good to keep an extra in case the first gets destroyed— and one of the flyers for Wraith Radio with the airtime on it, and I snuck it into his pocket and disappeared.
And now, here we are, live on the radio, with— hopefully— Red Hood tuning in. So here we go: Red Hood, I am offering to bring you to the ghost zone doctors to get your core fixed. All I want in return is either an interview or a tour of your haunt, whichever you’re more comfortable with. You helped me out, stopping those guys from shooting me. Granted I would’ve been fine if they shot me, but you didn’t know that, so it still counts as a massive favor. I’m not gonna force you, obviously, but coming from someone whose unstable core almost melted her to death, I really think you should come with me. I doubt you remember much about the afterlife, what with the whole ‘being revived’ thing, but trust me when I say that getting an offer to go to this place as a human is rare, and probably won’t happen again. I will be waiting tomorrow at noon at the same place I was yesterday, hopefully not surrounded by people who wanna shoot me this time. Cool?
Anyway, back to talking about the city—”
Jason stared at the glowing radio. He genuinely couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He remembered that girl, she was so scrawny that she looked like she could keel over at any minute. And apparently, she was some… horror radio show host? Sure, she pegged him as dead, but she probably said that about every interesting person she talked about on her show. And now she was going back to the same place she almost got shot? This kid was gonna get herself killed. Looks like he was going to have to talk some sense into her.
Part 2
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angelsanarchy · 9 months
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 17
"What are you thinking about?" "How being a total creeper got me the girl of my dreams."
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @siriuslymooned @cc-luvr @crypticsewerslut @icarus-star @desert-springtime @shady-the-simp @izuoyarmin @mayathepsychic1999
Clyde laid completely naked next to Y/n, wrapped up in her bed sheets as she rested her hand in the center of his chest. The feeling of their naked skin pressed against each other felt shockingly normal. He had never been so comfortable in his life and he's tripped BALLS on shrooms before.
"If you keep thinking that hard, you're going to melt your brain...well more than it already is." She teased tilting her head up from the bend in his shoulder to look at him. He smiled still staring at the ceiling.
"What are you thinking about?" She ran her fingertips over his nipple giving him the chills.
"How being a total creeper got me the girl of my dreams." Clyde said honestly. Y/n let out a chuckle that she couldn't control, only making Clyde laugh with her.
"Seriously? I don't know that I want that to be our how we met story." Y/n teased making Clyde laugh.
"We'll tell people that I spotted you across the bar and you thought I was blind and needed help." Clyde teased.
"How about you started choking and I saved your life." Y/n tried making Clyde shake his head.
"How about you saved my life and then threatened to taser me all in one night." Y/n sat up and leaned over Clyde letting her breasts graze his chest.
"You know what would make this night even more perfect?" Y/n leaned across Clyde opening the nightstand and pulling out a rolled up joint and a lighter.
"You are absolutely my dream girl." Clyde said watching her light it up and pass it to him before snuggling back into his side. Clyde takes two hits letting the weed wash over him, wanting to comment on how good it was but decided not to kill the mood with exchanging weed dealers numbers.
"So what's your brain saying now? Anything about cute dates we can go on?" Clyde's eyebrows went up.
"Cute dates? Now I'm intrigued. What kind of cute dates are we talking? You want to do dinner and a movie? Picnic in a park...one that's not full of sweaty skateboarders preferably. Maybe some mini golf?" Clyde asked looking like a kid on vacation. Y/n took a long hit and kissed his lips sweetly.
"I will kick your ass in mini golf." She whispered against his lips letting him taste the sticky sweet of the weed on her lips.
"I mean you're probably right but I'm gonna talk a lot of shit until you actually get the win." Clyde joked.
"Have you ever heard of a cat cafe? I feel like that's something we should check out." Y/n's jaw dropped.
"You like cats? I would have never have guessed that about you." She looked genuinely surprised.
"What? Hell yeah I like cats. I don't mind dogs either. I love animals. Johnny and I would dog walk at shelters all the time before the band got serious." Clyde explained adjusting his arm so Y/n could rest her chin on his chest.
"That's literally the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Y/n could see Clyde just sitting in a pile of shelter dogs giving them all the pets and snuggles.
"I love all of those cute date ideas. I honestly don't think I've ever been on a date before. I definitely haven't had an actual boyfriend." Clyde paused staring at at her.
"Boyfriend?" He repeated making her blush. She was worried maybe she jumped the gun but Clyde smiled brightly.
"Partner? I don't know what to call us-"
"You're my girlfriend. I like that. That sounds..."
"Perfect." Y/n cut him off.
"Yeah, perfect." Clyde leaned up to kiss her, gripping the back of her head with his hand and letting his tongue roam around inside her mouth to tangle with her tongue. Y/n could taste herself and the weed on his tongue and it was insanely intoxicating.
"I'm not going to have to ask Johnny for his blessing am I? I'd hate to upset my boyfriends boyfriend." Y/n poked as she moved her body to lay on top of his, placing what was left of the joint in an ashtray.
"You know I think he'll be fine with it but I'll have to let him down easy." Clyde playfully frowned. When she smiled at him, Clyde felt his heart beat a little faster. He couldn't believe he was in this incredible girls bed, making a commitment, smoking a really decent joint and having insanely good sex.
"Do you have any idea how much I like you?" Clyde asked pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"You know what? I think I do. You want to know how I know?" Y/n moved up to kiss him once again.
"You eat pussy like you're in love." She whispered biting his bottom lip sending goosebumps over his chest.
"Yeah...I guess I do." Clyde didn't care that the implication was that he was in love with her. He knew he was. He also knew it could freak her out but she hadn't run away from him yet.
"That's good to know because I too suck dick like I'm in love." Y/n kissed a trail of kisses down his chest, pausing to suckle little hickies near his nipple, grazing his sides with her fingernails. Clyde's head lifted off the pillow watching her move down his body.
"Oh fuck." Clyde's breath was shaky as she reached his already hard cock. She kept her eyes locked to his as she peppered kisses on the tip, teasing the slit with her tongue. Clyde's head fell back against the pillow. He knew that if he kept watching, he would cum in 45 seconds flat so he squeezed his eyes shut tightly as she took him into her mouth sucking softly. Her hand reached down to squeeze his balls carefully making his thighs jump.
"Fuck Y/n." Clyde whined. She moved her mouth further down his cock, taking him in as far as she could and Clyde's shoulders came off the pillows.
"D-don't. If you keep..if you do that, I will cum so fast." Clyde pleaded. He could feel her mouth turn up in a grin as she rose back to the tip sucking until there was a pop.
"The faster you cum, the more we can fuck." She reached up and laced her fingers into Clyde's who dared a glance at her. He saw her smile and gave her a nod to continue. She returned her lips around his cock sucking like her life depending on it. Clyde's moans and whimpers grew louder and he squeeze her hands as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft as fast as she could, moaning around him.
"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" Clyde's voice was almost hoarse as he pleaded and before she could pull off, Clyde was cumming down her throat in ropes. She swallowed at least twice as he practically cried out the remainder of his orgasm and when she pulled off of him, he was trying to catch his breath. She moved back up his body to adjust the sweaty hair from around his face. He swallow trying to coat his throat which had gone dry.
"How..." Clyde tried but his throat was still too dry. He wasn't sure if it was the weed or if Y/n had sucked every bit of fluid from his body out of his cock but he swallowed a few more times.
"Are you okay?" Y/n asked with a nervous smile.
"How do you feel...about camping on the beach?" Clyde finally opened his eyes meeting hers and she shook her head.
"I think I might love that too." She rested her hand on his chest and he brought her hand to his lips to kiss.
Clyde never had a girlfriend until today. Clyde knew he would never want another one either.
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prince-liest · 3 months
i……. your radiostatic series. i’m sorry i’m not writing you a ten page paper on how that shit ruined me (in the best way). but unfortunately a side effect of ruination is that now i am incoherent. let me have some sum points: it is, without a doubt, the best radiostatic ive ever seen. it is both so canon but also adds new layers in order to develop and improve the relationship. the skirt fic made me incapable of sleep for at least an hour. i thought it was fucked and awful and brain melting in the beginning when all they really had was obsession and amusement (respectively), but fuck. it never dawned on me that them becoming real friends would be WORSE. i feel like vox in your last update - flayed open and not receiving enough aftercare (the hug made me sob btw. i needed that hug more than vox). i’m sorry if im using typically negative words, i mean them in the best way possible. i love these two BECAUSE they’re awful together and for each other. i’m going insane. masterful work. i’m going to cherish it for a very very long time. thank you from the bottom of my heart
Ahhh, anon, thank you SO much! <3 The whole series honestly started out as a fun little PWP project for me, but as I always do, I ended up putting way too much of my feelings of the actual characters into it and now it's a whole progressing character/relationship arc, hahaha. I'm genuinely so happy that people are enjoying it, and especially that the evolution of their characterization as the story goes on feels like it makes sense in the context of the fics and also is true to their original characters.
They are indeed both AWFUL and I do indeed absolutely ADORE them for it! >:D Rest assured, there is more in store!
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
Bakugou will definitely start getting psychic abilities like telepathy, claircognizance and psychic healing after years of dating you and having tantric sex with you
THEY WAY YOU GOT MY BRAIN RUNNING WITH THIS! i read the ask like 5 times before actually answering cus this is actually driving me insane.
i’ve experienced tantric sex before and it’s truly a wonderful thing and the time and trust that goes into it is just something otherworldly. and being the one to introduce katsuki to that has me melting.
i imagine him already having these claircognizant abilities even before you introduced him to all your practices because he is very observant. and he would know all the small things about you that you don’t notice about yourself, but he knows them and memorizes them like the back of his hand.
and deeper into the relationship he already knows what you need without even having to ask. specially during sex, this man knows every nerve, every sweet spot and exactly what to do to have you seeing starts under his touch.
just picture the first time you introduce him to the idea. bodies bare against each other as you’re both focusing on your breathing until they match. before laying him down on the bed and straddling him as you start to rub your fingers along his muscular arms. trailing up to scratch against his scalp while he pulls you towards him, soft lips pressed against yours before breaking apart and exchanging slow pecks.
his tongue rubbing across your bottom lip before slipping it past your lips. soft moans escaping your chest as his tongue explores your mouth. his fingers tangling with the hairs behind your scalp, beckoning your tongue to play with his as you grind your hips down on his twitching cock. making sure to still keep your breathing steady while passion begins to drip between each other.
tongues wrapped together before breaking the kiss, trailing kisses down his neck and on his chest before giving his nipples a few licks while staring up at him, noticing how his breaths picks up at the action as you coax him into steadying his breath back down.
“relax baby, i got you”, you whisper to him before going back to trail kisses down his abdomen. your hands reaching to find his as you bring his warm palm towards your lips. placing kisses on it while trailing up towards his fingers.
a gesture that he grew in love with shortly after you two started dating. feeling insecure about his hands before out of fear that he could hurt you or you’d shy away from his sweaty palms. proving him wrong after worshiping them, telling him how they were one of your favorite parts of his body. the hands that were the source of his power, the same hands that would wrap around you and make you feel safe.
wrapping your lips around his thumb as you gently suck on his digit, his eyes never leaving yours as you trail back down to his palm. placing another kiss on his wrist before lowering yourself between his legs. giving his cock the same treatment as you open his eyes to new levels of intimacy between each other.
later on, he is the one initializing them. taking control and making sure both of your sexual energies are aligned as he gives you the same treatment.
worshiping your body and laying kisses all over your skin. your body on fire as he brought you closer to the edge with his ministrations.
sucking and tugging at your breast before diving in between your legs. edging you for hours before bringing you to the brink. showing you the same passion like it was your first time all over again.
soon he’s the one that’s cooing you into relaxing while he takes care of you.
your legs wrapped around his thighs while his hands caress your hips. his thrusts are slow and calculated as he rubs against your sweet spot. staring into each other’s eyes while soft pants escape your lips.
your eyes fluttering from the overwhelming pleasure roaming through your body as you sneak a peak in between your legs where your bodies are connected. a gentle hand immediately wrapping around your throat, not applying pressure but just focusing your attention back to him.
vermilion irises staring deep into your glossy ones as he presses his forehead down on yours. holding you close while hot breaths mix in with each other as he picks up his thrust while still maintaining a steady pace.
wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. arching your back, pressing your chest into his as your mouth falls open in a silent cry. ropes of cum filling your insides while you cum around his cock. a muffled cry escaping his lips as he buries his face deeper into your neck while you cling to him.
tears spilling from your eyes from the intensity. euphoria coursing through both of your bodies as you revel in each other’s embrace. noticing the tears staining his cheeks as well when he presses his forehead against yours again.
caressing your cheek with his thumb while pressing his lips against yours. smiling against each other’s mouths as it feels like time has stopped. nothing else mattered when you guys were in this state of bliss. the mixture of love and lust, compassion and trust wrapped around the both of you as you guys continued exchanging kisses before drifting off to sleep.
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to-thelakes · 2 months
darlin, i definitely feel your bi panic about madani and frank cos SAME
as much as i can remember it was in season 2, madani was talking with a pretty woman who was working in the lab and all i thought during the scene was “BI PANIC BI PANIC, ladies why don’t you just start kissing”
jdsndlkfnwk sorry about the rambling i was just thinking about it since i’ve watched it and wanted to share 💘
never apologise for rambling!! i absolutely adore the rambles, i am a big rambler myself. it's honestly a problem
But FR, like dinah madani is bi, i don't make the rules, it's just fact. and her and frank?? the bi panic of the two of them on screen makes me lose my mind, like which one do i pick?? which one do i want?? (the answer is both) but they both just absolutely scramble my brain.
also, okay, the thought of those two like together has actually rotted my brain so badly recently. i don't think or it doesn't seem to be a popular like fanfic ship or like something that many people (at least from what i've seen) seem interested in but dinah x frank kind of just makes my brain melt a little.
obviously, i am a kastle girlie at heart. him and karen are just- 🫠🫠🫠 but i am nothing if not an incredibly self-indulgent woman and the thought of like frank x dinah x reader (bc i am whore) has literally rotted by brain. it's insane how bad it has been. like i've become actual feral for the thought of them. (feral to the point i have written a 13k smutty one-shot of frank x dinah x reader, whoopsie but we don't talk about that)
my brainrotting for those two aside, i am so glad i'm not alone in my bi panic over madani and frank because they make me absolutely FERAL and i just, i love my men and women emotionally damaged and slightly immoral <3
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since you’re the camlilith blogTM, do you have camlilith fic recs?
me: oh I don't think I'm the gateway to camilith shipping
y'all: so as The Camilith Blog™...
anyway yes I do have fic recs gather round children, I've delved into the depths of the tag and emerged with the best of the best
let's start with casper's (@daisychainsandbowties) fics and then go from there!
by such slight ligaments are we bound: god like truly this is THEE Camilith fic of all time for me like. you all don't understand. lilith is so fucked up. camila touches her so tenderly. lilith gets her hair washed. she bleeds all over the fucking place. she completely disassociates. she bleeds all over the fucking place some more. she's gods specialest little soldier. she's gods most beloathed nun. she's my little guy.
thus strangely are our souls constructed: listen. listen. this is the rat fic. I hold it close to my heart. I adore it. Lilith's having a breakdown in a sporting goods store. she's bleeding out with beatrice in a hallway. they're in love. they don't realize they're in love. they're also not in love. it's a lot. lilith is a little in love with every woman who shows her any kindness. I can't wait to see where this one goes
a light, a blessing, or a bruise: the dishonored au!!!! dishonored au my beloved! (not a fic but check out whale's dishonored art pieces here & here & here they make me feel insane) this fic actually got me to start playing dishonored and the world is. so interesting. the way casper has translated the characters is FASCINATING. great fic I fucking love it.
okay that's all of casper's fics now let's go to some others shall we?
The bestie @thats-a-weird-warning-sign wrote Tenderness to you is only talk about a bruise which is just. so good. I truly don't know what else I need to say about it. lilith's brain melts out of her ears because of camila's strap. There's healing from trauma. there's more sex. listen. we all read the tags we all knew what we were getting into.
Shroomyystar on ao3 (I think they're @cranechel on here?) has some bangers. most of these are rated M or E, for good reason. they're darker or they're just abt sex so your mileage may vary based on what you want to read but they're all tagged appropriately!
like real people do: lilith asks camila to kill her and it's sweeter than you think, I promise.
light pink sky up on the roof: lilith kneels.
one bite of salvation in the dark: lilith kneels and also eats cami out.
there's also serenity which is a rly cute little fic abt camila just staring at lilith and I think it's very sweet we get this view of them cause I feel like lilith is the more common pov character
some other one offs!
Worship her sooner is my bestie Em who texted me one day like "do you think ao3 has a tag for sexy latin usage" and refused to elaborate.
The whole series of 1 Peter 4:8 is very good. this was before season 2 came out, and I'll just link the first fic here it's SO GOOD. Go comment and show some love to these fics, they're older so I don't think they got the attention they deserved.
golden hour is an avatrice fic HOWEVER it's set at camilith's wedding and the way ava just describes lilith as scary and whipped is truly so funny to me
And that's about all I have I think? I probably forgot something, and I'm very picky with fics to begin with so. If you think I missed something, add it in the comments!
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chvoswxtch · 2 months
👋 hi, i'm back again already :)
i'm so glad i'm not alone in being completely feral for those set pictures. like it's insane what just seeing them has done to my brain chemistry. i saw them like an hour or so before i had therapy on wednesday and i felt like i was going insane for the rest of the day. the frank brainrot is real and i will be binge-reading ur fics again (bc i love ur portrayal of frank and i need that man in my life) and just UGH, i can't even explain how this man makes me feel without sounding fucking nuts.
and okay after finishing season two, i just, i have no words. i know that the fandom doesn't always love amy but genuinely, she has such a special place in my heart. and the lengths that frank went to protect her actually just made me want to sob. he absolutely melts my heart and i remember when i watched the start of season 2 all the way back in like september last year, i literally sobbed at the end of the first episode after he had that conversation about maria with the woman he met at the bar. like i am such a simp for this man, it's insane how emotional i get over it sometimes.
also i know you've watched criminal minds (the two fics u wrote were absolutely delicious btw) so i feel like you will understand this but pilgrim's actor being the same as will's just made it slightly hard for me to take him seriously. like the actor did a phenomenal job but i just couldn't help but see him as will. it was so jarring and also just a little bit funny. either way, i didn't hate the storyline as much as i thought but the connection between him and the schultz family did seem a little jarring? or like out of the blue? but i'm not sure if that's because of the writing or because of how long it took me to actually finish the show. but i think it was such an interesting way to connect the two plots even if it confused me?
then okay, like billy this season, he was a complete fucking psycho and usually ben barnes can make psychos be so hot but after he and dumont tried to like break frank by making him think he killed innocents, bro i was not on this man's side anymore. like i honestly was so mad at him. i haven't like been that mad at a character in so long, i was concerned for myself. honestly, i could have strangled billy in that moment. also dumont was just such a kind of dull character? i think the scene in like episode 12 when dumont and madani are having that conversation about like the trauma she (and billy and frank) went through was so good but that was like the most interesting i found her. i'd love to know your thoughts on her!
and like madani? i can't talk about madani without going too feral. like her and frank are my definition of bisexual panic. any time they are on the screen together, i go insane. the thought of the two of them actually is just- it's too much. i feel like madani doesn't get a lot of love in the fandom which always makes me sad because she is (to me) a literal goddess. but anyway.
i have so many more thoughts (mainly about how much i love frank and how fucking good a job jon does at portraying him) but this is already such a long message. i am SO sorry, i can do nothing but apologise
(the only reason it's so long is because none of my friends have actually watched the punisher so i have no one to talk to. sorry court <3)
i'm gonna ramble below the cut with you, please step into my office <3
those set pictures are ruining my life. like it still feels surreal that it's happening?? but i'm so happy they listened to the fans and seem to be taking the reboot seriously. also I know how protective charlie and jon are over matt and frank, so I trust they're making sure it's done right. akjdfhdfh you're too nice to me pls
I loved season 2, personally. it felt a little rushed, but I think that has to due with the fact that they planned more storylines and got cancelled because of the disney plus thing. I liked that we got to see a more fatherly side of frank with amy because it added so many more layers to his personality. we got to see it with the micro's kids, but we got to see it so much more with amy and I loved that
OMG WHEN WILL SHOWED UP I WAS LIKE SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? WHERE IS JJ??? it's so funny you say that bc the first thing I saw that actor in was a horror movie and then criminal minds but I always think of those two when I see him lmao. the pilgrim/schultz storyline was a little strange but again I think it's one of those things where they planned for more and weren't able to do it with the cancellation
I did not care for dumont's character at all to be candid. I don't really feel like she added much to the storyline. my main complaint about billy in season 2 is he still looked too pretty LMAO. like I get it, it's ben barnes, they can only do so much, but frank rocked his shit too hard for him to have a few scratches. I would've preferred to see him be more evil and psycho and bloodthisty for revenge but that's just me
DINAH MADANI THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE. she and frank are the definition of bisexual panic. she's just...like that scene of her and karen in the conference room when she's asking her if she knows anything about frank being alive?? karen is a stronger woman than me bc I would've let her bend me over that table. dinah doesn't get enough love in this fandom and that doesn't sit right with me and I feel it is my civic duty to keep the thirst for her alive
pls don't apologize! I am happy to chat about frankie anytime :)
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straylightdream · 2 years
“𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐈 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭“
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Lee Minho x F.Reader
friends with benefits / roommates au
↳ The lines between friends and lovers is quick to blur. There isn’t anyone you would rather spend your time with, and he finds his sweet escape when he’s alone with you. What started out as casual thing that was supposed to be secret kept between the two of you leads to so much more.
status: read here
warnings: soft dom! Minho, unprotected sex, rougher sex, dirty talk, begging, overstimulation, edging, dry humping, names such as: (kitten, angel), breeding kink, creampie, cockwarming, cum play and cum eating. Minho mentions knocking up the reader.
an: this is a part of my college skz series SSFW where you can read one or all the stories. Each boys story weaves together but they can be read as ones shots.
If you want to be tagged let me know I’ll be using my second writing ( @straylightwrites​ ) account to tag everybody. Let me know what you think about a series happening.
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“YN do you want to order dinner while we study tonight?” Minho sets his laptop on your bed. 
“Why aren’t you going to the bar with Bambi and Chan?”
“Why would I go there when you’re staying home?” He knits his eyebrows together and looks at you like you’re insane. 
“You are aware you’re allowed to have fun without me right?” Minho doesn’t normally do anything social if you don’t go with him you’ve come to notice. 
“I know that. Let’s be honest Changbin and Kitten will show up and to be honest I don’t want to watch him feel her up every chance he gets.” He’s not lying basically since the moment Changbin and his girlfriend have gotten together Changbin can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. He’s been head over heels for her long before they started dating and ever since they finally got together he’s always touching her. 
“So instead you would rather study with me?“
“I also have a huge test coming up. I thought senior year was gonna be easier and then I decided to apply for grad school,” he sighs, laying down on the bed next to you. 
“It’s okay Minho,” you pat the top of his head. “If we get enough studying done maybe you can feel me up.”
He looks up, cocking his eyebrow. “Are we talking about feel,” he motions his hands. “Or are we talking about me filling you to the brim.”
You scoff, pushing his shoulder, “you are literally obsessed with coming inside me.”
“Can you blame a guy?” He laughs. 
“I guess not,” you lean down pressing his lips to yours. 
Minho is one of the best study partners you’ve had. He’s actually helpful and can easily focus on a task when he needs to. 
Studying for this huge test seems to have melted your brain. Sitting on the couch with your back against the arm rest and your legs across Minho's lap. Biting down on the burger Minho ordered you, your eyes are trained on the side of Minho's head as he’s focused on the book he’s holding. He made a big deal about you eating your food before it got cold but can’t bring himself to put down the book he’s reading. 
“Minho,” you say. 
Lifting his head looks over at you and blinks rapidly a few times trying to focus. “Yes?”
“What happened to eating while it’s hot?” 
“I was trying to finish this chapter,” he closes the book, setting it down on the coffee table in front of him. He picks up his burger and finally starts to eat. Things between you are comfortable just like they always are. 
“Minho I don’t want to study anymore you,” you whine between taking bites. A soft laugh leaves his lips. His hand that isn’t holding his burger reaches down and rubs your calf. “My brain can’t take anymore information tonight.”
“Okay, no more studying.”
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