#i expected to like the pink one more than i did... im usually always defending pink things..
empyreasheart · 5 months
so to answer my own question, yes american girl is releasing more than just january's birthstone, but they're not actually individual dolls, just outfits modeled on truly me dolls
of course they're expensive but they are pretty at least. not sure how i feel about july's .. it's just not my style, though i guess the doll that models it plays a big part in how you see the outfit. the pigtails feel really random and i think it's just too monochromatic particularly for whatever cowboy vibe is going on here
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my favorite is probably november's (citrine)
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i also really like april's (diamond)
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papirouge · 10 months
im the jpop anon. thank you for the long and thoughtful reply! :)
yeah, theres something really wrong with kpoppers. i actually remember what perfume video the "fat legs" comments were from - it was their first budokan concert back in 2008, i think they were wearing the pink outfits (or perhaps the yellow ones from drream fighter). i think what those kpoppers might meant were kashiyukas thighs, since she wore very short shorts in the pink outfits, and while her legs are thin her thighs are plumper. but like, thats literally what makes her known as "the hot one" among fans. like shes very renowed for having very nice legs, and in general its normal for women to have bigger tighs and wider hips. i guess one could just shrug it off as kpop fans being salty and petty, but many kpop girl members have crazy thin legs. like if you look up snsd aka girls generation, youll realize that many of their promotional images have them with really skinny legs. one of the very few kpop songs that i like is "gee" by this girl group, and i decided to look at the comments of the dance ver and some poeple were defending one of the girls because koreans fans were being mean to her for being "fat". i think she was called jessica or something like that, and i look her up to know which one of them was and like, if they didnt mention anything i wouldnt even have realized but her "problem" was basically that she had this "square-y" body type and that made her look like 0,5 millimeters bigger that the rest.
another thing that happened to me very recently was that i was looking for a notebook to buy and there were selling some with kpop groups in the cover, and i stumbled upon one that had this boy band named stray kids, and god dammit... these guys have such heavy plastic surgery like wtf... some of them look like literal wax figures its scary. i remember when kpop fans were saying it was racist how some people made fun of boy bands by saying they all looked the same, and sure, definitely some of them probably were, but you cant deny that some of these guys (and girls) dont end up looking the same when they get their faces botched up all to follow the same very narrow korean beauty standards.
and yeah, i can see the difference between kanon and akari, but i also think it was because kanon was much bigger than akari. like she even made fun of herselkf many times when she introduced herself. i always remember when michishige sayumi was asked which animal fit their teammates the best, and she said kanon was a hippo or an elephant 💀 i always got the impression that kanon making fun of herself like referencing she had a full meal before a performance so she was full of energy was a defense mechanism - a lot of fat people usually make fun of themseves because they want to do it before others can make fun of them first, like "look at me, im fat and i know it and dont take it seriously, please dont make fun of me because i already do it and it doesnt hurt me at all!".
speaking of sayumi, she once was also asked which helloproject group she would least like to be stuck with on an island, and she said berryz koubou because they seemed like they liked to eat alot.. im guessing she was referring to maasa and risako.
i wanted to say more but this got so fucking long lol sorry papi... perhaps ill send another message later...
Tbh Kpop visuals are so ridiculously filtered that I'm pretty sure those girls are made prettier and skinnier than they really are. People these days are soooooo freaking guillible and believe anything they see online. These girls get ps to oblivion and still need to be photoshopped like mad.... They're not perfect. Nobody is.
The thing is japanese idols aren't expected to look perfect like Korean do. Jpop idols aren't supposed to look 'flawless'. Perfume debuted when they were like 12-13 years old ; we saw them grow before our eyes, so if they did anything shady with their appareance everyone would have noticed. These women are soon 35 and still kicking.. - I wonder how these Kpop girls will look at that age 👀
I don't even think that Kpoppers know what "sexy" is anyway. What's stricking with Kpop is that despite how much polished their aesthetic are, they emanate 0% charisma. They give off an absolutely frigid energy. Every single of their move and face expression are policed. Kpop MV would make anyone epileptic so much shit is going on because that's how bad the artist themselves can't put it up themselves.
At least, old school jpop idols still have a lil bit of personality - which is why we still remember of them 10, 20 years later. The same couldn't be said for today's one tbh (I lost interest after Morning Musume 13./Michishige graduated because all the newcomers were more dull than the others... Even Riho who was hailed as The Ace of the group didn't leave the same impact as OG members (Ai Takashi, Tsuji Nozomi, Ai Kago, Maki Goto, Reina Tanaka, etc.) AKB48 fell off after the Kami 7 all graduated (the sister groups are meh).
But to be fair, the new Reiwa era (more conservative ) isn't just prone to leave raw personalities pop out in like that... Ai Kago stunts would have made her cancelled without afterthought or second chances today...😬 The idol group era is pretty much over in Japan. Right now, 'boring edgy' like Aimyon or Yonezu Kenshi are popping.
I can't bring myself to find Kpop boys attractive. Period. They are all ugly and I have no shame to say it because they were all much better before doing plastic surgery. So no it's not racist to say they all look the same because plastic surgery made them look the same - not their race...
I DARE someone to tell me the 2 dudes on the left aren't the same. The one at the top particularly looks like an otome game character 💀 like- he straight up looks like his face was DRAWN.
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And you know what freaks me out the most? It's that from one picture to another THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE THEMSELVES??!?
Like wtf is this shit???
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It's supposed to be the same band but the faces.... don't match others pictures 💀
You know society colllapsed now that stray kid dudes are considered attractive....when back in the day we had natural and authentic beauty like Takeshi Kaneshiro *sigh*
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downgrade of the millennium. Mishima killed himself for this.
And you know what freaks me out the most about these kpoppers? It's that they seemingly don't "exist" beside these ridiculous doctored photoshoot. Are there any candids of them out and about in the street? Without perfect lightening, angle and filters? Tbh I wouldn't be surprised they are AI or shit like that.
Perfume look the same when they do bc....they arent botched
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Michishige is RUTHLESS 😭 I mean, in Morning Musume she had the persona of being a narcissist so it makes sense she put down other girls for not being as pretty as her. But yeah dunking on a girl who's like a decade younger than you is shitty. Those idol group are shoving together girls from entire different generations (Michishige was in her mid 20s when she graduated and the youngest member of the group were like 13-14 years old 🥴) so awkward girldrama situations are bound to happen.... That being said, it's a very bad idea to get into an idol group if you're feeling awkward about your physically appearance... Kanon should've never been in Momusu, imo.
I always found Berryz Kōbō was much coherent than Morning Musume ; members were closer in age and experience. I was a smaller band and the lineup was consistent so you weren't lost in the amount of new faces every other years (like Momusu regular call for new members).
I think its fitting that some of its members love eating when they have a song called 1億3千万総ダイエット王国 ("A kindgom of 130 million [people] complete diet[ing]") *the population of Japan is of 125 million but I guess the evened it out for the song that was kinda critical of diet culture. Good for them tbh And that song was bop. Berryz Kōbō truly delivered the few years before disbanding.
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leejeongz · 3 years
jealous treasure (asahi-junghwan)
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🔅i’m gonna use another member in each one because it’s easier than making up a whole new person and explaining a bit about them for each one if that makes sense. but this is just for fun, it’s fictitious, remember that pls🔅
find the other members here
🌷 asahi:
“it’s wednesday” junkyu announced. it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to say whatever was in his brain, but today the other boys decided to humour him a little and asked him to elaborate.
“we should wear pink” he clarified as if everyone should know. asahi rolled his eyes, you’d been pestering asahi to tell junkyu to watch mean girls since well, forever, and that now he’d finally watched it, he wouldn’t shut up about it.
“but you’re not wearing any pink” asahi pointed out after scanning his whole body.
junkyu corrected him by fetching the hoodie he was expecting to wear. it was a soft, baby pink colour, with a little heart on the pocket right in the middle. asahi recognised it straight away.
“where did you get that?” he asked. junkyu couldn’t lie, he’d been caught red handed.
“from your closet” he confessed “but you always wear it and i thought i might look cute in it, can i wear it just for one day?” he begged with pleading eyes.
“hm let me think” asahi put his hand to his chin with sarcasm written all over his face “no” he snatched it from junkyu’s hands. “why would you wear y/n’s hoodie anyway?” he asked
“i-” junkyu stuttered “i didn’t know it was theirs” he said while assessing the situation “but are you really jealous right now? i didn’t know you were the type” he laughed, drawing the attention of the other members.
“no” he scoffed, “i’m not jealous, i just don’t think that they would want you wearing their hoodie. you smell” he spat out, turning his back and heading for his room.
“someone call y/n” junkyu said, wanting you to hear what a jealous man your boyfriend really is.
“don’t you have something better to do, like finding your own pink hoodie, you know, like the one you never take off your own back?” asahi snaps back, referring to the infamous pink hoodie from junkyu’s trademark outfit. as he leaves the living room, asahi takes a hesitant sniff at the jumper, hoping junkyu hasn’t infected it with his scent so much so that it no longer smells of you.
🍄 yedam:
having been stuck inside your house for what felt like a year, you were grateful and willing to accept any invitation to leave. today’s invite came from your boyfriend, yedam, who’d recently been too busy working to come and see you, which was completely understandable. he’d asked if you’d like to join him and a few of his friends on a walk around a nearby park, you of course said yes.
with beautiful scenery came the chance to take beautiful pictures. noticing that your boyfriend was too preoccupied by the ice cream van, you asked one of his friends, jeongwoo, to take a picture of you by the fountain. he agreed and instructed you on how to pose so that it wouldn’t look awkward. you followed his advice and managed to get a few shots. you walked back over to jeongwoo, who innocently stood with your phone in his hand, when you saw your boyfriend come rushing over.
“what are you doing with their phone?” he questioned “they let you take photos of them?” he spat out in a hurt manner.
“yes…” jeongwoo replied before you stepped in.
“how much are they?” you asked, pointing in the ice cream van’s direction, not understanding what all the commotion was about.
“apparently they’re all out of ice cream” he mocked “but why did you let him take photos of you? that’s my job” he pouted with a soft tone to his voice.
“ooo our yedam is all soft for y/n” jeongwoo jeered which, judging by the look yedam gave back to him, was not appropriate. “it was just 3 pictures” jeongwoo clarified “the model isn’t that easy to work with anyway, they have no fresh ideas of their own to spice up my business” he scoffed jokingly while handing your phone back to you, causing yedam to finally crack a smile.
“⅕ stars, pictures came out wonky and the photographer is bossy, unlike my lovely yedam” you smiled, playing into the joke. it wasn’t long before yedam was back to his usual cheerful self and had also finally decided that an iced tea was a good substitute for ice cream too.
there was a lot of things in your house that didn’t make sense, but the worst was definitely the paintings hung up in your room that you’d never gotten around to taking down, mainly because you couldn’t reach them but shhh. you’d always been too shy to ask doyoung, knowing he’d laugh at you and tease you for being too short to reach them, and given you hadn’t been together for that long, you weren’t sure how much you’d appreciate that being your first inside joke.
a friend of yours, jihoon, had come over to your house while doyoung was there, which wasn’t exactly an issue, he knew you and jihoon were friends and he respected that. the three of you often gossiped and gamed together, it was a common thing these days.
“i tell you this every time im here but those are so ugly y/n, please take them down” jihoon glanced up, locking eyes with the spooky man in the painting and shuddering.
“i can’t reach” you joked, forgetting your boyfriend was also there.
“i’ll do it then” jihoon announced, standing up and reaching each painting easily.
“i could have done that” doyoung whispered under his breath while staring at you. you turned to your left to see your boyfriend's unimpressed face. “why did you let him do it?” he questioned, seeming really quite angry.
“he offered, i wasn’t gonna say no” you defended yourself. jihoon took this as his queue to leave and take the artwork elsewhere, he didn’t know where, but anywhere was better than being in that room with you two.
“is it because of his big muscles? is it because you value his opinion more than mine?” doyoung asked, laughing at his own thoughts and how ridiculous they were but possibly true.
“no” you rolled your eyes before making eye contact again “its because he offered” you repeated.
“and if i offered?” he asked, expecting you to say that you would have declined.
“obviously i would have said yes” you replied, “they were horrible i don’t care who got them down i just wanted them gone”
“oh” he sat back and relaxed into the pillow “well i’m glad they’re gone. i didn’t like to say it, but they were creepy” he laughed with you. “the next thing to go is him though” he joked, seeing jihoon walk back into your room, which of course was replied to with a scoff from your sassy friend.
your sleeping pattern was well and truly out of the window, so you decided to stay up and call one of your friends that you knew would be awake, hyunsuk. he was just like you, you both slept at 4am and woke up at 2pm, so he wasn’t that shocked when you called, wide awake like him.
“where’s haruto? wasn’t he supposed to be staying at your place tonight?” he asked, genuinely concerned about his friend. you flipped the camera to show your bed, where a certain sleepy haruto lay, peacefully entering dreamland. “he’s so cute” hyunsuk giggled, you cooed in agreeance, he really was the cutest.
you stayed on call for about an hour. you were currently laughing about the tiktok he’d just sent to you, your humour was exactly the same too so it’s wasn’t hard for you to crack the other up. all the commotion woke your boyfriend, whose bed head was clearly visible in the reflection of your opened laptop when he sat up.
“did we wake you?” hyunsuk laughed upon hearing a groan from his friend.
“we?” haruto responded in a sleepy voice. “who’s we?”
“uhh us” you pointed between you and the phone.
“y/n? hyunsuk?” he snapped out of his sleepy state quickly. “why are you two up at this time and on the phone together?” you looked at hyunsuk on the screen and smiled, trying to hold in your laughter. “turn that off and come to bed, i want cuddles, and i want you to get some sleep, unlike him” he flung himself back at the bed, only inches away from hitting his head on the headboard.
“wait for me” hyunsuk joked in a teasing tone.
“no, not you” haruto whined. “just y/n please” he smiled closing his eyes and opening his arms, ready for you to join him.
“i guess this is goodnight then” you said to hyunsuk, which haruto followed up with a goodnight for his friend too before you put the phone down.
“now, cuddles please!”
for jaehyuk’s birthday this year, he asked for a small gathering, just close friends, which you of course are included in since you and jeongwoo had been together for over 2 years now. when you arrived, you quickly gauged the atmosphere of the party was pretty light and fun, it wasn’t oppressive in the slightest. usually parties you attended were fully kitted out with loud music, dimly lit rooms and a bunch of strangers in every room, instead your friends were in the living room, just chatting and laughing.
“you came!” jaehyuk screeched, running over to hug you. “oh and you bought a plus one, jeongwoo” he joked around with your boyfriend, who just rolled his eyes in response.
it wasn’t long before the boys delved into the games cupboard and pulled out the “who’s most likely to” box. the oldest of the boys shuffled the cards and took the top one which read “who’s the funniest”. whenever you played, this one always seemed to come out first, so you changed your answer every time to please everyone.
you turned around your board with the name “jaehyuk” written on it. your eyes scanned the room to see almost everyone had his name written on their boards, probably because it was his party after all. you quickly diverted your eyes away, however, when you saw that jeongwoo had written your name, which should have made you feel happy but instead, you felt quite guilty for not writing his.
the game went on, and your name wasn’t written on jeongwoo’s board ever again, despite you putting his for almost everything positive. the rest of the evening, jeongwoo didn’t come near you at all, everyone noticed, everyone questioned it, it was so obvious that he was jealous, but there was no way he was admitting to it.
as you got ready to leave, you glanced over at the boy who was supposed to be staying with you tonight, sat firmly in his place on the sofa.
“jeongwoo, aren’t you coming?” you shouted from the door. “jaehyuk is staying here so you don’t have to worry about him” you teased, everyone else smiling at you and giggling silently.
“fine” he grunted. you made up on the way home, he couldn’t even remember how it all started, he just “wanted to make a point” which, sure, he did.
you and junghwan never got to spend much time together before you became friends with the members since he was always with them or at school, which is why he’s never complained or showed any jealousy when you are with them.
today you headed over to their dorms to relax and play when you remembered, today was the day of junghwan’s english exam. you pulled out your phone and dropped him a quick good luck text before continuing your journey.
yoshi brought you up to his room where he said you could chill for a bit since everyone else was still sleeping, other than those who had school of course. yoshi began to ask you lots of questions, you learnt a lot about each other in that hour or so, and the conversation was flowing so well that you didn’t hear the door.
“y/n, you did remember?!” junghwan asked excitedly, clapping his hands while smiling from ear to ear. “you came all the way here to see me after i finished?”
“remember what?” you asked, bewildered. “your exam? yeah i sent you a text, i’m sorry i didn’t realise until i was over half way here else i would have gone to see you first” you confessed, feeling guilty. his face dropped at your honest words.
“you mean you came all the way here just to see yoshi?” he asked. “everyone else was in the kitchen, but you two were in here… alone…?” disappointed in your reasoning and forgetfulness, he slowly backed out of the room. he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. he wanted to feel sad and upset, but did you really do anything wrong, he thought. “you couldn’t have just turned around and gone home”
“well i didn’t want to, i wanted to see my friends. i didn’t realise that most of them didn’t get up until the afternoon” you walked closer to him, praying that he didn’t try and get away. “i’m sorry i forgot about your exam”
he shuffled closer to you. you’d never argued before, and he wasn’t sure how to respond, so he hoped a hug would go down well. as he hugged you, he whispered his own apology into you hair “i’m sorry for jumping to conclusions”
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deliberatelyvague · 4 years
Spotlight (Asmodeus x fem!reader)
Started: April 5, 2020 at 7:42pm
Ended: April 5, 2020 at 8:50pm
Word Count: 2,030
Shipping: [Asmodeus x fem!reader]
Trigger Warning: cutting, eating disorder, (notes of) depression
Author’s Note: Uhh so here’s another one. I enjoy writing stories, so please, continue requesting!
Prompt/Request: OK SO IDK WHICH ONE I WANT TO REQUEST SO IM DOING BOTH. Can I request a mc x asmo scenario where mc is a super duper popular idol but it’s later revealed that in order to keep her beauty she develop an eating disorder and started to develop depression resulting in cutting her self?? Sorry for the weird ask!!
You had always heard the saying ‘beauty is pain’. You didn’t realize how much pain it was, however, until you got down to the Devildom. Of course, you weren’t totally off Scott-free, your fans still expected some content, and you were in no place to deny them that.
Now, you loved the majority of your fans. They always backed you up, defended you and the link, but there was just somethings they couldn’t defend you from. Including yourself, unfortunately.
Getting famous started moderately fine, you went viral because of your singing videos, and you guess some modeling businesses enjoyed your looks and attitude enough that they asked if you could do some shoots. From then on, it was a whirlwind of sessions, meet and greets, starving yourself and self harming.
That last part was relatively new, and it was caused by some hate that you had received. Well, hate was to put it in modern terms. A tabloid had started rumors that you had gained weight, which wasn’t wrong (you were still growing and maturing, your body weight is going to fluctuate), but they stretched it beyond what it was and paired it with some terrible pictures taken with your guard down. It all mixed to create a terrible atmosphere, especially when other tabloids started to gossip about your weight as well.
Eventually it seemed that your weight was the only thing important. So, you started to cut down on food. You started to take walks and workout moderately regularly, and the results were almost instantaneous. You dropped a few pounds a week, your figure slimmed down and you had never felt better. But then, the opposite effect happened with the tabloids, talking about how much weight you had lost, but this time they were praising you. You loved that feeling, it’s why you continued singing and modeling anyway.
People called you beautiful and you thrived off the attention, which is probably why when you went to the Devildom you and Asmodeus hit it off so quickly.
You two were best friends within the first week you were there- and since he had a tendency of going partying after school and hanging out with other friends of his on some days, he never noticed how little you truly ate.
None of the other brother’s noticed, or you figured they didn’t.
But then something happened, you stopped losing weight as quickly as you had been. This sends you into spirals of anxiety, making you cut back more and more, exercise more. But it didn’t work. In fact, one week when you had weighed in, you had gained weight.
As you stared at that number flashing at you, the number that was only a pound above where it had been last week, you started sobbing.
Thoughts piled up in your mind about how you weren’t good enough anymore, about how your fans will leave you, about how Asmodeus would leave you. His friendship meant the world to you, and you would be lying if you told yourself that a friendship was all that you wanted from him.
But he was out partying with demons that were better than you, no doubt, ones that were skinnier, more confident, and yards better than you in everything.
In the back of your mind, you remembered the hater’s comments on some of your most popular songs, telling you about doing things to your body. You remember the tabloids gossiping about self-harm scars on popular actresses' bodies, and you thought about why they would do that. It’s said to be a pleasure source, something that makes the person doing it feel better.
You would do anything to feel actually, genuinely happy, for once, so before you even thought about it you had popped a blade out of the razor in the bathroom and pressed it to your hip. You almost never showed off your stomach, so it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.
You flinched away from the wound almost immediately, the pain coming in tiny spikes. But then, eventually, there was a bit of pleasure coming from it, watching little dots of blood pop up and drip down your hip and fall onto the ground. You cut yourself again, then once more.
You swallowed, breaking out of the trance the red lines had put you in before you realized that you needed to finish your homework. You cleaned up your cuts, sliding on a pair of loose-fitting joggers and a shirt you had taken from Asmodeus and padded over to your desk, sitting in the sodden chair, trying not to bother the cuts more than the pants would already. You quickly finished the homework, well as quickly as you could when every few minutes or so you would move slightly and the cuts would be agitated, and for a few quick moments you considered taking off your pants, but you didn’t know when Asmodeus would make his way to your room and come in without knocking like he usually did.
Though eventually you did change into some sleeping shorts, ones that almost fell off of your body, and that were practically bootie shorts.
“Doll, I’m coming in,” you heard Asmodeus’ voice through the door before he opened it. You were laying on your back on your bed, your head hanging off and your DDD in your hand.
“Asmo!” You called gleefully, his face immediately lightening your mood substantially. “How was the party?”
“It wasn’t as good as the one the other week, you remember that one, right doll? The one I forced you to come to.”
“Oh, yeah that one. I love that the first party you made me go to was also a rave. Go big or go home, right?”
“Of course! Now, Doll, what are we doing tonight? We could watch a movie and eat some unhealthy snacks?”
“Uh, we can watch movies, but I don’t really want to eat anything,” you told him, flipping around on your bed and sitting on your legs. He tilted his head and a frown formed between his two perfectly sculpted eyebrows.
“Oh? But Lucifer told me you didn’t eat tonight, you must be hungry?”
“No, I’m not really,” you assured him, but your stomach decided to betray you in that exact moment almost as if it was saying ‘don’t lie to him I am hungry’.
He looked from your stomach to your face with an unamused look on his face.
“[Y/N], he also told me that he’s never seen you eat, that you don’t eat dinner here at all. You know you don’t have to lie to me, right?”
The honesty in his voice and the look in his eyes almost broke you.
“I know,” he looked concerned, but didn’t push you. You knew you would tell him about your disorder when you were ready, hopefully if he had any idea about your disorder, he knew that too.
The two of you decided to do an at-home spa day, and he took you to his room. The two of you did face masks, hair masks, mani-pedis, and other things like that.
You had chosen each other’s nail colors, and you had picked an orange color to match his eyes, and he picked pink, using a holographic color on your ring figures. You liked that enough you did that on his ring figured too so you both would be matching.
While you waited for your nails to dry and picked out toenail polish, he asked you about any crushes.
“Oh, no, Asmo, I don’t really have my eyes on anyone,” you lied as you looked through the shades of blue he had. His eyes immediately lit up.
“Yes! Yes you do, I knew it! Who is it?” He said excitedly, and you shook your head.
“I knew you wouldn’t believe that. I’m not going to tell you because it’ll never happen, trust me.”
“Doll, how could you say that? I’m sure a lot of people would love to date you, to be able to call you theirs!” You shook your head, scoffing at him.
“Not this guy. I’m pretty sure he had his eyes on someone else, anyway.”
“Is it Lucifer? It does seem like he has his eyes on Diavolo, but I don’t know about that one, Doll. You still might have a chance.”
“No! It’s not Lucifer, I don’t have that big of daddy issues.”
“Who is it? Please, tell me,” he begged, and for the first time you actually looked at him. His eyes showed almost.. sadness. He seemed sad to be thinking about you with someone else.
You just shook your head.
“Asmo,” you let out, leaning back and looking at him. “It’ll ruin this.” He frowned.
“[Y/N], what do you mean?”
“Asmo,” here it comes, you just decided to let it out. “I like you. I really, really like you. But I understand if it weirds you out, if I’m not your type, I-”
You were interrupted when Asmo held the back of your head and brought your lips to his. You melted into his, and he put his hands on your hips and pulled you onto his lap. You let out a yelp when he pulled on you a little too hard, your cuts opening.
“Doll, what’s wrong?” He asks, before looking down at where his hands were, one of his hands having a little spot of blood on them and the shorts being stained with a little amount of blood. “[Y/N], what’s this?” You let his lift your shirt and pull down your shorts slightly, and he let out a small gasp, his face dropping as he took in your figure, one significantly smaller than it had been when you first came, and the multiple cuts you had on you.
“I, it’s just stress. The tabloids, the comment sections of almost anything when I post pictures, it’s all just a lot.”
“Doll, you could have come to me. Here, let’s fix you up a little bit,” he soothed, picking you up and making you wrap your legs around him, carrying you to his bathroom and dressing your wounds. You didn’t say anything to him. “When’s the last time you ate or drank anything?”
“I drank some water earlier today,” you tell him, and he smiles slightly and strokes your hair. “Good job on that, Doll. But we need to get some food in your stomach, okay?”
Your heartbeat sped up, and you shook your head, tears coming.
“No, Asmo, I can’t eat. Please, don’t make me.”
“I’m not asking you to eat much, please, I can’t have my girl dying on me. What about a piece of fruit and some more water?”
You looked at the floor for a few seconds.
“Can we watch something while I eat, and cuddle, please? It’ll help me take my mind off of it, I think.” He nods, and you both walk to the kitchen after fixing your clothes.
Grabbing your food and water you make your way to your room and turn on [TV show or movie] as Asmo sat on the floor, pulling you into his lap, his chest pressed against your back. He kissed underneath your ear.
Once you had finished the food, which took a bit, but it’s still down for now, he praised you.
“Good girl, Doll. Now finish the water and he can cuddle more.”
You finish the water and turn to him.
“Thank you, Asmo. For helping me.”
“Of course, Doll. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
This was written by me in no way trying to romanticize mental illnesses. I try to write what I feel would help me in the moment. I completely understand that mental illnesses don’t just ‘disappear’ when you’ve figured out that someone loves you or someone helps you once- that’s why I don’t write what happens after in most cases. If you are struggling, please reach out to anyone you trust, or call a hotline.
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lovelycevans · 4 years
bucky barnes - 1930s
y/n/n = your nickname
fem! reader
swearing, blood, and guns
2175 words
age 16
waiting for your twin brother steve to come home all battered up with cuts and bruises late at night wasn't a surprise.
when he wasn't home for dinner that was when you'd sit by the fire and wait for him.
you were always the one to fix him up after getting beat up.
today you thought was no different, after dinner, you sat down in front of the fire, knitting a scarf for steve since he had a knack for getting himself sick when you heard the familiar sound of footsteps on the front balcony, you had simply gotten up and went to grab the medical kit.
walking into the salon and seeing your brother with his best friend half-conscious, may I add, was a little bit of a shocker to you.
"oh finally" steve heaved, james had a hand across his back and was, like I said only half-conscious, but he looked up at you and flashed a smile, blood pooling in his mouth.
"what happened?" you had said rushing over to the two boys, grabbing james by the arms and forcing him into the bathroom.
"steve bring a chair here will you?" you said pushing james onto the counter, he's much too tall for you to reach his face, even while sitting down.
a moment later steve appeared in the doorway with a dining room chair in his arms, his face almost turning purple, with the heavy chair.
"now steve will you tell me what happened?" you asked once again while examining james's face before pushing him into the chair.
"he got into a fight, three against one may I add, held his weight for a while but eventually started getting a bit sloppy" steve stated standing in the doorway, leaning on the doorframe.
you had started cleaning the blood of his face, lips pursed.
he wouldn't take his eyes off of your face while you were cleaning his face.
"this might sting," you said lightly putting a pad with some special cleaner made so cuts won't get infected. he hissed when it came in contact with the cuts on his face, flinching away.
you had just placed your hands on your hips.
"do you want help?" you asked with a sharp tone.
"fine, fine doll, just get it over with," james said coming back to his original spot, behind him, steve had raised his eyebrows, looking at his best friend and sister, james made eye contact with him.
he had just rolled his eyes.
"shut up steve" james called at steve. you had furrowed your eyebrows and had grabbed james's jaw.
"don't move" you had ordered, putting bandages on the cuts, once again james's eyes were locked on your face.
"hey y/n is there any leftovers?" steve asked.
"yeah, there should be enough for the both of you, today we had potatoes, peas and chicken by the way" you answered staring attentively at a cut on james's lip.
around 25 minutes later you were finished. you washed your hands and James just sat there staring at you.
"will you be staying the night james?" you asked.
"I told you doll, call me bucky," he said standing up, coming over to the sink. "and yes, if that's ok with you"
you had just rolled your eyes, drying your hands at his nickname.
"it's fine with me but you should ask steve, and where did 'bucky' come from james?" you questioned walking out of the bathroom, he trailed after you like a lost puppy slouching.
"James 'buch'anan barnes, y/n/n, buch goes to bucky," he said with a slight smirk, he knew you hated that nickname.
he had followed you to the kitchen, where steve was eating some dinner at the counter, turning in his chair as you entered the kitchen, james went to sit beside steve while you finished doing the dishes.
a couple of minutes later you have finished the dishes and the two boys were finished their dinner.
"now if you'll excuse me, im going to bed, you should too, we have school tomorrow." you stated drying your hands with a washcloth.
james's eyes followed you out of the room after you left, steve had started chuckling.
james's eyes looked steve up and down, "what's up with you?"
"doll? really?" steve said still laughing, "you are so smitten with my sister" he said with a smile etched across his face.
"w-what! never!" james defended
"mate, chill, i know for a fact she likes you," steve said standing up collecting their plates and putting them beside the washer.
"she does?!" james asked eagerly.
"well... im pretty sure she does" steve added.
"come on mate, dont get me winded up like that" james grumbled.
the next day at school
i don't know how school was back then, so i am going with highschool
today you felt like dressing up so you put on your favourite dress, it was a nice dusty rose with flowers on it, you had adored it.
walking in the halls was a fun experience, people stared, as per usual, james was kinda a social icon while you and steve were not.
james had waved several times to other people, you had turned to go to your locker, where your friend, susan banks was waiting for you.
you hadn't even noticed james and steve following you.
susan's eyes widened at james walking with you, she knew he was friends with your brother but didn't know that the two fo you were friends.
james also still had cuts on his face.
"heyyyy doll?" james groaned making his way over to your locker, "what's your first class?"
"biology" you simply stated.
steve piped up before james could answer "I have math"
susan responded "oh same! we should walk together!" at the offering steve blushed, while walking towards the math room.
"you're stuck with me doll, I have biology too" james said slinging his arm over your shoulder
people stared more than ever, you tried to keep your head down but james held his head high, smiling like a maniac.
in-class james sat right beside you at the double desk you have for biology
"may I say y/n/n you look absolutely ravishing today" james stated resting his head on his hand staring at you, your cheek flushed a light pink at his remark, still staring at the board you answered.
"gee thanks james, wish I could say the same for you" you said with a hint of sarcasm.
he puta hand to his heart.
"ouch, y/n, and please, call me bucky" he offered as class was starting.
throughout the class, james would keep his eyes off of you, people noticed that the one and only, bucky barnes was staring at y/n rogers, his best friends sister.
when the bell rang you slipped past james and made a beeline for English class, which you shared with steve.
you had almost crashed right into steve while he was turning a corner looking for you so you two could walk to class together.
"oh my goodness steve! i am so sorry!" you said steadying  his shoulders.
"I'm good, I'm good!" he piped up,
you both started walking towards English class.
"soooo how was biology with bucky?" steve asked with a suggestive tone.
"it was fine, bit of a starer but other than that, it was fine"
steve raised his eyebrows
"he was staring at you?"
steve suppressed a smile.
"not surprised. he has the biggest crush on you" steve said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"what!" you said stopping from walking, cheek a furious red, "he does not!"
once again steve just raised his eyebrows and kept on walking.
lunch was a fun time, you sat with susan and steve, who passed flirty remarks back and forth, so your eyes just wandered over the lunchroom and they landed on Annabelle Rusnak, a pretty, rich blonde girl flirting with james.
it looked as though he was flirting back, your heart sank, you should've never gotten your hopes up.
you stared at the scene, you were pretty good at reading lips so you could see james calling her doll.
to be honest you kinda liked the nickname, it was sweet, but now it had lost its meaning.
you had adverted your eyes when he looked your way, staring right in front of you, pretending to zone out.
"hellloooo?? earth to y/n?" susan said waving her hand over your face.
"yes?" you answered slowly reconnecting back into the world.
"are you ok? you were zoning out?" susan asked with a concerned look on her face.
"oh yeah I'm fine" she didn't look convinced, but kept on eating.
when the bell rang for everyone to get ready to go back to class, once again you had stood straight up and made a beeline for your locker.
"hey doll" a firmilar voice rang in your ear.
"will you stop calling me that?" you asked with a sharp tone, not missing a beat.
he looked taken aback.
"o-oh okay" he stuttered.
he stood beside your locker before saying, "I should go"
after school
you were sitting on your bed doing homework when you heard two familiar voices in the room beside yours, you knew eavesdropping was impolite and rude, but you didn't care, you put your ear to the wall and listened.
"I think I really like her" you thought was james
"who?" steve asked, "you have girls left and right waiting for you, which one?" he asked with a chuckle
"Annabelle of course!"
your heart fell again, tears started to well up in your eyes. you needed some air.
you left your room, grabbing your coat and decided to go for a walk to the library.
"mom! dad! I'm going to the library!" you yelled closing the front door.
at the library you someone you didn't expect to see, Zachary Fluterson.
you had always thought he was cute, he was pretty popular, but also very sweet, he loved to read which you admired.
upon your entry he looked up, his cheeks flushed a red colour then he immediately looked back at his book.
you walked towards the human anatomy section, you had always liked to read about the human body, and its mysteries, you wanted to be a doctor.
you had settled down on a couch near where Zachary sat at a table, a couple of minutes later he came over to you.
"um h-hi," he said with his hand behind his back standing in front of you.
"hi" you replied back
"I'm Zach"
"I know, we go to school together, you're in my math class"
"oh yeah, uh, I was wondering if, um, maybe you wanted to maybe, go to a film together?" he said head down, fidgeting with his fingers.
you slightly raised your eyebrows, when he saw that you did that he started talking again.
"oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just always thought you were pretty! I'm so sorry" he said walking away.
"no wait!" you said standing up and grabbing his arm. "i would love to go to a film with you"
"yeah! you're pretty too" you added with a smile.
he smiled back.
"um, its pretty late and dark, mind if i walk you home?" he asked
"i would like that"
on the walk home you talked about anything and everything, it was nice, when you and him made it to the doorstep, you both stopped.
"thanks for walking me home"
"no problem"
"can we talk about the details for the movie tomorrow?"
you smiled and walked inside, closing the door, then leaning on it, sighing.
"where were you?" steve questioned sitting on the couch with james
"at the library"
"who was that?" james asked
"pretty sure that was somebody" steve chimed
"fine, it was Zachary Fluterson"
steve started laughing, you scowled and started walking towards your bedroom, taking off your coat, steve got up and jogged over to you, james following him.
"what were you doing with Zachary?" james asked quietly
"well he asked me to a film, then walked me home" you said walking into your room then closing the door
steve looked to james who had his eyebrows furrowed, they then walked back into the salon.
"james, are you staying for dinner?" Mrs.Rogers asked James.
"oh no mrs.rogers I should get going now"
"bye bucky" steve said walking him out.
on james's walk home he realized something.
he was in love with you.
Age 40
bucky woke up in a cold sweat recounting the events that occurred 80 years ago, little did he know y/n rogers was alive.
when steve woke up he did a search to see if his twin sister was alive, he found out that a couple of years after he went into the ice she went missing and her body was found a couple of months later.
fuck hydra
nobody knew that she was in training to be a new winter solider.
wattpad: AnnabethJacksonplz
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yandere-society · 5 years
Hello Lovely admins!!! Can I request Yandere Jungkook and Jin reacting to you having a secret sex Snapchat account? Or like one where you send nudes and stuff? Love y’all !!!
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author/admin: kimseokmomjins🥀
a/n: Poor attempt at smut (heavy petting, degradation), possessive behavior, slut shaming
It was the day of the big Overwatch League match: Seoul Dynasty versus Vancouver Titans. Jungkook wanted to catch the first half of the game during his lunch break, so he set up the live stream on his work laptop and kicked back. While most of the stream chat was a constant influx of Korean, there was one message in English that kept popping up: “I’llBeYourBaby: Lonely and wanna talk to a cute egirl? Visit my stream😘✨ You won’t regret it 🍑” Jungkook scoffed at the plea for attention. The spiteful, cruel side of him felt the need to bully I’llBeYourBaby for whoring herself out to strangers. How desperate for money could someone be that they’ll sell their body for perverts on the internet? And what a lonely, miserable life a man must have lived to resort to paying an e-girl for a morsel of attention to be thrown their way. The very notion of internet prostitution, and sex work in general, was disgusting in Jungkook’s mind. But his conservative ways are exactly why he adored you.
You were the perfect girlfriend: responsible, considerate, loyal and sweet. You were committed to your job of tutoring English online, you were quick-witted, funny, and also enjoyed gaming just as much as he did.  In Jungkook’s eyes, you truly were the love of his life, and he was practically ready to drop down on one knee.
Out of pure spite, Jungkook clicked on the username, entering the live stream at the top of the profile. With a twisted sense of justice, Jungkook was ready to spew vitriol at the female streamer to further his agenda, but immediately, it felt like a cold bucket of water had been dumped over him. Jungkook expected the stream to be hosted by some busty, bimbo whose breasts spilled over her tank top while she played like shit in League. He expected some overly-flirtatious, inauthentic wannabe that was trying to make a quick buck from neckbeards. He expected anyone— everyone— except for you.
Unlike the risque, hypersexualized woman he had envisioned before, Jungkook saw that you were dressed somewhat modestly, wearing a simple white turtleneck, blush pink skirt and white knee-high socks. You weren’t flaunting your breasts or purposefully exuding sex appeal. Instead, you looked adorable as you fiddled with your purple galaxy Nintendo DS.
“Welcome, JustinSeagull! Thanks for joining my stream,” you greeted with a smile and wave. Jungkook found himself in a state of shock, unable to comprehend the predicament he’d just found you in. It certainly wasn’t a popular stream, but judging by the measly 16 viewers you were interacting with, Jungkook surmised that you were quite familiar with them.
knjkoya: baby, tell me why you’re so fine
jiiiiiimin: 😍😍😍😍
jiiiiiimin: step on me pls
Giggling, you addressed your viewers comments. “I would step on you, but Animal Crossing is so fuuuun,” you whined with a tiny, playful pout. “How was everyone’s day? Let me know below in the chat.”
HopeWrld: Thought about you all day 💚
CallMeJin: My day was fine, thanks for asking sweetheart. Are you enjoying animal crossing?
taetaebae: damn is it me or iss she acting mroe innocent than usual ??
You looked up from your DS to read the comments, giggling when you read the most recent ones. “Yes, I am enjoying myself, CallMeJin! Tom Nook is a huge jerk though, the interest rate on his loans are kind of bullshit,” you joked as you returned your attention to your device, uncrossing your legs slightly which gave your viewers a teasing glimpse of your underwear. Ones that Jungkook had gifted you for your 100 day anniversary.
As more comments rolled in, the filthier they became:
CallMeJin: Glad you’re having fun babygirl :)
knjkoya: i make 150k a year, i can pay off your loans any day if u just sit on my lap
D-Boy: im so fucking hard rn wtf
Jungkook was in awe at the pure filth these degenerates were spilling. But most of all, he was upset at you— how could you demean yourself like this? How could you betray him? Jungkook pushed his sleeves up, ready to type a long-winded message defending your honor, a notification popped up on screen along with a gif of a cat pawing at the screen. Someone named HopeWrld had donated $100 to your stream.
“Oh! HopeWrld, thank you so much for the donation,” you chirped, “Since you helped me reach my goal, I’ll let you ask me one question, anything is fair game.” You winked at the camera, blowing a kissy face. Little by little, Jungkook’s perception of you was beginning to shatter, splintering into a thousand fragments. He thought back to all the times when you’d complain about receiving unsolicited dick pics, or reaffirm your idea that ‘men only think with their dicks.’ It was apparent Jungkook knew only of the side you wanted to show him, leaving him oblivious to the secrets you withheld from him— your very own boyfriend.
Despite the churning of his stomach, Jungkook remained firmly planted in his seat, unmoving, waiting to see how else you could disappoint him.
HopeWrld: Are you single?
Jungkook’s eyes burned holes into the computer monitor, anticipating your response. Since you were clearly lying to him, he assumed you’d do the same for your viewers. Perhaps you’d neglect to tell these scumbags that you had a boyfriend— one you’d been with for over two years, someone you shared a home with, no less. Jungkook’s tongue peeked out and wet his lips, the chapped skin craving any sort of moisture.
You sighed, folding the Nintendo DS in half and focusing your full attention at the camera. “Ah, interesting question.” Tucking your hands in your lap, you tilted your head slightly to the left, looking demure and shy. “I do have a boyfriend,” you admitted. Jungkook always found your mannerisms endearing, and even now, in the midst of his anger, he felt his heart beat erratically due to your telltale signs of nervousness: the twitch of your left eyebrow, the biting of your lip, the fiddling of your fingers.
“He doesn’t know I do this, though,” you quickly added. “It’s kind of my dirty little secret.”
D-Boy: Dirty little secret for a dirty little girl
taetaebae: i fuckin called it
taetaebae: @CallMeJin u still gonna act like a tryhard ?? lmao
knjkoya: i’ll give you $500 to break up with him, no kappa
Disregarding the comments, you continued to gush about Jungkook, although you didn’t explicitly mention his name. “But anyway, I’ve been with him for a few years now, and I love him so much. It would kill him if he ever found out about this.”
‘I love him so much’. Bullshit.
Jeon Jungkook knew everyone loved him, how could they not? Despite people likening him to James Dean or Adonis, Jungkook didn’t care much for his looks. He only cared about whether you found him attractive. The same could be said about any of his traits: his personality, his sense of humor, even the way he slept at night. The only love Jungkook cared about was yours. Your affection, your acceptance, your undivided attention.
Unlike him, though, you apparently craved the affections of other men— strangers from the internet who didn’t care about your generous soul and fragile heart. They only wanted to fuck you, discard you like trash until they found another shiny new toy.
Jungkook slammed his laptop shut, his mind clouded by fury, but still cognizant enough to formulate a plan. It was risky, but in the end it would ensure that you never consider straying from him again.
Your fingers deftly thumbed the buttons of the gaming device, controlling your Animal Crossing character as they collected seashells from the shore. Every now and then, you’d giggle, wink at the camera, read a comment or two, and then return to your game. It was easy money, and it also boosted your ego a bit. Jungkook, although being an attentive, caring boyfriend, whilst being a more than a generous lover, could be a bit suffocating at times. He dictated what you wore— more often than not, suggesting you wear couple outfits— carefully monitored your social media and even conducted background checks on all of your male family members.
Although it was twisted, you couldn’t help but feel validated at the small bits of attention you got through streaming. It was what kept you practically sane in your relationship with Jungkook, what ensured that you never snapped back at your boyfriend when he urged you to wear something less revealing, or when he scolded you for “flirting” with the older blind gentleman that lived in your apartment complex.
Humming contentedly, you delivered a package to a citizen named Purrl, only glancing up at your computer monitor to briefly acknowledge the chat, when you spotted Jungkook glaring at you from the doorway. Startling slightly, you hit Control + Tab and switched to Youtube, trying to look inconspicuous.
“H-Hi baby,” you greeted, smiled forced, yet still somewhat genuine. “You’re home early, I didn’t hear you arrive.” Jungkook clicked his tongue and pushed off the doorframe, stride confident and eyes set to kill. He responded vaguely, “Got out early.”
Jungkook approached you, his dominating presence settling over the back your white gaming chair. He feigned interest at your game at hand, “Well, what do we have here?” You glanced over your shoulder at your boyfriend, doing your best to keep your cool. “Ah, yeah, I’m playing Animal Crossing! Isn’t my character adorable?” You nudged the DS towards Jungkook who smiled politely— he knew that you knew that wasn’t what he was talking about, but Jungkook was certain that he could play the better liar.
He accepted the DS from your hands and inspected your character, before handing the electronic device back. “She looks just like you, Y/N. It’s cute.” You blushed, not because of his praise, but due to the embarrassment. Your livestream was still ongoing, meaning your viewers were seeing this entire awkward situation unfold, and you hoped to God that Jungkook didn’t notice the tiny green dot on your webcam. If he did, Jungkook would undeniably find a way to take away the only form of freedom you had to interact with the opposite sex.
“You know,” he mused, coiling a strand of hair around his index finger, “I also think it’s cute how you actually believe you can lie to me.” Your heart skipped a beat, and your breath hitched slightly as you tried to remain calm. You kept your concentration solely on Animal Crossing, trying to avoid your boyfriend’s scrutiny.  Jungkook leaned in closer until his face was level with yours. Peeking at him out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his focus was not on you, but rather on your computer monitor, right hand already poised on the mouse. The cursor dragged over to the leftmost tab and you sucked in a breath, an intense sense of impending doom coiling in your gut.
The screen changed to show a mirror image of yourself, alongside Jungkook, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips. Your secret had been exposed— and you knew it was only a matter of time, as keeping secret from Jungkook was a difficult task— but you hadn’t imagined it to happen this way. To be exposed on stream, by none other than your boyfriend.
You expected his fury, his disappointment— any sort of reaction, really— instead, feeling the tantric slither of his hand as it crept up your sternum.
“If you want to attention so badly, all you had to do was ask, babe,” Jungkook murmured into the shell of your ear, his body gracefully sliding itself under your thighs and repositioning you onto his lap. Tantalizingly slow, Jungkook’s fingers worked their way up the expanse of your chest until they nestled themselves over your breasts, his hands palming the clothed surface.
Although he was gentle, there was an underlying roughness to his touch. His fingers pinched the flesh of your breasts until it hurt, but would release a second later, only to alleviate the discomfort with soothing massages. Jungkook’s mouth rhythmically suckled pink bruises into the crook of your neck, eliciting a soft whimper. He smirked, satisfied that he was able to rile you up so easily. He lazily dragged his tongue up the column of your throat until his mouth rested right under your ear, leaving a sloppy trail of saliva in its wake.
His left hand relinquished control of one breast and acquainted itself with your inner thigh, his thumb toying with the elastic with featherlight touches. “You’re such a stupid little slut,” Jungkook purred, teeth nipping at your earlobe. “But at least you’re my little slut.” During all your moments of intimacy, Jungkook had never once bestowed upon you such a degrading name, as his kinks were more aligned towards praise rather than humiliation. But you surmised that his spiteful words were simply misplaced frustration.
How long had it been? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? It was impossible to tell, as you found yourself lost in the sensual motions, completely forgetting that, although you were in private, your stream was still live. You were only pulled out of your lust-induced haze when you heard the chime of your donation notification, reminding you that you had a small audience of onlookers. “Jungkook, the- the stream… I need to end the broadcast,” you weakly protested, trying to wriggle out from his grasp. Your boyfriend kept you firmly molded to him, his growing need nestled between the folds of your skirt.
“Let them watch,” Jungkook stated, brazenly making eye contact with the camera. “Since you clearly don’t mind the attention, why don’t we give them a run for their money?”
Your eyes widened, finding Jungkook’s shamelessness slightly erotic, but nevertheless feeling absolutely mortified at your compromising position. Comments were rolling in steadily, causing your heart to clench in self-loathing.
taetaebae: wtf wtf wtf
taetaebae: this shit is fuckin wilfd lmfao 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
D-Boy: what a hoe
HopeWrld: what is even happening
D-Boy: at least shes hot tho
“Kookie, baby please,” you pleaded, grabbing onto the one arm that fondled your breast, feeling the sinew of his muscles ripple under your fingertips. “I’m guh-gonna get banned if you k-keep- keep doing this.” Jungkook ignored your weak-willed objections and continued to torment you by sliding his finger into your slick heat. A moan was coaxed from your throat, the shiver from his sudden entrance causing you to lean into further into Jungkook’s chest.
knjkoya: Lucky bastard
CallMeJin: After all the money I’ve sent you?? At the very least, you could have just pretended to be a good girl, I’llBeYourBaby. Unsubscribing. Pokimane is hotter anyway.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the visual in front of you: Jungkook’s right hand splayed across your chest, while his left hand sinful touches under the ruffles of your skirt— which was, thankfully, hidden low enough to not be captured on the stream— whilst his mouth worked in tandem, leaving your neck littered in splotches of pink, red and lilac. You looked like a mess, but felt completely invigorated.
But still, despite your body being pulled into euphoria, your mind was plagued with negative thoughts. These viewers, your followers, were one of the last few sources of entertainment left, and if the broadcast was reported then your IP would be banned permanently, which meant no more streaming, no more fun, no more freedom.
Pulling away from Jungkook’s lips, you attempted to stand your ground, craning your neck to face him. “Jungkook, please don’t do this while I’m live. Let me sign out and I’ll take care of you.” Your boyfriend’s eyes settled on your bite-swollen lips and the way your heavy-lidded eyes betrayed your protests to stop. He should get what he wants while respecting your autonomy, but the selfish, vile side within him screamed to punish, punish, punish.
Jungkook gently brought his lips to yours, giving you a tender, chaste kiss, lulling you into a false sense of security. You smiled shyly, a tinge of pink dusting your cheeks and Jungkook returned the gesture with one of his toothy grins. Ever so carefully, Jungkook raised his hips and pulled out something hard, firm, from his rear pocket— a thick bundle of crisp, $100 bills, totaling close to three grand.  
As soon as your guard had been let down, he shoved the stack into your mouth, effectively gagging you. His other hand clamped down on your wrists, preventing them from reaching the mouse or keyboard. “You want these loser scumbags to pay you while you act like their cute, sweet gamer girlfriend? How about cold, hard cash? Will that keep you satisfied, princess?”
Jungkook eyed the chatroom, his attention catching on a particular message that, if it could even be possible, made dick harden even more.
jiiiiiimin: you should just let us watch you fuck her
With a scoff and cocky grin, Jungkook tilted his head mockingly. “Like hell I will. Go get your dicks hard to someone who’s not taken.” And with that, Jungkook pushed off the chair, pinning you into the desk on your stomach, whilst his other hand palmed the flesh of your bottom, a telltale sign that a rather lengthy spanking would be coming your way. The sheer force of your readjustment onto the desk had sent the computer monitor and webcam tumbling off the desk, landing in a shattered mess on the floor, pieces of plexiglass and plastic littered everywhere.
You made a mental note: be sure to buy a new monitor after Jungkook’s punishment, and make sure the next one is shatter-proof.
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rvnjun · 6 years
nct 2018 reacts | their idol crush gets made fun of by an mc
warnings: idk if this is a warning but the reader gets made fun of for their looks sometimes genre: angst but all fluffy paring: nct x fem!reader a/n: I didn't add gifs because i'm lazy and my computer crashes when I try adding more than 9 gifs to a post
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Taeil would be playing with his hands, he was very nervous, it wasn't easy being on the same show as the person you've been crushing on forever. His ears would perk up when he heard your name mentioned. “You look like a frog trying to walk on two legs,” the mc said while watching your dancing. Immediately he felt his heart drop. He looked at your expression and felt his anger boil, it was obvious that you were hurt. “Hey, dancing isn't easy, you should try it,” Taeil spoke quietly while looking at his hands. He looked up to see you smiling brightly at him
“How can a leader be so quiet and reserved? Shouldn't it be you to peak up and not your members?” the host asked after another membered explained the album and not you. “Well actually during comebacks someone gets assigned to remember what to say about the album, its not always the leader,” Taeyong defended. He could tell you seemed hurt and he didn't like seeing his biggest crush offended. The host nodded in response, he didn't expect Taeyong to defended you like that, he was intimidated. Once the camera were off you'd go over and thank him for sticking up for you.
“I literally didn't know that you were in this comeback. Where were you in the mv and where are your lines?” the host asked while looking at you. Truth be told, you didn't know why you didn't get many lines nor why you didn't have much screen time. “I really don't know,” you mumbled while looking at the water bottle in front of you. Johnny nodded his head, he knew what it was like to work so hard for something and have it still be out of your reach. The hosts laughed “Apparently there is something very wrong with you,” he said while trying to move on to the next topic. Johnny rolled his eyes, he placed a reassuring hand over yours and gave you a calming smile. “Don't listen to him, okay? Even though you don't have many lines this comeback you shine brighter than your members,” he encouraged. You nodded your head and tried to calm your beating heart. Johnny's words really helped you and you made sure that you needed to hank him the next time you saw him
“If we are talking about looks here than Y/N is definitely at the bottom,” the mc said while laughing along with the others. Your eyes widened, you were surprised to hear his words. Yuta was too, he had always had a crush on you and thought of you as the most beautiful women he had ever met. “No, Y/N would be at the top,” Yuta corrected while sending the mc a deathly glare. You giggled and sent a smirk over to mc. Yuta couldn't help but laugh at your new found confidence
Your Korean wasn't the best and you'd be the first person to admit it. Despite knowing about your lack of Korean speaking skills you didn't like being made fun of for them. However making fun of your speaking seemed to be what every host did, it was their favorite thing. Ten had noticed this, throughout the entirety of filming the host would reoccurringly laugh at how you said things or when you forgot a word. By the end of filming Ten noticed that you weren't speaking as much, he would feel extremely bad so he approached you and said. “Y/N dont listen to them, its not easy learning another language. I bet none of them can speak 2 languages (or more).” You smiled at his words, he had a point. “Thanks, Ten,” you said with a charming smile. Ten would nod and decide to help you for the rest of filming, he didnt care if the fans noticed
“And you are the main vocalist? How in the world did that happen?” the host asked after listening to you singing your favorite song on your new album. You were clearly taken back by his statement, you had been called a terrible vocalist before but always by angi fans, never by a host. “And you are the main host? How in the world did that happen?” Doyoung sasssed back while sending the host a glare. You giggled at him causing his heart to flutter. The host simply looked at the floor and burned red in embarrassment while everyone laughed at him
Kun was standing next to you while your members talked about your new song and the highlight parts. He was already extremely nervous because of this comeback and being next to his crush made his nerves 10x worse. “I keep forgetting your not a 6 membered group and that there is 7 of you,” the host said while gesturing to you. You had taken a hiatus because of health problems and this was your first comeback back. Kun couldn't control his expression, his faced formed into confusion before it went to pure anger. Once the camera were off and you guys were leaving Kun leaned over and whispered in your ear “Don't listen to him Y/N. Sometimes I forget you aren't a solo artist because you shine so much compared to your members,” he winked at you before walking away. You brought your hand up to your heart and tried to control its rapid beating
Jaehyun awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while the host started asking questions about his personal life. When his ideal type was mentioned the host brought up if any of the other girls on the show matched his ideal type. Truthfully, he wanted to answer yes and mention you but of course he knew that he couldn't do that. “Well I can tell you this, it isnt Y/N,” the host added while making everyone laugh except for you and Jaehyun. Jaehyun could tell from your expression that you were hurt, being made fun of for your looks was a recurring thing for you on variety shows. “Actually, I was going to say Y/N is the closest person to my ideal type,” he said making your cheeks turn crimson
Winwin didn't know what to say or do, all he knew was that he wanted to stick up for you. He looked at the hosts before choosing to not speak up yet and instead say something later. Once the filming was over you were mentally and physically exhausted. “Y/N? Id like to apologize for not sticking up for you earlier, I should have said something,” he said with an apologetic smile. You shook your head “Its okay Winwin, im glad you said something now,” you said making him feel much better, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Uh, here is my number. Call if you need anything,” Winwin said before rushing away to his managers
Jungwoo took a bite of the ice cream and continued to walk with a skip in his step. Today was a good day, the sun was shining, he got ice cream, and he was able to film a show with his idol crush. “You know Y/N, I wouldn't eat on camera if I were you, you look like a donkey,” the mc said while they changed the cameras out. “Oh,,,okay,” you said while tossing the cone away. You felt sick to your stomach, why hasn't someone told you the truth before.”Y/N,” Jungwoo mumbled while walking next to you. You looked away, embarrassed to be called a donkey while in the presence of Jungwoo. “Don't listen to him, you look perfectly fine, stunning actually,” he said with a cheeky grin. You giggled at his words and thank him. Jungwoo placed a short but sweet kiss on your cheek
You followed close behind Lucas, he tall stature and broad shoulders helped shield you from the harsh winds. He had told you to stay behind him, that he could lead the way back and you felt bad. You wanted to be able to help out more but you were already sick due to the lack of food and the freezing rain. Byungman had insisted that you and Lucas go and find some wood but what eh didn't realize that a huge storm was going to hit. Now you two were stuck in it while trying to get back to base camp. After what felt like hours you were completely worn out, and it was noticeable. Your fever had raised and you kept coughing. Once you got back Lucas was beyond worried for you “Y/N you're so useless right now and you're literally the ugliest thing i've ever seen,” one of the guests on the show said while laughing. Lucas scrunched his face up in confusion “She is sick, id like to see you try and walk 2 miles in this storm while sick. I think she still looks beautiful,” Lcas said while giving yo a soft smile.
“Y/N you look like a lifeless corpse,” the host said with a laugh while pointing at your makeupless face. You looked at him with wide eyes and hid yourself behind your hands. “Im sorry, let me go apply my makeup,” you said while turning around and returning to your room. “Y/N I think you look even more stunning, if that's possible,” he smoothly flirted without realizing. The hosts were surprised by his words, just like you. “Oh my, thank you Mark,” you giggled while removing your hands from your face with a new found confidence causing Mark to smile proudly.
You sat in the chair and played with your fingers while you waited to be called back on set. Biting your lip you did your best to hide back the tears but it was really hard. No one liked getting made fun of for their looks, especially not in front of their crush. You looked up and wiped your tears when you heard someone in front of you cough. “Hey Y/N,” Renjun said while he looked down at you. “Hello Renjun,” you simply said before looking back down. You tried to hold them back but they kept falling.”Y/N don't listen to them, you're a beautiful girl, there literally isnt a single flaw on you,” Renjuns words took you by surprise. You looked up at him with light pink cheeks. Renun sighed and cupped your face in his hands before wiping your tears with his thumb. “I mean it”
Jeno held the microphone tighter than usual, his eyes were burning holes into the camera and his poster was picture perfect. “Y/N, you read the wrong line, who invited you to be the guess mc?” the other mc asked while staring at you. Jeno furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at you. You lightly laughed and tried to keep a smile. Once the camera were off you rushed away so you could cry. “Y/N!” Jeno called out while reaching for your hand. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him with a wry smile. “Don't listen to him, you did great,” he said sending an eruption of butterflies in your stomach
Haechan scoffed at the hosts joke. “Its not cool to make fun of someone for something they cant control,” he said while sending him a sharp glare. The host looked back at Haechan “What did you just say to me?” he asked, testing the younger boy. “I said dont make fun of someone for something they cant control,” Haechan snapped back. You watched from Haechan side with a glint in your eyes. No one had ever stuck up for you like that. “Thank you haechan, I mean it,” you mumbled to him before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Haechan watched in awe as you walked ahead, his hand went up to the spot where your lips once were and he beamed
You yelped slightly as you slipped on the floor, your hand reached out for something to hold onto so you wouldn't fall. Grabbing Jaemins forearm tightly you caught your balance. You sent Jaemin an apologetic smile, he had been helping you out all day. “Wow Y/N, dont you think Jaemin is tired of taking care of you, its like he is babysitting,” the host started to laugh at his own joke, others joined in. You stopped and looked over at him. Jaemin didnt mind taking care of you, you were his biggest crush and he liked having you cling to him. “Please dont put words in my mouth, I dont mind it at all,” he said with giving you a soft smile
The host stared at your beat red face, you were in the middle of trying to think of a reply but couldn't come up with anything. Instead you opted to sutter out a incomprehensible “yes.” The host rolled his eyes at you before looking at the producer “Why did you invite her, she can't even answer a simple question. How are you a idol?” he tried to play it off as funny but you were very much hurt by it. You knew you were shy and awkward and you did your best to get over it. “I think her shyness makes her even more cuter,” Chenle piped up out of nowhere. You sent Chenle a thankful smile, no one had ever stuck up for you like that, especially not a cute boy
Jisung watched in awe as your body moved to the beat perfectly, he was completely mesmerized by your dancing. Once you were done you smiled proudly, you had noticed the way Jisung was looking at you and it made you feel all giddy inside. “And you call yourself a dancer?” the mc asked while giving you a sharp stare. Jisungs eyes widened, he didnt even know what came over him when he spoke “No offense but she is the most amazing dancer id ever seen.” Once Jisung realized what he said he glanced over at you and saw you giving him the biggest heart eyes he had ever seen, he put his hand up to his mouth and tried to hide his growing smile
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taemyg · 7 years
love thy neighbor (1)
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characters: jungkook x reader, jimin 
genre: smut, fluff, angst(?)
warnings: language, roughness, smut, oral, mxm references, 
Jeon Jungkook was a pain in your ass but, you would never wish the crushing pain of heartbreak on anyone.
a/n: basically,, u live in an apartment. jungkook lives above u and is loud and annoying. then things happen. i’ve been working on this one for a whileee and i’m actually proud of it so i hope u guys like it :)) there are TWO parts idk when two is being posted but im working!! leave me feedback plz
Your right eye seemed to be twitching again—the second time within an hour. Your fingers harshly dug into the side of your phone, putting your volume as high as it could go. The soothing beats and vocals from your favorite artist—that seemed to always get you through your all nighters—did nothing to block out the loud footsteps and steady tempo from above you. You groaned, slamming your pencil down on top of your notebook, a few flashcards scattering from the impact.
As often as this happened you still couldn't get used to it. The college aged boy living above you seemed to always have enough energy to run a marathon—which is what you expected he did during his free time—always stomping around and blasting a mixture of music ranging in different genres.
The first time you were disturbed by his loud music and heavy feet was a week after you moved into the cozy apartment. You were trying to catch a nap after hours of unpacking but every time your eyes closed, a booming bass would force them open. After an internal debate with yourself, you marched upstairs, banging on the door like a madwoman. When the door swung open, you weren’t expecting a man so handsome to answer.
You could recall that day so well. He was wearing a white tee—something you noticed he wore quite often— blue jeans and had a pair of bright neon socks covering his feet. His eyes were large and a warm mocha brown, almost distracting you from the sweet bunny smile plastered on his face.
“Hi.” He greeted with a raised brow, head slowly tilting to the side.
“Um, hi.” You spoke up, seeming to lose all confidence you gained while storming over. “Listen, not to be that person but,” You paused as a melodic giggle came from behind him, his figure blocking you from seeing into the apartment.
“Jungkook, is it the pizza? Hurry up already I’m starving.” The man blocking the doorway—seeming to be Jungkook—chuckled to himself before turning around and disappointing the man inside, yelling that there was no pizza, just a girl he didn’t know.
“So, what is it?” He asked after a moment of silence passed, indicating he had much better things to do.
“I can’t sleep.” You deadpanned, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff.
Jungkook blinked, leaning on the doorway with complete confusion shown on his face. “I’m sorry, what does that have to do with me?”
“You and your—” You paused, planning out your rant. “Your friend, or girlfriend whoever you always have over! You’re always stomping around at ungodly hours of the night keeping me up. Not to mention that horrid rock music, who the hell listens to screamo?”
“Um, me?” He replied, seeming to only care about the least important part of your complaint.
“Just please,” You sighed, wanting to return to the comfort of your bed as quickly as possible. “Keep it down.”
“Will do.”
You stalked off to your room after that and got as good of a sleep as you could that night. Eventually, the rapid, heavy footsteps and loud music returned. You visited a few more times which just resulted in the two of you arguing and the tall brunette being pulled away by his much shorter boyfriend, Jimin, who promised they would try to contain themselves as Jungkook continued to spew profanities as the blonde turned the volume down. That night instead of loud music you were kept awake by lewd noises and banging you had to force yourself to believe was from something other than the bed.
You wrote complaints and even called the associate of your apartment building a few times but they never took the reports seriously. It was student housing after all and you weren’t paying much for the thin walled one bedroom apartment you lived in. They insisted they spoke to Jungkook about the issue but said they couldn’t do much considering you were the only one complaining without much evidence. A few messages after they stopped replying completely. You were sure Jungkook had somehow reached out to them and bribed them to keep quiet, the issue still remaining unresolved.
Eventually, you learned to work around the distraction that was Jeon Jungkook. Of course, this didn’t mean you were friendly with him when you saw him around. When he conveniently seemed to come down to wash his clothes around the time yours finished in the dryer, you ignored him completely, collecting your clothes and marching back to your room with your nose high in the air.
It seemed like tonight the music was even louder paired with heavier steps. You came to the conclusion after about a month of seeing Jungkook answer the door with sweat glistening on his forehead and soaking his white tees that he was a dancer. His boyfriend, Jimin was one as well and they seemed to take it pretty serious. Which is part of the reason you stopped caring so much about the loud noises, realizing he didn’t have anywhere else to practice his passion. But you needed your peace and quiet for tonight.
Your head seemed to be rattling along with the music and you leaped out of your seat, finally having enough. You tore your headphones out of your ear and marched to Jungkook’s door, knocking and kicking violently. Soon enough, the music came to a stop and Jungkook was swinging the door open with an irritated look opposed to his usual amused grin.
“Jeon Jungkook, I am trying to study for an exam. Turn the music off and take a fucking nap.”
“Listen, Y/N, I have an important audition coming up and I have to practice. Go to a library.”
“Wha—” You stuttered, stunned he was trying to rid you from your own home. “Excuse you, what makes you think you can tell me where to go! I live here. You can rent a fucking dance studio if you wanna play happy feet all night.”
“Ah, go home. I’m not stopping until I get this move right.” He moved to slam the door in your face but you slammed your hand on the door, a hot rage seeming to wash over you.
“Jungkook. Turn. It. Off.” You took a pause between each word, your glare growing colder by the second. Jungkook opened his mouth, ready to argue no doubt, but was cut off by a fluff of pink hair skipping towards the two of you.
“Kookie!” Jimin exclaimed with a smile, giving his boyfriend a sweet peck. Jungkook’s mood seemed to instantly brighten, greeting Jimin with a warm smile. You cleared your throat, still demanding attention from Jungkook about the current situation. “Oh hi, Y/N, what are you doing here?” Jimin innocently asked. The glare aimed towards Jungkook seemed to silently answer his question. Jimin turned to his boyfriend with a sigh. “Kook, I told you, you could practice at my place.”
“No,” Jungkook deadpanned. “This is my house. I pay rent and I have a right to practice my fucking choreography.”
“Not at 2 in the fucking morning you don’t. I have an exam that I have been stressing about for months, Jeon and you’re not about to fuck up my studying time.”
“It’s not my fault you’re cramming the night before, princess.”
“You know what—”
“Guys!” Jimin exclaimed, raising his hands up to try and create a distance before the two of you began a physical fight. “Jungkook, just come over my place.” Jungkook opened his mouth to continue to defend himself but Jimin’s harsh glare snapped his mouth shut. He instead turned to face you, his stare hard and angry.
“No, it's fine I need to rest anyways I’ll stop for tonight.” He pushed his front door open wider so he could shove Jimin inside. “But for the rest of the week, I’m keeping you up, especially if I don’t kill it at this audition.” He threatened before his lips twitched into a grin, patting your head and wishing a good night before the door slammed shut in your face.
Jeon Jungkook would be the death of you, you were sure of it.
Jungkook seemed to be quite serious fulfilling his threat. It was difficult to sleep the rest of the week. You were either awoken by his heavy footsteps or couldn't fall asleep at all due to the heavy movement from his bed that seemed to be placed right above yours. It wasn't rocket science for you to assume what exactly he was doing to make all that noise.
As the week came to an end, the loud noises seemed to simmer down as well. Three weeks into a new month and Jungkook had suddenly become the quietest resident in the building. His once heavy footsteps seemed to become lighter because you hadn’t heard them since. You assumed his speaker must have burst from the loud bass over time since you hadn’t heard the familiar pop and hip hop beats he played often. At first, you thought he had found a new apartment to move into or moved in with Jimin but his silver Honda remained parked in its famous spot. It wasn’t until you ran into him in the apartment's gym that you realized something was wrong.
“So, did you finally get a threatening letter from another neighbor?” You asked teasingly while filling up your water bottle. Jungkook was jogging on a treadmill, eyes focused straight ahead as sweat dripped down his face. Jungkook was a regular at the community’s gym and it didn’t surprise you one bit. The boy was all muscle. His veiny arms and hands caught your attention more times than you’d like to admit and his tempting abs that you witnessed first hand after bumping into him at the pool. Jungkook was far too good looking for his own good and it frustrated you.  
After a brief silence, he seemed to notice your eyes on him and turned to face you, ripping earbuds you never noticed out of his ears.
“What?” He snapped, not missing a step as he continued his steady pace on the treadmill. You raised an eyebrow, taking in the annoyed look on his face before raising your hands up and shrugging.
“Nevermind,” you simply said before turning to make your leave. Jungkook popped his earbuds back in, not even mumbling a goodbye and you left, slightly offended.
Sure, you and Jungkook didn't have the best relationship but you had never seen him treat you so coldly. The witty banter the two of you always had was much better than the dead silence that seemed to be between you now.
“I’m busy!”
“Jeon Jungkook open this fucking door right now!”
“I’m. Busy.” Jungkook stated, enunciating each word through the door. He was watching you from the peephole, you could tell. You pictured his wicked grin as he watched you beat down his poor wooden door that somehow had no cracks or scratches from any of your previous poundings.
“Jungkook!” You exasperated, your right fist beginning to feel sore and raw. “Please,” you whispered.
“What do you want, Y/N? I haven't made a peep in months you must be hearing things.” Jungkook called out, still holding his ground on the other side of the door.
“No, Jungkook that's exactly why I’m here.” This seemed to peep his attention. You heard the lock twist before the door swung up, Jungkook appearing tired in an old white tee and gray sweatpants. He seemed confused and you couldn't blame him.
“Just let me in, please.” You asked quietly, suddenly feeling shy to ask under his intense gaze. Jungkook said nothing as he stepped to the side, pushing his door open wider to allow you in. His eyes never left your figure even as he closed and locked the door behind him, pointing you into the living room to take a seat. You sat on a comfy love seat, sinking into the opposite side as Jungkook took a seat next to you. The two of you sat in silence for a while, Jungkook staring you down as you played with your fingers.
“Jungkook I—”
You both froze, staring one another down to see who would speak first.
You took the lead, sighing before continuing your train of thought. “Jungkook, I know I’m always yelling at your for the noise and stuff but it's actually kind of,” you paused trying to think of the right wording, “boring without all your footsteps.” Jungkook raised an eyebrow and you splurged out the next words to redeem yourself. “I’m not saying I want you to be extra loud just, I’m out of school so I wouldn't mind your dancing as much. And it’s really weird to not hear you making noise, I keep thinking you’re dead or something.”
“Oh,” a deep frown settled along his lips at the meet mention of the one thing he seemed to love doing. “You don't have to worry about that anymore.” He simply stated before riding out of his seat. “Is that all you wanted to talk about? I’m actually really busy-”
“What? What do you mean don't worry about you dancing anymore? You love dancing?” You exclaimed, looking at him incredulously. “And don't lie to me,” you snapped before he could mutter another excuse about being busy. “I can hear your video game going off in your room, it can wait.”
“y/n! Why do you suddenly care? The only time you spoke to me before was to yell at me for the noise.” He grunted, glaring harshly.
You shuffled in your seat, clearing your throat and spreading a sheepish smile on your lips. “I know but,” you turned to look up at him, reaching out and tugging his elbow to sit him back down. “Something's up with you. You've been quiet. I’ve been living here for 2 years now and you've never been this quiet. Plus you seem tense,” you sighed, licking your lips that suddenly felt dry. “I know we’re not super close but you can talk to me,”
Jungkook’s eyes widened at your sudden confession, eyes darting between your hand on his arm and the concerned look painted on your face. He hesitated before taking a seat next to you, sighing as he muttered out what had been bugging him for weeks. “Jimin dumped me.” He confessed, coughing loudly after to try and hide the crack in his voice.
You gasped, eyes widening as you took the information in. Jimin had been with Jungkook since you moved in, you assumed even before that. The two were inseparable and you recalled the few times you buzzed Jimin into the apartments yourself when Jungkook seemed to be too into his music or game to hear the buzzer. The last time you had seen them together had been about a month ago, two days after your encounter with Jungkook. The two seemed happy enough, running into them on the elevator as they were on their way to a date at the bowling alley.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t. I don’t need that look of pity from anyone.” He sternly stated, eyes set to the deep frown on your lips. He lifted you off of his couch, shoving you towards the door. “I’m fine we weren’t meant to be anyways. We’re polar opposites.”
“But, Jungkook-” You tried to mutter out before he shoved you outside.
“I’m. Fine.” He insisted before slamming the door in your face.  You flinched, blinking at the now dark colored wood blocking you from asking any further questions. Any other person would’ve simply taken his bad mood as a reason to leave.
Not you.
“Don’t be a dick about it!” You yelled, kicking at his door a few times. When he showed no sign of coming outside to argue with you, you stomped back to your apartment. “That’s what I get for trying to be nice” you mumble to yourself as you slam your own door shut, making a B line to the freezer for your favorite ice cream.
A week after your encounter—if you could even call it that— with Jungkook you were wrapped up in your favorite yellow blanket, watching reruns of an old animated show you loved as a kid. You hadn’t seen him since and made no other attempts to. He was in a foul mood and you figured it was what was best. Your apartment was finally quiet and peaceful. You could read whenever you wanted, engage in your daily naps, and finally play your own music and actually hear it.
A loud heavy knocking on your door caused a groan to escape your lips, pausing the current scene and unwrapping yourself from your blanket before you stumbled to the front door. You assumed it was the philosophy major living in front of you, complaining once again about his mail ending up in your box. He had sworn you stole a $10 gift card from him that he won in an online contest. You did, but since then his mail hadn’t been in your box for months. He still made weekly visits to confirm.
“I told you already, I don’t have your mail, Namjoon—” You froze after swinging open your door to see Jungkook staring at you, his wide eyes set on your own. “Oh. It’s you.” You muttered unenthusiastically, a frown on your face as you moved to slam the door.
“Hey!” Jungkook yelled, sticking his foot in the way to prevent you from locking him out. You acted as though his foot wasn’t there and pushed to close the door on him but he was too strong, tiring you out. You grunted and backed away from the door, allowing him to let himself in. “You’re so fucking difficult.”
“Says you!” You exclaim, plopping down on your couch. Jungkook followed suit, taking a seat next to you, slightly too close for your comfort. You inched back, crossing your legs on the couch to form distance. “What do you want?” you bluntly asked, glaring at him.
Jungkook scoffed, shaking his head at your snippy attitude. “I wanted to apologize but nevermind if you’re gonna—”
“Wait!” You exclaimed, grabbing onto his arm before he could leave. “Apologize? To me? You wanna apologize to me?”
“Thank you for repeating what I just fucking said.” You ignored his profanities and raised an eyebrow at him, pushing him to continue. “Fuck,” he swore, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry for flipping out on you when you came to check on me. That was actually surprisingly nice of you—”
“—and I appreciate it. I was just pissed about the stuff happening with Jimin, I’m sorry.” Jungkook's head hung low as he muttered out the rest of his apology, his cheeks seeming rosier than usual. You grinned and patted his back, his shy, humble state making you giddy.
“Apology accepted!” You playfully punched his shoulders, hoping to bring back his usual demeanor but he continued to stare at the floor. Something else was on his mind. “Do you wanna talk about it? I mean only if you want to you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to it’s—”
“Jimin broke up with me. The dance we were practicing that night. He nailed the audition, I was too young, they said they needed someone with more experience. Jimin accepted anyways and—” he paused, his tongue poking his cheek. “I got so pissed we started arguing and he just made it seem like I was holding him back. I told him to chose and, well, he did.” You frowned, watching has Jungkook released a cold chuckle. “I’m so stupid, I should’ve known better messing with someone with the same goal as me. He always treated me like I was a fucking kid.”
“Jungkook, you’re not a kid. You’re a really great dancer.”
“You’ve never even seen me dance.”
You paused, realizing he was right. You only heard, never saw. “Shit, I never even realized. But, I’ve heard around school you’re really good! Hoseok always told me how desperate he was to get you on his dance team and they’re all amazing.”
“Tch, Hobi would probably pick Jimin over me in a heartbeat too.”
“Hey, stop putting yourself down!” You flicked Jungkook’s forehead and he flinched, wincing. “That’s it, C'mon.” You demand, rising from your couch. Jungkook stood with you but looked at you with a questioning glance. “You’re gonna dance for me, right now so I can prove you wrong.”
“What? y/n you can’t just make me—”
“Sh,” you pressed your hand over Jungkook’s mouth, shoving him towards your front door. “No excuses, I want you to dance for me right now.” You lead him up to his apartment and followed him after he reluctantly unlocked the door. “Go pick a song and start dancing, now. It’s unfair I heard these footsteps for months and have no idea what the actual moves look like.” You pouted, Jungkook laughing at your expression before stepping to his stereo.
“Yes, ma’am.” You took a seat on the floor and watched as he stretched, a song with a familiar beat beginning to play. When Chris Brown began to sing you recognized the song immediately and began to hum along to the lyrics, waiting for Jungkook to start. He let out a sigh and glared at you one last time before becoming one with the music.
Here we are all alone in this room,
And girl I know where to start and what we gonna do,
Your humming ceased when you realized just how sensual his dancing was. His body glided along smoothly with the music, not missing a single step. You weren’t sure whether he created the choreography himself or found it online but it was breathtaking. He moved so fluidly as though he was boneless. When he grinded himself against the floor at one point you felt as though the wind was knocked out of you, your whole body on fire. It seemed you never noticed Jungkook in a way other than pure irritation and slight hatred before. The few times you caught him in the gym or pool the sexual attraction was brief, so brief it was easy for you to ignore.
This was different.
His muscles strained against his tight white t shirt, his chest becoming visible as sweat formed. Your mouth was watering and your thighs seemed to be trembling, rubbing together without your control. You were thankful Jungkook was far too focused on finishing his routine to even notice your flustered state. His crotch grabbing was driving you insane, you nearly darted out the room once the song ended.
Jungkook rose to his feet, panting as he grinned at you. His smile was so soft and innocent you wondered how this was the same neighbor you had daily arguments with. “Fuck, I think I fucked up at a part but how was it?”
You blinked, trying to recall the screw up he was referring to. Your mind was filled with thoughts of Jungkook grinding against you on his peach colored couch. “It was good.” You simply stated, crossing your legs.
“Just good? Fuck I told you I’m not that—”
“No Jungkook, it was amazing. I’ve never seen anyone dance like that before. I just wasn’t expecting something so,” you paused trying to think of a good way to phrase it. “Sexual.” You shrunk when Jungkook started laughing, hard. He hunched over, clutching his stomach as fits of giggles escaped him. “What the hell is so funny?” You snapped.
“Just the fact you think, that is sexual.” He wiped a fallen tear and inched closer to you. You wanted to slap yourself when your body squirmed, still affected by the sensual moves. Jungkook would’ve been blind to not notice, a shit eating grin covering his face. You gasped when his warm hand met your thigh the minute he stooped down to your level. “ I should show you my other dances sometime, it makes this one look like child’s play.” You choked on your spit, coughing and hacking as Jungkook continued to smile at you. He was devious tease, you expected nothing less but didn’t think he would actually make advances towards you. You moved to get up, about to excuse yourself from his home when his grip on your thigh tightened. “Did my dancing really turn you on?” You stumbled on a response, his hands moving higher. “I noticed you squeezing your thighs together but I could hardly believe it was from me. Was it?” He mumbled into your ear, lips ghosting over your cheek.
What the hell was going on? A few hours ago you weren’t even speaking to him now your underwear was completely soaked over him grinding on his wooden floor to a Chris Brown song.
“Jungkook—” Before you could stutter out anything, Jungkook’s fingers had made their way directly between your thighs, ghosting over your crotch.
Damn me for only lounging around in a big t-shirt and some frilly shorts.
“Yes?” Jungkook answered, his fingers rubbing slow circles over your short shorts. Your mind was clouded and your vision was getting hazy. Jeon Jungkook was fingering you. Well about to. He was whispering seductively in your ear and pushing you to your limit. Jeon fucking Jungkook of all people. “Do you want me to stop?” You quickly shook your head, surprising yourself and Jungkook from your eagerness. “That’s all I needed to hear.” It took you a moment to realize Jungkook had pulled away from you completely to hoist you over his shoulders, carrying you to what you assumed to be his infamous bedroom. You were thrown onto his soft baby blue sheets, gasping as you watched him rip off your shorts, taking your underwear with them soon after. “Jesus, you’re beautiful.” He dropped to his knees, pulling your frame to the edge of the bed. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you look.” He muttered before swiping his tongue up your folds. Your hips bucked, a moan leaving your lips from the sudden sensation.
“Jungkook!” You moaned as his finger ran circles around your entrance, his tongue lapping up your sweet juices. Your eyes were screwed shut, hands gripping his hair. You were being eaten out by Jeon fucking Jungkook. And it felt good. Amazing. Incredible. His tongue was doing things to you none of your ex-boyfriends had even attempted. You felt his fingers sneak up your shirt, pinching your nipples.
Jungkook suddenly halted, pulling back to look you in your eyes. “Fuck, you’re pierced?”
“Only the right one” you grinned as he tugged at your nipple ring. “I was too scared to sit through the left one.” Jungkook groaned, lifting your top up to take your right nipple into his mouth, his fingers still brushing against your entrance. “Jungkook please,” you whispered, hoping he wouldn’t make you beg.
“Please what?” You should’ve known better.
“You fucking know what.”
Jungkook tsk'd at your foul language, his tongue circling around your bare left nipple. “I actually don’t. What is it you want y/n? My tongue back on your sweet little pussy? You want me to finger fuck you?” You moaned at the dirty words he muttered out in between licks. “Or both?”
“Ah, fuck both please.”
“I forgot the options, repeat them to me again.” You had the urge to slap him in his head, the sly grin on his face pissing you off.  
“Fuck you, Jeon.”
“Baby, I’m sorry my memory is shit. Just tell me what you want,” his fingers left your body completely, making you whine from the loss. “Unless you want me to stop?”
“Okay! I want you to eat me out Jungkook, please. I want your fingers in me and your tongue fucking me at the same time, please,” You begged, giving him a sincere pout. Jungkook growled, letting out a curse before moving back between your legs, his tongue swiping up your slit once before his fingers pushed into you, your body instantly reacting.  “So Jeon Jungkook is into dirty talk? Not surprising.” Jungkook chuckled, his eyes meeting yours.
“I just wanted to see you beg. It seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity.” You grunted and shoved his face back between your legs, insisting for him to put his mouth to better use.
He followed your commands, continuing to alter between licking, sucking and even nibbling the side of your thigh while his fingers picked up the pace. You were so close to your orgasm you didn’t realize your thighs were closing in on him. You came with a loud moan, a yell of his name mixed with a few curse words.
“Fuck, Jungkook that was,” you paused, not knowing how to phrase the near out of body experience. You felt a tap on your thigh and looked down, finally realizing your thighs were crushing Jungkook’s big head. “Sorry!” you exclaimed, opening your legs wide as he struggled to catch his breath. Your cheeks were warm as Jungkook laughed, insisting it would’ve been the perfect way to go out.
In the brief silence that followed after you realized what happened. Jungkook had eaten you out. You allowed your obnoxious neighbor to down on you after watching him dance to a Chris Brown song. You were clearly losing your mind.
You stood from his bed, searching the floor for your underwear and frilly shorts. Jungkook simply watched as you slipped them both on, a blank expression on his face. “I have to go,” you mumbled, turning to leave the room. You half expected Jungkook to stay something—whether it be a sarcastic, sexual comment or something serious—but he remained silent, watching you exit the room. When you were sure you were out of his visual range you scrambled to his front door and out his apartment, running as though something was chasing you and a barrier on your front door could keep the demon out.
You slammed your door shut, heavy breaths filling the silent room. You sunk down onto your wooden floor, trying your hardest to calm yourself.
“What the fuck did I just do?”
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
5 and 37 + Jaebum pleaseee 😊
prompt: 5. “Who cares if it’s 4 am? Live a little.” / 37. “I didn’t know you could blush. It’s nice.”group: GOT7pairing: im jaebum, yougenre: college party!au, flirty hehwarnings: drinking, ig? lmaowords: 1621 (still too long for a drabble HNGG but i hope you enjoy!)
He might look the part of the kind of guys your motherwarned you about, but when Jaebum thinks it’s time to leave a party—he leavesthe party.
He wasn’t your usual party goer either, he preferred aneasy going type of social gathering, like in a bar for example. He was neverthe most sociable person in his group of friends, but that’s what made himstand out to the girls.
Jaebum usually just tags along whenever Jackson invites himto one of his frat parties, and since Jinyoung, his roommate, had a test tostudy for that night, he’d much rather mingle mindlessly among groups of peoplethan get blatantly ignored by one of his best friends.
So he went. He drank. He danced a little. But it wasnearing the start of a new day and Jaebum needed some sleep. What most peoplethought of him as the guy who never gets the grades but always has the girlsbaffled Jaebum’s friends—he was, in actuality, a top student in his major.Unlike Jinyoung, he just knew how to party sometimes.
But the fun had to end some time, and Jaebum told Jacksonhe was done for the night. He didn’t think Jackson quite understood as his eyeswere droopy and his breath was not pleasant to the nose, but Jaebum pats him onthe back and requests Mark, the most sober one, to take care of their friend.
Jaebum didn’t feel as drunk as he was a few hours ago, buthe knew not to risk it. One of the people living in their dorms was offering aride home, but he was still waiting on some others to finish whatever businessthey had. Jaebum decides to take a quick bathroom break before heading outknowing he still had a bit of time to kill.
The upstairs bathroom was locked, and Jaebum can hearinappropriate sounds coming out of the door, so he opts to just wait until hegets home. He makes his way down the stairs again, until he sees you comingtowards him.
You look up, not entirely confused Jaebum was there butmore so surprised that you ran into him.
Sharing the same look of confusion, Jaebum slowly scratchesthe back of his neck, trying to hide the flustered feeling in his cheeks. Hehasn’t seen you in so long, and he was almost thankful for your disappearingact because he can never quite understand the effect you gave on him.
“Cat got your tongue?” You snap him back into reality,smirking at the tiny hint of pink in his cheekbones. Offering the ice cold beeryou had enclosed in your grip, you say, “Here. I was going to take it up to therooftop to drink but I think you need it more than I do.”
Jaebum raises one eyebrow in question. You weren’tnecessarily a friend of his—acquaintances are even debatable—but he knew youwere good friends with Jackson which was probably the reason why you’re here inthe first place.
“What are you going to do in the rooftop?” Jaebum avoidsthe beer, but his eyes never leave your own. Shrugging nonchalantly, you moveone step closer as Jaebum steps one foot back in surprise. You grin toyourself, amused at the opposing magnetic force you sent him.  
“To hang out a bit. It’s getting real stuffy in there and Iwant some fresh air,” you quip back. Guessing that he was about to scurry outof the party scene, you pushed your luck into seeing how far you can get Jaebumall flustered with you in the picture.
“Want to come with?”
“What?” Jaebum asks abruptly. Why couldn’t he have seen youthe first time he entered the frat house so he knew you were there andtherefore found ways to avoid you throughout the party? “It’s four am and Ihave classes tomorrow,” he defends, suddenly feeling embarrassed at how lousyhis excuse sounded.
“Who cares that it’s four am? Skip your class, it’sprobably not that important, anyway. Live a little, Lim Jaebeom,” you challengehim and finally returning to your pace up the stairs. Looking back, you givehim an expectant look and add, “So, are you coming or what?”
Jaebum knows he has the choice to say no, but two minuteslater he finds himself sitting on a green beanbag next to you, sharing the onebottle of beer you provided.
You haven’t said a word ever since you settled yourself inthe comfort of your own beanbag—which you have no idea if it was sanitary ornot, but you just reminded yourself to throw away the clothes you’re wearingwhen you get home—as you ultimately just wanted to bask in the presence of thenight sky. It was only a bonus that you met up with Jaebum whom you haven’treally seen in a while and thus your feelings for the dude had begun todissipate—much to your satisfaction. You were more than glad not to bedistracted with the thought of boys during a crucial time of your collegecareer—let alone the man himself.
But you were at a party. You were drunk. You danced withsloppy guys and endured their intoxicated flirting which you refused toreciprocate. You needed a break from all the hard work you’ve been putting intoschool—and Jaebum, he was the perfect companion.
Jaebum hated the silence. He escaped his room tonightbecause of it, so he badly wanted to start conversation with you. As he glancesat your direction, though, his heart beat accelerates in its place and thebottle almost slips in his hand.
Your eyes had been hypnotized by the illumination of thestars scattered above your heads. Jaebum wanted to blurt out how they twinklebrighter than the stars you’re so mesmerized by, and that your sereneexpression radiated more beauty than the midnight blue surrounding your figure.
Little did Jaebum knew you had caught him staring at youwith such wonder through your peripheral vision, and it takes every ounce ofwill power in you not to cave in and confess your resurging feelings towardsthe confusing man beside you. It has been a while since you had snatched Jaebumalone like this, and even the last experience you remember on the top of yourhead, he was immediately taken by the girl whom he had been seeing that time.
Your ears fume at the thought as you scold yourself forreturning to your bitter ways. But at the same time, it’s the reason why younever got a chance to really talk to Jaebum normally. You finally turn yourhead to his direction, lips parted in an attempt to blurt out the first thingthat comes out of your mouth, but you stop at the view in front of you.
He hasn’t left his gaze on your face, and you watch hiseyes scan the strands of your hair shielding your forehead, to the tip of yournose, and the trembling pout of your lips. He didn’t seem to be too drunk whenyou saw him, so you’re confused whether this intimate exchange of glances wasdue to the remaining drops of alcohol in his system—or he’s just genuinelyinterested in you.
“I didn’t even knowyou could blush. It’s nice,” he whispers with a cool breeze. Your handinstinctively touches the side of your cheek as you feel yourself warm up athis voice. A drink of beer doesn’t usually get you this tipsy, but the sight ofJaebum taking in your figure so delicately threw off the balance within yoursystem.
“It’s the beer, and the breeze,” you quickly interject,snatching the bottle from his grasp. Instead, he grabs your hand with his freeone and pulls you closer, foreheads pitted against each other with your lipsdangerously touching.
“Are you sure it’s not me?” Jaebum whispers hoarsely, hisbreath fanning your cheeks. There is a faint hint of liquor in the air, but youdidn’t care. You probably smelled just as bad.
“Don’t get so cocky now,” you manage to blurt out in asmall voice, and Jaebum laughs at your teasing. You’re overwhelmed at theamount of confidence you surprisingly had gathered in a short amount of time,but you weren’t complaining.
Jaebum engraves his stare into your own eyes, and it doesn’ttake long until your hand turns into jelly in his grasp. With your stomachchurning, you close your eyes to keep you steady, but as soon as you do softplump lips meet yours.
His other hand most likely settling the bottle down, heuses it to wrap around your waist and maneuver your figure to lay on top ofyou. You’re fully aware of your current position, and you assess your state ofdrunkenness, and his.
He breaks the kiss just to ask the same thing, “Is this—“
“Yes. I like you, dumbass. Keep kissing me,” you retort,leaning forward to only receive a chaste kiss from the other. Eyebrowsfurrowing, you’re about to ask about the interruption when he interjects, “Wait.You need to know that I like you too. I just couldn’t get myself to admit it.”
You bite your lower lip in amusement to prevent a gigglecoming out of your mouth. “Yeah, it’s not surprising.”
Jaebum shoots you a deadpan expression, but you flick hisnose teasingly before enclosing your arms around his neck for proper balance.
“Now that that’sbeen established, can we continue? Please?” You ask impatiently, pouting at thegrinning man before you.
Of course he complies.
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sutterbabe · 7 years
#5 Auston Matthews
Requested by @rxsita-twd
Can you do one where you're Mitch's twin sis and like you're at a game 'cause you live in Toronto and Auston gets really hurt and Mitch gets attacked trying to defend him from more attacks and they have to get both boys off the ice (Mitch can still walk but Auston has to be carried) and you race there trying to find out if your brother is okay and Auston pretty much confesses his love for you to everyone in the room without realizing it because he's pretty much knocked out? PRETTY PLEASE THANKS
You guys always have the best prompts and I love it !
Auston is a meme and I had to stop myself from writing ‘cash me outside howbow dah’
This took so long and i couldn’t figure out how to write the important bit.
Also focuses more on mitch than auston im sorry but sibling relationships are really important to me.
Pre-writing note: I bet this is gonna make me cry
Song suggestion of the day: Life worth living by Laurel
Warnings: I got no brothers but my cousin has acted as a stand in and I’ve been traumatised beyond belief so i think im good. He’s an embarrassment. LANGUAGE WARNING (its not that bad idk why i put it in caps).
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“...and if someone in a Canucks jersey tries to talk to you, punch them.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head in disbelief as you glanced across the living room at Auston Matthews, who was watching the exchange with an amused expression. “Mitchell, you’re only older by three minutes, stop trying to act like Chris.” you retorted indignantly, turning your attention back to your twin brother who was clattering around behind you in the kitchen.
“Well, in his absence his solemn duty, to protect you from all harm, now falls to me.” Mitch stated, a matter-of-factly as he walked into the room and plonked himself down beside you. Okay, you hadn’t been to a game in a little while, not everyone can have their dream job (or unlimited time off). That said, It wasn’t like you’d never been to a hockey game, you’d probably disowned (at least by your brothers) if you hadn’t. Still, Mitch was being a pain by trying to be overprotective and you hadn’t even left the house yet.
“That is not Chris’ job. At least he knows I can look after myself.” you muttered, throwing your legs over Mitch’s lap as you leaned back on the arm of the couch, watching him struggle with his tie.
“I’m being caring and brotherly.” Mitch whined, as you finally relented, sitting up to help him fix his tie.
“It’s a hockey game not a bar fight.” you retorted, glancing over at the only american in the room, yet again. “Auston, back me up here.”
“No, no, no. Illegal move. He’s my friend, you can’t use him against me.” Mitch protested indignantly.
“So I can’t be friends with Auston because you’re friends with him?” you retorted. “Sharing is caring, Mitch. Besides, your advice is stupid. I’d probably get more hurt than the person I was punching. It’s the easiest way to break your hand, you know.”
Mitch made a face. “You get my point though.” 
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes again. “Well, Vancouver wouldn’t be so riled up if you would just shut your damn mouth sometimes.” you retorted. Although he was taller than you (just), on the ice, your twin brother was both tiny and annoying. He was also very good but there was no way you were telling him anything of the sort.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Mitch laughed.
“The fun is not getting ten million phone calls from mum every time someone tries to fight you.” you replied, with a hint of annoyance. Truthfully you were more worried than annoyed. Mitch might be a pain but if anyone so much as yelled at him, you were prepared to fight them yourself.
“Not my problem.” he teased, but sobered up under your frown. “Don’t worry, that’s why I’m friends with this guy.” he patted leaned across to Auston’s knee. “he has a scary war face. I saw it one time when we played the ‘yotes” Mitch faked a shudder. “I didn’t sleep for a week.” Auston shoved mitch lightly at that.
you rolled your eyes. “Auston’s the possibly one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met, he couldn’t hurt a fly.” You glanced at Auston. “No offence?”
Auston shrugged and shook his head lightly, his cheeks tinted a light pink shade. “None taken.” Mitch laughed at this,waggling his eyebrows and making you elbow his ribs.
you nodded appreciatively at Auston. “Also, do not fight anyone for him.” you warned, glaring at your brother.
Mitch shook his head. “Stop being annoying. We’ll be fine. Now where’s your jersey?” he demanded.
“Right next to you, doofus. Are we going or not?” you replied.
In reply you received a jersey to the face.
You didn’t pay much attention during warm ups, mainly because they usually consisted of your brother goofing off and just generally being embarrassing. Auston, Mitch and a couple of other leafs guys would skate past every so often and slam into the boards in front of you, making you jump in surprise (much to your displeasure).
This was the last of three match-ups between Toronto and Vancouver, and you could already tell it was going to be a hard fought game before it had even started. You could see words being exchanged whenever one player got close to the other team. Unsurprisingly, Mitch had easily seen through your guise of disinterest earlier and would glance over at you every now and again to give you a reassuring smile. You would gave him a half-hearted one and a thumbs up in return and he would nod.
It was a scoreless but not uneventful first period. There were a few hits that had you screaming insults at the ice, and you could see Mitch going about his usual business riling people up, which didn’t help your game anxiety. The second period wan’t much better and you could tell the rest of the crowd were itching for some action. The third period started well for the leafs, Auston was on fire, speeding around and making plays. Mitch had the puck and was zooming down the ice towards you, when out of nowhere a canucks player appeared, slamming him into the boards. You flew to your feet, screaming profanities, Auston was by his friends side in an instant, giving the offending player a hefty shove. You could see him yelling at the linesman, gesturing to Mitch who had clambered to his feet. Auston and mitch were shaking their heads and just generally looking frustrated as they spoke with one of the linesman before skating away looking furious. Meanwhile, the Canucks fans were louder than ever. Auston tapped gently on the glass in front of you with his stick as he skated past while they prepped for a face off, making you smile a little as Mitch gave you a little thumbs up and stuffed his mouthguard back in his mouth. The canucks player from before skated past and muttered a few words to Mitch who glanced at you and laughed. That was one of the things you admired about your brother, his ability to shrug things off. Auston was usually included in this bracket but apparently whatever they were saying was really getting to him today. 
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” you heard Mitch laugh as he skated by, canuck right up in his grill. Auston eventually got tired of the guy tailing his friend and gave him a shove. The player didn’t take kindly to it, the two guys were staring each other down, each sprouting equally offensive chirps.
“Come on, let’s fucking go.” the canucks player had dropped his gloves and the crowd was going crazy. “come on, hot shot”
Your brother was watching Auston apprehensively, not wanting to intervene just yet.
It was clear Auston wasn’t going to take the bait and the game only got rougher from there. They had eyes on both Mitch and Auston which was making you more than nervous and with no goals, the game was going into OT, or what you like to call ‘oh fuck’. A couple of canucks drove Tyler Bozak headfirst into the boards and from there everything disintegrated. Auston rushed over to make sure Tyler was okay, but instead was met by three canucks who were itching for a fight. Mitch rushed in to help his friend out, but it only made things all the worse. There was blood on the ice and you couldn’t tell if Mitch and Auston were alright since they were trapped right in the heart of a massive line brawl. You were beside yourself with worry, your phone was ringing out and you bet ten bucks it was your mum. As the scrum was broken up by the linesmen, you could finally get a view of the carnage and it didn’t look good. You’d seen a lot of hockey fights in your day, but nothing like this. Your twin brother was struggling to his feet and had to be helped up and off the ice by Matt Martin and Zach Hyman. Meanwhile, Auston was hardly moving, and the sight of a stretcher being rushed onto the ice, really didn’t help your nerves. You didn’t even stay to see them get rushed off the ice safely, you were already sprinting towards the locker rooms get to your brother.
“Mitch!” You cried, flinging yourself into your brother’s arms. He looked worried and very bruised but otherwise alright. You smoothed his hair back from his face to check for any other bruises, still wide eyed and extremely worried. “Are you alright? Did they say you’re okay? Oh my god, I was so.. You scared me! Are you sure you’re okay?” as you continued interrogating him, a couple of his teammates popped in to see how they were doing. Even the news of Mo’s game winning goal didn’t seem to cheer Mitch up. After assuring you that he was alright at least a hundred times over, you finally released him from your bone crushing hug. “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?” you snapped, shoving his shoulder. 
“Y/N,” Mitch protested, stepping back to steady himself as your push had caught him unawares. 
“The hell were you thinking! I thought…” to be honest you didn’t really know what was going through your mind at the time, it was all such a blur. “You could’ve gotten seriously hurt.” You glared at him. “I bet you’re fucking pleased with yourself.”
“What did you expect me to do?! I was supposed to fucking sit there while he’s got three guys on top of him?” Mitch yelled, gesturing to the other side of the room where Auston Matthews had lost all forms of mental filter which was much to the amusement of his present leafs teammates.
“I don’t know! I don’t know, okay! You’re not allowed to pull that shit! What the fuck did you say to them?”
“Oh so now this is my fault?” Mitch seethed incredulously.
“I told you if you didn’t shut your fucking mouth-“
“That is not what this is about!”
“Fucking enlighten me then Mitchell because one of your best friends was just pummelled-“
“They said some things and I-“
“What the fuck could they possibly say to you? You laughed in his fucking face!”
“It wasn’t just me! Auston didn’t take too kindly-“
“Oh well done Mitch, blame it on the unconscious guy."
“That is not what is going on here!” He retorted. “If you’d actually let me get a fucking word in.”
You glared. “I don’t fucking care. You gave me a fucking heart attack and Auston wasn’t fucking moving. Excuse me if I’m not as calm as you expected.”
“Austin’s going to be fine.” Mitch snapped, but he sounded unsure.
“Really? Do you know that? I’m no doctor but I don’t think he’s going to jump back out, whoopty-do, and be ready to play.” you replied
“He could.”
You almost screamed at your brother. “Is this a fucking game to you? You could have died!”okay a tad dramatic but to be honest, unconscious Auston Matthews was giving you an indication of how serious this was. 
“Y/N!” Mitch cried out, frustrated, grabbing your wrists as you threw your hands up in exasperation. “I’m sorry! What else do you want me to say, okay? I’m sorry!” You sighed in defeat, relenting and melting into him, squeezing him in a painfully tight hug. Mitch chuckled nervously, as he glanced down at you. “Uh,”
On the other side of the room, your harried yells attracted the american’s attention. Will Nylander watched for a moment as Auston struggled to sit up before finally taking pity on him and helping him out.“What’s up, buddy?”
“Is Y/N here?” Auston asked. A giant grin appeared on Matt Martin’s face as Willy frowned a little in confusion. The conversation caught Mitch’s attention and he extracted himself from your bone crushing hug to listen in.
“Yeah, why?” The other leafs watched in amusement as Auston’s cheeks flushed gently. 
“I’m so fucking whipped.” he told them with a laugh.You were pretty sure both you and Mitch’s jaws fell open in perfect synch as five expressions ranging from amusement to surprise were directed at you.
“Probably don’t announce that to the whole room, Matts.” Mitch muttered through clenched teeth.
You rounded on him. “You knew!” you gasped. “you little shit!”
“ow!” mitch protested indignantly as you landed a solid punch to his shoulder. “He said you were pretty and I told him to stop hitting on you! OW! Stop it!”
You glared at him before grinning giddily at Auston. “you are literally the cutest thing in human existence.”
Behind you, Mitch made a gaging motion.
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